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:13')2 l\PPointment



- '



182, 183 & 184, HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON, W.C .



THE Proprietors trust that the present the eleventh Edition of KELLY's
least equal in accuracy to the previous ones.
Every parish in the counties will again be found to be included in
the book, which, though necessarily above all things a Directory, still
continues in some measure to be a gazetteer, giving as it does a
topographical account of every Town, Parish, Village and Township (with
its distance· from London and other chief Towns), and descriptions of the
principal buildings and objects of interest.

Full information as to the County Councils ; the Hundreds, Unions

and County Court Districts; the Cathedrals, the Churches, with the value
of the Livings and the nan1es of the Patrons and Incumbents; the chief

Charities, whether general or local ; the Acreage, Soils and Crops ; the
Markets and Fairs; the means of Conveyance by Railway, etc., will he

- found in its pages.

'lh& ~laps of the Counties have been specially prepared for this

- •

• The Proprietors have again to return their thanks to those Clergymen, • .

.Magistrates' Clerks, Registrars and other Gentlmnen who have assisted their
Agents while collecting the inforn1ation for the present Edition .

182, 183 & 184, HIGH HOLBORN1 LoNDON, W.C.

Jun~. 1914.



Abberton............... ..•..• 23 Beacon Hill, see St. Osyth 505 BowersGitford,orBowers, Butts bury •.••.•.... ......... 92
Abbess Roding, see The Beacontree (or Becontree) or Bores ... ••• . •• .. ....... 6o Bycknacre, 11ee Danbury,
Rodings .................. 477 Heath, see Dagenham 196 Boxted ....................... 6o 197 ; & see Woodham
Abridge, see Lambourne 361 Beadles End, see Chignal 134 Boyton Cross, see Roxwell 49~ Ferrers ................... 726
Ailsa Street, see Stansted 584 Bearden, or Berden ...... 48 Boyton End, see Thaxted 616 C.enewdon ... ... ...... ...... 92
Ainger's Green, see Great }.leauchamp Roding, see Brackstead, Great Canfield-Great .. ......... 93
Bentley ....••........•... 47 The Rodings ............ 477 Braxted .......... ........• &] Can field-Little . ....... ... 94
Albion Hill, see Beaumont-with-Moze ... 44 Bradfield .................... 61 Canhall,see Great Clacton 15<;
Forest ..................... 215 Beazley End,seeWetbers- Bradwell-juxta-Cogges- Cann Hall, see Leyton ... 378
Aldborongh Hatch......... 23 field ........................ 6gB hall ........................ 61 Canning Town .. ~........... 9-J
Aldham ..................... 23 Becontree (or Beacontree) Bradwe11-on ....."ea,or Brad- Canon's Green, see Fy-
Almshouse Plain, see· Heath, see Dagenham 196 well-juxta-Mare ...... 62 field ........................ 249
Eppiog Forest .......... 215 Bel champ Otten............ 44 Braintree .................... 62 Canvey Island & Canvey-
A.lphamstone ....... ..... ... 24 Belchamp St. Paul......... 45 Brakes, see Birch ......... 52 on-Sea ... ......... ...... 108
• Alresford..................... 24 Belchamp Waiter ......... 4.'l Bran End, see Stebbing.. 588 Castle Hedin~ham ........ 109
Althorne ...... ............... 24 Benfield,or Bentfield End, Braxted--Great( orBrack- Catmere End, see Little-
mbresbnry Banks, see see Stansted ............ 584 stead) ..................... 69 bury, 407; & Strethall 6u
• Epping Forest ......... 214 Henfleet North............ 46 Braxted-Little ............ 69 Chadwell ..................... no
mours, see Good ]<;aster 251 Benfleet-South............ 46 Brentwood .................. 69 Chad well Heath ........... I l l
.A.rdleigh ... ......... ......... 25 Bentfield End (or Ben- Brewer's End, see Chad well St. Mary ...... n2
Ardieigh Crown, see Ard- field), see Stansted ...... 584 Takeley .................. 6r3 Chalk End, see Good
leigh........................ 25 Bentley, see South Weald 694 Brick End, see Broxted.. 83 Easter,251 ; & Roxwell 493
rdleigh Green, see Bentley-Great ............ 47 Hridgemarsh Island, see Chalk Street, see Runwell 495
Hornchurch ............ 316 Bentley-Little ..... ... ..• 48 Althorne .................. 25 Chapel Green, see Little-
. rkesden ....•... .. . ... ... ... 26 Berden, or Bearden ..•... 48 Brightlingsea .....•.... ..... 78 bury ....................... 407
sh Green, see Epping Berecburch,orWestDony- BroadGreen,seeGreat'fey 615 Chappel, or Pontisbright 113
Forest ..................... 215 land, see Colchester ... 166 Broad Street Grf'en, see Chatham Green,seeGreat
shdon ...................... 26 Hergholt-West............ 49 HeybTidge ............... 311 Waltham ................. 649
sheldham. or Asheldon 27 Herners Roding, see The Broadley Common, see Chatley, see Great or
shen, or Esse ............ 28 Rodin~;s ..•............... 477 Roydon ................... 494 Much Leighs ............ 376
.Ashingdon ... ... ... .... ..... 28 Berwick Beruers, see Broads Green, see Great Chatter End, see l''arn-
or Gapps, see Abbess Roding ........• 477 Waltham ............... 649 ham ........................ 221 .1--
0ngar .............•. 447 Hilden (or Building) End, Hrockholds,seeRadwinter 467 Chaureth. or Hroxted ... By
End, see Saffron see Chrishall ...........• I.l5 Bromley-Great ..•. ...... 81 Chelmsford .................. 113
.. . ... ... ... ... .. . 498 Billericay ... ...... ... ... ...... so Bromley-Little ..... ...... 82 Cherry Hreen, see Brox-
veley ........... ............ 28 Bilsden,seeBobhingworth 55 Brook End, sPe Chelms- tead ........................ 83
Roding, see 'rhe Birch ........................ 52 ford ....................•... 114 Chesterford-lTreat .. ; ... 132
:lin, .................. 477 Hirchanger .................. 53 Brook Street, see South Chesterford-Little ...... 133
t............ 29 Bird brook ......... ......... 53 Weald ............. _ ...... 694 Chicknal Little, or
e............ 30 Birdsgreen, see Beau· Broom Hill, ~ee Epping Chignal Smealey, see ·
Street, see Orsett 447 champ Roding ......... 478 :Forest ..................... 215 Chignal .................. 133
Hill,seeColchstr 161 Rlack Bushes, see Epping · Broomfield ........•......... 82 Chickney .................... 133
lingdon .................. 31 Forest ..................... 215 Broomhills see Rochford 475 Chignal ...................... 133
Green, see (ireat Blackbush Plain, see Ep- Broxted, or Chaureth ... 83 Chignal St. James, see
"113romley .................. 81 ping Forest ............... 215 Bubbles Old & New, see Chignal .................. 133
bmber or Bambrows Black Heath, see East Southminster ............ 578 ChignaiSmealey,or Little
~reen, see Takeley ... 612 Donylanrl, 201 ; & see Bucknurst Hill ............ 83 Chicknal, see Chignal .. 133
B~nister Green, see J<'el- J:<'ingringhoe ............ 225 Building (or Bilden) J<::nd, Chigwell ............... ...... 134
'f,ead ..................... 223 Hlackmore .................. 54 see Chrishall ............ 145 Chhrwell Row ............... 135
Badfield-Great ......... 31 Blackmore F..nd, see Bulmer & Bulmer Tye ... 87 fJhilderditch .............. .;~ 136
BaUfield Little . .. ... ... 32 Wethersfielrl ... ... ..• ... 6g8 Bulphan ..................... 88 Chingford & South Chingr-
Bal\field End Green, see Black Notley .... ~.......... 54 Bumpstead ·ad· Turrim, ford ........................ 137
'11.axted .................. 616 Blackwall, see Roxwell ... 493 or Steeple Bumpstead 589 Chingford Hatch, see
Bar~eld Saling, or Little Slackwater,see SradweU- Bu~t~s Gret~n,'Jee Colne <?hi~gford ............. :·· 137
Sl(ng ••• ............ ...... 507 juxta-Coggeshall ...... 61 Engame ............ ...... 192 Ch1ppme Hill, W1t·
Bar~, with Rippleside 33 Blackwater, see Pattis- Sures, or Bowers, (>1' ~a~ ........................ 705
Bark'g Side ............... 42 wick ........................ 452 Bowers Gtfford ......... 6o Ch1ppmg Ongar(orOngar
Barli"{ ...................... 43 BlackweirHill,see Epping Bures Hamlet ..•.••....•.•. 88 ad Castra) ............... 142
Barns\n ..................... 43 Forest ..................... 215 Bnrghstead, or Burstead Chisball ( o~ Chishill)-
Bartlo\ Hamlet, or Bart- Blasford Hill, see Little --Ureat .................. 91 Great & Ltttle ......... 144
low lod, see.Ashdon... 27 Waltham .................. 649 Burghstead, or Bnrstead Chrishall (or Christhall) 145
Bartlo'\Hills,see Ash don 27 Block House Wick, see St. Little.................... 92 Chris~all Grange, see
Barwic (or Berwick) Osyth ..................... 505 Burnham-on-Crouch...... 8g Chr1shall .................. 145
Berne , see Abbess Bobbingworth, or Bo,·in- Burstead, or Burghstead · Church End, see Dunmow 203
Rodin .................... 477 ger... ... ............. .... ... 55 -Great................... 91 Cindery Islands,
Basildon,\or Battelsdon, Socking ..................... 55 Burstead, or Burghstead Brightlingsea ............ 78
see Lai~on ............ 36o Socking's Elm, see Great -Little................... 92 Clacton-Great ............ 155
Basin, seef!eybridge ••. 3II Clacton ...... .....• ...... 155 Burton End, see Stansted 584 Clacton-Little ...........,. I 56
Battles HrUo-e, see Raw- Bollington, Oakley .•• 444 Bury Wood, see Epping Clacton-on-Sea ............ 145
reth ':' & Ret- Booses Green, see Colne Forest,215; &Chingford 137 Clanver End. see Wen-
tend'on.. .. .............. 473 Engaine ............ ... •• 192 Bush End, see Hatfield... 304 dens Ambo ............... 6::;7
Baythorne see Bird- Boreham ..................... 58 Bustard Green, see Lind- Clap D~g Green, see Brad~
brook ... ~. ... ... ... ... ... 53 Borley ...... ... ...... ...... ... 59 sell ....... ............ ...... 4o6 well-]uxta-Coggeshall 61
Beacon Hill see Great Borley Ureen, see Borley 59 Butts Green, Horn- Clapgate, see Little Clac-
Totham -~·······~······· 633 Bovinger, or Bobbing-
Beacon Hill, r church ..•.................. 316 ton. ....................... Jt. ....... ,."'. 156
Harwich 294 worth ..................... 55 Butts Green, see Sandon 508



Clatterford End, see Fy- DuntonorDuntonWaylett 207 Gaybowers, see Danbury 197 Greenstea4 Green, see
field . .• . .. . •• . •. •. . . .. .• . . .• 249 Durrinf!ton, see Sheering sag Gestingthorpe . ..• .. •.•• . .• 250 Halstead ••. ••. ••.•••. .• .•• g63
Clavering ..................... 157 Du ton Hill, see Gt.Easton, Gibcrack, Great & Little, Greensted-juxta-Ongar .• 259
Claybury, see Woodford 711 210; & see Tilty ......... 629 see Danbury.............. 197 Greensward (The), see
Claypit Hill, see Epping Earls Colne, or Great Gidea Park, see Romford 481 Frinton-on-Sea ......... :145
Forest ..................... 215 Colne, or Colne Mona- Gilwell Lane, see Epping Gunfleet Sands, see Clac-
Cliff Town, see Southend 519 chorum ................... 207 Forest ..................... 214 ton-on-Sea, 146 ; also
Cobmarsh Island, see Earlsbury, see Farnham 221 Goldhanger.................. 250 Walton-on-the-Naze ... 67&
Mersea ..................... 434 East Donyland ............ 201 Golding Wells, see Mash- Hack well, see Hawk well goB
Cocklarks, see Purleigh ... 466 East End, see Paglesbam 450 bury ......... u ............. 432 Hacton, see Upminster... 635
Coggesball----:Gt. &; Little 157 East. En~ Green; see J Goldings Hill,. seeLough- Hadleigh .................. 259
Coggeshall - JUXta- Brad- Bngbtlmgsea .... ... .. . .. 78 ton ...................-..... 408 Had stock..................... 260
well ........................ 61 East Ham .................. 268 Good Easter or Estre .... 251 Hainault Forest, see Chig-
Colchester ................... 160 East Hanningfield ......... 290 Goodmayes, see Great well row, 134; Epping
Cold Norton ............... 191 East Horndon ............... 320 Ilford ..................... 322 Forest,2r4; Gt. llfot·d,
Collier Row (Hainault East Lea (or Ley), or Lee Gore Pit,seeFeering,2a2; 322; Lamboume, 361 ;
Forest), see Romford ... 481 Chapel, see Laindon ••• 36o & see Kelvedon ......... 356 & Romford ................ 481
Colne · Earls, or Great East Mersea ............... 433 Gosfield ...................... 251 Hale End, see Wal-
Colne, or Colne Mona- East or Little 'fhurrock 623 Grange Hill,see Chigwell, thamstow ............... 651
chorum .................. 207 East Tilbury ....... ~ ....... 625 134 & ChigweU Row ... 135 Hallingbury- Great (or
Colne-White, or Colne~ Easter (or Estre)-Good 251 Grapnells (Wallasea Hallingbury Morley) .•• 261
le-Blanc ....... , .......... 698 Easter-High ............... 209 Island),seePaglesham. 450 Hallingbury-Little ...... 261
Colne Engaine ............ 192 Easthorpe,or East Thorpe 209 Grays,or Grays Thurrock 252 Halstead or Halsted ...... 262
Colne Monachorum, or Eastness (or Lion Point), GreatBaddow ............. 29 Ham-East.................. 268
Earls Colne, or G~t see Gt. Clacton ......... 155 Great Bardfield ............ 31 Ham-West ............... 282.
Colne .................... ~ 207 Easton-Great ... ~ .•.•••.• 210 Great Bentley.. -........... 47,seeEpping
<Jolneford Hill, see Earls East on-Little ............ 210 Great Braxted, or Brack- Forest ..................... 1215
Colne....................... 208 EastThorpe(orEasthorpe) 209 stead ..................... 69 Hanningfield-East ...... 290
Connaught Water, 1100 · Ea11twood .............~ ....... 211 Great Bromley ............ 8r Hanningfield-South ..... 2go
Chingford, 137; & 11ee · Edingford Bridge, see Great Bul'8tead or Hanningfield-Wet-t ...... 2go
Epping Forest .......... 215 Shelley..................... 510 Burghstead .••. u......... 91 Hare Green, see Great
-1Cooks' Green, see Little Eight Ash Green, see Great Canfield ......... •.• 93 Bromley ....... ..... ... ... 8r
i Clacton .................... x56 Copford ................... 193 Great Chesterford......... 132 Hare Street. see Romford 481
Cooks Mill Green, see Elmdon ..................... 212 Great Chishall (or Chis- Harlow & Harlow Com-
Highwood , ............... 312 Elmdon Lee, or Leebury, hill) ......... :'.............. 144 mon .................. 291 &
boopersale .................. tga see Elmdon .•.......•.•.•• 212 Great Clacton............... 155 Harold Wood, see Horn-
Copford ...................... 192 Elmstead .................. ~ •• 212 Great Coggeshall, see church, 316; & see
C,orbets Tye, see Upmin- Elmstead Market, see Coggeshall ............... 157 Romford ................. .
ster ......................... 635 Elmstead .................. 213 Great Colne, or Earls HarrowGreen.see Leyton
Cornish Hall End.......... 193 Elsenham .................. 213 Colne, or Colne Mona- Hartford End, see J:<'el-
Cornsland, see Shenfield. 511 England Island New, chorum .................. 207 stead ...................... .
Corringham ................. 193 see Little Wakering ... 642 Great Easton ............... 210 Harveys, see Pleshey.... ..
pountess Cross, see Colne Epping ......................... 213 Great Gibcrack, see Dan- Harwich & Dovercourt,
1 Engaine ................... 192 Epping Forest,see Epping 214 bury ........................ 197 with Parkeston ........ .
Cowicks, see Sheering ..•• 5~ EppingGreen,seeEpping Great Hallingbury, or Hastingwood, see North
Coxtie Green, see South Upland ..................... 219 Hallingbury Morley ... 261 Weald (Bassett) .........
Weald ..................... 694 Epping Thicks,seeEpping Great Henny or Heany .•• gxo Hatfield or Hatfield
rabtree Wood, see Chig- Forest ..................... 215 Great Holland ............ 313 Peverel. ...... : ........... ..
f well ........................ 13-1- Epping Upland ............ 219 Great Horkesley ............ 314 Hatfield (Hatfield Regis,
!Cranham .................... 194 Esse, or Ashen ............ 28 Great Hyde, see Little King's Hatfie.ld or Hat-
Cra.ys Hill, see Ramsden Estre, or Easter-Good ... 251 Bardfield .................. 32 field Broad Oak) .... ..
Crays ..................... 469 Fairmead Bottom, see Great Ilford ............... 322 Hatfield Forest, see Hat-
Creeksea, or Crickliea ... 195 Epping Forest ......... 215 Great or Much Leighs ... 376 field Regis ............. ..
Pressing ..................... 195 l''airsted or Fairstead ... 220 Great Maplestead ......... 429 Hatfield Heath, see Hat-
Crockleford, see Ardleigh 25 Fambridge-N orth ...... 220 Great Monk wood, see Ep- field ...................... ..
Pnnobelin's Gold Mines, Fambridge-South ...... 220 ping Forest ............... 215 Havengore Island ....... ..
{ see Little Thurrock ~ •. 623 Fange, or Vange ......... 641 Great Oakley ............... 444 Haverhill ................... ..
urrier's Green, (or Mar- Farmbridge, see Good Great Parndon ............ 450 Havering-Atte-Bower.... .
f vel Green), see Willin- Easter ..................... 251 Great Porters,see Ripple-
~· gale Doe •••,.............. 703 Farnham (or Fern ham) &
Havering Well, see Horn-
side, Barking ... ... ... ••• 34 church ................... .
Cutler's Grn. seeThaxted 616 Farnham Green ... - .... 221 Great Potton Island, see Hawk Wood, see Chmg-
Dagenham ................... 195 Faulkbourne ............... 221 Great Wakering ....... 641 ford,137; & seeEpping
Dagworth, see Pebmarsh 452 Feering ... .................. 221 Great Saling ............... 5o6 Forest ................... ..
Dairy Green, see Thaxted 616 Felstead or Felstead Holy Great (lr Old Sampford Hawkspur Green,
Danbury ···········••\•······ 197 Cross ......... ...... ..•..• 222 or San ford ............... 507 Lit'tle Bardfield ........ .
Dawes Heath, see Had· Fifield or Fifehide, see Great Stambridge, or Hawkwell, Hawkswel!,
leigh,26o; & Thun- Fyfield ...................... 248 ~luch Stambridge ...... 58o Hawkewell or
dersley.................... ~ 622 Finchingfield ............... 224 Great Tey .................. 615 Hazel End, see Farn
Debden ..................... 198 Finchingtield Green, see Great Totham ............ 633 Hazeleigh .................... r$08
DebdenGrn.seeLoughton 407 Finchingfield ............ 224 Great Wakering ............ 641 Heany or Henny-
Debden Slade, see Epping Fingringhoe ............... 225 Great Waltham, or Much & Little ................ 310
Forest ..................... 215 Fobbing ..................... 225 Waltham .................. 648 Heath (The), see •
Dedham ... u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 Ford End or Forth End .. 226 Great Warley, or West Osyth5o5; 61)6
Dengie or Dengey ......... 200 Ford Street, see Aldham 23 Warley, or Warley Heath-Little, see
Dewes Green, see Berden 49 J<'ordham .................... 226 Abbess ..................... ~~ borough Hatch 23 & '
l)oddinghurst ............... 200 Forest Gate .................. 227 Great Wenden, Wen- see Chadwell ...... ... IIo
Donyland- East with Foulness Island (or !<'owl- dens Ambo ............... 6g6 Heath-Old, see
Rowhedge ............... 201 ness) ........................ 244 Great Wigborough .•.••• 702 ter.....................,. •••• x66
Donyland ..,... West (oT Foxearth or I<'oxheard ... 244 Great(orLower)Yeldham 730 Helions Bumpstead ••••• 308
Berechurch); see Ool- Frating ...................... 244 Green~outh, see Great Hempstead......... .. ... 309 "
chester ................... ~.f 166 Frinton-on-Sea ............ 245 Burstead .................. 91 Henham or
Dovercourt- Upper & Fryerning (Frierning) ... 248 (freen-South, see Fing- the-Hill .......... ...... 309
) Lower., see Harwich .... 296 Fuller Street, s~e I<'airsted 220 ringhoe .........~ .......... 225 Henham-Little, Hen-
)>ownham ~u ............... 202 Fyfield (Fifield, or Fife- Green Street, see Upton ham ............ .. .. 310
Duck End, Stebbing.. 588 hide) ..................... 248 Park ........................ 638 Henny or·
Duddenhoe- End, see Galleywood Common ... 249 Greenbury, see Writtle ... 729 & Little ........ ~ ........ 310
Elmdon .................. m 212 Gapps, or Ashlyns, see Greenleaves, see Nazeing 441 Herkstead
)>ulsmead Holluw, see High Ongar..._ ......... 447 Greenstead,seeColchester x66 Cornish Hall ,193 &
Epping l~orest...~ ......... 215 G~rrett High, see .Hock- Greenstead Green, see Steeple .u ...... 589
.Dunmow ·~·.·~·~·~··.:.• co2 1ng ............ ~............ 56 El~nharn ............... 213 HertnonHill 1 681
Dunmow-L~ttle .. , ....... 2o6 Gauut~ud, see Jo..lsenham .213 •

• PAGB . ' PAGR · l PAGE • ~ PAGB
Herongate, see East Kelvedon Common, see Little Gibcrack, see r Marderi Ash, see High
Horndon..•.••..•..••...••• 320 Kelvedon Hatch..... ... 358 Danbm·y .................. 197 Ongar •·• ··• ... :" ·······- 447
Hey bridge .••.••.•••.•.••..• 3n Kelvedon Hatch ............ 358 Little Hallingbury ...... 261 Margaret . Rodmg, see
Heydon (or Haydon) .••..• gn King's Hatfield (or Hat- Little Heath, see Ald- The Rodmgs ............ 477
High Beech .••••••••..•.••..• 31.1 field, Hatfield Regis or boro~h Hatch, 23 ; & Margaretting ..•... ..••••••1 431
H~gh Easter .••..•. ·····:··· 209 _Ha~fiel~ Broad Oak) ... 30-l . see Chad well ............ 110 Mark's Gate, see Da~en-
H~ghGarrett,see Bockmg 56 Kmg s Hill, see Hocbford 475 Little llenham, see Hen- ham ........................ 196
High Laver.••.••.••.••.••.•• 364 Kirby or Kirby-le-Sok.en ham ....... .-......: ......... 310 Markshall ..••..•..•....••..• 431
High Ongar .................. 447 (Upper& Lower) .....• 358 Little Henny ............... 310 Marks Tey .................. 431
High Roding, see 'l'he Kirby Cross, see Kirby ... · 359 Little Holland ............ 314 Marsh Gate, see Nettes-
RodiiigS ................... 477 Knott's Green,see l.eytou 378 Little Horkesley ............ 315 well ........................ 441
• Higham Bill, see Wal- Kynochtown, see Cor- Little llford, see Manor Marvel Green, or ·cur-
thamstow .•••••.••••..•• 651 ring ham ...........•....•. ·194 Park ................... ; .... 427 rier's Green; -see Wil-
Higham's Park, see I...aby's Marsh, see Barking 33 Little Laver ............... 365 lingale Doe ..•..•..•...... 703
_Walthamstow ............ 651 L~ton ur Lat.ton .......... 3r>4 L~ttle Leighs ............... 376 Mashbury ................. , 432
H~ghwood ··············: ... 312 Lamdon, Baslldon & Lee L~t;tle London, see Bel'den 49 Matching,MatchingGreen
Hill Green, see Clavenng 157 Chapel.. ................... 359 Little London, see Cor- & Matching 'rye ......... 432
Hockley or Hockleigh....• 313 Laindon or Langdon Hills 36o nish Hall End ............ 1-g3 Mayland ..................... 433
Hoe (or Howe) Green, Lalford or Lawford ...... 365 Little Maplestead ........• 430 Mersea-East & West ... 433
see Purleigh ......... ... 466 Lalling or Law ling, see · Little Monkwood, see Messents, see Steeple
Holders Green, see Lind- Latchingdon ............ 364 Epping l!'orest ............ 2'15 Bumpstead ............... 589
sell ......................... 406 Lamarsh ..................... 361 Little Oakley .............. 44S Messing .........•..•.••..•.•• 434
Holland Great ............ 313 Lambourne .......... ::...... 361 Little Parndon ............ 451 Middle Mead, see Little
Holland Haven, see Great Lambourne End, see Little Potton Island, see Baddow ...•..•... .,....... 31
Holland .................... 314 Lambourne ............. 361 Little Wakering ... :; .... 642 Middle Street, see Naze-
Holland-Little ............ 314 LandguardPoint & Land- Little Saling, or Bard- . ing ........................ 441
Holmes (or Skippers) guard Fort,• see Har- · field 8aling ............... · 507 Middleton ............. ~ ...•• 435
Island, see Kirby ..•.•• 359 wich .................. .-..... 294 Little or New Sampford 507 Mile End, or Myland, see
Holyfield, see Waltham Langenhoe .................. 362 Little Stambridge ..•.....• 581 . Colchester ............ , •• 167
Abbey ..................... 644 Langford ....... .... ......... 362 Little Tey · ............ ·...... 615 Mill Bay, see Harwich.... 294
Honeylane Plain, see Langham .•...•..•...•.•. .-.; .. 362 Little (or East) 'fhurrock 623 Mill End, see Thaxted ... 617
Epping :Forest ..•.••.••..• :us Langley & Langley Upper Little 'fotham .......• , ... ;.. 634 Mill End Green, see
Honeypot Lane, see Little · Green ..................... 363 Little Wakering ............ 642 Great Easton .••.••..•.•• 210
Clacton .................... 156 Latchingdon &Snoreham 31>3 LittleWalden, see Saffron Mill Green, see Ingate-
Hook End, see Blackmore 54 Latton or Lactop ......... 364 Walden ................... 498 stone . ··················w 354
Hopes Green, see South Laver-High ............... 364 Little Waltham ............ 649 Mill Street, see Harlow... 292
Benfteet....... ....... ...... 46 Laver Little ........... : ... 365 Little Warley ............... 692 Millers Green, see Willin-
Horham, see 'fha-xted .•..• 6r6 Lawford or Lalford .... ,. 31)5 Little Wenden, see Wen- gale Doe ..••.•.••.••.••.•. 703
Horkesley-Great ......... 314 Law ling or Lalling, see dens Ambo ............... 6g6 Milton, see Southend ... , 520
Horkesley-Little ......... 315 Latchingdon ............. 364 Little Wigborongh .••...... · 703 Mistley ..•........•....••...... 435
Hornchurch ................ 315 Layer Breton ............... 366 Little Woodham, or l\lole Hill Green, see
Hornchurch-South, see Layer Cross, see Layer- Woodham. Mortimer ..• 727 Takeley .•..••.•...••.•••.. 612
Hornchurch ..•..•.....• 316 de-la-Haye .............. 366 Little or Upper Yeldham 731 Monk Street, see'rhaxted 616
Horndon- East & Heron- Layer-de-la-Haye .......... 366 Littlebury ...... , ........... 4o6 Monk wood Great &
g-ate ........................ 320 Layer Marney ............. 367 Littlebury, see Stanford· · Little,seeEppiiigForest 215
Horndon-West.......••..• 321: Lea Bridge, see Leyton .•. · 378 Rivers ..................... 583 Moreton •••.•••••.••••••••••• 437
Horndon-on-the-Hill ..•••. 320 Lea Valley, see Epping Littlebury Green, see Morrell Roding, see The
Horns ('fhe), see Barking Forest ••................... 215 · Littlebury ................ 406 Rodings ............ ~ .:•• ~. 477
Side . •• . . . . . . . . .. . . .. •. .. .. • 42 Leaden Roding, see Littley Green, Ford Moss ford Green, see
Horseman Side, see 'fhe Rodings ... .. ... .... .. 477 End ....... .•. .•.••. .• .••..• 226 Barking Side ... •••.••••• 42
Navestock ............... 440 Lee Chapel, East· Lea or - Loddart's Hill, see Haze- Moulsham, see Chelms- '
Horseshoes, see Barking Ley, see Laindon .. .. •. 36o Jeigh. •• . .••••..•.••••• .••••• 308 ford .••.•••••. .• .••••••••.•• u5
Side........................ 42 Lee Wick, see St. Osyth. 505 London-Little, see Ber- Mount Bures ............... 438
Horsey, see Kirby .••.••.•• 359 Leebury, or Elmdon Lee, den ........................ 49 Mount Pleasant, see
Horsley Cross, see Mistley 436 see Elmdon ............... 21!01 London-Little, see Cor- Epping •••.•••••••••.••••• 215
Housham or Ovesham, Leigh, or Leigh-on-Sea .•• 367 nish Hall End .••.••.•• 193 Mountnessing •••.••.••.••••• 438
see Matching ..• .•• ... .. . 432 Leighs-Great or Much.. 376 Loiig Green, see Marks Moze or Mose, see Bean·
Howe or Hoe Ureen, see Leighs-Little ............. 376 Tey ........................ 432 mont-with-Moze ..••.••• 44
Purleigh .................. 466 Level's Green, see Farn;. Long Hills, see Epping .•• 215 MuchLeighs,orGt.Leighs 376
Howe Green, see Sandon 508 ham........................ 221 Long Running,seeEpping Much Stambridge, -or
Howe Street, see Great Lexden,or Lessenden, see Forest .................... 215 Great Stambridge.~ •••• 580
Waltham •••.••.•••••.••••• 649 Colchester .....•.••..•.•• 166 Long Stomps,seeChelms- · Much Waltham, or GreaJ.
Howlet End, see Wimbish 704 Lexden Heath, see Stan- ford ...............·......... u3 Waltham ... ...... ......... 648
Hull Bridge, see HO<'kley 313 way ........................ 586 Lord's Bushes,seeEpping Mocking ..................... 439
Hniigry Down, see Pur- Leyton or Low Leyton ... 377 Forest •....·•.••.••......••• 215 Mucking Ford, or ~inford,
leigh ........................ 466 Leytonstone ......... ...... 389 Loughton .••.••.••.•••••.•• 407 see Mucking . .,. ......... 439
Hnnnock's Lane, see Lindsell ..................... 405 Low Leyton or Leyton ... 377 Mulberry Green, see
Birdbrook •••.•• .••.•• ••• 53 Linford or Mucking Ford, Lower Dovercourt, see Harlow ••• . .• ..• .•• . .• . •. . •. 292
Hurst Green, see Bright- see Mucking ..••..•..••• 439 Harwich ••••••.•••••.••••• 296 Mundon ....................... 439
lingsea •.•..•....•.••.••.•• 78 Lion Point or Eastness, Lower Gate, see Nazeing 441 Myland, or Mile End, see
Hutton ........................ 321 see Great Clacton .••... 155 Lower Kirby •••.••.•••••..• 358 Colchester .............. .•• r61
Hyde-Great, see Little Lippitt's Hill, see High Lower Parks, see Lough· Nasing, or Nazeing ........ 440
Bardfield .................. 32 Beech .................•... 312 ton •••··········•·········· 407 Navestock, Navestock
Hythe, see Colchester....• 161 Liston .••.••••••.•.••.•••••.•• 406 Lower or Great Yeldham 730 Heath&Navestock Side 440
Ilford-Great .............. 322 Little Baddow ............ 30 Lubber Hedges, see Steb- Naze (The), see Walton-
Ilford-Little, see Manor Little Bardtield ............ 32 bing ••...•.••.••.•...•..•..• 588 on-the-Naze ............. 678
Park ........................ 427 Little Bentley............... 48 LudgatePlain,see Epping Nazeing(orNazeingWood)
Ingatestone .................. 354 Little Braxted ..•..•.....• 69 Forest .•••••.••.••.•••••..• 215 Common, see Nazeing 441
Ingrave .••.••.••...••••..•.•• 355 Little Bromley ............ 82 MagdalenGreen,seeGreat Nazingbnry. Nazeing 440
Inwortb .••.•••••...•..••.••..• 350 Little~urstead orBurgh· Clacton •••.••.••..•.••... 155 Netteswell or Nettleswell Jt41
Jack's Hill, see Epping stead........................ 92 MagdalenLaver••••.•.••..• 412 Nettleswell Cross,
Forest ..................... 215 Little Canfield ............ 34 Maldon .............•......... 41:2 Netteswell .......~ ........ 11 44J
Jasper's Green, see Shal- Little Chesterford ......... 133 MallowsGreen,seeMann- Nevendon or Newen.don../- 442
ford ........................ 509 Little Chickual, or Chig- den ........................ 429 New Bubbles, 11ee Soutlr-
Jay Wick, see Great nalSmealey,seeChignal 133 Manewden or Manuden.. 429 minster ............. _ .•• ,518
CI!Wton •••.••.••.••....••..• 155 L~ttle Chishall,or Ghishill 144 Manningtree ··········:···· 419 Ne"! EIIgland I;sJand. see ,. ,+
Kedmgton •••.••..• .. .... 356 Little Clacton ............... 156 Manor Park & Little - Little Wakenng •••.••••• o4Z
Kedington Hamlet, see Little Coggeshall, see Ilford .................. :.. 421 New, or Little Sampford 507
Stunner ............. '" ... 612 Coggeshall ............... 158 Manuden or Manewden.. 429 New Thund~rsley, seJ
Kelvedon •••.••••••••.•••••••• 356 Little D-nnmow •••.••.•.••• 2o6 Maplestead-Great ·.~•••• 429 Thundersley .... ~.._.-. /;22
Little Easton •••••••• , ••• ... 210 Maplestead-Little , .........31


Newman's End, see Pewett Island, see Lan· Rotten End, see Wethers· South Hornchurch, see
Matching ........... .'.••.•• 432 genhoe, 362; & Kirby 359 field ........................ 698 Hornchurch ............ 316
Newport ..................... 442 Philpot End, see Dun· Round Bush, see Birch... 52 South Ockendon (Woken•
Nine Ashes, see High mow........................ 202 RonndThicket,seeEpping don, or Ockendon
Ongar ..................... 447 Pilgrim's Hatch, see }4"orest ..................... 215 Rokely) .................. 446
Noak Hill .... , ............. 443 South Weald, 694; & Row Green, see Black South Shoebury ............ 512
Nobles Green, see East- see Brentwood ......... 70 Notley ..................... 55 South Weald ............... 693
wood ........................ 211 Pinches, see Margaret Rovrhedge, see East South Woodford, see
North Benfleet .............. 46 Roding .................. 479 Donyland.................. 201 '\Voodford ................ 710
North End. see Ford End 226 Pitsea..... .......... ....... ... 453 Roxwell ................... ... 493 South W oodham, see
North End, see Little bury 406 Plaistow ............... ... ... 454 Roydon, or Woodredon... 494 W oodham Ferrers ...... 726
North Fambridge.......... 220 Plaistow Marsh, see Can- Ruckholts, see Leyton ... 378 Southchurch, see South-
NorthOckendon(Woken- ning Town ............... 9-4 Rudduck'sHill,seeAshdon 27 end .................. ~.... 520
don,orOckendon of the Pledgden & Pledgden Runsell. Danbury..... 197 Soutbchurch Wick, see
Seven Fonntains) ...... 445 Green, see Henham ... 310 Rnnwell .......... ......... ... 495 Southend .......... ...... 520
North Shoebury ............ 512 Pleshey & Pleshey Bury 465 Rush Green, see Great Southe~d-on-Sea ........... 518
North Weald (Bassett) ... 693 & 466 Clactoms5; &Romford 481 Southmmster ............... 578
North Wood, see Bel- Pond Street, see Wenden Rushley Island, see Great Southwood, see Writtle .•• 729
champWalter ............ 45 Lofts ........................ 696 Wakering ................. 641 Spains End, see Cornish
North Woolwich ......... 728 Ponders End. see Epping Sabines Green, see Nave- Hall End .................. 193
Norton-Cold ............... 191 l<'orest ..................... 215 stock ........................ 440 Springfield, 579; &
Norton Mandeville ......... 444 Pontisbright, or Chappel. II3 Saffron Walden ............ 495 Chelmsford ............... u6
Notley-Black............... 54 Porters-Great, £ee Rip- St. James's,Little Heath, Springwell, see Little
Xotley-White .............. 699 pleside, Barking ...... 34 sf'e Aldborough Hatch. 23 Chesterford ............... 133
Oakley, or Ugley .......... 444 Potter Street, see Harlow 292 ~t. John's lireeu, see Squirrells Heath, see ·
Oakley-lit·eat ............ 444 Potton Island - lireat, Culchester........ ... ... ... 163 Romford .................. 481
Oakley Green, see Oak- see Great Wakering ... 641 St. Lawrence Newland ... 504 Stambourne & St!un-
ley ......................... 4-+4 Potton Island-Little, see St. Osyth ..................... 504 bout•ne Green ............ 58o
Oakley-Little.............. .ol-45 Little Wakering......... 642 Salcot or Salcot Wig- l:ltambridge- Great (or
Ockendon-North,ur Wo- Potts Green, see 1\larks borough ................... 5o6 Much) ..................... 58o
kendon, or Ockendon Tey ........................ 432 Salcot Creek, see )lersea. 434 Stambridge-Little ...... 581
of the Seven Fountaina HS Prittlewell, see South- Salcot Virley, or Virley .. 641 Stanesgate, see Steeple ... 589 .'
Ockendon-South, Wo- end ........................ 520 Saling-Ureat .............. 5o6 Sta:nfo.-d-le-Hope ......... 581
kendon, or Ockendon Purfleet, see West 'l'hur- Saling-Little ............... 507 Stauford Rivers ............ 582
Rokely .................... 446 rock ........................ 62~ Sampford (or Sanford)- Stansted or Stansted
Od~we~l, or Odd well, see Purleigh ..................... 466 Great or Ol_d ............ 507 Mountfitchet ............ 583...
Gestmgthurpe ......... 250 Purton End, see Debden Ig8 Sampford-Ltttle or New 507 Stanway ..................... 585
Old Bubbles, see South- Pyefteet Creek, see Mer- Sa.ndon or Sandown ...... soB Stanway All Saints, see
minster ... ....... ......... 578 sea . .. .... . •... .... ... ..... 433 Sandpit Plain, see Epping Stanway ............ ... .. • 586
Old Heath,see Colchester 166 Quashers Corner, see Forest ..................... 215 :-ltapleford Abbots ......... 587
Old, or Great Sampford Messing.................... 435 Sanford, or Sampfuru- ~tapleford 'fawney ....... 587
or Sanford ............... 507 Quendon ..................... 467 Great or Old ............ 507 Staples Hill, see Epping.• 215
Olmstead Green, see Radley Green, see High· Seven Kmgs, see Great Sta1·ling's Green, see
Helions Bumpstead ..... 308 wood,312 ; &Willingale Dford ..................... 322 Clavering ................ 157
Ongar & Castra, or Doe .. .......... ... .... .. . .. 703 Seward's End, see Saffron Stabbing .... .. . ...... . .. ..• ... 58B
Chipping Ongar ......... 142 Ra<lwinter ................... 467 Walden .................... 498 Stebbing lireen,see Steb-
Ongar High .............. 447 Raine or Rl~yne ............ 472 Sewardstuue, see Wal- bing ........................ 588
Ongar-juxta-Greensted.. 259 Raiuham ..................... 468 tham Abbey .............. 644 Steeple or Steeple-cum-
Orsett ......................... 448 Ramsden Bellhouse ....... 468 Seward£otouelmry, see Stauesgate ............... :;
Orsett hamlet, see Stock 592 Ramsden Crays ............ 469 Sewardstone, Waltham Steeple Bumpstead, or
Osey, see Great 'l'otham. 633 Ramsden Heath, see Abbey ..................... 644 Bumpstead-ad-'furrim 589
Ostend, see Bum ham-on- .Ramsden. Bellhon!!e .. . 468 Shalford ... .... .. ... ... ... ... 509 SteventonEnd,see.A shdon 27
Crouch..................... 8g .Ramsey ... ... . .. ... ...... ... 4~ Sheering ... . .. ... ... ... ... ... 509 Stifford . ... ... ...... ... ... ... 590
Ounslow Green, see Barn- RanksGreen, see I<'airsted ~20 SheeringHall,seeShalford 509 Stisted or Stistead ......... 591
ston ... ..................... 43 Ra wreth or Raurehithe ... 470 Shelley........................ 510 Stock, or Stock Harvard .• 591
Ovesham, or Housham, Ray Island, see Mersea ... 434 Shelley Hill, see Epping Stocking Green, seeRad-
21 s
see Matching ... ... ... ... 432 Ra·~rleigll ... . .. ....... .. ... .. . 470 Forest ... . .. ... .. . . . . . . . ... winter ... . .. ...... .....•... 467
Ovington .................... 449 Rayne or Raine ............ 472 Shellow Bowells ............ 510 Stondon, or StondouMas-
Oxen End, see Little Rettendon & Rettendon Shenfield ..................... 510 sey, or De Marcy ...... 592
Bardfield .................. 32 Common ......... 472 & 473 Shoebnry-North ......... 512 Stone, see St. Lawrence
Oxney Green, see Writtle 729 Richmonds Green, see Shoebury-South ... ... ... 512 Newland ............ ...... 504
Paglesham,orPaklesham, Tba.xted .................. 616 Shoeburyness, see South Stones Green, see Great
or Paekasham ......... 449 Rick1ing ..................... 473 Shoebury.................. 512 Oakley ................... 445
Panfield ...................... 450 Ridgwell, or Ridgewell ... 474 Shopland ..................... 514 Stourmere, or Sturmere,
Parkeston, see Harwich, Ridgwell Norton, see Shrub End,see Colchester 166 or Sturmer ............... 612
294; & see Ramsey ... 469 Stambourne ............ 580 Sible Hedingham ......... 515 Stourwood, see Ramsey .. 469
Parks-Upper & Lower, Ringtail Green, see Sibley's Green, see Stow Maries ................. 593
see Loughton ............ 407 Pleshey .................. 466 Thaxtetl .................. 616 Stratford, or Stratford
Parndon-Great .......... 450 Ringwood, see Canewdon 93 Silvertown (near ~orth l..angthorne ............... 593
Pamdon-Little ............ 451 Rippleside, see Barking... 33 Woolwicb) ............... 5tb Stratford New 'rown, see
Parsloes, see Rippleside, Rivenhall&Hivenhall End 474 Skippet·s (or Holmes) Stratford .................. 594
Barking ... ............... 3-4 & 475 Island, see Kirby ...... 359 Strawber:ry Hill, see
Parson'sHeath,seeGreen- Rochford ..................... 475 Slamundsey or Slamsey, Epping l<'orest ......... 215
stead, Colchester ...... 166 Rodiug-High, see The see Black ~otley ...... 54 Stt-eet Upper, see Kirby 359
Pa.slow Common, see Rodings .................. 477 Smith'sGreen,see Debden 198 Strethall ..................... 611
High Ongar ............. 447 Rodings, or Roothings Suuth's Ureen, see Take- Strode or Stroude, see
Passingford Bridge, see ('fbe) ..................... 477 ley .......................... 612 Mersea ..................... 433
Stapleford Ta.wney ..... 588 Hokeby, or Willingale Snaresbrook, &ee Wan- Sturmer, or Stmmere,
Paternoster Heath, see Doe ot· Willingeball stead ....................... 68.o1 or Stourmere ............ 612
Tolleshunt Knights..... 632 D'Ou-................ ..... 703 Stuweluuu, see Latching- ~urrex, see Feering. ...... 222
Pattiswick, Pateswick or Rolling Ground, see Har· don ........................ 303 Sutton ........................ 612
Parswick ................. 451 wich ........................ 294 South Hentieet ....... ...... 40 'fakeley ...................... 6I2
Pebmarsh.................... 452 Romeland, see Waltha.m South Chingfurd, see Tendring ..................... 613
Peldon, or Pelting.,on ... 452 Abbey ..................... 643 Chingford ............... 137 'ferling....................... 614
Penny Green,see Pantield 450 Romford & Romford South Fambridge ......... 220 Tey Cross, see Great Tey 615
Pennyfeathers Green, see Common ......... 480 & 481 South Green, see Great Tey-Great ................. 615
lt'yfield .................... 249 Rmuford Rural, see Burstead .................. 91 Tey Little .................. 615
Pentlow, ....................-.. 'f53 Romford ................... 481 South .Green, see Fing- Thames Haven, see
Perry Green, see .H~ Rophey Green, see J:<'ord ringhoe ........... .... .. ... 225 Corringham ...... ...... 194
well-juxta-Coggeshall.. 61 End,226 ; & see Pleshey 466 South Hanningfield........ 290 Thaxted ..................... 616
Rose see Cha.ppel u3



Theydon Bois or Thoyden Tye (The), see Margaret- Warley-Great or West, Widdington .••.••.•••••.•...• 702
Bois ........................ 618 ting ..•..•..•.......••..•..• 431 or Warley Abbess .....• 6gr 1\'Tidford ...•................•• 702
Theydon Garnon or Ger- Tye Green, see Elsenham 213 Warley-Little ............. 692 Wigborough-Great ...... 702
non ........................ 619 Tyler's Green, see North Warren,seeEpping Forest 214 Wigborough-Little ...... 703
Theydon Mount ...........• 619 Weald (Bassett) ......... 693 Warren Hill, see Epping WigbroWick,seeSt.Osyth 505
Thorington or Thorring- Ugley, or Oakley ......... 444 Forest ..............•.....• 215 Willingale Doe, or Wil-
ton ........................ 621 Ulting ........................ 634 Waterside, see Brad well- lingehallD'Ou orRokely 703
Thorncroft,see Gt.Henny 310 Upminster, & Upminster on-Sea .................... 62 Willingale Spain ...•..••.•• 704
Thornwood & Thornwood Common & Garden ... 635 Weald-North (Bassett) 693 Wimbish & 'fhunderly ... 704

Common, see North Upper Dovercourt, see Weald-South ............. 694 Wimbish Green, see
• Weald (Bassett) ••......• 693 Harwich .................. 295 Weeley ....................... 695 Wimbish &Thunderly. 704
Thorpe-East, or East- UpperGreen-Langley ..• 363 Wenden (or Wendon) Witham, with Chipping
horpe ...................... 209 Upper Kirby .............. 358 Lofts ...........•......... 6g5 Hill ....................... 705
Thorpe-le-Soken ........... 620 Upper Parks,seeLoughtn 407 Wenden-Great & Little, Witney, see Fytield .•.••.•• 249
'fhorrington or Thoring- Upper Street, see Kirby.. 359 see Wendens Ambo ...• 696 Wivenhoe, or Wyvenhoe 708
ton ......................... 621 Upper Town, seeNazeing 4.P Wendens Ambo ............ 696 Wix ........................... 709
Thoyden (or 'fheydon) Upper, or LittleYeldham 731 Wennington ............... 697 Wixoe, see Birdbrook ...• 53
Bois ........................ 6r8 Upshire, see Waltham Wesley End, see Stam- Wokendon, see North &
Thunderly, see Wimbish 704 .Abbey ..................... 6H bourne ..................... 580 South Ockendon .. 445 & 4-1-6
Thundersley&NewThnn- Upton Cross, see Forest West Bergholt ............. 49 Woodford, South Wood-
dersley ............ 621 & 622 Gate ........................ 227 West Donyland (or Bere- ford, Woodford Bridge,
Thurrock - Little (or Upton Park .••.••..•.....•• 638 church), see Colchester 166 Woodford Green &
East) ..•......•..•..•.....• 623 Vange, or Fange ......... 641 West Ham ..•.....•.••.....• 282 Woodford Wells .•• 710 & 711
Thurrock-West ......... 623 Virley, or Salcot Virley.. 641 West Hanningfield ..•..•..• 290 Woodham Ferrers, or
Tilbury-juxta-C1are ..•... 625 Wake Valley, see Epping West Horndon ............. 321 Woodham Ferris ....... 726
Tilbury Docks, see ·west Forest ..................... 215 West Mersea ............... 433 Woodham Mortimer, or ·
Tilbury ........•........• 626 Wakering~Great ......... 641 West Rocks, see Walton- Little Woodham .••.••••• 727
Tilbury-East ............ 625 Wakering-Little •••.••.•• 6.J.2 on-the-Naze ............... 678 Woodham South, see
Tilbury-West ..•..•.....• 625 Wakes Colne ............... 6.J.2 West Thurrock with Pur- Woodham Ferrers .••••• 726
Tilbury Fort, see West Walbury, see Great Hal- fleet ....................... 623 Woodham Waiter ••••••.•• 727
Tilbury .................. 625 lingbury .................. 261 West 'filbury ............... 625 Woodredon, or Roydon.. 494
Tillingham ...........•.....• 628 Walden-Little, see Sa.f- West or Great Warley or Woodridden Hill, see
'filty ......................... 629 fron 'Valden ............. 498 Warlev .Abbess ......... 691 Epping ..................... 215
Tindon End, see Great or Wallasea, see Canewdon 93 Westcliff-on -Sea, see 'VoolnerGreen,seeStisted 591
Old Sampford ......... 507 Walls Green, see Willin- Southend .................. 52;) Woolwich-North ......... 728-
Tiptree, 629; & see 'fol- gale Doe ..•..•.....•.••.•• 703 Wethersfield ..•......•.....• 697 Wormingford ............... 728
leshunt D'.Arcy ......... 631 Waltham .Abbey, or Wal- White Colne, or Colne-le- Wrabness ..................... 728
Tollesbury ................... 630 tham Holy Cross ..1. ..... 643 Blanc ...................... 698 Writtle, 728 ; &; see
Tolleshunt D'Arcy ........• 631 Waltham - Great or White Notley ..•.••.••..•.•• 699 Chelmsford ............... n:3
Tolleshunt Knights ...... 632 Much ...................... 648 White Roding, see The Wyatt's Green, see Black-
Tolleshunt Major (or Waltham-Little •••.••.•• 649 Rodings ..•..•.••..•...... 477 more........................ 54
Magna) ................... 632 Walthamstow .............. 650 Whitehall Plain, see Ep- Wykeford, Wygeford,
Toot Hill, see Stanford Walton Creek, see Wal- ping Forest ............... 215 Wickford or Wicfort ... 700
Rivers ..................... 583 ton-on-the-Naze .••....• 678 Whitehouse Plain, see Wyvenhoe or Wivenhoe 708
Toppesfield ..•.•...•........• 632 Walton-on-the-Naze, or Epping Forest .••.••...••• 215 Yardley Farm, see Thax-
Torrell's Hall, see Willin- Walton-le-Soken .••.•• 678 Wicken Bonant, or Wic- ted .......................... 615
gale Doe .................. 703 Wanstead .................... 68r ken Bonhunt ............ 699 Yardley Hill, see Epping
Totham-Great ........... 633 Wanstead Slip, see Strat- Wickford or Wykeford, Forest ..................... 214
Totham-Little .••.....•... 634 ford ........................ 594 Wygeford or Wicfort ..• 700 Yeldham-Great orLowr 730
•rumblerGreen,seeStisted 591 Warley Common, see Wickham Bishops ......... 701 Yeldham-Lit. or Upper 73r
Twinstead, or Twinshead 63+ Great Warley .••.••.••.•• 691 Wickham St. Paul •••..•..• 701J York Hill, see Loughton 407

E. B. & M. b

With Reference to the Places under which they will be found in this Volume

Abbot's hall, )Iajor Richard George Armine Marriott Greenstead hall, Claude Frederick Shoolbred esq. see
D.s.o. see Shalford ...................................•.......•. 509 Greenstead Green, Halstead .......•.•••.••.••.••.••......... 263
Albyns, .l<'rederic Edward Loyd esq. J.P. see Stapleford Greensted hall, Howel John James Price esq.,.B.A., D.L.,
Abbots ..•..•..•..•......................•...•..•.....•..•......... 587 J.P. see Greensted-juxta-Ongar •.•..•..•.••..•..•.....•... 259
Alresford hall, Capt. E. Fras. Hausburg, see Alresford."" 24 1Grey Towers, Mrs. Holmes, see Hornchurch ............ 316
Apton hall, George E. Hawkins esq. see Canewdon ..... 93 Grove(The),PercyEdwardLaurenceesq. J.P. seeWitham 705
Auberies, Lieut.-Col. Waiter St. George Burke J. P. see Guisnes court, Thos. Godfrey Binney esq. see Tollesbury 63o
Bulmer ..•..•.••..•..•....••.....~..............•.••..•.....•.....-, 87 Hailingbury Place, William Lockett Agnew esq. J".P.
Audley End, Lord Braybrooke, see Saffron Walden '1-: •• 497 (Lanes), see Great Hallingbury ........................... 261
Barrington hall, Alfred Gosling esq. see Hatfield ......... 305 Hargrave park, Gilbert Alder, jun. esq. see Stansted... 584
Bedfords, Sir Montagu Cornish Turner kt. see Havering- Hassobury, Robert Cunliffe Gosling esq. D.L., J. P. see
Atte-Bower ........................................................ 307 }.,arnham ...... ... ... ....... ..•..•.••... ... ..•.......••... .••..•••. 221
Beech Hill park, Arthur Janion Edwards esq. n.L., J, P. Hatfield Place, Arthur Chandos Arkwright esq. J.P.
see ""Taltham Abbey .....•..•..................••••..•......... 644 see Hatfield Peverel... ..•..• ... ..•.••....••..•... .•• .••... ..•..• 306
Belhus, Alfred Stead esq. see Aveley ... ... ... ..• ... ..• ..• . .. 29 Hatfield priory, Philip Charles Tennant esq. , see
Berechurch hall, Thomas Hetheringtou esq. J. P. see Hatfield Pe,..erel . ..• ... .....• .••.......•...•..• .•• ....••... ...... 306
Berechurch, Colchester . .. ... .... ... .. . .. . .. ... ..• .....•. .• . . . 166 Havering park, Mrs. Mclntosh,see Havering-Atte-Bower 307
Birch hall, Rt. Hon. James Round P.c., M.A., D.L., J.P. Hedingham Castle, James Henry Alexander Majendie
see Birch . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ••. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 esq. D.L., J. P. see Castle Hedingham .. ."!:: .•••••••••••••• 109
Bishop's hall, Col. Rt. Hon. Amelius Richard Mark Hill hall, Chas. Edwd. Hunter esq. see Theydon Mount 6r9
Lockwood P.c., C.Lo., M.P., J.P. see Lambournef.: ... 361 Hill house, Mrs. Mounsey, see Dedham •••.................• 199
Blake hall, William J~uckiey Gladstone esq. see Ho! field grange, Reginald Duke Hill esq. J.P. see Cogges-
Bobbingworth ... ... . .. ... . .. . . . .. ...• ..• ... ... ..• .. . ... ..• ... ... 55 hall... ... ... .....• ..• . .. ... .. . . ....•.••.•• ..•..•....•• ..• ....•. ..•..• 158
Boreham bouse,Lord Kenyon K.C.Y.O.,T.D. seeBoreham1- 59 Hope house, Robert Baines Johnson esq., J.P. see Little
Bower house, John Taylor esq :ar.mst.c.E. see Havering- Burstead .....•.•• .••..•..• .•••••.••.••.•••••.••.•• .••.••.••.••••• 9~
Atte-Bower ........•.....•.............................•..•.••..• 307 Horham hall, Alfred Paget Humphry esq. M. A., M. v.o.,
Boyles court, J oseph Francis Lescher esq. D.L., J.P. see D.L., J.P. see Thaxted .....••.•..•........•..•.....•.••.....•..• 616
South '\\"eald ., .••.........•....•...•.................. -~···· ..• ... 694 Horkesley park, Commander Edward Barrington Purvis
Braxted park, William Whytehead Boulton esq. see Kelso R.N. (ret. ), D.L., J.P. see Great Horkesley ~-·· 315
Great Braxted ..........••..•... I................................ 6g Hutton hall, Malcolm Carlisle Pilkington esq. see
Champion lodge, Sir Claude Champion de-Crespigny Hut 'ton . .. . .. . ...... .. ... .•• ..• ..• ..•... ... ..•..•... ..• .•. ... ..• ..• 321
hart. D.L, J. P. see Hey bridge .............................. 31 r Hyde (The ),Edgar Xorton Disney esq.B.A. see Iugatestone 354
Chesterford park, Lord Inchcape G.C.M.G., K.C.I.E., ylands, 8ir Dani.FulthorpeGooch bart.J.P.seeWidford 702
K.C.S.I. see Little Chesterford ....~•........•..•..•..•.••.•• 133 Jacques hall, Sir Edwin Harris DunningJ.P.see Bradfieid 61
Colne house, Lieut.-General Sir Alfred Robert Martin Kelvedon hall, John Algernon Jones esq. see Kelvedon
K.C.B. see EarlsColne .......................•.•• ~ •. ~ •....••.•• 208 I.....................................................
Hatch .....•..• 358
Coine park, John James Dumville Botterell esq. J.P. see Kmg's Ford, Sir Kenelm Edward Digby K.c., G.C.B.,
Colne EIIgai11e .••.••..•....••.••..•.•..••..•.••.••.••.••..•.•••.• 192 J.P. see Stanway •.• '~:...•..•.• ·•••••··· ..............•..••.•..• 587
Copped hall, Ernest James Wythes esq. J.:r. see Epping King's Moor house, Joseph Todhunter esq. J.P. see
Upland .••.••.••.••.....•..•••.....••..•.••.••....••••••••..•.••.•• 219 Great Parndon .....•..............•..............•...........•..• 451
Crix, Collingwood Hope esq.K.C.,J.P.see Hatfield Peverei 306 Langford grm·e, ReY. the Hon. Frederick Ernest Charl-es
Cut Hedge, George Courtauld esq. J.P. see Gosfield ..•• 252 Byron M.A. see Langford .................................... 362
Dagnam park, Str Thomas Lewis Hughes Neave bart. Langham hall, Sir Rob~rt Balfour hart. M.P. see Lang-
D.L., J. P. seeN oak Hill ..•...........•.••..•..•..••••.••.....• 444 ham ........ h ............................. ···~·· .................• 363
Danbury park, Lt.-Col. the Hon. Alwyn Henry Fuike Langleys, Col. William Nevill Tufnell D.L., J.P. see
Greville 1u.v.o., J.P. see Danbury ..•.••..•...••••••..•..•••• 197 Great 'Valthan1 ..?: .............................................. 648
Debden hall, Baroness Strathcona & Mount Royal, Lawford hall, Francis Morgan Nichols esq. M.A., F.S.A.
see Debden .•••••..••.•.•..•• ···············~···.6 .............. xg8 see Lawford .••.••..•.••.•.,..•..•.••....••.••..••••.••.••.••••••.• 365
Down hall, :Major Hol'8ce Waiter Calverley J. P. see Layer Marney Tower, Walter M. de Zoete esq. see Layer
oy~:!fi~~k··Th~~-~~··sp~~~~~··a~~ii~g··~g_~--~~~··a;~~t 1L:~~:n?ri~;;: ii~~t·~~ Ed;~;d·H~gh~~:H:;;gh~~··;Q~
... .. 367

Maplestead •.•..•........•...........................•.•..•...... 430 J.P., F.s.A. see Little Leighs ..•........•....................• 377
Easton lodge, Earl of Warwick (Lord Lieut.), see Little Lexden park, Mrs. Sanders, see Lexden, Colchester ..• 166
Easton ..•.....•..•.....•.•.......................••....•••.•...... 2II Lofts hall, Duncan Stewart Ells worth esq. see W endon
Elmdon Bury, John Fiske Wiikes esq. J.P. see Elmdon .. 212 Lofts ............................................................... 6g5
Elsenham hall, Sir Waiter Gilbey bart. D.L., .J.P. see Mark hall, Newman Gilbey esq. J.P. see Latton .........• 364
Elsenham ......................................................... 213 I Marks hall, Thomas Phillips Price esq. J .P. see Markshall 431
Faulkbourne hall, Christopher William Parkeresq. M.A., :Messing park, John E. C. Eatonesq. M. A. see Messing ..• 435
D. L., J.P. see Faulkbourne ..............................._... 221 Michaelstow hall, Gerald Augustus Curry esq. see
Felix hall, Harry Wrightson esq. see Kelvedon .•.•........ 356 Ramsey ..................................................•.....•... 469
Forest hall, Harold McCorquodale esq. J.P. see High Monkhams hall, Col. Richard Beale Coivin C.B., T.D.,
Ongar••••••.....•.....•..•..••••..•......•....•.•~ ••.••••••.••.•••• 447 D.L., J.P. see 'Valtham Abbey ............•..•.....•.•• ·-··· 644
Gat wick, Ed ward Thomas Mashiter es<I: J. P. see Great Moor hall, John Balfour esq. see Harlow ....••...........• 292
Burstead ••• ..•..•.••. ..•..•..• ... .......••... ..•.••.•..••.•••.•••• 91 Mount Echo, Henry James Barnes esq. see Chingford.. 137
Gaynes park, William ::;waine Chisenhale-Marsh esq. I Moyns park, The Hon. Mrs. St. John Ives, see Steeple
D.L., J.P. see .Theydon Garnon ••..•••••.••.••..•.••..••••••• 619 Bumpstead ....................................................... 589
Ga.ynes park, Henry Joslin esq. D. L., J.P. see Upminster 635 Nazeing park, Waiter E Hargreaves esq. see l'fazeing •.• 4-P
Gillwell park (unoccupied), see Sewardstone, Waltham Newton hall, Alfred Bovill esq. see Dunmow .........••• 203
Abbey ... .....•••. ... ... ...... ...... ..•.......••.••.•• ... ......... 644 Orsett hall, Francis Henry Douglas Charlton Whttmore
Gosfield hall, Mrs. Lowe, see Gosfield..•.••..•..•.....•....•• 251 esq. D.L., J.P. see Orsett .................................... 44.3
Gosfield Piace,Rev.Basil James Harold Sparrow Heridge Over hall, Mrs. Caroline A. Oates, see Gestingthorpe ... 250
M.A. see Gosfield ................................................ 252 Parndon hall, Loftus Joseph Wigram Arkwright esq.
Great Claydons, Mrs. Horatio Fraser Kemble, see East see Little Parndon .......••..•..•.••.....••..•.•...•.••..•..•... 451
Hanningfield ................................................. 29 0 Pyrgo park, Lord O'HaganJ.P.see Havering-Atte-Bower 307
E. H. & M. b2

Quendon hall, Wm. Foot Mitchell esq. J.P. see Quendon 467 Stubbers, Champion Branfill Russell eeq. J.P. see North
Uamsden hall, Thomas Wait-er Bacon esq., J.P. see Ockendon . .. . ... .. ... .•. ... . . . ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . ... ... ... 4464.
'Ramsden Crays.. ... ... . .. ... . .. ... ... ... . .. . .. . ..... ..• ... ... ... 469 Suttons, Sir Drummond Cunliffe Smith bart. see
B.ivenhall place, Augustus Maunsell Bradhurst esq. see Stapleford Tawney ............................................. 587
Rivenhall . . . . . . . . . . . •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . •. . . . . . . . . . . •. . . . . •. . . . . . . . . . . . 474 Terling Place, Lord Rayleigh P.c., o.u., LL.D., D.C.L.,
Rochford lawn, J ames Tabor esq. D. L., J. P. see Rochford 47 5 F.R.s., J.P. see Terling ................................•..•... 614
Roydon lodge, George C. Beck with esq. see Roydon .••..• 494 Thohy priory, Henry Prescott Ueorge Blencowe esq. l.P.
t~.-Runwell hall, Lieut.-Col. Hy. Kemhle J.P. see Runwell 495 see Mountnessing ...............................•............... 438
Ryes (The), Col. Nathaniel Barnardiston D.L., J.P. & Thorndon hall, Lord Petre, see West Horndon ..•......... g2 1
Lady Florence, see Little Henny .•~ ••.....•.••.••.••..•.•• 310 Thorpe hall, Maj.-Gen. Hon. Julian Hedworth George ·
St. Leonard's, Rohert Miller esq. see Fryerning ..•..• ... 248 Byng C.B., M.v.o. see Thorpe-le-Soken ~ ..•..•.••..•.•• 620
St. Leonards house, Ralph Frederic Bury esq. D. L., J.P. Towers (Heybridge), Edmund Ernest Bentall esq. J.P.
see Na.zeing . . . . . . •.• . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 441 see Heybridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . .. . .. 3I 1
St. Osyth's priory, Arthur Cowley esq. see St. Osyth •.• 505 Upminster hall, Charles Whittaker esq. see Upminster 635
Shelley hall, Malcolm William Galloway esq. see Shelley 510 Waltons, Rev. Hugh Raincock Ffeming, see Ashdon ... 27
Shortgrove, Sir Carl Ferdinand Meyer bart. J.P. see Warlies park, Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton bart.
Newport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 3 G.c.M.G., v.n., D.L., J.P. see Waltham Abbey •••.••.•• 64~
Skreenspark, Hy.Otho Nicholson Shawesq. see Roxwell 493 Weald hall, Christopher Cecil Tower esq. M. A., F.R.G.s.
llo Sloe house, Lt.-Col. Edmund Deacon D.L. see Halstead 265 see South Weald ... . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. ... 694
Spains hall, Archibald Weyland Ruggles-Brise esq. Westwood house, Captain William James Montagu
D.L., l.P. see Finchingfield ..................................... 224 Hill, see Great Horkesley .....•.... ~ ..........•............ ~15
Spaynes hall, Mrs. Charles Martin Wade, see Great Wethersfield Manor house, Sir J. 'Fortescue l<'lannery t
Yeldham ......................................................... 730 hart. M.P., D.L., J.P. see Wethersfield ...........•..•....•• 698
Spencer grange, Rev. Sir Peile Thompson bart. M.A. Witham lodge, Edmund Pelly esq. see Witbam ..•.••.•• 705
see Great Y eldhatn ........ ".... .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. ... . .. . .. .. . . . . 730 Wivenhoe hall, Alex. K. Barlow esq. see Wivenhoe .••.•• 708
Stanstead hall, Samuel Courtauld esq. see Greenstead Wood ball, Charles Beadle esq. J.P. see Arkesden... .••.•• 26
Green, Halstead ... ...... ..........•............. ... ............ :263 Woodhill, Major Sir Frederic Carne Rasch hart. D.L.,
Stansted hall, William Fuller-lVIaitland esq. J.P. see J.P. see Sandon ...... .............................................. so8
Stansted ... ... . •. . . ... . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. . .. . . . ... ... ... .. . ... ... ... . 58 .f Woodredon, Thomas ;Fowell Victor Buxton esq. M.A.., •
Stisted hall, Cecil Sebag-Montefiore esq. D.L., J.P. see l.P. see Waltham Abbey ·························~·········· 644
Stisted ......... ....•........•. ...... ...................••... ... ... 591 Wyvenhoe park, Charles Edmund <.;ooch esq. J.P. see
Stockwell hall, Hon. John Henry Savile D.L., J.P. see Wivenhoe ......................................................... 708
Little Burstead . . .. .. . . . . .. ... .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . ... . ... . .. .. . . . . 92




ADAMS A. & SO~, Furniture removers & ware- COUNTY FIRE OFFICE LIMITEJ) •••............ 2
housemen ..••............ ".................................. 51 COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX CHRONICLE,
ADAMS C. & CO., Millers, corn, coal & seed mers 34 Newspaper ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ........................... 47
CO. LTD., Doors & mouldings importers &c ... 12 stampers &c.................................... ........ ... 42
ALEXANDER W. J., Pedigree Jersey cattle breeder DALDY R. J. & SON, House furnishers, yacht up-
& importer ............... c •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 35 holsterers &e ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . .. ... ... . . . ... ... . . . 26
ALL EN W., Funeral furnisher ....................... . .,_6 DOTTRIDGE BROTHERS LIMI'rED, Under-
APPLEGATE A. E., Wine, spirit, beer & mineral takers' manufacturers & warehousemen . . . ... ... . . . 8
water merchant ......................................... . 15 DOYLE L., Scale & weight manufacturer............ 63
ASHTON E. C. & CO., Oil & color merchants, DUFFIELD & SHALLIS, Costumiers, milliner~,
glass & earth en waro dealers . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . 21 furriers &c ... ... ... ... ... . .. ... ... ... ... .. . ••• ... . .. ... . .. 56
ASLETT W. J., Scho~l........................... ......... 14 DUKE & OCKENDEN LIMITED, Artesian well

.BARKER H. & SONS, Motor jobmi.sters & fly engtneers .... ... . .. ... . . . ... . . ... ... . . . ... ... .. . . .. . . . . . . . . ~3

proprietors ...... ...... ... ............... ... .... . .... ...... 36 DUNHAM E., Builder, decorator & sanitary

:BARKER P. H. & SO~, Timber merchants & engineer ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . . . . . . . . . ... ... ... ... ... 5J
. .
JOinery manu f ac t urers ................................ . 45 DURRA~T G. & SON, Photographic chemists ... 39
BARNES & WILLIA1\B, Gravel merchants, car- EAST A., Corn, seed, flour, coal & wood merl'hant. 56
men & contractors ...................................... . 63 EAST COAST ILLUSTRATED NEWS & CLAC-
:BATES BROTHERS, Gr>cer.:~, wine, spirit, bottled TON-ON-SEA GRAPHIC, Newspaper ......... ... 30
ale & stout. merchants.................................... 36 EAST ESSEX ADVERTISER & CLACTOS
BEARD & DAN lELL, Auctioneers, valuers &estate I NEWS, Newspaper... .. ... ......... ... ... ... ... ... ...... 31
agents......................................................... 28 EASTWOOD & CO. LIMITED, Brick, lime &
BEDINGFIELD G. T., Cement specialist & brick cement mrrchants ... . .. ... . . . . . . ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . ... t2
manufacturer ..................... ... .................. ... 17 EKINS & CO. LDIITED, Builders, decorators &
BENTALL E. H. & CO. LTD., Agricultural electrical engineers ... .. . ... ............ ... . . . ... ... ... ... 37
implement manufacturers ............................. . 48 ELNAUGH A. J., Practical electric light & hell
:BOLINGBROKE & SONS, Ladies' tailors, dress- fitter ................................... ~ ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 22
makers, ft1rriers &c ...................................... . 17 ESSEX ARMS HOTEL (Watford)............... ...... 54
BOT l' L. & CO., Tarpaulin, wag)n cover, stack ESSEX COUNTY CHRO~ICLE, Newspaper...... 18
cloth, &c. manufacturers ............................. . 15 ESSEX COUNTY STANDARD, Newspaper......... 24
:BIMDRIDGE A., Cattle & poultry food mfr. &c •. 19 ESSEX COUNTY TELEGRAPH, Newspaper...... zr
:BRADSHAW R., Coal, coke & wood merchant & ESSEX HERALD, Newspaper ............ ...... ..... 18
cartage contractor ...................................... . 32 ESSEX NEWSMAN, Newspaper ..................... 18 ·
BRAUND & ORAJ\'I, Auctioneers, sm·veyors & EWEN & TO:v.ILINSON LIMITED, Builders·, slate
valuers ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..... .. . . ... ... .... .. . ..... 39 & tin1ber n1erchants ... . . . ... . . . ... ...... ... . . . ... ... ... 40
BROA.D & CO. LIMITED, Bri~k & tile manufac- nurserymen & seed~men ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... 42
turers & sanitary specialists .......................... . 11 FENN & CO., Auctioneers, surveyors & valuers... 28
BROWN & SON LIMITED, Timber merchants & FINCH F., Photographer ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 31
importers.................................... . ............. 16 FLOWER A .• Motor garage.............................. 31
BRYAN CORCORAN LIMITED, Engineers & FOSTER M. & F. 0. & CO., Builders, contractors,
millwrights ...... ... ... ...... ..... ................ ..... ... 13 shopfitters &c ... .... . .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 tl
BRYMAN I., Tailor, breeches maker & costumier 22 FRENCH W., Builder & undertaker ...... ... ... ... ... 43
BUCK P., Baker, caterer & confectioner .......... .. 55 G LEESON M., Artificial manure (seride) ma.nfr ... 57
CHAPMAN H., Goldsmith, watch maker & optician 19 GLEESON M. & CO., Seedsmen, nurserymen &c... 57
CHOAT & SON, Builders, plumbers & decorators .. . 19 GODFREY H. & T. C., Tent, marquee & sail cloth
CHRISTMAS A., Coach & motor car builder .... .. 55 ma.nuf«Wturers ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .•• ..• ... ... ... ... ... 20

CHRISTMAS T., Coach, carriage & motor builder 33 GOLDING G. A., Builder, decorator, •
plumber &c 2Z

CLEVEDON PRIVATE HOTEL (Ost.erleypark).. 50 GOODEY R. H., Port<tble buildings contractor &c 23
COCKS & LEES, Surveyors, valuers & estate agts 39 GRAVESON & CO., Drapers, hatters & outfitters 34
COLEBROOK, SMITH & CO. LTD., Automobile GRIFFIN H. L. & CO., Removal c::mtractors, h')use
Engineers ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... 59 furnishers &c ... . ..... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..•... ... ... ... .. 27
COLEMAN & CO., Builders, contractors & decrtrs 46 GUEST & ClUUM8S, Brass founders ... ... ••. ... ... 6'\


HALE J. T., Carriage & motor body builder •••••• 40 MOULTON J. K., Organist & pianist ............... 41
HANNAFORD W., Optician ............................. . 6o MURRAY J. W. & SON, Builders, contractors &
HARDING R., Printer ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... 42 decorators .................. ··~... ... .•• .....•... ... ...... ... 61
HARRISON B. H. & SON, General & furnishing NATIONAL PROVIDENT INSTITUTION ........ . 3
ironmongers................................................ 22 NORRIS & DUVALL, Auctioneers, land agents,
HARVEY'S STORES, Clhina, glass, oil, color & valuers &c................................................... 35
hardware dealers.......................................... 40 NORRIS H. & SON, Builders & contractors......... 41
HAW ARD W. J., Builder, plumber, decorator & f NORTH BRITISH & MERCANTILE IN-
undertaker .......... .._. .•........•....•. ···•·~--~-4 ... ... ... 46 SURANCE CO ............... ..4-·····•··•····-············ 5
HAYLLAR J., Photographic chemist & mineral NORTH HERTS MAIL ................................. 44
water manltfacturel' ......................... , .•............ 46 PARKYN W. & SONS LTD., Coach, van & motor
HA.YWARD A. J. & SON, Coal merchants, carmen car bod.y builders ......................................... .
& contractors ............................. ~. ... .. . . .. . .. .. . 2 7 PAUL MISS G. A., Corset & belt manufacturer ...
HAYWOOD (J. H.) LIMITED, Surgical appliances PEARKES W. E. & SONS 1 Hou~e furnishers &
manttfactU.rers ... ... . . . . .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ..• . .. ..• . . . ... 5 J removal contractors .................... ··~·········.,. -···• $7

HERTFORD HARDWARE CO., Household utensils, POLLEY E. S., Ladies' & children's outfitter &e... 30
garden tools, cutlery dealers &c ... ... ... ... ... ...... 37 POLLOCK MISS, Inebriates home..................... 47
HEllTFORD TEMPERANCE & COMMERCIAL POTTER H., Builder, contractor, decorator &c , • 20
HOTEL (Hertford) .................................. . 42 PRATT J. A. & CO. LTD., Builders' merchants... 58

LAUNDRY CO. LIMITED........................... 35 ANTEE & ACCIDENT CO. LIMITED ....... .. 5
GAZETTE & WEST HERTS ADVERTISER, RADDATS .F., Ladies' & gents' tailor.................. 22
Newspaper .•....................•......................... 33 RED FORD A. W., Bulb grower &c ...... ... ... .. . ... 51
PRESS, Newspaper ... .......•• ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 38 cutter manufacturers &c................................. 64
BILLIARD G. B. & SON, Auctioneers, valuers &c 22 ROGERS J., Auctioneer, valuer & estate agent ... 47
HONIG & MOCK LIMITED, Pump manufactrs ... IO ROGERS W., Decorator & sanitary engineer ...... 28
HUMBERT & FLINT, Auctioneers, valuers, estate ROGERS W. & SONS, Timber, coal & coke mers... 61
agents &c. ..................... ............................. . 6o 6
ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSUR.\.NCE .............. .
INFANT ORPHAN ASYLUM ....................... . 531 ROYAL INSURANCE CO. LTD ..................... 8
JACKSON J. & CO.,French polish, varnish, lacquer ST. GEORGE'S SCHOOL (Harpenden) ............ 32
& wood stain manufacturers .................. ........ . 1 3 SAUNDERS A. & SONS, Furnitut•e removers &
JOH~SON W. & SON, Carting contractors, coal, storerti ... . .. .•• •.• ... ... . . . . . . ..• ... .. . . . . . . . ... . . . ... . . . . . . 3Z
corn & manure merchants ............................. . 15 SEDGWICK, WEALL & BECK, Auctioneers, sur-
1\ELLY'S DIRECTORIES LTD., Printers & pub- veyors & valuers &e ... ...... ... ... .•. .. .... ...... .•• ... 63
lishers & printers & publishers of the Post Office SEXTON & GRIMW ADE, Auctioneer[,', estate &

London, County & Trades Directories &e ...... .I1tside Insttrance agents ... .. . ... ... ... ........ .... ... ... ... ..•... 30
Back Cot•er SHEFFIELD A. J., Chemist & aerated water
Kli~NT, :BLA.XILL & CO. LTD., Oil, color, glass, manufactu~er ... ... .•. ... ... ... ... ... . . . ... ... . .. . . . ... ... 42
varnish & lead merchant El ... ...... ... ... ••• ••• .... • .... 2 5 SHEPHARD W. H., Funeral furnisher & enbalmer 29
KING W. & SONS, Shopfitters, builders & decrtrs 62 SHERRINGTON-MORRIS G. R., Servants' registry <


KIRBY G., Funeral furnisher & monumental 8HIRLEY HOUSE SCHOOL (Watford) ........... . ss
mason •••.....•..•.....•...•••.••..•.••.•••...••••.••..•..•... 45 SLYTHE J. B., Stone & marble mason ............. .. 63
LEADENHALL PRESS LTD., "Fixol" paste SMALL & BURGESS, Drapers & silk mercers ... 38
manufacturers ........................... , .......•.......... 14 .SNEE::lBY J. M. & C. W., Photographic artists &
LONDON ASSURANCE ............................. .. 4 picture framers ... ... . .. . . . ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . ... ... ... 33
LIMITED .......................... I.....................
2 auctioneers &c.............................................. 59
CO. LTD ................................ .. bJside Front Cover age11 ts . . . . . . . •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . •• 20
LONDON & PROVINCIAL BANK LIMITED ... 1 SUN FIRE OF.r'ICE ..................... ··~ ...... ,.... . 7
l\IcKNIGHT H., Tailor, hosie!', glover & outfitter.. ·6o SUN BOT EL (Hitchin) ........................... ,.. ...... 45
l\IALDEN HOTEL (Watford) ......................... .. 61 ·r AYLO R F. & Co. ,A uc:tioneers, valuers &estate agts 2t
l\IALDON EXPRESS, Newspaper .................... . 18 THAl\IE::; BANK (BLACKFRIAR~) IRO.S CO.
:\IALDON IRONWORKS CO. LIMITED, Agri- LIMITED, Heating engineers & iron founders... 10

cultural implement makers &c ....................... . 49 TUCKER BROTHERS, Automobile engineers...... 6z

}!ARKS E., Wiitchmaker, jeweller, silversmith &c. 41 TUR~ER R. E., Cabinet maker, upholsterer,
MAY & BUTCHER LTD., Timber merchants & im- decorator &c ..•.................................... ··~~······ 23
porters, yacht fitters, boat builders &c ... .... ...... 49 W ALLER & SON, Raincoat merchants .............. . so

paper ............•........ ~ ................ , ··· ···· ··· ··· ··· ··· S2 WARNER R. & CO. (ENGINEERS) LIMITED,
iYIOGERS', Auctioneers, valuers & estate -agents.... 23 Pump & pumping engine manufacturers ... ... ... ... 53


WATERS A. & SONS, House furnishers, iron- WHITE, SON & PILL, Auctioneers, surveyors,
mongers &c ..••....... · · · · · · ·· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · •· · · · · •· · · · 44 Taluers &c .................................,. ...•....... ··•··· 14
WATFORD STEAM LAUNDRY, DYEING & WHITE W., Coach builder, wheelwright & smith 31
CLEANING WORKS ··· ··· ··· ··: ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· 62 WICKS J. & T. W., Wine & spirit merchants ••• ••• 29
WELLS & PERRY, Coal & timber merchants & WILLCOX W. H. & CO. LTD., Engineers' stores 9
saw mill proprietors .................................... 23 WILLIAMS J. & eo., Slate & tile manufacturers 12
WENLEY & SON, Removal contractors & ware- WINCH BROTHERS, Foreign stamp dealers ••• ... 29
housemen •....•... ••• ··· •·· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··• ··· ··· ··· ··· 18 WOODFIELD E., Monnmenta.l mason ......... ••• ••• 63
WENT J., Undertaker & ambalmer .................... . 29 WRAY & FULLER, Stone & marble merchants ••. 2I
TUTE, School............................................. 52 YOUNGER H., House furnisher, cabinet maker &c 50


BANKING. Auctioneers : - •
BANK LIMITED . .. ... ... ... ... ... . . . ... . . . ..... 2 SEXTON & GRIMWADE .•• ... .•••••.•• ...... ..• 30
F. TA YLO R & c0 ... . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . ..• . . . . .. . .. 2 I
WHITE, SON & PILL .............................. 14
13RITISHGENERALINSURANCE CO. LTD 3 Automobile engineers:-
LONDON ASSURANCE .......................... . 4 A. }~LOWER ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 31
TUCKER BROTHERS ...................... , ...... .
ANCE CO. LTD .................. Inside Front Covlr
NATIONAL PROVIDENT INSTITUTION... 3 Baby linen warehouse :
NORTH BRITISH & MERCANTILE IN- MISS G. A. PAUL ... ······················........... se
Ball room furnisher : -
SURANCE CO ................................... . 5
PROVIDENT CLERKS' & GENERAL . P. BUCK··························· ............... •····· 55
GUARANTEE & ACCIDENT CO. LTD ... S Bedding manufacturers:
PROVIDENT CLERKS' & GENERAL MU- H. L. GRIFFIN & CO ···•••··· ·••··· ······ ... ··· ..• 27
TUAL LIFE ASSURANCE ASSOCIATION Belt (ladies') manufacturer:-
MISS G. A. PAUL ...... ~............................. 50
ROYAL INSURANCE CO. LTD .............. .. 8 Blouse & robe specialists:-
SUN FIRE 0 FFICE ................................ . DUFFIELD & SHALLIS... ...... ...... ...... ...... 56
YORKSHIRE INSURANCE CO. LTD ....... 6 Boat builders :-
MAY & BUTCHER LTD........................... 49
GENERAL TRADES. Boiler makers : -
Acetylene gas lighting engineers:-
EKINS & CO. LfMITED ......................... . 37 CO. LIMIT ~:D ................................... . 10

Aerated water manufacturer:- Boot & shoe dealers:-

A. J. SHEFFIELD ................................. 42 GRAVESON & CO ... .. .. . .... ...... ...... ... ... ... 34
Agricultural implement manufacturers:-· Bottled ale & stout merchants :-
E. H. BENT ALL & CO. LIMITED .......... .. 48 BATES BROTHERS................................. 36
MALDON IRONWORKS eo. LIMITED .... .. 49 Brassfounders :-·
A!p·icultural machinery manufacturers : - GUEST & CH RIMES ............ ......... ......... 64
Ale & beer merchant : - Breeches maker : -
I. BR YMAN ... ... ... ... .. . .. . ... . . . . . . ... ... . . . ... ... 22
A. E ....t\.PPLEGATE .................. ··············· IS
Architects : - Brick & tile manufacturers : -
SEDGWICK, WEALL & BECK.................. 63 BROAD & CO. LIMITED ........................ I l

Architectural sculptors:- Brick & tile mer.:lhants : -

WRAY & FULLER ................................. .z1 EASTWOOD & CO. LIMITED .............. . 12
Artesian well engineers :-- J. A. PRATT & CO. LIMITED . ...... ........ 58
DUKE & OCKENDEN LIMITED ............. .. 13 Brush, iron & tin ware dealers:-
Artificial limb manufacturers:- HARVEY'S STORES ... ...... ......... ... ...... ... 40
J. H. HAYWOOD LIMITED ............... ..... 51 Brush merchants:-
Artificial manure manufacturer:-- KENT, BLAXILL & CO. LDIITED............ 25
A. BRAD RIDGE ...... ......... ...... ...... ... ...... 19 Brush polish manufacturel's : -
Artifl<!ial manure (Seride) manufacturer: J. JACKSON & CO ...... ... ... ... .................. 13
M. GLEESON........................................... 57 Builders:-
Auctioneers: - CH OAT & SON ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ............. .•. 19
BEARD & DANlELL .• . ........ ... .. .... ...... . .. 28 COLEMAN & CO ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 46
BRAUNO & ORA.:\1 ......... ... ......... .... ........ 3Q . E. DUN HAM........................................... 50
COCKS & LEES ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... 39 EKINS & CO. LIMITED ............... ......... 37
FENN & CO ... ... . . . ... ... ... ... ... ... .... . . . .... .. . ... 28 M. & F. 0. FOSTER & eo........................ 46
G. B. HILLIARLJ & SON........................... 22 W. FRENCH.......................................... 43
HUMBERT & FLINT ... ... ... ... ...... ...... . . ... 6o G. A. GOLDING ..................................... 22
MOGERS......... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... .... .......... 23 R. H. GOO DEY ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... . . .... 23
NORRIS & DU V ALL ...... ........ ...... ....... ... 35 W. J. HA WARD ..................................... 46
J. ROGERS.............................................. 47 W. KING & SONS . . .... ... ... ... ... ... .... . . . ... ... 62

Builders:- Chemists:-
J. W. MURRAY & SON ................•.......... 61 J. HAYLLAR... ... ... . . . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 46
H. NORRIS & SON ......... ... ............... ...... 41 A. J. SHEFFIELD ... ... ... . . . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 42
H. POTl'ER......... ... .. . ... ... ... . . . . .. . .. ... . . . . . . ... 20 China, glass & earthenware dealers:-
Builders' merchants r--- E. C. ASI{TON & CO ... ..• ... .•. ... ... ... ... ... ... 21

ADDINGTONTJMBER, SLATE& CEJ.\IENT HARVEY'8 STORES ....... ·•· ~...~ ..., ... T .. 1..• ~0
CO. LIMITED ................................... . 12 A. WATERS & so:gs ..................... ········· 44
BROWN & SON LIMITED ..................... 16 Coach & eal'riage builders :--
EAS'rWOOD & CO. LIMITED .............. . 12 A. CHRISTMAS ........... ........................ ··· 55
EWEN & TOMLINSON LIMITED ............ 40 T. CHRISTMAS .•••••,..,~.,. ..... .,....................... 33
MAY & BUTCHER LTD ..•• - •• - .... _......... 49 DOTTRIDGE BROTHERS LIMITEI.> ... ,..... 8
J. A. PRATT & CO. LIMITED ••• :..... ...... 58 W. P.ARKYN & SONS LI~IITED .~............ 14
WRAY & FULLER ............. lit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ , ... ,,_.. .21 W. WHIT E .......... -· ............................... ;. t .... .. 31

Bulb grower:- Coachsmith : -

,V, WHITE ... ... ...... ... ... ... . . .. . . . . ... .. ... . .. .. ~~
A. w. REDFORD ............... ... ... ..... ....... 5I •
Coal merchants : -
Bulb importers:-
A. BRADRIDG E ... ... ... ... ... . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . . 19
M. GLEESON & CO................................. 57 A. EAST ... .. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 56
Cabinet makers : - A. J. H.A YWARD & SON .. .... ... ... .. ....... ... 27
H. L. GRIFFIN & CO ....~ ...•.•• ·~·· .. •• .•. ..• ... 27 W. JOHN SON & SON ...... ... .•. ... ... ... .. ... ... 15
R .. E. TURNER ................... ··-.................. 23 \'\rELLS & PERRY . . . ... ... ... ... .. . .. . ... ... ... ... 23
H. YOUNGER ...... c ........... -..................... 50 Coal & coke merchants:-
C. AD AMS & CO .................................. ··· 34
Cabinet varnish manufacturers:-
R. BRADS HA \V.............................. . .. . . . . ~2
J. JACKSON & CO ............... ... ... ......... ... IJ V

BROWN & SON LIMITED ......... ... ......... r6

Carmen & contractors:- W. ROGERS & SO~S ....................... ,...... 61
BARNES & WILLIA~S ......................... ,. 63 Coffin furniture manufacturers:-
A. J. HAYWARD & SO~........................... 27 DOTTRIDGE BROTHERS LIMITED......... 8
Carpet beaters:- Contractors : -
'VENLEY & SON.................................... 18 COLEMAN & CO ..•... ......• ~o............. .. . ... ... 46
E. DUNHAM ... ...................................... .
Carpet factors:-
M. & F. 0. FOSTER & CO ••• ...:,....... ....... ..
R. J. DALDY & SON ...... •·-········· .... ,. ...... 26
W. FRENCH ... ...... ... ... .. . ... ... .... ... .... ... ... ... 43
H. L. GRIF.FIN & CO .. "' ........................... 27 J. W. MURRAY & SON ......... ..... ............ 61
Carriage builder:- • H. ~ORRIS & SON ................................ , 41

J. T. HALE ..................... ···-······· ......... . 40 Corn merchant& : -
C. ADAMS & CO ... ... ... ....... ... ..... ... ... ... .. ... 34
Carriers :-
Corn & hay merchants:-
A. ADAMS & SON ................................. . 5l W. JOHNSON & SON ........................... ·-- 15
C11.rt & van builders : - • Corn, hay & seed merchant:-
W. P.ARKYN & SONS LIMITED ...... _ .... 14 A. BRADRIDG E ...... ... ... ... .... ... ... •.. .. . ... ... 19
Cartage contractors:- Co1•n, seed & flour merchant : -
A. ADAMS & SON ...........•..................... 5l A. EAST ... ... ... . . . . . . ... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ..... 56
BARNES & WILLIAMS .......................... . 6J
Corset & blouse specialist : -
R. BRADSHA \V .................................... . JZ E. S. POLLEY .................... .... ... . ...... ... 30
W. JOHNSON & SON ............................ .. IS
Corset manufacturer:-
Cat,erer:- •
MISS G. A. PAUL.................................... 50
P · BUCK ... ······ ··· ··· ··· · · · · · · ··· · ·· ··· · · · ··· ··· ··· · · · 55 Corseti eres : -
Cattle & poultry food manufacturer:- SMALL & BURGESS ............ . ... ...... ...... 38
A. BRADRIDG E ................................... . 19 Costumiers : -
Cement merchants :- BOLINGBROKE & SONS ...... ... ...... ... ...... 17
ADDING TON TIMBER, SLATE &CEMENT I.BRYMAN ......................... ................. :zz
CO. LIMITED ................................... . 12 DUFFIELD & SEIALLlS ... ... ... ......... ......... .
GRAVESO~ & CO ...... ... ..• ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 34
G. T. BEDINGFIELD ............................ . 17
BROAD & CO. LIMITED ....................... . 11 F. R. .t\.DDATS ............................. . .......... 21

BROWN & SON LIMITED ....................... . 16 SMALL&BURGESS .............................. 38

EASTWOOD & CO. LIMITED ................ .. 12 Cremator : -

Chaff cutter manufacturers : - W. H. SHEP HARD ...... ... ... ... . .. . . . ... ... •.. . .. 29
Chandelier manufacturers : B. H. HARRISON & SON............ ... ..• . .. . .. 2Z
GUEST & CHRIMES .............-... ••• ......... 64 HERTFORD HARDWARE CO ... ... ............ 31
Charitable institution: Cycle manufacturer : -
INFANT ORPHAN ASYLUM ............... . J. 53 J. T~ H.!.LE .. , ..... ,............ ... ... . ...... ... ...... 40

Decorators :-- Fancy draper:-
OHOAT & SON ........ w•• , ............................ "•· 19 E. S. POLLEY ............ ::... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ~o
COLEMAN & CO . ..................... . 41 • 46 Fire extinguishing apparatus manufacturers:-
••••• , . . . •••

R. J. DALDY & SON.............................. 26 GUEST&CHRIMES· ..•.••.••..•..•...••......... 64

E. DUNHAM ................................. ,................ 50 :Fire hydrant manufacturers : - •
EKINS & CO. LIMITED .... ,.,. ,. ...... ,. .•• ••. 37 GUEST & CHRIMES •••... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..• 64
M. & F. 0. FOSTER & CO. -··.··J-~• ·~· .•.... .•• 46 Firewood merchant : - •
G. A. GOLDING ............ .1 , ...... , .,., ...... ··~> ,,.. 22 A. EAST ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . . . ... ... ... ..... . .. . . 56
R. H. GOODEY .•.........•.............•.... ,..... 23 Flag & banner manufacturers:--
~ .•.•.. '~"' 27 • •
IL L. GRIFFIN & CO .................... I
H. & T. C. OODFREY ... ... .... . .... .. .... ... ... ... 20
W. J. HAWARD ......................p .•• 1•• • • • • • • 46 Florist ::-

W. KING & SONS ............... ,. ······"•··•·,-· .,.. 62 A. W. RED FORD.·····................................ sI
J. W. MURRAY & SO~L......................... 61 Fly proprietors ;...:..._ 1

H. NORRIS & SON ............................. ."... 41 . H: BARKER & ·SONS .••.... ~ .........·............. 36
H. PORT ER ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .. . ... ... 20 Foreign stamp dealers:-
W. ROG ERS ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 28 WINCH BROTHERS .:. •••... ... ... ...'... ... ...... ... 29
R. E. TURNER ... .... ... ...... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... 23 French polish manufacturers : -
Diaphragm pump manufacturers::~ J. JACKSON & CO ................................. . ....

DUKE & OCKEND.EN LIMITED ........... . 13 Funeral carriage proprietors:~

HONIG & MOCK LIMITED ....................• 10 H. BARKER & SONS.............................. 36
Die l;tampe:rs : Funeral furnishers : -
G. CRE . 4.SEY
. & SONS ......... .................. 42 W. ALLEN .................................. -··········· -t6
• J
Doors & mouldings importers:- BOLINGBROKE & SONS ..•... ... .............. ... 17
ADDINGTON TIMBER, SLATE & CEMENT R. J. DALDY & SON................................ z6
CO. LIMITED ................................... . 12 H. L. GRIFFIN & CO............ . ... ... ... . ... ... 27
Drain pipe manufacturers::- J . KIRBY ... ·............................................. · 45

BROAD & CO. Lil\llTED ....................... . 11 H. NORRI& & SON................................... 41
Drapers:- •
H. POTTER.............................................. 20

GRAVESON & CO. ·········u•····················· 34 W. H. SHEPHARD ... ... ....... ... ...... .. ... ... ... 29
SMALL & BURGESS ... ..................... ...... 38 J. WENT .•...,..#•• ..-.. ••• •••••• ••• ••• • •• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• 29
Dressing machinery manufacturers: )" Furnishing ironmongers:-
,... . BRYAX & COIWORAN LIMITED .. ~ ....•.... 13 B. H. HARRISON & SON........................ 22

Dre8o~ makers . - • A. WAT .ER~ & SONS................ • ... ... ... ... 44
.BOLL.~GBROKE & SO~S ....................... . 17 Furniture removers & warehousemen:-
Dry cleaners & carpet beaters : - A. ADAMS & ~ON ................................ ·- 5I
R. J. DALDY & SON .................................. . ·26
LAUNDRY CO. LIMITED ..• ... ... ... ... ... 35 A. b~Asr ................................................ . 56
Dyers & cleaners : - H. L. GRIFFIN & CO............................... 27
WATFORD STEAM LAUNDRY, DYEING A.J.HAYWARD&SON ........................... 27
& CLEANING WORKS ... ... ..• ..• ... ... ... ... 62 W. E. P EARKES & SONS ... .,.. ...........•....... 57
Elastic stockings manufacturers : - • A. SAUNDERS & SONS ... : .... ...... ......... ... 32
- J. H. HA YWOOD LIMITED ... ... ... ... ... ... 51 R. E. TURNER ........................................... . 23
Electric light & bell fitter:- A. WATERS & SONS .••........•................... 44
. .l. J. ELNAUGH ............... ......... ...... ...... 22 W.ENLEY & SON ................................... . 18
Electric light engineer: Furriers : -
G. A. GOLDING .....•....••... ... ..•......... ... ... 22 BOLINGBROKE & SONS........... ............ 17
Embalmers: DU'FFIELD
. .
& SHALLIS......... ... ..• ... •. .. •.• 56
W. .-\.LLEN ......... ·•• ··• •.. ··· .... · · ··· ··· ··• ··· ··· ··· 46 Game food manufacturers:-
\V. H. SHEPHAH.D............... ... ... ...... ... ... 29 0. ADAMS & CO .........•....... .,.,............. .. ... 34
J. 1l+rrEXT ... ..• ••• ..• .•• .•. ... ... ... ... ... . .. ... .. . ... ... 29 Garden tool dealers:-
Enamelled brick merchants: · HERTFORD HARDWARE CO................... 37
!3ROA.D & CO. LIMITED •....................... I I Gas burner manufacturers:-
Engine packing merchants:- GUEST & CH RIMES ..•.•• ~· ..... ... ..• .•. .. . .. . ..• 64
W. H. WlLLCOX & CO. LIMITED ....••... 9 Gas :fitters:-
Engineering school:- A. WATERS & SONR ........... , ............ 44
I~STITUTE ...... ··~··· ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... 52 H. McKNIGHT ................ ................... ·- 6:>
Engineers:-· Goldsmith :'-
E. H. BENTALL & CO. LIMITED ......... 48 H. CHAP.MAN ................................. ·· ... 19
BRYAN CORCORAN LIMITED............... r3 Government stores merchants : -
.MALDON IHONWORKS CO. LIMITED...... 49 MAY & BUTCHER LTD ............. :..... t. .• 49
THAMES .BANK (BLACKFR1ARS) IRON Gravel merchants:~
CO. LIMITED ............. .- .. , .....•. ~···"'··-••· 10 BARNES & WILLIAMS... .... .•• .•.. ... .. . . . .. ... 03

Engineers' stores : · Grindstone quarrymen ::-
W. H. WILLCOX & CO. LIMlfED ....•.... 91 BRYANCORCORANLIMITED .............. 13


Grocers:- Household utensil dealers : -
BATES BROTHERS ................... , ...... ...... 36 HERTFORD HARDWARE CO..................
Hardware merchants : - Hydro-Geologists : -
HARVEY'S STORES................................ 40 DUKE & OCKENDEN LIMITED •.• ... .... . 13
HERTFORD HARDWARE CO................... 37 India rubber manufactnrers :-
A. WATERS & SONS ..• ... ... ... ... .... ... ...... ..• 44 W. WARNE & CO. LIMITED ... ......... ...... 11
Hatters:- Inebriates home:-
GRAV.ESON & CO.................................... 34 MISS PO LT.JOCK ........................ ···· ··· ··· ··· ... 47
.Haulage contractors : -
A. ADAMS & SON .. , ........... , ..................
W. JOHNSON & SON .............................. .
J. ROGERS ... ...................................... ~··
.Heating apparatus manufacturers :,-
SEXTON & GRIMWADE .. .... ..... ... ......... 30
G. R. SHERRING·ro~-MORRIS ..•. ·- .. . ...... 2J
CO. LIMITED ........................... ..... ... 10
Home for female inebriates : - Insurance brokers:-
MISS POLLOCK ........... ,.......................... 47 WHITE, SON & PILL ........................ ,.. 14
.tiorticultural builders:- Iron founders:-
M. & F. 0. FOSTER & CO ......... ..•..• ....• 46 E. H. BENTALL & CO. LIMITED ... ... ... ..• 48
H. POTTER .. ~................................ .. ... ... 20 MALDON lRONWORKS CO. LIMITED ... 49
A. W. REDFORD ............ ···················· SI CO. LIMITED ............................. ,. ... ... to
Rose manufacturers : - Iron merchants:-
· W. WARNE & CO. LIMlTED .................. 11 B. H. HARRISON & SON........................... 22
Jlosiers:- Ironmongers : -
GRAVESON & CO .................. ~. ........ ..• 34 B. H. HARRISON & SON ...... ... ... ... ...... ... 22
H. Me KNIGHT............ ... ... ... . ... ... ... . .. ... ... 6o Jersey cattle breeder & importer : -
E. S. PO LLEY .......................... o•• o•• ....
o •••• 30 W ••J. ALEXANDER ......... ............... ..... 35
SMALL & BURGE~S... .... ... ... ....... ... ... ... ... 38 .Jeweller : -
Hot water engineers ::-· E. MARKS... ... ... . .. ... ... . . . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 41
EKINS & CO. LIMITED ....•••• ..... ........ .. 37 Joinery manufacturers:-
Bot water fitters : - P. H. BARKER & SON ... .•• ... .•• .•• ... ... ... ... 45
J. W. MURRAY & SO~ ......... .•.. . ............ 61 W. KING & SONS..................... ..... ....... ... 62
H. YORRlS & SOS .......... ................••...... 41 Lacquer manufacturers:-
.Hotels:- J. JACKSON & CO ..••...... ........................ 13
ESSEX ARMS ( ...... ... ...... ... ... 54 Ladies' & children's oat fitter:-
MALD EN (Watford) ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . . . . ..• ... ... 61 E. S. POLLEY...................................... ... 30
SUN (Hitchin) ...... ............ o••o·· ••••••••• o•• ••• ••• 45 Ladies' tailors & outfitters : -
Hotel private:- BOLINGBROKE & SONS .................. ·y ••• 17
CLEVEDO~ (O.sterley Park)....................... 50 I. BRYMAN ... ......... ... ... ... .... ......... ..... ... 22
Hotel- temperance:- F. RADDATS ... ... ... .... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... . .. ... ... 22
HERTFORD TEMPERA.~CE & COM:\-IER- Landscape gardeners:-
CIAL (Hertfllrd)......... ...... ... ... ... ... ... . ... 42 W ..FELLS & SON LIMITED..................... 42
.House furnishers:- M. GLEESO~ & CO ......... ... ... ... ......... ...... 57
R. J. DALDY & S0:8 ··· ... ··· .... · ··•• ··• · · · ··• ..• ·• 26 Lath & hair merchant:·-
H. L. GRIFF!~ & CO............................... 27 G. T. BEDlNGFIELD ............................. 17
W. E. PEARKES & SO~S ...... ............... 57
A. WATERS & SO~S.......... ... ..• . ... ... ... ... ..• 44
WENLEY & SON .................. 0..... ........... 18
LAUNDRY CO. LIMIT li~D ... ... . .. ... ......... 35
H. YOUNG ER ... . .. ... ... . .. ... .... ... . . . ... ... ... ... 50
House, land & estate agents:- & CLEANING WORKS ............ ...... ...... 6z
BEARD & DANIELL . ... ... . ..• . .• .. . ... .. . ... ..• 28
Leather varnish manufacturers : -
BRAUND & ORAM ..• ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... 39
J. JAC KSON & CO. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . .. . . ... Ij
COCKS & LEES ........................... o•• ••• ••• 39
B. J. DALDY & SO~ ...... o•• .••.••••• o•• ••• •• ••• ••• 26 Lighting installation contractors :·-
FENN & CO................ .. ... ... ... . . . ... .. ... . . . 28 EKINS & CO. LIMITED ................. .. . . ... 37
.It H. GO 0 D E Y ... .•• . . • . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . . . 2 3 Lime & cement merchants : -
H. L. GRlFFIN" & CO......... ......... ... ... ...... 27 HROAD & CO. LIMITED........................ 11
-G. B. HILLIARD & SO~ ............ ...... ... ... 22 BROWN & SON LIMITED .................... . 16
HUMBERT & FLINT ... .•• ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6o EASTWOOD & CO. LIMITED.................. 12
~MOGERS .......................................... 0 •···· 23 J. A. PRAT'f & CO. LIMITED ... ... .... ..... ;S
.NORRIS & DU\. ALL ............................. . 35 Linoleum factors:·-
.J. ROGERS ........•................. o ••• o••··· .•• 47 R. J. DALUY & SON ... ......... ... ... .. ... ... .. z6
.SEXTON & G RIMW AD E ... ... . .. ... ... ... ..• ... 30 Manure merchants :--
:STIMPSO~. LOCK & YlNC E..................... 5Y W. JOHNSON & SON ... .....• ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 15
F. TAYLOR & CO ............... ............ ...... 21 Marble mason:-
WHITE, SON & PILL ............................ 14 J. B. SLYTHE ..................................... 63


l\leasure manufacturer : - Nurserymen : -
L • DOYLE • ••••••••••••••• ••... ···············-········ 63 W. FELLS & SON LIMITED..................... 4Z
l\Ietll.l perforators :~ M. GLEESON & CO .............. ., ............ ··· .. . 57
IJ Oil & color merchants::-
~[iller:'t : -
E. C. ASHTON & CO . . . ..• ... ... .. . . ... . . . . .. . . . ..• 21
C. A DAMS & CO ........................... ··• ··· ··· 34
HARVEY'S STORES .............., ... ............ 40o
A. :BRADRIDGE .................•..•..••.•....••... 19
Milliners : - KENT, BLAXILL & CO. LIMITED ... ... ... 2.5
BOLL.~&BROKE & SO~S ......•.. ......... .. ..• 17 A. WATERS& SONS ......... , ..................... 44
DU.FFIELD & SHALLIS... ... ............ .•• ...... 56 Omnibus proprietors : -
SMALL & BUR&ESS ............... ...... ... ...... 38 H. BARKER & SONS ..• ........... ... ... ... .. ... 36
1\Iill wrights :-- Opticians:-
BRYAN CORCORAN LIMITED............... 13 H. CHAPMAN' ·······················~ ...... ········· 19
1\Iinera.l wat,er manttfacturer : - W. HANNAFOR D ............ ,. ...... , ............ ··~ ... 6o
J. HAYLLAR . . . .. . .. ......... ... .... ........ .. ... ... ... 46 E. MARKS ................................. ~·· ·· ... ··· 41
l\Iineral water merchant :- Organist & pianist:-
A. E. APPLEGATE ................................. 15 J. K. MO ULTON ..................... ·~· ... . .. ... . . . 4I
}Iodeller in plaster:- Orphanage : -
G. T. BEDINGFIELD ......................... .. 17 INFANT ORPHAN ASYI.UM ............ ... .•• 53
.Monumental masons : - Outfitters : -

DOI'TRIDGE BROTHERS LDHTE D ...... 8 GRAVESON & CO .................. .,.,., ... -~· ... 34
U. KIRBY .................................... ········· 45 H. McKNIGHT ............................ ···•· .... . 6o
J. B. SLY'rHE ........................................ . 6J E. S. POLL EY ........................... ·~ . ., .... ··· 30
E. WOOD FIELD ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 63 SMALL & BURGESS ...............,... ···r·• ... ·•• 38
WRAY & .FULLER ............................ ._ ..

Paperhangers ::-
Mort gage brukers : - H. L. GRIFFIN & CO .•. ••• .... .. . .. . .. ... .. . . . .. .. . •. 2 7
WHITE, SON & PILL .......................... .
14 Paperhangings dealers : -
Motor body builders : -
R. J. DALDY & SON ............... 01 • ...... ...... ... :.:6
J. T. HALE .................................... .. ... 40
Partition & facmg brick manufacturer':~ •
W. PARKYN & SONS LIMITED............... 14
G. T. BEDINGFIELD ................. ,............ 17
Motor car buildcu: Paste manuf11 cturers-" Fix:ol " : -
A. CHRISTMAS..................... .............. ... 55 LEADEN HALL PRESS LIMITED •••••••••
'1,. CHRISTMAS ...................................... . ...,..,
·'-' Pastrycook & confectioner:-
2\Iotor car engineers :--
59 P . ..HUOK ...... ........................ ··· ··· ··· ··· ··~ .... 55
TUCKER BROTHERS ............................. , 62
Photogra.phers : -
Motor cycle repairer ::- F. FINCH .............................. ··· ... ......... 31
A. FLOWER ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3I J. 1\I. & C. W. S~EESBY ......................... .. 33
1\Iotor engineers:- Photographic appa~atus dealer: -
TUCKER BROTHERS ............................ .. 62 A. J. SHEFFIELD ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 42

.:\Iotor garages:- Photographic chemists::-

A. ADAMS & SON.................................... 51 G. DURRANT & SON ...... ... ... ... ... ......... ... 39
A. FLOWER ......... ............... .. ...... ... ... ... 31 J. HA YLLAR ... ................................... I ••• 46
::\lot or jo bmasters : - Picture frame makers : -
H. BA.RKER & so ~s ......... ... ... ...... ...... ... 36 J. M. & C. W. SNEESBY... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 33
A. CHRISTMAS ...................................... . 55 Planing & moulding mills proprietors:·-
COLEBROOK, SMITH & CO. LIMITED ...... 59 MAY & BUTCHER LIMITED ............... ... 49
Newspapers:- Plasterer ::-
. COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX CHRONICLE 47 G. T. BEDINGFIELD ............................. .
CLACTON-ON-SEA GRAPHIC ............. . 30 CHOAT &SON •411• ••• ••• ••• • • •• • ••• • ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• 19
EAST ESSEX ADVERTISER & CLACTON G. A. &OLDING ............................... _."''" 22
NEWS ........................................... ··· ··· 31 W. J. HA WARD ...................................... .. 46
ESSEX COUNTY CHRO~ICLE ............. .. 18 H. NORRlS & SON ..................... _........... 41
ESSEX COUNTY STANDARD.................. 24 A. WATERS & SO~S ............................. . 44
ESSEX COUNTY TELEGRAPH............... 2t
Polishers' sundriesmen :- •
ESSEX HERALD ................................... . 18
J. J.AC'KSON & CO ...... .•.................. ,....... .
ESSEX NEWSMAN ............................... . 18
Portable buildings makers ::-
HERTFORDSHIRE EXPRESS ................ . 43 R. H. GOODEY .................................... ··· 23
MAY & :BUTCHER LTD.......................... 49
TISE R ............................................... . Poultry house makers : -
PRESS ............................................... . 3 8 Printer:-
MALDON EXPRESS ............................. . 1g R.HARDING ........................................... 42
MIDDLESEX & BUCKS .ADVERTISER ..... . 52 Printers-commercial:- •

NORTH HERTS MAIL .......................... . •

44 G. CREASEY & SONS.............................. 42




Printers & publishers : - Schools:-
KELLY'S DIRECTORIES LTD., Printers & W. J. ASLETT .............................. ··· ... ··· r
publishers of the Post Office London, County lNFANT ORPHAN ASYLU.I\I.....................
& Trades Directories &c...................... ... Inside ST. GEORGE'S (Harpenden) ... ... ............... 32
Back Cover SHJRLEY HOUSE (Watford)..................... 58
CLEVEDON (Osterley Park) ...... ... ... ... ... . . . so INSTITUTE ................................. ··· ... 52
P.ump manufacturers:- Science school : -
HONIG & MOCK LIMITED..................... to INSTITUTE ... ... ... ... ... .. . ... .. . . . . . . . ... . . . ... 52
Pump & pumping engine manufacturers:- Seedsmen : -
R. WARNER & CO. (ENGINE~RS) LTD ... 53 W. FELLS & SON LIMITED..................... 42
Pumping plant manufacturers·:- M. GLEESON & CO ...... ......... .................. 57
DUKE & OCKENDEN LIMITED ........... . 13 . Servants' registry:-
Radiator manufacturers : - COLLINS' AGB:NCY (G. R. ~HERRINGTOX-
THAMES BANK (BLA.{)KFRIARS) IROX J\IORRlS)...... ......... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 23
CO. LIMITED .................................. . IO Shelter (open-air) makers:-
Rtincoat merchants:- 1\fAY & BU'l'O HER LDHT E D ... ... ... . . . ... ... 49
WALLER&SOX • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••••••••••• so Shirt & collar dressers : -
Removal contractors : - WATFORD STEA)f LAUSDRY, DYEING
A. ADAMS & SON ...... ......... ................. 51 & Ci.EA~ING WORKS ... ... ... ... .•• .•. ... ... 6z
R J. DALDY & SO~ ............................ . 26 Shop & office fitters:-
A. E.\.ST ........• ... ... . . . .. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 56 M. & F. 0. FOSTER & CO. ... ... ... ... ... ..• ... ... 46
H. L. GRIFF IN & CO ... .. ... ... ... ... ...... ...... 27 W. FRENCH .................................... ······ 43
.-\.. J. HAYWARD & SO~ ........ ........ .... . ... 27 W. KI~G & SOSS ... ... .... ... ... ... .... ...,... ... ... 6z
W. E. PEA.RKES & SO~S ... ...... ... ...... ...... 57 Silk mercers:-
A. SAUNDERS & SOXS .............. ... ......... 32 BOLINGBROKE & SO~tl ........................ 17
R. E. 'fURXER ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 23 SMALL & BURGESS ... .. .. . .. . .... ... ...... ... ... 38
A. WATERS & SOXS ...... ... ... ...... ... ......... 44 Silversmiths:-
W EN LE Y & S 0 N.... . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. .. . .. . . . . . . . 1 ~ H. CHAPMAN..................... ...... ...... ......... 19
Road & sewer contractors ::- E. IVIARKS .. . ... ... . ... . ... .. . . .. . . . .. . .. . ... ... . . . . . . 41
W. KING & SONS ................................. 62 Slate merchants:-
Rope & twine manufacturers : - ADDINGTON TIMBER, SLATE & CEMENT
CO. LIJ\fl'l,ED ... ... ... ... . . . ... . .. . . . . . . . . . ... ... .. . 12
H. & T. C. GODFREY .. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 20
BROWN & SON LDH'l'ED ............ ............ 16
Sack & bag manufacturers:-
J. A. PR ATT & CO. LL\IITED ... ... . . . ... ... .. . 58
H. & T. C. GODFRE Y ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... 20
Slate & tile manufacturers:-
Sack & bag merchants:- J. W ILLIAMS & CO...... . .. . .. . .. . . . .. . . . . . .. .. . ... 12
L. BOT'r & CO ...................................... . 1
5 Slate & tile merchants : -
KENT, BLAXILL & CO. LIMITED ......... ... 25 EWEN & TOMLINSON LIMITED ............ 4o
Sand & gravel merchant: Slaters : -
R. BRADS H.\ W ... ··· ... ··· ........................ ·.. 32 J. WILLIAl\IS & CO .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12
Sd.nitary earthenware manufacturers:- Stack & rick cloth man •1facturers :-
BROAD & CO. LIMITED ...................... . 11
L. BOTT & c0 . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . I 5
Sanitary engineers : - H. & T. C. GODFREY ... ... ... ... ......... ......... 20
E. DUNII..~.\.M ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 50 Stationers:-
W. ROGERS ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 28 G. CREASEY & SO~S ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... 42
Sanitary goods merchants:- Steam haulage contractors:-
BROWN & SON Lll\HT~D ........................ 16 A. SAUNDERS & SONS............ ... ... ...... ... 32
EASTWOOD & CO. LIMITED ..• ... ......... ... 12 Steam packing manufacturers : -
Sanitary pipe & earthenware merchants : - W. WARNE & CO. LIMITED..................... 11
J. A . .PRATT & CO. LIMITED ......... ......... 58 Steamship agents : -
Sanitary specialists:- STO~EBANKS' SHIPPING AGENCY ......... 20
BROAD & CO. LIMITED ..................... .. 11 Stone & marble mason:-
Saw mill proprietors:- E. WOODFIELD ......... ... ...... ...... ......... ... 63
P. H. BARKER & SOS ...... ...... .. ............. 45 Stone mason:-
BROWN & SON LIMil'ED ........................ 16 J. B. SLYTHE ... ...... ............ ...... ............ 63
EWEN & 'l'OMLINSON LIMITED ... ... ... ... 40 Stone merchants:-
W. KING & SONS...................................... 62 WRAY & FULLER ................................. 21
MAY & BUTCHER LTD. ............... ......... 49 Surgical appliances dealer:-
W. ROGE.RS & SONS .............................. 61 A. J. SHEFFIELD.................................... 42
WELLS & PERRY ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... 23 Surgical appliances manufacturers:-
Sawing & planing mills: J. H. HAYWOOD LIMITED..................... 51
H. POT1'ER ... .......................................... . 20 Surveyors:-
S\'ale & weight manufacturer:- BEARD & DANIELL ... ...... ...... .. . . .. ... ... ... :z8
IJ. DOYL ~ ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 63 .BRAUND & ORAM ................................. . 39
• Upholsterers:-
COCKS & LEES ... ... ... ... ... . .. ... ... ... . . . ... ... ... 39 H. L. GRIFFIN & CO . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 7
. FEN)l' & CO ........................ ................... . 28 R. E. TUR~ER .... ... ... . .. ... ... ... . .. ... ... ... . ... 23
G. B. HILLIARD & SON ........................... 22 H. YOUNGER.......................................... 50

HUMBERT & FLINT ..• ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6o Valuers:-
l'IOGERS............ ... .................. ... ... ... ...... 23 BEARD & DA~IELL ... ...••• ••. ..• ••• ••. ••• ... ... 28
NORRIS & DUV ALL . ..•.. ... . . . ... ... ... ... .•. ... 35 BRAUXD & ORAM ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 39
SEDGWICK, WEALL & BECK.................. 63 COCKS & LEES .................................... ··· 39
STIMPSON, LOCK & \TINCE... .•. ... ... ... ... ... 59 FENN & CO............................................. 28
WHITE, SON & PILL ..• ... ... ......... ... ... ... .•. 14 G. B. HILLlARD & SON ... •.• ..• ... . . .. . . .•• ... .•. 22
Tailors:- HUMBER'I' & FLINT ...... ... ..• ... .. .... ... ... ... l:o
I. BRYMAN ... ... ... .. .. . ... ... .. . ... ... ... .... . . . ... 22 1\IOGERS ............................................... . 23
GRAV'ESON & CO .............................. ···... 34 NORRIS & DUVALL ... .•• •.. ... •.. .. ....... ..... 35
H. McKNIG HT ... . .. ... ... . . . .. . ... .. . . . ... ... ... ... 6o J. ROG ERS ............................................ . 47
F. RADDATS ... ... .... ... .... ... . .. ... . .. ... ... ... . . . . ... 22 SEDGWIOK, WE.\.LL & BECK .............. . 63
STHIPSO~, LOCK & VINCE ,. ............... . 59
Teacher of music : -
J. K. 1\IOUL'l'ON ........................... 0 •••••••••
F. TAYLOR & CO ... ......... ......... ... ... ... ... 21
WHITE. SO~ & PILL ... .•. ... ..• ... ... .. ... . . . ... '4

Teacher of singing : -
Val>e manufacturers:-
J. K. M.OULTON ... ... ... ... . ... ... ......... ...... 41
GUEST & CHRIMES ............ ... ... ..•..... ... 64
Tent & tarpaulin manufacturers:- Wagou cover manufacturers:-
L. BOTT & c 0 ... . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . I 5 L. BOTT & CO ... ... ... ... ... . .. ... . .. . .. . . . ... ... .. I 5
H. & '1'. C. GODFREY.............................. 20 Watch & clock makers:-
Tilers : - H.CHAPMAN .......................................... 19
J. WILLIAl\lS & CO .••. ..... ... ... ...... ... ... .•. 12 E. 1\I.-\RKS ... ... ............... ... . ... ... ... ....... .. 41
Timber merchants:-- Water closet manufacturers:-
ADDINGTON TIMBER, SLATE & CEMENT GUEST & CHRIMES ...... ........................ 64
CO. LIMITED ........................................ . 12 \Vater meter manufacturers : - ·
P. H. BARKER & SO~ ....................•......... 45 GUEST & CHRIMES ... ... ... ... ..• ... . . . ... ... . .. 64
BROWN & SON LIMITED ....................... . 16 I WT ater supp l y engmeers
. :
4o DUKE & OCKENDEN LIMITED............... 13
MAY & BU'rCHER LTD ........................ .
~ 9 Waterproof cloth manufacturers:-
W. ROGERS&SONS ............................. . bi
H. & T. U. GODFREY.............................. 20
WELLS & PERRY ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... 23
Waterproof garment manufacturers : -
Tool merchants : - W. WARNE & CO. LIMITED ..•............... 11
B. H. HARRISON & SO~ ....................... . 22 Wedding cake manufacturer:-

Truss manufacturers : - P. BUCK ............................................... ··· 55

J. H. HAYWOOD LIMITED .................... . 51 Weighing machine manufacturer :-
Typewriting offiGes :-- L. DOYLE ... ... ... ... ... ......... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... 63
.., 1 Wheelwright:-
G. R.. SHERRINGTON-lVIORRIS .........•...•• 2
.) W. "\\.,-Hlrll}1~ ••• ••• •••• • • ••• ••• ••• •• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• 3 I
Undertakers:- •
'Vindow blind manufacturers:-
W. ALLEN ..•....•........................ ··· ·•·· ·· ··· t16 M. & F. 0. :FOSTER & CO ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... 46
BOLINGBROKE & SONS ... ... ... ..... ... ... ... 17 ,V. FRENCH ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... .... ... .... ... ...... 43
CH OAT & SON ....................................... . I9 Wine & spirit merchants:-
R. J. D ALD Y & SON ............................. . 26
....-\..E ....-\.PPLEG . .-\.TE ................................ . 15
M. & F. 0. FOSTER & CO .........................• 46 .BATES BROTHERS................................. 36
W. FRENCH ......................................... . 43 J. & T. W. WICKS.................................... 29
H. L. GRIFFIN & CO ... ... . . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 27 Wire weavers::-
W. J. HAW ARD ....................... ~ ... ... ... ... 46
BRYAN CORCORA~ LIMITED ........•..•... 13
G. KIRBY . . . .... ... ... . . . ... ... . . . ... ... ... .. . ... . .. ... 45 Wood merchant:-
H. NORRIS & SON ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 41 R. BRADS HA 'V....................................... 32
H. POTTER ... ·········································· ·wood stain manufacturers:-
W. H. SHEPHARD ............ ······ ······ ··· ······ 2 9 J • J :l..'CKSO'- ......, & CO ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• • • • ••• • ••••••

J · WENT ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· · ·· ·· · ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· 2 9 Yacht fitters:-
H. YOUNGER ... ··· .... ································· 5° MAY & BUTCHER L'rD • • ••••••••••••••••••••••• 49
Undertakers' manufacturers:- Yacht furnishers:-
DOTTRIDGE BROTHERS LIMITED ••••••••• 8 H. L. GRIFF!:~- & CO ... ... ... ... ...... .. ... ... ... 27
Undertakers' warehousemen:- Yacht upholsterers :-
8 R. J. D . . \.LDY & SON ... ... ... ... .. . ... ... ... ... ... 26

• ESSEX is one of the metropolitan shires and takes its the Stort, are navigable, passing through Bishop Stort·
name from the commonwealth of the East Saxons (one ford, Harlow and Waltham Abbey; the Boding rises in
of the English hordes which settled in South Britain), Easton Park, near Dnnmow, and flows south for about 3~
and of which Middlesex, London and Hertfordshire after- miles past Ongar to llford, where it becomes navigable-,.
wards formed · part. .After the Euskardians and Celts and, passing Barking, joins the Thames: the Boutne'
bad been driven out, Essex was held by the Belgic tribe brook, 12 miles long, falls into the Thames at Dagenham :·
of the Trinobantes until the Roman inroad. Of the the Ingerbourne rises in South Weald and falls into the---,
Romans it was a great seat and here was their city of Thames near Rainham: the Marditch, 12 miles long, ....
Camulodunum. The Welch, again becoming masters, forms a creek at Purfleet : the Crouch, 25 miles longr-.._
were driven out by the East Saxons. The chief clans waters south-east Essex and is navigable from Hull Bridge ~
concerned in the settlement were the Tilling, Balling, to the North Sea; Burnham is its port : the Bromhill is 11
Denning, Thurring, Benning, Billing, Horning, Manning,· creek, xo miles long, and navigable for 7 miles to near
Totting, Bucking and Dunning, being the same as those Rochford: the river Chelmer, 46 miles long, rising in the
tmgaged in the settlement of East Anglia. In 823 it came north-west near Debden, and flowing south, pal'ses Dun-
under the sway of the West Saxons under Egbert, though mow and Chelmsford, where it is made navigable, thence· .
more than once given up to the Danes. ea~t to Maldon (its port), receiving the Ter, 13 miles longr
The county is of an irregular shape, being in its the Wid and Cann, 14 miles long, and the Sandon Brook,.
greatest length, from north-east to south-west, 63 miles, ro miles long; near Maldon it joins the Blackwater, wbicb
and from north to south 48 miles. By the " Confirma· has for its feeder the Podsbrook :the Colne, 35 miles long,
tion Act (No. 14). 1895,'' the parishes of Heydon, Great rises on the northern border near Birdbrook, becomes
Chishall and Little Chishall and parts of those of Haver- navigable at Colche:.ter, and receiving the Roman river,
bill and Kedington were transferred, the first three to flows into the ~orth Sea: the Holland creek falls int-o the
Cambridgeshire and the two last to Suffolk. The area North Sea at Little Holland: the Stour is about so miles
of the ancient or geographical county is g86,975 acres. long, becomes navigable at Sudbury and passes the ports
and of the administrative county and county borough of Manningtree and Harwich to the No1·th Sea: in the
of West Ham, 979,532 (including inland water), being north-west the Cam .and Slade brooks pass into Cam.....
the eleventh English shire for size. In 1881 its popu- bridgeshire.
lation was 576,434; and in 1891 was 784.,258; males, The railways in this county are controlled by the Grea~ .
389,949 ; females, 394,309. In 1901 the population was Eastern railway, and ounsist of two main lines and
x,oBS,77I in the ancient county and 1,083,998 in the numerous branches. The principal line from London to
administrative county. The number of houses was: Cambridge runs along the western side of this county
in the ancient· county, 2or,5ro inhabited, 13,942 un- and the eastern of Hertfordshire, from Tottenham to.~
inhabited and 3,681 building; in the administrative Bishop Stortford, and then cuts across the north-west. .
county, 201,028 inhabited, 13,894 uninhabited and 3,681 angle of Essex to Chesterford and thence to Cambridge:
building. th? branches from this line are one from Broxbourne to
The population of the administrative county and Ware and Hertford, from which again a branch leaving ·
county borough of West Ham in 1911 was 1,35o,88r, St. Margarets goes to Buntingford, these two branches
Yiz. : males, 66o,o62 ; females, 6go,219. being actually in Hertfordshire ; one from Bishop Sturli- .
On the east and south-east the county is bounded by ford going due east through Dunmow to Braintree, and1
the North Sea; on the south by the Thames, which ftows then south-east until it joins the Ipswich line at l\"itham,_
between it and Kent ; on the west by the Lea against and a third branch leaves Audley End and runs through
Middlesex and by the Stort against Hertfordshire; on Saffron Walden to the Haverhill and Sudbury line. The-
the north by Cambridge and on the north-east by the other main line, that to Ipswich, Norwich &c. enters th&
Stour, separating it from Suffolk. On the east the county at Stratford, where two short branch lines go
shore is broken by the deep friths and creeks of the north to Chingford and Chipping Ongar, through Wood-
Stour, Colne, Blackwater, Crouch and Thames and by ford (with a loop line to Ilford), and one south to North
the inlets round Horsey, Mersea and Havengore islands. Woolwich; from thence is a ferry to Woolwich in Kent.
Time of High Water on the Full and Change of the Moon The main line passes through Romford, Ingatestone,
at the following places on the coast of Essex:- Chelmsford, Witham and a little north of Colchester,
and leaves the county at Manningtree; the branches
High from it are one from Shenfield to Billericay, Wickford
RISE.* (where a branch runs off to Maldon, with another
Full & 1 - - - - - - · - - leaving it at Woodham Ferris for Burnham and South·
Change. Springs. I Neaps. minster), Rayleigh, Rochford and Southend; another
branch leaves Witham for Maldon, where it joins the
h. m. feet. feet. branch from The next branch is from Marks
Harwich Harbour . . . . .......... . 0 6 11~ Tey northward to Sudbury, where it turns
9! and Tuns along the northern border of the county as westward
Orwell River, Pinmill ........... . 0 20 12
Orwell River, Downham Reach 0 27 12 far as Linton, having a short branch from Bartlow to
Orwell River, Ipswich ........... . 0 35 13! Saffron Walden and A.udley End; from St. Botolph on
Stour River, Wrabness ........•... 0 29 12 the Ipswich main line a branch runs to Walton-on-the~
Stonr River, Mistley Quay ..... . 0 48 IIf Naze, having branches from Wivenhoe to Brightlingsea
Stour River, Cattawade Bridge. I 84t I and from Thorpe to Clacton-on-Sea, and from Manning-
The N aze .............................. . 0 6 12! 10 tree a branch runs to Parkstone Quay and Harwich.
Colne River, Colne Pomt ....... . noon
Colne River, Wivenhoe ........... . 0 10 I
The Midland railway, London, Tilbury and Southend
!'(>Ction, which starts from Fenchurch street, passes
Blackwater River, Scales Point. noon
Blackwater River, Heybridge ... 0 20
14: 12 I 8
IO through the southern part of the county from Plaistow
via Barking, Horndon, Pitsea, North Benfleet, Southend
Chelmer River, Maldon . .• . . .. •.• o 32 10 I 6 to Shoeburyness, the old loop line of the same railway
Gunfleet Sand, N.E. End........ I I 40 12 8 leaving the line at Barking, running alongside the river
Crouch River, Foulness........... o 5 14~ IOi by Tilbury and :rejoining the new line viA. Stanford-le-
Crouch River, Hull Bridge ... ... o 25 I6 II Hope (with a branch to Thames Haven), while another
Maplin Light......................... o 5 14! -lOo branch runs from Romford to Grays and Tilbury by
Upminster and Ockendon, and connects with these
•By the ri11e oF the tide is meant its vertical rise above the railways by a line from St. Pancras vill Tottenham and
mean low water level of spring tides. Forest Gate to Barking, and runs trains from St. Pancras
to Southend.
The Thames flows through London to the North Sea,
having several quays, hut no great haven on the Essex The Colne Valley railway runs from (]happel. on~~=-::-
"hore. and the limit~ of the port of London extend to Great Eastern Sudbury branch, via Castle ·
Havengore creek in this county. The Lea, and its head, and Yeldham to Haverhill.
1 ~e;F ~N • -~·"

"-._L CL I U '
The District railway opened a branch line in June. Hundred of Chafford :-Aveley, Brentwood, Childer-
1902, from Whitechapel to East Ham. litch, Cranham, Grays Thurrock, Great Warley, Little
. The county has much rich meadow ground on thE \Varley, North Ockendon, Rainham, South Ockendon,
shores of tht~ brooks and marsh lands, on the friths ano ~outh Weald, Stifford, Upminster, Wennington and West
creeks : on the shore are many marsh islands, like thosE fhurrock.
of Holla.nd; of these Canvey, Foulness, Wallasea, Mersea, Hundred of Chelmsford :-Blackmore, Boreham,
Horsea, Havengore and Potton are the greatest : much of liroomfield, Buttsbury, Chelmsford, Chignall St. Ja!lles,
the shore is sheltered against the tides and storms by Chignall Smealey, Danbury, East Hanningfield, Fryern-
dykes and sea walls. The inland parts are somewha~ hilly ing, Great Baddow, Great Leighs (part of), Great Wal-
and well timbered: the highest hills of the London clay, tham, Ingatestone, Little Baddow, Little Leighs, Little
which do not exceed 300 feet, are High Beech, near Wal- Waltha~ Margaretting, Mountnessing, Rettendon, Rox-
thnm Abbey, Danbury, Tiptree Heath, near Witham, and well, Runwell, Sandon, South Hanningfield, Springfield,
J,aindon )iills, noar Brentwood. . Stock, West Hanningfield, Widford, W oodham Ferxer.s
Essex, of which Chelmsford is thel assize town, is and Wrjttle.
iJtcluded within the South-Eastern Circuit, and forms Hundred of Clavering :-Berden, Clavering, Farnhalll,
oae court of Quarter Sessions and is divided into x8 Henham (part of). Langley, Manuden, Stansted Moun'-
petty sessional divisions, viz. : Becontree ( sittings at fitchet (pa.rt of), Ugley .
.Stratford), Brentwood, Chelmsford, Dengie (sittings at Hundred of Dengie :-.Althorne, Asheldham, Bradwell,
Naldon and Southminster), Dunmow, Epping (sittings Burnham, Cold Norton, Oreeksea, Dengie, Hazeleigh.
at Epping and Waltham Abbey), Freswell (sittings at Latchingdon, Mayland. Mundon, North Fambridge, Pur-
rGreat Bardfield), Halstead, Harlow, Hinckford (North) leigh, St. Lawrence Newland, Southminster, Steeple,
.{sittings at Castle Hedingham), Hinckford (South) Stow Maries, Tillingham, Woodham Mortimer and Wood-
(sittings at Braintree), Lexden and Winstree (sittings ham Waiter•
.at OolchPster), Ongar, Orsett (sittings at Grays), Roch- Hundred of Dunmow : Aythorp Roding, Barnsto'lt,
ford (sittings at Ro~<hford and Southend), Romford, Berners Roding, Broxted, Chickney, Good Easter, Grea't
. ·Tendring (sittings at Clacton-on-Sea, Mistley and Canfield, Great Dunmow, Great Easton, High Easter,
·(fhorpe), Walden (sittings at Saffron Walden and Stan- High Boding, Leaden Roding, Lindsell, Little Canfi.eld,
·stead) and Witham. Little Dunmow, Little Easton, Margaret Roding, Mash-
-'NOTE. Unless otherwise stated, sittings are held at the bury, Pleshey, Shellow Bowells, Thaxted, Tilty, White
place giving name to the division. Roding with the hamlet of Morrell Roding, Willingale
Part of Becontree hundred, viz. Barking, East Ham, Doe and Willingale Spain.
West Ham, Little Ilford, Low Leyton, Walthamstow, Hundred of Freshwell : Ashdon, Bardfield, Salin[t,
Wanstead, St. Mary Woodford and Ohingford is within Great Bardfield, Great Sampford, Helion Bumpstead,
the bounds of the Central Criminal Court, and with Hempstead, Little Bardfield, Little Sampford and ;Rad-
Dagenham, Chadwell Heath, Waltham Abbey, Loughton winter.
anrl Chigwell, under the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Hundred of Harlow :-Great Ballingbury, Great Parn-
Pdice. The County Courts (which are in Circuits 35 don, Harlow, Hatfield Broad Oak or Hatfield ltegis.
and 38) are held at Saffron Walden, Braintree, Brent- Latton, Little Hallingbury, Little Parndon, Matching,
wood, Chelmsford, Colchester, Clacton and Harwich Netteswell, Roydon (part of) and Sheering.
(Joint), Dunmow., Grays Thurrock, Halstead, Maldon, Hundred of Hinckford :-.Alphamstone, Ashen, Balling-
nomford, Southend and Waltham Abbey.
don-cum-Brnndon, Belchamp Otten, Belchamp St. Paul,
There are four coroner's districts :-Easte~n Division, Belchamp Waiter, Birdbrook, Bocking, Borley, Braiutree.
Southern and West ern Division, Sokens Division and Bulmer, Bures, Castle Hedingham, Felstead, Finching-
Metropolitan Division. For names of coroners, see p. 18. · field, Foxearth, Gestingthorpe, Gosfield, Great Henny,
The shire is ecclesiastically within the diocese of Great Maplestead, Great Saling, Great Yeldham, Hal-
•Chelmsford, created in 1914, and divided into two stead Rural, Halstead Urban, Lamarsh, Liston, -Little
.archdeaconries: Colchester, sub-divided into the rural Henny, Little Maplestead, Little Yeldham, Middleton,
-deaneries of, Braintree, Coggeshall and Tey, Ovington, Panfield, Pebmarsh, Pentlow, Rayne, Ridg-
· .Colchester, Dedham, Dunmow, Halstead and Heding- well, Shalford, Sible Hedingham, Stambourne, Stebbing,
. ham, Harwich, Newport and Stanstead, Saffron Walden, Steeple Bumpstead, Stisted, Sturmere, Tilbury, Toppes-
St. Osyth and Witham; and Essex, sub-divided into fi.eld, Twinstead, Wether~field and Wickham St. Paul's.
the rural deanPries of Barking, Barstable, Canewdon
and Southend; Chafford, Chelmsford, Chigwell, Dengie, Hundred ol Le::r.den :-Aldham (Witham division).
.. Harlow, Maldon, Ongar, Orsett and Grays, Roding, Birch (Colchester division), Boxted, Chapel or Ponti&·
'\l•althamstow and Leyton, West Ham and Wickford: bright (Witham division~. Copford, Dedham (Colchester
JJallingdon, a 11uburb of Sudbury in Suffolk, is in the division), Earls Colne, East Donyland, Easthorpe, .Ea-
diocese of St. Edmundsbury and Ipswich. gaine Colne (Witham division), Fearing (Witham divi·
sion), Fordham (Colchester division), Ureat Cog-geshall
The county contains 399 civil parishes. The Muni- (Witham division), Great Horkesley, Great Tey (Witham
. cipal boroughs are :-Chelmsford, population in 19IJ, division), Inworth (Witham division), Langham (Col-
t:8,oo8; Colchester. population, 43,452; East Ham, chester division), Little Horkesley (Colchester division).
population, 133,487 ; Harwich, population, 13,622 ; Little Tey (Witham division), Marks Tey (Witham divi·
Maldon, population, 6,255; Saffron Walden, population, sion), Markshall (Witham division), Messing, Mount Bures
~.().3II; Southend-on-Sea (County Borough), 62,713; (Colchester division), Pattiswick (Witham division),
West Ham .(Oounty Borough), 289,030. Stanway (Colchester division), Wakes C()lne (Witham
By the "Southend-on-Sea Corporation Act" the division), West Bergholt (Colchester division). 'White
:borough was extended from Nov. gth, 1913, to include Colne (Witham division), Wormingford and WivenhOt
.Leigh-on-Sea civil parish and Urban District and part (Colchester division) .
t~f Eastwood; it is now a County Borough. Hundred <>f Ongar :-Abbots Roding, Beauchamp
Other towns are: Walthamstow, 124,s8o; Ilford, RodingJ Bobbingworth, Chigwell, Chipping Ongar,
78,188; Barking, 31,294; Woodford, 18,497; Romford, Fyfield or Fifehead, Greenstead, High Laver, Hi~h Ongal",
16,970; Clacton, 9·777 ; Halstead, 6,264 ; Braintree, Kelvedon Hatch, Lambonrne, Little Laver, Loughton.
6,168; Brentwood, 6,923; and Witham, 3,480. Magdalen Laver, Moreton, Navestock, North WeaM
The county forms nineteen hundreds : the following is Bassett, Norton Mandeville, Shelley, Stamford kivers,
a list of the hundreds, with the places included in Stnpleford Abbots, Stapleford Tawney, Stondon Massey}
rach : - Theydon Bois, Theydon Garnon and Theydon Monnt.
Hundred of Barstable :-Bassildon, Bowers Gifford. Hundred of Rochford : -Ashingdon, Barling, Canewdon.
• Eastwood, Foulness, Great Stambridge, Great Wake.-,
'Rulphan, Qhadwell St. Mary, Corringham, Doddinghurst,
J)ownham, Dun ton, East Horndon, East Ttlbury, Fab- ing, Hadleigh, Hawkwell, Hockley, Leigh, Little Stam~
bing, Great Burstead, Horndon-on-the-Hill, Hutton, bridge, Little Wakering, North Shoebury, Pagleshnm.t
lngrave, Laindon, Langdon or Laindon Hills, Little Prittlewell, Ra:wreth, Rayleigh, Rochford, Shopla.nd,
tlurstead 1 Little Thurrock, Muckbg, Nevendon. North Southchurch. South Fambridge, South Shoebury,. SuttOJJ
nenfieet, Orsea, Pitsea, Ramsden Bellhouse, Raml'den and Thunder11ley (part of).

Crays, Shenfield, South Benfl.eet, Stanford-le-Hope. Hundred of Tendring :-Alresford, Ardleigh, Beao·
Thundersley (part of), Vange, West Horndon~ West mont-cum-Moze, Bradfield, Brightlingsea, Elmstead,
Tilbury and Wickford. Frating, Frinton, Great Bentley, Great Btomley, Great
Hundred of Becontree , 4 , Barking, nage.nham, Ea11t Clacton, Great Holland, Great Oakley, Kirby-le-Soken.
Ham, Little llford, Low teyton, Walthamstow, Wan- Lawford, Little Bentley, Little Bromley, Little Clactol\,
litead, West Ham and Woodford. Little Holland, Little Oakley, Manningtree, Mistl~t
• •

Ramsey, St. Osyth-Chich, Tendring, Thorpe-le-Soken. 1 Mashbury Stock
Thorringt-on, Walton-le-Soken or Walton-on-the-Naze, Pleshey Waltham-Great
Weeley, Wix and Wrabness. Rettendou ' Waltbam-Little
Roxwell · Widford
Hundred of Thurstable :-Goldhanger, Great Tothan1, Runwell Woodham Ferris

Heybridge, Langford, Little Totham, Tollesbury, Tolle~c Sandon Writtle

hunt D'Arcy, Tolleshunt Knights, Tolleshunt .Major or I Springfield
:Beckingham and Wickham Bishops. · / CoLCHESTER L'NION'.
Hundred of Uttlesford: .irkesden, Birchanger, Chrh- ..
hall, Debden, Elmdon, Elsenham, Great Chesterforu, Comprlsmg the parish of Colchester.
Great Chishall, Henham (part of), Heydon, Little Ches-
terford, Little Chishall, Littlebury, Newport, Quendon. DUNl\IOW UNION.
Rickling, Stansted l\Iontfitchett (part of), Strethall,
'l'akeley, Wendens Ambo, Wendon Lofts, Wicken Bonant, Aythorpe Roding or Roothing Felstead
Widdington and Wimbish. Bardfield-Great Hatfield Broad Oak, or Hat-
Bardfield-Little field Regis
Hundred of Waltham :-Chingford, Epping, Nazeing, Bardfield Saling High Easter
Boydon (part of), Rnd Waltham Abbey or Waltha.m Holy Barnstun High Rodmg or Roothing
Broxted Leaden Roding or Roothing
Hundred of Winstree :-.ibberton, East MPrsea, Fing- Canfield-Great Lindsell .
ringhoe, Great Wigborough, Langenhoe, Layer Breton, Canfield-Little Margaret Uoding or Rootbing
Layer-de-la-Hay, Layer Marney, Little Wigborough, Chickney Stebbing
Peldon, Salcott, Virley and West Mersea. Dunmow-Great TaKeley
Hundred of Witham: Black Notley, Bradwell-next- Dunmow-Little Thaxted
Coggeshall, Cressing, Fairsted, Faulkbourne, GreJt Easton-Great 'filtv
Braxted, Great Leighs (part of), Hatfield Peverel, Kelve- Easton-Little -
White Roding or Roothing •
don, Little Braxted, Little Coggeshall, Rivenhall, Terling,
Ulting, White Notley and Witham. EPPING UNION.
The Registration Districts are:-
Buckhurst Hill Nazeing
Chigwell Netteswell
1\""0. Name. Area. IP op. m. rgn.
Chingford . North W eald Bassett
Epping Parndon-Great
Epping Upland Parndon-Little
r88 ~rest Ham ................ . r8,784 704,158 Harlow Rovdon
189 Epping . . . . . ........... . 48,II7 36,715 Latton Sheering
190 Ongar ...... .............. .. 47,236 10,644 Loughton Theydon Bois
191 nomford ............... . 47,6SI 1SI,8o8 Magdalen Laver Thevdon

192 Orsett...................... . 41,289 40,8]0 Matching
193 Billerica y ................ . 49,854 28,478
Chelmsford ............ . 86,157 flALSTEAD UNION.
194 40,799
195 Rochford •.•............. 63,121 93.805 Castle Hedingharn Ridge well
196 Mal don ................. . 8g,887 25,607 Colne Engaine Sible Hedingham
197 Tendring ............... . 84,076 53.441 Earls Colne Stambourne
198 Colchester .....•...•..... II.333 43.45 2 Gosfield Tilbury juxta Clare
199 Lex den ................. . 71,049 22,061 Halstead Rural Toppesfield
200 Halstead ... .............. . 39.359 r6,s96 Halstead Urban White Colne
'201 .Brain tree ................ . 68,285 28,1 I I M a plestead-Great Yeldham-Great
202 I Dunmow ............... . 73.503 r6,o8.~ Ma plestead-Little Yeldham-Little
203 Raffron W alden ........ . 64,676 r6,617 Pebmarsh
The following list of the unions shows the places included Abberton Layer-de-la-Hay
in each:- Aldham Layer· Marney
BILLERICAY UNION. Bergholt-West Marks Tey
Basildon (Chapelry) Laindon · Birch l\1 ersea-East
Bentleet-North Lee Chapel Boxtcd Mersea-West
Bowers Gifford (Hamlet) Mountnessing Chapel Messing
Brentwood Nevendon Cop ford Mount Bures
Hurstead-Great Pitsea Dedham Peldon
Burstead-Little Ramsden Bellhouse Donyland-East Salcott
Chtlderditch Ramsden Crays Easthorpe ~t;anway
Downham Shenfield Fingringhoe Tey-Great
Dunton Vange Forciham 'fey-Little
Horndon-East Warley-Little Horkesley-Great Virley
Horndon-West Weald-South Horkesley-Little Wakes Colne
Hutton Wickford In worth Wigborough-Great
[ngrave Langenhoe Wigborough-Little
BRAINTREE UNION. Langham Wivenhoe
Laver Breton W ormingford
Black N otley Mark shall •

Bocking Pan field

Bradwell next Coggeshall Pattiswick l\1ALDON UNION.
Brain tree Rayne Althorne Mundon
Doggeshali-Great Rivenhall Asheldam Purleigh
Coggeshall-Little Saling-Great Bradwell-near-the-Sea St. Lawrence
Cressing Shalford Braxted-Great Southminster
Fairstead Stisted Braxted-Little Steeple
Faulkbourne Terling Burnham Stow Maries
Fee ring Wethersfield Cold Norton Tilling ham
Finchingfield White Notley Creek sea Tollesbury
Hatfield Peverel Witham Dengie Tolleshunt D'Arcy
Kelvedon Fambridge-North Tolleshunt Knights
CHELl\IS.FORD uNION. I Goldhanger Tolleshunt Major, or Backing-
Baddow-Great Good Easter Hazeleigh ham
Baddow-Little Hanningtield-East Hey bridge Totham-hreat
Bore ham Hanninpi.eld-Soutb Langford Totham-Little
:Broomfield Hanningfield-West Latchingdon Ulting
;Butts bury Ingatestone & Fryerning
Maldon All Saints Wickham Bishops
Chelmsford Leighs-Great Maldon St. Mary W oodham l\Iortimer
Chignal Letghs Little I Maldon St. Peter \\'oodham Waiter
Dar.bury · Margarettiug -I Mayland
f'SSEX ]•
4 ESSEX. [t-ElL~'s
OSGAR t'NION. The Essex mt>n are mostly employed in husbandry
Abbots or Abbess Roding un'er-Little and stock feeding, and only a few in manufactures ot
or H.oothing Moreton silk &c. at Brain tree and Halstead; there is a silk mill
Heauchamp Roding or ~ avestock at Chelmsford, and the lace industry is actively carried
Roothing Norton )landeviiJc on in the cottage homes of Coggeshall, where the-
Bemers Roding or Roothing Ongar-High delicate textile, usually called Tambour lace, is made
Black more Shelley by band. According to the ".Mines and Quarrie•
Hobbingworth -;bellow Bowels General Report and Statistics," Part Ill-Output, for
Chipping Ongar Stanford Rivers 1912, the minerals worked are: Chalk for lime, 623,265.
Doddinghurst Stapleford Abbots t.ons, value £29,246; brick clay, 89,324 tons, value-
Fytield, or l''ifehead Htapleford Tawney £3,240; the other minerals raised were gravel and
Greenstead Stondon Massey sand, 71,262 tons, ~·alued at £6,905; chert and flint,.
Kelvedon Hatch 'fheydon Mount 6,219 tons; salt is made from the sea. Seeds are-
Lambourne Willinga!e Doe grown in various parts. The trade of the towns on
Laver-High • Willingale Spain the shore is in the oyster and other fisheries and in
11hipping corn, coals and timber. The Colne oyster-
OnsETT UNION. fiS'hery is of great value and importance; it furnishe:.
the finest natives, and belongs to Colchester: in the
Aveiey 0f:kendon-North rivers Crouch, Roach and Blackwater the native oyster
Bulphan Ockendon-South is indigenous, and the spat or brood is successfully
Chad well Orsett caught and prt>serYed; these grounds seem to be the-
Corrmgham Stanford-le-Hope natural home of the native oyster owing to the peculiar
J:l'obbmg Stifford character of the water and the geological nature of the-
Grays Thurrock Thurrock-Little rivl'r beds, which by their sheltered position m:tintain..
Horndon-on-the-Hill Thurrock-West, with Purfeet. an equable temperature at the most critical time in
Laindon Hills Tilbury-East ths spawning or spatting season. The chief object of
Mucking Tilbury-West cultivators is to protect and preserve the spat from
its numero1.18 enemies throughout the infantine and
ROCHFORD UNION. delicately susceptible stages ; millions of these littl&
Ashingdon Prittlewell molluscs here produced are sold at the age of from
Bar ling Rawreth one to t.wo years, to be laid down and mature and
.Bentleet-South Rayleigh fatten for market; by which time they are four to-
Canewdon Rochford five years old : the far-famed Royal Whitstable Nativtt
Canvey •
Island Hhoebury-North is here bred, as also the famous Ostend oyster of
East wood Shoe bury-South the Continent, so that destruction here means ruin
Fam bridge-South Shopland in these and other places : that the area of breeding
Foulness Southchurch grounds cannot be artificially extended has been proved
Hadleigh St.ambridge-Great by the futile effort of many companies formed for
Havengore Stambridge-Little that purpose; and it is a well-known fact that.
Hawk well Sutwn sewage is both poisonous and destructive to oysters.
Hockley Thundersley especially in their early stages. The ports of the county
l..eigh Wakering-Great are Manningtree, Harwich, Brightlingsea, Colchester.
Paglesham Wakering-Little Salcott, Maldon, :Bradwell, Burnham, Wakering, South·
end, Leigh, Grays, Purfieet and Barking. The Roya)
Victoria and .Albert Docks are in Plaistow Level; there-
are also very large docks at Tilbury, opened in x886.
Barking NoakHill all connected with London by rail. Steamers rnn from
Cranham Rain ham London to Harwich and communicate with Purfleet,
Dagenham Romford Grays, Tilbury, Southend, Walton. and Clacton: South-
Havering-atte-Bowcr Upminster end and Tilbury are steamboat stations; the boat&
Hornchurch Warley-Great only run between London, Southend, Walton and Clacton
Ilford W ennington during the summer months. From Southend, boats also
run to Boulogne, Ostend, Margate, Ramsgate and Yal'-
SAFFRON WALDEII! UNION. mouth. Steamers go up the Orwell from Harwich t&
Arkesden Quendon Ipswich. Harwich, Southend, Walton and Clacton ar&
Ash don Radwinter bathing places. At Waltham Abbey there are Govern-
Bartlow Hamlet Rickling ment powder works, and at Pur:fleet powder stores;.
Chester ford-Great Saffron Walden Warley is a military station and a depot for recruits;
Chesterford-Little Sampford-Gred at Tilbury is a e;arrison; at Colchester is a large camp
Chrishall Sampford-Little for infantry and cavalry, and at Shoeburyness an ex-
Clavering Strethall tensive ground for testing Government artillery of thl':
Debden Wendens Ambo largest calibre.
Elmdon Wend on Lofts
Hempstead Wicken Bonhun\ The East Anglian Institute of Agriculture, in Duke-
Langley Widdington street and King Edward's avenue, Chelmsford, was-
Littlebury Wimbish established by the Essex County Council for the purpose
Newport of giving instruction in the principles underlying the-
TENDRING UNION. practice of agriculture, horticulture and dairying. The
Institute also serves as a centre for affording assistance
Alresford Holland-Little and advice to farmers and for the training of teachers-
Ardleigh Kirby-le-Soken in rural subjects. It is furnished with the best modern
Beaumont-cum-Moze Lawford equipment and comprises agricultural, chemical and:
Bentley-Great Manningtree biological laboratories, dairy school, lecture rooms,
Bentley-Little Mistley library and m meum. Staff: Principal, R. M. Wilso-JJ
Bradfield Oakley-Great R.Sc. and J. Hunter Smith B.Sc. (agriculture); E.
Brightlingsea Oakley-Little McKenzie Taylor B.Sc. and G. S. Robertson B.Sc.
Bromley-Great Ramsey • (chemistry); R. Robson M.Sc. (biology); C. Wakely-
Bromley-Little St. Osyth F.R.H.S. & T. G. Bullock (horticulture); Miss A.
Clacton-Great Tendring Matthews and Miss A.. Crawford (dairy and poultry).
Clacton-Little Thorpe-le-Soken The Essex County Hospital, standing on the Lexden
Dovercourt 'fhorrington road, to the westward of the town of Colchester, a
Elmstead Walton-le-Soken, or Walton· structure of white brick, was built in 1820 and enlarged
Frating on-the-Naze in 1839, and again enlarged in x879-8o, and further
• I<'rinton Weeley extended and enlarged, at a cost of £6,ooo, in celebra•
Harwich St. Nicholas Wix tion of the Diamond Jubilee, in x•Bg7, of Her late
Holland-Great Wrabness Majesty Queen Victoria: in 1899 the whole of thw
wards were re-ftoored with polished oak set on concrete
WEST HAM UNION. and tJhe operating room practically rebuilt at a c06t of
Cann Hdll W althamstow over £3,000 : a new children's surgical ward was built
Ham-East Wanstead in 1907 at a cost of nearly [,3,ooo, and opened br
Ham West Woodford St. Mary H.R.H. the Princess Louise (Duchess of Argyll). Thjt
Leyton-Low ho<opital stand'! in 11pacious grounds, with lawn ke.
:and is available for 100 patients; duri-ng the year 1913 a magistrate's order, in pursuance of the "Children-
;there were 857 in-patients and :~,499 out-patients; it i11 .d.Ct, xgo8," and the "Elementary Schools .Act:" the
-supported by subecriptions, donations, collections and boys' time is divided between instruction in school and
bequests. A separate building has been erected as a industrial labour, such as house and garden work, shoe-
Nurses' Home. Special features are the children's ward, making, tailoring, laundry and carpentering; the reli-
for which Lady Cowdray gave a donation of [.5oo, X-ray gious teachjng is Protestant, -but undenominational.
installation and Finsen lamp. W. ·W. Hewitt esq. presi- The school was originally carried on in Baddow road,
dent; Charles R. Gurney Hoare and Capt. Neville A. C. but in 1878 the council erected the present commodious
ode Hirzel Tufnell, treasurers; Sydney Waiter Curl M.D., and suitable premises; the site and surrounding area
M.R.C.P.Lond. hon. physician; Henry Laver ·M.R.C.S. consists of about 12 acres. The school is certified for
Eng. Edwin Worts L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. and r5o boys. Applications for admission should be ad-
Edgar Atlee Hunt M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Edin. con- dressed to Charles W. Hayward, Manager, Boys' Home,
suiting surgeons; B. H. Nicholson M.B., C.M.Edin. Chelmsford.
Philip G. Laver M.R.C.S.Eng.~ L.R.C.P.Lond. and The County Lunatic Asylum, standing on an emintmce,.
Edward .Chichester M.B.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. hon. sur- about three-quarters o.f L..& .. mile from the Brentwood
geons ; William Leigh Maule Day M.D., B.Ch.Oxon., station, is a building in the Elizabethan style, opened
..:\LR.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. and William Frederick in 1853; in 1864 .three additional blocks were erected,
.Albert Clowes M.R.C.S.Eng. hon. assistant surgeons (and for 75 more patients; in 1!!71 another block for 250
anresthetists) ; Abraham Wm. Frost L.D.S.Eng. dentist; female patients; and in 188d a further extension was
·Rev. Canon G. T. Brunwin-Hales M.A. chaplain; .A. G. made for 450 male patients. The whole is capable of
iBuck, secretary; Miss Winifred M. Bickham, matron. receiving 1,650: the wards are spacious and airy 1 and
The Chelmsford and Essex Hospital and Dispensary, som,e command an extensive prospect: upwards of 130
situated in the New London road, Chelmsford, was acres, including the Brentwood Hall estate, were purchased
·opened hy Lady Brooke on Thursday, Nov. 15th, 1883, in 1873, and comprise a farm, kitchen gardens and plea-
and considerably enlarged in 1909 at a cost of nearly sure grounds; the farm and garden are cultivated by
f.j,ooo. The hospital consists of a central block and the patients. Visiting days are any week day, but not
"two wings, two stories in height, and at the rear is a more frequently than once a fortnight. John Turner
-two-storied annexe, the ground floor of which is used as M.B., C.M.Aberd. medical superintendent; George
the out-patients' department and the upper floor as an Nathan Oscroft Slater M.D.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. (first),
isolation block. The central hall leads into the secre- Miss Adele Isabella de Steiger M.D.Lond. (second) and
'tary's office on the ri~ht and the matron's room on the Oscar Gladstone Maginness M.R.O.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.
left. The male wards are on the ground floor, and Loud. (third), assistant medical officers; Rev. Henry
above are the wards for women and children; the Stephens M.A. chaplain; C. W. Parker, treasurer, and
'hospital provides in all for 43 beds, and is supported by treasurer to benevolent fund ; Henry Hamilton Gepp,
vo]untary subscriptions. Theodore Harry Wailer clerk to the visitors; William Herbert Roscoe F.C.I.S.
'M.R.C. S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond., Kenneth Simonds Storrs clerk of the asylum; E. S. White, storekeeper; George
'M. B., B.C.Camb. and Cyril Wolrige .Alford M.D.Lond., D. Renton. clerk of works and engineer; Miss Ida
M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond-. hon. medical officers; Cherry, matron.
Robert Elliot Pitts M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. hon. '!'here are branches of the asylum at Harold Court,
anresthetist; Frank Webster Spence Metcalfe L.D.S. Harold Wood, for 65 male patients; Robert Cyril Turn·
·Eng. and Leonard U. Ransford L.D.S.Eng. hon. dentists; bull M.D.Lond., L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. medical
.H. S. Tuke, hon. treasurer; Miss M. A. Haig, dispenser, superintendent; The Chestnuts, Hoe street, Waltham-
collector and secretary. stow, for 70 female patients, and another at Brunswick
West Ham and Eastern General Hospital was first House, Mistley, Manningtree, for 55 female patients;
.established in 1861, in a house in the Romford road, Sidney Brf'e M.B.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond.
'Stratford: the present hospital, in West Ham lane, medical attendant; Mrs. Miller, matron.
West Ham, was erected in 1879, at a cost of [.4,ooo, The Essex and Colchester County Asylum, at Severalls,
'the site being given by the late Mrs. !Mary Curtis, of Mile End, Colchester, was opened for the reception of
Stratford. The foundation stone of the hospital was patients in May, 1913; the main building is of red
ilaid 18, 1888, by H.R.H. the late Duke of Cam- brick, and consists of 22 blocks, providing for 1,250
"bridge K.G. and the building was completed in March, patients; there :!.re also residences for the medical
18go, from designs by Messrs. J. L. and A. C. Houston, superintendent, assistant medical officers, clerk, engineer
·.architects, of London, and formally opened 23 April by and inspector; Robert Cyril Turnbull M.D.Lond.,
William, 7th Duke of Westminster K.G. : the hospital M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. medical superintendent;
·was originally intended for accidents only, but was en- Gf'orgf' Evans M.B.Lond. (senior), Harold West Hodgson
larged in 1908 and in 1910, and therP.- are now no M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. and Edward Percy Court •

1>eds: the wards are fire-proof, and there are separate i'.1.R.C.S.Eng ., L.R.C.P .Loud. assistant medical officers ;
-eKits for each ward in case of fire. The hpspital is R. OverPnd, clerk to the asylum~ H. H. Gepp, clerk to
free, and being unendowcd is entirely dependent on the visitors
-voluntary support. C. J. Stocker L.R.C.P.Lonrt., The Royal Eastern Counties Institution, for the care
M.R.C.S.Eng. hon. consulting physician; Jeremiah and training of idiots and imbeciles belonging to Essex,
~cCarthy M.B.Lond., F.R.C.S.Eng. & Jonathan Hutchin- Suffolk, Norfolk. and Cambridgeshire, occupies Essex
:Eon, JUn.· F . R . C .S . E ng. h on. con s u lt'm.,0' surgeons; Cl au d Hall, close to the North Railway station, Colchester,
Worth F.R.C.S.Eng. hon. consulting ophthalmic sur- and is a building in the Italian style, with an ornamen-
::geon; P. J. S. Nicoll M.D., C.M.Aberd., G. A. Troop tal tower, standing in spacious grounds well laid out;
M.D., C.M.A.berd., D.P.H.Camb. & John D. Thomson it was originally erected in the year 1840 as a large
M.B., C.M.Aberd. hon. physicians; .Alfd. John Couszens hotel, but proving unsuccessful was occupied as a
...,. R . C . S • E ng., H . T yrre 11 G ray M . C . C an t a b ., F .R .C . S . branch of the Earlswood Asylum for Idiots, and ulti-
E ng., L .R . C . P . Lo n d . & P erc1va · 1 p . c o1e M . B ., Oh · . B . matelv. devoted, in 1859, to its present use : the patients
·B·urn., F .RC . . SE . ng., L .RC . . p .L on d . h on. sur g e 0 us; E . are admitted by the votes of subscribers at half-yearly
E . H en d er son F . R . C . S .E ng. & R . R . J ames F . R .(' . S . elections. a limited number for life, and the bulk for
_E ng. h on. op hth aI m1c · surgeons; G or d on J . La ne M .D ., terms of seven years ; patients from all parts of the
Ch.B.Dub. & R. W. Ironside M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P. kingdom being also admitted by payment: it has about
Lond. hon. assistant physicians; William Lindsay Locke 400 patients, and is fitted up with everything necessary
~LB., Ch.B.Edin. hon. radiographer; Hector C. Cowlf's for the purposes of a training school and home for per-
L.D.S.Eng. surgeon-dentist; Hyacinth Bernard Wen- sons of feeble mind, including gymnastic apparatus,
-ceslaus Morgan M.B., Ch.B.Glas. house physician ; workshops and schools. In connection with the institu-
.James Stewart M.B., Oh.B.Edin. jun. house physician; twn is a seaside home at Clacton-on-Sea, with 6o
. Ra n k·1n. G re1g - Walk·er L . RC . . p . .,..
. In., L .R .F .p . S . Gl as. beds. The Earl of Stradbroke, chairman,· Capt. N.
·senior house sur~eon ; J oseph Lockhart Downes Yule A. C. de Hirzel Tufnell J .P. treasurer; Sir T. Clifford
~LB., Ch.B.Abf'rd. junior house surgeon; Miss E. A. Allbutt K.C.B., :M.D.~ F.R.C.P.Lond. consulting physi-
Sordy, matron; Thomas Lloyd, dispenser; .A. w. cian; E . .A. Hunt M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Edin. consult-
.Scrivener, sec. ing surgeon; S. Johnson Taylor M. B., C.:M., :M.R.C.S.
·The Thames Reformatory School Ship "Cornwall" Eng. consulting ophthalmic surgeon;· Hugh L. Tracy
•is off Purfieet: it was certified May 2 nd, I85g~ and L.D.S.Glas. dentist; Frank Douglas ·Turner M.B.Lond.,
contains about 275 boys, who are taught seamanship M.R.C.S.Eng. resident medical superintendent; Arthur.
and various trades. Capt. Howard William Steele Turner F.C.LS. sec.; Mrs. Turner, matron; Percy
superintendent; Sam~el Robinson, chief schoolmaster. ' Coleman M.B., B.S.Durh. medical officer at seasidP
The Essex Indu!Ltrial School and Home for Destitute home.
;Boys, Rainsford road, Ghelmsford. was established in j The County of London Lunatic As:"•lum wa!l l"rected
1872: tile cases admitted are those of a voluntary 1 durin~ 1890-3 on part of the Claybury Hall estate, Wood-
:ebaraet~r 11ui of boys unconricted of crime sf'nt undf'r ford Bridge; the site, purchaSt'd at a cost of over

£37,ooo, consists of 270 acres, and has an elevation of South We<~tPrn or Walthamstow division, Right Hon.
230 feet above Ordnance datum, and includes a man- Sir John .Allsebrook Simon K.C.V.O., K.C. Fritwell
sion, bailiff's house, and farm buildings ; the buildings Manor, near Banbury, Oxon; & 51 Kensington cour\
will hold I,Q4I male and 1,444 female patients, and in- W; 4 Brick <>ourt, Teomple E C; Garrick club W c.
clude a residence for the medical superintendent; the Reform, :X ational Lib('ral & Royal .Automobil& clubs
entire cost was £337·945· Robert .Armstrong-Jones SW & Eighty club E C,. London
M.D.Lond., F.R.C.P .Lond., F.R.O.S.Eng. medical Southern or Romford division, Sir John Henry Bethell
superintendent; Charles Theodore Ewart M.D., C.M. bart. J.P. Park house, Blake Hall road, Wanstead
.Aberd. Frederick Paine M.D.Brux., M.R.C.S.Eng., NE; & Reform & National Liberal clubs S W,London
L.R.O.P.Lond. Charles St. .A.ubyn Vivian B.A.Camb., Western or Epping division, Col. the Right Hon.
M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. William Moodie M.:B., .Amelius Richard Mark Lockwood P.C., C.V.O., J.l'.
Ch.B.St. And. Henry Martin Rashbrook M.R.C.S.Eng., Bishop's hall, Romford; &-,- 5 .Audley square W & Carl~
L.R.C.P.Lond. and Francis Henry Guppy M.R.C.S.Eng., ton, .Arthur's & Royal Automobile clubs SW, London
r .. R.O.P.Lond. assistant medical officers; James E.
Stephens, steward; Miss Sarah Cottis, matron. MILITARY.
His Majesty's Prison, Springfield road, Chelmsford, Easte-rn Command.
erected in 1828 at a cost of .£57,28g, and enlargad m
1849 .and 1871, now contains 315 cells; F. W. H. Blake, Head Quarters, Horse Guards, Whitehall, London S W.
governor; Rev. Lawrence James Hudson B..A. chaplain; G('neral Officer Commanding in Chi('f. Lieut.-Gen. Sir
Right Rev. Mgr. Watson, Catholic chaplain; Henry Wm. J. M. Grierson K.G.B., C.V.O., C.l\LG
Newton L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng., D.P.H.R.C.P.S. Assistant ~Iilitary Secretary, Major H. f. Fraser
Eng. mt-dical officer; Fred Rowland Gracey, clerk, and Aide-de-Camp, Capt. C. W. Banbury
clerk to the visiting committee; William Charles Hale,
chief warder. .Administrative, Technical & Departmental Staff.
Garrison .Adjutant, Capt. P. R. C. Commings
Esse:x;, under the provisions of the "Redistribution of .hsistant Director of Medical Services, Col. F. A. Jencken
Seats .Act, 1885," returns eight members in eight M.B
divisions. Chief Ordnance Officer, Major J . .A. Stewart
No. I. South Western or Walthamstow division com-
prises the parishes of Low Lerton, W althamstow and At Colchester are the bead quarters of the 2nd Ca-.alry
Woodford. Brigade and the I tth Infantry Brigade. For lull
No. 2. Southern or Romford division comprises the particulars see page 169
sessional division of Becontree (except so much as .At Little Warley are the head quartPrs of the No. ))
is comprised in divisio~ No. 1) and the liberty of ~Iilitary District, comprising the counties of Beds,
Havering-atte-Bower. Cambrid{!e, Essex. Herts, Hunts, Norfolk, Northamp-.
No. 3· Western or Epping division comprises the ses- ton & Suffolk
sional divisions of Dunmow (except the parish of Officer Commanding, Col. H. E Watts C.B
Thaxted), Epping, Harlow and Ongar. Staff-Captain, Oapt. W. H.
No. 4· Northern or Saffron Walden division comprises
the sessional divisions of Preshwell, North Hinckford, .At Little Warley is also the Depot of the 44th Regimental
South · Hincldord (Halstead bench) (except so much District (The Essex Regiment), which consists of thw
as is comprised i~ division No. 6) and Walden, the ISt Battalion (44th Foot), 2nd Battalion (56th Foot),
municipal borou2'h of Saffron Walden, the Essex the·3rd Battalion (Special Reserve) and the 4th Terri-
portion of the municipal borough of Sudbury and the t<lrial Battalion, head quarters. Brentwood, sth
parish of Thaxted. Territori~l Battalion, Chelmsford. 6th Territorial
No. 5· North Eastern or Harwich division comprises Battalion, West Ham. ]th Territorial Battalion, Wal-
the sessional divisions of Lexden and Winstree thamstow & 8th (Cyclist) Battalion, Colchester; the
(except so much as is comprised in division No. 6) head quarters of the 3rd &; 4th Battalions are at'
and Tendring and the municipal boroughs of Colches- Little Warley, for particulars of which see page 6g2.
ter and Harwich. Commanding Depot, Major G. M. Tufnell
No. 6.-Eastern or MaldCln division comprises the ses-
sional divisions of South Hinckford (Braintree bench) TERRITORIAL FORCE.
and Witham, the municipal borough of Maldon, Es~ex Territorial Force Association.
the parishes of Earls Colne and Balstead in the South President, Col. Earl of Warwick T.D. 3 rd Battn. E~sex-
Hinckford sessional division (Halstead bench) and the Regt., Essex Yeomanry & Warwick,hire Yeomanry
parishes of .Aldham, East Thorpe, Great Tey, Little (Lord Lieutenant)
Tey, Marks Tey and Pontisbright, Lexden and C · c D E
Winstree sessional division. hairman, Col. R. B. Colvm .B., D.L., T . . late ssex
No. 7· Mid or Chelmsford division comprises the ses- ..,. Ch ·
· 1 d'IVIstons
· ·
c 1 H c c l\1 G D L J p
s1ona of Bren t woo d ( excep t t h e par1s
. h es of v 1ce- auman, o . .. . ooper . . ., . ., .
Rainham and Wennington) and Chelmsford. 1 Mil1tary Members
No. 8.-South Eastern or Tilbury division comprises Col. P . .Adams V.D. late sth Battn. Essex Regt
the sessional divisions of Dengie, Orsett and Roch- Col. J. W. BeninO"field V.D. late 4th Vol. Battn. Essex
ford and the parishes of Rainham and. Wennington. Regt "'
By the above-mentioned Act the representation of the Lt.-Col. T. J. Boulter, Territorial Force Rt>serve, late
borough& of Harwich and Maldon were merged in 8th (Cvclist) Battalion E .. sex Regt.
that of the county, and the representation of Col- Lt.-Col. H. T. Challis V.D., R.A.~l.C. (T. F.), srd Easi
chester reduced to one member and the boro'?gh of .Anglian Field .Ambulance R.A.M.C. (T. F)
~e~t. Ham formed to return two members m two Col. R. B. Colvin C.B., D.L., T.D. late Essex Yeomanry
divtsiona. (chairman)
MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT. L 1eut.-Col. E. Deacon D.L. Essex Yeomanry
Eastern or Maldon division, Sir James Portescue-Flan- Lt.-Col. W. S. Duff T.D. 2nd East •.\.n!!ll..ln Brig. R.F .A
nery hart. D.L. Wethersfield Manor, Braintree; &; 5 Major G. G. Gold, Essex Yeomanry
Somers place, Hyde park W; Carlton & Reform clubs Capt . .A. B. Harris, 4th Battn. Essex Regt
SW & Savage & National Sporting clubs WC, London Lt.-Col. F. W. Hearn, 7th Battn. Essex Regt
Yid or Chelmsford divi~;don, Ernest George Pretyman .Major F. Hilder D.L. Essex Royal Horse Artillery
esq. D.L., J.P. Orwell park, Ipswich; Riby grove, Col. F. Landon D.L., V.D. late n;t V.B. Essex Regt
Grimsby; & 2 Belgrave square SW & Carlton, Wel- Lt.-Col. F. W. Leaver T.D. Terr. Fore<! Reserve
Jington & Royal .Automobile clubs S W & Turf club Lt.-Col. .A. R. :\leggy V.D. 4th Ba.ttn. Essex Regt
W, London Lieut. Lord O'Hagan, Essex Ro)al Horse .Artillery
North Eastern or Harwich division, Harry KcJttingbam 'Lt.-Col. W. G. Probert, East .Anglian Divl. Transport
Newton esq. Cheshunts, Boxted, Essex; & .17 Cumber- & Supply Column .A.S.C
land ter. Regent's park NW & Junior Carlton club Major F. P. P. Soper, East .Anglian Divl. (Heacl
S W, Garrick club W C & Bath club W, London Quarters) Co. Transport & Supply Col. A. S. Corps
Northern or Saffron Walden division, .Arth. Cecil Tyrrell Lt.-Col. J. C. Tabor, 8th (Cyclist) Battn. Essex Regt
Beck esq. Harold hall, Bedford; & 26 Buckingham Capt. E. J. Upton, Eastern Mounted Brigade Transporlil
gate S W & Reform & Brooks's clubs S W, London & Supply Column .A. S. Corps
South Eastern division, Hon. Rupert Edward Cecil Guin· Lt.-Col. R. F. Wall, 6th Battn. Essex Regt
ness C. B., C. M. G. Pyrford Court, near Woking; & n Col. J. B. Ward D.L., V.D. late 6th Battn. Essex Regt
St. James' square S W & Carlton & Royal .Auto- Col. the Earl of IVarwick T.D. 3rd Battn. Essex :Regt.~
mobile clubs SW & Garrick club WC, London I Essex Yeomanry & War'\\ickshire Yeomanry(presiden.t)
Lt.-Col. J. M. Welch T.D. sth Battn. Essex Regt 1 Squadrons: A (Squadron), Major E. Hill, command·
:Major F. H. D. C. Whitmore D.L. Essex Yeomanry ing; Capt. J. 0. Parker, second in command, 17
Majot S. E. Wood, East Anglian (Essex) R.G.A Sir Isaac's walk, Colchester; troops stationed at
Representative Members. Clacbon-on-Sea, Harwich & Ardleigh; B (Squadron);
Major .G. G. Gold, commanding; Capt. E. A.
County Council. Ruggles-Brise, sec()nd in command, Victoria street,
Sn1g.-Col. J. P. Atkinson M.D., V.D. late 3rd Vol. Braintree; troops: A, Braintree, Capt. E. A. Ruggles-
Battn. Suffolk Regt Brise; B, Lieut. S. J. Tufnell; C, Capt. H. H. Gepp,
:Major E. H. Baily V.D. late 24-th Middlesex R.V.C Chelmsford & D, Lieut. G. P. N. Reid, Halstead;
A. J. }:dwards esq. D.L., J.P C (Squadron), Major A. Roddick, commanding; Capt.
C. Hope esq. K.C., J .P R. G. Proby, second in command, Honey lane, Wal-
W. T. Howlett esq tham Abbey; troops: No. 2, Lieut. B. Edwards,
J. C. lngram esq Waltham Abbey; No. 3, Lieut. G. S. Johnston,
B. A. Krohn esq. D.L Loughton & No. 4, 2nd Lieut. H. P. Holt, Dunmow;
Capt. W. McLearon, Essex & Suffolk R.G.A D (Squadron), Major A. Buxton, commanding;
S. W. Robinson esq Lieut. E. P. W. Wedd, second in command, Easfi
J B. Slade esq street, Prittlewell, Southend ; troops stationed at
.J. Tabor esq. D.L., J.P Brentwood, Orsett (:and Lieut. J. E. Chaplin), Strat-
Major F. W. Tayloi' D.L. 5th Battn. Essex Regt ford & Grays
Capt. N. A. C. de H. Tufnell D.L., J.P
G. A. Brabazon esq. (West Ham) Royal Artillery.
Co-opted Members. The Troops in the Command comprise the:-
Lt.-Col. J. R. C. Colvin Ist East Anglian Brigade R.F .A
Co1. H. Cooper C.M.G., D.L., J.P. (vice-chairman) 2nd East Anglian Brigade R.F.A.
Major D. T. Cruikshank 3rd East Anglian (Howitzer) Brigade R.F.A.
}{e.v. C. A. Gardner, chaplain 4th class (T. F) 4th East Anglian Brigade R.F.A
Lt.-Ool. the Hon. A. H. F. Greville M.V.O., D.L., J.P. East Anglian R.G.A
late Warwickshire Imperial Yeomanry Head quarters, Claremont house, Warley.
J. F. Lescher esq. D.L., J.P Commanding, Col. G. W. Biddulph
Col. Rt. Hon. A. R. M. Lockwood C.V.O., M.P., D.L., Staff-Captain, Capt .. W. K. E. Jameson R.A
J.P. 4th Battn. Essex Regt
Major C. S. Montefiore T.D., J .P. late 4th London Field Essex Royal Horse Artillery Battery, Market road,.
Co. R.E Chelmsford; Commanding, Major F. Hilder; Adjutantt
Col. H. Palmer V.D. late 3rd Vol. Battn. Essex Regt Capt. A. H. Evans-Gwynne R.H.A. ; Medical Officer,
Col. Sir G. V. Thomas bart. C.B., D.S.O., D.L Lieut. A. C. Rainsford R.A.M.C. (T. F.); Chaplain,
W. T. Tufnell esq. D.L., J.P. late Col. 2nd Vol. Battn. Rev. C. C. ~at-ers (T. F)
Essex Regt • Ammunition Column, Capt. W. A. B. Daniell, com-
Secret.ary, Col. F. F. Johnson C.B. ret. pay, Marlret rd. manding
Chelmsford. T A " Essetorial, Chelmsford " znd East Anglian Brigade Royal Field Artillery ; head
Units Administered by the Association. quarters, Artillery house, Stratford Green E; Staff;-
Commanding, Lieut.-Col. W. S. Duff; Orderly Officer,
Yeomanry. Lieut. A. D. Hough; Adjutant, Capt. C. T. Lawrence
Essex •
R.A. ; Medical Officers, Major G. A. Troup M.D.,
Royal Artillery. R.A.M.C. (T. F.) & Capt. W. D. Watson R.A.M.C.
Essex Royal Horse Artillery (Battery & Ammunition (T. F.); Chaplains, Rev. A. H. W. Seal!y (T. F.) &
Column) Rev. J. H. G. Spilsbury (T. F)
::and East Anglian Brigade Royal Field Artillery rst Essex Battery Royal Field Artillery; heacl quarters,
1st, 2nd & 3rd Batteries Artillery house, Stratford Green E; Major V. E.
East Anglian Ammunition Column Castellan, commanding; Capt. H. R. Wilson, second
East Anglian Royal Garrison Artillery (one Heavy in comm.and
Battery & Ammunition Column) znd Essex Battery Royal Field Artillery; head quarters,
Essex &; Suffolk Royal Garrison Artillery (three Oos) 17 Victoria road, Romford; Major C. 'E. Castellan,
Royal Engineers. grd Essex Battery Royal Field Artillery; Orderly room,
Essex Fortress Io6 Cromwell road, Grays; Capt. M. H. Kemsley, corn
Infantry. 2nd East Anglian Ammunitian Column ; head quarters,.
4th, 5th, 6th, 7th & 8th (Cyclist) Battalions Essex Regt Artillery house, Stratford Green E; Capt. R. A.
Army Service Corps. Hatton, commanding
Eastern Mounted Brigade Transport & Supply Column East Anglian (Essex) Royal Gal'l'ison (Heavy) Artillery
Essex Brigade Company Battery; head quarters. Artillery house, Stratford'
East Anglian Divisional (Head Quarters) Co Green E; Major S. E. Wood, commanding; Capt. H.
Royal Army Medical Corps. Jolly, second in command; Capt. H. G. Moore R.A •.
3rd East Anglian Field Ambulance adjutant; Rev. G. P. Edwards (T. F.), chaplain
Ammunition Column, Lieut. P. D. J. Knightley, com-
Composed of the Essex, Norfolk & Suffolk Yeomanry. Essex & Suffolk Royal Garrison Artillery (for Defended'
Essex R. H. Artillery (Battery & Ammunition Column) Ports), Main road, Dovercourt, Harwich. Staff:-
Eastern Mounted Brigade Transport & Supply Column Adjutant, Capt. R. H. Brent Clark :R..A. ; Chaplain,
Army Service Corps Rev. J. A. Telford M.A. (T. F)
EastPrn Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance Royal Army Companies: No. I, Major F. G. Nalborough T.D. Main
Medical Corps road, Dovercourt, Harwich ; No. 2, Major F. R. Dieck,
Attached for Training. The Green, Stratford E; No. 3, Major C. Lloyd T.D.
Herts, Northants & Beds Yeomanry commanding; Rev. F. D. Pierce (T. F.), chaplain,
York road, Southend-on-Sea
Head quarters, 8 Head street, Colchester (temporary).
Commander, Col. H. W. Hodgson C.V.O ROYAL ENGINEERS.
Brigade-llajor, Capt. W. Gibbs Essex Fortress; head quarters, :Market road, Chelmsford
Electric Lights Co. Capt. H. A. D. Neville, commanding
Forming part of the Eastern Mounted Brigade. EAST ANGLIAN INFANTRY DIVISION.
Head Quarters, Belchamp Hall, Sudbury, Suffolk. Head quarters, Warley.
Essex, head quarters, 17 Sir Isaac's walk, Colchester; Commanding, :Major-Gen. F. S. Inglefield C.B., D.S.O
Commanding, Lt.-Col. E. Deacon; Second in Com- General Staff Officer, ::and Grade, Major C. Stirling R.A
mand, Major F. H. D. C. Whitmore; Adjutant, Capt. Deputy Assistant Adjutant & Quartermaster General,
A. R. Steele (4th Hussars) ; Quarter-Master, Hon. Major E. Evans D.S.O. Wilts Regiment
Lieut. E. J. Sayer; Medical Officer. Lieut. F. G. Assistant Director of Medical Services, Col. S. S. Hoy-
White M.D., R.A.M.C. (T. F.); Chaplain, Rev. A. land M.D., V.D. (53 Woodbridge road, Ipswich)
01iver ~LA. (T. F.); R?gimental SP.Tgt.-Major, W. R.. Deputv Assistant Director of Medical Services, Major
Hadler E. C. Freeman M.D
Sanitary Officer, Major F. E. Fremantle M.B Companies: A., Capt. J. E. Maryon; B, Lieut: R. J.
As~tistant Director of Veterinary Services, Major (temp. Clarke; C, Capt. W. R. Johnson (Lieut. F. R. Wailer
Lt.-Col. T. F.) A. E. Clarke M.R.C.V.S temporary); D, Capt. H. E. Liversidge & E, Capt'
ESSEX INFA.NTRY BRIGADE. G. Shenstone, Walthamstow lodge, Church hill:
Head quarters, Drill hall, Brentwood. Walthamstow NE; F, Capt. G. E. Ewer, 55 "onstance
Commander, Col. S. T. B. Lawford street. Silvertown E; G, Capt. G. Johnson & H, Capt.
Brigade 'Major, !Major H. Fargus D.S.O M. W. Braithwaite, Walthamstow lodge, Church hill,
4th Battalion Essex Regiment; head quarters, Drill hall, Walthamstow NE
Ongar road, Brentwood. Staff :-Commanding, Lt.- 8th (Cycli~t) Battalion; head quarters, Drill hall, 56
Col. A. R. Meggy V.D.; Majors, W. C. Shepherd & Constantme road, ColchestPr. Staff :-Commanding,
C. H. Rimington Tayl~r; Instructor of Musketry, Lt.-Col. J. C. Tabor; Major W. F. Ackland (second
Capt. J. G. Gowan; AdJutant, Capt. H. N. Rowlatt · in command); Adjutant, Capt. R. M. B. Needham •
Quartermaster, Hon. Lieut. G. R. Mansfield; Medica'! Quarter-Master, Hon. Lieut. W. Nicholson · Medica'I
O~cers, Capt. _J •.Aitken M. B., R.A.M.C. (T. F.) & OfficH, Major F. J. Warwick M.B., R.A.M.C
L1eut. A. R. G1bson M.B., R.A.M.C. (T. F.); Chap- Companies: A, Lieut. H. Innocent, Lea lodge, Park
lain, Rev. W. W. Whistler M.A. (T. F) placP, Leyton N E; B, Capt. W. 'B~ 'Anderson, The
Companies: A, Capt. A.. R. Bryant; armoury & drill Cedars, gr Portway, West Ham E; C, Lieut. G. C.
hall, 33 Market place, Romford ; B, Capt. H. R. Tyler, Benham, Drill hall, 56 Constantine road, Colchester·
15 Church road, Manor Park; C, Capt. J. G. Gowan, with a detachment at Victoria street, Brain tree· D
Drill hall, High road; armoury, Gordon road, Ilford; Lieut. E. W. Dann, The Drill hall, Saffron Walden .'
D, Capt. C. F. Dawson, 7 & 9 Queen's road, Barking; E, Capt. C. A. Baily, East Ham E; F, SPcond Lieu{
E, Capt. A. Butler-Harris, Forest road, Loughton; P. Parry. Ilford lane, Ilford; G, Second Lieut. R. D.
P, Capt. J. H. A. Landon, Southminster; G, Capt. Colnett, Drill hall, Ongar road, Brenb\ood; H, Mal'ket
B. C. Wells, Drill hall, Ongar & St. John's road, End, Co151!eshall ·
Epping; H, Capt. & Hon. Major H. H. H. Slade, ARIMY SERVICE CORPS.
High street, Hornchurch
Eastern Mounted Brigade Transport & Supply Column;
CADET UNITS AFFILIATED. head quarters, Market road, Chelmsford, Capt. E. J.
Ongar Grammar School Cadets, Chipping Ongar Upton, commanding
Manor Park Cadet Company East Anglian Divisional Transport & Supply Column;
Warley Garrison Cadets head quarters, 156 High road, Ilford. Commanding,
sth Battalion Essex Re2iment ; head quarters, Market Lt.-Col. W. G. Probert; Major, W. G. Marchbank~
road, Chelmsford. Staff: Commanding, Lt.-Col. J. Adjutant, Capt. H. A. Jones A.S. Corps; Medical
M. Welch T.D.; Majors, F. W. Taylor & W. P. N. Officers, Lieut. J. A. West R.A.M.C. (T. F.) & Lieut.
Ridley; Adjutant, Capt. A.. D. N. Merriman; C. E. Anderson R..A.M.C. (T. F.); Chaplain, Right
· Quarter-Master, Hon. Capt. C. H. Grimwood; Rev. Bishop of Colchester D.D. (T. F)
Medical Officers, Capt. K. S. Storrs M.B., R.A.M.C. East Anglian Divisional (Head Quarters) Co. r56 High
(T. F.) & Lieut. C. S. Wink R.A.M.C. (T. F); Chap- road, llford, Major F. P. P. Soper, commanding
lains, Rev. A. J. Sacre (T. F) EssE>x Brigade Co. Bay lodge, The Green, Stratford E,
~ompanies: A & B, Major F. W. Taylor, command- Capt. lL T. Cutler-Rust, transport officer; Capt. R.
mg d_etachment ; Capt. P. C. Yonge & B, Capt. B. Bray, supply officer
G. Wllks; head quarters, Market road, Chelmsford;
.C, Capt. A. J. 0. Turner, Drill hall, Stanwell street, ROY_-\L ARMY MEDICAL CORPS.
·.C?lchester; D, Capt. J. M. Heron, Manningtree; E.
.Lieut. C. A. Gould, Queen's hall. Halstead · F, 3rd East Anglian Field Ambulance; head quarters, 489
-Capt. T. Gibbons, Victoria street, Braintree: G, W althamstow lodge, Church hill, W althamstow N E ·
Capt. W. E. Wilson, Drill hall, Tenterfield road 'Mal- Commanding, Lieut. -col. H. T. Challis M.D., V.D. ~
don; H, Lieut. H. T. Argent; head quart~rs & Major, J. Oldfield M.D. ; Transport Officer, Hon.
armoury, 47 Bflach road, Cla<ion-on-Sea & Marine Lieut. A. W. Beamand; Quarter-Master, Hon. Lieut.
ball, Old Pier street, Walton-on-the-Naze F. T. Taylor
A Section, Lieut.-Col. H. T. Challis M.D., V.D. k B
Section, Major J. Oldfield, Walthamstow NE· C
'Chelmsford King Edward VI. School Cadet Corps, SPction, Capt. J. Read Pooler M.B. East st. Prittle~ell
Broomfield road, Chelmsford
Colchester Ro;val Grammar School Cadets, Lexden road, OFFICERS' TRAINING CORPS.
Colchester Contingents of the Junior Division.
6th Battalion Essex Regiment; head quarters, Th~> Cbigw('ll School, Chigwell, Capt. E. G. Oliver, CODJ-
Cedars, 91 Portway, West Ham E. Staff :-Command-
manding- (I Co. Infantry)
ing, Lt.-Col. R. F. Wall; Majors, H. Oliver T.D. &
Felstead School, Felstead, Capt. J. E. Montgomery,
E. Gray; Instructor of Musketry, Capt. G. L. Evans; commanding (2 Cos. Infantry)
Adjutant, Capt. G. Disney; Quarter-Master, Hon. rorest School, Walthamstow, Capt. G. B. Sleigh, com-
Lieut. G. H. Pitt; Medical Officer, Lieut. A. Mac- manding (1 Co. Infantry)
lachlan M.B., R.A.M.O. (T. F.); Chaplains, Rev. R .
.A.. Pelly M.A. (T F.) & Rev. E. A. Gardner (T. F)
'Companies: A, Capt. G. F. H. McDonald; B, Capt. H. TER!UTORIAL FuRCE RESERVE.
R. Retallick-Moloney; C, Capt. G. L. Evans; D, Oapt. YEOMANRY.
H. P. Alexander; E, Capt. P. D. Castle; F, Capt. I<:ssex. Captain J. D. Botterell
B. J. Ward & G, Capt. E. A. Clubb, The Cedars, 91 -
Portway, West Ham E; H, Capt. W. F. N. Grant, ROYAL ARTILLERY.
Drill hall, East street, Prittlewell • 2nd East Anglian Brigade Royal Field .
CADET UNITS A:trF'ILIA'I.'ED. Captains, F. M. G. Du Platt Taylor & S. G. Hall
Jilt Cadet Battalion Essex Regiment Ess!'x & Suffolk Garrison (Heavy).
Southend High School Cadet Corps For Defended Ports, Lt.-Col. F. W. Leaver T.D.; Major
Palmer's School Cadet Corps G. W. Horsfield
7th Battalion Essex Regiment; head quarters,Waltham- ROYAI, ENGINEERS.
stow lodge, Church hill, Walthamstow N E. Staff:- Essex Fortres~, Captain H. W. Trefusis
Commanding, Lt.-Col. F. W. Hearn; Majors, W. A.
Mackie T.D. & H. F. Kemball; Instructor of Mus- INFANTRY.
ketry, Capt. H. E. Liversidge; Adjutant, Capt. R. J. 5th Battalio11, Captain D. S. Smith
Smyly; Quarter-Master, Hon. Capt. J. B. Oldfield; 7th Battalion, Captains E. H. .Adams, H. Anderson-
Medical Officers, Lieut. J. T. Shaw M.D., R.A.M.O. Neville, W. Denton V.D. (H6n. Major rPt. Vols) &: E.
lT. F.) & Lieut. W. R. M. Turtle M.B.. R.A.M.C. J. Good child
(T. F.); Chaplain, Rev. H. D. LampPn 'M.A. (T. F) 8th Battalion, Lt.-Col. T. J. Boulter •

• •

President, Earl of Warwick D.L., J.P, Easton lodge, Dunmow
County Commissioner,
Hon. County Secretary,
NORTH-EAST & EAST. No. I Elub-District.
District Commissioner, H. Geoffrey Elwes esq. 1.:55 Assistant District Commissioner, F. Bacon esq. Olives,
. High street, Colchester Dunmow
.Assistant District Commissioners, Rev. John .Holyoak, 15 No. 2 Sub-District. I
Rawstorn road, Colchester.&.;!'; . .Alec Blaxhill esq. I56 Assistant District Commissioner, Hugh Cranmer Byng ·
Maldon road, Colchester ... _. .•. esq. Great Canfield, Dunmow
SoUTH-EAST. No. 3 Sub-District.
District Commissioner, J. C. Ingram· esq. J.P. Town Assistant District Commissioner, Rev. C. Oholmondeley,'
hall, Southend · Rectory, Little Sampford, Braintree ·
Assistant District Commi~tSioner, W. Miller esq. 42 No. 4 Sub-District.
Chelmsford road, Westcliff-on-Sea Assistant District Commissioner, Major R. G. A.
WEST. Marriott D. S.O. Abbotshall, Shalford, Brain tree
District Commissioner, 'Col. R. B. Colvin C.B. Monk- No. 5 Sub-District. ·
hams hall, W altham Abbey Assistant District Commissioner~ T. Hunt esq. The Old
Assistant District Commissioner, Anthony Buxton esq. Vicarage, Newport, Essex
Knighton, Buckhurst Hill, Essex
Mm-EssEx & RoMFORD. • No. 6 Sub-District .
Assistant District Commissioner, Major A. S. W.
District Commissioner, Lord O'Hagan, Pyrgo park, Stanley, Chesterford house, Great Chesterford, Essex
Havering-atte-Bower, No. 7 Sub-District.
WITHAM DISTRICT. Assistant District Commissioner, Charles Gold esq.
Gorsefi.~ld, Stansted, Essex
District Commissioner, Col. Harry Cooper C.M.G. Wick-
ham Bishops, Witham No. 8 Sub-District.
Assistant District Commissioner, H. L. Beale esq. Tin-
• don End, Saffron Walden
District Commissioner, C. E. Gooch esq. Wyvenhoe
park, Colchester
President, Earl of Essex, Cassiobury park, Watford
' NoRTH.
District Commissioner, Major-Gen. the Hon. Julian District Commissioner, Capt. G. M. Horn, Clarnico, Vic-
Byng C.B., M.V.O. Newton hall, Dunmow toria Park, London E
Deputy District Commissioner, E. E. Goodbody esq. Hon. District Secretary, G. A. C. Sorrell esq. Clarnico,
M.D. Brook house, Great Bardfi.eld, Braintree Victoria Par!;:, London E


Great Bardfield, fair for· horses, cattle & toys on June 22 lngatestone, fairs en December r & 2, for cattle •
Barking, market day, saturday Maldon, fairs on 1st thurs. m :May & September 13 et i4
Great Bentley, lamb sale in the middle of July Manuden, fair on Easter monday for pleasure
Braintree, fa.irs, May 8 & 9 & October 2, 3 & 4• the Messing, fair on first tuesday in July
latter for cattle & hops; market for corn & cattle on Rayleigh, fair for horses & cattle on Trinity-monday
wednes-day Rochford, market every thursday for the sale of general
1Jrentwood, fair on October IS, for cattle, horses &c produce & horses
B1-ightlingsea, fair on St. Swit;hin's Day or the thurs- Romford, cattle & corn market, every wednesday
day before Saffron Walden, a large horse fair on saturday before
Canewdon, fair, June 24 Mid-L~;nt sunday & first saturday in November, chiefly
Chelmsford, market day, friday for cattle; corn market, tuesday
Great Chesterford, fair, first friday in July Southminster, market for stock every tuesday
Coggeshall, fair, Whit-tuesday Stanway, fair on April 23
Colchester, fair on October 20, for cattle &c.; market 1 Terling, fair on Whit-monday
day, for corn & cattle, saturday I Great Tey, fair on Trinity-monday & tues. for pleasure
Dunmow, market day, tuesday, for corn & cattle Thaxted, market every friday
Epping, fair, November 13 & 14 (Holland fair), for Thorpe-le-Soken, cattle market held monday
cattle & horses; market day, friday Tiptree, horse fair, July 25
Halstead, cattle market every tuesday Tolleshunt D'Arcy, horse fair on Whit-monday
Harlow, fairs, November 28 & 29 for pleasure, horses, Waltham Abbey. fair, May 14 & September 25 & :z6;
cattle &c 1 market day, tuesday, for cattle, sheep & pigs
10 ESSEX. (KELLt's

The following table shows the acreage under each kind of crop, and the number of horses, cattle, sheep and pigs in the
county of Essex. as taken from the Agricqltur!ll Returns, 1913:-
...T -

Wheat .......•.......•.•...•••...•••... t~·. , •••••.••.•• 128,324 Horses used solely fot agriculture and brood
.Barley ~r bere , .......... ~..... t...---····--··"· ..... .
Oa'ts ...............•....•....•..••.....•..•.....•......
61,012 ~ Ill~r~ .............................................. .
63·004 Stallions ............................................ .
Rye ........•......... , ....•.. ,_ .. , .. ~~~.. ..,. .... -....... . 1,144 Unbroken horses :_._
Beans ...........• , ........................ , .......... ,. 29·986 c1 One yeaT and above .... , ..................... .
Peas ................................... , ....• ·~<~••·,. ... 2 5·059 Under one ~·ear ................................ .
1?o~~s ····································-4······· 12,659 Other horses ............. _ .......... ··~- ...... ..... .
Turnips and Swedes ....••..•....••..•.....•.•..•. 12,694 Cows and heifers : -
Mangold ...................... ~· .................... . 26,180 In milk ..........................................•"" .
Cabbage ............................................ . ln calf, but not in milk ............. •·· ••• ••·
Kohl--rabi ...........• ··-... ·-' .... . i~ •.. 1 •••••••••••••• 3·785 Other cattle:-
Rape .....•..............•.......................... ,. ... 692 Two years and above ...........,.. .............. . 15 1528
Vetches or Tares ..•.......•...................... 7.793 One year and under two .................. .1 • ~6·159
~llc~11e ··················~•························· I4o721 Under one year ...... ·········•••~~J••·····,.·····., J7,8JO
• Other crop$ (including 470 acres of onions, Ewes kept for breed i:pg ... ................., ..... . 70,045
277 of carrots, 158 of sugar beet and l:3 1 Other sheep:-
of celery) ···············•···•······••t'··········
Clover, sainfoin fl.nd grasses ~-
13,804 One year and above .........•.................
Under one J"ear .......•....•••..................
For hay ······~·····~·····,..·~···················· · 55.7 1 6 Sows kept for breeding ..•.••.............•....... 9.407
Not for hay .................. , .. "....................... . 14·474 Other pigs ................., , ........................ . 61,164
Permanent pasture : -
.J4.,or bay ....•..............•• , ....... ~
y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... II6.163
Not for hay ...................................... . "168,473
:Mountain and heath land used for grazing.. 5.429
Bare fallow .. :............ :................. , ...... _. 27,840 •
Small frnit : - •

Straw berries •<101111••. " ............~ ............... ~ •••

llaspberries .... .• ·-............. ; ... ~ .............. .
Currants ~~ond gooseberries ••••.•....••..••••
' Others, including mixed areas ...••..•..•.
Orchards: I
Apples.,. .......- .........• ,~ .......................... "· .. ~ . ~- 1,283 !' .
~~rs ....................................... ~ .... . 130
Cherries ......................................... . 104
~1111ll8 •.••...••.••.•..•.•••.••.•........••.....•..• 258
Others, including mixed orchards .•.••.••• 1,237
Coppice ............................................ . 8,452
Plantations .........•................................ 967
Other woods ...................................... . 32,II5
Agricultural holdings : -
Above I and not exceed!ng;; acres .•... ., ..... , ....."' .... - .......................1 ••• , ........ . i,978
Abo'f'e 5 and not exceedtng 20 acres .......................................................... . 2,075
Above 20 and not exceeding 50 acres ..... *'··················································· 1,340
Abov~ 50 and not exceeding 100 acres ...................., ....................... ,. ........... I,327
Above 100 and not exceeding 150 acres , ...............................•.........., ...... . SI8
Above 150 and not exceeding 300 acres ........•......................••........•............ 1,201
Above 300 acres ...................................................................................... . 56J:

Total acreage of the county ......................................................................... ,... g86,532
...Rateable value ........... , ............ , ......... ~ .......•......... ~........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £6,980,542

STAGROUNDS. Essex et Suffolk (37 couples), W. P. Burton & W.
Essex Farmers' (15 couples), T. Christy esq. master & Pretty esqrs. masters; Lt.-Col. Henry James Lermitte,
~untsman; H. Turner esq. sec.; kennels, Roxwell,
hon. sec.; W. P. Burton esq. huntsman; Sam Stob·
Chelmsford; hunting days, three days a fortnight bart, xst whip & Jiennel huntsman ; Tim Tillbrook,

:and whip; kennels, Stratford St. Mary, Colchester;
hunting days, mon. & fri. & alternate wed. after
FOXHOUNDS. Christma1
Essex Union (so couples), Capt. Godfrey llesPltine,
Essex (6o couples), Capt. Seymour Gosling, master; master & huntsman; L. Kirk esq. sec.; Pitlaway.
Arthur Waters esq. hon. sec.; J. Bailey, huntsman; kennel huntsman; G. Samways, 2nd whip; kennels,
H. Speke & G. Tongue, whips; kennels, Harlow; Great Burstead, near Billericay; hunting days, tues.
hunting days, mon. wed. fri. & sat thurs. & sat. & occasionally mon
Essex, East (4o couples), Reginald Duke Hill esq. J.P. BASSET-HOUNDS.
master; Guy G. Gold esq. J.P. hon. sec.; G. Tongue, Walhampton (15 couples), Capt. Godfrey Heseltine,
huntsman; J. Brown & E. Webb, whips; kennels, master & huntsman; S. Hale & J. Hicks, whips;
Earls Colne; hunting days, tues. thurs. & sat kennels, Billericay; hunting days, mon. or wed. & fri


'.Local Government Act, t888; 51 & 52 Vie. c. 4r
Undel! the above Aet, Essex (except the county boroughs The coroners for the county are elected by the County
of West Ham and Southend) is, foT the puTposes of the Act, Conncil, and any new clerk of the peace appointed by snct.
an Administrative. county (sec. 46), governed by a County joint committee, and may be removed by them (sec. 83-2).
Council. now consisting of chairman, aldm men (26) and
councillors (79).. ' The clerk of the peace for the county 1s also clerk of
the County Council (sec. 83-1).
The chairman, by virtue of his office, is a justice of the
peace for the county, without qualification (sec. 46). The administrative business of the county (which would,.
The police for the county are under the control of a if this Act had not been passed, have been transacted by the
standing joint committee of the Quarter Sessions and the justices) is transacted by the County Council.
County Council, appointed as therein mentioned (sec. g).
Chairmaii-Andrew Johnston D.L., l.P. Forest Lodge, Woodford Grilen
Vice-Chairman-William Wallis Glenny l.P. Cecil House, Barking. '
Meet at Chelmsford •


Retire jn March, 1916. Retire In March, 1919,

Oliver Daniel Belsbam J.P. Heybridge, Maldon Sir Thomas ;Barrett-Lennard hart. D."L., l.P. 7 Lewes cres•
Berbert Edmund Brooks J.P. Stifford lodge, Grays cent, Brighton
John Henry Burrows J.P. Solbys, Budleigb, Rayleigh Edmnnd John Bea.l J.P. 16 Coventry road, Ilford
William Swaine Chisenhale-Marsh D.L., J.P. Gaynes park, Edward North Buxton D.L., J.P. Knighton, Buckhurst Bill
Theydon Garnon, Epping William Wallis Glenny J.P. Cecil house, Ba,rking •
Reginald William Christy, Roxwell, Chelm~<ford Ed ward Good, 487 Lea Bridge road, Leyton
William Peter Griggs J.P. 7 The Drive, Cranbrook park, Robert Hasler J. P. Throws, Little Dun mow
Ilfard Pb1lip Hutley, Powers hall, Witham
William Langman, Broadlands. Snaresbrook Andrew Jobnston D.I.. , J.P. Forest lodge, Woodford Green
George Raby J.P. Tillingham hall, Southminster David John Morgan J.P. Cecil house, South Weald
Champion Branfill Russell J.P. Stubbers, North Ockendon, ChristopberGeorgeMusgraveJ.P. Mosborough, Lemnaroadp
Romford Leytonstone
Joseph Smith J..P. Woolpits, Great Saling, Braintree Rt. Hon. Jas. Round 11.c., M. A., D.L., J.P~ Birch hall,Colchstr
Robert Stroud, Barley hall, Ilford Vero William Taylor J.P. Castle Hedingham, Halstead
Hon. Charles Hedley Strutt B.A., J.P. Blunt's ball, Witham Hon. Edward Gera.ld Strutt ..J.P. Whitelands, Hatfield
Frederick West .T.P, Redclyffe, Hocking End, Braintree Peveril

• • • •

• Retire in March, 1916 .
Electoral Division. Names & Addresses.

! Electoral Division. Names & Addresses

Baddow .............. . Rev. Arthur Josepn Sacre, The Dunmow ................. . John Barnabas .Frankha.m, The- Hal~
Rectory, East Banningfield Little Canfield, Dunmow
Barking- EastHam-
North ·········"·•··· George Jackson, Ivy cottage, James Beckton & North John Savage, 44 Rosebery avenuep
street, .Harkmg W oolwich Manor Park
South ............ .•• Daniel Thomas Jack son, Hanmer, Central (East) ... Albert Henry Wiseman, 28 Morris
Longbridge road, Barking avenue, Manor Park .1:
Bel champ & Bump:- David Ward, Lower haJl, Foxearth Central (West) ... John Davies, 87 Katherine road, E~t.
stead Ham
Billericay ............. William Clement Wells, The Priory, Plashet (East) ... Noble. Augustus Papwortb, 222 High.
Writtle street, East Ham - . ·
Rocking................. Archibald Weyland Ruggles-Brise Plashet (West) ... Thomas Wm. Cashman, 299 Shrews--
• D. L., ;r. P. Spains hall, Finchingfield bury road, East Ham
Braintree ......... v . . . . George Thomas Thorpe BartramJ.P. Epping ................. Francis Dent J.P. Hatfields, Loughton.
35 Bank street, Braintree Grays .................. Vacant
Brentwood ... .. .... . •• Col. Gilbertson Smith, Highlands, Halstead ............... Harry Harvey Portway l.P. Bois hall,.
Shenfield, Brentwood Balstead
Brightlingsea .•. .. . ... William Pannell, 32 Victoria place, Harlow .................. Frederic Chaplin Edwards, Faircroft,..
• Brightlingsea, Colchester Harlow
Cann Ball ............ James Benjamin Slade J.P. 67 & 68 Harwich ... - .......... Wm. McLearon, Naval bouse,Ha.rwich
· . Cheapside, London B c Hedingham ............ Eli Cornish J.P. Tortoise house, Sible
Chelmsford .......... Frederic Chancellor v.n., F.R.I.B.A., Hedingham '
l.P. Bellefield, Chelmsford Heybridge ............ Edmund Ernest Bentall J.P. 'rhe:
Chesterford ........ ~ ... Alan Sidney Wentworth Stanley .J.P. Towers, Heybridge, Maldon
· Chesterford house, Great Chesterford Hornchurch ......... Thomas Gardner .J.P. Dury Falls,.
Chigwell ............ ~ .• Waiter Fortescue ;r,p, Oak dene Bornchurch, Romford
Crescent road, Chingford Ilford-
Coggeshall ......... _ Thomas Phillips Price l.P. Marks hall, Central.. ............. John Adams Guy Rodger J.P. 73
Kelvedon Cranbrook road, Ilford
Colchester- Hainault ............ Wilham James Oliver Sheat, 120
North Ward •••••• Col. George Richards Cballenor, Fair- Cranbrook road, Hford
light tower, 4 Queen's rd. Colchester South ............... Herbert Gilbey, 403 High road, Ilford
South Ward ....... Charles Maurice Stanford, Braiswick
house, Colchester Leyton ............ .. Richard Ward J.P. Hyde, High road,.
East Ward ........ . Wilson Marriage .J.P.Alresford grange, . Leyton
Colchester Central .............. . William George Shadrake, 184 Bigb
West Ward ......... Lent John Watt.s, All Saints, Colchester road, Leyton
• Dagenham ........... . William Varco Williams ;r.P. 36 Lime Forest .............. . William Thomas Bilson, 109 Hainault
street, London E c road, Leytonstone
Dedbam .............. . Thomas Eustace Smith, Wormingford Grove Green ...... Thomas Price Haines, 504 B ·
grove, W ormingford Leytonstone NE 1
Electoral Division. Names & Addresses. Electoral Dh•ision. Names & Addresses.
Leyton- Tilbury ................ Alexander William Kerly I.P. The
Harrow Green ...... Willie Rowland Wailer J.P. Lugano, Gables, Horndon-on-the-Hill
Powell road, Buckhurst Hill Tollesbury ............ John Hy. Salter J.P. D' A.rcy house,
Lea Bridge .•••••••• Edward James DavisJ.P. 192 Vicarage 'folleshunt D'Arcy, Witham
road, Leyton Waltham Abbey ...... Arthur Janion Edwards B.A., l.P.
Leytonstone ..••.•.••••• Robert Westacott Puddicombe, 686 .Beech Hill park, Waltham Abbey
High road, Leytonstope Walthamstow-
Ma1don •..••..••...•..• Vacant High Street East ..• James Bailey Hiner, 30 Palmerston
.Manor Park ..••••.•••• !<'rank George Cosburn, 129 Carlyle road, Southend-on-Sea
road, Manor Park E High Street West.. Harry Brown, r68 Stainforth road,
Mist1ey .•.•............ Charles Norman .Hrooks J.P. Mi1lbay, Seven Kings, Ilford
Dovercourt Hoe Street North ... Adolphus Attwell.J.P. 276 Forest road,
.Ongar .................. Thomas Atkins, The Lindens, ~Ioreton, Walthamstow
Ongar Hoe Street South ..• Ca1eb Day • Beechleigh, 45 Upper
.()rsett ..•..•..•...•••..• William Skinner Eve, The Manor, 1' Walthamstow road, Walt.hamstow
North Ockendon St. James Street Sydney Waiter Robinson, 77 Orford
Had winter ..........•• Francis Savile Harry Judd -B.A., J.P. North road, Walthamstow
Maces place, Rickling, Newport St James Street Edwin Cbarles Seear, 19 Avon road,
•Rochford .••..•...•....• James Tabor J.P. The Lawn, Rochford South Walthamstow
Romford ............... Arthur Porter, Normanhurst, Main Wood Street ...... Frederick John Hitchrnan, Beaufort
road, Romford lodge, Prospect h•ll, Walthamstow
:Saffron Walden ...... Ernest Wm. Tanner, ~Iount Pleasant North ............... James John Henderson, 68 Boech
road, Saffron Walden Hall rd. Highams pk. Waltbamstow
.Shoe bury ............... Edward Arthur Werld .J. P. Whitehall, Walton .................. Sidney Arthur Smith, Alton Park,
Great Wakering, Southend-on-Sea Clacton-on-Sea
:Sonthminster •.• ... . .. Clement Wright Parker, Peakes farm, Wanstead ... ... •.. ... W altr. Bull, 122 Bishopsgate,London BC
Bradwell-on-Sea Wanstead Slip ........ John Trumble J.P. 540 Romford road,
:Springfield ...........• Charles Ernest Ridley .J.P. 'fhe Elms, Forest Gate B
Chelmsford · Wit ham ... .. . . .. ... ... Charles James Round, Springfield
fltansted ................ Harry Chester J.l'. Broome end, house, Hatfieli Peverel
Stansted Wivenhoe ............... John Bawtree Hawkins J.P. Ballast
:Stanway ............... William Golden Fairhead, Brick ho. Quay house, Wivenhoe, Colchester
Peldon, Colchester Woodford ..... ~. .•. ... Air John Reynolds Roberts 1. P. Sal way
'Thaxted : .............. Launcelot Alfred Cranmer-Byng .J. P. house, Woodford
Foley mill, Tbaxted Wr1ttle ................. Wilham Thomas Roffey, The Manor
house, W rittle

Name. Electoral Division. Name. Electoral Division.
tAtkins Thomas ........................ ... Ongar McLearon William ..................... Harwich
A.ttwell Adolphus I.P .................... Walthamstow, Hoe Marria~e Wilson l.P...................... Colchester, East Ward
Street North Divisn Pannell William ........................... Brightlingsea
13artram George Thos. Thorpe 1 P ... Braintree Papworth Noble A ...................... East Ham, Plashet
.Ben tall Edmund E. J. P ... ...... ......... Hey bridge East Division
llilson William Thomas ............... Leyton,Forest Division Parker Clement Wright ............... Southminster
Hodger John Adams Guy J.P.......... Ilford, Central Porter Arthur ....... , .................. Romford
13rooks Charles Norman 1. P ............ Mistley Portway Harry Harvey .r. P............. Halstead
IBrown Harry .............................. Walthamstow, High Price Thomas Phillips J. P .............. Coggeshall
Street West Division Puddicombe Robert W ................. Leytonstone
43ull Walter ................................. Wanstead Ridley Charles Ernest .J.P ............... Springfield
.Cashma.n Thomas William ............. East Ham, Plashet Hoberts Sir John Reynolds J. P ....... Wood ford
West Division Robinson Sydney Walter ............... Walthamstow, St.
.Challenor CoL George R ............... Colchester,NorthWard James StreetNth.Div
.Chancellor Fredc. v.o.,F.R.I.B.A., J.P Chelmsford Roffey William T .......................... Writtle
Chester Harry J.P. . .................... Stansted Round Charles J.......................... Witham
.COrnish Eli J.P ............................. Hedingham Ruggies-BriseArch. WeylandD.L.,.J.P. Booking
.Cosburn Frank George ................ Manor Park Sacre Rev. Arthur J ..................... Baddow
•Cranmer-Byng Launcelot A. J.P ...... Thaxted Salter John Henry J.P................. Tollesbury
.Davies John .............................. Ea~t Ham, Central Savage John ................................ East Ham, Beckton &
West Division North Woolwtch Div
Davis Edward James .J.P ............... Leyton,Lea.Bridge Div Seear Edwin C............................. Walthamstow, St.
ID ay Caleb ... .... ... .. ... ... .• ... . .. .••.•. W althamstow, Hoe J ames Street Sth. Div
Street South Divisn Shad rake William George ............... Leyton, Central
.Dent Francis s. P .......................... Epping Sheat William James Oliver •........ Ilford, Hainault
.Edwards Arthur J. B.A., ~.P........... Waltham Abbey Slade James Benjamin .J.P .............. Cann Hall
Edwards Frederic Chaplin ............ Harlow ~mith Col. Gilbertson .................. Brentwood
lEve William Skinner .................. Orsett Smith Sidney Arthnr .................. Walton
1Fairhead William Golden ............. Stanway Smtth Thomas E.......................... Dedham
IFortescue Walter J.P..................... Chigwell Stanford Charles Maurice ............. Colchester,SouthWard
.Frankham John Barnabas ............. Dunmow Stanley Alan Sidney Wentworth J.P. Chesterford
-Gardner 'fhomas ~- P.................... Hornchurch Tahor James 1. P........................... Rochford
·Gilbey Herbert ........................... Ilford, South Tanner Ernest W ......................... Saffron Walden
Jlaines Thomas P ......................... Leyton,Grove Grn.Div Trumble John .r.P ......................... Wanstead Slip
Hawkms John .Hawtree J P ............. Wivenhoe Wailer Willie Rowland J.P .............. Leyton, Harrow Green
Jlenderson James John .................. North Walthamstow I Division
Hiner J-:tmes .H............................ Walthamstow. High Ward David .............................. Belchamp&Bumpstead
Street East Diviaion Ward Richard J. P........................ Leyton
lHitchman Frederick John ............ Walthamstow, Wood Watts Lent John ................ n . . . . . . . . Colchester, West Ward
Street Division Wedd Edwa.rd Arthur J.P.............. Shoebury
.Jackson Daniel Thomas ................. Barking, South 1 Wells William Clement ................. Billericay
.Jackson George ........................... Barking, North 'Williams William Varco J. P ......... Dagenham
.Judd Francis Savile Harry B.A., J.P. Radwinter Wiseman Albert H ........................ East Ham, Central
Kerly Alexander William .1. P.......... Tilbury . East Division
Cmnty offices, Chelmsford.
Clerk to the Count;t Council, John Heyden Goold, Shire Young M.R.C. V.S. The l''ord, Dunmow; Halstead k
hall, Chelmsford Hedingham, Frederic Morton Wallis M.R,C.V.S. 38-
Deputy Clerk, George Frederick Bari~Jw, Shire hall, Head street, Halstead ; Harlow, George Hammond
Chelmsford Harris M.R.C. V.S. Sawbridgeworth, Herts ; South
County Treasurer, Robert Woodbouse, Barclay's Rank, Hinckford, John Young M.R.C.V.S. & John Bishop
Chelmsford Young F. R. C. V .S. Coggeshall road, Braintree ; Lexden
Public Analyst & Analyst under Fertilizers & Feeding & Winstree, Rowland C. Tayler M.R.C. V.S. 19 Queen
Stuffs Acts, Bernard Dyer D.Sc., F.C.S., F.I.C. 17 Great street, Colchester-; Ongar (vacant at present); Orsett~
Tower street, London E c Ph1lip Vincent M.R.C.V.S. I<'tatin~ house, Orsett road,.
Medical Officer of Health, John Clough Thresh D.Sc. Lond., Grays; Rochford, Edwin Chp.rles Sparrow, Rayleigh &.
M.D.Vict., D.P.H.Camb.64New London road,Chelmsford Henry Frost Sparrow, Fir Tree house, East street, Roch-
Tuberculosis Officer, Waiter Rowland Soutball Roberts ford; Romford, John William Procter M.R.C. V.S. Io-
M.B., Ch.B.Rirm., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond., Linden Westero road, Romford; Tendring, Rowland C. Tayler-
house, Braintree M.R.C.V.S. 19 Queen street, Colchester ; Walden,
County Accountant, Frank Howard Owers, County offices, Thomas I<'rederick Hall M.R.C. V.S. 'fhe Priory, The-
Duke street, Chelmsford Common, Saffron Walden
Secretary to the Education Committee, John Henry
Nicholas M.A. Duke street, Chelmsford & River Plate Main Roads &; Bridges.
house, 7·9 Finsburycircus, London E c County Surveyor, Percy J. Sheldon M.Inst.C.E. 66 Duke-
School Medical Officer, Harold Weightman Sinclair M.D. street, Chelmsford
Lond., D.P.H. County offices, Duke street, Chelmsford
School Medical Inspectors, Harold Emlyn-Jones M.R.C.S. District Surveyors.
Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Brantwood, Palmer's avenue, Central District ............... James Waiter Chapman, 47.
Grays; Ernest Morton Wyche M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P. Park road, Chelmsford
Lond., D.P.H.R.C.P.S.Eng. Rose Valley, Brentwood; Chelmsford District........... William Willoughby Price,.
Miss Marjorie Eva Middleton M.B., B.S.Lond. Wilfrid 'fhe Point, Great Baddow r
Lawson hotel, Woodford Green; I<'rancis Swanson Hawks Chelmsford
L.M.S.S.A. Chelmsford & John Joseph McGrath M.B., Epping District................. Henry William Farrow, The-
B.Ch., D.P.H.R.U.I. Colchester Glen, Kendal avenue, Epping-
Halstead .. .. ... .. .• .... ... ...... Tom Foord 1\lorgan, Castle-
County Architect, G. Topham I<'orrest, 73 Duke street, Hedingham
County Land Agent, Small Holdings Department, Charles Ilford ........................... Alexander Lowe, County
depot, High road, Ilford
Lock, 67 Duke street, Chelmsford Kelvedon ................ w....... Wil1iam Alexander Rogerson,.
County Retul'Ding Officer, Henry Hamilton Gepp, Feering, Kelvedon
New street, Chelmsford Rochford .. .. .. ... .. .... ... •.• ... Charles Edward Harris, Cedar
Coroners, Eastern Division, John Harrison L.R.C.P.Edin. lodge, Rayleigh
23 Bank street, Braintree; deputy, P. S. Preeston, The No. 2 Division (Saffron Walw Gilbert Grace Feeney. 7 West.
Clock house, Cressing road, Braintree; Southern & West- den, Stansted & Dun mow road, Saffron Walden
ern Division, Writtle &; Roxwell Manor, Charles Edgar District)
Lewis, New road, Brentwood; deputy (for Southt>rn & South Essex District ......... Albert Edward Peake P.A.S.I.
Western Divisions), John Lewis Quennell, New road, Brent- The Limes, Hili View
wood ; Sokens District, Charles Ed ward White, 57 North avenue, Grays
hill, Colchester; deputy, Henry Geoffrey Elwes, 3 High Tendring ........................ William Shead, 17 Wellesley:-
street, Colchester ; Metropolitan District, Alexander road, Colchester
Ambrose M.D., B.Ch.Dub., D.P.H.Camb. The Croft, Inspectors of Weights & Measures (who are also Inspectors-
Alderton Hill, Loughton; deputy, Frank Collins L. R.C. P. under the " Sale of Food & Drugs Acts " & Official.
Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. Sproxton, Wanstead Samplers under the '' Fertilisers &; Feeding Stuffs Act ")~
Veterinary Inspectors under the "Oiseases of .Animals District. Chief Inspector.
Acts," with their Districts.-Beacontree, Michael Henry Metropolitan .. Herbert Clerc Card, Court house, Great:
C.omerford M.R.C. V.S. 339 Hi~h street, Stratford E; Eastern roacl, Stratford E (also inspector-
Brentwood, Sidney Vincent M. R.C. V.S. &; Richard A. under the "Explosives Act")
Philip M.R.C.V.S 151 High street, Brentwood; Chelms- Northern ...... Adam Ward, I North hill, Colchester
ford, W. S. MuJvey F.R.C. V.S. 117 Baddow road, Chelms- Southern ...... Artbur Horsnell, 153 High street, Brentwood
ford; Dengie, Artbur H. Brooks M.R.C. V.S. 34a, London
road, Maldon &; John William tlugden M. B. C. V.S. Ir.Bpectors under the "Diseases of Animals Acts."-For that-
Oakleigh, .North street, Southminster; Dunmow, Harry part of the county within the Metropolitan Police District.
Ashley Young M.R.C. V.S. The I<'ord, Dunmow; Epping, H. C. Card, Conrt house, Great Eastern road, Stratford
George Upton M. R.C. V.S. Beulah lodge, Lindsey street, E & Inspector C. Fry, Daphne, High Beech road, Lough ton;
Epping & Percy S. Howard F.R.C. Y.S. Windermert-, for each Petty Sessional Division (or portion of a Petty
Cambridge Park, Wanstead N K ; Freshwell, A. P. Sessional Division) outside the Metropolitan Police District.
Burgon M.R.C. V.S. Haverhill, Suffolk &; Harry Ashley the Superintendent or superior officer of police

1-1 •


CHAIRMEN 01<' QUARTER SESSIONS, Hon. Charles Hedley Strutt B.A. Blun+.'s hall, Witham & Edward North
Buxton esq. D. L. Knighton house, Buckhurst Hill.

DEPUTY CHAIRMEN OF QUARTER SESSIONS, WHliam Swaine Chisenhale-Marsh esq. Gaynes park, Epping &
• · • Collingwood Hope esq. K.C. Crix, Hatfield Peverel, Witham.
CHAIRMAN OF THE STANDING JOINT COMMITTEE, C. W. Parker esq. Faulkbourne ball, Witham.
Marked thus • are also Deputy Lieutenants. • '
.Aitchison Willi::l.m Kinghorn, Willnett lodge, Goodmayes, Buxton Gerald, Birch hall, Theydon Bqis, Epping
Chadwell Heath *Buxton Sir Thomas Fowell hart. G.C.M.G. Warliea
Arkwright Lieut.-Col. .A.rthur Chandos, Hatfield Place, park, Waltham .Abbey ,
Chelmsford Bu:xton Thos. Fowell Victor, Woodredon,W~ltha.IJl Abbey
..Arkwright Wilfred Lionel Tyrell, Wellington club, Cahill Joseph Zouche, Vittingfos, Leyland rd. Lee. SE.
London S W · Carter Frederic, Marden Ash, High Ongar
Armstrong-Jones Robert M.D. Clay,bury, Woodford Brdg Oarter Henry John, 8 Inverness terrace, London W
..Anow William esq. Langtons, South Weald, Brentwood Cecil Lord Eustace Brownlow Henry Gascoigne-, Lytchett
ltkinson John Parkinson M.D., L.R.O.P. 37 High street, Heath house,Poofe,Dorset; & 111 Eaton sq.London SW
Saffron Walden *Champion-de-Crespigny Sir Claude hart. Champion
!.tkinson Ra.Iph Walker, The Limes, Hempstead, Saffron lodge, Heybridge, Maldon •
Walden Chancellor Lieut.-Col. Frederic V .D., F .:R.I.B.A. Ilelle-
.Attwell Adolphus, 276 Forest road, W althamstow field, Chelmsford
:Bacon Thomas Waiter, Ramsden hall, Billericay Chapman Atthur, Abbey farm, Waltham Abbey
.Bailey Ben jam in, Rodenhurst, Coventry road, Ilford Chapman Mark, Llanarth, Bushwood, Leytonstone NE
Baker Samuel Sidney, Bull Wood house, Hockley Chester Harry, Broome End, Stansted
::Ball Edward Ash, Egg hall, Epping *Ch1senhale-Marsh William Swaine (deputy chairman of
1larnard Edmund Broughton, Fair Green house, Saw- quarter sessions),Gaynes park,Theydon Garnon,Epping
bridgeworth, Herts Christie Chas. Hy. Fehler V .D. The Wilderness, Ongar
1larnard Herbert Edward, High street, Ongar Clapham William Blackborne,Eastholm,High st.Dunmo-ii-
:Ba.rna.rd Sidney Charles, Braeside, Newport Clarke Joseph John, 3I Prospect hill, Walthamstow NE
Earnardiston Colonel Nathaniel, The Ryes, Little Henny, Cocking .Allan Thomas, Carhampton house, Pour Oaks,
Sudbury Sutton Oold.field, Birmingham
Barrett-LenMtd Richard Fiennes M.A. 7 Lewes crescent, Colley Philip Wellesley, 13 Hyde Park terrace, London W
Brighton Collier William Homan, Coley, Marks Tey, nr. Colchestr
*Barrett-Lennard Sir ..A..7 Lewes cres.Brighton Collins Percy, Carlotta, Frinton-on-Sea
'*Barrett-Lenuard Thomas, Horsford manor, Norwich Collyer Richard, Doric lodge, Snaresb:rQok
Jlartra.m George Thomas Thorpe, Bank street, Braintree *Colvin Col. Richard Beale C.B., RA. Monkhams .hall,
lleal Edmund John, 16 Coventry road, Ilford Waltham Abbey
llelsham Henr~- Isaac, Lothian ho. Railway st. Braintree Compton Henry, Eastcott house, Kingston llill, Surrey
Belsham Oliver Daniel, Heybridge, Maldon . Conybeare Henry Grant Madan, Delmore, Ingatestone
1lentall Edmund Ernest, The Towers, Heybridge, ~aldn Cook Jas. Williams, Hampden ho. Warley Td. Brentwood
::Sethell Sir John Henry hart. M.P. Park house, Blake *Cooper Col. Harry C.M.G. Wickham Bishops, Witham
Hall road, Wanstead NE Corbet Lieut.-Col. Rea, 15 King's Park rd. Bournemouth
:Bethell Thomas Robert, The Firs, South Woodford 'Cornish Eli, Tortoise house, Sible Hedingham
Biggs James, Kintore 1 Broxbourne, Herts Courtauld George, Cut Hedge, Gos:field, Halstead
Bland Thomas Elsey, The Friary, Maldon Courta.uld Samuel Augustine, Little Bradfords, Bocking',
Bleucowe Henry Pres<:ott George, Thoby priorr, )'Iount- Braintree
nessing, Brentwood Courtauld William Julien, Penny Pot, Halstead
1llomfield Alfred, Orange hall, Gos.field, near Halstead Cowell Wm. Palmer, The Lee, Elmdon, Saffron W:aJ.d~n
1llyth Lord, Blythwood, Stansted; & 33 Portland place, Craig John James, 81 Eastern road, Romford
London W Cranmer-Byng Launcelot Alfred, Foley mill, Thaxted
"Blyth Hon. Herbert. William, Blythwood, Stansted Cra.wley Samuel Wm. Hadstock hall, Linton, Cambridge
Boatman Arthur- Wilson, Lynton, iPalmer's aven. Grays C1·ittall Francis HPnry, The New house,
"llodger John Adams Guv, Hainault, Cranbrook rd. Ilford road, Chelmsford
'.Bott~rell John Jas. Dumville, Colne park, Earls Colne Crossman Dong-la.s, Gramden hall, Sandy, Beds
1Jow.les William Henry, 6o West Cliff rd. Bournemouth Croxon Abraham Bowerman, The Limes, Burnham-on-
'.Bradridge Thomas, Park Gate, Gt. Bardfield, Braintree Crouch
llraybrooko Lord, Rectory, Heydon, Royston Curtis Alfred P. Empire house, Vange, lPitsea
Brewster Charles Edward, Maplestead hall, Halstead Curtis Georg~ Edward, Claringbold house, St. Peter's,
Bris::-htwell John Rumbelow, 15 Royal terrace, Southend Broadstoairs
Broke Lt.-Col. Harry, Gladwyns, Harlow Om·wen Spedding, 1 Woburn square, London WC
:Bromwich Rev. Crowder Tom, The Vicarage, Gesting- Custerson Brooklyn Chas. Ford End, Clavering, Newport
thorpe, Ca~tle Hedingham Davis Edward James, Broomhill, Vicarage roa.d, Leybon
::Broodbank Joseph Guinness, Longmoor, Harold Wood, Davis Col. Richard Percival F.Z.S. New House farm,
Romford Walton-on-the-N aze
Jh·ooke Lord M.V.O. The Castle, Warwick Dean Arthur James, n6 Baxter avenue, Southend
Brooks Alfred Dent Francis, Hatfields, Loughton
Brooks Charles Norman, Millbay, Marine parade, Dover- Di<:kinson Henry Basham, L~ Mote, Pebmarsh, Bures,
court, Harwich Suffolk
'llrooks Edmund Wright, The Duvals, Grays Digby Sir Kenelm Edward G.C.B., K.C. King's Ford,
Brooks Herbert Edmund, Sti~ord lodge, near Grays 1 Stan"ay, Colchester
"llrown Henry Reynolds. 70 H1gh street, Maldon *Du Cane Charles Henry Copley, 8 •Beaufort gardens,
Bryant Edward, Harold Wood hall, Romford Brompton, London SW
JJull Rev. Felix Erlward Pepys M.A., F.R.G.S. Rectory, Dunnett Harry Norman, Dunedin, Connaught gardens,
Pentlow, Cavendish, Suffolk Clacton-on-Sea
1Jurke Ulick John, Manor house, Newton Valence, Alton *Edwards Arthur Janion B.A. Beech Hill park, Waltham
·1Jurke Lieut.-Col. W dltl:lr St. George, Auberies, Sud- Abbey
bury, Suffolk Eley Geo. Clement, Jesmond, Heath Park rd. Romford
Burrows John Henry, Solbys, Ha.dleigh, Rayleigh Ellis Richard Adam, Greenwoods, Stock, Ingatestone
*Bury Ralph Frederic, St. Leonards house, Nazeing, Eyre Walpole Edwin, Folly ho. High Garrett, Braintree
Waltham Cross Farnccmbe-Tanner William Tanner, Fishers, Wakes
Butler Joseph Richard, Hill house, Manningtree Colne, Earls Colne
Butler Waiter, Hattield J'ewrel, Witham Ffinch Capt. Matthew Benjamin Dipnall, Hoe mill, Wood-
Buxton Anthony, Knighton, High road, Buckhurst Hill ham Walter, Maldon
'*Buxton Edward North (<:hairman of quarter sessions), I Fieldgate William, Walnut Tree house, Brightlingsea,
Knighton, High road, Bnckhurst Hill Colchester

piR:KL1-'0RY.] ESSEX. 15
Flannery Sir James Fo.r~scue baTt. M.P. Manor house, Johnson Robert Baines M.A. The Hope house, Little
Wethersfield, ·Braintree; & 5 Somers place, Hyde park, Burstead, Billericay
LOlldon W *Johnston Andrew, Forest lodge, Woodford Green
Fleming Col. liy. Slane, Th~ Grange,. lngrave,Brentwood Johnston 'Regina:ld Eden, Terlings, Gilston, Harlow
Foakes Edward Thomas, WestbUTy house, Punmow Jones Chester B.A.. Maplins, Burnham~on-Cronch, Essex
Forbes William Patrick, The Chilterns, Grove P!\f)i.:, Jones Henry Edward C.E. Marden Ash house, Onga.r
Wanstead NE *Joslin Henry, Gaynes park, Upminster; Romford
Fortescue Nathaniel Judd Francis Savile Harry B . .A. Mace's Place, Rickling,
Yortescue Waiter, Oakdene, Chingford Newport
"Franklin Douglas Thomas, Yew cottag·e, Mile End, Keeble Edward James, Great Oak1ey hall, near Harwich
Thaxted, Dunmow · *Kelso Commander Edward Barrington Purvis R.N.
Fuller-Maitland Robert, The Ravens, Sta.nsted ,. Horkesley park, Colchester .
Fuller-Maitland Wm . .Stansted hall, Bishop Stortford l Kemble Lieut.-CoL Henry, Runwell hall, Wickford
Gardner Thomas, Dury Falls, Hornchurch, Romfprd 1 Kemsley Waiter JQhn, Ivy lodge, Woodford Green
Garland John William, The Gables, Hurstbourne gm'-; Kerly Alexander William• The Gables, Horndon-on-the-
dens, Barking .. Hill, Stanford•le-Hope ·
George Edward William, 4 The Ridgeway, Chingford Kerwin Edwin Henry, Gay Bowers, Danbury, Chelmsfrd
Gilbey Guy, Sheering hall, Harlow · Lampet Rev. William Edward Lionel M . .!.. Vicarage,
Gilbey Henry Waiter, hall, Stansted Great llardfuld, Braintree
Gilbey Newman, Mark hall, Jlarlow Laureuce Percy Edward, The Grove, Witham
Glasse Charles Henry, Berners hall, Ongar Lay Major Tudo:r, 27 Lexden road, Colchester
Glenny William Wallis, Cecil house, Barking '. Leech Arthur William, Golding's Hill, Loughton ,
Godlee Joseph Lister, Wakes Colne place ' Lcfroy Lt.~Col. '.Augustine Hugh, The Lodge, Boxted,
Godlee Theodore, 275 Wood street, Walthamstow NE,. Colchester
Gold Ar.chie G. Croft house, Stansted Lescher Edmund Charles, Stonyhylls, Ooombe Green,
*Gold Sir Charles, The Limes, Stansted Great Warley, llrentwood •
Gold Charles, Gorsefield, Stansted *Lescher Count (er, of Rome I90J) Joseph Francis,
Gold Guy G. Backing Place, llraintree Boyles court, South Weald, Brentwood
Gooch Charles Edmund, Wyvenhoe park, Colcheste,r Lever Sir .Arthur Levy hart. 20 Bans crescent, Chelsea,
Gordon Col. William, The Place, Wethersfield, near London SW
Braintree Lilley Tho~. Holland ho. Skelmersdale rd.Clacton~on-S.oo.
*Gosling Robert, Cunliffe, Hassobury, Fa.rnham, B_ishop, Linder Charles, St. Just, Powell road, Buckhurst Hill
Stortford · Lockwood Col.· The Right Hon. .Amelius Richard Ma.rk
Gray Chas. Wing, Piercy's, Greenstea.d Green, Halstead · P.C., M.P.~ C.V.O. 5 Audley square, London W
Gray Matthew, Christhall grange, Royston ·• Loyd Frederic Edwd . .Albyns, Stapleford .Abbots,Romford
Green Sir Frederick, Hainault lodge, Chigwell Row .,. 1 Lua.rd Rev. Bixby Garnham M . .A.Birch rectory,Colchestr
Green William Waiter, IS Hermon hill, Wanstead Lyall Roger Campbell B.A. Hastingwood house, Harlow
• *Greville Lieut.-Col. Hon. Alwyn Henry Fulke M.V.O. Lyster Arth. Edwd. The Yews, Great Baddow,Chelmsfrd
Danbur:y park, Chelmsford McCorquodale Harold, Forest hall, Ongar
Griggs William Peter, 7 The Drive, Cranbrook pk. Ilford *Majendie James H~nty .A1exander, Heding-ham castle,
Grimston Waiter Edward, Colne Place, Earls Colne '· Castle Hedingh-am
Grove Thomas Newcomen Archibald, Pollards ·court, Mallinson William, The Limes, Walthamstow N E
Chalfont St. Giles, Gerrard's Croi!S, Bucks . Marriage William, A.lresford grange, Alresford, Colchestr
Grubb Thomas. Burlingham, Fingringhoe, Colchester, ~iashiter Edward Thomas, Gatwick, Billericay ·
Gurteen Daniel Maynnrd, The Mount, Haverhill MQson Hugh Rerbert, 12 York rd. Edgbaston, Birminghm
Gurteen Jabez. The Coupals, Sturmer, I(alstead 1 Matthews Charles William, Rod-en house, High road,
Hammond George, Fairview, Pilgrims Hatch, Brent,wood , Shenfield, Brentwood • ,..,
Ratlldcastle Henry ~L.A. The Moor house, Oxted, Surrey Maunsell Major Charles Wray, I Warley mount, Warley
Harrison_ Arthur Lister, Elmhurst, South Woodfor(jl NE Melles Joseph Wm. M.A. Gruline, Isle of Mull by Oban
Hasler Robert. Throws, LitUe Dunmow, Chelmsford, Merriam Chas .• Pierce, 79 Highbury New pk. London N
Hasler William. The Croft, Dunmow , , Metson Samuel, Brook End grange, Little Dunmow
Hasted Rev. Hy. B.A. Nowton cottage,Bury St.Edll).unds Meyer Sir .Oarl Ferdinand hart. Shortgrove, Newport
Hawkins Jn. Bawtree, Balla>~t quay, W'ive.nhoe,Colchester Meyer Ja.mes Herman, Little Laver grange, Harlow
Hayne William, Frietuna, Harold gro. Frinton-on-Eeil " Michell Gilhert Luke. Riby, Orsett rood, Grays
Helme R , Midgley Arthur, 25 London road, Saffron Walden
Helsham-Jones Arthur B.A. Tile Barn, Woolt~n hill, Millbank John, Lyndon, Hi~rh street. Shoeburyness
Newl;mry, Berks ,;. l , 1 Miller Thos. Fredl{. Monks lo. Gt. Maplestead, Halstead
Hempleman Frederick ,Seband, 39 llrullswick ter_rac~. Mitchell Willi;tm Foot-, Quendon hall, Newport
Hove, Brighton *Mont.efiore Cecil Sebag, Stisted hall; Braintree
Neriz-Smith Joseph Charles Thomas M.A, Shlode park, Morgan David John, Cecil house, Bentley, South Weald,
Bideford, Devon Brentwood
Hethering-ton Thomas,· Berechurch hall, nr. Colchester . Moss John William
Hewett Robert Muirhead, Ioo North street. Barkill'!l Motion Andrew Rich-ard, Uptoit ho. near Banbury, Oxon
"*Hilder Major Frank, Huskards. Ingatestone :- · : ~ Musgra'Ve Chri~topher George, Mosborough, Lemna rd.
Hill Re~inald Du)re. Holfield grange, Coggeshall . ,. ' Leytonstone N E .
11ills Ha.rris, The Old house, Bocking, 'Braintree Neave Sir Thos. Lewis Hu~rhes hart. Dagnam pk.Romfrd
Hills Henry Francis, Chalkney house, White Colne, Nicholls ·Wm. Wade, Hawthorn lodge, High st. Epping
Earh Colne ;r Nichols Wait. Buchanan, Stour lo.Bradfield,Manningtree
Hoare Charles Richard GurneY, Newlands~ Hatfield;Hertfo Nicholson Moajor-Gen. Stnart Ja.mes O.B., R..A. 8 Hope
Holden James l\i.I,C.E., M.I.M.E. Hermon house, .Wal}- street, St. Andrews. N.B
stead NE •, Ni.eld William, 30 Park avenue, Barking
Hollebone Henry, Gidea hall, :nomf<ml ... · *Nocton Wil!iam, 13 Great Marlborough st. London W
Hope Collingwood K.C. (deputy chairman of"fer Norman Edwar$1 Brise Kensit, Mistley lo. Manningtree
sessions), Crix, ,Hatfield ;peverel, 'VEtharrt . , Norris-Elye Lewin Charles Cholmley Ralston esq. M.A.
Rope George Palmer M.A. Havering grange, Bomf(Jrd Manor house, Utterby, near Louth, Lines
Horto:1 John Henry, Mascalls, Brentwaod O'Hagan Lord, Pyrgo park, Romford
Houldsworth William Thomas Reginald, Kirkbride, May- Oram Henry, 4 Sewardstone road. Waltham Abbey
bole, .Ayrshire Osborne .John, Fairview, Elm road, Leigh-on-Sea
·noward David Lloyd, Little Friday Hill, Chingford Page Very Rev. Arnold Hy. M.A.The Deanery,Peterb_?ro'
·+Howard Eliot, .Ardmore, Buckhurst Hill 'Palmer Ralph Charlton B . .A. Hubbards, Nazemg,
Hughes-Hughes Montagu Edward, Leighs priory, Jla.rt- Waltham Cross ·
ford End, Chelmsfo,lid Parlrer Charles Alfred, Rochetts,South Weald,Brent-vrood
'Hunt Reuben., Tillw;icks, Earl~ Colne. * Christr. Wm. M.A. Faulkbourne hall, WithQm
Hurna.rd Samuel Fennell, Hill ho. Lex:den, Colch95ter Parry Sidney Gambier, Downham house, Billericay
Hurry William Alf1-ed, 367 HiQ'h road. Leyt9n .r 1 I Patchett Willia.m K.C., B.A. Bury lodge, Epping
Hutchinson Phristopher Clarkl', I3 The. lloltons, South Pattison William Freder1ck esq. JG Ladysmith avenue:.
Kensington, London S W Brightlingsea, Colchester ..
Hutley Philip, Powers hall; Witham ,, Paxman James N., M.I.C.E. Croft house, Rosecroft
*Ind Edward Mu:cray M.A.. 9 Sloane gdxts. London S W avenue, Hampstead NW
*Ind Capt-. .James Algernon, White 'hall, Colchester Pearce J'ames Stanley, Priest's Mere, Tadworth, Surrev
*Jackson James, 42 Campden House court, Kensington, Pennefather Sir Richard C.B. Little Waltham half,
London W · near Chelmsford · · ·

16 • ESSEX. • (KELLY'S

Phillips Edward England, Sydney house, Sydney iar- Strutt Hon. Charles Hedl.ey B ...!. Blunts hall, Witham
dens, Bathwick, Bath (chairman of quarter sessions)
Philpot Thomas, 7 Holcombe road, Ilford Strutt Hon. Edward Gerald, Whitelands,Hat.field,Witham
Pickersgill-Cunliffe Harry, :zo Egert.on ter. London SW *Tabor J ames, The Lawn, Rochford
Pigott Capt. Wel1esley George, 123- Coleherne court, Tabrum Burnett, Hill house, Romford
l:louth Kensington W Taylor Edward, 14 Wellington road, Horsham, Sussex
Pipe Edmund, High street, Southminster Taylor George Woodland, The Red house, Chelmsford
Pizey George Henry, Casa :Mia, Forest view, Chingford Taylor Vero William, Castle Hedingham, Halstead
Poole William; Outreds, Squirrels heath, Romford Thomson Geo.Wm. May.field, St.Paul's rd.Clacton-on-Sea
Portway Harry Harvey, Bois hall, Halstead Thornton Horace Moore
*Price Bowel John James B ...:\.. Groonsted hall, Ongar Todhunter Benjamin Edward, The Wa.yre, Harlow
Price Thomas Phillips, Mark's hall, Kelvedon Todhunter Jsph. King's Moor ho. Gt. Parndon, Harlow
Pritchard Rev. Edward Cook, Ely lodge, Braintree . *Tower Christopher John Hume, W eald Side house.
Raby George, Tillingham hall, Southminster Brentwood
Rankin Hugh, South street, Rochford Tremlett James Dyer M.A. Dalethorpe, Dedham,Colchstr
Raphael Sir Herbert Henry bart. B.A., LL.M., M.P. Triggs Henry '
•·Ulestree hall, Allestree, Derby; & .'i Cavendish square, Trounce Thomas Plomer, Bank house, High Bridge st•
London W Waltham Abbey
*Rasch Major Sir Fred.eric Carne oart. W oodhill, Dan- Trumble John, 540 Romford road, Forest Gate
bury, Chelmsford •rufnell Capt. Nevill Arthur Charles de Hirzel, The Old
Ravenhill CoL Edward Harry . GGring, Park house, Bank house, Colchester
Cornsland, Brentwood *Tufnell Col. William Nevill, Langleys, Great Waltham.
*Rayleigh Lord P.C., O.M., F.R.S., D.C.L., LL.D., Sc.D. Chelmsford
Terling Pla~e, Witham · Tuke William Favill
Reid Percy Charles, Feering Bury Manor ho. Kelvedon Turnbull William Abbott, Oaklands, Hildenborough.
Richards Rev. William Henry, Fairy hill, Ryde, I. of W •ronbridg.e, Kent
*Ridley Charles Ernest, The Elms, Chelmsford Tyler William, 23 Prospect hill, Walthamstow
Roberts Sir John Reynolds, Salway ho. Woodford Green Usborne Henry Laurence, Rowneybury, Harlow
Robinson Thomas George, Brancepeth house, Whitehall Usborne Thomas, The House, Writtle, Chelmsford
road, Woodford Vaizey Francis Arthnr, Bentalls, Halstead
Rogers John Thomas, 30 Castleton mansions, Riverview Vaiz.ey Robert Edward B.A. Tilbury hall, Halstead
gardens, Barnes S W Wadley William, Avenue viis. Wivenhoe, nr. Colchester
Round Francis Richard C.M.G . .Avenue house, Witbam Wall Charles, Darley Dale, Great Can.field, Takeley
*Round Right Hon. J1tmes P.C.,M.A.Birch hall,Colchstr Wailer William Chapman M.A. Ash Green, Loughton
Row George Commins, 45 High "street, Braintree Waller Willie Row land, Lugano,Powell rd.Bnckhurst Hill
Royds Charles Duncan, Brizes park, Kelvedon Hatch, Walsh Edward John Reginald
Brentwood Ward Richard, 479 High road, Leyton
* Ruggles-Brise Archibald W.eyland, Spains hall, Finch- Warwick & Brooke Earl of (lord Iieut.), Easton lodge,.
ingfield, Braintree Dunmow
Ruggles-'Brise Edward A.rchibald, Brent hall, Finching- Waterhouse William M.A. The Links, Newport
field, Braintree Way Herbert William Lewis, The Grange, Great Yeld-
Rumsey Henry, Venmore, Dunmow ham, Halstead
Rnssell Champion Branfill, Stubb.ers, North Ockendon, Wedd Edwd. Arthur, Whitehall, Gt.Wakering,South-?nd
Romford Wells Frede-rick Arthur, Dovedale, Chelmsford
Sadler Samuel Bockin, Solent villa, Crouch rd. Burn- West Frederick, Redclyffe, Rocking End, Braintre.A
ham-on-Crouch Western Col. Charles Maximilian, 75 Victoria street.
Salter Jn. Hy. D'..:\.rcy ho. Tolleshunt D'Arcy, Kelvedon Westminster S W
Savill Philip, The Woodlands, Ohigwell Row ..,W,.,hite Tyndale, Stondon Place, Brentwood
Sa.vill Lt.-Col. Samu£>1 Geo. Boleyns, Bocking, Braintree *Whitmore Major Francis Henry Douglas Charlton.
Senier Fredc.Wm. Terra Nova.Salisbury rd.Leigh-on-Sea Orsett hall, Orsett, Grays
Silverwood George Henry, Palmer's school, Grays Wilkes John Fiske M.A. Elmdon Bury, Saffron Walden
Sizer John Henry, The Green, Gt. Bentley, nr. Colchestr Williams Blair Hamilton Lee, Buckland, East Tilbury
SkiJlner Chas. W-Peding, Wansfell, Theydon Bois,Epping Williams William Varco, 36 Lime ~treet, London E C
Slade James Benjamin, 827 Hi~h road, Leytonstone NE Wilson Geoffrey Remington, Ongar ho. Chipping Ongar
Slimon Wm. Hy. M.D. 33 Marine par. ea.Clacton-on-Sea Wilson John, 62 Longbridge road, Barking
Smith Ernest John, The Caidge, Southminster Wise Charles Henry M.D
Smith Joseph, 95 Eastern road, Romford Womersley Dale, Heron court, Herongate, Brentwood
Smith Joseph, Earlsmead, Chipping Hill, Witham *Wood Chas. Page, Wakes hall,Wakes Colne,Earls Colne-
Smith Joseph, Woolpits, Great Saling, Braintree *Wood Lt.-Col. George Wilding, Docklands, Ingatestone-
Smith Jas. Christy, Bynghurst, Spring-fiPld rd.Chelmsfrd *Wood Field-Marshal Sir Henry Evelyn V.C., G.C.B.,
Smythies Capt. Palmer Kingsmill R.N. The Turrets, G.C.M.G. Millhur8t, Harlow
Lexden road, ColchestPr Woodhouse Arth. Lionel, Tofts,Little Baddow,Chelmsfrd
Solly Thomas Herbert, Mundon hall, Maldon Woodhouse Robert, Longmead, Writtle, Chelmsford
Souster James Henrv, Brooklands. Holcombe rd. Ilford Worrin Hastings, Bourchiers, Little Dumnow, Chelmsfrd
Spencer-Phillips J n. · Chas. Riffhams,Danbury ,Chelmsfrd Wren Joseph M.A. Colne Ford house, Earls Colne-
Sperling Chas. Fredk. Denne M.A.Winton ho.Leamingtn Wright Alfred, Mountsorrel, High road, Romford
Sperling Henry R. Netherfield court, Battle, Sussex Wril:!'ht Edward Carrington
Spicer Sir A1bert hart. M.P. 10 Lancaster gate, Hyde Wythes Ernest James, Copped hall, Epping
park, London W Young Samuel, Mulberry Green, Harlow
Sta.nley Alan Sidney Wentworth, Chesterford house. Young W., LL.B. Manor ho. Squirrells Heath, Romford'
Great Chest.~rford . . The Mayors of Chelmsford, Harwich, Maldon & Saffron
Stephens Cecil James, Manor fields, Wavendon, Bucks Walden & the Chairmen of the Urban & Rural District
~tephenson Matthew, .1rdross, .Aberfoyle, Perth, N.B Councils in the county are ex-officio magistrates
Stock CoL Thomas, Laneside, Avenue road, Brentwood Cl-l"rk of the Pooce, John Heyden Goold, Shire hall,.
Stone Henry Jessop, Lower Bedfords, Havering-atte- Chelmsford
Bower, Romford Deputy, George Fredk. Barlow, Shire hall, Chelmsford
fltrond Robert


Colvin Col. Cecil Hodgson D.S.O. 63 Cromwell road, Smith S. 51 Palace street, London SW
London SW Stuoa.rt Sir Simeon Henry Lechmere hart. 7 Victoria
Curzon R. L square, London S W
. Deacon Lieut.-Col. Edmnnd, SI()(' house. Halstead Taylor Major Frederick W. Hh~·h:fi.eld, Chelmsford
Gilbey Sir Waiter hart. El-.f'nham hall, Stansted Thomas Col. Sir Godfrey Vignoles bart. C.B., D.S.O:
Hills Arnold Frank Wynters, Harlow
Howard David, Devon housP, Bnckhurst Hill Ward Col. Arthur John Hamlip V.D. The Gablesr
Krohn Herman Alexander, Maldon court, Maldon Marine parade, Doverconrt. Harwich
Landon Col Frank V.D. Red house, Brentwood Ward Col Joseph Brooker V.D. 30 Conntry rd. Tiford
Lock wood Wm. Robt. Percival. Cottles. Melksham, Wilts Wood W. R. P
Round John Horae"' LL.D. 15 Brunswick ter. Brighton Woodhouse Robert, jun. 13 Mount street, London W

•Chief Constable, Capt. Ed ward Maclean Showers; I >eputy Chief Constable, Raglan Somerset.; Superintendent & Chief
Clerk, Ueorge Hastings.
The force consists of a chief con~ttable, deputy chief constable, 12 superintendents, 13 inspectors, 6o sergeants &
370 constables.

~uperintendent, Alfred C. Cowell, Brentwood Superintendent, Harry Laver, Grays
.:Stations. Baseldon, *Eillericay, *Brentwood, Bowers Stations. Aveley, Bulphan, tChadwell St. Mary, Cor-
Gifford, Brook Street, Dunton, *Great Warley, Button, ringham, East Tilbury, Horndon-on-the-Hill, Laindon
Ingrave, Laindon, Mountnessing, Pilgrims Hatch, Hills, Ockenden South, Orsett, Orsett Heath, Purfleet,
Ramsden Bellhouse, *Pitsea, Shenfield, South W eald, *Rainham, Stifford, *Stanford-le-Hope, *Grays, Little
Wickford Thurrock, *Thurrock West, Tilbury West

£uperintendent, Raglan Somerset, D.C.C. Springfield, Superintendent, William Cowell, Braintree
Chelmsford Stations. Belchamp Sain~ Paul, Walter,
Eocking, *Braintree, Bulmer, Bures Hamlet, Black
-8tations.-Baddow Great, Baddow Little, Boreham,
Notley, *Earls Colne, Felstead, Foxearth, Gosfield, Gt .
.Broomfield, *tChelmsford, *Danbury, Galleywood. Han- Yeldham, Greenstl'ad Green, *tHalstead, tHedingham
ningfield West, Highwood, *Ingatestone, Lt>ighs GrE>at,
Castle, ..!'Hedingham Sible, Pebmarsh, Rayne, Ridgwell,
'Margaretting, Rettendo~ Roxwell, Stock, Great
Waltham, *Little Walt'ha.m, W<todham Ferris, Writtle, *Steeple Bumpstead, Stisted, Toppesfield, Wet hers-
,Good Easter, *Widford field, Wickham St. Paul

COLCHESTER DIVISION. Superintendent, David Scott, Rochford
:Superintendent, John Lennon, Colchester Stations. Benfleet South, Canewdon, Canvey Island,
:Stations. Abberton, Ardleigh, Bergholt WPst, Birch. Eastwood, Foulnl'ss Island, Great Stambridge. Had-
Eoxted, *Bradfield, *Brightlingsea, BromlPy Great, leigh, Hocldey, Little Wakering, *Rayleigh, Rochford,
·Chappel, Colchester, Dedham, *Dovercourt, East Dony- *South Shoebury, Thundersley, *Wakering Great
.land, Elmstead, Fordham, *tHarwich, Horkesley
rGreat, *Langham, Layer-de-la-Hay, tMannin!!tree,
Parkeston, Peldon, Ramsey, *Stanway, Tey Marks, ROMFORD DIVISION.
'*Wivenhoe, West Mersea, Wix Superintendent, Oliver Hailstone, Romford
Stations.-Collier Row, Corbet's Tye, Emerson Park,
Hare Street, Harold Wood, Have.ring, Heath Park,
DENGIE DIVISION. *Hornchurch, Park Lane, *Romford, Rush Green, *Up-
1nspector, Lindsey J. Fulcher, Southminster minster
Stations. Althorne, Bradwell, *Burnham, Cold Norton,
Heybridge, *Latchingdon, tMaldon, Purleigh, tSouth- THORPE DIVISION.
minster, Steeple, Tillingham, Woodham Waiter Superintendent, Henry Mules, Clacton-on-Sea
~tations. *Clacton-on-Sea, Clacton Great, Clacton
DUNMOW DIVISIO:S. Little, Bentley Great, Oakley Great, St. Osyth,
:Superintendent, CharJes H. Day, Great Dunmow *Frinton-on-Sea, Tendring, Kirby, tThorpe-le-Soken,
*Weeley, *Walton-on-the-Naze
.Stations.-*Eardfield Great, Broxted, *Dunmow, Easter
··High, Easton Great, Finchingfield, H1gh Rodmg,
1Helions Eumpstead, Hempstead, Leaden Roding, WALDEN DIVISION.
·Sampfor<i Great, Stebbing, Takeley, *Thaxted Superintendent, John E. Boyce, Saffron Walden •
Stations. Ashdon, Birchanger, "*Chesterford Great,
• . EPPING DIVISION . Clavering, Debden, Elmdon, Farnham, Hadstock, Hl'n-
:Superintendent, Ephraim Smith, Epping ham, Langley, LittlPhury, Manuden, Newport, Bad-
winter, Riclding, *Saffron Walden, *Stansted Mount-
'9tations.-*A.brid~e. Blackmore, tChippin!! Ongar. *Ep-
ping, Epping Upland, High Ongar, *Fyfield, Hailing-
bury Little, tHarlow, *Hatfield Broad Oak, Hatfield
'Heath, Kelvedon Hatch, Lambourne End, Matching,
! .
. . ·
Moreton, Navestock, *Nazeing, Netteswell, North 1Supermtendent, Henry A. Coppm, Wttham
'Weald Eassett, North Weald Gullet, Parndon Great, Stations.-*Coggeshall Great, Cressing, Go1dhanger, Hat-
Potter Street, Roydon, Sheering, Stanford Rivers, .fiflld Peverel. Tnworth, Kelvedon, RivenhaU.. Terling,
Stapleford Tawney, Theydon Bois, Theydon Garnon, Tollesbury, *To1l~>~hunt D'A.rcy, Totham Great, Wick-
Willingale Doe ham Bishops, *Witham
Marked thus * are Sergeants' Stations. Inspectors are stationed at the places marked t.

The following divisions embrace EssPx placl's : - West Ham lane, Stratford), Plaistow (444 Bal'king
road, East Ham)
.J Division, Hackney, Superintendent, William FiU
Sectional Stations.-Barking (Ripple road), Chad-
"Sub-Divi!lional Stntion!I.-Wanstead (Spratt Hall road) well Heath (High road), Dagenham (Bull street),
&; W oodford (High road) East Ham (High street south), Canning Town (46
"Sectional Stations. Barking Side (Cranbrook road), Lansdowne l'Qad, Tidal Basin), Purfl.eet Powder
Leyton (215 Francis road), Leytonstone (459 High Maeazine
road), Longhton (Forest road), Claybury (Manor road) N Division, Islington, Superintendent, Wm. I;l. Jenkins
Sub-Divisirmal Stations. Waltham Abbey (Royal Gun
- K Division, Bow, Superintendent. Alfred Bnxall Powder Factory) &; Walthamstow (36o Forest road)
Snh-Divi~ionaJ StHtions. Forest Gate (37o Rnmfnrd rd Sectional .Stations.-Chingford (King's Head Hill), Lea
East Ham), llford (40 High road), WPst Ham (64 Bridge r'lt!d & Waltham Abbey (35 Sun street)
- •
18 ESSEX. •
_ ' [ KEt.t v's


(Revised to I9o6.)
Essex held Club; Museum, Romford road, Stratford.
The Iwho have contributed accounts of Essex fossils we may
name Professors Owen, Bell, Leith-Adams, and. &e.~
This important local Society publishes the Es.•ex 1\'aturalist Messrs. J<'. E. Edwards, M. Edwards. J. Haime, S. V.
(quarterly); a Year-Book and Calendar; besides occasional Wood (father and son), Davidson, H. Woods, &c. Lists ot
Special Memoir,,, Essex Archreological Society ; The the contents of the 59 volumes already issued may b&
Castle, Colchester: Transactions, ~c. obtained from Dulau & Co. 37 Soho square w.
MusEuMs. The Essex County Museum of Natural IMPORTANT WORKS OR PAPERS os- LOCAL GEOLOGY.
History, Romford road, Stratford ; Epping Forest Museum, . .
Queen EJizabeth's lodge, Chingford; Chelmsford Mu&eum ; , [See also the bsts for Herts and for Middlesex.]
Maldon Library and Museum ; Colchester Corporation I847-I9<)6. Palreontographical Society: [Lists of the con-
Museum, The Castle, Colchester; Saffron Walden Museum ; 1 tents of the 59 volumes already published, from
Dudley End Museum, Saffron Walden. Dulau & Co., 37 Soho square w.] contains figUJ'e$
and descriptions of fossils found in Essex, &c.
PUBLICATIONS OF THE (GOVERNMENT) GEOLOGICAL I848. Brown, J.-Pleistocene Deposits near Coptord. Q.
SuBVEY. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. iv.; p. 164 ; vol. viii., p. 184-
Coloured Mops, on the scale of one inch to a 'miltJ.- I858. Prestwich, [Sir] J.-On the Boring through th&
Quarter-sheets, I N.E., Maldon, Chelmsford, Billericay, Chalk at Harwich. Q. Jaurn. Geol. Soc., vol.

Latchingdon, Heron ga-te : I S. E., Langdon Hill, 'filbury, XIV., p. 249•
Badleigh, Southend: I N. W., Waltham Abbey, Epping, I868. Wood, S. V., jun.-Pebble-Beds of Essex. Q. Jourrt.
Brentwood, Woodford, Chipping Ongar: 1 S. W., Stratford, Geol. Soc., vol. xxiv., p. 464.
Barking, Purfieet, Grays Thnrrock ~ Sheet 2, Mouths of the 1871. Prestwich, [Sir] J.-Red Crag of Essex, &c. Q~
rivers Blackwater,. Crouch, and Thames; with the towns Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxvii., p. 324-
of Bradwell, Burnham, Shoeburyness, &c : Sheet 47, Great 1876. Penning, W. H.-Physical Geology of East Anglia.
Y eldham, Thaxted, Great Chesterford, Saffron W alden, Q. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. :xxxii., p. rgi.
Newport, Dunmow, Braintree, Harlow, Roydon, &c. : 188o. Walker, H. -Elephant Hunting in Essex. T1·ans..
Quarter-sheets, 48 N.E., Harwich to Wrabness, &c.: 48 EpPing Forest Field Club, vol. i., p. 27.
S.E., Walton-on-the-Naze, &c.: 48 N.W., Manningtree to I88r. Corder, H.-Stone Implements from Chelmsford.
Langham and Horksley, &c.: 48 S.W., Colchester, Colne 1'rans. Epping Forest Field Club, vol. ii., J>P· 29,.
Estuary, Tendring, &c. JI.
I88I. Dalton, W. H. -The Blackwater Valley. Tra1111-
lnde:e )lfop [scale, 4 tmiles to one inch]: Sheet I2 (price, Ji,'pping Forest Field Club, vol. ii., p. 15.
28. 6d.) includes the whole of Essex, and is a most useful
IB87. Holmes, •r. V. and W. Cole.-Denehole Exploration
map. It does not, however, show the "Drift.'' at Hangman's Wood, Grays. Essex Naturalist
The above maps are further illustrated by the Horizontal for De<.. [see also Geol. Mag., pp. 293, 447 ].
Sections, :Nos. 84, 120, .126: and they are described and I887. Rowe, Rev. A. W.-Hocks of the Essex Drift. Q~
explained in the " Memoirs" mentioned below. . Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xliii., p. 351.
"Solid" and '"Drift" Maps.~lt must be remembered I887 to 1905. Geological Excursions to Epping Forest,.
that two editions are published of the maps of the Geollogical Sudbury, Grays, Royston, Kelvedon, Upminster,.
Survey. 'fhe first, original, or "Solid" edition, shows the lltord, Bishop's Stortford, &c. [See Proceeding~
truly stratified rocks as forming the surface of the ground; of the Geologists' Association, published by E.
all the irregular layers of boulder-clay, sand, gravel, loam, Stanford, 26 Cockspur street, Charing Cross s w.
&c., being supposed to be removed or swept away. The 1887. Marr. J. E. -Glacial Deposits of Sudbury. Geol_
second, or " Drift" edition, only shows the strata referred J-Ia.q., p. 262.
w above where they do actually form the surface ; the I889. Whitaker, W. and W. H. Dalton.-List of Works on.
.. drift" being shown in addition, and coloured so as to the Geology, &c., of Essex. Essex .Naturalist,.
mdicate where boulder-clay occul'S ; where the glacial vol. iii., p. 61.
loams lie ; and also the pebble-gravels, &c. For most I89I ..Dalton, W. H.-Undulations of the Chalk in Essex..
purposes the " Drift'' edition is to be preferred. In both Esse.r Nat., vol. v., p. 31l·
sets of maps the soi~ is ignored ; or rather it. is considered I894· Holmes, T. V.-Sections on the Railway from Rom-
to be but an altered state of the beds which form the sub- ford to Upminster, &c. Q. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol.
soil and which lie imm~diately beneath the soil pro~_:er. - I., p. 443·
Books or'! Memoirs.''-The Cretaceous Rocks of Britain, 1894· Smith, W. G.-Man, the Primeval Savage. Bvo,.
Stanford, London.
by A. J. Jukes-Browne, 3 vols., price 29s. 'fhe Pliocene
Deposits of Britain, by C. Reid, ss. 6d. Vertebrata of the 1894. Harrison, W. J.-Search for Coal in S.E. Englan!l
Pliocene Deposits, by E. T. Newton, 4s. Geology of the [Coal-field beneath Essex]. 8vo, Birmingham.
London Basin, by W. Whitaker (out of print). Geology of 1895. Holmes, T. V.- Ancient Physiography of South
London and of Part 9f the Thames Valley, by W. Whitaker, Essex. Rept. Brit. Assoc., p. 685.
2 vols., 6s. each. Soils and Sub-Soils from a Sanitary point 1896. Salter, A. E.- Pebbly Gravels from Goring Gap tOo
pf view, by H. B. Woodward, 2s. 6d. Guide to the Geology t.he Norfolk Coast. Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. xiv., p~
of London, by W. Whitoker, Is. The Geology of N. W. 389.
Essex, &c., by W. Whitaker, gs. 6d. Geology of North 1897· Kennard, A. S., &c. - Post-Pliocene Non-Marine-
Essex (Maps 48 N.W. and 48 N.E.), by W. Whitaker, 2s. Mollusca of Essex. Essex Nat., vol. x., p. 87.
Geology of the :Neighbourhood of Colchester, by W. Whit- I8g8. lrving, A.- Geology of the Stort Valley. Proc.
aker, IS. Geology of the Eastern End of Essex (Wa1ton Gtol. A ssoc., ,·ol. xv., p. 224.
Naze and Harwich), by W'. Whitaker, 9d. I9QO· Hinton, M. A, C.-Pleistocene Deposits of the llford
and Wanstead District. P1·oc. Geol. Assoc., vol~
The actual work of the Geological Survey in Essex was •
XVI., p. 271.
done by Messrs. W. Whitaker, H. W. Bristow, W. Igoo. Harmer, F. W.-The Crag of Essex, &c. Quart~
Boyd-Dawkins, W. H. Penning, W. H. Dalton, F. J. Bennett, Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. lvi., p. 705.
&c., between I868 and 1883; with recent adqitions by Harmer, F. W.- Later-Tertiary History of East
Messrs. T. I. Pocock and J. A. Howe. Anglia. P1·oc. Geol. A.~soc., vol. xvii., p. 416.
The agents for the sale of all the publications of the Woodward, H. B.- Disturbances in the Chalk near
Geological Survey include J. P. Green, Chelmsford; and Royston. Q. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. lix., p g6z.
E. Stanford, I2 Long acre, London w c. Salter, A. E.-Superficial Deposits of the Central and
Introduction to Geology.-For students of Geology, and Parts of Southern England. Proc. Geol. Assoc.y
for general readers who may .require explanations of the vol. xix., p. I.
terms used in Geology, and some account of the relation llinton, M. A. C. and A. S. Kennard.-Relati,·e-
borne by the strata of Essex to those of the other counties Ages of the Stone lmplements of the Lower
of England, we may mention Harrison's Te.rt-Book cf Thames Valley. Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. xix., p.
Geology, published by Blackie & Son, fifth edition, 1903, 76.
price 38. 6d. • See also numerous papers by M. A. C. Hinton; A. S.
Jdentijication of Fossils.-The Palreontographical Society Kennard ; T. V. Holmes; J. P. Johnson; B. B. Wood-
was established in 1847. Jts volumes·(published annually) ward ; C. Reid ; :\>I. Thresh ; W. l\I. Webb · W. ('ole, &c.,
contain beautifully drawn illustrations and d£>.scriptions of in the Essez .Naturalist ' .
many thousands of species cf British fossils. Among those
fHE rocks of Essex have attracted their full share of atten-l rise to the surface in other districts far to the west of Esse~
tinn from geological observera. The Government Geological In I8.S8 a deep boring at Harwich passed through-
Survey has published coloured maps of the whole of the Drift, i:fc., 25 feet: London Cla.v, 2:1 feet: Readiny, ~c.,
count.v, by Messrs. Bristow, Whitakel", Boyd- Beds, go feet: Chalk, 890 feet: Gault, 6t feet~ the bol"e,
Dawkins, Dalton, Penning, Bennett, and others: on these hole then entered "dark slaty rock," which was bored into-
maps the various layers or strata of rock are laid down for 69 feet: making the total depth 1,o98 feet. In the
w1~h the utmost accuracy, and indicated by means of slaty rock at the bottom some markings were observed
various colours. whieh were believed to indicate the presence of the fossil
The geology of the southern portion bordering on the shell Posidonomya, and these bottom beds were therefore
Thames and Lea has been described by Mr. W. Whitaker in thought to be of Lo>'f'er Carboniferous age. But in 1896,
his "Geology of the London Basin," and in a later work Professor W. W. Watts showed [see Report Geological
entitled "The Geology of London and of Part of the Survey, p. 5] that the supposed " shell " was but an acci-
Thames Valley." The same author has also published a dental wavy mark or wrinkle in the slaty rock. In later
description of the strata in the "Eastern End" of the years (1894, &c.) other deep borings have proved the occur-
county, round Harwich and the Naze ; and other" Memmrs," rence of a similar slaty rock at Stutton (on the north side of
which are mentioned above. Numerous papers by Professor the Stour estuary) at a depth of 994 feet. A third boring
Owen, Messrs. Brown, Mitchell, Clarke, Charlesworth, at Weeley (between Colchester and Walton-on-the-~aze)
Searles V. lVood, Harmer, Penning, Sir J. Prestwich, T. V. reached old rocks at r,o94 feet: specimens which were sent
Holmes, A. S. Kennard, Rev. A. Irving, H. B. Woodward, to us strongly resembed a sandstone of Cambrian age.
M. A. C. Hinton, A. E., &c., have appeared in the
Journal of the Geological Society, in the "Geological Maga- DoEs CoAL UNDERLIE EssEx? - From the supposed
zine," and in the " Proceedings of the Geologists' Associa- occurrence of Lower Carboniferous rocks beneath Harwich,
tion." The surface deposits at Grays and Ilford are we were led in 1895 to give a somewhat favourable opinion
favourite hunting grounds of the members of the Geologists' as to the possibility of the occurrence of a coal-field beneath
Association, and have frequently been described in their some part or other of Essex, recommending a point south-
Proceedings. west of Newport for a preliminary trial by boring. But the
discovery by Professor Watts removes the chief reason for
Geological Formations in Essex.-The county affords but
such a supposition. That a plain of old rocks underlies
a small diversity of the stratified rocks. The strata rest Essex at a depth of about 1,000 feet is unquestionable, but
one upon the other with a general inclination or dip to the that plain would seem to consist on the whole of strata
south-east: a consequence of this is that the lowest (and
• which are older than those (the Upper Cm·boniferous beds)
therefore oldest) beds crop up and occupy the surface in the
which contain seams of coal. Still, these older rocks are
north-west of the county, and here accordingly we find the probably much folded, and they may include in their folds
white chalk or Upper Cretaceous strata. Resting upon the portions of the Carboniferous strata.
chalk, but formed at a much later period, are the lower
Tertiary strata known as the Thanet Sands with the Wool- We may mention here other local deep borings (mostly
wich and Reading beds ; above which comes the London made in search of water), which have not, however, reached
Clay; and lastly, a few outliers of the sandy Bagshot Beds. the old rocks :-Sajjron W alden, " over x,ooo feet,. ; this
Subsequent comparatively recent deposits of boulder-clay, boring was made in 1836, and is said to have reached a
sand, brick-earth, gravel, &c., repose irregularly upon the depth 'of x,oo4 feet, ending in "blue clay" (? the Gault);
eroded edges of the true rock-masses enumerated above. the depth would seem to be exaggerated: Loughton, J,too
The London Basin.-The key to the geolo~ical structure feet, ending in the Gault : South :ihoebu1•y, I,o48 feet, end-
of Essex lies in the fact that It forms the eastern portion of ing in Lower Chalk: Wickham Bishop, I, 180 feet, of which
the " London Basin" (See section across this Basin given the lower 703 feet was chalk (not bottomed).
in the article on the Geology of Middlesex). Perhaps THE UPPER CRETACEOUS FORMATION.-Cummencing,
" trough'' would be a better name than " basin " ; but the then, with the beds of chalk which we have already stated
pomt to understand is, that after the formation of the to be the lowest and oldest of the strata which form the
Chalk, an immense earth-force (of whose exact origin and surface of the county of Essex. we find in the north-west of
mode of action we are still more or less ignorant) began to the county hilly and undulating ground, which presents,.
act from the south, throwing the Chalk into low folds which though in a less marked manner, the characteristic features.
ran from east to west. The Upper Chalk was then in part of the downs of the south of England. This chalk district ·
eroded, and in the slight hollow thus formed the Tertiary extends from the north and west boundaries of the county
strata were laid down in an area extending at least I20 as far south as a line drawn through or a little north or
m1les from Hnngerford on the west to Reculvers on the Bishop's Stortford, Castle Hedingham, and Sudbury. It is.
east ; and over 6o miles from Sudbury on the north to only along the boundary line with Cambrid~eshire, however.
Canterbury on the south. To the east, this trough or basin that the chalk bills make any fl"-ature in the Essex landscape,.
is doubtless continued beneath the waters of the North Sea. or that we fi.nd the white earthy limestone known as chalk.
The result is that while in the north of Essex-or from Sud- actually forming the surface. The Royston downs rise to a
bury to Thaxted, &c.-all the strata have a southerly dip, height of 400 feet, and from this point to Linton and Haver-
in the south of the county-as along the banks of the hill the average height is between 300 and 400 feet. The top of·
Thames-they dip to the north. The latter, or northern the Rivey, a hill just outside the county near Linton,is 325
dip, is, however, rather steeper than the southern dip. feet above the river Cam and 365 above the sea-level. The
Thus beneath the centre of Essex-as at Chelmsford, &c.- Middle Chalk is exposed along the north-western slope of
the strata must lie horizontally. this low escarpment and also alon!{ the valleys of the littl6·
This pressure from the south has been called the streams that run northwards into the Cam.
" Armorican " movement, because its effects are very
prominent in Brittany. After the deposition of the Eocene The Lowe1· Chalk forms the western base of the line of
strata this pressure was renewed with greater intensity ; and chalk hills, and does not extend-at the surface-into Essex
was continued during at least the early part of the Pliocene The Upper Chalk is distinguished by the presence of numer-
epoch. We see the final results of this great earth-move- ous layers of flints, which are absent, or at all events not S()
ment all over the South of England and in South Wales. common, in the beds below. A microscopical examination.
All this area was thrown into great synclines and anticlines, of chalk reveals the fact that it is almost entirely composed
which ran east and we'i!t. In the synclines, the result has of minute shells of the foraminifera, a class of lowly ani-
been to preserve the strata-as we see in the London Basin, mals which are, even now, forming a deposit very simila~
the Hampshire Basin, and the South Wales Coal-field : to chalk on the bed of the North Atlantic 0t"ean. Th&
while in the anticlines-the best example of which is the Chalk dips gently to the south-east and undoubtedly under-
Weald of Kent and Sussex-the upper strata have been lies the whole of Essex, rising again to the surface on th&
denuded, exposing the older rocks beneath. south of the Thames to form the Kentish hills known as the
Hut proceeding from some area far to the north and west North Downs. Owing to a minor undulation, one little
of the London Basin, a second great earth-movement took patch of Chalk, however, crops out in the south of the
plaee, and we see its results in the line taken by the Chalk county between Purtleet and Grays Thurrock ; here it is
from north-east to south-west, forming the escarpment of largely worked for the manufacture of " whiting" and
the Chiltern Hills, the Downs of Royston, &c. This second Roman cement, and the flint nodules have been employed in
earth-pressure came from the north-west, and its effects are making porcelain. Numerous fossils, as sea-urchins of the
specrally marked in the Scottish Hi)!hlands, so that it is genera Holaster, Ananchytes, .~.Wicraster, and Ecltinoconus.
known as the "Caledonian " movement. To the joint shells, as Terebratula carnea, Inoceramu.~ 111,lltiloides, &c.,
action of these two greM earth-crust forces (though princi- and in fact all the ordinary fossils of the Middle and Upper
pally to the Armorican) the London Basin owes its present Chalk, are fairly pll"ntiful. At Grays the Chalk has been
form, extent and position. proved by boring to be about 66o feet thick, and at Harwich
OLD Rocxs BENEATH EssEx.-Lying far below the sur- 890 feet. Being a '[IOrous rock, the Chalk is very important
face of Essex-at a depth of about one thousand feet- as a source of water-supply : it has also been much usecl in
StNtified rocks of great geological age occur which have times past for marling the land ~ while the flints make g<:>9.d
been reached bv means of deep borings, but which only road-metal.
E5SEX 2._
20 ESSEX. [1\ELL"\ 's
~ THE TERTIARY PERIOD.-The Chalk was probably deposited strong healthy appearance visitors were led to believe was
at the bottom of a moderately deep and clear sea, and was the result of their medicinal effects. In spite, however, of
hardened, elevated to form dry land, -its surface in part such a strong corroboration of the efficacy of the Hockley
eroded, and again depressed, before the next bed of rock waters, the public refused to be cured, and the speculation
(the Thanet Snnds) was deposited upon its surface. Evi- proved a failure ; all that now remains of the spa bein~ the
dently, then, there must have been a great interval of time buildings which are still known as "Hockley Spa."
betwPen the formation of these two beds of rock, and proofs Teazles grow well on the London Clay, and also the elm,
of this interval are further furnished by •
the fact that the oak, and ash
fossils found in the heds we are now going to describe are (5.) The Bagshot Beds.- These sandy, almost unfossilifer-
of an entirelv different nature to those which occur in the ous, strata occur only as outlying patches in the southern
Chalk, showi~a- that a completf' chana-e in the life existing in half of the county: they contain pebble-beds, formed· of
this rPa-ion of the Parth had takPn place. Here then geolo- well-rolled flints only, and are about 25 feet thick: their
msts draw one of thrir great boundary lines, placing the positiOn is im·ariably on the high ground an<l hill-tops, and
Chalk, with certain heds henf'ath it, in a group denominated springs issue from their junction with the London Clay
the RProndary ; bens lower still (coal, slate, &c.) are known helow. They occur at High Beech; on the hill at Havering-
as Primarv; hut the newer. higher strata which lie upon atte-Bower; and there is a rather large mass which stretches
the Chalk are denominated Tertiary, or third in order of the southwards from Shenfield by Brentwood to Warley Com-
great gronps of stratified rocks. mon; they form the upper layers of the llrentwood brick-
The lowe!';t Tertiary strata are collectively known as the fields ; are also exposed in the railway cutting there; and
EocENE l''OR\fATION, and are subdivided into>- constitute the pebble-beds which have been extensively dug
(r.) The Thamt Sand.~.--Resting on the beds of Chalk in on Warley Common : other patches occur near Frierning,
South Essex near Gr11ys we find 20 or 30 feet of fine light- Stock, Galleywood Common and Rayleigh: They also form
eo]oured sands, in which few or no fos:sils occur; these are the upper part of Langdon Hill, which rises to a height or
known as the "Thanet Sands," because thev are well 388 feet, and can be seen from long- distances. These Bag-
~xposed in the Isle of Thanf>t: they have at their ba«e a shot Beds were deposited in a shallow sea traversed by
laver of unworn green-coated flints known to the workmen shifting cnrrents. and close to the land. The only fossils
as the "Rull-hea.d Red." Mr. W. Whitaker has shown found in the Essex Bagshots consist of a few casts of such
that the Thanet Sands also occur at Balling-don, a suburb of shells as Voluta and Natica, which were found at Mill
Sudbury, whP-re they are 15 feet thick, and from this point Green, north of Frierning, by Messrs. :\Ionckton and Herries.
thev mav extend aiong the edgP of the Chalk to Thaxted.
Now the five divisions of the Tertiary Epoch which we
Be,;ond this p'are, westward~. the Thanet flanns are over-
have described, viz., the (r) Thanet, (2) Reading,(3) Black-
lapped by newer strata, and are not seen at the surface :
heath, (4) London Clay, and (S) .Bagshot Beds, are considered
they are of marine Prigin, and are practically unfossiliferous.
by geologists to form as a whole the lower division of the
(2.) The Woolmich and Rearlinq BPds.-These are mottled
EoC'ene formation. After the deposition of the Bagshot
-clavs anfl sands, also sPen at Sndbnrv, flhove the Thanet
• Beds, the area we are describing seems to have been eJe •
SaniJs: thf>n('e they run bv Shalford and Easton Park to
vated so as to become dry land ; at all events, there are no
Bisllflp's Stortforil, whPre they are well PxposP<1 in several
traces in Esi!E'X of strata of Upper Eocene age, nor of the
hric'kvarfls. In South Es<~llx thev extend from Wenningfon
• succeeding- Oligocene period, which we find well represented
bv Orflett to St.anford. Their thicknPSs iA about 40 feet;
in the Isle of Wight and on the Continent. Neither is there
thPv are be-re of estuarine ori.!rln, and contain such shells
present in F:ssex any representative of the next period m
BS (~vrena cuneijm·mis and {)strea bellovacina, with plant-
• upward succession-the Miocene. Indeed, after the deposi-
rem am!!.
tion of the Bag-shot Beds the greater part of Britain seems
h.) The BlarkhnLth (or 01dhavPn) hPds also occur near to have been elevated, and to have formed part of a great
cm;Ptt: thev are comnospd of well-rollt>d flint pehbles em- continental area.
bP.dnoo in grPV sand, ann are only a few fePt thick. Mr.
Bri!rtow remarks : " At H assenhrooke, of Orsett, the Pr.IOCENE FORMATION. In the Eocene beds only a very
farmer hM Aome >e-ry productive strawbPrrv beds, and the few of the fossil shells (about 3~ per cent.) are identiral
fruit, well known for itR good qualitv, fetches a high price. with species now livin~: in the Phocene strata, on the con-
i·was told that the prm1uce of 12 acres fetches £ roo a wePk trary, we find even in the lowest beds that one-half of the
in f'ove11t Garflen MarkPt, a price much a hove "hat the fossil shells belong to living species, while in the upper por-
nPi!!hhourinl! !!rowers can get. The explanation of this tion ninP-tenths are precisely similar to existing forms.
diffPrenc>P in qnal;t:v is, I hPliPve, that the sandy pebble-bed These Pliocene beds only occur in the eastern counties,
upon which theRP !ltl'awh~>rTies are grown makes a soil where they have received the name of "crag," frum the
espP<·ially favonra h'e for their cultivation, and that good Celtic word cug_qan, a shell, in allusion to the fact that the
. gardf'ning hac; little to do with the matter.'' beds are almost m~de llP of a mass of comminuted shells.
The Red Crag.-The Lower, White, or Coralline Crag
( 4.) ThP Lonrlnn f'Tn1!.-This is the ehief E!';sex formation. does not occur in Essex, so that the Red Crag rests directly
When we r'le!';CPnd the Q'Pntle ea<~tern slope of the chalk-hills, upon the London Clay; it only occurs in the north-east
\Ve see bPforA no: to the a second escarpment, corner of. the county, where it is well exposed in the fine cliff
riAinl! in low bills to heights of het.ween 2no and. 300 feet sections at Walton Naze;- Here we see the Red Crag to be a
ahove thP "f'a. 'T'hf> lowest portion of thf' n.,rthern or north coarse, reddish brown and grey sand, about 20 feet in
Wl'!';tf>rn l"lopP of thiR I'Prnnd line of hill" is cnmnosed of the thickness, full of shells, and showing much false be1ding.
R~>adina- hPrlR, hnt on the top and Rtret.c>hing thence south- Harwich diff had also onee a capping of Red Crag, but this
Pa<~t. riO'ht awav to thf> month of the ThamPs and to the has been removed by the encroachment of the sr.a. Other
North SP::t, we flnrl bPils of stiff brownish anrl hluish clays in outlying patches of Red Crag occur at Beaumont, Little
which ]avers of Sf1Jfrtria occnr : the 11re rounded Oakley, Ramsey, Manningtree, Lall!;ham, and soutt! of
maczl'es of imnnre Cflrhonate of lime, usunlh·• traversed by Boxted, &c. Of shell-fish, 148 species have been ob~amed
crMkl'l, whiC'h are nllPd up with cryl'tals of the same frrm Walton, of which 75 are Mediterranean species, show-
matPrial. Tn the 11onth-east of Essex the London Clay is ing a rat her warmer climate than at pres~nt : the most
480 fPE't thick. hnt it thin!! out considPrahly a<1 we follow it characteristic species are Neptunea cont1·ana, Culumbella
WP.<~tward". It. form« the low cliffs at Harwich, Walton-on- sulcata, J.Va.~sa elegans, &c.
thP-NazP. Frintnn, ~outhend, RhoehnryneF<F<, and Clacton; Copro1ite Bed.-At the base of the Red Crag we find a
.anil 1<1 a lw wPll Pxpo~Pr'l mnnd Langcion Hill, in Hainault layer of phosphatic nodules, wh"se valuable fertilising
.anil F.pping- ForPR' R, nPar Wa ltham Ah hey, anci in thf> valleys properties were first pointed out by the late Professor
·of the C'ronc·h. ~fnur. Colne, Rlackwatf>r, and ChPlmer. Henslow : this bed has been worked at Wrabness, Little
.()vpr mo!lt o' itfc arPa howevPr, a!'l hPtwef'n Colchester, Oakley, &c., anrl many thousands of tons altogether of these
Vunmow, anti r'hPlmo;;foril. the Lonilon Clay is eovered over coprolites have been raised in Essex, but the workings have
and c>onc>Pa]Prl hv f:.lar;ll} Orift. ·where it r'lneR crop out it now ceased.
forms 11 dnl'lr 1mfPl'1iiP !'!nil. N e:lr HarwiC'h the London Clay
.was formPrlv workf'fl for the septari~. which were used fnr Chille:iford Beds.-At Walton-on-the·Naze we see 6 or 7
thP mannfar•t11rP of c>Pment. Here. too, it contains feet of sandy clay resting on the Red Crag, which may
nnmPronR !'lffil\ 11 norlnlPs of iron pvritf's, '" hich were formerly possibly belong to these beds.
.collr¥tPrl on thP hPach nPar Walton, for the manufacture of DEPOSITS OF DOUBTFUL AGE. -At cert1in points in
COPr>Pra"• to the "monnt of ahout 1 ~o tons yParlv. At Essex. gravel-beds exist whose geological age is doubtful:
manv plaf'E'R in F.«!'lf'X thP Li)nrlon ('lay is worked for the they can be seen in places to rest upon the Bagshot Beds ;
mannf::.C'turP of hric>ks ann tiles, and s~ctions may he seen and elsewhe~e they can be seen to pass underneath the
JJPnr RrPntwoorl Railway Station, Galleywood, Ingatestone, Glacial Drift. Thf'y consist mainly of well-rounded flint-
M~'ilnn, &c>. pebbles, with small pebbles of white quartz;. Such gravels
Th~>rl' il'l a m;nPral ~<nrin!!' a.t llocklPy, the water of which, cap the hills at High Beech; near Brentwood; Langdon
Jil<P m11ch of that fr.-m the Lonflon ('Jay, contains sulphate Hill, &c. They have been named " W eHtleton Beds" by
of maenP!lia fF.n~<om !lalts). An en-leavo11r was made many Sir J. Prestwi~h from their supposed identity with the
VPAr~ a!!o to mn"tl'nct. hP"Nl a "sna" wi•h "pump rooms," gravel beds at a village in Suffolk bearing that name.
ani to dispenSE' the waters; a woman was employed whose Other high-le\'el gravels are very similar in composition te
the Westleton Beds, but in addition contain fragments of Pliocene or even in some cases to Miocene times-were
<'hert and rag-stone which appear to have come from the probably filled "Up with drift during the Glacial period, and
hills of Kent : these are known as "Southern Drift." To have smce been more or less re-excavated by the rivers
most of these beds the name of "Pebbly Gravel" has been 'll hich now oct!upy them. Most of the material so removed
given by Mr. W. Whitaker, and it is a useful term, for has been swept out to the sea ; but here and there along each
It states a fact without expressing an opinion ; and much river's course we find beds of fine loam or brick-earth, and
more research is needed into the subject before any definite again beds of gravel or sand, at varying heights, which
statements as to the exact age and geological positiOn of have been depo:sited by the streams at different periods as
these deposits of "doubtful age '' can be made. On the they wore their way downwards. The brick-earths at
whole these pebble-gravels seem to be of fluviatile origin ; Strntford, Ilford, Grays, Copford, &c. (which are about 30
and to belong to the early part of the Pleistocene formation. feet in thickness), have ytelded numerous remains of fresh-
water mollusca, mamly such as still inhabit the adjoining
PLEISTOCENE FORM.ATION.-The IJrift or Glacial Beds.- district. At Grays, how-
Beds of Upper Pliocene age found in Norfolk and Suffolk ever, a shell known as
give plain indications that a colder climate was then begin- Corhicula (or C.vrena)
ning to prevail. The warm-water or Mediterranean shells ftuminalis occurs, which
of the Red Crag disappear and are replaced by Arctic forms : is now only found in the
still later we enter ou a period of severe cold, when icebergs Nile; at Copford sixty-
detached from glaciers, which then covered all the north of nine species of shells
Great Britain and the whole of Scandinavia, came sai1ing have been found, three
southwards down the North Sea laden With rocks detached of which (of the genus
from the land over which they rubbed; and later still the Helix) no longer inHabit.
glaciers themselves pushed southwards as far as Essex and England ; from peat-
M1ddlesex. The first or lowest glacial deposits found in beds exposed in the old
Essex are loams, gravels and sands : they are overlaid and brick-yard at Lexden,
in places overlapped by the Chalky .Boulder-Clay, which remains of beetles, most-
reaches southwards to the northern edge of the Thames ly of non-Hritish genera,.
Valley ; its southernmost point (as shown by existing have been obtained.
boulder-cJay) reaching to Hornchurch, between Romford Bones and teeth of the
and Upminster. Thus this great Chalky Boulder-Clay is mammoth, of a rhin-
spread as a surface covering over all the stratified rocks of oceros, hippopotamus,.
central and northern Essex, except along the bottoms of the and other extmct species-
river valleys, where it has been washed away, exposing the also occur in these brick-
glacial gravels beneath. It is a stiff, clayey mass of a earths. A very fine-
brownish hue, full of chalk-pebbles, flints and pieces of rock collection of the teeth,
brought from the north and north-west, containing, too, bones, &c., of these ex-
numerous fossils knocked out of older rocks and brought tinct mammals, made
from afar ; it often forms a stumbling block to the young at llford by Sir Antonio
geologist, who fails to distinguish it from the truly-stratified Brady, was presented by
rocks which it overlies and conceals. him to the British Mu-
Glacial Action in North Esse.x.-In the north of Essex the seum, and may now be-
glacial ice pressing southwards produced some remarkable seen in the Natural His-
local results. Mr. W. Whitaker has described [ Q. Journ. tury Galleries, South
Geol. Soc., vol. xlvi., p. 333] a deep channel either ploughed Kensington.
out by a glacier or eroded by torrents proceeding from Extensive deposits of
melting ice, which is found in the valley of the Cam, and sand and mud occur all
can be traced for 1 r miles mar Wend en, Quendon, Newport along the Essex coast,.
and Little bury. This valley or gorge has been bored into in from Shoeburyness to
one place to as great a depth as 340 feet without reaching Harwich. At Clacton
the Chalk, although the latter rock comes to the surface at
no great distance. The glacial deposits by which the old ;:N eo l1·th"1c 11m · k , or ch.1se1, stumps
• t , • p1c b of trees
d f forming
gorge is filled up are chietly loams, sands and gravels, with found at Great EMton, near Dunmow, a su merge orest are
some boulder-clay. Essex; length 6~ inches. The lower to J;>e s~en. at low wa:ter,
figure shows the cross section. (After whiCh mdiCates a shght
And m the same Journal Mr. H. B. Woodward gives an SirJ. Evans.) subsidence of the coast-
account [vol. lix., p. 362] of the way in which the Upper
Chalk near Great Chishall, Hey don, &c., has been bent over line. The slope of the land as it vasses under the sea is a
very gentle one, and indeed the deepest part of the North
and the strata arched so as to dip northward near the top Sea between E~;sex and Hollawl is only J8o feet, so that a
of the chalk-escarpment, instead of maintaining their very slight elevation \lould !mffice to render England again,
normal south-easterly dip. The layers of flint also are as it was during Miocene, Pliocene, and Early Pleistocene
broken; while it can be seen that boulder-clay has been times, a part of the continent of Europe. A well-sinking
forced right into and underneath the disturbed Chalk. In the
article upon the Geology of Hertfm·dshire an illustration is for water at Clacton·on-Sea in 1878 passed through Post-
given of this remarkable disturbance of the Chalk at a place Glacial Sands, 18 feet; London Clay, 194 feet; Reading
Barkway) which is only just outside the county boundary- Beds, 56 feet ; entering the Chalk at a depth of 270 feet ;
line of Essex. ~Ul these abnormal appearances can be the same rock was found to lie 2ro feet below the Castle
explained by the impact of an enormous mass of land-ice Brewery, Colchester, but only 43 feet beneath Beckton.
pressing southwards. Econnmic GeolortY of Esse.x.-Like the other counties of the
Glacial Lakes in South Esse.x.-The great sheet of ice from east of England, Essex is not rich in minerals. The follow"
bcandinavia, &c., which gradually crept down and occupied ing figure~ for the year 1904 are extracted from the Govern-
the greater part of the area of the North Sea in Pleisto..:ene ment official puhlication- Mines and Quarries. These
times, made its appearance while the south-east of England tigures refer, ho" ever, only to excavations which are more
was still a part of the Continent of Europe. But the wall of than 20 feet in depth, so that the amounts stated-more
ice extending east and west across the .North Sea dammed- e!'pectally of clay and of gravel and sand-are less than the
up the water and so produced a great fresh-water lake to quantities actually raised. Chalk, s8r,o8I tons, value
the south of it, into which the Rhine, Thames, &c., poured £21,937: obtained chiefly from the pits along the north bank
their waters. This glacial lake found an outlet to the south, of the Thames at Grays, Thurrock, &c., and much used in
and so the Straits of Dover were originated as-in the first the manufacture of whitemng and Roman cement : Flint,
place-a river-gorge. How far south exactly the ice 7,308 tons, value £865: Clay, II4,787 tons, value £6,094:
extended we do not know ; but a boss of drift still existing Gravel and Sand, g6,r51 tons, value £2,913. Total number
at Sheppey is probably near its southern limit. As the of persons employed, 446. For later stattstics see p. 4-
level of the water rose in this ice-dammed lake, so it PRKHISTORIC MAN.- Many examples have been found in
ext~nded westwards up the Thames Valley; and the exten- E~sex of the flint and stone implements used by the early
sive sheets of loam, brick-earth, &c., which occur at heights inhabitants of this country, when as yet metals were un-
of from so to 100 feet above sea-level in south and south-east known. These may be divided into (a) Implements belonging
Essex, and which bear every sign of havmg accumulated in to the older or Palaolithic StoneAye, for the most part roughly
still, tranquil waters, may represent the principal deposits chipped flints, which arefoundin sands or gravels (river-drift)
formed in this old lake, although sands and gravels also often at considerable depths ; and (b) the more dexterously-
occur and indicate its margins. The idea of such a glacial fashioned and often rubbed or polished implements of the was ably urged as long ago as 1874 by the late Mr. T. newer or Neolithic Stone Age, which occur on the surface
Belt [see Nature, vol. x., p. 35]. or in the soil just beneath.
Recent or Post- Glacial Beds. The original river· To the PallBolithic Stone Age we may assign a
valleys of the Eastern Counties dating back it may be to battered flint nodule found at Little 'lhurroek • ·

bably used as a kind of hammer for the manufacture of other Witham ; another specimen, ground at the edge and 6l
flint .implements. At Quendon, near Saffron Walden, a pit inches long, occurred at Stifford, near Grays Thurrock t the
xz feet deep dug in sandy ''drift" yielded a pointed flint same spot also yielded a perforated stone hammer, circular in
tool, 8 inches in length; a small ovate tool occurred at outline and 3- inches in diameter. A.t Audley End, a 8tone
Lexden Park, near Colchester; others were found north of pestle, like a small club, 9! inches long, was found in a
the same town: the banks of the river Ter, near Felstead, gravel pit, with a Roman cinerary urn. A remarkably
yielded two more examples; and one tool found at North large flmt chip or flake was met with in digging the founda-
End Place, south of Felstead, was exceptional in being tions of a house on Windmill Hill, S<lffron Walden. Sir
roughly chipped out of qum·tzite. Numerous examples of .John Evans remarks (in his admirable book, "The Andent
palreolithic flint implements ha,·e been found by that inde- Stone Implements of Great Britain") concerning this
fatigable investigator, Mr. Worthington G. Smith, in the specimen: J• One face is somewhat flatter than the other,
old river-gravels on the aastern side of the river Lea, at but both faces are dexterously and symmetrically chipped
Leyton, Plaistow, Forest-Gate, &c., in the valley of the over their whole surface. The small flakes have been taken
Roding at IHord, Barking, &c. ; and eastwards along the off so skilfully and at such regular intervals that, so far aa
northern margin of the Thames at Grays Thurrock, Til- workmanship is concerned, this instrument approaches in
bury, Southend, &c. The river-grM·els containing these character the elegant Danish blades. The form seems well
palreolithic implements were formed for the most part adapted for a lance head, but on examination the edges
by the river Tham~s when it flowed at from 50 feet to 100 appear to be slightly chipped and worn away, as if by
feet above the present level of its bed, and their age must scraping some hard material. It would appear then more
therefore be great, certainly not less than ro,ooo years, and probably to have been used in the hand." At Gredt Easton,
probably much more. near Dunmow, a flint pick or chisel has been found; and a
The great question as to the existence of man in Britain perforated axe-head, made of greenstone, and 6~ inches long,
before or during the Glacial Epoch is a point which may, nearColchester. LeaMarshesyieldedapolishedcelt, 7iinches
perhaps, some day be settled in Essex by the discovery of in length ; a stone pestle made of granite is recorded from Ep-
an "implement •1 beneath undoubted boulder-clay. Mr. pin~ Forest; and a flint scraper fro~ Walton-on-the-Naze, _at
J. E. Greenhill records. (Essex Pield Club Journal, vol. iv., wh~ch l,~st-name~, spot there seems, mdeed, to have been qmte
p 95l the discovery of a stone tool the work of human a flmt factory.· Such were the tools and weapons used by
h~nds, beneath Chalky Boulder-Clay Newport, and Mr. M. I our predecessors in this country up lo per~aps 3,soo years
A. c. Hintonstates (Proc. Geol. Assoc.,vol. xvi., p. 272) that a ago, when metals (~rst b;onze, and .then uon) began to be
fractured flint implement found in the Roding Valley shows used by the early mhab1tants of t~1s cou~try. Do~btless
distinct strire upon its fractured surfaces. But the difficulties many more speCimens of_ these mos~ mterestmg stone lmple-
in the way of absolutely pr(YI)ing such occurrences are great ; ments would be ~oun~ If gravel-ptts and other excavatiOns
for example, the clay may have slipped over the beds con- were watched by mt.elltgent obse;ve~s. Of the bones of the
-.taining the tools, or may have been disturbed in some other ~en wh? made and used the fl1~t ~mple~ents hardly any
way. Still the evidence seems to be accumulating to prove discoveries_have been made; _but It IS possible that a skele-
that Man may have been coeval with Glacier-ice in the ton found m the gravel ~t ~tlbury Docks at a depth of 34
Thames Basin, probably living along the margin of the ice- feet may be that of-~ Neohthic man (see T.V. Holmes, Pror.
csheet just as the Eskimo of Greenland do at the present day. Geol. Assoc., vol. vm., P· 392).
Of Neolithic implements a. chipped flint celt or axe, 9
jnches long and 3t broad, was found at Blunt's Hill, near W. JEROME HARRISON, F.G.s•

ABBERTON is a parish on the Layer brook, near its 1 net yearly value £x8o, with residence, in the gift of the
O»nfloence with the Roman river, and on the Mersea Lord Chancellor, and held since 1901 by the Re-v.
road, aba«t 5 miJes south from Colchester, 3i south- Charles Werninck. Here is a Wesleyan chapel. Mrs.
west from Wivenhoe station on the Great Eastern rail- Hetherington, who is lady of the manor, and Thomas
<Way and 55 from London; it is in the North Eastern Betherington esq. are the principal landawners. The
division of the cotmty, Winstree hundred, Lexden and soil is loam; subsoil, loam. The chief crops are wheat,
Winstree petty sessional division and union, Colchester, barley, oats, beans and peas. The area is I,o68 acres;
(Jlactom and Harwich joint county court district and in rateable value, £1,252; the population in 19II -was I79·
(lolchester rural deanery and archdeaconry and diocese Post & T. Office. Henry Harrison, sub-postmaster. Let-
.of Chelmsford. The church of St. Andrew is a small ters through Colchester are delivered at 6 a.m. & (to
building of stone and brick; it consists of a chancel, callers only) 12.30 p.m.; dispatched at H1.30 & 7-So
nave, south porch and a western tower of brick con- p.m. ',['he nearest money order office is at Peldon
taining one bell: the church was restored in 1884, when Non-Provided School (mixed), enlar2'ed in 1913 to
the gallery and pews were removed and the latter re- accommodate 57 children; average attendance, 51 ;
J>laced by open seats: the church is now (1914) being' Mrs. Caroline Hook, mistress
again restored : there are So sittings·. The register Conveyance.-Berry's motor 'bus from Colchester to
dates from about the year I559· The living is a rectory, West Mersea passes through three times each day
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. COMMERCIAl., Pannell Ernest, insurance agent
.Perkins Waiter, Barley's farm Cock William, farmer, Badcocks farm Smith .Annie (Miss), farmer
Bi~ington Wilson Henry, Abberton Davies Jane (Mrs.), farmer Smith Mary Oo~ (Mrs.), baker
manor Harrison Henry, bpilder, Post office Taylor George, shopkeeper
Bimington Wilson Hon. Mrs. H. Humphrey Charle~, hamess maker Wright Arthur Edwd. general dealer
.Abberton manor Paczensky Mahol~ Rebecca (Mrs.), & beer retailer
Werninck Rev. Chas. (rector),Rectoryj farmer~ .Abberto~ glebe
ABRIDGE, s!!e Lambourne. .
ALDBOROUGH HATCH i3 a consolidated chapelry, 31, 1866; net yearly value £184, with glebe (£3o) and
formed Jan. 13o 1863, out of the ecclesiastical distriots of residence, in the gift of the Crown~ and held since 1902
Barking Side and Iliord, in the parish of Barking, 2 miles by the Rev. Philip Isidore Lach-Szyrma M.A. of Keble
north from Ilford station and about three-quarters of College, O:dord. St. James's, Little Heath, is m this
.a mile north-east from Newbury Park station, both on parish, net yearly value. £58; the Rev. Horace Richard
the Woodford branch of the Great Eastern railway, 9 Landon M.A. of Worcester College.,. Oxford, has been
from London and joining Hainault Forest : it comprises cur,ate in charge since 18g6. The land is principally

.a large tract of land, with scattered farmhouses. in the the property of the Crown. The population in I9II
:Southern division of the county, Becontree petty .ses- wa& 1,853• including 977 in the West Ham Borough
'$iona.l division, Romford union and county court dis- Lunatic Asylum.
trict, mral deanery of Barking, archdeaconry of Essex Sexton &; Grave Digger, William Freshwater.
and Chelmsford diocese. The church of St. Peter is a
-small building of Kentish rag, in the Early English Pillar Letter Box in the village, cleared at 8oi5

-style, consisting of chancel, nave. north porch, and a & 4 & 8.15; snndays, 8.25 aom. The nearest
turret on the eastern gable of the nave containing one money order & tel~graph office is at BaTking Side, ~
'bell: there are 220 sittings. The register dates from mile distant. Letters through Ilford 11rrive at 8 a.m.
the year t863. The living was declared a vicarage .Aug. & 4 & 8 p.m
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. l Oakey Thomas, Double house Fountain John, farmer
"Dormer Joseph Thomas, Abury house Painter Chas. James,Aldborongh hall Lake Isaac, farmer
Horwood Joseph, Double house Tyler Robert Barlow, The Bury Perkins Ernest Edward, farmer &-,
Ingram-Whit~ Wm. Gt. Newbury frm . blacksmith
Kapadia A. The Grange 1 COMMERCIAL. Perkins J oseph, farmer
Lach-Szyrma Rev. Philip Isidore ICole Emily (Miss). beer retailer Poulter John 'fhomas, farmer, Hain-
M.A. Vicarage English James, market gardener anlt farm
ALDHAM: is a village and parish, including Ford habitants of four almshouses, erected and endowed by
Street, I mile north from thA Marks Tey station of the the Rev. Charles Bannatyne, formerly rector, together
Great Eastern railway, 51 west-by-north from Colchester, with Crape's charity and Love's gift~ A. fair was
and 5 east-north-east from Coggeshall, in the Eastern formerly held on Easter Tuesday~ but ia now discon-
tdivision of the county, hundred of Lexden (Witham divi- tinued. Sir Thomas Charles Callis Western bart. who
sion), Lexden and Winstree petty sessional division and is lord of the manor, and James Hines esq. are the
union, Colchester, Clacton and Harwich joint county principal landowners. The soil is light loam. The
<:ourt district, Coggeshall and Tey rural deanery, Col- chief crops are. wheat, barley and turnips. The area
chester archdeaconrv •
and Chelmsford diocese. The is 1,861 acres of land and 6 of water; rateable value,
church of St. Margaret and St. Catherine is a build- £2,950; the population in tgn of the ciTil parish wu
ing of flint with stone dressings, in the Early English 383 and of the ecclesiastical parish 332, including the
.and Perpendicular styles, situated nearly in the centre hamlet of Ford Street, which is on the road from Col-
of the parish, I mile from the site of the old one, and ·chester to Halstead, near where it crosses the Colne.
·was erected and consecrated in 1855. all the material Sexton, William Mole.
o0f the old church being used in the construction of
the new: it consists of chancel, nave of three · bays, p Arthur Edward
south aisle, south porch, and a western tower of the 1 4 th ost, M. 0. & T. Office, Ford Street.-
oentu.ry, with spire containing 2 bells; the wooden south Partridge, sub-postmaster. Letters through Colches-
eorch, removed from the old church, is in a good state of ter arrive at 7· 2 5 a.m. & 1. 20 p.m. (to callers) week
preservation: there are 250 sittings. The register dates days; dispatched at 12015 & 6.5o p.m.; suns. Io.2o a.m
from the year 15 59 • The living is a rectory, net yearly Wall Leflter Boxes, at the Church cleared at 12.25 a.
value f)go, with 21 acres of glebe, and residence, in the 7·5 p.m. ; mndays, 10.35 a.m. & Fox's Corner, cleared
gift of Majar Sir Henry Paulet St. John Mildmay hart. at 7.10 p.m; sundays, 10.40 a.m
and held since 19o6 by the Rev. Frederick Wilkinson Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1829, & en-
1\f..A. of Corpus Ohristi College, Cambridge. The charities larged in 1872, for 72 children; average attendance.
amount to £77 yearly, and include pensions to the in- 39 ; Miss .Agnes Maud J(Jhnson, mistress
Cant Hamlet, Malting house Borrett Arth. Wm. baker, Ford ,Street Menzies Captain Thomas Berwick S.
Evans-Gwynne Captain Alfred, Thtl Evans Hezekiah, thatcher & beet retlr farmer, Hil1 farm
Cummins Gifford Alan Cleveland & George Partridge Arthnr Edward, groceJ' a;
Gifford Geo. Ayers, Bourchiers hall Reginald, farmers, Bourchien hall sub-postmaster, Ford Street
Head George, Ford Street Gifford George Reginald, motor en- Pudney William Joseph, harness
Pudney Joseph gineer & agent for Napier cars, maker, Ford Street
Tompson Charles Hardy, The Limes, Bonrchiers hall - . Quinney George, farmer
London road (letters through Goodey Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer, SeeleyoJohn,Cooper's Arms P.H_ Ford
Marks Tey) · Church House farm Street
Wilkint~on Rev. Frederick M.A. King Albert, baker, London road Steadman Wm. shopkpr. Ford Stree'
(reetor), Rectory (letter-3 through Marks Tey) Tweed Bertie George William, black-
Herwin Horace, frmr. Hoe frm smith, Ford Street
'Barleyman Thomas Hug'hes, miller, Meadows Thomas, Queen's Head P .B Williamson Charles, farmer


... • • .. j 0 ...


ALPHAMSTONE is a parish near the navigable the year :ryos; marriages, 1707, and is in good con..
river Stour and on the borders of Suffolk, 2! miles d;tion: there is also a " Town Book,'' dating from 1616.
north-west from Bures station on the Sudbury branch The living is a rectory, net yearly value £26o, with 2S
ot the Great Eastern railway, 5 south from Sudbury, 5 acres of glebe, and residence, in the gift of the Lord
north-east from Halstead, and 51 from London, in the Chancellor, and held since 1909 by the Rev. Percival.
Northern division of the county, Hmckford hundrt!d, Saben M.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge. Here ia-
South Hinckford petty sessional division (Hal>1tead a small unsectarian mission room, seating so persons.
bench), Sudbury union and county court district, Hal- The charities amount to £n z8s. yearly. Mrs. Riming-
stead and Hedingham rural deanery, Colchester arch- ton Taylor, of 2 East street, Barking, Londoo E, is lady
deaconry and Chelmsford diocese. The church (name of the manor. Henry Basham Dickinson esq. of Peb-.
uncertain) occupies the site of a barrow or tumulus marsh, and Ernest A. G. Marriott esq. J.P. are the-
of the Bronze Age, and some of the stones of the principal landowners. Three more or less perfect speci-
circle which surrounded it still linger in the church- mens of cinerarv• urns found close to the- church in.
yard: the church, which anciently belonged to Waltham May, 19o5, are now in the Oolchester Museum, and neatt
Abbey, to which it was appropriated 1 June, 1218, is the spot is an ancient well. The s6il is clay, loam an"
an edifice of flint and stone covered with plaster, of gravelly; subsoil, various. The chief crops are wheat,.
the Early Engl'ish and later periods, consisting of chan- barley and turnips. The area of the civil parish is-
cel, nave of three bays, south aisle, north and south 1,709 acres; rateable value, £r,269; the population in
porches, and a square wooden tower with pyramidal l9Il "lfa::; 176; the population of the ecclesiastical rm·ish.
roof over the western gable containing 3 bells, one of was 157.
which was cast at Ipswich in 1420, and the other two
in 1500 ; the tenor bell was re-cast at Croydon in 1910 : By Local Government Board Order 16,461, dated March
there are two piscinre, fine carvl'd sedilia and on the 25, 1885, Moss Farm was added to this parish.
south side a low side window, all of which have been Sexton, Berechiah•
Underwood .
restored : the font is of very early date : the west win- Post & T. Office. Berechiah Underwood, sub-postmaster-_
dow retains some fragments of. ancient stained glass, Letters through Bures, Suffolk, arrive at 7 a. m. & 1.10.
but most of the old glass was sold in Sudbury market, p.m. & 7 a. m. sundays; letter box cleared for dis-
about z8oo: the south chapel is Late Decorated, and h ... 6 d
· d · th . d . d pate at 7 & II-5 a.m. oo ·35 p.m.; sun ays at ~
h as goo d ret1cu1ate tracery m e wm ows: m 1 9 10 an p.m. The nearest money order office is at Bures
I9II the church was restored and the bells rehung at a
cost of £450; at the same time a new oak pulpit was Pillar Letter Box, near the Windmill inn, cleared at
presented in memory of the late Rev. Henry Kennedy 10.45 a.m. & 6.50 p.m. on week days
..lnketell, rector 1905-9 : there are sittings for xoo per- The children of this parish attend the schools atl
sons. The register of baptisms and burials dates from Lamarsh & Pebmarsh
'Saben Rev. Percival M. A. (rector),! Pettitt Joseph, Windmill P.H
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Rectory Stuck Fredk. Joseph, farmer, Staple--
Bowtell John, Park view Stebbing.s Misses, Ivy cottage fords farm
Buttle Mrs. The Villa COMMERCIAL. Stuck John Mayhew, farmer, Cop·
Evans Rev. Arthur FitzGerald M.A. A.mos Geo. beer ret. & wheelwright pins farm
Alphamstone house Buttle Reuben, farmer,Parsonage frm Stuck Jsph. Scott, fnnr. Cobbs farm
Marriott Ernest A. G., J.P. Clees hall Buttle Waiter, market gardener Underwood Bereehiah, tobaceonist,.
Nash William E. Montagues Lang John, farmer, Swiss cottage sexton & sub-postmaete-r
Richardson Harold Percy Lionel, Roy- Marriott Ernest A. G. farmer, Clees Wells Thomas James, assist. onrseeP
croft hall
ALRESFORD is an ancient village and a parish on Hulme's trustees, and held since 1907 by the Rer.
high table land, on the road from Colchester to St. Charles Collwyn Prichard M.A. of Brasenose College;.
Osyth, and is bounded on the west by the Colne, and on the Oxford. The only benefacti0n for the poor is the sum
south by a creek running up from the river Colne, fordable of 12s. Bd. a year, left by Edmund Porter in the year
at low water, with a station on the Colchester and Tend- 1558. Alresford Hall stands in a commanding positiorr.
ring Hundred branch of the Great Eastern railway, is 6 surrounded by fine woods, about half a mile from the-
miles south-east from Colchester and 59 from London, in church, and is the seat of Capt. E. Francis Hausburg.
the North Eastern division of the county, union, pt>tty Mrs. Davison, of Colchester, is lessee of the ancient manor
sessional division and hundred of Tendring, Colchester, of Alresford. The principal landowners are the trustees ot
Clacton and Harwich joint county court district, rural the late Miss Jones, the trustees of the late George andl
deanery of St. Osyth, archdeaconry of Colchester and Will;am Higginbotham esqrs. and Mrs. Davison. The-
Chelmsford diocese. The church of St. Peter is a soil is a light sandy loam on a gravelly subsoil. The-
well proportioned building of stone, erected by Anfrid chief crops are wheat, barle} and oats. The area i•
or Anfrey de Staunton, about the year 1300, as did 1,434 acres of land, chiefly arable, 2 of inland and 12.
appear by his epitaph in Norman-French in the chancel: uf tidal water and 82 of foreshore; rateable value. ·
it consists of chancel, nave of two bays, south aisle, £1,849; the population in 1911 was 246.
north porch and a low western belfry with shingled Parish Clerk, David Ernest Carter.
spire containing one bell: the east window and those Post & T. Office. Charles William Bacon, sub-post-
in the south aisle are stained, and were the gift of the master. Letters arrive from Colchester at 4 . 20 a.m.
late W. W. Hawkins esq.: the remaining windows and & 2 _45 p.m.; dispatched at s. 15 p.m. Thorringto11 is-
the organ were presented by the late Mrs. Hawkins at
the resturation of the interior in 1856: in the church the nearest money order office
are sev.;ral hatchments, including that of Captain Parochial School (mixed), erected in 1846 & given to the-
Martin, who purchased the Alresford estate in 1720 ; parish in I8g6 by Mrs. Hawkins, for 55 children;.
he commanded an East India Co.'s vessel and dis- average attendance, 54; Miss Lily Bye, mistress
tinguished himself by defeating the attack of a French This school is controlled by the Essex County Education
line of battleship; an oval medal bearing the arms {Tendring) Advisory Sub-Committee; G. C. Holland,.
of the East India Co. appears on his hatehment: Technical institute, North hill, Colchester, clerk
therP. ~:re 165 sittings. The register dates from the year Railway Station, George Balm, station master
1742. The living is a rectory, net yearly value £2oo, Carriers pass through to Colchester from Brightlingse~
with 30 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of daily
Hansburg Capt.E.Fras. Alresford hall Bacon Arthur James. coal mPrchant Grimwood William, blacksmitli.
Marriage Wilson J.P.Alresford grange Bacon Charles Wm. grocer, Post office Heath Herbert, fa:rmer, HaTI farm
Marsh Miss, Grey house Barton Joseph, farmer Marriage Wilson, farnrel', Marsh f1 illo
Oglesby Samuel Wesley, Crestlands Bartbn Matthew Henry (exors. of), Neal Charles Alfred, farmer
Prichard Rev. Charles Collwyn M.A. farmers, Lodge farm Sa.unders Frank, builder
· (rector}, Rectory Carter David Ernest, farmer Ward Albt. Edwd. farmr. BrctOk form
COMMERCIAL. Chisnall Erlwin. fanner. HPatb fArm Ward Samuel, farmer, I..Gwei' fat·m·
Aldous Jsph. Wm. farmer,High Elms Corner Henry Joseph, Pointer P.H Wells Ellen Jane (Mrs.), baker •
ALTHORNE is a village and parish, bounded on the Ired and pt>tty !'esgional division, Maldon union ~md county
south by the river Crouch, and adjoining the road from court diatri~t, rural deanery of Dengie, archdeac&nry ofi
Maldon to Southminster and Burnham. with a station J<~ssex and Chelmsford diocese. The church of St.
about half a mile south of the village, on the Southmimter .lndrew, which stands on an eminence, is a building' of·
branch of the Great Eastern railway, 8 miles south-east Hint alllr-~t.o.m•. in the Late Ferpendicular style, temp.
from Maldon by road and 4 north-west from Burnham, Henry VII. and consists of chanceD~ nave,. south porclia
in the South Eastern division of the county, Dengie hun- and an embattled western tower ol Hint anQ stone con-

taining 2 bells: in the church is an ancient and-r-emarkable J pasturage, the agriculture being dairy produce. The-
carved font; and there are brasses to William Hyklott, of area is 2,239 acres of land, 3 of inland and 155 of tidal
Althome, at whose cost the walls of the church were water and 92 of foresh<1re; rateable value, £2,339; th&
built, ob. 16 September, 1508; to- Margaret Hvklott, ob. P<IPUlation in 19li was 389.
27 Au~st, 1502, SJ?-d ~ Jo~n _Wilson and Job~ Hill: BRIDGEMARSH ISLAND, on the river Crouch, is-
there l'J also an. anCient mscnpt10n on the ex«:rmr ove:r partly in this parish, the remaining portion being in the-
the west door: m 1<884-5 ~he ~hurch was rep~ued at a parish of Latchingdon.
cost of £68o, under the directiOn of H. Hardw1cke Lang-
ston A.B.I.B.A. and has 200 sittings. The register of Post, M. 0. & T. Offi~e. Frank Taylor :Bull, sub-pos•
marriages dates from 1734 ; baptisms and burials, I 735. master. Lett~rs arrive through Maldon at 6.10 a.JDo.
The living is a vicarage, annexed to the rectory of Creek- & 2 p.m:; dispatched at 9·.15 a.m. & 7 p.m.; BllD'-
sea, joint net yearly value £265, with residence and 30 days, arrlve at 6.10 a.m. ; dispatched at 7 p.m
acres of glebe, in the gift of trustees, and held since Wall Letter Box, Vicarage, cleared at 8.50 a.m. & 6.30>
IQ08 by the Rev. William Shaw-Stewart, of the Royal p.m.; sundays, 8.50 a.m
University o~ ~reland. Here is a. ~rimitive Met~odi~t County Police, Edward Thomas Aves, constable
chapel, a miSSion room and a pariSh room, which IS Railway Station Robert Baker station master
used for various purposes. The Church ball, erected in . ' . . '
I909 at a cost of £ 400 , will seat 250 persons. There The ~hildren _of th1s pansh attend the school at MaylancJ
· ara no manorial rights. The principal landowners are Carriers passmg through Althorne : ·
the Governors of St. Barthol<lmew's HospitaL The soil Hughes, from Southminster to Chelmsford, toes. &;
is strong clayey loam; subsoil, clay. The land is mainly fri. & Hazelton, from Tillingham to Chelmsford, fri
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Spencer-Smith C. Three ways Macaula.y Wm. farmer, Lodge farm
Burge William, Austral house Wright Arthur Charles, Crouch view Pipe Samoel, farmer, Mansion house-
Drake Henry Gilder, Gilder lodge covvERCUL. Richards ThoiD38, Black Lion P.R
Glover Mrs. Richmond cottage Bull Frank Taylor, grocer Robinson John Ireland, farmer ..
Godson Bobert James, White house Oowpe Thomas, farmer, Stokes ball Cliffords farm
Gross Frederick John, King's lodge Downing Montague, baker & confctur Sanders Jn. Deek, farmer, Barn's frm
Halls Frederick C. Stanley bank Fisher Thomas, farmer, Hall & Sharp .Joseph, farmer, Hill farm
Heard Wm. Knight, Summer Hill ho Andrew's farms Stacey Arthur, zinc worker
Jones Mrs. Winterdale Harris Ernest, Three Horse Shoes P.B Stone Frederick & Sons, nurserymen ..
Loehr Clemens, Homestead Hopgood George. carman High View house
Loveless Arthur William Hopgood Wm. carman, Foundry cots Ward Berbert, poultry farmer, se&
Malton Mra Hoskings John, dairyman, The Limes Knorr & Ward
Mitchell Benjamin, HiU crest Jones Rd. Fennessy, farmr. Wardens Wilding Bertha. (Miss), shopkeeper
Shaw-Stewart Rev. William (vicar), Kettle Josiah Samuel, blacksmith Wright Arthur Charles, clerk ~
Vicarage IKnorr & Ward, poultry farmers, The Parish Council & assistant overseer

Simmons George Wm. Kerris vean Beechell .

ARDLEIGH, mentioned in "Domesdav •
Survey,"• is generally light gravel; subsoil. mild sandy bottom. The-
a parish on the road from Colchester to Mannmg- chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. The area is-
tree, with a station on the main line of the Great 5,o58 acres of land and 4 of water; rateable value,.
Eastern railway, 5 miles north-east from Colchester, 3~ £13,578; the population in 19II was 1,4~0 in the civil
eouth-west from Manningtree and 55! from London, in and 1,250 in the ecclesiastical parish.
the North Eastern division of the county, Manningtree -
petty eessional division, Tendring hundred and union, CROCKLEFORD, a part of Ardleigh, 2! miles south-
Colchester, Olacton and Harwich joint county court dis- west, has a small Mission church, originally built fo..-
trict, rural deanery of Dedham, archdeaconry of Col- a school; services are held on sundays at 3 p.m. There-
chester and Chelmsford diocese. The church of St. Mary is also a Primitive Methodist chapel.
the Virgin, a fine structure of ftint and freestone, .consists
of chancel, nave, aisles, south porch and a fine embattled ARDLEIGH CROWN is a part of Ardleigh lying to-
western tower containing a clock and 8 bells ; the 8th bell, the west, and is 3! miles from Colchester, on a smalll
cast about I42o, is inscribed "Sum Rosa Pulsata Mundi brook fa11ing into the Colne and on the road from CoJI.
Maria Vocata :" over the porch is this inscription: chaster to Langham.
"Orate: p' animabus Johis Hute: at ye Wode et Alicie:
uxoris ejus, J ohis Bute: Willi: Bute:" there is a Post, M. 0. & T. Office. James Wailer, sub-postmaster.
memorial window to the Rev. Frederick Joseph Ball Letters arrive by mail cart from Colchester at 7 a.m.
M.A. vicar 1897-I9o2: an organ was erected in I905 at & by train at u.IS a.m. & 4·45 p.m. ; di~patched at
a cost of £465 : in 1883 the church was rebuilt and 11.50 a.m. (July to September) & 12.5 (October to-
the tower and south porch restored, at a cost, including June) & 3·35 p.m. by train & 8.10 p.m. by mail cart;.
fittings and decoration, of £4,6oo, and in 1892 the bells sundays, arrive 7 a.m.; dispatched at 7·45 p.m.
were rehung and 2 new bells added : there are 330 sit- Letters for Crockleford Heath come through Elmstea()
~ings. The register dates from the year 1555. The Pillar :Box at Station, cleared I0.40 a.m. & 3.20 & 10.4S
living is a discharged vicarage, net yearly value £5oo, p.m. ; sundays, 10.45 p.m
including 6 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of Pillar Box, Harwich road, cleared 8 a.m. & 8.15 p.m.;
the Lord Chancellor, and held since 190~ by the Rev. snndays, 8.15 p.m
Reginald Hall Grubbe B.A. of Trinity College, Cam- Pillar Box, Bromley road, cleared at 'l p.m. ; no snnda1
bridge. Here is a W esleyan chapeL The cemetery collection •
here, formed in I 86o, is one acre in extent, and under Registr<\r of Births, Deaths & Marriages, Chas. Edward'
the control of the Parish Council. The endowed Pettitt; attendance tues. I2.30 to I p.m
charities amount to [52 6s. yearly. Ragmarsh farm was Public Elementary School (mixed & infants), 'built in
devised by William Littlebury in I571, the rent to be 1875, for I45 mixed & 52 infants; average attendance~
expended for the instruction of poor boys of this parish r25 mixed & 46 infants; Thomas Rous, master; Mrs~
at Dedham Grammar schooL There were originally S. Rous, infants' mistress
four manor houses in this parish, viz. : Bovills Hall, the
property of W. R. Newth esq.; Mose Hall, the property Railway Station, Arthur Booth, statio\t master
of the Rt. Hon. James Round P.C.; Martells Hall, the County Police, Ernest Rider, constable
property of Mr. Acton Phillips and Ardleigh Hall, the Carriers to : -
property of the trustees of the late J. Fenn esq. The Dedham Norfolk, to the Railway station, daily, arriv-
principal landowners are Lord Lucas and Dingwall, the ing at 9 a.m. & leaving at 10 a.m
trustees of the late John Fenn esq. Robert Richardson Colchester Bantjck, moo. thurs. & sat. leaving afl
esq. of Badley Hall, and F. J. Baker esq. The soil is . l.Ja p.m. mon. & sat. & 10 a.m. thurs

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. 1Fenn MN. John, Ardleigh hall Oakley Mrs. Crock1eford hall
Areher Herbert Edward, The Croft Garside Joseph, Old Shields Phillips Aoton, sen. Martells
Back Mrs. Good hall Grubbe Rev. Reginald Hall B.A. Silverlock .A.rthur John, Mall;ing farm
Ball Mrs. Frederick, Ardleigh court (vicar), Vicarage · Stephens William James, Monica bo.
Bennett Col. .AJfred Charles D.S.O. ·Hare George, The Grange Wilson Fras. Harry Owen, Wolfden&
Ard1£oigh park Hazel Miss, Gurde Post farm
Brandram Mrs. S. T. Holmesdale Josselyn Jas Arth. Waylen, New hall
Wil]iam Gentry, Hill farm, Judd Mrs. S•l1lth view - Abbott E. • k · Sons, nurserymen•
Crockleford Mayor Mrs. Bovills hall • Railway & Burnt Heath nurseries
Fenn Mrs. Anthony, The Mill house Newth Waiter Raymond, Manor bo & Home farm

,A.bbott Sarruh Jane (Mrs.), farmer, Everett Henry, farmer, Harveys farm Page Alfred, farmer, Lodge fa1m
Vince farm Fenn & Co. auctioneers, valuers, Pannell Will, farmer, Hall farm
Abbott Waiter, butcher estate agents, surveyors, probate Parmenter Albert Charles, farmer,
Albon William, Crown P.H valuers, timber valuers & tenant Moze hall
Andrews William, builder right valuers, Ardleigh hall; &; at Pearmain Hamo Edward Thos. grocer
Bacon Frederick, carter Colchester. See advertisement Pentney Charles, builder
Eaker Francis John, farmer, Hunger- Fenn Ehza & Fanny (Misses), shpkprs Phillips Acton George, farmer, Chan~
downe farm Fenner William Henry, hair dresser cery farm
.Bantick Waiter, carrier & coal dealer Fitch Elijah. blacksmith, & Fox &; Pitchell Charles, boot maker
Bibby Ernest, Railway tavern Hounds P.H Pryke Arthur Charles, farmer, Plaina
Bird John, farmer, Good Hall farm Fleming David, farmer, Shaws farm I farm, Ipswich road
Elyth Jas. Sl. frmr. Gate House farm F:rancis & Bruce, wheelwrights Purkiss .Arthur, farmer, Burnt hill
Blyth Samuel Robert, fanner, Ard- Gosling Robert, boot & shoe repairer Richardson Robert, farmer, Badley
leigh wick Hadley John, farmer, Ipswich road I hall & Bounds farm
lBree Sidney M.B.Lond., M.R.C.S,, Harvey Arthur, grocer & draper Salmon Wm. J. farmer, Slough farm
L.R.C.P.Lond. physician & surgeon Hazell William, farm bailiff to Allsep Seaborn Firmin, faJ·mr. Fountain frm
(calls m on. wed. & fri. ), Surgery Brothers, Hull farm Sea born Harry, farmer
Bruce William, wheelwright (Prancis Jaggard Nathan, coal dealer I Simons Hy. insurance agt. Burnt Hth
& Bruce) Joslin George Driver, farmer Simson Geo. vet. surgeon, Deuton vil
Carter Ernest E. Lion inn King Percy Jack, butcher, Rose cot Skeet Henry Edgar, fa,rmer, Parkfrw
Cemetery (Edwin Womack, Colches- Latta Matthew R. frmr. Redbury fm Smith David, blacksmith
ter, clerk) Lennox Robert, farmer, Colliers wood Southgate Ernest, farmer, Blooms-
Church William, baker Lownds James Richard B.A., L.R.C.P.I fields & Clarke's farms
Clark Wm. beer retailer, Ipswich rd & S.Edin. & L.F.P. & S.Glas. Totman William, Wheatsheaf P.H.
Clover William,miller (water), Spring physician & surgeon (calls tues.l Bromley road
valley thurs. & sat.), Surgery Turner Arthur, King's Head P.H
Creak John Bromley, farmer, Whaley :Martin John Chas. farmer, Blue barn Wailer F. & Son, wheelwrights, .Ard-
farm Mattacot William Frederick, farmer, I leigh heath
Creak Waiter, shopkeeper Harwich road Waller Elizh.(Mrs.),grcr.Ardleigh hth
Doidge Wm. frmr. Brick House farm Motum Arthur, saddler Wailer George, builder & parish clerk
Downing Robert Walker, baker Moy Thomas Limited, coal mer- Wailer James, carpenter, Post office
Driver Sydney Amos, photographer, chants, Ardleigh station Ward Ernest William, beer retailer,
Ardleigh heath Newth Memorial Hall & Institute (E. BUTnt Heath
Earle William Bevan, farmer, Vale H. Merchant, hon. sec) Wenden Maurice, farmer
View farm Norfolk George, farmer & butcher Whistlecraft Herman,God's House frm
Edwards H. & E. fruit & vegetable Oakley Fergus, frmr. Crockleford hall Wyncoll William, Willow Tree farm
merchants & thrashing machine Oliver Martin, boot & shoe maker Young Geo. market grdnr. Burnt hth
proprietors, Rookery farm
ARKESDEN is a village and parish on a winter brook contributed by the late R. Birch-Wolfe esq. lay im-
falling into the Cam, 3~ miles south-west from ~udley propriator, who alro rebuilt the chancel at an additional
End and 3~ west from Newport stations on the main line ooS'li of £6oo: there are 250 sittings. The register
of the Great Eastern railway, 5 south-west from Saffron dates from the year 1690. The living is a discharged
Walden and 38 from London, in the Northern division of vicarage, net yearly value £4o, with residence, in the
the county, Uttlesford hundred, Saffron Walden petty gift of Charles Beadle esq. and held since 1869 by the
t~essional division, union and county court district, New- Rev. Herbert Matthew Fearn B.A. of Corpus Christi
port and. Stansted rural deanery, Colchester arch- College, Cambridge. There is a small Wesleyan chapel.
deaconry and Chelmsford diocese. .A. stone bridge of A charity of £4 4s. was left to the poor of the
<lne arch was constructed over the brook near the church parish by the late Mrs. Sophia Birch-Wolfe. Wood
in rgn by Charles Beadle esq. The church of St. Hall, the residence of Charles Beadle esq. J.P. is about
Mary the Virgin, situated on rising ground, is a large r mile south-east of the village, pleasantly situated in
building of flint with stone dressings, in the Early well-wooded grounds of roo acres, commanding extensive
English and Decorated styles, consisting of chancel, nave views of the surrounding country: the original mansion
-of three bays, with clerestory, aisles, south porch and dated back to the Conquest and was moated, but was.
an embattled western tower with turret containing 6 rebuilt in 1652 by the Cutts family; John Lord Cutts,
bells: in the chancel, under a double arch, is a recum- who fought under Marlborough at Blenheim, was bom
bent effigy of .a priest vested, temp. Henry VII. ; and here; there is some fine oak carving over a fireplace ill
in the south aisle is a brass effigy in armour of Richard the old hall: the " Preacher's Oak," in W estmead, once
Fox esq. c. 1439, affording a good example of the addi- a wood, was cut down by Richard Birch-Wolfe esq. and
tions gradually made to defensive armour; four shields used in rebuilding the chancel of the church; part of
of arms and the inscription are missing, but in an old the old moat remains and is now a fishpond, in which
manuscript in the possession of the vicar the following are strong springs. Charles Beadle esq. J.P. who is lord
inlicription appears: -'Here lies Richard Fox of Arkes- of the manor, and Joseph Charles Thomas Smith M.A.
den in the County of Essex esq. who died on the are the principal landowners. The soil is heavy, with a
festival of the Purification of the Virgin in the year of portion of a lighter nature; subsoil, clay and chalk.
Our Lord 1439, on whose soul may God have mercy; " The crops are on the four-course system. The area of
here also is a very fine tomb of the Cuttes family, 1592: the civil parish is 2,r8r acres; rateable value, £r,99o;
in the tower are exceedingly fine busts, by Roubiliac, to the population in rgu was 290 in the civil parish and
members of the Withers family, r6gz, and the west 3o6 in the ecclesiastical parish.
window exhibits the arms of Walden abbey, to which, in Sexton, William Sell.
1364, this church -was attached, and those of the Earls of
Arundel : the north aisle was built in the reign of Henry Post Office. Miss Ann Burgess, sub-postmistress.
VII. by Thomas .AJderton, stock fishmonger, of London, Letters through Newport, Essex, arrive at 6.50 a.m. &
who also founded a chantrv here: the font consists of a 1.20 p.m. ; dispatched at 6.50 a.m. & 1.20 &
large square basin of Barnack stone, supported on four p.m. week days only. The nearest money order &
Early English arches : the church was partly rebuilt and telegraph office is at Clavering, 2 miles distant
restored in 1855 and 1856, at a cost, exclusive of the Public Elementary School (mixed), for 70 children;
chancel, of £2,394· of which upwards of {.I,ooo was average attendance, 47; Miss ..\.lice Morley, head mist
Eeadle -Charles J.P. Wood hall Benson Ernest William, farmer, see Loveday Archibald, frmr. Bull's green
Benson Ernest William, Hobs .Aerie Clark & Benson Parish William James, boot maker
Fearn Rev. Herbert Matthew B.A. Bunting Levi & Reuben, farmers, Patmore Ernest, frmr. Gt. Becketts
Vicarage Newlands ends Pilgrim .Alfred, blacksmith
Yorphy Capt. Henry John, Hill ho Clark &: Benson, farmers Row~bottom Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper
COMMERCIAL. Cornell Ernest Arthur, Axe & Com- Rust John, farm bailiff to Charles
Bailey Albt. Wm. frmr. Clodmore hill pass P.H Beadle esq
Bailey Wilfred, farmer, Deans farm Igglesden Chas. Hy. Green Man P.H. Whitman Joseph & William, farmers,
Baker William, gamekeeper to Chas. Jeffrey Jane (Miss), shopkeeper Parsonage farm
Beadle esq. J.P
ASHDON (in Domesday "Ascenduna.'' and "Essen-
duna," '' .Assenduna" and ".Asshedon" in documents of
the 13th and 14th centuries) is a scattered parish and
I village near the borders of Cambridgeshire, 1rith a halt
on and 2 miles south from Bartlow station on the Great
Eastern railway, and 4 miles north-east from Saffrcm


Walden, in the Northern division of the county, Fresh- lando"ners. The soil is n...ixed clay, loam and chalk;
well hundred, Saffron Walden petty sessional division, subsoil, va1ious. The crops are wheat, oats, beans and
union and county court district, Saffron Walden rural barley. The a1ea 1<> 3,950 acres; rateable value, £3,679;
deanery, Colchester archdeaconry and Chelmsford diQ- t!le population lll I9II was 594·
cese. The church ()f .!-11 Saints is an ancient building BARTLOW HAMLET, or Bartlow Endt ~clQ.ding part
cf rubble and stone in mixed styles, ranging from the of the village of Ashdon and Steventon End, called in
nth to the 15th century, and consists of chancel, Domesday" Stavintuna," is a civil parish in this county,
nave of three bays, aisles, a chapel on the south side but in Linton union and adjoins Great Bartlow (Cam-
known as the "Maynard chapel," north and south bridgeshire), to which parish the inhabitants pay tithe
porches and an embattled western tower containing 6 and rates. .At Bartlow in Cambridgeshire is a station
bells, one of which is of pre-Reformation date: on the on the Great Eastern rarlway, so miles from London.
north side of the chancel is a fine altar-tomb, over Waltons, the residence of the Rev. Hugh R. Fleming,
which are the arms of Richard Tyrrell, ob. 1566, and on and rl miles from the pari~h church, is a mansion in
the south side are sedilia and a piscina: the stairs for- the Tu<lor style, once occupied by Sir William Maynard,
merly leading to the rood loft still remain in the south pier n-ho rebuilt it: the e~tate derives its name from an
of the chancel arch: a round-headed stoup, belonging to ancient and important family. Here are four cele-
an earlier church, may be seen near the south doorway, brated barrows, kno~ u as the Bartlow Hills, and form-
and part of the square basin of the font of the nth cen- ing part of the boundary separating this county from
tury, with fluted carving, is still preserved; the font now Cambridgeshire: they "ere opened in 1832 and 1835,
in use is octagonal, and two or three centurieS~ later: a and were found to c 'ntain intPresting xemains and
carved oak pulpit was erected in 1882 in memory of the works of art of Roman workmanship: most of the relics
Rev. J. F. Walker, a former rector, by his widow: the subsequently perished in a fire, but drawings and casts
arcades of the nave are of clunch on basements of squared are preserved in the museum at Saffron Walden. .A
Barnack stone: the interior of the church underwent stone trough in the garden at Ashdon rectory is said to
partial restoration during the years 1883-9, and the have been brought from the Hills (see Archreologia, vols.
flooring and seating have been renewed: the roofs were ~~Y, x~ix). The area. i~ 1, 070 acres; rateable value,
restored in 1895: there are 370 sittings. The register £r,o 37 ; the population in 1gu was 121.
dates from the year 1553. The living is a rectory, net Sexton, Harry Freeman.
yearly value £62o, with 129 acres of glebe and residence,
in the gift of the Rev. C. H. Brocklebank M. A. and held RCDDUCK'S HILL is 1 i miles south-east.
since 1890 by the Rev. Daniel Beales Redfarn Banham M. A. The ecclesiastical p'lrish of Bartlow St. Mary is partly
of Caius College, Cambridge. There is a Baptist chapel in this county and partly in the county of Cambridge.
here with a schoolroom attached. The churchyard was The population in I9II was 2 II· For particulars see
closed by Order in Council in Aug. 1879· .A cemetery of Kelly's Directory of Cambridgeshire.
three roods, adjoining the churchyard, was formed in x877 Post, M. 0. & T · Office. Richard Charles Ea son, sub-
at a cost of £36o, a portion is consecrated, and the whole postmaster. Letters arrive from Saffron Walden at
is under the control of the Parish Council. The parochial 7·5 a.m. & 5·3° p.m. week days & 7 a.m. sundays;
charities, amounting to about £20, are under the manage- di,patched at ro.3o a.m. & 7· 15 p.m. week days & 10
ment of trustees appointed under a scheme sanctioned by a.m. sundays
the Charity Commissioners, and are distributed yearly. Wall Letter Box, Council School, cleared at 10.35 a.m.
The Boys' home is for twelve boys, who are supported & 7· 2 5 p.m. weelc day~ & 10 ·5 a.m. sundays
by the Church of England Central Society for Waifs and County Police Station, Arthur W. Cross, constable
Strays; matron, Miss Whitehead. J. A. Collins esq. of Public Elementary Schools.
Ashdon Hall, is lord of the manor of .Ashdon; Francis Mixed, erected in 1878, for 165 children; average at-
Fisher esq. of Watford, Herts, is lord of the Newnham tendance, no; William Tuck, master; Miss Day,
Hall manor, and the rector is lord of the Rectory infants' mistress; Miss Mabel Smith,assistant mistress
manor; the Rev. Hugh Raincock Fleming, Thomas The National was resto,red & enlarged in 1877 & is now
J. Hagger esq. and the Rev. Charles Henry Brocklebank used for the Church Sunday school
M ..!.. of Bartlow House, Cambridge, are the principal Carrier io Saffron Walden. Frederick Frost, tues. & sat
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Cemetery (Herbert Hales, clerk; Hill Stephen, farmer
Andrews Mrs. Spring fields Harry Freeman, keeper) Hutchingj;j Wm. farmer, New
Banham ltev. Haniel Beales Redfarn Charlton Roderick, fruit grower, Ketteridge York, bricklayer
M.A. (rector), Rectory Midsummer hill Kettridge Joseph, farmer
Barrick Mrs. William, Clare cottage Cooper Chas. whPelwrt. & blacksmith Marsh Denjamin, beer retailer
Candlish James, The Villa Cooper Smith, beer retailer Marsh Martin, shopkeeper
Collins .Tames A . .Ashdon hall Desborough John King, farmer Matthews Robert, shoe maker
Duchesne Mrs. The Clays Eas'Jn Richd. Ghas. grocer, Post office Nunn Benjamin, farmer
Fleming Rev. Hugh R. Waltons Frost Frederick, baker & carrier Pallett Ernest, farmer, Ivy Tod
Revill Capt. Wm. C. B. The Cottage Furze Frederick, farmer, Goldstones Pateman Frederick, butcher
Smith Rev. Thomas Henry (Baptist) Bagger .Alfred, farmer, Overall Purkis John, grocer
COMMERCIAL. Bagger Joseph, farmer, Great Bow- Rowell Arthur, farmer, Ashdon st
Adams (}eorge, Rose & Crown P.H sers farm Smith Harold W. frmr.Newnham hall
Archer Levi, saddler & harness makr Bagger Stanley, farmer, Hill farm Smith William, blacksmith
Boys' Home (Rev. Daniel B. R. Ban- Bagger Thomas J. farmer, Rickett's Webb George B. beer retailer
ham, hon. sec.; Miss Whitehead, & Thickoe farm Webb '£homas, farmer, Ashdon farm
matron) Harris Amos, thatcher White John, Fox inn
ASHELDHAM (or Asheldon) is a parish and village from r721; burials, 1722. The living is a rectory, net
2 miles north-east from Southminster station on the yearly value £zso, with 46 acres of glebe and residence,
Southend section of the Great Eastern railway, 11 miles in the gift of the Bishop of Chelmsford, and held since
south-east from Maldon, 5 north-east from Burnham and 1907 by the Rev. John Todd .Atkinson M.A. of Brasenose
so from London by road, in the South-Eastern division College, Oxford. .Aylett's charity of about £1 yearly,
of the county, Dengie hundred and petty sessional derived from lands, is distributed to the poor in money.
division, Maldon union and county court district, rural The principal landowners are Lord Petre, who is lord
deanery of Dengie, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of of the manor, and the Governors of St. Bartholomew's
Chelmsford. The parish is watered by a small brook, Hospital, London. The soil is loam and gravel; subsoil,
which falls into the North Sea at Dengie Flats, and .the gravel. The chief crops are wheat, beans, peas, barley,
sea and tidal waters are within 4 miles on the north, oats, turnips and mangold-wurtzel. The area of the
east and south. The church of St. Lawrence, erected civil parish is 1,309 acres; rateable value, £1,084; the
about 1450, is an ancient building of stone and flint, m population in 1911 was 189 in the civil parish and 199
the Decorated style, with walls of great thickness, and in the ecclesiastical parish.
consists of chancel and nave, south porch and an em- By Local Government Board Order 22 , 35 4, dated March
battled tower at the western end containing one bell : 24 , 188g, Court Farm was transferred from this parish
the chancel retains a sedile, and in the nave are two to Dengie.
p1scinre : the stone staircase, which formerly led to a Letters
rood loft, still remains: at the south porch is a water Post Office. Sterndale Joyce, sub-postmaster.
stoup: the east window contains one stained light in through Southminster, Essex, arrive at 7.15 a.m. &
memory of two daughters of the Rev. H. P. Dawes, 12 ·3° p.m.; box cleared at 10 · 15 a.m. & 5·55 p.m.;
rector 1859-93• and in a window in the north aisle is a sundays at 12.25 p.m. The nearest money order &
stained light to the Yalden family: the church was telegraph office is at Southminster, 2 miles distant
wholly restored in 1866: there are sittings for 120 The children of this parish attend the schools at Dengie
persons. The register of baptisms and marriages dates & S!luthminster


!tkinson Rev. John Todd M.A. Dennis Jn. Witham, farmer, Badnocks Robinson Bertram, farmer, Bushes
(rector), Jleetory Burst John, farmer, The Chase Robinson Thomas, farmer
Joyce Sterndale, shopkpr.&i post office Sinclair Andrew Spiers, farmeJ",.
Rankin John, farmer, New hall Asheldham ball ·

ASHEN (or Esse) is a parish on the borders of Suffolk. with 23 acres of glebe and r~sidence, in the gift of th&
from which it is separated by the Stour, and is I mile 1 Duchy of Lancaster, and held :;mce I89S by the Rev. E~wd.
south-east from Stoke station on the Great Eastern rail- Hugh Deane B.A. of Keble College, Oxford. ArchbiShop.
way, 2~ south-west from Clare, IO miles north from Parker once held this living. Ashen House, an old moated
Halstead and 6 east from Haverhill, in the Northern building, the property of the trustees of the late C. B.
division of the county, Hinckford hundred, North Hinck- Sperling esq. of Upper Walmer, Kent, and Ashen Hall,.
ford petty sessional division, Risbridge union, Haverhill are farmhouses near the village. Henry ~asham Dickin-
county court district, and in the rural deanery of Bel- son esq. J.P. of Le Mote, Pebmarsh, IS lord of the-
champ, archdeaconry of Colchester and Chelmsford manor of Claret Hall. Lord Loch M.V.O., D.S.O. of
diocese. The church, assigned of late to St. Augustine, Stoke by Clare, Suffolk, the trustees of the late Charles
its ancient dedication being unknown, is an edifice chiefly Brogden Sperling esq. King Viall esq. of Baythorne
of rubble in the Early English style, consisting of Park, and Miss F. V. Jones, of Clare, Suffolk, are the-
chancel, nave, vestry, south porch and an embattled principal landowners. The soil is loam and clay; sub-
western tower containing 3 bells: the chancel has been soil, clay and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, bean&
entirely rebuilt and fitted with stalls, and four stained and barley. The area is 1,494 acres of land and 6 of
windows have been inserted: there are monuments to water; rateable value, £1,603; the population in 19u
Stephen Piper esq. J.P., D.L. ob. I6 Feb. 172I; to was 254.
Dorothy By~tt, widow of the Rev. Wil:iam Byatt, rector Letters from Clare (Suffolk) are delivered by foot post
of Hulton, ~~olk, ~b. ~4 Sept. I752' and her grand- at 8.15 a. m. & 6.20 p.m. The nearest money order t.
daughter, Philadelphia P1per, ob. I7 May, 1753; and to telegraph office is at Stoke, I mile distant
Lucy, wife of Capt. John 'l'allakarne, ob. 3 Dec. qro, and
inscriptions giving some account of other alliances Wall Letter Boxes.-Rectory gate, cleared at 8.20 a.m.
of that family; there is also a memorial to the Rev. & 6.30 p.m.; sundays, 8.20 a. m.; Claret Hall, cleared
Charles Stuart M.A. vicar of Bnmpstead ad turrim, d. 8.3o. a. m. &i 7 P·:t;D·; sund~ys,_ 9·30 a.m .
16 Dec. I8o3, and to his wife Sarah, d. 12 Oct. 1771 : Conned School (m1xed), bml~ ID 1876, for 46 ~hildren;
there are sittings for 120 persons. The register of bap- average attendance, 32; Miss Maud Reed, mistress
tisms dates from I56o; marriages and burials from I 'Dhis school is under the control of the Essex EducatioD
I558. 'l'he living is a rectory, net yearly value £2I2, I (Halstead District) Sub-Committee
:Bull William, Clare road .\iitchell George Edwin, Clare road [Cooper Frederic, farmer, Ashen ha!\
<.:lark Mrs. Clare road Were Mrs. Clare road Fox Harry, assistant overseer
Deane Rev. Edwd. Hugh B.A.Bectory COMMERCIAL. Garnham Robert, ibeer retailer
F'inbow Owen, Clare road Barber Gornelius Chas. Red Cow P.H Golding John, farmer, Street fal'ID •
Goodehild Sidney John, Clare road Barrett Alfred, farm bailiff to A.rthur Mansfield Peter, farmer, Ashen hous&
Hurst Rev. William M.A. Clare road Joseph Payne esq 1Wreathall Hugh C.farmer, Claret hall

ASHINGDON is a parish, 2 miles north from Roch- 1 ~LA. of St. John's College, Cambridge. Ashingdon
ford station, on the Southend branch of the Great was the scene, in 1016, of a battle in which Canute
Eastern railway, 6 north from Southend and 39 from ! the Great defeated Edmund Ironside: the church wa~
London, in the South-Eastern division of the county, ' founded in commemoration of this event; an entrench-
Bochford hundred, petty sessional division and union, ment still remains. The soil is stiff clay; subsoil, clay.
Southend county court district, Canewdon and Southend · The chief crops are wheat, barley, potatoes, peas and
rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and Chelmsford dio- 1 beans. The area is I,166 acres of land, 17 of tidal watel'
cese. The church of St. Andrew, which was conse- I and 15 of foreshore; rateable value, _£1,374; the popu·
crated in Io2o, is a small edifice of stone and brick, lation in I9II was 243; the population of the ecclesi-
with traces of Saxon and Early English work, and con- ! ustica.l parish of Ashingdon with Fambridge was 490.
sists of ch~~cel, nave, south ~orch and. a ~estern Wall Letter Box cleared at 9 _40 a.m. & 5.55 p.m. Let.-
tower contammg one b~ll :. then': IS a. low stde wmdow, 1 ters arrive at 7 a.m. & 3 p.m. from Rochford, Essex.
an aumb~y and two ptscmre mch_es: the church . was I which is the nearest mane order & telegraph office, 2
repew~d m I885, and affords 6o. s1ttmgs. The re~1ster · miles distant y
of burials dates from I546; baphsms, 1566; marriages,
1568. The living is a rectory, with South Fambridge Council School (mixed), built in 186o, for the parishe!f
annexed, joint net yearly value £480, with residence, of South Fambridge & Ashingdon, & enlarged in 19or.
in the gift of Mrs. Bryers, of Launceston, Tasmania, 1 holding 90 children; average attendance, 76; MisS;
and held since I9I2 by the Rev. John Shaw Bryers ' Sarah Rolfe, mistress
Smith Thomas, Hazelniere Jeffries Seaman, farmer, Pulpits
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Snell Gharles Walt. Ashingdon lodge Jolly John. farmer, Moon's farm
Adams William Waiter Weight Charles, Hillcrest Meekings William Thomas, farmer
Bryers Rev. John Shaw M..A. (rector), Whittingham John, Assandune .Moore William, bricklayer
The Rectory Mut>rs Charles, nurseryman
Dyer Joseph T. S. Thorndean COI\IMEUCUL. Neale Edward James, solicitor ~
Neale Edward James Brook 'Dhomas, teacher of music j commissioner for oaths
Newton Raymond, Newton ball Hart George, farmer, Hollick lodge , Purdue James, grocer
Pratt Sidney Jeffries Arth. farmer, Homefield frm Turner William Henry, shopkeeper
Priestley Mrs. Ashingdon hall 1Jefl'ries Frank, farmer Wyeth John H. shopkeeper

A. VELEY is a parish, seated on the Mardyke brook, r old glass with the arms of Chichester impaling Barrett
and the road from Barking to Orsett, 2 miles north-east Lennard: on the south side of the chancel is a trefoil-
fl'om Purfieet station on the London, Tilbury and South~ headed piscina, with a 6mall square basin set on one sid~r
end railway, 4 miles north-west from Grays, 7 south from of the niche, which seems originally to have tbeen divided
Romford and I6l from London, in the South-eastern by a shaft: the reredos includes a small painting on
division of the county, Orsett union and petty sessional panel in a gilt frame, representing the " Crucifixion,'"
division, Grays county court district, Chafford hundred, and said to 'have been presented to the church by the
Orsett and Grays rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and Baroness Dacre; a chair, with the Dacre crest and badge.
Chelmsford diocese. The church of St. Michael is a brought from Belhus, and probably the gift of the same
building of tlint and stone in the Norman and Early lady, is also placed· here·: the south aisle has also a
English styles, consisting of spacious chancel, with north piscina, and in the wall of the chancel chapel is a well-
chapel, clerestoried nave, aisles, north porch and an em- defined litHe niche ; the font, of Purbeck marble, i~t
lmttlE'd western tower of stone, surmounted by a modern Norman, and the pulpit, which dates from I6zi, has a
dwarf timber spire: the tower was restored in Igro at a massive carved .so.unding board: a new lectern, of
cost of £4oo: according to Morant, the church had carved oak of great age, procurE-d from Winchester
· formerly a lofty spire, blown dovn in a great storm in Ca·thedral, was presented in r888 by the women of
Nov. I703: there are 5 bells, first and second and fourth A.veley: the north doorway retains a holy water stoup:
and fifth respectively dated I712, I7r2, I6r8 and 1692, there is a small Flemish brass to Ralph de Knevynton.
the third has no date, but is by William Cleverden, ob. 1370, with hi-s effigy in armour beneath a canopy;
of London, about 1515: the chancel is separated from the another in .the north chapel to Elizabeth, eldest daughter
nave by a rsth century oak screen in good preservation, of Edward Bacon esq. ob. 1583, and to Helen .(~ittel),
consisting of ten open compartments with a square- I his wife : there are other effigies and two shields 6f tblt
headed entrance t the west window retains a little I Barrett family I520, and an inscription to Charles Barrett.
EOn a.nd heir to Edw. Barrett esq. ; he married Christian, £2 12s. yearly, in bread, left by Thomas Clear in 1639,
daughter of Sir Waiter Mildmay kt. and died 8 Aug. arising from land and £10o in Console, left by J. R.
1584: this inscription in 1903 was in two pieces, onl.' Wood in 1847, the interest of which is annually dis-
being in the bands of the vicar and the other in the tributed to poor widows. Belhus, t.he residence of
Colchester museum: the original slab is still on thl' Alfred Stead esq. and the property of Sir Thomas
ebancel floor and retains a shield with the arms of Barrett-Lennard hart. M ..A., D.L., J.P. who is lord ....
Barrett, "per pale. arg. and gu. 4 bars counterchanged ; •· of the manor and p1incipal landowner, is 8 large
on the reverse of the inscription is a portion of a marginal and stately edifice in a semi-castellated Domestic style,
tni'cription from a large Flemish brass, c. 1420: a slab of built in the reign of Henry VIII.; it is surrounded by
~lack marble incloses the ancient brass of Isolda de Belhn11 , a park about 3 miles in circumferen~, adorned with fine
~md her children, with four armorial shields; another I old oaks and other timber, and affords extensive views
~enerable tomb, temp. Edw. L is supposed to be that I over the Thames into Kent: the mansion oontains an
of Nicholas de Belhus: there are modern memorials to unbroken series of family portraits, from Henry VIII.
'Thomas, 17th Baron Dacre, d. 12 Jan. 1786, and Anna up to the present time, and 8 remarkable genealogy,
:Maria (Pratt), his wife, d. 1806, and Dacre Barrett made by order of Sampson Lennard esq. of Chevening,
Lennarri. 1730: the chancPl was thoroughly -re.qtored and Kent, and high sheriff of that countv in 1590-1, on his
rese8ted in 1885 by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, a marriage with Margaret, Baroness Dacre, x8 feet by 6,
new organ was opened May 2nd, 1886, at a cost of £2oo, on vellum, forming an exquisite specimen of the writing
and in 1888 was enlarged at the cost of Mr. Tristram and illumination of the x6th century: other chief land-
Tempest: the interior of the church was carefully owners are St. Thomas's Hospital and the Pelly family.
restored in 1888 at a cost of nearly £goo, when the The soil in general is of a light sandy nature; subsoil,
11.ooring was relaid, the nave and aisles reseated, the gravel and chalk. The chief crops are wheat, barley
tower arch opened by the removal of the western gallery, and peas and other vegetables for the London market.
and a massive timber ceiling erected above the west There is also a quantity of marsh land bordering on the
window; the whole work being carried out under the Thames. The area is 2,g6o acres of land, 6 of inland
-supervision of Mr. Ewan Christian, architect, of London: and 97 of tidal water and 18 of foreshore; rateable
in 1893 a carved oak reredos was presented by Mr. value, :f.8,oss; the population in xgn was 1,226.
George Brown, parish churchwarden, who was also the Deputy Parish Clerk and Sexton, George Morris.
do!lo~ of the stained east wind_ow: the altar fr?ntal is a Post, M. 0. &; T. Office. Miss A. Barker, sub-post-
pamtmg. on wood panels by Su C. Holroyd, d1re_ct~r of mistress. Letters through Purfl.eet, EssPx, are de-
1he Nat~onal Gallery: the church affords 30? ~1ttmgs. livered at 8.20 a.m. &; 2 . 30 p.m.; dispatched at 10
"The reg1~ter dates from .the year 1563, and 1s m good a.m. &; 1 .5 p.m.; 6 unday delivery, 8. 20 a.m.; dis-
presery~tiOn~ but ~here 1s a "!;>lank from 1618 to 1720. patched 10 a.m. The telegraph office is open on
"The liymg 1~ a discharged VIcarage, net. yearly. valut> sundays from 8. 30 to 10 a.m
£..219, mclud~ng 14 acres of glebe and resid~nce, m the Wall Lettl:'r Box, Mill road, cleared at 10 .5 a.m. &; 1 . 1 5
gift of the Bishop of Chelmsford, and held smce 1907 by p.m. ; sundays, 10 .5 a.m
the Rev. Edward John Cottrill Smith M.A. of Durham
University. The Ecclesiastical Commissioners are thP Schools.
impropriators of the great tithes. The Congregational Attendance Officer, William Weblb, ·South Ockendon
~hapel here was erected in 1877, and there is an p bli El ( · d) b "It · 1 1 f hil
Institute in which meetings and public entertainments u c ementary miXe • m m 9 4• or 24° c -
are held. The South Essex Water Works Company dren; average attendance, 136; John H. Sarjeant,
have two reservoirs here, with a. capacity of one million
gallons, the pumping station at Grays supplies the Public .Elementary School (infants), built in 1908, for
reservoirs. The almshouses, originally erected in 1639, 120 children; average attendance, 58; Mrs. W. K.
by James, 1st Earl of Newbur~b, were rebuilt by Anne, Saunders, infants' mistress
Baroness Dacre, in 1745. The endowed charities are County Police, William Brooks, constable in charge
PRIVATE RF.SIDENTS. Clark Ernest Alfred,PrinceAlbert P.B Osband Mark, shopkeeper
Rl'own Mrs. Hill side Clark Jacob, fishmonger Parish .Albert, farmer, Somers heath
J'oolkes Peter Gifford M.B. Buchanan Farley Charles, hair dresser &; Court farms
house Finbow .Agnes (Miss), dress maker Pavitt Brothers, builders
.Jones Rev. D. H. McAlpine (Cong) Finbow William, grocer & draper Price Thomas, boot repairer
Martin Mrs. Shawfield Foulkes Peter Gifford M.B., B.S. Rich George, butcher
Smith RPv. Edward John Cottrill Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.B.C.P. Sach William, farmer
M.A. (vicar), Vicarage Lond. physician & surgeon & medi- Sedgwick Thomas Wm. shopkeeper
'Spurrier Mrs cal officer & public vaccinator Smith George & Henry, farmers,
Stead Alfred, Belhus Aveley district, Orsett union, Brett's & Fann's farms •

~ler James, Sunnyside Buchanan house • Smith Norman, farmer

COMMF.RetAL. Fryer Waiter, harness maker Starr Thomas Edward, Crown &
Aveley Village Hall (George Down, Goddard Frederick, beer retailer Anchor P.H
caretaker) Grainger Elizabeth (Mrt~. ), Lennard Stock J osiab,blacksmith &; wheelwght
!.vPley Working Men's Clnb (Sydney A_rms P.H,. (letters through Wen- Thomas Ryland Wilson, farmer,
W. Bridge &; H. W. Groves, joint mngton, Ramham) .Aveley hall
secs) , Harvey Robert Arthur,grocer & btchr Thorogood Edith (Miss), costumier
1Jeard Esther (Mrs.). shopkeeper Johnson Frederick George, baker Thorogood Jane (Miss), shopkeeper
Blows John, cowkeeper Johnson William, shopkeeper Tyler Samuel, dairyman
Blows William, butcher Kelley Wm. news agt. & insur. agnt Whiteman Henry Leonard, blacksmth
Bridge Waiter. wheelwright Knight Isaac, market gardenur Woollin~s Jas. farmr.Kennington frm
Brown Edward, baker & corn dealer I Manning Herbert, farmer, Moor hall Young Waiter, Old Ship inn
GREAT BADDOW is a parish and large village, residence, in the gift of trustees, and held since 1887 by
'Pleasantlyseated on the road to Rochford and Hadleigh, the Rev. Alfred Noel Collev M.A. of Christ Church. Ox-
"the river Chelmer forming a portion of the northern ford. Capt. H. L. Archer-Houblon, of Great Hallingbury,
boundary of the parish ; it is 2 miles south-east from Bishop Stortford, is the impropriator of the great tithes,
Ch~:'lmsford station, in the Mid division of the county, which amount to £540. The Rev. Alexander Barclay
Chelmsford petty sessional division, hundred, union and D.D. of Oriel College, Oxford, one of the most eminent
(!Ounty court district, rural deanery of Chelmsford, arch- writers of the 16th century, was vicar of this parish, to
deaconry of Essex and Chelmsford diocese. The village which he was instituted February 7th, 1546. The Parish
is lighted with gas, supplied since April, x88o, by the Church room, a building of iron, erected in 1900, is in
Chelmsford Gas Light and Coke Company. The church Baddow road. There is a Congregational chapel, and
of St. Mary is an edifice of brick and rubble, the older the Peculiar people have also a. place of worship here.
part of which belongs to the Decorated period, the The charities amount to £70 per annum. The Chelms-
clerestory and additions to the aisles being of the early ford Joint Hospital Board's Isolation Hospital is situated
part of th11 16th century ; it consists of chancel, clere- in this parish, and provides for 21 patients. The
storied nave, aisles, south porch and an em battled Chelmsford Union Homes for Girls were opened in 1908 •

western tower with spire, containing a clock and 8 bells : for 22 girls. In the village is a granite fountain, erected
there is a monument of marble and alabaster on the in 1887, and surmounted by a lamp: there is also a
south wail to Mrs. Amy and Mrs. Margaret Gwyn, 1753: library and reading rooms for the use of the inhabitantsp
the east window it a memorial to bhe late Mr. W. containing about 200 volumes. Here is a brewery.
Packer and his family: there are 400 sittings. The Capt. H. L. Archer-Houblon is lord of the manor.
register dates from the year 1:543- The living is a vicar- The parish; situated on high ground, is considered to
age. net yearly value £230, with 2 acres of glebe and be very healthy, and contains many handsome resi-

dences. The 'Soil is light and gravelly; subsoil, gravel. Box clearelt, 9.25 .& II-40 a.m. & 1.2.;, 3·55,
The crops are wheat, barley and oats. The area is s.4o, 6.1<!5 & 7.25 p.m.; sundays, 8 p.m
3,900 acres of land and I I of water; rateable valuej Wall Letter Box at the Vineyards, cleared at 10.1o a.m.
£12,581, including the Galleywood district; the popu- & 4 & 8 p.m.; sundays, 8 p.m
lation in 19n was 2,582 in the civil and 2,oo6 in the Wall Letter Box, Sandon road, cleared at 10 a.m. &
ecclesiastical parish. 3·45 & 7.15 p.m. ; sun days, 7.30 a. m
Parish Clerk, Frederick Cottee. Public Elementary School, built in 1877, boys' & girla'
Post, M. 0., T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office. class-rooms enlarged in 1897 & in 1912, for 38o chil-
-.Miss Clara Stannard, postmistress. Letters arrive dren; average attendance, 85 boys, go girls & 70
by mail cart through Chelmsford & are delivered at infrmts ; Ernest Albert Amoss, master; Miss Agnes
6.30 ~ 11.40 a.m. & 6.45 p.m. ; dispatched at Io a.m. Sydes, mistress; Miss M. Edgar, infants' mistress
& 3·45 & 7·55 p.m. On sundays the office is open J Carriers. George Collins & Sons, to & from Chelms.
from 7 to 10 a.m. & letters are delivered 7 a.m. & , ford, twice daily & 'bus five times daily to Chelmsford
dispatched at 7·45 p.m. Telegra_ph business on sun- station
days from 8.30 to 10 a.m Motor omnibuses run through the village to Danbnry.
Town Sub-Post Office, Baddow Road-Mrs. Laura Cooke, week days only; for times see bills
sub-postmistress. Letters arrive through Chelmsford. Police Station, Mark Pickett, police constable
Marked thus * should be addressed Baddow Brewery Co. Limited (The), Spencer-Phillips), &i medical officer
Baddow :road, Chelmsford. brewers & wine & spirit merchants &i public vaccinator N(l. 4 district.
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. (Joseph Hewer Pedley, managing Chelmsford union, The Yews
*Baskett Charles Henry, Alruont director), Brewery. T N 6 Great Lyster Ronald Guy M.R.C.S.Eng.,
Bristowe Ernest Mason, Branwoods Baddo-:v L.R.C.P.Lond. physician & surgeon,
Callingham Frank Richard Pitt place •Barker Danl. shopkeeper, Baddow rd The Yews
Clark Miss Rosemont ' *Boreham William, pork butcher Mid-Essex Teachers' Association (E.
{)olley Rev~ Alfred Noel M ..A. t,\icar) Bush John, smith A. Amoss, sec.), ~ational
Vicarage ' ' Carter Henry & Sons, bakers Nelson Auguste Loms, farmer, Little
Crabb Miss, Baddow Place Carter Henry & Sons, farmers, *Gar- Sir Hughes
Creagh Mrs Luxfield deners & Duffields farms Ockenden Charles, coal dealer
*Creasey Li~nel, Chesterton *Ch.elmsford Hospi~al for lt;fectious Over~ll F;ederick Wm. ~~holsterer
Dewhirst James Arneside Diseases (John Little Martm M.B., Parnsh George, farm bailiff to J. P.
Duffield .Arth. Stewart M.A. Hampton C.M.Edin. medical officer; Miss Thomasin Foster esq.Pontlands frm
Duffield Miss 1 Manor place Lily E. Rof:ery, lady supt. ), Bad- Pennack Thomas, carpenter
Foster Jam~s Herbert Furmedge dow road *Porter & Howard, grocers, I Dora
Great Mascalls ' •Chelmsford Union Homes for Girls terrace, Baddow road
Francis Mrs. Highfields (Miss Ethel Scrutton, foster *Po~ter Henry, .gravel merchant, Bee-
Gilrnore Mrs Baddow hall mother), Baddow road hive gravel pits, Baddow road; & at
Grave Miss, Chelmer cottage ~ollins George & Sons, carriers ~helrn_sf?rd .
*Green Ralph Westgate, Kelm«cott Cooke Laura (Mrs.), haberdasher, !'riCe.Wllham Willo";;ghby, surveyor of
Hart Miss Percival house Post office, Baddow road mam roads & bndges for Chelms-
*Hatt Waiter, Ipsden grove Copsey Jo~eJ?h, butcher ford district, The Point
*Hedger William B. Milton lodge Cordell Wllham, cowkeeper Rayner Arthur Jame~ & George
*Howard Frank, Oak lodge *Cottee Charles Joseph, baker, Bad- Frederick, farmers, Holly woods
Jackson Abraham Baddow park dow road Russell Herbt. Geo. plumber & glazr
Jackson Solomon,' Cannon house Downing Robert, saddler *Saunders Fredk. dairymn.Baddowrd
*Jackson Waiter Simrnons Glenarm *Everett Mary Ann (Mrs.), laundry, *Sewell Harry Edward, boot &i shoe
Lyster Arthur Edwd. J.P.' The Yews! BaddQW road maker & repairer, news agent, sta-
MacVicar Herbert, Baddow lodge 1
Finch Charles Richard, assistant ov~r- ti.oner, ,insur~nce agen~ & agent for
Marriott William K. The Grove seer, collector of poor rates & reg1s- Smgers sewmg machmes~ Baddow
Mitchell Arnold, Vineyards trar for bi':'th~ & d~aths Great B!d- road . ,
Morell Miss Chelmerton lodge dow sub-d1stnct, Chelmsford nmon Shorten Thos. John, Kmg s Head P.H
Pawls Erne'st Dosseter, Newport ho Fi~ch Edward, farmer Spalding Henry (Mrs.), farmer,Mead·
Pedley J oseph Hewer, Ad stocks Frith Harold, boot. maker . gate farm . .
Pertwee Harold Robert Wkkhams GrPat Baddow Library & Readmg Sparrow & Luckmg,vetermary surgn&
*Poole Alfred The Ho:Uestead Rooms (E. A. Amoss, sec) Sparrow Lewis John, blacksmith
*Porter ...\lbe;t The Chestnuts *Hicks Waiter John, beer retailer, Sparrow Martin Thomas, veterinary
Robinson EdC:ar Stephen Forman Baddow road surgeon (firm, Sparrow & Lucking),
Westbourne"' ' *Hockley Henry Lewis, beer retailer, Hillcrert
Russell John Claud, Rothmans Baddow road *Spencer-Phillips Percy Tyrell M.B.,
Sewell George, The Cedars Hodg-e James, farmer, Mascalls farm B.Ch_.,_ M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.
Sheppard Edward Byas, Pontlands Hoy Harry, shopkeeper physiCian & ~n;geon (firm, Lyster
Smee Thomas John The Limes Jackson Solomon & Hrbt. wheelwghts & Spencer-Philhps), Baddow road
Snelling Charles B~rgess, Danes *Jackson & Son, engineers,Baddow rd *Spooner Mar~ & William, steam
Snelling James, Parklands Jackson Abraham, farmer, Baddow; pi• plough propr1etm;s. Baddow road
*Spencer-Phillips Percy Tyrell M.B. Jackson Robert,boot maker & repall'er Stannard Clara (:~ftss), grocr. Post cff
Plympton *Jackson Rt. gravel mer. Beehive rd *Steele Jn. Wood, builder,Boddow rd
Tvmms Edmund Robt. Baddow court Jones Frederick Geo. Blue Lion P.H *Steele Thomas Edward, cycle re•
Wi11iam-Prior~Johnson Prior Hough- Josling Ernest, baker pairer, B11ddow road
tons ' Liddiard Mary R. (Mrs.), grocer Strutt & Parker, farmers, ManOJ' frm
Willink Dierck . .Avondale Linn J. & Sons, builders & carpenters Tame Ernest By. & Wm. Thos. frmrr
' Linn George T. bricklayer *West. Chas. Phillip, tailor,Baddow rd
COMMERCIA.L. Lyster & Spencer-Phillips, physicians *Whiting Wait. insur. agt.Baddow rd
.Amey Adelaide (Mrs.), White Horse &- surgeons *Wicks John Leigh, photographer.
commercial inn Lyster .Arthur Edward M.D.Brux., Baddow road
Andrews Frederick. jobbing gardener\ M.R.O.S.Eng., L.S.A.Lond., J.P. William-Prior-Jobnson Prior, farmer,.
*Bacon Alfred George, Beehive P.H physician & surgeon (firm, Lyster & Great Sir Hughes
LITTLE BADDOW is a parish and scattered village, the two wives of Sir Hugh de Baden : in the chancel i11
near the confluence of the river Chelmer and Sandon a stately marble monument to Sir Henry Mildmay, of
brook, principally on a hill commanding an extensive Graces, who resided in this parish, was knig-hted on th6'
view over the whole valley of the Chelmer, 6 miles east battlefield, 2c;th May, 16o5, during the Irish wars, and"
"from Chelmsford station and 33 from London, in the died gth October, 1639, aged 61; he is representoo a~r
Mid division of the county, hundred, petty sessional clad in armour, reclining under a canopy, with a sword
division, union and county court district of Chelmsford by his side and a truncheon in his hand, and at the foot
and in the rural deanery of Chelmsford, archdeaconry of of the monument are two female fig-ures kneeling, oJle
Essex and Chelmsford diocese. The church of St. an elderly lady with scarf and hood, the other a maiden,
Mary the Virgin is a building of Roman materials and richly dressed: there is also an ancient tablet to the
rubble in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, memory of two members of the Fitzwalter family: li
mave, stJuth aisle, south porch and an embattl-ed western brass found in this church at the time of the last repairs
tower eo;ntaining 4 bells: in the south wall of tlhe south bears the following inscription : " Here lyeth the corpses
aisle 'aM two tombs with recumbent female uguret~ carved of Mereymight Springham, one of the davghters of
in wood.. with hounds at their feet. under DeCMated Richard Springham Gent; whoe was wyfe to Richard
caD¥ies oi the time of Edward Ill. and -s.npposeil. tt.. be Bristc.we Esqvier xxvith years, and lyved in this wo:rlcl


Fyve and Fiftie yeares, Departinge Her :Yortall Lyfe the j Middle Mead hamlet is in Dengie hundred, contain-
nth of Janvarie 16n." The church has '150 sittings. ing 410 acres.
The register dates from the year 1562. The living is a j Post, M. 0. & T. Office. Miss Elizabeth Agnes SoneU,. •
rectory, net yearly value £399· with 13 acres of glebe sub-postmistress. Letters through Chelmsford- ar&
and residence, in the gift of Lord Rayleigh, and held delivered at 7·5 a.m. & 2.5 p.m.; box cleared at 2 &.
since 1882 by the Rev. F.rederick Thomas Tayler. There 6.25 p.m.; sundays, letters arrive at 8.30 a.m. for
is a Congregational chapel, erected in l7o7, -with 200 callers only &; dispatched 8.55 a.m
sittings, and a residence for the minister. The I Pillar Lette-r Boxes. Near Congregational chapel~
principal landowners are Henry Fitzwalter Plumptre 1 cleared at 1.30 & 5-50 p.m. ; near Generals chase,.
esq. of Goodnestone Park, Canterbury, Kent; Lord Ray- I cleared at 1.40 & 6 p.m.; Gibbs farm, 8.55 a.m. k
leigh P.C., O.M. -who is lord of the manor, and John 2.45 p.m
Charles Spencer-Phillips J.P. of Riffhams, Danbury. Public Elementary School (mixed), for 126 children;.
The soil is light gravel, producing excellent crops of all average .attendance, 77; George Taylor, master
descriptions of grain. The area, with the hamlet of I
Carrier to Chelmsford.-George Everard, daily (weds_
Middle Mead, is 2,736 acres of land and 20 of -water; excepted), returning same day
rateable value, £3,275; the population in 19I1 wss 545· ' County Police Station, Edward Hammond, polic&
J constable

Warsop Waiter, Ridgehurst 1King Wm.coal dlr.Little Baddow mill

PIDVA'l"B RESIDENTS. Witherby Rev. Robert Hale M.A.. The Langford Edith (Miss), shopkeeper
Boldero Philip, Woodlands Bungalow ILeyell Wm. apartments,Holly cot tag&
Eriscoe .Alberli Edward, The Hoppett Woodhouse Arthur Lionel J.P. Tofts IMartin Samuel, chimney sweeper
Burgess Rev. Jas. (Cong.),The Manse Woolley Geo. Herbt. Old Riffhams ho Millson Alice (Mrs.),pleasure gardens
Chaplin Mrs. Old Bassetts COMM"EROIAL. 1 Pleu~er John Wilfrid, farmer & land-
Foster-Miller Miss Ager George Isaac, carpenter 1 owner, Hammonds
Prassr Miss, .Absrlady Binder Wallace, farmer, Old Riffhams Russell Edward, Rodney P.H
Hop-wood Edmund, Sunnymead Boreham Gertrude (Miss), shopkeepr Scarf Albert, farm bailiff to Messrs-
Kirwen Miss, Gibbs- Clark George, Generals Arms P .H P. & P. W. Wood, Phillows
Nicholson Henry J. Dukes Orchard Coubrough Christina (Mrs.), apart- Shipman Charles, wheelwright
Paterson Herbert M. Northfields ments. Coleraines Sorrell Elizabeth Agnes (Miss), shop-
Peacocke Capt. Frank Werge, Chel- Cranfield .A.rthur, farmer,Warren frm keeper, Post office
mer cottage Eaton James, gardener to .A. L. Speakman Joseph John &; Alben
Pledger John Wilfrid, Hammonds W~odhouse esq. J.P Edwd. farmrs. New lo. & The Hall
Pyne Miss, Gibhs Everett Bernard Wilfred, asst. oversr Warsop Vialter, cricket bat manufctr
Sauwm Henry John, Hill cottage Everett Jas. (exors. of), agricultural Yell Maria Louisa (Mrs.), farmer,
Tayler Rev. Frederick Thos. (rector) engineers Great Graces (postal address, Dan•
Thomas Al'chibald Henry, Old house Green Edwin Charles, farm bailiff to bury)
Tunbridge Arthur Leslie Lord Rayleigh, Holly bridge

BALLINGDON. This civil parif'h, now -wholly prised within the ancient counties of Es-sex and Suffolk,.
situate within the administmtive county of West Suffolk, will be found in Kelly's Directory for the County of
and the ecclesiastical parish of Sudbnry All Saints with Suffolk.
Ballingdon (of which the civil parish forms part), com-

GREAT BARDFIELD is a small town and parish, are the owners of the great tithes and principal land-
on the southern bank of the river Blacltwater, near its owners; Thomas Bradridge esq. J.P. of Parkgate, Le-wis
source, 8 miles north-east from Dunmow and 9 north- Herbert Collings esq. of Hill Hall, and Mrs. Adshead,.
west from Braintree stations on the Dunmow and Brain- of Beslyns House, are also hmdowners. The soil is
tree branch and 9 east-by-north from Elsenham station mixed; subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are -wheat,.
on the main line of the Great Eastern railway, and 5 barley, clover and beans. The area is 3,658 acres of
east from Thaxted, in the Northern division of the land and 10 of water; rateable value, £4,026; the-
county, Fresh-well hundred and petty sessional division, population in I91I Was 858 in the civil and 837 in the-
Dunmow union and county court district, and in the ecclesiastical parish.
rural deanery of Dunmow, archdeaconry of Colchester By Local Government Board Order 22,326, March 24,.
and Chelmsford diocese. The church of St. Mary 188g, two parts of Little Bardfield parish were added t()
is an ancient building of stone in the Norman and Great Bardfield. '
Perpendicular styles, consisting of chancel, nave of Parish Clerk, Ernest Davey. ~
four bays, aisles, a fine south porch and an embattled Post, M. 0., T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office.-
western to-wer with spire, containing 6 bells, all rehung Frederick Tanner, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive.
in x887, -when a treble bell Wl.'.s added, and a clock: from Braintree at 6.40 a.m. &; 12.30 p.m.; dispatche!l
the chancel and nave are divided by a fine stone at 2.15 & 6.30 p.m.; sunday, delivered at 7 &-..
screen : there are piscinre in the north and south aisles ; dispatched 6.30 p.m
William Bendlowes, serjeant-t~t-law, who held this church
and the advowson pf the living, obtained a licence in JUSTICES OP 'I-HE PEACE FOR FRESH\VELL
1555 to convert the vicarage into a. rectory, and having PETTY SESSIONAL DIVISION.
leased out the great tithes for soo years at 20 marks
yearly, settled on the rector ·and his successors the Lampet Rev. William Ed-ward Lionel M ..A.. Great Barcf-
yearly sum of £6 13s. 4d. being one moiety of the 20 field vicarage, Braintree (chairman)
marks; the other moiety he employed in founding a Atkinson Ralph Walker, The Limes, Hempstead,.
Chantry in the church, dedicated to the Holy Trinity; Saffron Walden
he died 19 November, 1584, and, with his wife Elizabeth, Bradridge Thomas, Park gate, Gt. Bardfield, Braintree
was buried under the south window of the chancel, Gordon Col. William, Wethersfield Place, Braintree
where are their figures in brass with Latin inscription : Prit ~hard Rev. Edward Cook, Ely lodge. Rayne road~
Brain tree
there are several memorial windows in the church to
members of the Lampet family, which has furnished Ruggles-Brise Archibald Weyland D.L. Spains haU,.
two vicars to this parish. The church has 250 sittings. Finchingfield, Braintree
The register dates from the year 1662. The living is a Ruggles-Brise Edward Archibald, Brent hall, Finch-
vicarage, net yearly value £143, with residen(!.e, in the ingfield, Braintree
gilt of and held since 1867 by the Rev. William Edward Smith Joseph, Woolpits, Great Saling, Braintree
Lionel Lampet M.A. of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, Clerk to the Justices, Herbert John Cunnington, soli-
and surrogate. The Primitive Methodist chapel here citor, Braintree
waa erected in 1862, and has 250 sittings: there is also Petty Sessions are held at Great Bardfield Town hall
a Friends' meeting house. The Town Hall was opened monthly. on thursdays. The Petty Sessional division
in December, 185o, at a cost of £1,100; the hall -will comprises the following parishes, viz. :-Bardfiell\
hold soo persons. A fair for horses, cattle and toys is Great, Bardfield Little, Finchingfield, Hempstead,.
held on the 22nd June. A market was formerly held Helions Bumpstead, Saling Little or Bardfield Saling
here. In Brook street is a fountain, supplied with -water Sampford Great & Sampford Little "
from a spring in Dove House Meado-w. Great Lodge,
about a mile south-east, and now oc<;upied as a farm- PUBLIC ESTABLISH:YENTS.
house, has a small park, in which the Brain or Pods- Fire Engine Station, Elijah Parker, captain
brook rivulet rises. H. J. Cunnington esq. of Jlraintree, j Town Hall, Arthur Buck, secretary
is lord of the manor. The trustees of Guy's Hospital Police Station, .A.rthur Jacob, sergeant

PUBLIO OFFICERS. Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1873 &

Assistant Overseer & Clerk to Parish Council, Silvanus enlarged in Igo6, for 140 children; average attend-
Chapman ance, 115; Waiter Henry King, master; Miss F. K.
tChief Inspector of Weights i&; Measures & under the Smith, infants' mistress
Food I!; Drugs Act & Shops Act & Official Sampler This school is controlled by the Essex Education (hun-
under " Fertilisers & Feeding- Stuffs Acts " for the mow District) Sub-Committee, Stephen Giffard.
Northern District, Adam Ward, I North hill,Colchestr Great Dunmow, clerk; Harry Willsher, Dunmow, at-
<Collector of King's Taxes, Thomas S. Smith tendance officer
:Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, Bardfield District, Carrier to Braintree. Ted Clapson, daily
Dunmow Union, Robert Johnston M.B., C.M.Brook ho Carrier to Dunmow. William Swan, mon. thurs. & sat
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Arnold Mrs.Emily, farmer, Bridge fm Gray Henry, farmer, Pitley farm
Adshead Mrs. The Beslyns Barclay & Company Limited, bankers Barris George W. draper
"Bowman Mrs. Salmons {sub-branch), open on fridays from Hitchcock Joseph, shoe maker
:Bradridge Thoma& J.P. Park gate II a.m. to 2 p.m.; draw on head Hitching Daniel, undertaker
Brunwin Alfred Willis, South lodge office, 54 Lombard st. London E C How Harry, news aBent
'Buck Alfred, Dunmow road Barker Clara Letitia (Miss), farmer, Howland Eli, poultry dealer
Cowell Mrs. Hill place Littles Ives Thomas, Vine commercial hotel
<Jrossman Sidney M. The Bungalow Bone Philip, butcher Johnston Robert M.B., C.M. physician
Davey Miss, Southend Bradridge Thomas & Co. corn, seed, & surgeon, & medical officer &
Dodds Mrs. Vine street cake, manure & coal merchants, public vaccinator Bardfield district,
~Fuller Miss, Ethel house maltsters & insurance- agents. Tel. Dunmow union, Brook house
Harris George W. Bridge street No. 2 Great Bardfield Lampet Lionel B.farmer,The Vicarage
Ives John, Brook street Bradridge Thomas J.P. farmer, Park Lee Grace (Miss), dress ma.Bridge st
.Johnston Robert M.B., C.M. Brook ho Gate & The Place farms Mortlock Chas. Luke, farmr. Letcbes
Lamonby Wm.Farqubarson,The Place Bromley John, shopkeeper Mumford Thomas Elisha, shoe maker
iLampet Rev. Wm. Edwd.Lionel M.A.., Buck Arthur, furniture dealer Newman Geo. A. frmr. Bluegate hall
J.P. {vicar, & surrogate), Vicarage Burgess Andrew, .ghopkpr. Bridge end Parkin Frederick, farm bailiff to Guy'•
Maryon George Lake.Baddow cottagP Burton .Albert, boot maker, Bridge st Hospital, Little lodge
tQgg Rev. Arth. T. (Primitive Metho- Carder Edward, builder Piper Edgar, market gardener
dist), Dunmow road Chaprnan Edwvard Williarn, Piper Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper
'Pritchard Ralph J. Bardfield hall engineer & agricultural implement Porter Joseph & Son, coach builders
'Rainsford Col. Stephen Dixon, Park agent; all kinds of machinery re- Poulter James, farmer, Pakes farm
hall paired ; & thrashing machine pro- Povey Albert, baker
Bussell George W. Vine street prietor & wheelwright Prance Joseph & Sons, bakers
Sadler George Alfred E. North place Chapman Silvanus.assistant overseer, Pritchard Rev. Edward Cook, farmer,
~andle Miss, Town house clerk to the Parish Council, & far- Great Bardfield hall
~iggeM Miss, Dunmow road mer, Gardeners farm Rawlinson Henry, beer retailer
:Smith Misses, Claypit hall Clapson Ted, White Hart P .H. & Sewell George, shoe maker
Smith Mrs. High street carrier Smith Frank, farmer,Claypit Hall fm
Smith Percy, Great lodge Collings Lewis Herbert, farmer & Smith Thos.S. miller (water & wind}
Spurge Miss, Hill farm landowner, Hill hall & collector of King's taxes
Westley .Albert, Vine street Crossman William & Son, plumbers Stokes Harry, butcher
'Westley Rayner, High street Davey Maude & Lily (Misses), dress Suckling John & Son, tailors
"Whitmell Charles V. L. Hill house makers Swan William, carrier, Bell yard
COMMERCIAL. Davey Albert George, cattle dealer Tanner Joseph William & Sons,
:Early closing day, Wednesday I p.m. Davey Daniel Browning, watch maker grocers, Post office
.Adams Frank Turner, jobmaster Davey Ernest Alfre-d, carpenter Thorn Geo. bee!' ret. & insurance agt
.Adams Joseph Benjamin, cycle agent Dodds George Henry, general dealer Town Ball (Arthnr Buck, sec)
..!.dams Thomas, farmer, Fann's farm Easy William H. farmer,Gambers hall Tugwell Edward C. beer retailer
.Adshead Florence Amy (Mrs.), farmer, Fire Engine Station (Elijah Parker, Venn Alfred, The Bell inn
Beslyns captain) Ward Louisa (Miss), dress maker
.Aneient Loyal Order of Shepherds Fox Robert John, tailor Worfolk George William, chemist
(.Ashton Unity) Friendly Society Gardiner James C. photographer Wright Adam, baker
{Charles Piper,~ec.) {district office) Goldstone Waiter, saddler
"LITTLE :BARDFIELD is a parish and village, on destitute women and a National school, founded by
the south bank of the river Blackwater, Io miles east- • Mrs. Sarah Bernard, November 12, 1774; the united
by-north from Elsenham station on the main line, and income amounts to about £6o yearly. Little Bardfield
10 north-west from Braintree and 8 north-east from Dun- Hall is the residence of Richard Creed esq. F .R.I.B.A.
m.ow stations on the Dunmow and Braintree branch of who is lord of the manor. Lewis Herbert Collings esq.
the Great Eastern railway, and 3 east from Thaxted, of Hill Hall, Great Bardfield and Major H. S. Marsham,
-in the Northern division of the county, Freshwell hundred of Hevingham, Norfolk, are the principal landowners.
:and petty sessional division, Dunmow union and county The soil is mixed; subsoil, principally sand. The chief
·court district, and in the rural deanery of Dunmow, crops are wheat, barley, oats and beans. The area is
:archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of Chelmsford. r,8o6 acres; rateable value, [3,260; the population in
·The church of St. Katherine is a small and very ancient rgu was 244 in the civil and 265 in the ecclesiastical
rbuilding of, of presumed Saxon date, consisting of parish.
•chancel, nave, south porch and an embattled western "U &TUlrrs h h h
•tower containing 2 bells: the windows were inserterl .n.a WK PUR GREEN, I mile north from t e c urc '
Great Hyde, I mile north-west, and Oxen End, a mile
during the Decorated period ; the organ chamber was and a half south-east, are hamlets of this parish.
:added by the Rev. Richard Henry Wkite M.A. rector
u:a6 4-Igo6, and contains a fine organ of the 17th century By Local Government Board Order 22,326, March 24,
bv Harris: the south porch was repaired in 1894 at the r88g, two detached parts of this parish were added to
expense of Richard Creed esq. and a figure of St. Great Bardfield.
Katherine placed over the entrance: there is a rood Parish Clerk and Sexton, William Dorken.
cross with emblems of the Evangelists and the Agnus Wall Letter Box cleared at 8 a.m. & 5. 45 p.m. week
J)ei: upon the cross, which stands on the rood be-am, days & 5 . 4 5 p.m. sundays. Letters received through
JMr. B. Creed F.R.I.B.A. has placed the figure of Our Braintree, arrive at 8 a.m. fro:rn Great Bardfield;which
tLord, designed by the donor, as well as those of the is the nearest money order & telegraph office, I mile
"Wi-rgin Mary and St. John: the chancel has a good distant
• east window, designed by the late G. F. Bodley R.A.
,and a rl'redos of alabaster: Mr. Creed has also placed Public Elementary School (mixed), founded in 1774 by
. two tapestry curtains on each side of the altar; also Mrs. Sarah Bernard & endowed as above stated, for
.some memorial brasses: the church has rso sittings. 18 children; W8iS enlarged in 1871, and will hold 94
The register dates from the year I 539 . The living is a children; average attendance, 40; Miss Flora M.
llectery, net yearly value £321, with 68 acres of glebe Davey, mistress
1Lnd residence, in the gift of Mrs. Mears, and held since This school is controlled by the Essex Education (Dun-
I9o6 by the Rev. Edward Mears M.A. of Queen's Col- mow District) Sub-Committee, Stephen Giffard, Great
lege, Oxford. Here are five almshouses for old and Dunmow, clerk
PR!VATB RESIDENTS. ] Gibbs Miss, Hill side
Creed Richard F.R.I.B.A. Little Bard- Mears Rev. Edward M.A. (rector), COMMERCIAL.
field hall I The Rectory Adams Crawford. farmer,Grove farm

Andrews .Alfred, farm baili11 to Major Creed Richard, farmer,Cracknells frm Raven Jvet:ph Jackson, farmer, Hyde's
Marsbam, Little Bardfield Hall &. Hale John, Spread Eagle P.H farm
Mark1nvood farms Holland S. B. & Son, decorators, Re,·nolds

Olh·er, farmer, Wainsfords
J.ngell Mark, farmer, Copt farm Brookland& farm
Bell Gerald Hamilton,fJ wr.Moor hall Lam pet Lionel Barrett, farmer, Cop- Sams Wal ~r. beer retailer, Oxen end
Betts Ernest, assistant overseer ford Hall farm L

BARKIXG is a town and parish, with a railway btation, Thomas-a-Becket, as abbess: during these periods several
on the road from London to Southend, 7 miles from kmgs are related to have dwelt within the abbey walls,
Whitechapel church, 2 south from Ilford and 6 south- and Willtam the Conqueror is said to have taken up hie
west from Romford, in the Southern division of abode here durmg the building of his fortress in London.
the county, Becontree hundred and petty sessional divi- ln 1376 a great mundatwn broke down the banks of the
sion, Rolliford union and county court district, and in Thames at Dagenham, the repairs of which greatly im-
the rural deanery of Barking, archdeaconry of Essex povtmshed the nuns; Eleanor (de Bohun), widow of
and Chelmsford dio~ese. The parish is separated from Thomas l'lantagenet (of Woodstock), Duke of Gloucester,
Dagenham by the river Rom, havir.g the 'lhames on rt-tlred hitht-r on the death of her husband in 1397, and
the south, and from East and West Ham and Little here she died, 3rd October, 1399; here also.Edmund and
Dford by the river Roding, which is navigable for barges Jasper Tudor, sons of Catherine of Valois, daughter of
from the Thames to Great llford. 'lhe parish was Cha~rles VI. of France and wife of ::lir Owen 'l'udor, were
separated from llford 29 Sept. 1888, by Act of Parlia- educated: the abbesses were appointed by the king till
ment, and is now a distinct. civil parish of itself: in 1200 and held baronial rank by virtue of their landed
March, 18go, boundary pusts were erected by the parish possessions. The abhey was surrendered to Henry VIII.
at a cost of about [70, to m~rk the boundary between on the qth November, 1539, at which time its revenues
Barking and East Ham, Ilford and Dagenham. The amounted to £1,084 yearly, an annual pension of 200
parish is under the jurisdiction of the Metrupolitan marks (£ 133 6s. 10d.) being granted to Dorothy Barley,
police. The town was formerly governed by a Local the last ahhPss. The site of the monastery with its
Board, created by Local Government Board Order, Oct. demesne lands was leased b) the king to Sir Thomas
14, 18S2, allll district extended 1885, to include the Dennye and not long afterwards granted by Edward VI.
whole of the parish; the latter is now, under the pro- to Edward Fyne!;. Lord ('linton. who immediately trans.
'Visions of the "Local Guvernment Act, 1894" (56 and {erred it to Sir Richard 3::tckville; subsequently it was
57 Vict. c. 73), controlled by an Urban District Council again vested in the Crown, and was granted by James I.
of 14 member·s. The town was sewered in 1885, at a to Angmtine Steward, wbo died 11eised of this property in
cost of [18,ooo; the outran is on land at Laby's Marsh, 162 8: in 1747 it was purchased by Joseph Keeling, and
where are tanks of concrete, each holding in 1gro wa~ purchased by the Barking Urban District
3oo,ooc gallon.,, the etlluenr. passing m to the Thames. Con• 1cil: Lherc i 11 scal"ct>ly a vestige now remaining of
'Ihe water supply is in the hands of the South Essex the once ma!!'nificent abbey, nor have any of the main
Waterworks Company and gas is supplied by the Gas buildings been standing for centuries. Mr. Lethieullier,
Light and Coke Company. The London, Tilbury and when lord of the manor, by excavating on the site,
Southend R.1ilway Company have a station here, and was enabled to make ont the ground plan of the abbey,
the direct line from this place to Southend was opened or of some considerable portion of it: in 1876 the
in _June, 1888, and since April 1st, 1~08, the ~istrict foundations of the Ladye Chapel and the skeletons of
Railway has also run a frequent service of trams on two abbesses, buried in front of the altar, were dis-
this line to an~ t~1rough L?ndon. . . I covered in the grounds belonging to the National Schools,
The Dist~ICt Council unde~ a .Prov~swnal Order a part of the site which does not appear to have been
made an mstallat10n of the e_le.ct_rw ~Ight m 189~. a~d examined by Mr. Lethieullier: at the entrance to the
now undertake both the pubhc hghtmg of the district churchvard is an ancient gateway tower of two stories,
as well as furnishing s~pplies ~0 priv~te consumers. with an embattled parapet and an octagonal turret at one
Orde~s for the construction of. light .railways between angle, rising above the parapet; the upper stage fot·med and Becl.ton, connectmg With t~e tr_amway the chapel of the Holy Rood; this tower, although erected
systen::s of East Ham and Ilford, were obtamed m 1898 in the Decorated period long subsequently to the founda-
and 19°3· . tion of the monastery, is suffieiently interesting from the
In 1901 Barkmg was made the seat of a Suffragan fact that within its walls the curfew bell is said to have
Bishopric, which has been held since its f?undation by tolled at eight o'clock; it is by some called the fire-bell
the Rt. Rev. Thomas Stevens D.D. who IS also arch- gate, and this may be so, for the curfew bell was as well
deacon of Essex. a note of alarm as an indication of the hour of rest;
Barking is called in the Domesday Survey "Burchingas." another l!'a.teway leading; into the precinots of the abbey,
~l the place littl«: o.r nothing is known until the found~a- was pullPd down' in 188 1.
tinn of the BenedlCtme abbey, about the year 670, by ::St. The church of St. ~aro-aret is a structure of Kentish
Erkenwald, Bishop of London (675-85), in the reigns of ra1r chiPflV of Perpendicul~r date, with some Norman and
Stghere and :5~hba (663-693 ), kings of the Eas.t Saxo~s: Early En.glish features, and consists of chancel, nave,
the founder bemg grandson of Ufta, the fir~t Saxon kmg south aisle. two north ail']Ps runnine; parallel to each other
of the East An~lt>s (575-82), and the first b1shop who sat for the whole len(!"th of the h•lildine;. north porch and ll
in the see of London after the erection of St. Paul's by loftv embattlPd western tower containing a clock and 8
King Ethelhert: this ahbey was dedicated to the Virgin, fine-toned bells: it was oriooinally appropriated to the
and is said to have been the first religious h~nse e!dah- monasterv, and previously to 1328 there had been two
lished for women in the kingdom. The Site of the vicarages· in the parish of Barking;, distinguishPd &s St.
abbey was excavated by the Urban District C~unci~ in 1\{argart>t's-on-the-North and St. Margaret'!l-on-the-Sonth.
xgn-12, and the abbey and some of the monastic bmld- but about this period they were united, although it was
ings are now mapped out. in stone. The o~iginal chart~r not until 13 g8 that the~ were legally consolidated: in
of endowment by_ Hodpl~ed~ father ?~ Kmg Sebba, 1s 153 6 an agreement w:.ts enhred into between the abbess
among the Cottoman MS::!. m the Brrhsh Mn~<enm; hut and vicar of that date for the pa~ ment by the former of
!h~ names of. the es.tates or lordships are ~o .('hang-Pd that £ 10 yearly in lieu of provisions which ~he vicar cu~­
tt 1s utterly rmpossihle to trace them. Wr~lmm the Con- tomarily received from the conl"ent for h1mself and h1s
queror confirmed the original grants, as dtd also all the ' servant, and this sum is still paid to the present vicar :
aucceeding monarchs down to Henry YII. The first amono- the fine monuments in the church is one to Sir
ahhess was Etht>lbnrga, sister of the fmmder; and it is a ('h.-.rl;s Montae;ue, of Cranbrook, Kent, representing his
fart wnrthy of note as showing the importallce of the dt-ath on the field of battle; and there is a mural .tablet
pari,.h in past ages that most of the ahhesses were of to Sir Orlando Humfreys hart. d. 14 June, 1737: m the
hig-h rank, and some of them of the hlood royal; one chancel are brasses with e:ffi~ies to Thomas Broke, ob.
being O~<wyth, daughtPr of Ethelfrith, King of North urn- '40'l, anrt AlicP, his wife. ~ 1t_h a son and da~(!"; to
bria ("o':I-6I7). and another Eth~>lhurea. wif~> of Ina. king John Terlcastell, gent. and Elizabeth (Mey), hu Wife, ob.
of the WPst ~nxnns (668-72R). Mand, or Matilrla. ilanzh- r5g6, with nine sons and seven daug-hters, and one of a
t!'r of ~fa]colm m. Kin!! of Scotland. Rnrl wife of H~>nry I. prie<t, in academic dress, with chalice. the inscription
at onf' time !lwawd the il~>stinies of the monastery, as gone. c. 1480: in the nave and south aisle are brac:s in-
did alc:o annthPl: Manrf. rlang-ht~>r anrl heir of EmtaC'e, scriptions to Eliza hetb Ho hart, wirlow, ob. 1590; Chris-
Connt of Donlogne. and wife of K_inl! Sh•phen; _in snc- 1 topher 'Merell, citi7;en . and goldsmith. of Lon.don, ob.
cession to whom Henry D. appomted Mary, SISter of rsgB, ret. 6o, and hlS SISter Anne Yardley, a Widow, ob.
)579• and another inscription to seven sons, c. r530: the flooring, and resting on foundations of concrete 20 fee$
ehancel retains several aumbries; in St. Mary·s chapel deep, is divided into four compartments, and will hold.
is an incised stone commemoratin~ Mauritius, Bishop 39,ooo,ooo ga.llons of sewage, the whole of which ia
of London, and .A.lfgiva, abbess of Barking; this stone here precipitated by chemical means ; the eftluent ;..
was lost for about roo Tears
• and was recentlv• dis- dischargl'cl into the river, and the residue or sludge,
-covered: an incised stone representing Martinus, the after further treatment, is pumped inta steamers anlt
first vicar of Barking, was found during the excavation!! carried awav •
to sea .
on the site of the abbey, and has been placed in the
chancel : there are sittings for 930 persons. The regis- The charities include the following :-1. In the year
ters date from the year 1558. The rectory, which in 1818 James Hayes left £4,ooo (3 per cent. Reduced An-
1541 had been leased to Mary Blackenhall, consisted of nuities). 2, Mrs. Ann Nepton left an estate to the
all such tithes as had not been previously leased ; it Poulterers' Company of London, subject to a yearly rl'nt-
subsequently fell into the hands of the Crown, by charge of £4o, to be distributed yearly in May by the
whom it was sold in 1550 (together with the advowson master and wardens of thail:- company in ss. gifts to 16o
of the vicarage) to Robert Thomas and Andrew Salter ; poor persons, So of Barking and Bo of Ilford. g. Sir
the greater portion of it afterwards passed to the Thomas Farufuawe gave for the benefit of the poor ol
trustees of the will of William Pownsett, of Loxford the parish of Barking the Market House and tolla, with
(steward to the last abbess), who being desirous of a house and shop pro~l'lty, the latter now producing
bestowing his substance on charitable obj~ts, ~ave the £140 yearly. 4· Sir Thomas Campbell's legacy of f..xoo,
rectory and advowson to the Warden and Fellows of expended in the purchase of land in Eastbury Marsh,
All Souls College, Oxford. The living is a vicarage, realizes £2o yearly. 5· Ootlands' charity consist~ of
net yearly value £313, with 6 acres oi g!eLe and rPsi- about 5 acres of ancient copyhold poor's land, held of
dence, in the gift of All Souls College, Oxford, and held IJhe manor of Barking, and producing f.xs yeal'ly. 6.
since 1904 by the Rev. J.ohn Warmington Eisdell, of J onathan and Thomas Oollett left certain lands, known
M:erlon College, Oxford. as "Kings' Bridge Marsh," since sold for f..I,Soo and
vested in the 2! per Cents. and producing aa
St. Paul's, Ripple road, a chapel of ease to the parish anr.rual dividend of £4o 7s. 4d. 7· Fowke's charity
church, and consisting at present only of chancel and enables the authorities of Barking and llford to
a pa.rt of tJhe nave, was built in 1892-3, on a site given by send two boys, sons of parishioners, tG {)hrist'•
the late Marqttess of Salisbury, in the Late Perpendicular Hospital, West Horsham. 8. In 1614 John Wilde
style, from plans by the late Sir Arthur Blomfi.eld A.R.A. left to the poor of Barking a house in East street,
and will seat 450 persons. The Catholic church, built in containing four rooms, occupied rent free by poor people
1869, and dedicated to SS. Mary and Ethelburga, placed in them by the parish officers ; but this property
affords 300 sittings ; the Congregational chapel, first becoming very dilapidated was sold to Mr. William Lake
founded in 1662, will seat soo persons; the Wesleyan for £225 and two new almshouses were built adjoining
chapel, built in 1869, has 500 sittings; the Baptist the seven almshouses in East street, making in tha
chapel, in Linton road, was built in 1893 at a cost of whole nine almshouses of four rooms each, rent free, con:.
£3,ooo, and enlarged in 1905, to seat 1,2oo, at a cost of taining about 21 inmates. 9· There are eight other
£·~,ooo; and there is another in North street, seating 70
charities, arising either from rents of land or investmentS~,
persons. The Christian Brethren meet in Park hall, Axe and producing on the aggregate about £3o yearly.
street. The Friends' meeting house, in North street, various[y distributed in money, bread and coals1 sick
erected in 1908, consists of two halls and seven class nursing-, surgical aid letters and convalescent home
rooms. letters .
.A Cemetery, 12 acres in extent, with mortuary chapel,
Eastbury House, about I mile from Barking, is ao
was formed here in 1886, 8ili a oost of £6,ooo, and ancient and very spacious gabled mansion of brick in the
enlarged in 1901 by the addition of 5 acres, at a cost Domestic Tudor style ; the buildings surround three
of £1,900; since March, 1897, it has been under the sides of a quadrangle, and include an octagonal tower
oontrol of the Urban District Council. In the Friends'
Cemetery Mrs. Elizabeth Fry, the eminent philanthropist, rising above the roofs, and a tall stack of curiously_.
who died at Ramsgate, 12 Oct. 1845, is interred. decorated chimneys; the mullioned windows are retained
but the interior has been modernised; this house ia
The ·rown Hall, in the Broadway, formerly the market connected by tradition with the Gunpowder Plot, some
house, has an overhanging upper storey1 and a portion accounts designating it as a meeting place of the con•
of the wooden arcade below still remains. spirators and others as the residence of Lord Monteagle;
it is now used as a farm. house ; the estate on which i•
The D Company of the 4th Territorial Force Battalion l"tands belongs to the Sterry family.
Essex Regiment have their head quarters at 7 and 9
Queen's road. The manor of Barking, which is paramount all over the
hundred, remained in the Crown till James I. sold it to
The offices of the Urban District Council, in East !t. Sir Thomas Fanshawe kt. of Jenkins; since then it has
erected by the late Local Board at a cost of £12,402, been in the families of Hnmphrey and Gore; it was put•
contain the Puhlic Free Lending Library, which comprises chased of the latter by Smart Lethieullier esq. and ia
a,bout xo,ooo volumes. In rear of the offices are the now the property of Sir Edward Hamilton Westrow
public baths, fire brigade station, electricity works, town Hulse bart. a descendant of Mary, the last heiress of
yard, stables and pu:blic mortuary. the Lethieullier family. J
The Public Baths were erected in 1899 by the Urban The principal landowner is Sir E. H. W. Hulse bart,
Di!itrict Council at a cost of £8,250, and during the The civil parish and the Urban District are co-exten•
winter are also used as a public ball. sive and contain 3-•799 acres of land, 6 of inland and 2oq
The Public Recreation Ground, formed and laid out at of tidal water and 97 of foreshore ; rateable value,
a cost of £22,ooo, was opened in April, 1898. £192,698. The population In 19n was 31,294, viz.:-"'
The Victoria Gardens, laid out in commemoration of East Ward. 12,210; North Ward, 4,181 ; South Ward,
the Diamond Jubilee of Her late Majesty Queen Vic- 7,o..J.9; West Ward~ 7,854.
toria, at a cost of £6oo, were opened in May, 1897· The population of Barkin!; ecclesiastical parish in
. The market is held on Saturday, and the fair, formel'ly 19II was 32,780 .
held on October 23rd, has been abolished. There -are
india rubber works and an aerated water manufactory, RIPPLESIDE consists of a number of scattered farmt
and at the mouth of the Roding Creek, on the Thames, and houses extending from I to 3 miles east from
are chemical manure works. Barking, near the bank of the Thames. .A.t Upney, in
The Beckton works of the Gas Light and Coke Co. are the district, is the Barking Town Infectious Diseases
partly situated in this district, and employ some thousands Hospital, erected in 1893, at a cost of £5,971, and will
of hands. hold 105 patients. The population is included with
Barking. To the north-west are Great Porters an4
The North London Main Drainage Sewer passes Parsloes. Parsloes Park is now 'llsed by the Associatioq
through the marsh lands adjoining the Beckton works of Trotting Horse Owners.
of the Gas Light and Coke Co. and the reservoir, or
main outfall, is constructed on lands on the west side By the East Ham, Barking Town and Ilford Order,
of the mouth of Barking Creek (but within the parish I90'J• which came into operation November gth, IrJ07,
of Woolwich), and covers an area of nearly 10 acres, part of Barking Town Urban District and civil parish
to which an addition of from 6 to 7 acres of reser- was transferred to East Ham Municipal borough and
voir space was made in 1887-9, when engine houses civil parish and part of East Ham Municipal borough
. and settling tanks were built at a cost of about and civil parish to Barking Town Urban District and
£soo,ooo: the reservoir, formed of brick, with a stone civil parish. ·


Post, M. 0. & T. 0. & Telephonic Express Delivery j Vestry k Overseers' Offices, Clock House chambers,
Office, 32 East .street. W. .A. Hall, postmaster. East street, .Alien Wand, clerk
Letters dispatched at 6.5Q & IQ a.m. & I2.35, 2.5Q,
5. 10. 8 & IQ. IS p.m. & on sundays at 9·45 p.m. ; TERRITORIAL FORCE.
delivered at 7 & 9 a.m. & 3-25 & 7.20 p.m. Money .fth Battalion Es,.,ex Regiment D Company); head
order office open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Post office quarters, 7 & 9 Queen's road; Capt. C. F. Dawson;
savings bank open daily, same hours as money order Ernest Elstone, sergeant-instructor
office; for tele-grams till 9 p.m
Parcel Post deliveries, 8 a.m. & 3.25 & 7.2Q p.m. ; dis-
patches, 9.30 &.m. &i 12.35, 3· 15, 8 &J 9 p.m .Assistant Overseer, .Alien "'and, Clock House chambers,
East street
Town Sub-Post & M. 0. Offices : - Certifying Factory Surgeon, Barking & llford districts,
New Barking, 65 Longbridge road.-George Jackson, John McDonald M.A., M.B. & C.M.Glas. 9 Linton road
sub-postmaster. Dispatches at 8 & g. I5 a. m. 12 noon Clerk to Barking Local Pension Committee, Harry Har-
& 2, 4.15, 6.15, 8, 9 & 11.30 p.m.; 9 p.m. sundays greaves, Public offices, East street
The Park, 158 Ripple road.-.Albert 'l'homas Porter, Collector of Poor Rates, Thomas Brown, Clock House
sub-postmaster. Dispatches at 8 & 9.15 a.m. 12 chambers, East street
noon & 2. 15, 4·45• 6.15, g. IS & n. IS p.m. ; sundays, Registrar of Births, Deaths & Marriages, Barking Sub-
9.15 p.m District, Rom.f'lrd Union, Wm. Pink, 72 Longbridge rd
62 Tanner street.-Edward Langley, sub-postmaster. Relieving & Vaccination Officer, No. r District, Bomford
Dij;patches at 7-I5, 9 k, 11.45 a.m. & 1.45, 4, 6, 9 & Union, .Arthur Collett, 17 Linton road , .
II.I5 p.m.; sundays, 8.45 p.m Tax Collector & Assessor, Charles Harnden, 66 Long-
Town Sub-Post Office, ~lovers lane.-Mrs. .Alice M. bridge road ,,;j
:Mitson, sub-postmistress. Dispatches at 8.30 a.m. &
4.30 & 8.30 p.m. ; sundays, 8.3-0 p.m PLACES OF WORSHIP, 'With times of Services.
Post Office Telephone Call Offices, 9 .Axe street; 31 & St. Margaret'~nrch, Rev. John. .Warmington Eisdell,
95 East street & 7 & 141 North street vicar; Rev. George Albert Sweatman B.A. Rev. Hy.
Gobbing Th . .A.K.C. & Rev. Henry P~rcy Shaw
URB.A~ DISTRICT COUXCIL. Th . .A.K.C. cura..t~ ; 8 & I I a.m. & 2.45 & 6.3~ p.m. ;
Public offices, East street. daily, 8 a.m.; wed. 8 p.m.; wed. & fri. 9·45 a.m
Meeting day, the fourth tuesday in every month at St. Paul's Church, Ripple road, chapel of ease, Rev.
. Henry Cobbing Th . .A.K. C. curate in charge; 8 & I I
7 p.m.
a.m. & 3 & 6.30 p.m. ; daily, 7.30 p.m. ; wed. 8 p.m
Members. School Church, Creeksmouth; 8 a.m. (rst sunday in each
Chairman, .Arthur John Blake. m<>nth) & 6.30 p.m
Vice-Chairman, Robert Henn• Carter. SS. Mary & Ethelburga, Catholic, Linton road, Bev .
East Ward. Sonth Ward. .Arthur Francis Rvan •
& Rev. Thomas J.,awton,
Retire April Retire April priests; 8, 10 & 11.3-0 a.m. & 3.30 & 6.30 p.m. ; wed.
John Wilson ............ rgrs Thomas Young ......... rgr 5 7-30 p.m.; daily mass, 8 a.m. & holy days1 7 & 9 a.m
Arthur John Blake ... 1916 Robert Henry Carter ... rgr6 Friends' Meeting House, North street, Henry Robert
John William Garland rg16 Albert Eclwd. Martin .. I917 Steele, sec. k supt. ; I I a..m. & 6.30 p.m.; mon. &
John Ranson ............ 1917 West Ward. wed. 7.30 p.m. & Movers lane, 6.30 p.m
North Ward. Samuel Cooper ........ 1915 Baptist Tabernacle, Linton road, Rev. Hugh Trueman;
William Gibbard ...... 1915 Donald Gordon ......... I916 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; mon. 7.30 p.m

William Brown Reidie 1916 Wm. Alfred Thomas ... 1916 Baptist Mission Room, Heath street
Henry Berry ............ 1917 1 Alfred Ed\\ards ......... 1917 Baptist Meeting Room, North street; I I a.m. & 6 p.m.; •
tues. 7 p.m
Officials. Brethren, Axe street, S. Rouse, minister; I I a.m. &
Clerk & Solicitor, Harry Harg-reaYes, Public offices, 6.3£> p.m.; wed. 7-30 p.m
East street Congregational, Broadway, Rev. Henry Edward Arkell;
Accountant & Treasurer, William Dennison, Public 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 8 p.m
offices, East street Primitive Methodist, Lint on road (West Ham Park
Medical Officer of Health, School Medical Officer &c. Circuit); 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; tues. 7.30 p.m
Robert John Ewart M.Sc., M.D.Vict., F.R.C.S.Eng., Salvation .Army Barracks, Ripple road; 7 & I I a. m. &-
D.P.H.R.C.P.S.Eng. Public offices, East street 3 & 6.45 p.m. ; mon. & tues. 8 p.m
Surveyor, Charles Ford Dawson F .S.I. Public offices, Wesleyan Methodist, East street (East Ham Mission),
East street Rev. Benjamin Lowe; 1 r a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed.
Electrical Engine~r & ~ianager of Light Railways, Wm. 8 .p.m
Holmes, Electricity worl>s, East street Pe<mliar People, Queen's road; 10.30 a.m. & 2.30 & 6.3G
Architect, Charles James Dawson F.R.I.B.A. Clock p.m. ; tues. & thurs. 7.30 p.m
House chambers. East street Abbey Hall, Abbey road; 6.30 p.m. ; daily, 8 p.m
B~i'iding Inspector, William Ba:xter Ellis, 10 Park aven Mission Hall, Abbey road; 8 p.m
Sanitary Inspector, Harry Wood, Public offices, East st Mission Room, Linton road; 6.30 p.m
Collector, Alfred H. London, Public offices, East street Mission Room, ~orth street; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m
The Committee, consisting of 10 members of the Urban Higher Education Committee, Technical School
District Council, 6 from the Romford Guardians & 4 Chairman, Rev. J. W. Eisdell
persons experienced in the relief of distress, . was Secretary, J. T. Edwards, Te-chnical school, East streel
formed in Igo8 A.n Elementary Education Committee consisting of 14
Meetings are held at the Public offices monthly during mellibers of the Urban District Council & 7 eo-opted
the winter members was formed in 1903
C'hairman, T. Young The Committee meets at the Public offices on the friday
Clerk, HaiTy Hargreaves, Public offices, East street immediately following the first monday in the month
at 7 p.m
PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. Chairman, .Alderman Glennv J.P
• •
Almshouses, East street, Alexander G. D. Glenny, clerk Vice-Chairman, Rev. J. W. Eisdell
Cemetery, Rippleside, H. Hargreaves, clerk; Thomas Secretary, Josiah T. Edwards, Education office, Public
Booton, supt offices, East street
Council Fire Brigade, engine station, East street, Edwd. Medical Officer, Robert· John Ewart M.Sc., M.D.Vict.,
James .Abbott, chief officer, & 14 men F.R.C.S.Eng., D.P.H R.C.P.S.Eng. Public offices,
Metropolitan Police Station, Ripple road, William Cray- East street
fourd, inspector, 8 sergeants & 40 constables Attendance Officers, Waiter ~obert Smithyes & Thomas
Public Baths, East street, T. G. Cleary, supt Richard Barton
Public Library, East street, Josiah T. Edwards, sec.; Council School, Clascoigne road. erected in I8go at a
George J ackson, librarian cost of £15,QQO, & enlar!{ed in 1901 at a further cost
Shipwrecked Fishermen & ~Iariners' Ro:"-:al Benevole11 t of £6,ooo, for 532 boys, 532 girls & 6or infants; aver-
Society; Hon. representative, W. W. Glenny J.P age attendance, 524 boys, 519 girls & 507 infants,
Town Hall, Broadway, Alexander G. D. Glenny, clerk; William J. Parker, master; Miss Lydia Pepper, mis-
Miss Cross, hall keeper tress ; ~iiss Ellen Tebby, infants' mistress

• •
- .ESSEX 3*



Council School, North street,. erected iD 1896, for 520 expense of [1,2oo, also infant school added in 18g6.
boys, 520 girls & 6o9 infants ; average attendance, 5 I I for 303 boys, 303 girls & 319 infants; average atten«l-
boys, 457 girls & 429 infants; William Nit>ld, master; ance, 365 boys, 309 girls & 293 infants; Arthur W.
Miss .Samh A. Witcomb, mistress; Miss .Mary Taylor, Burrows, master; l\bss E. Low, girls' mistress & Miss
infants' Dllstress E. Bradford, infants' m1stress
Council School (Westtury), Ripple road, erected in Igoz, Roman Catholic {mixe!l), Linton road, built in 1889 l;
for 520 boys, 520 gir·ls & S20 infants; average attend- enlarged in Igoz, for 266 children; average attendance,
ance. 505 boys, _::;Ig: girls & •U0 infants; William 28o; Mrs. Katherine Flynn, mistress; infants', for 1to
Raslam, master; Miss Margaret t...oles, girls' mistress; d M' M M
Miss Sarah Ben sun, infant·s' mistres·s ch!ldren; average at ten ance, 69; 1ss F. '"" c asters,
Council School (Ripple), ~Ripple road, erected in 1913, ·
for 428 boys, 428 girls & 482 infants; Albert E. Railway Station, East street, James Edward HorneP,
Boulton, master ; Miss A. Pyner, girls' mistress ; station master •
Miss Mary McCaig, infants' mistress Carriers to London.-Carter, Paterson & Co. Limited:
.COuncil School (Castle) (mued), R1ppll'llide, bnilt in LJndon Parcels Delivery Co. Limited & Pickfords Ltd
18go, for 300 boys, girls & mfants; average attend· Tramways run to Beckton & also connect with .tb~t
ance, I87; John Benson, masMr adjoining tramway systems of East Ham & Ilford
.Couueil tnuxed), Creeh. ..ruoutll, built in tgot, at a cost
of £ 3 ,730 , for 120 bu)S, ~ll'ls &. ~ufau.ts ~ avera~t! The tramway systems of Barking, East & West Ham &
attenJance,. 9 I ; Louis J.V!atthews, master the London County Council have an inter-running
Church ol England (Non-Provided) (boys, girls & in- agreement & cars run from Barking to Aldgate
far.t11). Baek lam~. built. \\lth tl!achtrs' re ..H.iences, w 'lhe London General Omnibus Co. Limited run a regular
1872, at a cost of £4,000, & enlarged m 1089 at an service of motor omnibuses between Barking & ..,A.cton.
Ewart RJbert John M.D., D.P.H. Lawton Rev. Thomas (Catholic), 41
Aysgarth, LongbriJge road Linton road
A.dey Henry George,n Aldersey gdns · f't·ntt~n t,harles Franci:;, 70 .Park aven Lay Robt. Arth. ID Strathfield gdn&!oil Th ~mas S. 5 A.dersey gdns Field Saml. White hall,L ... ngbrtdge rd Lee Albert Henry, 72 Park avenue
An.ierson William, 19 AldEhsey gdns FraDJ> Arth. 70 Wumington gdns Linard Mrs. 46 Park avenue
Andrews Herbert,s Hurstbourne gdns Fryer A.fred W11liam, 25 Rulse aven Litt.ejohn Mrs.Shirley,Longbridge rd
Attl\uud ~tauhy Lllarlet>, 41 .Ea:.t .st. IGarla:td John wniam J.P. The Lockyer Timon Waiter, I3 Hulse 1\9'
Baker Henry 'lhomas, 10 Hulse aven G ... bles, Hurstbourne gardens Lowe Rev. Benjamin (Wesleyan), 90
Barnets,m Saml. 42 Wilmington gdns Gibbens Frank Edl"Rrd, .Bank bldgs. Longbridge road
Barnett Wilham, go l'ark avenue f 70 E-1st street McDonald James M.B. 23 Broadway
Bartell Ge'o. w. 28 Wilmington gdns Gildersleve John Wm. 7 Hulse aven McDonald Jn. M.A., M.B. 9 Linton rd
Basn.erville· Joseph Ernes~ Evan, 35 H.enlenning Hy. I5 Wi1mington gdns Manley Chas. 8 Wilmington garden•
W1.mmgton gardens Hlenny .\lexander G. D. .Bifrons, Mathieson John, 23 Hulse avenue Jabez Cocke1ton, 29 Hulse av Longbridge road · Mathieson Wm. 39 Wilmington grdna
Beavis Arthur, 9 Wihningtort grdns Glenuy "llliam Wallis J.P. Cecil Matthews William, 14 Park avenue
BelL Fra:>. Geo. 57 Wilmington gdns, East streut Maylen Henry Richard, The Croft.
Billenness James, 64 Park avenue Godier A.bert, 40 Wilmington gdns Longbridge road
Biilin~ Joseph; 15 avenue · Gosling Mrs. 34 Wilmin<>ton gardens Maylin Frank, I7 Hulse avenue
Blake .Arthur John, Faircross lodge, Graham Alfred, 31 Huls; avenue Meeking Henry, 19 Hulse avenue
Lungb1·idge road Graham James·, 'leviot,Longbridge rdjMetcalf Ray, 4 Wilmington gardens
Blake Geo. Hugh, 17 A:dersey gdns Hamb eton Mrs. M. H. 138 Park aven Minshall John, 28 Hulse avenue
Blower~ George, 7 Aldersey garuens H tmmond Fras. 69 Wilmington gdns 1 Minter Charles, so Park avenue
·Bond Mrs. so Wt.mington gardens Hannigan Dennis,61 Wilmington gdns INeill David, 4 Hulse avenu~
Boultnn Albe1·t Edwd. 28 P ..u k aveuue Hare Maurice, 3I Wilmington grdns Nevi:le Wm, 53 Wilmington gardeni4
Brane Frederick, 37 Wilmington gdns Hargreaves Harry, 8 Cecil avenue Newman John, 32 Hulse avenue
Brooke Mr~. 66 Purk uvt:"uue Harrison George, 102 Longbridge rd Nice Alma Jas. Newman, s Hulse M'
Browd JosPph, 8o Longbridge road Harr.s:m Norman, 38 Hulse avenue Nield William J.P. 30 Pa.rk avenu&
Brown Peter A.ex. 24 Hulse avenue Hart Joseph, 16 Waliering road N•Jrris George, 42 Linton road
Brown Robt. E. 43 Wilmington gdns Haslam William, sB Park avenue Oldfield Joseph, 58 Wilmington gdna
Brown Rqsselr Howard, 8 Park aven Hawes Waiter Daniel, 62 Pa•k avenue Oldham .A.lbert, 49 Wilmington gdns
Brown 'lbumas, 84 Longbridge road Rafter Sydney Herbert, 16 Strathfield Oliver Mrs. 26 Park avenue
BucUngham Fdk.47 Wilmington gdns gardens 1 Page Arthur, 33 Wilmington gardens
l.alver Augustus, 6 Hulse avenue He,ln Hy. Geo. 62 Wilmington gdns Pain Wm. Hy. 36 Wilmington gardns
·Carrier Dennis, 35 Hulse avenue Hewett Robert Muirhead J.P. Ioo Palmer Wm. 56 Wilmington gardens
Cha~k FrederickWil iam,27 Linton rd North street Parker Mrs. 56 Park avenue
Clark Matthew, 201 Ripple road Hill Mrs. 27 Wilmington gardens , Parl•er Walter John, I2 Hulse avenue
Claussen Henrv, ~2 Hulse avenue Hi.! Thomas, 7 ·Wilmington gardens ·Parker William Joseph, 6 Park aven
Cobbina Rev- RPnry A.K.C.L. (curate Hobb!' HoracP Christr. 6o Park aven Pearson George Reginald, 9 Hulse rll'
of St. Ma garet'><), s~ Cecil avenue Hogsdon Frederick, 9 Aldersey gdns . Phi:lips Arthur, 67 Wilmington gdna
Cockle Waiter, 3 Rulse avenue H .le Wm. Geo. 3 Wilmington gdns Pierce Geo. Oliver, 64 Longbridge rd
Co man A;bert, 14 Wakering road Holland Henry, ~4 Park avt'nne Pound Wm.Henry, 5 Strathfield gdn$
Crick Sidney, 46 WiJmington gardens Hopkins Harry Ernest, 52 Pal k aven Pratt Wm. A. Dursley,Longbridge rd
Crockford Fredk. 52 Wilm:ngton gdns Howe Waiter, 30 Hulse avenue Quash Wm. Northbury ho. North at
Or;:mch William, 70 Longbridge road Hu:Js John Hooper,6 Strathfield gdns Ranson John, 2 Wilmington gardens
<.:rozier J ...,bn, 68 Park avenue Hullt Eiwin B. 12 W~lmington grdns Ranson Jn.Fredk.66 Wilmington gdna
Cullnm Wrr.Geo.68 Wilmington gdns Indge A'1d. Jas. I Wilmington gdns Richardson John Saml. 54 Park aven
Curtis Jn Percy, 41 Wilmington gdns Jacl•son Daniel Thomas, Hanmer, R'lbinson Waiter Albert, 16 .Hulse ay
Da_tJn William, us Wilmington gdns Long-bridge road Rowland Olive, I7 Wilmington grdns
D vey Francisco, 27 Hulse avenue Jel:ev Wrr~. <;<; Will'Y'ington gardens ! Rowlpy Harry RPginald. no Park aY
DaviPs Edward .:\. I Tanner street Jenkins David, 26 Hul~e avenue 1 Rum bold William, 74 Park avenue
Davis Mrs. 26 Wilmington gardens .Je1.ks Fr'lnk Arthu", 33 Hulse avenue Ryan RPV. Arthur Francis (Catholic).
Dawe George, 4S Wihrington gardens Jon~>s Gilbert, 40 Hulse avenue I 41 Linton road
Dau'ln Arthnr Char'es, 8 Hulse aven Kt>f>ling Charles Burgess, 6o Long- Schrier Samuel, 8:~ Longbridge road
Dawson C.J. W~·keham ho.Queen's rd bridge road Shaw Rev. Hy. Percy A.K.C. (curate
Dawson Charle~ Ford, Ilsenburg, Kidner Waiter, 14 Hulse avenue of St. Margaret's), 2 Cecil avenue
Lon!!'hridge road King Ernest Sidney, 23 Wilmington Shelton Albert, 21 Hulse avenue
Dixon Mrs. IOo Lon!!brid!!e road gardens Sherwood John Sidnev, 2 Hulse aven
Do•1alds m A-chibal:l William, 16 King Ernest Wm.18W:lmington gdns Simpson Wm. 24 Wilmington grdns
W'lm'n!!'ton gardens , King IJubert G. L. Ea~t street Smith Arthur W. 58 Lon~rbride:l" rd
Drake Barrv, 12 Park nvPnne Kine- Jnhn HPnry. 40 Park avPnne Snow Frerl~rick James Haywardt ~
E<lwards Josinh T. 38 Park avenue Kin!! Philip Jame!t. 44 Park avenue Str<~thfield gardens
EisdFll Rev. J 1hn Warmingtl)n (vicar King Wm. G. Ferndale, Longbridge rd Soul Ml'!l. 31 Linton road
of St. Mar:zaret's). The Vicarage, r{'Pi'l John, 22 Wilwingt..,n gardens Spurge Edwin, 32 Wilmington grdns
R:pfllP road r{TJirrht James Frederick William, 64 ~tancflev GPO. 30 W'lmington grdns
Ellis Willhm BaxtPr, 10 Park avenue W']~ington O'arden!l '"!tallvick Gustav, I Hulse avenue
E1d~r'!bee Henry, I Aldersey gardens LakP Mrs. 42 Park av~>nue Steadwan Mrs. 29 Wilrnin!!'ton grdnt
Everit~ Wm. 48 ';filmington gardens Langford Joseph, 29 Linton road Stewart George, 2 Strathfield gardeo•
Stratford Jn.Thos. 1gWilmington gdns Wat.;;on John A. 51 Wilmington gdns'Williams Leonard.21Wilmington gdns
Taylor Charles Hillsborough Riming Wearne ~aboth, 44 Wilmington gdns Wilson John J.P. 62 Long-bridge road
ton, The Corner ho. Longbridge rd Webb Henry, 5 Wilmington gardens Wines John, 22 Park avenue
Traylen George, 32 Park avenue Webber Henry, 9 Strathfield gardens Wiseman Douglas Herbt>rt, 20 Strath-
Trueman Rev. Hugh (Baptist),Strath- Wheeler .Arth. Lionel, 59 Wilmington field gardens
field gardens gardens Wood Geo. 38 Wilmington gardens
Turner Mrs. 65 Wilmington gardens White Frederick Leopold, 64 Wil- Woodforde Alfred Wm. Geo. M.B.,
Wade Mrs. Hawthorn house, North st mington gardens B.S. Thorneycroft, Ripple road
Wade Mrs. q. Wilmington gardens White Miss, 24 Park avenue 1Worley Edward, 3 Aldersey gardens
\\' alker Frederick Wall ace, 54 Wil- White William, 2 Park a>enue Wyatt Rev. John 'Ihomas .A.K.C.L.
mington g-ardens Whittenbury John, St. Edmund's, (rector of Wennington),Wenningt.on
Waiters John, 20 Wilmington gardm Longbridge road rectory, ft Strathfie.d gardens
Ward Allen, 12 Strathfield gardens Willey Waiter, 4 Strathfield gardens
COMMERCUL. Bean Alfred, greengrocer, 24 Church road
Bean Alfred, shopkeeper, 102 Gascoil!ne road
Early closing day, Thursday. Beard Florence (Mrs.), grocer, II4 Axe street
Addis Robert William, house deoorator. 19 Bridge ~t. Bearton Jesse, shopkeeper, 124 Victoria road
!ger Mary (Mrs.), milliner, 14 East str~t Beckwith E. & Co. Limited, electricians, 3 Chester ter-
!iken Rohert, insmance agent, sza, Wakering roa{l race, Longbridge road
Albon R. J. o& Sons, blacksmiths, 33 North street Beddow Jesse, oilman, 35 North street
-\lbon Frederick William, cycle dealer, II9 Ripple road Beharell & Son, paint mfrs. & oil refiners, London road
.~lbon Frederick William, insurance agent, go Keith rd Bennett Charles Victor, confectioner, 20 Gascoigne road
Aldridge Emma Jane (Mrs.), dress ma. 83 Faircrj)ss av Bennett Harry John, fri.ed fish dealer, 71 Eldred road k
!Ham Rose (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 25 London road 74 North street
-\nderson Arthur, commission agent, Ioo Ripple road Bentley Edward J. insurance agent, 36 Wakering road
.!nderson Samuel, electrician, 135 Ripple road Bentley Frank, dairyman, see Williams & Bentley
\ndrews Edgar, insurance agent, 111 Faircross avenue Bentley Henry T. J. coffee rooms, 33 Heath str~t
!rdley Henry George, greengrocer, 185 Gascoigne road Berry George John, beer retailer, qo Gascoigne road
..\rgent Nicholas, beer retailer, 75 Axe street Betty Harriet (Mrs.). ,hopk£>eper, 115 Abbey road
Ash John, boot maker, 137 North street Bishop E. K£>lsham & Co. chartered accntnts. 2 East st
\shley Reuben John, insur. agt. 156 King Edward's rd Bishop Edward, fried fish shop, 46 Broadway
!slett A. R. certified bailiff, 53 Fanshawe avenue Blake Arth. builders' merchant, Sawing mills, Wakering
Atkins Robert, draper, z6 Gascoigne road I road; oil & C()lor man, Bamford road; ironmonger,
..\tlas Confectionery Co. manufactg. confrs. 61 ~orth st 237 Ripple road & draper, Clock house, East street
\ttwood Stanley Charles, manager of the London & Blake Arthur, ham & beef dealer, 54 East st1eet
South Western Bank Limited, 41 East sheet Blay George Henry, shopkeeper, 19 Howard street
\yling Alice (Mrs.), confectioner, 6 East street Blaze by William, greengrocer, 78 North street
Baigent Edwin Joseph, printer, 49 East street Bloomfield Daniel, coal merchant, 8o Faircross avenue
Baker George Thomas, hair dresser, 27 Axe ~treet Blows .Alfred, butcher, 52 Ripple road
Baker John, shopkeeper, 246 Boundary road Bly Thomas, painter, 105 Ripple road
Baker W11lter .Joseph, butcher, 166 Gascoigne road Bonar Helen (Miss), confectioner, 8g East street
Ballard Arthur, confectioner, 113 Gascoigne road Bones James, cattle deal<!r, Westbury road
Harber Frederick, hair dresser, 112 Gascoigne road Bonney Harry, grocer, 17 East street
Barking Almshouses (Alexander G. D. Glenny, clerk), Bonnington William Alfred, hair dresser, 73 Axe street
East street Bosworth George, Red Lion P.H. 66 & 68 North street
Barking Choral Society (S. C. A. ttwood, hon. conductor; Bowles Alfred, pl-asterer, 40 Linton road
H. Hargreaves, hon. treasurer; A. W. Burrow!'. hon. Bracci Eugenio, ice merchant, 37 Heath strel't
'lee.), 41 East street Brewster Charles, cycle dealer, 58 Wake ring road
Barking & District Loan & Finance Co. Clock Honse Brigden Henry. carman, 70 Kenn€dy road
chambers, East street Bright Maud (Miss), corset maker, 42 East street
Barking, East Ham & Ilford Advertiser (Essex Wee.dy Bristow Em m a (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 23 Abbey road
News Series Limited, Chelmsford, proprietors; pub- British Anti-Fouling Compositi()n & Paint Co. Limited
lished every saturday), 97 East street (The), Barking creek •
Barking & East Ham Provident Dispensary {John Broadway Barking Bioscope The11tre Co. Ltd. Broadway
& James McDonald M.B. surgeons), 23 Broadway Broadway George, butcher, 162 Ripple road
Harking Fire Brigade Station (Edward James Abbott, Brooks James Henry, boot repairer, 109 Boundary road
chief officer), street Brown Charle.s,cnal merchant,29 East st & 322 Ripple rd
B uking Guano Works (Daniel de Pass Trust Limited Brown Edward, grocer, I Monteagle avenue
(The), proprietors), Barking creek Brown HcTJry, florist, 35 .Axe street
Barking Liberal & Radical Association (G. H. Shalder~>. Brown Samuel, plumber, 73 North street
'lee.), Ripple road Brown Thomas, poor Tate collector, Clock House cham-
Barking Liberal & Ra lical Club (A. Robertson, sec.), hers, Ea~t street
Ripple road B1•nnning Wil'iam George, carpenter, 3.8 St. Paul's road
Barking Nur~<es' Home, 35 Longbridgt>~ road Buckle William, decorator, 28 Victoria road Public Lihrary (George Jackson, librarian; Bunten Frederick John, dairyman, 19 Monteagle avenue
Josiah T. Edwards, sec.), East street Burgess Mary Rose (Mrs.), Queen's Head P.H. 16
Barking Small Holder<s' &; .Allotment Holders' Co-opero- Broadway
tive Societv Ltd. (Thomas Hughes, sec.), 77 Axe st Burn Edwin, clothier, 6a, Broadway
Barking Tow;1 Club (Donald Gordon, hon.sec ),24 East st Burrell George, stewed eel shop, 34 Broadway
Barking To:wn Urban District Council Outfall Works & Burrows Thomas, butcher, 63 Longbridge road
Wharf (Stephen Green, engineer), Gascoigne road Bnrton Horace. greengrocer, r8o Ripple road
Barking Town Urban District qouncil Recreation Ground Bush Lucy (:~Irs ), fancy needlework depot, 8 Chester
(John Bones, supt.), Longbndge road terrace, Longbridge road
Barking Town Working Men's Club (Thomas ...\. Pitt, I Butche" Caroline (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 2 Boundary road
'!te~ard), Nort~ stree~ . 1
Butler Ernest, sign writer, 73 Fanshawe avenue
Barkmg Traders Assoc1at10n Mutual Plate Glass Insur- Byford John & Son Limited lime &c. merchants,
an~e Co., Lim~ted. (William C!·o~ch, sec.), 2 East st Byford's wharf '
Barkmg Women s Liberal Association (Mrs.'('.), Calver Alice (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 20 Heath street
Ripple road & 57 Broadwav
Barnard Henry William, bi1d fancier. r5 Back la11e Canning Gl'orge ·Henry, shopki'Pper, 8r Morley road
Barr Thomas John, shopkeeper, 40 Bifrons street Cannings Richard, dairy, 141 North street
Barrett Enos, greengrocer, 316 Ripple road Cannon Edwin, hair dresser, 41 ~orth street
Rarritt Edward, confectioner, 8.-1- Axe street Cannon Lilv ()lrs.). draper, 36 North street
Earthaud Alfred. shoph.eeper, 129 Abbey roa.J Cape A"be"tns Co. Ltd. a,.,bestos manufrs. Harts lan;;
Barton George Thomas, confectioner, 36 East street Oarrington Rertram, bakPr & confectioner, 4 North street
Barton Thos. Rd. school attendance officer,44 Victoria rd Carter Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper 147• & haberdasher
Bass Thomas, fruiterer, z8 East street qg. North street
Bateman George, shoplieeper, r Movers lane Carter Robert Henry, builder & estate agt. 58 Ripple rd
BattledorP Thomas, confectionel', ~ Oban road f'hapm'<l.n AlfrPd. bl'er retailer. 67 LintoQn road
Baxter William, wardrobe dealer, 9 Heat~ street Chapman Charles. beer retailer, 63 North ~treet
Bayfield Elim (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 120 L:nton roa!i I Chapman Frederick, greengrocer, 17 King Edward's road

Chapman George, fried fish dealer, 49 North street Draine Samuel William, shopkeeper, 28 Coverdale 1'oad,
Chemical Supply Co. chemical manufrs. Abbt>y road Dukes Thomas, umbrella maker, 163 Bonndary road
Chesney Lilian (Mrs.), dress maker, 14 St. Awdry's rd Duncombe George, coal de~ler, 126 Ripple yoad
Chisnell William, carman, 49 Axe street & Railway Dunk Robert William, house decorator, I James street
station, ~ast street Dunk Sidney, corn dealer, 2J Linton road
Churchil,l Thomas, fishmonger, 12 Broadway Dunn Fr!>d H. oil & color man. 1 Chestl'r t~rrace,
Clark Algernon Fuller, confectioner, 47 Longbridge: road Longbridge road
- Clark Charles, tailor, 41 Broadway Dunsdon Thomas Charles, shopkeeper, 56 North street
Clark Frederick, fried fish dealer, 58 Bamford road Durman Ebenezer, grQcer, 12 The Triangle
Clark George Reed, shopkeeper, 34 Morley road Dyster Charles, baker, 14 Church road
Clark John, grocer, I Nor·th street & 59 Longbridge road Eastman & Son (Dyers & Cleaners) Ltd. 37 East stree~
Clark Lydia (Mrs.), florist, I25 Glenny road Edwards Alfred, news agent, 36 Heath street
Clark Marie (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 85 Victoria road Edwards Benjamin, fruiterer, 109 Ripple road
Clark William, lighterman, Barking creek Edwards Elizabeth Ann (Mrs.), confectioner, 21 East st
Clarke James Haydon, beer retailer, 57 Axe street Edwards Josiah T. sec. t.o El-ementary & Higher Educa.
Clarke Rose (Miss), stationer, 97 East street t.ion Committees, Public offices, East street
Olaxton Charles, tailor, 33 Fanshawe avenue Electric Theatre (Martin & Co. propr~ ), Ripple road
Clements & Son Limited, builders' merchants, Clock Ellis George, shirt & collar dresser, 76 Ripple road
House chambers, East street Ellis William Baxter, building inspector to the Urban
Clevett Thomas H. grocer, 93 Tanner stret>t District Cl-uncil, ro Park avenue
·Coggins Sarah Emily (Mrs.), tobacconist, 87 East street Ellison Clara (Mrs.), drug stores, 56 Tanner street
Dolbourn Samuel, greengrocer, 8 Gascoigne road Ellmore Joseph, fruiterer, 53 East street
Colbourn Samuel, jun. greengrocer, I6o Ripple road El stone Ernest, sergt. -instructor D Co. 4th Territorial
-Oollett Arthur, relieving & vaccination officer ~o. I Fc.rce Batt. Essex Regt. 7 & 9 Queen's road
district, Romford union, 17 Linton road Emmett Benjamin, farmer, Movers farm, Movers lane
Collingwood Jan1es, draper, 143 Ripple road England Raymond, poulterer, 85 North strePt
·Collins Bertie William, cycle maker, 13 North street E>:sex Chemical Co. Limited, Hertford road
Collins Thomas Knight, basket maker, 12a, Heath street Essex RNll Estate Co. Ltd.; reg. office, 100 Glenny rd.
& 24 St. Ann's road l<~ssex (The) Time~ & The Stratford Expres~ (Wilson li
Colman Alexander, pawnbroker, see Poole & Colman Whitworth I~imited. proprietors & publishers; published
Combes George, joiner, 6 Back lane every ~aturdav), 5 Linton road
Conner H. boot maker, j Chester ter. Longbridge road Essex WePkly ~ew.- (Es!'PX Weekly News SeriM Ltd.
Cook James, incandescent g-as fitting~ dlr. 3I Axe street propriPtors ). q7 East strert
Cooper J. & Son, joinerfl, 88a, Au street & 85 East st Evans Alfred George, grPengrocer, 64 Wakering road
Cooper Samuel Limite-d, chemists,66 Ea~t st.& :q AxP st Evans Henry J. certifie:l bailiff, 53 Fanshawe avenue
Cooper Ivy (Miss), milliner, 88a, Axe street Evans Lily (Mrs.), dress maker, 22 Sunningdale avenue
Cooper Lewis John, butchPr, 3IR, East strPet Eveleigh James Waiter, baker, 75 Glenny road
Cooper Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 71 St. Paul's road Everitt Alice (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 58 North street
Cooper Mrs. corspt mRlier, 28 Lonclon Everitt William Alfred, commission agt. roo Glenny road
Coppin Herbert, potato merchant, 15 & 17 Tanner street Ewart Robe-rt John :\I.D., F.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.tond.,
Corder Frederick John, greengrocer, II4 Gascoigne road D.P.H_ mf'lrhcnl officrr of health & I"Chool medica.l
Cornwell Charles, shopkeeper, Barkihg creek officpr to thr Darldng Urban District Council •
& med~-
Cottis Ernest George, insurance agt. 32 St. Awdry's rd cal supt. to Upney Isol~.tion Hospital, Public offices,
Cotton Alfred, confectioner, 12r North street East ~trPet. T :N 332 East Ham
Cotton Sarah Elizabeth (Mrs.), butcher, 21 Axe street Fairbrass Harry. ~reengrocer. 145 North street
Cotton William Fredk. house decorator, 40 Queen's road Fairchild Alice (Mrs.), laundress, 32 Tanner street
<Jourtenay William, confectioner, 318 Ripple road Fance .Alfred, baker, II7 Abbey road
Cousins William & Robert, hosiers, 70 East stree-t Farmer James, laundry, IS Gascoigne road •
Covell Thomas, corn dealer, 14 Gascoigne road Farr Charles Fr~.>dt>rick, gret>ngrocer, 4 Coverdale road
Coxe Edward, confectioner, 62 1VakPring road Farrell William, berr rPtailer, ro8 North street
-Cozens George William, confectioner, 4 Boundary road Faulks Julia (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 124 Gascoigne rd
Crew John. bricklayer, r3 St. Margaret's road Fenton Charles Francis L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng.
Cribb William John, fried fish dealer, 6 Gaileoigue road physician & surgeon,& divisional surgeon Metropolitan
& 39 Howard road police, 70 Park avenue & 26 Linton road
Cross Beatrice (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 12 East street Fergusson Henry, boot maker, 13 Broadw.ay
Cross Edward Ernest, builder, 36 Hnlse avenue & so Finch Ernest. Edward, hair dressrr, 217 Ripple road
l..ongbridge road Firman Edwin William, corn miller (electric), London rd
Cross William Henry, leather seller 10, & boot repairer Firrnan George James, ironmonger, I The Triangle
61, East street Floming John Henry, Croolied Billet P.H. see Frost &
Crow Thom-as & Sons, tar distillers, Harts lane Fleming
Cumper Richard Henry, hair dre-sse-r, 65 North street Fletcher Max, draper, 13 East street
Cutmore Sarah F. (Mrs.), beer retailer, 63 Broadway Flig-ht Waiter, Fishing Smack P.H. Abbey road
Davenport Richard, fried fish shop, So Axe street Fluhrer William, pork butcher, 10 Broadway
Da.vey William, chemical manufacturer, Barking creek Forg-e Clara (:Miss), stationer, 27 BrQadway
Davidge Elizh. (Mrs.), stay maker, 47 Fanshawe avenue Fosbery & Co. lifebuoy makers, London rO'ad
Davies Ada (Miss), teacher of mnsic, Clock House Foulsham Louise (Miss), shopkeeper, 231 Boundary rd
chambers, East stree-t Francis Emma (Mrs.), fishmon~er, 52 North street
Davies .Anna ~lizabeth (Miss), milliner, 57 ~ast street Franks Hymie, clothier, 31 E-ast street
Davies John Charles, grocer, 12 Gascoigne road Freedman Solomon, glazier, 47 Axe stree-t & picture
Davis Alfred, shirt & collar dresser, 6o Tanner street frame maker, 50 Gascoigne road
Davy J. H. H. &; Co. Limite-d, Spotted Dog P.H. r5 Freeman Catherine Mary (Mrs.), butcher,22 Gascoigne rd
Longbridge road Freeman John, chemist, 9 North street
Davy W.alter R. pawnbroker, 55 Longbridge road Freeman Luther, general dealer, 3 Church road
Dawson Charl«.>s Ford F.S.I. surveyor to the Barking French William, bird fancier, I I Gascoigne road
Urban District Council, East street Frodsham Owen, dairyman, 63 Perth road
Dawson Charles James F.R.J..B.A. architect, & architect Frogl«.>y Alice (Mrs.), dress maker,• I4 Ge<~rge strMt
to the Barking Urban District Council, Clock House Frost & Fleming, Crooked Billet P.H. Barking creek
chambers, East street Fuller Waiter S. iron founder, Phcenix foundry, Hart st
Dear Harry George, butcher, 127 Abbey road Fuller William James, fishmonger, 172 Ripple road
Dell Frank Bertie, florist, 40 East street Galley Lonisa Ann (Miss), dress ma. 52 St.Margaret's rd
Deller Albert Edward, baker, 142 Axe street Garbett James C. builder, 42 Cambridge rd. & James n
Dennison William, treasurer & accountant to the Bark- Garner Daniel William, fancy goods dealer, 61 Axe st
ing Urban District Council, Public offices, East strret Garra rd James, hosit>I', ~~ East street
Digby Robert, coal merchant, 6 Harpour road Gartland Martin, shopkePper, Ripple road
Dimond William, miscellaneous dealt>I', 29 Heath ><treet fTa~ Economifling & Improved Light Syndicate Limited
Donaldson & Seabrook, engineers, Abbey road (The), Barking creek
Dormer Arthur, chimney sweeper, 25 Back lane Gas Light & Coke Co. Abbey road
Dove Arthur Samuel, butcher •. 38 North strret Geeves Charles, shopkeeper, 46 Abbey road
Dover Florence (.~Ire.), shoplieeper, 136 W akerin!! road Gibbard Esther Ann (Miss), shopkeeper, 69 Linton road
DovC'r Samuel Henl'y, boot maker, 134 Wakering road Gibbens Frank Edward L.R.C.P.Lond., M:.R.C.S.Eng.
Dowding Isabel .(Miss), dress maker, 41 Glenny road physician &; surgeon, Bank buildings, 70 East strl'et
Dowsett CbGrles, fishmonger, 14 Heath street Gibbins Stephe-n. green!!rocer, 205 .Xorth ~treet
Gifford Henry William, shopkeeper, 53 St. ~Iargaret's rd Holmes William, electrical t>ngineer & manager of the
Gill Florence ()iiss), shopkt>eper, 2 Hardwickt> NJad light railwav . .. to Ba1king- '
Urban District Council,
Gilson John Edwin Albert, assistant in<~.m·ance supt. Electricity work..,, Ea:>t street
29 St. Awdry's road Holtom Cdroline R. plrs,). confr. 12 Royal par.Ripple rd
Glenny Alexander G. D., A.A..I. auctioneer, 51 East st Home & Colonial Stores Limited, tea dealers &c. sr k
Glenny Thos.W. brewer.IB Linton rd. T N 53'4 Ea,t Ham 53 Broadway
Godwin James, cats' meat dealer, 39 Axe street Hopkins William Jas. house decorator, 52 Longbridge rd
. Golding Herbert, wheelwright, 65 Abbey road Horner Jame" Edward. statior• ma>:ter, 4 Cambrid£re rd
Goldstein Brothers, outfitters, 6 North street Howe James, fishmonger, 151 North street
Gollicker Joseph, eel pie shop, 67 Axe street HoV~"e William, sack & bag manufacturer, Town quay &ri
Gooch George Henry, insurance agent, 48 Ohan road ship chandler, I I & 13 Heath street
Gooderson Mathew Sidney, shopkeeper, 73 Howard road Howes Charles Henry, boot maker, 54 Wakering road
Goodey Albert Henry, tobacconist, 239 Ripple roa'\ Hughes John Edward. grl.cer, 25 Linton road
Goodey James R. builder, 37 Sparsholt road Hnghps Thomas. boot dPalPr, 18 Heath street
Goodey Reuell Edward, draper, 243 Ripple road Hugo Ga<>ton ~<hnpl\eepPI', 211 Ripple road
Goodhew William & Son, decorators, 11 Queen's road Hume Arthur W. organist of St. Margaret's church, V
Goorlhew Albert Edward. coffpe rooms, 193 Abbe~· road . Cambridge road
Goodhew Arthur Thos. decorator. Arnold ho. Ripplt> rrl Hunnikin Richard, cutler, r6 North street
Gooding Frederick Herbert. hair dresser, 1 East street Burr)' William Alfred &; Sons, undertakers, 9 .Axe
& 7 Linton road strPet. T ~ 8 East Ham
.Qoring Albert, shopkeepPr. gr St. Ann's road Hutchison HenrY, picnup frame maker, 52 Tanner street
Gosling & Son, boot makers, 83 East stret-t Ilford & East Ham Laundry (receiving office), 38 East st
Gowen James, carter, 2 St. Awdry's road Inns Flort>nCI:\ (~Iiss), dreo;;s makPr. 77 Salisbury avenue
'Gower Waiter Frederick, confectioner, 43 Linton road Jac-kson Georg;e & Son, bakers, 65 Lon:zbridge road
Graffy Brothers, builders, I Devon road Jack .. on & Co. bnildPrs' merchants, 8r A"e street. T Y
Graham John H. Bull P.H. 2 North street III East Ham
Grantham & On. gl'OCPrs, 17 Broadway Jackson Daniel, waHlt·ohP dealPl', 88 Linton road
Gray Percy, chemist. 45 Longbridge road Jackson Daniel Thomas; contractor, ro6 Ripple road
Gray Tom, boot repairer, 67 Abbey road Jackson George, bal;er, 19 Heath street
Green .Alfred, confectioner, 71 Howard road Jarvis Robert, hair drt>sser, 29 St. Paul's road
Green Alice (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 42 Abbey road Jays Frederick & Co. house furnishers, 19 Broadway
Greenshields Allan, greengrocer, 129 Axe street Jelley Wm. domestic machinery dealer, 95 East stree'
Griffiths John, photog"rapher, 27 Ea~t stn•Pt Jenkins James Arthur, china & glass dealer, 18 East d
Gross, Sherwood & Heald Limited, varnish manufactrs. Jenningil William, grocer, 121 W~edderhurn road
J enkins lane Johnson Alfred & Son, saddlers, 35 Br.oadway
Hall Frank Richard, hair dresser, Rippl~> road J ohns m J ames, bal•er, 26 East street
Hall W. A. postmaster, Post office, 32 East street Johno;on J1ne Oirs.). drPSS maker. sa Harpour rC'ad
Hall William, greengrocer, 29 Bamford road Johnson Martin, confectione.r, 29 North street
Handley Arthur Georg-e, wardrobe rlealer, 43 North st Johnson Philip, tailor, II5 Fanshawe avenue •

Hare Maurice, butcher, 55 Bro<~dway J ohnson Thomas l ha I le>', grocer, 3 r H~·ath street
Hargreaves Harrv, clerk & soliritor to Urban District Jones John, r•o~tumier, 6 Axp '!trPt>t
Council & clerk to thP cemt>tery & to Barking Town Joynes Frank, taxidermist, 1 London road
Distress Committee & to the LO('al Pension Com- J nstice Michael, shopkeeper, 62 St. ~Iary's road
mittee, Public offices, East stroot Kaufman .Toseph, boot maker, 4 Gascoigne road
Hamden Charles, collector & assessor of King's taxes, Kavana~h John Limited, boot makers, 24 Broadway
66 I~ong-bridge ro1d Keent> Thomas, fishmonger. 65 Axe street
Harrington A.nnie (Mrs.), ~ardrobe dealer, :;6a, St. Kerry Thomas Benjamin, beer retailer, 22 East street
Margaret's road Kerst>y \Villiam. ~.Yrt>engTocPr, 24 HPath sh ePt
Harris Albert Edwin, butcher, 4 Chester terracP, Lon[!- Key .!nnit> (~Iiss), drPss maker, 42 Faircross avenue
brirlg~> road Kilby Sidney John, groct>r. 24 Gascoi~nP road
Harris Christopher, beer retailer. 2 Highbridge road King Hnbert G. L. mamgH of thP Lon1lon & Provincial
Harris Henry, grocer, Bo North street Bank Limitf>d. Ea~t '-tt PPt
Ha:rri~ John, shopkeeper, Creeks mouth King William, baker, 2r5 Ripple road
Harris William, shopkPE>pPr, CrPeks month King Wm. GPo.drapPr I, & clothier & hosier 3,Broadway
Harrison George L.R.C.P. & S Edin., L.R.F.P. & S.Glas. Kirkman Alfred, fruiterer 99, & dairy 91, East strPet
physician & surgn. ro2Longbridge rd.& 82 Fanshawe av Kitson Francis, lw"r retailPr, 2 ~Ionteagle avenue
Harrison Joseph, hair dresser, 37 Broadway Kit~on GPorut>. Btihnni:1 P.H. I C'hnrch road
Harrod James, coffee rooms, 2:; HPath strPt>t KittlP A.lfrPd John Dougla~, beer rt?tailer, 2 Linton road
Hart Joseph. butchPr, 15 Broadway Knappett Jamt>s, ~hirt & collar dresser, 139 Ripple Toad,
Harvey Catharine (Mrs.), shopkeeper. 30 St. Paul's road KniQht Jaml:';., tobacconi<~.t, 49 Broadway
& 314 Ripple road Knight John. dairy, 9 C'liP,tl:'r tf:'rrace, Longbridge road
Ha:rvey Fredk. E. lmmdrv, 6 C'lwstpr h•r. Longb1·i•l!!P rd & RipplP road
Harvey Harriet Nellie (Mrs.). boot maker, 2 I a, East st Kohnke Otto, boot repairer. 113 Faircross avt-nue
Harvey Robert. shopkeepPr. 28 Heath street LambPrt Stephen, shopkPeper, SQ An !'treet
Hatch Edward, hardware dealer. 6o Ripple road Langley Edward, grocH, &; sub-post office, 62 Tanner st
Hatch Raymoml, harrlware rlealer, r8 Royal parade. Lawes Chemical Co. Limited,disinfectant manufacturers,
Ripple road Barking creek
Hat ten & Asplin, solicitors, Clock Hous(l chm brs. East st Lawes Chemical !\lanure Co. Limited (T. Elborough,
Hawkins John, tinman, 10 Cobham road managing director; W. Batty, s!'c.), Barldng creek
Hawkins John Thomas, tinman, 71 Axe strePt Lawle~s Henry. ins m anc~ agent, 2q Victoria road
Hawley Arthur, boot maker, 99 Boundary road Lawrence HPrb!'rt. "hopkP!>per, 2 :~t. ~Iary·., road
Hayter Sydney Herbert, solicitor, Clock House chambers. Lall'r£-nce ,\-illiam. g"JI:'I:'ngi·ncer. 164 A.bhp~· road
East street Leftlp~· Etht>l ,~Ir;.. ). te·1cher of piano.3o WeddPrburn rd
Hearn Saml.Brewer,house decorator, 47 St.Erkenwald rd Leftlp~· Isabel (Mr.;;.), c· contractor, 86 :Xorth st
Heat John, greengrocer, 23 Heath street Leftle\· John. baJ,er. 44 Sorth .. treet
Hempelman Frederick, greengrocer, 8 Broadwav Leigh Walter. ~'lothier. 1D9 Abbpy 10acl
Henderson William. sign writt?r. 68 EldrPd road Lester Edward, window blind maker, 152 Kt>nnedy road
Henseler D. W. & Co. metal polish manufrs. W~est bank Lestl:'r Henrv, •
news aQ"ent, 1 Perth road
Hewett & Co. Ltd. wharfingers, Battery wharf, Abbey rd Letts Charles, clothier, 65 East st1·eet
Hicks Blanche (Miss), drPs~ maker. 83 :Xorth str('.(>t LPvenP S·nah (~Ir". ). ho:>ier, 29 A"{' :<tnoet
Riggs John, fancy draper, ::6 FanshawP avPmw Lightfoot J a me~. boot make1·. 59 Holland TOad
Higher Education Committee Technical School (Re• Lindsay John, shopkeeper. Highbridge road
J. W. Eisde1J, chairman; J. T. Edwards, sec.),East st LindsPll David. shopket>pPr, 16 Chm eh road
Hildyard Ernest .Augustus, tobacconist, 63 East strt>et Lipton Limitt-d, provision merchants, 7 East street
Hinman Am os, shopkeeper, 167 Abbey road Livermore James FrPderick, laundry, I I Linton road
Hobbs .John. coffee rooms, IOI East street Liverpo!Jl Victoria Legal Friend!~· Society (Robert T.
Holgate & Wood, wheelwri~hb, King's road Reekie. district manJgPr). 37 Lon~b1 irl~e road
Holley Thos. Wm. builders' merchant, 32 Gascoigne rd Llo~d Robert, shopkeepe1, 13 Bifrom• street
Rollick Erlith (Yrs.), dress maker, 203 Ripple road Loftin Arthur. shopk!O'~.>per. 8 Mo' ~.>rs lane
Hollin~worth Frederick, shopkeeper, 32 Shaftt-sbury rd London (The) Butchers' Hide & Skin Co. Limitt:>d, hid,
& skin market. CrePk .. mouth
London Penny BJ:r.aar C'o. u Broadwa\·
London Pipe Co. briar tobacco pipe manufrs. Abbey road Olney William, beer :retailer, II3 Abbey road
London & Provincial Bank Ltd. (branch) (Hubert G. L Orrock R. & Co. glass bottle manufactrs. Creeks mouth
King, manager), East street; draw on bead office, 3 Orrock Lewis, fishmonger, 7 The Triangle
Bank buildings, Lothbury E C & Glyn, Mills, Cnrrie & Page, nan & Co. Limited, builders' merchants,
Co. 67 Lombard street, London E C. See adver- wbarfingers, timber, cement, lime, brick, lead, glass,
tiaement color, paperhangings & ironmongery, Town Quay
London Scottish Foundry Ltd. iron founders, London rd Steam wharves. T N's I68 & 9 East Hl;lm
London & South Western Bank Limited (branch) (S. 0. Page Mabel (Miss), dress maker, 12 Cambridge road
Attwood, manager), 41 East street; draw on head Pallot William, boot maker, 40 North street
office, 170 Fenchurch street, London E C Psnnell Benjamin .Ambrose, oilman, 107 Ripple road
Lond.on Alfred Henry, rate co.llector to Urban District Pardey & Johnson, grocers, 2 Che.;;ter ter. Longbridge rd
Council, Public offices, East street Parish Frederick James, corn dealer, 42 St. Paul's road
Love William, wardrobt> dealer, 66 Wakering l'oad Parish Rose (Miss), dress maker, 46 Longbridge road
Lowe JRme-s W. tobacconist, 45 Broadway Parker Frederick Ernest, f~ncy draper, 23 East street
Lowe William Samuel, hair dresser, 20 Abbey road Parker William Arthur, tailor, 4I Faircross avenue
Lncal! John William, builder, 13 Monteagle avenue Parkins Ellen (Mrs.), greengrocer, 54 Gascoigne road
Luchford William Thomas, grocer, 8-l Ripple road Parsons George Edward, beer retailer, II7 Victoria rd
Lucking Frank William, costumier, 74 East street · Patmore George, greengrocer, 54 North street
:M:cCappin Betsy (Mrs.), dress ma. 38 St. Margaret's rd Payne Wi:liam,. butcher, 6o North stre.>t
McCappin Jas. London Cit)l missionary, 44 Linton road Pearks Limited, provision dealers, 33 Broadway
McColl Neil, cartage contractor, 205 Ripple road Pearson Edward, sen. butcher, 56 East street; 39
McDonald James M.B., Ch.B. physician & surgeon, 23 Broad\\ay & 176 Ripple road
Broadway PePntner Louis, boot repairer, 57 Bifrons street
McDonald John M.A., M.B. &; C.M.Glas. physician & Pelling Thomas, grocer, 3I East street & oil & color
surgeon, certifying factory surgeon (Barking & Ilford merchant, 21 Broadway
districts) & medical officer & public vaccinator, Bark- Percy .John, boot maker, I82 Ripple•road
ing district,Romford union,g Linton rd.& 23 Broadway Perry Henry, corn & flour dealer, 87 Tanner street
Maisey Arthur Henry, shopkeeper, Church path Pescoff Isaac, boot maker, 63 Axe street
Mann Alfred, oil & color man, 34 East street Peskoff Harris, boot maker, 170 Ripple road
Manwell & Co. lifebuoy lights manufrs. Barking creek Petchey George, coffee rooms. 213 Ripple road
Marlow Charles, coffee rooms, 25 Axe street Pt>ters Wm. Richd. provi!lion dealer, 168 Gascoigne rd
Marsh Arthur, insurance agent, 231 Ripple road Petrol Csers & Traders' Supply Society Limited, motor
Marsball Elizabeth (Mrs.). shopkeeper, 87 North street spirit importers, Roden wharf, Highbridge road
Martin Albert Edwd. Westbury Arms htl. I74 Ripple rd Pettit Owen Swift, blacksmith, 41a, Broadway
Mash Leonard, shopkeeper, 30 London r(}ad Pierce George Oliver L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R C.S.Eng. pbr-
Maskell Jeremiah, nurseryman, Fanshawe avenue .sician & surgeon, {)4 Longbridge rd. & I34 Ripple rd
Maternity Charity & District Nurses' Home, 35 Long- Pikesley John Waiter, confectioner, 8 The Triangle
bridge road Pink John T. ironmonger, 43 Broadway
Matthews Ernest Bert, butcher, 2 & 4 Axe street Pink William, registrar of births, deaths &; marriages.
Matthews Frank Willie, shopkeeper, 56 Bamford road Ba1·king town sub-di~trict, R-omfOI'd union, 72 Long-
May Pauline (:Mrt~. ), . draper, r& Ht>ath street bridge road
Maycock Thoma~ John, lmm(lr~- receiving offict>, 133 Pioneer Catering Co. Limited, George P.H. 47 Broadway
Fa.nshawe avenue Polikoff Eva (Mrs.), mantle manufacturer, 7 Heath st
M:ayhew Brothers, butchers, 22 Broadway Pooi Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 34 King's road
Measures Robert Henry, news agent, 13 The Triau~le Poole & Colman, pawnbrokers, 29 Broadway
Melsom George Cbristopher, confectioner 13, & news Porter Albert Thos.shopkpr. & post office, 158 Ripple rd
agent IS, Axe street Porter George, boot maker, 123 Victoria road
Melvin J. J. & Son, plumbers, 10 London road & house Porter James, bird fancier, 13 Back lane •

dPcorators, 2 Faircross avenue Porter Sarah (Mrs.), certified midwife, 37 St. Mar-
Meredith Charles, blind maker, 2I Westbury road g-aret's road
Metropolitan Police Station (William Crayfourd, in- Poulson Arthur John, grocer, 28 North street
spector), Ripple road Poulson Valdemar Jean, draper, 6o Wakering road
Metropolitan Water Board (Eastern District) (James Poulter Daniel, cowkeeper & shopkeeper, 2 Barpour road
Hambley, engineer), London road Powis George, fruiterer, 5 Chester ter. Longbridge road
Middleton Celia (Mrs.), shopkeeper. 50 Queen's road Premier Match Co. Limited, match manufrs. Abbey road
Midland Cattle Products Limited, organic fertilizers, Preston James Kendall, coffee rooms, 11 The Triangle
Creek's mouth Price James, grocer, I78 Ripple road
Mills Chas. Hy. estate &; insurance agent, 36 Linton rd Priest Euward John, confectioner 43, & ladies' outfitter
Milstead George Bodle, dining rooms, 45 & 47 North st 45, Axe street
Milton Mrs. Sarah, shopkeeper, 36 London road Priggen Annie (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 42 North street
~iskin Alfd.Wind~or,asst. insur. supt. r Sunningdale av Pryke Waiter, shopkeeper, I Oban road
Mitcllell Dorothy (Mrs.), confectioner, 8 Heath street Pryor John, laundry, 32 Cambridge road
Mitchell Frederick Samuel, confectioner, 51 North strPet Public Baths (T. G. Clt>ary, supt. ), East !ltreet
Mitson Alice M. (Mrs.), shopkeeper, & sub-post office, Pyne William, boot repairer, r66 King Edward's road
Movers lane Quick Harry, bird fancier, 11 Back lane
Molenkamp G. (Mrs.), watch ma. & jwllr. 25 Broadway Quinlan Edward Ernest. hair dresser, 54 Tannt>r street
Molli.son R. & C0. confectioners, 79 F'anshawe avenue R:!gosine & Co. Limited, varnish manufrs. Hertford road
Monk Arthur George, ~reengrocer, 78 Axe street Randall Annie D. (Mrs.), fancy draper, I43 Gascoigne rd.
Monk Harry Richard, butcher, 1b, East street & 4Q Longbridge road
Monk William John. furniture remover, 73 Tanner st Randall Mary (Mrs ). rtraper, 77 Fanshawe avPnue
Montgomery Mari'l E. (~Irs. ), dress ma. 44 Fanshawe av Randells (Maltsters) Limited, malt roasters, Abbey road
Moore Alfred Henry, furniture dealer, 30 East street ~rmson John. bn;Jrlt>r, 11 Salisbury avenue

Morris on Isabella ()llrs. ), dr'l.per, 164 Ripple road R.3wlinson John William, insurance agent,44 Faircross av
Morrison John, hair dresser. r68 Ripple road Rayment Henrv, miscellaneous dealer, 5o Bamford road
Moses Myer, boot maker, 7 Axe street Rayment Isabella (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 2 Perth road
Moss Thomas William, travelling draper, 3 Glenny road RRyment Sydnt>v W. I!PDPral dt>aler. 12 Back lane
Mothersole William, draper & milliner. 5 North street Rayner George Henry, boot maker, ":lO GFiscoigne road
Moultrie Eliza (Miss), shopkeeper. I8 Tanner street Rayner Samuel, boot repairl'r. 11 King Edward's road
Murray Henry, hair dresser, 54 Ripple road RedmRn James, ref-rpshmPnt roomt~. 147 Ripple road
~nsh & Spurgin, milliners, 6o East street RPed AJice Snsan (Mrs.), bPer rPtailer. 1 Brid!!e street
Neill William, drug stores, 163 Ripple road Reed Samuel Taylor, jun. saddler, I6 East street
Newman Harry & Samuel. coffre rooms, 4 East street ll<>fWPs HP.nrv. clothier. ~ Ffpatb strPet
Xewman George Henry Edward, shopkeeper, Ripple road -
Rofuge A"surance Co. Limited (district office) (Wilfred
Nicholson Edward, butcher, 115 Ripple road Ernt>8t Phillip~. di.,trict manager), 86 Ltm<!brilfuoe Td
Nicholson Harry Joseph. dairy, 127 Axe strPet 'Relf Charl<>s "F.dwrtrd. beer retailer, III street
Nixon George, shopkeepPr, 24--J HJwarrl road R~ynolds Williqm & Son, bwt makt>l'S, 9 East street
:Noble Susannah (:Mrs.), drPss maker, 32 Cecil avenue Rice Cha~lPs Henry, draper, 32 Morley road
Norton JanJPs. sltopl;f'eper. 10 Kinp:'s rond Richards E. H. Ltd. artificial teeth makers, ~ East stree'
Oakes ·william Charles. Ship P.H. 32 Henth strt-et Richards Fr<~nces (Madame), tchr. of music, 27 Cecilav
Odell Charles, hair dresser, I Park terrace, .Abbey road ll.ichards William, tailor, 1')5 Ripple rPad
Odlings C. florist, 6 Chester terrace, Longbridge road Richmond James, boot maker, 120 Gascoigne road
Olive Sarah (Mrs.), dining rooms, 8 Axe street Risley Alexander, photographer, 90 Axe street
Bobertson Waiter, grocer, II7 Ripple road Taylor (Rimington) &; Co. solicitors, 2 East street
Rohinson Sarah Ann {Miss), shopkeeper, 2 Movers lane Taylor Arthur, carman, 26 London road
Ro!!'ers James, greengrocer, 74 Wakering road Taylor Charles Hillsborough Rimington, solicitor &
BJlfe Benjamin, laundry, 28 St. Paul's road commissioner for oaths (firm, Rimington Taylor &;
R 1lfe E<~ther (Miss), fancy draper, 88 Axe street Co. ), The Corner house, Long bridge road
Boot Albert, shopkeeper, 72 St. Ann's road Taylor David, provision dealer, 33 B1frons street
B'JSe L11u'"a (\frs.), wantle warehouse, 19 East street Taylor Francis, cartage contractor, Abbey yard, North st
Bowland Joseph, shopkeeper, 175 North street Taylor Jaml's. saddler & harness maker, 24 North street
Royce Robert John, brush ma.& shopkeeper,1o7 North st Teal Fred & Co. tailor!> 76, & outfitters 8, East street
Rudd Henry, plumber, 24 Cambridge road TPrritoriJ.l Force Battalion (4th) Essex Regiment (D
Bnssell Albert, cycle maker, 29 East street Company) (Capt. C. F. Dawson; Ernest Elstone, ser-
Ru~~ell Wl:Ii:.~m, tobacconi><t, 46 North street. !!'eant-instrnctor); head quarters, 7 & 9 Queen's road
Rm;;t Harry. painter, 43 Westbury road Terry Phoebe S. (Mrs.), tobacconist, 113 Ripple road
Ruth Mary (Mrs.), dairy, 2 Cranborne road Thames Stone Co. Limited, artificial stone manufac-
Rye Ellen (Miss), confr. 7 Chester ter. Longbridge road turers, Gascoigne road
Sanders Brothers, corn chandlers, 5 Broadway Theatre de Lnxe, cinematograph hall, Bamford road
Sounders Alfred, coal dealer, 116 Oban road Thomas Charles, shopkeeper, 33 Axe street
SaundPr!l Elizabeth Sarah A. (Mrs.), certified midwife, Thomas Ellen (Mrs.), news agent, 56 Wakering road
138 Ripple road Thomas William .Alfred, dining rooms, 69 North sb·pet
Saunders Ernest William, fried fish dlr. 2 Coverdale rd 'fhomp,on James William, shopkeeper, 34 Abbey road
Savi'l Catherine Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 37 Eldred 1·d Thompson John, tobacconist, 166 Ripple road
S'1Ver11 William. shopkeeper, 204 Gascoigne road Thompson Maud (~lrs.), florist, 44 St. A.wdry's road
Schneiderman Samu~I. boot repairer, 59 Broadway Thorne ..ilice (.Mrs.), confectioner, 126 Gascoigne road
Seabrook Ernest Jackson Moore, engineer, see Donald- Thorpe .Ada (Mr.:..), shopk~-'eper, 209 Gascoigne road
son & Seabrook Throssell Henry, baker, 109 North street
Seaman Mary A.(Mrs.),dress maker,34 St. Erkenwald rd Tomlin Rosetta (Mr!1. ), confectioner. 72 North street
Seg1l Harry, hair dresser, 14I Ripple road Town Hall (A. G. D. Glenny, clerk; Miss Cross, hall
Selby Burritt, coal merchant, 92 Howard road keeper), Broadway
Selby Martha (Mrs.), haberdasher, 2 The Triangle Truman Hrnry, beer retailer, 82 Ripple road
Self-Opening (Th~) Tin Box Co. Limited, tin box mantt- Truman John, beer retlr. 30, &; fruiterer 28, Broadway
facturers, London road Truman John Sellers, greengrocer, 17 Axe street
S~>ymonr Charles Frank, baker, qo Gascoigne road Truman Joseph, fried fish shop, 52 Gascoigne road
Sharpe William, hair dresser, 95 East street Trussell William. halter, 54 Victoria road
Shaw Mabel (Miss), dress maker, 36 Sunningdale avenue Tune Eveline (Miss), dress maker, 3 Cambridge road
Sht-ffield Horace, watch maker, 6I Cranborne road Turner Arthur, insurance agent. 21 St. Margaret's road
ShPffiPld James, pawnbroker, 20 &; 22 Axe street Turner Jessie (Miss), shopkeeper, 83 Axe street
Ship ton Elizabeth (Mrs.), laundress, 69 Glenny road Turnt'r Thomas Wilham, butcher, IS East street
Shorland E. & Son. van k cart builders, Back lanP Twin Emma Agnes (Mrs.), timber merchant, Boundary
Silcox Josiah Francis, grocer, 94 North street wharf, Abbey road
Simpson Percy, fishmonger, 8 East street Tyley Francis, confectioner, 6 St. Paul's road
Singer Sewing- Machine Co. Limited (George Da" e, Up son William, bear r!"tailt'r, CPcil avl'nue
agent). 25 North street Vale Robert, ~ocer, 96 Glenny road
Skillman William Richard, watch maker, 103 Glenny rd Vardy Edwin Geo. bake1",40 St.Paul's rd.& 55 & 72 E'lst st;
Skinner Edward John, pianoforte tuner, 140 Ripple road Vaughan Elizabeth (Mrs.), leather stores, 70 North st
Smith Arthur William & Co. drop ,)1tamp forgings Vwables William, fruiterer, 83 Victoria road
manufarturers, London road ,~e~try & Overseers' Office.s (Alien Wand, cl~>rk), Clock
Smith & Sons, plumbers, 69 Harpour road House chamber:-:, East street
Smith W H. &; Snn, news agents, Railway station Vincett Bentrice(Mrs.),dairy shop & dress ma.s Heaths'
Smith Eliz:tbf'th (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 27 St. Paul's road Vincett Percy Alfred, provision deall'r, 20 Broadway
Smith Emily (Mrs.), milliner, 14 The Triangle Vulcan Globl' Match Co. Ltd. Abbl'y road & Town quay
Smith James GeorgP, greengrocer, 58 TannPr street Wade William John, beer retailer, 6 Broadway
Smith Laura (Mrs.), dress maker, 153 Kennedy road Wag-staff Mrs. Emily Jane, laundry. 24 Fanshawe aven
Smith Laonard. butcher, n6 Gascoigne road Wainwright Martha (Mrs.), confectioner, 184 Ripple rd
Smith M:ary (Mrs.), dress maker, II9 Kennedy road Waite Ellen (Mrs.), registered lodging b{l. 29 Abbey rd
Smith ~us'lnna (Miss), tPacher of music, 29 Salisbury av VI aites Elizab~th (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 2 Keith road
Smith William Henry, fishmonger, 19 Axe street Walker Thomas Henry, hair dresser, 44 Broadway
Smithyes attendance officer,99a,Glenny rd Wallis Bertie, undertaker, 13 Gascoigne road
!=!nul Charlt>s FredPrick, baker, IS Linton road · Walpole Chas. Wm. John. boot ma. 7I Fanshawe avenue
Spa»kt>!1 Alfl'f'd, hntcher, 89 Tanner street Wslters James, registered lodging housl', 8 to 12 Abbey
Spashett Alice (.Mi1111). dress maker, 101 Ripple road road & 15 & 17 Heath street
SpPncer Ch<~rles Robert, shopkeeper, 42 Bifrons street Waiters Waiter, boot mal>er, Sr Tanner street
Spif'er G~>orge John, provision dealer, 82 Axe stre~>t Wambach & Co. sausage skin manufrs. Creek's mouth
Sp:llman Eclwarrl, florist. I Heath street Wand Alien, assistant over-.per & ve$try clerk, Clock
Sy:urgeon John G. imurance agent, 123 Park avenup Housl' chambers, East street
Spurgin Victor, milliner, see Nash & Spurgin Ward .Marga1·et Ethel (.Mis~). draper, 161 Ripple road
~tall"f! Rn<~a (Mrs.). coffee tavern, Barldng creel;: Warne William & Co. Lim. india ruhbPr goodl1 manufac-
Staples Ernest Fredk. oil & color man, 4I Axe street t.url'rs, 29 Gresham strl'et, London E C; India rubber
StPbbing- Charles, wardrobe dealer, II2 Axe .street mills, Abbey mills, Abbey road. See advertise-
Stevens Henry James, shopkeeper, 43 King Edward's rd ment
StPvPn" HPrhPrt, hair dresser, I7 FanshawP avenue Warren George Thomas, insur. agent, 44 Queen's road
StPvenson Thom11s, motor engineer, 93 Ea;;;t street. Warsap Hmuy, shopkeeper, 8o Waliering road
T N 4r4 E<ist Ham Watson Owen, fishmonger, 9 King Edwa1d's road
Stewart & Snow, outfitters. 6-2 k 64 East street Watson William, boot repairer, 66 St. Awdry's road
Stewart James, oil merchant, 8 St. Paul"s road Watts James John, picture frame maker, 67 North st.
Stillwell Edwd. & Son Ltd. helmet manufrs.110 North st Weale John, draper, III Ripple road
Stokes Harry Thomas, hair dresser, 63 Linton road \\~ebb George, insurance agent, 63 Fan!>ha" e avenue-
Stone Athold Alien, ironmonger, 10 Gascoigne road Webb G<>orge, watch malier, ro Cecil avenue
Storer William T. &; Co. Limit-ed, timber merchants, r I Weber Henry, house furnisher, 10 & 12 Heath sbeet
Fanshawe avenue \Yellby Arthur Thomas, tobacconist, 23 Axe street
Stratford (The) Co-operath·e & Industrial Society I,td. \Vellby Thomas, oil & color merchant, 12 he street
8, 10 &; I2 North street West Brothers, ba:-ket mal;:er~. r6 London road
Strauss John, butcher, 92 North street Wetherell Edv.ard, coffee rooms, 48 Abbey road
Snllivan Elizabeth (Mrs.), midwife, 86 Axe street Wheaton Frank, ironmongl'r, I I North street
Su1livan Frank, watch maker, 14 North street Wheaton James Hy. insurance agt. 6 Wilmington grdn&
Sutton William Alfred, butcher, 2.p Ripple road Wheele Ale.x. tobaccnst. &; nPws agt. 6r Longbridge rd
Swash Bobert, boot repairer, 90 Linton road White Rt.& Sons Lim.mineral water manufrs.St.Paul's r<t
Symmons Herbert John, confectioner, 10 A~P stret-t & White George, shopkeeper, 56 Shaftesbury road
145 Ripple road WhitE> Waiter, shopkeeper, 138 Gascoi~ne road
Tagg Albert Edward, dairy. I Keith road Whiting Albert J. in11nrance supt. 41 Cecil av~>nue
Tann Frederick Edward, shopkeeper, I7 Howard road W'hitmore Henry Limited, corn merchants, 14 Broadwa..-
Tarrant Richard, tailor, s East street Whitten Alfred, shopl;:eeper. r C'ooke street ,.-tN&HA.,

rtt!trEJilt!HCII &.ISRJ&IfY'

P 8t C U 111>.\\\~S·
Whitton Eliza (:\'Irs. ), draper, E:z North street . 1 Withers Alfred, solicitor, 30 North street
Wicken George Henry, fishmonger, 35 Heath street Withers Guy, house agent, 30 North street
Wigington Hemy, shopkeeper, 128 Morley road Wohle-Mineral Oil Products (191o) Limited, Hertford if
Wilks George, greengrocer, 37 Howard road Wood Alfred, whealwright, see Holgate & Wood
Wil)ett Brother~, printers, 17 Gascoigne road Wood Harry, sanitary inspector &c. to the Barking Urban
Willett Robert, clothier 2, hosier & glover 4, & linen District Council, Public offices, East street
draper 7, Broadway; pawnbroker 32, & house furnisher Wood Louisa (:Mrs.), shopl1.eeper, 137 Ripple road
32a & 34, North street Wood Stephen A. confectioner,59 East st. & 18 Broadway
Williams & Bentley, dairymen, 31 Cranborne road Wood Thomas, dairy, II5 Gascoigne road
Willis Henry James, jeweller, 33 East street Woodforde Alfred William George M.B., B.S.Lond,,
Willsher Frederick. coal & wood dl:r_ 30 Shaftesbury rd M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. physician & surgeol(,.
Willsher Harris, fried fish dealer, I Oobham road Thorneycroft, Ripple road
Willmwre Robert, bird & animal dealer, 39 North str!'et Worricker J oseph Thomas, fancy repository ,3 East stree.t
• Willsmore Robert. shopli:eeper, 7 Church road Wotton Eva (Mrs.), confectioner, 48 Broadway
Wilson & Son, solicitors, 36 Linton road Wright George, shopkeeper, 41 Fanshawe avenue
Wilson & Whitworth Limited, stationers, 5 Linton road Wright James, boot repairer, 53 Axe street
Wilson & Co. varnish manufacturers, West bank Wright William Charles, shopkeeper, 2 Oban road
Wilson Basil, solicitor (firm, Wilson & Son),36 Linton st Wykes E. leather seller, 27 North street
Wilson James, oil & color man, 43 Longbridge road Young Thomas & Sons, auctioneers, 2 Broadway
Winch Sydney Charles, oilman, "123 North street Young Henry, fishmonger, 65 Linton road
Wise Robert Henry, shopkeeper, 10 Boundary road Young William, oil &; color man. 18 Gascoigne road
Wiseman Douglas H!'rbert, solicitor (fiTm, Rimington Zack Louis, boot repairer, 32<> Ripple road
Taylor & Co. ), 20 Strathfield ~ardens Zolow~ld Barnet, tailor, 28 Gaseoigne road

(Marked thus * M'Cei,·f' their letters 1 M.D., F.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond., King Charle~, Ship & Shovel P .H
th1•ough Chad well Heath.) D.P.H .. medical supt.; Miss M. C. *May Robert, farmer, Great Portel'IJ
G. ChrystiP, matron), Upney Mills Thomas, farmer, Lodge farm
Bibby Herbert John, wheelwright Poole gardener,Moggs fxo
*Cleaver Mrs. Great Porters Brown Robert George, farmer Richardson William, shopkeepw
l~O.UMKHL'IAL. Bruce Ernest J ames, beer retailer Smith W illiam, dairy farmer, East-
Bambridge Mary A.nn (Mrs.), wheel- *Coppen Thomas L. jun. farmer, bury Hall farm
wright Parsloes farm Strutt John, sluice keeper to Mr.
Barking Cemetery (Thomas Booton, Goodman Charles H. & Arthur, mar- Charles Borrett
supt.; Harry Hargreaves. clerk) ket gardeners, Gale street Venables Samuel Alban, blacksmith
Barking Town Infectious Disease6 Hurry W. .A. & Sons, monumental W ackett Victor, market gardener
Hospital (Robert John Ewart masons Waiesby William, beer retailer
BARKING SIDE is a large and scattered village and The Homes are open to visitors every week-day aftec-
ecclesiastical parish, formed April g, 1841, out of the noon, except Saturday, between 2 and 5; John William
ecclesiastical parish of Great Ilford; it is in the Urban Godfr!'y, governor. A public park of 10 to 12 acres,
District of Ilford, and on the borders of Hainault Forest, situated near the Police station, was opened in 1902, jl.nd
with four stations on the Ilford and Woodford branch has entrances in Cranbrook road and Mossford green.
line of the Great Eastern railway, and is 4 miles north The principal landowners are the Crown, Earl Cowley,
from Barking station on the London, Tilbury and South- Lieut.-Col. W. J. Rous, of Worstead, Norfolk, John
end railway, 5 west from Romford and 9 from London, Henry Monins esq. of Ringwould, Dover, and the trus·
in the Southend division of the county, Beacontree petty tees of the late Francis Whitbourne esq. Sir Edward
sessional division, Romford county court district, juris- Hamilton W. Bulse bart. of Breamore House, Wilts, ia
diction of the Central Criminal Court, and in the lord of the manor. The population in 1901 was 6,~,
Eastern Metropolitan postal district, rural deanery of and in rgii, 7,845, including 2,467 inmates and ~32
Barking, archdeaconry of Essex and Chelmsford diocese. officials and their families in Claybury London County
The church of the Holy Trinity, erected in 1840, Lunatic Asylum, and 1,288 inmates and II9 officials and
is an edifice of brick in the Norman style, consist- their families in Dr. Barnardo's Village Home for
ing of chancel, nave, vestry, organ chamber, north Orphan, Neglected and Destitute Girls.
porch and a tower at the north-west angle, surmounted Parish Clerk, William Henry Wiskar.
by a turret, and containing one bell: there are me- Sexton, ~•\.lfred Linsell.
morial windows to Mr. and Mrs. Whitbourn; Mr. G. H. Post, M. 0. & T. Office, near the Old Chequers P.H.-
Ingrarn, Mr. G. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Chalmers: George William Ingram, sub-postmaster. Letten
the church affords about soo sittings, most of which arrive through Ilford at 7.30 a.m. & 3.30 & 6 p.m.;
are free. The register dates from the year 1840. The dispatched at 8.30 a.m. & 3.30 & 8 p.m.; sundaya,
living is a vicarage, net yearly value £rg8, including arrive 8.30 a.m.; dispatched 8.30 a.m
20 acres of glebt>, with :rPsidence, in the gift of the vicar Wall Letter Boxes: Pence piece, cleared at 8,15 a.m.
of Great Ilford, and held since r8go by the Rev. & 3.20 & 7.40 p.m. week days only; Old Maypole P.H.
Wladislaw Somerville Lach-Szyrma M.A. of Brasenose cleared at 8.25 a.m. & 3.30 & 7.50 p.m. week days
College, Oxford. The mission church of St. Laurence, only & Horseshoes, cleared"Rt 7.30 a.m. & 3·45 & 7·30
at "The Horns," is an iron building, and will seat p.m.; sundays, 7.40 p.m.; Newbury Park Station,
about 200 persons; there are also two mission chapels. cleared 8.45 a.m. & 3.30 & 8.45 p.m. ; sundays, 8.45 a.m
Tnere is a Unitl:"d Methodist chapel, a Wesleyan Mission Metropolitan Police Station, William McLeod, sergeant
Room, a GospPl Mission Hall on the BirkbPck estate in charge, 2 acting sergeants, 3 sergea;nts & 28 con·
and another in Cranbrook road. The Village Home for stables
Orphan and Destitute Girls is a branch of Dr. Barnardo's Schools.
Homes National Incorporated Association, and was Uford lTrban District Council (boys & girls), Newlmry
founded by Dr. T. J. Barnardo, who died in Sept.
1905. and is int!'rred in the centre of the village la~t~'; ;':~r~~e 8~i~;~~n~:~ 2~0:sboi:~ 1~~~~i~ls ~ :~
0 19 2 0

grounds. The children, numbering about 1,4oo, reside infants; Wait-er Page, head master; Miss E. Cooke,
in separate cottages, each holding from r6 to 20 head mistress; Miss May Ganly, infants' mistress
girl11, under thP charge of a responsible matron, and
there are ~chool" for about 7oo girls and Ioo infant~. Public Elementary (Church ()f England), built in t84:z•
The "ChildrPn's Church," PrE'ctPd in 1893 , at the sole & enlarged at diffeTent. times up to t88r; it will now
hold 346 children ; average attendance, 250; Arthur
cost of a lady. is a structure of l)['ic], "ith stone facings. Denham, master
and has a tower containing" 6 bells: it will seat about
1,200: there is also a rec~iving house, hospital, sana- Railway Stations.
torium for consumptivPs, Iimndry, school of art needle- Fairlop, Grange Hill & Chigwell, G. E. Railway, J.
work, embroidery and lace making, a school of cookery, Oracknell, station master
general stores, and dres><maldng and needlework rooms, Newbury Park & Barkingside, G. E. Railway, J. !.
Mossford lodge (workers' residence) & governor's house. Booth, station master
PRIVATR UJo:j;JDEYTS. I Godfrey John Wmiam, Village Home r Lach-Szyrma Rev. Wladislaw Somer-
Cannon Stanley F. GlPnl!'a i Harding Alfred D. B. Little Gearils ville M. A. (vicar of Holy Trinity),
Cheyne James, Braehead.Hamilton nv Hatton Llewellyn, Rattan's corner The Vicarage
Dowker Mrs. Holly lo. Ft>nce piece Hinton Frederick Charle8, B~lmont, Law John, Hamilton avenue
Gibson Jol:n Harrison. Gant!l Hill rot- CranlJrook road Macey Francis, Roadfield
tage, Cranbrook road I c Ma.thews Henry, Lindhun;t
Mootz William H. Hamilton avenue Edwards David & Arthur, farm!'rs,, McKee Fredk. Charles M. B., B.Ch.,
Potts John, Hamilton avenue Mossford Green B.A.O.R. U .I. physician & sur-
Raine Geo. \Yest view, Cranbrook rd Elliott Herbert, insurance agent, geon ; surgery, ~lossford green
Re~·nolds Charles, Fence piece Victoria road Maudsley Noel ~I.B., C.M. ; surgery,
Ro~e Berbert Harold, Hamilton aven Faulkner Wm. carman, Mossford grn :Mossford Green
;Sarfa~ Fdk.Hamilton ho.Cranbrook rd Field James, general dealer, The Mighell Cobbett, farmer, l''ern hall
Sloane James, Hamilton avenue Limes, Fence piece ;\lillett Edward, farm bailiff to Clay-
Taylor John William, Minden villa Gilman Thomas, confr. Maypole road bury .Asylum
Thomas Mrs. The Beeches, Gran- Gowen Fn•dt>rick, builder, Victoria rd Povey Wm. baker, Tomswood hill
brook road Green Herbert William, shopkeeper, Prentis William & Co. market g.u:-
Warwick John Hamilton avenue Fulwell Hatch j deners, Cranbrook road
Webb Wait. Hatley ho. Cranbrook rd Griggs Frederick John, insurance Roberts Richard, market gardener,
Web<:tN Janws. lnterim,Cranbrook rd agent. Victoria road, Horseshoes Horns road
"R il"on Horace S. Hamilton a\·enue Barris Ernest, coach builder Roberts Richard, jun. jobber, ~Io~-
Hawkings Jn. frmr. Claybury Ball fm ford Green
• COMMERCIAL. Hazell &; Tiffen, dairyman,Tanners la Rowley John. sen. greengroctF,
A. Yis Frank, blacksmith, School ho. Hif'k'3 Mrs. Rebecca, shopkpr. High st Tomswood hill
Moso;ford green *Hill Mary Lucy (Mrs. ),dre~ maker, Rugg Elizabeth ~Iis•), dres" maker,
Bere Albert, greeng-rocer, Horseshoes Tanner'" lane Tom'<wood hill
Brown Rupert, farmer, Gaysham hall Hopkin ElPanor (Mist<), dress maker, St. Pier .Arth. jobber, :Mos•ford Grn
Chalmers I~abella & Mary ("Mis~es), Cranbrook road, Horseshoes Sheil .Arth. Frdl-. confr.Cranbrook rd.
farmers, Forest farm Hughes Phillip (Mr~. ), dres<: maker, Spring-all Wait. Geo.!!I'ocer, Victoria rd
Clampton .Alfred, ma1 ket g-ardener, 3 Omega cottages, Tanner's lane Stringer Bro<:. fr:nrs. )iiddlefield ho
Xew North road Hunt William, greengroc£'1', High st SudburyWm.E.sign writr.Maypol!' rd
Cole Fletcher, confectioner, High st Ingram Arthur Percy, builder,High st Terry Eliza (~Irs. ), ... hopkeeper, Toms~
Crawley George, boot maker, High st Ing-ram Geo. Wm. grocer, Post oftlce wood hill
Deve-on JamP~. Old Chequer:-; P .H lngram James, farmer, Hedgeman's Tiffen G!'offrey, dairyman. •l:'e Hazel\
Deveson Phillip Jas.Old Maypole P.H farm & St. Swithins & Tiffl:'n
Dr. Barnardo's Homes (National In- Johnson Percy Chas.greengro.High sl Wall George John & Son,blacksmiths
corporated Association) for Orphan, Joslin Alb!'rt, dairyman, Fairview Waiter Georgc, builder, Tanner;;; lane
~egolected & Destitute Girls (Wm. Lam·b Frank, farmer, Clay hall \'y"ebb William, grocer, Fence piece
Baker e~q. M ..A., LL.D. hon. direc- Lnwton Fredk. Thos. butcher,High st Westou Luke, confectioner, Hors&-~
tor; John W illiam Godfrev•
. Lee Bros. carmen, Mossford green shoes, Cranbrook road
governor; Rev. James Francis Lee Wm. farmer, Bunting Bridge fm Westwood Charles, beer retailer, ~e?t
).fedley M. A. chaplain); office, 18 Leheup Herbert W. Red House P.H Fairlop Oak
to 26 Stepney can'leway, London E Linsell Alfred, !!!Hton & greengroc!'r. Wrig-ht By. jobber, Mossford g-reen
Mossford green Wright Hl:'nry Cha~. build!'r, Bute- rd
BARLING is a parish, 4 miles north from Shoebury- Chapter of St. Paul's, and held since 1903 by the Rev.
ness terminal station of the London, Tilbury and South- Alfred Webb. James Tabor esq. D.L., J.P. of theLawn-,
end railway, 5 east-south-east from Rochford, 5 north- Rochford, is lord of th.:> manor of Mucking Hall. The
east from Southend and 47 from London, in the South Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's are lords of the manor of
Eastern divi-sion of the county, Rochford hundred, unio11 Barling Hall, and the principal landowners. The soil
and petty sessional division, Southend county court dis- is light upland and heavy marsh land; subsoil, clay,
trict, rural deanery of Canewdon and Southend, arch- gravel and blue gait. The chief crops are wheat, oats,
tleaconry of Essex and diocese of Chelmsford: this is an barley, potatoes, beans, peas and clover. The area 11
ancient village and was given by King Edward the Con- 1,289 acres of land, 2 of inland and 62 of tidal water
feqsor to St. Paul's Cathedral, to which the living still and 99 of foreshore; rateable value, £1,798; the popu.-
belongs: it liPs on a creek communicating with the lation in rgn was 334·
Roche, opposite to Potton and the other marshy islands
at the mouth of the Roche; on the north is a quay. Post Office. Mrs. Jane Snow, sub-postmistress (letters
The church of All Saints is a building of stone in the should have Essex added). Letters from Shoeburynes1
Perpendicular style, consistin~ of chancel, nave, north &; Southend-on-Sea arrive at 8.20 a.m. & 1.40 p.m.;
aisle, a small vestry, added about 1840, south porch dispatch"d at 10 a.m. & 3.20 & 5.20 p.m.; arrive on
and a massive embattled we!'tern tower, surmounted by sundays 8.20 a.m.; dispatched 10 a.m. The nearest
a !'mall woorlen spire and originally containing two money order & telegraph office is at Great Wakering,
bells, one undated (about 1590), the other dated 1666; 2 miles distant
in 1902 these two bells were melted down and 3 new
be11s cast from the metal: the east window is stained: Wall Letter Box, cleared at 8.3o a. m. & z Pm.;
ther~ are 2oo ~>ittings. The register of baptisms dates sundays, 8.3o a.m
from 1555; marriages and burials from 1695. The Council School (mixed), erected in 1877, for 200 chil-
living i'l a vicarage, net yearly value £2oo, with 27 dren, enlarged in I894; average attendance, 162;
acres of glebe, and residence, in the ~ift of the Dean and .Allcn Shephard, master

PRIV .ATE RESIDENTS. Deeks Edward, farmer, Roach farm ~IurrellHerbe1 t, market gardener
Lamb AlexandPr, Blue hous!' Grove~ Joseph, shopkeeper Outten Isaa.c, market gardener
Webb Rev. Alfred (vicar) Langstone Frederick, nurseryman, Rayner Joshua, farmer, Burton's frm
Bolt's nurseries Salmon George,farm bailiff to Arthur
COlDIERCIAL. :Meeking William Thomas, market Bentall esq. Barling Hall farm
Bennewith Henry, builrler gardener, Barlin~ house (letters should be addre;;sed Grea.t
Brown John, farmer, Sutton farm :\'Iontgomery Rol::ert & J n. farmers, Wakering-)
Dnrrill ·waiter, farmer Mucking hall Smith Joseph, market gardener
BARNSTON, mentioned in Domesday Survey, is a 1 Charities, left in 165-1- by Daniel Baynard, and in 1657
parish, on the river Chelmer and the road from Dunmow by William Cola;d get.t. tog-ether with land held by
to Chelmsford, 2 miles south-east from Dunmow station, 1he tru.-tee'! of Scott's charity, produce £I3 yearly,
on the Bi~hop~ Stortford, Dunmow and Braintree section I which is distributed iu money. The Livermore charity,
of the Great Ea;;tern railway, 10 north from Chelmsford, amounting to £z x2s. yearly, is distributed in coal.
and 38! from London, in the Western division of the Leslic .A. Toke esq. of Stratton-on-the-Fosse, near Bath,
county, Dunmow hundred, petty sessional division, union is lord of the manor and principal landowner. The
and county court district, rural deanery of Dunmow, soil varies considerably; subsoil, loam. The chief crops
Crlche<:ter archdeaconry and Chelmsford diocese. The , are wheat. beans and barley. The area is 1,349 acres;
church (dedication unknown) is a building of flint, con- rateable value, £1,157; the population in 19II was 163
sisting of chancel, nave, ~orman south doorway, and m the civil and 146 in the ecclesiastical parish in I90I.
a western turret containing 2 bells: in the chancel is a
double piscina and a memorial window, placed there at I OU~SLOW GRER~ is half a mile south.
the expense of Miss Toke, of Dover, to the Bev. Willinm
Toke, her father, rector, I8o7-27, and another to the By Local Government Board Order 22,326, March 24.
Livermore family : there are 130 sittings. The register 1
1889. Ounslow Green and Aptonfield F ,um were trallll-
dates from the year I539· The living is a rectory. net ferred from GrPat Dunmow to Barnston, and some ho!lSPS
yearly value £z6o, with residence, in the gift of Leslie 1
in the Chelmsford road tran;,fprred from the htter to
A. Toke esq. and held since 1909 by the Bev. Charles ; the former parish.
Jamt>s Ward ~I..A., B.D. of Trinity College, Dublin. Parish Clerk, Thomas Chipperfield..

Post Office. Horace F. Hunt, sub-postmaster. LPtterl! Public Elementary Schaol (mixed). for 50 children;
through Dnnmow, arrive at 6.40 a.m. & 5·5 p.m.; average attendance, 44; Miss Mary Roast, mistress
dispatched at 8.50 a.m. &; 5.40 p.m.; sunday. dis- This school is controlled by the Essex Education (Dun.
patched at 8.50 a.m. The nearest money order & mow District) Sub-Committee, Stephen Giffard, Grea'
telegraph office is at Dunmow, 2 miles distant Dunmow, clerk
Wail Letter Box, at Broadgroves, cleared at 8 a.m. & Coaches & Carrier$, see Dunmow
5·30 p.m.; sundays, 9.10 p.m 1

:Barker Henry, Albans Davey Henry Joseph, blacksmith j Sweeting Charles, farmer, Mockeo
Fry Henry, Barnston lodge Hunt Horace F. assistant overseer & Herds farm & Wells Tye
Hayden Mrs. The Cottage sub-postmaster 1 Turner .A.. &; H. farmers, The Hall,
Ward Rev. Charles James :M ..A.., B.D. Matthams Christopher, farmer, New 1 Pyes & Brook farms
(rector), 'Ihe Rectory House farm Wakeling Thomas, gardener to H.
COHMERCIA.L. Short Robt. beer retlr. & shopkeeper Fry e·sq
Ashwell Jn. Hy. farmer, .Apton Fields
BASILDON, see Laindon. BATTLES :BRIDGE, see Rettendon. '

BA YTHOBN END, see Birkbrook

BEAUMONT-with-MOZE is a village and parish, 3 eventually merged int<l the neighbouring posses.sion1 of
miles north from Thorpe station on the Tendring Hun- the Earls of Oxford, and has remained with the suc-
dred hraucb of the Great Eastern railway, 6 west-north- cessive t>wners of Beaumont up to the present time:
west from Walton-on-the-Naze, 9! south-west from Har- salt works existed here at the time of the Norman
wich, and 8~ suuth-eallt from Ma1mingtree, in tile North- survey. Traces of the "Old Hall" still exist in a
Eastern division of the county, Tendring Hundred petty field which retains that name about a quarter of a mile
sessional division and union, Colchester, Clacton and south of the present manor house, or "New Hall":
Harwich joint county court district, rural deanery of this latter is a fine <Specimen of Domestic architecture,
St. Osyth, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of and was probably erected between the years 1512 and
Chelmsford : it is at the head of a large creek of the 1551: it is now occupied as a farmhouse. The soil is
sea and has a wharf. The parishes of Beaumont and loamy and clay; and the subsoil partly clay. The chief
Moze were united by .Act of Parliament in 1678 : the crops are wheat, barley, clover and beans. Much of
church of Moze (St. Mary), being dilapidated, was what was once a large tract of marsh land is now under
taken down and the materials utilized in restoring cultivation. The area is 2.886 acres of land, 4 of in-
the church at Beanmont : its site was in a holl<>w near land and 76 of tidal water and 291 of foreshore; rate-
the present Old Moze Hall, but no vestiges of it now able value, £2,86r ; the population in 19n was 394·
:remain. The church of St. Leona-rd, pleasantly seat~d
on a hill, is an edifice of rubble stone, consisting of MOZE (or Mose) is about a mile and a half north-east.
chancel, nave of three bays, north aisle, south porch, and Sexton, Jacob Smith.
a western bellcote of stone containing 2 bells : there is a Post Office, Bt>aumont.-Maurice Ruffles, sub-post.
small Norman window filled with stained glass in the master. Letters arrive from Weeley, Essex, at 7-IS
north side of the chancel, but the principal portions ot a.m. & 2 p.m.; dispatched 10.15 a. m. (July to Sept.)
the edifice are Early English : the east window and a & 11.25 a.m. (Oct. to June) & 6. xo p.m. ; sundays, 9·35
smaller one on the south side of the chancel are examples a.m. The nearest money order & telegraph offices are
of Decorated work : the east window and eight others at Great Oakley & Thorpe, each about :zl miles distant
are stained : the south porch is of ancient oak : the Wall Letter Box at Potland, cleared 9· 15 a. m. (July ttt
church has 180 sittings. The Moze register of bap- Sept.) & 10.36 a.m. (Oct. to June) & 5.30 p.m.; no
tisms dates from 1548 ; burials, 1556, and marriages, snndsv collection

1559; the Beanmont registers of baptisms and burials
dat~ from 1564, and marriages, 1567. 1.'he living is
Church School (mixed), for 94 children; average at-
a rectory, net yearly value £5oo, with residence and tendance, 43; Mrs. J. Dibb, mistress
46 acres of glebe, in the gift of Mrs. Evans, of Dover- This school is controlled by the Essex County Educa-
II!Onrt, and held since 1907 by the Rev. Her1ert George tion (Tendring-) Advisory Sub-Committee, G. C. Hol-
:Stewart Mathews B.A. of Corpus Christi College, Cam- land, 4 Trinity street, ColchestPr, clerk
bridge. Here is a Wesleyan chapel with 1:20 sittings. Carriers to :
The Governors of Guy's H()spital, London, are lords of Col.chester--Arthnr Parker passes through tnes.
'he manor and the chief landowners. The ancient thnrs. & sat
manor of Moze dates from the time of Edward the Harwich-Arthnr Parker passes through mon. wed. & sat
Confessor, when it belonged to Levesin, a Saxon: it was
N:athews Rev. Herbert George StewartiBiggs Horace Lambert, assistant over- Joy Frederick T. ( exors. of), farmers,
B.A. (rector), The Rectory 1
seer, New Moze hall Old Moze hall
,Carter Thomas, farmer, The Oaks Mil11; Horace. farmer. Old hall
· COMMERCIAL. I Chaplin William S. Swan inn Ruffles Arthur, shopkeeper
:Biggs George Jonathan, farmer, l\-ew !Fairhead William Golden, farmer, Sorrell Mark Leonard, frmr.Moat frm
Moze hall I Beaumont hall
BECONTBEE ATH, see Dagenham.

BELCHAMP OTTEN is a parish, 4! miles south- l!'ift of and held since 1899 by the Rev. Harry Piper
east from Clare station on the Stour Valley branch of Parmenter B.A. of Corpus Christi Oollege, Cambridge.
the Great EastPrn railway, Bi north-east from Halstead HPre is a Baptist chapel. The poor have about £4
and 6 we11t from Sndbnry. in the Northern division vearly. The Rev. H. P. Parmenter B.A. who is lord of
of the county, hundred of Hinckford North, Hinckford the manor. E. C. Parmenter esq. and Mrs. A. V.
petty sessional division, union and county court di!l- Thistlewood are the principal landowners. The soil is
~rict of Sndbury, rural deanPry of Belchamp, arch- clay and loam; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are
d£aconry of Colchester and Chelmsford diocese. The wheat, beans and barley. The area is 1,737 acres: rate-
church of St. Ethelbert and All Saints is a small able value, £r,348; the population in 1911 was Yg8.
bnildin~·of :Hint stone and plaster, in the Early En~lish Parish Clerk, John Maxim.
and Norman styles, consistinJr of chancel, nave, south Letters receivPd from Clare. Suffoll>, & delivered by foo~
porch and a small tower at the west end containing 3 post at 8 a.m. Cavendish, 3! miles distant, is the
bells: thPre is a stained window in the chancel, erected nearest money order office & Gestingthorpe, 3 miles
by the Rev. Edward Goodall Da-wson, rector 1864-99• distant, the nearest telegraph office. Wall Letter
in memory of his parents : the church affords 200 sit- Box cleared at 4-30 p.m
tings. The register11 of baptisms, burials and marriage11 Non-Providt>d Sc>hool (mixed), for 70 children; aT"erage
date from 1563. The living is a rectory, nPt yPa•ly attendance, 26; Miss .A.lice Offord, mistress
value £3oo, with residence and 1! acres of glebe, in the Carrier to Sudbnry.-Oswald Hansom, thnrs
PRIVATE REl':IDENTS. Bird William, farmer, Colas farm Offord John Edey, farmer, White-
Parmenter Rev. Harry Piper B.A. Cornell Henry Chas. miller (wind) house farm
Rectory DeekesGeo. Chas.farmer, Stettles frm PParsons John. beer retailer
Thistlewood Mrs. A. V. The Fowes Goody Joshua, shopkeeper, & assist- PPArsons William, Green Man P.H
COMMERCIAL. ant overseer TilbrGok Thos. farmer, Bevingdon bo
:Bird Fras. Shephard, farmer,The Hall Mansfield Thomas, Windmill P.H

BELCHAM:P ST. PAUL (so called because it was Charitv is in the hands of three trustees. the vicar
given by King .Athelstane, in 930, to the Cathedral of
being ex-officio, two others being appointed by the
St. Paul) is a village and parish, 3~ miles south-east Parish Council; and 2a. or. 37P· land and a "brick
from Clare station on the Sudbury and Haverhill branch school " on The Green for a night school, now used as
of the Great Eastern railway, 7 north-west frum Sud- a reading room or men's club. In I887 a sum of
bury and I I north from Halstead, in the Northern money bringing in about £6 yearly was left by Mrs.
division of the county, Hinckford hundred, North Hinck- Smith, of Cavendish, to be equally divided between four
ford petty sessional division, Sudbury union and county old men and four ()ld women. The Charity Commis-
court district and in the rural deanery of Belchamp, sioners, who are lords of the manor, the trustees of ths
archdeaconry of Colchester and Chelmsford diocese. late W. B. Gurteen esq. Mitchell Henry Digby Parrr
The church of St. Andrew is a building of stone in the esq. George Robert Offord e"q. and Charles Ray esq. of
Norman and Perpendicular st~1es, consisting of chancel, Clare, Suffolk, are the principal landowners. The soil
nave of three bays, north aisle, south porch and an is clay, loam and gravel; subsoil, clay and loam. The
embattled western tower containing 5 bells: in the chief crops are wheat, bl:'ans, oats and barley. The
chancel are ten stalls with finely carved misereres of area is 2,550 acres of land and 5 of water; rateable
anciPnt date; here also is a fine brass, which on close ,·alue, £2,055; the population in I9II was 482.
-examination appears to consist of the remains of two Sexton, John Gibbons.
brasses arrang~'d on one stone, the inscription rnns : - Post Office.-Mrs. Ursula Brown, po~tmi,tress. LettArs
~Here lieth the Bodie of Elizabeth, one of ye daughters
arnve b) foot post from Clare, Suffolk, at 7.40 a.m.
and co-heiress of Ed ~ard Best latp of Cornard esq. first &i 12.35 p.m. ; dispatched 10.5 a.m. & 4·55 p m.; no
married to John BuC'henham esq. by whom she had sunday deliYerv or dispatch. 'fhe nearest money order
Etlward yet living and Dorothy deceased, and after & telegraph office is at Clare, 3i miles distant
married to William ·G'"llding, by whom she had Edward
and Elizabeth deceased and Margery and Mary yet living, BELCH.A.MP RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL.
obiit. xx. Maii I591 ; " althoug-h the inscription is to a The parishes in the district are :-..:\.lphamston&, Bel-
lady, the effigy is that of a gentleman, and the figures champ Otten, Belchamp St. Paul, Bt'lchamp Waiter,
of the childran on the slab do not agree with the Borley, Bulmer, Bures Hamlet, Foxearth, Gesting-
number giv'3n in the inscription: at the back of the thorpe, Henny (Great), HPnny (Little), Lamarsh,
sedilia are two lozenge shaped stones which contain Liston, 1.\liddleton, Northwood, Pentlow, Twinstead and
brass shields char~ed "ith the arms of Buckingham and Wickham St. Paul's, being the Essex parishes in
!!~~;ngf ~~~ i1~!~t,f~ G~~~~n;e~O:s t:a~a~!~ ~0°!'b: Sudbury (Suffolk) union. The area is 26,5oo acres;
and that these lozenges are the remains of two side ratoo.ble value, Lady Day, 19 1 4• £ 25• 21 7; the popu-
lation in I9I I was 4,676
pane111; the top ~tone had probably the inscription given The Council meets at the Board Room in the Union
above with the figure. of a lady I~ow lost, three shields Workhouse Sudbury Suffolk monthly on a thursday
and two groups of children, the 1ssue of her two mar- t ' ' '
riages; the other raised tomb was probably to William
I c: · II. 3o aRm.
;Irm;;• :i;n(
H "It
1 Cl k J p Golding-
am a 11 • u mer, u u:y, "u 0 1
Golding esq. whose figure, with those of his one son amS d~n ~; ~q. · ·
and thre-e daughters, remains on this slab: the church
was thoroughly restored and rf'sPatPd in the year I873, I Officials.
and has 300 sittings. The register dates from the year Clerk, Geor~e Lancelot Andrewes, 58 Fr1ars street, Sud-
1538. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value [,2oo, I bury, Suffolk
with 65 acres of glebe and residence, in the j!ift, by Tre~surer, Algemon Beckford Bevan, Bank house, llarke~
an Order in Council, June 23rd, 187o, of the DPan and h1!l, Sud~ury, Suffolk . . .
Canons of Windsor, and held since 1910 by the Medical Officer of Health, John Smc1a1r Holden M.D
Rev. Robert Francis Flvnn Th.Assoc.K.C. Here is a East house. Sudhury, Suffolk
Mission room, built in igo6 at a cost of about [, 200 , Sanitary Inspector & Surveyor, Sydney Allpress, Balling-
seating So persons. There are charities amounting to don, Sudbury

[,65 annually, of which [2o was left in I854 by the
Rev. Edward Pemberton, of this parish, to be distributed Non-Provided School (mixed & infants), erected in 184~
yearly in fuel and clothing; [,20 left in I8 4o by the for 100 boys & girls & 40 infants; average attendance,
Rev. Jeremy Pemberton, rector of Foxearth, and [15 70; John William Day, master
for the day school and [10 for the Sunday school left Carriers to Sudbury. James .Amos, tues. & thurs. A;
by the Rev. Edward Pemberton; the Jeremy Pemberton . Elijah Amos & George Chinnery, thurs
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Chinnery GPO. pork butcher &; carrier Harrington George, farm bailiff to
Flynn Rev. Robert Fras. Th.A.K.C. Convales.cPnt Home (Misses Rose, Lily Mr. Charles Ray, Gages farm
(vicar), Vicarage & Emeline Goody, proprietors) Mann HPnry Arthur, shopkeeper
Goody Misses, The Limes D<tvey Frank. warket gardener :\Iartin Edward, blacksmith
Day John William, clerk to Parish '\fartin John, shoe makf'r
COMMERCIAL. Council & assistant ovPrseer Offord George RobPrt, farmer & land
Amos Elijah, carrier Deekes Matilda (Mrs.), farmer,Wood- owner, Lovelands farm
Amos James, shopkeeper & carrier barns farm Simpson Thomas, farm bailiff t!l
1Ja~ham Charles Henry, farm bailiff to Durrant Ed!!ar Thos. beer ret.Tilbury Frank Twitchett esq. Cutbu'lh farm
W_ B. Gurteen esq. Hole farm Ea!!"lf' W·11tPr, farmer. Clare downs TwitchPtt George, bricklayer
Bird William, fat·m bailiff to Alma Filby William, bPer retailer Ward John, wheelwright
Woods esq. Butlers farm I
GalliPnne Jn. Arth.farmer,P'Iul's hall Wiffen John, shoe mal~:er
~hinnery Emily (Mrs.), beer rPtailer • Grout Frank, Half Moon P.H


BELCH AMP W ALTER is a parish, on a brook fall- neath a finPly-carvf'd canopy or the Decorated pl'lriod
ing into the Stour, 'i miles west from Sudhmy station, above, the tomb of Sir John BoutPtort: the rerl:'dos of
and 4 from Long MPlfonl Junction, on the Stour Valley mosaic work was erPCtPd at the t>xpen!IP of tbf' RPv .•J.
branch of the Great Eastern railway and 8 M. St. Clere Raymond M A. rector of Belchamp Waiter
north-east from Halstead, in the Northern division r859-62, by whom also the church was rest()rf'd in r86o.
of the oonnty, Hinc•kford hundred, North Hinck- 11t a cost of £r,4oo: thPre are 2-,6 11ittings. The register
ford petty sessional division, Sudbury union and county dates from the year I559· The living is a vicarage.
court district and in the rural deanery of Belchamp, a.nnf'xf'd t() that of RnlmPr. joint nPt yParly value [2Ro.
archde'lcanry of Colchester and Chelmsford diocese. with 2 acrf's of e-lehP, in the aift of ~rs. Ravmonll,
The church of St. Mary the Virgin is a building of stone. •md hf'lrl !lince TBQQ by thf' Rev. Arthnr Pil\gt'()n PannPll
ehiefty in the DPcorated and Perpendicular styles (with \fA. of Rt. J'lhn's C'ollP!!'f', Oxfm·tl, w-h4l rPeinP<I at
the exception of the north wall of the chancPl, ....rhich is Rulmf'r. The trustees of thf' late Samuel John St. Clt"re
Norman) and consists of chancel, nave, south porch and Rn·mond es1. (d. 1900) are lords of the manor 11nd
an embattbd western tower containing- a clock and 8 principal lanrlowners. The soil is loam and rby; !lub-
bPlb: the f()nt is Notman and thPrP suP llf'VPrstl RtainPd soil, clav and gravel. The chief crops are whPRt. bP~tna
• windows: in the chancel is a monumPnt of white and and barlev. The area is 2,194 acre11; rateable value,
grey marbl" to various members of the Raymond family, [2,079; the population in 19II was 391.
includin~ John Raymond esq. purchaser of the est<tte,
buried here 27 June. 1635; and his wife, 6 DPcember, NORTH WOOD (fnrmPrly PXtra-p'lrorhiRl) is R pari11h.
r6c;2; Oliver Raymond P~q. M.P. for Es1wx in tbl' Lon~ consi11ting- of 261 arres of land, in Sul'lbury union, and
Parliamf'nt, buriPd 25 March, 1679. anti St. Clf''"P Ray-~ five honses; rateable value, £u4; the population in
mond esq. buried 25 October, r6go; there is also, be- I9II was 4·

Sexton, Harry Catterwell. office, Bulmer, 2 miles distant, the nearest telegraph
PiiS' Office. Samuel Wright, sub-postmaster. Letten office
reeeived from Sudbury, Suffolk, arrive at 8. IS a. m. &; Non-Provided School. (mixed), built in 1872, for .no
1. IO p.m. ; dispatehed at I I. Io a.m. & 4·45 p.m.; no ohildren; average attendance, 6o; Miss Stephanie
sunday de-livery. Sudbury is the neares-t money order Stonelbridi:e, mistress
Daniell Capt. John Alan le Norreys, Martin Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper RufHe Richd.C.miller (wind & wate~
Eyston hall Mauldon Richard Christie, farmer, Smyth Henry, farmer, New Barns
Gibbs Capt. William, Belchamp house Rookery farm Stunt Charles Morris, farmer & assist-
COJIIMERCIAL. Overall Cha!l. farm bailiff t{) Charles ant overseer, Munt farm
Borrow John T. farnter, St. ~1ary hall' Ray esq. Hopldns farm Teverson Thomas, farmer, Birds fal'lll
Golding Eva ~laud (~lrs.), farmer, Pannell Joseph, wheelwright Tilbrook Edward Ernest, farmer,
Clarke's farm Pearsons Morgan Jas.Eight Bells P.H Larges & Waites farms
Hart John, farmer, Northey's farm Pearsons Oliver,fatmer, Sprin~ralls tm Twitchett Harry, baker & grocer
Hawkins Frederick, blacksmith Prigg John, farmer, Crows & Rippin· Wilson Frederic Waring, farmer,
King, farmer, Larriotts farm gales farms Fisher's farm
NORTH BENFLEET is a parish, 3 miles north-east since 1910 by ihe Rev. Percy John Loseby ;M •.!. late of
from the Pitsea station on the London, Tilbury and that college. Here is a Congregational mission chapel.
Southend railway and 3 south· from Wickford Junction I The principal landowners are the EcclesiasticaL .CO~
on the Southend branch of the Great Eastern railway, 3I missioners, who are lords of two of the three manors.
from London, 10 north-west from Southend, and 8 The soil is heavy; subsoil, a strong loam. The greater
"outh-&ast from Billericay, in the Mid division of the part of the land has now been laid down to pasture and
cou;nty, Barstable hundred, Brentwood petty sessional the farms have been converted iuto dairy and stock
division, Southend county court district, Billericay farms. The area is I,6oi acres; rateable value, J;r,5I2;
union, and in the rural deanery of Wickford, arch- the population in I9II was 229.
deaconry of Es!>ex and Chelmsford diocese. The parish is . . Le
supp I1e. d w1'th wa t er f rom th e wor k·sof th e Sou th en d W a te r Post
d 1.Office.
d f Mrs. w·
:M. kfPayne,
d E sub-postml!ltress.
· t 8 tters1
Co. The church of .All Saints is a small and ancient e Ivere rom Ic or • ssex, arnve a -30 a.m. !"'
fabric of ~>tone and flint in the Early English style, su~days, ~3~ ~.m. ; fetter~ box cleared at 1 <?·4° a. m, •
• ,..consisting- of chancel, nave, north porch and a modern & .-'' 20 P: ·' ,;u_nday~, 9.:a_, a..m. Bowers Gdiord, ti
western tower of brick, containing 2 bells: the chancel miles dista~t, IS the nearest m?ney order ~ffice.
'was relbuilt and t·he church reseated in the year I 871 , T;leg_rarns _dispatched only, but dehvered from P1tsea, •
and it now affords zoo sittings. The register of baptisms 2 4 ~Iles distiint

and burials dates from I647; marriages, 1648. The Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1868, fo;r
Jiving is a rectory, net yearly value £4Io, with residence, so children, enlarged in r Bg6 & again in 19I2; aver-
in the gift of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, and held age attendance, 48 ; Mrs . .Ada Louisa Green, mistreas
Tr!:'w Charlei<, Hayfields Nash Thomas, farmer, Pantiles
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Payne :Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Coote Ernest Thomas, ·Old hall COMMERCIAL. Sargent Harry, blacksmith
Lose by Rev. Pcrcy John ~LA. (ree-l Dainez Edward Richard, farmer Scraggs David, farmer, Smith's farm
tor), Rectory Dorman Arthur, farmer, Bradfields & Vickers Frederick, Harrow P.H
Mills Wolsnam, New hall North Benfleet Hall farms Wilson William, farmer,Great Fanton
Ross ~Irs. White lodge Nash FranCls" carpenter Hall farm
SOUTH BENFLEET is a village and parish on manor, and J. A. Browne esq. and R. Varty esq. are
Hadleigh Bay, which flows between it and Canvey Island, the principal landowner'!!. Most of the land has now
with a station on the London, Tilbury and Southend been sold and cut up for building purposes. The soil
railwav, 7 miles west from Southend, 8 south-west is clayey loam; subsoil, clay. The ·area is 1,949 acres
from Rochford and 29 from London, and is in the South of land, I of inland water and 40 of foreshore ; rateable
Eastern division of the county, Barstable hundred, valuP, [g,r58; the population in 1911 was 1,3o5.
Rochford union and petty sessional division, Southend Sexton, Isaiah Brown.
county court district, Canewdon and Southend rural
deanery, Essex archdeaconry and Chelmsford diocese. HOPES GREEN is half a mile north.
The church of St, Mary the Virgin is a large edifice Post, M. O. &; T. Office (letters should have Essex
of stone chiefly in the Perpendicular style, but with added). Mrs. Emily Lawrence, sub-postmistress.
some Norman remains, including the west doorway,
and consists ot chancel, nave of three bays with cleres- Letters from Southend arrive at 7 a.m. & 5-20 p.m. &
· 1
i ory, ais es, sou th h d te
pore an a wes rn ower WI t •th 1 ow from London at 7.30 a.m. & 5- ro p.m.; sundays,
&; L
shingled spire, containing a peal of 5 bells and a clock, a.m. ; dispatched to Southend, 4·5° p.m. ondon,
added in I9II: the tenor bell weighs nearly 20 cwt. and I1.4o a.m. & 2 & 8·5° p.m.; sundays, 7· 20 p.m
was cast in I636; the treble is dated 1 66 4 : the aisles Post Office, Kiln Road. Mrs. Annie Stagg, sub-
retain piscime, and the rood stairs remain in the north postmil'ltress. Letters from Thundersley, Essex,
aisle: a new organ was erected in 1897 at a cost of arrive at 8 & II-35 a.m. & 7-50 p.m. : sundays, $
£220: the church was restored in I9o2, £no being a.m.; dispatched 7-55 & II,30 a.m. & 6.~5 p.m.;
spent on the interior of the belfry and £ 210 on a new sundays, 8 a.m. Hadleigh, r mile distant, is the
:roof: the porch is a beautiful specimen of carved oak, nearest money order & telegraph office
dating from 1450 : there are 350 sittings. The register Pillar Letter Box at Hopes Green cleared at 9.50 a.m.
dates from the year I573· The living is a vicarage, net & 7.20 p:m. ; sundays, 1o a.m
yearly value £ 220 , with z! acres of glebe and resi- Pillar Box, near Woodlands, cleared at 9 a.m. & 6 p.m.
dence, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of West- week days; sundays, Io a. m
.min<~ter, and he-ld since 1914 by the Rev. Arthur Carsten Pillar Box, Thundersley Park road, cleared at 9 a. m. k
Holthouse :M ..A. of Clare College, Cambridge. There 6.45 p.m.; sundays, 9.30 a.m
is a Wesleyan chapel, and the Rochford Rural District Council Scho{)l (mixed), built in 187o, for x8o children:
Council has a pumping station here. The trustees of average attendance, I66; Robert Hall, master
the lat,.. J. W. Perry Watlington esq. are lords of the Railway Station, George William Gothard,station m!lster
(Marked thus t receive their IettersiBlackall Reginald Geo.The Anchorage Creser Mrs. Ravenswood
through 'fhunder'~lev, Essex.) Bolton John Alien, Fleet road Cushing William, Thorp
· Bonella Edmund, 6 Hope road Dietz Frederick, Dunbar
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Boutcher Christr. Pierre, The Elms Downs Mrs. The Gables •
Adams Robert Norman, Oakleigh ho Bowman Richard, Kent's hill Dunstone Charles, 3 Endway-
.Adams William Johnson, 4 Hope road Brooks Edwin Howard, Westbury, Farrant Franli:, Poynetts
.Arnold James, Mount villa Cumberland avenue Fer!!'ueson Mrs. The Nest
Arnold Strathmore, Hazeldene Brown J oseph, Manor houf'e Ford Am brose • .A vondale road
Baldwin Charles William, Winfield Browne Joseph Augustus, Reeds hill Gillett John C. Rosebank
Ball Frederick G. 2 The Terrace "!"Brunette A.rth. River vie-w, Kiln rd Grant Mrs. O:dord villa
tBallingpr Ephraim Jame~, Oakwood Cammack Waiter B.Bc. Glenmeade Gri!:t Harry Ewart, Lau~el villw.
. Yilla, Kiln road Cato Mrs. The Round house Vicaraj!e hill
Barns Frank S. Buttons Chalklev Fras. Jn. Sl. Westmort>land Grocott ~orge, Cordova
Beacock Mrs. The Lime~ Chiles Walter,Binglev,Cumberland av Hall Robert Henrv, Victoria villa
Beck George, Clovelly Cluse Mrs. Sweet b:riar Heard Geo. William, The Hawthorns
Beckett Henry, Wooloomooloo tCockrell Philip, Culworth Heasmari Alfred J.Cumberland lod!!lf.
Bergmann Marcus, Sans Souci Collings Albert Edward, Elmhurst Kent's hill · -11
Heyward Lewis Bertram, Mount view COMMERCJAL. tLittlejohn Jn.Martin D.O. osteopath..
Hill F. J. Hillside, Main road Adams William Francis M.R.C.S., Badger hall
Hobden Frank, Whitecot L.R.C.P. physician et surgeon Longle;y William, naturalist, ta:xider-
Hobden Henry Fuller, Longlands Andrews Marie (Mrs.), refreshment mist, maker of cabinets, cages,
tHockin~s Mrs. Bushwood, Kiln road rooms, Tea gardens cases, cork-boards, boxes, nets for
Holden Samuel, Kent's Hill cottage .\ttwell 'fheodore, brrtcher msects; eggs, minerals, shells,
Holthouse Rev . .A.rth. Carsten {vicar), Attwell William H. carpenter coins etc.; prices free (removed
The Vicarage Bangs Jn.Wm. poultry frmr.Rothbury from Strand, London), Avesbrook
Howard Miss, Hillside, Station road tBest Frederick William, oil & color Mace William, boot maker
Hubbard John Charles, Brooklands man, Kiln road Marchant Herbt.WelsfordParker,grocr
James Rev. Henry Lionel, Croxeth Blaker James, shopkeeper Mason John W. hair dresser
tJames .Albert Cooper, Dalegarth Bolton James Ebor L.S.A. physician Newbery & Trayner,grcrs.The Stores
Johnstone Percy Hope, The Hutch, & surgeon, Rosedale Nugent Jn. Rd. painter, 7 Hopes grn
Endway · Bolton John Alien L.R.C.S.Irel., tPackham Annie (Mrs.), shopkeeper
tKendall Samuel, Woodleigh L.R.C.P.Edin. physician & surgeon, Parker Jas. insur. agt.Mount Pleasant
Kent James, Home lea, Kent's hill Fleet road tPayne Henry, fruit grower, Gleq
Kent John, Ivy bank, Kent's hill Brace Joseph, builder, Ivanhoe view, Kiln road 1
Kenworthy Fredk. William, Kittscroft tBridge Waiter, cab proprietor Pease William, farmer, 2 Glen villa~t
Kersey Mrs. Mayes villa Browne Wm. Aug. farmer, Brimfield Phillips John William, Boy inn
tKnight Mrs. Thundersley house tBuss Charles Edward, dairyman, Pike Henry Benjamin, market gardnr
Lawrence Mrs. 4 The Terrace The Myrtles, :Kiln road Popplewell Ge01 ge Cameron, farmer,
Le Mond Bruce, Moss bank Castle .Alfred T. builder Hadleigh cross
Lewis 1\lrs. Kent view,Cumberland av Cemetery Pratt Emest George Samuel, coal
tLittlejohnJn.Martin D.O.Badger ball Chappell GeQ.Dnl. builder,Carlton vil merchant, Hope villa &; Railway stn
tLoft Richard C. Vale view Clark Aug. pnultry farmer, Kiln rd Pullen Daniel, apartments, Ferndale
Lowe Chas. Grierson, The Round hill Clark Emma (Mrs.), blacksmith tRackham William, grocer, Kiln road
Lux Mrs. Ivydene Crane Albert Charles, solicitor Richardson Geor~e Herbert, grocer
Mackintosh Mrs. Kent's Hill road Croager Elizh.(Miss),aparts.IOEast st Robf'rtson John, beer retailer, Cl'OWJ,l
tMcMillan Herbert Alex. Kiln road tDaly Martha (Mrs.), refreshment Ross Thomas Ernest, builders' mer
McQueeney Hugh .A.ddlebert, .\rdayle rooms, The Retreat Rowe Edmund, house decorator
~orris Albert James, Ivy lodge Davis Clara (Mrs.), shopkeeper Rowe Thos. Smith Francis, boat bldr
Morris Thomas William Garman,May tDobnl'y William Augustus, Tefresh- Salmon Edwd.Nelson,bakr.London rd
Bank villa ment rooms, Kiln road Sharpe Jn. jobbing gardnr. Creek vw
Moss Charles, Lynn Downs et agents,The Gables Smith Geo. poultry farmer, Fernlea
Nicklen Charles, Overton cottage, Dutton Henry George, draper Smith Robert George, baker
Kent's Hill road Eldridg-e Austin James, boarding Smith Thomas, builder
Oliver Adam L. Fern bank house, Highlands Smoothy Georg-e. ·gamekeeper to Mr.
Palmer Percy Herbert, Belmont villa Ellard William Jas. teacher of music C. G. Lowe, Wood cottage
Pearse Waiter Thomas, Harleyford, Ellison Thomas Daniel, builder,Kent's South Benfieet et Canvey Island
Rectory road Hill road Liberal et Labour Association (Miss
. tPerman Frank, Kiln cottage Farr Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper M. Boutcher, sec)
Pilbrow Stanley, White house Ford Ambrose Jn. shopkpr.London rd tStagg Annie (Mrs.), shopkeeper.
Porter William, Providence villa Francis Robert, farmer, 1 Glen villas Kiln Road Post office
Pullen Mrs. Cumberland 'llvenue Frost Alfd. Edgar, builder, Fairfield Stockwell Nicholas & Sons, brick mas
Raven Thos. Jas. John, The Poplars Grant Cosmo M.B., C.M. physician & Sulman Fredk. Edwd. photographer
Robinson Stephen, Minoru surgeon tTalbot John Frederick, farmer
St. Leger Majo1· Hugh, Albion villa Gray Albert, greengrocer Theobald Henry, farmer
tSpanswick Misses, Kiln road Grove Edward Tucker, nurseryman, Thurtell Elizh. (:Mrs.), fishmonger
tStanton Frederick William, The Kent's Hill road TingPy G'harles, hardware dealer ·
Bungalow, Kiln road Harper Geon~e, girls' school, Hill- Trayner Benjamin, grocer, see New-
Stock William John, Rosemount crest, Vicarage hill bery et Trayner .
tStocken William, Fairview, Kiln rd Hart Harry George, butcher Treadgold Sarah Ann (Miss),dress ma
Summers William, Park villa Basted George William, poultry Vernon H. (Madame), milliner
Taylor Frederick, Highfield breeder, Kent's Hill cottage tWade John,jobbing gardener,Ivy cot
Thompson Thomas Seaton, Westleigh Hutchinson Annie (Mrs.), nurse, tWard Jn. poultry farmer, Moxley ho
Tomkins Miss, The White cottage Bellevue Watts Alfred Edward, nurserymant
Vandefackere Charles, Shirley J ennings Frederick, builder Woodlands
tVarty Robert, Jarvis hall Josling James, poultry farmer, Kent's Watts Josiah Castle, carpenter, Lang-
Vanx Frederick, Granville Hill road lPy house
tWatson Charles, Highlands Judd Elizh.(Mu.),shpkpr.TheEndway Watts Sarah Eliza (Mrs.),fruit growrr
West Mrs. Somtsue tKelsey H.C. & Son, painters, Kiln rd Woodgran~e
Whitworth Hy. Charles, Springfield King Mrgt.(:VIrs.),aparts.sTheTeqace Weller Archibald, nurseryman
Wilkin Joseph Benjamin, Springfield, Knightley Fredk. Chas. news agent Weller Arth. grngro. South View rd
Vicarage hill Land Edward, Anchor inn Wood Edwd. et Co. corn et coal mers.
Wright Charles Edward, Oaklands Lawrence E. (Mrs.), statnr.Post office forage factors & barge owners
Young Charles, Brookland 1 Lewis Henry, boot mal\er Wright Sarah (Mrs.), refreshmt. rma
1 Wright William Brock, hair dresser
GREAT BENTLEY is a parish and village pleasantly the church was restored in 1874 at a cost of over £8oo:
seated round a green of upwards of 42 acres and having 11 new or~an was provided and a ringing chnmber con-
a station on the Tendring Hundred branch of the Great 11tructed in 1897 at a cost of £~'1.2: in 1904 the r.eilipg
Eastern railway, 8 miles south-east from Colchester, 8~ 1 of the nave was removed, disclo8ing a fine oat ~:oof,
north-west from Clacton-on~ea, 5 west from Thorpe-le- f which has been restored at a cost of £240: .there •re 300
Soken, 5 north from Brightlingsea and 61 from London sittings. The register dates f:roJll the yeo,r 155.a, but •
by road, in the North Eastern division ()f the eonnty, the entries were mixed until 1620, when the marriages
hundred, petty sessional division and union of Tendring. were separated, the burials not being separatelv kept
Colchester, Clacton and Harwich joint county court unliil 1652. The livm~ is a 'discharged vicarage,' net
district, rural deanery of St. Osyth, archdeaconry of •yearly value {;250, with residenc_e and n acres of glPbe.
Colchester and Chelmsford diocese. The churcp of -in the gift of the Bishop of Ch!'!msford, and held since
St. Mary is a building of red sandstone mixed with -r902 by the Rev. Frank Willco:x M.A. of St. John's Col-
iron ore, and was originally Norman, but is now 1 lege, Cambridge. The Wesleyan chapel, erected in 1843•
partly in the Decorated style, and consists of chance-l 1 has 350 sittings, and there is another at _Aingers Green,
and nave, north porch of wood and an embattled built in r887, with 8o '!littingB. A lamb sale is held in
tower at the west end containing- 8 bells, two of I the middle of July. The green was used as golf links,
which were hung in 1898: the chancel retains two and 'llfforded a course of nine boles. Caius College, Cam-
niches at the east end, and on the south side is a I bridge, ar~ the chief landowners. The soil is atone and
priests' doorway: in the porch are the remains of clay, with some light land, and produces good wheat,
a. stoup: a part of the old staircase to the rood loft I barley, oats and roots. The area is 3,236 aCl"es of land
is still in existence, and on the south side of the nave and 3 of foreshore; rateable value, £5,II4; and in 19II
is a very fine specimen of a Norman arch in a good the population was r,ro6.
state of preservation: five of the windows are also
Norman, three Early English and two Perpendicular: , Parish Clerk, George Cowell,


Post, M. 0. & T. Office. Stanley Walter Newman, sub- School.

postmaster. Letters through Colchester arrive at 6.20
a.m. & 12 noon & 5.40 p.m. ; dispatched at 9.20 a.m. Council (mixed), built in IBQ6, for 290 children; aver-
& I & 7.30 p.m. (from July to Sept. 9.40 a.m. & 2.30
age att£>ndance, 8o; Jsph. Edwd. Richardson, mastel'
& 7.30 p.m.); sundays, 7.30 p.m. Wall Letter Box, Railway Station, Arthur Heffer, station ma:ster
Railway station, cleared at 9.30 a.m. & 12.45 (July Carrier to Colchester.-Morris Cole, from St. Osyth.
to St>pt. 2.30) & 7-IS p.m. Wall Letter Box, Aingers tues. thurs. & sat. returning same days
green, cleared at 8.30 a.m. & 7 p.m
Police Constable, George Gooday.
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Brooks Thomas Downing, farmer, Mitchell Alec & William, farmers,
Sturrick farm Plough & St. Mary's farms
Atthill Frank, The Laurels Burgess William, boot maker Nevard William James, threshing
Barker Albert Peter, The Hall Clark Frank J. builder ma~hine proprietor, Myrtle cottage
Brooks Miss, Sunnyside Cook Roman, Plough inn Newman & Whitmore, grocers
Brown William Slee, Way side cottage Cooper Wm.Percy,frmr. South Ht:>ntb Newman George, farmer, Tht' Hollies
Cooper Misse~, Moorlands Oordy J ames & Son, auctioneers, The & Moorlands, Admirals & HecUord
Cordy James, The Poplars Pop~ars farms
Gibbon Miss, The Lodge Cowell Geo. bricklayer & parish clerk Oxborrow Horace Wm. cycle agent
Girling Ernest, Holmeleigh Cudmore George, baker l'uulton Muuntfurd Hluwtlrs, 1arwe::-.
Ma'yer James, Newmay house Dines William George, coal mer- Parsonage fann
Newman Leonard, Kynance chant, Granite house Richardson Jost>ph Edward. school·
lilChardsun J oseph Edward Dowman· J ames & Son, builders ma~ter, assistant overseer & clerk
Sizer John Henry J.P. The Green Eley Louisa (Miss), shopkeeper to the Parish Council
Smith Sargeant Joseph, Glyndon Gibbon Henry, farmer, Cottage farm Robinson Richard, farmer
Trewhella Rev. Wilfrid B. (Wesleyan) Goodwin Leonard Saml. jub master Simmonds Charles, coal merchant
Went Arthur Solomon, Riversidt" Gosling Ernest, job master Sizer John Henry, miller (steam),
(postal address, St. Osyth) Gosling Waiter John, job master The Green
Willcox Rev. Frank M.A. (vicar), The Hardingham Waiter John & Son, Smith Sargeant Jost-ph, baker
Vicarage wheelwrights Sorrell Frank Weslev,•
farmt-r, Hill ho
Herbert GPurge, hay & straw dealer Sorrell Frederick, farmer, Crabtree
COMMERCIAL. Hockley William, Victory P.H Sorrell Mary (Mi~~). dress maker
Early closing day, Thurs. 1 p.m. King Frt>derick, blacksmith Syrett J osPph, saddler
Atthill Frank M.R.C.S., L.R.O.P. Lines Edgar, surveyor of highways Turner Charles, farmer, TvP •
Lond. surgeon, & medical officer for to the Tendring Rural District W ad.ey FredPrick Charles, shopkeepr
No. 6 district, Tendring union & Council, The Bungalow Watcham William, thatcbPr
public vaccinator 6th district & Lord John Henry, butcher Watson Wm. be£>r rPtlr. Ain~er's Gl'll
part of 5th district, Tendring union, Lord Mary (Mrs.), farmer ,Eden's frm Webb John, farmer. Risbey's farm
The Laurels Lowe William, hawker · Went Arc hie, engineer
llark~r Alhert Peter, farmer, The Hall Lunniss Arthur Alfred,Red Lion P.H Wright Alfred, baker
Barker Percy, farmer, The Brook Mirrington Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer,
Bragg Alfred, shopkeeper ·Carpenter's farm •

LITTLE BENTLEY is a parish, 3 miles north-by- dates from the year 1558. The livin!;l ill a rectory, ne\
i!ast from BPntlPy Green station on the Great Eastern yearly value £447• with re11idence, and 6o acre11 of glt>he,
branch railwav •
from Colchester to W alton and Clacton, 8 in the gift of Emmanuel CollegE', Camhridge. and belt!
east from Colchester, and 5 south-south-east from Mann- since 1885 by the Rev. Joseph Dixie Churchill M A. of
in~ree, in the North Eastern division of the county, that college. The rectory house i11 a good residence,
petty se~sional division, hundred and union of Tendring, standing in park-like ground!'!. Herl' is a WeslPyan
ColchPster, Clacton and Harwich joint county court chnpel. Lord de Lisle and Dudley is lord of the m11nor
district, rural deanery ()f Harwich, archdeaconry of and chief landowner. The soil is loamy and fertilE',
Colchester and Chehnsford diocpse. The church of and proiluces good crops of barley, whPat. oat11 and
St. Mary the Virgin is an ancient edifice of brick and beans. The area is 2,094 acres ; rateable value, £1,977;
stone in the Decorated style, consisting of chancel, the population in I9II was 308.
11ave, north aisle, lady chapel, south porch and an Parish Clerk, James Balls.
embattled western tower with pinnacles containing 5
bP Us: in the lady chapel is a brass with effigies to Post Office.-Frank Balls, sub-postmaster. Letters
Sir William Pyrton kt. "Captain of Guisnes in arrive from Colchester at 7·15 a.m.; dispatched at
Picardy," ob. July I, 1490, and Catherine, his 7.20 a.m. & 7 p.m. Great Bentley, 3 miles distant,
widow, ob. I50I; underneath, in a vault, are in- is the nearest money order & telegraph office
terred the remains of Paul, second and last Viscount Pillar Letter Box, Little Bentley Chu1·ch, cleared at 6.y,
Bayning, who resided in the parish and was lord of the a. m. & 7·5 p.m. week days; sundays, 7·5 p.m
manor in 1638 : in the chancel are tablets to the : . . . .
Lidgould family, a member of which was rector of this Pubhc Elementary Schools ~m1xe~), for 48 chlldre~,
parish in 1741 : there are five partially stained windows average attendance, 23; M1ss Elizabeth Mackay, m1st
in the chancel, three in the Lady chapel and six others: This school is controllPd by the Es!lex County Educa-
the chancel retains its piscina and sedilia; in the south tion (Tendring) Advisory Sub-Committee; G. 0.
aisle wall is the rood loft staircase: the church was Holland, Technical institute, North hill, Colchester,
restor&d in 1868, and has 200 sittings. The register I clerk
PRIVATE BESIDENTS. Carter Geor~e J. farmer, Dairy hou~e Maskell Jacob, jun. farmr. Warren':~
"Churchill Bev. Joseph Dixie M.A. Orampin Horatio, farmer, Pump farm Neal John, beer retailer
Rflctory I De~ney George, beer re.taiier Pilling Emma (Miss), shopkeeper
_Ford Waiter Gurnhams Famt John Frank, chau caner Randall Edith (Miss), farmer, Wel·
Worn Edwd 'Frederick Church honse Faircloth Matilda (Mrs.), shopkeeper ham's farm
· ' Girling Thomas, farmer, Pains farm Southgate George, boot maker
COMMERCIAL. Gould James Wm. farmer, The Oaks Suggate Joseph .Austin, black!lmith
Arthy James, shopkeeper King Waiter, farmer, Mill house Webb William, farmer, Byes farm
Barke! Frederick, farm bailiff to IKnowler Alfred, farmer
Willis Emma ~li:r.abeth (Mrs.),
Henry Poo:e esq. Red house Lucas Daniel, carpenter 1 farmer. Maltine farm
Buxton Edward, farmer, Fir Tree cot Mann Artbur Stanley, farmer, LittlP J Worn William Edward L. farmer,
Carkwood Geo. farmer, Clipt hedge J Bentley ball Church House farm
BERDEN (or Bearden) is a VIllage and parish on the in the Perpendicular style, and consisting of cbanet>l.
bordPrs of Hertfordshire, 6 miles south-west from New- nave, transepts, !Iouth porch and a western towpr facPd
port station on the main line of the Great Eastern rail- with pebbles and containing 4 bP Us: thP rhMcPl i11 a mllg-
way, 35 from London, and 7 north-west from Bishop nificent specimen of very Early Engli~h workmanship,
Stortford, in the Northern divi11ion of the county, some of the windows dating from tht> 13th cPntwy: on
Clavering hundred, Saffron Walden petty sessional t.he south wall of the chancPl i~ a tablet insc,.ih-.d to
division, Bishop Stortford union and county court dis- 'l'homas Alderl'lai~ esq. of Bnnhnry, in C'hl'l'lhire,
trict, Newport and Stanstead rural deanery, Colchester citizen and merchant of London, a memhPr of
arrhdeaconry and Chelmsford diocese. The church of the Haberdasht>rl'l' Company and fonndPr of the
St. Nicholas, standing on slightly elevatl'd g-round, il'l lln Free school at Eunhury. oh. 4 Ft>hrnary. I:;9B, R>t. 7«):
ancient structure of flint with stone dressings, mostly within the communion rail art> brass effigies of Thomas
Tbompson of Eirden, gent. and .lnn his wife, with an had this possession, who, dying in 1273, was succeeded
inscription to the latter, ob. on St. James' day, 1607, ret. by his nephew, John de Rochford, son of his sister
31; above are the arms of Thompson and .Aldersey, and Maud; Robert, his son, who married Isolda, daughte1
below the figures of nine sons and four daughters ; here of William Fitz Warine, also held Rochford and Berden;
also is a slab with inscription to Dame Mary Scott, and on his decease, in 1337, he left ·Sir Thomas Roch.
daughter of John .Aldersey, of Berden Hall, and succes· ford, his son, his heir: in 1340, on the failure of heirs
EiTely wife of Thomas Westrowe, alderman of London. of male in the Rochford family, King Edward the Third
Sir Norto11. Knatchbull, of Hatch, in Kent, kt. and of Sir granted Rochford and Berden to William de Bohun, ISt
Edward Scott, of Scott's Hall, in Kent, kt.; .she died in Earl of Northampton; and William de Bohun, after
1678, aged 89 : in the north transept is an altar tomb the decease of Uhristina, wife .of Bobert de Rochford,
with the figures in brass of u man Letween his two "l'l·ives ~a,·e the manor of B~rden to the abbey of Walden,
and an inscription to William Turnor &nd Margaret and which in 1388 the abbot of that time held by the ser~
.Margery his wives; he died 10 Nov. 1473: two shields vice of one knight's fee: after the dissolution, !Henry
above and some figures below, probll'bly of children, have VIII. granted it, in 1538, to Lord Chancellor .Audley,
been removed, but there remain two SCl'Olls severally from whom it descended with the Walden estates to.
inscribed "0 bone Jhu esto michi ihs" and "miserere Thomas, Lord Howard, 1st baron Howard de Walden,
mei Deus :" the church was completely restored in 1868, and Earl of Suffolk, who had married, as his first wife,.
at a cost of about £2,000, and has 200 sitting..s. The Margaret, daughter and heir of the Lord Chancellor...
register dates from the year 1715. The living is a vicar- and secondly, Katharine, eldest daughter and co-heir of--
age, net yearly value £182, with 3 acres of glebe and Sir Henry Knevet, who in 1597 sold it to Thomas Sntton,
residence, in the 2'ift of the Governors of Christ's esq. from whom it was conveyed to the family of Cal--
Hospital, and held since 1899 by the Rev. Herbert Kyn. vert, of Furneaux Pelham, descending from William.
aston Hudson M.A. t~f Wadham College, Oxford. Tht Calvert esq. to Felix Calvert esq. of Pelham Hall, who •
Wesleyan chapel here seats about 150 persons. Chari- died in 1655, and then to Nicholson Calvert esq. of
ties amounting to £13 are distributed yearly. Here was Hunsd·on, in Hertfordshire, and his successors, who, in ~
a small hospital or priory of St. John the Evangelist, 186o, sold it to the Governors of Christ's Hospital, who.
for canons of the order of St. .Augustine, probably now hold the lordship of the manor and are the chiet
founded by the Rochfords at the beginning of Henry landowners ; the other owner is Bobert Cunliffe Gosling: -
Ill. 's reign, and colonised from the convent of La esq. of Hassobury. The soil is mixed, principally
Charite de Dieu sur Loire : the patronage of this house h~avy; sv bsoil, clay with some ·chalk and gravel. Th~
was given in 1343 to the abbey of Walden and the prior crops are chiefly on the four-course shift. The area is
obtained licence in 1266 to hold a fair here ; it11 1,8oo acre<;; rateable value, [1,287; the population in
revenues, at the Dissolution, were returned at 19n was 296.
[31 ss. Id. when it was granted to Henry Parker and
was afterwards held by Thomas and Margery .Avery LITTLE LONDON is a hamlet, half a mile south...
and by Sir Thomas Bamsey, who in '1583 conveyed it east; Dev; es Green, half a mile north-west.
to the Mayor and Commonalty of London, as Governors Post Officc.-George Sibley, sub-postmaster. Letters: .
of Christ's Hospital. Joseph Mede B.D. of Christ's through Stansted, Essex, arrive at 8 a.m. & 5.15 p.m-.
College, Cambridge, an eminent theologian, was born & are dispatched at 8 a.m. & 5·45 p.m. ; on sunday·
here in 1586: in the farm yard of the priory is an there is no 'delivery or dispatch. The nearest money-·
ancient well worked by a large wheel, the person wish- ordel' & telegraph office is at Olavering, 2 miles distanb-
ing to obtain water gets inside the wheel, and by walk-
ing, causes it to revolve. Berden Hall, the ancient Public Elementary School (mixed), built in x857, for 75..
manor hause, ·is now a fal'lwhouse; this house, with the children ; average attendance, 52 ; Miss Ellen M.
manor, was holden at the beginning of the reign of Pipe, mistress
Henry 11. by John de Rochford, under Henry de Essex, Carriers to Bishop Stortford.-Mrs. Ann Tant & John.-
of the honour of Rayleigh: in 1247 Sir Guy de Rochford Bayley, thurs
COM:M.E:kCIAL. Seabrook Walter, farmer, Priory
Bazley John, farmer Sibley & Son, wheelwrights
Hawkey John G. Berden hall Burls Martin, grocer Sibley William George, Raven-
Hudson Rev. Herbert Kynaston M ..A.. Hawkey John G. farmer, Berden hall P.H
(vicar), Vicarage King Reuben,farmer,Brick House end Tant .Ann (Mrs.), carrier
Nicholson Miss, Francis house Martin Eli, farmer . Tinwo.rth J osiah. beer retailer
Seabrook .Arthur, Highlands (letters Ponting Wm. farmer, Stocks farm Walker Frank, farm bailiff to John
should be addressed Clavering, I Sea brook Arthur, farmer, Highlands G. Hawkey esq. Brick farm
Newport) I (letters should be addressedClaver-
Seabrook Waiter, The Priory ing, Newport) I

WEST BERGHOLT is a parish and village, near the ' ga:"den ground for the poor. Edward Buckley Cooke
river Colne, 3 miles west-north-west from Colchester, in esq. of Polstead Hall, near Colchester, is lord <Jf the
the North Eastern division of the county, Lexden and manor of Nether or Cooks Hall, and John Horace Round
Winstree hundred, petty sessional division and union, esq. D.L., LL.D. of 15 Brunswick terrace, Brighton, is
Colchester, Clacton and Harwich joint county court lord of the manor of Bergholt Hall. The principal land·
district, rural deanery of Dedham, archdeaconry of owners are John Horace Round esq. Thomas Eustace-
Colchester and Chelmsford diocese. The original Smith esq. of The Grove, Wormingford, and E. B.
church of St. Mary is a building consisting of chancel, Cooke esq. The soil is mixed, principally loam ; sub-
nave of four bays, south aisle, south porch and ' soil, loam. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats,.
a small wooden turret containing one bell: in beans and roots. The area is 2,279 acres of land and 8
1877 the church was reseated and an organ erected of water; rateable value, £4>455; the population in 1911
by wbscription: the arcading is supported on plain was x,I56.
pillars : there are 250 sittings. In 1904 a new Parish Clerk, .Alfred .Allston.
church was erected on a piece of land which had been Post, M. 0. &; T. &; Local Telephone Call Office (letters
given for the purpose; the building, which is in the 6hould have Essex added).--George William Claydon,
Ea.rly English .style, is at present incomplete and con- I sub-postmaster. Letters delivered at 6 & 11.50 a.m.;
sists only of three bays of the nave and south aisle: it dispatched at 9 . 30 a.m. & 9 p.m.; sundays, 9 p.m
ccntains abo~t 230 sittings: the grQund surrounding Pillar Box, The Heath, cleared 7. 30 a. m. & 8 p.m.; no
the church is used fo~ ~uri~ls. The register dates f_rom sunday collection
the year. 1355. The livmg Is a rectorf, net y~arly val?e Pillar Box, The Lodge, cleared 9 .30 , a.m. & 8. 10 p.m.;
£400, w1th 34 acres of glebe and residence, m the gift no sunday collection
of M~s. Havard, and held since 1~97 by t~e B_ev. Alban Wall Box, Westwood, cleared 6. 30 a.m. &; 8. 30 p.m
Jenkms Havard M.A. of Cambridge Umversrtv. The . . . .
Primitive Methodist chapel, built in 1878, was enlarged N?n-Provlded School (mixed), bmlt m x?s8, & enlarged
in 1 s95 , and will now seat 200 persons. A sum of m 1902, at a co_st o! £450, for ~18 children; average
£ 13 178 _ 1od. derived frQm Love's charity, is distri- attendan~e, 198 , Wt.ha~1
Franc1s Quelch. master
buted in coals. The common was in 1865 allotted to County Pohce. James Wh1twell, constable
owners of property in the parish: 179 lots being assigned 1 Carriers to Colchester.-Mrs. Moss, mon. & fri.; Sa$
to private persons, 2 acres for a new church, 4 acres (from Wormingford), daily except tues. & thurs. ;
for recreation ground for the inhabitants and 5 acres of 1 8head (from Bures), tues. thurs. & sat
PBIVA.TB RESIDENTS. Daniell Thomas Brett, Heath house Green William Isaac, The Hall
Alien Mrs. Sidney house Daniell Thomas Lorkin, The Armoury Havard Rev. .Alban Jenkins M.A.
Blake Waiter G. H. Rose cottage ll'isher John Dean, Shrubland house St . .Albans house
Bridgeman Benj. Pearson, Brooklands F'rancis Robt. Geo. The Old Rectory Heath Frederick Charle><, Firmins


Higgins .Albert, Manor farm Barrow Ernest, farmer, Horsepits Leggett Thomas, baker
Lambert Harry, High Trees Brown George, carter Lewis Robert, shopkeeper
Les :M:rs. Bravo villa Brown Thomas, hay cutter Long John, jobbing gardener
Medd Capt. Henry, Portia villa Byfield George, ho;se slaughterer Moss A.rthur W. carman '
Mumf{)rd Allan Henry, The Lodge Claydon Geo. Wm. grocer, Post office Moss Susannab (Mrs.), carrier
Munson Henry, Hill house Claydon Joseph Thomas, carpenter :M:unson Henry, farmer, Hill honS& '*
Orpen Osmond George, Hill side Claydon William (Mrs.), baker Partridge Edgar Arnold, wheelwright
Paruaby Rev.Walter N. (Prim. Meth) Daniell & Sons' Breweries Limited, Peachey Albert, beer 'retailer
Taylor Edwin George, Trafalgar house brewers, maltsters & -wine & spirit Pitts Alfred Ernest, grocer
Taylor Rowland, The Chestnuts merchants ; & Colchester Pritchard Samuel Thomas, farme-r-
Upton Lionel, Donard lodge Edwards Willial{l, farmer,Cook's hall Pulford Harry Dann, miller (steam t
Wright Miss, The Grays Elmer Oswald P. butcher water), New bridge mills {letter•
COMMEROIAL. Ford Joseph Wm.painter & decorator through Lex den)
Abbott William, blacksmith Forster Thomas, seed grower,A.lcrofl.~ Quplch William l<'rancis. teacher ol
Alen Louis Robert, relieving & vac- Francis Hezekiah Sadler, land steward music, Heathfield
cination officer & collector to the to Da.niell & Sons' Breweries Ltd Rav{•n Samson Philip, boot maker
Guardians for the ISt district ' of Garling Waiter Isaac, baker Hr~ven Solomon William, butcher
Lexden & Winstree union & regis- Green William Isaac, farmer, The Hall Rouse ti-eorg~. blacl;;>!l
trar of births & deaths for the sub· JohnsDn Alfd. nurseryman, The Limel' Ruff e)] J ames, beer rP.t~iler
di8trict of Dedham Joyce Ernest E. builder Sexton Archibald. builder
.A.llston Herbert, builder . Juniper Harry EdwaTd·, boot maker Tracey William, beer -retailer
_Ails ton John, carter Lambert Harrv• &; Leonard, farmers, \\'adl11y Harry, farmE:>r, Pond farm
.Allston Oscar, carman High Tree farm Whitlock Wm. Robt. White Hart P.n
_Harrow Charles A. cattle dealer Lawrence Harry Cllok, blacksmith Wright Gnstavns G. assist. overseer
::BILLEBICAY is a small town and head of a 1844 ; all earlier entries !'f!ferring to this place will bt
-union, on an eminence at the junction of the road from found in the registers of Great Burstead. The living it
_, London to Rochford and Southend, with that from a vicarage, net yearly value {,320, in the gift of th•
' Chelmsford to the ferry over the Thames at Tilbury, Bi~<hop of Chelmsford, and held since 1877 by the Rerl
6 miles east from Brentwood, 9 south from OhelmsfOI'd Edward Goorge Darby B.A. of St. John's College, Cam;
. and 23 from ·Whitechapel church, and was formed into bridge. A new Catholic church to be dedicated ~
· a .separate ecclesiastical parish 14 Sept. 18-44, but for Our Most Holy Redeemer and St. Mary is now (1914)
• 'civil purposes is within the parish of Great Burstead. in COlirst' of erection, being erected at an estimated
It is in the Mid division of the countv, Barstable cost of {,2,5oo; the church will have 350 sittings.
• 1hundred, .Brentwood petty sessional division and county Thf're is a Baptist chapel and a Congregational chapel,
•court district, and in the rural deanery of Barstable, founded in 1672, with 625 sittings ; attached to the
:archdeaconry of Essex and Chelmsford diC¥:ese. The latter is a manse and a burial ground. In 1684 the
'Great Eastern Railway Company has a station at the Rev. Sgmuel Bailey, of South Benfleet, left to the vicaJ:
llower end of the town on their branch line from Shenfield, of Great Burstead a portion of land producing £72 yearly
10pened Jan. r, r88g, which proceeds via. Wickford to for the support of a school for the town of Billericay.
Maldon, Bnrnham and Southminster, and also through There is also a charity of £s8o, invested· in the 2i pet
Rayleigh and Rochford to Southend. The town is lighted Cents. left by James Mablbs in 1773 for the education of
wit'h gas. The church of St. Mary Magdalene is a plain poor children. At a more recent1 date Miss Mead, of Bil.
rectangular edifice of brick, consisting of nave and lericay, left the sum of £sn for educational purposes.
- a western tower, the only part of the old church These three ehariHes have now been amalgamated under
. JlOW remaining, and containing one bell and an the name of the Great Burstead Exhibition Foundations,
·;illuminated clock, provided in 1897 at a cost of [120: and are administered by the trustees appointed under
-·the tower was thoroughly restored in 188o, and in the the scheme drawn up by the Board of Education in
same year a stained east window was erected as a rgo8. Lord Petre is lord of the manor, and Mrs. C. G.
,,memorial to William Carter esq. and his wife, by their Reade, of Bath, chief landowner. The population in
- chtldn.>n: the church wa~ Jeseated in 1902 and no-w rgu was r,526, including 215 inmates and 20 officials
: affords 400 sittings. The register dates from th6 year and their families m the workhouse.

:...Post, M. 0. & T. & Telephone Call Office.-John King, Bowers Gifford, Downham, Dunton, Great Burstead,
sub-postmaster. Open 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. ; M. 0. & Laindon, Lee Chapel, Little Burstead, Nevendon,
telegraph husines~, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; sundays, 8.30 North Benfleet, Pitsea, Ramsden Bellhouse, Ramsden
--to 10 a.m. (letters should have Essex added). Letters Crays, Vange, Wickford
o.<lelivered at 7 & 11.45 a.m. & 6.45 p.m. ; dispatched
»t 9 a.m. & I.55• 3·3o, 7·20 & 8.35 p.m. BII.LERIC.AY RURAL DISTRICT COUNCil •.
'Parcels dispatched 9 a.m. & 7.20 p.m. ; sundays, The parishes in the District are the same as in the
<delivered 7 a.m. ; dispatched 7.20 p.m. Wall Letter Union, with the exception of Brentwood. The area
::Box cleared 8.50 a.m. &, 3.30 & 6.55 p.m.; is 48,934 acres; the population in 19II was 2I,555·
:sundays, n.25 a.m. Pillar Letter Box, near Tye
Common, cleared at 8.go a.m. & 12.30 &; 7.30 p.m.; Council meets at the Workhouse, alternate tuesdays,
!mn-days, 7·35 p.m. ; Norsey road. cleared at 8.25 10.15 a.m.
a.m. 12 noan & 6.45 p.m.; sundays, a.m Chairman, Henrv• E. Shilton, Shenfield
Vice-Chairman, Rev. Sidney C. DonoYan, East Horndml
Arkwright Lt.-Col. A.rthur Chandos, Hatfield Place,- Clerk, Charles Edgar Lewis, Brentwood
Chelmsford Treasurer, Hy. Saml. Tuke, Barclay's Bank, Chelmsford
Medical Offi.c~r of Health, Joseph Douglas Wells M.B.,
Bacon Thomas Waiter, Ramsden hall, Ramsden Cravs.
• Ch.B.Edin. Billericay
Blencowe H<!11ry Prescott George, Thoby Priory, Monnt- Surveyors, R. J. W. Layland, Billericay, Easteru Dii-
nessing, Brentwood · trict; Frank Ennals, Hutton, Western District
Curtis Alfred Perkins, Empire house, Vange Sanitary Inspectors, R. J. W. Layland, Billericay.
E1lis Richard Adam, Greenwoods, Stock, Ingatestone, Eastern District ; Samuel J, Shelley, ~rentwQod,
Essex Western District
Johnson Bobert Baines, The Hope house, Little Bur-
Kemble LiPut.-Col. Henry, :&unwell hall, Wickford County Police Station, Henry Whiting, ~ergeanb
Mashiter Edward 'l'homas, Gatwick, Billericay charge & two constables
Parry Sidney Gambier, Downham house, nr. Billerica.y Fire Brigade, John William Wheatley, captain
Tabrum Burnett, Hill house, Blacksbridge road,Romford
The Chairman. for the time being, of the Billericay Rural Bll.LERJOAY UNION.
District Cnuncil i~t an ex-officio magistrate Board day, alternate tuesdays, at the Board room ~t
Clerk to thP. Magistrates, Oharleu E. Lewis, Brentwood a.m
As11istant Clerk, John .TefferiPs, Billericay The union contains the following parishes, viz_ :-llasil-
Petty Sessions are held at the Court house, the second &; d-on, Benfleet North, Bowers Gifford, 1Jrentwood,
fourth wednesday in every month at a.m. T-he Burstead Great, Burstead Little, Childerditch, Down-
places in the petty sessional division are Bassildon, ham· llunton, Horndon East, Horndon West, Hutton,
lngrave, Laindon, Lee Chapel, Mountnessing, Neven- Deputy Superintendent Registrar, ;In. Jeffedes, Billep~;ay
don, Pitsea, Ramsden Bellhouse, Ramsden Crays, Registrar ·of 'Marriages, .A. H. Laugher, Billel'icay;
Shenfield, Vange, Warley Little, Weald South & deputy, John William Wheatley, Billericay
Wickford. The area is 49,854 acres; rateable n1ue, Registrars of Births &; Deaths-, ~astern iOUb-district,
Lady Day, 1914, £181,815; the population in 19U .A.lgernon Harry Laugher, Billericay; deputy, John
was 28,478 - Willhm Wheatlev; •
Western sub-district_, Edward

Chairman of the Board of Guardians, Rev. St. John William Cottee, Brentwood; deputy1 Mis~ Eth~l 1\\.
F. C. Methuen, Rectory, Vange Co~tee, Brentwood
Vice-Chairman, Thomas Heslop The children attend the Cotmcil 8-:lhool •

Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Charle11

Edgar Lewis, New road, Brentwood PUBLIC 0 FFICERS.
Treasurer, Hy. Saml. Tuke, P.arclay's Bank, Chelmsford Chief Inspector of Weights &; Measures &; unde~ " Sale
Collectors to the Guardians, A. H. Laugher, Billericay of Food & Drugs .Act " &; Official Sampl!lr under
& Ed~ard William Cottee, Brentwood " Fertilisers &; Feeding Stuffs .Act," Arthur Hors11'ell,
Relieving Officers, Eastern district, A. H. Laugher, 153 High street, Brentwood _
Billericay; Western district, Edward William Cottee, Clerk to Billericay Sub-Committee of Essex Local. Pen-
Brentwood sion Committ~e. Charles Edgar Lewis, ~ew :road,
Vaccination Officers, A. H. Laugher, Billericay & Edwd. Brentwood
William Cottee, Brentwood Coroner for South Essex, Charles Edgar Lewis, New rd.
Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Brentwood district, Brentwood; deputy, John Lewis Quennell, Brentwood
Charles John Linskill Mansel M.D., C.M.Edin. High Collector of Poor's Rates, Assistant Overseer &; Clerk ttl
street, Brentwood; Grnt Burstead district, William the Parish Council, Thomas East wood W ormald
Shackleton B.A., M.D., Ch.B.Dnb. Billericay; Hutton •
& Mountnessing district, .Arthur Quennell M.R.C.S. SCHOOL.
Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Brentwood; Wickford district, School Medical Inspector, Ernest Morton Wyche
John Mar shall M.R.C. S.Eng. Wickford M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond., D.P.H. Rose V ..ll~J.
The Wot·khouse, a building of brick in the Elizabethan Brentwood
style, was built in :r84o & will hold 300 inmates;
a new infirmary, casual wards & boiler house were Essex County Council (provided)~ erected, in ~878f for
added in I89&; Rev. Hermann Coldwell B..A. chap- 400 children; enlarged in I'J07 for 440; average at-
lain; JosPph Dvu.glas Wells M.B., Ch.B.Edin. medical tendance, 138 boys, 1,50 ~{iris & 61 infants; Randal
officer; Waiter Need.ham, master; Mrs. Needham, Porter, master; Mrs. Clara Bush by, mistress; Miss
matron Eleanor Cole, infants' mistress
BILLERICA.Y REGISTRATION DISTRICT. Railway Station, Horace Bassingthwaighte,station master
Superintendent Registrar, Cbas. Edgar l..ewis,Brentwoo~ Carrier to Chelmsford. Harry Heard, tue$. et trJ.

PRIV.ATB- RESIDENTS. Springett .Alfred Butcher- Lucy Hannah (Mrs.), Bur-
Alien .Albert John, .Red hatch Statham Hnbert stead House temperance hotel
Atkinson H. Francis., The Croft Stevens William Err,est, Oakdene Cole Edmund Jsph. farmer, Bell hill
Bassom Miss, Weston. Street Mrs. Norsey manor Cole Emily (Mrs.), shopkseper
Blundell Henry Edwin, Barrington ho Taylor Charles, Ephracott Cole Henry, plumber'
Branfill Mrs. Brydges Robinson, I Trimnell Thomas, The Gables Oo1e- Matilda (Mrs.), White Hart P.H
Burghstead lodge Tyrrell Mrs. Claremont Cook Edwin, Rising Sun P.H
"Brassill Rev. :Martin L. (Catholic), Waldron Thomas, Winnivere Coppin Cath. (Mrs.),tea rooms,High st
The Presbytery, High street Walford Lionel J. Grey home Coppin Edgar L. shorthand teacher
Brown .Arthur, Roseleigh Ward Mrs. Lockers lcottis W. J. & Sons, bakers & confrs
Buckingham Mrs Watkinson Frederick George, Rosslyn Cullis Edwd. B. & Sons, fishmongers
Bnll Mrs. Bleak house Webster W. Bellevue Daldy & Co. coal merchants
Chaumette- Hy. H . .A. The Ramblers Wells Jsph. Douglas M.B., Ch.B.Edin Dupuy Percy Stuart, Railway hotel
Cole Edmund Joseph, Bell hill Westoby Miss, The Cottage Eales Frederick John, saddler
Darby Rev. Edwd. Geo. B.A. (vicar) Whitaker Arthur C. Roselle Eke Joseph, insurance agent, Fernlea
Dowling James Lewis, The Cottage conMEROUL. Gentry Fred, boot & shoe maker
Edwards Thomas W. St. Keverne Early closing day, Thursday. Gentry George, builder
Field Herbert, Wheycott Alderslade .Alfred Thomas, Coach & Gray Frances & Sarah (Misses), roil-
Fowler K. R. West Holme Horses f'.H liners
Frost John Ancient Order of Foresters (Rubens Grays & Tilbury Gas Co. (Wifiiam
Gallacher Adolphus J. Highfield lodge, 3095) (A. Seagers, jun. sec) j Whittaker, sec)
Goodchild Wellington, High street A.rding Edgar William, bricklayer Green James W. hair dresser
Greatorex Thomas .A. Berkswell Barclay & Company Limited(branch), Harrington Samuel, ironmongel"
Hackett Rev. Benjamin (Congrega- bankers (J. Jefferies, mgr.); draw Harris Brothers, builders
tional), The Manse . on head office,5~ombard st.LndnEC I Heard Harry, carrier
Hadland James, Devonshire house Barfield Arthur, wood carver Heard Samuel John, carpenter
Rare Waiter W. Hill house Bassom Geo. Jsph. plumber & glazier Howard Percy, news agent, High st
Harrington Albert S. Westbury cot Beacoby Charles Edward, Crown Home for Feeble Minded (men)
Hislop Hardy W. A. Ingleside hotel j (Thomas W. Edwards, sec.) j for
Houghton Edmund John, High street Billericay Conservative Club (Harry members of the middle class; fees
Hoysted Rev. James Douglas B.A Powell, sec) from 17s. 6d. weekly, Co-operati'n~
Izzard Percy William David, High st Billericay Cricket Club (Algernon H. Sanatoria, New lodge
.Jeanes Frampton, Meadowcroft Laugher, hon. sec) !Home for Epileptics (men) (Thomas
Jefferies John, Bank house 1Billericay Fire Brigade (John William W. Edwards, sec.); for members
Kershaw Arthur Samuel, Bellegarde Wheatley, captain) of the middle class; fees from
Xnowles Miss, The Laurels Billericay Football Club (C.S. Hough- qs. 6d. weekly, Co-operative Sana·
I..adbrook Mrs. Crescent house ton, hon. sec) toria. Leon .house
Lain Edward Fredk. Henry, High st BillericayHarriers (F.J.Eales,hon.sec) IHcughton k Co. grocers
Maples Thomas Richard, Beachbank jBillericay Horticultural Society lies Henry William, estate
Mills William, Laburn~ms
Moore Edward, Ferndale
Moore Frank, Lyndhurst
I(Algernon H. Laugher, hon. sec)
Boughtwood Annie E. (Miss), girls' surveyor
&; boy5' school
agent, builder, architect A
Jarvis ...\lfred, shopkeeper, High st
Moore Miss; Laurel bank Boughtwood Charles H. coal merchnt Jefferies H. J. & Co. l!Olicitors
Moore Walteor Richard, Hillside 1
Boughtwood Fredk. Thomas, butcher J efferies Harry John, solicitor & cam-
Mountain William E Brentwood & District Co-operative missioner for oaths, see J efferies
Muen Herbert, Pla.s Newydd Society Ltd. (branch), High street (H. J.) & Co
Negrott.o Joseph, Newlands Brown Arth. wheelwright&blacbmitb Jefferies John, mana~er of Barclay &
Paskell Miss I
Buckenham Fras. Hy. Red Lion hotel Company's branch bank, deputy
Powell George A.rthur, Ashdown Bull Ellen & Annie (Misses), new~ supt. rpgistrar, a"~ist. clerk to the
Sadler James I agents, High street magistrates & insuranee agent,
Salter Frederick, The Doon Bull Edward. jobmaster Bank house
Scales Edgar George, Station estate Bull Emily (Mrs.), ~hopkeeper Kinchett George, insurance agent
Shackleton William B..A., M.D. Burrows Thomas, nursing home, Ladbrook Oscar, hay & s~raw dealer
Barnsley house Sunnymeade Larritt Agnes (Miss), milliner
Skuse Charles, Rosslare Butcher George M. horse dealpr Larritt Robt. cyclt> agt. k to
Spinks Charles F. Highlands (speciality, horst- breaking), High :>!

- "-._PUBLJn 1 m11Ml~
ll2 .I:HL l. J< RICA Y. ESSEX. [KELLY'tt
Laugher Algernon Harry, regiatJ'81" of Quilter William, farmer [Southend Waterworks Co. High Ill
births & deaths for the Eastern Ramsey Fredk. Arthur, hair dresser i Speller Jessie (Miss), shopkeever
sub-district of Wickford & registrar Ramsey Harriet (Mrs.), dress maker Springett Alfred J. carting contractor.
of marriages for Billericay union, Rayner-Green William, photographer . Stratham Charles S. sign writer.,
collector to the guardians, relieving West view 1 High street
& vaccination officer, Eastern dis- Reading Room & Library (William IStill HPnry, tailor
trict, Mount Holly Houghton, hon. sec) ISwann Wm. Hy. fruitr. & greengrocr
Layland R. J. W. sanitary inspector Reeve Annie (Mrs.),dress ma.High st Totman Waiter, harness maker
& surveyor to the Eastern district, Sadler Edith (Mlss), music teacher Tylor Edward, baker & corn dealer
Rural District Council ·I Saner George, jun. market gardener. 'fyrrell Annie E. (Mrs.), draper
Lewis & Quennell, solicitors Norsey road Orsuline High School (Rev.. Mother
Little Jn. Wm. boot & shoe repairer Savill David, furniture dealer & bill- Bernard, principal), boarding &.
Lowe John A. printer, Caxton house poster, High street day school, High street
Maclure John, fruiterer Savill Ernest, draper Ventris Lilian (Miss), nurse
McKenzie John, carpenter Scott iWilliam, general smith Wade Frederick, shopkeeper
Mason Geo. tea gardens, Le Chalet Seagers Alfred, shopkeeper Waylett John William, wheelwrigh~
Meeson Arthur John, coal merchant 1 Shackleton William B.A., M.D., Ch.B.I Wells Joseph Douglas M.B., Uh.B.
Meeson William Merrifield, corn & Dub. physician & surgeon, &. 1 Edin. physician & su.rgeon, medica)
flour factor medical officer k public vaccinator officer of health to the Rural .Dis-
Moore Waiter Richd. draper & grocer for Great Burstead dist-rict, Barns- trid Council & medical officer »
Morr!l! Edward James, boot maker ley house Workhouse &i lsolation Hospital
Morris Jsph. & spirit mer Shipton William, joiner Wells Samuel J. watch ma. High st
Nix John Beard. chemist .& stationer Skuse Lillian Eva (Miss), teacher of 1 Weston Thomas, The Chequers P.H
Nursery Co. Ltd. (The), nurserymen music Wheatley John Wm. school. attend-
Oddy William Luckin, castrator Smith Jane Mansell & Martha ance officer & deputy registrar o£
Patrick William, draper, High street (Misses), dress makers births, deaths & marriages
Payne Edward Burgess, butcher •Smith W_ H. & Son, news agent.. Wheeler Edward G. bricklayer
Polley Miss, dress maker, High street Railway station White Jessie (Miss), confeetioner
Potter Harry, plumber Smith Frederick H. butcher Wnrmald Thomas Eastwood, house k
Purdy George S. grocer, High street Smith Sarah Ann (Mrs.), apartments, insurance agent, assistant overseer,.
Quennell John Lewis, solicitor & 1 Hope villa clerk to Parish Council & collectOP
commissioner fDr oaths, see Lewis Smith Wm. Edwd. baker &. confectnr of poor's rates
& Quennell
BIRCH is a pleasant village and parish about 3 miles 1 James Round P.C., M.A., D.L., J.P. is a modern edifice;.
south-east from Marks Tey station on the Great Easter'l I erected by the late Charles Gray Round M.P. on 111
railway, 6 south-west from Colchester, 9 south-east from site adjacent to the old hall, which had been ;rebuilt by
Coggeshall and 52 from London, in the North-eastern his ancestor, James Round esq. in 1727-8; it stands iD
division of the county, Lexden hundred, Lexden and j beautiful grounds watered by a rivulet which here ex-
Winstree petty sessional division and union, Colchester, 1 pands into a small lake containing 8 acres. The Rt..
Olacton and Harwich joint CO'llnty court district, f Hon. James Round is lord of the manor and principal
Coggeshall and Tey rural deanery, Colchester arch- landowner. The soil is light; subsoil, gravel. 1'h~
deaconry and Chelmsford diocese; it was in existence chief crops ar~ wheat, bel:ins and barley. 'fhe area is
long before the reign of King Edward the Confessor, 3,403 acres of land and 10 <Jf water; rateable value.
and formerly consisted <Jf the parishes of Great ar.d £3,638; the population in 19II was 772 in the civil and
Little Birch, now consolidated. The church of St. 994 in the ecclesiastical parish
!>eter, in Great Birch, is a building of faced flint in a By Local Government Board Order 22,363, Mai·ch 24.
modern Pointed style, and was erected in 185o by the 188g, detached parts of Copford, known as Brake11.
late Charles Gray Round esq. of Birch Hall; it consists Round Bush &c. were transferred to this parish, and
of chancel and nave with aisles, the north aisle consist- Canfields Farm from EasthorpP
ing of four and the. south of five b.ays, a?d a! ~he west Post, M. 0. & T. & Telephonp Call Office.-Georg&
en? of the no-rth aisle a With spue ri~mg to a Polley, sub-postmaster. Letters through Colchester
height of IIO feet, and contammg one bell: m 1897 a arrive at 7 . 10 a. m. & T. 10 p.m. week days; dispatched
clock .was added ~t a cost of over £.10o, to comm~mor~te at 10 . 25 a.m. & 6 . 20 p.m.; snndays, 9 .40 a.m
~he Diamond ~ubilee of h~r late MaJe~ty Queen VICtoria: Pillar Box, Hardy's Green, cleared at 7 _35 a.m_ &:; 6.r_;
m 1goB a stam.ed east wmdow was mserted to t~e .late p.m.; 7 .35 a.m. on sunday; Wall Box, Heckford
Mrs. Luard, Wif~ of th.e rector.: t~er~ are. 300 sittmg.s. bridge cleared at 10 _ 4 ~ a.m. & 6. 40 p.m. . 9.45 a.m_
The church of Little Birch, which IS m rums, stands m rm sun'day _., '
the park near th~ :Sail: The register ~ates from the Wall Letter Boxes, near the School, cleared 8.30 a.m. t
year IS6o. Th~ hvmg IS a rectory, umted to that. of 6.10 p.m.; sunday, 8.30 a.m. & Birch street, cleared
La~er Breton smce 1909, net Y.early v~lue {,618, . with at 8. 20 a. m. & 6 p.m. . sunday 8. 20 a. m
residence and 72 acres of glebe, m the gift of the Bishop . ' . ' . . .
of Chelmsford, who has two turns, and Douglas Round Public Elementary School (mixed). built With master~
esq. and the Hon. c. H. Strutt, one turn, and held since house, about 185o, ~y the l~te Char~es G. Round. k
1895 by the Rev. Bi:xby Garnham Luard M.A_ of St. altered & enlarged m I9II by the Right Hon. Jame~;
Peter's College. Cambridge, and J.P. Essex. The Round P.~., M.A., D.L., ~.P. at a co~t of about £soo.
rectory house was built by c. G. Round esq. in I8S 9-6o. for 200 ~hildren. A cookmg & hand1craft centre wn~
A village club, with reading room, was erected and erected m th~ ~ounds of the schoo_l by the Esse:s
opened in 1 a90 at a cost of £qo. To the south-east County Council m 19n! for 18~ pupils; average at-
of the church is a mound encompassed by a trench tendancc! 145; John Widge:y Gill, master
and said to be the remains of a castle of the Gernons • Constable m Charge, Albert Lmtott
others, however affirm these to be nothing more than' Carriers to Colchester. Waiter Burmby, mon. wed. !i
a continuation of the stupendous Roman works on Lex- sat.; Edmund Prior, mon. wed. fri. & sat.; & haar
den Heath. Birch Hall, the residence of the Rt. Hon. Whyatt, wed. & sat ·
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. 1 Blomfield Frederick William, farmer. Darien Violet (Mrs.), farmer & as-
Cooke Francis Henry Beckingham hall sist-ant overseer for Copford, Upper
Crawley Frank, Shamming grange Bond Eli~abeth (Mrs.), beer -retailer Hill farm (letters through Copford}
Gill John Widgery Brown Frank E. blacksmith, Heck- Dinning Robert, farmer, Heath farm
Hichens Misses. Birchwood (postal ad- fordbridge Fairhead Edward Golden, farmer,
dress, Shrub End) Church Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer, Birch bolt (letters thro' Kelvedon)
Luard RPv. Bixby Garnham M.A., Hellen's farm 1 Goody William T. Angel inn, Heck-

J.P. (rE-ctor), Rectory Clarke James, gardener to Douglass fordbridge

Luard Rev. Edwin Percy M.A. Round esq. M. A. Church cottage Hale Eliza (Mrs.), shopkpr. Birch St
(curate), RPctory Club & Reading Room (Rev. Edwin Hellen Albert, cattle dealer, Birch St
Ronnd Rt Hon .•T11mes P.C., M.A., Percy Luard, hon. sec) Hollington Bros. who.clothiers(brncb}
D.L., J.P. Birch hall Cooke Francis Henry M.R.C.S.Eng., Hutton Frederick, builder
Round Douglass M.A. The Cottage L.R.C.P.Lond surgeon, & medical Kent Jonah, gamekeeper to Rt. Holl'
Round Miss, Basketts (letters through nffi~p.r & public vaccinator, sth & James Round esq
Copford) 6th districts of Lexden & Winstree Lofthouse William, farmer, Round'-
cmnnmflJ.~L. Union bush farm (letters thro' Kelvedon)
Bishop Henry, gardener to Rt. Hon. Nice Jn-(Mrs.), shopkpr.Heckfordbrdg
James Round


:Norfolk Frank, asst. overseer & clerk Posford John, farmer, Luke's·farm Smith Alice (Mrs.), clerk to Lex den
~ the Parish C()uncil, Brakes farm Prior Edmund, carrier &Winstree Sub-Committee of Essex
.Norfolk Sarau .Ann (Mrs.), farmer, Rogers John, seed grower, Lit.Luke"a Local Pension Committee,Birch cot
• Brakes farm Sach John, farmer, Birch Street Smith David, boot repairer, Birch St
Norman Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer Sheldrick Mary (Miss), dress maker, Smith William, steward to Bt. Hon.
Garlands Hardy's green J ames Round P.C. Hall farm
IPolley Charles, market gardener Studley Albt.grocer & draper,Birch St
'l'iffin George, butcher •
BIRCHANGEB is a parish on the borders of Herts, £230, with 33 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift
.oear the junction of the roads from Bishop Stortford to of New College, Oxford, and held since rgn by the
.Dunmow and Saffron Walden, r! miles from Stansted Rev. Cyril William Holland M.A. of that college. W.
station on the Great Eastern railway, 2 east-north-east Fuller-Maitland esq. of Stansted Hall, who is lord of
from Bishop Stortford, in the Northern division of the the manor, Lord Blyth, of Blythwood, Stansted, and
county, hundred of Uttlesford, Bishop Stortford union Captain H. L. Archer-Houblon are the principal land-
.and county court district, Walden petty sessional owners. The soil is clay and loam; subsoil, clay. The
.division, Newport -and Stansted ru:Qll deanery, Colches- crops are wheat and barley. The area is 1,o66 acres; archdeaconry and Chelmsford diocese. A stream rateable value, [,6,726; the population in 1911 was gig.
runs thro.ug_h the par_ish. '!he church of s~. Ma~y is a
small bu1ldmg of flint w1th stone dressmgs m the
I Parish Clerk Robert Levey.
' . .
~orman and Early English styles, and consists of Post Office. Ml s. Anne Sm1th, sub-postmistress. Box
.ehancel nave north aisle and a stone turret containill"" cleared at 7.40 & 9·35 a.m. & 6.55 p.m. week days
f)De beh: the north aisle was added in 18g8, fro~ & 8.40 a._m. sundays. Letters throu~h Bishop Start-
designs by Sir Arthur Blomfield and Sons, at a cost of ford, a:r1ve at 7.15 & 10.10 a.m. ~tansted Mount-
about £750: the church contains a handsome oak fitche~ Is t~e nearest money order & telegraph office,
reredos, with painted panel, erected in 190I by the Il mJles distant
family of Sir Charles Gold, in memory of a brother ancl Public Elementary School (mixed), for 120 children;
sister: there are 180 sinmgs. The register dates frorr. average attendance, 87; Herbt.Evan Lightwood,master
th., year 1688. 'fhe living is a rectory, net yearly value 0

~larked thus t receive their letters Robinson Douglas Innes, The Gables tLevey Brothers, carpenters
through Stansted, Essex.) Ross Wm. Edmund, Birchanger lodge Noakes Frederick, beer retailt>r
Seabrook Harold John Spencer Osbourn Clande William, shopkeeper
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Spencer Franl;:, Broomhill UtJbinson Daniel, jun. brick ID&ker
fChester Harry J.P. Broome End tSpencer Mrs. The Mount tRochford Edmund Limited, nursery-
tChester Mrs. Pines Hill men. T N IS Stansted
tCockerell Miss, Fairfield COMMEROIAL. Teagle Henry, farmer, Start hill
tGold Sir Chas. D.L., J.P. The Limes Blake William, beer retailer Waterman Joseph, farmer,The Green
+Gripper Mrs. Brooklands Carr William, brick maker tWilkins John, tailor, Stoney Commn
Harrisou Thomas, Birchanger Place tFreeman Henry, Old Bell P.H Wood Peter, farmer, Birchanger hall
Holland Rev. Cyril William M.A. tHarritt Wm. Chas. frmr. Forest hall Working Men's Club (Sir Chas. Gold
(rector), Rector, tHurd Samuel, grocer, Stoney Corn D.L., J.P. president; Edward John
tPulteney Miss, Sion house Knowles Adam, farmer, Duckend Sizeland, caretaker)
BIRDBROOK is a parish and pleasant village on the Moyns Park, Steeple Bumps.tead, are the principal land-
south bank of the Stour and near the Colne, having a owners. The soil is mixed ; subsoil, clay and gravel.
station 1 mile north of the village on the Colne Valley The chief crops are wheat, barley and beans. The area
railway, 10~ miles north-west from Halstead, 4 south- is 2,072 acres, including the hamlet of Baythorne End,
imSt from Haverhill, and 59 by rail from London, in the which is about 2 miles north-east from the church and
Northern division of the county, Hinckford hundred, I! south from Stoke station, in Suffolk, on the Great
North Hinckford petty sessional division, Risbridg~> Eastarn railway; rateable value, {,2,275 ; the population
union, Haverhill county court district and in the rural in 1911 was 432.
deanery of Belchamp, archdeaconry of Colchester and By Local ·Government Board Order 16,6o8, datei
Chelmsford diocese. The church, lately assigned to March 25, I885, Herkstead Hall, Herkstead Green and
St. Augustine, is an ancient building, consisting of Messings were transferred from this parish to Steeple
chancel, nave, south porch and a western tower of Bumpstead.
wood, with spire, and containing 3 bellil: the chancel is Post & T, Office.-Miss Kate Brown, sub-postmistress.
in the Early English style: in the tower are inscrip- Letten via Halstead, per mail cart, at 6.45 a. m. &
tions to Martha Blewitt, of Baythorne End, in this 12.45 p.m. & at 6 p.m. (callers only); dispatched at
tJarish, buried 7th May, 168I, and the wife of nine 6 a.m. & 5 p.m. The nearest money order office is
husbands, of whom the last survived her; and to Robert at Stambourne, 2 miles distant
Hogan, of this parish, the husband of seven wives, the Post Office, Baythorne End. James William Turner,
last of whom he married 1 Jan. 1739: the church was sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from Halstead, per
restored in I881-9 at a cost of £2,ooo, under the direc- mail cart, at 6.30 a.m. & 12.45 & 5.40 p.m.; dis-
tion of Mr. Frederic Chancellor: there are 200 sittings. patched at 5.40 p.m. & 6.30 a.m. The nearest money
"The register dates from the year 1633, and there is a order & telegraph office is Stoke-by-Clare (Suffolk),
eomplete list of reetors from I364. The living is a I~ miles distant
t'ectory, net yearly value £380, with so acres of ~lebe Wall Letter Box, New England, cleared at 6.25 a.m. &
and residence, in the gift of Clare College. Cambridg-e, 5.25 p.m.; sunday, 5.25 p.m
0 -and held since I9IO by the Rev. Alfred Young M.A., Council School (mixed), erected, with mistress's house,
"Sc.D. (late) fellow of that college. Near the church in 1873, for 8o children; 11verage attendance, 64; Mrs.
are some barrows: on the east side of Hunnock's Lane Alison Skellon, mistress · .
Roman remains have been discovered, and at Wixoe is This school is under the control of the Essex Education
-a camp. The Church Sunday school has a residence (Halstead) District Sub-Committee 0

attached, and is under the superintendence of the Railway Station, S. Scillitoe, station mastpr
rector. The trustees of the late Daniel Gurteen esq.
tlf Haverhill (d. 18<:)4), are lords of the manor; Lord Carriers.
Loch M.V.O., D.S.O. of Stoke College, Stoke-by-Clare, Haverhill Samuel Hardy, from Stambourne, mon. fri.
Suffolk, King Viall esq. who is lord of the manor of & sat
Baythorne End, and the Hon. Mrs. St. John Ives, of Steeple Bumpstead-Mrs. C. Balling, daily
BffiDBROOK. Kinsey W. H. attendance officer tc] B.AYTHORNE END.
Stubbings Enoch, Brooklyn Halstead Ess£>x Education Sub- I Holmes John
Young Rev. Alfred M.A., Sc.D. Committee 1Parker Rev. Douglas Charles
(rector), Rectory Moy Thomas Lim. coal merchants; Rum ball Mrs. Rose cottage
depot, Railway station Viall King, Baythorne park
COMM"EBCI..U.. Pannell R. Peter, Plough P.H COMMERCIAL.
Bates Regnld.Wm.frmr. Warren's frm Pavne Richd. Oscar, farmer,Moat frm Fitch Bros. millers (steam & water),
Bolt-on Robert, florist Railing Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper Baythorne mill
Clary Charles, farm bailiff to the Hon. Sherwood Richard Henry, farmer, Pizzy Fr~>derick, Swan P.H
Mrs. St. John Ives,Whitehouse frm Birdbrook hall Rumball James Daking, steward to
French Elsie Grace (Mrs.), builder Woodley Ralph, farmer Mr. G. E. Unwin. Burleigh house •

French Su11annah (Mrs.), Colne Valley Turner Jas. Wm. blacksmith, Post off
Arms P .H Unwin Geo.Ernst.frmr.Baythorne hall

• 0


Bl.ACKMORE is a parish d miles north-west from rest for the poor. Here was anciently a priory dedicated
Ingatestone station on the main line of the Great East- to St. Lawrence and founded by .Adam and Jordan de
ern railway, 4 east from Ongar, 8 south-west from Sandford in the time of Henry II. for .Augustine canons,.,.
Chelmsford and '25 from London; in the Western divi- the revenues ol which at the Dissolution were valued
sion of the county, Chelmsford hundred, Ongar petty at £85 9s. 7d. yearly i it was granted by Benry Vlll.
sessional division and union, Brentwood county court to Cardinal Wolsey and applied by him in aid of .his
district, and in Ongar rural deanery, archdeaconry of foundations at Ipswich and Oxford; Qll his attainder
E.sse:x: and Chelmsford diocese. ';l'he church of St. was transferred to Waltham .Abbey, and after its sup-
Lawrence, formerly attached to the .Augustine priory pression was granted to Robert .Smith. Henry VIII
founded here in the -reign of Henry II. is an ancient had a country house here, called "Jericho" by his
building, consisting of quasi chancel, nave Of four bays, courtiers, who used the phrase, "He has gon~ to
aisles, north porch and ·a 'Western tower of timber, Jericho," to express that the King had retired to this
three stages in height., with a basement of 1-ubble, and place for his pleasure; a house in the parish still goes
a shingled spire containing 5 bells, three dating from by this name, and the Cam rivulet, which fiQWS through
1647 and the others from 1648 and 1752; one bell (tenor), the village, is called "Jordan." .Adolphus George
1647, recast in 1901: it was originally a Norman :struc- Maskell esq. of Chelmsford, is lord of the manor. The
ture, but underwent extensive alterations in the 13th principal landowners "Bre Thomas Read Hull esq. Capt.
and further changes in the 14th and rsth centuries, Wellesley George Pigott J.P. and the Very Rev. .Arthur
and is now mostly of the E11rly English period, and Perceval Purey-Cust D.D. dean of York. The trustees
probably built on the foundations of the Norman of John V. Longbourne esq. are owners of the great-
edifice, portions of which still 1•emain: the west front, and tithes. The soil is mixed; subsoil, clayey. The chief
one bay of the Norman church at the west end, belong to crops are wheat, oats and barley. The area is 2,588
the 12th century; ·the west front has a circular-headed acres; rateable value, £3,S26; the population in 19n
doorway, above which. on a line, are two windows of a was 6 13 .
like form, and over these, in the gable, a circle: the
whole of this front. constructed of squared masonry, is HOOK END and WY.ATT'S GREEN are small ham.
a fine specimPrt of No-rman workmanship; the remaining lets about a mile and a half south, over parts of which
bav of the Norman nave has slender columns with Capt. W. G. Pigott J.P. has manorial rights .
. graceful capitals, upon which the Early English work County Police, Edward James Dawson, constable
is curiously engrafted : at the east end of the south Post, M. 0. & T. oO:ffice; open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; tel.
aisle is a small chantry chapel. containing a fine altar- 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ; sunday, 8.30 to Io a. m.~ closes
tomb with effigies to Thomas Smyth esq. ob. 1594, and wednesdays, I p.m.-John Henry Arthy, sub-post-
Margaret, his wife; on the nave floor is a slab of Pur- master. Letters from Ingatestone, Essex, arrive at
beck marble, with the matrices .of a tine brass cross 7.20 a.m. & 12 noon; dispatched at 8.35 a.m. and
and shields : the side chapel, which takes the place of 12. IS & 6.55 p.m.; sun days, arrive 8.15 a.m.;. dis...
a former mausoleum at the east end of the north aisle. patched 9· IS a.m
was rearranged in 1902: the organ was presented in Pillar Letter Boxes.-H.ook End, cleared at 7 a.m. & 7·5
1906: the east window and several others are stained: p.m. week days; 7 a.m. sundays; Jessops Corner,
the church was restored in 1898, 1902 and 1907, at a cleared at 8.45 a.m. & 12.25 & 7 p.m. week days; 9·35
cost of £3,809. and affords t8o sittings. The register a.m. sundays
dates from the year 1602. The living is a vicarage, Essex County Council Provided Schools (mixed & in·
net yearly value [196, with residence, in the gift of fants), erected in 1877, at a cost of £565, for Ioi
the Bishop of Chelmsford, and held since I888 by children; average attendance, 91; William Whitmore,
the Rev. Waiter Layton Petrie Th.Assoc.K.C. who master; Mrs. M. D. Whitmore, mistress; Miss M. R.
is also vicar of Norton Mandeville. There is a Baptist Walker, infants' mistress; Ernest J. Thomas, King
chapel here. built in 1841 by the late Mr. .Ashley street, High Ongar, attendance officer
Barrett, and endowed with £58 a year. The endowed Carriers to:-
charities, left in xsBo by George Challice ; in 1601
by Henry Waller; in 1728 by Thomas Almond and Chelmsfo::-.d James Amos, tues. fri. & sat
by various other benefactors, produce £48 yearly, of Brentwood-Charles Wray, fri
which £1 12s. is for ecclesiastical purposes, and the Romford James Amos, wed
(Marked thus * are in Brentwood A.rthy John Henry, gr-ocer, Post office-jMartin John Thomas, shopkeeper
Postal Delivery.) Barker Albert Edward, The Bull P.H *Mason Wm. farmer, Wolfe's farm
PRIVATE RESIDENT!'. Brown George, hay dealer Osborne George, farmer, Red Rose
*Alien James Lynn M.B. .Auberies Bu~lar Elizabeth {Mrs.), shopkeeper farm
Barrett Misses, Jessops chapman William Dodd, blacksmith Pagram Laura C. {Mrs.), draper
Gandy Christopher Wm. Orchard vil 1 & hrri~r Pagram Philip Richard, carpenter
Groves Rev. James Barnes (Baptist) Debenham Harold, farmer, Brickkiln Poddephatt Thomas G. shopkeeper
Hull Thomas Read, Jericho farm *Roast J. gardener to Capt. W. E.
Marriage Mr;;. Fint?rith hall Farmer Charles. hay cutter Matcham, Hook's End
*Matcham Capt. William Eyre,Black- Frost Hayward Henry & Barrett Wm. Scudder William James, Leather
more house farmers. New farm, Wyatt's Green Bottle P.H
*Owens Thomas George, Wyatts G11rton Waiter, head gardener to T. Shaw Edward, baker
Petrie Rev. Walter Layton Th.A.K.C.I R. Hull esq *Staines Clara (Miss), farmer, Ray
(vicar) Hardy John, Prince Albert P.H Place farm, Swallows Cross
Pratt Clifford, Hay Green J *Mann Emma (Mrs.), farmer, Quince Stiff .Alfred, butcher

cmnnmrr.H,. hall *Thomas J ames J oseph, farmer.

*Allen James Lynn M.B., B.S.Camb., Marriage Lawrence (the exors. of). Hook's End farm
M.R,Q.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. >;ur- farmers. Fingrith hall West Thomas Freeman. builder •
geon, & medical offi::er {if, public Martin Charles, proprietor of steam Wilson Waiter F. ba~er
vaccinator 2nd distnct. Ongar thrashing machines Wray Charles, carrier
union, .Auberir-s ,
BLACK NOTLEY. mentioned in Domesday Book, is the spire was re-shingled in I905 ; the church was
an undulating- parish and pleasant village, npar the restored in r879 mainly at the expense of two ladies.
river Brain or Pods Brook, and on the road from the entire cost being about £3,000: it is seated
Braintree to Witham, rl miles north-west from throughout with solid oak and has a carved oak screell
Cressing station, on the Witham & Braintree branch dividing the chancel and nave: the chancel has two
of the Great Ea~tern railway, ~~ miles south from piscinre and sedilia and the roof is of ancient carved
Braintree and 41 from London, in the Eastern division oak : the stained east window is a memorial to Lieut.
of the county, Witham hunired, petty sessional divi- W. G. Overton, d. 7 December, 1859: the stained west
sion of Hincliford south (Braintree bench), Braintree window was erected to Edward Nottidge M ..A. rec\GF
union and countv court district, rural deanerv of Brain- from 183s. and there is one other in memory of Mi!ll
tree, arcbdeaconrr of Colchester and Chelmsford Overton : the church has about 120 sittings. The
diocese. The hamlet of Slamondsey, or Slamsey, was register dates from the year 157o. The living is a rec·
t1·ansferred tJ this parish for civil purposes, from tory, net yearly value [.294, with 24~ acres of glebe and
White Notley in r88g, under the provisiDns of the residence, in the gift of St. John's College, Cambridge,
"Divided Parishes Acts, 1876·82." The church of SS. and held since 1907 by the Rev. William Warren M.A.
!Peter and Paul i.s a small edifice of flint with stone of that college. .A sanatorium for the reception of con•
dressings in the Norman style, consisting of chancel, sumptive cases was erected for the district in 1913, and
nave, organ cham.t:ler, so ut lt porch of carved oak, and will hold 16 persons. .A mission room was erected iJ1
a belfry at the western end of the nave, surmounted 1893· The charities amount to £54 yearly, arising frorll
by an octagonal shingled spire and containing 5 bells ; Coker's and Kitchen's charities : Mary Kitchen, by will,
dated December 4, 1722, gave £10 1elrly to this parish, acres of land and 2 of water; assessable value, £z,t . p;
which is charged on premisE's in the parish of St-.. tb& population in l:9II was 815 in the civil ilarish and
Botolph, Bishopsgate, and js now in the hands of the 777 in the- t>cclesiasti~al parish.
eorporati'on of the City of London. At an early period
Black and White Notley formed but one parish, but on ROW GREEN, with a small cluster of houses, is a
its coming into the possession {)f Geo:ffrey de Mande- hamlet about :1 mile west, near the road from Braintree
ville, Earl of Essex, and Roger Bigod, Earl of Norfolk, to Chelmsford.
thesw two powerful nobl~ are Raid 'to have founded .By Lncal Government Board Order 22,339, dated March
ekurohes. each upon his own lanil (as was then custo- 24, "1889, Slamsey Farm, Oaklands and Oakland11 Lodge,
mary), for the use of his tenants. 'Ihe mano:t house of were transferred irom White Notley to Black Notley.
Black Notley, or Gobians, stands near the church. 1 .
Many antiquities -were found in <this parish in 1852, Post Office.-Chr1stoph~r H. ~mer, sub-postmaster.
and it was the birthplace in 1571 of the learned William Letters through Bramtree arr1ve at 6.40 a.m: & I
Bedell, Bishop of Kilmore, 1629-42. John Ray F.R.S. p.m. Box cleared at. 8.4o a.m. &_ I & .6 p.m.~ sun-
the distinguished naturalist, was the son of a black- days, 8.45 a.m. Bramtree, !li mdes distant,. 18 the
smith in the village, and was born here Nov. 29, 1627; nearest money order & telegraph office
be died Jan. I7, I705, and is buried in the church- Wall Letter Box,. ne~ Btdford lane, cleared at 6.55 a.m.
vard where a monument was erected over his. grav~ & 1·5 & 5·5° p.m. • sundays, 8.4o a. m
=which Dr. Compton, Bishop of London, caused to b; Wall Letter Box on the London road~ cleared at 7 a.m.
removed into the church, but it has since been replaced & 12 ·5 & 7· 1 5 p.m. -week ?ays only
on it11 original site. the tomb has a long Latin inscrip· Wall Letter Box, Bucks Hill, cleared at 8.55 a.m. &
bon, en1og1smg
· · h"IS ' s t u di ous an d unamb"t"
1 1ous l"f
1 e. C ap t .
W 12.30L &
tt 6.15
B p.m.;
R"fl sundays,Hill8.451 t &
Richard Symonds a Royalist officer during the Civil a 11 e er ox, 1 eman • c eare a 7 9·45 a.m.
War, and well k~own to antiquaries by his "Diary of & 6. 3° p.m. ; &undays, 8.5o a. m
the Royal Army during the great Civil War," printed b) Public Elementary School (mixed), for 76 child~n;
the Camden Society in :1839• was also a native of thie average attendance, 6o; Mrs. Emily Longhurst, m1st
place and was living in I66o. The soil is loam; subsoil, This school is under the cantrol of the Essex Education
clay.' The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, peas, and (Braintree) Distric.t Sub-Committee~ John Gleave,
market produce and pasture land. The area is 2,307 County school, Bramtree, clerk
1 COlOlERCIA.L. IHawkes John W. farmer, Friar's
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Barnard Osmond George, farmer k Hutley Philip, jun. frmr Gt. Slamsey
Barker Lt.-Col. Gerald, Lynders wood landowner, The Hall 'Lawrence Frank, beer retailer
Ba.rilard Waiter, Notley Place Black Notley Sanatorium (William Legerton Alfred Thos. miller (water)
Bibbins-Allen Major S. The Lodge Rowland Seuthall Rogers M.B., Martin William, beer retailer
Boyton Charles, London road Ch.B.Birm., M.R.C.S.Eng.,L.R.C.P. Martin Wm. jun. horse slaughterer.
Davis Mrs. London road Lorrd. medical officer; Miss :Mit- Baker's lane
Guthrie Alexander, Hill house chell, matron) :Metson Joseph, farmer, London road
King 'fhomas W. London road Butcher Thomas, Green Dragon P.H Mortier Abraham, cattle dealer
Locock Sir Chas. Bird bart. Oaklands Cathcart Sydney, cycle agt.Bridge cot Mortier Arthur, baker
Mortier George J. Ruby cottage Chaplin Charles, shopkeeper Partner John, jun. blacksmith
Pamtenter Silas, Hillcrest, London J,"d Clarricoats Henry, Reindeer P.H Perry Alfrod, boot maker
Playle Mrs. Frederick, Ratcliff house Clarricoa.ts Osmond, farmer, Elm frm Potter John, higgler
Pulford George', Park farm Darby Charles Edwin, farmer & land- Saunders Frederick, call dealer
Warren ReV'. William M.A. (rector), owner, Oak farm Sorrell Charles B. farmer, Stantons
The Rectory Digby Jane (Mrs.), cowkpr.Buckwoods, Turner Christr. H. statnr. & post off
Wickerson Henry George, London rd Emery George, boot & shoe maker [Ward William E. organist to St.
Hammond Waiter, baker · Peter's, Backing, Park farm
BOBBINGWORTH, or Eovinger, is a parish, 2 miles deacon of Malta. The interest of about £5oo, left by •
north-west from Ongar terminal station on a branch of Robert Bourne·in 166o, is applied in providing clothing
the Great Eastern railway, 4~ north-eal't from Epping for the aged poor of the parish. Major George E. Capel
and 10 north-by-west from Brentwood, in the western Cure, of Shakenhurst, Salop, is lord of the manor and
division ()f the CQunty, hundred, petty sessional division principal landowner. The soil is various; subsoil, clay.
and union of Ongar, Brentwood county court district, The chief crops are wheat, barley and beans. The area
rural deanery of Ongar, archdeaconry of Essex and is 1,042 acres; rateable value, {,2,264; the population in
Chelmsford diocese. The church of St. Germains is a 19n was 309.
small building of stone in the Decorated style, consisting
of chancel, nave, -west porch and an embattled western BILSDEN is I mile south.
tower of brick containing 6 bells : the chancel waR re- Sexton, J olm Stevens.
stored in I84o at the cost or the Rev. William Macjan- Post Office.-:Miss Ellen H. Brock, sub-postmistress.
lay Oliver M ..!.. rector 1838-gg, who also gave the bells, Letters through Ongar, Essex, arrive at 7 & II. 55
dated I 84r; the inside of the roof was restored in I907 a.m. ; dispatched 1. 30 & 5 . 50 p.m. -week days; arrive
at a cost of £42: there are monuments to the Capel 7 a.m.; dispatched II. 3 o a.m. sundays. The nearest
Cure family and to the families of Chapman, r627 ; money order office is at Ongar, distant 3 miles, &
~;:rs~~tin~ ~ ;T~~dr~~~~~r,of ~~~~~al!h~a~~u~~~;~~~~~
6 3
8 telegraph offlce is at North Weald, distant 2 miles
baptisms and marriages from 1559. The living is a Wall Letter Box, on school -wall, cleared at 1.40 & 6.5
rectory. net yearly Yalne £28o, with residence and 30 p.m. week days & II.45 a.m. on sundays
acres of glebe, in the gift of Major George Edward School (non-provided) (mixed), with house for mistress,
Capel Cure, and held since 19Il by the Rev. Daniel I for sa children; average attendance, 53; Mrs. Edith
Collyer M . .A. of Clare College, Cambridge, late .Arch- · Clough, mistress
Collyer Rev. Daniel M.A. (rector), I Brock Ellen H. (:Miss), baker Gemmill John, farmer, Bilsdens
The Rectory [Brown George, farmer, Sayer·s & Holm Hugh C. farmer, Waterend
Gladstone Wm. Buckley, Blake hall Perrill's farm$ Jones Frank (exors. of), farmers,
COMMERCIAL. Everard Henry William, farmer, Bobbins farm
Binder Charlotte (Mrs.), shopkeeper Bobbingworth hall 1 Pledge Geo. farmer, Newhouse farm

BOCKING is a parish and town, 2 miles north of style, and consists of chancel with vestry, clerestoried
Braintree station on the Great Eastern railway. It is in l'ave of four bays, aisles, south porch and a large
the Eastern division of the county, Hinckford hundred, embattled western tower with pinnacles, containing a
Hinckford South (Braintree bench) petty sessional divi- clock and peal oi 8 belh, witb an ancient clock
sion, union and county court district of Braintree, rural bell: there are piscinre and several stained memorial
deanery of Braintree, archdeaconry of Colchester, and windows: in the south chantry is the brass of John
Chelmsford diocese. The town is on the Pant, Fresh- Doreward esq. ob. 1420, son of Sir William Doreward
well, or Blackwater river, Qn which are several corn and his wife Isabella, but without inscription, and on
mi11s, and consists principally of one long street, the the chanc.:;l pavement is another to Oswald Fitch,
Coggeshall and Rayne road forming the boundary. In ob. 1612: in the north aisle of the chancel is a
the "time of King Ethelred this parish belonged to marble monument consisting of a pediment. supported
Ethelred and Leofwin, who granted it to St_ Saviour's on columns and beneath it a kneeling female figure,
Priory, Canterbury. · representing the wife of Adrian Moore esq. who died
The church of St. Mary the Virgin is a large edifice 1624 : another marble monument in ·the same aisle
of flint with Bath stone dressings in the Perpendicular is inscribed to Prisca, relict of Thomas Cobourne, of


Stratford-le-Bow, gent. : in the cLr.rchyard is a tomb Boeking Place, a 'mansion of brick surrounded by plea.
erected to John Maysent, gent. of Bocking Hall, with a sure grounds of 25 acres, with a lodge entrance, ia ths
poetical inscription: in I883 the church was reseated seat of Guy G. Gold esq. J.P.
and the western window filled with stained glass at the Booking Hall, the residence of Charles J. Bolton esq,
sole expense of Wm. Walford esq.: and in 1884 the bap- is an ancient timbered structure with rooms panelled ia
t·istery window was filled with stained glass by the late oak and in a fine state of preservation.
Rev. Charles Almeric Belli M.A. vicar of South Weald The Very Rev. J. R 1Brownrigg, of the Deanery,
(1823-77), who died in 1886: in 1913 the east window Backing, is lord of the manor; the principal iandowner1
was presented by S. A. Courtauld esq. who also pre- are Henry Samuel Tabor esq. Major Albert M. Tabor
:sented a. reredos : there are five others in the chancel an.d C. Sebag--::Montefiore esq. of Stisted Hall.
'given by Dean Carrington and the members of his The area of the civil parish of Backing is 4,6I6 acres
1amily, one by William Walford esq. and one in the of hmd and 23 of water; assessable value, £12,029;!
n\uth "'isle by Mrs. Wakeham, widow of a former dean: population in 19II (inclusive of 221 paupers and 13
za chancel .screen was added in 19II : a new altar was officials in Braintree Union Workhouse) was 3,448.
g'iven by Mrs. Knapp and :Miss Younghusband in 1913: The population of the ecclesiastical parishes in 191£
'there are about 1,ooo sittings. The living is a rectory, wa~. St. Mary (parish church), 1,752; and St. Peter.
net yearly value £342, with residence and II3 acres of I ,696.
glebe, in the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and Sexton, David Marshall.
held since 1906 by the Very Rev. John Studholme
Brownrigg- :M.A. of Magdalene College, Cambridge, who HIGH GARRETT .is a hamlet in Bocking parish, aboul
·1.s dt'an and rector. chaplain to the Bishop of Bangor, r mile north-north-east and 3 miles north from Brain-
· :and hon. cano.:~. of Bangor, rural dean of Braintree, and tree, at the branching of the high road from Chelms-
:s~)'ro,.a te. ford to Halstead and Clare .

St. Peter's, Bocking, has now, by an Order in Council, Here is a Mission chapel, in connection with St.
dated I8 May, IQ06, been constituted a parish; the Mary's, Rocking, and a Primitive Methodist chapel.
church, erected in 1897, on a site given by a lady
.I'esident in the parish, is an edifice of brick and stone, Post & M. 0. Office, Bradford street.-Charles Benrr
'CQnsecrated June 19th, 1897, and will seat about 350 Taylor, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive through Brain-
rpersons. The late )liss Frances 1-Vakeham, of Marshalls, tree & are dispatched at 8.20 & 10.35 a.m. &; 3.20 &
Braintree, lf'ft by will the sum of £4,500 for the 7·45 p.m.; sundays, 7·45 p.m
1mildin~ of an additional church in the parish of Post, M. 0. & T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Offic&
· ~eking, on condition that no part of the legacy was (for places within a limited distance), Church street.
:to be used for the purchase of the site, and a further -Mrs. Clara Rippingale, sub-postmistress. Letters
·sum of £s,ooo was also left by Miss Wal•eham as an arrive frorr. Braintree at 7 & 9.30 a.m. Jv 7 p.m.; dis-
endowment. The register of baptisms dates from the patched at 8 & 10.20 a.m. & 7.40 p.m.; 9.20 a.m. on
year 1897 and of marriages from 1906. The living is a sundays
-perpetual curacy, net yearly value £193, with residence, Post & M. 0. Office, High Garrett. Oscar J. Ollett,
'in the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and held sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from Braintree at 7.15
·~ince 1906 by the Rev. Henry John Shildrick M.A. of & 9 25 a.m. & 7 p.m.; sundays, 8.25 a.m. dispatched
University College, Durham, and chaplain of Braintree at 8 & 10 a.m. & 7·5 p.m.; sundays, g. m a.m.t
Union. Church street,, is the nearest telegraph office,
The Catholic Church of St. Francis and the Immacu- 2 mil£>s distant
late Conception, a structure of red brick, was erected
in 1899· The Franciscan convent, enlarged in 18gB. PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS.
adjoins the church, and there is also a small orphanage Backing Cemetery, Herbert E. Fellows, clerk
:in connection for sixteen girls. Braintree & Backing Public Gardens, Alfred Hills, clerk
The ·Congregational chapel, in Bradford street, is a to the trustees ; George Speight, keeper •
-structure of white brick, erected in 1707 and enlarged Fire Brigade, Church street, Sydney Bedlow, supt

in r818, and will seat about qoo persops: over the Braintree & Backing Cottag-e Hospital, Halstead road,
pulpit is a marble tablet to the Rev. Thomas Craig, for John Harri~on L.R.C.P.Edin., M.R.C.S.Eng. Percy
~more than 62 years pastor here, who died 2 June, 1864. Richard Stevens L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. Arnold
'm the 85th year of his age: near the church are schools, Scott M.D., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. & Henry
erected in 185~. and a Mission 1"oom, opened in 1894. Georg-e Keith Young B.A.Camb.,. M.R.C.S.Eng.,
·and seating 150 persons: attachoo is a small cemetery ; L.R.C.P.Lond. hon. medical officers; W. J. Courtauld
the chapel was founded in 169g. & Miss M. R. Courtauld, hon. secs. ; Miss Francei
The Congregational chapel, in Church street, erected Torn, matron
in 1862, is a small edifice of "\\bite brick, seating 300 Literary & Mechanics' Institution, Backing End, F. H.
personR. Livermore, hon. sec.; W. Sargent, librarian; W.
The Salvation Army hall, in Rayne road, is a building Bridg-e, hall l;:eeper
of white brick with freestone dressings. .
The general cemetery, formed in 1857, and enlarged in PUBLIC OFFICERS.
~882 by I~ acres, making it now ?~ acres in extent, il'
Assistant Overseer & Clerk to the Parish Council, Herbt.
~tnrlPr the control of the P:~rish Council.
E. Fellows, St. Peter' s-in-the-Fields
The Workmen's Hall is a structure of red bricl• Certifying Factory Surgeon & Medical Officer to Brain-
with stone dressings, erected in 188-t- by Messrs. Conrt- tree Union Workhouse, .Arnold Scott M.D., M.B.C.S.
~mld, for the use of their workpeople.
Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Bradford street
The Mechanics' Institution, in Bocking End, was Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxes, to the Guardians-
founded in r845, and the present building erected in & Assessment Committee of Braintree Union & to
1863, at the expense of the late George Courtauld esq. Braintree Rural District Council, Alfred Hills, Bocking
at a cost of £3,ouo; it comp1·ises a l~etu•·e rooru, sPating End
450 persons, a reading room, library of about 4,ooo Medical Officer for Backing District &· Public Vaccinator
volumes. and committee, billiard and recreation rooms. for Rocking & Braintree District, Braintree Unioo,
The Cottage Hospital, formed from two cGttages and Pmcy Richard Stevens L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng.
opened in 1871, occupies a salubrious site on the H:~l­ Gordon house, Rayne road
stead road. It was enlarg-ed and renovated in 1897 in Medical Officer for Braintree & Halstead Urban District
commemoration of the Diamond Jubilee of Her late
Councils & Braintree, Dunmow & Halstead Rural
Majesty Queen Victoria, and now contains six l:eds:
District Councils, Edward BPrtram Smith M.B .• B.S,
t.he hospital and its site were presented to the public
Lond., D.P.B.Cantab. Public Health office, BockingEnci
by the late Sydney Courtauld esq. J.P. sometime pre!'!i-
Superintendent Registrar of Braintree District, Frederick
dent ; it is mainly supported by voluntary contributions.
J. Wiles. Backing End; deputy, Stanley W. Brown,
The Fire Brigad~ consists of a superintendent and 9
Bocking End
men ; the Council possess two engines, one being kept
at the waterworks and the other at Bradford street; ·
PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of Services.
there are electric fire alarms throughout the parish.
In November, r888, the late Sydney Courtauld esq. of St. Mary's, Very Rev. John Studhnlme Brnwnrigg M..A..
Bocking Place, presented and. laid out s! acres of land dean, rector & surrogate; Rev. William Deans Cowan.
in Docking for public gardens, and invested funds suffi- Rev. Eden Voase Casson B.A. & Rev. Leonard
cient to form an endowment of £8o a year for keeping Wilcher Wright Th.A.K.C. curates; sun. 8.go & IL
the same in order; there is a keeper's lodge attached. a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. & fri. in Lent, 3 & 7 p.m. ti
There is an almshouse for 8 persons. daily in Holy week at 7 p.m
The endowed charities for geneml distribution pro- Mission Chapel, High Garrett, 8 a.m. on first sunday ti
duce about £300 yearly. every sunday at 6.30 p.m
St. Peter's, Rev. Henry John Shildrick M.A. perpetual Council, Church street (mixed), for 296 children, in-
curate; 8 a. m. holy communion; n a. m. &; 6.30 p. m. ; cluding infants; average attendance, mixed 123,
week days, wed. n a. m. litany; thurs. 7 p.m. ; ut & infants 59 ; with this school is incorporated the school
3rd sunday in the month, holy communion at I2. IS founded by Dr. Gauden, a former rector of Hocking.
instead of 8 & successively bishop of Exeter (1660) & Worcester
St. Francis & The Immaculate Conception Catholic (r662); James Bees, master; Miss Webb, infants'
Church, Rev. David Coghlan, priest; mass at 8 & IO mistress
a.m.; benediction & sermon, 6.30 p.m.; week days, Catholic (not controlled by the Education Committee),
mass at 7 a.m.; benediction thurs. & sat. at 6 p.m erected in Igoo, for 45; average attendance, 15; Sister
Congregational, Bradford street, Rev. Alun Roberts; Mary Colombo, mistress
10.30 a.m. &; 6.30 p.m. ; tueR. 7· IS p.m
Congregational, Church street, Bocking; Frank Kistruck. CONVEYANCE.
evangelist; 10.30 a. m. &; 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m An omnibus leaves the 'White Hart,' Bocking End, to
Primitive Methodist, High Garrett (Halstead &; Great meet the trains at Braintree
Bardfield Circuit), Rev. John Bailey (superintendent);
n a.m. &; 6.30 p.m CARRIERS.
Salvation Army Hall, Rayne rd. ; n a.m. &; 3 &; 6.45 p.m
Bardfield Great-Edw. Clapson, from 'Horse & Groom,'
PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS. Felstead-Collinridge, from 'Horse & Groom,' wed.& sat
Manual Training Centre, Courtauld road (cookery &; Finchingfield Wiffin, wed. & Edward Clapson, daily,
woodwork), erected in I909; Miss C. L. Stuart, from the ' Horse & Groom '
cookery mistress; Arthur B. Clark, woodwork master Great Saling-Edward Clapson, from ' Horse & Groom,'
Cl)uncil, Bocking End, for 358 children, including daily
infants; average attendance, mixed 139, infants 48; Rayne Edward Clapson, from the 'Horse & Groom,'
Frank Smith, master; Miss G. Light, infants' mist rlaily
Sampford, Old & New-Edward Clapson, from the
' Horse & Groom,' mon. wed. & sat
Fellows Herbert E. St. Peter~ s-in-the-· Savill Lieut.-Col. Samuel George J.P.
PRIV.\TE RESIDENTS. Fields Boleyns, Church lane
..A.dkins Edward William, Weston, Finney James, Nechells, Bradford st Scott Arnold M.D. Bradford street
Courtauld road Gilles Wm. S. The Cottage,Church la Shildrick Rev. Henry John M.A.
Alden Leonard J. Erceldoune, Cogges- Gold Guy G., J.P. Backing Place (perpetual curate of St. Peter's &
hall road Goult Mrs. Kingswood, Courtauld rd chaplain of Braintree union), St.
Allen Edwin J. St. Edmund's, Brad- Hills Alfred ~LA. Old ho. Bradford st Peter's vicarage
ford street Houchin Rev. Ebenezer Mathew, Bay Smith Jas. Chas. Hill crest,Church st
Arnold Chas. Noel house, Rayne road house, Bradford street Smith Sydney, Bradford street
:Barclay James W. Monken Hadley Hutley Alfred, Derwards hall Smoothy Miss, Bradford house, Brad-
Barnes Fras.E.Brewery ho.BradfQrd st Joscelyne Mrs. I Courtauld road ford street
.Blomfield Misses, 3 Courtauld road Knight Miss, CoggeshalJ road Solly Mrs. Alcotes
Bloomtield Edward Ernest, 2 Court- Knights William T. St. Peter's-in- Solomon Mrs. Bemlings
auld road the-Fields Stevens Percy Richard, G01·don ho.
Bloomfield Frank .Arth.2Courtauld rd Large Charles, Bradford street Rayne road
Bolton Charles J. Bocking hall Lee Sidney Perry, St. Peter's-in-the- Surman Wm. Panfield ho. Panfield la
Bowtell Miss, Bradford street Fields Tabor Maj. Albert Maitland (late 3rd
Brownrigg Very Rev. Dean John Linfoot .Maurice, St. Peter's-in-the- K. 0. Hussars), Bovingdon hall
Studholme M.A. (rector of St. Fields Tabor Henry Samuel, Fennes
Mary the Virgin, & surrogate),The Martin Thomas, Coggeshall road Tetley Henry G. Causeway
Deanery Mayhew Mrs. The Lodge, Bradford st Tomkins Chas. John, The Hermitage,
Byford Frank,Stanford ho.Bradford st Nelson Mrs. Twyford house, Rayne rd Bocking End
Cane John Wag3taff, Riverside, Brad- Newman Mrs.The Croft,Coggeshall rd Vaizey Arthur R. Maysent house,
ford street Packer Charles Henry, Backing End Bradford street
Cane Mrs. B1 adford street Pennyfeather Miss, Cottesmore, Brad- Ware Richard Charles, Bradford st
Cas son Rev. Eden Voase B A. (curate ford street Wass George William, Beechcroft,
of St. Mary's), Bradford street Piggin Hubert, Gresham house, Bradford street
Clarke William. 5 Courtauld road Bradford street Weaver Franklin J., M.A. Idalia,
Coghlan Rev. David (Catholic), The Pilcher Waiter Frederick, Bangor, Coggeshall road
Presbytel')", Bradford street Bradford street West Frederick J.P. Redclyffe, Hock-
C'onwav• Leonard R. Bradford street Piper William, Hill house, Rayne rd ing End
Cornell Mrs. J. Cogge~hall road Pitt Edward J ames. C. Deolali, Court- Wood B. Stephen, Causeway cottage
Courtauld Mi,.s, Evegate house auld road Wright Rev. Leonard Wilcher
Conrtauld Samuel .Augustine J.P. Pluck Jabez, Croft cot. Coggeshall rd Th.A.K.C. (curate of St. Mary's),
Little Bradfords Prichard Rev. Richard :\LA. Holly· 2 Manor lodge
'Cowan Rev. William Deans (CUI ate of wood, Backing End Young Henry George Keith B.A. Lyn-
St. Mary's), 1 Manor lodge Richardson Silas, Mon ..ibri, Comt- croft, Bocking End
(Jross Fredk. GlenroY. •
Courtauld rd auld road Younghusband Frank, Bleak house,
Downing Mrs. Bradford :;treet Rowland Charles Herbert, Beecholme, Church street
Elliot Edwd.FranUrn,Resting Seat ho Bradford street
COlDlERCUL. ' Bocldng Cottage Nursing Association (Mis!; M. Savill,
Early closing day, Thursday. bon. sec.), Boleyns, Church lane
BoilPy Edward Harry, baker, Bradford street
.Adkins Ashley & Co. mat manufrs. Bradford st. T N ro Bradbury James, cycle dealer & agent, Courtauld road
Alien Thomas & Son, mat & mattmg manufacturers, Braintree, Bocking & District Liberal Club (G. C. Row
Bradford street J.P. chairman; S. W. Brown, sec.), Bocking End
Amo;; Lydia (Mrs.), fhhmonger, Church street Braintree & Bockin~ Gas Co. (A. J. Underwood, mgr.),
Arnold Charles, dentist, Noel house, Rayne road Coggeshall road
Bannock Alfred James, boot & shoe dealer, Church street Braintree & Bocking Lawn Tennis Club (Miss .\..
"Barclay James W. chartered accountant, Monken Hadley Vaughan, sec.), Backing End
Barns Mark, King-'s Head P.H. Bradford street Braintree & Rocking Literary & Mechanics' Institution
Barton .Arthur M. general furnishing ironmonger & oil (F. H. Livermore, hon. sec.), Bocking End
& color merchant, &; motor car for hire, Ravne•
road . Braintree & Bocking- Public Gardens (Alfred Hills, clerk
TN 46 to the trustPes; George Speigoht, keeper)
Bearman H. & Sons, bakers, Bradford street Braintree Joint Hospital Board (Frederick James Wile~.
Bearman Harry S. wheelwright, Church street cluk), Bocking End
Bearman Ralph. boot maker, Church !'treet Brain tree & West Essex Co-operative & Industrial Society
:Bedlow Sydney, supt. of Fire Brigade, Church street B. S. Wood, sec.; F. Pethan, manager), Backing
Belsham Isaac & Son, millers (water), Straits mill End & (C. Firmain. manager) Church Street branch
Benham William & Sons, butchers, Bradford street Brown Stanley W. deputy supt. registrar, Backing End
Blanks Alice & Adelaide (Misses), dress mas. Rayne road Bugg- James Cooper, grocer, Church street
Blanks Sarah (Mrs.), apartments, Rayne road I Butcher Ellen (:\frs. ), beer retailer, Bradford street

Butcher Felix, french polisher, Rayne road I Mott Frederick, farmer, Coldnailhurst farm, Panfield la
Cane William Stephen, miller (water), Bradford street Mo:tt John, eoal dealer, Church street
Carter Amos, Black Boy P.H. Church street Newman & Harvey, '(lOstumiers, Backing End
Cemetery (Herbt.E.Fellows, clerk to the Parish Council) Newman Edith (Mrs.), costumier, Bradford street
Chapman Alfred Edward, taxidermist, Panfield lane Oliver Charles, jobmaster, Bradford street
Clapson Edwin, Horse & Groom P.H. Rayne road I Oliver Ethel (Miss), dress maker, Panfield lane
Cobbold & Milbank, decorators, Coggeshall road I Parmer Frederick Charles, farm bailiff to Major A. M..
Cock William, farm bailiff to H. S. Tabor esq.Fennes rd Tabor, Chll'rch street
Cooper Louisa (Miss), confectioner, Backing end Partridge Thomas, boot repai-rer, Rayne road
Cottage Hospital (John Harrison L.R.O.P.Edin., M.R.C.S. Percy J. school attendance officer, Rayne rood
Eng. Percy Richard Stevens L.R.O.P.Lond., M.R.O.S. Perry James, farmer, Highfield Styh~
Eng . .A.rnold Scott M.D.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. & Henry Pettitt Frederick W. Six Bells P.H. Bradford str~et
GeorgP Keith Young B.A.Camb., M.R.C.S.Eng., Phillips Frank, butcher, Bradford strPet
L.R.C.P.Lond. medical officers; W. J. Courtauld & Pluck Harry (Mrs.), draper, Backing End
Miss M. R. Courtauld. hon. secs. ; Miss Frances Torn. Porter Solomon, farmer, Willoughby
matron), Halstead road Potter Mary Ann (Miss), draper, Church street
Courtaulds Ltd. crape & silk manufacturers, Church st Poulter Correy, greengrocer, Bradford street
Gramp Joseph Samuel, beer retailer, Church street Pritchard H. C. Last, cycle agent, Bradford street
Crow Leonard William, confectioner, Church street Radley Charles, Bull inn, Church street
Dance F. A: fruiterer, Backing End & nurseryman, Ridley T. D. & Sons Limited, maltsters, Church lane
Coggeshall road Rippingale Clara (Mrs.), shopkpr.& post office, Church d
Dansey Robert, cycle agent, Rayne road Rogers Henry, coach painter, Bradford st. & Woolpack la
Durham Oliver Edward, hardware dealer,Bradford street Rose Frank, laundry, Rayne road
Eve Benjamin & Son, painters, Bradford street Rudkin Haddon, plumber, Rayne road
Everard Sarah (Mrs.), baker, Bradford strE-et Rudkin Herbert C. painter & house decorator, Church la
Fellows Herbert E. assistant overseer,clerk to the Parish St. Francis Orphanage for Girls (Rev. Mother Abbess,
Council & water rate collector, assistant clerk to the Franciscan Convent), Bradford street
Braintree union & sec. to the boarding-out committee Scott & Young, physicians & surgeons, Bradford street
Fenn Frederick H. hair dresser, Bradford street & Backing End
Fenton T. W. & Son, tailors, Rayne road Scott Arnold M.D.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond.
Fenton Alfred L. tailor, 6 Rayne TOad (firm, Scott & Yonng-), physician & surgeon, medical
Francis William S. antique dealer, Bradford street officer to Braintree Union workhouse, Braintree join~
Franciscan Convent (Rev. Mother Abbess, superioress), hospital board & factory surgeon, Bradford street
Bradford street Scott William, tailor, Bradford street
Fuller Charles, county court bailiff & accountant, Ivy Seabrook Robert Carrington, farmer, Straits
dPne, Rayne road Sharpe Sidney C. Spread Eagle P.H. Church lane
Galbraith John, engineer, Coggeshall road Skipper Frederick William, insurance agent. Bradford st
Gill George Edward, beer retailer, Church street Smith Edward Bertram M.B., B.S.Lond., D.P.H.Cantab.
Gleave John, clerk to the Braintree District Education medical officer of health to the Braintree & Halstead
Sub-Committee, Coggeshall road Urban District Councils & Braintree, Dunmow & Hal-
Glithero Katherine C. costumier, St. Peter's walk stead Rural District Councils, Public Health offices,
Goading Frances (Miss), district nurse, Bradford street Backing End
Greene, King & Sons Ltd. brewers; stores, Bradford st Smith Fred, farmer, Towerlands farm
Harrington Edith (Mrs.), draper, Bradford street Spalding Waiter, cattle dealer, Panfield lane
Harrington John D. carpenter, Bradford street Stevens Percy Richard L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng.
Rarris Ernest, bricklayer, Bradford street surgeon, & medical officer for Backing district &
Harvey Robert Wm. costumier, see Newman & Harvey public vaccinator for Braintree & Backing districts,
Hawkins Henry, miller (wind), Church street Gordon house, Rayne road
Hicks Harry, confectioner, Church street Stock Frederick, Royal Oak P.H. Church street
Hicks James C. baker, Church street Strutt William, boot & shoe maker, Bradford street •
Hills Alfred M.A. (firm, Holmes & Hills), solicitor, corn- Taylor Chas. Hy. shopkeeper, & post office, Bradford st
missioner for oaths, clerk to the guardians & to Thompson Frederick, grocer, 'Bradford street
the assessment committee of Braintree union, to Usher James, farmer & dairyman, Currant's farm
Braintree Rural District Council, to the commissioners Vaizey John George, farmer, Coggeshall road
of income tax & land tax, to the trustees of Backing Walford Waiter, seedsman, Bradford street
charities & to the trustees of the Braintree & Backing Waters Frederick, blacksmith, Bradford street
public gardens, Backing End Watson Edward, poultry dealer, Heriots farm
Holmes & Hills, solicitors, Backing End Watson Frank, poultry dealer, Church street
Hitching Elias, grocer, Rayne road Weaver Franklin J., M.A. head master County High
Home Counties Public House Trust Limited (F. T. school, Coggeshall road
Jealous, manager), White Hart hotel, Backing End Whife FrPdericlr Wm. Rose & Crown P.H. Church street
Horsey Earle, Queen's Head P .H. Rayne road Wicks Willie, bricldayer, Rayne road
Hutley Alfred, farmer, Derwards hall Wiles Frederick James, supt. registrar of Braintree
Joslin Sarah (Mrs.). Star inn. Rayne road district & clerk to Braintree Joint Hospital Board,
Joslin William, farmer, Lyons hall Backing End
Joyce Charles, butcher, Church street · Yeldham Charles, insurance agent, Church street
Lake & Elliot Ltd. manufrs. of cycle tools &c. Rayne rd Yeulett Charles J. mat manufacturer, Bradford street
Lawrence Fred, shopk~eper, Rayne road Young Henry Goo. Keith B.A., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.
Melbourne Susan (Miss), dress maker, Bradford street Lond. (firm, Scott & Young), physician & surgeon,
Morrell George, beer retailer, Bradford street Lyncroft, Backing End
Morris Percy Leonard, fruiterer, Bradford street
Eyre Walpole Edwin J.P. Folley ho Doidge John, gardener to W. E. Eyre Osborn Alfred. bricklayer
Young-husband Francis Pindar, Sunny- esq. J.P Perrv• Fredk. J. Hare & Hounds P.H
flelds • J eggo J oseph, farm bailiff to J. R Porter Soloman, horse slaughterer
Courtauld esq. Boons Redit Ernest E. IJ:Jlacksmith
Ollett Oscar J. sub-postmaster, Post
Allan Alex. farmer, Garrett farm office
BOREHAM is a parish on the road from Cb.elmsford hour, was placed in the tower in r884: the Sussex
to Colchester, contiguous to the navigable river Chel- chapel, in which are monuments of the Radcliffes, Barons
mer, 3i miles north-east from the Chelmsford station and Viscounts Fitzwalter, Earls of Sussex, a title ex-
and 33 miles from London, in the Mid division of the tinct on the death of Edward, 6th earl, in 164r, has
county, Chelmsford hundred, union, petty sessional been rebuilt: the nave was re-roofed in oak in I9I3·
division and county court district, rural deanery of 0n the north side of the church is a vault of the
Chelmsford, archdeaconry of Essex and Chelmsford Tyrell family, restored in 1895 by William Tufnell esq.
diocese. The church of St. Andrew is a building of of Hatfield Place: there are 46o sittings: in the church-
ftint and stone in mixed styles, consisting of chancel, yard is a mausoleum in the Classic style belonging
nave, aisles, south porch and a central embattled Norman to the Waltham family and a cross of Sicilian marble
tower with pinnacles, and containing a clock and 8 bells: eight feet in height, erected by the parishioners to
the clock, which strikes the quarters as well as the the Ven. Gaspard le Marcbant Carey M.A. vicar here
' .
1874~8s,. hon. canon of St. Albans and archdeacon of attached chapel, dedicated to the Holy Sepulchre o( Our
Essex, who died March 17, 1885. The rt'gister dates I Lord. The. trustees of the late James Parker esq. are
from the year 1559. The living is a vicarage, net the lords of the- manor of Esst Beaulieu. The principal
yearly -..alue £290, with. 1-8 acres. of glebe, and -residence, landowners are Lord Kooyon K.C.V.O. and Mr. Victor
in the gift ot the Bishop of Chelmsford, and held sinee William Langman. The soil is mixed; subsoil, gravel
1885 by the ;Rev. Deny~t Nelson Yonge B.A. of Christ"!! and clay. The chief crops are wheat, beans, barley,
College, Cambridge. In 1909 1:he churchyard wa& oats and turnips. The area is 3,782 acres of land and
enlarged; the new portion being divided from the old 19 of water; r.ateable value, £u,s66; the population in
churchyard by the highway. Here is a CGngregational 19II~ including those in New Hall Convent, was 881.
chllpel. Two of the- almshouses in the parish of Stock Parish Clerk, William F. Alien.
are appropriated to the poor of this parish. Butle:r's Post, M. O. & T. O.ffice.-Miss Hilda G. E. Sorrell,
charity is an endowment of £140 yearly, for educational sub-postmistress. Letters through Chelmsford are
purposes, left in 1717 by Edward Butler, of Little d e11vere
. d at 7.10 & II-35 a.m, Q\o
... 6 .so p.m.,; sun d ays~
B add ow; nn d er a se h erne d ated 0 cto be r, 1909, t h e pro~ d. h d ... ...
cee d s of t h e c h ar1·ty are now app 11e. d to 7·55 a.m. ; d1spatc e at 9.50 a.m. "" 1.20 "" 7.25
se h oIars h 1ps an d appren t•1cesh"1ps f or t h e d eservmg . p.m. ; on sun ays at 9.50 a.m
children attending the public elementary schools of Wall Le-tter Boxes. At the Cock P.H. cleared at 9·40
Little Baddow and Boreham. :Boreham House, on the a.m. & 12.45 & 7-I5 p.m.; sunda~·s, 9.40 a.m. &
east .of the road, is the residence of Lord Kenyon Church Wall, at 9 a.m. & 12.50 & 7·5 p.m.; sun~
K.C.V.O. ~ the mansion is approached by two avenues days, 9·3o a.m
of trees, and there is a fine -lake and a park of loo acres, Schools. .
containing a herd of deer. New. Hall. i~ this pa~sh, Non-Provided (mixed), built about 18-JO, for 120 child-
to the nor·th-west, a royal residence m the reigns ren, &, enlarged iiJ 1911 for I6o children; average at~
of Henry VII. and VIII. was granted in the reign I tendance, 118 ; Joseph Roberts Knight, master
of ElizM)eth to Sir Thomas Ratcliffe K.G. 3rd Earl Church (formerly Butler's Charity), built in l853. for
of Sussex, and afterw~rds passed into the possession 45 children, is now closed
of George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, on the
attainder or whose son it became the property of County Police, Albert William Moss, police constable
the Lord Protector, Oliver Cromwell, and was exchanged Carrier to Chelmsford H. C. Phillips, fridav only; Geo.
by him for Hampton Court; at the restoration it 1 Everard, passes through from Little Baddow mon. &
was purchased by GeorgE' Monk, Duke of .AlbE>marle I fri. ; Moore Bros. also pass through from Kelvedon,
K.G. ; it is now a Catholic convent and school, with an daily except wed

Watts George Henry, The Bungalow Langman Victor Wi!liam, farmer,
Yonge Rev.Denys Nelson B.A.Vicarge Old Hall farm
Bruce Ralph Willett, Boreham lodge Lucking Charles, boot &, shoe maker
Oarleton Major Fredk. Montgomerie ~cMillan William, farmer, Brick ho
D.S.O. Buckshorns Banfather Fanny (:Miss), farmer Page John Edg-ar, shopkeeper
GeTrard Rev. Thomas (Catholic) (as- Buck Isaac, land steward for New Phillips Hy. Chas. carrier & coal dlr
sistant chaplain of the Convent of Hall convent •
Readi11g & Recreation Room (Edwin
the Holy Sepulchre at New Hall) Church William, beer retailer Leatham, hon. sec)
Gwilliam A. Godfrey, Generals Convent of the Holy Sepulchre (Mis~;; Reynolds T. & Son, butchers, The
Haslewood The Misses, Shottisbrook Cecilia Kendal, prioress), New hall Chestnuts
cottage Coppin Frank Goddard, farm bailiff Saltwell A. & Son, farmers, Duke's lo
Heery Rev. Edward (Catholic) (chap- to Mr. P. Hutley, Culvert's farm Seabrook W. & Sons, nurserymen &c
lain of the Convent of the Holy Devenish Charles, gardener for New Smith Harold, farmer, Chantry farm
Sepulchre at New Hall) Hall Convent Smith Henry, beer retailer
Hulton Rev. Canon Henry Edward Doe Arthur, gamekeeper to Lord Sorrell Susannah (Mrs.),bakr.Post oft
M.A. Manor house · Kenvon

Stannah Joseph, electrical engineer
Kendal Miss Cecilia (prioress of the Eales Marion (Mrs.), Red Lion P .H Thorington Arthur, farmer, Walford
Convent of the Holy Sepulchre at French George, farmer, Brent hall House farm
New Hall) French Philip, farmer, Bull's lodge Thri'ft William Ruddock Be Sons,
Kenyon Lord K.C.V.O., T.D. Bore- Good Daniel, brick & tile maker corn, hay & straw & oil cake· mer-
ham house; & H2 The AlbanT", •
Gwilliam A. Godfrey, land steward chants & millers (water & steam)
Piccadilly W & Carlton & White's to Lord Kenyon, Generals Ward Albt.Edwd.coal dlr.Waltham rd
clubs S W & Turf club W, London Harri~ George Robert, blacksmith Watts George Henry & Co. auction·
Lewin J ames Pearce, Generals Johnson Alfred, builder eers & valuers
Pilkington Charles C Ketley John, farmer, Rose cottage & Wheaton Henry Hayman, farmer,
Pledger Ernest Lancelot, Stoclis farm Great Bolt's farm Boreham hall 0

Sea brook William Pert wee, The Briars Knight Daniel, carpE>nter Whybrew John Henry, Cock P.H
Thrift Geo. Rd. Ruddock, Mill house Knight Joseph Roberts, schoolmaster Worskett Julia & Ellen (Misses),
Tufnell Edward Murray, Porters • & assistant overseer shopkeepers

BORLEY is a parish, on the river Stour, which sepa- of bapEsms dates from 163-2; burials, 1656; marriages,
rates it from Suffolk, xi mil~s south-west from Long 1709. The living is a rect-ory, net yearly value £120,
Melford station on the Sudbury and Haverhill branch with 10 acree of glebe and residence, in the gift of and
of the Great Eastern railway, 3 miles north-west from held since 1892 by the Rev. Henry Foyster Bull M.A. of
Sudbnrv and 9~ north-east from Halstead, m the North- Exeter College, Oxford. J ames Tabor's trustees are
ern division of the r.ounty, Hinckforrl hundred, North lords of the manor and principal landowners. The soil
Hinckford petty sessional division, Sudbury union and is lo.1m and clay; subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief
county court district. the rural deanery of Bel- crops are wheat, beans and barley. The area is 789
champ, archdeaconry of Colchester and Chelmsford acre:! of land and 5 of water; rateable value, £955;
diocese. The church (dedication unknown) is a small the population in I9II was 176.
building of stone in the Early English style, with traces
of Saxun work in the tower, and consisting of chancel. I BORLEY GREE~ is half a mile sout.h-west.
nave, 8outh porch and an embattled western tower. cun· P· · h Cl rk Th B I d
taining 2 bells: in the church are two tombs of I :ns e • omas Y or ·
~he ~aldegr~ve family,. including a monn"?ent. 14 feet Post Office, Borlev Green. John Finch, sub-postmaster.
m he1gh~, ~1th a cormce supported_ by _six p1llars of I Letters through Sudbury, Suffolk, arrive at 8 &:
the Cormth~an order. ~eneath whiCh he full-l_ength II.SO a.m.; dispatched at
7 _55 a.m. &:; 5-35 p.m.; ne>
~gures of S1r Edward ~1 aldegrave, who was kmgh~ed sundav deliverv or dispatch. Sudburv, 3 miles dis-
m 1553• at the coronatiOn Ol Que~n ~UrJ:, and d~ed tant is the nearest money order & te}eO'raph office
I Sept. 1561, and Lady Frances (Nevll) h1s w1fe, who d1eu ' · "'
in '1599; with a marginal inscription in Latin and 11 Council School (mixed), for 46 childrE>n; avera_ge at-
record of other alliances of this family; there is also 11 1 tendance, 43; th_ere is a resi~ence fo!' the mistress, to John Durham, of Norfolk. ob. 1601. and four built in 1878; Fannr Sh1pley, m1stress; Charles
stained windows. There are 180 sittings. The register E. Hills, Bulmer, Sudbury, Suffolk, attendance .officer
Bnll Rev. Henry Foyster M.A. Borlev• COMMERCIAL. Scrivener Frank, beer ret.Borlev• Gro
Place Payne. Robert T. B. farmer, Borley
Bull Mrs. Rectory Hall farm & Borley lodge

BOWERS GIFFORD (or Bowers, or Bures) is a not cnly is it of large size, but it is with two ex-
small parish and village, bounded on the south by the ceptions the earliest military effigy in the county,
creek which separates Canvey Island from the main- while the style of armour represented is in certain
• land and gives communication with the Thames: it is respects quite unique : the church affords 100 sittings .
r! miles east-by-north from Pitsea station on the London, The register of bapti&ms dates from 1559; marriages
T1lbury and Southend railway, 14 miles south-east from !lnd burials, 1558. The living is a rectory, net yearly
Brentwood, xo west from Southend and 33 from London, value £390, with 36 acr<>s of glebe and residence, in the
in the Mid divi~ion of the county, Barstable hundred, gift of Miss F. M. Williams and A. Williams esq. and
Billericay union, Brentwood petty sessional division, held since xgox by the Rev. .Arthur Harrison B.A. ot
Southend county court district, and in Orsett and Grays Christ's College, Cambridge. Here is a Mission church
rural deanery, archdeaconry of Essex and Chelmsford and hall, erected in rqo8 at a cost of about £400. The
diocese. The church <>f St. Margaret, dating from Congregational chapel here was built in 1885. The
about 1350, is a building of stone in the Perpendicular Southend Water Co. have a pumping station here.
style, consisting of chancel and nave, south porch and a The manor is believed to belong to the patrons of the
western tower with spire contaimng 3 bells. the two living. Major Sir Duncan A. D. Campbell bart. C.V.O.
ancient bells are dated 1390 and 1416: the chaneel has and Mrs. Reade, of Billericay, are the principal land-
a stained easli window: the church was restored in 1910 owners. The land owned by Sir Duncan Campbell forms
at the expense of Sir Duncan A. D. Campbell bart. part of the manor of Earls Fee, first so-named in 1513,
C.V.O. the owner of Earls Fee in this parish, in memory being the estate retained by the De Veres, Earls of
of his mother and sister, who are buried in the church- Oxford, after granting the rest of the parish to the under
yard, when the old ceiling was replaced by oak panelling, tenants. The soil is heavy; subsoil, clay. The area is
a new· floor laid, the wall at the west end taken down, 2,475 acre!! of land and 21 of water; rateable value,
revealing a beautiful Early English arch, and the erection £3,1oo; the population in 19II was 222.
of an oak porch at the entrance: Sir Duncan Camp bell Deputy Parish Clerk, Lawrence Cue.
also gave a third bell in memory of the coronation of ·
King George V.: there is a mutilated brass of Sir John Post & M. 0. Office.-Ernest Martin Reddington, sub-
de Gifford, c. 1348, the head of the effigy, wh!ch i:. postmaster. Letters arrive from Pits ea, Essex, at 8.25
life-size, and part of the right leg, as well as the a. m. & 6.5 p.m. (to callers only); sundays, 8.25 a.m.;
inscription, being lost: the figure is clad in banded dispatched at 10.55 a. m. & 6.50 p.m.; office open on
-ch~in mail, over which is a tunic, girt with a belt, sunday from 8.30 to ro a. m. for sale of stamps; box
from which a sword hangs across the left thigh: the clear.ed at 6.5~ P·~· The nearest telegraph office is
hands, in gauntlets, are placed together: there are _at P1tsea. I nule distant
-elaborate knee-pieces, and the feet rest on a lion: the J Pillar Letter Box, Pound lane, cleared at 10.45 a.m. &
-shield, covering the left arm, bears the arms of Gifford, 6.30 p.m. week days only
sa. 5 fleurs-de-lis, or, 2, 2 and x, and is suspended from Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1846 &; en-
the shoulder by a narrow baldrick: this brass, which larged in x8g2, for 70 children; average attendance,
was securely refixed in xgo6, is of exceptional interest; , 62; Mrs. Mary Ann Cue, mistress
Harrison Rev. Arthnr B.A. (rector), Lawrence Sidney, farmer, Jotmans Reddington Ernest Martin, grocer,
RE-ctory hall (letters through Sth. Benfleet) Post office
Nicholls Waiter Edwin. nurseryman Smith Mos~s. farmer, Little Chalve-
COMMERCUL. Nobel's Explosives Co. Limited don Hall farm
Girling William, Gun inn Ockendon Alfred, blacksmith Thorington Herbt. frmr. Saddlers frm
Howard Harold G. farmer, Bowers Parmenter Louie (~'frs.), shopkeeper. WestfiPld Herbert Clarli, grocE-r &
hall & Smokey farms 1 Gun hill f\!!sistant overseer
BOXTED is a parish, bounde<i on the north by thE' parish in sums of ss. Rivers Hall, the oldest house in
navigable river Stour, which separates it from Suffolk, the parish, is now occupied by Mr. William George
4 miles north from Colchester station and 7 west from Scragg, farmer. Richard Henry Wood esq. F.S.A. of
Manningtree, in the ~orth Eastern division of the Belmont, Sidmouth, is lord of the manor of Rivers Hall,
-county, Lexden and Winstree hundred, union and petty and the trustees of the late Edward Thompson Smith
sessional division, Colchester county court district, rural esq. are lords of the manor of Boxted Hall. Lieut.-Col.
deanery of Dedham, archdeaconry of Colchester and dio· and :Mrs. Le Mottee, Holland's trustees and the Salvation
cese of Chelmsford. .A brook runs through the parish. Arm~· are the principal landowners. The Salvation
The church of St. Peter, a brick and stone building in Army have purchased a large quantity of land which
the Normau style, consists of chancel, nave, aislPs, south has been laid out in small holdings of 4~ to 5 acres;
porch and an embattled western tower, containing 2 bells: 62 houses are now completed for tenants. The soil is
in thE' church is 1\ fint> marble monument to Sir Richard mixed; subsoil, loam. The chief crops are wheat,
Blackmore M.D. of Padua, physician in ordinary to barley, oats, beans, turnips and mangold wurtzel. The
William Ill. by whom he was knighted in 1697; he was area is 3,166 acres of land and I I of water; rateable
also physician to Queen Anne. and was thE' author of valuE>, £-h 107; the population in 19II was r,or5 .•
numerous works, medical. theolcgical and poetical; of thp Sexton, Samuel Peachey.
latl ~·r, the ·• Crefi1Ion •• ha~ been several times rPprinted ;
h~ rlie<l Oct. gth, 1729; the monumPnt ha~ long Latin Post, M. 0., T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office.-
in~criptiuu• in ver:<P to Sir Richard and his wife, Marv: Mrs. Alice Garwood, sub-postmistress. Letters arrive
there at·~ other tablets to the Rev. Mr. Cook, a former through Colchester at 7 a. m. & 12.35 p. m. ; dispatched
vicar. and to Nathaniel Bacon. dated 1600: the church at 2.30 & 7.15 p.m.; sundays, ro a.m
has 250 sittings. The register dates from the year Wall Box, Bo:xted street, cleared at 1 & 7 p.m.; sun·
I559· The living is a vicarage, net yearly value [2oo, days. g. 4 5 a.m
with go acres of glebe, and rE-sidence, in the gift of Wall Box, CNss roads, cleared 2.35 & 7.20 p.m.; sun·
the Bishop of Chelmsford, and held since 1913 by thE' davs, xo. •~ a. m
-:Rev. George Murton M.A. of Pembroke College, Oxford. WitH Box, Straight road, cleared at 2.35 & 7.20 p.m.;
Here is a Wesleyan chapel. There are almshouses for sundays, 10.5 a.m
two poor persons. .A sum of £I3, arising from a Public Elementary (l'on-Provided) School (mixed), built
share of the charity left in 1564 by Thomas Love, of
LiLtle Horkesley (for particulars of which see that in J 837 & enlargE-d in I Rq-1. for I07 children; average
attendance, 71; James Pirie, master
Jllace ), is distributed yearly in coals and money.
Another charity, consisting of the rent of a field in the Council (Temporar~·) School (infants); average attend-
Jlarish, together with a contribution from Love's !Jift, ance about so; Miss M. Collett, mistress
is distributed at Christmas to the poor widows of the Carrier tn Colchester.-:Munson, mon. wed. fri. & sat
1 Page .A'fred Gamby Ph.D. Humedale C'nle Ch•deo; .l'lhn, baker
"PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Parker Edward HPnry, The Red ho Denny HPnry, beer retailer
Rt·~>wis Mrs. George. Boxted house
Clementson .Arthnr E. Clives
PE''lrSI)n Mrs. The CottaO'e
Pnwell Anl?us. Pond house
Fenner Wait. farmer, RE>d HousP frrn
Gardner Edwd. frmr The Plam farm
Tiennis CharlPs, Redthorns Spencer Col. John, ThE' Priory G:1rwood A. & Son, jobmasters
Lt>froy Lieut.-Col. Augu~tine Hugh Stephenson Fred, The Elms Garwond A.lice (Mrs.), baker, & post
J.P. BoxtPd lodge COMJifERCI.H.. nffi CE'
L!> Mottee Lt.-Cnl. RerrinRld Edwanl Allston Wm. farmer, HoPy TrE'e farm \I inter Edward, farmE-r, Plum's farm
Arthur R.F.A Boxted hall Baker Thomas D. farm bailiff to ~·•nsnn ('harles, carrier
~urton Rev. George :\LA. (vicar), Lt.-Col. R. E. A. Le Mottee R.F.A Osborne Frederick, beer retailer
The VicaragE> Eoxted Sm<1ll Holding- Co-operativf' Pal?e WaltPr, farmer, NoakPs farm
~ewton Harrv Kottingham M.P.l Society Limited (Col.J ohn Spencer, Rf'eVPs William, Cross inn

Cheshunts manager) Scragg Wm. Geo. farmr. Rivers hall

8harpe Hrbt.farmer, Hill House frm Veasey Elizabeth (Miss), grocer, see I Wiedmann Henry Ph.D., M. A. far-
Smith & Veasey, grocers Smith & Yeasey mer, Chesnuts
Strutt Forster Edmund, farmer Welham John & Sons, wheelwrights Wood John Thomas, Fox inn
BRADP'IELD is a village and parish, on the south Garland esq. of Woodlea, Burnham, Bucks, is a
bank of the navigable river Stour, and on the high road picturesque building, restored in the Jacobean style;
from Colchester to Harwich, with a station on the Man- it is beautifully situated and commands fine viel'l"s of
ningtree and Harwich branch of the Great Eastern rail- the river Stour, and is now the residence of Sir Edwin
way, 3 miles east-south-east from Manningtree, g west Harris Dunning. The trustees of the late Thomas
from Harwich and 62! from London, in the North Glover Kensit esq. who are lords of the manor, and
Eastern division of the county, petty sessional division, the trustees of the late E. K. Norman esq. are the
hundred and union of Tendring, Colchester, Clacton and principal landowners. E. B. K. Norman esq. of Miiitley
Harwich joint county court district, rural deanery of Lodge, is lord of the manors of The Rectory and Xether
Harwich, archdeaconry of Colchester and Chelmsford Hall. The soil is mixed, upon a susboil of clay. The
dioc£>se. The church of St. Lawrence, restored in I84o, chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. The parish
is a cruciform structure of brick, partly Perpendicular, contains 2,152 acres of land, I of inland and 63 of tidal
with portions of an earlier date, and consists of chancel, water and 526 of foreshore; rateable value, £4,I42;
nave, transept'!, vestry, north porch and a tower con- the population in 19II was 758.
taining one beJI: the large organ, erected in 1876, Parish Sexton, George Hunebell.
was presented in memory of Rev. R. Hayne D.D. a •

former rector, and there are tablets to the Nunn, Um- Post, M. 0., T. & Telephonic Express DeliYery Office.-
freville and Thompson families and to Sir Harbottle Mrs. ~ary Kerridge, sub-postmistress. Letters arrive
Grimstone kt . .Master of the Rolls from 166o to I667, from Manningtree, Essex, at 7 a.m. & I2.3D p.m. ;
who was born at Bradfield Hall about 1594, and died sundays, 7·I5 a.m.; dispatched at 12.40 & 7·I5 p.m.;
31 Dec. 1683, or, according to Luttrell, 2 Jan. I685, sundays, 9.40 a.m
and was buried at St. Michael's Church, St. Albans, Pillar Letter Boxes.-Bradfield Heath, cleared at I2.45
Herts : there are also several other memorials to the & 6.30 p.m. ; sundays, 8.30 a.m. ; Station, cleared at
Grimstone family: in the chancel is a tablet to Captain I2.15 & 7.25 p.m.; sundays, IO a.m
Carter: the chancel was thoroughly restored and pro- Letter Boxes. Wix road, cleared IL55 a.m. & 7 p.m.;
vided with choir stalls at the expense of the late Rev. sunda) s, 9· I5 a. m. & Bradfield street, cleared I2.30
LPighton George Havne M us. Doe. (Oxon.), rector of & 6.30 p.m.; sundays, 8 a.m
Mistley and Bradfield 187I-83, who also erected a Council Scthool (mixed), built in I9o6, for 200 children;
on the south-east side of the chancel, at a cost average attendance, 148; John Wm. Bolton, master;
of sbout £I,ooo, and to whom the stained east window, Mrs. Mary Bolton, mistress
erected by friends and parishioners, is a memorial : in This school is controlled by the Essex County (Tendring)
19II a carved oak lych gate was erected to commemorate Advisory Sub-Committee, G. C. Holland, Technical
the incumbency of Canon C. F. Norman M.A. (rector Institute, North hill, Colchester, clerk
I883-I91o). The register dates from the year 1695. The Railway Station, Ernest E. Bull, station master
living is a vicarage, consolidated with the rectory of County Police, George Sewell, sergeant
Mistley, joint net yearly value £494, with 47 acres of Carrier.-Edgar John Rackham, to Ipswich, toes. &;
glebe and residence, and held since 19Io by the ReY. fri. starting at 8 a.m. leaving 'Blue Coat Boy;
Thomas Kensit Norman M.A. of Trinity College, Cam- Ipswich, at 5 p.m. ; to Colchester, wed. & sat. start-
bridg-e. Here are Wesleyan and Primitive Methodist ing at 8 a.m. leaving 'East Castle,' Colchester, at>
chapels. Jacques Hall, the property of Arthur Nathaniel 5 p.m
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Cutting Mahlon Frederick, builder Partridge Alfred Waiter, butcher
Barlow Miss, The Cottage Goss Alfred James, market gardener Patten George, farmer, Street farm
Dunning Sir Edwin Harris J.P. Green Edmund Octavius, corn mer Payne Amelia (Mrs.), market gar-
Jacques hall Green J. H. (exors. of), farmers, dener, White's cottage
~ichols Waiter Buchanan J.P.Stour lo Bradfield hall Powell Albert, insurance agent
~orman Rev. Thomas Kensit M ..A Grimwood Martin, market gardener, Prentice James (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Rt-ctorv :Mill lane Puxley .!braham Cutting, builder
co.MMERCIAL. Havens HarryHavens,frmr.Nether hall Reason James, farm bailiff to W.
Balls .!mbrose, farmer, Slipes farm Hempson Geo. farmer, Bradfield lodge Brooks & Sons
Bicham James, farmer, White house Hotson George, shoe maker Robinson Ellen(Mrs.),Village::\Iaid inru
Brasnett Chas. R. market gardener Kerridge Charles, dairyman Saunders .!rthur Philip, baker
Catchpole Mrs. Cecilia, Ram & Kerridge Maurice, wheelwright Sorrell Maurice, farmer
Hogget P.H King George Budd, shopkeeper Sparrow Joseph, farmer, Heath farm
Catling Charles, coal dealer Large .Alien, grocer Stock Ernest S. horse dlr. Stud farn~o
f']ark James. Strangers' Home P.H Leech Charles, farmer Syrett George Watts, butcher
Crick Caleb, market gardPner Miller Richard, market gardener Wade Joseph Stoddart, assistant
Cricknell Samuel, farmer, York cot Mitchell George Kirkwood, farmer, overseer & clerk to Parish Council
Cutting Jolm Maurice, builder Rag Marsh farm & Jacque• hall 1 Watts Geo. butcher, Bradfield Street

BRADWELL-juxta-COGGESHALL is a village Winter B..A. of Clare College, Cambridge. The poor-

and parish on the river Blackwater and the road from have about £9 1os. a year, arising from I3 acres of
Colchester to Braintree, and derives its name from a land, left by an unknown donor. The Rev. Canon G.
broad well or -spring rising to the north of the spot T. Brunwin-Hales M.A. rector of St. Mary's, Colchl'ster,
where Bradwell Hall destroyed by :fire used to stand. is lord of the manor and principal landowner. The
It is 3~ miles east from Braintree station on the Witham soil is loam and clay; subsoil, various. The chief crops
and Braintree branch of the Great Eastern railway and are wheat, peas, beans and barley. The area is 1,rgg.
2l west from Coggeshall, in the Eastern division of the acres of land and 6 of water; assessable value, £878;.
county, Witham hundred and petty sessional division, the population in I9II was 259.
Braintree union and county court district, and in the
rural deanery of Braintree, archdeaconry of Colchester PERRY GREEN, CLAP DOG GREEN and BLACK-
and Chelmsford diocl'se. The church of the Holy WATER lie to the west ; the latter is a hamlet on tha·
Trinity is a small building of the nth century, con- river and old Roman road.
Sisting of chancel, nave, south porch and a wooden belfry Parish Clerk, George Turner.
at the west end containing 3 bells, cast by Miles Graye,
of Colchester, and dated respectively I6og, I62I and Post Office.-Miss Maria .!mos, sub-postmistress. Let;..
1632 : a carved oak screen separates the chancel from ters received by foot post from Braintree at 6-40 a.m.
the nave: on the walls are interesting fresco paintings, & 1.30 p.m. (for callers); dispatched at .).25 p.m ..
probably of the qth century ; there are several monu- Stisted is the nearest telegraph office & Cogge"hall tiro
ments to the Maxey, Carter, Nolan and Brunwin fami- nearest IDoney order office
lies, and about ISO sittings. The register of baptisms Public Elementary &hool (mixed), built in 1876, for 52.
and burials dates from I704; marriages, I708, and is in children; in I893 an addition was made, to hold 70
an excellent state of preservation. The living is a children ; average attendance, 50 ; Miss K. )Ialpas,
rectory, net yearly value £zoo, with 31 acres of glebe mistress
and residence, in the gift of the Rev. Canon G. T. This school is nndPr the control of the Essex Education
Brunwin-Hales M . .A. Tector of St. Mary's, Colchester, (Braintree District) Sub-Committee, John GleaYe,
and held since I914 by the Rev. Charles Bertram Lee County school. Braintree, clerk
PRIVATE REI'HDENTS. Winter Rev.Charle,;; Berb am Lee B . .!. Wilkinson Frederick,
Hutley Mrs. Perry Green (rector), Rectory
Paric;h Frank, Park house IU!FERI!NCI! LIBRAifY)

Pr. liBR All tS·


CO.MllERCU.L. Forster Frederick Alfred & Waltet Speakman Percy Thomas, farme+,
Anderson David Philip, farmer, Gos- farmers, Park farm Perry green
lings farm Rudkin Barnev,

Swan P.H Toswell George, shopkeeper
Bryant William, blacksmith Smith Ra.chel (Mrs.), shopkeeper W atson Frank. boot repairer .
Cook John, wheelwright Young William, farmer, Bridge hall
BRADWELL-ON-SEA (or Bradwell-juxta-~Iare), The charity left by William Aylett, in 1631, amounts
so called to distinguish it from Bradwell-juxta-Cogges· to about £4 ws. yearly, and is distributed to the pool'
hall, is a large village and parish, situated on a kind of in coal. There is some trade in corn and coa.I. The
promontory on the south side of the Blackwater estuary Bristol Charitv •
Trustees and the Fellows of Sion Col-
and extends eastward to the German Ocean; 7 miles lege are lords of the manor. The small manor of
north-east from Southminster terminal station on a Downhall b-elongs to David S. Hodge esq. The principal
branch from W oodham Ferris of the Southend line of the landowners are Mr. Ernest James Gale, John Hurst
Great Eastern railway, 15 east from Maldon by road, and esq. Christopher W. Parker esq. of Faulkbourne Hall,
to north-east from Burnham, in the South Eastern divi- and the lords of the manor. The soil is a rich loam;
sion of the county, Dengie hundred and petty sessional subsoil, clav. •
The chief crops are wheat and• beans,
division, Maldon union and county court district, and in potatoes, seeds and pasture land. The area. 1s 5,235
the rural deanery of Dengie, archdeaconry of Essex and acres of land, 4 of inland and 22 of tidal water and
Chelmsford diocese : it is supposed to be the " Othona " 4,4II of foreshore; rateable value, £5,I2'J; the popula-
of the Romans and the "Ithancester" at which Bishop tion in 1011 was 831.
Cedda built a church, called in Domesday "Effecestre." Sexton, John Gurton.
Bradwell is a coastguard station. The church of St.
Thomas the Apostle is an edifice of brick and stone, in Post, M. 0., T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office,
the Early English style, and was partly rebuilt in 1706: Bradwell-on-.Sea.-George Harvey, sub-postmaster.
it consists of chancel and nave and has a lofty embattled London &; all other letters received through South-
western tower of brick containing a clock and 5 bells, minster, arrive at 8.45 a..m. & I-45 p.m.; dispatched
dated 1744: in the chancel wall are brasses to Margaret at g.1o a.m. & 4·55 p.m.; sundays, arrive at 8.45
Wyatt, ob. 1526; to the Rev. John Debank, rector, ob. a.m. ; dispatched at u.2o a.m
r6or ; and to Thomas De bank, yeoman, ob. r6o6: there Post Office, W aterside.-Frank Good child, sub-postmas-
is also a mural monument to the Paynter and Sherman ter. Letters through Southminster, arrive at 9·5
families, dated 1666: the church has a Norman font and a.m. & 2.30 p.m. ; dispatched at 9 a.m. & 4·45
the sacramental plate includes a silver chalice, dated p.m.; sundays, arrive at 9·5 a.m. ; dispatched at
r626: in r866 the church was thoroughly restored, re- 10 a.m. Bmdwell, L mile distant, is the nearest
seated with open benches and now affords 430 sittings. money order & telegraph office
The register dates from the year 155 8 and is in gootl
condition. The living is a. rectory, net yearly value £750. Wall Letter Box.-Queen's Head inn; collections 9.20
including 256 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift a.m. &; 5.10 p.m.; SUndays,. II.10 a.m
of the trustees of the late Rev. Edward Owen M.A. Public Elementary School (mixed), for 200 children;
rector here 187o-rgo5, and held since 1905 by the Rev. average attendance, 158 ; the endowment, formerly
John Robert Blayney Owen M.A. of Queen's College, in land, has been sold by order of the Court of
Oxford, and rural dean of Dengie. There is a Primitive Chancery & the proceeds invested, producing an in-
Met.hodist chapel at Waterside, erected in 1863. A come of £250, which sum is devoted to paying the
cemetery of r acre given by the late Rev. E. Owen M.A. school rate, & local trustees have been appointed;
rector, and now the property of the parish, was opened George Wombwell A.C.P. master
on the closing of the churchyard in r878, and is under Cc.astguard Station, Waterside, Hemy Bell, chief officer,
the control of the rector and churchwardens of the & 6 men •

parish. St. Peter's-on-the-Wall, a~~: ancient chapel long

fallen .into decay, stands in this parish on a spot which Police Station, Harry Samuel Warnes, constable
is now the north-east point of the hundred of Dengie. Carrier.-William Griggs, to Southminster, daily
BRADWELL-ON-SEA. Gale Ernest Jawes F.A.I. auctioneer Smith John, farm bailiff to J. Hurst
& farmer, Orplands; & at Burn- esq. Whymarks
ham & Southminster Turner Samuel, shopkpr. & tobaccnst
Bensusan Saml. Levy, Mote cottage Greenslade Henry, farmer~ New hall Turner Sarah (Mrs.), baker
Chillingworth John C. Bradwell Hall & W eymark Wick Warner George, farm bailiff to
Dod Francis, Little croft Griggs William, carrier ~Iessrs. Strutt & Parker
Gale Ernes1 James, Orplands Grimwade Sarah (Mrs.), Queen's Webb George W. farm bailiff to C.
James Lieut.-Col. Charles, Down hall Head inn & F. Rutley esqrs. Westwick
Owen Rev.John Robert Blayney M.A. Harvey Geo. grcr. & drpr. Post office Wilson George Ephraim, tobacconist
(rector & rural dean), Rectory Hendry John, farmer, Delameres & Woodyard Charles, bricklayer
Todd Benjamin, Mill house Currey
Hews George, shoe maker WATERSIDE.
COMMERCIAL. Lee Judah, butcher Bosard Philip
Blanks Saml. (e:xors. of), blacksmiths Mote Harriet (Mrs.), shopkooper COMMERCIAL.
Browa Jame8 A. farmer, Eastlands Pepper Alfred, confectioner Bell Henry, chief coastguard officer
Cemetery (John Gurton, clerk) Piercy Reginald & Susan (Mrs.), Goodchild Frank, shopkpr. Post office
Chillingworth John C. farmer, Brad- shopkeepers Kemp Emily Ann (Mrs.), apartments
' well Hall, Hockley, Bacons & Down- Rayner Alfred Poynter, King's Head Kemp Waiter Benjamin Saunders,
hall farms P.H Green Man inn
Collins Hewitt Wait. beer ret.Eastend Rayner Ann (::VIrs.), frmr. Drinkwater Page & Co. coal & corn merchants
Dowsett William, builder & contractr Parker Clement Wright, farmer

BRAINTREE forms with Backing (which will be found 12 north-by-east from Chelmsford, 15 west-by-south from
under a separate heading) one continuous town, extend- Colchester and 44! from London, or 40~ by road; the
ing for a mile on the road between Chelmsford and town is clean, well paved, lighted with gas by the Brain·
Halstead, on the rivers Blacliwater and Podsbrook, in tree and Bocking Gas Co. and well supplied with water
the Eastern division of the county, Hinckford hundred, by the Urban District Council from an artesian well near
Hinckford South (Braintree bench) petty sessional divi- the Notley road, whence it is conveyPd through pipes to a
sion, union and county court district of Braintree, high service tank in the centre of the town containing
rural deanery of Brainttee, archdeaconry of Colchester 75,000 gallons: the drainage and water supply, completed
and Chelmsford diocese. The town, formerly governed in 1856, cost about £g,ooo; and in 1888 a new artesian
by a Local Board of nine members, formed July 16, well was sunk and new machinery erected at a cost of
185o, under the "Public Health Act, 1848 " (n and 12 £3,100; the works are now in duplicat~: the sewage of
Yict. c. 63), is now, under the provisions of the "Local the town is utilized by application to 40 acres of land at
Government Act, 1894" (56 and 57 Vict. c. 73), an the south end of the town.
Urban District Council. The Witham and Braintree railway, a single line
Braintree stands on rising ground on the river Brain completed to Braintree in r848, has a station here, .and
or Podsbrook, 14 miles north-west from Maldon, 8 east was extended in 186r to Bishop Stortford, affording
from Dunmow, 17! east from Bishop Stortford, 7 south- communication at Witham with the main line of the
by-west from Halstead, 8 north-north-west from Witbam, Great Eastern railway from London to Colchester and
Ipswich and at Bishop Stortford with that to Cam- by the Braintree Troop of B Squadron Essex Yeomanry,
bridge. and the C Co. (part of) 8th (Cyclist) Battalion Essex
The church of St. Michael, near the centre of the Regiment.
town, is an edifice of flint and stone in the Early Eng- The Vestry Hall, in Church lane, built, with ante-
lish, Decorated and Perpendicular styles, and consists of rooms, in 1867, will hold 200 persons; the meetings of
chancel with aisles and a vestry on the north side, nave the Urban DistriC't Council and of several provident in-
of three bays, with clerestory, north and south porches stitutions of the town are held here.
and an Early English tower with lofty octagonal11hingled The Masonic Hall, in New street, erected in 1887, at a
spiTe containing a clock and 8 bells, two of which were cost of about £I,ooo, nnd the property of a limited
added in 1899, and a sanctus bell in a cot: the turret company, is used for lectures and entertainments, and
staircase which led to the rood-loft remains: the east will hold about 200 persons.
window is a memorial, completed in 186g, to Richard Th6 Constitutional Club, formerly in Great square,
Lacey esq. : two memorial windows were placed in the was opened in 1893 by the Right Hon. Joseph Chamber-
south chapel by Miss Wakeham, of Marshalls, Braintree, lain M.P. and was removed in 1913 to the Great House;
in 1886, and another in 188g, by Mrs. Kenworthy, to her it comprises entrance hall, reading room and bar lounge
mother: an inscription on the south side of a tomb on the ground fioor, and a billiard room, library and
states that Samuel Collinii!, many years vicar of this card room and a committee room on the first fioor;
church, died May 2, 1667, and was buried here: in the there are about 700 members.
chancel is a mural monument inscribed to John Hawkins The Police Station and Court House is in South street.
esq. alderman of London in 1626, who died in 1633: the .A. Joint Isolation Hospital was erected in 1900, for 20
church plate of silver includes two chalices inscribed patients, at a cost of f.3-o504, in the Cressing road, for
"Brainetre in Essex," dated 1775, a flagon, 17n, a the treatment of infectious diseases.
plate, 1766, and a paten, 1863 : in the exterior wall of The charities amount to about £2oo yearly, distri-
the chancel is a brass with the following inscription : - buted in bread, coal, clothing and medical relief.
" This grave was ordered to be set vp by ye last will There is a drinking fountain in the cattle market,
and Testament of Samvell Collins late Dr. in physick erected in x8B2 by George Courtauld esq. of Cut-Hedge,
eldest son to Mr. Samvell Collins, vicar of this parish, Halstead.
here vnder bvryed who served above nine years as A cattle and corn market is held on Wednesday, and
principal physician to ye great Czar or Emperovr of there are two annual fairs on the 8th. and 9th of May
Rvssia and after his retyrne from thence taking a and the 2nd, 3rd and 4th of October, the latter being
jovrney into France dyed at Paris October 29th 1670 for cattle and hops.
being the 51st year of his age:'' the exterior of .A fete is held there eYery August Bank Holiday.
the church was restored in 1864 and the interior re- The market rights and tolls, together with the Fair-
stored and refitted in 1866, at a total cost of about field, were purchased in xgor by the Urban District
£6,ooo: jn 1886 the organ was enlarged at a cost of Council of Mr. James M. Ball at the price of £4,6oo,
£3oo, and removed into the south chancel aisle, then and the Council have since laid out, paved and drained
extended at a cost of £300, under a bequest of Miss the cattle market, at a cost of £2,ooo.
Frances Wakeham in 1893, and in 1894 a new choir The public swimming baths, erected in 1914 at Rose
vestry and parish room were erected at a cost of [,260. hill are under the control of the Ul'ban District Council.
and a new reredos of oak provided at a cost of [,120: From the number of British and Roman coins, pot-
there are 940 sittings. The registers date from the tery and other relics constantly being found here, or in
year 166o. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value its immediate vicinity, it is conjectured that Braintree
£210, and res1denc.~. in the gift of the Church 'frust was successively a British and a Roman station, and! it
Fund Trustees, and held since 1910 by the Rev. Thomas is pretty certain that a Roman road from Camalo-
Eddleston, of St. Aidan's. dunum (Colchester) to Verulamium (St. Albans) passed
There is a Mission church in East street. through it: it was constituted a market town in the time
The Congregational chapel, in London road, is a large 0f King John. and from its situation on the route of
edifice of white brick with stone dressings and has 992 pilgrims to the shrines of St. Edmund, at Bury, in
aittings; the chapel was founded in 1787. The Primi- Suffolk, and Our Lady of Walsingham, in Norfolk, be-
tive Methodist chapel, in Manor street, erected in 1862, came at an early period a place of some consequence ;
is also of white brick, and will seat 250 persons. ThP subsequently the Flemings, fleeing from the persecution
Wesleyan chapel, in Rayne road, is a spaciqus edifice of of the Duke of Alva (1567-73), established the woollen
red brick with 450 sittings. There are also Baptist manufacture here : this has now however disappeared,
chapels in .Albert road and in Coggeshall road ; the &nd has been sur.ceeded by the silk and crape manufac-
former, J!rected in 1864, has 200 sittings, the latter, ture, which employs a large number of its population;
founded in 1550, will seat 550 persons. brushes and cocoa-nut fibre mat and matting are also
The Cemetery, on the London road, is 7a. u. in ex- made here : here are also the banking establishments
tent, and was opened in August, 1856; the purchase and of Messrs. Barclay and Company Limited, and of the
arrangement of the ground, erection of lodj;te-keeper's London County and Westminster Bank Limited, several
house and mortuary chapels, cost together £4,ooo; in maltings and a br~wery and on the rivers various col'n
1900 it was enlarged by the addition of 2 acres of land, at mills ; the town has two good hotels.
a CGSt of £8so, and is under the control of the Urban Herbert J. Cunnington esq. of Braintree, is lord of
Cooocil. the manor. -
The Corn Exchange, occupying a prominent position The principal landowners are the governors of the
in the High street, was built in 1839 by a private com- Felstead school, Messl's. Nott.idge, Alexander C. Alleyne,
pany, at a. C()St of upwards of £4,000, and was enlarged the East and West Ham charities and James Tabor esq.
in 186o and again m 1877. of Rochford. ,
The F Company of the 5th Territorial Force Battalion The area of the civil parish and l!rban District is
Essex Regiment has its head quarters at the Drill Hall, 2,218 acres of land and 6 of water; assessable value,
Victoria street, which was built in 19u by the County [21,625; the population in 19n was 6, 168, viz. :-East
Association at a cost of about £,1,700; it is also used Ward, 3,544; West Ward, 2,624.


Post, M. 0. & T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office, URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL.
82 High strePt.-.Albert C. Papworth, postmaster. Council room, Vestry hall, Church lane.
Letters arrive from London by mail cart at 3·3o, 7.38 •
& I I a.m. &; 1.38 &; 6 p.m.; delivered at 7 & 9 a.m. Meeting day, ISt tuesday in the month, at 7 p.m.
& 2.15 & 6.30 p.m.; di!>patehed at 9.20 & II.I5 a.m. Members,
& 3.50 & 6.40 p.m. (with extra stamp 10 minutes With date on which they each retire.
later); & at & 10.50 p.m. ; on sunda.ys letters are Chairman, George ilunnable.
delivered at 7 a.m. &; dispatched at 8.50 p.m Vice-Chairman, Charles Henrv• Howard .
Money Order & Savings Bank Business transacted from East Ward. Ralph Smith & Frederick Herbert Liver-
8 a.m. till 8 p.m. daily, sundays excepted; telegraph more, 1915; Robert James Johnsou & Waiter Francis
from 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. ; sundays, 8.30 a.m. till Io a.m Crittall, 1916; Robert Samuel Crickmore k Daniel
Town Sub-Post & M. 0. Office, Manor street, Braintree. Raynes Wheeler, 1917
--'Charles Bailey, sub-postmaster. Letters di!tpatched West Ward.--Charlf's Henry Howard & Henry Joscelyne,
at 8.5 k 10.45 a.m. & 3.15 k 7·45 p.m. ; sundays, 1915; George Thomas Thorpe Bntram & George
7·40 p.m Commins Row, 1916; George Hunnable & Leonard
Post Office Telephone Call Office, 10 Bank st. Braintree Jefferys Alden, 1917
64 BR H.\ TREE.

Officers. 1 For Bankruptcy purposes this Court is included in t.bal

Clerk, Herbert John Cunnington, Great square of Chelmsford; :Brnest W. J. Savill, senior official
Treasurer, W. N. Tufnell esq. Barclay &i Company's receiver; L. A. West, assistant official receiver, 14
Bank, Bank street Bedford row, London W C
Medical Officer of Health, Edward Bertram Smith M.B., Certified Bailiffs under the "Law of Distress .!mend.
B.S.Lond., D.P.H.Cantab. Public Health office, Brain- ment .!et," Thomas Harry Newman, High street~
tree Waiter Gardner, Witham; Joseph Smith Surridge,
Surveyor & Sanitary Inspector, Herbert Henry Nanki- Great Coggeshall; Harry Scott, Fortuna, Wethera-
vell, Notley road field; Hugh Page, Witham & James William Clark,.
Collector, Henry Charles Brown, 61 Hil!h street Great Coggeshall
Collector of Marl;:et Tolls, Chavles Fuller, Rayne road, By Order in Council dated 28th June, 1909, the County
Docking Oonrt districts of Braintree & Dunmow were con-
COUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR SOUTH HIKCKFORD Fire Engine House, Coggeshall road, Frederick Rudkin.
PETTY SESSION A.L DIVISION. captain ; .A rthur Din sell, supt. & 7 firemen
Masonic Hall, New street, H. C. Brown, agent; Norma..
West Frederick, Redclyffe, Backing, Braintree, chairman Orfeur, !':ec ,
Bartram George Thomas Thorpe, Bank str-eet, Braintree Masonic Lodge (St. Mary, ~o. 1312), meets at t!J&
Belsham Hy. Isaac, Lothian ho. Railway st. Braintree Masonic hall, Braintree, monday on or before full moon
Courtauld Samuel Augustine, Little Bradfords, Hock- from January to April & from September to December,
ing, Braintree Henry Charles •Brown, secretary
Courtauld William Julien, Pennv• Pot, Halstead Police Station, South street, William Cowell, .super-
Eyre Walpole Edwin, Folley ho. High Garrett, Braintree intendent; head quarters of Hinckford division, which
Gold Guy Gilbey, Docking place, Braintree consists of 1 superintendent, 2 inspectors, 5 sergeant.
Row George Cummins, .otr:; High street, Braintree & 34 constables
Savill Lieut.-Col. Saml. Geo. Boleyns, Bocking,Braintree Stamp Office, at Post office
Sebag-Montefiore Cecil, Stisted hall, Braintree Vestry Hall, Church lane
The Chairmen, for the time being, of the Braintree Urban
&; Rural District Councils, are ex-officio magistrates
Clerk to the Magistrates, Herberli J. Cunnington, TERRITORIAL FORCE.
. .
Great square Essex Yeomanry (B Squadron) ; head quarters, The Drill
Petty sessions are held every a~ternate wednesday, at hall, Victoria street; Major G. G. Gold, command-
the Police station, South street, at I I a.m. The ing; Capt. E. Ruggles-Brise, second in command;
places in the diVIsion are Braintree, Bocking, Black Squadron-Sergt.-Major Frederick Hidden, Victoria
Notley, Felstead, Great Saling, Panfield, Rayne, Shal- street, drill instructor; A Troop, Capt. E. Ruggles-
ford, Stisted &; Wethersfield Brise, commanding
5th Battalion, Essex Regiment (F Company); head
BRAINTREE RUR.lL DISTRICT COUNCIL. quarters, The Drill hall, Victoria street; Capt. T.
The Parishes in the District are the same as in the Gibbons; Color-·Sergt. William Johnson, drill instructr
Union, with the exception of Braintree and Witham. Ess.ex (8th) (Cyclist) Battalion (Part of C Co.), Drill
The area is 62,348 acres; the population in 1911 was hall, Victoria street; Lieut. G. C. Benham; Sergt.~
18,463 Major .T. J. Alien, Colchester, instructor
Council meeta at Workhouse, Backing, wednesday,
monthly, at 11 a.m. BRAINTREE UNION.
Chairman, J oseph Smith, W oolpits, Great Saling Board day, every alternate monday, at the Board room.
Vice-Chairman, Joseph Smith Surridge,Great Coggeshall Workhouse, at 10 a.m.
Officials The Union comprises the following parishes :-Black
Notley, Bocking, Bradwell, Braintree, Gt. Co!lgeshall,
Clerk, Alfred Hills, Bocking End, Braintree Little Cogg-eshall, Cressing, Fairstead, Faulkbourn,
Treasurer, William N. Tufnell esq. Barclay &i Company"s Feering, Finchingfield, Hatfield Peverel, Kelvedon,
Bank, 'Braintree Marks Hall, Panfield, Pattiswick, Rayne, Rivenhall, Gt.
Medical Officer of Health, Edward Bertram Smith M.B., Saling, Shalford, Stisted, Terling, Wethersfield, White
B.S.Lond., D.P.H.Cantab. Public Health office, Brain- Notley & Witham. The area of the union is 68,285
tree acres; rateable value, Lady Day, 1914, [134,553;
Sanitary Inspector & District Surveyor, Edward Harry
Bright, 17 Railway street, Braintree assessable value, ;{,u8,992; the population in 19n
was 28,III
Surveyor of Highways, C. V. Bright, London road,
Brain tree Chairman of the Board of Guardians.. Joseph Smith
Vice-Chairman, John Polley
BR.AINTREE JOINT HO SPIT.AL BOARD. Clerk to the Guardians &; Assessment Committee, .Alfd.
The Board, consisting of ro members, was formed in Hills, Bocking End
x8g6 Assistant Clerk & Secretary Boarding Out Committee,
Meetings are held at Hocking End, Braintree, monthly, Herbert E. Fellows, Union offices, Backing
on wednesdays, at I I a.m Treasurer, William Nevill Tufnell, Barclay's Bank,
Chairman, Robert James Johnson Braintree
Clerk, FredPrick James Wiles, Backing End fielieving & ·Vaccination Officers & Collectors to the
Treasurer, William N. Tufnell, Barclay & Company"s Guardians, Brain1iree district, Charles Fredk. Blanks,
Bank, Braintree Manor st. Braintree ; Finchingfield district, J F.
Surveyor, Edward Harry 'Bright, 17 Railway st. Braintree Ryder, Wethersfield; Coggeshall district, Francis
Urban &i Rural District Joint Infectious Hospital Cade, Coggeshall
Medical Officer, .!.rnold Scott M.D.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng.• Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Backing district,
L.R.C.P.Lond. Hocking Percy Richard Stevens L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng.
Nurse-Matron, Mrs. F. B. Davidson Gordon house, Backing; Braintree district, medical
officer, John Harrison M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.Edin. 23
PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. Bank street, Braintree; public vaccinator, Percy
Braintree Cemetery, London road, Herbert John Cun- Richard Stevens L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. Gor-
nington, clerk; F. Harrington, keeper don house, Backing ; Coggeshall district, Francis Ber·
Corn Exchange, High street. Herbert J. Cunnington, see nard Henry Caudwell L.R.C.P.Lond. Coggeshall;
County Court, His Honol" H. Tindal Atkinson, judge; Finchingfield district, John Lindesay Pearce M. B.,
Herbert J. Cunnington, registrar &i high baili11; Chas. B.Ch. Finchingfield; Kelvedon district, .Albert Turner
Fuller, assistant bailiff. The court is held every two L.R.C.P.Edin., L.S ..A. Kelvedon; Wethersfield district,
months on. days fixed by the judge at ro a.m. The Nicolas Elrington M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond.
county court house is a spacious erection of brick, Wethersfield; Witham district, Karl Carwardine
on the Coggeshall road; it was built in r852, at a cost Gimson B.A., M.B., RC. Witham
of about £3,000. The district comprises the following The Workhouse, in Backing parish, on the Rayne road, is
places :.....-.J3raintree, Backing, Bradwell, Chatley, Great a structure of red brick, built in 1837 at a cost of
& Little Coggeshall, Cressing, FairRtead, Faulkbourne, ;{,6,300 & enlarged in 1895 at a total cost of £8,ooo;
Finchingfield, Great Leighs, Little Leighs, White Not- it will now hold 420 inmates; Rev. Henry John
ley, Black Notley, Panfield, Pattiswick, Rayne, Riven- Shildrick M ..A. chaplain ; Arnold Scott M.D. medical
hall, Great Saling, Shalford, Stisted, Wethersfield &; officer; Charles Henry Barlow, master; Mrs. Mary
Witham · Ann Barlow, matron
Superintendent Registrar, Frederick J. Wiles, Bocking · Education Committee.
End, Braintree; deputy, Stanley W. Brown, Backing llraintree District Sub-Committee, consisting of 21
End, Braintree members, was formed in 1903.
Regtstrars uf ~\iarriages, Arthur Hall, Victoria street; Meetings are held at the Cuunty High School on the
deputy, L. Dyson, Victoria street, Brain tree; W. E. 3 rd thursday in each month at 10 a.m.
Sh-e, Wlth'l.m; deputy, W. G. Naylor, Wiiham;
Francis Cade, Coggeshall; deputy, }< rancis B H. The Schools under the control of the Sub-Committe&
Caudwell, Great Cuggeshall are :-The Braintree County High School for Boys &"diS of .Htrths & Deaths, Braintree gob-district, Girls .~ 32 Pnblic Elementary Schools (8 council & 24
C..,harles Fred~nck }Hanks, Manor street, Bra m tree; non-provided) within the area of the Brain tree Union;
deputy, .Arthur H,lll, Victoria street, Brain tree; also various cookery & wood work centres within the
Cuggeshall sub-district, Francis Cade, Cogge,hall; same area
deputy, Francis B. H. Caudwell, Great Coggeshall; Chairman, W. J. Courtauld J P
Fincbingfield sub-di~trict, J. F. Ryder, Wethersfield, Clerk, John Gleave
Shalford; deputy, .Bet tram F. Long, Wethersfield; Attendance Officers, E ..\. Bunmng, Witham; J. Percy,
Witham sub·J1strict, William E. ShPe, Witham; Rayna road, Bocking, Bramtree & A. H. Wade, Finch-
deputy, W. G .Ndylor. Witham ingfield
County High School fur Boys & Girls, Coggeshall I'Oad,
• PUBLIC OFFICERS. erected in 1906 by the Essex. County Council, at a
Chief Inspector of Weights & M·aasures, Foods & Drugs cost of about £ro,ooo, on a site given by the late Mrs.
_<\et & Shops Act & Official Sampler under the S)dney Courtauld, of Bockmg Place; the buildings
"Fertilizers & Feeding Stufl's .Act," for the Northern include a large assembly hall, laboratories, art, manual
District of Essex, Adam Ward, 1 North IIill road, training & cookery rooms & class rooms & a playing
Colchester field; there are now (1914) 120 pupils; chairman of
Clerk to the Braintree Sub-Committer of Essex Local 1 the governor~, W. J. Courtauld J.P.; head master,
Old Age Pension Committee, Norman Orfeur, Great sq Franklin Johnson Weaver "\!.A. Univ. of London;
Coroner for the Eastern Division of the County, John chi-ef assistant mi,tress, Miss M. Wilson M ..A. with
Harrison M. R C. S En g., L. R C P. Erlin. 23 Bank st. ; six. assistant ma.,t~>rs & mistresses & special instruc-
deputy, Philip S. Preeston, The Clock ho. CrPsRmg rd 1 tors in cookery & manual training; clerk to the
Customs & Excise & Old .lge Pension Officer &., Inspector governors, J. GlPave
of Corn Returns, Thomas NPilson. 13 Fairfield road I Council School, 'Vranor ... treet, B1 aintree, for 633 chil-
Rate Collector &; Assistant OversPer for Braintree, Henr' l dren. including mfants; avera~£ attendance, mixed,

Gibbs, Vestrv ball _,43. &:; 123 infant~. Th., bwlding, & ground were
Tuberculosis Officer to the County Council, Waiter given by the late Ge01ge Courtauld esq. who also left
Rowland Soutball Roberts M.B , B.Ch.Birm., M.R.C.S. £4o a year for the sup1,ort of the school; the endow-
Eng., L.R.C.P ..uond. Lmden house ment is now devoted to a scholarship from the Ele-
Verger, James Henry Robjent, 48 South stre-et mentary Schools of the parishes of Br aintree & Hock-
Veterinary Inspectors under the "Di~eases of Animals ing, which entitles the hulder to be educated in some
.Acts" for South Hinckford Distric-t, John Young institution for higher eiucation; H. T. Evans,
M.R C.V.S. & John Bishop Young F.R.C.V.S. Cogges- master; Mi~s A. Gray, infants' mistress
hall road Churrh of England School, New str£>et, Braintree
(mixed & infants), enlarged in 1879, r881 & 1913, for
PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of services. 504 children ; average attendance, mixed 299, infants
St. :Michael's, Rev. Thomas Eddleston, vicar; Rev. II5; E. J. C. Pitt, master; Miss May Bevtl's, infants'
Hugh Peregrine Griffiths B.A. curate; n a.m. & 3 & mistress
6.30 p.m.; holy communion every sunday, 8 a.m.; RAILWAY STATION.
1St & 3rd, 12.15 p.m. & 5th, 7·45 p.m.; thurs. even- .\lbPrt James Bagley, station master
son~, 7.30 p.m.; fri. litany, I I a.m
St. Paul's Mi,sion Church. East street, served by the CONVEYAN('E
cleri!y of St. Michael's; 3 p.m An nmnibus leaves the Horn commerc1al hotel, High
Baptist, Coggeshall road, Rev. Alfr£>d Curtis; 10.30 a.m. !!treet. for every train
& ?·30 p.m.; mon. 7·30 p.m.; sat. 7-30 p.m A. motor omnibus to Chelmsford on wed. & fri. & to
Baphst (Salem), AlbPrt road; 10.30 a.m. 2.15 & 6.30 p.m 1 Co()'geshall on wed
Congregational. London road, Rev. W. Johnson Cole; J ...

10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; mon. 7·30 p.m. ; P.S.A. at I CARRIERS.
3 p.m. snndays Chelmsford Hazelwood, fri. from Market place
Primitive MPtbodi ..t, Manor street (Halstead &; Great Colchester-Hazelwood, Market plaoe, tues. &; sat
Bardfield Circuit), Rev. John Bailey (supt.); 10.45 Halstead-A. Harrington, Orange Tree inn, mon. wed.
a.m.; 3 (P.S.A.) & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7 p.m & sat
We..Ieyan M-ethodist (Chelmsford Circuit), Rev. Herbert Terling-Thurgood, from the WhPatsheaf hotel, wed
Jlenn; 10.30 a. m. & 6.30 p.m Wethersfield Rust, from 'George' yard, daily
C1Paver Mrs Clifton lo. The .!venue Folliott William, 59 London road
Coates Mrs. Hillrise, London road Ful'er Fredk. Jas. Cogg-eshall road
!dams Mrs. Bryanston. Coggeshall rd C'obb Henry Geor!?e, Bank house Fuller James, Ivydene, The Avenue
Aclkin!l 1\frs. The Avenne Coe Alfred, Ros£>ndale, Albert road Gage Geo. Alma. Alma ho. Rayne rd
Allen Mrs. The Homestead, Cogges- Cole Rev. William Johnson (Congre- Gibbs HPnry, 5;1 London road
ha11 road gational). Lachta, The Avenue Glover Waiter Hamis, Flamsted, The
Bailey Charles, Beeleig-h, London rd Cook GPo. AvenuP vil. 5 Woodfield rd Avenue
Balrlwin \Vilham, 8o High !!trePt Cooper Samuel, Rose hill Goldern George Victor, Fairmont,
Bartram GPo Thos. ThorpPJ.P.Bank st Cousins Mrs. Prospect houst>, Cogges- Coggeshall road
Bawden Edward, 11 Woodfield road hall road Goldinrr Harry Wenlock, 5 New street
Bel!lham H£>nry I., J.P. Lothian honse, Crabtree John W. Mortenhnrst. Gnult HPnry, Bank house, High st
Railway street Rayne road Gower Edward A. 82 Manor street
Bel'lham John Horace, West Coombe, Crawter William, rs8 Coggeshallroad G-reenwood Mrs. 47 London road
('o(!'l!'P>'hall road C'rP!'I~WPll H~>rbt. Victoria ho.Manor st Griffiths Rev. Hugh Peregrine B.A.
Benn Rev. Herbert (Wesleyan Metho- C:rickrnore Mrs. Lyncroft.The Av£>nuP (curate), Trafalgar house
dist), no CoggeshaH road C'rickmore Rt S. Ro!'l£>dale,The AvenuP Harri<;on AlfrPrl W. I The Grove,
BlomfiP]d John, London road Cunnington Herbt. Jn. Queenborough London road
BowtP11 t:harlPs. 52 Victoria street l'nrtis Rev. .Alfred (Baptist), The ITarrison .John. 23 Bank street
Bradbury Joseph, ThP Limes, New st Manse, Cogg£>shall road Hani~on Mi~s, Windyholme, Cogges-
Rroyn C'lPmPnt A. 48 Victoria 11treet CustancP H. Wickham house, Cog(l'es- hall road
Brown Fras. Ridgemount, London rd hall road Hatfield George Sparrow. 53 Rayne rd
Bruwn Henry Charles, 61 High street Darby Miss, Trafalgar ho. Church la'" Hawkes PercyV.SouthcE:ff£>,London rd
Brown Hng-h Douglaq, Mill house, 0'1V£>Y Mi"!l· Holmlea. The .Avenue Heaster Samuel Albert, 6 Manor st
London ro·Hl D!ckson RobPrt, 47 Ne-w street H£>rtc;let 1\fi'ls. 45 London road .
Brown Mr'~. Grain!?er, London road Di!!bv Mrs. Nelson house, Church la Hitching- 'lrs 57 London road
Bntchpr HPrhPrt. Lyntnn, London rd Eddleston RPv. Thos. (vicar),Vicarage Hobb-, H{·nry, 7 Rayne road
Byford Frederick, so Victoria street Elsey Mrs. 6r London road qod!!"'" 1\'Pqs,ThP Limf'R.Cog!!eshallrd
<'hnppin!! Frank. 55 London road "F.ntwistle A. R. ':! WoodfiPid road Howard Mrs. Prince] villa, Drnry la
Clarke Edgar .!Ured, 42 Victoria st I Fish Arthur William, Q9 Rayne road In gold Erne;;t, Hill side, Railway at
f~'-(rx 5

Johnson Capt. Richard D. Camoy"S,1 Mardon Percy B. 9 Rayne road Row Geo .. ·Commins J.f, 45 Highs\
London road Mayo Alfred, Chesham ho. Railway st Rust Mrs. 19 London rood
·Johnson Robert James, Manor place, Middleton Alfd. Everit, 43 London td Shoobridge .Alfred, 348 Coggesharl td"
Manor street. T N 12 Muhlha.user George A. Mill house, Smith Edgar, 346 Coggeshall road
Jo!!celyne Charles Percy, Lulworth, Rose hill Smith Hy. Chas. College ho. High at
5 London road O'Reilly Mrs. :z The Grove, London rd Smith Mrs. North view,Coggeshall rd
Joscelyne Clifford, 9 Woodfield road Orfem: Norman,Mayholme,TheA.venue Stratton Robert, South view, Rose hi
Joscelyne Henry,Rushmere,London rd Parkes William F, r Woodfield road Terry Geo. Wm. Albany ho. Manor at
Joscelyne Lewis H. Rushmere, Lon- J;'armenter Samuel Catley, Mount Thomas Wm. W.Swanlow,The Avenue
don road house, The Avenue Thurston Harold, 49 London road
Joslin John, The Ferns, Coggeshall rd Preeston Philip S. Clock house, Tilsfon William Henry, I Victoria st
King Percival Edgar, Fair view, Cressing road Townrow Chas. Westwdod,The Avenue
Coggeshall road Pritchard Rev. Edward Cook J.P. Townrow Miss, Great square
King-Church Miss, Blandford house, Ely lodge, Rayne road Vennell Rev.Rabson,roo Coggeshall rd
London road Ranson Frederick R. H. La Corbithe, Vennell Godfrey,Kennards,TheAvenue
Lake Ernest, 20 Fair:field road Cog~tJshall road Wakelin Jn. W. Marshalls, London rd
Lake William Beard, Mount place, Rees H. Johnson, Tappington, Cogges- Welch William Henry, 143 Manor at
The Avenue hall road West Herbt. W. Bridge ho.London rd
Letch Augustus Daniel, 21 London rd Roberts Rev . .A.lun (Congregational), Wiles Fredk. Jas. Bankside,London rd
Letch Mrs. 103 High street Arvon, London road Wilkinson Daniel, 168 Coggeshall rd
Lindsell Thomas~ Coggeshall road Roberts Waiter Rowland Southall Wilson Miss, London road
Livermore Frederick H. 4 Manor .st 1\i.B., B.S. Linden house Witney Mrs. 81 London road
Long Wm. Arth. The Firs, London rd Robson James, IO Railway street Young John, Coggeshall road ·
McLachlan Robert, 112 South street Rogers Frederick G. 5 Victoria street Young John Bishop, Sandyhurat,
Malyn Thos. Bleak ho. Coggeshall rd Roper Wm . .A.:raucaria, Coggeshall rd Coggeshall road

Brain tree k Backing Constitutional Club (Col. W. N.
Tufnell, chairman; Lieut.-Col. G. E. Barker & G, W.
. Early closing day, Thursday. Hicks, vice-chairmen; Norman Urfeur, hon. sec.; W.
Achille Serre Limited, dyers & cleaners, 21 Bank street Clark, assistant hon. sec.; George Watson, steward),
A.dams Frederick A. stationer, Great square Great square
Alden Leonard J. tailor, 4 Bank street Braintree & Hocking Gas Co. (William Surman, engineer
Aldiss Bros. drapers & clothiers, 63 & 65 High street & manager), Manor street. T N 56
Alien Joseph, tea agent, 101 Mount street Braintree & Backing Penny Savings Bank (Henry Chas.
A.mos Harry, Orange Tree inn, Market place Brown, sec.), 61 High street
Andrews Major, refreshment rooms, 4 Market square Braintree. & Bocki11g Permanent Benefit Building Society
Andrews Major, slaughterman, 47 Notley road (Herbert J. Cunnington, manager), Great square
Andrews Ruth Emma (Mrs.), tailor, 78 & 8o Cogges- Braintree Brewery Co. brewers, Railway st. T N 1X4
hall road · Braintroo Castings Co. ironfounders, Chapel hill '1
Anglo-.American Oil Co. Limited ; stores, Soutl'i street Braintree Cottage Nursing Al!sociation (Mrs. J. H.
.Ansell Alien,, Goldinghams B.elsham, hon. sec.), West combe, Coggeshall road.
Aris George E. plumber, 61 Rayne road Braintree Golf Club (Capt. R.D.Johnson,sec.),Chapel hill
.Arnold Benjamin, pie maker, 66 South street Braintree Liberal Association (G. C. M1tberley, presi-
Ashfm:d Wilham, beer retailer, London road dent; G. C. Row J.P. chairman; Charles Large,
Bacon Lydia E. (Mrs.), greengrocer, 146 High street treasurer ; L. H. J oscelyne, sec)
Baddow Brewery Co. Limited ; storeS', South street Braintree Mutual Fund .AssociatiQn Limited {H. D.
Bagley .A.lbert James, station master, Railway station Sheldralie., Bank chambers, New street, Chelmsford;
Bailey Charles & Son,' gt'oce:rs, 73 & 75 High street, .t sec.), Masfrnio hall
post office, 54 Manor street Braint:ree Public Gardens Tennis Club (Miss Enness,
Balls & Balls (established 1846), auctioneers & sec.), London rood
valuers, land, estate & tithe agents, 49 High street;, Braintree Urban & Rural Joint Infectious Diseases
Bra:introo (T. H. Newman F.S.I. manager) (T N 40); Hospital (.A.rnold SCQtt M.D.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng .•
head o:ffioe, Castle Hedingham (T N 2); & 41-t Haver- medical office:i; Mrs. F. B. Dnidsoa,
hill & Sudbury, Suffolk nurse-mat'ron)
Barclay & Company Limited, bankers (branch) (H. G. Brand Charles & Son, builders, Railway street
Cobb, manager), Bank street (T N 44); draw on head Brand Rosetta (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 196 Coggeshall road
office, 54 Lombard street, London E C Bright Carl Vernon, surveyor of highways, London road
Bareham Art.hur, dairyman, Great square Bright Edward Harry, sanitary inspector, district sur-
Barnard Maurice, fruiterer, u6 High street veyor & engineer, 17 Railway street
Barton William, watch maker; 150 High street Brock Charles, butcher, rg Railway street
Bartra.m George Thomas Thorpe, glass & china dealer, Brook Sylvanns .A.rthur, grocer, 7'I Rayne road
33 & 35, & gun maker 44• Bank street Brown Alfred & Son, buildm·s, contractors, ear~
Bateman Frederick W. shoeing smith1 Railway street penters & monumental masons, Station works. T N rzo
Bateman William, boot maker, 12 Coggeshall road Brown Bros. timber mers. & saw mills, Rayne road
Bearman H. & Sons, bakers & confectioners, Market pl Brown & Woodthorpe Limited, fruit growers, Rayne rd
Beatt Hen;ry, agent to Singer Sewing Machine Co. Ltd. Brown Clement Porter~ farmer, Naylinghurst
95 High street Brown Henry Charles (firm, Portway & Brown), housec
Beckett & Co. fancy repository, 5 Rayne road & insurance agent & local agent Unemployment lnsur~
Bedwell G, C. Ltd. pianoforte warehouse, 7 Fairfireld rd anw, rate collector to Braintree Urban District Coun"'
Belsham Isaac & Son, corn & coal mers. Railway 11t cil & sec. to Braintree & Backing Penny Savings Bank, 11
Benham Ernest, shopkeeper, 26 Victoria road 6 I High street
Benham William John, butcher, 138 High stree.t Buckell Annette (Mrs.), dress maker, T4 Coggeshall rd.
Benskin's Watford Brewery Limited (0. J. Ollett, Butcher George Thomas, greengrocer. 91 High street
manager), brewers., Great square Butcher Herbert H. baker, 14 Church street
Bircham George, insurance supt. Albert vil. Grenville rd Byford E. & H. painters, 30 Mount street
Blanks Charles Frederick, relieving & vaccination officer, Cane William Stephen, miller (steam & water), n6
collector to the guardians & registrar of births & Ri!lh street
deaths for Braintree district, Braintree union, Canova May (Misa), midwife, 25 Victoria road
Melbourne house, Manor street Cant Leonard J. cycle agent, 62 Coggeshall road
Bloom:field Brothers, motor engineers, agents, & g>arage, Cemetery (Herbert John Cunnington, clerk to the Urban
cycle dealers, ag-ents & repairers, also heating, light- District Council; Fdk. Harrington, keeper), Lon<J.on rd
ing & sanitary engineers, Coggeshall road. T N 5 Ohappell Ernest H. Sun inn, Railway street
Bowtell Charles, builder, see Letch & Bowtell Ohinn Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker, 2r New street
Bowtell Jarues, grocer, 6o High street Chinnery Fred, hair dresser, 6 South street
Bowtle F. & Son, bakers, 86 & 88 Cog-geshall road Clark John, chimney sweeper, 64 East street
Bradbury Joseph, cycle tool maker, New str.eet. T N 23 Olark Thomas, wood carver. 12 Wood:field road
Braintree & Backing .Advertiser (The Essex Weekly New~o Cobb Henry George, manager of Barclay & Company's
Series Ltd. publishers; published wed.), Market pl Bank. Bank street
Bra.intree & Hocking Conservative Association (Lt.-Col. Cobbold & Milbank, painters, 41 Manor street
G. E. Barker, president; H. J. Cunnington, treas.; Cocks Waiter William, butcher, 72 High street
N. Orfeur, hon. secJ CoP Alfred, tailor, 98 High street
Collins Harry A. bookbinder, I32 High street

Cook Harry Osvrald, pork butcher, 67 High street Gray Charles, marine store dealer, 8 Fairfield road
Cooper Samuel & Son, hardvrare dlrs. 76 & 78 Manor st Gray Harrison, maltster, Church street
Cooper .Alfred, farme1·, Chapel Hill farm Gray Waiter, refreshment rooms, 6 Fairfield road
Cooper Charles, fruiterer, 3-6 Railway street Green Charles E. beer retailer, 53 South street
Cooper William, hardware dealer &c. 12 Cressing road Green Frederiek James, baker, go Manor street
Coote Harry, shopkeeper, 102 East street Green Octavius, common lodging house, New street
Corn Exchange (Herbert J. Cunnington, sec.), High st Green William John, beer retailer, 71 Manor street
Cmnell Bertie William, watch maker, 130 High street proves & Co. Limited, coal, lime, slate, cement & hair
Cornell Joseph~ boot & shoe maker, 130 High street merchants & lath renders ; drain pipes, stone ware &
County Court (His Honor H. Tindal .Atldnson, judge; an kinds of sanitary pipes, fire bricks &, tiles; salt
Herbert J. Cunnington, registrar & high bailiff), Cog- merchants & cartage contractors, Railway station (T N
geshall road 43) ; & !lt Dunmovr. T N 26
Ccurt:mlds Ltd. silk & crape manufrs. Braintree mills Guilder Frederick, boot repairer, II3 High street
Cowell Alfred, hair dresser, 136 High street Gunn Samuel, insurance agent, 149 Manor street
Covrell William, supt. of county police, Fairfield road Hall .Arthur, registrar of marriages & deputy registrar
Coxshall Thomas, Swan P .H. Svran street of births & deaths for Braintree sub-district, 5 Vic-
Cresswell & Son, bakers, 134 & 136 Coggeshall road toria street
Crickmore & Son, saddlers, High street Hardy George, antique furniture dealer, Little square
Crittall Castings Co. Limited (The), ironfounders, Rail- Harrington Brothers, coach builders, Sandpit road
ll"ay street. T .A " Seas " fiarrington William & Arthur,shoeing & general smiths,
Crittall Manufacturing Co. Limited, iron window case- Church street ·
ment manufacturers, Manor works. T .A " Crittall ; " Harris Helen (Miss), shopkeeper, 32 Fairfield road
TN6 Harris Th01Il6s, boot maker, 63 & 65 South street
Crittall & Winterton Limitl>d, ironmongers (wholesale & Harrison John M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.Edin. surgeon, .t
retail), 27 Bank str.eet. T A et Winterton;" T N 2 coroner for East Essex & medical officer for Braintree
Crozier Thomas (Mrs.), g1·eengrocer, 144 Coggeshall rd district, 23 Bank street
Cuff Catherine (Mrs.), coal dealer, 24 Fairfield read Hart Arthur, bookbinder, 68 ~anor street
Cunnington, Son & Orfeur, solicitor~, Great sq. T N 45 Hart Edward Chas. Freemasons' .Arms P.H. 191 South st
Cunnington Herbert John (firm, Cunnington, Son & Hart Frederick W. collector for the Essex Provident
Orfeur), solicitor, registrar & high bailiff of the County Society (sick benefit), 67 Mount road
Court of Braintree & Dunmow, clerk to the magis- Hasler & Clapham, corn & seed mers.; depot, South st
trates. South Hinckford & Freshwell divisions & com- Hatfield & Hine, fancy repository &c. 94 & g6 High at
missioner for oaths & clerk to Urban District Council, Hayward Isaac, news agent, 9 Manor street
clerk to the lrOVernors of Felsted school & sec. to Heaster Eliza {Mrs.), dress maker, 40 Railway street
Braintree Mar];et House Co. & to Braintree & Rocking Hicks George W. blacksmith, 34, 40 & 42 New street
Permanent B4>nefit Building Society, Great square Hidden Squadron Sergt.-Major Frederiek, instructor
Dansey Charles, greengrocer, 154 liigh street Braintree Troop, B Squadron, Essex Yeomanry Terri-
Dansey Robert, cycle dealer, 152 High street torial Force, Victoria street
Digby .Arthur, fish, game & poultry merchant, herring Hine Edith Mary (Miss), fancy repository, see Hatfield
& haddock curer, Great ~quare & Hine
Dig by Edwd.(Mrs. ),fishmonger, South st. & Fairfield rd Hitchcor:k Waiter, confectioher, Sandpit road
Di~by William, blacksmith, Rayne road . Holland & Barrett. grocers, Great square
Dines Winnie & Beatrice(Miss-es),dress mas.7 Victoria st Hollis Elizh. (Miss), teacher of music, 29 Woodfield road
Dinsell .Arthur, supt. of the fire engine, 56 Albert road Holme!S Peter, boot maker, 31 Victoria street
Downes David, boot maker, 56 Railway street Holmes Waiter, haberdasher, 16 Victoria street
Downing &i Co. wine & spirit merchants, 59 High street Home & Colonial Stores Limited, 55 High street
Drake Francis G. White Lion P.H. Coggeshall road Hook Emma S. (Mrs.), laundry, 115 High street
Duncombe Charles, confectioner, 57 & 59 Manor street Howard Charle'l Harry, grocer, 37 Bank street
Dunlop Grace Olive (Miss), dress maker, 28 Manor st Howard John B. draper, go & 92 High street
Dunmow Flitch Bacon Co. Limited, 12 Bank street How land Phrebe (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 61 New street
Dunning-ton .Alfred, boot maker, '2
Dyer John & Son, grocers, n Bank street
South str.eet Hunnable .Annie (Miss), confectioner, 102 High street
Hunna ble George, builder, 159 South street
D:vson Leonard,deputy registrar of marriajles,Victoria st Hunt Henry Edwin, Rose & Crown P.H. 2 South street
Eldridge Mary (.Mrs.), beer retailer, 24~ Coggeshall :rd HniTy Joseph, farm bailiff to A. Scrivener esq.Stamfords-
Ellicott Mary 'Mrs.), laundrv, Chapel bill Hutley Thomas J. clothier, 7 Manor street
Elsey E . .A. G. (Madame),milliner,8 & 10 Coggeshall rd Ince George, insurance agent, 70 Victoria street
Enness Job, builder, 9 London road International Tea Co.'s Stores Ltd. grocers, 57 Hi~h st
Essex Weekly News (The Es~- x Weekiy News Series Jenkins Herbert M.P.S. chemist, 19 Bank st. T N 34
Limited, printers, publishers & proprietors) (branch) Johnson w. & Son, coal, salt, corn, hay & manure
(.Alfred Ludgater, local representative), Market place merchants & carting contractors; cartage agents for
Essex Y.eomanry Territorial Force (B Squadron) (Major the Great EastE-rn Railway Co. ; members of Com-
Guy G. Gold, commanding; Capt. E. Ruggles-Brise, mercial Motor Users' AssoCiation, Railway coal depot.
second in command; Squadron-Sergt.-Major Frederick Tel. No. 12. See advertisement
Hidden~ drill instructor), Victoria street .Johnson .Annie (Miss), blacksmith, 138 Coggeshall road
Eve Arthur, boot maker, 107 South street J ohnson Color-Sergt. William, drill instructor to F ·
Fenton Mary .Ann (::vliss), dress maker, 26 Drury hm.e Company, 'ith Territorial Force Battalion Essex
Fire Engine House (Frederick Rudkin. captain; .Artbur RPgiment, Victoria street
Dinsell, superintendent), Coggeshall road Joint Isolation Hospital (.Arnold Scott M.D. medical
Fitch William, carting contractor, 71 Cressing road officer; Mrs. F. B. Davidson, nurse-matron), Ores-
Fletcher W. & R. J.imited, butchers, 52 Bank street sing road
Footman & Co. linen drapers, Waterloo house, Bank st .Jordan Percy H. mineral water manufacturer, 8o Manor
Fulcher ..llbert Edward, pianoforte wareho. 36 South st street. T N 36
Fuller Edith (Miss), Nag's Head P.H. Market place Toscelyne Charles, printer, bonkseller & stationer; also
Fuller Frederick, plasterer, 314 Coggeshall road ]P.nding library in connection with Mudie's, 76 & 7B
Fuller J ames, boot & shoe maker, 54 Bank street High street. T N 47 -
Gage- & Son, hair dressers & toba.cconists,6 to 10 Great sq Joscelyne Henry, cabinet maker & upholsterer & ho~
Gage Emma Ann (Miss), tobacconist, 140 High street furnisher, auctioneer, house, estate & insurance
Gardiner William Waiter, Saracen's Head P.H. Bank st agent, furniture remover & contractor for steam
Garnham .Arthur, confectioner, Swan stroot haulage, 62 High street. T N 25
Gentry Brothers, millwrights, Church street Joyce .Albert, butcher, 7 Market place
Gibbs Henry, nte collector & collector to the Braintree f oyce 1Iary Ann (Mrs.). shopkeeper, 70 Cressing road
& Rocking Gas Co. & assistant overseer for Braintree Tuniper Joseph Lake, shoe maker, 13 Little square
k Black Notley, Vestry hall, Church lane Kennings Eliza (Mrs.), saddler, 16 Bank street
Gibbs Henry Jame'l, tax collector & assistant overseer Key Arthur,carpenter & joiner, Stanley vils. 81 South st
for Cressing, 53 London road King-Church Mary (:Miss), boarding & day school for
Gibson Edwd . .A. Geo. watch ma. 71 High st. T N 19 girls, Blandford house, London road
Gi!bey Frederick, haulier, 144 High street Knight Mary (Miss), dress maker, 6g Mount road
Gill William Samuel, hardware dlr. 28 & 30 Fairfield rd Lake & Elliot Limited, cycle & motor tools makers,
Glass Robert John, draper, 29 Bank street Albion works ; offices, Fairfield road. T A " Lake; "
Gowen Alfred, hair dresser, 7 New street TN3
Gowers William Henry, baker, 18 Notley road Lancaster William, painter &c. 76 Coggeshall road
Gray Alfred, tailor, 30 Woodfield road Lavr!'ence Bros.fruitrs.& grngrcrs.69 High st. k Great sq

Lawrence Harry, greengrocer, 19 East street Rogers John Russell, architect &; surveyor, Fairfi.eld rd
Lawrence Joseph, butcher, Great square d.ow & Son, chemists, 47 High street
Lawson Herbert Thomas, photographer, 22 Fairfield rd lowe George, hair dre8ser, 46 Bank street
Letch &; Buwtell, builders & contractors, High street Rudkin Clifford Francis, hardware dealer, 6 Market p(
Littlechild ErnPst John, insurance supt. 37 Albert road Rudkin Frederick, Bull inn, & captain of fire brigad.&,.
Livermore Frederick & Sons, plumbers & decorators, 2 Market place
Manor street. T N 65 .3ampson '1homas, shorthand teacher, Thalma hou~~e,
London Lentral Meat Co. Ltd. bnt.chers. G1·e11t llrtnare Rayne road
London County & Westminster Bank Limited (W. A. Sanders Henry, iron & tin plate worker, 3 Market place
Long, manager), High street; draw ()n head office, •P 3argeant N. (Miss), berlin wool repository, 14 Bank A
Lothbory, London E C Sargent Caroline (Mrs.), shopkeeper, High street
Lucas W1lliam, pork butcher, II2 High street :5argent Herbert, painter, 56 Coggeshall road
Ludgater Alfred, new~ agent, Market place Saunders Charles B., M.l'.S. chemist & druggist, 59
Mcisack Thomas John, Wheatsheaf commercial hotel ; High street. T N 1Y5
winPs &; spirits d the best quality; good stabling, 3aunders Herbert Arnold, Bell inn, Great square '
High street Scott Waiter Early, grt>engrucer, 22 CoggPshall road
"'lcLPod .John, tailor, 63 London road :3cott William, pawnbroker & clothier, 24 Manor stree~
Mard•m Pt-rcy B., L.D.S.B.C.S.Eng. dentist, 9 Bayne rd 3eabrook Bobert Carrington, farmer, Marks farm, CO«-
.:Marshall John, shopkeeper, 39 East street geshall road
Masonic Hall Co. Ltd. (H. C. Brown, agent), New st ::;harp A.rthur Edward, tailor, Little square
Mas'1nic L'1dg-e (St. Mary, No. 1,312) (Henry Charle~; Sharpley James, greengrocer, 270 Coggeshall road
Brown. !'PC.). mpets at thP \f::t!l•mir hall .::lhearcroft Printing Co. 12 Market place. T N IXi
- Mather William, stationer, 9 Bank street .::lhelley Jenour W1lliam, beer retailer, (.;hapel hill
Maurice Emily (Mr;.. ), apartments, Lyons, London road Shinfield Alfred, draper, 8 .Manor street
M 1vn ~ lhPrt Edward Ag-er, baker. 17 New street 3hufflebctham Arthur, confectioner, Little square
Mayn Waiter, pork butcher, I I Manor street Shufflebotham James, farmer, Parsonage farm
M~vf) Alfr"d. hntrher, 5o Raihmv strPet Silcox .Arthur Mark, journalist, 36 New street
~etson Frederick Thom~s, wheelwright, Swan side Skinner Ern!'!lt J. draper. 150 HI!!h street
\f;lhank Wil'iam, painter, !lPI< Cnbbold & Milb11nk Smith Edward Bertram M.B., B.S.Lond., D.P.H.Cantn.
~Iills Lo~1isa & Emma (Misses), dress makers, 140 medical officer of health for North Essex United diJ..
(lf)IYQ'P.,h<~ll road tricts, Public Health offices
MitrhPll F.v-Plyn, Fox k Hourds P.H. Railwa:v street Smith Henry Charles, gentlemen's outfitter, 4il Bank st
Mitchel1 Vi,.tor. Crovn & Anchor P.H, Market place Smith Ralph, cabinet maker, upholsterer, house fill'·
Moody John H. hon~~ furnu;her, Railway street & nisher & removal contractor, 81 & 83 High st. T N Ji
mu~ical in~trul'l'Pnt seller. Little square Spearman Arthur, cycle agent, 38 South street
Mol"l"'ll W11lter & J11.mes, bakPr~. 244 Cog-Q"e~hnll road Spurgeon Su;;annah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 27 Railway 8li
N:mldwll Herberl Henry, surveyor & s<~nitary inspector Stead & Simpson Ltd. boot &; shoe warehouse, 3, 36 •
to the Prh11n District Coun('i] & en~?ineer to thP water 38 Bank street •
wnrk~. Not1Pv ro<~d: offir~>. V~>11trv hall, Church lane Stoten William, Bird-in-Hand P.H. 272 Coggeshall roal
N<~cl-t ~lh~>rt. hnt,.'IJPr. 74 Rnn+h <~~r!'PZ Suckling Henry Charles, painter, 75 Railway street
N""h Thom<~!ll, butcher, Great IUJnare Sutton Fred, chimney sweeper, 8o South street
NPil"'lTl Thnmn~. ('U!Itoms. exci!IP &; oM 8Jlf'l pPn!lion Sutton John, chimney sweeper, 82 Coggeshall road
nffi~or k in!lpPctor of ('Orn TPtnl'n:'. r~ Fnirfiplfi l'nllil Taylor Arthor, butcher, 18 Bank street
NPa '"""., .Tn""'<><l n""fpc::!l""' nf mn"i" & organist of Brain- Tavlor Francis J. bal>er. Great ~<quare
tr!'P nllri!lh church. rr Ravne •
road Territorial Force Battalion (5th) EssPx Regiment (F
0 1 1~>"'"' 1\lfn.,.thll (Mr!l ). drapPr. oo Cot"goeshall ro11d Co. Capt. T. Gibbons; Color-Sergt. William Johnso-.
o..-f->nl' N'lrman, <~oliritor & cl.ark to tru•teP!O rof BrRintree drill instructor); head quarters, Drill hall, Victoria ~
ch•n·itips & old ll!!e pPn!linns (Rnb-comlT'ittPP) & t:'Om· Territorial Force (8th) (Cyclist) Battalion Essex Regi-
tri<~!l:nnPr for oRfh101, !IPP ('nnni"ro...,tnn. !=lnn & Orfeur ment (G Co. Lieut. G. C. Benham; Sergt.-Majot
.().,..,.;n Chnl'l<>s. furniture dPaler. GrPat squ<tre J. J. Alien. Colchester, drill instructor), Drill halt
.0101hnrn A..,...... nf:, lPRthPr qrll<>l'. J)Hlo !'fJllBl'e Victoria street
{)wPl'!l W;niRm "Ffpnry, baker. 07 Hig-h !ltrePt Thomas Geor~e Frederick, carpPnter, 4r London road
P~"fi<>ld llarrv, Horn commf'rc;al hotel, High st. T N 37 Thompson Waiter (Mrs.), news agent, 19 New street
.P"lm"r .To .. Pph, farmPr". Clap hrid!!e fh'1rn Waiter, shopkeeper, 39 Albert road
Papworth Albert C po'!tmaster, 82 High street Tofts J. H. & Co. motor engineers, Great sq. T N Si
Park!'r John Edward, boot & Rhoe ma. 294 Cogg!'shall rd Townrow Charles, clothier, 42 Ban!;: street
PnrkPll Wil'iam F. ,..Rtrh makAl', 40 Brmk Rtrpet Townsend William, farm bailiff t<l Frederick Georr
Parment!'r Arthur William, coal m!'rchant, South street West esq. Bridge farm, London road
Parmenter Edward C. drBpor. 2 Bank !ltreet Tribble R. H. i!addl!'r, 1 Mcuket place
Payne GPorge C. Victoria inn. East Ftreet Turner F.dith A. (Miss), dress maker, 51 .Albert road'
Phillips Charles W. farmPr, London road TurnPr Waiter, livery stable kf>Pper, Sandpit road
Phillip~ Thomas, beer retailer, 45 Notley road Tyler George, hair dr!'sRPr, 67 Manor street
Phipps GPorge, wholPsale & retail wine & spirit mPr- Wakelin J. farmer, London road
>('hant & a]e, porter & stout merchant & bottler, 86 &: Walford, Hasler & Co. Limited, coal merchants, SontAa
88 Hi!!h !Otre!'t ~:treet (T A "Wlllford Hasler;" T N 2); depots at
Picture Palace (Cyril GetdiffP, proprietor), Fairfield rd Dunmow, Rayne & Felstead
Pil!"!!in A"frPd, uroPf'l', '~' Bank ~:trf'et Ward Edward John, beer retailer, 194 Coggeshall roati
PildlPr 'Wn'tpr F.-PdPri,..k. dNiper. '!IO lhnk !ltl'Pet Wardle JosPph, insurance supt. 67 Bayne road
·Pilgrim A ]hPrt Edward, fhri11t & fruiterer, 3 New street Warner & Sons, silk & velvPt mannfactnr!'rs. South 8t
Pilgrim R~hl"rt G. nurseryman, 34 Notlpy road Warren George, bricklayer, 63 Gressing road
Pl•1('k 1<'.-prfp.. iPk. (']"thier. 28 k '!10 Bank 11trPet Watts L. J. LimitPd. monumrntal ma11nns, Railway ~ -
P]n,.\ y ...,de..icl,. ph,..tographer, 37 London road Watts Se1by, fried fish shop, Swan street
Portway & Brovvn, hnnse & insurance agents & ac- WPst John &; Sons, brush rr.anufactnrenl, High st. T If 4
countant~. 61 Hig-h street WPst Frederick G. fn1it grower, London road
Potter Ja""PII, pork hutrher, To Manor stre!'t WPstrope & Sons, fruit sale!lm!'n. 141 Manor strpet
PonltPr WilHam. Rnil"ll'" hotel. R"nth !OfTPPt Wheatsheaf Hotel (Thomas I. Mclsack, propr.), Hightt
PrmJt~y & R!!'! Mark!'t (Woodward & Priday, condoctrs) W1,eAler Thomas, l'lhopkeeper. 150 South street
Pr<>P .. ton Philip S. rlPpnty col'nn!'l' for the E::tstprn d!VJ· Whipps Porter, carpenter, 42 Railwav 11trE'et
11hn •'f F.~IIP'C, ThP CJ ... rk hnn!IP., Cl'P"Rin!! Toad Wh:tlncl{ A. H. corn merchant, Great square
PnkP HPnrv Willinm k Son. tailnrR, 51 k 5:1 Hi::-h !ltrAAf Wirksl AlfrPd G<>o. l'::tl'pl"nt!'r & huildPl'. 64 Coggeshall ril
Rarroh}Prll' en•lin!! Clnh (Miss Florence J. Galley, sec.). WHliAms SalT'uPl. fi~hmonger. 106 High strePt
Rnrn hntpl. Hi,...h !'ltrt>Pt Woodthorpl' William. coarh 11pringo makPr. Sanrlpit ro11&
Rawlinson &; Son, bill po11tt>rs. 1 & 3 Market t~trPPt WI'Pdward & Priday. auctioneers; conductors of tht
R'lw tim m Mary (Miss), drass maker, 3 Market street Braintrpe poultry marl\et, held at the White Ban
Reed HPnry, brickla~·t-r. 57 UaiJway ~ttreet sale yard every w!'dne11d1y; k at Saffron Walden
Rich Isaac, butcher, 16 Cresl'ingo road Young & Son, vPtPrinary surg-eons, veterinary in~pP4t­
Bicl"-a1 dsun Herbert, Boars Head inn, High street torr. under the " Dis!'a11es of Animals Acts " for Soutl
Ridle\·• T. D. & Sons L1miteli, walt.Stl'tl'l, ~lauur stree1 HinkRPy di11t rirt, Coggt>shall road .
& Railwuv• st1·eet. Young Jnhn M.R C.V.S. (firm, Young & Son), Tetel'l-
fl~geJS Jawes, auctioneer, valuer, boose, land, el"tate nary surgeon, Coggt-!~hall road
&; insum:J.t:e agent, I'ahfield road; & at Maldon. See Young .T .. lm Bi><hop F.H,C.V.S. (firm, Young & So•).
advertisement veterinary surgeon, Coggeshall road
GREAT :BRA:X..- -.1> (or Braekstead), mentioned in the manor and principal landowner, is occupied by
Domesday, is a parish on the eastern banks of the river William Whytehead Boulton esq.; the mansion, origin-
Blackwater, about a mile east of the road from London r.lly erected by th9 Darcy family, came into the posses-
k» Colchester, 3} miles east from Witham station on thP sion of the Du Cane family about 1710, and was altered
main line of the Great Eastern railway, and 6 north and enlarged in 1834 by the late Peter Du Cane
from Maldon, in the Eastern division of the county, esq. who embellished it with a collection of antiquitie!.'
Witham hundred and petty sessional division, Maldon and objects of art bron~ht from Italy and some fine
llnion and county court district, rural dPan£>ry of paintings by old masters; the park, comprising
lfitham, archdeaconry of Colchestilr and Chelmsford about soo acres, contains many fine trees and il'
.Uocese; the village of Great Braxted is 1 mile south- diversified by a lake of about 14 acres. The familY of
east of the church. The church of .All Saints, situated Du Cane, or Du Quesne, emigrated from the Low
11ithin Braxted Park, about a quarter of a mile west Countries in the reign of Queen Eli.1.aheth, to avoid the
ttf the lodge, is a small sto!le building in the Early pl'rSfcntions of the nnke of Alva, governor of the :S£>ther-
English style, consisting of chancel and nave, and a lands, 1567-73, they became wealthy merchants in
wesU>rn belfry of wood with shingle-covered spire and London and greatly promoted the woollen manufactnre
containing 2 bells: a plain arch divides the chancel and which had been introduced here by their pel'Secuted
aave &nd there are remains of lancet windows in the fellow-countrymen. The soil is mixed. g1·avel and loam;
old tower: on the outside of the south wall, on a subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are wheat. barley.
marble tablet, are inscriptions to the Countess Delavall, beans, peas and seeds. The area is 2,614 aares of land
ob. 18 November, 1683, and to Sir William Ayloff hart. and 21 of water; rateable Y.tlue, £2,207; the population
ttf Braxted, d. Dec. 14, 1730: on the north wall of the in 19II was 285.
ehancel is a white marble monument to the Rev. Job
Marple Wallace M.A. 45 years rector here, and Elizabeth, Wall Letter Box cleared at 7.15 a.m. & 1.10 & 7 p.m.;;.
his wife. There are 120 sittings. The register of sundays, 7 p.m. Letteril through Witham, which 11
baptisms and burials dates from the year 1558, and of the nearest money order office, arrive at 8 a.m. & 2
marriages from 1559. The living is a rectory, net yearly p.m. Rivf'nhall End is the nearest telegraph office,
Yalne £-too, with resid.once and 66 acres of glebe, in the 2 miles distant
~ft of Corpus Christi College. Cambridge, and held Wall Lett~>r Box at Braxted Park, cleared at 7·45 a.m. &
since 1907 by the Rev. Ed\\ard Maxlow M.A. of that 1.15 & 6-45 p.m
eollege. There are charities amounting to £4 6s. 8d. Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1843, for
yearly, and 2os. per year for a sermon on "Mortality.'' 6o children ; avera~e attendance, 6o ; Miss .Alice Cook,
left in 1663 by John Freze. Braxted Park, the property mistress
11f Charles Henry Copley Du Cane esq. IJ.L., J.P. lord of
Bonlton Wm. Whytehead, Braxted pk Gooday Frank W. W. farmer, Great May Herbert Philip, farmer, Tiptree

Mulow Rev. Edward M.A. (rector), Braxted hall prwry
Rectory • Goodwin Thos. farmr. Ashmans hrm Mayne Florence (Miss), grocer
• COMMERCIAl. Harrison John, frmr. Kelvedon farm Paddon William,farmer,Sextons farm
Andrews JosPph, blacksmith Harvey William, farmer Parish Edward, farmer
Crayston Thomas, farme1, Hricl; IJennings William, farmer '
Stevens Harry, Du Cane's Arms P .H
House farm Kin~ Frederick, farmer I, Taylor Thomas, farmer
LITTLE BRAXTED, mentioned in the Domesday Margaret, dan(5'hter of Sir William Pyrton, with their
Survey, is a pari<;h, about I mile to the south-west of children : here is also an inscribed leugPr stone to
Great Braxted. on the eastPrn bank of the river Black- Thomas Roberts esq. of Little Braxted, ob. 20 March,
water and about 1 mile east of the road from London to 161:!o, ret. 64: the t:hurch was restored in 1856, and again
Colchester, in the Eastern division of the county, Witham in 1884, the north aisle with eastern vestry being then
hundred and petty sessional division, union and county added and the or~an inclosed by wooden screens. There
tJOnrt district of Maldon, rural de3IJerv• of Witham, are 150 sittings. The register dateil from the year 1730 .
Mr.__hdeaconry of Colchester and Chelmsford diocese. The living is a ractorv, net yt>arly value £6g, with 7~
The church of St. Nich0las is an ancie1;t and remai·kabh acres of glebe and re~id£>nce, in the gift of Charle:< B•'Itl')
small edifice in the Transition Norman style, consisting Copley Du Cane esq. and held since 1909 by the Rev.
of apsidal chancel and nave, under onP roof, south tim- Bertram Eccles Rooke M A. of KPhlP Onllei!P. Oxford.
bE-red porch and a western belfry uf wood containing 2 .Attached to the rf'ctory is a small chapel, built by the
hflls. undated, but of peculiar form, diminishing rapid!) Rev. E. Geldart Th.A.K.(;. rector z881-19oo. Charles
m size towards tht> crrJwn: the total length of this Henry IJopley Du Cane esq. is lord of the manor and
diminutive church inside, from east to west, is 45 ft. ; principal landowner. The soil is arable and light;
tlle chanct>l b<:ling 17ft. bin. in length and 16ft. 3in subsoil, ~ravel and marl. The chief crops are wheat,
wide, and the nave 28ft. by 16ft. 3in. : one small windo" t.arley, peas and beans. The area is 6212 acres; rate-
en the north side of the chancel is Norman, the rest ahle value, £517; the population in 19II was 97·
helong to the Transiti0n or Laneet period: the walls. Parish C'l£>rk, .Alfred Sea bornE.>.
:zft. Sin. thiC'k, are carefully built of rubble masonry, with
a large admixture of pudding stone in lumps: the font Pillar Letter Box clearNl at 7.3o a.m. & 6.15 p.m.;
is a plain octagon standing on a chamfered plinth raised snndays, 7.30 a.m. LE"tter!l throuu-h Witbam arrive
Rlightly abovf' the floor: the chancl'l contains a fine brasF at 8 a. m. Wick ham Bishops i!l the nPare11t money
*o William Rohert'!, auditor to Henrv" VII. ob. 8 October. order & telegraph office, about half a mile distant
1508; it bears the figurl's of himself and his two The children of this pari:;;h attend the schools at Great
vives, Joyce, dan~hter of Edward Per~·ent esq. and Braxted & Wickham Bishops
Agate Henry St. Arnaud ' COMll J.:RCIAL. Bnndock Gemge, Green Man inn
Booke Rev. Bertram Eccles .M.A . Orbl'll Joseph, farmer, Hales farm
'(rector), Th~ Rf'ctory .Agate Henry St. Arnuud M. RC.S.,I Perry William James, farmer, Little
WilRon William, Heath cottage L.R C.P. physician & surgeon Rr1'!,••1 ""ll

BRENTWOOD is a town and parish, pleasantly situated historv seems to be that which connPcts it with Waltham
una hill, surronndPd by picturesque scenery. and on the ! bhey, which monastery being be'ltowed by Edward the
ll.igh road from London to Chelmsford and Colchester. Confpssor on Earl Harold. that nobleman endowPd it with
with a station on the main line of the Great Eastern I sPventeen lordships, one of which was South WPald and
railway, 6 miles west from BillPricay. 6 north-east from its hamlets: on tle death of Harold, the Conqueror
Bomford, 11 south-west from Chelm~ford and 18 from seized th~ private lands of Harold and apportionl'd them
I~ondon; it is the head of a countv court district and among- his followers ; by this distribution Brentwood
petty sessional division. in the .Mid division of the passed to the line of DP-W ochendon, a det<cendant

ef Chelm'!ford.
eonnty, hundred of Bar.,table, Billericay union, rural whereof, one William De-\Vochendon, chamberlain to
deanery of Barstdble, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese I Henrv ..
II. in the earlv "
part of this mnnarch's rei<rn,
1 bestowed his manor of Brentwood on rbe AbbPy of St.

Brentwood, origiually Burntwood, is describf'd in Osyth at Chich, whi<'h had then bePn founded by Richard
U:orant's History of E~sex as being the chief hamlet in de Belmeis, Bishop of London, some time previous to
the parish of South Weald; the \\Ord " weald" signify- rn8, and the endowment or grant was confirmed by the
Jng "wood.'" The early history of Brentwood is very King. In the time of Stephen the hamlet had grown so
ob ..cnre, but the first trustworthy accnnnt uf ih• early large and important that a grant was made to it of a

market and two fairs, to be holden in July and October: ' Helen .Ann, Countess Tasker, of Middleton Hall, Shen-
upon the dissolution of the monastery in 1559, Henry field, who died in 1887. An orphanage for girls was
V.lll. granted the lands to Thomas Lord Cromwell, upon added in 1889. The Ursuline High schools, in Queen's
whose attainder it passed once more- into the hands of road, under the charge of the Ursuline nuns, were
the King, and was granted by him in 1549 to the Lady opened in 1900 for girls and little boys ; St. Mary's
Anne of Cleves, his divorced wife: it subsequently passed school being for the daughters of gentlemen, and St.
to Sir .Anthony Browne, and became thence an integral Philomena's school for girls who may have to earn their
part of the manor of South Weald, and so continues. own livelihood.
The assizes were holden in Brentwood until the time of The Congregational chapel, in New road, was built in
George I. when the more central position of Chelmsford 1g47 and enlarged and rebenched in 1g72 , at a cost of
occasioned their removal to that town. £ 1, 000 : in 1a97 the roof was renovated at a cost l>f
The parish is governed by an Urban District Council £Boo, the chapel has Boo sittings. In 18']3 a school was
of twelve members, formed in 1899• under the provisions built at a cost of over £1,ooo, and in 1900 additions were
of the "Local Government .let, 1894 '' (56 and 57 Vict. made at a further cost of £1,200: the chapel was first
eh. 73). founded in 1799. The Wesleyan chapel, in Warley
The town was re-sewered in I88 4, at a cost of £6,ooo, road, was built in 1892, at a cost of about £r,IOo, and
the outfall being at Harold Wood; it is lighted with gas affords 392 sittings; the old chapel is now used as a
from works the property of the Brentwood Gas Co. and school, and there is a meeting room for the Brethren
supplied with water from the South Essex Water Works, on Primrose hill.
at Grays, about 14 miles south, with a reservoir at Grinstead Memorial Hall, in King's road, built in
Warley, 4 miles dismnt. High street, the principal 1908, is used for parochial purposes and mission services
. thoroughfare, is wide, and has a pleasant and attractive in connection with the parish church.
appearance. The Cemetery of S! acre3, at Brook Street hill, was
By Local Government Board Order No. sr,8J8, which opened in 1893, and has an unconsecrated mortuary
came into operation October rst, 1908, part of South chapel; the Cemetery is under the control of the Ceme-
Weald parish was transferred to Brentwood Urban Dis- tery Committee of the Brentwoud Urban District Council.
trict and civil parish, and part of Brentwood Urban The Town Hall. in High street, built in 1864, is held
District and civil parish was transferred to South W eald on lease by a limited company; it contains a large hall,
civil parish. 74 feet long by 37 feet wide, adapted for public meet-
In the year 1221 a chapel was built at Brentwood at ings, and holding soo persons; thPre are also other
<the request of David, abbot of St. Osyth, and with the rooms, and in front is a clock.
consent of the- Bishop of London, Richard Parsons, of 'fhe Brentwood Institute, in High street, formerly a
Weald and the .Abbey and Convent of Waltham, it was dwelling house, was rebuilt in 1905-6 by J. W. Cook
dedicated to St. Thomas the Martyr, in honour of esq. J.P. for u.>e as a club.
' Thomas a Becket: the Convent presented the chaplain, The Brentwood and District Constitutional Club has
whose perquisites arose from gifts by travellers on the
road and such as came out of devotion to St. Thomas, premises in High street.
whence a gate on the highway from Ongar, through The 4th Territorial Battalion of the Essex Regiment
which the devotees passed, was called Pilgrim's Hatch, has its head quarttll'S at the Drill Hall, Ongar road, a
and the locality bears the name to this day; in this commodious and substantial edifice of brick, erected in
. chapel was a chantry foundec for the soul of Isabel, 1886, at a cost of £2,ooo. The Essex Territorial
eldest daughter of King Edward ITJ. and Countess of Infantry Brigade have also head quarters in Ongar road.
Bedford, who died in 1379 and was buried at Greyfriars Messrs. Burgeq, engineers here, providP employment
(Christ Churoh) in .A.ldgate, London; the chapel, which for about 50 men. Brickmaking and brewing are also
also contained much heraldic glass, was used for divine oarried on.
service up to about the middle of the 18th century; a A fair is held here on October 15th for cattle, horses
portion consisting of the tower, the lower stage of which &c.
formed a porch, and part of the nave walls, is still .At the top of the High street there is a monument,
standing in the High street, about midway on the south <>rected h:r public subscription in 1861, to William
side, within the garden of a private house, and sur- Hunter, a Protestant martyr and a native of Brentwood,
rounded by trees, and about 1900 it was fenced in on who at the early age of 19 was burned near this spot by
the street side with an ornamental railing at the expense order of Bishop Bonner, in the reign of Queen Mary,
of C. J. H. Tower esq. March 26th, 1555, and opposite the Grammar School,
The church of St. Thomas the Martyr, V\-hich stood a protected by railings, stands the trunk of a huge elm,
short distance to the east of the ancient chapel of St. said to mark the exact site of this tragedy.
Osyth, was entirely rebuilt in 1882-3, at a cost of over Gittan's charity of £1, left in IJII, is derived from
£22,ooo, and is a structure of flint and· pebbles with land situated at Pilgrim's Hatch, and supplies IS. each
stone dressings, in the Early English stylt', from design~" to 20 poor people yearly. Massa's charity of £150, left
tby Mr. Ernest ·Lee, architect, consisting of chancel, navl' in 1771, produces £4 16s. and is for coals. Martin's
with clerestory, aisles and a tower on the north side with charity of £r,ooo Consols produces £28 yearly, and is
spire, added in 1886, and containing a clock and 8 bells. for coals or wood. Newman's charities of £so, £rrs
-given as a memorial to the late Rev. OhaTles A.lmeric and £121, produce £8 12s. 2d. yearly, which 1s dis-
Belli M.A. vicar of South Weald r823-77: the lower stage tributed in various ways to the poor. Mr. Rober$
of the tower forms a porch: there are 1,050 sittings. Cross left in 1879 £soo, now £2! per Cents. the interest
The surrounding churchyard is spacious and well-kept. of which is divided yearly amongst six poor people
The register for marriages and baptisms dates from (families or widows) residing in Brentwood or the
16g5; burials, 1741. The living is a vicarage, net yearly immediate vicinity
"'Value £279· including I7 acres of glebe, with residence. The St. Barnabas Home in St. Thomas's road is for
in the gift of Christopher C. Tower esq. of Weald the reception of aged ladies, and includes a small chapel
Hall, and held since 1906 by the Rev. Charles Farley
Newton M ..A. of Balliol College, Oxford. .A vioara2:e or oratory, in which the clergy of the parish eccasionally
~ officiate.
house, in the Ingrave road, was erected in the year 1878.
Tht> area of the ecclesiastical and civil parish and
The Catholic church, dedicated to the Sacred Heart Urban Di~trict is 46o acres; assessable value, £ 34 , 10o;
and St. Helen, is an edifice in the Gothic style, erected the popnlation in 19 I I was 4 ,932.
in 186o and 186r, at a cost of £2,500, raised by subscrip-
tion; it ha!> a lofty spire and all the windows are filled The population ip 191 I was 6,923, including s6o chil-
with stained glass; in r89 4 the baptiste;ry and Lady dren anrl 35 officials in the Hackney Union branch
chapel were elaborately decorated, and in 19 n the workhouse and school, 241 in St. Charles' School for
chancel was lined with marble and the whole church Roman f'atholic pauper children and 36o in the Metro-
restored and redecorated at a cost of £r,ooo, There politan .Asylum Board's High Wood Ophthalmia School.
are also schools and a convent in connection with this Verger and Srxton, Peter Samuel Carroll, 6g North
church and a small 01phanage for boys, endowed by Road avenue


Post, M. 0. & T. &; Telephonic Express Delivery Office, London & Provinces & Ilford, g. 15 k 10 a.m.; London
High street.-Joshua Shaw Birchenough, postmaster & Prcvinces &: Ongar, 1 r a. m. ; London, Provinces,
Dispatches for London &; Province!j, llford, Chelmsford Romford &; I!ford, 12.30 p.m.; Chelmsford, Ingate·
& Romford, 2.30 a.m.; Ongar, Kelvedon & Billericay, stone, Witham, Braintree, ~aldon &; Ipswich, 2 p,m.;
4 a.m.; rural parts, 5-40 a.m.; rural po~t, Billericay, saturday;;, 1.5 p.m. ; London & Provinf'es, Scotland k
Kelvedon C-ommon & Pilgrim's Hatch, 10 40 a.m.; Ireland, 3 p.m.; Chelmsftnd, Colchester, ~Ialdon Ai
Braintree, 3·45; London & Provinces, til]ford & The following places are included in the division:-
Romford, 4.40 p.m.; Town & rural parts, 5.40 p.m.; Bassildon, Benfleet (North), Bowers Gifford, Brent-
for Bishop Stortford, Cambridge, Peterboro', through- wood, Burstead (Great), Burstead (Little), Chihler-
out Lincoln & East Riding of York, 8.15 p.m. ;London ditch, Cranham, Doddinghurst, Downham, Dunton,
.& all parts, 8.30 p.m.; London & Provinces, Ilford & Horndon (East), Horndon (West), Hutton, lngrave,
Chelmsford, Bishop Stortford & Southend-on-Sea, xo Laindon, Lee Chapel, Mountnessing, Nevendon, Pitsea,
p.m. Sundays, for London at 8.30 & ro p.m.; Ram- Ramsden Bellhouse, Ramsden CTays, Shenfield, Vange,
ford, xo p.m.; Ingatestone, Chelmsford, Colchester, Warley (Great), Warley (Little), Weald (South),
Ipswich & Norwich at 8.30 p.m Wickford
Deliveries. From London & all parts, 7 & I I a.m. &
3.15 & 6.15 p.m Brentwood County Lunatic Asylum, standing on an emi-
~oney Order & Savings Bank business (including nence, about half a mile fram the Brentwood station, on
annuity & insurance), from 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. daily the Crescent road, is a building in the Elizabethan style,
Town Sub-Post & M. 0. Office, 98 King's road.-Henry opened in 1853 & enlarged in x864, 1870 & 1889, & in
John Gutteridge, sub-postmaster. Box cleared at x8g8 a further extension was made ; the whole is
8.35, 9·35 & 10.30 a.m. & I2.15, 2.5, 4.20, 7-30, 8.5, available for 1,650 patients; the wards are spacious
9.25 & I 1.30 p.m. week days & 7.30 p.m. sundays & airy, many commanding an extensive prospect;
Town Sub-Post, )J'. 0., T. & Telephone Call Office, 24 upwards of 130 acres of land, including the Brenll-
Warley road. William Ho1land, sub-postmaster. wood Hall estate, purchased in 1873, are attached
Poet & money order office, savings bank & annuity to the asylum, & comprise a farm, kitchen-gardens
business, 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. ; except thurs. 8 a.m. to & pleasure grounds, the farm & garden being culti-
1 p.m. Box cleared for dispatch at 8.30, 9.30 & 10.25 vated by the patients under the superintendence of
·a.m. & 12.10, 2.30, 4-I5, 7·35 & 8 p.m; sunday, 7-IS attendants. Visiting day.s to patients are wednesday,
p.m. Telegrams can be handed in at this office only, thursday & sunday, but not more frequently than once
& telegraph money orders are issued, but not paid in fourteen days. There are branch asylums at Harold
Town Sub-Post Office, Crescent road.-Francis George Court, Harold Wood, for 65 male patients, & The
King-, sub-postmaster. ;Letters dispatched at 8.25, Ghesinuts, Hoe :.treet, Walthamstow, for 70 female
9.30 & xo.2o a.m. & 12.5, 2.3o, 3.5o, 7·55 & 9.25 p.m ; patients; John Turner M.B., C.M ..Aberd. medical
-sundays, 7.10 p.m. The nearest money order & tele- superintendent; George Nathan Oscroft Slater M.D.
graph office is at Warley road, half a mile distant Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. Miss Adele Isabella de Steiger
Town Sub-Post Office, 259 Ongar road.-Mrs. G. H. M.D.Lond. & Oscar Gladstone Maginnis M.R.C.S.
Russell, sub-postmistress. Box cleared at 8, 10.35 & Eng., L.R.O.P.Lond. assistant me.dical officers;
II-45 a.m. & 2.40, 4• 8 & 9·45 p.m.; sundays, 8 p.m Rev. Henry Stephens :M.A. chaplain; Henry
Post Office Telephone Exchange, King's road Hamilton Gepp, Chelmsford, clerk to the visitors ;
C. W. Parker, Chelmsford, treasurer & treasurer
of benevolent fund; William Herbert Roscoe F.C.I.S.
URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL. clerk to the asylum ; E. S. White, storekeeper ; Geo.
Meets at the Town hall, xst wed. in each month at 9 p.m Douglas Renton, clerk of the >'Orks & engineer; Miss
Chairman, Joseph John Crowe. Ida Cherry, matron
Vice-Chairman, Frederick William Bittles. PUELIC EST.ABLISHME~TS.
Retire April, 1915. Cemetery (Christ Church), Warley rd.; Frank Landon,
Waiter Larkin ' Edgar W. Scott
William Rainbird I Sydney Vincent
High street, clerk to the Cemetery Committee
County Court, Court house, New road, His Honor Henry
Retire April, 1916. Tindal .!.tkinson, judge; John Lewis Quennell, regis-
Octavius C. Cramphorn Joseph Newell trar; C. Godfrey, Rythe house, 'l'hames Ditton, high
Arthur W. Garrood I Joseph T. West bailiff; Richard Blunden, assistant bailiff
The parishes comprising the district are the following:
Fredk. William Bittles
loaeph J. Crowe
Retire April, 1917.
George Alfred Webb
A. W. Wilson
-Basildon, Billericay, Blackmore, Bobbingworth,
Brentwood, Burstead (Great), Burstead (Little),
Childerditch, Chipping Ongar 1 Doddinghurst, Down·
Officials. ham, Dunton, Fyfield, Greenstead, Horndon (East),
Clerk, Charles Edgar Lewis, New road Horndon (West), Button, Ingrave, Kelvedon Hatch,
TreasurE-r, C. Lea Cox, London County & Westminster Laindon, Laver High, Matching Green, Moreton,
Bank, 46 High street Mountnessing, Navestock, Nevendon, Norton Mande-
Medical Officer of Health, Samuel Frazer L.R.C.P. & S. ville, Ongar (High), Ramsden Crays, Ramsden Bell-
Edin. Warley road house, Shelley, Shenfield, South Weald, Stanford
Surveyor Inspector, A. Jas. Meeson,Town hall Rivers, Stondon-MassPy, 'l'heydon-Mount, Vange, War-
Collector, Jo .Annour, 21 Queen's road ley (Great), Warley (Little)
For Bankruptcy purpost>s this Court is included in that
COUNTY MAGIS(l'RATES FOR THE BREXTWOOD of Chelm:-ford ; Ernest W. J. Savill, senior official
PETJtY' SESSIO~AL DIVISI0:8. receiver; L . .A.West,a<;sist.14 Bedford row,London WC
Certified Bailiffs appointed under the " Law of Distress
For Billericay Sub-Division, see Billericay. Amendment Act" : Francis Abraham Thorne. High
Lescher Joseph Francis D.L. Boyles court, South WEald, street; .A.rthur Henry Rippengal, The Parade,
Brentwood, chairman Brentwood
A:rrow William, Langtons, South Weald, Brentwood Fire Brigade, Engine house, Hart street, John Smith,
Cook Jas. Williams, Hampden house,Warley :rd.Brentwd superintendent, & 12 men
Fleming Col. Henry Slane, The Grange, Ingrave Mark Master Masons (377, Brentwood lodge), White
Hammond George, Fair view, Pilgrims Hatch Hart hotel, second thursday in May,July & November,
Horton John Hv. Mascalls, South Weald, Brentwood 4 p.m. ; Frank Landon, ; Hugo R. Bird, treasurer
Ind Edward Murray D.L. 9 Sloane gardens, London SW Masonic Lodge (214, Hope & Unity), White Hart hotel,
Lescher Edmund Charles, Stonyhylls, Coombe green, 4th thursday Jan . .April, July & Oct.; ..-1. R. Meggy,
Great Warley, Brentwood trea-.urPr; Frank Landon P :\I. sec
Matthews Charles William, Roden house, Shenfi.eld, Masonic Lodge (W eald, 2707), White Hart hotel, third
Brentwood thursday in Feb. April, June. Aug. Oct. & Dec.; A.
Maun~ell Major Charles Wray, The Grove, Wailey :Mnt T. G. Wood!l, treasurer; J. W. Armour, sec
Morgan David John, Cecil house, Bentley, Brentwood Police Station, Queen's Toad; .Alfred Charles Cow ell,
Ravenhill Col. Edward Harry Goring, Park house, superintE-ndent, 3 serqeants & 12 constables
Brentwood Town Hall, High street (Brentwood Town Hall Co.
Stock Col. Thomas, Avenue road, Brentwood Limited), Louis J. Turrell, sec
Tower Christopher John Hume D.L. Weald Side house,
South Weald, Brentwood TERRITORU.L FORCE.
Womersley Dale, Heron court, Herongate, Brentwood ESSEX INFANTRY BRIGADE.
Comprising the : -
The Chairman, for the time being, of the Brentwood 4th Battalion Essex Regiment, Brentwood
Urban District Council & the Chairman of the Rural sth Battalion Essex Regiment, Chelmsford
District Council, are ex-officio magistrates 6th Battalion Essex Regiment, West Ham
Clerk to the Magistrates, John Lewis Quennell,New rd 7th Battalion Essex Regimt>nt, Walthamstow
Petty Sessions every thursday at the Court House at 10
a.m. under the Summary Jurisdiction Act if necessary Head Quarters, Drill hall. Ongar road. ~~~s"~
& of which notice will be given by the clerk, & ever) Commanding Brig-ade, Col. :3. T. B. Lawford ~~~ e '-''
alt. thursday for general business through the year Bri,;ade Major, :.\Iajor B. Fargus D.S.O "ltf'llf{r::l'lc l~

Essex Yeomanry (Brentwood Troop, D Squadron), Major
A. Buxton, commanding squadron; Squadron-Sergt.-
The Endowed Grammar School was founded & endowed
Major , Southf'nd-on-Sea, drill instructor by Sir Anthony Browne kt. & Dame Joan, his wife, in
4th Battalion Essex Regiment; head quarters, Drill hall, the reigns of King Philip & Queen Mary & of Queen
Ongar road; Commanding, Lieut.-Col. .A. R. Meggy Elizabeth; this Sir Anthony Hrowne, serjeant-at-la\IJ
V.D.; Majors~ C. H. R. Taylor, William Constable at the time of the foundation, July 5, 1557, becam~
Shepherd & Hon. Major H. H. Slade; Instructor of aft~rwards, in 1558, Lord Chief Justice of thtt
Musketry. Capt. John Grave Gowan; .Adjutant, Capt. Common Pleas; he died May 6, r:;67, & was buried at
H. Napier Rowlatt (Middlesex Regiment); Quarter- South WPald church. A. year subspquent to the foun-
:Master, Hon. Lieut. G. R. Mansfipld; Medical Officer, dation of the school, Sir A.nthony & his wife built to
Capt. J. AitkPn .M.B., R._\_:M.C. (T.F.); Chaplain, endowed almshouses for fi e poor persons of the parish
Rev. W. W. Whistler M. .A. (T.F) of South Weald & the hamlets of Brentwood & Brool,
Bth (Cyclist) Battalion Essex Regiment (G Co. ), Drill charging certain estates in Dagenham lJ Chigwe]}
hall, Ongar road; znd Lieut. R. D. Colnett, com- with their support & in part with the support
manding; Color-Sergt.-Instructor W. Young, drill of the sPhool: the revenue arising from these estate•
instructor in time amounted to nearly £r,soo a. year, & on the-
Cadet Units ...\.:ffiliated. tei·mination of a Chancery suit in 1851 a re-adjust-
Ongar Grammar School Cadets ment of the scheme became necessary. The school
Manor Park Cadet Company buildings, in Ingrave road, include, besides the older
Warlev• Garrison Cadets structure, a chapel, gymnasium, swimming bath,
fives court &; miniature shooting I'ange; there is
PUBLIC OFFICERS. also a new block of buildin~rs cowprising six
Assistan~ Overseer & .Rate Collector, J oseph Willia.u class rooms, an art room, laboratory &c. : attached
Armour, 21 Queen's road to the school-house is a sanatorium : behind the
Assessor & Collector of King's Taxes & Land Valuation ,,;-chool buildings is a playing field of 14 acres. The
Officer, Frederick WilJiam .Alderton, 133 Ongar road school is controlled, under a scheme of the Charity
Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxes for thtl Hundreds Commissioners, dated r893, by a body of 13 governors.
of Barstable & Chafford, Clerk & Receiver to the The parishes comprised within the limits prescribPd
Governors of Sir Anthony Browne's Grammar School, by the founders are : South W eald, Great & Little
Clerk to the Joint Committee, Christ Church, Great Warley, Cranham, Childerditch, Doddin£!"hnrst, Eas'
Warley Cemetery & Clerk to Conservators of Shen- & West Horndon, Ingorave, Hutton, Mountness;ng,
field Common, Frank Landon, High street Shen.field, Kelvedon Hatch, Romford, Brentwood,
Coroner for the Southern & Western Divisions of Essex Navestock & Upminster. There is a leav:ng t>xhibition
& Writtle & Roxwell Manor & Superintendent Regis- of [40 a year, founded by Mrs. S. Hall & tPnable by
trar for Billericay District, Chas. Edgar Lewis, ~ew rd boys proceeding to Oxford or Cambridge, & one of
Collector of Poor RatPs,Jsph.Wm ..1.rmour,2I Queen's rd [35, tenable at Trinity Oollege, Oxford. There ar&
Deputy Coroner for the Southern & Western Divisions now (1914) about :q.o boys, including boarders in th&
of Essex, John Lewis Quennell, New road school house. Rev. James F. Hough M.A. of St.
Inspector of Weights & Mew;ures (Chief), under the .T ohn's College, Cam bridge, head master; Rev. E. C.
"Food & Drugs Act " & " Shops .Act " for Southern Potter :M.A. chaplain; A. F. Bur~ess M A., T. R.
district, Arthur Horsnell, 153 High street Cocli:ell, G. F. Everington B.~\., H. V. Higgs B.A.,
Assistants, Sidnp~· Parr•Lam, C. Ba~>.,, _\_ J. Hall & H. W. de C. Hutcbinson, C. D. Olive ~LA., E. P. Paul
J. Redgwell B.Sc., E. Lloyd Thomas & T. Tarrant, assistant
Inspector undet• thE' "Dis<>a<;es of ...\.nimal;, Acts'' & "Ex- masters; Miss E. Powell & Miss E. Elsey, lady
plosives _\.et" for the Constabulary Division of Brent- teachers in charge of preparatory department
wood, Alfred Charles Cowell, Queen's road
High Wood Schools, in Ongar road, wPre opPned July,
Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator for Brentwood Dis-
trict, Billericay Union, Charles John Linskill Manse! 1904, for the treatment & Prlucation of children ~offer­
ing from ophthalmia. The buildings are of rpd
M.D. & C.M.Edin. !49 High street ·
brick, arranged in five groups; £>ach group is com-
Relieving & Vaccination Officer for the Western District
of the Billericay Uninn,Edwd.Wm.Cottee,n Rose valley plete in itself & contains a staff-block & six cottages,
each for 12 children & a house mother, under the
Sanitary Inspector for the Billericay Rural District Coun-
supervision of a resident trained nurse: attached are
cil, Samuel Joseph Shelley, 11 Junction road
School Medical Inspector to the County Council Educa- junior & senior schools with teaching staff. The whole
tion Committee, Ernest Morton Wyche M.R.C.S.Eng., stands in wPll laid-out grounds of 20 acres, & it
L.R.C.P.Lond., D.P.H R.C.P.S.Eng. Rose valley available for 300 children. The visiting day is tiNt
first thnrsday in every month. The sch0ol is con-
Stewards of the Manors of Ramsden Barringtons,
Fremnalls, South Weald, Costead, Calcott, Dodding- trolled by a sub-committeP of managers appointed by
the Metropolitan .Asylums Board. E. Tr~>acher C01lin&
huro;t, Downsells, Chigwell Grange, Stapleford Abbott
F.R.C.S. ophthalmic sur!!f'On; Mi;;s Ewilv Bakl'r-.
& Shenfield, E., F. & H. Landon, High street
matron; Francis .Astley Cooper Tvrrell M. B., RS.
Town Crier, Gregory Tricker, Cottage place, High street
Veterinary InspeC'tors under the Diseases of _<\nimals Camb., F.R.C.S.Eng. assistant wPniPal officer: RP-r.
Acts for Brentwood District, Sidney Vincent Charles Farlev Ne-wton M ..A.. chaplain; George Hoare,
M.R.C.V.S. & Richd. A. Philp I''.R.C.V.S. 151 High st clerk & storekeeper
St. Charles Diocesan SPhools (Catholic), WPald road, for-
PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of Services. the reception of children from the workhouses. are
St. Thomas the Martyr Church, Rev. Charles Fal'ley plea!'antlv & healthily situated near thE' town, & are
Newton M . .A. vicar; Rev. John Thomas B. A. & Rev. under the direction of the R£>1igious Or!ler of tb
Percy Parker Barrett B.-~. curates; hol~ communion, Sisters of Charity; the of the PTPM:ion is Psti·
I'!t sun. 8, 10 (choral) &; 12 noon; 21111, 3rd, 4th & mated at £16,ooo; the !>lChools are partlv supJlOTted
5th SUU. 7• 8 & IO (chocll); 11.:20 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; bv the Gu<lrdians of the Poor; Sister Frances Collins,
the catechism, 3 p.m.; daily (holy communion), 7-3-0 sister in charge
a. m.; 10 a.m. & 5.30 p.m.; wt>d. 7.30 p.m.; fri. 8 p.m Hackney Union Branch Workhou.~e & separate Infantw
Catho'it• Church of the Sat'red H~>art & St. Helpn, In- School; these institutions are between Brentwood k
grave road, Very Rev. Canon Thomas Francis Norris Brook Street &; belong to & are under the control of
M.R. priest & rural dean ; hours of service, mas!'t, the guardians of Hackney union; Mr. & Mrs. Georg&
8.30 & ro.3o a.m.; children's service, 3- p.m.; devo- Gre'lnofl', mastPr -&; matron; Samuel Frazer L.R.C.P-
tions, sermon & bent>diction, 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. bene- &. S. Edin. nwd iPal officer
diction, 6 p.m. ; wed. & fri. in Lent & .Advent, 7-30
p.m. ; daily, mass 7·45 a.m. ; holidays of obligation, Publi~ Elementary Schools.
mass, 8 & ro a.m Church (non-provided), Coptfold road, built in 1869, en-
Congregational, New road, Rev. ''alter Legerton; I I larged in 1877 & 1893, & ag-ain in r8gg. for Boo chil·
a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed, 7.30 p.m dren; average attendance, 270 boys, 235 gids & :nB
The Brethren, Primrose hill; u a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; infants; Frede1·ick BittlPs. master; Miss M. A. Ben-
tues. prayer 8.15 p.m.; wed. reading 8.15 p.m ham, girls' mi~trPss; Miss Louisa Jolliffe, infants-'
Wesleyan Methodist, Warley road (Ilford Circuit), Rev. mistress
Robart Whittleton (chaplain at Warley Barracks); 11 A Technical school was erected in New road, in 1gro, a'
a.m. & 6.30 pm.; mvn. 7.30 p.m a cost of £r,soo; the subjects taught being woodwork.
Recreation Hall, High street; IT a. m. & 6.30 p.:m.; wed. cookery, laundry & dress making
· 8 p.m Catholic (mixed & infants), for 250 children; average
Grinstead Mem(lrial Hall. Kin"'s road; mi~sion servic£>, attendance, 168 boys & girls & 62 infants; the Sister&
7.3-o p.m of ]lercy, teachers
NEWSP_-\PERS. John Emery, Great Eastern railway cartage agent~
"' • Romford Times, Wilson & Whitworth Limited, II3 High Qneen 's roatl
street, publishers: wed CARRIERS.
Essex Times, Wilson & Whitworth Limited. r q High
street, publishers ; sat To Chelmsford, J1me~ Springett, .p Victoria road, fri
To Ingrave, East Horndon & Herongate. Jo'!eph -~hlin ..
OON"'V~EY.A.NCE. from ChequPrs inn & Station, twice daily
Railway Station, .\rcher Benj. Erswell, station n..ast.f'r
PBIVATE RESIDENTS. Crowe Joseph John, 51 Crown street 1Hignett Gerald Dundao., 1--t High ~t
Aldous Harry, 143 Ongar road Crnickshank Geo. 35 St. Thomas' rd Hill Christopher, Warley mount
Aldridge George, 28 Park road Cullen Alfred James, 19 Queen's road Hill Edwin Arth. 75 lVestbury road
Aldridge George Stanley, 32 Park rd Dalton :Misses, Sx Queen's road j Hills James Henry, 207 Ongar r1ad
Alien Miss, 309 Ongar road I Danes Thomas, 283 Ongar road I Hoare George E. so St. Thomas' roan

.Allen Misses, Ein Cartref, Westbury Davey George, 47 Crown street 1Hodgins .Arth. Wellesley,77 Warley rd
drive Davey George, 38 St. Thomas' road 1 Hogg Mrs. 28 Crescent road
Archbald Wm. Laleham, London road Davey :Miss, 27 Park road Hough James F., M.A. Grammar
Armour Frank, Homecroft, Westbury Davis Rev. John (Baptist), 65 Rose 1 school, Ing1ave road
drive valley Howell Mrs. 31 Qneen's road
Armour Joseph Wm. 21 Queen's rd 1 Daynes Miss, 59 Crown street Hutchinson PercyBishop,17Queen'z. l"lt
Ashbee Wm. Neville, Rose Valley ho de C. Hutchinson W. Grammar sch0ol, 1 Huyssen Max, 30j Ongar road
Attenborough Geo. \V. 29 Queen's rd Ingrave road Illingworth :Mrs. 17 Avenut! road
Baker George, 184 Ongar road de Pinna Mrs. Erith cot.Westbury rd Jaclison Frederick J. 61 Warley road
Baker Joseph, 92 QueE-n's road de Pama Mrs. La Plata Jackson Geo. Ernest, 71 Rose valley
Baker Mrs. 173 High street de SteigP.r :Miss M.D.Lond. Asylum, Jackson George Thos. 73 Rose valley
Bangay Raymond Dorrington, 165 Crescent road Jackson John Wm. 149 Ongar road
High street Ditmas Col. L. T. Bay cottagt>, Jachson Robert, Belmont, Rose valle}
Barber Miss, 163 High street . Ingrave road Jackson Thos. The Manor ho.High st
Barker Miss, 69 Rose valley Dobson Mrs. 8 Avenue road .Jacobs Waiter Jsph. 317 Ongar road
Barker Mrs. 75 Rose valley Dulley Joseph Winter, so King's road .Johnson A. E. na, Junction road
Barlow Wait. Lavenham, Burland rd Duncombe Joshua Wm. 57 Crown st .Iohnson Edwin Grove, 73 North road·
Barrett JQhn, 30 Crescent road Dutton Mrs. 4 Westbury road .Johnstone Alex. D. 26 Warley mount
Barrett Leonard L. 9 Eastfield road Eardley Rev. Francis Wilmot B ...L .John~tone Walter Sibel, 15 Queen's rd"
Barrett William Henry, 52 Park rd 78 Crescent road ,Jolli.ffe Miss, 39 St. Thomas's road
Bayley S1r Steuart Colvin G.C.S.I., Earthy Miss, Pleasant ho. King's road rones Robert Ward, Oddicombe ..
O.I.E. The Old house 1 Earthy Sidney Ernest,2o Fir Grove rd Western road
Bayliss Henry 'fhos. 291 Ongar road Edgecombe Geo. Edwin, 23 Park rd Jones Samuel, 159 Ongar road
Beaumont Alfred, 147 Ongar road Elder H. Garnet. Braeside, Weald rd Joslin Fredk. Wm. 22 Robin Hood ro

Highland avenue 1 Sawyt>r's Hall lane Ingrave road

Bell Joseph Benson, 2 Avenue road ,Erswell Archer B. 10 Avenue road Kennedy Angus, 185 Ongar road
Beveridge Mrs. 76 Crescent road Escott Charles HenrJ·, 5 Rose valle~· Kennedy Wordsworth, 41 St. Thomaa'
Bish Albert, Hylands, London road E<Jsex Reginald Arthnr, High Toft, road
Blaxall Edmund .A.rth. 66 Park rd Westbury drive Kenner J. Binmore B.A. High school~
Blaxall Thos.Edmund,39RobinHood rd 1 Evans ~lajor Edllard, Hill house, Rose valley
Brenes .A.rthur Wm. 62 Crescent rd Warley road Kieth Mrs. 83 Westbury road
Brewitt John, 77 Rose valley Everington G. F., B ..A. Grammar Knapp 'fhomas Henry, 27 Queen's rd
Brown Benjamin, r Queen's road school, Ingrave road K1light Thomas, 303 Ongar road
Brown Harold, 65 Warley road Fielder Charles Alfred, 6 Queen's rd Lacey Henry George, Osborn house ..
Buckingham C~>cil Frank, 33 St. Fletcher Miss, 63 Rose valley 93 Warley road
Thomas' road Ford Henry Prothero, 71 Westbury Id Laker Charles Henry, 297 Ongar road
Bullock Miss, 8 Westbury road Forde Major George .!..72 Crescent rd Laudon Cal. Frank V D., D.L. Rea
Burgess .A. F., M.A. Grammar school, Foster Frederick, 136 High street hou-,e, 43 Hig-h stnet
Ingrave road Fraser C'ol. 138 High street Lang James William, 146 High street.
Burgess Chas. Edward, St. Patrick's, Frazer Samuel, 26 Warley road Langrish Horace Waltum, 14 Park rd
Highland avenue Freeman ..\lfred Percy, 196 Ongar rd Larkin John Wm. 89 Queen's road
Burton Col. Francis Henry Mercer Fret>man Francis, 144 High stTeet Laurie Mrs. 33 Queen's road
M.D. St. Brelade, Warley mount FrePman Samuel Melior, 12 Park rd Leader Lt.-Col. Nicholas, 171 High &t
Burton Waiter Frank, 161 Ongar road French Edward, 13 Queen's road Lee Frederick, 63 We11thury road
Calder Robert, 287 Ongar road Fnlcher Charles, White gables,High- Legerton Rev. Waiter (Congrega-
Calver Trenhard, 73 Westbury road land avenue t;on·1l), RPllevne ho. P1·imrose hill
Carter Ernest Robert, 295 Ongar road Gad!:c!on HeTbert Edward, Hi~hfield. Leonard O"wald, 6o Park road
Cartwright Capt. Charles R.N.R. London road Lewis Chas. Edgar, Highlands avenue-
Paglesham, Highland avenue Gale Ernest, 153 Ongar road Lew•;ey Henry Preston, The Cotta!!P.
Charlesworth John Burns, St.; Gardner Major Harry, Rosemount. Burland road
Swithin's, London road Queen'!! road Little Miss, r8g Ongar road
Clerc Leon Eugene, St. Leonards, Garrard Mrs. 52 St. Thomas' r<lad Loftus Miss. 95 Quern's road
Western road Garrood .A.rthur W. 30 Warley road Luckingo John, .p Crown street
Cluff Matthew Burge,s, 17 Park rd Gaze ·wm. M.Ropley villa,Western rd Lynch ~{rs. 21 Park road
Cockell T. R. Grammar school, In· Gib!>Dn Alfd. John, The Corner house MacDonnell Capt. Richard Gral es-,.
grave road Gooch Horace M.B. 157 High street Fairview house, E~stfield road
Cole Gilbert, 175 Ongar road Gray Mrs. 30 Warley m<mnt 1 Makepeace Charles Dugard, 6 West-
Cole Kenneth, 15 Avenue road Greanoff George, London road bury road
Collin Geo . .A.lbert, 53 Junction rd Griffiths :\liss, 15 Park road I Mansel Charles John Linksill :\I. D.
Collis .Alfred George, 25 New road Guy Mrs. 6o Westbury road • 149 High street
Cook Edmund Miall, 6g Warley road Hales Miss, 67 Rose valley 1
Mansfield Geo.Rochester,3o1 Ongar rd
Cook James Williams J.P. Hampden 1 K1ltridge Mrs. 13 Eastfield road :\larlton Lawrence Jn. g8 Queen's rd
house, Warley road Hammond Ernest, 33 Robin Hood rrl \fartin George Henry, 46 Park road
Cooke Major Alfred Fothergill, 167 Hamshaw Mrs. The Priory, High st :\fasters Samuel Waiter, 285 Ongar rd
High street 1
Hansell Walter Charles, Hillcrest. :\latthias Mrs. 32 Warley mount
Cooper Mrs. 17 Eastfield road Westbury drive Mannsell Maior Charles Wray J.P. r
Copeland Miss, 20 Junction road Barman :Miss, Balcombe cot.King's rd Warley mount
Copeman Cecil Bertram, Clynde, Parli Harris Ernest Jawes, 56 Park road \fawhood Richard, 89 RasP valley
road Haslam William Henry, The Bunga· :\iawle Gilbert.Neatenden, Burland rd"
Corden Edgar Greensmith, 13 Copt- low. Weald road Mee Misses, 55 Crown street
fold road Hawkins PerPy Edward, 64 Park rd :\leeson .-\lbert James, I Park road
Cousins Ralph Cowee, 9 Queen"s road Haws Fredk. Howard, 67 Warley road .\lercer Rob4>rt Cecil, 139 Ongar road.
Coverdale Frederick, 15 Coptfold road I Haws Mi--s, 44 St. Thomas' road \tet!lon :Mrs. Norton viis .. Western rd
Cox C. Lea, Bank house, 46 High st Helm Wm. Livesey, Lynton, Park Id :\'lillbank Thomas, 48 Park road
Cramphorn Frederick, 28 W"arley rd Hender11on Alfd. Wm. 254 Ongar rd ~Iilledge Alfred, Keston, Weald road
Oramphorn Octavius Christian, 96 Higgs H. V., B.A. Grammar school, Mills Lesht> Stnart,Or\\ell,Burland r<f
Queen's road Ingrave road Mitclwll Wm.Edwd.4o Robin Hood rd!


Morgan David, The Hermitage, Shen- Reeve Mrs. 27 Warley road Stokes Mrs. 87 Queen's road
field road Relf Geo.Ravenscourt,Sawyer'sHall la Stone Horace J oseph, Green stone -vil,
Mortlock Harry Thos. 23 Queen's rd Rennie James, Fairlawn, London road W estburv •
Mould Edwin Hassell, 24 Warley mt Renwick Frank, Weald road Stoneham :Mrs. 54 Park road
Moull William _;\ rnold, Western lodge, Renwick Frank Forster, Sunnyside, Stursberg Herbert John, Weald ho,
West ern road W eald road Weald road
.Xew George Hedley, Strathearn Richardson .Arnold, 37 Rose valley Stnrt Arth. James, 41 Robin Hood rd
lodge, Rose valley Ridgwell Ernest, 26 Park road Swift Robert, 7 Rose valley
Newlands James, Kingsley villa. Ridgwell Thos. Francis, 165 Ongar rd Symonds Ellis Robert, Highland aven
Western road Rippengal .Arthur Hy. 6r Westbury rd Taylor Charles Richard M.A., LL.D.
Newton Rev. Charles Farley M.A. Rippengal Mrs. Westbury road Shenfield house, Shenfield road
(vicar), The Vicarage, Ingrave rd Rist. Miss, The Laurels, 34 High st Taylor Edward Geo. 36 Park road
Newton Montague P. 39 Crown street Rist Robert Surmon, Woodlands, Taylor George Edwd. 34 Park road
~icholls Mrs. 179 High street . Primrose hill Taylor Stephen H. 3 Park road
Nicholls Thos. E. H. 2 .Alexander rd Roberts Miss, 3 Queen's road Thalsino Mrs. 2 Westbury road
Nomico John Dennis, .Athens, West- Robinson Anthony George, Shenfield Thomas Rev. John B.A. (curate),
bury drive lodge, Ingrave road St. Thomas' road
~orris Rev. Canon Thomas Franch Robinson Waiter William, Invermay, Thomas E. Lloyd, Grammar school,
(Catholic), The Catholic rectory, Highland avenue Ingrave road
Ingrave road Rogers Mrs. 163 Ongar road Thompson Miss, 22 Warley mount
:Xorthcote Wm . .l1·Lhur, 25 Park road Rogers Wm. Thomas, 157 Ongar rd Thorne Francis Abraham, 49 High ~~
Olive C. D., M . .\. Grammar school, Rolfc Mrs. 37 Crescent road Townley Col. Chas. R. 4 Warley mn~
Ingrave road Roscoe William Herbert, Stamford Townrow Frederick William, Norton
Olive Charles, 40 St. Thomas' road lodge, London road villas, West ern road
Olley Miss, 19 Park road Rudduck Miss, 97 Queen's road Trumm ..!dam, 8r Warley road
Osborn Mrs. 42 St. Thomas's road Salt Misses, Gipping, Burland road Tufnell Mrs. Glasslyn, London road
Oud Rev. Peter James (Catholic), St. Saunders William F. 252 Ongar road Turner J n . .\f.B., C.::\L..!berd . .lsylum,
Charles house, Weald road Savill Stephen James, Herne Yilla. Crescent road
Pain Philip, 85 Qu.een's road Western road Turner William, 25 Queen's road
Pain Thomas, 12 Westbury road Saville James, 45 CrQwn street Turrell Louis J. 35 Rose valley
Palmer Mrs. 213 Ongar road Scott Claude Syms, 29 Rose valley Tyrrell Francis Astley Cooper M.B.,
Parker Chas. Marshall, 305 Ongar rd Scott Edgar W. 69 Westbury road F.R.C.S. Melville lodge, Ingrave rd
Parker Nathaniel, 7 Crescent road Scott Mrs. 81 Westbury road Vincent Sydney, 151 High street
Parkinson James Thos. 266 Ongar rd Scott Percy Charles S. 3 Warley mnt Wales Walt. Chase corner,Rose valley
Parkinson Miss, zog Ongar road Senior William Moore, 8pringfield Walker Henry, 44 Robin Hood road
Parmenter Mrs. 153a, High street Highland avenue Walker James, 28 Robin Hood road
Parmenter Wm. Joseph, 37 Warley rd Shattock William, 46 Robin Hood rd Wall; er Saml. Chas. 299 Ongar road
Pash Herhert Foster, qo High street Sheldrak!' Willia.m, 79 West· Waiter Hedley Chas. 179 Ongar road
. Paul E. P., B.Sc. Grammar school, bury road W andless John, 62 Park road
Ingrave road Shephard ~-\.lfd .•Tas.38 Robin Hood rd Watson Miss, 32 King's road
Pearkes George John, 58 Park road Shepherd Miss, 8g Warley road Webb George Alfred, 151 Ongar road
Peecock Edward Beck, 65 Westbury rd Simpson S. Westhorpe, Ranworth Webber Saml. Thos. 22 Firs Grove rd
Peecock OctaviusH.Bank ho.75High st housP, Ongar road Welch Miss, 35 Warley road
Perry Miss, 28 Westbury road Skilton Miss, 22 Westbury road Wellings )lrs. 26o Ongar road
Phillips Harold Edward, Eastcote, Slater George Nathan Oscroft M.D West ...!rthur Carey, 187 Ongar road
. W£.stbury drive Lond. Asylum, Crescent road Weymouth :Mrs. 159 High street.
Philp Richard Arthur, 49 Warley rd .:imalley Mrs. 77 Westbnry road White Ernest S. 32 Warley road
Pike William John, 70 Cre~cent road Smart Alfred, Hill crest, London road White Fredk. Rochesters, Rose valley
Poole Ern est Llewellyn, 3 I St. Smith Charles, r8 ·west bury road Whittleton Rev. Robert (Wesleyan),
Thomas' road Smith Gilbertson, Highlands,Sawyer,. 13 .Avenue road
Powell John, ro Robin Hood road Hall lane, Highlands Wilkinson SI. Hinds, 14 Westbury rd
Price Edward Chas. 5 Eastfield road Smith Mr<>. 24 Westbury road Wilson Wm . ..!rthur, 6 High street
Price William L. T. 34 Warley road Smtth Newsome Alex. 2II Ongar roarl. Windsor Miss, 20 Warley mount.
Proud Rd. Blackwell, 5 Queen's road Snodgrass Mrs. r8 Junction road Winter .J oseph, Corner ho. King's rd
Pulley Mrs. 35 Queen's road Southam Herbert Edward, 12 Robin Winter Mrs. 15 Eastfield road
Quennell Arthur, 12 High street Hood road Wise William, 262 Ongar road
QuE.'nnell Juhn Lcwis, 65 Crown street Squier Miss, 141 Ongar road Wood Geoffrey, ro Westbury road
Quennell Robert Wm. Yitre house, Steiner Julian Jacob, 177 High street Wood Misses, Western ho. Western rd
Shenfield road Stephens Rev. Henry M.A. (chaplain W ootten Mrs. St.Lawrence, West-ern rd
Rainbird Thomas, 26 Robin Hood rd County Lunatic .A.sylum).so Park rd W orland Miss, 48 Robin Hood road
Raven .Arthur, 169 High street Stewart Mrs. 67 Westbury road Worley Robert James,85 Westbury rd
Ray Mrs. 54 St Thomas' road Stock Col. Thomas J.P. Laneside. Wyche Ernest Morton, Rose valley
Reader Alfd. Willie, 37 St. Thomas' rd . A venue road

COMMERCIAL. 1 Bardell Horace, shopkeeper, 2 Cromwell road

Early closing day, Thursday 1 p.m. ' Barnard Flossie (Miss), dress maker, 55 Warley road
Ablin Joseph, jobmaster & carrier, Warley road Barnard George, gardener to J. Larkin esq. Nortbside,
Adams John, mole catcher, 20 Weald lane St. Thomas' road
.Alderton Frederick William, assessor & collector of I Barrett Limited, coal merchants, The Parade
King's taxes & land valuation officer, 133 Ongar road I Barry Charles James, King's Head P.H. Crown street
.Aldridge George Stanley, saddler, 72 High street Baverstock George Henry, grocer, 19 Warley road
Amos Joseph, picture frame maker, 17 New road Bawden .Arthur Charles, insurance agent, 23 Myrtle rd
Arden Percy William, artificial teeth maker (attends Beauchamp James, shopkePper, ro Alfred road
mon. & thurs. II.3o a.m. to 7 p.m.), 16 Crescent rd Bell Edward John, chimney sweeper, Hart street
Armour Joseph William, assistant overseer & rate col- Bennett .Albert Edward, baker, 7 Coptfold road
lector to the Urban District Council, 21 Queen's road 1
Berry Edwin, carpenter, 73 Cromwell road
Atkinson Louis Edward, stationer, 3 Warley road 1 Betts Beatrice (:Miss), dress maker, 19 Rose valley
Austen William, toy dealer, 28 High street Betts Horace Percy, shopkeeper, Hart street
.Axon Horace, butcher, 8 High street Binks William John, greengrocer, 3 Coptfold road
Bak~r .Alice (Mrs.), ~onfectioner, II5 King's road Birchenoug-h Joshua Shaw, postmaster, High street
Baker Emily (Miss), matron High Wood schls.Ongar rd 1 Bird Hugo Ritchie,architect & sun-eyor,St.Thomas' gate
Baker Jas. Rd. jobbilfg grdnr. 7 Urban ter. Western rd Blunden Richd. asst. bailiff of county court, New road
Banham John William & Son, jobbing gardeners, 90 Blunkell Henry, boot maker, r8 Coptfold road
On~ar road ' Bones Geo. coffee house kpr. & tobacconist, 135 High st
Bannister Heqry, jobmaster, Gresham road Banner Sidney, outfitter, see Stokes &i Bonner
Bannister Mrs. boa:t:ding house, Eversley, RoEe valley Bouttle Albert Edward, boot maker, 86 Queen's road
Earclay & Company Limited, bankers (branch)(Octavius Bowtell Elsie M. (Miss), milliner, 122 King's road
H. Peecock, manager), 75 High street; (sub-office) Bowtell Fredk. James, house decorator, 122 King's road
open man. wed. & fri. I I a.m. to 3 p.m. 13 Warley Brand Edward Charles, boot maker, Victoria road
rd. ; draw on ht>ad office, 5{ Lombard st. London E C
Brentl'"ood Asylum (John Turner M.B., C.M. medical Convalescent Hcme (Mrs.F. Landon.hon. sec.),Weald rd
superintendent; George Nathan Oscroft Slater M.D. Corfe Thomas Charles, furniture dealer, 9 &; I I High st
Miss Adele I. de Steiger M.D. & 0. G. Maginness Cornish William, carter, Moor place, High street
::\I.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. assistant medical officers; Rev. Cottee Edward William, relieving- & vaccination officer
Henry Stephens M.A. chaplain; Henry Hamilton for the Western district of the Billericay union & col-
Gepp, Chelmsford, clerk to the visitors; C. W. lector to guardians & registrar of births & deaths &
Parker, Chelmsford, treasurer & treasurer of benevo- vaccination officer for Brentwood sub-district, n Rose
lent fund; William Herbert Roscoe F.C.I.S. clerk; valley ·
E. S. White, storekeeper; George Douglas Renton, County Court (His Honor Hy. Tindal Atkinson, judge;
clerk of the works & engineer; Miss Ida Cherry, John Lewis Quennell, registrar; C. Godfrey, Rythe
matron), Crescent road, Th-ames Ditton, high bailiff), Court ho. New I'd
Brentwood Conservative Working Men's Club Limited Coverdale ick F.A.I. auctioneer, land agent,
(George Eleman, hon. Sf'IC. ), uo King's road surveyor & valuer, 44 High street
Brentwood Cricket Club (C. Edgar Lewis, hon. sec.), Cowell Alfred Charles, supt. of police & inspector under
Highlands avenue the "Contagious Diseases .Animals Act" & " Explosives
Brentwood &; District Conservative Association (Sidney .Act'' for the Constabulary Division of Brentwood,
J. Rowe, agent), no King's road Queen's road
Brentwood &; District Constitutional Club Ltd. (Arthur Cowper Harold, journalist, i6 Crown street
W. Garrood, sec.), r26 High street Cox C. Lea, manager of the London County & West-
Brentwood & District Co-operative Soc:ety Ltd. (Robert minster Bank Limited & treasurer to the Urban Dis-
Swift, sec.). Crescent road trict Council, 46 High street
Brentwood &; District Liberal Association (W. G. Stevens, Cox Lydia (Miss), beer retailer, Cromwell road
hon. sec.), 102 High street Cramphorn Limited, corn &; flour factors, Warley road
Brentwood & District Liberal Club (W. G. Stevens, hon. & 36 High street
sec. , 102 High street Cronin S. & Sons, builders, contractors &; joinery manu-
Brentwood & District Loan Society (Henry Ramm, facturers, 41 High street; & at Warley
sec.), Bell inn, 106 HiJ,th street Crosby John, chemist & druggist, ro6 King's road
Brentwood Electric Picture Palace, High street Crow William Edward, baker, 37 High s1:rePt
Brentwood Gas Co. (Cyril Towers, manager; A. E. Crowe &. Maynard, drapers, so, 52 & 54 High street;
Johnson, sec.; ·w. S. Church, collector), St. James' house furnishers &c. 73 High street & furniture re-
road &; show rooms, 83 High street. T ~ 27 movers, rB High stree~
Brentwood Grammar School (Rev. Jarres F. Hough Crowe Percy Limited, boot warehouse, 76 High street
M. A. headmal'ter; Rev. E. C. Potter M.A. chaplain; Crowe Percy P. tailor, 2:; High street
A. F. Burge-s J\LA.., G. F. Everington B.A., H. V. Cruse .Albert Edward, coffee tavern, 5 High street
Higgs B.A., 1'. R. Cockell, W. de C. Hutchinson, C. Cubitt Edwd. Xeville, architect & surveyor, 13 High st
D. Olive :M.A., E. P. Paul B.Sc., E. Lloyd Thomas & Cullen William Henry, grocer, 38 High street
T. Turrant, a•sistant masters; Miss E. Powell & :Miss Culyer & Doone, furniture removers, 63 High street
E. Elsey, lady teachers in charge of preparatory ce- Culyer Fred Jn. livery stable kpr. 35 (back of) Big? st
partment), Ingrave road Cumbers Arthur, assistant overseer for Shenfield, Little
Brentwood High School (boys) (James Binmore Warley, 9 Myrtle- road
Kenner B.A.Lond. hPad master). Rose valley Cumbers Ernest, coal dealer, 27 Crown street
Brentwood Institute (Ernest Perry, steward),n6 Hi~h <;t Daldy & Co. coal merchants, Railway station
Brentwood Laundry, Cromwell road (W. )fcKivett, Davey George &; Sons, dairymen, r6 High street
proprietor) ; branr h, Crescent road ; receiving office, Davis Harry, fishmonger, Hart street
16 Ongar road Davis Harry Cliffe, district collector Sruth Essex Water
Brentwood Motor & Garage Co. Limited, 12oa, High st Co. 16 Park road
Brentwood Parish :Kursing Association (Miss E. Newton. Deacon John &; Son, boot repairers, 6o Crescent road
hon. sec.), 22 St. Thomas' road Dean Wm. & Sons,painters &; house decrtrs.139 High st;
Brentwood Town Hall Co. LimitPd (Louis J. Turrell, Dear Amelia A. (Mrs ) , shopkeeper, W eald road
sec.), High street Doone Harry, tobacconist, 63 High street
Brentwood Traders' Association Mutual Plate Glass Dorrington Lily (Miss), news agent, 2 Ongar road
Insurance Co. Limited (Francis George King, sec.), Drake James Henry &; Son, bakers, 13 r Hig-h street
20 High street Duchesne Edith (Miss), ladies' school, The Hollies,
Bretton Frank, butcher, 130 King's road Ingrave road
Brooks Albert Arthur Henry, baker, 58 High street Duggan James, apartments, 99 Warley road
Brooks Emily (~I is~), servants' registry office, ro Crown Dunball Arthur, cycle dealer, 13 High street
street &; 31 Warley road Durndell Cla.ra (Miss), baker, 68 Crown street
Brown James (London) Ltd. brick makers, Kavanagh rd Eades Henry Ezra, tobacconist & confectioner, 7 High si
Brown Arthur Henry, pro~essor of music, 72 Cro-n n st Edwards John, pianoforte tuner, 143 Ili~h street
Brown George, baker, 63 Junction road Elliott Frank, boot maker, 41 Warley rd.&; 103 King's rd
Brown George, boot repairer, 13 ~orth road Ellis J. & Sons, coach builders, King Edmlrd road
Brown Tom, confectioner, 73 Crescent road Ellis Edgar Bruce, furniture dealer, 23 & 25 Crown st
Bruty Henry, shopkeeper, 89 Crescent road Ellis Joshua, beer retailer, 136 King's road
Bryant Edward, supt. of cemetery, London road Ellis Rhoda (Miss), dress maker, 35 Crown street
Buckle & Blake, grocE'rs, 87 High street Emery John, miller, & cartage agent to G. E. R. Co.
Burgess W. J. & C. T. agricultural implement manu- Queen's road
facturers, Ong-ar road Emson Blanche (Mrs.), draper. 20 Crown ~treet
Burgess Frank R. stationer, 45 High street Essex Property Register (Haltridge &; Rippengal), Rail-
Burley Jane (~Irs. ), florist & tobacconist, 74 High street way station
Bush ell Albeit, boot repairer, 290 Ongar road Essex Times (Wilson & Whitworth Ltd. publishers;
Byard Louis a (:Miss), confectioner, 38 King's road published sat.), II3 High street
Byford Alfred Thomas, teacher of music, 39 CrescPnt rd
Capon Clement Mitford, wine &; ~pirit merchant, Holly Essex Window Cleaning & Carpet Beatin~ Co. (William
house, Junction road Lewis, proprietor), n7 King's road
Carroll Peter Samuel, verger &; se:xt::m of St. Thomas Essex Yeomanry Territorial Force (D Squadron, Capt.

the ~Iartyr, 69 :Xorth Road annue A. Buxton, commanding; Staff-Ser gt.-Major

Southend-on-Sea, drill instructor) '
Carswell James (Brentwood) Ltd. billpo~ters, 20 High st
Carver George Wm. Spread Eagle P.H. 88 Queen's rd Eves John, greengrocer, 40 Cromwell road
Cemetery (Christchurch) (Frank Landon, clerk to the Eyles Francis John, apartments, 95 W arley road
cemetery committee; Geo. ::\'lacey, sexton), Warley rd Farrant Alfred John Seager, shopkeeper. 39 Victoria rd
Chappell William Charles, gasfitter, 34 WPlle,.ley road Field William Arthnr, outfitter, ::; Warley road
Charter Sidney, linPn draper, ~I High street Fielder & Co. brewers &; beer I etailers, King's road
Childs Brvant John, butcher. 4 The Parade Fieldhouse A.rthur Jas. temperance hotel. I Crescent rd
Church of England Young Men's Society (Robert Smith, Fire Brigade, Engine house, Hart street
hon. sec.), Church home, :Xew road Fisher George Abraham, The Castle P.H. 17 Ongar road
Church Wait. S. collector Brentwood Gas Co.83 High st Fisher Isaac, shopkeeper, q Victoria road
Claxton Richd. Cha~. watch ma. & jeweller. 56 High st Fitch Madame R. milliner, 39 High street
Claydon Robc.rt, builder & contractor, Queen"s road Fletcher W. &; R. Limited, butchers, 102 High street
Coch.erell William, blacksmith, King Edward road Flutter Frederick A. & Son, bakers, g3 High street
Cock~edge Francis 'Yilliam, beer retailer, I Waterloo rd
Foley George, dairyman, 137 Hi!!h ,treet
Cole George, teacher of manual instruction for Billericay Foresters Ancient Order of (:Xo. 30-t9) (James Adkins,
Advi~orv Di!'trict Council schools, I I Robin Hood road
sec.), Burland road
- Fox Henry, White Horse P.H. 10 High street


Franklin Louis Alfred, photographer, 206 Ongar road Johnstone Brothers, drapers, 17 Crescent road & cycle-
Frazer & Gooch, surgeons, Warley road agents. Victoria road
Frazer Samuel L.R.C.P. & S.Edin., L.A.H.Dub. phy· Kenney George William, boot maker, 255 Ongar road
sician & surgeon, & medical offic~r of health to the King Albert Thoma8, Yorkshire Grey P.H. 33 High st
Urban District Council, 26 Warley road King .A.rthur Edward, wine & spirit merchant,86 Highst
Freeman, Hardy & Willis Ltd. boot makers, 35a, Hig-h st King Ft-ancis GeorgP, grocer. Post office, CrescPnt road
French E. & S. stationers, 77 High street King Thomas Charles, commercial trav. 170 Ongar road
French E. & Son, printers, King's road Knightbridge G8'orge, butcher, II9 High street
French Edward, fishmonger, 57 High street · Land Harry, :ohopkeeper, 54 Junction road
French Ellen Kate (Miss), private school, I I New road Landon E., F. & H. solicitors, stewards of the manore
Fullbrook Sidney George, hair dresser, 2 Waterloo road of Ram~den Barringtons, Fremnalls, Costead, Calcott.
Gardner Sarah (Miss), boarding house, Rose bank, Rose Doddino-hurst, Downsells, South Weald, Chigwell
valley Grange~ Stapleford .A.'bibott & Shenfield, High street
Garrett Ernest, boot maker, 6 Urban ter. Western road Landon Edward Palmer (firm, Landon E., F. & H.).
Geary Alice- Ada (Miss), teacher of music, 37 Park road solicitor & <'ommissioner for oaths & perpetual com-
Gibson Alfred John M.B., M R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. missioner
'!urgn. (firm, Quennell, Quennell & Gibson),q High st 1 Landon Francis Palmer, solicitor & commissioner fo-,
Gilder Emily Caroline (Mrs.), shopkpr. 31 St. JamPs' rd I oaths (firm, E., F. & H. Landon), High street
Gilder Horace, shopkeeper, 6 Railway square I Landon Frank (firm, Landon E., F. & H.), solicitor, com-
Gooch Horace M.B., B.S.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P. I missioner for oaths, derk to commill>'ioners of taxes for
Lond. surgeon (Frazer & Gooch). 157 High street I the llundreds of Barstable & Cha:fford; clerk l
Gosling Frank, insurance a~ent, 7 King Edward road receiver to the governors of Sir Anthony Rrowne's
Gough Harold Oscar l\l.R C.S., L.R.C.P. physician & ! Grammar School, clerk to the joint committee, Christ-
surgeon, see Mansell & Gough church, Warley cemet.ery k clrrk to the Con-
Gower Arthur William, insurance agent, 11 Crown st servators of Shenfield common
Greanoff George, master Hackney Union Branch Work Landon Harcourt Palmer (firm, Landon E., F. & H.).
house & Separate Infants' School, London road I solicitor & commissioner for 'Oaths
Green Elsie & Nora (Misses), school, 246 Ongar road Landon Joseph Herbert Arthur, solicitor, High street
Green Henry William, insurance agent, Weald road Larkin Jame:s Ellis, coach builder, 46 Queen's road
Green James William, hair dresser, 3 High street i Larkin Waiter, boot dealer 30, & draper s. Crown 8treet
Guest E. P. Limited, chemists, 31 & 129 High street Legg Alex. Kennedy, The Chequers P.H. 40 High stree\
Gutteridge Henry & Son, bakers, & post office, Lemmon Charles, watch & clock maker, 97 High street
98 King's road Letch John, cab proprietor, 7 St. Thomas' road
Gutteridge Elizh. (Miss), dress ma. 45 North Road av Lewis C. & Son, provsn. dlrs. 64, & butchers 66, High st
Hagon George, decorator, 4 Ongar road I Lewis & Quennell, •solicitors, New road
Halfhide Waiter Jameos, l:uilder, 36 Warley road Lewis Charles Edaar (firm Lewis & Quennell), solicitor.
Halpern Mark, watch maker, 126 King's road ' coroner for So~IthPrn & Western division of Essex,
Haltridge 8c Rippengal, auctioneers, valuers &_ land clt-rk to the guardians & assessment committee of
agents; estates managed & rents collected; pubhshers Billericay union to the ma!!lstrntes for .Hillerioay sub-
of the "Essex Property Register," Railway station. j division & to BrentWIOud Lit•ban DistriC't· Council &
Telegrams, "Rippengal, Brentwood; " Tel. 100 1
Billericay Rural District C0unc1l & superintendeni
Hammond George Limited, froiterers & florists, 81 High ·1 rPgistrar of Billericav district, New rodd
street & 12 Warley road Lewis Hannah (:Mrs.),· coffee house, II7 King's road
Hammond & Son, stationers, 6o Crown street ' Lewis Wil1iam, proprietor EssPx Window Cleaning &
Harman Harry, beer retailer, 23 St. James' road Carpet Beating Co. II7 King's road
Harridge Thomas, news agent, 62 High street . Littlewood Florence (Miss), tchr. of music, 94 Ongar rd
Harrington Isaac, beer retailer, Hart street . London County & Westminster Bank Limited (branch)
Harris Florence (Miss), grocer, see Russell & Harns re. Lea Cox. manager), -t6 Hh.;h strPet; (sub-branch)
Harris George Robert, confectioner, 128 King's road l)pen mon. '\Pd. & fri. I I a.m. to 3 p.m. Warley road;
Harris Waiter, butcher, 22 Warley road h{'ad oflii'P, .p Luthbnr)', Lomlon E C
Harvey Albert, butcher, 6 Milton road Lovell Oswald. linen draper. roR & Tio Hi!!h strel't
Harvev James, cartage contractor, 125 King's road Lowe Morris, hair dresser Bo, & tobacconist us, High st
Hatt Edith (Miss), shopkeeper, 123 King's road 1
, Lowe William Francis, tobacconist. I The Parade
Haws A.da Elizabeth (.Miss), fancy stationer, 82 High )'t I Lucas A.lbert, boot repairer, 7 Crown street
Hayden Maurice, china riveter, Hart street Lush & Cook Ltd. dyPr'l & cleaners, 31 High street
Hazell Arthur John, wine & spirit merchant, 114 High st Lvndsell William, draper, 265 Ongar road
Herrett George, ph()to~apht>r. 4 Hi!~h -stre~:t . McFarlane Elizh. (Mrs.), dress maker, 4 Kimpton a\·en
Hicks Gf'orge, greengrocer. 6 Ongar road ' Mackey Letitia (Mrs.), nurse, 121b, Warley road
High School (Catholic) (under the charge of the ursu- McKivett Wm. propr. Brentwood Laundry, Cromwell rd
line nuns), Queen's road McLean Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments, 125 High 11treet
Hill Edwin Arthur A.R.I.B.A. architect, 75 West bury rd Macpherson Katharine (Mrs.), private school, 69 High st
Hoare Geo. clerk & storel•pr. Hi~h Wood schls. Ongar rd Manse] Charle-s John Linskill M. D. & C.M.Edin. sur·
Hodgson & Son, chemists, 6o Hi~h street geon, & medical officer & public vaccinator for Brent-
Holland & Barrett, grocers, & post office, 24 Warley road wood district, Billericay union, 149 High street
Home & Colonial tStores Limited ('branch), grocers, 89 Mansell & Gongh, physicians & surgeons, ror High st
High street Marchant. Thomas, confectioner 59, & china & gln;::-
Home for Jews' Children (of the Mildmay Mission) dealer 61, High street
(Miss F. L. Baker, lady superintendent), Berachah, Mark Master Masons (377• Brentwood Lodge) (Frank
Western road Landon, sec.), White Hart hotel
Hook Harriet Sarah (Mrs.), dress maker, 7 Milton road Marsh William Charle-s, hosier, 109 High street
Horsnell A.rthur, chief inspPctor of weights & measures Marshall Eliza (Mrs.), teacher of music, 79 Rose valley
& inspector under the " Sale of Food & Drugs Act '' Martin Elizalbeth (Mrs.), dress maker, 2 Crown strePt
for Southern district, 153 High street Mason Henry L. shopkeeper, 21 Cromwell road
Honchin Victor S., L.D.S.Eng. dentist, 45 High street Masonic Lodge (214, Hope & Unity) (Frank Lanrlon.
Houltum Janett (Miss), servants' regi~>try,23Wellesley rd sec.) (Weald, 2707) (J. W . .1rmour, sec.), White Hart
How Herbert Harry, insurance agent, 18 Kimpton aven hotel
How:~rd James Henry, butcher, 94 High street Matthews James & George H. eoal & col;e merchant•,
Howard William. draper, 99 High street Feathers yard, Railway square
Howlett Arthur Hayward, in sur. agt. I 8 St. Thomas' rd :\iatthews Annie (~r,..), shopkeeper, 15 l\ ellesle} 1 oad
Howle-tt Maude E. F. (Miss), teacher of art, 18 St. Matthews William, C)cle dealer, 2 Crescent road
Thomas' road . Mawhood Richard, architect, 89 Rose valley
Humphrey Joseph 'f. })awubroker, 96 H1gh street May Frnnk, butcher, 253 Ongar road
Hunt William Richard, Victoria Arms P.H. so Ongar rd May John Edward, Swan inn, 123 High street
Hurrell William, coal dealer, 65 North Road avenue Meeson A. James, surveyor, & sanitary inspector to tht>
Hurst Charlie, tobacconist, 2.S7 Ongar road Urban District Council, Town hall, High street
Hutchinson Percy Bishop, dental surgeon, 17 Queen's rd Mer~ham Thomas, Ro~·al E~sex Arms hotel, Warley road
Hyatt Alfred, commercial traveller, 19 King Edward rd - Metcalfe Frank, The Queen inn, 11 Coptfold road
International Tea Co.'s Stores Limited, 92 High street Michael Edward & Co. butchers, 124 King's road
Jarvis Frederick William, builder, Ongar road 1. Mid·Es~~>x Conservative &; Unionist Registration Associa-
Jewi~h Convalescent Home (of the Mildmay Mission) tion (S. J. Ro11e, sec.), 126 High :street
(Miss M. F. Chamber-., lad~· supt>rintendent), Miles George, boys' school, 17 & 19 Coptfold road
Hebron, Western road Milk Preparations Co. milk specialiS!ts, Junction road
lliller Clara (Mrs.), Lion & Lamb P.H. 67 High street Rudd Edward, insuMnce agent, 59 Rose valley
llooney George Bowlatt, pianoforte tuner, 155 Ongar rd Russell David & Son, nurserymen, 32 High street
Y:oore George, antique furniture dealer, 52 Queen'8 rd Russell &; Harris, grocers, 259- Ongar road
Moore George, house decorator, 101 High street Russell Grace H. (Mrs.), sub-postmistress, 259 Ongar rd
Morgan Sarah Ann (Mrs.), apartments, 4 Avenue road St. Alban's Diocesan Union for Rescue &; Preventive
Mor~n William Henry, e1ectrician, 39 Warley road Work (Miss A. M. Mallandaine, worker), Rockingham,
Mott Elizabeth Jane (Miss), beer retailer, 31 Tower hill King Edwarrl road
Moy Thomas Limited, coal merchants, 145 King"s road St. Barna'bas Home ofor .Aged Ladies (Sister Philippa
Mulley James, confectioner, 29 High street Nicoloas, sister in chargP), 28 St. Thomas' road
Murray Francis, solicitor & commissioner for oaths St. Charles. Diocesan Catho!ic Schools (Sister Francea
(firm, E., F. & H. Landon), High street Collins, sister in charge), Weald road
Nelson James & Sons Limited, butchers, 76a, High st Sankey J. H. & Son Limited, brick, lime & cement
Newman Waiter, saddler, 103 High street merchants, King's road
Northam Beginald Meek, draper, 100 King's road Saunders Fred, hair dresser, u Warley road
Ong Henry, florist & greengrocer, 24, 26 &; 28 Crown st Saunders Frederick, boot maker, 8 Coptfold road
Osbom Adeline (Miss), dyer & cleaner, 100 High street Savage Kirby F. fishmong£>r, 78 High ·Street
Osborn Janett (Miss), dress maker, 64 Ongar road Savill William, draper, Shenfield rood
Osborn Waiter John, carpenter, 64 Ongar road Saywood Harold, shopkeeper, 40 Myrtle road
Overell Percy, boot repai1er, 6o Ongar road Scriviner James Alfred, wine & spit it mer. 15 Warley rd
Palmer A1bert & Son, boot makers, 3 The Parade Seabrooke & Sons Lirpited, brewers; stores, 76 Ongar rd
Palmar George & Sons, blacksmiths, dairymen & car- Searles William, wardrol:e dealer, 3 Crown street
men, Hart street Sellwood Joseph, shopkeeper, 2a, North Road avenue
Palm er Frank, grocer, 251 Ongar road Sh1trpe John, boot repairer, 15 Ongal" road
Palmar George, horse slaughterer, Hart street Shelley Samuel Joseph, sanitary inspector for Billericay
Pannell Albert Geo. insur. agent, 30 North Road aven Rural District Council, I I Junction road
Park£'r F. J. & Sons, bakers, 24 High street Shephard Daniel, tailor, 3 Alexander road
Parmenter William Joseph, insurance agent,The Parade Shipton Henry, confectioner, JI4 Ongar road
Partridge Sarah (Mrs.), baker, 46 Junction road Silver Henry, fruiterer, 84 High street
Pt>ark"s Limited (branch), grocers, 95 High street Simmons Henry, cartage contractor, 2 Weald road
Perkins Berberl William, hair dresser, 6 Crown street Simpson S. W. managing director Royal Laundry,
Perry Emma & Eliz.a (Misses), ·berlin wool warehouse, Ongar road
62 Crown street Sinclair Mona (Mrs.), milliner, II4 King's road
Perry Emest Sydney, greengrocer, 2 Parade Sinclair Robert Russell, saddler & harness maker, 133
Philp Richd. Arthur, vet. surgeon, see Vincent & Philp King's road
Piekett John George, printer & stationer, 133 King's rd Singer Sewing Machine Co. Limited (The) (Jesse Hall.
Pilgrim Arth. & Son, monumental masons, 93 King's rd manager), -sewing machine manufacturers, H7 High st
Pitts .Alice (Mrs.), oil dealer, 18 Gresham road Skingley J ames, shopkeeper, 1 Coptfold road
Pond Arthur William, grocer, 104 High street Skingley May (Miss), dress maker, I Coptfold road
Pond Louisa Gertrude (Mrs.), grocer, 19 High street Skinner & Tucker, servants' registry office, 53 High st
Pope Arthur, shopkeeper, IIS Crescent road Smith W. H. & Son, news vendors, G. E. Railway statn
Pope Henry, Railway hotel, 147 King's road Smith Arthur, shopkeeper, 28 Great Eastern street
Porter Abraham, smith & farrier, 6 Alfred road Smith Arthnr Henry, oilman, 5 Parade
Porter Frederick, shopkeeper, II3 Crescent road Smith Dong-la.s Campb£>11, boot maker, 69 High street
Poopard William &; Son, scale makers, High street Smith Gilbertson, solicitor & commissioner for oaths
Price Edward Charles, ironmonger, 17 Hi!!h street (firm, Taylor & Smith), 20 H;gh stre£>t
Proud Richard Blackwell, grocer, 107 King's road Smith Harry Francis, cnnnty coUT·t clerk, New road
Quennell, Quennell & Gibson, surgeon~, 14 High street Smith Herbert, White H1rt hotel, High stre£>t
Quennell •.\rthnr M R.C.S.Eng-., L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeon, Smith Laura Lois (Miss), confe('tioner, II2 High stree'
&; medical officer Button &; Mountnessing district, t~eP Smith Mary (Mrs.), nurse, 53 Warley road
Quertnell, Quennell & Gibson Smith Robert, outfitter, 1 Hig.h 1.1trPet
Quennell John Lewis (firm, Lewis & Qnpnnt>ll), solicitor. Smith William, greengrocer, 2 Crescent road & fish-
reqistrar of county court & deputy coroner for the monger, 17 Warley road

ma!rl~tratf's f()r Br£>ntwood, New road , High street

Qu£>nnE>ll Robert William M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Edin. Sonthgate Albei·t Rdb£>rt, 1£>ather seller, 35 Hi!!h s1:r£>e'
surgeon, & medical officer to the Post Office &; Harold Spells Wait. Edwd. & Co. drapers, 16, IB & 2oWarley rd
Conrt A8ylum, see Quennell, Quennell & Gibson Spooner Thomas, boot maker, 13 New road
Race Frank Josiah, tobacconist, 8 Warley road Springett James, carrier, 41 Victoria road
Rainbird Arthur 'Edward, builder, 43 Robin Hood road Steward Eva (Miss), outfitter, 1'i High street
Raven ATthu", milliner, 127 High street Stewart Robert, apartments, 101 Warley road
Reed Ellt>n Elizabeth (Mrs.), beer retailer, 144 Ongar rd Still Harry, tailor, 42 North Road avenue
Reemnn Henry George, boot repairer, 19 Crown street Stoke!' & Bonner, outfitters, 133 & 134 King's road
Reynn11ls Alice (Mrs.), teacher of music, 72 Junction rd . Sugg Henry, teacher of music, 13 Victoria road
Reynolds Samuel Bevan, photographer, King's road 1 Tabor & Son, shopket>pPrs, 74 On(!ar road
Rice Arthur Charles, al<si~<tant imurance superinten- Taylor & Smith, solicitors, 20 Hil!h stret>t
dent, 29 Crescent road l'aylor Charles Richard ~LA., LLD. solicitor & commis-
Ricbard'lon & Co. ironmongers, 91 High str{'et ~ioner to administ£>r oaths in tb£> Supreme Court; of
Ringe George, watch maker, II6 King's road Judicature, Shenfield home, ShPnfi£>ld road
Rippengal Arthur Henry, auctioneer, see Haltt·idge & I Taylor Frank, antique furniture dealer 34 & 36, & ward-
Rippene-al. Railwav station robe dealer ,q, Ongar road
'Rippin Arthur John, auctioneer, Land & estate agent, Taylor JamPs Henry, jobbing gardPner, 21 Coptfold road
ln Hiah street; & at t·he Glantfuam's Est-ate office, Taylor Stephen Harry, tailor, 121 HiJ!h strePL
Sh£>nfi~>ld Tedder Herbert Charles, fancy repository, 107 Hi!!h st
Territorial Force Battalion ( 1th) Essex Regimen~
'Rippon E. W. & Son, motor engineers, 26 High street &
14 St. Thomas' road
Ri~t David & Sons, grocers, 71 High street
I (Lieut.-Col. A. R. Meggy V.D. commandin~; Capt.
John Grave Gowan, instruct'lr of musketry; Capt.
Rist Isaac, tea dealer, grocer & provision merchant, 48 H. ~- Rowlatt, adjutant; F Co. Capt. J. H. A.
High street; price list on application Landon; Lieut.. G. R :Mansfield, quartermaster);
Roast James &: Sons, builders, BI Crescent road he<td quarters, Drill hall, Ongar road
Roast James Thomas, boot repairer, 62 Queen's road T~>rritori:d Force (8th) (Cy<'list) B'lttalion E!lllPX Rt>!!i-
Roberts J. & Son, coal dealers, 4 Gresham road I 'll('nt (G Co. 2Dd Lit>ut R. n. Coln~>tt. comdg.; W.
Robinson Henrv William &; Son!', corn & flour mer- I Young, sergeant-instructor), Drill hall, Ongar road
chants, 120 King's road Thorne & Son (established 1847), auctioneers, valuers,
Ro!!ers Percy Charles, wood carver, 289 Ongar road land, house & ~>state aqoents & survey"... ~. 40 Hi!!h st
Rolph Herbert Marsh, fishmonger, 72 Ongar road Thorpe Charle'l Henry, inmr. supt. 12 K'IJ>pton avenue
Roome John, beer retailer, II Railway square Tiffin Robert Alexander. fi<~hml"nl!er, 21 Crown street
Roscoe William Herbert, clerk to the Brentwood Till Gt>O"!!'e. bPPT retnilPr. T 41 High !ltrPet
asylum, Crescent road Town Hall (L•mis J. Turrell, sec.), High 11treet
11-lse Ellen (Mrs.), nurse, 192 Ongar road Tredget .J'oseph Wm. plasterer. Lynmouth, WestPl'll road
.Royal Laundry (Brentwood & Essex Laundry Ltd. Tricker Gregory, town crier, Cottage pla«'e, High stree\
proprietors; S. W. Simpson, managing director), Tucker Alice (Miss), se•·vants' registry office, see Skinner
Ongar road . at Tucker
Turrell Louis John, toot & shoe maker, 8,7 High street White John Arthur, tobacconist, 133 High street
Turvey Ma.ry .Ann (Mrs.}, nurse, 12 Cromwell road Wildish William :Busbtidge & Son, grocers, 79 High st
Tweed .A.lbert William, comcl. travllr. 19 Eastfield road Williment :kobert George, tailor, 70 Crown sheet
Twinn Mary .A.nn (Miss), confectioner, 27 High street Wilson & Whitworth Ltd.printers & statnrs.113Hi~h st
Tyrrell Francis .A.stley Cooper M.B., B.S.Camb.,F.R.C.S. Wilsoil. & Co. house furnishers, High street
Eng. assistant medical officer High Wood schools, Wilson" .A.lbert Clifford, clothier, xos High street
Melville lodge, Ingrave road Windle J. Lil!"htfoot, solicitor, 77 High street '
Upton Cecil Arthur, butcher, 21 High street Winter- BI"QJ.hers, builders' 'merchants, King's road
Uwins Henry James, butcher, 65 High street Wood Benjamin, Bell P.H. xo6 High street
Vincent & Philp, veterinary surgeons, 151 High strflet Wood Harriet M. (Mrs.), apartments, 63 Victoria·roail
Wager David, beer retailer, 23 High street Woods Arthur Thomas Gunnell M.S ..A.. architeet 4\

Wakefield Edmund John, insurance agent, 47 ~orth roac. surveyor, New road
Wallis Alfred Henry, ·ironmonger, 111 High street Wootten Henry, tailor, 55 High street
Wallis Charles James, draper, go High street Wright Brothers & Co. oil & color men, 13 Warley road
Walton William, upholsterer, 87 King"s road Young Women's Christian Association (Miss S. Gardner~
Ward John Geurge & Fredk. R. plumbers, 122 High st hon. sec.), 15 New road
Ware Alfred Henry, 8addler, III King's road Young John Charles, market gardener, 21 Rose valley
Watson Thomas Sapsed, insurance agent, 29 Park :roall Young Color-Sergt. W. drill instructor to G Oo. 8th
W ebster Brnce, baker, I<> W arley road Territorial Force (Cyclist} Battalion Essex Begiment1
Welham .Amos, jobbing gardener, 38 On~ar rf a(~ 77 North Road !'.venue
West Joseph Thomas, florist, 26 Tower hill Yull George, plumber, 70 High street
Wheeler & Dur'rant,. grocers, 7 Ingrave road

:BRIGHTLINGSEA is a town and parish, and as· William Beriffe and Joan, his wife, ob. I52H Johir
the termination of the name denotes, was at one time Beriffe, {)b. 1542, and William Beriffe, 1578; the two-
an island, and it is still nearly surrounded by the river remaining brasses are those of two female Jiglll'eS• ·in-
Colne and its creeks, having only one road to connect serted in the room of two priests' brasses on a atepped
it with the mainland, in the North Eastern division of and foliated bracket. c. 1400, but now imperfect.; theN
the county, Lexden and Winstree petty sessional divi- effiJies represent Dame A.lice Beryffe, 1536, and Mal'"
sion, Tendriog hundred and union, Colchester, Clacton garet, her daughter, and it is believed tha\ the twu
and Harwick joint county co~rt q.istrict~ and in the earlier effigies of priests were appropriated, -cut dowu
rural deanery of St. Osyth, archdeaconry of Colchester and , re-engraved on the reverse side, as t-hey DOll"
and Chelmsfu.rd diocese. The town .is at the mouth appear; the inscriptions are missing: in the Lady
of the Colne and is about 63 miles fr{)m London~ 6 Chapel is a curiously incised stone slab, once, probably,
aouth-east from Wivenho.e .and zo south-east from Col- the covering of 3 tomb l in the chancel is an elaborate'{
chester; i~ is connected witb the Great Eastern rail- and costly monument to Nicholas Magens .esq. who died
way by a branch line fro111 Wivenhoe., Brightlingsea 1 in 1767: another peculiar feature of the church is the-£
is a member of the Cinque Po~;t of Sandwich ~nd as j number of niches that remain in the walls and columns:
such elects annually a D6puty and .six assistants : from. one contains a small mutilated statue~ supposed to- be
the same connection the parish derives various peculiar 1 that of St. Nicholas ~ a series of 126 small memoria}
rights and privileges, and in particular, exemptwn from 1 tablets have been erected to parishioners lost a& sea
service on juries. Brightlingsea has from time im- within the last 25 years. This church was ancientlY'
memorial been noted for its oysters, an extensive I rich in ecclesiastical ornaments, vestments &c. of which
cultivation of which il; carried on, partly nnder the a catalogue is extant: the communion plate compl"ise&
• Corporation of Colchester and partly by private enter- two patans and two chalice~ of silver: the -church wa>~
prise: this industry employs a large fleet of smacks, carefully restored in 1878, when an organ was also
which, in the winter months, are chiefly occupied by er·~cted: the east wind'.lw was filled with stained glass
the sprat fishery: Brightlingsea has become a very in x881, in part as a memorial to the late Mrs. J. C.
larg-e yachting station, upwards of Ioo yachts being Bal"llard, of Great Dunmow, who died 6 June, 1881:
laid up here for their winter quarters, and there is the tower was restored in x886, at the expense of F. C.
a ..considerable amount of ship and boat building-. There Capel esq. of Wilmington, Kent, in memory of his
is a ferry from Brightlingsea to Mersea Island, the father, the late J. B. Capel esq. of North Cray, Bexley.
distance being about Il miles; also a ferry across a The church affords 450 sittings. The register dates
creel-: to St. Osyth Stone. from , the year 1697. The living is a vicarage, net
I --~ghtlingsea. is governed by an Urban District Council yearly value £275, including 31 acres of glebe, with
of y members, formed in 1896, under the provisions of tht' residence, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, &nd held
"I.ocal Government Act, 1894" (56 and 57 Vict. Ch. 73). since 1872 by the Rev . .A.rthur Pertwee M ..A.. of Pem~
The town is supplied with gas by a company; the water broke College, Oxford, and rural dean of St. Osyth,
supply is deriyed. from two artesian "ells which cost St. James's chapel-of-ease, in the middle of the town and
~n,ooo, and are the property of the Urban District Couu- erected in 1837• is a large and plain edifice of brick, "'itb

cil; the xeservoir will hold 7o,ooo gallons. .A. fair i11 held a western turret <.:ontam•ng a clock, placed itt 1887 by
on St. Swithin's Day, or the Thursday before. Th'" public subscription; thPre are sittings for 550 persons; f
church of .A.ll Saints stands about a mile and a hall considerable imprm·ements were made in the interior in
north of the town, and is, in the words of Morant, "a 18g8, and a fine organ has since been erected. Here are
lofty and stately structure" of rubble and flint, consist- We.sleya.n Methodist and Primitive Methodist chapels,
ing of chancel, with north and south chapels and vestry, a Congregational chapel with Sunday school, erected in
south porch, nave of five bays, aisles and a western 1906 at a cost of £6go, and a New Church (Sweden-
tower of fine proportions, with large buttresses set borgia.n.). The charities comprise £2 x2s. yearly for the
angle-wise and decorated with 32 niches: it is finished poor, left in the year 1632 by John Sympson., rector
with pinnacles, and has a height, including these, of of St. Olave, Hart street, London, and a native of this
over 100 feet, forming a conspicuous aea mark: the place, and £6 a year for the repair of the parish church,
. ringing chamber presents some curious features; in the left by the late Miss Jolly, of Brightlingsea. B. C.
belfry are frames for 5 or 6 bells, but only one of the Pulleyne and Son are lords of the manor of Brightling-
ancient peal, dating from about .A..D. 1450, now re- sea. 'fhe Earl of Onslow P.•C., G.C.M.G. and the H()Jl.
mains; there iR also a small sanctus bell unhung: in Mrs. J. C. Bateman, of Brightlingsea Hall, are the prm-
x889 a peal of 10 tubular bells was presented by M. cipal landowners. The soil is gravelly and sandy
Bayard Brown esq. an American gentleman visiting loam; subsoil, sand. The chlef crops are wheat, barley
Brightlingsea in his steam yacht "Valfreyia : " the and oats. The area of the ecclegiastical and civil parish
church is chiefly Perpendicular, but three of the :five and district of the Urban Council is 2,861 acres of land,
bays of the arcades dividing the nave from the aisles 5 of inland and 2oj of tidal water and 483 of foreshore;
are Decorated, and there are also remains of the Early r-ateable value, [14,592; the population in I9II was
English, style, and one feature supposed to be either 4,403. · •
Early Norman or Saxon: the clerestory has disappeared,
having, rogether with the original roof, fallen down in
1814: there are on the floor brasses with effigies, of ;E.lST END GREEX and 1IURST GREEN are parts
which only one retains its inscription, but, with two of the parish.
ex.ceptions. they can be identified as being the memorials
of John Be~iffe, ob. 1496, and his three wives; Mary . CINDERY ISLANDS are two narrow islands in the
Beriffe, ()b. 1505; Margaret Beriffe, ob. 1514; .John river Colne, about I mile long.
Beriffe, ob. 1521, and Mary and Alice, his wiv~s.1

Post, M. 0., T. &; Telephonic Express Delivery Office.- Shipwrecked Fishermen & Mariners,. Royal Benevolent
Miss Rhoda .A. Fuller, postmistress. Letters arrive SQciety; W. I. Osborn, Wellington street, hon. t:epre-
from Colch~ster at 7 &; 10.30 a.m. &; 3·30 & 7; sentative
dispatched at a.m. &; 12.40, 2.30 & 7.30 p.m. ;,
sundays, dispatched 7·3() p.m PUBLIC OFFICERS.
Pillar Letter Box, Brightlingsea hall. cleared, 8.15 . ;Lloyd's .,!.gent, .AJ.Lert .Aldous +efferies.. 53 Higl). street
&; n.3o a.m. &; sundays, S·So am. & 6.45 J..dmiralty Surgeon & .Agent, ~edical Officer & Public
p.m Vaccinator, Brightlingsea District~ Tendring Union &
Wall Lett~r Box, High street, cleared g.ts a.m. & 12.15, Medical Officer of Health, Colchester Port, Charles
1.45 & 6.45 p.m.; sundays, 6.45 p.m Arthur Squire Ling M.R.C.S.Eng. High street
Port Sanitary Inspector & Water Bailiff, Inspector Thos.
URBAN DISTRICT COUNCH•• Edward Po•)le, 49 Colne road
Meetings held on the 3rd wednesday in every wunt:Q. at Assistant Overseer, William Isaac Osborn"' Foresters·
the Foresters' Hall. 1 hall, Sydney street
Assessor &; Collector of Income Tax & Registrar of
Members. Marriages, William Wesley Folkard, 37 High, 41treet
Chairman, William Pannell J.P. Town Crier, Jacob Orman, 48 High street
Vice-Chairman, Mark French.
Retire in April Retire in April l'L.A.CES OF WORSHIP, with times of Services
A. J. S. Ling ........... , 1915 W~ B. Wenlock ......... 1916 All Saints' Church, Rev. Arthur Pert wee M.A. vicar &
Fergns Martin ............ 1915 William PannelL ....... 1917 rural dean; Rev. John Lewis Evans B..A. cura~ ~

E. Percival ·······~····-· 1915 Wm. Roger Seabrooke 19I7 St. James' Chapel of East; 8 & I I a.m. &; 3 & 6.30
Mark Fren<'h ....... ...... 1916 Edward l:lkinner ..•.••. "' I917 p.m.; daily, 7 p.m
Douglas S~ne ............ 1916 ' Congregational (vacant); 10.45 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; tues.
Officers. 7-IS p.m
Clerk, William Isaac Osborn, Foresters' hall, Sydney st
New Church, Queen street, Rev. Harry Deans; J0.45
a.m. & 6.30 p.m
Treasur('r, Nevill A. C. De Hurzel Tufnell. High street, Primitive. Methodist (Colchester Circuit); 10,45 a.m. k ~
Colchester 6.30 p.m.; mon. 7 p.m
Ml'dical Officer of Health, Edwar<'f Percival Dickin M:.D. Salvation Army, Towe:~;· street
& C.M.Edin. High street
Wesleyan .Methodis~ (Great Bentley Circuit). Rev.
Surveyor & Inspector '"Of Nuisances, Henry Victor Lord, Arthur Strother; IQ.45 a.m. & 6.30 p.m
Regent road
District Rate C<>llectur, John Thomas Oarrington, New st •
Ferry Boat Inspector, F. B. Salmon, New street
Hard Master, George Godfrey, Station 'f()Qd 1 Public. ,EleJUt:ntary (mixed), fQr 342 children; average
I attendance, 232; William Henry Warburton, master;
PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. ,infants',.. built in 1897, for 145 children~ average
attendance, go j Miss M. Blake, mistress
Brigh~lings~a fire Brigade, Li~ut. H. V. Lord (acting W~leyan (mixt-d), for 4~1 children; average attendance.
captain) & 12 men; engine house, George cut 325; Ed~ard T. Pawson, master; Miss Kate Everett.
C<>ast Guard, William "Branch, cl!ief officer infants' mistress
County Police, J osiah Scott, sergeant, & 3 constables.
Ladysmith avenue NEWS:PAPER.
Custom House, Sidney street, Willie Ttacey, preventive Brightlingsea News, ,Sea View road; A. Quick & -eo.
officer in charge; George A. Flat~an, preventive man l Limited, of Claeton, prupriet<lrs; published sat. See
&:; JI~Cond officer; .Bertrarn Cyril Stevens, preventive ~ advertisement
man I
Foresters' C<lurt (4,390), Foresters' hall; 1st rnQn. in t CONVEYANOE.
month at 7 p.m.; T. W. Barnes, .sec Railway Station, George Ru:ffell, station master; Alfred
Masonic Lodge (433, Hope), Masonic hall, Tower street; 'Waiter Norfolk, goods & parcels agent
mon. on or before full moon monthly, 7 p.m. ; Edwar~ Carrier to Colchester. George Day7 daily
P. Dickin M.D. High street, sec
• Fieldgate William J.P. Walnut Tree Pannell Waiter, Victoria place
PRIVATE RESIDENTS, house, Spring road Pare Wm. Luscombe, 25 Up. Park rd
Aldous Mrs. 49 Church road Fieldgate Wm. Henry, 13 Regent rd Pattison Wm. F.,J.P.7o Ladysmith av
Allport Col. H. K. 89 Regent road Flood John Edwin M.A. John street Pawson Edward Thomas, I9 Queen st
Ame& Joseph, 81 Regent road Fookes Jas. Oscar, 29 Ladysmith av Pertwee Rev. Arlhur M.A. (vi~ar &
Ames Miss, 6 Queen street Frostick John~· Victoria place rural dean), Upper Park road
Bateman The Hon. Mrs. J, C. Bright- Goodwin Fred, 2 Spring road • Rand Arthur William, 40 Regent rd
lingsea hall Gould William Lewis, 15 Hurst green Salmon John Frederick, 30 Regent rd
Blyth Isaac, 5 Regent road Hibbs Edward Alfred, 53 Regent road Seabrooke William R. 39 High street
Boyes Arthur, 7 Stanley avenue Hutchison Mrs. 20 Dean street Southgate Ebenezer, 36 Church road
Bridges Joseph Herbt. 41 Regent rd Johnson Geo. Herbt. 21 Ladysmith av Strother Rev. .Arthur (Wesleyan
Cater Alfd. Hyderabad, Ladysmith av Lambert George Wm. 46 Regent road Methodist), The Manse, John street
Closson Mrs. I4 Hnrst green Lambert Robert George, 6 Regent :rd Sullivan Herbert Thomas, Manor ho
Cook Mrs. 33 Hurst ~reen Ling Charles Arthur Squire, High st Sycamore Edwd.Isaac,4oLadysmith av
Deans Rev. Harry, Regent road Lord Henry Victor, 4 Regent road Tracy Albemarle Courtenay William.
Death Albert, 87 Regent road Lucas Arthur, 5 Stanley avenue I Sydney street
Dickin Edward Pereival M.D. High st McMillan John, Duerdon, Spring road Underwood Mrs. 20 Burst green
Evans Rev. John Lewis B.A. (curate), Morgan Charles B. 4I Church road Watts Mrs. I8 Dean street
1 Upper Park road Osborn William Isaac,91 Regent road Wenlock Arthur, 6r Ladysmith aven
Pannell Tom, 23 Ladysmith avenue
Barclay & Company Limited, bankers (branch), open
daih· 10 a.m. till 3 p.m.: sat. g. "lO a.m. till I2.30 p.m.
Early closing day, Thursday1 I p.m.
(Albemarle Courtenay William Tracy, manager), High
.Aldous Limited, vacht •
builders, Waterside & house st. : draw on head office. 54 Lombard st. London E C
decorators, r6o Tower street Barfield Philip Henry, gardener to the Hon. Mrs. J.
Aldous .A.lbert Jas. oyster mer. 9 Tower st. &; Waterside C. BatPman, Church hill
Alexander Horace, butcher, 94 High .street Barnard William, miller, 54 Burst green
Alexander Joseph. butcher, so .Sydney street Barnes Charles, shopkeeper. 10 Church road
Angier George, tailor, 49 High street Barnes J nseph Henrv. draper, 53 Victoria place
Angier John, master mariner, 6 Ladysmith avenue Barnes Thomas William, printer & stationer, 63 High st
Atkins Ellis Charles F.S . .A.. accountant & insurance Barry Henry, hair dresser, 9 Sydney street
agent, 8 Queen street Baxter & Son, oyster merchants, Tower street
.A.:xford Stephen, Duke of Wellington P.H. Victoria place Beard (Ernest Stanley) & Daniell, auctioneers, valuers,.
Bacon Francis William, farmer, Malting farm house & estate agents, surveyors, tenant right valuers
Bagley :Fred, cycle agent, 6 High street & fire loss assessors, High street ; & at Head Gate?
Bagley Joseph, shopkeeper, 26 Sydney street Colchester. See advertisement

Bagley Thos.Summersum,baker &; confe-ctioner,4 Jligh st .B_ilney Benjalliin, shopkeeper, 37 Spring road


Eird Geo. Edward, boot&; shoe maker, 4 & 5 Victoria pl Frost Edward, master mariner, 56 Silcott street
Blyth Brothers, ship chandlers & plumbers, Waterside Ganter Eliza (Mrs ), fancy repository, 22 Nelson si;~
Eragg Fredk. Joseph, master mariner, 12 Ladysmith av Garde Bertie, insurance agent, 127 Tower street
Eraggs Alfred William, oyster merchant, Waterside Gees Eliza. (Mrs.), Park hotel, Park road
.Branch William, chief ()ffi.cer in charge of Coast Guard, Gees John Robert, undertaker, 4 Park road
Back lane Gentry Annie (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 23 New street
Erand Thomas Francis, smack owner, 5 Colne road Gilbert Mark (Mrs.), shapkeeper, 70 New street
:Brasted .A.lbt.& Son,fhhmongers &; oyster mers.g3New st Girling Reginald, farmer, Lower farm
Bridges & Son, block makers, Waterside Godfrey George, hard master, 16 Station road
Brightlingsea Crabchick Sailing Club (J. T. Wilson- Golding .A.lan Thomas, Victoria P.H. 55 Spring road
Webb, hon. sec) Gray John, shopkeeper, 36 Queen street
.Brightlingsea Fire Brigade (Lieut. H. V. Lord, acting Gunn Thomas William, smack owner, 133 New street
captain, & 12 men), George cnt Hammond Henry A.. boot repairer, Well street
Erightlingsea Gas & Coke Co. Limited (John Matlock, Harmer Leonard C. grocer, 53 New street
manager & sec.), Sydney street Harmer Wm. Clarence, tobccnst. & beer ret. 23 High st
Erightlingsea Horticultural Society (SI. Wait. Lord, sec) Harris John, hair dresser, 39 New street
Brightlingsea News (...-\.. Quick & Co. Limited, of Clac- Hibbs Edward Alfred & Son, sail makers, Waterside
ton, proprietors; published sat.), Sea View road. Hill J esse, blacksmith, Church road
See advertisement Hinds Thomas, draper, 11 Sydney street
Brightlingsea Quoits Club (William C. Salmon, hon. sec) Hodges Edward Ernest, insurance agent, 26 Silcott n
Brightlingsea. Reading Rooms (G. W. Lambert, sec.), Hollington Brothers, wholesale clothiers, Upper Park rd.
Duke street Hook-Child Philip Egerton, tobacconist, 50 Victoria pl
Erightlingsea Urban District Water Works(H.Fenn,mgr) Horne Charles, chemist, 32 High street
BroY~n Arthur Fred, wheelwright, 23 Queen street Howard Thomas Bartlett, Railway hotel, & smack owner
Brown Eliza (Mrs.), shopkePper, 42 Tower street Hunt Charles Frederick. baker, 100 NPw street
Browne Henry & Sons Limited, compass makers & ad- International Tea Co.'s Stores Limited, Victoria place
justPrs, High street Jackson Arthur & Son, greengrocers, 66 High street
<Cant George Shipman, master mariner, 10 Queen sh-eet Jaggard Major Marshall, fishmonger, 21 High street
Carrington Challotte (Miss). shopkeeper, 41 Chapel road James John, yacht builder, Waterside
.Carrington John Thomas, tailor & hosier & district rate Jarvis Ernest George, watch maker, 54 Victoria place
collector, 68 New street .Jefferies Albt. Aldous, oyster mer.& Lloyd's agt.Hi~h at
Carter Tlitha Cumi (lirs.), laundress, 39 Sydney street Kerridge George Thomas, insurance· agent, 9 Dean street
i(}hamberlain Herbt. Edwd. mast. mariner, 40 Church rd Kidby Charles James, boat builder, 137 Tower street
Chaplin James, master mariner, B Church road Lake Emily (Mrs.), King's Head P.H. Victoria place
Colchester & East Essex Co-operative & Industrial Leverett. Charles H. statwner & printer, rB Victoria pl
Society Limited, Station road Leverett Harriett (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 147 Sydney street
.Colne Oyster Fishery Co. (Henry Minter, sec. & treas.), Lincoln Charles, plumber, 56 High street
6yster merchants, 26 Station road Ling Charles Arthnr Squire M.R.C.S.Eng. surgeon,
Connold Ruth (Mrs.), draper & milliner,34 & 36 High st medical officer &; public va<'cinator for Erigbtlingsea
Cook George, boot & shoe maker, 13 Spring road district, Tendring union, medical offirer of llfmltb Col-
<Cooke William Geo. master mariner, 37 Ladysmith av chester Port & aJmiralty surgeon & agent, High street
.coppin Thomas, beer retailer, 67 Hurst green Littlewood George, insurance agent, 39 Queen street
Coppin Waiter Edward, beer retailer, 71 Sydney street Longstaffe Rosetta (Mrs.), apartments, 63 Tower street
Coppin Wm. Heffer, Freemasons' .Arms P.H. 8 Sydney st Lord Brothers, tailors, 25 High street
Cracknell Fred, mineral water maker, 56 Ladysmith av Lord Henry Victor, surveyor & inspector of nuisances
Crane George Wimam, confectioner, so High street to Urban District Council, 4 Regent road
Crosby Herbert, fishmonger, 30 Sydney street Lucas Arthur, tailor, 12 High street
.Corti~ Philip Gentry, chemist, 19 Victoria place Lungley Abraham, boot & shoe maker, 19 Sydney street
Day Ernest, boot & shoe, 28 Nelson street Lungley Charles & Son, boot make1·s, 78 & 8r Sydney st
.Day George, carrier, Hurst green March Geo. Edwd. confectnr. & beer ret. 22 Hurst green
Day Harold, oyster merchant, 41 Qolne road March Maskell. boat builder. Colne road
Death ..\.lice (Miss), shopkeeper, High street March William Thomas, dairy, g6 New street
Death Joseph Henry, coal merchant, 73 Colne road Martin Bina (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Bo Sydney street
Death Thomas Charles, pork butcher, 17 Dean street Martin Ernest, shoe maker, 3 New street
Denford Henry Jas. boot & shoe maker, 18 Station rd Martin Fergus, master mariner, 36 Nelson street •
Dickin Edward Percival M.D. & C.M.Edin., M.R.C.S. Martin Fred, painter, 45 Queen street
Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. physician, & medical officer of Martin William Henry, master mariner, 3 Nelson street
health to the Urban District Council, High street Ma.son Thomas, farmer, 34 Hnrst green
Dickinson Henry, dairyman, 31 High street Masonic Lodge (433, Hope) (Edward P. Dickin M.D,
Dines John, cycle dealer, Well street sec.), Tower street
Direct Msat Supply Co. (Fred Scott, manager),butchers, Mathew Charles Arthur, photographer, 33 Tower stree'
66 New street Mills Mary Ann (.Mrs.), apartments, 8-, Colne road
Draper .A.liae Mary (Mrs.), confectioner, 81 Colne road Mingey Alfred, farm bailiff to Frank D. Girlin~
Eade Arthur Edward, baker, 104 Sydney street Minter Edward & Son, statiQners & drapers, 16 High st
Eade Edward Henry, baker. 73 High street Minter Henry, oyster merchant, 12 Station road
Eagle A. & Son, oyster merchants, Tower street Mitchell E. &; A. bakers, North road
Eagle Clifford, oyster merchant, 39 Victoria place Mitchell William, farmer, Moverns farm
Eagle Joseph M. oyster mer. xs Queen st. & Waterside Moy Thamas Ltd. coal & coke mers. Brightlingsea statn
Eagle Maud Emma (Mrs.), draper, 46 Nelson street Mnsson & Co. oyster me:rchants, Waterside
Ellis Edward, boot maker, 13 Wellington street Newby William Herbert, painter &ic. 30 Silcott street
Empire Picture Theatre (Chas.Leverett,mgr.),Station rd Nichols William John, ironmonger, 19 New street
·Every Geo. refreshmt. rms. & confr. 31 & 40 Waterside ~orfolk Alfred Walter, railway agent & jobmaster. 9
Fnirs Samuel, chimney sweeper, 83 Hhth street Victoria plaee
Farington Emily (Mri!.), draper, 77 High street Northover Kate (Mrs.). Royal hotel, New street
Fenn Benjamin, master mariner, 14 Ladysmith avenue Nnrse Frederick (Mrs.), baker, 61 New street
Fenn Harrison, manager of water works, 76 Church rd Offord George H. insurance agent, 69 Chapel road
Fenn Sidney Thompson, cycle agent, 72 Church road Offord Wi.lliam John, confe<;tioner, Wa~ersi~e
"Field ·John Reason &; S()ns, grocers, 26 Hurst green Orman Ahce (Mrs.), ~onfect10n~r, 48 V1ctona place
Field Geor~e Thomas, tailor, 38 High street Orman Jacob, town cr1er, 48 H1gh stre~t
Field Herbt. Geo. tailor & boot dlr. 2 High st. & New st Ormes Her~ert & Son, butchers, 14 High street
Field'l!lte W. & Son Ltd. coal merchants, 30 Waterside : Orton Magg1e (Mrs.), fancv.draper, 36 New street
Fieldgate William, master mariner, Spring- road Osborn & .c?· grocers, Wellmgton street . .

Flood John Edwin M.A. Brio-htlingsea Grammar school. Osborn Wilham Isaac, clerk to the Urban District Comt-
John strPet "' • cil, assistant oversf'et & insurance agent, Forester~''
Folkard William Wesley, registrar of marriages & in- hall, Sydney strt;Pt.
come tax collector, :; 7 High street Pallott Charles Wilham, baker, 22 & 24 High street ~
Fookes James Oscar, builder & timber merchant, New st 10 Nelson street
Foot John R. sail maker, Waterside Pannell William, g-rocer, 20 Victorja place
Foresters' Court (-1390) (T.W.Barnes,sec.),Foresters' ball Pattison Will~am F~edk. & Son, sail m.akers, Waterside
Francis Herbert, market gardener, High street Peggs Cornelms, ship chandler, Waterside
French Brothers, dai1 ymen, 27 Sydney street Pegg.s George Henry, oyster merchant, ?9 Tower street
'qlrost Benjamin, master mariner, 26 Park road Pere1val Ernest, Anchor hotel, Waterside

l>lRE{JTORY.] ES~EX. GR.I!:A'f .BROMLl!. Y • 81

PjU'tr. John, shopkeeper~ 44 ~elsvn stre~t : Snar~ Charles H~::nry, hair dresser, Victoria place
P&\t1t~ Ch~rles Edward, registrar of births &; dea.ths for Southern William, groceT, 26, 2'8 &; 30 High street
Ardleigh district; attends 2.30 to 3-30 tuejl.; I I to 12 Southgate D-aniel, Cherry Tree P.H. 29 Church road
fri. Foresters' hall, Sydney street Spinks Edric R. upholsterer, I Spring road
Pit~ Robert Charles, master mariner, 106 Sydney street Stammers William, oyster merchant, 32 Nelson street
Poole Thomas Edward, port sanitaxy inspector, water Stone Douglas, yacht builder & deput;y of the Cinque
bailiff & smack owner, 49 Colne road Port Liberty of Brightlingsea, Waterside
Pooley William John, beer retailer, u8 New street Summers Waiter John, blacksmith, Waterside
1'o~r Waiter, grocer, 26 Church rrod; 3S John ,trPet Tabor Alfred Wm. oyster merchant, Io Wellington st
A; 23 Silcott street Tuner ~orlimore-, saddler, 49 Victoria place
Post Office Telephone Service; ca.ll office, S~dney s11reet Taylor Brothers, fish cul.ers, 39 Colne road
Powell James, tob,wconist, 1 Queen street Taylor Alfred, Freemason's tavern, New street
:Hawlings Ellen Jane (Mrs.), apaa-tments, 43 Park 1<>ad Taylor George Frederick, tobaeconist, 97 New stret>t
Bawlings Thomas, carter, 133 Sydney street Thornally Robert, farmer, Lodge farm
Reynolds Frederick, butcher, High street Thrower William, master mariner, 64 Church road__
Jliohardson Ernest Fred, boot & shoe ma. so Hur:>t greeu Tillett .Albert, smack owner, 42 Tower street
:&ichardson F. & Son, pork butchers, 74 High street Tillett F'rederick, master mariner, 7 Church road.
Richardson Ja.mes Robert, oyster merch.:mt, Tower street Tillett Horrie, shopkeeper, so Nelson street
Richardson Sidney Charles, cycle agent, 56 Hurst green Tracey Willie, principal custom house officer, 51 Lady-
JUches .A.rthur, poultry breeder, 90 Queen street smith avenue
Ri<lhes Arthur Geo. master marine11, IS Ladysm1th aven Tracy .Albemarle Courtenay Willia.m, manager Ba.rclay
lhdfell Annie & Grace (::\:li:,ses), dress maker-:, 53 Lady- & Company Limited, Bank, High street
smith avenue Tranham Joseph, oyster merchant, 87 ~ew street
Rnffell Florence (.Miss), im.urance agent·,53 Ladysmith av Vincent Arthur, grocer, 123 Sydney street
"Ruffell George, station maste:r Walley Samuel. beer retailer, 102 High street
R.& Son,ca.rters & market gardnrs.Colchester rd Walli:. Edmund Oliver, ironmonger, Thomas street &
Salmon Annie (M1ss), confectioner, 6 Victoria place house furnisher, Sydney street
Salmon F. B. ferry boat inspector, 84 New street Ward Walter Francis. insurance agent, Station ro&d
Salmon Frank Edwd.oyster mer. II Queen st.& WatPr,.ide Warner Frederick, jobmaster, I Burst green
Sargent Jane (Mrs.), confectioner, 8 Hi"'h street Watson John, florist, 27a. Sydney street
Sawyer Fred, Yachtsman's Arms P.H. Waterside Webb Arnold R. farmer, Red Barn farm
Sawyer John, oyst~>r mer. 10 Colnt' road & Wate1side Wellum John, smack owner, 42 Sydney street
Sawyer Martha J. Mis«), fanny -repo'lit,ory, 35 High st Wenlock Sydney Wm. milliner & draper, 46 VICtona. pl •
&wy~r Philip M. be-er rctaller, 82 Sydney 'lhePt Wenlock Waiter, master mariner, 37 Victoria place
Seabrooke C. & W. R. brl'wers, New ::.trP£>t Went Alfred William, ship chandler, Waterside
8eagers Fred, p-ainte1, - I New street Whislay Arthur F. ironmonger, Waterside
Seaman Albert FAwari. hoot &., -;hoe m1.kt>r. 7; H1gh Wil<~on-Webb John Thomas, tailor, 42 Waterside
street & Waterside "'ood;; Frederick Joseph, baker, I & 3 Church road
Sellens .Alfred, uphol-.~tleor, .,;5 ~yJnP} ~>trt>tJt. WooJs Henry, master mariner, 45 Ladysmith avenue
ShadracJ,. Hemy Thomas. corn ..:handler, I.) Wdl:ng· m st Woolvett A.rnold, smack owner, 42 Hmst green
Bhelton Fr-ederick:, baker, III High ~>trel't Woolvett Burke, smack owner, 79 Colne road
Skinner A.rthur, baker, -9 Sydney street Woolvett Edwin Thos. boot & shoe maker, 32 Tower st
'lldnner Je'lse, baker, 7 Victori1 plaet> Wringe RobPrt Wm. ID'l"teT marinPr, 48 Churoh road
<:;mith Edward Ta)lor, Swan h•)tt>l; ru~·t••r ..,a.r}.,!e &
'ltablinl!, High -.trt>et. T ~ 9
GREAT BROMLEY is a pari,h at the head of a in b1e J om x~w Year·s day; and £4o da1i•~d
small brook running into the Colne, 3 miles south-east certai•1 land-, left in r66I by Robert Rea, William
from .A.rdleigh station, on the main line of the Great Siday and William Wiles. yeomen, of this parish, to be
Eastern railway, 5 south from Manningtree, 7 miles east applied to the ornamentation and repair or the church.
from Colchester and 57 from London, in the North A recreation ground of four acres has bePn awardPd
Eastern division of the count.v, Tendring hundred, petty under the Bromley Inclosure Act. Great Bromley Hall
sessional division and union, Colchester, Clacton and is the residence of George Swales .A.lefounder esq.
Harwich joint county court district. and in the rural Yrs. Day and :Mrs. W. H. Dunnett, of Dedbam, the
deanery of Harwic.Q. archdeaconry of Colchester and Earl of Onslow P.C., G .C.M. G. Mrs. Greenslade and
Ohelmt~ford diooese. The church of St. George is a Messrs. John Hayward and Charles Wen den a:te the
fine edifice of stone, rubble d.nd rlint, princ1pally in principal landowners. The soil is mixed; subsoil, clay.
the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, cleres- The chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. The area
toried nave, aisles, a south chapel called the "Patron's is 2,996 acre~; rateable value, £3,391; the populatim
t:hapel," south porch and a western tower with pin- in 1911 was 689. ·
nacles, containing 6 bells: the church. which has an Pan'>h Clerk, Ge.o1ge Humm.
elaborately worked roof, has been reseated, the chancel
restored, and a stained east window erected to the Post Office.-George Young, sub-postmaster. Letters
memory of the Rev. William Hall Graham, rector from arrive from Colchester via Ardleigh at 6.45 .t
1837; there is a memorial window in the south aisle, a.m. k 6.30 p.m.; dispatched to Ardlei~h at 9 &
erected hy T. W. Nunn esq. D.L., J.P. of The Lodge, II-55 a.m. k 7·5 p.m. On sundays letters are dis-
to his first wile : and another erected in 1904 by an patched at 7·5 p.m. The nearest money order k
American family of Stone, to their ancestors Gregory telegraph offices are at Little Bromley & Elmstead,
and Simon Stone, formerly residents in this parish, who nearly 3 miles distant
t>migrated to .America in 1634: a lych gate of carved Pillar Letter Boxes -Hare Green, clPared at 8.30 a m
oak was erected in 1889 in memory of T. W. Nunn esq & 6.35 p.m.; sunday, 6.35 p.m.; Balls Green, clt•ared
D.L., J.P. d. 1888, by his second wife: there are 300 at 7·45 a. m. & 7-50 p.m. & 8 p.m. on sundays; Hrom·
~ittings. The register of baptisms and marriages dates ley Cro:.s, cleared at a.m. & 12.5 &, 7.15 p.m.;
from I5S9; burials, 1725. The living is a rectory, net sundays, 7.15 p.m
yearly value £574• with residence and go acres of glebe, Public Elementary School (mixed), for 130 children;
1n the gift of Mrs. Slipper, and held since 1913 by the average attendance, 95; Miss S. J. Leedell, mistress
Rev. John William Wardle !.'LA., L.Th. of Durham
Univenity. There is a Wesleyan chapel at Balls This school is under the control of thq EssFx County
Green and a Primitive Methodist chapel at Great Education (Tendring) .Advisory Sub-CommitteP, G. C.
Holland, Technical Institute, North hill, Colchester,
Bromley Heath. The chanties, amounting to £23 16s.
yearly, are for the relief of the poor, and includ~> cler:k
·Mrs. Jacob's of £3 annually, which is given away County Police, Thomas Layzell, constable
PRIVATB RRSIDBNTS. Robinson Mrs. Hill house Baker Franf'is John, farmer, Port-
AlPfonnder George Swales, Great Wardle Rev. John William M . .A.. lands & Hungerdown, Ardleigh
:Bromlev Hall (rector), Rectory Barham Chas. S. beer ret.Ball's green
Everard Harry Ge-orge, Holly Tree ho · COMMERCIAL. Bloyce George, market gardener
(}oslinl? Mrs. The HolliPs Abbott E. & Sons, farmers & ~Pd Bruce Waiter, blacksmith
Hir11t R'lbt. FrPdk. H. Bromley Lodge growers, Ho11ies farm Ch.,plain Amos. farmer. Bush far-llm~·~;;;:;;
Nicholls PPrt'ival Henry. Morants Badin Alfred Joseph, general dealer, NPwhnuse & Watrham's ...- GIJHAJ
Boberts William Amett. Broughtons Marks :Farm cottage Clark William Golding, farme \>'prJI

ESSEX 6 ~ e:,.
PI! ~

. I


• •
Oole Thomas,. butcher · Boy Jesse G. Black Boy P.H Seaborn William Firmin, farmer,
Doe Thomas, farmer, Hall farm Jaggard George Hyam, aSiistant over- Wright King's & Ram's farms t
Drew John, beer retailer seer &; clerk to Parish. Council, Spriilgle Herbert, grocer
Eagle Herbert, beer retailer Ball's Green Stephenson Fredk. Chas. shopkeeper·
Eagle William, shoe maker Jaggard Henry, farmer • · Tatham William, farmer, Woodla1148
• Eve:rett Samuel, farmer 1 Keeble William, beer retailer Tatham William, grocer, Hare
Gillingwater Frederick H. farmer, Kirkwood John, farmer, Park farm Ware John, farm bailiff to Boberi
Pond farm Lines Edwd. Albert, baker, Hare Grn Edward Free, Park farm
Hall Charles Albt. farmer, Ball's Grn Sargeant Geo. Wm. frmr. Ball's Grn Wenden Charles, farmer, The
Hall Fredk. Chas. frmr. Strutts farm Seaborn Ambrose, farmer,Windy frm Thick's &; Billiard's farms
Harpe.r George, briok maker, Mill bill Seaborn Geo.farmer,Carrington's frm Wright Alec George, wheelwrigla\,
Hayward John, farmer, Badley hall Seaborn Leonard, farmer, Skinner':. Portland~; house

LITTLE BROMLEY is a parish, three miles east ley, but dying suddenly, June nth, 18o6, intestate, ha
from .Ardleigh station on the main line of the Great sister and ad.ministratrix, Mrs. Elizabeth Warren, il
Eastern railway, 3 south from Manningtree, and 58 from compliance with her brother's benevolent intention, m·
London, in the North Eastern division of the county, vested £200 in 5 per Cent. Navy Stock, which now pro-
-"lrendring hundred, petty sessional division and union, duces only 2i per cent. in the joint names of three
•Colehester, Claeton and Harwich joint county court trustees to receive the interest of the said stock and w
.. dilltrict, and in th.e rural deanery of Harwich, arch-1 purchase therewith clothes to be given yearly to some <11.
· deaconry of Colchester and diocese of Chelmsford. the poor of Little Bromley. Mrs. W. H. Dunnett, ol.
~ ll'be church of St. Mary the Virgin is a building of Dedham, who is lady of the· manor, is the principal
'Pudding-stone, consisting of a chancel of the 12th landowner.· The soil is mixed; sub~oil, clay. 'l'he ,chief
century, nave, south porch and an embattled western crops are barley, wheat and oats. Th~ area is 1,844
· tower ()( pudding-stone and brick of the 15th century, acres; rateable value, £r,86g; the population in 1911
containing 4 bells : the f()nt, of Purbeck marble, is was 361.
• of the latter date: two of the small Norman windows Sexton, James Gladwin.
still remain: t.he stained east window, erected in 1905, Post, M. 0. & T. Office. William Henry Grimse:J,
is a memorial to the Rev. H. H. Minchin M.A. rector
sub-postmastet·. Letters through Mannin~ree, Essex,
lnere 1885-1902, and to his wife: the church was com-
pletely repaired in 1885 at a cost of £I,ooo. The -arrive at 7 a.m. & 12.40 & 6.45 p.m. ; dispatched. all
' register of baptisms and burials dates from 1538 ; mar- a.s:s & 11.40 a.m. & p.m.; sundays, 9·25 a.m
Wall Letter Box, Cross roads, deared 8.20 a.m. & &.40
rriages, I539· The living is a rectory, net yearly value
, [327, with residence and :!:I acres of glebe, in the gift p.m. ; sun days, 9· 15 a.m .,.
• of W adham College, Oxford, and held since 1902 by the Council School, built in 19o6, for 76 children (mixed);
LRev. Alfred Davies Cope M.A. of that college. There is aver-age attendance, 71 ; Miss Olive Rouse, mistress
•a small Primitive Methodist chapel here, built in 1863. This school is controlled by the Essex County Educa-
"Ml'. John Barton, late of this place, expressed a desire tion (Tendring) Advisory Sub-Committee, G. C. Hol-
of bequeathing £1o a year to the poor of Little Brom· land, Technical Institute, North hill, Colchester, clerk

Cooper Edgar, Little Bromley hall Grimsey Wm. Hy. grocer, Post office Pattle Frederick, farmer, Braham haD
Cope Rev. Alfred Davies M.A. Rec- Herring George Henry, market gdnr Wainwright Jn. Fredk. frmr. New ho
tory Kent SI. Howard, Fox & Hounds P.H Wenden Charles, farmer, Roger's frm
COMMEROIAL. Manning Harriet (Mrs.), beer retailer Wenden Maurice, fat mer
Cooper Ernest, farmer, Little Brom- Palmer J. farm bailiff to W. Brooks •

Oey hall & Mulley's farm & Sons, Stacies farm

• •

· -EROOMFIELD is a parish on the Chelmer river, The register dates from the year 1546. The living is a
· which forms a portion of the eastern boundary of the vicarage, net yearly value £2oo, including 7~ acres of
~-parish, and on the road from Chelmsford to Dunmow and glebe, with residence, in the gift of the. Bishop of
Braintree, 2f miles north from Chelmsford station, in the Chelmsford, and held. sincf' 1904 b~- the ReY. Charles
Mid division of the county, Chelmsford hundred, union, Edmunds M.,A.. of Jesus College, Cambridge. Philip
~ petty sessional division and county court district and in Morant, educated at Abingdon School and M.A. of
· the rural deanery of Chelmsford, archdeaconry of Essex PembrokF! College, Oxford, and well known as the
and Chelmsford diocese. The church of St. Mary is a historian of Essex, was vicar here from 1733 to 1738.
~building of flint, Roman bricks and rubble iu the :Nor- The Primitive Methodist chapel, erected in rgu at a
rman and Perpendicular styli's : it was thoroughly re- cost of about £700, affords 150 sittings. Woollard's
~stored and a north aisle added in 1870 and the chancPl charity produces £24 yearly, which is distributed i•
•redecorated in 188o and now consists of chancel with fuel &;c. Miss RaYen's charity of ahout £2 yearly ill for
ttlorth aisle of three bays, nave also with north aisle of the benefit of necessitous old women. C. W. Christie-
·three bays, south porch and a round western tower of Miller esq. of The Deanery, Sonning; Berks, is lord of
N date with spire and containing 6 bells, 2 of the manor and principal landowner; Sampson Marriage
which were recast and 4 others, the gift of H. c_ Wells esq. and the trustees of the late Henry Marriage are
esq. J.P. added in 1874: the south-west part of the also owners. The soil is loam, gravel and clay; sub-
nave is supposed to incorporate remains of a Roman soil, sand, marl and clay. The chief crops are wheat,
building ; the font is of the Early English period : there barley, beans and mangold. The area is 2,322 acres of
are memorials to the Manwood family and to Patrick land and 10 of water;· rB~teable value, £7,156; the.
Younge, librarian to King Charles I. who died in population in I9II was 1,209. :.
Jtbe Parsona,g-e House ; all the windows are stained, the A small portion of Chelmsford parish was added to
·east window being a memorial to Mrs. Clayton and the this in 1889, under the provisions of the "Divided
1re11t window a. memorial to the Rev. J. P. Smith, a Parishes Act," by Local Government Board Order 23,83-4. ·
former vicar: and three in the chancel being memorials and was joined t.Q Broomfiel1l for oocle~illStical purposes
'to the late Mrs. H. C. Wells: there are 430 sittings. in 1893. ,.
A finely-bound Bible was presented to the church by Parish Clerk, James Tunbridge.
'Mrs. Sarah Attwood, granddaughter to the before-named
Patrick Younge ; it originally belonged to King Charles I. Post, M. 0., T. &; Telephonic Express Delivery Oflioe.-
:and has the royal arms and cipher in silver: in 188o a Mrs. Isabella Wise. sub-postmistrt-!IS. Letters Te
reredos of stone and alabaster with a carved Tepresenta- ceived throue-h Chelmsford, arrive at 6.45, 7.50 (for
tion of the Last Supper was preswted by H. C. Wells callers) & 11.30 a.m. & 7·5 p.m.; sundays. 7.20 a.m.;
Clsq. wlio also in 1882 presented an oak screen, separating dispatched at 8.30 &; a.m. & 3-45. 5.15 &; 1-25
the tower from the nave, and in 1883 gave a lych gate p.m.; on sundays dispatched at 10.40 a.m. k 7·30 p.m
and six painted windows for the nave and north aisle: Wall Letter Boxes. .At the Lodge, cleared at 8.40 a.m.
·the sedilia. and credence table, erected in 1893, were the &i 12.5, 3·55, 5.10 &; 7·30 p.m.; SUndays, 7·30 p.m.;
gift. of F. W. ~eild esq.; the organ was prPsented by at the Vicarage, cleared at 8.30 & 11.45 a.m. k 3.40 li
'Mrs. H. C. Wells in 1885, and in 1899 a marble tablet 7.20 p.m.; sundays, 7·55 p.m
inscribed with a list of the rectors frog~. 1230 and of
the vicars from 1302 was presented by "Mrs. Radcliffe, Council School, erected in 1912, for 308 children;
of Broomfield Court, and also a carved wooden box for svera~e attendance. 230 ; J oseph Frearson ·Blocksidge,
the King Charles' Bible above mentioned; adjoining the master
rhnrch was formerly a chapel, dedicated to St. Leonard. County Police, Frederick Cross, c.,n ... table
• COHHli:R('lAL. Mattbams James, boot repairer
Merritt Bessie (Mrs.), draper
Balls George Whitehead, Dinmore Broomfield Coffee House (Thomas Neville Sidney, butcher
Britten Thomas, Roselawn Appleton, proprietor) Parish James Cheesley, King's Arms
Cass Charles, Lansdowne villa Candler John, blacksmith P .H. &; assistant ovt>rseer •
Christy Misses, Orchards Christy Jas. Nicholas, farmer, Priors Parsons George, baker
Clark Percy John, Fir lodge Day Fredk. & Wm. farmers, Wood- Partridge Roland, frmr.Patching hall
Copland Miss, Broomfield place hall farm. (letters through Chignall) Pilley Albert, market gardener
Dickson Ashley Gordon, Scravels Day James, farmer, Butlers farm Rose John, boot repairer
Dixon Ernest Thomas Eglin J. C. & Co. builders Saltmarsh Oswald, grocer
Edmunds Rev. Charles M.A.Vicarage Elgie Jas. Godleman,joiner & builder Smith Arthur, coal dealer
Hockley Leonard A. Avondale, Patch- Ellis Brothers, coach builders Speakman William Albert, farmer,
ing Hall lane Finning William David, pork butcher Staceys & Partridge Green farms
Marriage Mrs. Ayletts Franklin Fred, baker Squires Edwin James, nurseryman
Marriage Sampson, Parsonage Goodchild George William,Angel P.H Stubbings James, wheelwright
Neild Mrs. Broomfield house Jarred Frederick William, plumber Turner Fred, registrar of births &
Parker Henry William, Barnfield ho King Charles, farm bailiff to William deaths, Great Waltham sub-dis-
iParry Owen, Brooklands & Hy. Marriage & Sons, Chobbings trict, relieving & vaccination officer,
Radcliffe Mrs. Broomfield court Leonard Herbert, farm bailiff to third district, deputy registrar of
Ridley Gerald L. N. The Limes Samuel Metson «:>sq Broomfield births & deaths Writtle sub-district,
Stubbings Mrs. Lyndhurst Hall farm & collector to the guardians,
Thompson Fredk. William, The Glen Marriage William & Henry &; Sons. Ch«:>lmsford union
Tipler Goorge, Broomfield hall millers (water & ;.team), Broom- WPlcomP C'rffee House (F:rederick
Trotter Stuart, Broomfield lodge field mill Llewellyn Thomas, proprietor)
Masey Edith (Miss), dress maker Yroo.;;ter Wm. Alfred,market gardener
BROOK STREET, see South Weald.
• •

.BROXTED (or Chaureth) is a parish in a pleasant' muted at £666 yearly. The Congregational chapel here
undulating country, richly cultivated and well timbered, was erected in I862, and has 6o sittings. The Countes1
3! miles east-by-north from Elsenham station, on the of Warwick, who is lady of the manor, Edward Collin
main line of the Great Eastern railway, 4 south-west esq. and A. P. Humphry esq. M.V.O., D.L., J.P. of
irom Tha...:ted and 5 north-west from Dunmow station on Horham Hall, Thaxted, are the princip~l landowners-.
the Bishop Stortford and Braintree branch of the Great The soil is heavy land; subsoil, clay. The chief crops
Eastern railway, in the Western division of the are wheat, barley, oats, beans and peas. The area is
-county, Dtmmow hundred, petty sessional division, 3,179 acres; rateable valne, £2,708; the population in
union and county court district and in the rural rgn was 548 in the civil and 580 in the ecclesiastical ·
deanery of Dunmow, archdeaconry of Colchester and parish.
Chelmsford diocese. A small brook, rising in this Parish Clerk, Thomas Sparkes.
parish, :flows into the Chelmer at Tilty. The church of Sexton, Thomas Stammers.
St..Mary t_he. Virgin, situ~ted on the side ~f a hill, is an Post & M. 0. Office, Charles Saville, sub-postmaster.
~c~ent bmldmg of stone m the Early E_nghsh style, con- Letters from Dumnow arrive at 8. 10 a. m. & 12. 5
i!Ishng of lofty chancel, n~v~, north aisle, south porch p.m.; dispatched at 4 . 15 p.m.; sunday, a. 10 a.m.;
:and a ~ester~ belfry cont.ammg 4 bells: ~e church has dispatched at 10 _5 a.m. Duton Hill is the nearest
ten st_amed wmdows and m 1876 was re;paued unde~ the telegraph office 2 ~ miles distant
supermtendence of Mr. J oseph Clarke, diocesan architect, ' .
at a cost of £ 2 , 200 , of which a sum of £Boo was con- Wall Letter Box, BriCk End, cleared at 4 p.m. week
tributed by R. Benyon esq. (d. 1897) for the restora- days only_ .
tion of the chancel: there are 240 sittings. The register County Pohce Stat10n, Alfred James, constable
dates from the year I654· The living is a vicarage, with Public Elementary School (mixed), for I20 children;
the rectory of Chickney annexed, joint net yearly value average attendance, 99; F~ederick Wheeler, master;.
£307• with rPsidence, in the gift of James Herbl'rt Mrs. Elizabeth Wheeler, mistress
Benyon esq. J.P. and L. Cranmer-Byng esq. alternately, This school is controlled by the Esse~ Education (Dun-
and held since 1893 by the Rev. Henry Ferdinand mow) District Sub·Committe0, 13tllV4en Giffar4, Grea~
Ratti"combe Th.Assoc.K.C. The great tithes are com- Dunmow, clerk
· · Bailey William, farnter, Godirey!:. Leeder F'rank, iarrner, Cherry green
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. farm, Cherry grePn Mynott Ernest, farmer, Garroulds
Battiscornbe Rev. Henry Ferdinand Barker Annie (Mrs.). farmer, Wood- Percy James, farmer, Broxted hill
Assoc.K.O.L. Vicarage gates Phillips John Michael, farmer,
Markwt>ll Mr<;. Woodbine cottage Baynes George, farmer, Broxted hall Cherrv• hall
FTeeman Richard, far·mer Scruby Fredk. farmer, Church hall
Harvey Thomas, farmer, Cherry st Stock Arth. Albt. farmer, Fleming hl
Abra William, gamekeeper to A. P. Hoskin Hy. Wm. farmer, Moor «:>nd Stock Frank, farmer, Tingates
Humphry e~q. M.V.O., D.L., J.P Iredale Ralph Ellard, miller (wind) Townsend "'m. Jsph. frmr. Wood fm
Andrews Philip Charles, farmer, King Howard, beer retailer,Brick end Wilkes Alfred, Bell P.H
Sharp!.>'! farm Laurie William (Mrs.). farmer, Bor- Willis Waiter, shopkeeper, Brick end
1 ham farm, Cherry green I

BUCKHURST HILL is a populous suburb of , memorial to the late Mrs. Oliver: there are Boo sittings,
London, and was constituted an ecclesiastical district of which 261 are free. In 1896-7 extensive alterations
Dec 14, 1838, out of Chigwell parish, and a civil were made at a cost of about £1,700, when a new stone
parish in 1895, in pursuance of the "Local Government chancel arch was built, the chancel extended and the
Act, 1894,'' with a station on the Woodford branch of roof of the nave considerably raised, under the direction
the Great Ea•tern railway; it stands midway between of Mr. John Oldrid Scott, architect, for the chancel,
Woodford and Loughton, on the high road to Epping, rntd Me<~srs. Milne and Hall, architects, for the nav&:
and is delightfully situated on the summit of a hill, in 19o6 oak choir stalls were s«:>t up in memory of the
commanding extensive views of Epping and Hainault Rev. the Earl of Chichester M.A., J.P. who died 21
forests and adjoining "Ll'lrds Bushes," a detached April, 1905, and in the same year the chancel was •

portion 'of Epping forest, 10 miles from London, and repaired with tiles and carved oak sanctuary rails pre-
is in the Western division of the county, Ongar hundred, sented in memory of Miss Rachael Powell: in 1907 an
Epping petty sessional division and uni~n, Romford oak pulpit was given by the parishioners in memory
county court district, and in the rural deanery of Chig- of Mr. Nathaniel Powell, and the east window, a
well, archdeaconr~· of Essex,. and Chelmo;fon! iliocese. memorial to Mr. and Mrs. Powell, was the gift of
The parish is governed by an Urban .District Ccuncil of that family: in 1909 a window was erected in the
nine members, formed in 1895, under the provisions of north aisle to the Rev. Harold George Laine, a former
the "Local Government Act, 1894 " (56 and 57 Vict. c. curate: in 1913 the carved oak west door to the nave
73). The church of St. John the Baptist, originally built and the carved oak frontal of the altar were given in
in 1837, is an edifice of stone; the north aisle .and chan- memory of Miss J. M. Powell. The register dates from
-eel were adfted in 1864 and the tower was built in r879· the year 1837· The living was declared a t•ectory June
at a cos~ of £z,ooo, by E. N. Buxton esq.: the church r8, r867, net yearly value, with pew rents, £591,
now consists of chancel, nave, aisles, northern porch and with 8 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the
a tower with pinnacles and ~pire, containing a clock and vicar of Chigwl'll, and held since rgor by thu Rev.
8 circular bf'lls, given in rgoj by her executors -as a Frederick William Morris Woodward D.D. of Hertford


College, Oxford. The :\lission Cburcb of St. Stephen, in 18e6, i.::~ a structure of red l>rick with stone dressings
Queen's road,. erected at a cost of about £1,500, raised and will seat about 300 persons. There is also a smaU
in memory of the Rev. W. H. Frend, a former rector chapel in the Queen's l'Oad {Of the Plymouth Brethreu-..
of ·BuckbJirst Hill, and opened on St. Stepben's ! erected in x884• and holding abou~ xso p6reone. The,.
day, 1876, holds about 250 persons and has a mission j Buokhurst Hill Hall, in Queen's roaq, formerly a llaptia~
house 3;tt<ached. A Pa.risb Hall was er~cted and pre- 1 ~hapel, was ert<ct-ed in. x866 at a. cost; of.£ 1,200 ;_ in I8~
sented ln 190-f by the sth Earl of ChiChester. The I. It. was enlarged ap.i IS used for pubhc meetmgs aJXt
Congxegational chapel in P<t-lmerston road is a building t>ntertainments: it will hold ~so p(>rbons. Prince'ii Hall.
of stone in the Decorated style, and will seat soo 1 in Prince's road, is u11~ for -,eljgious senices and!
persons; adjacent is a Sunday school and lecture hall. llecinrfls, and will hold 300 per&ons. The J?ore~t liPs-:.
The Baptist chapel, PaJmerston road, originally an t pital, in Roebuck lww, erected in 1912, con.tains ~J
iron structure, built in 187I, was rebuilt of red brick ; lJeds and 1 cot. The area of the ecclesiastical and
in z887: the chapel contains a stained window and 1 Givil parish and district of the Urban Council is 873
will seat 300 persons, and near it is an iron school t acres; rateable value, £27,1r6; the population in I(J)I.
room for 150 children. There is another Baptist was 4,786 and in xgn, 4,886.
chapel, erected in 1900 to seat 340 persons. The Wes- Sexton, William Buthn·, road.
leyan l\fethcdist chapel, in the Queell's road, erected '


Post, M. 0. & T. Office, Queen's road (letters should ~orge Norman :Y:.B., B.S.Durh., M.R.C.S.Eng.,.
have Essex added). A.. V. Taylo:-, sub-postmaster. L.R C.P Lond. & B .. F. PPndred M.R.C.S.Eng.,
Letters are dispatched at 9.50 a.m. & 12.-fO, 4·45 (sat. L.R.C.P.Lond
5) & 9 30 p.m. ; sundays, 9 p.m.; delivered at 7 & Matron, Sister Slater
8.30 a.m. & 1.40 & 6.40 p.m.; sunday, 7 a.m. only •

Post, M. 0. &; T. Office, Queen's road.-Howard Yeoell, PUBLIC OFFICERS.

sub-postmaster. Letters are dispatched at I & 9.30 a. m. Assistant Overseer & Collector of King's Taxes, J.
& 12.15, 4.1.: & g. 15 p.m. Tele~rams dispatched, but Paget, Warwick house, Queen's road
pot deliverec1 .. • ~. ~ ~ .... Certifying Factory Surgeon, Charles R. Dykes !LR.O.S.:
Eng-., L.R C.P.Lond. GlanuRlr, Qnet>n's I"nad
lJ'RB.AN DISTRICT COUNCIL. Medical Officer, Buckhni"st Hill District, Epping Union;
(lftices, Warwick house, Queen's road. George Norman :M.B., B.S.Dnrh., M.R.C.S.Eng ...
Meeting dliy, third wednesday in the month afi 8 p.m. L.R.C.P.Lond. Brendon, Palmerston road
MPmbers. Reg-istrar of Births & Deaths, Samuel Joseph Wilks,..
Chairman, Charles David Coxall. Loughton, who attends at G. Rose's, Queen's roacf ..
""ice-Chairman, Thomas J effryes. mondays, from 12 noon to I p.m
Retire Retire
Charles David Coxall ..• 1915 W. C. Rmith ............ 1916 PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of Services.
Fredk. Raymond Pelly 1915 Alfred Francis de Wael 1917 St. John the Baptist Church, High road, Bev. Fredk!
Alfred Savill .•......•..• 1915 Charles Vnder J.P.....• 1917 Willia.m Morris Woodw-ard D.D. rector; u a.m. &;
Herbert Henry Elvin ... 1916 William Geo. Sowdeu .• It:JI7 6.30 p.m.; mon. tues. thnrs. & sat. 10 a.m.; wed. 6;
'Thomas Jeffryes ........• 1916 fri. 12 noon
St. Stephen's Mission Church, Lower Queen's road; holy
Clerk, Thomas Joseph Tee, Warwick house.Queen's road communion xst & 3rd sundays, 8 a.m.; 2nd & 4th at
n a.m. ; I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 8 p.m
Treasurer, Eliot Hind!'r, High street, Woodford Gre!'n
~edical Officer of HPalth, Charles Relrinald Dykel!l
Baptist, Palmerston road; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed.
M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Glanusk, Queen's road 7.30 p.m
Survevor, HPrhert Toolev F.R.I.B.A. Roebuck lane Baptist, Princes road, Rev. Frederick Arthur Cox; u:
• •
a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. & sat. 7·:lO p.m
Sanitary Inspector, Jsph. Templeton Heath .A..R.San.Inst. Congregational, Palmerston road, Rev. Samuel King;.
Hills road .
I I a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7·4.~ p.m
Collector, J. Paget, Warwick house, Queen's road Plymouth Brethren, Queen's road; 10.45 a.m. &i 6.45
p.m.; mon. 8 p.m.; thurs. 7·45 p.m
Buckhursli Hill Urban Dilltrict Council Fire Brigade Wesleyan Methodist, Quren's road (Wanstead & Wood-
Station, Harry William Knight, captain, High road ford Circuit), Rev. Edgar A. Buchanan (supt.) &-
W!.LTHUI JOINT HOSPITAL BOARD. Rev. Ernest Louis Ley Peake; u a. m. & 6.30 p.m.;
wed. 7.30 p.m
Chairman, A. J. Edwards J.P.
Clerk, Thomas J. Tee, Warwick house, Queen's road SCHOOLS.
Treasn-rPr, Eliot Hinder, London Joint Stock Bank, Council (boys), Prince's road, for 400 children; there it;.
Qupen's road a residence for master attachl'd; present average at~
FOREST JlOSPIT.AL. ten dance, 280; George Ern est Gratton, mastPr
Council (infsmts), Albert road north, for 167 children;
Roebuck lane. average attendance, 114; Miss Margaret E. Taylor,..
Hon. Treburer, C. Benm~tt Wood mistress
Hon. Secretary, Howard Wall Public Elementary, St. John's (girls), High road, for
Hon. Medical Officers, G. F. Cooper M.B., B.S.Lond., 320 girls & 86 infants; average attendance, 351 ; Miss
M.R C.S.En~., L.R.C.P.Lond., F. S. Davies M.R C.S. J ennie V. Ward, mistress
En~., L R.C.P.Lond., C. R. Dykes M.R.C.S Eng.,
L R.C.P .Lond., A. Butler Harris M.A., M.B.Durh., Railway Station, Frederick Joseph English,station mastr
B.Ch.Oxon., P. W. Moore N:.B.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. Parcels Receiver, Thomas Banks, grocer, Queen's road
PBIVATE :RESIDENTS. Bardsley Mrs. Si1verdale,Westbury la Brabner William, Downderry, West-
B •rlow Thomas M organ, St. Cross, bury road
For 0 th er names see W 00 dford W e11 s. Queen's road Bramley Charles Edward, Thorsdeney
!.dams Mrs. Rocklands,Palmerston rd Barnard Arthur, Cerne, ·Princes road King's aven'le
.-\dams Thomas, 2 Stag lane Barnes Ernest,2 Fawn vils.Queen's rd Rrandon Percy. Grasmere,Scotland rd
.\ddison Joseph Bartholme, Hesket, Barnett Edward Ensor, Glenbervie. Brandon Samuel, The Laurels, Pal-
Rnssell road Palmerston road merston road
!lderton Jas. Ivy cottage, Princes rd Bass Robt.2 Maple vils.Palmerston rd Breading Mrs. 4 St. Kilda'a Tillu,
Alexander Andrew,Hurstleigh,Palmer- Bennett Sidney Alfred,Albright Leigh, Queen's road
sto:t road High road Brock Harry,Beech lo.Epping 'nt
Allchin Thomas, Raleigh villa, Bertram Geo. Wm.Olafdene,King's av Brown Genrj!"e Thomas. I Lime Tree
Palmerston road Bishop Mrs. 2 Belmont "rillas, Albert villas, Prin.ees road
.i.llen Wilfred, 2 Alexandra villas, road south Brown Mrs. Lewis G. Delta house.
Gladstone road Bolland Joseph, Prospect cottage, High road
!.ndren Oscar Ivar, Aspen, Russell rd Princes road Bl"own William J. Bussell hoW!6, Roe-
!.rmsby Mrs. Arncliffe, Quet>n's road Bond Charles · B. The Langforde. buck lane •
!.shton Julins Thomas, , King's avenue Bunch Robert. Stanton, Lewcombe,.
Palmerston road Booth Walter,x. Milton vils.Princes rd High-road
Ayres Mrs. Ha1.eldene. AlhAri rd. sth Borrodaile Oewald R. DelOl'aine,West- BurcheU John Philip, ldaplestead
Bailey Major Edward H. Eut lodge. bury road Palmel"l'ton road
Palmersoon road BouquPt Edwaro Albe1•t John, FerJl- Bnl"'llt'lls 111-a. Otakow, Eppingo New rd
Bailey Mrs. Sianstead cot. PriDoes rd dale, Epping Ne-w road- Bush D:iniel, Kent cottage, Princes rd

"Bye Thomas Eagle, Starling lodge,· Frank Wm. W. Ca.;;tleton. Queen's l'd Huda.on Mrs. Braeside, Palmerston rd
Brook road French Ernest, Monteith, King':. a>en Hughes Arth. J. Hayburn., Russell rd
.(}ade Joseph, Chand{Js house, High rd Fry Mrs. Laureate. Princes road Hunter Ghas.D. Russell lo.Russell rll
Cahill Wm. By. Inglllside, Russell rd Fuller Charles Edward, jun. Lilacs, Hurditch Rev. Edward, 2 Park villa!>.
Callender Arthur Robert, Hillside. High road Queen's road
Westbury lane Furntau:s: Waiter Herbert, Roche:;ter Burst Fdk. E. Ernsdale, Westbury h
Carter James, Fellbrigg, The Drive houl>e, Princes road Irwin-Packington Jame'<, ValP cot-
Chaldecott James Harpur. St. Furness Charles, Albert vil.Princes rd tage. Princt>s J.,ad
Helen's, Palmerston road Gadd Miss, Minerva vil. Albert rd.sth Jaeobs Frederick James, Applegartb,
-chnllis Augustus George. Garden Gadsdon Mrs. The Shrubbery, Scot- Roebuek lane
reach, Westbury road · land road Jarvis Mrs. Violet villa, Princes road
-<lbatnbers Miss. The Lodge, High rd Gadsdon William H. Hawkenbury, Jeffryei Thomas, Langfol'd house,
Chapple Albert, Hillside, Palmer- Palmerston road Queen's road
aton road Galletly Rev. lfilliam. Daiglen, Jekyll Mrs. 5 St. John's ter. High rii
Chidgey Hugh Thom~ .A.rthur, :Mag- Epping :Sew road Johnston Sir William, hart. J.P. Th-e
dala house. Palmeorston road - Garner Rt. H;. Balderton, Powell rd Ranche, High street
Cbitterwn Charles Herbert, I Pro·\"i- Girling Chal'lf.'..'l, Bellingbam house, Jones Capt. Victor, Lyncote, Pat-
deuce villas, Victoria road Queen's road merston road
Chrystall Charles Bowman, 3 l"ore~t Golding Herbt . .Astridt>ne, King', av Jones Herbt.Alex.St.Kilda,Queen's rd
villas, Princes road Gonville Cyril Herbert, Milton cot- Keefe John, Eastney, Queen's road
-clark Archibald, Ystrad, Queen's rd •age, Queen's road Keeves James, Hill Crest, High Toed
Clark Mrs. 3 Woodland ..,Queen's road Goading Frederick Charles, lbrox. Kemball Francis R. Bedford hollft.,
Clark Wm. Jas. Clint ho. Queen's rd Palmerston road Westburv road
•CJarke George, Avon house,Princes rd Goodrich Alfred Ordway J.P. Fair- Kemball George, Rosemont, Palml"r·
Clarke Mn. Fernside, Queen's road v-iew. Palmerston road ston road
Coakes Miss, A;ondale, Queen's road Goy Edward Smith, Portland villa, KemballJsph.Fairlands,EppingNew rd
'Coates Geo. Virginia ho. Princes Toad Queen's road Ketts George, St. Malo, Hills road
Cohen Cosman,Rodine view,Powell rd Grant Robert, O>erdale, Seotland rd Kibble Wm. F. Kinross, Victoria rd
Collier Mrs. Runswick, King's avenue Green Jas. 7 St. John's ter. High rd King Rev. Samuel (Congregational),
-conquest John, Granville lodge, Pal- Grist William. The Nest, Rnssell rd Lynton, Quef'n's road
merston road I Gunn Chas. Elizabeth vil. Hills road Kni~hts Harold, W {'stbury lodge,
Cook Mrs. Westfield, Palmeraton road Gunningham Joseph, En~ell house, Westbury lane
Cove Arthur, Lynwood. RmRell road Princeq roarl Knott Fred~rick, 3 St. Kilda's vil~;
-()owley Albt. Lee, Trythall,Ru;;spl1 rd 1 Guppy \Villiam, Marston gate, Pal-l Queen's road
Cox Rev. Frederick Arthur (Bap- merston road , Leach Miss, IngleRidP, Princes road

(Joxall Charle" Da.;id. Har;;ton, Rm- Hallett Miss. I Blandford villas, New road
sell road . · Queeu's road Ledger Alfred R. Glaisdale,Qoeen'a rd
Crossmau C. Stafford, Buckhurst Hill Hammond Mrs. The Chestnuts,Stag la Ledger George Charles, Upminster 1
house, Queen's road Hannam Mrs. Beechmont, Palmer- Queen's road
Cuttle William, Oakhurst, Ru;,,.ell rd ston road Lenanton Cecil William, Ethelburgh.
Dale Arthur, The White- houqe. Epp- Harnett By. Alfred, Shottery, Stag la Roe buck lane
• ing New road Harris Booth, Beeleigh, Victoria road Lewis Francis, Hill';ide,
Daniel William Robert, Overbury. Harris Geo.Hy. Stourbank,Victoria rd Linder Chas. J.P. St. Just.
Palmerston road Harris Leopold, CamPlot. Scotland rd Linder ErnE'st H. Leodholt,
Darby Ja3. The Rest, Princes road I Harrison Alfred Rowland, Laurel cot- Linder Hy. Melrose, Palmerston rd
!>arch William James, Netherstowey, tage, Westbury lane Linder Mrs. Glenthorne, The Drive
Scotland road Harrison .!.rib. John, Ro"ebery hou<:e, Loft Fredk. Clarendon, Palmerston rd
Darvill Thomas, Rose villa, Bills road Victoria road Lord Mrs. Florence vil. Queen's rd.

Westbury road
Davies Robert Jack son, Fernieside, Harri .. on Collin Stanley, The · Littlt>, Lowndes John R. Erin lodge, Epping
house, Luctons aYenue New road
Jjeith Charles, Mainton, Roebuck la HarYey John, Danf'hurst, Ru,.,sell 1·oad )!acallan D.1niel Charles, ~ Palmer-
Deith Geo. Thos. Foredon,Roebuck la Hassell Charles Bernard. Braeside, ston cottages, Pahuerf'ton road •
Dell Frank. The Hut, Russell road Queen's road Macallan .Mrs. The Poplars,High road
-de Wael Alfred Francis, Selworthy, Hathway Lewis, 2 Lime Tree villa5, McCabe .A.lex.Jesmond,Palmerston rd
' Roebuck lane Princes road Machell Wru.Geo.Cowlinge,Queen's I'd
Dipple Benry,Newbury,Palmerston rd Hennell .A.rthur. The Cottage, Roe- McLoughlin Mrs.TheBurrs,Victoria rd
Drane Henry Joseph, Dalefield, Pal- buck lam• Malings Henry, Oak villa, Hills road
me-rston road Hensman Waiter, Cromwell villa, Marshall Mrs. Tressadv, Russell road
Duff Major William S. Nerrie Lands, Palme-rston road Mason Jsph. Ashleigh:Palmerston rd
Westbury road Hester Hy.Thos.Rowantree,Queen's rd Mason Mrs. Lyndale, Palmerston rd
Duke Mrs. Ivy house, Albert rd. sth Hewett Henry Morey, Chilliswood Mellish Charles, The Ferns, Epping
Dupuy Hy. Wm. Sta~ villa, Hills rd villa. Princes road New road
Dutton Gerald D.Braehead,Russell rd Hicks John Cranfield, Elmwood, Roe- Mercer Mrs. St. Stephen's lo.High rd
Dykes Charles Reginald, Glanusk, buck lane Metcalfe Thomas D. 'l'he Elms,
Queen's road Higgs John Dalston, Mayfield, Scat- Queen's road
Eagles Mrs. Derwent villa,Queen's rd land road Mills Arth. Jn. Holly ho. High rd
Easman Alfred William, 2 Hillside Hingston Frederick William, Nor- Moller Charles Henry ChristophN,
villas, Queen's road lands, Russell road Ormonde house, High road
Edwards Mrs. Oakfield, High road Hirst Mrs. Woodside, Russell road Moore Percy William M.B.Lond.
Elliott Edmund, Farnboro',Victoria rd Hodd John Herbert, 2 :Milton villas, West lodge, Palmerston road
Ellis Hy. Fdk. Crafnant, King's aven Princes road Morgan .Alfred, Dunkeld, Victoria rd
Elvin Herbert Henry, Hollyhurst, Hoey Mrs. I Belmont villas, Albert Moshiemer Jdhn H. St. Michaels,
\,tueen's road • road south Westbury lane
Elwell Geoffrey Harcourt, 3 Brae viis. Hoffmann Gerhard, Woodland lodge, Moss Saml. Fredk. Park ho. High rd
Russell road Princes road Munday Mrs. I York viis. Queen's rd
Evans Geo. Hy. Pyrcroft,Westbnry la Holman Col. ,George Edward T.D. Munday Sydney Edward, Dunbeath
Eynon Mrs. 4 Stag lane Woodside, Knighton lane house, Queen's road
Farley Jsph. Hazledene,Epping New rd Holwell Edwd. Jn.Gable lo.Queen's rd Murison A. D. S. Palmerston villa,
Fay Wm. Geo.Travancore, Queen's rd Horne Herbt.Wm.GlenAllen,King's av Palmerston road
Fellowes Alired Ernest, Hollycroft, 1Horton Hy. Jas. Elm cottage.Stag la Nash Charles HerbPrt, )fay bank, Pal-
Queen's road Houghton Mrs. Olivia, South view, merston road
Field Mrs. Camden house, Princes rd High road Needham Mrs. S. G. The LimPs,
~igg Henry, :r Woodlands, Queen's rd Howard David D.L. Devon house, Epping New road
Fleming-Parker Henry J. North view, High road Newman .Augu..:tn..:. 2 Talbot villa~.
High road Howard Eliot D.L., J.P. A:rdmore, Princes road
Foote Mrs. E. Paris, Ruscombe, Pal- High road Newman John William, 2 ProvidPnce
merston roa€1 Howard Francis,Keynedon, The Drive villa~. Victoria road
Foshach Robt.Hunter, Hillside,Stag la Howard George William, 3 Hills road Nichollo: Perc~· Emanut>l. Waikato.
Poster Mrs. y Alexandra villas, Howe Alfred, Kirn, King's avenue Russe11 road
Gladstoue road lHuddlestone Miss, Arley vllla, Nieholh Sml.Oak b1ll.Eppin:1 Xt>w rd
Pom;er Mn.Jsph.Westland,Queen's rd Princes road

86 Bt'CKBt:.RST B~LL.

Nicholls Sydney Herbert, Tharnleigh, Salmon Edward, 2 St. John's villas, Thomas Rev. David (Congregational),
Palment.on rood Palmerston road Mark Ash, Palmerston road
Norman George M.tB. Brendon, Pal- Sanders :Montague, The Cedars, Brook Thompson Ernest William, Glenlee,
m~rston road road Powell road
Norton Mrs. Hillside, High road Sanderson Miss, Holmwood,Princes rd Thurlow Robert Youngman, Evers-
Ogilvie Miss, Airlie, Queen's road Savill Alfred, Ellerslie, High road ley, Palmer!!ton ;road
Oulding James Lonsdale, 2 Wood- Savill Herbert, 8outhfleet, High road Till Charles Frederick, Homersfiel~
lands, Queen's Toad Saward Chas. Elmcroft, Princes Toad Powell road ,
Oxley Frederick JGhn, Kenilwortih, Schwa be Laurence, Thurgarton, Tooley Herbert, Fairstead, Roebuck la
Epping New Toad King's avenue Tucker Joseph, 2 York vils.Queen's rd
Paget J. Moorabbin, Roe buck lane Scott Daniel Allan, Scotland house, Turner John, Amermeade,Queen's rd
Paintf'r Miss, Ennerdale, Stag lane Palmerston road UndeTwood Alfred, Challa, Queen's rd
Partridge Jas. Kent lo. Queen's road Scott Ernest, Queensbury, Higlh road Underwood George Henry, Deep-
Pasfield Mrs. I Palmerston cottages, SE>abroolie RobPrt Elliott, Brimfield, dene, Stag lane
Palmerston road High road Volckman Charles Ernest P. 4 Bra~
Peake Rev. Erm'"t Louis Ley (Wes- Sheldon Robt.. Devon villa,Queen's rd villas, Russell road
leyan), Merton, Palmerston road Shorter :Mrs. John, The Chestnuts, Wailer Willie Rowland J.P. Lugana.
Peartre-e Geo.Thos. Banavie,King's av High r0ad Powell road
Pelly Frederick Raymond, Frrn bank, Shorter Thos .•J ohn,Mardyke,High rd Walmsley Thomas Williams, Pyr·
Church road Sienesi Edwd. Hill rise, Roebuck lane lands, Princes road
Penney John Thomas, West dene, Silberrad Arth. P. Sunnycroft,High rd Walton Horace Edward, Forest view,
Princes road Simmons Chas. Oheriton, Queen's rd Epping New road ·
Phelp Jn.Wm. Redcot, Palmerston rd Smith Fredk. Danbury villa, Hills rd Ware Jas. The Laurels, High road
Phillips Frederick Sanders, Lismore, Smith Harold Minden, Ooomrith, WatersonMisses,Queen's villa,Queen'11
Palmerston rGad Russell road road
Phillips Mrs. The Cottage, Uussell rd Smith Horace, Rookfield, Russell rd Webb Miss, Clifford house,Queen's nJ
Pollard Frank, Sutherlanct house, Smith Mrs. Humphrey, 2 Clarence Webb Miss Mary A.nne, Westfield.
Palmerston road villas, Palmerston road Westbury lane
Powell George, Dalmeny, Victoria rd Smith Waiter. Roycroft, King's aven Wells Alfd. Geo. Lawnside, Hills rd
Powell The Misses, Hawo;;ted, High rd Snell Edward Arthnr M.B. Adeane Whitmore William, St. Helena villa,
Pratt Arthur Ernest,Hillview,High rd villa, Princes road Queen's road
Pratt Franpis Benjamin, Laburnum Snelling Alfd.2Victoria vils.Princes rd Whittingham Hemy Thomas, Kes-
house, Queen's roa:l Snelling Miss, 1 Victoria villas, wick, Luctons avenue
Pugh J n. H., B. A. W oodcroft, High l'd Princes road Wickelgren Mrs. Westgate,Queen's rd
Ramsay Sml. Oak ldg. Albert rd. sth Snow Jas. Waltham villa, Princes rd Wigg Mrs. M.A.The Nest,Queen's rcl
Raven ReY. Charles Olive B.A. 2 Southwood :Mrs. Val Plaisant, Russell Williams Herbert Leigh, Blythtt
For!'st villa•. Princes road road house, Luctons avenue
Ravmond Charle" Hall, 2 Brae villas, Stacy '\-Vm.King,Woodthorpe,High rd Williamson Arth. Holmsdale, Queen's
Russell road Starnes Geo. Talbot house, Queen's rd road ·
Read Ernest Arnold, The Mount, Stringer William Penn, Pinehurst, Wilmott Hy. The Cottage, Princes rd
Palmerston road Princes road Wilson Arthur Needham, Elcot, Rus-
Read Miss, Suffolk ho. Victoria road Summrrs Frank Leslie, Plucketts. sell road
Read Waiter John, Forest lodge. The Drive Wood Ohas.B. Fairlight,Palmerstonrd
Albert road south · · Summers Waiter K. King's lodge, Wood Herbert Henry Wrigdlt, Fern-
RicllaTdson Oliver Archer, Birnam, King's avenue holme, Palmerston rood
King's avenue Swinstead Eric Hubert, Ellesmere, Wood Miss, Ingledene, Westbury la
Richmond Mrs. A. F. 5 St. Kilda's Russell road Wood :Mrs.6St.Kilda's vib.Queen's rd
villas, Queen's road Tavener Herbert William, Brynmawr, Woods Fdk. Drayton villa, Princes rd
Robertson N. Douglas G. Crendahr, Stag lane Woodward Rev. Fre-derick WilHam
Russell road Taylor Marlin, The Cloug'h, Palmers- Morris D.D. The Rectory, High rd
Robinson William Henry, Ambleside, ton road Wooller Mrs. Stag lodge, Stag lane
Russell road Tee C. Wilfred, St. Keverne, Queen's Wright iWilliam Henry, Oakburn, Ep-
Rooke Ernest James, Atlantis, Roe- road ping New road
buck lane Teverson Alrey, Wvnfield, Russell rd Wynn Allan Herbt.Cobnor,Russell rd
Rundle William Ja". 2 Oak cottages, Teverson Geo. A. Roemont,Russell rd Wynn John, Hillcote, Epping New rd
'\Vt>>:thury lane Thain Frederick Bond, The Cottage, Youatt Gerald, Fieldwin, Roebuck la
High road
COMMERCIAL, Carter Horace, sign writer, Epping New road
Collier William Henry, draper, Queen's road
Early closing day, Wednesday. Oollins Charles Edward, harness maker, High road
A.braham John & Son, grocers, Queen's road Collins William, boot maker, Queen's road ·
Alderton James '\ViWam, gardener, Princes road Connolly Thomas, furniture dealer, Queen's road
Aldridge Charles Frederick, Prince of Wales P.H. Convalescent Home (Mrs. E. N. Buxton, treasurer et
Lower Queen's sec.; Sister Winifred, matron & nurse), Knighton la
Alien Frank, coal agent, Ardath, Princes road Dabbs William.. 'l'homas, stationer, Queen's road
Ambrose & Son, auctioneers, house & estate agents & Davies Albert Edward, ironmonger, Queen's road
valuers to all general trades, Queen's road &; Victoria Day & Sons, coal merchants, Queen's road
road; head office, Lough ton Day Eliza (Mrs.), shop~eeper, Queen's road
Armsby Thomas, draper, Queen's road Dexter Henry, boot & shoe maker, Lower Queen's road
Ashley, Tee & Sons, solicitors, Warwick ho. Queen's Toad Dig by J. (Mrs.), nurse, 2 Princes ter. Princes road
Ayre Frederick Robert, shopkeeper, Princes road Dykes Charles Reginald M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond.
Banger John W. tailor, I Hillside villas, Queen's road physician, & medical officer of health to the Urban
Banks Thomas, grocer, Queen's road District Council, also certifying factory surgeon · k
Barham Harry, grocer, Queen's road medical officer to Post office, Glannsk, Queen's road
Barnes Jane (Miss), dress maker, St. John's cottage, Ellis & Co. boot dealers, Queen's road
Albert road north Ellis Joseph H. shopkeeper, High road
Beesley George, bee farmer, Palace gardens Ely WaltE>r, watch maker, Queen's road
Benewith J. (Mrs.), shopkeeper, AlfrPd road Farmer Ida (Miss), costumier, see Hutson May (Mrs.) &
Ben son Francis Bingley, The Reindeer P .H. F.q>pmg Farmer Id a (Miss) ·
New road Fenn Marian (Mrs.), laundry, Princes road
Bolland John, fruiterer & greengrocer, Queen's road Forest Hospital (Howard Wall, hon. sec.; C. Bennett
Bonsall James, butcher, Queen's road Wood, hon. treasurer; Sister Slater, matron; for
Buckhurst Hill Fire Engine Station (Harry William hon. medic'll officers see p. 8-t-). Roebuck lane
Knight, captain), Hig-h road French William & Charles, brick makers, Lower Queen'&
Buckhurst Hill Hall (Charles Miller. keeper).Queen's rd road & Epping New road
Bnckhnrst Hill Men's Clnb(C.W.Tee,hon.sec.),Queen's rd French Eliza (Mrs.), beer retailer, Alfred road
Bull John, chemist, Queen's road Gilmore Jonathan, beer retailer, Epping New road
Burgess :Mary (Mrs.), dining rooms, Epping New road Gilson Frederick, shopkeeper, Princes road ,
Butler l\Iary (Mrs.), nurse, Cuba cottage, Hills road Gingell Frederick, carman, Princes road
Byles Frederick, plnmbt>r, Alhert ro~d ~orth Girling J. & H. coal mers. Railway station, Queen's rdd
Cahill William Henry, l'olicitor. Ingleside, Russell roa4 Goldney John & Co. wine & spirit merchants,Queen's r
Carter Emily ~Ir~. ), confectioner, Epping New road Gould & Sons, corn merchants, Queen's road
• •


Gower John William, baker, Epping New road 1 Oxley Frederick John M.B.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.:V.Lond.phy-
A. proprietor of tea gardens, Epping New road sician & surgeon, Kenilworth, Epping New l"Oad
&r5en Harry, bill poster, Epping New road Padfield Hamilton, farmer, Hill farm, High road
Guy Henry & Co. gasfitters, Forest lodge, High road Paget J. collector to Buckhurst Hill Urban District
Guy Henry, refreshment rooms, Forest lodge, High road Council & assistant overseer & collector of King's
Hall Alfred Thomas, insur·ance supt. to Refuge Assur- taxes, Warwick house, Queen's road I

ance Co. Limited, St. Elmo, Queen's road Parker George William, boot repairer, Princes road
Hall John, oil & color man, Queen's road P8J.·t Alexander Francis, Roebnck hotel, High road
Hallett Henry James, carpenter, Queen's road Penfold Alired John, plumber, I Ember villas, Lower
Jiarris Albert Edgar, stationer, Queen's road Queen's road & Westbury lane
Harris Annie (Mrs.), butcher, Queen's road Phelp John William, printer, Queen's road • L

--Harrison .Arthur John, grocer, Queen's road Piper Thomas Charles, bricklayer, 11 Gladstone road
H&U!h Henry William, music warehouse, Queen's road Pople Frederick, sign writer, Princes road
Haycock Sarah Hannah (Mrs.), beer retailer, Queep'a rd Preventive Training Homes under the Rescue Society
Haylock Eloise (Miss), art needleworker, Queen's road for Girls (Charles Stewart Thorpe, see.), Astral house.
Heard Mary (Miss), dress maker, Burst cot. Queen's rd Russell road (Miss L. M. Phipps, matron) & Red
Heard Thomas W. builder, Queen's road house, High road (Miss Edith Donovan, matron)
Heath Ernest, builder, Albert road north Radley Frank & Son, sruitbs & farriers, Princes road l

Heath George, plumber, Gladstone road Radnor Kate (Mrs.), refreshment rooms,Epping New rd
Heath Joseph Templeton A.R.S.I. sanitary inspector to · Read Harry, dining rwms, Epping New road
Buckhurst Hill Urban District Council, Ruabon villa, Reed Beatrice (Miss), dress maker, Epping New road
Bil1s road Reid Edward, Railway tavern, Queen's road
:Heath Wm. T. decorator, 5 Caroline cots. Gladstone rd Rickett Ernest Edward, news agent, Queen's road
Heyllard Brothers, greengrocers, Queen's road Rose George, boot maker, Queen's road
Hibbitt Charles, shopkeeper, Lower Queen's road Sapsford Albert H. baker, Queen's road
Hickman Benjamin, boot maker, Queen's road Shuttle Geo. jobbing gardener, Luctons lo. High road
Hillery Alfred John, shopkeeper, High road Shuttlewood Sarah (Mrs.), fruiterer &; greengrocer,
Hinder Eliot, manager to London Joint Stock Bank Ltd. I Lower Queen's road
Queen's road 1 Siddow Frederick D. jobbing gardener, Bills roa.d
Horner _\.rthur Albert,Warren Wood P.B.Epping New rd Sidell A. M. (Mi'ls), costumier, see Hutchinson J. G. &..
Hulse John, watch maker, Queen's road Side11 A. M. (Misses)
Hutchinson J. G. & Sidell A. :\f. (~Ii:<!les), costumiers, I Smith Alfred Joshua, plumber, Queen's road
Fawn villas, Queen':; road Smith Alfred W. hair dresser, 8 Lower Queen':. road
Hutson May (J.'drs.) & Farmer Ida (Miss), costumiers, Smith Joseph, butcher, Lower Qut>en's :road
Longbridge, Victoria road Smith William, chimney cleaner, Albert road north
International Tea Co.'s Stores Limited (George C. Sowden William George, butcher, Princes road
:Maynard, manager), Queen's road Street Will;am Thomas, chimney sweeper, King's place
Ireland .Alfred James, chemist. Queen's road Swinstead EricHubert,teacher of art,Ellesmere,Rnssell rdf
JefJord Thomas, marine store dealer, Alfred road Tavener Herbert William, builder, Epping New ruad
Johnson Alfred George,assistant insurance supt. 1 George Taylor Victoria (Miss), laundress, Princes road
villas, Princes road Taylor William, grocer, Epping New road
Jones William, plumber, 2 King's avenue Tee C. Wilfred, solicitor & insurance agent, St. Keverne-,
Judd Frederick Coulson, draper, Queen's road I Queen's road
Ketts William, livery stables, High road Tee Thomas Jo!ffiph (firm, Ashley, Tee & Sons), solicitor
King William, tobacconist, Princes road & commissioner for oaths, & clerli to the Buckhurst
:Urby James, dairyman, Queen's road 1 Hill Urban District Oouncil & to Waltham Joint:
Kirsch Emily (Mrs.), tobacconist, _Queen's road 1
Hospital Board, Warwick house, Queen's road
Kitt&'idge Elizabeth (Mrs.), tobacconist, Queen's road Terry Edward, jobbing gardener, Gladstone road
Langford Hy. refreshment. rms. The Cottage, Brook :rd Terry Thomas, insurance agent, Gladstone rQB.d
Lauder George William, dreper, Queen's road Thear Thomas, fruiterer, Queen's road
Lewis Charles, fishmonger, Queen's road I Tomblin Thomas B. boot maker, Princes road
Lookwood William Augustus, baker, Albert road south Tooley Berbert F.R.I.B.A. architect, & surveyor to the-
a; Queen's road 'I Buckhurst Hill Urban District Council, Council offices
London Joint Stock Bank Limited (Buckhurst Hill sub- 1 Queen's road
branch) (Eliot Hinder, manager), Queen's road; open Underwood John & Sons, sculptors, Queen's road
u to 3; sat. 10 to 12; draw on head· office, 5 Princes Vaile George, builder, .A.lbert road north
street, London E C ·· Voysey A.lbert Henry, caterer, Princes road
Karshall Otley, professor of music, Ezel, Russell road I1 Voysey Frederick .A. baker, Queen's road
Kayo John, confectioner, Epping New road , Wallace Ernest, grocer, Lower Queen's road
lletson Leonard, outfitter, Queen's road I Warren F. & Co. (incorporated with Coote & 'Warren
Killer Bertram Travis, cycle manufctr. Epping New rd Limited), coal merchants, Queen's road
Killer Charles, boot maker, Gladstone road Waterman Robert, furniture dealer, Queen's road
Minter Waiter Richard, assistant insurance supt. 2 Waterson Henry George, solicitor & commissioner for
Fern villas, Westbury lane 11aths, Queen's villa, Queen's road
lloore Percy William M.B. physician & surgeon, West , Watkins Edward, hardware dealer, Queen's road
lodge, Palmerston road , Webster Alfred, hair dresser, Queen's road
Morris Mark, Ye Bald Faced Stag P.H. High road Wells Charles, builder, Princes road
Morris Reginald, Three Colts P .H, Princes road 1
Wilson Samuel, grocer, Queen's :road
Moss William Henry &; Sons, dairymen, Queen's road Wood .Alfred B. refreshment contractor, Rigg's retreat,
Moss George, shoeing smith, Queen's road & High road Brook road
Norman George M.B., B.S.Durh., M.R.C.S.Eng., Wood Charles "\'Yilliam, builder, Queen's road ·
L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeon, & medical officer Buckhurst Wood Ernest, plumber, Princes road
Hill district, Epping union, Brendon, Palmerston rd • W{loding J ane (Mrs.), grocer, Queen's road
.Nntt Wm. Waiter, shopkeeper, Lower Queen's road 1
\Vright James, ironmonger, Queen's road
-o~borne Alfred, watch maker, Queen's road , Yeoell J.& Sons.oil. warehousemen,&post office,Queen's rd
· Yorston Thomas James, fruiterer, King's place
BULMER is a Yillage and pari.,h, part of it (Bulmer . ter: the stained east window is a memorial to Mrs
Tye) extending to the road from Halstead to Sudbury; 1 Raymond: the chancel retains sedilia and a pi11cina,
it i" 2 miles south-we;;t from Sudbury >:tation on the Stour I both in good preservation, and a portion of the roort
Yalley branch of the Great Eastern railway and the wharfs 1
stairs remain: in r8gi the church was re-roofed anrl
on the Stour, and 6 north from Halstead, in the ~orth- · restored, at a total cost of about £goo, and has 410 sit-
ern divisioo1 of the county, Hinckford hundred, North tings. The register dates from the year I559· '!'he
Binckford petty sessional division, Sudbury union and I living is a vicarage, consolidated with that of Belchamp
•ounty cuurt district, and in the rural deanery of Bel- , Waiter, net yearly value £28o, with 2 acres of glebe, in ,
Clbamp, arcbdeaconry of Colchester and Chelm"ford I the gift of Mrs. Raymond, and held since I899 by the
diocese. The church of St. Andrew is an edifice of I Rev . .Arthur Pidgeon Pannell M.A. of St. John's Oollege.
11tone in the Early English and Perpendicular styles, Oxford. Here is a Congregational chapel, erected in
eonsisting of chancel. nave, north aisle, south porch , 1874· Auberies, the seat of Lieut.-Col. Waiter St.
and an embattled western tower containing 4 bells, two i George Burke J.P. is a mansion, in a park of about 150
J>ecast in 1904 ~ the pulpit is Jacobean: the chancel was 1 acres. The trustees of the late George Coote esq.
restored in r88", all the masonrY' Qf the windows re- lords of the manor of Smeetham Hall, and Henry
ae-wed and filled with tracery of Early English charac Hamilton Clarke esq. J.P. lord of the manor of Golding-

ss BULMEP. ESf'EX. [ttELLY's

ham Hall; Earl Howe G.O.V.O. and Lieut.-Col. Waiter sunday dtJlivery or dispatch. The nearest money
St. George :Burke J.P. are the principal landowners. order office is at Ballingdon, 2 miles distant
The soil is sandy loam and. clay ; subsoil, clay and Post Office, Bulmer Tye. Mrs. Elizh. Eldred, su~ost­
chalk. 4The chief crops are wheat, beans and barley. mistress. Letters through Sudbury delivered at i
'the area. is 2,797 acres of land and 4 of water ; rateable & 11.15 a.m. Letter Box cleared week da~a at 7·4S I;
value, £2,714; the population in zgn was 661 in the n.15 a.m. & 6 p.m.; no sunday delivery. ~
civil ~and 1,052 in the ecclesiastical parish, which in- nearest money order office is at Ballingdon, tl ~
cludes part of :Belchamp W:Mter. I distant, & telegraph office at Bulmer ;
1 Parish Clerk," Arthur DeaL
Post &; T. Office. Alfred Hayes, sub-postmasti@r. Let- Non-Provided Schools (mixed), erected in 1873, for 140
tere through Sn~bury (Suffolk), arrive at 7.15 a.m. I children; average attendance, 76; Miss Margare~ An.
&:; 12.10 p.m.; dispatched at 12.55 & 5.20 p.m.; no :Y:ay, mistress
., . PIDVATE :RESIDENTS. Brooks Frederick, farm bailiff to English John, baker, :Bulmer Tye
Burke Lieut.-Col. Waiter St. George Laurence Hyde Parker esq. Smeet- Foster George, Fox inn, Bulmer Tye
· J.P. Auberies ham Hall farm Gardiner Douglas George, farmer,
Burker Miss, Bulmer lodge · Bush Ebenezer, farm bailiff to Henry Jank.yns, Bulmer Tye
Olatile Henry Hamilton J.P. Golding- Hamilton Clarke esq. Goldingham Hicks Francis, gardener to Lt.-Ool.
, ha~ hall ~ Hall farm W alter St. George Burke J .I>
Harbord Philip J.P.(Norfolk), Bulmer Chinnery Philip, Miss Burke IIills Ernest Olarke.- assistant onvnec ...~
house, Bnlmer Tye Clover Harry Denis & Sydney, millers seer, collector of taxes & sohool
Pannell Rev. Arthur Pidgeon M.A. (wind) attendance officer
(vicar), Vicarage . Coe Jo~eph, threshing machine propr Howard Wm. trap propr. Halatead N
Parker LaurenceHyde,Smeetham hall Cooper Robert, baker & beer retailer Hunt GMrge, gamekeeper to Lt.-Oi.
Corder Albert, wheelwright Waiter St. George Burke J.P · ·
, • CO"IDIEROIAL. Courtnall Wm. Spencer, fanner, Joslin William, painter, Batt hall
Barker Benjamin, gardener to Philip Grigg.s farm Norfolk James, farm bailiff to Lienl-
Harbord esq. Stone cot.Bulmer Tye Dixey Harry, pig dealer, Bulmer Tye Col. Waiter St. George Burke I.P.
Brighton Tom, registrar of births &:; Dodd Charles H. Blackbirds P.H Armsey farm
deatohs, Bnlmer anb-district -&; re- Eldred Elizabeth (Mrs.), blacksmith, Payne Hy .frmr.Clapps fm.Bulmer 'tyi'
:;lieving officer for No. I district, & post office, Bulmer Tye Yince Joseph Georg(', farmer, Black
Sud·bury union English George Willia.m, brick & tile House farm
maker, Hole farm ·
BUL:PHAN (the "Bull-Fen") is a growing village and Thnmas Mills M.A. also rector here, d. 26 Oct. 1856,
parish, 3 miles south from East llorndon station on the and Mary his wife, and a lych-gate was erected in 1893:
Midland railway, London, Tilbury and Southend sec- in 1900 an organ .chamber was built and a new orgaa
tion, zo south-east from Romford, 6 south from Brent- j 'provided, at a cost ·of ;{.2oo, defrayed by Mr. L. W.
•~¥Jd, .and 21 from London, in the South Eastern Littlehales : the church affords ISo sittings. The te-
division of the county, Barstable hundred, Orsett union ' gister dates from the year 1723. The living is a rl!c-
and petty sessional division, Grays county court dis- tory, net yearly value ;{.209, including IS acres of glek.
trict, and in the rural deanery of Orsett and Grays, with residence, in the gift of the Rev. Walter Gonp
archdeaconry of Essex ~d diocese of Chelmsford. The Littlehales M.A. of Muswell Hill, Highgate N. and held
church of St. Mary is a small building of stone in the since 1903 ·by the Rev. Theodore Alphonse Teitelbanm
Perpendicular style, erected dur~ng the first half of Here are an Undenominational and an Evangelical Pree
tlle 14th century and consisting of chancel, nave, south Church iron mission rooms. The- trustees of the lat.&
porch and a timbered belfry, pyramidally capped, on William Comyns Clifton esq. of Romford are lords af
the western gable, now containing 5 tubular bells, hung the manor. Arlhur Percy Mee esq. is the principal
in 1891, at a cost of £90, and an old bell used for landowner. The soil is clayey and marl; subsoil, clay.
t-olling, and ·a clock erected in 1897 to commemorate The chif'f crops are wheat, beans and clo\·er. The a-rea
the Diamond Jubilee of her late Majesty Queen Vie- ii! 1,712 acres of land and 1 of. water; rateable value,
toria: the stained east window, erected in 1866, is a 1 £1,975; the population in I9II was 447·
memorial to Mark Gotts, and there are two side lights, j Sexton, Samuel Graves.
given by L. W. Littlehales esq. in memory of his wife: Post Office. Miss Jane Welch, sub-postmistress. Let-
on the south side of the chancel is a memorial window i ters through Romford delivered at 6.50 & u.5o ~.m,;.
to Harry Lancelot Littlehales, d. 1885, and on the dispatched at B-5.0 a.m. &:; 1.30 & 5.40 p.m. ; sunday,
south of the nave one to &trah Gotts, d. 1874: there I delivery, 6.50 a.m.; dispatched u.4o a.m. The neacM
is also a window erected by women bearing the name ' money order & telegraph office is at Orsett
Mary: the original chancel screen of oak is in perfect Wall Letter Boxes.-Near the Rectory, cleared at 1.35
preservation, and has a central arched opening, flanked i & 5.40 p.m.; sunday, 11.35 a.m.; Fen, cleared at
on either side by two compartments, each formed of a l 1.40 & p.m.; sunday, II.So a.m.; & near Wick
pointed arch, divided by a slender mullion, the heads , house, cleared at 1.20 & 5.30 p.m.; sunday, 11.35 a.a
being filled with pierced tracery: there are memorials i Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1852, for 78
tll the Rev. Thomas Wilkinson, rector from 1805, d. ! children; average attenda11ce, 5-t; Miss Margaret
24 April, 1828, his wife and daughter, and to the Rev. l Ainger, mistress

~IVATE RESIDENTS. Taylor Henry, Orchard house 1Miller Arthur. nur<;eryman
Teitelbaum Rev. Theodore Alphonse PinkPrton James M. nurseryman ~
Francis Nathau, Violet villa (rect<>r). Rectory . · seedsman, Barrows nurseries
Hacker Richard, Fairlawn \ranneck Waiter, Sunnyside Pyman Joseph, horse slau~hterer
Hardy Thomas, Elm cottage COMMERCIAL. St. John's Preparatory School (Re9'.
lones Jesse, Lyndhurst . Berchten Edward Charle~, poultry T. A. Teitelbaum. master)
Jones Thomas, The Laurels farmer, Fair Natal . Squier Charles Mayhew & John W.
:Mann Henry, Hall farm Cooper William, builder farmers, Garlister's farm
Mee Arthur Percy, Wick house Gotts Jesse & Son, ftmrs, Slough ho Squier Westwood Charles, farm mait-
.Mee Miss E. A. Manorcot Harris JosPph, ·blacksmith, The Croft ager to Mr. H. Cole, Stone hall
Mee Mn. Wick place Hawkes William, shopkeeper Thomas "William. monumental tnasoa
Meredith William John, Abbotsford Hollowbread George, Harrow inn Welch Jane (Miss), shopkeeper, A;
Pettifor William Minton, Ingleside Jarman Joseph, cycle agent post office
Bead·Andrews Mrs. Hullstcote Jarvis Marie (Mrs.), grocer Wells Victor, farmer, l\Iartin's fatm
Stowell Arthur, Glenmore Mee Arthur Percy, farmer. Wick IWent Josiah. baker
+ · House & Hatch farms , Woollings Charles, iarmer.The Down~
:BURES HA MLBT is a suburb of and in the parish of Grim\wod. :\laltin~r and brick making are carried
Bores St. Mary, Suffolk, from which it is separated by on herP. The inhabitants att<>nd the church of
the navigable river Stour, on the road from Sudbury to Bures St. Mary, Suffolk. Mrs. Reginald D. Hill, of
Colchester, with a station on the Great Eastern railway, Holfield Grange, Coggeshall, who is lady of the manor,
si miles south from Sudbury, 8 north-east from Hal- and William Garrad esq. are the principal landowners
stead and 53f from London, in the Northern division of The soil is a rich loam and clay; subsoil. clay and'
the county, Hinckford hundred, South Hinckford petty gravel. The chief crop8 aT'e wheat, barley and turnips
sessional division (Halstead bench), Sudbury union and The area of the civil parish of Bores Hamlet, which i8
county court district, and in the rural deanery and wholly situate in the administrative county of Essex, •
a:r.chdeaconry of ·Sudbury and diocese of St. Ed- 1,8g8 acres of land and 8 of water; rateable valat-,
nmndsbury and Ipswich. The villagE' is lighted £2.675 ; the populJtion in 19II was 40.3.
l\"i1_h ga~ from works the property of Mr. C. G.
By Loc!ll Gonmment Board Order 16.461, March 25, Wall Letter Box, Railway station, cleared at Io a.m. Ji
188.;, Polsteadil Farm, Fish Pits and Rye FenA were trans· 3 & 7·45 p.m .u. • ,
ferred from Lamarsh to Bures Hamlet, and by Order Wall Lettet Box, Brook house, cleared at 8.30 &I
z6,463, March 24• 1884- the Thatchers' Arms &c. and 2.30 k 8.40 p.m. ; sundays, 8.40 p.m
some houses in HPards road were added from .Bures The children of this parish attend the school at Bures
Hamlet to Mount; Bures in Lexden union. , St. Mary, Suffolk
Post, M. 0., T. &:; Telephonic Express Delivery Office at Railway Station, Charles Alberi Wadley, station mastet'
Bnres St. Mary, Snfiolk.-Mrs. Elizabeth Stead, post- Fire Engine Station, adjoining the Gas Works
mistrells (letters should have Bures, Suffolk added). Carriers to Colchester. James Shead, tues. thurs. &
Letter& delivered at 7 a.m. 12 noon & 6.35 p.m. ; sat. 9.30 & to Sndbury on mon. 12.30 p.m. ;
.sundays, 7 a.m.; dispatched at 10.15 a.m .. & 3·5 & H. C. Chambers, 11at. I t a ..m. & to Sudbury, thti.M.
. a.~s p.m. j snndays, 8.25 p.m 2 p.m ' .
PBIVATB RESIDJ:NTS. 1 Cant Geo. Wm. frmr. Ravensfield frm Eight Bells Hotel (Messrs. Cousins~
· . i
Oant ,Harry Cousins, fmlr.Ferriers fm !
prdprietors) ; posting in all it8
Abbott ¥ra. Rose cottage Church William A. seed gro-wer & branches ; also moto:r cars for hire
D~y Mrs. SecrPtariea merchant. T A "Church, Bures '' Ga.rrad John, rnaltster, see Dross A;
Dixey Mrs. Holly cottage 1Clar.tJ.pion Harry, insurance agent uartad
Dnpo~t Mrs. Stonr bank . G1arke Thomas (Mrs.), pleasul'f' boat Garrad W.illiatn, farmer & landowner,
Bawkms Elyot Sydney. The Wh1te ho I proprietress I Rr(}ok house
Stephenson Mrs. Ferndale Cross &; Gar'l'ad, maltstert~ I Hnme William, frmr. Parsotutge far•
Dassie Marquis, farmer, Morning Newman & Son, leather cutters
, OOMllERctAL. Dawn £arm . Newman Henry William, g-rocer
Barket Waiter Samuel, baker Dea~es Charles, buildet Page George, fatmer, Hill fa.rm l'fi
Baxter Frederick William, Swan P.H Dessent Edwa-rd, s-hopkeeper Secretaries farm
Brand Edmun«J, butcher Doe Charles Joseph, farmer, Lower Jlettitt Alan, farmer, Baker's hall
Burea Gas Works (Charles George Jennya farm Podd Bernatd Benton,frmr.-Peyton hall
Griimtood, proprietor) Doe Geo. farmer, Upper Jennys farm Shead .Tames, ~arrier
Dupont Philip, coal merohant Webber Henry Fras. grocer & draper
• Wi:ffin Ralph, farmer, Polsteads f3rnll
::BUBNHA::M-ON-CROUCH is a small town and been converted into a drill hall for the Territorials. '
parish, with a station on the Southminster branch of the The rive:r Crouch ~nd its tributaty, the Roach, are
Great Eastern railway, 43 miles from London, 19 south- famous for oyster beds, and the oyster companies at
east from Chelmsford, 9 north-east from Southend, and 12 Whitstable are supplied with brood from these grounds;
;1()Uth-eaat from Maldon, in the South Eastern division of the rivets here, owing to the geological nature of th.m-
the county, Dengie hundred and petty se~sional division, beds and the equable temperature maintained by their
Maldon union and county eourt district, and in the rnral sheltered position, are pecnliatly .suited to the growtla.
d~nery of Dengie, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of of the oyster. There are seYeral oyster merchants iD.
Chelmsford. Burnham is on the banks of the river the town, and many men a:te employed in the trade;
Crouch, which here is about three-quarters of a mile in as well as in catching herrings and other fish ; a good
width, has water enough for large ships and is navig- business is also carried on in boat and yacht building.
able for 10 miles above the town for vessels of 300 tons. sail making and in corn and coal. Several ships fron1
The river is crossed by means of ferry boats. The town so to 200 tons are employed here; there is a coast
is lighted with gas by a company and supplied with guard station and a convenient quay. Major Sir Hetll'y
water pumped from a. well into a water tower, erected Paulet St. John-Mildmay hart. of Dogmersfield Park.
1887, near the church, and the property of the Urban Winchfield, Rants, who is lord of the manor, Williant
District Council. In 1902 a new artesian well was snnk H. Page esq. and Ernest J. Gale esq. are the principal
over 400 feet deep. landowners. The soil in •the higher part of .the pari$ll
Burnham is governed by an Urban District Council is a light loam; snbsoil, gravel; the marshes are of
of nine members, formed April I, 18gB, under thP a clayey na.tnre artd are fine grazing land ; the arable
provisions of the "Local Government Act, 1894 " (56 land is in a high state of cultivation, and is, gener"Uy
and 57 Vict. eh. 73). The church of St. Mary, situated spPaking, most productive; th~ crops are wheat. barley,
about t mile north of the town, is a bui1ding of stonP oats, beans, peas, turnips, mangold wurtzel. and frnib
and flint in the Late Perpendicular style, consisting and cucumbers are grown for the London market.
of nave of six bays with clerestory, aisles, north and The area of the pa.ri11h and Urban District is. 4,515
south porches and an embattled western tower contain- acres of land, 2 of inland and 723 'of tidal water and.
ing 6 bells. the first and second dated 1673 ; the old bells 336 of foreshore; rateable valne, £ 13,J4I ; the popu ·
were recaRt in 19II and a sixth added in memory of lation in I9II was 3,1go.
Mrs. Sarah Elphick : the lower part of the tower being OSTEND, a harlllet of this parish, is a cluster of
used as a vestry: the tower was once the loftiest in this houses, 1! miles north-west from the town. on th~
part of the country, and formed a beacon for vessels Althorne rood.
at sea, but having been blown down many years ago it
was rebuilt at a lower elevation: there is an ancient font Parish Clerk, Joseph Cook, Ne-w road.
in the Early Norman style, and a. mural tablet of marble Post, M. 0._, T. & .Telephonic Express Delivery Office,
to the family of Middleton, 168o: the building was Station road (letters should have Essex added} .-Mrs.
restored and reseated with open seats in 1874; and· in Grace Lawrence, postmistress. l..ondon & other letteni
the same year a stained east window was erected by the arrive at 7 & a.m. & 7.10 p.m.; dispatched at 8
late W. Auger esq. in memory of his parents, and there 1 & 1I.IO a.m. k 1.55, 5.50 & 7·45; sundays, arriv411
are five other memorial windows: in 1877 the chancel 1 at 7 a.m.; dispatched at 5.50 Parcel post dis··
and sacrarium were restored and a stone pulpit, lectern patch, II.Io a.m. & 5.50 p.m. & delivered u.go a.m
and reading desk provided as a tribute of respect Wall & Pillar tetter Boxes.-Ostend, cleared ai 8.45
to the memory of W. Anger esq. : the church has a.m. & 6 p.m. i sundays, 8.45 a.m. ; High street,
550 sittings: the churchyard was enlarged in 1867, cleared at 7 ..r;r; ;& 10.45 a.m. & 1.40 & 6.40 p.n:l.. w~
the new portion being surrounded by a wall. The days; snndays, 5. 45 p.m.; New Town, cle! at
register dates from the ye:~.r 1559. The living is a 7 .40 & 10 •4 .r; a.m. k 1.15 & 6.35 p.m.; sunda.ys, 5.30
vicarage, net yearly value {.297, with residence, in the p.m.; Devonshire road, cleared at 10.50 a.m. (Jnne
gift of J. H. Watson esq. and held since 1913 by the to Sep~. 9 . 1 5 a.m.) & ~. 30 & 6.35 p.m,; sundays, 5.40
Rev. J(}hn Francis Tanfield M.A. of Christ's College, p.m. ; near Chntch, cl€' 9·I5 a.m. & 6.30 pm.;
Cambridge. The Catholi~ chnrch of St. Cuthbert, sundays, 5 . 3o p.m
erected in 1gn, has about 100 sittings. There is a
Congregational chapel, bnilt in 1862, with zoo sittings, URBA:K DISTRICT COUNCIL.
a Baptist chapel, erected at a cost of £3,000, and MPI'!tings ~Id at the Council Office, High :~treet, th.~
opened in 1904, with sittings for 300 persons, Catholic last tuesday in each month at 1 p.m.
Apostolic and Primitive Methodist chapels, Salvation
Army barracks, and a Worki.b:r ·Men's Institute. The Members.
Cemetery, of 2l acres in extent, with mortuary chapel, Cha.irman, Edward Read J.P.
is on the Sonthminster road, and is nnder the control Vice-Chairman, Paul Malone Booth.
of the Urban District Council. A tower, with lln Retire in April Retire in Ap&:il
illuminated clock 0 was erected as an addititm to the Edward Head ............ 1915 Charles James Steward Igi6
school in High street in 1877. in memory of Laban Robert J. Suter ......... 1915 Pan] Malone Booth ...... 1917
Sweating esq. at a cost of .£330. The Public Hall, Job Henry 8metburst 1915 Charles Edwa.rd MaTSh 1917
erected in 1887, is a. spacious edifice· of brick and stone, Joseph Henry Jackson 1916 Robert John Newman
and will ~at 300 persons. The old Baptist cl;a.apel has Robert Leslie •••..... , ... 1916 Nicho)s .................. 1917

. . • • •

'' • • 0 •
'Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, Burnham District,
,1· · • Officers. •
Clerk, Ebenezer Dilliway, High atreet Maldon Union, Thomas Dawe White L.S.A.. King~,
Treasurer, Christ.opher W. Parker esq. J.P. Faulkbourne High street
hall, Witham · Station Officer of Coast Guard, Fredk. Aubrey MitcheU,
}iedical Officer of Health, Thomas Dawe White L.S . .1. Silver road
Kings, High street Town Crier, William Sweating, Queen's road
Surveyor, Joseph Cook, New road lJouncil School, ·erected at a cost of about £2,000, Gn a
Sanitary Inspector, Charles W eedon, Mildmay road site of 2~ acres, in Devonshire Toad, opened Aug. 15,
Collector, Joseph Cook, New road r8g8; enlarged in rgor, for 300 boys & girls & 200
infants; average attendance, 270 boys & girls & no
Shipwrecked Fishermen,_. & Mariners' Royal Benevolent infants; Joseph Henry Jackson, master; Miss S.' ..l.
Society; S. B. Sadler J:P. hair. representative, Quay Chambers, infants' mistress
PUBLIC OFFIOERS. Endowed School, High street, built iq.. 1863 &:; improved
Collector of Land & Income Tax, William Thoma~ in r875, 1878 & xgoo, for 283 children; average attend.
Ambrose, Crouch road ance, 220; the income from the charity amounts to
Deputy Receiver of Wreck,Fdk.Aubrey Mitchell,Silver rd £174 yearly; Leqn James Belcher, master
Deputy Registrar of Births & Deaths 1 for Southminster Police Station, Samuel Dale, sergeant, Station road
·Sub-District, James Watt, High street . Railway Station, Wm. Churchill Potter, station master

COMMERCIAL. Burnham Yacht Building Co. Malt..

' PRIVATE RESIDENTS. , in.,a yard
Early closing day, Wednesday .
.A.ldridge Edgar Wm. Coronation road Burnham Yacht Club Limited (S.
Auger Mrs. John, Lambourne, Wes- ~dams George, fried fish dealer, :Ely, hon. sec.), Quay
tern road Devonshire road Burt Richard, shopkeepet',l(ilian l'oad
Auger Mrs. Wm. The Lawn, High st Alexander Thomas, farmer, Ostend Camping Arthur, painter, Silver road
Becher Harry, Strathmore, Crouch rd Ambrose Arth. Jn. basket ma.High st Camping Clara (Mrs.), Victoria P.IL
Booth Christopher Chamley, C~:ouch Ambro11e Gordon M. motor acces- High street
haven, Western road sories, Station road Camping grdnr.Crouch rd
Booth James Wilfred, The Limes, Ambrose William Thomas, collector Carter Wm. & Son, grocers, High at
Crouch road of land &; income tax, &; school Carter Waiter, butcher, Station road
Browne Miss Barton, Crouch road ... _ attendance officer Carter Waiter, farm bailiff to A. W.
Bullock Mrs. Holly ho. Church road Bacon George F. plumber-, Station rd Croxon esq. Coleward farm
Bnrton Rev. Harold (Catholic), St. Bacon John, a.erated water manufac- Carter William Archibald, sail makel\
Cuthbert's tnrer, Riverside road see Cranfield & Carter
Carter Archibald, Church road Ballarati Ernest, confectioner, Quay Cemetery (T. Parchment, sexton)
Carter Arthur, Mildmay road Barclay &; Company Ltd. (sub-branch Challis Fredk. confectioner, High et
Cm-ter Miss, Crouch :road . to. Mal don, open. tues. & thurs. 1 J. Chinnock Charles, New Welcome
Carter William, High street . to 3 &; sat. g.3o to 12.30) (Herbert Sailor P.H. Station road
Chambers Miss, Essex road C, ·Green, manager), High street; Clark Francis, farmer, Romans farm
Olarke William Mansfield, The Moor- draw on head office, 54 Lombard Clark Richard (Mrs.), aparts. New rd
ings, Essex road · · street, Lond·on E C Clarke "\Villiam Hy. draper, Station rd
Cosgrove Bernard, Church road · Barker Wm. photographer,Queen's rd Cole Arthur (Mrs.), dining rooms,
Cro:xon Abraham Bowerman J.P. The Batchelor Ermist Hy. dairymn.High st High street
·Limes ' Beaumont & Bright, solicitors, High Cole Joseph AI:thur, confr. High st
Dilliway Ebenezer, The Red ·house, st. (at_tend tues. n a.m. to 2 p.m) Collis James, shopkeeper, Crouch road
Station road Bell Alfred William, tailor, High st Cook Harriet (Mi!!s),fancy xepository.
Dilliway Frank Reginald, Mildmay rd Blaxall Frdk.Hy.pork btchr.Station rd High street
Feast Mrs. Ivy cottage, Western road Booth &; Brookes Limited, iron- Cook Jo!!eph, hon. sec. of Working
'Gadsdon George Hunsdon,' Eeypt cot- founders, Mildmay iron worl•s Men's Institute & surveyor & col-
• tage, Station road Braham Alfred, house decorator, see lector of rates to the Urban Die-
Gooding Rev. Charles · Denham Trussell & Braham trict Council &; parish clerk,New rd
·(Baptist), Western viis. Western rd Bridge Samuel, jobmaster, Lilian rd Cooke & Co. coal mers. Station road
Gl'Oqmbridge Mrs. Mildmay road · Brown George, yacht outfitter, see Cooke Henry James, carting agent to
Hopperlon Harry Edward, Pinners Tucker. Brown &; Co G. E. R. Mildmay mad
1Farm. ~ouse, Ostend
Hohobin Thomas, Maldon road
Bruley Susan (Mrs.), Oyster Smack Cooper Wm.Jn.boot ma.Providence
P.H. Station road . Cr:mfield & Cart!O'r, sail makers,
Jackson Joseph Henry, Mildmay road Bryon Herbert John, confection!O'r. River side
Jones Chester J.P. Maplins,Church rd ·Devonshire· road _ Crick & Freeman, solicitors, High st.
Jordan Geo. Hy. St. Osyth,Church rd BuU·Robert Taylor, saddler & harn!O'ss (attend tues. n a.m. to r p.m~
Knight ReginaldP.Mayfield,Crouch rd maker, High street · Crouch Yacht Club (Frank Reeves,
Konody Otto, Mildmay road Bunting- ClarkP Williarn & Albert, hon. sec.), Coronation road
Lander Harold Dl'ew B...l. The. butchers, Station road Cro:xon Abraham Bowerman, farmer
Billets, High street· Burnham Branch of the National Croxon Arthur William, farmer, Wick
Leslie Robert, Hollyrood. Ostend League of Young- Liberals (William Degenhardt Waiter, draper, High s-t
Lloyd Robert, Wymans, Hi!:th street Clarke, hon. sec.), High street Dilliway & Co printers, Providence at
Marsh Charles Edward. Mildmav rd Bnrnh~m-on-Crouch Cl)nservative &; Dilliway Ebenezer, clerk to Urban
Newman Chas. T, Bucklands, High st Unionist As.sociation (Leon Jame~ District Council, High street
Nioholls 1\lrs. New road Belc.her, hon. sec.), School . house, IDilliway Nathaniel, baker, High st
P!~cher Frdk . .Bedford, The Chase cot High street . Dolby & Morris, tailors~ Station Toad
Prior Mrs. West ~ouse, High street Bnrnham-on-Crouch Constitutional Emmans Fred, farm baillff to J . .1.
Richmond Misses, Shaw house, Quay Club (Harrison C._ Smith, hon. Brown esq. Westwick ' ·
Ridsdale Herbert Wheatley, Hill sec.), Crouch road . · ' Esse-x Provident Societ.y (Wm. Barker,
house, Station road Buinham Cricket Club (John G.' collector) ..
Sadler Samuel Bockin J.P. Solent A.u~er, captain), Western road Fennall Hy. piano tuner, .Station rd,
villa, Crouch road · · Burnham-on-Cr<1uch &; Dengie Hun- Finch William, builder, Lilian road
Sharpe Mrs. Rose. Assaye, Ostend drP.d Advertiser (Dilliway & Co. Flick Henrv, blacksmith, Marsh road
Stnith Frank Hallier, Old ho. Q;:tend printers . &. publishers; published/ Freeman Lizzie (Mrs.), nurse,Dalgaon
Smith Harrison, Crou'ch road sat.), Providence street Gale Ern est J ., F. A. I. auctioneer,
Smith Mrs. Mildmay road Burnhmn Eng-ineering Co. River;:ide High ~treet; & at BradweU-on-Sea,
Spmgeon John, Mildmay road Burnham Gas ·Co. Ltd. (E. Dilliway. Southminster
Steward Charles James, Church road !:f"C.; T. Thrmpson, manager) .. Gibbons Wm. Hy. confctnr.Station rd
Tanfield Rev. John Frederick M.A. Westl'rn road Gould George, builder &; contractor,
(vicar), ·The Vicarage Burnham Law11 .Tennis Club (Paul M. painter &; decorator; general l'e-.
'fayl{)r J oseph William, The Hut Booth, hon. sec.), High strel't pairs; estimates given, Station rd
Thomas Miss, Zetland,' Essex road Burnham Liberal Club (Wm. Clarh. ma.Station rd
Turnell Joseph Mark, Holliwell house hon. sec.). High street Handley Frederick John, Ship P.B.
White 'rhomas Dawe, Kings, High st, Burnham Operatic &lciety (C. H. High street .
Whiting Henry, Laura Deene, Ostend KuhnPr, hon. sec.), Mill cottage Harris Joseph Alien, blacksmith,
Will!{)n James, Ivy cottage, Quay Burnham Ramblers' Football Club High street
Wood.houPe Jf'ranci!l B . .A • (Gordon Ambrose, sec.), Station rd Harvey Bros. boat owners,High stree'
Wooster Fredk. The Barn, Church rd Burnham Working Men's Institute HaTVey Fredk. Chas. bldr. Queen's td
. (Joseph Cook, hon. sec.), High st •
• •


Jlarvey ,John (Mrs.}, apartments, NethHcoat Leonard,dair,·mn.Silver rd ·Smith ~ illiam, farm bailiff to F. G .

Essex road _:llethercoat Thomas, sail maker, Quay <'arter esq. West·wick farm
Havers Thomas, builder, Albert road Ne.wman Alfred, grocer~ High street Smith Wm. Hy. Star P.H~ High st
&:; Queen's road & Station roan Softe Frt>dc. watch repr. Station 1d
Hawes William, boat owner, see _:llewman Charles Tbom, assistau t Spenc"t~t· Timothy, laundry ,Station rd
W oollard & Hawes overseer, High street Spurgeon & Son, auctionrs. Station rd
Hawkes John J. & Sons, boot & shoe Newman William (exors. of), market Staines Thomas Walt~1·, greengrocer,
makers, High street gardeners, Providence street Lilian road
Bawkes Jubal, boat owner, Quay :'iiorris Arthur Joseph, White Hal't Steal'll Bwthe1s, farmers, Marsh ru
Hawkes Mark (Mrs. ),shopkpr.High st hotel, Quay Stebbings Wm.&Sons,boat bldrs.Quay
Hawkins Alfred, corn dealer, High st Osborn Tbos. Edwd. butcher, High st Stoneham · Eliza Ann (Mrs.), shop-
Hawkins Frederick George, coal mer- Os borne William G. confr. Station rd keeper, High street ·
chant, High street Overton John, hair dresser,Station rd SwE:'eting Isaac, shopkeeper, Shore st
Hills George, farmer,· East wick Page &· Co. coal mers. Railway statn Sweeting Wm. town criPr,Queen's rd
Hills George, jun. farm bailiff to Pamplin Arthur, George & Dragon Taylor William Newman,confectioner;
Douglas B. Smith esq.Redward fnn P.H. Ostend Station road
Dines Wm. J. engnr. see King&; Hines Pannell Harry, beer retailer, High st 'l'russell & Brabam, house decorators;
Bopgood .Arth.coal mer.Devonshire rd Parker Abigail Jane (Mrs.), Railway High !ltreet
Borrobin Wm. frm.r.Cherrygarden fm hotel, Station road Tuclier, Brown & Co. yacht outfitters,
Hudson Frank, Anchor inn, Quay Parkinson Mary Elizabeth (Mrs.), Coronation road •
Hvmas John, confectnr.Devonsbire rd Warner's Hall private hotel,High· st Turney John S. cycle maker, High ·-
hiternational Tea Co.'s Stores Ltd. Paynter Edward, butcher, Station rd Warren Thomas, draper, Station road
. grocers, Station road Pearman Jas.marine gtore .dlr.Ostend Watt Elizh. (Mrs.), aparts. High st
Jackson Emily (Miss), fancy rt>po~Ji- Perry Jas.jobbing gardenr.Church rd Watt .Jas. M.P.S. dispensing chemist,
tocy, Station road ?ettinow P. (Newall) & 'Viseman, stationer, bookseller, grocer, tobac·
Jenkim: George, grocer, High street yacht outfitters, Wharf · conist, alP, wine & spirit merchant.
1ones Jas. Wait. builder, Mildmay rd Pipe Percy, farmer., Hill farm &; dealer in jewellery, gunpowder,
Jones Vera (Miss),prep::uatory school, Powell John Chas. hair drssr.High st oil, paints &c. deputy registrar of
Western road Prior Fdk. Jn. boat bldr. Quay sidf' births & deaths for Southminster
King & Hines, engineers, High street Probets Albert, ironmonger,Station rd snb-dist. of Maldon union. High st
King J. & Co. boat builders, Quay Public Hall (Alfred Newman, proprie- Webster Charles, butcher, High st
King Wm.&Sons,shipwrigbts,Riversde tor), High street Weedon Charles; ganitary inspector to
Lander Harold Drew B..·L, M.R.C.S. Raven Arthur W. boot & shoe maker. Urban District Council, Mildmay rd
Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. physician & High street . West Jame~,scissor ~rinder,Crouch rd
surgeon, The Billets, Hi.g-b street Read Charles & EdVI.ard, builders, Westborp Leonard, clothier, High st
Large Samuel Sheppard, grocer, Station road · We;;thorp :Mahala · (Mrs.), draper,
Station road Read Jas. beer retailer, Providence "t High streefl
Lawrence Grace (Mrs.), stationer, & Read Stanley, builder, Station road Whife '\Vm. Francis, baker,Croucb rd
postmistress, Station road Read Sydney J. grocer, Station road White Thomas Dawe L.S.A. surgeon,
Laws, Youl & Co. yacht brokers, RPad William, boat builder, Quav & medical officer to Urban District
High street Reid Mary (Mrs.). shopkpr.Statiori' rd Counc~l &,'public vaccinator Burni.
Lewsley Joseph, greengrocer, High st Roach River Oyster Fishery Co. Ltd. ham district, Maldon union, Kings,
Lloyd Robert M.R.C.S.Eng-., L.R.C.P. (John G. Auger~ sec.), Quay High street l
Lond.physician & surgeon, Wymans, Robinson Arth. Jas. engineer,Higb st Whiting Geo.Jn.shpkpr.Providence st
High street Rogers Mary Ann (Mrs.),confectioner, Williams Edward J~hn, wardrobe dlr.
Lowe & Tansley, printers & stationers, Chapel road · Lilian road .
Station road Royal Corintbian Yacht Club (T. G Williamson Geo. insur. agt.Station rd
Lowe James Lewis, greengrcr.High st F. Winser, sec.), High street Wilson .Aug-ustine Thomas, picture
Lunn Kate (Miss), apartments,, Mild- Sadler & Sons, ;.ail makers, Quay fnme maker, Quay
may road SC'owby Joseph N. chemist, Station rd Wiseman William, apart&.Mildmay rd
Maurice Holiday Home (Rev. Robert SbackPl Geo. shopkpr. Station roan Wiseman William John, yacht Qut-
RobsrtsQn Hvde

.A.KC.L. sec. ; T . Sharp Wm. greengrocer,Providence st fitter. see P. (Newall) Petticrow &:
Walton, housekeeper), Belvedere t·d Simpson James. toy dE:'aler.Station rcl Wiseman
Mellard John, hair dresser, Hig-h st Sloan Georg-e. farmer, Mangapps Wood Hl'rbert, shopkeeper, Lilian Td
Mid worth Artb. tobacconist, Station rd SmE:'thurst Job Hv. laundry, Sih·er rd Woodley William, farm bailiff to A.
Mison William, farm bailiff to E. J. Smith Brothers (Burnham-on-Crouch) B. Croxon esq. Burnham marsh
Gale esq. Hollywell farm Limited, oyster merchants, Quay W oollard & Hawes, boat owners.
Mitcbell Frederick Aubrey, station Smith F. Luckin Limited, grocers & Chapel road
officer of coast guard &; deputy r&- provision merchants, High street ; Wright Bros. mineral water manu-
ceiver of wreck, Silver road & at Chelmsford facturers. Station road
Mizzen Sarab (Mrs.), apartments.· Smith Alfred, baker, Station road Wright William Charles, boot maker,
Mildmay road Smith Alfred George, farm bailiff to Station road
Murrell Danzie Edward, shoe maker, Messrs. Strutt & Parker, Coney Yllrdley William, boat owner, River-
Shore roa.d Hall farm side road & Quay

GREAT BURSTEAD (or Burghstead) is a pleasant and l'esidence, in the gift of the Bishop of Chelmsford,
village and parish on the road from Billericay to Til- and held since 1909 by the Rev. Hermann Coldwell
bnrv, 1! miles south of Billericay station on the South- B.A. of Trinity College, Dublin. The churchyard was
enrl-on-Sea branch of the Great Eastern railway, and 7 enlarged in 1907 by the gift of onP acre of ground from
'fest from BrPntwood. in the Mid division of the county, the late Alexander Ward esq. of Lockers. A pumping
hundred of Barstable, county court district and petty station was erected in 1909 at Slycesgate for the South-
sessional diviRion of Brentwood. union of Billericay. and end Water Co. There is a Congregational chapel at
in the rural rleanPry of Bar~table. archdeaconry of Essex South Green. Blatcbe''l charity of £155 18s. Sd. produces
and Chelmsford diocese. The small town of Billericay £3 xss. 4d. yearly. Chaplyn's charity, of £10o, pro-
is in -this parish for civil purp'oses, but was constituted duces £3 yearly. Dr. J:enner's charity, of £r66 13s. 4d.
a separate ecclesiastical parish, qth Sept.· 1844· A produces £4 13s. 4d. yearly. Three-fifths of thes&
stream flows through the parish. The church of St. charities are paid to Billericay. There is also a meadow,
Mary Magdalen is a building- of rubble with stone the rent of which produces £8 yearly. which is dis-
facingR in the Decorated and Perpendicular style<1, ('On- tributed in coals and clothing yearly by the church·
sisting of chancel. nave of five bap. aisle~. north and wardens. The kennels of the Essex Union foxhounds
south porches and a western tower, restored in 1912 are in this parish; tht- pack bunts seven days a
at a cost of £486, with shingled spire, containing 5 fortnight. Brentwood, Chelmsford and Maldon are con-
bells, 4 only of which are in use: the 4th b~ars the venient places for hnnting visitors. 'l'be Cisterciao
following insC'ription :-"Vox Aug-ustini sonet in aure monks of tbeo abbey of St: Mary and .All Saints ail
Dei," and was cast about the year 1436; the others Stratford Langthorne. founded e~rc. 1134, t·emoved tern-
haTe been recast: in 1898 a stained window was porarily to a cell or grange here by reasun of the floods,
presented bv Mrs. Spitty. of Billericay: the ('hUJ'ch llnd held nearly the whole of this parish until the dis-.
waa reseated in 1892 and in 1907 it was again r~storPd solution of their house. Blunt's Walb, 1 mile from
at a cost oi £2oo: in 1909 ~ .window was erected to Billericay, are the r~mains of a camp, in which Roman
~ajor T. J. Spitty D.L., J.P. and Mary ,Ann, his wife. ,;uins and antiquities have been fonnd. Gatwick is the
The register dates from the year 1558. The living is residenc~ {If Edw.::rd Thomas .:\lasu~Tt-r t~Sq. J.P..:,...-~
a. vicarage, n('t yearly value £'4oo, with 6 acres of glelle . Pl'tre i'S lord of the marnr aad jlrmcipal CIH-4•

- --


The soil in parts is light and clayey; sub~oil, principally Waall Letter Box, South Green, cleared at 8.30 a.m. 15
clay. The chief crops are •heat and barley. The area 6.go p.m.; sundays, II-5 a.m
is 3,709 acres; rateable value, [.9.575 ; the population of Wall Letter Box, near Church, cleared at 7·I5 a.m. 11
the civil parish in I9II was 2,n6, and of the eccle- 6.15 p.m. week days; sundays, 7· 15 a. m
siastical parish. 546. Wall Letter Box, Slycesgate, cleared at S.go a.m. &; 6.311
Sexton, Israel Mitehell. p.m. week days; sundays, n a.m
Letters arrive from Brentwood, through Billericay, at The children of this parish attend the Council school ~
7·45 a.m. sundays & week days. Billericay is the Billericav

nearest money order & telegraph office
PJUT.!TE BESIDBNTS. Carpenter James. blacksmith Maryon John, dairy farmer,Snails h&ll
.Archer Misll, The Elms Carter Wm. B. farmer, Harlock's frm Miles Thomas, farmer
Ooldwell Rev. Hermann B.A. (vicar), Clements John Ernest,poultry farmer Mills Sarah Ann (Mrs.), farmer
Vicarage Crook Eli, farmer, Ourd's farm :\forton James, farmer, Blunds Wait
Dare Waiter Charles Dawkins Harry, grocer PiersonEdwd.Marsh,frmr.Outwood fa
Henderson John Dormer Joseph '1'. P. H. farmer, Pridd.y William, grocer
Heseltine Capt. Godfrey, The Kenne1s Oak farm Row& Thomas, Plough P.H. Tye COd.
Mashiter Edward Thomas J.P. Dowsett & Co. nurserymen Smith .A.rthur, wheelwright
Gat wick Farle>y Georgina (Mrs.) & Son, far- Smith George. farmer
Bichardson John Fenton,Franklin vil mers, Southend farm Stewart Henry F. carpenter
COMMBBCIAL. Foster H~nry, beer retailer Swann Timothy, farmer
.!dam Robert, farmer, Barleylands Houghton James, blacksmith Swann William Henry, beer retailer
Ball William James, fanner Jones Herbert,huntsman to the Essex Thorneycroft Wm.Hy.King'sHead P.ll
Bonghtwood Chas. farmer & ooal dlr Union foxhounds, The Kennels Webster Tom, farmer, White's farm
Bougbtwood George, beer retailer Loman Joseph, dairy farmer White William, farmer
Bull Henry, greengrocer . )'lclntyre Daniel, farmer, Broomhills Woodro:ffe Sydney H. frmr.Boyce !ra
.LITTLE BURSTEAD (or Bnrghstea~) is a parish annually in Easter week: there are two other smal
-Dear t.he 80tti'ce of t.he river Crouch, 2 miles south- charities, amounting together to £I 3s. distributM ia
west from Billericay station on the Southend-on-Sea bread. Stockwell Hall is the residence of the Hon.
·branch of the Great Eastern railway, and 6 east from John Henry Sa.vile n.L., J.P. and has attached gronnds
Brentwood, in the Mid division of the county. Barstable of 2<J acres. Hope House is the residence of Roberi
hnnclrf'lli. Brentwood petty sessional division and county Baines Johnson esq. J.P. Miss Lowndes, of Marks Hlll,
court district, Billericay union, rural deanery of Bar. Dunmow, who is lady of the manor, and Miss Archer,
,gtable, archdeaconry of Essex and Chelmsford diocese. of The Elms, Great Burstead, are the principal land·
The church, 1'6Cently assigned to St. Mary, is a small owners. The soil is loamy; subsoil, loamy. The chief
building in the Early English style, consisting of crops are wheat, oats, beans and barley &c. The are&
11hancel and nave, south porch and a low western turret is 1 ,83g acres; rateable yalue, [.2.573; the populatioa
with spire. containing 2 bells : there are several flat in 19 u was 382 in the civil and .2B9 in the ecclesiastics!.
stones in the chancel to members of the Walton family, parish.
including a memorial to the Hon. Sir George Walton, PClst Office.-Mrs. Mary Wood, sub-postmistress. Let·
Admiral of the Blue, ob. I739; there is also an in- ters received from Billericay, Essex, arrive at
scription to Christopher Herris esq. ob. 1666. The .. & d' h d 6 .. 6
h h h "tt" Th · t d t f h a.m. Cl! 5·55 p.m. Isp!ltc e at .so a.m. "" ·40
.c urc as 140 SI mgs. e reg1s er a es rom t e p.m. week days; ~unday 8 , arrive at 6. 45 a.. m. & dis-
year 168r. The living is a rectory, net yearly value patched at 6. 45 a.m. Telegrams can be dispatchecl
_£2ro, with residence and 3,2 acres of glebe, in the gift only from this office. Billericay, 2 miles distant, il
()f the Bishop of Chelmsford, and held since 1913 by the the nearest money order & telegraph office for delif9l'J
Rev. Charles Lenna.rd Payne. There is a charity left on week days only
about 1790 by Mr. John Cooper for the benefit of poor
persons "living in and belonging to the parish; " the ~ssex County Council (Non-Provided) School (mixed).
net income is about £2o, arising from the rents of six bnilt in I8gr, for 66 children; average attendance,
.cottages and 33 acres of land, and is distributed 5I ; Mhs Eleanor Simmons, mistress ·
Shannon William John B.A., M.B., Davidson Jarnes Cathie S. farmer
PIUVATE BESIDENTS. B.S., D.P.H. Ro11emary lDd.g-P Gibson Cornelius, farmer
Johnson Robert BaiMs J.P. The (postal address. Lain don, Romford) :Shannon William John B. A., M.B ,
Hops house COMMERCIAL. B.S., D.P.H. physic.ian & mrgeon,
.Payne Rev. Charles Lennard (rector). Butcher George,head gardener to Rt. Rosemary lodge (postal address.
Rectory Baines Johnson esq. J.P Laindon, Romford)
Savile Hon. John Henry D.L., J.P. Cottis John, baker (post-al address, Shepherd Joseph, farmer, Sudburys
Stockwell hall L<lindon, Romford) •
Sqnir·el' Brothers, farmers
:SUTTS:BURY is a parish on the road from Chelms- x668; marriages, r6g4. The living is a rectory annexe4
lord to Billericay, 3 miles south-east from Ingatest<>ne to that of Ingatestone, joint net yearly value £YA
station, 3 north from Billericay and 5 south-west from with 2 acres of glebt;, in the gift of Lord Petre.
Chelmsford, in the Mid division of the county, Chelms- and held since 1886 by the Rev. Charles Earle B.A..
ford hundred. petty sessional division, union and county of St. Catharine's College, Cambridge, who resides
court district, rural deanery of Barstable, · archdeaconry at Ingatestone. Lord Petre is lord of the manor and
-of Essex and Chelmsford diocese. The more populous chief landowner. The soil is loamy; subsoil, gravel
part of the parish is adjacent to and f<Jrms part of the The chief crops are wheat, oats and barley. The atea
village of Stock. The church of St. Mary is a small and ts 2,104 acres of land and 9 of water; rateable value.
:mcient building of brick and plaster, in the Perpen- [3,587; the population in I9II was 697.
dicular style, consisting of chancel and nave, south Letters received through Ingatestone arriveo about 7·Y'
• porch and a western tower of brick containing <>ne bell: a.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office is
the church formedy belonged to the nunnery of St. at Stock
Leonard, at there are roo sittings. The children of this parish attend the s£'hool at Stock,
l'he register of baptisms dates from 1657 ; burials, I 1-3 miles distant
(Marked tlms * letters through Bil- *Mitchell Mrs. The Elms · *Harrod Frederick,cartage contractor,
lericay.) *Stanbrook John Samuel William, Hill cottsge
(For other names in this parish see Lakeview Hodge John, farmer, Slough house
Stock.) I COMMERCIAL. Learmonth Andrew Smeilie Robert-
P.RrVATE :RESIDl<JNTS. *Billericay Rural District Council son, farmer, Fristling hall
•Bolt Charles George, Millwood Infections Diseases Hospital (Joseph Nisbet John, farmer, Great Blunts
*C.hristie James, The Knoll Douglas Wells M.B.medical officer; Thorogood Saml.frmr.Whyte TyrrelLl
*Cooper Mrs. Charles, Bush hall 1 Miss Eleanor Jones, matron) *Tyler Hy. farmer, New House fan•
*Harris Arnold, WQodside / Handcock Stannas Henry, farmer, .
*Jarvis James, Duke's hall Ramsey Tyrrells & Imphyhall
CANEWDON is a village- and parish in the South Southend-on-Sea branch of the Great Eastem
Eastern division of the county, llochford hundred, and B north from Southend, on high ground,
petty sessional division and union, Southend county manding a :fine view over the river Orouch, the ricl
court district, Canewdon and Southend rural deanery, meadows on its banks and the battlefield of
Essex archdeaconry and Chelmsford diocese: it is 4 don, where in ror6 it is said Canute the Great
miles north-north-east from Rochford station, on the Edmund Ironside contended; here is a Danish entrencr
lftfiJl'- There i6 a ferry from WaUasea acros:. tht! Cruuab found here the pllloee is supposed to have been the sit&
~ Dengte hundred for bors~s and carriages. The of a Bomal.l station. At the time of the Domesday
fl!lcient church of St. Nicholas, stan<ting on Canewdon Survey it belonged to Swryne. .A.pton Hall, the residence
~· is an edifice of stone of Perpendicular Jate, oon- of George E. Hawkins esq. is situated in grounds of 410
asting of chancel, nave, north aisle, separated from the acres. C. M. Fell esq. is lord of one manor and Allen
MYe by an arcade c.f four bays, south porch a.nd Stallibrass esq. is lord of that of Scotts Hall. The prin-
111assive embattled western tower 75 feet high and cipal landowners are William Roberl; Campion esq. M.P.
tontaining 5 bells: outside the tower are the quartered of Roffey, Sussex, Lord Rayleigh P.C., O.M. of Withamr
ums of .France and England and the shields of Bohun, Essex. Allen Stallibrass esq. Zachary Pettitt esq. and
llowbray and Warren: in the chancel (restored in George E. Hawkins esq. The soil is clayey; subs()il,
1894) are sedilia, and there was a hagioscope in the clay. The crops are general. The area is 5,228 acres of
aorth wall of the chancel arch: the pulpit is of finely- land, 6 of inland and 433 of tidal water and 169 of fore-
•rved oak: the church contains several mural tablets shore; rateable value, £3,893; the population in xgn
to members of the Kersteman family: in 1902 the was sn.
interior was reseated with chairs, and a new altar
table, choir seats and reading-desks of oak presented W ALLASEA, formerly an island but uow joined to.
by Mr. J. H. Little: two niches and a piscina have the mainland, is a peninsula, 3 miles long by about 1~
been disclosed at the east end of the north aisle: broad, bounded on the north by the river Crouch, on
•here are 300 sittings. The register dates from the the south and east by the Roche and on the west by
Ject.r 163.6. The living is a vicarage, net value [338, creeks and the mainland ; it is in the parishe, of Grt-at
Yi1ih 6o acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of Stambridge, Canewdon, Paglesham, Eastwood and Littl~>
the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, and held since W ake1 ing; a public road crosses the peninsula, and
1900 by the Rev. Charles Robert William Hardy B.A. leads to Foulness Island. By the introduction of artesian
ef Oriel College, Oxford. J. H. Little esq. is impro- wells of great depth v-ater is now ohtainf'd of good
pria~r of the great tithes, amounting to £672 IOS. qualit).
•et. Here is a. Congregational chapel, erected in 1833,
.and holding 150 persons. A fair is held yearly on the RINGWOOD is a hamlet in Walla..e:l, r mile ..uuth-
"'4th of June. The charities left by various benefactors "ast from Burnbam by water.
to £140 ; after paying the cost of management, Parish CleTk, William Higby .
..epairs, and the sum of J..xo to the deserving poor, any Po:it & M. 0. Office.-Samuel Offord :M:Oi;~o, ~oub-po .. t-
~ance available is, by a scheme of the Charity Com·
ruaster. Letters ~rrive from Rochford, Essex, at 7·45
mist~ionE~rs of 18Q7. t-o be employed for the maintenance
& u.3o a.m.; dispatched at 12.15 k 4.25 p.m.;
tl the village school, arising in part from lands left at sundays. dispatched at 9.25 a.m. The nearest tele·
iilferent times by .A.gnes Finch, widow, William Haws- graph office is at Rochford, 4 miles distan~
~U and Thomas Hawkins, in 1495, and others; there are
also seven tt-nements with gardens, occupied by the poor, Letter Box, outside The Vicarage, cleared 7·55 a.m.
and a h~nPf:wtion by William Totham and Richard
& 12.25 & 4.30 p.m. ; sundays, 9.30 a.m
Woodes, of Scaldhurst, in the hamlet .<Jf Pudsey, left in Voluntary School, built in 1863, for 92 children; aver-
1688, to provide bread for the poor. There are some age attendance, 71 ; Frank Tomline, master
1'6Dlains here of a camp, and from the Roman antiquities Constable in Charge, Percy Andrews

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Button Wm. farm bailiff to Jn. Wm. ;outten James, blacksmith
liardy Rev. Charles Robert; William Davies esq. Raymonds j Smith James, bricklayer
B.A. (vicar), Vicarage I Buxton Jouathan, Anchor P.H Sweeting Frederick, Ferry Boat inn
Haw~ins George E. Apton hall Guiv:er Alfred, farmer, New hall & Ward Mrs. shopkeeper
'1Jlarriage JoseDh, Lambourne Hall fm Wick farm Whybrow George, shopkeeper
tPettitt Zachaiy, Loftman's 1•Hayward Arthur, farm bailiff to j Woolf William, carprnter, Bolt hall
S\evenson Albert, Hvde wood Allen Stallibrass esq. Scotts hall Wright Joseph. farmer, Box~>s farm
COMMERCiAL. ~os~ Brothers, grocers, & post office I Zimmerman William. Cht-quP.n P .H
llurrell Frederick Wm. poultry far m

GREAT CANFIELD is a parish, to the west of tht- about 1 acre of glebe and residence, in the gift of W. de
river Roding, about 3 miles south-west from Dunmo"\11 Vins Wade esq. and C. Engelhardt esq. and held since
station on the Dunmow and Braintree branch of tht> 1912 by the Re.-. Juhn :Ma1yon-Wilson 1L.l. of Christ
GN>at Ea!oltE>rn railwav,

in the- WeRt~rn division of th• Church, Oxford. The interest of £so, bequeathed by
eonnty, Dunmow hundred. petty sessional division. l;he Rev. Frederick Vane M.A. is distributed annually
wnion and county court district, rural deanery of Rodin~r. l;o the poor. Here is a perfect mound and castle yard.
~Vchdeaconry of Essex and diocese of Chelmsford. formerly surrounded by a moat, and once the property
!'he church of St • .Mary is an edifice of stone, partly of of De Veres, Earls of Oxford. The Rev. John Maryon-
Norman date,· and consisting of chancel, nave, south Wilson M.A. is lord cf the manor. Philip Church esq.
porch and an embattled western tower of wood. with and Harry Gowlett esq. are the principal landowners.
a small spire and containing 3 bells: the church had 1 he soil is chiefly clay; subsoil, clay. 'l'he eh ef cropC'l
Jormerly a lofty spire. but this "\\"as removt'd prPvions to are wheat, beans, barley and mangold wurtzel. The a1ea
1703: there are memorial windows to the Rev. John Phil- is 2.485 acres of land and 5 of water; rateable vaiue,
lips Gurney, vicar 18:22-62 and to Sir Jn. Maryon-Wilson, £2,450; the population in 19II was 305.
L. I I May, 1876 and his family; brasses to John Wise- t'ust Uffice.-John Stock, sub-postmaswr. ~tters from
man, ob. 1518, and his family, and to Thomas Fytche Dunmow received at 7.40 a.m. &; 1.40 p.m. (the latter
IIKJ. ob. 1588, and memorials to Sir William Wiseman to callers only); dispatched at 1.50 &; 4.30 p.m. No
bart;. of Canfield, oh. 1684, and others of that family: in sunday post. The nearest money order k telegraph
lhe chancP] is a slab to the Rev. Frederick Vane M.A. office is at High Roding, 2 miles distant
rector of Bletchingdon, Oxon, 1837. a benefactor to thf Wall LPtter Box, near Church, cleared at 2 & 5 p.m
poor of the parish: the chnrch was restored in 1876. Wall Letter Box, Bacon End, cleared 8.40 a.m. & 4 p.m
when many details of Norman work were rendered Parochial (Non-Provided) School {mixed), erected in
risible: the interior has been rest-ated with open benche~ 1852, for 6o children; average attendance, 35; Mrs
al. oak~ over the communion table within a niche is a Day, mistress
'fery intererlin~ frPsco of the Virgin and Child : there This school is controlled by the Essex Education (Dun-
11"8 :zoo sittin~s. The re!Pster datPS from the year 1538. mow District) Sub-Committee, Stephen Giffard.
The living is a rectory, net yearly value £400, with Great Dunmow, clerk
()larked thus * should have letten COMMERCIAL.
Cox William Henry, farmer, Elms &
addressed Takeley, Bishops Stort.frd.) Coldbarbonr farms
Alger Stephen William. pDnltxy IDunmow & District Farmers Limited
farmer, Oak lane I (Joseph Bennett, jun. sec)
*Bailey Mis~oes. Bullocks •Bailey Rachel (Mr".) (exors. of),l Easter Alfred, farmer, Evans &; Black
EunkJe Miss, Black hall farmerto, Bullocks I Hall fa1ms
•)(aryon-Wilson Rev. John M.A. Benn!ltt Joseph, farm€-r &; landownl'r, Gowlett Albert, farmer, Marsh
(rector), The Rectory Bacon's farm Gowlett Ha.rry, farmer, Oanfi.eld Hall,
llaryon-Wilson Mrs. The Rectory Bennett Joseph, jnn. farmer & ~ Fit:r.johns Mu Marsh farms
assistant overseer 1*Harris John, farmer, Sawkins farm
*Payne Herbert, The Poplars
:B.a.,.er Alberl John, Stnne hall !Bouow Nicholas, farmer, Homelea Hinchliffe Waiter, frmr. Dealtree frm
Robertson-Scott John W Child Nichols Gilbert Louis, farmer Lean Saml. frmr.Bury & Reids farms.
Seale Mil!q, Pound hoD$ k landownel', Pecker's farm . •

*Maywood Step hen, jun. farmer, Can- Rowe Erne~t George, Griffin inn Stock John, shopkeeper, Posb office •
field pa'rk ' Simons Cecil Delacombe, farmer, *Wall Charles J.P. farmer & landJ
*Perrett George, farmer Frank Martins · owner, Darley Dale
Reeves Stephen, rat catcher, Cuckoos Smith Geo. jun. farmer, Hobbs farm Yeoman Tom, blacksmith
LITTLE CANFIELD is a parish on the R(lman famil~e~; and there are brassef!,. wi~h s_ome ~ffigiea1
and modern road .from Colchester (Camalodunnm) to lio Wilham Fytohe esq. ob. 1578, and h1s w1ves Ehza.betJl
St. A.lbans (Verulamium), with a station called "Ea.ston and Ann, with nine ohildren, and to Ann (Wiseman~
Lodge," 39 miles from London, on the Great; Eastern first wife of Wilham Fytche esq. and secondly of Ralph'i
railway and 2 miles west from Dunmow statwn, on the Purlsey esq. of Gr&y's Inn, ob. 1593, with one son:. th~
Dunmow and Braintree branch of the Great Eastern church was partly rebuilt, including the tower, ~
railway, in the Western division of the county, Dunmow 1856,. internal restoration some ten years ago, and ha~
hundred, petty sessional division, union and county abotlt 90 sittings. The register dates from the ye"\
court district, Dunmow rural deanery, Colchester arch· 1560. The living is a. rectory, net yearly value [.3oo,
deaconry and Chelmsford diocese. The church, re- with 21 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of
dedicated to All Saints (original dedication unknown), Chrisli's College, Cambridge, and held since xgu by
is an edifice of stone, consisting of chancel, nave, the Bev. Henry Latimer Jackson D.D. of that college.;
south porch and a tower on the north side, with a The manorial rights are held by the Countess of War-
spire of fine Caen stone, and containing 2 bells: of wick, who is also the principal landowner. The soil is
the old portions there now only remain, besides the mostly heavy; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat.
walls, two remarkably elegant double-light windows of beans and barley. The area. is 1,492 acres; rateable
the Decorated style in the nave, the exterior of the value, £1,381; the population in 1911 was 231. •
old Norman door and the Decorated screen of carved Parish Clerk, William ;Barrick. , 1
oak separating the chancel from the nave; the other Post Office. George Ra-ven, sub-postmaster. Letter&
windows are all in the Decorated style, those in the from Dnnmow, received at 6. 55 a.m.; dispatched _.
chancel being stained : the inside of the priest's door- 6 .10 p.m.; sund ays, 6.10 p.m. Th e nearest money
. h h all h d. l k d
way, w h lC as a sm pore • Isp ays a croc ete order & telegraph office is at Dunmow
canopy, with shafts of Italian marble and exquisitely-
carved angels at the corbels: in the chancel is a finePublic Elementary School (mixed), built in 1842, fo:t
monument, erected to the mother of the Rev. Charles so children, enlarged in 1903 to accommodate 7S
Lesingham Smith M.A. rector from 18 39 ; the large children; average attendance, 36; Miss Hilda Bean·
porch, now the only portion of the structure in the mont, mistress
Perpendicular style, has some fine panelling in front This school is controlled by the Essex Education (Dnn·
and a sundial, under which is the inscription, "Wl1at mow District) Sub-Committee, Stephen Gi:ffard, Greaf
I say unto you I say to all, watch:" this was the burialDunmow, clerk
place from r664 to 1757 of the Wyatts, of Little Canfield
Easton Lodge Railway Station, Harry Westrop, station
Hall, and of some member-s of the Fvtche

and Wiseman master
PRIVATJ<; RESID~<:J'!TS. Nash Harry C. farmer, Langthoms k
Crowther-Smith Mrs. Greencrofts COMMERCIAL. Great Oddyns
Frankham John Barnabas, The Hall I .Arnold Charles Cleggett, poultry Raven Geo.blacksmith & suh-postmstr.
Jackson Rev. Henry Latimer D.D. farmer, Old Mill farm Searles Frank, farmer, Ccpthall
Frankham John B. farmer, The Hall Smith George, farmer, Newlands,
(rector), Rectory
;\I~ush Mrs. Bales fam1
Suckling Edmund, Great Oddyns
Kell Robt.Washington, frmr.Blatches
Lodge William, farmer
Greencrofts & Bales
West George, beer retailer

CANNING TOWN is a populous district, and now a Keble College, Oxford. The ecclesiastical district of the
ward within the municipal and county borough of West Ascension was formed in 1905 from the parish of St.
Ham, and also within the Southern division of the Luke: the church, in Baxter road, erected in 1903, ia
Parliamentary borough of West Ham, hundred of Becon- an edifice of red brick and stone, in the Gothic style,
tree, county court district of Bow, rural deanery of consisting of nave, aisles and a tm•ret containing on&
West Ham, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of bell. The register dates from the year 1905. The
Chelmsford: it is also in the Eastern Metropolitan living is a. perpetual curacy, net yearly value [.200,
Postal district and within the jurisdiction of the Central wi~h residence, in the gift of the Bishop of St. Albansf

criminal court and of the Metropolitan police. 'l'he and held since 1909 by t.he Rev. Thomas Guy Steel&
Great Eastern railway has three stations within the M.A. of Keble College, Oxford. St. Matthias is an-
district: the river Lee fiows on the west to the Thames. eccle~iastical parish formed in 1908 from the parishes
Holy Trinity ecclesias-tical parish was iormed March 6, of St. Gabriel, Canning Town, St. Andrew, Plaistow
1868, from the parishes of West Ham and Plaistow: and St. Marv, Plaistow: the church of St. Matthias, in
the church <>f Holy Trinity, situated in the Barking Hermit road, erected in 1907 at a cost of £8,soo, is a
road, is a structure of brick, chiefly in the Early English building of brick and contains I,ooo sittings. The
style, and consists of chancel, nave, aisles, south porch register dates from the year 1908. The living is a
and a western tower with pinnacles and spire, containing vicarage, net yearly value £3oo, with residence, in the
a clock and 6 bells: there are 1,100 sittings. The gift of the Bishop of Chelmsford, and held since 1907
register dates from the year 1868. The living is a by theo Rev. Edward Lees M.A. of Exeter College, Oxford.
vicara~e. net yearly value £450, with residence, in the St. Cedd's is a mission district formed in 1905 from the
gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since 1873 by the parishes of St. Andrew'.s, Plaistow and St. Luke's,
Rev. John Russell B.A. of Trinity College, Dublin. Canning Town: the church, erected in 1904, at a cost of
St. Luke's, Victoria Docks, is an ecclesiastical parish [.1,ooo, is a. structure of brick, from designs by Mr.·
formed Oct. 29, 1875, from that of West Ham: the Morley Horder, and will seat soo persons: the site was
church, erected in 1874, at a cost of £r.7,ooo, is a the gift of Richard Foster esq. The incumbency, net
structure of brick and stone in the Early English style, yearly value £2oo, is in the gift of the Bishop of St.•
consisting of chancel, nave, aisles and a south-western Albans, and held since 1905 by the Rev. Thomas Varney
porch: in i89o a wrought iron chancel screen wa& Theol.Assoc.K.C. There is a Catholic chureh, dedi-
erected and a. font cover provided : there are sittings for cated to St. Margaret and All Saints. in Barking road,
J:,ooo persons. The register dates from the year x875. with attached schools, and one in Throckmorten road,
The living is a. vicarage, net yearly value from the Victoria Docks, dedicated to St. .Anne. The Presby·
Ecclesiastical Commissioners £494, with residence, in terian Church oi England, in Hack road, Victoria Doeks,
the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since 1882 by erected in 1873, and has 350 sittings. There are
the Rev. Jona.than Charles Buckley, of Durham Univer- J also Baptist, Congregational, Wesleyan Methodist, Primi-
sity, and hon. canon of St. Albans. St. Gabriel's is an tive Methodist and United Methodist chapels, and a place
ecclesiastical parish formed August 22, 1879, from the I of worship for the Peculiar People. The industries in
parishes of West Ham and St. Mary and St. Andrew, the district are extensive; there are chemical manufac-
Plaistow: the church is a plain building of brick, in the tories on the banks of the Thames and large creosote
Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave and works and iron shipbuilding yards.
north aisle, with porch: there are 450 sittings. The The Royal Victoria and Albert Docks of the Port of
register dates from the year 1879· The living is a London Authority I lie at the southern extremity of
vicarage, net yearly value £450, including glebe and what used to be known as Plaisto"\v The former
residence, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held of these docks was constructed in :t855 and has, to·
.ilince 1909 by the Rev. Ernest .A.rthur Gardner M . .A.. of gether with its entrance basin and an inner basin1 a
" .

water area of 94 acres. The entrance is at the western 1904, the foundation stone of a new hQspital, in
end of the dock and consists of a lock chamber 325 str~et, Plaistow, was laid, and in 1905 the building waa
fe~ long by So feet wide, 'With a depth on the sill of opened by the Countess (}( Aberdeen. It is in th~
25i feet below Trinity high water level. substantial style of the 18th century, from designs by
The Royal .Albert Dock, opened in 188o by the Duke Mr. H. G. Lander, architect, and contains on the
of Connaught on behalf of Queen Victoria, is an ex- ground floor a medical ward with I I beds, nurses'
• tension in an easterly direction of the Victoria Dock, home, apartments for an assistant doctor and matron,
with which it is connected by means of a canal 8o feet kitchen and numerous offices, and on the upper floor
wide. The Albert Dock, with its entrance basin, has a surgical ward with 9 beds, doctor's and,
a water area of 86 acres and is entered from the River apartments, operating theatre, a separate ward with one
Thames by means of two parallel l<lCks, with cham- bed, night nurses' rooms and bath rooms. During 1913
bers 550 feet long by So feet wide. The southern lock there were 362 in-patients and 16,631 Qut-patients. .At
has a depth of 30 feet of water over the sill at Trinity the dispensary, in Quadrant street, 13,287 surgical and
high wllter. The northern lock, which together with an medical cases were attendee{ to, and 3,698 visits were
extension of the basin, was added in 1886, has a depth paid by the district doctor. The residence is at Settle-
of 36 -feet of water over the sill. Jetties about 450 feet ment House, Cumberland road, Plaistow, and the offices
long ilank the river approaches to the locks on each and club rooms at 81 Barking road.
side. There is a river wharf 1,o6o feet long on the The Public Library, Barking road, was erected at a
lower side of the northern entrance which is used for cost of [,1o,ooo, and opened by the late J. Pa.ssmore
berthing colliers and oil ships. Edwards esq. September 28th, 1893; it contains up-
There are two dry docks, with lengths of 501 feet and wards of 22,ooo volumes.
408! feet, respectively, entered from the Albert Dock. The Public Library, Prince Regent's lane, Custom
The water in both the Victoria and the Albert Docks House, was erected at a cost of f.,s,ooo, defrayed by
1s constantly impounded at a level above Trinity high A.ndrew Carnegie esq. of Skibo Castle, N.B.
water, the loss by lockage being made good by pumping.
The Women's Settlement, situated here, was founded The Public Hall and Municipal Building, Barking road,
in 1892, and maintains a Women's Employment Bureau, opened July 26th, 1894, and adjoining the Public Librarv.
an Association for Befriendiug Young Servants, and was erected at a cost of about [,25,ooo.
various working girls' clubs, and useful work is carried The populations of the ecclesiastical parishes in I9II
on among invalid and crippled children : in connection were: Holy Trinity, 19,176; The Ascension, 7•497 (in-
with the settlement is a medical mission, originally cluding 154 persons on board vessels); St. Luke,
established by the London Medical :Mission Association, 38,923 (including 163 persons on board vessels); St.
and taken over by the settlement in 1893. In January, Gabriel's, g,846 and St. Matthias, 15,099; the popula-
1895, two houses in the Barking road were taken and tion of the No. 10 or Canning Town ward of 1;he
adapted as a hospital and nurses' home, but in Nov. West Ham County Borough was 27•443·


T, Victoria Docks Branch Post, M. 0. & T. Office, 22 • PUBLIC OFFICERS .
Tilial Basin road. C. T. H. Bonwick, clerk in charge. Medical Officers, West Ham Union, No. 6 District, Joha
Office open from 8 a.m. to ro p.m. Boxes cleared, 8, Stewart Boyd L.R.C.P. & S.Edin. 85 Freemason's rd.
9• IO &; I I. 10 a. m. &; 12 noon & I, I.IO, 3·.5• 3.30, 5.30, Custom House; No. Io District, Francis Wm. Parke
5·'45• 6.25, 6.40, 7, s. 8.2~ & 8.40 p.m. & 12 mid- Holton M.R.C.S.Eng. 206 & 208 Barking road; No. 14
night (saturdays excepted;; sundays, 9·45 a.m. & . District, Percy Rose L.R.C.P.Lond. 161 Barking road;
10.30 p.m No. 18 District, William Charles Taylor M.B., O.M.
Royal Albert Docks Post, M. 0. & T. Office Aberd. 291 Victoria Dock road; No. 20 District, John
T, 152 Barking road, Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Mis.s Francis Begley M.B. 144 Barking road
Etht>l Mary Saundprs, receiver Public Vaccinator, Canning Town, Percy Rose L.R.O.P.
Post & M. 0. Offices:- Lond. 161 Barking road
120 Bidder street. Mrs. Janet Hodgson, receiver Registrar of Births & Deaths, sub-di~trict of Canning
1-4 Victoria Dock road (telegrams can be dispatched Town, West Ham Union, T. Threlford, 2 St. Luke's
from this office).-Mrs. Mary Anna Clow, receiver square, Tidal Basin
235 North Woolwich road.-Mrs. Janet Thomson. Relieving Officers, West Ham Union, ~o. 10 District,

rece1ver Sydney Hancock, 6o Hudson road; No. 6 District,
76 Freemason's road.-Christian Henry Meyers, receiver B. J. Walsh, 6o Hudson road; No. 3 District, Henry
'Malmesbury road.-George Charles Newell, receiver Charle.s Westlake, 6o Hudson road; No. I4 District,
186 Prince Regent's lane.-C. Frederick Playle, receiver John Alexander Robison, 142 Liverpool road; No. r8
35 Roscoe street. John Thomas Hills, receiver District, George Vassie, Hudson road, Custom House
E; No. 20 District, F. Hopper, 6o Hudson road
Marked thus T trunk calls may be made & messages
taken for express delivery. PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of services.
Post Office Telephone Call Offices, 6 (T N 312 East) & Holy Trinity Church, Barking road, Rev. John Russell
19 (T N 841 East) Barking road & 14 Victoria Dock B.A. vicar; Rev. Stackhouse William Waiter B.A.
road t>ast (T N 1894 East) curate; 8 & I I a.m. & 3 & 6.30 p.m. ;· mon. 3.30
p.m.; wed. & fri. 7.30 p.m
PORT OF LONDON AUTHORITY. ' Church of the Ascension, Baxter road, Rev .. Thomas
Royal Victoria & Albert Docks. Guy Steele M.A. perpetual curate; Rev. .Regi~ld
Senior Superintendent, R. E. Seabrooke Heber Maddocks B . .A. & Rev. James Edmund · Leslie
Assistant Superintendent, S. Brownfield B.A. curates; 8 & n.15 a.m. & 3 & 6.30 p.m.; daily,
Dock Ma<:ter, Capt. T. J. Uren I 7.30 & 8 a.m. & 7.30 p.m.; wed. 9.15 a.m. & 8 p.m
Assistant Dock Masters, J. W. Lawley, P. J. Spray, I St. Gabriel's Church, Wellington street, Rev. Ernest
.A. L. Eton & E. J. Bean Arthur Gardner M.A. vicar; Rev. Cecil Allen M ..A..
Re~irlent Engineer, W. H. Cavendi~h curate; 8 & I I' a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; daily, 9.30 a.m. k
6 p.m ·
PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. St. Luke's Church, Boyd road,· Victoria Docks, Rev.
Canning Town Medical "Mission Dispensary, Miss C. Canon Jonatban Charles Buckley, vicar; Rev. Edward
Violet Turner M.B., B.S. superintendent, Quadrant st Foley Evans B.A. Rev. Thomas Richard Underwood
Catholic Seamen's Home & Institute, F. E. Kynaston, M ..A.. Rev. Sydney George Bush Th.A.K.C. & Rev. 69 Lambert road Edward Benjamin Rothwell L.Th. curates; 8 & I I
Customs House, Royal Victoria dock a.m. & 3· 15 & 6.30 p.m.; daily, 8 a.m.; thurs. 7.30
::\Ietropolitan Police Station, Lansdowne rd. (K division), p.m
Im,pectors Brumpton & Lague; 2 station sergeants, 2 St. Cedd's, Beckton road, Rev. Thomas Varney A.K.C.L.
detective sergeants, 7 sergeants & 65 constables I incombent; 8, 9 & n a.m. & 3 & 6.30 p.m.; daily.
Public Ball, Barking road, George Mansfield, caretaker 8 a.m. k 7.30 p.m ·
Public Libraries: Barking road, Sydney A. Hatcher St. Matthew's Mission Church (in connection with St.
F.L.A~. librarian; Carnegie Library, Custom House, Luke's), Ethel road, Rev. Edward Foley Evans B.A.
H. W. Fretten, librarian ' curate in char~e; sun. 8 k 11 a. m. k 6.30 p.m. ;
Shipwrecked Fishermen & ~fariners' Ro}'al Benevolent wed. 8 p.m.; other days, 7-30 p.m
Society; .A. E. Taffs R.D., R.N.R. hon. representative, St. Matthias, Hermit road, Rev. Edward Lees M.A.
supt. Mt>rcantile Marine office vicar; Rev. Martin Davidson B..A.., B.Sc. & Bev.
West Ham Fire Brigade Station, 45 Barking road, T. E. Vincent Henry Esmond Ritson B.A. cur-ate~; 7• 8 AI n
Seott, foreman I a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. ll p.m
96 CAN.NINLr TOWN. .E&'3EX. fKELLl's
Bt. :Qarnabaa Mis!Uon Cbu.reh, Eat>~wood, ro~d, Rev. P'rederick road, bl!lilt in 1i:l97, fo1· 4Bo boys, 480 girla .\
Waiter George F~rley Ttl.~.K.C. miasioner; 8 & 11 556 infants; average attendance, 447 boys, 4.q. gill1 .\
a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; we<l. & fri. u a.m.; thurs. 8 .p.m 495 lnfants; George Nicholb, master; Ml8s Emily
8t.. Albans elk; J!:nglish Ma.rtyrs (Malvern CoUege Wss1on). Stevenl!, mil!tress ; Miss E. Pryke, infants' mistreaa
Oooper street, ~Pv. Samuel Glasier 'l'inleoy B.A. F'rederick road (temp.); average attl'ndaRoe, li\99; .Miaa
missioner; 9 & I I ~t.m. k 7 p.m.; daily, 8.15 a. m. & E. Cla'rke, mi11tress
8.30 p.m .Frederick road (Deaf centre), built in 18gB, for 44
St.. Fai1ih's Mission Chur>eb, Clifton road, served by the children; Miss M. Oldfield, mistress
clergy of St. Gabriel's; 8 & I I a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; Hallsville, Victoria Dock road, built in 1874 & enlarged
wed,. 8 p.m · m 1883, for 296 boys 290 girls & 294 infants; average
S\ Luke's I"astar Mission, 144 Victoria Dock road attendance, 270 boys, 239 girls & 250 infants; . Arthur
St Luke's Mission Church, But~her's road; 10 a. m. &i W. M. Tutty, maste.f; Miss E. Somers, mlstress; p.m.; wPd. 7.30 p.m Miss J. K. James, infants' mistress
St. Anne's Catholic Ohurch, Throckm.orten road, Vic- Hennit road, built in 1894, for 41:!0 boys, 480 girls li
toria Docks, Rev. Augustus Davidson, priest; 9 & I I 540 infants; average attendance, .J-ZI boys,, 389 gi~ls &
a.m. & 7 p.m.; daily, 7 a.m.; thura. 8 p.m 441 infants; .F. W: Thompson, m_aster; M1~s S. Litch-
::!~. Mar~aret & All Saints' Oatholic Vhurch, Barking field mistress; Miss E. Raven, mfant~' m1stress
road, Rev. Thomas Moloney; Rev. Thomas Kennedy Hilda 'road, built in 1906, for 300 btlys, 300 girls & 400
& Rev. Basil Bookt'lr, priests; 8, g, 10 & II a.m. 12 infants ; average attemlance, 277 boys, 276 girls &
noon & 7 p.m.; holidays of obligation, 7, 8, 9 & 10 348 infants; G. H. Ho) le, mas~er; M,iss .M. Morrell.
a.m. & 8 p.m. ; daily, 8 a.m mi.stre.-s; Miss E. J. Worman, mfants mtstress
.Presbyterian Church of England. Hack road, Victoria Regent's lane, built in 1882, for 392 boys, 377 g~rls &
Docks, Rev. Robert Milne M.A. minister; 11 a.m. & zgo infants; average attendance, 359 b?ys, 330 guls &
6.30 p.m.; wed. 8.15 p.m 258 infants; J. A. Morrell, master; Miss W. Hughes,
Baptist, North Woolwich road; 11 a.m k 6.30 p.m.; mistress; Miss B. G. Wyness, infants' mistress
wed. 8 p.m Russell road, built 1893, for 480 boys, 480 girls & 540
:Baptist Mission Hall. Jt>rsey road; snn. I I a..m. k 6.30 iniants ; average attendance, 405 boys, 423 gir]s & 476
p.m infants; Waiter G. Puttick, master; Miss N. Phillips,
{Saptist (Strict). Shirley street; I I ti-.m. k 6.30 p.m.; mistress ; Mrs. S. D. Pearson, infants' mistress
thurs. 7·30 p.m Russell road (temp.); average attendance. 249; T.
Uongregational Victoria Docks Union Chapel, Victoria Carter, master
Dock road, Bev. Henry Knowles M.A .• A.T.S.; 11 a.m. Shipman road, built 1904, for 420 boys, 420 gi.rls & ~8
& 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 8 p.JP. infants ; average attendance, 375 boys, 371 guls & 387
Ot,ngregational, Barking road, Rev. Henr} Knowles infants; E. C. Robin B.A. master; Miss E. L. Hawes,
:t.l.A., A.T.S.; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 8 p.m mistress; Miss E. McKay, infants' mistress
Peculiar People's, Cliff street, James Southgate, Star lane, built in 1895, for 480 boys, 480 girls & 537
minister; 6.30 & xo a. m. & 2.30 &. 6 p.m.; tues. & infants ; average attendance, 390 boys, 384 girls & 425
thurs. 7.30 p.m infants; A. W. Ewing B. A. master; Miss R. Sharpley,
J'rimitive Methodist, :\lla.ry :~treet, Rev. Alfred Morter; mistress ; Miss M. A. Evans, infants' mistress
n a.m. & 6 30 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m Russell road, higher elementary; H. W. Riches B.Sc.
fnmitive :Methodist, Fre®rick road, Rev. W. H. master
Richardson; 11 a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; tnes. 8 p.m Holy Trinity, Barking road, built in 186r, for r88 boys,
Germa:n Wesleyan, Star lane; n a.m. & 6.30 p.m
180 girls & 225 infants; average attendance, 200 boys,
Unite<! Methodist, Shirley s'reet (London (Forest Gate)
173 girls &. 198 infants; Benjamin G. Hooper, master;
Circuit), Rev. F. Galpin (superintendent) & Rev. J.
Miss M. E. Gullick, mistress; Miss Alice Banks, in-
WP}<;her; 11 a.m. & 6.30 _p.m.; tues. 7.30 p.m fants' mistrt>ss
We.sleyan Methodist, Barking road (Seamen's Mission), St. Luke's, Nelson street, built 186r & enlargPd in 1885,
R(>v. Charles .Ale:xandrr Duthie; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m
for 343 boys, 238 girls & 323 infants; average attend-
Ashburton Mission Hall, 290 Victoria Dock road. Akx aTJce, 312 boys, 218 girls &. 284 infants; James W.
Smith, supt.; 7 p.m.; thurs. 8 p.m . Hills, master; Miss E. F. Dale, mistress; Miss B.
Christian Community Mission Hall, Varley road, Canmng Rice, infants' mistre,;s
Town; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m Catholic (St. Mar{!llret'!l). Barkinl! Toad, enlargpd in 1882,
Mission Hall, Fen street, William Tarr. minister; 7 fJr 209 boys, zog girls & 231 infants; average attend-
n m. ; tues. 8 p.m ance, 218 boys, 208 girls & 226 infants; J. P. Mul-
Sailors' & SPamen's Welcome Home Mission. 9 Barking larkey, ma~<ter; Miss M. Walduck, girls' mist~ess ~
:r{)ad, Mrs. Dlaauw, supt.; 3 & 7 p.m.; daily, 8 p.m Miss A. Bnrke, infants' mistress
Salvation Army Hall, 94 Freemason's road Catholic (St. Helen's) (mixed k infants), for 340 mixed
Salvation Army Mission. Beckton road ; 7 & n a.m. & 3 & 167 infants; average attendance, 320 mixed & 159
& 7 p.m.; daily (except thurs.), 8 p.m.; & 121 Vie· infants; :\iiss M. J. Maher, mistress; Miss E. C.
toria Dock road; 11 a.m. & 3 & 7 p.m.; daily, 8 p.m Pm·ter, infants' IPi~tress
'l'('mperanc.e Hall, Swan!>crnnbp, street; 3 & 7 p.m.; mon. Catholic (St. Joachim's) (mixed & infants), for . 238
5 p.m.; ,at. 2 p.m mixed & 151 infants; average attendance, 192 miXed
Victona Mission Hall, Sabberton street; n a m & 7 I & inhnts; Miss F. Oxley, mistreo:s; Mi"<: L. K.
pm ; mon. 8 pm 135
Browne, infants' mistress

West Ham County Borough Education Committee's Cannin~ Town (G. E. Railway station. al!!o by N. L. R.)
Schools. Tram cars from Whitechapel every few minutl's, to
Barkin~r & Poplar evrry few minutes & to & frotn
.Agate street, South Halls.ville, buih in 1878, for 432
boys, 372 girls & 485 infants; average attendance, 4 I.:> Stratford Pvery few minutes
boys, 333 girls & 424 infants; R. T. Soar, ma!lter; Carriers, Pickfords Limited; Carter, Patersnn & Co.
M1ss P. M. Pratt, mio:tre."s; Miss A. Goodall, infants' Limited; London ParcPls Delivery Co. Limited ~

m1stress St!'phen Perry, to jacks & all parts
Beckton road, built iri 188g, for 480 bo,-s, 480 girls k RoTal Victoria & Alhrrt Dnc'k!! (G. E. &; N. L. Rail-
531 infants; average attendance, 425 boys, 405 girls & ~avs). CarriPrs. Carter. Paterson & Co. LimitPd;
+H infants ; Henry A. Hirst, mastn ; :Miss M. Colhn, Pirkfords Ltd. & London Parcels Delivery Co. Limited,
mistress; Mrs. Harriett Franks. infants' mistress daily . .
Bidde:r ~ttroot (Canning Town), built in 1877, for 248 Electric trams run every few mmutes from Cannm2
boy3, 205 girls & 298 infants; averal!e attendance, 232 Town ~<tation to Plaistow k Stratford & Wan<~tPad
boys, 182 girls & 263 infants; William Lamb, master; Flats. via Plai!ltow. & to Connaught road, via Beck·
Miss F. J. Cocksedge, mistress; Miss K. Tier, infants' ton road, evPry fpw minutes
ItJistress Motor OmnibuMPII run from Canning Town Station to
Clarkson street, built in 1879, for 405 boys, 318 girls & Barking k City, Earl's Court k Putney ever1 few
;j66 infants; average attendance, 346 boys, 274 girls & minutes
319 infants; William H. Ridgley, master; Miss ..\ RAILWAYS.
Marchant, mistress; Miss C. M. Foote, infants' mist Custom House Railway Station, Henry Waiter Dickinaon,
Oustom House, Freemason's road, built in 1885. for 474 f'tnt.ion -mnl':tf'l'
boys, 454 girls & 302 infants; average attendance, 383 Canning- Town Station, Barking road, George Charles
boys, 387 girls & 26o infants; E. W. Child, m<J.ster; TavernPl', 111tation mR~tPr
.Mic;s Isabel Sinclair, mi~:~tress; M.isq E. Dorey, infants' Tidal Basin Station, Victoria Doc'k road. Robert Blom-
111istreM . flPJd, station master
Great Central Railway Goods Department, Royal.Albert Great Northern Goods Department, Royal Victoria &
docks, A. W. Everard, inspector ~\.lbert (London) Docks, C. W. Carr, agent
Great Eastern Coal Depot, .Barking road Great Western Goods Depot, Royal Victoria & .A.lbed
Great Eastern Goods Department, Royal Victoria &; (London) Docks, G. R. Hughes, agent
Albert (London) Docks, John Pennell, agent & col- London & North Western Goods Depot, Royal Victoria &
leLtor; Silvertown depot, ~orth Woolwich road, Alfred Albert (London) Docks, F. A. Sargent, supt
George Vale, agent & collector Midland Goods Department, Thoma!J Irving, local agent,
Royal Victoria & Albert docks
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Gardner Rev. Ernest Arthur M.A. Ritson Rev. Vincent Henry Esmond
(vicar of St. Gabriel's), The Vicar- B.A. (curate of St. Matthias'), 51
.Allen Rev. Cecil (curate of St. Gab- age, Wellington street Mafeking road
riel""), The Vicarage, Wellington st Harvey John Jordan, The Aviary, Rose Percy, 161 Barking road
Beadles Harold Shatford, 23-4 Bark- Mary street Rothwell Rev. Edward Benjamin
ing road Hay Edmund :M.B. 240 Victoria (curate of St. Luke's), 61 Boyd rd_
Begley Jahn Francis M.B. I44 Bark- Dock road Victoria docks
mg road Holton F. W. P.2o6 & zo8 Barking rd Russell Rev. John B.A. (vicar), HolJ-.
Booker Rev. Basil (Catholic), 79 Bark- Humphries Herbert Kerkham, IOI & Trinity vicarage, 2 Hermit road
mg road 1 103 Barking road Steele Rev. Thomas Guy .M. A. •.
Boyd Jn. Stewart,Bs Freemason's rd Jamset Kaikhosru, 45 Beckton road (incumbent Church of the .A.scen-
Browne Sidney, ISO Victoria Dock rd Kennedy Rev. Thomas (Catholic), 79 sion), Clergy house, Baxter road
Buckley Rev. Canon Jonathan Chas. Barking road Stewart Edward Ernest M.B. 26 Free-
(vicar), St. Luke's vicarage, Boyd Lees Rev. Edward M.A. (vicar), St. mason's Toad
road, Victoria docks E Matthias' vicarage, Hermit road Taylor William C., M.B., C.M. 291
Davidson Rev . .A.ugustus (Catholic), Lyle James, Ardesco, North Wool· Victoria Dock road
The Presbytery, ThrockmoTten rd. wich road, Victoria docks Tinley Rev. Samuel Glasier B.A.
Custom house, Victoria Docks McDermott Philip Mehan, 62 Bark· (head of Malvern College Mission), .
Davidson Rev. Martin B ..A.., B.Sc. ing road Malvern house, Cooper street
curate St.Matthias'),56 Hudson rd :Milne Rev. Robert M.A. (Presby- Underwood Rev. Thomas Richard
Evans Rev. Edwd. Foley B.A. (curate terian), 174 Victoria Dock road M.A. (curate of St. Luke's), 144
in charge St. Matthew's mission), Moloney Rev. Thomas (Catholic), 79 Victoria Dock road
Clergy house, Ethel road Barking road Varney Rev. Thos . .A..K.C.L. (incum-
Farley Rev. Walter George A.K.C. Muscutt Thomas J. 53 Barking Toad bent of St. Cedd's), 311 Beckton rd
(missioner of St. Barnabas'), The Nelson Harry Augustns de BeauvoiT, Waiter Rev. Stackhouse William M.A.
Parsonage, Eastwood road, Victoria 217 Barking road (curate of Holy Trinity), 126 Bark-
docks Newham HughBasilGreaves M.R.C.S., ing road
Gallie William ~ionro Dasent ~LB. L.R.C.P., D.P.H. .AJbert Dock Watkin Paul Ieuan M.A. I75 Barking-
12 Ford's market hospital, Connaught road road
White Miss, 2 Ethel Toad
COMMERCIAL. A.yres Amy (~Iiss), teach~r of music, 27 RavenscToft Td
.Abel John Henry, house agent, 232 Barking road A.yshford Henry, shopkeeper, n6 Butcher's road
Aberdeen Line, ship owners (George Thompson & Co. Backhouse Elizabeth (Mrs.), fruiterer, 42 Hermit road
Limited, owners}, Royal .Albert docks Bailey Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 17 Alice street
Abramson John, dining rooms, nB Victoria Dock road Bailey LlewellynJohn,dining rooms,I98Prince Regent's la
Ackermann Hermann, pork butcher, 54 Hermit road Bailey Margt. Elizh. (Mrs.), shopkpr. IS Montesquieu st
Acme Flooring & Paving Co. (rgo4) Limited, Tidal basin, Baker J. & Co. Limited, outfitters, Central avenue,
Victoria dock. T N 570 East Royal Albert docks
Adams Alfred, hair dresser, I05 Rathbone street Baker Nelson William, shirt maker, 16 Swanseombe st
.Adams Emily (Mrs.), shopkeeper, I Richard street Baldwin Alfred Henry, draper, 6 Hallsville road
Adams Harry, baker, 20 Rathbone street Baldwin Mary (Mrs.), drapeT, 9 Forty Acre lane
Adams Harry Frederick, baker, 20 Beckton road Ball Alfred, boot repr. 22, & (l()nfectioneT 23,St.Luke's sq_
A:fferon Annie (Mrs.), shopkeep~r, 53 Martindale Toad Ball Mary (Mrs.), laundry, 30 Cli:fford road
Ahrens Nicholas, beer retailer (off), 47 Hack road Bancroft's School Hall, Leslie street
Albert Dock Engine Works Limited, Royal Albert docks. Banks Charles, marine store dealer, so .!.lice street
T A " Wed a, Aldock, London;" T N 574 East Banks George William, greengrocer, 52 Nelson street
Allan James William, shopkeeper, 23 Hallsville road Barb€r Charles Edgar, tobacconist, 33- Dock Toad
Alien W. H. Son & Co. Limited, electrical engineers, Barbett Mary Ann (Mrs.), laundry, I3B Butcher's Toad
12a, Tidal Basin road, Victoria docks. T A " Con- Ba::-drick David Charles, Bell & Anchor P.H. 81 Dock rd
ductor, London; " T N 3452 East Barham Frank, greengrocer, So Rathbone street
Alien Alfred James, confectioner, I59 Barking road Barker Carrie (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 26 Frederick Td
Allen Harriet (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 33 Randolph road Barker Edwin, confectioner, 9 Ford's Park road
Alien John, beer retaileT, 3I Boyd Toad Barker Waiter Sidney, tailor, 331 Victoria Dock road
A.llen Waiter Frederick, shopkeeper, 2 Dale road Barnard Walford, herbalist, 65 Hermit Toad
Alien William Henry, boot maker, 58 Rathbone street Barnes Eliza (Mrs.), draper, I Alice street
Altree Waiter Edward, hair dresser, 37 Freemason's rd Barnes Frank Edward, corn dealer, I24 Victoria Dock rd
Alvarez & Co. tailors, 2 & 3 Victoria Dock road Barnes George Edmund, insurance agent, 79 Maplin rd
Amalgamated Protective Union of Engine Drivers & Barnes George Robert, grocer, 47 Portland road
Crane Drivers & Boiler Attendants (George Grisley, Barnes Henry James, beeT retailer, 76 Woodstock st
sec.), 203 Barking road Barnes James, greengrocer, 8 Hudson road
Amos H. J. oil & color man, 32 .Alexandra street Barnett Woolf & Co. tobacconists, I6 Victeria Dock road
Anderson Thomas, news agent 44, & whtlesale stationer Barnett Henry, shopkeeper, 37 Hack road
30, W oodstock street Barnett William, oilman, 75 Hermit road
Andrews Alfred, shopkeeper, 78 Star lane BaiTam Thomas, shopkeeper, 33 .A.lbany road
Andrews Ern~st, insurance agent, I82 Butcher's road Barrett George, corn dealer, I34 Victoria Dock road
.Andrews Waiter, hair dresser, 3 Ford's market Barron Emma (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, I I Sabberton st
.Anglo-Continental Guano Works (G. C. Reinhold, man- Barrow Samuel, grocer, 55 Beckton road
ager),North Woolwich rd.Victoria docks. T N 1863 East Bartldt William Edmnnd, beer TetaileT, 38 Hermit Td
Angus William, insuunce agent, 101 Cambus road Barton Richard, shopkeeper, 31 Lawrence stTeet
Ansell & Co. tailoTs, 66 Barking Toad Barton Thomas, dirJng rooms, 280 Victoria Dock road
Archer & Suhberger Ltd. meat importers, Royal Albert Bassett William, glass & china dealer, 28 Freemason's 'I'd
docks. T N I534 East Bastol Limited, cattle food manufacturers, Worland's
Armour & Co. Limited, meat importers, Royal Albert wharf, Wharf street. T N 475 East
docks. T N 1463 East Bateman Henry, laundry, 30 Prince of Wales road
Arnold Ann (Mrs.), baker, 54 Portland road Bates Marie Elizabeth (Mrs.), bedding manufacturer.
Arnold Edwin, greengro. 2 Park ter. Prince Regent's la I54 Victoria Dock road
Arnold Samuel, scale maker, I2I Rathbone street Bathe Benjamin, tailor, 40 Trinity sheet
Asher David, boot repairer, 31 Victoria Dock Toad Battie Louis Wm. shopkeepeT, 230 Victoria Dock Toad
Ashe.r, fried fish dealer, 26 Woodstock street Bawdon Charlott-e (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 2 Junction stree~
Atherston Peter, baker, 20 Woodstock street Baxter Joseph. boot d~aleT, r87 Barkin~ road
Atlantic Transport Co. Limited, steam ship owners, Beadles Harold Shatford M.R.C.S. & L.R.C.P.Lond. phy-
Royal Albert docks sician & surgeon, 234 Barking road
Aulman George William, baker, Bo Barking road Beaman Abraham, boot repairer, 76 Shirley street
Beaman Jabez Henry, live bird dealer, 10 Hallsville road Brown Annie (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 21 & 74 Agate strees
Beamont Jas. shpkpr.2o5 Nth.Woolwich rd.Victoria dcks Brown Edmund, oilman, 131 Rathbone stree'
Bean Edward Joseph, assistant dock master, Royal Vic- Brown John M.B., Ch.B.Glas. physician & surgeon,
toria. & Albert docks Central avenue, Ro~·al Albert docks
· Beasley Edwin, plumber, 295 Victoria Dock road Brown Waiter, Rose of Denmark P.H. 78 Shirley street
Beauchamp Charl~s, fried fish dealer, 46 Bidder street Srowne Sidney L.R.C.P. & L.R.C.S.Irel. physician A;
Heavia Arthur, corn dealer, 86 Bidder street surgeon, 150 Victoria Dock road
Beckett Thomas Sharpe. chemist, 67 Victoria Dock road Brownfield Sydney, assistant superintendent Royal Vie-
Beckett William, shopkeeper, 31 Sarah street t-oria & Albert docks
Bedwell Arthur, wholesale grocer, 133 Beckton road Browning Frederick, tobacconist, 4 Hermit road
Bedwell Harry, grocer, 231 Star lane & grocer, & post Browning Thomas, Central Buffet P.H. Central avenue,
office, 120 Ravenscroft road Royal Albert docks
Beech Edward, stone mason, 58 Malmesbury terrace Bru!?ger Robert, watch maker, 57 Beckton road
Begley John Francis M.B. physician & surgeon, & medi- Buchanan Alfred, shopkeeper, 105 Forty Acre lane
cal officer for No. 20 district, West Ham union, 144 Bugg John, boot, 3 Crawford street
Barking road Burdick & Co. shipwrights &c. Royal Victoria docks.
Behrens Frances (Mrs.), laundress, 70 Hermit road T A " Smokestack, London ; " T N 532 East
Belchamber Mary (Mrs.), ladies' tailor, 6o Ordnance rd Burdon John, fishmonger, 29 Queen's road
Bell John, blacksmith, George street Burgunn Thomas, oilman, 94 Trinity streeh
Bell John, ironmonger, 94 Victoria Dock road Burls Bernard, corn dealer, 104 Freemason's road
Bell John Samuel, tobacoonist, 101 Hermit road Bnras Lily (Mrs.), tobacconist, 6 Queen's road
&ndon Nathaniel, tobacconist, 279 Victoria Dock road Burrell Thomas, tobacconist, 19 Barking road
Bennett Charles, cycle maker, 116 Rathbone street Burrns Henry, boot warehouse, 23o Rathbone street
Bennett Emily (Mrs.), confectioner, 5 Nottingham ter- Burt, Boulton & Haywood Limited, timber merchant~,
race, Prince Regent's lane Royal Victoria docks. T N's 645 & 646 East
Bennett William, greengrocer, 88 Trinity street Burtenshaw Albert Wm. shopkpr,2ooa,Prince Regent's la
Benson William, decorator, 81 Fife road Burton Charles William, Ram Tavern, 26 North Wool·
Berles Martha (Mrs.), dress maker, 6 Ravenscroft road wich road, Victoria docks E
Berlinsky Barnett, grocer, 98 Victoria Dock road Burwood Fredk. Wm. beer r~tailer, 5 Hallsville Toad
Berman Samuel, fishmonger, 83- Rathbone street Butcher Robert, poultry dealer, 10 Sabbe:rton street
Berry Edmund Frederick, waste paper dealer, 27 Beck- Buttling- Herbert John, butcher, 184 Prince Regent's la
ton road. T N 3778 East Byatt Edward, insurance agent, 41 Morgan street
Bevan John Henry, tobacconist, 27 Tidal Basin road, Byatt William, shopkeeper, 116 Cundy road
Victoria docks Bye James, shopl;:eeper, 162 Butcher's road
Bicheno Jane (Mrs.), greengrocer, 8 Baxter road Bye William, shopkeeper, 38 Hack road
Bird Alfred George, photographer, 34 Freemason's rd Byford John & Son Limited, lime, cement, brick, fire
Bird Waiter, decorator, 24 Shipwright street goods, drain pipe & sand merchants, Moody wharf,
Birkett Isaac Stephen, pawnbroker, see Smith & Birkett Poplar & 75 Barking road. T Nos. 1048 Eastern, 2
Bishop Sarah Harriett (Mrs.), pill mfr. 5 Rathbone st lines; 3159 East
Blackery David, boot maker, 86 Freemason's road Calder Charles & Co. timber merchants, Royal Victoria
Blackmur Jam~s, greengrocer, 3 Granville -road docks E. T N 337 East
Blighton George, shopkeeper, 72 Swanscombe street Caldori Geo. refreshment rooms, 52 & 54 Rathbone it
Blighton John William, shopkeeper, 20 Exning road Callan .Arthur John, grocer, 69 Ford's Park road
Bloornfield David, shopkeeper, 35 Woodstock street Callan George, machinist, 129 Rathbone street
IUount Hen-ry, boot repairer, 113 Bidder street Callow John, hair dresser, 249 Victoria Dock road
Boar W alter John, clothier, 39 Victoria Dock road Campbell Archibald, laundry, roB Freemason's road
Board of Trade Labour Exchange, 11, 12 & 13 Victoria Campbell Peter, decorator, 68 Coolfin road
Dock road Canning Town Estate Offices (J. G. Abraham, proprie·
Bogely John, bal;:er, 29 Frederick road tor; Geo:rge Robert Bost-ock, resident manager), 109
-Eollingbroke Geo.Clement,boot ma.231Prince Regent's la Malmesbm·y road & ra, Liverpool road. T N 3233 East
"Bolton John Albert, yeast merchant, 26 Greenville st Canning Town Glass Co. bottle makers, 63 Forty Acre la
Bond Richard, baker, 11 Alexandra street Canning Town Medical Mission Dispensary (Miss C.
·Boness Frederick, boot repairer, 109 Argyle road Violet Turner M.B., B.S. supt. ), Quadrant street

Boots Cash Chemists (Southern) Ltd. 106 Barking road Canning Town Public Hall (George Mansfield, care·
Borthwick Thomas & Sons, meat salesmen, Royal Vic- taker), Barking road
toria docks Canning Town Temperance Hall (Mrs. Dicker, care·
Bothwell Alexander, builder, 112 Clifton road (T N 3563 taker), Swanscombe street
East) & 30 Barking road Cannon James, shopkeeper, 2 Roscoe street
Bottomley & Sons, house decorators, 9 Garvary road Cannon J ames J oslin, greengrocer, 73 Cundy road
Eowden & Willis, plumbers, W ouldham street & 113 Cant Edward & Son, watch makers, 238 Barking road
Rathbone street Cant Alfred, salt merchant, 30 Edwin st. T N 3379 East
""Bowles Edward, boot & shoe maker, 40 Hermit road Canty Eleanol" (Mrs.), oil & cDlor wareho. 74 Clarence rd
"Bowles Louis Burt, insurance a~ent, 161 Hermit road Canty John, coal dealer, 248 Victoria Dock road
Boyce Samuel, shopkeeper, 14 Frederick road Carle Frederick Karl, baker, 8o Ordnance road; 96 Star
lJoyd Working Men's Institute (James W. Hills, hon. lane & 26 Barking road
sec.), Boyd road Carmichael George, carman, 3 Hill street
'Boyd John Stewart L.R.C.P. & S.Edin. phvsician & Carpenter Wait. Chas. pawnbrokr. 16o & 162 Barkingrd
surgeon, & medical officer, No. 6 district, West Ham Carroll Thomas, fishmonger, 59 Rathbone street
union, 85 Freemason's road Carter, Paterson & Co. Limited, London & suburban
"Bracewell CJ..l:a:rtles, greengrocer, 83 Freemason's road carriers; depot, Royal Albert docks
"Brackley William, boot maker, 10 Queen's road Carter Henry John, greengrocer, 107 Freemason's road
Eradley Alfred, butcher, 73 Rathbone street & 22h, Beckton road
Brarlley William, shopkeeper, 31 South Molton road Carter Louisa (Mrs.), china dealer, 74 Hermit road
Bradstock George Thomas, butcher, 9 Hallsville road; Cart~r William John, boot repairer, 5 Mary street
6 Market place, Ordnance road & 22c, Beckton road· Cartwright George, dining rooms, 211 North Woolwich
Brand Arthur John, confectnr. 237 North Woolwich rd road, Victoria docks
Brasseth Arthnr, fishmonger~ 78 Victoria Dock road Cartwright Kate (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 100 Bidder street
Brett- Alfred, dining rooms, r61 Leyes road Castle George T. butcher, 44• 46 & 51 Victoria Dock rd
Brewer Albert .Arthur, dining rooms, 26 Tidal Basin Catholic Seamen's Home & Institute (F. E. Kynaston,
road, Victoria docks sec.), 69 Lambert road
Brewster George, stationer, 153 Barking road Cattano Emilio, shopkeeper, 6oa, Scott street
Brickell Henry, builder & estate agent, Fife road Cavalier Henry Alfred, shopkeeper, 14 Watford road ,
Brigden Brothers, boot makers, 146 Barking road Cavendish William Hastings, resident engineer, Royal
Bright Charles, tobacconist, 22 Hermit road Victoria & Albert docks
Bright Jn. Clifford, Railway tavern,r45 Victoria Dock rd Champion John, greengrocer, 16 Beckton road
British India Steam :Navigation Co. Limited (Gray, Chandler Arthur, tobacconist,3Park ter.Prince Regent!s la
Dawes & Co. agents), Royal Albert docks f1handler Harry, grocer, 30 Hermit road
British Socialist Party (The) (South West Ham branch) Chaney George, ironmonger 36, & oilman 38, Hallsville
(J. Chamberlain, sec.J, 124 Barking road road & 126 Victoria Dock road
British United Boot Co. 2 Market stores,Freema!!On's rd Chapman & Sturton, builders, 168 Victoria Dock road
Brool;s Henry, Durham .Arms P.H. 24 Stephenson street Chapman Frank, laundry, 327 Victoria Dock road
Brooks Thomas, butcher, 14 Beckton road Chapple Philip William, eel pie shop, 70 Rathbone st
Brown Albert, shopkeeper, 6o Scott street Chapple Robert, clothier, see Smith & Chapple

Charles Edward, baker, 6 Park ter. Prince Regent's la Cundy &; Co. builders' merchants, 2 Argyle terrace,
Charles George, greengrocer, 45 Hack road Prince Regent's lane. T N 1019 East
Charman Jane (Mrs.), eel pie shop, 18 Rathbone street Cundy Jn.Geo.Prince of WalesP.H.rg6 Prince Regent's la
ChishDlm Caroline (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 207 Beck ton road Cundy Sarah Ann (Miss), beer retailer, 65 Leyes road
City Glass Bottle Co. Limited (E. J. Norton, sec.), St Cundy Sarah Ann (Mrs.), Tidal Basin tavern, 31 Tidal
John's road. T N 3276 East Basin road, Victoria docks
Clarey Thomas, confectioner, 35 Star lane Cundy Wright, Nottingham Arms P.H. 7 Nottingham
Clark, Williams & Co. ship joiners, Royal Albert docks. terrace, Prince Regent's lane
T N· 6oo East Cunningham Benjamin, plum~r. 6J Hermit road
Clark Edward, tobacconist, 85 Trinity strePt Cm·ran Patrick, beer retailer, 91 Boyd road
Clark John, marine store dealer, 17 Granville road Curtis Albert Leopold, boot maker, 93 Rathbone street
Clark Margaret (Mrs.), midwife, 221 Victoria Dock road Curtis Arthur, electrical engineer, see Troup, Curtis &; Co
Clark Mary Maria (~rs. ), shopkeeper, 147 Hermit road Curtis Arthur,provision dealer 6o,& draper 62,Hermit rd
Clark William Henry, draper, 12 Hallsville road Curtis Bert, boot maker, 6o Freemason's road
Clayden Annie Elizabeth (Mrs.), fried fish dealer, 86 Curtis John, provision dealer, 40 Eallsville road
Rathbone street Curtis Reginald Edgar, clothier 35, & furniture dealer
Cleaver William John, beer retailer, 24 Queen's road 41 & 45, Rathbone street
Clow David, confectioner, 6 Burnham street Custom House Constitutional Club Ltd. (F. Holbrook,
Clow Mary Anna (Mrs.), stationer, & post office, 14 sec.), 62 Coolfin road
Victoria Dock road Customs House, Royal Victoria dock
Cobham .!lex. draper, 5 Park terrace, Prince Regent's la Darby Joseph, shopkeeper, 136 Freemason's road
Cochrane James P. Marine P.H. 25 Tidal Basin road, Davey Thomas, Britannia P.H. 2a, Junction street
Victoria docks Davies Fredel'ick, shopkeeper, 92 Burrard road
Cohen Geor~e, eons & Co. metal merchants, River Lea Davis Benjamin Richard, coffee house, 44 Bidder street
side, Quadrant strPet Davis Charles. greengrocer, 6o Garvary road
Cohen Isaac, hair dresser, 78 Woodstock street Davis David, clothier, 29 Rathbone street
Cohen Lewis, fishmonger, 12 Beckton road Davis David, fried fish shop, 32 Rathbone street
Cohen Mark, fried fish dlr.3 Dartmouth ter.Butcher's rd Davis Emma (Mrs.), china & glass dealer, 27 Hermit rd
Cohen Reuben, shpkpr. 5 Dartmouth ter. Butcher's rd Davis Harry, outfittPr, 1 I Victoria Dock road
Col" Harry, hosier, 63 Barkin~ road Davis Isaac, fried fish dealer, 32 Barking road
Cole Thomas, shopkeeper, 23 Woodstock street Daw William, news agent, 86 Woodstock street
Cole Waiter Alfred, china & glass dealer, 47 :Barking rd Dawkins Charles, furniture dealer, 85 Rathbone street
Culkt!tt James, boot maker, 233 North Woolwich road Day Charles, shopkeeper 70, & greengrocer 72, Shirley st
Collings William Barnabv, Dartmouth Arms P.H. 162 Day Elizabeth Mary (Mrs.), greengrocer, 2 Cliff street
Bidder street · Day Henry George, shopkeeper, 25 Plymouth road
Collins Edward, hair dresser, 122 Butcher's road Day Royden William, City .Arms P.H. 2 Dock road
Collins George, cycle dealt-r, 235 Prince Regent's lane Dean Frederick James, phDtographer, 192 Barking road
('ollins M;uga!'et (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer,32 Hallsville rd Dean John, beer retailer, 25 Hallsville road
Collinson & Hunt, Freemason's tavern, 271 Victoria Dearing George J ames, cork cutter, 84 Roscoe street
Dock road Decco Jacob, hair dresser, 4 Burnham street
Commonwealth & Dominion Line Limited, ship owners, Degrllf Cornelius, laundry, 84 Cundy road
Royal Victoria docks. T N 1021 East Dellow Arthur & Sons, basket mas. 223 & 225 Barking rd
Cook Sarah Ann (:Mrs.), confctr. 312 Victoria Dock rd Delmonte Samuel, fried fish shop, r6a, Fife road
Cook Solomon, tobacconist, 5 Liverpool ter.Liverpool rd Delph John, confectioner, 182 Beckton road
Coombs Brothers, grocers, 37 & 39 Rathbone street & Denne Herbert, shopkeeper, 31 Wade road
manufacturinl! confectioners, 25 Shirley street Denni~ Arthur, shopkeeper, 1 Wilberforce street
l'ooper Ada (Mrs.), confectioner, 8 Ford's Park road Denni~ William, news agent, 1 Fisher street
Cooper Alfred, beer retailer, 35 Alice street D.ennison :Mary (Mrs.), confectioner, 33 Stephenson st
Cooper Henry, shopkeeper, 1 Merton street Denton & Co. hatters, 20 Barking road
Coote Robert, butcher, 4 Leyes road Depradines Thomas, hair dresser,225 North Woolwich rd
Copeland Henry, dinin~ rooms, 70 Coolfin road D£>smond & Co. chemists, 55 Freemason's road
Corbell Percy, laundry, IIg Victoria Dock road Dick's Asbestos Co. asbestos manufacturers, 71 Stephen-
Corbett Joseph, cowkeeper, 25 Poplar street son street. T N East 523
Corbett Louisa (Mrs.), dairy, 66 Wood stock street Dicks Samuel, wardrobe dealer, 89 & 91 Woodstock st
Oorbett Thomas, ~reeng-rocer, 33 South Molton road Dilger George, watch maker & jeweller, 172 :Barking road
Corbett Thomas, hair dresser, 13 Hermit road Dinnicombe Thomas Henry. shopkeeper, 24 Hermit road
Cordery Mortimer George, beer retailer, 233 Star lane Dipple Richard, Princess Ale:xandra P.H. 186 Barkin~r rd
Corfe Emma (Mrs.), dress maker, 53 Clever road Ditton Mary Jane (Mrs.), Windsor Castle P.H. 35 Vic-
Cornwall James Albert, confectioner, 97 Woodstock st toria Dock road
Corps John Joseph, greeng-rocer, 148 Butcher's road Dixon Albert Edward, laundry, 25 Rathbone street
Cory William & Son Limited, coal merchants, Royal Vic- Dixon Ern.est Thomas, shopl•eeper, 104 Leyes road
toria (T Nos. 4040 & 4041 East) & Albert docks. Di:xon Richard, dairyman, 227 North Woolwich road,
T N 537 East Victoria docks ·
Coughtrey Frederick, boot repairer, 18 Leyes road Dobinson Thomas, confectioner, 121 Victoria Dock road
County Boot Co. 209 Barking road Dock, Wharf, Riverside & General Workers' Union (of
County Borough of West Ham Highways Dept. Southern Great Britain & Ireland) (Ben Tillett, general sec.),
District Office, Crawford street 5 Freemason's road
County Tailoring Co. Limited, 3 Market stores, Free- Dolton Jesse, boot repairer, 5 Alexandm str.eet
mason's road Dore :Bessie (~Iiss), dress maker, 29 Ravenscroft road
Courtenay William, confectioner, 239 Beckton road Doree Arthur, news agent, 48 Roscoe street
Cousins John Andrew, corn chandler, 16 Leyes road Dorner Henry, butcher, ro6 Hermit road
Cozens John, beer retailer, 6a, Farty Acre lane Dotton George Ern.est, draper, 308 Victoria Dock road
Crabb William, provision dealer, 25 Queen's road DoTer Francis William, beer retailer, 149 H£>rmit road
Crabtree & Son, plumbers, 274 Victoria Dock road Dow Ede-ar Jamt-s, Gallions hotel, Royal Alhert docks.
Crane Charles John, hair dresser, 19 Cliff street T N 86g East
Crawley Percival Vernon,drng stores,rg1Victoria Dock rd Downey John, shopkeeper, 115 North Woolwich roa l,
Crebbin Jas. Chas. estate agent, see Scrutton & Crebbin Victoria docks
Cr£>ek F. &; Co. coal merchants, 221 Barking road & Downs, Gauntlett & Co. grocers 41, & ironmonge-rs 42.
L. & N. W. Railway coal depot, Barking road Victoria Dock road
Cribb & Sons, undertakers, 16 Hallsville road Drew Richard, shopkeeper, 77 Dock road
Crichton Frederick, beer retailer, 153 Victoria Dock road Driscoll J ane (Mrs.). shopkeeper, 7 4 Vincent street
Crick Henry Robert, ship smith, 5 Dock road Driscoll Patrick, shopkeeper, 2 Totnes road
Crick William, greengrocer, 89 Hermit road DuffiPld H£>nry, flori;;t, r65 Victoria Dock road
Crist Jacob, grocer, 83 Burrard road &i confectioner, Duhamel & Co. tinned provision mercharts. ra, Cliff
126 Butcher's road street. T N 36:; East
Crockett John, upholsterer, 88 Woodstock street Dulieu Frederick; grocer, 34 Alice street
Cross Alice (Mrs.), eat's meat dealer, go Woodstock st Dunkerton & Fombonne, oilmen, 19 Freemason's road
Cross George, insurance agent, 49 Hilda road Durling Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 259 Victoria Dock rond
Crosswell Harry, boot maker, 118 Beckton road Dutfield Henry & George, carmen, Royal Virtoria dncu
Crnickshank Charles, bill poster, I7 Chauntler road Dyke Samuel James, oil & color man, 43 Hormit n:•l
Cnendet Harriet (:Mrs.), shopkeeper, 73 Mortlake road Dyson George Frederick, butcher, 8o Hermit r ad
Cnlle~ Edward, shovkeeper, 12 Frederick road _

Eastmans Limited, mPat salesmen, Royal Victoria docks. Fisher William, hair dresser, 12,3. Victoria Dock roaLt
T ~ 4 East Fitch George, news agent, 46 Hermit road
Ediston Mineral Water Co. mineral water manufacturers, Fitzgerald Waiter, grocer, 87 Ordnance road
73 Boyd road Fitzpatrick Alfred John, grocer, 66 Argyle road
Edmonds Mary .inn (:Mrs.), shorkeeper, 10 Hudson road Flanders Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 93 Woodstock street
Edmunds William Thomas, news agent, 118 _\damson rd Fleming John, chemist, 21 Ford's Park road
Edwa.rds Brothers, boot makers, 9 Freemason's road Fletcher, Son & Fearnall Limited, ship repairers, Royal
Edwards Fl'ederick, shirt maker, 2 Peter street Victoria docks. T N I2o3 East
Edwards Henry Charles, insurance agent, 28 Hill street Fletcher W.& R.Ltd.meat importers,Royal Victoria doch
Edwards Mary (Miss), tQbacconist, 13 Freemason's road Fletcher John Henry, outfitter. 78 Freemason's road
Edwards William, shopkeeper, 46 Shirley street Flood Waiter, fancy draper, 68 Hermit road
Edwards William Thomas, insurance agent, 28 Hill st Fombonne Emile, oil & calor man, see Dnnkerton &.
Egles James, greengrocer, 75 Freemason's road Fombonne
Eid Wm. baker, 217 North Woolwich rd. Victoria Docks Forbes .Aklxander, beer retailer, 27 Rathbone street
Elbourn Emily (Mrs.), news agent, 22 Queen's road Ford's Park Co-operative Bakeries Limited, 44 Ply~
Electric LaundryCo.lndry.7Market stores,Freemason's rd mouth road & 1 Ford's market
Elford John, dining Noms, 239 North Woolwich road, Ford John Edward, estate office, .S4 Plymouth road
Victoria docks Forino Carmino, fruiterer, I8I Star lane
Elford Stephen, greengrocer, 219 North Woolwich road, Foster Elizabeth (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 72 Cundy rd.
Victoria docks Fountain Alfred John, boot repairer, go Trinity street
Ellenberger .Albert, corn dealer, 101 Trinity street Fowler Clara ('Mri!. ), leather seller, 83 Victoria Dock r<l
Ellicott Alfred, dyer, 66 Rathbone street Fox David, fishmonger, 16 Exning road
Elliott Edwd. Fredk,Liverpool .Arms P.H. 14 Barking rd Fox David, jun. fried fish dealer, 74 Dale road
Elliott Waiter Longman, corn dlr. 245 Prince Regent's la Fox George, carman, 40 Ford's Park road
Ellis Henry, builder, 2oa, Pitt street France GE>orge, hatter, 2a, Hallsville road
Eilis William, corn & flour dealer, 12 Liverpool terrnce, Francis Bishorck, boot repairer, 109 Hermit road
Liverpool road & 38 Rathbone street Frank Livett & Son Limited, ship chandlers &c. 24
Ellis William John, 8hopkeeper, 37 Young street Tidal Basin road (TA "Celerity, London;" T N 529-
Elliston Harry, Custom House P.H. 277 Victoria Dock rd East) & Royal .Albert docks. T N 567 East
Elstone Mary .A. (Mrs.), dining room,77Victoria Dock rd Franklin _\lbert, frmterer & greengro. 4 StPphenson st
Emerson James Henry, Pitt Head P.H. 43- Pitt street Franklin Alec, tailor, r56 Barking road
Emery Seamen's Rest (Rev. David Roe, sec. ),Barking rd Free Albert, grocer, 22 Star lane
Emmett Charles John, beer retailer I35, & musical Free William, grocer, I07 Malmesbury road
instrument de-aler I22, Victoria Dock road Freeman Ell en (Mrs.), florist, I 32 Barking road
Engine Drivers', Crane Drivers', Hydraulic & Boiler Freeman Ellen (Mrs.), news vendor, 117 Forty Acre lan&
Attendants' Amalgamated Protective Union (Fred Freeman George, insurance agent, 18 Ordnance road
Young, sec.), 6 Fisher street Freeman John Hill, pawnbroker, 12.6 & I28 Rathbone sL
English Boot Repairing Co. 219 Barking road Freeman Samuel, milliner, 68 Rathbone street
Enifer William George, l!reengrocer, 43 Frederick road Fribbins .Arthur, sewing machine repr. 32 Liverpool rd
Enk Leonard, baker, 49 Freemason's road Fripp Frederick William, butcher, so Victaria Dock road
Escombe, McGrath & Co.ship brokers,Royal .Albert docks Frogley John, butcher, 59 Freemason's road
Esom Nellie (Mrs.), oil & oolor wareho. 95 Woodstock st. Frranto .lrthur, confectioner, 31 Pitt street
Estler Brothers, meo::hanical engineers, South Molton rd. Fry A. G. & Co. sawdust & chip me!chants, Fulton s\
T A " Isolable, London ; " T' N 320 East Fry Waiter, news agent, 31 Rathbone street
Etherden Albert, marine store dealer, I Sabberton street Fullerton Elizabeth & Theresa (Misses), dress makersr
Etherden .Alfred James, old metal mer. 1 Sabberton st 210 Barking road
Etheridge William, house furnisher, 141 Barking road Fullman Henry, chimney sweeper, 25 Bradley street
Eton Alfred Livingstone, assistant dock master, Royal Fulton Thomas, registered lodging house, 4 Crawford st
Victoria & .Albert docks Gadsby Watson Lemon, shopkeeper, I20 Butcher's road
Evans Arthur Vincent, oil & calor man, 95 Star lane Gaiger Edward, greengroc-er, 9 Queen's road
Evans Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 250 Victoria Dock road Gallie William Monro Dasent B.Sc., M.B., C.M. phy~
Evans Field, shopkeeper, 8 Bidder street sician & surgeon, 12 Ford's market
Evans Henry Cansdell, cork manufacturer,16o Hermit rd Galliven Henry .Alfred, beer retailer, 38a, Rathbone st
Evans Martha .inn (Mrs.), Barking Road Distillery P .H. Gant Joseph, shopkeeper, I3 Hoy street
2 Burnham street Gardner Caroline (Mrs.), corn dealer, 14 Liverpool roalf
Evans Mary .Ann (Mrs.), boot :repairer, 19 Rathbone st Gardner Frederick, tobacconist, 268 Victoria Dock road
Evans Thomas, shopkeeper, 86 Trinity street Ga:nfield William, shopkeeper, 74 Rathbone street
Evans Thomas, shopkeeper, 2 Vincent street Garrard James, shirt maker, 65 & 67 Rathbone street
Eve William J ames, greengrocer, 49 Fife road Garraway John, shopkeeper, I I Portland road
Everett Samuel, boot maker, IQ & 21 Hallsville road Gaster Jessie (Miss), shopkeeper, 63 _\.rgyle road
Eyre E. E. & Co. patent medicine vendors, I2 Ethel rd Gauntlett Thomas, grocer &c. see Downs,Gauntlett & C'a
Fairbrother Geor!!e, shopkeeper, 19 Vincent street Gayner Pn.;mmatic Co. Limited, rubber goods manuf'clc-
Farey James, greengrocer, 56 & 104 Hermit road turers, Normandy street. T N V53 East
Farmers & Cleveland Dairies Oo. Ltd. 6o Exning road Geall James Henry, confectioner, 227 Barking- road
Fatt Ng, shopkeeper, 16 Tidal Basin rd. Victoria docks Geare Elizabeth (Mrs.), firewood dealer, 63 Shirley st
Feakins Waiter, shopkeeper, 162 Star lane Geer Phrebe (Miss), draper, 31 Freemason's rood
FedeTal Steam Navigation Co. Limited, steam ship Gibbons Rd. oil & calor warehouse, 46 Frel'masum'll rd
owners (Birt, Pottei" & Hughes Limited, agents), Royal Gibbons William, boot maker, 99, 101 & I03 Rathbone st
Victoria docks Gibbs' Fertilisers Lim. manure manufactnrers, Nortb
Felkin Henry, baker, 8 Queen's road W oolwich road, Victoria docks. T N 509 East
Fereday Sarah .Ann (Mrs.). shopkeeper, 8 Lansdowne rd Gibbs .Agnes (Miss), dress maker, 8 Waiter street
Ferguson John & Co. iron ship cementers, I7 Dock road. Gibbs Jane (Mrs.), dress maker, 39 .Argyle road
T N 3574 Ea:!t Gibbs John, coal & coke dealer, 26 Shipwright street
Ferrari Charles, confectioner, 82 Victoria Dock road Gibson .Arthur Thomas, beer retlr. 265 Victoria Dock rd
Fielding Charles A. tobacconist, 102 Victoria Dock road Gibs on Catherine (Mrs.), confectioner, 14 Burnham a\
Fifield Henry Jas. hair druser, I 55 Victoria Dock road G;bson George, furniture remov-er-, 22 Bidder street
Filmer James G. stationer, 7 Freemason's road Gibson Sam, hair dresser, c; Ford's Park road
Finch Charles William, hair dresse'l', 104 Bidder street Gidden James, beer retailer, 4q Hermit road
Finch Thomas, hair dresser, 97 Trinity street Giles William, shopkeeper, 7 Mary street
Finkelstein Jacob, outfitter, 254 Victoria Dock road Gill Brothers. tobacco manufacturers, 164 Barking road
Finlay .Arcbibald L.S ..A. mrgeon, Central avenue, Royal Gill MaJ!g-ie (Mrs.), laundry, 48 Frederick road
Albert docks. T N 11 East Gillard James Henry, house decorator, 7 Burley terrac~r
Finlay Archibald, jnn. M.D.Durh., B.S. physician &: Prince Regent's lane
surgeon, Central avenue, Royal .Albert docks Gillings Benjamin, shopkeeper, 19 Sidney str.eet
Finlay Thomas, greengr\>Cer, 2 Clarkson street Gillson William, laundry, 264 Victoria Dock road
Finnecy Henry, shopkeeper, 7 Granville road Gipson Charles Herbt>rt, beer retailer, 5 Shirley str-eet
Finnett Edward Benjamin, butcher, 132 Butcher's Toad Glasson John Richard, house furnisher, 65 Barking road
Finnimore Richard Thos. oilman, I72 Prince Regent's la Gledhill Charles, drug stores, 8 & IO Hermit road
Firman William, coffee rooms, 21 Barking road Gleed Robert, shopk·2eper, 8 Merton street
Fish Wm. Arlhur, provision dealeT, 103 FTeemason's rd Gleeson Emily (Mrs.), shopkeeper, :; Ford's market
Fish WilHam Godfrey, boot. maker, 70 Woodstock street Gleiston Mary (Miss), dress maker, 49 Shirley street
FisheT Alice Mary Ann (Mrs.), laundren -a Fisher street Globe Clothing Co. (The), outfitters, 169 Barking road
oGloT"er Ellen {Mrs.), green~rocer, 57 Forty Acre lane Hall Frederick, leather seller, 117 Freemason's road &
11lover Robert, provision dealer, 26 Queen's TOad 262 Victoria Dock road
o(}orlden Edward, confectioner, 173 Kelly road Itall Henry John. shopkeeper. 3 Nelson street
tiod,ell David. florist, 42 Hallsville roarl Hall John, hair dresser, 33 Alice street
Godwin Elizabeth (~Jrs. ), fried fish dealer, 4 Liverpool Hallen Waiter James, watch maker, 53 Exning road
terrace, LiYerpool road Hammerton Mar~· Hannah (M'rs.),confeetnr.3o Carson rd
-Godw'in Thos. haberdasher, 9 Liverpool ter. Liverpool rd Hammett B. W. Ltd. pawnbrokers, 182 & I84 Barking rd
<roebel Charles C. butcher, 24 Barking road Hammett Mary (:Mrs.), pawnbroker, 84 Barking road &
~Toff Emily (Mrs.), dress maker, 65 Lan11downe road 1 & 3 Freemason's road
fi-offin Henry, fri-E>d fish shop, 29 ~\lexandra street Hammond Henr}\ oilman, 109 Bidder street
.C,.oldst{'in Abraham, hair dresser, 29 Victoria Park road Hammond Hermann, h~Juse, land & estate agent, sur-
Goodacre William & Sons Limited, manufacturers of veyor &c. ; rent collecting a specialite, 190 & 198
cm;oa mats, mattings, motor car mats, sheep skin & Barking road. T N 6I9 East
-c1oth rugs ; coir yarn importers, engineers &c. ; im- Hampton James, shopkeeper, 175 North Woolwich road
porters of japane!'e & oriental rugs, carpets &c. Ceylon Hancock Sydney, reliPving officer No. IO district, West
mills, Russell road, Victoria docks, E. (near Custom Ham union, 6o Hud~on road
House station). TA "Goodacre; '' T N I74o East Handley George, pig dealer, 312 Beckton road
Goode Sarah _\nn {\frs.). wardrobe dlr. II4 Hermit rd Hannaford Christ()pher Richd. underlaker,6o Rathbone st
Goodman T. & Co. pawnbrokers I48 & 149, & clothieu Hanslip Waiter, shnpkeeper, 136 Bidder street •
I5I & I52, Victoria Dock road Hardie Florence (~h s. ), dr1per, 46 Hallsville road
'Gore John, insurance agent, SI Cambus road Harding & Co. furniture dealers, 142 Barking road
l(i-oshawk Alicl" (\fi~o; ), shopkeeper, 3. Nottingham ter- Harding Elizabeth (Mrs.), wardrobe dlr. 51 Rathbone st
raoe, Prin('e R~>gent's 1an~ Harding Emest John, confectioner, .~7 Barking road
-Gosnold GPorg-e, linen draper, 53 Victoria Dock road Hardisty John, shopkeeper, 66 Coolfin road
"Gouland Michael, tailor, 3II Victoria Dock road Hardy Erlward, shopkeeper, 8 Lawrence street
'Gourock Ropework Co. Limited (The), rope manufac- Hare William James, baker, I47 Victoria Dock road &
turers, 25 Durham road grocer, IS Alice street
-Gon~r George. boot repairer, 105 W oodstock street Ha.rley Edward, fancy drapPr, q5 Viotoria Dock road .
'Grady Mary (Mrs.), grocer, I3 1 Cam bus road Harper Fr.aderick, florist, 107 Rathbone street
'Grand Cinpma Co. roo Barking road Harradence John, greengrocer, I Peter street
'Granditer Morris, tailor, 2I Hermit road Harrington Charle>~, house decorator, 40 Maplin road
oGra~mPder Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 72 Beck ton road Harris Edmnnd, oilman, I Park ter. Prince Reg-ent's la.
'6-raves John Phil!ipps Charles. lighterman, see Phillipp! Harris Herbert Joh:1, butcher, 229 North Woolwich rd.
& Graves Victoria dock"
'Gray, Conoley & Co. Limited, painters, Royal .Albert Harris Thomas, hair dresser, I Hallsville road
dodk... T ~ 3785 East Harrison,Barber & slaughterPrs,Beckton rd
-Gray, Dawes & Co. stevedores, Royal Albert docks. Harrisons (London) Limited, coal factors, Royal Victoria
T Nos. 3I37 & 542 East docks. T N 34.'lc; East
'Gray Willi~m "Edward, insurance agpnt, a 'Morgan str.<>et Harrison .A.rthur William, pawnbroker, I2 Barking road
<Great Central Railway Co. goods department (.A.. W. Harri~on Edward, news agent, :; Market pl. Ordnance rd
Everard, inspector), Royal Albert doclis (T N 520 Hart .John, shopkeeper, 29 Portland road
East & (Thompson, McKay & Co. Limited, agents) Hart J oseph, jnn. insurance agent, 82 Butcher's road
Royal Victoria docks. T N 745 East Harvey John Jordan L.R.C.P. & S.Edin., L.R.F.P. &
Great Eastern Railway Goods Department. Ro~·al Vie· S.Glas. physician & surgeon, The Aviary, Mary street
torb &: .A1bPrt docks (Jobn Fennell, ago;nt & collector); Haseltine Rolwrt. flrHist, I Eeaconsfield ter. Hermit road
Silve11:o"n goods dPtJOt (.\lfre::l GPor~.A Vale, agent & llatswell Sarah (Miss), dress makPr, 208 Star lane
coUector ). North Woolwich road & coal d·"partment, Hattev Henry B. est 1te agent, o Mary stre-et
Barkin~r road Haug-hey Thomas, shopkeeper, 83 Scott street
-Great Northern Railwav Goods DPpllrtment (C. W. Carr. Hawkes AlhP'I't, boot maker, 6Q Forty Acre lane
local agent), Royal Victoria (T N 531 East) & Albert Hawldns William. fishmonger, 26 Hermit road
doch Hav Edmund M.B .• C.:M.Edin. physician & surgeon, 2-fO
-Great \V e~tern Raihray Goods Depot (G. R. Hughes,1ocal Victoria Dock road
agent), Royal Victoria k Albert docks. T N 3760 East Hayes James, boot maker, 6 Leyes road
'Green R. & H. & Silley Weir Limited, ship repairers, Hayward Harry Simpson, grocer, 3I .Alexandra street
Royal _\lbert riock "· T N I642 East Hayward Willi'lm, fruiterer & g-r-eengrocer, 77 Dale road
Green _\lexander, tailor, 106 Freemason's road Heath & Co. artificial teeth makers. 154 Barking- road
Green Alfl'~d HPnry, watch maker, 6 Hermit road Hebben & Row-land, sheet metal worJ,ers, ra, Beckton rd
<Green George. boot maker, I97 North Woolwich road, Hector William Boyne. carman, 242 Barking road
Yictori-a doc'k-s HePster .Tohn, boot maker, 102 Roscoe street
-Green Henry. shopkeeper, :;7 Watford road Heinlin Jaoeob, baker, 57 Hermit road
Green Herbert, butchE-r. 2 Ford's: market Helps John Samuel, shopke<>per, 68 Jersey road
Grpen William. confec'timrer, 1:8 1!allsville road Bender Thomas, shopk.epper, I3 'Ihom~s street
Green William. ~hopket>"per. '1:2 Wharf strPet HPnson William Thoma~. shopkeE-per, 32 Vincent street;
'<Gregory Mary {Mrs.), feather cle11ner. I'i::l LE>~·p" road Her>~om Leonard, plumber. r8o Star lane
Gregory Wm. pawnbTo1;-er, 356 &, 357 Victoria Dock rd Heskett George, grocer, 178 Percy road
·Gregron & Co. ship-s' joiners, Baxter road & Felsted Hewett George, timber merchant, 41 Forty Acre lane
road. T N 554 East Hewitt Brothers, corn dealers, 103 Victoria Dock road
r.reig David, provision dealer, r:.7 FrE"Pmason's road Hibbert Robert, shopkeeper, 9 Hudson road
'Grey Henry, jun. lighterm-an, Royal .A.lbert docks Hicks Thomas, coal dealer, 6 Shirlev street
•Griffith~t Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 23I North Woolwich Hill Brothers, tobacconists. I3I Barking road
road. Victoria doeh Hill HPnrv.•
10hirt makt>r. gq Rol'lcoe street
Grimb1e J. shopke-eper, I05 Iliddpr street Hill Sidney Charles, Victoria tavern & Railway hotel,
Grimstead Percy & Robert, cycle dealers, 2 Fisher street 4 Rarkin!!: road
Grinyer George Frederic, beer retailer, I I9 Star lane Hilliard A.rthur Chas. coffee rooms, 75 & 87 Dock road
Groom William, insurance agent, 30 Morgan street Hills J. T. & Son, groc_ers, & post office, 35 Roscoe
Gubbings Jas.Shakespeare's Head P.H.44 & 46 Roscoe st street & 48 Freemason's road
Gudgeon Waiter, leather seller,132 & 134 Freemason's rd Hills Samuel, china dealer, 99 Freemason's road
'Gutheil Philip, baker, Io8 Hermit road Hills William Marrable, news agent, 229 Barking road
Gutrich William, gref)ngrocer, 63 Exning road Hirons Hubert, grocer, 73 Beckton road
Guttridge Robert Wm. &; Son, tobacconists,49 Barking rJ Hirsch Hermann, baker, 14 Hallsville road
Guttridg'e .Arthur. coal & coke dealer, I Alnwick road Hitman .Abraham, tobacconist. 8 Barking road
Gwilim Edward, greengrocer, 64 Hermit road Hobbs Wm. dairy,243 North Woolwich rd.Victoria dock!
Gwillim William, fruiterer & greengrocer, 12~ Hermit rd Hobbs Willoughby Henry, grocer, 2 Tinto road
'Hack William. fish restaurant, 2Ia, Freemason's :road Hodgson Janet (Mrs.), grocer,& post office,I2o Bidder st
Hag-gard C'aroline ()frs. ), ~rocer, 0::.7 Garvary road Hogg Edward, music dealer, 84 & 86 Hermit road
Bahn & Co. timber merchants, Ale:xandra wharf, North Ho~sflesh Catherine CMrs. ), confectioner, 246 Victoria
Woolwich road, Victoria docks. T Nos. 1374, 1375 & Dock road
1376 East Holden Isabella (Mrs.). midwife, 43 Catherine street
Haine~ Charles, shopke-~per, 83 Rendel road Holland Waiter, fried fish shop, 41 Alice street
Hale Catherine (Mrs.), boot maker, 33 Hallsville road Hollins James Henry, shopkeeper, 213 North Woolwich
llale George, boot & shoe maker, 55 Victoria Dock road road, Victoria docks
Holmes Henry Robert, house decorator, 54 Fisher
REFERafi#C• u••~
\. ~ . -
Bolmes Waiter, plumber, 32 Beckton road Jolly 1vlary (1vlrs.),fruiterer & greengrocer,r71 Carson rd
Bolton Francis William .Parke M.R.C.S., L.S.A. sur- J oily William, fruiterer, 7 Hallsville road
geon, & medical officer, No. IO district, West Ham Jones Jesse & Son, dairymen, 2 Exning road
union, 2o6 & 208 Barking road Jom•s & Co. grocers, 8g, gr & 56a, Rathbone street ,..
Home & Colonial Stores Limited, tea dealers, I I Free- Jones Annie (Mrs.), shopkeeper, r21 Randolph road
mason's road & I:5 & no Victoria. Dock road Jones Arthur, grocer, II5 Hermit road
Home foo- Working Men (The), lodging house, 234 & 235 Jones Catherine Monkhouse (Mrs.), draper,_ 62 & 64
Victoria Dock road Freemason's road
Hapkins A. & A. fancy drapers, 6I Barking road Jones Cyril, drug stores, rg~ Prince Regent's lane
Hopkins & Keeling, clothiers, 59 Barking road Jones George, boot maker, 7 Ford's Park road
Hopkins Albert, coffee rooms, 114 Victoria Dock road Jones Henry, hair dresser, 267 Victoria Dock road
Hopkins Frederick. coal merchant, 84 Martindale road Jones Roderick, provision dealer, 111 Bidder street
Hopkins Henry, dining rooms, 275 Victoria Dock road Jones Sidney Clifford, chemist, 6 Beckton road
Hopkins Tom, butcher, 24 Freemason's road Jones William Hitchman, dairyman,36 Freemason's road
Hopkins William, greengrocer, 25 Dock road Jonson Louis, shopkeeper, 2 Baxter road
Hopper Frederick, relieving officer No. 20 district, West Jordan Henry, coal dealer, 16 Forty Acre lane
Ham union, 100 Beckton road & 6o Hudson road Jordan Henry, greengrocer, 67 Scott street
Horlock J oseph George & Son, builders, 95 Barking road Joyner Harriett (Mrs.), oil shop, 105 Hermit road
.Horsey Charles Henry, baker, 6g Malmesbury road Juby Charles, Lilliput Arms P.H. 190 Victoria Dock rd
Horsham Anna (Miss), milliner, I46 Hermit road Judd John, hair dresser, 4 Dartmouth ter. Butcher's rd
Hort Willia.m, shopkeeper, 40 Catherine street Judge George, shopkeeper, 201 Victoria Dock road
Horth Waiter, plumber, IS Edwin street Julian Frederick, eel pie house, 22 Barking road
Hoskins Edith (Mrs.), mantle maker, 8 Hallsville road Kafitz Abraham, builders' merchant, 82 Freemason's rd
Boulder Bros. & Co. Limited, steam ship owners, Royal Kahansky John, coal dealer, 27 Shirley street
Albert docks. T N 1510 East Karcher Charles, baker, 266 Victoria Dock road
Houldsworth Sydney Charles, shopkeeper, 15 Trinity et Kay Martha (Mrs.), pianoforte tuner. 224 Malmesbury rd
Bounsome, Roberts & Co. timber merchants, 71 Boyd Keeling Percy, clothier, see Hopkins & Keeling
. road. T N 1705 East Keeys Charles, greengrocer, 3.3 Roscoe street
Boward W. W. Brothers & Co. timber merchants,Crown Keeys Samuel, tobacconist, 76 Barking road
wharf, Barking road. T N 766 East KellehPr John, fried fish dealer, 4 Frederick road
Howard Emma (Mrs.), tobacconist, 25 He11mit road Kelly Christopher & Sons, hosiers. I 11 Freemason'• rd
Howe Bert, shopkeeper, 136- Butcher's road Kempson William," butcher, 140 Victoria Dock road
Howe George, grocer, 25 Frederick road Kendall John~ shopkeeper, Wightman street
Bowes Waiter, grocer, 83 Liverpool road Kennedy Walter, furniture dealer, 243 Victoria Dock rd
Howlett Harriet (Mrs.), confectioner, 49 Rathbone street Kenney LilianM.(Miss),shorthand teacher,r26 Beckton rd
Bughes Henry & Son Limited, marine opticians, Central Kenzie George, tobacconist, 23 Dock road & confectioner.
avenue, R'Oyal Albert docks. T N I373 East 8 Alice street
Hughes Ebenezer, dairy, za, Finch road Keys Emma (Mrs.), nurse, 24 Argyle road
Hughes Frances Elizh. (Mrs.), midwife, 38 Edward st Kidd Horace, boot repairer, 128 Butcher's road
Bughes Thomas, shopkeeper, 4 Fisher street Kiley & Co. Limited, saw mills, Mortlake road
Hughes Thos. tobccnst. I Argyle ter. Prince RegE>nt's la Kiley George, wood dealer, Mortlake road
Hughes William, boot & shoe maker, 7 Liverpool ter- Killer Barnett, draper, 72 Rathbone street
race, Liverpool road Kilsby Arthur, wheelwright. 1a, Burnham street
Humphery Arthur John, lighterman, Royal A,lbert docks. King Arthur, grocer, 296 Victoria Dock road
TN 535 East King John, wardrobe dealer, 76 Victoria Dock road
Hnmphries- Herbert Kerkham, manager London & Pro- Kingston Charles, shopkeeper, 4 Emily street
vincial Bank Limited, 101 -& 103 Barking road & 278 Kirby Richard, wardrobe dealer, 112 Butcher's road
Victoria. Dock road. T N 891 East Kirby William, boot repairer, 122 Bilda road
Hunt Oharles, bird dealer, I Rathbone street Kirkaldy John & Son Ltd. plumbers, Royal Albert doch
Hunt Charles, dining 'rooms, 257 Victoria Dock road Kirner Anselm. watch maker, 208 Victoria Dock road
Hunt Henry Elijah (Collinson & Hunt), Freemasons' Kirsch Henry William, assistant superintendent to Pm,.
tavern, 27I Victoria Dock road dential Assurance Co. Limited, 90 Beckton road
Hunt Richard, china dealer, 20 Hallsville road Kirvan Edward S. beer retailer, I Stephenson street
Hun wicks Leah (Mrs.), drape-r, 96 & 98 Hermit road Kitchener George H. boot maker, 22 Rathbone street
Hupfeld Ernest, news agent, IJI Hermit road Kleinefeld Otto Albert, butcher, 2a, Alice street
Hurdle John, greengrocer, 3I Portland Toad Knell Edward, dining rooms, r61 Victoria Dock road
Byam Harry, sen. beer retailer, 76 Rathbone street Knight Frederick, butcher, 5 Granville road
Hyrle LO'Ilisa (Mrs.), confectioner, 32 Hermit road Knight James, •Sidney Arms P.H. 20 Alice street
I. P. Co. Limited, cinematograph theatre,4a,Barking rd Knight Percy George, hair dresser, r Pitt street
Imperial Coal Co. coal merchants, 39 Barking road. Kni~htley Mary Jane (Mrs.), corn chandler, 221 North
T N 325 East Woolwich road, Victoria docks
Imperial Palace Music Hall (Wallie Rice, manager), 6 Knott Simon, tailor, 30 Victoria Dock road
Victoria Dock Toad. T N 41 East Knott William Herbert, insurance agent, 7 Dock road
Imray Edgar, Peacock taveTn, II5 Freemason's road Kosky Louis, tailor, 38 Barking road
Inder Redgenell, window cleaner, 42 Argyle road Kutcher Simon, baker, 79 Rathbone street
International Working Men's Club (Frederick Emil La Blanca Co. meat importers, Royal Albert doci:!J..
Lancer, sec.), St. Thomas' road T N r841 East
Irwell & Eastern Rubber Co. Limited, mannfactlll·er~ of Ladd Thomas, insurance agent, 204 Beckton road
inrlia rnbber goods, 4a, Tidal Basin road, Victori9 Lambert Anton, laundry, 19 Hermit road
docks. TA "Colsell, Vie. Dock, London;" TN352oEast Lambert George, sen. butcher, 25 Freemason's road
lsaacs Joseph, picture framer, 55 Barking road Lambtnn Rnhert. iilhnpkeeper, 79 MartindalE> road
Isaacs Michael, outfitter, 7 & 8 Victoria Dock road Lamport & Bolt Ltd. ship own~>rs, Royal Albert docb
Isaacs Morris, Royal Oak P.H. 73 Barking road Lamson Paragon Supply Co. Limited, typewriter ribbon
Jackson Joseph,.confectioner, 64 & 77 Rathbone street makers,Paragon works, Ford's Park rd. T N 1345 East
Jackson Rachel (Mrs.), confectioner, I27 Rathbone st Lane George, Balmoral Castle P.B. 97 Rathbone street
Jackson William, dining. rooms, 215 North Woolwich Lane Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 7I Mortlake road
road, Victoria docks Lane Sidney, boot repairer, 6 Clarkson street
.lackson William. draper, 59 Victoria Dock road Langan Francis, butcher, 58 Victoria DocJ( road
Jacobs John~ marine store dealer, I Boy street Langman Charles, Jubilee tavern, 249 North Woolwic&
Jacobs Rebecca (Mrs.), picture dlr. 36 Victoria Dock rd road, Victoria docks
Jaffa Lazarus, draper, 107 Hermit road Large William, fishmonger, us Forty Acre lane
Jamset Kaikhosru L.1vl.S., L.A.H., D.P.H. physician, 45 Larkin Henry, greengrocer, 39 Freemason's road
Beckton road LftrJrin James, fruiterer, 26 Fox street
Jeffries George, tobacconist, 249 Prince Regent's lane Larking Henry, flour merchant, 27 Hallsville road
Jenkins David, dairyman, 82 Hermit road Latchford George, shopkeeper, 2 Agate street
.Tennings Jonathan William, grocer, r6 Hermit road Lawley John William, assistant dock master, Royal
Jessop John .Berry, confectioner, r6o Butcher's road Victoria & Albert docks
Jobbins Arthur, hair dresser, 26 Bidder street Lawrence Albert. fried fish shop. 71 Leyes road
Jobson Arthur Robert, beer retailer, 27 Frederick road Lawrence Alfred Wm. dairy, 58 Hayday rd. & 214 Star la
Johanesen Edward, boot repairer, 307 Star lane Lawrence Alice (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 39 Martindale road
Johnson Jsph. boot repr. 4 Park ter. Prince Regent's la Lawrence Habigal (Mrs.), timber merchant, so li 52
Jolly Arthur, boot maker, 67 Mortlake road Shirley street
Lawrence Stephen, wheelwright, 35 Shirley streeti Macdonald William, general dealer, 12 Ship street
Lea &; Co. coal & coke merchants, 43 Barking road McElrea Samuel, hair dresser, 3oa, Beckton road
Leach & Son, tailors, II3 Hermit road McGrath Myles, ship broker,see Escombe, McGrath & Co
Leahy Amelia (Miss), laundry, 88 & go Star lane ~cGregor Robert, bollt repairer, 59 Garvary road
Lee Brothers, greengrocers, 47 Rathbone street & 3 McGregor Waiter, draper, 193 North Woolwich road,
Market place, Ordnance road Victoria docks
Lee Edward, greengrocer &, fruiterer, 81 Rathbone street Machon Reunben Augustus, cycle dealer, 4 Baxter road
Lee Matthew, draper, 41 Fife road McKellow & Sons, blacksmiths, 112 & II4 Barking road
Lee Symon, draper, 28 Hermit road Mackenney Joseph 0. beer retailer, 31 Woodstock street
Legerton Alice (Mrs.), butcher, 100 Hermit road McKenzie Isaac, shopkeeper, 26 Swanscombe street
Legg Ernest, hair dresser, 53 Hallsville road McLeod Mary (Mrs.), confectioner, 52 Beckton road
Leonard Charles, dining rooms, Central avenue, Royal McNulty Dinah Sophia (~rs.), beer retailer,125 Victoria
Albert docks Dock road
Lester & Perkins, shipwrights & engineers, Royal Albert Maddams Charles, barrow lender, 150 Star lane
docks. TA "Outwork, London;" T N 3961 East Maddison William John, builder, Clarkson street & Wel-
Leuw William, butcher, see Scales & Leuw lington street. T N 572 East
Levens John, sign writer, 228 Barking road Maguire Francis Joseph, shopkeeper, 61 Forty Acre lane
Levenson Henry, milliner, 165 Barking road Main Mary Ann (Mrs.), tobacconist, 33 Clarence road
Leversha Frederick, shopkeepeT, 57 Hilda road Maloney James, fishmonger Ioo, & fruiterer IOI, Vic-
Leverton Maud (Miss), draper, 239 Prince Regent's lane toria Dock road
Levey Alfred, confectioner, 25 & 26 Victoria Dock road Malt Robert, tobacconist, 33 Ethel road
Levy Abraham, clothier, 120 Victoria Dock road Manchester Hat Co. (George France, manager), hatters,
Levy Asher, confectioner, 2 & 11 Rathbone street 102 Barking road
Levy Charles, clothier, 17 Victoria Dock road Mann Walt.Chas.Ground Rent tavern,ng Forty Acre la
Levy Hyman, boot maker, 7 Rathbone street Mansfield House Men's Club (N. M. Hyde, sec.), 143,
Levy Morris, boot maker, 138 & 139 Victoria Dock road 145 &; 147 Barking road
Lewin Alfred, draper, 42 Rathbone street . Mansfield House University Settlement (Norman M.
Lewis Ernest, hair dresser, 32 Ethel road Hyde M.A. warden), 89 Barking road
Lewis John Jas. dining rms. 177 & 181 Nth.Woolwich rd Mansfield Betsy (Mrs.), hosier, 197 Victoria Dock road
Lewis Waiter, shopkeeper, 46 .Alice street Mantz Heinrich Friedrich, baker, 30 Boyd road
Lewis William, coffee rooms, 105 Victoria Dock road Manufacturers' Agency Co. (London) Limited, ship
Lewis William, hair dresser, 97 Victoria Dock road chandlers, 5 Tidal Basin road, Victoria docks. TA
Lewis William Arthur, corn & flour dealer, 168 & 170 "Squaresail, London;" T N 527 East
Barking road. T N 3-278 East Margetts Philip, lighterman, 35 Stephenson street. T ~
Lewsey Alfred, dairyman, 49 Roscoe street 739 East
Lewsey Walter, dauy, 6 Alice street Marriage Jacob, baker, 40 Victoria Dock road
Limb Charles, grocer, so Baxter road Marsden Newton, teacher of music, 73 Cambus road
Limbach William, baker. 71a, Beckton road Marsh Richard,wardrobe dealer,2oo Prince Regent's lane
Lines Agnes (Mrs.),lanndry, 6 Liverpool ter.Liverpool rd Marshall Emily (Miss), dress maker, 3 Forty Acre lane
Ling Robert Arthur & Son, saddlers, 82 Barking road. Martin Charles, dining rooms, II4 Rathbone street
T N 3527 East · Martin William, baker, 28 Exning road
Lingwood Alfred, oilman, 251 Victoria Dock road 'vlason &; Co. provision dealers, 29 Hallsville road
Link Sterhen CharlE-s & Sons, butchers, 135 Beckton rd Mason Charles, tobacconist, 77 Freemason's road
Lipman Abraham, hair dresser, g6 Leyes road :'dason Edward, corn chandler, 201 Beckton road
Little John, confectioner, 237 Beckton road \fasters HPlena (Mrs. ),boot repairer,256 Victoria Dock rd
Little Martha (Mrs.), firewood dealer, 25 Huntingdon .o;t Masters John Frederick, butcher, 57 Rathbone street
Lloyd & Wooding, fancy drapers, 56 Victoria Dock road \faternity Charity & District Nurses' Home (Dock
Lockwood George Henry, shopkeeper, 1 Clarkson street branch) (Miss Gunner, supt. ), Lansdowne road
Lockwood Janet (Miss), fried fish shop, 45 Ashburton rd Mathews Alfred, wardrobe dealer, 23 Montesquieu street
London Boot Co. (William Frederick Vinicomb, man- Matthews John A. hair dresser, 306 Victoria Dock road
ager), 108 Barkin~ road Matthews John William, confectioner, 203o Beckton road
London Central Meat Co. Limited, meat importers, Maughan Edward, chemist, 2 Beaconsfield ter.Hermit rd
Royal Vict(lria docks. T N 599 East May Ernest, fried fish dealer, 18 Alice street
London County &; Westminster Bank Limited (T. J. May Joseph William, butcher, 10 Rathbone street
Muscutt, manager), sr &; 53 Barking road (T N 1685 Mayer Ell en (Mrs.), W oodstock Arms P.H. 74 Swans-
East); dmw on head office·, 41 Lothbury, London E C combe street
London & North Western Railway Goods Depot (F. A. Maynard Harry, dairyman, 31 Woodstock street
Sargent, supt.; G. W. Galloway, local agent), Royal Maypole Dairy Co. Limited, 84 Rathbone street
Victoria & Albert docks. T N 617 East Meach William, greengrocer, 34 Boyd road
London Parc!'ls Delivery Co. Limited (W. H. Hobson, Mead Andrew, harness maker, 6 Nelson street
sec.); depots, Royal Albert docks. T N 1850 East Medcalf Caleb, hair dresser, 120 Rathbone street
London & Provincial Bank Limited (branches) (Herbert Medcalf Jethro,Victoria Dock tavern, 61 Victoria Dock rd
Kerkham Humphries, manager), 101 & 103 Barking Meddings William, marine store dealer, 56 Beckton Toad
road & 278 Victorh Dock road (T )I 89r East); draw Meglish Harry, grccer, 6o Star lane
on head office, 3 Bank buildings E C & Glyn, Mills, Mensing Ernest Alfred, baker, 178 Barking road
Currie & Co. London E C. See advertisement Mercantile Lighterage Co. Limited, Royal Albert docks.
London Scaling Co. Limited, boiler cleaners, 281 Vie- T N ssc; East
toria Dock road Mercer William George, Lord Nelson P.H. II7 Victoria
London & Suburban Estates, estate agents, 2 Jersey road Dock road
Long .Albert Edward, grocer, 2 Ling road Merritt Thomas, greengrocer, 22 Plymouth road
Long Henry, grocer, 11 Baxter road Messageries Maritimes de France (Brasier du Thuy,
Loosley Henry Geo. watch maker, 189 Victoria Dock rd manager), steam ship owners, Royal Victoria docks
Love Waiter, marine store dealer, 2 Maplin road M!'tropolitan Association for Befriending Young Servant&
Lovell Fanny (Mrs.), confectioneT, 34 Barking road (Mis" E. A. Cooper, hon. sec.), 81 Barking road
Lovick William, b!'er retailer, 230 Beckton road 1\feyer FrE'dPrick, hair dressel', 44 Freemason's road
Low Mary (Mrs.), beer retailer, 30a, Vincent street Meyers Christian Henry, baker, &; post office, 76 Free-
Low Robert William, boot maker, 138 Bidder street mason's road
Lowe Henry Joseph, tobacconist, 42 Freema!'on's road Michell & Co. chemists, 85 Victoria Dock road. T N
Lowe Lydia (Miss), draper, 3 Rathbone street 165r East
Lowe William Joseph, shopkeeper, 67 Maplin road Midland Railway Co. Goods Department Office; depot
Lowrie Emma (Mrs.),blonse manufacturer,7o Barking rd (Thomas Irving, local agent), Royal Victoria & Albert
Lucy Henry, beer retailer, 48 Beckton road docks. T N 6o4 East
Lutgen Sarah (Mrs.), grocer, 18 Exning road Mignot John, boot maker, 24 Victoria Dock road
Luxton William, baker, 76 Percy road Milburn William & Co. steam ship owners, Royal Vic-
Lyden Thomas, shopkeeper, 88 Alnwick road toria docks. T N 1370 East
Lyle Abr::~m & Sons Limited, sugar refiners, Plaistow Mileham Arthur Charles, shopkeeper, 54 Brent road
wharf, North Woolwich road, Victoria docks. T Nos. Mileham Thomas, carman, see Shadrack & Mileham
1626 & r627 East Mileham Thomas, greengrocer, 241 North Woolwich rd.
Mabbort Thomas William, shopkeeper, 45 Frederick road Victoria docli:s & 104 Ro!lcoe street
McBay Ann (Mrs.), cowkeeper, 32 Thomas street Miller & Sons, outfitters, Central avenue, Royal Albert
McDermott Philip Mehan L.R.C.P.I & L.R.C.S.I. phy- dooks. T N 3II5 East
sici1n & sur!!'e'Jn, 6.:! Ia-li:ing r:Jad Miller Charles, greengrocer, 3 Scott street •
~tiller Edward, chemist, 273 Victoria Dock road Norton Arthur John, grocer, r6o Bidder str.eet
M:iller Emily (Mrs.), laundry, 281 Star lane Norton Thomas Albert, baker, 58 Freemason's road
Miller Matthew, insurance agent, 57 Maplin road Norton William, shopkeeper, 69 Peter street
Miller Robert Frank, smith & farrier, 59 Burnham st Oakenfull Albert, boot maker, 31 Coolfin road
Miller Sidney, shopkeeper, 37 Alice ~treet · Obrart Albert, fried fish dealer, 88 Freemason's road
Miller Thomas, greengrocer, 225 Prmce Rege~t's lane Ocean Steam Ship Co. Limited & China Mutual Steam
Mills Elizabeth Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 28 B1~der st Naviooation Co. Ltd. Royal Albert docks. T N 156 East
Missions to Seamen Institute (Rev. Arthur Cyr1l Hornby Odaml Manure & Chemical Co. Limited, Odams' wharf,
Hall B.A. chaplain), 289 Victoria Dock road North Woolwich road, Victoria docks. T A '' Nitro•
Missions to Seamen Refreshment Rooms, 286 to 289 phos ; " T N 1503 East
Victoria Dock road Ody Edward, cats' meat dealer, 6g Hermit road
Mitchell Harry, boot repairer, 3 Catherine street Oke Mary Ann (Mrs.), dining rooms, 24 & ug Nor~h
Mitchell Harry, grindery dealer, 63 Rathbone street W oolwich road, Victoria docks
Molen John, chimney sweeper, 200 Star lane Oldfield John Henry, shopkeeper, 28 Ford's Park road
Monk Joseph, cinematograph theatre, 205 Beckton road Ollin Alfred, dining rooms, I57 Barking road
Montague Wm.fruitr. & greengro. 180 Prince Regent's la O"Neill John James, shopkeeper, 22 Wade road
Montgomery William, fried fish shop, 299 Star lane O'Neill Mary Ann (.Mrs.), feather cleaner, 43 Garvary rd
Moorcroft Edward, news agent, 3 Ling road O..:lborne & Son, coal merchants, 54 Ethel road
Moore William, confectioner, 1 Shirley street Osborne James, coal dealer, 220 Beckton road
Moorley Thos. Wm. Huntingdon Arms P.H. 66 Burke st Osborne William, greengrocer, 67 Leyes road
Morgan Charles, news agent, 32 Boyd road O'Shea Daniel, shopkeeper, 49 Hallsville road
Morgan Henry, shopkeeper, 6g Roscoe street Ott Jacob, baker, 121 Fortv Acre lane
Morhall Amos, photographer, so Hermit road Ottley William, grocer, 26 Ford's Park rd. ~ I ~otnes rd
Morris Beef Co. Limited, meat importers, Royal Albert Oulton William, sack contractor, Royal VICtona docks.
docks. T N 18oo East T N I729 East
Morris Bros. barrow proprietors, South Molton road Overett John, shopkeeper, 2r Fox street
Morris John, insurance agent, 72 Russell road Packer John Chas. boot & shoe dlr. 247 Victoria Dock rd
Morris Mark, pawnbroker, 33 & 35 Freemason's road Pagram William John, news agent, 125 Freemason's rd
Morton William, shopkeeper, 68 Hemsworth street Palmer Elias Charles, hair dresser, 42 Star lane
Moses Mark, tailor, 141 & 142 Victoria Dock road Palmer Eliza (Mrs.), midwife, 13 Queen's road
Moskowitch Aron, grocer, 6o Victoria Dock road Pammenter Alfred, shopkeepet, 53 Addington road
Moss Joseph, grocer, 43 & 45 Freemason's road Parker Charles, butcher, 2 Queen's road
Moss Walt.marine store dlr.u Liverpool ter.Liverpool rd Parker Ohas. Henry, beer retailer, 26o Victoria Dock rd
Mott Edgar, ronfectioner, g6 Victoria Dock road Parker Herbert William, shopkeeper, r89 North Wool-
Moyes Harry, grocer, 58 Garvary road wich road, Victoria docks
Muhlesin Jacob Philip, butcher, 76 Dale road Parker Maud (Mrs.), florist, 30 Freemason's road
Mnlcaster George, corn dealer, 231 & 233 Barking road Parkinson Nora (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 29 Beckton rd
Miiller William H. & Co. (London) Limited, stevelfores, Parmenter Arthur, blacksmith, 29a, Ford street
Royal Victoria docks Parnell George, smith, Star lane
Mullocks Henry, greengrocer, 27 Hudson road Parrett Emma (Mrs.). herbalist, u8 Rathbone street
Mumford Eliza (Miss), dairy, 39 Peter street Parrott Samuel, fried fish shop, 55 Hallsville road
Munday Charles, gramophone dealer, 6 Ford's Park rd Pasher Simon, boot repairer, rrr Victoria Dock road
Munden Charles, fancy draper, ~9 Victoria Dock road Paterson Emily (Mrs.), linen draper, 71 Freemason's rd
Munford John, boot maker, 49 Alice street Patten Emma (Mrs.), dress maker, 42 Ordnance road
Murphy Emily (Mrs.), greengrocer, 87 Woodstock s~reet Patten James, coal dealer, 13 Burke street
Murphy Fred.k.greengro. 6 Market stores,Freemason·s rd Patterson Francis, insurance agent, 27 Chauntler road
Murphy William Dennis, Sir John Lawrance P.H. 26 Pay Edward, baker, 32 Hudson road
Rathbone street · Payne Henry, dining rooms, 100 Leyes road
Murray Daniel, tobacconist, 217 Prince Regent's lane Payne Hy.Augustus, coffee rooms, 219 Pri?ce Reg.ent'
Musct>lli Lauvomia, shopkeeper, 53 Freemason's road Payton Francis Charles Bertram, dealer m mus1cal m-
Muscutt Thomas J. manager London County & West- struments, I Liverpool road
minster Bank Limited, 51 & 53 Barking road Pe.ak Thomas John, plumber, 16 Wilberforce street
Myers lsaac, boot repairer, 35 Plymouth road Peakall Geo. Herbt. regd. lod~ing house, I k 3 Emily st
Nairne Annie (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 1 Carson road Pearce Henry Samuel, wardrobe dealer, I37 Barking rd
National Seamen's Union of Great Britain & Ireland Pearks Limited, grocers, 12 Freemason's road & 22 Vic-
( J oseph Taylor, sec.), 343 Victoria Dock road toria Dock road & provision dealers. 21 Rathbone st
National Tailoring Co. tailors, 148 Barking road Pearson Albert, wardrobe dealer, 103 Wellington street
National Union of Gasworkers & General Labourers Pearson Ellen (Mrs.), laundry, 183 Star lane
(Canning Town No. I branch) (G. W. Shreeve, sec.}, Pearson William, fried fish dealer, 2o5a, North Wool-
124 Barking road wich road, Victoria docks
:Kaylor Brothers, grocers, 69 Freemason's road Peasey Arthur, shopkeeper, 8 Leyes road
Naylor Joshua, bee-.' retailer, 6g Hemsworth street Pegram & Co. grocers, 21 Freemason's road
Neary Waiter Hy. Bridge House tavern, 23 Barking road Pells Henry, decorator, 14 Burke .
Neave Wm. Geo. boot & shoe maker, 68 Barking road Peninsular & Oriental Steam NaVIgatiOn Co. (to Chma,
Neill Thomas, fruiterer & greengrocer, 18a, Star lane Japan & Calcutta & the branch service to Australia,
Nelson B. & W. Limited, ship owners, Royal Victoria via Cape) (F. J. Abbott, sec.), Royal Albert docks
docks. T N 746 East Perkins Thomas, shipwright, see Lester & Perkins
Nelson Albert, shopkeeper, 31 Roscoe street
Perl Sophia (Mrs.), laundry, 199a, Beckton road
Nelson Harry Augustus de Beauvoir M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Perrin Edward, shopkeeper, 39 Fife road
physician & surgeon, 217 Barking road; surgery,
12a, Rathbone street Perrin J oseph, beer retailer, 9 Edwin street
Perry George Henry, shopkeeper, 53 Shirley street
New South-West Ham Liberal & Radical Club (Albert Perthen Edward, watch maker, 24 Rathbone street
Launder, sec.), 213a, Barldng road Peterken Henry, printer, 33 Rathbone street
New Zealand Shipping Co. Limited (J. B. Westray & Philipps Edward, shopkeeper, 32 Woodstock street
Co. agentsl, steam ship owners, Royal Victoria (T N Phillipps & Graves, lighterman, Royal Albert docks
894 East) & Albert docks. T N 576 East Phillips John Thomas, rag merchant, 10 Leyes road
Newbery John, Royal Albert P.H. 38 Freemason's road Phillip.s Sam, boot maker, 62 Victoria Dock road
Newell George. Chas. grocer, & post office, I Dale road Phillips Samuel, ~hopkeeper, 36 Hermit road
Newman & Co. wholesale tobacconists 6, & ~holesale Pickfords Ltd. railway carriers, Royal Victoria & Albert
haberdashers 8, Rathbone street docks
Newman's Drug Stores Ltd. chemists, so Barking road Pidduck G. & Co. Ltd. boiler composition mas. Turner st
)iewport Wm. Charles, coal dealer, 18 Ch~rlotte street Pinchin, J ohnson & Co. Limited, paint manufacturers,
Xewton )lenry, stewed eel dealer, 90 Herm1t road Pinchin's wharf, North Woolwich road. T N 1999 East
Nice Charles Edward, grocer, I Devonshire road
Pine Mary Ann (Mrs.), draper, r5 Ford"s Park road
Nicholls John, provision dealer, 49 Stephenson street
Nieman Isaac, clothier, 108 Victoria Dock road Pine William, fishmonger, 51 Hallsville road
Nightingale ;rames, shopkeeper, n6 Beckton road Pitts Margaret (Mrs.), dress maker, 56 Clarence road
Nippon Yusen Kaisha (Japan line), steam ship owners, Plaistow Public Baths (Robert Roots, caretaker), Fen st
Royal Albert & Victoria docks. T N's 242 & 588 East Player John, fruiterer, 28 Barking road
Noble Jane (Mrs.), midwife, 12 Cambus road Playle Charles .l<'rederick, draper, ~ post office, 186 ~
Normandy Chemical Co.Ltd.Norman{)y st. TN 3499 East 188 Prince Regent's lane
Norris Frances (Mrs.), florist, 8 Garvary road Pleskin Reuben, hair dresser, 47 Fife road
Norris Henry, shopkeeper, 81 Forty Acre lal\e Polglase Richard, veterinary surgeon, 37 Garvary road

Pollard William Wade, draper, 20 & 22 Freemason's rd Rickett, Smith & Co. (incorporated with Rickett, Cock-
Pool Alfred, boot maker, so Beckton road uell & Co. Limited), coal merchants, G. E. Railway
Pope William & Co. lightermen, Royal Albert docks coal dep-ot, 2 Barking road. T N 581 East
Pope Jane (Mrs.), greengrocer, 297 Star lane Ricketts Mary Ann (Mrs.), milliner, 23 Victoria Dock rd
Popkin William, fishmonger, S8 Hermit road Rickwood Marcus, coach painter, 9 Fisher street
Port (The) of London Master Porters & Stevedoring Co. Riddell & Co. outfitters, I33 Barking rd. T N I829 East
Limited (E. J. White, manager). stevedores, Royal Riedlin~ Frank, butcher, IS Freemason's road
Victoria dock Rihll Wm. Thos. oil importer &c. see Wiggins & Rihll
Possnett .Ameli a (Mrs.), boot dealer, 47 Hallsville road Ripley Geo. Frederick, dining rooms, So Freemason's rd
Post Office Sanatorium Friendly Society (F. E. Durrant, Rippe Henry, firewood dealer, New road
sec.), I 53 Barking road Rippe Stephen, greengrocer, ng Bidder street
Poulden Charles, grindery dealer, 43 Rathbone street Roach Frank & Sons, confectioners, 109 Freemason's rd
Poulson Edmd. Arthur Beech, shopkeeper, 30 Ma1y st Roach Caroline C~irs. ), shopkeeper, 62 Frederick road
Powles John Jamt>s, hair dresser, 2 Hudson road Roadnight William, saddler, I25 Rathbone street
Poysden Sus!'ln (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 27 Queen's road Roberts Joseph, coffee house, 29 Dock road
Po~ser James Ernest, shopkeeper, 283 VictQria Dock rd Roberts J oseph, dining rooms, 228 Victoria Dock road
Prendergast Mary (Mrs.), corset maker, 44 Hermit road RobPrts Saml.Jas.boot repr.2 Dartmouth ter.Butcher's rd
Price Charles, dining rooms, 8 Liverpool ter .Liverpool rd Robertson Alex. Winton & Co. engineers, Shipwright st
Price Charles William, shopkeeper, 69 Exning- road Robertson J ames, painter, 26 Lawrence street
Price Edwin Alfred, grocer, 245 North Woolwich road, Rabinsou Ernest James, beer retlr. 272 Victoria Dock rd
Victoria docks Robinson John, shopkeeper, I30 Leyes road
Priest William Henry, shopkeeper, I6S Hermit road Robinson Minnie (Miss), dr~s maker, 35 Beckton road
Prince Line (Kaye, Son & Co. Limited, agents), steam Robi,on John Alexander, relieving officer No. I4 dis-
ship owners, Royal Victoria docks. T N 72 East trict, West Ham union, I42 Liverpool road
Prince Annie (Mrs.), cats' meat dealer, 22 Hallsville rd Rochester Ed. shopkeeper, go Bidder street
Prince Charles, wardrobe dealer, 62 Wilberforce street Rodh:er lsaac, cor~et maker, I4 Rathbone street
Prince Sarah(Mrs.),shirt & collar dresser, 53 Watford rd Rogg Edward, hair dresser, 30 Rathbone street
Prince William, shopkeeper, 6I Lawrence street Rolfe Thomas, draper, I34 & ISO Butcher's road
Pring James William, insurance supt. 7I Beckton road Ronchetti William, boot maker. 4 Beckton road
Prior Ellen (Miss), shopkeeper, 48 Bidder street Roper George, shopkeepei', I Ascot street
Prior James, tobacconist, 227 Prince Regent's lane RosP .Albert, clothier, 48 Barking road
Prior Joseph, piano tuner, I2 Edward street Rose Frank, butcher, 12 Hern1it road
Pross Ernest, hair dresser, 2 Beckton road Rose Hy. Saml. Lord ~apier P.H. 86 Victoria Dock rd
Proud Brothers, grocers, 75 Dale road Rose Percy L.R.C.P.Lond. physician & surgeon, medical
Pryor Albert, cycle dealer, 242 Victoria Dock road offic~or &: public vaccinator for No. 14 district, West
Puckridge Thomas, cats' meat salesman, 48 Rathbone st Ham nmon. 16I Barking road
'Pudney Daniel, shopkeeper, 9 Alexandra street Row Harry, shopkeeper, 30 Exnin~ road
Pugh Annie (Mrs.), oil warehouse, 47 Exning road Rowe Alfred Henry, builder, 139 Barking road
Pugh James Edwin, shirt maker, 2 Fife road Rowe Jn. fried fish shop, I Otley ter. Prince Regent's la
Pugh William, wholesale oilman, IO &; I I Stephenson at Rowe Wm. f1·ied fish shop, 229 Prince Regent's lane
Pullen Brothers, clothiers, 67 Freemason's road Rowe Wm. Charles, grindery dealer, see Sotcher & Rowe
l'm·due John Charles, herbalist, 28 Roscoe street Rowland ~Iinnie O•lrs.), confectioner, 63 Roscoe street
Purkis Daniel, greengrocer, 54 Beck ton road Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. steamship owners, Royal
Pye Caroline (Mis.s), shopkeeper, 49 Ashburton road Victoria dock. T N 352 East
Quantrell Wm. boot maker, 4 Market pi. Ordnance rd Royal Victoria & .!lbert Docks Port of London Authority
Quiulan John, shopkeeper, I8 Arkwright street (Robert Elliott Seabrooke, superintendent; Sydney
Race Will, boot maker, I8 Barking rQad Brownfield, assistant superintendent; Capt. Thomas
Radmore George, shopkeeper, I46 Bidder street Jasper l.Jren, dock master; William Hastings CaveD-
RaggPtt Hubert Thomas,who. news agt.4o Woodstock st dish, resident engineer ; J. W. Lawley, A. L. Eton,
Bam8ay William & Co. varnish manufacturers, Nor- P. J. Spray & E. J Bean, assistant dock masters).
mandy street. T N 3499 East T N's 5149 & 35I6 F.ast
Rand James, hair dresser, go Freemason's road Royal Henry, tobacconist, 57 Victoria Dock road
Range Heinrich, baker, SI Shirley street Russell Florence (Mrs.), marine store dlr. 68 Roscoe st
Rankin Mary (Miss), music teacher, 178 Beckton road Rutledge Thomas, shopkeeper, 6 Beaconsfield road
Ranks Joseph Limited, millers, Royal Victoria docks. Rye Charles, greengrocer, 92 Bidder street
T N 976 East Sadler James, marine store dealer, 24 George street
Ranson William, coal dealer, 2 Hemsworth street Sadler Jesse, marine store dealer, 76a, Burnham st.
Rapp Jessie (Mrs.), fishmonger, 79 Freemason's road & Ior Woodstock street
Rappurt Harry, hardware dealer, 44 Hallsville road Sailors' Welcome Home Coffee Tavern (Charles John
Rathbone Cinema (William Sweetingham), Rathbone st Bird, manager), 15 & I7 Barking road
Rawlings Joseph, fishmonger, I Market pi. Ordnance rd St. Margaret's Catholic Club (John Good, sec.), I74
Rawlinson Henry, greengrocer, 32 Fen street Barking road
Rawliu:son Mane Elsie (~lrs.), marine store dealer, 10 Sales Henry & Son, furniture removers, 5 Beckton road
Ford"s Park road Sales Henry, greengrocer, 120 Beckton road
llay William Herbert, .Anchor P.H. 20 Star lane Salmon Horace Charles Grant, beer retailer, 106 Vic-
Rayment Asenath (Mrs.), dress maker, 20 Stephenson st toria Dock road ·
Read George, marine store dealer, 72 Edward street Salvation Army Home (Waiter Head, manager), 78
~ad Robert, boot maker, 6o Bidder street Eutchpr"s road
Read \\"alter, hair dresser, 53 Rathbone street Sam pson Frances (Mrs.), greengrocer, 2 Baron road
Read lVilliam, shopkeeper, 27 Hooper road Samson Sl. boot repr. 10I Nth.Woolwich rd.Victoria dcks
Redman Dave, hosier, 40 Rathbone street Samuels Edward, tripe dresser, I2 Sabberton street
Reed Fredk.laundry ,2 Nottingham ter .Prince Regent's la Sanders Brothers, corn dealers, 75 Rathbone street; I4
"Reeder Charles, hair dresser, 4 Nottingham terrace, Freemason's road & 37 Victoria Dock road
Prince Regent's lane SaTJ.dground ~Iarie (:Mrs.), milliner, 4 Hallsville road
Reeder Maxwell, hair dresser, I92 Prince Regent's lane Sand ham Fredk.George Stephen, news agt.36 Barking rd
Reedman James Rnbert & Co. engineers, Bradley street Sankey J. H. & Son Ltd. Essex wharf, Canning Town E;
"Reeves Eli1:abeth (Mrs.), sbQpkeeper, 27 Shipwright st Established r857; Barge House wharf; also North
Reeves John, dimng rooms, 26I Victoria Dock road Woolwich, Kentish Town, Hendon, Ilford, Brentwood,
Rensch Henry, furniture dealer,. 35 Hallsville road Romford, Shenfield, Wickford, Highams Park, Plum-
Retzbach .Albert, butcher, 6I Rathbone street stead, Woolwich Arsenal S.E.R. Bexley Heath, Erith,
lleus Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, I02 Leyes road Beckeuham Junction &c.; oontractors to H.M. Govern-
Reynolds George, boot repairer, n8 Hermit road ment; merchants, shippers & exporters of all kinds of
Reynolds :Mary (Mrs.), laundry, 127 Hermit road clay goods, cements, limes, bricks, tiles, slates &
"Rhodes George, shopkeeper, 106 Leyes road sands; also tilers & slaters, glazed bricks & tiles,
"Rhode" Hy.Charles,Essex Arms P.H. 92 Victoria Dock rd drain pipes, sanitary goods & specialities, swneware
"Rice W allie, Town of .Ayr P .H. 6 Victoria Dock road apparatus & special acid resistin~ bricks &c. for use
Richardson Henry & Sons, plumbers, I3S Barking road in chemical work, fire resisting bricks &c. for every
Richardson Charles, tobacconist, I59 Victoria Dock road description of furnace work. Largest & most varied
Richardson George, beer retailer, Io Burke street stock in London; Porous Terracotta fire & sound
Richardson Goo. Fredk.Hy.boot dlr.3o9 Victoria Dock rd
Richard"on Jane (~'lrs.),wardrobe dealer, 17 Hallsville rd
proof. partition blocks & fixing bricks. T A " Sankev
Canmng Town ; " T N w6I (3 lines)
ltiche& Henry Howard & &m, oil k color men, I I Cliff st
Sansum James, shopkeepPr, 15 Rivett street Sky Jack & Son, hair dressers, 188 Barking road
Sanerland Henry W. butcher, 9 Baxter road Slade Annie Elizabeth (Mrs.), grocer, 279 Beckton road
Saunders Ethel Mary (Miss) & Durrant Lilian (Mrs.), Slade Mary Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 145 Leyes road
fancy repository, Post office, 152 .Barking road Slater Samuel, confectioner, III Rathbone street
Sannders George Wm. china dealer, So Victoria Dock rd Slowman Samuel, ta.ilor, 136 Barking road
Savage Benjamin, greengrocer, 31 Clarence road Smart Francis, gramophone dealer, 23 Stephenson street;.
Saxby William Henry, ironmonger, 102 Freemason's rd Smart WiMiam, carman, 14 Charford street
Scales & Leuw, butchers, 2 &; 4 Freemason's road Smart William, furniture dealer, 12 Rathbone street
Schauber Augustus, hair dresser, 4 Queen's road Smith Alfred & Son, chimney sweepers, I Garvary road
Schneider George, pork butcher, 9S Rathbone street & 24 Catherine street
Schoefield Adolph~ baker, 144 Bidder street Smith & Birkett, pawnbrokers, 45 Victoria Dock road
Schmtke Wilfred, hair dresser, 138 Barking road Smith & Chapple, clothiers, 17 Rathbone street & 4!l
Schwab William, butcher, 69 Bidder st. &; 42 Roscoe st & 49 Victoria Dock road
Scott Charle~, grocer, 7 Market place, Ordnance road Smith John & Co. tarpaulin manufacturers. 3I6 Victoria
Scott Elizabeth (Mrs.), maker, I8 lnvicta road road. T N 357 East
Scott Isaac, hair dresser, 48 Hermit road Smith Sidney & Son, Ordnance Arms P.H.IIo Barking rd
Scott Marks, hair dresser, 1 Victoria Dock road Smith William & Co. packing case makers, 38 Wood~
Scotton Frank, fried fish dealer, 3 Ford's Park road stock street. T N 129 East
Scotton Henry, fried fish shop, 4 Ford's market Smith Alfred, draper, 84 Freemason's road
Scotton Samnel, fried fish shop, 91 Bidder stre"l't Smith .Alice (Miss), haberdasher, 57 .Alexandra street
Scouse Robert Charles, boot maker, 72 Hermit road Smith .Arthur John, grocer, 66 Jersey r-oad
Scrasl\ Frederick William, printer, I5I Barking road Smith Ca.therine (Mrs.), tailor, -24I Victoria Dock road

Scriven Henry, hair dresser, 2 Leyes road Smjth Charles, carman, 57 Alexandra street
Scrutton & Crebbin, builders & estate agents, 73 Smith Edward, hair dresser, 4 Rathbona street i
Deckton road. T N 3227 East Smith Edwin James; plumber, 44 Morgan street
Sciuttons Limited, stevedores, Royal Victoria (T N 896 Sm¥.h Emma (Mrs.), dress maker, 28 Mary street
East) & Albert docks. T N 3798 East Smith Frank, Beckton Arms P.H. 8 Beckton road
Seabrooke Rt. Elliott, supt. Royal Victoria & Albert dcks Smith George Frederick, insurance agent, 123 Star lane
Seaden George, cycle maker, 155 Barking road Smith Harriett (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 9 Hermit road
Seaman Henry George, coal & coke dealr. 92 Edward st Smith Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, r63 Hermit road
Seamen's • Hospital Society (Albert Dock Hospital) (Sir Smith John, beer retailer, 2I Vietoria Dock road
Patrick Manson G.C.M.G., F.R.S., D.Sc., M.D., Smith Jn.station master,Central statn.Roval•
Albert dch
F.R.C.P., LL.D. consulting physician; F. M. Sand- Smith John Crosby! firewood dealer, 26 Cundy road &
-with M.D., F.R.C.P. & C. W. Daniels M.B., M.R.O.P. Froomason's road
physicians; G. C. Low M.D. assistant physician; Smith Lewis, greengrocer, 18 Hermit road
.Tames Cantlie M.B., F.R.C.S. surgeon; L. Vernon Smith Robt. fruiterer & greengrocer, I & 3 Cambus td {
Cargill F .R.C. S. ophthalmic .surgeon; Kenneth W. Smith Sarah Ann (Mrs.), shopkpr. 237 Victoria Dock rd
Goadby M.R.C.S., L.D.S. dental surgeon; R. E. Smith Thomas William, fancy jeweller, 28 HallsviHe rd
Delbruck M.B., B.C., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. anresthetist; Smith Thoma:; Wm.grocer, 237 & 247 Prince Regent's la
H. B. G. Newham M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.H., Smith Waiter, butcher, 55 Fife road
JJ.T.M. & H. director; Miss C. Graham Knight, Smith William, sack contractor, Royal Victoria docks
matron; Rev. T. H. Gilbert M.A. chaplain), Con- Solder Frank Casper, boot repairer, 4 Garvary road 1,
naught road Solder George, boot repairer, I82 ·Prince Regent's lane
Searl Emma (Mrs.), greengrocer, 32 Alice street Solomon Graham, dothier & hosier, 8 Freemason's road
Secunda Louis, draper, 62 Rathbone street . Solomons Morris, provision dea.Ier, 7Ba, Rathbone street
Segal .Abrahaml tailor, 19 & 20 Victoria Dock road Sotcher & Rowe, grindery doolers, 139 Barking road
Seward John, boot repairer, 30 Dale road Soutter Andrew G. & Co. Limited, varnish manufac-
Sewell·Sarah (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 5 Ascot street turers, Liverpool road. T N SIB East .
Soymour Emma (Mrs.), corset maker, 46 Barking road Spearman Elizabeth (Mrs.), beer retailer, 26 Roscoe sli
Shadrack E. & A. coal merchants, 41 Barking road. Speight Richard, greengrocer, 35 Boy street
T N 763 East Spooner Emma (Mrs.), Hallsville ·tavern, 57 Hallsville rd
Shadrack & Mileham, carmen, 27 Dock road Spooner James, shopkeeper, 32 Scott street,
Shadrack W. & Co. cartage contractors, 40 Shirley st Spray ·Percv James,_ assistant dock master, Roy!M Vie~
Sharp Thomas, refreshment rooms, 27a, Swanscombe st tori.t & Albert docks
Shaw, Savill & Albion Co. Limited, steamship owners, Springhall John, fried fish dealer, 223 North Woolwicb
Royal Albert docks. T N's 1724 & 5 I East road, Victoria docks
Shaw Alfred Edwin, shopkeeper, 100 Prince Regent's la Squire John, shopkeeper, 2 Clifton road ·
Shaw Edward, oilman, Bo Bidder street Stanberry Arthur, provision dealer, 46 Rathbone street
Shawyer Arthur William, station master, Gal1ions rail- Stanford Alfred Saml. greengrocer, 59 Ford's Park road
way station, Royal Albert docks Stanford Julia (Mrs.), greengrocer, 176 Barking road
Sheldrake Kate (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 30 Hudson road· Stanford Sarah (Mrs.), greengrocer, I Nottingham ter 9

Shelton Thomas, hair dresser, 4 Roscoe street & 203 race, Prince Regent's lane
North W oolwich road, Victoria docks Starkey, Room & Co. Limited, sack contractors, Royal
Shepard Patsy, hair dresser, 252 Victoria Dock road Victoria docks
Shepherd , Marqu_is of Salisbury P.H. no Hermit rd ~teadrnan James, house decorator, 222 Barking road
Shepherd Annie Lydia (Mrs.), news agent, 9 Ripley Steamship Owners' Coal Association Limited, coal
terrace, Prince Regent's lane factors, Royal Albert dooks. T N 6o5 East
Sherman Joseph, hair dresser, IB Victoria Dock road Stearn Alfred, auctioneer, 6 Barking rd. T N 3I2 Eas\
Shipping Federation Limited (The) (Cuthbert Laws. Steel T. G. ·& Co. electrical engineers, 22I Beckton road
general manager; Michael Brett, sec.) (Thames Dis- Steer Joseph, pork butcher, 64 Barking road
trict No. 3), seamen's registry office (Thomas McVey, Stein Mark, draper, 7 Rathbone street
registrar), Connaught road, Royal Victoria docks; Stephens Henry, dining rooms, 150 Barking road
labour department (E. G. Irvine, supt. ), Royal Albert Stevens Ada (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 59 Hermit road
docks. T N 555 East Stevens Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper. 21 Montesquieq stred
Short Thomas, £>el & pie house, 47 Victoria Dock road Stewart Edward Ernest M.B., Ch.B.Glas. physician &.
Sibbons William, baker, 82 Bidder street surgeon, 26 Freemason's rood
~idnell Frank, confectioner, 19 Ford's Park 1·oad St-ewart Isabel (Mrs.}, umbrella maker, 24 Hallsville rd
Sidn~ll George Frank, tobacconist, 76 Hermit road Sticklee John, shopkeeper, I Ford street
Simister Philip, shopkeeper, 65 Scott street Stiff Frederick, beer retailer, 7 Ford's market
Simonds Rose (Mrs.), confectioner, 15 Barking road .Stock William, beer retailer, 50 Butcher's road
Simons Charles, beer retailer, 245 Victoria Dock road Stockbridgs William George, sign writer, 79 Carson road
Simpkins Fredk. Jas. cats' meat dlr. 41 Prf'emason's rd St-ocker Alexander Joseph, shopkeeper,g8 Freemason's rd
Si m pson .Ann Elizabeth (Mrs.), mineral wa teT man ufac- Stolzenberger Christian, butcher, 105 Freemason's road
turer, 215 Barking road Stone Frederick Harry, news agent, 18 F.reemason's road
Singer Sewing Mae>hine Co. Limited, sewing machine Stone Henry James, corn chandler, I03 Hermit road
manufacturers, I04 Barking· road Stone Samuel, fruiterer & greengrocer, 8 Junction streei
Skelton Frederick, greengrocer, I30 Butcher's road & Stone Wiolliam Jarnes, greengrocer, 30 Hallsville road
23 Frederick road Stratford Co-operative Society Limited, II5 Rathbone s~
Skidmore Sarah (Mrs.), beer retailer, 22 Exnin~ road Strickland Kate (Mrs.), shopket>per, 74 Woodstock st
Skillington Thomas, butcher, 180 Barking road Stnre Andrew, shopkeeper, 32 Beaconsfield road
Skingley Jonathan, haberdasher, 4 Exning road Sturman Charles Elijah, estate office, I Jersey road

Skinner Waiter .Robert, copper smith, F1·ederick road Sturton Waiter, buildsr, see Chapman & Stu.rton -

Sugden Arthu:r Ernest, draper, 295 Star lane Tnlly John, confectioner, 74 Barking road
Summers Eliza (Mrs.), laundry, 4 Hudson road Tnnbridge Herbert James, news agent, 43 Beckton road
Summers Thomas, shopkeeper, 53 Burnham street Turner Frances (Mrs.), beer ret. 315 Victoria Dock rd
Sumser Frederick, shopkeeper, I Catherine street Turner Susan (Mrs.), dress maker, II2 Ravenscroft rd
Sntton Frederick James, oilman, 7 Queen's ;road Turne-r Thomas Waiter, bnt~her, 43a, Victoria Dock road
SuttC'n George, shopkeeper, 37 Hoy street Turner Wm. Geo. venetian blind ma. I Alexandra st
Sutton Sidney, oilman, 52 Alice street Twin Benjamin, boot repairer, uB Butcher's road
Swaddling George, shopkeeper, 71 Cundy road Tyne Main Coal Co. Limited, 74 Barking road
Swan James Per{;y, laundry, 149 Barking road Ullman William Emil, hair dresser, Io Liverpool ter-
Sweet Annie (Mrs.), faney repository, I27 Barking road race, Liverpool road
Sweet John Davis, dining rooms, 129 Barking road Undenood Albert Leopold, engineer, Forty .Acre lane
Swift Beef Co. Limited, meat importers, Royal Albert Union Lighterage Co. Limited (F. Edmeades, sec.),
docks. T N 1446 East lightermen, Royal Victoria docks
Tagg Charles, shopkeeper, 78 )[ary street United Alkali Co. Limited, soda makers, Clyde Wharf
Talbot Henry Thomas, shopkeeper, 75 Clifton road soda works, North Woolwich road, Victoria docks.
Talbot Richard, greengrocer, IS Ship street T N 575 East
Talbot William, greengrocer, 52 Bidder street • Urand Albert, shopkeeper, Io2 Hilda road
Tant Charles George, coal & coke dealer, 124 Cundy Uren Capt. Thomas Jasper, dock master, Royal Victoria
road & 67 Coolfin road & Albert docks
Tate Amy (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 38 Ordnance road Vance E. & Co. automatic bazaar, I22 Rathbone street
Tauber David, outfitter, 99 Victoria Dock road Vassie George, relieving officer :Xo. I8 district, Wes~ •

Taylor James & Son, marine store dealers, 76 Clever rd Ham union, 6o Hudson road &; 37 Chauntler road
Taylor Alfred, marine store dealer, 88 Hermit road Vassie William, shopkeeper, 42 Crown street
Taylor George, rag merchant, 65 Forty Acre lane Vernon William & Sons, millers, Royal Victoria docks.
Taylor Harriet (Mrs.), confectioner, 20 Hnntingdon st T N 1040 East
Taylor Harry Joseph, outfitter, go Victoria Dock road Vesey John, greengrocer, 30 .A.lexandra street
Taylor Henry, grocer, 12 Ford's Park road Victoria Docks, see Royal Victoria Docks
Taylor Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, I24 Hilda road. Victoria Foundry Co. iron founders, Quadrant street.
Taylor Mary (Mrs.), costumier, 75 Beckton 1·oad T N 3604 East
Taylor Oliver James, hau dresser, 20 Hermit road Vincent Emily (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 42 Trinity street
Taylor Thomas, firewood dealer, 54 Bidder street Virrels Joseph J. butcher, 1 Market stores, Freemason's
Taylor William Charles M.B., C.M. physician & sur- road
geon, & medical officer No. 18 district, West Ham Vogel Alfred, pork butcher, 243 Prince Regent's lane
union, & post office, 285 & 291 Victoria Dock road Vohman George Henry, leather seller, 15 Hallsville road
Telling Frank, shopkeeper, 28 Frederick road Vowles Edward, boot repairer, 36 Ford's Park road
Temperance Catering Co. Limited (The), Royal Victoria Vugler Fanny Jane (Mrs.), grocer, 55 Peter street
& Albert doeks & IO Barking road Waddy Fanny (Mrs.'), grocer, 6r Ford's Park road
Terris Albert, greengrocer, 2 Frederick road Wadham Jas. secondhand furn. dlr. I38 Freemason's rd
Thackray Percy, grocer, roi Freemason's road Wagner Catherine Elizh. (Mrs.), shopkpr. II9 Jersey rd
Thake John Alexander, greengrocer, 5o W oodstock street Wagner Henry, butcher, 40 Freemason's road
Thomas Alfred, shopkeeper, 47 Rendel road Wagner John, butcher, 52 & 66 Hermit road
Thomas Caroline (Mrs.), grocer, 221 Prince Regent's la Waite Edward, shopkeeper, 11 Ford's Park road
Thomas Ernest, dairyman, 85 Percy road Wakeland Samuel, carman & contractor, I Aviary stree\
Thorn&$ George Frederick, dining rooms, 30 Tidal Walker Charles, gramophone dealer, 16 Rathbone street
Basin road, Victoria docks Waller George, butcher, 63 Freemason's road
Thomas Henry, cats' meat dealer, 31 Queen's road Walmsley H. B. & Sons Limited, malt roasters, North
Thomas John, boot maker, 57 Fife road W oolwich road, Victoria docks. T N 1124 East
Thompson George & Co. Limited, steam ship owners, Walsh B. J. relieving officer No. 6 district, West Ham
Royal .Albert docks union, 6o Hudson road
Thompson, M.cKay & Co. Limited, railway carrien, Waiter Philip & Co. bakers, I6 Barking road
Royal Victoria docks Walzholz Charles, baker, 56 Rathbone street
Thompson Arthur, fried fish dealer, 6I Freemason's road Ward Henry, oilman, 44 Beckton road
Thorupson George, shopkeeper, I Morecambe street Warman Charles, grocer, I Ford's Park road
Thompson Thomas, greengrocer, 1 Wade road Warncken Emma (Mrs.), wardrobe dlr. 4 Vincent streea
Thomson A. & J. brass founders, Wood street Warne Arthnr Anderton, shopkeeper, 19 Forty Acre lam~
Thorns on J an et (Mrs.), haberdasher & postmistress, 235 Warr Brothers, boot repairers, ra, Butcher's road
North Woolwich road, Victoria docks Warren William, private estate office, 94 Hermit road
Thomson William, laundry, 82 Woodstock street Waters Elizabeth (:Mrs.), dress ma. 2o6 Malmesbury rd
Thorncroft Gilbert, provision dealer, 78 Hermit road Waters George, insurance agent, 30 Randolph road
Thorne Rose (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 44 Rathbone street Watkin Paul Ienan M.A., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond.
Thornton Horace, clothier, 73 Freemason's road physician & surgeon, I75 Barking road
Threlford Thomas, registrar of births & deaths for the Watkins James, coal merchant, 37 Barking road. T N
sub-district of Canning Town, West Ham union, 2 St. 3659 East
Luke's square Watkins William Thomas, corn dealer, 23 Hermit road
Tiller Morris, tailor, 14 Hermit road Watson George, fried fish dealer, 27 Freemason's road
Tilley George, fried fish dealer, 1 Granville road Watson William, Clarendon P.H. 1 Dock road
Tillson's Dairies Limite<i, dair~·men, 95 .Adamson road Way George James, shopkeeper, 72 Lansdowne road
Tingle, Jacobs & Co. carmen, Royal Albert docks Weaver Charles, shopkeeper, :; Stephenson street.
Tipple W. & C. Limited, iron merchants & ironmongers, Weaver William Thomas, oil & color man, 7 Fisher st
lead, glass & wall paper merchants & coach iron- Webb William Henry & Co. grocers, I Bingley terrace,.
mongers & electric light fitters, 3I Hallsville road; Prince Regent's lane
Arkwright street & :Brunei street. T N 3732 East Webb Charles, hatter, 4I Hallsville road
'titchen Brothers, scrap metal merchants, 81 Stephenson Webb Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper, I2 Alexandra street
street. T N 3040 Ea ~t Webstl'r Thomas, florist, 163 Barking road
Titchener John James, boot, 17 Hermit road Weddel W. & Co. Limited, meat importers, Royal Vic-
Titmus Robert Henry, hardware dealer, 55 Rathbone st toria docks. T N 565 East
Titmnss Robert, china & glass dealer, I I Hallsville road Weeden Henry, shopkeeper, 69 Leyes road
Tobyn Sarah (Mrs.), laundry, 64 Coolfin road Weihansen Charles Henry, tailor, 314 Victoria Dock road
Tolhnrst Waiter James & Son, grocers, I8 Beckton road Welch Fredericl;:, butcher, 6 :Kottingham terrace, Prince
Tommila Joseph (~frs.), teacher of music, 97 Free- Regent's lane
mason's road Welch Thomas, greengrocer, 7 Crawford street
Townsend George, jun. watch maker, 87 Houper road Welch William, baker, 223 Prince Reqent's lane
Trapp John, confectioner, 4oa, Hallsville road Welford & Son, metal workers, I07 Victoria Dock road_
Trick er Charles, toy dealer, 34 Hermit road T N 2923 East
Trott John William, news agent, 55 .Alice street Weller Ada (Mrs.), dress maker, 332 Victoria Dock road
Troup, Cnrtis & Co. electrical engnrs.282 Victoria Dock rd Weller Ellen (Mrs.), dairy, 8 Shirley street
Trubody Herbert, boot repairer, 22a, Beckton road Wells William, confectioner, IIS Star lane
Trumhle George Henry, cycle maker, 2o8 Beckton road Werner Emily (Mrs.), picture frame maker, 140 Barking
Trundle William E. R. chemist, 108 Butcher's road road & 87 Rathbone street
Tucker Fanny (Miss), tobacconist, Royal Victoria & West Ham Corporation Electricity Works (H. B.
Albert docks Conzens, chief engineer & manager), Tu~;ker street
Tucker Henry Wood, shopkeeper, 347 Victoria Dock rd

West Ham Fire Brigade Station (T. E. Seott, foreman), Wilsons & Furness-Leyland Line Limited, steam ship
45 Barking road owners, Royal Albert docks. T N 541 East
West Ham Public Libraries (Sydney A. Hatcher F.L.A. Wiltshire Francis, shopkeeper, r6 Waiter street .
librarian), Canning Town library, Barking road & Wimpory .Alfred, teacher of music, 4i Hallsville road
{Henry W. Fretten, librarian) Custom House library, Windeler Samuel, boot repairer, 59 Catherine street
Prince Regent's lane Wing James William, watch maker, 26 Wightman street-
West Henry, boot repair~c>r, 8o Adamson road Wishart Elvezar (Mrs.), grocer, r Fife raad ·
Westlake Henry Charles, relieving officer No. 3 district, Wolff Benjamin, hair dresser, 29 Woodstock street
West Ham union, 6o Hudson road & 14 Howard's road Women's Settlement (Miss Rebecca Halley Cheethamr
Whissell Charles, dining rooms, 270 Victoria Dock road warden), 8r Barking road
White Richd. t Sons, furniture dlrs. 40 & 4z Barking rd Wood E. Limited, composition manufacturers for ship!'
White Charles, boot repairer, 6 Hudson road bottoms, 29 Stephenson street. T N 4B6 East
White George, automatic bazaar, 50 Rathbone street Wood Charles Leonard, shopkeeper, n6 .A.damson road
White George William, confectioner, r67 Barking road Wood George, wardrobe dealer, 78 Bidder street
White Joseph, boot repairer, r6 Frederick road Wood Stephen ~lfred, confectioner, r58 Harking road
White Joseph, boot repairer, 179 North Woolwich road, Wood William, chimney sweeper, 3 Pitt street
Victoria docks W oodard George, insurance agent, ro Fisher street
White Waiter, hai·r dresser, 73 Roscoe street . Woodcock Henry & Co. undertakers, 3 Hallsville road;
Whitehead Louisa (Mrs.), dining rooms, 3 Beckton road 204 Victoria Dock road & 92 Freemason's road
Whiteman James, bricldayer, 26 Burlre street Woodhouse Joseph, confectioner, 213 Barking road
Whitting Henry, baker, 3 Shirley street Wooding l\Iartha (Miss), draper, see Lloyd & Wooding
Whowell George, dining rooms, 4 Ford's Park road Woodley George, greengrocer, 40 Queen's road
Wickenden Charles, hair dresser, 78 Barking road Woodruff Louisa (Mrs.), grocer, I Ordnance road
Wickert Kasper, baker, 2.g Prince Regent's lane Woods Charlotte (Miss), ~hopkeeper, 21 Chauntler road
Wicks Herbert, draper, 6g & 71 Rathbone 11treet Woods Maud (Miss), dairy, r8 Burke street
· Wickson Alfred, shopkeeper, 8 Ford street Wooldridge Alice (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 6r Hack road
Wiggins & Rihll, oil importers & merchants, 23 Tidal Wooldridge Geo. Wm.dining rooms,284 Victoria Dock rd:
Basin road, Victoria docks. T N 528 East ; T A Woolgrove Louisa (::\Irs.), shopkeeper, 38 Adamson road
" Ragic, London " Woollven William, tobacconist, 75 Victoria Dock road
""\Vilkins Eliza (Mrs.), oil & color dealer, 22 Beckton rd Workers' Supply Association (The), bakers, 1a, Park
Wilkins Francis, oilman, 77 Granvilla road view, Hermit road
Wilkins Francis, shopkeeper, 40 Ordnance road Worland William, timber merchant, Bengeo street
Wilkins Thomas, grocer, 8 Ford's market Worm George Benjamin, haberdasher, 122 Beckton road
Wilkins William, laundry, II7 Hermit roa.d Wren Edward F. & Son, pile drivers, 32 Cliff street
Wilkinson Frederick, insurance agent, 176 Star lane Wren William, dining rooms, 236 Victoria Dock road
Wilks John Thomas, tobacconist, 4 Beaconsfield terrace, Wright Frederick & Co. shirt manufacturers, 8o Wood-
Hermit street stock street. T N e;398 East
Willacy George, dining rooms, 4 Victoria Dock road Wright Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 2 Catherine street
Willats Waiter, harness maker, 134 Barking road Wright Maria (Mrs.), news agent, no Hayday road
Willett John Henry, shopkeeper, 139 Argyle road Wright Waiter, tailor, 32 Hoy street
Williams Samuel & Sons, oilmen, 28 Rathbone street Wygold Daniel, shopkeeper. 63 Lansdowne road
Williams Charles, baker, u Hermit road York Alfred William, butcher, 63 Hack road
Williams Emma (Miss), dress ma. 132 Victoria Dock rd Youell William, butcher, 17 Ford's Park road
-williams Francis, tobacconist, 10 Beckton road Young Men's Christian .Association (Francis Payne, dis-
Williams Mary Ann (Mrs.), dairy, 36 Rathbone stree~ trict hon. sec.), 125 Barking road
·wmiams William, ship joiner, see Clark, Williams & Co Young Men's Christian .Association Hostel, 128 Barking rd
Willis James, plumber &c. see Bowden & Willis Y. M. C. A. Restaurant (Henry C. Tompkins, manager),
Willis William, shopkeeper, 88 Mary street 125 Barking rood
Wills Harry, hair dresser, 231 Victoria Dock road Young Elizabeth (Mrs.), beer retailer, 142 Bidder street
Wilmshurst Caleb, shopkeeper, 54 Lambert road Young Lyulph, beer retailer, I Scott street
"Wilson Edward, boot repairer, 18 :Prince of Wales road Yull Philip, confectioner, 65 Freemason's road
Wilson Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 85 Scott street Zucl;:er Joseph, watch maker, rog Rathbone street
Wilson Henry, tobacconist, 124 Rathbone street

oCANVEY ISLAND, which is united to South is a coast guard station, with a station officer and
.Benfleet at low water by a causeway across Hadleigh se>en men. Here is the Chapman lighthouse, opened in
"Ray, and originally part of the parishes of Bowers 1851; it stands half a mile from the island due south-
-Gifford, Hadleigh, North Benfleet, Laindon, Pitsea, east. The principal landowners are the Ecclesiastical
Prittlewell, South Benfl.eet, Southchurch and Vange, was Commissioners, Sir Thomas Lewis Hughes Neave hart.
formed into a civil and ecclesiastical parish 4 March, of Dagenham Park, Romford, and Messrs. A. M. and G.
1R81; :it is supposed by some to be the "Counos," of Clark. The island is 6 miles long by 3 broad, and con-
-4' Convennos Insula" of the ancient geographer Ptolemy, tairu; 4,370 acres of land, 30 of inland and 2,624 of tidal
a name assigned by others to the Isle of Sheppy, and water and 2,031 of foreshore; rateable value, [3,661;
is a marshy island of the Thames, defended by high the populahon in rgn was 583.
banks all round, erected in 1623 ; it is in the South Post & T. Office. James Woods, sub-postmaster. Let-
'Eastern division of the county, Rochford petty sessional ters received from South Benfl.eet at 8.50 a.m. & 6.30
·division and union, Southend county court district, p.m.; dispatched at 9.50 a.m. & 7.20 p.m.; sundays,
Canewdon and Southend rural deanery, Essex arch· delivery ro.5 a.m. ; dispatched, 1 r. ro a.m. South Ben-
-deaconry and Chelmsford diocese; it forms very rich fleet is the nearest money order office, 2 miles distant
grazing ground and includes a large quantity of arablE' Post Office, Canvey-on-Sea. Waiter Cox, sub-post-
~and. Canvey church is ro miles west from Southend-
on-Sea and 2 south from South Benfleet station on the master. Letters received from South Benfl.eet at
London. Tilbnry and Southend railway. The church of 9.30 a.m.; dispatched at 9·45 a.m. & 6 p.m.; son-
days, delivery, I I a.m.; dispatched, II-5 a.m. Canvey
'St. Katharine, erected in 1875 in the place of an earlier Island, 3 miles distant, is the nearest telegraph office,
building rlatin~ from 1712, the only portions of which
& South Bt>nfleet, 5 miles distant, the nearest money
now remaining are some windows and the porch, is a
structure of wood, consisting of chancel, nave, tran- order office
-septs and a small central belfry, with spire, containing Pillar Letter Boxes.-Canvey-on-Sea, cleared at 9.30
one bell : there are 160 sittings. The re~ister dates from a.m. & 6.5 p.m. week days; sundays, 10.40 a.m.;
ihe year 18rg, previous to which date the entries were near Coast Guard Station, cleared at 9 a.m. & 6.5 3
p.m. week days; sundap, 10 a.m
-made in the South Benfleet register. The living is a
·vicarage. net yearly value {,239, with glebe (£ 10) and Coast Guard Station, John Bloxham R.N. station officer
:residence, iR the gift of the Bishop of Chelmsford,. and Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1874, for 75
beld !!ince rgog by the Rev. Joseph Romanus Brown. children ; average attendance, 64; GeO!'ge T. Machin.
"Here is a small hall belonging to the Evangelists. Here master
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Coleman Gerald, Swedish bungalow, Seemssen Herbert, Ubendycke, Win-
Abraham Henry, Riversdale, Canvey- Winter gardens ter gardens
on-Sea Hand Miss, The Laurels COMMERCIAL •
"Bolton James Ebor, Kilcreggan Harper Alfred Adams, Marguerite, .A.ltwell Theodor!', butcher
Brown Rev. Joseph Romanus (vicar), Canvl'v-on-So!a

Beckwith Chas. Lobster Smack P.H
Vicarage Paul Miss, Haven cottage Bloxham John,station officer of Coast-
.Caldwell Charles Henry, Newcourt Payne Robert Alexander, The Clan guard
Bolton James Ebor L.S.A. surgeon, Hotel Kynoch, James Went, manager Preedy Brothers, builders
Kilcreggan 1 Leach Aaron, farmer Scott Charles, shopkeeper
Bone John, jobmaster Leach Frederick, farmer Theobald Henry William, farmer
Brown Charles, farmer Neal \Ym. builder, Canvey-on-Sea Valiance .Alfred & Son, builders
Cox Waiter, ~rocer, Post effice, Can- 1 Pease Wm. farmer, Little Brick ho Wainwright Alfd. bldr. Canvey-on-Se~
vey-on-Sea Petty William George, shopkeeper, White William, beer retailer
Grubb Charles, farmer Canvey-on-Sea White A.rthur, farmer
Harrison John, farmer, Waterside frm Potton Wait. farm bailiff to Kynoch's Woods George, baker
Heathcote Thomas Lee, farmer, Explosives Co. Limited Woods James, grocer, Post office
Furtherwick farm Predie Edward, builder, Higham Woods William James, insurance a~
[ lodge, Canvey-on-Sea Wright John, ferryman
CASTLE HEDINGHAM, anciently a market town, the keep, the only part of the castle now remaining, is-
derived its name from the castle erected here in Nor- a square building, 62 feet by 55 feet and no feet in
man times and for many years held by the de Veres, height to the top of the square turrets which rise at
Earls of Oxford ; it is a village and parish on the east the angles and of which only two now remain, the
bank of the river Colne, at the junction of the roads battlements and parapet wall being swept away: the
from Sudbury, Haverhill and Braintree, I mile north- original entrance is on the west side, where a flight of
east from Hedingham station on the Colne Valley rail- stairs conducts to the principal door of the first story,.
way, 4 miles north-by-west from Halstead, 7 south-west on either side of which can be traced the grooves fo7
from Sudbury, 49 from London by road and 59 by rail, a portcullis: the whole structure contains six stories
m the Northern division of the county, Hinckford and stands on an eminence, partly artificial, which rises-
hundred, North Hinckford petty sessional division, Hat- above the village. .Aubrey de Vere, third of that name
stead union and county court district, Halstead and and first Earl of Oxford, is said to have founded here ..
Hedingham rural deanery, Colchester archdeaconry and before ugo, a Benedictine nunnery, dedicated to the
Chelmsford diocese. The I>t'lDcipal houses, but not Holy Cross, St. Mary and St. James, of which hi&
the streets, are lighted with gas from works in Sible countess, Lucia (.Abrincis) was the first prioress; the
Hedingham. The church, assigned by repute to St. revenues at the Dissolution were £29 12s. rod. and such
:8icholas, is an ancient battlemented edifice of brick and portions of the fabric as still exist are now incorporated
stone, partly in the Norman and partly in the Early in a farmhouse, the property of the trustees of the late-
English style, and is supposed, from the heraldic badges Robert Balls esq. In 1250, Hugh de Vere, 4th Earl of
f the de Veres appearing on various parts of the struc- Oxford, founded an hospital with chaplains, a clock and
ture, to have been erected by them; it consists of a servant for the sick and decrepit poor. The de Veres
chancel, nave of six bays, with clerestory, aisles, south alienated the castle in 1625. It is now the seat of James
porch and a massive brick tower at the west end, Henry Alexander ~Iajendie esq. D.L., J.P.; the park
erected about 1616, and containing a clock and 5 bells, consists of 94 acres, well wooded. J. H. A. Majendie
4 having been added in 1897 in commemoration of the esq. who is lord of the manor, the trustees of the late
Diamond Jubilee of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria: Robert Balls esq. and Dudley Payne esq. are the prin-
the east end of the chancel is a fine specimen of the cipal landowners. The soil is mixed; subsoil, blu&
transition period betwepu the Nor man and Early clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley and mangold
English styles, and is lighted by three windows with wurtzel. The area is 2,429 acres of land and 7 of
shafts and a circular one above them : the chancel, water; rateable value, £4,000; the population in 1911!
divided from the nave by a handsome carved oak screen, was g88.
contains a superb monument, with recumbent effigies, Post, M. 0., T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office.-
to John de Vere, 15th Earl of Oxford K.G. ob. 19 Mar. Walter Smith, sub-postmaster." Letters, which should'
1539, and to Elizabeth (Trussell) his countess; there have Essex added, are deliv-ered at 6 & 10.30 a.m. &.
are other memorials to Sir William Ashurst kt. Lord 6.10 p.m. ; sundays, 6 a. m. ; dispatched at 9.30 a.m.
Mayor of London in 1694, ob. 1719; to Robert Ashun~t & 2.40, 4 & 6.35 p.m. week days; dispatched on sun-
esq. his son, ob: 1725; William Ashurst esq. his grand- days at 6.;c; p.m
son, ob. 1734, and others of that name ; and to Dominic Wall Letter 'Box, Nunnery street, cleared at 1.20 &.
Heila, of Flanders, ob. I6o8, and Gulielma, his wife, 6.10 p.m
ob. 16o5 : the font is a memorial to the Rev. Henry
Lewis Majendie M.A. vicar of Great Dunmow, 1834-6z,
and was given by the members of his family in 1863: COUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR NORTH HINCKFORD
there are eight stained windows, and in the nave a PETTY SESSIONAL DIVISION.
mosaic memorial to Lewis Ashhurst Majendie esq. M.A., Barker Gen. Sir George Digby G.C.B. Clare priory,.
J.P., D.L., d. 1883, placed in r885 by his brothers, Suffolk
L. M. and S. M. Majendie: the church was thoroughly Barnardiston Col. Nathaniel, The Ryes, near Sudbury,.
restored in 1871 : there are 450 sittings. The registers Suffolk
date from the year 1558. The living is a vicarage, net Bromwich Rev. Crowder Tom, Vicarage, Gestingthorpe,
yearly value £zoo, with residence, in the gift of trustees, Castle Hedingham, · Essex
and held since 1898 by the Rev. George Cecil Twist Bull Rev. Feli:oc Edward Pepys M.A., F.R.G.S. Rectory,.
?II.A. of Trinity College, Oxford : the impropriate tithes Pentlow, Cavendish, Suffolk
are about £659 yeady. The Congregational chapel, Burke Lieut. -Col. Waiter St. George, The Auberies,.
rebuilt in 1842, will seat 750 persons. .A cemetery of Bulmer, Sudbury, Suffolk
one acre was formed in 1883~ the site of which was Cornish Eli, The Tortoise ho. Sible Hedingham, Essex
given by the Rev. H. A. Lake M.A. vicar 1876-95; Gurteen Daniel Maynard, The :Mount, Haverhill
it is under the control of the Pari<>h Council. In Gurteen Jabez, The Coupals, Sturmer, Halstead
the town is a subscription library of 300 volumes ; Majendie James Henry .Alexander D.L. Hedingham
there is also a hospital for infections diseases, avail- castle, Castle Hedingham, Essex
able for eight patients. The County Police Station here Miller Thomas Fredericlr, Monk's lodge, Great Maple-
has two resident officers. William Martyn left, in stead, Halstead
1853, a 1.1um of money, arising from the rent of a farm, Sperling Charles Frederick Denne M.A. Oxford & Cam-
to be divided between the poor of Castle Hedingham bridge club, London S W
and Hocking. There are eleven almshouses, four of Taylor Verd William, Castle Hedingham, Essex
which belong to the de Vere charity, four to Brewer's Vaizey Robert Edward, Tilbury hall, Castle Hedingham,.
charity and three to the parish : the first two sets of Essex
almshouses have a small endowment, which is applied Way Herbert William Lewis, Spencer grange, Great
to repairs and the benefit of the inmates. Hedingham Yeldham, Halstead
Castle, built in the reign of Stephen by the de Veres, The Chairmen of the Bumpstead & Halstead Rural Dis-
Earls of Oxford and Dukes of Dublin. stands on an trict Councils, for the time being, are llx-officio magis-
Pminence near the village; in usr, Maud, Queen of trates
King Stephen, died here; in 1216 the castle, when held Clerk to the Magistrates, Robert Rutherford Morton,
for the barons, was taken by King John, but it was soon Halstead
after captured by the Dauphin Louis of France, and Petty Sessions are held at the Police Station, Castle-
then re-taken by the great Earl of Pembroke; here John Hedingham, every alternate tuesday at n a.m. The
de Vere, 13th Earl of Oxford K.G. entertained Henry places in the division are :-Ashen, Belchamp Otten,.
TII. with the greatest magnificence and hospitality, but Belchamp St. Paul, Belchamp Waiter, Birdbrook, Bar-
that rapacious monarch, learning from the Earl's own ley, Bulmer, Steeple Bnmpstead, Foxearth, Gesting-
acknowledgment that he had given liveries to his re- thorpe, Castle Hedingham, Sible Hedingham, Liston,
tainers, contrary to the King's edict against "main- Great Maplestead, Northwood, Ovington, Pentlow,
tenance," contained in the statute of retainers, fined Ridgwell, Stambourne, Sturmer, Tilbury, Toppesfield,
him in the enormous sum of rs,ooo marks, or £1o,ooo: Great & Little Yeldham

PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. Insp~ctor under the "Diseases ot !nimals Acts " &
Cemetery, Alfred Turner, clerk "Explosives Acts," William Bretton, Police station
County Police Station, William Bretton, inspector, &, 1 Surveyor of Main Roads for Halstead District, Tom
constable Foord Morgan
Halstead Rural District Infectious Diseases Hospital, Ta:x Collector, Ernest S. Willis, Sible Hedi~gham
John Bourne Bromley M.R.C.S.Eng. & James Dromley SCHOOLS.
M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeons Church (mixed), erected in I853, for ISO children;
Volunteer Fire Brigade, Wm. Radley, capt. & 10 men twice enlarged, 1885 & 1900, for 250 children; average
attendance, I20 ; Alfred Turner, master
PUBLIC OFFICERS. Council (mixed), for 240 children; average attendance..
Chief Inspector of Weights & Measures & under Food ~ 134; Ernest R. Bayley, master
Drugs Act, Shops Act & Official Sampler under the These schools are under the control of the Essex Educa-
"Fertilisers & Feeding Stuffs Act" for the Northern tion (Halstead District) Sub-Committee
District, Adam Ward, 1 North .road, Colchester Carrier. Frederick Dansie, to Sudbury, thurs. return-
ing same day
PRIVATE RESIDEN>J:S. Barclay & Company Limited, bankers Lunden Thomas B. beer retailer
Baines James, London County & (tues. & fri. 12.30 to 2.30); draw Miller Bert, baker
Westminster Bank on head office, 54 Lombard st E 0 Morgan Tom Foord, surveyor of the
:Balls :Mrs. Augusta house Berry James Herbert, farmer, Law- Essex main roads, Halstead district
Bromley John Bourne rence's farm of the County Council
Chaplin 1\Irs. The Southerns Brand Charles, -chimney sweeper · Mortimer Arthur Thomas, draper
Oewes Misses, Damyons Britten William, inspector under Moy Thomas Limited, coal merchants
Harvey John Horton "Contagious (Animals) Palm er Harry, boot & shoe repairel!
Harvey Miss Act" & police inspector Partrid~e John, upholsterer
Lewis Alfred Bromley John Bourne M.R.C.S.Eng. Payne Dudley, farmer, Kirby hall
Majendie James Henry Alexander surgeon Philp Sidney Jn. Scantlebury, farmer,
D.L., J.P. Hedingham castle Buttrum Eliza Emma (Mrs.), butcher Priestfields farm
Monson Rev. George Edward (Cong) Cemetery (Alfred Turner, clerk) Plummer William Creasey, farmer,
N ettleship Mrs Cook Waiter, firewoo-d dealer Great Lodge farm
Nicholl Miss Dansie Frederick, beer retailer Radley William, Bell P.H
Payne Dudley, Kirby hall Davey Hannah (Miss), stationer Rayner Joshua, farmer, Little Lodge
Pearson. John Sydney, Castle lane Farrants A-rthur, Crown P.H farm
Rayner Mrs. The Hollies Gatward Harry, butcher Rayner Willia.m John, brick maker,
Ripper Harry T Gatward Robert, hawker Maiden Ley
Simpson Miss, Fishers house Halls Alfred, beer retailer Reeve Charles H. news agent
Sperling Rochfort Astle, The .Astles Halstead Rural District Hospital for Reeve John Wallace, plumber
Taylor Vero William J.P Infectious Diseases (John Bourne Richardson David, cycle agent
Twist; Rev. Geo. Cecil .M ..A. (vicar), Bromley M.R.C.S. & Jas. Bromley Smith E. & B. saddlers & harness
Vicarage M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. sur- makers
Williamson W. Eyre, The Cedars, geons) Smith Bennett, cabinet maker
Castle lane Hasler Alien, beer retailer Smith Harry Robert, blacksmith
Woods Percy S. N Hatfield Arthur William, baker Smith Mary Charlotte (Miss), fancy
Hawkins Albert, wheelwright repository
COMMERCIAL. Hawkins Fredk. Charles, wheelwright Smith Waiter, sub-postmaster & boot
Amey George, shoe maker Howe Clara (Mrs.), shopkeeper & shoe dealer ·
Haines James & Henry, drapers Jackson James Rand, farmer, The Subscription Library (Miss Maude
Balls & Balls (established 1846), Nunnery Dewes, hon. libTa.rian)
auctioneers, land, house, estate & Jay John S. shoe maker Turner .Alfd. schoolmaster, assistant
tithe agents & valuers (Tel. No. Kendell Robert, beer retailer overseer & clerk to the Parish
:2); & at 49 High street, Braintree Ling Chas.Robt. ironmonger & printr Coun61
~T. H. Newman F.S.I. manager) & London County & Westminster Bank Westrop Arthur, osier grower
Haverhill &; Sudbury, Suffolk Limited (James Baines, agent) Westrop Geo. Reynolds, nurseryman
:Balls J. Mayhew, auctioneer &c.(firm, (daily, 10 to 4; sat. 10 to I); draw We!ltrop Harry, osier grower
Balls & Balls) on 41 Lothbury, London E C IWilkinson John George. beer retailer
CHAD WELL is a hamlet, in the parish of Barking, tion; the Rev. Horace Richard Landon M.A. of Wor-
on the road from Great Ilford to Romford, adjoining cester College, Oxford, who resides at Goodmayes, has
Chadwell Heath station on the Great Eastern railway, been priest in charge since 1896. The Ilford Urban
and is 2 miles east from Ilford and 3 west from Rom~ District ·Council's Isolation Hospital, for 82 patients,
'ford; it is in the Southern division of the county, and a convalesc-ent home for Io patients in connection
Stratford petty sessional division, Ilford county court with it, are at Little Heath. The land is held by a
~istrict, rural deanery of Chafford, archdeaconry of number of small owners.
"Essex and diocese of Chelmsford. The church of St. Sub-Post Office, High road. Harold G. Rose, sub-post·
James, Little Heath, was built in 1862 by .Major master. Letters through Chadwell Heath, which is
Ibbetson as a chapel of ease to .Aldborough Hatch; it the nearest money order & telegraph otfice, arrive at
i>1 a cruciform structure of brick, with stone mould- 8 a.m. & 2.30 & 6.45 p.m. ; dispatched at 8.15 a.m.
ings, in the Gothic style, and consists of chancel with & 3·45. 7.15 & 9 p.m.; thursdays only at 10.30 a.m.;
-aisles, transepts, nave, sacristy, choir vestry, south sundays, 6 p.m
porch, and a western tower containing 5 bells: the Wall Letter Box, Little Heath, cleared at 7.30 a.m. &
triplet windows at the east end and several others are 7.10 p.m. week days & 7·30 a.m. sundays; letters are
..stained, three of these being memorials to Carolina delivered at 8.30 a.m
Amelia Liptrap, Lieut.-Col. Melville and Reginald Mel- SCHOOLS.
ville: the chancel is divided from the nave by a hand·
-some Gothic stone screen, with shafts of marble: in Ilford Urban District Council, Chad well (mixed &
the sacrarium is a mural b.rass to Emily Ann Barlee, infants), built in 1897, for 455 children; average
:and on the wall of the south aisle a marble memorial attendance, 3.00; Edward J. S. Lay, master
to Emily Dawkins : the church is ornamented with Ilford Urban District Council, Little Heath (mixed &i
~rtistic decorations painted by an amateur, and will · infants), built in IQIO, for 160 children; average
-seat ISO persons. The register dates from the year attendance, 124: William Alfred Clark, master
1865. The living is a proprietary chapelry, net yearly Chad well Christian Mission; services held in the schools;
'Value about £63, in the gift! of the West Ham Corpora- James Higginson, superintendent ·
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Marfell Herhert, Chadwell avenue 'Dilley Robert, farmer, Little heath
.Aitchison William Kinghorn J.P. Staff George, The Cottage, Essex rd l Good.ey Thomas, Greyhound P.H
Willnett lodge Taylor Henry, Holly cottage, Essex rd Gurr William, laundry, High road
Bedingham Robert, Chadwell avenue Halsey Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
"Clark Henry George, The Gable aomrEROIAL. Essex road
~leming John, Norleith, Essex road Adams Warren, farmer, Padnal farm Humphrey Joseph, shoplrpr.Little hth
·Garment Alfred, Chadwell avenue Bennett Harry, turncock, 4 Farm ter- Ilford Urban District Council l!ola·
Goadby Alfred Thomas, Chadwell av race, High road tion Hospital (C. F. Stovin M.A.,
Lello T. Stanley, Stanetta, Chadwell Brown Henry, blacksmith D.P.H.,L.S.A. medical officer; Miss
avenue Cable Josiah, farmer, Little heath C. A. Barling, matron)

Knight John, cartel', Little heath Porter Emily(Miss),beer ret.Padnal pi Wackett Victor, farmer, Red House
Land 61-orge, fruiterer, Hig-h road Porter William, Crooked Billet P.H. farm, Billet road
Lee ~lizh. (Miss), grocer, High road Padnal corner Watson Waiter, news agent, High rd
Lello T. Stanley M.S.A. architect. Purchase Arthur, grocer, High road Welsh Richard & Sarah (:\Irs. ),
High road Pye Charles William, hay & straw billiard pocket makers, I I West
Machell Francis L. beer retailer, dealer, Chadwell Heath lane view, Chadwell Heath lane
Hawbush, Little heath Rumbold Ernest Wm. confr. High rd Wrenn Ernest George, chimney sweep
Peters Henry Thomas, coal merchant, ISadgrove & Co. cabinet mas.Grove rd & wardrobe dealer, SI Essex road
9 Farm terrace, High road Tentori George, printer, Farm terrace

CHADWELL HEATH is a straggling village and Goulding, sub-postmistress. Letters arrive at 7. rs

an ecclesiastical parish formed in 1895 from the parishes a.m. & 2.25 & 6.45 p.m. ; sundays, 7 a.m.; dis-
of Dagenham 11nd Great Ilford; it verges on Hainault patched at ro a.m. 12 noon &, 4·S5 (saturdays,
Forest, and is for the most part on the Romford road, 4·45), 5·5S, 7·55 & 10 p.m.; sundays, 7.10 p.m
with a station on the Great Eastern railway, 3 miles Letter Box at Station, cleared at 9.15 & n.45 a.m. &
west from Romford and 10 from London, in the South- 4·30, 6.1s & 9.20 p.m.; sundays, 6.30 p.m
ern division d the countv, •
Beacontree hundred and
petty sessional division, Romford union and county Letter Box, corner of Mill lane, cleared at 7·I5 & u.30
court district and in the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan a. m. & 2-45 & 9.30 p.m.; sundays, 6.45 p.m
police, rural deanery of Cha.fford, archdeaconry of Essex Letter Box, Gordon road, cleared at & II.IS a.m.
and Chelmsford diocese. The church of St. Chad, & 3 & 9·4S p.m.; sundays, 6.4s p.m
built in 1884, is an edifice of red brick in the Early Pillar Letter Box, High road (opposite Station road),
English style, from the designs of Mr. Frederick Chan- cleared at 8.30 & 11.45 a.m. & 3·45• 6, 7.15 & 9.30
cellor, of Chelmsford, diocesan surveyor, and consists p.m. ; sundays, 6.30 p.m
()f chancel, nave with clerestory, aisles, south porch,
and an embattled north tower containing a clock and
one bell: there is a memorial window to Mr. Archer SCHOOLS.
Moss: the church seats 380. The living is a vicarage, Essex Council (infants'), enlarged in May, 1907, for 220
net yearly value [240, with residence, in the gift of children ; average attendance, 180 ; Mrs. Florence M.
the vicars of Dagenham and Ilford alternately, and May, mistress
held since 1914 by the Rev. Edward Arthur Hort Whalebone (Council) (mixed), built in 1907 for 300 chil-
Th.A.K.C. All Saints' Mission Hall, in connection with dren; average attendance, 28o; Willie Sanford, master
All Saints' church, Goodmayf's, is in Bennett's Castle Ford's Endowed, Whalebone lane, for roo children ;
lane. The Mission church of St. Paul is at Goodmayes. avera~e attendance, so ; there is a branch school
Th-ere are also Baptist, Wesleyan Methodist and Con- under the same foundation at Dagenham, the united
gregational chapels and a place of worship for the income being £300; Robert Thomas Aldous, master;
Pl)mouth Brethren. The Crown and Joshua Pedley Mrs. Aldous, mistress
~~q. are the chief landowners. The population in 1901
Metropolitan Police Station, Charles Knight & Harry
was 4,428 and in I9II, 9·997· England, station sergeants, 3 section sergeants & I
Post, M. 0., T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office acting sergeant, 21 constable'l & I detective-sergeant
(letters should have Essex added ).-Miss Sarah Railway Station, Frederick Wilson, station master

Marked t letters through Romford. Lawther Major Marmaduke, Lawn ..Hkinson & Garden, physicians &
house, Broomfield road surgeons, High road
Male William, Hazel dene, Mill lane Atkinson 'l'homas Reuell M.D.Durh.,
.Anthony Joseph, Kadina,St.Chad's rd Manning Frederick A. Wallwood, St. M.R.C.8.Eng., L.S.A..Lond. (A.tkin-
.Ashton PE>rcy George, Ashton house, Chad's road son & Garden), physician & sur-
Chadwell Heath lane Manning Mrs.Northcote, St.Chad's rd geon, & medical officer & public
Atkinson Thomas Reuell M.D. Cardi. Mills Rev. Wm. Robert Dunstan B.A. vaccinator 3rd district, Romford
gan house, High road (curate of St. Chad's), 24 Heath rd union, Cardigan house, High road
'Baker Wm.Hy. Whalebone lo.High rd 1\'Ioles Mrs. Granvue, Mill lane Barnett Joseph T. boot ma. High rd
Barton Thomas George L.R.C.P.Irel. Moulton Robert J. Chestnuts, Mill la Barton Thomas George L.R.C.S. & P.
H1bernia, High road Newell Edwd. A. Mavor lo. Mill lane & L.M.Irel. physician & surgeon,
:Blakley Waiter, Lyndhurst, High rd Xorman Fredericli:, The Nook, Mill la High road
Butler Edwd. Anthony villa, Mill lane Pap.e Richard, Broomfields Beinder Frank, grocer, so Kenneth rd
Clark William, Ferndale, High road Potter Sydney J. R. Quinton, Mill la fBennett Charles, oilman, Rose lane
Crisp Henry, Ingleside, St. Chad's rd Ramsay Charles ~-\. T. Almeria, The Brewster George, fruiterer, 2 Market
Death George, St. Elmo, Mill lane Nook, Mill lane parade, High road
Dixon John W. Grimston, St. Chad's Reeve Arthur E. Brooklands, Chad- Brown Albert (Mrs.), confr.Station rd
road well Heath lane Burkitt Elizh.(Mrs.),grocer,Station rd
Dredge Robert, Holmfield, High road Reidoux William, Castle Lane house, Burn Robert, jun. Coopers' .Arms
Emberson Charles, Sunnvside,

Chad- Bennett's Castle lane P.H. High road
well Heath lane Robbins Albt. E.Windermere,High rd Butcher Geo. beer retailer, Green la
"Epton Lancelot, May villa, Mill lane Saville Mrs. Whalebone ho. High rd Cable Jn. hay & straw dlr. Mill lane
Feathl·rstone Bernard, Lcrne house, Scanes William Percy, Beaumont Carter Harry, coal & coke merchant,
High road lodge, Mill lane 44 Eric road
Fields Arthur, The Limes, Mill lane Smith Mrs. Wallace lodge, High road Carter Patrick J. butcher, High Toad
Fordham William, The Homestead, Stapleton Jas. Brooklyn,Broomfield rd Chadwell Heath Cricket Club (Fredk.
Whalebone lane Stephens Thomas Amos, St. Moritz, Harbott, sec.), The Warren
Freeman Herbert, Hainault gore, Broomfield road Chadwell Heath Lawn Tennis Club
Whalebone lane Steqoo Henry James, The Laurels, (Charles .A. T. Ramsey, sec.), The
Frost !rth. Thos. Heath ho. High rd Chadwell Heath lane Warren ·
Gav William, Glencairn cottage, Stewart John W. Peoria vi1. High rd Chadwell Motor & Cycle Co. (The),
Whalebone lane Stvkes Fredk. H. St. Osyth, High rd motor engineers, High road
Glindoni Mrs. Mill lane Tatham Alfd.Aubrey ho.Whalebone la Chipperfield Albert, carman, Alexan-
Goodwin Charles, Fern villa, Mill la Taylor Mrs. Ashville, High road dra road .
Green Wm. Cooper, Elgin lo.High rd Thorpe Charles George, Hove house, Clark Bros. bakers & corn dlrs.High rd
Hall Hv. Grove cot. Whalebone grove Broomfield road Clark Charles, confectioner, High rd
Hall Timothy, Oakleigh, High road Tyler James Wm. Cranbrook,High rd Clark Christopher J. insurance agent,
Harnmond Thomas L. Norman villa, Watson Edmund, Heath cottage, Clovellv, High road
Whalebone grove Chadwell Heath lane Coppen Geo. farmer, Whalebone farm
Harbott Frederick C. Balcarras, St. Wilson Fredk. C. Fairholt, High rd Coppen Thos. L. frmr. Parsloes farm
Chad's road Wilton John, Heathlands, High road Crow Jim, tailor, Station road
Hatch Arth . .A. Strathmore, High rd Wiltshire Thos.Wangye ho.Station rd Curtis Alfd. insur. agt. 10 l\I(}rden rd
Hemming John, Glen Thorpe, Mill la Wootton Mrs. Gordon ho. Gordon rd Death George William C. & Sons,
Hort Rev. Edward Arthur Th.A.K.C. Wright Geo. H. Rose dale, High road builders, High road
(vicar of St. Chad's church & chap- Dilkes Wm.decorator,Avoca,Tenby rd
lain of West Ham BoroughAsylum), COMMERCIAL. Draper Ellen (Mrs.), saddler, High rd
Vicara!Se, High road All en J ames,market gardener,Mill la Earl John, beer retailer, Wood lane
King William, The Cedars, Mill lane Ashton Percy Geo. surveyor, High rd Ellis Charles, wheelwrigh.t~,:.-.5~ ~I....
a ,u"' N G,.,_,..,
E 1.1811AIIr
Emberson Charles ·& Son, dairymen, Leach Charles · Henry, oilman, l Savage Henry Waiter, upholsterer,
Station road . Market terrace, High road 19 Kenneth road
Faber Jn. & Chas. fishmngrs.High rd Leadbetter George, dining rooms, ( Sayers Samuel, farmer, Station road
Farrance Robert, florist, High road. Market terrace, High road tScott William, farm bailiff to J.
Foreman Elizabeth (Mrs.), laundry, Linsell Jane (:Miss), midwife,High re· Wackett, Rose lane
I Fern villas, High road .. Little Herbert J. farmer, Bennett'~ Sibley Arthur William, butcher, ll
Freshwater William Thomas, rate Castle lane London terrace, High road
collector Dagenham parish, Haw- London & Provincial Bank Limited Speed Rose (Miss), dress maker, 3
thorn villa, Whal~one lane (sub-agency) (mon. wed. & fri. IC Edgar road
Gi:lders Roderick, draper, 4 Market a.m. to 1.30 p.m.), 22 The Pave- Steeden Harry, grocer, 2 Market tar-
terrace, High road ment; draw on head office, 3 Bank race, High road
Gooch Charles Leslie, coal merchant, buildings, Lothbury E 0 & Glyn, Stewart John W. overseer, water rate
I Eustace road Mills, Ourrie & Oo. E 0, London collector & ipsur.agt.Peoria,High rd
Goodeve Wm. Oliver, dining rooms, Mallett Edward, slater, High road Tarry Albe,rt, florist, High road
High road Martin Thos. farm bailiff to Thoma .. Thrower Alfred & Willia.m, nursery-
Goodwin Frederick W. news agent, 17 May esq. Vallence men, Edward road
The Pavement, High road May Edward, shopkeeper, Mill lane Tingle Ellis Harold,news agt.High rd
Goulding Sarah (Miss), stationer, & May Robert, farmer, Vallence house Vickers William, hair dresser, 21 The-
post office, 5 Market ter. High road Miller Herbert, florist, Bennett's Pavement, High road
Graffham Wm. fishmngr.6 Station rd Castle lane Wade Edward George, White Horse
Green William, baker, High road Nichols Arthur, news agt. Station rd P.H. High road
Grubb Amos, grocer, Hainault road Xye Frederick,confectioner, 7 London Warner John, dairyman, High road
Gurney Cyril U. builder,16 The Pave- terrace, High road Warren & Son, boot & shoe makers.
ment, High road Partridge & & clock make::-s, 18 The Pavement, High road
Hammon Henry H. insurance agent, 2 Fern villas, High road · Watson William Reid, chemist, 1
Fairlight, Hainault road Pearl Albert Edward, corn merchant, Market parade, High road
Harris Charlotte (Mrs.), teacher of High road Watts Charles, hair dresser, High rd
music, r Eric road Phillips Joseph W. shopkeeper,Whale- Wells William, builder, Gordon road
Hart Thos. J. butcher, 5 Station rd bone lane Weth Ernest, confectioner, 8 Market
Harvey Albert, registrar of births & Pilton Lewis, shopkeeper, 2 Heath rd terrace, High road
deaths sub-district Romford, 9 Plume Annie (Mrs.), wine & spirit Wheelflr Brothers, grocers, 20 Th&
Grove terrace, High road merchant, Station road Pavement, High road
Hawkins Harry, draper, I London Powell Ohas.gro.3 London ter.High rd White William R. dairy, Brooklands
terrace, High road Powell Henry, shopkeeper, 4 London Farm dairy, Bennett's Castle lane
Hayter Waiter, confecti9ner, High rd terrace, High road 1Vhybrow Emily (Mrs.), laundress, 1
Hillier ..!lbert, Ohadwell Arms P.H. Purchall Joseph William,nurseryman, Kenneth road
High road Brookland nurseries, High road Wier Fredk. Jas. ironmonger,High rd
Holliday James F. builder,Hope villa, Randall George, blacksmith, High rd Williams Charles, butcher, 3 Marke'
Mill lane Randall William, beer retailer, terrace, High road
Burst Thos. chimney sweep, Park la Bennett's Castle lane Wilson Ellen (Mrs. ),draper,Station rd
Inman Jn.Thos.builder, St. Chad's rd Ratcliff & Son, printers, High road Womack Waiter, florist, Morley road
lsherwood Florence (Mrs.), nurse, 25 Rawling Mary E. (Miss), school, & Alexandra road
Eric road Whalebone lane Wren Frederick J. shopkeeper, Ben-
Jackson John, greengrocer, Station rd Riley George, boot maker, Vicaria, nett's Castle lane
Jameson William, dairy, 7 Market High road Wren Timothy, painter,4o Kenneth rd
terrace, High road tRoberts Robert, market gardener, Wright Thos. & S.on, farmers, Park la
tJermy M. A. (Mrs.), beer retailer, Padnal hall, Rose lane
The Harrow, Rose lane

CHADWELL ST. MARY, which ta"kes its namt> seated in 1857, and the chancel decorated with mur3l
from a well dedicated to St. Chad (or Cedd), who is said painting by Mr. J. T. Carter, of London, at the expense
to have baptised his converts here and built a church at of the then rector: in 188o the ancient rood staircase,
Tilbury, is a parish on the road from Grays to Tilbury, 2 ffhich had been blocked up, was opened, and in 1893 a
miles north from Tilbury station on the Midland rail- new organ was erected at a cost of [5oo, and a new
way (London, Tilbury and Southend section), 3 south vestry built : the church has I98 sittings. The register
from Orsett, I4 south-east from Romford_ and 22 from of baptisms dates from 1539; marriages and burials from
London, in the South Eastern division of the county, 1578. The living is a rectory, net yearly value [3oo,
Barstable hundred, Orsett union and petty sessional with residence and 40 acres of glebe, in the gift of J.
division, Grays county couTt district, in Orsett and F. Edell esq. and held since r8g6 by the Rev. Edward
Grays rural deanery, archdeaconry of Essex and Smith. Tilbnry Docks are in this parish, but for con-
Chelmsford diocese. By Local Government Board venience of reference are given with Tilbury West. The
Order No. 57,469, which came into operation April xst, southern portion of the parish, -embracing the docks,
1912, Chadwell civil parish was constituted Tilbury forms a separate ecclesiastical parish. The Peter
Urban District. Full particulars are given under West Symonds charity of [12 yearly is distributed partly in
Tilbury. coals ; the surplus is given to the village clothing club.
The village of Chadwell lies high on one of the finest Gecrge Henry Errington esq. of Merry Oak, South-
gravel beds in the kingdom, above the chalk range : the ampton, is the principal landowner and lord of the
Tilbury Docks and Tilbury stations are both in thill manor of Chadwell as well as of Biggin, another manor
parish: Tilbury Fort is partly in this parish. The in this parish : the other principal landowner is
southern portion of the parish, known as Tilbury. Champion Branfill Russell esq. J.P. of Stubbers, North
was sewered in I894 at a cost of [9,ooo. The Ockendon. The soil is light; subsoil, gravel. The chief
church of St. Mary is a ·building of Hint faced crops are wheat and barley. The area is I,8ol acres of
with a soft white stone, chiefly in the Decorated land, 54 of inland and I36 of tidal water and 26 of
style, but incorporating some Norman features, ancl foreshore, the marshes reachin~r to the Thames; rate-
consists of chancel, nave and an embattled western able value, [59,693; the population in 190I was 5,203,
tower, of flint and rubble, containing 3 bells, dated re- and in 19n was 6,429, including- 46 in the portion
spectively 1628, 1763 and r694 : the nave is separated of Tilbury Fort situate within the civil parish. The-
. from the chancel by a dwarf screen of oak, surmounted population of the ecclesiastical parish in rgn was 36o.
by a wrought iron screen {)f elaborate design by Charles
E. Powell esq. : in the chancel are two oil paintings, Chadwell Post Office. William Beard, mb-postmaster.
presented by the rector in I893, one representing the Letters through Grays arrive at 8.25 a.m. & 11.50
"Finding of Moses," and the other " The feast given to p.m.; dispatched at u.IS a.m. & 7·45 p.m.; -sunda:'
Our Lord in Simon's house; 11 the east window was delivery, 8 a.m. ; dispatched 7.20 p.m. The nearest
filled with stained glass at the cost of Mrs. Seabrooke, money order office is at West Tilbury, & telegraph
late of Grays, and there are three Qther stained win- office at Tilbury, 2 miles distant
dows : the chancel retains sedilia auii a. piscina : there
is a. mural tablet to thE' Rev. William Herringham B.D. SCHOOLS.
a former rector and Prebendary of rSt. Paul's, d. 22 Public Elementary School (mixed), bnilt in rgq, for
Feb. 18r9; and another to Thomas Noble Elwyn, of 184 children; average attendance, roi ; James Roe,
Albemarle street, London, surgeon, d. 4 Dec. I848, and head master
his relict, Elizabeth: under the communion table is a For other schools see West Tilbury & Tilbury Docks
amall brass : the font is modern : the church was re-

(Por remainder of names, see Tilbury COM\lERCIAL. Fuller Frederick, blacksmith
Docks.) A mbrose Thos. J~ph. Cross Keys P.H Gower Ernest Alfd. market gardener
:Bogers James, St. Ives Beard Henry, thatcher, Alexandra cot Steuart 'Villiam Robertson, farmer,
Smith Rev. Edward, Rectory Beard William, shopkeeper,Post office Hill house
Fuller Christopher, cycle agent Young Jas. farmr.Chadwell Place frm

C PEL (or Pontisbright) is a village and parish, with garden and z4l 81Cres of land in this parish, for a
on the banks of the river Colne, adjacent to Wakes poor learned man who should from time to time be
Colne and on the high road from Colchester to Cam- minister of this parish ; should the minister not be poor
bridge, 6i miles south-east from Halstead, 8 south from then the charity to be distributed to the poor; twelve
Sudbury, 6 north-east from Coggeshall, 7~ north-west trustees were appointed to this deed in 1834, but in 1889
from Colchester and 49! from London, in the Eastern the land was .sold and the proceeds invested by the
division of the county, Lexden hundred, Lexden and trustees. The manor is extinct. The principal land-
Winstree union and petty sessional division, Colchester, owners are Robert Partridge esq. the Misses Farrow,
Clacton and Harwich joint county court district, Cogges- Mrs. Tawell, Harris Hills esq. and Mrs. Partridge_
hall and Tey rural deanery, archdeaconry of Colchester The soil is light loam and clay ; subsoil, gravel. The-
and Chelmsford diocese. The St{)ur Valley branch of chief crops are wheat, barley and turnips. The area is
the Great Eastern railway here crosses the valley by a 1,144 acres of land and 5 of water; rateable value,
viaduct of 32 arches, springing to a height of Ioo feet, £r,953; the population in 19n was 390 in the civil
and has a station called "Chappel," in Wakes Colne and 367 in the ecclesiastical parish.
parish, about a quarter of a mile from the village, By Local Government B<Jard Order 22,263, March 24,
which is also the junction for the Colne Valley railway. r88g, two detached parts of Mount Bures and Rose
This place was formerly a chapelry in the parish of Green from Wakes Colne were added to Chappel, and
Great Tey, but was made an independent parish in 1433. two detached parts of the latter parish added to Wakes.
The chapel, an edifice of stone in a debased Norman Colne.
style, was originally built in 1,3.52 as a dependency Parish Clerk, .Ambrose Everitt.
of Great Tey, and consists of nave, north porch and
Post & M. 0. Office. Oliver Joseph Poole, sub-postr-
small western belfry, with spire, containing 2 bells: master. Letters from Wakes Colne, Essex, arrive at
the chancel retains a piscina: there are 150 sittings.
7.15 & 10.25 a.m.; dispatched at 12 noon & 3 & 6.50
The register dates from the year 1538. The living is p.m.; sunda:vs, ro.1o a.m. The nearest telegraph
a vicarage, net yearly value about £wo, with 9 acres
office is at Wakes Colne, t mile distant
of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the parishioners,
Wall Letter Box, Pound house, cleared at 7.15 a.m. &
and held since 1894 by the Rev. Alfred Werninck .B.A.
of Downing College, Cambridge. A cemetery of about 6.15 p.m.; sundays, 7.15 a.m
half an acre was laid out in 1882. The impropriate Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1871, for
or rectorial tithes amount to £159 and 40 acres of 75 children; average attendance, 55; Miss Be8sie
glebe, and there is a King's Portion <Jf £47· Robert Aldersley, mistress
Hoolde esq. in the 33rd year of the reign of King Carrier to Colchester .~,Stonehouse, wed. & sat
Henry VI. by his deed of feoffment gave one messuage 1
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Wright Miss Leatherdale Gregory, threshing m&:
Beard Mrs. Hazeldell \ COMMERCIAL. chine owner, Rose Green
Carr Mrs. Bridgewick house A.nscombe Robert, Rose & Crown P.H Malyn Claude J ames, boot repairer
Cheffins Richard A. Pope's hall Bewley Henry Sinclair, farm bailiff Metson Frederick, farmer
Farrow Misses, Hill house \ to Mrs. Partridge Percival George, farmer, Pattocb
Hea.rle Miss, Bridgewick hall Blackwell Richard, carpenter Poole Oliver Jsph. shopkpr. Post office
Oakes Montague N. The Elms IBurchell William, frmr. Viaducts frm Pudney William, saddler
Osborne Mrs. Rose cottage Carter William, carpenter Pye Henry, stud groom to ~Irs.
Partridge Mrs. Vernon's ('emetery (Ambrose Everitt, keeper) Partridge
Thackeray Mrs. Hampsthwaite Everitt Arth.grocer, & assist. overseer Symonds .Alfred, bal~er
Weminck. Rev. Alfred B.A. (vicar), Everitt Samuel, butcher, Rose Green Theobald Clifford William, builder
Vicarage , Goodey Mills, Swan P.H

CHEL..."\ISFORD is the head of an Episcopal See, a increased from 6 to 8 and of the councillors from 18
municipal borough, the eount:y town of Essex, and to 24.
quarter sessions, market and union town, the meeting The town is in three divisions, all connected by good
place of the County Council of Essex, and head of a bridges Chelmsford bridge, between and at the con-
petty sessional division and county court district, with fluence of the rivers Chelmer and Can ; Moulsham
a t~~tation on the Great Eastern railway; it is at the bridge on the south side of the Can, and Springfield
confluence of the rivers Chelmer, Can and Wid, and on bridge on the north side of the Chelmer ; an iron bridge
the great road from London through Colchester into over the Chelmer, built to replace one washed away
Suffolk, with roads branching to Ongar, Dnnmow, hy the :flood of August, 1888, was erected in 1890,
Braintree, Maldon and Rochford, and is 29 miles from from designs by the county surveyor, at a cost of
London, 9 south-west from Witham, 13 south-east from £2,104. The streets in the North and South wards are
Dunmow, 22 from Colchester, 11 south-west from Brain- lighted by electricity supplied from the works of the
tree, ~~~ north-east from Brentwood, 10 north-west Electric Supply Corporation Limited, and the streets in
from Maldon, 38! from Ipswich and 56! from Bury the Springfieldl ward with gas supplied by the Chelms-
St. Edmunds. In Domesday Book it is variously called ford Gas Lig'ht and Coke Co.
" Celmeresfort '' and " Celmersforde," and named in The waterworks, in Mildmay road, belong to the Cor-
many ancient records, " Chelmereforde," " Chelmes- poration, who supply the :North and South wards of the
ford" and "Chelmsford;" the name is, however, town and the parish of Widford with hard and soft
evidently a contraction of Chelmer's-ford, from the ford water procured from three sources, viz. : an artesian
over the river Chelmer before bridges were built across well at the wmk!!, 6oo feet deep, a spring near the
it. Chelmsford is the capital of the Mid division of railway, named "Burgess Well," and a spring at the
the county, in the hundred and rural deanery oi its Admiral's Park ; the water is conveyed from the latter
own name and archdeaconry of Essex. by gravitation to a reservoir capable of containing
The town received a charter of incorporation 19 n2,ooo gallons, which also supplies two conduits in the
Sept. 1888, and is now governed by a mayor, 8 aldermen town. .At Admiral's Park a water tower and tank for
and 24 councillors. The borough is divided, for muni- 8o,ooo gallons has been constructed, and at Long
cipal purposes, into North, South and Springfield Stomps there is a high level reservoir capable of holding
wards. 85o,ooo gallons; a well is now (1914) being bored at •
By an Order of the Local Government Board, dated Galleywood, 540 feet deep, which will be capable of
25 March, 1889, two outlying portion-s of the parish supplying 12o,ooo gallons per day. The water supply
were added to the parishes of Broomfi.eld and Writtle. for the Springfi.eld ward is obtained from the Great
By the Chelmsford Extension Order, 1907, made by Baddow Water works, belonging to the Chelmsford
'he Local Government Board, and confirmed by Parlia- Rural District Council.
ment, the populous and important parts of the adjoin- The town sewers are under the control of the Cor-
ing parishes of Springfield and Writtle were added to poration ; a main sewer conveys the town sewage and
the oorough, a new ward called the " Springfield that of Widford combined, by gravitation, to Brook
1rard" being constituted, and the number of aldermen End, Springfield, receiving in its course the sewage of
the Springfield ward and of part of Great Baddow, A held since r895 ·by the Rev. Henry ,!shton Lak~ ){,._
farm of about no acres has been purchased at Brook of Corpus Christi College, Oambridg~ .. and hon. caruia
End, and the combined sewage of the three parishes is of Chelmsford. 'l
thel'e disposed of by irrigation and filtration. St. Peter's :Mission church, Primrose hill, was buiU
The Corporation are the owcers of a flourishing mar- in 1892; All Saints' Mission church is in Broomfieid
ket, held every Friday, and have provided a splendid road ; the setvices are conducted by the clergy of S~.
recreation ground, a public library, museum and school Mary's. . ...,. ~
of art, and an ilpen-air swimming bath. The CathQlic church, in New London road, founded
According to Camden, Chelmsford corresponds to the 1847, and consecrated 20 Oct. 1866., is dedicated to 'he
Roman station "Canrenium," but it is now generally Immaculate C6nception.
suppnsed to be identical with " Cresaromagus," a station The Baptist chapel, in Market road, erected in 1909
in the direct road from London to Colchester. In the at a cost of over £g,ooo, will seat over Boo persona,
year 1847 a .Roman villa of considerable extent was dis· and thel'e is another chapel belonging to t'he same se~
covered on land immediately abutting upon the sup- in New London road, erected in 1900.
posed ancient road, and from time to time numerous The Wesleyan chapel, in the High street, was erecied
· Boman relics have been found. In the reign of Henry in r8g8 at a cost of £8,ooo, and is a structure. of! red
l. Maurice, Bishop of London, in which see Chelmsford brick and ston@, with an octagonal tower, and affords
Jhad "remained since the reign of Edward the Confessor4 sittings for Boo persons. Attached are school ,rQams fer
.ftn1ilt the first bridge over the Can. The town continued 400 children.
'1. to form part of the possessions of the Bishops of London
There is a meeting house for the Society of Friendl
*down to the time of Henry VIII. when, in 1545, the in Duke street and a Catholic Apostolic church in HaU
.town and mansion were conveyed by Bishop Bonner and street: there are Congregational chapels in New Londoo
. in 1563 granted by Queen Elizabeth to Thomas Mildmay road, founded in 1714, with 1,2oo sittings, rand i'a
· esq. in whdse family the manor and a portion of thE' Baddow road, founded in 1672, seating 650 persons,
lands still remain; no mention is made of its market and a Primitive Methodist chapel in Hall street; "'
until in the early part of the reign of King John, when The Salvation .A.rmy have a ''Citadel 71 in Moulsham
a charter for a weekly market was procured as well as street.
a royal licence for the. annual fairs ; the fairs are now The Chelmsford Church Cemetery, of about three-
,..abolished. quarters of an acre, in Rectory road, was purchased bn
In some parliamentary records :this town is called a the closing of churchyards in Ohelmsford, with regard
borough, and by writ dated 18 Aug. 11 Edw. Ill. (1337), to which various Orders in Council were made from m
1four persons were summoned from- this town to attend
Oct. 1854 to 24 March, 1857, and a mortuary chapel
the Parliament holden at Westminster in that year, but was erected in 1861 to the memory of Horatia Lonill,
they are not returned as having done so ; in a statute daughter of the late Ven. Carew St. John-Mildmay,
of Henry VI. relating to weights and measures. Chelms- archdeacon of Essex, and wife of the Hon. Pascoe Charle1
ford is also named as the shire town. Glyn M.P. for East Dorset; she died Nov. 15, "I858,
The See of Chelmsford, constituted by• Order in The cemetery was enlarged by I r . 3P· in .1894, and 1a
Council, 1913, comprises the whole of the county of under the control of the rector.
Essex and,. that part of the county of Kent which lies
north of the river Thames, and consists of the arch- The Nonconformist Cemetery, in New London road,
oodeaconries of Colchester and Essex. The Right Rev. formed in 1846, consists of two acres, purchased at a
...John Edwin Watts-Ditchfield D.D. was in 1913 appointed cost of £476, and contains a mortuary chapel: the
tirst Bishop. cemetery is controlled by a. body of trustees.
The cathedral church of St. Mary, a building of The Municipal Cemetery, on th~ Writtle road, formed
:rubble, flint and some l'ed brick, was erected (according in 1886 and belonging to the Corporation, comprises six
to an old inscription upon the church, now destroyed) acres, purchased at a cost of £x,loo, and a mortuary
in the year 1424, no doubt upon the foundation of a chapel; the fencing, erection of buildings and laying-on'
iCJrmer church, and is an edifice in the Perpendicular involved an additional outlay of £I,J8o.
-style, consisting of chancel with aisles, nave, aisles, The Corn Exchange, occupying a central position ia
north transept, aouth porch and an embattled western Tindal square, is a building in the Italian style, from
!tower -containing a clock and 12 bells; of the last designs by Frederic Chancellor esq. of this town, con-
two bells, added in 1913, one was the gift of Mrs. taining a corn hall 100 feet by 45, with counting-houses
Arkwright, in memory of her father, William Tufnell. on either side, auction and committee rooms and a
. and the other that of the Essex Bell Ringers' .A.ssocia- gallery; it was opened on the 5th of June, 1857• since
. tion; the 10 old bells were recast in the same year: in which time the corn markets have been held every
the year 18oo the roof of the nave fell in, destroying Friday : the building is also licensed for stage plays an~
th& nave and the greater portion of the west and south
under the " Cinematograph Act."
. aisles, which were then rebuilt in the bastard style of
•Gothic at that time prevailing and encumbered with The Shire Hall, in Tindal square, is an edifice of Por'-
north, south. and west galleries: in the year 1857, how- land stone, with a frontage relieved by four Jonic
•ever, the western gallery was cleared away, the fine old columns: in 1906 the Crown Court was enlarged, a
'1iower thrown open and the church reseated : in 1873 a judges' room and retiring room for the jury added and
·second north aisle with transept -was built and the two accommodation for prisoners provided: opposite the hall
-:remaining galleries removed, and in 1872 a new pulpit, stands a piece of ordnance, a trophy of the Crimea•
of various coloured marbles with sculptured panels iiY war : here are held the assizes, quarter sessions for the
white marble, was presented by the Right Hon. W. Han- county, petty sessions and the meetings of the Count(
lbury P.O. of Ilam Hall, Derbyshire, M.P. for Preston, in Council. .
memory of his wife 2 the south porch, a fine specimen of The County Education CommitteP's offices, situate ia
~he Perpendicular period, waa restored by F. Chancellor Duke street, is a building of brick with stone dressings,
-esq. in 1882: the chancel was improved in 1878 by the erected in 1909 at a cost of £5,715, inclnding site.
addition of a clerestory and a new stained east window The Chelmsford Rural District Council Offices, ill
erected to t-he memory of J ane (widow of Sir Henry Waterloo lane, erected in 1913, are of red. brick.
Paulet St. John-Mildmay, 3rd hart. M.P.), who died 6th The Police Station, in New street, erected in 19o6•
May, 1857, aged 92: in 1884 the interior was re- provides lodgings for one inspector and six constables 1
arranged, the pulpit being moved from the chancel to there is also a charge room, superintendent's office and
the nave, oak stalls and wrought iron screens introduced four separate cells for prisoners, and special rooms for
and new flooring laid down: there are several stained prisoners waiting trial at assizes, quarter sessions &;c.
·windows, including those in the clerestory, which were The General Post Office, at the top of High atreei,
-presented in 1908 by the late Right Rev . .Henrv• Frank was opened in 1908.

.Johnson D.D. 1b1shop suffragan of Colchester 1894·rgo8, The Young Men's Christian Association has rooms at 26
11nd Mrs. Johnson, in celebration of their golden wed- High street; there are now (1914) about 180 members.
-ding: in rgox considerable alterations and repairs were The premises consist of lecture, reading, social 'nil
made and the interior partially decorated, at a cost of billiard rooms and a library containing 400 volumes,
£3,500, a new organ being also provided: in 1904 the and the association maintains football, photographic anti
-chancel was decorated at the {)Ost of Markland 'Barnard swimming clubs.
esq. of Galleydean, and in 1905 the tower was restored The Chelmsford Club, in the Xew London :road, wa&
at a cost of over £6oo : t-he Archdeacon of Essex ·holds formed in 1884: the club premises contain readin!r
his court in the church, and until recently the archi- rooms, dining room and a large billiard 'l'obm ~ there
diaconal records were kept in the room in the porch. are about 2oo members, and the club is 'tn&naged bf If
but· they are now removed: there are r,2oo sitting-11. board of directors.
The parish registers date from the year 1538. The In Tindal square is a sittin~ figure in marble, 'by E.
living is a rectory, net yearly value .£300, includin~ H. Baily, sculptor, of Sir Nicolas Oonyngham Tindal UJ
glebe, in the gift of the Bishop of C~elmsford, and M.A. born in Moulsham .street. and successively M.P.
for Wigton, Harwich and Cambridge University, and There are' agricultural implement fact-ories, iron foun-
Chief Justice of the Common Pleas 1829-46; he died dries, engineering and .P!ectric light works, a. tannery,
July 6th, 1846. breweries, maltings and extensive corn mills and ball
Thl' Public Library, Museum and School of Art, in bearing-. works and motor car works, and works of
Mark-et road, were erected in 1904-6, at a cost of £8,ooo, :\'Iarconi's Wireless Telegraph Co. Limited. A consider-
towa1 ds which Andrew Carneg1e esq. of Skibo Castle, able trade in corn is also maintained.
N.B. contributed £2,500. The building, formally opened The market is held on Friday, and, with regard to
Feb. 3, 1go6, by Lady Rayleigh, is of red brick and stone corn, is one of the largest in the county. A cattle and
in the Renaissance style, from designs by Messrs. Chan- horse market was laid out in rear of the Corn Exchange
cellor and Son, architects, of Chelmsford, and consists in r88o, and has since been enlarged. There is a large
of a centre block with two wings: the centre block in- fat cattle show about the middle of December. Previous
clude" on the ground floor an entrance hall and stair- to r8Bo thP market was held in the streets, but in that·
ca~e. with librarian and curator's offices and male and year the late Local Boa.rd provided a conveniE'nt market
female common rooms: the south block has on ground place.
floor a library and a. reading ro3m: the north block con- Joint Hospital Board.-By Provisional Order of the
tain~ a museum and library. The whole of the first Local Government Board, dated 5 May, 1902, and con-
floor is eccupied by the School of Art, comprising an firmed by Parliament 22 July, 1902, the Borough of
elementary school, life room, designing class room, ap- Chelmsford and the Rural District of Chelmsford were
plied art room and an advanced art room, and on the formed into a united district called The Chelmsford
upper floor is a large store room and caretaker's apart- Joint Hospital District, for the purpose of providing
ments. In the rear of the main building is a shed for and maintaining a hospital for infectious dis!'ases; the
30 bicycles. The whole is under the management of a hospital is situated at Great Baddow, and provides
~mmittee nominated by the Town Council, Alderman accommod:1tion for 21 patients.
Chancellor being chairman, and Mr. John W. Howarth The Chelmsford and Essex Hospital and Dispensary,
librarian and curator. The library contains nearly 9,ooo in the New London road, opened by the Countess of
volumes, besides a large collection of pamphlets, print8 Warwick on Thursday, Nov. 15th, r883, and was con-
&c. relating to Chelmsford and its vicinity, bequeathed ~iderably enlarg-ed in 1909, at a cost of nearly £7,000.
by the late Mr. Edmund Durrant, of Chelmsford. The The hospital consists of a central lblock and two wings, •
lending library is open each week day from ro to r, ~ two stories in height, and at the rear is a two-stor1ed
to 5 and 6 to 8.30, except Thursdays, when it is closed annexe, the ground floor of which is used as the out-
at x. The reference library is open on each week day from patients' department, and the upper floor as an isolation
ro to 9· The reading room is open each week day from block. Th·" central hall leads into the secretary's office
9 a.m. to 9.30 p.m. In the museum is a collection or on the right and the matron's room on the left. The
tocal antiquities, arranged in chronolo~ical order, and Inale wards art> on th!' ground floor and above are the
dating from the Early BritiS'h period, and a fine col· ward~ for women and childr!'n; the hospital provides
lection of local birds, shells, ethnographical specimen~ in all 43 heel~, and is supportpd hy voluntary contri~ •

&c. as well as art objects on loan from the South Ken· but ions.
f!ington :Museum. There are aim ~houses for 16 poor people, and a
His Majesty's Prison, in Sprmgfield road, was erected sum of £273, derived from several charities, is distri-
in 1828 at a cost of £57,289, enlarged in 1849 and buted yearly.
further improvE'd in 1871 ; there are 315 certified cells. Chelmsford parish comprises the manors of Bishop's
The Recreation Ground was opened 4 July, 1894, and Hall and ~Ioulsham Hall; the latter was held bv •
covers about r6 acres. The cost of the bridges, band· Abbot anrl Convent of We~tminster, but was grunted
stand, p:rvilion and laying-out and planting the gronnd iJy Henry VIII. with Chelmsford or Bishop's Hall manor,
amounted to £r,770. The t{)tal cost of the land, in- to the Mildrnay family. :\Iajor Sir Henry Paulet St.
cluding the laying-out, was £6,o76. John-:\Iildmay bart. of Dogmersfield Park. Winchfi·eld,
The bead quarters of the Territorial Force Association, Hnnts, is the present lord of these manors.
in Market road, is a building of brick with ston!' The parish, including Moulsham and the portion! of
dressings, erected at a cost of £3,825; the foundation Springfield and Writtle added in 1907• covers an area of
<~tone was laid by the Earl of Warwick, President of the 3,or5 acres of land, of which about 65o acres are tithe
Association, in July, 1910, and the buildings formally fre!'; 1,724 acres subject to a rent charge of £494 18s. in
opened by Viscount Haldane P.C. 21st October, 1911; lien of tithes; 322 acres paying £5 2s. ; r6 acres, 19
on the first floor are secretary's office, clerks' room and poles ~le be; r8 water and the remainder site of town,
caretaker's quarters; on the ground floor are the orderly waste" and roads; rateable value, £ro5,541.
room~ and stores for the Essex Royal Horse Artillery, The population of the municipal wards in rgn was:-
Es"e'X Fortress) Royal Engineers and the Eastern North, 6,220; South, 8,429; Spring-field, 3,359.
Mounted Brigade Transport and Supply Column, Army The population of the parish and municipal borough in
Service Corps ; at the rear of the building is a square rgr 1 ~as r8,oo8, including- 307 inmates and 16 officials
so yards by 70 yards. The Drill hall, in Market road, in the worl>house-, 49 in the industrial school and 207
was erected at a cost of £3,450, the foundation stone in H.:YI. Prison.
being laid by Field-Marshal Sir Evelyn Wood V.C. hon. The population attached to the parish church in 19II
colonel of the regiment, on 22 November, 1902, and the "as 6,226.
hall formally opened by Field-Marshal Earl Roberts V.C.
4 July, 1903. The building is of brick with stone ::VIOD"LSHAM is a hamlet to the south, and an eccle-
dressing<> and slated and glazed roof, and contains sia~<tical parish, formed Sept. II, 1838, out of Chelms-
orderly room, stores and armoury for the 5th Battalion ford, and constitutes part of the- town.
Essex Regiment and A and B Companies of the regi- St. John's church, buill; in 1841 at a. cost of about
ment, a lofty and well-lighted drill hall, xoo by 6o feet. £2,500, is an edifice of briPk, partly in the Early English
officer~' and sergeants' quarters and a recreation room
style, from designs bv Mr. Webb, late of this town,.
for the men, with quarters for the instructor. and consists of chancel, nave, transepts and an em-
A grey granite obelisk was erected in Market road in battled western tower containing one bell: the windows
1909 to the memorv of officers and men of the Essex in the chancel and transepts are stained : there are two
Regiment who were killed in the South African War, placed in 1879 in memory of the Rev. Edward Clive, a
1899-1902; the necessary funds were providPd by Sir former curate of this parish, and two others erected in
F. Carne Rasch D.L., J.P. from money subscribed as a 1902 as memorials to the Rev. George St. Alban Godson
testimonial to him in recognition of his services as M.A. vicar 1879-rgor: the church was enlarged after its
member of Parliament, x886-1908. original erection by the addition of the chancel and
The head quarters of the County Police at Springfield transepts: in 1883 the nave was enlarged and the tower
court, erected in 1902, at a cost, including site, of erected, at a cost of £2,ooo: in 1909 a side chapel was
about £x8,ooo, are of red brick with stone dressings, furnished and a new org-an installed, the latter at the
and con<~ist of five blocks of buildings grouped in a cost of over £r,ooo: the chancel was decorated in rgu
crescent form, and comprise residences for the chief and the interior of the church redecorated in 1912: there
<>onstabJe, his deputy and the bead quarter staff, with are 8oo sittings. The register dates from the year of
all the necessary offices : the buildings are in telephonic erection. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value
communication with all parts of the county. £275, with one acre of glebe and residence, in the gift
The London County and Westminster Bank Limited. of the rector of Chelmsford, and held since August,
Messrs. Barclay and Company Limited and the Capital 1906, by the Rev. William James Pressey ~LA. of Wad-
and Counties Bank Limited have branches here. and ham College, Oxford. The principal landowner is Major
there are concf'rt and assembly rooms. Five newspapers Sir Henry Paulet St. John-Mildmay hart. of Dogmers-
are published. Chelmsford races are held annually on field Park. Winchfi!'ld, Hants. The population in I9II
Galleywo<ld common. of tht- eccl-"sia~tical district wa~ 7.868.

SPRINGFIELD is a parish lying t{) the east of kept as a garden. The regi8ter dates from the
Chelmsford and connected with that town by two 1653. The living is a rectory, net yearly value
'bridges crossing two branches of the navigable river with 55 acres of glebe and residence, in the
Chelmer ; the more populous portion of this parish, trustees, and held ~oince 1897 by the Rev. Fmncis
including its churches and schools, was incorporated Paynter M.A. of Christ's College, Cambridge. The
with the borough of Chelmsford in 1907• and is now chapel of ease of the Holy Trinity, at the lower encL
called the Springfield ward. This place derives its of the parish, was built in 1843, at a cost of nearly:
name from the numerous springs rising in the parish, £3,ooo, and is a structure of brick in the Norman
and up to the year 1790 was but a small village of only style : a new chancel and vestry were built and 8Do
74 houses, .but has now so increased that a new district organ and pulpit provided about 18go: there are 3<»
has sprung up and many fine residences have been sjttings. There are four an~ient almshouses, and six
built. The main line of the Great Eastern railway others have been erected on the Green, two in I86l-
runs through the parish parallel with the Colchester and two in 1875, by Robert William Peacock esq. and.
road. The church of All Saints is a building of rubble two more in 1879, by her daughters, in memory of the-
-and brick, chiefly in the Perpendicular style, and con- late Mrs. JDhn Seabrook. The Perry's Field charity ol
sists of chancel and nave, vestries and an embattled £6 13s. 4d. is distributed in fuel, and £40 yearly,
tower containing 6 bells; one side of the tower, restored derived from the Church Trust Estate, is left for the-
in 1885, is thus inscribed:-" Prayse God for all the use and reparation of the church, and the surplus, il
Good Benefactors, 1586-: " there is a fine oak screen, a any, for the use of the poor. A vestry hall was erected
Norman font, and a brass with the effigy of a man in in 1873, and a Church hall in 1898 on land given by
armour, c. 1420: a new pulpit was provided in 1903 as the late Rev. F. Paynter. The population of th&
a memorial of Her late :Majesty Queen Victoria: the ecclesiastical parish in 19u was 3,841.
church was restored in 1892, and has 360 sittings: Parish Clerks (St. Mary's), Rev. John Harrison Barro•
the churchyard, planted with rose bushes, is beautifully M.A. ; A. Lunney, deputy, Primrose hill.


Post, M. 0. & T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office, CORPORATION.
High street; open from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.-George 1913-14.
Hugh Knight, podtmaster. For Sale of Stamps, Regis- Mayor, Alderman George Woodland Taylor J.Y.
tration of Letters &c. 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.; sundays, 8.30 Deputy Mayor, Alderman Frank Whitmore.
to 10 a.m. ; Sale & Payment of Postal Orders, 7 a.m.
to 9 p.m. ; Savings Bank Deposits & Withdrawals, .Aldermen.
Money Order, Government Annuity & Insurance Busi- Retire :Xov. 1915. Retire Nov. 1918.
ness, Issue of Licences, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ; & Parcel John George Eond Adolphus George Maskelf
Post business, 7 !l.m. to 9 p.m. ; no business on sun- Frederic Chancellor J.P. Frederick Spalding
day. Local Express Messenger Service for letters & John Ockelford Thompson Frank Pellatt Sutthery
parcels, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. ; Telegraph business, B a.m. Frank Whitmore Geo. Woodland Taylor J.P'
to 9 p.m.; sundays, 8.30 to 10 a.m Councillors.
Post Office Telephone Service, 122 New London road; ~orth Ward.
Miss N. B. Wood, operator Retire Nov. 1914. ,1 ames Gainsford DixolJ
Outward Mails.-Dispatches (Letters). Waiter Frederick Arlidge George .Albert Golding
Local Rural Posts, week days, 5·45 & 10.30 a.m. & 5·45 W alter Cowell Retire Nov. 1916.
p.m. Other mails, g.15, g.4o, u.5 & II-35 a.m, 12 Alexander Lunney Leonard Fell Christv•
noon & 12.30, 1.5, 2.45, 4.15, 4·25, 5·45• 7-25, 8.45 & Retire Nov. 1915. J esse Gowers
9 p.m. & 12 midnight · Tom Bellamy I Frederick George Smith.
Sundays. Local Rural Posts, 5-45 a.m.; Town Delivery, South Ward.
6.45 a.m. ; Night Mails for Essex, Suffolk & parts of
Norfolk, 9 p.m.; Night Mails for London, all parts Retire ::Xov. 1914. George Osborn
of the United Kingdom & Foreign, 12 midnight; Robert Harvey Currie Cecil John Simpson
Bishop Stortford, Dunmow & Southend, also Local Ernest Copland Gray · Retire Nov. 1916.
Country Posts, 12 midnight William Harper .lrthur Albert Baker-
Dispatches (Parcels). Albert Driver
• Retire Nov. Augustus Richards.
Parcels intended for transmission by Parcel Post must be Fred Collins Potterton Hicklev
presented at the counter during the hours of attend- •
ance, on week days only, 9.4o, ro.3o & 11.5 a.m. 12 Springfi-eld Ward.
noon & 12.30, x.s, 4· 15, 4·30, 5·45. 8.45 & 9 p.m.; Retire Nov. 1914. George Mason
sundays, no dispatCh Fred Luckin Smith Retire Nov. 1916-.
Inward Mails. Letters (week days), 7 & 10.45 a.m. & Horace Fitzroy Wilson Alfred Bradridge
1.10 (to callers only), 3·45 & 7 p.m. On Christmas Retire Nov. 1915. William _\rthur Leech
Day, Good Friday & Bank Holidays there is only one Henry Clark
delivery, at 7 a.m The meetings of th.e Corporation are held at the Shir"
Parcels delivered (week days only) at 8.15 &: 11 a.m. &: hall on the last wednesday in the month at 7 p.m
3·45 & 7 p.m Officers ·of the Corporation.
Collections from Town Sub-Post &; M. 0. Offices. Duke
street, 8.30 & 9·45 a.m. 12 noon & 1.45, 3·45• 6, 6.45, Town Clerk & Clerk of the Education Committee, Joint;
7• 7·45 & 11.15 p.m.; sundays, 8.15 p.m.; Moulsham, Sewerage Committee & Old Age Pensions (Urban)
8.45 & 10 a.m. & 12.15, 2, 4, 6.15, 7, 8 & 11.15 p.m.; Committee, George Melvin, 16 New London road
sundays, 8.45 p.m. ; Springfireld hill, 8.30 & 9·45 a.m. Chief Clerk, Thomas .Arnold, 16 New London road

12 noon & I-45, 4• 6, 6.45, 7·45 & u.15 p.m.; sundays, Accountant, James Patrick, 16 New London road
8.30 p.m Treasurer, Christopher William Parker D.L.. J.P
Borough Water Engineer & Surveyor, Percival Tripp-
Town Sub-Post Offices :-Rainsford End, 8.30 & 9·45 Harrison .A..M.I.C.E. 16 New London road
a.m. 12 noon & 1.45, 3·45, 6, 6.45, 7·45 & 11.15 p.m.; Assistant Water Engineer & Surveyor, Stanley Matth.ew
sundays, 8 p.m.; Upper Bridge road, 8.15, 9.30 & M.Inst.M. & C.E. 16 New London road
11.45 a.m. & 1.30, 3.30, 5·45, 6.30, 7.30 & 11.15 p.m.; ~edical Officer of Health, Henry William Newton
sundays, 8.15 p.m · , ~LR.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond., D.P.H.R.C.P.S.Eng.
Corresponding hours of posting at Head Office, 9.15 & !<'airfield, Duke street
II-5 a.m. & 1.5, 2.45, 4.25, 7.25, 8.45 & 12 midnight; Inspector of Nuisances, Waiter Brown C.R.S.I. 16 New
sundays, 12 midnight London road
Letters for Chelmsford fall into deliveries commencing Chief Officer of Fire Brigade, Percival T. Harrison, r()
at: 1st & 2nd, 10.45 a.m. ; 3rd & 4th, 3·45 p.m. ; New London road
sth & 6th, 6 p.m. ; 7th, 8th & gth & sunday, follow- Superintendent of Fire Brigade, _-\.lbert G. Wells, Fir~
• •
.mg mornmg station, Market road
Post k T. Office. Springfield. Mrs. E. L. her, sub- Superintendent of Markets & Swimming Bath, PercivaJ
postmistress. Box cleared at 10. r5 a. m. & 1.40, 3·45 T. Harrispn
& 7.40 p.m.; sundays, 10.15 a.m. Letters delivered Market Tolls Collector, C. H . .A.rg-ent, :Market road
through Chelmsford at 6.30 & 1I.I5 a.m. & 6.25 p.m.; Swimming Bath Caretaker, .Alfred Pr.entice. Waterloo la
sunday, 7.30 a.m. only. Springfield Hill is the nearest Superintendent of Cemetery, William Gooch, Writtle rd
money order office Recreation Ground Caretaker, Alfred John Clarky
Chelmer cottage
Inspector of Petroleum &; Hackney Carriages, Raglan Leighs (Little), ~Iargaretting, Mashbury, Rettendon,
Somerset, Police office Roxwell, Runwell, Sandon, ::;pringfield, Stock, Wait-
Shops Inspector & Mace Bearer. Thomas Aylett,Swiss av ham (Great), Waltham (Little), Widford, Woodham
Librarian & Curator, John W. Howarth, Public Library, Ferris, Writtle
Water\\orks Foreman, William Holford, Admiral's Pari•
works, Rainsford road Assembly & Concert Rooms, Crane court; Fred Spalding,
Roa.d Foreman, William Pl•1mb, 2 Cramphorn road proprietor
Veterinary Inspector, William Snowball "Mulvo?y Board of Trade Labour Exchange, 221 Moulsham str-ee11,
F.R.C.V.S. 117 Baddow road Henry Robert Thomas, manager
Collectors of General District Rat~s. North &; South Corn Exchange, Tindal square, _-\. S. Duffield, sec. ;
Wards, Thomas Golding, Market road & Sprinl!field Frank \Yill~her, hall keeper
Ward, William _\ugustus ~furrell, Hill road · County Court, His Honor Henry Tindal Atkinson,
judge; Arthur Stewart Du:ffield M. A. registrar of the
.JOINT SEWERAGE COM1JITTEE OF THE CHELMS- Court & registrar in Bankruptcy; Francis Ward,
FORD URBAN & RURAL DISTRICT COUNCILS. deputy registrar; Frederick J. Bellamy, clerk;
Charles Godfrey, high bailiff; W. A. J. King, bailiff.
The )fayor, Alderman George W. Taylor J.P Sittings held at the Shire hall, Tindal square.
Aldermen-Maskell & Whitmore monthly; summonses &c. granted at the Court office,
Councillors Clark, Currie, Driver. Gray (chairman) & Crane court, High street. The following places are
three members of Rural District Council within its jurisdiction :-Berners Roothing, Boreham,
Cl-erk, Gcorg~> Melvin, r6 New London roart Broomfield, Buttsbury, Chelmsford, Chignal, Danbury,
East Hanningfield, Good Easter, Great Baddow, Great
JOINT HOSPIT.l..L BOARD. Waltham, Ingatestone & Fryerning, Little Baddow,
!\Ieets on tuesdays monthly at 16 New London road, at Little Waltham, Margaretting, Mashbury, Pleshey,
3 p.m. Rettendon, Roxwell, Runwell, Sandon, Shellow Bowells,
Chairman, George W. Taylor, The Red ho. Chelmsford South Hanningfield, Spring-field, Stock, Terling, West
Clerk, Leonard Gray, 73 Duke street Ham;ingfield, Widford, Willingale Doe, Willingale
Treasurer, Christopher Wm. Parker, Bank, High street Spain & Writtle
Medical Officer, John Little Martin M.B., C.M.Edin. The following County Court districts are within the
31 New London road Bankruptcy District of the Chelmsford County Court :
.Superintendent, Miss Lilly E. Roffey; at the Hospital, -Chelmsford, Br:~intree, Brentwood, Dunmow, Grays
Great Baddow Thurrocl;:, Maldon, Southend, Romford &; Ilford
E·enior Official Receiver, Ernest William Joseph SaYill
CHELMSFORD RURAL DISTRICT OOU~CIL. Assistant Official Rt>ceiver, L. _\. West, 14 Bedford row,
"I'he parishes in the District are the same as in the London WC
Certified Bailiffs appointed under the "Law of Distress
Union, with the exception of Chelmsford. The area is
Amendment Act ":-Frank Burrell (A. Darby & Co. ),
83,045 acres; the population in rgn was 22,791
97 High street; Sidney Rodd (Rodd & Slipper), Duke
Council meetings on tuesday fortnightly at the Work- street ; Fred Taylor & Gilbert Willis (Fred Taylor &
house, at r o'clock. Co. ), Duke .~treet; Waiter John Slipper (Rodd &;
Chairman, H. G. M. Conybeare, Ingatestone Slipper). Dnke stre-et; Charles Hewitt & George
Officials. • Cawkwell Phillips (at G. B. Hilliard & Son). New st
County Police, head quarters, Springfield court;
Clerk, Arthur Stewarl Duffield M.A. 96 High 11treet Captain Edward Maclean Showers, chief constable;
Treasurer, Wilfrid Lionel T. Arkwright Raglan Somerset, deputy chief constable; George
Medical Officer of Health, (vacant) Hastings, supt. & chief clerk. Thr local force con-
Eng-ine-er & Surveyor, James Dewhirst -L~LI.)LE. sists of 2 insp~ors, 3 seru-eant<: &; 16 con<:tables
l'fat~rloo lane
Company of Proprietors of thP Chelmer &; Blackwat-er
Assistant Engineer & Surveyor, George Fredk. Andrassy, Navi~ation Limiterl, William Stunt, sec. &; solicitor,
Waterloo lane 7 r Duke street
Hi~hway Surveyor, Fras. Edwin H. Powell, ·waterloo la
Chelmsford & Essex Hospital & Dispensary. New Lon-
Sanitary Inspector, William Edser, 'Vaterloo lane don road, Theodore Harry Waller M.R.C.S.Eng .•
L.R.C.P.Lond. Kenneth Simonds Storrs M.B., B. C.
SESSIONAL DIVISION. Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. hon. medical officers; Robert
Wood Lieut.-Col. George Wilding D.L. Docklands, Elliot Pitts M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. hon. anres-
Ingatestone, chairman thetist; Frank W-ebster Spence Metcalfe L.D.S.Enrr.
Chancellor Lt.-Col. Frederic V.D. Bellefield, Chelmsford, & Leonard U. Ran<:ford L.D.S.Eng. hon. dentists: H.
vice-chairman S. Tuke, hon. treasurer; Miss M. A. Haig. dispenser,
(Jonybeare Henry Grant Madan, Delmore, Ingatestone collector & sec. ; Miss K. Houg-hton, matron
CrittaU Francis Henry, New house, Chelmsford Customs & Excise Office, Rainsford house, Dul;:e street,
Greville Lieut.-Col. Hon. Alwyn Henry Fulke M.V.O. Edwin Mason, •mrveyor; John Henry ~faybanks &
Danbury park, Chelmsford Sidnev •
Edward Burrows, officers
Hilder Major Frank D.L. Huskards, Ingatestone Inland Revenue Office, Rainsford house, Duke street.
1Iughes-Hughes Montagu Edward, Leez priory, Hartford Taxes department, Ralph Westgate Green, surveyor;
End, Chelmsford Valuation department, Sidney James Murrell F.S.I.
'Kerwin Edwin Henry, Gay Bowers, Danbury, Chelmsford district valuf'r
Lyster .Arthur Edwd. The Yews, Gt. Baddow, Chelmsfrd Essex County Council (Surveyor's Department), 66 Duke
Pennefather Sir Alfred Richard C.B. Little Waltham street, Percy J. Sheld<Jn M.Inst.C.E. county surveyor;
hall, near Chelmsford _-\lfred J. L~·ddon, deputy <"Ounty surveyor
llasch Major Sir Frederic Carne -bart. D.L. Woodhill, Essex Education Committee, John Henry Nicholas M . .!..
Sandon, Chelmsford sec. County offices, Duke street
"Ridley Charles Ernest D.L. The Elms, Chelmsford Fire Brigade (Corporation), Percival T. Harrison
Smith Jas. Christy, Bynghurst, Springfield rd.Chelmsfrd (bo-rough surveyor), chief officer; Albert G. Well "•
'Spencer-Phillips John Charles, Riffhams, Danbury, supt. & 14 men; there are two steam fire engines
Chelmsford H.M. PrisDn, Springfield road, F. W. H. Blake, governor;
~aylor George Woodland, Red house, Chelmsford Rev. Lawrence James Hudson B..!.. chaplain; Rt.
Usborne Thomas, The House, Writtle, Chelmsford Rev. Monsignor Edward J. "\Yat..;on. Catholic chaplain;
Wells Frederick .Arthur, Dovedale, Chelmsford Henry Wm. :Kewton L.R.C.P.LonrL, ~LR.C.S.Eng.,
Woodhouse Robert, Longmead, Writtle, Chelmsford D.P.H.Eng-. medical oftlcer; Sidnev Harry Feron, store-
"The Mayor of Chelmsford & Ex-Mayor & the Chai..,rmman keeper; Fred Rowland Grace~-. clerk &; clerk to the
of the Chelmsford Rural District Council, for the time visiting- committee; Wm. Cha>'. Hale, chief warder
being, are ex-officio magistrates Masonic Lodge (276 Good Fellowship), Crane Court
Clerk to the Magistrates, Arthur Stew art Duffield M. A. rcoms, High street, first thurs. in Jan. Feb. March,
<)6 High street A.pril, ~lay, Sept. Oct. Nov. & Dec.; F. W. B. Stocker,
Petty Sessions are held at the Shire hall every friday at sec.; Jas. P. Lewin, treasurer. E,.sex Chapter Royal
I I a.m. The places in the division are :-Baddow Arch, held at the Crane Court rooms 3rd monday in
(Great), Baddow (Little), Boreham, Broomfield, Butts- Feb. May & Nov.; Jarnes P. Lewin, scribe E; Andrew
bury, Chelmsford, Chignal, Danbnry, Good Easter. Charles Durrant, treasurer. Chelmer Lod~e. Mark
Hanningfield (East), Hanningfield (South), Hanningfield Masons, held at the Crane Court rooms, 2nd wednes-
(West), Ingatestone & Fryerning, Leighs (Great), . day in Jan. April, July & Oct.; F. P. Sutthery, sec
• 118 C.HEL'\f~FuRD • ESSEX. (KELLY'S
Police Station, New street, Hy. Chas. Barrov, inspe~;tor Wallinger L.R.O.P.Lond., :M.R.C.S.Eng. Writtle; N&.
Public Library & Museum, Market road, John W. 3 district, William Douglas· Gimson M.B.O.S.Eag.,
Howarth, librarian & curator L.R.C.P.Lond. 195 Springfield road, Chelmsford; No;l
Shire Hall, Tindal square; assizes, spring & summer, 4 district, Edward lJyster M.R.C.S.Eng. Grea'
County Council meetings k quart~rly sessions &; petty Baddow (m~;~dical officer only); Percy Tyrell Spencer-
sessions held everv•
frida>• Phillip .. M.R, B.Ch., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond.
· Tuberculosis Dispensary, 8q Duke street, .Alfred John Great Baddow (public vaccinator only); No. 5 dis--
Williamson M.A., }LD., D.P.H. medical officer trict, John Marshall M.R.C.S.Eng. Wickford;. N(). 61
Vt-stry Hall, New street, W. H. Tomlimon, manager district, Alan_ Carpmael Ransford M.R.C.S.Eng.,f
L.R.C.P.Lond. Ingatestone i No. 7 district, Herber~
CEMETERIES. Uardin M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Stock; No. 1
Borough, Writtle road, William Gooch, supt district, Robert Percy Smallwood M.B. & B.C. Little
Church, Rectory road, .1. Lunney, deputy parish cler];:; Waltham; No. 9 district, Theodore Harry Wailer
Waltt>r .Aylett, caretajier L.R.C.P.Lond., :M.R.C.S.Eng. New London road,
Nonconformist, ~t'w London road, Charles Clift, sec.; Ch.-lmsford
Da,·id Prior, caretaker Workhouse, Wood street, built of brick in 1837 (with in-
fectious ward added in 1877), was burned down Dec.
1886 & rebuilt in r889 at a cost of £I6,ooo,. & will
• hold 435 inmates; John Guest, master; Rev. Francl.
Offices, Marliet road. Ralph Thnrlow M.A. chaplain ; medical officer,
President, Col. the Earl of Warwick T.D. Essex Yeo-
Theodore Harry Wailer L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng.
manry & Warwick Yeomanr~- (Lord Lieutenant)
Chelmsford; Mrs. Alice Edith Guest, matron
Chairman, C.:~l. R B. Colvin C.B., T.D., D.L. late
Essex Y eomanrv •
Vice-Chairman, Col. Harry Coopt>r C.M.G., D.L., J.P Superintendent Registrar, Arthur Stewart Duffield M.!.
Secretary, CoL F. F. Johnson C.B. T A "Essetorial, g6 High street; deputy, Francis Ward, g6 High street
Chelmsford" R~~istrar uf Marriages, ·waiter Frederick .1rlidge, 22
For names of members of the association & units ad- Maltese road
ministered, see the Preliminary section of the Direc· Registrars of Births & Deaths, Great Baddow sub-dis·
tory trict, C. R. Finch, Great Baddow; deputy. Miss M.
E-;~ex Yeomanry (.1 Squadron, C Troop), Capt. H. H. A. Lloyd, Foxholes, Great Baddow; Chelmsford sub-
Gepp, commanding district, William John ~urse, I Braemar avenue;
Essex Royal Horse Artillery ; bead quarters, Market road ; deputy, Waiter Frederick _-\rJidge, 22 Maltese road;
CJmmanding, ~iajor the Hon. R. G. A. Hamilton; Ingatestone sub-district, Edward Victor ..lldridge,
Adjutant, Capt. A. H. Evans-Gwynne R..A. ; ~Iedical Stock; deputy, Lewis V.Jarris, Stock; Great Waltham
Officer, Lieut. A. C. Ransford R.A.M.C.(T.F.); Chap· district, Fred Turner, Broornfield; deputy, Harry E.
lain, Rev. C. C. Naters; Sergt.-::viajor R. Faircloth Hood, Springfield green, Chelmsford
R.H.A. drill instructor
Ammunition Column (Eastern Mounted Brigade), Capt. COUNTY OFFICIAI.S.
W. A. B. Daniel, commanding Clerk of the Peace for the County &; to th& County.
Essex (Fortress) Royal Engineers, Electric Lights Co.; Council, John Heyden Goold; office, Shire hall
head quarters, Market road;. Capt. H. A. D. Neville, Deputy Clerk of the Peace &; to the County Council.
commanding-; Sergt. H. Barden RE. drill instructor George Fre~rick Barlow, Shire hall
sth.Battalion Essex Regiment; bead quarters, Drill hall, Connty Accountant of Essex, Frank Howard Ower&,
Market road. Staff :-Commanding, Lieut.-Col. J. M. Countv •
offices, Duke street
Welch T.D.; ~Iajors, F. lL Taylor & W. P. ~- Rid- County _\rchitPct, G. Topham Forrest, 73 Duke street
ley; Adjutant, Capt ...L D. ~- :Merriman; Quarter- Cr.unty Medical Officer of Health, John Clough Thresh
master (vacant) ; Medical Officers, Lieut. K. S. Storr!j D.Sc.Lond., M.D.Vict., D.P.H.Camb.64 New London rd
. ~f.B., R.A.. M.C. (T.F.) & Lieut. C. S. Wink County Land Agent (Small Holdings department), Chas.
R.A.. M.C. (T.F.); Chaplain. Re,-. .1. J. Sacre (T.F) Lock, 67 Duke street
A &; B Companies, Major Frederick W. Taylor, com- County Surveyor for the Essex County Council & Regis-
manding detachment; A Co. Capt. P. C. Yonge &; B . trar of Motor Cars for the County of Essex, Percy J.
Co. Capt. G. Will;:s; Serg-t.-~Iajor ..-\lexander Wailer,Sbeldon M.Inst.C.E. 66 Duke street
instruct(jr County Treasurer of Essex, Robert Woodhouse, Barclay's
King Ed ward VI. School. ' District Surveyor of Main Roads & Bridges for th~
Central District, James Waiter Chapman, 47 Park rd
Capt. F. W: M. ·pol\lev• R~turning Officer for the Essex County Council, HeDIJ

AR.J.\IY SERVICE CORPS . Hamilton Gepp
Eastern Mounted Brigade Transport &; Supply Column; School Medical Officer, Harold Weightman Sinclair M.D.
head quarters, Market road; Capt. Edward J. Upton, Lond,, D.P.H.R.C.P.S.Eng-. County offices, Duke st
cammanding; Capt. H . .1: Jones, adjutant; Ser.!t.- Secretary to the Essex Education Committee, John
Major Frederick Hewitt, instructor Henry Nicholas M.A. County offices, Duke street
Veterinary Inspector under the "Diseases of .Animals
. CHELMSFORD UNIO~. Acts" for Chelmsford District, W. S. Mulvey
. Board day, every alternate tuesday at 10.30. a.m. F.R.C.V.S. i17 Baddow road
The union comprises the following parishes :-Boreham, Sheriff's Officers, Frederick George Smith, White cot-
Broomfield, Buttsbury, Chelmsford. Chignal, Danbury, tage, Cedar avenue & Waite-r Townend Feather, Th~
East Hanningfield, Good Easter, Great Baddow, Great Limes, D9 Springfield road
Leigh-s, Great Waltham, Ingate~tone & Fryerning, Littl" Cnder-Sheriff, Henry Hamilton Gepp, 57 Nev street~
Baddow, Littla Leighs, Little Waltham, Margaretting. Chelmsford : acting under sheriffs, deputies & solici-
Mashbury, Pleshey, Rettendon, Roxwell, Runwell, San- tors, Gepp & Sons, New street
don, South Hanningfield, Springfield, Stock, West Han- . PUBLIC OFFICERS.
ningfie-Id, _Widford, Woodham Ferrers & Writtle. The Assistant Overseer & Collector of King-'s Taxes ior
area of the Union is 86,157 acres; rateable value, Chelmsford & Springfield & Collector (){ Poor Rate
March, I914, [256,971; the population in 1911 was for Springfield Ward, William Augustus Murrell.
40·799· Cbamherlins, Hill road
Chairman of the Board of Guardians, F. G. Marriage, .!.ssistant Overseer &; Poor Rate Collector, North k
Little Waltham South Wards, William Henry Tomlinson, Vestry ball.
Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Arthur New street
Stewart Dufl1eld M.A. 96 High street, Chelmsford Chief Inspector of Weights & Measures &; under Sale or
Treasurer, Wilfrid L. T ...-\rkwright, High st.Ch('lmsford " Food & Drugs Act" & Official Sampler under "Fer-
Relieving & Vaccination Officers, 1st district, William tilizers & Feeding Stuffs Act " for the Southern
·John Nurse, I Braemar avenue, Chelmsford; 2nd dis- District, Arthur Horsnell, 153 High street, Brentwood
trict, Fred Turner, Broomfield; (vaccination officer Clerks to Chelmsford Sub-Committees of Essex Local
only) C. R. Finch, Great Baddow; assistant relieving Pension Committee, Rural, Robert William Blyth.
officer, Ed""ard Victor _-\!dridge, Stock Crane court, High street; Urban, George Melvin, y(J.
Collector tiJ tlu• Guarrli'ln•. Fred Turner, Broomfield X ew London road
Medical Oflicers &; I'uulic VacC'inators. ~ n. r district, Clerk to Commissioners of Income & Land Tax for divi-
HenrY William Newton L.R0.P.Lond., .\LR.C.S.Eng., ~>ion of ChPlmsford & to Commissioners of Sewers fm
D.P.H.R.C.l'.S.Eug. Fairfield house, Duke street. Foulness, Dengie &; for Fobbing Levels, Hy. Hamilton
Chelmsford; :Xo. 2 di,;trict, R Jbert X a~myth Arnold- 1 Gepp
(}pm Retu?Ds Inspector, Sidney Ed"'ard Burrows, Rains- ( Clerk to Essex County Pension Committee, John Hey-
,otd house, Dnk-e stree1; den Goold, Shire hall
ltillhop .....-.xgiJ, The Bight R~Y. .John Edwin Watts- M.A. Jesmond vicarage, '17 Windsor crescent, New-
Ditchfield D.D castle-on-Tyne; Rev. Harry Beaujon Gooding M.A.
lho;hop Suffragan of Barking. t90r. Rt. Rev. Thomas Wycliffe hall, Oxford & Rev. George Freeman Irwin
St.evens D.D. Wanstead N E B.D. Vicarage, Wallington, Surrey ·
.llnhop Suffragan of Colchester 1909. Rt. ReY. Robert Honorary Chaplains.
Henry Whitcombe D.D. Colchester Re,-. Greville Turner Brunwin-Hales M,A. S~.,. Mary's
.Archdeacon()£ Colchester. 1909· Rt. Rev. Robert Henry rectory, Colchester & Rev. Richard _\rnold Pelly ~LA.
Whiteombe D.D. ('.olcbeste.r Vicarage, West Ham E
.Archdeacon of Essex. 1894· Rt. Rev. Thomas Stevens Commissioners under the "Pluralities Acts .Amendment
D.D. Wanstead NE Act, r885."
gbanCE>llor of the Diocese. rg14. The Worshipful Sir A. _\rchdeaconry of Colch-ester, Rev. Canon Greville Turner
B. Kempe D.C.L., F.R.S. 2 Paper buildings, T.emplP, Brunwin-Hales M . .A. St. Mary's rectory, Colchester
London E C _\ rchdeaconry of Essex, Rev. Canon HP-nry .Ashton Lake
. Honorary Canons. M.A. Guy Harlings, New street, Chelmsford ..
JleT. R. A. Pelly :\LA. Rev. H. E. Hulton :\'LA.. Rev. H. Cl-t>rgy Discipline Act .Assessor, Rev. Canon David Ingles
A. Lake M.A. Rev. B. D. Swallow M ..A.. Rev. 0. W. :M.-\. Vicarage, Witham '
Tancock M ..A.. Rev. G. T. Brunwin-Ha.les M.A. Rev.
'T. 0. Reay :Y.A. Rev. P. M. Bayne M.A. Rev. C. L. Registrar of the Diocese. _\rthur Day esq. 2 1.\fillbank
Thornton-Duesbery M.A. Rev. R. W. Porter M.A. R.ev. house, W estmin>~ter S W
W. E. R. Morrow M ..A. Rev, J. X. Philpott ~I..A.. & Officials of the Archdeaconries.-Colchester,. G. J. Talbot.
ll.ev. J. T. Steele M . .A esq. K.C., M.A.; Essex,
Examining Chaplains. Diocesan Archifect, Prederic Chancellor J.P., F.R.I.B.A.
ltev. Gerald Henry Rendall Litt.D., B.D. Dedham house, 19 Duke street, Chelmsford
Dedham; Rev. _\lbert \Villi-am Greenup D.Litt., D.D. Diocesan Surveyors, Frederic WykPham Chan~ellor
St. John hall, High bury N; R·:w. James Pounder F.R.I.B . .A. 19 Duke street, Chelmsford; A. B. Jackson,
lYhitney B.D. 9 Well walk, Hampstead NW; Rev. 3 Sew square, Lincoln's Inn W C; P. M. Beanmont,.
Frederic Sumpter Guy Warman D.D. St. Aidan's col- ::\'Ialdon & E. C. Frere, I Lincoln's Inn Fields W C
lt>ge, Birkenhead ; Rev. Robert Waiter Port·"-r ~LA. Registrar of the Archdeaconries of Colchester & E!.sex.
Ticarage, East Ham E; Rev. J•ames •
Theodore Inskip Hemy Hamilton Gepp, New street, Ohelmsfo{q.
PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of Services. ' Broomfield road, built in x8go & including chemical &
iathedral Church of St. :Mary, Rev. Canon Henry Ash- I physical laboratories, lecture theatre & gymnasium, &
is a secondary school under the Board of Education &
t-on Lake M.-\. rector; Rev. John Harrison Barrow
ll.A. & Rev. Henry Wilfrid Carroll B.A. curates; 11 the Essex County Council : the school was founded in
a.m. & 3 & 7 p.m.; sunday celebrations at 8 a.m. & 1551 by a charter of Edward VI. who incorporated
t\'\ice a month a\ 7 a.m. mid-day four persons by the name of governors of the passes-
St. Peter's Mission Ohurch, Primrose hill (served from sions of the Free Grammar School of King Edward VI.
the Cathedral); 8 & rr a.m. & 7 p.m.; thurs.7.30 p.m in the parish of Chelmsford, to be succeeded by their
All Saints' Mission Church, Eroomfield 'road (served next male heirs. There are now (1914) :r68 boys, in-
from the Cathedral); 5.30 p.m.; thnrs. 7.30 p.m cluding boarders, in the schoolhouse. Three new
All Saints', Springfield, Rev. Francis Samuel Paynter class rooms were added in 1906; a playing field of about
ll..A. :cector; Rev. William Gill B. A. & Rev. Maurice 7 acrP~ was purchased in 1913. Philemon Holland
\\-atson Manthorp M . .l. curates; 8 & I I a. m. & 6 M.A., M.D. fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, an
p.m. ; da'ily at 9.30 a.m eminent translator of 16th century. born in Chelms-
Holy Trinity, Springfield, clergy of All Saints'; 8 & 11 . ford in 1551 & Sir Waiter Mildmay, also born here in
Ol" about 1522, knighted 22nd Feb. 1546-7, Chancellor
•.m. & 7 p.m.; daily, 5.30 p.m. except thurs.7.30 p.m
St. John's, Moulsham, Rev. William James Pressey M.A. of the Exchequer in the time of Queen Elizabeth, &
l'icar; (vacant) curate; 8 &; I I a.rn. & 3 & 7 p.m.; founder of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, were both
daily at ro a.m. & 5.30 p.rn. except wed. 7.30 p.m. ; educated at this school, as also was the late Chief
thurs. 7 a.m. ; saints' days, 7 & 8 a.m. & 5.30 p.m I Justice Tindal. The school is controlled by a body of
Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, New London I g-overnors, Alderman F. Chancellor, chairman; Rev.
• rd. Rt. Rev. Monsignor E. J. Watson, priest; masses at Canon H. _\.. Lake, vice-chairman; Williarn Stunt,
8.30 & I0-3~ a.m.; sunday school, 3 p.m.; evensong, solicitor, 71 Duke street, Chelmsford, clerk to the
7 p.m.; da1ly_ mass, 7.30 a.m.; evensong, wed. 7.30 governors; Thomas Hay M ..A., B.Se. St. John's Col-
p.m.; confessiOns, sat. 4- to 5 & 7 to 9 p.m lege, CarnbridgP, ht>ad master; N. Squier B.Sc.
Friends' Meeting House, Duke !:'trt>et; 10.30 a. m. & second master; H. V. Jprvis B.A., C. W. Tregenza,
• 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 10.30 a.m S. G. Wintle B.A .. F. W. :M. Powlev• & N. E. Lee
:Baptist (Strict), ~ew London road, Re.-. J osiah ){orling; B.Sc. assistant masters; Miss Slader, head mistress;
~iss Everitt & Miss Scriv-ener, assistant mistresses
10.30 a.m. &r 6.30 p.m ; thurs. 7.15 p.m
:Baptist, Market road, Rev. Henry Edward Stone; · I I of the Preparatory school
a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; tues. wt>d. & thurs. 8 p.m The East _-\.nglian Institute of Agriculture, in Duke
iatholic Apostolic, Hall st. ; 1o a.m. & 5 p.m.; sat.s p.m street & Edward's avenue, was established by
Congregational, New London road, Rev. T. McDougall the Es~Px Connty Council for the purpose of giving
in;;truc~ion in the principles underlying the practice of
Mru1dle; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7-30 p.m
Congregational, Baddow road, Rev. Thomas Geo. Ogilvie ag-riculture, horticulture & dairying. The Institute
B.D.; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7-30 p.m also i"t>rves as a centre for affording assistance &
Congregational Mission Room, Wood sh-eet; 6.30 p.m advict> to farml'rs & for the training of teachers in
Congregational Mission Room, Springfield; 6.30 p.m rural subjPcts. It is furnished with the best m-odern •

Peculiar People, Lt>gg street; 7 k 10.30 a .m. & 6.30 equipment & comprises agricultural, chemical &; bi{)-
p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m logical laboratories, dairy school, lecture rooms,
Primitiye Methodist, Hall street, Rev. Joseph William library & museum. Staff :-Principal, R. M. Wilson
Evermgham; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 ; tues. 7·45 p.m B.Sc. & J. Hunter Smith B.Sc. (agriculture);. E.
Salvation Army Citadel, Moulsham street; 7 & 11 a. m Taylor B.Sc. & G. S. Robertson B.Sc.
& 3 & 7 p.m.; mon. tues. wed. fri. & sat. 8 p.m (chemistry); R. Robson M.Sc. (biology); 0. Wakely
l\' esleyan :Methodist, High street, Rev. George Harbottle F.R.H.S. & T. G. Bullock (horticulture); Miss A.
(supt.); 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7-15 p.m Matthews & Mi;:s A. Crawford (dairy & poultry)
Duk6 Street Hall (Christians, sometimes called Open The County High School for Girls, Broomfield road,
·Brethren) ; sun. l i a.m.; sunday school, 10 a.m. & opened in 1907, & now (1904) about to be enlarged, is
2.45 p.m. ; gospel service, 7 p.m. ; mon. prayer meet- under the authority of the Essex County Coaneil~ &;.
ing, 8 p.m. ; tues. children & young people, 7.30 provides a good secondary education for girls, between
p.m.; wed. women's meeting 3 p.m. & bible reading the ages of Io & r\).: the school buildings comprise an
or addrPss, 7.30 p.m _-\.ssembly hall, class rooms. a science laboratory, art
Mission Room, Roman road; 3 p.m room, kitchen & dining rooms .& adjoining are recrea-
Gospel Hall (Unsectarian), Moulsham street; 11 a.m. tion grounds; :Miss E.' M. Bancroft B.A, head mistress
& 7 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m. ; sat. 8 p.m Essex Education Committee Countv •
School Garden, Rainsford road, Charles William
SCHOOLS. .Aylett, he-ail gardener
King Edward VI. School, formerly the Free Grammar Chelmsford School of Science &; .Art, Market road, Chas.
School, in Duke street, now occupies premises on the Hy. Baskett~ head master; J. H. ::Nicholas :M.A. sec
• •

An Education Committee consisting of 1:.1 members of Essex Independent &; Farmers' Gazette, published every
the Corporation & g co~opted was formeu in 1903 monday, wednesday & Saturday, The Essex Weekly
The Committee meets at the Municipal offices every News Series Limited, printers, publishers & propri&o
third tuesday in each month at 7.30 p.m tor!!, 26 High stre>et
Chairman, .Alderman George Woodland Taylor J.P. The Essex Newsman, published saturday, Meggy, Thomp-
Red house, New London road son & Creasey, proprietors & publishers, g8 High st~
Vice-Chairman, .Alderman John Ockelford Thompson, See advertisement
The Eaves Essex Weekly News, published every friday, The Essex
Clerk, George Melvin, 16 New London road Weekly News Series Limited, printers, publishers I;
.\ssistant Clerk, Thomas .Arnold proprietors, 26 High street
School Medical Inspector, Henry William Newton Dutton's Essex .Almanack & County Gazetteer (yearly),
~.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond., D.P.H.R.C.P.S.Eng John Dutton, printer & publisher, Tindal street
Fairfield house, Duke street
_\ssistant School Medical Officer, Cyril Wolrige Alford RAILWAY ST:A.TION.
M.D.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. 68 Duke st Great Eastern, Frederick William Swann, station master,
Attendance Officer, Herbert Everett, 52 Goldlay road Duke street; Ernest W. Xorfolli, goods agent, New st
Public Elementarv Schools. CONVEYANOE.
• 'Bus from the 'Saracen's Head' & 'Bell,' to meet
Trinity Road Council School (boys, girls & infants), every train
erected in 19u at a cost of about £13,500, for 352 Motor Omnibuses on week days between Chelmsford sta~
boys, 370 girls & 100 infants; average attendance, 284 tion & Writtle, Great Baddow, Danbury, Broomfield,
boys & 297 girls ; George _.\rthur Coulson, master; Great Waltham, Boreham, Gallevwood, Stock, Wi<l~
:Miss C. :M. Hull, mistress; 1\Iiss S. M. Bunting, in- •
ford & Rainsford End (Chignal Corner), for times see
fants' mistress bills; there are also sunday afternoon trips (weather
Friars Council School (infants & junior mixed), Friars permitting) during the summer months
place, erected in 1886 & re~arranged &; altered in
1911, for 359 infants & juniors (mixed); average at- OARRIE:RS, with inns they call at & days of departure.
tendance, 195; Miss :Maud Mary Wickham, head mist Abbots Roden-Blowes, 'Lion & Lamb,' fri.; Simpson,
Victoria (boys) (non-provided), Church street, erected 'Fleece,' mon. & fri
in 1886; accommodation for 296; average attendance, Baddow, Great-Collins, 'King's Head/ twice daily
248 ; Frank Clist, master Baddow, Little Everard, ''Windmill,' daily, except wed
Victoria, Xew street (non-provided), for 248 girls & 183 Billericay, through Stock-Heard, 'King's Head,' tues.
infants; average attendance, 244 girls & 178 infants; & fri
Miss Minnie Licence, girls' mistress; Miss Annie Blackmore-Amos, 'Dolphin,' tues. fri. & sat
Stone, infants' mistress Boreham-Phillips, ' King's Head,' fri
St. John's (non-provided), Moulsham street, built in Braintree Turner, 'Golden Lion,' tues. &; fri. ; Watson,
1840 &; enlarged in 1885, at a cost of £x,ooo; the ' King's Head,' fri
infants' school was built in the same vear•
bv• Mrs. Brentwood Springett, 'King's Head,' fri
Tidboald in memory of her husband; the school will Broomfield Watts, 'Plough,' Duke street, daily
hold 186 boys, 264 girls & 159 infants; average at- Castle Hedingham Westrop,' Golden Li()n,' alternate fri
tend-ance, 187 boys, 219 girls & 150 infants; William Danbury Spokes, 'Fleece,' daily, except wed.; Terry.
Henry Ripper, master; Miss Mary Elizabeth Taylor, Railway arche:o, daily, except wed
mistress; Miss Sa bra Franklin, infants' mistress Dunmow-~Iet:o<Pn, 'Lion &; Lamb,' mon. tues. thurs. k
St. Peter's, Rainsford End (non-provided) (infants), fri
erected in rR82, for 104 children ; average attendance, Easter, High-Franklin, ' Plough,' Duke st. tues. &; fri
8t; Miss Frances .A. Davidson, mistress Easter, Good-Sankey, 'Lion & Lamb,' fri.; Mead,
Springfield Green (non~provided), built in 1813, infants' 'Ploug-h,' Duke strPet, tues. & fri. & Spearman,
school added in 188o; in 1894 a new class room, two ' Plough,· Duke street, m on. & fri
cloak rooms &; outbuildings were erected at a cost of Epping, OnQ"ar & Shelly-Bailey, 'King's Head,' mon.
£400 ; accommodation for 243 mixed & infants ; aver· & fri
age attendance, 241 ; Richard Coward, master Felstead Collingridge, ' Golden Lion,' mon. & fri
Catholic (mixed & infants) (non~provided), New London Ford End-Coe. ' Plough,'. Duke street, tues
road, for Ioo children ; average attendance, 68 ; Miss Hanningfield, East-Blanks. ' Windmill,' tues. & fri.;
Ellen Coller, mistress Tucker. Railway arches, Dul;:e st. daily, except wed
Highwood-A.mos, ' Dolphin,' tues. fri. & sat
The Essex Industrial School & Home for Destitute Boys, lngatestonl" Bailey, 'King's Head,' daily, except wed
Rainsford road, wa!t established in 187:~ : the case!' Kelvedon, Witham &; Hatfield-Moore, 'King's Head,'
admitted are th(}se of a voluntary character & of boys mon. tues. thurs. fri. & sat
unconvicted of crime sent under a magistrate's order, Leaden Roding-Simpson, 'Fleece,' mon. & fri
Maldon &; Hey bridge-Brown, 'Windmill,' wed. & sat
in pursuance of the " Children .Act. Igo8," & the
~argaret Roothing-Potter, 'Fleece,' fri
" Elementary Scht>ols Act : " the boys' time is ~ash bury Spearman, 'Ploug-h,' Duke street, mon. & fri
divided between instruction in school & industrial Ongar Bailey, 'King's Head,' mon. & fri
labour, such as house & garden work, shoe making,
tailoring, laundry & carpentering; the religious Pleshey-Dowst>tt, ' Plough,' Duke street, tues. thurs. •
teaching is Protestant, but undenominational. The fri. & Harman, mon. & fri
school was originally carried on in Baddow road. but Rayleigh Brand, 'King's Head,' tues. & frt
in 1878 the council erected the present commodious Ro:xwell-}Iarriag-e, 'Fleece,' mon. wed. & fri. & Lee,

&; suitable premises; the site & surrounding area

tues. &; fri
consists of about 12 acres ; the school is certified for Southminster-Hughes, ' King's Head,' tues. & fri
150 boys. Applications for admission should be Springfield & Boreham-Phillips, ' King's Head,' fri
addressed to Charles W. Hayward, manager, Boys' Stock-Tavlor, 'Windmill,' tues. & fri
home, Chelmsford TPrling-Thurgood, ' Dolphin,' fri
Waltham, Great-Sewell, 'Dolphin.' daily
Waltham. Littlt:>-Holliday. 'Lion & Lamb,' daily, ex~
• cept. wt>d
Essex Count:'· Chronicle, published friday, )leggy, Willingale-Oliver, ' Queen's Head,' tues. & fri.; Lucas.
Thompson & Creasey, proprietors &; publisher~. 98 ' Queen's Head,' mon. & fri. & Marriage, 'Fleece,'
High street. See advertisement mon. wed. & fri
Essex Herald, published tuesday, Meggy, Thompson & 1 Woodham Ft'rrt>rs-Rumsey &; Blanl;s, 'Windmill,' tues.
Creasey, propriet(}rs & publishers, 98 High street. & fri
See advertisement Writtle-Spearman, 'King's Head,' daily
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Appleton Thomas B. 17 Park road Aubrey George Henry, Springfield
Adcock Mrs. 32 Park road Archer :Mrs. 10 Navigation road viHa, Springfield road
Ainsworth Ernest H~>nry, L~ Park av .!.rdley Mrs. 1_: Park road Austin John Wm. 42 New London rd
Aldham Arthur Thomas, Tower house, j Arlidge Waiter F. 22 Maltese road Aylett 'l'homas, Alton, Swiss avenue
Springfield road Arnold Ernest, 9 )feadow8idt>. Spring-- Baker Frederick, 28 Hamlet road
Alexander Charles
Broomfield road
Richard, :25
I field road Baker Hy. Peear, The Briars, Lady la.
Arnold Philip. 103 Xt>w London 1·oad BakPr Misses. 72 Dukt:> strt:>et
.!.lford Cyril Wolrige M.D. 68 Duke st Arnold Thomas, 23 Park road Bakt:>r )lr;;. Garrad, 58 High street
Alien Mrs. Marriage, Sunnylea, Mild- I Ashton Henry Jame" F.R.G.S. 3 r Ball Wa~ter Xorman, 34 Hill road
may road.. . 1
1hlt<>.;;e road Ballard Mrs_. 29 Sandford road
Anderson l\ llhe, 39 New London rd Eancroft )hss, 20 :\Ialtese road
"B:lrClay Eric Lionel, 25 Vicarage road Burrell Frederick, 23 Maltese road Davies Waiter, 59 Broomfield road
Barker Arthur, 17 Bill road Burrell Fredk. Geo. Broomfield road Day Mrs. 18 Broomfield road
Barker Miss, 3 Maltese road Bushell Albt.Edwd.1o6 NewLondon rd Day Waiter, 18 Broomfield road
Barnard Harry, 25 Coval lane Bushell Robert John, 17 Queen's road Dennis Frederick Hungate, Ranmore,
Barnes Henry, Overdale, Rainsford av Butchard Percy, 7 Trinity road Southborough road
Barnes Joseph, 5 Legg street Byford Thomas S. 97 Mildmay road Dennis :\Iiss, 6o Broomfield road
Barnes William, 17 Railway street Ca!ble Mrs. 26 Hamlet road Dennis Miss, 87 Rainsford road
Barrett Geoffrey Foster, 65 Spring- Cardozo Arthur George, 8 Maltese rd Dennis William, 40 Duke street
field road Carron Rev. Henry Wilfred B.A. Densham William, 18 Marlborough rd
Barritli .Albert Emest, 24 Queen's rd (curate of St. Mary's Cathedral Dibben Wm. Northfield, Roxwell rd
Barrow Rev. John Harrison M . .A. Church), Thornbury, Rainsford la Digby Waiter, 39 Park road
(curate of St. :\Iary's Cathedral Carter :Miss, 71 Mildmay road Dixon James Gainsford, 12 Park aven
Church), 3 Rose villa;;. Fairfield rd Carter Mrs. 6o Duke street Di:xon Jn. Mount hill, Springfield rd
Bartlett Mrs.Rainsford lo.Rainsford rd Cass Herbert Henry, Yiews~ey, Rox- Dixon Joseph Dalrymple, 120 Spring-
Barton Fredk. The College, Arbour la well road field road
Barton Thomas Charles, Layston, Caton Wm. Goathland, Rainsford av Dixon Thomas, go New London road
Tower avenue Catt Waiter Ralph, Newbury, Rains· Dobell Hubert, 21 Maltese road
Bausor Harry Sturman, 57 Duke st ford avenue Docherty Edward, Braidfauld, :\Jild-
"Beach Albert John, Berkley house', Cawdron Hy. Rt. r King Ed\\ard's av may road
Roxwell road Chancellor Lieut.-Col. Frdc. V.D .. Doe Albert EJ.ward, 31 Hill road
Beach Miss, The Lodge, Moulsham st J.P., F.R.I.B.A. Bellefield, Ne\\ Douglas Mrs. 132 Springfield road
Beach William Alien, Brookhurst, London road Dowrick Mrs. 27 Hamlet road
Rainsford avenue, Chelmsford Chancellor Frederick Wykeham M.A. Dowsett Ernest, 48 Park road
Beadle John Henry, 48 Arbour lane Congresbury, Maltese road Dowsett Harry Melville, Garden cot-
Beck James Francis Adams, Maltese Chapman Herbert, 14 High street tage, .\fl.'ado\\"side, Rectory road
lodge, Maltese road Chapman James Waiter, 47 Park rd Driver Albert, 194 Springfield road
Beckett Frank, 98 Mildmay road Chappell Mrs. 73 New London road Driver Thomas Stanley,r3 Queen's rd
Beckett Gl"r.. Philemon, 14 Glebe rd Chelmsford Lord Bishop of (Rt. Rev. Durrant Miss, 18 King Edward's av
Beckett Harry Edward, Mawneys, John Edwin Watts-Ditchfield D.D.). Dutton John. Legglands, Legg street
South Primrose hill Bishopscourt, Sprin15field road Dutton Waiter Dodson, Macheke, 43
Beckett Misses, 30 Broomfield road Chennells Arthur John, ArnsidP. New London road
Belcher William Ernest, Fairfield, Tower avenue Dyke Waiter John, 30 Vicarage road
:\fount Hill avenue Chisnell John Penfield,3o Sandford rd Edgley J oseph Edward, Redland~,
Bellamy Fredk. Janu•s, 25 Tower av Choat Frank Thomas, 1 Manor road Moulsham street
Bellamr Mrs. 4 Faii·field road Chopping Samuel Joseph,Open house. Elford Archibald Sefton M.A. Glad-
Bellamy Tom, Lauriston, Broomfield York road holme, Roxwell road
road Christy Fell, 54 Broomfield road Ellis Clement, 42 Hill road
Benham Arth. r South Primrose hill Christy Frank, 53 Broomfield road Eustace John, ~6 New London road
Bemon Mrs. 29 Broomfield road Christy Leonard Fell,51 Broomfield rd Ever~tt Geo.Ch:fford,84NewLond?~ rd
Bentall Mrs. Bolts, Mildmay road Clarence Miss. 6 Maltese road Evermgham Rev. Joseph Wilham
Bewers William, 13 Maltese road Clark Arthur Jn. Claude,Rainsford av (P~imitive Metb), 93 Mildmay road
Blake Frederic Wallace Hastings, Clarke Charles Henry, 22 Queen's rd Ev_ent~ Mrs. 42 Broo~field road
SpringfiPld road Clarke Herbert, 31 High street Fa~rbaun Andrew, H1gh str~et
Blooman Georg-P Carin!', Westlands, Clarke Mrs. 56 New London road Fairhead Albt. Edwd. 73 M1ldmay rd
Broomfield road Clarke Thomas William, 43 Hill road Farmer Albert Edward, 32 P~rk aven
Blundell Pt>rcy Rose, 35 Vicarage rd Clay Frederick William, 15 Hill road Feather Walt.Townend.6g Sprmgfld.rd
Blyth Robert Wm. 72 Mildmay road Claydon Mrs. 126 Spring--field road Fell Herbert James, Ardoyne, South-
Blytlle William Frederick, Bryn Mor, Clayton :Miss, Zeitoun, Mildmay roa-d borough roa_d .
Tower avenue Clayton Mrs. 40 1'\ew London road Fennell Franc1s N1cholas, 47 Broom·
Bolger AlfrPd Patrick, 27 Vicarage rd Cleale ~hthur George,1or Mildmay rd field road
Bolingbroke Geo.Jn. 73 Springfield rd Cleale Sidney Henry, Jesmond dene, Fenner Clifford Pratt, 27 Hill road
Bolingbroke Hale Westrope, The Mildmay road Feron Si<lney Harry,grNew London Id
Hutch, Springfield road Clist Frank, 36 Vicarage road Field Erne~t, 19 Park road
Bolingbroke Stanley Ling, Brambles, Coldwell John Mead, ~ewlyn, Rains- Fincham William, 38 Vicarage road
Springfield ford avenue Fison W. Martins, Rainsford road
Bond John, 50 Mildmay road Coleman Col. George Henry V.D. a9 Fitzgerald Miss, 150 Moulsham street
Bond John Geo. 52 New London road New London road Foreman Luther Pattle, St. Fabians,
Bott Ralph M. So Broom field road Coleman )fiss, 31 Park road Roxwell road
Botwright Horace Henry Havelock, Coller Miss, 92 New London road Forsdick Geo.Herbt.g7New London rd
23 Queen's road Collins Fred, 9 Trinity road Fowler Rev. J. 89 Mildmay road
Bourne Herbert W. 6 Braemar aven Comber Frederick, 30 Fairfield road Fowler Mrs. 3 Riverside
Bowditch Wm. Ernest, 18 QuPen's rd Cook Fredk. Jn. 5 King Edward's av Fox Frank, 24 Park road •

Boyden Charles, 18 Hill road Cooke Chas.Edwd. 102 New London rd Fox George, lOB New London ro:td
Bradridge .Alfred, Spring-field Mill ho Cooper Hy. Kenilworth, Moulsham st Francis Abraham, 10 Trinity road
Bramler Miss, 83 }loul~ham street Cooper }Iiss, 202 Springfield road Franldin Miss Sabra,g3New London rd
B1and Edwin Wm. 37 Vicarag-t> road Copland Charles .A.lbert, 22 Hill road Franklin Richard, Sutherland house,
Brick-Dale Robert F. If ~Ieadowside. Corner Samuel Gordon M.D., Ch.B.. Baddow roa\!
Springfield road ::\LA. The Cloisters, New North rd Freeland Mrs. n6 Moulsham street
Bridg-e l\Irs. 27 Queen's road Cottee ::\'Iiss, 6 7 South Primrose bill Freeland William James Fletcher,
Britton Robert, 56 New Writtle street Cottis William, 3 Primrose hill Highways, Moulsham street I
Broadway Stephen. 9 Elm road Coulson George Arth. 19 Queen's rd French Fredk. Jas.Coval,Rainsford rd
Brown Erne:-t George, Byng-land, Count Misses, 14 King Edward's aven Frye Frederick Robert, St. Mary's
Rainsford avenuP Cousins William, 28a, Regina road lodge, Cottage place
Brown Frank, 34 Park road Coward Richard, 7g Spring-field road Fucher Henry, 19 Park avenue
Brown Fredprick William, Grovenor Cowell Walt.Villa Romsdal,Ro:xwell rd Fulcher William, 34 Vicarage road
hou;;;e. To"er annne Cowley Frank, 36 Hig-h street Fuller James Edward, Lionmede,
Brown Waiter. 28 Hill road Cowlin Charles, ng New London rd Springfield road
Brown ·wm. Lynton hou~e, Grove rd Cramphorn Thomas John Deeks, St. Gale Frederick, 144 Moulsham street
Browne Fred An-tead, ::\Ion .Abri, George's. Market road Gallagher James Wm.88 Rainsford rd
Rain,ford aYenue I Cranton Ernest Edward, Gartref, Ganderton William, 39 Park avenue
Browne John Philip, Willow house./ Arbour lane, Spring-field Gannon William Edwd. 3 Queen's rd
Coval lane Creasey ·william By. r5 Queen's road Gardn~r Martin Henry, 68 Manor rd
Bruce Frederick, 16 Park road Creasy Miss, 66 Springfield road Geaussent Mrs. 52 Broomfield road
Bryman J ... aac, 2 Primro-e hill Crittall Francis Henry J.P. The New Gf'ntry Wesney, 10 Park road
Buck William. 22 Park road house, Southborough road Gepp Henry Hamilton, 105 Baddow rd
Budds John, 4I Duke street Crittal! Franci, Waiter, White hou.;;e, Gepp Miss, Coval cot. Rainsford road
Bull :Mi.,.se.o:, 79 :\lildmay road Xew London road Gepp William T. Moulsham grange,
Bunn Ed"'ard John, 4 .Marl.:et 1·oad Dack Knights, 37 Hill road New London road
Bunn ~lis .. , 88 :Xew London road Dale s~·dney. Ramsey lea, Tower av Gibson Philip Rt. 101 New London rd
Bunn Mrs. Robert. 71 Mild may road / Darby Alfred. 61 New London read Gidney Capt. Francis, The Haven
Burder ·wi'liam, 81 Broomfield road Darby i3idnt>y, 33 Park aYenue Arbour lane, Springfield ~ rcltiiiNeH.,."'
REFE /!N E 1.../B.AI.

\...._p 11' 1111UI! tSy


Gill Rev-. William B..A.. (curate of All Hockley Henry Wm. 68 Baddow road Marriage' Miss, Rannoch lodgi'"'1Br01'hr-
Saints'), 131 Springfield road Hodgson Christopher Combe, Gews, field road • ~ '
Gilliver Sidney Frederick Joseph, 28 Broomfield road Marriage Mrs.Fdk. Springfield Batnes
Vicarage road Hodson Arthur, Lodore, Southboro' I'd Marriage Mrs. Herbert, Greengates,
Gilson 'Miss, 3 King Edward's avenue Roffman Mrs. nr Moulsham >street Mildmay road
Gimson Wm.Douglas,rgsSpringfield rd HoggaTth James. Raughton, Tower av Marriage Sampson '!>ercivai, Bi.~ho1;1'~
Girling Thomas, 53 ::s-ew London road Hollingsworth William, 43 Park road hall, Rectory road
Gladstone John, 24 Hill road 1 Holmes Charles Edward, 30 Hill road Martin Fredk.2Woodbury vils.Elm rd
Gladwell Arthur Ernest, 21 Hill road Horsnell Sydney John, White cottage, Martin James H. no New London rd
Gladwin Samuel, Dakeyne, Tower av Swiss avenue , Martin John Little M. B., C.M. ~r
Goddard Davison, 38 New London Td Hosldns Alexander, 77 Broomfield rd New London road
Godfrey Charles Fredk. 21 Queen's rd Howarth John W. Balfe vil.Baddow rd Maskell Adlphs.Geo.I 12 New Londn.rd
Godfrey Ernest Henry, Homesgarth, Huddart William, so Wood street Mason Edwin, 57 New London --road
-Cedar avenue Hudson Rev. Lawrence James B.A. Mason Geo. Jupe's hill,~fount Hill av
Godfrey John Bernard, 9 Hill road (chaplain H.:M. Prison ),Sandford rd, Matthews Miss, 16 King Edwatd's av
Godfrey T. C. The Cloi<>ters, New Hull Mrs. 4 Queen's road Mawhood Robt. Lei~b, 67 Baddow td
London road Ingle Leonard .Arthur, 41 Hill road )'lawhood Thomas,2 King Edward's nv
Golding Thomas William, Lady lane Jackson Mrs. 12 Park road ~awhood William, 14 Queen's road
Goodliff Mrs. 29 New street Jaggs Harold Herbt.InNewLondon rd May John, 29 Park road
Go~ling Mrs. 41 Park road Jaggs Miss, 7 New London road May Re~nald, 3 Braemar avenu~
Gosling William Samuel, 20 Hill road James Ernest Edward, 16 Queen's rd Mayhew Arthur Stewart, 13 Park av
Grmlton James, 38 Park road James Zachariah Solomon, 120 Ne-w Meggy Andrew, 104 New London rd
Gowers Herbert Henrv, Landour, London road ~Ielvin Geo. Abbeville, Broomfield rd

Rainsford avenue Jeffkins George, Marrowells, Mount Meriton George Fredk. 34 Park aven
Gowers Jesse, Upleatham, Roxwell rd Hill avenue Merriman Capt. Arthur, Old court,
Gozzett .A.rthur John, Taquah, Mild- Jeffreys Frederick Herbert, Mayfield, Arbour lane
may road Mildmay road Metcalfe Frank Webster Spenc". 42
Gracey Fred Rowland, 42 Arbour la .Jeffreys Mrs. 55 New London road Duke street
Gray ErnPst Copland, ;;o Baddow rd Johnson John Henry. 9 Park avenuP Miller Leouard John, 23 Coval lane
Gray George Herbert. Brewery house. Jones Arthur Wm. 93 Springfield rd .\fitchell C'lifford, 65 New London rd
Springfield road Jones Charles Henry, 9 QueRn's ronrl Mitten Ht>nry Edwd.58 Broomfield rd
Gray Leonard. 34 New London road J ones Mrs. Waiter, Rosendale, Cot- M:organ Arthur Henry, 7 & 8 High st
Gray l\frs.Harrison,34 New London rd tage place Morison William Jn. i45 Moulsham st
Grav• Mrs. WaltPr, Phrenix house . .Jordan Mrs. 8r Moulsham street ~Iorling- Rev. Josiah (Baptist), 53
Nt>w London road Joslin Cliff, 36 Nursery road- Goldlay road
GraY Percy Harrison, Gf>rnons,Spring- J osling Miss, 42 Park road Morter Thos. Aug. Yorke, 46 Park rd
field road Kelland Horace Frank, Wel':t-dene, Morton Alfred Re ay. 13 Trinity ,road
Green Miss, 33 Vicarage road Roxwell road Mott Thomas, 26 Vicarage road
Green Mrs. 29 Baddow 1oad Kendler Mrs. 54 Rainsford roarl Mulvey William Snowball, II7 Bad-
Green Mrs. 99 Mildmay road Kershaw Mrs. Kingswood, South- dow road
Greene ~iss, 54 "Xew street borough road Mundle Rev. 'lnomas McDougall
Greenwood Mis•. 26 Broomfield road Kevan Walt.Samuel,Hillsboro',Hili r·d (Congregational), The Manse, New
Griffin Mrs. 100 Mildmay road Killick Cyril John, Gairloch,Tower av London road
Gripper Herbt.Redcot,New London rd King Frederick Hamilton, The Dukes, Munnion Charles Alfred,I2 Trinity rd
Gripper Mrs. 27 Springfield road Springfield · Munnion William Ernest, 30 Orchard
Bagger Burt, 37 Park avenue Kirby Thomas Cecil, 8 Trinity road street, Roman road
Rag-goer Frederick Frank Walter. g8 Kirkby Mrs. 36 Mildmay road Munson Richard, I6 Hill road
~ew London road Kitchen Mrs. Clovelly, Tower annue Murray John Glassford, 10 Maltese rd
Haig Charles Robert, 28 Park road Knibbs Miss, 39 Bro~mfield road Murrell Sidney James, Merivale,
Hampton James, ro7 New London rd Knight Geo. Hugh, 68 Spring-field rr1, Rains ford avenue
Hance Thomas, :;o ~IaltPoP road Knight Thomas Henry, v Hamlet rd :MurrPll William Au~ustus, Chambel'-
Harbottle Rev. George (Wesleyan), 7 Knott Herbert, 37a, Hamlet road lins, Hill road
Queen's road, Springfield Kcszelski Fabien, 7 Maltese road Neave Walter StanlPy, ;6 Baddow rd
Harknett George .Tames, 21 Park av Laing- Jamt>s, I Hamlet road Newton Henry William D,P.H. Fair-
Harnack Fredk.Wm. 95 Springfield rd Lake Rev. Canon HPnry Ash ton M. A. field house, Duke street
Harris Alfred, 24 Coval lane (rector of St. MaTy's Cathedral Nicholas Jn.Hy. M.A.96Springfield rd
Harris Thos. W-arn,40 N t'W London rd Church), Guy Harling-~, ~Pw street Norris James ~~lfd. 78 Broomfield rd
Harrison Arthur, q6 Park road Langham Mrs. 146 Spring·fipld road Notta~e Wm. G. 29 New London rd
Harrison Mrs. 47 New London road Larrett Jn. Wm. Oberiton. Swiss av Nurse Edward, Mill house, Mill road
Harrison Robert, TI Park avenue Leech Edwili Percy, 45 Hill road Ogilv,ie Rev. Thomas George B.D.
Harrison Walter Henry, 13 Park road Leech William .Arthur, 28 Queen's rd (Cong.), 78 New London,road
Hart Geor~e W. 3i Queen's road Lestourgeon Miss, 74 New London rd Ormsby RPY. William King, Lisbon
HarveY Ernest Frederick, W aihi. Lilly Frank J ames, 39 Hamlet road villa. 110 :\foul sham strt>et
Tower avenue Lindsey William Thomas, Thornham, 1Osborn Geo. I Woodbury vils. Elm rd
Harvey Thomas. n6 Raddow road Rflxweil road OttleyC'harles, Maltese cot.Maltese rd
Hao)pr HPnrv Charle;;;. Broomfield rd Ling Charles, 37 Park r0ad Owen Frank H. 14 Maltese road
Hastings George. Springfield court Ling George B. 68 Rainsford road Pad g-et A. rthu r ('. 38 Hamlet road
Hatcher Mrs. 4 MaltPse road Loveday William, I15 New London rd Parker Herbnt .Arthur. 4 Braemar av
H<~wke" George John. RivH,.idt>, Low James Bartlett Hyde, 'l'ullamore, Pascall George William, Gwynant, 5B
Rain<>ford avenue Broomfield road New London road
fl;nvldns Harry Cruxon, 105 New Lowe John H. Holmehurst, Swiss av Pash J. Brittain, Waveney house,
London road Luckin Janws Cecil, The Crossways, Rainsford road
Hav •
Donald Bruce, T"ITeeddale, Rains- New London 1·oad Pates Frank Ernest, Linden, Tower av
ford avenue Luckin Miss, St. Albans, Elm road · Pattison Mrs. II7 New London road
Ha~- :Yirs. 70 Rainsford road Lucking George, 38 Hill road Pawson John Cameron, The Glen,
Rav Thos. M.A., B.Sc. Kinrr Edward Lucking George Wm. r6 Railway st Mildmay road
VI. school, Broomfield road Lucking Misses, YJ:arshalls, Swiss av Paynter Rev. Fras. Sml. M.A. (rector
Ravward Charles W. Boys' home, Lyddon Alfred J. 69 Rainsford road of All Saints'), Rectory, Springtield
Rainsford road Macpherson Mrs. St. John's cottage, Pearce Edward, 95 Xt-w London road
Hazell Jesse Golden, Crohamhurst. St. John's road Pearse Edward, I Moulsham street
Roxwell road J<Iadge George JamPs Sparkes-, 36 Peel William, 204 Springfield road
Herbert Ernest, r8 Park avenue New London road Pt>nsabene Nicolo, 75 Xew London rd
Herring Geo. Herbert, 8 Queen's road Mahon Francis William, Cliftom·il~f'. Perry :Miss, qo Springfield road
Hewitt Charles, 40 Park annuP Cedar avenue · Perry Mrs. 23 St. John's road
Higman Thomas Henrv, •
17 Park aven Malyon Samuel, 67 Rainsford road Pertwee Alhert, 42 Hamlet road
Hilburn George Wm. 25 Queen's rd Mann Fredk. Henry, 40 Hamlet road Pertwee Miss, 72 New London road
Hilliard Waiter, FairfiRld lo. Duke st Manning Thos. Wm. 44 Broomfield rd Pertwee Mrs. C. 54 New London road
Hindmarsh George Thomas, Ingle- Mansfield Walter, 6I Duke street Pertwee William Hart, The Limes,
side, Hamlet road Manthorp Rev. Maurice Watson ~LA. New London road
Hockley George "llilliam, Homeland, (curate of All Saints'), wQueen's 1 d Phillips .Augustus Vanghan, Kyle•,
Swiss avenue ~arriage Henry, Bishop's Hall Milll Swiss avenue
house, Rectory road Phillips Francis J. 6 Queen's road
PhilHpa Ge«J-~ Ca 6 Market m Showers Capt. Edwd Maclean (chiel Wallery Tpe-o~ore Harrr; fS 'New
Pbillips Miss, t.16 Hill 1'<lad eonstable of Essex), Springfield crt don road
Phillipa Miss, 85 New .London 'Toad Simpson Harold Thos. 31 Vicarage rd WaJiis Christopher Henry, PS. Moul-
Phillips Percy Edmund, 21 Grove rd Sinelair Harold Weightman :M.D. sham streJ:>t .f
Pitts Alfred J. 196 Springfield road Whittles hall, Springfield road Ward F,rancis, 194 Sprmgfleld r9ad
Pitts ilulian Atfted Reynolds, 2- Brae- Slader 'Mn. 7 Park avenue Ward Percy Jqhn, Woodcotet- Broom-
mal' avenutf Slipper Waiter J. 31 Queen's road field road
Pitts Rob~Til Elliot, xg6 Springfield rd Smale WiUiam, II4 Moulsham street Wardill WiUian1, 44 .RiJJ road
Piuey Alfred, 68 South Primrose hill Smith Cha-rles Erne&t~ Roxwell road Ware Charl~ All:>ert B;ugh,_1'he Glen,
Pledger Miss, Bellmans,Mount Hill av Smith Er William, 12 Queen's road Rainsford avenue I: ,
Pledger Miss, '/O .Springfield road Smith F. Luckin, 76 Spring-field road Warren Wm. John, 41 New London rd
Pochin Edmund, ua Moulsham st Smith Frederick George, White cot- Watson Rt. Rev. Monsigno:t:" Edward
Pollard E. 2 Victoria -eres. Glebe road tage, Cedar avenue J. (Catholic), The Presbytery. 35
Foole George, 94 New London road Smith George WilKam. 17 Lady lam New Londoa road
Poole William Edward, The Nest, Smith 3ames Ohristy J.P. Bynghurst- Watts-Ditchfield Rt. Rev, John Edwin
Broomtield road Springfield road D.D. (Lord Bishop of Chelmsford),
Potter Henry, 15 Fairneld :road Smith Mrs. J . .A. 59 NelT London rd Bisl:wpscourt, Springfield road
Potter N"evi!le Fredk. Leslie.Cedar av Smith Nathan, 20 New London road Wamnsley F. A. (H.M. sub-inspector
Pollell G-eo. Wm. 67 Springfield road Smith Wm.Clayton,6o New London z·i! of schools), vx Springfield road
Pratt Mr8.Warner,wg ~Pw London rd Somerset R<tglan (deputy chief con- Webb Harry Charles, 25 Park road
Pressey Rev. Wm. Jas. M.A. (vicar of stable of Essex), Springfield court Webber William Grose, St. Columb,
St. John's},The Vicarage,Moulsham South Arthur, Dunedin, Elm road Broomfield road
Pryke Frederick George Colley, Sel- Southam John Basil, !-32 Hill road Welch :Miss, 51 Wood street
borne, Swiss avenue Southgate Robert, 5 Sandford road Wells Frederick Arth. J.P. Dov.edale,
Bamsay David Alexander; I I King Spalding Fred. 4 High street Moulsham street
Edward's avenue Spalding MissE.rrCrane court.High .sr Wells Mrs. 51 New London road
Ransford Leonard U. 27 Duke street Spurgeon Geo.Hughes,8o Mildmay rd Wells Mrs. 77 New London road
Rawe Albert Benjamin Oarn, 17 King ~tack wood Miss, 27 Park road Wells Selkirk, Ooval lo. Rainsiord rd
Edward's avenue jStaines Arthur Hy. 203 Springfield rd Wenden Christr. John, 5 Queen's rd
Rayner Albert Edward, 28 Park aven Staines Fredk. Wm; z6 Queen's :road Wenden Waiter Wm.19 Broomfield rd
Rayner John C. 39 Mildmay road Stannard William .Alfred, x6 Park av WPnl~>y William Gilson, 73 High st
Beed Edward Chas.46 New London rd Stegeman :Mrs. 9 Park road Wha.rton Miss, 67a, Ne-w London rd
Beeve James Stacey, 19 Maltese road Sterry Arth. Jas. 8 King Edward's av Wheeler Miss, 44 New London road
Beynolds Thomas, sen. Elsie villa, Stacker Fredr•rick William Borrow, 1 White Albert Frederick, Teversham,
Arbour lane :Maltese rolld Swiss avenue
Ridley Charles Ernpst D.L., J .P. The Stok.oe Col. Richd. 63 New London rd White Charles Frederick Andrew, 36
Elms Stone Rev. ;Henry Edward (Baptist). Park avenue
Ridley 'Mrs. Waiter, 78 Springfield rd The Manse. Roxwell road White Ernest Waiter, 20 Park road
Biley William Joseph, 14 Park road Stone Miss, 17 Cottage place White Ernest, 26 Park road
Ripper William Henry, Elveden, Storrs Kenneth Simonds, 56 New st White Ernest Theodore, 30 Park road
Vical'age road Stra.ight Frederick Marshall, 96 New White Frederick William, Haslemere,
Roberts Wilf;rid St. C)are, 15 Park av London road Market road
Rodd Sidney, The Croft,Mount Hill av Straight Misses. <S BroomfiPld road White Mrs. F. J. 9 King Edward's av
Boot Mrs. 44 fllrk road 1
Straight Mrs. 24 Maltese road Whitmore Frank, 1:2 Maltese road
Boper Alfred Collison, Io King Stunt Francis, 74 Springfield road Wight James .Alfred, 30 Queen's road
Edward's avenue Stunt William, 75 Springfield roat.l Wilkinson Frederick Sparrow, 9~
Rose Mrs. 41 Broomfield road StutfiPld John Gregory, Woodbast· Springfield road
Bosling Archibald, 87 New London rd wick, Roxwell road Willey Albert, 32 Queen's road
Rowden Percy, 94 Springfield road Swan Frank E. 125 New London road Williams James, 7 Upper Roman road
Rowe Frederick Charles, Tweeddale, Swayne Mrs. II2 Moulsham street "'"illiams Joseph, Cedar avenue
Rainsford avenue Tabor Mrs. Westfield, Broomfif'ld rd Williams :Mrs. 20 Quf:'t-n's Toad
Rowe Joseph Henry, 7 Market road Tavernpr F. G. 56 Broomfield road Williamson Alfred John M.A., M.D.
Bowe Sidney Joseph, Leighton, Rains- Taylor Fredericli W., D.L. Highfield. Wharf cottage, Navigation road
ford avenue New London road Willis CharlP!l Henry, ~2 Goldlay rd
Bosscll Mrs. 109 Moulsham street Taylor Geo. Inglenook, Rainsford av Willis John, 29 Hill road
Saltmarsh Mrs. The ~nrseries, Taylor George James, Summerleazf', Willsher Edward Lyndhurst, 81! Bad-
. :Moulsham street Springfield road dow road
Sandeman Edgar Glassen Horsford, Taylor George Woodland J.P. Red Wilson Clifford William, White house,
1).7 Moulsham street house, New London road Baddow road
Sargent Geo. The Bank ho. 2 High st Taylor Miss, 88 Mildmay road Wilson Itorace Fitzroy,~ Belle villa,
Savill John Thomas, Jesmond, South- Taylor Mrs .John, 76 New London rd Threadneedle street
borough road · Taylor Thomas James, 40 Hill road Wincer Alien, 23 Hill road
Sayers Frederick Charles, 10 Park av Thompson John Ockelford, 26 Spring- Wood Edgar, 33 Hill road
Schmidt Otto, Westholme, Rainsford field road Woodgate Miss, 24 St. John's road
avenue ThrPsh John Clough D.Sc.. M.D .. Wood Mrs. 29 Queen's road
Serivener Joseph Elliott, Meadowside F.J.C., D.P.H. 64 New London road Woodward Charles William. Berkeley,
house, Rectory road Thurgnr James Cur1.0n, 3 Market rd Vicarage road
Scruby Miss, 28 Broomfield road Tilley :e:erbert Benjamin, Huntspill Warden Richard :Mawdsley. Park
Seabrook William, The Bungalow East, Broomfield road lodge, Rainsford road
Seager John EdwarJ, Evesbatch, Timewell Mrs. 2 Queen's road Wortley Stamp LL.B, :\'Ieadowside,
Broom.field road Tomalin Thomas Gerrard, 19 Hill rd Rectory road
Sellick Thomas Edwin Lewis, 71 Travess Ernest .Allenby, 35 Hill road Wray George, Newstead, Springfield
Rainsford road Tunbridge Mrs. 38 Park avenue Wright Charles Herbert, Vincents,
Shannon John. 13 King Edward's av 'Tunstill Frederick Waiter, Trinity rd Moulsham street
Shead Francis William, .r Fairfield rd Turner Mrs. 7 Kinl! Edward's avenue Wright Mrs. 84 Baddow road •
Sbead William, 57 Broomfield road Twissell Geo. Kia-Ora, Rainsford av Wright Mrs. 86 Xew London road
Sheerman Edward, ~2 Moulsham st Van Homrigh Mrs. 48 New London rd Wright Wm. Osborne David, Chelmer
Sheers Thos. A. Homer, 24 Tower av Vansanten Wm.Adrien,35 Mildmay rd lodge, Market road
Sheldon Percy John, The Chantry, Velden Herbert George, 59 Hili road Wylie Waltt>r, 7 Braemar avenue
Springfield road so
Veley Miss, New London road Wylie William, 29 Vicarage road
Sheldrake Harry Daking-, Osborne Wackrill Rt. Edwd. 107 Moulsham st Wyril Thomas Edward, 5 Braemar av
place, New London road Wade John Walter,8o New London Td Yonll Charles Berkeley, Keswick,.
Sheldrake RobPrt Ireland,q Maltese rd Wakeley Chas.Thornford,Rainsford av Rainsford avenue
ShoohridgeGeo.Fredk,BNewLondon rd Walker Allan Richd.108 Moulsham st Young Geo.Xewman,81XewLondon rd

r COMMERCIAL. A.Uord Cyril Wolrige M.D.Lond .• M.R.P.S., L.B.C.P.

Early closing day, Wednesday 1 p.m. physician & surgeon (firm, ~ewton & Alford) &;
a'<sistant .school wt>dical ofli<>er•, 68 Duke street
A.dcoek William, draper, 196 &; 1:97 Moulsham street .!lien & Gowers, builders, 62 Baddow road
A-dmer William, beer &; wine retailer, 219 Springfield rd A.lston George, apartments~ 143 Springfield road
A.ger Harry, pork butcher, 184 Moulsham street · A.mey & Cook, bo:Jt & shoe makers, Tindal street

.Andrassy George Frederick, assistant engineer & sur- Bell Hotel (familv & commercial), next to Cora
veyor to the Chelmsford Bural District Council, Exchange & facing the Shire Hall (Albert J. Thress,
Waterloo lane proprietor), parties catered for, banquets provided,
.Andrews Arthur John & Son, undertakers, 67 Victoria Tindal street
road &; Angel yard, Tindal street Bellamy Tom, pharmaceutical, dispensing & agricultural
Angell Charles, outfitter, 181 Moulsham street chemist & dealer in photographic materials k medi-
Anscombe Emily Kate (Miss), confr. 34a, Moulsham st cated wines, Tindal square (T N so); & at Witham
Applegate Albert Edward, wine, spirit, beer & mineral Benton & Son, blacksmiths, 108 Springfield road
water merchant, 27 Tindal st. See advertisement Berry James William, cycle repairer, 6 Broomfield road
Berry William John, ironmonger, Springfield road
Archer .Sarah Ellen (Mrs.) ,hair dresser ,29 'Springfield rd
Archer Wm. H. 5 Meadowside, Springfield rd Betts Stephen, yeast merchant, I I Mildmay road
.:\rgent Charles Henry, market toll collector, Market rdBew Waiter Charles, insurance agent, 173 Springfield rd
Arlidge W aHer Frederick, registrar of marriages for Bickmore Albt. Edmund, photogrphr. 205 Up. Bridge rd
Chelmsford Union & deputy registrar of births & Bickmore Gertrude (.Mrs.), dress maker, 6 Hill road
deaths for Chelmsford sub-district, 22 Maltese road Bird Anna (Miss), girls' school, 25 New London road
.Army Service Corps, Eastern Mounted Brigade Trans- Bird Ellen (Mrs.), dining rooms, 18 New street
port & Supply Column, Territorial Force (Capt. Blackwell William, furniture dealer, 22 Moulsham street
Edward Upton, commanding; Capt. H. A. Jones, Bloomfield Susannah (Mrs.), carpenter, 23 Springfield rd
adjutant; Sergt.-Major Frederick Hewitt, instructor);
Blyth Robert William, solicitor, clerk to the Writtle
head quarters, Market road Charities, agent to the Royal Fire & Life Insurance
Arnold & Co. potato salesmen, Railway arches Co. & clerk to Chelmsford (Rural) Old Age Pension
.A.rnold Thomas, chief clerk to the Chelmsford corpora- Sub-Committee, Crane court, High street
tion, 16 New London road BC'atman & Co. ophthalmic opticians & dealers in photo-
.Ashton Ernest Charles & Co. oil & color merchants & graphic apparatus & materials, 23 Duke street
glass & earthenware dealers, 209 Moulsham street. See
Boatman Leonard, decorator, Wells street
advertisement Bolingbroke George .John & Sons, silk mercen,
Assembly &; Concert Rooms (Fred Spalding, proprietor), linen drapers, furriers, costumiers, ladies' tailors,
Crane court, High street high-class milliners, ladies' & children's outfitters k
Atlas Assurance Co. Limited (branch) (Duffield & Son, funeral furnishers, 74 & 75 High street (T N 193).
agents), 96 High street See advertisement
Austin Emily Jane (Mrs.), hardware dlr.14 Moulsham st Bolingbroke George John, gravel & sand merchant,
Austin Thomas Joseph, fancy repository,15 Moulsham st Springfield quarries, Springfield
Austin's (J. W.) Oounty Motor Works Limited, motor Boltwoorl Ellen (Miss), shoplreeper, Rainsford road
car Ipanufacturers, engineeTS &; jobmasters with large Bond Alice & Eliza (Misses), dress mas. 4 Broomfield :rd
garage; ('()ntractors to H.l\1. Government, County Bond .J. G. Limited, general drapers, gentlemen's
motor works. New London rd. See advertisement hosiers & complete house furnisher.s, 27, 28, 29 & 30
Aylett Lena & Emily (Misses), dress mas. 8 Rainsford rd High street ; 29 Duke street & 9 & 219 Moulsham st
Aylett Charles William, bead gardener to the Essex Bond William Crosbee, cabinet ma. &c. 50 & 51 New st
County Horticultural School garden, 28 Rainsford road Be>nnett Robert A.rthur & Son, masons, paviors, sewer &
.Aylett Thomas, shops inspector & mace bearer, Alton, road contractors, Vict!)ria road
Swiss avenue Boreham Charles William, cycle agent &; dealer, City
Bacon George Alfred & Son, cycle dealers, 4.5 New street works, Baddow road
Bacon Eli, fruiterer, New street Borough Cemetery (William Gooch, supt.), Writtle road.
Baigent Ellen (Mrs.), apartments, 45 New London road Bott Lindlev &. eo. manufadurers of sacks, rick
Bailey Thos. Jn. 'builder & contractor, Lower Anchor st cloths & wagon covers, tarpaulins &c. ; bean ties &
Bainbridge Har.ry, boot & shoe maker, 16 Tindal street binder twine merchants ; sacks & bags let on hire, 20
Ballard Malvina (:~liss), umbrella maker, 5 Dulre street Railway arches; & at Witham. See advertisement
Ballard Sidney James, collector of King's taxes for Boyden John William, beer retailer, 6 Lower .Anchor st
Moulsbam, 20 Park avenue Bradridge Alfred, manufacturer of " Auk " cooked cattle
Bamford A. Bennett, artist, 224 Monlsbam street food & artificial manures & disinfectants; miller, oil
Banham Daniel, family butcher; best home-killed meat cake, corn & sef'd merchant, S.pringfif'l'd mill. See
only, 44 High street advertisement
Barclay & Comp-any Limited (branch), bankers (George Bragg .Albert, tobacconist, 217 Moulsham street
Sargent, manager), 2 High st.; draw on bead office, Brame Brothers, tinplate workers, 175 Moulsbam street
54 Lombard street, London E C Brazier Thomas James, fruiterer, 46 Duke street
Barden Sergt. H., R.E drill instructor to Electric Light Brice Edwin Greville, printer, 164 Moulsham street
Co. Essex Fortress Royal Engineers Territorial Force, Brick-Dale & Son, tailors, 21 High street
Market road British Petroleum Co. Ltd. (The) ; stores, Crown wharf
Barlow Georg-e Frederick, deputy clerk of the peace & Brockington Jn. Fras. Royal Steamer P.H. I Townfi.eld si;
deputy clerk to tb~ Essex county council. Shire ball Brown & Son Limited, English & foreign timber
Barnard C. & A. (Misses), temperance hotel; good merchants & importers, sawing, planing & moulding
accommodation for commercial gentlemen, C!·cli.sts & mills ; slates, brick & tile, drain pipe, coal, lime &
families: coffee & private sitting rooms, 37 High st cement merchants, Coates' wharf & Railway depots.
Barnard .Albert, cabinet maker, upholsterer & antique See advertisement
furniture dealer. 38 High street Brown Albert, grocer, & post office, 10 Rainsford road
Barnard Ezra, commereial traveller, 187 Springfield rd Brown Waiter, inspector of nuisances for the corpora-
Barna!!cbina Albt. A~tb. Golden Fleece P.H. 84 Duke st tion, 16 New London road
Barnes J. & Son, china & earthenware dealers, 6 Duke st. Brown "\Yilliam, fhhmonger 163, & greengrocer I74•
Barrett William A. insurance agent, 72 :Manor road M:ouJs.ham street
Barrow Henry Charlf's, police inspector, New stref't Brown William Frederick, district supt. Refuge Assur- •

Barth A. J. (Fraulein), masseuse, 121 New London road ance Co. Limitt>d, 19 Upper Roman road
Barton Fredf'rick, high-class boarding & day school for Bruce Frederick. boot repairer, 201b, Moul~ham .street
boys, The Colle!!'e, Arbour lanE' Bryan Alice Maria (Miss), shopkeeper, 55 Broomfield rd
Bassingwhite Emily (Miss), dress ma. 129 New London rd Eryman Isaac, ladies' & gentlemen's fashionable tailor;
Bateman Albert Georgf', dairy, 22 Springfield road breeches maker; fit & workmanship guaranteed, l3a,
Bateman Charles Hv. shopkeeper, 6o ISouth Primrose hiH Duke street. See advertisement
Bateman Mercy (Miss), dress mal;:er, 128 1Springfield rd Buckingham & Sons, boot & shoe makers, 13 Hig-h st
Bateman William James, bricklayer, Springfield green Buckingham Alfred William, cycle dealer, 21 Tindal st
Baylis & Co. fishmongers, 83 Duke street Bucknall Ernest Pile, stationer, 24 Duke street & 215
Beach W. & Son, coal merchants, Rainsford rd. T N 46 Moulsham street
Beaumont Maria (Mrs.), apartments, 6 :Meadowside, Budd Henry, baker, r81 Springfield road
Springfield road Budds John, tallow melter, 1<>! High street
Beckett Philemon & Sons, brush, broom, toy & Budgett H. M. surfacing .specialist, Crown works, New
general wood turners, timber dealers, wheelwrighls, London road
undertakers, cart, van & wagon builders & general Bull Eliza Watcham (:~Iiss), apartmts.37 New London rd
& shoeing smiths, Glebe road, Townfield street Bull Elizh. Scruhy (Miss), dress maker, 74 Victoria rd
Beekett Henry Charles, undertaker, 14 Glebe road Bunn James Early Smee, chemist, 95 High street
Bedford Edward, boot & shoe maker, 210 Springfield rd Burgess Elizabeth (Mrs.), corset maker, 7 Duke street
Bedford William Arthur, baker, 201 .Springfield road Burrell Richard Charles, whitesmith, 32 Bochford road
Bedingfleld George philus, modeller & Burrows Sidney Edward, customs & excise officer ~
plasterer & plasterers' merchant, 42 Moulsham inspector of corn returns, Rainsford house, Duke st
~tree±. Tel. No. 6o. See advertisement

Jhnton .Albt. organ bnihler, 4 Meadowside,Springfield rd Chelmsford Mutual Plate Glass Insurance Co. Limited
Bushell Albert Edward, liverr stable keeper, New Lon- (Henry Robert Cawdron, sec.), Market road
don road &; Frian plact> Chelmsford Photographic Society (H. Breach, hon. sec.),.
Butcher Charles, coal dealer, 102 Springfie~d road 113 New London road .
Butcher William, bricklayer, 1 Church lane, Springfield Chelmsford Provident Society (William T. E. Willers,.
Boxton WilliMn & Son, bakers, 47 Dnke street k 167 clerk}, n6 New London road
llouJshanm s~reet Chelmsford Race Committee (E. Bates, Galleywood, sec)
Byatt Martha (.Mrs.), confectioner, 66 Victoria road Chelmsford Race Stand Co. Limited (S. J. Ballard ..
:Byatt W alter, furniture dealer, Baddow road sec.), 20 Park avenue
Byiord Chas. teacher of music, 12 King Edward's avenue Chelmsford School of Science & Art (Charles Henry
Byford James, hardware dMler, -215 & 216 .Springfield rd Baskett, head master; J. H. Nicholas M. A. sec.)~
Cadey Thomas, artificial manure agent, 6 Arbour lane Market road
Caley George Robert, farnm bailiff to Mr. David Hodge, Chelmsford Star Co-operative &; Indw:trial Society Ltd_
Waterhouse farm, Rainsford lane (GI'orge Young, sec.), :Moulsham street; bran<;hes,.
Callingham Caroline (Mrs.), fruiterer, 17 :Moulsham st Wells street ; Baddow road & Springfi£>ld road &i
Campen John, carpenter, Rainsford road coal yard, New street
Oannon Harry, .caterer, 8r Duke street Chelmsford Window Cleaning Co. u8 New London road
Cant Frances (Mrs.), dress maker, 132 New London road Chelmsford Women's Liberal .lssociation(:Miss )Iarriage,.
Oapital & Counties Bank Limite& (The) {Andrew Fair· hon. sec.), 13 New London road
bairn, manager), High street; draw on head office, 39 Chipperfield Edith (:Miss), apartments, 37 ~avigatlon rd
Threadneedle street E C Chont & Son, builder~. plum hers, house dE>corators,
Caplin Abraham, furrier, 81 iHigh street contractors & undertakers, Mildmay road. See ad-
Cass Herbert Henry, cycle maker, 69 High street vertisement
Caton William, confectioner, 93 !High street Chopping Samuel Jaseph, estate agent, Open ho.York rd
Catt W. F. & Son, grocers, Tindal square Christon Lily Jane (:Mrs.), shopkeeper, 89 :Moulsham st
Cattle Arthur Charles, tailor, 18 Market road Christy Brothers &; Co. Limited, esectrsc light
Cawdron Henry Robert, solicitor & commissioner for &; power engineers; lighting of country mansions;
oaths, agent to the County Fire Office Limited & sec. makers of electric cooking & heating apparatus,
to the Chelmsford Mutual Plate Glass Insurance Co. switchboard.s, electric pumps & magnetic separators ;
Limited & solicitor & sec. to the Chelmsford & Dis- agents for gas & oil engines ; motor car engineers,
trict Traders! Association, t Market -road Broorr.field Road works. Telegrams, " Dynamic;.',..
Chancellor & Son, architects & surveyors, 19 Duke st T N 8
Chancellor Frederic J.P., F.R.I.B.A. (Chancellor & Son), Chrlsty &; Norrls. engineers, boiler makers, iron &i
architect & surveyor & diocesan architect, 19 Duke st brass founders, millwrights & manufacturers of generlll
Chancellor Frederic Wykeham M.A., F.R.I.B.A. (firm, grinding & pulverising machinery, oil engines, gas-
Chancellor & Son), architect & diocesan surveyor for engines & suction plant, founders' coal dust & brick
archdeaconries of Essex. & Colchester, 19 Duke street yard machinery, water engineers &c. ·Broomfield Road
Chapman Frederick, beer retailer, 57 Rains ford road iron works. T A "Engineering;" T N .292
Chapman Herbert. watch maker, jeweller & optician, Christy Frank, consulting electrical engineer & electric
14 High street. See advertisement light engineer, see Christy Brothers & Co. Limited
Chapman James Waiter, county road surveyor for Christy Leonard Fell, electric light engineer, see
Central district, 47 Park road Christv•
Brothers & Co. Limited •
Charlish William James, insur. a"gt. 75 Moulsham st Church Cemetery (A. •Lunney, deputy paNsh clerk ;
Chelmsford Angling Society (Bert Doole, sec.), Three Waiter Aylett, caretaker), Rectory road
Cups P.H. Springfield road Church of England Young :Men's Institute (W. B..
Chelmsford Brewery (Wells & Perry) Limited (The), Murphy, hon. sec.), Crane court, High street
brewers & wine & spirit merchants, 26 Duke street· Clark Alfred John, caretaker of recreation gi'Ound,.
Chelmsford Club Limited (H. D. Sheldrake, sec.), New Chelmer cottage, Market road
London road Clark Alfred Robert, chimney sweep, 101 Springfield rd
Chelmsford Conservative & Unionist Working Men's Club Clark Henry, shopkeeper, 109 Springfield road
Limited (Charles Edward Paternoster, sec. ),70 Hia-h st Clark John, beer retailer, 50 Moulsham street
Chelmsford Corn Exchan~e Co. Ltd. (Arthur S. Dnffield, Clarke J. H. & Co. booksellers, printers & stationers ..
sec.), 96 High street 77 & 78 High street. T N 3
Chelmsford Corporation Fire Brigade (Percival T. Harri- Clarke Daniel, chimney sweeper, 1 Rainsford road
son, chief officer; Albert G. Wells, supt.), Fire sta- Claydon Robert, shopkeeper, 87 Lower A-nchor street
tion, Market road Cleale H. & Sons, ironmongers, 94 High street & cycle-
Chelmsford & District Liberal & Radical Association agents, r & 6 New London road
(Frederick Wilson, hon. sec.), 13 New London road Clough John George, beer retailer, New Writtle street
Chelmsford Division of Essex Liberal Council (George Coates William James, fancy repository, 12 High street
F.Pomeroy,sec. & registration agt.),13 New London rd - Cobbe &; Wincer,. land & est1.te agents, auctioneers,.
Chelmsford Empire & Hippodrome Co. Limited (H. D. valuers &c. & Finance Act experts, 3 Duke street; &:.
Sheldrake, sec.), Bank chambers, New street at Ipswich
Chelmsford & Essex Building Society (Fred Taylor,sec.), Coe WHliam John, undertaker, 78 Victoria road
17 Duke street Cohen Joseph Colman, draper, 183 Moulsham street
Chelmsford & Essex: Hospital & Dispensary (Theodore Coleman .Tosephine (Miss), girls' school, Springfield road.
Harry Wailer M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Kenneth Collicott Frank William, tailor, 30 Primrose hill
Simonds Storrs M.B., B.C.Camb. & Cyril W. Alford Collier Henry, boys' school, 82 New London road
M.D., L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. hon. medical Collins &; Son, ~lass & ohina dealers, 39 High street & x:
officers; Robert Elliot Pitts M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P. & 2 Spring:field road
Lond. hon. anresthetist; F. W. S. Metcalfe L.D.S. Collins' Agency (G. R. Sherrington·Morris, proprietor)~
Eng. & Leonard U. Ransford L.D.S.Eng. hon. high class servants1 agency & typewriting offices,. 84
dentists; Miss K. Houghton, matron; Miss M. A. High street. See advertisement
Haig, dispenser, collector & sec.; H. S. Tuke, hon. Collins David, carpenter, 22 St. John's road
treasurer), New London road •Jompany of Proprietors of the Chelmer & Blackwatt>r
Chelmsford Gas Light & Coke Co. ('Er William Smith, ~avigation Limited (The) (William Stunt, sec. &;
engineer & manager; Robert Edward Wackrill. sec.), solicitor), 71 Duke street
Sprin~field wharf (T N 267); show rooms, 89 Duke st Coney Arthnr, saddler & harness maker, 85 Duke street
Chelmsford Joint Hospital Board (Leonard Gray, clerk), Constable Edward Joseph, beer retlr. Springfield wharf"
73 Duke street Cook George, boot & :shoe maker, see Amey & Cook
Chelmsford Land Co. Limited (H. D. Sheldrake, sec.), Cook Hedley George, pork butcher, x6o Moulsham street:.
Bank chambers,._ New street Cooke Richard, tailor, 16 Baddow road
Chelmsford Liberal Club (Thomas Ban croft, hon. sec.), Cooper & Reed, coach builders, Baddow road
13 New London road Coote &: Warren Limited 1 coal & coke merchants;-
Chelmsford Meat Co. (W. Candler, manager), butchers, office. u, New London road; depot, Goods station
9 Tindal street & 182 Moulsham street Telephone 39
Chelmsford Model Laundry (J. J. Coo-k, proprietor), Vic- Copland & Sons, solicitors, commissioners for O!lths, rg,
toria road New London road
. Chelmsford & Moulsham Coal Club (H R. Cawdron & Copland Charles Albert B.A.solicitor,see Copland &: SonS-
W. F. Catt, hon. secs.), The Vestry hall Coppin Arthur Ernest, butcher,. 45 Duke street
Chelmsford Mutual Fund Association Limited (H. D. Corn Exchange (Frank Willsher, hall keeper), Tindai sq.
::t~ldrake, sec.), Bank chambers, New street
C-orner Samuel Gordon ~I.D., Ch.B., M.A.Edin. phy- Doole Kate & Ethel (MisseB), confectnrs.zx Springfieldtd
sician, The Cloisters, New London road Dorward James Warn, pawnbroker, 25 & 26 Monlsham*'
Oornhill F. & M. photographers, 75 Duke street Downey Berbert, butcher, 155 Moulsham street
Corporation Water Works (Charles Edward Newman, Drake William James, boot maker, 22 Roman road
engineer), Mildmay road & (William Holford, fore- Drew Robert, Compasses P.B. 6I Broomfield road
man) Admiral's park, Rainsford road Driver Albert & Sons, ~holesale news agents & advel'-
(Jot tee .M. E. (Miss), type writing office, 74 Duke street tising contractors, bookbinders & printers, 25 Tindal st
Couch David Charles Frederick, Cherry Tree P.H. Driver & Ling, wholesale rag, iron & metal merchants,
Writtle road Union yard, Tindal street. T N 287
County Court (His Honor H. Tindal-Atkinson, judge; Driver Fred, · Raleigh Arms P.H. 71 High street
Arthur Stewart Duffield M.A. registrar of county Duflleld & Son, sohc1tors, g6 High street. T N 64
court & bankruptcy court; Charles Godfrey, high Duffield Arthur Stew:ut M.A. (firm, Duffield & Son),
bailiff), Registrar's office, Crane court, High street solicitor~ commissioner to administer oaths, clerlt to
County Football Association (James T. Clark, 3 Brown- county justices, superintendent registrar, clerk to the
ing road, Manor Park E, hon. sec.), Saracen's Head guardians & Union Assessment Committee & Rural
hotel, High street District Council & registrar of county court & bank-
County (The) Furnishing Stores (J. G. Bond Limited, ruptcy court & sec. to the Chelmsford Corn Exchang9
proprietors), 219 Moulsham street Co. Limited, 96 High street
County High School for Girls (Miss E. :M. Bancroft B.A. Duncan Alfred Edward, tobacconist, 82 High street
head mistress), Broomfield road Dutton John, printer & publisher of Dutton's Essex
(J{)unty Police of Essex (Capt. Edward Maclean Showers, Almanack & County Gazetteer, County & Borough
chief constable; Raglan Somerset, deputy chief con- printing works, TindaJ street. T N 255
stable ; George Hastings, superintendent & chief Dutton's Essex .A.lmanack & County Gazetteer (John
clerk), Springfi.eld court, Springfield Dutton, printer & publisher), Tindal -street
County Skating Rink (Augw;tus R. P. Hickley, man- lJyke Ern est Lorenzo, cart age contractor, Roseberry
ager), II3 New London road yard, Springfteld road
Court Concord (A.O.F.} No. 3752 (Thomas Henry East Anglian Institute of Agriculture (Robert Melville
Knights, sec.), Lion & Lamb, Duke street Wilson B.Sc. principal; for staff of teachers, see
Court Peace (.A..O.F.) 2438 (Charles Clift,sec. ),Vestry hall Schools, p. Ng), Duke street
Cousins Ernest, nurseryman, Regina road Eastman & Son (Dyers & Cleaners) Ltd. 33 High street
Cousins Frederick, painter, Barrack square Eaton .Tames, builder, 23 Grove road & Bochford road
Cousins Wm. By. chimney sweeper, 5 Spring-field J'Oad Edser William, sanitary inspector to the Chelmsford
Cowler .A.rthur, shopkeeper, 26 Primrose .hill . Rural District Council, Wa.terloo lane
Cox Charles Berbert, shoplieeper, 48 New street Edwards Edward, nur.seryman, 10 St. John's road
Cox Jabez, saddler & harness maker, ~o Spring-field rd Egert Philip, Plough P.H. 86 Springfield road
Oramphorn Limited, millers, corn, seed & oil cake mer- Electl'ie Supply Corporation Limited, ·Anchor street
chants, 17 High st.; 52 New st. & 37 Moulsham stret>t Elnaugh Arthur James, practical electric light & bell
Oreasey William Henry, printer & publisher, see Me~gy. fitter, Baddow road. See adver1:isement
Thompson & Creasey Ely Charles Thomas, car.penter,Barrack. sq.& 1 Riverside
Creasy Brlan Charles, dealer in, & valuer of, Ely Minnie ()<hss), dress maker, I Riverside
genuine antiques & works of art, 7 Tindal street. Emery David, chimney sweep, 177 Upper Bridge road
Telegrams, "A.ntiqnes, Chelmsford; " T N 213 Empire (Chelmsford Empir~> & Hippodrome Co. Ltd.
Creasy Lionel, butcher, 6 Tindal street proprietors; Lione1 G. Holding, general manager),
Croft Herbert .A.lbert, cycle maker, Moulsham street Springfield road
Crompton & Co. Limited, electric light & power con- Essex Agricultural Society (Fred Taylor. sec. ),17 Duke st
tractor<>, Arc works, Writtle road Essex Congregational Union (Rev. T. :M. Mundle, hon.
Currer George, beer retailer, 142 Springfield road sec.), The Manse, New London road
Currie Robt. Barvey, farmer, Moulsham lo. & Tile kiln Essex County Chronicle (Meggy, Thompson 11
Customs & Excise Office (Edwin Mason, surveyor ; John Creasey, proprietors & publishers; published fri.). g8
Henry Maybanks & Sidney Edward Burrows, officers), High street. See advertisement
Rainsford house, Duke street Essex County Cycling &; Athletic Association (Herbert
Dace Jas. & Son, "pianoforte warehouse,5 New London rd F. Pash L . .A..C. hon. !'ec.; F. W. iB. 'Stocker .! ..!.A.
Danes Edwin, market gardener, Church la. Springfield sec.), 7 Avenue chambers, Market road
Darbv• _.\lfred & Co. auctioneers, valuers, survevors. •
E~sex County Hmticultural School Garden (Charle!l
house & estate & insurance ag-ents, Q7 High street William .A.ylett, head gardener), Rainsford road
Darby .A.mbrose, confectioner, I I Moulsham street F.:ssex County Police (Capt. Edward Maclean Showers,
Dare Herbert, shopkeeper, I Upper Bridge strePt chief constable; Raglan Somerset, deputy chief con""
Davev •
Alfred, beer retailer, 22 :Moulsham street stable; George Hastings, supt. &; chief clerk), Spring-
Davey Philip Frederick, shopkeeper, 72 Broomfield road field court
Davis & Co. stationers, booksellers, circulating library & Essex County Riflr Association (Capt. Phili.p Yonge, 5th
dealers in fancy goods, 19 Duke street Batt. Essex Regiment, hon. sec. Boreham)
Davis Joseph, commrcl. traveller, 17 New London road Essex County Territorial Force Association (Col. the
Daw Florence Mary (Mrs.), dairy, 55 Moulsham street Right Hon. the Earl of Warwick T.D. president; Col.
Dawson Noel J., A.R.I.B.A.· architect, Duke street R. B. Colvin C.B., T.D. chairman; Col. Harry Cooper
Day Waiter & Co. tailors, 10 Duke street C.M.G. vice-chairman; Col. F. F. Johnson C.B. sec.);
Dean Charles Limited, fishmong-ers, 22 Tindal street offices, "Market road. T A "Essetorial"
Dean John Robert, boot maker, 54 South Primrose hill Essex Education Committee (J. B. Nicholas M.A..
De'ath Brothers, furniture removers, Baddow road sec.), County offices, Duke street
Death ~Iatilda (:Mrs.), confectioner, 45 Moulsham street E!'sex (Fortress) Royal Engineers Territorial Force,
Debnam James & Son, tobacconists, 4 Tindal square Electric Light Co. (Capt. H. A. D. Neville, command-
Dennis Acetylene Illuminating Co. (The), 20 High street ing; Sergt. H. Barden R.E. drill instru<'tor); head
Dennis Frederlck Hungate, wholesale & retail iron- quartl3rs, Market road
mong-er & merchant, ventilating, heating & electrical Essex Herald (~leggy, 'l'hompson & Creasey. proprietors
engineer, coppersmith, tinsmith & cutler; a speciality & publishers; published tuesday), 98 High street.
made in kitchen ranges; hot & cold water system, See advertisement
pumps &c. 20 High street. T N 181 E11sex Independent & Farmers' Gazette (The Essex
Denny Edmund, Anchor P.H. 151 Moulsham street Weekly News Series Limited, printers, publishers &
Denny Elizabeth (Mrs.), milliner, 44 Duke street proprietors ; published monday, wednesday & satur-1
Dewhirst James .A..M.I.M.E. surveyor & engineer to the day), 26 High street. T N 195
Chelmsford Rural District Council, Waterloo lane El'lsex Industrial School &; Home for Destitute Boys
Dibben William, hair dresser. 23 Duke street (Charles W. Hayward, manager), Rainsford road
Dibden :Marv (:Mrs.), nurse, 23 Baddow road Essex Loan Society (.A.lbt. Beckett,sec. ),rsr Moulsham l!t
Discharged Prisoners' Aid Society (H. Botwright, sec.). Essex Newsman (Megg-v. Thompson & Creasev, proprie-
H. M. Prison, Springfield road tors & publishers; published saturday), 98 High street.
Dixon John & Son, tanners, Chelmsford tannery, Moul- See advertisement
sham street Essex Pantechnicons for storing furniture, New street;
Dixon James Gainsford, tailor, 15 Duke street Hall street; Mildmay road & New London road
Dixon Thos. solr. & commsnr. for oaths,g New London rd (Wenley & Son, proprietors). See advertisement!
Dobson Fredericli: Samuel, grocer, 22 High street Essex Provident Society (Frank Willsher, clerk &
Doman Samuel, draper. 6 High street collector), u8 New London Toad J
Dom!'stic Bazaar Co. Limited, 91 High street

Essex Royal Horse Artillery Territorial Force (Major Gellard Emily :Mary (Miss), private schl.I St. John's t.di
the Hon. R. G. A. Hamilton, commanding; Capt . .4. Gentry Elizabeth (Miss), shopkeeper, 41 High street
H. Evans-Gwynne R.A. adjutant; Sergt.-Major R. Gepp & Sons, solicitors~ &; agents to the ~orwich Mutual
Faircloth R.H.A. drill instructor; Ammunition Life ·Office, incorporated with the Reliance Society;
Column: Capt. W. A. B. Daniell, commanding); deputies of & solicitors to the sheriff for Essex,
bead quarters, Market road New street; & at 107 & 108 Temple chamberi,
Essex A Suffolk Equitable Insurance Society London E C
Limited (George Mason, local sec.), 4 Duke street Gepp Henry Hamilton (firm, Gepp & Sons), solicitor,
Essex Weekly News (The Essex Weekly News Series under sheriff & clerk to the commissioners of sewers
Limited, printers, publishers & proprietors ; published for Dengi::~, Foulness & Fobbing levels, returning
frid 'Y; certified circulation over 3 6,5 00 officer to the Essex County Council, registrar of the
copies weekly); chief office, 26 High street (T N archdeaconries of Colchester & Essex & clerk to the
195); .branch offices at Southend, Romford, Barkino- commissioners of income & land tax for the division
& Bramtree of Chelmsford & to the Committee of Visitors of th&
E~sex Weekly ~ews Series Limited (The), printers, Essex & Colchester Lunatic Asylums, .Xew street; &
publishers &i proprietors of the "Essex Weekly at I07 & 108 Temple chambers, London E C
New~ " &i the "Essex Independent & Farmers' Gibson Geo. Hedley, furniture dealer, 173 )-loulsham st
Gazette," 26 High street. T N 195 Gilmore Mary Ann (Miss), apartmts. 163 Springfield rd
Etheridge Wait. Chas.Two Brewers P.H.25Springfield rd Gimson & Martin, physicians &; surgeons, 195 Spring-
Evans John, saddler, .zo1 Moulsham street field road & 31 New London road
Evans Sidney, fruiterer, 225 Moulsham street Gimson William Douglas M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond.
Eve Owen Edward, insuran<!e agent, 42 Nursery road (firm, Gimson & :Martin), surgeon, & medical officer
Everett M. & D. confectioners, 30 Springfield road & public vaccinat~r. No. 3 district, Chelmsford unioll,
Everett Geo. Arthur, shopkeeper, 45 Upper Bridge road Springfield house, 195 Springfield road
Everett Herbe1t, school attendance officer, 52 Goldlay rd Girls' Friendly Society (Mis-s Tufnell & Miss Lake, hon.
Everett Wm.Jas.musical instrument dlr.177 Moulsham st secs.), 23 New London road
Fail bairn Andrew, manager of Capital & Counties Bank Gisbv Walter, shoe maker, 40 Baddow roaa
Ltmited, High street Codfrey H. &. T. C. manufacturers of sacks, ropes,
Faircloth A.ltred Edwin, builder &c. 7 Lower Anchor twines, rick cloths, tarpaulins, wagon covers, tents,
stieet; works, Barrack square marquees, sack & bean tiers, cocoa matting, door
Faircloth Sergt.-Major R., R.H.A. drill instructor Es,ex mats, nets &c.; also marquee!', sacks, cloths &c. let
Royal Horse Artillery Territorial Force, Market road on hire, Moulsham rope works & 3 Tindal square.
Falcon Bowling Club (Frank Cowley, hon. sec.), Bell Established I828. T N 208. See advertisement
hotel, Tindal street Golding George Albert, builder, contractor, plumber &
F.1rrow &; Sons, plumbers, gasfitters &c. 7 New street painter, Wells street &; Railway square. See adver-
Farrow Alexander, boot repairer, Mildmay road tisement. •
Feather Waiter Townend, sheriff"s officer, The Limes, Golding Thomas, collector of rates for Xorth & South
69 Springfield mad wards, 2 Market road
Fewell Claude James, cattle dealer, 104 Baddow road Gooch Wm. supt. (){ the Borough CemPtery, Writtle rd
F1eld Robert (Mrs.), teacher of music, 16 Rectory roaJ Goodliff Harry, Wheatsheaf P.H. 28 New street
Finch James & Son, boot & shoe makers, 36 Duke strePt Goold John Heyden, solicit·Jr, & clerk of the pt>ace,
Finch Charles Richard, registrar of births &; deaths clerk to the Essex County Council & to the Lieu-
Great Baddow sub-district, Chelmsford union (attends tenancy, county solicitor for E»sex & clerk to Essex
12 noon to I p.m. on wed.), 163 Springfield road County Pension Committee, Shire hall
Fincham .Alfred, baker, 14 Baddow road Gosden John, carpenter, I5I Springfield road
Fincham Waiter, baker, 7 New Writtle street Gosling & Son, boot warehouse, 68 High !>treet
l'ii dam William, builder, 9 Baddow road Gosling Herbt. Sydney, pianoforte tuner, I I Trinity rd
Finer John Edmnnd, representative East Anglian Daily Gosling John, curio dealer, 22 ~l'w London road
Times, 6 Upper Roman road Gower William. shopkeeper, 24 Rainsford road
Pinning Sidney James, oil & calor man, 33 & 34 Duke st Gowers .Albert, builder, see .A.llen & Gowers
Finning William David, vork butche1-, 30 Duke street G-owers .Jesse, builder, Park Road works
Firman Edward Henry, poultry breeder, 3 Meadowside, Cray A Sons, brl.'wers, malt.;;ters, •pirit & corn mer-
Springfield road chants, Springfield Road brewery. T N 214
Pitch Geo. & Son, saddlers & harness mas. 92 High st Gray Harrison, maltster, Baddow road (T ~ 2oo) ;
Flack Waiter, boot maker, 2 Rosebery road Mildmay road & New street
Fleming, Reid & Co. Ltd. hosiery manufrs. 18 High st G-ray Leonard, solicitof, & solicitor to the Licen-ed
Fl£>tch!:'r W. & R. Limited, butchers, 24 High street ; 55 Victuallers' Association, Chelmsford district- & clerk to
Duke street & 35 Moulsham street the Chelmsford Joint Hospital Board, 73 Duke street ;
Fletcher .!.lice (Mrs.). laundress, Vineyards, Park road & at Ongar
Foreman L. P. & Son, willo" & timber merchants, Green & Sons, butchers, 203 Moulsham street
Rain•ford road Green John :Meade, tailor 34, & bookseller 35, High st
Fmre•t G. Topham, county architect for Essex, 73 Green Ralph Westgate, surveyor of taxes, Rain.;:ford
Duke street house, Duke street
Forster & Co. coal merchant", 1 Market buildings, Green William H~mry, cutler, 56 High street
Market road; 46 Victoria rd. & Railway Goods siding Greenwood Waiter Jas. Kmg's Head hotel, 40 High sheei
Fo ... tet Brothers Cl()thing Co. Limited, clothiers, 226 Greiner Hugo, general smith, 51 Moulsham street
Monlsham street Griffiths Alfred John, market gardener, 6r Baddow rd
Fox George, hosier, 57 High street & 2 & 3 Duke street Gripper Joseph Limited, iron merchants & ironmongers
Freeman, Hardy & Willis Lim. boot mas. 9 & 10 High st & dairy utensil manufactrs. I5 High st. ; & at )faldon
Freestone Thomas, shopkeeper, 20 ~ew street Gunner Percy George, jobbin~r gardener, 107 Baddow rd
French Brothers, dairymen, New Writtle street Guscher Paul, hair dresser, Broomfield road
French Frederick J builder & contractor, Halford Cycle Co. Limited, 67 High street
plumber, decorator, undertaker & hot water Halls Charles Riches. house decorator, 45 Mildmay road
engineer; wells bored &. sunk; sanitary & Halls Emily (Mrs.), beer retailer (off , Springfield green
electrical work of all kinds, Caval works, Rainsford Hamilton James, woollen draper, 114 New London road
road & Barrack "quare. 'Phone 288; Telegrams, Ranee John, tailor, 16 Victoria road
'· F1 ench, Builder. Chelmsford " Ranee Thomas, ironmonger, see H·1Sler &; Ranee
Frost Sydney John, shopkeeper, 143 Upper Bridge road Harden Ernest Thomas, upholsterer, 23 Orchard street
Frost William. insurance agent, 177 Spring-field road Hardy Waiter Boosey, confectioner, 208 Monlsham st
Frye Frederick Robert Mus.Bac.Cantab., F.R.O.O. pro- Harper W. & Son, tailors, 211 Moulsham street
fl"'o'lOr of music k organist at Chelmsford cathedral, Harrington Hy. fruiterer & greengrocer, 20 Tindal street
St. Mary's lodge, Cottage place Harris Frederick & Thomas, market gardeners, I & 2
Fulcher J ames & Son, fruiterers, 14 Dulie street Van-Dieman's road
Fulcher .A.rthur George, plumber, 8 Railway street Harris Clara (Miss), shopkeeper, I54 Moulsham street
Fulcher William, jun. florist, 21 Moulsham street Harris Henry, market. gardener. Writtle road
Fuller James, boot & shoe dealer, 42 Moulsham street Harris Thomas John, baker, 32 Moulsham street .
Gannon Thomas H. printer, 148 Springfield road Harris Thomas W . .superintendent Prudential Assurance
Gardinl'r John, coal merchant, 13 Lower Anchor street Co. Limited, Prudential buildings, Duke street
Gardner Waiter, insurance agent, 102 Mildmay road Harrison B. H. & Son, wholesale & retail ironmongers.
Garman Yichael, baker, 34 Moulsham street cutlers & iron merchants. 65 High street (T "X 235) &;
Ganard Waiter, blacksmith, .'iS Arbour lane Springfield road. See advertisement
Geer DPnis, coal dealer, see Kemp & Geer Harrison Herbert John, grocer. 9 Duke street
Harrison Percival T., .A.M.I.O.E. borough water Jordan Harry Spencer, fruiterer, 188 Moulsham street
engineer & surveyor, supt. of market & swimming Joslins' Limited, agricultural engineers, Market road;
bath & chief officer of Fire Brigade; office, _16 New head office & works, Colchester
London road Judge Thomas Wm. Market House inn, I Tindal street
Harvey Cyril, assist. insUl'ance supt. so Goldlay road Juniper Arthur Frederick, hair dresser, 3 Tindal street
Hasler & Hance, ironmongers, 26 Tindal street Juniper Frederick, confectioner, I7 Springfield road
Hasler Kate & Margaret Wortley (Misses), milliners, 2 Kelland Horace Frank, assistant accountant for the
New London road county of Essex, County offices, Duke street
Hasler Henry Charles, cartage contractor, 28 Railway Kemp & Geer, coal dlrs. 27 Rochford rd. & 9 Mill road
. arches (T N 2I9) & farmer, Thrift farm Kemp & Oo. coal de11-lers, Baddow road
Hastings George, supt. & chief clerk of Essex Police, 1 Kemp Henry, mechanical engineer, Friars place
Springfield court Kennedy Charles William, stationer, 150 Springfield rd
Hawkes Brothers Limited, manufacturing confectioners, Ketley William, livery stable keeper, Railway arches
40 New street & retail confectioners, 54 Duke st.; 2 Kettle George Herbert, King William the Fourth P.H~
& I57 Moulsham street & 2II Springfield road 6 New street
Hawkins & Ward, plumbers, 24 Springfield road Kevan Alfred Kate (Mrs.). dress ma. 217 Moulsham st
Hayes Henry Edward, writer & grainer, Ig Coval lane . King Edward VI. School (Thomas Hay M.A., B.Sc. head
Haylock Harry, Saracen's Head hotel, High street master; Norman Squier B.Sc. second master; for
Haynes Jas. aparts. 7 Meadowside, Springfield road assistant masters see Schools), Broomfield road
Hayward Charles, The White Horse P.H. 25 Townfield st King David, grocer, Navigation road
Hazelton Frederick Joshua, builder, 24 Hall street Knight Frederick, tailor, I I Roman road
Heard Florence (Mrs.), dress maker, II Riverside Knight Henry John, tailor, 34 Roman road
Hepworth J. & Son Limited, clothiers, 70 High street Lancaster Ellen (Mrs.), Cedar temperance hotel, Broom-
Herbert Robert, boot &; shoe maker, 3 Threadneedle st field road
Hewitt Sergt.-Major Frederick, drill instructor to Lancaster John Nathaniel, coal dealer, 12 Manor road &:.
Eastern Mounted Brigade Transport & Supply Column, Rochford road
Army Service Corps, Territorial Force, Market road Lande:r Prances (Miss), apartments, 18 Park road
Hicks, Son & Co. caterers, OO<Jks, confecti(}ners & fancy Lanham Harry, hair dresser, 6 Springfield road
bread & biscuit bakers, 32 High street (T A "Hicks, Last Charles, plumber, 6 Blackfriars place, Friars place
Caterers, Chelmsford;" T N 176) & 86 & 87 Duke st Lawrence Maria (Mrs.), Railway tavern, 65 Duke street
Hicks Norah (Miss), fancy repository, 17 Tindal street Lawson Isaac William, saddler, 2 Church square
Rider George Alfred, shopkeeper, 105 Springfield road Layton Harry, Saracen's Head tap, High street
Hilliard G. B. a Son, auctioneers, valuer-s, surveyors Layt.on Richard, baker, I & 2 Anchor street
& estate agents, New street (Tel. No. 17); & 7 Great Lt>ech William & Sons, gun makers, 4 Tindal street
Winchester st. London E C. See advertisement Leech William, carpenter, 4 Hall street
Billiard (W.) & Ward, solicitors, 'JO Duke street (T N Lenaghan Rebecca (Mrs.), apartments, n Cottage place
178); &; I Guildhall chambers, Basinghall street, Lennards Ltd. boot & shoe makers, 37 &i 87 High street
London E C Lewin William Henry, nurseryman, landscape gardener.
Billiard Waiter, solicitor & commissioner for oaths rose grower & paving contractor, 6 Rosebery road
(Billiard (W.) & Ward), 70 Duke street Lewis Henry, insurance agent, 25 Hamlet road
H. M. Prison (F. W. H. Blake, governor; Rev. L. J. Lewis James, picture frame maker, 13 Moulsham .street
Hudson B.A. chaplain; Rt. Rev. Monsignor Watson, Ling Goorge B. corn, seed & oil cake merchant, 13
Catholic priest; Henry William Newton L.R.C.P. Tindal street & Bish(}p's Hall mill. T N 5X2
Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng., D.P.H.Eng. medical officer; Ling William Archer, Queen's Bead P.H. 6I High st
Sidney Harry Feron, storekeeper; Fred Rowland Linn Lionel Mark, insurance agent, 32 Vicarage road
Gracey, clerk & clerk to visiting committee; William Linsell & Saven, photographers, 39 Moulsham street
Charles Hale, chief warder), Springfield road Lipton Limited, provision dealers, 53 High street
Ro:ffmann Manufacturing Co. Limited (The), manufac- Litchfield William W. White Hart ho-tel, Tindal street
turers of ball bearings, New street pverpool Victoria Legal Friendly Society, 72 Manor road
Haggard Bnrnaby,Queen's Head P.H.3o Lower Anchor st Lock Charles, county land agent, 67 Duke street
Holberton Mabel Edith (Mrs.), news agent, 2oga, London Central Meat Co. Limited, 63 High street
Moulsham street London County & Westminster Bank Limited (Chelms-
Holland Thomas Austin & Sons, jobmasters, Friars ford branch) (A. H. Morgan, manager), 7 & 8 High
place; carmen, Railway arches & blacksmiths, Bell yd street; draw on head office, 41 Lothbury, London E C
Home & Colonial Stores Lim. tea dealers, 55 High street London & Provinces Discount Co. Ltd. 26 Coval lane
Hood Harry E. deputy registrar of births & deaths for London & Provincial Tea. Ce>. tea dealers,2o Moulsha.m M
Great Waltham district, Springfield green Long George Josep-h, Bay Horse P.H. I8g Monlsham st
Horse Breeding Committee for County of Essex (Fred Love H. & Son, builders, I6 Grove road
Taylor, sec.), I7 Duke street Love day & Son, watch makers, I Baddow road
Horsnail George, Ship P.H. r 1 Broomfield road Loveday Theodore, butcher, rB & 216 Moulsbam street
Hmsnell Chas. Hy. market gdnr. 2 South Primrose hl Low James Bartlett Hyde, quantity surveyor, 74 Duk'ea~
Hosll:in Alexander, farmer, Boarded Barns farm Luckin & Sheldrake, chartered accountants, Bank
Howard Frank, grocer, see Porter & Howard chambers, New street. T N 48
Howard Sarah (Miss), apartments, 121 New London road Lucking George William M.R.C.V.S. veterinary surgeon
Howar-th John W. librarian of Public Library, Market rd (firm, Sparrow & Lucking), I6 Railway street
Howse Henry· John, shopkeeper, 8 Primrose hill Lucking Wm. Augustus,carpenter, 79a, New London :rd
Hughes John Alien, tailor, I4I Springfield road Lummis Emma (Mrs.), boarding house, Io New
Hunt E. L. Limited, builders' ironmongers, Stonebridge, London road .
High street Lunney Alexander, deputy parish clerk to St. :Mary's,
Hurren William Charles, tailor, 56a, Moulsham street 48 Primrose hill
Hygienic Dairy (Albert Edward Holloway, manager), 7 Lyddon Alfred J. deputy county surveyor Essex County
Baddow road Council, 66 Duke street
Hymas Rachel Matilda. (Mrs.), shpkpr. I8o Moulsham st McNair William, hair dresser, 12 Tindal street
Industrial Hall (A. W. Andrews, sec.), Legg street McNa.y Herbert, hair dresser, 66 Moulsham street
Inland Revenue Office (taxes department, Ralph West- Madocks a Co. brush, mat & basket makers, 36
gate Green, surveyor of taxes ; valuation department, High street
Sidney James Murrell F.S.I. district valuer), Rains- Maldon Iron Works Co, Limited (Maldon), agri-
ford house, Duke street cultural implement manufacturers ; depot at Cot-
International Tea Co.'s Stores Limited, 223 & 224 Moul· tage place, New street. advertisement
sham street & 19 Tindal street Malyon Minnie (Miss), milliner, 20 Duke street
Ives Herbert Augustus, watch maker, 76 Duke street I Manley, Bright & Co. chartered accountants, I I New
Ja<Jk-son Clement Isaac, fruiterer, 37 Duke street London road ·
Jackson Hugh, hair dresser, I24 Baddow road Mann Alexander Harry, baker, Baker street & Legg st
James, Macpherson & Co. Limited, mineral water Mann Frederick White, currier, 120 & I2I Baddow road
manufacturers, County factory & Union yard, Tindal street
James Zachariah S. blacksmith, Dolphin yard, Tindal st Manning Thomas William, wine & spirit merchant & ale
Jarrold Sansam, bookseller &c. see Tindall & Jarrold &; stout bottler, 16 Duke street. T N 249
Jeffreys & Sons, clothiers, 51 & 52 High street Mansfield George & Son, blacksmiths, George street
Johnson Brothers (Dyers) Limited, 21 High street I Mansfield George, beer retailer, I & 2 George !trll_et
Johnson Edith Emily (Miss), dress ma. 46 Springfield rd Marchant John James, insur. agt. Weight rd.Springfield 0

Johnson George, confectioner, 37 Springfield road Marconi's lVireles5 Telegraph Co. Limited. ~ew street
Jones Fredk. news agent k tobacconist, 6J Moulsham st
Markham Sarah Ann pits.), cuta;e contractor, 190 ~ewton Henry William :M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond.,
Springfield road D.P.H.Eng. (firm, Newton & Alford), physician & sur-
Marriage William & Henry & Sons, millers (water & geon & medical officer of health to the Corporation,
steam) &c. Baddow road & ~ew street. T N 211 school medical officer & medical officer & public vac-
:::\Iarriage Frederick (the exors. of), millers (water), cinator No. I district, Chelmsford union & surgeon to
Springfield, Barnes H.M. Prison & Essex Constabulary, Fairfield house,
::\Iartin & Son", grocers, rg High street (T N 58) & 56 Duke street
Duke st~eat. T N 59 Nice Harry Edward, baker, so Springfield road
:\Iartin John Little M.B., C.~L physician & surgeon, see Nicholas John Henry M.A. secretary & solicitor to the
Gimson & Martin; & medical officer to the Chelms- Ess«:>x Education Committee, County offices, Duke st. ;
lord Joint Hospital Boa1d, 31 New London road & Ri,·er Plate house, Finsbury circus, London E C
l\laskell .A.dolphus George, solicitor & commissioner for Nicholls Thomas Lawran<!e, chemist, 18 Duke street
oaths, 12 New London ruad Nightingirl Daniel, carman, 3 Grove road
:Mason Charles, dairy, 68 Moub.ham street ~onconformist Cemetery (Charles Clift, sec.; David
Mason Edwin, surveyor of cu,toms & excise, Rainsford , Prior, caretaker), 79 New London road
house, Duke street X orfolk Ernest W. goods agent Great Eastern Railway
Mason George, local sec. Essex & Suffolk Equitable In- Co.; office, ~ew street
surance Society Limited, 4 Duke street Norris James Alfred, engineer &c. see Christy & Norris
Masonic Lodges (276 Good Fellowship) (F. W. B. Nunn George Stigwood, butcher, Springfield road
Stacker, se::.); (Essex Chapter Royal Arch) (Jnmes Nunn James Wiiliam,cabinet maker,23o (back of) Duke st
P. Lewin, scribe E; And1ew C. Durrant, treasurer) & Nurse En.lma (Mrs.), tailor, 12 Moulsham street
(Chelmer Lodge Mark Masons) (F. P. Sutthery, sec.), :Xurse William John, registrar of births & deaths for
Crane Court rooms, High street Chelm,ford sub-district & relieving & vaccination
Matt Erncst Herbert, fruiterer, 185 Moulsham street officer & inspector under 1• Infants' Life Protection
Matthew Stanley M.Inst.M. & C.E. assistant borough Act," r Braemar avenue
water engineer & surveyor, r6 New London road Oddey William, boot maker, 46 Moulsham street
~[awhood & Son, architects & surve:ors, 17 Market road Oliver William E. cattle dealer, house, Coval lane
~aybanks John Henry, customs & excise officer & Open Air Swimming Bath (Corporation) (Alfred Pren~
officer for probate, Rainsford house, Duke street tice, caretaker), Waterloo lane
Maypole Dairy Co. Limited, 59 High street Orams & Son, watch makers, gga, High street
~lead Richard, furniture dealer, 19 Wood street Orrin Henry, boot maker, 10 Friars place
:\leads James, sign writer, ub, Tindal street Orrin Waiter, boot repairer, 7 Victoria rd. & 41a,New st
1\Ieads Jim, boot dealer, 36 Moulsham street j Osborne "\Y. T. & Co. tobacconists, 6o & 101 High street
~edley Harry, market ~ardener, Rainsford lane Ottley Francis John, Globe P.H. 7 Primrose hill
Meggy, Thompson & Creasey, proprietors & pub- 1 Overett £erbert, boot repairer, 84 Rainsford road
lishers of " Essex County ChYonicle," "Essex Owers Frank Howard,accountant for the county of Essex
Herald," "Essex Newsman" & "Maldon Expiess" & & hon. sec. of the County Accountants' Society,County
agents to the Sun Fire & Life Assurance Co. 98 High offices, Duke street
street. See advertisement Oxbrow Agnes M. (Mrs.), boarding house,94Mildmay rd
;)lelvin George, town clerk, clerk to the Borough Edu- Palmer Geo. & Sons, marine store dlrs. Moulsham st
cation Committee, U e Joint Sewerage Committee & Palm er Emest, horse slaughterer, 43 Moulsham street
to the Old Age Pensions (Crban) Committee, r6 New 1 Pannell Ernest, pork butcher, 2o6 Moulsham street
London road I Pannell William, fishmonger, 52 Duke street
Metcalfe Frank W. S., L.D.S.Eng. dentist, 42 Duke st Parish William B. commercial traveller, 1 Primrose hill
llid-Essex (Chelmsford) Conservative & Unionist Regis- ! Parke's Drug Stores Limited (Herbert Clarke,
tration Association (W. Martins Fison, principal manager), chemists & dealers in photographic
agent; S. J. Rowe, assistant agent), Rainsford road materials, 31 High street
Miles Frank J. tailor, 4 Springfield road Parker Adolphus Butcher, Golden Lion P.H. 90 Duke st
Miller Alfred, market gardener, Rainsford lane Parker Herbt. Arth. professor of music, 4 Braemar av
.\filler George, farmer, Baddow road Paikins George, van & cart builder, Railway arches
Miller John, market gardener, 22 Coval lane Pannenter J. Sydney, quantity surveyor, Duke street
~Iilward & Son, laundry, 22 Baddow road Parsloe John, watch maker, 25 High street
Monk Harry, Alma P.H. 52 Arbour lane Pascall G. W. & Co. wine importers, spirit dealers, foreign
Moody Marion (}ylrs.), shopkeeper, 17 Waterhouse ~treet, liqueur merchants, cordial makers, ale & stout bottlers
Wri~tle road &c. 46 & 47 High strePt
.:\{oore George, hardware dealer, 158 Moulsham street Pash J. Brittain Limited, agricultural engineers;
Moore Stanley Humphrey,furniture dlr.2oo Moulsham st warehouse, Market buildings; offices, next the Corn
Morgan ~rthur Henry; ~anager of ~ondon County k Exchange (T N 299); workshops, King Edward's aven
Westmmster Bank Limited, 7 & 8 H1gh street Patrick James, accountant to the Chelmsford Corpora-
)'lortier Eva (Miss), draper, 199 Moulsham street tion, r6 New London road .
Mortimer Richard Lewis, grocer, 99. High street Patrick Orlando James, machinist, Angel yard, Tindal st
Mothersole Edward A. plumber, Railway arches Pawson John Cameron, solicitor, 74 Duke street
Mothersole Henry, antique dealer, 37 Broomfield road Pavne Edward Nixon, photographer, 43 Duke street
~oy Thomas Limited, coal merchants, 3 Springfield rd Payne William James, grocer, 9 & 10 Broomfield T()ad
Mullucks Caroline (Miss), confr. 44a, Moulsham street Pearl John William, gardener to Mr. Robert H. Currie,
Mulvey William Snowball F.R.O. V.S. veterinary sur- 7ra, New London road
geon & veterinary inspector under the "Contagious Pedley Harry, house decorator & plmbr. 4 New London rd
Diseases (Animals) Act" & Board of Agriculture & Peggs Alfred, apartments, 21 Park road
Fisheries, II7 Baddow road Percy Frederick George, assistant insurance supt. 41
Munnion Brothers, motor body & carriage bftilders, Manor road
I I Springfield road. T N 22ts Perkins James Clifton, Tulip P.H. Church la.Springfield
:\<Iurrell Sidney James F.S.I. dist~ict valuer, valuation Perry G. & Son, s<!ale repairers, 16 Moulsham street
department Inland Revenue, Ramsford ho. Duke st Perry William George, fishmonger 204, & fruiterer 205,
Murrell William Augustus, assistant overseer, vestry Moulsham street
clerk & collector of borough rates for Springfield, of Pertwee Charles & W. H. architects &; surveyors, 19 New
King's taxes for Chelmsford & Springfield & of poor London road
rate for Springfield ward, Chamberlins, Hill road Pert"'ee William Hart M.S.A. architect & surveyor, see
~Iyall Wm. confectioner & cycle agent, Springfield road Charles & W. H. Pertwee
~ational Service Le:~gue (Essex branch) (the Earl of Petts E. S. & Son, chemical manure agents, 30 New
Warwick, president; CoL G. H. Coleman V.D. London road
organising sec.), 74 Duke street. T A " Service, Picture House (Augustus Richard P. Hickley, proprie-
Chelmsford;" T N 2o6 tor), New Writtle street
.:Xational Steam Car Co. Limited, motor car manufac- Pigg Harry W. Red Lion P.H. 99 New London road
turers, Queen street Pitts Robert Elliot M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (firm, Storrs &;
Nelson, Murdoch & Co. domestic machinery dealers, 48 Pitts), surgeon, 196 Springfield road
High street Poate Clara (Miss), apartments, 7 Riverside
Newcombe & Co. cycle agents, 31 & 32 Duke street; Police Station (Henry Charles Barrow, inspr.), New st
54a, High street & Railway arches Pollard E. motor engineer; agent for Austin's, Tal-
Ne\\man Emma J. (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 9 Mildmay road bot's, Vulcan, Belsize, Ford's & Studebaker cars;
Newton & Alford, physicians & surgeons, Fairfield house also for Matchless, N. U. T., B. S. A. & Lea-Francis
& 68 Duke street motor cycles ; cars for hire; high-class repairs, 31a,
Broomfield road. T N 298

Pomeroy George F. Libeml registration agent, 13 New Runt er Sarah (Mrs.), dress ma],er, 25 Grove road
London road Rust Edwin James, market gardener,Falcon yard,High tt
Pomfrett George, shopkeeper, 6 New WritHe street Rust John Glendenning, assistant insurance superimteD-
Poney Frank, baker, IS Tindal street dent, 1 Southgate terrace, Rainsford road
Poole Edward 8c. Son. saddlers & harness makers, Rust John Rayment, pianoforte tuner, 40 Rainsfo:rd rd
athletic goods, motorists' clothiers & dealers in boots Salmon Color-Sergt. Charles Frederick George, recruit-
;& shoes, bags & trunks, 5 Tindal square ing sergeant, 128 New London 1·oad
Poole Charles William, bookbinder, 21 Market road Salmon Henry Edwin, manufrs'. agent, 61 Primrose hlll
Poppy George, tailor, 4 Riverside Saltmarsh & Son, florists, I I High street
Port~r & Howard, grocers, 55 Baddow road Samms William, builder, 89 Rainsford road
Porter Alfred George, confectioner, 213 Moulsham st Sams Samuel & Simeon Lewis, house furnishers, !t
Potter B. T. & Co. linen drapers, 42 & 43 High street Baddow road
Potter Henry. builder, contractor & builders' Saracen•s Head Hotel (Harry Haylock, proprietor);.
material merchant, sawing, planing & moulding family, commercial & posting house; stabling for
mills, Fairfield works. T N IS. See advertise- hunters ; loose boxes &c. High street. T A " Hay-
ment lock, Chelmsford;" T N 0175
Pountney Fred S. insurance supt. 25 Bishop'& road Sargeant Emma (Miss), apartments, 45 Park road
Powell Francis Edwin H. highway surveyor to the Sargent Gecrge, manager for Barclay & Company Ltd.
Chelmsford Rural District Council, Waterloo lane bankers, 2 Duke street
• Powell Saml. Alien, baker, & post office,I78Moulsham st SaveD. Victor, photographer, see Linsell & Saven
Praill Arth. Chas. Freik. market gardener,51 Atbour la Sayers Charles, Black Boy P.H. 220 Springfield road
Praill Thomas James, shopkeeper, 7 Arbour lane Seabrook William &. Sons, nurserymen & landscape
Price James Harry, firewood merchant, Victoria road gardeners; largest selection of fruit trees & roses il~
Prideaux Emily (Mrs.), apartments, 8 Park road the county for sale, The Nurseries {T N 28o); &-.
Prior Augustus David, fried fish dealer, 168 & 169 at Eoreham
Moulsham street Searles Ernest, laundry, 154 Springfield road
Prior Frederick Harold, painter, New Writtle street Sellick Thomas Edwin Lewis, member of the Incorpo-
Prudential Assurance Co. Limited (Thomas W. Han·is, rated Dental Society, I6 Duke street. T N 249
supt.), Prudential buildings, Duke street Sewell Ada C. (Miss), apartments, 23 Hamlet road
Pryor Harry Lewis, ladder maker, Eaddow rQad Sewell Eleanor (Mrs.), dress maker, I7 Eaddow road
Public LibNry (John W. Howarth, librarian & curator), Sewell Ernest Frederick, grocer, & post office, 19 Upper
Market road Bridge road
Public Museum (John W. Howarth,. curator), Market rd Sharpe Joseph, carpenter, 37 Manor road
• Pung George, tailor, Ioo High street Shead Henry Newell, corn merchant, Railway arches
Quilter Sarah Prior (Mrs.), apartments, 2 Meadow side, Shedd Emily J. tMrs.), baker, Post office, so Duke street
Springfield road Shedd James, greengrocer, 51 Duke street
Raddats Frederick(late Hasler & Son; established I822), Sheldon Percy J., M.Inst.C.E. county surveyor, Esse!.
ladies' & gentlemen's tailor; hunting outfits, liveries County Council, & registrar of motor cars for the-
&c. 23 High street. See advertisement county of Essex, .66 Duke street
Radley Frederick, boot repairer, 24 Moulsham street Sheldrake Harry Daking A.C.A. chartered accountant, see-
'Railway Refreshment Room (Waiter Goldwin, manager), Luckin & Sheldrake
Station yard Sheppee Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 23 Eroomfield rd·
Ralph John William, news agent, 49 Duke street Shillitto Albert, Dolphin P .H. 14. Tindal street
Rankin Josiah Abraham, draper 3, & milliner 4, :Mouls- Shire Hall (J. H. Rowe, caretaker), Tindal sqna1'e
ham street Shoobridge George Fredericl;:, dentist, 8 New London rJ
Ransford Leonard U., L.D ..S.R.C.S.Eng. surgeon-dentist, Showers Capt. Edward Maclean, chief constable, Spring-
27 Duke street field court
Ranshaw George, Rising Sun P.H. 68 New London road Shuttlewood Thomas, beer retailer, II3 Springfield roan
Raven Frank, fancy draper, 2I Duke gl;reet Sibley Alfred, shopkeeper. 43 Manor road
Read Harry Goorge, watch maker, 54 Moulsham street Silvertown India Rubber 1 Gutta Percha A Tele-
Reed Christopher, coach builder, see Cooper & Reed graph Works Co. Limited. 106 Cannon street,
Reed John, carpenter, see Trigg & Reed London E 0 ; works, Silvertown, London E
Reynolds Thomas, butcher, I55 & I56 Springfield road Simmons William Barrow, builder, 205 Springfield roadt
Richardson Charles, boot maker, I98 Springfield road Simpson Cecil John, nurseryman, 74 Mildmay road
Richell Charles, restaurant, 3 New London road & tern· Simpson James, grocer, 26 Townfield street
perance hotel, 209 Springfield road Sinclair Harold Weightman M.D.Lond., D.P.H. schoo~
Ridgewell Charles Henry, greengrocer, 200 Springfield rd medical officer to the Essex County Education Com-
Ridgewell Lewis M. baker, 10 New street mittee, County offices, Duke street
Ridgwell Joseph Thomas, cabinet ma. 48 Townfield st Singer Sewing Machine Co. Limited (Alfred Radford,.
Ridley T. D. 8c. Sons Limited, millers, maltsters & manager), 64 High street
brewers, Steam flour mills, Chelmsford (T N I3); Skingley _<\rthur, district supt. Pearl Life Assurance-
Hartford End & Felsted; maltings, Chelmsford, eo. Limited, 191 Spring-field road
Springfield. Braintree, :Hocking, Felsted & Writtle; Skinner James Edward, Windmill P.H. I9 Moulsham st
brewery, Hartford End Slipper Shipley R.D.S. dentist (alternate saturdays), j
Riley JosE>ph Atherton, insurance agent, 13 Cottage pi Duke street •
Rimmer Henry, boot maker, Ifu :M:oulsham street Slipper Waiter J. '3Uctioneer &c. see Rodd & Slipper
Rimmer Henry, fruiterer, 52 Moulsham street &i nur- Slythe .James Braddock (late Hardy), Londo,.
seryman, Braemar avenue Road Marble works i &; at Witham. See adver-
Rim mer John, carman, 44 Moulsham street tisement
Rippon Charles Edwin k Son, music sellers, 62 High st Smee Sarah (Mrs ), beer retailer, x65 Moulsham street
Rippon Ebenezer John, tobacconist, 82 Duke street Smee Sarah Ann (Mrs.), apartments, I23 New London rd
Rippon Thomas, news agent, 47 Moulsham street Smith F. Luckin Limited, wholesale & familv grocers,
Rison Florence (Mrs.), confectioner, I23 Baddow road provision & wine merchants, 76 <High st. (T N 63);
River Plate Fresh Meat Co. Ltd. butchers, 54 High st 182 Moulsham street & 149 Springfield road; oil &.
Rodd 8c. Slipper, auctioneers, valuers, surveyors & color merchants, 66 High street; & at Maldon, Burn-
estate agents, I2 Duke street (Tel. No. Ig8); & at ham, Danbury, Southminster, Ingatestone, Witham
Wickford & Earls Colne
Rogers Brothers, ironmongers, 2I4 Moulsham street Smith Joseph A. &; Sons, drapers, 88 & 89 IDgh street
Rogers Charles, whitesmith, I95 Moulsham street & 10 Tindal street
Rogers John, beer retailer, 7 Hall street Smith W. H. &; Son, booksllrs. & news agts. Railway stD
Rolph Arthur, wholesale fishmonger, I87 Moulsham st Smith Edward, tailor, 207 Springfield road
Rolph Kate (Mrs.), fishmonger, 35 Spring:field road Smith Ernest, pork butcher, 122 Baddow road
Rose Richard, Lion & Lamb hotel, 25 Duke st. T N 289 Smith Frank Norman, boot repairer, Baddow road & 77
Rosling Limited, motor car repairers, New London road Rainsford road
(T N 68) & Spring:field road Smith Frederick George, officer of the sheriff of -Esse~
Rowden Percy, wine & spirit merchant, 12 Duke street Whitt> cottage, Cejar avenue
Rowe Eenjamin, beer retailer, IS Eaddow road Smith Henry, tailor, & post office, 124 Springfield road
Rowe Joseph Hy. caretaker Shire hall, 7 Market road Smith John, beer retailer, 152 Springfield road
Rowe Sidney, fried fish shop, 7 Springfield road Smith Nathan, dentist, 20 New London road
Rowland William & Son, plumbers, 28 Vict{)ria road & Smith Robt. florist & market gardener, 156 :Moulsham st
32 Primrose hill Smith Waiter John,coal dealer,Chelmer pl.Springfield rc4
Snow Harry Miles, cabinet maker, Baddow road Tilson Thomas, shopkeeper, 16 Hall street
Somerset Rag-lan, deputy chief constable, Springfield crt Timson William Henry, painter, Bo Spring:field road
Sorrell Frederick, Star & Garter P.H. 159 Moulsham t~t Tindall & .Jarrold, booksellers, printers, stationers,
South Arthur, fishmonger, 207 Moulsham street bookbinders & account book manufacturer,;, concert
Southam J. B. & Co. tailors, Tindal street agents &c. go High street & 9 Tindal st. T N 5Y1
Southgate Alfred, fruiterer, 88 Duke street 'l'omlinson William Henry, assistant overseer & p1or
~owman "\Vall:er James, grocer, 29 1\Ionlsham street rate collector north & south wards, Vestry hall, New
Spalding Fred & Sons, portrait & landscape photo- street & 6 Sandford road
graphers, picture frame makers &c. dealers in artistic Trigg & Reed, carpenters, Baddow road
!!Oods & novelties; toy, games & fancy goods baza~J.r Trump Richud Henry, hair dresser, 212 Moulsham st
& box, trunk & bag warehouse, 4 & 5 High street &. Trundell John, fried fish dealer, Anchor street
Crane court Tu bereulfl~is Dispensary (Alfred John W illiamson M ..A.,
Sparrow Lewis J. & Son, smiths, Roseberry yard,Spring- l\I.D., D.P.H. officer), 89 Duke street
field road Tunbridge Frank, temperance hotel, 13 Friars place
Sparrow & Lucking, veterinary surgeons, 16 Railway st Turner Samuel & Son, basket makers, 8 Monlsham street
Sparrow Richard, carman,4o Navigation rd.& Barrack sq Turner George William, grocer, 47 Springfield road
Spencer Eleanor (Mrs.), shopkpr. Church Ia.Springfield Turner Robert Edward, cabinet maker, upholsterer &
Spender M. &; M. dress makers, I6 High street decorator; removals, 53 Duke street. See adver-
Spiers John Edward, drill instructor Essex Industrial tisement
school, 35 Park avenue Tween Mary .Ann (Mrs.), mrkt.gdnr. 69 Sth. Primrose hl
Springett William Oliver Gerald, furniture dealer, 8 Twinn Robert, boot repr. 3 Rose cots. Spring:field road
Springfie:d road Tyrrell Ernest, insurance agent, 23 Burgess Well road
Staines David, boot maker, 32 Victoria road Cnderwood Fred, dining rooms, 33 New street
Stairles Thomas, coal dealer, 136 Springfield road lnderwood Fredk. Jas. butcher, 38 & 39 Duke st. TN 45
Stalley Minnie (~irs.), dress maker, I 7 Glebe road Vestry Hall (W. H. Tomlinson, manager), New street
Stanley John, confectioner, 6 4 Moulsham street Vine Margt. (Miss), apartments, Mill house, Baddow rd
Stapleton & Son, plumbers, 12 Baddow road Vipond James, assistant insurance supt. 33 Park road
Steam Carpet Beatin<>" Works (Wenley & Son proprietors) Wade John, marine store rlealer, I88 Moulsham street
The Arcade. See "advertisement ' ' Wakeling Alfred, Rose & Crown P.H. Rainsford :road
Steele Charlotte Lonisa (Miss), dining rms. 1s Tindal st I Wailer Sergt.-~ajo: Alennder, drill i~structor A & B
Stevens Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper, ss Monlsham street Cos. sth Terntorul Batt. Essex Regiment, Dnll hallr

Stevens John, apartments, 3 Fairfield road Market road

Stevens Samuel Charles, slater, 11 Queen street Wailer Theodo~e Ha~ry L.R.C.~.Lond.! M.R.C.S.Eng.
Stevens Waiter, slater, 97 Moulsham street s~Jrg~on, medlC~l o~lCer & public _vacemator to No. 9-
Stiles Henry, fruiterer, 5 Moulsham street district & med1cal ufficer to Workhouse, 18 New Lon-
Stonebanks ..!.rthur Bucking-ham, passage broker &; emi- don road . P. . . . .
gration & ~eneral shipping agent, 4 New London rd. Ward Fr'lnc1s :'.A. sohc1to~ & comm1s~wner for oaths
see advertisement (firm, Duffie1a & Son), as~1stant sec. d10.cesan board of
Storrs &; Pitts, surgeons, 197 Springfield rd. & SS New st finance, deputy registrar of the <;onnty court & banlr-
Storrs Kenneth Simonds M.B., B.S.Camb. (firm, Storrs _ruptcy co~rt &: deputy s~pt .. r;g-Istrar, g(i H1gh street
& Pitts), surgeJn, s5 ~ew street VI ard Franl,, bmlder, 153 "'prm,field r~ad
Storv Rhoda (Mrs.) scale maker 9 Springfield road Ward Gladstone, dental surg-e17, _na, Tmdal street
S tunt · s · ! '· ·
& on, solicitors & commissiOners for oaths, 71
Ward Joseph, plumber, see Hawkms & Ward
u:r d p J . "t (Hill" d ur & W d) D 1 t
._ t B d Qt t h L d EC " ar 1
ercy u. ~o lCI or 1ar n . ar ,70 u w s
D u 1;:e s t ree t ; "" a roa "' ree ouse, on on w · F 1 B k t -1 M0 1 h t t
Stunt Francis, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, & ·warmg • rdan '(M"roJ) ' aidor,b7 d u s am Ms reke t d
arner ..:1. a 1ss , war ro e ea1er, I 6 ar e roa
s t ewar d of man 0 r of R e tt en d on, see St un t & S on W F C h · & d · M 1h
St un t W1"ll"1am (fi rm, St un t & S on ) , so1ICI . ·t or, & c1er k t o u:~
arren . & o. c em1sts ruggists, 222 on s
J am"s, mar1.:et gard ener, I3 G oldl ay roa d .,. am l't
th e Grovernors o f K mg . Ed d VI , h & & n arren
war . s se oo 1 sec. ~ W "ttl t t
solicitor to the Companv of Proprietors of the Chel- ~ ew r~ . e s ree d
Bl 1 N · · t" Ltd D t
1.:e s ree t Warren Wilham John, reporter, 4I New Lon on road
mer & ac ;:wa t er ~ av1ga ·wn . 71 u W as 1;:e tt '-'ard
Q h (~"" ) f t" 8 Ch urc h s t ree"._
S un. C off ee T avern (F re d enc-k Ch ar1es Gl a d wm, ·
~urs. , con ec 1oner, I
Watts John, hosier, I I Tindal street
rrwtor),- 1 9° Mou:sha~ ~treet ~ Webb Joseph & Robert, tailors, 24 Broomfield road
Sutthery k Wo~tle,, sohcitors, 4 Duke ~t. _ T ~ 7° . Webber William Grose, watch maker, jeweller, gold
Sutt~e.ry F~anl, Pel_Ia~t (firm, Sutther) & ~ ortle~ ), &, silver smith & optician, 11 Duke street
solic~tor & commissioner for oaths ~ clerl~ !? the Weight Frederick, Three Cups P.H. 28 Springfield road
magistrate~ for t~e _Ongar petty sessiOnal diVl_SI?~ & Welham Joseph, tailor, 2 Friars place
clerk _to th~ commiSSioners of taxes for Ongar diVIsion, Wellings Cyril, Royal Oak P.H, New London road
4 Dul,e str et . Wellington Henry, shoeing smith, Baddow road
Swan Frank E., F.R.C.O., A.RC.M. professor of music, Wells & Per~ry, English & foreign timber, cement.
125 New Lo~don ~o~d . slate & drain pipe merchants, sawing mills & coal &
Swann Fredenck Wilham, statwn II_laster, Duke street lime merchants, Station , ardl Duke street, & at
Tansley Frank, carman & beer retaile_r, 24 Wood street Ingatestone. T .A "Balk; Chelmsford;" T N 2 6.
Taylor Fred (F.A.I.) & Co. auchoneers, valuers & see advertisement
house, 1!-lnd & estate agents, 17 Duke street. See Wells ~;\.lbert G. supt. of Fire Brigade, Market road
advert•sem_ent . . Wenley & Son, cabinet makers, upholsterers, carpet
Taylor Frank, msurance ag-ent, 5 Tnmty road & paperhan<>"in<>" warehouse decorators & ooeneral
. fi eId r.oa d
T,aylor G eo. Jas. d raper, ~12, 213 & -214 S prmg "' "' furniture removers
house furnishers, ' e
& depof;itories 'k
'laylor Henry Waiter, ?mlder, I Rectory road pr<>priewrs of the Essex pantechnicon, The Arcade.
Taylor James Isaac, bmlder, IOI Lower _lnchor street T N 24 . T A "Wenley Chelmsford." See adver-
Teager William, market gardener, Moulsham Hall gdns tiseme;,t '
Temple _Edwin Ross, ha_ir dresser, I94 Mou~sham s~reet Went Edgar James, Cricketers P.H. 143 Moulsham street
Terr1torml Force Battahon (5th) Es~ex Reg1!llent(L1eu_t.- Wesleyan & General Assurance Society (Thos . .Au.;ustus
Col. J. M. Welch T.~. commandmg; MaJOr Fredenck Yorke Morter, district snpt.); district o:ffice,46 Park rd
W. rr:aylor, co~andmg detachment~ Capt. ..!.. D. N West Essex (3rd) Mutual Building Society (Harry Dak-
~Ierriman, adJutant; A & B Compa_nres: A Co. Capt. ing SheJdrake, sec.), Bank chambers, New street
P. C. Yong-e & B Co .. Capt. G. Wllks; Sergt.-MaJor West Essex Permanent Bnildin~ Society (H. D. Shel-
-·\J~xander Wailer, dr1ll mstructor); head quarters, drake, s~c.), Bank chambers, New street
Drill hall, Market road West CharlPs P. tailor, Baddow road
Thompson & Son, boot makers, Rainsford road Westcombe Harold, watch maker, 591, H1gh street ·
Thompson Wm.& Son.painters &c.1 Rail vils.Fairfield rd Westlake Charles William, agent I'rudential .Assmance
Thompson James W. baker, 5 Broomfield road Co. Limited, 27 Park avenue
Thompson John Ockelford, printer & publisher, see Weston D. & Co. billposter•, 47 G ldlay road
Meggy, Thompson & Creasey Weston Mary A. (Miss), nurse, 13 Hamlet roaC'
Thresh John Clong-h D.Sc., M.D., F.I.C. medical officer Wbarton William, tailor, sza, Yonlsham stree:
of health to the Essex County Council, 64 New London White Ellen (~frs. ), shopli:eeper, 29 Upper :Brid~-:"P roa•l
road. Tel. No. 197 White Ernest Waiter, machine ruler, Angel yard
Thress .Albert J. Bell hotel, Tindal street White Samuel Newton, tailor, 33 Monlsham street
Thrift William Ruddock &. Sons, corn, hay & straw Whitlock John, wardrobe dealer, 202 Moulsham street
& oil cake merchants & millers, Railway arches, Duke Wicks Eu'ltace. confectioner, Baddow road
Wicks J l>hn Leigh, {lhotographer, zog Moulsham_.Ahtfrjuwe.y
street; & at Boreham
/ ~ ....

\.P •.. ~

Wicks Percy, confectioner, 41 Baddow road Woodward Charles William, tailor, outfitter, hosier
Wiggins Henry Hankins, shopkeeper, 79 Victoria road & hatter, 86 High street & na, Tindal street
Wight James Alfred, dairyman, ro Springfield road Woodward John, Army & Navy P.H. 52 Baddow road
Wilkinson Eli, shopkeeper, ::¥2 New street Workers' Union (Chelmsford branch) (C. L. Cooper,
Williams George, photographer, 27 Moulsham street branch sec.), 54 High street
Williams James, millers' traveller, 7 Upper Roman road Wortley Stamp LL.B. solicitor (firm, Sutthery & Wort-
Williamson .Alfred John~.~\., M.D., D.P.H. tuberculosis 1 ley), 4 Duke street
officer, 89 Duke street 1 Wray &. Fuller, builders' merchants i steam
Williamson J. B. wool merchant, Baddow road haulage contractors ; 1.culptors ; stone, marble, granite
Willis James & Son, grocers, 199 Springfield road & slate works, The Carrara Marble works,
Willsher Frank, clerk &; collector to the Essex Provident Springfield road. Telephone No. 27. See adver·
Society & hall keeper, Corn exchange, n8 New Lon- tlsement
don road Wright Frederick Thos. boot & shoe maker, 45 High st
Wilson C. W. & Co. outfitters, 72 High street Wright Henry J oseph, furniture dealer, 3 Hall street
Wilson Edmund, Spotted Dog P.H. 24 Tindal street Yeldham Florence (Mrs.), secondhand clothes deale:, :;6
Wilson Robert Melville B.Sc. principal of the East Springfield road & .p New street
Anglian Institute of .Agriculture, Duke street Yeldham Joseph Harry, beer retailer, 161 Springfield rd
Wilson William, confectioner, 8 Duke street Young Men's Christian .Association (J.rthur B. Stone-
Wilton Eleanor (Mrs.), apartments, ro Fairfield road banks, sec.), 26 High street
Wiltshire S3rah (Madame), dress maker, 29 Maltese rd Young Fred, Plough hotel & livery stables, Lion &;
Wincer Alien, land agent, see Cobbe & Wincer Lamb yard, Duke street. T N 188
Winchester Prances (.Miss), aparts. 24 New London rd Young William, Woolpack PH. 10 Mildmay road
Winterfiood Waiter, hot water engineer, 41 Roman road Youngs Arthur, carriage builder, Market road &. 218
Wisbey William Ernest, plumber, 21 New London road Moulsham street
Wood Arthur Waiter, paperhanger, 21 Roman road

GREAT CHESTERFORD is an ancient village and fens near Newmarket: it is also affirmed, with great
parish, on the banks of the Cam or Granta, on the probability, to have been the site of the Roman "Cam-
• borders of Cambridgeshire, and on the road from London boritnm ,. ; many coins, chiefly those of Caligula, Trajan
to Newmarket, with a station on the Great Eastern and Constantine have been found in the borough fields,
(Cambridge) railway, 43 miles from London by road and and in 1769 a pot, containing a quantity of fine speci-
47} by railway, n south from Cambridge and 4 north- mens, was discovered, and in 1843 a very beautiful coin
west from Saffron Walden, in the Northern division of of Licinius ; other relics of bronze, g-old and brass have
the county, Uttlesford hundred, Saffron Walden petty also been met with, besides a carved stone trough and
sessional division, union and county court district, and some skeletons. Chesterford had formerly a market and
in the rural deanery of Saffron W alden, archdeaconry of holds a charter from Charles I. recognising the privilegea
Colchester and Chelmsford diocese. The abandoned recorded as belonging to it in Dome~day Book. A fair
Chesterford ami Newmarket railway crosses the parish. is held on the rst Fridav in Julv.
• • Rear-Admiral the
The church of All Saints is a spacious and lofty building Marquess of Bristol M.V.O. who is lord of the manor,
of stone, in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chan- R. B. Wilkinson esq. and Lord Inchcape G.C.Y.G.,
cel, nave of four bays with clerestory, aisles, and an em- K.C.I.E., K.C.S.I. of Chesterford Park, are the prin-
battled western tower containing a clock and 6 bells: cipal landowners. The tenure of copyhold land is by
in the south aisle is a brass figure of a lady, probably Borough English; under which, when a man dies, hi1
of the Holden family, who founded a chantry here in estate descends to his youngest son or daughter, or
1523 and another of John, 7th son of Thomas, baron youngest uncle or l\insman. The soil is principally
Howard of Walden K.G. ob. 24 May, x6oo; there is also light on the low lands and heavy on the hills; sub-
a small brass to Mary Bales, ob. r642, and in the nave soil, chalk, but deeper on the high land. The crops
one to George Felsted, ob. 1638: in the south aisle is a are on the four-course system. The area is 2,gn acres
memorial window, erected by his widow and children, to of land and 6 of water; rateable value, £5,693; the
Lord Charles Amelius Hervey M.A. vicar here 183g-8o, population in rgii was 825 in the civil parish and r,os6
d. 10 April, r88o. In 1902, two lights were added to the in the ecclesiastical pari~h.
east window as memorials to Her late Majesty Queen Sacri:;tan, Leonard Denny.
Victoria, and to those who fell in the South African
war, r8g9-1902: the two remaining lights were added in Post, M. 0. & T. Office (letters should have Essex
19II in memory of His late Majesty King Edward VII. : added).-Arthur Isaac Denny, postmaster. Lettera
-there are 400 sittings. The register dates from the arrive by messenger from Saffron Walden at 6.45
year 1586. The living is a vicarage, with the rectory a.m. & by train at g.2o a.m. & 5 p.m. & dispatched
of Little Chesterford annexed, net yearly value £350, by train at rr.55 a.m. & by messenger at 7·35 p.m.;
induding 47 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift on sundays,arrive at 6.45 a.m.; dispatched at 7·35 p.m
()f the Marquess of Bristol, and held since 1897 by Wall Letter Box, Greyhound, cleared 9.30 &; II.I5 a.m.
the Rev. John Stewart M ..A. of Trinity College, Cam- & 5 & 7.30 p.m. week days; 7.30 p.m. sunday
bridge, and rural dean of Saffron Walden. There is a
.:Small Congregational chapel, built in 1846, with 250 County Police Station, Sergeant William White
sittings. Hill"s charity arises from a sum of £19 left in SCHOOLS.
1459 by the Rev. Richard Hill, rector of this parish ; the
interest i11 distributed yearly at Christmas. The local Public Elementary (mixed), built with master's bou9\)
{Jolt and Foal Society is for the breeding and general in 1839, for rso children; average attendance, 1].6;
improvement of horses for competition in the neighbour- the school has an endowment of ::.bout [,40 yearly,
hood. There is also a Horticultural Societv. Chester- arising from land; J ames E. Thew lis, master

f&rd was a Roman station, and derived its name from l11fants', built in r875 & enlarged in 1901, for So
being a "castrum," or camp, on the ford over the Granta, infants; average attendance, 56; Mrs. T. Pilgrim,
and was one of a chain of Roman forts extending from mistress
-the W eald or wood of Essex to the Devil's Ditch in the Railway Station, F. W. Lummis, station master

::.helford Richard Jefferson Dale Frederick, brewer, maltster A;
.5tanley Alan Sidney Wentworth D.L wine & spirit merchant ; awarded
· Badcock Mrs. High street &; J .P. Chesterford house two first prizes for cask beers a;
Burleigh James Hugh, Hazelmere Stewart Rev. John M.A. (vicar,&; rec· Champion Gold Cup for bottled
Burleigh Mrs. Carmelstead tor of Little Chesterford & rural beers ; & at Cambridge
Clay Alfred dean), The Vicarage Denny Art h. Isaac, statnr. & postmstr
Davidson Alfred, Sunnyside Stoughton Mrs. The Cottage Denny Leonard Spencer, confection&r
Davidson Mrs. The Firs Fitch Benjamin, boot maker
COMMERCIAL. Freeman J oseph, beer retailer
Geldard Mrs. White house
"Hides George Thomas, Manor house Abraham Hy.carpenter &; wheelwrght French J obn, watch maker
.Jones Mrs. The Crown house Andrews Albert, grocer Gates Arthur J oseph, hurdle make:r
King Henry, Mill house Andrews Arthur, news agent Great Chesterford Colt & Foal So-
King Miss, lcknield Barrett Job, beer retailer ciety (W. C. Emson, sec. ; Ernes'
"Middlebnrst James, The Delles 1 Barrett John, butcher King, jQint sec)
Pilgrim Edward J. The Gables · Burleigh James Hugh, farmer, Hazel· Great Chesterford Horticultural So-
Pilgrim Mrs. Chambers farm mere farm ciety (James E. Thewlis, sec)
Sb!"lford J nhn Coleman Thomas Bennett, Crown & Hagger Alvan Tubal, newsagent
Shelford Miss Thistle P.H , II~d ~s G. T. & Son, farn:ers
Bolgate George, butcher Middlehurst James, frmr. The Delles Shelford Wm. & Sons, provision mers
Kent Jane {Mlss), dress maker Pilgrim Edward John, farmer Smith Joshua Percy, blacksmith
King T. & B. Limited, steam & water Register George, farmer ' Symonds David, farmer
millers & corn merchants. T N 24 Seaman Wm. Chas. White Horse P .H Thurgood William F. grocer
Saffron Walden Searle Chas. Fredk. baker, Carmel st Turner Waiter, farmer
Law Frank,chimney sweeper&coal dlr Searle Ernest E. Greyhound P.H. Ward Jonas. cycle dealer
llcLaren John, farmer assistant overseer, assessor &; col- Welch Fredk. Chas. farmer, Mill ho
Maris William, saddler lector of King's taxes &; clerk to Whiteside Annie (Mrs.), baker
MarkeD Wm. gardener to Mrs. J ones
Mason William, vermin destroyer
lthe Parish Council
, Sharpe Robert, coal dealer
Whit man Thomas, lime burner
Whitman Waiter, beer retailer
LITTLE CHESTERFORD is a small parish on the caused by a spa;k from a passing traction engine.
river Cam and the road from London to Cambridge, 1 In this parish there are several endowed charities,
mile south of Great Chesterford and in the same juri3· producing about £4o a year, which is distributed
diction. The church of St. Mary the Virgin is a low yFarly. ChestPrford Park is the seat of Lord Inchcape
but ancient building of rubble in mixed styles, consist· G.C.M.G., K.C.I.E., K.C.S.I. who is owner-occupier.
ing of chancel, divided from the nave by an oak screen, The house is a large modBrn mansion, pleasantly
north porch and a western turret containing 2 bells: the ,ituated on an eminence, I mile north-east from the
church was restored and the interior refitted in 1855: village, in a pai k of about 350 acres. Rear-Admiral
there are brasses formerly on an altar tomb to George The Marquess of Bristol M.V.O. who is lord of the
Langham esq. lord of the manor, oh. I462, and his wife manor, Lord Braybrooke and Lord Inchcape are the
lsabel; and there were formerly others to members of principal landowners. The soil is heavy on the hills and
the Hasylden family, 1476-So: there is also an ancient light on the low land; subsoil, principally chalk. The-
tomb of marble, with a recumbent effigy, to James Wal· crop~ are on the four-course shift. The area is 1,207
singham esq.: there are 120 sittings. The register of acres; rateable value, £I,I65; the population in 19H1
baptisms, marriages and burials dates from 1559. The was 235.
livmg is a rectory, annexed to the vicarage of Great SPRI~G WELL is a hamlet of Little Chesterford.
Chesterford, net yearly value £350, including 47 acres
of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Marquess of Post Office.-William Reeve, sub-postmaster. Letters
lkistol, and held since 1897 by the Rev. John Stewart arrive from Saffron Walden at about 7 a.m. & 12.30
.M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge, and rural dean of p.m. & are dispatched at 7·45 p.m. Great Chester-
&ffron Walden, who resides at Great Chesterford. ford is the nearest money order & telegraph office, I
The Wesleyan chapel here, erected in I872, has about mile distant
100 sittings. In Apll'il, 1914, a disastrous fire broke Infants' School, built in r862, for 24 infants, is now
()Ut in the Yillage and eleven cottages and two inns closed, except for Sunday school purp()ses, & the;
were destroyed; the fire was supposed to have been children attend the school at Great Chesterfordl
Inchcape Lord G.C.M.G., K.C.I.E.,, Carter William, sexton How Robt.gamekpr. to Lord Inchcape'
K.C.S.I. Cbesterford park; & at 4 Collyer Charles A. S. land agent to Porter Jsph. Chas. farmer, King's frm
Seamore pb.oe, Mayfair W & Lord Inchcape, Rectory farm 1Reeve Wm. shoe maker, &; post office
Athen:eum club S W, London French George, stockman to Mr. Fdk. Searle Francis L. shopkeepPr.
Collyer Charles A. S. Rectory farm John Welch, Malting farm Umrin Mary Ann (Mrs.), laundress
Wright Mrs. Springwell Green Waiter Edwin, bailiff to Mrs. Wallman Louisa Maria(Mrs.),beer ret
OO»MERC1AL. Bartlett. Manor farm Welch Fredk. Jahn, farmr. Springwell •

Button Emily (Miss), shopkeeper .Hayward Richard, Crown inn Welch Harry, assistant overseer
CHICKNEY is a parish, on a fepder of the river joint net yearly value £3o7, including 45 acres of glebe,
Chelmer, with a station called Sibleys on the Elsenham with residence, in the gift of J. H. Benyon esq. and 1.~
to Thaxted line of the Great Eastern railway, 6 . A. Cranmer-Byng esq. alternately, and held sine~ rB93.
north-west from Dunmow, and 7 north-east from by the Rev. Henry Ferdinand Battiscombe '1'1l.Assoc.
Bishops Stoll'tford, in the Western division of the K.C. who resides at Broxted. The glebe has lately
county, D11nmow hundred, petty sessional division, been purchased from the Ecclesiastical Commissioners.
union and county court district, and in the rural and is now the property <If Sir Waiter Gilbey bart. of
deanery of Dunnww, archdeaconry of Colchester and I Elsenham Hall. William Foot Mitchell esq. J.P. of
Chelmsford diocese. The church of St. :Mary the Quendon Hall, in this county, is lord of the manor and
Virgin, situated on rising ground, is a small and principal landowner. The soil is heavy; subsoil, clay.
ancient building of rubble, in the Early English The crops are wheat, beans and barley. The area
t~tyle, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch anrl a is 713 acres; rateable value, £366; the population in
westerit tower, with conical spire, containing 2 bells: 1911 was 32.
the interior wa.s restored in r858, when the old altar Letters through Stansted arrive at g.3o a.m. ; dis-
stone, incised with consecration crosses, was discovered patched at 9.30 a.m. The nearest post office is at
and replaced; the font is ancient and much admired : Henham &; telegraph office at Elsenham, 3 miles.
the church has Bo sittings. The register of baptisms distant
dates from 1554; marriages and burials, 1556. ThP The children of this parish attend the school at Henbam
living is a rectory, annexed to the vicarage of Broxied, Sibley~ Railway Station, Bertie JakPs, in charge
Darlington William, farmer,Springate I Joyce Albert, farmer, Sibleys I Scruby Fdk. frmr. ChicJmey Hall frm
CHIGNAL is a parish formed in March, 1888, from ' "Brick Chignal ") is 4~ miles north-west from Chelms.. •
the previously separate parishes of Chignal SS. James ford station. The church of St. Nicholas, originall;:)'
and Mary and Chignal Smealey. together with part of the built more than 700 years ago, is a small edifice of brick
parish of Writtle, the two former, however, sti!J re· in the Early English style, consisting of chancel and
maining ecclesiastically distinct, a!ld being in the Mid nave and an embattled western tower with pinnacle8.
division of the county, Chehnsford hundred, union, petty containing one bell ; the chancel is considered to be a
sessional division and county court district and in the part of the old structure : the font, a unique example,
rural deanery of Chelmsford, archdeaconry of Essex 1 is entirely of brick. In 1894 the church was refloored,
- and diocese of Chelmsford. and the interior renovated and reseated, and now affords
Bo sittings. The register dates from the year r6oo.
CHIG~.A.L ST. JA~ES, which is mentioned in the The living is a discharged rectory, net yearly value £6s,
Domesday Survey, lies {}fi the small river Cann. which with residence, in the gift of Mrs. Reade, of Bath,
flows into the Chilwell, and is about 3 miles north-west and helrl since 1894 by the Rev. Alexander William
from Chelmsford station. The church of St. James is a Oliph~nt Murray M . .!. of Worcester College, Oxford:
building of flint, in the Early English style, consisting the first rector mentioned was Richard Soke. in the
of chancel and nave and a western turret containin~ rei~n of Henry ll. Philip Morant . M. A. of Pembroke
one bell, and has 110 sittings. The register dates from fJoll<>ge, Oxford, the well-known historian of Essex,
the year 1724. The living is a rectory, with those of St. was rector of this parish in 1735. There is a Congre~
.Mary and Mashbury aTinexed, net yearly value £3oo. gational chapel at Chignal Smealey, seating 200. In
'lll'ith 54 acres of glebe. and residence, in the gift of 1776 Sarah. VisconntPss Falkland, beque-athed the
:;;, H. Loy esq. and held ;:ince 1894 by the Rev. interest of £wo to be given awav every Sunday in brt>ad
Frederick Williams M . .!. of Trinity College, Dublin. to such poor persons of Chignal Smealey as usually attend
divine service at that parish ehurch; this benefaction
CIDG:8.!.L SMEALEY (or Little Chicknal, formet·ly now produces a gift of four loaves every Sunday. The
called "Checkenhall Semeley," and also known at charities for Chignal St. James amount to about £ra
~arions times as "Chignal Smeley, Smele and yearly. Austin Matthews esq. who is lord of the
Smethelea," as well as "Chignal Trenchfield," and ' manor. Lord Petre, Henry ~Iarriage esq. of Broomfield,
134 CHIG:'f.AL. ESSEX. •

Adolphus Matthews esq. and Stanley Langman esq. are Post Office, Chignal Smealey. Joseph Hutton, sub-post-
also landowners. The soil is generally heavy; subsoil, master. Letters from Cl::elmsford arrive at ~ a.m.
clay and loam. The chief crops are wheat, barle:f, beans & 12 noon; letters dispatched at 6.25 p.m.; there
and oats. The area of the civil parish of Chignal is is no post on rundays. The nearest money order &
2,027 acres; rateable value, [2,46]; the population in telegraph office is at Great Waltham, 3 miles distan~
1911 was 370. Wall Letter Box, at The Green, cleared at 6.40 p.m
By Local Government Board Order 22,241, March 24, Pillar Letter Box, Cross Roads, eleared 7 p.m. ; sun-
r,S88, a. detached part of Writtle parish, known as Beadles days, 8.45 a.m
~-1. was added to Chignal.
Provided School (mixed), enlarged in 1875 & again in
l'arish Clerk, Arthur Matthams (Chignal St. James). xgu, for 104 chlldren; a1rerage attendance, 87; Geo.
Parish Glerk, .Albert Turp (Chignal Smealey). Godfrey, master
The population of Chignal SS. J a roes and Mary witl1 Carriers to Chelmsford.-.irthur TunbridgP, tues. .\
Mashbury ecclesiastical parish in 1911 was 366, and of fri. & J oseph Mead, passing through from High
(}hignal Smealey, 101. Easter, mon. & fri
PRIVATE RESIDE:!<TS. Langman Stanley, farmer, Stevens'
Christy Gerald, The Blue house COMMERCIAL. Matthews Kdolphull, farmer & lamf-
Christy Miller, Broomwood lodge Byford Wm. James, Three Elms p .H owner, Beadles hall
;Langman Stanley, Stevens' Chapman Arthur, blacksmith Matthews .Austin, farmer & land-
Matthews .Adolphus, Beadles hall Christy James, farmer, Briton's hall owner, Chignal hall, Langley's &
Matthews Austin, Chignal hall Gibb Robert, Henry & Thos. farmers, Howlett's farms
Murray Rev. Alexander W. Oliphau1 Gray's farm Pitts Waiter, beer retailer
M ..A. (rector of St. Nicholas) Hutton J ames, grocer, Post ~ffice Tunbridge Arthur, carrier
Richardson Frederick, Dyers hall King Charles, bailiff to W. H.Marriag£- Walieling George, wheelwright
Williams Rev. Frederick M.A. (recto & Sons, Brick Barn & Beaumont
of St. James') Otes farms

CHIGWELL, in Domesday "Chingelwella '' or "Cing- and the hiils of Kent. The King's Head inn, a gabled
vella,'' i.e. the King's Well or King's W eald·, is an structure of the Stuart period, is immortalized by
ancient village and parish, seated on the east side of Dickens in "Barnaby Rudge" under the name of
the river Roding and on the road from ,London to "The Maypole." In 1901 the inn was enlarged by a
Ongar, wl milp.g north-east from Whitechapel church, picturPsque addition in the half-timbered style. Lieut.-
.s north-east from Woodford station, and 2 miles south Col. W. J. Rous, of Worstead, Norfolk, is lord of the
from Buckhnrst Hill station, both on the Ongar branch manor of Chigwell and West Hatch, Philip Savill esq.
of the Great Eastern railway. Chigwell and Grange J. P. of The Woodlands, Chigwell Row, of the manor
_Hill stations, on the loop line of the Great Eastern rail- of Barrington (now called Rolls), and Capt. Robert
way from Ilford to W oodford, were opened in IQ03- Wicksted Ethelston, of Malpas, Cheshire, of the manor
The parish lies close to Epping and Hainault Forests, of Woolston. Miss Palmar is also a landowner in this
and is much admired for its woodland scenery and parish. The soil is clay ; subsoil, sand. The chief
pleasant prospects : the parish is in the Western divi- crops are wheat, oats, peas and roots. The area, in-
-sion of the county, Ongar hundred, Epping union and cluding Chigwell Row, is 4,136 acres, inclusive of 16 of
petty sessional division, Romford county court district, water; rateable value, £17,483; the population in zgn
.and: in the rural deanery of Chigwell, archdeaconry of was 2,742; the population of the ecclesiastical parish of
Essex and Chelmsford diocese, and is within the juris- Chigwell St. Mary was 2,o86, including 217 in the scl1.0ol
diction of the Metropolitan police. The church of St. for the reception of Roman Catholic Ophthalmic Boys.
Mary is a picturesque building of flint, consisting of Parish Clerk, William Hunt, Chigwell road.
chancel, nave, north aisle, south porch and a wooden
tower on t.ha western gable, with small spire, containing Post, M. 0. & T. Office, Chigwell Road (near railway
station).-George Watts, sub-postmaster. Letters
S bells: the nave and chancel were rebuilt in 1886, on from Chigwell Row at 7 & 8.30 a.m. & 2.30 & 6.15
the site of the north aisle from plans by the late Sir .A. p.m. week days & 7.30 a. m. on sundays; dispatched
W. Blomfield A.R.A., F.S.A. at a cost of £s,soo: the at g.r5 & 11.45 a.m. & 3.30 & 8.5o p.m.; sunday, 8.40
original nave now forms ·a south aisle and chapel: the p.m. . Woodford llridge, 2 miles distant, is the
60uth d·oor is Norman and the windows are chiefly nearest telegraph office for delivery, but this office
Perpendicular : on the chancel wall is an incised effigy
in brass, with arms and inscription, to Samuel Harsnett, collects telegrams
Wall Letter Box, Hainault road, cleared 9· 15 & II.3o
Archbishop of York, ob. 25 March, 1631, affording the
latest monumental, example of an English episcopal a.m. & 3·30 & 8.45 p.m
effigy in cope, alb, dalmatic and stole : there are several Railway Stations.
stained windows: a new organ was erected in 1889, Chigwell, James Craclmell, station master
and about 1898 a reredos of alabaster and marble, from Grange Hill, James Cracknell, station master
a design by the late G. F. Bodley esq. ..A..R..A. was
presented to the church by .A. Savill esq. as a memorial SOHOOLS.
of his wife. The registilr dates from the year 1555. The Grammar School, founded by .Archbishop Harsnett
There is an avenue of clipped yews leading to the in 1629, & now a sPcondary school, occupies spacious
Muth doors. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value buildings of brick, which have been enlarged and
£3oo, including 71 acres of glebe, with residence, in much improved at a -cost of £xo,ooo, & now include a
the gi£1> of the Bishop of Chelmsford, and held since 191 I gymnasium & science school, a new anne:s:e tq the
by· the Rev. Frederick .Auriol Murray M.A. of Keble head master's house & a small chapel of corrugated
College, Oxford. The Ecclesiastical Commissioners, who iron, now covered with creepers ; a dining hall, work-
are the impropriators, formerly received large revenues, shop & three class rooms have been added; at the
bot these are now greatly reduced. There is a church back is a spacious cricket field ; the large schoolroom
mission room at Grange hill, seating x6o persons, and is adorned with a carved bust effigy of the founder in
a small chapel at Turnours Hall. Here is a Congrega- vestments & mitre. Several houses near the school
tional hall, which is also used for religious services. are occupied as boarding houses. The endowment
Coulson's almshouses consist of three dwellings, erected amounts to about £250 yearly : a scheme was pro-
in 1557 and rebuilt by public subscription in 1858 ; each mulgated in 1871 by the Endowed Schools Commis-
occupant receives 6s. 8d. quarterly. The charities, sion, & adjoining property has since been purchased-:
amounting to about £7o, are distributed as follows: attached to the school are 10 entrance scholarships,
£27 in money (left by Mrs. Grainger) is divided awarded in March, & one leaving scholarship: William
amongst eight widows on St. Thomas' day; Hatch's Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania, born in London;
charity of £30 to thirty deserving poor who have not 14 Oct. 1644, is said to have been educated here z
received parochial" relief, is distributed in January; there are now (1914) about 97 boys, of whom rather
Ramston and Fisher's gift of £5 14s. 2d. is given in more than half are boarders. The school is controlled
bread to deserving poor ; there are also other small by a body of governors ; Col. Rt. Hon. A. R. M.
gifts. The Workmen's club room, built in 1876, is Lockwood P.C., C.V.O., M.P. chairman; Ernest Her-
used for reading and recreation. The mineral spring at man Stewart Walde M.A.Oxon. head master; W. A.
Chigwell, discovered in the latter part of the 17th Simkins M.A., C. W. Wordsworth B.A., R. B. Heaton,
century, was once in much repute. A fragment of Seymour .Hosley, R. Dell B.A. & Rev. F. N. Gantillon
the forest remains at Crabtree Wood, on the east of M ..A. assistant masters
Ohigwell Row, about half a mile beyond the village: Council (Provided) School (boys), built in 1886, for 164
and from Grange Hill fine views of the country may children; average attendance, 100; John Richard
be obtained towards the Thames, the Surrey downs Moseley, master
Tublic Elementary School (non-provided) (girls & r St. John the Baptist's school for boys, The Manor House;
infants), built in 1837 & enlarged in 1891, for 200 certificate granted for 160 boys under the "Children's
children; average attendance, 101 ; Miss Lottie Ger- .Act, 1908 ., (Edw. VII. c. 67), with 81 view to the
trude Devonshire, head mistress I reception therein of children committed to an In-
dustrial school in pursuance of the said Act, who, but
for ophthalmic troable, would be received in an
ordinary Industrial school; Sister M. Sylvester Halpin
Savill Miss, Ten l\Iile vHla rHeard Dan, grocer, Chigwell Road &
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Savill R. Cecil, Cecils The Village
!bbott Harold Ray, Grange Hill farm Simkins W. A., M.A. (assistant mas- Herring Ed-v;ard,Three Jolly Wheelers
Abbott Jabez Charles, Oakwood ter Grammar school), Harsnetts P.H. Chigwell Road
_\dams .Applebe C. .Marchings Smith Vivian Hugh & Lady Sybil Hipwell Emma A. (l\Iiss), midwife,
.A.dams Berthold, High Holme, Hain- M. Rolls park The Cottage, Vicarage lane
ault road Sutton William, Fairview,Hainault rd Humphreys James, farm bailiff to
.:\vila Mrs. 14 Hainault villas Tallett Saml. Kings, 10 Hainault viis Charles Schwier esq. Luxboro' farm
"Baring Hon. Cecil, Grange court Thoumaian Garabed B.D. Oakhurst, Hunt James, farmer, Grange hill
Brickwell Mrs. 13 Hainault villas Hainault road Hunt RJbert George, Bald Hind P.H
ilrown F. Gordon, Taylours Tibbs Frederick, Home Farm house I Keen Thomas, insurance agent, The
Bull Henry, Ambleside, Hainault rd Walby Miss, Broomhill Cottage
Codd William, 9 Hainault villas Walde Erne~t Herman Stewart M ..A.. Kimber James, farmer,Hill House frm
~oyne Harold Gerald, The Cottage, Oxon. (head· master Grammar Lemon Brothers, grocers
Hainault road ~chool), School house London Joint Stock Bank Ltd. (sub-
DaniPls William, Flint cottage Wall Richard Hownrd, Brook house branch), open friday 11 a.m. to 3
Danil'ls William Archer, The Elm Waugh Waiter, Chigwell hall p.m. Chigwell station; draw on
Dell R., B ..A.(assistant master Gram- Waugh Waiter Charles, Redroofs, head office, 5 Princes st.London E C
mar srhool), School house Hainault road Manning Robert, farmer, Grange frm
Tiickson Thomas, Broomhill Wilkins Ralph Robert, Cerne Abbas, Mason Amos Josiah, beer retailer,
Douglas Ernest Francis, Sandon lo Hainault road Grange hill
Dnrrant Charles, Brookfield cottage, Wordsworth C. W., B.A. (assistant 1\lasonic Lodge (No. 2757, Chaxles
Hainault road master Grammar schl.), Church ho Dicken<;; J.R.Johnson, sec.),King's
Fish Frank, Millbrook Wright .A.rthur George, The Shaws Head inn, Chigwell Road
Flint Abraham, The Grange Miles Frank Montague L.R.I.B.A.
Fowell Mrs. Murtwell ho. Grange hill COlniEUCIAL. architect, Chigwell station
Foyle Beresford, Holly cottage Early closing day, Thursday. Nevill Robeli.t, hay dlr. HainauU road
Gantillon Rev. Fredc. Nepean 1\LA. Archbishop Harsnett's Grammar Noble Alber£ L. blacksmith & farrier,
(assistant ma,;ter Grammar school), School (Ernest Herman Stewart Chigwell Road
Church house Walde M.A.Oxon. head master; Noble Frank E.builder,Chigwell Road
Gibbins William Geo. :\Iount Pleasant, W. A. Simkins M.A., U. W. Officers' Training Corpq, Territorial
Grange hill W mdsworth B. A., R. B. Heaton, Force (R. Dell, lieutenant; Color-
Giasscock Jas. The Hollies, Hainault Seymour Hosley, R. Dell B.A. & Sergt. F. Staples, Loughton, drill
road Re,·. F. :N. Gantillon M.A. assistant instructor), Chigwell school
'Gould George William,Chigwelllodge masters) Olney SidneyWm.insur.agt.Turpin's la
Gray Mrs. J. T. Wood grange Askew GeCJrge, farmer, Sweep's hill Paget Julius, assistant overseer k
Groome Wm. Bv. 5 Hainault villas Baldwin Thos. cowl;pr. Chigwell Road rate collector for Chigwell, Work-
lianbury John M. West Hatch Banks Mary (Mrs.), dress maker, men's hall
HatfiPld Gporge Wm. Little HaYlands Hainault road Pearson John & Co. furniture re-
Heard Alfred John, The "croft, Birch Charles, beer retailer movers, Grange Hill station
Hainanlt road I Bird Eliza S. (Mrs.), nurseryman, P. 0. Telephone Service Exchangl',
lleaton R. B.(assistant master Gram- Oak Lodge nursery Chigwl'll village
mar school), School house Blake Catherine (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Poulter James T. farmer, Grange
Rooper Percy N. Redcot, Hainault rd Chigwell Road Hill & Home farms
Rosley Seymonr (assistant master Borrott Ellen (Mrs.), dress maker, Pratt John Henry M.B., B.C.Cantab.
Grammar school), Church house Hainault road physician & surgeon, & medical
Jennings Miss, Grange cot.Grange hi Brig-den Stephen, cab proprietor, 4 officer & public vaccinator Chig-well
Johnson William l\[usgrave, 15 Hain- Robin Hood cottages district, Epping union, Hainault lo
ault villas Brown Will Jas, nurseryman, High rd Radley William, builder, Chigwe1l Rd
Keen Thomas, The Cottage Catholic Home, School & Hospital for Readhead Jn. wlreelwght. Hainault rct
Kimber James, Hill house Ophthalmic Boys (Sisters of the Smith James & Herbert, builders,
Knowles John Thomas, The Oaks Sacred Hearts of Jesus & Mary) Chigwell Rl)ad
Lewis Fredk. Stafford,Belvoir cottage (Sister superior, Sylvester Halpin), Smith W. H. & Son, news agents,
Lobb Arthur William, Pettitts hall The Convent Chigwell station
Lovett C'ha~. Tudor ho. Hainault rd Crick Frederick L. farmer Taylor David. turncock, Brunei road
:\Iatthews Mis~, Little W~>st Hatch Dace Charles, farm bailiff to Joseph 1 Thnrban William, King's Head P.H
Miles Frank Montague, Forest road Bolland esq. Chigwell Hall farm Tidball Thomas, fruit grower, Lux-
:\{org-an Ernst. White cot. Hainault rd Dawkins Hannah Ann (Miss),stationer borough lane
Murray Rev. Frederick .A.uriol l\I..A.. Dawkins Thomas, tai1or Torrance James. farmer, New Barns
(vicar), Vicarage Dowling Stanislaus Marcus M.R.C.S. Walby Benjamin Joseph, butcher,
Paine HPrbert William, The Limes Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. phvsician & Broomhill, ChigwPll Road
Palmer Mi~s. Turnours hall, Gravel la surgeon (surgery), Brook House frm Watts George, saddler, & post office
Parsons Charles S. Oak farm Ellis Thomas William, market gar- White Horace, surveyor to Eppir~
Pennicuick Mrs. Hillside I dener. Grange hill Rural District Council; office,Work-
PlPasance JamPs, .Avondale Fonter Harriet (Mrs.), shopkeeper, men's hall, High road
Pratt John Henry M.B. Hainault Grange hill Wilks Samuel Joseph, registrar of
lodge, Hainault road Footer John, florist, Grange hill births & deaths for Chigwell sub-
"Ridgers Sharpe, Old farm Freight William, builder. Fern cot district, Workmen's hall
Tiilev W. T. Ivy bank, Vicarage lane ~urz.e FrPdk. frmr. Woolston Hall fm Winter Martha (Mrs.), farmer,
Flanders .Mrs. The Haylands Green Waiter, laundry, High road Hainault road
Savill Lawrence, Bramstons Hayden George, baker WisPman John. frmr. Ro11s Park fat·m
Workmen's Club (John Crawley,mgr)
CHIGWELL ROW was constituted an ecclesiastical Saints, consecrated in the yPar 1867, is a .building- of
'Parish December 10, 1867, and is about 2 miles east of ctQne, in the sh-le of the Transition from the Early
'Chi!twell, of which civil parish it forms a portion, 4 miles Eng-lish to Decorated, and consists of a loftv •
-east from Woodford 11tation and ':1~ miles from Buck- nave. aisles, western porch and a tower, added in 1903,
'hurst Hill station. both on the Great Eastern railwav. and containing- a peal of 6 bells provided in 1910:
'in the Western division of the county, On~ar hundred. there are 320 sitting-s. ThP reg-ister datPs from the year
Epping union snd petty sessional division, Romford r867. The living was declared a rectory December 10.
oeounty court district, and in the rural deanery of Chig-- 1867, net yearly value [24o, with 6 acres of glebe, and
well, 11rchdeaconry of Essex and Chelmsford diocese. residPnce, in the gift {)f the Crown and the Bishop of
A station for this parish. callPd Grang-e Hill. was openPd Chelm~ford alternately, and held since 1914 by the
in 1903 on the loop line of the Great Eastern rail- Rev. William Chipchase Stainsby l.LA. of Hatfield Hall,
way from llford to Woodford. The church of .All Durham. The Congregational chapel here has a burying
ground attached. .A. parish room was built in x854, and Post, M. 0., T. & Telephone Call Office, Chigwell Row.
the old National school, enlarged in x889, and now called -Arthur Bichd. Clinch, sub-postmaster (letters should
"All Saints' schoolroom," is also used for parochial have Essex added). Letters arrive at 5·45 & 8.5 a.m.
purposes. Hainault Forest is a tract of Boo acres of & 1.55 & 5.25 p.m.; dispatched at xo a.m. & 12.301,
fore-st land purchased and opened to the public in xgo6 ; 4.30 & 9.40 p.m.; sunday, arrive at 6.15 a.m.; dis-
the t~l cost amounted to {,22,ooo, towards which the patched at 9.15 p.m
London County Council contrjbuted £xo,ooo; the Essex
Council £s,ooo, and the Dford and West Ham Councils Pillar Letter Box cleared 9·45 a.m. 12 noon & 4 & 9
p.m. ; cleared sunday~ 9 p.m. only
£x,ooo each, and the balance was collected by E. N.
Buxton esq. of Knignton, Buckhurst Hill. The prin- Council Provided (formerly British) Schools (girls &
cipal landowners are Lieut.-Col. W. J. Rous, of War- infants); the buildings, erected about x845, were en-
stead, near Norwich, Major-Gen. Sir Francis Lloyd larged & transferred to Chigwell in 1871, burnt down
K.C.B., C.V.O., D.S.O. of Aston Hall, Oswestry, Capt. & re-erected in x885 & will hold about r6o (girls <}()
Robert Wicksted Ethelston J.P. of Boiling, Malpas, & infant~ of both sexes 70 ), with rooms fur teachers;
Cheshire, Philip Savill esq. J.P. of The Woodlands, and average attendance, 70 girls & 46 infants; Mrs. Jane
Mr. Charles Mears. The population in I9II was 644. Hemmant, mistress, girlli' school
Church Clerk, Henry Dodkins. ·
Reid Mrs. Clare hall Layer·Parl;.er RJbt. farmr. The Chase-
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Rushworth Wm. Robert, Globe cot London Joint Stock Bank Limited
Babcock Miss R. B. Bowls Savill Arthur, Whitehall (sub-branch) (Eliot Hinder, mgr.);
Balls William Austin, Uplands Savill Philip J.P. The Woodlands open tues. 11 to 3; draw on head
Bastard Segar Richard, The Friars Sendell George Ernest, The Grove office, 5 Princes street, London E C
Bigmore James, Forest cottage Smith Frederick, Rose cottage Meadowcroft Joseph & Sons, builders
Breeze George Charles, Olantigh Stainsby Rev. William Chipchase Padfield Dennis James, farmer,.
Calver Herbert James, Painswiek M.A. (rector), Rectory Brownings
Carter .A.lbon, Hilldene St:unes George, .A.shwicken Parsans Ernest, refreshment contractr
Choat George Henry, Cbandos Thompson .A.lbt. Jn. Shepherd's farm Potter John, farmer, Taylor's farm
Deveria Paul Constance, Fair view Wait Ernest William. Elborough Randall Charles, blacksmith
Fonlger Hartley, The Shrubbery Ward Hon. Mrs. E. S. Bowls Read Martha Ann (Mrs.), shopkeepe:tr
Girling Albert, Lime villas Woolley William Herbt. Grange villa Reeves George, Maypole P.H
Hambridge E. The Willows Richardson George, beer & win&
Hare Marcus L. T. Forest house CO:YMERCIAL. retailer, The Retreat '
Hilliard Richard, Croshy house Barber Albert Edward,- baker St. Pier Herbert, farmer, Billing-
Hinchley Geo.Richardl!on, TheOrchards Barr George, shopkeeper bourn farm
Howard .A.lfd. Burnt ho. Pudding lane Brown Daniel, farmer, Miller's farm Sapsford Charles, shopkeeper
Ingram Finch, Fairlight Church Albert, refreshment contrac- Sellman Frederick, tailor
Kelly Robert Thomas, Maybank tor, The Oaklands Shepherd Henry, greengrocer
King Philip M. Greenwood cottage Clinch Arth. Richd. grocer, Post office Simmons John Samuel, gardener
L!lmbert Albert Edward, The Manse Colledge Charles, dining rooms 1 Smith William, boot maker

Latham Stephen Grey, Taylor's house Crawley Jane (Mrs.), fancy repos I Stevens Henry, farmer, Fairview farm
Layer-Parker Robert, The Chase Freebody John, butcher Stock William, beer retailer
Potter John, Thrift ho. Gravel lane Green William, jobmaster Tol~on Matilda (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Power Arthur Cyril, Sunnyside Grove George, refreshment contractr Williams Sarah Jane (Mrs.), boot &
Radley William, Lime villas Harm:m Frank & Co. builders shoe maker.
Radley William Ogle, Estcourt Hemrnings Joseph William, horse Workmen's Hall & Coffee Tavern
Ransom Thomas, The .Acorns slaughterer, Gravel lane (Charles Colledge, manager)
CHILDERDITCH is a parish near the source of the 1912 by the Re,-. Frederick Oliver Harris B.A.. of
Mardyke stream, half a mile from East Horndon Emmanut-1 College, Cambridge. Lord Petre is lord
station on the London, Tilbury, and Southend direct of the manor and principal landowner. The soil is
line from Barking to Pitsea and 3 south from Brent- clayey; subsoil, loam. The chief crops are wheat,
wood, in the Mid division of the county, Chafford barley, oats and beans. The area is 1,630 acres of•
hundred, county court district and petty .sessional divi- land and .~ of water; rateable value, £1,636; theo
sion of Brentwooo, Billericav union, rural deanery of population in 191I was 221.
Barstable, archdeaconry of Essex and Chelmsford dio· Wall Letter Box, School house, cleared at 9 a.m. &
cese. The church of All Saints and St. Faith, erected
· t"'
b Y snb scrip - 1 86 · b "Id' 0
f K t' h 7· 15 p . m.. week days, 10.30 a.m. sun days.. LettPl'!l
Ion m 9• IS a m mg en IS rag, through Brentwood arrive at 6.30 a.m. & 6 p.m. The
in the Early English style, and consists of chancel, nave, nt>arest money order & telegraph office is at GrPat
tiouth porch and a western turret containing one bell: Warley,. 2 miles distant
the font is ancient. There are 150 sittings. The
register dates from the year 1537. The living is a The child:ren of this parish attend the school at Littl&
vicarage, net yearly value [130, with 20 acres of glebe, Warley.
and residence, in the gift of Lord Petre, and held since I
Harris Rev. Frederick Oliver B.A., Boardman Geo. Thos. blacksmith &c 1Morgan W. farmer, Tillingham hall .
(vicar), Vicarage Ford Henry, farmer, Hall farm Orr Robert, farmer, Little Tillingham
COMMERCIAL. j Green Wm . Arth . fanner,Nutty's frrn hall
Bloomfield Henry, farmer, Hill farm Hammond James Charles, fruit growr Squier Wilfred,farmer, Blanketts frm
CHINGFORD is a village and parish agreeably situ- the ~iPtropolitan Water Board, and will have a wate"'
ated between the river Lea and Epping Forest. and is area of 41i acres and a capacity of 3.000 million
the best place from which to visit the remaining beauties gallons ; the supply ·will be tal;:en from the river Lect
of that district; it takes its name from a ford over I and the Lea navigation, the river itself being- divert<>d'
the Ching, on the east bank of which rivulet it is into a nPw channt-1, 3 miles long and 55 feet wide.
seated, on high ground overlooking the valley of the At Mamfiold hill is a sewage pumping station, built
Lea and on the road to Waltham Abbey, and is the in 189-h and behnging to t-he Chingford Urban Di~­
terminus of the Walthamstow and Chingford branch of trict Council. The parish is governed by an Urbrr
the Great Eastern railway, about 4 miles south from District CJuncil of nine members, formed in 1E9-t:
Waltham Abbey and xo! by rail from London: it undf:r thr proYisions of the "L'~cal Government Act,.
anciently belonged to the Chapter of St. Paul's. London, 189-1-" (56 and 57 Vict. c. 73). The old church.
to which it was confirmed by King Edward the Con- ancientlv drdicated t:J All Saints, as appears from
fessor, and is in the Epping division of the county, the will of William Sewalt-, made in 1-397,- stands on-
Waltham hundred, Waltham Abbey county court dis- the brow of the hill oYerlooking the m~adows and the-
trict, Epping union, Walthamstow and Leyton rural rh·er Len, and is an edifice of flint and stone, chiefly
deanPry, archdeaconry of Essex and Chelmsford di ~cese: of the Perpendicular period, consisting of chancel, nave-
it is within the jurisdiction of the (;pntral Criminal with s:mth aisle, south porch and an embattled westernr
Court, the Metropolitan police and North-Eastern tower. once containing 3 bells: in x8g6-7 the church~
Metropolitan postal district, and the village is lighted though unglazed, desolate and disused, was otherwi8e-
with gas by the Gas Light and Coke Co. and supplied intact, and bad an Early English arcade of four 81'Cbl's.
with water by the Metropolitan Wate_r Board. the separating the nave and aisle: the exterior was almost
rumping station, erected in 1884, being in Chin~ford completely overgrown with ivy, even to the top of the-
Hall lane. A new reservoir for the supply of the towt-r. and the extreme picturesqueness of the fabri~
n:·.etropolis has been constructed near Marsh lane by and the site made it a constant attraction for visito:s:
since then it !has been allowed to go to decay, and is \\here manor courts used to be held: it is a picturesque-
now in part ruinous : the roofs of the nave and aisle half-timbered house of three storeys, with some good
have gone : of the arcade, nothing remains but one panelled oak Tooms, one of which, on the first fl.oor,
pier and the fallen fragments of others, and the fl.oor, :s hung with tapestry; the upper fl.oor consists of one-·
still retaining its inscribed slabs, is covered with grass :arge apartment, 40 by 25 feet, with an open-timbered
and weeds: the chancel has been bl.ocked up, and a door t•oof: under the " Epping Forest Preservation Act" of
inserted; the roof has been retiled, and the windows £878, this ~tructure, as "an object of antiquarian in-
renewed, and this part of the building is still some- terest," is kept in repair by the Corporation of London.
times used for funerals : the tower remains, and is in md is open to the public daily fre& of charge. Near
fairly good condition: at the east end of the aisle was •he lodge is "Connaught Water," a rural lake, and-
formerly an altar tomb covered with a slab of black dory and Hawk woods, portions of the Forest much
marble, containing brass effigies and an inscription to frequented by naturalists. Here are 5 almshouses.
Robert Rampston, gent. I585, and Margaret, his wife, .;rected in I859 by voluntary subscriptions and enlarged
I590; and on the wall above the tomb was another in I887 ; in 190I £z,ooo was paid to the Charity Com-
brass with an inscription recording in fourteen lines his missioners, under the wills of the Misses Anne and
office as yeoman of the chamber to Edw. VI. and Elizabeth Ainslie, of Rolls, for the maintenance of"
Queens Mary and E1izabeth and other particulars : on these almshouses. The charities amount to £22 yearly.
the dismantling of the church, the tomb was removed aris;ng from £3 yearly each bequeathed in I585 by
and the upper slab with its brasses laid in the chancel, Robert Rampston and Thomas Boothby; £10 a year
bot all the brasses were stolen in I857: rubbings of the (the interest of £4oo, £zji per cents.) by John Ann
whole, together with a shield "lf arms, are in the col- and Rebecca Popplewell, and the produce of one a.cre-
lections of the Society of Antiquaries of London, at and three quarters of land in Chingford Marsh, by-
Burlington House; the male effigy is habited in ruff, fhomas Boothby esq.; Mrs. Harriet Waters left, in
doublet and hose, and on the breast is a Tudor rose, 1892, a sum of £I8o 14s. nd. invested in consols, now
crowned. Rampston was a considerable benefactor to yielding £4 13s. per annum; these benefactions-
his county, and is commemorated by brasses in seven are distributed to the poor in coals and bread. Mount.
or eight other places in Essex. There were also in the Echo is the residen~e of Henry James Ilarnes esq.
chancel mural monuments to the Heathcote, Leigh, and Frederick Granville Sinclair esq. D.L., J.P. is lord or
Booth by families; to Sir J. Sylvester kt. recorder of Chingford Earls manor, Miss Hodgson being lady of
the City of London, and to John Hamilton Moore, thP Ching-forrl St. Paul manor. The principal landowners-
hydrographer, d. 31 Oct. I807, but these have now are F. G. Sinclair esq. S. T. Taylor esq. of Nor-
been removed to the later parish church on the green. wich, and the Corporation of the City of London, and
The small churchyard is fenced in and surrounded by there are several smaller owners. A horticultural show
trees on all sides except the east, where it abuts im- is held here annually in July. The soil is loam; sub-
mediately on the road: it contains some good tombs soil, clay. The chief crops are tares, beans, peas, roots-
and monuments and many tombstones, but appears tu and grass. The area of the ecclesiastical and civif
be entirely uncared for. parish and of the district of the Urban Council is 2,77z
The church of SS. Peter and Paul, on Chingford arres of land and 36 of water; rateable value, £55,2~;:
Green, in the centre of the village, was erected in I844. the population in J9II was 8,184.
In I903 the church was greatly enlarged by additions at
the east end of the nave, built of flint and stone in the CHIXGFORD HATCH is a hamlet I mile to the south-
Late Perpendicular style, from plans prepared by the east; here is a Wesleyan chapel, built in z862 and
late Sir Arthur Blomfield, and now consists of enlarged in 1905, and seating go persons.
chancel with .aisles, s~arated by lofty arcades, nave, Church Clerl>, Percy Bartrip.
and an embattled tower with spire containing a clocli Post, :\I. 0., T. & Telephone Call Office, South Ching-
and 3 ibells, dated 1657, 1626 and 1835 : the font, of SS Station road.-Richard Pidsley, sub-postmaster;
Norman date, and the oak pulpit were brought from Po.,tman's Sorting Office, Station road. ,..
the old church: the elaborately carved and canopied officer in charge. Letters dispatched ro.5 a.m. &
reredos, which extended across the whole east end. has 1.35, 3·35, 5.3o, 7.3o, 9 & 11.30 p.m.: sundays, 9.30·
been removed and placed in the south chapel: there p.m.; delivered at 7·3<:> & 11 a.m. & 2.30, 6.30 &..
are also in the nave three mural monuments brought 8.25 p.m. Parcels dispatched at 10 & 11.30 a. m. &.
from the old church, including one with kneeling effigy 1.25. 7.30 & 8 p.m
at a desk under an arch, to Sir Robert Leigh, d. 18 Post. M. 0 , T. & Telephone Call Office, South Ching--
June, I612; another to Mary (Josselin), his wife, d. ford.-:\<Irs. M. A. Adkin, sub-postmistress. Letter~
I602, with her effigy lying on a couch or bed, "With an dispatched at 9.30 a.m. & I, 3.25, 4·45• 6.55, 8, 10 &:.
infant by her side, and one "With effigy lmeelin~ at a 10.55 p.m. ; sundays, 9-45 p.m
desk under an arch, to Margaret Leigh, d. 1624-, beside8
some large mural slabs with inscriptions to the Heath- l'RBA.N DISTRICT COUNCIL.
cotes. The church affords about 740 sittings. 'l'he Offices, 34 Station ro:td.
register of marriages dates from 1721 : baptisms and
burials from 171_s. The living is a rectory, net yearly Meeting day, first tuesday in each month at 7·45 p.m•.
value £,3oo, with 10 acres of glebe and residence, in :\fembers.
the gift of FrPderick G. Sinclair esq. J.P. and held Chairman, Chatles Frederick Watts.
since 1878 by the Rev. Alfred Francis Russell M . .A. of
l'niversity College. Oxford, rural dean of Walthamsto-vr Vic<>-Chairman, Aaron Enderby Donner.
and Levton. St. Edmund's Church Hall was erected in Retire April. 1915.
• .John E. Quayle
William Barker
1909 at South Chingford, and services are conducted
there by the clergy of SS. Peter and Paul. A church
hall was erected, in I89o and much enlarged in 1911,
J. Har1y .Tones I Charles Frederick Watts
Retire ~\pril, 1916.
in High street. The Congregational chapel, in Bnxton John W. D. Bass I A.aron Ender bv Donner
road, built in I9IO, will se1t soo. There is also a Geor~e R. Brown I J oseph George Ellis
Congregational chapel at South Chingford, erected in Retire April, 1917.
zgoz. seating 15o. The Wesleyan chapel, in Station J oseph Chiswell John Gresbv
road, is an iron building, erected in I905, and seats
250 persons. The Plymouth Brethren have a place
William John Dawson I Jame~ Charles Holden

of worship in King"s Head hill, built in 188o. and Officers.

seating I5o. .A.n. obeljsk, erected by the Ordnance Clerk, Leonard Charles Bo-vren, 34 Station road
Survey. on high ground north-east of the church, is Treasurer, John Barnes, Hoe Street, "\Valthamstow
maintained at th.~ de~ire of the authorities of Green- Medical Officer of Health, T. Stanbu"v Brook :\I.R.C S
wich Observatory: it is due north along the meridian Eng .• L.R.C.P Land. Station road, Chingford
line, and is occasionally used for the verifi::ation of Surveyor. John Taylor Griflin, 34 Station road
astronomical observations. The Walthamstow Sana- Sanitar:r Inspector. Wm. Re<.!inald Wilkins, 34 Station 11i'
torium and Hospital for Infectious Diseases, situate Collector, J. Pettingall, 34 Station road
in Hale End road, was opened 9 March, 1901, and
contains Ioo beds ; the land was purchased by the :.VIPtropolitan Police Station, The Green, erected in rBBr
Walthamstow U'rban District Council. The cemeter"• (S Dil-·ision ), F1 ancis BI eed, sergeant in charge, .t.
nt Chingford !\fount. belonging to thP .Abney Park
7 sergeants, 2 acting sergeants & 4I constables
Cemetery Co. Limited, was opened on Saturday, May
24, I884: it is so acres in extent, and contains two Masonic Lodges held at the Royal Forest hotel:-
lodges, in the Earlv English style. and a chapel. Ad- Chingford Lodge, No. 2859; C. T. Papworth, sec. 3"
joining Chingford is Epping Forest, for particulars of Castleton road, Upper Walthamstow NE; 3rd satur-
whirh see Ennin"". .Across the green, north-east from day in March, June & September & znd saturduy illo'
St. Peter's church, is Qneen EEz::tbeth'8 Hunting Lodg~>. December

Chigwell Lodge, No. 453; G. H. Menhinick, St. Breock, PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of Services.
Woodford Bridge, sec.; 2nd saturday in May, June, SS. Peter & Paul Church, The Green, Rev. Alft;ell
July & September, at 3 p.m Francis Russell M.A. rector & rural dean ; Rev.
Brooke Lodge, No. 2005; F. H. Lehmkuhl, I4 Wood- Reginald Artbur John Chute B.A. curate; 8 & l i a.m.
lands road, Ilford; 3rd friday in May, June, July, & 3 (children's service 1st sun.) & 6.30 p.m.; wed,..
September & October 7.30 p.m.; fri. 7.30 p.m.; saints' days, 11 a.m
Philbrick Lodge, No. 2255; H. W. Clarke, Lincluden, St. Edmund's Church Hall, Chingford road, South
The Cross, Radlett, Herts, sec.; Ist thursday in (]hingford; a.m. & 6.30 p.m
April, May, June, July & October, at 5 p.m ;q
Congregational, The Drive, Rev.
Warner Lodge, No. 2256; Arthur Holmes, 109 Culworth a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 8 p.m
road, Leytonstone, sec. ; 2nd tuesday in February, Congregational, SoutiJ. Chingford, Chingford road, Rev,
April, October & December, at 5 p.m ; II a.m. & 6.30 p.m
Epping Lodge, No. 2077; J. D. Jones, sec. 76 James la. Plymouth Brethren, King's Head Hill hall; 11 a.m. &
Leyton; Ist saturday in January, March, May, July 6.30 p.m. ; children's services, 10.30 a.m. & 2.45 p.m
& November
Wesleyan Methodist, Station road (London (Clapton)
Royal Arch Mas of Hope & Unity, No. 214;
Circuit); II a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 8 p.m.; Rev.
George Cowell F.R.C . . 24 Harrington gardens SW, John Elsworth, supt.; Rev. Thomas Cross, supet-
scrilbe E; 1st friday in May & 4th friday in July numerary
Mark Lockwood, No. 3II4; C. T. Papworth, sec. 3 Wesleyan Methodist (Wanstead & Woodford Circuit),
Castleton roarl, Upper Waltharnstow NE; 3rd satur-
Chingford Hatch; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. 7-30
day in April, Ma.y, July & October
. p.m. ; Rev. Edgar .A.. Buchanan, supt
Brooke Chapter, No. 2005; G. F. Smith, 21 Bonham
rd. Brixton hill SW, scribe; 2nd fri. in May & July PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS.
Shurmur Lodge, No_ 2374; Jas. Clarke, sec. 42 Erskine King's road (mixed), built in 1872, & enlarged in 1893, &
road, Walthamstow N E; 4th wednesday in February, again enlarged in 1896, with master's house, at a
April, June & October cost of £I,soo, the site being given by R. B. Heathcote
Shmmur Chapter, No. 2374; James Clarke, 42 Erskine esq. ; the school was further enlarged in 1911 ; it will
road, Walthamstow, scribe; 4th thursday in January, hold 255 children ; average attendance, 223 ; Bruce
May & September Cook, master
Waltham Abbey, No. 2750; G. S. Richards, Worcester King's road (infants), built in 1856, enlarged in 1886
house, Forty hill, Enfield, sec.; 1st monday in April, & again in 19II, for 140 children; average attendance,
June & October 97; Miss ~- C. Mitchell, mistress
Warner Chapt-er, No. 2256; Arthur Holmes, 109 Col- Ne-;v road (boys), erected in rgo8, for 320; Geo. Horace
worth road, Leytonstone, scribe ; 3Td tuesday in Ctratton, Inaster
March, May & November New road (girls), for 320; Miss I. N. Miller, Inistress
Warner Lodge of Instruction, every friday evening at New road (infants), for 200 children; Miss C. E. Bryan,
8 o'clock mistress
(Further pMticulars as to times of meeting &c. to be Carrier to London, .A.rthur John Jessop, daily f
obtained from the secs. & scribes at addresses given). Railway Station, Ernest Alfred True, station master

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bowen Leonard Charle~, 29 Ctordon rd Coker Professor Ernest George )!'.!,.,
.Adamson Benja~in, 27 The Drive Boyton Ernest Brooks, Lyndhurst, D.Sc., M.I.Mech.E. 3 Farnley road , .
Aldworth Arthur G. Ridgeway house, Crescent road Collier Edward Albert, Wembury
Ridgeway road Bradford Frederick, Woodstock, Old villa, Heathcote grove
Alexander John Budge M.B. 35 Beres- Church road Collins Mrs. 35 Ctordon road
ford road Bradley Sidney W. Forest dene, Colsell Mrs. I3 Park Hill road
Allbrook Edgar Seymour, 46 Morning- Kimberley road Connoll William J. Bella Vista, Con· ,
ton road Braithwaite Jn. OldhaiD,I8 Warren rd naught avenue
Allport Chas.Jn.Polruan,Endlebury rd Branston Mrs. II Mornington road Cooper Alfred Edwd, 20 Warren road
Alvin Thomas Alfred, Tiverton, Old BrasseU Mrs. 53 Beresford road Cooper George E. 6o Mornington road
Church road Breary Charles Thos. 15 Frederica rd Cooper Joseph Ctrout, 32 Warren rd
Anning Edward Herbert, Amroth, Bremner Frederick Perthes M.D. 17 Cooper Sidney, Hawkwood
Forest view Victoria road Copland Alfred A. 1 Frederica road
..Arnold William A. 25 Victoria road Bridge John C- Culross, Douglas rd Cornish WilliaiD, I Warren road
..Ashton Mrs. 5 The Drive Bridges Mrs. I Connaught avenue Corvan Thomas Francis,Thorneyburn,
Atth~Il Henry L. 3 The Ridgeway Brook T. Stanbury M.D.64 Station rd Old Church road
Avery John Albert, The Firs, Low st Brooke Tbos. Robinson, I2 Warren rd CourseWm.Alfd.Alsador,Connaught av
Baatsch Geo. J . .A.. 1 Farnley road Brown Edward, Hillside, Ridgeway rd Courtice Ralph, 36 Mornington road
"Bacon Francis S. Forest house, Cres- Brown George Albert, Woodl:;astwick, Cousins Chas.Douglas,IMornington rd
cent road Green walk Cowie Alexander, 8 Ctordon road
Iladdeley William H. White hall Brown Howard Stanley, 14 Buxton rd Cox Mrs. Marie, 27 Beresford road
"Bagnall Fredk. Arth. 7 Eglington rd Brown M:rs. Lyndhurst, Ridge-way rd Crabb Ernest H. Inglenook, Heath~
Ilailey Charles William Lucerne, The Bruce Stuart, 17 Warren road cote grove
Ridgeway Buckingham Fdk.Lee,I6 Eglington rd Crafer William James, Felstead, 25
Barnes Henry James, Mount Echo Burt Frederick George, Providence Beresford road
Barrett Cteorge, 8 Warren Toad villa, New road Creswick Harry, I Hawkwood villas~
Ilarrington Mrs. I Woodland road Byrd .Anthony Albert .Augustus,Chase King's Head hill
Eartlett Mm. I7 Eglington road side, Crescent road Croft Thomas Watson, Roseneath,
Baumann C. F. I7 Frederica road Cadle Clair Whit.tington, Kenilwortb, Forest view
Bayles William E. 40 Warren road Heatbcote grove Cross Rev. Thomas (Wesleyan),
Ilayley Robt. Hugh, Cheriton, Heath- Capuron Charles, The Hollies, Con- Clarefield, Ctordon road
cote grove naught avenue Crossley Frank, 33 The Drive
Ileaty Thomas, 7 The Ridgeway Carpenter Fredk. Win. 25 Gordon rd Cruickshank John David L.R.C.P.
Beckett Frank, 76 Station road Carter Douglas T. ?,7 The Ridgeway Lond. Tho Lodge, The Green
Ilell George James, 6 Frederica road Carter John W. Sunnylawn, Heath- CrniDp Mrs. 4 Warren road
Bennett John Rayner, Meadowcroft, cote grove Cundall Freuerick, 49 The Drive
Chingford road Casey Miss,Northolme.Old Church rd Ounningham Daniel,Ortona,Gordon rd
Eennett Mrs. 47 The Ridgeway Chappell Cyril, 26 Mornington road Curry Edward, Cambridge house,
Best Artbur Edwd. 40 Mornington rd Chute Rev. Reginald Arthur John Forest side
Iliddulph Bertram, na, Frederica rd B ..A.. (curate), 16 Queen's Ctrove rd Curry Fredk. Wm. I4 The Drive '
llilling-s Geo. Arundel, Cresceirt road Clack James Hy. Penley, The Avenue Dagnall Arthur Albt. 63 Beresford ~
Bird Harry, Connaught lodge, Con- Clark Alfred, 13 Ctordon road Dalrymple Percival, 45 The Drive
naught avenue Clark Harry, Chatsworth, Old Church Darby Joseph Charles, 44 Douglas rd
Bishop Frederick, 21 Beresford road road Davies Alfred, The Limes, Forest vw ·
Bishop Fdk. Randolph,12 Park Hill rd Clark John William, IO The Ridgeway Davies George, Beechville, Forest vw
Bishop Herbert W. R. 13 Beresford rd Clark Leonard, Fairmead, Douglas rd Davies John Richard, St. Helens,
Blacklock Robert Geo.rge, The Hol- Close Jnhn, Dalblair, Connaught aveil Forest view
lies, Forest avenue Cobbing John Robert, 43 Victoria rd Davies Joseph William, The Laurels,
Blaxland Alfred, !il Farnley road Cocks Chailes F. Atherstone, Kimber- Forest view
Boutland Charles, IS The Drive ley road Davies Mrs. 4 Woodland road
Bowe Ernest Gordon, Fernleigb. Cccks Cbas. Langdon,58Mornington rd Davies Thos. Edward, 4 Eglington rd
Heathcote grov~ Davis Mrs. 29 The Ridgeway '
Dawson Wm. Trenance, Connaught ar :1re .ns Frederick A.ugustus, 43 The Leete A.lbert, 23 Eglington road
Day George William, Tren Crom, Olc Ridaeway Leg~ett ::\hs. Oak lodge, Forest side
Church road Gref'n Percy Geo. 57 The Ridqeway Le ~larechal Wm. Hy. Io Warren 1d
Day Yrs. Summerdown, The Green dreen Thomas, 34 Douglas r"ad Lewis Charles Thomas, ::;3 Warren rd
del Rey Jose, I7 Beresford road 3-rPengrass Hy.Chas.51 The Rid~eway Lidstone Jamt>s, I Gordon road
Deverell Thos. Haydor, Endlehury rd Greenwood Harry,- Cantley,Connaught Lin~ George, 42 Douglas road
Dicks .Arthur J. so Mornington roar\ a\·enne Little Geurg-e, 5 Warren road
_ Dixon Fdk. Jn. Ha" kesburn,Forest ~" Gresty John, 48 :\Iornington road Li\-eimore En:e~t H. 62 Station road
Dollison Mrs. Eastcroft Griffin John Taylor, Nether edge, Lockton Miss, 44- )1ornington road
Donaghr Robert .Andrews, Lynton. Endlebury road Lutlge Philemon, I I Warren road
Douglas road Grove .Alfred, r3 ~Iornington road Longden John Robert Thos. l)hisholm
Donner Aaron Enderby, 26 "\'Varren rd Halbert Fredk. Henry, 20 Buxton rd lodge, Endlebury road
Donnison Arthur Percy, Westcroft, Haler Percy James B.Sc. 17 ~Iorni1.g- Longmore Mrs. 9 Frederica road
Endlebury road ton road Loram Herbert Yabsley, 49 Buxton rd
Draper William Henry, 8 Douglas rd Hall Henry, I I Eu:don road Lulham :Edgar Hamilton,42Warren nl
Duke Edward George, Sedgebrook. Hall Percy Henry, 7 Frederica road Lush \\alter G. 26 The Drive
Endlebury road Hamp C'has. Keeler, 35 The Ridge"ay ~icDonqall Wm.White,3Mornington rd
Dunn Benjamin SydnPy, IO The Drive Hardenberg Emile John Frank, Clive- }IcGee H. J. 2 Frederica road
Dury Frank, 24 The Drive den, Forest avenue ~IcKenzie George, 8 Eglington road
Easton George, ro Douglas road Harding Harry Burnard,3o Warren rd Mackintosh ~Irs. 4 Douglas road
Eden Waiter Rivers, Laurel house, Hardistv Mrs. 6 Crescent road }lcMillan James, 84 Mornington road
Forest side Harkess. John, r9 Beresford road )lcNeil .Alfred Henry, Manaton, Vic-
Eiliott Miss, St. Louis, The .Avenue Han·is Edward, 66 Station road toria road
Ellis Joseph George, The Nest,Heath- Han·is Leonard, 21 \' ictoria road :via her William, 37 Victoria r{)ad
cote grove Harry-J ones John, Pengelly lodge, :\Ialloch George Reston, The White
Elson Clarence Hewitt, 68 ).lorning- Forest avenue cottage, Connaught avenue
ton road Hart Bernard Le<;lie, The Briars, ~Ialtby Charles, I3 The Ridge-way
Emberson Jas. Evelyn, Beresford rd Heathcote grove .:\Ialtby ~Irs. Flockton, Endlebury rd
Eminson John Reckerby, .Ankerdyne, Hart Henry, Green farm, The Green }!anger )lrs. Fairlight, Forest avenue
Douglas road Hart William Frederick,Culvel"thmpe, Mai,,ell A.rtlmr Wm. 4 Connahght av
E:don John, Abbotsford,Endlebury rd Endlebury road :L\Iarden William J. IS Gordon road
Fairhead Arthur Geo1·ge, Earls Colne, Hart-well William, 23 'Ihe Ridge"ay Marlow Frank, Medhurst, Warren rd
Old Church road Haselgrove Harry Cliff, I I Gordon rd ~lar~hall .Arthur John Eldon, 30
Favre Ami, 25 Frederica road Hatch Henry, 22 Eglington road .\Iorninqton road
Fielding Ben, 13 The Drive Hawke .Alec, 4o Douglas road Marshal: C. J. ro Frederica road
Fielding Waiter, 31 Beresford road Hayden Ernest, I5 Eglington road )J:arshJll John William, Langdales,
Fish Frank, 8 The Ridgeway Haylock William Rol:ert, The Hul!ie-., I Uonnau~ht avenue
Fish George, Tantallon, Ridgeway rd Chingford hatch. ~Iartin George H. 19 The Drive
Flood Frederick Wm. 43 Beresford rd Hedin Kaleb, 8 Park Hill road }lartin John C. 56 :Mornington road
Fordham Fredk. Geo. 2 Park Hill rd Fieron A.ndrew, 34 Warren road :\fartyn George William, The Cottage,
Fordham Thomas James Robert, Hiam George K. SI Victoria road 1 Heathcote grove
5 Mornington road Hill Herbert H. 36 Warren roau Massingham James, 29 The Drive
Fortescue F:rank, rB The Drive Hobday Geor~:re Charles, Kai-ora, Old ~Iathews A.lLert John,57 Beresford rd
Fortescue Sidney, Corriemulzie, Church road ~Iathieson Geo.Bryn Coed,Crescent rd
Forest view Hodc-es Arthur Chas. 4 Park Hill rd 1\Iathieson James Gray, 39 The Drive
Fortescue Walter J.P. Oak dene, Holbrook James L. Llanporth, The ~Iatthew George, 49 Beresford road
Crescent road Avenue Matthew John, 41 Fr~c>derica road
Francis Nathaniel Draper, Holm- Holland Hermann, 27 Victoria road .M:atts Malcolm, I2 Frederica road
Ieigh, Ridgeway road Holt Jesse, Endlebury, Endlebury rd !\fay Henry Benjamin, The PHi.s.
Francom George, n Frederica road Hop-wood .Edgar Bourne, 9 Gordon rd Endlebury road
Frazier A.lbert Edward Lever, I5 Horn by William J. S Frederica road ~iay Herbt. Jn.Be>erley,Endlebury rd
Woodland road Hosgood John, Crediton, Douglas rd l\Iean Thomas, 31 Frederica road
Freeman James, I4 Eglington road Houlden Sidney, I Mount View road Melhuish Alfd. Geo. 41 The Ridgeway
Friend Miss, 9 Mount View road Hounslow Charles Joseph, .Alcester, ::\ierz .August, 59 Beresford road
Frost Frdk. A.ndrew,ro Mornington rd Douglas road Meyer Mrs. Tregonna, Gordon road
Fudge John Hartley, Kinfauns, Con· Howard Chas. Walt. 22 Warren road Miller Wi,Iiam, 4 Farnley road
naught avenue Howard David Lloyd J.P. Little 1'\Iillikin Hy. Joseph, 24 Warren road
Fyfield William Joseph, Elmhurst, Friday hill Milne Alexander, 45 Victoria road
Forest view Hubbard .A.rthur G. no Station road Milward Hy. Ericsburg, The Avenue
Gain George, Englewood, Green walk Hubbard William, Lawn cottage, Mitchell George Robert, The Hollies,
Galbraith Colin James M.B.2 Leonard Chin~ford road Gordon road
terrace. Chingford road Hurk Henry, 35 Warren road Mitchell John Robert, Home cottage,
Gardner Frank, 39 Beresford road Hug-bes Edward, 10 Ha"\\kwood villas, Old Church road
Gardner-Roberts Thomas, Woodside, King's Head hill Molony Frank S. 12 The Drive
Forest view Hnghes Frank Murray,-47 Beresford rd ~l<>rton Philip Howard. Xanadu,
Garley Fredk. William, IS Warren rd Hunter Robert A. 21 FrederiCa road Heathcote grove
Garner Henry, 6 Douglas road Hutchins Frank, 29 Frederica road Mumford Jas. Wm. So Mornington rd
GaiTett William, The Rolls, Inks grn Ilyder Alfred James, Dinwoodie, Con- Munro Patrick, 6 Connaught avenue
Georg-e Edwd.Wm. J.P.4TheRidge"~'~"ay naug-ht avenue Sapper Charles, 29 Beresford road
Gerrard Victor Louis George, Ken· Irons John Sidney, 22 Mornington rd Nathan James, 2 Warren road
more, Connaught avenue Irving l\1rs. 2 'Ihe Ridgeway Nattras" ErnP!-t A. 41 Beresford road
Gibson Murray, 14 Beresfortl road Jackson George Wm.43Mm·nin~ton rd :Xeale Ed'Tard Robert, Mountain Ash,
Gifford Randolph Douglas, 15 Mount Jeffery Charles Wm. 61 Beresford rd Chingford road
View road Jefferys John, 2 Connaul.;"ht avenue Nicholas David, zr The Drive
Gilby Fredk. Bella Vista, The Avenue Johnson Erne-,t N. 31 Gordon road ~ichols Charles E. 37 Beresford road
Gillard Charles, 20 Eglington road Jolly Waiter Samuel, 21 Eglington rd Nichol~ Jolm,Crawcrook,Endlebury rd
Ginn George C. 25 The Ridgeway Jones Alfred. 3 Connaught avenue Nicnle Charles Geo. 27 The Ridgeway
Girling George Wm.g Woodland road Jones :Mrs. 1\linnie, 8o Station road Norbury Clarence, 17 The Drive
Glen Evan Allan, Hillsheim, The Jom's Walter Henry, 5 Park Hill road North Liddell Peverley,47 Victoria rd
4 Avenue Josefsson .!Jgot Heribert, 88 Morning· North Wm. Henry, I2 Beresford roatl
Glover Alfred E. Io Park Hill road ton road ~orton Edward, 8 Hawkswood villas,
Good Alfred Ernest, 2 Douglas road Josepb Geo. Fdk. Elmdene,The Greer Kin~'s Head hill
Good Edward Johnson, Althorp, Kendall Ernest E.H.52 ~Iornington ri' Nutter ·waiter, 4 Forest avenue
Endlebury road Kidd Wilfred Henry, 30 Douglas roar· Odell Richard, 12 Mornington road
Goweq Arthur Frederick, Lakenham. King John Harrv, 27 Gordon road Ogilvie John, .Airlit>, Douglas road
Endlebury road King Mrs. Radleigh, Crescent road Ontridge Albt. Fernhnrst.The Avenu11
Graham Peter Anderson. 1 Euxton rd Koch Mrs. Heidelburg. Kimberley re Over Thoma!{, 16 Gar:field road
Gratton Geo. Rosslyn, Heathcote gro Lamb Chas.N. Beechcroft, Douglas r-r" Pace Thos. HeTl:ert. 18 Eglington rd
Gravatt John, 35 Euxton road Larsen Ove.Trowleig-h,Old Church rei Page .Alfd. F. The Beeches,The Green
Gravatt William, 5 The Ridgeway Lavis Perev Claude,11 Mount View ro Pa~e John Stanlev, 6 Woodland road
Gray Arthur George. Summerside, Layzell A.lbert Edward, 23 Gordon rd Pag-e William, 6 Warren road
The .A. venue I Lea vis William Wit ten, 21 Gordon rd Palm er .Alfred Edwd. 3 Victoria road

Palmer Mrs. Rothesay, Connaught av Samuelson Mrs. M. 25 Warren road Turner Gerald Flower. 33 Gordon rd
Palmer Thomas, 35 Victoria road Sandrock William, 6I Buxton road Tyrrell Charles Waiter, 6 Buxton r~
Pantlin Sidney, 72 Mornington road Schwartz Simon, Russell grang~. Udall Miss, 3 Frederica road
Parnham John, Chagford, Old Chingford road · Underhill Geo.J. S. 74 Mornington rd
Church road Sheldon Jn. Livesley, 23 Frederica rd Unwin Ernest, 7 Mount View road
Parnham John B. So Station road Sheldon Mrs. Holly ho.King's Head hl Vaile William B. Goldsboroughs.
Parnham Walt. Southover,The Avenue Shepherd Frederick, Woodlands, Endlebnry road
Parnwell Wilfred S. Glengarry, Endle- Woodland road Valvassura Philip, Reginald house,.
bury road Shepherd Wm. Fdk.38 Mornington rd Chingford road
Patten Albert, Burghclere villa, The Simonds Stuart Rank, St. Denys, \'aughan Thomas Arthur, Orchard
Avenu(' Connaught avenue lea, Green walk
Peachey Robert F. 55 The Ridgeway Simpson Miss, Slemdal, Douglas road Veal Harry Jas. Merivale, Crescentrd
Pedler Arth. Rhonallea, Eglington rd Simpson Mrs. 35 Mornington road Venimore Andrew Carey, 86 Morning-
Pemberton Arthur S-49 The Ridgeway Sinclair Mrs. Frederick, Friday hill ton road
Percival Mrs. 9 Park Hill road Skelton William, 43 The Drive Verdon John Arthur, Suffolk villa,.
Perry Zachariah, 9 Warren road Skottowe Walt.Stuart,r2 Eglington rd Woodland road
Petrie David Palmer,5 Mount View rd Smith Harry, 17 Mount View road Vick Charles, I6 Frederica road
Pettet Mrs. 78 Station road Smith Henry W. 3I Warren road Vick Jas. Fredk. Silverdale,Forest vw
Pe';tingall J oseph, 42 Mornington road Smith Howard, 37 Frederica road Vine Fredk. Stockman, 68 Station rd
Phillips Henry A. 2 Kimberley road Smith Mrs. H. 39 The Ridgeway Wakefield Thomas H. 9 The Drive
Pilsbury Wm. Heath,7 Mornington rd Smye ¥rs. 64 Mornington road Waldron William, 59 Warren road
Pizey Geo.H., J.P.Casa Mia,Forest vw Snell Miss, Glengyle, Buxton road Walker Mrs. 4 Frederica road
Pollard Charles, Looe, The Avenue Snow Waiter Henry, 5 Hawkswood W allis George, The G abies, Forest all!
Pollard Edward, Shanklin,The Avenue villas, King's Head hill Walsh William John, 33 Beresford rd
Powell Mark, 55 Beresford road Snowden Clarence Geo. 35 The Drive Ward Arthur Fox, Mayfield, Kimber-
Powell Wm. Fisher, 8 Frederica road Soanes Alfred, 31 The Ridgeway lev road
Pritchard Hy. Geo. 76 Mornington rd Sochon Thomas, Goulbourn,Forest av W a;ren Frank J sph. rg Eglington rd
Puck Otto, 12 The Ridgeway Spencer Albert, 49 Victoria road Webb Arthur Herbert Guy, IS Park
Purser Hubert James, 25 Buxton rd Spencer Jsph. A. Waveney,Douglas rd Hill road
Quale John Edward, Kerrowmoar, Spicer William, 9 Mornington road Webster Sidney Mallett,37 Warren rd
Green walk Spratt Geo.Albt.Wastdale,Crescent rd Wellington Mrs. Sandcot, Connaught.
R~by Miss, Slemdal, Douglas road Spratt Hy. Jas. Orizaba, Forest viell" avenue
Radmall John Henry, 46 Douglas rd Squire Mrs. 22 The Drive Wells Edgar Leslie, I 1a, Buxton road
Radmall Leslie, Wanganui,Douglas rd Stallybrass Spencer, Clovelly, Old Wells George E. 53 The Ridgeway
Ra:fford Jn. Ke•nnett,33 The Ridgeway Church road Welsby Herbert John, 57 Warren rd
Ratcliff Alfred, Chesterton, Kimber- Staniland Alfred, 82 Station road Whedon William Harold, Esp('rance~
ley road Stares Charles, Castleton,The Avenue The Avenue
Ray Mrs. 12 Buxton road Stemp Robt. Hinton vil.Heathcote gro Wheeler Jn. CoopPr, Laurel ho.Low s\ •
Ray Stanley Jones, 82 Mornington rd Stemp Rt. Louis, Dugort,The Avenue White Alfred William, Ringstead, Old
Restall William L. I I The Ridgeway ::itephens Miss, White lodge, King's Church road
Reynolds William, 7 Warren road Head hill Whitley George, 28 Warren road
Rice Richard Waiter, 9 Eglington rd Stockwell John Stephen, 2I The Whitley Geo. jun. 78 Mornington rd
Richter Mr.s. 25 The Drive Ridgeway ' Whitley Wm. Ridley, 38 Warren rd
Ridgers Miss, 47 The Drive Stopps William Edwd. 6 Gordon road Whitmore Mrs. 27 Frederica road
Ritchie Wm. Carswell, 3 Warren road Stratton Fredk. Geo. 37 Buxton road Wigg Mrs. 59 Buxton road
Rivers Francis Budd-,17 The Ridgeway Symonds Mrs. 3 Woodland road Wilden Herbert, 10 Buxton road
Roach George Morton, Heron's nest, Talbot Frederick, 4 Hawkswood Wilkes Mrs. 31 The Drive
Forest side villas, King's Head hill Williams Hywell E. B. 3 Mt. View rd
Rolmrts Chas. Gordon, 3 The Drive Talkington Hy. St. Kilda,The Avenue Willis William J. 35 Frederica road
Roberts Richard, 23 Beresford road Taylor Albert Waiter, Holmhurst, Wills David C. 39 Frederica road .
RobertsSaml.Orford vil.Chingford rd Victoria road Wilson Miss, 11 The Drive
Robertson Alex. P. 13 Mount View rd Taylor Arthur, Pandymill, The AvenuP Wiltshire Hugh, Gatra, Connaught aY"
Robertson Bertram Wm. St. Elphin, Taylor Arthur Edward Dean, 7 Park Wiseman James Henry, 23 Buxton rd
The A venue Hill road Wolff Eugene Richard, I The Drive
Rob('rtson Lawrence, 16 Douglas road Taylor Fredk. Chas. 18 Beresford rd Woodcock Arthnr Ernest.2o TheDriv&
Robinson George, 28 Douglas road Ta)·lor Mrs. Alfred, 4 Buxton road Woodcock H. S. 9 Hawkeswood
Robinson Harry Alfd. 17 Woodland rd Tettmar Victor,Pendennis,The Avenue villas, King's Head hill
Robson Josepb, Hawthorne, Endle- Thomson Rudolph Henry Gustaf, 62 Woodcock Howard C. 6 Hawkswood
bury road Mornington road villas, King's Head hill
Rogers Cyrus Allan. 45 Beresford rd Thomson Victor, 22 Buxton road Woodcock Mrs. 84 Station road
Rogers George, 51 Bf'resford road Thornhill Mrs. W oodholme, Forest av Woodward William John, Woodlands.
Ronald DouglalS, 54 Mornington road Timbrell Mrs. Hillsborough, Old The Avenue
Roose Chas. Hy. 66 Mornington road Church road Woolley Osborne, 24 Mornington rd
Rosamond Alfred Wm. 7 The Drive Tribe Miss Ethel Newton M.D. 14 Workman William Arthur,Pavenham,.
Rossiter Wait. Brooksby. Victoria rd Frederica road Crt>scent road
RJwe Waiter Elijah, 9 The Ridgeway Trimby Ernest Hereert, Crossways, Wrigglesworth Victor, 8 Buxton road
Russell Rev. Alfred Franci!l 1\l.A. Green walk Yardley Vincent, 33 Warren road
(rector & rural dean), The Chantry, Trimby George Hy. 37 Mornington rd Yuill Robert, 19 The Ridgeway
Ridgway road Turner Edwd. Morris, 7 Woodland rd Zeigele Otto, Oakhurst. Crescent rd
Russell Harry Ernest, Sherborne,
Er•lin!!ton road l
0 "'

COYliEUCHL. i Barrett James, boot maker, 84 Old Church hill

Early closing day, Thursday.
I Bartrip George, coal merchant, The Green
! Bass Brothers, builuers, Hainault ho. Ainslie road wes\.i
Abraham Herbert, dairyman, 43 Station road Bates Henry Edmund, dairyman, Ohingford road
Adkin Mary Ann (Mrs.), confectioner, Post office, Ching- Beech John, Prince Albert P.H. Old Church hiJl
ford road Behling Ernest Francis, butcher, 12 Leonard terracer
Allt>n Bros. builders' mers. &; ironmongers, 2 Station rd Chingford road
Ancient Order of Foresters, Child of the Forest Court Bennett John R. & George T. pianoforte manufacturers,_

(Xo. 4077) (F. Watkins, sec.), 26 Woodlands road Chingford road

Anning Edward Herbert, solicitor &; commissioner for : Bennett George Thomas, pianoforte manufacturer, see-
oaths, Amroth, Forest view · I Bennett J. R. &; G. T
Bagguley George William, CJnfectioner, 46 Station road Bird Brothers, beer retailers,7 Royston par.Chingford rd'
Baker Frederick. fly proprietor, King's Head hill Blackburn Jas.Thos.Alfd. Dun Cow P.H.Ohingford Hateh-
Ball _\lioe E. (Mrs.), dress maker, 91 Station road Blake Ida B. (Mrs.), tchr. of piano, 64 Old Church hill
Ball Daniel Frederick, decorator, gr Station road Blaxland Alfred, grOc£'1' 29 &; 59, & wine merchant 35,.
Banham John, greengrocer, 56 Station road Station road
Bank Cigar Stores, tobacconist, 12 Station road Block James, confectioner, n6 Station road
Barker Thomas Edward, corn dealer, 4 The Broadway, Bococl• Sidney Thomas, collector of King's taxes, I~
Chingford road Pentley road
Barker William, dining rooms, 136 Station road Bolt-s Philip, refre>lhment rooms, I Forest avenue
Bolton Charles Wallace, cowkeeper, Pimp hall Glover ~\.lfred E. solicitor &; commissioner for oaths, 10
Bolt{)n Edward, farmer, Pimp hall Park Hill road
Bourne Charles, draper, 25 Station road Great Eastern Raihmy Co. (H. C. T . .Amendt,manager),
Bowen Leonard Charles, clerk to l:rban District Coun- refreshment rooms, Rail" av •
cil, 34 Station road Green Thomas Charles, dairyman, q Leonard terrace,
Bra.cey Robert, coal agent, 2 Stafford terrace, Hall lane Chingford road ·
Bridger Maria (Mrs.), tea gardens, Old Church road Greenhead .Alice (Mrs.), draper, Chingford road
Brook k Hardenberg, physicians & smgeons, 64 Station Greenlees & Sons, boot makers, 53 Station road
road & Forest avenue Griffin John Taylor, surveyor to T'rban Di:>ti·ict Council,
Brook Tom Stanbury M.R.C.S.Eng .• L.R.C.P.Lond. phy- 34 Station road
-sician & sur~eon (firm, Brook &; Hardenb-erg), medical Hackshall Fredk. g-NoPr, _') The }larket, Chingford road
()fficer & public vaccinator Chingford district, Epping flagon John Victor, ironmonger, 40 Station road
union & medical officer of health to Urban District Hale End Laundry, Dyeing & Cleaning Co.; receiving
Council, 64 Station road office, r 13 Station road
Brown William F. farmer, Follv farm Haley .\ndrew, portmanteau maker, 6a, Station road
Bunce William Hy. grocer, 6 Royston par. Chingford rd Hall Annie (Miss), tea gardens, Old Church road
Burges Charles, plumber, 34 Stanley road Hall John Joseph, blacksmith, Old Church road
Butler Thomas William, nurseryman, Balgonie, King's Hanneford John Thomas, refreshment rooms, Hawkwood
road & florist, IIra, Station road Hardenberg Emile John Frank M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.
Cartwright, Cunningham & Haselgrove. solicitors, I 1 Lond. physician & surgeon (firm, Brook & Harden-
Gordon road berg), Cliveden, Forest averue
Chatfield William, toot repairer, Chingford road Harper John, piano tuner, 28 Old Church hill
Cheeseman Albert George, builder, The Green Harris Frederick Richard, farmer, Old Church road
Chenery Edith (Miss), draper, 6r Old Church hill Harry-Jones John, rolicitor & commissioner for oaths,
Chingford Habitation of the Primrose League (No. 26g8) Pengelly lodge, Forest avenue
(J. A. Verdon, hon. sec.), Suffolk villa, Woodland rd Hart Bernard Leslie, solicitor, The Briars, Heathcote gro
Chingf{)rd Horticultural Society (George Fish, sec.), Haselgrove Harry Cliff, solicitor & commissioner for
Tantallon, Ridgeway road oaths (firm, Cartwright, Cunningham & Haselgrove),
Chingford Mount Cemetery (Abney Park Cemetery Co II Gordon road
Limited) (Arthur Clark, sec) H•'ad _·\.lfred Jallles, news ag-ent, Chingford road
Chingford Postal Sorting Office ( , officer in Hi,~ks John Charles, builder, so Station road
charge), Station road Hills Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopl.eepcr, 67 Old Church hill
Chingford Rifle Club (George Fi!>h, sec.), T2ntallon, Hitchcock Adnlphns Wm. dining rooms, 107 Station rd
Uidgeway road Hobday :Mary A. (Miss),masseuse,Kai-ora,Old Church rd
Chingford Rise Estate Co. Limited (Henry Hart, man- Holden James Charles,King's Head hotel,King's Head hl
ager), Estate office, The Green Home for Little Girls (Miss Mary H. Steer, hon. super-
Chingford Urban District Council Se" age Pumping Sta intendent), Chingford road
tion (J. T. G1iffin, surveyor), Mansfield hill Ho'Oper Archibald Shadwell. supt. to Chingford :Mount;
Chisholm Alice (l\Ir~. ), Bull & Cro11 n P.H. The Grt>en cemetery, The Mount, Old Church hill
Chown Brothers, bukhers, 19 Station road Howell William, plumber, Hillcrest, Westward road
Clack Jas. Hy. chartered aecountant, Penley,The Avenue Howse H. &; Son, grngrcrs. Io Leonard ter.Chingford rd
Cla.rke Frank, boot maker, 8 Leonard ter. Chingford rd Huck Henry, chemist, 16 Station road
Coates M. (Miss), girls' school, Pond house, The Green Hummerstone & Son, nurserymen, Chingford mount
Combe!I Edward, insurance agent, 70 Mornington road Humphreys William, engineer t{) pumping station,
Conoley Edward, fishmonger, 30 Station road Mansfield hill
f'ooper Brothers. nur:;:erymen, Chingforrl road Innes J essi-e A. (Mrs.), mid" ife, 7 Higham Station aven
Cormac Sidney S. builder, Sutherland, Templeton aven Jarvis Henrietta (Miss), art needlework repository, 32
Coventry Waiter John, Green Man P.H. Old Church rd Station road
Gox Barnett J. boot maker, 2 Stanley• road Jessop Chas. & Alfred, coaeh builders, Ching-ford Hatch
Crisp James Fredk. grocer, 12 Royston par.Chingford rd .Jessop Arthur John, carrier, Chingford Hatch
Curry Edward, nurseryman, Whitehall r.urseries Jessop Charles, farmer, Larks farm, New road
{;'usworth John & Sons, monumental masons, 87 Old Johnson Ernest N., L.R.I.B.A. architect, 31 Gordon road
Church hill .Tones Bros. cab proprietors & blacksmiths, The Green
Deione El ea nor (~'l:rs. ), shopkeeper 73, & refreshment J ones R. & Son, painters, Willow street
rooms 75, Old Church hill Jones T. H. &; Co. nurserymen, Chingford road
Denbee Hubert, farmer. Chingford road Jones Albert N. grocer & beer retailer, New road
District Supplv Stores Limited, dairy, Higham hill J ones Alfred Edward, Fountain P .H. Low street
Donnisthorpe Morris,baker,3 The Broadway,Chingford rd .Jones .Arthur, news agent & tobacconist, 52 Station rd
Dove Edwin Arthur, butcher, 23 Station road Jones Herbert Brant, carter, I4 Mornington road
Downes ~hthur, iobbing gardener, Goath Lane cottages, KPen Waiter John, farmer, Old Church hill
Endleburv road Kirby James, dairy, 48 station road
Drakef{)rd Henry William, builder, r Hampton road Knott Kate (Miss), teacher of music, 20 Warwiek road
Duck Brothers, cabinet makers, 39 Station road Langhorne & Co. auctioneers, 2 Hawkswood villas,
Dunford "Minnie (Mrs.), draper, 3 Hazelwood villas, King's Head hill
Chingford road Larsen Ove, nurseryman, King's Head hill
Eagle Lewis, refreshm-ent room,;, .~ Station road Law Edmund Wykes, butcher, 38 Stati~:m road
Eaton John, tea g-ardens, Old Churf'h road Le~h William James, saddler, 31 Station road
Edmeads FrPrlerick Alexander, Prince of Wal-es P.H. Lewis & Co. monumental masons, Mount view, Old
C'hing-forfl Hateh Church hill
Edmonds William, cycle agent, 12 Station road Lewis & Co. news agents, r 11 Station road
"F.ds111l C'has. Alfd. f>1rmer. Gomme's farm,Olcl Church ril Leyton Timber Co. Limited, building material mer-
F.dwards Arthur William, hair dresser, roo Station road chants, Ohingford road
ElPy Aaron Harry, builder, 47 Station road Lloyd Hy. Wm. boot ma. Io Royston par. Cbingford rd
Ellis & Son, "Printers & bookbinders. Willow street Lockwood William, insurance agent, Grove rd. New rd
Elli" Ernest GPo. steam roundabout proptr. Stanley roa~ London & Provincial Bank Limited (branch) (John
Ellis FlorPnce (Miss), dress maker, ThP Green Barnes, manager), Station road; draw on head office,
F.nfield JfiO"hway Co-operative Society Ltd. 28 Station rd 3 Bank buildings E C & Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co.
EppinQ' ForPst Mu.,ical Society (The) (E. J. Bowen. London E C. See advertisement
musical rlir ; Leo Tavlor, hem. sec.), Ronl Forest htl McCunn A.,M.R C.V.S. veterinary surgeon,LarksHall frm
ll'aulknPr Alfd. Jn. butcher, The Broadway.Ching-ford rcl Alice (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 7 Chivers road, New rd
Flint Robert & ~- cap front manufaeturers, New road Manchester Unity of Oddfellows, Erin Guinness Lodge,
Flootl Henrv Richard. eollar cutter, ~ Chingford road No. 6go8 (Frederick Watkins, sec.), 26 Woodlands rd
Fordham John, cowkeeper, Chingford Hatch Martin Brothers, refreshment rooms, 124 Station road
Foulds James French, Queen Elizabeth P.H. Forest side Martyn Geo. Wm. surveyor, The Cottage, Heathcote gro
Francis .A.lbert Charles, confectioner, Chingford road Masonic Lodges, see pp. 137 & 138
Francis Robert, news agent,r3 Royston par.Chingf{)rd rd May H. B. & Sons, nurserymen, Endlebury nurseries
Frisby Oly, carman, Alfred villa, Hall lane May Richard, auctioneer, 101 Station road
Galbraith Colin James M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S. & L.R.C.P. May William James, greengrocer, 49 Station road
Lond. physician & surgeon,2 Leonard ter.Chingford rd Mayhew Samuel Herbt. cartage contractr. 9 St.John's rd
Gallop William George, confectioner, 21 Station road Maysey James William, grocer, Chingford road
Gas Light & Coke Co. 54 St.ation road Metropolitan Water Board (R. N. Thomas, res. engi-
Gi~lett H?rhert E. watch maker, 58 Station road nePT), Chingford pumpinz station
- ~·
...::.:..:IE:.~NCE Ll~-llAitJ'
Minett Charles, watch maker, u6 Old Church hill Slow H. & Son, coal mers. 1 The Market, Cbingford rd
Monk Charles, tailor, 18 Station road Smith George & Co. grocers, 51 Station road
Morton Godwin Joseph, watch maker, 6b, Station road Smith W. H. & Son, news agents, Railway station l"
Morton Philip Howard, solicitor, Xanadu, Heathcote gro Smith Mary .Ann (Mrs.), glass & china dealer, 3 Royston
Moss Eliza (Mrs.), confr. 4 Royston par. Chingford road pa:vade, Chingford road
Nash Mary Jane (Mrs.), laundress, 'l'he Green Smith Reuben, chimney sweep, 38 Stanley road
Nelson Brothers, manufacturing joiner!), Bateman road Smith William, tobacconist, 6 L2onard ter.Chingford rd
Odart Herbert, greengro. 4 The Market·, Chingford road Smith er Ed ward, plumber, 2 Royston par. Chingford rd
Parisian Corset Co.Ltd. ladies' outfitters,IOga,Station rd Snell L. J. (Miss), girls' high school, Buxton road
Pavey Joshua, dining rooms, Chingford road Soper Jas. cow keeper, Low st. & dairyman, 22 Station rd
Payne Thomas, refreshment rooms, I King's Head hill South Chingford Laundry, 9 Royston par. Cbingford rd
Penman William, pianoforte tuner, Evelyn villa, Grove rd Stacey Arthur, tea gardens & hire furnisher; accommo.
Perry Thomas, tea gardens, Hope eot. Chingford Hatch dation for cyclists, & apartments, Forest View house,
Pettingall Joseph, collector of Urban. District Council King's Head hill
rates, 34 Station road Steed Robert Cawston, district supt. Refuge Assurance
Pettit Stephen, corn chandler, 42 Station road Co. Limited, 65 Station road
Phi)lips & Co. drapers, 15 & 17 Station road Tanner William Edward, chemist, 36 Station road
Pidsley Richard, stationer, & post office, 55 Station road Tibbit John Morris, farmer, Chiugford Hatch
Pimm Bros. builders, 2 .A.inslie Wood rd. Chingford rJ Tite B. M. & Sons, coal merchants, Station y~rd
Poland Charles, nurseryman, Bateman road 'l'oe Frank, hair dresser, 45 Station road
Polli Luigi, coffee tavern, 134 Station road Tollworthy Frederick .A. farmer & carter, Chingford haD
Pop1~tt John, slater, Hampton road Tomalin William R. oilman, 41 Station road
Porter & Co. accountants & estate agents, so Station rd Turner Arthur, baker, r Hazelwood villas, Chingford rd
Pretty Harry, apartments, Victoria cot. King's Head hill Tweed Frederick Thomas, baker, 26 Station road
Radmall Lucy (Mrs.), boot m1lrer, 103 Station road Tytherleigh & Co. ironmongers, 20 Station road
Randall Frank, bali:er, 57 Station road Uglow Frank Ern.est, draper, 37 Station road
Reynolds George, market gardener, Endlebury road Vine Frederic Stockman L.D.S. dentist, 68 Station road
Reynolds John, carman, 9 Alpha road, Old Church hill w,alker Henry, boot x·epairer, IS Stanley road
Richardson John, boot maker, King's Head hill Walthamstow Sanatorium & Hospital for Infectious
Ridgewell Henry, tobacconist, u8 Station road Diseases (David Isaacs M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond.
Riding James Billinge, nurseryman, Forest side medical officer; Miss Louisa Pratchett, matron), Hal&
Rochester George, farmer, Brook farm, Chingford Hatch End road
Rochester Henry, greengrocer, 14 Station road Warren F. & Co. (incorporated with Coote & Warren
Rochester William, shopkeeper, Chingford Hatch Limih:d), coal merchants, II5 Station road
Rogers Samuel Punter, dairyman, King's Head hill Warren John, boot maker, 105 Station road
Roper Charles, farmer, Ink's green Watkins Caroline (Mrs.), tea gardens, Station road
Rose & Co. butchers, 33 Station road Watts Eliza Ann (Mrs.), groo~r, 59 Old Church hill
Royal Epping Forest Golf Club (C. G. Roberts, hon. Watts Walt. T. carting cont:r:ctr.Oalverley,Old Church hi
,;ec. ), Royal Forest hotel Webb Henry, cycle maker, 105 Station road
Royal Forest Hotel (John Brill, proprietor) Wells Elizh. (Mrs.), private schl. 12 Higham Station av
Sainsbury E. & Sons, plumbers, 42 Garfield road West Arthur,tea gardens,6 Willmott's cots.OldChurch rd
'Salter & Son, cycle makers, 77 Old Church hill & 101 White Wm. Fr:!.nk, butcher, 3 The Market, Chingford rd
Station road Wilde Charles, draper, 8 Royston parade, ·Chingford rd
Sands Mabel Amy (Miss), dress maker, 8 Station road Wilkins Willi::tm Regina1d, sanitary inspector to th~t
Saward Ernest Charles, retailer, King's Head hill Urban District Council, :14 Station road
Sayers William, boot maker, 8 Station road Wilks S. J. r-egistrar of births & deaths, ChurQh hall,
Sear Bros. cycle makers, The Broadway, Chingford road The Ridgeway . '
Seeburge Frank, hair dresser, u Roystou parade, Williams George,drua- stores,4 Le·onard ter.Chingford rd
Chingford road Wingrove Alfred, shopkeeper, Low street
Sheridan .Alfred, swe.~p, 28 Stanley road Wood Ernest, apartments, 18 Queen's Grove road
Shirt George Arthur, confectioner, 2 King's road Wood James, farmer, Old farm, Chingfo:rd Hatch .
Short William Thomas, boot repairer, 62 Stanley road Woodcock Arthur Ernest L.R.C.P. & S.Edin. physician
Shulten Bernard, hair dresser, 5 Stanley road &; surgeon, 20 The Drive
Sims Jessie E. (Mis<;~) & Wm. J. confctnrs. 10 Station rd Worth W. milliner, 6o Station road
Sin a-er Annie (Mrs.), fried fish d.ealer, 5 Royston parade, Y.oo Wilson, refreshment rooms, The Broadway, Ching-
Chingford road ford road
Skeet Frederick Sydney, grocer, Bateman house ' & Young Christians (Mrs.), farmer, Larks hall
Alexandra house, Chingford road •
CHIPPING HILL, see Witham.

CHIPPING ONGAR (or On~ar ad Castra). is an living is a rectory, net yearly value £Ioo, with residencep
ancient town and parish on the west bank of the river in the gift of Waiter Plimpton esq. and others, and held
Boding and east of the Cripsey brook, on the road from since 1878 by the Rev. James Tanner M.A. of Pembrok&
Stratfol"Q and close to the road from Epping to Chelms- College, Oxford, and surrogate. The Catholic churchp
ford, and is t.he terminus of the Great Eastern branch erected in z86g, is dedicated to St. Helen. There is a
railway from Loughton, 7 miles east from Epping, n Congregational chapel, in which is a memorial to th&
west from Chelmsford, 8 north-west from Brentwood and Rev. Isaac Taylor, a former minister and writer for the
21 miles by road and 23 by rail from London. It is the young, who died n Dec. 182g, and to his daughter Jane
heali of a petty sessional division and union and the Taylor, the celebrated authoress, who died 13 .April.
chief place of the hundred bearing its name, in the 1824, and was buried here: the chapel was founded in
Western division of the county, Brentwood county court r6go: close by is Dr. Livingstone's room, in which the
district, rural deanery of Ongar, archdeaconry of Essex celebrated African explorer lived when a student, for a
and Chelmsford diocese. Over the Cripsey is a brick period of two years. The cemetery, opposite the rail-
bridge of three arches. The town is within the area way station, was formed in 1866 and covers an area of
of an old entrenchment and consists chiefiv •
of one street one acre ; it is under the management of the Ongar
on the main road, situated on the rising bank of the Parish Council. The Budworth Hall, erected by public-
river, with ·a good view, and is lighted with gas by a subscription as a memorial to the late Captain Bud-
company: water is supplied by a company. The worth, is a building in the Elizabethan style, consist-
church of St. Martin, erected in the 12th century, ing of a large room holding about 400 persons, used for
is I} small building of fiint and rubble in the Anglo- public meetings, reading, games and coffee rooms. A
Norman or Transition style, consisting of chancel, nave. museum was added in 18gB, and a tower, containing a

south aisle, north porch and a westel'n steeple of wood clock, was erected in 1887, to commemorate the Jubilee
containing 2 bells : inside the altar rails is a memorial of Queen Victoria: in 19n a large assembly room -was-
slab of marble to Jane, a l'elative of Oliver Cromwell, erected at the rear of the hall to seat about 400 persons.
and wife of " that truly noble and religious gentleman The Church room, erected in 1870 by the late Henry
Horatio Pallavicini esq. who died May 6, 1648, aged Gibson rsq. holds 120 persons. The Drill hall wu
36;" she died in 1637: the church was enlarged in 1884, built in 1871 by subscription, for the G Co. of the 4th
when the south aisle was added: there are 350 sittings: Territorial Force Battalion Essex Regiment, at 1l cost of
in the churchyard a silver penny of Edward I. was /:25'). Yrs. Septame Mitchell left in 1796 [,so Old
dug up, and many Roman remains have also been found Snnth St>a Annuities, the interest of which is distri-
here. The register dates from the year 1538. The buted among the members of the parochial coal club-.

Sorth-east of the church is a high artificial mound, on burst, Cleobury Mortimer, Salop; the trustees of the
the top of which a castle was built in the reign of l-ate Captain Philip John Budworth, and John Walker
Henry I. but in the reign of Queen Elizabeth it was Newall esq. are the principal landowners. The area is
removed and a strong brick building of three storeys 499 acres of land and 7 of water; rateable value~
(.rected, of which only a fragment now remains, but £6,679; the population in I9II was 1,392, including
the surroundin~ moat still exists. The trustees of Lady 333 children and 36 officials in Hackney Union Work-
Jane H. Swinburne (d. 18g6), who are lords of the house School and 164 in Chipping Ongar Grammar-
manor; ~Iajor George Edward Cape! Cure, of Shaken- School. .


Post, M. 0. &; T. Office. Letters should have Essex The Workhouse, Stanford Rivers, is a plain structure of
added.- , postmaster. Letters arrive at brick, erected at a cost of £4,416 & will hold 1]6 in-
· 5.15 &; 10.15 a.m. &; 6.45 & 9·45 p.m.; dispatched at mates; J. Underwood, master; Rev. John Ishmae}
g.3o a.m. &; 12.15, 2.2o, 7, 7·45 & ro p.m. week days; Thomas B.A. chaplain; Geoffrey Remington WilsoD
sundays, arrive at 5· 15 a.m. & dispatched at 7 p.m M ..A.., J_P., ~LB., B.C.Camb. medical officer; Mrs.
Wall Letter Box.-At Railway :;;tation, cleared at 9·5 E. E. Underwood, matron
a.m. & 2, 6.35, 7.40 & g.2o p.m. week days; sundays, 0NG1R REGISTRATION DISTRICT.
12.45 p.m Superintendent Ri!gistrar, Amold Richardson, Chipping
COU~TY MAGISTRATES, ONGA.R PETTY Ongar; deputy, Frederick H. Smith, Chipping Ongar
SESSIONAL DIVISION. Registrar of Births, Deaths & Marriages, Richard New-
White Tyndale, Stondon Place, Brentwood, chairman Lery, Marden Ash, High Ongar; deputy, John Sur-
Barnard Herbert Edward, High street, Ongar ridge, Chipping Ongar
Carter Frederic, Marden A:.h, High On!!ar PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS.
Christie Charles Henry Fehler V.D. Wilderness, Ongar
Glasse Charles H. Berners hall, Ong-ar Ancient Order of Foresters, Court Forest hall, No. zoso~
Jones Henry Edwd. C E. Marden Ash ho. High Ongar George A. Howgate, sec
Loyd Frederic E. A.lbyns, Stapleford .!.bbotts, Romford Budworth Hall, W. P. Fenn, sec.; By. Finc,h, manager-
McCcrquodale Harold, Forest hall, High Ongar, Ongar Cemetery, Ernest A. Payne, clerk
Meyer James Herman, Little Laver hall, Harlow Fire Brigade (now under the control of the Parish Coun-
Parker Chas. Alfred, Rochets, South Weald, Brentwood cil), James William Burrell, capt. & engineer & ro
Pigott Capt. Wellesley George, 123 Coleherne court, men; a fire escape was presented in 1889 by the late
South Kensington, London S W H. Gibson esq
Price Howel John James D.L. Greensted hall, Ongar Police Station, Frederick Fordham, inspector; 1 sergeant
Royds Charles Duncan, Brizes park, Kelvedon Hatch, & 10 constables

Wilson Geoffrey Remington :YI.A., M.B. Ongar ho. Ongar
The chairman for the time being of the Ongar Rural 4th Battalion Essex Regiment (G Co. ), Drill hall, Capt.
District Council is an ex-officio magistrate Barrington C. Wells; Color-Sergt.-Instructor Johlll
Clerk to the Magistrates, Frank P. Sutthery, High st Biswell, drill instructor
Petty Sessions are held at the Petty Sessions room, Police CADET CORPS.
station, every alternate saturday at 10.30 a.m. The
places included in Ongar petty sessional division art~ Grammar School.
the same as the Union, except Doddinghurst & They- Lieut. Albert Charles Anstey Wildman
O~GAR RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL. Certifying Factory Surgeon, Robert Ferguson 1\LA ...
The Parishes in the District are the same as in the M.D ..!.berd. Greylands
Union. Clerk to Ongar Sub-Committee of Essex Local Pension
Council meets at the Council house on every alternate Committee, Arnold Richardson
tuesdav at 12 noon. Clerk to the Parish Council, Ernest Augustin Payne
Chairman, Thomas Atkins, The Lindens, Moreton, Ongar Inspector of Weights & Measures & under "Sale of
Officials. Food & Drugs Act" & Official Sampler under "Fer-
Clerk, Arnold Richardson, Chipping Ongar tili!ers & Feeding Stuffs Act " for the Southern Dis-
trict, Arthur Horsnell, 153 High street, Brentwood
Treasurer, Robert Woodhouse, Barclay & Company's
Bank, Ch~>lmsford Inspector under the '· Diseases of Animals Acts," Fredk ..
Medical Officer of Healtl1, Archihald Sinclair David Fordham, Police station
Veterinary Inspector under the "Diseases of Animals-
M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond., D.P.H.R.C.P.S.Lond.
The Lindens, Fyfield Acts" for Ongar District, Hermon Hicks M.R.C.V.S.
Sanitary ln<>pector, William ~athaniel Jarvis A.R.S.I. High street
Chipping Ongar SCHOOL.
ONGAR UNIO~. District Education Sub-Committee.
Board day every alternate tuesday at the District Council The Committee was formed Aug. 1903, & consists ot
house at I I a.m. 15 members.
The Union comprises twenty-six parishes, viz. :-Abbess
Roding, Beauchamp Roding, Berners Roding, Meetings held at the Council house, 3rd thursday in
Blackmore, Bobbingworth, Chipping Ongar, Dodding- each month, at 2 p.m

hurst, Fyfield, Greensted, High Laver, High Ongar, Chairman, Capt. W. G. Pigott J.P. 123 Coleherne court.
Kelvedon Hdtch, Lambourne, Little Laver, Moreton, South Kensington, London SW
Navestock, Norton Mandeville, Shelley, Shellov Clerk, Arnold Richardson
Bowells, Stanford Rh·ers, Stapleford Abbots, Stapleforr )rhool .Medical Inspector, E. Morton Wyche M.R.C.S.
Tawney, Stondon Massey, Theydon Mount, WillingaJ Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond., D.P.H. Rose Valley, Brentwoo<l
\.ttendance Officers, Arthur Lamb Dutton, Post office~
Doe & Willingale Spain. The arPa of the union i~
Kelvedon common & E. J. Thomas, High Ongar
47,236 acres; rateable value, Lady Day, 1913,£69,274: :ouncil School, endowed with the- rents of five houses in
the population in rgr r was 10,644 the town. left by Joseph King in 1678, now producing-
Chairman of the Board cf Guardians, Thomas Atkins. £.92 yearly; it was reorganized in 1869 and enlarged'
The Lindens, Moreton, Ongar in 1873, at a cost of £.320, to meet the requirements
Clerk to the Guardians k Assessment Committee, Arnold of the Elementary Education Act, 1870; the school:
Richardson, Chipping Ongar now eiucates 210 children from the parishes of Chip-
Trpasurer, Robert W oodhouse, Barclay & Company's ping Ongar, High Ongar, Shelley & Greensted & is-
Bank, Chelmsford managed by 6 manaQ"ers; Charles Rose, master
CollPctor to the Guardians & Relieving & Vaccination Railway Station, .Mathew Probst, station master

Officer, Richard Newbery, 1\Iarden Ash, High Ongar
Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, No. 1 district, CARRIERS TO-
Archibalrl Sinclair David ~I.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.H. Brentwood-Joseph Bailey, from his house, wed. at «)
R C.P .S.Lond. The Lindens, Fyfield; No. 2 district, a.m. ; returning at 4 p.m
James Lvnn Alien M.B.Cant'<!b., M.R.C.S.Eng., Chelm~ford Joseph Bailey, from his house, man. & fri.
L.R.C.P.Lond. The Auberies, Kelvedon Hatch; No. 3 at 9 a.m. ; returning from King's Head hotel same-
district, Robert Ferguson M.A., M.D., C.M.Aberd. Hfternoon 4
Grevlands, Chipping Ong-ar; No. 4 district, PPrcy C. Willingale Spain ~\lfred Marriage, from Bell inn, tues.
Phillips :M.R C.S Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Abridge,Romfrd thurs. & sat. no particular time


PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Ferguson Robert M.A., M.D.Aberd. Ongar District Agricultural Associa-
Atkinson Rev. Arthur George Breeks surgeon, & medical officer & public tion (C. H. Foster, sec. & treas)
M.A. (rector of Greensted) vaccinator No. 3 district & certify- Ongar District Constitutional A:ssocia-
tiarlow Mrs ing factory surgeon for the Ongar tion (C. H. Foster, sec.& treasurer)
Earnard Herbert Edward J.P. High st district, Ongar union, Greylands Ongar Football Club (W. J. Simpson,
tiarron Richard Bankes, Bowes Foster Charles & Son, auctioneers sec.; C. W. Green, treasurer)
Bishop Misses, Holmlea French Arthur, laundry Ongar Gazette (Alfred B. Davis Ltd.
Boyland Rev. Jn. (Cath.), St. Helen's Furze Jam~s, farmer . publishers; Fras. Joseph Mott, agt)
Brown Herbert Boyer G~u?t Lomse (Mrs.), L10n hotel Ongar General Friendly Society
Erucesmith Mrs. Grammar school Guhng J. & H. coal merchants (Charles Rose, sec)
Childs Henry Gra~mar Sc_ho?l (Mrs. L. A. Bruce- Ongar Horticultural Society (John
-<Jhristie Charles Henry Fehler J.P. sm1th, p~mCipal; Albert Charles Patk. Fenn & Ohas. H. Foster, secs)
Wilderness Anstey Wildman, head master) Ongar Institute & Coffee Tavern
Ferguson Robt. M.A.,M.D. Greylands ~ray Leonard, so~i<-;itor . . (W. P. Fenn, hon. sec.), Bud-
-Foster Charles H llree~ Charles Wilha;m, Kmg s H_ead worth hall
Maryon Frank, Bank house family & commerCial ih<>tel & JOb- Ongar Motor & Garage Co
Noble Frederic Miller m~ster, & n_totor ga:age. , Ongar Reading & Recreation Society
Payne Ernest Augustin Hacl,ney U!non Ch1l~ren s Hames (R. J. C. McNa:rry, hon. sec.),
.Surridge John, Brooldands (Alfred Rtch~rd Collmgs, .~upt. & Budworth hall
Tanner Rev. James M.A. (rector & s~hoolmaster, Mrs. Catheune Col- Oram Archie Reginald, carpenter
surrogate) hngs, matron), ~o~don road Paul Frank, butcher .
Temple Michael Henry, White house Hayden Edward W1lham & Sons,corn Pound Ellen (Mrs.), art needlework
Ward Mrs. lngleholm & coal merchants repository
Wildman Albert Charles Anstey, Hepbourne Rose (Mrs.), ~aundry Pratt Charles, farmer, Castl~ farm
Grammar school Herbert Jatpes, tobaccomst Price & C<1. clothiers
Wilson Geo:ffrey Remin!!ton M.A., Herts & Essex Waterworks Co. Ltd Reynolds Christopher James (Mrs.·),
M.B., J.P. Ongar hous: .(C. H. Foster, agent) . coal merchant & agent to theG.E.R
Hwks Hermon M.R.C.V.S. vetermary Riohardson ArnDld, solicitor & cam-
COlllMEUCL\L. surgeon, & veterinary inspector missioner for oaths, clerk to Onga.r
under the "Diseases of Animals Rural District Council, to 1ilie
Early closing day, Wed. 1 p.m. Acts" for Ongar district guardians & assessment committee
Ancient Order of Foresters (Court Holt Waiter George, confectioner of Ong:tr union, to Ongar Education
Forest hall, No. 2050; George A. Borne Thomas Samuel, hair dresser District sub-committee & to Onga.r
Howgate, sec.), Cock inn Hughes William, hoot repairer sub-committee of Essex Local Pen·
A.shdown & Son, drapers & outfitters Inlrernational Tea Co.'s Stores Lim. sion committee & supt. registrar
Bailey Jo!leph. carrier (Frank Dunn, manager) of Ongar district
&relay & Company Limited, bankers Jarvis William Nathaniel A.R.S.l. Root Joseph, fruiterer
(branch) (Frank Maryon, agent) ; surveyor & sanitary inspector to Rose Charles, insurance agent
draw on head office, 54 Lombard Rural District Council Rose Thomas Edward, hunt tailor:
street, London E C Johnson Waiter, boot & shoe maker agent for Burberrys; hatter k
Barker Frederick, coach builder, see Kent Henry William, fishmonger insurance agent; & at Epping
Mat thews & Barker Kerr John, ironmonger Saunders Ernest M. insurance agent
8arlow Harry, builder, timber Korf Herroann C. tailor Scales Charles, boot repairer
merchant & undertaker Lacey Eliza Ann (Mrs.), confectioner Searle Robert & George, nurserymen
Barnard Alfred William, boot & shoe Lacey Peter Albt. boot & shoe make1· & seedsmen
repairer Lacey WilliamEdward,boot & shoe ma Smart William, plumber & glazier
Barnard Herbert Edward, grocer & Lavender Thomas Nathaniel, butcher Smith Alma, hair dresser
provision dealer & china & glass Mabon Jo-hn, confectioner Smith Frederick H. teacher of music
dealer Maryon W. & A. bakers & confectnr~ & deputy supt. registrar
Baugh John Wm. Mahanoora. chemist Maryon Frank, manager of Barclay & Smith John Packard, blacksmith
Bishop Misses, ladies' school, Holmlea Company's Bank & agent to the Snelling George Thomas, ironmonger
Bishop Stortford. Harlow & Epping Essex & Suffolk, Commercial Union. Stokes George, harness maker
Gas & Electricity Co. (Charles H. Scottish Widows', Ocean Accident Surridge John,cycle, motor & gramo-
Fo.ster, agent) & Railway Passengers' insurance phone agent & deputy registrar of
Biswell Color-Sergt.-Instructor John, companies births, deaths & marriages
drill instructor to G Co. 4th Ter. Matthews & Barker, coach & carriage Sutthery & Wortley, solicitors,High st
Force Battn. Essex Regt. Drill hall builders Sutthery Frank Pellatt (firm,Sutthery
Brown Herbert Boyer, wine & spirit Ma1:1:hews .lames & Ceorge H. & Wortley), solicitor, & clerk to
merchant & ooal merchant & ill6ur- millers & cattle food manufacturers, the magistrates for the Ongar
ance agent corn, seed, hay, forage & artificial. division, High street
Budworth Hall (W. P. Fenn, sec. ; manure merchants & farm seeds- Taff Frances M. (Mrs.), confectionet'
Henry Finch, manager) men, The Mills; & The Mills, Territorial Force Battalion (4th)
Burton William, Bell inn Harold Wood Essex Regiment (G Company,
'Cadet C<>rps Territorial Force (Albt. :\latthews William, blacksmith Capt. B. C. Wells; Color-Sergt.-
Charles Anstey Wildman, Iieut.), Mead Thomas, baker Instructor John Biswell, drill in-
Grammar school Mihill Henry William, grocer structor), Drill hall
'Carruthers Edgar Limited, drapers M(}tt Emma (Mrs.), dress maker United Patriots' National Benefit So-
Castle Thomas, draper Mott Francis Joseph, china dealer & ciety (Waiter Johnson, sec)
Cemetery (Ernest Augustin Payne, agent for the "Ongar Gazette" Walkley John Charles, stationer
clerk) Mulvey William S., F.R.C.V.S. Ward Frank, pork butcher
Chalk William Thomas, Cock P.H veterinary surgeon (surgery) Wild William Harry, saddler
Chambers William Henry, jeweller Ness Elsie Jane (Miss), dress maker Wilson Goo:ffrey Remington M.A .•
Chanell Percy, printer & stationer Newman George, head gardener to C. J.P., M.B., B.C.Cantab. physician
Cornell Herbert, painter & decorator H. F. Christie esq & surgeon, & medical officer to
Craig & Co. outfitters Noakes & Son, billposters Workhouse & Hackney Union
Day Arthnr Stephen, antique dealer Nable Frederic M. builder & brick & Children's Homes, Ongar house
Dingley Leonard, beer retailer tile maker, Brick & Tile works, Wortley Stamp Wm. LL.B. solicitor
Eastau~h & Wright, grocers Hallsford Bridge, High Ongar (firm, Sutthery & Wortley), High st
Edwards Westcott, tailor Ongar Cricket Club (Charles 0. Wright Herbert Charles, grocer, see
Fenn W. P. & Son, insurance agents Stokes, sec) Eastaugh & Wright

GREAT CHISHALL (or Chishill) is a parish on a of the Great Narthern railway. This parish, formerly in
stream called "Cumberton Brook," supposed to have Essex, was transferred to Cambridgeshi~e by the "Local
formed the boundary between the kingdoms of Mercia Governmoot Board's Provisional Orders C<>nfirmation
and Essex; it is 7 miles west from Audley End station (No. 14) Act, x8g5," and will be found in Kelly's Direc-
'OD the Great Eastern railwa1 and 5 north-west from tory of Cambridgeshire.
-Boyston station on the Hitchin and Cambridge branoh

LITTLE CHISHALL is a parish and small village Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation
adjoining the village of Great Chishall, formerly in (No. 14) Aet, 1895.'' and will be found in Kelly'•
Essex, and transferrecl to Cambridgeshire by the "Local Directory of Cambridgeshire.

CHRISHALL (or Christhall) is a scattered pario:h, Lupton )lay Th.A.K.C. The great tithes were sold l.y
aear a range of hills on the borders of Cambridgeshire the Ecclesiastical Commissioners to the late Lord Dacre,
and recorded by that name in Domesday Book, 5 mlle:o A. Cros,;man esq. of Barkway, Herts, is the lay rector.
west-north-west from Audley End station on the Great Here is a Primitive Methodist chapel, erected in r862.
Eastern and 7 east-by-south from Royston station on The poor of this parish receive an average of about
the Hitchin and Cambndge branch of the Great Northern £7 yearly as their portion of the Martin charity,
railway, and 7 west from Saffron Walden, in the Northern left by Mu. Lettice Martin, also a yearly rent-charge
division of the countv, •
UttlPsford hundred, Saffron of 18s. 4d. left by Thomas Elkin, paid out of land
Walden petty sessional dh·ision, union and county court belonging to the trustees of the late John Wilkes esq.
district, rnral deanery of Saffron W alden, archdeaconry of Lofts Hall. In a wood situated in the parish there
()f Colchester and Chelmsford diocese. The church are two moats. Chiswick Hall, now a farm-house.
of the Holy Trinity, standing on an eminence, is an stands on an eminence about half a mile south of the
ancient structure of flint, consisting of chancel, nave of church and is surrounded by a moat. Viscount Ramp-
four bays, with clerestory, aisles, north and south den, who is lord of the manor, John Fiske Wilkes esq
porches and an embattled western tower with short of Elmdon Bury, and Alexander Crossman esq. of
spire, containing 4 bells : in the south aisle is a fine- Barkway, Herts, are the principal landowners. The-
brass, date c. 1370, to Sir John de la Pole and his wife soil is chiefly heavy, with some light; subsoil, prin-
Joan (Cobham), the effigy of the knight is partly in plate cipally chalk. The crops are chiefly on the four-course-
armour, with a tunic, and his lady in a close-fitting shift. The area is 2, 789 acres; rateable value, £2, r r 4 ;.
dress with pendent sleeves; the figures lie beneath a the population in 1911 was 497
triple canopy, richly crocketed, with the shields of de Sexton, Thomas Harvey.
la Pole and Cobham; only a fragment of the inscription
remains: in the wall of the south aisle is the stone BILDEN END, or Building End, is a stnall hamlet-
figure of a lady in a recumbent position, c. 1450 and r~ miles south-south-west.
brasses of a civilian and Jlis wife kneeling, c. 1480; CHRISHALL GRANGE is a hamlet 2~ miles to th&
the church also contains the remains of a monument north, partly in Cambridgeshire.
to Lady Cane: the reredos is a memorial to Capt. Post Uffice.-Robert Chambers, sub-postmaster. Letten
Charles H. H. Beley D.S.O. 25th Bengal Native Infantry, arrive from Royston (Herts) at 7.30 a.m. & 3 p.m.;
md son of the Rev. C. E. A. Belev •
M.A. vicar r888- dispatched at II-45 a.m. & 5.20 p.m. week days;
rgn, who was killed in action, in the Hazara expedi- sundays, dispatched at 10.5o a.m. The neare;,~;
tion, 5th Oct. r888 : the pulpit and reading desk are money order & telegraph office is at Heydon, 2 mile11
of oak: the body of the church was thoroughly restored
in 1868-g and seated with open benches, and has 220 distant
cittings: the chancel was restored in 1878. The register Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1862, for
dates from the year 1662. The living is a vicarage, 108 children; average attendance, 70; Miss Miriam
net yearly value £177, including 123 acres of glebe, with Mitchell, mistress
residence adjoining the church, in the gift of the Bishop Carriers to Saffron Walden.-Moses Rogers, sat. ; .
of Chelmsford, and held since 1913 by the Rev. William Francis Wait-ers, from Heydon, sat
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Chambers Robert, grocer, Post ollice Miller Waiter, thatcher
Gray Matthew J.P. Ohrishall grange Drage Henry Thomas, farmer, Par- Mumford Miss Emma, fruit grower
May Wm. Lupton .A.K.C.L. Vicarage sonage farm Pigg George, boot maker
Gray Matt. farmer, Chrishall grange Pigg Thomas Charles, farmer
COMlllERCIAL. Ives William, farmer Rogers Albt. builder & wheelwright_
Andrews William, shopkeeper Kent Lewis, frmr. Chrishall game fm Rogers Moses, carrier
Be.H.lle George, R~d Cow P.H Miller Cornelius, hay binder & as Wallman Frank, blacksmith
Brand Wm. Robt. farmer, Bilden end sistant overseer Wallman Henry G. carpenter-

CLACTON-0~-SE.A. IS a modern seaside town, with Cl•mmissioners, at a. cost of about £6,ooo, and extend.:~·
a terminal station on the Tendring Hundred branch of I,roo feet on the west and 2,707 feet on the east side of
the Great Eastern Tailway, 8 miles south-west from the sea wall; behind this piling a raised platform, 5
Walton-on-the-Naze, 16 south-east from Colchester, 16 yards in width, has been formed, constituting a delightful
south-west from Harwich, 16 so'lth-east from Manning- promenade of nearly 1! miles in length, including the
tree, 38 east-by-north from Chelmsford, 30 south from portion behind the old sea wall, which has been re-
Ipswich and 71 from London by rail. The distances by paved and a shelter constructed in the cliff, at a cost,
water are: Walton-on-the-Naze, 8 miles, Brightlingsea g, including groynes, of £2,000; the eastern portion wa.~
Southend 28, Gravesend 'lnd Tilbury 46, Woolwich 64 replaced in 1901 by a stone wall, the facing of which up
and London Bridge 73 miles. Clacton-on-Sea is in the to the high water mark is of basalt stone, from Holland,
North Eastern division of the county, Tendring hundred, a roadway and promenade having been formed behind
petty sessional division and union, Colchester, Clacton it; the cost of this was nearly [2o,ooo; in 1890 the cliffs-
and HarWich jomt county court district, rural deanery were sloped and otherwise improved, and gorse, green
of St. Osyth, arehdeaconry of Colchester and Chelmsfmd broom and other hardy shrubs planted. Amongst the-
diocese. This place has a southern aspect, stand- various attractions of the summer months may be men-
ing on cliffs 40 or 50 feet high: the beach of sand tioned an annual regatta and land and aquatic sport§,
and shingle is admirable for sea bathing and extend~; and wild fowl shooting may b& indulged in during th&
for miles in each direction. The pier, erected m 1873 winter on the extensive marshes adjoining. Clacton-on-
and enlarged in 1877, is a structure of wood, extend- Sea is lighted with gas from works situate in Old road,
ing to a distance of 1,150 feet, and widening from 30 and has an abundant supply of pure spring water sup-
feet to 300 feet at the head, and having a sheltered land· plied from wells at Great Bentley, the water being served
ing stage go feet by 30 fePt, the total cost being f)6,ooo; from a tank in a tower 120 feet high, situated in Old
at the entrance to the pier are hot and cold baths. ThP road; the gas and water works were acquired by th"
Pavilion, erected in 1893, at a cost of £8,ooo, is a struc- Urban District Council in 18gg, and rebuilt in 1901.
ture of iron, glass and wood, comprising a large hall The town, fo.rmerly governed by a Local Board, is
with theatrical, musical and dancing licenses, with or- now, under the provisions of the "Local Government
chel'ltral stage, balcony and a gallery at the north end, Act, 1894" (56 and 57 Vict. c. 73), controlled by an Urban
and capable of seating 1,ooo persons; attached are dress· District Council of 18 members. In 1893-4 a scheme of
ing rooms and a refreshment bar, and above these a drainage was successfully carried out at a cost of £12,ooo.
smoking room and lavatories. An exterior balcony runs the sewage being carried by pipes some distance into the-
round the whole building. During the summer season sea. A marine parade was made along the cliffs, in
qteamers call at the pier daily on theia- way to and from r8g6, at a cost of £8,ooo, the open spaces being mn.
London. A wooden jetty, for the unloading of barges &c. verted into ornamental gardens. .A sea-water supply fol"
was constructed in 189g at the west end of the town. street watering and 11ewer flushing was provided in 1899,
In addition to the sea wall, erected in J88o, t.he remaining at a total cost of £3,500; the pumping station is on the
portion of the cliffs for the whole extent cf the Clacton- cliff. St. Paul's, Clacton-on-Sea, is an ecclesiastical
(ln Sea Special Drainage District was protected in 1889 parish, formed Dec. 30, 1878, from the civil parish of
with well constructed piling, in which upwards of 43,ooo Great Clacton, and is bounded on the east by Little-
cubic feet of timber was used and nearly 16 tons of bolts Holland: the ehurch is an edifice •of brick and concrete,
and nuts; this work was carried out under the direction consisting of chanc~ with vestries, nave, transepts and
d Yr. Thomas .Alfred Cressy, cle1k and surveyo.r to the a western belfry containing one bell; it. was opened for
Essrx 10



divine service in June, 1875· and was enlarged in 1881: for the H Co. 5th Territorial Battalion, Essex Regimen,,
the church will seat about 450 persons. The register whose head quarters and armoury are in Beach ro~tl.
dates from the year 1879. The living is a vicarage, net The Clacton and District (No. 4) Troop of the .t.
ye.arly value £255, derived from an endowment of £4o, Squadron, Essex Yeomanry, Territorial Force, have their
pew rents, offertories and fees, with l'esidence, in the head quarters at the Warwick Castle hotel. The Police
gift of trustees, and held since 1892 by the Rev. Henry Station, in West avenue, was built in 1893, and ~'
Seeley, who is also a surrogate. A vicarage house was arranged for a superintendent and five constables; ll
erected in 18go, at a cost of £1,5oo, from designs by police court was added in 1908. The Volunteer Fi~
Mr. R. W. K. Goddard, architect, of London. St. Brigade engine house is in the Old road. The '.town
James's is an ecclesiastical district, formed out of the Depot, which includes a mortuary and fire enginehouse,
parishes of Great Clacton and St. Paul's, under the was constructed in Old road in 1900, at a cost of £1 1300.
"New Parishes Act, 1843.'' the boundary starting from The Coast Guard Station, in the Tower road, is of
the pier, along Pier avenue to St. Osyth road, thence red brick, and was erected in 1888 ; it will hold 5
along the St. Osyth road to Coppin's green, afterwards men and a chief officer; this station has telephonic
being conterminous with the civil boundary of Great communication with Walton-on-the-Naze, which is con-
Clacton to the sea. The church, erected in 1913 at a nected with the Gunfleet Lighthouse and Harwich.
-cost of about £6,5oo, is a building of brick in the The lifeboat "Albert Edward," presented to the Royal
Gothic style, and at present consists only of a chancel National Lifeboat institution and endowed in perpetuity
and two bays of the nave : the east window is stained : by the United Grand Lodge of Freemasons of Eng-
there are Boo sittings. The register dates from the land, in commemoration of the safe return from India
year 1913. 'fhe endowment of the bemfice, towards of His late Majesty King Edward VII. when Prince
which the Ecclesiastical Commissioners have given of Wales, is placed here, and has saved many lives, this
£700. has been raised by private donations and will place being contiguous to the dangerous Gunfleet sands.
provide a living of the annual value of J;2oo, in The principal hotels are the "Grand," erected in 1897,
the gift of the Bishop of Chelmsford, and held since and the " Royal," erected on the cliffs in 187:1. The
1907 by the Rev. Louis Butler Th.Assoc.K.C. St. Clacton-on-Sea and District Cottage Hospital, erected iu
Paul's Parish Hall, in High street, erected in 1894, at a 1899, at a cost of £3,300, in Tower l'Oad, and pleasantl~·
cost of about £I,ooo, and vested by deed in trustees, was situated close to and overlooking the sea, is a
enlarged in 1908. The Catholic church, dedicated to strncture of red brick, from designs by Mr. James
Our Lady of Light, and Presbytery is in Church road: William Martin, of Clacton-on-Sea, and will hold 8
the church, erected in 1902, at a cost of about £IO,ooo, patients. The Franciscan Convent, a branch of the
is a building of stone in the Norman style, from designs Convent at Braintree, was opened in 1897, in Holland
by Mr. ·Francis W. Tasker, architect, of London. The road; in connection is a day school for higher middle-
Wesleyan chapel, in Pier avenue, erected in 1887 at a class education, which is open to girls of all denomina-
cost of £3,000, has 450 sittings. Christchurch Con- tions. A convalescent home in connection with the
gregational and Baptist Union chapel, erected in 1887, Middlesex Hospital was erected in 1896, on a site irt
a!i a total cost of £3,ooo, from designs by Mr. Thomas I Holland road, east of the town, acquired at a cost
Henry Baker, architect, is &n edifice of brick, and has of £1,5oo, and comprising about 5 acres of land; it
sittings for 6oo persons: an eastern transept was added is of red brick,· and cost, including furniture and fit-
in 18go, and a new lecture hall and class rooms built tings, £35,000; in 1902 the home was enlarged for tb~
in 1901, at a co&t of £3,ooo, from designs by the 1.ame open-air treatment of four consumptive patients, and
architect. The Baptist chapel, in Pier avenue, is an it will now hold 70 patients. The Reckitt Convalescent
iron building, erected in 1908, with 700 sittings. A Horn~. established in 1909 in Holland road by Francis
Primitive Methodist chapel was erected in 1902 at thf' Reckitt esq. J.P. who gave £Io,ooo to provide for thl'
corner of Old and St. Osyth roads, at an estimated reception of patients from the Great Northern Central
<:ost of £3,200. The Salvation Army barracks, in Old ffospital, contains 25 beds. The Convalescent Homl'
road, built in 1901, at a cost of £1,2oo, are of red of ·the Eastern Counties Idiot and Imbecile Asylum,
brick, and will seat 350 persons; a small hall adjoining Colchester, at Crossley House, Marine parade east, wa~
affords 150 sittings. The 'fown Hall Buildings, at the established in 1895· The Sunday School Union Child-
-corner of Rosemary road and High street, were erected ren's Holiday Home, known as the "Passmore Edwards
1893-4, at a cost of about £2o,ooo, and are of red brick Holiday Home," was erected in 1898, at the east end of
with terra cotta dressings, from designs by Mr. J. Walli~ the town, and is intended for the reception of delicate
.-chapman, archite-ct, of London. They comprise, on thP and ailing children from Sunday schools other than con-
. -ground floor, bank chambers, offices for the Urban Dis- valescents; the Home is available for 110 children, and,
"trict Council and shops, and above these are public with its. grounds, occupies If acres; the total cost
·offices and a large hall, known as the "Operetta House,'' excE.>eded £ro,ooo, towards which the late Mr. Passmore
With orchestral stage, gallery and ante-rooms, and seat- Edwards gave £6,ooo. This place forms part of the
·inb 7oo persons: there is a clock tower with four dials : manor of Great Clacton. The land is owned by a large
the whole of the staircases and passages and the stagE> number of freeholders. The population of the eccle-
proscenium are of fireproof material. The Palace of siastical parishes in 19u was--St. James, 2,189, and
Varieties, in Marine parade west, was encted in 1906, St. Paul, 2,678. The area, rateable value and population
at a cost of over £3o,ooo, nnd will hold 3,ooo people. c•f Clacton-on-Sea are included with those of the civil
attached to the Osborne hotel is an Assembly Room, parish of Great Clacton, of which it forms part.
st.>ating about 300 people, and used also as a drill hall
Post, M. 0., T. & Telephonic Ex'(lress Delivery Office, Magdalen Green. Miss Jane E. Woodard, sub-post-
51 Pier avenne.-William H. Harpham, postmaster. mistress. Box cleared at 5·45• 8-30 & n.45 a.m. ~
Letters arrive & deliveries commence at 7 &; Q-30 1.45, 5.30, 7·45 & 9.15 p.m.; sundays, 7·45 p.m. Tele-,
a.m. &; 2.30 & 6.15 p.m. ; sundays, 7 a.m. ; dis- grams are dispatched, but not delivered
Jlatched at 6.30, 8 & 9.25 a.m. &; 12.20 (in winter), 'fown Sub-Post Office, South Cliff. ,
12.40 (in summer), 3 (il'l winter), 2.40 (in snmmer), sub-postmaster. Box cleared at 5·45• 8.45 & u.-45
6.30, 8.1" & Io p.m.; sundays, 8.15 p.m. The tele- a.m. & 2.15, 5·45· 7.15 & 9.15 p.m.; sundays, 7.15
l!raph office is open from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. July to p.m. Telegrams are dispatched, but not delivered
Sept.; other months, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; sundays, Post Office, West Clacton.-Arthur G. Masland, sub-
'8.30 to 10 a.m. &; 5 to 6 p.m postmaster. Box cleared at 6 & 8.4 a.m. 12 noon &
2.15, 5·45• 7.15 & 9 p.m.; sundays, 7.15 p.m
Town Sub-Post &; M. 0. Offices:- Public Telephone Call Office (Mrs. E. Londy, care-
Great Clacton. W. Mead, sub-postmaster. Box cleared taker), 72 Pier avenue
at 5·45 & 11.45 a.m. & 1.45, 5·45• 7.30 & 9.15 p.m.;
sund<~y!-1, 7.30 p.m. Telegrams are dispatched, but CLACTON URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL.
· not delivered Offices, Town Hall buildings; meeting day, ut wednes-
33 Rosemary road. George William Taylor, sub-post- day in every Dlllnth at 7 p.m.
master. Box cleared at 5.30 &; 8.15 a.m. 12 noon&; 2,
6, 7.30 & 9.30 p.m.; sundays, 7.30 p.m Members.
St. Osyth road.-Charles Albert Saltmarsh, sub-post- Chairman, Thomas Lilley J.P.
master. Box cleared at 5·4·"' 8.35 & 11.45 a.m. & Vice-Ohairman, George Gardiner.
·1.40, 5·35· 7 & 9 p.m.; sundays, 7 p.m
Station road.-Mrs. L. Stansfeld, sub-postmistress. Box Retire April, 1915.
cleared at 5·45 & 8.20 a.m. 12 noon & 2, 5.30, 7-30 &; L. Beaumont H. Smith
9.30 p.m.; sundays, 7.15 p.m. Telegramli can be Thomas Lilley S. Smith
·handed in at this office only • Thomas W. Maling Richard Ward
Reti1 e April, 1916. TERRITORIAL FORCE.
W . .Adams Albert Warren Mathews Essex Yeomanry (No. 4 Troop, A Squadron); head
CTeorge <Tardiner Frederick ll'm. Wagstaff quarters, Warwick Castle hotel; drill hall, Osborne
Ambrose William Lovell Sidney Wheeler hotel; Major E. Hill, squadron commander; Staff ·
Regimental Sergt.-Major Farrell, Colchester, drill
Retire .April, I9I]. instructor
Robert Hocking Charles Fre<lerick Hill sth Battalion Essex Regiment (H Co.); head quarters
H. Brom]ev J. James & armoury, 47 Beach road; drill hall, Os borne hotel;

William Henry Ferens ..lbraham Quick Lieut. H. T. Argent, commanding ; Color-Sergt:
• Frederick W oodyard, drill instructor
Oerk, George Thomas Lewis, Town Hall buildings PUBLIO OFFICERS.
Assistant Clerk, James Albert Wallace Rattee, Town Assistant Overseer, Collector of Rates k Assessor of
Hall buildings Taxes, Henry Eldred, Town Hall buildings
Treasurer, Henry Weatherhead esq. Town Hall buildings Chief Inspector of Weights & Measures, of Food & Drugs
.Medical Officer of Health, John Will Cook M.D. Belgrave Act, Shops A.ct & Official Sampler under "Fertiliser&
house, Carnarvon road & Feeding Stuffs Act " for the Northern District,
Surveyor, Daniel Jackson Bowe, Town Hall buildings Adam Ward, 1 North hill, Colchester
Accountant, Harry Jones, Town Hall buildings Clerk to Clacton-on-Sea Sub-Committee of Essex Local
Sanitary Inspector, AHred William Shadick, Town Hall Pension Committee, George Thomas Lewis, Town Hall
buildings buildings
Collector of Rates, Henry Eldred, Town Hall buildings Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxes for the Tendring
fnqpector of Boats, Samuel James Robert Legerton, The Division, Sidney Smith, 65 Rosemary road
Pearls, Edith road Coroner for the Sokens, Charles Edward White, Bed-
lnspPctor of Hackney Carriages, Police Superintendent ford lodge, Carnarvon road
Henry Mules, West avenue Inspector under the Diseases of Animals Acts, Police
Superjntendent Henry Mules, Police station, West av
Registrar of Births & Deaths for Clacton-on-Sea & St.
Gas, Electricity & Water Department.
Osyth, Mrs. Florence Scragg, !Sandhurst, Meredith rd
Collector, Thomag George Rattee, Town Hall buildings Surgeon & Agent to Coast Guard & Medical Officer &
The powers & duties of the Sea Defences Commissioners Public Vaccinator, No. Sa, District, Tendring Union,
were taken over by the Council, under the " Clacton Percy Coleman M.B., B.S., L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.
Urban District Council Transfer of Powers of th•~ Eng. Reimore lodge, Carnarvon road
Clacton-on-Sea. Commissioners Act, 1906" Town Crier, Arthur Edward Barnard, Great Clacton

COUNTY COURT. St. Paul's Parish Church, Rev Henry Seeley, vicar &
surrogate ; 8 & I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 3.30
His Honor H. Timlal-Atkinson, judge; Benjamin Pear- (~inter) & 7-30 p.m. (summer)
son Bridgeman & Arthur John Hanslip Ward, j'oint St. James' Chnrch, Tower road, Rev. Louis Butler
registrars; Charles Godfrey, high bailiff Th ..A.K.C. vicar; 8 & 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m
The Court is held at the Police station, bi-monthly. Church of Our Lady of Light, Catholic, Church road,
For list of places in the district, see Colchester, p. r69 Rev. Arnold S. Baker, oblate of St. Charles & Rev.
Wilfrid Gane, priests; 8 & 10 a.m. & 3 & 6.30 p.m. ;
daily, 7.30 a.m. & 7 p.m.; wed. 5.30 p.m
PUBLIC EST.lllLISHMENTS. Baptist, Pier avenue, Rev. Percy A. Clements; u a.m.
Clam.on-on-&!a & District Cottage Hospital, Tower & 6.30 p.m. ; mon. wed. & sat. 8 p.m
road, William Henry Slimon M.D. consulting physi· Congregational & Baptist Union (Christchurch),
cian; Percy Coleman M. B., B.S.Durh., M.R.C.S.En~ .• ; II a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 8 p.m
L.R.C.P.Lond. Ralph Vincent Howell M.B., Ch.B. Primitive Methodist, Old road, Rev-. Henry Bennett
Glas. Thomas C. Beatty M.D.St.And., F.R.C.S.Edin. ( supt.) ; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m
.& Henry James Flanegan F.R.C.S., L.R.C.P .I. hon. Salvation Army, Old road; 11 a. m. & 3 & 7 p.m. ;
medical officers ; :Miss Maud Clark, hon. matron; Miss daily, 7.30 p. m
Blanche Baker, hon. sec WeslPyan :Methodist, Pier avenue, Rev. Arthur Triggs
Clacton Palace of Varieties Limited, Marine parade (supt.); Rev. Arthur E. Parkes B.A.; I I a.m. & 6.30
westj Leslie Burgiss, general manager p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m
(oast Guard Station, Tower road, William Edward Church Army, St. Andrew's Mission Hall, St. Andrew"s
Dorey, chief officer, & 5 men road; 6.30 p.m
Convalescent Home of The Eastern Counties Idiot &
Imbecile Asylum, Colchest-er, Crossley house, Marine SCHOOLS.
parade east, Miss Frances Seaden, matron Council School, St. Osyth road (mixed & infants), erected
County Poli~e Station, West avenue, Henry Mules, in x893-4, for 520 boys & girls & 230 infants;. average
superintendent; 2 sergeants & n constables attendance, 430 boys & girls & 207 infants ; Alfred
"l'he Masonic Lodge (2,063 St. Osyth's I•riory) meets at E. Brown, master; Miss H. C. Day, infants' mistress
the Royal hotel, Marin& parade east, monthly (except Some of the children attend the Great Clacton National
July, Aug. & Dec.), third friday at 6 p.m. ; P. J. school
Green, sec Council School, Holland road, to •accommodate 360
1'be Masonic Royal .!.rch Chapter (2,o63 Coronation) mixed & 200 infants ; average attendance, 195 boys &
meets at tihe Royal hotel, Marine parade east, on the girls &; go infants ; Charles Henry Ingram, master;
first monday during- the winter months at 6 p.m. ; Miss Caroline Lee, infants' mistress
P. J. Gr£>en, scribe E These schools are under the control of the Essex
Middlesex Hospital Convale-scent Home, Holland road. County Education Tendrinl,! .Advisory Sub-Committee
:Miss Georgina ~Iorgan, matron; Percy Coleman M. B. Clerk, G. C. Holland, Technical College, North hill,
medical officer Colchester
()peretta House, Town Hall buildings, Fredericks Electric
Theatres Limited, lessees NEWSP.APERS.
Pier, Samuel James Robert Legerton, pier master The East Essex .Advertiser & Clacton News (published
Rickett Convalescent Home, Holland road, Miss Maud sat. xd.), The \Valton News, The Frinton News, The
Fletcher, matron Brigbtlingsea News & the Illustrated Clacton News &
Royal National Lifeboat Institution, 39 Marine paradt> Visitors' Li-st (published tues. ~d.), Oxford road &
east, George Grigson, coxswain ; S. J. R. Legerton, Bank chambers, Station road ; East Essex Printing
hon. sec Works Limited, publishers. See advertisement
Shipwrecked Fishermen & Mariners' Royal Benevolent Clacton Times & East Essex Gazette, I7 Station road ;
Society; Hon . ..!.~ent, C. L. Beaumont, :Marine parade QUick & Co publishers; published sat
Sunday School Union Children's Holiday Home, Marint- Clacton-on-Sea Grctphic & Yrinton & Walton Graphic
parade east. F. Monies, hon. sec.; Miss Edith M. (with which is incorporated the Clacton Gazette &
Jenkinson, matron East Coast Illustrated News), Pier avenue; The Clac-
Town Hall, High street, Edwin J. Gilders, secretary ton-on-Sea Graphic Printing & Publishing Co. Ltd.
l·olunteer Fire Brigade, Town yard, Old road, D. Wall, proprietors; puLlished fri. See advertisement
c;uperintendent ; I I men & 1 auxiliary Waltc.n Times. I7 Station road; Quick & Co. pub-
lishers ; published sat
ES FX 10•
148 CLACfOY·O~-~EA.
-....... EX
E... ;:::;... .
':'.1rriers.-George Block, to Colch~ter, ruon. weJ . .t !lat.. Omuibuses.-.Arthur Rampling, from Rc:semary road.
at 8 .a.m. ; & .A.rthur Rampling, tues. thurs. & sat. ; eight times daily, for Great Clacton; & there is alseoa
also·~~~ Great Olacton carriers service to St. Osyth twice daily in winter & three
Carriers by Water. Coast Development Corpoi·ation times daily during the season; William Rampling, te.
Limited, daily during summer months St. Osyth, daily
·-Railway Station, G.E.R. Frederick Henry ParkPr, ~ta- Omnibn~s from the Grand & Royal hotels med most
tion master · tt·ains ·
Cartage Agents to the G.E.R. Thomas )Joy Limited,
Goods yard, Railway station
• E R Chilvers Henry, Ben-Rhydding, Free- Gadsden Mrs. Beatrice road
PRIV.aT ESIDENTS. land road Gane Rev. Wilfrid (Catholic), :Mont
Abbiss Thomas Charles, Linkwood.' Church John, .Argyle, Granville road fort house. Church road
.A.rnold road Clamp Mrs. 4 Beach road Gibbs Robert, Ivycroft, Vista road
Ablewhite Thomas, Stavanger, St. Clmk .A.rthur, Stanhope house, Car- Gibbs W. King's road
Vincent road . r.arvon roa-i Gibson Mrs. Uookam dene, Beacons..
Abrahams· Emanuel, 31 Marine par.ea Clark Miss,Cottage hospital,Tower rd field road
Ackers Her:bert George, Eryntirion, Clayton Henry, 32 Wellesley road J-ilrlers Edwin Joseph, Normanlmrst.
High street Clements Rev. Percy .A.rthur (Bapt.), Marine parade west
Albright William Henry, Lyndhurst, 8g Hayes road Girling John M.D. Roseland!, Chap-
Thoroughgood road Coan Mrs.Sunnyholme,Eeaconsfield rd man road
Aldred Ernest, Gladsmere, Ellis road Coblenz Cornelius, Priory lodgP, St. Goddard Ha.rry. Lawncells, Co~ne rll
Allan Miss, 3 Rhine vils. Jackson rd Vincent road Goddard Shelton, Lavenham, Bea-
Ambrose Miss, Gladycome,Holland rdl Cock John Hoyes, II4 Wellesley road trice road
.A.shby Roger, Danbury, Thorough- Cole Wm. Church vw. St. Paul's rd Goldsmith C . .A. Winterbonrne, St.
good road Coleman Percy M.B., B.S. Reimore .Alban's road
Austen Charles, 15 Wellesley road lodge, Carnarvon road Graham Bert, Kingsford, Ellis road
Baker Rev. .A.rnold S. (Catholic), Collitt Wm. 2 Rhine viis. Jacbon rd Grant Henry James, Vitznan, Thor-
Montfort house, Church road Oolsell Geo. V. Kelvedon, Chapman rd oughgood road
Baker Herbert, Sunnings, Skelmers· Cook John, La Maisonette, Wash lane Greathead Ernest Vincent, Maylmry,
dale road Cook John Will M.D. Belgrave house, Nelson road ·
Baker Herbt. Fredk. 37 Wellesley rd Oarnarvon road Green Richard, 142 Wellesley road
Baker Miss, 3 York place, Church rd Ccrnborough Misses, 15 Beach road Green Wm. Egremont, Carnarvon rd
Barcham Herbert Clarence, Herran- Cottee Frederick William, Royston Gregory Charles Leonard, Carolina.
dura, Holland road lodge, Ellis road Wash lane
Barclay Miss, Sea view,Carnarvon rd Covil Mrs. Merivale, St. Vincent road Gresswell Samuel, St. Margaret's.
Baskett Jas. St. Brelades,St.Paul's rd Cox Mrs. Vossevangen, Skelmersdale Skelmersdale road
JJatten Miss, Woodford house, Chap- road Groom James, 117 Wellesley road
man road Craske Alfred, West view, .Alton road Gross Harry, York lodge,Chapman rd
Baynton Hy.Elairgowrie, Granville rd Cross Charles Ernest, Southwold, Gunn Thos. Freshfield, St. Alban's rd
Beatty Thos. Carlyle M.D., F.R.C.S. Penfold road · Hainsworth Misses, 127 Wellesley rd
Edin. 51 Marine parade east Cross Mrs. Dunrabin, Granville road Hamilton Rev. (Jeorge. Westoe, Car·
Bedford Thomas, 145 Wellesley road Crow Edward Sutton, Norfolk house, narvon road
Reil Wm.Robt. Grimsby vil. Ellis rd Carnarvon road Hamshar Henry Davey, Hughenden,
Bennett Rev. Henry (Primitive Dacre Frederick, Beaconsfield road Beaconsfield road
Methodist), 120 Wellesley road Daines Elijah, 3 Wellesley road Harpham William Howson, Birch-
Bennett Julian, Holmleigh, Eeacons- Davall Frank, Newbury, .Anchor road dale, Hayes road
field road Davall Frederick William, :Moss Rose Harris J. H. Sunny bank, Holland rd
Bentley Wm. Highfields, Beatrice rd villa, St. Osyth road Hart Miss. 106 Pier avenue
Beridge Rev. Jam~s Harold Sparrow, Daws Septimus, .A.mbleside, Marine Harvie Robert. 78 Wellesley road
Mull house, Manne parade east parade east Heitmann Fredk. Eastdene, Vista rd
Betts Mrs. The Bower, Walton road Day William James, 65 Station road Hewett Saml. Hatfield lo.Granville rd
Binks Miss, 2 York pi. Church road Dennis Miss, 86 Wellesley road Hicks M:rs. Montrose, Agate road
Blackmore Alfred, Homeland, St. Di~by Mrs. Dw1kirk, Edit.h road Hicks William, 59 Wellesley road
Paul's road Dixon Mrs. Birch, Thoroughgood 'road Riles A. L. Rocklands, Edith road
Blowers George Edgar, The Cottage, Dolamore Charles Coulton, Arnold Hill Mrs. Gladysville, Edith road
St. Osyth road dene, ·wash lane Hoare Miss, Erskineville, Walton r•f
Blunkett Elias, Cromwell ho. Old rd Doubleday Richard E. 3 Arnold road Hoare Mrs. Pentiryn, Penfold road
Bowe Daniel Jackson, Strathcona, Ducker John, 27 Wellesley road Hole Geo. Regent ho. Carnarvon rd
Arnold road Duff Miss St. John, 64 Wellesley rd Hollidge Mrs. Inkermain, Walton rd
Brown Alfred E. 36 Wellesley road Duncan Geo. Daisy bank, Vista road Hollis Henry,Chalfont,Beaconsfield rd
Brown George Henderson, Lorimer, Dunnett Harry Norman J.P. Dunedin, Hook Wm. Peveril, Thoronghgood rd
Holland road Connaught gardens Hopcroft Frederick Joseph, Craigie-
Browne Henry, 83 Wellesley road Edwards Wm. Decca.n lo. Vista road Var, Church road
Bryan LawrenceOhester,9Wellesley rd Eede Misses, Cyprusville. Ellis road Horton Ernest C. Beachlea, Colling-
Bryant Benj. Westleigh, Carnarvon rd Elliott Harry, Sandringham, Chap- wood road
Bull Alfred, Southcliff lodge, Gran- man road Ho-ward Uaniel H. .S. Rokeby, St.
ville road Ellis Mrs. Our Bungalow, Walton rd Vincent road
Burch Eertie, Suffolk lodge, Bea· Ellis Wait. Lynton, Beaconsfield rd Howell Ralph Vincent M.B. Lanark
trice road Everitt Harold, 134 Wellesley road house, Alton road
Bnrckhardt Ernest, White Heather, Fenn H. V. Shotley house, High st Hurdle Mrs. Devon lodge, Thorough-
Vista road Ferens Harold, The Hollies, Wash la good road
Hurt .Mrs. 47 Marine parade east· Ferens William Henry, Washford ho Hutchinson Wm.Ingleside,Holland rd
Burton Jas. Macpherson, 92 Pier av Fernley Miss,Eurtlei~h,Marine par.ea lbbs George Edward, lnglewood,
Butler Rev. Louis A.K.C. (vicar of Fieldgate George Baker, Carisbrooke. Beaconsfield road
St. James'), St. James', Wash lane Thoroughgood road Ingrave Chas.Hy.South vw.Walton rd
Butterworth Henry, 104 Pier avenue Finemore Mrs.Glen-Helen, Thorough- Isaac Mrs. Devonia, St. Paul's road
Byal"d Edwin, Bertram ho. Vista ·rd good road J ackson Mrs. Home green, St. Via-
Callow Albert Edward, Parkholme, Fitch .A.rthnr, Oyama, Beacons£eld rd cent road
Beaconsfield road Fitt Horace Thos. 158 Wellesley road James John, B5 Wellesley road
Candler Geo. Sea glimpse, Vista Td FitzGerald Hon. Mrs. Southwell, James Miss, Victoria. villa, Agate rd
Carley Mrs. The Dallow, St. Vin- Westons, St. Vincent road Janes George Frederick, The Nook,.
cent road Flaneg-an Henry James, Eeta house, Beaconsfield road
Carling John Henry, Tangley, Bea- Station road Johnson Godfrey, Gladsmuir,Beacons-
.trice road Fluck Chas. Geo. 109 Wellesley road field road
Casselton Mrs. Pinehurst, Victoriard Forsyth Mrs. Alton house, Alton road Jones Harry, Oceana, Nelson road
Casselton Wm. Herbt.152 Wellesley rd Francis Sydney,Brunton,Carnarvon rd Jn~lin Charles, I I Wellesley road
Chamberlayne .Arth. Francis, Crayers, French Francis Herbert, Hazelmere. Kendon Thomas 1 Stirling, S~-
Wash lane C'1rnarvon rnad Alban's road
Chantry Alfred Henry, Vista lodge, Prend Wm.W.The LillPys,Avondale rd Kidgell Rev. Francis John, Beulab,
Vista road Gad~df'n Henry Percy, Grasmere. Collingwood road ·
Chappell John,Point ness,Wellesleyrd Church road King Robert Henry, 64 Station road


~in~'bury Mrs. Thoroughgood hcust>. Pass Charles, Rosary, Holland road Stone Jn. 1 Stanley viis. Holland rd
'l'horoughguod read Payne Mrs. 101 Welles!ey road Strntt Jas. Arth. Uatton, St.Paul's rd
~i1 k Ali•t·tr. Glenartn<>v, •
Marine Pegg- .Mrs. 25 Wellesley road Sutherhnd Miss, Holland lodge, Hol-
-parade east PhiJpot Albert Edwd. 31 Wellesley rd land road
Knight Wi'liam. Thornhill, Arnold rd Philpot Mrs. Oakleigh, Thorough Swannel Alfred George, Invercauld,
~otchie Fredk. LYnwood, •
Alton road good road Harold road
Lampard ~rs. Hollywood, Walton rd Pigott M1·s. Hope houst>, Jack"on rd Sykes Arthur. Wykeham, Wash lane
La--.t William Hv. •
Powis lo. Edith rd P~ke Geor!!E', .A.thelne~·. Chapman rd Talbot Frank, Caerleon, Thorough-
Poulton Mrs. Bentleigh lodge, Car- good roa;l
1l'.a~h l:me
_,f'aning- Edmund ::\Iaior, \VelwYn, . narvon road Taylor Henry William, 10 Station rd
.., ""lien D:>u!!la•. Chattanooga, Powell Charles Ernest, l\Iaritima, St. Tay! or W. S. G~enarne, Freeland road
Chap"'la'l roau VincPnt road Theobald :Mrs. The Eaves, L"plands rd
LelTellen Frederick llil1iam,Redcliffe, Price Charl!:'s,Ruth lodge,A•oncale rd Thompson JosE>ph H. 97 Ro!lernary rd
Thornughgood road Pudan Thomas G. Tancred, Beacons- Thoro, on Gt>orge William J .P. May-
Lew~ George Thomas, Esmeralda, fi!:'ld road fit>ld, St. Paul's road
.Alton road · Pull Fredk. Chas. 133 Welle,ley road Tighe Arthur. Redcot, Arnold road
Lewitt Benjamin, 82 Ro•t>mary road Quick Abraham, Tiverton. King· ... rd Toleman Edwin Charles,Elsdon lodge,
Lilley Thomas J.P. Holland house, Radlev• Mrs. Alver villa, Havt>s •
road E!Ii, road
Skt>lmersdale road Randall Charles A. 150 l\Tellesley rd Tolhurst Wilfred, 69 :\Iarine par. east
Vn!! J. Guild, St. Trond, St. Rapley George, Corrie Lynn, Eton rd Tomes Joshua,Croft ho.Beaconsfield rd
All an's road Rattee J ames Albert Wallace, Gran- Toole~· :Mark, The Lawns, Thorough-
Lock Jn.Thos.Glen Lm, St.Alban's rd cot, Skelmersdale road g-ooi road
!L ckwood William, Kingston lodge Rt>aby Mrs. W. 5 Wt>lleslry road Triggs Rev. Arthur (Wesleyan), The
LIJng James, Te-Whare. Arnold road Richard" Thomas Rupert, Preswylfa, Manse, Pier avenue
Loomes Harry, Ea~tcliffe, Russell rd Wash lane 'frotman Wilberforce, 43 Wellesley rd
l..oll ~on ~li<:s, 33 Welles'ey road Riddelsdell William, Cleeve lodge, Trounson Mrz5. Norwood, Edith road
::\IcD'lwell Rev. Frederic D.D. Well Beaconsfield road TuckPr William Charles, Rosedale,
~ide, Walton road Ridler .Mis~es, Arthurho1me, Church Walton road
:\lainland Dudley Jolm, Stormont, road Tunbridg-e Jas. I Y01k pi. Church rd
Granville road Riley George, Gram·ille house, Gran- Turner Arthur,TheCorner ho.Wash la
1\hnn GPO. Thos. Queen';; T"il.Agate rd ville road Underwood Mrs. Gordonhurst,Ellis rd
:\Iantlt> Ernest, Beechwood, Beacons- Ritchie ~lrs. Woodstock, "Cplands rd Vance John, 1::;6 Wellesley road
field riJ!Ul Roberts Rev. Laurence Gilderdale, Vondermeden Edward Otto, Montrose,
'Marsh Mrs. Eastdf'ne, BPaconsfirlrl ro Button dene, Pier avenue Avondale road
~~a~kf'w William, TowPr lo.Penfold rd Robertson Stuart, Meadow bank, Wade M1·s. Tavistock villa, Nelson rd
~Iaybnr~· Jame!', 4 Church road Thoroughgood road Wade Mrs. 4 Wellesley road
lhyell Edward, Edandal, Thorough- Roeber Otto, 99 Wellesley road Ward Richd. Hockley ho. Pehfold rd
g-ood mad · Root Miss, Tower ho. Carnarvon rd Warren Jas. Mohegan, Trafalgar rd
~fa~·field Mrs. Beaconsfiold lodge, Bea- Ruck Thom::1,., Ellesmere, Harold rd Waterhouse Wm. 32 St. Andrew's rd
<'on•field road Sabary Mrs. Cosy' corner, Yista road W dtts Re,·. William Longmore
~[Pad Fredk. Tho<:. 87 Wellt>sley road Sanson Patrick S. 1.'he Hazard, A.K.C.L. (Oh. of Eng.}, Wolverley,
:\I ilborne William Erne~t, Roseneath, Arnold road Church road
Ellis road ~avill l\Ji1'Sf'~. LaudPrdale. GranviiiP rd Way Mrs. 5 Hayes road
:\Iillbourn Philip, Ya~!:'tb, Beacons- Sawyer Wil!iam, We11ley hou~e. Thor- Weatherhead Henry, Bank ho. Town
field roc1d ous-h!!oorl road Hall buildings
\(iller Henry, Lillith, Harold road Scott ~fiss, 29 Welleslt>y road Websdale William, The Grange,
:\lillPr John C. Bouvardia, AHon road Set>ley Rev. Henry (vicar of St. Thorou~hgood road
:\[illt:>r :\tiss, Mar~ lod!?e, Russell rd Paul"s, k surrogate), The Vicarage, Weldon Edward. Holt vil. Walton rd
:\!iller Mrs. 2-1- Welleslev road St. P11ul"s road Westcott Mrs. Highfield, St.Paul's rd
"::\-Iill• Georg-e. Yeronald, Connaught Shadbolt Frederic T. Whitehawn, Wheeler Mrs. 49 Marine parade east
c-ardens west Avondale road Wheeler Sidney, Leicester lodge,
:\Iitchell ~.\.lbert.Lyncroft.Sonthc'iff pl' Shaw }lr~. RosPman. •
Beacon~field rd Station road
-::\[itchell HowarJ., BeeC'hcroft, Carnar- Shout Alfred William, Endcot, White Charles Edward, Bedford
von road Thoroughgood road lodge, Carnarvon road
'Mor!!an Miss. MiddlP<:P-x Hospital Con- Simmonds }lrs. Naunton, Holland rd White Harold John, Wootton lodge,
T"alescent Home. Holland road Simmonds William, The Anchorage, St. Alban's ro1d
~Cir!!an Mrs. Enfiold lodge, Beacons- St. Vincent road White :::\Irs. Westfield. Wash lane
field road ~i7.!:'r \Vilfrid Norton, 2~ The Grove Wigley Benjamin J. Northcot, Skel·
~!organ ~lrs. O~borne, Hadleigh, Slim on William Henry ~I. D., J .P. 33 mersdale road
Marine par arlP ea-.t 1Wilkey Francis Douglas, Strone cot-
.Marine parade east
"\fun day Mrs. St. Mary's. Trafalg-ar rd Smith Arthm William, Headingley. tage, Avondale road
-:Newman :Mis~. 1 Rosemary •
road Arnold road Willcox .Misses, ::\Iimo,a, Collingvrood
".Xicho~as John Wesley, Berkeley, Pen- Smith FrederiC"k Thoma:,, Elgin, road
fold road Trafalgar road Williams-Hayes John, Hazelmere,
Xicholls J sph Rock view, Beacomflu. rd Smith Geor~c. Ennerdale. Yista rd ~elson road
~immo David. 52 Wellesley road Smith :Mr~. Caldwell lodge, BE-acons- Williamson SI. Rosedem•, Holland rd
:Xixf'y E. R. Che7.-nou!', Walton road field road Wilson Arth. Sidney, Ascham college,
~oble :Mrs. Astoria, Penfold road =lmith Thomas, Ellesmere, ElEs road Hollanrl roaci
~unn Mrs. Erin villa, Edith rond Sorrell George, Fulton lodge, Wilson .Mrs. Veramgy lodge, Beacon;;-
"Xunn Walter Edmund, Harcourt, Thoroug-hgood road field road
Edith road Spanner Wil~iam Henry, Sando\Tn Woodcock Ch·Hles Henry, 59 ~Iarine
'Oates Fredk. White friars. Edith rd lodge, A.vondale ro3d parade east
O'Brien Mr~. 5 Tht> Grove :;patling Shadrach John, 16:> Welles- Woodman Geo. Crumlin, Holland rrl
'Overall William. Lo-a-sdale, Wa~h la lPy road W ormall :Miss, .Ardath, Harold road
'Oxbrow Jn. Belle vue, WPSt avenue ;;pPncer Arthnr George, Beaumanor, Worts Harry A. Rmhmere, St. Vin-
J>almer .A. Ifd. Cherrv •
eot. Holland rd Alton road .cent road
"Palmer Frederick Panl, Gloucester Starling- Joh11 Sydney, Muilfield, Wrightson 1\'11-s. Kenmore. Eton road
hl)u~e. :MerPdith road .A.rnold road Yerbury John, Runnymede, C:.r.--
Park James S. 162 lVelleslev •
road ~tewart Mr~. 34 Wt>lleslt'y road narvon road
""'Park.ington M1·s. h·voene, Penfold rd ;;todart Mr". Clifford lodge, Car- Younge L.ieut.-Col. George Harris:Jn
"Par.,ons Mrs. Kingsdene, Beatrice rd n:nvon road R.A.M.C. Chester ho. Chapman rd
('O:Y:MERCIAL. A.ddison Emmie (Miss), apartments, IIo Rosemary road
~dlington Frt>derick, apartments. 40 Beach road
Ea1l~· closing day, Wednesday. •
AinsliP Brothers. butchers, 40 Station road k 13 Elec-
.Abberfi Id Rose Ohs.). apartmPnts. 78 Station road tric paTarle, PiPI' avenue-
A bbott Bertha (~i~s). a parts. Ivydene, Chapman road A'berts & Rovell Ltd. wholesale confr". T6 "Rosemarv rd
Ahhott M11rv .~nn ~~rs.), apar-m'!r.ts, J l\"e;:t Avf'unto .!Jhright William HPnrv. ironmongPr, ~2 Pier avenue
villa•. WP"t avt>nne Aley l\fabt>l J& Rosiru~ (Mi-sses), apartments, sea
.-!.terd€in William, insumnce a~ent, Cliftun, St. Osyth rd Humphreys & Alev
Ad:uns W. ( ~rs. ). apartmt>nts. ze Marine parade weo~t Alg-ar Helen (Mi~s), boarding ho. 4 CarlislP viis . .Agate rd
.Addisun Eliza &; Emily (.Mi5ses ),confectioners,.pa,Pier at Alien John, confr. -1- Central bldgs. & 52 Rosemary road
A]n•und Edmund, boot maker, 30 Rosemary road Browne Emily (Mrs.), apartments, 54 Station road
1.. ·Amendt Henry Christian Thomas, refreshment room, Bruce George, picture frame maker, Pallister road
r,,' Railway station Bull Charles Hy. aparts. Boston house, Carnarvon J;oacl
Anderson J ames, nurseryman, St. Osyth road Bullock .Albert Saml. coal factor, 28 Electric par .Pier av
i' Andrews Elijah, apartments, 74 Rosemary road Burgess Charles, apartments, 105 W ellesley rpad
Appleby Ernest M~es, jobmaster, Dudbrooke house, Pal- Burgess Newoombe, apartments, 34 iBeach road
. lister road & Rosemary road Burling John, apartments, 13 W ellesley road
--Appleby Fred William, greengrocer, Pallister road· Burreli Florence (Mrs.), apartments, 3 Marine par. eas'
Ascham College (A. S. Wilson, principal), boy.s' board- Bur reil Frederick, a.partments, 66 W ellesley road
ing & day school, Holland road Bqrston Da'Vid, wine & spirit merchant, 24 Rosemary rd
.Atkins James Edgar, confr. Pallister rd. & Church rd Butterworth & Co. solicitors, 42 Station road
AYery Edward, apartments, Glenthorne, Freeland road Buxton John Thomas, coal merchant, 89 Rosemary road
Badger Bert, refreshment rooms, Riggs' retreat,West av Caley A. & E. (Misses), girls' school, South cliff, Car-
Bagley William Smitlb, insurance agent, 81 Wellesley rd narvon road
Bailey Elizabeth (·Mrs.), apartments, 84 Station road Calnan Frederick, boarding ho. Haroldene, Harold rd
Baker Emma (Mrs.), apartments, So Rosemary road Cameo Window & Carpet Cleaning Co. (P. JJ. Price,
Eaker Ernest (Mrs.), apartments, Cliftonville,Penfold rd manager), St. Osyth road
Bannister Alfred, confectioner, 112 Rosemary road Canham .John, apartments, 63 Hayes road
Bannock Frederick, apartments, 90 Rosemary road Canler & Leighton, oil & color men, 3 Rosemary road
Bannock Frederick, boot & shoe dealer, 61 Rosemary rd Canler Ambrose Ralph, builder, Holmesdale, Jackson rd
Bantock S. shopkeeper, Welle.sley road Cant Harry, sign writer, Penrith villa, Fairfield road
Barber. Leonard Lucas F.R.C.O. teacher of music, 69 Carling John Hunt, grocer, 22 Pier avenue
Station road Carpenter Charles, apartments, Loretto, Colne road
Barber Morrts, apartments, St. Keyne, Agate road Carpenter Montague Lewis, Imperial htl.22 Rosemary rd
Barclay & CQmpany Limited, banker.s (branch) (Henry Carter Charles, apartments, Sandown, St. Andrew's road
' Weatherhead, manager); open daily Io to 4, e:xcept Castle Hotel & Restaurant (James Campbell Cheeld,
sat. ro to r ; Town HaB buildings ; draw on head proprietor) ; board ~ residence; good bedrooms•
office, 54 Lombard street, London E C splendid sea views ; good accommodation for cyclist&,
Barker Arthur Henry, shopkeeper, 1 Anchor viis. Old rd 2 Station road
Barker Robert Charles, pork butcher, 39 Rost!mary road Catling Charles, draper, 15 Station road
& 20 Electric parade, Pier avenue Catling Robert, apartments, The Lilacs, Orwell road
Earnes A. (Miss), apartments, Glenleon, West avenue Cave Charles, boot repairer, 70 Rosemary road
Barritt Elizabeth (Mrs.}, a parts. Rugby ho. Pallister rd Ohallis Hepzibah (Mrs.), apartments, 76 Station Eoad
Bartlett James Frederick, apartments, 91 Rosemary road Chamberlayne Arthur Francis, solicitor (firm, Leaning
Basey Robert William, wheelwright, Old road & Chamberlayne ), Station road
Basham Frederick William, builder, 47 Dudley road Cheeld J ames ·Campbell, Castle hotel & restaurant; board
Bass C'harles, wine & spirit merchant, 7 Rosemary road & residence, 2 Station road
Bates Mary (Mrs.), apartments, 82 Station road Cherry William, dairyman, Thoroug~good road
Battye .Sarah (Mrs.), apartments, Whitehaven, Ellis road Christie M aria (Mrs.), apartments, 22 Marine par. west
Baxter G. T. & Co. electrical engineers, 44 Pier avenue Church Fredk. W. house decorator, Ross-Bec, Ellis rd
Baxter Annie (•Miss), apartments, see King & Baxter Clacton Advertising & Advancement Association (Ernest
Beatty Thomas Carlyle M.D., F.R.C.S.Edin. physician & Johnson, hon. sec.), 42 Station road
surgeon, s1 Marine parade east Clacton Chamber of Commerce (Ernest Johnson, sec.),
Beaumont Hall Private Hotel A Boarding 42 Station road. T N 74
Establishment (Beaumont Hall Limited, proprie- Clacton Club (R. E. King, hon. sec.), Pier avenue
tors) ; facing sea ; nearest hotel to golf links, Marine Clacton Co-operative Society Limited, grocers, Old road
parade west. Tel<lphone So Clacton & District Mutual Building Society (A. SwaDD,
Beanmont Alice (Miss), boarding ho. 32 Marine par. we sec.), Brunswick hotel, Pier avenue
Bebb Arthur Percival, chemist, 45 Rosemary Toad Clacton, Frinton & Walton Billposter.s Limited, bill-
Beckwith J eannie (Mrs.), stationer, High street posters, distributors & advertisement agents, 173,
Bedwell George Charll's, musical instrument dealer, Station road. T N 54
86 Pier avenue & I Rosemary road Clacton Jetty Co. Limited (Douglas S. Smith, sec.)r
Bellamy Marianne & Annie (Misses), boarding house, 23 Marine parade west
& 25 Marine parade eao:;t Clacton Palace of Varieties Limited (Leslie Burgiss.
Benson Frank, fried fish dealer, 46 Pier avenue general manager), Marine parade west
Benton Cornelia (Mrs.), apartments, 38 Beach road Clacton Progressive Club (The) (A. W. Field, hon. see.),
Betteridge James, apartments, Sunny Leigh, Ellis road Grosven()r hall,_ Pallister road
· Bigley & Wildsmith (Misses), apartments, The Grange, Clacton Times & East Essex Gazette (A. Quick & Cl).
Penfold road publishers; published saturday), 17 Station road.
Block Geor~e, carrier, 85 Rosemary road T N 54
Board of Trade Unemployment Fund (George Stans- Clacton Town Football Club (William G. Page, sec.), J
feld, officer in charge), 101 Station road Hubert road
Boatman William, painter, High -street Clacton Unionist Club Limited (C. L. Beaumont, hon.
· Backing Robert, apartments, Bentley, Oarnarvon road sec.), Old road
Boden Margaret E. (Mrs.), apartments, 39 Ha yes road Clacton Urban District Council Gas, Water & Electricity
Boley Francis, apartments, 71 Hayes road Department (Sydney Francis, consulting engineer);
Boliugbroke Edward H. builder, The Bungalow, Vista rd offices, Town Hall buildings ; works, Old road
Bolter William Thomas, apartments, 19 The Grove Clacton Window Cleaning Co. (A. .P. Leighton, man-
Eu"th Hubert, house & estate agent, see Erown, Booth ager), 3 Rosemal'y road
& Kerry Clact-on-on-Sea & District Cottage Hospital (William Hy.
:Boots Cash Chemists (Southern) Limited, 31 Pier aven Slimon M.D. consulting physician; Percy Coleman
Borrodell B. John, aparts Kenilworth, Pl'nfold road :M'.B., B.S., Ralph Vincent Rowel! M.B., Ch.B.Glas.••
Eowe Daniel Jackson, surveyor to the Urban District Thomas C. Beatty M.D.St.And. & F.R.C.S.Edin. li
C:mncil, Town· Hall buildings Henry James Flanegan F.R.C.S. & L.R.C.P.I. hon.
Boxted Small Holdings Co-()perative Society Limited, medical officers; Miss Maud Clark, hon. matron li
fruiterers, Station yard Elanche Baker, h{)n. sec.), Tower road
Bradbrooke Alfred, insurance agent, 26 Meredith road Clacton-on-Sea Golf Club (A. P. Sanson, hon. sec.),
Bradford Henry, tailor, 42 Station road Gilders Estate office, Station road
· !Bray William Henry. builder, 147 Wellesley road Clacton-on-Sea Graphic & Frinton & Walton GraphiL"
Braybroolre Jane (Miss), dress maker, 125 Welle.sley rd (with which is incorporated the Clacton Gazette &:;
Bready Thurston, apartments, 55 Hayes road East Coa~t Illustrated News) (The Clacton-on-Sea
Bridger Harry, dairy, Orwell road Graphic Printing & Publishing Co. Limited, pro-
• Briggs Arthnr F. apartments, 9 Marine parade east prietors), Pier avenue. advertisement
Broadbent Emilv Jane (Mrs.),aparts.Gleethorpe,West av Clacton-on-Sea Graphic Printing & Publishing Go. Ltd.
Brock A. E. cycle dealer, Old road printers, billposwrs & publishers of the East Coast
· Brookes Georgina (Mrs.), aparts. 8 Marine parade west Illustrated News, Clacton-on-Sea Graphic & Frintoa
Broom & Thurlow, drapers, I I & 12 Electric par. Pier av & Walton Graphic (with which is incorporated th~
Brown, Booth & Kerry, house &. estate agts. West aven Clacton Gazette), Pier avenue. See advertisement
Brown Alexander H. dairyman, see Gilders Brothers & Clacton-on-Sea Tennis Club (E. M. Leaning, hon. sec.).
:Brown Station road & Wash lane .

Clacton-on-Sea. Town Hall Euild:ngs Co. Limited (Edwin East Ess~>x Printing Works Limited, stationers &c. ;
J. Gilders, managing director & sec.), Station road proprietors & publishars of the East Essex Advertiser
Clapham E. & Son, boot repairers, Ivydene, Olivers road & Cl act on News (published saturday, rd. ), The W alton
Clapham John, apartments, Hope villa, Meredith road ~ews, The Frinton News, The Brightlingsea News &
Claridge George, apartments, 65 Hayes Toad The Illustrated Clacton News & Visitors' List, Oxford
Clark & Claydon, builders, Page road road & Bank chambers, Station road. See adver-
Clark Arthur, jobmaster, Pretoria house, Jackson road tisement ·
Clark Charles William, apartments, I Alexandra road Eastman & ::ton (Dyers & Cleaners) Limited, dyers, 16
Clarke Albert Buxton, hair dresser, Old road Station road
Clarke Henry Heron, fancy repository, 2 Pier avenue Eaves Herbert '\Villiam, plumber, 23 Station road
Clarke John Carr Herbert, outfitter, see Grimwade & Edgar Thomas lieorge, apartments, 95 Rosemary road
Clarke Edwards E. Pryc~, tobacconist, St. Osyth road
Clarkson George William, be>ot tepairer, 58 Pier avenue Eldred Henry, cdlecwr of rates to Urban District
Cleater Henry, apartments, 13 The Grove Council, a-ssistant overseer & assessor & collector of
Coast Development Corporation Limited (Samuel James taxes, Town Hall bnildings
Robert Legerton, pier master) Ellis W. & Co. builder~, Old road
Coast Guard Station (William Edward Dorey, chief Ellis John, house decorator, Normanhurst, Edith roaq
officer), Tower road E!phick B. M. & M. (Misses), boarding house, 21 Marine
Coe Martha (Mrs.), apartment.;;, 62 Station road parade east
Cole Robert, house agent, 68 Pier avenue Emily Convalescent Home (Miss Legge, lady supt.)
Cole Thomas, insurance agent, 18 Meredith road Colne road
Coleman Mrs. apartments, Orwell house, Orwell road Emmerson & Harris, boardin~ ho. 75 Marine parade er..
Coleman Percy M.B., B.S., L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. Wintlow Cleaning Co. Priory road
surgeon, & agent to coastguard & medical officer & Essex Yeomanry (No. 4 Troop, A Squadron), Territorial
public vaccinator for No. 8a district of the Tend ring Force (Major E. Hill, comman~ing; Lieut. C. ~.
union, Reimore lodge. Carnarvon road Gilbey, troop commander; Regimental Sergt.-Ma]or
Collingwood James Cuthbert, coal agent, 77 Hayes road Farrell, Colchester, drill instructor); head quarters,
Collins Kate (Mis~~>), boarding house, 7 Beach road Warwick Castle hotel; drill hall, Osborne hotel
Convalescent Home of the Eastern Counties Idiot & Evans & Pitty (Misses), apartments, The Hawthornes,
Imbecile .Asylum, Colchester (Miss Frances Seaden, Penfold road & art needlework depot, 8 Electric
matron), Crossley house, Marine parade east · parade, Pier avenue
Cook & Eaves, tobacconi~ts, 29 Pier avenue Evans Ellen (Mrs.), apartments, Clonsah, Ellis road
Cook Henry, apartments, Glenthorn, Meredith road Fairblin James, boot repairer, 25 Cambridge road
Oook John CoxheadL.S.A.Lond.physician & surgn.Old rd Fairclough Ernest, painter, Alton Park road
Cook J(Jihn Will M.D. medical officer of bealth to the Fairclough William, brick maker, Cooper lane & I Elsie
Tendring & Lexden & Winstree Rural District Councils villas, Old road
& the Clacton Urban District Council, Belgrave house, Fairclough Zachariah, carter, Fair.field, Jackson road
Carnarvon road Fairhall William, shopkeeper, Old road
f'ook William, house decorator, 37 St. Andrew's road Fairhead Waiter, plumber, 57 St . .Andrew's road
Cooper William (Mrs.), boarding house, Edensor, Fairweather Martha (Mrs.), apartments, 8o Pier avenue
Orwell road Farrer William (Mrs.), apartments, 74 Pier avenue
Corke Edgar William, apartments, Normandale, St. Fenn James, apartments, 27 Hayes road
Andrew's road . I Fmch Alice (Mrs.), apartments, 2 Beach road
Cornish Thomas (Mrs.), apartments, 55 Manne par· east Finch Frank, photographer & artist, The Studio, Rose-
County Police. S~ation (Henry Mules, supt.).' West av mary road. See advertisement .
Cramphorn L1m1ted, corn dealers &c. ~6 P1er avenue
Crisell Arthur, pork butcher, 27. Cambndg~ roa_d
! Finney Johanna (.Mrs.), apartments, go StatiOn road
Fisher Alpheus, refreshment rooms, II Pier avenue
Crow.ther James, apartments, Ptc~hurst, VICton~ road Fitch & Son (Clacton) Limited, motor car garage, a
Curt~s Bros. fishmongers, 30 StatiOn rd. & _33 P1er aven Rost>mary road .
Cut~mg Emma (Mrs.), apartments, Sunnystde, West av Fitch James, dai1·yman, see Perry & F1tch
Damel_W. (Mrs.), boardmg house, r Wellesley road & Flanegan Henry James F.R.C.S. & L.R.C.P.I. surgeon,
82 P1er avenue Beta house Station road
Darby Emma (Mrs.), preparatory school, 39 The Grove : Flemincr Jane' Ellen (Miss), a parts. Rosemary ho. Ellis rd
Dnvall Frank, laundry, Old road Fletche~ W. & R. I.imited, butchers, 27 Rosamary road
Davall Frederick William, laundry, St. Osyth road Fletcher Ernest A. artificial teeth maker, 86 Station rd
Davies Alexander, fruiterer, 10 Pier avenue Ford Elizh. (Mrs.), aparts. Calcutta lodge, Edith road
Davies Griffin, temperance hotel, Pier avenue Ford John (M:rs.), apartments, qo Wellesley road
Davies Janet (Mrs.), apartments, Glenroy, Meredit~ road Foster Samuel, draper, 30, 32, 34 & 36 Pier avenue
Day's. Hotel & Resta~rant (M. A. Day, prol!ne~r), Foulkes Edwin, florist, 4r Rosemary road .
rebUilt & up to date m every_ re5pect, electriC. h~ht Foyster Hy. confectioner rg, & restaurant 6, Pier ave~
throughout, large & small part~es catered for; s1ttmg , Francis Sydney, consulting engineer Clacton Urban Dls-
accommodation for 1,ooo; Station road. T N 65 1 trict Council Gas, Water & Electricity Department,
Day Artbur Harris, shopkeeper, St. Osyth road I Town Hall buildings
Day Henry, house decorator, St. Osyth r~ad 1 Franciscan Convent & Day School (Rev. Mother Bernar-
Day M. A. Day's hotel & restaurant, StatiOn rvad 1 dine lady super1or), Holland road
Deacon George, apartments. Trenewan, St. Andrew's I Franks' James W. butcher, 43 Rosemary road

Dell Alfred William,boarding house, Craigmore,Hayes rd Fransworth Elizh. (Mrs.), a parts. The Cedars, Ool_ne rd
Derrett John, house decorator, Orwell road Freeman, Hardy & Willis Ltd. !ANt makers,13 Station rd
Diggins Harry, insura11ce agent, 39 St. Andrew's road ' French Bernard, watch maker, 26 Station road
Dines William, apartmrnt>l, 35 Hayes road French Ernest James, apartments, 2 Wellesley road
Dixon John, coal merchant, Pallister road & apartments, French G. (Mrs.), apartments, 5 Marine parade east
Chudleigh, Agate roa(l Frinton News (East Essex Printing Works Limited,
;Dobney Josep~, ap~rtments, 12 Wellesley road printers & publishers), Oxford road .
Dolby ~ Morns, tailors, 37 Ro_sex;nary road. Frinton Times (A. Quick & Co. printers & publishers),
Domestic. (~he) Bazaar Co. _L1m1~ed, 21 P1er avenue 17 Station road. T :N 54
Dorey W1lliam Edward, ch1ef officer Coast Guard sta- Fuller Charles, apartments, 45 Hayes road
tion, Tower road Funnell Henry, wheelwright, Station yard
Dove Cyril Kingslev, fruiwrer, 25 Rosemary road Gander Bertha (Miss), boardino house, Glengariff, Free-
Dove Henrv Charles, Warwick Castle hotel, Pier avenue land road .,
Dove Marian (Mrs.), fishmonger, 23 Rosemary road Gardiner George, architect. 56 Wellesley road
Dove Thomas, Station hotel, 108 Station road Gardiner George, confectioner, 24 Station road
Downing James, bill poster, 42 Beach road Garwood Herbert B. hair dres.ser, Old road
Drake Clifford Reuben, house decorator, Balmoral,Old rd Gatfield Leslie, greengrocer. 38 Pier avenue
Drew A. E. (Mrs.), apartment.s, sr Hayes road Gatfield Percy, decorator, Crossfield road '
Dmtn John, apartments, Westbourne, H~rold road Gatfield William, fruiterer, 30 Electric par. Pier avenue
Dnnt Sarah (Mrs.), apartments, Hulda villa, Old road Georcre Abi!!'llil Isabella (Miss), children's outfitter, so
Dyer Fredk. Chas. boarding house, 18 l\Iarine par. west Pie~ aven~e
Eade James, apartments, 76 Wellesley road George Thomas, decorator, Singlehurst, St. An?rew's rd
Ealing Alfred Henry, aparts. Beulab, St . .Andrew's road Gibson Elizabeth (Miss), apartments, 58 Stat1on TOI\d
I ~·Jtfi/IIN8H_.~

Gilders B!others & Brown, dairymen, 44 Rosemary rJ. Horniblew Arthur, hair dresser, l\Ioseley dene, Old road
& Coppms Hall farm Howard John William, farmer, Snmmer House farm
Cllders Edvvin .J. a Co. auctioneers, surveyors, Howe Charles Wesley, apartments, 54 Wellesley road
valuers, house, land & estate agents, rent collectors, Howell Ralph Vincent M.B., Ch.B. surgeon & physician,
mortgage brokers, insurance & shipping agents & coal Lanark house, .A.lton road
merchants; offices, Station road (opposite Barclay's Hume Frederick Wm. house decorator, 61 Wellesley rd
Bank) (Telephone No. 92); Connaught avenue,Frinton- Humphreys & Aley, apartments, 81 Rosemary road
on-Sea & London office, Lincoln chambers, 9 Ports- Huson Martha (Mr.s. ), apartments, Holmhurst, .A.lton rd
mouth st. LincJln's Inn fields WC. T N 56oo Holborn International Tea Co.'s Stores Limited, grocers &c. 19
Girling John M.D., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. sur- Station road
geon, Roselands, Chapman road [rving Elizabeth (Miss), apartments, 6 .Alexandra road
Goddard Samuel & Sons, drapers, 32 & 34 Station road Ivimy Charles, apartments, Burnham, Penfold road
Q-odfrey Waiter, fruiterer, 38 Station road Jacobs George, apartments, Home lodge, St. Osyth road
Goldsmith William, foreman to the Urban District Council James John, draper, 13 Pier avenue
gas & water works, Old road Jane!' George Frederick, tobacconist, West avenue
Goodall J. R. (Mrs.), apartments, Overcliff, Orwell rd Nelhe (Mrs.), apartments, 52 Station road
Gooday Daisy (Miss), nurse, 3 Central bldgs. West aven Jeffrey Charles, carter, Kate villa, Olivers road
Goodman Eric, tobacconist, 15 Rosemary road Jeffries Edgar, boot maker, 13 Rosemary road
Goody Nellie (Mrs.), refreshment rooms, 6 Pallister rd Jenlrins Francis Henry M.R.C.V.S. veterinary surgeon,
Goody William Henry, apartments, 109 Rosemary road 123 W elle.~ley road
Gould George H. B., .A..R.I.B ..A.. surveyor, Hurlingham J euner John, furniture dealer, Or-well road
house, Station road J enns George, apartments, 44 Beach road
Grainger Alice (Mrs.), apartments, 91 Hap•s road Johnson May & Emily (Misses), boarding house, 6)'
GraingerAnnie(Miss),boarding ho.Devonshire lo.Edith rd Marine parade east
Grand Hotel (The) (A. E. Hager, manager); Clacton's Johnson Abram, grocer, 21 Rosemary road
leading hotel, officially appointed by the Royal Auto- .Johnson Ernest, auctioneer, house, land & estate
mobile Club & A . .A. ; an up-to-date motor garage for agent, valuer, surveyo1· & rent collector, Station road
25 cars, Marine parade east. Telegrams, " Grand, (opposite the Town hall). T N 7-l Clacton
Clacton-on-Sea; " T N 86 J onnson :Florence (Mrs.), confectioner, 29 Rosemary•rd
Gray Rose (Mrs.), apartments, 53 Hayes road Johnson Lilian (Mrs. ),apartments, Hillcroft,Granville rd
Green Richard, boarding house, Sydenham ho. Ellis rd Jones & Son, solicitors, Bank chambers, Station road
Gregg Stokes, apartments, 70 Wellesley road Jones & Turrell, boarding house, 20 Marine parade west
Gregory George, house decorator, 53 Wellesley road & J ones Emily Selina (Mrs.), greengro. 7 The Par. Old rd
·builder, Warwick road Jones Harry, accountant Clacton U. D. C. Town Hall bldgs
Gribble Mary Lavinia (Mrs.), boarding house, St. Olave's, Jones Henry Frederick, outfitter, The Ferns, Old road
Thoroughgood road Jones Henry William, solicitor (firm, Jones & Son),
Grigs'<>n Esther (Mrs.), apartments,Harold ho.Jackson rd Bank chambers, Station road
Grimes Maria (Miss), apartments, Stavordale, Edith rd J oseph Rose (Mrs.), apartments, 72 Station road
Grimwad(' & Clarke, outfitters, 24, 26 & 28 Pier avenue Joy Mary Elizh. (Mrs.) & Son, painters,45 Cambridge rd
& 1 Station road Judge Mary (Miss), apartments, Bray lodge, Ellis road
Groves Henry, market gardener, 58 Cambridge road Kemp George Waiter, assistant superintendent Pruden-
Growns Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments, 33 Ha yes road tial Assurance Co. Limited, Ivyside, Eton road
Hale Lizzie (Mrs.), apartments, Dew-Hyrat, Thorough- Kerry Frederick C. house & estate agent, see Brown,
good road Booth & Kerry
Hale Sarah (Mrs.), hardware dealer, Orwell road Kinema Hall Picture Palace (.A.rthur Collins, manager),
Halls G. (Mrs.), apartments, Clare ville, West ave11.ue ·west a venue
Ram Mary (Mrs.), apartmRnts, 47 Hayes road King & Baxter (, apartments, 2 .Agate road
Barley George Thomas, shopkeeper, 148 WelleslPy road King Frederick Wm. builder, Bradford works, Old road
Harman .John H. auctjoneer & land, h(}use & estate King George, apartments, 72 W ellesley road
agent, Station chamber:;;, Station road King Henry, furniture dealer, 6 The Parade, Old road
Harris Ada (Mrs.), apartments, 12 Marine parade west Kirkness &; Sons Limited, timber dealers, High street
Harris Francis Edward, boarding house keeper, see Kirton Ellen (Mrs.), apartments, St. Ives, Agate road
Emmerson & Harris Kistruck Mary L. (Mrs.), aparts. Holmleigh, Vista road
Harrison Edward, apartments, 85 Hayes road Kittle Robt. Jeremiah, apartmts. 2 Salisbury vils.Ellis rd-
Haydon George, apartments, 2 Stanley villas, Holland rd Kleihm Florence Ida (Mrs.), boarding house, 98 Pier av
Haynes E. & E. M. (Misses), girls' school, St. Monica, Knight James (Mrs.),aparts. 2 West Avenue vils.West aT
Edith road I\.nights George, apartments, 49 W ellesley road
Haynes Eliza (Mrs.), dress maker, 2 .Albion villas, Knott Harriet (Mrs.), apartments, g8 Rosemary road
Fairfield road Kochen Joseph, draper, 12 The Parade, Old road
Hazelton Matilda (Mrs.), apartments, Fernside, St. Laker Rebecca (Mrs.), apartments, Clunie villa, Hayes rd
.A.ndrew's road Lamb Fredk. John, ironmngr. 19 Electric par. Pier avea
Heal .Alfred, apartments, 61 Marine parade east Langford J essie (Mrs.), boarding house, Langford house,
Heathcote Kate (Miss), nursing home,53Marine par.east Agate road
Hebditch E. & I. (:Misses), boarding house, Elands- Largen Maud (Mrs.), apartments, 11 Marine parade east
fontein, Carnarvon road Larke James Phillippo, aparts. Colne house, Orwell road
Heitmann F. hair dresser, 6 Station road Law William, confectioner, 103 Station road
Berbert Brothers, blacksmiths, Station yard Leaning & Chamberlayne, solicitors & commissioners for
Beryet & Lewis, boarding house, Winchester, Nelson rd oaths & perpetual commissioners, Station road ·
Hicks George, apartments, 113 Wellesley road Leaning Edmund Major, solicitor (firm, Leaning .t
Higgins James, apartments, 113 Rosemary road Chamberlayn(' ), Station road
Higham E. .A.. (Miss), boarding house, see McDermott Leaver Jane (Miss), greengrocer, Old road
& Higham Legerton John, apartments, 32 Beach road
Hill Charles Frederick.Marine hol;(>l.7I & 73Rosemary rd Legerton M. J. (Mrs.), apartments, The Pearls,Edith rd
Hill Jane (Mrs.), boarding ho. 8 Wellesley rd.& Hayes rd Legerton Sau.uel James R·,bert, pier master &; inspector
Hill Kate (Mrs.), boarding house, 91 Station road of boats to the Urban District Council, The Pearls,
Hills Jane (Mrs.), apartments, St. Helena, Nelson road Edith road
Hoare k Price, dress makers, 47 Meredith road Leighton .Albert Percy. oilman, see Canler & Leighton
HDdges Ambrose, general mason, Warwick works, War- Leslie John, painter, Dorinch housP. Jackson ro!W
wick road Levy .A.lkin (Mrs.), apartments, I Chester villas,Ellis rd
Bodg.son & Co. oil & color men, High street Lewellen Frederick William & Co. Limited, ironmongers.
Hoffman George, photographer, 6 Station road 12 to 20 Pier avenue
Hole George, ironmonger, 2 & 4 Rosemary road Lewis Eliza W. (Miss), boarding ho. sPe Heryet &; Lewi:~
Holliday Jane (Miss), apartments, 7 Marine parade east Lewis George Thomas, clerk to the L'rban District Coun-
Holmes Charles James, apartments, 7 Hayes road cil & to Sub-Committee of Essex Local Pension Corn~
Holmes Frank (Mrs.), boarding house, 6 Wellesley road mittee, Town Hall buildings
Holt.ham Fanny (Miss), apartments, 12 .Alexa.ndra road I.ewis Newcomb, Osborne hotel, ~6 Rosemary road
Home & Colonial Stores Limited, tea k provision Lewitt Benjamin L.M.S.S.A.Lond. physician & surgeon,
dealers, 8 Station road 82 Rosemary road
Hone William John, draper, Warwick parade, Old road Lilley Charles, apartments, 17 Wellesley road
Hook George, watoh maker, 6o Pier avenue Linnett Diana (Miss), boarding ho.2-l Marine parade w&
Hooper Henry, picture frame maker, Carnarvon road Linnett Mary (Miss), apartments, 30 Marine parade west
Boppett Marian (Mrs.), aparts. Wharncliffe, West aven Lipton Limited, provision dealers, 23 Pier avenue
Lloyd William, apartments, I Tendring villas,Church rd Operetta House (Fredericks Electric Theatres Limited,
Lodge Eliza (:Mrs.), apartments, Easton v-illa, Hayes rd lessees; Rex Sugden, manager), Town Hall buildings
London (The) Central Meat Co. Limited, butchers, 35 Osborn Mary Ann (Miss), apartments, 16 Eeacb roa11
Station road &; Warwick parade, Old road Osbourn Frank, wine & spirit merchant, 19 Rosemary rd
London County & Westminster Bank Limited (branch) Page John, apartments, 31 Hayes road
(H. W. Taylor, manager), open daily, 10 a.m. to 4 Page :Mary Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, Westbourn.e
p.m.; except sat. 10 a.m. to I p.m. ro Station road; hou~e, West avenue
draw on head office, 41 Lothbury, London E C Page Sarah (Miss), laundress, Malvern ho. St. Osyth road
Lovell .Ambrose William, corn dealer, Old road Page William, apartments, 1 n Rosemary road
Lovell Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Vista road Paine Albert, apartments, 99 Rosemary road
Lovesey Rebecca (Mrs.), apartments, Woodside, Vista rd Pallett Fredk. C. boarding ho. 1 Church vils. Church rd
Lowe William, engineer, Station yard Palmer Maud & Grace (Misses), girls' school, 63 Marine
McBride :Margt . .Agnes (Mrs. ),draper, Warwick par.Old nJ parade east
McD<!rmott &; Higham (Misses), boarding house, q Palmer Charles, cycle agent, Orwell road
W elle~lev•
road Palmer Henri·'tta p.Iisi>), aparts.Sprayside,Carnarvon rd
:YcKay Ellen (.~!1 s.), apartments, Lt'ycroft, Jackson rd Panzeri Brothers, restaurant, 3 Pier avenue & confec-
Mackenzie Alec, timb~r merchant, Station ~ard tioners, 59 Rosemary road
McKenzie Colin E. haulier, Cromarty, Skelmersdale rd Parker Frederick Hy. station master, Railway station
Macklin Frederick \'V. greengrocer, 40 Cambridge road Parsons John F. hay & straw dealer, Priory lo. Priory rd
Maling Thomas W. clothier, 36 Station road Pavey George, apartments, Twelvetrees, Col:n,e road
Mann G<>orge, boot maker, 44 W elle~ley road Payne .Alfred 0. photographer, Colne road
Mann George Thomas, cabinet maker, 7 Pier av~>nue Payne Florence :Mary (Mrs.), aparts. The Gables,Colne rd
Mann William, family &; dispensing chemist, 4 Pier aven Pearce Herbert, apartments, Trelawne, Lancaster gdns
Manning Agnes (Miss), apartment!>, 8o Station road Pearks Ltd. provision dlrs. 7 Electric parade, Pier aven
Manning Frances Stevens (Miss), aparts. 6o Station rd Pearse Ethd (~Irs.). boarding hous-e, Shakespeare lodge,
Manning George, jobbing gardener, 34 .Anchor road Carnarvon road
Marie et Cie. milliners, 3 Station road Pees George '1'. undertaker, Fyfield house, Old road
Marshall Charles, tailor, Isledon lodge, Old road Pennick & Sons, joiners, 107 Wellesley road
MaESland Arth. G. grocer ~ sub-postmaster, Freeland rd Pepper Nina (Mrs.), confectioner,Warwick parade,Old rd
Martin Harry, insurance agent, 3 Hayes road Percival George, chimney sweeper, 72 Rosemary road
Martin J ane (~Irs. ), apartments, Olive villa, West aver. Perry &, Fitch, dairyman, gB Station road
Martin K. (~Irs.), ap-.utments, Clarence villas, Agate rd Petche Henry Ed"in, cabinet maker, Fairfield road
Martin )!aria (Mrs.), apartments, 5 Beach road Petley George Henry, hair dresser, Pier avenue
Maskew W illiam &.. Co. pharmaceutical chemists, 26 & Pbillips James, apartments, Chelsea house, Jackson road
27 Electric paral.l.~, Pier avenue Philpot Bros. boot & shoe dlrs. q Electric par. Pier aT
Masonic Lodge (z,o63, St. Osyth's Priory) (P. J. Green, Philpot William, boot maker, Old road
sec.). Royal hotel, Marine parade east Pier Pavilion Refreshment Bar (S. J. R. Legerton, man·
Masonic Royal Arch Chapter (2,o63 Coronation) (P. J. ager), Pier pwilion
Green, scribe E), Royal hotel, Marine parade east Pigg E. & .A.. (~isses), apartments, 61 Hayes road
Massey Charles W. apartments, Westward Ho ! Ellis rd Pike, Rog-ers ~ Co. accountant!>, 42 Station road
Massey Robert, apartments, 121 Wellesley road Pitty E. (Miss). a parts. see Evans & Pitty (Mis.'ies)
Mathews Albert Warren, grocer, Old road Pocock Brothers, ironmongers, 25 Station road
Mayell Edward, boot repairer, so Rose:.nary road Pocock Henry, builder, 26 Wellesley road
Mayhew Leonard Archer, apartment;;, lvydale, Ellis road Pollard Alfred, apartments, 56 Station road
:\fayle Elizabeth (~lis~), ap.n-ts. Graham lodge, Vi-.;ta rd Pollard William John, grocer, Old road
Maypole Dairy Co. Ltd. provision dealers, 22 Station rd Poole Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments, Marguerite, West av
Mazzoleni Brothers, refreshment rooms, 9 Pier avenue Pooley James Alfred, fruiterer, Old road
Mazzoleni Ant~mio, refreshment rooms, 31 Station road Potter & French, printers, 64 Rosemary road
k West avenue Potter Alfred James, furniture dealer, Old road
Mead Fredk. Thos. insurance agt.Bergholt,Cambridge rd Potter John, boat owner, Cranmere, Thoroughgood road
MickJ.e Bert, boot repairer, 1 The Parade, Old road Powell Joshu:~, boarding house, 38 Wellesley road
Middlesex Ho;:pital Convalescent Home (Miss Georgina Prewett Joshua, fbrist, 12 Rosemary road
Morgan, matron; Percy Coleman M.B., B.S. medical Price Florence (:\lli"s), dress maker, see Hoare & Price
officer), Holland road Prior Asher, solicitor & commissioner for oaths &1
Milborne William E. fruiterer, West avenuE> perpetual commissioner for taking acknowledgments
Mildmay Cotta!!e Holiday Home (~Iiss ~lay Cusben, of mar:ied women, 105 Station road
matron), 16 Welledey road Privett John Warren, chemist, Warwick parade, Old rd
Miller Hannah (Miss), confectnr. Burleigb. Carnarv-on rd Puddey James Waiter. apartments, Collingwood, Old rd
Mills A. & M. (Misses), boarding ho. Leeshope,Orwell rd Quick .A.. &i Co. stationers. printers & publishers of
Mills Charles William, apartments, May villa, Old road th<> "Clacton Times &; East Ess.c>x Gazette," the
:\-Iitch~ll George E. furniture dealer, 48 Rosemary road "Walton Times " &; the "Frinton Time'~," 17 Station
Mitchell Howard M.R.C.S., L.R.C. P. physician &; sur- road. T N 54
goon, Beechcroft, Carnarvon road Quilter Francis, apartments, West avenue
Molloy John, shopkeeper, 132 "\>Vellesle~- road Quilter Percy, watch maker, Orwell road
Moore John Mav, blacksmith, Wilton house, Old road Rattee J ames Albert W allace, assistant clerk to the
Moore Sarah (:Yrs.), apartments, 66 Station road 1.:". D. C. Town hall, High street
Mooring Joseph, apartments, Marlow lodge, Ellis road RatteP Thomas George, collector of gas, electricity &
More H. (:\iiss l. hoa•·ding hou!;P., f,r.tnrlon ho.Jackson rd water rates to the "Lrban District Council, Town Hall
~loriarly Ada ()lis~). a.partments, 1:; Marine parade east building,
Moriarty Edlfard, apartmPnts, 17 Marine parade east &a"" ding J oseph (Mrs.), apartments. 96 Rosemary road
Morley E. E. (Mrs.), boarding house, 27 :Yarine par. ea Reckitt Convalescent Home (The) (Miss Maud Fletcher,
Morris ~Iary (Mrs.), apartments, 69 Wellesley road n•atron"), Holland road
Moy Thomas Limited, coal merchants & cartage agents to Rhodes Eliza (:\<lrs. ), confectioner, Old road
the G. E. R. Station yard Rice A lice (::\Irs. ), nur"e, Dndley road
Mules Henry, superintendent of police &; inspector of Rice George. apartments, 124 Wellesley road
Hackney carriages & inspecwr under the " Contagious Richardson John Gripper, aparts. Capstone, Nelson road
Disea;;e;; (.Animals) Act," West avenut> Riche~ Chas. Thos. apartments, Rosebery vil.Church rd
Vurray Charlotte ()'lrs. ), apartments, I 8 W ellesley road Riches :Mary (Mrs.), apartments, Dalkeith, Ellis road
'Newby Frank, apartments, 37 Hayes rood Ridlington Mary (1\li~s), apartments, 1 Beach road
Newing Stephen, aparts. & plasterer,13 Marine par. east Ri,·er l'latt> :\!eat Co. Limit~d, 20 Station road
Newson Erne~t, hosier, 17 Electric parade, Pier avenue Roberts A.llan J. apartments, Ty Gwyn, West avenue
Newstead E. H. clothi-"r, 20 Rosemary road &; Old road Roberts George Frederick, butcher, 66 Pier avenue
Newstead Samuel. winP &; spirit merchant 67, k Cal"lton RobPrt;;; R.,.,.. Laurence Gilderdale, boys' school, Sutt.on
reshurant 69, Rosemary road dene, Pier aYenne
.1\ice George S. cycle dealer, 54 Pier av-enue Robertson Charlotte (Mrs. ),aparts.Stour house,Orwell rd
Nightin!!ale Thomas, painter, 102 Station road Robin son Henrietta (Mrs.), boarding house, The Bed-
~immo David LL.B. solicitor, 52 Wellesley road ford, Palli~ter road
Noble Albert Ernest, tobacconist, 8 PiPr avenue Roe & Son, fancy goods d-ealers, 21 Electric par. Pier av
Norman Harry, carpenter, Summer villa, .Alton Park rd Rvgers Henry John, boys' high school, Glen Roy, Car·
Nnnn Henry Charles, apartments, Walmer, Agate road narvon road
O'Grady Thomas Henry, oilman, Old road Rogers Sarah (:\iiss ), preparatory school, St.Andrew's rd
()liver Brothers, wine & spirit merchants, Old road Roper Jabez, apartments, 19 Wellesley road


Roxby Harry C. apartments, 6 Carlisle villas, ~<\gate rd Taylor Geo. Wm. tobacconist, & post office,33Rosemary rd
Royal Hotel (Charles Butcher, manager), high-class Taylor Henry William, manager London County & West-
family & commercial; motor garage, Marine parade. minster Bank Limited, Io .Station road
T N IS Taylor Hezekiah, apartments, Mantrain house,Jackson rd
Royal National Lifeboat Institution (S. J. R. Legerton, Tebbutt Arthur, rate collect.or, Glencoe, Hayes road
hon. s-ac.; Geo. Grigson, coxswain), 39 Marine par. ea Telling Frederick, monumental ntason, Ellis road
Royce Kate (Mrs.), nursing home, St. Mary's, Page rd Territorial Force Battalion (5th) Essex Regiment (H
Royle George, nurseryman, St. Osyth rooad Co.) (Lieut. H. T. _-\rg-ent, commanding; Color-Sergt.
Rush Alfred, apartments, 13 Beach road Frederick Woodyard, drill instructor); head quuterii
St. Michael's Convent of Our Lady of Mercy (Rev. & armoury, 47 Beach road-; drill hall, Osborne hotel
Mother Michael, sister superior), 95, 97 k 99 }larine Thom.pson Blanch·:l (Mrs.), apartments, 70 Station road
parade east Thorogood Wm. Edwd. baker, I2 Station rd.& Oxford rd
Salmon W. draper, 2I Pier avenue Thorrington .llfred Charles, shopkeeper, 55 Key road
Salter Jane (Mrs.), apartments, I I Hayes road Thun Frederick, bath chair proprietor, 79 Rosemary rd
Saltmarsh Chas . .Albert, grocer,& post office, St.Osyth rd Thnrlow Percy, draper, see Broom & Thurlow
Sandford Edward, apa1·tments, 3 Carlisle villas,Agate rd Tibbenham Emma (Mrs.), apartments, 49 Hayes road
Saunders Lilian (~rs. ), apartments, 5 .Agate road Tiffin .Agnes (Mrs.), apartments, 51 Beach road
Scarlett Charles Waiter, tailor, 14 Rosemary Toad Town Hall (Edwin J. Gilders, sec.), High street
Scarlett M aria Jane (:Mrs.), draper, High sh·eet Townshend Gerald Richard, boys' school, Mendip,
Schofield William, apartments, 49 Beach road Carnarvon road
Scott Ernest, boot repairer, Old road Turner Erm~st C. outfitter, 2 Electric parade, Pier aven
Scragg Florence (Mrs.), registrar of births & deaths for Turner Esther (Miss), apartments, n6 Wellesley road
Clacton-on-Sea & St. Osyth, Sandhurst, Meredith road Turner Harold, plumber, 21 Beach road
Seabrooke C. & W. R. (L. S. F. N. Phillips, manager), Turner W illiam, cycle maker, 7 Pallister road
brewers, 28 Rosemary road Underdown Thos. pleasure boaj propr. 71 St.Andrew's rd
Sears Frederick, apartments, 43 Hayes road Ungless Henry James, decorator, 9 Dudley road
Sergant Ernest, butcher, I I Station road United Kingdom Tea Co. Limited, tea merchants, 2-J.
Serre .Achille Ltd. dyers, I Electric pa:rade, P1zr avenue Electric parude, Pier avenue
Sewell William, grocer, 3. High street Usherwood Wm. apartments, Camden house, Pallister rd
Shadick Alfred William, sanitary inspector, Town Hall Vellenoweth Mary (Mrs.), apartments, 76 Pier avenue
buildings & 2 Elsie villas, Old road Vern on Ell en (Mrs.), boarding ho. 3<i Marine parade we
Shai'p Frederick T. pork butcher, Warwick par. Old rd View & Picture Co. stationers, 6 Electric parade, Pier av
Short, Smedley, Bensusan-Butt & Drak€, chartered Villinger Alfred John, tobacconist, Warwick par. Old rd
accountants, Brampton chambers, Station ;road Villinger Ferdinand, watch maker, Warwick par. Old rd
Simmonds Georg·a Edward, boarding house, Charlton Vincent-Brown Frank George .A.I.S.E., M.I.M.E. archi-
villas, Agate road tect, West avenue
Simmonds Harold Dowsett, stationer, I Pier avenue Volunteer Fire Brigade (D. Wall, supt.),Town yd.Old rd
Simmons Horace, artificial teeth ma. Redcoin, West av Wagstafi Ann (Mrs.), apartments, 83 Hayes road
Simpson H. (Mrs.), apartments, St. Oswalds, Edith road Wagstaff Frederick William, tobacconist, 37 Station rd
Sinclair Amy (Mrs.), aparh. I Carlisle vils. Agate road Wagstaff Thomas Henry, apartments, 93 Rosemary rd
Skevington Ernest, potato merchant, St. Osyth road Wall;:er Fred, pianoforte dealer, 33 Station road
Skevington Rose (Mrs.), shopkeeper, St. Osyth road Wall David, insurance agent, Lyndhurst, Meredith road
Skipper J. R. & Son, dairy, 27 Station road Wallis Samuel Geo. Charles, aparts . .A.ldersyde,Hayes rd
Smith & Son, tailors, 3 Electric parade, Pier avenue Ward John, apartments, Cheltenham, Orwell road
Smith W. H. & Son, news agts.4o Pier av.& Railway stn Ward Stanley, fruiterer, 62 Rosemary road
·Smith Florence Mary (Miss), private school for girls, Warren Fredk. George, apartments, I Marie villas, Old rd
St. Paul's house, St. Paul's road Watson William John, apartments, 79 road
Smith George, fancy draper, York house. Old road Waverley Boarding House (private) (John H. Harman.
Smith H. (Mrs.), apartiiJ.rZnts, 29 Marine parade east proprietor), 14 Marine parade west. T N 91
Smith Horace, builder, 44 Pier avenue Weatherhead Henry, manager of Barclay & Company'•
Smith Liliian (Mrs.), apartments, 88 Rosf'mary road Bank & treasurer to the Urban District Council, Town
Smith Sidney F . .A.. I. auctioneer, valuer, house, land Hall buildings
& estate agent, life & fire insurance ag-ent & coal mer- Webb Frances Elizabeth & Sarah (Misses), dress makrs.
chant; offices, 65 Rosemary road. Telephone No. 99 Hope villa. West ·avenue
Smith Sidney, coal merchant, Oxford road: office, 65 Webb Geo. E. general mer. Rugby house, Oxford Toad
Rosemary road Webb M. G. conf.zctioner, 64 Pier avenue
Smith Sidney S. jobmaster, Marine Hotel stables, Rose- Welbum Harriet (Miss), nursing home, St. Cleather,
mary road & apartments, 29 Ha.yes road · Freeland road
Smithies Wm. dairyman, 29 Electric parade, Pier av.en Welham Jas. & Son, fishmongerS,I5 Electric par.Pier av
Solbe Richard, boys' school, Broadhurst,Skelmersdale rd Welham Mark, fishmonger, Old road
Southcliff Exchange & Agricultural Supply, general Welham Sidney Charles, apartments, 3 Pallister road
merchants, Southcliff corner Westley Francis, fruiterer. High street
Southgate Benjamin, boarding house, 57 W elleslt>y road Wheeler Sidney L.D.S.R.C.S.Eng. dentist, Leicester
Spencer Arthur George, architect, Beaumanor, Alton rd lodge, Station road
Spencer William B. florist, Carisbrook, Old road White Charles Edward, solicitor & commissioner for
Spinks Wilfred, apartments, 93 H! road oaths, & coroner for the Sokens, Bedford lodge.
Squires George, apartments, Warwick house, ..Colne road Carnarvon road
Stanford Millicent (Mrs.), apartments, 59 Ha yes Foad White Sarah (.~irs. ), apartments, 20 W ellesl.ey road
Stansfeld George, antique dealer, & officer in charge of Wicks Edwin, apartments, Cheslyn, Freeland road
the Board of Trade Unemployment Fund, 99 Station rd Wildsmith G. (Miss), apartments, see Bigley & Wild-
Starling & Son, grocers, 9 Beach roa.! smith (Misses)
Starling Henry, apartments, '.;7 Hayes road Wilkinson Philip, apartments, 105 Rosemary road
Stearn .irthur George & Son, saddlers, 31 Rosemary rJ Williams Fred, apartments, Chapman road
Stabbing Charles George, apartments, 53 Beach road Williams Frederick .A. stationer, 66 & 68 Rosemary road
Stedman W. H. & Son,watch mas.16 Electric par.Pier:av Wilson Jared (Mrs.), a parts. 2 Church villas, Church rd
Stevenson Jane (Mrs.), apartments, Crouch ho.Ontell rd Wilson Lavinia (Miss), apartments, Richmond house,
Stock William, apartments, 53 St. Andrew·s road Jackson road
Stollery Frederick Philip, apartments, 73 Cambridge rd Women's Social & Political Union (Miss Lilley, hon.
Stringer Sarah A. (Miss). apartments.Crawfold,Colne rd sec.), 47 Rosemary road
Strutt Joe, apartments, Ellisdene, Ellis road Woodford Godwin Wm.baker,22 & 23Electric pa.r.Pier av
Suckling .Albert, apartments, Ashdene, Ellis road Woodley Susan (.Mrs.), apartments. 28 Beach road
Sully Edward, hair dresser, ·" Pallister road Woodyard Fr·':lderick, color-sergt.-instructor to H Co.
Sunday School Union Children's Holiday Home (F. 5th Territorial Force Battalion Essex Regt..t7 Beach rd
:Moules, hon. Eec.; ~fiss Edith M. Jenkinson, matron), Woolner Geo. Wm. bricklayer, Bellevue, St. Andrew"s rd
Marine parade east Wootton George & Sons, fancy repository, 21 Station rd
Sutton & Co. (John Di:s:on, agent), carriers, Pallistel! rd W right Elizabeth (Mrs.). apartments, 9 Hayes road
Swann Arthur, Brunswick hotel, 15 & 17 Pier avenue Wrightson Wm.Hy.architect & surveyor,Town Hall bldgs
Syme E. S. (Mrs.), boarding ho. Sulway ho. West aven Wynne Cyril, boarding house, Havelock house, Colne rd
Tarry Harold, monumental mason, Oxford road Yardley Frederick: G. music teacher, Freeland road
Taylor & Wakefield (Misses), aparts. 68 Station road York E. (Miss), a.p}!rtments, Crayon house, Coln~road
Taylor Amos Henry, builder, Ivy cottage, Crossfield rd Young & Sons, solicitors, Pallistt!r road
Taylor .A.nnie (~Irs. ), a parts. Rydal lo. Marine par. east

YounO" Women's Christian Association (Misses Jocelyn Young Thomas Pallister B.A., LL.B. solicitor & com·
TaYJor & Alice Wakefield, hon. secs.), Marguerit(' missioner for oaths, see Young & Sons
house, Station road · Young Waiter LL.B. solicitor & commissioner for oaths.
Young .Arthur Tayler LL.B. solicitor, see Young & Sons see Young & Sons
Young Howard LL.B. solicitor & commissioner fo1 1
oaths, see Young & Sons 1
GREAT CLACTON is a parish near the coast, 8 18go, at a cost of about [,2,5oo, and consists of ten
miles south-west by rail from 'Yalton-on-the-N aze, I from detached houses, nine of which hold 25, and one 30
Clacton-on-Sea steamboat pier, i of a mile from the children; the fifth was erected in 1896, at a cost
Clacton-on-Sea terminal station, 4~ south from Weeley exceeding £1 ,ooo, and in 1901 five more were built by
~tation and 4! from Thorpe Junction stati'On, all on the an anonymous donor at a C:Jst of £6,ooo : a sanatorium
Tendring Hundred branch of the Great Eastern railway, was added in 1908. There are at present in the home
and 15 south-east from Colchester, in the North Eastern 250 children, from infants of only a few days old to
division of the county, Tendring hundred, petty ses- girls of r 5 years : the mission, founded by the 8th Ea !'I of
sional division and union, in the united county court Shaftesbury, is supported entirely by voluntary ccntri-
district of Colchester, Clacton and Harwich, rural bntiuns. The Clacton l"rbHn District Isolation Hospital.
deanery of tSt. Osyth, archdeaconry of Colche'!ter and Rush Green, ended in 1901, consists of a ward block
diocese of Chelmsford. containing t"\"lo wards and a nurses' duty room, an
Great Clacton, formerly governed by a Local Board, admin.istratin block and laundJ'] block; the cost, in-
is now controlled by an Urban District Council of 18 cluding site, was £2,087. The manor is vested in
members constituted under the provisions of the "Local trustees. The Right Hon. James Round P.C., D.L .•
Government Act, 1894 '' (56 and 57 Vict. c. 73). The J.P. of Birch Ilall, and Robert Page esq. are the
Council meets at Clacton-on-Sea, under which place a principal landvwnerl>. 'fhe soil is mixed; subsoil, clay
list of the members and officers is given. The church and gravel. The chiPf crops are wheat, oats and barley.
of St. John the Baptist is a fine old building of stone T•he area of the civil parish and of the district of the
and flint, consisting of chancel, with nort'h aisle of two Urban Council is 4,067 acres of land, 2 of inland water
bays, nave and a massive western tower surmounted by and 277 of foreshore; assessable value, [,6o,6g9; the
a wooden belfry with spire and containing 5 bells. The ropulation in I90I was 7,456, and in I91Io 9•777• in-
woodwork of the tower was t•epaired in 1913 and an open clusive of 86 patil3nts and 30 officials in the Middlesex
parapet was substituted for the old battlement. The Hospital Convalescent Home, 31 patients and 8 officials
principal portions of the structure are of the Norman in the Essex Convalescent Home and 59 patients and 10
period, of which the north and south doorways are ex- officials in the Eastern Counties Idiot Asylum (Con-
eellent examples : the walls are of great thickness and valescent branch, Crossley House). The population of
show a considerable quantity of Roman brickwork: the the ecclesiastical parish of St. John the Baptist with
tower is probably of the 15th century, and the ancient Little Holland was 5·041.
and ponderous woodwork which supported the former
bell-turret, at the west end of the nave, still remains: MAGDALEN GREEN is about half a mile south from
the church was restored in 180.~ at a cost of f.r,soo, Great Clacton. CA~HALL is the manor farm lying
when the east end was considerably altered, and a fine north-west. JA\ WICK is 3 mil•s south-west. LIO~
triplet of wind0ws in the Norman style was filled with POI.XT (or Eastness) is a headland near the htter place.
stained glass: the stained east window, placed in 1901, Post, M. 0. &; T Office. William Mead, s'.lb-post-
is a memorial to Capt. Arnold Smith: a north aisle of master. Letters delivered from Clacton-on-Sea at 6.30
two bays was added to the chancel and a new chancel & 10.45 a.m. & 3·45 & 7.20 p.m. Letter Box cleared
arch built: one of the south windows of the nave was at 5 ·45 & 11•.45 a.m. & 2. 15, 5 .30, 7.30 & 9· 15 p.m. ;
at the same tirc.e restored in the Decorated style, and sundays, no second delivery; dispatched at 7.30 p.m
the church fitted with oai;: benches. In the nave are Town Sub-Post & M. 0. Office, Magdalen Green.-Miss
tablets to three of the formt>r vicars: the church will Jane E. Woodard, sub-postmistress. Letters from
seat 450 persons; a fine avenue of limes reaches from Clacton-on-Sea delivered at 7 & 9.30 a.m. & 3 & 6.15
the entrance gate to the south door: Eleaz~r Knox, p.m.; dispatched 5.3o, 8.15 & n.3o a.m. & 2.15, 5·45
younger son of the celebrated Scottish Reforr.11er, wa~ & 7·30 p.m. j Sundays, 7·30 p.m. relegrams are
vicar here from 1587 to r591. The register dates from dispatched from this office, but not delivered
1542, and i.i in excellent preservation. A separate Post Office, Bocking's Elm. Richard Rowlen, sub-post-
register for Little Holland was begun by the present master. Letters from Clacton-on-Sea delivered at 8.30
vicar in ::;:go7. The living is a. vicarage, with that of a.m. & 6.50 p.m.; dispatched at g.2o a.m. & 7.20
Little Holland annexed, net yearly ,-alue /.'2oo, and 3 p.m.; sundays, 7.20 p.m. Great Clacton is the nearest
acres of glebe, in the gift of the Church Patrouage money order & telegraph office
trustees, and held since 1902 by the Rev. James Sil·
vester M.A. of Worcester College, Oxford. St. An drew's PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS.
Mission Hall, a building of 1·ed brick, was erected in Cem!lltery, Louis Barke, caretaker
1893 as a chapel of ease to GrPat Clacton church, at a Clacton Urban District Isolation Hospital, Rush Green.
cost of £86o, and -will seat 250 persons : divine service John Will Cook M.D. medical superintendent; Mis&
is held here on Sundays at 6.30 p.m. There are Wes- A. Lewis, nurse in charge
leyan and Primitive Methodist chapels: the former, County P<1lice Station, Pilcrofts, Old road, Frederick
erected in 1876, has 200 sittings. A cemetery of 5 William Eade, constable
acres was pro¥ided in 18gg, at a cost, including site Essex Convaleocent Home, Magdalen Green; Miss
and laying-out and the erection of a caretaker's house, Maria Oxley-Parker, lady superintendent; Percy Cole-
of £1,362; a mortuary chapel was erected in 1902, the man M.B. medical officer; Miss A. Fox, matron
cost being [,r,3oo; the cemetery is under the control John Groom's Crippleage & Flower Girl Mission (In-
of the Urban District Council. There are two alms- corporated), Magdalen Green; John .A. Groom, hon.
houses, erected in 1827 by James Maskell, for the aged sec.; Miss Florence L. Wallace, matron; Thomas
and infirm poor, and a third was built in rgo8: tbf' Carlyle Beatty M.D.St ..Andw., F.R.C.S.Edin. medical
trustees of the almshouse property are the vicar and officer
churchwardens. The Essex Convalescent Home at Mag- SCHOOL
dalen Green, in this parish, erected by subscription in
r88 4 , in memory of the late J. W. Perry Watlington esq Public Elementary (mixed), built in r86o & enlarged in
at a cost of £4,2oo, was enlarged in I892, at a cost of I872, & new doak rooms added in Igii, for I8z
£ 2 , 200, and again in 189 8, at a further cost of r 378 , and children; average attendance, 184; Andrew L. Att-
~ field, master •
in 1901 at a cost of £564; it is of red brick in the
Gothic style, standing on about :; acres of ground, and Carriers to Colchester. George Block, mon. wed. &
will hold 26 female ·and 26 male patients; the number sat. ; Hale, tues. thurs. & sat.; return on the sam&
admitted in 1913 was s6g ; the home is supported by days
donations and subscriptions. John Groom's Crippleage Omnibus.-Arthur Rampling, to & from Clacton-on-Sea ..
and Flower Girl Mission (incorporated), in connection almost every hour; & to St. Osyth, twice daily in
with the London Flower Girls' Mission, was opened July, I winter & three times daily during summer
Cregoe-Colmore W. B. Jay wick Gurney Mrs. Liberty bell
.Almond Edmund Nicholson, Hither- Dorey Charles J. Rose view Hicks William, Hail Weston, Con-
stocks Dreaper George Edge, Overway valescent road
Amendt Henry C. Sodbury house Fairhead Frank Edgar,The Yew Trees 'Higgins Mark, Grove cottage
.lrnold Edward. The Croft Ga!lh Mrs. Blue house Howard Frank, Carr's farm
Clay Samuel Charles, The Shrubbery [Gaunt Joseph B. Three Chimnies Jones Joseph Henry, Jay wick
Cook John, Branston house Groom Jn. Alfd. Sanatorillm, Old rd ,May Joseph, Hill side


Nicholson Herbert, :Bull Hill house Death Frank. cycle repairer Moon George James, hair dresser,
Page Nicholas R. Thorness Dorling Francil' William, grocer, 1 Magdalen Green
Page Robert, Smoaky !house Newman's terrace, Old road Moyse William Barker, beer retailer
Paine Edward J. Old road Essex Convalescent Home (Miss Maria Page Robert, farmer & landowner,
:Scale .A.mbrose Goode, Valley house Oxley-Parker, lady supt. ; Percy Smoaky house
Seward Samuel M. Coppin's wick Coleman M.B. medical officer; Miss Pigg William, blacksmith
Silvester Rev. Jame.s M.A. Vicarage A. Fox, matron; 0. E. Ridley, hon. Pitcher Grace E. ()frs.), shopkeeper:,
Smith Douglas, Alton park sec. & treasurer), Magdalen Green Old 10ad
Smith Philip, Clay hall Fewtrell William Daniel, drug ston~e. Prest Freda M. (.Mrs.), poultry frmr
Smith Sidney, Alton park 2 Newman's terrace, Old road Meadow lea, Little Clacton road
:Snowden Ja.mes William, The Croft, French Garden Co. market gardeners, Prior Louisa & .Alice (:Misses), shop-
Convalescent road St. Osyth road l;:eepers, Old road
COMMEUCIAL.. Giles Edwin, farmer, Sladbnry's Pyman William Baxter, bricklayer
Arthey John H. boot repairer Gladding James, boot maker, Mag. Ramplin~ Arthur, farmer,Peel's farm
Eareha.m Arthur, farmer, Pell's farm dalen Green RamseyMileR,chimney sweeper,Old rd
IJarnard Arthur Edward, news agent Gooding John, Queen's Head P.H Reed Charles, shopkeeper, Old road
& town erier Granger George, wheelwright Reed Henry lVilliam, Coach & Horses
Bell John, farmer Granger Thomas, blacksmith, Weir inn, :Magdalen Green
Bowden Perey, hair dresser cottages, Old road Riches G. W. & Co ..bakers
Bradbrook Frederick, pork butcher Green Philip Jn. motor enginr.Old rd Roberts Frederick George, butcher,
llrett Alfred, farm bailiff to E. J. Groom's (John) Crippleage & Flower Magt.lalen Green
Gilders esq. Burr's farm Girls' Mission (Incorporated) (John Ro"lT1en Richard & Percy, grocers,
Bromley & Co. millers (steam),Old rd A. Groom, hon. sec.; Miss Florence Post office, Bocl.:ing's Elm
:Brown Alex.H.frmr.Coppin's Hall frm L. Wallace, matron; Thos. Carlyle RussPll Isaac, carpenter, Old road
Carter Edgar William, coach builder Beatty M.D.St.Andw., F.R.C.S. Salmon William, draper, Old road
.Carter Frank W. farmer, Elm farm Edin. medical officer), Magdalen Scrivener Geo. furniture dlr. Old rd
.Carter Ionathan Edward, farmer, Green"· Sergant Harry, butcher
Ferndale villa Harvie Robt. laundry, Convalet;;cent rd Sergant Isahel (Mrs.), dairy
.Cartwright Arthur C. grocer Head Methuselah, Queen's Arms P.H. Smith Bros. farmers, .Alton park,Wash
.Cewetery (Louis Barke, caretaker) Magdalen Green & Ward's farms
Chopping George, baker, 4 Newman's Howard William, farmer, Summer ho Smith Fredk. Wm. grocer & draper
terrace, Old road Iszard W1lham, plumber, Terra-Nova, Smith Herbert, furniture dlr. Old rd
Chopping Jame.s, baker, Old road Seven road Smith Philip, farmer, Clay hall
Clacton Urban District Isolation Hos- Joy Sarah (Mrs.) k Thos. plumber:;, Spence James, bont maker, Holm-
pital (John Will Cook M.D. medical Old r•.lad wood, Magdal"n Green
.superintendent; Miss A. Lewis, Kill Matilda (Mrs.), laundry, Con- Stearn Arthur Geo. & Son, saddlers
nur6e in charge), Rush Green valescent road · · Tryphena Mission & Worl;:room(Girls'
Clapham E. E. & Son, boot makers King Sydney, plasterer, Berkeley rd Friendly Societv) (Mrs.ElizaAdams,
Clark Harry, furniture dealer, Mag- King William Ralph, blacksmith matron), St. Osyth road
dalen Green Mann William,furniture dealer,Old rd Warren Wait. greengro.Magdalen Gm
Clark Willia.m, jun. carman Mansfield Hy. nurseryman, Belle vue Woodard Jane E. (Miss), grocer &
Clark Wm. Joseph, farmer. Cann hall Marrington Charles, carpenter sub-postmaster, :Magdalen Green
Coe James, potato mer. Moss cottage Mead Wm. k soh-postmaster
Curtis Bros. fishmngrs_. Magdalen Grn Mills Fredk. baker, Magdalen Green See also Clacton-on-Sea.
Davies George C. Ship inn
LITTLE CLACTON is a parish, 2! miles south W. F. Nassau esq. Thomas Lilley esq. of Clacton-on-
~rom Thorpe station on the Tendring Hundred branch Sea, is the chief landowner. The soil is mixed; the
of the Great Eastern railway, 3! from Clacton-on-Sea subsoil 'Clay and gravel. The chief crops are barley, I
and 13 from Colchester, in the North Eastern division wheat and oats. The area is 3,009 acres; rateable
-of the eounty, Tendring hundred, petty sessional divi- value, £3,716; the population in 19II was 712 .
.sion and union, Colchester, Olacton and Harwich joint
.county court district, rural deanery of St. Osyth, COOK'S GREEN is a mile and a half east; CLAP-
archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of Chelmsford. GATE, a qnarter of a mile w~st; HO~EYPOT LANE, I
'The church of St. James is a small and ancient struc- mile north-west.
:ture of stone in which are traces of the Norman, Early Parish Clerk, Joseph Downs.
English and Decorated styles; it consists of chancel, Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Harold Mudd, sub-postmaster.
'llave, south porch and a western turret of wood con- Letters thr..ough Wet>ley, Essex, arrive at 7.30 a.m. &
iaining 3 bells; one bell bears an inscription and 2 1.20 p.m. (July to September) & 1.50 p.m. (October
-are dated 1652 and 1742: there is a stained window to June). Box closes at 10.30 a.m. & 6.55 p.m.;
•to tl:;e Rev. J. C. Kirby, 19 years vicar of this parish, sundays, 9.15 a.m
-who died in 185o, and to other members of his family: Wall Letter Box, Plough corner, cleared 10.40 a.m.
QD the north wall of the chancel are brasses dated & 12.5 k 7·5 p.m.; sundays, 9.20 a.m
<J:S63 and xsBx, in memory of two brothers: the church Police Station, 4 Church villas, James George Dibbin,
:affords 200 sittings. The register dates from the year J constable ·
1538. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £190, · Church School (mixed), built in 1868, for 150 children;
·with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Chelmsford, average attendance, 94; George Beech, master
·and held since 1912 by the Rev. Arthur George Evans A new school is now (1914) in course of erection
'Th.A.K.C. Here is a Wesleyan <'hapel, erected x85t, This school is under the control of the Essex County
"tlnd rebuilt in 1898, with 120 sittings. The charities Education Tendrmg Advisory Sub-Committee, G. ~J.
·.are of the yearly value of [25, and arise from the rent Holland, Technical Institute, North bill, Colchester,
of a farm at St. Osyth heath and known as" Hub bard's" J clerk
"(!harity. The manor is vested in trustees of the late ·
COMMERCIAL. Church Frank, farmer, Cook's green
Bareham Waiter C. school attendance Cross Ephraim, builder
·-:sareham Frederick, The Laurels officer to the Essex County Educa· Deeks Charles, farmer, Street farm
13areham Miss, Pitlochry lodge tion & Tendring AdviSQry Sub· Dorey Charles J farmer
lJaxter Mrs. St. Edmund's QQmmittee & registrar of marriages, Eldred Henry, b!acksmith & assistant
""Evans Rev. Arthur George Th.A.K.C. Tendring district overseer & rate collector for Great
(vicar), Vicarage Bines George, thatcher & Little Clacton & Little Holland
""Ferguson Mrs. Orchard lea Bloornfield Charles, farm bailiff to H. Ellenger .Albert, boot maker
Fox Capt. Charles, Chota-Ghur Lilley esq. Reedlands & Lodge frms Harvey Waiter Harwood, farmer,
Garman Henry, The Lodge Blowers Clifford Stock, draper&gTocer Jlovill's 'hall
Rolloway Col. Edward, White lodge Bray Brothers, dairymen, Hope cot Hollingsworth Percy, baker
""Lansdale Henry, The Woodlands Buxton Jn. T .fruit grower ,Blairmo'!J.nt Lilley Harold, farmer, The Grove
·Lucas Miss, Blair lodge Carter Harry R. coach builder Manning Wm. Blacksmith's Arms P.H
.Phillips Robert Charles, Limes Ford Cartwright Arthur C grocer Mills Frederick W. baker ·
Sedgwick Edward Fredk. Hill crest Cheeld Henry, laundry. Feverells rd Mudd Harold, grocer, Post office
•Spooner Stanley, The Leys Cht'!eld William Harry, fruit grower, Page Robt. jun.frmr.Burnt House frm
Rtamp Charles Ernest, The Corner Snnnvside Sa.ver Barring-ton C. bet>r retailer
-yorke Richard Phi~ip, RosedalP Chilloc-k Saillnel. f->rm bailiff to Simson Brothers, veterinary surgeons

· Zachariah Fairclough esq. Stone hall

Sparling Harry, farmer, Rayners &. trt>es a speciality). Telegrams, Taylor Fredk. builder, Church corner
Bonds farms "Stamp, Little Clacton;" Tel. ~o. Wolton Samuel, farm bailiff to Harry
Stamp Chailes Ernest, fruit grower, 81 Clacton Chilvers esq. Willow farm (postal
nur~eryman & florist (rose & fruit Sutton William, farmer, Gidea hall address, Great Clacton)
CLA VERING is a large and scattered parish, near yearly, for same purpose; 3· The charity of an nu-
the head of the Stort. 4 miles south-west from Newport known donor, called "Priests' Farm Charity,'' Ios.
station on the Great Eastern railway, 8 south-west from yearly; 4· The charity of Haynes Barlee, of Cnrles,
Saffron 'Valden, 8 north from Bishop's Stortford and 36 consisting of a small farm in Berden parish, present
from London, in the Northern division of the county, annual rent £10, for apprenticing a poor lad of one
Clavering half hundred, Saffron Walden petty sessional of the several parishes of Clavering, Langley and
division, union and county court district, Newport and Saffron Walden, Codicote (Hertfordshire) and Wilbur-
Stanstead rural deanery, archdeaconry of Colchester and ton and Great Wilbraham (in the county of Cam-
Chelmsford diocese. Two new bridges were erected bridge); 5· A barrel of white herrings and a cade of
over the village stream in 1894• at the expense of the red herrings, now commuted for an annual payment of
County Council, assi8ted by the parisbioners. The {,1 5s. left originally for the poor in Lent, to b&
church of SS- :\lary and Clement is an embattled build- provided out of a farm called "Valence;" 6. £3-
ing of flint in the Perpendicular style, consisting of yearly divided equally between twenty widows of Claver-
chancel, nan of live bays, aisles, south porch and a ing, 18s. of which is payable by the occupant of Curls
massive embattled western tower containing 6 bells: it Farm, and the remainder by the occupant of Thurrocks
contains some marble monuments of the Barlee or farm. The common lands were inclosed under a deed
Barley family and its collateral branches, from 1635 to of inclosure in 1865. Adjoining the churchyard is the
r6g6; other monuments to the Riddlesdans, and a s1te of an extensive castle, part of the ruins of which
mural monument to John Stephenson, of Howton, Cam- existed as late as 1750, surrounded by a moat, and
bridgeshire, and .A.nne, his wife, 1722-41 : there are formerly the head of this barony. Here are corn mills
also ledger inscriptions to the Bensons, of Brent Green. driven by steam and wind. W. T. R. Patten esq. of
r677-84, and brasses to Thomas Welbore, gent. of Hormead and H. W. Baker esq. of Clavering Court, are
Pondes, and his wife, Ursula (D'..!.nvers), 1591; and the chief landowners. The soil is heavy, with small
to Joan Day and her husband, with four English verses. portions of a lighter nature; subsoil, clay, gravel and
1593: there are other effigies, c. 1480 and 1520, in a chalk. The crops are generally on the four-course shift,
fragmentary condition: on a tomb in the north aisle is wheat and beans. The area is 3,826 acres of land an«l
the recumbent figure of a knight in the dress of a 5 of water; rateable value, [3,909; the population in
crusader, supposed to represent the founder of the 1911 was 836.
church: there is a Jacobean pulpit in an excellent state Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Mrs. Sophia Bush, sub-post-
of preservation and an interestirg font of Purbeck mistress. Letters through Newport, Essex, arrive at
marble: the interior of the church was restored and 7 & I I a. m.; dispatche d at 8. ro a. m. & 1 & 5.50 p.m.
reseated with open benches in r867, and in 1893 was week days only
completely restored, at a cost of {,1,66o: there Wall Letter Boxes.-.A.rkesden road, cleared at 8. 20 a.m.
are 400 sittings. The register dates from the year & I. 10 & 6 p.m. week days only; Mill Hill, cleared
1555. The living is a vicarag~:>, net yearly value at 5 _20 p.m.; Sticklands Green, 5 .30 p.m. ; Starlings
£268, with 6 acres of glebe and residence, in the Green, 12 noon & Hill Green, 8. 15 a.m. & 1.5 & 5-55
gift of the Governors of Christ's Hospital, and held p.m
since 1898 by the Rev. Samuel ;\!arrow Morton B ...!.. of County Police, Edward Thorogood
the University of London. The Congregational chapel •
is an edifice of brick and stone, in the Gothic l'tvlP, • SCHOOLS .
erected at a cost of {,I,350, and has sittings for 350: Puhlic Elementary (mixed), built in 1841, ior II5 chil-
the chapel was founded in 1682. The Primitive :\letho- dren; average attendance, 68; Miss .A.nnie Bennett,
dists also have a place of worship here, seating 150. head mistress; ~iss Emily Finch, assistant mistress
The following charities belonging to the parish are British (mixed), erected February, 1879• at a cos~ of
under the management of trustees appointed by the [,4oo, for 110 scholars; average attendance, 6o;
• Charity Commission: 1. The charity of John Smith
W illia!'Il Charles ·warner, master
(formerly vicar of Clavering), consisting of one close
of land: in Langley, called "Poor Darnels," containin~
7 acres, the rents of which are applied to the pmpos~
of making gifts of money to the poor every year; 2. George Livings, to Walden, every tues. & sat
The charitv of Lettice Martin, of Chrishall, consistinl.! Edward Flack, to Walden, every sat
of a share ·of rents, now amounting to about [,r 6s. 4-d John Law, to Bishop's Stortford, every thurs
PRIVATE RESIDRNTS. Barker Jn. jun. farmer,Shl'epcote grn Livings George, carrier
Baker Herbert Waiter, Clavering et Barltrop Charles, farmer, Mill End Martin Edgar, carpenter, Hill green
Baker Mrs. The Bungalow Bunting Elizabeth (Mrs.), beer retlr- Martin Joseph, carpenter, Middle st
Chaplin Rev. Frederick J. (Congre- Bush Sophia (Mrs.),stationer,Post off Matthews James, beer retailer
gational), The :\{anse Cakeibread E~ias, farmer, Moat farm Mayor Mary (Mrs.), saddler
Custerson Brooklvn Charles J .P. Caton William, miller Newland Thomas, White Horse P.H.
Ford End · Chipperfield Frederick (Mrs.),confctm Starling's green
Duckworth Wm. Edwd.C1avering hall Clark Frank, farmer, Arkesden road Parker Amos, fa4mer, Valence farm
Green Charles Hill Green cottao-e Clark James, shoe maker Read Fred, farmer, Blank croft
James Edwin 'The Oaks " Cooper Charles, farmer, Thurroch Revel! Sidney, farm bailiff to W.
l\forton Rev.' Samuel Marrow B.A. Cork Lewis, grocer, Wicken road Patten esq. Hill Green farm
Vicarage Culpin George, farmer, Grange farm Rolfe William Hy. frmr. Brookland&
Mumford William H. The Bower Custerson Brooklyn Charles, farmer, Rowe Philip Vasser, frmr. Curls farm
Prime Mrs. Ivy cottage, Hill green Ford :End Rowe Sarah (Mrs.),frmr.PearceWebb!!>
Reeve James, Danceys Dnckworth William Edward, farmer, Roy William, farmer, Clavering farm
Rolfe William Henrv, Brooklands Clavering hall Shennerton D. Fox & Hounds P.H
· Flack Edward, carrier & beer retailer Squires Geo. shopkpr.& asst. overseer
Funston John, farmer, Brocking farm Stock Frank, Prudential insur. agent
COlillERCIAL. Glasscock Albert, farmer Tebbs 1'homas, farmer, Deers farm
Baker Herbt. Geo. baker, Arkesden rd Harding Fredk.Wm. butcher,Hill grn Ward & Co. grocers. Church stree~
Baker Herbert Waiter, farmer, Harvey Fredk. frmr. Starling's green Whyman Hy. beer ret. Sheepcote grn
Clavering Place Kemp Jas. frmr. & coal dlr. Hill grn Wilson Henry, farmer, Butts green
Barker John, sen. farmer, Ford l'nd Law John, carrier Woodham Enoch. farmer
COGGESHALL is a town consisting of two parishes, anciently a Roman station, stands partly on low ground
Great Coggeshall in Lexden hundred and Little Cogges- bordering the river, whence 1t rises and occupies th&
hall in Witham hundred, on opposite banks of the river acclivity of a hill, from which it may have derived
Blackwater, connected by an ar..cient bridge of three its earlier name of "Sunnedon." The town and the
arches, and distant from Kelvedon station on the Great adjoining parishes of Little Coggeshall, Feering and
Eastern railway z! miles, from Witham 7 north-east, Kelvedon are supplied with water from an artesian well,
from Colchester 9~ west, from Halstead 8 south and in St. Peter's road, frum which the water is pumped
from Braintree 6 east and from London 4·h in the into a reservoir on the road to Colne; the work was
Eastern division of the county, Witham petty sessional carried out under the direction of the Braintree Rural
division, Braintree unhn and county court district, in District Council in rgii at a cost of £8,ooo: the town is
the rural deanery of Coggeshall and Tey, archdeaconry lighted with gas, supplied from Kelvedon. The church
of Colchester, and Chelmsford diocese. The town, of St. Peter ad Yincula is a fine building of stone and
flint, entirely in the Perpendicular style, consisting of mounted by a cupola, was erected in 1887. Holfield
chancel with aisles, clerestoried nave of five bays, aisles, Grange, a modern mansion, a mile and a half north-
south porch and an embattled western tower with angle west on the Roman road from Colchester to Dnnmow,
turret containing 8 bells, 6 of which are dated x681, is the- property and residence of Reginald Duke Hill esq.
1733, 1733, 1757, 1787, 18o6; the two latest were cast in J.P. There are six almshouses, founded in 1795, and
1876:- there are three sedilia and a piscina. in the south five of recent construction; the charities for distribution
chancel aisle, where also are two memorial windows, amon(J' the general poor amount. to [278 yearly, and
erected in 1888, to Jo. t'ph Smith Surridge, and there are there e are other charities, comprising four tenements
others, including one '.O Major George Deeks Skingley, in Church street and Stoneham street. C. H. Oopley
who presented the stained west window, and the east Du Cane esq. is lord of the manor, Mrs1 Reginald Duke
window given by the Hanbury family, of Holfield Hill, Sir Thomas Charles Callis Western bart. Waiter
Grange: there is also a finely carved oak screen and a Skmgley esq. and Mrs. Annie Skingley are the chief
richly decorated reredos of Caen stone and alabaster landowners. The land is undulating; soil, light loam;
-placed in 188o as a memorial to the late Rev. W. J. subsoil, gravelly, with several small streams running
'bampier, for 33 years vicar of this parish ; it consists of through it. The chief crops are seeds, w.heat, barley,
groups of figures representing scriptural events, beneath turnip!!, mangolds, peas and beans.
carved canopies, and between these are small niches Great Cort"'eshall has an area of 2,621 acres of land and
0'=' • •
with figures of archangels: the carved oak pulpit was u of water; rateable value, £7,298; the populatiOn m
~xeeuted in 1871 by Mr. W. B. Polley: the font, I9II was 2,3.65.
which is Early English, was formerly in Pattiswick population of the ecclesiastical parish of St, Peter
church, but was removed, and after being used some time ad Vincula with Little Coggeshall was 2,694.
for other purposes was presented to Coggeshall church
in 1852: the chancel was repaired in 1851, and the church LITTLE COGGESH~-\.LL, on the southern bank of the
has been fully restored: there are x,coo ~nttings. The l'iver Blackwater, is connected with Great Coggeshall by
ngister dates from October, 1584, and is in fair condi- a bridge. King Stephen and Queen Maud, heiress of
tion. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £26o, Eustace, Earl of Boulogne, who held these mall{)rs of the
with res:denee and 22 acres of glebe, in the gift of 0. H. Conqueror, founded here a Cistercian abbey in 1I.f2,
Copley Du Cane esq. and held s1nc3 1903 by the Rev. dedicated to the Virgin :Mary and colonized from Savigny,
Francis Shirley Stoney M.A. of St. John's Colle!!e, Ox· which at the Dissolution was valued at £298 8s. a year:
ford. Sir Thomas C. C. Western bart. Waiter Skingley the remains of this abbey, situated near the r.iver, afford
-esq. Mrs. Annie Skingley and Mrs. Reginald Duke Hill the earliest instance of medireval brickwork at present
ara the lay impropriators. The Congregational chapel, met with in this country; the most ancient portion being
i!rected in 1715, has been several times enlarged, the last a massive fragment once forming part of an arcade:
enlargement being in 1865: at the back of the chapr1 various carved stones. including a Transition Norman
there are spacious school rooms for 6oo child1·en, and capital, lie scattered about and there are two thick walls,
class rooms and a lecture hall were added in r8go. also apparently belonging to the abbey buildings: the
An Independent chapel is said to have been founded here existing inequalities of the ground, extending some dis-
by Dr. John Owen, chaplain to the Protector, Oliver tance to the left, seem to indicate that the foundation!!
Cromwell. There is a Baptist chapel, erected in 1829. covered a considerable area. Near these ruins, on the
«ith 400 sittings, and a Wesleyan Methodist "Chapel and right bank of the little river Blackwater, is a picturesque
a meeting house for tha Society of Friends. .A Cemetery ' old gabled house, with groups of clustered chimneys.
()f ~ acres, at the back of the church, was f!lrmed and built in the reign of Henry VIII. partly on the site and
laid out in 1855-6, at a cost of £1,5oo, and was en- with the materials of the abbey: the river flows in an
larged in 1911 by the addition of two acres. at a cost artificial bed constructed by the monks in order to secure
()f £Boo; the cemetery contains a chapel for DissenteJ·s, a head of watM' for their mill and is crossed by an old
and is now controlled by the Parish Council. The bridge, at the corner of which stands a dwelling known
market. which is scarcely more than nominal, was as the "Rood House," probably marking by this name
granted by Henry III. as also the right of holding the former site of a cross or rood at the entrance to the
:a fair on Whit-Tuesday. 'l'here is a Liberal club in abbey demesnes. .All the lands which belonged to it at
Queen street, and in Church street is a Constitutional the time of its dissolution continue to be free from tithes,
club. The refining and manufacture of patent isinglass [ both great and small, whilst cultivated in the hands of
and gelatine is carried on, and there are breweries and the proprietors: the church of the monastery, which is
maltings, sewing factories &c. The town has been entirelv demolished, stood in the park in a field near the
noted for velvet weaving, and one loom is still w?rked. ll'iver. ·The existinz church of Little Coggeshall, dedicated
The manufacture of Tambour lace was be~run here m the to St. :Xicholas and standing- near the site of the abbey,
-early part of the 19th. cent?ry by a French refugee, is a simple rectangular building constructed of flint and
named Draygo, who, w1th h1s daughters, settled here ruhhle 1 with dressitl'>s of brick around the lancet-shaped
snd taught the art, and the making of this delicate windows: at the east end are sedilia and here and there
. form. ~f lace. is now ~ local. industry. Owirig to the j art! tr·ucri uf Jt>corative painting: it had been used as a
.,xqUisite variety of stitches mtroduced, the lace p:o- barn, hnL wa'{ 'l!ome yt>ars ago given up by the owner, the
duced by the tambour hook has a ~oft. and most var~ed late Mr. J. Bull•lck. tu the vicar of the parish. and was
appe~rance, and _the demand for 1t IS constantly m- 1restored in 1397 from tJe,.igns of Mr. G. F. Bodl.ey. .A.R ..!.
>Creasmg; The Misses Spurge, of Church street, super- architect at a cost of £ 1 100 • there are so s1ttmgs.
intend the work in Coggeshall. The Coggeshall Tarn- · . ' ' ' . .
bour Lace Workers are also assisted bv Mrs. Reginald .Little Coggeshall. ha~ 1,oog acres of ferble land ~n _a
Hill and Miss E. M. Surridge to obtain sales of the I ~Igh state u~ culllvatwn, and 11 of water; the soil a
lace worked by the cottagers in their own homes. The h~ht, producmg excellent crops of wheat, barley, tur-
Essex Bank (Barclay and Company Limited) and the mps, peas and gree~ cr?ps generally; assessable value,
London County and Westminster Bank Limited have £ 1,3 20 ; the population m 19II was 329·
branches here. .A tower, containing a clock and sur- 1 Parish Clerk, William Shave.


Post, M. 0. & T. & Telephonic E. D. Office (letters PUBLIC EST.1.BLISHMENTS.
"hould have Essex added). J. A. Dodds, postmaster. I'Jounty Police Station, Church 'ltreet, Frank Joseph
Delivered at 7.15 a. m. & 12.50 & 6.20 p.m.; dispatched Everard, sergeant, & 2 constables
:at 9 & a.m. & 3.45, 8.10 & 9.25 p.m.; sundays, Custom & Excise Office, Queen street, Louis .Arundel,
'One delivery at 7·45 a.m. & box cleared at 9 a.m. & officer
9.25 p.m. Telegraph & telephone office open from 8
a.m. to 8 p.m.; sundays, 8.30 to ro a.m TERRITORIAL FORCE.
Little Coggeshall. Letters are received from Cogges-
hall, which is the nearest money order & telegraph 8th (Cyclist) Battalion Essex Regiment (H Co.); head
office quarters, Marke~ End, ,•
Color-Sergt.-Instructor George Smith
Wall Boxes. Church street, cleared at 8.30 & 10.10
a.m. & 3·45 & 7.50 p.m.; sundays, 8.25 a.m. ; Stone- PUBLIC OFFICERS.

ham street, cleared at 8.40 & 10.5 a.m. & 3·40 & 7.40
p.m.; sundays, 8.15 a.m.; Holfield Grange, cleared Assistant Overseer, Collector of Taxes & Clerk t<l the
11t 8.15 a. m. & 7· 15 p.m. week days; The Hamlet, Parish Council, Mike Dalton, Church st.reet
>Cleared at 9.10 & 10.25 a.m. & 4 & 8.25 p.m.; sun- Ce.rtifying Factmy 8111'geon, Medical Officer & Public
days, 9.10 a.m.; ~ Grange Hill, 9·5 & 10.20 a.m. & Vaccinator, sth Distl'ict, Braintree Union, Francis Bsr-
3 .55 &; 8.20 p.m. ; sundays, 9·5 a.m I nard Henry Caudwell M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond.
Church street
• •
Registrar of Births, Deat~s _& Mar~iages & _Relieving I PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS.
Officer !or Coggeshall D1stnct, Bramtree Umon, FTas. These schools are controlled by the County Council &
Cade, East street; are in the district of the Advisory Sub-Committee of
Stewards of Soken Manors (including the Parishes of the Braintree Union
Ki~b!, Thorpe & Walton), Messrs. Beaumont & Son, Clerk, John Gleave, County school, Braintree
sohc1tors, Church street, Coggeshall Stoneham street, for 175 boys, 174 girls & r62 infants;
average attendance, I II boys, ro8 girls & 76 infants;
PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of Services. John Dakeyne Webster, master; Miss Ada Tansley,
mistress; Miss Elizabeth Fryer, infants' mistress
Church of St. Peter ad Vincula, Rev. Francis Shirley Congregational (mixed), for 310 children; average ab<
Stoney Y.A. vicar; Rev. Harold John Lowe B.A. tendance, r65; William Pratt Anderson, master; Miss
curate; services, 7, 8 & I I a. m. & 3.30 & 6.30 p.m.; Kate Beard, infants' mistress
wed. 7 a.m. & 7-30 p.m. ; other days, matins, 8 a.m.
& e>ensong, 6 p.m CONVEYANCE.
St. Nicholas Chapel, Little Coggeshall; sundays, 3 p.m Omnibus leaves Market hill for Kelvedon 8.35 & II.So
Friends' Meeting House; 10.30 a.m.; thurs. 10.30 a.m a. m. & 6.50 p.m.; leaves Kelvedon 7 35 & 10.25 a.m.
Congregational, Rev. Harri Oli\·er; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 & 5· r2 p.m
p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m CARRIERS TO:-
Baptist, Church street, Pastor T. Robinson; 10.30 a.m. Colehester-Arthur Hutley's 'bus, mon. wed. & sat. re-
& 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. 7· -.::o p.m . turning same days
Wesleyan Methodist (Chelmsford Circuit), Rev. Herbert j Kelvedon-Moore's 'bus, three times daily
Benn, Braintree; ro . .)P a.m. & 3 & 6.30 p.m.; wed. William Watson, from Braintree to Colchester, passe!!
7.30 p.m j through every tues. & sat. calling at 'White Hart,'
returning same days
Dennis Miss, Queen street Sach ::\Irs. Queen street
• Doubleday Thomas, Ma1ket end Sauuuprs E. W. Cantyre cottage, Col-
!.nderson William Pratt, Crouch vil. East Wm. Derwent house, Church st chester road .
Stoneham street Edgar Edward, West street Saunders Herbert, Market hill
lleard Frank, Ivydene, East street Edwards Ernest Thomas, Albert villas, Spurge Misses, Church street
Beard Geo. Edwd. Ferndale, East st Church street .Stoney Rev. Francis Shirley M . .A.
Beaumont George Fredk. The Lawn l•'oster Henrv J. West street (vicar), Vicarage
Beaumont Horace F1ederick B.A. Frith J Jhn B. Brooldield, East 'street Styles Ernest Stanley, East street
Church street Heaton Edward Howard, The Nook, Surridge Ernest Edward, The Leeze
Betts :Miss, Albert place Church street Surridge Joseph Smith, Abbey view,
Bright Rd. E. Sunnybank, Church st Hill Regnld. Duke J.P. Holfield grange East street
Bright Mrs. William, Cromwell house, King Herbert T. The Orchard house Surridge Mrs. S. The Mount, East st
Stoneham street King Misses, Woodlands, Church st Surridge Percy Taylor, Barclay &
Bright William Desborough, The King Mrs. Leonard,Brookdene,East st Company's Bank, East street
Red house, Church street KingRd. Oakes, Sou thernhay, TheGravel Swinborn'J Frederick W. P. Sunne-
Brown Edward Waiter, Claremont Lawrence Josiah, Gambrel ho. East st don, West street
house, Church street Lowe Rev. Harold John B.A.(curate), Swinborne Latimer P. Sunnedon,
'Brown Ernest Clemence, Church st Church street WPst street
Brown Mrs. Claremont, Church st Merk William Rudolph Henry C.S.I. Taylor Robert H . .A!bert pl. Church st
Cade Francis, East street (late I.C.S.), Starling Leeze house Ward Mrs. Laxfield ho. Church street
Candwell Francis Bernard Hv. •
'l'he Millard James H.Abbotsmead, East st Warren Charles, Bridge street
Cedars, Church street Oliver Rev. Harri (Congregational). Warren Harry. Bridge street
Clark James William, Ivy lodge, The Manse, East street Webster John D. Stuart house,East st
Church street Parkes Harry, Albert place Willsher Joseph, East street
Coles Thomas,Clifford vil. The Gravel Paterson George Adam L.R. Queen st Young Solomon, East street
Crisp Robert Oswald, Queen street Sach Edward, Albert place
COMMERCIAL, Cade Francis, registrar of births, deaths & marriages &
Early closing day, Wednesday. relieving officer for Coggeshall District of Braintree
Adams Ernest, insurance agent, West street Union, East street
Anness .John Charles, dairvman,

East street Campbell Capt. Edmund Arthur P ..A.C., R.A. military
Appleton Waiter, coal dealer, Church street tutor, Bouchier's grange
Austin Thomas Warner, tailor, Market hill Cass Herbert George, gamekeeper to ,Reginald D. Hill
Baker Emily (Mrs.), dress maker, Church street esq. J.P. The Vineyard
Barclay & Company Limited ~ub-branch), bankers Caudwell & Heaton, physicians & surgeons, Church st
(Percy Taylor Surridge, manager), East street (T N Caudwell Francis Bernarri Henrv •
L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.
14); draw on head office, 54 Lombard st. London E C Eng. physician & surgeon & medical officer & public vac-
Beaumont & Son, solicitors,& stewards of Soken manors, cinat011' 5th District, Braintree Union & certifying fac-
Church street. T N 3 tory surgeon, see Caudwell & Heaton. T N 6
Beaumont George Frederick F.S.A. (Beaumont & Son), Cemetery (Mike Dalton, clerk)
solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Church street; & Chaplin Lnther, farmer, Potash farm (letters through
at Colchester, Earls Colne & Maldon Pattiswick, Brain tree)
Beaum"ont Horace Frederick B.A. (Beaumont & Son). Church Street Factory (Hollington Brothers), clothing
solicitor, Ch.urch street; & at Colchester & Earls Colne manufacturers, Church street
BPckwith Ernest '\V. cabinet maker, East street Clapson Edwin, White Hart hotel, Market end
"Bellinger Frederick, Woolpack P.H. Church street Clark Jas. Wm. architect, survyr.& auctionr. Church st
Betts Alice (Miss), tambour lace manufactr. Albert pl Cobey William John, engineer :in charge of waterworks,
Birkin Alfred, house decorator, Market end St. Peter's road
"Brasier Arthur Percv, baker, Stoneham street Coggeshall Constitutional Club Limited (R. D. Hill
Brasit>r Clement Herbert, tobacconist, Stoneham street esq. J.P. president; Bertie A. Land, sec.; Henry
Brasier Ernest John, decorator, East street Church, steward), Church street
"Bright William & Sons Limited, maltsters & brewers, Coggeshall Co-operative Stores (William Brasier, sec.),
spirit merchants & coal, hay & corn merchants, Church street
Stoneham streel; Coggeshall & District Rifle Club (Ernest T. Edwards,
Bri!!ht Albert Samuel, seed grower, Griggs frm. West st sec.), Church street
"Brooker Charles William, butcher, Church street Coggeshall Tambour Lace Workers (Mrs. Reginald Hill,
Brown Edward Philip & Sons, seed ~owers & seed mer- Holfield grange, treas.; Miss E. M. Snrridge, sec)
chants; all kinds of farm, vegetable, garden & flower Conservative Association (R. D. Hill esq. J.P. pres. ;
llt'Pds to order, Church street William Desboroug-h Bright, sec)
Brown S. A. (Mrs.) (late Thomas Brown), contractor fm Cook Alfred James, beer retailer, Colne road
steam ploughing, threshing, draining &c. Steam Cowlin Waiter 0. Lamb inn, Tilkev •
ploughing works, East street Crabb Charles Frederick, bricklayer, Colne road
Tlrowning- & Sons, butchers, Chnrch street f'resswell Alfred Samuel, baker, Robins Bridge road
Bruce James Hastings, boot maker, Church street C'rickmorP & Son, ~addlers, East street
Eoek William James, cabinet maker, East street Croyden Brothers, g-rocers, Market hill
Eurton Waiter, boot repairer, Back lane Custom &i Excise Office (Louis Arundel,officer),Queen at


Dalton Mike, collector of taxes, assistant overseer & Mount William Sivyer, baker, Bridge street
clerk to Parish Council & cemetery, Chureh street Newton George Henry, Cricketers' P.H. West street
Dawcett .Arthur, commercial traveller, West street Owers ~lfred, Foresters' inn, Stoneham street
Dt-ath Harry Charles, coal merchant, West street Pennick Edgar Tracey,Yorkshire Grey P.H. Stoneh:nns'
Dodds John A. stationer, printer, postmaster & stamp Pitt Arthur G_ Toll House P.H. Colchester road
distributor, Post office · ' . Pluck Frederick, outfitter, Market hill •
Doubleday Edwd. & Thos. P. grcrs. & drprs.Market end Polley William Bailey, wood carver, Church street
Dyer Ernest, farmer, West street Porter Joseph, horse dealer, West street
East William, grocer, Church street Potter James & Son, mechanical engineers, The Gravel
Everett Rose (Mrs.), mineral water manufr .Stoneham st Poulton ..innie (Mrs.), teacher of mu si~, Market hill
Fair head Edwin, farmer, Stock Street farm Pratt Henry Herbert, grocer, Colchester road
Farrants & Jenkinson Limited, drapers, Market hill Pudsey Henry, butcher, East street
Finch .Albert, chimney sweeper, Vane lane Rackham Thomas R. ironmonger, Church street
Foster Brothers, butchers, Church street Raven .Arthur E. farmer, Colne road
P'oster Hy. J. organist of Congregational church, West st Rayner Franl;:, farmer, Hill farm, Colne road
Fright Frank Stephen, fishmonger, Stoneham street Rowland .Albert, shopkeeper, Stoneham street
Godfrey William, shopkeeper, Bridge street Rowland Edmund, blacksmith, Swan yard, East street
Gooch & Co. mineral water manufacturers, Bridge st Rudhin Frederick, cycle agent, West street
Goodey William, bill poster, Queen street Sach Edward, builder, Queen street. T N I I
Goodma.n Ernest, coal merchant, Robins Bridge road Saunders Alfred Herbert, baker, Church street
Goodwin Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper, West street Saunders George, cowkeeper, West street
Gowers Kate Hawes (Miss), milliner, Church street Saunders Herbert ::VLP.S. chemist, Market hill
Gowers Mary Martha (Mrs.), earthenware dlr. Church .st Sa ward Hubert H. cycle agent, East street
Green Joseph William, painter, Stoueham street Sexton Joseph, Chapel hotel; head quarters A. .A . .Auto-
Gunton .!.lice (Mrs.), confectioner, Church street 1 mobile .Association; garage, Market hill
Gunton William, hardware dealer, Church street Shave William, carpenter & parish clerk, West street
Guy Jabez, shopkeeper, East street Smith Arthur, steam plough owne:r, Robins Bridge road
Hales Peter, farm bailiff to Mrs. R. D. Hills, Gate ho Smith George, Fleece P.H. West street
Handley .Alfred, Greyhound inn, Church street Smith Color-Sergt. George, drill instructor to H Cl).
Harrington Ernest Henry, blacksmith, Bridge street 8th Territorial Force (Cyclist) Battalion Essex Regi-
Harrington Willie, jeweller, Market hill ment, Market End
Harrison Amy (Mrs.), tobacconist, Church street Smith -George William, draper, Church street
Hatcher George Sperring, gardener to R. D. Hill esq. Smith Herbert, boot repairer, Back lane
J.P. Holfield Grange gardens Smith Thomas Charles, motor car garage, motor en•
Heaton Edward Howard M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. gineer & official repairer for A.A. Factory lane, Wes~
physician & surgeon, see Caudwell & Heaton street. T N 13

Hitchcock Alice (Mrs.), fancy repository, East street Soder William, ftorist, Tilkey
Hockley Christina A. (Miss), parish nurse,Churc_h street Sparrow Sarah Ann (~Irs.), dress maker, West street
Howell William, b~ot maker, East street Sproxton Sarah Otty (Mrs.), farmer & landowner,Monk-
Hughes Frank, chimney sweeper, Gas lane, East street downs farm
Hull Benjamin, beer retailer, Colne road Spurge Alice (Miss) L.R.~.M. tchr. of music, Church s\
Humphrey Mynotte John, hair dresser, Stoneham street Spurgin Louis, blacksmith, Bridge street
Hutley Arthur, carrier & furniture remover, Church st Stead & Simpson Limited, boot makers, Market end
International Tea Co.'s Stores Ltd. grocerll, .\iarket hill Styles Ernest Stanley, brick & tile maker, Colne road
Joyce Harry, butcher, Market end Surridge & Son, auctioneers & land & estate agents.
Keeble William, shoe maker, West street Colchester road~ T N 4
King Daniel James~ beer retailer, Robins Bridge road Surridge Ernest Edward, solicitor & commissioner for
Kin~ Ernest W. & Co. seed ~rowers, Bouchier's grange; oaths, East street. T N 12
office, Little Co~geshall. T N ro Surridge Percy Taylor, manager for Barclay & Corn-
King .John K. & Sons, by appointment to His late · pany's Bank Limited, East street
Majesty King Edward VII; Home & Export seed Swinborne G. P. & Co. patent isinglass mfrs. West sf>
growers; established over Ioo years. Telegrams, Territorial Force Battalion (8th) (Cyclist) Essex Regi-,
" Seedsmen, Coggeshall; " T N 2 ment (H Co. Color-Sergt.-Instructor George Smith);
Larrett Harry, beer retailer, Bridge street head quarters, Market End
Levason Montague, artificial teeth maker, Market hill Warren C. & H. coach builders, Bridge street
(thursdays) Webster John Dakeyne, organist to Parish church
Liberal Club (James Parish, president; Wm. Brasier, Weinrich Henry, fruiterer, Church stree~
sec.), Queen street Wheatstone William, laundry, Hope lodge, Church st
London County & Westminster Bank Limited (sub- Wheeler Martha (Miss), baker, East street
branch) (W. A. Long, manager), open tues. & fri. Whit-e .Alfred Theophilus, basket maker, Colne road
Market hill; draw on head office, 41 Lothbury, Lon· Wigmore Henry George, refreshment rooms, East stree\
don E 0 Williamson .Albert, greengroceT, Church street
McMillan Hngh, farmer, Hoveles farm Willsher Joseph, outfit.ter, Market hill
Marshall Samuel, wood carver, Bridge street Woodhouse Bernard Robert, grocer, Stoneham street
Matravers Fred & Son, carters. Church street Yallop Frank, boot & shoe dealer, Market hill
Matthams Arthur. baker, Church street Young Solomon M.R.C.V.S. veterinary surgeon, East st
Moss Mary Ann (Mrs.), fancy repository, Ohurch street

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. I COMMERCIAL. King Ernest W. &; Co. farm, vege-
Bracken Richd. Granville, Hamlet hoj.Appleford Wyatt, miller (water), table & garden flower seed growers
Fitch Jo11hua Ambrose, The Hamlet Abbey mill & merchants, nurserymen & seeds-
Gardner Frederick H. Bridge house Bibby Henrv, coal dealer men; & at Bouchier's grange-r
Gardner Miss, Monkwell Dunningham Harry, news agent Coggeshall. T N ro
King Ernest William, Abbeydale
King Mrs. William, Abbeydale
Gardner & Son, brewers & maltsters. Parker George, Hare & Hounds P.H
T N 8 Pettit Robert Walter, dairyman,
Paton .Archibald James, The Abbey Gooch Steward Goodwin, Portobello Pointwell mill
Thorn ton Captain C. F .Scrips (letters inn Seabrook Fredk. & Son, farmers, The
should be addressed Kelvedon) j Hill John, pork butcher Grange, Curd Hall & Capon's frw!l
Wilson Charles, Abbey Mill house 1Turner Edwin E.botanist, Grange hill
COLCHESTER is a municipal and parliamentary borough. md 22 north-eas~ from Chelmsford, in the North Easte~
union and ~arrison town and head of a county court dis- division of the <'Ounty, hundred and petty sessional divi~
trict, sri miles from London, 21 south-west from Har- ~ion of Le:xden and Winstree, rural deanery and ar<'b·
wil'h, 7i south-west from Manning-tree, r3 north-east deaconry of Colchester and Chelmsford diocese. Thi5
from Witham. I8f soutb irom Hadleigh, rBf north-north- town (which is supposed to have been the site of th,..
east from Maldon, 19! east from Braintree, 18 south-west ancient" Camalodunum ") occupies the sull!mit and side!'
from lpllwich, 4:1! from Bury, 39! north-east from Rom- of a height gradually rising above the navignhlt' rive..
ford. 33l from Brentwood, x6! south-east from Sudbury Colne, which, bking hence a south-easterly direciio11.
falls into the North Sea at a distance of 15 miles and is of the Corporation and six members of the Co1ne
uavigable to the Hythe, a suburb formin£;' part of the Fishery Company, who are appointed annually.
port of Colchester. The municipal body consists of a mayor, eight alder•
There are three bridges over the Colne : North bridge men, twenty-four councillors, a high steward and a
.at the north entrance to the town, i1 of cast iron, with recorder, with a town clerk and registrar of the ciril
arches and was constructed by the town council courts of record, a treasurer, medical officer of health,
at an outlay of about £1,8oo, and widened and improved surveyor, accountant, coroner and other officers. The
m 1904 ; East bridge is built of stone and brick and borough is divided into four ward;; for municipal and
bas five arches with iron balustTades; Hythe bridge parliamentary purposes, and has a commission of the
is constructed principally of iron and was bqilt in 1878 peace and a separate court of quarter sessions.
at a cost of nearly £3.000, an older bridge of tim'ber The insignia of the Corporation include a large and
having been washed away by a high tide at Christmas, massive silver gilt mace, 4 feet 10 inches in length.
1876. made by Edward Jennings, goldsmith, of London, in
The limits of the port of Colchester have been declared 1729, over 200 ounces of Corporation plate being dis-
~ commence at the Naze Point (being the southern limit posed of to defray the cost. There are also four small
o0f the Port of Harwich) and to extend from thence silver gilt maces formerly carried by the four sergeants-
.along the coast of Essex to an imaginary straight line at-mace who were elected annually from 1382 to 1835:
drawn from the pilot mark at the entrance to Havengore they bear on the flat tops the arms of Charles I. and
creek in the county of Essex, to the Land's End at probably date from the CharteT of 1635. The Mayor's
Warden Point in the Isle of Sheppey, in the county of gold chain of office was presented in 1765 by Leonard
within the aforesaid limits to a distance of three miles Ellington, bay maker, of London : the pendant was
from low water mark, and to include all bays, channels, added in x887 by the Mayor (Mr. Horace G. Egerton
roads, bars, islands, harbours, havens, rivers, streams, Green), in commemoration of Queen Victoria's Jubil~.
creeks, and places within the said limits contained, The loving cup of silver gilt was the gift of Mr.
except the islands in Havengore creek called " Potton " Abraham Johnson in 1673· The Mayor's silver theatre
and "Rushly" islands; and so much of the said creek ticket probably dates from the erection of the theatre
and the watercourse that extends from it to the town behind the Moot Hall in 1764. The silver oyster bear;,
of Rochford as are in the Port of London. The number the London hall marks for r8o4-5. and there are two
of British and foreign sailing and steam vessels that oyster gauge.s of brass. The silver oars of the water
arrived at the port in 1912 with cargoes and in ballast bailiff date from x8o4, but probably replaced older ones,
was 39 of 6,410 tons. The number cleared was 23 of and are emblematical of the Admiralty Jurisdiction con-
1,953 tonnage. In the coasting trade, 8o8 vessels of firmed under thE> Charter of ChRrles I. The silver
49,283 tons arrived and 6r6 of 42,537 tonnage depart-ed. salver was presented to Mr. Henry Vint (mayor in 1844),
The number of vessels registered under Part I. of the for his services in originating and promoting the erec·
tion of a new town hall. A silver cup was bequeathed
"Merchant Shipping Act, 1894.'' as belonging to the to the Corporation by the late Major Newell. The
JIOrt, Dec. 31, 1912, was 120, of 3,328 tons. Treasurer's key, of silver gilt, was presented by C. B.
Fishing boats and their implements are distinguished Gurney Hoare esq. J.P. on his relinquishing the office
by the letters C.K. The number of fishing boats regis- of Borough TreasurPr. 'fhere is also a mayor's silver
tered under Part IV. of the " Merchant Shipping Act, seal, a handsome mother-of-pearl and gold snuff-box,
1894.'' as belonging to the port, Dec. 31, 1912, was 318, two silver snuff-boxes, a silver inkstand, and the silve-r
requiring 855 men and boy.s to work them. gilt key of the late town hall.
The harbour has been the property of the Corporation The municipal and pallian1enlar-y boroughs are cu
from time immemorial. For many yeau a portion of extensive and now also constitute the "Parish of Colcltes-
the river, between the Hythe at Colchester and Wiven- tH." By an Order of the County Counc:.I, 6th Oetober.
hoe, was under the control of Commissioners, acting r8q6, and confirmed by the Local Government Board 12th
under certain Local Acts: in r8g2, by another Local March, 1897, the parishe<: of All Saints, Berechnrch,
Act, the manageillellt and control of the portion men- Greenstead, Holy Trinity, Lexden, Saint Botolph, Saint
tioned was transferred to the Corporation, who thus Giles. Saint James, Saint Leonard. Saint Martin, Saint
reassumed control of the whole harbour. Vessels of Mary-at-the-Walls, Saint Mary Magdalen, St. Michat>l
16o tons burden can approach the quay at the Hythe. A Mile End, Saint Nicholas, Saint Peter, and St. Runwald,
-small import trade is done, the total value in 1912 were united and formed into one Parish called the "Parisll
being £49•0?'4· of which [23,886 was timber. of Colchester,'' with 24 Guardians, and for the pur-
On the 22nd of April, 1884, at about 9.15 a.m. the pose oi the Election of Guardians the Parish is now
town and neighbouring villages were visited by two divided iuto Parochial Wards (17) co-extensive with the
distinct shocks oi earthquake, ~hich lasted front fh·e to respf'ctive areas of the then existing Polling Districts for
ten seconds and caused great damage to property ; the the Municipal Borough. This Order came into operation
spire of the Congregational chapel in Lion Walk was 26th March, 1897. The borough returned two members
shattered, t·he tower of St. Leonard's church damaged to Parliament until the passing of the " Re-distribution
and other buildings iniured: a relief fund was started of Seats Act. r885," by which the number was reduced
at the Mansion House, London, by the Lord Mayor and to one.
The main streets are wide and of good appearance.
£8,946 14s. was subscribed and distributed amongst a
great number of sufferers in Colchester and 24 neigh- Many of the houses and buildings have an air of anti-
bouring villages : 1,213 buildings were repaired, 38 r quity, but the approach to the town by the London road
owners received contributions, and 20 churches and IT is lined with elegant modern houses : this road. as far a"
Lexden, forms the principal promenade of the inhabitants.
chapels were aided. The town is supplied with water from works, now the
Railway communication with the metropolis and also property of the Corporation, situate at the base of the
with Ipswich, Bury St. Edmunds, Sudbury, Harwich, Balkerne Hill, whero there are excellent springs : there
Yarmouth, Lowestoft, Clacton-on-Sea, Walton-on-the- is also a reservoir connected with the works at the
Naze and Norwich, is maintained by means of the Great summit of Balkeme Hill, and, in April, r882, a water
Eastern railway, the main or north station, opened "May, tower, 105 feet high, and capable of holding 220,000
1843, being about a mile from the centr(' of the town: in gallons, was erected on Balkerne Hill, at a cost of upwards
I8g6 and IC}OI the station buildings on the up and of £ ro,ooo, for the purpose of giving a constant instead
down sides respectively were entirely rebuilt,. and the of an intermittent supply, the plans being prepared by
platforms remodelled and enlaTged: St. Botolph's station, Mr. Clegg, late borough surveyor, under the super-
formerly the terminus of the Tendring Hundred rail- vision of the late Sir Henry Rawlinson C .E. : in 19o6
way, is centrally situated on the south-east side of the the water supply was augmented, the Corporation
town, and is still used for passenger traffic and is also having taken a lease of springs at Lexden, from whence
the principal station for goods traffic; there is also a the water is conveyed by pipes to the waterworks. The
station at Hythe. The line to Walton-on-the-Naze and town is in part lighted with gas supplied by a company
cracton-on-Sea, with a branch from Wivenhoe to Bright- and partly by the electric light. The electricity supply
lingsea, leaves the main line at Colchester. works, which belong to the Corporation, were estab-
The oyster and floating fishery of the Colne and lished m 1898; and they also own the electrie tram-
Pyfleet and other creeks, has from time immemorial ways, established in I904: the lines TUD from the North
belonged to thP corporation of Colchester. In 1870, station ·to Lexden, Hythe, Eastgate and the recreation
an Act of Parliam('nt was passed to incorporate the Colne !!'I'Ound. and there is a good service.
Fishery Company and to authorize the demise to them In 1882 Oolchester was made the s9at of a suffragan
from the Corporation of the fishery for a period of 99 bishopric under St. Albans, but was in 1914 transferren
years ; a lease was accordingly granted at the statutory h) the new See of Chelmsford.
rent of £soo yearly and one-fourth of the gross proceeds ThP churche~ within the walls are as follows:-
of the fishery after the sum had reached £r.r::.oo. The All Saints' church, High street. is an ancient edifice
fishery is managed by a board consisting of six members of stone and flint in t'he Decorated and ~;:--..........._

1 lfi!FER~NC. t..IBIIAII'
\. -
.ttyles, .and x::onsists of chancel,. nave of four bay~ north stained window : there are 400 sittings, all free. i'he
aisle and an embattled western tower of flint, with stone register dates from the year 1622. The living is a
.dressings, containing 5 bells' the church was restored rectory, net yearly value £1go, with 55 acres of glebe,
in ~861 ; there are 390 sittings. The register proper of iu the gift of the Bishop of Chelmsford, and held 'since
lhe parish dates from the year 1610, but the books also 1913 by the Rev. Henry Frederick de Courcy-Benwe!l
include the registers of St. Botolph's p!M'petual curacy M..A. of ·St. Catharine's College, Cambridge.
from 156o; and of military funerals, 1807-12. The St. Mary-at-ths-Walls church, in Church street north,
living is a rectory, net yearly value ./.170, with resi- was nearly demolished by the Parliamentary forces dar-
dence, in the gift of .Balliol College, Oxford, and held ing the siege of the town in 1648 ; but -was rebuilt in
since 19II by the Bev. Percival Bobert Brinton M.A. of 1714, and.again rebuilt, with the exception of the old
Balliol College, Oxford. tower, in 1871. The present church is an edifice of
Holy Trinity church, in Trinity street, is a stone brick, chiefly in the Early Decarated style, and cons{$1;1
edifice in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, of chaneel, nave of five bays, aisles, south porch and an
nave of five bays, aisle11, south porch, and a western embattled western tower containing 1 bell ; in the tower
~ower Q{ undoubted Saxon work, constructed to a large ·is a monument with effigy to John Rebow, of Colchester,
extent of Roman materials, and containing 1 bell : the merchant, ob. 16gg, and Sarab his wife, erected by
church was restored and enlarged in 1886: tMl stained their son, Sir Isaac Rebow M.P. for Colchester in the
east window is a memorial to Maria Corsellis, a bene- Convention Parliament of r688-9 and subsequently to
factress of this parish ; t·here is a similar memorial in 1710, who twice entertained William Ill. and was
the north aisle to Carolina Corsellis · and a noteworthy knighted by that king : he left a yearly sum of 2os. to
monument with an inscription in Latin to Dr. William the sexton of this church to keep the monument clean~
Gilbert, a native of Colchester, and one of the earliest there is also a memorial to the Rev. Thomas Twining M.!.
etperimenters in electricity; he died Kov. I, 1003: in formerly rector of this parish, ob. 7 Augu"t, 1804: the
1884 the arch in the south aisle had to be taken down approaches to the church were widened and improved iD
and rebuilt and the tower, which had been much shaken 1871: and there is a wide path with an avenue of lime•
by the earthquake of 22nd April in that year, repaired: round the churchyard, which Morant says was ·formerly
the organ was rebuilt in r889 at a cost of £r:FJ: therr the fashionable promenade: there are 6oo sittings, all
are 400 sittings. The register dates from the year 1696. of which are free. The register of baptisms and mar-
The living is a rectory, net yearly value £250; including riages dates from I56:t; burials, rs6g. The living is •
so acres of glebe, in the gift of Balliol College, Oxford, rectory, net yearly value [300, with residence, in the
and held since 1910 by the Bev. Espine Robert Moncl>- gift of the Bishop of Chelm~ford, and held since 1:897 by
Mason M.A. of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. and t.he Rev. Greville Turner Brunwin-Hales M.A. of Jesm
surrogate. . College, Cambridge, chap:ain of the Essex and Colchester
St. James's church, at the top of East Hill, was hospital, rural dean of Colchester, hon. canon of Chelms-
thoroughly restored by subscription in 1871 at a cost ford, and hon. chaplain to the Bishop of Chelmsford:
of, about £4,500, and is an edifice in the Decorated this living was once held by the Rev. Philip Morant
style, consisting of chancel with aisles, nave of four bays, !vi.A., F .S.A. the historian of Essex: the old rectory
aisles, south porch and a we~tern tower with turret, house, in which Morant wrote his histories, was 'de-
containing one bell : both the body and tower are of moli!'hed in 1871 and a new house erected in the centrlt
Roman brick, mingled with stone : the chancel derives of what had been a paddock.
an elegant "haracter from the intermixture in its com- Christ church, off Maldon road, opened in 190:> as a
position of flint and polished stones : there are brasses district church of St. Marv-at-tbe-Walls,

is a strnctnr&
to John Maynard, alderman and clothier. ob. 1569, and of iron with abont 350 sittin~s. The Rev. Richard
to Ales, his wtfe, ob. 1584: in the south ai~le is a marble Edgar Vipan Prichard M.A. of St. Peter's ColleJ!e, Cam-
monument with recumbent effigy to Arthur Winsley bridg-e, is curate in chame.
eaq. alderman of this town, who founded and endowed The parishes of St. Nicholas and St. Runwald were,
the almshouses bearing his name and died January 30, for ecclesiastical purposes, amalgamated in 1873. The
1726.-7; a. new organ was built in January, 1890, at a church of St. Nioholas, in High street, was restored and
oo~t vf £68o : there are at least 66o sittings, all of ~eatly enlarged in 1875-6 at a cost of upwards of £rs,ooo
which are free, subject to assignment by the church- from desi~ns by the late Sir G. Gilbert Scott R.A. and
wardens, suitable provision being made for the poorer re-consecrated 4th July, 1876. The building is 'Of
inhabitants. The register of baptisms dates from r56o; Kentish rag stone in the Decorated style, and consists
burials, 1573; marriages, 1653. The living is a rectory, of chancel, nave of five bays, aisles, organ chamber and
net yearly value £r8o, with residence, in the gift of the a tower with spire containing 6 bells: in 1893 a new
Bishop of Chelmsford, and held since 1895 by the Rev. pulpit, brass lectern, and oak panelling in the chancel
Charles Outhbert Naters M.A. of Sidney Sussex College, were providl'd, and in 1904 the carving of capitalr of the
Cambridge. chancel arch and label-terminations of the nave arcade
St. Martin's church, in West Stockwell street, north was executed: in 1910 carved oak choir stalls were
of the Middle row and west of the Castle, has a large added: there are 701 sittings, of which nearly all are
proportion of Roman brick in its construction, and free. The church of St. Runwald, a small edifice,
although only a small portion of the present edifice dates originally of Norman, if not Saxon work, but much
(rom an earlier period than the beginning of the 14th defaced, stood in the middle of the High street and was
century, it is highly probable from various relics which Pntirely removed in 1878. The register of St. Nichola8
have been found and the miscellaneous materials of dates from 1541 for all entriP.s and that of St. Rnnwald
which the walls are composed, that it occupies the site for baptisms from 1576 ; marriages and burials. ISQ8.
«~f a more ancient structure. The present building is in The living is a rectory, net yearly value £300, in the
the Decorated .style of the time of Edward I. and consists ~ift of Balliol Colle~e. Oxford, and the Rt. Hon. Jatnes
of chancel with north vestry, nave of three bays, aisles, Round P.C. alternately, and held since rgr~ by the ReT.
south porch and a western tower of Norman date, scarcely Joseph Montague Harris M.A. of Trinity College, Cam-
higher than the body of the edifice; it was much bridge.
damaged in the memorable siege of 1648, and contains St. Peter's church, 3t North hill, is an edifice of lltotlf!
one bell, cast in 1645 : the chancel has undergone less dating from before the Norman conquest, and consists
chan~e than any other portion of the church and has a of chancel, nave, aisles and an embattled western tower
magnificent timber roof of Perpendicular date, brou~ht containing 8 bells: the interior undet·went extensive
to light by the late Sir G. G. Scott R.A. in 1874• during alterations and was entirely reseated in rsss. alld in
the visit of the Royal Archreological Society: in the 1002 the nave and chancel were restored at a cost of
north wall is a lofty and highly finished recess, with an {,2,700: there is an interesting mural tablet to tbe
ogee arch and triple-cusped tracery; eastward of the Protestant martvrs•
of Colchester, who were burned in
aisles are chapels, separated from them by transverse the reign of Queen Mary, and a monument to the
arches; in the south wall i11 a small piscina and at the Rev. S. Carr, vicar from 183o, d. r8.;4: the tsttered
opposite angle are the stairs formerly leading to the rolonrs of the 44th (rst batt. Essex) RegimPnt, and "B
rood-loft, winding round a small wooden newel : thl' mnrble tablet inscribed with the names of itR officen
church has a very fine Perpendicular font. octagonal in who fell in the Crimean war. are in the nave: there are
shape, on a superbly moulded plinth and broad step : hrasses. with effig-ies, to John Sayre, alderman, ob.
there are two parish chests of Jacobean work: the ex- 1510, and Elizabeth, his wife, ob. 1530, with children;
terior of the church was repaired and partially restored Ag-nes, daug-hter of John Woorlthorpe. of Lavenham,
in 1883 by public subscription at a cost of £8oo, and ob. 1553. her two husbands, Aleyn Dister and· Robert
the interior was restored in 1891 at a cost of £85o: the LPache, and nine children: John Sayers. ob. 1563;
chancel bat sedilia and a g-ranite tomb slab with cross : William Brown, gent. and Margaret, his wife, ob. 1572.
a J!prbeck marble altar slab discovered in 1894 has been •mrl eight children; Richard Sayer. ob. I6ro, and Alice
placed in its original position : in the south transept (Spooner) and Ellen (Lawrence), his wives, wUh fonr
is a carved head of the rsth century and there is one children: a clock, "Vfith illuminated projecting dial, oa


the western sid& of the tower, was erected in 1866. ~ The nave of 'four bays, south aisle, two vestries, south porclt
register dates from the year 161 ~· 'l'h~ living. is a and a 'Western turret containing one bell, cast from a
tiearage, net yearly value £4'50, >with residence, m the number of Dutch clock bells bv two artisans residoent in
gift of trustees, and held since 1895 by the Rev. Colchester, who had designed it for the church of their
Charles Triftit Ward M.A. of Trinity College, Dublin. native villa.,.e in Holland, but difficulties arising as to ita
The ehurchP& without the 1ralls are as follows:- transmissio~, it was sold and hung in the turret of thia
St. Botolph's, on the east side of St. Botolph's street, church: the chancel is divided from the nave by a low
erected in 1838, is a structure of white brick in Norman but elaborately worked iron screen: there are 350 sit-
style, intended to correspond with that of the ancient tings. The register dates from the year 186g. . The
ruins of the Priory, near which it stands: it consists of living is a vicarage, net yearly value £165, without
ehancel and nave and a massive western tower, contain- residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Chelmsford, and
ing one bell: a new organ was erect-ed in 1890: there are held since 1906 by the Rev. Wilfred Henry Courteen.
1,000 sittingS>, all of which are free. The register of The ecclesiastical parish of St. John the Evangelist :was.
burials dates from 1814; baptisms, 1837; and marriages, formed 12 April, tB6-t-. from the parishes of Greenstead,.
1849; all previous registrations are included in the All Saints', St. Botolph's, 'Mile End, Colchester, Ardleigh
registers of All Saints. The living is a vicarage~ net and Langham: the church is :on the _Ipswich road,_abo-.;tt
tearlf value £286, with residenc.e, in the gift of the 2 miles from Colchester, and IS an ed1fice of red bnck, 1n
Bishop of Clielmsford, and held smce 1907 by the Rev. the. Decorated style, consisting of chancel, nave, north
Waiter Edmund Spencer M.A. of New College, Oxford. transept and a small western octagonal bell turret con·
The church of St. Stephen, Canterbury road, a chapel tainino one bell: t·hc chancel, which is a memorial to the •

of ease to St. Botolph's, is a structure of brick, erected Rev. james Thomas Round, rector of St. Runwald's,
in 1905 at a cost of £1,o2o: the east window is stained, Colchester, from 1B24, and of St. Nicholas from 1830, itt
~~ond there are 230 sittings. The Rev. George Manfred separated from the nave by a low screen of oak: the-
Behr M.A. i)f Oxford University, is curate in charge. church was opened for Divine ~ervice in 1863: there are-
St. Giles' church, near St. John's green, is an ancient 220 sittings. The register dates from the year x8~3·
edifice of stone, consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £229, wtth.
and a western tower, containing one bell: in the Lucas residence, in the gift of the Archdeacon of Colchester,.
chapel is a marble slab deeply engraved with the and held since 19II by the Rev. Richard Wiseman,
following inscription:-" Under this marble lay the Merrett Th.A.K.C.
bodies of the two most valiant captains Sir Charles
Lucas and Sir George Lisle, kniglits, who for their The Catholic church in Priory street, dedicated to St·.
eminent loyalty to their soverain were on the 28th day James the Less, was built in 1837, and is an edifice oft
of August 1648 by the command of Sir Thomas Fairfax, white brick in the Norman !'tyle, consisting of nave _and•
then general of the Parliament army, in cold blond apsidal chancel, added in 1904, and in 1907 two aisl~r.­
barbarously murdered: " in 1907 the chancel was were erected : during the Years 1904 to 1909 a pulp1~
restored and ~xtended on the south side, at a cost of and three altars of ston~> ·and marblt>. were provided~
[2,600 : there are 5oo sittings. The register of and
• •
ten !tainE>d window!= in!>erted : thPre are a·bout 6oo •
baptisms and marriages dates from 1692 ; burials from snttmgs. _ .
'fhe Society of Friends have a meeting house in Sill '
1698. The living is a rectory~ net ye_arly val?e £160, l;;aac's walk, erected in 1872, and seating about 300t and •
~ith 30 acres of glebe and residence, m the g1ft of the
Archdeacon of Colchester, and held since 1910 by the connected with it is a librarv •
and an adult SundaT• scl&oo• -<~
Rev. John Bishop Marsh M.A. of St. John's College, for both sexes.
Cambridge. The small district church of St. Barnabas, The Con!lTegational chapel, Lion walk, is a building ·
at Old Heath, is a chapel of ease to the parish church : in the EarlY English style, with a tower and spire, and
services are held on Sundays by the clergy of St. Giles. was opened in July, 1863, at a cos~. including or!Pln and
The church of St. Leonard-at-the-Hythe, one of the fittings, of about. .£6,soo : a portiOn of the spue was.
tnost ancient and interesting churches in the town, is an thrown down by the earthquake.of April 22nd, 1884, but.-
has since been r~built: the church will seat about 85'l
edifice of stone in the Perpendicular style, consistmg of persons. There is alao a. _Congreg~ti~nal chapel in ~hapel A
chancel, nave of four bays, with cl ere story, aisles, north ~treet, erected in 1844, with soo sitt~ngs; and one m Ea&t ...
and south chapels, south porch and an embattled weste~ Stockwell street, erected in 1816, which seats 8oo persons.
tower, with pinnacles, containing 5 bells and a clock : 1t Eld Lane Baptist chapel was reopened in 1884, after · .
has an open-timbered roof: the stained west window is a restoration, at a cost of £1,100, and affords 700 aittings.
memorial to the mother of the Rev. John George Bingley St. John's Green Baptist chapel, founded in 181:z, .was •
M.A. rector %864-74; the east window, also stained, was rebuilt in 1872, and restored and a new organ prondedi
inserted at the cost of the Moy family and Mrs. E. Hall, in 1899; there are sittings for 35Q persons: Provi<fenc~
aided by general l!lubscriptions ; there are other Baptist chapel is in Burlington road. •
memorial windows erected in 1886 by J. S. Barnes esq. The Primitive Methodist chapel in .Artillery street
to his father and mother; in 1902 and 190~ to thP north, erected in 1~39, and restored in x8g2, seats 450;
Rev. F. J. Manning D.D. rector 1874-86 : the tower w~s that in Nunns road was erected in 1872 and has 130
seriously damaged by the earthquake of 22nd April. 1ittings. 1 ,
1884, but the church has been extensively restored,_ and
in 1898 was further restored, and a new system of light- The Wesleyan ehapel in Culver street, erected in 183s,..
ing introduced: a rood screen, the gift of Miss O'Grady. was improved and a stone font provided in 1900 at 11.'\
of Lexden, was erected in 1905 ~ a new organ was erected eo!'lt of upward !I of £3,000; it will seat 973 persons;~
in 1908 at a cost of £8oo: there are soo sittings. that in the Hythe has 130 sittings.
The register dates from the year 1559. The living is a The Wesleyan chapel in Wimpole road, erected in.
rectory, net yearly value· £147, including 2 acres of 1904 at a cost of [5,5oo, -will !!eat 450 persons. 1,

glebe, with residence, in the gift of Balliol .College. There are also meeting houses for the sect called 1
Oxford, and held since 1896 by the Rev. Henry Frederick "Brethren."
Victor Carter. The Cemetery for the foll()wing twelve parishes, opened '
St. Mary Magdalene chU:roh, in .Magdalen street, is a in 1856--St. Mary-at-the-Wan~. St. &tolpb, St. Giles,-
modem structure of flint with stone dressings, in the Holv Trinitv, St. Peter, St. Runwald. St. Martin, All.
Decorated style, and consists of chancel, p.ave, transepts, Sahits, St. ·Leonard, St. James, St. Nioholas and St.
south porch and a tower on the south side containing onp Marv Maoodalene-is situated to the south of the ..-
bell: the east window is stained: there are soo sittings. town, abo~t a mile and a half from the High street; it
The register dates from the year 1721. The living is a is now about 30 acrE's in extent, with two chapels. and ·
rectory, gross yearly 'Value £430 (derived from the residences for the superintendent and assistant.. In ,
income of the Corporation of the Master and poor of r8g6 the duties of the Burial Board .and thl1 manage-
Magdalene Hospital, there being no tithes), with resi- ment of the Cemetery were assumed hy the Corporation# _,
dence, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since under the "Local Government Act, Y89+"'" oSE'C. 62.
1900 by the Rev. Robert Bashford M.A. of Christ'P The Town Hall, begun iR 1898, when the foundation
ctone was laid by H.R.H. the late Duke of Cambridge
College, Cambridge, and chaplain of Colchester Union K.G. occupies the site of the former hall, built in 1844-5
Workhouse. in place of the anciE-nt Moot Hall, a picturesque structure-
A parish hall was erected in Wimpole road in 1906, at of the '!:4th centurv, which also stood on this spo.t. and,
a of £1,500. was then removed." The new building, opened 15 May.
The church of St. Paul; in Belle Vue road, near thP 1902, by the Earl of Rosebery K.G., K.T. is an ediful& ot·
main line station ~n the Great Easte1'11 railway, wat" brick and stone, in the Renaissance style, from design!t~
built in 1869 as a chapel-of-ease to Lexden, but in '1879 bv the late Mr. John Belcher A.R.A,. and is rect-
waa consecrated as ~ parish church and a district a~ 4 a~gnlar in plan, with n loft'" tower at the east end and;;
aigned. to .it under the name of the parish of St. Paul ID a high-pitched roof relieve!l by chimneys and dormer·
the church consists of an apsidal chancel, liQ"hts: the basement and lower ground floor contain the
- FSfiEX 11•


police station with its offices, a recreation room~ store- Town Council, half of whose members are chosen frow
rooms and a boiler house : here also is the muniment outside that body; Chairman, Alderman Willillllt
room: on the ground floor are the various municipal Gurney Benham J.P.; Librarian, Mr. George Rickword
offices, the County Magistrates' and Borough Courts, F.R.Hist.S.
grand jury and other rooms, and the chief constable's The Corn Exchange, in High street, opened by
office: on the first floor is the council chamber; adjoin· 1 Francis, 7th and Earl Cowper K.G., P.O. on Tues.
ing it are waiting and robing rooms, and on the south day, 8 May, 1884; was erected at a cost of about [,6,ooo
side the mayor's parlour, committee rooms, and the from designs by Messrs. 1' Anson and Son, architects,
town clerk's offices: the upper floor comprises a fine of London: the main roof is carried by seven wrought-
assembly room, called "the moot hall," containing a iron ribs spanning the width of the building, and above
grand organ, presented at a cost of [,1,ooo by Lord this are six ridge and furrow cross roofs, glazed oa
and Lady Cowdray, retiring rooms, kitchen, serving their northern sides: at the north end of the interior
l'Oom, and apartments for the caretaker. The principal is a movable stage : for the purposes of public &fl·
or south front has the basement and ground fi.oor of serr:blies the Exchange will seat r,8oo persons.
stone, simply. rusticated: the two fi.oors above are of The corn market is held every Saturday.
brick with stone dressings, and are relieved by six lofty 'l'he Cattle Market, farmerly held in High streetj wu
columns rising to nearly their entire height, and snp- removed in the year 1862 to a commodious site at th~
porting a bold frieze and cornice, the latter being bottom of North hill, and was much improved and re·

~carried over the windows in pedimental form: above the constructed in 1898. The market day is Saturday.
~central window are the royal arms, elaborately carved Colchester fair, or St. Denis fair, is held on the 20tll
in stone, and a flagstaff, and over the entrance is a pro- October in a field on the Harwich road.
jecting stone balcony, attached to the mayor's parlour, The Custom House is at 43 Hythe hill. The amouRt.
-and there are others on the floor above: at the south- oi revenue collected :ln 1913 was about £12,487 .
. .east angle rises a tower, erected at a cost of £3,000 The Essex & Suffolk Equitable Insurance Society
by James Paxman esq.; J.P., C.E. and reaching. a Limited, established in r802, occupies the old Cor~~
.. ;height of 162 feet; it is plainly constructed of brick to Market in the High street, near St. Peter's church.
-some distance above the roof; the remainder consists of The Technical College, North Hill, was erected •
·two elegant stages of stonework, enriched with columns 1911-12 at a cost of about £23,ooo, including equip-
and pediments and emblematic seated figures: perched at ment; the college rs under the management of thtt
the angles of the upper stage are four large bronze ravens. Education Committee and includes an art school,
and the whole is surmounted by a bronze statue of St. day and evenmg science classes, commercial and dom~tu~
Helena crowned, supporting a tall cross and carrying a classes and a secondary school for ~iris.

sceptre: in the tower are 5 bells and a clock with three There are .six clubs in the town .. The Colchester
dials, presented, at a total cost of £6so, by the late Mrs. club, in High street, established in December. 1874, has
0. H. Hawkins, of Colchester, as a memorial to her hus- about 130 members. The St. Runwalds club, in Hea4
band, .Aid. Hawkins. The inoot hall, council chamber street. formerly known as the Slf. Martin's club, aiHl
and other portions of the interior are richly adorned with established in January, 188r, has about 120 members.
stained glass, displaying historic scanes and figures and Colchester Golf Club has an 18 hale course at Brat~­
much heraldry: on the landing of the main staircase wick, three quarters of a. mile from Colchester statio11
is a fine seated effigy in marble of H.M. the late Queen The Colchester Conservative and Unionist Working Men's
Victoria, presented by the late .Aid. H. G. Egerton- club.s are in Magdalen street and 15a, High street, anti
·Green, and on the top landing is a fine monument in t.he Liberal club has premises in Headgate building~>.
white and coloured marbles to the Colchester martyrs, 'fhe Cups (rebuilt in 1886). Red Lion and the George
t42B-1656, the gift of S. F. Hurnard esq. J.P.; here are the principal family and commercial hotels and pm:~
:also is a marble bust of the late Rev. 0. H. Spurgeon, mg hon<'~PS ; the Shaftesb11rv and the Peveril are the
given by the late .Aid. James Wicks J.P.: the walls of principal temperance hotels.·
-the various rooms, the staircase and corridors are hung The Theatre is in Queen street. and will hold 9'»
with a large assemblage of portraits, pictures and per11ons .
.engravings; the former include portraits of royalist The Hippodrome. in High street. opened as a theatr.e
• officers slain at the siege of Colchester in 1646·8, various in 1905, was re-opened under the present management
mayors and other official personages, and a number of in 1906.
1ocal celebrities, including Sir Harbottle Grimston, Sir The ~"-ssembly Rooms, Red Lion hotel, were opent~d it
.f'rancis Walsingham, Secretary of State, Lord Fairfax, 1883; the main room, which is spacious and well venti~
and the Rev. Philip Morant M ..A. the historian of Essex lated. has a length of no feet and is 38 feet vide;
and Colchester: in niches on the exterior of the building attached are convenient retiring rooms : it is used for
are idealised statues of Eudo Dapifer, d. n2o, Thomas, baJis, concerts. and banquets, and will 11eat 6oo.
Baron Audley of Walden K.G. d. 1544, SamuPl Harsnett, The Borough Fire Station was removed from Stock-
Archbishop of York, d. 163r, William Gilberd M.D., well street in r8g8 to premises in Stanwell street.
F.R.C.S. d. r6o3, King Edward the Elder and Boadicea. The. County Police Station, on the Ipswich road, hu
The building was erected at a total cost of £36,459. residence for a superintendent, quarters for one married
The "Public Libraries Act, 1855" (18 and 19 Vie. and one single constable, and cells for prisoners.
e. 70), was adopted in October, 1891. Through the be- A spacious building of grey brick, originally the
quest of £t,ooo by the late Mr. Richard Catchpole, of county gaol, at the entrance of the town from Ipswich,
Reading, aided by various donations, the present Ubrary and at one time servin~ as the depot for the Essex
was founded in West Stockwell street, upon a site pre- Rifi.e Militia, has been alli~red and enlarged and is now
sented by the Corporation, at a cost of about £4,5oo, used as a laundry.
including furniture and fittings. The building is of red Colchester is now occupied by a garrison under the
brick, in the Domestic Tudor style, from the design3 command of a brigadier-general, and is the head q taiL
of the late Mr. Brightwen Binyon .A.R.I.B . .A. of Ipswich, ters of the Xlth Infantry BrigadP. There are banackt!
and comprises a reading room, a portion of which is set for a regiment of cavalry, three batteries of fi.eltl
apart for ladies, and lending department; the upper floor artillery, a hrigade of infantry: quarters for a field
comprises the librarian's private office and the reference company of Royal En!!ineer>-. seven blocks of married
department. The library was opened to the public October quarters, hospital, female ho~pital, gymnasium, ordnance,
25th, 1894: the daily average attendance in the reading h1r.,.ack o;torPs and a garribon church. The garrrs~
rooms is 1,2oo. The news room only is open on Sunday U.nd has been laid out with roads and planted witla
ufternoons and even:ngs. The number of books in the ornamental tree~. Quarters for the commanding officer$
lendjng · department is 9•773• and the annual issues and concentrated offices have also been erected, and
85,05: the reference department contains 5,327 many houses, inns and stores have sprung up in tb8
volumes, the annual issues being about 2o,ooo. Included different approaches to the camp. The Miss Daniell'a
in the library, but shown only under special restric- Soldiers' Home, in Queen street, near the theatre, conv
tions, i!! a valuable collection of about Boo volumes, prises reading, coffee and game rooms, and a large
,,equeathed to the town "for the use of the clergy and lecture hall capable of holding about 300 persons .
.lther divines," in 1631, Ly Samuel Ha.rsnett, "son of a Colchester ls the hPad quarters of the Essex
oaker in Wy:·e ~t:-eet, successively Bishop of Chichester Y&omanry and the 8th (Cyclist) Battalion Essex Regt·
and Norwich and Archbi8hop of York: it consists mont TerritoriaJ Force.
mainly of controversial divinity, beadng on the The Drill Hall of the C Co. sth Territorial F'orll8
ii.fferences between the Roman and .Anglican churches, Battalion Essex Regiment, in Stanwell street, buiU a
out includes somt~ fine specimens of early typograph~ 1887, is a building go feet by so feet; the head quarten
omd works otherwise interesting to bibliophiles : the~e of the Battalion were removed to Chelmsford in KaJ,
mlumes were transferred from The Castle, where th«:>y 1912.
nad been kept from I74Q to 1894. The library is under The Masonic Hall, .Abbeygate street, the proper~y .l
the management of a committee nominated by the the Oolchester Masonic Hall Co. Limited, comprises twa,
large rooms, in addition to others of smaller dimensions, St. Botolph'a Priory 'Was founded in the 12th century
and is anilable for public entertainments etc. ; the cost by Ernulph, who became its first prior, for canons regu-
tJf site. building and furnishing exceeded £3,000 : an lar of the order of St• .Augustine, being the earliest house
organ was provided in xgo6 a.s a memorial to the late of that fraternity in England, and at the Dissolution its
Claude E. Egerton-Green esq. deputy Provincial Grand yea.rly income amounted to £II3 12s. Bd. : the site was
Waster. granted to Silr ThQmas .Audley, Lord Chancellor, and the
The trade of Colchester chiefly consists in the supply priory church continued perfect until the time of the
of the neighbouring agricultural districts; the manu- siege, when it was to a great extent demolished: during
f&ctures consist chiefly of clot.hing and boots and shoe.s ; the siege it considerably, and being garrisoned
malting is also carried on. There is a custom house, an by Royalist troops, was stormed on the 14th January,
inland revenue office, four banks, a branch bank 1648, consisting at that t-ime of two quadrangular courts
(agency), a fire insurance society (established in 18o2), and 8 church with a central towe.r terminating in pin-
"brewe.ries, two newspaper offices, iron and brass foun- nacles: its remains still form a picturesque and interest-
dries and machine works. ing pile : in its original state, its internal length waA
The Essex County Hospital, on the Lexden road, ro8 feet and its breadth, including the aisles, nearly 44
westward of the t-own, a structure of white brick, was feet : the west front, with the principal entrance, under
built in 182o, enlarged in 1839, again enlarged in 1879- a deeply recessed semi-circular arch, remains : above this
llo by subscriptions at a cost of £7,ooo, and further ex- is a double row of intersecting arches of Roman brick
iemled and altered in 1898 at a cost of £6,ooo, in cele- and su.rmQunting these the remains of a large circula.r
bration of the Diamond Jubilee, in 1897, of Her late opening, made to admit light into a gallery forming a
JMajesty Queen Victoria: in 1899 the whole of the wards pass.age between the two stately towers once standing at
were re-floored with polished oak set .on concrete, and the angles : the nave was separated from the aisles by
the Dperating room practically rebuilt, at a cost of rows of circular columns sl feet in diameter, supporting
about £3,000, and a new children's surgical ward was circular arches, some of which still exist. The fine Per-
built in 1907 at a cost of over £3,000, and opt-ned by pendicular gateway of St. John's Abbey is the only
B.R.H. Princess Louise (Duchess of Argyll). The hos- remnant of this once famous monastery, built by Eudo
pital stands in spacious ground~, with lawn &c. and is de Rie, dapifer or steward to William Rufus, in 1097 :
aTailable for over 100 patients; during the year 1913 William, a priest and nephew of Eudo, completed the

•here were 857 in-patients and 2,499 out-patients; it is abbey at great pains and expense in a superb style in
supported by subscriptions, donations, collections and IIO.J, when it was consecrated l::y Maurice. Bishop of
beqnest1. A •eparate building has been erected to serve London: Eudo died at his castle of Preaux. in Nor-
ae a Dome for nurses. Special features are the chil- mandy, but his remains were, a~ his own reques~.
dren's medical ward, for which Lady Cowdray gave a brought over and buried here: on its 11uppression the
donation of £soo, X-ray installation and Finsen lamp. revenue of the abbey wa.s estimated at £523 17&. 6d. :
The Mumcipal Borough Infectious Diseases Hospital John Beche, the last. abbot, refusing to acknowledge the
was erected in x884 at Mile End, and several additions King's supremacy, was banged for high treason De-
·have since been made; there are now beds for 75 cember 1, I539·
patients, The Cas1:le, standing northward of High street, was
'f.he Royal Eastern Counties Institution, for the care built by Eudo de Rie, mentioned above, and in 1173 "
llnd training of idiots. imbeciles and the feeble-minded sum of £51 (a large amount in those days) was ex-
·belonging to Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk and Cambridgeshire, pended in making the castle bailey. The fortress takes
Rituated close to the North Railway station, is a building the form of a para.llelogram, the east and west sid&z~
in the Italian style, with an ornamental tower, standing measuring 140 feet each and the north and south sidt>~
iD spacious grounds tastefully laid cut; it was originally 102 feet: at the north-east and north-west angles were
e:rected at a great cost in the year 1840 as a large hotel, projecting square towers, on the south side another and
but proving unsuccessful, was occupied for seven years eastwards 8 semicircular tower. the chief entrance being
&$ a branch of the Earlswood Asylum for Idiots, and near the south-ltest tower; the ancient portal on the
ultimately devoted in 1859 to its present purpQse: the northern side, placed at a considerable height in the
patients are admitted by the votes of subscribers at wall, still remains : the large windows now in the walls
half-yea.rly elections, a limited number for life and the of the castle appear to have been made in places where
bulk for tei'ms of seven years, patients from all pal'ts of there were originally loopholes, all the original window!!
the kingdom being also admitted by payment : it has being so narrow as to admit but a scanty portion of
l*bout 400 patie!lts, and is fitted up with everything light : the library of about 2,000 volumes, presented to
neeessary for the purpos~ of a trainin~ school and the town by Archbishop Ha.rsnett and formerly kept
home for persons of feeble mind, including gymnastic here. was transferred in 1894 to the public library: here
apparatus, workshops and schools. The property is the is also a museum, chiefly noted for its valuable collec-
freehold of t.he Director~; in connection with the Insti- tion of Roman antiquities found in Colchester and the
tut.ion is a farm and a branch Pstablishment at Clacton- neighbourhood, and which belong partly to the Corpora-
on-Sea with 6o beds. tion and partly to the Essex Archooological ~ociety,
There are several almshouses and charitable instritu- which includes thP collection of Roman antiquities,
tions. Finch'• Almshouses, in Culver stree~, were purchased in 1893 from George Joslin esq. at a cost of
founded in 1552 by :Mr. Ralph Finch, of Colchester, £t,35o, raised by subscription, and presented to the
for four 'Widows of St. Nicholas parish and were enlarged town.
in 1828 by Mr. William Goodwin, of ..COlchester, for The Castle Park, of over 9 acres, was opened 20 Ocr.
four more: each inmate receives 2s. weekly and one 1892, by the Lord Mayor of London. The site wal'l
toD of coals yearly. Kendall's almshouses, situated in 11ecured through the generosity of Mr. R. D. Catchpole,
:r.... road, were founded in 1805 by J. and .A. Ken- a formeT resident of the town, and the attractiveness of
dall, Colchester, for 16 poor fema~es, each of whom the park is enhanced from the fact that Colchester
l'8Ceivea 311. per week, besides one chaldron of coals Castle stands within it.
Je&rly. Winnork's Almshouses, situated in Military The soil in the vicinity of Colchester is favourable to
road, were founded in 1678 by John Winnock, of Col- the growth of vegetables, fruit and flowers, especially
,.chester, for poor females, of whom there are now 18, roses.
each receiving 3s. per week and one chaldron of coals The area of the civil parish and of the municipal
annually. Winsley's Almshouses were founded in 1726 and parliamentary borough is 11,295 acres of land, 38
by John Winsley for 28 aged couples, each receiving of inland and 6 of tidal water and 16 of foreshore;
lls. 6d. per week and one chaldron of coals yearly ; rateable value, £I90•747; population in 1901 was 38,373,
&honld one of the men die leaving a widow, provision is and in 1911, 43,452. The borough is divided into the
tn&de for her in houses erected near Kendall's .Alms- following wards. which rontain the populations placed
houses, where there are now eight inmates, each against them, viz.: East, 10,049; North. 7,652; South,
of whom receives 3s. weekly and one chaldron of coals 14,529; West or Head, n,222.
yearly: small sums from various charities are distributed The estimated population in 1914 was 45,140.
yearly. In 1896 twelve cottages, or gift hoil!!es, were Included in the total civil population in 191 I was 284
at East Bay by the late Miss Cooper (for the inmates and 23 officials and their families in Colchester
hpnefit of the aged poor), in memory of three sisters, Parish W orkllouse, 301 inmates and 66 officials and their
Elizabeth Cooper, Ma.rgaret Round and Charlotte Bol'th- I families in the Eastern Counties Asylum for Idiots, and
wick, daughter of General William Borthwick R . .A.. j 124 in the East-ern Counties Hospital ; 948 military and
There are also some gift houses in Eld lane, which have 16o other inmates in the Cavalry and Royal Artillery
heen rebuilt. Barracks, 752 military and 49 other inmates in Goojerat
The Women's Help Society, occupying t.he premises o' Barracks and Station Hospital, 609 military and 14
tht> former <loldiers· bomt>, is maintained hy private ('On- other inmatt>s in Hyderabad Buracks, 58 military and
tributiou. I3? _other inmates in Abbey Field Married Quarters. 97
m1htary and 327 other inmates in .Assaye ~arried
Quarters, 8I military and 298 other inmates in the chancel is an. Easter sepulchre: there are :zsc)
.Married Quarters,, 663 military and :zz other j,n~ates m 'sittings. The register of baptism,s dates from 1677 i
..Meeanee Barracks and 6og military, and 29 ~ther mmates marriages and burials from Ifi76, and it also J:Ontaina
in Sobraon Barracks. , , · a list of rectors commencing with John de Newberry,
.. ';['he population of the ec.clesiastical parishes in rgu. I3Q2. The living is a; rector~, net y~arly v~ue [;lOO,
was: All Saints, 837; Holy Trinity, 1,450; St. Botolph, with 2 acres of glebe and residence, m the gift of thtt
7,504 ~ St, Giles, 7,504; St. James, 1,977; St, John the Lord Chancellor-, and held. since 1910 by the Bev.
Evangelist, 565; St. Leonard-at-the-Hythe, 2,379; St. Clement Arnold Worsfold M.A. of Corpus Christi Ool-
Martin, 821; St, Mary Magdalene, 3,423; St. Mary the Ieae Cambridge. There is a Con2regational chapel,
\Virgin-at-the-Walls, 5,865; St. MichaPl, Mile End, er~cted in r845, and the Baptist chapel,. Parson's Heath,
~.693; St. Nicholas with St. Runwald, 869; St. Paul, was erected in 1885. · ·
:2,o86; ::;t. Peter, 2,033;, Berechurch St. Michael, 173; Parish Clerk,. William Stammers-. '..,
JG-reenstead, St. Audrew, 1,424 Greenstead. St. J ames,
.'509; Lexden, St .. Leonard, I,2]I. Post Office, I54 Greenstead road.-Mrs. Alice Mason:
lJy sa Ot;der :in Council, gaze~ted July 14th, 191~, the- sub-postmist.ress, Letters through Colche.ster are de·
~boundaries of the above named ecclesiastiC'.d parishes, livered at 7 &; 9 a.m. & 4 & 7 p.m. & d1spatched a$,
"'With tlhe exception of All Saints, St. John ~he Evan~e­ 10.15 & 10.45 a.m. & 2.30, 8 &. 9 p.m.; the neares~
ai5t, ,St,., Leonard-at-the-Hythe and St. M1chael, Mile :money order & telegraph office is The Hythe, Col-

-'End, weTe altered, The populations given are those of cne~ter

~\the altered areas. · Post Office, Parson's Heath. Alfred Went, sub-poet-
· trlle number of electors on the parliamentary register master. Letters through Colchester arrive at 7 a.m.

; lllJ IliP4 was 7,592. I; 8 p.m. week days only & are dispatched. at 7·55
Parish Clerk!. a.m. & 8 p.m.; sum!ays, 8.20 p.m. East hill &: The
' •
Hythe, Colchester, are·the nearest money ordeT & tele·
_ All Saints, Thomas Alfred Manning, 45 Claudius road graph offices ·•
St. .Botolph's, C~iil'les Walti:'I' ~ichulson, 25 Priory street, •
St. )[artin, JamR" Mead Salmou, 17 West Stocliwt>ll st LEXDEN (or Lessemlen) is a district in the north
_ St. Man·-at""the- \-\lulls, Charrin~ton Nunn ..f4 Balkerue la wa.rd of the borough, pleasantly situated about tt mila
. St. N icholas &; St. Runwald, J. W. Welham, 29 Crow- and a half ~st of the town, the road from Londoll
burst .road passing through the principal street; it is ~n the- river
·':3t .Paul's. G.!orgl! Thomas C1·owder- (scxtur:j, .p Cull, .. Colne and is crossed by the line of the. Great Eastern
tBoolt road t•ailway. St. Leonard':> church is a plain atuccoed,
·, ·• · · , Vergers. '
edifice, rebuilt in zS2o-1: a little to the south of· the--
Holy Trinity, Isaac Ham, 36 Manor road former chureh, and consist! of chancel and nave and a
SJ;, Giles, George Waiter Horsley, Sir Isaac's walk small western tower with spire containing a. clock and
St. James. Nathaniel Fincham, 16 East bay n bells: a new chancel, with aisles of, with ston&
St. Leonard, James Boutell, 79 Victor road . Cijcings in the Early Perpendicular style- was erected in

..St.. Peter, Henry Hawkins Weatherall, 36 Beaconsfield av l894 at a cost of £1,400: there are from 300 ~ 400
>littings, of which about half are free. The registers
"BEREOHURCH (or West Donyland) is a district in the date from the year 1:56e. , The living is a rectory, Dd
· -aouth ward of the boroug\1., 2 miles south from Colchester. yearly value £358, with 30 acres of glebe and reside~ce,
· The church of St. Michael, very prettily situated in in the gift of Pelham Rawstorrr Papillon esq. of 55 Priory
i :Berechurch Park and formel'ly a chapel of ease to Holy
avenue, Hastings, and held since 1914 by the BeT •
Trinitv, Colchester, is an edifice of brick with stone Thomas Stamford Rafile.s M ..A.. of Clare ·College, Cam"'
-.:dressings, in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chan- bridge. The Primitive Methodist chapel here was
.• coet, nave, north chapel, south porch and a small tower erected in 1859. The Village Hall was built in 1884, the- wl:'st em! containing one bell: in the year I 872 at the cost of the late Mrs. Hnrnard, and there ia
this church was ·Tery thoroughly and substantially re- also a Church Institute. Lexden Park, the residence
stored at a. cost of £1,2oo, the principal contributor of Mrs. Sanders, is seated in a beautifully wooded.
being the late T. G. G. White esq. ; a stained wi.ndo:W valley, east of the town and south of the London
being added by Myles L. Formby esq. whose w1_fe 1s road; the house, which adjoins the high road, was
buried in the churchyard: the church also contams a much improved by a former owner, -George H. Erring'<
memorial window to Sir G. H. Smyth bart. a former ton esq. who ·was high steward of Colchester, and
. proprietor of the hall, and in the north chapel, which died in 1883. Achnacone, the residence of Arthur
/has a fine carved Perpendicular roof, there is a fine George Mumford esq, pleasantly situated on the Berg•
• •monument with recumbent effigy, in complete armour, holt road about 2 miles from Colcheste11, is a. mansioJl
w Sir Henry Audley, knighted at Theobalds, Herts. of red b;ick erected in 1866 by the late Sir William
May 9th, 1623, who erected it, during his lifetime, in O'~fally, and has been much improved and enlarged.
'1648: there are 144 sittings, of which 50 are free. Tht- Lexden Lodge, the ancient manor house, is now know•
register dates from the year 1664. The living is a only as a moated farm house, though a considerable
.... vicarage, gross yearly value £135, in the gift of the park, stretching nearly down to the town at Nort~
trustees of the late 0. E.Coope esq. and held- since 1913 Bridge seems to have been formerly attached to d
b"' the 'Rev. Canon Greville Turner Brunwin-Hales ~LA. of on th~ north side of the river. Pelbam RJ Papillon
-Jesus College, Cambridge, whe is also rector of St. esq. M.A., B.C.L. of 26 Albany road, St. Leonards-on~
Mary-at-the-Walls, Colchester,. where he resides. Sea is lord of the manor and a landowner. Along the
.....Berechurt!h Hall, the property of Mrs. Frances Anne ror~er Lexden heath and elsewhere in the parish are
lletherington, is a large and l1andsome gabled mansion some lines of intrenchment dating fro;m the t:ime of the
·of red• brick with stone dressings, in the Elizabethan Roman occupation.•
·style, and in 1882 was partially rebuilt on the same
-site:· it presents on the nOI'th side a bold •elevation, Post, M. O., T. & Telephone Call Office, Lexden.-Isaac
r48 feet in loogth, in the centre of which is the prin- Stonehouse, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from Col·
cipal entrance. with a heavy projecting canopy, and. a chester at 6.20 &i II. Io a.m. & 6.25 p.m. & are dis·
·wide oriel above it;. at either end is an octagonal patched at g.3o a. m. & 2.55, 5·5 & 7.40 p.m.; sondays.
turret. with spired roof, and a similar but loftier turret arrive at 6.29 a.m. &; dispatched at ~-20 p.m
t'ises in the rear: the dining room and salon are the
only portions of the old hall remaining, the fine carved SHRUB END is a hamlet about 1~ mile_s sontltwe~t.
Here is a Congregational chapel, erected m 1843~ w1th
ceiling and marble mantelpieces of the Georg~an period • • • •

being retained : the house and stables stand m a well- 150 sittmgi: · _
.wood~d park M over 200 acres. Mrs. Frances A. Hether- Post Office, Shrub End.-Herbert Edward Morris. sub·
ington is lady of the manor and the principal landowner postmaster. Letters arrive from Colchester . at1 6.30
• • a. m. & • 12.5 p.m.; dispatched at 11.5 a.m. &; 7·35
. ~GREEN STEAD is in the third ward of the borough. p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office is
-east of the- town, from -which it is separated by the at Colchester
<Colne. The church of· St. A.ndrew, which stands on an •
eminence and .commands a verv fine view of the town OLD HEATH. n hamlet, is about Il miles soutb-ea~>t.

-and river, is an ancient building of stone in the Norman Here is the church of St. Barnabas, which serves as a
~tyle, and was restored and enlarged in 1857 at a cost chapel of ease to S~. Giles': there is also a Congrega-
o0f about' £900: further improvements were effected in tional chapel, ereded in r86g, with 145 sittings.
"1884, ·which resulted in the discovery of holes ~n the Post & M. 0. Office, Old Heath. Robert Cranmel', sub-
tower, pieTCed, no doubt, by cannon shot at the time of postmaster. Letters arrive from Colchester at 7• .&
the siege 'Of Colchester: it consists of chancel, nave, u.2o a:m.; dispatched at 7.20 a.m. & I &i i··30 p.m~
•outh. aisle and western tower containing one bell: in Tbe nearest· telegraph office is at Rowhedge ·


MIJ.E END (or Myland) is a suburb of Colchester, in , Wesleyan chapel. The Severalls Estate, consisting of
the horth ward of the borough, r mile nortli of the about :;oo acres, was pnrchased from the Corporation of
towa. end adjoining Colchester station on the Great East- Colchester by the Essex Cmmty Council for the ~rection.
ern railway. The church of St. Michael is an edifice of Of a second asylum for the county; the foundation stone
ttone, jn the Early English style, erected in .t85•h and of the asylum was laid in 1910, and the main block
consist-s of chancel, nave of three bays, north aisle, south was opened for the reception of patients in May, 1913;
poi'Ch and a tower at the north-,est -angle, with Ppire, the main building is of red brick, and consists of :za
and containin~ a cluck, pl:tet'<l in 1887, and 3 bells witJ, blocks, providing for 1,250 patients: there are also
cbimes}11dded in '~897 in commemoration of the Diamond rAsidenoes for the medical superintendent, assistant
Jubilee of Her ]at~ Majesty Queen Victoria: in the medical officers, clerk, engineer and inspector. Lord
church is a mural tablet to the Rev. Edmund Hall M.A. Lucas and Dingwall, who is lord of the manor of Abbot's
rector 1855-1903, and in 1<)06 a. ~rved oak font cover Hall in this parish~ imd the Corporation of Colchester
was presented as a memorial by his family : there are are considerable landowner~. The parish comprises
nine stai~d windows : a new organ was placed in the about 2,350 acres.
church in 19131: there are 380 sittings. The register Parish Clerk. Alfred J. Warner.
dates from the year 1674· The living is a rectory, net Post, M. 0 .• T. & Telephone Ca11 Offici!, Mile End.-
~rly value [,350, with 31 acres of glebe and residence, Mrs Lydia Bradford. sub - postmistress. . Letten
in the gift of Lord Lucas and Dingwall, and held since throu~h Colche~ter arrive at 6.20 & 11.15 a.m. &; 7.30
1903 by the Rev. Henry Smeeton Stevens. Here is a p.rn.; dispatched at to.3o a.m. & 2.45 & 8.30 p.m


Post, M. 0 • .\ T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office, Read street .....John Lockington,. postmaster



-------------------------------~------7 ,
Sundays, Gi>od
Branches of Business. Week ·Days.;- Friday & Bank Holidays.
Christmas Day.

. ---·-----1--------

a. II1. p. m.
a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m.
For Sale of Postage Stamp~, Post Cards, Wrappers,' ,. 8.30 to Io.o
Registering Letters, Post Restante, & Private Box ~ 7.0 to 10.0 p.m. p.m. 7.0 to .ro.O"
"1Jelivery .......... :............... \................................•• ~ • s.o to 6.0
For Sale & Payment of Postal Orders ....................... . 7.0 to I~.o Xo Business 7.0 to 12.0 noon
Money Order, Telegraph Money Order, Savings Bank," '
9"ovemment Annuity & Insurance Business, Issue of ~ 8.o to 8.o No Business 8.o to 12.o.noon .

Licences & Inland Revenue Business ··········••4••······-
a, m. a. m.

,. 8.30 to Io.o
..,............................ .

Telegraph & Telephone Business \

7.0 to 10.0 p.m . p.m. 7.0 to 1Q.O

s.o to 6.o
Express Delivery of Letters, Local Service &. Parcels ..... . 7.0 to 10.0 No Business 7.6 to IO,O
Telegraph Money Order Business ............................. . 8.o to 8.0 No Business B.o to B.o
;;l I< National Health Insurance & Unemployment Buf'iness ... 7.0 to' 10.0 No Business 7.0 to IO;O

• • •
The Town Sub-Offices at *Athelstan road, Bergholt road. MEMBER OF P ..!RLUMENT FOR THE BOROUGH.
*Butt road, *Canterbury· road, *Crouch street, *East Laming W orthington Evans esq. Doghurst, Limp11field,
hill, ~High street, Pownall crescent, *Winnock road, Surrey; & 7 Grosvenor crescent, London S W; Oarl-
St. Botolph's, *Station road & tThe Rythe are. open on ton, Junior Carlton SW & City Oarlton cluba E 0,
f week days as follows: For sale of postage stamps, London
registering letters, money order~ postal order~ savings Returning Officer, The Mayor
bank, insurance & annuity, parcel post business. & '
issue of ·licences, 8 a. m. to 8 p.m CORPORATION.
Marked thus * close at 1 p.m. on thursdays.
- 1913·1914.
Marked thus t clos-e at I p.m. on saturdays. - Mayor Alderman Wilson Marriage...
Deputy Mayor-Councillor William Coats Rutton.
The Town Sub·Offices at East hill, Pownall crescent, High Steward-Lord Cowdray. r •
St. Botolph'1- & The Hythe ore open for telegraph Recorder-Richard David Muir, 3 Temple gardens,
business on week days from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Bank London E C.
Holidays excepted
• Aldermen. •
Inward Mails. • Retire Nov. 1916. Retire NO\•, 1919.
f.etters.-Town Delivery, 7• 7·45 & 11.45 a.m.; 3 (sus- Ernest Henry Barritt Henry Laver ,
pended on thursday) & 6.50 p.m. Parcels, 9 & II-45 William Gurney Benharn Wilson Marriage
a.m.; 3 & 6.50 p.m. Letters for the Town Delivery Edwin Alec Blaxill Asber- Prior
may be posted in the Head Office Letter Box &; Parcels Frank Cant •
Lent John Watts
may be handed over the counter within Io minutes of Returning Officers for Municipal Elections. North
the time fixed for the delive1:ies to commence, except Ward, .Alderman Watts; South Ward, Alderman
the last delivery, wb.en 6.20 p.m. is the latest. On Marriage; East Ward, .Alderman Asher Prior; West
Sundays,. Christmas day, Good Friday & Bank Holi- (or Head) Ward, Alderman Laver '
days there is one delivery ..only, commencing at 7 .•
a.m. Parcels are not delivered on sundays ' Councillors.
Retire Nov. • Retire Nov.
Outward Mails. North Ward. South Ward. •
l, 3, 5·45• 8.10, 8.45, 9·45• 1o, 10. w, & 11.35 a.m. Charles Henry Archer.. I914 Walter Littlebury ...... 1914
12 noon & 1:1.35, 1.2o, 3·5· 3.2o, 4·5• 4.5o, 5·45• 6.5, John Thomas Bailey ... 19q. Arthur John Lucking.• 19f4
6.I5, 7·30 & 10 p.m. Mails between 5·45 a.m. & 10.15 Frank Chapman ......... <~915 John William Bare...... 19f~
p.m. are not dispatched on sundays Robt. Whistler Wallace 1915 Ernest Stanley Beard ... '19"15
.Town Sub-Post & M. 0. Offices. Athel!!;tan road; Ber~­ Chas. Maurice Stanford 1916 William Cheshire ... ... 1916
holt road; Butt road; Canterbury road ; Crouch street; William Henry Taylor 1916 Thos. Bentley Turner.. 1916
tEad hill; High street; tPownall crescent; Winnock East Ward. West Ward.
.. road ; tSt. Botolph's; St.1tion road; t*'l'.h~ Hythe Henry James Everett .... 1914 Reginald Benj. Beard .•• 1914
Marked thus t are TeH!graph & Telegraph Mo~ Order Alfred Went ............ 1914 J<'redk. Wm. Ricbards.. 1914
Offices .. . - " ~· ~ Alien Garnies Aldridge 1915 Arth. Middleton Jarmin. 1915
Marked thus t Telegrams can be handed in only, & Tele· Wm. Whorlow Bunting 1915 Geo. Fairhead Wright.. 19:15
gmph Money Orders are issued but not paid l<~dward North ............ 1916 William ('.oats Button.. 1916
Marked thus * Bl'e &press Delivery Offi~es . Timothy Smtth ...... ... 1916 James Francis Potter ... 1916
Mayor's .Auditor, Councillor Robert H. Wallaoo Medical Officel' of Health, C .A. Squire Ling M.B.C.S.
Elective .Auditors, Thomas T. Peck & Waiter Thomas Eng. Brigbtlingsea.
lJ.ainbird Sanitary Inspector, Police Inspector Thos. Poole, Brigh\-
'fhe ordinary meetings of the Corporation & of the lingsea
Urban District Council are held at the Town hall, on
1st wednesday in every month, except; Nov. when the COLCHESTER LOC~-\L PENSION COMMITTEE.
lneeting is on the 9th The committee consists of the memlbers of the council
'l'he Powers of the Commissioners under Colchester for the time being {3a in all)
Navigation 'Act were transferred· to the Corporation Meetings .are held at the Town hall when necessar1
under the Colchester Corporation Act, 1892 Chairman, The Mayor
Officers of the Corporation. Clerk, Henry Charles Wanklyn, Town -hall
Town Clerk, Clerk to the Urban District Council, Port Sub-Committees:-
Sanitary Authority & Harbour & Navigation Committee No. 1 (North Ward). '
& Registrar of Borough Courts of Record & Clerk to Clerk, E. H. ~ixon, Town hall
Colne Fishery Board & to Council acting as Local No. 2 (South Ward).
Fisheries Committee & to the local Pension Corn- •
Clerk, G. H. Mitchell, Town hall J. A. W. Fryer, pensaoa
• mittee, Henry Charles Wanklyn, Town hall No. 3 (East Ward). officer
Treasarer of the Borough, Capt. Nevill Artbur Charles Clerk, G. H. Mitchell, Town hall
De Hirzel Tufnell J.P. High street No. 4 (West Ward).
Clerk of the Peace, Osmond Thompson Smith, N ortb bill Clerk, E. H. Nixon, Town hall •
Borough Coroner, Henry Geoffrey Elwes, 3 High street
Medical Officer of Health & School Medical Officer & BOROt;GH MAGISTRATES.
Public _\nal~·st, W.alter Francis Corfi..ld M.D., B.Sc.
Lond., D.P.H.Oamb., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lo11d. Barritt E1·nest Henry, 26 Beaoonsfield avenue
36 Stanwell street Beard Ernest Stanley, Woodlands. Lexden road
Police Surgeon, William Augustua Maybury M.D.,M.Cb. Beard Reginald Benjamin, 3 Cambridge road
B.U.I., M.R.O.S.Eng. 9 West Stockwell street Benham William Gurney, 9 Lexden road
Honorary Surgeon to Fire Brigade, Benjamin Hugb Blaxill Edwin Alec, 156 lialdon road
.Nicholson M.B., C.M.Edin. East lodge, High 8treet Bultitude Robert, 5 .Abbey Gate street
Assistant School Medical Officer, Miss Agnes Oswald BuntinlJ' William Whorlow, 20 Lexden road
M.B.Lond., D.P.H. 2 Trinity st.reet Cant Frank, Braiswick
Borough Engineer & Surveyor, (vacant), Town hall Ohallenor Col. George Richards, Queen's road
Accountant, Frederick George Mills, Town haD Craske Robert Gerald, Victoria road
Committee Clerk, Edward Bentlev Potter Hetherington 'l'homas, Berechurch hall
• Hines James, Lodge farm, LPxden
Clerk to Council acting as Burial 'Board k Registnr
of .Burials, .A.rthur S. B. Sparling, Queen street Holroyd Col. Tyssen Sowley, Donyland lo. East Donylancl
~anitary Inspector, Inspector of Dairies, Cowsheds,
Howard William, Guildford, Surrey
Milkshops & Common Lodging Houses, Thomas Hunt Edgar Atlee, 107 CrO'Uch street
Wells, Stanwell street Hutton William Coats, Manor house, Lexden
Chief Constable of Borough Polio", Capt. Hugh Charles Ind Capt. James Algernon, White hall, Old Heath road
Stockwell, Town hall Laver Henry F.S.A .• F.L.S. 43 Head street
Waterworks Superintendent, Charles Edward Bland, Marriage Wilson, Dilbridge hall
Town ball Mumford Arthur George, Achnacone
Borough Electrical Engineer, William Frisby A.M.I.E.E. Paxman Jarnes N. Hythe hill
Osborne street Phillips George, 9 Old Heath road
Prior Asher, 4 Victoria road
:Borough Librarian, G. ·Richword .F.R.H.S
Tufnell Capt. Nevill .Arthur Oharles De Hirzel,
Borough Organist, W. C. Everett A.R.C.O. k M
house, High street
Harbour Master, (vacant), Wyvenhoe
Wallace Robert Whistler, 30 Inglis road
Deputy Harbour Master & Collector of Harbour Dues,
Ward Alfred Owen, 10 Inglis road
.Anhur Carrington, 49 Harsnett road Watts Lent John, All Saints, High street
Inspector under the Hackney Carriages Act &:; the Sale Worts Edwin, 6 Trinity street
of Food & Drug-s Acts, Explosives & Petroleum Acts Clerk, Ghas.Wm.Denton, 8 East Stockwell st.Colchestr
& Contag-ious Diseases (Animals) Act, Capt. Hugh
Borough P.ett.y Ses~ions every week day at 11 o'clock at
Ghartes Stockwell, Town hall the Town hall
Inspector of Weights & Measures, Inspector G. H. Ball The Judge of the County Court holden at Colchester
Tramways Manager, R. C. Bullough A.M.I.C.E and the Mayor and ex-Mayor for the time being a.rct
Veterinary Inspector, Rowland C. Tayler M.R.C.V.S. ex-officio magistrates
Queen :;treet •·
Veterinarv Surgeon to Council's Horses, J. J. Scott COUXTY MAGISTRATES FOR THE PETTY SES-
M.R.C.V.S. 11 St. John's street
Manager of Colne Fishery, George L. Trussell, 58 SIO:X.AL DIVISIO~ OF LEXDE~ & WINSTREE.
North bill Kelso Commander Edward Barrington Purvis R.N., D.L.
Town Sergeant, William John Lambert, Town hall Horkesley park, Colchester (chairman)
Town Crier, John E,·erett, Short Cut road . Collier William Homan, Coley, Marks Tey, Colchesoor
Honorary Curator of ){ust>um. Henry- LaYer J.P., F.S . .1 Digb:r Sir Kenelm Edward G.C.B., K.C. King'• Ford,
Curator of Museum, Arthnr G. Wright Colchester
Conservators of Common Vmds. Herbert Cant, Artbur Farncombe-Tanner William Tanner, Fishers, Wakes
Steward Blytb Sparling, Edward Kershaw Francis k Colne, Earls Oolne, Essex
James Letcb Fit>ldgate Wm. Walnut Tree bo. Brightlingsea, Colchestl"
Collectors of District & Poor RatPs & Assistant Over- Godlee J. Lister, Wakes Colne, Colchester
see>rs, 1 ;;t district. Edmund Henry Nix on; 2nd dis- Gooch Oharles Edmund, Wivenhoe park, Colchester
trict, Georg-e Robert Mitchell, Town ball Grubb 'l'homas Burlingham, Fingringhoe, Colchester
Town Toll Collector, William Stowe, 38 Crowburst road H.:>therington Thomas, Berechnrch hall, ColchesteP
Collf>ctor nf CattlP Market Toll;; & AllotmPnt Rents. Hurnard Samuel Fennell, Hill house, Lexden, Colches~r
William Charles White, '13 St. John's street Ind Capt. James Algernon D.L. White hall, Colches'er
Inspector r)f Premises where Out-Worker11 are employed Lay ::\Ia,ior Tudor, Walcotts hall, Great Tey, Kelvedon
nnder the Factorv & Worhhon ..~et k .Assistant Sani- Lefroy Lieut.-Colonel Augustine Hugh, Boxted lodge,
tary Inspector, Charles S. Humphreys, 36 Stanwell st Colchester
K:t>eper ~f Recreation Ground, Edward Henry Lewis. Luard Rev.Bixby Garnham M.A.Bircb rectory,Colcheatr
Recreati'ln ground Marriage Wilson, Alresford grange, Alresford, Colchester
Water Bailiff, Thomn11 Poolt>. Stntion rd. Brightling!'ea Nocton William D.L. Langham, Colcooster
Jreeper of Castle Parl•, Thomas Munson Pat.tison William Frt>dPrick, Brightlingsea, Colchester·
Bathing PlacP .-\ ttPnrl:mt. Albf>rt \~ictor BouttPII, 4 Belle Paxman James :X .. ~LI.C.E. Whitehall club,London SW
Vue road Round Rt. Hon. James P.C., D.L. Birch hall, near
Colchester w
PORT SANITARY .AUTHORITY. Smythies Capt. Palmer Kingsmill R.N. The Turret&p
"-eetings held at the Town Hall on • the first wednesday Lexden road, Colchester
in evE>ry month at u a.m. except 9 Nov. at 12 noon. Tremlett Jamt><> Dyer, Daletborpe, Dedbam, Colchester
The Corporation are the .Authority. Tufnell Capt. Yevill _\rthur Charles De Hirzt>l, The Old
Olerk, Henry Charles Wanklyn (town clerk), Town hall bank, Colchester
Treasurer, Capt. Nevili Art-bur Cha.rles De Hirz;el Tuf- Wadley William, .Avenue villas, Wivenhoe, C'okllestM
nell J.P. The Bank Walsh Edward John, Birch, Colche-st-er
- ESSEX. 169

Wood Charles Page D.L. Wake5 hall~ Wakes Colne, Earls sth Battalion Essex Regiment (C Co.), Stanwell &treet,.
Colne, Essex Capt. A. J. 0. Turner; Sergt.-Major T. E. Fry, sergt.-
Clerk to the Magistrates, Henry William Jones, Town instructor
Hall chambers, Colchester 8th (Cyclist) Battalion Essex Regiment; head quarters..
The Mayor of Colchester & the Chairmen of the Bright- 17 Sir Isaac's walk; Commanding, Lieut.-Col. J C.
lingsea & Wivenhoe Urban & Lexden & Winstree Tabor; ~ajor, W. F . .Ackland; Adjutant, Capt. R.
Rural District Council~>, for the time being, are ex- :M. B. Yeedham; Qnarter-Yuster, Hon. Lieut. W. A.
officio magistrate~> . Xicholson; Sergt.-~-&jor, E. Alien; C Co. Lieut. G.
Petty Sessions are held every saturday at the Town 0. Benha.m; &>rgt.-Instructor G. Smith; drill ball.
!lall. Colchester. at 12 o'clock :;tanwell street
'the places in the division are Abberton, Aldham, West
Bergholt, Birch, Brightlingsea, Mount Bores, Boxted, P ABISH OF COLCHESTER.
Clulppel, Wakes Colne. Copford, Dedham. East Dony-
land, Easthorpe, Fingringhoe, Fordham, Great Horkes- Board day, every tuesday, at 11 a.m. at the Board room,.
ley, Little Horkesley, Langenhoe, Langham, Layer Workhouse, Pope's lane.

Breton, Layer-de-la-Hay. Layer Marney, East Mersea, The Parish is composed of 17 Wards, coterminous witb
West Mersea, Peldon, Salcot, Stanwav, Great Tev.
Marks Tey, Little Tey, Virley, Great Wigborough,
. the 17 polling stations in the borough, Yiz. :--Corn
Rxchange Ward, Middleborough Ward, St. Paul's
Little Wigborough, WiYenhoe & Wormingfnrd Ward, St. Michael Mile End Ward, Stanwell Street
Ward. Priory Street Ward, Magdalen Street Ward ..
:MILITARY. Be.echnrch Road Ward, Old Heath Ward, St. Jame<>'
Eastern Command. Ward, Parson's Heath 'Vard, St. Leonard's Ward ..
Bead Quarters, Horse Guards, Whitehall, London S W. Kendall Road Ward, St. Mary-at-the-Walls Ward,
General Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Chapel St.reet Ward, Lexden Ward & Shrub End Ward
The area of the Union is 11.333 acres; rateable value.
J. M. Grierson K.C.B., C.V.O .• C.M.G
Assistant Military Secretary. Major H. F. Fraser Lady Day, 1914, £189,138; the population in Ign was.
Aidf'-de-Camp, Capt. C. W. Banbnry - 43·452
Chairman of the Board of Guardians, Ht>rbert Cant,
Head Quarters Office, Flagstaff road. Lexden
.Administrath·e, Technical & Departmental Staff. Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Chas..
At Colchester. Edward White, 57 North hill
Garrison .Adjutant (graded Staff Captain), -capt. P. B. Treasurer, Capt. Nevill Arthnr Charles De Birzel Tuf-
C. Commings, South Staffs Regiment nell, Bank
Assistant Director of Medical Service, Col. F. J. Jencken Guardians' Collector, George Rohert Mitchell, ~ortb.
B.A.M.C Station road
Ohie.f Ordnance Officer, Major J . .A. Stewart A.O.D Rt-lie\:ing Officers. 1st district, Arthur Edwin Purkiss,.
ro Papillon road ; ::md district, Samuel Dnid Clarkt>.
Land lane
Commanding, Brigadier-GE-neral A. G. Hunter-Weston Vaccination Officers, South & East wards, Saml. David
C.B., D.S.O Clarke, Belle Vue, Land lane, East Hill; North ~
Brigade Major, Capt. G. F. Boyd D.S.O. (Leinster Regt) West wards, Arthnr Edwin Pnrkiss, 10 Papillon r<md
ROYAL FIEJ.l) .ARTILLERY. Medical Officers, 1st district, Thomas Matthias Bassano-
14th Brigade. :M.B., C.M. 95 Winnock road; 2nd district, William
Commanding, Lient.-Col. C. H. de Roug.emont M.V.O., Augustus ~Iaybury :M.D., M.Ch. 9 West Stockweli
D.S.O st. ; 3rd district, Joseph Michael Ryan M.B. 9 East
Adjutant, Lieut. J. C. Fullerton hill; 4th district, Alfred Nolan Fell M.D. 11 Lexden rd
39th Battery. Public Vaccinator, Hy. Laver M.R.C.S.Eng. 43 Head ·sli
Commanding, ~fajor E. S. E. W. Eardley-Russt-llM.Y.O Deputy Public Vaccinator, Philip Guyon Laver M.R.C.S,
68th Batterv. Eng .• L.R.C.P.Lond. 43 Hea~ street
Commanding, :\iajor W ..\. Short - The Workhouse, on the west side of Balkerne hilL
88th BatterY• . erected at a co!:t of £1o,ooo, is a lar~e building of
Commanding, Major R. England white brick. certified for 378 inmates; Horace Waiter
RoYAL ENGINEERS. Cawcutt. master; Rev. Robert Bashford M.A. chap-
Commanding Royal Engineer, Lieut.-Col. S. F~ Williams lain; Philip Gnyon Laver M.B.C.S.Eng. medicai
officer; :\oirs. H. l'V. Cawcutt, matron
Sub-District Supply Officer, Cept. C. F. _\U.eyne Superintendent Registrar, Charles Ed-ward White, 57
Officer in Charge Barracks. Capt. J. S. Iredell North hill; deputy, Waiter Ernest Pluck, 39 Lond{)D
Officer in Charge Station Hospital, Lt.-Col.F.R.~e-wland RPQ"istrars of :\larriages, J ame.s Edward Pluck, ·H
ARMY VETERINARY CORPS. Hamilton road; Arthur Edwin Purkiss, 10 Papillon
U:ajor B. H. Holmes F.R.C.V.S road; deputies, George Bobert :Mitchell, North Sta-
Oapt. W. H. Thomas tion road & S. E. Purkiss, 10 Papillon road
Registrars of Births & Deaths, South-East sub-district,
Thomas John Balling, 24 High street; North-West
:Rev. A. V. C. Hordern, Church of England sub-district, Arthur E. Pnrkiss, 10 "Papillon road
Rev. E. .A. S. Gell M . .A.. Church of England
&ev. W. F. Archibald M.A. Presbyterian
Re-v. J. J. Bloomfield, Roman Catholic COUNTY OOURT.
ARMY pAy DEP -~RTllENT. 8 Church street north.
Paymaster, Capt. E. A. Lang, Warley By Order in Council, dated 10th ~oY. xqn, the County Co'Urt districts of Colchester, Clact~n & Harwich were
Eastern Command. consolidated.
Saperintendent, Major C. E. Heathcote, King'e Own His Honor H. Tindal-Atkinson, judge; BenjamiD
York! Light Infantry Pearson Bridgeman, registrar at Colchester; L.
Woodley Betts, registrar's clerk; Charles Godfre7 ..
DETENTION BARRACKS. high bailiff; Sidney Betts. bailiff ; office, Trinity
Commandant, Capt. W. H. M. Freeston chambers, Cnlver st. ; open from 10 to 4, except thurs.
when the office closes at x. ThE' court is held OD
two successive davs in each month when lhere ia
no court at Clacton-on-Sea. The district
EssEx YEOM"-:~;·nY. the following places :-Aldham, .!.lresford,
Head Quarters, 17 Sir Isaac's walk. Abberton, Beaumont, Great Bentley, Little
Commanding, Lieut.-Col. E. Deacon; llajor, F. H. D. C. West Bergholt, Great Birch, Little Birch,
Vhitmo:re (second in command) ; Adjutant, Capt. A. Bradford, Brightlingsea, Great Bromley, Little
R. Steele (4th Hussars); Quarter-Master, Hon. Lieut. Bromley, Chappel, Copford, Great Clacton. Little-
E. Sayer; Medical Officer, Su!)g.-Lieut. G. F. White Clacton, Clacton-on-Sea (at which place a court is
"'1l.D., R.A.M.C. (T.F.); Chaplain, Rev . .A.. Oliver held bi-monthly), Dedham, East Donyland, Dover-
~.A.(T.F.); Regimental Sergeant-Major, W. B. Hadler court, Elmstead, Feering, Fordham, Frating, Fing-
A Squadron, Colchester, Major E. Hill, commanding; ringhoe, Frinton, Harwich, Great Holland, Littl~
Oapt. J. 0. Parker, second in comm8Dd ; Squadron- Holland. Great Horkesley, Little Horkesley, Kelvedon,
Sergt.-Major C. Farrell, drill instruct~r Kirkby-le-Soken. Langhom, Lawford, Layer :Breton.


Layer-de-la-Hay, Langenhoe, La.y0r Marney.., Ma:rks Hippodrome, High street-; Colchester Hippodrome Co.
Tey, East · Mersea, West ~{ersea, Mistley., Mount Limited, proprietors; Graham Macdona, manager
Bures, Manningtree, M~ssing, ~ayland, Parkeston, Labour Exchang6 (Bop.rd of Trade), 20 Queen street,
Peldon, Ramsey, Rowhedge, Saint Osyth, Stanway; W. E. Durrant, clerk in charge
Salcott, Tendring,. Great 'l't>y, Little T-ay, East Thorpe, Masonic HalJ, Abbeygate street, R. H. Ives, secretary
Thorpe-le-Soken. Tharrington, Virley, Wakes Colne, \luseum, The Castle, Arthur George Wright, curator
Walton-on-the-Naze, Weeley~ Great Wigborough, Pnblic Library, West St~ckwell street, George Rickword
Little Wigborough, Wivenhoe; Wix, Wormingford & F.R.Hist. S. librarian; J. Kearsley, sub-libnrian
WrabnE>ss Royal Eastern Counties Institution for Idiots, Imbeciles
The court has bankruptcy jurisdiction extending over &; the Feeble-minded, The Earl of Stradbroke, chair-
the County Court districts of Colchester, Halstead & man; Capt. N. A. C. De Hirzel Tufnell J.P. treas.;
Sudbury Sir T. Clifford Allbutt K.C.B., M.D., F.R.C.P.Lond.
Official Receiver, Frederick Messent, 36 Princes street, ~onsulting physician; E. A. Hunt M.R.C.S.Eng. &
Ipswich L.R.C.P.Edin. consulting ~mrgeon; S. Johnson Taylor
Certified Bailiffs appointed under the "Law of Distress M. B... O.M.Edin. ophthalmic surgeon; Hugh L. Tracy
Amendment Act," Henry Grimwade, Head street ; L.D.S.Glas. dentist;· F. Douglas Turner .M.B.Lond.,
Edgar Lingwood, Stanway, Colchester; Frank Ernest M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. resident medical
Good way, 49 North bill; Waiter 'l'ht mas Rain bird, 23 supt. ; Charles E. White, solicitor; Arthur Turner
High street; Thomas D. Brook, High street; E.Howe, F.C.I.S. sec; Mrs. Turner, matron; Percy' Coleman
I Maldon road; Herbert Fritz. Baskett, North hill; M.B., B.S.Durh. medical officer at Seaside Home
F. Stanley Daniell, Headgate; Alfred Stanley Lyon!!, St. James' Orphanage (girls'), 55 East hill, Miss E.
North hill & E. F. Fenn, High street, Colchester;-- Spaclrman, matron
Edwin Joseph Gilders, Sidney Smith, Ernest Johnson Shipwrecked Fisher-men & Mariners' Royal Benevolent
k .Abbey Patten Venn Sansom, Clacton-on-Sea Society J Hoa. Representatives, H. 0. W ank1yn, town
clerk; Hugh Beckwith, Hythe wharf & Miss. Leaning,
Church street north. Soldiers' Homes, 37 Queen street, Miss Daniell'a

Stamp Office, General Post Office, Head street, John
District Registrar, B. P. Bridgeman
• Lockington, postmaster
PUBLIC EST.!.BLISHMENTS . Theatre Royal, Queen street, Carl W. Hayes, manager

Borl)ugh Fire Engine Station is in Stanwell street ; • CLUBS. " . •
Lieut. John Cocker, acting captain, with 3 conductors,
Town Hall, High street, James Turner, keeper' '
2 engineers & 14 firemen ·
Colchester, Bank passage, High street, G. C. Bensul!an-
Borough Infectious Diseases Hospital, Mile End; Wait. Butt, sec .~
F. Oorfield M.D., B.Sc. medical superintendent; Miss
K. C. Braidwood, matron ' Liberal, Headgate ·buildings, C. S. Ratcliff, se'o
Borough Police Office, Town hall, West Stoclcwell si. ~ St. Runwalds, Head street, G. C. Bensusan-Butt, sec
Capt. Hugh Charles Stockwell, chief constable; W. A. Colchester Conservative & Unionist Working Men's,
Ma~rdalen street, Frederick H. Sanger, hon, sec.;
· May bury M.D. surgeon; in addition to the chief con-
stable the force consists of 6 inspectors, 7 sergeants & R. '1'. Lewis, assistant sec
52 constables, including a detachment of I4 men solely . · MAsoNic.
employed on river police duty .!nge,l Lodge No. s,r, held at the Masonic hall, Abbey-
Cattle Market, William Charles White, Mllector gate street, 4th toes. in Jan. Feb. March, April, May,

Cemetery~ Mersea road; Charles Webb, superintendent; Oct. Nov. &- Dec. 7 p.m.; Thomas J. Railing; sec
,offices, 17 Queen street ; Arthur S~ B. Sparling, clerk United Lodga No. 697, held at the Masonic hall, Abbey-
r to the counch acting as the burial board gat!) street, 3rd wed. monthly (except July & Aug.),
Corn Exchange, High street, H. G. Elwes, sec.; Fredk. 7 p.m.; J. T. Bailey, sec
Thomas Peek, superintendent Essex Masters No. 3256, held at the Masonic hall,
County Police Station for the Division of Colchester. .Abbeygate street, Ist thurs. in April & last wed. in
Ipswich road, John Lennon, superintendent; 2 in- Sept. ; H. A. Jager, sec
spectors, 9 sergeants & 39 constables, including I Patriotic Chapter No. SI, held at the Masonic ball,
sergeant & I constable for the Tollesbury & Mersea Abbeygate street, Ist iuesday in the months of Feb.
water police May, Aug. & Nov. ; Thomas J. Railing, scrib&
County Weights & Measures Office, I North hill, Adam Constantine Mark Lodge No. 145, held at the Masonic
Ward, inspectoll for the Northern district (No. 599) hall, Abbeygate street1 srd tuesday in 1an. April, July
of Essex ; John Thomas Bridge, assistant - & Oct.; Thomas J. Railing, see ·
Custom House. 43 Hythe hill, dames Kett, collector· & Comrade& Lodge No. 2976, held at the Masonic ball.
registrar of shipping; Robert L. Je:fferies R.N.R. Abbeygate streei, 3rd monday, monthly; Richard
& Percy James George Glasscock, officers; Willie . Jeffers, sec
Tracey, preventive officer in chaz·ge at Brightlingsea; Helena Chapter Rose Croix No. 175, held at the Masonic
George A. Flatman, preventive man & second officer hall, Abbeygate street, !<!nd monday in March, 4th
& B. C. Stevens, preventive man at Brightlingsea. tuesday in July & 3rd tuesday in Sept.; Rev. Francis
Inland Revenue Department, 6o High street, Robert S. Paynter, recorder
Robinson, surveyor of taxes ; F. Brown, chief clerk
Customs & Exeise Office, 6o High street, Alfred Green, PUBLIC OFFICERS.
surveyor; John Alexander Waugh Fryer & J. R. Assessor & Collector of Taxes, Arthur 0. Farmer, 1:1
Fuller, officers Queen street
Drill Hall, Stanwell street, Alfred Whitten, caretaker Assistant Clerk to Guudians of Lexden & Winstree
Essex & Colchester County .>\sylum, Severalls, Mile Union, Waiter S. Potter; Victoria chambers, Runwald
r .End, Robert Cyril Turnbull M.D.Lond., 1\!.R.C.S.Eng., street
L.R.C.P.Lond. medical superintendent; .George Evans CE-rtifying Factory Surgeon, Charles Edward .Addison
M.B.Lond. (senior), Harold West Hodgson M.R.C.S. L.R.C.P.Irel., M.R.C.S. & L.M.Eng. 9I Maldon road
Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. & Edward Percy Court M.R.C.S. Clerk to the Commissioners of Land & Assessed Taxes &;
Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. assistant medical officers; Robert to the Commissioners of Income & Property Taxes for
Overend. clerk to asylum; H. H. Gepp, clerk to the the Division of Colchester, Edward Kershaw Francis,
visitors 9 Church street north
Essex County Hospital, Lexden road, W. W. Hewitt, Clerk to Lexden & Winstree Rural District Council &
pres:dent; CharlPs R. Gurney Hoare J.P. & Capt. Clerk to the Guardians of Lexden & Winstree Union,
Nevil~ A. C. De Hirzel Tufnell J.P. treasurers i Henry George Edward Tompson, Victoria chambers, Ron-
Laver M.R.C.S. Eng., Edwin Wort!! M.R.C.S.Eng., wald street
L.R.C.P.Lond. & Edgar Atlee Hnnt L.R.C.P.Edin. Assistant Cl er){ to the Commissioners of '!'axes for
consulting surgeons: Sydney W. Curl M.D.Cantab .. Lexden & Winstree Division, George Edward Tompson,
M.R.C.P.Lond. hon. physician; B. H. Nicholson M. B. · Victoria chamb~rs, Runwald street
Phllip G. Laver M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. &. Olerk tQ the Wivenhoe Urban District Council, Charles
Edward Chichester M.B. hon. surgeons 1 William Leigh William Denton, 8 East Stockwell street
Maule Day M.D.~ Ch.B.Oxon., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P. Collectors of General District Poor's Rates & Assistant
Lond. & William Frederick Albert Clowes M.R.O.S. 1
Overseers, ut Disirict, Edmund Henry Nixon; 2nd
Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. hon. assistant surgeons; Abraham District, Geo. Rl)bert ~itchell, Town hall, High street
WiJ}iam Frost L.D.S.Eng. dentist; Rev. Canon G. T. 1
Col'Oner for the Sokens Division of the County, Charles
, Brnnwin-Hales M.A. chaplain; A1fred G. Buck, sec. ; Edw.ard White, .'17 North hill; deputy, Henry Geoffrey
1\{is!f. Winifred M. Bickham, matron .' Elwes, 3 High street . _ . .
Countv Road Surveyor for . Tendring District, Williani Wesleyan services for the troops are also held in ,the
Shead, 17 Wellesley road Culver StreP.t chapel; .Rev • .Alfred W. Coulson '
Chief Inspector of Weights &i Measures under the St. lames the Less &; St. Helen (Catholic), Priory
" Food &; Drugs Act " &; " Shops Act " &; Official street, Rev. John James Bloomfield M.R. chaplain to
Sampler under " Fertilizers &; .i''eeding Stuffs Act J• the forces &; rural dean; mass, 8 &; I I a. m.~&; 10
for the Northern District of Essex (N&. 599), .Adam a.m. for soldiers; e-vening service, 7 ~.m.;- daily
Ward, :t North hill . mass, 8 a.m.; evening service, wed. 8; holidays of
Medical Officer of Health to Lexden &; Winstree .t obligation, :mass, 7.30 &; 9 a.m. ; evening service, 7
Tendring Rural District Councils, John Will Cook Friends' Meeting House, Sir lsaac's walk. 10.45 a.m. &
M.D.Aberd., M.R.C.S.Eng. :t Victoria chambers, Run- 7 p.m.; wed. u a.m
wald street Baptist (Providence), Burlington road; I I a.m. & 7
Veterinary Inspector under the "Diseases of Animals p.m
Act " for Lexden, Winstree & Tendring Divisions, Baptist, Eld lane~ Rev. John. Robert Mitchell A.T.S.;
Rowland C. Tayler M..R.C.V.S. 19 Queen street 10.45 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; mon. (prayer meeting} 8 p.m
Baptist, Parson's Heath; 10.4.5- a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; tues.
PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of 11ervices. 7·3o p.m .
Baptist, St. Johnrs GPOOn, Henry G. Polley, pastor;
All Saints, High street. Rev. Percival Robert Brinton 10.45 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.-; m~n. &; wed. 7.30
M.A. rector; 8 &; I I a.m. &i 7 p.m. ; daily, 8 a.m.; The Brethren, Lion walk; I I a.m. & 7 p.m.; Cedal'a
wed. 8 p.m. (advent &i lent) road, 6.30 p.m, only; Sir Isaac's walk, 10.30 a. m. A;
Holy Trinity, Trinity street, Rev . .I<.:spme Robert Moncl\- 6.30 p.m. ; 7oa. High .street, 6.30 p.m .
Mason M.A. rector & surrogate; 8 & 11 a. m. & 7 p.m Congregational (Headgate), Chapel street. Rev. Roderic
St. Andrew, Greenstead, Rev. Clement A.rnold Worsfold Dunkerley B.A.., B.D. ; 10.45 a.m. & 6.30, p.m. ; wed.
M.A. rector; u a.m. & 3 p.m 8 p.m f
St. Botolph, St~ Botolph street, Rev. Walter Edmund Congregational, Lion walk, Rev. Kenneth L. Parry
Spencer M.A. vicar; Rev. George Manfred Behr M.A., B.Sc.; I I a.m. k 6.30 p.m.; wed. 8 p.m
L.Th. curate; 8 & I I a.m. & 2.45 p.m. (children'" Congregational, Eas.t Stackwell street> (Stockwell), Rev.
service) & 7 p.m.; daily, 8 a.m. & 6 p.m. except wed. D. Livingstone Ward; 10.45 a.m. & 6.30. p.m.; wed.
11.30 a.m. & 8 p.m.; tri. 11.30 a. m , 7.15 p.m
St. Stephen's (a chapel of ease to St. Botolph), Canter· Congregational, Old Heath; 11 a..m. & 6.30 p.m
bttry road, Rev. George Manfred Behr M.A. curate Congregational, Greenstead; I I a. m. & 6.30 p.m
in charge; 1·45 & 10.45 a. m. & 2.30 & 6.3<? p.m. Congregational, Shrub En!l ~ 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m
St. Giles'• St. John's green, Rev. John B1shop Marsh Congregational, The Hythe; I I a. m. & 6.30 p.m ·
M.. A. rector ; 8 & n a. m. & 2.45 ~ 7 p. m.; ,daily New Ohurch (Swedenborgian), Priory street, Rev.
n.3b & 6 p.m.; saints' days. 7·45 a.m An drew. Czerny ; I I a. m. sun. only
St. Ja.mes', Eas.t hill, Rev. Charles Cuthbert Naters New Church (Swedenborgian), held at the Oddfellows'
M.A. rector; 8, 10.30 & -11 a. m. & 2.30 & 7 p.m. ; hall, George street; 7 p.m
daily,' 8 a.m. & 7 p.m . Primitive Methodist, Artillery st.
St. John, the Evangelist, Ipswich. road, Rev .Richard north; 10.45 a.m. & 6.30 p.m
WisPrnan Merrett Th.A.K.C. vicar; 8 & u a. m. &; 3 Primitive Methodist (Ebenezer), Re,·. J. Watson
& 7 p.m. ; saints' days, 8 &; 10 a.m · Nunns rd. ; 10.45 a. m. & 6.30 p.m Grayson ( supt.) &
St. Lf'onard, Hythe hill, Rev. Henry Frederick Victor Primitive Methodist, Lexden, 10.45 Rev. W. N. Parnaby
Carter, rector; Rev. Gilbert .A.rthur Newcomen, a. m. & 6.3op.m.; moo. 7,30 p.m
curate; 7, 8, 10.15 &; I I a.m. & 3 & 7 p.m.; daily,
7·30 &; 8 a.m. &; 5 p.m. (except wed.); wed. 7·30 p.m Salvation Army, St. John's avenue
St. Martin, West Stockwell street, Rev. Henry Frederick Wesleyan Methodist, Revs.. John Day (supt.), Alfred W.
ds.. Courcy-Benwell M.A. rector; 8 & I I a. m, & 7 · Coulson & Harry Treadgold M.A. ; (Culver street)
p.m.; thurs. 8 a.m. i holy days, 8 a.m. & 7 p.m.; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 8.I5 p.m. &i sat. 7.30
daily, 9 & xo a.m p.m.; (Hythe) 10.30 a.m. &; 6.30 p.m.; wed. 8 p.m.;
St. Leonal'd, Lex den, Rev. Thomas Stamford. Raffies (Mile End) xo.3o a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; fri. 7.30 p.m.;
M.A. rector; 8 & I I a.m. & 3 & 6.36 p.m.; toes., wed.
(Wimpole road) I I a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; tues. 8.I5;
wed. 8 p.m •
thurs. & fri. 9·45 a.m •
St. Mary Magdalene, Magdalen street, Rev. Robert Gospet Hall, North Station road; 7 p.m
Railway Mission, North Station road; I I a. m. &; ~ & 7
Bashford M . .A. rector; n a. m. & 7 p.m. ; wed. &
fri. litany I I a.m.; h. c. 1st sunday n a.m. 2nd . p.m.; tues. 8 p.m
Colchester Gospel Band, Mission hall, Abbeygate street;
sund~y 8 a.m. last sunday 7 p.m. ; saints' days 11 a.m
n a.m. & 3 &; 7 p.m. ; wed. 8 p.m
St. Mary-at-the-Walls, Church street, Rev. Canon Magdalen Street Mission hall, 11 a.m. & 7 p.m
Greville Turner Brunwin-Hales M.A. rector & rural
dean; Rev. Richard Edgar Vipan Prichard M.A. Rev.
John Holyoak B.A. &; Rev. Stanley Wilson Th.A.K.C. SCHOOLS.
curates; 8 & I I a.m. & 3 & 7 p.m.; daily, 8 a. m. & The Royal Grammar School, in Lexden road, now an
5·30 p.m . endowed secondary school, was founded by the bailiffs
St. Michael, Berechurch, Rev. Canon Greville Turner & commonalty of this town, pursuant to a grant of
Brunwin-Hales M ..A. vicar; I I a.m. &; 3 p.m. during Queen Elizabeth in I583 renewing one previously
winter months & 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. during summer made by Henry VIII. in 15 39 and was instituted
months for sixteen scholaM (sons of free burgesses of the
St. Michael & All Angels, Mile End, Rev. Hy. Smeeton borough), who received a classical education; by an
Stevens. rector; 8 & I I a. m. & 3 (children's) & 6.30 alteration of the statutes made in 1844• the number
p.m . of scholars on the foundation was extended to twenty.
St.. Nicholas-cum-St. Runwald, High street, Rev. Joseph but these, under a new scheme of the Oha,rity Com-
~ .Montague Harris M . .A. rector; 8.30 & n a. m. & 7 missioners, approved in Council I9 :May, 1899, have
p.m. ; saints' days, 11 a.m ·. been reduced to ten ; the school has also a right ·to
St. Paul, Belle Vue road, Rev. Wilfred Henry Courteen. a. certain number of nominations to Christ's Hospital
vicar ; holy communion ISt & 3rd sundays, 8 & 11 annuallv; a school-house of large dimensions, with
a.m. (choral); 2nd sunday, 7 & 8 a.m.; other son- a residimce for the head master, was erected in the
days, 8 & (matins) 11 a.m. &; evensong, 7 p.m.; year I852, on a healthy and commanding site on the
daily, matins 10 a.m .• evensong (except wed. 8) 7.30 road to Lexden ; the school buildings includ~t a
St. Peter. North hill, Rev. Charles Triffit Ward ~I.A.. large schoolroom, library and class-rooms, & there
vicar; Rev. Ernest John Goodchild B. A. curate; 11 are three town-houses in charge of house-masters,
a. m. As 7 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m each with its separate organisation. for the benefit of
Christ Church (district church of St. Mary-at-the- town boys, besides a large boarding house adjoining
Walls), :Maldon road, Rev. Richard Edgar Vipan the school close; in 1910 additional buildings were
Prichard M . .A. curate in charge; 8 &i I I a.m. &; 6.30 completed at a cost of about {,; they are in· the.
p.m. ; week days, 5.30 p.m. except sats Tudor style & include assembly hall, art galleries,
St. Barnabas (chapel of ease to St. Giles), Old Heath. laboratories, library, workshop, class-rooms & other
served by the clergy of St. Giles'; 3 p.m. ; '1St sun. apartments, & a 25 yards rifle range; there are now
9.30 a.m (1914) 210 boys, including' boarders; the school is
Garrison Church, Military road~ chaplain, Rev. Arthur under the control of a governing body of 15 persons,
V. C. Hordcrn (Chm·ch of England); 8, 9• 10 &i 11.15 of which the Mayor is ex-officio ehairman ;- H. ().
u,m. k •3 k 6.30 p.m: ; also iron church, G.lojerat W anklyn, clerk to the governors ; Percy R. Shaw
barracks, Rev. Edward .Anthony Sydney Gell :\LA. , Je.ffrey :M ...\. of Queen's College, Oxford &;
7·30 a.m. & 3 & 6.30 p.m - .- University, head master; Rev_ Ernest W


Bartley Parker M ..A. Hubert St. John Seamer M.A.
Edward Reeve M.Sc., G. E. F. Bellward B.A., J. A.
A.ssistant Clerk, Arthur F. Lewis
Medical Officer, Waiter Francis Corfield ){.D ..
Peart B.A., C. T. Carter B.A., F. D. Barker B.A., B.S.Lond., D.P.H.Camb., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.B.C.P.
J. H. Oldham, E. B. Deakin & E. E. Pepper M ..A.. Lond. 36 Stanwell street
house masters; preparatory school, Miss Christine Medical Inspector of Schools, Miss .A.gnes Oswald M.R.
C:ross & Miss Johnson; visiting masters: Sergt.-Inst. Lond., D.P.H.Camb. 2 Trinity street
Bramwell & Sergt.-Inst. Penn, gymnastiics. There i! School AttPndance Officer, .A.lbert Ernest Webb
also .a large playing field of 12 acres on tihe Erring-
ton estate CouNCIL ScuooLs.

EDUCATIONAL . Barrack street (mixed & infants), erected in x8g6, for
CoLCHESTER DrsTmCT HIGHER EDUCATION CoMMITTEE. 1,259 children (77o mixed & 489 infants); average
- EssEX CoUNTY EDUCATION COMMITTEE. I attendance, 591 mixed department & 384 infants;
The committee was formed in 1904 k consists of 21 Frederick H. Sanger, head master; Miss Sarah Brook.
members. I infants' mistress
Canterbury road (mixed & infants), erected in 1903, for
Meetings are held a_t the Technical College, on the 6o6 mixed & 290 infants ; average attendance, 523
fourth saturday m e~ch month at 11.30 a.m. mixed & 254 infants; William Hodgson B.A. master;
Vhairman, J. B. Hawkins J.P ' Miss Edith .A.. Flitton, infants' mistress
Olerk, George Charles Holland, Technical College, t East Stockwell street (infants), opened January, 189&.
North hill for 183 children; average attendance, 167; Miss M. A_
The districts included are the boroughs of Colchester Roff, mistress ; special class for 20 children i average
& Harwich & the unions of Lexden & Winstree & attendance, 18; Miss M. Smee, mistress
Tendring East Ward, Greenstead road (mixed & infants), opened
April, xgo8, for 350 mi:xe<l department & 200 infants;
TENDRING DlsTmCT SuB-COMMITTEE. 1 average attendance, 271 mixed & 93- infants ; Archi-
The committee was formed in 1:903 & consists of 22 bald William .A.lderton, master ; Miss Grace Stiles.
members. infants' mistress
Jleetings are held at the Technical College on the : Myland (mixed & infants), built in x9o6, for 250 mixed
second saturday in every month at 1 1. 15 a.m. ! ~ 100 infants; average attendance, 192 mixed & 79
Cba"1 c N B k Jp mfants; John Haly, master
(Jler , eorge · C.h roHo sll · d T h . l C
as. o an , ec n1ca o ege, or
ll N l
th hl 1
North street (mixed & infants), opened Nov. 1894, for
66 · d & 2 8 · f t tt d
School Medical Ins ector J McGrath M :B T h · 1 ? m1Xe . 3 m an s ; average a en ance, 5)7
C P ' · "" · · ec mea mued & 214 mfants; John Harper B . .A.. master; Miss
0 11
ege ffi . : Georgina F. Newman, infants' mistress
c\; J 0 h PI t S .th 1 M ld d C01 h t
Attendance 0 cers, Waiter C. Bareham, Ltttle Clacton Old H ath ( · d & · f t ) b ilt ·
e mlxe m an s ' u 8 f
m I 94• or 17
n an · ml • 99 ~ a on roa • c es er 1
mixed & 63 infants; average attendance, 138; Frank
. St. John:s green (mixed & infa.nt.s), erected 1897-8, for
The committee was formed in 1903 & consists of 19 1 4 56 mixed & 290 infants; average attendance, 413
members. j mixed & 251 infants; John Edward Cheese, master;.
:Meetings are held at the Technical College, on the I (vacant), infants' mistress
third saturday in every. month at 11.30 a. m. . N p
· J B H k" J p I .l: OY- ROVIDED 8 CHOOLS.
eh auman, . • a w 1ns .
Olerk, George Chas. Holland, Technical College,North hl Central ·(mixed) (with which is incorporated the Blue
School :Medical Inspector, J. McGrath M.B. Technical 1. Coat school), St. Hslen's lane, founded in 1709, re-
College I1 built in 1861 ; there is accommodation for 457 child-
Attendance Officer, T. P. Smith, 132 Maldon road ren; average attendance, 324; 50 boys & 25 girls
Colchester Technical College. North hill, G. C. Hol- being clothed from funds supplied by an endowmen&
land, sec.; art department, F. W. Hm1nsell A.R.C ..A.. & subscriptions; Frederick J .. Twyman, head master
head master; Miss K. Brignell .t Miss S. Johnson, Magdalen street (boys), built. in 1859, for 120 children;
assistant mistresses. Science dept. H. P. Wilson F.C.S. average attendance, 99; Wilfrid Cox, master
supt.; Needlework, Miss E. Newman; Lecturers~ D.W. Kendall road (girls & infants), built in tBgo, for 299
Clark A.R.I.B.A. geometry & builders' mathematics; children; average attendance, 122 girls & 145 infants;.
P. 0. Wilson B.4. practical mathematic11; S. Eddy & Miss Mary Cooke, mistress; Miss Alice Miller, in-
J. McDonald Bedwell, machine construction; E. A. fants' mistreu
Slater A.M.I.O.E., F.S.I. & A. G. Andrews P.A.S.I., St. James' (girls & infants), East hill, built in 1859• for
L.B.I.B..A.. building construction; C. G. Bevan B.Sc. 170 children; average attendance, 92; Miss D. ,!_
applied mechanics & electrical engineering; P. H. Last, mistress
Oliphant, steam; J. H. Thomas, gas & oil engines; St. Mary-at-the-Walls (infants), Balkerne lane, erected
B. W. Southgate, electric wireman's work; H. P. in 1864, for uS children; average attendance, 89;
Wilson F.O.S. & W. W. Fuller, chemistry; H. P. Miss Annie Ellis, mistress
Wilson & F. 0. Wilson, teachers' certificate class; F. Greenstead (St. Andrew), built in 1851 & enlarged in
0. Wilson & C. G. Bevan, day science classes. Com- 1893, for 128 children; average attendance, ug;
mercial department: G. C. Holland, sec.; John Har- Frank Wright, master
per B.A. head master; T. W. Mirrington, teacher of St. John's, Ipswich road, built in 1854, for 100 children i,
elementary bookkeeping & commercial correspondence; average attendance, 84; Mrs. C. E. Tydeman, mist
J. Hutley Nunn, shorthand & typewriting; W. Cox, Parson's Heath (mixed & infants), erected in 1&89 & en-
arithmetic; F. G. Mills, advanced bookkeeping; J. larged in r894, for 107 children; average attendance,
Harper, geography & english; Miss P. Belfort, 78; Miss Ma.rgaret Watson, mistress
spanish; F. E. Grone, french k gerroan; Miss S. E. Lexden (mixed), built in 1841 & enlarged in 1893, fOT
Tamplin, cookery; Mrs. E. Hobday, dress making; 168 children; average attendance, 163; Frederick
Miss A. E. Rayment, laundry work;' Dr. N. Fell, James Motum, master
ambulance, physiology & general hygiene Catholic, Priory street, built in 1896 & enlarged in
Colchester Secondary School for Girls, G. C. Holland, 1902, for 285 children; average attendance, 262; 1\fis,
sec.; Miss M. W. Crosthwaite B.Sc. bead mistress; E. Harrigan, mistress; Miss M. Shanahan, infants'
Miss L. E. Holland, Miss C. A. Goddard B. Se. Miss mistress
G. E. Howson B. .A.. Miss N. Probert B . .A.. Miss G. Wesleyan (mixed), Culver street, built in 1869 c\; en-
Cunnyngham, Miss E. M. Goddard B.Sc. & Miss Jarged in x887, for 454 children; anrage attendance.
B. M. Sutton B. .A.. assistant mistresses; Miss V. 376; H. E. Shaw, head maste:r
Boasio, music mistress; Yiss D. Desbois, games Stanway All Saints, for 108 children; average attend-
mistress ance, 109; C. H. Grimwood, master
T"he Borough of Colchester Education Committee was ·
formed in :Yarch, 1903, & consists of 12 members of . XEWSP.A.PERS.
the Corporation & I I eo-opted members I Colchester Gazette, Benham &;; Co. Ltd. 24 High street~

Meetings are held at the Town hall on the fourt·h wed. proprietors & publishers; published wed. morniug.
in each month at 4.30 p.m. See advertiaement
Office, 3 Trinity street EYe-x County Standard, West SufJ()lk Gazettie k Eastern
Ohairman, Alderman Wilson Marriage J.P. Alresford Counties Advertiser, 24 High st. Benham & Co. Ltd.
gzange, Colchester proprietors & publishers; publi~h~d fri. evening ror
Olerk to t-he Committ-e-e, Ernest H. Bult~tude l !!at. See advertieement
Wal~n Gar:ette,, 2;1- High stree~. Benham k Co. Ltd. pro- Forc;lham Death, 'Bnll,' Crouch street, mon. wed. fri.
pnetors k pnolis.hers ; pubhshed wednesday morning. & .sat. arrives at 12 & leaves at 4
See nt Frating Everett, 'Angel,' High street, tues. thurs. I;
Essex County Telegraph, 38 Head street, Charles Gale, sat. arrives at I2 & leaves at 4; Block, 'Angel,' Higia
publisher; published tues. k sat. See advertise· street, mon, wed. & .sat. arrives at I2, leaves at 4•30
ment Frinton-Grant, ' Sea Horse,' H1gh street, tues. thnrs.
East Ang1ian Daily Times, branch, 61 North hill & sat. arrives at 12 & leaves at 4
Great Bentley & Elmstead-Everett, ' Angel,' ~oil
RAII.WAY STATIONS (Great Eastern). street, tues. thurs. & sat. arrives at I2 & leaves all 4
Colchester (North), James John Nibloe, station master Great Holland See Walton Kirby &c
.St. Botolph's, J. Palmer, station master Great Horkesley See Nayland &c
Hythe, Charles J. Lufkin, station master Harwich & Oakley-Parker, from 'Angel,' tues thu1'S.
Goods Agent for Colchester, St. Botolph's & Hythe. & sat. arrives at 11.30 & leaves at 4.30; Cole, 'Swaa,'
V. H. Mullis mon. wed. & sat. tfrrive at 12 & leaves at 4.30
Ipswich Buckles, 'Swan,' High street, wed. & sat.
CONVEY.A.NCES. arrives at 12.30 & leaves at 4.30; Skinner, 'Castle·
High street, wed. k sat. arrives at I2.3o,leaves at 4·~
Omnibus to k from the North Railway station (Main Kolvedon, Witham & Chelmsford-Moore Bros. ' Horse &
line). Prom Cups ;Jlotel k Red Lion hotel, to meet Groom,' Crouch street, W~>d. k sat. arrive at u.3o ~
every train leave at 4.30
Electric Tramways. A frequent service between the Langham Wailer, 'Swan,' High sireet, mon. wed. fri.
North Railway station & Lexden, Hythe, Eastgate & & sat. arrives at n & lP.aves at 4
the Recreation ground Layer Breton Burmby, 'Essex Arms,' Butt road, mon.
Yotor Omnibuses (Great Eastern Railway) between the wed. & sat. arrives at 12 & leaves at 4; Wyatt, 'Horae
North Railway station & West ~fersea. three times & Groom,' Crouch street, wed. & sat. arrives at 12
daily, week days only, for passengers, light goods & & leaves at 4.30
parcels; Berry's, to West Mersea, mon. wed. fri. & Manningtree Rackham, ' Castle,' High street, wed. A;
sat. three times each day; Moore's, from Town hall sat. arrives at I2 & leaves at 5
High street, to Kelvedon & Tiptree, tues. & fri. 4-IS .\Iersea (East) Underwood, 'Plough,' Magdalen street,
p.m tues. thnrs. & sat. arrives at I.go & leaves at 4.30
~aylaud (Suffolk)--W. Norfolk (omnibus), from the ~ers.ea (West) Rudlin, ' Plough,' Magdalen street.
'Waggon & Horses,' North bill & North Railway sta- daily, arrives at 12 & leaves at 5; Cudmore, 'Plough,'
tion, Mile end, dailv mon. wed. & sat. arrives at 12 & leaves at 5
~utton & Co, (C. L. Mead, agent), Head Gate .\lessing-Harvey, 'King's Arms,' Croueh street, toes. a;
Foster's Parcel & Goods Express Limited (C. E. Rice, •
sat. arriVes at 12 k leaves at 4; Barrell, ' Horse a;
agent), SI High street Groom,' toes. & sat. arrives at 12, leaves at 4
Pickfords Ltd. (Henry Colyer, agent), 99 High street :Mistley-Mayhew, 'Angel,' High street, mon. & sat.
arrives at I2, leaves at 4
CA.R.RIERS, with inns they call at & days of departure. Nayland (Suffolk). Stoke & Great Horkesley W. Nor-
.1bherton-Christmas, 'Plough,' Magdalen street, mon. folk, 'Waggon & Horses,' North hill, twice daily
w~d. fri. & sat. arrives at I2.3o, leaves at 4.30; Oakley See Harwich & Oakley
N1cholas, 'Plough,' Magdalen street, mon. wed. fri. & Oakley (Great)-Oole, ' Swan,' High street, mon. wed.
sat. arrives et 12, leaves at 5 & sat. arrives at I & leaves l:lt 4.30
.!ldbam-Saunders, 'Horse & Groom,' Crouch street, Old Heath Nicholas, 'Plough,' Magdalen street, mon•
sat. arrives at n, leaves at 4.30 wed. fri. & sat. arrives at I2 & leaves at 5
.1lresford-Day, 'Sea Horse,' High street, daily, arrives Peldon & Wigborough--()hristmas, 'Plough,' Magdalea
at I2 & leaves at 4 street, mon. wed. fri. & sat. arrives at I2.30 & leavee
.!rdleigh ~antick, ' Castle,' High street, mon. thurs. &. at 4.30; Nic'holas, 'Plough,' Magdalen street, moa .
sat. arrives at 2.30 &; leaves at 5 wed. fri. & sat. arrives at 12, leaves at 5
:Beaumont A. Parker, 'Angel,' High street tues. Rowhedge Harris, 'Prince of Wales,' 'Magdalen street.
wed. & sat. arrives at 11.30 & leaves at 4.30 ' daily, arrives at 12 & leaves at 6; Jones, 'Prince of
.Bergholt (East)-Beeston, 'George,' High street, wed. & Wales,' Magdalen street, daily, arrives at 12 & leaTe.t
sat. arrives at 12 & leaves at 4.30; Shead, 'Waggon at 4.30
& Horses,' North hill, wed. & sat. arrives at 12 & St. Osyth &c.--Oole, 'Castle,' High street, wed. 15
leaves at 4.30 sat. arrives at 11.30 & leaves at 4; Everett, 'Angel.'
::Sirch-Wyatt, ' Horse & Groom,' Crouch street, wed. High st. tues. thurs. & sat. arrives at I:Z & leaves at 4
& sat. arrives at 12 & leaves at 4.30; Prior, 'Bull,' Stanway See Copford & Stanway
Crouch street, moo. wed. fri. & sat. arrives at I2.30 Stoke See Nayland &c
& leaves at 4; Burmby, ' Essex ArmS,' Butt road Stratford St. Mary (Suffolk) Buckles, 'Swan,' High st.
mon. wed. & sat. arrives at 12, leaves at 4 ' wed. & sat. arrives at I2.30 & leave.s at 4.30
'Boxford-Skinner, 'Castle,' High street, wed. & sat. Sudbury Skinner, 'Castle,' High street, wed. & sat.
arrives at 12.30 & leaves at 4.30 arrives at I2.30, leaves at 4.30
Hoxterl .Munson, ' Angel,' High street, mon. wed. fri. Tey (Great)-Sannders, 'Horse & Groom,' Crouch st.
&; Mat. arrives at II.30 & leaves at 4.30 sat. arrives at I I & leaves at 4.30; Dyer, 'King's
:Braintree Watson, 'Bull,' Crouch street, tues. & sat. .Arms,' Crouch street, sat. arrives at 12, leaves at 4
arrives at I & lean•,.: ut +30 Thorpe-le-Soken Moles, 'Sea Horse,' High street, mon.
:Brightlingsea-Day, ' Sea Horse,' High street, daily, wed. & sat. arrives at 12 & leaves at 4.30; Parker;
arrives at 12 & leaves at 4 ' Angel,' High street, tues. thnrs. & sat. arrives st
Bromley (Little)-Parker, 'Angel,' High street, toes. II.3o & leaves at 4.30; Grant, 'Sea Horse,' High st.
thurs. & sat. arrives at 11.30 & leavt~s at 4.30 tues. thurs. fri. & sat. arrives at 12 & leaves at 4
llnres-Shead, 'Waggon & Horses,' North bill, wed. & Tiptree-Barrell, ' Horse & Groom,' Crouch street, tue~.
sat. arrives at 12 k leaves at 4 & sat. arrives at 12 k leaves at 4; Harvey, 'King'•
Chelmsford, see Kelvedon &c Arms,' Crouch street, tues. & sat. arrives at 12 I&
(}lacton-Rampling, ' Angel,' High street, tues. thurs. & leaves at 4; see also Tolleshunt &c
sat. arrives at 12 &; leaves at 4.30: Block. 'Angel,' Tollesbury Collins, ' Bull,' Crouch street, tues. wed.
High street, mon. wed. & sat. arrives at I2 & leaves thurs. & sat. arrives at II.3tJ k leans at 4.30;
at 4.30 Osborne, 'Essex Arms,' Butt road, tues. wed. thurs.
Coggeshall Hutley, 'Bull,' Crouch street, mon. wed. & k sat. arrives at II & leaves at 4.30
sat. arrives at 1 & leaves at 4.30 Tolleshunt, Tiptree &c.-Runnacles, from 'Bull.' Croucla
Colne Engaine Buck, 'Horse & Groom,' Croncb' street, street, wed. & sat. arrives at 11.30 & lean>s at 4.30
wed. & sat. arrives at I k leaves at 4.30 Walton-nn-the-Naze-Grant, ' Sea Horse,' Hig-h street,
'Copford, East Thorpe & Stanway-Bishop, 'Angel.' Hi<Yb tnes. thurs. & sat. arrives at 12 &. leaves at 4· .._o
• street, mon. wed. fri. & sat. arrives at I & leaves "'at Walton Kirby & Grt>at HoJhnd-Grant, 'Sea Horse,'
4.30; Trayler, 'Bull,' Crouch street, mon. wed. & sat. High ~treet, tues. thurs. & sat. arrives at I2.30 4i
arrives at I2 & leaves at 4 leaves at 4· 30
Donyland Jones, 'Prince of Wales,' Ma~dalen Ftreet, Weeley &i Great Bentley-Everett. "Angel,' High st-reet,
daily~ arrives at 12 & leaves at 4-30; Harris, 'Prince tues. thnrs. & sat. arrive.s at 12 & leaves at 4
of Wales,' Magdalen street, daily, arrives at 12 & Wigborough See Peldon
leaves at 6; Fale Witham See Kelvedon &c
Earls Colnc Buck, 'Horse & Groom,' Crouch st. wed. Wivenhoe-Wyatt, 'C!lstle,' High street, daily. arrives a.t
& sat. arrh·es at I & leaves at 4.30 I ~ leaves at 5; Cole, 'Swan,' High street. daily,
Fing:inghot'-See Peldon & Abberton arrives a~ 2.30 & leaves a' 5
Wqrmingford Sach, 'Bull,' Crouch street, mon. wed Water Conveyance.
fri. & sat. arrives at I I & leaves at 4 ; Shead,
. 'Waggon & Horses,' :Sorth hill, wed. & sat. arrives at To London Beckwith & Co.'s steamers twice- weekly
12 & leaves at -4 between Colchester & Black Eagle wharf, London

Benham William Gurney,9Lexden rd Carter Mrs. 35 Beaconsfield avenue
Bennett Albert Cordell, 31 Roman rd Catchpool Miss H. 41 L exden road
.Addison Charles E. 91 Maldon road Bensusan-Butt Geoffrey Crawford, x6 Challenor Col. George Richards,
Adlard Norman, Corona, Braiswick ~orth hill Fairlight Tower, Queen's road
Ager Arthur Mark, 19 Culver stre~t Bensusan-Butt Mrs. Ruth M.D. 16 Chamberlain Harry,38 Beaconsfield ~v
Ainsworth Leonard, 20 Roman road ~orth hill Chambers Geo. Alfred, 6o Creffield rd
Alderton Archbld.Wm.2oWellesley rd Setts Sidney, 4 Errington road Chambers Reginald, x86 Maldon road
.Aldridge Alien G. 39 ~ew '!'own road Bevan Joseph, 31 Athelstan road Chambers Waiter, 22 Wellesley road
.Alien Mrs. 44 Wellesley road Biddulph Lieut.-Col. Harold Mavro- Chambers Wait. Alfred, .IS Roman rd
.Alleyne Capt. C. F. 17 Ireton road michali, 4 Abbey field Chamier Col. Henry Deschamps, 35
Angell Ernest Wm. Lindsell, Butt rd Bird James, 9 Granville road Lexden road
Anthony Alfd. Capel ho. Creflield rd Bland Charles E. 38 Balkerne hill Chatten Robert, 53 Roman road
Appleby William Leverett, 198 Mal- Bland Mrs. 93 Maldon road Chatterton Peter, 29 Athelstan road
don road Blaxill Ed win Alex. I 56 Mal don road Cheek Mrs. I 87 Mal don road
Appleton Alwyne J. 3 Drury road Blomfield Donald, Rostrevor, Butt rd Cheese John Edward, 39 Pownall cres
Appleton Sidney Ohas.33Athelstan rd Blomfield Harry, 79 Wimpole road Cheet~am John,_ 2 Old Heath road
Archer Charles Henry, Stockwell ho. Blomfield Samuel, 24 New Town rd Cheshire Freder!ck, 221 Maldon road
43 Ea'st Stockwell street Blomfield William, I I Maldon road Cheshire William, I MeJTick crescent
Archibald ~ev. William Forrest M.A. Bloom Francis James, 72 Roman rd Chichester Edward M.B. Tranent, 22
The Chalet, Sussex road Bloomfield Rev. John James, 51 Crouch street
Argent Hrbt. Thompson,45 J...exden rd Priory street Chignell Miss, 70 High st. Colchester
Argent Mrs. r8o Maldon road Bonner Albert George, ro Gray road Chign.ell William, 29 Queen street
Armes Raymond L. Snaresbrook, Bootes Mrs. 23 Beaconsfield avenue Child William Edward, Exton,
Braiswick Booth William, 19 Shrub End road Cambridge road
Ashby Lewis, 13 Irvine road Borley Arthur, 82 Roman road Chitham Robert Geo. 4 Wellesley rd
Asten Alfred. 37 Beaeonsfield avenul' Borton Col. Charles B. Maitlands. Chopping Ezekiel, Middle Mill road
Asten George, 76 Maltion road Old Heath road Chopping Wasey, 54 Wellesley road
Atchinson Francis Alexander, St. :Botham Clement, 7 Drury road IChurch Mrs. 32 Crouch street
Ann's, Harwich road Bowles Geo. Suo Marte, Wimpole rd Church Stanley, 3 Old Heath road
Atkins Harry. 255 :Maldon road Boyles 'f. 22 Creffi.eld road Clanchy Charles, I3 Shrub End road
Attle Waiter Thos. 8 AbbPygate &t Branch Miss, 28 Mersea road 1
Claridge William, 32 Inglis road
Bacon Mrs. 44 Beaconsfield avenue Brian Clifford, gr Military road IClark Frank. 2 Gray road
Bailey Alfred, II3 Winnock road Brinton Rev. Percival Robert M.A. Clarke Major Jas. Bertram R.A.:\LC.
Bailey Henry Thomas,sCambridge rd (rector. of All Saints'), All Saints' 1 4I Shrub End r0ad
Bailey John, 125 Maldon road rectory, 66 High street Clary Mrs. 28 Old Heath road
Baker Harry Erneat, 34 Head street Brooker Waiter, 14 Hospital road Clayton William, 7 Irvine road
Baker Miss, 4 Roman road Brown Arth. Jas. 5 Old Heath road Cleveland Mrs. Carlton vil. Braiswick
Baker Miss, 41 Roman road Brown Obarles, 16 Lion walk Clift Ernest, 2 Winnock road
Baker Willoughby Chas. 27 Athelstan Brown John Edwin, 219 Maldon road Clowes William Frederick Albert, St
road Brown Wt11I1. Quinton-, 47 Wimpole rd John's street
Balaam Alfred Edwd. 14 Old Heath rd Browne Mrs. 93 Military road Cobb Charles. St. Leonard's house,
Baldwin Richard.Io Abheygate street Browning Mrs. 37 Pownall crescent 77 Hythe hill
Barber Miss, 23 Maldon road Bl'nnwin-Hales Rev. Canon Greville Cocker Thomas, 206 Maldon road
Barchard Mrs. Braiswick lodge Turner M.A. (rector), St. Mary-at- Cole Charle3 James, 66 Winnock rd
Barker Frank, So Ea11t hill . the Walls rectory; Cole Harry Waiter, 25 Wimpole road
Barlow Major Nelson W. The Scar- Bryan Miss, 1 Winsley ro~td Coleman Misses, 29 Lexden road
letts, Old Heath road Bu~g Frederick Chas. 8 Cri:ffield rd Collin Chiswell, 17 East bay
Barnes Charles, 171 ~[aldon road. Bullock Albert S. Danehurst, Oxford Collinge Fredk. Samuel, 6 George st
Barrett Charles Arthnr, 25 Lexden rd road. Tel. I44 Collins Albert George, 207 Maldon rd
Barritt l:rnest Hy. 26 Beaconsfield avn Bullough Robert Crossley A.:M:.I.O.E. Collins Miss, 249 Maldon road
Bascombe Edwin Cecil Dare M.R.C.S. 10 Honywood road Collins Misses, 166 Maldon road
Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond., L.D.S.Eng. Bultitude Ernest Hy. III Maldon rd Corner George, 2 Cambridge road
54 Head strf'et; & St. Patrick's, Bultitude Robert, Beechcroft, 5 Abbey Compton Major Charles William, J2
Fourth avenue, Frinton-on-Sea Gate street Cambridge road
Bashford Rev. Robert M.A. (rector), Runting Herbert, 78 Roman road Compton Mrs. 22 Inglis road
St. Mary. :Magdalene rectory, 23 Bunting Miss, 71 Culver street Compton Mrs. 9 Ire ton road
Wimpole road Bunting Misses, II3 North Station rd/Cook Major George Trevor-Roper, 12
Baskett Herbert Fritz,21 Wellesley rd Bunting Mrs. 25 Roman road The Avenue
Bassano Thomas Matthias M.B. 95 1 Bunting William Ellis, 28 Lexden road Cooke Edwin Langstaff,36 Creffield rd
Winnock rood 1
Bunting Wm. Whorlow, 20 Lexden rd Cooper Mrs. 52 Crouch street
Bate Frank Herbert, 2 Winsley road Burleigh Jn. Lawrence, II Oxford rd Cooper :Mrs II Gray road
Bateman Mrs. 13 Ireton road Burner Alfred, 18 Cambridg-e road Corfield Waiter Francis M.D., B.S.,
Bates Thomas William, 53 Lexden rd Burrell Francis James, Abbeycroft, D.P.H. Whindown, Braiswick
Bather William Jsph. 37 Wellesleyrd 7 Abbeygate street Cosser George Whitfield, :.~ Becrea-
Bawtree Yiss, 31 Lexden road Bnrwond Edward, 67 Crouch street tion road
Bawtree Miss, 6 The Avenue Butler S. C. 2 Creflield road Costerton Miss, 62 Crouch street
Bawtree Mrs. 71 High street Bygrave Miss, 14 Booconsfield avenue 1 Cotter Mrs. 9 Creffi.eld road
Beard Ernest Stanley, Woodlands, Cade William, 157 Maldon road rCoulson Rev. Alfred Wm. (WesleyiUI)~
Lexden road Calveley William Hy. 209 Maldon rd r 43 New Town road
Beard Misses, 9 Oxford road Cameron John Mackintosh, 22 Mili- Courteen Rev. Wilfred Henry (vicar-
Beard Reginald 6enjamin, 3 Cam- tary road of St. Paul's), 48 North hill
bridge road Campbell Capt. Hon. Alexander Cowell John. 37 Lexden road
Bt>atson Col. Charles, 86 East hill Francis Henry, Braiswick stud Cox Reginald, 24 Old Heath road
Becher Major Cecil Leycester,4o Cref- Campling Frdk. Winsley's ho. High st Craske Robert Gerald, 10 Victoria rd
field road Cannon Miss, 4 Creffi.eld road Cressell Wm. Thomas, 27 Maldon rd
Beckwith Joseph H. 42 Hythe hill Cansdale Frank, 99 Military road Cripwell Waiter, 38 Wimpole road
}Jedwell John Donald, 72 High street Cant Arthur, IO Cambridge road Critchley Sydney, 72 Winnock road
BedweU John Uobert, 65 High street Cant Frank, Brais\vick Cross Arthur Henry, I8 Roman road
Bedwell Misses, .'>5 North hill Cardinall Mrs. 6 Old Heath road Cross Joseph John, 86 High street
Beeton Thomas Frank, 14 Manor road Carey E. Alfred, 49 Lexden road Cros5: William, t The Avenue
Behr Rev. GPo. Manfred M.A. (curate Carman Georl!'e Wm. 19 'l'hl' Avenne Crowther .Alfred, 3 East hill
in charg<> of St. Stepht>n's), 34 New Carr Alfred Thomas, I78 Maldon rd Crowther Joseph Lord,37NewTown rd
Town road Carter Rev. Henrv Frederick Victor Croydon Fredk. Stanley, 49 East st
ll~>nbam Chas. Edwin, 28 Wellesley rd (rector of St. L~onard's), The Rec- Crnmp Miss, 6o Crouch street
Benham Mrs. 36 Orouoh street tory, Hythe hill


Ouddon Bernard. The I.imes, O.d Bth FreestunCapt.Wm.B.M.:rSThe Avenue Harvey John Bawtree, 29 Wellesley rd
Culley William Richard 1.8.0. Dil- Frere Mrs. 6 Victoria road Harvey Miss, 46 Beaconstield avenue
bridge hall, Ipswich road Frisby William, 111 Winnock road Harward Mrs. 7 BE.verley road
Cullinan Mrs. 225 Maldon road Frost Abraham Wm. 54 North hill Ha.rwood Wm. Hy. 62 Nth. Station l'4 .
Collingford Rd. Wincup, 47 Lexden rd Frost Francis Conrade Shenstone, 25 Haugh feter, 21 Roman road
Curl Sydney W., M.D.Camb., Shrub End road Hawkl' Rowla.nd Welstearl, 4 Hony+
M.R.O.P.Lond. 40 Crouch street Frost Mrs. 31 Wellesley road wood road
Curtis Missea. 19 Lexden road Fruin Horace, 5 Drury road Ha wkim Miss. 87 East hill
Dace Ernest Waring, 17 Honywood rd Fryer John Alexander Waugh, 35 Hazell George, 39 W ellesley t-oad>
Daldy Robert Joseph, so South at Shrub End road Hazell Mrs. 10 Salisbury avenue
Dancer J. C. 159 Maldon road Fuller Miss, 92 Maldon t•oad Head Charles, 3:;, Creflield road
Daniell Fdk.Stanley, 26 Shrub End rd Gale Charles Thomas, 52 Wellesley rtl Head Mu. 58 Wimpole road
Daniell Mrs. 82 East hill Gallifent Thomas, 41 Wellesley road !leap Jm,eph Herbert, 47 Roman road
Daniell Mrs. 19 Ireton road Gammer Harry, 94 Roman road H ~~arle Mrs. 50 Creffield road •

Da.-ies Herbert George. 27 Roman rd Garvie James, Mount ho. Old heath Heath ~rs. 76 Winnoc:k road
Davison Col. Jn. Holly trees, High st 'Gear Lucas M. New Town lodge. Heathcote Capt. Charles Eden&OI\
Day Rev. John (WesJeyan), -30 Wel- Winnock road V f'nloo, Braiswick
lesle~ ~oad . Gell Rev. Edward Anthony Sydney Hell en Miss, 7 W ellesley road
Day Will1am Le1gh Maule B.A., M.B. M.A. (chaplain to the forces), -:7 HPips Mrl', 61 CrouC'h street
4J Lexden road The Avenue Hennemeyer Mrs. 22 Beaconsfield M"
de Ooorcy-Benwell Rev. Henry Fredk. Gentry Harry, 43 Roman road Hepburn Thomas, 3<; Shrub End r4
M.A. St Martin's :rectory, 7 West Goorge Arthur Chapman,171Il.glis road Herbert Rev, Edward Otway, 39 Le:l~
Stockwell street G;ibbons Mrs. 8 Inglis road den road
Dennis Archibald Wilfred, 129 Mal- Gihhs John, 203 Mald(\n road Herrin~r Mrs. 4 West Lodge road
don ;J"oad Giddings William K. 6 Abbeygate st Hibberd James, 109 \Vmnock road
Dennis Edwin, 8 Gray road Gilbert Misses, Old Heath cottage Hirkinbotham JamPs Ryland M.B, 11~
Dennk Miss, r Creffield road Gill Mrs. 142 Maldon road Military road
Dt-nton Charles William, 43 Shrub Gill William Rey, 202 Maldon road Hobday Lawrence, 14 Roman road
End 1oad Godh·ey .Miss, 3 Gray road Hodgson William, I7 Shrub End rd
Denton Mrs. C.E. 9 East Stockwell st Godfrey Mrs. 8 Errington road Holland GPo. Chas. 28 Creffi.eld road
Denyer Charles L. 14 Shrub End rd Godwin Mrs. 47 Chapel street Holloway Horace Hy.34 Old Heath rd
Digby Herbert Nokes, IS Queen street Golding Hugh Frederick, Mount Hopwood Joseph Jolly; :r6 Creffield rd
Doh11on George W. 99 Maldon road house, Harwich road Hopwood Miss, 2 Beverley road .
Dobson Miss E. 6 Ing-lis road Goldsmith Mrs. C. 47 Wellesley road Hordern Rev. Arthur Venables Oalve-
Dobson Misses, 2 Inglis road Goldsmith Mrs.J.0.3o Beaconsfield a\ ley (chaplain to the Forces),Trinity
Dobson Misses, St. Alban's, Oxford rd Goodchild Rev. Ernest John B.A. house, Wirupole road
Dodson Leonard, 29 Roman road (curate of St.Peter's),28 Papillon rd Horwood Henry Samuel, 7 Victoria rd
Downes Samuel, 89 Wimpole road Goodey Harry, 35 New Town road Howe Major R. B. B. Drury farm,
Downing Richard Jas. 2~ .Athelstan rd Goodwin Sidney Otto, 54 Beaconsfi.eld Maldon road
Dnnkerley Rev. Roderic B.A., B.D. avenue - Howe Charles Henry,1o2 Maldon r9ad
(Congregational), 18 Wellesley road Goodwin Wm.Fredk. :r8 Old rd Humphrey Miss, 36 Lexden road
Dnnningham Thos. John,:l8 Eas~ hill Goodwyn Capt. Percy. 141 Maldon rd Hunt Edgar Atlee, 107 Crouch st~et
Dnrrant Oscar John,147 Maldon ro!l.d Goody Mrs. 32 Wellesley road Hunt Waiter, 46 Balkerne lan~
Eagle Misses, 61 Lexden road Goody Neville Clifford, 21 Inglis road Hutton Charles Palme~; Ram, 67 Mili-
Eales Edwd. Danl.Oliver,go Crouch st Gosling Frederick Thos. 8 Victoria rd tarv•
Eardley-Wilmot His Honor Judge Gowen William Henry, 6 Gri\Y road Impey-Lovibond Miss, Ashbourne
Hogh Eden, 2 The Avenue Gower Mrs. Dacca house, Queen's rd house, Victoria •road
Endy Stephen, 11 Old Heath road Graham Mrs. 143 Maldon road irn Thurn Lieut. Basil Bernhardt v.on.
Edgar James, 200 Maldon road Gray Alfred, 21 Maldon road B. S The Avenue
Edward!! Mrs. 42 St. John's street Gray Arthur, 88 Maldon road lnd Capt. James Algernon D.L., J.P.
Ellis Chaloner Chute, White lodge. Gray Charles William, 196 Maldon rd Whitt- hall, Old Heath road
' Mersea road Grayson Rev Joseph Watson (Primi- Ingall Mrs. 16 The Avenue •
Ellison Obome Jas. LL.B.3 Qneen's rd tive Methodist), 107 Winnock road Inglis Major Thomas Drummond, St.
Elwes Henry Gt-ofTrey, IS.~ High st Green Major Jas. Edwd. 33 Lexden rd Mary's, Church street north
Elwes Mrs. 24 Inglis road G1•een Capt. Dixon. 144 Hvthe hill Iredell Capt.J.Stanley,9 Honywood rd
Ive~:~ Richard Haward, 3 Oxford road
England Major Raymond. Reed hall Green Alfred. 15 Ireton road
En(!'land Miss, 42 Creffield road Green Donald Waiter, 20 East bav Ivey· Stephen Hastings J. 97 Win·
nock road
English_ WiJliam, 19:1 Maldon road< Green F.dwd. Chas. 1·8 Ea.Stockwell si
jack:son Lieut-.-Col. Sydney Charles
Erroll Mrs. 42 Wellesley road Green Henry, 3 Bea.consfield avenue
Fishburn D.S.O. I Abbey field
Even Col. George Eusebe O.B. 54 Green Miss, 15 East bay Jacob Major Arth. Otway, Drnry lo
Inglis road Green Miss, 14 Wellesley road
Jarmin A. M. 15 East hill
Everett Alfred Robert Ma,y, 37 Green Misses, 2:1 Lexden road
Shrub End road Green Mrs. 28 Beaconsfield avenue Jarred Herbt. Edwd. 70 Winnock rd
Jay Henry, 104 Maldon road
Everett Henry, 28 New Town road Green Mrs. 211 Maldon t'Oad Jeffrey Percy Shaw M.A. The Schoql-
Everett Mis-s, 66 Barrack street Green Mrs. W. G. 27 Shrub.End rd house, Lexden road
Evet'ett Willie Chl'istian !..R.O.M. 14 Green Robert C. 27 Beaconsfield av Jenkinson Samuel, I I Roman road
('!reffi.eld road Griffin Hemy Lainson, 62 West Stock-
Jenks Major William J. South house~
Farmer Arthur Owen, 12 Queen st well street Creffield road
Farmer George, 19 Roman road Grimwade Frnk.Woodland&, Ireton rd Jennings Harold, 21 Shrub End road
'Faavel Charles H. tr Creffield road Grimwade Hy.West lo.West Lod~?e rd Jennings Miss, 19 Creffield road
Fell Alfred Nolan M.D. I I Lexden rd Grone Ferdinand E., R.B.A. Minden Jennings Misses, 135 Maldon road
,Feltham Mrs. 8 Old Heath road house, Wellesley road Jennings William, 16 Old Heath road
Fenne:r Henry, So Maldon road Gummer Henry .John, 184 Maldon rd Juhnson George, 13 Inglis road
Fieldgate Frank Hy. 9 Shrub End rd Hall F. W. 26 New Town Toad J ohnson H. B. 17 I.ion walk
Finch William Ward, 29 Maldon road Hallam Miss, 16 Beaconsfield avenue Johnson James Gentry, 6 Lion waik
Fleetwood Charles. 33 Shrnh End rd Hallum Mrs. Krishna, West Lodo-e rd .Tohnson Mrs. 64 Creffield road
Flory Arthu!' Edwin, 197 MaJ.don rd Ham A. H. 140 Maldon road " Johnston Capt. R. D. 5 Victoria road
lrlory Thomas, 40 Manor road Hardy Miss, I Sussex road .runes Charles E. 94 Maldon road
Flux Charles By. 32 Old Heath road Hardy Mrs. Charles, 2:1 Lexden roar\ Jones Hy. Wm. Plum hall, Mersea rd
Flux .Tames Felix. 16 Mpvrirk cri's HargreaT"es Capt. Arthur J. G. so Joscelyne A.Jbert Eustace, 9 Abbey-
.Folkard Ephraim Beardwell. 114 Mal- Crouch street gate street
don road Harper Alexander, 2 Salisbury av· Joslin George H. ro Beverley road
'Folkard Misses, I 12 Maldon road Harper G. R. 4 Oxford road Keeble Arthur James, 74 Roman road
Francis Edwd. Kershaw, S.'i Crouch st Harper John, 19 Beverley road Kelman William Hay, 97 Maldon rd
Fra.ncis Jas. Hamilton, 55 Crouch st Harris Rev. Joseph Mont:tgue M.A. Kemble Major Edward Arthur, S M>x-
Francis Mrs. 21 Athelstan road (1-ector of St. Nicholas),7 Lexden rd den road
Francis Mrs. 55 Crourh street Harrison Mrs. Spencer, 14 Cam- Kent Benjamin Harry, 1,82 :M:aldon
Freeborn Mis"· 10 Trinity street bridge road road
'Preeman Major E. C., R.A.M.O. Har!!nm George, 18 Beaconsfield av Ke11worthy Rev. James Wright, 26
Tymperl,eys, Trinity street Hart William C. 25 Ireton road Inglis road
• •
___ . [KELLY'8

Kerna~han Mrs. 23 The Avenue Moss Frank, 1 Drury road Radcliffe Kenneth Dudley, 247 Mal-
Kett Jamps, 170 Maldon road Moss Joseph, ao8 Maldon road don road
Keyes John Henry, 152 Maldon road · Moxon Major Herbert William, Brad- Rain bird Waltei" T. 161 Maldon road
Kiddle Major Frederick ~LB. 20 Cam~' ney, Cambridge road Railing James F. 46 Maldon road
bridge road Moy Ernest John, 89 Maldon road Railing Thomas John, I01 Winnockrd
King William Hedl~y. 16 Inglis road Mumford A. G. Acbnacone Rands Waiter Gladstone, Marh&lll
Knight Mrs. 16 Lexden road I Murdoch Frank Butler, 13 Old Heath lodge, Old heath
Knopp Mrs. 91 East hill road Raven Mrs. 3 Castle road
Ladbrooke Herbt. Geo. I9I )laldon rd Murray John, Broom Hill, ::\'Iersea rd Rawlings Miss, go Maldon road
Laver Henry F.S.A. 43 Head street Mustard David, 34 Creffield road Ray Misses, 34 Wellesley road
Laver Philip G.3 Church street north I Naters Rev. Chas. Cuthbert M. A. (rec Bedford Thos. Everitt, 95 Maldon rd
Lawrence John, 42 Crouch street tor St. James'), Rectory, East hill Reed James, 42 Beaconsfield avenue
Lawrence Miss, I3 Cre.ffield road Needham Capt.Roderick,2o The Aven Rees Mrs. 204 Maldon road
Lawrence Mrs. 31 Queen street 'leville James, .29 Beaconsfield avenue Renny Eustace George, I6 Crouch st
La.wton Mrs. 106 Military road Newborn Robert Fred, 3 Irvine road Riehardson Miss, 190 Maldon road
Lay Major Tudor J.P. 27 Lexden rd Newcomen Rev. Gilbert Arthur' Richer Thomas, IO] Maldon road
Lay Mrs. 12 Sir Isaac's walk (curate of St. Leonard's), The Rickword George, 38 Wellesley road
Lazell Mrs . .13 Beverley road Rectory, Hythe bill Rivers William, 21 Beaconsfield avea
Leaning Mrs. 32 Lexden road Newman Mrs. I Sussex road Roberts Wm. Fredk. 2 Errington rd
Leathers H. W. A. 19 Honywood rd ~icholl Miss, 73 East hill Roberts William Thos. x6o Maldon rd
Le Ball Mrs. 7 Butt road ~icholson Benjamin Hugh M.B. East Robertson Mrs. 6 Gladstone road
Leeston-Smith Mrs. East Hill house, lodge, High street Robinson Rev. Thomas B.A. u Bever-
High street ~icholson John, I58 Maldon road ley road
Le Good Henry Benjamin, IB Glad- Nicholson Percy Claude, Glengariffe, Robinson Saml. Geo. 6 Cambridge rd
stone road Cambridge road Robinson Thomas, 20 Crouch street
Le Hunte Lieut. John, 3 Beverley rd Nickalls Mrs. 62 Creffield road Roff Miss, 71 Mersea road
Lewis Thomas Edwin, 173 Maldon rd Nixon Edmund Henry,rsr Maldon rd Rogers Ernest George, 9 The Avenue
Light Henry, 61 North hill North Edward, 23 Old Heath road Rogers Miss, 7 The Avenue
Little Robert, so Wellesley road Nunn J. Hutley, 5 Ra.wstorn road Rogers Mrs. II7 Maldon road
Littlebury Frank, IS Shrub End rd Nunn Robert John, 25I Maldon road Rogers Waiter, 4 Gray road
Littlebnry George, I6 Roman road Oliver John S. 146 Maldon road Rolston R. 23I Maldon road
Littlebury Waiter. 8r Winnock road Oliver John Herbert, 189 Maldon road Rose George, 66 Military road
Littlebury Wm. Warden,84 Roman rd Ord Mrs. Io Lexden road Rowe Edward B. g6 Maldon road
Locke Frank Edwin, I8 Queen street Orfeur Charles Ernest, 8 North Sta- Rowland Penry William M.D. g
Locke Mrs. 38 Lex den road tion road W ellesley road
Locke Osmond Sansom, I Irvine road Orriss James Samuel, 21 Lexden road Rush William, 85 Maldon road
· Locke Waiter William, 6g Culver st Osborne Arthur, 2 Shrub End road Ryan Josep'h Micbael M.B. 9 East bil
Lockwood Miss, I I Wellesley road Osborne John William, 52 Mersea rd Salmon John, 52 Creffield road
Lovell Miss, 13 The Avenue OsborneMrs.Altnacealgach ho.Park rd Salmon Mrs. 2I5 Maldon road
Lovett Alfred, 7!:l Wimpole road Oswald Miss M.B. 2 Trinity street Sandle Henry John, 46 Mersea road
Low William, 57 Wimpole street Otto Henry George, 8 Wellesley road Sandle Samuel Mortimer,12Roman rd
Loyd Harry, 6 Errington road Page Frank, 167 Maldon road Sanger Fredk. Hy. 15 Abbeygate at
Loyd Thomas M. IIO Maldon road Palmer Edwin, 63 Lexden road Sansom Charles Henry, 71 East hil
Luc]dng Arthur John. 20 lnQ"lis "'oacl Palmer George James, 8 Beverley rd Sawyer :Miss, I I Honywood road
Maberly Joseph Strutt, 38 Cre.ffield rd Palmer Herbert. Wybourn, Ireton rd Sayer Edward, 44 North hill
Macdona. Frdk.Graham,5 Beverley rd Papillon Miss, 26 Crcflield road iSchrader Mrs. r62 Maldon road
Macdonald George Anderson, 20 I Parker Edward, 20 Creffield road 1 Scott Waiter Edwin, 9 Beverley road

Shrub End road I Parkes Edward, 41 East street Seaden Horace, Gate house, High sS
"YcGratb J. J ., }LB. Holland villa, Parry Rev. Kenneth L., B.Sc. (Con- Seeker John Howard, 53 North hill
Maldon road gregational), 48 Creflield road Seeker Miss. 25 Maldon road
McKenna Thomas J as.19 ~Ieyrick cres Parsons Miss, I3 Boman road 1 Senior Percy Thorp, 15 Shrub End rd
• McLennan Mrs. 3 Creffield road Pa~ley Wm. Henry, 26 Wellesley road! Senior Wm. Ernest, go Old Heath rd
Makepeace ErnestDugard,I1 Ireton rd Panl )lr><. 36 Wellesley road Sennitt :Mrs. 67 Mersea road
~alam John William. 82 'Maldon road I Pawsey Hugh W.Old rectory.:Brook st Sewell Frank, 74 Winnock road
.:M:argetson. Mrs. 106 Maldon road I Pawsey Jas.Arth.New rectory,Brook st Sharman Harry Ernest, II St. Isaac's
~arsh Rev. John Bishop M.A. St. Paxman Wm. Shalazan, Braiswick walk
Giles, rectory, Gladstone road· Payne Saml. Taylor, 2 Honywood rd Shaw Hy. Edwards, 25 Beaconsfield aT
~a.rshall Mrs. 34 Lexden road Payne Thos. F. T. 22 Shrub End rd Shead William, I7 Wellesley road
:\fartin Capt. James W. 18 Creffield rd Peachey Miss, IS Creffield road ShephPTd Charles. 68 Winnock road
Martin Charles Henry,25 High street Penney Capt. Ebenezer James, 24 Short Major William Ambrose R.F.A.
Mason James H. 24 Military road Welleslay road 12 lnQ"lis road
::\faturin Col. John, 2I The Avenue Pennv John William, 241 :Maldon rd Short William Llewellyn Everett,
May Edward Eme!!t, St. Mary's cot-- Phillips Isaac Geo. 9 Old Heath road Denby, Cambridge road
tage, Church street south Phillips Joseph, 4 Old Heath road Sidle Thomas, 85 High street
Maybury William Augustus M.D., Plane Mrs. 95 Military road Sidle Thom:is, jnn. 15 Irvine road
M.Ch. 9 We~t ~tncbw11 !'h·eet Pleasants Samuel Thomas Knight, Simkin William Robert, 63 North hill
Mead Christr. Lewis, 153 Maldon rd 45 Roman road Slater Eric .A.rnold. 20I Maldon road
Medcalf Fred, 2 Queen street Pocock George W. 205 Maldun road Smith Albert Charles, 12 Beverley rd
..Merrett Rev. Richard Wiseman Pointing William Jas. 148 l\faldon rd Smith John Plant, 199 Maldon road
.A.K.C.L. (vicar of St. John the Polley Henry H. 67 Wimpole road Smith Mrs. John, Wellesleynl
Evangelist), St. John's viCarage, Potter Benj. Scarlett, ng Maldon rd Smith :Mrs. Leeston, East Hill house,
Ipswich road Potter Edward John, 26 West street High street
Merriman Col. Wm. C.I.E. I Gray rd Potter Mrs. 9 Trinity street Smith Mrs. Thompson, 30 Lexden rd
Merry Harold Geo. L. 5 Irvine road Powell William, 17 Roman road Smith Mrs. Wlilliam, 23 Roman road
, Miller Mrs. 88 East hill Praed Wm. Edward, 35 Wellesley rd Smith Osmond Thompson, 8 The
Miller Mrs. 54 Old Heath road Prangley George H. 7 North hill Avenue
Miller Wm. Thos. I Recreation road Pratt Wilfrid, n Irvine road Smith WilliamSeptimus,xgMaldon rd
Mills Frederick Geo. I8 Beverley road Pratt William Harry, 48 Mersea road Smythies Capt. Palmer Kingsmill
Y:ills Mrs. I83 Maldon road Preece Richard, I86 Maldon road R.N:, J.P. 55 Lexden road
Mills Thomas, 12 Old Heath road Preston Capt. Capon Henry, 7 Old Softley Charles, .'>I Roman road
Mitchell Rev. John Robert (Baptist), Heath road Sorsbie Mrs. 15 Inglis road
109 Maldon road Prichard Rev. Richard Edgar Vipan Southgate BertieWm.260ld Heath :rd
'Moger Reginald Tanqueray, 12 Bony- ~LA. (curate in charge of Christ Southgate Edgar Jn.I7 Old Heathrd
wood road Church), 8 Salisbury avenue Southgate Percy, ;n Old Heath road
Monck-Mason Rev. Espine Robcrt Prior Asher, 4 Victoria road 1Sparlin~ Arthnr Steward Blytb, al
M.A. (rector of Holy Trinity), I2 Prior P.asil Cyprian B.A., LL.B. 21 CrP.ffiE'1rl road
Lex den road Ire ton road ISparling Mrs. 2 East hill
" Gen. Sir Horace William Prior James, I LPxden road I Spencer Rev. Waiter Edmund M.A.
K.C.B., R.E. 15 Oxford ro1d Pros:>Pr :Mrs. 27 Wellesley road I (vicar of Rt. Botolph's),St.Boto}ph.'•
~foore Geo. Everitt, 6 Honywood rd Prow;:e ).Iajor Charles lh>rtie, The
viC'arage, Priory strePt
'Moore M~s .. 185 ).laid on 1' ad ~Iinories. Hig-h street I Spurrier Rev. Edward (Blptist), 38
Jloore W1lham. 169 'Maldon road P:;.-n{' Mrs. 168 Maldon road I Sali!!hurv avenue

:Stanford C. M. Braiswick house rnrner F. Doughs M.B.Lond. Royal White-Hopkins Capt.Jn. I Queen's rd
Stanford lvan, 233 Maldon road Eastern Counties Institution Whitehouse Thomas Emery, xoo
.Stannard Arthur, 24 Beaconsfield av Turner Miss, So Roman road Military road
.Stanyon Bobert, 17-4 Maldon road ·rurner Thomas Bentley,Abbey Gate ho Whitfield Mrs. 12 East Stockwell st
Stapleton Comm. Gregory R.N. All Turner-Wells Mrs. 54 Creffield road Wicks Mrs. 2 Lex.den road
Saints' house, Hig-h street rwyman Frederick, 55 Roman road Wicks Mrs. 18 Lexden road
!Start Joseph William F.S.I. 45 ryler Col. Jn. Chas. 8 Cambridge rd Wigley Mrs. 227 Maldon road
W ellesley road Ulph Mrs. 8 Lexden road Wiles Wm. Goodwin, 4I St. John's st
Steele Capt . .Adam Rivers, Kingswode Varenne Mrs. 144 Hythe hill Wilks Stanley, 25 Athelstan road
Hoe, Sussex road Wade Albert Edward, 34 Rawstorn rd Williams Col. Sydney Frederick, 3
Stewardson Mrs. 48 Crouch street Wainscot Mrs. 7 Gray road Abbey field
"Stewart Major James, 2 Abbey field Walkden Waiter S. 217 Maldon road Williams Herbert Edward, 152 High at
Stewart Mrs. 98 Maldon road \Yalker Capt. Charles Bishop, ro The Williams Mrs. Alfred, 59 Lexden I'd
Sticknev Mrs. 8 Honvwood road Avenue Williams Mrs. M. A. 14 Lexden road
Stickney Thomas W1D.253 Maldon rd Walker Mrs. I Oxford road Williamson Herbert, 6o High street
Stiles Waiter, I9 Beaconsfield avenue Wallace Robert W. 30 Inglis road Williamson SI. Randall,97 Military ,rd
.Stockwt'll Capt. Hugh Charles, The Walling Francis Wm. 43 St. John's st Willmott Miss, 6 Oxford road
.Cannons • Wallis Herbert John, 5 Creffield road Willsher Samuel, 108 Maiden road
Story George, 20 Beaconsfield avenue Wallis Robert John, I3I Maldon road WilmerCapt.Worthington,23Ireton rd
Stowe C. Pisgah house, Braiswick Wanklyn Henry Chas. 9 Victoria rd Wilson Frank Os born B. A. 12 Beacons-
Swan Henry D. 57 Le:xden road Ward Rev. Charles Triffit M.A. field avenue
Swannell Mrs. 46 W ellesley road (vicar), St. Peter's vicarage, Wilson Mrs. I6 Cambridge road
Swayne Lt.-Col. E. H. Goojerah ho 59 North hill Wilson P. 223 Maldon road
'Tait Edward Berry, 229 Maldon road Ward Rev. D. Livingstone (Congre- Winch John Miller, I9 Wellesley road
'l'awell Ernest, 29 Old Heath road gational), IO East Stock-well street Wood Thomas, 48 Wimpole road
Tayler Rowland C., M.R.C.V.S. 19 Ward A. Owen, 10 Inglis road Woods Mrs. 17 Maldon road
Queen street Ward Adam, 110 North Station road Woodward Frederick, 87 Maldou road
'Taylor Arthur Terry Isola, 13 Hos- Ward Chas. Thomas, 14 Honywood rd Wooldridge Mrs. 56 Beaconsfield aveo
pital road Ward Edward Alfred, 76 Roman road Wormell Rd. Clarence, so Military rd
Taylor Miss, r65 Maldon road Ward Ge1:lrge Crowe, 3 Victoria road Worts Dale Graham L.D.S.Glas. t8
Taylor William Henry, 16 Orchard rd Ward Mrs. 33 Wellesley road Crouch street
..fhacker Percy, 64 North Station road Warner Daniel Forton,43 Wellesley rd Worts ~dwin L.R.C.P.Lond.,M.R.C.S .
Thomas James Henry; rso Maldon rd Warner John, 192 Maldon road Eng. 6 Trinity street
"l'hompson Geo. Elliott,145 Maldon rd Watson Mrs. 5 Lexden road Worts Stanley Edwin L.R.C.P.Lond.,
Thoyts Major Francis Gordon Grant, Watson Sidney, I54 Maldon road M.R.C.S.Eng. 5 Trinity street
The Glen, Old Heath road Watts Frank, 30 Creffield road Wratislaw Misses, Sussex lo.Sussex. rd
TiUEtt Miss, 48 Beaconsfield avenue Watts Lent John, All Saints, High st Wright Frank Littlewood,195 Maldon -
Tooley Alfred, 9 High street Watts Mrs. 19 Old Heath road road
To"n William Henry, Io Wellesley rd Watts Thos. Wm, 20 Old Heath road Wright Geo. Alfred, 64 Winnock rd
Townsen<l William Waiter, Old Rec- Way Mrs. 15 Old Heath road Wright Horace Bradbrook, go East hl
tory, 143 Hythe hill Weatherall Fras.Herbt.127 Maldon rd Wright James William Ewart Glad-
Townshend Harold, 163 Maldon road Webb Arthur, 149 Maldon road stone, 6 Beverley road
Towsey Mrs. 9 Irvine road Webb Mrs. 12 Creffield road Wrinch Mrs. 4 Beverley road
Tracey Goorge, 77 Wimpole street Webb ·wm. Hy. 41 New Town road Wyatt Arthur Harvey, 3 Bank
'Trudgett Joseph William, 9 Gray rd Webber Mrs. Victory ho. Old Heath passage, High street
Tru\!!love William, 121 Maldon road Weeks Wallace John, 4 Gladstone rd Wyncoll Francis Henry, 6o North
'Tucker Thomas Lee, 49 Roman road Wheeler John Frederick, 10 High st Station road
"l'ufnell Capt. Nevill .Arthur Charles Whitby Henry, 144 Maldon road Wyncoll Thomas Edward, 83 East hill
de Hirzel J.P. The Old bank Whitcombe Right Rev. Robert Henry Yorke Mrs. 133 Maldon road
'Turner Ernest Hammond, I2 Hospital D.D. (Lord Bishop of Colchester), Young George Wm. 25 Old Heath rd
road 25 The Avenue Young Henry Wm. 27 Old Heath rd
White William Harley,46 Wimpole rd
COYM:ERCIAL. • Archer Charles H. corn merchant, 120 High street & 8
Early closing day, Thursday. Magdalen street ; coal depot, St. Botolph's station;
stores, George street; granaries, Hythe quay
Aberdein Henry Herbert, dining rooms,11 Short Wyre st Arnold James John, Bath hotel, 34 Osborne street
Ablett Charles William, insurance agent, 4 Wellington st Askew & Sons, bill po-sters, I Sheepen road
.Ablewhite Thomas, organizing sec. & agent for Harwich Askew Alfred Harry, cart & van builder, 30 North hill
Division Conservative & Unionist .Association, 121a, Askew James Saml. antique furniture dlr. 43 North hill
High street Assembly Raoms (Home Counties Public House Trust
Ad'!lms & Co. motor engineers & coach builders, 47 & 49 Limited, proprietors), 43 & 44 High street
Culver street & 77 East hill j Association fm the Protection of Property & Prosecution
_\dams Adam, bookseller, stationer &c. 5 Queen street of Criminal Offenders in the Borough of Colchester
Adams Predk. Wm. baker & confectioner, I3I High st (Henry Geoffrey Elwes, sec. & solicitor), 3 High street
,....\dams Wm. Cross Keys P.H.Culver st.& 2 Long Wyre st Asten John Thomas, sewing machine agent, 1 Eld lane
Addison Charles Edward L.R.C.P.Irel., M.R.C.S.Eng., Austin Ellen (Mrs.), dress maker, I4 Crouch street
L.M.Eng. physician & surgeon, & certifying factory Austin George .Alfred, wheelwright, 12 Bromley road
surgeon, 9I Maldon road Austin George Edward, fishmonger, IO Magdalen street
Ag-gio H. & Son, music & musical instrument dealers, Austin Philip, boot repairer, I2 Burlington road
Head gate Austin Waiter, master mariner, 24 Back lane. Hythe
Ainsworth & Co. cycle agents, 96 High street Auston Geo. Edwd. farmer, Pondfi.eld farm, Harwich rd
Alderson Brothers, ·r.oot & ~hoe dealers,38 Long Wyre st Avery W. & T. Limited, scale makers, 27 Queen street
Aldons Eli, tailor & hosier, II9 High street Avis Ed.gar, boot maker, 28 East street
Aldons Lavina (Miss), dress maker, 5 Morant road Avis Sidney Thomas, boot repairer, 19 Priory street
Alexander John, shopkeeper, 36 Military road Ayling Albert Edward, restaurant, 41 North hill
.Alston Jane (Mrs.), confectioner, 165 Magdalen street A.yres Ellen (Miss), confectioner, I3 Butt road
Amos Albert, boot repairer, 22 Colne Bank road Bailey Edward Wm. house furnisher, 6:2 to 66 Ea~t •t
!mos George Marlborough, general dealer, 5, 6 & 7 Bailey Victoria G. (Miss), milliner, 30 Head street
Balkerne lane Bailey Willie, boot maker, 24 Cnlver street
Amos William, trave11ing draper, 8 Mersea road Baker A. &; E. P. general drapers, costumiers, milliners
.Andrews & Co. Raddlers & harness makers, I47 High at & furriers, 7 & 9 Head street. T N 125
Andrews Edmund Hastings, news agent, 75 Crouch st Baker & Hearsum Misses, dress makers, Grafton house,
Anglo-American Dental Institute (H. L. Henry, princi- Princess street
pal), SI Head street. T N 215 Baker Albert, King's .Arms P.H. 63 Crouch street
Ariglo-A.merican Oil Co. Limited; depot, North station Baker Albert Thomas, reg. plumber, 63 Crouch street
!.ppleby & Wilson, butchers, IS Magdalen street Baker Con, shopkeeper, 26 Roman road
_\ppleby .Alfred James, boot & shoe, 44 Long Baker Cyril Robert, Cups Hotel t.ap, High street

street & 2 Maldon road Baker George, shopkeeper, II4 Harwich -r11ad
Appleton & Moss, builders, Constantine works, Butt rd Baker Harry Ernest, chemist & drnggist,34 & 36 Head st
A.ppleton George, builder, 24 Errington road Baker Thomas Edwin, boot repairer, I6 East hill
Apps Edward Mason, tailor, 58 High street Baker Thos. Hy. architect & snrveyor,s Head Gate conrl
[ K.ltLL 'Y S
Ball Inspector George Hatfield, inspector of weights & Bensusan-Butt G.eoffrev• Cra-u-ford A.C ..1. chartered
measures for the borough, Police office, Town hall · accountant (firm, Short, Smedley, Bensusan-Butt &;
Bandy Frederick, boot & shoe maker, 9 St. Botolph st Drake), 8 West Stockwell street
Banham Ruth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 67 & 69 North Sta~ Bensusan-Butt Ruth (Mrs.) M.D., B.S.Lond. physician
tion road & surgeon, r6 North hill
Banyard Waiter, painter, plumber &c. 6 Harwich road Berry E. R. & Co. ILctor engineers, Pownall Cl'escent
Barber ~-\.lfred, Goat & Boot P.H. 70 East hill Berry George Edward & Herbert, laUDdry, Old Heath rct
Barber Frederick William, grocer, 38 Bourn-e road Berry Arthur Wm. motor engineer, 2ga, .Artillery st. sth
Barber Harriett (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 14 Lisle road B.crry Charles, ga.sfitter, 34 Burlington road
Barclay & Company Limited, bankers (.llfred Tooley, Berry Harry, news agent, 61 street
manager), 9 High street; head office, 54 Lombard Bertoncini Nicola, confectioner, 97 Barrack st:ree\
street, London E C ijett.s Sidney, county court bailiti, Trinity chambera..
Barclay & Company Limited (sub-branch to Manning- Culver street
tree), bankers, 23 High street (open sat. only, from Bevan & Son, chemists, 124 High stree~
2.30 to 5 p.m.); draw on head office, 54 Lombard st. Bews .-lrthur, wholesale news agent, 4 Pelham's lane-
London E C Bibby Herbert, beer retailer, 125 Crouch street
Bare John, fishmonger, 7 Magdalen street Bibby William, florist, 25 North Station road
Barham Charles William, shopkeeper, r6 Balkerne lane Billson A. M. & L. M. (Misses), girls' school, rs li 17
Barker Ada (Miss), dress maker, 83 Crouch street Lexden road
Barker Frederick, cab proprietor, 20 Burlington road Bird Frances (Mrs.), Cock & Pye P .H. 56 North hill
Barnes M aria (Mrs.), shopkeeper, r6 Barrack street llird J ames, boot maker, 37 St. Botolph street
Barrell Golden, boot maker, r Harwich road Bird Samuel John, grindery dlr. 9 St. Botolph's corner
Barrett Sophia (Miss), costumier, n Alexandra road Birks Frederick C. fishmonger, 6o Maldon road
Barrett William, tailor, 23 Crouch street Birks Waiter John, motor engineer, 44 Crouch street &.
Barritt Ernest Henry, chemist, I High street & 2, 4 & West Lodge road
6 Head street Blake George, pork butcher, 87 North Station ~ad
Barron Herbert, haberdasher, 162 Magdalen street Bland W. H. & Co. wine & spirit merchants, 10 Cnlver 1\
Bartlett John Charles, Marlborough Head P.H. 46 St. Bland Albert, butcher, 49 Canterbury road
Botolph street Bland Charles Edward, manager of Colchester :Permanent
Bart.on Harry, organizing secretary & registration agent Benefit Building Society ; agent to Sun Fire & Lif&
to the Colchester Conservative & Unionist Association, offices & t() Essex & Suffolk Equitable Insuranc&
St. llotolph's house, Magdalen street Society Limited & sec. to Colchester Provident .Asylnm
Ba"combe Edwin Cecil Dare M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P. Society, 35 Crouch street (T N S) &; waterworks.
Lond., L.D.S.Eng. d.ental surgeon, 54 Head street superintendent of Colchester Corporation, Town hall
(T N 18r); & St. Patrick's, 4th avenue, Frinton-on- Bland James Mark, saddler, II9 Butt road
. Sea. T N 71 Blatch M. hair dresser, 16 :Mersea road
Baskett Herbert Fritz, auctioneer, 10 Crouch street Blatch William, hair dresser, 26 Eld lane
Baske-tt Kate piiss), news agent, & town sub-post office, Bloice Fred~rick George, builder, 35 Military road
63 Butt road Blomfield & Co. Limited, house furnishers 19, &i iro-.
Bassano Thomas ~atthias M.B., C.M., L.R.C.P. & S. mongers 25, St. Botolph street
Edin. sur!:{eon, & medical officer, 1st district, Col- Blomfield .Alice Fanny (:Mrs.), shopkeeper, 131 Barrack si
chester union, 95 Winnock road Blowers Horatio Jas. mineral water mfr. r8 Osborne Ill
Bateman & Wyncoll, tailors &; outfitters, 5 St. Nichol:>s st Blyth Elizabeth (Mrs.), 33 Old Heath road
Bateman John, chimney sweeper, 75 Hythe hill Blyth John (Mrs.), farmer, Gift House farm, Old heath
Bather Thomas, painter &c. 22 Northgate street Bond Samuel & Son, house furnishers, 14 & 15 North bl
Batten Fredk. Wm. dining rooms, ':! St. llotolph's corner Bones Amelia (Miss), dress maker, 48 South street
llaughan Charles Ernest, ham & tongue dealer, 40 Bones David, eycle d·c>aler, 24 Butt road
Long Wyre street Bones Emma (:Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 6 Osborne street
Baxter William, boot maker, rgr Magdalen street Bonner Emma & Mary (Misses), fruiterers, ga, Short
Bayliss James, tobacconist, B Head street & Fleece Wyre street
hotel, 26 Head street Bonner Albert Geo. watch maker, see Turner & Bonner
Bays Ed-ward, confectioner, 22 Maldon road Banner Mary Esther (Miss), dress maker, 22 Castle road
Beard (Ernest: Stanley) & Daniell, auctioneers, Boon .A. G. tailor, 27 Crouch street
valuers, house & estate agents & surveyors, tenant Booth & Smith, monumental masons, Kendall road
right valuers & fire loss assessors, Head Gate (T N Boots Cash Chemists (Eastern) Ltd. 48 Long Wyre st
36) ; & at High street, Brightlingsea. See adver- Borough of Colchf'ster Electricity Supply Dept. (Wm_
tisement: Frisby .A.:M.I.E.E. electrical engineer), Osborne streei"
Beard & Son, general, furnishing & wholesale iron- Borough Fire Brigade (John Cocker, acting captain),.
mongers & iron & steel merchants, bellhangers, hot Stanwell stre-et
water, gas, electric & sanitary engineers & oil & color Borough Police Office (Capt. Hugh Charles Stockwell,.
merchants, Head Gate. T N 41 chief constable), Town hall, West Stockwell stree~
lleard Elizabeth Maria (Mrs.),dress maker,74Military rd Borough Surveyor's Office (vacant), Town hall
BPattie Thomas, insurance supt. I7'Z Maldon road Bot ham Elsi-9 (Miss), ladies' outfitter, 64 Military road
Beanmont Brothers, cycle makers, 7oa, Maldon road Bott James, tobacconist, 22 Butt road
Beaumont Brothers, dairymen, 10 Constantine road Bourne James, .Alma P.H. 34 Military road
Beaumont & Son (of Coggeshall), solicitors, Victoria Boutell James, verger of St. Leonard's, Victor road
chambers, West Stockwell street; attend 2 to 4 sat BouttellAlbt.Victor,bathing place attendant,4BelleVue ro
Beanmont George Fre<re"i'ick F.S.A. solicitor, see Beau- Bowers William Henry, boot maker, _1ga, Osborne street
m()nt & Son Bowers William Henry, boot repairer, 136 Cant-erbury rd
Beaumont Perey Wilfred, hair dresser, 36 Culver street Bowman Alfred, tailor, 6 Mill street, Military road
BeckeU Thomas Arthur, antique dealer, 54 Crouch st. Boy S!'outs (1st Colchester Troop) (Wallace Cole, scout-
& cabinet maker, 8 Ealkerne lane master), 155 Hi~h street
Beckwith & Co. ship owners & coal mers. 13 Hythe quay Boyden Ge-orge, builder, 5 Colne llank road
Bedwell Arthur William, apartments, 4 .Abbeygate st Boyden William, decol'ator, 74 Bonrn.e rDad
Bedvvell .John Robert, pawnbroker, jeweller & Boyles Charles, confectioner, 187 Magdalen street
cl()thiel' 63, & insurance & house agent & valuer 64, Tlrackett F. W. & Co. Ltd. engmeers, Hythe Station rd
High street - Rraddy Alfred, watch & clock maker. 108 Priory street
Beeston Charlotte & Ellen (Misses), boarding house, 18 Braddy Edgar, hair dresser, 197 Magdalen street
Culver street BradlPy Edmnnd Thomas, hon"e furnisher, 34 Queen st
Bell Edward. Greyhound P.H. 39 St. Botolph strPet Brand Brothers, drapers, ?4 High street
Benham & Co. Limited, Machine Printers, Branson Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 53 Maiden burgh st
printers & publishers of the "Essex County Standard," Bray Waiter T. The Grosvenor P.H. 62 Ma.ldon road
"West Suffolk Gazette & Eastern Counties Adver- Bridge Alfred, Essex Arms P.H. llutt road
tiser," "Colchester Ga:r.ette" & "Walton Gazette," 24 Bridg-e John, saddler & harness ma. 3 North Station rri
Hi()'h street & The Colchester printing works, Oulver Bridge John Thomas, assistant inspector of weights et
str~et. See advertisement mPasures for the Northern district of Essex,1 ::Korth hi
Benham & Wilson, solicitors, 17 & r8 High street Bridgeman Benjamin Pearson, solicitor & eommissioner
Bennell & Sons, decorators, 41 Queen street for oaths, registrar of county court & district regis-
llennell Mark, tobacconist, 16 St. Botolph's corner trar of high court of justice & registrar in bank-
Bennell Thomas, china & glass dealer, 24 Eld lane ruptcy, County Court offices, B Church street north
Brignell W1lliam John, dispensing chemist, 8 East hill
Brissenden Annie (Miss), dress maker, 34 Kendall road.
Britannia (The) Engiooering Co. (1910) Limited, en- Carrington .Arthur, deputy harbour master & collector
gineers, Moagdalen street of harbour dues, 49 Harsnett road •
Bromley Emma Sophia (Mrs.), aparts. 3I Osborne street Carter John, boot & shoe maker, 179 Magdalen street
Brook Frederick Charles & Son, blacksmiths, Culver st Carter William, pork butcher, 58 :Maldon road
Brook Thomas Daniel, auctioneer, valuer & estate Carver Louisa (Mrs.), apartments, 12a, Priory street
agent, I53a, High street Cash Clothing ~tures ('l'he), cluth1ers, 56 High street
Brooks W. & Sons, maltsters, The Hythe maltings Castle Brewery (Daniell & Sons Breweries Limited),
Brooks Frederick, fried fish dealer, 12 Vineyard street 6 Maidenburgh street; & at West Bergholt
Brooks Fredk. John, fried fish dealer, 174 Magdalen st Cater Willia.m John & Son, bird dealers, 148 High street
Brooks John, boot repairer, 83 Butt road Uater Adelaide (Mrs.), dlr. in antiquities, 73 High st
Broom &; Son, tailors, 86 North Station road Cat~r Alfred, confectioner llli brrd stutter, 62 ~ast hill
Broom Edward, tailor & outfitter, 29 North hill Cater .!.lice (Mrs.), confectioner, 53 Priory street
Brough J. H. & Co. coal merchants, 10 Church st. north Uater George, confectioner, 201 Magdalen street
Brown Edith (Miss), fancy draper, us Crouch street Cater Sopbia (Mrs.), confectioner, 10 M.iddleborongh
Brown Frederick, cabinet maker, 39 Balkerne lane Cater William Nathaniel, confectioner, 13 Queen street
Brown Frederick, coal merchant, 45 East street Cattle Market (William Charles White, collector), I3
Brown Herbert Charles, tailor, 39 High street St. John's street
Brown John Edwin, supt. Post office, Head street Cawley Harry William, beer retailer, 27 Bromley road
Brown Kate (Miss), dress maker, 77 Maldon road Cawton William, district superip.tendent Pearl Assur-
Bruce George, blacksmith, 37 East street ance Co. Limited, 10 St. John's street
Bruce Samuel, boot maker, 1 Morten road Cemetery (Charles Webb, superintendent), Mersea road;
Brnce William James, coach builder, 88 & 89 Hythe hl (Arthur S. B. Spading, clerk & solicitor to the Coun-
Buck Alfred G. sec. Essex County Hospital, Lexden rd cil acting as the Burial Board & registrar of burials);
Bucke Edward Betts, wine & spirit merchant, 5 Maiden- offices, I7 Queen street
burgh street Chambers Charles Edward, baker, 27 North Station xoad
Bucke Louisa (Miss), teacher of music, 5 Maidenburgh st Chambers George, jeweller, n Head st. & 19 Crouch st
Buckingham S. & Sons, family & military boot & shoe Chambers ·waiter, builder, 101 Magdalen street
makers; also agents for Wilcox & Gibb's sewing ma- Chaplin Ernest Jobn, decorator, 20 Wimpole road
chines, 17 & I9 Head street. T N 287 Cbaplin Robert, hair dresser, 2a, Military road
Bugg Arthur William, shopkeeper, 105 Priory street Chaplin Samuel, hair dresser, 38 St. John's street
Bullock Albert Samuel, coal & coke factor, 21 Crouch Cbapman Elizabeth (Mrs.), greengrocer, 25 East hill
street (Telephone 194) & Magdalen street; also Pier Chapman Frank, fruitr. 65 Crouch st. & 43 St.Botolph st
avenue, Clacton·on-Sea. T N 1X3 Chapman Hy. boot ma. 34 Northgate st. & I Middleboro'
Bullock Wm. corn, :flour & yeast mer. 32 Maldon road Chapman Jane Amelia (Mrs.), Victoria P.H. Io North
Bullough Robert Crossley A.M.I.C.E. general manager & Station road
engineer of the Corporation tramways, Magdalen street Charge Thomas, shopkeeper, 29 Brook street
Bultitnde Ernest Henry, clerk to tbe Borough of Col- Chase & Co. fishmongers, 158 High street
chester Education Committee, 3 Trinity street Chawner Benjamin, watch maker, 29 Long Wyre street
Bunting & Sons, nurserymen, 28 Lexden road Cheek William, baker, 39 & 40 South stree~
Bunting Alfred, nurseryman, The Nurseries, North Cheshire Edwin, butcher, 11~ High street
Station road Cheshire William, china & glass stores, 24 St. Botolph st.
Bunting, bulb merchant, North nursery, II5 North Chichester Edward M.B.Lond., M.R.O.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.
Station road Lond. (firm, Renny, Day & Chichester), surgeon,..
Burch William Henry; shopkeeper, 6r Magdalen street Tranent, 22 Crouch street
Burfield Charles William, news agent, 2 Scheregate Child & Potter, china & glass dealers, 52 & 53 High .«t ..
Burling George R. Lamb hotel, 128 High street & 38 Culver street
Burnby James, sh{)pkeeper, 30 East Stockwell street Child George, wardrobe dealer, r:t8 Trinity street
Burrows Albert, fruiterer &c. 5 Short Wyre street ('hisnall Charles, general dealer, I North Station road
Burston David, wine & spirit merchant & beer bottler, Chopping E. & Sons Limited, millers (water &; steam} •

57 High street (T N 45); & Rosemary road, Clacton- Middle mill

on-Sea. T N 87 Church Gardner & Stanley, butchers, 6 Crouch street &;;
Burt~n James & Son, dairymen, 36 Magdalen street 27 Middleborough
Bnrton, Son & Sanders Ltd.wholesale grocers,Pelham's la Claire Elise (Mdslle. ), milliner, 8I Crouch street
Burton Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 5 East street Clamp .Albert James, pawnbroker, 122 Priory street
Burton Ernest .Albert, grocer, 20 Errington road Clamp Eliza (Mrs.), apartments, 19 East hill
Burton James (Mrs.), farmer, Barn Hall farm,Mersea rd Claridge William &; Co. saddlers, 125 High street
Burwood Edward, professor of music, 67 Crouch street Claridge A. J. (:Mrs.), saddler, 14 Butt rd. & I Crouch st.
Dutcher Alfred, boot maker, 2 Rawstorn road Clark Dunca.n Waiter, architect, 3 High street
Butcher Alfred James, grocer, 103 & 105 Crouch street Clark Ernest Fisher, painter, 87 Butt road
Butcher Charles, wholesale c~nfectnr. 163 Magdaleu st Clark Geo. Recreation hotel, Military rd. & Wimpole rd'
Butcher Fredk. George, insurance agent, 20 Cedars rd Clark Louis N. hair dresser, 6-Ja, Butt road
Butcher George, tobacconist, 6o East hill Clarke Samuel David, relieving officer 2nd district &.
Butcher Thomas, Albert inn, :nr North .Station road vaccination officer for South & East wards, Belle vue,
Byford John Thomas, outfitter, 44 St. Botolph street & Land lane, East hill
stationer, & post office, 38 Queen street Clary Samuel, greengrocer, SI Winnock road
Byham John William, baker, 55 West Stockwell street Clax{)n Sarah (Mrs.), hosier & hatter, III High street
Cade George William, watch maker, 15a, St. Botolph st Clements William, general dealer, 87 Old Heath road
Cade William, pork butcher, 35 Long Wyre street Clift James & Son, saw mills, Military road
Cadman Isabel (Miss), umbrella maker, 7 Crouch street Clowet;~ William Frederick Albert L.R.C.P.Lond.,
Cahill Lonisa (Mrs.), dress maker, 28 Maldon road M.R.C.S.Eng. (firm, Worts, Son & Clowes), physician
Callaghan Waiter, coal merchant, 6 Hythe quay & surgeon, St. John's street
Caney George James, river pilot, 2 Hawkins rd. Hythe Coates Arthur, fried fish dealer, 67 Butt road
Canham Thomas .Arthur, secondhand furniture dealer, Cootes William, carter, 14 St. Leonard's road
64 High street Cobbs Robert, insurance agent, 32 Wimpole road
Canham William John, shoeing smith, 33a, East hill Cocker William,shopkeeper & beer retailer, 15 Cromwell rd
Cannon George, tailor, 33 Osborne street Cockrell Geo. Henry, tobacconist, Iez l\lagdalen street
Csnt Benjamin R. & Sons, rose growers (established Cockrell Wm. Jeremiah, Whalebone P.H. 22 East hill
I765), The Old Rose gardens . Codd Alice (Miss), dress maker, 46 Crowhurst road
Cant Frank & Co. rose growe~, Braiswick rose gardens Colchester Auto Car Co. (George Hammond, manager),.
Cant Chas. Inman, m&rket gardener, IO Maidenburgh st motor engineers & repairers, car & tyre agents, 25
Capital & Counties Bank Limited (branch) (Geo. Howard Butt road. T N 104
Prangley, mana!!er), 17 & 18 High street; draw on Colchester Branch of the Junior Imperial &; Constitu-
head office, 39 Threadneedle street, London E C tional League (L. Worthington Evans M.P. presiden1i;
Cardy Harry, baker, 83 Barrack street Harry Bar ton, organizing sec.), St. Botolph's house,.
Carey Mary Ann (Miss), shopkeeper, 93 Hythe hill Magdalen street
Carey Maurioe, builder, 19 Pownall crescent Colchester Brewing Co. Limited, brewers & wine & spirit
Carlo Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 16 Castle road merchants (Harry Ernest Sharman, general manager).
{)arlo Henry Thomas, shopkeeper, 64 Lisle road Eagle brewery, East hill
Carr Maria (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 53 Kendall road Colche!!lter Chamber of Commerce (Louis Chas. Sier.
Carr Thos. musical instrument dealer, 31 Long Wyre st sec.), 3 High street
Colchester Charjty Organisation Society (John Howard
Seeker, assistant sec.), 5 High street


Colchester Club (G. C. Bensusan-Butt, sec.), Bank Colne Fishery Board (Borough of Colchester) (George
passage, High street. T N I37 L. Trussell, manager), ss North hill
Colchester Conservative & Unionist Association (Rt. Hon. Colyer Hemy, agent to Pickfords Ltd. general carriers,
• James Round D.L., J.P. president; Harry Barton, 99 High street
organizing sec. &i registration agent), St. Botolph's Compton Albert Edward, Gaiety P.H. 23 Mersea road
house, 208 Magdalen ;;;treet Connoisseur (The), antique dealers, 32 Head street
Colchester Conservative & Unionist Working Men's Club Connor Harry, shopkeeper, 4I & 42 Vineyard street
Limited (Fred-erick H. Sanger, hon. sec.; R. T. Lewis, Convent (The) (Rev. Mother Superior), Greyfrian,
assistant sec.), St. Botolph's house, Magdalen street High ~treet
Colchester Conservative & Unionist Working Men's Club Convent of Mercy (Catholic) (Mother Mary Ignatius,
Limited (E. C. Green, hon. sec.), 15a, High street. superioress ), 4S Priory street
Colchester Corn Exchange & Cups Hotel Co. Limited Conway Marie (:Miss), milliner, 21 Long Wyre street
(H. Geoffrey Elwes, sec.), High street; registered Cook Brothers, brewers, I55 & IS6 :Magdalen street
offices, 3 High street Cook Emily Laura (Mrs.), stationer, 35 Culver street
Colchester Corporation Tramways (Robert Crossley Bul· Cook George, fishmonger, see Hearsum & Cook
lough A.M.I.C.E. general manager & engineer), Mag· Cook Henry D. carpenter, 130 Butt road
dalen street Cook John Will M.D., M.R.C.S.Eng. medical officer of
Colchester & District Trade Protection Society (W. health, Tendring & Lexden & Winstree Rural District
Gurney Benham J.P. president; Louis Charles Sier, Councils &; Great Clacton & Walton-on-the-Naze Urban
sec.), 3 High street District Councils, I Victoria chambers, Runwald sC.;
Colchester & East Essex Brewers' & Licensed Victuallers' res. Clacton·on-Sea
Association (Stanley Moger, sec.), 6 North hill Cook Philip, shopkeeper, 81 East hill
Colchester & East Essex Co-operative & Indus- Cooper .Andrew, firewood dealer, IS East street
tria! Society Limited (Robert Bttltitude, sec.), 25 Cooper Frederick Ryle, watch maker, 30 Culver street
& 32 Long Wyre street; 33 Culver street; Kendall Cooper Robert, insurance agent, 3 Abbey Gate street
road & 61, 63 & 65 North Station rd. ; also branches Coop~r Wm. Henry, insurance agent, xS Papillon road
at Lexden, Rowhedge, Wivenhoe, Manningtree & Co-operative Reading Rooms & Library (F. E. Wrig-ht,
Brightlingsea & .Assembly Hall at 25 Long Wyre street sec.; F. L. Bumpstead, librarian), Lion walk, New
Colchester Equitable Building Society (Harry Town road
Goodey, sec.); reg. offic~ St. Peter's chmbrs. High st Coote Rosina (Miss), milliner, I5 Crouch street
Colchester Fanciers' Association (Edmund H. Andrews, Copplestone George, beer retailer, 10 & n Stanwell st
hon. sec.), 75 Crouch street Copsey Abigail (1.irs. ), wardrobe dealer, 23 St. John's st
Colchester Gas Light Oo. (W. W. Towns-end, manager Corder Ambrose Henry, fishmonger ssa, & fried fish
& engineer; W. English, sec.) ; show room, 29 High dealer 6o, East street
street; office & works, Hythe quay Corfield Walter Francis M.D., B.S.Lond., D.P.H. medical
Colchester Gazette (Benham & Co. Limited, proprietors officer of health & school medical officer & publia
& publishers; published wednesday morning), 24 High analyst for the borough of Colchester, 36 Stanwell
street. See advertisement street. T N 68
Colchester Golf Club (Major G. D. Luard,sec. ),Braiswick Cork Robert Benjamin, boot repairer, 1ga, Alexandra rd.
Colchester High School for Boys & Girls (Ferdinand E. & 101 Harsnett road
Grone R.B.A. & Miss M. Grone, principals), Welles- Corn Exchange (H. G. Elwes, sec. ; Frederick Thomas
ley road Peek, superintendent), High street
{)olchester Hippodrome Co. Limited (F. Graham Mac- C()ll'nell Frederick James, confectioner, 14 Middleborough
dona, manager), High stroot Cornish Edwin, boot maker, I2 Middleborough
-Golchester Home-Mad.e Bread Co. (depot), bakers, 82 Cottee James, bailiff to the Rt. Hon. Lord Lucas' estate,
Lisle road & 66 Butt road Ipswich road
Colchester Lathe Co. machine tool mas.Hythe Station rd County Constabulary Station (John Lennon, superin-
..-Colchester Liberal Association (Allen George Aldridge, tendent), Ipswich road
sec.), Headgate buildings County Court Office (His Honor Tindal Atkinson, judge;
Colchester Manufacturing Co. clothing manufacturers &c. Benjamin Pearson, registrar; L. Woodley
22 & 23 Stanwell street Betts, registrar's clerk; Charles Godfrey, high bailiff),
Colchester Masonic Hall Co. Limited (R. H. Ives, sec.); 8 Church street north
reg. office, 17 Queen street County School for Girls (G. C. Holland, sec.; Miss M.
Colchester Meat Co. 34 Long Wyre stre-et & 1 St. W. Crosthwaite B.Sc. head mistress), North hill
Botolph's corner County Weights & Measures Office (Adam Ward, inspec-
Colchester Medical Society Library (Eustace George tor & John Thomas Bridge, assistant inspector for the
Renny M.R.C.S.Eng. sec.), 5 High street Northern district of Essex), I North hill
Colchester Permanent Benefit Building Society (Wilson Coveney Abraham & Son, boot makers, ISO Magdalen st
Marriage J.P. chairman; Charles Edward Bland, man- Cvveney Arthur, boot maker, I37 Magdalen street
ager); offices, 35 Crouch street Coveney Joseph, shopkeeper, 57 Winnoek road
Colchester Refuge Home (Sister Kay, supt.), Bays Oowan & Co. manufacturers Q{ patent medicine .t
house, Trinitv street specialities for horses, cattle & sheep, IS St. John's st
Colchestl'r School of Music (George Wilby, principal), Cowan Peter Stacker M.R.C.V.S.Lond. veterinary sur·
21 High street geon, Muirtown house, St. John's street
Colchester Steam Laundry & Carpet Beating Co. Ltd. Cowcutt H. W. master of Union workhouse, Union
(The); works, Ipswich road & I5IS, High street house, Pope's lane
Colchester Stone Co. Limited, artificial stone manu- Cox Robert, insurance agent, 9 Bourne road
facturers, Kendall road Cracknell John Frank, grocer, BI Hythe hill
Colchester Table Waters Ltd.I2 Williams walk,George st Cranmer Robert, shopkeeper, & post office, Old heath
'Colchester Technical College (G. C. Holland, sec.) (Art Craske & Sons, auctioneers, valuers, surveyors & estate
department) (F. W. Hounsell A.R.C.A. head master) agents, 33 Head street. T N 13X
(Science department, H. P. Wilson F.C.S. supt.; Crawshaw William Ernest, assistant sec. Essex & Suffolk
...()ommercial department, J. Harper B.A. head master; Equitable Insurance Society Limited, High street
for full list of masters & lecturers, see page I72 ), Cressall Waiter A.R.I.B.A. architect & suneyo:r, see
North hill Goodey &: Cressrul
·Colchester Typing Association (John Hutley Nunn, Crickmore Frank, grocer, 4 Barrack street
principal), I6 Culver street Cross & Garrad, maltsters. Victoria chambers, West
Colchester Unionist Club (E. C. Green, lton. s-ec. ; R. Stockwell street & New quay, Hythe
T. Lewis, assistant sec.), I5a, High street Cross William, barley merchant, Victoria chambers,
Colchester Window Cleaning Co. (Jas. Rolph, manager), West Stockwell street
SI Butt road & -:;7 Balkerne lane Crowder George Thomas, boot repairer & sexton of St.
Cole & Downes, grindery dealers, 97 High street Paul's ~huroh, 42 Colne Bank road
Cola & Stuttle, coach builders, 70 Maldon road Crowther Brothers Limited, wholesale clothiers, 98 High
Cole Robert, house agent. I3 East Stockwell street street & off Stan well street
Coleby William, shopkeeper, 37 Maldon road Orowther Edward, hair dresser, I Balkerne lane
Collinge Frederick Samuel, solicitor, I46 High street Croxford Frank, Globe P.H. 75 North Station road
Collins & Scott, boot makers, 42 Military road Croyden Bros. grocers & provision dealers, 134 High st
Collins Edward, french polisher, I6 Crowhurst road Croydon Fredk. Geo. Harry, watch ma. IO St. Botolph st
Collins James, New inn, 36 Chapel street Croydon Mabel (Miss),dress ma.Trinity chmbrs.Culver st
Collis James, fruiterer, 7ob, Maldon road Oullingford & Co. prin-u>rs, bookbinders, account book
manufacturers, booksellers & stationers, 156 High st.; •
works, East Stockwell street. T N 13
Cnllingford Eliza (Mrs.), furrier, 6 Chapel street Dome.>tic Bazaar Co. Limited, china &; glass dealers,
Curl Sydney W., M.D.Camb., M.R.C.P.Lond. physician, I9 & 20 High street
&i hon. physician to the Essex County Hospital, 40 Dorlin Charles William (exors. of), millers (water & oil
Crouch street engine), Brook lodge, Bromley road
Curtis A.lfd. Jas. who. fruiterer, see Tilbrook & Curtis Double Brothers, fishmongers, 33 Long Wyre street
Conom House (James Kett, oollector), 43 Hythe hill Downes Samuel Jas. grindery dealer, see Cole & Downes
Customs & Excise Office (Alfred Green, surveyor; John· Drake & Joel Limited, wholesale clothiers, 10 Osborne st
.Alexander Waugh Fryer & J. R. Fuller, officers; J. J. Drake D. Bell .A..C ..A.. chartered accountant (firm, Short,
Quirke, surveyor of taxes), 6o High street Smedby, Bensusan-Butt & Drake), 8 We. Stockwell st
Cuthbert Frederick, greengrocer, 37 Artillery st. south Drake Fras.Wm.A.R.C.O. teacher of music,ssHarsnett rd
Cuthbert J ames, turncock, I I St. Mary's road Dmyton Charles, phot:>grapher, 27 North hill
Dace .Jamea a Son, music &; pianoforte warehouses, Drill Ball (.Alfred Whitten, caretaker), Stanwell street
lai High street; & at 5 New London road, Chelmsford. Duckett William, plumber, 40 Ipswich road
Tel. Nos. 293 Colchester & 5X1 Chelmsford Dunnett Frederick Thomas, confectioner, 23 Eld lane
Daking Lydia (Mrs.), boarding house, Collingwood, 92 Durrant Arthur John, working jeweller, 40 Butt road
East hill Durrant George Asher, shopkeeper, 4 Granville road
Daldy R. J. &; Son,· house furnishers, decorators &; Durrant George Henry, stone mason, Pope's lane
agents; yacht furnishers & upholsterers & general con- Durrant Herbert E. Barley Mow P .B. 68 Barrack street
-tractors; furniture removers & depositories & funeral Durrant Oscar John, tobacconist, 16 & I8 Head street
furnishers & undertakers, Head street & decorators, 24 Dyke .A.liceS.(Mrs. ),registry office for servants,9 Queen st..
Priory street; warehouse & workshops, Lion walk. Eade Emma (Mrs.), hair dresser, 9 Middleborough
Telegrams, "Daldy, Colchester; " T N 248. See ad- Eady James William, builder, IO Albert road
vertisement Earl Clara (Mrs.), Head Gate hotel, I St. John's street-
Dale & Co. dyers, as Crouch street East: Anglian Daily Times (Henry Light, representa--
Damant Daniel, plumber &c. 3 Pelham's lane, High street tive); branch, 61 North hill. T N 17
Damant Philip, photographer, 26 Mersea road Easter Harry, coach builder, IO Berechurch road
Daniell & Sons Breweries Lin~ited (William James Easter Henry John, carpenter, 127 Butt road
Pointing, sec.), ale, stout &; porter brewers, maltsters Eastman & Son (Dyers & Cleaners) Limited, 6 St.-_
&; wine &; spirit merchant..!, Castle brewery, 6 Maiden- Botolph's corner
burgh street; & at West Bergholt & Old Heath Edgar James & Co. preserved provision manufacturers,~
Daniell Frederick Stanlev, auctioneer &c. see Beard Bythe preserving works. T N 256
(Ernest S.) & Daniell • Edwards H. o& E. wholesale fruit &; vegetable meT- .
Davey, Paxman & Co. Limited, engineers & boiler chants, I8 St. Botolph street
makers; specialities: high-class steam engines &; Edwards Albert Roberl, wheelwright, see Southgate &- _
boilers of all types, traction engines, oil & gas Edwards
engines &; suction gas producers, Standard iron Edwards Sidney W. cabinet maker, 24 Maldon road
works. Telegraphic address, " Paxman, Colchester; " Eley George Joseph, Clarendon P.H. 6a, Harwich road
Telephone No. 52 Ellis Edward, boot maker, 4 Short Wyre street
Davey Frederick, boot &; shoe maker, I2o Priory street · Ellison Oborne James LI.,.B. solicitor &; commissioner ·
Davey James, fishmonger, 3 Middleborough for oaths, see Boward, Ellison & Morton
Davies Thomas, maker &; adjuster of scales, weights & Elwes, Turner & Hawkins, solicitors, 3 High street
weighing machines &; dealer in butchers' cutlery, 95 Elwes Henry Geoffrey (firm, Elwes, Turner & Hawkins),
High street solicitor & commissioner for oaths, borough coroner ·
Dawkins William, .hair dresser, 7 Berechurch road &; deputy coroner for the Sokens division of the
Dawson Clifford, watch maker, 40 St. John's street county & sec. to Colchester Corn Exchange & Cu~s.­
Day Bros. saddlers & harness. mas. 152 & 153• Magdalen st Botel Co. Limited, 3 High street
Day Anthony George, cycle dealer, 2 East bay Ely Kateo (Mrs.), apartments, 22 Roman road
Day Christopher B. engraver, 16 Head street English William, !lee. to Gas Co. Bythe quay
Day Henry, market gardener, I6 & I7 Sheepen road Essex Archreological Society (Rt. Hon. James Rouna~
Day Lillie (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 82 Priory street P.C., M. A., D.L., J.P. treasurer; Rt. Rev. Bishop of
Day William Leigh Maule B.A., M.D., B.Oh. physician Barking D.D. president; William Chapman Wailer-
& surgeon (firm,Renny, Day & Chichester),4 Lexden rd F .S.A. Lough ton, vice-treasurer; Rev. T. H. Curling
Death Arthur Ernest, boot & shoe ma. 2 St. Nicholas st B...!.. Halstead, hon. sec.; George Rickword F.R.Hist.S.
Death J oseph Henry, coal merchant, 8o Magdalen street & 38 "\Vellesley road, Colchester, editor of transactions;;
St. Botolph station Henry Laver F.S.A., J.P. hon. curator; Arthur Geo •.
Deex George, shopkeeper, Io Portland road Wright, curator), Castle
Denison-Binns Emily (Mrs.), photographer, 44 Mersea rd Essex County Hospital (Alfred G. Buck, sec. ; :
Denman George Harry, Woolpack P.B. 22 St. &tolph st Miss Winifred M. Bickham, matron; for complete·
Dennis Edwin, leather & grindery dlr.41 & 43 Culver st medical staff, see p. 170}. The office is at the-
Dennis Thomas, butcher, 16 Magdalen street Hospital in Lexden road
Denniss Frederick, tailor, 11 Trinity street Essex County Nurses' Home (Miss Surman, superin-
Denton Charles William (firm, Wittey & Deuton), tendent), 1 Beverley road
solicitor, commissioner for oaths & perpetual com- Essex County Standard, West Suffolk Gazette &; Eastern
missioner, clerk to the Colchester Borough justices & Counties Advertiser (Benham &; Co. Limited, pro-
to Wivenhoe Urban Dist. Council, 8 East Stockwell st prietors & publishers ; published fri. evening for sat.),
Denton Henry Watts, chartered accountant, g East 24 High street. See advertisement:
Stockwell street Essex County Telegraph (Charles Gale, publisher;
Detsley Harry, insurancp supt. 38 Gladstone road published tues. & sat.), 38 Head street. See adver-
Diaper William, florii!t, 26 Priory street tisement
Digby George Spurgeon, confectioner, 24 Head street Essex Education Committee (District Office) (George
Digby Berbert Nokes, wholesale &; retail tobacconist; Charles Holland, clerk), The Technical College
proprietor of the famous "Rough Cut Virginia" &; Essex & Suffolk Equitable Insurance Society Limited
"Oystertown Mixture," 20 Short Wyre street (S. C. Turner, general manager & sec.; R. Haward
Digby James Cardinal, confectioner 21, & fried fish Ives, fire manager; W. E. Crawshaw, assistant sec.),.
shop 22, Mersea road & tobacconist, 78a, Butt road High street, Colchester; London ofice, 56-62 New
Diggens Frederick William, greengrocer, 47 East hill Broad street E C (B. R. Davison, fire manager; B. F.
Diggens George, market gardener, 7 Queen street Turner, accident manager; J. G. R. Jobling, assistant
Diss Fred Morris, gun maker, 5 Pelham's lane, High st sec.); branch offices: Chelmsford (George Mason,
District ~urses' Home (Sister E. ..!.. Bentley, supt.), 20 local sec. 4 Duke street); Ipswich (J. L. Jolly, local
Culver street sec. 2 ·Corn Exchange buildings) & Cambridge (A.rthur
Dixie Harry, insurance agent, 52 Pownall crescent T. Frost, local sec. Llandaff chambers, Regent street)
Dobson E . ..!.. & L. M. (Misses), boarding & day school, E:ssex Telegraph Limited, general printers; proprietors
Welleslev road & St . .Alban's, Oxford road d the "Essex County Telegraph," 38 Head street.
Dobson Geo.& Son, builders &; contractors,Butt Road -wks See advertisement
Dodd Henry, professor of music, 78 Maldon road Essex Yeomanry Territorial Force (Lieut.-Col. E.
Dod..qon Leonard, army contractor (meat), 29 Roman rd Deacon, commanding; Capt. .!.. R. Steele, adjutant;
Doe Dorothy (Miss), milliner, I I St. Botolph street W. R. Hadler, regimental sergt.-major); .!. Squadron
Doe Frederick, hide, ~kin, fat, hair & wool merchant, (Major E. Bill, commanding; Capt. J. 0. Parker,
St. Peter's street second in command; Squad. Sergt.-Major C. Farrell,
Doe Thomas BPnry, tailor & outfitter, 19 Short Wyre st drill instructor); head quarters, 17 Sir Isaac's walk
Doidge William, pork butcher, 38 St. Bot<Jlph street Evans Thomas Alfred, ironmonger, 19 North hill
Eve A.lbert &. Charles, butchers, IJ St. Botol
Eve Robert- Berridge, butcher, 32 & 33 East street Game Ada (Miss), dress maker, 35 Vineyard street
Everett Henry & Son, builders, 70 Barrack street & Gammer W11liam John, farmer, 19 Barrington road
• brick makers, Land lane Gant Charles, bricklayer, 31 West Stockwell street
. Everett & Sons, hol'iPrs, hatters &c. 2 High street & Garxad John, maltsoor, see Cross & Garrad.
tailors, 67 North hill. T N 13 r Garrad Sarah (Mrs.), beer retailer, 52 East bill
Everett Ernest Alfred, baker, 4Q Stanwelt street Garwood Charles, decorator, 20 .Mersea road
Everett John, town crier, Short Cut road Garwood Thos.Chas.Prince of Wales P.H.14 Magdalen at
Everett Waiter Edes Ltd. chemiflts, 34 St. Botolph st Geernaert Joseph John, tailor, I Queen street
Everett Willie Christian A.R.C.O., A.R.C.M. borough Genders Lois Elizabeth (Mrs.), Peverell tempe:rance
organist, Town hall & professor of music, r4Creffield rd hotel; first-class ~:~ccommodation for eommerciala,
Everitt Frederick Joseph, tailor, 203 Magdalen street cyclist.;;; tourists & visitorsj 51 North hill
Everitt Frederick Joshua, tailor, u6 Hythe hill Gentry Frank, umbrella maker, 39a, St. Botolph street;
Everson Emily' (Mrs.), fishmonger, 34 North Station rd George Arthur Chapman, boot & shoe warehouse, '"3
Fahie Thomas, shopkeeper, 2 Be11.consfield avenue Long Wyre str£'et
Fairweather Hannah (Miss), apartments,3o New Town rd George William 1'homas, plumber, 3.3 Military road
Farm-er Arthur {)wen, assessor & collector of taxes, 12 Gilbey Jane & Phrnbe (Misses),shopkeepers,71 Hythe hill
Queen street Giles Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 25 East street
Farmer George, cutler, 106 High str.aet Gill & Son, phot-ograp.hers, 58 Bead street
Fan-an George, builder & beer Tetailer, 21 Osborne st Girling J. & H. coal merchants (Wolfran Wm. Cotting'-
Farran Henry Wm. J>ianoforte tuner, 7 St. John's green ham, manager), 38 Crouch st.; depot, North station
Farran J ames, fried fish shop, 56 Stanwell street · Girvan Alexander, t11ilor, 96 Military road
F·arren William Greenwood, ·seedrman. 42 Balkerne lane Gladas Charles, hair dresser, 113 Hyt.he hill
Featherstone William, butcher, 68 Butt road Gladden Harry, chimney sweep, 70 Magdalen street
Fell Alfred Nolan M.D. physician & surgeon, & medical Glanville Harry, beer retailer, r6 & 17 Vineyard street
officer No. 4 district, Colchester union, 11 Lexden road Glover Bros. Ltd. motor engineers, 85 East hill
Fenn & Co. auctioneers, surveyors, valuers & estate Glover David, grocer, 28 Bourne road
agents, proJate valuers, timber valuers & tenant right Glazier Sidney, ~shopkeeper, r Waiters yard, West Stock-Cl
valuers, 146 High street (T N 91); & at Ardleigh Ball. ·well street
See advertisement Goddard Edward, general dealer, 16 Middleborough
Fenn Cooper, secretary for Harwich Division Conserva· Godfrey Waiter, market gardener, r Gladstone road
tive & Unionist Association, 12ra, High street Godf:rey William, news agent & tobacconist, SS Butt 'rd
Fey Haddie (Miss}, milliner, 37 Crouch street Goggin Jessie (Mrs.) & Sons, stationers, 39 Mersea road
Field Frank, costumier, 35 & 37 Hood street Golding Ernest Edwd. Horse &; Groom inn, 53 Crouch at
Finch John, t~hopkeeper, 39 New Park street Goldsmith Geo. Benj. iron & metal mer. 41 Magdalen et
Finch William Ward, boot maker, 2 George street Goodey & Cressall, architects & surveyors, St. Peter'a
Finch's Almshouses, Culver street chambers, High street
Fincham Nathaniel, verger of St. James' church, 16 Goodey Frederick, house agent, 31 Old Heath road
East bay Goodey R. H. portable house manufacturer, builder,
Finn John Thomas, news agent, 205 Magdalen street decorator & house agent; every description of portable
Fire Brigade (Borough) (John Cocking, capt.), Stan- house & farm appliance, 3 Gladstone road. See ad•
well street vertisement
Fisher Charles, shopkeeper, 96 & 97 Priory street Goading Fanny (Miss), confectioner, 27 Culver street
Fisher Richard John, cycle agent, 47 North Station road Goodman Abrabam & Sons, manufacturers,
Fisiher William, boot & shO'e manfr. see Potter & Fisher Commercial clotlhing works, Queen street
. ·Fitoh Elijah & Son, blacksmiths, 99 Hythe hill Gocdman Charles Edwd. The Clarence P.H. Trinitv• street
F'itch Stanley, dairyman, see Perry & Fitch Goodman's, artificial teeth manufacturers, St. Runwald'a
Fleming, Reid & Oo. Ltd. hosiery manufrs. 44 Head st chambers, High street
Fletcher W. & R. Limited, butchers, 4 St. Nicholas st Goodway FrankErnest & Co.auctioneers,r2 & 13 North hi
Flux William & Sons, army laundry contractors, Golden Goodwin Bert, cycle agent & dealer, 40 St. Botolph st
Noble \hill Goody & Son, printers & stationers, 8g High street
F()ley Timot!hy, beer retailer, 27 Mersea road Goody, Sons & WeatJherall, solicitors & commissioner&
Folkard Eliza (Miss), beer retailer, 8 Belle Vue road for oaths, 62 North hill
Folkard Emily (Mrs.), baker, 63 Bythe hill Goody Herbert, shopkeeper, 19 Osborne street
Folkard Harry, tailor, 52 Military road Goody Neville Clifford, solicitor, notary public & com-
Ford Alfred, confectioner, 18 East >hill missioner for oaths, see Goody, Sons & Weatherall
Forstel" Nathaniel, wholesale news agent, 6 Northgate st Gorham Edward, boot maker, 33 Mersea road
Fossett Thomas William, boot maker, Sir Isaac's walk Gosling Frederick Thomas, pork butcher, 19 Long Wyre
Foster & Howe, hair dressers, 33 North hill street & 39 Crouch street
Foster George Hector, hair dresser, 38 Culver street Gowen George, confectioner, 145 Magdalen street
Foster John W. tailor, 26 Butt rd. & outfitter,32 Butt rd Graham Geor~re, farmer, Sheepen farm, Sheepen road
Foster's Parcel & Goods Express Limited (C. E. Rice, Grand Frederick, fried fish shop, 36 North hill
agent), 51 High street Grange Furnishing Co. house furnishers, 4 St.Botolph st
Fox George Jamel! N. hair dresser, 25 Crouch street Grant Fred, dairyman, 31 Stanwell street
Francis Edmund Fredk. shopkeeper, 56 & 57 Hytbe hill Grant John Grimsey, dairyman, 25 Culver street
Francis Edward Kershaw, solicitor, commissioner for Grant Thos. James, Plough P.H. 7 St. Botolph's corner
oaths & clerk to the commissioners of land & ass~sed Gray H. J. & .Sons, athletic outfitters, 3b, High street
taxes & to the commissioners of income & property Great Eastern Railway, refreshment rooms (Henry
taxes for the division of Colchester, 9 Church street nth Christian Thomas Amendt, general mgr. ), North statn
Francis Frederick, carpenter, 23 Portland road Great Eastern Railway Co. receiving office for parcels,
Francis J amPS Hamilton, corn, oil cake & manure mer- 6o North hill
chant, 2 Victoria chambers, St. Runwald street Green & Co. fishmongers, 28 Head street
Francis Monte, musical instrument warehouse, 3 St. Green Alfred, surveyor of customs & excise; office, 6o
Nichola.s street High street
Frisby William A.M.I.E.E. borough electrical engineer, Green Daniel Constable, corn. trav. 12 St. John's at
Osborne street Green John, beer retailer, New quay, Hythe
· Frost & Son, jobmasters, 126 North StatiDn road Green John Edward, insurance agent, 70 Roman Toad
Frost Abraham Wm. L.D,13 Head st Greene, King & Sons Limited, brewers (of Bury St.
Fro&t Charles, shopkeeper, & post Dffice, 19 Atlbel~tan rd Edmunds), ale & porter stores, St. 'Peter's S'breet
Frost G. (Miss), ladies' school, Durlston ho.r8 North hill Greenwood Ernest Albert, fruiterer, 132 High street
Frost Samuel, boot maker, x66 Magdalen street Greenwood John Augustus. tailor, 122 High street
Frost William Thomas, hair dresser. 23 St. Bntolph st Greenwood ~ellie Ellen (Mrs.),wardrobe dlr.112Priory st
Fruin Horace, accountant, Trinitv chambers, Culver st Greig Bernard Edwd. tobacconist, 5 St. Botolph's corner
Fry Ser~.-Major T. E. drill in.structor to C Co. 5th Grey Friars Boarding School (Rev. Mother SuperiiJr,
Terr. Force Batt. Essex Regt. Drill hall, Stanwell st prinripal), The Convent, Greyfriars, High street
Fryer John Alexander Waugh, cust<Jms & excise officer, Griffin H. L. & Co. house furnishers & decorators,
6o Hil!h street house agents, valuers & appraisers, cabinet makers &
Fuller Alfred D. beer retailer, 77 Maidenburgh street upholsterers, yacht furnishers, funeral furnishers, fur-
Fuller James J. British hot11l. 2 West Stockwell street niture removers & depositories & bed & bedding
Fuller Jn. Ratcliffe, customs & excise officer, 6o High st manufacturers. 48 & so Head street. T N 6.
Fuller Samuel, boot repairer, 31 Constantine road advertisement
Funnell George Edgar, baker, 35 East hill Griggs A:rthur. carriage. builder, 24 Crouch street
Gale Bros. carvers & picture frame mas. 29 Crouch st Grimsey Joseph, builder, 56 Old Heath road
Grimwad& Henry, auctioneer, see Sexton & Grimwade Hippodrome (Colchester Hippodrome Co. timited, pro• '
Groom, Daniels &: Co. timber, slate, cement & drain prietors; F. Graham Macdona, manager), High st
pipe merehants Jz; steam sawing, planing & moulding Hipps Limited, tailors, 7 St. Botolph street
mills; office. Magdalen street; depot, The Hythe Hisgrove .Sarah A. E. (Mrs.), feather curler, u Queen st
Hadler Waiter Robert, regimental sergt.-major Essex I;Iitchcock & Bales (Misses), dress mas. 29 St. John's st
Yeomanry Territorial Force, 17 Sir Isaac's walk Hitchcock .Alan F. motor engineer, 121 High street
Hadley Ernest, farmer,. Rover's Sty farm, Ipswich road Hitchcock Eliza Ann (Miss), servants' registry office, t5
Hak:ias Hany, Coach & Hol.'ses P.H. 31 North hill W ellesley road
Hakins William James, grocer, 14 Barrington road Hockley Emily (Mrs.), dress maker, 2 Granville road
Hales .!.lice (Miss), dress maker, see Hitchcock & 'Hales Hockley George Arthur, cycle agent, 2 Granville road
~Misses) Hodgson Edwin Henry, boot maker, 28 Butt road
Hales Hor&ee Edwa.rd, dairyman, 63 Stanwell· street Holder Oliver Joseph, Flying Fox P.H. & builder, t,70
Hales Sydney C. confectioner, I I High street Harwich road
Halford Cycle Co. Limited, 23 Head street Holland George Charles, clerk to the Council School
Halls Reuben, coffee rooms, 29 East street managers, to the Colchester ~igher Education Com- '
Ham A.. H. orommission agent, Trinity chmbrs. Culver st mittee & district clerk to the Essex Education Com-
Ham Isaac, verger of Holy Trinity, 36 Manor road mittee, The Technical College
Rambling Frederick, boot maker, 3.6a, Barrack street Hollington Bros. clothing manufacturers, 27 Stanwell st
Hamblion Stanley Gordop, milk dealer, 57 Maldon rd. Hc:lloway ~Hbt. Edwd. hair dresser, 45 & 46 St. John's st
& 36 Rawstorn road Home & Colonial Stores Limited (The), tea &c. dealers,
Hammond Harry, immrance agent, 140 Harwich road 54 High street
Hancock C. W. & Co. confectioners 13a, & fruiterers 17, Home Counties Public House Trust 'Limited, Red Lion
.St. Botolph street hotel (A. Lillywhite, q1anager), 43 & 44 High street .
Hancock Kate (Miss), confectioner, 31 Crouch street T A "Lion; " T N 1,90
Hardwick Charles, butcher, u Magdalen street Hone Wallace, stationer, 40 :Yorth hill
Hardwick Harry, carman, see Wells & Hardwick Hood John & Son, watch. makers, 65 & roo Maldon road
Hardy J. & Son, land agents, 4 North hill Hopwood Joseph Cooke & Son, ·watch makers, jewellers,
Barley Amy Beatrice Veronica (Miss) B ..A.. girls' school. gold & silver smiths, opticians &c. 47 High st. TN 96
14 & 15 Beverley road Horsfield Charlotte(Mrs. ),confectioner,rs:Maidenburgh •t
Farper'!l, athletic outfitters, 6 Queen street Horsfield Hiram, boot maker, I. Lisle road
Harris W. & Co. sewing machine agents, 37 Culver st Horsley George Waiter, baker, & verger St. Giles. Sir
Harris Frank, confectioner, 206 Magdalen street Isaac's walk
Harris Frederick, milliner, 30 Hig'h street Horwood Gerald, cy-cle maker, see Webber & Horwood
Hart & Levy Limited, wholesale clothiers, 170 & 171 Horwood Henry S. draper, milliner & costumier, 27
Magdalen street High street. T N 257
Hart Edward J ulians, Cups hotel, High street Hotton Frederick, watch maker, 19 North Station road
Harvey .Albert Ernest, wine & spirit merchant, 1.7 Long Houghton Ch·1rles~ beer retailer, 29 Golden Noble hill
Wvre •
street Howard, Ellison & Morton, solicitors &; commissioner!l
iHarvey Cha1·les, cabinet maker, 23 Priory street for oaths, 4 Head Gate eourt, Head street
Harvey Edward Wynne, Angel hotel, 137 'High street Reward W.& Son,removal contractors,73 Maidenburlfh st
Harvey James, coal merchant, rg Manor road Hl'Ward Arthur J. butcher, 42 .Alexandra road
Harwich Division Conservative & Unionist Association Howard By. Cyrus, insur. agent, Glenmore, Wimpol& rd
(John Bawtree Hawkins, hon. sec. & treasurer; Thos. Howard Kemble Fredk. grcr.& post off.47 Canterbury rd
..Ablewilite, organizing sec. & agent; Cooper Fenn, Howard Robert, Caledonian P.H. 17 St. John's green
sec.; .A. E. Rash brook, assistant sec.), 121a, High st. Howard William, blacksmith, Prince of Wales' yard,, J4
T A i< Loyal; " T N 103 Magdalen street
Rarwioh Division Liberal Association (Stanley George Howe Edwin, house & estate agent, I Maldon road
Prestney, -;ec. ), 7 St. Botolph street Howe Henry, barge owner, 45 Wimpole road
Harwood Alfred John, nurseryman, r6 St. Peter's street Howe James, ironmonger, 9 Long Wyre street
Rase George Samuel, shopkeeper, 2 Mill street Howe Martin John, stationer, 8 Short Wyre street
Hatfield John, second,hand furniture dealer &c. 32, 33 Howe Major R. B. B. dairy, Drury farm, Maidon road
& 34 St. John's s·treet Howe Waiter, shopkeeper, 34 North hill
Hawa.rd William Palmer & Son, plumbers &c. I East hill Howes Robert (Mrs.), shopkeepeT, 13 Golden Noble hill,
Hawkins Alan George B ...l. solicit"or, & deputy coroner Military road
for the borough, see Elwes, Turner & Hawkins liubbard Edward Arthur, Bull P.H. 4 Crouch street
Haydon Francis Emanuel, butcheT, see Scragg & Haydon Hughes Ellen (Miss), shopkeeper, 13 Charles street
Haylock J. W. Ltd. boot & shoe dlrs. 8 Long Wyre st Hum Henry, cooper, 70 Northgate street
Haynes Frederick Owen, beer retailer, 2 Castle road Hum Waiter, carpenter, rr8 Maldon road
Hayward A. J. & Son (established -over a quarter of a Humm .Alfred, insurance agent, 59 Canterbury road
century)~ ~oal & coke merchants & factors & colliery Humm Frederick, boot & shoe maker, Pelham's lane
agents, general carmen & hauliers, furniture removers Humm George Frederick, boot ma. 53 Canterbury road
.'&:; depositories, COn~ractors &; insurance agents, 61 Humm Henry Wm. market gardener, New quay, Hytlhe
King. Stephen :road; St. Botolph's station & Myland Humphreys Charles S. assistant sanitary inspector &;
road. T N 169. See advertisement inspector of premises where out-workers are employed
Haywood Maurice, fried fish shop, 23 West Stock well st under the Factory & Workshops Act, 36 Stanwell st
Hazel.l Eliza & Julia (Misses), dress makers, 24 Charles st Runt Waiter & Sons, drapers, 45 & 46 High street
Har:ell Ann D. N. (Miss), private school, r Hamilton rd Hurley William, greengrocer, 70 Butt road
Hatell Charle$ Benjamin, hair dresser, 51 North Sta- Hurrell Ellen Jane (Mrs.), picture framer,r8B Magdalen
tion road street
Hazell George,hair dresser & tobacconist,rr Long Wyre st Hurrell George Fredk. picture frame maker, 122 Eld la
Head Charles, artist, 32 Creffield road Hurrell William James, wheelwright, 21 Bromley road
Head Samuel, chemist, 13 High street Hyam Wholesale Clothing Co. Limited (The M.), manu-
Headgate Buildings Co. Limited (James F. Potter, sec.), facturing clothiers, Abbey Gate works, Stanwell road
8 Trinity street Hyam William Albert, tobacconist, 57 East street
liearsum ~ Cook, fishmongers, 41 Crouch street & pork Hymas Lucy (Mrs.), shopkeeper, I East bay
butchers, sr High street & IO Maldon road Ife George Platford, hair dresser, 32 Osborne street
'Ht>arsum Robert Chas. & Ernest,fishmongers, 135 High st Iles Reginald, fried fish dealer, 78 Butt road
Hearsum George Charles, watch maker, 6 East hill Independent Order of Rechabites (Edward Boucher.
Hearsum Gertrude (Miss), dress maker, see Baker & local sec.), so Walsingham road
HParsum Inman Charles, boot maker, 12 Meyrick crescent
Heasman Alfred, watch maker & jeweHer, 22 High street Inman George, boot repairer, 52 Stanwell street
Heath Joseph, insurance agent, 155 North Station rd International Correspondence Schools Limited (Wesley
Heckford Harry Robert, news agent, 26 Winnock road Boyce, manager), 18 Maldon road
Hellen &; Webher, grocers, 2 St. Botolph's corner International Tea Co.'s St-ores Limited, tea merchants
'llepworth J. &; Son Limited, clothiers, 3 Head street &c. 36 Long Wyre street
'Herbert Alfred, boot maker, 53 North Station road Ives· Richard Haward, fire manager to the :Essex &
Rewit.t Thomas, hair dresser, 13a, Berechurch road Suffolk Equitable Insurance Society Limited, High st
Hibhs Edwd. Alfd. ship chandler, see Jarvis & Hibbs Jackson John Joseph, house furnisher, 70 Canterbury rd
Hicki.nbotham James Rvland M.B.,Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng., Jarmin Arthu-r Middleton, secondhand furniture dealer.
L.R.C.P.Lond. physician & surgeon, rr2 Military road Head Gate & 1 George street
.Hicks JIJ!~eph R. confectioner, 4 Long Wyre street J-arvis & Hibbs, ship chandlers, 5 &; 9 Hythe quay.
• Jay Charles Edward, boot maker, Old heath

Je1!eries Robert Lewis, examining officer, H.M. Customs, Layzell Willie Harry, stationer, & post office, 51 East hil)
62 Winnock road Lazell Harrington, grocer & provision dlr. 59 High at.
Jeffery Dennis Webb,watch maker & jeweller,u8 High st Leach Alice Elizabeth c~-rrs.), shopkeeper, I6 Weston rd:
JenningsEmily & Nellie(Misses),milliners,6ShortWyre st Leach Harry W. provision dealer, 13 Mersea road
Jennings &; Sons, carriage builders, Stanwell street Lee George William, hardware dealer, 4B Stanwell stree~
Jessupp Herbert 0. grocer, 72 Canterbury road Lee John T. boot maker, 5 Winnock road
JohnsQn Bros. (Dyerrs) Ltd. dyers &; cleaners, I t High st Leech Sarah (Mrs.), Royal Mortar P.H. ns Military r<t
Johnson James G. & Son, plumbers, 6 Lion walk Leggett Edward, builder. 159 North Station road
Johnson Amelia (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 97 :Northgate st Leigh Thomas, ~elson's Head P.H. 51 West Stockwell st
Johnson Arthur William, news agent, 177 Butt road Lennards Limited (Public Benefit Boot Co.), boot &..
Johnson Charles, Blue Boar P.H. Kendall road shoe makers, 7 Long W~-re street
J ohnson Charles, chimney sweep, 8o Butt road LennonJ ohn,supt. of county police,Police statn .Ipswich rd-
Johnson Charles. chimney sweeper, 56 Maldon road Lester Fred W. tobacconist, 136 High street
Johnson Daniel Waiter, horse breaker, 128 Magdalen st Leveridge Jas. Saml. shpkpr. &; post off.13Berechurch rlt
Johnson Josiah Harry, plumber, 51 Wrmpole road; Lewis & Sons, painters, 66 ~orth Station road
workshop, Portland road Lewis Arthur FrPderick, assistant clerk to the Borough .
Johnson Susie (Miss), bookbinder, 10 Head street of Colchester Education Committee, 3 Trinity street;
Johnson Thos. Pretty,Rising Sun P.H.3Hythe Station rd res. -~9 Beaconsfield a-venue
Johnson William, hosier, 33 High street Lewis Edgar, greengrocer, 12 Barrack street
Jolly Arthur W. cab proprietor, 53 & 70 Maldon road Lewis Thomas Edwin, clothing manufacturer, see Rich-
J ones & Son, solicitors, Town Hall chambers mond & Lewis
Jones &; Watts, boot mas. 33 Barrack st.& 101 Crouch st Lewis William Cecil, florist, 13a, Queen street
Jones Cyril Gor·don (firm, Jones & Son), solicitor, & Liberal Club (C. S. Ratcliff, sec.), Head gate buildings
registrar to Haverhill County Court, Town Hall chbrs Light Hy. representative " East Anglian Daily Times,"'
Jones Edward William, inspector to National Society for 61 North hill. T ~ 17
Prevention of Cruelty to Children, .45 North hill Lingard Waiter Edwd.The Grenadier P.H.84 Military r<t
Jones Henry William (firm, Jones & Son), solicitor & Lingard William, printer, 8a, St. John's street
commissioner for oaths &; clerk to the county justice~ Lipton Limited. provision dealer~. 42 St. Botolph street;
for the petty sessional divisions of Lexden & Winstree Lissimore Albert, builder, 59 Culver street
& Tendring, Town Hall chambers Lissimore Arthur Benell,shopkeeper,21West Stockwell sfi.
Jones William Frederick, news agent, 22 Barrack street Lissimore Henry Jas. greengrocer, 68 North Station r<L
& stationer, 21 Short Wyre street List Frederick, antique dealer, 16 Queen street
Joscelyne Albert Eustace, tea & coffee mer. 38 High st List J oseph Arthur, clothier & outfitter, 8 St. B{)tolph'"s
Joslin Elsie (Miss), confectioner, 139 Hythe hill corner
Joslin Harriett (Mrs.), Swan P.H. roo Hythe hill Little George, in~urance agent, 28 Beche road
J oslins Limited, agricultural, sanitary & electrical en· Littlebury G. &; Son, corn merchants, 26 Magdalen st
gineers & ironmongers, 108, 109 & 145 High street Littlebnry Geo. forage merchant, 14 St. Botolph's cornr·
(T N 8) & 1, 2 & 3 Maidenburgh street & house fur- Littlebury Waiter, corn merchant,see LittleburyG.& Son
nishers, 107 High street LittlPbnry Wm.Warden.baker & corn dlr.184 Magdalen st
Ka:;t Richard, valuer, 36 Walsing-ham road Lloyd Frederick James, news agent, 68 Maldon road
Keeble Arthur James, tailor, 99 High street Loclie 0. S. & Co. bnilders' ironmongers, 18a, Queen st
Keeling John Charles, shopkeeper, 28 Calver street Locke Thomas Marriott, cabinet maker, 28 & 30 Long
Kemp Arthur William, boot repairer, 46 Walsingham l'd Wyre street & 22 & 24 Queen street
Kemp Henry, carpenter, 25 Morten road Locliington John, postmaster, Post office, Head street
Kendall & Sons Limited, umbrella manufrs. 42 High st London Central Meat Co. Limited, butchers, I Short
Kendall's Almshouses, Military road Wyre street & 5 Crouch street
Kent, Blaxill & eo. Limited, wholesale & retail oil. London County &; Westminster Bank Limited (branch)
color, lead, window glass & brush merchants, artists' (C. H. ::\Iartin, manager), 25 High street; draw OJlr
colormen & dealers in all descriptions of ropes, twines head office, 41 Lothbury, London E C
& cordage, sacks, coal bags, rick, van & cart covers, London Penny Bazaar Co. 3 St. Botolph street
hardware &c. Ioo, 102, 103, 104 & 3a, High street. Long Eliza (Mrs.) & ..:\..lice (~Iiss ), wardrobe dealers, 2&
'Phone 192. See advertisement Osborne street
Kerns George, tobacconist, 36 Queen street Longmore Alfred, Castle inn, 2 North Station road.
Kett James, collector r.f customs, supt. of mercantile Loomes Harry, hosier, 35, 36 & 37 High stree\
marine, registrar of R. N. R. registrar of ~hipping &;, Lord George, butcher, 38 & 39 North hill
receiver of wreck, 43 Hythe hill Lord Sarah (Mrs.), Queen's Head P .H. Bo Hythe hilt
Kiddy John, french polisher, 28 Chapel street Lost Dogs' Home & Cats' Shelter (::\iiss F. H. Lander~
Kimpton Henry T. saddler, Old heath hon. sec.), 35 North hill .
King Alexander, confectioner, 35 East street Lott Isaac, cab proprietor, Butt road -
King Edith (Mrs.), dress maker, 47 Salisbury avenue Loyd Geo. & Son, boot & shoe makers, 12 & 14 He&d ~
King Joseph John, shopkeeper, 10 East street Loyd William, grocer, 20 Head street
King Thomas Percy, draper, 8 Crouch street Lucking A. J. & Co. linen drapers &c. ~7. 28, ag t 3!0>,.
Kitchin George, insurance agent, 31 ~orthgate street & house furnishers 35, St. Botolph street
Knight Frederick, beer retailer, 64 Barrack street' Lufkin Charles J. station master, HYthe
Kruszinski & Co. clothing manufacturers, 18 Butt road Lurcock Richard, Rainbow P.H. 42 ·Long Wyre street
Labour Exchange (W. E. Durrant, clerk in charge), 20 Lyes AlbPrt Edward, hair dresser, 74 Butt road
Queen street Lyes Frederick Wm. hair dresser, 83 North Station rO!f<i
Lain Henry, confectioner, 36 Bourne road Lyes Henry Thomas, bricklayer, 130 Mag-dalen RtrP~>t
Lambert William Charles, beer retailer, 134 Hythe hill Lyons .Alfr-ed Stanley, house agent, Trinity chambers~
Lambert William John, town sergeant, Town hall C ulver street
Lampon William Henry, horse slaughterer, 5 George st. Lyons John Patrick, boot maker, tt8 Hythe hill
&; Angel yard, High street McClosky Alice (~frs. ), ham & beef shop, 30 Butt road
Langdon William George, baker, 82 Military road :McGhee James S. tailor, 7 Harsnett road
Langley J ames Alfred, cycle agent, 20 Military road ~IcLennan Alexander, tran'lling- draper, 10 Queen street
Larter Pembroke, tobacconist, 23 Middleborough ~Iacklin & Ranson, fruiterers, .fg Head street & 20 Long:
Last Henry James, confectioner, Post office, 8g Crouch st 'Vyre street
Last Richard, house agent, Trinity chmbrs. Culver st McRae Archibald C. Salisbury hotel, Salisbury avemre·
Last William, baker, 103 Hythe hill McRae John, travelling draper, 70 Military road
LatteT' George, piano tuner, 69 Mersea road Mann Brothers, music warehouse, 123 High street
Laver & Son, surgeons, 43 Hearl street Manu Benjamin, pork butcher, 202 Mag-dalen !"tre"t
Laver Henry F.S.A., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.S.A. (firm, Lal'"er ~!ann Matilda (Miss), girls' school. 69 High street
&; Son), surgeon &; public vaccinator, 43 Head street Mann Robert, butcher, 13 Lo-ng Wyre street
Laver Philip Guyon L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Engo .• Mann Robert Adolphns, organ!st & piano tnnPr. 15
F.S.A. (firm, Laver &; Son), deputy public vaccinator Portland road
to Colchester union & surgeon to Colchester hospital ~lar:::hant Francis, ~orfolk P.H. 132 Xorth Station road
& medical officer to workhouse, 43 Head street & 3 ::VIargetson E. A. artificia• teeth maker, 8 Bead street
Church street north
Lawrence Christopher Robert. hair dressPr,27 Barrack st
~1argetson James, artificial teeth maker,
Marlar John Frederick, chemist. 68 North hi})
n" Crouch st>

Lawrence Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 12 Essex street Marriage E. & Son Limited, millers (steam & ut .. r) ~
Lawrence William Francis, pou:terer, Old heath corn, flour, hay & seed merchants, East roilis &;;
Lay & Wheeler, wine, spirit & ale & porter mPrchanb granaries, Hythe & East .A..nglia mills, Felixstowe dock.
& agents for the County Fire Office Limited &:; the Marriage Wilson, farmer, Ipswich road
Alliance Life Office, 10 High street Marsh Frederick K. grainer & decorator, 38 Priory street
Marsh John, apartments, 23 Wellesley road Mothersole & Co. wine & spirit merchants & beer
:Marsh Thomas, beer retailer, 59 East street bottlers, Head st. (T N 69); & at Frinton-on-Sea..
Marshall, Son &i Potter, solicitors &i commissioners for T N 22
oaths, 8 Trinity stree~ Motts William George, Bell inn, Old heath
Marshall Vernon Evelyn, solicitor, see Marshall, Son &i Motum Arthur, saddler, 79 East hill
Potter Motum George, fancy repository, so High street
:\lartin .Albert Ed-waTd, greengrocer,35 West Stockwell st Moy Thomas Limited, coal, coke, brick & tile, cement.
Martin Eliza Ann (Mrs.), Artillery Man P.H.s6 Artillery &i lime merchant &i coal & corn factors, Hythe ; ehier
street north office, 4 High street; 13b, St. Botolph street ; also at
:\lartin Ernest, shopkeeper, 97 Hythe hill most of the railway stations in the district ; & at
Martin George Samuel, whitesmith, 5 Hospital lane London, Peterborough, Norwich, Ipswich, Lowestoft &..
Martin James, shopkeeper, 54 Artillery street north Yarmouth
Martin Robert Wm. New Market tavern, Middleborough Mulley Thomas, shopkeeper, 9 Stan-well street
Martin Stephen, shopkeeper, 32 Barrack street Mullins Charles James, printer, 28 St. John's street ~
Martin Thomas, The Grapes P.H. 87 Mersea road grocer, 4 Sheregate
Mash Annie (Mrs.), apartments, so Beaconsfield avenue Mumford A. G. Limited, marine engineers, Culver st
Mason Edith (Miss), teacher of music, 41 Constantine rd Muncey Ralph L. Carpenter's .Arms P.H. 46 Chapel st
Mason Ethel (Miss), costumier, The Elms, Eld lane Munson A.rthur John, saddler, 20 Maldon road
Mason Harry George, boot &i shoe maker, 22 Trinity st Munson Frederic~ Grant, cab proprietor, 24 Manor road
:Mason James Frederick, cycle agent, 45a, East street Munson Thomas, park superintendent ; res. 29 Castle rd
Mason Lydia (Mrs.), dress maker, 21 Trinity street Munson William Henry, apartments, 15 Mersea road
Mason Macgregor George, grocer, Old heath Munson William Henry, pr{)Vision dealer, 26 Eld lane
Mason William Charles, carter, 42 East street Museum (Arthur George Wright, curator), The Castle
Masonic Hall (R. H. Ives, sec.), Abbeygate street Nason Frederick, electrician, 93 Butt road
Masonic Lodges (Angel No. 51, Thomas J. Railing, sec. National D~posit Friendly Society (Alfred Cade, sec.), 7
meet 4th toes. in Jan. Feb. March, April, May, Oct. St. Botolph street
Nov. &: Dec. 7 p.m.; United No. 697, J. T. Bailey, National Health Insurance Audit (G. R. Harper), 7 St ...
sec. meet monthly, except July & August. third wed. Botolph street
7 p.m.; Comrades No. 2976, Richard Jeffers Simms, National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.
sec. meet 3rd mon. monthly; Essex Masters No. 3256, (Edward William Jones, S'llpt.), 45 North hill
H. A. Jager, sec. meet 1st thurs. in April & last wed. Neale Harry James, plumber, IO North hill
in September; Patriotic Chapter No. SI, Thomas J. Neep Leonard, decorator, 3b, Kendall road
Railing, scribe, meet Ist tues. in Feb. May, Aug. & Nelson James & .Sons Ltd. butchers, I8 Long Wyre st
Nov.; Constantine Mark No. 145, Thomas J. Railing, Nevard Edward, farmer, Place farm, Old heath
S'3C. meet 3rd tues. in Jan. April, July & Oct. ; Nevard Henry Thomas (Mrs.), fruiterer, 2 North hill
Helena Chapter Rose Croix, No. I75, Rev. Francis Nevard James Arthur, shopkeeper, 22 Abbeygate street.
Paynter, :recorder, meet 2nd mon. March, 4th tues. Nevard Thomas, dairyman, 6I East hill
July &; 3rd tues. Sept.), Masonic hall, Abbeygate st Nevill Frederick, cycle repairer, 73 Mersea road
May Edward Ernest, architect, IO Head .street Neville George John, tailor, 126 Maldon road
Maybury William Augustus M.D., M.Ch., M.R.C.S.Eng. Newman Alfd. Reg-inald,g-reengrocer,4o North Station rd'
surgeon, police surgeon &i medical officer for 2nd dis· Newman Hannah Eliza {Mrs.), a parts. 14 Abbeygate st
trict, Colchester union, 9 West Stockwell street Newman William, butcher, 20 East hill
J.\Iaynard William Daniel,market e-ardener, 37 Harwich rd Nibloe James John, station master North station
Maypole Dairy Co. Limited, 23 Long Wyre street Nice Chlll'les, boot maker, 4 Eld lane
Meachen James Arthur, master mariner, 10 Old Heath rd Nicholl (·Charrington) & Co. Limited, brewers & mineral!
Mead Christopher Lewis, wine & spirit mer. Head Gate water manufacturers, East Hill brewery
Medcalf Fred, cycle manufacturer, Head st. (T N 171) Nicholson Benjamin Hugh M.B., C.M. physician & !lur-
& motor factor, Eld lane geon, & hon. surgeon to Essex County Hospital. East.
Mercer Edward John, news agent, 8I Military road lodge, 84 High street
Merchant Robert, Britannia P.H. 42 Meyrick crescent Nicholson Charles Waiter, coal merchant, & parish clerk ..
Merrick Edwin, shopkeeper, I Pownall crescent St. Botolph's, 25 Priory street
Merry H. G. & Co. coal merchants, m, Culver street Nightingale .A.rthur William, clothier, Go Nflrth hill
Michael Edward & Co. butchers, 40 High street Nightingale James, upholsterer, 123 Magdalen street
Miles Thomas, fried fish shop, 59 Winnock road Nixon Edmund Henry, collector of general district &..
Miller Grace (Miss), costumier, 20 Po~tland road poor rates & assistant overseer (Ist district); offices ..
~iller Russell, confectioner, 36 North Station road Town hall, High street
Mills Frederick, shopkeeper, I & 3 Brook street Norfolk Charles, firewood dealer, I2 Artillery st. south.
Mills Frederick Gecrge, borough accountant, Town hall Norman Fred, monumental mason, 37 Mersea road
Milton Robert Eb. outfitter, 2 Mersea road Norman Leonard, insurance agent, 8 Colne Bank road
Minter Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker, 47 Butt road Northover William George, decorator,4o Walsingham rd.
Minter Samuel Ed-ward, baker, 8 Maidenburgh street Notley .Arthur, grocer, 2 Harwich road
Mirrington Arthur H. draper, 3 Winnock road Notley Herbert .A.rthur, confectioner, 37 St. John's st
Missing Ernest, dairyman, I84 Harwich road Noy ~enammi Kedar & Son, boiler makers, Waterside,.
~itchell George, shopkeeper, 36 East hill 106 Hythe hill
Mitchell George Rohert, collector of general district & Noy Edward .Alma, Sun P.H. 7 Maidenburgh street
poor rates & assistant overseer ~nd district, & deputy Nunn H. &:; Co. army cap manufacturers, 3 Queen st
·registrar of marriages; offices, Town hall Nunn .Arthur William F.C.S. pharmaceutical chemist~
::\foger & Blewchamp, auctioneers, surveyors, valuers & 57 Crouch street
estate agents, 6 North hill. T N 56. See adver- Nunn Charles Edgar, smith, 48 Back lane, Hythe quay
tisement Nunn Charrington, parish clerk St. Mary-at-the-Wall,.
Moles William, grindery dealer, I6a, Magdalen street 44 Balkerne lane
Money May Edith (Miss), baby linen, see Relph & Money Nunn Elizabeth (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 39 Queen st
Monk Sarah (Mrs.), midwife, I4 Pownall crescent .Nunn John Hutley, iournalist, 5 Rawstorn road
Monson Frances (Miss), milliner, 7 East hill Nursing Institute (The) (Mrs. E. Doeg, matron), 2a,.
~oore G. E. &i Co. grocers, Head Gate Creffield road
Moore & Roberts, stationers, 14 & 15 St. Botolph street Oliver, Parker & Co.grocers & provision mers.1a,Head st;
Moore Bert, milk seller, 55 North Station road & shop- Oliver Alfred, beer retailer, 126 Magdalen street
keeper, 36 Colne Bank road Oliver Martha Matilda (Mrs.), bath chair proprietor, 79-
Moore David, optician, 94 Military road & jeweller, 4a, Crouch street
St. Botolph street Olle Perey William, florist & fruiterer, 22 Head street
Moore Martha (Mrs.), grocer, 71 Morant road Orfeur Chas. E. Limited, manufacturing joiners,. Colne--
Morter Ernest, cycle agent 74a, hair dresser 75,& photo· Bank works, North Station road. T N 195
grapher 75a, Military road Orrin- .1lfred, boot maker, 49 Gram·ille road
:\lortimer Em m a (Mrs.), King's Head P .H. I Balk erne hl Orrin Ebenezer, shoe repai:rer, 16 South street
Morton Cecil Howard (firm, Ha-ward, Ellison & M:orton), Orcin Frederick Geo. insurance supt. 74 Canterbury rd..
solctr. &i comsnr. for oaths,4 Head Galie court.Head st Orrin Harry, boot maker, 36 St. John's street
Moss Eliza (Mrs.), servants' registry office, I23 Crouch st Orrin Waiter James, boot maker, 51 Maldun roati
Moss Joseph, builder, see .Appleton &i Moss Osborne William & Edward, coal merchants, I .Artillery-
Moss Thomas Henry. sho~ maker, 55 Winnock road street south & St. Botolph's station
Moss William George Frederick, carpenter, 5 Chapel st Osborne Harry, shopkeeper, 45 M£:rsE.'a -.oad
Moss William Geo. Fredk. tobacconist, 9 Crouch street Osborne Henry Wm. greengrocer, 45 North Station roallr


Osborne Waiter, wheelwright, 141 Barrack street Powell Ellen (Miss), 15reengrocer, 101 North Station rd
Oswald Agnes (Miss) M.B.Lond., D.P.H. medical in- Powell George, tobacconist, 99 North Station road
spector of schools for the borough of Colchester, ~ Powell Marshall, whitesmith, Nunn's road
Trinity street Poyser & Co. printers, booksellers, stationers & news
.Page & Sons, butchers, 43 Crouch street agents, 5 High street. T N 2X2 _
Page & Ward, solicitors, Cups chambers, High street Ptangley George Howard, manager Capital & Counties
Page Benjamin Christian, shopkeeper, 19 Gramrille road Bank, 17 & 18 High street
l'age Frank Hall, tailor, hatter, hosier & boys' & men'$ Preece Richard, tailor & clothier, Z'J Long Wyre street
complete outfitter, 23 Long Wyre street Pressnell Charles, upholsterer, 2 ~ion walk
Page Geo. Henry, architect, Trinity chambers, Culver st Pressnell Edmund Barry,statnr.Post office,123 Hythe hiD
Page William Robert, 5hopkeeper, Bs Hythe hill Prestney John Gurdon Re bow, baker, 46 Maidenburgh st
.Palfrey Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 62 Military Toad Prestney Robt. boot ma. r St. Botolph st. & 23 Oulver st
Pallant William Robert, shoeiag smith, 2 Abbeygate st Prestney Robert, leather merchant, 9 St. John's street
Palmer J. station master, St. Botolph's station Prior Asher, .solicitor, 25 Head street
Palmer Richard William, fried fish dealer, s Osborne st Prior George William, shopkeeper, I76 Butt road
Palmer William Charles, builder, 13 Bourne road Prior Joseph, boot repairer, 21 Essex street
Papworth Annie(Mrs.),wardrobe dlr.16,17, 18 & 19 Eld la Prior Robert George, shopkpr.19 & 21 Artillery st. north
Parker Edward, grocer &c. see Oliver, Parker & Co Pritchard. Arthur, hardware dealer, n Middleborough
:Parker Charles E. apartments, 6 Kendall road Proctor Thomas, boot maker, l' Winchester road
Parker Edwin, beer retailer, I2 Snort Wyre street Public Library (George Rickword F.R.Hist.S. chief
Parrott Henry, jobmaster, 3 Rawstorn road librarian), adjoining the Town hall, West Stockwell st'
Parr's Bank Limited (Herbert Williamson, manager), 6o Pulford Arthur, farmer, Old Heath road
High st.; head office, 4 Bartholomew la. London E C Pulford Arthur Ernest, miller (water & steam), Can-
Parry Owen Limited. oil cake manufacturers k seed nock mills, 01d Heath road & Bourne mills
crushers &; merchants, Hythe; & at Ipswich; & 66 Purkiss Arthur Edwin, relieving officer No. I district,
Mark lane, London E C &; Ferry st. Millwall, London E vaccination officer North & West wards &; registrar of
Parry George Henry, motor engineer, 6g East hill births & deaths North-West sub-district & registrar
:Parsons Edward, draper, 14 & r6 Long Wyre street of marriages, ro Papillon road
Parsonson Stephen Arthur, basket maker, 21 North hill Purkiss William, hair dresser, 138 Magdalen street
Parsonson Thomas, basket maker, I Stanwell street Purser Waiter Edward, dairyman, 1 Wimpole road
Partner William, plumber, 22 Wimpole road Pyman Brice, shopkeeper, 36 West Stockwell street
Pasley Engine Co. Ltd. oil engine mas.Hawkins rd.Hyt.he Quilter Ada (Mrs.), confectioner, 8 & 9 Berechurch rd'
:Pattison Edward & Son, plumbers, 34 & 74 Maldon road Quilter Frederick, .cycle maker, roa, Berechurch road
Paul R. & W. Ltd. corn mers.; granary, Hythe quay Quilter Henry, fishmonger, 124 Hythe hill
'l'aull W. & Co. cycle & motor agents & repairers, 6, S Quilter William Albert, shopkeeper, 71 Vineyard street
& IO Barrack street (T N 224).; 91 High street; 64 Quirke John Joseph, surveyor of taxes, 6o High street
Stanwell street & motor garage, Military road Radcliffe Kenneth Dudley, gun maker, 150 High street
Pawsey Samuel, decorator, 102 Canterbury road 1 Radford Eliza (Mrs.), shopkpr. I Dorset pl. Stanwell rd
Payne Thomas F. T. picture frame maker, St. Nicholas Rainbird Waiter Thomas A.A.I. auctioneer, & managing
passage, High street clerk to C. M. Stanford, 23 High street
Peacock James, shopkeeper, 61 Mersea road .llalling Thoma·s John, registrar of births & deaths for
Peacock Thomas, The Dragoon P.H. 82 Butt road South-East sub-district, manager of E&sex County
Pearce George Arthur, greengrocer, 3 Scheregate Standard & insurance & shipping agent, 24 High st
Pearce Lillian M. (Miss), dress maker, 121 ~utt road Ramplin James, chimney sweep, 7 Ipswich road
Pearks Limited, tea & butter stores, 3 Short Wyre street Ramplin James, jun. chimney sweep, 140 Canterbury td
Pearman Wm. Waiter, wardrobe dealer, 17 Magdalen st Ramplin James, greengrocer, 24 East street
Pell Snsan (Mrs.), shopkeeper, ro6 Magdalen street Rampling Wm. Waiter, beer retlr. 19 & 21 Winnock rd
Penn May (Mrs.), midwife, 45 Butt road Randolph-Symmons Francis. solicitm & commissioner
Perry &:: Fitch, dairymen, 30 Queen street for oaths, Head Gate court, Head street
Perry Charles Henry, milk seller, 68 Castle road Ranson Bert, fruiterer, 20 Long Wyre street J
Perry Henry Moss, nurseryman, 2S Alexandra road Ratcliffe Arthur William, hair dresser, 70 East street
Pertwee Frank, corn &; seed merchant, Hythe quay Raven Arthur Samuel, paperhanger, 14 Sir Isaac's walk
'Pettitt James, iron & rag merchant, 79 Magdalen street Ray Minnie (Mrs.), boarding house, 46 Crouch street
Pettitt Lewis, decorator, 34 West street Ray Susannah (Mrs.), wardrobe dlr. 36 1St. John's green
l'hillips Joseph, tobacconist, 2 St. Botolph street Rayner George, Rifleman P.H. 29 Ipswich road
Phillips William, tobacconist, 207 Magdalen street Reeman Harry, auctioneer, valuer, house & estate agent,_
Pickfords Ltd. general carriers (Henry Colyer, agent), & insurance agent,Head Gate au.ction rooms. T N 283
99 High street Reeve Arthur, Waggon & Horses P.H. 66 Nor:th hill
Pilgrim Daniel, shopkeeper, 49 Hythe hill Reeve Charles Gurden, decorator, u North hill
Pitchford Enoch, Waterloo P.H. 169 Magdalen street Refuge Assurance Co. Limited (district office) (E. J. S.
Plant William Bickers, Shaftesbury temperance hotel, Jenkinson, superintendent), 6 Wellesley road
40 Culver street Reliance Chimney Sweeping Co. (Joseph R. Corkerton,
Platford Harriett (Miss), shopkeeper, 24 Artillery st. sth manager), 34 Colne Bank road
Plowright Robert William, boot maker, 174 Butt road 1 Relph & Money, baby linen depot, ua, High street .
Pluck Jas. Edwd. registrar of marriages,44 Hamilton rd Renny, Day & Chichester, physicians & surgeons, 16 &;
Pointing William James, sec. to Daniell &; Sons 22 Crouch street & 4 Lexden road
Breweries Limited, Castle brewery, 6 Maidenburgh st Renny Eustace George M.R.C.S.Eng., L.RC.P.Lond.
Polley H. G. & Son, tailors & clothiers, 36 St.Botolph st (firm, Renny, Day & Chichester), physician & sur·
Polley E. S. corset & blouse specialist, ladies' & chil- geon, I6 Crouch street
dren's outfitter; fancy drapery, hosiery, gloves &c. ; Renton William, tailor, I2 Crouch street
depot for Dr. Jaeger's & Aertex underwear, u & 13 Reynolds Albert Charles, coach bldr. 83 Magdalen st
Crouch street. See advertisement Reynolds Bessie (Mis-s), dress maker, Sr Magdalen street
Polley Henry, market gardener, 74 East street Reynolds Frederick, shopkeeper, 82 Magdalen stre-et
Porrett John Ernest M.R.C.V.S. veterinary surgeon, IS · RiceChas.Edwd.fruiterer & 1lorist,3 Crouch st.& SI High si;
East Stockwell street Richards Charles H. fried fish dealer, r7a, Magdalen st
Porter Henry, greengrocer, ss East hill Richards Frederick William, hair dresser, 40 Head street
Post Offiee Telephone Exchange, I4 St. John's street Richards Reginald Fredk. cycle agt. & dealr. 42 Head st
Potter Brothers, jobmasters, 84 Maldon road 1 Richardson Fred, farmer, Burnt House farm, Old heath,
Potter & Fisher, boot & shoe manufacturers,63 Priory st Richardson Isaac, tinplate worker, 35 St. John's street
Potter Benjamin Scarlett, china, glass &c. dealer, Richardson William, cycle maker, 65, 66 &; 67 East hill
Child &; Potter • Richer Thomas Arthur, confectioner, 52 Head street
Potter Ellen Caroline (.Mrs.). dress ma. 3 Church st.sth Richer Thomas Arthur, stationer, 17 Crouch ~treet
:Potter George, insurance agent, 18 Canterbury road Riches Arthur, blacksmith, I I Middleborough
Potter Herbert Paul, insurance agent, 3 Church st. sth Richmond & Lewis, clothing manufrs. r6 St. John's st
Potter James, dairy, 10 Butt road Ricketts Mary Ann (Miss). dress maker.2o .Alexandra rd
Potter Jas. Francis, solicitor, see Marshall, Son & Potter Rickword George .F.R.Hist.S. chief librarian Public
Potter John, dairyman, 46 Constantine road Library, West St{)ckwell street
Potter Tom, horse dealer, u Butt road Hidgewell John Poulter, grocer, 45 Harsnett road
Potter Waiter S. assistant clerk to the guardians of River Plate Fresh Meat Co. Limited, 7 Short Wyre st.
Lexden & Winstree union,Vietoria chmbrs.Runwald st &; 26 Long Wyre street
Potter William ·George, pork butcher, 6 Middleborough lloberts Ann (Miss), apartments, 25 Wellesley road
lloberts Joseph Henry, grocer, 7 Wellington street
Roberts William Thomas, stationer, see Moore k Roberts Scott Harry George, secondhand furniture dealer, 176
Robins Frederick, grocer, 81 Barrack street Magdalen street
Robinson Thomas, baker, 62 Magdalen street Scott Joseph, grocer, 23 North hill
Robinson Thomas L.D.S.Eng. dentist, 20 Crouch street Scott Joseph James M.R.C.V.S. veterinary surgeon, 11
Rodgers John, jJln. chimney sweeper, 27 Eld lane • St. John's street
Bogers Brothers, tailors. 22a, Culver street Scott Sidney, boot maker, see Collins & Scott
Rogers Frederick (Mrs.), fruiterer, 39 St. John's street Scott William, Ordnance .A.rms P.H. 3 Hythe quay
.Rogers Frederick William, butcher, go Hythe hill Scragg &; Haydon, butchers, I33 High street
Rogers Herbert George, bookseller, stationer, printer & Seaborn Herbert, decorator, 7 Golden Noble hill
wholesale news agent, Ill High street Seaborn William, shopkeeper, 87 Priory street
Rogers William. plumber, house decorator, sanitary Seaman Jane (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 23 East hill
engineer & general contractor ; office &; works, 48 St. Seaman William, fried fish dealer, r83 Magdalen street
John's street (T N 74); & at Witham. T N Io. Secrett Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 79 .A.lbert street
See advertisement Select Picture Houses Limited (J. McDonald, manager),
Roofe George Joseph Greenfield,paperhanger, 48 East hill Head Gate ~
Rose E. & Co. calendar printers, Kendall road Self Ellen Jane (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 26 Mersea rd
Rose George, fish dealer, I I Campion road Senior Bros. confectioners & grocPrs, 148 Military road
Rose Thomas .A.llen (Mrs.), baker, 2 Middle borough Serre .A.chille Limited, dyers & cleaners, 121a, High st
Row Fred .A.. shopkeeper, I7 Northgate street Sewell Wm. beer re!T. & shpkpr. 15 k 16 Artillery st.sth
Row Jephthah, baker, x8o Magdalen street Sexton & Grimwade, auctioneers, land surveyors &
Rowe Edward B. fruiterer & corn dealer, 64 Maldon rd estate agents, probate valuers & insurance agents,... 37
Rowe Herbert, decorator, Old heath Head street. T N 106 Colchester. See adver•
Rowe William D. boot repairer, 19 Cedars road tisement
Rowland Penry William M.D. physician & surgeon, Shapland Theodore Stephn.artificial teeth ma.8 Qneen st
9 W ellesley road Sharp Joe, shopkeeper, 5 Kimberley road
Bowles & Son, cycle & motor engineers, East bay Shead Harold, fruiterer, 95 Crouch street
Royal Eastern Counties' Institution for Idiots, Imbeciles Shead William, County road surveyor for Tendring dis-
~ the Feeble-minded (The Earl of Stradbroke, chair- trict, 17 W ellesley road
man; Capt. N. A. C. de Hirzel Tufnell J .P. treasurer ; Sheldrake Wm. Charles, temperance hotel, 35 North hill
Sir T. Clifford .A.llbutt K.C.B., M.D., LL.D., F.R.S., Rheldrick Albert Arthur, tailor, 107 Military road
F.R.C.P.Lond. Regius Professor of Physic, University Sheldrick Charles William, clothier, 8o Military road
'Of Cambridge, consulting physician; E. .A.. Hunt Sheldrick George, confectioner', so Stanwell street
M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Edin. consulting surgeon; S. Shelton .A.lice (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 3 Morant road
Johnson TayloP M.B., C.M.Edin. ophthalmic surgeon; Shephard Frede:rick. T. & Son, joiners, 4I Hythe hill
Hugh L. Tracy L.D.S. dentist ; Charles E. White, Shephard Amy (Miss), dress maker, 53 Bourne road
solicitor; F. Douglas Turner M.B.Lond., M.R.C.S. Shephard W. H., ~I.B.U.A. furnishing undertaker
Eng., L.R.O.P.Lond. res. medical superintendent; & funeral director, embalmer, cremator & sani-
.A.. Turner F.C.I.S. sec.; Mrs. Turner, matron) tarian, motor hearse proprietor & artificial wreath
Royal Grammar School (Percy Shaw Jeffrey M.A. head specialist; funerals conducted any distance, 5 Stan-
master), Lexden road well street. Telegrams, " Shephard, Stanwell Street,
Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Colchester." Tel. No. 305 Colchester. See adver·
(Colchester branch) (T. J. Balling, sec.), 24 High st tisement
Rudd C. G. (Miss), confectioner, 99 Crouch street Shepherd Arthur, fishmonger, 2 Maldon road
Rudkin :rohn Taylor, printer, Waggon & Horses road Shepherd GeorE?e, baker, 110 Magdalen street
Budkin McLaren, insurance agent, 29 Harsnett road Shippey Alan Thornton, stationer, 47 Head street
Rudling William J. shopkeeper, 23 Butt road Short, Smedley, Bensusan-Butt & Drake, chartered ac--
Rutkin Frederick .Tames, greengrocer, 47 St. John's st countants, 8 West Stockwell street
Rutkin James, fishmonger, 28 North hill Shrimpton Caleb, comsn. agnt. &c. 13 East Stockwell st
Rutland Edward, stationer, & post office, 93 Winnock rd Shynn Frederick James, baker, 42 North hill
Ryan Joseph Michael M.B., L.R.C.S.I. surgeon, k medi- Sidle Thomas, draper 22 & 24, fancy bazaar 12, & sta-
cal officer for 3rd district. Colchester union, 9 East hl tioner 10, Long Wyre street
Ryder William, boot & shoe maker, 148 Magdalen street Siggers Ernest, jobmaster, I5 Sir Isaac's walk
Sadler George, fish dealer, r54 Magdalen street Silvertown India Rubber 1 Gutta Percha &.
Sadler Herbert Fredk. Wm. shopkeeper, 74 Northgate st Telegraph Works Co. Limited. 106 Cannon street,
Sadler Jessie (Mrs.), dress maker, 68 High street London E C; works, Silvertown, London E
Sainsbury John, provision merchant, 41 High street Simkin William Robert, house furnisher, dealer in
St. .Tames' Orphanage (girls) (Miss E. Spackman, antique furniture, house agent & valuer, 65 North hill
matron), 55 East hill (T N 158); depository, North Station road
St. Mary Magdalene Parish Hall (Rev. Robert Bashford Simmons Mollie (:.\liss), dress maker, 17 Alexandra road
M.A. (rector), manager), Wimpole road Simpson Charles F. boot repairer, I2 .South street
St. Runwald's Club (G. C. Bensusan-Butt, sec.), 46 Simpson Harry Thomas, boot maker, IS 13alkerne lane
Head street. T N I66 Simpson Horace Lewis, shopkeeper, 1 Kendall road
Sainty James, Dolphin P.H. I26 Hythe hill Simpson Louisa (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 39 East hill
Sale W. & F. clothiers & outfitters. 20 St. Botolph st Simson Mary (Miss), girls' school, I Victoria road
Salmon James Mead, boot maker, & parish clerk of St. Smger Sewing Machine Go. Limited ; branch, 32 St.
Martin's, 17 West Stockwell street Botolph street
Sandle Henry John, grocer, I6I Magdalen street Smart Charlotte E. (Mrs.), fancy draper, 26 & 31 St
Sands & Son, fancy repository, 16 High street Botolph street
Sanger John Reginald, watch maker, 3! Scheregate Smedley Cuthbert E., F.C. .A.. chartered accountant
Sanson Willie Stanley Venn, district valuer, Inland (firm, Short, Smedley, Bensusan-Butt & Drake), 8
Revenue valuation department, 59 & 6o West Stock- West Stockwell ~treet
well street Smith Frederick Thomas & Son, tailors, 6 k 7 High st
Saunders .A.ngelina (Mrs.), haberdasher, 20 Butt road Smith Thompson & Son, solicitors, 5 North biU
Saunders Frank, builder, 37 Chapel street Smith Timothy & Son, boot makers, 26 Bourne road
Saunders Israel, shopkeeper, 5 Cannon street Smith W. H. & Son, booksellers, IS High street &
Saunders Walt. cycle & motor engnr. 26 & 28 Crouch st bookstalls, North station .
Savage Brothers, general drapers, 14, I5, 16, I7 & I8 Smith .A.. E. (Miss), confectioner, 2 Short Wyre street
Short Wvre street Smith .A.lice M. (Mrs.), Cambridge Arms P .H. 83 Mili-
Saville William, boot repairer, 91 Mersea road tary road
~aving Stamp Co. general dealers, 14 Queen street Smith Eliza. Nelly (Miss), dress maker, 2 Princess st
Sawkins George, :fishmonger, 30 Artillery street south Smith Ernest John, shopkeeper, 37 King Stephen road
Sawkins John Harvey, boot repairer, n6 Military road Smith George Mence, oilman, 47 & 48 St. Botolph street
Saxton & Co. marine store dealers, 20 Cannon street Smith Georee William, shoeing smith, 45 Chapel stree.t
Scarborow .J. C. & Co. ophthalmic opticians, 32 High st Smith Henry, bePr retailer, 7 Artillery street north
Schofield Isabel Ellen (Mrs.), photographer,u Mersea rd Smith Henry, shopkeeper, I West street
Schofield Robert Wm. tobacconist, ::13 North Station rd Smith John, monumental mason, see Booth & Smith
Scollard John, White Horse P.H. 4 East street Smith John Christopher, hair drssr.m West Stockwell st
Scott Edwin & Son, grocers, I Long Wyre street Smith Martin Jo~iah, shopkeeper, 32 East hill
Scott & Son, builders, 8 North hill Smith Osmond Thompson, solicitor & clerk of the peace
Scot~ Charles; decorator &c. 48 Maldon road (firm, Thompson Smith & Son), 5 North hill
Scott George, greengrocer, 13 Magdalen street Smith Robert, greengrocer, 92 Butt road
Scott Harry. shopkeeper, 38 South street Smith Robert, musical instrument dlr. 198 Magdalen st

Smith Robert William, shopkeeper, 27 Chapel street Tanner William Henry, grocer &c. 43 East street
Smith Sam, tobacconist & news agent, 25 Osborne st Tarrant Frederick James, Castle P.H. 92 High street
Smith Thomas, boot maker, 9 Short Wyre street Tatam Isaac, firewood dealer, 20 Bromley road
Smith Waiter, fish & fruit dealer, 36 Barrack street Tayler Rowland Charles M.R.C.V.S. veterinary surgeoD
Smith William, chemist, 31 St. Botolph street & veterinary inspector for the borough & for the Lex-
Smith William, temperance hotel, 3 North hill den & Winstree & -the Tendring divisions of Essex &
Smith William Philip, blacksmith, 12 Magdalen street for the Board of As;-riculture, 19 Queen street
Smy Horace George, pork butcher, 26 North Station rd Taylor Frank, Fountain P.H. 12 St. Botolph's corner
Snowdon John, carpenter, I22 Hythe hill Taylor George, boot repairer, 20 Balkerne lane
Soldiers· Homes (Miss Daniells'), 37 Queen street Taylor Ralph Crossland, tobacconist, 59 Crouch street
Somerville William James, confectioner, 6 Maldon road Taylor Selina (Mrs.), beer retailer, Hythe quay
Southgate & Edwards, wheelwrights, Back la. Hythe Taylor Silas Edward, shopkeeper, 54 East street
Spackman Emma (Miss), matron of St. James' Orphan- Taylor Waiter, grocer, 30 Bourne road
age, 55 East hill Taylor William, tobacconist, 16 St. Botolph street
Spall William, boot repairer, 18 Harwich road Territorial Force Battalion (5th) Essex Regiment (C'
Sparling & Son, solicitors, I7 Queen street Company, Capt. Arthur J. 0. Turner, commanding;.
Sparling Arthur Edward, solicitor (firm, Sparling & Sergt.-Major T. E. Fry, instructor), Drill hall, Stan-
Son), 17 Queen street well street
Sparling Arthur Steward Blyth (firm, Sparling & Son). Territorial Force (8th) (Cyclist) Battalion Essex Regi-
solicitor, commissioner for oaths, & clerk to the ment (Lieut.-Col. J. C. Tabor, commanding; Capt.
council acting as the burial board & registrar of R. M. B. Needham, adjutant; C Co. Lieut. G. C.
burials, 17 QuePn street Benham; Sergt.-Instructor G. Smith) ; head quarters,.
Sparrow John Alderman, market gardener, 34 East st 17 Sir Isaac's walk; drill hall, Stanwell street
Spatchet Harriett Maria (Mrs.), ladies' outfitter, 77 Theatre Royal (Carl W. Hayes, manager), Queen street.
Crouch street Thompson Frederick H. Globe P.H. 21 Military road
Spear Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments, 7 Creffield road Thompson Robert, tailor, 16 Maldon road
Spencer Frank, Drury hotel, Drury road Thorn C. T. & Co. brewers, 33 Stanwell street
Spinks Henry, french polisher, 48 Chapel street Thorogood Elizabeth (Mrs.), baker, 40 Military road
Spinks Joseph, chimney swpr. 3 Crispin court, North hi Thorogood Harry, baker & confectioner, IOI High strPet
Spottiswoode & Co. Limited, printers, Hawkius rd.Hythe Thursby Wm. Isaac, florist & fruiterer, 8 St. Botolph sf
Springett Lilian Kate (Miss), dress m a. 46 Harsnett rd Thurston & Son, boot & shoe makers, 33 Crouch street
Springett Thomas, baker, 39 Alexandra road Thurston Pemlar (Mrs.), apartments, 45 Beaconsfield aT
Springett Waiter, market gardener, 6 Bromley road Tidman James (Mrs.), draper &c. 57 North Station road
Et amp Office (John Lockington, postmaster), General Tilbrook & Curtis, wholesale fruiterers, 126a, Culver sfi
Post office, Head street Togni Ernest, restaurant, top of North hill
Stanford & Co. engineers, boiler makers, iron & bras11 Tomlinson Edward James, boot maker, 9I Hythe hill
founders & agricultural implement mas 149 High st Tompson & Son, solicitors, Victoria chambers,Runwald st
Stanford Charles Maurice F.S.I. auctioneer, valuer, Tompson George Edward (firm, Tompson & Son), solici-
land, house, estate & insurance agent, 23 High street tor, & clerk to the guardians & assessment committee-
Stanford Gerald F.A.I. auctioneer, 23 High street & superintendent registrar to Lexden district, clerk

Stanton Emma K. (:\irs. ), shopkeeper, 35 Granville rd to Rural District Council & assistant clerk to th~
Star Tea Cc. Limited, 15 Long Wyre street commissioners uf taxes, Lexden & Winstree divisionp
Starnes Hattie E. (Miss), registry office, 40 Wellesley rd Victoria chambers, Runwald street
Start Joseph William F.S.I. architect & S'llrveyor, Cup'~ Tooley Alfred, manager for Barclay & Company Limitedp
chambers, High street. T N 119 bankers, 9 High street
Stead & Simpson Ltd. boot & shoe makers ; branches, 5 Town Hall (James Turner, hall keeper), High street
St. Rotolph street; I Head street & 6 Long Wyre st Town William Henry, architect, 10 Wellesley road
Stearman Thomas Charles, shopkeeper, IO James street Townsend William Waiter, manager & engineer to Gas
Stebbing George, shopkeeper, Harwich road Co. Hythe quay
Steggles Harry, greengrocer, 40 & 42 Barrack street Tracey Thos. Chas. cycle dlr. & cutler, 30 Os borne st
Steggles Thomas, greengrocer, 76 Hythe hill Tracy Julia (Miss), dress maker, I2 Wellesley road
Steele Daniel, hair dresser, 7 Berechurch road Tracy Marie (Mrs.), registry office, 69 Crouch street
Steven~ Alice (Miss), confectioner, sa, Crouch street Trayler William, confectioner, 9 Butt road
Stevens Henry Waiter, mineral water manufacturer, Trent & Upsdale, wholesale clothier~, East Stockwell st
Globe works, 4 & 79 Mai.ienburgh street Triscott Gertrude (Mrs.), George hotel, I£4, II5 & n5
Steward Adelaide Jane (Miss), dress ma.31 Salisbury av High street
Stewart S. & Son, coal dealers &c. 20 East street Trower J. & T. Limited, corn, seed & coal merchants k
Stewart Amy Mary Annette (Miss), school.71 Military rd forage contrador~, 165 High street; ra, St. Botolph
3tewarts' Clothiers Ltd. tailors, 32a, High street street & The Hythe. T N 53
Stockwell Capt. Hugh Charles, chief constable of Truman, Hanbury, Buxton & Co. Limited, brewers .t
borough police, . inspector under the " Petroleum bottlers ; stores, 2 Hythe quay
Act,'' petroleum tester, chief inspector under the Truslove William & Co. asbestos manufrs. St. Peters st
'' Food & Drugs Act " & the " Contagious Diseases Trussel! Geo. L. manager of Colne Fishery, 58 North hl'
(Animals) Act," inspector under the hackney carriage Tuck & Oldman, carpenters, 21 North Station road
bye-laws & under the "Pre>ention of Cruelty to Tuckwell Waiter Wm. chimney sweep, 24 Balkerne lane
Children Act" for ~he borough of Colchester, Borough Turner & Bonner,watch mas. & jewellers,IOShortWyre st
Police office, Town hall Turner Arthur F.C.I.S. secretary Royal Eastern Coun-
Stone Brothers, motor engineers, II4 Priory street ties' Institution
Stone Robert John, coal merchant, 40 Pownall crescent Turner F. Douglas M.B.Lond .. M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.
Stonebridge William, bricklayer, 12 Albert road Land. res. medical supt. Royal Eastern Counties,.
Stow Barleyman William, grocer, I Alexandra road Institution for Idiots, Imbeciles & the Feeble-minded
Stow Herbert Wm. baker & confr. so North Station rd Turner Sydney Claridge, general manager & sec. to the-
Stow John, boot maker, 22 St. Peter's street Essex & Suffolk Equitable Insurance Society Limited,
Stowe William, town toll collector, 38 Crowhurst road High street
Stoy Martin Oharles, shopkeeper, 33 Walsingham road Tweed Chas. baker & confectioner, r67 North Station rd
Stringer & Co. photographers, 7 Chapel street Tyler John, hardware dealer, 23 Barrack street
Strowlger Frederick, market gardener, Serpentine walk l'ff Fred, music teacher. 3 Maldon road
Strutt Harry, painter, I Morant road United Asbestos Co. Limited (Arthur Webb, district
Strutton George, boot maker, 24 East hill manager), 149 Maldon road
Studd Eliza (~Irs.), apartments, 12 .A.bbeygate street Unwkk Elizabeth (Mrs.), fishmonger, 2 Balkerne lane
Stutter John Edward, photographer, n Errington road Upsdale John, wholesale clothier, see Trent·& Upsdale-
Stuttle Frank, shopkeeper, 119 Harsnett road Vale William, travelling draper, 2 Kendall road
Stuttle Thomas, coach builder, see Cole & Stuttle Vaudeville EleP-tric Theatre (D. Ager, mgr.), Mersea rd:
Summers P. J. & Co. cycle agents, 64 Crouch street Vincent Henry, haberdasher, 22 North hill
Summers William John, plasterer, 29 Wimpole road Wade Edgar, cattle dealer, Serpentine walk
Sunnucks Henry, hosier & outfitter, 46 Long Wyre st Wade Herbert, butcher, 93 Crouch street
Sutton & Co. forwarding agents (C. L. Mead, agent), Wagsta:ff Harry Elvy, Sea Horse hotel, 6I High street
Head Gate Waldeck Geo. news agt.& post o:ffice,37 North Station rcl
Sutton John, Brewers' Arms P.H. 6r Stanwell street Walforll Lucy (Miss), dress maker, 20 Essex street
Sutton Percy, Bugle Horn P.H. 30 Barrack street Walker .!.nnie (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 14a, Priory st
Swann John, insurance agent, II2 Canterbury road Walker Edward, dairy, 38 Balkerne lane
Walker Frederick John, shopkeeper, 14 Priory street.



Walker George, cycle dealer, 2 Wellesley road j 'Westbroom George Ellington, boot repairer, 24 Brook st
Walker Thomas Fredk. confectioner, 200 Magdalen st Wham Robert A. Ship inn, 5 East hill
Wallace Robert &: eo. landscape gardeners, hardy Wheeler J. A. baker & confectioner, 2 1 Head street
plant & bulb nurserymen, Kilnfield gardens, Poplar Wheeler Jn. Fdk. wine & spirit mer. see Lay & Wheeler
lane & Serpentine walk Whitby Henry L.R.C.P. & L.R.C.S.Irel. physician &
Wailer Herbert Wm. beer retlr. 18 West Stockwell street surgeon, 144 Maldon road; surgery, Bank passage,
Walstow Arthur Thomas, Swan commercial hotel, uo High street
High street White Charles Edward, solicitor & commissioner for
Waiters Edwi.o., shopkeeper, 76 Military road oaths, clerk to guardians. supt. registrar, clerk
Walton Gazette (Benham & Co. Ltd. proprietors & pub- to the assessment committee & coroner for Sokens,
lishers; published wed. morning), 24 High street; 57 North hill; & Clacton-on-Sea
& at Walton-on-the-Naze. See advertisement White Edward William, whitesmith, 45 Balkerne lane
Wambach & Co. skin dresser, Hythe works, Haven rd. White Herbert William, beer retailer, 1 St. John's green
T N 161 White William Charles, accountant & collector of
Wanklyn Henry Charles, solicitor, town clerk, clerk to market tolls & allotment rents, 13 St. John's street
Harbour & Navigation Committee & to Urban Dis- Whitfield Cosser & Co. photographers, 26 Queen street &
trict Council & port sanitary authority & clerk to the picture framers, 4 St. Botolph's corner
-council acting as Local Fisheries Committee, pursuant Whitfield William John, greengrocer,39 West Stockwellst
to the order of the Board of Trade; regis-trar of the Whitten Walt.Slackwood,painrer, qa, West Stockwell st
borough courts of record; clerk to the Colne Fishery Whitwell Thoma!':, Marquis of Gran by P.H. 25 North hl
Board & to the Governors of Colchester }toyal Gram- Wicks J. & T. W. (est ab. over 8o years), wholesale &
mar school & clerk to Local Pension Committee, Town family wine & spirit merchants, II7 High street.
hall See advertisement
Ward A. Ovven, tailor, hatter, hosier, outfitter & Wiles & Son, printers, 26 Trinity street
juvenile clothier, 14 High street Wilkin Thomas E. beer retailer, 21 Hythe quay
Ward Adam, chief inspector of weights & measures, food Willden Dennis Reeve, plumber, 128 Maldon road
& drugs & sale of bread & coal & fertilisers & feeding Willett Elizh. (Mrs.), greengrocer, 11 North Stati<~n rd
stuffs for the Northern di.Etrict of Essex, I North hill Williams &: eo. general & furnishing ironmongers,
Ward Alice (Miss), dress maker, 9 Denmark street . gas, hot water & electrical engineers & agents for all
Ward George 0rowe, solicitor, see Page & Ward kinds of horticultural & agricultural machinery,
Ward Isabella (Miss), midwife, 86 Morant road 152 High street; implement warehouse, West Stock-
Ward Thomas, cycle agent & dealer, 3 Mersea road well street
'Ward Thomas Jonathan, builder, 30 & 31 St. John's William11on Herbert, manager of Parr's Bank Limited.
street. T N 136 6o High street
Warden Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 24 Mersea road Willson Alfred, upholsterer, 6 West Stockwell street
Warner Ernest, Queen's hotel, Berechurch road · Willson Arthur James, wood turner, 26 Fairfax road
Warner Wm. Edward, painter, 57 West Stoc:kwell st Wilson Erne~t Charles, butcher, see .Appleby & Wilson
Warren Ethel (Miss), costumiP.r, 4 .Albert road Wilson Francis Harry Owen, solicitor (firm, Benham &
Warren Fredk. dlr. in fruit, poultry & game,u3 High st Wilson)
Warren Philip, sen, fishmonger, 5 North Station road Wilson Maude (Miss), teacher of music, 28 East hill
Wash George, baker & confectioner, 45 St. Botolph st . Wiltan Waiter William, tailor, 4 Military road
Wash John Henry, whitesmith, 2 Stanwell street Winch Brothers, forPign stamp importers, 19 Well~sley
Wash Louis Wm. commercial travllr. 23 Shrub End rd road. See advertisement
Water Works (Corporation) (Charles E. Bland, supt.), Winch F. C. & Co. wine merchants, 153 High street
Town hall; works, Balkerne hill Winch John Miller, artisot, 19 Wellesley road
Waterman Alfred James, hair dresser, 151 High street Winnock's Almshouses, Military road
Waters John, boot & shoe maker, 3 Balkerne lane Winsley's (Arthur) Charity (Ernest S. Beard, agent),
1Vatkin G. Harold, teacher of music, 46 Crouch street Head Gattl
Watkinson Georg-e, builder, Sir Isaac's walk Winter EllPn (Mrs.), dress maker, 59 East hill
Watsham John Wm. boot & shoe maker, I Barrack st Withers Will, tobacconist, soa, High street
Watson Mary (Mrs.), ladies' outfitter, 71 Crouch street Witney Henry J. beer retailer, 59 North Station road
Watson William Hardy, grocer, 175 Butt road Wittey & Denton, solicitors, 8 East Stockwell street
Watts L. J. Limited, sculptors, stone, marble & monu- Wittey Harriet (Miss), apartments, 153 North Station rd
mental masons, Castle works, High street. T N 6o Witton Robert J. bird dealer, 204 Magdalen street
Watts Harry, dairyman, 16 Barrington road Wolton & Attwood, wine & spirit merchants, I Lion
Watts Henry, boot maker, see Jones & Watts walk & 21 Culver street
Watts Waiter John, dairy, 63 Military road Wornack Emma Elizabeth (Miss), teacher of music, 124
Watts William, boot maker, 76 Winchester road North Station road
Way Oscar, photographer, 41 Head street Women's Help Society (Mrs. Newman, hon. sec.), 1 & 2
Weatherall Francis Herbert, solicitor & commissioner Oshorne street
for oaths, see Goody, Sons & Weatherall Wood Thos. & Son, mineral water mnfrs. 50 Wimpole rd
Weatherall Henry Hawkins, verger of St. Peter's, 36 Wood Albert W. Royal Standard P.H. 34 Mersea road
Beaconsfield avenue Wood Arthur, Duke of York P.H. 18 & 20 Barrack street
Weavers .Alfred Josiah, tailor & outfitter,13 ShortWyre st Wood Wm. George, grainer & decorator, 42 Priory street
Webb B. & Son, grocers &c. 6 Magdalen street Woodgate .Ashton, carpenter, 13 Cromwell road
Webb Albert Ernest, school attendance officer to the Woodman George, hotel valuer, 17 North hill
Borough of Colchester Education Committee, 3 Trinity Woodroffe Charles, baker, 8 Middleborough
street; res. 3 Hamilton road Woodrow Frederick, boot repairer, 32 East Stockwell st
Webb Charles, supt. of cemetery, 1\fersea road Woods lda (Mrs.), china dealer, 14 Maldon road
Webb Ernest Edward, plumber, 83 Wimpole road Woods JosPph William (Mrs.), dress ma. 5 Pownall cres
Webbe Thomas R. hair dresser, 6 Pelham's lane Woods M. W. electrical engineer, Hythe Station road
Webber & Horwood, cycle makers, 91 Crouch street Woods Wm. brick maker, Poplar lane, North Station rd
Webber Charles. grocer, see Hellen & Webber Woollard William Charles, butcher. 25 Barrack street
Webber James Smith, wardrobe dealer, 27 East hill Woollatt William, baker, 18 Middleborough
Weddell Arthur, pharmaceutical chemist. 105 Hie-h st Wormell R. Clarence & Co. accountants, 75 Crouch st
Weiler Brothers, ostrich feather manufacturers, Eld lane- Worts, Son & Clowes, physicians & surgeons,s Trinity st
Welham Herbert Richard, baker. _::~6 East street Worts Dale Graham L.D.S.R.F.P.S.Glas.surgeon-dentist,
Welham Joseph Waiter, church clerk of St. Nicholas & 18 Crouch street
St. Runwald, 29 Crowhurst road Worts Edwin L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.S ..A.. phy-
Welham Percy, baker, 26 East street . sician & surgeon, see Worts, Son & Clowes
Wells Frederick James, laundryman, 6o Mersea road Worts Stanley Edwin L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng.
Wells Joh11 Ernest, hair dresser, 86 Military road physician & surgeon, see Worts, Son & Clowes
Wells Thomas, sanitary inspector & inspector of mea~ Wright Brothers, confectioners, 28 High st.; 45 Crouch
&c. ; office, ;~6 Stanwell street street & 21 St. Botolph street; china dealers 47, &
Went Emma (Mrs.), beer retailer, 17 East street grocers 49 & 51, Crouch street
Went Jonathan (M. B. E. S.), undertaker, funeral Wright .Arthur Geo. curator of the Corporation museum
furnisher & embalmer by diploma, cremator & govern- Wright Frank Pooley, coal merchant, I Hythe quay; 191
ment contractor; distance no object; chief office, Greenstead road & 31 Head street
"Rookery ho. Abbeygate st.; branch office, Mersea rd.; Wright Fredk. Ernest, insurance agent, 9 Barrington rd
works, Fairfax rd. T N 162. See advertisement Wright George, carpenter, 28 South street
Went Thoma01 George, builder, 125 Harwich road Wright George, painter, 8 Osborne street
Went Wilfred, hair dresser, 29 East hill Wright George, The Royal P.H. 65 Butt road

Wyatt Frederick, deputy supt. registrar for Lexden Young Women's Christian Association (Miss Louisa
district, Victoria chambers, Runwald street Kelly, superintendent), 64 High street
Wyncoll Francis Henry, tailor &c.see Bateman & Wyncol1 Youngs Thomas Harvey, Neptune P.H. 14 Hythe quay
Hetherington Thomas J.P. & Mrs. 1


Eardley-Russell Major EdmundStuart Luard Maj. G. D. Friday Wood lodge Blyth Rt. Page, farmer, Maypole frm
Eardley Wilmot R..A.., M.V.O. Park Norris Mrs. The Rosary Cant Arthur, farmer,Black Heath frm
farm Ovey Capt. Darrell, Friday Wood ho Smith James, farmer, Rock farm

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Curtis Arthur, farmer,Bazleton farm, Seaborn Albert, confectioner, J
Cannar Henry, 6g Greenstead road Parson's heath Greenstead road
Fisher Mrs. Flora house Eldridge Alfred John, shopkeeper, 15 Seaborn Edward, miller (steam),
Hawkins Alan George, 120 Green- Parson's heath Greenstead mill
stead road Fleming David, Shaw's farm, Harwich Stammers William, parish clerk
Sloper Fdk. SI. E. 233 Greenstead rd road, Parson's heath Stannard Jas. farmer,Greenstead hall
Smith John Plant, 103 Greenstead rd Goddard Charles Edward, Buck's Stone John, farm bailiff to C. E.
Worsfold Rev. Clement .Arnold M ..A. Horns P.H Gooch esq. Home farm
St.Andrew's rectory, Greenstead rd Hobrough Alfred Charles, picture Went Alfred & Sons, timber mer-
frame maker, Parson's heath chants, Parson's Heath
COlllMERCIAL. Bowe John, market gardener, 34 Willoughby James, boot repairer, 164
Adult School (Society of Friends) Parson's heath Greenstead road
(Alfred Went, supt.), Parson's hth Hull Dimitrius H. beer retailer, 7 St. Woodham Frederick, florist,32 Green-
Alderman Kate (Miss), dress maker, John's road, Parson's heath stead road
37 Greenstead road Hunt Chas. beer retlr. Parson's heath Wray James William, beer retailer,
Canham Thomas Arthnr, cabinet Mason Alice (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Post 289 Greenstead road
maker, 17 Parson's heath office, 154 Greenstead road Wright Frank Pooley, coal merchant,
Charge Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Munson Waiter William, shopkeeper, 191 Greenstead road
175 Greenstead road 160 Greenstead road Wyncoll William, farmer, St. John's
Nayler Saml. buildr.76 Greenstead rd road, Parson's heath

(Marked thus t receive letters direct Moir Edward McArthur, Deot•an, Clark Frederick William, market
from Colchester.) Lexden hill gardener, 8 Cross road
Morton Cecil Boward, Heath lodge Clayden Arthur James, coal dealer, 7
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Motum Frederick, 62 Colne road 1 Straight road
tBeard ErnestS.Woodlands,Lexden rd Nash Bernard Arcules, Corique, King Colchester & East Essex Co-opera~ive
Beaumont Evelyn Theodore, 30 ~el- Coel road & Industrial Society Limited; & at
son road N ash Mrs Corique, King Coel road Colchl:'stPr
Beaumont Robert, 22 London road Noel Hugh, Upper Hill ho. Lexden rd, Crosby Saml. shoe ma. 17 ,London rd
Betts Philip, The Bungalow, Cross rd O'Grady Mrs. 5 Lexden street Currell Sarah (Mrs.),lndrss.Church la
Bidwell Wm. Thos. 32 Nelson road Page Charles EveTitt, 37 London rd East George, insurance agt. Colne rd
Bird Herbert Owen, 7 I.exden street Paget Alfred, Sandown ho.St.Clare rd Ennals John, road surveyor, Colne rd
tBiandJn.Cooper,Westwood,Lexden rd Phillips Waiter, 9 Lexden street Garling Albt. insur.agt.47 London rd
Blyth Octavius, The Limes Pirie James, 38 Nelson road Garling Edgar Jas. baker,8 London rd
Boothroyd Alfred Watts, Colne lodge, Potter James Francis, Lanselles, Hawes Edwd. shopkpr. 29 Lexden si
Colne road Fitzwalter road tHedge Hy. Wm. frmr. Sht>epen frm
Chapman Henry Cautley Theobald, Poyser William Francis, Woodside, Hines James, farmer, Lodge farm
23 London road Fitzwalte:r road, Lexden road Jarrett Arthur George, news agent,
Clarke Arthur Turrall, 40 Nelson rd Raffies Rev. Thomas Stamford M.A. 57 London road
Corse-Scott Col Edwd. Hy. Glebfl! ho (rector), Rectory Joslyn William Frank, dairyman,
Crosbie Mrs. Patrick, Cherrywood, Rainsford Robert, 42 Nelson road Colne road
Straight road Richmond Mrs. Park corner, St. Kemp Wm. blacksmith, 4 Lexden st
Cross Mrs. Mill house Clare road King Samuel, hair dresser, 10 & 1a
Dennis Henry Samuel, Heathdene, tRooke Mrs. Monk's Horton,Lexden rd London road
Cross road Ruck-Keene George, 15 Lexden street King's Bead Temperance Bote}
Denny Col. Henry Cuthbert C.B. Sanders Mrs. Lexden park (Alfred David Cadman, manager)
Kingsmead, Straight road Sargent Frederick, 2 Nelson road Lusted Henry Luther, beer retailer,
Gardner Edward Harold, Hazlemere, Savill Miss, 46 Nelson road 34 Straight road
Nelson· road Soames Lieut. Harold Martin, The Major Louisa (Mrs.), corn merchant,
&ledhill Sidney V. 6 Nelson road Cottage, Church lane 6 London road
Goody Mervyn, The Cottage, St. Suckling Alfred, 36 Nelson road Martin Ji'rank, farmer, Heath farm
Clare road Tooley Alfred, 4 Nelson road Munson Annie (Mrs.), dress maker,
Hallum Thomas Geo. 13 Spring lane Walker Mrs. Lexden rise, Lexden rd 73 London road
Beasman Alfred, I London road Walton :Mrs. Cosgrove lodge Pitt George Charles, Sun inn, 8 Lex-
Hurnard Samuel Fennell J.P. Hill ho Wills William, 44 Nelson road den street
Button Wm. Coats, Lexden manor Wright Henry, 34 Nelson road Pluck Waiter Ernest, deputy supt.
tlrwin Misses, The Lindens,Lexden rd registrar, Colchester union, 39
Jencken Col. Francis John, Feda- COMMERCIAL. London road
more, Lexden road Beaumont Robert, builder, London rd Rule Murtin Nevill, coach builder,
Keigwin Charles D. Parsons hill Beaumont Samuel, sheep dresser, 21 53 London road
Larmour Capt. Francis Corden, 28 Straight road Salter .A.rth. butcher, 7I London rd
Nelson road Bird John, farmer, Malting farm Simpson William James, farmer
Lazell Harrington, Westgrove, Lex- Bird William, farmer, Home farm Stonehouse Isaac,baker, & post office,
den road Blake George, farmer. Magazine farm 31 Lexden street
Luard Mrs. Holly lodge, Lexden road Boyden Arthur, chimney sweeper, Tweed Herbert Charles, show case
Macfie James,Faw!ey lodge,Lexden rd King Coel road maker, 13 Cross road
Major Horatio Nelson, 6o Colne road Brooman Albert, cycle agent, 24 Vince Henry John, beer retailer, sr
Mansfield Lieut.-Col. Hon. Henry London road Lexden street
William, 3 LexdPn ~tieet Brown David, butcher, 20 London rd Willsher Arthur, cattle dealer, Tht>
Marshall Vernon, St. Clare road Cant Herbert, farmer,West House frm Chase, Colne road
Wilson Henry Geo. decorator,Colne rd
MILE E~D (north o£ the Railway).
PRIVATE :RESIDENTS. ~Cant John T . .Arngask Daniel Thomas Benjamin, 55 Mile
Balls George William, 58 Bergholt rd Cant Mrs. Myland lodge End road
Cant Benj. Edmund, The White ho Cleveland Mrs. Oarlton villa
Cant Cecil E. Myland grange Court Edward P. Severalls Asylum
Davies Rev. Thomas John Landv B..A. Craclmell Alfred, ijhopkeeper, 15 Mile Mack Arth. J. boot repr. 51 Mile end
(chaplain to .the Severalls Asyium), End road Mason Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper,.
Hollymead Diss Albert Edward & Son, builders, 65 Mile end
Evans George M.B. Severalls Asylum 89 Bergholt road Morgan James Stephen, carpenter.
Fin.cham Mrs. 52 Mile End road Diss Albert Edward, grocer, 89 Berg- 14 Mile End road
Garwood Samuel, Shrubland house, holt road Nevard Albert, farmer, Rustic &:
Mile End road · Essex & Colchester (Severalls) County Church farms
Green Arthur, Henry villa Asylum (Robert Cyril Turnbull Nevard Waiter, farmer
Groves Henry, Bay cottage M.D.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P. Offord Waiter George, piano tuner,.
Herring Frank, Kennington, Mile Lond. medical supt. ; George 70 Mile End road
End road Evans M.B.Lond. (senior), Harold Pearson's Public Library & Beading
Herring William, The Bungalow, WE>st Hodgson M.R.C.S.Eng., Room
Mile End road L.R.C.P.Lond. Edward Percy Court Prior David & Son, champion rose-
Hodgson Harold W., M.D. Severalls M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. as- growers, nurserymen & florists, The-
Asylum sistant medical officers; Robert ~urseries, North station & Greai.
Horsman Miss, sr Bergholt road Overend, clerk; Robert Farr, store- Horkesley. T N 291
Mackay George, The Hollies keeper; Mrs. M oily J ones, matron ; R~>vens R. W. & Co. builders, rsa,.
Mead George, 6r Bergholt road Charles Hammond, inspector; Hy. Mile End road
Overend Robert, Severalls Asvlum

J. Beaching, engineer) Rowe John A. Dog & Pheasant P.H
Prior William David, Myland house Felgate Arthur, farm bailiff to the Scragg & Haydon, butchers
Reichter Frederick, Mile end Essex County Council Smith Herbt.Wm.grocer, 41 Mile end
Stevens Rev. Henry Smeeton (rec- Flatman Frederick Robert, shop- Smith Willie, dairy, roo Bergholt rd
tor), The Rectory, Mile End road ket'per, 135 Bergholt road Sparrow Charles Ellis, blacksmith,.
Thompson Thomas, 56 Mile End rd Ford Edwin, decorator,g2 Bergholt rd 67a, Mile end
Topsfield John Wm. 78 Bergholt road Frost Alice (Miss), midwife, 25 Mile Stanway Willfam Charles, insurance-
Tnrnbull Robert Cyril M.D. Severalls end agent, 27 Mile End road
Asylum Garrard H. & Son, livery stable Steven& Edwin, boot repairer
Webster Mrs. 124 Bergholt road proprietors, 45 Bergholt road. & Stow Arthur 0. cycle agent, 69 &i 71.
• Railway Hotel yard Mile end
COMMERCIAL. Gibbins Jas. shopkePper, 58 Mile end Strong Frederick Wm. Railway hotel,.
Abbott William Y. blacksmith, 35 Great Eastern Railway Co.'s Steam r Bergholt road
Bergholt road Laundry (John Bellchambers, supt) Strowlgflr John, farmer
Bradford Lydia (Mrs.), stationer, & Hales Herbert Jas. farmer, Mill farm Studd ArtL. A.carpenter,45a,Mile end
post office Haydon Francis Emanuel, butcher, Thomas George Alfred, grocer, Post
Burcham Jabez Woods, joiner see Scragg & Haydon office, 6 Bergholt road
Cant Benjamin R. & Sons, rose Hayward A. J. & Son, coal merchants Tipper William, boot repairer 17, &.
growers (established 1765), The (depot), Mile End road news agent 42, Mile end
Old Rose gardens Kirkwood Jn. farmer, Severall's hall Upson George, Bricklayers' Arm•
Cant Waiter, farmer, Tubswick Larter Charles, joiner P.H. 27 Bergholt road
Colchester Borough Hospital for In- Leach Alfred Charles, insurance Warren Philip, fishmonger, 2 Ber~
fectious Diseases (W. F. Corfield agent, 141 llergholt road holt road
M.D., B.S.Lond., D.P.H.Camb. Leveridge Elijah, farmer, White Wass James, beer retailer, 5 Mill rd
medical supt. ; Miss Kate C. House farm (postal address,Boxted) Webb Arthur Wilson, boot repairer,.
Braidwood, matron) Long Chas. Frdk. painter,46 Mile end 22 Mile end
Crawshaw William Ernest, The Chase Billage Antonio,Berechurch Arms P .H Shelton George & Son, seed growers.
Harden Mrs. Brathney • \Foley John, Leather Bottle P .H Theobald .1rthur, dairyman, King:
Moore Mrs. Pretty Gate farm Goody William, market gardener Harold road
Storey John, All Saints Morris Herbert Edward, shopkeeper, Thurston Waiter, shopkeeper
COMMERCIAL. Post office Wilson Charles Spencer,. farmer
Berry George, whitesmith Quilter Bert, shopkeeper Woodrow John Thomas, jobmaster
COLD NORTON is a parish and picturesque village, and had at the western end a wooden belfry, crowned by
watered by a small rivulet, a feeder of the Crouch, with a short spire. The register dates from the year 1539.
a station on the Maldon branch of the Great Eastern The living is a rectory, net yearly value £240, with 4Z
railway, si miles south from Maldon and I I south-east acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Gover-
from Chelmsford, in the South Eastern division of the nors of the Charterhouse, London, and held since 1913
county, Dengie hundred and petty sessional division, by the Rev. John Lenthal Davids, who is also rector <Jf
Maldon union and counily court district, and the rural and resides at North Fambridge. The Governors of the
deanery of Maldon, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of Charterhouse are the lords of the manor and the chief
Chelmsford. The church, erected in r855 at the sole landowner.s. The soil and subsoi~ are strong clay. The.
cost of the Rev. William Holland M.A. a former rector, principal portion of the land is .in pasture. The area is:
is a building of stone in the Decorated style, and con- r,692 acx:es; rateable value, £r,464; population in 191:1
sists of chancel, nave, south porch and a western turret was 233.
containing 2 bells: the pulpit and reading desk are of Verger, Sydney Hipsey.
carved oak made chiefly from the ·beams of the old ·
church: an ancient mural monument to Maude, wife of Letters through Maldon, arrive at 8 a.m. Wall LetteY
Robert Cammocke, gent. of Layer Marney, ob. Sept. 23 , Box at the railway station cleared at 6.30 p.m. ; sun-
1599, has been removed from the old church and placed days, II.3o a.m. Stow Maries is the nearest telegraph
in the chancel : two brass shields bearing the arms of & money order office, I mile distant ·
Cammocke are now on the chancel step, and a brass Pillar Letter Box at Three Ashes, cleared at 10 a.m. &
effigy of a female, now in the nave·, is supposed to repre- 4·35 p.m.; sundays, 9.20 a.m
s-ent this Maude: in the churchvard is a tombstone C.,uncil School, erected in 1914, for Bo children; aver-
inscribed to William Walker esq. J.P. who died Dec. gth, age attendance, 44; Miss B. Prentice, mistress
1 os, his wife and 16 children: there are rso sittings. R.tilway Station, Harry Pyke, station master
The ancient church of St. Stephen was a very small Carrier. Sydne:; Howard, to Chelmsford, fri.; to Mal-
structure, consisting of nave, built in the 12th century, don, sat
Robinson John, Leaches farm Howard Sydney, carrier
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Toozes Capt. William John, The Rise National Deposit Friendly Societ;,
Billington Mrs. Beacon lodge (branch) (E. T. Pond, sec)
Brown Robert, Hillsborough COMMERCIAL. ' Pond Edward Thomas, Butchers~
Clarke Miss, The Cottage Bardwell George James. shopkeeper Arms P.H. assistant overseer &t
Dove Joseph, Kits cottage Bardwell William, carpenter parish clerk for the parishes of
Foreman Berners A Calderbank Jsph. frmr. Great Canny Cold Norton & Stow Maries
Handman Mrs. Rectory Cooper Ernest H. blacksmith Stevens Edwin, farmer, The Hall
Harris Miss, Leaches farm Hampton Edward Alfred, farmer, Stock Ernest, farmer, Little Canny
Harris Mrs. Three Ashes Fowlers farm Todd Fredk. farm bailiff to Messrs_
KevanAlex.David B.A.Laburnham cot Henry Isaac John! Railway-inn Strutt & Parker, Flambard'S' farrd
Macpherson Miss, Norton Lea Hobart Robert, boot maker, Hill side Willis George, farmer
COLLIER ROW, see Romford. COLNE, see Earl~ Colne, Wake Colne & Whit Coin~.
e> 1 RIIIINQ#f-4-tr

COLNE ENGAINE received its. surname from a stone, erected in 1791 by John Scane esq. F.R.S., F.S.A.
family of Engaine, who were lords of the manor in the architect (afterwards knighted). 'lhe trustees of the late
.13th century, and is a village and parish on the north Capt. Charles Reeve R.N. of Gisleham, Suffolk (d .
<bank of the river Colne, half a mile north-west from 1908), and the Governors of Christ's Hospital, who are
Colne station on the Colne Valley railway, 2! miles east lords of the manor, George Courtauld esq. J.P. of Cut
lrom Halstead, 5 north from Coggeshall, and 54 from Hedge, Halstead, Waiter Edward Grimston esq. J.P. of
London, in the Northern division of the county. Witham Earls Colne, and J. J. D. Botterell esq. J.P. are the
division of Lexden hundred, Halstead petty sessional principal landowners. The soil is light and heavy;
-division~ union and county court district, Halstead and subsoil, gravelly. The chief crops are wheat, barley
Hedingham rural deanery, Colchester archdeaconry and and oats. The area is 2,421 acres of land and 8 -af
.Chelmsford diocese. The church of St. Andrew is an water; rateable value, £2,907; the population in 1911
edifice of brick, flint and stone, chiefly in the Gothic was 583 in the civil parish and 569 in the ecclesiastical
-style, one portion, however, dating as far back as the parish.
Conquest: the church consists of chancel, nave, south Under the provisions of the " Divided Parishes Act," a
porch and an embattled western tower containing 6 detached part of White Colne was added to Colne
"bells, dated 1524, 1675, 1760, 1882 (two) and 1906: in the En gain e.
chancel are RE'dilia and a piscina : in 1910 the walls Sexton, Joshua Pudney.
of the chancel were covered with paintings at a cost Buntings Green is 1 mile west, Booses Green half a
of about £300 : two of the windows are stained, one mile north-west and Countess Cross 1! miles north-east.
"being a memorial to Mrs. Sewell, and the other to Post Office. William Keeble, • sub-postmaster. Letters
the Rev. William Webster, a former rector: the church from Earls Colne, Essex, are delivered at 7 & n.15
was thoroughly restored in 1873 and has 300 sittings: a.m. & 7.15 p.m.; dispatched at 8.35 & II.Io a.m. &
-a lych gate was erected in 1897 by subscription, to 7.30 p.m.; sunday, 8.35 a.m. The nearest money
commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of Her late Majesty order & telegraph office is at Earls Colne, 2 miles
Queen Victoria. The register dates from the year distant-
1620. The living is a rectory, net yearly value £44o,
with residence and 56 acres of glebe, in the gift of Public Elem2ntary School (mixed), erected in 1847• at a
the Lord Mayor and Commonalty of the City of London cost of £360, by subscription, aided by grants from the
as governors of Chrisfs Hospital, and held since 1896 National Society's Diocesan Board & by the Committee
by the Rev. Rowland Beevor Hill M.A. of Pembroke of Council on Education, for 100 children; average
College, Oxford. Colne Park is the property and resi- attendance, 86; Harry Edward Smith, master
dence of John James Dumville Botterell esq. J.P.; the This school is under the control of the Essex Education
• .mansion was built in 1775 and is situated in a park of Halstead District Sub-Committee,
100 acres, containing a lofty Ionic column of Portland , clerk
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Courtauld Katharine Mina (Miss), Meadows James, farmer
'Batters Waiter Percival Over ball farmer, Knights Moss W alter, farmer
Beard Arthur M.A. Th~ Bridge D~xey Arthur, fa_r:n;ter Nottage Wm. land steward to J. J. D.
Beard Miss, The Lodge Duey George WI!ham, thatcher Botterell esq. J .P. Countess Cross
Botterell John J ames Dumville J.P. Gordon Waiter, farmer Paxton Philip, farmer, Overhall farm
Colne park Hale Edward Scott, farmer Pudney & Son, builders
Courtauld Miss Knio-hts Horn John, laundry Pudney Joshua, assistant overseer &
Earvey Miss B~rche~ house Housden Joseph Geo. Five Bells P.H clerk to Parish Council

Hill Rev.Ro~land BeevorM.A.Rectory Howard G_eorge, farmer Pye George, farm bailiff to J. & F.
Marsh Henry Charles, Overshot mill .Jackson S1dney Jame~, baker Rayner, Brick house
Sewell Thomas Francis The Grove Keeble Wm. blacksm1th, Post office Ray Thomas Reynolds,miller (water),
' Lewis Charles, farmer West wood
COMMERCIAL. Mann J ames, farmer, Elm Tree farm Steward Robert William, farmer
Beard Artbur,organist of Earls Colne Martin Frank, farmer, Lodge farm Whybrew Herbert, farm bailiff to
Bone H. & Son, builders Mason Richard Waiter, jun. farmer, W. E. Grimston esq
Erewer Henry, farmer Brook farm
COOPERSALE, adjoining Epping, was formed into workhouse infirmary and master's residence were erected
an ecclesiastical parish Oot. 22, 1852, out of the civil in 1912 at a cost of about [10,ooo. Cottage Homes for
{larish of Theydon Garnon, but for civil purposes is now 40 children have been erected here. Coopersale House,
principally in the parish of Epping, and still remains a now (1914) unoccupied, is an ancient mansion of brick
.part of the rectorial parish of Theydon Garnon ; it is 2~ and stone, situated on a declivity, to the right of the
miles north-east from Epping station on the Ongar road to Epping; the grounds, of about 27 acres, are
branch of the Great Eastern railway, and 7 miles eas~ well arranged and contain a large sheet of water; the
.from WaJtham Abbey, in the Western divi>~ion of the estate was held by the Areher family from the time of
eounty, Ongar hundred, Epping union and petty ses- Henry V. who is said to have changed the name of this
sional division, W altham Ab bey county court district, family from Dubois to Archer on the occasion of a
Chigwell rural deanery, archdeaconry of Essex and shooting match at Havering, when one Simon Dubois,
.Chelmsford diocese. The church of St. Alban, erected in his attendant at Agincourt, acquitted himself so remark-
1:852, at the cost of Miss Archer-Houblon, is an edifice of ably as to win from the king this distinction. Cooper-
flint in the Early English style, consisting of challlcel, sale Hall, an ancient mansion, is within the parish of
nave, south porch and a western tllll're.t conrtaining one Theydon Garnon. The population in 19II was 654 in
bell: the east window is a memorial to members of the the civil parish and 760 in the ecclesiastical parish, in-
Houblon family, and a south window to Miss Archer- cluding 235 perSQns in Epping Union Workhouse.
Houblon : the chancel has a credence and pisaina, and on Sexton, Arthur Mumford. ·
the south side are sedilia: there are 220 sittings: in
1907 a lych gate was erected as a memorial to William Post Office, Coopersale. Mrs. Mary Ann Claxton, sub-
'8nd Elizabeth Pearson. The register dates from the postmistress. Letters through Epping arrive at 6.30
year 1852. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value & 9.40 a.m. & 6.20 p.m. week days only. Epping is
£280, with 5 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift the nearest money order & telegraph office, It miles
()f Captain H. L. .Archer-Houblon, and held since 1891 distant
by the Rev. Edward Herbert Grain M.A. of St. Cath- Letter Box, cleared at 9 & 11.40 a.m. & 7.15 p.m.
.arine's College, Cambridge ; the vicarage house was Pillar Box, Coopersale Common, cleared at 6.45 &
built at Miss Houblon's expense. A parish room was 11.30 a.m. & 6.45 p.m. week days only
-built in 1882, opposite the vicarage, at t'he expense of The children of this parish attend the school at They-
'Miss .A.rche'r-Houblon. The workhouse of the Epping don Garnon, built by Miss Archer-Houblon for St-
-anion, available for 200 inmates, is in this parish. A Albans, Coopersale & Theydon Garnon parishes
Grain Rev. Edwd.Herbt.M.A.Vicarage Baker Thirza (Mrs.), hand laundry, McMurray Wm. farmer, Ansons farm
'Tufnell Major Hugh Richard, Cooper- Coopersale street Pretlove Charles, shopkeeper
sale cottage Cordell ret.Coopersale Corn ReaderA.(Mrs.),beer ret.Coopersale st
Waters .A.rth. Hy. Capel,Coopersale lo Heath Henry James, insurance agent Whiffin James & Sons, builders,
COMMERCIAL. Lummis Richard, blacksmith,Cooper- Coopersale Common
Baker Geo. painter,Coopersale Commn sale street
CO:PFORD derived its name from its situation at a Colchester (on the London road), 6 east from Cogges-
ford over the Roman river: it is a village and parish 1! hall, in the North Eastern division of the county, Lex-
miles south-east from Marks Tey junction on the Great den hundred, Lexden and Winstree petty sessional divi-
Eastern railway, 48 from London, 5 south-west from sion and union, Colchester, Clacton and Harwich joint
Dlli~CTvRY. J ESSEX. COllRINGHAl\1. 193
county court. district, and in Coggeshall and Tey rural gtm·el and clay; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are
deanery, archdeaconry ol Colchester and Chelm.,ford ,eeds, wheat, barley and beans. The area is 2,135
diocese. The church of St. ~ichael and All Angel" is acre~; rateable value, £5,410; the population in xgn
an ancient building with Norman arches, and consists wa~ 7II in the civil parish and 743 in the ecclt-siastical
of chancel, nave, south aisle, south porch and a wooden parish.
turret at the west end with a shingled spire and con- - By Local Government Board Order 22.363, March 24,
taining 3 bells: the nave and apse are B1·itish, the 188g, detached parts of the parish known as Brakes,
aisle being added about the end of the 14th century: R.-.und Bu<>h &c. were transferred from this parish to
the apse, restored in 1872, is decorated ~ith ancient Birch.
mural paintings of the 12th century, repainted in 1872: Post Office, The Green.-Mrs. Hannah Nice, sub-post-
the church was thoroughly restored in 1884, when the mistress. Letters through Colchester, delivered at
1rhole of the ~orman walls were found to be covered 7·45 a.m. & (callers only) 1.35 & 7.20 p.m.; dis·
'IHth mural painting~, dating from the 12th century; patched at 6.4:; a.m. & 12.5 &; 6.20 p.m.; sundays.
the<>e ban not been repainted, but are left as they 10.5 a.m. Marks Tey, 2 miles distant, is the neares'
were found: the chancel screen dates from the late money order & telegraph office
14th or early 15th century: Edmund Bonner, Bishop Post Office, Eight Ash Green.-James Edmund Man._
of London, 154o-69. who died at the :Marshalsea prison, ning, sub-postmaster. Letters through ColchestE't"
'S Sept. 1569, is buried here on the north side of the arrive at 6.35 a.m.; di~patched 8.30 & 11.55 a.m. &-
.ttar: th~ church has 176 sittings. The register dates 7.20 p.m.; .sunday, a.m. The nearest money
from the year 1558. The living is a rectory, net yearly order office i, at Le:xden Heath & telegraph office at-
value f.«7• with 75 acres of glebe and residence, in the _-\.ldham
,\!ift of the Lord Chancellor, alld held since 1893 by the Pillar Letter Box, London road, cleared at 2.15 &; 7·5
Rev. Edm11nd Ralph Ruck-Keene M.A. of Exeter College. p.m.; sundays, 10.40 a.m
()xfo!'d. At Landon road is a Friends' :Yeeting House, I PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS.
and at Eight Ash Green is the mission church of All
Bamt.;;. Th~ Right Bev. William Thomas Harrison D.D. Copford Green (mixed), built in 1840, enlarged in 1884,
(Bl<;hop of Gla .. go" I88E-19o3) is lllrd of the manor, for 92 children; average attendance, 76; Robert Tun-.
winch was held by the Bishops of London till the death stall, master
l{ 'Bishop :&onner., who had his favourite residence here. Eight Ash Green (mixed), built in 1888, for 8g children;:
Thi" p~in~al landoll'ner'l are Bishop Harri..,on, of average attendance, 76; William Andrew Belgrove •.
()livers, 'llear Colchester, T'laomas H. Ambrose t> ..q. the master
Bou. James R.ouna P.C. of Birch Hall. A. Carrier to Colchester.-Henry Robert Bishop, mon. wed.
e .. q. and Rol'Ind"s tru~tees. The -.oil is fri. & sat
COMMEROHL. Hawkes Annie (:Miss), pari,h nurse,
.Auston Georgt-, fanner London road
'Beaumont Frederick William, Kill- Barnes Thomas, refreshment rooms, Horne Robert, Alma inn, The Green
ford 'V'il.ila, .London ~ro~til ·London road Joslin Geo.Wm. frmr. Mantell's farm
Bellingham Artbu.r, Copford Plaee Barritt John Ht-nr), farmer k assist. Manning James Edmund, grocer &:
Folkard Frank, The Green O\"er~er for Aldham, :\ioat farm sub-postmaster, Eight Ash green
FOTeman 'Henry. ~ulberry grt"t!illl Bishop Henry Robert, carrier, The Mason William, farmer
Hick-a Ierbert Tim.perley~ W:alton Cedars, Cf·pford green Nice George, <'arter, Eight Ash green-
ho~ London road Cooper Ernest Frederick, dairyman, Ottlev Edward, cycle dlr. London rd
Jackson HnbE>rt Feilden, Copfor.d hall Eigat Ash green Pearson Robt. baker,Eight Ash green
King Star gl'etm Firmin .Arthur .Augustus, Brick & ,Ridgewell Grace (:~'l:i,s), shopkeeper,
Moy Charles T. C<Jpford lodge Tile P.H. Eight Ash green London road
Oliphant Robert !!larold, Folka-rd Frank, seed grower & Robinson William, insurance agent
LondOI'l road merehant. all kinds of agricultural Sach Frederick, shopkeeper
!Ruck-Keene Rev E4md. :&.1Jk M.A. s-eeds from selected .stocks, per- Saw1ders George Henry, baker
,rechr).. The "R~~rry man.ent & temporary mixtures of Smith John, farmer, Mascotts
Symmon6 Percy W. The V ean "' seeds a speciality The Gr-een Ta-.·lor Arthur E. coal dlr. London rd
.. • ' J f
Tampion Mrs. Shrub ho. Lon&~u rd Galley William, beer retlr. London rd Weller William Cooper, _armer.
"Tbornber 11Irs. The 'Cotta~e Gammer Alfred Edward, farmer, Bockingham Hall farm -
..Ving- )ill'S. The Gree:& The Willow
COllEET'S TYE. t~ee Upminster.
:C~R:Nl:S~ ~ALL END waii. f?rm-e~ into an. ecc~e!i- ' Spains Hall, Finchingfield, Frederick Charles Yates esq.
&&tlclil pansh m 1-841 irom the ClVll par1shes of Fmch1ng- -.nd Col. F. J. Ryder, of Beacon Hill, Scarcroft Leed.s.
!field, 'Eirdbrook and WadgeweTI; it is 5 miles south-"l'est The aoil is mixed; subsoil, gravel; chief cr~ps al'e
from Birdbwok station. on the Colne Valley bran<'h of the wheat, barley and oats. The population in 1011 was
{;-peat Eastern railwa.,\., 12 from Br3intree, 8 -P9 ·
e"l'>t from Sdlron Walden, 6 north-east from Thaxted and
47 from London, in the Northern division of the county, LITTLE LONDO~. 1 mile south, SPAINS END, 1
Fre8hwell petty sessional division, and in the rural mile north-east, and HERKSTEAD GREEN, 1! north-
-deanery of Braintree, arehdeaconry of Colchester, and west, are hamlets of this parish
of Chelmsford. The church of St. John the Sexton, Harry Collar.
Evang-elist is a plain building of red brick, and con-.ists
of cbaneel, nave. and a tower containing a clock and 2 Post Office. Miss Julia Bunting, sub-postmistrel!s.
"belli;: ue tower was erected in 1910 : there are three Letters through Brain tree, arrive at 8.20 a. m. & 2.30
&tamed Tindow .. : the chllreh affords. 170 sitting.s. The p.m.; dispatched at 8.30 a.m. & 5.10 p.m.; sunday",
regu;ter dates from the year 184 1. The living is a dispatched at 8.30 a.m. The nearest money order &
ncarage, net yearly value £ 1 g8, with residence, in the telegraph office is at Finchingfield, 3 miles distant
g1ft of the Bishop of Chelmsford, and held since 1908 Public Elementary School (mixed), with a house for the
by the Rev. Edward William Wilmott ~LA. of mistress & a yearly endowment of £x6, left by the late
College, Cambridge. The Primitive :Methodists have G. W. Gent esq. of 'Moyns park; the school will hold
a place of worship at Little London. ThP. principa1 130 children; average attendance, 70; Miss Louie
landowners are Archibald Weyland Rnggles-Brise esq. of Jones, mistress
PBIVATE RESIDENTS. Cock Edwd. Tredgett, frmr.Hole frm ~IebJn Fanny (Mr.-,.), farmer,Rivett·,
Wilmott Rev. Edward William M.A. Collar Frederick, wheelwright farm
(vicar), Yicarage Ginger Frederick, farmer, Lophams Rawlingos Waiter, farm bailiff to
Yates Frederick Charles, Shore hall Gorham W. & Mn,frmr>".Cornish hall Archibald Weyland Ruggles-Brise
Gouldstone Hugh CharleQ, blacksmith esq. Howe farm
Halls Daniel, Horse & Groom P.H Smith Wjlliam Thomas. farm bailiff
COVVERCIA.L. Harrington David, beer retailer, to F. C. Yates esq. Boarded Barns
Little London Warren Geo. Philip, farmer,'W'hitleys
Bunting Julia (Miss), shopkeeper, Humphrey Ernest, shoe maker Whitbread John, farmer, Jeckylls
Pos1i office Jackson Jos1ah, miller (steam) Woods Swithin, farmer, Tinker's grn
Bunting Willlam, farmer, White house Lashmar Chas. Edwd. frmr. Lowe1 ho Worlledge Samuel, beer retlr. & grocr
CORRINGHAM i!'l a village and parish, the latter in the South Eastern division of the county, Barstable
extending to the Thames ; it is 2 miles east hundred, Orsett union and petty sessional division,
from Stanford-le-Hope station on the London, Tilbury Grays county court district, and in Orsett and Grays
81ld Southend railway, and 14 south-east from Brentwood, mral deaner~·, Es'lPX. arcbdeaconry, and Chelmsford
ES~EX 13

.Wt:>cese. The church of St. Mar)' the Virgin is a small lord of -the manot1 Kynpoh $nd Oo. Limited,. and t~
building of flint and stone in the Decorated style, con- Londoi1 and Thames Oil Wharves Co, are the principtl
sisting of chancel, nave, north aisle wtth chantry, aonth landowners. The soil is mixed ; subsoil, gravel and
porch and a Norman tower, with pyramidal roofr con- clay. Th~ chief erops are wheat, barley.. beans,
taining 3 bells, respectively dated 1580, 1617 and 1629: and clover. The area is 3,320 acres of land. 45 of irJ,.
itr was ooginally a Norman church, bot of this only the land and 701 of tidal water• and 327 of fore!hore; rate--
towe:r remains : the nave is separated from the aisle by able value, £6,1o3; the population in 19II was 693 in
an arcade of two bays : a fine old oak screen still exists tbe civil parish and 462 in the ecclesiastical parish.
in the ehantry, which is presumably that founded by
William de Baud in 132 8, and still retains a little old THAMES HAVEN is in this parish, 28 miles from
.glass; it has now been re~tored, and is used for daily London. The London, Tilbury and Southend railway hah
11ervice} there is a trefoil-headed piscina in the south a line to this place, branching from near Stanford-le-
wall of the chancel, and -a stoup in the south porch: Hope, for the transport of cattle, and a dock for un-
. ther-e are brasses to Richard de Beltonn, a former rec- loading cattle from small vessels .
•tor, c. 1340, with a half-length effigy; to Alice Grevye, Parish Clerk, ThomaS' J. Wright. .
ob.. 1453; Thomas Atlee, ob. 1464, 3nd Margaret hi1! Post Office. Mrs. Emma Ann Jiggens, sub-postmistress.
.-.wife; and to Robert Draper, also a former incumbent, Letters arrive from Stanford-le-Hopen Essex, at 8.-w
. 6h. 1595, this brass being inserted in an ancient stone a.m.; dispatched at 11.10 a.m. k 6.25 p.m. ~ snndan
inscribed "Abele: baud: gist: ici: diey: de: sa: at 8.30 a. m. & dispatched 10.25 a. m. Stanford-le-
.e.Ime ~ eit: merci ; " there is also the figure of a female, Hope is the nearest telegraph & money ordel! ~ffice, •
c. q6o, much worn, t'he inscription to w-hich is lost : miles distant
the east and other windows are -rstained: the entire Post, M. 0. & T. Office, Kynochtown. Percy J. Go~
structure, except the tower, was restored in 1843-4 by man, sub-postmaster. Letters from Stanford-ie-Hope;
lihe late Sir G. Gilbert Scott R.A. at the chief cost of Essex, arrive at 9·45 a.m. : dispatched 10,45 ".m. ~
the then rector : the tower was restored in 1864, and the 4·55 p.m. ; no sunday delivery; telegraph office- ope,.a
nort•h aisle in 1875: the ehu:rch affords I7l' sittings. 8.30 till 10 a.m. snndays
ThB< register date& from the year I 55~- Tha living-- i11 a Church of England School (mixed), built in 1900, for
rectory, net yearly value £513, with 29 acres of glebe 137 children; average attendance. 75; F. IJ.. Coward.
and rf'~idence, in the gift of the trustees of the late master
Rev. S. Greatheed M.A. and held since 'r887 by the Parochial School, Kynochtown (mi:JOed); built in 1879,
Rev. JO'hn Greatheed M.A. of Trinity College, Cam- for 70 children; aver~ge attendance. 62; EdwiD Broaq,
1 bridge. Here is a Catholic School chapel, dedicated to master
. St. Francis of Sales, and served from Stanford-le-Hope. These two schools are under the control of the Orse&t
:...Francis H, ]), 0. Whitmore esq. of Orsett Hall, who il! Education Sub-Committee
CORRINGHAM. Cook Charles, fannt!r COMMEBCIAL.
1 Davies David. farmer Corringbam Light Bailway Co. ; re-
Deans Richard, farmer, Hall farm . gistered office, Ky11ochtown
-Greatheed Rev. John M.A. (rector), Lester James, Bun inn
Eastabrook Rd. J. Dock House :hotel
Rectory Mead Waiter, poultry frmr.Gaole hall Jiggens William, farmer, Kynoehtowu
Long Mrs. The Old hall Ransom James Thomas. blacksmith Kynoch & Co. Lim.e:xplosh-e maBufae~:
Thomtort .Alfred .! ugustus, Gifford ~ Wood G2orge, beer retailer turers (Wilfrid Helcke. local manat
Cross ger), Kynochtown
THAMES HA VEX. .Kynochtown Working Men's Club A;
Institute (Josepb Went, sec.).
Alston llorace, baker Sealy William Charle8, Kynocb villa, K •vnocbtown
Alston Israel, grocer Kynochtown Thames Stores Ltd_ grocel'S (P. Ill.
..Clarkson Bros. poultry frmrs.Brick ho 1 Gorman.sec. ),Post office,Kynochtwn
t-CRANHAM (formerly called Bishop's Ockendon) is a was restored by the Rev, L. L. Sbarpe, rector 1884-9·
! parish, pleasantly situated I mile east of Upminster The register dates from the year 1558. The living is a
station on the Midland railway (London, Tilbury and rectory, net yearly value £420, with 35 acres of glebe,
..Southend section), and 4! miles south-east from the and residence, in the gift of St. John's College. Oxfor.dt
&mford station on the Great Eastern railway, in the and held since 1909 by the Rev. Thomas William Gibsoa
Mid division of the county, Brentwood petty sessional M.A. of that college. Cranham Hall, formerly the resi-
division north of the London and Tilbury line, dence of General Oglethorpe, is now occupied by
and Romford petty sessional division south of the Richard Newland Eve esq. George Ra.strick esq. it
same, Chafford hundred, Romford union and county lord of the manor. James Herbert Benyon esq. ol
.court district, rural deanery of Chafford, arch- Englefie]d House, Berks, is chief landowner. The soil
deaconry of Essex and Chelmsford diocese. The is a very heavy loam; subsoil, gravel. The chief crop$
• >Church of All Saints, rebuilt by Richard Benyon esq. at are wheat, beans, peas &c. The area is 1,87g acresi
his sole cost, on the site of the older church, was re- rateable value, £3.449; the population in 19II was 48();
opened December, 1874, and is an edifice of stone in the
Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, south Large steam brick and tile worJ,s, the property cl
porch and on the north side a tower with spirE!, containing Messrs. Colliers Limited, were built in 1900.
3 bells : all the windows in the chancel and two in the
nave are stained: in the chancel is a monument to Letters through Upminster, Essex, arrive at 6 & 9·3~
Major-General James Edward Oglethorpe, of Westbrook a.m. & 7 p.m. Upminster is the nearest money order
& telegraph office, :r mile distant
'Place, Surrey, who obtained the manor of Cranham Hall
' by his marriage with Elizabeth, daughter and heiress Letter Box, in Rectory wall, cleared at 8.30 & 9·45 a.m.
& 1~.15 & 1·15 p.m. ;.sundays, 8.go a.m
,r Sir Nathan Wright hart. whose predecessor, Sir
Benjamin Wright. 1st hart. bought it of the Petres: Wall Letter Box, Beredens, cleared 7·30 a.m. & 7.25
"~~he was the founder, in 1733, of the colony of Georgia, p.m.; sunday, 7· 15 a.m
:N. America, for which he obtained a Royal charter: he Public Elementary Church School (mixed)~ erected iA
·died ~oth JuDe, 1785, at the age, it is said, of 102, and is 1870 on a site given by R. Benyon ssq. as a memorial
"buried here with his wife: there is a piscina in the south of :Miss Boyd's life-long labours in the cause of educa..
-wall and a reredos with a scull"tnred representation of tion in the parish, for 14& children J average attend•
""The Last Supper": the old oaken communiol! table ance, 85 ; Franoeis R Thorogood, master
(Names mar];:ed *should be addressed *Stoneham Robt. Thompson,Hereden;. Gates William. farruer, Wooderoft
Great Warley, Brentwood.) Warren Henry, Crouch house Gulliver Wm. com. trav.Aylesbourne
Knight .Alfred, farmer, Ora.nha!Jl
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. COMXERCLI.L. pl. (postal address, Sth. Ockenden)
Blacl;: ~Irs. Crofton, Cranham Holme Anderson Geo. Aaron, beer retailer Marrable Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Eve Richard Newland, Crariham hall Aston Geo. jun. frmr. Limerick frm Neal George, beer retailer •
Gibson Rev. Thomas William M.A. Bailey Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper Padfi.eld Edward, farmer
(rector), Rectory Bourne Arthur, farmer, Tabramo; Palmer Edward, farmer. Bells. farm
*Ind Edward Murray D.L., J.P. Clayrlon <1oorge, heerhouse Parker S. (~frs.), farmer, Brooktnans
Coombe cottage Collier's Limited. brick & tile makers Thomson Charles Fox, farmer, Cran--
Knight Alfred, Cranham Place (postal! de Winton George Seaton, farmer, ham lodge
ad-dress, South Ockenden) Franks farm Turner Geo.Alfd. mason,Cranham .pk
Mol'l'is William, Woodlands Eve Richard Newland, farmer, Cran-IWatts C11rnelius, farmer
Roberts William Sydney, Woodfield ham Hall farm Young Hugh, farmer. Westbury fal'IQ
OREEXSE·A (or Cricksea) is a parish, on the north ¥ersity of Irel-and, who resides a:t Althorne. Major Sir
bank of tM Crouch, IJ miles west Burnham sta- Henry Paulet St. John-Mildmay- hart. of Dogmersfield
tion en the Wickford and Southminster branch of the Park, Hants, is lord of the manor. The soil is .-strong
Great Eastern railway, and 12 .south-east from Maldon, clay; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley
in t-he South Eastern division of the county, Dengie &c. The area is 86:; acres of land, 1 of water and n6
hundred and petty sessional division, Maldon union and oi tidal water and 51 of foreshore; raetable value, £791;
county court district, and in the rural deanery of Dengie, the population in 19II was g8 in the civil parish and
archdeaeonry of Essex and Chelmsford diocese. The -Bi in the ecclesiastical parish.
church of .All Saints, rebuilt in r878, is a stone edifice, in Sexton, Henry Whiting.
the Perpendicular .style, and consists of chancel, nave,
110ntb porch and a western belfry containing one bell: Wall Letter Boxes, Ostend, cleared at 8.30 a.m. & 6.15
the total cost of erection was about £1,200: there are p.m.; sundays, 8.30 a.m. ; Creeksea Hall, cleared at.
ilittings for about 100 persons. The register dates from 6 p.m. week days only. Letters through Burnham
the year I749· The living is a rectory, with the vicarage arrive about 8.30 a. m. A. second mail from London per
of Althome annexed, joint net yearly value .£265, with rail arrives at Burnham at II.Io a.m. but is not. de-
aa acres rof glebe here and 6 acres and residence at livered the saiJ?e day at Creeksea. The nearest money
Althorne, in the gift of trustees, and held since 1908 order & t<Qlegraph office is at Burnham, I! miles
by the Bev. William Shaw-Stewart, of the Royal Uni- distant
de Wolff Baron Waldemar, Creeksea COMMERCIAL.
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Place Suter Robert J. land & estate agent
de Selincourt Martin Horrobin Philip, The Lodge Thorington Harry, frmr.Creekse~ hall
CRESSING is a village and parish, on a small feeder hPld since 1910 by the Rev. J. William Padbury L.Th.
of the Blackwater, I mile east from Cressing s~ation, of Durham University. Here are two chapels for the
on the Witham and Braintree branch of the Great Peculiar People. The Knights Templars, who at one
Eastern railway, 3 south-east from Braintree and 5 north time had a commandt>ry or preceptory here, called Cress-
from Witham and Kelvedon, in the Eastern division of ing Temple. founded about n5o, possessed the 'advow-
the county, Witham petty sessional division and hundred, son; it subsequently passed to the Knights Hospitallers
Braintree union and county court district, rural deanery of St. John of Jerusalem and reverted to the Crown
-of Braintree, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of at the general suppression of religions houses. Frank J.
Chelmsford, and formerly belonged to King Harold IL Cullen esq. who is lord of the manor of Cressing Temple,
'The church of All Saints is a small edifice of flint and Mr. George Cousins, Col. Grimwood, Sir Thomas C. C.
st{)ne, chiefly in the Perpendicular style, consisting of Western hart. of 82 St. George's square, London S W,
-chancel, nave, vestry, S{)uth porch and a small western the Misses Brown and C. Sebag-Montefiore esq. of
turret, with shingled spire, cootaining one bell: the Stisted Hall, are the chief landowners. The soil is a •
church was restored and reseated by subscription in rich loam; subsoil, clay and loam. The chief crops area
x868, at a cost of .£6oo: the chancel retains a piscina. wheat, beans and barley. The area is 2,595 acres;
-and on the south wall is an alabaster monument, erected rateable value, £2,368 ; the population in Igii was 574
by Henry Smith. of Cressing Temple, to his wife in the civil parish and 515 in the ecclesiastical parish.
Hannah and dated 1607: it bears figures in has-relief of Parish Clerk, James Fryatt.
a knight kneeling before an open oook upon 8 table, Post Office.-Mrs. Sarah Ann Farthing, sub-postmistress.
while opposite is a lady in a similar attitude, and under- Letters arrive from Braintree at 8 a.m. & 1.30 p.m.;
ueath, 11> child in a winding sheet, with t~e figure of a dispatched at 7-30 a.m. & 1.30 &; 4·55 p.m. week days
maiden in the attitude {)f prayer; near to this, on the only. The nearest telegraph office is at Braintree, 3
-chancel pavement, is a large stone containing a brass, miles distant, & money order office, White Notley, a
..:xceedingly well engraved, of a lady staRding before a miles distant
table with her right hand resting upon an hour-glass; Pillar Letter Box, Haw Bush Green, cleared at 7. 45 a.m.
-at her feet lies an infant, apparently dead, and below 5 ._ 5 . 10 p. m . wee-
& 1.4 "" k d ays; snn da ys, 8 .20 ...
.. m
is an inscription in Latin to "Dorcas Musgrave, daughter
Police Station, Samuel Layzell, constable
of William Bigg, gent. of Topsfield, Essex, and wife of Public Elementary School. erected in I90I, for 120 chil-
Thomas ~usgrave esq. of Norton, Yorks; she died in
childbirth, II Au2:ust, 1 ~ 10 , ag:ed 23 :" suspended near dren; average attendance, 98; Miss Annie Cobb, mist
= ~ This school is controlled bv the Essex Education Brain-
the roof are two ancient helmets: there are 221 sittings. · · G
The register dates from the year I754- The living is a tree District Sub-Committee, John .le~y~! Qo¥.~t'1
vicarage, net yearly value £243, with 3 acres of glebe, school, Braintree, clerlt
and residence, in the gift of the vicar of Witballl, and Railway Station, Abrabam Campion Bush,statlon mastei'
PRIVATE RESIDE~TS Brown Frank, Three Ashe:< P.H I GihsJn Frederick, farm bailiff to
Brown William Charles, carpenter Edwin Fairhead esq. New Barn

Francis E. Bulford Mill house Butcher Ernest, farmer Gurton George, shopkeeper
Latham Ernest Henry, Hig-hfiel~s Clark George, beer retailer Jennings Georg-e, farm bailiff to P.
Mason William, Wright's farm Cousins Alfred Joseph, farmer,Lodge, Hntley esq. Kew house
Padburv• Rev. J. William L.Th. Dean's, Lower, Lanham's &; Vellums Kettle William, blacksmith
(vicar), Vicarage farms Mortier Fred. beer retailer
Phillips Mrs. Fowler's farm Cousins Geo. farmer, .Ashes, Stacey's, Moss Laura E. (Mrs.), farmer, Rook
Sach Mrs. Mill house Fowler's. Wrig-hts &; Bulford farms farm
Crow Herbt. J. farmer, Stubbles frm Pudney Daniel, farmer
Oullen Frank J.frmr.Oressing Temple Sach E. John. farmer, Jefferies farm
Adams William James, builder Everitt Charles, farmer, Hungry hall Sorrell Geo. W. farmer, Schills Jarm

E. ~I. &; Son, millers &; corn Farthing Sarah Ann (Mrs.), shop- South A.rthur, farmer, Holders farm
merchants, Bulford mills keeper. Post office Theobald Christopher, farmer, Haw
Golden Herbert, boot maker Bush farm
DAGENHA'M is 8 parish and village, bounded b:"~· the serjeant of the city ':If Lonrlon, ann subsequeutly in 145.5,

Thames, the Born -(or Bourne brook) and the Ingerbury • made recorder; he also represented the city in Parlia-
brook, with a station on the main line of the London, · ment in 1461 and Lf07, and \\3!1 chief baron of the
Tilbury and Southend railway. 3 miles south-west from Exchequer from 1471 tu 147Y• in which year he died:
Romford. 2~ south-east from Ilford. and 12 from White- the bras!! also commemorates his wife, 4 son& and 9
chapel church, in the Southern division of the county, 1 daughters; there is also a marble monument with-
Bt"Contree hundred and petty sessional division, Rom- effigies to Sir Richard .Alibon kt. a justice of the King's
ford union and county court district, Metropolitan police Bench from r687 in the reign of James II. ob. 22 Aug.
jurisdietion, rural deanery of Chafford, archdeaconry of r688: the stained east wind()W is a memorial to the Rev.
Es~ex and Chelmsford diocese. The village was T. L. Fanshawe, of Parslowes, and there are two other

lig-hted with gas and new drainage works wPre carried memorial windows to Messrs. George Currie and George
ont in T905-6. The- church of SS. Peter and Paul is an Stevens ; in the chancel are two windows to the son and
ancient edifice of Kentish ragstone and brick, in the daughter of the late Rev. J. J. S. Moore LL.D. vicar
Early English and Perpendicular styles, consisting of I876-1907, erected in rgo8 by thPir mother, and one in
chancel, nave of two bays, north aisle, north porch and memory of the late T. L. Coppen esq. : in 1878 the
an -embattled tower on the north side, with a slated church was thoroughly restored, the floor lowered and
spire and containing a clock and 6 hells, datl'd J!io~: the the interior reseated; during the course of the work an
chancel and aisle date from the r rth eentnry :- the na\"'e ancient piscina and a cross-marked altar slab were
was rebuilt in 1800: thf"re is a fine old tomb with rliscovered; _two helmets and fragments of other armour
brasses, to Sir Thoma;; Urs':l"yk kt. appointed common also remain: the church affords 700 sittings. The
E~SEX 13*
register dates from the year rs-1-6. The li,·ing is a Po<:t, ~L 0., T. &. Telephone Call Office. al·ailable for-
vicarage, net yearly value £420, with 8 acres of glebe, calls 'o pla~es within a limited distance.-)frs. Eliza-
and residence, in the gift of Stev~?nson Stewart Moore beth Howgego, postmistress. Letters through Rom-
esq. barrister-at-law, and held sinee 1907 by the Rev. ford at 7.20 a.m. &; 5 p.m. ; dispatched at 10.55 a.m.
Clement Charles Harrison M.A. of St.•Tohn's College, &. 4-55, 6.55 &; 9 p.m.; sunday delivery commences.
Cambridge. The v-icarage housf', clost• to l:he church, at 7·55 a.m. & dispatched at. g.15 p.m
u-as built in 1665. Thert' h, a Wesl.:>yan chapel in Wall Letter Boxes.-Ripple road, cleared 10.15 a.m. .t
Dagenham Village, and one at :Mark's Gate. The Small- 6. 4 _; p.m.; sundays, g.15 a.m.; Station, cleared at n
l'ox Hospital was built by the West Ham Corporation· a.m. &; 4 . 4 5 &; 7_p.m.; Church Elm lane, cleared at-
at a cost of £..J.9,..j.88, on the outskirts of the village, 10.30 a.m. &; 7 p.m. ; "undays, g. 15 a.m.; Barking
one mile distant, and provides accommodation for 300 r .. ad, cleared ai 11.5 a.m. & 7·5 p.m.; ~ew road~
patients. The Romford Joint Hospital Board erected in cleared at g a.m. &; 6.30 p.m.; sundays, 9.30 a.m . .t:.
1900 an Isolation Hospital; in 1907 it was extended, Church Elm lane, cleared at 10.30 a.m. & 4.15 & 7·
the total cost being £14 0 5oo; it will hold 78 patients. p.m
Uphill's charity of £150 yearly, left .b~ Jacob Uphill, · Pust, ~f. 0. & Telephone Call Office, Beoontree Heath~
of Dagenham, standard bearer to Wllham and :Mary, John Brewester, sub-po~tmaster. Letters, via Ram-
Queen .Anne and George I. who died Feb. 26, 1717, ford, arrive at 7·-1-5 a.m. & 4 p.m.; dispatched ali
~t. 59, formerly expended in clothing children and 1 1.20 a.m. & 7 .20 p.m. The nearest telegraph office
in gratuities to ~~em, . is no_w administered ~nder a . is at Chadwell Heath, 1! miles distant. Wall Letter-
trust; other chanties, mcludmg a bread chanty, left Box. 'Mark's Gate, cleared at 8.10 a.m. & 4 p.m.;
by John White, gent. who died Feb. 2, 1673, are dis- , 0 ndavs, 7 ..f5 a.m.; Ho!! hill, cleared at 8.45 a.m. & $
tributed yearly. Ford's charity consists of [1,ooo in &; 6. 1 ,5 p.m ~
Three per Cents. ; the dividends are expended by the
trustees in the purcha<se of blankets and flannel for PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS.
distribution to poor old men and women of the parish
Becontree Heath (boys, girls & infants), built about
who are over 6o ~·ears of age. Dagenham has much
1877 & enlarged in 1893, for 418 children; averag&
marsh land and on Dec. 17th, 1707, a very high tide atte!ldance, II2 boys, 105 girls & go infants; Charles.
Hew up the sluice, broke through the dyke, flooded Brooker, master; :\lliss :Mabel West & Miss Ethel
r,ooo acres and swept 160 acres into the river; after Dove, mistresse~; :\-Irs. ~lay. infants' mistress
much difficulty and a lapse of fifteen years, the breach Infants, built in r8g5, for 256 children; average attend-
was stopped by the famous Captain Perry, at a cost ance, 165; ~Iiss Elizr.beth Hnntley, mistress
of [4o,ooo. To the left of the road leading to Dagen- Marsh Green (mixed), built in 1902, for 300 children
ham reach is Dagenham gulf, a lake formed by a ,( 24-0 senior &, 6o infants) ; average attendance, 26o;.
portion of the unrerlaimed land 40 acres in extent, and
Walter H. Dines, mast~r; Miss F. R. Mitchell, infants'
beip.g well stof'ked with fish it is much frequented by
~nglers. Sir E. H. W. Hulse hart. of Breamore, Salis- mistress
Hainault Forest (mixed). built in 1847, for 145 children;:.
bury, w.ho is lord of the manor, the Crown, the Mar- average at.tendance, 130; Arthur Drury. master; Miss.
quess of Salisbury P.C., C.B., G.C.V.O. the Dean and Lilv :NI. J{)'hnson, infants' miF;tress
Canons of Windsor and :Mr. Samuel Wmiams are the
Ford's Endowed, founded in 1828 by William Ford, or
principal landowners. The soil is shingly; subsoil,
Dagenham ; in 1909 the central part of the building,
gravel. The chief crops are wheat, potatoes and market fm·merlv• the master's residence, was converted into
garden produce. The area is 6,..j.88 acres, 68 of water,
a central hall; the buildings now provide for 220 girls-
144 of tidal water and 28 of foreshore; rateable value,
&; boys; t:.verage attendance, 200; Harry Verney,..
£"44•412; the population of the civil parish m rgor was ma<:ter; Ford's Endowed, Whalebone lane, Chadwell
6,ogr and 7•930 in rgn, and of the ecclesiastical
Heath, is a branch school connected with this charity,.
parish 3,8go in 1901 and 4,703 in 19II.

built in 1857 & available for II6 children; average at-
tend~ nee, 40; these :">chool~ haYe an annual endowment:
hamlet of this parish. 2! miles north and tl miles south- of £ r6o, arising from money left. for educational pur-
east from Chadwell station on the Great Eastern rail- pa,es by William Ford, who died ~March 6th, 1826;.
way; it give~ name to the hundred and to a petty ses- Robert Tho,;;. Aldom. ma~ter; 'Mrs. A.ldous, mistress
i"lOillll di\'ision : meetin2's held at Stratford. Here is a ~Ietrcpolitan Police Station, Tom Webber, station ser·
W~"ltl-y<m IMvl'W ehapeJ. geant, 3 section <:ergeant~, r acting-sergeant & IZ.
Parish C1erk, Thomas Palmer. constables
Sexton, Edward Firman. Railway Station, Charles Dennis French, station master
DAGENH!M. Allerton .A.nnie (M1·s. ), dress maker, Drake W illiam Ernest, shopkeeper..
M.u·ked thus t letters should be Crown street Sung-ate
addressed Romford only. Archer Joseph, greengrocer,Rose cot- Duke William, grocer, 4 The Parade-
tage, Romford road Earl William G. builder & house agt-
PRIVATB RESIDEN~. A.rthy Walter Henry, baker, Crown st Ellis Harry E.oil&color man,Crown st
Allcock William, Marsh green Bailey John Edred, pier foreman, Ellison Thomas, draper, I Bull street
Rorrett Charles, Willi~ Hawes Farncombe, Ripple road Fage John, refresh. rms. Ripple road
Borrett Frederick William, Osbornes, Bales Geo. & Sons, carmen, Crown st Farrance Henry, fruit grower
Ripple road Band Emily C. (Mrs.)y beer retailer, Felton Jsph. Wm. shopkpr. Five elms
tCockshott Henry, F:urze cottage, Church Elm lane Flint Henry, farmer, Halbutts farm
Mark's Gate I Beard Robert Wm. baker, Crown st Fowle11 James, market gardent!r, Re.r-
flines Waiter H. Crowhurst Belt Frederick, grocer, High street dents farm
Fox George, Ashbrook Bock Hy. blacksmith, Mark's gate Fraser W. J. & Co. Ltd. engine..:rs
Gray Mrs. V. H. Wantz hou~e Borrett Charles, farmer, Willis Hawes & contrador;;, Dagenham wrrrb
Green Sir Frederick J.P. Hainault Bourn Daniel, hair dresser, 2 The Pai French Harold Frederick,drug storl:'s ..
lo. (postal address, Chigwell Row) Broadway Albert, butcher, Crown st 5 The Parade
Griffiths Alfred, Stoneford cottage Brown Jn. & Israel,shopkprs.Crown st Fuller Charles, saddler. Bull street-
flarrison Rev. Clement Charles M.A. Brown Jas. hair dresser, Crown st Gay Alfred R. farmer, Cox's farm-
(vicar), Vicarage Bull Alfred, farmer, French's farm tGay Isaac, farmer, Warren farm,
Ingle Herbert E. :Merrilands Burke Ohas·.Edwd.blcksmth.Crown st Mark's Gate
Jones Rev. George Th.A.K.C.(curate), Collins Harry Edwin, shopkeeper, Ox- Gay Wm. Jn. farmer, Eastbrook end
2 Glebe road lough lane Gifford Harry,wardrobe dlr.5Crown st
Killeen DaniPl R. The Woodland;; Coombs George Frederick, fruiterer, Goodard Arthur, coal dlr. Church st-
Lewis Hv. . SI. River view.Rainbam
- rd I The !Parade Gowen James A. Bull inn ,
Marvin Mrs. Sheepcotes County Borough of West Ham, far- Gray Alfred, builder, 5 Romford roact
Parrish Coulson Douglas, Frizlands mers (Thomas Mattocks. manager), Gray Harriett (Miss), farmeY,Chnreb
Pratt Mrs. Robert, Albert villa R<>okery farm Elm lane
Prosser-Evans Jehosophat L.R.C.P. Cox Fred Wm. beer ret. New road Grays (The) Co-operative Industrial&
Lond. High road Croote Frank, insur. agt. 8 High rd Provident Society Limited (Claud&
i'Torrance George. Padnall hou"e Ourrie Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer,East- Porter, manager), Crown street
Wackett John, Bell hou~e brook end Green Henry, carman & eontraclor
COMMERCIAL. Currie J sph. Edwd. frmr. Manor frm Gregory Alice {Mrs.), midwife, 'Bulls~
Acreman Albt.greeng-rcr.r The Parade DaniPlsElizh. (Mrs. ),news agt.2High rd Gnnary Charles, market gardeneT~
Alien Annie (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 7 Day John, shopkeeper, Chequers lanP Poundhouse fa.rm
The Parade fuakcard Mis~ ~. matron of Small Ha.rvey .A.lbert, registrar of births AI
Allen Jo~~ph, new!' agent. Crown st Pox hospital deaths Romford sub-di~trict, Bull st
llill' Brothers. groct>r-<, 5 High road Prosser-Evans Jehosophat M.R.C.S. 1Wilkin A.rthur, fruit grower, Stock-
-tHodge Oliver James, greengrocel', Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. physician & dales farm
Mark's Gate surgeon, &:; medical officer &:; public 1Wdlinms Sl.k Som:,licensed ligbtenl!D
!Hopkins Mrs. Emma, shopkeeper, 6 vaccinator for ~o. 9 district, Rom- 1Woodgate Alfred Jesse, insurapce
Chlll'Ch Btt'eet ford union ag-ent, 3 The Parade
Howgego Alfred, gardener George, fruiterer, Crown st
Lake's farm Reader Harry James, wheelwright, BEACOXTREE HEATH.
HowJego Waiter Wm. wheelwright, Romford road Letters throuc:rh Romford.
Bull 6treet • Romford Joint Hospital Board's . • " d
.Jones J osep h , farmer, Mard y·e
k farm .
I so1a t 10n H "tal (Alf d w · ht IKirk beck .arthur, The Homestea
osp1 . al reffi ng
Mi T urner Cb ris · t op h er, Mark'
s G at e
Kingsman Frederick,house decorator, M . RC. . S . E ng. me d IC o cer; ss
Bor1ett house M. A. Baynes, matron) cmtMERCIAL.
Kirk Thomas. grocer Romford Urban District Council Albon llichard John k Sons, smiths
Lait Arthur. jeweller. 6 Crown street Sewage Farm (Wm. Cragg, mangr) Albon Richard, smith
London I; South Western Bank Ltd. tSammons William, farmer, Furze Blewitt Samuel J. greengrocer
(sub-branch), open tnes. &; thul's. house. Mark's Gate Brewstt>r John. grocer, k post office
-10.30 to 1.30 p.m.; sat. 9 to 11.30 Smith George, sluice keeper to Mr. Clark George, .shopkeeper
a. m. Crown street; draw on bead 1 Charles Borrett, 26 New road Coppen Geo. farmer, Whalebone farm
office, 170 Fencburch street E C Soden George, confectioner, Crown 1t C()psey Frederick, harness maker
Noore Walley, boot repr. Church st Sproit Geo. A. hair dresser, Bull st Flint Robert Chas. hay & straw dealr
:Mynett Frederick, shopkeeper, :Mark's Steadman Frederick, boot ma. Bull st Gay Alice E. (Mrs.), market gardener
Gate Stebbings Thomas. butcher, Crown st Halls William, market gardP.ner
.Oliver Robert, The Chequers P.H Sterling Telephone &; Electric Co. King David Josepb, carman
Palmer Henry, draper, 6 The Parade Limited, Sterling works King Henry, hay &; straw dealer
:Palmer Henry W. cycle accessories Stevens John Henry, beer retailer,Hog King Robert, jnn. hay & straw dealer
dealer, Chnreh street bill (postal add1ess, Chi!{well Row) Ledger James, fishmonger
:Palmer Jame.; Waiter, furniture Stringer Chas. T. farmer, New North Leeson Frederick, butcher
tiPIIlPl', :1 Tb~ P,,,~.;e rd. (postal address, Cbig-well Row) Malton William, dairyman
f'arrish Coulson Douglas. farmer, Tiddar Thos. boot repr. Crown st Marriage William & Son, builders
Frizlands Townsend Artb. coal dlr. Station yard Miles Selina A. (Mrs.), beer retailer
Parrish Edith (Miss),frmr.Pettit's fm tWackett John, jun. market gardener Parrish James, market gardener
.Payne Edward. butcher, Crown st West & Coe, builders, Bull street Prosser-Evans Jehosophat M.R.C.S.
:Pearce Kate (Mrs.), sbopkpr. Bull st West Joseph Jonadab, market gar· Eng.,L.R.C.P.Lond. (attendi> daily)
Phillipa Florence (Mr!.), shopkeeper, dener, Oxlough lane Reader Ernest, beer retailer
New road West Ham Corporation Small Pox Sammons Thomas, farmer
:Pook Geo. laundry. Hainault Forest Hospital (Jn. Biernacki M.D., C.M. Sawkins Geo. Three Travellers P.H
(postal address, Chigwell Row) Glas., L.R.O.P. & S.Edin., L.F.P.S. Smith A.rtbur Silas, carter
l'oston Arth.CrossKeys P.H.Church 11t Glas. medical superintendent; Miss Verlyck George L. N. architect
~- Drakcard, matron) Wad.Ier Ernest H. grocer
Whistler Waiter William.Railway hotel Williams John, boot & shoe repairer
DANBURY is a village and parish, mentioned in proceeds of a field of about 6 acres, in the middle of
Domesday, pleasantly seated on a hill 365 fe~t high, on Runsell (known as the Parish Field ChRrity), are dis-
tbe to.p of which are the remains of an ancient camp, and tributed in coals to the poor. Danbury Park, purchased
is on the road from Cbt'lmsford to Maldon, 5 miles east in 1845 by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, for the
from Chelm~ford station, about the same distance west Bishops of Rocbester, is now the property of Lieut.-
irom Maldon, and 34 from London, in the Mid division Col. the 'Hon. _-\lwyn Henry Full,;e Greville M.V.O., J.P.;
of the county, Chelmsford hundred, union, petty ses- ' the mansion stands in an estate of 300 acres, including
«ional division and county court district, rural deanery 6 acres of water. The principal landowne:rs are Henry
-of Chelmsford, archdeaconry of Essex and Chelmsford Fitzwalter Plumptre esq. of Goodnestone Park, Canter-
dioc~Re. The water supply i.; obtained from a -vrell half bury, who is lord of the manor, Lient.-Col. the Hon.
:a mile from the village on the southern slope of the hill; A. H. F. Greville M.V.O. and John Charles Spencl'r-
the water i!: forced up by means of two oil engines and Phillips e~q. J.P. The !:oil is light and gravelly; sub-
tltored in a re.servoir tank holding 8,ooo gallon_s, and ~oil, gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and •

there are pubhc taps at various parts of the village ; turnips. The area is 3,487 acres of land and 8 of
these works, carried out in 1892 by the rural sanitary water; rateable value, £s.o:a ; the population in 19II
-authority, also supply Little BaddQw: a water tower was r.oo8 in the civil and 997 in the ecclesiastical
to contain 1,200 gall<lns was built in Sept. 1910. The parish. •

chmeh of St. John the Baptist is a building chiefly of RUNSELL is a hamlet I mile east from Danbury.
oonglomerate in the Decora~ed and Ferpendicular styles Rev J B Plum t M .A' 1· ~ 1 d 0 f th
and was thoroughly repaued and restored and the · · · P re · · - or e m-..nor.
ebancel enlarged in 1866-7; it consists of chancel, with By Local Government lloard Order 2~,355, dated 24
110uth aisle, nave, aisles, north porch and an embattled March, 188~, a ~etached part of Purle1gh, ~nown. as
tower with wooden spire, containing 5 bells and a clock : Great and L1ttle G1bcracks, was transferred to this pansh.
in the c-hurch are effigies of three cross-legged knights, BYCKNACRE, 2 miles south, is another hamlet •
.curiously carved in wood ·and supposed to be represen- partly in Woodham Ferrers parish.
!atives _of the St. Clere family; ea~ knig?tly figure is Acting Clerk and Sexton, Robert Mead
'In a different posture and has a hon at Its feet: the
exposed situation of this church rendel'S it liable to Post, M. 0., T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office.-
1JU:IIer from storms and tempests, and in 1402 , on the Mrs-. Clara Jane Langman, sub-postmistress. London
2 th May, the roof of the church and part of the letters arrive from Chelmsford & are delivered at 6 &
chancel were destroyed and in Feb. 1749·5o, the spire 8.15 a.m. & 12.40 p.m.; .;undays, 7 a. m.; dispatched
was set on fire by lightning and burnt downwards for at 9.30 a.m. & 2.55 & 7.25 p.m. ; sundays. 7· 15 p.m
about lliJO feet: there are 569 sittings. The register Wall Letter Boxes.-Danbnry Common, cleared at 9·5
dates {1'()11) the year 1673. The living is a rectory, net a.m. & 2.15 & 6.20 p.m.; sundays, 9-40 a.m.; Eve's
yearly value £335, with 22 acres of glebe, and residence, Corner, cleared 8.15 a.m. & 2.30 & 7 p.m. ; sundays,
in the gift of Henry Fitzwalter Plumptre esq. of Good- 8 a.m.; Runsell Green, cleared at 7 a.m. & 1.35 & 7·5
nestone Park, Canterbury, Kent, and held sinoce 1895 b~-, p.m.; snndays, 7 a.m
the Rev. John Bridges Plumptre M.A. <lf Oriel College, Pclice St-ation John Jellis serc:reant
•Oxford. There are undenominational mission rooms at j p bl" El 't S b 001' ( ": d) b "It · 1835 , for
Danbury Common and Gavbowers. The Village Hall, ' u JC ~men ary c s mn:e • m rn
· t t · f bo t r t · · 170 cblldN'n; average attendance, ng; Ebenezer
erec ted 1n 1912, .a a cos
d o a t" u .t. 1,100, con
A a1ns af 1 D an1e· 1 W eb ster. master; .....
.:.urs. we b ster, sewmg
· ·
1ibrary a n d rea d1ng an recrea 10n rooms. snm o I . ..
about [,12 yearly, arising from land left in 1 6 03 by the Carriers to & from Cbelmsfor~. William Spokes, Fredk.
I.andisdale family, is available for repairs to the church Terry & George Everard, da1ly, except wednesday
.and for the poor. There is also an annual collection in :\Totor omnibuses run daily, 5 times each way (sunday
the parish for supplying the poor with coals. The during summer), to k from Cbelm~;;ford ·
PRIVATE R'ESID~TS. , Chapman Mrs. Hillside Gepp Cyril, Garlands
Baker Charles, Ivy lodge Clarke Miss, &semount Gillard :\>lrs. The Glen
Baker Prank, Heathcote Devitt Houson, Frettons Godfrey Henry. Brockham, Rnnsell
Baker William, Furzelea Fisk l\Iiss, Gaybowers cottage Greville Lt.-Col. Hon. A.lwyn Henry
Boilean Mrs Forrester Kemp. Charlton house Fnlke M.V.O., J.P. Danbnry park

Hitchcock Miss, Bay lodge •Baker Ernest, C)·cle repairer Mann .A.lbert Edward, motor engineer
Johnson Col. Fredk. Fras. C. B. Hill ho
Brazier Silas, baker :Vieholls W alter Hy. miller '(steam)
Kerwin Edwin Henry J.P. Gaybowers Brice Elijah Henry, Bell P.H r Reynolds ret.Eve'a. -eornel'
L.aing James Dickson, Hill Rise Bush J olm, hlackl"mith 1Rudin Emil Thomas, Griffin hotal;
Lett Tom, Dane court Campion Frederick, cycle repairer excellent family & resideDtial
Liddiard Mrs. Lingwood house Cam pion J oseph, boot k shoe maker accommodation; nine bedrooms &
MacPherson R()nald Gordon, Wildcroft Croxon Hy. Winton, butcher hotel lounge ; tea terrace with
Pertwee James. Sandown house Crussell Abraham, jobmaster, Run- splendid COillntry views, mofcr
Pluck Frederick, Pleasant view sell Green garage & pit & good stabling.
Plumptre Uev. J ohr. Bridges M.A. Danbury Gonvalescent Home (Miss TN.s
(rector) Esther Coppen, in charge) Simm\JDB John Hale, assist. overseer
Price Edgar, Manor ho. Gaybowers Danbury Reading Rooms (Cl:lfford Skelton Allan, farmer, Slough house
Prickett William. The Laurels Kerwin, hon. sec) Smith F. Luckin Limited, grocer& &
Prince Charles, Slough house Dodd Fredk. carpenter,Trellis cottage provision merchants; & at Chelms-
Prowse Lt.-Col. Geo. W. T.The Hyde •
Dodd Samuel, carpenter, Elm green ford
Sherrington-Morris George Richard, Downing Chus. ~addler & harness ma Smith Herbert, baker, Runsell Green
Homeleigh Everard George, carrier Smith Peter, coal dlr, Run.sell (keen
Spencer-Phillips John Charles J.P. Finch George, Cricketers' inn Speakman Sl.frmr.St.Clere'sHall farm
Riffhams Forrester Kemp, farmer Spokes William, carrier ·
Turner Alfred Mayor, Elm green Hazell J oseph, engineer in charge of Stern Mary (Mrs.), farnu>.r
Webh Alfred, Runsell Green pumpin~ station Terry Frederick, carrier
Wood Miss, La France Howard Charlel!, farmer, Park k Elm Upson Stanley, baker, Runsell Green
Green farms Webb Wm. John, grocer,Eve's corner
COMMERCIAT,. Lankester Wm. Horace, insurance agt Wesley Wm. beer retlr.Runsell Green
Applebee Wm.H. carpntr.Eve's corner Manby Raymond, farmer, Great W illett Sidney, plumber
Baker & Sons, builders, E\•e's corner Ludgores Wilson Henry, bricklayer
DE:BDE:N is a largo parish and scattered village, 2 DebJen Hall, the residence of Baroness Stratbeona
miles south-east from the Newport station on the Great and Mount Royal, belon~ed to Ralph Peverell during the
Eastern railway, 4 south from Saffron Walden and 39 reign of William the Xorman, and is seated in a most
from London, in the Northern division of the county, picturesque countr~·; the Hall was built in 1795, from
hundred of Uttlesford, Saffron Walden petty sessional designs by R. Holland, and overlooks a fine sheet of
. division, union and county court district. rural deanery water, in a park of about 200 acres. .1mberdon, or
of Saffron 1Valden, archdeaconrv• of Colchester and Hamperdon Hall, 2 miles south from the chureh, is an
Chelmsford diocese. The church of St. Mary and .All old mansion, formerly the residence of the Stonellou&e
Saints is an f'difice of brick and stone in the Gothic family, but now a farm house with a moat: it had
style, consisting of chancel, nave of four bays with fC'rmerly a church or chapel of its own and large fish-
clerestory, aisles, south porch and a small western ponds. Baroness Strathcona is lady of the manor and
turret with spire, containing z bells : the chancel was chief landowner. The soil is strong clay and loam; sub-
added in 1793 and has a stained window, the gift of soil, c~ay. The crops are wheat, oats, barley, peas and
R. S. W. Barthropp esq. who also presented the lectern : beans. The parish contains 4,637 acres of land and 16 of
in the south aisle is a window with the arms of the water; rateable value, £..J.,q8; the population in r~n
Chiswell family: the font was presented by the late was 641. ·
Mr. Chiswell: there are several marble monuments to DEBDEN GREEN is 2 miles east.
this family, from 1726 to 175I, others to that of Stone-
house, and one to the Rev. Henry Hodgson ~ in the SMITH'S GREEN, half-a-mile south-east.
chancel is a mural monument, with Latm inscription, PDRTON END, I mile north.
to the Rev. Thomas Carter S. T .P. rector here for 45 Post Office, Debden.-Samuel Purlds, sub-postmaster.
real'S, ob. 8t'h Oct. I697· ret. 74; Sir Richard Brown Letters arrive from Saffron Walden at 7·55 a.m. &
kt. and bart. was here buried in 1672 and some others 12.30 p.m.; sundays, 8. Io a. m. ; dispatched at 12.35 &
of this family in z685: in 1893 portions of the turret 6.45 p.m.; sundays, 9.30 a.m. The nearest money
and spire were restored : the church has 250 sittings. order & telegraph office is at Newport, 3 miles distan'
The register dates from the year 1557· The living is
a rectory, net yearly value £soo, with residence, in the Post Office, Debden Green.-:Maurice Jos. Holgate, sub·
gift of Baroness Strathcona and Mount Royal, and held postmaster. Letters arrive from Saffron Walde& ••
since rgo8 by the Rev. Digby Johnson Learoyd, of 8.30 a.m.; dispatched at 5-55 p.m.; no $UJ)day de-
Trinity College, Dublin. The Congregational chapel livery of letters. Thaxted is the nearest mQn&y order
here, built in 1858, affords 140 sittings. Bathurst's & telegraph office, 3< miles distant
charity, left about 1740 by Mr. Bathurst, of London, County Police Station, Ernest B:rf!wer, ~onstable
consists of about. £4,500 £2!. per Cent. Consols, the Public Elementary S'Chool (mixed), built in r852, fof 150
interest of which, ..tmounting to about £120 yearly, children; average attendance, 99; Wm. Dale Wilkin-
is distributf'd in various forms of charity under the son, master; Miss Kathleen Abel, Miss Kate Elizabeth
sanction of His :Majesty"s Charity Commissioners. Bunting & :Miss Annie ~fary Cox, assistant mistressl's
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Oox Arthur, farmer, Howe favm Lindsell Herht. Jn. frmr. Seats farm
Howard Robt. Jared Bliss & Baroness Cox Waiter, farmer, Rook end McQueen John, farmer,Barnard's frrn
Strathcona & Mount Royal, Debden Cullen Robt. farn~er, Brick House 1m .Mansfield James, beer .retailer
hall l<'oster Joseph. farmer, "'rood rows Milne John, land agent to :Baroness
Learoyd Rev. Digby Johnson (rector), Francis Jesse,boot maker & confectnr Stratihcona, Estwte office
Rectory French James Thomas, grocer Moore John. farmer, Tendring's farm
COMMERCIAL. Graves .A.rthur, far'11ler, Smith's green Payne Lloyd, farmer, Ricketts farm
Arthurton John, head gardener to Graves Clement, farmt?r (postal address, Wimbish, Saffron
Baroness Strath-cona, The Gardens Graves David, farmer, Pamphilions Walden)
Barltrop Charlotte (Mrs.), blacksmith Harritt l''rederick, beer retailer Purkie SI. grocer & draper,Post office
Bass Waiter, farm bailiff to Baroness Hayden Charles, farmer Sear! Hy. cowkpr. Dunstable's fal'lll
Strathcona, Home farm Holgate Maurice .J, baker, Post office. Shanki! David (Mrs.), farmer,Sibbardt
B11ss Wm. bear retlr. Amberdon end Debden ~reen Smith J()seph, farmer, Slough fanll
Bone Nicholas W allace, farmer. Holland Percy George, farmer, Old Tant Henry. thatcher
Hitch bars Amberdon hall (postal address, Tetlow John Eflward, f&rmer, Newho
Bone Richard W. farmer, Roothers Widdington, Newport) Thomasson Wm. farmer, Deans. farJD
Bone Robert, farmer, Monk"s farm Lawrie Matthew, farmer, New Am- Waite George, White Hart P.H.. ~
Bunting Thomas, farmer berdon hall (postal address, Wid- assistant overseer
Campbell William, farmer, Brocton's dington, Newport) Westwood Herbert Ernest, larmer,
farm Lindsell Fredericl;: · W. farmer, Wig- Thistley hall (postal address, Wid-
Carmichael Thomas Taylor, farmer, mores farm dington. ~ewport)
Mole hall (postal addre~s, Widding- Lindsell George, farmer, Wieldba.rns Westwood Martin,carpntr.& whlwtfld
ton, Newport)
DEDHAM, mf'ntioned in the Domesday Survey, is a station on the Great Eastern railway, 7 •orth-nortb-ean
town and parish, consisting of one main street with from Colchester, 4 west from Manningtree, lu
three smaller ones branching from it. and is in a pic- from lpswich and 59 from London, in the N-orth Eaatern
turesqlle valley, on the navigable river Stour, which divi&ion of the -county, Le:xden and Win&tree pe"y- 881-
1eparatt>s it from Suffolk, 3 miles north from .Ardleigh sional division and union, Lexden hundred, Colchester,

Clacton and Harwich joint county court district, rural reign of Richard ll. and up to the end of the 16th
deanecy of Dedham, archdeaeonry of Colchester and century was famous as one of the chief -aeats of th&
Chelmsford diocese. Th~ town is lighted with gas. clothing trade. , The Bill Bouse, Dedham Park, the aeat
The chu~h of the Virgin Mary is a large building of Mrs. Mounsey, is a modern house. The Old House,
ehiefly of brick and _rubble in the Perpendicular style, the original buildi:pg of Dedham Grammar school..- datea
consisting of chancel, clerestoried nave of six bays, from the time of Queen Elizabeth, and is at present
aisles, north and south porches and a fine battlemented occupied by Mr • .1rthur G. Smale. There are two
western tower of flint, 131 feet in height, with four manors in the parish of Dedham, viz. Dedham Ball,
pinnacles and containing a clock and 8 bells rehung in attached to the Duchy of Lancaster, and Over Hall and
1881: this chu~h was founded at the beginning of the Nether Ball. of which ?.fr. Beaumont. of. Co.lcbe&tel', is
16th century by Thomas and John Webbe, father and lord. The principal landowners are Harry Norman Dun-
1on, both woollen manufacturers, whose merchants' nett esq. and Wi1liam Wilkins HewiU esq. of Lower
mark, with the badges of York and Lancaster, appears Park. '!'he soil is mixed, principally mild loam; sub-
on the tower; in the north aisle is the founders' tomb, a soil, various. The chief crops are wheat, barley. oats
canopied monument of stone in a good state of preserva· and beans. The area is 2,559 acres of land and 9 of
tion; the brass which bore the inscription is lost, but water; rateable value, £7,989; the population in rgn.
the date is supposed to be 1523: on the south side of was 1,5oo.
the chancel there is a recess, now used as a eredence Parish Clerk, Harry Bitchcock.
table, and traditionally said to have been an oven used Sexton, Thomas Hitchcock..
for baking the sacramental bread, there being a chimney Post, M. 0. & T. Office. Mrs. Margaret Annie Clarence-..
leading from ib in the wall of the south aisle is the sub-postmistress. Letters .arrive through Colcheater·
staircase which formerly led to the rood loft : the font, at 4·55 & 1:1.40 a.m. & 4.50 p.m.; dispat-ched at 1o.5o
stated to have been found under the flooring at the west a. m. & 2.45 & 7·45 p.m.; sundays, delivery 7 a. m.;.
end of the church, bears traces of carving though much dispat-ched 7.30 p.m. Licenses & game certificate~
mutilated; it bears the inscription following, which is issued from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Wall Letter Box, Ded-
also found on other f<Jnh;, and reads the same either ham Heath, cleared at 7.30 a.m, & 2.50 & 6.40 p.m. ;
way :--"Nl'I'ON. OKOMHMA. MH. MONON. O'I'IN:" sundays, 7·30 a.m
the north door il! of carved <lak, but imperfect, some Letter Boxes.-Lamb corner, cleared 10.35 a.m. & 1.30~
figures of saints in canopied J·ecesses having been & 8.5 p.m.; sundays, 7.40 p.m.; Castle hill, clearedr_
removed: the chancel was restored in 188o, when a 8 a.m. & 2.50 & 6.30 p.m.; sundays, 8 11.m.; High--
carved stone reredos and sedilia were introduced : the lands, cleared 10.50 a.m. & 1.45 & 8 p.m.; sundays.
piscina is ancient: in 1687 the organ was removed from 7.30 p.m.; Gun hill, cleared 9.50 a.m. & 2.30 & 7·45
the west to the east end of the south aisle of the nave: p.m.; sundays, 7.25 p.tq
in 1909 the chaneel w-as rest{lred and the lead of the
rcof re-caRt and re-laid 1hroughout: there are a number PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of services.
of stained windows ~ the severr windows of the chancel St. Mary's Church, Rev. Frederick George Given·Wihon
are all :filled with stained glass: the church was reseated M. A. vicar; 8 & II a. m. & 3 & 6.30 p.m.-; tues. 11 a. m
in 1861 and has 6xo sittings. The register dates from Congregational, Rev. Fredk. Butt; 10.30 a. m.& 6.30 p.m
the year r56o. The living is- a vicarage, net yearly Primitive Methodist; 10.30 a.m. & 2.30 & 6.30 p.m.;.
value £Igo, with 1! acree of glebe and residence, in the mon. fortnightly, 7 p.m
gift of ihe Duchy of Lancaster, and held since 19o6 by
the Bev. Frederick George Given-Wilson M.A. of St. PUBLIC OFFICERS. •

John'• College, Cambridge. Attached to the church is Assistant Overseer, Major Charles Ray, High street
a lectureship founded in the reign of Queen Elizabeth Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, 7th District, Lex-
and subsequently endowed by the Rev. William Burkitt den & Winstree Union, James Richard Lownds B.A.,...
and othel"S, with great tithes commuted at the sum of L.R.C.P. & S.Edin., L.R.F.P. & S.Glas. Hillands
£5oo yearly, certain glebe lands and the sum of £25 Registrar of Births, Deaths & Marriages~ L. R. Alen, .
eonsolidated £2f per Cent. Annuities, standing in. the Boxted
name of the official trustee of charitable funds: under Assessor of Kjng's Taxes, Fdk. Saml. Griffiths, High st .
a scheme of the Charity Commissioners, dated Jan. Police Station, Ernest B. Woodcraft, constable
28th, 1870, the administration of the charity and the
patronage are vested in trustees ; this lectureship, yearly SCHOOLS.
value £250, with residence, has been held since 1872 by The Royal Free Grammar SGhool (now closed by order-
the Rev. Hamilton Ashwin LL.D. of Trinity College, of the Charity Commissioners) was founded in 1571.
Dublin. The vicar has in his possession a list of the by William Littlebury & .chartered by Queen Elizabeth
vicant of Dedham from the 14th century to the present in I574· The school called the "English school,"
time. A Public Hall was erected in xgo8 at a cost of founded in 1599, is now amalgamated witb. the Gram-
£2,ooo by William Wilkins Hewitt esq. of Lower Park, mar school & a scheme for the administration of the
in memory of his brother, the late James Hewitt esq ; foundation was confirmed in November, 1873, &; cam•
the hall will hold 150 persons and is used for public
into effect in January~ 1885. An .artesian well haa
meetings and entertainments. There is a Congregational been sunk upon the Grammar school property t.o a
chapel, founded in 1738, with 400 sittings, and a Primi- depth of 155 feet. The school building is now the
tive Methodist chapel. Dnnton's almshouses, founded in
residence of Arthur Gilbert Smale esq. & is known
1517 by Stephen Dunton, of Dedham, and endowed by
as The Old House
William Littlebury in 1571 for old and decayed trades-
people, comprise 10 houses, now occupied by 15 pers()ns. Public Elementary.
each of whom receives from 1s. to .IS. 6d. weekly, coals Built in 1882, for 62 boys; average attendance, so;
and wood being found free of charge. Barker's, founded Harry Archer, master
in x863 by Samuel Barker, of Bedford Square, London, a Built in 1825, by Edward Betts esq. for 140 childreD
native of Dedham, for aged spinsters, have six inmates, (mixed); average attendance, 130; Miss Ellen Walden.
each of whom receives ss. weekly and medical attend- mistress
ance; there are six Chapel almshouses, founded in 1 a34 . Built in 1855, for s6 infants; average attendance, 23;.
by Mrs. Mary Bardfield, of Colchester, for six aged Mi~s Matilda Gallant, mistress ·
widows, e::~ch receiving 4s. 6d. weekly: Chapman'!l Carriers to:-
charity is derived from land at Ardleigh, left in x657 by Ardleigh Station E. W. :Sorfolk, daily, leaves at 8
John Cbapman, of Dedham, and is distributed yearly: a.m.; arrives baek at ro.3o a.m
Betts' charity, of £15, left in 1825 by Edward Betts, of Colchester Frank Buckles, every wed. & sat. leaves
Dedham, is distributed yearly in coal to members of at 10.30 a.m.; returning at s p.m
the Church of England for regular attendance at
~ervices. Dedham formerly had a market and in the
I Ipswich-Frank Buckles, every tues. & fri. leaves at
10 a.m.; returning at 5 p.lil
PRIV.-\TE RESIDENTS. CDllin Spencer Compton, L0vecote" Given-Wilson Rev. Frederick George
Arnold Mrs. Dedham lodge farm (letters via Henham,Stansted) M.A. (Yicar). Vicarage
Ashwin Rev. Hamilton LL.D. Lecture Collingwood Wm. M.I.C.E.The Grove Godfrey Mrs. Gunhill house
house De a son Williaro, Highlands Goodspeed R{) bert, Birchwood
Bamard James Henry, Ro)·al square Di.cker Edward, Camel villa Green Mrs. B. S. St-onylands
Barthropp Mrs. Octag{ln house Downes William, Yew Tree house Ha.rdwich Miss, White oouse
Clapham Miss, !Oil Albany villas Dunnett Mrs. Stour house He:witt William W. Lower park
Clover John Percy, The Hall Edwards Mrs. The C-orner house, Butt Rev.Frederick (Congregational).
ClOTer Mrc-. Dael .holm Brook stree~ The Manse
Codner Wm. Squires, Heath lodge I
Exton Miss, Heath villa King John Valentine M. Westcott ho
()oiler Frank H. The ·Rookery Fellowes Col. James, Castle house Langton William Alfred, Ivy hous.e


Larnach ~lrs. Barritts Buss Henry, boot & shoe maker :\Instill William. grocer, Grove hill
Le Strange Fredk. Joseph, Box hcme Clarence Margaret Annie (Mrs.), sta I Norfolk Ernest William, carrier & cab
Lownds James Richard B.A. HiJJands tioner, & post office proprietor
Moorat John Samuel, Upper park Claydon Frederick, farm bailiff to Osborn Joseph William, wheelwrigb}
Mounsey Mrs. Hill house Mr. Wm. Langton, Jupes Hill farm Osbome Alice (Miss), farmer, Cog-
Pledge Edward, Yew Tree cottage Clover E.& Oo.millers(water & steam) gesha.ll road
Pyne Thomas Curry Henry Percy, ·hair dresser Osbome George, farmer, Brook farm
R!.'ndall Rev. Gerald · Henry B. D., Cuthbert Agnes Stiles (Mis,..), apart- Passiful William Smith, dairyman,
Lit.t.D., LL.D. Dedham house ments, South cottage High street
Rodwell Mrs. Dalebrook house Dedham Gas Co. Limited (Bertram Patten dlr.Stud frm
Saunder.s Ebenezer, Hallfields Young, sec) Porter Geo. farmer, :Monks Lane frm
Saunders Mi.;;~s, Gould house Dines Robert, farmer, Blackbrook Pyne Thomas, artist
Saunders Nathaniel, Albany cottage Eley John, baker, High street Ray Major Charles, stationer, assist--
Saunders Nathaniel Wm. Gould ho Evans Henry John &: Son. butchers ant overseer & clerk to Parish
Sh.arpe Eng.-Lieut. Alfred Vernou Evans Geo. Fdk.pork butcher,High st Council
R.N. Westlea Everett Arthur Frederick, poultry Reading Room & Village Club (W. H.
She1·man Mrs. Grove hill dealer, Long road Gooch, sec)
Sma.le Arthur Gilbert, The Old hQuse Everett Maurice William, Loot maker Robinson Waiter, ma1ket gardener
Smith Douglas, Br()ok house Fairhead Fredk. Charl{'s, butcher Rogers James, blacksmith
Smith William Henry, Beauleau Felgate John, farmer, Rookery farm Saunder~ Misses, school, Gould horue
Tremlett James Dyer M. A., J.P Freeman Jabez, saddler ISaundera Nathanlel & Soft,
Dalethorpe Gardiner Joseph, farmer, Bloomfields builders & brick makers
Trigg James Richd. Grove Hill housP &; Salmons farmf', Heath Saunders Nathaniel, farmer, Pound.
Wallis ~rs. St. Johns Gooch Wm. Hobbs & Son, chemists Park & Hallfield farms
Griffiths Frederick Samuel, dealer in Sayer Alfred Charles &J Co. grocers
COMMERCIAL. antiques & assessor of King's taxes Seaborn Henry, farmer, Kiddles farm
Harvey Reuben, grocer Seaborn Samuel, bak~r. Ardleigh rd
Early closing day, Wednesday .1 p.m Hewitt Memorial Hall (Wm. Hewitt, Sharp Alfred, market gardener
.!.bbott Joseph, saddler, Heath sec) Sharp Elizh. (Mrs.), frmr. Heabh fm
...\rthey Ellen (Mrs.), aparts. High st Hubbard John, beer ret. Ardleigh rd Sheldrake Elizabeth (Mrs.), confec-
Artis Elizabeth (Mrs.), tobacconist Hunnaball .Tames, fishmonger tioner, Royal square
Artis Frederick, photographer Land Wallace, blacksmith Smith William Hy. •house furnisher,
Austin Rt. & Son, wine & mers Lankester George E. Anchor P.R. High street
Bantin Arthur, Snn P.H Heath Springall Henry, ~larlboro' Head inn
Barclay & Company Limited (sub Laver Florence Beatrice(:\Irs.),laundry Stans:field Samuel Hall, private nure·
branoh), bankers; open thurs. 12 Lilley Herbert, Rose & Crown P.H ing home, Prince! house
to 2.30 p.m.; draw on !head office. Lownds James Richard B.A.Camb .. Thorington Charles, carpenter
54 Lombard •street, London E 0 L.R.C.P. & S.Edin. & L.R.F.P. & Waiter Wm. plumber,High st
Barnes Herbt. Harold, frmr. Hill frm S.Glas. surgeon, & medical officer Whittle Albert, boot maker, High st
Bennett Robert, farmer, Heath & public vaccinator, 7th district, Windell William, carpenter
Bird George, beer retailer Lexden & Wimtree union, Hillands Wood Thomas Henry, blacksmith
Bird, shopkeeper Mart Linnell B. &; Son. farmers. Wordley William, bricklayer
Burbidge John, farmer, Hickle &: Birchwood farm Young Alfred, shopkeeper &; baker
Lufkins farms ~Iattock Alfred. Lamb P.H Y()nng Bertram, land agent
Busby William, Gun inn Moore James Edward, fruit grower
DENGIE (or Dengey) is a parish and small village, 1 ton and St. John's College, Cambridge, and held since
near the German Ocean, 3 miles north-east from South- 1874 by the Rev. Edward James Warmington M.A. of
minster terminal station, on a branch from Woodham St. John's College, Cambridge, who was curate in charge

Ferris on the Southend section of the Great Eastern 187I·I874· There is a charity of about £27 yearly,
railway, 6 north-east from Burnham and 12 south- \arising from land and cottages left in 1684 by Thomas
east from Maldon; it gives name to the hundred and Sympson, of Tillingham. Lord Petre, who is lord of
petty sessional division of Dengie and is in the South- the manor of Bacons, the Fanshawe trustees and Messrs.
eastern division of the county, Maldon union and county Strutt and Parker are the principal landowners. The
court district, and in the rural deanery of Dengie, arch- soil in the uplands is of a light nature and in the lower
deaconry of Essex and Chelmsford diocese. The church lands a rich loam; subsoil of which is sea deposit, and
of St. James is an edifice of stone and flint in the on that of the uplands, gravel and loam. The chief
Decorated style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch 1 crops are wheat, barley, oats, beans, turnips and man-
and an open belfry at the west end containing 2 bells: gold wnrtzel; mustard, coriander and carraway seeds.
the east window was given by the rector and a stained The area is 2,856 acres of land and 1,666 of foreshore;
window has also been erected by the Misses Maiden in f rateable value. £I,gi8; the population in rgu was 224.
memory of various members of their family: there is 1 By Local Government Board Order 22,354, dated
an ancient brass, the inscription of which is illegible: 1 l\Iarch 24. r8Rg, Court Farm was transferred from
the church underwent a restoration in 1850, and in 188o I Asheldham to Dengie.
the chancel was much improved by the erection of a Parish Clerk William Geor"e Smith.
beautifully-carved reredos of stone, extending across the ' . "' .
whole width of the ('ast end, and canopied sedilia. rle- Letters are rece_1v~d through S?uthmmste: at 7·45 a.m.
signed and personally executed by the present rector & r p.m. Tllhngham. 1 mile north, Is the nearest
and the patron: t-he reredos has three illuminated ' post, money ordeor ~ telegrap? office
panels, the work of Miss Warmington: in I-gog the nave Wall Letter Box, White Horse mn. cleared at a.m.
roof was restored and the church enlaraed bv the & 5·35 p.m. ; sundays, 11.40 a.m
addition of a semi-transept and a vestry~ at a· total Pillar... Lette: Box. ~engie corner, f'leared at 1o a. m. &
cost of £250: the organ, erected in rgro, was the gift 5·4.) p.m. • sunda: s. 12 noon
of the rector: there are sittings for 130 persons. The Public Elementary School (mixed}, built in 1846. en-
registers date from the year ·1559. The living is a larged in 1863, & again in 1894, for 53 children;
rectory, net yearly value £.~?.?,, with residence and 15 averag-e attendance, 40; :Miss Clara A. William8-,
acres of glebe, in the gift of Miss Dorothy M. Warming- mistie~s; The Rector, sole trustee
Atkins John Black. Dengie hall Clarke Frederick. farm bailiff to Raven Henrv, farm bailiff to Messr~
Attenborough Leslie, Landwick Messrs. Strutt &J Park('r,Smalhrain,.. Strutt & "Parker, Brid~ewick, Tile
Kroenig-Ryan Rev. Alexander S. Grove Thos.frmr.OldWhiteHorse farm Barn &: Eastware
(curate in charge), Rectory McKellar Robert, farmer, Barons Raven John, farm bailiff to 1\Iessr~.
COMMERCIAL. Nunn Alfred, blacl:smith Strutt &; Parker, Dengie Hall farm
Brett Charles, White Horse inn Robinson John, farmer, Keeling-s
DODDINGHURST, otherwise written "Dodden- an ancient building of stone and rubble, in the Early
heue," "Dudeho" and "Duddinghurst," is a parish. 4 English st~·le, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch,
miles south from Ongar, 4 west from Ingatestone and vestry, organ chamber, and a wooden tower at the we•t
4 north from Brentwood stations. in the Mid division of end, with a low pyramidal roof, supported on a frame-
the county, Barstable hundred, Brentwood petty sessional work of unusuallv massive chestnut-wood beams, and

division and county court district, Ongar union, and in surmounted by an octagonal shing-led spire and con-
the rural deanery of Barstable, archdeaconry of Essex taining 3 l:ell!!, one of which dates from c. 1330 and
and Che1msford diocese. The church of All Saints is bears the in•cription " Sancte Xicolas, Ora pro nobis,.,.

:ha other two being of the I 6th and I 8th centuries: r issuing from the Hall farm, and the other of £3.
the south porch, built of massive open timber work, is j chargeable on Crow Green farm, both of which are
Gf the 14th century, and considered the finest specimen ! distributed in bread. The Rev. Francis St-ewart M.A.
of its kind in the county: all the windows are stained, [ of 42 Oxford terrace W, is lord of the manor. The
and were given by the Stewart family: the church was f soil is mixed; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat,
t"eStored in 1886, the ;restoration being effected at a : oats and barley. The area is 1,916 acres of _lam~ and I
-cost of about £2,000, defrayed by the Rev. Francis t of water; rateable value, £2,143; population m Igu
Stewart M ..!.. rector I87g-g6, and friends: the organ was j 346.
presented. by the late Mrs. Stewart, and in 1897 a brass I
Verger, Edward Hasler.
tablet. was placed. in the church in c~mmemoration .o(. Publio Elementary School (mixed), for 6o children;
the. Dmmond Jubilee ?f. Her late MaJ~sty Queen V1c- 1 average attendance, about 35; William Henry Sharp,
~ona: there are 120 _s1~tin~s. The reg1ster dates from 1 master; Mrs. W. H. Sharp, mistress
~he year I56o: The livmg Is. a r~ctory, net yearly value This school is under the control of thl! Essex County
£375 (of "!'htch ~um one-thud IS payable to t~e late ·Education (Ongar District) Sub-Committee; .!.rnold
rector), with residence and 16 acres of glebe, m the l ·R· h d 0 !!ar cle I-
gift of the Rev. Francis Stewart M. A. and held since IC ar son, n, ' r~
r8g6 by the Rev. Frederick Archer Adams M.A. of Letters through Brentwood arrive at 7 a.m. k 12.r~
Queen's College, Oxford. The ancient stocks still remain 1 p.m. Wall Letter Box at the School cleared at 7.50
at Stocks corner, near the common. Lagden's charity, a.m. & I k 7·15 p.m. on week days & 7-SO a.m . .on
derived from land in the parish, amounts to about {,15 suuda~-s. "·an Letter Box, •· The Common," cleared
yearly, of which sum £8 is distributed in coals here j at 9.40 a.m. &; 1.55 &; 7·I5 p.m.; sundays, 8 a.m.
and £7 in the adjoining parish of Kelvedon Hatch. Kelvedon Common is the nearest money order & telP·
There are two other small charities, one of £4 annually, I graph office, distant I~ miles
.!dams Rev. Fredk. Archer ~I.A.Rectry Giblin William, farmer, Cowes farm Porter Cha>~. boot repr. Storks corne.r
Harris William Henry &; Griffin Hy. Purnell .Frederick,farmer,Otiver·s frm
COMMERCIAL. :Nowell, poultry farmers, Red hou~e Roddick Jas. farmer, Swallow's cross
Clark Matthias, farmer,Glo,·er's farm Hazelton Arth.T .shopkpr. The Commn ::hundt'rs William Henry, farm
Cnmben Edwin, jun. farmer, Wish- Leftle.y lsabel (Mrs.),frmr.Pettit•s fm bailiff to Robert Nerille esq.
field6 farm Mason John, farmer, Emblands Pla-ce farm
Dobson George, farmer, Park farm Metson Samuel, frmr. Pear Tree farm Self John, jnn. farmer. Cow farm
Dove Ezekiel, farmer, The Hall Mills Albert, blacksmith,The Commn Upton Erne~t.Swan P.H.The Common
Duffin Hy. L. beer retlr.The Common :Mit-chell Edward, farmer,Howes farm,1 '

EA.ST DON}''LA:ND is a parish opposite Fingringhoe, ROWHEDGE is a fishing Yillage in this parish, on the
with which it is connected by a. wooden bridge over the I west bank of the river Colne, opposite Wivenhoe; the
l'iver Roman, near the confluence of the river Roman with village contains the largest portion of the inha.bitants of
~he navigable Colne, half a mile from Wivenhoe station, j the parish, and has a Mission chapel, which is unde-
.across the Colne, 3! miles south-east from Colchester, 1 nominational. Shipbuilding is carried on. There is a
and 54 from London, in the North Eastern division of the I fflrry from this village across the river Colne to Wiven-
county, Lexden and Winstree petty sessional division, hoe. This place is supplied with water from works,
Lexden hundred and union, Colchester, Clacton and erected in 1903, the property of the Lexden and Wins-
Harwich joint county court district, and in the Col- tree Rural District Council: the wat-er is derived from
chaster rural deanery and archdeaconry and Chelmsford . art-esian wells about ISO feet in depth, from which the
diocese. This parish includes the hatnlet of Black I water is pumped into a water tower 6o feet in height,
Heath, which for ecclesiastical purposes· is partly in the with a capacity of 36,ooo gallons.
parish of Fingringhoe. The church of St. Lawrence is Parish Clerk, Henry Charles Spinks.
an octagonal edifice of white brick built· in imitation of , . .
the chapter-hous-e of York cathedral and consecrated in Pos~, M. 0. & T. Office, Rowhedge.--:-Thomas W1lham
1 a3 a: it contains a marble monument-, removed from P1tt, sub-postmaster. Letters arnve thro~gh Col-
-the old church, to Mary Gray, ob. July, I6 27 , a member 1 chester at 6.45 a.m. & 12.20 &; 7·5 p.m.; dispatched
of a family formerly seated here circ. I595: there are at 9-55 a. m. &; 12.45 &i 7·-1-0 p.m.; sundays, 7.40 p.m..
570 sittings, of which soo are free. The register dates 1 Post Office, Black Heath. :\Irs. .Emih· Wilson, sub-
from the year 1731. The living is a rectory, yearly postmistress. Letters through Colch.ester arrive at
value £2oo, with reside~ce, in the gift of E. J. H. 6.go &; a.m. !&; 7-50 p.m. &; are dispatched at
Havens esq. ~nd held su~ce 1898 _by the Rev. John · 6.25 a.m. &; 12.4.') &; 7·45 p.m.; sundays, 7·45 p.m .
.Moxey Easterhng. There IS a Baptist chapel at Black · The nearest money order office is .at Colchester &:
Heath, built in 1905. About 40 boats and smacks are the nearest telegraph office at Abberton
here emplo!ed in fishing, and about so yachts are keJ?t: Shipwrecked Fishermen & Mariners' Royal Benevolent
-the~ fumis~ employment to a number of the ~~- I Society. Hon. Representative, Capt. Turner Barnard,
hab1tants durmg the summer months. The Roman Hil1 .A.lbio~ road
property has been bought by tne War Office, and now , 5 .
. .
forms part of the Middlewick Rifle Ranges. E. J. H. 1 Publ~c ~lementary School, .Rowhedge (mi;Xed: &; mfants),
Havens esq. of Wivenhoe, is lord of the manor and chief 1 bmlt 1 ~ I862, enlarged m I873 & agam m 189~, for
landowner. The soil is principally light; subsoil, 305. chtldren; aver~ge attendance, 130 boy~ & g1rls . .t
jZenerally gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley and .'iz I?fan~s; Fr~der_Ick Barker. master; ~hss Harnet
!turnips; grazing is also carried on. The area is I,374 I Colhns, mfants mistress
acres of land, 3 of water, 2 of tidal water and I3 of , Carriers to Colchester. Edgar Jones & Benjamin Harris,
foreshore; rateable value, £4,085; th~ population in to 'Prince of Wales,' daily &; Thomas William Fale,
1:9II was, civil, 1,395; ecclesiastical, 1,272. daily
EAST DONYLAND. COMMERCIAl.. I Carter James, yacht. captain
· . Clarke Benjamin, yacht captain
Easterling Rev. John Moxey (rector) E Benns Arth. farmer ,Roman Hill farm Cl L ur"lli k
D · 1 Willi b . ar...e n 1 am, smac- owner
Goodhart John S. Heath house nnew ame am, eer retail~r Colchester Co-operative Reading Room
Holroyd Col. Tyssen S. Donyland ldg S1l_ge Ro~ Joom, farmer, Monk~nck & Library (branch)
Wilson Emtly (Mrs.), shopkeepet' & Colchester k East Essex Co-operative
COIDI:!l:RCIAL. :post office . &; Industrial Society Limited,grocers
Hook Isaac J ames, beer retailer Wllson Huhert, cycle repairer Cook Henry, yacht captain
:Robinson George &; John, farmers, Cranfield Alfred, yacht captain
Glebe farm ROWHEDGE. Cranfield Jesse, yacht captain
Webb Hv. • Jn. farmer, Dom·land

hall Clarke George I Cranfield Jonathan, smack owner
Humphrey Wm. Robt. Donvland villa Cranfield Wm. Thomas, yacht captain
BLACK HEATH. Kevern Grahame Travers · Cranfield Wm. Wadley, yacht captain
• Crickmore William Shales, builder
Bannister Misses, The Cottage
Hayward Arthur James, The Firs
Cudmore Daniel Edward, Three
Bamard .Arthur, yacht captain Crowns P.H
Oxon Waiter, Roman Hill house Barren B. B. &; M. builders Curie Frank Howard, grocer et draper
Psrsons Mrs. West Donyland lodge Bedford George, White Lion P.H Dyer Benjamin, yacht captain
Reid Col. Ellis Ramsay C.B., D.S.O. Brasted Charles William, Albion P.H IEnnew Edward Harry, yacht captain
Blen'heim Brown William, yacht captain Everitt Alfred, boot k shoe ma:;k~e:::r:::;:::::-:::-......
Warwick Waiter BurrO"l'"S Harr)' Ship P.H . Fale Thos. W"m. confectnr. rsan~O~~t_..~

Goodrum Edwd. Barris,yacbt steward Lexden & Win6tree Rural District 1 Smith llartholomew, yacht captam
Gredley William (Mrs.), sbpkeeper Water Works (William Robert Sparks J onathan, coke dealer
Green George, Royal Oak P.H Humphrey, engineer) Spinkl Henry Charles, french poluher
Harris Brothers, yacht builders Mills Samuel, yacllt captain & parish clerk
Holmes Anna Maria (~frs. ), eollector Owers William, yadht captain Springett John, yacht captain
of King's taxes Pearson Robert, deooratar • Sprin~tt Thos. Alfd. yaoht
.Tones Edgar, carrier Pitt Thomas William, et&tioner & Ta.ylor William, yaoht captein
Jones William (Mrs.), ferry keeper assistant overseer, Post office Tofts Lionel Edward, dairyman
Kennett Benjamin, baker Powell Georgina (Mrs.). shopkeeper Turff Jolhn lsaiah, yacht steward
Kevern Grahame Travers M.R.C.S. Rowhedge Ironworks Co. Ltd. s·hip Wade Reaben, beer retailer
Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. physician &:; builders Wakeland Benjamin, boot makel'i
surgeon, & medical officer of health Scrutton George Nathaniel, decorator Walford Denjamin, yacht captain
to the Wivenhoe Urban District Sebborn Lewis, hair dresser Warner Chas. Newcombe,Anchor P.H
Council Simons Charles, yacht captain 1 Wilkin Abiatha, yacht captain
King Laura (Miss)", sh(}pkeeper Simons James, yacht captain IWood Stacey, grocer
Ladbrook Alfred, baker

DOVERCOURT, see Harwich.
DOWNHAM is a hilly parish with a scattered popula- the King's Bench, ob. 14 July, 1683: new vestries and-
tion. 7 miles north from Pitsea station on the London, an organ cham·ber were erected in 1909, at a ocost of
Til:bury and Southend railway, 2 miles north-west from [400 : the church affords 140 sittings. The register
Wickford station on the Southend branch of the Great dates from the year 1558. The living is a rectory, net
Eastern railway, and 10 east from Brentwood : it wa~ yearly value [300, with residence and 42 acres of glebe,
anciently a soke or liberty and is in the Mid division of in t.he gift of the Bishop of Winchester, and iheld since
the countr. Barstable hundred, Brentwood petty sessional 1895 by the Rev. Charles Edward Stuart Ratcliffe M.A.
division and county court distr~ct. Billericay union, rural of St. John's College, Cambridge. Alien Stallibrass
deanery of Wickford, archdeaconry of Essex and Chelms- esq. of Eastwoodbury, Rochford, is lord of the manor.
ford diocese. The church of St. 'Margaret, pleasantly The soil is heavy; subsoil, loamy. The chief crops are
situated on a hill, is a building of stone, in the Early wheat, barley, beans and oats. The area is 2,200
English style, consisting of chancel and nave, south porch of land and ..r. of water; rateable value, £3,921 ; in rgn
and an embattl':ld western tower of brick, of the 15th the population was 443 in the civil and 411 in tha
century, containing 4 bells : the church, with the excep- ecclesiastical parish.
tion of the tower, was rebuilt in 1871, when a stained east By •Local Government Board Orde-r, 21,8Rj', dated
window was erected by the daughters of the Rev. Edward March 25, 1889, a detached part of Downham was trans- •
Charles Evans M . ..A.. rector 1867-81 ~ there ars. other ferred to Ramsden Bell'house, and a part of Runwell
memorial windows to the Brewitt family, to the Rev. added to Downham by Order 22,422, of the ~ame date.
W. Hugo Lukin, rector 1881-94, and to the late Miss Sexton, John Britton.
Edith Evans : the church is seated throughout with oak Letters by foot from Billericay, Essex, arrive at 7-30
and has a carved stone pulpit: there are monuments a.m. & 6 p.m.. Wall Letter Box, near the De Beauv·oir
to the family of De Beauvoir and others to Sir Henry Arms P.H. cleared at 7·45 a.m. & 6.10 p.m. Pillar
Tyrrell kt. and Thomasine, his wife, ob. 1588, and Joyce, Letter Bo~. Belmont avenue, cleared at 8.55 un. I&
wife of John Tyrrell esq. ob. 15"94; one formerly exist- 6.35 p.m. week days; 8.55 a. m. sundays. Ramsden
ing to Wingfiela .Alslow, ob. 1584, has now disappeared, Heath, 1 mile distant, i! the nearest money order 11
but there are others to Sir William Andrews hart. of telegraph office
Den ton, ob. 15 Aug. 1684; Benjamin Disbrowe esq. ob.
1707• and Sarah his wife, ob. 1692, and a monument Public Elementary School (mixed), for 64 children";
of black marble to Sir Thomas Raymond kt. justice of average attendance, 48; Miss Edith Winter, miskeii&
Marked thus * letters received through *~fatthews George, The Studio
Wickford, Essex. Milne John R. ~he Red cottage COMMERCIAL.
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Newbery Frederic, Mount holly Benson Charles J. farm bailiff ia P.
*Bass Henry Lister, Palatine villa Parry Sidn~y Gambier J.P. Down-. G. Fitch esq. J.P. Blue hau~e
*Cs.rrodus Robert, Craig-y-Don ham h{)use *Calderbank William, farmer, l'rierna
Dolby John Thomas, Woodleigh Potter Reuben Dorking James, gamekeepe:r
Fitch Fred€rick George J.P. (Middle- Poulton Goorge, The Elms *Gill J~Jhn B. farmer, CMtledoa
sex). Downham grange Ratcliffe Rev. Charles Edward Stuart Highfield Nuueries Ltd. nUI'tl8rJ:meA
*French Mrs. Bt>lmont villas M.A. Rectory Humphrey William Ohapman._ fumer
*Goring John H. The Chestnuts *"Smithdale Thomas, Maycroft Kerr James, farmer, Orowsheabh
*Grey Ernest, Windermere 1 •Steere Francis William, Belmont Logan John Hunt, dairy faMrmmer,
Haig Miss *Vincent Herbt. Madden,Ockment ho Sudbnrys ,
Henderson Francis RiddeL St. Francis *Waterman .Albert Thos. Essex view Mason William Francis. nur1&ryman
*Hol5-worth George Edwd. Brookland;: Whart<>n Philip Thos. The Granary Orton Jn. Edwd. farmer, .Alien's farm
*Holsworth R. Bro'lklands *Wilkinson William Thos. lnglenook *Reynolds .Arth. frmr. Downham h.all
Lander l\-Irs Wiseman Benjamin, Downham villa Watts Thos. De Beanvoir AriPS P.H
*:Mathews · Robert Carter, St. Louis Wright William, The Briars Willis George, wood mer. Barn cots
DUNMOW i<> a town. head of a union, petty sessional clock and 6 bells; the east window of :five light.s is a
division and county court district, on a gravelly hill fine specimen of the Decorated style; it was filled :with
owrlooking the ri>er Chelmer, at the junction of the stained glass in 1913 by Dr. W. B. Clapham J.P. ill
roads to Bishops Stortford, Saffron Walden, Braintree memory of his wife: in the other windows,,al .of
and Chelmsford. with a station on the Bishops Stort- which are good specimens- of the same period, ate i.O!lle
ford, Dnnmow and Braintree line of the Gr~nt Eastern remains of stained glass ; there is also a Jllemarial
railway, and is 7 miles south from Thaxted, 9 west window to William Johnson, d. I8JI, and another to
from Braintree, 12 north-west from Chelmsford, 9 east Miss Charlotte Young; on the buttresses of the porch,
from Bishops Stortford and 38 from London (through cut in the masonry, are t-wo crosses, about 10. inches in
the Roothin{!s and Ongar), in the Western dinsion of diameter, discovered in 188g, and in the chancel is a
the county, Dunmow hundr~d, Dunmow rural deanery, monument to the Rev. John Mangey, for 28 years vicllol'
Colchester archdeaconry and Chelmsford diocese. The here, d. 1 Nov. 1782, ret. 85; on the south side is a
town was incorporated b~- letters patent 16 Feb. 2 and 3 double piscina of the 14th century and sedilia: there is
Philip and Mary, and the charter was confirmed by a brass of a lady of the Cockeine family and her
Queen Elizabeth in the 39th year of her reign, but husband, c. 1580, and another to John Huthersaul, c.
under the proYisions of the "Municipal Corporations 1604: the nave and aisles were restored and re;;~ated
Act, 1883," the corporation ceased to exist in March_ with open bencht's in 1873, at a cost of £2,300, undel'
1886. The to-wn is lighted with gas and supplied with the direction of the late G. E. Street R.A. and in 1889
water from priyate wells and from works which were a new vestry was added: there are 8oo sittings. The
constructed in 1908, with a supply from a bore hole, register of baptisms dates from the year. 1538, and
~we feet deep, and under the control of the Rural marriages and burials from 1558. The linng is a
District Council of Dunmow. The church of St. Mary vicarage, net yearly value [330, with residenoe., iJl the
the Virgin is a large and ancient building of stone, in gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since 1905 by
the Decorated and Perpendicular styles, consisting of the Rev. John Evans M.A. of Jesus Colleg6, Oxf~rd,
chancel, nave of four bays, with clerestory, aisles, with and rural dean of Dunmow. A mission room at l'hilpoi
a chapel adjoining the soqth ai~le, ..outh porch and an end. about 3.. miles south of Dunmow church, was buil~
embattled western tower with angle turrets, containing a in IB]B, at a cos~ of £6oo, and will hold 100 pe~5ous:

E3SEX. Dt;:XMOW • 203
Divine 1ervice is held there ·under a licence frQm the .of 31 ae~es, purchased in 16~ with the interest .flf
·bi&hoJ}. There is a Catholic (ihurch. qedie~ted to Our £330 bequeathed to the poor by the Gl11sscock and
Lady of :Puumow. The CongregatiQilal ch~Wel, in New other families. i$ distributed yearly in clothing.: new
street, all edifice in- the Romanesque style. was built trustees were appointed for this charity in x874• and a
in 1869, and has 950 sittings; the chapel was founded dran scheme was issued about I29o by the Charity
in 1662; there is also n Baptist chapel. The Town Commissioners for its better administration ; but th~
Ha1l, standing ill the centre of the town, was built in Dunmow and Thaxted estates are now administered
1578, .repaired in 1760, and enlarged in 1837 and xBss. nnder a later scheme, sealed March 30th, 1897· :Sewton
and in I888 it was purchased by, and is now the Hall, occupie:l by Alfred Bovill e~q. is the property
property of, a syndicate. A court leet is held here. of the Countess of Warwick. 'I:he Countess of Warwick
The Conservative Club, in Market street, was founded is lady of the manor of Great Dunmow; Capt. Sir
in 1886, and contains reading, billiard and recreation G. H. W. Beaumont bart, is lord of the Rectory
rooms. The Dunmow Friendly Society, established in manor; James Bacon esq. of the manor of Shingle
IB32, had m I9I3 958 members, and an available Hall. otherwise " Olives;" H. Marks esq. of Marlie's
capital of £40,437 for the relief of its members. The manor. and the Drapers' Company are lords of the
Dunmow Savings Bank was established Jan. I, IBIS. manor of Clapton Hall .. The principal landowners are
A weekly market, for corn and cattle, is held on Tues- the Countess of Warwick, Capt. Sir G. H. W. Beaumont

in the sale •vard at the back of the Saracen's Head bart. and Capt. Sir Arthur John Henniker-Hughan
Hotel. Robert Fitzwalter, lord of Little Dunmow, was bart. R.N. of The Airds, Parton, Kirkcudbright. The
one of the barons who negotiated Magna Charta at area is 6,781 acres of land and q of water; rateable
Runnymeade, June I5 1 I2I5; during the episcopate of value, £I3,922 ; the population in I9II was 2,792
Bishop Bonner (1553·9), Thomas Bowyer, weaver, of (inclusive of I.') officers and 157 inmates in the wor;k-.
Great Dunmow, suffered martvrdom •
here. The manu- house) i'n the civil parish, and 2,815 in the ecclesi-
factnre qf baize was introduced here by Flemish astical parish.
refugees in the 17th century, but is not now carried By Local GovPn1ment Board Orrler 22,3..i16, March :24.
on. Dunmow Rural District Isolation Hospital was r88g, Onslow Green and Aptonfield Farm have been trans-
erected in I9o5, at a cost of £5,000, and will hold 8 ferred from this parish to Barnston, Hou~e Grounds Farm
to .l2 patients. Many Roman antiquities have been to High Easter. and Barnston House and Roughie added
found on this spot. The rent of the Thaxted estate to Great Dunmow from Barnston.


• Post, M. 0. & T. 0. & Telephonic Express Delivery Medical Officer of Health, E. B. Smith M.R.C.S.Eng. 0
Office. William Johnson, postmaster. Letters arrive L.R.C.P.Lond., D.P.H.Camb. Braintree ·
at 4·15, 5.15 & 9.30 a.m. & 7 p.m.; delivered at 6.45 Surveyor, Robert W. Burton, Dunmow
& 9·45 a.m. & 7 p.m. ; arrive from Bishop Stortford lnspector of NuiSJ.nces & Sanitary Surveyor, Jeremiah
at 6.30 p.m.; dispatched at 5.15 a.m. 1 (for Takeley Plumbley, Dunmow
only); general dispatches are made at 9.30 a.m. &
3.20, 6.15, 6.30 & 9.30 p.m. but letters may be PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS.
posted until 9·35 a.m. & 3.25, 6.20, 6.35 & 9·35 p.m. County Court, His Honor H. Tindal-Atkinson, judge;
by· affixing an additional stamp. 'l'here is a mail to Herbart John Cunnington, registrar & high bailijJ ;
Thaxted at 7 p.m. (callers Qnly), Broxted (Great William Clark, clerk; George Saunders. assist~:nt
Eastern) (twice daHy), Little Easton, Great Easton, bailiff
Duton hill & Thaxted, twice daily, also High Roding The county court is held at the Town Hall every two
& Great Canfield twice (callers only at noon). months: the following is a libt of places within its
Sunday dispatch Takeley, 5.15 a.m.; London & all jurisdiction :.._Abbots Roothing, .Aythrop Roothing,
parts, 9·15 p.m. & Chelmsford & East Anglia, 6.30 Bardfield Saling, Barnston, Beauchamp Roothing,
p.m . B roxted, Chickney, Felsted, Great Ba rdfield, Grea•
Town Sub-Post Office, Church End...-:Miss Elizabeth Canfield, Great Dunmow, Great Easton, Hatfield Broad
Parkins, sub-postmistress. Dispatched at 9 a.m. &. 3• Oak. Righ Easter, High Roothing, Leaden Roothin~,
5·45 & 7.30 p.m.; sundays, 9 a. m Lindsell, Little Bardfield, Little Canfield, Little Dun-
• mow. Little Easton, Little Laver, Margaret Roothing,
COUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR DUN~IOW PE'l''IT Stebbing, Takeley, Thaxted, Tilty & White & Morrt-11
Foake.s Edward Thomas, Westbury house, Dunmow,. For bankruptcy purposes this court is included in that
• chairman of Chelmsford; Ernest William Joseph Savill, official
Brooke Lord M.V.O. Easton lodgE', Dunmow receiver; L. A. West, assistant o:fficial...receiver, 14
Clapham William Blackborne, Dunmow Bedford row, London W C
Cranmer-Byng Launcelot Alfred, Foley :Mill, Thaxted Certified Bailiff nnder the "Law of Distress A:tnend-
Franklin Douglas Thomas, Yew cottage, Mill End, ment Act," J. M. Welch, Great Dunmow
Tha:xted, Dunmow Dunmow Fire Station, Charles Sidney Butcher, captain
Haslel' Robert, Throws, Little Dunmow, Chelmsford Police Station, Stortford road, Charles Henry Day.
Hasler William, The Croft, Dunmow supt. I sergeant & 3 constables
Metson Samuel, Brook End Grange, Little Dunmow·, Stamp Office, The Post office
Chelmsford Town Hall, George Saunders, keeper
Rnmsey Henry, V enmore, Dunmow
Wall Charles, Darley Dale, Great Canfield, Takeley, ISOLATION HOSPITAl •.
Essex Situate at Great Dunmow; for the whole district.
Warwick Earl frf (Lord Lieut.), Easton lodge, Dunmow Medical Superintendent, Jo~<eph Napier Gardiner M.D.
Worrin Hastings esq. Bourchiers, Lit.Dunmow,Chelmsfrd Hi!!h street, Dunmow ; Charles Funnell, caretaker.
The Chairman of the Rural District Council is an ex- T N 9 Dunmow
officio magistrate DUNMOW UNION.
Clerk to the Magistrates, W. de Vins Wade, High st Board day, tuesday, fortnightly, at 1 r a. m. at the {;hion
Petty Sessions are held at the Police station every alter- workhouse.
nate wednesday at n a.m. (bank holidays excepted), The Union contains twenty-five parishes, viz.; Aythrop
& every day (when necessary) for business und~r the Roothing, Bardfi.eld Saling, Barnston, Broxted, Chick-
Summary Jurisdiction Act ney, Felstead, GrPat Bardtield, Great Canfield, Grea\
The folluwing places are included in the Petty Sessional Dunmow, Great Easton, Hatfield Broad Oak, High
Division: -Barnston, Broxted, Chickney, Great Dun- Easter, High Roding, Leaden Roding, Lindsell, Little
mow, Little Dunmow, Great Canfield, Little Canfield, Bardfield, Little Canfield, Little Dunmow, Little
Great iEaston, Little Easton, High Easter, Lindsell, Easton, Margaret Roding, Stebbing, Takeley, Tha:xted,
Pleshey, High Boothin[, Aythrop ·Roothing, Leaden Tilty & White Roding. The area of the union j&
Roothing, Marga:eet .ttoothing, White Roothings, 73,503 acres ; rateable value at Lady Day, 1914•
Stebbing, Takeley, Thaxted & Tilty £84,663; the population in 19II was I6,o84
DUNMOW RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL. Chairman of the Board of Guardians, J. B. Frankham,
Little Canfield hall, Dunmow
The parishes in the District are the saine as in the Union. Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, .Alfr~d
Oouncil meets at the W every tues. four weeks, Edward Floyd
commencing April 7th, 1914• at II-45 a.m. Treasurer, Robert Woodhouse, jun. Barelay 15
Chairman, J. B. Frankham, LitUe Canfield pall,Dunmow Company's Bank, Great Dunmow
Officials. Relieving Officers & Collectors to the Guardians, I!t
Clerk, Alfred Edward Flo'Vd •
district, Arthur Robert Spurgenn, Great Dunmow;
Treasurer, Robert Woodhouse, jun ro:nd district, Charles Henrv

Luckin, Great Dunmow
Vaccination Officers, .!.. R. Spnrgeon, Great Dunmow & PLACES OF WORSBIP, with times of services.
Charles Henry Luckin, Great Dunmow • St. Mary the Virgin, Rev. John Evans M.A. vicar &
Medical Offi.cer.s k Public Vaccinators, Bardfield district, rural dean; sunday 8 & II a.m. &; 3 &; 6.30 p.m. •
E. B. Smith M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond .• D.P.H.
Carob. Braintree; Dunmow district, J. Napier Gardiner
daily, tues. &; thurs. 8 a.m. ; wed. &; fri. 10.30
holy days at 10.30 a.m. &; 7.30 p.m
M.D. High street. Dunmow; Hatfield district, John Mission Room, Philpot End; 3 p.m. on sun
Arthur Temple White M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Baptist; xo.3o a.m. & 2.30 & 6.30 p.m
Hatfield Bro'ld Oak ; High Easter district, Montague Congregational, Rev. William Henry Pace B.D.; 10,30
Tench M.D.Brux., L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7.15 p.m
Dunmow; Felstead district, William Donald Small-
peice M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Felstea:d; Thaxted
district, William Brodie Brodie M.D., C.M.Glas. P U B L I C ELEMENT A R Y S CH 0 0 L S.
Beech house, Thaxted ESSEX EDUCATION COMMriTEE.
The Workhouse, a structure of red brick, was built in Dunmow District Sub-Committee
1840 & will hold 418 inmates; William R. Errington, The Committee consists of 17 members.
master; Rev. Thomas Eddleston, chaplain; Montague ~leets on tuesday once a month at the Union
Tench M.D. medical officer; Mrs. F. J. Errington, Workhouse, Great Dunmow, at xo a.m.
matron. T N 4 Dunmow
Chairman, J. B. Frankham J.P. Little Can:field
DUY:MOW REGISTRATION DISTRICT. Vice-Chairman, Rt. Hasler J.P. Throws, Little Dunmoll
:Superintendent Registrar, Alfred Edward Floyd, Dun- School Medical Inspector, Francis Swanson Hawkes
mow; deputy, Frederick J. Pepper, Dunmow L.M.S.S.A. Ohelmsford
"Registrar of Marriages, John William Beard, Dunmow; School Attendance Officer, Henry Willsher
deputy, Arthur Dennis, High. street, Dunmow British (Downs), built in 1844, for 239 children; average
.Registrar of Births & Deaths, Thaxted sub-district, attendance, 200 ; Alfred Scarfe, master; Miss D. N:.
Charles Henry Luckin, Dunmow ; deputy, Thomas F. Ohilds, infants' mistress
Burton, Dunmow ; Dunmow sub-district, Arl:lhur Robt.
Spurgeon, Dnnmow; deputy, Jeremiah Plumbley, Church, built in 1870, for 361 children (mixed);
- Dunmow average attendance, 178 ; Richard Beard,;
TERRITORHL FORGE. Yrs. Paul Tyler, infants' mistress
"Essex Yeomanry (No. 4 Troop, C Squadron), 2nd Lieut.
H. P. Bolt, commanding CONVEYANCE.
PUBLIC OFFICERlS. Railway Station, John Kettle, stat1on master
..!ssistant Overseer, Clerk to the Parish Council &; to A.n omnibus meets every train ; Home Counties Publie
Dunmow Sub-Committee of Essex Local Pension Corn- House Truc;t Co. Limited (James Alfred Poulton, man-
mittee, Lionel Charles Mackenzie ager), 'Saracen's Head,' proprietors
Chief Inspector of \V-eights &; Measures, Food & Drugs Carriers from &; through Dunmow.-From & to Thaxted,
Act, Shops Act & Official Sampler under thE> Tyrell, tues. thurs. & sat. From & to Stebbing, Boy-
" Fertilisers & Feeding Stuffs Acts" for ~orthern ton, daily~ From & to Great Bard.field, Swan, mon.
District, Adam Ward, r North hill, Colcht> I thurs. &; sat. From &; to Bmxted Stammers, tuea. c\
(Jlerk to the Commissioners of Land & Property Taxes, I sat. From &; to High Roding, Berry, daily. To 11
William de Vins Wade, High street from Chelmsford, Charles N. Metson, mon. tues.
'Tax Collector, Lionel Charles Macbnzie thurs. &; fri. Great Eastern Railway Co.'s Goods
Veterinary Inspector under the "Diseases of Animals 1 station, A. J. Mills, to &; from all parts of the t~wn
Acts '' for Dunmow &; Freshwell Districts, Harry 'l daily
Ashley Young M.R.C.V.S. The Ford Sutton &; Co. (Edward John Dowsett, agent), High st
Floyd .!.lfd. Edwd. '!'he Gables,High st Parke Alfred, Barnston hill
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Foakes Edwd. Thos. J.P. Westbury ho Pedder Mrs. Forest Dean
Armstrong Mrs. North street Foakes Miss, Westbury house Perrott-Field Rev. Alfred James M.A.
"Bacon James, The Olives Gardiner J. Napier M.D. High street (Catholic), The Pre;,bytery

:tJacon Miss, The Downs Gibbons John, Down house Randall Mrs. Ka;;ama
"'Barker Miss, Crouches Gibbons The Misses, Waldgrooms Rumsey Henry J.P. Venmore
"Barn!'ord Thomas Constable, 17 The Gibbons Thomas, Brickhouse Saltmash Miss, The Downs
Avenue Giffard Stephen, Dovecotes Scarfe Alfred, Brook 1house, North si
"Bayly Douglas, Windermere, Church Greato0rex Mrs. Little Doves Sewell Misses, High street
end Hasler William J .P. 'I he Croft Snell Mrs. High street
!Beard Richard, The Downs Button John, Station Toad Spore William, Station TOad
'Bond Edmund T. Clock ho.Causeway Lewis Fredk. Jas. Hill ho. The Downs Start Miss, Causeway
."Bovill Alfred, Newton hall Linsell Joseph, The Downs Stooke Mrs. Park corner
Bowtell David, Mill house Livermore Chas. White ho. High st Suthery Cecil Stanhope L. High st
"Bright Simon, The Limes, Causeway Livermore John, Langleys Tanner Joseph William, High street
"Brooks Mrs. Willow bank Luckin Charles Henry, The Downs Taylor Miss, The Causeway
Buntin Ernest, Station road Luckin Edgar, Tile Chestnuts Tench Mantague M.D
Burrage Miss. Causeway Luckin Thos. Gardiner, The Downs Thring Mrs. J. C. The Park
Butcher Sidney, Station road Lyle Miss, The Laurels, High street Toselli Signora, Broadgrows
Byatt Wm. Woodside, Bishops Green Mackenzie James V. The Downs Turner Wm. Henry. New House famL
-carter Miss, Dovecotes, High street Mackenzie Lionel Charles, Rosemary Tyler Mrs. Down cottage, ~orth ~t
Clapham William Blackborne J.P. cottage, The Downs Warner Mrs. New street
Eastholm, High street Mackenzie Mrs. By bo. The Downs Welch Joseph Marsh, The Folly
Clarlt Miss. High street :Vlarshall Mrs. Causewav •
Wilson Mrs. Station road
Cock Frank, Fisherton ho. High st Martin Rev. William (Primitive Wilton Misses, New street
Cock Misses, Causeway ~lethodist), 21 The Avenue Wilton Mrs. High street •

Cole Arth. Park view, Braintree road ·Moore S'idney Hammet, 23 New st Wright Mrs. North street
"Emery Andrew George,Bedfords farm Newman John, Station road Young Harry Ashley, The Ford
Evans Rev. John M,A. (vicar & rural Nicholls Francis J. White ~treet Young Mrs. Causeway
dean), The Vicarage Pace Rev. William Henry B.A. (Con-
·Farrington Will, Higlh street gregational), The Manse, New st

COMMERCJ.AJ,. Barham Arthur John, watch maker, High street

Early closing day. Wednesday. Barker :Madge V. (Miss), dress maker, High st•reet
Barnard Dan, farmer, Marks &; Maples
Adams Richard Henry, provision dealer, High street Barnard Osmond G. farmer, Roughie farm
.Ancient Order of Foresters (Court Prince Arthur, No. Barnard Thomas Gilbert, farmer, Lower hall
5,432) (J. Smith, sec.) (meets rst monday in every Barnes Benjami.n Samuel, pig dealer, Oakdene
month), White Lion hotel Beard John W. draper & registrar of marriages,North at
·.Archer Arthur, cycle, motor &; g--eneral engineer; any Bland Mary (Miss), laundry, North street
make of car supplied; cars for hire, High street. Blott &; Blott, drapers, Market street
Tel. No. 2 Dunmaw; Telegrams, "Arch-er, Dunmow" Board of Trade LabourExchange(LionelC.Mackenzie,agt)
"Barclay & Company Limited (branC'h), bankPrs (Cecil Bolden William, farmer, Martens
Stanhope Lording- Sutth-!'ry, mana~er) (T X 18 Dun- Bradley Henry, tailor, boot maker & outfitter, High st
mow); dt·aw on head offict>, 54 Lombard street. Brand Charles, farmer, ·Brick Kilns farm
'London E C Brazie-r John &; Son, plumbt>rs, High street
Bnck Florence (Miss), boarding house, see Dixon &; Buck Gray William, saddler, North ,rreet.
Burton Robert W. survevor
'rict Council, Threaders
• .
to the Dunmow Rural Dis- Groves A eo. Limited. <.-oal, hme, slate, ct~ment &
hair merchants, lath renders, drain pipes, stoneware ;.
Furton Thomas Fowler, assistant suneyor to tke Dun- all kinds of Mnitary pipes, fire bricks & tiles &:; salt;.
mow Rural District Council & deputy registrar of & at Railway staticn, Braintree.. T N 26
births &:; deaths, Threaders Hampton Henry, insurance ag{'nt, Thtt Down..
Bush Henry, beer retailer, Broadway Harman Frederick, builder & contractor. ~ew street
But-cher Charles Julius, agricultural engineers &. "h.eel- Harris Alfre~ Boar's Head P.H. High street.
wrights, Implement warehouse Harris Frank Martin, White Horse P.H. High street
Byatt .!rthw·, farmer, Birds farm Harris Thomas, builder, contractor, undertaker, painter,.
Byatt Harry, farmer, Salletts farm house decorator, plumber & sanitary work
Byatt Joseph, baker, High street Hasler & Clapham, corn, flour, seed, oil cake & manure-
Carlow Elizh. (Mrs.), cabinet ma. & upholsterer,High st ruerchants & brick, pipe & tile manufacturers. T A.
Carter D. stationer, printer & bookseller & news agent, "Hasler, Dunmow; '' T N 7 Dunmow
High street Hockley Eliza (Mrs.), apartments, Station road
Castk> Frederick, builder, Causeway Home Counties Public House 'frost Limited, Saracen's.
Chandler John Philip,assistant insurance supt.Station rd Head hotel (James Alfred Poulton, manager), High
Childs .Albert Reuben, baker New street
9 street. T N 20 Dunmow
Olarke Herbert Edward, farmer, Mountains Howland George, boot maker, North street
Ooates Frank Samuel (Mrs.), baker, North street Hughes Edith ..!nnie (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 20 Pleasant ter
Coates Fred Edwin, baker & corn dealer, Church end Hunt Elisha John (exors. of), timber merchant, The-
Cock Ellen (Mrs.), farmer, Garnetts farm Parsonage
Conservative Club (Col. Rt. Hon. A. R. M. Lock.wood International Tea Co. "s Stores Limited, grocer, & tea.
C.V.O., :M.P. president; T. G. Luckin, hon. sec.), dealers, Market street
Market street Johnsou William, linen draper, High street
County Court (His Honor H. Tindal-Atkinson, judge; Ketley Waiter, bricklayer & plasterer
Herbert John Cunnington, registrar & high ba;iliff), Ketteridge :Martha (Mrs.), farmer, Strood hall
Town hall Kettle John, station master
Coy Reader G.eorge, boot repairer, High street King Thomas William, insurance agent, Xew street.
Craig Hugh, farmer, Marks Hill farm Knight Henry, watch maker, High street
Culf Catherine (Miss), dress maker, Causeway Lewis F. & Co. ironmongers & oil mers. Ma1·ket street
Culf Charles D. post card dealer, North street Livermore John Talmash, farmer, Langleys
Cunnington, Son & Orfeur, solicitors, High street Low George, Three Tuns P.H. Stortford road
Cunnington Herbert John, solicitor & commissioner for Loyal Order of Ancient Shepherds (Ashton Unity).
oaths (firm, Cunnington, So:.;t & Orfear) .t registrar &t Perseverance Lodge (Henry Dowsett, sec.) ; held at
high bailiff of County Court, High s·treet White Lion hotel every 4th wed. in month
Davey Edward 0. artist, Tower house Lnckin Samuel & Sons, grocers & fishmongers
Day Charles Henry, police snpt. Stortford road Luckin Charles Henry, vaccination officer, registrar of
Dl'nnis Arthur, ironmonger .t deputy registrar of births & deaths for Thaxted sub-district & relieving
marriages, High street. T N 3 Dunmow officer & collector to the guardians, 2nd district. Dun-
Dixon &; Buck Misses, boarding house, Station road mow union, The Downs
Dowsett Edward John, shopkeeper & agent for Sutton Lucking Jane (Mrs.), butcher, Stortford road
& Co. High street Mackenzie Lionel Charles, eierk to the Parish Council
Dowsett Henry, hair dresser & tobacconist, High street & to Dunmow Sub-Committee of Essax Local Pension
Driver William, Chequers inn, Stortford road Committee, assistant overseer & tax collector. T N Z'J
D1mmow & District Farm·ers' Club (0. J. ::VI. Welch, Mardell Alfred & Son, farmers, Barnston house
hon. sec) Mard-on, Morris & Mardon, dental surgeons (attend
Dunmow & District Liberal .Association (J. W. Beard, fridays), Stortford road
sec.), ~orth street Marshall Herbert Ern-est, farmer, Dunmow k Spike-
Dunmow & District Progressi,·e Club (J. G. Davey, sec.), House.farms
New street Martin John Wesley, dentist; attends on tues. & thurs_
Dunmow Fire Brigade (Chas. Sidney Butcher, captain), Bank house, Bishops Stortford Toad ; & at Felstead.
Station road Chelmsfol"d
Dunmow Flitch Bacon Co. Ltd. T A "Flitch, Dun- Mason Matilda (:M:rs.), shopkeeper, High street
mow ; " T N 23 Dunmow Masonic Lodges (1543 Rosslyn (meets wed. nearest fuU
Dunmow Gas Co. Ltd. (.!. Dennis, mgr . .t,High st moon, Feb. ~larch, April, Sept. Oct. & Nov.) & Dun-
Dunmow Industrial Co-operative Society Ltd. High st mow Lodge 527 (Lionel C. Mackenzie, sec.). Saracen's
D11nmow Musical Soci£>ty (H-..rry Stanley Spore, sec.), H!'ad
Hi~h street Mazzone Alfonso, common lodging house, Church end
Dunmow Rifle Club (George Daoo & B. T. Devoil, joint Mead Ellen .1. fMrs. ), Wheatsheaf inn, North street
hon. s£>cs. ), White Lion hotel Mehon Oharles Nathaniel, carrier, 15 The Avenn£>
Donmow Rural District Isolation Hospital (Jos~ph MPtson John, apartments, 15 The Avenue
Napier Gardiner :M.D., B.C.Camb.. M.R.C.S.Eng., Mills Alfred Job, coal merchant, cartage contrac-tor
L.R.C.P.Lond. medical supt.). T N 9 Dunmow ~!inter William, baker, North street
Ellis Harry, carter, Parsonage down ~Iunton Jam!'s, King's Hood P.H. North street
Emson William J. beer retailer, Ongar road ~ewell Samuel Cecil, Angel & Harp P.H. Chur{"h end
P'loyd .!lfred Edward, solicitor. clerk to the Dunmow Newman Miriam & Elizabeth (:Misses), boarding house,
Rural District Council & Board of Guardians .t Stortford road .
Assessment Committee of Dunmow Union & superin- Noon H£>rbert, tailor, North street
tendent registrar. T N 6 Dunmow Orfeur Norman, solicitor, see Cunnington, Son & Orfeur
1'olger John, local taxation officer to the Ess!'x County Pannell Thomas Wm. fishmonger & fruiterer, Market st
Council. The Bays, The Downs Parkins Mary & Elizh. (Misses). shopkprs~ Church end
Fowell William Edward, baker, High street Patient Henry Thomas, beer retailer, Bishop's Green
Freeman .!lfred William, jobmsster, White street Peacock John, apartments, Causeway -
Friendly Society (Lionel C. Mackenzie, clerk; R. Wood- Pepper Frederick J. deputy supt. registrar of births~
hou~e, jun. hon. treasurer; E. T. Bond, ho_n. sec.; deaths & marriages, High street
Messrs. Barclay &i Company Limited, bankers). TN 27 PPpper John, builder & contractor, High street
Fnller William .!lfred. beer retailer, Barnston hill Plumbley Jeremiah, inspector of nuisances & sanitary
Gardiner J. Napier M.D., B.C.Camb., M.R.C.S.Eng., surveyor tD the Rural District Council & deputy
L.R.C.P.Lond. physician & surgeon, & medical officer l"eg-istrar of births & deaths for Dunmow sub-district,
& public vaccinator for Dunmow district & medical Rose vil1a, Station road
mpt. Isolation Hospital, !(igh st. T N 5 Dunmow Potter Cyril Louis Edwards,artificial teeth ma. ·Market st
Giffard Stephen. correspondent to the Felstead & Pratt & Oo. plumbers & gasfitten. High strest
Rayne, Lindsell. Little Dunmow. Stebbing. Thaxted & Prior John. shopkeepE-r, North street
White Roothing. Great Bardfield & Bardfield Saling Randall, Gibbons & Co. brewers & maltsters & wine &
Council schools, High street spirit merchants. Dunmo-.v brewery. T N 10 Dunmow
Gillham R. & Son, butchers. High street Read Harry, b!'Pr retailer. Pbilpot' end
Gilmour John H. farmer & dairvman. Buildings farm Reid Agnes & Minnie (Misses), boot makers, High street
Ginn Waiter, yeast merchant, Parsonage down Robson George Edward, tailor, Stortford road
Goode Hel"bert. butcher, Chnrch End Robson Waiter. tailor. 22 Pleasant terrace
Goodey Thomas .Aibert, builder & cor.tract(}r, North st Roper R. (exon. of), chemists &" drnggists, High street
6owlett HarrY. •
farmer, Brands


Rumsey & Co, corn, flour, seed, oil cake & ·manure Swift James, farmer, Bigods •
merchants; district agents fm• Thorley'-s specialities T-anner Joseph William & Sons, grocers, High sl!reet.
Sa.dler Henry, bookseller, Stortford road · T N 14 Dunmow I
Saich Frederiok, boot & shoe maker, North street Tench Montague M.D.Brux., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.O.P.
Salmon John, farmer, Puddicks Lond. surgeon, & medical officer & public vaccinato:r
Sams Alfred, dairyman, High street for High Easter district, Dunmow union & medical
Sams May (Miss), dress maker, White street officer to the workhouse. T N 15 Dunmow
Saunders Geo. glass & china & general dealer, North at Thompson J oseph, .insurance agent, Preston terrace
Savill Leubert George, harness maker, Market street Thorn Charles, tailor, High street
• Savings Bank (Jas. V. Mackenzie, actuary), Stortford t·d Tilby .A.lice Marion (Miss), district nurse, High !!tree~
Scrivener Martha (Mrs.), coachsmith, North street Town Hall (George Saunders, keeper)
Shorter Arthur, chimney sweep, The Downs Turner Alfred & William, farmers, Old house
Smith Charles, farmer, Mudwall Turner Waiter, farmer, Crouches
Smith Charles T. farmer, Clapton hall WadG, Wix & Wade, solicitors, clerks to magistrates .t
Smith Fmnk, farmer, Little Garnetts commissioners of taxes, High st. T N 16 Dunmo"llr
Smith Frederick William, farmer, Trnetons Wade William de Vins, solicitor, commisioner for oath1
Smith George, farm-er, Tanners · & clerk to the commissioners of land & property taxes
Smith Geo.jun. farmer,Little Doves & New Hoqse farms & clerk to justices, High .street. T N 16 Dnnmow
Smith Richard Hit0hing-s, farmer, Minchins farm Walford, Hasler & eo. Limited, coal & coke mer·
Smith Waiter, farm bailiff to T. & J. Gibbons, Chelms- chants. T A "Hasler;" T N 7 Dunmow
ford road Walker Thomas Alexander, beer retailer, Stortford road
Smith William, tailor, The Old cottage Webb Frederick William, customs & excise officer, S
Snow J. & 0. (Misses), fancy repository, High street The Avenue
Sons of Temperance Lodge (No. 1,374) (W. Dansey Welch .J. M. auctioneer,. surveyor, valuer, estate
Butcher, -sec. ; meets 3xd thurs. after the 1st wed agent, farmer & certified bailiff under the "Law <Jf
in every month), New street Distres11 Amendment Act." T N 17 Dunmow
Spearman N. cycle & motor agent, High street White Fanny (Miss), dress maker, North street
Spore William, tailor, outfitter & boot & shoe stores; White Waiter (established over a century),
orders solicited, High street buildt~r, wheelwright, tyre & general smith; all kinds
Springham Frank, Star inn, North street of agricultural implements Telegrams,
Spurg-eon .A.rthur Robert, relieving officer & collector to "White • Dunmow." See adve nt .
the guardians, 1st district, Dunmow union & vaccina· Wiffen Edward A. White Hart P.H. High street
tion officer & :registrar of births & deaths, Dunmo11 \Viffen HaJ'ry, farmer, Coopers
district, Stortford road Willett Arthur, hair dress·?r, news agent & wholesale
Stacey Reginald, photographer, High street distributor, stationer, mu8ical instrument dealer,
.Stacey W. nurseryman, High street. T N 12 Dunmaw printing agent, tobacconist, umbrella maker & phot9-
Stafford William, White Lion hotel, High street g-raphic materials dealer, High street. T N 32; T A
Stai'nes Edward, boot maker, New street " "\VilJ.ett "
Staines Julia (Miss), confectioner, High street Willsher Henrv, •
attendance officer to the Dunmow
Staines Kate (Miss), dress maker, New street Education Sub-Committee
Staines Sidney, beer retailer & baker, Parsonage do-wn Wilton Lily & Fanny (Misses), ladies' school, New st
Stock Frank, blacksmith, High street Wilton .A.rthur T. outfitter, Market strP~>t
Stock James, black8mith, Church end Wood Alfred William, tailor & breeches maker, High st
Stokes Charles H. butcher, High st. T N 13 Dunmow Wright Jn. farmer, Smiths, Gate House & Oldhouse fms
Strutt Waiter Frederick, Royal Oak P.H. road Young Harry Ashley M.R.C.V.S. veterinary surgeon,
Sutthery Cecil Stanhope Lording-, manager of Barclay & inspector under the "Diseases Animals Acts" for
k Company's Bank & insurance agent, High street. Dunmow & Freshwell districts, The Ford
T N 18 Dunmow
LITTLE DUNMOW is a village and parish, three- chair in which the happy couple were carried is still
(lnarters of a mile west from Felstead sta.tion' on the remaining in the church : the claim was made, but un-
Bishop Stortford, Dunmow and Braintree branch of the successfully, in 1772, and again, with a like result, in
Great Eastern railway, about 2 miles east from Great 1851; but the old custom was revived in 1855 by the
Dunmow and 37 from London. in the Western division of late Mr. W. H. Ainsworth, the novelist, on the 19th
the county, Dunm.ow hundred, petty sessional division, July in that year, when two flitches of bacon were pre-
union and county court district, and in Dunmow rural sented to James Barlow, of Chipping Ongar, and Hannah,r
d\'oanery, archdeaconry of Colchester and Ch~lmsford his wife; and to the Chevalier and Madame de Ohat0-1
diocese. A tributary of the river ChE>lmer flows through lain: other celebrations of a like unofficial character
the parish. The church of St. :Mary the Virgin, r-!'stored have taken place since that date. This ancient cere-
in 1872, is an edifice of stone of the Decorated period, monial was imitated at Great Dunmow in 1837, the-
consisting of chancel, nave of four bays and a western poetical oath being dispensed with and the usual condi-
b-t'lfry containing one bell: it formed part of the ancient tion of conjugal felicity being exchanged for the
Priory church: in the church are figurt:>s of Woalter following: •• To the married couple, labourer in in·
Fitzwalter and Matilda, the daughter of the third Loril dustry and his wife, who shall have brought up the
Fitzwalter: there is also a monument to the Hallett greatest part of their children and placed them in
family: a new organ was erected in 1905. at a cost respectable service without any or the least parochial
of £160. The church afford!~ 16o sittings. The register relief." The origin of this modern award is as follows ar
of baptisms- and burials dates from 1556, and of -"In September, 1~36, at the annual dinner of the
marriages from 15SS· The living is a vicarage, net Dunmow Agricultural Society (then a branch of the
yearly value £86, in the gift of Leslie .A. Toke esq. Saffron Walden society), John Player esq. placed at the
and held since 1913- by the Rev. Edg-ar Iliff Rob !Ion M:-~. disposal of the committee the value of a gammon _ni
of Christ's College, Cambridge, who resides at Felstead. bacon. to be given to a married couple under the above·
Dnnmow priory was founded in IIO{ by Juga, sister of named conditions." At the following 'Snniversary three
Ralph Baynard, for canons of the Augustinian order, and married couples were candidates ; and since the Dun-
dt'dicated to St. Mary: here was a custom, instituted in mow Agricultural Society, in 1840,. became an in-.
the reign of Henry Ill. and gen-erally ascribed to RobNt dependent association by its separation from the par~>nt
Fitzwalter, by which he who repented not of his society at Walden, the gammon has been given by the
marriage, sleeping or waking, in a year and a day, mayor of Dunmow, there being an understanding
might lawfully claim a flitch of bacon from the between the society and the corporate body that it
prior and canons of Dunmow, who were obliged, as shall continue .so to be offered. In 1891 three couples,
it is supposed, by some injunction of the fbunder or a Devonshire vicar, a. doctor and an 11rmy pensioner
benefactor, to deliver it to those who should take the and their wive!l received flitches. The Flitch of Bacon
required oath on two -eharp stones in the churchyard, festival was again celebrated on Monday, Aug. 1, 18<)2.
which, however, do not now exist: the first account in the meadows on the Causeway at Great Dunmow;
of any claimant for this gift is in 23 Hen. VI. when the " trial " taking place in a large booth, by a judge-and
Richard Wright, of Brabourn, Norfolk, was the for- a jury of bachelors and maidens, the present Earl and
tunate competitor: the last regular claim under this Countess of Warwick and Colonel Lockwood P.C., M.P.
tenure was in 1751, when at a special court baron, being- prP.sent. Flitches were awarded to Mr. Jos. Bird,
held 2oth June, the steward, jury, suitors and others aged 79, army pensioner, of Turner's road, Burdetl
proceeded, with the usual solemnities, to the two great road, Bow, and his wife, and Mr. Dennis Bridgman,
stones near the church door and having administered aged 38, of Tycoe villa, Allenby road, Forest Hill, and
the oath, delivered the bacon to Thomas Shakeshaft, the custom is continued at intervals. W. de Vins Wads •
weaver, of Wethersfield, and Ann, his wife; the old esq. lord of the manor of Dunmow, Leslie .A.. Toke esq.

lord 6f the manor of Brickhouse, Samuel Metson esq. & i p.m.; ·snndays, deli,·ery, 7; dispatche~o, 6.5o &: 4
J.P; ef Brook End, .and Hastings ·worrin esq. J.P. of p.m. The nea!'est money order & tele-graph office is
Boarchi~rs. are' the principal landowners. Th6 soil is at. Felstead, 2 miles distant
ioam]l; eubsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, beans Wall Letter Box, Brook End, cleared at 2 k 6.15 p.m.
and barley.q The area is ~,728 acres; rateable value, sunday at 6. 15 p. m
_£J,5!i5 ~ the population in 19II•was 320. Public Elementary School (mixed). built in 188o, for 79
Pari~<h Clerk, Ernest Waiter Letch. children; average attendance, 57; ~Iiss Archer, mist
Po&t Office.. Mrs. Ellen Bishop, sub-postmistress. Let• This school is controlled by the Dunmow District. Essu
ten "thl'6ugh .Chelmsford delivered at 6 a.m. & 2.50 & Education Sub-Committee, Stephen Giffard, Great
(·5 p.m. (to callers only) & dispatched at 2.20, 6.50 Dunmow, clerk
PRIV..It.TB RESIDENTS. Hasler & Clapham, farmers, Throws,.
Worrin Hastings J..P. Bourchiers
Baker Thomas, Brook End Bourchiers &:: Blatches farms
Davie!! Herbert Reginald St. Aubrey, ' COMMERCIAL. Hocklev

Fredk. Flitch of Baron P.H
Priory lodge . Bishop Sidney, grocer Meadows Annie J. · (Mrs.), beer
Basler Robert J.P. Throws Corder Emanuel, carpenter retailer
Metson Samuel J.P. Brook End Gilbey Stephen~ fa1mer Metson Samuel J.P. farmer, Brook
Ricbardson Mrs. Brook end I
1Goodman Richard C. farmer, Hill-
side farm
End Grange, Bayles, Rookwoods &
Ivy farms
Thring Charles Henry Meredith, The Harvey John Garrett, farmer, Home- Rogers Herbert Geoi~ge, Rose farm
:V4~rage . lye &i Toolies Smith Alfred, blacksmith
DUNTON (or Dnnton Waylett) it\ a parish pleasantly The provost and fellows of King's ()ollege, Cambridge,
situated below the range of the Laindon Hills, 5 miles who are lords of the manor, and ,:\'fiss Lowndes, of Hat-
liouth-west fro.:n Billericay, 6 south-east from Brentwood, field, Broad Oak, Harlow, are the principal landowners.
on the main line of the Great Eastern railway, 5 north from The OJoil is clay; subsoil, heavy day. The chief crops
Stanford-le-Hope, 5 from East Horndon and 4t from are wheat, beans and oats. The area is 2,310 acres of
Laindon stations on the Tilbury and Southend railway land; rateable value, £,z,orr; the population of the
and cz6 from London, in the Mid division ()f the county, civil parish in r9u was 246, and of the ecclesiastical
Barstable hundred, Brentwood county court district and parish 251, including 94 in the Poplar Parish Borough
petty &essional division, Billericay union, and in the Workhouse.
rural deanery of Barstable, archdeaconry of Essex and L tt th h B t od
Chelmsford. diocese. The church of St. Mary the e ers roug ren wo arrive at a.m. &:: 5·30
Virgi~. situated on rising ground. is an edifice of brick, p.m. The nearest money order &:: telegraph officeJ
in the Decora,ted style, and was entirely rebuilt in the i are at Herongat~ &i Langdon Hills, each about 2 miles
year 1873, at a cost of about £,1,5oo, raised by sub-
scription: it consists of chancel, nave, south porch and Wall Letter Box, Wayletts, cleared at 9 a.m. & 6.30
a western belfry with spire, containing one bell, and has p.m. ; sunday, J 1.15 a. m
100 sittings. The register dates from the year 1538. Wall Letter Box, opposite school, cleared at 8.50 a.m.
The living is a rectory, net yearly value £,275, with 28 & 6.15 p.m.; sunday, xr.s a.m
acres of glebe and residence, in the ~ift of King's Col-
lege, Cambridge, and held since Igo6 by the Rev. Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1843, for
Biscoe Hale Worth~m B.A. of Trinity College, Oxford. 31 children; average attendance, 23; Mrs. Elizabeth
The .Poplar Board of Guardians have a farm col<my here Ellen Lockhart, mistress
of Ioo acres for training men in agricultural pursuits. County Police Station, Waiter Suckarnore, constable
Wortham Rev. Biscoe Hale B.A. Thej Clarke John, supt. Poplar Board of Key Albert, farmer, Dunton hall .t
Rectory I Guardians' Farn:i Colony,Sumpners Lower Dunton Hall farm
Brown Edward John, farmer, Does- farm Martin George, farmer, Wayletts
gate farm (letJters through Bul- Dove Arthur, frmri. Friern Manor fm Wheaton Joseph & Henry, farmera,
phan. Romford) Hodge James, farnjler, Southfield frm Park farm
EARLS COLNE (or Great Colnl", otherwise called monument to Richard Harlakenden esq. and his four
Colne Monachornm) is a town as ancient as the time of wives, 1602; another with arms to George Cressener
King Edward the Confessor: it derives its name from esq. and others of that family, 1722; and an inscribed
the river Colne and from its ancient occupation by the stone to the Rev. Thomas Bernard l\LA. 40 years vicar
de Yeres, Great Chamberlains of England, Earls of Ox- here, ob. 1755; besides other memorials to John Wale,
ford, and Dukes of Dublin, who with little interruption d. 1761 ; Mehetabeil Eiliston, d. 1657; Daniel A.ndrowes,
were lords of the manor from the Conquest till 1583, and d. 1681, and his wife, d. 1729; John Eldred and family,
had a seat here, called Hall Place, with a park of about 1717; G~orge Biddulph, d. 1726; and to the Rev.
700 acres attached, which stood on one side of the Thomas Carwardine, d. 1824. The church has 650 sit-
church: the town is near the banks of the Colne, and on tings. The register dates from the year 1559. The liv~
the road from Colchester to Halstead, 1 mile south-east ing is an endowed vicarage, net yearly value £,325,
from Colne station on the Colne Valley railway, with 4 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of and
3! east-south-east from Halstead, 10 north-west from held since r889 by the Rev. David Methven M ..A. of
Colchester, 4 north from Coggeshall and 54 by rail Corpus Christi Coll~ge, Cambridge. .An oak gate was
from London, in the Eastern division of the county, erected in 1910 on the north side of the church in
Lexden hundred. Halstead petty sessional division, union memory of the late Harry Hunt esq. St. Andrew·a
and county court district, Halstead and Hedingham church room was presented to the vicar and church•
rural deanery, Colchester archdeaconry and Chelmsford wardens in memory of the Rev. Samuel Blackall, hon.
diocese. In 1909 a concrew bridge was erected over the canon of Ely and vicar of this parish 1867-89, by his
Colne at a cost of £,r,2oo. The village is well drained daughter. The Baptist chapel here, founded in 1786,
and the public places and houses are lighted with gas was rebuilt in 186o, and will hold 750 persons; a ceme•
from works the property of a company established in tery in connection with it was opened in 1892. The
1865. The church of St. .Andrew is an edifice of flint meeting house of the Society of Friends holds 150.
in the Decorated style, consisting of chancel, nave of The Village Hall, erected in 1913, will seat 300 persons.
six bays, aisles, south porch and a large embattled The Institute was built about 1853, and is used as a
western tower containing a clock with chimes, inserted public hall holding 200. A reading room was built in
in J887, and 8 bells, 6 dated x86g, and 3 added in 1890 for the use of the men employed at Messrs. R. Hunt
. r9Q8 by the late Harry Hunt esq. : the tower was and Co.'s works, but is now occupied by the Social Club.
restored in 1532 by John de Vere, r6th Earl of Oxford, Here are the extensive agricultmral implement and
whose arms with .supporters and crest are carven on engineering works of Messrs. R. Hunt and Co. Limited;
the east and west sides, again in 1864, and further· the works were enlarged in 1883 and in 18go a new
restored in 1900 at· a cost of about £,900: there is foundry was erected; these works give employment to
a stained window and two brasses, placed by the about 350 men; there are also steam saw mills, the
parishioners and friends as a memorial to the Rev. property of Messrs. Thomas and .Arthur John ~Iann,
Bobert Watkinson, vicar from 1829: there are several and a silk winding factory. There are six almshouses,
other '"tained windows, two of which were erected in erected in the year 1842 by the late Henry H. Car-
commemoration of the Di3JT!ond Jubilee, in r897, of Her wardine esq. and also charities of £lo yearly value
late Majesty Queen Victoria: the organ was provided arising from land left in 1733 by Mrs. Mary Poynte-r;
in 1893, at a cost of £6so: the rere.d,os is of freestone this amount is distributed to the poor in small sums of
with .mosaics by Salviati: the oak choir stalls were money. A piece of ground near the church, the gift. nf
prel!ented in 18o6 by the vicar: there is a marble Reuben Hunt esq. was laid out in 1-'389 with sbrnbs,

~08 EARLS COLNE. F.::; SEX. (KELL\ \it
trees &c. Here are the kennels of the East Essex Fox 9.15 a.m. to Halstead &; London forward, 11.45 a.m_
Hounds. R. D. Hill esq. Holfield Grange, Coggeshall, to London, Colchester & all parts, 2.50 p.m. to Lon-
is master; the pack hunts thrice a week. Braintree, don & up line stations, 4 p.m. to Halstead & 8.3<>
Witham and Chelmsford are convenient places for hunt- p.m. to London &; all parts; on snndays there is only
ing visitors. one delivery, 7 a.m. & dispatch at 8.30 p.m. Hours-
Prior to the year IIOO, Aubrey de Vere, first Earl of for all bminess, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Telegraph business
Guisnes, founded here a Benedictine priory in honour on sundays. 8.30 to H> a.m
of St. Mary and St. John t.he Evangelist and St. Andrew, \V all LPtter Boxes.-Colneford hill, cleared at a.m.
which was richly endowed and made subordinate to the & 2.40 & 7.15 p.m.; sundays. 10.40 a.m.; Greenhills,.
famous Abbey founded in 675 by Cissa, at .Abingdon, in cleared !:!.45 & 11.30 a.m. &i 2.45 & 7.50 p.m.; near
• Berkshire ; he afterwards became a monk in his own George hotel, cleared at 7·3o, I I & 11.45 a.m. & 2.3.;.
est.ablil!ihment and was buried here, with Beatrice h1s & 7.15 p.m.; sundays, a.m.; Coggeshall road,.
wife, sister of W illiam the Conqueror; some remains clPared at 7·45 a.m. & 9·5 p.m. daily; Park road,
of the priory are still to be seen near the river: in the 7·45 & 10.15 a.m. &; 8 p.m. week days only

priory church were buried 13 Earls of Oxford of SCHOOLS.
t.he princely house of de V ere; several anciPnt monu- The Grammar School was founued & endowed with land
ments of that family are preserved in a cloister attached in 1520 by the Rev. Christopher Swallow, vicar of Mes·
to the present priory, including four tombs with sing, and re-organised in 1877 under a scheme of thl"
J ecumbent effigies of the de Veres, .Earls of Oxford, the Charity Commissioners; m 1893 new buildings were
earlie~t being t{) ltobert de V ere, 5th eal'l, ob. 1296; erected &i the school re-opened, & it is now recognised
the others to Robert de Vere, 9th earl, who uied of a as a Secondary School by the Board of Education;.
wound rect>ived from a wild boar while hunting in Nov. the new buildings stand in grounds of 4 acres; a
I 392 ; to the second wife of the last named, and to carpenter's shop was added in x8g6 at a cost of f.tso,
Thomas de Vere, 8th earl, ob. 1371: at the Dissolution & a. new Iesidence for t.he head master & for 30
the revenuPs of this religious house were estimated at boarders was erected in 1897 by Reuben Hunt esq.
£175 14s. 8~d. yearly. Colne House, a modern mansion J .P. at a cost of over £6,ooo, as a. memorial of Queen
plea!>antly situated at the entrance of the village from Victoria's Diamond Jubilee. In 1903-4 a new wing
Halstead, is the property of )irs. :Mars,lPn and occupi~d was added, comprising chemical & physical labora-
by Lt.-Gen. Sir .A.lfreJ. Robert )lartin K.C.B. Colne- torif's, lecture room, balance room & an art room, .t
ford House, dateJ 1685, is the resiJPnce of J oseph the total cost of the school buildings has been over
Wren esq. M . .A.., J.P. : the boundary between Earls £10,ooo; the school is managed by a body of 13
Colne and White Colne pa.,ses through the interior anJ governors, R. Hunt esq. J.P. chairman; there are
is officially marked within the house by a leaden plaque,
three free entrance scholarships; .A.rthur John Apple-
dated 1724-. ~Irs. Howard Keeling is lady of the manors
ton B.A. Univ. of London, head master; David T.
of Earls Colne and Colne Priory. The principa·l land-
owners ar!" Thomas Phillip~ Price esq. of Marks Hall, Bugbes M. A. Albert Taylor :M. Se. Albert Whitley
B.A. Frank B. Green ~ Cyril Childt>rhouse, assistant
Kelvedon, Thomas Sampson Bell esq. and )lrs. Howard
Keeling. Tht' soil is a strong loam and brick earth; masters; H. W. Watkin, music master
subsoil, cla.y and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, Public Elementary, Park lane (boys), built in 1843 & en-
larged in 1875· for g6 boys; average attendance, es;
oats, barley an~l turnips. The area is 2,956 acres of
land and 9 of water; rateable value, £6·955; the popu- Percival Jago, master; (girls) built in 1871, for gB;
lation in 1911 wa;; 1,871. average attendance, 91 ; Miss Sarah Pearson, mistress;
(infants) built in 1871 & enlarged in 1893, for 78 i
Colneford Hill is on the south side of the Colne. average attendance, 70; :Mrs. Eleanor Susan Atkins,
Sexton, George Bridge. mistress
Post, M. 0., T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office Coggeshall road (mixed), built in r86o, for 6o children;
(letters should have Essex added). :Miss :Marion Eliza- average attendance, 32; Miss Rosa Rogers, mistress
beth Meade, sub-pottmistress. Letters arrive at 3· 10. This school is controlled by the Essex Education Hal-
8 & 9.50 a.m. & 4.40 & 9 p.m. ; delivered at 6.30, stood District Sub-Committee .
8.15 (callers) & 10.15 a.m. & 4·55 p.m. & dis- Colne Railway Station, George Evans, station master
patched at 8 a.m. to Kelvedon & London forward, Carrier to Colchester. W. Stonf'honse, on wed. & sat

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Woodward Miss, Chandlers Earls Colne Gas Light & Coke Com-
A.ppleton A:rthur John :B.A Wren Joseph :1\I.A., J.P. Colneford ho pany Lim. (Henry Massingham,
Bell Thomas Sampson, Bay house sec. ; Harry Sharman, manager)
Ben.tall Frank William, Sesame Earls Colne Industrial Co-operatin
Bishop Rev. Marmaduke Septimus COMVERCB.L. Society Limited (Harry Howe, sec)
Willrid B.A. (curate), Ivy cottage Earlr closing day, Thursday. Earls Colne Printing Co. printers
F()ster Rev. William Rands (Baptist) Barclay & Company Limited (sub- Edwards Brothers, blacksmiths
Gibberd Joseph, Mornington cottage branch) (W . .A.. Marchant, agent); Fairhead Daisy (Miss), dress maker
Grimston Waiter Edward J.P. Colne open tues. & fri. 10 to 4; draw on Farrants Joseph Stevens, draper
Pl::tce head office, 54 Lombard street, Francis Richard, George P.H
Beyworth Mrs. The Priory London E C Gouldstone William, saddler
Hughes David T., M.A Barry .Annie Elizh. (Mrs.), midwife Grammar School (Arthur John
Bunt Arthur, Meadow croft Barry James, hair dresser Appleton B.A. head master; David
Hunt Frank, Tillwicks Bartholomew Stenning, coal dealer T. Hughes M.A. Albert Taylor
Hnnt Herbert John, York villas Beaumont &:; Son, solicitors (attend M.Sc. Albert Whitley B.A. Frank
Hunt Mrs. J friday 3 to 5) ; &:; Coggeshall H. Gret>n & Cyril Childerhouse,
Hunt Mrs. Z. Bearcroft Bell Thos. Sampson, frmr. Hay house assistant master~; H. W. Watkin~
Hunt Reuben J.P. Tillwicks Blackwell Sidney, farmer, Broomfield music master)
Keeling John Wm. Howard, River ho Bridge George, shoe repairer Bagger J oseph, farm bailiff to Thos.
llacandrew Wm. Duncan, Priory co-t Bridge Samuel, boot ma. Colneford hi S. Bell esq. Tile Kiln farm
Mann Arthur John, Sunnyside Buck James, confectioner Harrington William, baker
llann Thomas, The Willows Bull George, jobmaster 1 Howard Thomas, auctioneer
Marchant William ..hthur, Oxford ho Burford George, maltster ·Hunt R. &i Co. Limited, engineers,
Martin Lieut.-Gen. Sir Alfred Robert Burton Herbt. J. baker, Colneford hill ironfounders, agricultural ma-
K.C.B. Colne house Byford Saul (Mrs.), ba.ker chinists & manufacturers of pulleys,
Massingbam Henry, Queen's road Clark Harry Chas. farmer, Gate ho shafting &c. Atlas works
Matthews John Wm. B.A. Ashwells C1arke J amel'l, carpenter · In11titute Public Hall (Mrs. Ann
Melrose Andrew Cooper Frederick, fishmonger Barnes, caretaker)
Methven Rev. David M.A. Vicarage Courtaulds Ltd. silk manufacturers Jackson James, baker
Pallett Thomas Edward M.D Culf Samuel James, commercial tra'Y King Charles, blacksmith
Perry Thomas, Myrtle cottage Cnthbert William, confectioner Lee Philip Herbert, stationer
&gers John Dale Maud & Ada (Misses), drapers Lewis Gedrge, farm bailiff to Mr. ;r.
Stanye Miss, Buxt.on hou~e Darby Charles Dean, farmer, Night- Parmenter, Burnt house
Starling- Robert, Queen's road ingale hall Long William, grocer
Stabbing Charles James. York villa!! Day Brothers, cycle agents Mann Thomas & Arthur .John.
Triphook Miss, Corner h()use Dear John Widgery, painter timbf'~ m~>rcr•mto % c:tn~tm c:<>·v
Valentine Mrs. Newton lodgp Earli< Colue Con.~titutional Club (W. mills; all kinds of English timber
Veasey Mrs. Boxteads Rn~qlPs, sec) • Mann .Alfred Wm. farmer, Green frro
Westwood Mrs. Pound h()use Earl:, Colne Footb3ll Club (Arthur 1\f:mn Marion fMiss), ladies' school
Winstanley Mrs. Chandlers .A.rnold, sec) .
Narchant William A.rthnr, agent to Porter Edmnnd T. Bird-in-Hand P.H Snell & Son, plumbers
Barclay AI; Company Limited, Rawlinson Mary (Miss), dress maker Social Club (Alfred .Arnold, hon. sec)
bankers, & insurance agent Reeve Waiter, Lion hotel Spafford Alexander, chemist
Matthews John Wm. farmer,.Ashwells Rogers Zachariah, builder Stedman Robert Lay, assistant over-
.Mayes George k Sons, watch makers Runnacles Charles, architect seer & clerk to Parish Council
Metson Frederick, farmer Sadd Jane Sybella (Mrs.), beer retlr St-onehouse William, carrier
Moy Thomas Limited,coal merchants, Scillitoe George Edward, insurance Stuttm.; Sarah (Mrs.), apartments
Railway station agent, Queen's road Tongue George,huntsman to the East
Murrells F.redk. butcher, Bridge st Scillitoe Jeremiah, farmer, America fm Essex Fox Hounds
Nichols Alfred, boot maker Scillitoe Nathan,seed grwr.White gate Tye Allan, beer retailer
Pallett ThQlllas Edward M.D.Brux., Slaughter William, hardware dealer Village Hall (Fredk.Cooper, hall kpr)
L.S.A. surgeon, medical officer & Smith E. & B. saddlers Walford .Archibald Thomas, cycle agt
public vaccinator, 3rd dist.Halstead Smith F. Luckin Ltd. grocers & W aHord Mary (Mrs.), fishmonger
union & 1oth dist. Lexden & Wins- news agents ; & at Chelmsford Wash Charles, builder
tree union & certifying factory sur- Smith Osgood, miller (water & steam), Wenden Georg-e Olley, butcher
geon Chalkney mill · WiffenShadrach,aparts.PrioryFarm ho
"Parker John Edward, farmer Smith Samuel, clothier Willsmore William J . .A. beer retailer
Pendle Edith (Miss), fancy goods dlr

GOOD EASTER will be found under the letter G.

HIGH EASTER is a parish and village 5 miles William ~evill Tufnell esq. of Great Waltham, Capt.
south from Dunmow station on the Bishops Stortford, Sir Arthur John Henniker-Hughan bart. R.N. Frederick
Dnnmow and Braintree line of the Great Eastern rail· John Matthews esq. and Joseph Hugh Matthews esq.
way and 9 north-west from Chelmsford, in the Western and Loft us J. W. .Ark wright esq. of Little Parndon.
division of the county, Dunmow hundred, petty ses- The soil is clay ; subsoil, clayey loam. The chief crops
sional division, union and county court district, rural are wheat, beans and barley. The area is 4•799 acres
deanery of Roding, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of land and 3 of water; nteable value, £4,050; the
<Of Chelmsford. The church of St. Mary the Virgin is population in 1911 was 669 in the civil and 663 in the
a buililing of ruh'ble, originally Norman but much ecclesiastical parish.
altered and added to in later periods, and coDilists of Parish Clerk, Edward Porter.
ehancel, nave of four bays, with a clt:i'(IStory of red Post. M. 0. & '1.'. Office. Charles Henry Metson, !!ub-
brick, added in the 16th century, north aisle, south postmaster _ Letters arrive through Chelmsford by
porch and an embattled western tower containing a foot post from Great Waltham at 7.50 a.m. & 2.45
clock and 6 bells: the only Norman work now existing p.m.; dispatched at 2 & 5·5 p.m.; no sunday delivery
is in the nave, which has been much altered by the Wall Letter Boxes. ~otts Green, cleared 9 a.m. & 3.30
addition of a north aisle and the introduction of p.m. ; Stagden Crol"s, cleared at 2 & 5.15 p.m
Decorated windows on the south 11ide: a Purbeck slab Church School, for II5 children (mixed); average at-
with some fragments of a brass legend, relating to one tendance, 45 ; Mrs. Salmon, mistress
oi the Gate family, represents the monumental remains;
and there is a fine Early Perpendicular font : the church. Manning Prentice ~emorial School (mixed), erected in
was thoroughly restored in 1865 at a co!!t of [2,200. 1803 by Mrs. Newberry, in connection with the Chapel,
The register dates from the year 1654· The living is a for 100 children; average attendance, so; :Miss Grace
vicarage, net yearly value £2ro, with I~ acres of glebe Thomas, mistress
and residence, in the gift of the Bishop of London, and These schools are controlled by the Essex Education
held since 1903 by the Rev. Edward Gepp M ..A. of St. Dunmow District Sub-Committee, Stephen Giffard,
John's College, Cambridge. The Ecclesiastical CGru· Great Dunmow, clerk
missioners are the impropriators of the great tithes, Police Station, Alfred Mann, constable in charge
commuted at [.1,007- Here is a Congregational chapel Carriers to Chelmsford. Alfred Henrv •
Franklin, tues. &
seating 300 persons. The King is lord of the manor. fri. ; J oseph ~1ead, m on. & Iri. ; W illiam Henry Spear-
The principal landowners are Lord Rayleigh P.C., O.M. man, mon. tues. & fri
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Damant William David John, Cock & .\1etson Charles Hy. baker, Post office
Gepp Rev. Edward M.A. (vicar), Bell P.H Milbank George, farmer, Crippens
Vicarage Day Caroline (Mrs.), shopl;:eeper Nunn James, farm bailiff to J. H.
Hobson Rev. Geo. (Congregational) Franklin .Alfd. Hy. whlwrght.&carrier Matthews esq. Green's farm
Matthews Fredk. John, Stagden Cross! Franklin Hubert, insurance agent Oliver Henry, farmer & landowner,
Rogers Mrs. Rose villa i Goody .Alfred, saddler & harness ma Lower House farm
COMMERCBL. Gowlett Shadrach, farmer, Bury farm Porter Edward, shoe maker
Archer Henry Hurley, tailor & draper Jackaman Robert .Allan, grocer Root George, farmer.Games & Manns
. &; assistant overseer Joyce James (Mrs.),farmer,Lofty Gm Spearman Henry William, carrier
Bailey Edward, coach builder Knight George Simon, farmer, Par- Staines Walt.frmr.House Grounds fm
1Jentall Samuel, farmer, Ralphs sonage, Haydens & Buttles farms Stock Ernest Edwd.frmr.Short's&Hill
Bonltwood Waiter, beer retailer Lodge David, carter Towns George .Arthur, farmer, Ray-
Bunn Herbert Geo. Punch Bowl P .H Lodge William, farmer, Sworders lands farm •
Caton Henry, farmer, Yew Tree farm Matthams Charles, farm bailiff for Towns William, farmer, Badley
Clayden Thomas, grocer Guy's Hospital, Lawn Hall farm Turner A. & H. farmers, Cramps
Coe Christopher, blacksmith Matthews Geoffry, farmer, King- Warder .Alfred, farmer, Poplar
Crow Frederick J. farmer, Maidens & stons fnrm Warder Henry J. (exors. of), farmers,
Peakins farms Mead Joseph, carrier Pentlow End
E.A.STHOBIPE (or East Thorpe) is a parish close during the progress of the work five of the original.
to the ancient Roman and modern highway from Norman windows were discovered, three of these were
London to Colchester, 2! miles south from Marks intact and probably date back to the 12th century:
Tey Junction station of the Great Eastern railway, 45 the remains of mural decorations have also been
from London, 7 south-west from Colchester, and 4 east disclosed: there are 40 <>itting-s. The register of
from Coggeshall, in the Eastern division of the county, baptisms and burials dates from 1572; marriages, 1756.
Lexden hundred. Lexden and Winstree petty sessional The living is a ;:ectory, net yearly value [.92, with 24
division and union, Colchester county court district, and acres of glebe, in the gift of the Duchy of Lancaster,
in the rural deanery of Coggeshall and Tey, arch- and held since 1894 by the Rev. Mowbray Pinckney
deaconry of Colchester and Chelmsford diooest>. The Mason M ..A. of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge.
church of St. Mary is a very small edifice of stone in The principal landowners are Nathaniel N. Sherwood
~he Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, 1 esq. of Prested Hall, feering-, who is lord of the manor,
south porch and a belfry with spire at the west end: and Mrs. J_ Smith. The soil is light; subsoil, clay.
in the south wall is a recessed arch, perhaps the burial The chief crops are wheat and barley. Th~ area is 991
place of the founder: some of the Kingsmills. who I acres; rateable value, £ 1,0(}6; the population in 19II
held this estate from the time of Sir George Kingsmill was ro8 in the civil and 93 in the ecclesiastical parish.
kt. justice of the Common Pleas, ob. 20 March, 16os-6,
are buried here, including .Anne, dan.ghter of Thomas By Local Government Board Order 22,363, March 24•
Blagrave. of Oxford, gent. and wife of George Kingsmill, r88Q, Canfields Farms were transferred from Easthorpe
ob. IS Sept. 167-, and their daughter Ma:rgaret, ob. 2_:; J to Birch, and The Bell Inn &c. from the latter to the
June, 1652 : the church was restored in 1910. and former parish
E~·sEX 14
Letter Box, cleared at 5.50 p.m. ; no ~ollection on sun- The children of this parish attend the school at Copford'
days. Letters through Kelvedon, which is the nearest Carriers to Colche~ter.-Henry Robert Bishop, of C~
money order office; Messing is the nearest receiving ford, mon. wed. fri. & sat. & Henry Geo,rge- 1'raflery
office. The telegraph office is at Marks Tey, 2! miles mon. wed. & sat
Mason Rev. Mowbray Pinckney M.A..I Doe Thomas Steed {exors. of), farmr. j Mea William Charles~ assistant' over ...
Rectory • Easthorpe hall seer, Little Birch Holt
Hart Harvey, beer retailer Pic.kess Waiter Alfred, farmer
COMMERCIAL, Mee Sarab (Mrs.), farmer, Little Trayler Hy.Geo. shopkeeper & carrie:rr
Alexander Robt. Cook, fatmer, Green Birch Holt Wadley Samuel,farm bailiff to Joseplr
farm (letters through Marks 'l'ey) . ; . t·J Smith esq.Badcock& & Scotties fnns
GREAT EASTON is an ancient village and parish of the man"or and principal landowl).er. ThQ 11oil ia
on the road from Dunmow to Thaxted and on the various; subsoil, principally clay. The chief crop~ are
river Chelmer, 3 miles north from Dunmow station wheat, barley and oats. The area is 2,S59 acres; rate-
on the Bishops Stortford, Dunmow and Braintree line a,ble value, £2,822,; the population in I9II wail civil'!
of the Great Eastern railway, and 4I from London by 648; ecclesiastical, 502.
road, in the Western division of the county, Dunmow Post Office. Thomas Bell, sub-postmaster. Letters
hundred, petty sessional division, union and county from London & Chelmsford arrive by mail cart from
court district, Dunmow rural deanery, Colchester arch· Dunmow at 6-45 & (cycle post) 11 a.m.; dispatched
deaconry and Chelmsford
. fl
f . t ·
The· church t of St.
. a t 8.45 11..m. &
5-I5 p.m. & sun d ay a t n.30 a.m.
J oh n, b u il t c h Ie Y o 11m , Is an anCient struc ure m Dunmow, 3 miles distant, is the nearest money order
mixed styles, the arches of the vestry and south porch office, & telegraph office at Duton Hill, I tnile distant.
being very early Norman; it consists of chancel, nave · 1 &
and a wooden tower at the west end, containing a clock Pillar Letter Eox c eared ·4° a.m. 8 5· 2 5 ~.m.~
Buu. 5 b ell ~ : th ere are monumenrts t o th e fami"1y of Mead e, sunday, II.20 a.. m
I6I4-1761; to the Rev. Joseph Plume B.D. rector. ob. · DUTON HILL, a hamlet, x mile south-west, in this
Jan. I6, r686; the Rev. Thomas Leader, rector, ob. 27 parish, is now attached to Tilty 1or ecclesiastical pur1
June, 1618, and the Rev. Thomas Cecil, rector, ob. Jan. poses.
29, 1627; a memo:nial window to the late Waiter Smith, Sexton, William Seer.
erected in I895, and a stained east window, given by the Post & Telegrapu Office, Dutou Hill.t--George Edwa.rd.
Countess of Warwick in 1895: in the church is a list of Turner, sub-postmaster. .Lett6I"s through Dunmom
reotors from 1320;,. the ahancel was res~.ored in 1877, &.nd arrive 6.40 ·& u.45 a.m. ; dispatched at 8.30 a.m; I>
the Clmrch partially restored in 1899, at a cost of about 5.2o & 8.35 p.m.; sunday at .u.:rs. a.m. Eroxted ~ The register dates from the year 1561. The the nearest w.oney order uffice
frving is a rectory, net yearly value £355, with residence, Public Elementary School (mil:ed), built in 188I, o~
in the gift of the Countess of Warwick, and held since half an acre of land given by Viscount Maynard'•
1877 by the Rev. Horatio ·Bladen Capel. There is a Con- trustees. whtt ah;o contributed £35o towartis itlf
gregational chapel at Mill End Green, erected in I882, erection; the school will bold z8o children; ave~
with ISO sittings. Meade's charity, amounting to £ss attendance, 118; John Vines, master
yearly, arising from two farms left in 1759 ·by Mrs. This school is controlled by the Essex Education Dun-
Rebecca Meade, is now in hands of trustees for educa- mow District Sub-Committee, Stephen Giffard. Greu
tional purposes. In I887 a flint celt, 5 inches long, Dunmow, clerk
was picked up on the glebe land. The Countess of War- Police Station, John Digby, constable
wick. as heiress to the late Viscount Maynard, is lady Carrier.-Samuel Martin, Duton Hill, daily to Dunmow
Marked thus * should have their Cant John, blacksmith Ridgewell Jn.Swan inn, & wheelwrght
letters addressed Duton hill,Dunmow. Clark Wm. carpenter & undertaker Rigby Mary Catherine (Miss), mater-
*Clarke James William, hurdle makr nity home
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Clarke William, farmer, Bridge foot *Shelford Emily (Miss) 1 dress maker
*Bensusan Samuel Levv, Brick house *Uollin Joseph Henry, beer retailer *Smith Fredk.Three HorsE' Shoes P.H
Blumenfeld Ralph D. Hill farm Freeman Albt. farmr. Little Raikfairs Smith Thomas, farmer, Dove house
Capel Rev. Horatio B1aden, Rectory Garth (The) St. Michael's & All *Stock Frank, farmer, Barnards farm
Cochrane Mrs. The Follv - Angels (Sister Fanny Francis in Taylor Charles, farmer, Cranes
Hoskin Misses, Brooklyn charge). The Garth Taylor Ha.nnah (Mrs.), beer reta.iler,
*Norwood James Henry, Sunnyside Griffiths William Thomas, farmer Mill End Green
Rigby Miss *Halfyard Wm. farmer, Breach farm Taylor John, farmer, Welch's farm
Savill Miss, Greenarbour *Harrison Edwd. Reuben, Rising Sun *Turner Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper~
*Simonds Mrs. Wolseys P.H Post office
Smith Mrs. The Hnt Harvey Hy.fcrnr. Gt. Easton Hall frm *Turner George Edward, sub-postr
Wa<le William de Vins, Battailes Houg-hton Alfred James, Bell inn master & blacksmith, Duton Bill
*Mann Mary Ann Elizabeth (Mrs.), *Watson Edgar Thomas, farmer .t
COMMEROIAL. shopkeeper landowne.r, Nicholls & :Bush farms
Appleton Wm. farmer, Mill End Grn *Martin Samuel, carrier *Watson William,farmel" & landownet;
*Beoole F~ederick, farm bailiff to Perrett John, farmer, Maysland farm & assistant overseer, Duton Hill et
Mrs. Simonds, of Wolseys Prime Eliza (Mrs.), miller (wind). Meads
Burton John, farmer, Moat house Mill End Green Woodward Alfd. frmr.Blamster's hall
LITTLE EAST ON is a village and parish, on the whole surmounted by a course of oak leave!l: on the
north side of the Chelmer, 2 miles north'-west from upper slab are inlaid brass effigies of Isabella of York,
Dunmow station, on the Bishops Stortford, Dunmow and aunt of Edward IV. and her husband, Henry Bourchier,
Braintree section of the Great Eastern railway, and first Earl of Essex, I483: on the north side of the chan·
40 from London by road, in the Western division of eel is a canopied niche, with carved shields, inclosing a
the county, Dunmow hundred, petty sessional divi- toml}. with the recumbent figure of a knight in armour;.
sion, union and county court district, Dunmow rural and on the north anti sooth walls of the nave are some
deanery, Colchester arch deaconry -and diocese of Chelms- remains of ancient paintings, now nearly obliterated 1
ford. The church (name unknown) is an E"difice of there is a brass to Robert Ffyn, priest, c. I420: a
rubble in the Early English style, consisting of chancel north aisle was built in 1881 at a cost of £x.soo, and
of two bays, nave and north aisle, with a cha.pel on the Maynard chapel has also been restored: in 1882 a
the south side of the chancel and a western embattled memorial window was erected on the south side of the
tower containing 4 bells and a clock: the east window is nave to Henry FitzRoy esq. of Salcey Lawn, Northants
a memorial to Henry, 3rd and last Viscount Maynard, (d. I88o), by Robert, 4th Earl of Rosslyn (d. 189o), and
who died I9 May, I865: the chapel, which wa!> Blanche Adeliza (FitzRoy) his wife, and in z883 the
originally the Bourohier chapel, and since used as the western window was filled with stained glass to the
burial place of the Maynard family, has some very fiue memory -of Mary Cheffins and Henry Cheffins, her
monuments, with figures of members of that family, from husband. for more than forty years steward of t.he
I6Io to I746: the two windows in the chapel are stained, Maynard estates. In 1905 a new font wall presPnted b~
and were placed by Henry, Viscount Maynard, above men- friends in the parish as a memorial to Miss Gertrudo
tioned, in memory of Mary (Rabbett) his wife, who died Che:ffins, daughter -of the preceding. In x8gx an or~n
October 22nd, 1857: on the south side of the chancel and was erected to the memory of the 4th Earl Rosslyn by
partly in the chapel is an altar-tomb of polished marble the Countess of Warwick, at a cost -of £soo, and a brass
with three canopied arches on each side and one at each pagle lectern has been presented as a memorial to the
end, supported by clustered columns with capitals, the , Rev. George Cressner Tufnell M ..A. rector x868-9, who


died February ~nd, lBgT: the church has 200 sittings. of the late ViscoP:nt Maynard, is lady "Of the manor
The ll'egister dates from the year I559· The living is a and the principaljlandowner. The soil is mixed aand
rectory, net yearly value £rg8, with 58 acres of glebe and loam ; subsoil, loam. The chief crops are wheat,
and residence, in the gift of the Countess of Warwick, beans, barley and toots. The area is 1,585 acres of land
and held since 1904 by the Rev. Henry Symonds. The and 17 of water; Yateable value, £2,226; the population

Little Easton Workmen's Club was opened here in 1885 1n 191 1 was 274.
for the use of residents in the parish and workmen Acting Parish Clerk, Henry Grout.
employed on the Easton Lodge estates, and is supplied 0

Post O:ffice.-Miss Minnie Susannah Ward, sub-post-

with newspapers and periodicals. The Barn Theatre mistr&&s. Letters from Dunmow, received at 6.15 k
has recently been fitted up by the Countess of Warl!iek 10.30 a.m.; dispatched at 8-45 a.m. & 12.30 & 5-40
for the use of the villagers and has accommodation p.m. & on sundays at 5 p.m. The nearest money
for 350 persons. There are four almshouses for four order & telegraph office is at Dunmow, 2 miles
aged peopl&, endowed with rent-charge of £2o yearly. distant. Wall Letter Box cleared at 7.40 & ;u.55
Easton Lodge was originally a mansion in the a.m. & 5.30 p.m. & sundays at 5 p.m
Elizabethan style, with a chapel built by William,
Lord Maynard, in x621: the greater portion was de• Public Elementary Scho()l (mixed), built in 1878, for So
11troyed by tire in 1847, but afterwards restored at children; average attendance, 50; George Edward
considerable cost ; it is seated in an extensive park West, master; Mrs. Beatrice West. mistress
of 8~ .acres, and approached by an avenue about a This school is controlled by the Essex Education (Dun-
mile long from the Bishop Stortford road, and is the mow District) Sub-Committee, Stephen Giffard, Great
property of the Countess of Warwick, who, as heiress Dnnm ow, clerk
COMMEROJA.L, 1 Hough ton John R. artist, The StudiOt
Bland Mary (Miss), laundry Ruddy William, head gamekeeper to.
Warwick Earl of (Lord Lieutenant .of Chapman William, gamekeeper to the the Earl of Warwick
the County) & Countess of, Easton Earl of Warwick Lister Hy. gardener to the Counlless..
lodj!e; & Warwick castle, Warwick; Clarke Ernest J. farmer of Warwick
& Carlton & Bath clubs,London SW Easton Lodge Cricket Club (G. E. Matthews Henry Brinkley, Stag inn
Cheffins Miss, East on Park cottage West, sec) Stokes John ( exors. of), farmers &-.
Classey Owen, Spade cottage Easton Lodge Footl:iall Club (G. H. millers (water)
Edwards Ernest F. Brook end Preece. sec) Trembath Humphrey, farmer~ Ra.Ten....__
Gwynne Howell Arthur, Mawbyns Godfrey-Payton Harry George, agent! &; Manor farms
Bonghton -John R to the Countess of Warwick's Ward Minnie Susannah (Miss),shpkpr ~
Patmer Miss, Redland cottage estates. T N 19X Dunmow West George Edward, schoolmaster-
Symonds Rev.Hy. (rector),The Manor Hoskin Edward, farmer & assistant &; organist to Parish Church
Wells Herbert George, ReQitory overseer, Little Easton farm Workmen's Club (Septimus Brown,..
Hoskin Joshua, farmer, Kings sec)
EASTWOOD, a place known to have been in existence pany. The parish contains four brickfields. The Infec- _
as early as the time of King Edward the Confessor, is a tious Diseases Hospital of the Rochford Rural District
parish adjoining Rochford to the south-west, 2! miles Council, erected in 1901 at a cost of £3,500, is situate .
south-by-west from Rocbford station on the Southend in this parish and provides for 20 patients. Eastwood
branch of the Great Eastern railway, 3 miles north-east Bury, the manor house, is the seat of Alien Stalliln1tss -.
from Leigh station on the Midland railway (London, esq. who is lord of the manor. Two miles to the west!;
Tilbury and Southend section), 4 north-west from is Eastwood Lodge, an ancient mansion, now occupied
Southend and 41 from London, in the South Eastern as a private residence. The principal landowners are
division of the county, Rochford hundred, petty ses- James Tabor esq. D.L., J.P. of Rochford, Alien Stalli-
sional division and union, Southend county court dis- brass esq. and the Eastwood Land Company. The soil
trict, Canewdon and Southend rural deanery, arch- is rich loom; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat~
deaconry of Essex and diocese of Chelmsford. By the barley, peas, beans and potatoes. The area.. is 3,~29o
Southend-on-Sea Corporation Act, 1913, which came acres of land, 7 of water, 31 of tidal water and l6 of·
into force gth November, 1913, a portion of Eastwood foreshore; rateable value, £8,959; the popnl11t~on illl.
waR added to the borough of Southend-on-Sea. A 1911 was 1,617~
stream flows through the parish. The ancient church
of St. Lawrence and .All Saints is a building of NOBLES GREEN is half-a-mile north-west.
stone and brick, consisting of a large and lofty chan- Post Office. George Walker, sub-postmaster. LettPu~
cel, nave, aisles and a western tower containing 3 through Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, arrive by messenger on ,
bells: the ehnrch appears, from certain architectural cycle at 8.35 & u.5 a.m.; sundays at 8.30 a.m. 1,
features, to have been founded in the early part dispatched 7·5 p.m. Box cleared at 8.35 & II-5 a_m ..
of the 12th century, the nava and tower in the 13th & 7.zo p.m. Postal orders are issued & paid here •.
and the chancel in the 14th century: the most notable The nearest money order & t&legraph office is ar
features of the church are the two square-headed Leigh-on-Sea
Norman doorways, on one of which is inscribed. "Pax Pillar Letter Boxes. Near the Vicarage, cleared at 7·30
rt>gat intrantes; eadem reg&t egregientes ,. " May peace

& 10.3:; a.m. & 7.10 p.m.; sundays, 6.35 p.m.;

direct those who enter; May the same guide those who
depart: ,. the church was restored in 1872. The regis- Pickett's Farm, .cleared at 8.30 & 10.35 a.m. & 7.10
p.m.; sundays, 7.30 p.m. ; Anne Boleyn hotel, cleared
ter of baptisms and burials dates from r685 ; mar-
at 8.15 & 11.45 a.m. & 6 p.m.; sundays, 8.15 a.m. &
riages, 1686. The living is a vicarag~, net yearly value
White house, cleared at 8.10 & a.m. & 7.15
£zoo, with. residence, in the gift of the Lord Chan- p.m.; sundays, 6.50 ·p.m
cellor, and held since 1912 by the Rev. Fr:incis Boyd
Johnston M.A. of Trinity College, Dublin. Here are a Public Elementary Scho~Jl, built in 1878 & enlarged 1go6, _
Baptist chapel, built in 1911, for 120 persons, and a for 200 children; average attendance, 195 ; Ernest -
Wes-leyan Methodist Mission hall. Th(>re are now four Gascoigne, master
pumping stations owned by the Southend Water Corn- Police Constables, Arthur Payn & Herbert Tom Chaplin
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Hart Ernest, Belle vue Stallibrass .All en, Ea.stwood :Bur:y =-
A!!bey Mrs. Eastwood villa Heywood Fredk. Baxter, St. Caroline Stokes Sydney John, Noraville
Beere Wm. Jn. The Poplars,Leigh vw Johnston Rev. Francis Bovd M.A. Suffield James Thomas, St. John,.s-

Bowring John J. Woodlands (vicar), The Vicarage Thompson H. Holly house

Briggs Vernon John, Oakdene Killock James Oswald, Lenbury Uren Harry, Penpraze
Burton Waiter, Woodside ho. (postal Lewsey Waiter, Hampton villa Webb George H., M.A. Morphew lo
address, Rayleigh) Madgwick Stanley George,Brookland;; Woodland Mrs. Hillcroft, Picketts av
Bnxton Frederick, Roseneath Munns Frank. Ingleside
Collins Thomas Clare, Hatton croft Piggot Frederick Charles, FairviPw COMMERCIAL.
Cook Frederick, Mayville Poole Harrv CharlPs, The Nook
Baldrey Valentine, farmer, Wood frm
Donghtv William, Isma:v. Benvenue Pooley Harry .A.lfrPd, Rosemary Barnes Jonathan, farm bailiff to .Alien
Edwards Rev. Thomas Richard (Bap- Poulton Thomas, Highfield Stallibrass esq
tist), Whit& house Reid "VYilliam Stone Hill, Leigh view Benta1l Hugh, farmer,Briekhouse frm
FrePman Miss, Hillside cottage Roxtree Harry. Prittle view Bentall William, farmer
Ga~coigne Ernest, School house Sawyer Jesse, Eastwood house
Berry George, builder
Goddard Waiter William, Colden ghuttleworth Harrv, Meadowcot Boosey Elijah, florist
Gfldfrey Miss, Hazeldene Simpson Herbert M. Rosedene Chapman Wm.C. plumber,Picketts rrJ
Gilld~mith Thomas, Wood lodge SkPE'les Charles Henrv, •
Avondale. Clarke William, farmer • HA
Gnyatt James, The Maze Leigh view Clements James, shopkeeper ~·~~tj~ING "
ESSEX 14 * 1
REFERE,.c• " 111111
__ .u11>-

(,1ifford Juli~ (Mrs.), poultry farmer, Elolmes & Smith Limited, farmers Rochford Brick Co. (The), st«k
Picketts avenue Jollye Alice (Mrs.), dairy keeper, brick makeDS & sand & gravel mef-
Collingwood Austin, farmer,Priory fm Eastwood rd. (postal address, Ray- chants & lime burners (W. J.
Cornish Edward, brick maker leigh) Butler, manager). T N 2 Bochford
Cowan Henry, motor repairer Koch Albt. market gardenr. Montrose Salt John, farmer, Dandies farm,
Cox Waiter & Sons, builders, Ray- Land Company (The), Rochford Town Nobles green
leigh road estate Soraggs Robert, market gardener.
Dunn John, dairyman, Eastwood lane La,zell William, farm bailiff to Hy. Edwa.rds Hall farm (postal addres~.
Easlea Waiter, rose grower, Dane- Frost Sparrow esq. Flemings farm Rayleigh)
croft rosery Love Joseph, farmer, Nobles Green Shoeburyness Urban District & Rock~
Ellis John C. nur!eryman, Bellhouse
farm · ford Rural District Infectious
nurseries Manley Edgar, gardener Diseases Hospital (Artliur Cedri.c
Ford Edward, smith, Eastwood road Marsh Ernest, shopkeeper Lewis M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond,
(postal address, Rayleigh) Mayell Arthur, market gardener, medical officer-; Mrs. M. Thomp-
Fowler John, farmer, Cockethurst Wood Farm cottages son, matron)
Franks Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper Milner Wm. & Son, market gardeners Smith Henry, nurseryman, Brookfield
Gale J ames (Mrs.), brick maker Mudford Geo. fruit grower, Sutton rd Symons Jn. frmr. Low. Edwards frm
Gibbons Bertram & Sons, brick mas Munns Frank F.R.H.S. fruit grower, Thornback John, brick maker
.Gowers George Reginald, baker,East- Central nurseries Tunnicliff Fredrick, nurseryman
wood lane Orpwood William, grocer Ventris Edith (Miss), ~hopkeeper
r Granger Ernest, farmer, Appledene Phillips Thomas Matthew, Ye Olde Walker George, shopkeeper, Post off
~Green William, market gardener Boleyne hotel Watson Charles J. H. market gardenr
Grimwade John Joseph, blacksmith Post Office Telephone Service Public Welton George, farmer, Pickett's frm.
Guyatt Ja.mes, fruit grower Call Office, Ye Olde An ne Boleyne West on George, shopkeeper
Harvey ret.WoodcuttersArms Castle hotel Wiffen Wm. farmer, Bigglesbush frm
Holden Margarette Elizabeth (Mrs.), Rayner Henry, shopkeeper Woods Oliver Jas.Horse & Groom P.B
shopkeeper; Whitehouse cottage
ELMDON is a parish and compact village, on a range village in 1906 principally through the generosity of
of hills on the borders of Cambridgeshire, 5 miles west" Mrs. Robertson, daughter of the late Sir James Bailey,
north-west from Audley End station, and 6 west-north- of Lofts Hall. A sum varying from £8 to £12 is dist.ri-
west from Saffron Walden, on the Great Eastern rail- buted yearly in bread to the poor. Elmdon Bury is the
way, in the Northern division of the county, Uttlesford residence of John Fiske Wilkes esq. J.P. who is lord of
hundred, Saffron Walden petty sessional division, union the manor, and with Col. ln!irlis is the principal
and county court district, and in the Tural deanery of landowner. The soil is part heavy and part light;
Saffron W alden, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese subsoil, principally chalk, wit-h some clay .. The crop!
of Chelmsford. The church of St ~icolas, situated on are usually on the four-course shift. The area is 3,46r
rising ground at the nort·h end of the village, is a build- acres; rateable value, £2,975; the population in r9n
ing of flint with stone dressings, in the Early English was 533·
style, and consists of chan<:el with aisles, nave of four
bays, aisles, south porch and an embattled tower at the DUDDENHOE END. one mile and a half south-by-
• ~rest end containing 6 bells, two being added in 1877 west, is a small hamlet containing a few farm houses;
and the foul' old ones recast, and a clock : there are a wooden building suitably adapted from a barn by
brasses, the effigies belonging to which are missing, to the late Rev. Robert Wilks, is licensed for divine ser-
· Thomas Crawley esq. ob. 30 Sept. 1559, founder of a vice, which is conducted by the vicar of Elmdon.
free school here, and 1his wife, with figures of children,
and of a civilian with two wives, c. 15 30 , and marginal LEEBURY, or Elmdon Lee, is 2 miles south-east.
inscription: there is also a tomlb to Thomas Meade, a Sexton, George Greenhill.
justice Qf the Common Pleas, 1577-85, who died here Post, M. 0. & T. Office. Henry Brand, sub-postmaster.
in May of the latter year: the church has been corn- Letters arrive from ·Saffron Walden at 7.40 a,m.
pletely restored; between 1850 and 186o the nave was & 12.30 p.m.; dispatched at 12.30 & 6.5 p.m. week
riJbuilt, the chancel and vestry in 1879, and in 19o6 a days; sundays, arrive at 8.15 a.m. & dispatch"d at
~::de chapel and porch were added: in 19II a stained east 10.40 a. m
window was put in to the memory of the Rev. Robert LPtter Box, Duddenhoe End, close ta the Woodmaa
Wilks (formerly vicar of the parish) and his family: P.H. cleared at 8.45 a.m. & 5.30 p.m. ; sundaysj 8.45
~he-re are 250 sittings. The register dates from the a.m
yea:r l6t8. The living is a vicarage, annexed to the . Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1844, for
:rectory of Wendon Lofts, net yearly value £261, in- n2 children; average attendance, 75; William Smith,
eluding residence and 26 acres of glebe, in the gift of master ; :Yiiss R. Penns, mistress
John Fiske Wilkes esq. nnd held since 18go by the Rev. Police Station. Percy Walter Barker, constable
Herbert Giles Brabant Smith L.Th. of University Col- Carriers to Saffron Walden Edward Jeffery, sat. li
lege, Durham. A readin!ir room was erected in the . George Hopwood, tues. & thurs
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Burgess Frank, Woodman P.H. Dud- Nash Martha Ann (Mrs.), King'!
Cowell William Palmer J.P. The Lee denhoe En_d Head P.H ·
. Goode Edwin John,Elmdon Lodge frill I Chat~r Ha.rr!et (Mrs.), grocer 1 Nottage James, farmer, Duddenhoe
Smith Rev. Herbert Giles Brabant Cowell Wilham Palmer J.P. farmer, ~range
L T.Q v· The Lee & New & Bockells farms Prime Oswald, farmer, Duddenhoe
. W"lk ·J 0 ~ca~~g: J p El d B Flack Edwin, beer retailer End farm
es n IS e · · m on ury Freeman ~arah (Miss), laundress Reading Room (E. Jeffery, hon. sec)
COMMERCIAL. Goode Edwin John, agricultural Scales Geo.Ebenezer,frmr.Lodge farm
"Bailey Leonard, frmr. Duddenhoe end machine owner, Elmdon Lodge frm Smith Ernest, farmer, Cosh farm,
Bigg Dilnot, photographer Greenhill Thomas (Mrs.), baker Duddenhoe end
Brand Hy. postmaster & blacksmith Heygate's Stores, grocers Smith Leonard, butcher
Brand Martha Jane (Mrs.), farmer, Hopwood George, bntcher & beer ret Soole William, carpenter
Church farm Jeffery Edwsrd, Wilkes Arms P.H. & I Waiters James, news agent
Brand William Arthur, farmer, as- carrier Wood Thos. Jn. farmer, The Poplan
,;ist.ant overseer & derk to the King Press, farm bailiff to J. F.
Parish Council Wilkes esq. J.P
"EZ.MSTEAD. This ancient parish is :i miles north- side chapel is a very ancient wooden effigy of a mailed frGm Wivenhoe station, Qn the Tendring Hundred knight, cross-legged and in the act of drawing his
"branch of the Great Eastern railway and 4t miles from sword : there are 300 sittings. The register of bap·
Colchester, in the Nol'th Eastern division of the county, tisms dates from 1558 ; burials, 1557; marriages, 1559·
Tendring hunnred, petty sessional division and union, The living is a discharged vicarage, net yearly value
Colchesiel" connty court district, rural deanery of Har- £284, with 105 acres of glebe and residence, in the
wich, a.rohdeaoonry of Colchester, aud diocese of Chelm!!- gift of Jesus College, Cambridge, and held since 19IZ
~md. The church of St. Ann and St. Lawrence is an by the Rev. Anthony Hammond M.A. of Keble Col-
fjl(,iifi.ce of stone exhibiting various styles of architecture, lege, Oxford. The church of St. Paul, erect-ed in
~nd consists of chancel, nave with chapel, south porch. 1908 at a cost of £1,100, is a building of brick_
-.nd a western towe-r containing 1 bell : the side chapel faced with stone. Here are W esleyan Methodist and
~ Decorated, the chancel late Early English, the nave Primitive Methodist chapels. The trustees of the
Tran!fitional with a Saxon doorway, next which is a late Rev. T. P. Nunn M.A. (d. Tgor) are lGrds of the
ll(indo;w; of Perpendicular date: at the east end of the manor; Oharles Edmund Gooch esq. and Mrs. Greell·


&lade, of Great Bromley, are the principal lando1rners. Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Thomas William Brown,
The soil is light; subsoil, gravelly loam. The chief sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from Colchester at
crops are wheat, barley, oats, turnips, mangolds and 6.15 a.m. &i 7 p.m.; dispatched at 8.25 a.m. & 6.25
kohl r&lbi. The area is 3,705 acres of land, 6 of inland p.m. ; sundays, 8.35 p.m. Wall Letter Box, Elm-
and 3 of tidal water and 17 of foreshore ; rateable stead Heath, cleared at 7 p.m. -week days; 7·45 a. m.
value, ,£4,783; the population of the civil parish in sunda-vs

19II was 839, and of the ecclesiastical 963. Public Elementary School (mixed), enlarged in 1888 &;
By Local Government Board Order No. 36,270, part of again in 18!}6 &i 1904, for 200 children ; average at-
Elmstead civil parish was added to Wivenhoe civil tendance, t4r; the Rev. W. Wilson, formerly vicar
parish. of this parish, left by will, in 18s2, £4oo, to endow a
ELMSTEAD MARKET is a hamlet, 1 mile south from parochial school, the trustees consisting of the vicar
~he church, on a small brook falling into the Colne.
with 3 othPrs; Martin Frederick Whiting, master
Here the market was formerly held ; and most of the This school is under the control of the Essex Countv -
mhabitants live here. Education (Tendring District) Sub-Committtle; G. C.
Holland, Technical College, North hill, Colchester,clerk
Parish Clerk, Isaac Burrows. Carriers to Colchester pass through daily
Marked thus t the postal address is Barnes William Thomas, blacksmith Jones Frederick, King's Arms P.H
Wi-venhoe. Bloom:field Wm. & Cupper, poulterers t::Mugleston Joseph Bakewell, farmer,
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bready Chas. dairyman, The Heath Villa farm
Aggio Paul, The Limes Brown Thomas William, seed agent, Mason Joseph Barton, farmer,Keelar's
Bteady Cyril J. Marshall'.s &; post office Tye farm
tCarter Henry, St. Ives Caines James, farmer, Lodge farm tNewman Thomas, market gardener,
tDyer Henry, Woodside Carter Alcert Edward, builder, wheel- The Rowans ·
Hammond Rev. Anthony M.A. (vicar), wright, undertaker &i general smith, Norfolk Ernest, baker
Vicarage Heath house Page Em m a (Mrs.), grocer
tHarvey Capt. Abraham, Reechville Clarke John, Bowling Green P.H Pentney Henry, grocer &i draper
tHawkins Jn.Bawtree J.P.Ballast quay Dyer Charles, farmer, Elmstead hall Porter John & Rose (Miss), farmers,
J obnson Alfred ThuMton, The Cottage Ellam James, confectioner Park farm
Johnson Mrs. The Hollies Evans James, coal dealer Powell Abraham, farmer, Ball's farm
Mead John, South view Hammond .Alfd. T. farmer,Alfell farm Pryke Emma (Mrs.), beer retailer
tMoore James Grace, Berri-Dene Hammond Wm. builder, Rowland ho Salmon Edward William, farmer, Pea-
Short Samuel, Bottles hall Head George, cycle agent cock &i Allen's farms
tStickley Alfred, River view Ho"ard Albert &; Son, hurdle makers Wade Arthur, butcher
tWalker Arthur John, Heathcote Johnson Frederick Sadler, farmer, Ward Albt. Edwd. farmer, Fenn farm
tWarren Francis Thomas, Sunny-Brae Shrublands Ward John D.farmer,Blue Gates frm
Johnson Herbert Ling, farmer. Ward Wm. Hy. farmer,Keelar's farm
COMMERCIAL. • Momples Hall, The Grove & The Watldnson Percy Asa, grocer &i drapr
Bareham Thomas Rills, wheelwright Hollies farms Watsham Ebenezer, insurance agent
ELSENHAM is a village and parish, on a feeder of of £4 us. ud. a year, the proceeds. of ,£150 now in-
the Stort, 3Si roUes from London, S! north-east from vested in Consols. Sir Waiter Gilbey bart. who is lord
Bishop Stortfo.rd, 6 south-west from Thaxted and 7 of the manor, and William Fuller-Maitland esq. D.L.,
north-west from Dunmow; there is a light railway J.P. of Stansted Hall, are the principal landowners, and
from Thaxted to Elsenham; it is in the Northern there are other landowners in the parish. Elsenham
division of the county, Uttlesford hundred, Bishop Stort- Hall, the residence of Sir Waiter Gilhey hart. D.L., J.P_
ford union and county court district, Walden petty is a castellated mansion cf red brick, pleasantly situated •
sessional division, Newport and Stanstead rural deanery, in extensive grounds of 70 acres, beautifully laid out;
Colchester archdeaconry and Chelmsford diocese. Elsen- the buildings on the estate generally have been greatly
ham station, on the Great Eastern railway, is on the improved under the present occupier ; the breeding of
borders of the parishes of Elsenham, Henham and Stan- hackney and shire horses and polo ponies is carried on
stead Mountfitchet. The church of St. Mary the Virgin, here by Sir Waiter, who is an active member of the
standing on a hill near to Elsenham Hall, is a building various societies established to improve the breeding- of
of stone, of Early Norman date, consisting of chancel, horses; he also has a manufactory for the production
nave, south porch and an embattled western tower con- of jam and lavender water. The soil is mixed, part.
taining 4 bells: in 1910 the belfry was restored and the heavy and part loam ; subsoil, mixed, with clay and
btlls rehung by the patron of the living, and in the same gravel. The crops are wheat.. barley and turnips. The-
year a new altar was presented by Mrs. Hine : there area is 1,848 acres of land and 4 of water; rateable
are 200 sittings. The register of !baptisms dates from value, [3,964; the population in 19II was 422.
1732; marriages, 1755 ; burials, 1730. The living is a
vicarage, net yearly value £ 1so, with 3 8 acres of glebe GAUNTSEND is 2 miles south-east ; Tye Green, ri
and residence, in the gift of 'Sir Waiter Gilbey hart. south; Greenstead Green, 2 miles south-east.
D.L., J.P. and held ~ince •1902 by the Rev. Edward Post, M. 0. & T. Office. John :Bourne, sub-postmaster.
Sant. M.A. of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. TherP Letters arrive through Stanstead, Essex, at 6.45
i8 a mission hall here, built in 1881, and under the a.m. & 1.40 p.m.; dispatched at 8.20 a.m. &i 1.5o &
care of the Society of Friends. .A. cemetery with chapel, p.m. ; sundays, arrive at 8 a.m.; dispatched.
given by Sir Waiter Gilbey hart. was ()pened in 1902, 11.45 a.m
and is under the control of a Burial Board. The Village Public Elementary School (mixed), built. with master"11
Ha11, erected in rgog, contains a large room for con- house, in 1873; enlarged in 1895. for 141 children, &
ceros and games and a billiard room; there are 8o again enlarged in 1902; average attendance, n7;
members. A sum of about {,2o, derived from six t~ne- the sch()ol is the property of Sir W alter Gilbey hart.
ments and some land left by John Wells Eyre, late of lord of the manor; Robert Screen, master; Mrs.
Elsenham, is. after deduction for repairs. djstributed in Beatrice Screen. mistress
cJothing. Claricia Rush's clothin~ club has an income Railway Station, Harry Mallett Butters, station master
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Berridge Frank, farm steward to Sii Elsenham Jam Factory (H. Cotterell,
Gilbey Sir Waiter bart. D.L., J.P. Waiter Gilbey bart manager)
Elsenham hall Bourne Eleanor (Mr-.s), assistant over- Gilder Frederick, farmer, Tye gref'u
Gilbey Hy. Wait. J.P. Elsenham hall .sePr & clerk to the Parish Council Gold Bros. fruit & tomat.o growers
Graham L. C. Mill house &i burial board Lodge George, Robinhood P.H
~ne Daniel Thomas Burrell Harry, estate agent to Sir Pimblett John, farmflr, Tye Green
~ant Rev. Edward M.A. Vicarage Waiter Gilbey hart. (resides at I Simons Nathaniel Wenden, farmer,
Stebbing Alfred, Newhouse farm Bi.,hnn ;;;tortford) Tye green
COMMERCI.-\L. Dixon William, head gardener to Sir Starling Harvey, stud groom to Sir
B.nnard Brothers, coal merchants Wait-er Gilbev • bart Waiter Gilbev, •
hart. The Paddocks
:Barrett Ed1rin, shopkPeper Village Hall (B. Screen, sec)

EPPBG is a parish and union tol'"n with a station on from Waltham A'bbey, in the Western division of the
the Ongar branch of the Great Eastern railway, 16! county, half hundred of Waltham, Epping petty sessional
miles from Whitechapel, 15 from Short>ditch church, 18 division, countv
• court district of Waltham Abbev,

west from Chelmsford, by Chipping Ongar and 7 east deanery of Chig1rell, archdeaconry of Essex and dioceM

of Chelmsford. The town consists principally of one has a weekly market on FridaY, which ill well at-
long and wide street, and is seated on a ridge of hills tended, and a fair on the 13th and 14th Nov. (Holland
called the Purliew bank; owing to the cessation of fair), for cattle and horses. Messrs. W. Cottis and
coaching its prosperity considerably declined, but has Sons Limited have an iron foundry and agricultural
revived and many new r{)ads have been laid out and implement works, which give employment to a. consider-
residences built. Since 1870 the town has been lighted able number of hands. In 1887 a drinldn~; fountam,
with gas from works the property of a company, and in surmounted by a lamp, was erected to commemorate
1886 the supply was extended to Theydon Bois. .A water the Jubilee of her late Majesty Queen Victoria. !. lake
tower, roo feet in height, has been erected here, with a of one acre was formed in 1894 at a cost of about
tank holding 28,ooa gallons, and is supplied, under the £2oo, and is used for bathing purposes. The chari·
Herts and Essex Waterworks Act, from deep wells at ties of the joint parishes of Epping and Theydon
.Sawbridgeworth, Herts, near the Harlow station of the Garnon, being the net income of Stonard's, Reynold's
Great Eastern Railway Company: the water mains and Rydden's Grove charities, are divisible yearly in
-extend to Potter Street, Harlow, Latton, N etteswell, equal moieties amongst the joint parishes of Epping
.North W eald, Theydon Garnon, They don Bois and and Theydon Garnon, pursuant to a scheme of the
-Abrid~e ; a reservoir has also been constructed on Wind- Charity Commissioners approved in 1863 and also of a
mill Hill, to hold 14o,ooo gallons, for the supply by later scheme dated z rst :May, 1901 ; the income of
natural gravitation of Theydon, a part of Coopersale and Stonard's charity is applied fur educational purposes and
Abridge ; drainaJ;re works on an extensive scale have the maintenance- of inmates in the Epping almshouses;
been carried out in the town: in 1893 the High street the income of Reynold's is divided amongst the poor
was paved throughout, at a cost of £sso. uf the two parishes. 'l'he local charities include Lady
Epping is governed by an Urban District Council of 9 Wentworth's charity, consisting of a farmhouse and land
members, for~ed in •1896 under the provisions of thr left ahuut r78o, a sum of £roo Consolidated Stock left
"Local Government Act, 1894" (56 and 57 Vict. eh./?.) by Mrs. Elizabeth Walkley, and a sum of £269 12s.
TherE' werP anciently but three parishes in this dis- Consuli1lated Stock, left by .Mrs. Ann Chapman; the net
1trict, both for ecclesiastical and civil purposes, viz. : income arising from these is divisible amongst the poor
Epping, Theydon Bois and Theydon Garnon. By the of this parish: there is also a charity of £750 Consols
·__.,County of Essex (Epping &c.) Confirmation Order. left by Thomas Loft for the apprenticing of poor boys
r 896," these three parishes were for civil purposes made born jn the parish.
-'into four parishes, viz.: (1) Epping, formed from part~ •
~ of the ancient parishes of Epping, Theydon Bois and EPPING FOREST, an extensive tract of woodland,
· Theydon Garnon; (2) Theydon Bois, viz. the residu~ of formerly known as W altham Forest, and called at a
Theydon Bois ; (3) Theydon Garnon, the residue of remote period the " great forest of Essex," once included
· "Theydon Garnon; (4) Epping Upland, the residue of within its area, e.ither wholly or in part, not less than 21
ancient Epping. parishes ; " stretching from the forest of Middlesex at
By Local Government Board Order No. 34,234. April Waltham on the west, to Colchester on the east." The
I, 1896, parts of Theydon Bois and Tht:>ydon Garnon northern portion, lying north of the road from Bishop
· .civil parishes were annexed to Epping. Stortford to Colchester, was disafforested in the 5th of
The church of St. John the Baptist, erected in 1832 King John (1203-4) and in 29 Edward I. (1300-1) its area
-and rebuilt in r8go, was constituted in r88g the parish was further reduced ; but in Sept. 1640, a perambulation
· church in place of the church of All Saints at Epping was madE> and an inquisition held by a Royal Commis·
Upland : the original chapel, built in the time of sion, under which it>~ boundaries were determined, the area
Edward VL was then a free chapel founded by the being then estimated at 6o,ooo acres, the greater part of
monks of Waltham Abbey, whose canon or chaplains which had been already inclosed ; in 1777 only 12,000
·supplied the cure : the new church, which occupies the acres remained uninclosed and by 1793 this area had
l!lame site, is a building of stone in the Gothic style of diminished to g,ooo acres; in I851, when there were
•the 14th century from designs by Messrs. Bodley and lllbout 6,ooo acres uninclosed, Hainault Forest, a tract
· 'Garner, architects, of London, and consists of chancel, lying to the east of the existing forest, was disafforested,
nave, north and south aisles, south chapel, south porch and between that year and 1863 the continued en<iroach-
and a square tower containin~ a clock : the east window ments led to the institution of a suit in ChanceTy by the
- was presented by E. J. Wythes esq. who also defrayed Corporation of London, who had an ancient traditionary
the cost of the tower, reredos, organ and rood screen: connection with the forest, and simultaneously an.A.ctwas
the east window in the chapel was presented by the late passed appointing a commission to inquire and :report on
-.BeT. Edward Buckmaster M.A. vicar r8J8-1906: the two the various contending rights : as a result of the suit,
south windows in the chapel were erected by Mrs. the Corporation was successful Qn every point and all
· Wythes in memory of her brother, Henry Cecil Thorold. inclosures made within -20 years previous to August
- who fell at Rontfontbein in ·xgo2: the windows in the 14th, I851, were deelared illegal; the report of the Com-
south aisle are to the memory Qf the Whiteman, Bur- missioners, Issued Febr:uary 23rd, 1877, was not accept-
ford and Tweed families : there is also a carved oak able to the Corporation and the questions at issue were
acreen : there are sittings for Boo persons. The registers referred in 1878 to the sole arbitration of Sir Arthur
·date from the year I$39- The living is a vicarage, Hobhouse P.C., K.C.S.I. (afterwards a baron), &!Id his
net yearly value [360, with some acres of glebe and decision, promulgated in July, 1882, had the effect of
residence, in the gift of Ernest James Wythes esq. and rescuing some 6oo acres, in addition to 1,5oo acres
·held since xgo6 by the Rev. Robert Long Allwork M.A. recovered by the Corporation: the forest now consists
of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, rural dean of of nearly 6,ooo acres, covering an area of nearly 9
Chigwell, and surrogate. In 1615 one George Campion square miles and has been preserved as an open space
left 4 acres of land, a moiety of which was to be applied for the use and enjoyment of the public, at a cost
for maintaining a preacher at Epping chapel; in 1791 of more than £25o,ooo. On Nov. 4, x8Bg, formal
John Walkley left £3o yearly for the clergyman; in possession was taken, on behalf of the Corporation of
1772 certain townspeople pledged themselves for three Lo:qdon, of the Oak Hill Inclosure, comprising ~~
years to pay for seats in the church, and since that acres, situate between the Wake Arms and 'fhevdon •
time pew rents had been the only means for providing Bois, and in 1891 (June 6th) about 30 acres, previously
for the church expenses until 1882, when all sittings forming a portion of Highams Park, and the extensive
were made free. The Congregational chapel was erected thickets, near Hale End, were added, and dedicated
in 1770, and in connection with it is a large room seat· to the use of the public by H.R.H. tht: Duke of Con~
ing over zoo persons; :in 1887 the building was naught K.G.: a further addition was made June rst,
thoroughly restored at a cost of £4oo; there are 400 · x8gg, when Yardley Hill, a district on the Sewardstone
sittings; the chapel was founded in x6z5. The Wes- side uf the foresf, comprising 28 acres, the gift. of E. North
leyan chapel, opened in x887, and re-decorated in r898. Ruxtan esq. was dedicated to the use of the public by
has 300 sittings'. The Baptist chapel, in St. John's road. H.R.H. the Duke of Connaught K.G. this addition con-
erected in 1893 by tlie ~te W. Cottis, has sittings fDT necting the outlying portion of the forest known as Gil-
200 persons: there is also a meeting-house for thP well Lane with the main block near l;lawkwood.
Society of Friends, seating 30 persons. and one for the The forest is reached from Epping by the new road to
Plymouth Brethren. The cemetery is in Epping Up- London, which traverses its entire length: to the right
land parish, under which heading particulars will be on entering the forest is a tract of woodland called the
found. The Literary and Mechanics' Institute, founded "Warren," and about a hundred yards distant, on the
in 1894• occupies premises in Hemnall street, presented left. is an ancient earthwork called " Ambresbury Banks,"
by E. J. Wythes esq. in 1908, and comprising on the traditionally believed to be the spot where the Britons
ground floor an entrance hall, reading room and library Wlder Boadicea made their last stand against the Roman
containing about x,ooo volumes; on the second floor is invaders ; a belief confirmed by the opinion of the late
a games room and a billiard room with three tables; Lieut.-Gen. Fox-Pitt-River!l F.R.S., F.S.A. who carefully
tbt-re are now (r9q) ahont 200 member,.. Eppiilg examined the camp in 188x: more to the east is the
Green Ride, which, parting from the new road just south Corporation in endeavouring to secure the forest fo:r the
of Epping, runs almost parallel with it until it crosses tu ... use and enjoyment of the public: on the south the
road in Fairmead Bottom, and, passing to the west anrl Ranger's Road, branching off from the new road, conducts
south of Connaught Water, joins the Ranger's road near through Whitehall Plain to Chingford, north of which is
the Royal Forest hotel: the Ride at its commencement a tract of forest; called "Bury Wood" and "Hawk Wood,"
traverses a beautifully wooded part of the forest called on the highest point of which rises an obelisk, standing
Epping Thicks : farther on, between it and the new road, due north from Greenwich Observatory; behind these
is a stretch oi the wood covered with heather and known woods is the Lea Valley and Ponder's End railway station,
as "Long Running," a favourite resort of picnic parties; and south of Buckhurst Hill is an isolated portion of the
and lower down, at a point called "Jack's Hill," the road forest called "Lord's Bushes-." The forest, being now
from Theydon Bois to Waltham Abbey crosses the forest, strictly guarded by the Corporation, shelters a large
passing the Wake Arms, and, west of this hostelry, Wood- variety of birds, including the jay, the kestrel and lihe
ridden Hill, where there is a spring, and the farm : kingfisher : here also are to be found the only wild fallow·
Mother road, starting from the Wake Arms, and con- deer now in this country, besides red-deer of the old
tinuing between this and the new road, proceeds through Epping breed, the old English roe-deer, re-introduced
the forest to Claypit Hill and King's Oak, near which it in r884 by Mr. Buxton from the Vale of Blackmoor in
divides, one part leading to High Beech and thP. othe1 Dorsetshire, and the badger: it is, too, a favourite
running south and joining the new road below Fairmead hunting ground for entomologists, many insects of
Bottom : on an open height near King's Oak stanos a tree extreme rarity being met with here and nearly. every
planted by H.M. the late Queen Victoria, and on the east variety of English butterflies. The forest trees include
side of the Wake Arms a road, proceeding l!outh-east comparatively few varieties: the oaks are of the kind
through Dulsmead HoDow and the deep ravine of Hanghoy botanically known as '·Querens sessiliflora " and have for
Slade, crosses the Green Ride and leads to Loughton and the most part been closely pollarded, but some fine
Buckhurst Hill: to the north of the forest, between Wood- specimens have bE>en preserved, the largest of which
t'idden Hill and Claypit Hill, is Honeylane Plain, wher£> stands near Fairmead Lodge and has a trunk 22 feet in
are the rifle ranges used by the H (Waltham Abbey) circumference : near High Beech, in Monkwoods, and in
Company, 4th Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment, Terri- the Green Ride of Epping Thicks are noble groves of
torial Force; in the centre is Wake Valley, Great "Monk- beeches ; the hornbeam abounds and the birch, alder
wood, a fine spread of beeches, about half a mile in and wild. cherry are also comm()n; of the flowering
l£>ngth, and Little Monkwood, covering a low circular plants many are peculiarly fine and some exceptionally
hill: at a point in this tract called "Mount Pleasant,'' rare: a large variety {)f lichens and mosses are found,
a road starting eastward joins the Green Ride at Black- fungi of all sorts and numerous kinds of ferns, the male
weir Hill and is continued to Ash Green, on the road fern (Lastrea filix-mas) sometimes reaching a gigantic
to Lought()n: south of Monkwood is an open rushy height and the Royal fern (Osmunda regalis) flourishing
t~pace called "Sandpit Plain" and a little lower down, grandly in moist and peaty localities.
between the new road and the GrePn Ride, is Loughton The Epping Hunt seems to have been a remnant of the
C&mp, an ancient earthwork, excavated by the Essex time when the citizens had their common huntsman, and
Field Club and believed to date from the pre-Roman claimed the privilege granted by Edward IV. of hunting
peri-od, since fragments of Parly British pottery wer£> in Waltham Forest, Henry Ill. having previously con-
f-ound within the rampart ; the ground inclosed by the firmed to the citizens of London, in 1226, free warren, or
earthwork is about twelve acres in extent and is thickh li'berty to hunt, with a circuit, in the Forests of Stannay
-overgrown with pollard trees ; to the west are eminence~- (or Staines) and Hainault; this hunt was always held on
~alled ''Broom Hill" and " Shelley Hill ; " to the east, Easter Monday, when the Lord Mayor and Aldermen
beyond the Green Ride, is Staples Hill: southward, a attended. and is frequently noticed by poets as far back
broad and dry part of the hollow, called Debden Slade, as the middle of t-he 17th century; in 1853, the forest
ntends to Bushes, where the road from High about Buckhurst Hill, where the meet took place, having
Beech to Loughton, known as the Earl's Path, crossee been inclosed, the hunt was brought to .an end, although
the forest; immediat£>ly below the Earl's Path is Straw- an assembly of holiday folk is still .sometimes collected,
berry Hill, and more to the south Albion Hill and and a tame deer tortured for their amusement. Ernest
Warren Hill, near which is an obelisk: proceeding south- James Wythes esq. JP. of Copped Hall, is lord of the
wards through the forest from High Beech, past St. manor of Epping and principal landowner. The soil is
Paul's church, Whitehouse Plain is reached and next in various; subsoil, clay and sand. The area of the civil
succession the Round Thicket, Almshouse Plain (a broad parish and Urb3n District is 1,420 acres; rateable value,
~xpanse dotted with bushes), Blackbush Plain, Long Hilb £20,133; the population in 1901 was 3,789, and in 19II
and a rushy space called "Ludgate Plain," through which (inclusive of 216 inmates and 19 officials in the Union
the Cuckoo brook trickles towards Connaught Water. 11 Workhouse) was 4,253.
heart-shaped lake embosomed in wooded hills, with two The population of the ecclesiastical parish of St. John
t~mall islets in .its midst ; north of it is a solitary full- the Baptist in 19II was 2,952, but was reduced to 2,5o8
grown oak, named " Bedford's Oak," after Councillor John upon the forming of All Saints, Epping Upland eccle-
T. Bedford, who was foremost among the members of the siastical parish.
Post, M. 0. & T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office. RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL.
-.Ernest Hawkins, postmaster. Deliveries commence The Parishes in the District are the same as in the
at 7 & 9 a.m. & 2 & 6 p.m. Box for London closes at Union, with the exception of Buckhurst Hill, Ching-
9.30 a.m. & 12.3Q, 3·45• 8 & IQ p.m.; on sunday, ford, Epping & Loughton. The area is 39,055 acres;
delivery commences at 7 a.m.; dispatched at 8.3Q p.m population in I9II, I3,959
Town Sub-Post Office, Allnutt's Estate. Alfred John Council meets at the Union, fri. fortnightly, at 12.15 p.m
Brown, sub-postmaster. Box cleared at 8 & IQ a.m. Chairman, William Swaine Chisenhale-Marsh D.L., J.P.
& 7 p.m Gaynes park, Theydon Garnon, Epping
URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL. Vice-Chairman, Thomas Keen
Meets on every fourth tuesday at Victoria buildings Officials.
Chairman, Ernest Harris. Clerk, R. Elliott Trotter, High street, Epping
Vice-Chairman, Alfred J. Cable. I st Assistant Clerk, John Coley Archer, Hemnall street,
Retire April, 1915. Treasurer, Henry S. Tuke, Chelmsford
Alfred J. Cable I Fred Whiffin :\Iedical Officer of Health & Supt. of Infectious Diseases
Ernest Harris I Hospital (Epping Upland), Trevor Fowler L.R.C.P. &;
S.Irel., D.P.H. High street, Epping
Horace V. Chilton
Albert E. Piper
Retire April, 1916.
Harold Linton Lee Woore Suneyors of Buildings, No. I _district, Horace White,
High road, Lough ton; No. 2 district, Waiter Beard,
Retire April, 1917. Bury road, Harlow
Fr£>derick J ames Ea staff II Rev. Thomas Llo,·d Surveyor of Hi::-hways, !.lphonso Frederick Augustus
• Forrester, Thornwood, Epping
Martin Edmunds I
Sanitary Inspector, Waiter Beard, Bury road, Harlow
Officers. .issistant Sanitary Inspector, B. G. Ellis, Ubbeston,
Clerk & Solicitor, Geor!?;e John Creed, Hemnall street Epping
• Treuurer, Robert Woodhouse, Chelmsford
Medical Officer of Health, Trevor Fowler L.R.C.P. & S.I., COUNTY MAGISTR.!.TES FOR EPPlNG PETTY
Su:rveyo:r & Sanitary ImpE>ctor, Herbt. Webb, Hemnall st *Edwards Arthur Jani?n B.!.., D.L. Beech Hill park,
Colleetor, Edward Allen. High street Waltham .Abbey (chauman)

Ball Edward Ash, Egg hall, Epping _ PUBLIC ESTABLISHMEXTS.

Bury Ralph Frederic D.L. St. Leonards, Nazemg, Fire Engine Station, Hemnall street, David Ponlton.
Waltham Cross chief officer; J. Whiting, engineer
*Bu:xton Gerald, Birch hall, Theydon Bois, Epping Police Station, High street, Ephraim Smith, snpt.; a
*Bu:xton Sir Thomas Fowell hart. G.C.M.G.,. V.D., inspectors, 5 sergeants & 36 constables
M.A., D.L. Warlies, Waltham Abbey Stamp Office, Ernest Hawkins, distributor
*Bu:xton Thomas Fowell Victor, Woodredon, Waltham Victoria Hall, Victoria buildings, High street
Chapman Arthur, Abbey farm, Waltham Abbey TERRITORIAL FORCE.
*Ohisenhale-Marsh William Swaine D.L. Gaynes park,
Theydon Garnon, Epping 4th Territorial Battalion Essex Regiment (part of G
*Colvin Col. .Richard Beale C.B., D.L. Monkhams, Wal- Co.), St. John's rd. Capt. B. C. Wells; Color-Sergt .•
tham Abbey Instructor John Biswell, Chipping Ongar
Dent Francis, Hat.fields, Loughton
Fortescue Waiter, Oakdene, Crescent road, Chingford EPPING UNION.
George Edward William, 4 High street, Chingford Board days, alternate fridays at the Union house, ' '
Howard David Lloyd, Little Friday hill, Chingford n.3o a.m.
Leech Arthur William, Golding's Hill, Loughton The Union compris·es the following parishes :-Buckhurst
Lockwood CoL Rt. Hon. Amelius Richard Mark P.C., Hill, Chigwell, Chingford, Epping, Epping Upland.
C.V.O., M.P. Bishop's hall, Lambourne, Romford Great Parndon, Harlow, Latton, Little Parndon, Lough-
Nicholls William Wade, Hawthorn lodge, Epping ton, Magdalen Laver, Matching, Nazeing, Netteswell,.
Oram Henry, Waltham Abbey North Weald Bassett, Roydon, Sheering, Theydon
*Palmer Ralph Charlton, Hubbards, Nazeing Bois & Theydon Garnon. The .area of the union i&
Patchett William K.C. Bury lodge, Epping 48,u7 acres;. rateable value, Lady Day, 1914~
Pizey George Henry, Casa Mia, Chingford £244,413; the population in 19II was 36,715
Skinner Charles Weeding, Wansfell, Theydon Bois . Chairman, William Swaine Chisenhale-Marsh D.L., J.P
ti-Todhunter Joseph, Kingsmoor ho. Gt. Parndon,Harlow Gaynes park, Theydon Garnon, Epping
Triggs Henry, Ilford Vice-Chairman, F. T. Basham, Hubbards hall, Harlow
Trounce Thomas Plomer, The Bank, Walthalll Abbey Clerk to the Guardians & .Assessment Committee,
*Wailer William Chapman F.S . .A.. Ash Green, Loughton First Assistant Clerk to the Guardians, John Coley
*Wythes Ernest James, Copped hall, Epping Archer, Hemnall street, Epping
The justices marked * are also the commissioners Treasurer, Henry Samuel Tuke, Chelmsford
for taxes. Relieving OfficerS> & Collectors to the Guardians, Chig-
The Chairmen of the. Epping, Chingford, Loughton, well district, Samuel Joseph Wilks, Loughton; Har-
Buckhurst Hill & Waltham Cross Urban District low district, Frederick William Gilbey, Potter street~
Councils are ex-officio magistrates Harlow ; Epping district, Daniel Henry Pewsey, The-
Clt-rk to the Magistrates, George John Creed, Hem- Plain, Epping
nall street, Epping Vaccination Officers, Frederick William Gilbey, Harlow;
Deputy Clerk, Herbert Bricknall Creed, solicitor, Samuel Joseph Will;;:s, Loughton; Daniel Henry Pew-
Remnall street, Epping sey, The Plain, Epping
Clerk to the Waltham Abbey Bench, Frederick C. E. Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Buckhurst Hill
Jessopp, High Bridge street, Waltham Abbey district, George Norman M.B., B.S.Durh. Erendon,.
Petty Sessions are held at Epping police station every Palmerston road, Buckhurst Hill; Chigwell district~
friday at 10.15 a.m. & the County Court, Waltham John Henry Pratt M.B., B.C.Oantab. Chigwell; Ching-
Abbey, every tuesday at 10.30 a.m. The places in the ford, Tom .St.anbury Brook L.R.C.P.Lond., :M.R.O.S.
division are :-Abridge, Buckhurst Hill, Chingford, Eng. Chingford; Epping, North Weald, Theydon Bois-
Chigwell, Epping, Epping Upland, Lambourne, & Theydon Garnon districts, Trevor Fowler D.P.H.~
Loughton, Nazeing, North Weald Bassett, Theydon L.R.C.P.IreL Epping; Great & Little Parndon districts~
Bois, Theydon Garnon, Theydon Mount, Waltham Wm. Frank Lydstone Day M.B., B.C.Camb. Roydon;.
Holy Cross Harlow & Sheering, Magdalen Laver, Matching & Lat-
EPPING F'OREST. ton districts, Thos. Montagu Day L.R.C.P.Lond. Har-
low; Nazeing district. William Frank Lydstone Day
Chief Ranger, F.M. H.R.H. The Duke of Connaught & M. B., B.C.Camb. Roydon; Lough ton distri~t, Arthnr
Strathearn K.G Butler Harris M.B., B.Ch.Oxon. Lought~n; Roydon
Verderers, Edward North Buxton esq. Knighton, Buck- district, William Frank Lydstone Day M.B., B.O.
burst Hill; G. Buxton esq. Birch hall, Theydon Bois; Camb. Roydon
W. Houghton esq. Pine lodge, Woodford Wells & The Workhouse, in Epping parish, is a building in th&
A. Savill esq. Ellerslie, Buckhurst Hill Elizabethan style, capable of holding 232 inm11tes;
Committee.--Chairman, Clareuce Hayden esq.; The Rev. John Jones, chaplain; Charles Ernest Denning
Verderers, T. H. Ellis esq. (deputy), H. E. Sparks L.R.C.P.I. medical officer; A. A. W. Simmondsr
esq. H . .Bird esq. T. Robinson esq. W. Bull esq. J. H. master ; Mrs. E. Simmonds, matron
White ~sq. T. H. Deighton esq. W. P. Neale esq. A. new separate Infirmary has been erected in the-
(deputy), W. Dennis esq. James Roll esq. (alderman) Workhouse grounds
&; Sir J. J. Baddeley kt. (alderman) Cottage Homes to accommodate 40 children have been
Superintendent of the Forest, F. F. McKenzie esq. The erected at Coopersale, near Epping; the children are
Warren, Lough ton educated at the Theydon Garnon Coopersale schools
Clerks to the Superintendent, A. H. Wright & A. H.
Keepers, J. Little, Epping Plain, Epping; W. Reed, Superintendent Registrar, R. Elliott Trotter, High st~
Theydon; Waiter Drayton, Copped Hall; J. Jackson, Epping; deputy, John Coley Archer, Hemnall street,.
Broadstrood ; Thomas Bracken, High Beech ; J. Deery, Epping
Moukwood; B. Bynoth, Earl's Path; S. H. Butt, Fair- Registrar of Marriages, Edward .Allen, High st. Epping;
mead; Burt TJ ler, Chingford; F. J ohnson, W oodford; deputy, Alfred Davis, High street, Epping
R. Furlong, Highams Park; W. Palmby, Waltham- Registrars of Births & Deaths, Epping sub-district,.
stow; A. White, Bushwood; B. Cawston, Wanstead Daniel Henry .Pewsey, The Plain, Epping; deputy,.
Flats; J. F. M. Brooke; G. Paveley & W. Feakes, Edward Allen, High street, Epping; Chigwell sub-
Wan stead Park district, Samuel J oseph Wilks, Chigwell; deputy, A.
:Reeves. W. Leech, Loughton ; Harlow sub-district, Frederick
William Gilbey, Potter street, Harlow; deputy, W-
Parish. Reeve_ H. SeeleY, Fore street, Harlow
Epping ........................................ . W. James Xuim •

rfheydon Bois .................. · · · · ·· · ·· William Pearce

Wughton ................................. . John Munt PUBLIC OFFICERS.
Waltham Holv Cross ................. . A. Potter Assistant Overseer, Edward .\Hen, High street
Chingford ................................. Wallace Bolton Certif~·ing Factory Surgeon, Charles Ernest Denning
Woodford ................................. Oilbert Sanderson L.R.C.P. & S.L High street
CbigwelJ .................. ~... ... . . . . . . .. G. Sa~~h Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxes for Epping Di-vi-
Walthamstow ........................... W. G. Brown sion, George John Creed, Hemnall street; deputy,.
J..,eyton ............ ··~ ... . .. ... ... . . . .. . ... George Smith H!'rbert Brickn!'ll Crt-ei, Hemnall street
Wan stead ................................. E. W. Raindle Clerk to the Epping Sub-Committee of Essex Local
Little Ilford .............................. James Quye Old ~<\ge Pensions Committee, George John Creed,.
'\\-~est Ha1n .......... , .................. . Edward Furlong . Hemnall street

Inspector of Weights & Measures, Inspector under the ~Ieetingsare held at 7• 8 & 9 Finsbury circus, London
Sale of Food & Drugs Act, ..lrthur Hol'l!nell, 153 High E C, on second tuesday in month at 2.30 p.m
:::treet, Brentwood Chainnan, Francis Dent J.P. Hatfield, Loughton
Inspector under the Explosives Act & under the Diseases Clerk, Herbert J. Goodwin, Education office, Loughton
of .Animals Acts for the Essex Police District, Ephraim School Medical Inspector, Marjorie Eva Middleton 1\I.B.~
Smith, Police station, High street, Epping B.S.Lond. Wilfrid Lawson hotel, Woodford Green
Surveyor of Main Roads & Bridges to the Essex County Attendance Officers, Northern division, W. Salmon~
Oouncil for Epping District, Henry William Farrow, Matching Tye. Harlow; Southern Division, W. Locke~
The Glen, Kendal avenue 7 Willow street, Chingford
Veterinary Inspector under the "Diseases of Animals
Acts" for Epping District, George Upton :M.R.C.V .S. PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS.
&nlah lodge, Lindsey street Boys & Girls (Non-Provided) & Infants (Pro\"ided)
PLACES OF WORSHIP, -with times of Sprvices. For Epping & Theydon Garnon, built, with teachers-"
residences, by Claremont Whiteman esq. a residen*
St. John the Church, Rev. Robert Long ..!.llwork of Theydon Garnon, in 186o, for soo children; average
M ..A. vicar, rural dean & surrogate; Rev. Thomas attendancP, 180 boys & 175 girls; Albert Edward
Lionel Brooke B . .A. curate; 8 (H. C.) & I I a.m. & 3 & Piper, master; Miss Je!!sie E. Hall, mistress
6.30 p.m.; holy days, 8 a.m.; daily, 6 p.m.; thurs. Infants', built in 1903; accommodation, 250; average-
8 p.m attendance, 200; Miss Norah E. Carter, mistress
Society of Friends ; u a. m
Baptist; I I a. m. & 6.15 p.m.; Rev. John Lewis M ...!
Congregational, Rev. John Herbert Locke; n a.m. & Railway Station, Herbert Charles Saggers, station mastr
6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m Conveyances to meet principal trains from F. Flack,
Wesleyan Methodist (Wanstead & Woodford Circuit), Station road & Cock hotel, High street
Rev. Edgar A. Buchanan (supt.); II.IS a.m. & 6.30 G. E. Railway Goods Agents, E. W. Hayden & Sons, Sli_
p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m Helen's, Hemnall street & Railway station
Pl~·mouth Brethren; u a. m
Carriers to London. John Nicholls, from his house,.
ESSEX EDUCATION CO~I:MITTEE. High street, mon. wed. & fri. to ' Saracen"s Head,'
Epping Sub-District Committee. ::Ieneage street, Spitalfields, returning the following
The committee, consisting of 22 members, was formed days; Carter, Paterson & Co. Ltd. from High street,

In 1903 dailv• ; Sutton & Co. Station road
Eastaff Frederick James, Kensworth Nicholl Jn. The Hemnalls, Hemnall st
PRIVATE UESIDENTS. Edmunds Martin.Ackworth,Station rd Nicholls William Wade J.P. Hawthorn
.Achison Rev. George, Bury road Eng-lish Herbert Pemberton, Maycroft, lodge, High street
Allen Arthur Thomas, Forest lodge, Bury road Palmer Hy. Guy, Hillcrest, Church hl
The Plain Erskine W. Franci•!! M.A.,M.D.High st Patchett Wm. K.C., B.A., J.P. Bury
Allshom Alfred Samuel, Bank house, Farrow Henry W.The Glen,Kendal av lodge, Bury lane
High street Field By. Fras. Rose bank,Bower hill Pearson Misses, Westbury, Lindsey st:
Allwork Rev. Robert Long M.A. Fowler Trevor, High street Pelly Jn. Gurney Richd. Theydon pi
(vicar, rural dean & surrogate), Fowler Trevor Hayman, Hemnall st Penrose Donald Wm. Hy. 6 Nicholl r<l
Vicarage Frost James John, St. Margaret's, Pightling Geo. Hy. Burnham,High nJ
Amey Alfred, The Gables, The Plain Station road Pyne Waiter, Ferndale, Church hill
Archer John Coley, Hemnall street Fry Mrs. Somerfield ho. Kendal aven Rees Rev. Robert Montgomery M.A_
Austin Frank Holman,Church Hill cot Gingell :Mrs. White lodge,Hartland rd Latchmore, Hartland road
Badams William Herbert,Sunbank bo Green Rev. Edwin M.A. (vicar of All Richardson Arnold, Ravensworth,Ken--
Baddeley William Beresford, Lauries- Saints') dal avenue
ton, Station road Green Charles E. Theydon grove Rogers John F. Roseacre, Station road
Ball Edwd.Ash J.P.Egg hall,ThePlain Hart Francis George, Eas-thorpe, Sewell William Henry, Epping place-
Batehelor Peter, Balgownie, Station rd Station road Shearer Mrs. Hemnall street
Brawn John, Bower hill Hart Thos. Geo. Llanfoist, Kendal av Shields Ramsay, The Cottag:e,High st
Brooke Rev. Thomas Lionel B.A. Haslam Mrs. I Nicho.U road Smith W.Ward, Studley ho.Kendal av
(curate), White cottage, Lindsey st Hayden Edwin Llewellyn, Horndene, Soper Robert, Mavis bank, Kendal av
Brooke Geo. Ravensmere, Kendal av Hemnall street Stevens George Newlands, Wingfield,
Burton Mrs. The Crofts, St.John's rd Heron John, Winchelsea house Kendal avenue
Butcher Edmd.Marsden,3 Nicholls rd Hoare Christr. G. Oakwood,Church hl Sworder Alfred, Purlieu, Hemnall st
Butler Fdk.Wm.The J.ime!!,The Plain Horn Alexander, Ivylands, The Plain Sworder Charles Bennett, Bury road
CarpPnter Mrs. Heathwaite, Hartland Hornel' Mrs. Burleigh ho. Bell-commn Sworder Frank, 5 Nicholls road
road Howard Sidney, Oakleigh, High road Sworder Hugh P.S.I. Beaconhill
Cao:e Albert Havelock, Coniston, Sta- Hughes Edwin Reginald, The Oaks, Sworder Missru;, 2 Nioholl road
tion road Kendal avenue Tait Mrs. The Crows, High street
Church Mrs. Church hilJ Kemsley Henry Hugh, Garnons, Hart- Todd Jn.Sherwood,Norbury,Lindsey st
Clapham Percival Alfred, The Bower, land road Trenow Evelyn Henry Raynward,
Bower hill Kindell William James, Kingswear, Ivy lodge, The Plain
Coningham Geo. Langford, Kendal av Hartland road Trott-er Raymond Elliott, High street
Cooper Mrs. Ripponhurst,Hartland rd Knight Henry A. Hillcroft, High road Upton Geo. Beulab lodge, Lindsey si
Cottee Albt. Ernest,Highbury,High rd Le Mare Ewart R. Elmwood, Hart- Ware Jn. Wm. The Mount,Station rd'
Cottis Crispus, Squiers, High street land road Wederell Thomas Sidney, Redgrove-,
Cottis Orispus Joseph, High street Lloyd-Jones John Wilton, The Manse, Church hill
Oottis Reuben, St. John's road Lindsey street Whiffin Fred, Blenheim, Lindsey st
Cowee Thomas, 4 Nicholl road Locke Rev. John Herbert (Congrega- Willis .Arthur, PernsidP, Hartland rd'
Creed George John, Kendal lodge tional), The Mame, St. John"s road Windus Mrs. Ohurcb hill
Curnock Geo.Leslie,Burycroft,High rd MacBryde Wm.Orr,Corrie,Hartland rd Winter Mrs. Dane lodge, Church bill
CurnockMrs.Kendal croft,Hartland rd Mandeville Edwin, Frampton, Lind- Woodcock Herbt. Inchcape.Bower hiiT
Cutts Erne~St Alfd. Glen Lyn, High rd sey street W oore Harold Linton Lee, West bankp
Davis Alfred Brimley, Bower hill Martin Edward John Thorpe, High rd Station road
Denning Charles Ernest, High street Naldrett Edward James, Elmhurst, Worsley Herbert, Lyncely grange
Devin Paul, Highlands, The Plain Station road . Wright Wm.Hy.Epping viLChurch hl
COMMRHCLI.L. · Archer .Arthur Ambrose, china dealer, High street
Early closing day, Wednesday. Ar~her John Ooley, deputy superintendent registrar &.
Ainger Waiter, builder, The Plain assistant clerk to the guardians Epping union, k to-
Alien Edward, assistant Gverseer &: collector to 'Lrban EppinR" Rural Disbrict Council, Hemnall street
District Council, registrar of marriages & deputy 1 Austin Frank Holman, architect. Church hill
registrar of births & d-eaths Epping sub-district, & Austin Willie. Half Moon P.H. High street
district manager to the Bishop's .Stortford, Harlow & 1 Bailey Frederick William, harness maker, High strt>et
Epping Gas & Electricity Co. High street J Barclay & Company Limited (branch), bankers (Alfred
Allshorn Alfred Samuel, manager of Barclay &: Com- Samuel Allshorn. manager); High street; draw OD
pany's Bank, High street I head office, 54 Lombard street, London E C
Ambrose & Son, auctioneers, house & estate agents, ap- Barlow Frederick E. hair dresser, High street
praisers & valuers to all general trades, High street; 1 Barnard Robert, confectioner. High street
& at Loughton · Barnes Jamf's Thomas, fishmonger, :r St. John's road
Anglo-Americau Oil Co. Limited, Railway st-ation , Bass Charles, dairyman, Ivy chimneys
218 EPPlNG. Es::-EX.
Bee Sarah (Miss), dress maker, High street Gent Benjamin, refreshment ;rooms, High street
Bell Alfred Ernest, dining rooms, High street I Glasscock James, shopkeeper. The Plain
Bell Caroline (Mrs.), dress maker, Ivy chimneys Goshawke Brothers, boot repairers, Station road
Bird Thomas J. E. draper, High street Goulding Frederick, boot maker, Bower hill
Bishop's Stortford, Harlow & Epping Gas & Electricity Gouldstone Abraham, boot maker, Chapel toad
Co. (Edward Alien, collector), High street Gouldstone Chas. Edwd. comcl. traveller, St. John'• rd
Blakesley Alfred, refreshment rooms, High street Grange Charles, White Swan P .H. High street
Blyth Frederick Wilham, watch maker, High street; Green Frederick, artificial teeth. maker, High street
Bovingdon Thomas George, tailor, High street Greenfield Alice (Miss), dress maker, High .road
Brewer Ada (Miss), conlectione·r, High street Grimshaw George J. jobmaster, High street
Brown Alfd. Jn. shopkpr. & post office, Allnutt's estate Grout Joseph, jobbing gardener, High road
Bunyan Annie E. (Mrs.), dress maker, St. John's road Hadley Alfred, artificial teeth makei' (attends tues. &
Cable W. &; Son, timber merchants, Bell villa, Bell com fri.), High street
Chase Alfred B. musical instrument dealer, High street Hammond William Charles, fishmonger, High street
Chilton Horace Valentine, White Hart P.H. High street Hampton .Ada (Miss), dress maker, Lindsey street
Church Stephen John, pork butcher, High street Hands Arthur, photographer, Victoria bldg!t. High st
Clark Robert Goading, blacksmith, High street Harris Ernest, carriage builder, High street ·
Clark Thomas John, Duke of York P.H. High street Harris Frederick Graham, shopkeeper, High road
Condiet William 'rhomas, shopkeeper, Bell common Hurt Thomas G. architect & surveyor, High street
Cooke Stephen T. Old Thatched House hotel, High st HafF>all George, Black Lion P.H. High street
{Jordell J·ohn William, shopkeeper, Lindsey street Hawthorn & Co. grocers, High street
Cottee Herbert Mark & Son, cycle agents, High street Hayden E. W. & Sons, cartage agents to the Great
.Cottee Wilham Frederick, boot maker, High street Eastern Railway Co. St. Helen's, Hemnall street
Cottis Williarn & Sons Limited, " .Archimedean Herts & Essex Water Works CO. Limited (W. Jones,
lawn mowers," agricultural implement makers & Harlow, sec.; William Turner, local foreman),High st
agents, iron & brass founders, ironmongers, cycle Heyward Brothers, fruiterers, High street
agents, & motor garage, & brick, tile & drain pipe Hills J oseph & Sons, grocers, High street
makers &c. T N 8 Epping Hills William Percy, confectioner, High street •

Courtney Edwd. Jas. Challoner, photographer, High st Hine Ern est, grocer, High street
Cowlin Benj. & Sons, plumbers & painters, Church hill Bolt Ralph J. artificial teeth ma. (fridays), High street
Crane & Son, decorators, The Plain Hopfner Karl, upholsterer, High street
Creed George John, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Hornsby Chas. Henry, Duke of Wellington P.H. High st
clerk to justices, clerk to the commissioners of taxes, Hummerston & Hyde, carriage builders, High street
clerk to Epping Urban District Council & clerk to Hummerston Elizabeth (Mrs.), greengrocel", High street
the Epping Sub-Committee of Essex Local Old Age Hummerston George. baker, High street
Pensions Committee, Hemnall street Hummerston Waiter J. pork butcher, High street
Creed Herbert Bricknell, solicitor & commissioner for Hutley Barzilai, chimney sweeper, St. John'a road
oaths, & deputy clerk to justices, Hemnall street Hutley Ettie (Miss), dress maker, St. John's road
Dace Charles, tobacconi&t, Station road Hyde David, jobbing gardener, The Plain
Dadd Alice (Mrs.), refreshment rooms, High street International Tea Co.'s Stores Ltd. grocers, High st
Davis Alfred, deputy registrar of man-iages, High street Josling Ernest Henry, insurance agent, Lindsey street
Dearlove Fr{'derick William, outfitter, High street Judd Sarah (Mrs.), firewood dealer, Bell common
Denning Charles Ernest L.R.C.P. & S.Irel. physician k Juniper Emma Mary (Mrs.), stocking knitter, Higb s\
surgeon, medical officer Union workhouse, & certifying Kent H. &; Son, ironmongers, High street
factory surgeon, High street King John William & Co. grocers, High street
Dorling Robert, confectioner, High street Kirkby John, butcher, High street
Drewett E. & R. (Misses), dress makers, High street Knight Henry .A. auctioneer &c. see Sworder (Hugh) &
Dunn Hannah (Mrs.), corn dealer, High street Knight
£dmunds Martin, monumental & general mason & Lawrence L. E. & E. (Misses), dining rooms, High st
builders' merchant, Station road. T N 9 Epping Lawrence .Arthur, pork butcher, Ivy chimneys
Ellis B. G. assistant sanitary inspector to the Rural Lawrence Norman Staines, baker, High street
Distri·~t Council, Ubbeston Lomath Harry, butcher, High street
English Herbert, commercial traveller, Bury road McMullen & Sons Limited, brewers, Lindsey streeb"
Epping Ohonll Socie"ty (Donald W. H. Penrose, con- Martin Frederick C. White Lion P.H. High street;
ductor), 6 Nicholl road Masonic Lodge (Boadicea, No. 3147) (F. G. Hart, sec)
Epping Constitutional Association (John P. H. Soper, Metal Nail Co. Railway Station yard
hon. sec.), High street Mingay William. Globe P .H. Lindsey street
Epping Cycling & Athletic Club (E. G. Saines, hon. Morton Charles Fdk. assist. insurance supt. Chapel road
sec.), High street Mumford Marguerite (Miss), milliner, St. John's road
Epping & Distll"ict Industrial Co-operative Society Ltd. Newell Minnie R. (Miss), dress maker, St. John's road
High street Nicholls John, carrier, High stTeet
Epping District Nursing Association · (.Mrs. C. B. Nokes George, confectioner, High street
Sworder, hon. sec.), Bury road Nunn Kate (Mrs.), dairy, Mill house, Bell common
Epping Literary & Mechanics' Institute (.A.lbert Edward Nunn William James, blacksmith, High street
Piper, sec.; H. Sworder, treasurer), Hemnall strf'et Oakley & Son, boot makers, High street '
Epping, Ongar & Distriet 34Bth Starr-Bowkett Building Oddfellows' Society (W. A. Sullivan, sec.), High stree'
Society (T. J. Dean, sec) Odell Elsie (Miss), st«tioner, High street
Epping Plain Cricket Club (P. Cole, sec) Palmer Brothers, builders, High street
Epping Sanitary Steam Laundry Co. Ltd. Bower hill Parish Albert Charles, refreshment rooms, Sycamore
Epping Stationery Stores (Alfred Davis, m~-r.), High st cottage, Bell common
Epping Town Cricket Club (R. Shields, sec) Parlrer Thomas E. confectioner, High street
Erskine W. Francis M.A., M.D., B.Ch .• B.A.O., D.P.H. Parlour Charles, boot repairer, Bell common
Trin. Coli. Dub. physician & surgeon, High street Pearce William, boot repairer, 2 St. John's l'oad
Esling & Son, grocers, Allnutt's estat& Pegrum George, farmer, Lindsey st. & dairy, High 8\
Every Annie J ane (Mrs.),· refres·hment rooms, High st Pewsey Daniel Henry, registrar of births & deaths
Farrow Henry William, surveyor, & district inspector Epping sub-district & vaceination & relieving officer
of main roads to the Essex County Council (Epping to the guardians Epping union, The Plain
district), The Glen, Kendal avenue Pickmarl Arthur, scrap iron dealer, Hemnall street
Field James William, butcher. High street Poulton David Charles, undertaker, High street Samuel, farmer, Stonards farm Powell Queenie (Miss), teacher of music, Chapel road
Flack Fl"ederick, jobmaster. Station road Premier Meat Co. Limited, butchers, High street •
Flower Henry, Cock hotel, High street Prentice Arthur John, bake:r, High street
Foster Harriett (Mr~. ); confectioner, High stref't Pretlove Charles, greengrocer, High street
FQwler T:fevor L.R.C.P. & S. & L.M.Irel., D.P.H.Camb. Pryor Joseph, farmer, Bury lane
~urgeon, & medical officer of health for the Rural Di!'l· Pyne Walter, draper, High street '
trict &:; Urban District Councils, & medical officer & Reeves William, insurance agent, Hemnall street'
public vaccina.tor to the Epping, North Weald, They- Richardson Arnold. solicitor, High street "
. don Boi! &; Theydon Garnon districts, High ~trePt Robbins .Alfred George, watch maker, Station road
Fowler Trevor Hayman M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond- Robinson Brothers, cabinet makers, 2 Hemnall teTra.ce
physician & sur2eon. Hemnall street Roe Harry, saddler, High street ·-
ll'uller George P. Bell P.H. Bell common Rose Thomas Edward. tailor, High street '
Furze Luke JfUTles, farmer, The Bury •
Savage A. Waiter, carpenter, High -street

•• 0$1 ~


Savage Charles William, hair dresser, High street Thurlow F. & A. (Misses), fancy drapers, High street.
Sharp .Arthur4 hay dealer, The Acacias, Chapel road Trotter Ravmond

Elliot-t, solicitor &l commissioner for
Shf'ridan William, chimney sweeper, The Plains oaths, clerk to the Rural District Council &;. supt.
Slater Ernest Henry, chemist, High street. registrar Epping Union, High street
Smith Ephraim, superintendent of police, inspector Upton George M.R.C.V.S. veterinary surgeon, & in- .
under the " Explosives Act " & under the " Diseases spector under the " Diseases of .Animals Acts " for
of ..\.nimals ..\.cts " for the Essex Police District, Police Epping district, Beulah lodge, Lindsey street
station, High stre~t Vi0toria Ball, Victoria buildings, High street
Spiegelhalter Ferdinand, Forest Gate inn, Bell Common Webb Herbert, sanitary inspector & surveyor iot Epp-
Stueader Fanny (.Mrs.), shopkeepeor, Ivy chimneys ing 'Urban District Council, Hemnall street
Stabbings Gains, George & Dragon P .B. High street W Pst Essex Gazette (John Henry Barlow.~. 'publisher), :t
Sworder Charles B. & Alfred, coal merchants, High Victoria buildings
street & Railway station Wheel .Ann Shakespeare (Mrs.), beer retlr. Ivy chimr..eys
Sworder (Bugh) & Knight, auctionePrs, estate agents, Whiffin James &; Sons, builders, High street
valuers & surveyors, High street Whiting J. & Son, plumbers, High street
Symes William, baker, High street Williams Thomao;, wine & spirit merchant, High street;
Symes William, farmer, Wintry farm Willingale Albert E. butcher, High street
Ta'Bois Frederick W., L.D.S.Eng. dental surgeon, Vic- Willis Willie James. farmer, Home farm
toria buildings, High street (fridays) Wood Philip & Sons, builders, The Plain
Tarry William H;enry, coal merchant, High street Wood Frederick, shopkeeper, Lindsey street
Ti?e C. Wilfred, solicitor, Victoria buildings, High st · W()od Richard Chapman, joiner, Bell common
Tee Thomas Joseph, solicitor & commissioner, Victoria \\right E. M. & K. A. (~Iisses ), ladies' school, Hemnall st
buildings. High street Wright S. E. &; L. (Misses), school, Prospect ho.High s~
Territorial Force Batilalion (4th) Essex Regiment (part Yates & Sons Limited, dyers & cleaners, High street
of G Co. Capt. Barrington 0. Wells; Color-Sergt.- Yates .Alfred, boot maker, High street
Instructor John Biswell), Drill hall, St. John's road
EPPING UPLAND, consisting of tlhe largest portion Council. The Epping Urban District Cemetery, in Bury
of the ancient parish of Epping, was constituted a lane, was formed in 19II ; the area t:is 6! acres and there
civil parish by the County of Essex (Epping &c.) Con- is a mortuary chapel; the total cost was [2,500. .
firmation Order r8g6, and by Local Government Board The Infections Diseases Hospital of the Epping Rnral
Order 34,234, .April, r8g6': it is about 2 miles north of District Council, situate within this parish, erected in
Epping Town, in the Western division of the county, 1882, at a cost of £g~6, for 16 patients, was enlarged
half hundred of Walthaml Epping petty sessional divi- in r8g2, at a cost of £2,ooo, and now has 24 beds.
sion and union, county conrt district of Waltha.m ..lbbey, Copt, or Copped Hall, 2 miles south-west, so called
rural deanery of Chigwell, archdeaconry of Essex and from A. S. "cop," the top of a hill, is a house by Wyatt,
diocese of Chelmsford. All Saints church was, until built about the middle of the 18th century, near the
188g, the parish church of Epping. In that year it was site of a residence formerly used by the Abbot of Wal-
constitnted a chapel of ease to Epping, but was formed tham as a hunting lodge, and stands on an eminence in
into an ecclesiastical parish from St. John the Baptist, a distrirt surrounded with fine woods ; the present
Epping, by Order in Council, gazetted June 25th, 1gr2, house, now the residence of Ernest James Wythes esq.
and made the parish church of the new parish of .All J .P. is a structure of white brick, with Portland stone
Saints, Epping Upland. The church is an aneient struc- facings, consisting of a pedimented centre with wings,
ture of brick and concrete in the Norman style, consist- and since its first erection has been much improved:
ing of chancel and nave, south porch and an embattled the estate, which has an area of about 4,00<J acreS',
westPrn towt.>r of brick, containing a clock and 6 bells: is partly in Waltham parish and partly in that of Epp-
it retains an anmbry and an ancient credence table, ing. Ernest Jame:J Wythes esq. J.P. is the principal
discovered during recent alterations: the ancient altar landowner. The soil is various; subsoil, clay and sand.
rails, disMvered in a barn, have been restored: there The area is 4,7~7 acres of land and 6 of water; rateable
are memorial tablets to the Conyers family of Copped value, £7,o68 ; ~he population in rgri: was 8o6 in the
Hall, and a large memorial brass, dated 1621, to civil parish and 444 in the ecclesiastical parish, which
Tlhomas Palmer, of Gilles, Epping: the stained west is situated in the civil parishes of Epping Upland and
window is a memorial to Dr. Forbes Winslow, who died Epping.
3 Match, 1874, and is buried in the churchyard: the Sexton, Alfred Fairchild, Thorn wood Common.
east window is also stained: a dwarf stone screen, from 0ounty Police Station, Ernest Wm. Wedlock,constable.
which tte pulpit is corbelled out, separat€s the nave from
the chancel: the Jacobean altar rails were found in a Post Office, Epping Green. :Miss Emma Fickling, sub-
barn in J9I3 and restored to the church: the church postmistr·ess. Letters through Epping; delivery corn-
was completely restored in 1878 at a. cost of {.3,ooo, and mences at 7.25 a.m. & 6.5 p.m.; sundays, 8.35 a.m.;
affords about 400 sittings. The register dates from the letter box cleared at 8. I5 a.m. &; 6.s p.m.; tlundays,
year 1539. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value 8.25 a.m. Nazeing, 2 miles distant, is the nearest
£ 173, with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of money order office & Broadley Common, the nearest
Chelmsford and Mrs. Marter, of Waltons, Epping telegraph office
Upland, and held since 1 g 12 by the ReJv. Edwin Green 1 Wall Letter Boxes.~Near the church. clea~ed at 8.45
M ..A. of Durham University. There is a Congregational a.m. & 6.15 p.m.; sundays, 7·45 a.m.; Gnffins wood,
chapel. cleared at 7-45 & n.25 a.m. & 3 & 7 p,m..; sundays,
The )'lemorial Ball, erected by Miss Marter in .7·45 p.m
memory of her brothers, Lieut. M . .A. F. Marter and Pillar Letter Box, Jack's Batch, cleared at 5.30 p.m.;
Captain W. M. Marter, is used for concerts, entertain~ snndays, ro a.m
ments etc. Public Elementary School (mixed), Epping Green,
A Cemetery of xi acres was formed in 1909 at a cost built in 1862, for So children; average attendance,
of about [300, and is under the control of the Parish 52; Mrs. Garner, mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Cemetery (Epping Urban District), Grout. W.J. & &Ins, carmen, The Plain
Crveor John Woodville Forest side Bury lane KPmsley Hy. Bernard, fr11,1r. Takeleys
Dash"Wood Philip w. Griffins Wood Clark Will~am, f~rmer, ~ye hill . Lukies Frederick ~ichola.s .. farmer.
Gr~>en Rev. Edwin M.A. (vicar), Cook ~dwm .Artm, carrrage bmlder, ChamhPr's farm
Vicarage · I Eppmg Green :Mansfield Arthur. farmer
Jones Rev. John (chaplain, Epping Cox Waiter, dairyman, Forest. side Mansfield Isabella (Mrs.), farmer,
union), Epping Green 'Cramphorn G_e?. C'~k & Magpie P.H Epping Green
Linskill .John, Epping Green Dashwood Ph1lip W. land agent to E. 'Ma;;sam Arthur. boot re-pairer
Marter :Mrs. Walton J. Wythes esq. Griffins Wood :Millard Edward H~>nry, wheelwright,
Page Percy Chas. Thorn wood Commn Dea~ W_illiam &: Charles, farmers, M~~p~!os~~:ll,frmr .Ladder Stile fm
Powell John D. Forest side Pmchhmb~r farm ,
Sewell .Arthur T. Currance,Thornwood D~>a~ Freder1ck, far~er! Hunters pall Nicholls John Egbert, assistant over-
Wray Lieut . ...Col. Cecil M.V.O..., The Epp~ng Rural . D1stnct InfectiOn~ seer & farmer
Woodhonse j Diseases Bospttal (Trevor Hayman Nicholls Thomas, frmr. Parvills farm
Wvthes Ernest Jas. J.P. Copped hall Fowler ~.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P. Nunn Walter James. fa.rmer,~ew farm

Loud. medtcal officer) Ormonrl James B. estate bailiff to E.
COMMERCIAL. Pickling Emma (Miss), shopkeeper, &: J. Wythes esq. J.P. Home fa.rm
Bullock Arthur, gardener to E. J., post office, Epping Green Pegrum Charles H. farmPr,Gills farm
Wythes esq Ford John, painter, Epping Green Pinch Pea.rse, farmer, Marles farm
Cemetery (Epping Uplllnd) Gregory Waiter J. farmer, High road • , • ,
- - •

Quelch .Arthur George, gardener to Slater Edwin ret.Epping Grn Thompson .1dam,blcksmth.EppingGr3
Lieut.-Col. Cecil Wray M.V.O Smith George, farmer, Little Marles Trundle Fred, farmer, Rivetts farm
Rickett Elizh. (Mrs.),frmr.Hayleys fm Smith John, frmr. Gibbon's Bush fm Welll! Chas. frmr. Thorn-wood Comnm
FAIRSTED (or Fairstead) is an und::Jlating parish, (2) The Last Supper, (3) The Betrayal, (4) Our Lord
about 3 miles east of the road from Chelmsford to being crowned with thorns, (5) Incidents on the way
Braintree, 4 miles north-west from Witham station on to Calvary: the wall at the south-east corner is in-
the Great Eastern railway, 3 miles south-west from scribed with a "Bidding Prayer" for James I. : ther~
White Notley station on the Witham and ·Braintree are 120 sittings. The register dates from the year
branch, and 3 north-west from Hatfield Peverel station 1538. The living is a rectory, net yearly Talue [,325>
on the main line of the Great Eastern railway, 6 south including 84 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift
from Braintree, 9 north from Chelmsford, in the Eastern of the Bishop of Chelmsford, and held since 1909 by
division of the county, Witham hundred and petty the Rev. Thomas Sadgrove B.A. of Trinity Colle~.
sessional division, Braintree union and county CO'Urt Dublin. The rectors of this parish can be t:raeed t(}
district, rural deanery of Witham, archdeaconry of Col- the year 1390. The poor have the interest of £200,
chester and Chelmsford diocese. The church of St. bequeathed in the year I828 by Mr. James Carter, now
Mary and St. Peter is an ancient building of flint, in invested in the 2~ per Cents. in theo names of the
the Norman styl~>, consisting of chancel, nave, north Charity Trustees, and producing £5 for coals or
porch and a western tower with lofty shingled spire, blankets, distributed in Christmas week. Warley Hall,
containing 4 bells, one of which is of pre-Reformation now a farm house, was formerly moated, and according'
date : the spire 'us reshingled and repaired in 19I3, to tradition had an attached chapel, called " Lady Wyde-
at a cost of {,235: on the chancel wall is a monu- lin's Chapel." The principal landowners are the Rt.
mental slab to Joshua Blowers, rector of this church Hon. Lord Rayleigh P.C., O.M., P.R.S. who is lord
in I656, and Elizabeth, his second wife: the chancel, of the manor, John Lord esq. and Philip Hutley esq.
which is entered from the nave by a fine brick of Witham. The soil is mixed; subsoil, clay and gravel.
arch of early date, retains piscina and sedilia; The chief crops are wheat, barley, turnips, peas and
and there is a very ancient oaken chest, about 9 beans. The area is 1,g63 acres; assessable value, £925-;
feet long and 2 feet wide, cut out of solid timber and the population in I9II was 242.
bound with iron; the oak benches of the nave, carved Fuller Street is a hamlet, I~ miles west of the church-
with the linen pattern, are of the I6th century: there Ranks Green is :z miles north.
are traces of a rood loft:. the chancel was restored in Letters through Witham arrive at 9 a.m. & 12.15 p.m.
t881: in I888 a pulpit of carved oak was erected as a Wall Letter Box, near the Rectory, cleared at 12.15 &
memorial to the Rev. Richar·d Marsh White, a former 6.30 p.m.; sundays at 1o.:zo a.m. & Fuller street.
rector: in r8go the nave and tower were completely cleared at 8 a.m. week days & sun days. The nearest
restored, the western gallery removed and the tower money order & telegraph office is at Terling, x! mile&
arch opened; during the restoration various mural distant
paintings were discovered, including, over the chancel Church of England School (mixed), for 6o children;
arch (I) Our Lord's Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem, average attendance, 32; Mrs. E. E. Bright, mistre!IS

COMMERCIAl.. I Stokes George H. beer retailer

F.AIRSTED. Cross Benjamin, farm bailiff to Lord Wren Fredk. Wm. farmer, Newne~·s
Lord John, Ashwells farm Rayleigh J .P. TrQys farm
Sadgrove Rev. Thomas B.A. (rector), French Clement, farm bailiff to Lord RANKS GREEN.
Rectory Rayleigh J.P. Fairstead Hall farm Clark Chas. stockman to P .Hutley e~q
Turnbull Mrs. The Hall J 1:1nnings Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper Ketley George, farmer
Smith Jsph. Geo. frmr.Fairsted lodge Tansley Ephraim, beer retailer
NORTH FAMBRIDGE is a very secluded parish dates from 1590; burials, I556 and marriages, 15g-S.
of scatter~>d houses, on the north bank of the river The living is a rectory, net yearly value £170, with
Crouch, over which is a ferry from this village to 26 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the
South Fambridge, with a station on the Southminster Lord Chancellor, and held 11ince 19II by the Rev. John
branch of the Great Eastern railway, 7 miles south from Lenthal Davids. The trustees of the late Mr. R.
Maldon by road and about 13 south-east from Chelms- Stevens, of Purleigh Hall, are lords of the manor. The
ford, in the South Eastern division of the county, Dengie soil is a strong clay; subsoil, the same. The chief crops
hundred and petty sessional division, Maldon union and are wheat, beans and mangold wurtzel. The area is
county court district, and in the rural deanery of 1,249 acres, of which a large portion is marsh, 49 of
Dengie, archd~aconry of Essex and Chelmsford diocese. tidal water and 5I of foreshore; rateable value, [,1,231;
The church of the Holy Trinity is an ancient building the population in 19II was I44·
of red brick, in the Perpendicular style, consisting of Letters through Maldon arrive at 8.30 a.m. Stow Maries
nave, west porch and a small wooden belfry at the west is the nearest money order & telegraph office. Wall
end, containing one bell; over the communion table LetteT Boxes: The Hall, cleared 5 p.m.; sundays,
is an oil painting representing the Lord"s Snpper and IO. IS a.m.; Railway station, 5.Io p.m.; sundays, 10.25
the church has an aneient octagonal font; near the a. m. Pillar Letter Box, The Rectory, cleared at 5.zo
communion table is a brass with effigies to William p.m.; sundays, 8.30 a.m
Osborne, ob. I590, Anne (Walker), his wife, ob. 1607, Council School (mixed), built in I875o & enlarged in
and I6 children: the whole church was restored and a 1907• for 42 children; average attendance, 30; Mrs.
vestry added at the west end, in 1890, at a cost of Annie Hitchcox, mistress
[,2oo, and affords 64 sittings. The register of baptisms Railway Station, Abram Double, station master
ILightfoot Col. David Fambridge Yacht Club (Ronald :M_
' ~larvel John, Hall wood
1 I Harris, hon. sec)
Barrett Henry J. The Hall Patterson J. Wylie, Summer home Flick Ernest J. yacht outfitter & ship-
Berridge Charles Searle Daniel Waiter, Riverdale chandler
Billson Waiter, Erin cottage Friedlein Fredk. farmer, Whitehome
Chapman Bert Geard Grace (Mrs.), apartmentsp
Clements George Bnde Haven
Davids Rev. John Lenthal (rector) Armour Robt. jun. frmr.Rookery frm Jeffery Charles, shopkeeper
Flick Ernest Jack, Riwr cottage Ohapman James, fanner, Grooms frm IKent Brothers, farmers
G-reenwell Allan Chaproniere Henry, farmer, Skinners Os borne Geo. Barnard, Ferry Boat inD

Harris Ronald ~I. Ru:dey cottage \ Wick Powney Job, cowkeeper

SOUTH FAMBRIDGE is a par.ish on the south The register of baptisms dates from I765; burials, I775;
bank of the river Crouch, 3 miles north from Rochford marriages, 1754. The living is a rectory, ~nnexed to
station on the Southend branch of the Great Eastern Ashingdon, joint net yearly value £480, with I25 acres
railway, 8~ south from Maldon and 7l north from South- of glebe and residence, in the gift of Mrs. Bryers, cf
end, in the South Eastern division of the county, Rocbford Launceston, Tasmania, and held since I9I2 by the Rev.
hundred, petty sess:onal division and union, Southend John Shaw Bryers M.A. of St. John's College, Cam-
county court district, Canewdon and Southend rural 1 bridge, who resides at .Ashington. J. H. Tritton esq.
deanery, Essex archdeaconry and Chelmsford diocese. of Lyons Hall, Great Leighs, Chelmsford, is the princi-
The river is here crossed by ferry boats. The church of pal landowner. The soil is a strong clay; subsoil, clay.
All Saints, erected in 1846, is a small edifice of white brick The chief crops are wheat, .beans &:ic. The area is I,I89
in the Early English style, built in place of an earlier 1 acres of land, 3 of inland and 72 of tidal water and 3S
.:hurch, and consisting simply of nave and a western of fore-shore; rateable Talue, [,I,296; the population i!l
tower of wood containing one bell: there are 6o sittings. 19n was 247·
Letters throu!!'h Rochford arrive at 7.40 a.m. &:; 3·35 Hockley, 31 miles distant, is the nearest money order
p.m. Letter Box, opposite the Anchor hotel, cleared &:; telegraph office
9-IS a.m. & 5.30 p.m.; no collection on sundays. The children of this parish attend the school at .Ashingdon
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Ward Yrs. Maria M. New hall Macdonald Robert, farmer, The Hall
Catton .!rthur, The Bungalow I COMliiERCIAL. McLean Rowland, farm bailiff, Beck-
Cook Frederick, Rect-ory house Balls Harry, Anchor hotel ney Wood house
Nathan William, Hill house Thompson Edward, farmer, Brick h()
Neal John, Dursley Beckney lodge
l!'ABNHAM (or Fernham) is a village and parish on concerts &c.; the trustees are the rector and Messrs.
the borders of Hertfordshire, 3- miles west from Stansted R. C. Gosling anCI W. Stacey. There is a mission hall
station on the main line of the Great Eastern railway, at Chatter End. Hassobury is the seat of Robert Cun-
and 3 north from Bishop's Stortford, in the Northern liffe Gosling esq. D.L., J.P. lord of the manor and prip.-
division of the county, Clavering hundred, Bishop's cipal landowner. The chief crops are wheat, barley,
Stortford union and county court district, Walden petty oats, clover, beans. peas and roots. The area is 2,021
sessional division, Newport and Stanstoo rural deanery, acr~s; rateable value, £2,444; the population in 19n
Colchester archdeaconry and Chelmsford diocese. The was 39I.
church of St. Mary, standing on the side of a hill at
some distance from any house, was rebuilt in the year HAZEL END is a hamlet of Farnham, I mile south-
1859 at a cost of upwards of £s,ooo, defrayed by the east ; Earlsbury is half a mile south ; Level's Green,
late Robert Gosling esq. and by the late Rev. W. J. half a mile south-west; Farnham Green, I! miles
Copeland B.D. rector, 1849-85: it is a structure of north-west.
flint with stone dressings, in the Early Decorated style, Verger and Sexton, William Dellow.
and consists of chancel, nave, north aisle with chapel, '
south porch and an embattled western tower containing Post Office. Miss Fanny Brown, sub-postmistress. L&t-
6 bells: there is a memorial window at the east end to ters through Bishop's Stortford arrive at 8 &:; n.xo
the late Robert Gosling esq. d. I86g, and other11 to Miss a.m. ; dispatched at 8.50 a.m. &:; 6.35 p.m. ; sundays,
C. Edith Gosling, and Robert Gosling esq. d. x8g5, and arrive at 8 a.m. & dispatched at 9 a.m. Manuden is
to Capt. G. B. Gosling, of the Rifle Brigade, who died the nearest money order &:; telegraph office
of fever in South Africa in 19o6 : a new organ was Pillar Letter Boxes. Hazel End, cleared at 6.40 a.m. &:;
erected in Sept. I8go, at a cost of £26o, as a memorial 7 p.m. week days; 6.40 a. m. sundays; Chatter Eml,
to Miss Edith Gosling: the interior is fitted with open cleared 6. rs p.m. week days only
<>ak benches and affords 320 sittings. The register Church of England School (mixed), built, with resi-
dates from the year 1558. The living is a rectory, net dence for master attached, in r855, & enlarged in 1892,
yearly value £383, with 3 acres of land and residence, for 1 ro children ; average attendance, 61 ; &:; endowed
in the gift of Robert Cunlifie Gosling esq. D.L., J.P. with the yearly interest from a bequest ot £I,500 from
and held since x885 by the Rev. John Gullett Geare William E. Gosling esq. &:; £soo from R. Gosling esq.
M . .A. of Exeter College, Oxford, and rural dean of New- left in Consols, now administered under a scheme bv •
port and Stansted. The Parish Room, built to com- the Board of Education; Robert J. Mallam, master;
memorate the coronation of His late Majesty King :Mrs. A. J. Mallam, mistress; Miss F. Bright, assist-
Edward VII. at a cost of about £soo, is used for ant mistress
Geare Rev. John Gullett M.A. (rector1Jasper Hedley Lewis, frmr.Thrifts fm Prewer Waiter, farm bailiff to R. C.
&:; rural dean), The Rectory Marshall Daniel, head gamekeeper to Gosling esq. Hazel End
Gosling Rohert Cunliffe D.L., J.P. R. C. Gosling esq Riches Eliza (Mrs.), farmer, Saven
Hassobury ParkPr Mary Ann (Mrs.), Globe P.H End farm
Petchey Alfred, head gardener to R. Riches Robert, steward to R. C. Gos-
COlUIERCI.AL. C. Gosling esq ling esq. Estate office, Hazel End
Bradley William, shopkeeper Pethybridge Charles L. farmer, 1 Rowe Jsph.Hunter, frmr.Walkers frm
Gillman Robert, farm bailiff to R. C. Farnham hall j Stacey Frank, farmer, Wickbam hall
Gosling esq. Home farm Pomphret William, hay & straw Stacey William, engineer, Hill farm
Ives Samuel. Thr~>e Horse Shoes P.H dealer, Hazel End
FAULXBOUBNE is a parish and scattered village, on a house at Kelvedon and left by the Rev. J. Harrison;
pltmsantly situated on the road from Witbam to Brain- both are distributed in bread and money at Christmas
tree, ll miles north-west from Witham station on the and Easter. Faulkbourne Hall, the seat of Christopher
Great Eastern main line, and 5~ south-east from Brain- William Parker esq. D.L., J.P. lord of the manor and
tree, in the Eastern division of the county, Witham sole landowner, is a stately pile of red brick, originally
-hundred and petty sessional division, Braintree union built in I440, but now exhibiting architectural features
anJ county court district, rural deanery of Witbam, of various periods, and standing in a park of roo acres,
archdeaconry of Colchester and Chelmsford diocese. :m slightly undulating ground, well studded with lofty
The church of St. Germanus, standing within the park, elms and chestnut trees; the square tower, which dates
is a small building of stone and rubble in the Norman from the reign of Henry VI. is the most ancient and
"!'ot~le, con~isting of chancel, nave, south porch and a interesting part of the house. The land is principally
~estern belfry with wooden spire containing 2 bells : arable and grass; subsoil, clay and gravel. Tha chief
"1 the chancel are inscriptions on brass to Henry crops are wheat, barley, turnips and beans. The area
'FOI'tescue e~q. ob. 1576, and Mary Darell, ob. 1598; on is I,145 acres of land and 6 of water; rateable value,
·the north side is a rnU!'al tablet to Sir Edward Bullock, £I,350; the population in Igii was 176 .
.,-ho was knighted at Richmond sth July, I609, and died Deputy Parish Clerk, James Cheek.
1.n I644; on the south side is a costly memorial of white Post Office. Frederick Ottley, sub-postmaster. Letters
marble, with life-sized female figure bearing a scroll, through Witham arrive at 6.30 a.m. &:; I.4o (callers
i~scribed to John Bullock esq. d. 1740, and a third to only) & 7.30 p.m.; dispatched at 7.20 a.m. & 1.40 &:;
'Or. Richard Bullock, d. Nov. r6th, 1754, and his widow, 8.15 p.m. Witham is the nearest telegraph office, 3
Whalley Bullock, d. July 1oth, 1767; there is also some miles distant, &:; White Notley the nearest money
~aiued glass : the church affords ISO sittings. The order office
register of baptisms and burials dates ftoom 1574, and of Wall Letter Box, Falkbourne hall, clearPd at 7.25 a.m.
marriages from 1576. The living is a rectory, net yearly &:; 1.40 &:; 8.20 p.m.; sundays, 9 p.m
value £I77, with residence and 28 acres of glebe, in the Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1855. for 30
gift of Christopher W. Parker esq. D.L., J.P. and held children; average attendance, 19; Mrs. A. M. Beard-
since 18.98 by the Rev. Frederick Harris Valpy M ..A. well, mistress
of Magdalen College, Oxford. There are two charities, This school is under the control of the E<lsex Education
'~'ne of £6 yearly arising from £2oo left in I78o by Braintree District Sub-CommittPe, John Gleave,
Captain illutchinson, and one of £1 arising from charges County High school, Braintree, clerk
ParkP-r Cbristopher William M ..A., Brice Robt . .Alfd. frmr. Colemans frm OttlPv FreclNick, baker, Post office
D.L,. J.P. Faulkbourne hall Fail"head Ernest, farmer, Hole- farm Speakman Thnmns, farmer, Hill fa..,rmrn
Vat-pyRev. Fred.k. Harris M.A.Rectory Ledger Horace, fat'mer, The Warren Strutt & ParkPr, farmers, Home &
COMMERCIAL. Stud farm Oal;: farms
Barson Charles &:; William, farmers
.FEERING is a parish and widely scattered village, from Coggeshall and Q south-west from Colchester. in the
pleasantly seated in the vale of the river Blackwater, a Ea!:tern division of the county, Le:xden hundred, Witham
mile and a quarter north-east from tbe Kelvedon station pPtty sessional division, Braintree union, Colchester,
of the Great Ealltern (Colchester) railway, 2 miles south Clacton and Hnr\\ich joint counh court district, ·
• ~llfltiJ/NQJit-4 .

R•FttRENC£ Ll:;/

Cogg3shall and 'rey rural deanery, archdeaconry Qf Prested Hall, now -the property and ocCasional residence
Colcheste-r: and ChPlmsford diocese. Feering is supplied of Nathaniel N. Sherwood esq. was formerly &< moated

with water from works at. Coggeshall. The church of mansion, and remains of the moat still exist. The
All Saints is an ancient building of rubble and brick, Ecclesiastical Commissioners, who are lords of the
in the Decorated, Perpendicular and Tudor styles, con- manor, Thomas P. Price esq. of Marks Hall, N. N.
sisting of chancel, nave, north aisle of four bays, south Sherwood esq. Cecil Skingley esq. the Misses Skingley
porch and an embatth•d western tower partially covered and John William Moss esq. are the principallandowners.
witli ivy, and containing 8 bells : the east window and The land is chiefly light, arable and undulating; sub-
others in the chancel are stained : there is a carved font soil, gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley and
and an elaborately carved oak pulpit: the chief feature seeds. The area is 3,193 acres of land and 11 of water~
is the beautiful old brickwork and part of the rateable value, £7,186; the population in 19n was 830;
wall on either sidP, built in the time of Henrv• VII. : the population of the ecclesiastical parish was 768,
three windows have brick mullions, and in one of these chiefly dPpending on agriculture. •
is a Tudor ro~e : an old coffin lid of stone, discovered SURREX, a hamlet in this parish, was annexed in
some years since in the north aisle, is now placed 1854 by Order in Council to Little Tey for ecclesiasticaJ
between the piers on that side of the church: the~ is purposes only; the population in 19II was 78.
also an interesting mural brass, erected in 1623 by
Robert A,·lett in memorv of his wife: the church affords GORE PIT adjoins tlie to\\nship of Kelvedon.
• •
300 sittings. The register dates from the year 1563. Parish Clerk, William Henry Crang Lewis.
The living is ~ vicarage, net yearly value £237, with 9 Post Office.--Uriah George Fisher, sub-postmaster.,
acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Bishop Letters through Kelvedon arrive at 7·5 a.m. & 6.xo
of Chelmsford, and held since 1909 by the Rev. Arthur p.m. week days; dispatched at 7.40 p.m. week days &
Francis Curtis :M.A. of Christ's College, Cambridge, 11.40 a.m. sundays. Kelvedon, 1 mile distant, is the
and rural dean of Coggeshall and Tey. The "John nearest money order &; telegraph office
Moss Memorial Hall," opened in 1907, is used for Pillar Letter Box, Gore Pit, cleared at g. 10 & n.2o a.m.
religious.. services &c. The charities amount to 21s. & 3-35 & 8.35 p.m. week days; sundays, 8.35 p.m
yearly, for widow communicants. Feering Bury :Manor Pillar Box, Surrex, cleared at 7·45 a.m. &; 7 p.m.; son-
House; the residence of P. C. Reid esq. J.P. anciently days, n a.m
belong-ed to the abbey of Westminster, and after the Church of England School, built in 1846 & enlarged in
Dissolution to the See of London, during which time 1909, is an Elizabethan building of red brick, partially
Bishop Bonner occasionally resided here ; Nicholas endowed by the Rev. Robert Drummond, vicar from
Ridley, Bishop of London and martyr, also resided 1829; there is room for about 120 scholars; average
here : the arms of Heygate and a badge of Queen attendance, 8o ; William Henry Crang Lewis, master
Elizabeth exist in a window of the house. An ancient Local Education Authority, Essex County Council,
half-timbered chapf'l here is now used as a stable. Braintree Sub-District; Olerk, John Gleave, County
Near the Manor House is an ancient water mill. school, Braintree
PUIV.-\TE TIEl"lDI<:!'T~.
Harrington William, farm bailiff to
Brown Frank E. LPnnox, The Gal::les, P. C. Reid esq. J.P. Feering Bury
Feering Hill Bacon Herbert Edward, butcher, Hum William, seed grower, Gore pit
Carter Herbert, GorP house, Gore Fit Feering Hill Hutley William, blacksmith
Church Albert Arthur, The Hollies, Bacon Hezekiah,jobmastr.Feering Hill Lewis William Henry C. assistant
Feering Hill Bareham Jsph. wheelwright, Gore Pit overseer & parish clerk
Curtis Rev. Arthur Francis M.A. Blyth .Alec, farmer, Palmers farm Marshall Samuel, Bell inn
(vicar & rural dPan), Vicarage (letters through Coggeshall) Mo!'s J ohu &; Son, sped farml'rs,
Deal Bertrand W. RE>dlands Brown Frank E. Lennox, manure Church farm
Deal Mrs. Brooklands, Feering Hill merchant &; agent for Freeland & Osborn Fred, builder, Feering Hill
Harvey Mrs. Rye hou<:e Smiths Limited, manure manufac- Partridge Albert &; Sons, threshing
Holland John Scott-, Ryelands turer~; bone & hair greaves, bone machine proprietors, Surrex
Hunt Ml"S. The Warrens meals, fishery \Salt &c. The Gables, Partridge Albert, beer retailr. Surrex
McCracken Donald E. Feering house, Feering Hill Prail J ames F. & Son, farmers,Herons
Feering Hill Catt Samuel H. steward to J. Moss & farm (letters through Coggesball)
Newby Arthur Edward, Hillegom, Son. Church farm Rayment .A.rth. Sun inn, Fearing Hill
Fearing Hill Church Arthur, seed grower, Weavers Reddick Chas. gardener to Nathaniel
Newby Thomas .Arthur,Feering lodge, farm N. Sherwood esq.Prested Hall Jodg9
London road j Church J oseph, seed grower Reid Percy Charles J.P. farmer, Fee r-
Nichols Francis H. R. Alverstone ho . Cooper Brothers, millers (water), ing Bury Manor house
Orst J oseph John, Rye mills I Feering mill Rifle Club (Herbert Carter, hon.sec.),
Osborn Fred, The Gables.Feering Hill Deal_ Bertrand W., F.R.H.S. seed Gore house, Gore Pit
Playfair George W. F. St. Andrews, g-rower & mercllant, Brooklands. Warren George, dairyman, Surrex
Feering Hill Telegrams. " Deal, Kelvedon;" Tel. Warren Rowland Morris, jun. farmer.-
Polley Mrs. Lulworth, Feering Hill ~o. 11 Kelvedon Houchins farm, Surrex
Reid Percy Charles J.P. Feering Bury Fairs Geo.Edwd. frmr.Cockerell'.s frm Watson George, farmer, Maltbeggars
Manor hou!'e Fisher Uriah Geo. grocer, Post office farm (letters through Coggeshall)
Sherwood ~athaniel B. Prested hall Ham Alfred, birch broom ma. Surrex Willslier Ohas. beer retailer, Gore Pit
FELSTEAD (Felsted, or Felstead Holy Cross) is a Cary kt. of Cockington, Devon, and 2ndly of Sir Arthnr
parish with a station I mile north-west from the village Lake kt. ; also Lady Rachel Montagu, daughter of the
on the Bishop'~; Stortford, Dunmow and Braintree branch Earl of Manchester, ob. 1704; Robert, son of Oliver and
df the Great Eastern railwav, •
xo miles north from Elizabeth Cromwell, ob. 1639; Thomas Woodroffe, rector
Chelmsford, 4 south-east from Dunmow and 6 west- of Felstead, ob. 13 Oct. 1712, and Dionysius Palmer,
south-west from Braintree, and comprehends the south- gent. ob. I Aug. 1630: the church has been restored at
western corner of Hinckford hundred, in the Eastern a cost of onpwards of [3,500. The register dates from
division of the county, petty sessional division of Hinck- the year 1558. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value
ford South (Brail'itree bench), Dunmow union and county [385, with residence, in the gift of Miss Smith, and
court district, rural deanery of Braintreoe, archdeaconry held since I9II by the Rev. Edward John Doherty M·.A..
of Colchester and Chelmsford diocese. The church of of St. John's College, Cambridge. There is a Congre-
the Holy Cross is a building of stone, consisting of gational chapel, with spacious rooms for Sunday school~r
chancel, clerestoried nave of four bays, aisles, south and a minister's house adjoining. The general charitie~r
chapel, south porch and an embattled Wl'stern tower amount to about f;6o yearly, chiefly left in 1564 by
with a lantern, containing ~ clock and 5 bell:;:: the Lord Rich, whose bequest of £35 yearly is distributed
chapel, erected by Robert, 2nd Lord Rich, is the among- the poor: there are also almshouses for 6 poor
burial place of that family, and contains a superb people on the same foundation as the school, each
monument to Richard, 1st Baron Rich of Leeze, and imnatP. receiving- £so yearlv. Earl Oowley is lord of
Lord High Chancellor in the reign of Edward VI. who the manor. The principal landowners are William
died in 1568 ; the monument, constructed of various Dannatt, of Great Waltham, Guy's Hospital, Philip
marbles, is about 13 feet in height, and includes Hutlev esq. and Alfred Ernest Scrivener esq. The soil
R recumbent effigy of the Chancellor, robed, under a is mixed; subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops
canopy, highly decorated and supported by Corinthian are wheat. barley, turnips, beans, oats and mangolds.
pillars : here were also interred Thomas. ~;on of Sir The area is 6,414 acres of land and 12 of water; rate-
Robert Rich, ob. 1564; Richard, son of Sir Robert Rich, able value, £9.760; the population in 19n was x,g6g,
1580; Robert (Rich), 1st Earl of Warwick, ob. 1618; including 197 in Felstead School.
as well as Lettice his daughter, wife, xst of Sir George Parish Clerk, Reginald Carl Rolcke.
BANNISTER GREEN is one mile and a half east. two of £2o awarded annually in July; one leaving
Post,. M. 0 . T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office.- scholarship of £6o & one of £so annually, tenable ai.
Miss Rosa Lock, sub-postmistress. Letters arrive from eitherr of the Universities of Oxford or Cambridge, at
Chelmsford & are delivered• at 7 a.m. 12 noon & 3 the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, the Roya1
p.m. First dispatch to London, 10.20 a.m.; second, Military College, Sandhurst, or at the London Uni-...
3.20 p.m.; third, to Chelmsford & all parts, 7·5 p.m versity, for three years, or such portion of three years
Post Office, HaTtford End.-George Root, sub-post- as corresponds with the usual course of the said col..
master. Letters through Chelmsford arrive 4.30 lege. Boys who have been educated for three years at
a.m.; dispatched at 7 p.m. The nearest money this school areo qualified to compete for the "Essex
order & telegraph office is at Felstead, 2 miles distant Scholarships" at Hertford College, Oxford, of the
Wall Letter Box at Bannister Green cleared at 8.15 a.m. value of £xoo a year for five years: for these there is
& 6 p.m. week days & sundays g.15 a.m no limit of age. The num her of boys in the school is
Wall Letter Box, North End, cleared at 8 a.m. & 6 p.m. now (HJI.f) 263: in this school the Lord Protector-
week days & on sundays at to p.m Richard Cromwell & Oliver & Henry Cromwell, sons
Wall Letter lsox, Felstead Station, cleared 2.30 & 3.30 of the Lord Protector Oliver Cromwell, were educated,
p.m as also Dr. Isaac Barrow, the distinguished scholar, &
Wall Letter Box, Willows farm, cleared at 7 a.m. & Dr. John Wallis, the mathematician
5.40 p.m. ; sundays, 8 a.m Head Master, Rev. Frank Stephenson M.A. of Christ's
LtYtter Box, Causeway End, cleared at 6. IS a. m, & 6.35 College, Cambridge; Assistant Masters, G. H.
p.m.; sundays, 7.15 a.m Williams M.A., F. B. Rogers M.A. Rev. F. D. Wind-
Letter Box, Brook farm, cleared at 6.20 a.m. & 6.30 sor M.A., G. J. Hornsby-Wright M.A., E. B. Trow
p.m.; sundays, 7.20 a.m M.A., B.C.L. (bursar), J. E. Montgomery M ..A.., 0.
H. Burne M.A.., C. B. Jovner•
M.A.., J. H. Owen 'M.A.,
R. P. :Medley M.A., Rev. E. I. Robson M.A., W. K.
FELSTED SCHOOL. Armitstead M.A.., C. Chittock M.A., H. Leonard
Felsted School was founded in the year 1564 by Richard Watts B.A. Rev. E. M. Venables M.A. & S. Bender·
Lord Rich, who at the same time founded almshouses, son B.A
to be under the same management ; the present yearly Junior House, House Master, F. Jacob M.A.; Assistant
income of these charities is about £r,soo: in 1B3s the Masters, F. G. Turner B. A. Thomas Cooper B. A. &
charity was placed in Chancery, & a scheme for its Walter A. Tomlinson B.A
management being settled by the Court in 1851, it was Medical Officer~;~, Montague Tench :M.D.Brux., M.R.C.S.
then entrusted to the control of a board of trustees; Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. & J. Tremlett Wills M.B
but in 1877 its administration was committed to a Engineering Master, D. H. Ml'lrgan A.M.I.M.E
body of 14 governors under the provisions of a new Drawing Master, Thornton Andrewll
scheme framed by the Educational department of the Teacher of Violin. W, R. Cave
Charity Commission, Douglas Round esq. being Drill Instructor, Sergt.-Major Morris
chairman. The school, situated 1 mile from Felsted Band Instructor, Sergt. Sivell
station, was rebuilt in x864, & is a gabled structure Gymnasium Instructor, Sergt. Sivell
in a simple style of Gothic, with a lofty entrance Clerk tll the Governors, H. J. Cunnington, Braintree
tower, surmounted by a pyramidal spired roof: near
the ,school is a chapel, erected in 1874: the chancel Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1678, for
was decorated in 1885 at a cost of about £zso, raised 226 children ; averag"' attendance, 125 boys & girls &
by sub!lcr~ptions from old boys & masters; the chapel so infants; Albert T. Holmes, master; Mrs. Ellen
will seat 300. The school house, which is under the Holmes, infants' mistress
care ~f the head master, assisted by four house This school is controlled by the Esa.ex Education (Dun·, will hold 18o boys, & then• is a boarding mow District) Sub-Committee
house near, holding 40 boys, under G. J. Hornsby-
Wright M.A. & a detached sanatorium ; there is also TERRITORIAL FORCE.
a separate Junior House for boys under 13 years of Officers' Training Corps.
age. & available for so boys; adjacent are playing Contingent of the Junior Division.
fields of about 30 acres, containing a gymnasium, Two Companies Infantry.
four fives courts & a covered swimming bath (75 by Felsted School, Capt. J. E. Montgomery, commanding
25 feet) : the school also possesses chemical, physical
& biological laboratories, engineering & carpentering Railway Station, Arthur F. Archer, station master
workshops; in 1904 a block of eight classrooms & a Police Station, Charles W. Surridge, eonstable in charge
new great schoolroom, designed by the late Sir A.· Carrier. Collingridge, from Swan inn, to Chelmsford,
Blomfield, was opened. There are two entrance mon. & fri. ; to Braintree, wed. & sat. ; to & from
scholarships of £7o each, two of £so, four of £3o & railway station, daily
(Marked thus * receive their letters Morris Rupert Lewis, Chaffix *Bradridge T. & Co.corn & flour mers
through Rayne, Braintree.) *Morse Percival Ramey, Ley:fields *Bradridge Thomas J.P. farmer.,
PBIVATB RESIDENTS. Norris Mrs. Cobbler's Green Street & Fentons fa.rms
Allan Mr!!. The Bury Owen John H., M.A Britton George, farmer, Seabrooks
Armitstead William Kenrick M.A R.obson Rev. Edgar Iliff M.A *Brock John, builder, The Firs
Bellingham-Smith Guy, Yarrow R.ogers Francis Bassett M . .A. Brock Jn. farmer, Bridge House frm
*Bireher Charles, Allviews Scrivener Mrs. Pond park Brown Clement Porter, farmer, Pye's
Brooks Sydney Cecil, Hillside Smallpeice William Donald bridge
Brown Daniel, Cambray villa 3tephenson Rev. Frank M.A. (head Burrough James, farmer, Stevens frm
Burne Owen H., M.A master), Felsted school *Byford Frederick, farmer, Common
Carter Misses, Folly Taylor Elias *Clayden James, boot & shoe repairer
Ohittock Cranford M.A Thacker Mrs. The Bungalow Cloughton Thomas & Sons, brick
Cooper Thomas B.A . Tomlinson Waiter ..\., B.A · makers & fanners
Doherty Rev. Edwd. John M.A.(vicar) Trow Edwyn Buckley M.A., B.C.L. Coe Jas. wheelwright,Bannister Green
FaiTfax-Ross Mrs. Te Moana (bursar), Felsted school COE' Robert Fuller, blacksmith~
Fitt~m Bev. Albert Joseph (Congre- Tufnell Fanshaw Tower, Mariskalls Bannister Green
gational), The Manse Turner F. G., B.A. (assistant master), Collingridge Ernest E. carrier & job~
Fletcher Edward, Mill house Felsted school master
Forbuna H. Scott, Albert lodge Venables Rev. Edward Mah:~olm M.A. Cook Alan Edward, farmer, Hicks &.
Gepp Miss, The Colony (assistant master Felsted school), Abrahams
*Hawkes Miss, Highfield Garnetts farm Danby Fredf'rick Charles. smith
Henderson S., B.A. (assistant mast('r), Watts H. Leonard B.A Dannatt Williarn, farmer, Bury &
Felsted seho:Jl Whiteley Mrs. Milch hill GarnPts farms
Hornsby-Wri~.,;"ht Guy J.f M.A. (assist- Williams Gerald Henry M.A. Dacre Di!!'by Willi::~m Frank, farmer
ant master), Felsted school Wills J. Tremlett M.B Dowsett Harry, Chequers hotel
Jacob Frederick M.A Windsor Rev. Francis Duncan ~LA Dyer John &: Son, grocers, Causeway
Joyner Cedric B., M.A COMMERCIAL End
Kirkpatnck Charles J. Sandhills, Andrews Harry, baker,Grismal Green Farrow Wm.Thos. insur. agt.Lilla cot
Hartford End Barham Arthur John, watch maker Felsted School (Rev. Frank Stephen·
Medley Robert P ., M.A *Barnard Ern est G. confectioner son M.A. head master; for other
M:ontgomery Jame'! Eglinton M.A *Belsham Isaac & Son, coal o\; coke masters, see above). T N 3 Felstead
Moorat Mrs. The Laurels merchants, Railway station Fuller Harry, shoe maker
M<>rgan Douglas H. Yeoven('y Bentall Alfd. Ernst. frmr. Pye's farm, *~ull~r Wil!iam, butcher

Giblin James, farmer, Blackley Mead Fredk. T. farmer, Upper Rays vaccinator Felstead district, Dun.
Gladwin Edwin Frederick, tailor, see Moncur E. (Miss), aparts. Argyle ho mow union
Holdich & Gladwin Moore Frank, farmer, Gt. Greenfields Smith Andrew Jas. farmr. Glandfields
Gladwin Wm. farmer, Frenches farm Moore George, farmer, Straits Smith Arthur George, farmer,Wateh-
Godfrey Hwbert, baker, Rayne street *Mortier Frank, farmer, Gatewards house & Richards farms
(letters through Braintree) Norris Frederick Thomas, baker Smith Frederick Richard, farmer,
-Goodman Richard Charles, farmer, Overall Hannah Agnes (Miss), farmer, Rutlands,Chaffix,Oxneys & llowletts
Brook farm Stebbing Ford farm (letters thro' Smith Thomas Owen, hair dresser
-Goodman S. I. (Miss), tchr. of music Little Dunmow) Smith William H. wheelwright
G-reen Chas.Wm.frmr. Lit.Greenfields Peagram Stephen George, beer re- *Spencer EdgarBarton,tomato grower
Hale-Ward G. -a.rtificial teeth maker tailer, Pye's bridge Sumner Susan (Mrs.), boot maker
(attends wed. 4 to 8 p.m) Pippet Gabriel Jsph. artist, Swallow .Alfd. carpntr. Bannister Gm
llam Alfred Charles, farmer, Whelp- Porter Harriet &; Ellen(Misses),statnrs Thompson Wm. farmer, Hostages frm
stones farm Pratt Wm. James, farmer, Sparlings *Thomson Duncan, farmer. Grand-
Harvey Arthur, farmer,Mole Hill Grn Pulford Arthur Louis, miller (wind & courts farm
Haslen Catherine (Mrs.), machinist, steam), Cock Green mill *Turner Waiter, insurance agent
Bannister Green *Quilter Young, farmer, Millfield Walford, Hasler & Co. Limited, coal
Hasler & Clapham, corn, flour, oil *Rands Brothers, tomato & coke merchants, Felstead station
cake, seed &; manuTe merchants, specialists & growers, Station Wallace Harriett (Mrs.), apartments
Felstead station; & at Dunmow nursery. T A "Rands, Rayne" Whiteley Waiter, farmer, Willows 3i
Hasler Wm. poultry frmr. North End Ridley T. D. & Sons Limited, brewers Milch Hill farms
Jlicks Ernest, motor & ~Cycle engineer. & maltsters, Hartford End brewery Whiting 1Villiam, farmer, The Hole
T A "Hicks, Felstead; " T N 2 & millers, Felstead mill; & at Wills J. Tremlett M. B., B.C.Camb.,
Felstead Chelmsford M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. phy·
Eoldich & Gladwin, tailors Rudken Alfd. carpentr.Causeway End sician & surgeon
"*Howard Josiah, farmer, Commons Scrivener .Alfred Ernest, farmer, Wilson Richard Francis, butcher
Hutley Ernest, farmer, Camsix Felstead place & Princes farm *Wisbey Albert .A.rthur, bailiff to Mr.
Hutley Philip, farmer, Drapers & Scrivene.r Thomas (exors. of), farmers, Philip Hutley, Drapers farm
Woods farms · Pond Park Witney Edward,Three Horseshoes P.H
"*Leonard .Ann (Mrs.), draper Shaw Fredk. J?aker, :Bannister Green Wright Alfred Eentall, farme!',
Lin.sell &; Saven, p1wtographers Shepherd Albert C. E. fruiterer, & Potash farm
Linsell & Son, grocers &; drapers assistant overseer & clerk to the Wright Edward W. farmer, Moo-res &;
Little Harry, bailiff to Mr. Henry Parish Council Mill banks farms
Fry, Absol park . Shillaker Thomason, poultry farmer, Wright George, saddler &; farmer
.Lock Rosa (Miss), stationer, Post office Sunnybrook YO'Ilng Hubert, undertaker, funeral
:Mann George, Swan inn Smallpeice William Donald L.R.C.P. furnisher, carpente.r & house
l\larriott Arthur C. coach builder, Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. physician & decorator, Chelmsford road
Cobblers Green surgeon, & medical officer &; public Yuill Jn. Wm. grocer, Bannister grn
~INCHINGFIELD is a large village and parish, 9 and Cole's charities were founded respectively in 1623
·miles north-west from Eraintree and 9 north-east from and 1630 by William Kemp and Robert Kemp esqrs.
Dnnmow station, on the Dunmow and Bra:\ntree branch and subsequently augmented by Sir Robert Kemp
1)f the Great Eastern railway, 6 east from Thaxted, in hart. in 1730 and by Mrs. Ann Cole, of Great Dunmow;
'the Northern division of the county, Hinckford hundred, there is also an almshouse for widows, founded in 1576
Freshwell pe-tty sessional division, Braintree union and by William Eendlowe, serjeant-at·law, and occupied by
-county court district, and in the rural deanery of Brain- four inmates. Spains Hall, the seat of Archibald Way-
tree, archdeaconry of Colchester and Chelmsford land Ruggles-Brise esq. D.L., J.P. is a red brick man-
-diocese. The Pant or Freshwell stream flows through sion in the Elizabethan style, standing in grounds of
the parish. The church of St. John the Baptist is an roo acres. The principal landowners are Archibald
.ancient structure of flint, in the Early Decorated Weyland Rul;gles-Brise esq. who is lord of the manor,
-style, consisting of chancel with side chapels, nave of and the Dean of .St. Paul's, Guy's Hospital, Charles
tive bays, aisles, south porch and a western tower with Albert Beddall, Thomas WinteTflood Legerton and
.embattled parapet containing a clock and 8 bells: in Arthur Richard son esqrs. and Col. F. J. Ryder, of
~he Kemp chapel is a monument to WilHam Kemp, of Beaco~ Hi!l, . Scarcroft, Leeds. T-he soil is . mixed;
.Spains Hall, ··master of himself so much, that what sub&Oil, prmmpally clay. some gravel.. The ch~ef crops
others scarce do by force and penalties, he did by a vol- are wheat, barley and beans. The parish contams 8,421
.unt&Ty constancy hold his peace 7 years :" he was buried acres of land, including Cornish Hall End: an_d 9 of
10 June, 1628, ret. 73, and his wife Philippa, August water~ ;rateable value, £5:944:; the populatiOn m rgn
.21st, 1623: here also is a marble monument to Thomas was, c1vrl, 1,340 and ecclesiastiCal, g82.
Marriott, with an inscription in verse, to John Marriott Sexton, George Hardy.
-esq. of Champions, and Judith, his wife, 18o8-13, and to Post, M. 0. & T. ~ffi.ce. Willian;t Betts, sub-post·
vaTious members of the family of Ruggles, of Spains master. Letters arrive from_ Bramtree. by cart, at;
Hall, 1784-1813: there is also a brass, lately placed by 6.55 a.m. & 12.45 ;p.m. ; dispatched at. 2.5 & 6.oo
his brother officers to Capt. Cecil Edward Ruggles-Brise, p.m. ; sundays, arnve at 6.55 a.m. ; dispatched at
-son of Col. Sir S. E. Ruggles-Brise K.C.B. who was 6.20 p.m
!killed by an accident in Nova Scotia, 29 November, Wall Lettt>r Box, Colemans Farm, cleared at 9-40 a.~
ii888: in the south chantry is an alt-ar tomb, with brass week daYS onlY•
.effigies, to John Berners esq. and Elizabeth his wife, •
daughter of Simon Wysseman esq. 1523, both figures County Police Station, Frederick Mills, constable
being in heraldic dresses: in the north chantry, or Kemp Fire Engine Station, Samuel Turner, captain
chapel, is an inscription on brass to Robert Kempe esq.
ob. 1524, and .Anne his wife: there is a very finely carved I Public Elementary Schools.
()}d oak screen and the font is also ancient: the church Built in 1856, for 164 children (mixed); average attend..
will seat 759 persons. The register dates from the year ance, g8 ; Fr~derick Hazal'd. Riggs, master
1:617. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £392. Built in 1865. for 150 children (mixed); average attend·
-with residence, in the gift of Col. F. J. Ryder, and held ance, 32 ; Miss Eugenie Engvall, mistress
11ince 1910 by the Rev. John Percy Noyes M.A. of St. These schools are under the control of the Essex Eduoo-
-<Jatharine's College, Cambridge. The rectorial tithes j tion (Braintree District) Sub..Committee, John Glean,
are commuted at £r,so6. Here is a Congregational Countv• school, Eraintree, clerk
chapel, founded in 17oo, enlarged in 1873, and seating I
-about 700 persons. In the centre of the village is Carriers to Eraint:ree.-Ted Clapson, daily &; .1. Wiffen,
""Finchingfield Green, a very picturesque spot. Kemp's mon. wed. &; sat
~oyes Rev. John Percy M.A. (vicar), Sainsbury Miss, Swiss cottage
PRIV.!.'l'E RESIDENTS. The Vicaral!e
.-\.lien Frederick, Brick house Pearce John Lindesay M.B. Hill house COMMERCIAL.
1Jeddall Charles Albert, Daw street Richardson Arthur, Justices Early closing day, Wednesday I p.m.
lJeddall The Misses, Pros-pect house RiQ"gs Frederick Hazard, Brook hall Alien Alfred George, butcher
'Chesher Rev. Ernest William (Con· Ruggles-Brise Archibald Weyland Ambrose Jeffery, farmer
gregational), The Manse D.L., J.P. Spains hall . Bacon John, farmer, Parsonage farm
Legerton Thos.Winterflood,Howe hall Ruggles-Brise Edward Archibald J.P. Beddall Charles Albert, farmer,Daw 11&
Linsell Horace G!'orge, Spring me-ad Brent hall Betts Wm. baker & stationer,Post office
Munday ~Ii;;os Ruggles-Brise :Miss, Dairylay Brarlrid~e Thomas, farmer,Gt.Winsey
Bright Benj. farmer, Waltham Cross IHeardJ ames J onatnan, farm bailiff Richardson Arthur, farmer, Justices
farm (letters, Great Bardfield) to Percy Smith esq. Sculpins Ridgewell Waiter, Three Tuns P.H
Brown Fredk. be-er retlr.Petches brdg (letters through Wethersfield) Rouse William, farmer, Elms farm
Byford Frederick & .Alfred, farmers, Hitching Ezra John, shoe maker Smart John, watch maker
.Sortofts (letters thro' Wethersfield)Jarvis Geo. & Son, grocers & bakers Smith Frank, farmer, Fetches
Chapman John, farmer, Town farm Leeder .Alfred Ernest, farmer, .Ash- Smith John Cook, Green Man P.H
Choat·John W. beer retailer vrell hall (lett-ers through Great Smith William, blacksmith
Constitutional Club (Leonard Coe, Bardfield) Tofts James Wm. farmer, Rook hall
hon. sec) Leeder F. Chas. farmer,Little Winsey Tovrnsend John, farm bailiff to Mr.
Crossman William & Son, plumbers Legerton Thos. Winterflood, farmer, William Riley, Cottons
Eaton Thomas, Swan P.H Boyton hall & Howe hall Tucker Frederick John, Red ·Lion P .H
.Flack Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper Linsell Ho race Geo. grocer & draper Turner Samuel, blacksmith
French Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper Mason J esse, shopkeeper Wakeling George, farmer, Tile Kiln
French Herbert Louis, clothier Pearce Jn. Lindesay M.B., Ch.B.Edin. farm (letters through W ethersfield,
Gatward Maria Ann (Miss), stationer surgeon, & medical officer & public Braintree)
Gilbey Thomas, farmer, Foulslough vaccinator Finchingfield district, Wakeling James, farmer, Hobtoes fm
Goldstone Waiter, harness maker Braintree union & Sampford dist. Whatley Ellen (Mrs. ),grocer & draper
Goodwin Fredk. farmer, Locksmiths Saffron Walden union, Hill house Whittaker Fred, farmer,Robjohns frm
Grugeon Thomas Edgar, baker Perkin John, farmer, Yeldhams Willet John, jun. frmr. Obourns farm
Hardy George, sexton & carpenter Perry J osepn & George, farmers, Wisbey Charles, farmer, Street farm
Hawkin's harvest (letters through W oollard Thomas, baker
Great Bardfield) Wright L. & A. (Misses), grocers
FINGRINGHOE is a parish, bounded on the north 6~ acres of glebe, in the gift of the Bishop of Chelms-
by the river Roman, over which is a wood bridge to East ford and held since 1902 by the Rev. George Arthur Hicks
Donyland and on the east by the Colne, about 1! miles B.A. of Keble College, Oxford. There is a Primitive
from Wivenhoe station on the Tendring hundred branch Methodist chapel here, and a mission room for the
of the Great Eastern railway, 4 south-south-east from United Christian .Association. Charities, left by George
Colchester and 55 from London, in the North Eastern Frere, Giles Sayer and Thomas Cooper, amount to
division of the county, Winstree hundred, Lexden and about £35 a year and are distributed in bread and
Wimtree union and petty sessional division, Colchester, fuel. Fingringhoe Hall is now a farm house. There is
Clacton and Harwich Joint county court district and also an ancient house, now sub-divided into cottages,
in Colchester rural deanery and archdeaconry and which exhibits pargetting- of the 17th century. ~Ir.
Chelmsford diocese. The church of St. Andrew, .Arthur Crovden •
Green and Mrs. Charles W . .1. Gather-
situated on a wooded eminence overlooking the Colne, cole are the principal landowners. The War Office has
is a building of brick and stone in the Perpendicular purchased a large portion of the parish for manoeuvring
style, consisting of chancel, nave of three bays, south purposes. The soil is marshy, light loam and brick
aisle, ~outh porch and an embattled western tower earth ; subsoil, loam and gravel. The chief crops are·
containing 3 bells, one of which is dated 1625: re- wheat, barley, oats, beans and peas. The area is
cessed in the north wall of the chancel is a monu- 2,553 acres of land, 7 of vrater, II9 of tidal water and"
ment with marble bust and an inscription to George 310 of foreshore; rateable value, £2,286; the popula-
Frere, merchant, of London, ob. 25 Oct. 1655; there are tion in 19II was 525; the population of the ecclesiastical·
also ancient brasses to Richard Bryan, ob. 30 Nov. 1592, parish was 648.
and Mary, his wife, ob. 3 Jan. 1587; and to Marcie, wife
of Richard Wade, ob. 13 Aug. 16oi: in the church are SOUTH GREEN is a hamlet I mile south, on the
two brasses, one of which is a palimpsest, inscribed on marshes of the Colne.
one side to " John .Alleyn, of W evenho and Alise hys
daughter," c. r6oo, and on the other with a text in BLACKHEATH, 2 miles north-by-west, is also a ham-
Latin from the book of Job i. 21 : there ar 6 effigies of let in this parish, for certain ecclesiastical purpose~;,
both, but only the inscription is palimpsest: these but since or before 1890 has been included in the civil
brasses are now fastened to the chancel wall: there is parish of East Donyland, under which place the names
also here a remarkable iron-banded oak chest, hewn out will be found. All letters for this place should be
of a solid tree and dated 1684: t-he church was much addressed " Colche.oter .''
mjured by the earthquake of April 22nd, 1884, and has Parish Clerk, ~Valter Crosby.
been repaired, at a cost of £120, by a grant from the Post Office. Mis~ M. L. Crickmar, sub-postmistress.
Mansion House fund: during the course of the repairs Letters arrive through Colchester at 4·5 a.m. ; dis-
several fine wall paintings were discovered, one repre- patched at 11.45 a.m. & 8.5 p.m. The nearest money
senting St. Michael weighing souls and another a order & telegraph office is at Rovrhedge, 2 miles
representation of Our Saviour with the instruments of distant
crucifixion; overhead is an angel bearing a scroll with Wall Letter Boxes. Ferry Hill, cleared at 7-IS a.m. &
the inscription, "In omni opere memento finis": a 7.30 p.m.; sund:1ys, 7.15 a.m.; Hay road, cleared at
memorial window was erected in 1907 to the Rev. C. L. 12 noon & 8 p.m. ; sundays, 8 p.m
Walker M. A. vicar of Fingringhoe J889-190I: the church Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1863, & en-
has 200 sittings. The registers date from about 1751. larged in 18go, & ag-ain in 1913, for III children;
The living is_ a vicarage, net yearly value £176, with average attendance, 73 ; Albt. Edwd. Summers,master
PRIVATJIJ RESIDENTS. 'Hoysten Thomas, boot maker guardians, & registrar of births,
Chopping E. k Sons Limited, millers deaths & marriages for Wivenhoe-
Baldwin Robert, Kingsland villa (steam & water), Roman River sub-district ·
Chopping Percy, Mill house roller mill Hart George, farmer, Plane hall
Gathercole Rev. Charles William Crees Samuel Bennett, frmr. Up.Haye Ibbetson Wm. Hy. farmer, Hay farm,
Augustus B..A. Kingsland Crickmar William, wheelwright Pretty Alfred William, beer retailer
Green Miss, St. Andrews Fookes Tom, blacksmith Rogers Henry John, thatcher
Hicks Rev. George .Arthur B.A. Green .Arthur Oroyden, farmer & Rogers William, thatcher
The Bungalow landowner, Holmwoods Roper Benjam1n, farmer, South House-
McMullen Murray, The Laurels Green Daniel .Abbott, frmr. The Hall fat·m
Pawsey Arthur, Fer-ry hill Grubb Thos. Burlingham J.P. farmer, SmithHy.Chas:well sinker,.Artesian ho
Payne Percy, The Grange Ballast Quay farm & Hams farm Smith Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Ham James Henry, relieving & vac- Summers Winifred (Mrs.), assistant
COMMERCIAL. cination officer 2nd district, Lexden OT"erseer, Spring villa
Baker .Alfred, shopkeeper & Winstree union, collector to Wyncoll Robert, Whalebone inn
FOBBING is a parish and village on a creek of th in the 13th century, and consists of chancel, with south
Thames of the same name, 3 miles east of Stanford-le- chapel or chantry, nave with south aisle, divided from
Hope station and 5 miles south from Pitsea station on it by an arcade of four bays, south porch and a massive
the London, Tilbury and Southend railway, 15 south- embattled tovrer at the west end of 15th century date,
east from Brentwood, 8 north-west from Tilbury fort containing 5 bells, four dated 1629 and the fifth 1724:
and 33 from London, in the South Eastern division of in the chancel are sedilia and piscina, and there are
the county, Barstaple hundred, Orsett petty sessional piscina niches in the aisles: the font, an octagonal
division and union, Grays county court district and in basin en a square plinth, appears to be of the Decorated
the rural deanery of Orsett and Gra:·s, archdeaconry of period: in the aisles stands a curious tomb, apparently
Essex and Chelmsford diocese. The church of St. an old altar tomb ; and on a slab of Purbeck marble •
Michael the Archangel, standing on an eminence over- in the chancel wall is this inscription in Lombardic
looking the river, is a stately edifice of stone, erected capitals, ' 1 Pvr l'amvr Iesv Crist priez pvr sa alme ki ci

gist pater noster et ave Thomas de Crawdene fyt rateable value £3,622·; the .population i!l 19n was. 423
apelle; " the date would be c. 1340 : the church was in the civil parish and 649 m the ecclesiastical par1sh.
restored in 1905-6 at a cost of £r,soo, and in 1907 a By Local Government Board Order 22,351, datea
new organ was erected at a cost of £3oo: there are 250 March 24, 188g, Thames Haven was transferred from
s.ittings. The register dates from the year 1539 and is Fobbing to Corringham for civil purposes.
in excelle!lt condition. The living is a rectory, net Parish Clerk, James Monk.
value £540, with 24 acres of glebe and residence, in the Post Office. Miss Lydia Payne, sub-postmistress. Let-
gift of the C'rown, and held since 1907 by the Rev. ters arrive from Stanford-le-Hope, Essex, at 8.45
Arthur Edward Banan. Here is a Wesleyan chapel, a.m.; sundays, 8.50 a.m.; dispatched, 9·55 a.m. &
erected in 1887. .A. lighth<>use, with revolving light, 6.10 p.m.; sundays, 10.10 a.m. Stanford-le-Hope, 3
stands between Thames Haven and Mucking Creek. miles distant, is the nearest money order & tele-
The principal landowners are Francis H. D. C. Whit- graph office
more esq. of Orse-tt Hall, Mrs. Groome and Miss Long. Parochial School (mixed), built in 1853 & enlarged in
'l'he soil is upland, mixed; marsh lands, heavy; sub· r8g6, for Bg children; average attendance, 7z i
soil, various. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, Charles Clarke, ma~ter
beans, peas, clover and tares. The area is 2,131 acres, This school is controlled by the Orsett Education Sub
much of which is marsh, 9 of water and 31 of foreshore; Committee
Banan Rev. Arthur Edward (rector), Edwards James, farmer Markham Daniel, farmer, Fobbing
Rectory Gilmore George, coal dealer Hall farm (postal address, Pitsea)
CJarke Charle.s, Brook house Halston Ellen R. (Mrs.), genl. stores Money Thomas, painter
~ndy Edward, Rosenheath farm Hawkins Clement W. farmer, White- Nunn James, builder
COlDlERCIAL. hall farm Shade Charles -Gentry, baker
Cowell Samuel, White Lion P.H Hockley Henry, cowkeeper Stretton Frank, carpenter
Dowson Edwd. E. farmer, Dry Street Kruse George James, builder (postal Vicary George, farmer
farm (postal address, Laindon Hills, address, Vange, Pitsea)
.FORD END (or Forth End) is an ecclesiastical parish NORTH END, It miles north, has a chapel of ease.
:Jformed out of Great W11ltham, 28 March r871, and is known as the " Black" chapel, and the property of
·-supposed to derive its name from a. ford over &.-brook; trustees; it is a plain but ancient edifice consisting of
1Jt is on the road from Dunm.ow to Chelmsford, 3 miles chancel, nave and a western turret, containing one bell:
~orth-"West from Great Waltham and 5 miles south-east some of the oak seats are of great age. The poor of
:-f1 om Dun mow station on the Bishops Stortford, this part of the parish have about {,20 yearly.
nnnmow and Braintree line of the Great Eastern
'railway, and 8 from Chelmsford, in the Mid LITTLEY GREEN, 2 miles east, with a mission room
ctivision of the county, Chelmsford hundred, petty built in ;r8g5, and ROPHEY GREEN, Il south, .are also
sessional division,. union and county court district and in this ecclesiastical parish.
in the rural deanery of Chelmsford, archdeaconry of Parish Clerk, Harry Hornsby.
I~ssex and Chelmsford diocese. The church of St. John Post Office.-Robert Brown, sub-postmaster. Letters
the Evangelist, erected by subscription and consecrated arrive from Chelmsford by mail cart & are left 11t
tin r87r, is a building of red brick with white stone Hartford End, they are delivered at 7. 30 a.m. & 2 . 20
.dressings in the Early English .style and consists of p.m. ; th e b ox Is
· c1eare d a t 2.30 & 6 .30 p.m.; The
c I1ance, l nave of fi ve b ays, south aisle, south porch and a nearest money order & telegraph office is at Great
tower. with colossal figures of the four Evangelists at the Waltham. North End & Rophey Green letters do not
corners and surmounted by a spire; it contains a clock come by this bag & should be directed, the former
,and 6 bells, two of which were additions in 1881, and onP Felstead &; the latter Pleshey. Wall Letter Box at
•in 1883: in 1893 the chancel was rebuilt and a new organ North End cleared at 8 a.m. & 6 p.m. week .days;
chamber erected on the north side at a cost of £6oo, by 10 a.m. smldays
tlJ.ti Rev. Canon H. E. Hulton M.A. of Boreham Manor:
the chancel windows are stained and there are sittings Wall Letter Box, Littley Green, cleared at S a.m. &
for 300 people. The register dates from the year 6.45 p.m. week days only
Itl7r. The living is a vicarage, average net yearly Wall Letter Box, North End, cleared at 8 a.m. & 6
value £201, with r~side-nce, in the gift of Trinity p.m. ; sunday, 9 a.m
(hllege, Oxford, and held since 1910 ~ the Rev. Francis Public Elementary Schools (mixed), built in 1872, with
Nicholson M.A. of Christ's College, Cambridge. There a tower & spire & master's house adjoining; they were
.is a small Congregational chapel and a Particular Baptist enlarged in I88I & again in 18gB & will hold 174
..chapel. W. N. Tufnell esq. of Great Waltham, is lord children; average attendance, 130, Archibald l3ullock,
of the manor and principal landowner. The soil is master
~nixed, subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley, County Constabulary, Frederick Plume, police constable
beans, oats and peas. The population in 19u was 774· in charge
Marked thus * receive letters through Brown Robert, grocer, & post office 'Mascall Waiter S. blacksmith, Litt-
Felstead. Bullock Archbld. schlmstr. & orgnst ley green
PRIVATB RESIDENTS. Cass James, farmer, Appletrees Nicholls Harry, Old Spread EagleP.H
Holmes Robert, The Poplars Coe Ernest A. beer retailer *Saunders Ernest William, Butchers'
*Ling .A.lbert Edward, North End ho Crozier Felix, farmer, :Butler's hall, Arms P.H. North End
*Martin Jn. Wesley, North End Plaoo Littley Green (letters through *Smith Daniel Owen, shopkeeper,
Nicholson Rev. Fr!!ncis M.A. (vicar), Great Waltham) North End
Vicarage Davies William, poultry farmeT, Smith Waiter B. farmer, Lavenders
"*Wood Henry J. Littley Park Fordhams (letters through Great & PalmeTs farms
Woodiwiss Sam, Graveleys (letters Waltham) Smith William Alfred, farmer, Green
through Great Waltham) Everitt John, farmer, Sparrow hall End (letter.s through Dunmow)
'Young Frederick, King's farm Hammond Richard, shopke~per *Wood Henry J. farmer, Littley park,
COMMERCIAL. Beeps Charles FTedk. farmer, Shaws Littley Green
A~hford Herbert, Compasses inn, farm (letters thro' Great Waltham) Woodiwiss Sam, farmer, Sedgemere
Littley Green (letters through *Little Harry, bailiff to H. Fry esq. & Mabbs farm Waltham) Abwl park Young & Row, fa,..rm..... ers, Wall farm
Britton Chas. Jp. farmer, Hill farm *Martin John Wesley, farmer &; Young Frederick, veterinary surgeon,
lhitton Fred, fanner, Poulters dental surgeon, North End place King's farm
FORDHAM (named from its ford at Ford Street, over Later English style, consists of chancel and nave of
the river Oolne) is a parish on the high road from rour bays, aisles, south porch and an embattled western
Colchester to Cambridge, 4 miles north from Mark's Tey tower containing 2 bells: in the chancel is a piscina and a
station on the Great Eastern main line to Colchester and marble monument to John Pulley, capt. R.N. d. 1715:
Ipswich, 3 east from Chappel Junction station on the the east window is stained: the church was restored in
Great Eastern and Colne Valley railways, 10 south-east 1861-62; the organ, provided in 1884, was replaced in 1893
from Halstead and 6 nortJh-west from Colchester, in the by a larger instrument: there are 350 sitting11. The
North Eastern division of the county, Lexden hundred, registers date from the year 1561-2. The living is a
Lcxden and Win.stree union and petty sessional division, rectory, net yearly value £438, including 33 .acres of
Cnlchester, Clacton and Harwich Joint county court glebe and re-sidence, in the alternate gift of Lord Lucas
district and in the Tural deanery of Dedham, arch- and the Rev. Thomas Major Dunn B.A. rector of Ruan
<ie-aconry of Colchester and Chelmsford diocese. Lanihorne, Cornwall, and held since 1897 by the Rev.
The church of All Saints, an edifice of stone in the Major William Meese Dunn M.A. of Oxford Universitr.
') ..
2 ...4
Here is a chapel of Lady Huntingdon's Connexion, built Sexton, Harry Hopping.
in 1789, with about 250 sittings, a residence for the Post Ofiice.-James Arthur Leatherdale, sub-postmaster.
minister, and a burial ground. There are two manors. Letters from Colchester arrive at 8 a.m. & are dis--
George Frederick Beaumont esq. of Coggeshall, is lord patched at 9 a.m. & 6.40 p.m. ; dispatched, sunday
of the manor of Much Fordham, and Lord Lucas and :to. 10 a.m. The nearest money order & telegraph
Dingwall, lord of the manor of Fordham HalL The office is at Aldham, :ti miles distant
trustees of Mr. Joseph Green, William Gwynne-Evans, Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1849, for
William Wear and Robert Neil esqrs. are the principal 120 children; average attendance, go; Ernest W.
landowners. The soil is mixed and good; subsoil, clay Somner, master
and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, oats, barley and Police Constable, Jonas Edward Davey
beans. The area is 2,515 acres of land and 7 of water; Carrier to Colchester. Mrs. Elizabeth E. Death, mou.
rateable value, £2,7o6; the population in 19II was 626. wed. fri. & sat
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bull Bryan, assistant overseer & clerk Kay Wm. H. Shoulder of Mutton P.H
Allingham William, Friar's farm to the Parish Council, Mill house Leatherdale James Arthur, shopkpr.
Coppen Joseph, Fordham heath Bullock Henry, beer retailer & farmel' & post office
Dunn Rev. Major William Meese M.A. Bunting Walt. beer ret. Fordharn Hth Pattison John, farmer
Rectory Chambers Frank, farmer Playle George, grocer
Green Charles, Sutt()ns Chaplin Sidney 0. farmeT, Fordham Rackham Frederick G. farmer, Little
Green Charles Alfred, Fordham hall Heath Porters
G:;-een Mrs. Moat hall Clampin Frank William, builder Sannders Oliver, Three HorseshoesP.H
Haynes John William, Holmcroft Clarke Benjamin, farmer Smith Eustace T. farmer
l\f.ann Rev. Andrew (Congregational), Crawford John, fam1er, Fordham pl Wear Brothers, farmers
The Manse Crisp Wm. rose grower, Fordham hth White Tom William, farmer
Potter Charles, The Haven Death Elizabeth E. (Mrs.), carrier Worts Charles Clifford L.M.S.S. .A.
'l'ownsley Mrs. Shorthorns Firmin John Thomas, beer l"etailer, Land. physician & surgeon, Penlan
Worts Charles Clifford, Penlan hall Fordham Heath hall
Worts Charles James, Fordham lodge Green Charles Alfred, farmel' & land- Warts Charles James M.R-C.S.Eng.,
COllMEHCIAL. owner, Fordham hall; Moat hall, L. S.A. surgeon, & medical officer &
Beard Frederick, wheelwright Archindines & Suttons public vaccinator, No. 9 di>.trict,
Beard Waiter, carpenter Gully William T. faTmer Lexden & Winstree union, Fordham
:Bland J. Cooper, farmer Hopping George, farme:r lodge

FOREST G .ATE is a populous suburb of London with Th ..A.K.C.L. The incumbent's house is in Godwin road.
one station on the Great Eastern railway and another, St. Peter's, UPTON CROSS, erected in 1893, is a
<!alled Wanstead Park, on the Midland railway, bordering structure in the Early English style, consisting of
on Wanstead Flats, and is mostly included in the North- chancel, nave and aisles and will seat 700 persons. The
ern division of the parliamentary and county borough of n·gister dates from the year 1893· The living is a
West Ham, and is a ward of that municipal borough, vicarage, net yearly value £272, -v~ith residence, in
in the Eastern Metropolitan postal district, about 5 miles the gift of the Bishop of Chelmsford, and held since
from London, in West Ham union, Bow county court rgog by t.he Rev. Frederick Karslake Hodgkinson M.A.
district, and in the rural deanery of Barking, arch- of Magdalen College, Oxford. ::it. Savwur's is an
deaconry of Essex and diocese of Chelmsford. Em- ecclesiastical parish formed in · 1884. The church,
manuel ecclesiastical parish was formed Dec. 3, 1852, situated in Macdonald road and consecrated on the
from West and East Ham parishes. Emmanuel church, xst April, 1884, is an edifice of red brick, with
situated in the Romford road, at the corner of Upton Bath stone dressings, in the Early English style, from
lane, is a building of rubble stone in the Gothic style, &he designs of Mr. Edwin Clare F.R.I.B.A. the total
.from designs by the late Sir G. Gi1bert Scott R.A. con- cost being about £8,soo: the church consists of chan-
Misting of chancel, nave, aisles, north and south porche!! cel, clerestoried nave of seven bays, aisles, transepts,
.and a central bell turret containing 2 bells= in 1866 south porch, organ chamber and two vestries: the pulpili
the church was restored, and in r8g1 enlarged. The is of Caen stone, relieved with Cornish serpentine shafts :
register dates from the year 1852. The living is a vicar- a new organ was built in 1890: there are x,oso sittings.
age, net yearly value "£250, with Tesidence, in the gift The register dates from the year 1884. The living is a
of the vicars of East and West Ham alternately, and vicarage, net yearly value £274, with residence, in the
l:Jeld since 1892 by tbe Rev. Henry La Grange Doug-an gift of five trustees, and held since 1903 by the Rev.
Chapman, of London University. St. Edmund the King Alfred Norman Rae M.A. of Hertford College, Oxford,
and :Martyr is an ec-clesiastical parish, formed necember, and Ridley Hall, Cambridge. All Saints' is an eccle-
1901, from All Saints', Forest Gate, St. Barnabas, Little siastical parish, formed in r886; the church, at the
llford and St. Stephen, Upton Park. The church, eastern end of the Romford road, erected in :r885-6 and
-situated in Katherine road, partly erected in 1901, is consecrated May 2oth, r886, occupies a site of two
a structure of red brick in the Early English style, acres, given by the late T. C. Baring esq. M.P., J.P. of
~onsisting of a chancel of throo bays and nave, and will Loughton, and is a building of flint. with white ston€'
;;eat 700 persons. The register dates from the year 1901. beings, in the Early English style, consisting of
"The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £2oo, with chancel, nave and aisles and south porch : there are
rt>~idence, in the gift of the Bishop of Chelmsford, and 1,ooo sittings. The register dates from the year 1886.
lleld since :tgo8 by the Rev. John William Paddock The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £277, -with
()hapman Th.Assoc.K.C. St. James' is an ecclesiastical residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Chelmsford, nnd
tJarish formed July 22, :r88r, out of Emmanuel, Row- held since 1909 by the Rev. William Edward Reginald
ford road, and St. John, Stratford. The church Morrow M.A. of Trinity College, Dublin. The vicarage,
1n St. James' road, Forest lane, is an edifice of erected in 1889, is a handsome building, situated close
llrick, with Bath stone facings, in the Gothic style, to the church. St. Antony of Padua Catholic church,
from designs by Mr. Habershon, architect, and consists in Khedive road, is a structure of brick and stone
of chancel, nave, aisles and south porch: there are erected in 1888, and consists of chancel, nave and
1,040 sittings. The register dates from the year 188r. aisles: there are sittings for 700 persons. Tht>re is a
'!'he living is a vicarage. net yearly value £2go, with Franciscan Friary in Khedive Toad and an Ursuline
residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Chelmsford, and Convent in St. George's read, with a school attached
"held since r8g5 by the Rev. George William Henry for higher education, and connected with the convent
Hanford M.A. of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge are day schocls for the upper and middle cla~ses. also
St. Mark's is an ecclesiastical parish, formed in 1893 a preparatory day school for young girls. There are
out of Emmanuel and All Saints, Forest Gate. The Congregational, Baptist, United Methodist and Wesleyan
-church, in Tvlnev
• •
road, is an edifice of brick witb chapels, a Christian Israelite chapel and a meeting- place
Bath stone facings, in the Early English style, aml for the Society of Friends. St. Andrew's Free Church
-consists of chancel. from designs by Mr. Patrick, and of England is in Shrewsbury road. Manor Park Ceme-
nave, aisles, east and west porches, and a turret contain- tery, situated in Sebert road, and occupying an area.
ing one bell, designed by Mr. E. B. S. Brock. The of 41 acrPs, was formed in 1875, and has one mortuary
Tegister dates from the year 1894. Th~ living is a per- chapel : it is under the control of a limited company.
J'Ptnal curacy, net yearly value £227, with residence, The West Ham Cemetery, situated in Cemetery road
in the gift of the Church Patronage Society, and held and formed in 1857, consists of 20 acres, with two
t~ince 1893 by the Rev. James Strudwick Elphick mortuary chapels, and is under the control of the
E~SEX 15•
Burial Committee of the West Ham Corporation. various homes and hospitals, 17 to the viUage l10me&,.
Woodgrange Park Cemetery, the property of a company, and 18 went to visit friends. Honorary director, Wfiliam.
is situate on the south side of Romford road, and Baker tsq. 1\I.A., LL.B. Legg's almshouses, in Forest.
consists of about 23 acres. There is a branch of Dr. lane, were founded in 1858 by Jabez Legg, of Strat-
Barnardo's Homes (National Incorporated Association) ford, for six women. The population of the ecclesiastical
at 507 and 509 Romford road. This is a small home parishes in 19u was : Emmanuel, 12,419 ; St. Edmund~
used for arranging situati(lns for those going out from 13,154; St. James', £,517; St. Mark."s,· s,o53; St.
the Girls' Village Home, and for supplying them with Saviour's, 8,950; All Saints', 6,151 (including 271 in.
a home while temporarily out of employment or on St. Nicholas Industrial School for Catholic BoTs and.
holiday. It was removed from 212 Burdett road E to 108 in West Ham Union Workhouse Scattered Homes)~
above address on 2oth November, 1909. 315 girls were St. Peter, Upton Cross, 10,702.
admitted during 1913 ; 243 either left for service or The population of No. 2, or Forest Gate ward, illl
returned to situations after holiday; 45 were sent to West Ham County borough in rgii was r8,719.


Post, M. 0. & T. Office, 62 Woodgrange road. Waiter St. Mark's ·Church, Tylney road, Rev. James Strudwick
Causton Ridgwell, sub-postmaster. Open 8 a.m. to 9 Elphick Th.A.K.C.L. perpetual curate; Rev. Lesli&
p.m. Box cleared at 8.45, 9·45 & 10.55 a.m. & 12.5o, George Ban·on L. Th. curate; I I a.m. & 3 (men"s
3.1o, 5·5• 7• 8, ro & 12 (sat. excepted) p.m.; sunday, service) & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m
II-55 p.m. only St. Peter's Church, Upton Cross, Upton lane, Rev..
Post Office Telephone Exchange & Call Rooms, 122 Frederick Karslake Hodgkinson M.A. vicar; Rev.
Woodgrange road. T N 478 East Maxwell Fisher M.A. curate; 7, 8, 10.15 & II.I.i
Post & M. 0. Office, 130 Odessa road.-charles Hobbs, a.m. & 3 & 6.30 p.m.; daily, 7 & 7-30 a.m. & 7-45
sub-postmaster. The nearest telegraph office is at 62 p.m. ; fri. I I a.m
W oodgrange road St. Saviour's Church, Macdonald road, Bev. Altred
Post & M. 0. Office, 158 Green street. Waiter A. Webb, Norman Rae M.A. vicar; Rev. Cecil Owen Webb
sub-postmaster. Letter Box cleared at 8.30, 9·30 & Thomas & Rev. Harold Rupert Hutt Hill L.Th.
10.35 a.m. & 12-30, 2-55. 4·45· 6-55· 7·55 & 10 p.m. & curates; I I a.m. & 3 & 6.30 p.m.; wed. '8
12 midnight (sat. excepted); sunday, u.30 p.m St. Anselm's Mission Church, Pevensey road, served by
Post & M. 0. Office, 389 Katherine road.-Ernest the clergy of St. Margaret's, Leytonstone; sun. 7 p.m.
Bulleid, sub-postmaster. Letter Box cleared at
8.2o, 9.25 & ro.25 a.m. & 12.25, 2.5o, 4.4o, 6.5o, St. A.ntony of Padua (Catholic), Khedive road, Very
7.50 & ro p.m. & 12 midnight; sunday, u.3o p.m Rev. Father Peter, provincial; Fathers Herber\
Post & M. 0. Office, 47J Romford road.-Mrs. Mary (guardian), Osmund, An drew (commissary of the Holy
Ellen Maynard, sub-postmistress. Letters are dis- Land), Aiden (vicar), Gregory, Benedict, Hubert,
patched at 8.30, 9-35 & 10.40 a.m. & 12.40, 3, 4.5o, 7• Egbert, Ephrem, Godfrey, Paul & Leo O.F.M.; 7, !1,
8 & 10 p.m. & 12 midnight (except sat.); sunday, 9.30 & 10.30 a.m. 12 noon & 6.30 p.m. ; toes. thuri.
n.35 p.m. The nearest telegraph office is at Manor & fri. 8 p.m
Park road St. Andrew's Free Church of England, Shrewsbury road,
Post & M. 0. Office, 190 Upton lane. Miss Annie S. Rev. R. Barratt, minister; sunday, l i a.m. & 6.3()
How, receiver. Letter Box cleared at 8.30, 9.30 & p.m. ; thurs. 8 p.m •
10.40 a.m. & 12.30, 3, 4·45• 7• 8 & ro p.m. & 12 mid- Baptist, Upton Cross, JS"eville road, Rev. George Dud-
night (except sat.); sunday, 11.35 p.m. Telegrams ley; n a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. & sat. 8 p.m
can be dispatched only from this office Baptist, Woodgrange, Romford road, Rev. John HenJ1
PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. French ; n a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 8 p.m
Baptist (Strict), Seber·t road; n a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ~
Bignold Hall, Bignold road & Station road, Alfred wed. 7 p.m
Fuller, sec
Fire Engintl Station, Forest street, Edward Smith, Christian Israelite, Dames road, Rev. Waiter Sheffield;
chief superintendent 1 r a.m. & 6.30 p.m
Grand Theatre, Woodgrange road, Benj. Batt, licensee Congregational, Ramsay road, Rev. Charles Higgins
Legg's Almshouses, ng Forest lane F.S.Sc,; u a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 8 p.m
Manor Park Cemetery, Sebert road, George S. Jennings, Congregational, Sebert road, Rev. William Lawson
supt. & sec.; Charles William Smith, caretaker; Rev. Forster; I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7·45 p.m
J. P. Gray & Rev. J. W. Oliver, chaplains Congregational, Romford road; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ~
Metropolitan Pohce Station (K Division), 370 Romford wed. 8 p.m .
road. The force stationed here consists of 2 in- Primitive Methodist, Katherine road, Rev. Thomas H.
spectors, 14 sergeants & wo constables Bickerton (supt.); 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed, 8 p.m
West Ham Cemetery, Cemetery road, Alfred J. Mowbray, Society of Friends, Barclay Hall, Green street, erected
superintendent & registrsr; Rev. Vincent Smith 1905 & enlarged in 1906, to seat 1,ooo persons; n
A.K.C.L. (Church of England) & Rev. James Hawkey a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; tues. 8 p.m
Banfield (Nonconformist), chaplains Unitarian, Upton lam~, Rev. S. Mossop & Rev. C. .!.
Woodgrange Park Cemetery, Romford road; registered Piper ; n a.m. &i 6.30 p.m
office, 540 Romford road, Forest Gate E, John United Methodist. Field road, Rev. F. Galpin (supt.),
Trumble, sec Rev. Robert Strong ~LA., B.Litt. & Rev. F. Barrett;
PUBLIC OFFICERS. Rev. J. W. Armstrong, supernumerary; u a.m. &-.
6.30 p.m
Medical Officer Forest Gate District, West Ham Union, Wesleyan Methodist, Woodgrange road (Stratford Cir-
David Cannan M.D., M.R.C.S.Eng. 34 Sebert road cuit), Rev. W. Vere Coxon; u a.m. & 6.30 p.m.;
Registrar of Births & Deaths for Sub-District of Forest thurs. 7.30 p.m
Gate, A. Eynsford Jacobs, 38 Woodgrange road West Ham Synagogue, Earlham grove, G. Rosentha1,
Registrar of Marriages, Samuel Mawer, 28 Osborne road reader; sat. Q to u & high festivals
PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times bf Services. Believers' Meeting Room, 61 Upton lane, Percy W.
Emmanuel Church, Romford • road, Rev. Henry La Heward; I I a. m. & 6.30 p.m
Grange Dougan Chapman, vicar; Rev . .Adolphus .Albt. Evangelic Mission, Bignold hall, Bignold road ; u a. m.
William Hadley, curate; 8 & n a.m. & 3.15 & 6.30 & 7 p.m. ; thurs. 8 p.m
p.m.; wed. & fri. 11 .a.m. & 7.30 p.m Ethical Church, Earlham hall, Earlham grove, C. Ham-
All Saint~, Romford road, Rev. William Edward mood, sec
REginald Morrow M.A. vicar; Rev. Clement Harold Mission Room (unsectarian), Ridley hall, Upton lane;
Jones M.A. curate; 8 & I I a.m. & 3 & 6.30 p.m.; I I a.m. & 3 & 7 p.m. ; tues. thurs. & sat. 8 p.m
daily, I I a.m. ; wed. 8 p.m. & saints' days, I I a.m '
St. Edmund the King & Martyr, Katherine road, Rev. West Ham Union, Forest Gate Sick Home, formerly th&
John William Paddock Chapman A.K.C.L. vicar; Parish of Poplar Borough Branch Workhouse is situated
Rev. John Brunei Le Gassick M.A. & Rev. Charles in Forest lane & was built in rB54 for an industrial
Robert Scholes B.A. curates ; 7, 8 & u a.m. & 3 & school, for 8oo children. On New Year·s day, 18go,
6.30 p.m. ; daily, 7, 7.30 & 9.15 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. soon after midnight, 31 Dec. 188g, a disastrous fire
except wed. 8 p.m broke out in one of the wings, by which two of the
St. James' Church, St. James' road, Rev. George Wm. boys' dormitories were destroyed & 26 boys perished
Henry Hanford M.A., F.R.G.S. vicar; Rev. Walter by suffocation; they were interred, Jan. 6, in tbe
Frank Jones L.Th. & Rev. Denys Clinton Hoey, curates; cemetery at West Ham, in the presence of a large
8 & n a.m. & 3.15 & 6.30 p.m.; daily, 11 a.m.; wed. concourse of people. There is r<lom for 64z inmates;
8 p.m. ; saints' days, 7 a.m J. S. Greig :Y.I.B. medical officer
SCHOOLS. Whitehall place, buil·t in r89(i, for 430 boys, 430 girls .t
West Ham Grammar School (St. Bonaventure's), 494 infants; average attendance, 363 boys, 276 girls
IKhedive road, .A. W. P. Harrison B..A.Cantab., & 220 infants; A. J. White, master; Miss M. J.
.D. de Lille, head master; Rev. F. Hubert, H. P . Gulson, mistress; Miss A. S. Robinson, infants' mist
.Scanlan, .\. J. Burn, G. Wilson M.A.Camb., 0. E.
'Gourley B.Sc.Lond., M. C. Meere A.A. & D. R. East Ham Council Schools.

Hunter R A.M. assistants Sandriugham road, built. in 1896, for 620 boys, 620 girls
.Junior School. Upton lane, M. E. Coakeley, head master; & 677 infants; average attendance, 387 boys, 330 girls
Rev. F. Paul & M. Smart, assistants & 255 infants ; Sidn~y Green, head master; Miss
Public Elementarv Schools. McVicar, mistress; Miss S. Barnes, infants' mistress
(Jnder the rontrol of the West Ham County Borough Shafteslmry road, built in 1894 & rebuilt in 1904, for
Education Committee. 6oo boys, 6oo girls & 65o infants; average attendance,
546 boys, 122 girls & 424 infants ; Ernest Richardson,
IElmhurst road, built in 1891, for 420 boys. 4?0 girls & master; :Mi,s I. Stokes, mistress ; Mrs. Tedeschi,
464 infants; average attendance, 295 boys, 279 girls & infants' mistress·
268 infants; L. H. All en, master ; Miss F. M. Davies,
mistress ; Miss E. A. Read, infants' mistress St. Antony's, Catholic, Khedive road & Lancaster road,
oGodwin road, built in I885, for 420 boys, 410 girls & built in 1888 & enlarged in 1894 & 1904, for 370 boys,
4B infants; average attendance, 350 boys, 321 girls & 365 girls & 386 infants; average attendance, 265 boys,
271 infallts; Henry Herbert, master; Miss C. M. 215 girls & 214 infants; J. McMahon, master; Miss
Bryett, mistress; Miss E. A. Rice, infants' mistress Catherine Rock, mistress ; Miss Helena Costello, in-
()dessa. road, built in 187-l• for 399 boys, 384 girls & fants' mistr~ss
476 infants; average attendance, 298 boys, 284 girls &
327 infants; David L. Webbe, master; Miss Martha Railway Stations.
Chaplin, mistress; Mrs. Weston, infants' mistress Forest lane, Great Eastern Railway, Henry Pallant,
Upton lane, built in 1894, for 490 boys, 430 girls & 434 station master
infants; average attendance, 365 boys, 374 girls & 305 Wanstead Park, Woodgrange road, Midland Railway,
"infai'lts; WalteT Smith, master; Miss J. E. Cracknell Charles Battersbee, station master
L.L.A. mistress; Miss F. Foote, infants' mistress
Barclay William, 48 Earlham grove Borland Henry McDonald M.B. 355
PRIVA:I.'B :UESIDENTS. Bareford George, 152 Claremont road Romford road
.Abrahams Atbraham Emanuel, II4 Barham Charles, 136 Hampton road Boshell Joseph D. 183 Earlham grove
Earlham griJIVe Barker Wm. Arthur, 34 Earlham gro Bosher Alfd. Chas. 126 Earlham gro
.!.bra hams J cilin, :r9 Claremont road Barnes Edward John, go Earlham gro Bothwell Alexander, 2II Romford rd
.Abrahams Joseph, 190 Romford road Barnes Ernest Charl~s Edward, 207 Boughey Waiter Ethelbert, 39 Clare-
Abrahams Michael, ~ Windsor road Green street mont road
.Abram )h'S. 230 R.omford road Barnes Herbt. Edwin,257 Romford rd Boughton Robert, 3 Clova road
Airey John 'It. 73 Claremont road .tiarnes Misses, 132 Windsor road Boulton James Sewell,142 Osborne rd
Aiteheson Thomas F. 9 Windsor rd Barnes Wm . .Albert, 194 Osborne road Boulton Mrs. 267 Romford road
.Aldridg-e Mrs. 76 Hampton road Barrett Herbt. Roper,3r8 Romford rd Bourne Alfred Wm. 125 Chestnut av
Allcock Mrs. 29 Osborne road Barron Rev. Leslie George L.Th. Bower Elias, 96 Clova road
!.lien Fredk.. Thos. 158 Osborne road (curate of St. Mark's), 41 Capel rd Bowles George Barker, 14 Avenue rd
.Allen Herbert, 245 Romford road Barry Samuel Y. 87 Hampton road Boyd J ames, 39 Clova road
..A.llen Leonard Horatio,59 HJmpton rd Barton Chas. Arthur, 198 Romford rd Boyle Edwin H. 83 Claremont road
.Allf'n Mrs. 133 Sebert road Barton Mrs. 65 Claremont road Boyle Mrs. 75 Osborne road
.Allen Robert Hugh M.D.. C.:\'L 322 Barwick Mrs. 40 Windsor road Boyton Edward Thomas Augustus,
Romford road Batteson Victor J. 201 Earlbam grove 46 Sebert road
Alley ne Capt. Geo. Thos. 1Clart>mon t rd Bavne Rev. Percy Matheson M.A. 216 Brabza.n George, 10 Windsor road
Allpress Rev. George Thomas (Con- Romford road Bradbury \V. F. 110 Cape! road
!:(regational). 127 Ham Park road Bavnes William, 283 Romford road Bradley Edwin, 70 Windsor road
!Alvarez Ema:rruel, gB Clova road B<>ach George Edwd. 140 Windsor rd Bradley Mrs. 37 Windsor road
.Alvarez Henry, ::lSI Romford road Beal Edmund J. Rd. 56 Osborne rd Brady John, 17 Norwich road
Amor Mrs. tl'9 Hampton road Beard Robert Thos. 20 Sprowston rd Braendle Geo. Fredk. 104 Clova road
LAnder~on J. L. A. 85 Claremont road Beard Thomas .Ashurst,rs Wind!!!or rd Bray Henry F. 35 Windsor road
Anderson Jolm Hay, 149 Windsor rd Beauchamp Joseph, 11 Norwich road Breen John, 24 ClarPmont road
.Andrew Joseph Norman, 308 Kathe- Beaumont PercyEdgar,237Romford rd Brewitt Miss, 4 Claremont road
rine road Beaumont Waiter, 45 Earlham grove Brewitt Miss, 66 Windsor road
.And re" s Charles Thomas, 68 Knox rd Beckett James AlfrPd, 69 Clova roatl Brice Thomas Wm. 8 Atherton road
Andrews Henry, 168 Osbornt> road Beckett Mrs. go Windsor road Bridges Chas. J n. 110 Claremont rd
Andrews Leonard, 4 Hampton road Bedford Waiter, 2 Khedive road Brittain William, 25 Windsor road
Andre1rs Mrs. 63 Ciova. road BePdlP. James Francis, 7 Clova road Broad James Montague, 32 Clova rd
Anglin Alfred. 135 Claremont road Bell David, 30 Osborne road Bromley Mrs. 35 Atherton road
.Angus Herbt.Travers,IS7 Earlham gro Bellett William, 150 Windsor road Brook~ James A. 124 Hampton road
.Annal John, 5 Clova road Bendix David, 371 Romford road Brown Charles Harry, I Osborne rd
Annal John, 102 Windsor road Bendon John, 31 Norwich road Brown Geo. Edwd. 61 Earlham gro
;Armstrong .Jas. Wm. 190 Osborne rd Benham Alfred Wm. 19 Windsor rd Brown Henry, n8 Dames road
Armstrong Mrs. 25 Hampton road Bennett David, 96 Hampton road Brown Willia.m Hy. II2 Hampton rd
!.scot Thomas, 27 Windsor road Bennett Stanley, 139 Windsor road Browne James. 29 Claremont road
.!.shworth BllroldVictor, n50sborne rd Bennett Waiter, 67 Windsor road Browne Mrs. Mary, 23 Claremont rd
:A.tkin Tooma.s D. 41 Cla.remont roarl BenwPll Mrs. 35 Claremont road Browning Wm.Edwd.25 Claremont rd
.!xery John, 279 Katberine road Berger Carl, 133 Hampton road Bruce Mrs. 164 Osborne road
Avery Jo1m, -63 Windsor road BPrnstein Solomon, 51 Windsor road Brunner Fdh:.Leonardt,222Romford rd
Axford Thoma5 M. 91 Osborne road Berry Alfred, 4 Earlham grove Bruton Joseph, 227 Romford road
Ayton John James, 36 Windsor road Riddle Mrs. 120 Earlham grove Bryan Decimus, 65 Clova road
Ayton William E. II5 Cape! road Bilby Edward Vale, 3 Hampton road Bryant 0. J. 83 Windsor road
"Bache Frederick, 19 Dames road Bills John Charles, so Capel road Bryant Chas. Edward, 192 Osborne rd
'Bache Richard, 21 Dames road Bint Arthur, 38 Avenue road Buch Peter, 145 Osborne road
Bacon Thos. Heni. 29 Athe-rton road Bishop Beilj. Geo. 213 Ham Park rd Bucke Mrs. 40 Avenue road
'Badcock Mrs. 6 Osborne road Blake James, 193 Romford road Buckeridge Edwd.Hy.32 Earlham gro
"Bailey StephenChas. 157 Ham Park rd Blake Mrs. 11 Windsor road Buckingham HarryWm.61 Osborne rd
"Baker Harry, 6o Clova road Blake Stuart Ryall, 407 Katherine rd Buckton Arthur, 6q Hampton road
"Bald win .J o1m, 16 Os borne road Blomfield Alfred Edmond, 19 Earl· Bugg Samuel, 78 Ham Park road
Balls Harry James, Skodsborg. ham grove Bullivant Arth. Richd.18 Hampton rd
Claremont road Bluemel Charles, 32 Godwin road Bunn Alfred, 168 Romford road
"Bamford George Warriner, 19 Xor- Bolton :\irs. g8 Windsor road Burchill John, 93 Windsor road
wich road Brmall~ek WaltPr, 41 Woodg-range rd Burder Henry John, 204 Osborne rd
'Banes !.rthur Alexander, The Red Bone Mrf'. 28 Hamvton road Burley ::Sorman. 88 Osborne road
house. Upton lane Bonner Miss. 45 Claremont road Burness GPo. Fras. 79 Osborne road
lJanes .Arth. Edward, The RPd house. Bonner Mrs.Harding.173 Earlham gro Burnptt James. :n Windsor road
Uvton lane Booth Mrs. 88 Claremont road j Burnham John Hv. 128 Hampton rd
1Jarber Alfred, 240 Romford road. Booty William S. 62 Earlham grove Burns Mrs. 13 Atherton road

Burroughs Miss. 130 Osborne road Cornwall William, 214 Osborne road Durrant 1\Irs. 78 Claremout road
Burrows Norman, 103 Osborne road Corpe Charles J. 156 Osborne road Durrant W. James, 143 Windsor rd
Burton George William, 74 Clova rd Cossington John, 287 Romford road Dye Frederick, 38 Clova rood
Bush Frank. !;!8 Clova road Coupe Thomas .A. H. 43 Hampton rd Dyer William John, 82 Cape} Yoad
Bush George, 20 Clova road Couzens Alfred John F.R.C.S.Eng. Dykin Edwin John, 19 Clova road
Butcher Joseph, 138 Claremont road 221 Romford road Dyne Henry Wm. So Margery Park 1<l
Buttle Wm. Thos. 63 Olaremont rd Cowell Harry Percival James, 70 Eales James, 8o Claremont road
Byard Richard, 78 Clova road Hampton road East Mrs. 364 Romford road
Byerley .Albert Walter,174 Osborne rd Cox Charles Henry, 18 Kingsley road Eastaugh Mrs. 11 Hampton road
Calderwood William, 83 Hampton rd Cox Waiter Jn. Mitchell, 61 Clova rd Edwards Frank, 241 Romford road
Cameron Edwin Aug. 92 Windsor rd Coxall Clement, 68 Osborne road Edwards Miss, 3 Norwich road
Camp .Alfred, 132 Claremont road Coxon Rev. W. Vere (Wesleyan), ro8 Edwards Miss, 79 Windsor road
Campbell Chas. Benj. 236 Upton lane Windsor road Edwards Mrs. A. E. 4I Osborne road
Campbell James, 36 Norwich road Crabtree .Alfd. Thos. 2I9 Romford rd Egan Rev. Andrew O.F.M. (Cath.),.
Cane William Geo. 22 Earlham grove Crane George Francis, 53 Clova road The Friary, Khedive road
Cannan David M.A., M.D. 49 Wood- Crawley Fdk. Cornelius,72Windsor rd Egerton Cbas.Samuel, 13 Norwich rd
grange road Crea Mrs. 218 Osborne road Eggington Francis, 61 Disraeli road
Capon Emanuel Jn. 24 Sprowston rd Cringle R. J. 6g Claremont road EgremontRev.H.E.,B.A.109Windsorr<1
Carey Albt. Edwd. 21 Claremont rd Crisp Mrs. 137 Hampton road Einhauser Louis, 16 Hampton road
Carr Misses E. & M.. JOB Osborne road Crocker Thomas Wm. 9 Atherton rd Elkington John Wm. 6I Hampton rd
Carroll Bev. Egbert O.F.M; (Oath.), Crockett John Fdk. 86 Claremont rd Elliott John, 89 Osborne road
The Friary, Khedive road Croft Charles Elfred 1 70 Knox road Ellis Edward, g6 Claremont road
Carter Henry, 49 St. George's aven Croll William, 62 Capel road Ellis L~:;wis, 33 Osborne road
Carver John, I7 Avenue road Cropper Horace Jn 1 136 Earlham gro Ellis Mrs. 43 Claremont road
Oasselton .AUred, 43 Earlha.m grove Cundy John Georgt>, 182 Romford rd Ems Victor, 105 Osborne road
Castell-Evans John William, 94 Cundy Mrs. 261 Romford road Ellison Le win, 39 Atherton road
Claremont road Cundy Simeon, IOI Windsor road Elphick Rev. James Strudwick
Cast-an Ernest, 99 Claremont road Cundy Wright, 46 Windsor road A.K.C.L. (perpetual curate '()f St.
Caston Henry, 99 Claremont road Cunnington Henry, 36 Claremont rd Mark's), Vicarage, 28 Godwin road
Cater Hy. Chas. 11 Claremont road Curtis Edward, 55 Windsor road Elsey Mrs. 72 Clova. road
Catmur William Henry,IOo Dame11 rd Curtis George Chas. 133 Windsor rd Elsom Edwin Henry, 33 Atherton rd
Catt .Alfred James, too Clova road Curtis Henry, 53 Osborne road Elson Wm. Jn. rrs Claremont road
Chandler Wm. Thos. 206 Osborne rd Curtis Herbert, rrs Earlham grove Emblem Ernest John, 95 Disraeli rd
Chapman Rev. Henry La Grange Cuttle Elliott, 56 Khedive road Embling Miss, 108 Earlham grove
Dougan (vicar of Emmanuel), 138 Dale Wm. Charles M.B. 98 Upton la Emery Fredk.Arthur,127 Hampton rd
Earlham grove Daniel Arthur1 154 Osborne road Engledow Henry, 77 Earlham groTe \
Chapman Rev.· Jn. William Paddock Daniel Waiter, 255 Romford road Estaugh William, 136 Windsor road
A.K.O.L. (vicar of St. Edmund Darkin Arthur, 27 Osborne road Evans Edwin, 89 Windsor road.
King & Martyr), The Vicarage, Darms Fred, 15 Hampton road Evans Miss, 85 Osborne road
• Katherine road Davidson David W. 147 Claremont rd Evans Thomas, 1B7 Earlham grove
Cbapman Edward, 123 Earlham gro Davies Miss, 66 Osborne road EvHett Mrs. 3 Earlbam grove
Chapman Saml. L. 6g Earlham gro Davies William Andrew, 37 Clova rd Everitt Mrs. 7 Earlham grove
Ohapman Thos. Hy. 104 Chestnut av Davis Edwin Chas. 161 Ham Park rd Facy Joseph Wm. 77 Claremont road
Charlesworth Wm.Hy. 26 Windsor rd Davis William, 21 Atherton road Fairweather John, 71 Osborne Toad
Chater Algernon, 134 Windsor road Dawes Elijah Seale, 23 Hampton rd Fallon Miss, 3 Osborne road
Cheeseright Edwin, Osborne house, Day Miss, 10 Atherton road Fardell Miss, 120 Claremont road
Osborne road Dayus Fredk.Herbert,229 Romford rd Farish James Peter, 162 Olaremont rd
Cheke Richard F.A.I. 39 Osborne rd Dean Alfred, 45 Hampton road Farmer Miss, 159 Osborne road
Chester Henry, 32 Claremont road Dean George, I07 Earlham grove Farthing William, 126 Hampton roacl
Chester Thos. Geo. 163 Osborne road Dearden Albert, 178 Romford road Faunch W. J. 131 Capel road
Chilton John Sim, 50 Hampton road Defries Sidney, 56 Earlham grove Faupel William, I77 Earlham groTe
Choat Mrs. u8 Os borne road Deighton Henry Edwd. 65 Osborne rd Fellger Mrs. 74 Margery Park road
Churchman Alfred Harold, 125 Deitrick Rev. William Artbur (Con- Fenn Fredk C. D. 5 Atherton Toad
Windsor road gregational), 4 Norwich road Fennings Albert James Livingstone.
Clark Alexander, I I I Osborne road Dempsey Gerald, 146 Claremont road 90 Osborne road
Clark Charles Alex. I 16 Claremont rd Denn John, I Clova 'l"Oad Fergnson Alfred, 148 Windsor road
Clark Henry, 26 Norwich road Derby James, 39 Norwich road Fe1guson John, 26 Osborne road
Clark Mrs. 289 Romford road Dewar Waiter, 149 Earlham grove Fidrles Alexander McPherson M.B .•
Clark Wm.Goldsmith,1o8 Hampton rd Dick David, n6 Hampton road C.M. 310 Katherine road
Clark William James, 77 Hampton rd Dickinson Ernest Robert. 36 Clova rd Fielder Robert, 197 Romford road
Clarke Blandford Edwd. 92 Clova rd Dickson Mrs. 20 O!<borne road Finch George, 5 Chester road
Clarke James George, 152 Osborne rd Dilger George, 62 Windsor road Firth Jonathan, 93 Claremont road
Cla:xton Wm. Henry, 46 Hampton rd Dimond Charles, 231 Romford road Fisher R~v. Maxwell M.A. (curate ot
Cleghorn George·, 135 Osborne road Dixon Edward James, 34 Clova road St.Peter's,UptonCross),2oKhediverd
Olemens Samuel Thos. 109 Capel rd Dobbs Alfred Charles, 63 Earlham gro Fisher Isaac, gB Hampton road
Clemens Thomas, 76 Windsor road Dodd Alfred, 34 Avenue road Fitzsimmons Wm. 12 Sprowston l'QBII
Clements Stephen, 39 Windsor road Dodson William, 15 Atherton road Fleming Michael, 53 Clarermmt road
Clementson Edwin, 36 Hampton road Doe Mrs. 42 Claremont road Flint Mrs. I23 Osborne road
Coats Matthew, 31 Os borne road Donald Thomas, 2 Hampton road Flower Charles Austin, 14 Osborne rd
Cockerill William, I 12 Claremont rd Dooley Miss, 66 Hampton road Follett Miss, 16 Atherton road
Cocksedge Miss, 20 Earlham gr<Jve Doust Mrs. 24 Windsor road Forbes Robert Lyon, 184 Osborne rd
Cohen Lewis, 58 Earlha.m grove Dowding Ernest Waiter, 143 Clare- Ford Arthur, 145 Windsor road
Cohen W<Jolf, 37 Sebert road mont road Ford Aubrey, 139 Claremont road
Cole William, 144 Windsor road Dowsett John, 26 Hampton road Ford Mrs. 120 Windsor road
Collins Wm. Howell, 82 Claremont rd Doyle Very Rev. Herbert O.F.M. Ford Robert Giles, ::114 Romford road
Colville David, 2 Norwich road (Oath.), The Friary, Khedive road Ford Samuel, 129 Windsor road
Conoby Mrs. 9 Norwich road Dralre Patrick, Bo Ham Park road Foreman George, 158 Windsor TOad •
Conoley Rev. Daniel B.A. (chaplain Drake William J. S. 5 Claremont rd Forsey Frederick, ISO Claremont rd'
of Poplar union), 159 Ham Park rd Drautz Walter, 16~ Claremont road Forster Rev. William Lawson (Coo-
Conoley Cornelius, 54 Earlham grove Drewry Thomas, 5g Claremont road gregational), 37 Earlham grove
ConollPy Benjamin, 34 Windsor road Dudley Bev. George (Baptist), 203 Forward Mrs. 23 Norwich road
Cook John Nicol, 59 Claremont road Ham Park road Foulger Samuel, 63 Disraeli road
Coombs Jn. Albt.6o Margery Park rd Duffy Patrick Jos. 54 Khedive road Foulon Alexis, I I Sprowston road
Cooney Very Rev. Osmond O.F.M. Dugard Henry Thos. 9 Osborne rd Francis William, I Norwich road
(Catholic), The Friary, Kbedive rd Duncan Mrs. 31 Earlham grove Fraser Alexander, II4 Hampton roalf
Cooper Clifford, 154 Claremont road Duncomb Frf'derick, 2::19 Romford rd Fredericks Mrs. 99 Osborne road
Cooper Mrs. 148 Claremont road Duncumbe Wm. 47 St. George's av Free Alfred, 297 Romford road
Cooper William, 47 Clova road Dunmore Fdk. Jn. 127 Claremont rd Freeman Fredk. Jas. 27 Athe:rton r<l
Copeman Ernest, 51 Hampton Toad Dunn Henry Arthur, 72 Earlham gro Freeman Louis, 365 Romford rolld
Coppard Mrs. 42 Osborne road Durell James, 19I Earlham grove French Rev. John Henry (Baptist}..
Corhv Miss. xr:;o Osborne road Dnrell Joseph, 6 F.arlham grove 86 Hampton road
Oorby William R. 145 Claremont rd Durham Mrs. 100 Earlham grove Friedladers Mrs. 6 Hampton :roacl
Fry Mrs. 349 Romford road Haskew R. G. 103 Hampton road Jacohs Mrs. 133 Osborne road
Fudge George, 138 Hampton road Haslett Frederick, 30 Atherton road James Frederick L. 24 Earlham gro
Furlong Rev. Hubert O.F.M. (Cath.), Haven William, 5 Windsor road James Herbt. Fdk. 209 Ham Park rd
The Friary, Khedive road Hawkinson Frank, 74 Knox road James Martin, 92 Hampton road
Furness Percy Edwd. 147 Windsor rd Hawthorne Hugh, 91 Claremont road James :Miss, 3 Studley :road
Galley Rev. Herbert J. (Baptist), 14 Hayward Jamt>s, 109 Osborne road Jardine Mrs. 204 Romford road
Lancaste~ road Healy Patrick J. 5 ).fargery Park rd Jefferies Miss, 33 Hampton road
Gardiner Charles, 58 Clova road Heddon Thomas, 123 Windsor road Jennings Jonathan, u6 Earlham gro
Gardner John Arthur, 9 Hampton rd Hellmund Leonard, 193 Ham Park rd Jt>zard Sidney Robert, I05 Clova road
Gardner William, 63 Hampton road Hempel A. C. 44 Claremont road Jinkins Rev. Gwessin (Welsh Presby-
Gay Albert George, 47 Claremont rd Henning Mrs. TI Clova road terian), 106 Claremont road
Gayes Mrs. 127 Sebert road Herbert Alfred, 121 Forest lane Joel Henry F. 74 Windsor :road
Gemmell John, 10 Hampton road Herbold Frank, 23 Osborne road Joel Mrs. 15 Earlham grove
Gerard Thomas, 28 Claremont road Hewitt Mrs. 40 Claremont road Joel William Edwin, 19 Sprowston rd
Gibson Mrs. 73 Clova road Heymer Edward, ng Osborne road Johnson Henry, 133 Claremont road
Gilbert Arthur, 128 Earlham grove Hibbert Ernl"~t Sydney,135Windsor rd Johnson Henry, IIS Windsor road
Giles Charles, 55 Dames road Hickey Rev. Ephrem O.F.M. (Cath.J, Johnson JamesEdwd.133 Earlham gro
Giller JamPs P. 216 Osborne road The Friary, Khedive road Johnson John Henry, 6g Windsor rd
Gillie Alfred, 102 Earlham grove Hickey Very Rev. Peter O.F.M. Johnson Mrs. 17 Claremont road
Gilloch Thomas, 7 Hampton road (Catholic), The Friary, Khedive rd Johnson T. Edwin, 204 Green street
Gladding Miss, 217 Romford road Hicks Edwin, 99 Windsor road Johnston ThQmas, 153 Os-borne road
Glasson John Richd. 68 Claremont rd Hicks Thomas, 18o Osborne road Jolly William Fredk. 38 Osborne rd
Glaum Waiter, 148 Hampton road High Robert, 103 Sebert road Jones Rev. Clement H., M.A. (curate
Glennon John, 129 Claremont road Hildyard Geo. Wm. 49 Osborne rd of All Saints'), 88 Hampton road
Glover Mrs. 345 Romford :road Hill Rev. Harold R. H., L.Th. (curate Jones Rev. Walter Frank L.Th.
Golding William Hy. 122 Osborne rd of St. Saviour), 7 Sidnt>y road (curate of St. James'), 5 Crosby rd
Goldsmith Wm. Morgan, 79 Hamp· Hill Arthur, 30 Windsor road Jones Charles L. 283 Upton lane
ton road Hill Arthur Brook!!, 197 Eariham gro Jones David, 2II Ham Park road
Good Edward, 361 Romford road Hill Arthur Jn. Edwd. 73 Disraeli rd Jones Herbert Fred, 56 Claremont 1d
Good Ernest, 6o Hampton road Hill Herbert George, 4 Os borne road J ones Mrs. E. 62 Margery Park road
Goodman Alfred Basil, 77 Clova road Hill John, 25 Clova road Jones William, 24 Clova road
Goodman Joseph, go Tylney road Hills Joseph A. 7 Windsor road Joslin George, 220 Osborne road
Gordon Robert Clifford Turner, 395 Hilton Jas. Ballantyne, 67 Osborne rd Jowett Rev. John Charles (Wesleyan),
Romford road Robbing Charles, 128 Osborne road 24 Norwich road
Gore JamE>s Leonard,193 Earlham gro Hobbs W. J. r6 Earlham g-rove Judson Miss, 98 Osborne road
Gorston Miss, 9 Clova road Hobcraft .Alfred, rs6 Windsor road Jurd Albert Edward, 93 Hampton rd
Gosney Rev. Oswald l\LA. (vicar of Hockley Robert, 41 Clova road Kane Domimck, 279 Upton lane
.St. Matthew's, Stratford), St. Hodges .Alfred, 220 Romford road Kay William, 14 Claremont road
Matthew's vicarage,2o7 Romford rd Hodges Edward Wm. ro4 Hampton rd Kean Thomas R. 16 Norwich road
Gostling Geo. Fredk. 82 Hampton rd Hodgkinson Rev.Fredk.Kars!ake M.A. Keen Mr~. 139 Earlham grove
Gough Herbert, 210 Osborne road (vicar of St. Peter's), 293 Upton la Kendon Edwin, 246 Romfo:rd road
Goult Miss, 64 Earlham grove Hodson Mrs. 40 Earlham grove Kendrick Robert .A. 43 Claremont Id
Gower William Hy. 17 Sprowston rd Hoey Rev. Denys Clinton (curate of Kerr James, 31 Atherton road
Graham Mrs. r8 Clova road St. James'), 32 :Xorwich road Kerr James, 73 Earlham grove
Graham Richard, 74 Osborne road Holden Thomas, 52 Claremont road Kershaw Mrs. 130 Hampton road
Gray Geo. Edwd. 97 & 99 Clova rd Holford Trefford, 6 :Norwich road Ketcher Wm. H. 49 Hampton Toad
Grayson Thos. Porter, 15 Osborne rd Hollingsworth Mrs. 67 Claremont rd Kettle Mrs. 189 Earlham grove
Greaves Henry William, 63 Capel rd Holmes Francis, 64 Disraeli road King Alexander, 234 Upton lane
Greco Waiter, 271 Romford road Holsworth Mrs. 104 Osborne road King George Charles, 126 Wmdsor rd
Green Henry, 99 Earlham grove Holsworth William. 129 Osborne road King Miss, 86 Osborne road
Green Isaac Sidney, 162 Windsor rd Holt Edward, 203 "F.:nlham grove King Robt. Seth, 29 Earlham grovP
Green Leslie H. 95 Cape} road Holthusen Alan William ~LB., B.S. King Waiter John, 109 Hampton rd
Green Victor, 55 Earlham grove 34 Sebert road Kingston Charles Whitsed, 41 Earl·
Greeves James John, Qo Clova road Holthnsen W. 102 Claremont road ham grove
Greeves Thomas, rso Hampton road Hone George Jame~. 176 R(lmford rd Kipping Chas. Thos. 135 Hampton Id
Gretton Edward. 6r Claremont road Hooper Mrs. 275 Romford road Kitchin Hy. Holder, 74 Hampton rd
Gretton Richd. Horace,r62 Osborne rd Hopson Arthur, 42 Earlham grove Knibbs Mrs. 35 Hampton road
Griffiths William,sa Margery Park rd Hornby Mrs. 56 Windsor road Knopp Waiter. 51 Clova road
Grundon Alfd. Chapel ho. Osborne rd Hosking Leonard, 130 Earlham grove Kusz Hy. Christian, 102 Chestnut av
Grunsell Richard J. 64 Hampton road Howard Thomas, 9~ Clova road Lacy Waiter, 94 Earlham grove
Guiver Benjamin, 106 Clova road Hoyle George, 26 Atherton road Laing Mrs. 44 Disraeli road
Gullick Miss, so O!!borne road Hudson Charles Ernest,28 Norwich rd LamheTt Mrs. 15 Sprowston road
Gulson Miss, I I Clova road Hughes Thomas, 2 Sprowston road Lamboll J. E. 134 Hampton road
Gunstone John, n8 Earlham grove Hulbert Thomas, 64 Cape} road Landsler Alfred, 109 Clova road
Gwinn Geo. Taylor, 35 Earlham gro Hume John, ror Woodford road Langley Fredk.Thomas,r2 Osborne rd
Hackwell Wm. Thos. 337 Romford rd Humphrey Henry, 122 Earlham grovE' Larner Mrs. ro6 Earlham grove
Hadley Rev. .Adolphus Albert Wm. Humphreys Capt. Thomas, 42 Ramp· Larter W. R. 49 Claremont road
(curate Emmanuel church), 36 Os- ton road Lawrence Mrs. 75 Claremont road
borne road Humphreys James, 94 Clova road La:r.enby George, 198 Osborne road
Hadiow Sydney Geo.I08 Claremont rd Hurn Arthnr, 156 Claremont road Leaf'h Alfred, 58 Osborne road
Hall Thos. Snaith, 70 Claremont rd Hurrell Francis John, 124 Osborne rd Leah Sydney, 48 Claremont road
Hallam Miss M. A. 122 Claremont rd Hurry James Robert, 209 Romford rd I Lee John Alfred, 25 Earlham grove
Hamilton .Alfd.Wm.M.B. 120 Upton la Hutchinson Jas. Edwd. 72 Os borne rd Lee William, ~3 Norwich l'Oad
Hammersley Fredk. 106 Windsor rd Hutchison William Edward, 123 Le Gassick Rev. John Brunei M . .!.
Hancock Frank, 73 Hampton road Claremont road (curate St. Edmund, King &
Hancocks Mrs. 22 Sprowston road Huthwaite Henry, ro6 Hampton road Martyr), The Vicarage,Katherine rd
Hanford Rev. George William Henry Hyams Alexander, 87 Osborne road Let;{ge Arthnr, 19 Atherton road
M.A., F.RG.S. (vicar of St. Ince Miss, 147 Osborne road Lenox Percy. 33 Claremont road
James'), 92 Forest lane Ingleton Alfred, 131 Claremont road Lepingwell Mh:l'l. 1 Atherton road
Hannar Alfred, 120 011borne road Ingleton Wm.Norman,87 Earlham gro Lever Charles Berbert, Il4 Capel rrl
Harbott Charles, 134 Osborne road Ing-ram Edwd.Rendell,19 Hampton rd Levick Christopher, 203 Romford rd
Harding James, 81 Clm·a road Inkson Mrs. 207 Ham Po>rk road L.,vv Mrs. 57 Earlham grove
Hardy Alfred, 144 Hampton road Inman Thomas A. 128 Windsor road Levy Mrs. 2 Oc::borne road
Harnack Ernest Hy. 225 Romford rd Trving Thomas, 78 Earlham grJve Lewin Robert Wm. 155 Osborne road
Harring-ton Edmund, 16 Windsor rd Isaac Lewis, 223 Romford road LPwis George Israel, 100 Osborne rd
Harris David. 26 Claremont road Israel Henry, ng Earlham grove Lewitt Fdk. Wm. M.D.233Romford rd
Harris Wm. Henrv, 143 Osborne road Ives William, 101 (.,'lova road Linch Capt. G. II9 Claremont road
Hart Charles, 73 Windsor road Ives William, 121 Hampton rond Linch .To!leph Henry, 121 011borne rd
Hart Lewis, 160 Windsor road Jackson Mrs. 196 Osborne road Lind William PatPn~on,16z Sebert rd

H1rrPy 1\fr!l. _:;- TTarrr~.,.., .,.,111l

Harve_y Capt. R. N. 53 Windsor road Jacobs Geo.Saunders, 195 Romford rd Linday Robert, II6 Windsor load
.Jacl)bs Jo~epb, ~, WiTid<-'Jr rn11d Ling- William, 153 Ham Park.r.~o~a~d;_;;;.;G;K:;;--
Har¥ie George F. 138 Windsor road J:u-obs ~frs. 4-t Hampton road Linnell :Mrs. I86 o..borne read •~'~~~' f\IC3HA~
11 ...
-· . ~_,........

Livingstone William, 47 Knox road Morrow Re'V. Wm. Edward Reginald Penwarden Albt. Rd. 84 Hampton rd
Lloyd Capt. Horace Watson,21 Hamp- M.A. (vicar of All Saints), All Perriam Henry, 75 Hampton road
ton road Saints' vicarage, Hampton road Perry William J. 85 Windsor road
Lloyd Edward R. 124 Windsor road Mortimer George, 98 Earlham grove Peters Fred Ralph, 125 Claremont rd
Lloyd Thomas, 66 Claremont road Mosely Mrs. 97 Claremont road Peters George Wm. 131 Windsor road
Lloyd William John, 300 Romford rd Moss Arthur, I4 Earlham grove Peters James, I78 Osborne road
Loder Frederic, 20 Hampton road Moss Frederick H. 57 Windsor road Peters Mrs. 106 Osborne road .
Lodge Frederick, I6I Osborne road Moss Mrs. 8 Earlham grove Phillips Herbert Adcock, 2I6a, Rom-
Lohn Charles, 79 Clova road Moss Mrs. 165 Earlham grove ford road
Lovegrove Joseph, 5 Norwich road Muhm Mrs. 13 Sprowston road Phillips James Thomas,97 Osborne rd
Lovell Fredk. Thomas,273 Romford rd Miiller George, 11 Osborne road Phillips Thomas, 63 Osborne .road
Lowe William, 316 Romfard road Mullsrhausen Jn. Hy.58 Hampton rd Phillips Thos. A. Bo Windsor road
Lucy Albt. Edwd. 64 Margery :Pk. rd Miillerhausen W. E. 84 Windsor road Phipps Henry Chas. 14 Sprowston rd
Lussignea Mrs. 3S Claremont road Mulrenan Mrs. 228 Upton lane Pibel James Henry, 132 Earlham gro
Lusty William, 13 Claremont road Mumford Henry Plevy,1o3 Windsor rd Picken John. n Windsor road
Lyons Benjamin, 513 Romford road Munns David Edwd. 122 Hampton rd Pilcher Chas, Fredk. 122 Windsor rd
McAdam Mrs. 47 Osborne road Murfin Mrs. 14 Clova road Pinks Henry, S1 Claremont road
Macallister John, ss Disraeli road Murgitroyd Mrs. J. 33 Clova road Pittman Miss, IS Norwich road
McArthur Wallace, 347 Romford road Murray Miss Hester, 23 Earlham gro Porter Mrs. 238 Upton lane
McCarrow James, I44 Osborne road Murton Arthur E. 92 Osborne road Potter William, 5 Earlham gron
McCarthy John, 110 Earlham grove Napier Miss, 45 Clova road Poupard A. F. 124 Claremont road
McCurdy John, 91 Hampton road Nash Henry, 62 Claremont road Poupard Charles Geo.295 Romford rd
McCutcheon John, 269 Romford road Neele Samuel, 71 Clarmnont road Power Gemge D. So Clova road
MacDonagh Jas.Saml.235 Romford rd Nettleton Benjamin E.131 Osborne rd Prentice Capt.Wm.L.92 Claremontrd
McDonnell Thos. Wm. 95 Windsor rd ~eville Arthur John, 65 Windsor rd Pribul Mrs. 40 Hampton road
McFee Sydney, 21 Norwich road Newman Chas. Herbt. 25 Ismailia rd Prince Henry, 55 Hampton road
MacGregor Capt. Patrick Beid, 117 Newson Miss, 32 Windsor road Print Alfred, 83 Earlham grove
Windsor road ~ewth George Wm. I27 Earlham gro Pryer Mrs. 100 Hampton road
MacGregor Alfred Ceighton, II:: ~ewton Charles Arthur, 43 Knox rd Pryor Benjamin, I83 Ham Park road
Windsor road ~icholls William L. 230 Upton lane Pulsford Fras. Wm. noa, Windsor rd
Mclntyre James, 66 Earlham grove Nichols John Ambrose, Crayford Punnett Wm. Hy. 62 Disraeli road
MacKay Miss, 46 Osborn road house, Atherton road Puttick Wait. Gayler,I63 Earlham gro
Mackie James, 17 Clova road Nicholson Rev. Jas. Nicholson M.A. Quane Frdk.Carlyle. I23 Hampton rd
Mackirdy Mrs. 170 Romford roa.d I7o Osborne road Quarrell George Hodgson: Balmoral
Maclean Edward, 174 Romford road Nicol Mrs. 70 Clova road house. Balmoral road

MacLean Mrs. 9 Claremont road Nightingale Miss, II3 Earlham grove Quick Herbert, 43 Osborne road
Madden Henry, 6S Windsor road ~orden Alfred, So Osborne road Quick Joseph Louis, 41 Windsor road
Madell Frank T. 154 Windsor road Norden Lewis, 117 Hampton road Quinn James 0. G. 6 Windsor road
Mallinson John, I Sprowston road Norman Edwin, 16Sa, Romford road Quinn William, 72 Knox road
Mallinson Miss, 69 Osborns road Norman Herbert Bobt.28Atherton rd Quirke Mrs. 1S5 Ham Park road
Mann By. Charles, 149 Claremont rd Norrie Frederick Jas. 41 Atherton rd Radburn Mrs. Ia, Wind!lor road
Mansfield Albt.Arth. 199 Earlham gro N orris Wm. Hal:am, 45 Windsor rd Rae Rev. Alfd. Norman M.A. (vicar),
Mansfield Alfred J. 2 Clova road Norton George William, 232 Upton la St. Saviour's vicarage, Sidney rd
Mansfield Ernest Hy. 92 Earlham grc Nunn William, 146 Osborne road Raeburn Mrs. 51 Earlham grove
Manson Mrs. 102 Hampton road Oakley James, 117 Claremont road Rainey Mrs. I69 Earlham grove
Maple Thos. Holloway,8I Windsor rd O'Brien Archibald, 6o Disraeli road Randa.U Ernest Bidgood M.D. 367
Marshall Geo. Jas. 57 Claremont rd Odell Henry, 72 Claremont road Romford road
Marshal! John, 263 Romford road Ogden Percy Griffith, 21 Earlham gro Rand~ John. 64 Clova road
'Martin .Alfred Fredk. IS Osborne rd O'Halloren Henry, 94 Hampton road Ratcliff Miss, 23 Atherton road
Martin John, 12 Earlham grove o·Longan Paul, I63 Ham Park road Rawden John, 30 Avenue road
Martin Mrs. I07 Clova road Olsen Mrs. 44 Windsor road Rawlinson Frederick Jn.2 Windsor rd
Maryon Ebenezer, 87 Disraeli road O'Malley Thomas., Io Osborne road Ray Mis.s, 293 Romford road
Nassey Thomas, 128 Claremont road Orbell John, 101 Osborne road Rayment Arthur, I25 Earlham grove
Masson John, 43 Clova road Orchard· Henry, so Windsor road Rayment Fredk. Geo. 126 O~>borne rd
Nathews Chas. Wm.1o5 Claremont rd Orr William, 70 Margery Park road Read .Arthur Charles, 5 Sprowston rd
Matthews James, 201 Ham Park road Overy James Bobert, 52 Wind&or rd Reader Waiter, 27 Norwich road
'Matthews Jn.Welland,18Sprowston rd Oxley M;sses, 14S Osborne road Reader William H. 166 Claremont rd
Matthews Mrs. 129 Hampton road Oyler Benjamin, 91 Woodford road Reardon Thomas, 97 Earlham grove
Maughfling John S. uo Windsor road Packer Arthur Hy. 157 Osborne road Redfern George, 136 Osborne road
Mawson Mrs. 171 Earlham grove Packer Ernest, 200 Osborne road Redman Joseph Fell, 100 Windsor rd
May Alfred, S2 Earlham grove Page Robt. Hy. 143 Earlham grove Reedman James R. 86 Windsor road
May Mrs. 37 Norwich road Pallant Harry, I Hampton road Rees Edwin James, 39 Hampton road
1\Jead Arthur Evetts, 236 Romford rd Palmer Rev. Alfred Jabez (Congre- Rees Harry, 146 Hampton road
'Medgwick Fredk. Jas. 8 Osborne rd 1 gational), 247 Romford road Reid Benj. James, I37 Earlham grove
Meere James, 195 Ham Park road Palmer F. W. IOI Hampton road Relph Hy. Preston, 206 Romford rd
Meredith Mrs. 104 Windsor road Palmer Miss, 172 Romford road Rendle Arth. Fras. 69 Margery Pk. rd
Middleton Mrs. 22 Osborne road Park Joseph, 31 Hampton road Retallack-Moloney Joseph Henry, 199
'Miles John M. 310 Romford road Park Mrs. 3I Clova road Romford road
Mile!! Mark. 9 Earlham grove Parker Albert, 45 St. George's aven Rhodes Georg-e. 67 Hampton road
Milligan William, 73 Osborne road Parker .Albert Stanley,232 Romford rd Rice Edmund Stewart,71 Hampton rd
Mill;~ John. 88 Tylney road Parker Haydon, 357 Romford road Rice Richard, 36 Earlham grove
:Milne Robert M.D. 75 Windsor road Parkins Albert, Sg Earlham grove Richardson Ernest, 296 Katherine rd
Minter Waiter Jn. 26 Earlham grove Parren James, 139 Osborne road Richardson G. W. 18 Claremont road
Mitchell Ernest Harry, 95 Clova road Parsons Miss. IS Claremont road Richardson Miss. 122 Forest lane
Mitchell George, 54 Hampton road Paterson James Hy.168 Claremont rd Rippin Edward Vaughan, 208
Mitchell Harold, 179 Earlham grove Pa.terson John, 54 Osborne road Osborne road
Mitchell Miss, 18 Atherton road Patterson Chas. Hy. 353 Romford rd Rippin James, I26 Claremont road
Mitchell Mrs. 20 Atherton road Pattison Harold Aubrey, IOI Clare- Rivett Lewis Collingridge, S4 Earl-
Moar William, 53 Hampton road mont road ham grove
Moate Thomas B. 83 Osborne road Paul Geo. Augustus, 48 Windsor rd Rivett Mrs. 14 Hampton road
Moore Hy. Percival, I32 Hampton rd flaulin Thomas. 95 Hampton road Roach Mark, 13 Osborne road
Moore Rt. Jn.Goxdon,2o2 Romford rd Payne Francis, I4 Windsor road Roberts Mrs. 215 Romford road
Moore Thos. Chas. 90 Claremont rd Peacock Alfred Ernest,7o Ham Pk. Jd Roberts William C. IS Windsor road
Moore-Smith John Robt. 46 Clova rd Pearce Wm. Tipper, 97 Woodford rd Robertson James, 94 Windsor road
Morden James Wm.15S Claremont rd Pearson Leonard Comber, 37 Hamp- Robertson J()seph Gibson, 6 Clare-
Morey Charles Wm. 81 Osborne road ton road mont road
Morgan Francis, 155 Ham Park road Pearson Mrs. 72 Hampton road Robin ErnestClement,27Claremont rd
Morley J. G. 175 Ham Park road Pedley William, S Hampton l"Oad Roe Arthur Henry, 99 Hampton road
Morrell James Isaac, 6o Windsor rd Penn Charles John, 140 Hampton rd Roger de Coverley Waiter, 2I Sprow-
Morris James Joshua,Io7 Windsor rd Pennell Frederick, 102 Osborne road ston road
Morris Jas. Kneeshaw,7S Hampton rd Penney Mrs. 127 Osborne road Rogers C. K. 43 Atherton road
Pentin Philip Jas. 52 Hampton road Rogers Charles, 40 Osborne road
l\oll John, 3 Ma.rgery Park road Smith Enos, 124 Earlham grove Towler Wm. Thos. 74 Claremont rd
Rolls Rev. W. H. (Wesleyan), 58 Smith Geo. Alfred, 22 Claremont rd Townsend James. 112 Windsor road
Windsor road Smith Geo. Alfred, jun. 83 Clova rd Trapp Charles, 82 Clova road
Rose Arthnr, 38 Hampton road 3mith Harry Whiting,149 Osborne rd Trenaman Alfred Theophilus, 205
Rose Henry Tracy, 306 Romford road Smith James, 141 Osborne road Romford road
Rose Tracey, 79 Claremont road 3mith Jesse Weaver, 17 Earlham gro Trench Mrs. 76 Claremont road
Rosenberg Mrs. 34 Osborne road Smith Joseph John, 113 Hampton rd Trudgett Rev.Arth. Septimus (curate
Ross Rev. Donald (Presbyterian), 23 Smith Miss Elizh.78 Margery Park rd of St. Matthew's), 49 Uova road
Clova road Smith Miss M. J. 152 Windsor road Truelove Chas. Wm. 41 Hampton rd
Boss Edward Woodford, 181 Ham Smith Mrs. 202 Osborne road Truel~ve Henry, 65 Hampton road
Park road Smith Mrs. A. B. 105 Earlham grove Truscott Richard Jas.291 Romford rd
Ross Mrs. 37 Osborne road Smith Peter, 55 Osborne road Tucker Edwin, 244 Romford road
Rotherham Robert P. W. 137 Clare- 3mith Sidney, 75 Clova road Tucker John, 9 Sprowston road
mont road Smith Sidney, 48 Hampton road Tucker Robert Thomas William, 167
Rover Fredk. Jas. 59 Earlham grove Smith Waiter, 77 Osborne road Earlham grove
Rowe George Vanner, 8 Clova road Snelgrove A. G. 23 Sprowston road Turnbull Miss, 11 Earlham grove
Rowland Thomas, 224 Ramford road 3ommerville Mrl!. 84 Osborne r~ad Turner Benjamin, 91 Windsor road
RufHe George, 188 Osborne road Sones Miss, 142 Claremont road Turner William, 41 Knox road
Rugg John Barnes, 97 Hampton road Sonnicksen Sonnick Jessen, 141 Wind- Turtle John, 21 Lancaster road
Rumsey Leonard, 68 Earlham grove sor road Tye Edward, 76 Osborne road
Rush Mrs. 95 Claremont road Sotcher Wm. George, 54 Windsor rd Tye Mrs. 343 Romford road
Russell Alfred, 129 Sebert road Sparkes Mrs. go Hampton road Underwood Edward, 13 Windsor road
Russell Fredk. John, 28 Windsor rd Sparks Charles Henry, 23 Avenue rd Upsdale Andrew R. 191 Ham Park rd
Russell Jn.Hutchinson,362Romford rd Sparrow Mrs. 89 Dames road Upsdale John, 191 Ham Park road
Russell Mrs. 87 Windsor road Sparshott William, 7 Claremont road Upton George S. 6o Claremont road
Ryan Rev. Paul O.F.M. (Cath.), The Spicer Henry Jas. 215 Ham Park rd Valentine William, 107 Boleyn road
Friary, Khedive road Spilsted William, 8 Windsor road Vancleeff Naphtalie Henry, 12 Hamp-
Sadler Joseph, 2 Claremont road Spittle Wm. George, 146 Romford rd ton road
Salmon Mrs. 2-J.9 Romford road 3pring Mrs. 285 Romford road Verling William, 49 Windsor road
Sanders Charles M.B. 29 Windsor rd Stables Mrs. 180 Romford road Vernon Alexander, 49 Earlham grove
Sands Goodwin, 8 Sprowston road Stanley Francis, 10 Clova road Vickerton Rev.Thomas Henry (Primi-
Sangster Mrs. 6 Sprowston road Starling Sydney Geo. 6r Windsor rd tive Methodist), 357 Upton lane
Saunders Arth.Edwd.142 Hampton rd Statham Charles Albt. 64 Osborne rd Volke William Philip, 5 Osborne road
Saunders Mrs. 46 Earlham grove Steimer Emanuel George, 4 Clova rd Wack Henri, 151 Claremont road
Saunders Mrs. Edwd. 47 Windsor rd Stening George, 109 Earlham grove Wade SI. Duncan, 43 W oodgrange rd
Saunders Robert, 68 Clova road Stephen George, 7 Sprowston road Wadley William, 68 Hampton road
Saunders Thomas, 52 Osborne road Stephens Chas.Edgar,zs Sprowston rd Wadsworth Richard, 30 Clova road
'Savage David, 277 Romford road Stephens Daniel, 281 Romford road Waggett Fredc. Wm.Bg Claremont rd
Sayers Henry, 16 Clova road Stephenson Mrs. 35 Clova road Wagstaff George, 30 Hampton road
Schilling Mrs. 172 Os borne road Stevenson Jas. Richd.2<:;3 Romford rd Waldheim Hermann, 112b, Windsor rd
'Seholes Rev. Charles Robert B.A. Steward Mrs. 130 Windsor road Walker James, I77 Ham Park road
(curate of St. Edmund King & Stewart John Douglas, 19 Osborne rd Walker Jas. Cooper, 22 Hampton rd
Martyr),The Vicarage, Katherine rd Stockwell Wm. John, 59 Osborne rd Wallis Algernon, 240 Upton lane
'Scott Mrs. 29 Clova road Stone Edwin, 22 Lancaster road Waiter Eg-bert, 16 Sprowston road
Scott ~rs. Wm. 109 Claremont road Strathern J. 10 Claremont road Waiters Charles, 142 Windsor road
Scott William, 105 Hampton road Streimer Morris, 2 Margery Park rd Walthew Mrs. 7 Atherton road
Serivener Frank, 66 Sherrard road Stricldand Miss, 62 Osborne road Ward Chas. Hv.•
Wm. 26 Clova road
Scrutton Chas. C. 1 Margery Park rd Stromeyer Mrs. 7 Osborne road Ward Charles Robt. 104 Earlham gro
Sellar Miss, 62 Clova road Strong Rev. Robert M.A. (United Ward Frederick, I39 Hampton road
Sewell Mrs. 1 Cranmer road Methodist), 3 Claremont road Ward George, 34 Claremont road
Seymour Frederick, 32 Hampton rd Sturch Frederick, ITo Osborne road Warren Mrs. 88 Earlham grove
Shadrake Wm. Jas. 181 Earlham gro Sudworth Mrs. 45 Woodgrange road Warwick Francis Jas. 6o Osborne rd
Shales Waiter, uB Claremont road Sugg Mrs. 82 Ridley road Waterman Mrs. 88 Windsor road
Sharpley Arthur, 132 Osborne road Sullivan William, 25 Norwich road Waters Frnk.Harvey,5o Claremont rd
Shaw GeorgeEdward,12 Claremont rd Sully Frank, u6 Osborne road Waters Mrs. 48 Osborne road
Sheffield Rev. Waiter (pastor of the Summerfield Miss, 141 Earl ham groVP Watldns Mrs. 71 Earlham grove
Christian Israelite Church), g.6 Sutherland Thoma;:, 120 Hampton rd Watkins Mrs. 363 Romford road
Dames road Swadlino Wm. Thos. r Wind~or road Watling Miss, 67 Clava road
Shell John, 107 Sebert road Swash William, 76 Clova road Watt Mrs. I I Atherton road
Shepherd Douglas, 105 Windsor road Sweetapple Geo. H. 141 Claremont rd Watts Thomas, 127 Windsor road
Shepherd William Hy.42 Windsor rd Tabuteau Aug. Wm. 228a,Romford rd Wealdey Saml.Jsph.Jn.36gRomford rd
"Sheppard James, 22 Windsor road Tatnm Reuben Wm. 214 Romford rd Weaver Rev. William, Bo Hampton rd
Sheppard T. 24 Osborne road Taylor Frederick, 125 Hampton road Webb David, 91 Clova road
Shillan Archibald William, 54 Clare- Taylor Harry Edwd. 2 Cranmer road Webb Harry, 117 Osborne road
mont road Taylor Jamt-s, 113 Osborne road Webb Leonard Chas.167 Ham Park rd
Shillan John Innes, 37 Atherton road Ta~·Ior Jas.Macinto"b, n2 Osborne rd Webh Mrs. 44 Earlham grove
Sholl :Mi~.s. 29 Hampton road Taylor Robert, 4 Cranmer road Webb Thomas, 78 Osborne road
Short Charles, ro Earlham grove Taylor "\<Villiam Chas. 17 Osborne rd Webber George, 8 Claremont road
Sibley Edwin, 12 Atherton road Tedeschi Mrs. 95 Osborne road Weber William, 5 Hampton road
Siddall Mrs. IIB Hampton road Tetin George, 124 Chestnut avenue Web~ter Chas. By. 131 Earlham gro
Sidney William, 111 Claremont road Thomas Rev. Cecil 0. W. (curate of Webster James, 281 l:Jpton lane
Silver Nathaniel, 88 Clova road St. Saviour), 159 Earlham grovP Wehster Mrs. 3 S-prowston road
Simmonds Alfred. 85 Clava road Thomas Daniel, 26_:; Romford road Weeks John. 121 Earlham grove
Simmons Alfred John, 277 "Cpton la Th'lmp'lon Arthur Henry M.D., B.S. Weeks Jn. Fuller, 114 Claremont rd
Simmons Benjamin T. 29 Norwich rd 294 Romford road Welch Mrs. 210 Romford road
Simmons Horace, 53 Earlham grove Thomp;;;on John, 102 Clova road Wells Frederick, 131 Hampton road
Simpson Arthur Jas. 279 Romford rd Thompson Mrs. 98 Claremont road Wells Henry Fras. 51 Claremont road
Simpson James, 27 Clova road Thompson Mrs. 140 Osborne road Wells Mrs. 103 Clava road
Sinclair Mrs. r66 Osborne road Thornton Harold, 56 Hampton road Welply George Chinnery M.B. 20I
Sinclair William, 62 Hampton road Thornton J . .Armitage.573 Romford rd Romford road
'Skerrett Frank B., M.B.23Windsor rd Thurgood G. P. 37 Claremont road Welpl~· Louis, 335 Rornford road
Skinner Wait. Robt. 91 Glenparlie rd Thurley Wait. Erne;;t, 18 Norwich rd West Waiter Thos. 5 St. George"s rd
Slack George Arthur, 12 Windsor rd Thurston George, 38 Windsor road West William, 8 Norwich road
'Slater Edwin, I 13 Claremont road Tillett Fredk. Geo. 234 Romford rd Weston Waiter John, g6 Osborne rd
Slater Henry William, 97 Windsor rd Tilley Fredk. Georgoe, 2I Osborne rd Weston William Hy. I6o Osborne rd
Slater Mrs. 107 Hampton road Timberlake John Hy. 47 Hampton rd Wheat Francis, 13 Hampton road
Smellie James, 125 Osborne road Tinney John Porter. 34 Norwich road Wheatley Harry James, 84 Clova rd
Smith Albert, 32 Avenue road Todd Arthur, 259 Romford road Wheeker Frederick J. 94 Osborne rd
Smith .A.lbert, 8o Earlham grove Todd Arthur John. 3 Chester road White Albert Edward, 72 Capel road
Smith .A.lbert. 82 Ham Park road Todd John, I Earlham• grove White Fredk. Wm. so Earlham grove
Smith Chas. Horace,ros Woodford rd Toms Alfred Thos. 144 Claremont rd j White Mrs. 20 Norwich road
Smith Charles John, g6 Earlham 2'ro Towl Charles, 155 Earlham grove White Peter Alex. 57 Osborne road

Whitefield Robert, 12 Clova road Wilson Mrs. Emma, Grange house, Woodfield Wm. Chas. 99 Woodford rd
Whitelegg S. H. 31 Claremont road Claremont road Woodward James, 5I Cranmer road
Whitelock James, 320 Romford :road Wilson George, 243 Romford road Woolley Mrs. 17 Hampton road
Whitfield Benj. 212 Osborne road Wilson Mrs. 103 Earlham grove Woolner William Hy. 179 Ham Pk. rd
Whittle Mrs. 8:; Hampton road Wilson Richard Hy. 67 Earlham gro Worman Miss, 70 Osborne road
Wickham Mrs. 151 Osborne road Wilson Rodney, 134 Claremont road Wright Mrs. 165 Ham Park road
Wigley John. ro Sprowston road Wilson Spencer, l82 Osborne road Wright Richard, 17 Windsor road
Wilderspin Mrs. 137 Osborne road Winzer Artbur, 20 Claremont road Wright Sydney, III Windsor road
Wildish James, 70 Earlbam grove Wiseman Waiter, 38 Ea:r:lham grove Wri!!ht Thomas, 15 Margery Park rd
Wilkes Alfred Ernest, 57 Clova road Witherspoon Henry, 339 Romford rd Wyers William, 75 "Earlham grove
Wilkes Charles A. 71 Windsor road Withnall Mrs 89 Hampton road ketton Williaru. 85 Earlham grove
Wilkins Mrs. 137 Windsor road Witmond Abraham, 20 Windsor road York Mrs. 32 Norwich road
Williams Charles, 359 Romford road Wittich Henry, 104 Claremont road Young George, 176 Osborne road
Williams John Henry, 15 Clova road Wittleton George, 56 Avenpe road Young Jesse, 103 Claremont road
Williams Miss, no Hampton road Witts Arthnr, 86 Clova road Yoverton Mrs. ::l.~ Osborne road
Willmott Edward, 107 Usborne road 1Wood Mrs. 192 Romford road Zapp Emil, 31 Windsor road
Wilmore Wait. L.D.S. 44 Osborne rd lwoodbridge Layton Ellis Lloyd, 140 Zoers Damain Godfrey,88Hampton rd
Wilshaw William Geo. 78 Windsor rd ' Claremont road Z<Jers Mrs. 121 Windsor road
Wilson David, 136 Claremont road •Woodcock Gerald P. 28 Earlham gro
COMMERCIA I •• Banyard Alfred, tobacconist, II5 Forest lane
Bard Alfred James, insurance agent, 27 Beauchamp road
Early closing day, Thursday. Bard .A.rchibald Jas. pianoforte tuner, 27 Beauchamp rd
.Abbott Brothers, dairym~m, 303 Romford road Barham George, fried fish dealer, 343 Katherine r~ad'
.Abbott Alfred, boot repairer, 3 Whyteville road Barnardo's (Dr.) Homes (National Incorporated Associa-
.Abel & Son, picture frame makers, 242 Green street tion) (branch), 507 & <;og Romford road
Abel Thomas Edmund, umbrella maker, 159 Forest lane Barnes Ernest Charles. Edward M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P•
.A.brahams Esther (Mrs.), draper, 170 Forest lane Lond. physician & surgeon, 207 Green street
.\ckland George, greengrocer, 16 Knox road B'l.rnes Frederick, tinplate worker, 51 Upton lane
Ackland Thomas, grE>engrocer, 519 Katherine road · Barnes Frederick Charles, dairyman, 58 Cemetery road
Acton William John, violin make<r, 472 Katherine road Barnett Esther (Mrs.), ~eneral dealer, 14 Sebert toad
Adams Clara (Mrs.), umbrella maker, 38 Upton lane Barnett Henry, furniture broker & dealer, 265 Green st
Adams Henry, fishmonger, 26 Upton lane Barrett ..!.lice & Lilian (Misses), dress makers, 200
Agostini Mansueto, confectioner,see Vadanelli & Agostini Romford road
Akehurst Ernest, draper, 482 Katherine road Barrett Frank Herbert, butcher, 465 Romford road
.Albarez Julia (Mrs.), draper, 83 Green street Barrett Harry, coal agent, 24 Margery Park road
.Albenhausen Henry, butcher, 412 & 414 Katherine road Banett Herbert R:Jper, solicitor & commissioner for
.AILion Sanitary Laundry, 40 Upton Park road . oaths, 3r8 Romford road
.Albon Lydia (Mrs.), blacksmith, 12 Nursery lane . ·· Barrie Alexander, credit draper, see Gilding & Barrie
.Aldridge Goorge Arthur, Odessa Arms P.H. 53 Odessa rd Barritt Herbert, wholesale news agent, 184 Green street •
Alexandra Laundry Co. laundry, 218 Green street . Bart Henry, grocer, 242 Neville road
.Alien Alfred, hair dresse<r, 129 Upton lane . Barthelmeh Eliza (Miss), tchr. of music,gB Kitchener rd
Alien Frederick Thomas, laundry, 242 'Sebert road Barton William John, baker, 504 Romford road & 2a,
Alien Robert Hugh M.D., C.M.Glas. physician & · ~ur- Woodgrange road
geon, 322 Romford road Bates Frederick, bricklayer, 50 Upton Park road
Allum James, district superintendent Prudential Assur- Batten Sidney John, boot maker, 259 Green street
ance Co. 353 Upton lane Batteson Victor Jenner L.M.S.S.A.Lond. physician &-.
Ambrose -Goldwell John, nurseryman, •188 Odessa road ,surgeon, 201 Earlham grove
Ambrose Mary Ann (Mrs.), grocer, 122 Godwin road Baxter ~.\ndrew Joseph, piano tuner, 158 Monega road
Amey Charles, haulier, I I Stukeley road Baxter Henry T. coach builder, 367 & 368 Railwa'
Anderson Carrie (Miss), milliner, 12 Palmerston road · arch£>s, Station road
Ander.son Horace William, butcher, 48 Station road Baxter Thomas, wheelwright, g8 Dames road
Andrew William Norton, wine & spirit merchant, 467 Bar.ley Oliver, tailor, 187 Upton lane
Katherine :road . Bayliss Henry S. lamp dealer, q6 W<Jodgrange road
.\pps Charles, tobacconist, 270 Romford road Beal Edmund J. Richard, solicitor, 56 Osborne road
Archer Charles, general dealer, 50 Forest street B~ard Sarah (Miss), draper, 120 Hodwin road
Archer Daniel Robert, plumber, 44 Macdonald road Bearman Henry, grocer, 52 Ratcliff road
• Argent William John, plumber, 42 St. George's road Bebington Samm:Jl, confectioner, 74 Elmhurst road
.!.rmitage Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper, So Cemetery road Beck Emily & Rogers Mary Ann (Misses), confectioners,
Armstrong Charles Sidney, hosier, 79 Woodgrange road 5 Station road
_-\rmstrong William, shopkeeper, 129 Odessa road. Bedwell George, grocer, 7 Stukeley road
.\rnold Jacob, baker, n6 Godwin road Bed"""ell Henry, grocer, 361 Katherine road
Arthur & Co. metal workers, Hesketh road Beesley George, boot repairer, 38 Station road
.\rscott Lewis, Rising Sun P.H. 528 Romford road BeE>sley George, grindery dealer, 172 Forest lane
.Ashton Edward, dairyman, 229 Green street Bell Frederick, boot maker, 42 Bristol road
Askew Charles, baker, 277 Green street Bell Thomas William, painter, 85 Boleyn road
Atkinson John, fishmonger, 155 Green street Bellamy Harry, grocer, 28 Knox road
Attwell Alfred, oilman, 380 Romford road Benbow Alfred, monumental mason,- 183 Green street
Austin John George, wine merchant, 174 Forest lane Bendon Rose ('~iiss), feather manufacturer, 54 Upton la
Avro:y John M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.Lond. physician & sur- Benjamin Barnett, wardrobe dealer, 226 Green street
geon, & medical officer to East Ham Cottage Hospital, Benjamin Emanuel, teacher of music, 226 Green street
279 Katherine road Bennett & Oggins, cycle makers, 76 Upton lane
Awdry Sarah (Mrs.), apartments, 89 Disraeli road Bentley Joseph, oilman, 52 Forest street
.A.yton Robert, undertaker, 252 Romford rd. T N 216 Bernstein Jacob, boot repaire<r, 241 Green street
Stratford Beswitherick Ethel (Miss), dress maker, 7 Field road
· Bailey Catherine (Mrs.), urn brella m a. 445 Katherine rd Beswitherick Horace, insurance agent, 7 Field road
Bailey Reginald, grocer, 59 Dames road Beswitherick Lavinia (Mrs.), teacher of pianoforte, 7
Bain Richard Thomas, teacher of music, 2 Elm road Field road
Balrer Albt. & Co.(1898) Ltd.tobccnsts.66 Woodgrange rd Bigg Charles T. farrier, 7oa, Woodgrange road
Baker Edith (Miss), tobacconist, 22 Upton lane · Bignell Arthur, ironmonger, 72 Odessa road
Baker Frank, insurance agent, I 10 Halley road Big-nold Hall (Mrs. Olarke, caretaker), Station road &
Baker Henry Thomas, dairyman, 22 Station road Big"Dold road
Baldrey Samuel, confectioner, 398 Romford road Binning-ton Em m a (Miss), oil & eolor man, 30 Station rd
Ballard Elizabeth (Miss), laundry, 505 Katherine road Birch Henry Edward, hair dresser, rro Pevensey road
Ballard Henry, boot maker, 503 Katherine road Bishnp George, greengrocer, 84 W oodgrange road
Jlamford Redfern Voss, grocer, 162 Boleyn road Blackmore Emily (Mrs.), laundry, .:;6 Forest street
Banes Arthur Alexander, solicitor & commissioner for Blac],more Victor E. draper, II5 Woodgrange road
oaths, The Red house, Upton lane Blair Edward, house decorator, roo Bristol road
Banes Arthur Edward, solicitor, Red house, Upton lane Blake Stuart Ryall•
L.R.C.P. & S.Edin., L.R.F.P. & S.
Banes James, dairy, 10 Capel road Glas. physician & surgeon, & medical officer for part of
Ban field Charles William, insurance a!!ent, 198 Sebert" rd East Ham district, West Ham union, 407 Katherine rd
Banham Frank, fruiterer, 442 Romford road Blakey .Morris & Co. Limited, paperhangings ware-
Banks Wm. Charles, carpenter & joiner, 130 Neville rd house, 36 Upton lane
Dlayney Henry, hair dresser, 132 Odessa road Cahill Caroline (Mrs.),wine & spirit mer.249Katherine rd
Blemkin John, confectioneT, 64 Green street Caldwell Gertrude (Mrs.), dress maker,3:z St.George's rd
Bloomfield Samuel, jeweller, 2a, W oodgrange road Callow Henry Duncan, pianoforte tuner, 29 Stndley road
Blow Rdbert C. Camden Arms P.H. 70 Field Toad Cambray Ge.1rge, house decorator, 32 Dorset road
Blower Annie (Miss), dress maker, 33 Henderson road Cameron John Russell, confectioner, so Station road
Blyth Thomas, tailor, 106 Thorpe road Campbell P. & P. Limited, dyers, 299 Romford road
Boake Henry William, tobacconist, 205 Dames road Cannan David M.A., M.D., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.B.C.P.Lond.
Bold-en Henrv, •
coal &; coke dealer, 2 Lorne Toad physician & surgeon, & medical officer for Forest Gate-
Bonallack &; Sons, van, cart, wagon &; carriage builders, & part of West Ham district, West Ham union, 34
268 Romford road & 15 to 27 Nursery lane. T A Se bert road & 49 W ood!P"ange road
" Bonallack, London ; " T N g65 East Cannon John & Sons, packing case makers, 383 & 3B3a,.
Bond _<\lice (Miss), teacher of music, 24 Dunbar road Romford road
nJne & Son, builders, 215 Boleyn road Cannon Charles George, pianoforte maker, 162 Green st
Boot Charles, greengrocer, 8 St. George's road Carder Albert, boot repairerr, 52 Kitchener road
Boot Rdbert, fruiterer, g:z Tower Hamlets TOad Carloss W illiam H. oilman, 276 Odessa road
Booth Tom, plumber &; decoNtoT, 1 Aubrey stTeet Carrick, Davies & Partners Limited, coal merchants, 7
Boots Cash Chemists (Southern) Ltd. 24 Woodgrange rd Railway bridge, Woodgrange road
Iiorland Henry McDonald 'M.B., O.M.Glas. physician & Carroll J. 0. vaccination officer for sub-registration dis-
surgeon, 355 Romford road tricts of Stratford. Leyton, Walthamstow, Wanstead &-.
Bornbeim Joseph & Co. furriers, 6 Sebert road Forest Gatt>, West Ham union, 5 Clova road
Borrett Edgar John, district supt. Royal London Mutual Carter H. J. Limited, builders, 165 Capel road
Insnrance Society Limited, 404 Romford road Cart-e-r Frances (Mrs.), shirt maker, 23 Sebert road
Botfield John, cats' m~>at dealer, 38 Dames road Carter HE-nry, insurance agent, 41 Dames road
Boult~:m Guy W. tobacconist, 71 Woodgrange road Casey C. M. (:Miss), teacher of music, 25 Boleyn road
Bowden Charles Edward, news agent, 87 Upton lane Oastell Georg-e, wine & spirit dealer, 222 Green street.
Bowerman Alexander, butcher, 266 Green street Castun Ernest, architect, 99 Claremont road
Bowman Augusta{Miss),Forest Gate hotel,1o5 Godwin rd Catherall Ada Florence (Mibs), shopkeeper, 12 Field roacl
Bowser George, grocer, 171 Ham Park road Catlin Albert ( ), hair dresser, 33 Upton lane
Boyle Bernard, miscellaneous dealer, 72 Green street f'auston Arthur, Travellers' Rest P.H. 12 Cemetery rd
Boyton Edward Thomas A., L.R.C.P.Lond., L.S.A. phy- Chambers Arthur, corn & flour dealer, 377 Katherine rd
8ician & surgeon, 46 Sebert road & 69 Stracey road Chambers George, news agent., 177 Forest. lane
Brabazon George A. Freemason's tavern, 342 Romford rd Chapman George Henry, ticket writer, 34 Green street
Bracher Em m a (Mrs.), linen draper, 53 Field road Chapman William, firewood dooler, 27 Fowler road
Bradbury Frederick, boot m-aker, 126 Godwin road Chappel H. & Co. Limited, wholesale confectioners, 15
Bradford Amelia (Mrs.), tobacconist, 76 Upton Park rd Belton road. T A " Lollipop; " T N 657 Stratford
Bragg Jane (Mrs.), fishmonger, 63 Odessa road Chappell Edward, shopkeeper, 41 Vansittart road
Braine Harrv, confectioner, 22 Woodf.ord road Chappell Fanny (Miss), private school, 138 Osborne roa<l
Bra m well M: (Mr">. ), laundry, 131 Forest lane Cheke R. & Co. auctioneers & estate agts. I68 Forest la
Brand GE>orge William & Co. builders, 68 Chestnut Uheke Richard F . .!..1. survE-yor, 39 Os borne road
.avenue & 51 Glenparke road. T N 65o Stratford Chilman Waiter, provision dealer, 99 Khedive road
Bray HPnry J. \V. photographer, 161 St-ation road Chilman Waiter John, dairy, 99 Neville road
Bray Joseph Richard, grocer, 171 Upton lane Choat Alma .A.lice (Mrs.), confectioner, 82 Cemetery road
Bray Wm. Thos. ma1hematical instrument ma.Sidney rd Chorley Mary Elizabeth (Miss), shopkeeper,54Stracey rd
Bray William Thomas, jun. nurseryman, 61 Sidney rd Cinema & GenHal Supply Co. (:Moving Picture Adver-
B"E>!t Charles, confectioner, 410 Katherine road tising Co.) (Georg-e Coleburne, ag"ent),49 Whyteville rd
Brewer Charles, grocer, 7 Reginald road Clanc<>y Julius William, provision dealer,388 Romford rd
Br~:>wster Alfred, greeng-rocer, 6 Cemetery road Clare William. grocer, 450 Romford road
Bridgeland JamE>s, jobbing gardener, Ia, Fowler road Clark Brothers, plumbers, IOI Stafford road
Bridgeman Benjamin P. solicitor, 56a, Woodgrange rd. Clark's College LimitPd, boys' school 296, & civil servie&
T N Stratford 196 col:eg-e 328, Romford road
Brion Frederick, baker, 100 Woodgrange road Clark Charles, laundry, 259 Xatherine road
Brister John James, baker, 19 Reginald road Clark Ft·ank William, photog-rapher, 284 Romford road
Britannic Assurance C'o. Limited (E. Nathan, district Clark George, oilman, 70 Dames road
~uperintendent ), 595 Romford road Clark George William, pawnbroker, 253 Green street
Briti~h Wallpaper Co. paperhangings wareho.37 Upton la Clark Rebecca (Mrs.), wine & spirit dealer, II 1 Green st
British Women's Temperance Association, inebriate Clarke Millie Maria (Mrs.), hosier & glover, 260 Green st.
home (Miss P. Jewell, matron),82 & 84 Margery Pk.rd Clarke William, greengrocer, 382 Katherine road
Britten Hy. greengro. 41 Upton la. & I29 Woodgrange rd Clayton Ernest, furniture dealer, 529 Katherine road
Broad Edward, draper, Il Avenue road Cleare Elizabeth (Miss), eonfectioner, 477 Romford roacl
Brook§ G9org-f' Bertram, milliner, 268 Green street Cleary Sarah Ann (Mrs.), grocer, I Ashley road
Brotzl;:y Morris, boot maker, 164 Forest lane Clemans Emily Rebecca (Mrs.), butcher, 9 Upton lane
Bro-wn G. H. & Co. nndertal;:ers, 330 Katherine road Clemans Wm. Geo. butcher, 68 Field rd. & 9 Upton la
Brown ~argaret (Mr;;. ), confE-ctioner, 198 Green street Clemens Bros. Ltd. builders,73 to 77 York rd.Katherine rd
Brown Thomas, builder, see Graver & Brown Cobbett Elizabeth (Mrs.), draper, 328 Katherine road
Bruce \Vm. Fredk. ~ Co. estate agents, 304 Romford rd Coe Alfred, laundry, 430 Katherine road
Bruty Harry, painter, 27 Ratcliff road Cohen Aubrey, mantle warehouse, 40 \Voodgrange road
Bryant John William, oook1:Jinder, 1~9 Forest lane Cohen Lazarus, boot repairer, 49 Odessa road
Bryson Frances (Miss), shopkeeper, 58 Vansittart road Cohen Philip, costumier, 214 Green street
Buch Joseph, tailor, 11 Midland Railway Station ap- Cohen Woolf, repairing tailor, 28 Upton lane
proach, Woodgrange road Cole George, bookbinder, 52 Studley road
Buckingham Edward, boot maker, 38 Green street Cole GE>orge, chimney sweep, 23 Sylvan road
Buckle Waiter, painter & decorator, I Rarnsay road Cole John, house decorator, 263 Odessa road
BucknPll Henry William, laundrv, 79 .Station road Cole Percy Thomas, Princess Alice P.H. 329 Romford rd
Budden & Co. grocers, & post office, 473 Rornford road Coles Edward Herbert, sign writer, 37 Dunbar road
Budden Henry Arthur, grocer, 66 Station road Coles Oliver, shopkeeper, 17 Odessa road
BullPid Ernest, baker, & post office, 389 Katherine road Collingwood Sidney. motor garage, 7oa, Woodgrange rd
Bullivant Joseph, boot repairer, 323 Green street Collins Henry & tSons, brass finishers, 9B Forest lane
Burberrry James, greengrocer, 247 Green street Collins Percy James, cooper, 251 Romford road
Burg-E-ss Charles, marine storE' dealer, 66a, Station road Curupton ..irthur G~:>o. trade protection agt.::~6 Avenue rd
B01·hnd John, milliner, 73 Woodgrange road Constrictor Tyre Co. cycle tyre manufrs. Nursery lane
BurnPtt James & Son, hakE>rs, 327 Romford road Cook & Sons, 1:Jutchers, n8 Godwin rood
Burpitt Henry, marble mason, 45 Dames road Cook Edward, wardrobe dealer. 68 Upton lane
Burrough Thomas, turncock Metropolitan Water Board, Cook George, shopkeeper, 64 Wellington road
Eaqtern district, 27 Bective road CoQk Lewis, church furniture manufactr. 21 Station rd
Rurton Harry. rag- merchant, 55 Station road Cook Ulrich, shopkeeper, 390 Katherine road
Buscall John & Co. hosiers, 6o W oodgrange road Cook Waiter Robert, estate agent, 2 Ramsay road
Bush William Edward, tobacconist, so Dames road Cooke Eunice (Miss), draper, 183 "Cpton lane
Butler Richard, baker, 181 Green street Oooke George, blind maker, 65a, Bignold road
Byatts Limited, butchers, II Woodgrange road. T N f'oomber George. shopkeeper, 213 Dames road
4":l5 Stratford Coombs Nathaniel, hair dresser, 236 Green stree\
Cable Shoe Co. Ltd. boot makers, 53 Woodgrange road Cooper Albert, butcher, 30 Upton lane
Caddy Lilian (Mrs.), grocer, 86 Station road Cooper Frank, draper, 403 Katherine road
Corby W. P. & Co. sanitary specialists, I47 Green st Desave .Archibald, clothier, 155 Forest lane
Cordley Alfred Burgess, grocer, 2 Reginald road Devine .A. & E. whalebone cutters, Nonpareil works,
Cornish Albert John, boot & shoe repairer, 77 Green st Hesketh road
Cornish Waiter Frederick, painter, 13 Stukeley road Devon M. & G. baby linen warehouse, 65 Upton lane
Cornwell George, dining rooms, 3II Romford road Dewell Chas. & Son, house decorators, 145 Sherrard rd
Costellow A. B. & E. grocers, I6 Dames road Disney Louis P. teacher of music, 134 St. George's road
.Coult .A. E. builder, 253 Ramsay road Ditchett William, ironmonger, 305 Romford road
.Couzens .Alfd. Jn. F.R.C.S.Eng. surgeon, 22I Romford rd Dixie Louis a (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 81 Tower Hamlets rd
Cowell J~seph, insurance agent, Soi Romford road Dixon Elizh. (Miss), feather dresser, 52 Upton Park road
•Cowling Edward William, shopkeeper, 62 Field road Dock Labourers' Mission Children's Home (Chas. Heath
Cox Louisa (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 29 Essex street Coleman, sec.; Edmund Palmer, mgr.), ISO Boleyn rd
Cox William, greengrocer, 35I Katherine road Dodwell Brothers, outfitters, 72 Upton lane
Coxall William, confectioner, 32 Upton lane Dolamore Arthur, boot maker, I7 Belton road
.Crabb Annie (Miss), tobacconist, see Johnson & Crabb Doland George Limited, tailors, 22 Woodgrange road
Crabb Elsie (Miss), teacher of pianoforte, II9 G{)dwin rd Domestic Bazaar Co. Limited, bazaar, 57 Woodgrange rd
Craddocli: Bertha (Miss) & Co. hair dressers, 66 Wood- Doswell George, domestic machinery dlr. 21 Upton lane
grange road Dottridge Brothers Limited, carriage proprietors, 374
Crafton Samuel, grocer, 93 Pevensey road to 376 Railway arches,· Station road
<Craig Archibald, assistant superintendent Prudential Douglas Wm. Benj. furniture broker, 243 Katherine rd
Assurance Co. 59 Chancer road Dove Isaac Geo. builders' merchant, see Harris & Dove
Craig Thomas Roger, tailor, 2o8 Romford road Dovell William Edward, tobacconist, 7I Green street
<:rampton C. & W. ·builders, 7I Odessa road & 72 to Be Dow Jn. Geo. & Co. mechanical engineers,1r7 Forest la
Wellington road Dowden Florence (Miss), tchr. of piano,ISI South Esk rd
Crawford Lawrence John, china & glass dlr. 235 Green st Downing Arthur, butcher, 129 Green street
Creighton Frank Hy. painter & decorator, I39 Halley rd Downing Thomas, •brass finisher, 72 Forest street
Cridge Wm.Henry, grocer, & post office, 3I3 Romford rd Driver Thomas W. ham & beef de•aler, 2 Sebert road
Cripps Cycle & MQtor Co. cycle makers, 24, 26 & 2E Druitt Jabez, monumental mason, 530 Romford road
W oodford road Dudley & Keyne!, printers & stationers, 36 Dame! road
Crisp Charles, carman, 152 Odessa road Dudley Charles, builder & decorator, 32l Katherine road
Crook Elizabeth (Mrs.), baker, 47I Romford road Duffy Patrick Joseph M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond.
Cross Elijah Jefford, cabinet maker, 32 Field road physician & surgeon, 54 Khedive road
Cross Fredk. Peter, printoo-, Beaumont works, Boleyn rd Dugald Henry Thomas, insurance agent, 209 Green st
Crossley Frank, house & estate agt. II2 Glenparke rd Duggan Michael Thomas, confectioner, 20 Upton lane
Crutchfield Thomas Gibbons, builder, I33 Green street Dunbar Philip, insurance ag~nt, 38 Beauchamp road
<:ullen William Henry, grocer, 44 Upton lane & 83 Duncan Charles, tobacconist, 7I Upton lane
W oodgrange road Dunham Albert, confectioner, I30 Green street
Cumine & Wilmore L.D.S. dental surgeons, 'Romsdal, Dunn Joseph, baker, 109 Woodgrange road
Earlham groye Dunthorn Fanny (Miss), teacher of piano, 2I Bristol rd
<Cundick Edmund & Charlie, pianoforte tuners, I59 Durham Main Coal Co.Io Railway bridge,Woodgrange rd
Neville road Dyer Henry & Sons, undertakers, 54 & I04 & 106 Wood-
.Cunningham Alfred, greengrocer, I Stork road grange road (T N 578 Stratford) & 48 Oakhurst road
.Currie & Co. house decorators, I25 Forest lane Eagle & Child Hotel (J. W. Cambden, propr.; Ernest
Curteys & Co. corn chandlers, 57 Dames road Smith, mngr. ), 112 W oodgrange rd. TN 849 Stratford
•Curtis Harwood, house decorator, I Odessa road Eaglestone William, window blind maker, 66 Green st
<Jurtis James William, tailQr, 93 Osborne road Earle Arthur Herbt. oil & color man, I6 St. George's rd
<Jurtis Mary (Miss), laundry, 104 Odessa road Earlham Hall (Frank Bonner, lessee), Earlham grove
<Jurtis Waiter, tobacconist, 2oa, Woodgrange road E1st London Joinery Works Limited, manufacturing
<Jushway Ethel (Miss), teacher of the pianoforte, ro joiners, Katherine road
Ramsay road Easter brook .Arthur, farrier, 37 Bi~nold road
.Cutting Nathaniel Cutting, insur. supt. 46 Claremont rd Easterbrook E. builder, 43 Bignold road
Da Costa Abraham, boot store, 267 Green street Eastern Drug Co. Ltd. (The), druggists, 204 Green st
Dale Ed"'in .Austen, house decorator, 188 Romford road Eastern Garage Co. (The) (Love, Lovett & Evans),
Dale' William Charles M.A., M.B., C.M., D.P.H. physi- motor engineers, 418 & 4r8a, Romford road. T N IO
cian & surgeon, g8 Vpton lane Stratford
!Dale Willia.m N. milliner, see Raper & Dale Eastman & Son (Dyers & Cleaners) Limited, dyers, 325
Dallistone John Lines, jobbing gardener, 226 Boleyn rd Romford road
Dalton Henry, confectioner, 79 Upton lane Eat on Florence (Mrs.) A.L.C.M. teacher of pianoforte,
Dane Thomas, fruiterer, 51 Elmhurst road 39 Boleyn road
Daniel .Arthur William M.P.S. chemist & druggist, 46 Eaton Joseph, confectioner, 82 Station road
Upton lane Edgar John, draper, I35 Earlham grove
lDaniels Samuel, ft.orist, Wellington road Edwards George & Ernest, bakers, 26I Green street
Darlington William, dining rooms, 8 I W oodgranO"e road Edwards Arthur George, shopkeeper, 256 Odessa road
I> arms Fred&ick, florist, 63 W oodgrange road. T N 222 Edwards Elise (Mrs.), confectioner, 65 Woodford road
Edwards James Mindham, wardrobe dealer, 128 Green st
Da,·ey & Co. mantle makers, 12 Woodgrange road Edwards Mark, shopkeeper, 177 Trumpington road
"Da>ies Brothers, vilmen, 315 Romford road Edwards Waiter, stationer & bookseller, 52 Upton lane
"Da,·ies Clara (Mrs.), teacher of telegraphy, I72a, Ram- Ella way Adeline (Mrs.), wicker basket m a. I43 Green st
ford road Elliott Alexander,ma:rine store dlr. 53 St. George·s aven
Da,·is .irthur, venetian blind maker, 66 Forest street Elliott Charles, blouse manufacturer, I4 Atherton road
Davis Arthur William, win<iow blind ma. 20 Suffolk st Elliott George, grocer, I Dean street
Davis Henry, fruiterer & greengrocer, 6g Station road Ellis Hetty (:Mr8. ), job buyer, 245 Green street
Da,·ison .Annie (Mrs.), dress maker, 46 Kitchener road Ellis Waiter Horace, boot repairer, 49 Station road
Da wes Frederick, oil & col or man, 109 Green street Ellis William, dairyman, 107 Forest lane
Davrson Ephraim Robert, grocer, 52 Station road Elsey Charles, toy dealer, 37a, W oodgrange road
Dawson William, shirt & collar dresser, I92 Green st Emery Ernest, tailor, z28 Odessa road
·nay Ebenezer James, insurance agent, 42 Whyteville rd Emmanuel Church Institute, 333 Romford road
lDay Harry, tailor 496, & news agent 498, Katherine road Engli8h J. & Co. oil merchants, 39 Station road
_Dayus Frederick Herbert :M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. English William & Son, undertakers, 35 Upton lane
(firm, Dayus & Garden), physician & surgeon, & Enterprise Printing Co. printers, go Upton lane
medical officP-r to ~o. 2 district, West Ham union & Esser Josephine A. M. S. (Mrs.), midwife. 27 Forest st
surgeon to K Division, M~>.tropolitan Police, 229 Ram- Esterman John, grocer, 67 Upton lane
ford road; & I3 Church street north, West Ham E. Evans David, dairyman. I39 W oodgrange road
T N 26o Stratford Evans Edwd. Richd. oil & color dlr. 369 Katherine rd
'Dean Cecilia & Harriet Clara (Misses), dress makers, 51 Evans Elizh. Hind (Mrs.), music seller, 400 Romford rd
W oodford road Evans Ernest, insurance agent, gi Upton Park road
Dean Joseph, boot maker, IB UptQn lane Excelsior Bill Posting Co. I I Forest street
ilenman John William, stationer, 263 Green street Fagan Woolf, fried fish dealer, 12 Station road
Dennington Alfred, news agent, 5I8 Romford road Farmer Alfred, boot repairer, 55 Lansdown road
"Dennis .Arthur, house dt>corator, 376 Romford road Farmer John, veneti:m blind maker, 138 South Esk rd
"Dent Francis Patrick, g-rocer, 56 Cemeter~· road Farmers' & Cleveland Dairies Co. Ltd. I,<; Upton lane
Dt>nyer Charles, boot repairer, 107 Vansittart road Farnsworth Fredk. Francis, grocer, 484 Katherine road
Derrick Alfred William, teacher of dancing, 51 Gower rd
Farrant Henry, shopkeeper, 22 Forest !ttre-et Gasser Jacob, hair dresser, 382 Romford road
Farrow Sarah (M~.), confectioner, 118 Up ton lane Gasson William, pianoforte agent, 76 Green street
Fenner Edwin T. W. Duke of Fife P.H. 350 Katherine rd Gaston Frooerick, grocer, ~24 Ramsay road
Fenshon Charles G. painter, 323 Katherine road Gathergood Lncy (Miss), dress maker, 74 Ham Park r«t
Fenshon Frances (Miss), dress maker, 323 Katherine rd Gazeley Herbert Leo, insurance agent, go Godwin road
Ferguson Albert, boot & shoe dealer, 4 Sebert road Geake Charles Edwin, confectioner, 10 St. George's road.
Ferguson Joseph Johnston, chemist, 453 Romford road Geduld Edward, hair dresseT, 476 Katherine road
Ferrand John, tobacconist, 258 Green street Gibbens Mary Louise (Miss), professor of music, 1n.
Fiddes .Alexander McPherson M. B., C.l\L physician lt Studley road
surgeon, 310 Katherine road Gibbins Charles Henry, leather seller, 56 Stracey road
Field Henry, tobacconist, 2b, Woodgrange road Gibbs & Co. tailors, 78 Green street
Field Jesse, tailor, 301 Romford road Gibbs Charles Henry, hair dresser, 189 Upton lane
Fieldsend John, tobacconist, 160 Green street Giddy Frances (Mrs.), laundry, 93 Station road
Figg William, shopkeeper, 15 Vansittart road Gifford Harry, wholesale glass bottle merchant, 23
Finch k Gibbons, builders, 128 Neville road West bury road
Finch William David, oilman, 109 Forest lane Gilbert Albert J. hair dresser, Ia, Sebert road
Finer Marian (Mdme. ), teacher of music, 4 Windsor rd Gilbert George Bernard, prof. of music, 3 Windsor road
Finn Joseph & Co. confectioners, 15 Woodgrange road Gilbert George F. dairy, 128 Wellington road
Fi!toh Robert John, provision dealer, 318 Katherine road Gilbert Thos. J n. pianoforte ma. 242 & 304 Romford rd
Fisher .Alexander, hair dresser, 338 Katherine road Gilding & Barrie, credit drapers, .po Romford road
FisheT Edward, confectioner, 327 Katherine road Giles Henry, furniture dealer, 441 Katherine road
Fisher George, blind maker, 378 Romford road Gill Harry, clothier, 169 Forest lane
Fitzgerald Kate (Mrs.), apartments, 20 Khedive road Gill Lizzie (Miss), dress maker, 76 Ne'Ville road
Fleming, Reid & Co. Ltd. wool wareho.3 Woodgrange re Gillert Georg-e, hair dresser, 348 Romford road
Flook Alice (Miss), dress maker, 12 Forest road Gleaves William, confectioner, 28 Dames road
Flower & Sons, fishmongers, 357 Katherine road Gobel .Ambrose, baker, 74 Dames road
Foakes Eva (Miss), dress maker, 10 Beauchamp road Goddard Charles, confectioner, 523 Katherine road
Foat William, grocer, 320 Katherine road Goddard Samuel James, Holly Tree P.H. 129 Dames rei
Fogden George, insurance agent, 37 Upton Park road Godfrey Henry, fruiterer & greengrocer, 217 Dames rd
Fokle Thomas, shopkeeper, 53 Station road Godlonton George, pawnbroker, 101 & 103 Station road
Folkard Waiter, fancy draper, 212 Green street Goldbart .Arden, ladies' tailor, 101 Green street
Fone!l Benjamin, butcher, 227 Green street Goldburgh .A.braham, tailor, 48 Upton lane
Foot Joseph, grocer, 73 Upton Park road Golding G. & H. coal merchants, 20 Macdonald road
Ford C. & Co. chemists, ~o Woodgrange road Goldstein Harry, boot & shoe repairer, 16o Forest lane-
Ford Albert, butcher, 475 Romford road Good Ernest & Son, butchers, 48 W oodgyange road
Ford .Arthur, upholsterer, 137 Halley road Good Waiter (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 100 Forest lane
Ford Robert Giles L.F.P. & S.Glas., L.S ..A.. physician & Goodall John William, builder, 132 Field road
surgeon, 314 Romford road Goading Samuel Thomas, boot repairer, 151 Ramsay rd'
Forest Gate Estate Limited, cinematograph theatre, Goodman & Sons, grocers, 241 Katherine road
302 Romford road Goodwin Alfred, Albion hotel, 141 Boleyn road
Forest Gate Public Hall (Benjamin Batt, licensee), Gordon Robert Clifford Turner L.R.I.B . .A.. architect &.
billiard saloon, W oodgrange road surveyor, 395 Romford road
Forest Gate Sanitary Steam Laundry Co. Ltd. (Fredk. Gore Arthur, cats' meat dealer, 197 Green street
L. James, managing director), 176 Forest lane & 57 Gore ..!rthur, toy dealer, 25 Upton lane
Upton lane Gore Frank George, boot maker, 449 Romford road
Forest Gate Shakespeare Society (V. L. Batteson, Gosling Elizabeth (Mrs.), feather dresser,163 Ramsay rd
treasurer), Earlham hall, Earlham grove Gower E. builder, 17 Oobbold road
Forest Gate Skating Rink (Benjamin Batt, manager), Gower Reginald Levison, dining rooms, 390 Romford rd
W oodgrange road Grand Theatre (Benj. Batt, licensee), Woodgrange rd
Foster William, greengrocer, 117 Green street Grantham & Co. grocers, 92 W oodgrange road ; 136:
Fowler Arthur, grocer, 68 Boleyn road Upton lane & 254 Green street
.Fowler P. (Miss), milliner, 75 Upton lane G!'avenor Charles, insurance agent, so Stracey road
Fox C. J. & M. corn & flour dealers, 230 Green street Gray Frederick, baker, 46 Station road
Francis William M.R.C.tS.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. physician Gray George E. timber merchant, Katherine road.
& surgeon, z Norwich road T Nos. 28 & 29 East Ham
Fooser James Samuel, beer retailer, 6o Dames road Great Eastern Direct .Coal Supply, coal merdhants, 4
Frazer James Hogg :M.R.C.S. physician & surgeon; Railway bridge, Woodgrange road; & Sonthbury rei.
surgery, Field road Enfield
Free Alfred, beer retailer, 264 Romford road Green Alfred W. grocer, 58 Woodgrange road
Freeborn & Sons, cabinet makers, 1 St. George's square Green Richard, boot maker, 106 Green street
Freeman, Hardy & Willis Limited, boot makers, 11 Green William Francis, insurance agent, 54 Pevensey rd
Woodgrange road Gregory Robert, dining rooms, 92 Upton lane
Freeman .Alfred, butcher, 34 Station road Griffin Sarah (Mrs.), news agent, 344 Romford road
Freeman George, boot maker, so Upton lane & 14 St. Grimes Jessie (Mrs.), laundry, 57 Trumpington road
George's road Graver & Brown, builders, 135 Green street
Freeman Selina (Mrs.), confectioner, I 57 Forest lane Guillaume Marie (Miss), dress maker, 6 Knox road
French William, boot repairer, 140 Odessa road Guiver John, cycle maker, 37 Green street
Freund HPnry & Co. Limited, builders' merchants, Gumbrell William, grocer, 130 Godwin road
wholesale ironmongers, wall & floor tiling contractors, Gurr Albert Edward, fishmonger, 97 Woodgrange road
artificial stone manufacturers & builders' ironmongers, Guttridge Bros. butchers, 256 Green st. & 26 Station rei
II2 to 120 Tower Hamlets road Guy Thomas, hair dresser, 73 Station road
Frost .A.nna (Mrs.), news agent, 8o Station road Haag Harry, butcher, 393 Katherine road
Fry ~1ary .Ann (:\frs. ), White Hart P.H. 249 & 251 Gre-en Hacker Brothers, timber dealers, 422 Romford road
street Hackshall Walter, fishmonger, 125 Woodgrange road
Full-er George, ironmonger, 454 Romford road Hadley George Charles, wine & spirit dlr. 159 Green st
Furby & Co. printers, .Alpha works, Oakhurst road Hair Thomas William, boot maker, 44 Forest street
Furse Cornelius, watch maker, 20 Woodford road Hall's Ideal Laundry Limited, laundry, 12 Green street
Gane .Alfred Henry, Spotted Dog P.H. 212 Upton lane Hall Charles, butcher, 307 Romford road
Garden John .Andrew M.B., Ch.B.Glas. physician & Halls Elizabeth (Mrs.), grocer, 63 Studley road
surgeon, see Dayus & Garden Hamilton Alfred William M.B., B.Ch., B.A.O. physician
Gardiner Winifred (Miss), music teacher, 58 Clo·n. road & surgeon, 120 Upton lane
Gardner & Co. dyers, 107 W oodgrange road Hammond John, boot maker, 372 Katherine road
Gardner Alfred, grocer, 12 St. George's road Hammond John, grocer, go Pevensey rood
Gardner George, house decorator, see Page & Gardner Hammond Jn.Fredk.grocer, & post office, 117 Godwin rd
Garner Alfred, plumber, 356 Romford road Handley Waiter John, fishmonger, 20 Woodgrange road
Garnes Albert John, bookbinder, 141 Green street Hanley Arthur Cunningham, shopkeeper, 55a, Field road
Garrard William, tobacconist, u Parliament place Hardcastle William, draper, 20 Station road
Garrity Peter, furniture dealer, 12 Woodford road Harden George, insurance agent, 132 Whyteville road
Garton Eleanor (Mrs.), dairy, 452 Kath-erine road Hardie Henry & Co. house decorators, 250 Romford
Gas Light & Coke Co. 64 Woodgrange road road. T ~ 281 Stratford
Gask Arthur Cecil L.D.S.R.C.S.Eng. dentist. 360 Ram-
ford road


Harding Frederick James & Sons, butchers,374 Katherine Hosking Edward Joseph, builder, 26 Reginald road
road & go W oodgrange road Hosking George John, builder, 27 Sylvan road &; 26z
Hardwick Charles Ferdinand, builder, 4 Marlborough rd Romford road
Hare William, verge!" & sexton Emmanuel church, 16 Houghton Joseph, furniture remover, II9 Studley road ,
Glenpark road Houghton Thos. confectnr. & tobacconist, 127 Green st
Harmer Florence (Mrs.), dress maker, 26 Tylney road Housden Charles, weighing machine maker, 148 Green at
Harmer Susie (Miss), servants' registry office, 575 Rom- How Annie Sophia (Miss), stationer, & post office, 190
ford road · Upton lane
Harper William, grocer, 31 Odessa road How Ethel (Mrs.), dress maker, 24 Reginald road
Harris & Dove, builders' merchants, 446 Romford road Howell Henry Frederick & Sons, dairy, 61 Odessa. road
Harris W. J. & Go. Limited, perambulator manufac- Howell Mabel (Mis11), private school, 477 Katherine road
turers, 59 W oodgrange Toad Howling Abram Edward, druggist, 70 Green street
Harris & Co. Ltd. house & estate agents, 86 Upton lane Howsam Hannah (Mrs.), haberdasher, 64 Dames road
Harris Frank, -grocer & tea dealer, 42 J ephson road Howsam James, builder, 17 Dames Toad
Harris Percy, insurance agent, 40 ·Pevensey road Hubbard Charles, butcher, 2 Vansittart road
Harris William, milliner, 88 Woodgrange rood Hudson Edward, coal agent, 102 Upton lane
Harrison James Henry, shopkeeper,7o Tower Hamlets Td Hughes Henry & Son Limited, marine opticians; works1
Harrison Percy Edward, dairyman, 14 Woodford road Winchelsea road
Hart Samuel, wardrobe dealer, 168 Green -street Hughes Harriert (Miss), wine & spirit merchant, 353
Hartley Herbert, shopkeeper, 19 Sandringham road Katherine road
Harvey F. E. & Son, laundry, 330 & 332 Romford road Hughes Nicholas, news agent, 381 Katherine road
(T N 290 Stratford) & 378 Katherine road Hulbert Thomas, 11olicitor, 64 Capel road
Harvey Emma (Mrs.), draper, 499 Katherine road Hull Alfred James, draper, 36 Sebert road
Harvey Joseph James, boot & shoe repairer, So Upton la Humphrey Henry, draper, 8 Odessa road
Harvie James, oil & color man, 73 Upton lane Humphries A. & Sons, dairymen, 149 Neville road
Hattersley Wm. Ltd. ironmongers, 102 W·oodgrange rd Hunnikin Thomas Joshua, plumber, 42 Reginald road
Hawkins Alfred, shopkeeper, xso Odessa road 1
Hunt Elizh. (Miss), teacher of music, 31 Sebert road
Hawkins George, shopkeeper, I Suffolk street I Hunt Julia (Miss), shopkeeper, 167 Sherrard road
Hawkridge Robert, tobacconist, 365 Katherine road I Hunt Samuel, painter & decorator, 54 Forest streeli
Hawkridge William, butcher, 56 Dames road Huntman Hyman, boot r~irer, 233 Green street
Haysom Henry, house furnisher, 2, 4 & 6 Upton lane Hurry William Alfred & James Robert, monumental
Hayward Reginald Lewis, draper, 131 & 133 Wood- masons, so & 5·2 Cemetery road
grange road Hutcheson George, Golden Horse P.H. III Forest lane
Hayward Samuel Augustus,boot repairer,526 Romford rd Hutchison Geo. boot & shoe ma. 397 & 399 Katherine rd
Hazell Richard, grocer, 121 Thorpe road Imbusch Frederick C. fancy draper, 448 Romford road
Hazell William, builder, 2 Jephson road lngold Esther M. (Miss), ladies' school, 84 Claremont rd
Heales Henry~ fusee chain maker, 17 Wellington road lngram & Sons, builders, 94 Bailey road
Heard Alfred George, antique dealer, 158 Forest lane Ingram Arthur .Stewart, butcher<, 121 Green street
Heath Emily (Mrs.), fl.orist, 187 Rams ay road Invincible Boot Repairing Co. 131 Green street
Heavens William Henry, tailor, 152 Forest lane Irving Thomas Scott, boot repairer, 153 Station road
Heddle J n. Thompson, statnr. &; tobcnst. 18 Woodford rd Irwin Louisa (Miss), drape!, 103 Green street
dedges Henry, boot maker, 78 Station road Isaacs Morris, fried fish dealer, 224 Green street •
Hellaby Richard, decorator, 2 Thorpe road Israel Maurice, milliner, 323 Romford road
Henley & Kirkman, painters & decorators, 134 Green st Ivey Frederick George, insurance agent, 91 Strone rd
Hepworth Herb~rt, corn dealer, 23 .Station road Ivimey Percy Henry, boot maker, 3 Knox road
Herbert J essie (Mrs.), florist, 192 Green street Ivy Edmund, assistant insur. supt. 76 Trumpington rd
Hesse Edgar Arthur, cabinet maker, Nursery lane Jackson Alfred, boot repairer, 92 Bristol road
Reward William John, boot repairer, Stukeley road Jackson Charles, confectioner, 309 Romford road
Hewitt John, painter, 54 Woodstock road Jacobs A. Eynsford, registrar of births & deaths for
Hibbs Samuel Josepb. &; Co. oil & color men, 469 Forest Gate sub-district, West Ham union, 38 Wood~
Katherine road grange road
Ricks Frederick Ernest., confectioner, 42 Station road Jacobs CzE'rshorsld, butcher, 62 Green street
Highnam Fredk. Chas. provision dlr. 112 W oodgrange rd Jacobs George Saunders, solicitor, 195 Romford road
Hiley Harry, beer retailer, 13 VansHtart rood Jacobs John F.S.M.O. con11nlting optician. 6~ Godwin rd
Hill & King Limited, cycle makers, 24 Dames road James William & Wilfred Horace,fl.orists,186 Romford rd
Hill Arthur Brooks, shop fitter, Nursery lane James Amelia Marv (Mrs.), dress maker, 42 Bailey road
Hill John, insurance agent, 14 Barwick road James Bertram, oil & color man, 386 Katherine road
Hitchcock Henry, grocer, 51 Margery Park road .Tames Catherine (Mr11. ), dress maker, 7 Woodford road
Hitchcock Waiter, boot maker, 93 Upton lane James Mary Elizh. (Mrs.), boot maker. 349 Katherine rd
Hobbs Charles, stationer, & post office, 130 Odessa road Jameson Martha (Mrs.), laundry, 65 Dames road
Hobbs Chas. George, house decorator, 25 Avenue road Jaques George Augustus, teacher of music, 62 Knox rd
Hodgkinson Matilda (Miss), confectioner, 132 Forest la Jarvis Edward. hair dresser, 13 Jephson road
Hodgson & spirit merchant,16 Barwick rd Jarvis John, hair dresser, ro6 Forest lane
Hoebig John Henr.y, baker, 6o Green street Jeffery James W. jeweller, 4 Station road
Holdridge William, grocer, 2 Trumpington road Jellows Percy R. baker, 491 Katherine road
Holland George, coffee rooms, 255 Green street Jennings Edith (Mis!l). dre~s maker, 70 Ramsay road
Holliday Evelyn(Miss),teacher of music,362 Katherine rd Jennings Wm. Alfd. P.A.S.I. estate a~. 146 Windsor Td
Hollow Samuel James, draper, 336 Katherine road Jerrett John Thomas, laundry, 470 Katherine road
Holloway James, news agent, 27 Station road J ewell Henry William, confectioner, 215 Dames road
Holloway William Henry, Railway hotel, 173 Forest lane Joel Barnett, fried fish dealer, 91 Upton lane
11olmes Rachel (Mrs.), wardrobe dlr. 505 Katherine rd Johnscm & Crabb, tobacconists. 119 Godwin road
11olmes William A. C. dairy, 391 Katherine road Johnson William Mortlake & Son, undertakers, 200
11olthusen Alan William M.B., B.S.Lond. physician & Green street. T N 8o4 Stratford
surgeon, 34 Sebert· road & 49 W oodgrange road J ohnson Frederick, shopkeeper, 74 Odes sa road
Home & Colonial Stores Ltd. tea dlrs. I W oodgrange rd J ohnson George, dairy, 6~ J ephson road
Homer William F. music ·l'eller, 105 Woodi!I'ange rnad Johnson T. Edwin L.A.H.Dub. physician & surgeon, 204
11ooper Annie (Mrs.). dress maker, 53 Suffolk street Green street & 40 St. George's square
Hopkins Jessie M. (Mrs.), confectioner, 192 Dames road Johnston Thomas Lake, grocer, 132 Neville road
Hopley George Frederick, wine, spirit & beer retailer, Jones John & Sons, dairy, 234 Odessa road
521 Katherine road .Tones Arthur, oilman, 7.S Green street
Horn Mathias Joseph, baker, 202 Green street Jones Arthur, watch maker, 317 Romford road
Horne Harry William Alfred, decorator, 32 Eric road J()nes Edwin, shopkeeper, 14_.; Dames road
Horns by Henry, hair dresser. 394 Katherine road .Tones Harry George, upholsterer, 46 Oakhurst road
Hornsey Arthur Edward, tobacconisi, 31 Upton lane Jones Henry Charles, clothier, 24::1 Green street
Rorsley John William, wood worker, 352 Romford road .Tones John, boot maker, 5 Suffolk street
·Horswill Henry Charles, :tluilder, 182 Green street & Jones Waiter Stokes, commercial trav. 92 Glenparke rd
so St. George's square J ovce Mary & Esther (Misses), shopkeepers, 468
11orswill William Prowse, plumber, 109 N eville road Katherine road
Hoskin William Henry & Son, corn & flour merchants, J oyce Arthur Knight, railway agent, 5 Palmerston road
334 Katherineo road J ulyan Roland, chiropodist, 4 Sprowston road
Hoskin George, hair dresser, 1_<;1 Dames road Junior Imperial League (North West Ham branch) (C.
Hosking Edward J. painter, 57 Khedive road H. J. Everard, hon. sec.), 184 Romford road
Keehner & Littli?johns, motor engineers, 321 Romford rd London Institute of Music (The) (George J. Sumpter,
Keeling Otto P. hair dresser, 81 Green street ; director), teachers of music, 2a, Woodgrange road
Keenes Henry &; Son, cycle makers, 87 Ramsay road London Mineral Water Society, 16 Forest side
Keep Edward, confectioner, 143 Boleyn road London Parcels Deliverv Co. Limited, Chancer road
Keller Henry, greengrocer, 62 Dames road London & Provincial Cinematograph Theatres Limited
Kelley Joseph, confectioner, g8 Neville road (Oliver Rogers, manager), picture hall, 55 Wood-
Kemp Charles James, builder, 24 Sidney road grange road
Kemp John, fruiterer & greengrocer, 105 Green street London & South Western Bank Limited (branch) (Henry
Kendrick Robert A. solicitor, 43 Claremont road Tracy Rose, manager), 306 Romford road ; draw on
Keys Benjamin, watch & clock repairer,392 Katherine rd hPad office, 170 Fenchurch street, London E C
Keys Francis, confectioner, '=-71 Green street London Archibald William, oilman, 329 Katherine road
Kilby Frederick J ames, insurance agent, 161 Field road Long John James, decorator, see Ricketts & Long & 95
Kimmance Arthur, umbrella maker, 228 Green street Upton Park road
Kin~·s Hall Cinema, 79a, Woodgrange road Lovell Robert, butcher, 173 Upton lane
King Ann (Mrs.), nurse, 17 St. Duns tan's road · ' Lovell William George, plumber, 198 Neville road
King George, shopkeeper, 263 Katherine road Lowe James, grocer, 66 St. George's road
Kingcombe Minnie (Miss), dress maker, 325 Romford rd Lowe Waiter, confectwner, 199 Upton lane
Kippin Caroline (Mrs.}, feather dresser, 154 Neville road Luca~ Albert Sidney, printer, 104 Kitchener road
Kipping Charles, greengrocer, 19 Upton lane Lucy Edgar, painter & decorator, 82 Bristol road
Kirkman Thomas, painter &; decorator, see Henley &; Lush &; Cook Limited, dyers, 35 Wood!!range road
Kirk man Luton Waiter Sidney, confectioner, 52 Woodgrange road
Kite Herbert, oil & color man, 175 Upton lane McCahon Marshall, hosier, 72 Woodgrange road
KlappenPcker Frederick, butcher, 507 Katherine road McCue John Thomas, shopkeeper, 8r Station road
Knapp Priscilla. (Miss), teacher of pianoforte, 171 :McCutcheon John M.B., Ch.B.Edin. surgeon, 269 Ram-
Rams:Iy road ford road
Knight Chas. mantle warehouse,25 to 27 Woodgrange rd MacDonagh James Samuel M.R.C.S.Eng., L.S.A.Lond.
Kmght Henry Wm. furniture dealer, 32 & 40 Station rd physician, 235 Romford road
Knott Alfred, tobacconist, 434 Katherine road Mace Frances (Miss), confectioner, 88 Forest street
Knott Alice (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 15 Parliament pi McEvoy Mary (Mrs.), catholic repository, 67 Khedive rd
Lambert George, confectionPr, '5'74 Romford road Macey Wm. artificial teeth maker, 20 Woodgrange road
Lane Joseph, grocer, 237 Green street McFarlane Alexander, dentist, 308 Romford road
LanA Martha (Miss), teacher of music, 23 Godwin road M'Gillivray John, window glass dealer, 37a, Jephson rd
Lane Wllliam Edgar, han dresser, 17 Dean street Macgregor Thomas Burland, travelling draper, E6 Earl-
Latilla John Frederick, plumber, 121 Dames road ham grove
Latreille Frank, ~ign writer, 32 Bignold road McKay John, laundry, 18 St. George's road
Laver William Alfred, coal merchant, 326 Romford road McKerrow John, draper, 324 Romford road
Law Fanny (Mrs.), tobacconist, 166 Green street McMillan Alex. Chas. travelling draper, u Disraeli road
Lawes Amelia (Miss), greengrocer, 57 Margery Park rd Macy Ernest A. decorator, 9 Ratcliff road
Lawrence Alfred Chas. marine store dlr.449 Katherine rd Maggs William, watch maker, 37 Woodgrange road.
La"Wrence Frederick, baker, 63 Upton lane T N 427 Stratford
Lawrence George, motor engineer, 22 Macdonald road. Maidment William, wardrol:e dealer, 79 Green street
T N 815 Stratford Malcolm Brothers, boot makers, 177 Upton lane
Law1:1on Frederick, draper, 53 Upton lane Malcolm Thomas Edmund, grocer, 1 Cheshunt road
Lay .Alfred William, grocer, 10 Station road Malyon Ellen (Mrs.), pianist, 51 Gower road
Leach & Sharman, boot repairers, 2 Cemetery road Mann George, hair dresser. x69a, Forest lane
Leach Ernest, shopkeeper, 148 Ode ss a road , Manor Park Cemetery (Revs. .J. P. Gray & J. W.
Leake J. H. hat case maker, 20 Dames road Oliver, chaplains; George S. Jennings, sec. & supt.),
Learmouth Louis, confectioner, 108 Woodgrange road Sebert road
Leavitt John, insurance agent, 166 South Esk road Mansfield Thomas, encaustic tile manfr. 459 Romford rd
Lee Annie (Miss), dress maker, 49 Tylney road Mansfield Thomas, horse dealer, 512a, Romford road
Lee GeJrge, carman & contractor, 6o Trumpington road Marchant Eliza (Mrs.), dress maker, 187 Neville road
Legg's Almshouses, 1 rg Forest lane Marks & Spencer Ltd. bazaar, 7 Woodgrange road
Le~rgo Alfred George, dining rooms, 522 Romford road Marriott Lewis William, beer retailer, 6o Vansittart road
Leigh George, teacher of music, 124 Forest lane Marsh & Son Limited, furniture removers, 122 Wood-
Leigh Maggie (Miss), teaeher of music, 90 Chestnut av grange road. T N 478 East
Lethabv - .
& Lethabv, auctioneers, 288 Romford road
Levick Chrio;topher, solicitor & commissioner for oaths,
Marshall George, baker, 88 Green street
Martin Henry Albert, provision dealer, 406 Katherine rd
203 !Wmford road Martin Kate (Mrs.), confectioner, 6o Station road
Levick Edith (Miss), private schoolr 203 Romford road Mash Banks & Co. wood carvers, 12 Chapter street
Levine Lewis, tailor, 8 Sehert road Maslen Frank, greengrocer, 192 Upton lane
Levy Marks, tailor, 228 Boleyn road Masters James, saw maker, 43 Station road
Lewington & Co. decorators, 87 Green street & 466 Maternity (The) Charity & District Nurses' Home (Miss
Katherine road E. E. R. Davis, in charge), 271 & 273 Katherine road
Lewis Arthur, picture frame maker, 17 Capel road Mather Charles T. french polisher, 13 Fowler road
Lewis Emma (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 6o Forest street Mathews Charles Thomas, oilman, 128 Godwin road
Lewis Henry, fruiterer, r6 Sebert road Mathews Sarah (Mrs.), tobacconist, 108 Forest lane
• Lewitt Frederick William M.D., M.R.C.S.Eng. physician Matthews John, china dealer, 439 Katherineo road
&; surgeon, 233 Romford road Mawer Samuel, registrar of marriages for the district
Lifford George, builder, 22 Green street Qf West Ham, 28 Os borne road
Lightfoot Eleanor (Miss), private schl. 36 WhytetVille rd May Edmund, greengrocer, 426 Katherine road
Lightfoot James Samson, boot maker, n6 Forest lane May Edward Ernest, dairy, 176 Green street
Lilley & Skinner Ltd. boot makers, 6r Woodgrangoe rd May William C. Forest Glen P.H. 39 Dames road
Lincl.'nberg Philip, tailor, 94 Woodgrange road & con- Maycocl;: Thomas John, laundry, 231 Green street
fectioner, see Thirer & Lincenberg Mayes Walter William, oilman, 58 Stracey road
Linday Robert, minin.g engineer, n6 Windsor road Maynard George, greengrocer, r6x Odessa road
Lindlman Brothers, corn & flour dealers, 49 Upton lane Mead Brothers, butchers, 43 Upton lane
Lindeman Erne!lt Bernard, corn dealer, 3a, Sebert road Mead Tudor, grocer, 376 Katherine road
Lines George, confectioner, 340 Katherine road Meggs & Co. metal merchants, 76a, Vansittart road
Linsell .!lice (Mrs.), fancy draper, 527 Katherine road ~Iehlman J oseph, waterproof dealer, 319 Romford road
Lipton Limited, provision merchants, 5 Woodgrange rd Merritt James, engineer, 150 Forest lane
Littlejohns Samuel, motor engineer, see Keehner & Metropolitan Aeademy of Mnsic (Frank Bonner,
Littlejohns director), Earlham hall. T N 538 Stratford
Lloyd A. (.Mrs.), maternity nurse, rog Station road Michaelis Paul, hair dresser, 123 Green street
Lloyd Edward Benjamin, draper, 516 Romford road Midmer Henry, cycle maker, 74 Green street
London City & Midland Bank Limited (H. Lionel Samp- Mihlenstedt Christopher, undertaker, 2 Station road
son, manager), 29 W oodgrange road (T N 7II Strat- Miller Waiter A. miscellaneous dealer, 190 Green street
fcrd); draw on head offices,Threadneedle st.London EO Mills & Co. buildPrs, 40 Jephson road
London County & Westminster Bank Limited (W. J. Mills Albert, baker, So N eville road
Lloyd, manager), 298 & 300 Romford road ; draw on Mil><om George, baker, II7 Field road
h'ead office, 41 Lothbury, London E C Minks Robert, draper, 471 Katherine road
London General Omnibus Co. Limited, garage, 232 & '\litchell Brothers, p-lasterers, 36 Essex street
234 Green street Mitchell Harold & Co. drug stQres, 56 Woodgrange road
Moates Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker, 3 Cranmer road Page Thomas Richard, boot maker, 42 Dame. :road

Moody Jessie (Miss), stationer, 82 Upton lane

.Moflatt Fredk. James, boot & shoe ma. 478 Katherine rd Palmer Edward Timothy, asst. insur. supt.21 Avenue rd
Palmer Elmer, oilman, 13 Elm road
Moore Annie (Miss), dress maker, 39 Henderson road Palmer James, furniture dealer, 28 Station road
Moore Ellen (Miss), dMss maker, 123 Sherrard road Parke's Drug Stores Ltd. chemisis, 9 Woodgrange road
Moore Herbert Victor, boot repairer, 2 Bro~bourne road Parker George, shopkeeper, 59 Forest street
Moore M. blouse manufacturer, Sherrard road - • I Parkinson John Beattie, fishmonger, ns Godwin road
Mom-e-Smith John Robt. F.R.I.S.A.arC'hitect,46 Clova rd Parrack William, tailor, 82 St. George's road
Morey Charles William, architect, 81 Osborne road Parry William, insurance agent, 9 Tower Hamlets road
Morris John, boot maker, 372 Romford road Pars George Fredk. house decorator, 20 Bective road
Morris Patrick Michael, wardrobe dealr. 394 Romford rd Pars Henry William, decorator, 67 Dames road
Morris Sidney, hair dresser, 3 Suffolk street Parsley Thomas, fried fish dealer, 254 & 159 Odessa. road
:Morrison Davis, tailor, 467 Romford road Partridge Albert Edward, hair dresser, 22 Dames road
Mortlock James, dairy, 515 Katherine road Partridge J ames, jeweller, 456 Romford road
Morton Alice (Miss), teacher of the piano, 45 Bignold rd Passfield Caroline (Mrs.), dress maker, 53 Stracey road
Moseley Samuel, window blind maker, 2a, Palmerston rd Patten Albert, saddler, 20 Dames road
Moss Samuel, insurance agent, II7 Kitchener road Patten Harold Frank, lithographer, 31 Woodford road
Motley Charles, feather manufacturer, 186 Green street Pattison James John, confectioner, 179 Forest lane &;
Motschmann Conrad, hair dresser, 152 Green street toy dealer, 74 Woodgrange road
:.VIowbray Charles R. monumental mason, 365 Railway j Paul Geo. Augustus, pawnbroker, II9 Woodgrange road
arches, Station road Payne T. G. Ltd. pianoforte warehouse, 444 Romford rd
Moxon Robert, marine store dealer, 380 Katherine road Payne William, boot & shoe maker, 1 Chestnut avenue
Mulrenan Alice & Lily (Misses), ladies' school, 9 Vale rd Peach Herbert Edward, hosier, 5o6 Romford road
~Iunday Wm. Richd. cabinet maker, 12 St. Dunstan's rd Pearce Albert, cy-cle manufacturer, 10 Woodford road
Munnings James, horse contractor, 29 Bignold road I Peck Annie C~Iiss), wholesale milliner, 137 Forest lane
Munro John, grocer, 10 Woodgrange rd. T N 356 East 1 Peircey Charlotte (Mrs.), tobacconist, 78 Dames road
Munson Arthur, butcher, 216 Green street Pelton Becky (Mrs.), milliner, re6 Green street
Munton Thomas Wm. Dalby, house agt.17oa,Romford rd 1 Pennal & Hellerby, grocers, 69 Vansittart road
Murray David Ramsay, accountant, 17 Halley road Perry P. J. decorator, 102 Odessa road
~ash Henry, watch maker, 250 & 252 Green street Peters Ernest John, teacher of music, 399 Romford road
Nash Mary Ann (Miss), dress maker, n7 Ham Park road Pettit Samuel, greengrocer, 371 Katherine road
:\ational Deposit State Approved Friendly Society (Geo. l'hillipps S. watch maker, 5 Railway bridge, Wood-
Aldrick, district sec.), I Tylney road grange road
~ational Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Phillips Alexander, wardrobe dealer,. 6 Station road
Children (West Ham Union branch) (local office, C. J. Phillips George M_ pawnbroker, 404 Katherine road
R. Tijou, hon. sec.; Alfred Dunnett res. officer), Ptillips Herbert Adcock, solicitor, 216a, Romford road
491 Romford road ' Fhillips Joseph, grocer, 137 Green street
:Keal Henry Bernard, plumber, 47 Ratcliff road Ph~llips Thomas, chimney sweep, 39 Westbury road
Neale John, cycle dealer, 7 Parliament place P~llpot A. decorator, ;42 Elmhurst road
:Neary Albert Edward, Earl of Derby P.H. 16 Station rd P~clien James, tr~v~llmg drap~r, 285 Upton lane
Neicho George A. rag merchant, 53 Forest street Picl>:ens ~t?res Limited, chemists, 31 Woodgrange road
Nelen Lewis, greengrocer, 64 Station road _& dealers, 8 & ro Upton lane
Nelson Jas. & Sons Lim. butchers, 125a, Woodgrange rd P~ckm Wilham & Son, boot makers, 231 Odessa road
Nevill William, decorator, 97 Godwin road P~e Alfred John, confectioner, 151 road
:Xeville & Scott, tailors, 23 Woodgrange road. T N 69 1 Pmcott Albert E. boot maker, 84 Tower Hamlets road
Stratford Pine Nellie (Miss), nurse, 198 Upton lane
~ewman Ernest, boot maker, 44oa, Romford road P~pe Ernest Alfred, painter & decorator, 38 Forest road
Newman Geo. Jas. window blind maker, 200 Sebert road Ptper & Thorn, nnrserymt!n, n8a, Ridley road
~ewman Waiter, photographer, 105 ForPst lane · P!per J,ames Henry, jobbin1 gardener, 82 Tylney road
Newstead George, corn dealer, 474 Katherine road P1tman s School (Stephen Noel, head master), 254 & 256
Newton Edward fried fish dealer, 18 Dames road Romford road. T N 831 Stratford
Newton May (Miss), dress maker, {\1 St. George's road Planet A~sn~ance Friendly Collecting Society (Charles
Xichamin Le·m, confectioner, 157 Odessa road & 8 Rail- Dear, d1stnct sec.), 45 Suffolk street
way bridge, Woodgrange road Plashet Par~ .Social Club,. 17a, Shaftesbury road
:Xicholas Waiter, hardware dealer 461, & confectioner Plashet Social & Progressive Club (H. J. Hughes, sec.),.
463, Romford road 245 & 247 Katherine road
Nicholls Mary Jane (Mrs.), confectioner, 97 Forest lane Pleasance Frederiek & Son, boot repairers, 124 GrPen s•
Nichols Alfred Robert, dairy, 497 Katherine road Plom John Nicholas, tailor, 37oa, Romford road
~icholson Waiter, boot maker, 418 Katherine road Plnmmer Charles, hair dresser, 363 Katherine road
Nicholson Williaru, boot maker, 396 Romford road Pollard William, general smith, 225 Neville road
Yickelson Albert Henry, baker, 352 Katherine road Pollett Mary (Mrs.), laundry, 61 Forest street
:Xicol Eugene, ladies' tailor, 302b, Romford road Pollock William Dickman, tailor, 1 Sebe·rt road
Nicoll James, fishmonger, 79 Tower Hamlets road Poore Waiter, furniture dealer, 107 Green street
Nightingale Robert, greengrocer, II3 Forest lane Porter Harry, dairyman, 74 Stafford road
Nightingale William, insurance agent, 69 Wyatt road Portway Frank, insurance agent, 77 Thorpe road
Xixon Sophia (Mrs.), beer retailer, III Station road Potkins Arthnr, greengrocer, 91 Pevensey road
Nolan Kate (Mrs.), dress maker, 32 Beauchamp road Ponpard Charles George, manufacturer of anti-incrust-
~onparPil Laundry Co. ; receiving office, no Pevensey rd ing composition, 295 Romford road. TelegraphiC'
Nooght George, shopkeeper, 395 Katherine road address, "Poupardian, London;" Telephone No. 447
Norman Leonard, grocer, 85 Tower Hamlets road Stratford
Xorris George, printer, 151 Forest lane Powell Charles, confectioner, 501 Katherine road
Norton Jesse, coffee house, 166 Forest lane Powell James,jobmaster,292 Romford rd. T N 948 East
Xye George Frederick & •Son, painters, 152 Strone road Poynter Thomas James, confectioner, 169 Ham Park rd
Odell Waiter James, music stores, 15 Dames road Prescott John, grocer, & post office, 92 Thorpe road
Oesterman Joseph, dealer in antiquities, 16 Upton lane Pretty Frederick Robert, news agent, I Knox roaa
Offiey George, draper, 30 Knox road Price & Co. bakers, Chancer road
Ogram Florence (Mrs.), tobacconist, 167 Green street Price Henry, beer retailer, 47 Station road
O'Malley Charles, dining rooms, 438 Katherine road Pring Elizabeth Ann (Mrs.), dairy, 77 Upton lanE'
Orchard Henry, provision stores, 39 Upton lane Prior W. & Sons, painters & decorators, 47 Suffolk st
Os borne Arthnr George, confectioner, 99 Green street Pritchard Richd. Wm.& Co. picture frame mas.4oUpton la.
Our Dumb Friends' League; temporary shelter for dogs Prudence John James, draper, 170 Sebert road
(Miss Grace C. M. Lambert, hon. sec.), 158 Forest la Pryer M. (Mrs.), mantle maker, 270 Green street
Oven Ebenezer George, insurance agent, 28 Studley rd Pugh Brothers, dairy, 5 Reginald road
Overy James Robert, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Punnett W1lliam Henry, architect, 62 Disraeli road
52 Windsor road Pursey John, boot maker, 342 Katherine road
Owers Fred, plumber, I St. George's avenne Pursglove William, grocer, go Vansittart road
Pack Thomas, travelling draper, 101 Boleyn road Querry Robert, grocer, 493 Katherine road
Page & Gardner, house decorators, 70 Upton lane Rae John, travelling draper, 45 Knox road
Page Robert & Son, florists, 2a, Woodgrange road. Rainer William, dining rooms, 6 & 8 Woodford roa<.t
T N 261 Stratford Ralph & Co. printers, 513 Katherine road
Page George Edward, painter, 27 St. George's avenue Ralph Joseph, laundry, 45 Upt()n lane
Page James, shopkeeper, 41 Tower Hamlets road
Bament Edward, motor jobmaster, 350 Romford road. Rumball Sarah (Mrs.), general shop, I I Norfolk street
T N 293 Stratford Rumsey Brothers, pawnbrokers, 88 Upton lane
Ramm Herbert, greengrocer, I53 Odessa road Rush Florence Agnes (Mrs.), fancy goods dealer, 78
Bandall Augustus George, fishmonger, 25 Station road Woodgrange road
Bandall Ernest Bidgood M.D., ~.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. sur- Rush James Stanley, watch maker, 11 Upton lane
geon, 367 Romford road Russell & Russell,physicians & surgeons,362 Romford rd
Ranger Charles, chimney sweep, 38 Ferndale road Russell & Co. oilmen, 275 Green street
.Hsper k Dale, milliners 6, 8 & 16, & drapers 18, Wood- Russell George Herbert M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.Lond. phy-
grange road sician & surgeon, see Russell & Russell
Rawley Alfred, butcher, 171 Forest lane Russell John Hutchinson M.R.C.S.Eng., L.S.A.Lond.
ftawlinson Frederick .John, ladies' tailor & mantltt physician & surgeon, see Russell & Russell
maker, 51 Woodgmnge road Russell Louisa (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer,342a.,Romford rd
Rawlinson William, agricultural engineer, 87 Rutland rd Russell Richard, corset maker, 299a, Romford road
Ray Electric Co. cycle & sports outfitters, 272 Green st Rutland Cabinet Co. shop&office fitters,47 Shaftesbury rd
Ray Agnes Mary (Mrs.), confectioner, 447 Romford road Rutter CharloUe (Mrs.), laundry, 525 Katherine road
Bay"ner Henry, shoplreeper, 341 Katherine road Ryan William George, fruiterer, 3o84 Romford road
Read Charles, boot repairer, 55~ Field road Sabin Waiter, news agent, 2 Ashley road
Read John E. marine store dealer, 59 Odessa road & Sadler Emily (Mrs.), dairy, 84 Shaftesbury road
539 Katherine road Sainsbury John, provision dealer, 17 Woodgrange road
Read John Edward, cycle maker, 458 Romford road. (T N 17 Stratford) & 134 Upton lane •
T N 1688 East St. Angela's Girls' Day School (Mother M. Xavier, head
Read Sarah (Mrs.), picture frame maker, 77 Station road mistress), Upton lane
.Reader Mary Ann (Mrs.), draper, 36 Station road St. Angela's Ursuline High School for Young Ladies
.Recknell Thomas, grocer, 194 Upton la. & 97 Neville rd (Mother M. Xavier, head mistress), St. George's road
Reed Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, se, Horace road St. Bonaventure's Grammar School (A. W. P. Harrison
.F.eeve William Ernest, decorator, 22 Sebert road B . .A..Cantab., D. de Lille, head master), Khedive road
Reeve William Robert, stone mason, 118 Field road & (junior department) Upton lane
Reeves Alfred, plumber, 2 Macdonald road St. Mary's Nurses' Home (Miss Edith May, matron),
Refuge Assurance Co. Limited (Harry W. Rednall, dis- I94 & 196 Romford road
trict superintendent), 397 Romford road Salmon & Gluckstein Ltd. tobaccnsts. 70 W oodgrange rd
Rendell Charles, turncock Metropolitan Water Board, Salmon Frederick, ()ilman, 424 Katherine road
53 Elmhurst road Samuels David, tailor, 208 Green street
Retzbach Ethel May (Miss) A.L.C.M. teacher of music, Sanders Brothers, corn dealers, 95 Woodgrange road &
126 St. George's road 58 Upton lane
Rex Arthur Edward, shopkeeper, 51 Forest street Sanders Charles M.B., M.R.C.S. surgeon, 29 Windsor rd
.Rex Charles Frederick, "\\ardrobe dealer, 3 Station road Sandy Robert, chemist, 128 Odessa road
Rice Walter, pa~nter, 9 Whyteville road Sanson's Drug Stores (James Thompson, proprietor),
Rioha.rds E. H. Limit~d. artificial teeth makers, 2a, 179 Upton lane
Woodgrange road & 244 Green street Sanson Thomas, confectioner, 48o Katherine road
Richards Edward, wine & spirit.dlr. 2 St. George's road Sargent Alfred, grocer, 95 & 97 Green street
Richardson H. & E. insurance agents, 168 Sebert road Saunby Albert Thomas, draper, I88 Green street ·
Richardson Charles, credit draper, 238 Romford road Baunders Walter, earn dealer, 147 Forest lane
Richard son Charles, tobacconist, I 14 Thorpe road Saunders William, upholsterer, 64 Field road
Richardson Daniel, laundry, 356 Katherine road Savage Thomas, draper, J4I, I43 & I45 Woodgrange rd
Richardson Henry, builder, 73 Lorne road · Saville George, dining rooms, 148 Forest lane
Uichardson John James, collector of rates to West Ham Sawyer Charles, jobmaster, 274 Neville road
Corporation, 41 Cranmer road Sawyer Laura (Mrs.), dress maker, I63 Boleyn road
Ricketts & Long, house decorators, 93 Upton Park road Sayer Benjamin John, relieving officer for No. 5 district,
& I 8 W olseley road West Ham union, 43 Avenue road
Ridgwell Waiter Causton, wine & spirit merchant so, & Scales William W., M.R.C.V.S. veterinary surgeon, 26o
stationer & post office 62, W oodgrange road Romford road
Rippt! Charles William, timber dealer, 9 Station road Scanlan Albert Edwin, ccnfectioner, I74 Green street
Roach Amy. Fh1rence (Miss), dress maker, 8I Strone rd Schenck Conrad, tailor (ladies' & gents'),57 Westbury rd
.Bobbins Frederick David, printer, 278 Romford road Schutz Jacob, baker, 18 Station road .
Robbins William, tailor, II2 Upton lane Scott Edith & Alice (Misses), milliners, 130 Upton lane
Roberts David James, jun. oilman, 66 Field road Scott Arthur W.artificial teeth maker, 3 Woodgrange rd
.Roberts Hannah (Miss), laundry, 479 Romford road Scott Edward Henry M.R.C.V.S. veterinary surgeon, 272
Roberts James, stewed eel shop, 9 Parliament place Romford road
Robertson James Fredk. insurance agt. 28 Kitchener rd Scott George, shopkeeper, 255 Ramsay road
Robinson, Woodcock Limited, wholesale confectioners, Scott H:v. boot repr. 346 Romford rd. & 27 Westbury rd
Shaftesbury road Scott William, tailor, see Neville & Scott
Bobinson Arthur Henry, hair dresser, 41 Station road Scrivener Frank. architect &"surveyor, 66 Sherrard rd
Robinson Beatrice (Mrs.), grocer, 508 Romford road S<mrr Mary Agnes (Miss), school, IO Glenparke road
Robinson Cl.tarles, painter, 179 Sherrard road Seaton H. & Co. house furnishers, 46 Woodgrange road .
.Robinson Frederick, fhopkeeper, 4 Cemetery road T N 423 Stratford
Ro·binson GeOTge, builder & decorator, 49 Bignold road Sewell S. & Co. laundry, 101 Field road & 9 Railway
Robinson Samuel, carver & gilder, ra, Ratdiff road bridge, Woodgrange road
Bobinson William, picture frame maker, 23I Green st Seymour Wm. Herbt. M.P.S. chemist, 332 Katherine rd
Rockley Joseph Vincent, piano & music warehouse, 13 Sharman Harry W. mantle wareho. 36 Woodgrange road
Woodgrange road Sharpe Charles & Sons, house decorators, 205 Bailey rd
Rodie David, draper, 7 Avenue road Sharpe Emily (Miss), dress maker, 205 Halley road
Roebuck Harry, china & glass dealer, 409 Katherine rd Sharpen Frederick Goorge, jobmaster, I Westbury road
Roebuck Waiter, hardware dealer, 405 Katherine road Sharpless George & Son, umbrella & parasol furniture
Rogers Charles, laundry, 420 Katherine road manufacturers, Sherrard works, Sherrard road. T N
Rogers Herbert, pianoforte tuner, 16 Ferndale road 123 Stratford
Rogen Mary Ann (Miss), confectioner, see Beck & Rogers Shearman Louisa (Miss), teacher of music,77 Godwin rd
Rogers Robert C. painter, 55 Bignold road Shears & Smith, house decorators, 7 Shaftesbury road
lioome May (Miss), dress maker, 70 Wbyteville road Shepbard Saml.fruiterer & greengrocer, 7I Vansittart rd
Rose Arthur, butcher, 91 & 93 Woodgrange road Shepherd & Peckham, sign writers, 460 Romford road
'Rose Henry Tracy, manager to London & South Western Shepherd William, tobacconist, 221 Green street
:Bank Limited (Forest Gate branch), 306 Romford rd Sherriff Herbert, tailor, 462 Romford road
Rosier Edith Mary (Mrs.), laundry, 200 Upton lane Shield .Alfred John, greengrocer, 24 Station road
'Rowe B. & Co. builders, 40 Dames road Shiels Robert A. electric light fitter, 34 Upton lane
Rowe Louisa (Mrs.), dress maker, 40 Dames road Shimmen John, jun. old iron merchant, 56 Marlboro' rd
Rowland John, dairyman, 125 Green street Shorland A. Limited, hosiers, 19 & 21 W O'Odgrange road .
.Rowney .Albert, confectioner, 3 Midland Railway Station T N 270 Stratford
approach, Woodgrange road Sbuckford & Speedy,brewers' stores,InTower Hamlets rd
lioworth George Joseph, teacher of dancing,9-1- Dames rd Sibley Artbur William, confectioner, I35 Woodgrange rd
'Rowswell Frederick, insurance agent, 8o Studley road Silburn William Geo. shopkeeper, 37 Tower Hamlets rd
Rudge & Walker, laundry, 71 Stracey road Silver David, grocer, 165 Green street
Rule Joseph, decorator, uo Kitcbener road Sim R. B. & Son, auctioneers, 280 Romford road.
Rumball Henry, confectioner, 113 Station road 903 East e•fl"' liiHA4f'
ESSEX 16 RI!FERI!NC. ,_,. . . . .~
\:. D ,~ ••• lftDd~/
Sim Richard Neil, auctioneer, 100 Claremont road Storey James, electrical engineer, 29«1 Romf&rd road
Sim Richard Neil, collector of King's taxes for Cann Stratford Co-operative & Industrial Society Limited, 1,.
Hall & Wanstead, 280 Romford road 3, 5 & sa, Upton lane
Simpson William, grocer, 45 Westbury road Stratford Refuge -cMiss l\fary Wallis 7 sup~.); hemes, IS
Sims Alfred, Tower Hamlets Arms P.H. 83o Tower Ham- Disraeli road
lets road Stratford George .A.lbert, plumber, 2 Halley road
Sims Henry W. grocer, & post office, 44 Station road Stroud William, confectioner, 262 Green street
Sims John Frederick, grcx:er, 9 Jephson road Stubbs Thomas, shopkeeper, 23 Wellington road'
Singer Sewing Machine Co. Ltd. 39 W oodgrange road Sudworth Elizabeth (Mrs.), dairy, 42 Woodgrange roalt
Skerrett Frank B., M.B. medical inspector of schools, Sully Alfred John, stationer, 386 Romford road
23 Windsor toad & at Town hall Sully Simon George, house decorator, 81 Henderson rll
Ski1ton Clara (Mrs.), dress maker, 12 Horace road Sunflower Dairy Co.provision dealers,127 Woodgrange rtl
Skingley Frederick, greengrocer, ng Thorpe road Sutton William, insurance agent, 55 Suffolk street;
Slack R. S. & Co. window cleaners, IOJ Station road Swaby George, greengrocer, 48 Dames TOad
Slater Robert & Son, organ builders, II2 Odessr:. road Swarman Henry, boot repairer, 248 Green &tree*
Slemmings Philip, furniture remover, 66 Upton lane. Sydney & Co. bakers, 44 ]N oodgrange road
T N 8 Stratford Syrett Florence Mabel (Miss), dress ma. 127 SheTr!ll'a rti

Slowman Charles, tailor, 291 Odessa road Syrett Thomas Henry, boot maker, 127 Sherrard road
Sluce Ambrose J. tailor, 42 Upton lane Tabnteau Augustus William F.R.C.S. k L.R.C.P.IreJ_
Smart Brothers,fruiterers &; greengrocers,2 Woodford rd physician & surgeon, 228a, Romford road
• Smart George, butcher, 4 Woodgrange road. T N 398 Tanner Charles William & Sons, coal & coke merchants..
Stratford 2 Railway bridge, W oodgrange road
Smethurst James Howard, dairy, 145 Green street Tanner Marian (Miss), school, 40 Sebert :road
Smith George William & Son, bakers, 163 Odessa road Tapp Francis Henry, ladies' tailor, 149 Forest lane
Smith Alfred, bird & live animal dealer, 13 Parliament pl Tarrant Richard, jnn. tailor, 238 Green street
Smith Alfred, butcher, 62 Station road Tayl()r Charlotte (Mrs.), laundry, 209 Dames :read
Smith Alfred Frederick, butcher, 6 St. George's road Taylor Herbert E. draper, 107 Station road
Smith Donald Scott, news agent, 452 Romford road Terry Charles, draper, 408 Katherine road
Smith Edward, printer, 258 Romford road Theobald George, furniture remover, 133 Forest lane
Smith Ellen (Mrs.), tobacconist, 185 Upton lane Theobald Henry, furniture dealer, 32 Dames road
Smith Florence (Miss), blouse maker, 123 Monega road Thirer & Lincenberg, confectioners, 302a, Romford road
Smith Francis John, confectioner, 79 W oodford road Thomas Henry, grocer, 257 Green street
Smith Frederick, cab proprietor, 107 Tower Hamlets rd Thomas Matilda (Miss), teacher of piano, 61 Ramsay rd
Smith Frederick Wm. dancing academy,n5 Hampton rd Thomas Thomas Henry, dairyman, ug Green street
Smith Frederick William, grocer, 112 Forest lane Thompson Arthur Henry M.D.,B.S.• ophthalmic surgeon,.
Smith George Thomas, laundry, 44oa, Romford road 294 Romford road. T N 520 Stratford
Smith George William, baker, 160 Boleyn road Thompson Bessie (Miss), teacher of pianoforte, 31 Stud-
Smith James, hair dresser, 13a, Woodgrange road ley road
Smith James Henry, stationer, 8 Station road Thomsnn Wm. Archibald, drapers' valuer,211 Windsor rd
Smith Joseph E. hair dresser, 71 Woodgrange road Thorn Edgar Albert, nur~eryman, see Piper & Thorn, k
Smith. Percy, butcher, sro Romford road 98 Ridley road
Smith Samuel, cycle mechanic, 132 Green street Thorne Brothers Limited, brewers (stores), 33 Shaftes-
Smith Sarah (Mrs.), teacher of music, 475 Katherine rd bury road. T N 194 East Ham
Smith William, house decorat'Or, 49 Shaftesbury road Thornton J . .Armitage L.S.A.Lond. surgeon, 573 :Rom•
Snell Alfred Charles, grocer, 89 Ramsay road ford road
Soesan Myer, greengrocer, 2d, Woodgrange road Thorp Thomas, dining rooms, 10 Sebert road
Sollars Frederick Thomas, :florist. 334 Romford road Thorpe Alice (Mrs.), dyer, 23 Up ton lane 1
Songhurst Charles, beer retailer, 63 Forest street Thorpe Samuel, hair dresser, 136 Green street
Sotcher H. J. & Son, leather sellers, 494 Katherine road Thrasher William, hair dresser, 5 Midland Railway Sta-
& 201 Green street tion approach, Woodgrange road
Southgate Fredk.Chas. motor & cycle ma.86 Pevensey rd Thurlow & Childs, decorators, 171a, Trumpington roa<l
Southwell Sarah Ann (Mrs.), nurse, 44 Neville road Thurlow Arthur Edwin, hair dresser, 422 Katherine rd
Sparrow Ethel (Miss), confectioner, 89 Woodgrange rd. Thurlow George, decorator, 173 Trumpington road
& tobacconist, 198 Dpton lane Thurston Henry. lJain·ter, 278 Odessa road
Sparrow Muriel (Miss)" teacher of music, 89 Dames rd Tibble George William, greengrocer, 178 Green street
Spashert William, news agent, 279 Green street Tighe :Michael, grocer, 64 Forest street
Spashett .A.lonzo, tobacconist, 324 Katherine road TilJetts Essex Sanita.ry Steam Laundry Co. Limited, :r
Speedy Frederick Charles, brewers' stores, see Shuck- M. R. Station approach, Woodgrange road
ford & Speedy Tombes Richard Henry, grocer, g6 South Esk road
Spencer Louisa (Miss), dress maker, 2n Dames road Topham, Brady & Co. builders, 274 Romford road
Spracket Alfred, shopkeeper, 25 Westbury road Trappitt Thomas, cycle maker, 20 St. George's road
Sprague William John, printer, SI Odessa. road Tredegar John, shopkeeper, 43 Tower Hamlets road
Spratt Leslie William &; Sons, drapers, 26, 28, 30, 32, Tucker .Alice (Mrs.), umbrella maker, 45 Station road
34 & 38 Woodgrange road. T N 215 Stratford Tucker Arthur John, draper, 83 Upton lane
Springett Charles Edward, watch & clock repairer, 163 Tucker Samuel, corn & flour dealer, 251 Katherine road
Green street Tuplin Charles, fried fish dealer, 509 Katherine road
Springett. John Walter, baker, no Forest lane Turner Mary Elizabeth (Mrs.) & Ruth (Miss), dres!J
Spurgeon John & Son, tailors, 14 Woodgrange road. makers, 457 Romford road
T N 593 Stratford Turner & Co. monumental masons, 181 & 240 Sebert rcl-
Stafford Lily Prances (Miss), milliner, 47 Chancer road Turner Albert Edward, stationer, II3 Green street
Stanbrook Francis, furniture dealer, zzs Green street Turner Clara (Mrs.), herbalist, S27 Romford road
Standing Arthur, tobacconist, 222 Ramsay road Turner Edith Elizabeth (Miss), teacher of pianoforte, 4<>
Stanfield George Ernest, tailor, 69 Woodgrange road. Macdonald road
T N 489 Stratford Turner Ellen (Miss), midwife, 3 Disraeli road
Stanley Beatrice (Mrs.), confectioner, 47 Woodford road Turner George, insurance agent, 17 Halley road
Stanley Harry, tobacconist, III Woodgrange road Turner Henry Cuthbert, monumental mason, 531 Born-
Stannard George Wm. fruiterer & greengro.1 Station rd ford road
Stearn Amos & Son, :florists, 200 Sebert road Turner Herbert, insurance agent, 130 Studley road
Stedman William, fancy repository, 206 Green street Turner William, corn & flour dealer, II5 Green street
Stefani Lawrence, confectioner, r6 Woodford road Turner William H. tobacconist, 180 Forest lane
Stephens Arthur Herbert, beer retailer, 3,92 Romford rd Turner Wyatt, coffee room, 6o Upton lans
Stevens George, tailor, 17 Upton lane - Tuthill James Stubbings, boot maker, 74 Forest street
Stevens Henry Albert, cycle maker, 196 Upton lane Twyford Albert Alfred, dairyman, 58 Dames road
Stevens Richard, florist, 36 Cemetery road Tyne Main Coal Co. Limited, 3 Railway bridge, Wood-
Stimson Charlotte Jane Kate (Mrs.), confectioner, 2c, gran~e road
Woodgrange road Tyrrell J ames, butcher, 149 Odes sa road
Stock William Frederick, grocer, 514 Romford road United Yeast Co. Limited, 78 IUpton lane
Stocker Edith (Miss), teacher of piano, 47 Lansdown rd Upsdale Andrew Reed, auctioneer & surveyor, 191 Ham
Stone Edith (Mrs.), ronfectioner, 239 Green street Park road
Stone George, confectioner, 517 Katherine Toad · Upson's Limited, boot makers, 85 & 87 Woodgrange rd
Stooke & Sparks Limited, builders' merchants, Midland Upson Emma (Mrs.), confectioner~ 8S Green street
Railway Station approach. T N 421 Stratford
Upton Lane Billiard Saloon (Richard J. Pocock, pro- West Ham Union, Forest Gate Sick Home (J. S. Greig
prietor), Upton lane :vi.B. medical officer), 95 Forest lane
Urie George, insurance agent, 33 Dames road West Charles Frederick, estate agent, 526 Romford road
Urie George (Mrs.), teacher of music, 33 Dames road West Francis, saddler, 203 Dames road
Ur~uline Convent (:\<!other Bernard, lady superior), St. West John William, coal dealer, 29 Ratcli:ff road
George's road Westbury Sanitary Laundry, laundry, 49 Westbury road
Vadanelli &; Agostini, confectioners, 167 & 175 Forest la Wheatley R. & L. wardrobe dealers, IJ9 Green street
Vale George, confectioner, 4 St. George's road Wheeler's Stores Limited, oilmen, 33 Woodgrange road
Vanner William, cycle dealer, 281 Green street Wheeler Charles Elijah, painter & decorator,6 Sidney rd
Vardv Harry, boot & shoe maker, 88 Neville road Wheeler Rowland, artificial teeth manufacturer, 35
Vaughan Mary (Mrs.), milliner, 'II3 Woodgrange road Woodgrange road ,
Vans Benjamin, coffee rooms, 240 Green street Whipp Harry Sidney, boot repairer,_ 367 Katherine road
Vernon Emily Louisa (Miss), teacher of music, 9 Whipp Henry, boot repairer, 53 Rutland road
Margery Park road Whitbread Geo. dogs' medicine vendor, 481 Romford rd
Wade Florence Eleanor (Miss), grocer, 428 Katherine rd White Charles Edwin, chemist, 37 Dames road
Wager Robert, grocer, 401 Katherine road White Frank, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, 304
Wagner Charles, boot repairer, 35 Woodford road Romford road
Waite Thomas G. dry cleaner, 101 Wellington road White Frederick, furniture dealer, 89 Green street
Waldstein Limited, academy of music, 375 Upton lane White Grace (Miss), teacher of music, 6r St.George's rd
Walduck Alfred, greengrocer, 65 Odessa road White John, tailor, n St. George's road
Walker John James, tobacconist, 8 Cemetery road Whitechapel Almshouses, 271 to 275 Upton lane
Wallbridge Frederick, beer retailer, 55 Field road Whitehead .Albert William, insurance agent, 220
Wallbright Henry Andrew, hair dresser, 69 Upton lane Neville road
Walsh Frederick, grocer, 246 Green street Whitfield Charles, plumber, 66a, Station road
Waiter Albert Sidney, cycle agent, 76 Boleyn road Wiedhofft & Co. ironmongers, 27 & 29 Upton lane
Waiter Egbert, florist, 331 Romford road Wieland Ettie (Mrs.),professor of music,312 Romford rd
Waiter Gilbert Frank, plumber, 76 Boleyn road Wild Joseph, greengrocer, 9 Stukeley road
Waiters Arthur & Co. printers, 368 Romford road Wilding Brothers, ironmongers, 170 Green street
Waiters Edward, grocer, 402 Katherine road Wilkins T. & Co. house agents, 18I Upton lane
Walthew Emily (Miss), ladies' school, 7 Atherton road Wilkins Ernest, house decorator, I7 Margery Park road
Ward Charles, boot maker, za, Sebert rd.& 76 Dames rd Wilkins Nelson Henry Jn. beer retailer,77 Wellington rd
Ward Edith (~rs.), picture frame maker, II7 Wood- Wilkinson Marion (Miss), Earlham college for girls,
grange road Earlham hall, Earlham grove
Ward Nellie (Miss), liress maker, 21 Capel road Williams George Stanley, hair dresser, 17 Station road
Ware Thomas Willia.m, grocer, 52 Dames road Williams John Wakefield, hatter, za, Woodgrange road
Warhurst Stephen, portmanteau maker, 451 Romford rd Williams Rose (Mrs.), tobacconist, 3 Chestnut avenue
Warman William Henry, confectioner,szo Romford road Williams Thomas Henry, butcher, 84 Station road
Warne William, shopkeeper, II9 Field road Williamson Elsie (Miss), dress maker, 35 York road,
Warren F. & Co. (incorporated with Coote & Warren), Katherine road
coal merchants, I Railway bridge, W oodgrange road Willimont Howlett Stephen, provision dlr. 220 Green st
Warren Charles James, baker, 132 Upton lane Wilmer Charles, drug stores, 387 Katherine road
Warren Henry McCollin, teacher of dancing, 607 Ram- Wilmore Waiter, dental surgeon. see Onmine & Wilmore
ford road Wilson George L.R.C.P. & S.Edin., L.M. & L.S.A.
Warton Thomas, laundry, 19 Odessa road physician & surgeon, 243 Romford road; surgery, 71
Warwick Eliza (Mrs.), tobacconist, 443 Katherine road Station road
Watling Alfred, fruiterer, 469 Romford road Wilson James, boot repairer, 38 Ridley road
Watson Thomas Richard, house agent, 13 Earlham grove Wilson Margaret (Miss), tobacconist, zio Green street
Watson's Drug Stores, 103 Woodgrange road Wilson William. oil & color man, 28 Vansittart road
Watts Emily (Mrs.), midwife, 31 Gower road Wingrave Ernest A. hosier, 28oa, Romford road
Wayland Lizzie (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 35 Green street Winterman Morris, costume manufacturer, 74 Upton Ia
Waylett Brothers, corn dealers, 137 Wood~ange road Wood Alfred & Sons. news ag-ents, 67 Woodgrange road
Weakley Samuel Joseph John M.R.C.S.En~ .• L.R.C.P. Wood Brothers, builders, 2 Vale road
Lond. physician & surgeon, 369 Romford road & 38 Wood Clara Louisa & Matilda (Misses), baby linen ware-·
Woodgrange road house, 437 Katherine road
Wean Frederick, dining rooms, 24 Upton lane Wood E. & Co. music warehouse, 207 Dames :road
Weatherby Harry, furniture remover, 195 Green street Wood Emily (Miss), laundry, 68 Green street
Webb Albert HPnry Charles, greengrocer, 124 Godwin rd Woodbridge Alfred, decorator, 3 Parliament place
Webb Joseph, hair dresser, 500 Katherine road Woodford Thomas, shopkeeper, 31 Rutland road
Webb Sidney, cabinet maker, 282 Romford road Woodgate Thomas Henry, hair dresser, 58 Forest street
Webb Sidney Ernest, furniture dealer, 7 Upton lane Wood>l"range Park Cemetery Co. Limited (John Trumble~.
Webb Waiter A. grocer, & post office, 158 Green street sec.), Romford road
Webber George H. plumber, I Chapter street Woodgrange Press Ltd. printers, 98 Woodgrange road.
Webber S. plumber, 41 Boleyn road T N '\Si Stratford
Weber Symon, furniture dealer, u8 Forest lane Woodville Lawn Tennis Club (J.W.Evans,sec.),Wyatt rd·
Wedge James, decorator, 96 ·Strone road Woolley Edgar, boot repairer, I05 Pevensey road
Wf:'f:'den's Stores Limited, oilmen, 46 Dames road; 4 Woolley George. beer retailer, 178 Forest lane
Woodford road & 76 Woodgrange road Wordley Edward William & Son, builders,6o Godwin rd
Wf:'eks &; Cooper Limited, blouse manufacturers; factory, Worham Catherine (Miss), dress maker, 3.8 Elmhurst rd·
Neville road. T A "Flowerag-e;" T N 547 East Ham Worthington Frederick, boot & shoe repr. 187a, Upton la·
Weidhofft Frederick, photographer, 358 Romford road Worthington Kate Kingsmill (Mrs.), registered mid-
Wellington Bookbinding Co. bookbinders, Wellington rd wife, I 87 Green street
Wells Charles William, teacher of violin, 72 Ramsay rd Wottrich Max, tailor, 34 Dames road
Wells Frederick William, picture frame maker, 42 Wrench J. printer, 72 Cemetery road
Tower Hamlets road · Wright William Edward & Sons, photographers, 6S
Wells George, teacher of shorthand, I Warwick road W oodgrange road. T N 319 Stratford
Wells Harold, motor car repairer, 2 Palmerston road Wright Clara (Mrs.), registry office for servants, 286
WPII<~ Samuel, npholsterer, 2a, Woodford road Romford road
Welply George Chinnery M.B., B.Ch., B.A.O.R.U.I. sur- Wright James Garner, painter, 9 Woodstock road
~eon, 201 Romford road Wv~rd Annie (Miss). dress maker, 145 Upton lane
Welply Louis M.B., B.Ch., B.A.O.R.U.I. physician & Wylde Ada (Mrs.), dress maker, 203 Boleyn road
surgeon, 335 Romford road Wvman George, greengrocer, 6o Field road
Wesley Thomas, fried fish dealer, 396 Katberine road Yarnton H. & Co. metal plate workers, 23:-1 Neville road
WPst Ham Cemf:'tf:'ry (Rev. Vincent Smith & Rev. James Yates Alice (Mrs.), grocer, 27 Ashley road
Hawkey Banfi2ld, chaplains; Alfred J. Mowbray, supt. Yellop Augustus, laundry, 59 Marlborough road
& registrar), Cemetery road Yeomans Arthur Edwin, house decorator, 30 Dames rd
We<ot Ham (North) Conservative .Association (W. J. Young ~Ien's Christian .A~sociation & Hostel (Sidney A.
Woolacott, hon. sec. ; F. Picton Hollingsworih, Burtnn, ~ec. \ 6q & 7I Woodgrange road
organising sec. & agent), I84 Romford road. T N 573 Youn~ Catherine (Mrs.), laundry, 54 Dames road
Stratford Young Francis Geo. fruiterer & greengro. 264 Green st
West :& 'm (North) Liberal & Radical Association (·A. G. YouTiger Charles,provision dlr. 99 & 101 Woodgrange rd
Gay, hon. sec.), 226 Romford road

ES~EX 16*

FOULNESS ISLAND (or Fowlness) was probably consisting of chancel, 11ave, aisles and a tower with spire
in early times a ness or promontory, joined to the main- on the south side, containing one bell, dated 1779: the
land, an assumption which seems to be confirmed by the I church plate includes an ancient paten and chalice:
modern names given to the smaller islands, and was con- there are 350 si ttings. The register dates from the year
ceivably separated from it by an irruption of the Roche 1695. The living is a rectory, net yearly value [.200,
behind Wallasea. It lies at the mouth of the Roche · including 12 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift
and Crouch rivers, and is bounded on the south by the of the Bishop of Chelmsford, and held since 1910 by the
Maplin Sands and the sea: Foulness village is 10 miles Rev. John Stock wood Hole M.A. of University College,
north-east from Shoeburyness terminal station on the Durham. Alan George Finch esq. of Bexley, Kent, .ia.
London, Tilbury and Southend railway, 12 north-east from lord of the manor and principal landowner. The !i'Oil
Southend, 15 east-by-north from Rochford and 54 miles I is an alluvial deposit from the sea; subsoil, clay and
by water from London, with a road along the sands 8 sand. The chief crops are wheat, beans, clover and
miles in length to Great Wakering: the island was con- white mustard. The area is 6,1;z2 acres of land, II of
stituted a parish in 1550, and is in the South Eastern water, 703 of tidal water and 19,132 of foreshore; rate-
division of the county, Rochford hundred, petty sessional able value, {.2,912; the population in I9II was 470.
division and union, Southend county court district, Assistant Parish Clerk, Joseph Cater.
Oanewdon and Southend rural deanery, Essex arch- Post, M. 0. & T. Office. Thomas Wright, sub-post-
deaconry and Chelmsford diocese. It is 5 miles in ' master. Letters are received from & dispatched to
length from north-east to south-west and -2~ in breadth, Shoeburyness, Essex, daily, according to the tide; no
and is inclosed by a sea dyke or wall: the water was sunday delivery of letters
formerly brackish, but several artesian wells have been Public Elementary School (mixed), erected fn 1846, for
bored and a plentiful supply of pure water is now 121 children; average attendance, 73; Edgar Leonard
obtained. The church of St. Mary, entirely rebuilt in Miskin, master
xBso, is a building of stone, in the Early English style, Essex Constabulary, Harold A. Reader, constable
Hole Rev. John Stockwood M.A. Bush Charles, farm bailiff to T. W. 1 Guiver Alice (Mrs.), George & Dragon
(rector), Recliorv Offin e8q. White House farm P.H
• 'Cater Brothers, farmers, Nazewick & Guiver Henry C. farmer, Quay farm
COMMERCIAL. Lodge farms Hume James, farm bailiff to A.
Ballanger Mary & Louisa (Misses), Chaplin Robt. farm bailiff to Messrs. Stallibrass esq. Brick House farm
gt'ocers Strutt & Parker, Rugwood farm Mead Herbt. saddler & asst. overseer
Belton Isaiah & Sons, farmers, Old Clark Richard, farm bailiff to John Threadgold Frederick, blacksmith
hall, Eastwick & Ridge marsh Hepburn esq. East New~ands farm Whent Wm. Downs, King'!! Head P.H
Eird George, baker Cottis William,farm bailiff to Douglas Willsmer George, farm bailiff to Mr.
I B. Smith esq. Small Gains farm Waiter Belcham, Shelford farm
FOXEARTH (or Foxheard) is a village and. parish, the Rev. Harry Stanley Carpenter M.A. of Keble Col-
Ij miles south from Glemsford station and 2l miles lege, Oxford. Here is a Congregational chapel. In the
west from Long Melford Fotation, both on the Sudbury village i~ a large brewery owned by Messrs. Ward t Son,
and Haverhill -branch of the Great Eastern railway, 4 Foxearth Hall, an ancient moated house, is the resi-
miles north-west from Sudbury and 62 from London, in . dence of John Campbell Lambert esq. who is lord of
the Northern division of the county, Hinckford hun- ' the manor. The principal landowners are Mrs. Julia
dred, North Hinckford petty sessional division, Sudbury I Brand, J. C. and A. V. C. Lambert esqrs. the trusteel!i
11nion and county court district, and in the rural deanery of Dr. Clopton's Asylum, at Bury St. Edmunds, and
of Belchamp. archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese David Ward esq. The soil is loam and gravel; sub-
•Of Chelmsford. The church, assigned at a recent date soil, various. The chief crops are wheat, beans and
to SS. Peter and Paul, is an edifice of flint, in the barley. The area is 1,717 acres of land and 7 of water;
· Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave of four rateable value, £1,770; the population in 19II was 335·
· bays, aisle, south po;rch and a. ":e~tern tower, sur- Post Office. William Chinnery, sub-postmaster. Letters
r mounted by a.lo!ty spue and contam~ng a clock and 8 · arrive from Long Melford, Suffolk, at 7.35 a.m. t

bells: .the build~ng has. been very riChly restore~. all 12 . 5 p.m.; dispatched at 9 . 30 a.m. & 5. 45 p.m.; on
the wmdo~s be~ng. stamed a,?d the walls beautifully sundays letters arrive at 7 . 35 a.m. & are dispatched
adorn~d with pamtmgs: the finely carved rood screen at 7 . 45 a.m. The nearest money order & telegraph
has 1ts lower panels, !ound when the churc? . was office is at Lon~ Melford 3 miles distant
Testored, handsomely pamted. There are ~oo Sittmgs. . "' ' . . .
The register dates from the year I550 and is in fair Pubhc El~mentary School (mixed), built m .1847• for
condition. The living is a rectory, net yearly value IO? children; ~verage attendance, 36; Miss Flora
./;270, with 26 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift I Ahce Barnes, mistress ·
of the Rev. K. G. Foster M.A. and held since 19II by Carrier to Sudbury.-Victor Inch, tues. thurs. k sat
1Lambert Archibald Vaughan Camp- Evans Samuel, blacksmith
PRIVA.TB RESIDENTS. I bell. Foxearth hall Ewer Chas. (Mrs.). rrmr.Western hall
>Carpenter Rev. Harry Stanley M.A., Lambert Jn. Campbell, Foxearth hall Ham Harry Eldred, shopkeeper
(rector), Rectory Newson Henry George, Connemsra Inch Victor, carrier
~ Carter Henry Stibbard, Sunnyside Ward David, Lower hall Lambert Archbd. Vaughan Campbell,
Colarossi Fiori, Claypits hall farmer & landowner, Foxearth hall
Foster Mrs. The Cottage CO'MMERCIAL. Leggott Timothy, assistant overseer
Hicks Charles William, Carbonells Brand Julia (Mrs.), frmr. Brook hall Ward &; Son, brewers
FRATING is an ancient village and parish, xi miles dence, in the gift of St. John's College, Cambridge, and
north-north-west from Thorington station on the Tend- held since 1913 by the Rev. Charles Frederick Button
ring Hundred branch of the Great Eastern railway, 6 M.A. of that college. The principal portion of the land
east-by-south from Colchester and 58 from London, in belongs to Caius College, Cambridge, in which the
the North Eastern division of the county, Tendring manor is vested, and to James Hines esq. of Lexden
- hundred, petty sessional division and union, Colchester, lodge, Colchester. The soil is mixed, producing choice
. ,Clacton and Harwich Joint county court district. and wheat; subsoil. gravel. The area of the parish, which
:n the rural de:mery of St. Osyth, archdea.conry of Col- is well watered, is r, r85 acres; rateable value, £r,2r6;
•. ehestPr and Chelmsford diocese. The church (name the population in 191r was 216 .
. unknown) is an ancient edifice of. stone ir. th& Early Parish Clerk, John Bull, .
· English style, pleasantly situated, 'and consists of Offi L d AI d b t te Lett
, chancel, nave of two bays, north aisle, north porch'flnd Post . ce. eonar mon ' su -pos mas r.. ers
. · b ll th arrtve through Colchester at 6.40 a.m.; dispatched
. an em b a ttl e d wes t ern t ower con ta mmg
· 3 e sd: h e at 8 p.m. Th e neares t money or d er & t e1egrap h offi. ci'
,eh nrch was res t ore d an d enIarge d m 1 872 an as · t El t d
· d ows : th ere are -150 SI•tt•Ings. Th e
· d win
.l!everal s t a1ne j ts .a ms ea . . .
-register dates from the year 156o. The living is a Pubhc El~mentary School (~uxed), bmlt m 1855 & en-
J"ectory, with that of Thm·ington annexed. joint net j larged .m 1879, for. 70 c~ldren; average attendance,
,-early value [450, with to6 acres of glebe and resi- 42 ; Miss M. A. Mills, mistress
Fearis Hart, The Lodge · IBly Alfd.Chas.poultry frm.r.TheCedars Eagle John '!'o?druffe, farm ·bailiff to
Button Rev. Charles Frederick M.A. Bucking-ham Alexander, poultry frmr E. & H. Gtrling
(rector), Rectory Carter George, farmer, Holly farm Girling Ernest & Harrison, farmer~~.
James Mrs. Charlotte, White house Chinnery Harriett (Mrs.), King's Ivy Lodge, Dairy & Manning's
· COllliRI<ciAL. Arms P.H farms
.AlmondLeonard,blacksmith,Post o:ffiee Clarke Arthur Eldred, farmer Girling Thomas, cattle dealer
Hale Frank, farme-r, Frating Lodge )fullinger H. farm baili:lt to Jame~ Sayer & Wigg, farmers, Hill house
Hart Frederick, wheelwright Hines esq. Hall farm Taylor, farm bailifi to Percy
Lord Archer, farmer, Slough farm Pertwee Frank, corn merchant, More- Barker esq
Maskell Abraham, cooper & grocer ham's hall Wigg Thomas, farmer, see Sayer &
Montague Frederick, cycle maker Porter Charles, farmer, Hockley farm Wigg
FRINTON-ON-SEA is a popular resort for visitors ing extensive land and sea views. The Grand Hotel,
and an Urban District on the sea coast, with a station on erected in 1898, commands extensive land and sea
the Tendring Hundred branch of the Great Eastern views. The Lawn Tennis Club has a private ground
railway, opened July, 1888, 1l miles south-west from adjoining the golf links, with eight courts, two croquet
Walton-on-the-Naze steamboat pier and station, 16 south lawns, a bowling green and a pavilion; visitors can
from Harwich and 18 south-east from Colchester, in play on payment of a small fee. The Jubilee Garden
the North Eastern division of the county, Tendring was laid out in 1897, at a cost of about £2oo, and
hundred, petty session·al division and union, Colchester, includes a drinking fountain erected to commemorate
Clacton-on-Sea and Harwich Joint county court district, the coronation of His late Majesty King Edward VII.
rural deanery of St. 08yth, archdeaconry of Colchester 9th August, 1902. On the cliff there are two shelters,
and Chelmsford diocese. The land in this parish, presented by Thomas Edmund Marshall esq. Station
having been purchased by Sir Richard Powell Cooper road, now called Connaught avenue, was opened by
bart. of Shenstone Court, near Lichfield, was laid out H.R.H. the Duchess of Connaught, Sept. 16th, 190-1.
with the view of converting it into a marine resort, with The first telephonic communication between a light-
about I! miles of sea frontage, half of which has a house and the shore was laid here. The Gunft.eet Light-
beach of fine ~and gently sloped and admirably suited house, just visible in the offing, has through corn-
for bathing; from the eastward half, which is less munication by a submarine cable (five miles in length)
sandy, rise cliffs over 6o feet in height, whence good sea with Frinton-on-Sea, Walton-on-the-Naze, Clacton-on-
and land views can be obtained : the roads, varying Sea and Harwich Coastguard stations. The lifeboat is
from 45 to 55 feet in width, with houses well set back, the property of the town and is under the control of
31"8 so laid out that nearly all the residences command the Frinton-on-Sea Volunteer Lifeboat Society, formed
a sea view. Under the "Frinton Sea Defences .Act, in 1904. Sir R. .A. Cooper hart. M.P. of Felden Lodge,
I9C3," a concrete sea wall and promenade, a mile in Boxmoor, Herts, is the principal landowner. The soil.
length, together with 32 timber groynes, were con- is mixed; subsoil, principally clay. The area of the
structed at a cost of £32,ooo; the cliffs were sloped, civil parish and Urban District is 422 acres of land and
drained and turfed and paths made so as to give easy 135 of foreshore; rateable value in 1914, £18,800; the
access to the promenade, and there is a fine open space population in 1901 was 644, in 19II, 1,510, and 648 in
over a mile in length, known as "The Greensward," the ecclesiastical parish in 1901, and 1,524 in 19II.
between the esplanade and the cliffs. The streets are Verger, Edwin John Baker, Pole Barn lane.
lighted with gas supplied from works at Walton-on- Post, M. 0. &; T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office
the-Na.ze, and the town is also lit with the electric (letters should have Essex added). John Butcher,
light from w·orks, :in St. Mary's road, the property of sub-postmaster. Letters arrive at 7 & 9· 15 a.m. &
a company. An abundance of pure spring water is 12.45 (to callers) & 6.15 p.m.; dispatched at 9.10
obtained direct from Lawford by the pumping works a.m. & 12.30, 3·5• 6.30 &; 8.10 p.m

have erected a water tower near the railway station. cleared at 8.15 a.m. & 12 noon & 2, 5·I5 & 7.15 p.m.
A complete drainage scheme was carried out in 1898. on week days; sunday, 7 p.m
By Local Government Board Order No. 42,991, Wall Letter Box, Railway :.tation, cleared at 8.15 & II-45
which came into operation on ut October, 1901, the a.m. & 1.45, 5 & 7 p.m. week days; sunday, 7 p.m
CIVil parish of Frinton was constituted an Urban Dis- Pillar Box, Cambridge road, cleared at 8.30 a.m. & 12.
'rict by the name of Frinton-on-Sea. noon & 2, 5.15 & 7.15 p.m.; sundays, 7·I5 p.m
By Local Government Board Order No. 46,178, of Pillar Box, Fourth avenue, cleared at 8.30 a.m. & 12.15,.
March 31st, 1905, 15 acres were transferred from 2.15, 5·3.0 & 7.15 p.m.; sundays, 6.45 p.m
Walton-on-the-Naze to Frinton parish. Pillar Box, Esplanade, cleared at 8.30 & 10.30 a.m. &.
The ancient church of St. Mary, which dates from i 12 · 15• 2 ·3°• 5·45 & 7·3° p.m.; sundays, 7.15 p.m
the 14th century, is a building of rubble stone, restored . Lamp Letter Box, Manchester road, cleared at 8.15 a.m.
in 1879, in the Early English style: it was previously .& 12 noon & 2 • 5· 15 & 7.15 p.m.; sundays, 7 p.m
almost the smallest church in England, but was Pillar Box, Holland road, cleared at 8.15 a.m. & u.
Pnlarged in 1879 by the rebuilding of the chancel, which .2.30, 5·3° & 7.15 p.m.; sundays, 7·30 p.m
had lain in ruins since 1703 , when it was blown down Pillar Box, Grand hotel, cleared at 8.r5 a.m. & 12, 2.:Jo,._
m one of the severe gales to which from its bleak posi- 5·45 & 7.30 p.m.; sundays, 7·30 p.m
tion on the sea coast this neighbourhood is exposed :
the church now comprises chancel, nave, south porch URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL.
and a bell gable, containing one bell: there is a small · Meets at the Council Offices, Old road, on the second
st.ained window at the west end, inserted by the latt tuesday in the month, at 8.15 p.m.
Peter S. Bruff esq. of Ipswich, in memory of hh Chairman, "\\' illiam Armitage.
mother: the east window is in memory of Jame8 Vice-Chairman, Ernest M. Clarke.
Beadel and Mary .Ann, his wife : on the north side of Members.
the chancel is a small window containing some ancient
armorial bearings. In 1894 the nave was lengthened
at a cost exceeding £4oo, and in 191I the church was
Wm. Stanhope Brockman
W illiam Ro bert Dockrell
Retire in .April, 1915.
I. Simmons extended at the west end : there are 450 sit-
tings. The register dates from the year 1754. The
hving is a rectory, net yearly value £269, in the gift
of trustees appointed by the Church Pastoral Aid
E. M. Clarke
John Lyon Corser
Retire in April, 1916.
Thomas Edmund MarshaU

Society, and held since 19II by the Rev. Charles

Frederick Knight ){,.A.. of Trinity College, Cambridge.
A Free church was erected in 1912, at an estimated cost
William Armitage
John Bailey
Retire in April, 1917.
William Hayne
of £3,400, to seat 400 persons. .A Wesleyan Methodist
chapel was erected in 1903, at a cost of £I,ooo, and Officers.
Clerk, Patrick Ogilvy Macdonald M.A. Council office~.
will seat about 200 persons. The Plymouth Brethren
have a small place of worship in Old road. The Parish
Church Hall, built in 1897, at a cost of £450, is an
Old road ..
Treasurer, N. A.. 'C. de H. Tufnell, Barclay's Bank.
iron building, with r8o sittings; it is used both as a Colchester
Sunday school and for religious meetings. The Masonic Medical Officer of Health, Henry William Godfrey M.B.,
hall, erected in 1908, at a cost of about £6oo, is a build- ){.R.C.S.Eng. Holland lodge
ing of red brick. Hill Crest School, a high-class board· Surveyor & Sanitary Inspector, Ernest Montagu B:1te,
ing school for boys preparing for the public schools, Belleville, Fourth avenue
navy &c. in a commanding situation, was built in Collector, Ebenezer Cln.tterbuck, The Poplars, Fourth av
1907. There is also a large Public Hall, holding about Assistant Colle·:!tor, Stanley W. Clutterbuck, The
. 400 persons. There are fine golf links of 18 holes. Poplars, Fourth avenue
"1th a course of six holes for children ; the golf club •

has about soo members and is open to visitors; a new Pn hlic Elementary School (mixed), for 150 children,
club house was erected in 1905. The Esplanade Hotel, erected in 1898, at a cost of £1,800; average attend-
which stands in its own grounds, has tennis and ance, 143; .A bel West, master
croquet lawns : it is 6o feet above sea level, command- Railway Station, .J:Vppel Reeve, station master


PIDVA.TB RESmENTS. Everett Bernard, Tregudda, St.l\Iary's ~Iounsey o,wald Robert, Holmhurst;
Amis Henry, The Hive,Winchester rd road Fourth avenue
Angus William, Silverton, Old road Everett Miss, The Old ho. Queen's rd ~Iummery .A.rchbld.Red cot,Fonrth a'V
Armitage Misses, Westcombe, Old rd Farrow Thomas, Pagham,Pole Barn la Munsie William, Stretton, Second av
Al'lltitage William, Snnnycroft,Old rd Field Francis Eustace, The Cottage, ~ash Alfred, Howley, St. Mary's rd
Arnold Henry, Finchleigh, Old road St. Mary's road Nell Wm. Hy. The Haven, Fourth av
Ashmall Charles, The Wick, Old road Finnigan P~ul Lacombie, Gravely, Northover Waiter, Lugano, Old road
Atherton Jn. Briar cot. St. Mary's rd Old road Osborn .Alfred, Cotswold,St.Mary's rd
Badcock Frank, Anerley,St.Mary's rd Fletcher Robert Thomson, Freedom, Page Edward, Avoca, Fourth avenue
Bain .Arthur Pennington, The Brown Fourth avenue Parker John, The Cottage, Old road
house, Second avenue Ford W. C. Gate Burton, Hadleigh rd Parkes Rev. Arthur E., B..A. (Was-
Baker Mrs. Rostrevor, Fifth avenue Francis Alex. M.B.Corinda,Queen's rd leyan), 'Vhitethorn, Fourth avenue
Baker Samuel, Glenroy, Queen's road Franklin Howard, St. Mary'a, Harold Parnell James, Morleigh, Third aven
Balm Mrs. Glenhaven, Harold grove grove Paton Mrs. Sans Souci, SeMnd aven
Bangs Percy,The White ho.Second av Franklin Mrs. Trevena,The Esplanade Pawsey Thos. Fairlight, Raglan road
Bardsley Fred, Millyea, Hadleigh rd Fry Henry, The Oasis, Third avenue Payne Peter, Hazelmere, St.Mary'r rd
Barnaschone Ernest Harward, ;Johns- Garnham Miss, .Ashurst, Harold road Pearce John, Oak lodge, Second aven
haven, Holland road Godfrey Henry William M.B. Holland Pearson Lewis, Upwey, Second aven
Bascombe Edwin Cecil Dare L.D.S. lodge, Holland road Pedley Mrs. Sunnyholme, Harold rd
Eng. St. Patrick's, Fourth avenue Gold .Argo, Frant, Third avenue Piggott Chas.H . .A.ddesley,Had1eigh rd
Beck B.Edgar,TheBecess,St.Mary's rd Gold·Quiller,TheHomestead,Second av Piper Miss, Oakleigh, Up. Third aven
Beckton Ben, Belvedere, Fourth aven Goodchild Mrs. West Dene, Third av Pite Beresford, Earlywood, Fourth av
Bell Frank Harper, Tasma, Second av Goulding Mrs. Braemar, Harold gro Pitt Cuthbert Bobert, 4 Eton road
Bell GeOTge Craigie, The Crossways, Gray Miss, St. Winifred's, Third av Pound Percy, Grasmere,The Esplanade
Old road Green Chas.Hy. Laurel bank,Third av Preston Mrs. Bipon, Old road
Benham Leonard A.Burleigh,Third avl Grist Clement Alfred, 2 Eton road Priestley Hy. Wm.Hoscote,Second av
Berriman Miss, Glebe lo.St.Mary's rd Haggard F.C.D. Sea. Beach,Fourth av Purcell Henry, Singlehurst, Upper
Bevington J. Storrs, Sea view, The Haghe Miss, Chandos, Hadleigh Toad Fourth avenue
Esplanade Haley (;has.Hy. Bona-Vista,Harold rd Ranson ~Irs. Ferndale, Old road
Einnington Miss,Southleigh,Fourth av Hall Mrs. Wyndham, Holland road Read Wm. Kinsale, Up. Fourth aven
Borer Thos. .Ash vil. Upper Fourth av Ramp Miss, Ebenezer, Hadleigh road Redington Edwin Henry, 'Tanfield,
Bowen Hy. Whytelea.f, TheEsplanade Harman Mrs. Sherington, Holland rd Third avenue
Broom F. G. Fah·view St. Mary's rd Harries John, Poona, Harold road Reece John, Glenthorne, Fourth aven
Brough Arthur VosP., Connaught aven Harris Percy, Glenvar, Harold grove Redout George, The Bungalow, The
Brown HeTbert Henry, Holmlands, Harrison Fredk. Sunnyside,Fourth av Esplanade
Third avlilnue Harrison J as.S. Clarissa, The Crescent Regge Robt. W. Hawthorns,Second av
Brown Mrs. Montpelier, Harold grove Hasler Mrs. The Barn, Hadleigh road Reid William W. Ivordene, Raglan rd
Brunsdon George Wm. Oceana,Old rd Hawes Alfred, Lavengro, Harold gro Rogers Ernest, Th~ Hermitage,Second
.Buckmaster H. The Sign, Harold rd Hayne Wm. J.P. Frietuna,Harold gro avenue
Bullock Miss, Lombard, St. Mary's rd Heale Miss, Kirkburn, Queen's road Rose Miss, Monabri, Cambridg-e road
Burgess William Milner, Ellerslie, Heard George Finlay, Linkside, Round Douglass M ..A. The Retreat,
Fourth avenue Second avenue Fourth avenue
Buscall Charles Samuel, Maeman, Hicks Seymour, The Nutshell, Win- Rowland Arthur, Leeside, Raglan rd
Hadleigh road chester road Bowsell C. F. St . .Anne's, Fourth av
Butcher Miss,Little Saling,Second av Holman Mrs. Brookmead, Second av Scamrnel Mrs. Kingsthorpe,St.Mary's

Bywater W.D.Carnaby,The Esplanade Horton Mrs. Bletchworth, Harold gro road
Caldecott J{)hn Barton, Windermere, Humphreys Harry, Marconi, Upper Scott John, Portland ho. Fourth a~
Upper Third avenue Third avenue Scrutton Frank, Eltham, Holland 'rd
Campion Miss, Granthorpe, Upper Hunt Frederick Edward, Holmwood, Serre Eugene Albert, Newhaven, The
Third avenue Hadleigh road Esplanade
Cassidy George, Barna lodge,Fifth av Hurnard Samuel, Friendly Nook, The Simonds Wm. Woodend,St.Mary's rd
Oattley-Whitaker Mrs. White lodge, Crescent Sinclair Frank, .A.irthrie, Fourth 8V1
Third nvenue Hutchinson James, Holly Bush, Hol- Smith Edward, Oranbroo.k, The
Chapple Alfred, Kenton, St.Mary's rd land road Esplanade
Christmas Edgar, Merton,Hadleigh ~d Hutchison Mrs. Thalassa, The Es- Snelling Geo. Links view, Second av
Clarke E. M. West Point, The planade Spading Horace, 8 Old road
Esplanade Hutton-Potts George, Willows, The Spence A. Sundridge, Hadleigh road
Claydon R. W. Greenhill,Hadleigh rd Esplanade Spiegel .A.rth. Raymead, Fourth avt>n
Coates John, The Coterie, Fourth av Isaac John King, Myrtle villa, Upper Springman Thomas A. Kirkstall, St.
Coe Edward, Ferncot, St. Mary's rd Fourth avenue l Mary's road
Collins Percy J.P. Carlotta, Cam- .Tames Saml. St. Michael's, Third av Stone Mrs. Eastholm, Hadleigh road
bridge road Janes Mrs. Homeleigh, Old road Stradlin!! Mrs. Pole Barn cottage,
Cook The Misses, Chainslade, Old rd Jay James, Killiney, Second avenue Pole Barn lane
Cooper Ernest, Ludham ho.Second av Je:fferies Miss, The Ferns,Hadleigh rd Stuart Kenneth B ..A. Hill Crest,
Oorser John Lyon, Bretton house, The Jewell Saml. Seaholme, The Crescent Second avenue. T N 66
Esplanade Johnson Miss, Upton, The Crescent Tench Sidney·Edward, Fourth avenue
Corton Henry, Lindum, Fifl;h avenue Jones William, 4 Old Kirby road Tennant Alfd. Resthaven, Hadleigh l'd
Courtauld Mrs. Eastry, Third avenue Kearn F. E. Eton house, Eton road Thomas Rev. William Henry Griffith
Grombie Joh-,, Mohegan, Hadleigh rd Kerr Mrs. Northleigh, Fourth avenue D.D. Restholme, Hadleigh road
Cuming John M ..A. St. Edmunds, Kerr Mrs. Tidscot, Third avenue Thurgood Miss, Hurstlyn, Fourth av
Oxford road King W. Lyndale, Second avenue Thurgood Miss A. G. Rookwood,
Cunnington Herbert J. Valentine's, Kin!!zett Charles Thomas, Maplin, Fourth avenue
Fourth avenue The Esplanade Tomkins Walt.Hy. Cranford,Third av
Curtis Joseph John, Laburnum, Knight Rev. Charles Frederick M ..A.. Vesey-Fitzgerald John Vesey K.O.,
Upper Third avenue (rector), The Rectory, Second aven B..A.. Inchicronan~ The Esplanade
Davies Rev. B. H.Glenmore,Harold rd 1Lee Percy, Coo gee, Harold road Voiler ~Irs. Shamrock, St. Mary's rd
Davies Mrs. South lo. Hadleigh road Loose William, Wissitt, Pole Barn la Warren Stephen, Kelvin lo.Fourth av
Davis Saml. Briarwood, Third avenue Lovekin Mrs. Springfield,Hadleigh rd Watney A. G. Dodson's, Third aven
Dell .Arthur, Kiora, Hadleigh road Macdonald P:ltrick Ogilvy M ..A.. Glen- Watts John, Tomoye, Fourth avenue
Denney Mrs. Morley, St. Mary's road coe, Harold road W eiler Mrs. .Asterode, The Crescent
Dennis Mrs. Bedford, Up. Fourth av Mango Mrs.The Gables,TheEsplanade Wheeler Sidney, Connaught avenue
Dexter Edward, Swithland, Third av Marshal! Thomas Edmund, Selhurst. Whitfield Mrs. Raygarth, Upper
Dockrell William Robt. Sandy Hook, Harold roarl · Third avenue
The Esplanade Marshal! W. B. Inglenook. Harold rd Whittingham Mrs. W. Claremont,
·Dolling K. H. Aberg-eldie, Fourth av Medlin Mrs. Linkshall, Third avenue Harold grove
Drayson Waiter B. H. Sea cot, Mercer Edward James, Glencairn, Wilkinson Mrs. Hillcroft, Ra!!lan rd
Fourth avenue Harold road , Wilkinson Rev. Samuel Hamill (Bap-
Dupree A. Turret lo. The Esplanade Merrels Mrs. Torsdale, St. Mary's rd tist), Glenalmond. Harold grove .
Ellis Mills, Leverton, Harold road :Miller Henry, Tudor lodge, Raglan rd Williams William Charles, Sprayside,
Evanson Maj. Ernest Prederick Chas. Milner Thomas, Blythwood,Fourth av Upper Fourth avenue
Ravenscroft, Upper Third avenue. :Moore Mrs . .Asthore, Fifth avenue Wilmer Benjamin George, St. Dun-.
T N 33 stan's, Third avenue
Wilson John, Stoneycroft, Fourth av Cooper George Lister, draper, Con- Harman .A.lice M. (Miss}, boarding ho.
Wink worth J osiah Tom, The Domino, naught avenue Ocean view, Connaught avenue
Third avenue Cresswell Harry, apartments, Rose- Harman Horace Ernest, fancy reposi-
Wolfe Re\'. Edward John B..A.. Innis· mere, Hadleigh road tory, Connaught avenue
falle~ Foal'th avenue {Junningham .A.J .drapr.Connaught av Hayne William, architect, Connaught
liVolsef Wm. Sandall, The Esplanade Davies Wm. dairyman,Connaught av avenue. T N 9
Woods Percy B.Lindisfarne,Queen's rd Dawson Robert Horace, printer, see Hazlewood Alfred Rowan, coal mer-
Weotton Thomas John, Cambridge Weston & Dawson chant, Pole Barn lane
beuse, Cambridge road l.libbs l>, Stock, apartments, Rose- Heale Dora C. (Miss), girls' school,
\Vylde William M. Northcott, Had- mount, Queen's road Kirkburn, Queen's road
leigh ;road • Dudley John, apartments, Eastcliff Hill Crest School (Kenneth Stuart
villa, Hadleigh road B..A.. principal), Second av. T N 65
OOilMERCIA.L. Eastaugh Hy. jobbing grdnr.2 Old rd Homer Ernest Charles, estate agent.
Ellis W. &,Connaught av see Tomkins, Homer & Ley
.Early dosing day (Oct. to May), Ellis Elias, cunfectioner, <: Old road Hooker Edwd. Jas. plumber, Old rd
Wednesday I p.m. Esplanade Hotel, The Esplanade (T N Hume Fredk. confr. Connaught aven
.Ack.royi Samuel Hooley, solicitor, see 5 Frinton) (Miss K.Prior,proprtrss) Humphrey William Scott, picture
Regge &; Aekroyd Evanson Major Ernest Fredk. Chas. frame maker, Old road
Alderton Harry, butcher, Con- agent for Sir R.A.Cooper bart. M.P. International Tea Company's Stores
naught avenue Cooper Estate office. T N 33Frinton Limited, Connaught avenue
.Alien James Charles, laundry, Pole Everett E. l\L & E. (Misses), refresh- Jarvis .A.lbert, decorator, .A.shleigh,
Barn lane ment rooms, Connaught avenue Pole Barn lane
.Anderson Francis William, baker, Faiers .A.rth. confectnr. Connaught av Jones Charles Henry, builder, Old rd
Connaught avenue Farr S . .A. & Co. builders & contrac- Jones John Ashworth, photographer,
.Armitage William, architect & sur- tors, decorators, smiths & general Connaught avenue
veyor A!; estate agent, Connaught house repairers, Old road. T N 41 Keeley William, apartments, 6 Old rd
aven11e. T N go Fenn Arthur, jobbing gardener, Col- King Edward's School Home (Miss K.
Eailey John F.R.H.S. florist, Old rd lingwood, Old road Russell, matron), Upper Fourth av
IJarciay A!; Company Limited, bankers Fenn Arthur Richard, greengrocer, Kitson William, apartments, Oak-
(Arthur Vose Brough, manager) ConnauQ'ht avenue :!o-.urst, Upper Fourth avenue
(branch), open daily 10 to 4; sat. Finch Harry, apartments, Sidcup vil. Knig-hts Margaret (Mrs. ),apartments,
10 to I, Connaught avenue; draw Hadleigh road Glenesk, Harold grove
on London office, 54 Lombard st. Fowler E.& Oo.statnrs.gOonnaught av Lawrence A. (Miss), apartments,
London E C Francis James, water works district Maydene, Queen's road
Eardsley Fred, bakery outfitter foreman, Waterworks cottage, Leaning & Chamberlayne, solicitors,
.Bardsley's, bath chair pr()prietors & Wit ton Wood lane Cooper Estate office
cycle agents; push carts, prams Freemasons' Lodge (Frietuna, No. Ley Al~ernon Sidney R. estate agent,
&c. for sale or hire, Ye Old Barn 2949), Ashlyn's road see Tomkins, Homer & Ley . .
-stores. T N 95 Frinton-on-Sea Cricket Club (C. London Central Meat Co. Limited,
flare John, fishmonger, Connaught av Clarke, hon. sec) butchers, 13 Connaught avenue
Bascombe Edwin Cecil Dare L.D.S. Frinton-on-Sea & District Electric Low Herbert, collector of taxes for
Eng.~ .M:.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Light & Power Co. Ltd. (Wilfred Frinton-on-Sea, Walton-on-the-
dentist, St. Patrick's, Fourth aven B. Bradford, resident engineer), St. Naze, Kirby & Great Holland, .Ash-
IJate Ernest Montagu, surveyor & Mary"s road lyns, .A.shlyn's road
sanitary inspector to Urban District Frinton-on-Sea Exhibition Hall (E. Lubbock Brothers, saddlers, Old road.
Council, Belleville. Fourth avenue Luff, caretaker), Connaught avenue Luff Ernest, Bible & text depot, 3
Eeaumont L. S. (Mrs.), apartments, Frinton-on-Sea Fire Brigade (E. :M Old road
Maloya, Connaught avenue Bate, hon. sec.), Old road Macdonald Patrick Ogilvy M.A. clerk
IMl George Craigie M.R.C.S.Eng .. FI"inton-on-Sea Golf Club (John to the Urban District Council,
L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeon, The Cross- Cuming, sec) Council offices, Old road
ways, Old road Frinton Ltd. laundry, Connaught av Merrells William. jobbing gardener,
Blowers & Cooper, ironmongers, Con- Frinton Lawn Tennis Club (P. Belmont, Upper Fourth avenue
naught avenue Bangs, hon. sec) ~!ills Frederick John, outfitter, 29 &
J3ridges Fredlc aparts. Harold cottage Frinton :Xews (East Essex Printing, 3r Connaught avenue
Broekman William Stanhope, boarding Works Ltd. printers & publishers) !Mills Thomas, aparts. St. l\lary's rd
house, Beach house, Third avenue (Weston & Dawson, local represen-1 Moseley Ernest H. Queen's hotel,
Burgess iW~lliam Milner M.R.C.S. tativPs), Connaught avenue. See [ The EsplanadE' . . .
Eng., L.M. & S.S.A.Lond. surgeon, advertisement Mothersole & Co. wme & splrit mer-
Ellerslie, Fourth aTenue Frinton-on-Sea Volunteer Lifeboat 1 chants, Connanght avenue
1lurley Harry,tobaccnst.Connaught av Society (W. Scott Humphrey, hon. Mummery .A.rchibald H. furniture dlr.
Cave Charles, boot repairer, Old road sec.), Connaught avenue Connaught avenue
Chamberlavne .Arthur Francis, solici- Garrod Misses, girls' !lchool. We~t- Munson Isabel & Felicia (Misses),
tor, see Leaning & Chamberlayne ward Ho ! &; St. Ronan's, Third av apartments, Sandringham }lOuse,
Charlish E. (Miss), apartment<~, Gaskin Edward Charles, teacher of The Esplanade
Gainsboroug-h lodgP, Connaug-ht av music, Stern dale, 0 1 d road I Neale Frank Thomas, draper, Con-
Chilvers William, builder, Thistle Gilders Ed"Win J. & Co. auctioneers, naug-ht avenue
cottage, Old road !lurveyors, house & estate agents & Nell Wm. Hy. solicitor,Connaught av
Clark John, tailor, Old road fire insurance agents (T N 54); & . Olive!', Parker & Co.Limited, grocers,
Clarke Corrie Edward, apartments, at Clacton-on-Sea i Connaught avenue
Melmoth lodge, Ashlyn's road Godfrey Henry Wm. M.B., M.R.C.S.I Ovenden William Thomas, builder
Clements Percy E. boarding house, Eng. surgeon, & medical officer of & contractor, house decorator,
Beaumaris, Queen's road health to the Urban District Coun· plumber & general house repairs
Clntterbuck Ebenezer, collector to the cil. Holland lodge, Holland road. (estimates free), Maidstone, Pole
Urban District Council, The Pop· T N 28 Barn lane. T N II4
lars, Fourth avenue Goldsmith A. E. (Miss), boarding ho. Page HaroldSenier,grocr.St.Mary's rd
Clutterbuck Stanley W. assistant St. l\Iargaret's, Fourth avenue Parsons Chas. builder, Pole Barn la
<6verseer for Frinton-on-Sea & as- Goldsworthy Percy, motor engineer. Parsons Richard Wallace, apartments,
sistant collector to the Urban Dis- Pole :Barn lane Ross, Queen's road
"trict Council, The Poplars, Fourth Goodman James. jobbing gardener Phillippo Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
avenn~ Newbnry, Hadleigh road PolP Barn lane
Colche~ter StE-am Laundry Co. Ltd. Grand Hotel Frinton Ltd. (WiUiam Polhill Frederick Henry, fishmonger,
Connaught avenue Stanhope Brockman. managing Connaught avenue
<:ollins Arthur, apartments, Colne ho. director), The Esplanade 1
Poynting- Fred Georg-e, stone mason,
Hadleigh road Gray Arthur, carman, Thoverton. i Cranleigh, Old road
Cook Frederick, gardener to W. R. Fifth avenue 1
Priest Brothers, cycle agents, motor
Dockrell esq. Winchester road Gray E. Milner (Miss), g-irls' school engineers, motor car garage &;
Cook Sarah (Mrs.). apartments, Suf- St. Winifred's, Third avenue athletic outfitters & gramophone
folk house, The Esplanade Green William, builder, :Bambrot;e, dealers, Connaught aven. T N 72
Cooper Estate Office (Major E. F. C Pole Barn lane Priest Wait. dairyman, Connaught av
Evanson, agent). T N 33 Frinton Grimwade & Co. outfitters,Connaught Race & Scott, carmen
Cooper Geo. ironmonger, see Blower!' avenue
& Cooper
Batcli:ffe Brothers, motor garage, Smith Eliza (Mrs.), stationer, Con- Turner Fredk. confectionel', 4 Old ~d
Connaught avenue (T N n Y) & naught avenue Tyler & Freeman,electrical ehgineeri,.
cycle makers, Old road. T N uX Smith Harry William, fruiterer, 15 Connaught avenue
Regge & .Ackroyd,solrs.Connaught av Connaught avenue Walton News (East Essex Printing-
Begge Bobert Wm. solr. & commr. Snare David, apartments, Brentnor. Work.s Limited, proprietors), Con-
for oaths, see Begge & .Ackroyd Old road . naught avenue. See advertise•
Boberts Llewellyn B. apartments, Stevenson Hy. aparts. Carton, Old rd ment
Branksome, Hadleigh road Stocks Bertha (Mrs.), apartments, see Wash Thomas Waiter, apartmenta,
Bobinson E. E. confr. Connaught av Dibbs & Stock Coolmore, Upper Fourth avenue
Saint Alfred Joseph & Son, confec- Stowe William, aparts. 7 Old roaJ Watson Kate (Miss), apartmen•,
tioners, Connaught avenue Stuart Kenneth B ..A. principal Hill Warwick lodge, Upper Fourth aven
St. Joseph's Convent (Miss Bubins, Crest school, Second av. T N 66 Webb William H. professional t() th&
sister in charge), Winchester road Studd Frederick, builder, Glebe view, Golf club, The Wick, Old road
SalmonWm ..Arth.sign writer,nOld rd Connaught avenue Wellington Charles, butcher, 27 ('on-
Sayer E. (Madame), apartments, Taylor Wm. grocer, 23 Connaught av naught avenue
Welwyn, Queen's road Tench Sidney Edward M.RC.S.Eng., West Abel, schoolmaster, & aparfl-.
Scott John William, carman, see L.RC.P.Lond. physician & surgeon, ments, Charnwood, Fifth avenue
Race & Scott Fourth avenue , W eston &; Dawson, printers, Con-
Scurrell Benj. apartments, Camerton Tennant Alfd. chemist,Conns.ught aT naught avenue
villa, Hadleigh road Thirkettle Goorge (Mrs.), apartments. Wheeler Sidney L.D.S.R.C.S.Eng.
Scurrell Geo.Hy.jobbing gardnr.Old rd Somerset villa, Hadleigh road, Connaught avenue-
Selby & Co. watch mas.Connaught av Tomkins, Homer & Ley, architects, Wilkes John, hair dresser, Connaughll
Shaw John, shopkpr. Wilton Wood la surveyors & estate agents, The avenue
Smith W. H. & Son, news agents, Estate office, Connaught avennP Wise Fred W. butcher, Connaught a-y
Railway station (T N 19 Frinton); & 214 Bishops- Wortley C. George, greengrocer.,
Smith .Annie Maria(Mrs. ),apartments, gate, London E C Connaught avenue
The Cedars, The Esplanade Tomkins Arthur Steel, architect &c. Young John,jobmaster, Connaught av
see Tomkins, Homer & Ley
FRYERNING (Frierning) is half a mile north-west House M ..A. of that college, and rural dean of Barstable-
from Ingatestone station, on the main line of the Great (or Brentwood). The charities include a bequest by the
Eastern railway, south-east from Chelmsford, 5 miles Rev. Robert D'Oyley, rector of this parish in 1733, of'
north-east from Brentwood, and is about 23 from London, 30s. yearly; another by William Bright in 1777, of £4 ms.
in the Mid division of the county, Chelmsford petty ses- being the interest of invested money; a benefaction left
sional division, hundred, union and county court district, by Robert Sorrell M.D. in 1825, consisting of the interest
rural deanery of Barstable, archdeaconry of Essex and of £Ioo stock; the interest of £250, left by William
Chelmsford diocese, and at one period belonged to the Gordon Coesvelt esq. in 184I, and the interest of £1oo.
Knights of St. John of Jerusalem. .A stream rises in the given by deed in 1855, by the Rev. George Price M.A..
parish near St. Leonards. By Local Government Board rector from 1826; all of which are distributed to the-
Order 22,420, dated March 24, 1889, the whole of Fryern- poor in food and clothing. Under a scheme framed by
ing was amalgamated with Ingatestone for civil pur- the Charity Commissioners in 1906, the doles of food ann
poses, but ecclesiastically it remains distinct. The church clothing have been changed into pensions and payments.
of St. Mary the Virgin, about I mile north-west from for convalescent treatment &c. administered by a Board
Ingatestone, is a building of stone and Roman brick in of 5 trustees. Mrs. Bosamond Bonham also bequeathed!
mixed styles, and consists of chancel, nave, south porch, in 1805 £1oo stock, the interest to be expended in tlte
vestry and a massive embattled western tower of brick purchase of bread to be given annually; and there i:.
containing 5 bells, one dated 1590, three 1716 and the further a charity by a person named Page of £2 4s. 4d .•
other 1793 : the nave has walls three feet in thickness distributed annually in food and clothing. St. Leonard'•
and retains on its south side three of the original Norman is the re~idence of Robert Miller esq. The Warden and
windows: the east window is a memorial to Sir Charles Fellows of Wadham College, Oxford, who are lords of
Edward Keith Kortright kt. H.M. Consul at Philadelphia, the manor, and William C. M. Kortright esq. are the-
who died in May, 1888, and there are others to the Rev. principal landowners. The soil is mixed; subsoil.
George Price M. .A. rector, d. 1861, and the Rev. Edward loamy. The chief crops are wheat, oats and barley.
Cockey M.A. late rector, d. 188o: the tower, three storeys The acreage, rateable value and population are included'
in height, is a noble structure of the time of Henry VII. with those of Ingatestone; the population of the eccle-
with a machicolated parapet on small corbelled arches, siastical pari15h in I9II was 895.
~verhanging four and a half inches, and indented battle-
ments, the angles terminating in well-proportioned brick Wall Letter Box, adjoining the 'Woolpack,' cleared at
pinnacles: at the north-east corner is a bold projection for 8.40 & 9.30 a. m. & 1.25 & 7.40 p.m. on week days &.
the staircase, which has an octagonal newel and stairs on sundays at 1o. 15 a.m. Letters through In gate-
curiously constructed of common bricks: the square stone; deliveries at 7.30 & 10.30 a.m. k 7.30 p.m.
Norman font is beautifully carved with foliage, crosslets, Pillar Letter Box, St. Leonard's, cleared at 7·3o & 9o
stars and crescents in slight relief; the church contains a.m. & 12.55 & 7.25 p.m. week days; s\l1ldays, 1o.
a memorial to Edgar Disney esq. of The Hyde, Ingate- a.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office iS.
stone, d. 1881, and in 1901 Mrs. Upt-on presented a lectern in Ingatestone, distant I mile
in memory of her husband: there are 176 sittings; about Public Elementary School (boys), built in r873, for no.
4 acres were added to the ·burial ground here, and a. children; average attendance, 85; Geo. H. West, mast
handsome lych gate erected by the Ingatestone and The schools of this parish & Ingatestone are amalga.-
l"ryerning Burial Board in 1901. The register dates from mated, the girls attending the school at Ingatestone
the year 1595. The living is a rectory, net yearly value
£270, with residence, in the gift of Wadham College, Carrier.-Mark Rice, to Chelmsford, on tues. thurs~
Oxford, and held since 1902 by the Rev. William Joseph fri. & sat
(For other names in Fryerning Lucas Alfred Perry, Rectory Clark Hy. Vyvyan, frrnr. Lindsay frm.
parish, see Ingatestone.) Miller Robert, St. Leonard's Da,ey Hy. beer retailer, Beggar hill
PniVATE RESIDENTS. Rose Mrs. Fryerning cottage McClure Jane (Mrs.). farmer, How-
Ohristy A.rchibald Ernest, WellmPad Sikes Edward Herbert, The Grange letts hall
House R~v. William Joseph M.A. Tower Captain William Maitland, Nunn Charles, Woolpack P.H
(rector & rural dean), Ochiltree Furze hall Osborn Geo. frmr. St. Leonard',_ frm
Kortright Mrs. The Tiles Tyler John, Hill house Rankin Alfred Ern~t. farmer, Frye~
Kortright Wm. Coesvelt Mounteney, ning hall
The Hut COMMERCIAL. j Stewart Frank John, bricklsyer
Lanckenau Charles Hy. Treworgan Ager Willia.m, head gardener to Robt.
Looker Miss, Woodcock lodge Miller esq. St. Leonard's I
FYFIELD (Fifield, nr Fifehide), !lO called from 1ts deaconry of Essex and Chelmsford diocese. The churclit
having anciently consi!'ted of five hides or fields, it~ a of St. Nicholas is an edifice of stone, exhibiting a;
village and parish, on the river Roding, about 3 miles mixture of Early English and debased Gothic work~
north-east from Ongar terminal station on the Great and consists of chancel, nave, aisles, north porch and a
Eastern railway, 8 north-east from Epping, 11 north from central toll""er containing a clock and 5 bells. cast in
Brentwood, I I west from Chelmsford and 23 from Lon- 1862; the church has a fi:rte old Norma-n iout, orHaml•ntecl
don. in the Western division of the county, Ongar bun- with floriated crosses and fteurs-de-lis. the materi~
dred, petty sessional division and union, Brentwood being apparently Purbeck stone of a rich color; ther&
county court district, rural deanery of Ongar, arch- is a fine piscina: the Rev. A. Walker D.D. a former
rector, gave a silver chalice and paten : the church was Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Arthur Reginald Rolfe, sub-
restored in 1853, and again in 1893, at a cost of about postmaster. Letters from Ongar, Essex, arrive at
£1,300, when several ancient and built-up windows were 6.35 a.m. & 12 noon; snndays, 6.45 a.m. ; dispatched
discovered, and it has since been further renovated; at 8 a.m. & 1.25 & 5·55 p.m.; dispatched on sundays-
a new organ was erected in 1900 at a cost of £235, and at u.4o p.m
in 1901 the east window was filled with stained glass, a.t Wall Box, on Rectory wall, cleared I.15 & 5·45 p.m.;.
a cost of £I6o, as a memorial to Her late Majesty sundays, 11.30 p.m
Queen Victoria: there are 250 sittings. The register Police Station, George Attridge, sergeant in charge
of marriages and burials dates from 1538 and bap- Public Elementary School (non-provided) (mixed), built..
tisms from 1542. The living is a rectory, net yearly in 1876 & rebuilt 189I, for no children; average·
value £4oo, with 63 acres of glebe and residence, attendance, 70; it was endowed in 1692 by the Rev.
in the gift of Mrs. A. Hewitt, and held since 1907 by A. Walker D.D. formerly rector, with 56 acres of land
the Rev. Shirley Bunbury Th.Assoc.K.O. Adjoining at High Ongar, now producing nearly £6o yearly, which
the rectory house is a small building, the property of is applied to the school funds ; a residence for the
the rector, containing one room, built about rgoo for master is provided by the charity; the school i~
@Unday school and church purposes. There are some ordered cc to be for teaching all the poor children of
~mall charities, distributed on Sundays in bread and in the parish to read, write & cast accompts well & to
elothing at Whitsuntide and Christmas. The trustees say their catechism; " & a scheme has been framed
of the late Andrew Alfred Collyer Bristow esq. are lords by the Endowed Schools Commissioners for its
of the manor. The principal landowners are John management; the rector, Arthur John Challis esq. &i..
W. ~ewall esq. and the Ironmongers' Company. The the rectors of High Ongar & Willingale-Doe are
soil is various; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are governors; J. B. G. Gidley-Moore esq. chairman;
wheat, beans and barley. The area is 2,444 acres of William Stephen Goodhew, master; Mrs. Goodhew,
land and 7 of water; rateable value, £3,732; the popu- assistant mistress
lation in I9II was- 534, including 86 in the West Ham
Education Committee's Short Term Industrial School. West Ham Borough Council Short Term Industrial
School was erected at a cost of £8,ooo, & opened 3
PE.XSYFEATHERS GREEN is I mile west; Clatter- Oct. I885; it was certified May 19, 1885, as alll
f, rd End, half a mile west; Witney, half a mile east: Industrial School for boys, not to exceed I Io in num-
Canon's Green, half a mile south. There is a Non- ber; Ancel Culling, superintendent; Mrs. A. Culling-,
conformist mission hall, built in 1894. matron; Archibald Sinclair David M.R.C.S.Eng.,.
L.R.C.P.Lond., D.P.H.R.C.P.S.Lond. medical officer;
The Parish Clerk (William Fogg) has a residence pro- Albert Edward Hoy, school master; Albert Williallll
vided from Dr. Walker's charity. Hewitt, manual instructor ; Lionel John Holgreaves.-
assistant schoolmaster & drill instructor
PIUVATE RESIDENTS. David Archibald Sinclair M.R.C. S. Rolfe Arthur Reginald, grocer, & po,t
Bunbury Rev. Shirley Th.A.K.C. Ehng._,~.R.~P.Lond.,D.~H.R.t9f-~.S. T ~ffillCe H b t f G ' f
p ys1C1an au surgeon, au cer 1 y1ng np ow er er , rmr. reen s ariD.
(rector), Rectory
factory surge-on, medical officer of Webster James L. baker
Challis Arthur John, Clatterford hall
Clarke Mrs. Hillboro' health for Ongar Rural District West Ham Borough Council Educa~
David Archibald Sindair,The Lindens Council, medical officer & public tion Committee Industrial &
vaccinator No. I district, Ongar Truant School (Archibald Sinclai1~
Elliott Willit\m, Clarke's farm
Gammage Thomas John, White hall union & medical officer to West David M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.
Ham Education Committee's Indus- Loud., D.P.H.R.C.P.S.Lond. medi-
Gidley-Moore Jn. Bartholomew Giles, trial School, The Lindens cal officer; Ancel Onlling, supt. ;.
Fyfield house Filshie John, farmer, Witney green Mrs. A. Culling, matron; Albert
Mone Harold Noel, Clatterford house Gotheridge Augustus George, farmer, Edward Hoy, schoolmaster; Lionel
Trewby Herbert, Lampetts Tannerwhites farm John Holgreaves, assistant scbool-
Hartley Amelia & .A.lice (Misses), master & drill instructor; .Albert
shopkeepers William Hewitt, manual instructor)
Anderson David, frmr. Pickerells frm Hill .Albe.rt, baker White George & David W. faTmers.-
:Biatch Arth. carpenter & wheelwright Horsnail Horace, boot & shoe maker Fyfield hall
Blowes James, watch maker Horsnajl Waiter Pain, blacksmith Willmot James & William, farmers,.
Boyton Ernest, farmer, Ponders Millbank John Hewson, farmer, Dame Anna·s
Lodge farm Hales farm Yeomans John, miller (water &
Bretton William Read, Black Bull P.H ~ichols Frederick, Queen's He-ad P.H steam), farmer, threshing machine
<;.'haplin Alfred, farmer Oliver Robert, farmer, Herons f:um proprietor & tax collector, Malting.s
Clarke Edwin (Mrs.), frmr. Lampitts & Wardhouse faTms

GALLEYWOOD COMMON is an ecclesiastical the gift of Sir Daniel Fulthorpe Gooch bart. and held
parish, constituted Oct. 20, 1874, from the parishes of ~ince 1907 by the Rev. Edward Napleton Dew B.D. of
Great Baddow, West Hanningfield and the hamlet of St. John's College, Oxford. Here is a Primitive Metho-
Moulsbam, 3 miles south from Chelmsford station, in dist chapel. The Chelmsford steeplechases are held
the Mid division of the county, petty sessional division here annually in March and November: a grand stand
and county court district of Chelmsford, rural deanery was erected in rE63, and a new course formed in r8go~
of Chelmsford, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of The population in I9II was 861.
Chelmsford. The church of St. Michael and All Angels, Post & T. Office.-George Henry Barton, sub-post-
erected in 1873 at the sole expense of the late .Arthm master. Letters arrive from Chelmsford at 7 a.m. &
Pryor esq. of Hylands (d. 1904), is an edifice of bricli 12.30 p.m.; di~patched at 7.30 a.m. & 1.1o & 6.55
and stone in the Early Decorated style, consisting of p.m. ; no sunday delivery. Chelmsford, about 3-
chancel, nave, aisles, south porch, organ chamber and miles distant, is the nearest money order office
a t()wer 57 feet high, with pinnacles, and an octagonal Wall Letter Box (near the 'Running Mare') cleared
1tone spire rising from the tower to an elevation of 70 at 8.5 a.m. & 12.IO & 7·35 p.m. week days; sundays ..
feet and containing- 8 bells: the east window is stained: 9·5 a.m.; Bear P.H. I-IS & 7-5 p.m. week days only
there are 400 sittings. The register dates from the Public Elementary School (mixed), for 155 children;.
year 1874· The living is a vicarage, net yearly value averag-e attendance, 113; Miss E. Taylor, mistress
£Iso, including 5l acres of glebe, with residence, in County Police statiun, Frank Bernard Gipson, constable
(Names marked thus * are in the Southgate Thomas Artbur,Orchard ho 1Carter Henry & Som, farmers, Grea;
parish of Chelmsford.) Tulie Henry Samuel, Bexfields Seabrights & Galleywood hall
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Chaplin Rowland, farmer, Ponds lfll
Barnard Markland, Galleydean COMMERCIAL. Regnall's farms
Bowers Major John, The Rosery Acres Henry Geo. Running Mare P.H Chaplin Thomas, jun. farmer, Bear-
Chaplin Thomas Barrett Waiter J. brick maker mans farm & Cannons Leys
Clarkson Thomas, Woodlands Barton Georg-e Hy. baker, & post off Cook Arthur Jas.Horse & Groom P.H
Dew Rev. Edward Napleton B.D. Brazier Alfred, refreshment rooms Crabb Samuel, boot maker
(vicar), Vicarage Brazier William, baker Evans N athaniel, farmer
Forbes W. J. Lind8ay, Byron house j Brewster Arthnr Fredk. shopkeeper Firman John Thos. farmer, Wood frm
Goode John, The Chase Bryan George, Gardner Robert, poulterer
Keene John Henry, Carlton house Bryan W illiam, fruit grower j Hall Luanna (Mrs. ),apartments, Bella.
Landon Chas.Harcourt, The Homestead Burr ell Elizabetlh (Mrs.), shopkeeper. Vista
Powell Francis Edwin, Esgores :Mill View house Howard Ernest, farmer, Parklands



..Tarvis Frank, blacksmith & «gricul- Lodge Chas. threshing machine propr Wellington Henry, blacksmith
tural implement repairer Marv-en David,. builder Whitoombe Henry, Eagle P.R
..Tarvis James, farmer, miller- (wind & Shelley George, shopkeeper Windebank Henry Thos. Jas~ White
steam), carpenter & builder Taylor Jos~p'h, beer retailer Bear P.H
..Tohnson Ge<>rge, farmer Tayior Lawrence, frmr. Lathcoats fm Wright Arthur, pig dealer
Lodge Alfred William, boot repairer *Week~ Thos. Down, farmer,Goat halljWright Harry Geo. Henniker, farmer

HIGH GARRETT, see Backing.

GESTINGTHORPE is a village and parish, on a there are 300 sittings. The register of baptisms dati!s
t>rook falling into the Stour, 4 miles nwth-east from from 1628 ; burials, 1609; marriages, 1626. The living
Hedingoham station on the Co1ne Valley and Halstead is a sinecure rectory and vicarage, net jQint yearly
cailway, 5 miles south-west,. from Sudbury and 5 north value £429, with 130 acres of glebe and residence, in
from Halstead, in the Northern division of the county, the gift of G. T. Elwes esq. and held since 1887 by the
Hinckford hundred, North Hinakford petty sessional Rev. Crowder Tom Bromwich J.P•. Essex. Roben
-division, Sudbury union and county court district, and Edward Vaizey esq. of Tilbury Hall, lord of the manor
in the rural deanery of Belchamp, archdeaconry of Col- of Nether Hall; Mrs. C. A. Oates, lady of the manor of
~hester and Chelmsford diocese. The church of St. Over Hall; Lieut.-Colonel Walte:r St. George Burke. of
Mary is a plastered edifice in the Early English style, con- A.uberies, Bulmer ; and Messrs. William and Frank
f!isting of chancel, nave, south aisle, south porch and an N ott, Robert Hea:rn, Thm;nas T~verson and th.e trustees
-embattled tower of brick at the west end, containing 6 of James Hearn, of Sible Hedingham, are the principal
t>ells, the first four being dated 1659 ; the fifth dated landowners. Over Rally the seat of Mrs. C. Av Oates,
1581 and the sixth probably about 1480-1500, were re- is a mansion of J."ed brick of various dates, the front
~ast in 1901 : in the tower are the matrices of two being of the Early 18th century: the drawing-room
t>rasses, one supposed to be in memory of John Coo. is panelled, and exhibits some fine carving, and has
end the other to a man and his wife, circa 1450: the an elaborate ceiling of Italian workmanship : the house
l'oof is a fine specimen of double hammer beam, dated contains an interesting collection of specimens of
1480: on either side of the nave are the names of game shot in South Africa by the late W. E. Oates
"''Peter Barnard and Marget, hys wyfe," and " Thomas esq. besides other trophies, and a vah;table collection
Loveday and Alys, hys wyfe," the supposed donors : of pictures and c·hina. A Roman amphora and vase
there are memorial windows to Mary Whitbred Elwes have been found near the house, which in 1891 was
(r878), John Eley Collis (1876}, Francis Oates {1900) much improved by W. E. Oates esq. The soil is light
end W. E. Oates esq. lord of the manor ( 1898): in loam and clay; subsoil, various. The chief crops are
the chancel is a monument to Captain John Sparrow, wheat, beans and barley. The parish comprises 2,708'
ob. ·nth September, 1626, with his effigy, in a devo- acres; rateable value, £2,514; the population in 19u
tional attitude, within a niche surrounded by war- was 488.
like emblems; there is also a mural monument to ODEWELL, or Oddwell, formerly distinct, is now in
John Elliston esq. who died January 22nd, 1741; a this parish.
-small brass to William Boulnois esq. d. 1862, and Post, T. & Telephone Call Office. Mis~ Frances Harri-
:anothel" to John Brewer esq. d. 1879: on the north son, sub-postmistress. Letters arrive from Castle
wall of the nave is a brass plate, erected by the officers Hedingham, Essex, by cycle post at 7 a.m. & 12.25
o0f the Iniskilling Dragoons, to Capt. Lawrence Edward p.m. ; dispatched at 9.25 a.m. & 5·45 p.m. week days
G. Oates, of that regiment, who lost his life while only. Oa~tle Hedingham, 3 miles piatant, .is the
returning from the South Pole in 1912. The sacrarium nearest money order office
was restored in 1893 by the Branwhite family: the oak Letter Box, Moat Farm, corner, cleared 9-35 a.m. &
i!creen, a good example of 15th century work, was 5·55 p.m. week days only
t'estored by Mrs. Oates in 1907: the church was The children in the south-west portion of the parish
restored in 1894 at a cost of over [,1,3oo, under the attend the school at Little Maplestead
direction of A. B. Jackson A.R.I.B.A. of London: a Parish School (mixed), built in 1856, for So children;
new organ was provided in 1910 at a cost of £378: average attendance, 41 ; Miss Frances ;Harrison, mist
Bromwidh Rev. Crowder Tom J.P. Downs Percy, ironmonger Nice Sarah (Mrs.) & Sons,blacksmths
(vicar & rector), Vicarage Downs Stanley, cycle agent Pannell William Joseph, wheelwright
Finch Mrs Felton Charles, Red Lion P .H Phiney Harry, farmer
Hanson George Felton Joseph Stepben, beer retaile1· Rayner John Fredk. briek & tile ma
Oates Mrs. Over ball Gardiner Edward Howard, farmer, Ruffle Francis Wm.frmr.Parkgate frm
Pannell John, The Willows Dalvyns Surridge Waiter, farmer
:Pocklington Robert, Moat house Godefroy Donald, farm bailiff to Mrs. Taylor Thos. Fosdick, frmr. Hill farm
COMMERCIAL. Oates, Hall farm Teverson Thomas, farmer & land-
()hinnery Aubrey, farmer,Church frm Hearn Robert, farmer, Park's farm owner, Nether hall
0oe David, boot maker Leist George, baker Viall Samuel Pratt, farmer, Odewell
Downs King, agricultural implement Martin John, beer retailer farm (letters through Great Maple·
agent stead, Halstead)
GOLDHANGER is a village, on the low ground near Colchester, Feb. 1901, since which date the old church-
the north bank of the estuary of the Blackwater and on yard has been closed for purposes of burial, apart
the road from Maldon to Colchester, 4 miles north-east from existing rights. Numerous mounds on the river,
from Maldon East station and 7 miles east from Lang- called barrow hills, were demolished to convert the
ford station on the Maldon, Witham and Braintree ground into salt-pans for the manufacture of salt,
tlranch of the Great Eastern Tailway, 2 miles from which have now reverted to pasture. A fishing trade
D' Arcy station on the Light railway, 8 south-east from is carried on here, and in the vicinity is a large decoy
Witham and 42! from London, in the Eastern division for wild fowl, which is not now used. The trustees of
()f the county, Thurstable hundred, Witham petty the late Frank Postle Bawtree esq. (d. 1912) are lords of
i!essional division, Maldon union and county court dis- the manor. Henry Fraser James Coape-Arnold esq.
trict, xural deanery of Maldon, Essex archdeaconry M. .A. of Wolvey Hall, Warwickshire, is the principal
and Chelmsford diocese. The church of St. Peter is a landowner. The soil is li~ht; subsoil, gravel. The chief
building of dressed flint with Caen stone facings, partly crops are wheat, peas, beans and barley. The parish
in t.he Early English and partly in the Perpendicular contains 1,796 acres of land, 6 of water, 36 of tidaJ
i!tyle, consisting of chancel, nave, south chapel, south water and 512 of foreshore; rateable value, [,1,957; the
porch and an embattled western tower containing 6 population in 19II was 369 in the civil parish and 799
bells: in the church is an inscribed stone to Anthonv• in the ecclesiastical parish .
Heyham, Q"ent. and his wife, c. 15'40: there are 270
sittings. The register dates from the year 1558. The By Local Government Board Order 22,354, March 24,
tiving is a rectory, with that of Little Totham annexed, r889, detached parts of this parish were transferred to
Tolleshunt D'Arcy and Little Totham, and a detached
joint net yearly value [554, with 35 acres of glebe portion of the latter parish addetl to Goldhnnger.
and residence, in the gift of the trustees of the
late Mrs. Pocock, and held since 1893 by the Rev. ~E'xton. Shepherd Clarke.
:Frederick Thomas Gardner M.A. of St. Peter's College, Post & Telephone Call Office. William Wenden, sub-
Cambridge. There is a Wesleyan chapel in the village. postmaster. Letters from Witham arrive at. 6.40
:In 1900 the Parish Council acquired a piece of land, & (to callers only) 9.40 a. m. ; sundays, 7.40 a. m.;
· 40 feet wide and So yards long, at a total cost dispatched at 9·35 a.m. & 6.10 p.m. ; sunday, 8.40 a.m.
of £2oo, .and added it to the churchyard under the Tolleshunt D'Arcy, 2~ miles distant, is the nearest
"Burials Act;" it was consecrated by the Bishop of money order k telegraph office

.Letter Box, Rectory, cleared at 9.40 a.m. &; 6.15 p.m.; 30 & 22 infants; John Langford, master; Mrs. Lang-
sundays, 8.45 a.m ford, infants' mistress
Public Elementary School (mixed), built in r875, for Carrier to Tollesbury & Maldon.-Collin!\, tues. thurs.
120 children, & enlarged in r8g7 by the erection ot & sat
an infants' school for so infants; average attendance,
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bunting John (Mrs.),frmr.Jehew's frm Mann Charles J. wheelwright
]Jarrett-Lennard Rev. Dacre Fiennes Cemetery (J. W. F. Dobson, clerk Miller Thomas & Son, shopkeeper!!
B.A. (curate) to t.he Burial Authority) Owers John, butcher
Gardner Rev. Frederick Thomas M. A. Dobson George, farmer Page Charles, farmer, Old Rectory
Rectory Dobson John, farmer, Street farm Smith Allan, farmer, Bounds farm
Payne George Henry, Highams housA Emeny George James, blacksmith Taber Arthur, farmer, Falcon hall
COMMERCIAL. Emeny John A. carpentPr Taber Thomas, farmer, Folly Faunt
Belsham Oliver, Daniel & Lewis, Hills Harry, Chequers P.H Walden Henry James, Cricketers P.H
millers (steam) Hutley Harold, farmer Waring William, farmer
Bunting Bros. farmers, The Highams 1 Johnson George, shopkeeper Wenden William, !hopkpr. Post oftlce
GOOD EASTER (or Estre) is a parish and village marl; subsoil, white clay. The chief crops are wheat,
on the Cann stream, 7~ miles north-west from Chelms- barley and beans. The area is 1,987 acres of land and
ford station on the Great Eastern railway, Bi south from r of water; rateable value, £2,126; the population in
Dunmow and 9 north-east from Ongar, in the Mid rgrr was 453 in the civil and 485 in the ecclesiastical
division of the county, Dunmow hundred, Cheln)sford parish.
union, petty sessional division and county court district, Sexton, Fred Wilson.
rural deanery of Roding, archdeaconry of Essex and Police Station, H. T. Harris, constable in charge
Chelmsford diocese. The church of St. Andrew is
an ancient structure of rubble, in mixed styles, con- CHALK END is 1 mile south; Farmbridge is half a
:sisting of chancel, nave of four bays, south aisle, south mile south.
porch ann a western tower with wooden F-pire ro9 feet By Local Government Board Order 22 ,419 , March 24,
high and containing 5 bells, 3 of which replaced the old I888, a detached part of Mashbury, known as Amours,
bells destroyed in the fire of r885, and 2 more were was added to Good Easter, and detached parts of the
~dded in 1892: there is a brass to Margaret, daughter latter added to the former parish by Order 22,423 ; on
pf Edw. Bugg, gent. and wife of Thomas Norrington, the same date a further detached part of the parish,
()b. 1610, and to her daughters: the church was known as Pinchers. was added to Margaret Roding.
restored in 1878 at a cost of £6oo, but having been
partly destroyed by fire, March 22 nd, 1B8s, was again Post Office.-Herbert Hasler, sub-postmaster. Letters
restored in J886 at a cost of [, 2, 200 : a new organ was arrive through Chelmsford at 8.30 a.m.; dispatched
presented by the vicar in 19 10 ; there are 250 sittings. at 5·45 p.m. ; no sunday delivery. The nearest money
The register dates from the year 15 3 8. The living is a order & telegraph office is ali High Easter, 2 miles
vicarage, net yearly value {,205, with residence, in the distant
$!ift of the dean and chapter of St. Paul's, and held Wall Letter Box, near Fountain inn, cleared at 5.20
since 1890 by the Rev. John Michael Giblin M.A. of St. p.m. week days only
Edmund Hall, Oxford, rural dean of Roding, and surro- Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1844 &
gate. The manorial rights are now redeemed. Mrs. enlarged in 1874 & IBgs, at a cost of about £1,200, for
W. J. Irving, W. H. Marriag-e and Sons, of Chelmsford, 130 children; average attendance, 70 mixed & 18 in-
Geoffry Matthews esq. of Falconers Hall, and H. T. fants; Thomas Kerridge. master; Mrs. A. Kerridge &
Pitt esq. are chief landowners. The soil is clay and Miss Alice Bradbury, assistants
Giblin Rev. John Michael M.A. (vicar, Colyer Mary (Mrs.),faTiller,Ladylands Mead Robert, blacksmith
rural dean & surrogate), Vicarage Emarton Horace Robt. Fountain P.H Monk Alfred, farmer, Gurtons farm
Matthews Miss, Wares Emery Peter, farm bailiff to Messrs. Oliver Henry, farmer, Fouchers
W. & H. Marriage & Sons, Bedfo:I'ds Sankey GMrge Edwin, Old Star P.H.
COMMERCIAL. Green Henry, farm bailiff to H. T. & grocer
Bailey David, thatcher Pitt esq Smith Edward, farm bailiff to Mr.
"Baylis Thomas, Hop Pole P.H Hasler Daniel, blacksmith Henry Oliver, The Laurels
Eradbury Thomas, assistant overseer. Matthews Geoffry, farmer, Falconer's Thorne Mary Ann (Mrs.),frmr.Blue ho
collector of taxes & clerk to the hall Towns William, farmer, Elbows farm
Parish Council Matthews Ralph, fanner, Newarks Warder & Sons, bakers
GOSFIELD i~ a village and parish, near a branch of NugenL, oi Carlanstown, eo. Westmeath, created Baron
the Colne, on the road from Hedingham to Braintree, 3 Nugent and Viscount Clare in 1767 and afterwards, in
miles south-west from Halstead station on the Colne 1776, Earl Nugent of the Kingdom of Ireland, second
Valley and Halstead line of the Great Eastern railway, husband of Anne (Craggs), widow of John Knight esq.;
and 5 north-east from Braintree, in the Eastern division Earl Nugent died Oct. 14, 1788: in the chancel is a tomb
of the county, Hinckford hundred, Halstead petty ses- with a brass effigy 3 feet 6 inches in length and some
sional division, Halstead union and county court district, quaint rhyming Latin verses, to Thomas Rolfe, serjeant-
Halstead and Hedingham rural deanery, Colchester arch- at-law, who died in 1440: the east window has been re-
deaconry and Chelmsford diocese. The church of St. filled with stained glass by George Courtauld esq. as a
Catherine, built a bout 1435, is an edifice of stone, memorial liD Susanna, his ~nd wife, who died in 1879, and
plastered, in the Perpendicular style, consisting of there are others to the late Rev. S. W. Dowell, vicar here,
chancel, with north chapel, nave, south porch and. an r848-7o; Reginald Bragg Sparrow and Herbert Edward
embattled western tower (added about 15oo), containing Sparrow, 1882, and to Mrs. Sparrow, 1897: the church
3 bells, two dated 1637 and 1704, the tenor being affords 300 sittings. The register of baptisms and
pre-reformation: in the chancel is a sumptuous monu- burials rlat~s from 1538 ; mal."riages, I539· The living
ment to Sir John Wentworth kt. of Gosfield Hall; is a vicarage. net yearly value [,16o, :including 38 nres
the north chapel was built by Sir John Wentworth kt. of glebe, with Tesidence, in the gift of Mrs. Lowe, and
son of Sir Roger Wentworth kt. of Codham Hall, helJ since 1871 by the Rev. Henry Lettsom Elliot M.A. of
as a. burial place for his family; he died Sept. 15, frmity College, Cambridge. There is a coffee and read-
xstr;, a.nd was here interred under a fine marble ing- room. Lectures are occasionally given in the old
t{•mb, on which three brass shields of arms with church schoolroom. In the vicarage gardens is an iron
quarterings and inscriptions remain; there is also a building, erected in rgor, and used for the Sunday
raised tomb to his daughter Anne, ob. Dec. 5. 1580, srhool. Gm;field Hall, which stands in an extensive
and her first husband, Sir Hugh Rich, knighted in domain, is an intbre:sting specimen of the Domestic style
1553, eldest son of Richard, 1st Baron Rich of Leeze, of the earlier T11dor period, and was inhabited by Loui:~
and Lord High Chancellor 1547-51; Sir Hugh died in XVIII. durin~ part of his stay in this country
1554 and the tomb retains fragments of a marginal in- t 1807-14); it i~ a large pile of brick, forming a quad-
~cription; Anne Rich married secondly Henry Fitzalan, rangle, the western side of which remains nearly in
by: courtesy Baron Maltravers, and thirdly William Deane its original state; but the north, east and south fronts
esq. but had no issue: the west part of the chapel was, were bmlt by John Knight esq. who owned the estate
in the Georgian period, converted into a family pew. in at the beginmng of the r8th century, various alters-
which there is a beautiful marble monument, said to be tions bemg sub;;equently made by the late Lord Nugent:
by Scheemakers, with life-size figures of John Knight t;he interior is adorned by numerous paintings by
esq. ob. 1733, and Anne (Oraggs), his wife, ob. 1756, ,mcient master~ and other works of art: the pari{, of
the bust of the latter being by Guelphi: amon~ the 30~ acres, is richly wooded and contains opposite
memorial tablets to the Nugent family is one to Robert west front of the mansion a lake of 8o acres · ~~~;:;:::::-,

~pI!""" t ~ ........
the seat of Mrs. Lowe, who is lady of the manor and from Halstead by foot post & delivered at 7.25 a.m. k
principal landowner. Cut Hedge is the seat of George 12.15 p.m.; dispatched at 7.25 a.m. &; 12.10 & 5·55
Courtauld esq. J.P. Gosfield Place is the property and p.m. ; sundays, 9.30 a.m
residence of the Rev. Basil J ames Harold Sparrow Gosfield Hall Elementary School (mixed), built in 1851!,.
Beridge M ..A. The soil is strong clay; subsoil, clay for 150 children; average attendance, 63 ; is the
and loam. The chief crops are wheat, beans and private property of Mrs. Lowe, &; is a non-provided
tarley. The area is 2,980 acres of land and 53 of school & lent for the elementary education eommittee'a
water; rateable ,·alue, £3,158; the population in 19II use ; it is controlled by 4 foundation managers,
was 463. appointed by Mrs. Lowe, one by the parish i; on&
Sexton, George Tobias. by the education committee; E. C. Edgar, clerk p
Post, M. 0., T. &; Telephonic Express Delivery Office.- Miss Ellen Baker J owett, mistress
Harold James Cox, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive
COMMERCIAL. Haward Frank C. Green Man P.H
PRIVATB RESIDENTS. .Ardley Philip, farmer, Harmas J eggo Golden, birch broom maker
Beridge Rev.Basil James Harold M.A. Barr Robert John, farmer, Aylewards Kember Alfred, head gardener to Mrs.
Gosfield Place Blomfield .Alfred J .P. estate agent to Lowe
Blomfield .Alfred J.P. Orange hall Mrs. Lowe, Orange hall Keyes Edwd. Brown, King's Bead P.B
Broyd Harry, The Cottage Broyd Harry, farmer &; cattle dealer Lee John, boot repairer
Courtauld George J.P. Cut Hedge Challis Wm. farm bailiff to Mrs.Lowe Mitson Horace William, wheelwrigM
Elliot Rev. Henry Lettsom M.A. Cox Harold Jas. shopkpr. Post office Neil & Sons, farmers, Park Hall
Vicarage Cresswell Thos. T. frmr. Liston hall Owers William, farmer, Shardlowes
Lowe .Arthur Courtauld Willoughby Fenner Joshua, farmer, Wells Parsley James, farmer, Bounces
M ..A. Gosfield hall Fookes Thomas, grocer Reading & Coffee Room (Arthur
Lowe Mrs. Gosfield hall French George .A.rtlhnr, siliopkeeper Wyatt, caretaker)
Lowe T. Percy Taylor, Gosfield hall Gosfield Hall Estate Office (.Alfred Rowson Jas. gamekpr. to Mrs. Lowe
Blomfield J.P. agent), Orange hall Sharpe Reuben B. farmer, Peterfield&

GR.AYS (otherwise Grays Thurrock) is a thriving town in the Gothic style, and will seat over 500 persansP
and llarish on the north bank of the Thames, with a arljoining is a piece of land belonging to the church~
station on the Midland railway, London, Tilbury and The Congregational chapel, in New road, was built m
Southend section, which is also the junction of the 1886, at a cost of £2,8oo, and will seat soo. The Baptist
line to Upminster and Romford, 21 miles from London, chapel, in Orsett road, was erected in 1893, at a cost
3~ west from Tilbury Fort, 4 south-west from Orsett, of _t,1,8oo, from the designs of the late Mr. C. Cobham
12 south from Brentwood, 23 south-west from Chelms- F.S.I. architect, of Grays, and has sittings for 550,
ford, 12 south-east from Romford and 3 (by water) while t! in Clarence road, erected in 1898 at a cost
from Gravesend, a.nd is in the South Eastern division of of £1,2oo, will seat 300. The Primitive Methodin
the county, in Chafford hundred, Orsett union and petty chapel, in New road, erected in 187o, at a cost of
sessional division, the head of a county court district, and £1,837, will seat 350~ The Wesleyan chapel, in th&
in Orsett and Grays rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry London road, built in x884, at a cost of £3,000, will
and Chelmsford diocese. The town, formerly governed seat 400. The United Methodist chapel, in New road ..
by a Local Board of Health, established in 1886, is now, erected in 1873, seats 550. The Strict Baptist chapel, iD
u,nder the provisions of the "Local Government .Act, (}rove road, built in 1878, will seat 200. There are tw~
1894" (56 and 57 Vict. c. 73), controlled by an Urban chapels for the Peculiar People, one in Salisbury road,.
District Council; it is lighted by electricity from works erected in 1892, at a cos,t of £850, seating nearly 300,
the property of the Urban District Council, and is and another in Grange road, erected in 1901 at a cost
supplied with gas by the Grays and Tilbury Gas Co. and of £sso, to seat 200. The Salvation Army hold ser~
with water from the South Essex Water Works; the vices at their barracks in High street. The Friends"
chief pumping station, which is at Grays, also supplies Meeting house is in London road. .A cemetery of 4
the surrounding villages. In 1894 a system of drainage acres, at Little Thurroclr, was formed in 188o, at a
was completed at a total cost of about £42,ooo, under cost of £2,190; it includes a chapel and lodge, and is-
the superintendence of Mr. W. H. Radford ..:\..M.I.C.E. under the control of the Urban District Council; 7t
of Nottingham; the sewage is treated by chemical acres of land, purchased in 1901, have been added to th&
precipitation and subsequently filtered, and there are original cemetery, and laid out at a further cost of
outfall works in the south-east part of the town near the £1,250. The Fire Brigade station, in the Orsett road,
Thames. The parish of Little Thurrcck and the Til- built in :~893, at a cost of £1,3oo, from plans by thtt
bury portion of Chadwell St. Mary are also connected late Mr. Charles Cobham F.S.I. of Grays, includes a
with these works for drainage purposes. The church at club room f(}r the members of the brigade. The Grays-
SS. Peter and Paul, rebuilt in 1846, is a cruciform Co-operative, Industrial and Provident Society Limited,
building of flint in the Early English style, consisting in High street, has now (1914) 6,500 members. Th~
of chancel, nave, north aisle of similar dimensions, society devotes 2~ per cent. of the net profits to educa-
divided into four bays, south porch and a tower on the tional purposes. There is a reading room and library-
north side with dwarf broach spire and containing 3 containing over 3,5oo volumes. The Empire Theatre, i~
bells: the stained east window is a memorial to the High street, was erected in 1910 at a cost of £g,ooo.
children of R. Meeson esq. and was erected in 1870: and will seat 700. The "Public Libraries Act, 1855 •r
there is a memorial tablet in the church to the school- (18 and 19 Vict. c. 70 ), was adopted here in r893, and'
master and boys of the training ship "Goliath," who m 1894 a room in Bank buildings, in the High street,
perished by drowning during the destruction of that was opened as a Free Reading Room and Library; the
vessel by fire, Dec. 22, 1875: the church plate includes present building, in Orsett road, erected in 1903• at a
a handsome flagon, presented 6 Sept. 1877, by Jeremiah cost of £3,000, provided by .Andrew Carnegie esq. of Skib~
Long esq.: the altar and clergy stalls are of carved Castle, Sutherlandshire, on a plot of ground given by ths
oak. There is a brass of a civilian with his two late Mr. Charles Seabrooke J.P. comprises lending library-
wives and some children (c. 1510) and various modern and news and magazine rooms: a sum of [30, receivei
memorials to the families of Button, of Mucking Hall; from the coronation celebration fund, has been used"
Meeson, of Duvals; De Vitre and others: the church for the erection of a museum case, in which object!f
affords 750 sittings. The register of marriages and of of local and antiquarian interest are exhibited. Class&.¥
burials dates from 1674; baptisms from 1677. The for technical instruction are held in the Quarry Hili
living is a vicarage, net yearly value £155, with resi- and Bridge Road Council Schools, and also at Palmer·~r
dence, in the gift; of trustees, and held since 1905 by Endowed School, every week day evening during thtt
the Rev . .A.rthur Henry Wetherell Seally Th. Assoc.K.C.L. winter months. The 3rd Essex Battery, 2nd East
Mrs. Errington, of Merry Oak, Southampton, is owner Anglian Bngade, Royal Field .Artillery, Territorial Forcep
of the impropriate tithes. All Saints, in William street, 1 have their drill hall in Brooke road. .A considerable-
is a temporary iron church, erected in 1887 at the trade in lime and cement is carried on here. The-
expense of the late J. Theobald esq. M.P. and will seat "Exmouth" is a new ship, built in 1905 as a training-
about 400 people; it is served by the clergy of SS. Peter vessel for boys, in place of the former " Exmouth," aa
and Paul. There is a parish hall in the Broadway, old man~of-war: it is moored off the river bank, and
and an institute in William street. The Catholic is under the control of the Metropolitan .Asylums
church, in East Thurrock road, dedicated to St. Board: about 700 boys are here taught seamanship
Thomas of Canterbury, and erected in 1886, at a cost and subsequently drafted into the army. navy and
of £3,500, is an edifice of brick with stone dressings, merchant service: attached to the ship is the "Ex-
mouth Il." which is an auxiliary sea-going tender, Seabrooke esq. J.P. are lords of the manor. William
and is used to give the boys practical training in Taylor :Meeson esq. of Doggetts, Rochford, and the
tieamamhip ; also attached to the ship is an In- Grays Chalk Quarries Co. Limited, are the chief land-
firmary, in High street, and there are swimming owners, and there are various small freeholders. The
baths. The Orsett Joint Hospital Board have erected area of the civil parish and Urban District is 1,358
~ Small-Pox Hospital, standing in three acres of ground. acres of land, x of inland and 202 of tidal water and
ll1 digging the foundations for the station master's 68 of foreshore; rateable value, £57•449; the popula-
house a Roman tesseldted pavement was found, with a tion in rgor was 13,834, and in 19II, 15,998, which
portion of Roman masonry: the forwer now forms the included 663 on l1oard the training ship "Exmouth "
pavement of the church vestry ; a number of other and 6g on sea-going barges. The population of the
antiquities found at Grays are in the Museum of ecclesiastical parish in 19II was 16,031.
Geology, Jennyu street, London, ami ~ere contributed
iR January, 1!l09, by R. Meeson esq. F.S ...l., F.G.S. of By a Local Government Board Order, No. 29,312,
Duvals, where during the process of excavation in r87r which came into operation on 26th March, 1893, part of
the lid of "8 stone coffin was fountl, supposed to be of the Urban District was transferred to Orsett Rura1
the 14th century. The trustees of the late Charles District and part of latter to former distriot.


Post, M. 0. & T. 0. & Telephone Call Office, New road. Houldsworth William Thomas Reginald,. Kirkbride,
-F. Eve red, postmaster. Letters arrive from London Maybole, Ayrshire
direct & are delivered at 7.15 a.m. & 2 & 6.15 p.m.; K-erly Alexander William, The Gables, Horndon-on-the-
sundays, 7· 15 s.m. ; dispatched at 9.30 a.m. & 12.5, Hill, Stanford-le-Hope, Essex
3, 4·55• 6.45, 8, 9.30 & I I p.m.; sundays, 9.15 p.m. Michell Gilbert Luke, Riby, Orsett road, Grays
Money orders granted from 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. Norris-Elye Lewin Charles Cholmley Ralston, Utterby
Telegraph business transacted from 8 a.m. till 8 manor, Louth, Lines
p.m. ; on sundays from 8.30 to to a.m. only Russell Champion Branfill, Stubbers, North Ockendon,
"l'own Sub-Post & M. 0. Office, 36 Orsett road.-Alfred Romford
John Green, sub-postmaster. Open from 8 a.m. to Silverwood Geo. Henry, Palmer's Endowed school, Grays
8 p.m. week days only; wednesdays, 8 a.m. to r p.m. Western Ool. Charles M
Box cleared at G, 9·5 & 11.40 a.m. & 2.30, 4·4o, 5.4o Whitmore Francis Henry Douglas Charlton D.L. Orsett
(loc:ll), 7.25 & 8.40 p.m. ; sundays, 7·45 p.m hall, Orsett, Essex ·
Town Sub-Post & M. 0. Office, Bridge road ( 141 Clarence Williams Blair Hamilton Le-e, Buckland, East Tilbury,
road).-Mrs. Mahel E. Swanbury, sub-postmistress. Tilbury
Open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. week days only; wed- Th~ chairmen, for the time being, of the Grays Urban
nesdays, 8 a.m. to .r p.m. Box cleared at 5·45• 9 & Orsett Rural District Councils are ex-officio justices
& u.3o a.m. & 2.15, 4.25, 5.30, 7.15 & 8.3o p.m.; Clerk to the Magistrates, Thomas .Alfred Capron, 2
sundays, 7·30 p.m Orsett road
Town Sub-Post & M. 0. Office, Southend road.-C. N. Petty Sessions are held at the Police station & Court
Law, sub-postmaster. Letter Box cleared at 5-30, house, Grays, every friday at 10.45 a.m.; also on
8.30 & II-55 a.m. & 4.1o, 7 & 8.35 p.m. on week days tuesday in each week at 5.30 p.m. to dispose of any
& 7 p.m. on sundays urgent business. The following places are included 1
Post Office Telephone Excha.nge, II2 New road in the Petty Sessional Division: Aveley, Bulphan,
Chadwell St. Mary, Corringham, East Tilbury" Fob-
URBAl.~ DISTRICT COUNCIL. bing, Grays Thurrock, Horndon-on-the-Hill, Laindon
Offices, High street. Hills, Little Thurrock, Mucking, North Ockendon,
Orsett, Rainham, South Ockendon, Stanford-le-Hope,
Meets 2nd & 4th thursday at 7 p.m. Stifford, West Thurrock, West Tilbury k W ennington
Vice-Chairman, Herbert E. Brooks.
The Committee, formed 22 Dec. 1908 by Special Order
Retire April, 1915. of the Local Government Board, consists of ro mem-
F'. J. Ambrose George T. Shield bers of t·he Urban District Council, 6 from the Orsett
•Thomas N eal Banks W. H. Umfreville Guardians & 4 persons experienced in the relief of
Retire April, 1916. distress
Thomas J. Goddard Alfred Greenfield Meetings are held at intervals on· fridays at 8 p.m
JJ ohn Golden I Charles Alex. McDonald
Retire April, 1917.
Clerk. Charles Asplin, 59 High street

Herbert E. Brooks George Lyndon Rhodes ORSETT JOINT HOSPITAL BOARD.

~orman Edmund Brooks Chas. Herbert Seabrooke The Board was formed in 1901 & consists of I I members.
The places included in the district are: .A.veley,
Officers. Bulphan, Corringham, East Tilbury, Fobbing, Horn-
J"oint Clerks, Charles Edward Hatten & Charles Asplin, don-on-the-Hill, Laindon Hills, Mueking, North Ocken-
59 High street don, South Ockendon, Orsett, Stanford-le-Hope,
Treasurer, Francis Noel Tomkins, London & Provincial Stifford, Little Thurrock, West. Thurrock & West
Bank Limited, High street Tilbury in the Rural District, Grays Thurrock Urban
Medical Officer of Health, John Alfred Ward M.D. 24 District & the Tilbury Urban District
Bridge road Meetings of the lklard are held montillly, alternately at
l:le~rical Engineer, Ernest Denn Long, Maidstone road the Fever Hospital & 2 Orsett road, Grays
Surveyor, Arthur Charles James .A..M.I.C.E. 57 High st Clerk, James Beck, 2 Orsett road
Sanitary Inspector, G. Herbert Bawling, Orsett road Treasurer, Francis Noel Tomkins, London & Provincial
Collector, Alfred Wilson Paulin, 57 High street Bank Limited, Gravs •

~rrett-Lennard Sir Thomas hart. D.L. 7 Lewes cres-
cent, Brighton, chairman The Board, consisting of 12 members, was formed in
"Barrett-Lennard Richard Fiennes M.A. 233 Eastern road, October, 1912.
Kemp Town, Brighton Meetings are held at the Board room of the Grays
"Barrett-Lennard Thomas D.L. Horsford manor, Norwich Urban District Council, High street, on the 3rd
"Boatman .A.rthur Wilson, Lynton, Palmer's aven. Grays tuesday in the month at 7 p.m. .
lkooks .Alfred, Goldsmiths, Laindon Hills, Romford Chairman, H. E. Brooks J.P
Brooks Edmund Wright, Duvals, Grays Clerk, OharJes .A.splin, 59 High street
Brooks Herbert Edmund, Sti:fford lodge, Grays Consulting Engineer, G. Midgley Taylor
Cocking .A.llan Thomas, Carhampton house, Four Oaks, Works Engineer, S. Flinn
Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham The existing works are in the Manorway, Grays
Corbet Rea, 15 King's Perk road, Bournemouth
Curtis George Edward, Claringbold house, St. Peters,
Hempleman Frederick Seband, 39 Brunswick tert'Sce, Cemetery, Batten & Asplin, 59 High street, joint elerks
B«We, Brighton to the burial boa r<l
Grays Thurrock County Court, His Honor Henry Tin- Baptist, Orsett road, vacant; 11 a. m. & 6.3 0 p.m.. ~
dal"Atkinson, judge; court held monthly; Charles mon. 8 p.m
Asplin, 59 High street,. Grays, registrar & high bailiff. Baptist (Strict), Grove ro!ld, vacant; u a..m. & 6. 15
The district comprises the following places; Aveley, p.m. mon. & wed. 7-30 p.m
Borley, Bulphan, Biggin, Chadwell l::lt. Mary, Corring- Congregational, New road, Rev. Albert E. Fox;- Ii
ham, Fobbing, Grays Thurro_ck, Horndon-on-the-Hill, a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7·30 p.m
La.indon Hills, Kynoch Town, Thames Haven, Little Primitive Methodist, New road (Grays & Romford Cir-
Thurrock, Mucking, Linford, North Ockendon, Sonth cuit), Rev. Marmaduke Robinson; I I a.m. & 6.30
Ockendon, Orsett, Purfleet, Stanford-le-Hope~ Stifford, 1
p.m.; tues. 7.30 p.m
West Thurrock, East Tilbury & West Tilbury United Methodist, New road (London (Forest Gate) Cir4
County Police. Station (division of Grays), Harry Laver, cuit ), Rev. Willis Bryars; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.;
supt.; I inspector (Richard Giggins), 10 sergeants & thurs. 7.30 p.m
31 constables W.esleyan Methodist, London road, Rev. W. J. Gregory
Essex County Council TuberculosisDispensary,London :rd Bestall; 11 a. m. &; 6.30 p.m.; mon. 8 p.m
Fire Brigade, Orsett road, G. H. Worns, captain; J. B. Peculiar People, Salisbury road, Mr. Joshua Hempstead,
Hopcroft, lieut.; F. E. Green, engineer, & 12 men elder; 6.30 & I I a. m.; 3 & 6.30 p.m.; tues. & thurs.
Free (Carnegie) Library & Reading Room, F. W. Saxton, 7·3o p.m
librarian, Orsett road Peculiar People, Grangl'l road, Mr. H. B. Carter, elder;
Masonic Lodge (No. 1,343, St. John), Queen's hotel, bi- 6.30 & 10.30 a.m. & 2.30 & 6.30 p.m
monthly all the year & third wed. in May; Charles Salvation Army, High street; I I a.m.; 3 & 6.:;o p.m
Westwood, Grays, sec -
Orsett Joint Hospital Board Small Pox Hospital, Stephen PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS.
George Floyd M.D., B.S.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng.,L.R.O.P. 'O ..
Lond. medical officer rsett Sub-Committee of Essex Education Committee.
Public Hall, High street The Committ-ee, formed in 1903, consists of 20 members.
Shipwrecked Fishermen & Mariners' Royal Benevolent Meetings are held at the School office, Grays, on th&
Society; hon. representative, A. Horncastlil, High st · 4th tuesday in each month.
. TERRITORIAL FORCE. Chairman, Alfred Brooks J.P. Goldsmiths, Laindon
Hills, Romford
Essex Yeomanry (Grays Troop, D Squadron) Clerk, Turner Jessop, Quarry Hill
grd Essex Battery, 2nd East Anglian Brigade Ruyal School Medi{lal Inspector, llarold Emlyn Jones M.R.C.S.
Fi-eld .Artillery, Artillery Drill hall, Brook road; Eng., L.RC.P.Lond. Brantwood, Palmer's avenue
Capt. M. Kemsley, commanding; Sergt.-Ma~r A~tendance Officers, William Spreadborough, Orsett
William Henry Ede, drill instructor road, Grays; William Webb, South Ockendon &
· George Watts, Chadwell St. Mary
PUBLIC OFFICERS. Bridge road, built in 1897-8, from designs by Mr. C. M.
Assessor & Collector of Taxes, Edward Richard Porter, Shiner A.R.I.B.A. architect of London & Grays, at a
New road cost of £w,ooo, for 300 boys, 300 girls & 370 infants;
Certifying Factory Surgeon, Stephen George FlDyd M.D., enlarged in 1go6, for 420 boys & 420 girls ; averag&
B.S.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond.Milton house, attendance, 375 boys, 350 girls & 265 iJ!fants; J. A.
Orsett road · Nobbs M.A. master; Miss Kate Neal, mistress; Miss
Chief Inspector of Weights & Measures & nnder · the M. A. Rudder, infants' mistress ; a school for cookery-
"Sale of Food & Drugs .Act" & Official Sampler under in connection is held daily; Miss W. Powell, mistress;
"Fertilisers & Feeding Stuffs Act " for the Southern also a manual instruction centre; J. R. Savage.
District, Arthur Horsnell, .153 High street, Brentwood instructor
Clerk to the Guardians of Orsett Union, Charles Asplin, Quarry hill, built in rB84, enlarged in 1885, from design&
59 High street by Mr. E. C . .A.lla.m, architect, of Romford, at a cosl
Customs & Excise Officer, Frederick Bill, 7 Dell road of £ro,ooo, & again in 1893; it will hold 322 boys,.
Engineer & Surveyor to Orsett Rural District Council, 368 girls & 390 infants; average attendance, 321 boys.
Charles Frederick William Marsh, !l Orsett road 345 girls & 360 infants ; Thomas J ones, master; Miss
Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Orsett Union: Clarissa White, mistress ; Miss Gertrude Hutt, in-
Grays East District, .Stephen George Floyd M.D., B.S. fants' mistress .
Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Milton house, Arthur street, built in r888, from designs by Mr. G.
Orsett road; Grays West District, Anthony Fe'fster Waymouth, architect, of Finsbury pavement, London. •
Blake M.RC.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Maidstone road at a cost of £7,ooo, & enlarged in 1892, at a cost of
Relieving Officer No. I District, Orsett Union, Alfred £,2,6oo, for 410 boys, 410 girls & 36o infants ; average-
Berbert Morgan, 27 Crown road attendance, 329 boys, 3.24 girls & 326 infants; Edmund
Registrar of Births & Deaths, Grays Sub-district, Mrs. C. Drury, master; Miss Mary Brown, mistress; Mrs.
Frederick Ernest Green, Lanhydrock, High View Emma Winter, infants' mistress
avenue; deputy, Rev. John J., 28 Sherfield rd School for 6o mentally deficient children; :\Irs. Talbot,.
Re~strar of Marriages, Grays Sub-dist1-ict, Edward mistress
Biddell, 38 Clarenee road Catholic, East Thurrock road, for 265 mixed & roB in-
Surveyor of M-ain Roads & Eridges for South Essex - fants ; average attendance, 121 mix-ed & 57 infants;
Division, .Albert Edward Pooke P.A.S.I. The Limes, the Sisters .of La Ste. Union des Sacres .Coours.-
High View avenue ·mistresses
Vestry Cleric, Thomas AlfrP.d Capron. 2 Orsett road -
Veterinary Inspector under the "Diseases of Animals Palmer's Endowed, founded by William Palmer, in the
Acts" for Orsett District, Philip Vincent M.R.C.V.S. year 1707 & re-established under a scheme, 29th June,
FrMing house, Orsett road . 1871, & now a secondary school under the Board or
Education: new buildings, with spacious dormitories,
PLACES OF WORSIDP, with times of services. were- erected in 1873-4, at a cost of £6,ooo, in a~
SS. Peter & Paul Church, High street, Rev. Artbur ele>ated & nealthy situation, for 140 boys & 75 girls,
Henry Wetherell Seally Th.A.K.C. vicar & chaplain to the head master receiving a limited number of boys as-
training ship " Exmouth; " Rev. Reginald Willoughby boarders; in 1894 an additional building was erected-
Ferrier Th. .A.K.{). & Rev. Arthur Millns Th ..A.K.C. at a cost of j,I,ooo, providing a science lecture-
curates; 8 & I I a.m. & 3 & 6.30 p.m.; daily, 7-30 room & chemical laboratory; in 1895 a detached s·ana·
a.m. & 7 p.m.; wed. 7.30 & 11 a.m. & 7 p.m.; fri. torium was built, & in 1898 additional class-rooms, •
7.30 & I I a.m. & 7 p.m physical laboratory, optical room & combined swimming-
All Saints' Temporary Church, Rev. .A.rthur Henry bath & gymnasium were added; in 1907 an art room, •
W etherell Seally Th.A.K.C. vicar; 8 & 11 a.m. &i 3 & manual workshop, cookery room, additional chemical
6.30 p.m. ; thurs. at 7 p.m laboratory & class rooms were added at a cost of
St. Thomas Df Canterbury Catholic, East Thurrock road. about £15,ooo, & in 1913 additional class rooms & a
Rev. Fx-ank Gilbert, priest t mass, 8 & 10.30 a. m.; botanical laboratory were added at a cost of [3,000 ~
benediction, 6.30 pm.; holidays of obligation, mass, the school is under the control of sixteen governors;
8 & ro a.m. ; benediction, 7 p.m. ; daily mass, 8 Rev. A. H. Delafield M.A. chairman; the endowment
a.m. ; fri. ben-ediction, 7 p.m <'onsists of certain houses in Lombard street & in
Friends' Meeting House, 148 & 150 London road; 9.15 & Beech street, Cripplegate, realizing about £r,ooo-
I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m yearly; George Henry Silverwood M.~&. .• LL.B. head
Brethren, York road; 11 a.m. & 6.3.0 p.m.; mon. & ma;;ter; F. W. Thorpe M ..A., G. F. Douglas M.S.,
wed. 7.30 p.m W. H. Edwards B..A., H. Holbeche B.Sc. & six other
Baptist, Clarence road, Rev. John J. Winser; 11 a.m. assistant masters; Miss E. M. Wren B.A. senior
& 6.30 p.m.; tues. 7.30 p.m mistress; Thos. Alfred Capron, clerk io the ~WntOICS

The " Exmouth" Training Ship, Capt. Reginald B. Col- Railway Station, Arthur Eaton, station master
more B.N. supt.; Lieut. F. L. Coplestone R.N., chief CQnveyance. Vehicles from Grays station to Fox&; Goose-
officer; Rev. A, H. W. Seally A.K.C.L. chaplain; inn, at West Thurrock, several times daily, on week
Arthur John Partridge M.B., Ch.B. surgeon; Wm. days only. Vehicles also run between Grays railway
Hollamby, schoolmaster; Capt. Ernest Edwards R.N. station & Orsett, meeting the 9.52 a.m. & :12.32 &i 4·44-
commander " Exmouth II " p.m. up trains &; 9-50 a.m. & I2.40, 5-24 & 6.:.; p.m.
down trains
Fox Rev. Albert E. (Congregational), Penticost George Henry, S~. Wini-
The Nook, High View avenue fred's, Bridge road
Adam James, u2 Bridge road French William Henry, Glenville, Philbey Herbert, 91 Orsett road
Alger ThQma.s James, The Poplars, Park View gardens Porter Edward R. Ilford house, High
High View avenue Fry Ern.est, Hillside View avenue
Allsworth Leonard Edward, River- Gilbert Rev. Frank (Catholic), The Potter Frank Charles, Strathmore,.
riew, Argent street Presbytery, East Thurrock road High View avenue
Asplin Charles, Freehy Goddard Thos. Jillard, 120 Orsett rd Prentis Charles Ebenezer,. Y-very,.
Bailey Clifford, The Cottage, Vie- Goldsmith Mrs.Hill crest,Palmer's av Bridge road
toria avenue Gooden Charles William, Norwood Privett Jasper Benjamin Joseph, 13-J.
Ben.son William, 122 Orsett road lodge, Stanf<>rd road Orsett road
Bertram Eugene, Pinehurst, High Goodyear Mrs. n8 OI"Sett road Rees Thomas, The Laurels, High
View avenu6 Hall Thos. By. Penlee, Palmer's aven View avenue
Bestall Rev. W. J. Gregory (Wesleyan Harvey Bertie Sydeuham, Beacon ho. Robertson James, 34 High street
Methodist), Wesley ho. Palmer's av High View avenue Robinson Rev. Marmaduke (Primitive
Blake Anthony Fewster, Bentley,Maid- Hattrick Alexander, Fernbank, High Methodist), Bralton, High View av
stone road View avenue Rosenbloom Maxim, 2 Bridge road
Boatman A.rthm· Wilson J.P. Lynton, Hayward Ernest, Glenside, College av Rowe Harry, Upney, Bridge road
Palmer's avenue Higgins Horace B.Clovelly,Palmer's av Roworth Ernest,Kenilworth, Eridgerd
Bolt James, Carisbrooke,High View av Higgins John, Burleigh, Palmer'.s av Sage Fredk. Limes, High View aven
Boltom John, Courtfield, Lodge lane Holbeche Harry, Kinlet, Lodge lane Savage James Richard, Oaklands.,.
Bond Arflmr, 109 Ossett road Honey George H. Carisbrooke court, High View avenue
Bowton John William Sturdy, Over- Lodge lane Scaife William, 112 Orsett road
bury, Park View gardens Hump'hreys Thomas, 105 Orsett road Schiff Abram Adam, The Dell, Stan-
Bratt Thomas, 107 O.rsett road Jackson Frank, 101 Orsett road ford road
Breadnan Richd.Thrift villa,Bridge rd James Arthur C. Malvernbury, Schultz Thomas,Fairview,Palmer's av
Brennan Sidney, Top of the Hill, Palmar's avenue Seabrool;:e Charle~ Herbert, The-
Palmar's avenue James Harry, Ohristine house, High Echoes, New road
Brooks Edmond Wright J.P. The View avenue Seabrooke Herbert Cecil, Black asb,.
Duvals J ~>.ssop Aaron, Highclere, Park View Bridge road
Brooks Wait. H. Drayton, Palmar's av gardens Seabrooke Jonathan, The El!D4!
BrDwn Miss, Lyncombe, High View av Jessop Turner, Graysholm, Bridge :rd Seabrook& MI"S.F. Bridge vil.Bridgerd
Brown William Arthur, Blair Athol, Jones Harold Emlyn, Brantwood, Seally Rev. Arthur Henry Wetherell
Palmer's avenue Palmer's avenue Th.Assoc.K.C.L. (vicar, & chaplail)l Rev. Willis (United Metho- Jone11 'l'homas, 10 Sherfield road to training ship Exmouth, & the-
dist), Epworth, Park View gardens Jordan Arthur Frank, Kia Ora, Orsett 3rd East Anglian Brigade Royal
Buckner Albert W. 132 Orsett road road Field Artillery),TheVicarage,High si:
Burkey Jsph. Thrift villa, Bridge rd Jordan Geo. Rivel'Sfield,High View av Semmence Ernest Edward,7 Orsett rd
Burlton Waiter H. S. Ingleside, High Jordan Peroy George, Elm cottage, Slhield- George T. Ohirru;ide, High
View avenue Bridge road View avenue
Bye John, Cromlech, Park View gdns Kenniford George, 6o Orsett road Silverwood George Henry M.A.,LL.B.,.
Campbell Jn. Tyneside, High View av King Frnncis 4-rthur A. Hillsboro, J.P. Palmar's Endowed school
Capron Thomas Alfred, Grays hall Palmer's avenue Simpson Henry Jeffrey, Ravenswood
Carter Christopher Henry, Brenchley, King Harry, Eureka, High Vtew aven Slattery Arthur Vincent, Bank side,.
Park View gardens jLecquire Mr.s.Woodingdon,Palmer's av High View avenue
Oarter Henry James, Rocklands, Pal- Lewis John Stephen Herbert, 25 SI?ith William Simon, 12 Sherfield rd
mer'& avenue Orsett road .J Spooner James Thomas, 126 Orsett rct
Catton Alfred, no Orsett road Lincoln Edmund lnnes, Deronda,Park Sumner Arthur William, Elm'hurst,.
Chapple Ernest, Landulph, High View gardens High View avenue
View avenue Long Ernest D.lnworth,High View av Taylor Mrs. Bryn Siriol, Orsett road
Choppen Stephen, Kent view Lowe l'rederick Boulton,Lister house, Thomas Fdk.Haslemere,High View av-
Colmore Capt. R. B., R.N. Training Orsett road Thorpe Frederick William, South
ship "Exmouth" McKay Thomas R. Tom tern, Crest view, Palmer's avenue
Conoley Walter,Craig-y-don,Orsett rd Hill avenue Thorpe Waiter, The Willows, High.
Cowell Josia.h Geo. Hill ho. Orsett rd McKenzie Tom Macindoe, Ellesmere, View avenue
Curry John Thomas, Button Holm, llig'h View avenue Thurgood Mrs. Woodlands, iBridge rct
Park View g&:J:dens Marchant Ernest Charles, Alfriston, Tomkins Franci9 Noel, Bank house.
Denham Herbert, 103 Orsett ;road Palmer's avenue High storeet
Dobrie Franklin Binimy H. Belmont Michell Gilbert Luke J.P. Riby, Or- Tricker John, Dovercourt, Bridge rd
castle sett road Vincent Philip, Frating ho. Orsett ;rd
Drucy Edmund Oharles, 62 OI"Sett rd ::\lillns Rev.Arthur Th.A.K.C.(curate), Walker Harry J. X24 Orsett road
Dynes Thomas Reed, Avenue lodge, Holmleigh, High View 11venue - Walker Mrs. Stags dene,High View av- ·
Palmer's avenue Mitchell George, Court 1 1dge,Lodge la Wall Charles J.P. Farley
Perrier Rev. Reginald Willoughby Neal James, Devonia, High View av Wall Frank, Chetwynd, Palmer's aT
A.K.C.L. (curate), St. Leonards, Nobbs James Alfred B.A. Felbrigge, Ward John Alfred M.D. 24 Bridge rd
Hig".a View avenue Park View gardens White Robt. Portland, High View aY'
Fisher Frank, Pier lodge, Argent st O'Connor Edwa.rd, 1St. Kilda, High Williams Harry Archibald, St. lTes,.
Fisher Harold John, Majella, Park View avenue Palmer's avenue
View gardens Partridge Arthur John M.B., Ch.B. Winser Rev. John J. (Baptist), 28'
Flinn Stephen Richard, n6 Orsett rd Carlton, Palmer's avenue Sherfield -road
Floyd Stephen George M.D. Milton Patterson Edwd. Avoca, High View av Winter Alfred, Engelberg, Bridge :rd
honse, Orsett road Paolin Alfred, 114 Orsett road Wylie Arthur M. Ilfracombe, High
Ford Sidney, Burbank,Park View gdns Pearson Thos. Sunnyside, Argent st View avenuP
Yeo Wm.Fdk.Devonhurst, Stanford rct
COMMERCIAL. Andrews Frank E. painter, 39 ~ew road
Early closing ctay, Wednesday 1 p.m. Andrews George, boot repairer, 3 George street
!.dams George Charles, lightennan, 66 Orsett road Antram Harry, hair dresser, 189 London road
.!dams Matilda (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 34 Richmond road Asplin Charles (firm, Hatten & Asplin). solicitor, county
Ad-elmann William, butcher, 21 Broadway court registrar & high bailiff, supt. registrar of
AmbroseBrothers,mineral water manufacturers.George st births &c. ior Orsett district & clerk to the guardians,
Ambrose & Fitzp;erald, furniture brokers, 140 Clarence rd Orsett union &; joiut clerk to Urban District Council
Amos Frank Hulbert, boot repairer, 2 Gipsy lane & clerk to Grays ·rhurrock Distress Committee &.
Ancient Order of Foresters (Court Bellmont Castle Grays Thurrock & Tilbury Joint Sewerage Board, 59
.5564) (Frederick Thomas White~, sec.), 19 Darnley rd High street
Associated Portland Cement Mnfrs. (1goo) Limited Cooper Harry, shopk-c:eper, E6 Bridge road
{The) (Hilton, Anderson, Brooks &; Co.'s works) Coppen William Alfred, hair dresser, 45 Bridge road
.Atkins Jabez, shopkeeper, 81 Argent street Corke George, painter & plumbel'-, 64 New road
.Baines Alice (Miss), dress maker, 2 Richmond road Corke William Henry, confectioner, 19 High street
.Baines Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 235 London road Cottis Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 2 Stuart road
.Baird Francis, baker, 40 Bridge road County Court (Charles Asplin, registrar &; high baili1J),
Baker Jas. boot dealer 77• &; china dlr. 79, Clarence rd 59 High street
Barber Edward, registered lodging hou~, Manor road Cowell Josiah George, district superintendent Pruden(lal
Barlthrop Frederick, ship smith, 143 High street Assurance Co. 3 Orsett road
.Barret.t William, shopkeeper, 144 High street Cox Joseph A. sign writer, 5 Orsett road
Bate ~~lizh. (Mrs.), confctnr. & tobacconist,38 Broadway Cranstone Frederick, china & glass dealer, 53. New road
..Baxter Charles F. shopkeeper, 18 St. Thomas's place Crompton Henry Oliver, reporter & representative for
.Eeacon Stone Co. Limited, builders' merchants, London "Grays & Tilbury Gazette," 22 New road
road. T N 68 Tilbury Crooks George W. upholsterer, 77 Stanley road
.Beck, clerk to the Orsett Joint Hospital Board, Crouch & Son, wheelwrights, 12 Maidstone road
2 Orsett road Cummin John Brough, hair dresser, 24 Broadway
:Delton Cissie (Miss), dress maker, 104 Clarence road Dalton & Co. wholesale druggists, 106 High street
..Benn George, dairyman, 2 George street Darkin Herbert (Mrs.), confectioner, 146 High street
Bestley Waiter Frank, solicitor, 13 Orsett road Davis Elizabeth M. (Mrs.), baker, 36 Broadway
Bettridge &; Rose L.D.S. dentists, 97 Orsett road Davis Eruest, shopkeeper, 136 London road
.Biddell Edward, registrar of marriages for Grays sub· Davis Henry M.P.S. chemist &; insurance agent,2New rd
district, Orsett union, 38 Clarence road Davis John Edward, beer retailer, 229 London road
:Birch Hilda (Miss), dress maker, 33 Stanley road Davis William H. beer retailer, 4 Gipsy lane
lBlake & Jones, physicians & surgeons, Maidstone road & Dawes Edward John, upholsterer, 36 Bridge road
Brantwood, Palmer's avenue Deats James, dairyman, 47 Clarence road
.Slake Anthony Fewster M.B.C.S.Eng.. L.B.C.P.Lond. Denhard George D. furniture dealer, n Clarence rdad
(firm, Blake & Jones), surgeon to Tilbury Hospital & Dent Harry, wardrobe dealer, 122 Argent street
medical officer Grays (West) district, Orsett union, Dines Eugenie Hannah (Miss), teacher of music, 46
Maidstone road New road
lllandford E. M. (Mrs.), confectioner, 31 High street Dines William Claxton, tobacconist, 104 High street
".Blandford Sidney, el-ectrical engineer, 31 High street Dubson Charles, shopkeeper, 174 London road
'Board of Trade Labour Exchange (..!.. St-~edman, man- Dorman Frederick. Half Moon inn, 40 & 42 Broadway
ager), Clarence road Dunstan Edward Frederick, boot repairer, 6 York road
'Boatman Arthur Wilson, watch &; clock ma. 72 High st Dvorjetz & Schiff, saw mills, Thames road
"Boots Cash Chemists (Southern) Limited, 14 High st Edgar James, outfitter, 69 High street
'Boston Edward James, boot maker, 136 High street Edmead James Edward, joiner, 75 .Argent street
Bougourd Charles, hair dresser, qoa, High street Edwards James T. provision dealer, 75 High street
Eradley Waiter Fred.k. monumental mason, 72 Orsett rd Ehm .A.dolph, news agent, 144 London road
'Brewitt Edward, leather merchant, 97 High street Elliott Lucy (Mrs.), dining rooms, 107 High street
Bridger Charles, carman, 24 Sherfield rd. & Station yard Elvey William, shopkeeper, 4 Clarence road
Erown Brothers, builders, Bridge rd. T N 537 Tilbury Essex Battery (3rd), East Anglian (2nd) Brigade, Royal
"Brown & Goff, tailors, 14 New road Field .Artillery, Territorial Force (Capt.. M. Kemsley,
"Brown George, builder, London road commanding; Sergt.-M·ajor William Henry Ede, drill
Broyd George. beer retailer, 125 High street instructor) • .Artillery Drill hall, Brooke road
"Bruce Alexander & Co. railway sleeper contractors Essex County Council TuberculosisDispoensary,London rd
Bruce Bobert Edward, hair dresser, Church path Essex Equitable Building Suciety (B. D. Borradaile,
Burford John. shopkeeper, 84 Argent street sec.), 35 Orsett road
"Buttell Emily (Mrs.), dress maker, 135 Clarence road Essex &; Kent Mutual Building Society (Edward B.
'Button Elizabeth Lydia (Miss), district r.urse, 104 Porter, sec.) ; registered offices, 31 New road
Cla.rence road "E:x.mouth" Training Ship (Capt. R. B. Colmore RN.
<Jalder Marga.ret (Miss), dress maker, 5 Cromwell road supt.; Capt. Ernest Edwards B.N. commander
'Candler Mabel (Mrs.), fishmonger 23, fried fish dealer E:x.mouth II.; Lieut. F. L. Coplestone R.N. chief
35, & hardware dealer 5.5, New road officer; Rev. A. H. W. Seally .A.K.C.L. chaplain;
<Capital & Counties Bank Limited (The) (branch) (James .A.rthur .T ohn Partridge M.B., Ch.B. surgeon; William
Robertson. manager), 34 High street; draw on head Hollambv, •
office, 39 Threadneedle street, London E C Faupoel Brothers, butchers, 22 High street
()apron T. A. & Co. solicitors &; commissioners for oaths, Fenwick Thomas Richard, watch maker, 34 Bridge road
2 Orsett ro34! Fergusson Albert, boot maker, 26 High street
'(}apron Thomas Alfred (firm, Capron T. A. & Co.), soli- Fisher Harry, shopkeeper, 4i Bedford road
citor, cltlrk to the magistrates for the Orsett division, Fisher John, confectioner, ~2 Bridge road
clerk to the governors of Palmer's endowed school, Fitzpatrick George, furniture broker, see Ambrose &
vestry clerk &; clerk to Tilbury Urban District Coun- Fitzpatrick
cil, 2 Orsett road Fleming E. G. H. (Miss), school for girls, II Orsett rd
<lard Charles Edwin, hair dresser, 30 Bridge road Flinn Frederick Harper, assistant overseer & poor rate
Carter H. J. Ltd. builders, Argent st. T N 517 Tilbury collector Grays sub-distriet, Orsett union, Dalby, High
Ca.rter George Everitt, cycle maker, 6o High street; View avenue
motor garage, London road & jobmaster, Railway ll'loyd & Lowe, physicians & surgeons, Orsett road
Hotel vard Floyd Stephen George M.D .• B.S.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng .•
"Carter James Edward, shopkeeper, 4 William street L.B.C.P.Lond. physician & surgeon (firm, Floyd .t
Carter Samuel Jas. news agt. &; stationer, q8 High st Lowe), certifying factory surgeon & medical officer to
"Carter William, fishmonger, n j High street the OrEett Joint Hospital Board Small Pox Hospital &
Cemetery(Hatten&Asplin,joint clerks to the budal board) medical officer Grays (East) District, Or sett union,
Chaplin Isabella (Mrs.), midwife, 166 London road Milton house, Orsett road
"Chapman .Alfred, boot repairer, II2 High street Fobbing Commissioners of Sewers (C. B. 0. Gepp,
Chapman George Arthur, boot repairer, 124 William st elerk), held at Queen's hotel
Chapman John, boot repairer, 28 Broadway Fraser William Henry, teacher of music, 46 Orsett road
Cheesman Henry, greengrocer, 28 Gipsy lane Free (Carne~rie) Library &; Reading Room (F. W. Sax-
Ohubb George, sewing machine agent, ?-P Cl6rence road ton, librarian), Or!!ett road
Clark Percy, greengrocer, ~ Maple road Freeman, Hardy & Willis Ltd. boot dealers, 16 New rd
Clayden Chas.Wm.fishmongr.I York rd.& grngro.High st Freer A. H. & Co. decorators, III Orsett road & Elm rd
'Claydon Daniel Israel, shopkeeper, 29 George street French Burr Millstone Co. Seabrooke's wharf
·Clements Henry, boot maker, 34 Bronrlway French Charles, boot repairer, 96 London road
•Cockley George W. confectioner, xo Orsett road Frisby Joseph Limited. boot de-alers. 21 Hi!!"h street
·Cockley William, shopkeepel', 34 Derby road Frost William Isaac, White Hart P.H. 120 High street;
>Coe J ames. boot repairer, 28 Maidstone road Gardiner A. clothier. I I Broadway
Cole & Lecqnire, corn mers. & barge owners, Pier wharf Gardner Herbert E. butcher, 47 Bridge road
Coles Charles J. baker, 102 High street Gayler .A.rthur, dairyman, 48 Grove road
Collier James, Theobald Arms P.H. 141 High street Gentry Alice Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 8 Whitehall lane
Collins Thomas, shopkeeper, I Maple road Germany George, shopkeeper, n4 High street
Conservative Association (Edward Biddell, sub-agent), Gilbert George Edward, harness maker, 8 Orsett road
Clarence road Gilling Sarah .Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 6o George street
Cook Lydia (Miss), dress maker, 20 Grove road Glasson John Ri::hd. house furnisher, 43 & 45 High st
Go1f William, tailor, se.e Brown & Goff Hurrell GeJrga & Sons, bill p,),;.ters, 42 Bt>dford road
Goldacre 1oseph E. fruiterer, 136 Clarenoe road Hurst John, inspector of nuisances for Orsett Rural
Golden John, Bricklayers' Arms P.H. 48 Bridge road District Council, 100 New road
Goldsmith E. J. et W. Limited, barge owners, Town lnternational Tea Co.'s Stores Limited, 8 High street
wharf. T N 6 Tilbury Jaggard \Vm. Swain C. boot repairer, 111 Cromwell rd
Goodyear William .A. boot repairer, 107 Clarence road James ~\rthur Charles A.:M:.I.C.E. sun-eyor to the Urban
Gray Geo. Edwd. timber mer. & importer, London rtl District Council, 57 High street
Grays & District Agricultuml Co-opPrative Soci-ety Ltd. Jarvis 1\lark, grocer, 116 London road
Osmond villa, Victoria avenue Jefferies H. J. & Co. solicitors & commissioners for
Grays Chalk Quarries Co. Limited, chalk merchants oaths, 13 Orsett road
Grays (The) Co-operative Industrial & Provident Soc. J e.fferies Harry John, S:.Jlicitor (firm, Je:fferies H. J. &
Limited (J. T. Vousden, sec.), 68 et 82 High street & Co. ), 13 Orsett road
East Thurrock road; library & reading rooms (L. W. Jennings Brothers, {)ilmen, 12 Clarence road
Law, librarian), High street; coal wharf & bakery, J enuings Art bur Frederick, coal dealer, Station yard &
Argent street confectioner, 59 New road
Grays Co-operative Mutual Permanent Benefit Building Jessop Turner, clerk to Orsett sub-committee of the
Society (Thomas Banks, sec.), New road Essex Education Committee, Quarry hill
Grays & Distl'ict People's Cafe Co. Ltd. (Algernon C. J ohnson Henry & Son, bakers, 44 Clarence road
Rhodes, manager), 55 High street Johnson Abraham, butcher, 140 William street
Grays & District Recreation Ground Co. Ltd.Town wharf Johnscn Frederick Thomas. highway surveyor to Orsett
Grays & District Unionist & Tariff Reform Club Limited District Council. 2 Orsett road
(S. Smithson, hon. sec.), Clarence road Johnstone Bros. travelling drapers,I Oak vil.Sherfield rd
Grays Empire (Fredericks' Electric Theatres Limited, Jones Harold Emlyn M.R.C.S Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond.(firm,
proprietors; B . .!.. Miller, manager) Blake & J·one~), physician &; surgeon, k school medi-
Grays Fire Brigade (Geo. H. Worns, capt.), Orsett road cal inspector, Brantwood, Palmer's a\-t>nue
Grays Liberal &; Labour ~\ssociation (E. T. Smallcombe, Jones John, insurance agent, 43 Stanley road
1.100.), 51 Orsett road Jordan Brothers, chemists, so High street
Grays Pure Milk Co. (William Henry Umfreville, pro- Joyes .Arthur Edgar, draper, 4, 6 & 8 New road.
prietor), dairymen, 43 New road Keating- John William, draper, m, :Maple road
Grays & Tilbury Dye Works (W. Ware k Co. proprie~ King George, boot repairer, 172 London road
~rs), High street King Herbert Frank, watch repairer, 137 High street'-
Grays & 'l'ilbury Gas Co. (William F. Wh1ttaKer, sec.); King William, shopkeeper, 59 William street
offices, Bank buildings, High street; .Arthur W. Knowles & Tampkins, mineral water manufacturers;
Sumner A.M.I.M.E. works manager), London road fruit syrups & ginger wine a speciality, Niagara
Grays k Tilbury Gazette (publi<>hed friday); branch Mineral Water works, Crown road
office, 22 New rood Lanaway Matilda (Mrs.), apartments, 90 Clarence road
Grays Urban District Council Electricity Work!; (Ernest La Ste. Union des Sacres Creurs, private school (Rev.
D. Long, engineer), Maidstone road ' Mother, superioress), 38 College avenue
Grays Wt-dnesday Football Club (A. C. Webb, hon. sec.), Laundry Chas. fruiterer & fishmonger,2o & 22 'Broadway
35 Cromwell road Laver Harry, supt. of County Police for Grays division
Graya Working Men's •Social Club &; Institute (Richard & inspector under the "Contagious Diseases (Animals)
RidPr, sec.), London road Acts" for Orsett Petty Sessional division, Police statn_;
Green Amos & Co. wardrobe dealers, 19 & 25 New road Lawrence John James, builder, 38 New road
Green George & Sons, coal merchants, 19 .Arthur street Lea Owen H. shopkeeper, 2 Cromwell road
Green .Alfred James, tinplate worker, g6 High stroot Lee Hrrbert S. insurance supt. 56 Orsett road
Green F. E. (Mrs.), registrar of births & death" for Lewis John Stephen Herbert M.B.,B.S.,L.M.S.S.A.Lond:
Grays sub-district of Orsett union, Lanhydrock, High (firm, Ward & Lewis),physician & surg~on,25 Orsett rd
View avenue Lindi John, refreshment rooms, 15 High street
Green Waiter Henry, fruiterer & confectioner,8I High st Lipton Limited (branch), provision dealers, 4 High st
Greening Fras. Edwd. watch & clock maker, 17 New rd Liverpool Victoria Legal Friendly Society; district
Grimes Robt. Benj. hair drt-sser & news agt. 7 Broadway office (H. S. Lee, supt. ), 56 Orsett road
Grimwood Ada Gertrude (Miss), confr. 14 Clarence rd London &; Manchester Industrial Assurance Co. Limited.
Gulvin Alfred Charles John, cycle agent, 10 Clarence rd (Arthur Gardiner, supt. ), 65 Cromwell road
Gunn Florence (Miss), dress maker, 79 Stanley roan London (The) & Provincial Bank Limited\
Gunn Henry, shopkeeper, 134 High street (branch) (Francis Noel Tomkins, manager); draw on_
Gnrnett James, watch maker, 46 High stree~ head office, 3 Bank buildings, Lothbury E C & Glyn,
Gush James, carver & gilder, 54 High street Mills, Currie & Co. 67 Lombard street, London E C.
Haine'! William, fishmonger, 100 High street See advertisement
Hall Mary Anne (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 63 Clarence road Long Ernest Denn, engineer, Grays Urban District Coun -
H1111 Thumas Henry, linen draper, I & 3 Broadway cil Elrctricity works, Maidstone road
Hall William Ernest, confectioner, 139 High street Lovell Waiter, teacher of music, 35 London road
Bammett Herbert, dairyman, 6 Clarence road Lowe Frederick Boulton M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., M.R.C.V.S.
Harding-Kiff M. (Mrs.), wardrobe deal.3r, q & 5 YorJ.: r.· physician & surgeon (firm, Floyd &; Lowe), Orsett road
Hare William John, Bull inn, go High street Lowe Henry Jaml'S, tobacconist, 21 New road
Buris William, carter, 8 Pilrker road McNeil Hannah (Mrs.), Wharf hotel, West wharf
Barvt>y ('l<noline (Mrs.), laundress, I3 Broadway Macro Jessie (Miss), district nurse, 9 Orsett road
Barvey William Henry, pianoforte warehouse, no New rd Mahany Robert Edward, pianoforte tuner, 59 Orsett rd
Hatt Harriet (Mrs.), confectioner. 81 Clarence road ~hlton .JJhn, boot repairer, 32 Richmond road
Batten & Asplin, solicitors. & joint clerks to the Urban Mann George, draper, 204 & 2o6 London road
District Council, 59 High street Marsden Sidney, hair dresser, 32 Broadway
Batten Charles Edward (firm, Batten & .Asplin), solici- Marsh Charles Fredi.'-rick William, engineer &; surveyor
tor & joint clerk to Urban District Council, 59 High st to Or;;ett District Council, 2 Orsett road
Bawkins William Thomas, confectioner, 4I New road Marsh Frederick, carman, London road
Big~ns John, printer & stationer, 13 New road Marsh 'l"homas William, greengrocer, Clarence road
Bill FrPderick, customs & excise officer, 7 Dell road \farshall David. l'hopkt>eper, 6 Gip!i!y lane
Bill William, estate agt>nt, 5 Shakespeare viis. High st Mason Harry William & Son, fruiterers, 38 Bridge road
Bills Arthur Edward, shopkeeper, 65 Clarence road et 6 Orsett road
Bills Zilpha (Mrs.), tailoress, 65a, Clarence road Masonic Lodge (1,343 St. John)(Charles Westwood, sec.).
Birst Mary Jana (Miss), music teacher, 24 Parker road QnPPn's hotPl
Bollamby William, schoolmaster to training ship "Ex- :\latthews Robert, auctioneer, 77 New road
mouth," Hnlmleigh, High View avenue \hypol<> D:tiry Co. Lim:trd. 29 High strt'et
Bolt JamPs William, shopkeeper, 56 Argent strPet Mays William Frederick, fishmonger, r65 London road
Borne & Colonial Stores Ltd. (The), gr'lcers, 27 Hi{!h st Mead Frederick, gardener to Charles Herbert Seabrooke
BoneybaU Beniamin, shopkeeper, 6o William esq. The Lodge, New road
BopCJaft Jas. Baker, watch & clock maker, 99 High st 'Vfichell Brothers, drapers, 84, 86 & 88 &; 40 & 42 High st
Bopewell Eliza Matilda (Mrs.), shopkpr. 32 Maidstone rd \filler James. shopkt>eper, 25 Quarry hill
Borncastle .Arthur. furniture dealer 76, & clothier 83. \fitcham Charles. draper. 16, r8 & 20 High stre<>t
High street & I New road & ironmonger,J & 5 New rd \fitchell Joe CharlPs.pharmaceutical chPmist,ss High st
BfJJ'objn Arthnr, hair drPs~er, 63 High street \fog~ William, shopkt>t>per, 42 Derby l'Cad
BoweD Emily GPrtrude (Miss). dress mq.2o Clart>nce ro '\foore HPnry. tobacconist & news agt-nt, 13 High strPet
Bowell J<~ne (Yrs.), Railway hotel, 61 High street- \forgan Allrl'd HerbPrt. relieving & vaccination offict>r,
Hudson Herbert, hair dresser, 43 George street No. I district, 27 Crown road
Mumford Joseph, corn dealer, 19 Broadway 'Rhode:; George Lyndun, tailor & outfitter,.2 High st
Mundy J..lbert J. baker, 23 High street Richards Stanley, artificial teeth maker, 34 Orsett road!
Nash Alfred W. & Son, boot & shoe makers, 4il High st R.ichards Thos. Hy. tinplate worker, II7 & ug High st
Nash .Albert Edward, insurance supt. 24 London road River Plate Fresh Meat Co. Limited, 25 High street·
Nash Robert, shopkeeper, II8 & II6 High street Roach Richard B. shop blind maker, 32 Exmouth road
National Deposit Friendly Society (Damel Moir, sec.), Rob bins William James, plumber; 54 Derby road
94 Clarence road Robert.s William H. carman, 126 High street
Needham Edward Joseph,picture frame ma. n5 New rd Rock Manufacturing Co. (The), makers of Baralite •
Nelson James & Sons Limited, butchers, 6 & 79 High Magnesia cement, Town wharf ·
street & xo New road Rose Lewis, tailor. 51 High street
New Century Motor Co. cycle makers (William Carter, Rous George Benjamin, huilder, 94 Bridge road
proprietor), 43 Orsett road Russell .Alfred, photographer & pianoforte dlr.x OrseU rli
Ne"\\'nham Florence (Mrs.), costumier, 41 Orsett road Sadd Horace John, grocer, 5 William street
Nicholls William George, shopkeeper, 5 .Argyll road Sagt> Ernest IY. music wareho. 56 High st. & 97 New, rd
Noad Charles Edwin, pianoforte dealer, I I New road Sage Robert, fancv baz.aar, 57 ~ew road
Norrington John, shopkeeper, 185 London road Salmon Harry William, decorator, no Clarence road
Norris Henry, Castle inn, 89 & 91 .Argent street Salmon ~iary (Mn. ), shopl;eeper. 108 Clarence road
Oakley John & Jas. B. dlrs. in antiquities, 95 New rd Sanderson William T. plumber, 43 Milton road
Oakley & Sons, jobmasters, Bank lodge, George street Saunders Alfred, confectioner, 43 Bridge road
Oakley Thomas, boot repairer, 14 Clarence road Saxton Edward Victor, hair dresser 12, & art needlework
Oliver Thomas, shopkeeper, 154 High street repository 14, Orsett road
. Orsett Joint Hospital Board Small Po:x Hospital (Stephen Saxton Francis W. librarian, Public Library, Orsett road
George Floyd M.D., 'B.S.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. & Schiff .Abram ..!.dam, saw mills, sep Dvnrjetz & Schiff
L.R.C.P.Lond. medical officer; James Beck, clerk); Seahrooke & Sons Limited, brewers, bottlers; wine tt
'()ffice, 2 Orsett road spirit merchants & coal & salt mt>rchants, Thortock!
·' "Osborn Charles, butcher, 5 Clarence road Brew~ry. T N 4 Tilbury
. Osborn Waiter. 'house decorator, I Darnley roan Semmence Ernest Edward M.R.C.S., L.R.O.P.Lond.
Oxley Oscar J. & Sons, butcher~. 5 Broadway ph,pdcian & :,;urgeon, 7 Orsett road ·.
Oxley John, marine £tore dealer, 145 High street Sharp David John, dairyman, 100 Clarence road · · '
Oxley Oliver, marine store dealer, 142 William street Shiner Christopher .\'I. architect, Gatehouse, High· si
Padgham Charles Erl ward, ~hopkeeper, 2 Salisbury road Silvey William R. deputy ·~SUpt. registrar of births &c.
Pag-e J ames, King's .Arms P.H. High street Or sett union, 59 High· street
Paine & Co. clothiers & pawnbrokers, 9 High street I Sims William John, R1sing Sun P.H. 78 High stree~
I Singer Sewing Machine Co. Limited (.Arthnr Green,
Parsons Lesley (.\'Iiss), confectioner, 41 High st1·eet
.Partridge Arthur John M.B. & Ch.B.Vict. physician & I agent). g ~ew road
surgeon, & medical officer to the training ship "Ex- Smith W. H. &; Son, news agents, Railway station

mouth," Carlton, Palmer's avenue (T N roT) ; sur· Smith Cassy (Mrs.), apa1·trnents, 3:3 Sherfield road
·gery, 54 High street. T N 53 Smith Charles W. resident engineer South Essex Water
Pasterfield Henrv W. greengrocer, 7 Clarenct> ruad Works Co. "Meeson's lane
Paulin Alfred Wilson, collector to the Urban District Smith Edwin, photographer, II3 Clarence road
Council, 57 High street Smith Robert, shopkeeper, 15 Elm road
Pavitt John, fruiterer & greengrocer, IIO High street Smith Waiter James, chimney sweeper, 37 London .road
Paxman Herbert Thomas, shopkeeper, 91 Olarence road Smith William, photographer, 45 Orsett road
Payne Albert Edwin, coffee tavern, 146 London road Smithson Joseph, tobacconist, 124 High street
Payne William, builder & decorator, 28 London roacl Snow Thomas, grocer, 23 Broadway .
Pe-agram William James. baker, 15 Clarence road & Sorrell Henry William, 11:reengrocer, rS Broadway
II8 William street South Essex Watt>r \Vorks Co. (pumping station) (Cha8.
Prake .Albert Edward P.A.S.I. surveyor of main roads & W. Smith, resident engineer), .M~e~on's lane
.bridges for South Essex diYision, The Limes, High Spade Richard, hair dresser, 101 High street
View avenue Spinks Arthur Cecil, hair dresser, 24 High street
· Pearks Limited, grocers, 44 High street Spreadborough Wm. school attendance officer, Orsett nJ
Pearson Edward, painter & decorator, 4 Cromwell r{)ad Spurr Frank, draper, 71 & 73 High street
· Pe~g-s Gearg-e, hair dresser, 37 New Toad Squires Charles F. ironmonger, 38 High street
Pelling's Ston!!, provision merchants, 28, :10 & 32 Hig-h Standfield Harry, hair dresser, 2 York road
street & n6 William street. T N 506 Tilbury Staplehurst G. & Co. s!'ale makers, 21 Bridge road
· Perraton Arthnr, draper, 105 High strPet Steel John Thomas, m3ster mariner, 68 New road
Philbey Herbert, builder, 91 Orsett road Stevens Jack, wardro·be dealer, 98 High street
Philbey Waiter .Abel, hardware dealer, 94 High street Stooke &; Sparks Limited, bnildrrs' ironmongers, Lon·
Pike John, house decorator, 3 & 5 Derby road don road. T .N 59 Tilbury
Pipe Beniamin Norton, builder & painter, 51 Bridge rd Streeter .Archbld.tlorist & seedsmn.Bridge rd.&52High s'
Pollv 'Villiam, dining- rooms, 2a, Clarence road Stuckey Frederick Wm. grocer, 109 & I I I High street
tPorter Edward Richard, accountant, auctioneer, Swan bury Mabel E. (Mrs.), stationer, Post office, 141
valuPr, land & estate agent, rent & debt collector & Clarence road
·~ertifiPd bailiff under the "Law of Distress .Amend· Tampkins Thomas, mineral water manufacturer, ae~
'ment Act," ta:x collector & assessor & secretary to the Knowles & Tampkins
E~sex & Kent .Mutual Building Society, 27, 29 & 31 Taylor John Medwin, s.a~dler, 41 London road
New road. T N <;'or Tilbury; T .A "Porter, Grays ;'' Taylor Lucy (Mrs.), dmmg roon:s, West wharf

& at Stanford-le-Hope Taylor Richard, corn & flour merchant, Broadway
Perter Henry .A architect & surveyor,27, 29 & 31 :New rd Thompson & Son, carpenters & undertakers, 61 Argen~ •'
Premier Me3t Co. Limited, 5 New road Thorley Frederick, confectioner & deputy parish clerk,
Pretty Rose (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 30 Broadway 121 High street
Primrose League, Grays Habitation (W. J. :M. Wey- Thorpe Thomas, shopkeeper, 9-1- Argent street
mouth, sec.); meets at Railway hotel, High street Tibbles William John, builder, r Rosebery r<>ad
Prudential Assurance Co. Limit.ed (Josiah George Ticlmer Henry, corn dealer, 16 Orsett road
Cowell, >~npt.); district office, 3 Orsett road Tilbury Laundry Co. Ltd.; receiving office, 12 New road
Pybus William, printer, x Orsett road Tomkins Francis Noel, manager of the London & Pro-
QuPen's Hotel (Edward P. G. Warne, manager), High st vincial Bank Ltd. treasurer to the Grays Thur-rocl
Rainham .Commissiom~rs of Sewers (W. Clifton, clerk).· Urban District Council, Orsett Board of Guardian•,
meet nt Queen's hotel, High street . Orsett Rural District Council, Orsett Joint Hospital
Randells & Co. maltsters, West wharf District Board & Palmer's Endowed School & Passmore
Rawling G. Herbert, sanitary inspector for lJrban Dis-. Edwards Hospital, Tilbury, The Bank, High street
trict Council, Orsett road; res. 29 Oak road Townsend Wilkinson, teacher of music, 23 Orsett road
R1ymE>nt & Co. news ag-ents & tobacconi~ts, 7 NPw road Unwin Peier (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 44 Bedford road
ReadPr FredPricli Walter, grocer, 123 Grove road 1 Upson & Oo. Limited, boot dealers, 33 High street
Recknell & Co. tobacconists, 77 High street Veats Henry, coaC'h & van builder, London road
Re fling-ton AlfrPd, fruiterer, 12 High street , Victoria Hall (.Algernon C. RhodPs. manager), High st
Redington James, coal merchant, Fairview, Crown road: Vincent Philip l\I.R.O.V.S.L. veterinary surgeon, Frating
& Railway station house, Orsett road
Reffell's Bnley Brewery Ltd. (stores), Derby road Waghorn William Henry, oilman, 152 London road
Itefuge Assurance CfJ. Limited (James Wardill, supt.) :, Wakeham George, clerk to the Grays Thurrock snif.
di.,trict offine, 8r Orsett road ; committee of the E>~S'ex Local Pl:'nsion Oommittee, 59
Reid John, grocer, I5 & 17 Broadway 'i High street
Walker Bobert & Co. millstone makers, Town wharf Whitcombe Reuben, baker, 143 William street
Walker W. P. & Co. ironmongers, :ro High street IWhite R. &; Sons Limited, mineral water manufacturers :
Wall Charles Limited, contractors & builders & iron ' depot, King's Arms yard, High street
&; steel constructors, Globe works (TA "Wall, White George, pork butcher, 44 Bridge road
Grays; " T~ I9 Tilbury) ; & at Upcerne rd.Chelsea SW White Herbert J. butcher, 2 Clarence road
Wallace et Co. boot makers, 47 High street Whitechapel Union Cottag-e Homes (Miss Easton, lady
Walsbam Woodward E. builder, 88 Bridge road supt. ), Whitehall lane, Palmer's avenue, Bridge road
Ward &; Lewis, physicians & surgeons, 24 Bridge road &; Clarence road
& 25 Orsett road Wicking Henry, shopkeeper, III New road
Ward John .Alfred (firm, Ward & Lewis) M.D.Dnrh., Williams Frederick, cycle agent, 30 Orsett road
M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. physician &; ilnrgeon, & Wilson &; Whitworth Limited, booksellers, I I High st
medical officer of health to the Grays Urban District Winbolt William Frederick, shopkeeper, 7 William sti
Council, 24 Bridge road Winser Rev. John J. deputy registrar of births &; deaths,
Warren Albert, dairyman, I38 Clarence road 28 Sherfield road
Wa"rren Henry Thomas, boot maker, 40 Bridge road Whbey Edward, shopkeeper, II4 William street
Warren John, shopkeeper, 87 Argent street Wood Abigail (Mrs.), ~hopkeeper, II9 Argent street
Waters S}dney George, decorator, 25 Broadway Wood George, bricklayer, I Quarry hill
Watson Emily (Mrs.), grocer, I Southend road Woodham Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker, 55 Orsett road
Weatherson Frederick, boot repairer, 58 Whitehall lane Worman Samuel John, fruiterer, 15 New road
Webb Edwd. Thos. assist.insur.supt.East view,Bridge rd Worns George, plumber, 143 High st. & go Clarence rd
Wt>lls George Frederick, bazaar, 103 High street Wright Albert, fruiterer, 8 Clarence road
We"t Frederich., outfitter, 74 High street Wright Charles, cycle dealer, 6 Whitehall lane
West- Henry Jesse, grocer, Io2 Bridge road Wright James, tailor & hosier, 6a, Whitehall lane
Westwood Charles &; Sons, hosiers & hatters, 6z High st Wright John, shopkeeper, 56 Benson rQad
Weymouths (_J. & W. J. M. Weymouth), architects, Wright William, farmer, Grays Hall farm
auctior.eers, estate, insurance & shipping' agents, sur- Wylie Arthur M.,M.R.O.V.S.veterinary surgn.BgOrsett rd
veyors & valuers, 17 High street. T N 530 Tilbury Young Alfred Ernest, tobaccomst, 26 Broadwa)
WhallPy Chas. Hy. shopkpr. z, & insur. agt. 4, Wood st
GREENSTEAD, see Colchester.
GREENSTED-juxta-ONGAR is an ancient parish, 1 known as St. Edmund's oak, was 20 feet in circumfer-
t mile west from Ongar terminal station on a 1branch ence, with branches extending over a radius of 84 feet;
of the Great Eastern railway, 8 north-west from Brent- it fell Sept. II, 1848 (at which time, by a singular
wood and 21 from London, in the Westem coincidence, the timber walls of Greensted church were
clivision of the county, Ongar hundred, union and undergoing repair), and on examination an old arrow
petty sessional division, Brentwood county court dis- head was found deeply imbedded in the trunk: there
trict, rural deanery of Ongar, archdeaconry of Essex and are monuments to the Smyth, Cleeve and Ord families:
Cbe}m.,-ford diocese. The small church of St. Andrew the church has ~o sittings. The register of baptisms
is one of the most singular and ancient in the kingdom, dates from I562; burials, 1561; marriages, 1576. The
and consists of chancel, nave and a western tower of li' in~ is a rectorv, net yearly value [1Bo, with 29 acrP!
wood with shingled spire, containing 2 bells, one of of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Bishop of LoB-
which is dated 1618: the nave is composed of the don, and held since 1898 by the Rev. Arthur George
trunk!! of large oak trees, split or sawn asunder. : Breeks Atkinson M.A. of Oriel College, Oxford, who
roughly hewn on both sides and set upright close tu resides at Ongar. Three yearly charities, viz. Bayner's,
each other, bf'ing let into a sill at the bottom and of £5 17s. 4d.; Bowner's, of £2, and Samme's, of
fastened with wooden pins to a plate at the top: th... £2 14s. 4d. have been amalgamated by a scheme of the
church is 29ft. gin. long, qft. wide and 5ft. 6in. high Charity Commissioners made in I904. The land in the
on the sides which support the roof, and is believed t : parish, with the exception of 40 acres, the property of
be the original structure erected as a temporary shrine the trustees of the late Mrs. William Smith, belongs to
in which the body of St- Edmund, king of the East the trustees of 1Jhe late Capt. Philip John Budworth.
Angles, murdered by the Danes, Nov. 20 A.D. 87o, wa- Greensted Hall is the residence of Rowel John James
deposited for the night on its translation from London Price esq. D.L., J.P. The soil is various; subsoil, gravel.
to Bnry St. Edmunds in A.D. I013: there are somP The chief crops are wheat, barley and roots. The area
modern carvings of St. Edmund's head and variou• is 683 acres; rateable value, [1,074; the population in
relics, including a fragment of stained g-lass about si-s rgu was 92.
mches in diametei·, having on it a crowned hea~, sup- Wall Letter Box, Greensted Green, cleared at 6.50 a.m.
posetd tot represdent Stt. ~dmd u~ddand ntowth fixedd Inf ttnhe & 5·45 p.m.; sundays, 9-50 a.m. Letters arrive from
cen re o a mo ern s ame wm ow a e en o e B t d · 0 ·1 d 18
· t t h 1·eh · th 8
nave: the covers of the Bible and Prayer Book in the ren woo VIa ngar, I mi e an • w Is
church were made from the wood of a venerable oak nearest money order &; telegraph office, at 7·3° a.m
tree at Hoxne, against which this king was supposed The School here has been discontinued; the children
to have been tied at his martyrdom: the tree itself, now attend those at Ongar & Stanford Rivers
Etherton Geo. Rt. Silver Birch cot Price Rowel John James B.A., D.L., Bianchi Gerald, farmer, Hall farm
Garrett Henry Claude, Rectory J.P. Greensted hall Crisp Brothers. farmers, Lodge farm
Hoare G. Noel, The Croft COMMERCIAL. East William, farmer, Harding's farm
~laxwell Edward James Heron. Argent James, head gardener to H. Millbank H~rbt. W. frmr. New bouqa
Greensted house J. J. Price esq 1
HADLEIG H, described in early records as "Hadley chancel from the nave : the central arch has a height
ad Castrum," is an ancient place, giving its name to of 18 feet, its width being 10 feet Q inches, or not half
Hadleigh Ray, the strait which separates Canvey Island the width of the nave, and the side openings are only
from the Essex coast: it is situated on the roads from 8 feet 6 inches high and 4 feet 4 inches wide; these
Southend to Tilbnry and Rochford, 2! miles north-east were closed up early in the 15th century with masonry,
from South Benfleet station on the London, Tilbnry and in which are well-detailed cinque-foiled hagioscopes, not
~outbend railway,. 6 south-west from Rochford, 5 west- only pierced in a slanting ·lirectwn, but placed on one
by-north from Southend and 36 from London, in the South side of each recess: on the western face of the slender
Eastern division of the countv, Bochford hundred, petty piers is a minute niche, vr1th cusped ogee arches and
sessional division and union, Southend county court dis- delicate tracing: on the side of an Early English win-
triet, in Canewdon and Southend rurar deanery, Essex dow and in the nave are traces of mural paintings, one
archdeaconry and Chelmsford diocese. The village is of which is a figure of Thomal! a Becket: there are
now suppliefl witlt good water from the works of the two aumbries and twelve stained windows, three of
Rochford Union. The church of St. James the Less is which are memorial:, to Jonathan and Ann Wood, Mrs.
a building of stone, dating from the time of Stephen H. W. King and Mrs. Montagu King: :Mr. A. W. King,
(II35-54), and consisting of Norman apsidal chancel, an Essex antiquary, is buried in the churchyard: the
nave, !Iouth porch and a wooden turret at the west end church was thoroughly restored in 18<;6, and has 2oo
with short spire and containing one bell : in the porch si ttings. The register commences in 1568. The living
is an ancient !ftoup: the style is generally Norman, but is a rectory, net yearly value [28o, with 34 acres of
windows of the Lancet, Decorated and Perpendicular I glebe and residence, in the gift of the trustees of the
periods, and a south doorway of the time of Edward I. late Frederick Morehouse Metcalfe, and held since I905
(t272-I30']). have been inserted: the chancel arch, a fine by the Rev. Douglas Adamson M.A. of Emmanuel Col-
specimen of Norman design. furnis.hes an example of lege, Cambridge. There are Wesleyan and Congrega-
the screen-wall used at that early period to divide the tional chapels. .!. market, granted in 1452, was formerly


held on Wednesday, but has now fallen into disuse. pr.:Jduce. The area is 1,B22 aere" of land. z of inlancf
Hadleigh House, which now belongs to the Salvation and 5 of tidal water and qo of foreshore; rnteabll"
Army, is pleasantly situated, commanding extensive ,-alue, £10,036; the popnlati()n in Igrr -was l.7o7, in-
views over the surrounding country, and is nearly 300 eluding 1.51 in the Salvation "\rm~· Colony.
feet above the Ieve1 of the mouth or the Thames. The Sexton, David Stibbards.
remains of Hadleigh Castle, first built by Hnbert de Post, M. 0., T. & Telephon;> Call Oflice.-Miss Emmk
Burgh, Earl of Kent, in the reign of Henry Ill. but ex- Potter, sub-po~tmistress. Letters arrire from Ray-
tensively altered and repaired by Edward Ill. are situ- · h , E ssex, a t & m.3o a.m. Cli.
1e1g •- 6 .so ""
... 7-So-
ated on the brow of a steep hill, commanding a fine d 6 d· t h d t &;.
view over the estuarv of the Thames into Kent: the p.m.; ~un ays, .5o a.m.; Ispa c e a 9·45 a.m.
• u.zo, 5.10 & 6.45 p.m.; »undays. 5·35 p.m.; open on
castle was probably reduced to a ruin by Richard, ISt sundays 8. 30 to 10 a.m.for sale of stamps & telegram&
Baron Rich of Leeze, to whom. it was granted by the Town Sub-Post, M. 0. & Telephone Call Office, The
Crown in 1551: these ruins, which have been recently Bmadway. .Miss Mary Matthews, sub-postmistress~
repaired and the ground surrounding them laid out by The box is cleared for dispatch at 9.40 a.m. & 12 • 10,.
·the Salvation Army authorities, are picturesque and still 6 d
.b. h · · d h 5 & 35 p.m.; sun avs, 5.20 p.m
ex h 1 It traces of t eir ancient gran eur; t f'J most Wall Letter Box at Hadleigh Cross road, cleared at 9.55-
prominent portions now · left
f h
are two circular towers on
h 6 ._
a m. & 12.::;o, s.zo, .so oo 7·5 p.m.; sun. 5·45 p.m
the east an d a porbon o t e gateway tower at t e Wall Letter Boxes. Hadleigh hall, cleared at 9·45 a.m.
north-west angle; this is now the property of the ._ 6 ... d
. A
S a1vat IOU M B h "G I" f h S I t• "" I2.I5, 5· ro, ·40 "" 8.5 p.m. ; sun ays, 5 35 p.m. ~
rmy. r. oot ' enera o t e a va Ion London road, cleared at 9·35 a.m. &; I2.s, 4·55 & 6.30>
Army, is the principal landowner. The Salvation Army d
F arm C oI ony situate d h f d d b "G I, p.m.; sun ays, 5-5 p.m
ere was oun e Y enera Pillar Letter Boxes.-Bramble hall, cleared at 7·35 &
Booth, both as a philanthropic and oommercial enter- ._ 6 d S 1 t•
· d · · t th d rz.zs a.m. oo .20 p.m.; sun ays, 7-35 a.m.; a va IOD-
pnse, an smce 1ts comruencemen some seven ousan Army Colony, cleared at 5 .5 & 8 p.m. ; sundays, 5.30
men have been benefited by a residence here. The
Colony now comprises about 3,000 acres of arable and p.m
pasture land and foreshore in Hadleigh and Leigh Church School (mixed), built in 1855 & enlarged in
parishes, including the fishing rights of Hadleigh Ray; r895 & again in 1909, for 162 children; average at-
large brickfields exist on the estate, and there are over tendance, 133; Alfred Hawks. master; Miss ~thei
J50 acres of orchard ground, with a market at Southend, Andrews, infants' mistress ·
and a poultry farm. There is also a large dairy farm. Public Elementary Council School (mixed & infants),.
At present the Colony numbers some 350 persons; w. erected in rgw & enlarged in 1913, for 318 children;:
L. Simpson is the governor. The soil is mixed; subsoil, average attendance, 250; By . .Albert Davies, master
mostly gravel and clay. The chief crops are oats, Sunday School charity abuut [20 per year; Archdeacon.
pras, potatoes, mangolds, vegetables and market garden of Essex & Rector of HadleiJlh, trustees
HADLEIGH. Dossett Charles & Sons, confectioners, fReynolds James, baker, High street
2 The Parade 1-q,ichardson James, grocer, London rd
Ellison Charles, beer retailer IRidgwell Alfred, basket & siPve ma
Adamson Rev. Douglas M.A. Rectory Emery Henry, hair dresser Roberts GPorarP Wm. photographt>r
Burrows John Hrnry J.P. Solbys Faux John Gregory, buildr.Lynton rd Jlo})iusun Hy.Jn.honse agt.The Chimes
Capper Lieut. Henry Douglas R.N. Jn. general stores, The Broadwy Rudd R. G. Ltd. saddler, High street
Parodeville. Rectory road Francis James, Crown hotel Ruffell Ottho Charles, boot maker
Davies Hy. Albert B.A. 1 Regina viis Frost Robert Chas. F.I.S.E. architect Sains Lavinia Hanna.h (Miss), dress
Evre Frederick, Bedford house & surveyor, Alpha house, Branch rd maker .
Frost Robt.Chas. Alpha ho.Branch rd Gladwell John, piano tnner,Sidney ter Salvation Army Colony (Wilfred L.
Hardy Mrs. The Woods, Sm-nbb lane Griffiths George Wm.boot ma.High st Simpson, governor), Mount Zion
Hart Mrs. Hadleigh cottage Grimes George Henry, greengrocer Schofield & Martin, grocers
Milll'r E. H. Common hall Hadlei!!h Institute (H. J. Fowles, sec) Scott Charles, fruiterer
Mitchl'll Herbert John, Dalwood, Hadlrigh Public Hall (Frederick Sefton Hy. cycle agt. &c. London rei
Dawes Heath road Malthouse, proprietor), London rd Shea>il William John, C~st'e inn
Simpson Wilfred L. Badleigh hall Harvey Wm. (Mrs.),ca.rtage contractr Simmons Jn. Jas. jun. mkt. garden.w-
Westwood Miss Hannah, Verandah ho Harvey William, insurance agent, Slade Horace Frederick Horner, hair
Beulah house, London road dresser, High street
COMMKBCIAL. Havis Harry, cab propr. London road Smith Erhvard, l'lboe maker
Allams William Francis M.R.C.S. Jackaman Robt. Allan, g-eneral stores. Smith Ernest Frank, butcher, The-
Eng., L R.C.P.Lond. physician, 4 High street Broadway
Sidney terrace, London road J.>mes .Alfred, shopkooper,High street 'Stal'e Frederick James, laundry
Attwell Tl:eodore Ellard, butcher Jennings Harry, greengrocer, Dawes Stibbards Samuel, blacbmith
Ball George Wm. plasterer, Beech rd Heath road Up,oon Lewis Sydney, builder
Barber Richd. confectioner, Castle la Jordison Joseph Tracy, dairyman, Wallis Julia (Mrs.), regi~tered mid...
Batchelor Ernest Charles,confectioner London road wife, 4 Sidney terrace, London road.
Bird Harry Gilbert, hhcksmith, Kearney Edwin, farmer, St. Joseph's. Watson & Wacher, physicians&surgns-
London road Scrubb lane Webster Jonathan. hutcher
Bird James, jobbing gardener, Vie- KePhle Edwin Cockle, fly proprietor, White Letitia (Miss), grocer, see-
toria bungalow RPctorv road Matthews & White
Botton James, shopkeeper, London rd Ket>ble Ellen (Mrs.), dress maker, Yeaxlee Arthur Henry Wellesley, drpr
Brown Sarah(Mrs. ), rd Rectory road
Callow propr.London rd Knightsbridge Sarah (Mrs.), apart- DAWES HEATH.
Capital &; Counties Bank Ltd. (mon. ments, Seaforth (Letters should be addressed Thon-
II.30 to 2.3o), High street; draw Lawrence Alfd. Chas.plasterer,High st dersley, Rayleigh.)
on head office, 39 Threadneedle st. Levitt Frederick, fishmonger, High st
London E C Lewis Charles, cab proprietor PRIVATE RESIDENTS.
Choppen Ada (Miss), confectioner Mason W.A. & Co. builders,Scrubb la Delpech George Marius, South wold
Church Samuel C. circulating library, Matthews & White.grncers,London rd Grimston Louis Tasmon, Birchwood
High street ::\Iatthews :Marv (Miss), draper, Post Horwood Frerlerick Wm. Bramble hall
Clare Brothers, painters, The Haven, office, The Broadway McLay Joseph. Oakwood
Church road ~orman F. H. &; Co. cycle agents, Moss Edgar. Bramblehnrst

Clarke S. builders' mer. London road London road Temple Claude Henry. Ht>ath Mo1lJd
Colclough Ethel & Eva (Misses), Oake John, greengrocer, Fair view, Williams Charles, Woodleigh
tearhl'rs of music London road
Collett Chas. drssr.High st .l>erl;ins Edwin, confectioner, High st COMMERCIAL.
Cook Wm. Chas. florist, Woo-dfield rd Parkins Philip, chemist Binstead Sarah Ann (Mrs.), poultry
Copping Bernard (Mrs.), poultry far- Perry Wm. By. news agt. Lynton rd farmer, Holly bank
mer. Egyptian cottage Pile Chas.Q"reengro.Fernlea,Lynton rd Hague Hiram,poultry frmr.ThrHollies-
Daniels James Hy. chimney sweeper, Po-..ter Chas.Bird, genl. stores.High st HammondGilbt.ponltry frmr.Laneside
Hig-h street Potter Emma (Miss), draper, & Nunn Hy.Geo. sand mer.The Willows
De Gerdon Louis Wm. news agent, post office Scott Joseph, poultry farmr. Garrolds
London road IJ>otter :Monta~ue Jas.cart(:lf,Rectory rd
HA DSTOCK is a villagt> and pa ri!'h, on the bori!Prs of on the Haverhill and Sndbnrv branch of tht> Great East-
Cambridgeshire, a mile and a half south from Linton Pm railway, and 5 miles north-Past from Snffron Walden.
station and a mile and a half west from Bartlow station in the Northern division of the county, Freshwell bun-
odred, Saffron Walden petty sessional division and county Rev. Charlea Hemv •
Brocklebank M ...\. of Bartlow House •
.cour~ dllltrict, Linton union, and in Saffron W alden Cambridge. Here is a CongrPgational chapel, also let
oS"ural deanery, archdeaconry of Oolchestei' and diocese for public entertainments. and Salvation .\rmy Barracks.
()f Chelmsford : in 1537 it had the grant of a market. The conical-shaped locl;:-up. formerly standing in the
l'he church of St. Bot()lph is an ancient crnciform centre of the village, was removed in 1897 to the
-etructure of flint, chiefly of Norman date, and consist- Museum at Saffron lValden. There is in Marloes lane
of chancel, nave, transepts, north porch, a vestry a recreation ground of 4 acres in extent. Sidenham
organ chamber on the south side of the chancel Malthus esq. was the last lord of the manor, at whose
.and an embattled western tower containing 5 bells,_ decease tht> manor and estates were sold and all copy-
thrt>e of which are dumb: the north door was formerlv• holds were enfranchised. The Rev. Charles Henry
coTered with a human skin, supposed to be that of a Br·ocklebank M.A. of Bartlow House, CambridgP, is the
Dane w.ho had committed sacrilege, and a portion of principal landowner. T.he soil is clayey; subsoil, chalk
..which is now in Saffron Walden museum: the chancel and clay. The crops are principally wheat, barley
vas rebuilt. in 1884 and the interior was reseated and and beans. The area is 1,731 acres; rateable value,
.improved at a cost of £2,365, raised by subscriptions: £.1,485 5s. ; the population in 1911 was 383 in the civil
there are 210 sittings : in the churchyard is a well, set parish and 391 in the ecclesiastical parish, which in-
.-ound with stones, which supplies water to another well cludes part of Linton, Cambridgeshire.
~utside the churchyard and is called St. Botolph's welL Sexron, Thomas Fordham.
The register dates fr()m .the year I559· The living is a
Post Office. Miss Sarah E. Salmon, snb-po!dmistrt>-.s .
.rectory, net yearly value £147, v;ith residence, in the
Letters through Cambridge at 7.20 a.m. & 6.15 p.m.;
.gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and held since
dispatched at 7.20 a. m. & 6.30 p.m. week days only;
187o by the Rev. Francis Edward Smith M . .A.. of Clare
no sunday delivery. Linton, Carobs, I mile distant, is
<lollege, Cambridge. The rectory house wa~ built in
the nearest money order &; telegraph office
1873, at a cost of £2,ooo, and is surrounded by about
:7 acres of glebe, within which stand the church anrl Essex Constabulary, William Young, police con.,table
-schools: farm buildings. with two cottages. were erecterl Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1871, at a
-en the glebe between the village and Bartlow station cost of about £.6oo for 100 children; average atwndance,
at a cost of {.1,300, but these have been sold to th·· 65 ; Ectward Sargeant, master
J'RIVATE RESIDENTS. Crawley A rth·. Hy. farmer, The Yews Hymns Henry, farmer
.Crawley Saml. Wm. J.P. Hall farm Crawley SI. Wm. farmer, Hall farm Linsdell Edward, shopkeeper
-Bmith Rev. Francis Edward M.A. F-ord ham ...\.lice (.Mrs.), shDpkeeper Linsdell George. cow keeper
(rector), The Rectory Fordham Nathan, sh()pkeeper Plum .Alfred, farm bailiff to Rev. C.
Free All en F. farmer H. Brocklebank
COMMEUCHL. Free Ohas. Edwd. farmer, Bartlow rd Redhouse Joseph, blacksmith
oCrawley Brothers, forage merchants Free Ernest, farmer, Whitehouse frm Turner Geo. Edwd. King's Head P.H
Crawley Albt.Edwd. farmer, Hall frm Freeman Jonas, beer retailer Turner William, small holder
GREAT HALLINGBURY (or Hallingbury Morley), The chief crops are wheat, barley and roots. The area
.known by its present name previous to the reign of King is 2,672 acres of land and 16 of water; rateable value,
Edward the Confessor, is a village and parish, 3 miles £3,853; the population in 191 t was 49').
ofJOuth-east from Bishop Stortford station on the main Sexton Georo-e Balls.
line of the Great Eastern railway and 9 miles -west from ' "' .
f>unmow in the Western division of the countY Harlow Post &; T. Office.-Charles Herrmgton, sub-postmaster •
.petty se;sional division and hundred, Bishop· Stortford Letters throng~ Bishop Stortford, arrive at 6.45 &;
oonion and countv court district, rural deanery of Harlow. 10 ·35 a.m.;. dispatched at 10 -~o a.m. & 7.20 p.m.;
archdeaconry of Essex and Chelmsford diocese. The sundays, arrive at 6.45 a.m. ; d~spatch_ed at 9-25 a.m .
.church of St. Giles is an Early Norman building, partly _The nearest money orde~ office JS at B1shop Stortford
-constructed of Roman bricks, and was rebuilt, with the Pillar Letter Eoxes.-.Anvil Crol'ls, cleared at 7 p.m.;
exception of the tower, in 1874 ; it consists of chancel, sundays, 9.15 a.m.; Church End, cleared at 11 a.m.
:oave north aisle south porch and an embattled western & 7 p.m.; sundays, 9.20 a.m. & George Green, cleared
towe; containing' 5 bells: the chancel arch was retained at 7.40 & 9-45 a.m. & 3 & 6 45 p.m.; sundays, 9 a.m
.at the rebuilding of the church: there are 230 sittings. •
The register dates from the year 15 37 . The lh·ing is a WALBURY, 2 miles ~outh-west, on the river Stort, and
rectory, net yearly value [.420, with 2 8 acres of glebe near the borders of Hertfordshire, ta]{es its name fn1m an
-and residence, in the gift of Capt. H. L. Archer- !mC'iE>nt Roman vallum or camp, hexagonal in plan, which
"Houblon, and held since 1903 by the Rev. Charles Rowland occupied a strong position, terminating in a precipice
Wynne de Cerjat. The charities amount to about [,5 and overlooking the Stort; it covered ?fj acres, "as
yearly. Hallingbury Place, the property of Capt. Henry double ditched and nearly a mile in circumference.
Lindsay .Archer-Houblon, and the residence of William Church School (mixed), built, with teacher's house, in
Lockett Agnew esq. J.P. is a large brick mansion in a 1851, at a cost of nearly £2,000, by the late J. A.
-well-wooded park of 100 acres. Capt. Henry Lindsay Houblon esq. for 200 children; awrage attendance,
Archer-Houblon is lord of the manor and principal 6o: Miss Daisy Darby, mistress
landowner. The soil is mixed; subsoil, clay and graveL
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Cady William, gamekeeper to W. L. Patten Frederick Henry, farmer,
..Agnew William Lockett J.P. (Lanes), A.gnew esq. J.P Ledge & Street farms
Hallingbnry Place Coleman Percy, farmer Patten John, farmer, Harps
A.rcher-Houblon Ladv Alice, How Darby Jn. Wm. farmer, Jenkin's frm' Pryor Arthur, farmer, Hall farm
Green house · Drage Drnsilla (Mrs.), George inn Smith Arth. blacksmth.Woodside Grn
llrowne Mrs. Bonnington cottage Hampton Eliza Anne (Mrs.), farmer, Smith John C. clerk of works to
de Cel']at Rev. Charles Rowland & assistant overseer, Beldams I Capt. H. L. Archer-Houblon
Wynne, Rectory Heath Charles .Alfred, head gardener Smith Mary Ann(Mrs.),Hop Poles P.H
t<1 W. L. Agnew esq. J.P Stephens Elijah, farmer, Walbury
Jennings Egbert .Athelstone, farmer Taylor James Smith, farmer, How
.!dams Reginald, farmer, Start hill Judd Charles, shopkeeper Green farm
LITTLE HALLINGBUBY, anciently called "Hal- the stained east window was given by the Pelly family,
lingbury Bourchie-r,'' or "Bowsers" the whole of the of Gastons, and a brass placed on the wall to J. Pelly
.property in Little Hallingbury having formerly belonged esq.: an organ chamber and vestry were added in t88i:
to the Bourchiers, Earls of Essex, is a village and parish a carved oak reredos was erected in 1898 to the Rev.
11ituated on the borders of Herts and on the river Stort, S. Pemberton. rector here 185o-188o: there are me-
about 3 miles south from :Bishop Stortford station and morial windows to Mrs. Holland, Mrs. Ward and Miss
2 miles east from Sawbrirlgeworth station ()n the main Dullock, of Gastons, and W. D. l'ritchett, son of a
line of the Great Eastern railway, in the Western former rector, and to G. E. Pritchett: there are 230
division of the county, Harlow petty sessional division sittings. The register of bapti·m~ and marriages dates
-and hundred, Bishop Stortford union and county court from 17II; burials from 16go. The living is a rectory,
-district, rural deanery of Harlow, archdPaconry of Essex net yearly value {.273, including 29 acres of glebe, with
-and Chelmsford diocese. The church of St. Mary the residence, in the gift of the Governors of the Charter-
Virgin is a building of flint with srone dressings, of the house, London, and held sine£> 188o by the Rev. John
Early Decorated period, consisting of chancel, nave of Julius Baker M.A. of ExetPr College, Oxford. A charity,
.five bays, north aisle and a square wooden turret con- founded by Mr. W. D. PritchPtt in 1882, and amcunt-

.date: the turret, erected in 1712, was rebuilt in 1901 : peor twice a vear. Thf" Govf'rnors of the C'harte · ::r=-.....
• ~IRMINGk"'"

who are lords of t.he manor, and Capt. B. L. Archer- & 3 & 6.45 p.m. ; sundays, arrive at 1 a.m. lt dis-
Houblon are the principal landowners, The soil i.<l patched at 9 a.m. The nearest money order' & telt'..
gravel aQd clay; subsoil, white clay and gravel. The graph offices are at Hatfield Heath & Sawbridgeworth
chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. The area is (Herts), each about 3 miles distant
r,652 acres of land and 4 of water; rateable value. Pillar Letter Box, Woodside Green, cleared at 7-45 &.m.
[,2,237; the population in 1911 was 552. & 5 p.m. week days; 7·45 a.m. SUndays
,Post Office.-Richard Pettefar, sub-postmaster. Lettert~ Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 186g at a
arrive by bicycle post from Bishop Stortford at 7 &.I cost of £934• for 120 children; average attendance,
II.30 a.m. & 4.25 p.m.; di~patched at 8 & 9·45 a.m. · 77; Thomas Francis Airey, master

P.RIVATE RESIDENTS. Brown Thomas, farmer & landowner, Marsden George, l:onfectioner
A.shdown George Edmund, Long Bar Litt1e Hallingbttry ball Pearson James~ beer retailer & crpntr
llaker Rev. John Julius M.A. Rect<lry Brown Thomas l-eonard, farmer & Pettefar Rd. & Son, grocel'S, Post off
• :Oarclay Robert Leatham M.A., J.P. landowner, The Park Potter Frederick Charles, shoe maker
(Herts ), Gas ton bousP Ualvert Willia.m D. fa.,.,rmmer Rose George, farmer
Kimpton .Alfred George, :S edging Day George, farmer, Bu:rstead11 farm Husb Geurge B. registered shoeing
Paton George W. ~falting farm Ellis Rt. Alien, grocer, W oodside Grn smith & assistant overseer
Gingell John T. farmer, Stonehouse 3pink J n. Ernest, farmer; Dairy farm
COMMERCIAL. Greenwood Wm. Sutto<Jna Arms P.H Wallis George Archibald,miller (steam
Beedell John, farmt'r, Monltbury farm Lawrl'nC'f> .Tn. far:rher, Latchmore hall & water). Hallingbury mills

HALSTE.\.D (or Halsted) is an ancient town and is the new organ erected at a cost of £8so, and in 1893 a
head of a union and county court djstrict, pleasantly panelled reredos of oak and mahogany was erected from
~eated on a gentle acclivity on the river Colne and the designs by the late Sir Arthur Blomfield A.R.A. : there
roads from Colchester to Cambridge and Chelmsford to are sittings for Boo persons. The register dates fnm
Sudbury, with a station on the Colne Valley and Halstead the year 1564. The living is a vicarage, ne~ yearly
railway, and is 14 miles north-west from Colchester, 6 value £230, with 3 acres of glebe and residence1 in the
nOTth-east from Braintree, 8 south-west from Sudbury, gift of the Bishop of Chelmsford, and held since 191z by
15 south-east fro!p Haverhill and 56 by rail or 47 by road the Rev. Thomas Higham Curling I;J.A. of Wadham Col-
frum London: in the Eastern division of the county, l~:>ge. Oxford. Population (St. Andrew) in rgn, 3,346.
Hinckford hundred, petty sessional division and rural Holy Trinity is an ecclesiastical parish at the wes~ end
dt-anery <(){ Halstead and Hedin~ham, archdeaconry of of the town, formed June 3, 1844; the chu:r:ch is a
Colchester and diocese of Chelmsford. structure {)f flint, with atone facings, in the Eariy
The town was governed by a Local Board, formed English style, and consists of chancel, clerestoried nan
December 3, 1852', but is now, under the provisions of of six bays. aisles, eouth porch and a western tower
the "Local Government Act, 1894" (56 and 57 Vict. eh. with spire containing one bell : there are eleven stained
73), controlled by an Urban District Council of 12 windows, the stained east window being ·the gift flf the
members. In pursuance of sec. 1 (sub-section 3) of Rev. Frederick John Greenham M.A. vicar (1877-So),
the previously mentioned Act, Hah!tead ha.s been in memory of his wife, and th~ west window that of
divided into two civil parishes, Urban and Rural ; the the Rev. Duncan Fr&ser, vicar :r845-77: in 1878 an
Urban parish comprises a radius of ~bout r,ooo yards ::~r~an chamber was built and the org1u: renovated at. a
from the town bridge and the Rural parish which sur., ..:ost of £4oo ; in ~909 the organ was again enlarged
rounds this is controlled by a l'arish Council of 7 at a cost of [4oo : there are 700 sittings. The register
members elected annually ; the town was thoroughly date-s from the year 1844· The living is a vicarage, net
drained in 1864-5•when waterworks were established,a goorl yearly value [,2oo. with residence, in the -gin of the
1npply o! pure water beingo ohtainpd from an artesian Bi>Jhop of Chelmsford, and held since 1904 by the BeY.
well 300 feet deep and stored in a r11servoir of red b:rick "~" Albert Edward Austin M.A. of University• College,
constructed near the old wmks and capable of holding Durham. The vicarage house was partially rebuilt in
84,000 g;allons of water: a new well was sunk at Parson'& 1893• the Ecclesiastical Commissioners giving £r8o to-
brid!?e in 18go, to a depth of 2'\4 feet, and a pumping wards the cost. , Population (Holy Trinity) in l90'•
,Rtat.ion huilt at a cost of abont, .(S,ooo : the town i11 lil?'ht,prJ 2,899. The Society of Friends :bavfll a meeting houae
wit-h gas by a company whose w1nks. erected in 1835 1 in Colchester road 1 erected in 185I, with SOQ sittingl.
are in Rosemary lane. 1 The church of St. AndTew • The Baptist chapel, N~rth street, erected in 1868, has
•tanding ,on the top .of the hill on and around 'Whioq sittings fo:r 6oo persons. The Particular Baptist chapel,
the town stands. is a lar~r lmildintr of tlint- with aton11 Colchester road, erected in 1~9. will sea& 250. Tlle
dressings, in the Decqi·p.ted f\rul Perpendicular o&tyles, Congre-gational chapel, Parsonage street, erected Jn
eonsisting of chancel, clerestoried nave of six bays. 1865• is a building in the Decorated style, with a spire
aisles, north and soutl;l ~orc.Pes anq -~ western towe1l to6 feet high, and will seat 750; under the .church is a
with crocketed pinnacles, containing a clock with chime~ spacious schoolroom and adjoining are lecture and clan
and 8 bells dated 1573. 1589, 1633, 1700 and 1755 : thP rloms. 'fhe f-Jongrf'gation~l·chapel, High street, erected
east window is a memorial to Dr. Adams, a farmer vica1· in I8J2, has 65o sittings. The Primitive Methodist
nnd there are others to James Brewster esq. who died iu chapel in New street, erected ~ "IBJ5, will 'S~~Jt ~oo
1836, to another of the same name, r8g1, ,to John Cal'- persons. The Unitarians have a place of ~eting jn
michael esf!. and t(l IMit~s I. Hoblyn; there are also Factory lane, and the Plymouth Brethren one in Col-
brasaes to the Rev. Arthur Charles Pag-e )L!. and to chester road, The Salvation Army hall ':in· Rosemw
Frank Harris esq. ; the chief feature of interest in the lane holds 150 persons. The Cemetery, Colchester
cbm·cb i~ the Pa..,tern portion of the south aisle, which i,. road~ cqnsec.rated in r856, comprises five aorM, with
of the Geometreal ~I' Early Decorated perio.rl, and a mortuary and entrance lodge, in which the superin-
was formerly the Bourchier chapel; here several mem tendent resides ; it is under the control of a joint
hers {Jf that family are buried, including Sir Rober! burial committee of nine members. seven ,.dected l>y
de Bonrr·hier. Chit-f .Jn~Ztif'P of the Kinl?"s Bench in the Urban District Council and two by Halstead Rural
Ireland :n •3."i4 and l..oril Chancellor of ~ngland 1340- Pa,risq /Council>'" .! Jqmeu Qf the .. county u.police,
ii. ob. f;l.JQ. nnd Barthnlorr..ew hi!> grandson" 3rd s-~ationed here under an inspector. :J.'be, ToWll.:uan,
Baron Bonrchier, oh. 1409, with hra~se$ fA> him· in High street, erected in,.rBso • and now.. held bT •
..:•elf and hi~ t.wo wive;; Margaret (Sutton) an{l ldonea Urbant.Pistric~ Oouncil._ is a spaci~ns building used far
(Lovey): tht>re are two. altal' tombs wit.b recumbent balllio public m~etings an4 concens, :and will thold.4f.oo
effigies of armed knights and their wives: .supposed t.o pel"SOQ$. Th&- Corn. Exchtmge, --adjoining the railway
belong to this family, onE" of the tombs being carwpied ;1 station, ~!I -bnilt4 in J 865.,.- is pow hired by -th& County
monun1ents to Edmund King,. ob. 1624, and the &v. ~:unci! fol'l Technical inst:ruction. There is also a haD
John :Manistre M.A. d. t826, and a bras11. to Eln:aheth,. at the Balstead Oo·opemtive Stores, Triliity
wife of J{)hn Watson, oo. r6o4.; :in the J1QI'th -aisle are eoocted in 1887, and holding l!oo persoDJ. .The Literary
marble monuments to Sir Samuel Tryonkt. and baronet~­ and Mechanics' Institute occupies • large· room· olh Qe
ob. March, 8, r626; George Brooke and his wife. obi ground Jl.oqr of the j'own .Hall, where. there.i&.a.libruy
1770; James Scarlett, d. 1807; Elizabeth Holmes, spin, ?i !)bout ;;a,ooo volumes. 'l'he Public Bath!~ w8l'e ~ned
ster, d. 1783 and a brass to Samuel Fiske, d. 1718: Ul I9-f4· The swipunii:Ig bath is 6o feet by 26 feet. the
~he ..south aisle retains a piscina: ilt 1845 the rlept}ls t',a.nging from 7' teeio to 3 feet 6 inehea., George
chnrch wall restored and def'oralied at. :r co111l of more O.mrtauld ·~q. gave £t,ooo 'owards the oost and Ule
t.han £s,ooo: in 1882 an organ chamber was built and a Crban District Council furnished the remaining· £8oo.
GRE.ENS'l'.EA.D GREEN. j 263

On the river Colne is a public bathing plaoe under the ch11rity bequeathed by the Rev. .fobn Maiiistre
..control ~f the Urban District Council. The E Company B.A. formerly of Kin2"'S }Coilege1 Cambridge, and
el the 5th Territorial Force Battalion Essex Regiment! '"ector of Stoweit Provost,t Dorset, . who in 1826 left
drills at Queen's Hall. Halstead V oluntemt Fire :Bri- £2,5r4 ns. ud. in Consols, the interest now amount-
gade consists of 20 members, with one manual engine; ing to £67 Ss, Sd. being fol" 1 the purchase • of
Ule towu. is also well fmnished with hydrants. Here bread to be distribu~ed wPekly to poor people who
is a branch of the St. John Ambulance Association, attend the church. R. E. Vaizey esq. B..A., J.P, of 'l'il-
with the English order of St. John of Jeru- bury Hall, Castle Hedingham, who is lord of the manor,
..ealem, whose headquarters are at St. John's gate, Mrs. Hornor, Rev. B. J. H, Beridge M.A. M;iss K. ]1(.
Clerkenwell, London E C, and a branch of the Red Harris, and Charles Wing Gray esq. J.P. of Green-
Cross Society. The Halstead Club has premises at the stead Green, are the principal landowners. The soil
rear of the Old White Hart inn. The Halstead Consti- is mixed; subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops
tutional Club is in High street. The Liberal Club, are wheat, barley, oats and roots. The -area of the
established in rgor, occupies premises. in Trinity street, Urban parish and of the district of the Urban Council
over the Temperance hotel. There is also a W1nking is 641 acres of land and 6 of water J rateable value,
Ken's Club in Trinity street. . £8g,O'JI; the population in rgrr was 6,265, including 8
On the Market hill, and occupying the- site where inmateS" and 8 officers in the workhouse and 72 .in ~he
formerly stood an obelisk, is a drinking fountain, pre- Industrial School for Girls.
wented to the t{)wn in r887 by George Courtauld esq.
1.P.; it is constructed of Portland stone and granite, The population of the ecclesiastical parishes in 191 I
and stands 15 feet in height, rising from a graduated was: St. Andrew (parish church), 3,346 and Holy
base of several steps ; on one Fide is an inscription, and Trinity, 3,185.
on anGther a wreath, encircling the letters "V.R." and The area of Halstead Rural parish is 4·976 acres of
tbe dates " 1B37-t887;" the whole is surmounted by a land and 10 of water; rateable value, £s,g68; the popu-
powerful lamp. A public recreation ground in Trinity lation in rgrr was 776.
1treet. 3! acres in extent, was opened in 1901. to com-
memorate the Diamond Jubill.'e of Her late Majesty Parish Clerk of St. Andrew, Waltel.' William Cooper,
Queen Victoria. At the corner of Chapel hill is a tree 42 Colchester road ; Trinity Church, Herbert Sargent,
planted to commemorate the marriage of His late Majestv New street.
King Edward VII. to Queen Alexandra, March roth,
1863. Here are an iron foundry and works for the
manufacture of stoves and ranges, a silk and crape fae- GREENSTEAD GREEN, a hamlet about 3 miles by
tory, a tannery, a corn mill, saw mill and a brewery road and 2 by footpath south of the town, was constituted
and malting. Messrs. Barclay and Company Limited an ecclesiastical parish December 23, r 845\ and now
and the London County and Westminster Bank Limited forms part of the Rural civil parish. 'The
.have branch b~nks here. .A cattle market is held church of St. James the Apostle, an edifice of flint with
e>ery Tuesday in Mr. Moger's sale yard, Colchester stone facings, in the Decorated style, from designs by
road. The " George " and "Bull " are the principal the late Sir G. Gilbert Scott R.A. was erected and
hotels. There are three weekly newspapers, "The endowed in 1845 at the expense of the late Mrs. Gee,
~ssex and Halstead Times," published on Friday;
of Earls Colne, and consists of chancel, nave, north
the f' Halstead and Colne Valley Gazette," published porch and a tower, with spire of m()ulded brick, con-
on Thursday, and the "Braintree Gazette," published taining a clock and 6 bells, cast in 1846 and rehung in
Thursday. The Cottage Hospital, pleasantly situated r893 at a cost of £75· The chancel windows are
in North. street, and built in r884 at a cost of £r,soo, stained : the reredos of stone, designed by the late Sir
at the expense' of George Courtauld e.sq. in memory Arthur Blomfield .A.R. .A. was erected in 1893 by Mrl!.
of his deceased wife, is a structure of 1·ed brick Briscoe, of Fir Wood, as a memorial to Misa M. Adama.
with stone facings, from designs by Mr. George The church plate is af .massive silver, beautifully
Sherrin ; it has wards for four men, four women and chased : there are 200 sittings. The registeT dates from
one child: the hospital is supported by public sub- the year 1846. The living is a- vicarage, net yearly
ecriptions and is managett by a committee of 24 value ;{,2oo, with resid·ence, in the gift of the Bishop of
members, elected annually by the subscribers. The Chelmsford, and held since rgo4 by the Rev. Henry
Infectious DiseasE's Hospital was built in I 8~ by th{' Samuel Brooks M.A. of Worcester College, Oxford.
Urban District Council, at a cost, including the matron's Grfenstead Hall, the property and residence of Claude
l'esidence, of £3,570. The Halstead Sanatorium for Frederick Shoolbred esq. is pleasantly situated in a
tuberculosis consists of 6 shelters, erected in 1913 by park of about 50 acres. Stanstead Hall is the property
th~ County Council. There are charities of about and residence of Samuel Courtauld esq. '!'he so.i.l; is
6200 yearly, derived chiefly from the following clay and gravel; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are
aources :-A benefaction of £4,ooo left in 1783 by wheat, barley and beans. The population in 191.t was
'tlizabeth H()Jmes. spinster, for industrious inhabitant11 sog. .
nqt in receipt of parish assistance and for the dis· Sexton, Josl.'ph Coppm.
sribution of monPy and bread to the poor, and a


l'ost, M. 0. & T. & Telephone Express Delivery Office, URBAN DISTRICT ·COUNCIL~
High street. Herbert James Dennett, postmaster. Offices, Town hall.
Hours from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ; sundays, 8.30 to IO
l a.m.: money order, telegraph & savings bank busi· Meeting day, rst monday in every mont•h at 7.30 p.m_
ness. B a.m. to 8 p.m.; telegraph, sundays, 8.30 to
10 a.m. Letters arrive from London at 3.40 a.m. Members.
every morning; delivered at 7 & I I a.m. & 5 & 8 Chairman,,ltobert Lake Hughes J.P.
p.m. ; letter box closes for dispatch at 3.40 a.m. for Vice-Chairman, Arthur Henry BartraJ»,
Haverhill & sub-offices; & 9·30 for Sible & Castle
Hedingham, Great Yeldham, Gestingthorpe, Stan-
boume & Toppesfield ; for London, ro a.m. ; Haver- George Fredk. Catchpole
Waiter Clark
Retire April, rgxs.
William E. Dont
Robert Lake Hughes J.P
hill, Sudbury & Bury St. Edmunds, n.3o a.m.; for
London & forward, Ipswich & Colchester & Earls Retire April, rg16.
Colne, 2.50 p.m.; for Castle Hedingham & Sible Hed- Arthur Henry Bartram Frank P. Motley
mgham, 5 p.m.; for London & forward, 5·45 p.m.;
for London & all parts, 8 p.m. ; but letters may be
Alfred William Kibble I
Harry Harvey Portway> .T.P
Betirt: April, 1917.
posted until 8.20 p.m. by affixing an additional !d.
stamp. Letters from Haverhill by mail cart, bring-
Wm. Owen Isaac Clover· t
Hy. William .Tames. A.:t:s
Frederick. Cocksedge- . ~ Geo. Stanley Mu.r[ay Moger
ing the bags from Castle & Sible Hedingham, Great
~ Officers ;
k Little Yeldham, Ridgwell, Baythorn End, Stnrmer
Staml10urne & Toppe.sfield, a.rrive at. 7.30 p.m. On Clerk, Robert Rutherford Morton, High street'
l!nnda.ys there is only ()De delivery at 7 a.m . .t letter Treasurer, William Nerill Tufnell, Langleys, Gt. W'lllthaitt.
box eloses for dispatch ot 3·4' a.m. & 8 p.m Medical Officer of Health, Edward Bertram Smith M.B.,
Town Sub-Post & M. 0. Office, 12 Trinity street. Miss B.S. Stisted
Vary Carpenter, sub-postmi&tresl!l. Letter Box Surveyor a. Sanitary ln!!pector, William' "'Arlhur
cleared for dispatch at 9.40 k n. 15 a.m. & 2.45, ~· 15 Nicholson, Head street . • ..
I; 7·45 p.m. week days only Collect{)r, Waiter Gibb~, 23 High street
264 ( HAL~TEAD AND (
COUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR PE'l'TY SESSIONAL. Shipwrecked Fishermeu & Mariners' Royal Benevolen~
DIVISION OF HAI.STEAD. Society ; Hon. Representatives, Edgar T. Adama •
Francis N. Adams B..A.. The Cottage
Brewster Charles Edward, Maple!ltead hall, :Maplestead, Town Hall, High street
Halstead (chairman) Urban D1strict Council Hospital for Infectious
Blomfield Alfred, Orange hall, Gosfield, Halstead Charles Gordon Roberts M.A., M.B., B.C.Camb. medi·
Botterell John Jame.s Dumville, Colne park, Earls Colne, cal officer; Miss Beatrice Bennett, matron
Essex Volunteer Fire Brigade, Head street;, Edgar Tarry
Courtauld George, Cut Hedge, Gosfield. Halstead Adams, captain; William Arthur Nicholson, sup~. •
Dickinson Henry Basham, Le Mote, Pebmarsh, Bures sec. & ISt & 2nd engineers & 16 men
Gray Charles Wing, Piercy's, Greenstead Grn. Halstead
. Grimston Waiter Edwd. Colne Place, Earls Colne, Essex TERRITORIAL FORCE.
Hills Harris, National Liberal club, Whitehall place, Essex Yeomanry (D Troop, B Squadron), 2nd Lieut. G.
London SW P. N. Reid
Hills Henry Francis, Chalkney, Earls Colne, Essex 5th Territorial Ba~talion, Essex Regiment (E Co.), Drill
Hughes Robert Lake, Eastholme, Sudbury rd. Halstead hall, Queen's hall; Lieut. C. A. Gould; Sergt. Victor
Hunt Reuben, Tillwicks, Earls Colne, Essex Cramp, drill instructm·
Portway Harry Harvey, Bois hall, Sudbury rd. Halstead
Vaizey Francis Arthur, Bentalls, Halstead HALSTEAD UNION.
Wren Joseph M.A. Colneford house, Earls Colne, Essex
"The chairmen, for the time being, of the Halstead Urban & Board day, friday, fortnightly,at the Workhouse,atu a.m.
Rural Di!lbrict Councils, are ex-officio magistrates The Union comprises seventeen parishes, viz. :-Castle
Clerk to the Magistrates, Robert Rutherford Morton, Hedingham, Colne Engaine, Earls Colne, Gosfield,
· High street Great Maplestead, Halstead Urban, Halstead Rural.
Petty Sessions held at the Police station -every alternate Little Maplestead, Little Yeldham, Pebmarsb, Ridge-
tuesday at I I a.m. The places in the division are well, Sible nedingham, Stambourne, Tilbury, Toppes·
Alphamstone, Bures Hamlet, Earls Colne, Colne En- field, White Colne & Great Yeldham. The area ol
. gaine, White Colne, Gosfield, Halstead Urban, Hal- the union is 39,305 acres ; ratooble value, Lady Day,
stead Rural, Great & Little Henny, Lamarsh, Little 1913, £94,2~9; the population of the union in rgr,r
Maplestead, Middleton, Pebmarsh, Twinstead & Wick- was r6,5g6
ham St. Paul Chairman of the Board of Guardians, Charles Edward
Brewster J.P. Maplestead hall, near Halstead
HALSTEAD RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL. Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committet>,
Sydney Richard Long, Head street
The Parishes in the District are the same as in the Treasurer, William Nevill Tufnell, Langleys. Gt. Waltham
Union, with the exception of Halstead Urban. The Relieving & Vaccination Officers & Collectors to the
area is 38,712 acre'!; the population in 19n was Guaidians & Inspectors under the " Children's .!et,"
10,332. 1st aistrict, William Crowe Sheen, 26 Parsonage st.
Uouncil meets at the Workhouse everv• alternate fridav• Ra.Istead; 2nd district, Louis Delf, Great Yeldham
at I p.m. "Medical Offic!.'rs, Halstead district, rst diYision, Charles
Chah1nan. Charles E. Drewster J.P. Maplestead ball Stewart Wink M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. High street, Hal-
stead; Halstearl district, 2nd division, Charles Gordon
Roberts M.A., ~LB., B.C.Camh. F..a.stdene, :New streel,
Officials. Halstead; No. 2 district, Henry Joseph Twamley
Clerk, Sidney Richard Lon~, Head street L.R.C.S. & L.M.I. Sible Hedingham; No. 3 district,
Treasurer. William Nevill Tufnell, Langleys,Gt. Waltbam Thomas Edward Pallett M.D.Brux. Earls Colne; No. 4
Medical Officer.s of Health, No. I district, E. Bertram district, Thomas William Bartlett M.D.Durham, •
Smith M.B., B.S. Stisted; No. 2 district, John Bourne L.R.C.P. & L.R.C.S.Edin., L.R.F.P.S.Glas. Steeple
Bromley M.R.C.S.Eng. Ca~tle Hedingham Bumpstead; No. :; district, James Bromley L.R.c:r.
Sanitary Inspectors & Highway Surveyors, Ist District, Lond., M.R C.S.Eng. Sible Hedin~ham
Harry 0. Cross, 26 Parsonage street, Halstead; 2hd Public Vaccinators, 1st district, Charles Stewart Wink
District, William Harry Eade, Sible Hedingham M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. High street, Halstead; other
districts, same as Medical Officers
The Workhouse, erected in 1838, at a cost of [7,500, ia
PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. available for 250 inmates; Fredericl;: William Kemp,
-"Demetery, Cofcbester road, Edgar Joseph Potter, clerk master; Ed~ar Tarry .Adams, l{ly reader; Charles
t-o the joint committee; George Wiffen, superintendent Stewart Wink M.RC.S., L.R.C.P. medical officer;
Co-operative Assembly Rooms, Trinity stre~t; Herbert :Mrs. Olive Kemp, matron
Ccttage Hospital, North street, Charles Stewart Wink Superintendent Rf'gistrar, Sydney Richard Long, Head
M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. John Bourne Bromley M.R.C.S. street, Halstead; deputy, William Art.hur Nicholson,
Eng. Charles Gordon Roberts M.A., M.B., B.C.Camb. Head street
Thomas Edward Pallett M.D.Brux., L.S.A.Lond. Henrv• Registrars of Marriages, Samuel Tyler, Head street, HaJ.•
.Joseph Twamley L.R.C.S.I., L.M.Irel., L ..A.H.Dub. stead; deputy, Samuel George Tyler, Head street.
Herbert Andrew Watney M.B., B.S.Lond., M.R.C.S. Halstead; John Spurgeon, Sible Hedingham; deputy,
Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. & James Bromley L.R.C.P. Ernest S. Willis, Sible Hedingham
Lond., ~.R.C.S.Eng. medical officers.; H. Reg-istrars of Bil-ths & Deaths, Hah•tead sub-district,
Knight, hon. sec.; Edgar Joseph Potter, assistant Wm. Crowe Sheen, z6 Parsonage st. Halstead; depnty,
sec. & collector ; :Miss Kathleen Buckingham, matron Edgar Joseph Potter, Colchester road, Halstead;
County Court, His Honor Hy. Tindal-_-\tkinson, judge; Hedingham sub-district, Louis ..Delf, Great Y eldham;
Robert Rutherford M01·ton, registrar & high bailiff; deputy, William Harry Eade, Sible Hedingham
the county court is held bi-monthly. The following is
a list of parishes & places within the jurisdiction of PUBLIC OFFICERS.
the court :-Earls Colne, Colne Engaine, White Colne. Certifying Factory Sure-eon, Chal'lt"s Stewart Wink
Gosfield, Halstead, Sible Hedingham, Castle Heding· M.R.C.S., L.R.CP. Hi!!h street
ham, Great Maplestea.d, Little Maplestead, Marks Hall. Chief Inspector of Weights .,._ Measures & under "Sale
Pebmarsh, Tilbury-juxta-Clare, Toppesfield, Great of Food & Drugs Act " & Official Sampler under
Yeldham & Little Yeldham "Fertilisers & Fef'ding Stuffs Act" for the Northern
For Bankruptcy purposes this court is included in that District, A. dam 'Vard. I North hill, Colchester
of Colchester; Frederick Messent, official receiver, 36 Clerk to the Halstead Grammar School for Girls, Roht.
Princes street, Ipswich Rutherford Morton, High street
Certified Bailiffs under the " Law of Distress Amendment Clerk to Halstead District Sub-Committee of the Essex
Act," Stanley Moger, Head street, Halstead; Samuel Education Committee,
Tyler, Head street, Halstead; Thomas Howard, Earls Clerk to Halstead Sub-Committee of Essex Local Pea·
Colne ; Samuel George Tyler, Head street, Halstead &. sion Committee, Robert Lake Hugbes, Head street
J ames Frederick Bens on, High street, Halstead Clerk to the Vestry, Assistant Overseer & Clerk to
Customs & Excise Office, 65 New street, Frank G. Halstead Rural Parish Council, Samuel Tyler, Head sl
Blenkhorn, officer Collector of Taxes, Samuel G. Tyler, Head street
Police Station, Trinity street, John Willsmer, inspector Town Crier, James Scott, North street
& five constables; Greenstead Green, Pebmarsh, Bures Veterinary Inspector for Essex County Ccuncil, Hal·
Hamlet & Gosfield, one constable ; F..arls Colne, stead & Hedingham Divisions, Frederic Morton Wallis
one sergeant & on.- constable M.R.C.V.S. 38 Head street
PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of Services. Attendance Officers, H. G. Hughes, Chapel st.; Edgar
St. Audrew~s Church, High street, Rev. Thomas Higharn Joseph Potter, Blue Bridge, Colchester road & W. H.
Curling B.A. vicar; Rev. Claude A. Bloomfield Allen Kinsey, Birdbrook
B.A. curate; 8 &; 10.30 a. m. & 2.45 &; 6.30 p.m. ; Public Elementary.
daily, 8 a.m. & 6 p.m. ; wed. & fri. n a.m Factory lane (mixed), builb in 191I, for .po boy~ &
Holy Trinity Church, Trinity street, Rev. Albert Edwd. girls; average attendance, 310; Harry Morton.
Austin M.A.. vicar; 8 &; II a.m. & 3 & 6.30 p.m. ; Mathews, master
daily, 5.30 p.m.; wed. & fri. n a.m Factory hme (infants), built in 1844, for 1~8 children;
St. James' Church, Greenstead Green, Rev. Henry average attendance, I 10; Miss Dora. Pudney. mistress
Samuel Brooks M.A. vicar; u a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; & St. Andrew's, Colchester road, built in 18]6, (boys) for
daily, morning k evening 140; attendance, 103; Thos. Fisher, master;
Friends' Meeting HouRe, Colchester road; n a. m (girls) for 128; average att-endance, 94; Miss Marion
Baptist, North street, Rev. Arnold H. Yates; 10.3-0 Whitehead, mistress; (infants) for qg children;
a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; mon. 7.30 p.m average attendance, 8 r ; "Yiss Jane Iggulden, mistre11s
Baptist (Particular), Colchester road; 10.30 a.m. &; 6.30 St. James's, Greenstead Green (mixed), built in 1846 &
p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m enlarged in 1884, for 100 children; average attend·
Congregational, Pa1 sonage street, Rev. Russell Eric ance, 32; Miss '1ahala Isom, mistress
Thomas B.A.; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m Trinity, Trinity street (mixed & infants), built in 1845
Congregational, High street, Rev. Henry Wm. Jame;> & enlarged in 1881, at a cost of £I5o, & in I90l at
A. T.S.; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m a furthPr cost of [300, for 120 boys &; girls & 125
Primitive Methodist, New street. (Halstead & Great infants; averag-(' attendance, roo boys &; girls &: 93
Bardfield Circuit), Rev. Fre!lerick Wil!l.iam Wilkinson infants ; Miss Bessil" Glasson, mistress
(supt..); 10.30 a.. m. &; 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. 7.30 p.rn
Plymouth Brethren, Colchester road, 6.30 p.m Indnstrial, School lane, for girl~. certified March 12, 1a69.
Salvation Army, Rosemtuy la.; II a.m. &; 3 & 6.30 p.m unde1· the Industrial Schools Act of 1866; there are
Unitarian, Factory lane; 6.30 p.m. (fortnightly) now ( rgq) 6-t inmates; Miss Sarah Eliz.a Binks, !><Upt
Grammar School for Girls, Colchester road, opened Colne Valley & Halstead Railway, head offices; Elyot S.
1909, for secondary education & controlled by a body Hawkins, geneml manager, engineer & sec
of governors: there is a preparatory department for Railway Station, Frederick Coppin, 163 King's road, sta-
boys & girls frvm 5 to Io years of age ; Miss Amy tion master
Brooks B.A.I,ond. hf'ad mistress; Miss Dora Turner Omnibuses to BtaintreP, E. & B. Smith, from High st.
iB.Sc.Lond. second mistress; Robert Rutherford 1
every wed. &; Thomas Argtmt, from Dog inn, North
Morton, Hi~h street, clerk to the governors 1 street, mon. wPd. &; sat
Technical School, Bridge street; Handicraft centre, ,
William Jones, ma~ter; Cookery Cf'ntre, Mis4 Ethel CARRIERS '1'0 : -
Peterson, mistress Braintree Thomas Argent, mon. wed. & sat
, Chappel & .Earls Colne Leo. James Pendle, daily
Halstead District Sub-Committee. Post Office, Greenstead Green. James Emest Osborne,
The Committee, formed in June, 1910, consists of 2o 1 sub-postmaster. Letters from Halstea.d a.rrive at
members ; 7.25 &; 11.45 a.m.; dispatched at 9 a.m. & 6.25 p.m.;
Meetings are held at the Council chamber, Town hall, 1
~undays, 10 a.m. The nearest money order &; tele-
on last tuesday in the month at 3.30 p.m i graph office is at Halstead, 2! miles distant
Chairman, Charles Edward Brewster J.P 1 Wall Letter Box, near the church, cleared at 9·5 a.m. &i
• Clerk, i 6.3-o p.m. ; sunday, 10.5 a.m
School Medical Inspector, I County Police, John Willsmer, inspector
PRIVA1'J: RESIDENTS. Gray Miss, 67 Colchester road Philbrick Miss,The Cedars,Sudbury rd
Adams Edgar Tarry, The Cottage, Hall l\lrs. 15 Chapel hill Portway Harry Harvey J.P. Bois hall,
Trinity street Hartle Philip,Broomhill, Colchester rd Sudbury road
Adams Percy, Oaklands Hodgson Col. Henry West C.V.O. Att- Ravenshaw Col. Charles W. :SetheT
Alien Rev. Claude Alfred Bloomfield woods; & Naval & Militarv cluh, Prior, Colchester road
B.A. 19 Head street Piccadilly W & Wellingtmi club, Roberts Charles Gordon M.A., M.B.
Ambrose George Wm. 9 Head strel"t Grosven<Jr place SW, London 1 Cam b. Eastdene
Ardley Mi~ses, Sloe farm Hornor Mrs. The Howe Root Wm. Herbert, 65 Colchestilr rd
Austin Rev. Albert Edward M.A. Hughes Robert Lake J.P. Eastholme, Sant Henry John, 49 New street.
Holy Trinity vicarage Sudbury road Sargent Robert, Clairholm, North st
Binks Miss, Mount hill Inman Miss, 6 Colchester road Saunders Alfred B. Woolston house,
Brooks Miss A., B.A. Waverly house, Jame.s Rev. Henry William A.T.S. Sudburv road
Colchester road (Congregational),The Manse,High st Scott Waiter E. 67 New street
Brough Thomas, Sudbury road Johnson .Mrs. Ivy house, High street Seabrook Mrs. 69 New street
Buck Chas. Trinity villa, Chapel hill Kibble Alfred William, 103- King's rd Shave Mrs. Hillcrest. Pretoria road
Carruthers Andrew John, 21 Head st Knight Ernest Henry, Idsworth, Pre- Simmons SI. Dornhurst.,Colchester rd
Clark Wait. VictOTia cot. Colchester rd tmia road Smith Wm. Arthur, Sudbury road
Clayton Ernest, 84 North street Knight MN. 86 North street · I Sudbnry William, Mallows
Clover William Isaac Owen, The Long Sydney Richard, Gold thorn, J Tayll"r .Mrs. ~\shford lodge
Ohestnutt~, Trinity street Colchester road ThomM Rev. Russell Eric RA. (Con-
Cocksed~?e Fredk. Bay ho. Chapel st l\'linter Richard, 13 High street gregational), Parsonage street
Coote Mi~. Lindens, Head street Mitchell Reginald Bennett, Lyndhurs-t, Thomas William, Bluebridge house
XCOurtanld Wm. Julien J.P. Penny Pot Sudbury road Thompson Rev. John Elijah M.A..
Cressall Mrs. Rose cottage, Mount hi Moger Stanley, 64 Head street Firwood
Curling Rev. Thomas Higham B.A. Morley Mrs. The Elms, Head street Thorn Thomas, 45 Head street
(vicar), St. Andrew's vicarage Morris .Mrs. 46 Head street Tyler Samuel, Chipping hill
Deacon Lt.-Col. Edmd. D.L. Sloe ho Morton Gerard Sinclair, The Firs, Vaizev• Francis .!rthur J.P. Bentalls
Dennett Herbert James, Trafalgar lo. ~udbury road Wallis Frederic .Morton, 38 Head st
Colchester road Morton Robert Rutherford, Star stile Warner Mrs. 63 New l!treet
Diaper Frank, Bank house, High st Nash George, North street ~ Watney Herbert .!ndrew M.B. Red
Fitch Mrs. 59 New street Naylor Alonzo,Blocldey cot.Pret<Jria rd house, Colchester road
Pitch Mrs. E. J. 55 Pretoria road Xichols Clarence R. Mytholm, Col-1 Wilkinson Rev. Fredk.Wm.Factory la
Fitchett Miss, Trinity ho. Trinity st chester road Wink Charles Stewart, High street
.Poster Arthur, Mill house, Causeway Oakley Mrs. 20 Head street Yates Rev. Arnold H. (Baptist), Ea"t
Goodt>y Albert, The Chase, Head st Pattison Waiter Ernest, 74 Head st lodge. Pretoria road
CO:r.DIERCIAL. A.kers Alfred, Bird-in-Hand P.H. :;6 Chapel hill
Early closing day, Wednesday. A.mey Waiter William, baker, 20 New st.& 94 Tiding;~ hl
Abbott Ada (Miss). private school, Colchester road A.rdley H. B. ()-lrs.), apartments, 19 Head !<h·eet
Ad11ms Thomas Franci~ & Sons, brewers, maltsters, Argent Thomas, carrier, 49 North street
mineral water manufacturers & corn merchWits, A.rnold Alfred, fruiterer, 45 Hi!!h strePt
Trinity street; &: stores at Shalford (T. G. Brunwin, Bacon Fr:tnk, beer retailer -


Baker, Son & Oo. general drapers, milliners & dress Copsey William, shopkeeper, 82 Parsonage street
makers, 7, 8 & 9 Head street Corder Henry, beer retailer, 30 Tidings hill
Banbury F. & Son, drapers, 7, 9 & I I High street Cottage Hospital (John Bourne Bromley M.&.O.S.
Baptist Chapel Institute (John Harvey, kPeper), North »t Eng. Charles Gordon Roberts M.A., M.B., B.O.
Barber John, farmer, Brick Barn farm Camb. Thomas Edward Pallett M.D.Brnx., L.S.A.,
Barber Thomas, confectioner, 9 North street I Land. Henry Joseph Twamley L.B.C.S.I., L.M.
Barclay & Company Limited (branch), bankers (Frank lrel., L.A.H.Dub, Herbert A. Watney M.B., B.S.
Diaper, manager), High street; draw on head office, Loud., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. James Bromle7
54 Lombard street, London E C L.R.O.P.Lond. M.B.C.S.Eng. & Charles Stewan
Barrel George, boot maker, Head street Wink M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. medical officers;
Barry &; Co. printers, 21 High street Ernest H. Knight, hon. sec.; Edgar Joseph Potter,
Bartholomew Margaret ('Mrs.), dr<asa ma. 40 Pretoria. rd assistant sec, & collector ; :Miss Kathleen Bucki~ham,
Bartram Arthur Henry, confectioner 101 & 103, & matron), North street
fruiterer 105, High street Cottis James F. shopkeeper, 2 Stanley road
Batelyg Limited, clothiers, 66 High street Coulson Reginald, baker, 40 High street
·Beadle James, plnmber, see Harrington & Beadle Oounty Court (His Honor H. 1'indal Atkinson, jndge;
Beckwith William, cabinet; maker, Parsonage street Robert Rutherford Morton, registrar & high bailiff),
Belchamp Deanery Magazine (William Herbert Root, High street
publisher; published monthly), Trinity street. Courtaulds Limited, silk & crape manufacturer~
Bennett Alfred James, fishmongPr, 64 High street Craig James, farmer, Fitzjohn's
Benaon .Jamea Frederick, auctioneer, valuer, sur- Cramp Sergt. Victor, drill instructor to E Oo. 5th
Teyor, land, house &; estate agent, 30 High street Territorial Battalion Essex RegimPnt, Queen's hall
T A " Benson ; " T N 21 Cross Harry 0. sanitary inspector & highway mrveyor
Bentall Ethel (Miss). ladies' outfitter, 33 High street to the Rural District Council, 26 Parsonage street
Bird John A. fruiterer, 67 High street · Culyer Alfred, watch maker, 62 High street
Blomfield Alfred, dairyman, 2 Parsonage street Custom & Excise Office (Frank G. Blenkhom, ofticer),
Blomfield Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer, Blamsters . 65 New street
Blyth Eliza (Mrs.), apartments, 44 North street Davey Edith (Miss), dress makPr, Beridge road
Board of Trade Labour Offices (Bert H. Owers, in Davey Frank, wire worker, 72 Head street
charge), Head street Davey Waiter Janu~s. hoot 1epairer, 81 Trinitr ruad
Rowyer Samuel, smith, Bridqe -.t1·eet Deal George, farm bailiff to the Rev. B. J. H. Beridge
Bradridge Thomas & Co. coal merchants. King's road M.A. Froyz•
Bragg Charles, shopkeeper, 17 North street Deal Riehard; shopkeeper, 103 North street
Bragg George, fish dealer, 2 New street Debenham Alfred Edward, insuranca agent, l:13 Kwg'a rd
Bragg Harry, bricklayer, 93 Parsonage street Deeks John Thomas, builder, 72 North street
Bragg Henry, fishmunger, 75 Parsonage street Denn1!tt Herbert James, postmaster & stamp distributor,
Braintree Gazette (William Herbert Root, proprietor; High street
published thurs. evenmg), Trinity street Diaper Frank, manager of Barclay & Company's Bank,
Brazier E. & Son, wire workers. 78 Head street High strert
Brown Hugh &; Co. Limited (Philip Hartle, managing Diss Leonard, boot maker, 82 Beridge road
director), tanners, 52 High street Dixey Kate (.Mrs.), bePr retailer, North street
Brown R. & Son, market gardeners, Chapel street Doe Arthur, butchers 8 Trmity street
Brown William Edward &; Son, tailors, 14 High street Doubleday E. & T. P. grJcers, High street & Trinity st
Brown Alfred Duncombe, pharm. chemist, 12 High street Thlnbleday E. &; T. P. & Co. drapers, Head street
Broyd Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 74 Trinity road Douse William E. butter dealer, Chapel hill
Broyd Ernest, farmer, Brook stree-t Dring Charles, jobbing gardener, Parsona~e street
Broyd Samuel, beer retailer, 41 Chapel hill Dunt W illiam E. draper, 2 & .1 Britlge street
Broyd William, butcher, 107 High street Edwaz·ds Frederick Waiter, tinman, Korth street
Buck Charles, carriage builder, Bridge street Essex Archreological Society (Rev. Thomas High&m
Burgess Herbert Charles, Dog P.H. 40 North street Curling B. A. sec.), St. Andrew's vicarage
Butcher George, tailor, 20 Boisfield terrace Essex & Halstead Times (B:ury & Co. publishers & pro-
Butcher John, hosier & glover, 39 High street. T N 25 prietors; published friday for saturday), 21 iHigh st
Butcher Leonard S. market gardener, 39 High street Ev.ans Annie (~rs.), confectioner, 83 Parsonag~ street
Oarpenter Mary & Emmie (Misses), stationers, Post Evans Ernest T. farmer, Bois hall, Sudbury road
office, Trinity street Evans Frederick, butcher, 69 Head street
Carpenter Henry, insurance agPnt, 9 Trinity S!Juare Evans Herbert, pbrk butcher, 79 Parsonage street
Carter & Son, stationers, 28 High street Evans Jacob, jun, pig dealer, ColnE' road
Cemetery (Edgar Joseph Potter, clerk to the joint Com- Evans Percy F. grocer, 19 High street
mittee;- George Wiffen. supt. ), Colchester road ' Evans Thomas William, greengrocer, 6o Head street
Chaplin &; Keeble, cycle agents, 57 High street Fitch FlOi'rie (Miss), laundress, Glenthorne ril. Nortli. d
Ohapliu James, farmer. Plaistow green Fletcher Frederick, pork butcher, 82 High street
Clark Sarah & Alice (Misses). news agents. 4:1 High "t Foster Rupert R. artificial teeth maker, IIS King's road
Clark Edith May (Miss), confectioner, 41 iHigh street French Edward W. teacher of music, 46 Pretoria road
Clark Waiter, cabinet maker, 1 High &treet French Richard Arthur, watch maker, 78 High S"treefi
Ohuke Osborne George, bntcher, u Head street Frost Edmund, miller (steam & wind), Boisfield
Claydon Herbert Walter, boot maker. 32 Trinity street Frye F. Florence (Miss), ·draper, 91 & 93 High street
Olemen.ts H!'l'bert. watch & cldck mnker, 22 Tidings hill Fuller Alfred John. Whit& Horse P.H. ~2 Parsonage .~
Clift Waiter, fried fish dealer, 12 Head street Garrod Henry, tobacconist, 20 Trinity street
Clonr Owen & Son, millers (steam), Bridge streei Gibbs Waiter, confectioner &; collt>Ctor to th6 Urban
Oocbedge Alice & Ada (Misses), confectioners, Bridge 11t District Council, 23 High street ·
Cocksedge Henry & Son, timber merchants. Gibbs William, h'air dresser, 56 Parsonage street
general wood turners, & saw mills, Steam saw mills Gittus Albert Euwaz·d. RDse &i Crown P.H. 55 Head st
Coe Aliee (Miss), confectiom~r. 2 Neale road Gold~mith HariT H. count,, court bailiff, Colchester 11oad
Ooles &; Oo. chemists. 25 High street Goodchild George, farmer·, Hepworth hall
Coles Samuel John, dentist. 2•; High street Goodey A.lbert L.D.S.Eng. dentist, The Chase, Head -sl
Colne Valley' & Halstead Railway Company (Eiyot S. Goodey Henry, haulier, White House farm
Hawkins, general manager, engineer & sec; Samup) Goodey :Mark, Griffin P.H. 103 Parsonage street
Rayner, aceonntant) Gosling Frank, hair dre!"s~r, r Trinity !!quare & bard-
Oook Fairy (Mrs.), greengrocer. 24 Trinitv street ware dl'aler. 22 Trinity str~:>et
Cook George, Ernest. jun. beer retailE'r, 76 Tidings hill Gould Moses & W allace, ~reengrocers, 34 Chapel hiU
Cook Sidney, mineral water manufactnr!:'r, Parsonage st Gray Arthur, Royal Oak P.H. 58 High street
Cooke Eliza Ann (Mrs.), Kin~'s A r·ms P.H. 8 North st Halstead Club (F. :M:orton Wallis, honorary secretary),
Cooke JanE' (Mrs.) L O.S midwife. I:<><• King's road High street
Cooper F. k :a. <drapers, 70. 8T & 8< Hie-h strt>et Halstead & "Colne Valley Gazette (William Herbert Boot,
Cooper Frederick, g-reengrocer, 97 High street p1·oprietor; published thurs. evening). Trinity street
Cooper Harry. motor eneineer, High street &; cycle- Halstead Constitutional Club (A. Debenham, sec.;.
agent, Head street. Telegrams, "Cooper, Motors~ Timothy Rayner, steward), High street
Halstead ; " T N 12 Hals'tead k District Free Church Council (R!"V. .irnold
Cooper Waiter William, basket maker, & parish clerk of Yates, hon. sec)
St. Andrew's, 4:2 Colchester r{)ad & 26 High street Halstead Football Club (Edward Doe, sec.), Beridge rd
Co-operative AssE>mbly Rooms (Herberti Amey, sec.), Halstead Gas Co. Limited (F. A.rthur Last, sN~. ~ msn-
Trinity street ager), Bridge street; works, Rosemary lane
I 267
Halstead Gil"ls' Club (.Miss 1{argaret }'attison,_ hon. Mort<ln Gerard Sinclair. solicitor (firm, Morton & Sun),
sec.), The Limes, Head street ' High street
Balstead Grammar Schoo~ for Girls (Miss Amy Brooks Morton Robert Rutli~rford (firm, Morton k Son), sol~
B.A.Lond. head mistress; Miss Dora Turner B.Sc. citor, commissioner for oaths, clerk to the magis-
London, Atec()nd )ll,ist.r.,!!S 1 ~obert Rutherford .Morton, trates for the Halstead division k North Hinckford
clerk), Col~he&ter road (Hedingham) division, k clerk to the Urban District
Balstea4. jqdustrial CQ·opera.tive Society Ltd. (Berbert Council k Halstead Grammar School for Girls,High st
Amey, sec.), Trinity street k High street :Mott Thomas, far·mer, Stones farm
}lalstead Liberal Association (J. Owen Clover, sec) MO¥ Thomas Limited. coal, corn, hay k seed mer-
Jlalstead ltibeJ:al Club (J. Owen Clover & William Monk, cha-nts; offices, 74 Head street (T N 20); King's road
joint hon. secs.), Trinity street & Bridge street
HaJstead Public Baths (Josiah Smith, attendant) Munford Alice E. (Miss), fan<:y I'epQsitory, 4 Head street
;Halst-ea4 Sanatorium for Tube1culosis (Charles Gordon Nash Robsrt k Son, butchers, 76 High street
Roberts M.A., M.B., B.Ch.Camb. medical officer) Nash George, fmnitnre de:u"r· 4 & 6 High stret-t
Balstead Town Band (H. A. Adams, bandmaster ; A. Nash Basil, upholsterer, 41 North street
B. Laurence, sec.). Trinity street NPedham Herbert G. Yt> Olde White Harte hotel, 15
Halstead Urban District Council .Ilospita~ for Infectious High street; wines & spi.l'its of the finest quality;
Diseases (Charles Gordon Rober-ts M.A., M.B., B.O. luncheons & teas; good stabling
Carob. medical officer; Miss Beatrice- Bennett, matron) Newton A. W. k H. smiths, Bridge street
Balstead VoluntePr Fire Brigade (Edgar Tarry Adams, Newton Albert, fried fish dealer, Bridge street
captain; William Arthur Nichol~on, supt. k sec.), Newton Elymas, chimney swepper, 2 Chipping bill
Bead street Newton Waiter Winterworth, poultry dlr. 41 Tidings hl
Halstead Water Works (William .\1 thur Nicholson, Nicholson William .!.rthur, surveyor k sanitary inspector
manager), Head street Halstood Urban Di~trict Council & deputy registrar,
H-arbord Alfred, RPd Lion P.R. I Mount Plt>asant Head street
Harrington & Beadle, plumbers & painters, 49 Trinity l'd Norman George, ral{ merchant, Mount Pleasant
Barrington Jacob, boot repairer, 6o North o~treet · North William, seedsman, 99 High street
Harvey John, saddler, 12 Parsonage street I Norton J&mes, tobacconist, 3 High street
Hawkins Elyot S. general manager.. engineer &; sec. to Os borne J ulia Ann (Mrs.), beer retailer,. 64 Parsonage st
the Colne Vallev & Halstead Railway Co Osborne Lewis, carpenter, Parsonage street
Hayward Henry Snare, boot maker, 68 High :<trePt Owers James, temperance hotel proprietor, Trinity at
Holgate Henry William, f.armer Pamplin Alfred, walking stick maker, t Tidings hill
Hughes Robert Lake, clerk t-o Halstead Sub-Committee Parish J ane (Mrli. ), stay maker, xo Trinity square
of Essex Local Pension Committee, Head street Parsonson Charles, basket maker, Factory lane
Hume Emily (Mrs.), King's Head P.H. Colchester road Patrick George, laundry, School house, 'N m:th street
Industrial School (Mi~s Sa.ruh Eliza Bink~. supt. ), Patrick James, beer retailer, 89 North street-
School lane Pattison Waiter Ernest, agent for Thomas Moy Limited,
International Tea Co.'s Stores Limited, grocers, 56 74 HPnd· street
High street . Pawsey Waiter, hair dresser, 37 High street
Jolley Ernes~ outfitter, ~orth strt>et & 6g High street Pendla Leo James, carrier, k agent for Sutton k Co.
Junior Primrose League (Miss Mm ice, hon. sec.), 36 carriers, High street
Pretoria road · Pendle Nathan William, furniture dPaler, 70 Bigh st
Keeble Cecil, cycle agent, see Chaplin & Keeble Pick Horace, farmer .
Kemp Alfred, painter, 33 New street Pike Horace Greave'l, photographer, 26 High J!treet
Kemp Ernest, beer retailer, 5 Trinity square Polley Nathan, farm bailiff to Fran.:is ..bthm1 V<aizey e~tq
Kemp W alter, shopkeeper, ChapPl hill Porter Frank, farmer, Conies
Kidby Harry Charles, Railway hotel, Bridge >rtreet Portway C. & &m, ironmongers, High street & stove &i
Knights May (Miss), boot maker, 75 Ntffl" street range manufacturers, Rosemary lane
last George, Nag~s Hea.d P.H. 5 New street Potter Edgar Joseph, clerk to the joint burial com-
Last George Cha.rles, shopkeeper, 14 Mount Pleasant mittee, deputy registrar of births & deaths, Halstead
Last Waiter, thatcher, East mill sub-district & school attendance officer, Blue bridge,
Laurence Alfred, house decorator, Sg King's road Colchester road ·
'Laurence George A. taxidermist, 8g King's road Primrose League (Francis ~- Atlams B . .!.. hon. sec.),
Lawrence Albert Henry, baker, 14 Trinity square Trinity street
Lee George J. Bull hotel, Bridge street. Pountney Henry, ironmonger, 75 High street
Lindekam Rudolf, Napif'r Arms P.H. 53 Head street & Pudney .!lice (Miss), dress maker, 9 Neale roa~
hair dresser, High street Purkiss Arthur, cooper, 15 Trinity road.
Literary & ~1echanics' Institute (Mort on MathPws, sec.), Raven Waiter Edward, steam threshing machine pro-
Town hall, High street prietor, King's road
London County & Westminster Bank Limited (branch) Ray Thomas, miller ($team & water), Langley mill
(R. B. Mitchell, manager), Hi!!h <~trPPt; draw on head Rayner Frank, grocer, 4':\ Head street
office, 41 Loth bury, LondQn E C Rayner George, farmer, Letches farm
Long Sydney Richard, clerk to guardians & assessment Rayner Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 17 Trinity square
committee of Halstead uuiou, derk to Halste~~~l Rural Rayner Samuel, accountant to the Colne Valley & RaJ-
District Council & .supt. rel!"istrar of Halstead distriet. stead Railwav •
Head street • Red Cross Society (The) (~iss Ja:net Elliott, hon. sec)
Margetson James, artificial teeth milker (attends satnr- Redgewell Charles Thos. hardware dealer, 7 North st
day afternoons), .1.0 High stret-t Redgewell Rocert. boot maker, 23 Head streeil
Marlar John & Son, wine & spirit merchants 49, & Reynolds BPssie (Miss). drPss makt>r, 30. Head street
chemists 51, High street Reynolds George H. Woodman P.H. 34 Colchester road
Mason Mark, rag merchant, Tidings hill 1 Richard son Herbel't, bakPr. o:;: High street >&; Head street
.Mason William, George hotel, High street Rigg Edward William, shopkeepP1', Mount Pleasant
Masonic Lodge (No. 2,154; Joshua Nunn) (Robert Sar- Boberts &; Watney, physicians & surg~tons. Eastdene,
gent P.M. sec ) (meets 3'1"1l thur><. in Jan . .March, June, New street & Colchester road · , r
Oct. &; ~ovember), Clairholm, ~orth strept; Colne RohPrts CharlPs Gordon M.A., M.B. & .B.C.Camb.
Valley Chapter (2,1~1) (Robe~·t SargPnt P.Z ...cribe E) (Roberts .& Watney). ph.ysician k surgeon, .t medical
(meets 3rd thurs. in Feb. ~'lay, Jul.r & Sept.), Masonic officer (2nd division} Halstead union, medical officer
rooms, High street of health to the urban District Council. surgeon to
llatthews Waiter Chas. van &; cart builder, 4 ~Iount hill thP C''Jtt:wt> Hnspitnl. h HalstPad Sanatorium for
Mayes George & Sons, watch makers, 35 High street Tuberculosis & tn the E~sex Yeomanry. Eastdene,
Meadows Ernest, shopkeeper, 24a, Head street ' ~ew '!t1·<>pt
Ml'Jildows Frederick "\'rillimn. l'>hopkeepe1·. zo .Xmth ,tr·ed Root Ernest _-\. butch<·a·, I Martin£ road l
Miller .Joseph William, f.umer, Penny PQt farm Root William Herbert. printer &i publisher, '£'rin.ity .at.
Mint3.1' Richard E. ironmonger, High street Rowland Etn«"~t James• .hair dresser. 14 lilead :str~t A
Mitchell Reginald Bennett, manager of the Londm1 Rudder ham Mary (Mrs.), confectioner. 2 Head street
County & Westminster Bank Limited, High street Ruffie John Cousins, miller (water), Box mill
Mite hell Robert G. corn d,ealer, 5 High street St. John Ambulance Association (Perey .Adams esq.
Moger Stanle¥, auctioneer. surveyor & valuer.- land. president). Trinitv street .
house ~ estate agent~ Head 11treet. T A " ~oger; " S!'rgent Herbert, builder & parish clerk of Trinity
TNg church, New street
Monk Goorge, carter, 25 New street ' Saylfard Lilian (Mrs.), drt-s;: maker, Tidings hill
M:ortan & Son, solicitors, High street
Science & Art Club (E. T. Adams esq. chairman; Miss Tokley James, shopkeepu, 30 Head !treet
H. 'l'iffen, hon. sec.),Brewery Reading room,Trinity st Town Hall, High street
.Scotcher Herbert, boot maker, 31 Head street Townsend Samuel, Swan inn, 71 High street
tict>tt Edward Slater, wheelwright, Uhapel hill 'l'owson John, farmer, Ayletts
8cott James, town crier &:; bill poster, North street Tyler &:; Son, auctioneers &:; valuers, Head street
8cott William, baker, 30 North street Tyler Edward Charles, Essex Arms inn, Trinity street
.8eymour John & James, grocers, 63 & 65 High !'treet Tyler James, photographer, Oakleigh house, North st
Sharp George, builder, Colchester road Tyler Samuel, registrar of marriages, Halstead sub-dis-
.Sheen Wilham Urowe, registrar of births & deaths, re- trict, assistant overseer, clerk to the Vestry &; clerk t
lieving & vaccination officer & collector to the assistant overseer to Halstead Rural Parish Council,
guardians & inspector under the Children's Act, rst Head street
district, Halstead union, 26 Parsonage street Tyler Samuel George, clerk & assistant overseer to
Shemming Edwin .Andrew, shopkeeper, II7 North street Great Maplestead Parish Council, deputy registr!H"
Blee William, 'Jeer retailer, Mount Pleasant of marriages & eollector of taxes, Head street
Smith E. & B. saddlers & funeral furnishers, 54 High st Underwood William, boot repairer, 5 Chapel hill
Smith W. H. & Son, news agents, Railway stn. Bridge st Vaizey Francis Arthnr, farmer, Benta.Ils
.Smith Arthur, stationer, 73 High street Vitler Minnie (Mrs.), dress maker, Chapel hill
Smith Charles Allen, carpenter, 25 Head street Wallis Frederic Morton :M.R.C.V.S. veterinary surgeon,
Smith Felix, saddler, 13 Head street &:; veterinary inspector (by appointment) to the Essex
Smith Frank, tailor, 59 & 6r High street County Council for Halstead & Hedingham divisions;
:Smith Frederick, Three Pigeons P.H. Mount hill canine, feline & general veterinary infirmary. Estab-
.Smith James, wardrobe dealer, Bridge street lished 1810, 38 Head street; ~hoeing forges, H!'ad
.Smith William Arthur, solicitor & commissioner for street & Trinity street
oaths, 6 Colchester road Walls Percy, boot maker, 55 High street
Sons of Temperance Friendly Society (.Arthur Barring- Ward Herbert, insurance agent, 125 King's road
ton, sec.), Co-operative Assembly rooms Ward Joseph Alma, boot repairer, 30 New street
:Spink David, beer retailer, 95 Parsonage street Watney Herbert Andrew M.B., B.S.Lond. ,M.R.C.S.Eng.,
Springalt John, poultry dealer, Tidings hill L.R.C.P.Lond. (firm, Roberts &:; Watney), physician t
.Spurgeon Alfred, chimney sweeper, 47 Trinity road surgeon, Red house, Colchester road
Steed Alfred, painter, I I North street · Watts L. J. Limited, monumental masons (Gl"llr ~e
Steed Thomas, shopkeeper, 14 Boisfield terrace Sharp, agent), Colchester road
StPward Robert William, farmer, Parley Beams Weston Henry, engineer, 34 North street
:Stringer &:; Stringer, solicitors, 78 High street Whiting Harry, boot maker, 17 High street
Stiibbings Charles, boot repairer, 24 Head street Willsmer John, inspector of police, Trinity street
Sturmer H. & Sons, plumbers. 6 North street Wink Charles Stewart M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. physician &;
Sudbury George & Sons, builders, Colchester road surgeon, medical officer & public vaccinator Halstead
Sudbury Frank Lake, builder, contractor, house decora district, rst division, & to the workhouse, certifymg
tor, s-anitary engineer & undertaker, 5 Bridge street factory surgeon & surgeon to the Cottage Hospital,
Sutton &:; Co. carriers (Leo Jas.Pendle,agent),7o High gt High street
'Tanswell George Edward, boot maker, 47 High street Wood Offord, cycle agent, 64a, High street
Taylor Jonathan, shopkeeper, •o New street Woolmer Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 61 Stanley .roaoi
Territorial For{!e Battalion (5th) Essex Regiment (E Co. Working Men's Club (Leonard Spurgeon, sec.; Edwin
Lieut. C. A. Gould, commanding; Sergt. Victor Andrew Shemming, steward), Trinity street
Cramp, drill instructor), Queen's hall Wright Eli, grocer, 17 Tidings hill
'Thorington Philip George, confectioner, 34 Trinity st Wrig-ht Sidney, fruiterer. 26 Trinity street
Tiffen Joseph White, boot & shoe maker, 3 Head strePt
8rooks Rev. Henry Samuel M.A. Chaplin James, hurdle maker Howell George, Hare & Hounds P H
(vicar). St. James' vicarage I Clarke .~lbert. farmer, Bm·ton's green Johnston William, farmer
<Jourtauld Samuel, Stanstead hall Ellis .John & V\'illiam, farnwrs, 'Vn.l'ds May Basil, farmer, Clavering!'
Dale William James, The Grange farm Oshorne James Erne~t, shopiHwpei. &;
Gray Charles Wing J.P. Piercy's Fit·min Maurict>, buildPr post office
Shoolbred Claude Fdk.GreenstParl hdl Gray Charles Wing- J .P. fa1mer & Peel Horace, farmer
CO:lliMEUCJAL. landowner, Piercy's•
Rippengale Edmund, bt>er rf'tail .. r,
Arnold Joseph. beer retaiiPr Holme~ Edward Henry. miller (steam Burtnn's g-reen
.Arnoltl Thomas, Plouzh inn 1 & wincl)

EA S '1 1
EAST HAM is a populous district and municipal belonged to Waltham Abbey, to which it was confirm~
borough, and lies north and south of the road to by King Edward the Confessor. The church of St.
Barking. the boundaries extending from Wanstead Flats Mary :Magdalen is an ancient structure of flint and
to the Thames at North Woolwich, the southern part stone, in part Norman, and consists of apsidal chancel,
oof the town being rather low. The Midland railway nave, western porch and a low embattled western tower
(London, Tilbury and Southend section) has a station containing 2 bells: the chancel, as well as portions of
here, and the Manor Park station on the main line the nave and the basement of the tower, are Norman:
of the Great Eastern railway to Colchester and Ipswich in the apse is a double piscina with lamp bracket, and
is I mile north. The District railway opened a branch in the chancel a Norman arcading of intersecting arches,
line in June, 1902, from Whitechapel to East Ham. much mutilated: here also is a costly monument of
It is 4 miles from Whitechapel church, London, with black and white marble, with life-sized effigies, r.o
'Which it has a direct communication by the lower road Edmund (or Edward) Nevill, a lineal descendant and
through Poplar, leading to Barking and Grays, I mile heir male of Sir G~>orge Nevill, Baron Latimer, and the
west from the town and quay of Barking, 2~ miles 1·eputed owner of that title, who in the reign of James I.
south-east from Stratford, 2 north from North Wool- claimed, though unsuccessfully, the earldom of West-
wich steamboat pier and free ferry and 2 south-west morland, the attainder of Charles, the last earl, who
from Ilford, in the Southern division of the county, died in 1584, and whose heir male he was, not having
Beacontree hundred and petty sessional division, West been reversed ; there is also a memorial to J ane, his
Ha.m union, county court district of Bow, rural deanery wife, and Katherine, their daughter, r618: there are
-<>f Barking, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of other ancient monuments and brasses to Rester, wife
Chelmsford. It is in the jurisdiction of the Central of Francis Neve, citizen and merchant taylm, ob. 16ro;
.Criminal court and the Metropolitan police, and Eastern Elizabeth (Harvey), wife of William Heigham esq. ob.
Metropolitan postal district. The borough, constituted r622, with three children; William Johnson, an infant.
by royal charter 27 Aug. 1904, is divided into six wards, ob. r631, and an inscription recording a benefaction
with six aldermen and r8 councillorq, each ward in 1585 by Robert Rampston, of Chingford: the church
returning three members to the Borough Council: the plate is about three centuries old : there are 200
borough also returns six members to the Essex County ~ittings: in the churchyard was buried the eminent
.Council. The borough has a commission of the peace, antiquary, William Stukeley M.D., F.R.S. who died 3rd
grant~ in 1906. The Corporation has established March, 1765, aud agreeably to his request, the grave has
electricitv• works, and manv• of the streets and business no stone or memorial of any kind : the original registers
premiseq ·up lighted fnm them. East Ham anciently have been lost: an imperfect copy, made by a former
achoolmaster, is the only record that remains, and Library, Plashet grove, opened in 1899, contains about.
which dates from 1753. The living is a vica1•age, 12,750 volumes. The Passmore Edwards Hospital, in
net yearly value £330, with residence, in the gift of Shrewsbury road, built in 1902, is a structure of red
Brasenose College, Oxford, and held since 1908 by the brick, the cost of which was defrayed by the late J.
Bev. Bobert Waltham Porter M.A. of that ~ollege, rural Passmore Edwards esq.; the hospital was furnished and
dean of Barking, examining chaplain to the Bishops of equipped by Lady Bethell and Sir John R. Roberts J.P.
St. Albans and Chelmsford, and surrogate. St. Bar- The hospital exists chiefly for accidents and surgical
iholomew's, Barking road, is a chapel of ease to St. cases and provides for about 20 patients. There are
Mary Magdalen, erected in 1901, and has 850 sittings. almshouses, founded in 1621 by Giles Breame esq. who.
St. Albans is an ecclesiastical parish, formed in 1903, died in 1621 and was buried in the church; these are
from the parish of St. Stephen, Upton Park. The occupied by three married couples and six widows, and
church, which is in Wakefield street, is an edifice of endowed with 103 acres of land at Braintree, producing·
brick in the Gothic style, consisting of nave and tll'o £26 15s. yearly, half of which is sent to Bottisham, in
aisles: there are 520 sittings. The register dates from Cambridgeshire. the plan of the original endowment
ihe year 1903. The living is a perpetual curacy, yearly providing for three poor men of that parish and three
value £250, in the gift of the Bishop of Chelmsford, of this: other charities, amounting to £19, are yearly
and held since 1910 by the Rev. Ernest Christopher distributed at Christmas. The Central Park, off High
Alien B.A. of Oxford University. The Central Hall, in street south, is laid out with lawns and flower-beds;
the Barking road, belonging to the Wesleyan Metho· space is also allotted for cricket, football and other
dists, is a large structure of red brick, erected at a sports, and there. is a band-stand, drinking fountain and
cost of £26,ooo, and will seat over 2,ooo persons; it is a sun dial: in Plashet grove is a smaller pleasaunce.
used both for public worship and for meetings, enter- formed out of an old garden, and containing- several
tainments &c. There is a Primitive Methodist chapel very fine trees, including an old cedar: there is also a
in High street south, built in 1885, with 300 sittings, recreation ground in Barking road. The area of East
and also the Elizabeth Fry Memorial chapel in Plashet Ham civil parish and municipal borough, including
grove. There is a United Methodist chapel in Tennyson Little Ilford, is 3,324 acres; rateable value, £550,637;.
avenue, a Welsh Congregational chapel in Sibley the population in 1891 was 32,713, 1901 96,o18, and
grove~ erected in 1902, seating 140 persons, a Presby- in 19II, 133.487, which included 218 in St. George's- ·
terian Church of England in East avenue, founded in-the-East Workhouse Industrial School, 271 in St.
in 1goo, with 65o sittings, a Baptist chapel in Plashet Nicholas' Industrial School for Catholic Boys, 108 iu
grove, and a Congregational chapel in Wakefield street, West Ham Union Workhouse Scattered Homes, 191 in
built in 1900, to seat 750 persons: a Sunday school West Ham Union Cottage Homes and 438 on board
was added in 1910: the Salvation Army barracks are vessels.
in Wakefield street. The cemetery, belonging to the
United Synagogue, was acquired in x888. The TowJ} The population of the municipal wards in 19II
Hall, in the Barking road, at the corner of High street was: Beckton and North Woolwich, J4,919; Central
south, is a structure of red brick with terra cotta East, 23,655 ; Central West, 25,294; Manor Park,.
dressings, and has a lofty clock tower; the site of about 27,924; Plashet East, 17,976; Plashet West, 23,709.
five acres cost £5,ooo, and the cost of the building and 'fhe population of the ecclesiastical parishes in 19 u
furnishing was £6C?,ooo. The laq~e hall w~ s~at 1,ooo was: St. Mary Magdalen (parish church), 49,073; St.
persons; the pubhc offices are m the bmldmg, and Alban Up ton Park 8 009
adjoining are the fire station, library, technical college, ' ' ' ·
BWimming, vapour and slipper baths, also the electric I By the East Ham, Barking Town and llford Order.
lighting and tramways generating station and depot. 1907, which came into operation November 9th, 1907,.
The Carnegie Central Library, in High street south, I part of Barking Town Urban District and civil parish,.
adjoining the Town Hall, erected at a CO$t of [1o,ooo and part of Ilford, Ilford Urban District and civil
by Andrew Carnegie esq. of Skibo Castle, is a building I parish, were transferred to East Ham Municipal borough
of red brick with stone and terra cotta dressings, and and civil parish, and part of East Ham Municipal
was opened March 26, 1908. There are at present borough and civil parish was transferred to Barking
(1914) 13,300 volumes in the lending library, and 1,3Po ' Town Urban District and civil parish, and part to.
in the reference library. The Passmore Edwards Public Ilford Urban District and civil parish.
Post, M. 0. & T. Office (East Ham branch & sorting Post & M. 0. Office, 103 Burges road.-Wilfrid Gordou
office), 49 High street north.-Miss Kemp, supervisor; Nickelson, sub-postmaster. Letters dispatched at.
S. Neave, overseer. Letters arrive 7.20 & 10.30 a.m. 8-35. 9-35 & }0-35 a. m. & 12.15, 1.40, 2.45· 4·5· 6.55.
&i r.;l5, 4·35. 6.35 & 8.45 p.m. ; dispatched at 9·5• 8, 10 & 11.40 p.m. (except saturday)
10.5 & 11.5 a.m. & 12.45, 2.1o, 3.zo, 4·35. 5·35· 7• 8 & Post Office Telephones, 16 & 18 High street south,.
10 p.m. & 12 midnight (except sat.) ; sundays, 12 Charles A. Chadd, inspector
Post &; M. 0. Office, 239 High street north. John Pil- CORPORATION OF EAST .BA}!.
pim, sub-postmaster. Nearest telegraph office, East Offices, Town hall, Barking road, East Ham.
Ham railway station. Letters dispatched 8.40, 9·40 &
Meeting days, 2nd & 4th tues. in each month at 7 p.m.
10.40 a.m~&; 12.20, 1.45, 2.50, 4.10, 5.10, 6.55, 8, 10 &;
11.30 p.m. (except sat.); sundays, II.15 p.m Mayor, Alderman Oliver Robert Anstead, Wall End
Pollt & M. 0. Office. 75 Barking road, East Ham.- house, East Ham E.
Walter Edward Lelliott, sub-postmaster. Letters dis- Deputy Mayor, Councillor W. T. Howlett, 5 Norfolk
patched at 8.40, 9.40 & 10.40 a.m. & 12.20, 1.40, 2.50, road, East Ham E.
5·5· 6.5o, 8, xo & 11.40 p.m. (except sat.) ; sundays, Aldermen.
II-45 p.m. The m•arest telegraph office is at Green
street, Upton Park Oliver Robert Anstead
Post &; M. 0. Office, 105 Katherine road.-Henry Leng- Jchn Brooks
Retire November, 1916.
Harry Osborn
mann, sub-postmaster. Letters dispatched at 8.4o,
9·40 &; 10.40 a.m. &; 12. 15, 1.40, 2.45, 4·5• 5• IO, 6.55, E. Edwards
8, 10 & (except saturday) u.4o p.m.; snndays, II-45 Charles Northfield
Retire November, 1919.
M. Oakes
p.m Councillors.
Post &; :M. 0. Office, 9 Marlow terrace, High street
sonth.-:Mr~. Louisa Bellchambers, sub-postmistress. Beckton• & North Woolwich Ward.
Letters dispatched at 8.35, 9·35 & 10.35 a.m. & 12.15, Retire Nov. Retire Nov_
1.40, 2.45, 4.10, 5·15, 7• 8, 10 &:; (except sat.) II.40 G. Brown ..........•....... 1914 Athelstan Coles ............ 1916
p.m.; snndays, 11.45 p.m. Nearest telegraph office W. H. Pilgram •••........ 1915
is at 49 High street north Central Ward East.
Post & M. 0. Office, Wall End, Barking road. James W. C. :Ford ............... 19141 A. H. Wiseman ............ 1916
Alfred Pearce. sub-postmaster. Letters dispatched at W. 'I'. Howlett .•.......... 1915
8.45, 9·45 & 10.45 a.m. & 12.25, I-SO, 2.55, 5-20, 7• Central Ward We!lt.
8, 10 & (sat. excepted) n.4o p.m.; sundays, II-45 G. ~- Dean .................. 19141 Josiah E,·ans ..... , .......... 1916
p.m. Nearest telegraph office is at 49 High st. north Albm Taylor ....••.•..••... 1915
Post & M. 0. Office, 72 Boundary road.-George Nixon,
sub-postmaster. Letters dispatch£-d 9.30 & 10.30 a.m. Plashet Ward Ea11t.
& 12.xo, 4.5o,, 7.25, 8.30 & (except saturday) 11.40 H. -Barfield •••••••••..•... 1914 I' A. Stokes .................. 1916
p.m.; snndays, u.15 p.m H. F. W1therspoon ...... 1915 . · ·
270 EAST HAM. '

Plashet Ward West . ' Passrnore Edward:J Hospital, Shrewsbury road, liug}i
Retire Nov. Retil·e Nov. M. Rigby M.S.Lond., F.R.C.S.Eng. h?n· con~ulting'
T, W. Cashman ......... rgq. I. A. .......~, ... I9r6 surgeon; S. R. Blake L.R.C.P. & S.Edm., L.R.F.P.S.
J. J. Francis ............... 1915 Glas. A. M. Fiddes M.B., C.M.Aberd. F. J. McKetJ
Manor Park Ward. trick M.B., C.M.Edin. & John Avery M.R.C.S.Eng.,
L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeons; Preston R. Wallia L.S ..!.
F. Bradley ........ , ......... I9J4 1 n. Olivt>r .................. Igi6 hon. anresthetist ; Miss E. Ousman, matron
•r. Hassan Cowper ...... 1915 1 Passmore Edwards Public Library, Plashet grove, BertJ
Officers. ram J. Frost, librarian in charge
St. Albans Settlement, 24 & 26 Victoria avenue, Miu
Town Olerk, Charles Eustace Wilson, Town hall M. E. Dallaway, head
Assistant Town Clerk, Edward Wm. Johnson, To'wn hall Town Hall, Barking road, .A.rthur Flowers, hall keeper
Borough 'l.'reasurer, George L. B. Davis, 'fown hall Police Station, High street south; inspectors, Herui
Assistant Treasurer, E. J. Johnson Cudmore & George Death; 8 sergeants, 3 station ser.ll
~edical Officer of Health, William Benton M.R.C.S., geants, I detective sergeant & 64 constables, inclnding-
L.R.O.P.Lond., D.P.H.R.C.P.S.I. Tow~ hall I detective p.c
Deputy Medical Officer of Health, William .Arthur Berry TERRITORIAL FORCE.
M.B., .B.S.Lond., D.P.H.Oxon. Town hall
Veterinary Inspt>ctor, HerbPrt John Parkin M.R.C.V.S. 8th (Cyclist) Battalion The Essex Regiment (E Co.),
Barking road Capt. C. A. Baily; Color-Sergt.-Instr. G. Love
Borough Engineer & Surveyor, Jn. E.W.Birch,To'!n hall PUBLIC OFFICERS.
Deputy Surveyor, Howard Leslie Baker, Town hall
Sanit-ary Inspectors, Joseph G. Banks (chief), Joseph G. Clerk to East Ham Local Pension Committee, G. :E•
.Anderson, George D. Lill & Morris J. J. Hill yard Griffin, Town hall, Barking road
Electrical & Tramway Engineer &; Manager, William C. Collector of King's 'faxes for East Ham (South). Chaa.
Ullmann M.I.E.E. Tramway depot, Nelson street William Mann, 318 Barking road
Rate Collectors & Assistant Overseers, Alfred Henry Medical Officer, East District; West Ham Union, Albe~
Aldridge (chief), Alfred Fairfax, William Ironmonger, William Beaumont B.A., M.D. High street north
Walter Palmer & E. B. Sharp 1 Registrar of Births &; Deaths for the Sub-District of
Librarian, William Bridle, High street south East Ham (north), West Ham Union, G. E. Morgan,
38o Monega road, Manor Park
BOROUGH JUSTICES. Registrar of Births & Deaths for the Sub-District of
East Ham (south), West Ham Union, Edwin B.
.!.nstead Oliver Robert, Wall End house, Barking road, Elliott, 338 Central Park road
East Ham E (mayor, 1913-14) Relieving Officer, West Ham Union, East Ham, No. '16
Grubbe Waiter John, I Dr. Johnson's buildings, Temple. district, William Edward Hobbs, 95 Arragon road
London E C (stipendiary)
Banks-Martin Robert, a:2I Plashet grove, East Ham E PLACES 01'' WORSHIP, with times of Services.
Bethell Sir John Henry bart. M.P.Park ho.Wanstead NE St. Mary Magdalen Church, High street south, RevJ
Bethell Alfred, Inns Qf Court hotel, High Holborn WC Robert Waltham Porter M.A. vicar & surrogate; Rev.
Brooks John, 8 High street north, East Ham E Vincent Coke Boddington B..A. Rev. Maurice Georg&;
Carte J. H. Estate offices. Upton Park E Jervis l'avne M ..\. Rev. Oharles William Winch, Revr
Cashman Thos. Wm. 299 Shrewsbury rd. Forest Gate E •
George James Bronne Th.A.K.C. Rev. David Boward
Cheke Richard, 39 Osborne road. Forest Gate E B.A. ~& Rev. :Beruard Rich White Th.-~.K.C. curates;
Olover Henry .Charl~s. Aldersbrook road, Manor Park E I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 8 p.m
Edwards Ernest, 169 Browning road, Manor Park E St. Alhan's Church, Wakefield street, Rev. Ernes~
Ford W. C. 46 Wolsey avenue, East Ham E Christopher .Alien B.A. perpetual curate; Rev. James
Jones H. Evan, 54 Earlham grove, Forest Gate E • Toy & Rev. Vernon .Archibald Hoddinott L.Th.
Langman William, Hanover house, Wqodford Wells curates; services, sunday, 7, 8 & 11 a.m. & 6.30,
Lawrence John, Lawford, Finchley rd. Golders Grn NW p.m. ; week days, mon. wed. & fri. 7.30 a.m.; tues.
Long Frederick William, 099 Romford rd.Manor Park E & thurs. 7 a.m. ; sat. 7 & 9 a.m
~orthfield Charles, 12 Empress avenue, Manor Park E St. Bartholomew's Church, Barking road ( P,hapel of ease
Oakes Murrell, 39 Cyprus place, New :Beckton to St. Mary Magdalen church), Rev. Robert Waltha.m
Osborn Harry, 32 Carlyle road, :Manor Park Porter M.A. vicar; services, sunday, 9 & I I a.m. k
Prince John, go Milton avenue, East Ham 6.30 p.m. ; week days, matins 7·45 a.m. & 7·30 Jl.m.
Savage John, The Canteen, Rainham exeept wed. (8 p.m)
Cle1·l.:, George Samuel Mather, Town hall St. George's Mission Church, Masterman road, Rev.
Borough Petty Sessions are held at the East Ham Bernard Rich White Th ..A.K.C. curate in charge; 8.30
Police Court, Town Hall, daily at ro a. m.; stipendiary, a.m. & 7 p.m
tues. & thurs St. Paul's Mission Hall, :Burges road, served by the
clergy of St. Mary Magdalen
EAST BA~I DISTRESS COMMITTEE. Baptist, Plashet grove, Rev. F. Williams; 11 a.m. & 6.30
The Commitk>e, consisting of I2 members of the Cor- p.m.; thurs. & sat. 8 p.m
por·ation, 8 from the West Ham Guardians & 5 Congregational, WakPfield street; u a. m. & 6.30 p.m.;
persons experienced in the relief of Distress, was wed. 8 p.m
formed in 1905. Congregational (Welsh), Sibley grove (vacant); 11 a.m.
:\Ieetings are held at the 'l'own hall on the 2nd & 4th & 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. 7.30 p.m
fridays in each month. Presbyterian Church of England, East avenue, Rev.
Ivron Gwessyn Jenkins; sun. 11 a. m. & 6.30 p.m.;
Chairman, .Alderman Harry Osborn, 32 Carlyle road,
Manor Park thurs. 8 p.m
Clerk, Charles Branch, Wak)field strt>et Primitive Methodist (Elizabeth Fry Memorial) Plashet
groTe (Upton Park Circuit), Rev. George Baldwia-
(supt.); 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 8 p.m
PUBLIC. ESTA.BLISHMEN1'S. Prhraitive Methodist, High street south (West Ham
Board of Trade Labour Exchange, 8 High street south. Circuit), Rev. Clark Hallam (supt.); I I a.m. & 6.30
D. G. White, manager p.m.; wed. 7·45 p.m
Carnegie Central Library, High street S{)Uth, William United Methodist, Tennyson avenue, Manor Park (For~~
Bridle, chief librarian Gate Circuit), Rev. Frederick Galpin & Rev. Isaao
East Ham Corporation Isolation Hospital, Roman road. Elsom; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m
William Benton M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond., D.P.H. Wesleyan Methodist Central Hall (East Ham Mission
B.O.P.S.I. medical supt. ; Miss Wilson, matron Circuit), llarking 1·oad, Rev. Waiter H. A.rmstrong
East Ham Palace of Varieties, High street north, John (supt.) ; 11 a. m. & 3 p.m. (brotherhood) & 6.30 p.m.;
M. Hay, manager tues. 8 p.m
East Ham Tuberculosis Dispensary, 19 Wakefield street; Salvation Army Barracks, Wakefield street
Oliver Bruce M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. medical officer; East Ham Assembly Ball (Open Brethren), Barking rd.;
attendftnce, tues. 10.30 a.m. to I2.30 p.n1.; wed. 10 rr a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m
a.m. to r p.m. ; fri. 6 to 8 p,m Manor Park Spiritual Church, Shrewsbury road, Forest
Fire Brigade Station, High street south. John William Gate; 7 p.m
Sweetland, superintendent Milton Hall (Open Brethren), Milton avenue; 11 a.m.
Giles Breame's .A.lmshouses, High street south . & 7 Jl.m.; thurs. g p.m
Metropolitan Water :Board, rs:~ High !lltr~et south, W. Mission Hall, Boleyn road~ I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed.
Irving, receiving officer 7·3o p.m

BOROUGH OF EAST HAM EDUCATION COMMITTEE. giris & 418 infants; Robert P. W. Rotherham, master ft
't~e Committ9e was formed in 1903, & consists of 23 Miss F. Le Messurier, mistress; Miss Mary Rowles,
mambers of! the Corporation & 2 eo-opted members; infants' mistress • t
:meetings are held at the Town hall on the last man- Council, Napier road, built in I9o2, for 568 boys, S68
day in every month girls & 530 infants ; average attendance, 488 boys, 432
Offices, Town hall, East Ham E. girls & 484 infants ; J. E. Lelliott A.C.P. master ;t
l\:liss S. Tomlin, mistress ; Miss S. S. Tomlin, infants'
Chairman, .Alderman Harry Osborn mistress .
ViciK)hairman, Councillor Athelstan Coles Council, Shrewsbury road, built in 1887, for 410 boys,
Secretary, Francis Robert Thompson 348 girls & 254 infants ; average attendance, 362 boys;
Assistant Secretary, Alfred Arthur Garrard 300 girls & 221 infants; V. E. Seaman, master; Miss
Architect, Robert L. Curtis Annie G. Hewitt LL.A. mistress ; Miss Fitzgerald,
Medical Offi~r, William Benton M.R.C.S.Eng .• L.R.C.P. infants' mistress
Lund., D.P.H.R.C.P.S.I • Council, Vicarage lane, opened in I9II, for sr6 boys~
Assistant Medical Officer, William .Arthur Berry M.B., 516 girls & 500 infants; average attendance, 398 boyst
B.S.Lond., D.P.H.Oxon 412 girls & 502 infants; Alfred Bower, master; Mrs,
.Attendance Officers, James Stewart, Thomas E. M. Pring, mistress; Miss .Amy E. Betts, infants' mis&
Williams, Charles E. Aiano, James Constable, Arthur Roman Cathohc (non-provided), Castle street, built ia
B. Osborne, John H. Lansdowne, James Charters, 1902, for 300 children (180 mixed & 120 infants);
Henry G. Day & William F. Sims average attendance, 150 mixed &; 106 infants ; Miu M.
Curley, mistress; Miss J. Cox, infants' mistress
East Ham Technical College, Barking road (under the NEWSPAPERS.
control of the Essex County Council), adjoining the Barlring Chronicle, I & 3o High street south, South Essex
Town hall, built at a cost of upwards of £3o,ooo, Printing & Publishing Co. Limited, proprietors &
opened in 1905 ; extended in 1909 at a further cost publishers; published fri
pf J.,3,oap; TW. H. Barker B.Sc.Lond.,. F.C.S. prin- East Ham Echo, 1 & 3 High street south, South Essex
cipal; S • .A,. Batchelor, sec Printing & Publishing Co, Limited, proprietors &;
Higher Elementary, Wakefield street, originally the old publishers ; published fri
School Board offices & adapted from plans prepared East Ham Mail, I & 3 High street south, South Essex
by M~. Curtis, architect to the Education Committee; Printing & Publishing Co. Limited, proprietors &
opene<l in 19IO, for 330; J. S. Townsend B.A. principl publishers; published fri
CoUDeil, Central Park road, built in 1899, for 524 boys, East Ham Recorder, 37 High street north, South Esse~
524 girls & 587 infants; average attendance, 512 boys, Recorders printers & publishers ; published fri
5o8 girls & 587 infants; Charles W. Cook, master; South Essex Mail, I & 3 High street south, South Essex
Miss E. Hawkins, mistress; Miss J. T. Deans, infants' Printing & Publishing Co. Limited, p-roprietors &i
mistress r publishers; published fri
Council, High .street south, erected, with residence fo1·
the master, in 1874, at a cost of £s,ooo & since en- ! ltilLWA.Y STATION. •

larged, for 35S boys, 400 girls & 323 infants; average ' El}St Hamr Frederick Pittuclr, station ma .. ter
attendance, 310 boys, 300 girls & 303 infants; Charles I
W. Jupe, master; Miss S. E. Bell, mistress; Miss A. The London General Omnibus Co. Limited run a service
B. Stokes, infants' mistress of motor 'buses from the 'Duke's Head,' Wall end,
Council, Ha..rtley avenue, built in 1902, for 560 boys, s6o Barking road, to Putney common & other places, at
girls & 521 infants; average attendance, 482 boys, frequent intervals during the day
498 girLs & .5I:l infants; George H. Harrison, master; Tramway routes as follows: Royal Albert DockS' &;
Miss A. E, Mow bray, mistress; :!vliss N. Flint, infants' Wanstead Park, via High st. north & south; Barking'
mistress (Ilford boundary) & Aldgate, inter-running with
9ouncil, Lathom road (Diamond Jubilee), built in 1898, London County Council, West Ham & Barking
lot 478 boys 1 478 girls & ~8 infants; average attend- authorities; Ilford Broadway & Aldgate (City), via
anoo, 420 boy~ 473 girls & 5n infants; James Peters, Stratford & Bow, inter-running with West Ham 16
master; Miss Annie Pockney, mistress; Miss Jane L.C.C. authorities; East Ham & Stratford, via Plashet
Murray. infants' mistress Grove, in connection with West Ham tramways
Council, Monega road. erected in 1904, for 520 boys, 520 Carriers to London.-Carter Paterson &; Co. Limited &;
girls & 540 infants ; average attendance, 468 boys, 391 Pickfords Ltd '
(Marked thus * receive then letters· tCampbell James, 251 Shrewsbury rd Howard Albt.~dwd. 174Henniker gdna
through Manor Park E.) ~Cashman Thomas William, 299 Hubbard Wm.St. Aubyn,29 Burges rd
(~cd tht18 ~ receive their letters Shrewsbury road. *Hunt Harry, 12 Woodhouse grove
through Forest Gate E.) !Chaplin Mrs. S. 223 Shrewsbury rd Hutchinson Cyril George, 81 High
(Marked .thus t 'receive their letters *Chapman Henry, t4 Woodhouse gro street south
through Plaistow E.) . 1 Clark George Arthur, 3 Fairview ter- Hutchinson Harry, 1 II Plashet grove
(Marked thus 11 'Teceive their letters race, Wall end, Barking road Ivory John, Wilson's farm,Plashet gro
throt New BeckUm, North Woolwich.) Cleaver Frederick Wm. 138 Milton av tJennings George,261 Shrewsbury rd
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. fClubb Percy, 278 Shrewsbury road Jeremy Waltt>r G, 202 High st. north
Alien Rev. Ernest Christopher B.A. Collins Richard Hawtrey M.D.Brux. *Johnson Edward W. 120 Shelley av
(perpetual curate of St. Alban's), I77 High street horth Kirkham Rev.Reginald Stanley (Wes-
21 St.. Bernard's road Cro5bie Robert, 2 High street south leyan), 186 Plashet grove
.Anderson Richard, The Cottage, fDavies Waiter Ra.ynor, 283 Shrews- *Kirkup Thos. 2I Woodhouse grove
Katherine road bury road Knox Peter, 89 Milton avenue
A.nstead Oliver ltobert, Wall End Delaport Miss, Wall:efield house,Wake- Kortright John Wtn. 164 Plashet gro
house, Barking road field street fLewis John, 315 Shrewsbury road
Atkins Rev Horace (Wesleyan), Cf:ll- tDoody Frank, 323 Shrewsbury road fLittlewood John, 265 Shrewsbury td
tral hal1 1 Barking road t.Downs Herbert, 229 Shrewsbury rd *Lowe Mrs. 10 Woodhouse grove ~
Baldwin F.ev. George . (Primitive Elsom Rev. Isaac (United Methodist), *Maassen Alex.Wm.33Woodhou8e grb
Methcdist), IS Plashet grove 262 Barking roacl fMcKettrick Frederick John, !<!go
*B!lle MrsJ 32 Woodhouse. grove Erskine-Collins James,2r8 Bar'king rd Shrewsbury :road
Beaumont Albert William 'B.A.Camb., Feely James EdwdJ. 16 Pla.shet grove f~Iai.t' Waiter Hy. 273 Shrewsbury rd
M.D.Dub. Oali; hall, High st. north fFielding Mrs. EJ M. 317 Shrews- *Marchant Chas. B.46 Woodhouse gra
fBenton William, 327 Shrewsbury rd bmy road fMatsell Thomas Michael, 243
Berry AHh. Wakefteld lo.Wakefield st tGauntlett Thus. 215 Shrewsbury rd Shrewsbury road
BoodinrtJm Rev_ Vincent Coke B.A. tHancox Edward, J92 Shrewsbury rd fMaxwell Frederic Warwick, 258
(curate of St. Bartholomew's), 19 Harris Edward Reeder,220 Barking rd Shrewsbury road
Norman road Hoddinott Rev. \Ternon .Archibald Mercier Charles' Jerome A. :Y., M.B.
Bromley Fras. E. 124 Central Park rd (curate of St. A1ban's), 2I St. Ber- Lond. 167 Plashet grove
Mrs. M. 288 Shrewsbury road nard's road fMichelson Rev. Samuel Herschell
Rev. George James A.K.C. ~Hogger Fdk. Rt. $!71 Shrewsbury rd (Jewish), 275 Shrewsbury road
(curate of St. Bartholomew's), fHolbrook Frederick William, 313 Newton John, 154 Katherine road
Danehnrst, Rancliffe road · · Shrewsbury road fNicol Alfd.Leslie, 253 Shrewsbury rd
*Bumsted Sml.Jn. 28 Woodhouse gro *Hopper Rd. Jn. 26 Woodhouse grove *Nic.oll Chas. Abel, 45 Woodhouse gri'J
*Bunows W. Edgcumbe B.Sc., M.B. Howard Rev. David B.A. (curate of O'Sullivan CarrolNaish,n4Barking rd
I..oncl. 302 High street north I
St. Butholomew's), Carisbrooke, fPankhurst Edward Her~b?P,:!;;~
fOadman Fredk. 274 Shrewsbury rd
Rancliffe road Shrewsbury road f3''""'' H"""'
\. IJ ...
2 -·)
; ... EAST BA.\f. ES:--;EX.
Parkin Herbert John, Stre·tttield ho. Sheffield W. Hy. :\LB. 55 Clacton rd tWads"l\orth Yrs. Zi9 Shrewsbury rd
Barking road Sidebotham Rev. Charles Edward tWagner Fdk.Wm.263 Shrewsburyrd
Payne Re\·. ~Iaurice George Jervis M.A. (curate in charge of St. *Wallace John, 9 Woodhouse grove
M . .A.. (curate of St. Bartholomew's), Michael's, Beckton), 30 Windsor ter tWestmoreland :\Iisses, 257 Shrews.
Vicarage, St. Bartholomev.'s road *Sidebotham Mrs. I7 Woodhouse gro bury road
Porter Rev. Robert Waltham M.A. tSiater Thomas, 269 Shrewsbury rd White Rev. Bernard Rich . .A..K.C.L.
(vicar of St. Mary Magdalen k St tSmartt Wm.Geo. 260 Shrewsbury rd (curate of St. Bartholomew's), 99
Bartholomew's), The Yicarage, St. !Smith George, 272 Shrewsbury road Frinton road
Bartholomew's road Smith George, White ho. Plashet gro *White Mrs. 36 Woodhouse grove
Poulter Rd. G. Bank ho. High st.ntb *Stokes Harry, 22 Woodhouse grove tWhittingham Samuel Waiter, 227
Prince John, go Milton avenup *Stokes Thomas, 25 Woodhouse gro Shrewsbury road
Rees .Arth.David, Cartref, High st.sth tRtrong Robert, 241 Shrewsbury road Williams Rev. Frank (Baptist), ,.a
*Reeves Peter. 27 Woodhouse grove Thompson Fras. Rt. 126 Clement's rd Woodhovse grove
tReilly Lewis St.Jn. 213 Boundary rd *Tomlin :'\Iiss, 38 Woodhouse grove *Williams Benjamin Knight, 15
tRichards Hy.Thos.297 Shrewsburyrd Toy Rev. Jas. (curate of St . .Alhan's). Woodhouse gro>e
*Roberts Daniel W.I6 Woodhouse grt. zr St. Bernard's road :tWilson ·william, 267 Shrewsbury rd
tRobinson Thos. 249 Shrewsbury rd *Travers Mrs. n Woodhouse grove Winch Rev. Charles William (curate
tRook Wm.Wallace,235Shrewsbury rd Trevor .Arthur Herbt. 72 High st.nth of St. Bartholomew's),98 Lathom rd
Russell John D. 95 Plashet lane tValuntine Wm. 245 Shrewsbury rd ~Young Georgoe. 290 Shrewsbury road
Sampp~· ~orman E. 101 Hig-h st. sth

COMMERCIAL. Austin Arthur, grocer, 101 Burges road

Early closing day, Thur,day. Austins (East Ham & Ilford) Limited, timber mer-
Abbott Brothers, dairymen, 2I5 High street north & chants, 155 Barking road
167 .Altmore avenue Bacon Elizabeth (Miss), stationer, 17 High st. north
.Abbott Bros. tobacconists, 1 The Parade, Vicarage lane *Bagwell Rose (Mrs.), dress maker, 3 Kensington aven
Abbott William Henr-y Limited, timber merchants, *Bailey Bros. drapers, 232, 234, 236 & 238 High st nortb
& saw mills, & moulding & joinery manufacturers, Bailey Edith (Miss), teacher of singing, I Mortimer road
Stevenage Road saw mills. Telephone 350 East Ham Bailey George, confectioner, I73 Plashet lane
Abbott James, marine store dealer, us Katherine road Baines William, dairy, 53 Sibley grove
.Aberrrombie John, cats' meat dealer, 144 Katherine rd Baker G. J. & Son, oil & col or men, 35 High st. north
Ablitt Harry, general dealer, 65 Seymour road Baker Charles .Albert, boot repairer, 17 Loxford avenue
Ablitt John, coal merchant, 40 Malvern road Baker Ellen (Miss), dress maker, 48 Plashet grove
Ablitt William, greengrocer, 59 Haldane road Baker Helen (Mrs.), costumier, 298 & 300 Barking road
Ager .Alfred, 'lhopkeeper, ::> Stamford road Baker Henrietta (Mrs.), laundry, so Market street
Ager Waiter George, shopkeeper, 91 Welstead road Baker Howard Leslie, deputy surveyor to the Corpora-
Aiano Charles E. school attendance officer, Town hall tion, Town hall
Aitken William, tobaPr.onist, 247 Barking road Baker James Thomas, grocer, 6 The Parade, Vicarage la
Albano Gm,eppe, fruiterer, wo Katherine road B1ker William Percy, house decorator, 59 Plashet grove
*Alcock Ernest Ed"llard, insurance agent, 382 Monega rd Balon Limited, tobacconists, 200 High street north &;
Aldous J ames, insurance agent, ~ Streatfield avenue East Ham station, High street north
Aldridge Alfred Henry, chief rate collector & assistant Bancroft Joseph James, shopkeeper, II7 Mountfield road
over~eer to East Ham Borough Council; office, Town tBanks .Ada (Mrs.), draper, 126 Shrewsbury road
hall Banks Joseph G. chief sanitary inspector to the Borough
Aley Henry, hair dre,ser, 305 Barking road Council, Town hall
Allan William T. embroiderer, I Clernents road Banks-Martin Robert M.R.S ..A. architect, 12rPlashet gro
Allen Charles, grocer, 174 Burges road JJare Brothers, grocers, 187 Charlemont road
Allerton William Henry, e<>tate agent, 1 Stanle~ ter- *Barker John & Co. corn dealers, 292 High street north
race, High street south. T ~ 320 East Ham Barker George Herbert, insurance agent, 8 Welbeck road
Amato Ventrali, greengrocer, ..p High street south Barker Henry Illingworth, cycle dealer, 17 High st. sth
Anderson Edwin John, pianoforte tuner, 4 Kensington av Barker William Henry B.Sc.Lond., F.C.S. principal East
Anderson Henry Lewis, pianoforte tuner, 36 Lathom rd Ham Technical College, Barking road
Anderson Joseph G. sanitary inspector to Borough Barking Chronicle (South Essex Printing & Publishing
Council, Town hall Co. Limited, proprietors & publishers; published
*.Andrew Herbert, oil & color man, 317 High street nth friday), I & 3 High street south ·
Andrews Albert Edward, insurance agt. 33 Streatfield av Barnard .Annie (Mrs.), confectioner, 9 High street south
Andrews Albert William, cycle d('.aler, 299 Barking road Barter James, beer & wine retailer, 185 Altmore avenue
Andrews Alfied H nry, insurance agt. 33 Streatfield av B.trtholomew Harriet (Mrs.), grocer, 41 Seymour road
Andrews Charles, greengrocer, 32 Park avenue Bartholomew Thomas William, bookseller, 92 Priory rd
Anglo-.A.merican Laundry Co. ; receiving office, 120 Bartlett Harry Charles, shopkeeper, g6 Market street
Hatherley gardens Barton Emest Henry. oil & color man, n7 Burges road
Anglo-American Oil Co. Ltd. oil merchants, East Ham Barton William Charles, insurance supt. 22 Hubert rd
Station siding, High stret>t north Bassett J. J. & Co. builders' mers. I04 High st. north
Anglo-.A.merican Steam Laundrv •
Co. Poulett road Bassett William Robert, dairyman, I7I Burges road
Anstead Oliver Robert, road & sewerage contractor, Wall Batchelor Alfred Ueorge, insurance agent,ro Abbotts rd
End house, Barking road Batchelor Archibald Wm. fancy draper,167High l'lt.north
Aplin Waiter John, tailor, 6 Lawrence road Batchelor Stanley Alfred, sec. to East Ham Technical
Archard Nathaniel, grocer, 245 Barking road College, Barking road
Armstrong Joseph, dairy, 59 Malvern road Bates Eliza (Mrs.), dress maker, 7 Wilson road
Armstrong May (Miss), teacher of music, 57 M}llvern rd tBaLhe Mary Ann Elizabeth (Mrs.), herbalist, 4 Shrews-
Arnell Ernest Harry, ophthalmic optician, 143 Milton av bury road
:f:Arnold George, boot maker, 122 Shre" sbury road Batiste Matilda (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 2 Seymour road
ft.Arnold William, dairy, IR, Cyprus place Batt William, boot dealer, II7 High street south
Arrowsmith Lvdia (Miss), teacher of music, u6 Batten Albert George, house agent, u8 Wellington road
Henniker gardens Batten William Thomas, insurance agt. 36 Shoebury rd
Arthur Eleanor (Miss), draper, II9 Hig-h street south Baucut William Lewis, leather seller, 13 High st. south
~Ascott Lewis, wine & spirit dealer, Shrewsbury road Baum Isaac, tailor, 33 Barking road
Ashenden Charles, news agent, 142 Katherine road Bayes John, sign writer, 14 Ladysmith avenue
Ashton Thomas George, beer retailer, 8o High st. south Heal William k Co. house decorators. 23 Harrow road
*.Association Picture Coli~eum LiTPited (The) (Herbert Beattie William, house decorator, 55 Loxford avenue
C. Fontaine, manager), 266 & 268 High street north Beaumont Albert William B.A.Camb., M.D.Dub.,
Atkins George, grocer, IOI WakefiPld street L.R. C. S.Edin. physiC'ian & surgeon, & medical officer
Atkinson Arthur, pork butcher, Io The Pavement, Wall East Ham district, West Ham union, Oak Ball, High
ilnd, Barking road street north
Atkinson Emily (Miss}, tobacconist, 63 Market ~treet *Beckley Norman, pianoforte tuner, 47 Sibley grove
Atkinson Ernest Edwin, cycle maker, 6 Town Hall build- Beecroft EdwinGe J.dining rooms, see Turner & Beecroft
ings, Barking- road & motor garage, Barking road. B9hrens '\Villiam, dining rooms, 227 Barking road
T N 623 East Ham Bell Ernest, butcht>r, 170 High street uorth
*Atkinson Jarnes, confectioner, 295 High street north Bell George Charles. coal merchant, 1 r Fry road
*.Attwell Alice (Mrs.), laundry, 305 High street north Bell Waltt>r E. painter & decorator, no Plashet lane
Austen Henry John, news agent, 282 Barking road Bellchamber'l Clara (Miss), confecboner, I Duke·e
Austen Mary (Miss), dress maker, .fO elements r:Jad par:-~de, W·lll end, B<~rking road
8ellcbamber& Louisa (Mrs.), confectioner, k post office, Brown Harry, shopkeeper, IOI H.1therley gardens
9 Marlow terrace, High street south Brown James, hair dre!lser, 136 High street north
Bellingham Sarah (Mrs.), greengrocer, 21 Seymour rd IIBrown John, dining rooms, 36 Cyprus place
Bellis Richard, shopkeept>r, 64 Wakefield stret>t Brownfield Eleanor (.Miss), music teacher, 8 Norman rd
Bendall Herbert, fishmonger, 56 Napier road Brummitt Edward Albert, confectioner, 82 Mitcham rd
Bender Henry, baker, 5 High street north Bruton Henry .Albert, boot repairer, 2 Eliza terrace,
Bennett & Oggins, cycle agents, 140 Barking road W elstead road
Bennett Charles William, shopkeeper, I Pavement, \Yall Budgell Waiter Ernest, florist, 296 Barking road
end, Barking road Buffham William, assist. insur. supt. 10 Latimer aven
*Bennett Robert Osborn, dairy, 316 High street north Bull Elizh. F.(Miss), teacher of pianoforte,So Burges rd
tBennington Robert & Co. news agents, 74 Boundary rd Bull Ida (Mrs.), incandescent gas fittings dealer, 313
Benstead Jn. N. musical instrument dlr. 78 High st. nth Barking road
Benton William L.S.A., M.R.O.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond., Bull John, butcher, 52 High street north
D.P.H. physician & surgeon, t327 Shrewsbury road & tBullock Charles John, oilman, 173 Shrewsbury road
medical officer of health to East Ham Corporation & Bunting Frank, confectioner, 92 High street north
schools' medical officer to Borough of East Ham Burch Sarah (Mrs.), costumier, 24 Ladysmith avenue
Education Committee, Town hall Burgoyne, Burbidges & Co.wholesale druggists & manu-
Berry Arthur E. provision dealer, s Barking road facturing chemists, High strPet south
Berry William Arthur M.B .. B.S.Lond., D.P.H. deputy Burgoyne Louisa (Mrs.), laundry, 26 Wakefield streel;
medical officer of health & aRsistant sl'hools medical Burkmar Joseph Aldridge, builder, 22 Colvin road
officer, Town hall Burling Edward Thos. marine store dlr. 105 Market st
Best Samuel, baker, 315 Barking road Burnell William, eel pie house, ~ Vicarage lane
Beuthin Ernest Fdk. pawnbroker, 292 & 294 Barking rd Burnes Frederick, corn dealer, I8o High street north
tBevan George Henry, hair dresser, IS Boundary road Burr Charles, optician, I38 Wakefield street
Bevan Henry, fruiterer, 74 Katherine road *Burrows W. Edgcumbe B.Sc., M.B., B.S.Lond. ph}\.·
Bevis Louisa (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 94 Keppel road sician & wrgeon, 302 High street north
*Bibbing William Hy. greengrocer, 265 High st. north Burton Arthur, cab proprietor, 35 Colvin road
Bigg Charles, fishmonger, so High street north Bury Robert, shopkeeper, 59 Ernald avenue
Bigg Jessie (Miss), dress maker, 299 Central Park road Bush George, basket maker, 21 Clements road
Birch John Ernest William~ engineer & surveyor to the Bush Herbert Joseph, blind maker, 66 Poulett road
Corporation, Town hall Bush Mary (Mrs.), wardrobe dealt>r, 56 Seymour road
fBird George Philip, grocer, 37 Cyprus place tBush Wm. Thos. insur. assistant supt.rog Boundary rd
Bistram Gustav, shopkeeper, 87 Oakfield road *Butcher & Sons, grocers, 293 High street north
Black Leonard, boot maker, 367 Barking road Butler Alice (Mrs.), teacher of pianoforte, 329 Cen-
Blake Ernest John, shopkeeper, 137 Plashet lane tral Park road
Blake Farewell Kellaway, shopkeeper, 139 Plashet lane Butt Albt. Edwd. wine & spirit dealer, 22 Seymour rd
Blanchard Harold Benjamin, glazier, 35 Holme road Butt Edwin, wine & spirit dealer, 290 Barking roa<l
*Bleach John, bookbinder, 132 Sibley grove Butt Montagu, hair dresser, 130 Plashet grove
Bleasby Hedley Richard, beer retlr. ( off).4a,Roman road Butti Lydia (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 54 Se}mour road
Blick HaiTy, draper, 89 High street north Buttrey James, art needlework depot, 23I High st. nth
Blower Waiter Albert, grocer, 2II Bi!!h stret>t north k Buttrey May (Miss), teacher of violin, 23I High st. nth
cheesemonger, 7I Katherine road Byers Charles, fruitPrer, S-1- High street north
tBlyth Herbert George, oilman, Ig9 Boundary road Byford John & Son Limited, cement merchants, Tunnel
Board of Trade Labour Exchange (D. G. White. man- depot, Heigham road
ager), 8 High street south *Byford Alfred, insurance agent, 40 Gladstone avenue
Boleyn Drug Stores Limited, chemists & druggists, 127 Byford Gertrude (Mrs.), confectioner, 335 Barking road
& 129 Barking road Cahill James, fried fish dealer, 6 Vicarage lane
Boleyu Electric Theatre (Dartnell Brothers, proprietors), Cahill William, Green Man P.H. 120 Plashet grove
9 Barking road Caley George T. confectioner, 28 Wakefield street
Bollman Gustave, hair dresser, 85 Barking road Calver George William, grocer, 42 Market street
Bonito Giovanni, green~ocer, 253 Barking road tcampbell James, grocer, 56 Boundary road
Bonner Felix CharlE"s, draper, 26I Barking road Candy William, greengrocer, r Mountfield road
Boots Cash Chemists (Southern) Ltd. 310 Barking rd Cannings Henry George, shopkeeper, 144 Plashet lane
Borehenger Bros. musical instrument dlrs.327Barking rd Cannon Charles G. pianoforte dealer, 108 High st. north
Borer Ethel (Mrs.), china & glass dealer, 2 .Avenue Carey George, mason, 125 Ranelagh road
parade, Barking road Carey Sydney, poultry farmer, 135 Ranelagh road
Borough of East Ham Liberal & Labour Club (J. Carnall May (Miss), co,tumier, 61 Frinton road
Gordelier, sec.), 107 Barking road Carnt>gie Central Lihrary (William Bridle, borough
Bosher Alfred Charles, bird dealer, 345 Barking road librarian; Oliver W. Stone, assistant), High street
Bowdidge Mary (Mrs.), beer retailer (off), 83 south; branch, Passmore Edwards (Dertram J. Frost,
Mitcham road librarian in charge), Plashet grove
Bowser George hor, grocer, u6 Plashet grove Carr Hugh Livingstone, chemist, 93 Plashet grove
Bo:xall Isabel (Mrs.), dress maker, 8I Plashet lane Carter Joseph & Son, painters, 33 Telham road
Boyd Limited, musical instrument sellers, 320 & 322 Carter Alfred, marsh bailiff to Essex Sewers Commis-
Barking road sioners, Milton house, High street south
IBrabrook Alfred, shopkeeper, 109 Beaconsfield street Cassen Brothers, tailors, 122 High street north
Bradberry John, tailor, 12 Wall end, Barking road Castle James, laundry, 4 Avenue parade, Barking road
Bradbury Alfred, confectioner, 34 High street south Castle Waiter, shopkpr. r Saltbox TOW, High st. south
Bradford Frederick, plumber, 6 Seymour road · Caton John, confectioner, Vicarage lane
Brady E. & Co. house decorators, 52 Dickens road Cattermole Arthur William, insur. agent. 16 Frinton rd
Brasnett William, fishmonger, 66 Leigh road Cayzer Maud (Mrs.), news agent, 92 Katherine road
+Brawn James, shopkeeper, 17 Boundary road Central Hall (Fredk. Geo. Chipchase,caretkr. ),Barking rd
Brazley Mercy (Mrs.), dress maker, 74 Arragon road Central Printing Works Ltd. printers, 265 Barking road
Bready William, insurance agent, 34 Lawrence road Chalkley A.lbert, butcher, 6 Barking road
Brett David John Jas, marine store dlr. 291 Barking rd *Chalkley James Francis, butcher, 26o High st. north
Brett Mary (Miss), shopkeeper, 323 Barking road Chambers M. C. & Co. drapers, 6r Leigh road
Brett William, boot repairel", 125 Plashet grove Chambers Edgar JamPs, decorator, 69 Melbourne road
Brett William H. teacher of music, 63 Skeffington road Chandler T. D. & Co. timber merchants, 76 High street
1Jridle William, borough librarian, Carnegie Central south. T N 6o8 East Ha m
library, High street south Chandler Alfred George, decorator, 59 Seymour road
Briggs Miss M. shopkeeper, 73 Altmore avenue Chandler Frederick J oseph, shopkeeper, 20 Plashet gro
"Britannic Assumnce Co. Limited (Bernard Jas. Moore, Chandler George, news agent, 2 Market place, Wall
superintendent), 244 Barking road end, Barking road
British American Product Company (The), sausage Chapman Amy (Mrs.), dress maker, 37 Haldane road
1kin dealers, Market street Chapman Charlie John, fishmonger, 361 Barking road
Britt William George, boot maker, 32 _Bendish road *Chapman John Marler, draper, 306 High street north
Bromley Francis Edward L.M.S.S.A.Lond. physician & Chapman Louis, tobacconist, I39 High street north
.mrgeon, I24 Central Park road Chapman William, insurance agent, I5 Grosvenor road
Brooks John, chemist, 8 High street north Chappell Charles Henry. confectioner, 9 Plashet grove
Brown Albert, cats' meat dealer, 5 Plashet grove Chard Francis John, grocer, So Seymour road
:tBrown Charles George, boot repairer,92 Shrew~bury rd Charters James, school attendance officer, Town hall
Rrown Edward, dairy, 231 Katberine road *Cheshire Charlt>s, butcher. 277 High street north
F:S~EX 18

Ch~ter Louisa (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 40 Thackeray road· Dartnall Albert, asst. insur. i!upt. 97 Hatherley gardens
Child Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 104 Plashet lane Davan Florence (Miss), dress maker, 62 Heigham ;road
Chine Brothers, coach builders, 2a, Caulfield road Davey Charles William, dairyman, 304 Barking romi t?
Chittock Harry. turncock Metropolitan Water Board, Davey Edwin Thomas, cycle maker, 152 Katherine road
Eastern division, 84 Oakfield Toad Davies & Son, dairymen, 7ft Katherine road ·
Christopher William, oil & color man, 132 Plashet gro Davies Daniel, dairyman, 159 High street north
City Tailoring Co. tailors, 140 High street north *Davies Frances A. (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 126 Sibley grove
·Clapp Gertrude (Miss), dress ma.s King's ter.Nelson st Davies John, dairy, 87 Katherine road
Claringbold & Son, builders, 36 St. John's road Davis Henry & Alfred, watch makers, 173 High st. north
Claringbold Betsy Golder (Mrs.), dress maker, 36 St. Davis George L. B. borough treasurer, Town hall
John's road Davis Henry Charles, decorator, 84 Wakefield street
Clark Alfred, news agent, 2 Kenneth ter. Vicarage lane Davis Samuel, tailor, 83 Plashet grove
Clark Alice (Miss). dress maker, 6 Boleyn road Davia Waiter, greengrocer, 71 Telham road
OJ.ark Alice Lucy (Mrs.), teacher of shorthand, 1 CPntral Davison Thomas, coffee rooms, 13 Wall end, Barking rd
Park road Dawson Joseph Richard, cabinet maker, 4 Southend rd
Clark George, builder, 54 & .S6 Oakfield road Day Daniel P. oil & color man, 32 Plashet grove
Clark George, confectioner, 83 Barking road *Day Francis William, insurance agent,44Kensington av
Clark George, provision dealer, 6x Barking road Day Henry G. school attendance officer, Town hall
Clark George Arthur L.RC.P. & L.R.C.S.Edin. physi- Dean Brothers, grocers, 36 Plashet grove
cian & surgeon, 3 Fairview ter. Wall end, Barking rd :):Dean E. F. (Mrs.), registry office, 65 Shrewsbury rd
Clark George Henry, furniture remover,218 High st.nrth Dean Ernest, hosier, 321 Barking road ·
. Clark Harriett (Miss), teacher of music,127 Kempton rd Dear Albert John, butcher, 5 The Parade, Vicarage la
Clark Joseph Richard. removal contractor, 42 Colvin rd D~ar Fll>re (Mrs.), dress maker, 35 Macauley road
Olarke George John, hoot repairer, 23 Oakfield road Deards Thomas, clothier, IIS High street north
*Cleaver Alfred George, motor engineer, East avenue *Death Alfred D. tobacconist, 313 High. street no,rth
*Cleaver Fredk. Wm. sign writer, 241 Shakespeare cres De'ath Annie (Miss), dress maker, 38 Mortimer rdad
Clements George Alfred, builder, 187 Altmore avenue tDecker Hertha (Miss), teacher of pianoforte, g6
Coake George, corn chandler, 126 Katherine road Boundary road
Coates Arthur, grocer, I Alexandra ter. Gooseley lane Deeks Maria (Mrs.), nurse, 24 Keppel road
:t:Cochrane Clifford, confectioner, 190 Shrewsbury road Denhard· William, confectioner, 21 Wakefield street
*Cohen Harry, tailor, 307 High street north Denne H. & Sons, dairymen, 82 Haldane Nad
tCole Edmund Waiter, news agent, 2 Boundary road Dennis Edward Frederick, butcher, 237 High st. north
Cole Frederick, insurance agent, 4 Henry road Depalma Henry, greengrocer, 33 Mitcham road
Cole William Jabez, Roding hotel, Leigh road Desmond & Co. chemists & druggists, 104 Katherine td
Colegate Ernest, hair dresser, ::19 High street north Dickenson Charles, greengrocer, n6 Central Park road
*Oolegate George, grocer, 263 High street north Dicks Henry H. butcher, 2 Milton terrace, High st. sth
:tCollindridge Brothers, grocers, 184 Shr~wsbury road Digby William, confectioner, xo8 Katherine road
Collins Edward, boot repairer, x Thorpe road Diggins William, wholesale grocer, Wellington road
Collins ErnestHy.oil & color man,4Milton ter.High st.sth *Dingley Percy S. umbrella maker, 309 High st. north
Collins Herbert, grocer, 10 Holme road DixQn David, boot repairer, 82 Stamford road
Collins Richard Rawtrey M.D.Brux., M.R.C.S.Eng., Dobbs George, confr. 4 Town Hall bldgs. Barking roaa •
L.R.C.P.Lond. phvsician & surgeon, 177 Hig-h st.north Douglas Elsie (Miss), costumier, n St. Martin's avenue
*Collins Thomas William, h'lir dresser, 104 High st. nth DovAr Bertram R. ·builders' merchant, 83 Katherine rd
Oollins Waiter, butcher, 7 Town Hall bldgs. Barking rd Dowling Blanch (Miss), photographer, g6 Barking road
Collinson Percy, beer retailer, 25 Wilson road Downes D. T. grocer, 174 High street north
*Collis William, carpenter & joiner, ::129 Monega road Drew George William, greengrocer, 91 Plashet grove
*Conning William Henry, tailor, 22 East avenue *Driscoll Eleanor (Miss), teacher of music, 65 Shake-
*Connor Henry, boot maker, 320 High street north speare crescent
Constable James, school attendance officer, Town hall Duffield Harry, baker, 28 High street south
*Cook James. butchPr, 324 High street north *Duke Albert Esau, fishmonger, 279 High street north
Cook James W. shopkeeper, 6 Wall End road Dunk Stephen, bazaar, 94 High street north
*Oook Urbane, milliner, 264 High street north Dunn. W. A. & Oo. tailors, 8 Colvin road
Cook William T. fishmonger, 229 Katherine road Dunn G~orge, tailor, 29 Caulfield road
*Cookson Edward, confectioner, 249 High street north Dunn Simon, bazaar, 121 High street north
Coombs E. Richard, confectioner, r67 Central Park road *Dunt Percy, insurance agent, 129 Kensington avenue
Cooper Goorge J oseph, baker, 2::1 & 25 Seymour road Dupuy George, tobacconist, 149 Barking road
Cooper Percival A. butcher, 76 Katherine road Durant Geo. Wm. greengro. 1 Grosvenor ter.Vicarage la
Oooper Richard, insurance agent, II5 Barking road East .Anglian fioal Co. Limited, coal merchants, 40
Copeland Brothers, outfitters, 32, 34 & 36 Barking road Southend road ; & at East Ham station siding
Coram Abraham Thomas, coal mer. 74 Hatherley gdns East Ham Central Liberal & Radical Association (Jamea
Corlett Margaret E. (Mrs.), milliner, I<; Barking road E. Lelliott. sec.), 10 High street south
Cornish Mabel (Miss), dress ma. see Tabrett & Cornish East Ham Corporation Electric Light & Tramways
Cornish William Robert, furnit' dealr.ro6 Plashet gro Department (William C. Ullmann M.I.E.E. engineer
Cornwell & Son, coal merchants, 64 Masterman road & manager), Nelson street .
Cornwall Ezra, beer retailer, 64 Mountfield road East Ham Corporation Sewage Works (Edward J.
Costin Margaret (Mr!'.), drPss maker, 7 Gillett avenue- Carpenter, engineer), Vicarage lane
Cotter Thomas. marine store dealer. 74 Cleve!ll road East Ham CorporatiGn Stores Office (Bobert Ward,
Cotton Alice (Mrs.),fancy draper,uWall end,Barking rd storekeeper), Vicarage lane
Cousins W. & R. tailors, x8r & 183 & *2<;4 High st. nth · East Ham Day Nursery (Mis~ J. Wilson, sec.).. 274
Cousins George, insurance agent, 56 Hall road Barking road
Cousins Herbert, shopkeeper, 89 Plashet lane East Ham Distress Committee (Charles Branch, clerk),
Cox George, wine & spirit dealer, u6 Plashet lane W akefield Rtreet
Craddock Fredel'ick William, butcher, 12 Pavement, East Ham "Echo" (South Essex Printing & Publishing
Wall end, Barking road Co. Limited, proprietors & publishers; published fri-
Cramp Harold. mu~ical instrumf'nt dealer.rg Barkin!! rd day), I & 3 High street south
Crane John F. & Sons, blacksmiths. 54 Wakefield street East Ham Education Committee Offices (F. R. Thomp-
Crighton &:i Hoskins, laundry, 123 High street south son, sec. ; A . .A. Garrard, assistant sec.), Town hall
Crosbie Robert, m11nauer of the London & Provincial East Ham Express (Wilson & Whitworth Limited, pro-
Bank Limited, 2 High street south prietors ; published wed.& sat. ),201 & 203 High st.nth
Cross Florf'nCf' (Miss), shnpkPepPr, T':l2 Chal'lemont rd East Ham Fire Brigade Station (John Wm. Sweetland,
Cross Frederick Peter, nrinter, 34 Milton avenue s-upt. ), High street south
Crown Tailorin!! Oo. (ThP). tailors. ::n High st. north East Ham Friendly Dividing Society (Alfred Thoma.~
Cruchlev Ernest Daniel, plumber. 9 Burges road Bessant, sec.), 33 St. Bernard's road
Cruse HPnrv G. in"'nrancP agent. r2 Grosvenor road East Ham Liberal &i Radical Association (Charles Legg,
Crute William. coffep rooms. 272 Barkinl! road sec.) (reading room open every week night), Easi
Cullan Marv Elizh. {Miss). drf'S!'; :rra. 64 B1enheim rd Ham Public hall, Plashet grove
Curtis Charles, tobacconist. ':l Grosvenor tPr.Vicarage la East Ham Liberal & Radical Club (James E. Lelliott,
D'idd & Smith, j!rocers. 3 Milton terrace. High st. sth sec.), xo High street south
fDall David. master m:uiner. 259 Shrewsburv Toad East Ham Local Pension Committee ( ueorge Edward
Dallimol'f' GPorgf'. m<trinP storP ifPalf'r. 56 Wakefield st Griffin, clerk), Town hall
Daltrv Francis, shopkeeper, 7~ WakPfielrf. street East Ham "Mail" (South Essex Printing & Publishing
Daniels Frederick, dairy, ro6 Central Park road Oo. Limited, proprietors & publishers; published fri-
Daniels Geo. tobacconist et news agent, 79 Katherine rd day), I & 3 High street south
East Ham Municipal Alliance (G. P. Philpott, sec.), 203! Foh.ter Fredel'ick, baker, I48 Barking road
High street north Foster Brothers Clothing Co. Ltd. IT6 High st. north
East Ham Mutual Building Society (H. G. Brown, sec.), Foster Arthur, confectioner, 127 Plashet grove
W akefielJ. street · Foster 1 Samuel Joseph, shopkeeper, r Eliza terrae&..
East Ham Palace of Varieties John M. Hay, manager), W elstead road
High street north Foulds George, shopkeeper, 22 Roman road
East Ham Recorder (South Essex Recorders Ltd. Fox G. & Son, builders, 2a, Lathom road
printers & publishers; published fri. ), 37 High st.nth Fox Thomas, florist, 136 High street north
East Ham Rubber Co. (Frederick E. Hancock), india Free Henry, grocer, 68 Benson avenue
rubber goods dealers, 161 High street north tFreeland Chas.assist.Prudential supt.2o3 Shrewsbury rct
East Ham Technical College (W. H. Barker B.Sc.Lond., *Fr~man & Co. mantle makers, 270 High st. north.
F.C.S. principal; S. A. Batch('lor, sec.), Barking road Freeman Louis, tailor, 172 High street north
East Ham Town Hall (Arthur Flowers, hall keeper), *Frisby J oseph Ltd. boot makers, 296 High st. nortli
Barking road Frith Charles Edward, stone mason, 7 Harrow road
'East Ham Tuberculosi~ Dispensary (Olive1· Bruce Frizzell Frederick J. grocer, 57 Market street
:M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. medical officer; attends tues. Fro:.t Eertram J. librarian in charge Passmore Edwards
10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. ; wed. 10 a.m. to I p.m.; library, Pla:,het grove
fri. 6 to 8 p.m.), 19 Wakefield street :tFr}d Blanche (Miss), private school,~ss Shrewsbury rd..
East Ham Women's Liberal Association pii~s J. Wilson, Gale Ernest Frederick, dairy, High street south
91 Second aven. Manor Park, hon. sec.), Plashet gt o Galley Thomas, shopkeeper, 84 Roman road
Eastman & Son (Dyers & Cleaners) Ltd. 8r High st. nth Gammon William Henry, grocer, 37 Melbourne road
Easton Charles, inwrance agent, I Sandford avenue Gapes Thomas, ham & beef dealer, 24 High street nortll.
Economic Acetylene Engineering Co. Ltd. SI Milton av Gardner Alfred, tailor, 48 Ashford road
Edgar Stanley James, grocer, I Henniker gardens Gardner Alfred Waiter, insur. agent, 44 aven
tEdgley HNman, greengrocer, 178 Shrewsbury road Garner Joseph, confectioner, 58 Wakefield street
Edmonds M. & Co. mantle makers, 105 High st. north Garrard Alfred Arthur, 9s:,istant sec. to East Ham·
Edmunds Richard, estate office, 61 Hartley avenue Education Committee, Education offices, Town hall
Edwards & Co. photographers, 206 High street north Garrard James, shirt maker, 46 & 48 High street north!,
;Edwards Ernest J.P. solicitor & commissioner to & I I & 13 Barking road
administer oaths (firm, Kilsby, Son & Edwards), 193 Ganett Harry Gilbert, shopkeeper, 68 Brampton road
High street north Gas Li!!ht & Coke Co. (J. W. Barker, inspect-or in,
Edwards Henry, shopkeeper, 127 Charlemont road charge) ; district office & show NJom, 40 & 42 Barking_~
:Edwards James, insurance agent, 208 Shrewsbury road road & (Williarn Brown Riedie, engineer & manager}\
Edwards Joseph, market gardener, 22 road Southend road
Edwards Percy Douglas, tobacconist, no Plashet grove Gasson Frances (Mrs.), dress maker, 10 St.Bernard's rd"
Elliott Arthur, corn dealer, 351 Barking road Geeson William, shopkeeper, 133 Wakefield street
Elliott Arthur William, grocer, 2 Katherine road Genrge Aleek &; Co. Limited, pawnbrokers, 162 High
Elliott Edwin Randall, registrar of births & deaths for street north & 105 & 107 Wakefield street
the sub-district of East Ham south, West Ham Gerhold Henry A. teacher of music, 29 Milton avennt--
union; registration offices, 338 Central Park road !Gerlach Charles, hair dresser, 128 Shrewsbury road
Elliott John Thoma~, grocer, 8 I Barking road Gibbard ~lark, dust contractor, Manor hall, High st. st'h
Elliott William, shopkeeper, 77 )'larket street Gibbs ElizabPth (Mrs.), beer retailer, 134 Charlemont rd
Ellis James J. hair dresser, 2 Fair View terrace, Wall Gibson S. F. & Co. hosiery & knitted goods manufac-
end, Barking road turers & tie makers, Argyle works, Malvern road
!Ellis :Xancy (Mis~), dress maker, 5 Shrewsbury road I Gibson .Arthur Charle"-, insurnnce agent, 17 Mafeking av
j:Ellis William, laundry, 125 Shrewsbury road 1 *Gilbert Tho"-. John, pianoforte dlr. 278 High st. north
Elmer William, coke merchant, 224 Wakefield street Giles Brothers, grocers, 59 LE>igh road
Elsden Harry, hair dresser, 257 Barking road Gile,. BrPame'.s Almshous!'s, High strest south
Elston John, butcher, 229 High street north Gill Frederick, boot repairer, gr Wakefield street & ro6 ~·
Elston William, butcher, 249 Barking road Katherine road
*Emsley Charles William, confectioner, 258 High st.nth Gil!Ptt Albert, insurance agent, 7oa, Caledon :nm.dl
Ennis Albert, scale maker, 128 Barking road "Glad win & Co. milliners, 303 High street ll!Orth
Erskine-Collins James :M.R.C.S.Lond., L.R.C.P.Lond. Glas'l & Son, photographers, 387 Barking roadl
physician & surgeon, 218 Barking road Glasson, Lister &; Co. house furnishers, 42 Higit st: nth-
Eustace Geo. Arthur, grocer & tea dlr. 3 & 4 Vic.1 rage la Glf'n Ro~a Laundry Ca. Limited, 19 High street south &;
Evans Co. (The), prov;,;ion dealers, 41 & -l3 Barking rd 148 Hig-h 8treet north
Evans Hemy, laundry, 136 Barking road Globe (The) Confectionery Co. confectioners, 109, r86 &;
Evans Josiah, undertkr.22 High st.nth.& 89 Wakefield st 220 High street north
Evans Reginald Henry, teacher of music, so Lawrence rd Glynn C'omtance (}Irs.), dress maker, 14 Harrow road
Evans William, shopkeeper, 2a, Roman road Godfrey Joseph, house decorator, 12 Seymour road
Everist Thomas Andrew, shopkeeper, 2 Lonsdale avenue Goetz Charles, pork butcher, 137 High street north
Fairfax Alfr€-d, collector of rates & assistant overseer to Going- Jamt",.., eel pie house, 97 Plashet grove
the Borough Council, Town hall Gold :MyH, tailor, 363 & 365 Barking road
Fairhead Frank E. confectioner, 37 Barking road Golding George Charles, dining rooms, 233 Katherin~ r<f-._
Fairwea ther David John, draper, 94 Katherine road Goldinghay Henry, plumber, 210 Plashet grove
Farrant FredPrick, insm·ance agent, 4I Spencer road Goldsborough Charles, sign writer, 70 Wall End road"'
Farrer A. E. & Son, undertakers, Fern villa, Napier rd tGooch ..ilice (.Miss), dress maker, 77 Boundary road
Feely James Edward L.Ch., L.A.O., L.M.Dub. ph~·si- Goodall George William, decorator, I40 Heigham road·
cian & surgeon, r6 Plashet grove *Goodchild ..innie (Miss), dress maker, 65 Sibley gr(we
Fehrenbach Godfrey, watch maker, II3 High -st. north ii·Goodchild Eulalia (Mrs.), dress maker, 34 East avPn
tFenton William Hy. insuran{)e agent, 33 Boundary rd Goodchild Frederick, dining rooms, I I High st. south..
Ferguson Sidney Jas. ham & beef dlr. I9I High st. nth tGoodchild William, shopkeeper, 142 Shrewsbury road
Pfitch WaiterS. oil & color man, 229 Barking road Goc'"""v Alice Florence (Miss), blouse ma. 35 Spencer rd'
Pindlay Edward, laundry, us Plashet grove Goc".ang Waiter, boot repr. 8 Grosvenor ter. VicaragE" la
Firminger Henry, dining rooms, 205 High street north Goodman Herbert, boot repairer, 42 GilleU avenue
Fish Arthur, umbrella maker, 24 Barking road Goodspeed Chas. fishmonger,6 Grosvenor ter.Vica:rage la..
Fish Robert C. pawnbroker. 25 & 27 High street north *Goodstride & Co. tailors, 230 High street north
PiS"her Frederick. grocer, 157 Wakefield street Goodwin Arthur Edward, insur. agent, 3 Ladysmith a"lii-
tFisher Frederick, hair dresser, 2II Boundarv road Gottlieb Benjamin, fried fish dealer, 20 Wakefield streef
Fisher William J. slate merchant, 59 Lawrence road Goymer Evan, dairy, 7 Grosvenor ter. Vicarage lane
*Fleming, Reid & Co. Ltd. hosiers, 288 High lilt. north Graham Albert Wm. insurance agt. 28 Creighton avenue
Fletcher Emily (Mrs.), dress maker, 56 Parr road Graham William, shopkeeper, 263 Barking road
Flint Wm. painter & house decorator, SI Clements rd Graham Wm.McAdam,veterinary <>nrgeon,120 Caledon rd
Flower Lily (Miss), teacher of pianoforte, 17 Hall road *Graham William T., M.P.S .. F.S.M.C. chemist, 261
Flowers Minnie Edith (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 6o Haldane rrl High street north
Poakes James John, boot maker. 136 Charlemont road Grantham & Co. g-rocars, 3o6 Barhing road &:; 158 Higfu.
Footc John, insurance agent, 3 Grosvenor road street north
*Forbes David, cycle maker, 308 High street north tGray Frederick, insurance agent, 136 Boundary road.
tFord Frederick, dairyman, 74 Shrewsbury road Greaves George Waiter, shopkeeper, 37 Boleyn road
Porest Gate Sanitary Steam Laundry Oo. Limited, 353 Green Alfred, wardrobe dealer, 148 Katherine road
Barking road Green Bessie (Miss), dress maker, 12 St. John's road:
Porst~r & Son, bakers & confectioners, 128 High st. nth Green Edwin, tinsmith, II Friars road
276 EAST HAM. ESP. EX. [KELL\' 8

Green Frederick John, Central hotel, 150 Barking road Hewitt Joseph Henry, news agent, 2 Pavement, WaU
Green James, wardrobe dealer, 301 Harking road end, Barking road
'G-reen W1lliam, greengrocer, 38 Cyprus place Hickman James, shopkeeper, 97 Wakefield street.
Greenwood Thomas, saddler, 4 High street north Hicks Waiter, hardware dealer, 124 Plashet lane
""Greig David, provision merchant, ~q.6 High st. north Hill Frank B. watch maker, 30 Kempton road
Gress Armand, hair dresser, 5 Norman ter. High st. sth Hill Sarah (Mrs.), dress maker, 30 Kempton road
Griffin George Edward, clerk to East Ham Local Pen- Hill Waiter, insurance agent, xa, Lloyd road
sion Committee, Town ball, Barking road Hill Wm. Hy. Chas. draper, 3 Stanley ter. High llt. ~th
*Grottick Et hel :May( Mrs. ),leather seller ,JOI High st. nth Hills Henry James, photographer, 309 Barking road
Gunn William B. insurance agent, 79 Compton avenue Hilyard :\oiorris J. J. sanitary inspector to Borough
Gunston Fredk. Wm. oil & color man, 157 High st.nth Council, Town hall
Guthrie Chas. Henry, Qil & color man, 134 Katherine rd Hine John, jun. assist. insurance supt. 84 Masterman rd
Guttridge Frederick John, hair dxesser, 7 Plashet grove Hine John, insurance agent, II9 Plashet lane
Hacker Brothel "• joiners, 100 Plashet grove Hinton Brothers, housebreakers, 270 :Barking road
Hackett John S. insurance agent, 188 Caulfield road Hint on Mary S. (Mrs.), ladies' school (private), ~qo
Hackshall Walter, glass & china dealer 129a, & fish- Barking 1·oad
monger 131, High street north Hipp John Joseph, shopkeeper, 63 Plashet g1·ove
Hackshaw Edith (Miss), tchr. of pianoforte, 36 Bridge rd *Hirst Herbert Alex. assi~t. insur. supt. 136 Byron a\ea
Haden Annie (Mrs.), ostrich feather dresser, Io Fry road Hirstwood Francis Henry, decorator, 41 Bridge road
Had~raft E~!lsie Mabel (Miss), teacher of music, 52 Hobbs Augustus Thomas, boot maker, 130 Barking road
Central Park road Hobbs William Edwurd, relieving officer No. 16 district.
Hagues Benjamin, draper, 147 Barking road West Ham union, 95 Arragon road
Hail Brothers, hosiers, 70 High street north Hobbs William Henry, fishmonger, 23 Barking road
I!Halden Rose (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 11 Cyprus place Hodge John, shopkeeper, 73 Arragon road
Hall Harry William, phonograph dealer, 4 ~arket pl. Hodges Thomas, shopkeeper, 34 Welstead road
Wall end, Barking road Hodson A.lbert, bird dealer, 325 Barking road
Hall Samuel George, hair dresser, 62 Leigh road Hogg Fredk. Wm. teacher of pianoforte, ro Winter a.-
Hamilton Gertrude (Mrs.), millin('r, 101 High &t. north Hogg William Robert, builder, 91 Caulfield road
Hamilton Thomas,coal & coke merchant,2 Eastbourne rd !Holland Henry, shopkeeper, 248 Shrewsbury road
Hamling Arthur, insurance a~ent, 23 Heigham road qolloway Wm. horse slaughterer,17 Wall end,Earking rd
Hammett Coningsby & Geo. pawnbros. 123 High st. nth Holman Herbert A. baby linen wareho. 150 High st. nth
Hammett Ben, pawnbro. & house furnshr.2 :Barkin~ rd Uolmes .Alfred John, decorator, 32 Macauley road
Hammett Charles, rag & bone merchant,I8:Mountfield rd Holmes Robert, greengrocer, n Plashet grove
Hammett Coningsby, pa~nbroker, 47 Holme road Home & Colonial Stores Ltd. 227 High street north
Hammond Elizabeth (Mis:o ), blouse m a. 17 W akefield ~t Homewood Bartholomew, bootmaker, 82 High st. north
Hancox Edward E. tailor, 207 High strel:'t north ""Hcopel & Co. builden' merchants, 312 High st. north
Hannaford J. H. & Co. mantle mas. g6 High st. north !Iooper William Thomas, confectioner, 57 Barking road
Hannant Frederick George, laundry, 231 Barking road Hcrn Charles George, shopkeeper, 6g Masterman road
Hanreck Harry, hair dresser, 47 High street south Hoskin Wm.Hy.& Son,corn & flour mers.g7 Katherine rd
Hansford George, greengrocer, 75 Market street Hosliins .A.nnie (~Irs. ), laundry, see Crighton & Ho-.kin!l
tHarber George, builder, 8o Boundary road Roward John Thomas, shopkeeper, 43 Talbot road
Hardiman George, grocer, 44 Seymour road Ho well Anna D. (Mrs.), 11ervants' registry offic(', 268
Harding Joseph, builder, 42 Heigham road Barking- road
Harnwell George, oil & color man, 103 Central Park road Howell Ho:ratio, cycle maker, 113 Plashet. grove
Harper Charles, insurance agent, 34 Wakefield street Howland Frederick, shopkeeper, 164 Kempton road
Harrington H. Ltd. furniture dealers, 68 High st. north Hubhard William St. Anbyn L.M.S.S.A., L.S.A.Lnnd.
llarris Charles, grocer, 182 Hatherley gardens physiciJJD & surgeon. 29 Burges road
Harris Ernest Frederick, contractor, 237 Katherine road Huggins May (Mis..s), teacher of music, 46 Clement~ rd
Harris James William, shopkeeper, 104 Telham road Humphrey Rosa (:Miss), ladies· outfitter,214 High st. ntft
Harris John, marine store dealer, 8g Katherine road Hunt Amelia (Mrs.), co:rn & ftour dlr. 235 High sL nth
Harris Sarah (Mrs.), glazier, IIO High street north Hunt Eleanor (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 134 Sibley grove-
Harris Thomas, grocer, 64 Stamford road Hunt Nora (Miss), dress maker, 64 Streatfield av.-.nut>
Harris William S. butcher, 3 Barking road tHunt William Henry, credit draper, 213 Shrewsbury rd
•Rarrison George. boot, 128 Sibley grove Hurrell Frank, stationer, 3 Henniker gardens
Harrison Henry, hair dresser, 73 Katherine road Hutchens Lilian(Miss),teaeher of pianoforte,s Denbigh rd
Hanison Miles James, grocer, I Seymour road Hut~hinson Cyril Geor~e M.R.C.S.Eng .. L.R.C.P.hel.
Hart Frederick, shoe maker, 43 Boleyn road physician & surgeon, 81 High street south
.,.H'lrwood A. & Son, painter!'!, 293a, Hi~h street north Hutchinson Harry L.R.C.P.I., L.R.F.P.S.Glas., L.S.A .
Haselden Henry Thomas, outfitter, 28 & 32 High st. nth Lond. phy'lician & surgeon, 111 Plashet grove
*Hawkes Edward William, confr. 273 High street north Hutchinson William, ·coal merchant, 49 Bartle avenue
•Hawkey William A. insurance supt. 18 Woodhouse gro Huxtable Albert W. tobacconist, 176 & 188 High st. nth
Hawkins Richard, grocer, 95 Altmore avenue Ickingel' Frederick, butcher, 59 Market street
Hawkridge Alice (Mrs.), .shopkeeper, 30 Park avenue Iggulden & Roberts, Boleyn tavern, I Barking road
Hayden Alfred Charles, beer retailer, 43 Thackeray road Ilford & East Ham Laundry Co. 4 Holloway terrace,
Hayden Anne (Mr~.), oil & color dealer, 22 Wakefield st High street south & I Lawrence road
Hayes Ern~l'lt, boot maker, I05 Central Park road Imperial Market Oil Stores, oil & color stores, IO Bal'k-
tHayes Esther (Miss) G.S.M. teacher of music, 296 mg road
Shrewsbury road Instance Arthur Frank, draper, 314 Barking road
Hayes Harry, boot maker, 63 Seymour road Ireland Thomas J. confectioner, 16o Katherin£> roarl
Haynes John Henry, boot maker, II4 Plashet g-ruve Ironman William, hair dresser, I Lydeard road
Haysom Henry, house furniRher, *250 & 252 High street Ironmonger William, rate collector & assistant overseer
north & 179 High street north to the Borough Council, Town hall
Hazell Minni~ (Miss).tchr.of pianoforte.s Hatherl£>)" g-dns Isolation Hospital (Ea!'t Ham Corporation) (Wm. EPnton
HazeU William, confectioner, 3 Vicarage lane ::\I.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.. D.P.H. medical supt.; Miss
Hl•ad SamuPl John, grocPr. 213 Burges road Wilson, matron), Roman road
Head Victor, tailor. 47 Barking road Ivory John, cartage contractor, Wilson's frm. Plashet gro
Heading-ton .Annie (Mrs.), shopket>per, 64 LE'i!!h road Jacobs & Co. wholesale haberdashers, 28 Plashet grove
HPaling Chas. Hy. baby linen warehouse, 45 "Barking rd Jaggers Brothers, builders' merchants, 174 Katherine rd
tHeath Benjamin Rayner, grocer, 88 Boundary road James & Co. furniture dealers, II8 Barking road
Be<~th Cha.rles Herbert, grocer, g8 Pla~het grove James Alfred, grocer, II Pavement, Wall end,Barking rd
Heavens Charles, confectioner, 259 Barking road James Chas. fishmongr.s Market pl.Wall end,Earking rd
Heineman Geo.cycle agt.8 Pavement, Wall end,Barking -rd James Eliza (Mrs.), cats' meat dealer, 5 Fair View ter-
Hellens Frank Richard, stationer, 32 High street south race, Wall end, Barking road
UHenderson Jctmf:'s Newmm, engineer, Burnaby street. Jam('s John, paperhanger, 5 Fair View terrace. Wall
T A "Atchari Aldock ; " T N 3622 East end, E<~rking road
Hennes.sey Kate (Mrs.), dress maker, 6o Burg-es road !James William, fishmonger, 182 Shrewsbury road
ffanwoorl Harry, draper, 175 High street north *Jancourt Herman, dr~er, 285 High street north
*Herapath Bros. estate agents & builders, 2 East avenue Jarvis S::~muel Henry, greengrocer, I32 Katherine road
*Herapath Philip, builder, 2a, East avenue J eff George, confectioner, 99 Plashet grove
Herbert Edith (Mrs.), certificated nurse, 59 Hi~h 'lt. sth Jeffries John. undertaker, 73 Barking road
+Hewing Geo-rge, shopkeeper, 85 B0undary road Jenkin Ann (Mrs.), confectioner, n6 Barking road
J enkins G~on~e Rres, tailor, 323 Central Park road

Jenliins Oliver W. draper, 106 High street north Lt-g_Jerton Samu~l, conft-ctioner, 297 Barking road
*Jenner William, plumber, I Sibley !,!I"OVe Leicester Susannah (Miss), teacher of pianoforte, 122
Jt>nnings George, shopkeeper, 24 Grosvenor gardens Keppel road
Jf'nnings John William, insurance- agent, 98 Milt()n avell Leighton George, shopkeeper, 3 Holloway ter. High st.sth
Jpremy Waiter G. manager of the London & South Lelliott Waiter Edwd. baker, & post office,75 Barking rd
West~rn Bank Limited, 202 High street north Lengmann Henry, baker, & post office, I05 Katherine rd
.lf'rman Cordelia (Mrs.), news agent, 58 Leigh road Lengmann Hrbt. tchr. of dancing,25 & 27 Wakefield ~
tJ£>rram Jas. William, builder, Crown works,Boundary rd Lester W. H. & Son, tailors, 2 High street north
Johns William, draper, 56 Aintree avenue Leverell William, confectioner, 38 High street north
Johnson Alice M. (Mrs.), tobacconist, 128 Katherine rd Levey Jacob, tailor, 135 Barking road
Johnson Edward William, assistant town clerk to East Levick Christopher, solicitor & commissioner for oath~
Ham Corporation, Town hall, Barking road 12 High street south
Johnson Ernest J. assistant borough treasurer,Town hall Levitt :Morris, boot maker, 295 Barking road
*Johnson John A. insurance agent, 159 Byron aYenue *Lewis Charles & Son, mantle makers, 298 High st. nth
Johnson Bobert, hair dresser, 233 High street north *Lewis Richard, draper, 251, 253 & 255 High st. north
Jones Bros. dairymen, 58 Barking rd.& 2 Hennilrer gdns 1-Lewis Thomas, drape·r, 207 Boundary road ·
Jone~ Brothers, provision dealers, 93 Katherine road Lewis Wm. baker, 55 Market street &; 165 Central Pk. rd
Jones Henry Arthur & Co. grocers, 7 Barking road Liell Mark&Son,auetioneers & estate agts.149High st.nth
Jones & Co.grocers,*256 High st.nth. & 138 Katherine rd Light Albert, hair dresser, 377 Barking road
Jonps Charles, shJpkeeper, 2 Fabian street I,ightfoot James S. boot maker, 59 Holland road
*Jones Edward Jo~eph, oil & color man,3oo High !lt. nth Lill George D. sanitary inspector to Borough Council,
Jones James, shopkeeper, 41 Macauley road Town hall
Jones John, costumier, 101 Katherine road Linday Robert, coal merchant, 131 Plashet lane
Jones John, greengro. 4 Pavement, Wall end, Barking rd Line Elizabeth (Mrs.), confctnr. 15 Wall end,Barking rd
Jcslin L. & E. (Misses), drapers, 2 High street norl·h Liuk Stephen Charles & Sons, butchers, xo Grosvenor
Joslin Evelyn (Miss), teacher of music, 1 Fairview villas, terrace, Vicarage lane
B~rking road Lipscombe George, shopkeeper, 15 Priory road
Joy Olive (Miss) L.L.C.M. teacher of pianoforte, 24 Lipton grocers & provision dlrs. 26 High st. north
Burges road Lister Victor, laundry, 9 & *257 High street north
Jubilee Supply Co. boot &; shoe dealers, 71 Plashet grove Litchfield J.ubrey L. dairy, 74 Leigh road
Justic~ MichaPl, shopkeeper, 32 Telham road Liverpool Victoria Legal Friendly Society (Edward C.
Kal'('t John, oil &; color man, 7 High strel:'t north Newton, manager), Q Town Hall buildings, Barking rd
K~"P F'redk. Wm. Black Lion P.H. 13-5 High st. north Lloyd & Co. drapers, 47 High strept, north
h.f't'p John, beer, wine & spirit retailer, r6o High st.nth Lock Chas. Jn. hair dresser, 2 The Parade, Vicarage la
IKeJleher Wil!iam, coal merchant, 2 Plevna street *Lockwood & Bradley Ltd. tailors, 262 High st. north
fKt>llick Charlotte (Mrs.), tchr. of music, 24 Lancaster rd +Lot> Elizabeth (Mrs.), tailor, 193 Boundary road
KI'I!'PY Janu~s W. co::1l dealer. 67 Abbotts road London City & Midland Bank Limited (John William
Kt>mp Elijah, decorator, 66 High street north Kortright, manager), n8 High street north; draw on
KPmp K~te (Mrs.), grocer, 2 TPmple road head office, Threadneedle street E C
Kt>mpster Alice (Mrs.), haberdasher, 47 Goo.seley lane London & Manchester Indu!!trial In.smance Co. Ltd.
•Kempston Amy Catherine (Miss),statnr.294 High st.nth (Henry ~ie-htingale, dist. supt.), 114 Central Park rd
Kennis William, baker &; confectioner, 76 High st. north London & North Western Railway Co. goods & coal
Kent Thomas (Mrs.), dining rooms, 141 High st. north station, Plashet lane
tKt>rry Thomas, fruiterer, 153 Boundary road London Penny Bazaar Co. 127 High !itreet north
Kersl'y .Alfred H. beer retailer, 215 Burges road Londvn & Provincial Bank Limited (branch) (Robert
Kbop Alexander, hair dresser, 359 Barking road Crosbie manager), 2 High street south; draw on head
Kill> un Edith (Miss), dress malrl:'r, 6 Altmore avenue & office, 3 Bank buildings, Lothbury, London E C &
35>, Barking road Glyn, Mills, Currie &; Co. See advertisement
fKiliPy Alice ().lrs. ), shopkeeper, 171 Shrewsbury road London & South Western Bank Limited (branch) (Waiter
*Killwick D. & Co. furniture dealers, 272 High st. north G. Jeremy, manager), 202 High street north; draw on
Killlhy, Son & Edwards, solicitors; 193 High street north bPad office, 170 Fenchurch street, London E (1
Kil~h •
Charll:'s Edward Stewart, solicitor & commis- Long William George, laundry, 126 Plashet lane
"'il)ner to administer oaths (firm, Kilsby, Son & Loveland Edward, fried fish dlr. 111 Central Park roa~
l<:dwards), 193 High street north LoYett Alfrad & Ernest, drug stores, 5 Grosvenor ter-
King Edith (Miss), teacher of pianoforte, g6 Lathom rd l'aCP, Vicarage lane & 2 Stanley terrace, High st. sth
1\ing George, insurance agent, 47 Friars road Lowdell John, fruiterer, 15 Kenneth ter. Vicarage lane
King Henry, builder, 56 Lonsdale avenue tLowe Arthur Griffiths. beer retailer,2o1 Boundary road
King Lonisa (~rs. ), shopkeeper, 67 Mountfield road Lowe John, dairy, xg8 Wakefield street
•King William, boot maker, 1c9 Byron avenue Lowe John Thomas, beer retailer, 4 Henniker gardens
Kip 11~ Fred~rick, grocer, 62 Haldane road Lowth Jane (Mrs.), grocer, 123 Plashet grove
KitchPner E. A. (Mrs.), boot ma. 111 &; II3 High st. nth Luck Ernest, fried fish dealer, 37 High street south
· · KitP William, insurance agent, 27 Bartle avenue Lukey Agnes (Miss), shirt &; collar dresser, 123 Wake·
*Ki) Frank, musician, 38 East avenuP field street •
Kn~•ppett S. & J. ironmongers, 14 Wakefield street Lunglev Frederick, boot repairer, 95 Katherine road
Kni~ht Edith (Mrs.), dress maker, 10{ Stamford road Lunn John, insurance agent, 96 Milton avenue
Knight George H. A. insurance agent, 19 Masterman rd Lush & Cook Ltd. dyers & cleaners, 218 High st. north
*Knock & Waugh (Misses), ladies' outfitters, 269 High Luxton William, fned fish dealer, 347 Barking road
street north Lycett Thomas H. shopkeeper, 43 Seymour road
1\ nutt Sidney J ames, insurance agent, 13 Loxford a Yen 1iLyons Joseph, Ferndale hotel, 40 Cyprus place
Kortright John Wmiam. manager London Cit:r & Mid- t~IcArdell Edward, shopkeeper, 124 Shrewsbury road
land Bank Limited, n8 High street north ~cCann Josepb, fancy repository, 83 High street north
Koster William, balrer, n8 Plashet grove \lcf'arthy Frederick. hair dresser, 129 High st. north
Kredtz Edward, watch maker, 233 High street north ~IcCombie 'fhomas, insurance agent, 73a, High st. south
L~ck MaTy Ann (:\-Irs.), draper, 2 Roman road *Macdonald James, confectioner, 299 High street north
lake Joseph Newman. wardrobe dealer, 355 Barking rd McDowell George, milliner, 74 High street north
Lamb Henry, oil & color man, 40 High street south Mace & Sous, butchers, 14 High street north
Lamb Wm. John. coffee rooms,1 Norman ter. High st. sth Macer Sydney, butcher, 17 Kenneth terrace, Vicarage
Langendorf Fredk. Chas. pork butcher, 316 Barking rd lane & 94 Wellington road
Lansdowne John H. school attendance officer, Town hall fMaek Louisa (Miss), tchr. of music, 34 Shrewsbury rd
Larsen Heinrich, grocer, ro :\larlow ter. High st. south McKettrick F'rederick John M.B., C.M. surgeon, &; hon.
LattPr Arthur Henry, beer retailer, 88 Kempton road surgeon to Passmore Edwards Hospital, 226 High st.
LaYington Geo.Leonard,.~heet mPtal workr. 197 )lilton av north & !Shrewsbury house, 290 Shrewsbury road
Lawler Edward, news agl:'nt, 7 S:tltbox row, High st. stb :.\Iackintosh Christina (:Mrs.), laundry, 8 Canlfield road
Laws Elsie Alice (:Miss) A.L.C.:M. teacher of pianoforte, Macree James, firewood dealer, 53 Wellington road
58 Elizabeth road Maguire Edmund Gregory, shopkeeper, 62 Mountfield rd
Lf.ach Thomas J. ironmonger, 219 High street north t:Maguire M:ichael, slater, I Boundary road
Leader Brothers, tailors, 184 High street north Mahoney James, tailor, 39 Sibley grove
LPal Edwd. greengro.8 Fain·iew ter.Wall end,Barking rd ~Iailes John J ames, tobacconist, I Lyndh urst terraee,
u-Anse Deborah ()lrs.), cor~et maker, 209 High st. nth Wall end, Barking road
Lee Frederick William, printer, 31 WAkefield street ~Iann Charles William, house & estate agent &i collector
L~ William, gasfitter, 35 Lathom road King"s taxes for East Ham south, 31ll Barking road.
L fevre 'Villi am Henry, boot maker, 8r Pulleyns annue T ~ 160 Ea"t Ham

Ma.nn James, shopkeeper, r6 Market street Newton John L.B.C.P. & S.Edin., L.B.F.P. & S.Gla&,
tMann Stephen, boot maker, 54 Boundary road physician & surgeon, 154 Katherine road
Manning A. G. house decorator, I Norfolk road Newton John Thomas, draper, 103 Katherine road ·
Manning Lillian M. (Miss), shopkeeper, 55 Frinton road Nicholls Louis, beer &; wine retailer 204, & news agem
Mansell John Da.vid, coal dealer, 25 Plashet grove 210, High street north
Marks Isabella (Mrs.), nurse, n Kempton road Nicholson Charles, greengrocer, 120 Barking road
tMa.rsh Elizh. Flora (Mrs.), dress ma. 54 Lancaster rd Nickels Frederic;k S . .A. insurance agent, 58 Hall road
*Martin &; Son, plumbers, 257 High street north Nickelson Wilfrid Gordon, baller, & post office, 103
Martin Alfred Malcolm, beer retailer, 2 Plashet grove Bnrges road
Mask-ell Thos. Stewart, french polisher, 9 Skeffington rd Nicol George, fishmonger, 88 Katherine road
'Mason Charles, watch maker, 148 Kempton road Nicoll Chas. Abel, auctnr. & estate agt. 208 High st. ntlt
Mason George Henry, baker, 234 Barking road Nightingale Henry, insurance snpt. 114 Central Park rd
Mason Henry James, house decorator, 1 Lathom road Nix George, boot repaire1·, 341 Barking road
Masset Ernest, ironmonger, 99 High street north Nix J(}seph James, house decorator, 58 St. John's road
tMasters Charles William, dairyman, go Boundary road t:Nixon George, grocer, &; post office, 72 Boundary road
Masters Henry, grocer, I2l High street south Noakes Albert _\rthnr, grocer, 16 High street north
.Masters John, hair dresser, 7 High street south Norton Elizabeth {.Mrs.), draper, 225 Katherine road
-'Masterton Alfred, watch maker, 86 Katherine road Norton Herbert, grocer, 73 Central Park road
-~temity Charity & District Nurses' Home (Miss !I Oa kes ~ urrell,cycJe deah. 13,& tobacconist 39,Cypru1 pl
L. G. Martin, in charge), 72 &; 74 Burges road Oatins Jack Wm. ~rtificial tl'eth maker, x86 High st.ntla
::""Mather George Samuel, clerk to justices, East Ham *Odling Lily B. (Mrs.), florist, 291 High street north
Police court, Town hall Oggins FrPderick, cycle agent, see Bennett &; Oggins
~ Matthews Herbert Robert, fruiterer 163, & florist *275, ()ldfiPld CharlPs, china. & glass dealer, 303 Barking road
High street north Oliver Jane (Mr». ), apartments, 37 Burges road
-.May Arthur W. bill poster, 142 High street north Oliver O"en Junes, chemist, 132 High street north
.Maycock Thomas John, laundry, 63 Barking road Onslow Arthur, photographer, 103 High street north
-llayes Wilford, mineral water manufr.n8 Katherine rd Orsi Panlo, confectioner, 375 Barking road
Mayhew Brothers, butchers, II4 High street north Osborne .Arthur B. school attendance officer, Town hall
Maypole Dairy Co. Limited, 166 High street north Osborne Ern€'st, boot repairer, 59 Holme road
- Mays Frank Webb, chemist, 26 Barking road O'Sullivan Carrol Naish L.B.C.P.I., L.R.C.S.I., L.M.
'' *'Mears JO'hn F. news agent, 281 High street north Dub. physician & surgeon, II4 Barking road
-Measures Robert Henry, news agent, 373 Barking road *Otter Thomas, insurance agent, so Gladstone avenue
.Medcalf Mary Ann (Mrs.), hair dresser, 3 Duke's parade, Owen Wm. Fredk. commercial trav. 65 St. Bernard's rd
Wall end, Barking road Paddon Ralph John, insurance agent, 27 Poulett road
· Mercer Waiter .Albert, grocer, 15 High street south Paddon William, cutler, go Katherine road
Mercier Charles Jerome .A. N., :M.B.Lond., M.R.C.S., Page Thomas & Sons, shopkeepers, 67 _.\rragon road
L.R.C.P. physician & surgeon, 167 Plashet grove Page Ernest Wm. beer & "ine retailer, 221 Barking rd
· llerer August, boot repairer, 62 Outram road Paine Thomas Alfred, oil & color man, 241 Barking rd
Metropolitan Water Board (W. Irving, receiving officer). Palfrryman Ed,~:ud, fancy repository, 30 Barking road
IB High street south tPalmer Albert John, boot repairer, 37 Lancaster road
· 11-Miles Frank J. tailor, 3II High street north *Palmer Enoch, boot maker, 92 Sibley grove
Miles Winifred H. (Miss),dress maker,52 Wordsworth av Palmer Waiter, rate collector & assistant overseer to
..Millard Frank, co1•n dealer. 87 & 89 Barking road Borough Council, Town hall
"'t:U:iller A. & Sons, tailors, 87 Boundary road Papworth Noble, draper, 222 & 224 High street north
:::Ni.Uer Harry, oilman, 2 Norman terrace, High st. south Parke's Drug Stores Limited, chemists &; druggists,
~:r John, tailor, 66 Benson avenue *267 High street north & 83 High street south
:'1\Im!!! I; Son, printers, 2 Keppel road Parh·er .Alexander, sign writer, 2 Caledon road
"1\t:ilton Mary Elizabeth (Miss), dress ma. 44 High st. sth Parker Harry. sign writer, Wall end, Barking road
"Minnikis B. & Co. tobacconists, 17 Barking road Parker Katherine (Mrs.), china & glass dealer, 130
·'---Mitchell, Lucas & Mitchell, solicitors, 208 High st. north Katherine road
-Mitchell Edmund Bascomb, solicitor, see Mitehell, Lucas Parkin Herbert John ::\LR.C.V.S.Lond. veterinary sur-
& Mitchell geon, & veterinary inspector for borough of East Ham1
"-Mitchell George, builder, I Masterman road Barkin~ roa.d
.Mitchell Mary (Mrs.), tobacconist, 9 Pavement, Wall Parlour John, boot maker, 168 Katherine road
end, Barking road *Parr Waiter Frederick, grocer, 135 Shakespeare cres
Mitchell Sidney !lfred, solicitor, 1;,ee Mitchell, Lucas & *Parsons Herbt. T. painter & decorator, 37 'l'ennyson a-.
Mitchell Parsons Mary Ann (Miss), grocer, 126 Kempton road .
'Mole Charles, bee1· rlltailer, 14 Market street Partis George, s·hopkeeper, 28 Holme road
- '"*Monard James, boot maker, 5 Sibley grove Partners G. & J. Limited, tailors, 194 High street north
·Monk. Thomas, boot maker, 227 Katherine road l'arton Edwin William, laundry, 21 Gooseley lane
-:Moore A. & Son, builders' merchant, r & 3 Shrewsbury Part on Eliza (Mrs.), laundre!ls, 6 Pavement, Wall end,
road. T N 88 llford Barking road
'Xoore Bernard James, insurance supt. 244 Barking road Partridge Alfred William, boot maker, 67 Barking road
'1.\foore Henry, grocer, 81 Mitcham road *Partridge Robert Jas. watch maker, 290 High st_, north
M.Gore W alden J. furniture dealer, 125 High street north Paske & Co. grocers, 143 High street north
"Moore William C. tailor, 33 Lathom road Passmore Edwards Branch Public Library (Bertram J ..
1\Iorgan J. G. & Son, decorators, 162 Milton avenue Frost, librarian in charge), Plashet grove
·•Morgan George Edgar, registrar of births & deaths tPassmore Edwards Hospital (Hugh :M.Rigby M.S.Lond.,
sub-district North East Ham, 380 Monega road F.R.C.S.Eng. hon. consulting surgeon; S. R. Blake
Morley Percy Edward, insurance agent, 71 Frinton road L.R.C.P. &; S.Edin., L.F.P.S.Glas., A. M. Fiddea
Morris Lewis, shoe maker, 175 Plashet lane M.B., C.M ..Aberd., F. J. ~IcKettrick M.B., C.M.Edin.
Mosbacker & Jubb, artificial florists, Cleves road & John Avery M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. sur..
Moss Phrebe (Mrs.), ladies' outfitter, 26 Clements road geons; Preston B. Wallis L. S.A. hon. anresthetist;
.Moyler Albert Edward, confectionPr, :ro9 Central Park Miss E. Ousman, matron), Shrewsbury road.
road & *58 Boundary road Paterson Bessie (Miss), dress maker, 8g Barking road
Murdoch &; Taylor, tailors, 124 Barking road Patmore F. & Co. tobacconists, 64 High street north
Murlis Charles, tobacconist, 235 Katherine road *Patten Thomas B. plumber, 12 Sibley grove
Murray George William, dairyman, 102 Katherine road l'attman Charles & Co. ironmongers, 18 Barking road
.Muspratt Albert, photographer, 133 Katherine road Paxton William, shopkeeper, 39 Wellington road
National Reserve (East Ham Division) (Sergt.-Major Payne Edward, boot repairer, 1 Vicarage lane
E. G. Brook, organising officer), 16 High st. south Payne Laura (Mrs.), tobacconist, 130 High stree~ nor~h
Nelson Francis James, confectioner, 18 High st. north Pearce & Co.stationers,& post i>ffice,Wall end,Barking rd
Nelson Henry, tobacconist, 172 Katherine road Pearce Alfred Charles, accountant, 92 Milton avenue
Nelson Henry .A. news agent, 20 High street north Pearks Limited, grocers, 164 High street north
Nelson Matthew, butcher, 53 Barking road l'earl Assurance Co. Limited (Joseph George Page, dis-
~New Model Laundries Limited, r82 ShrewsbUl'y road trict superintendent), 71 Burges road
Newell James R. piano dealer, 194 High street north Pearson G. & Co. plumbers, 34 Streatfield avenue
_ N ewing J ames Page, baker, 16 Barking road Pearson Edward H. beer retailer, 30 Holme r()8d
Newman George Frederick, tobacconist,6 High st. north *Pegge Arthur William, relieving officer West Hana

Newman Wm. Jn. marine store dealer, 19 Wellington rd Union, 70 Kensington avenue
Newton Alfred John, hair dresser, 3 Town Hall build- Pelling Thomas, oil & color man, 217 High street north
jngs, Barking road Perfitt Edward W. house decorator, 152 Keppel road
*Perkins :Maud M. (~liss),teacher of music,94 Shelll'y &'f'
Penen Helena (Mrs.), teacher of pianoforte, 178 Master- Risely Ada (Miss), dress maker, 103 Stamford road
man road Rivalier Alphonse, grocer, 147 Central Park road
tPerrin Alfred, butcher, 151 Boundary road Rivett Alfred, cycle maker, 147 High street north
tPeters Mary Lizzie (Mrs.), dress ma. 126 Boundary rd Roach Carolina (Miss), laundry, 99 Wakefield street
Philippsthal Henry Edward, confectioner, 308 Barking rd Robbins William George, hau dresser, 126 Barking road
Phillips William & Co. watch makers, 35 Barking road Roberts Aida (Miss), dress maker, 95 Heigham road
Phillips Edwin, window blind maker, 2 Milton avenue Roberts Ethel (Miss), teacher of piano, 14 Winter aven
Phillips Harriott (Mrs.), laundry, 185 Mitcham road Roberts George, butcher, 24 Se~-mour l"Oad
RPhillips Herbert Archibald, dining rooms, 35 Cyprus pi *Roberts Hy. Edwin. ham & beef dlr.271 High st. north
Phillips Joseph, marine store dealer, 3 Pavement, Wall Roberts Mary C. (Mrs.), Boleyn tavern, see Iggulden &i
end, Barking road Roberts
l'hillips Woolf, watch maker, 40 High street north Robinson Elizabeth P'lrs.), shopkeeper, I Fair View ter-
Philpot Harriet (Mrs.), dress maker, 37 Shoebury road race, Wall end, Barli:ing road
Phinn Frederick, boot maker, 43 Plashet grove Robinson Florence (~Irs. ), confectioner, 225 Barking rd
Picken Joseph E. grocer, 21: & 23 High street north *Robinson George, provision dealer, 289 High st. north
Picken Joseph William, boot maker, 19 High st. north Robinson H-enry, upholsterer, 146 Katherine road
Piercy Edward, wheelwright, Wall end, Barking road Robinson Thomas lteorge, confectioner, 6g Barking road
Pike George, boot repairer, 16 Wakefield street Rodger William & Co. grocers, 252 Barking road
Pilgrim Jn. tobacconist, & post office, 239 High st. nth Rodrigues Hm·acP S. heer, wine & spirit retailer, 34
Platt Fred, draper, I I & 13 High street north High street north
Playle Chas. Fredk. draper, 9 Grosvenor ter. Vicarage la Rogers David, insurance agent, 55 Blenheim road
Plummer Charles, yeast merchant, 9 Wellington road Rogers Florence (Miss), dress maker, x66a, High street
Pockett Thomas, boot repairer, Wall End road north & 137 Clements road
Fond Stanley, shopkeeper, I7I Plashet lane Rogers J essie (Mrs.), loan office, 13 Parr road
Pontefract Sidney 0. ironmonger, 169 High street north Rogers Louisa Mary (Madame), teacher of music, 8x
Porter ..!lice (Miss), dress maker, 251 Central Park road Skeffington road
fPorter Eva (Miss), teacher of musie, I53 Shrewsbury rd Rogers Robert James, confectioner, 103 High st. south
Porter John Wm. insurancP agent, 32 Central Park rd Rose !sold watch maker, 293 Barking road
Porter Sydney Arthur, furniture dealer, 3 Plashet grove Ross Waiter, motor engineer, 41 Kempton road
Potter William, artificial teeth maker, I 11 Elizabeth rd Rowland Thomas James, confectioner, 8 Barking road
Poulter Clement, confectioner, 85 Katherine road Roworth George, house decorator, 32 Clements road
Poulter William, confectioner, 2I Barking road Royal Liver Friendly Society (William John Reeves, dis-
Pratt Sarah (Mrs.), boot repairer, 7 Mar low terrace, trict agent), 2 High street north
High street sou ih Royal London Mutual Insurance Society Limited; dis-
Premier Electric Theatre Limited (Bert. A. Bingey, trict office, 258 Barking road
manager), 79 High street north *Rush James Stanley, watch maker, 244 High st. north
Premier Electrical Co. Plectricians, Ia, Impt>rial mews, *Russell Chas.J.& Sons Ltd.corset mfrs. 247 High st.nth
St. Martin's avenue Russell Frederick T. oilman, 77 Barking ruad
Premium Trading Stamp Co. miscellaneous dealers, 91 Russell Herbert, mantle maker, I54 High street north
High street north Russell John, hosier, 196 High street north
Press Frederick Wm. Cock hotel, 56 High street north *Sabel Max, tailor, 35 ·fennyson avenue
Presswell John William, laund1·y, I8 Plashet grove St. Alban's Settlement (Miss M. E. Dallaway, head), 24
*Preston Horace Thos. Herbt. insur. agt. 208 Monega rd & z6 Victoria avenue
Price David Jl~dwd. grcr. & cheesemonger, ug High st.nth Salmon Waiter, ironmonger, 44 High street north
Price Florence (.Mrs.), dress maker, 49 St.Alban's avenue Salmon Waiter R. insurance agent, 32 Norfolk road
Price Samuel, tobacconist, 357 Barking road Salter Francis AlPxander Roland, artificial teeth maker,
Price Waiter John, butcher, 41 High street north 75 Plashet grove
~Pridmore Annie (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 17 Cyprus place Salter Frederick :i\<Iagnus, artificial teeth maker, 46
*Prudential Assurance Oo. Limited (W1lliam A. Hawkey, Burges road & 123 Lathom road
superintendent), 18 Woodhouse grove Salter James, corn & flour dealer, 65 Market street
Purkiss Geo. Robt. shopkeepr. 21 St. Bartholomew's rd Salter William H. chimney sweeper, 2 Nelson street
*Purser Albert, stationer & bookseller, 248 High st. nth Sampey & Sheffield, physicians & surgeons, IOI High
Purser Arthur F. furnitur.e dealer, go High st. north street south & 55 Clacton road
Purser William John, corn dealer, 5 High street south Sampey Norman .1<~ .• L.R.C.P. & S., L.M.I. physician &
Pyne Robert G. greengrocer, 168 High street north surgeon (firm, 8ampey & Sheffield), 101 High st. sth
Quick Charles, baker, I Milton terrace, High st. south Sampson Edith (Miss), dress maker, g8 Skeffington road
Quick James, news agent, 19 Seymour road Sandell Albert, confectioner, 43 High street south
Rake Frank & Co. electrical engineers, 9 Streatfield aven Sanders Brothers, corn dealers, 112 High street north
Ralph Brothers, boot makers, 2 Duke's parade, Wall Sandles J ane (Mrs.), nurse, 95 Kempton road
end, Barking road Saunders George, shopkeeper, 74 Bonny Downs road
Ralph Henry, Leacher of dancing, II9 Barking road Savage W.J. & Son,fiorists, Plashet gro. & 28 Barking rd
Ramsay Peter, grocer, 10 Lyndhurst terrace, Wall end, Saving Stamp Co. (The), general dealers, 3 Avenue
Barking road parade, Barking road
Randall, shopkeeper, 95 Roman road Sawyer Harry, Earl of Wakefield P.H. 72 Katherine rd
Rawlings James Joab Hy. insurance agt. 16 Wolsey av *Sawyer Jesse, Burnell Arms P.H. 24I High st. north
Rayment Edwin, jobmaster, 432 Central Park road Scarboroul!h L. & R. confectioners, 107 Katherine road
Rayment Waiter, builder, 440 Central Park road Scarlett John, news agent, 76 Market street
*Rayner Helen E ..A.. (Miss), teacher of music,2 Byron av Schafer William, baker,3 Kenneth terrace, Vicarage lane
*Rayner Henry, shop fitter, 2 Byrou avenue Schultis Sebastian, watch repairer, 70 Telham road
Real Thomas Robert, boot maker, 34 Clements road Schwartz Harry,tailor,312 Barking rd.& t59 Boundary:rd
Reckin Albert, hair dresser, 12 High street north .;:;coot John, greengrocer, 87 Talbot road
Recruiting Office for His Majesty's Army (Sergt.-Major *Scott Anna :M. (Mrs.), tobacconist, 259 High st. north
H. W. Franklin), 112 Plashet grove Scott Chas. Fredk. grocer, I Avenue par. Barking road
Reed George James, plumbPr, 39 Aintree avenue tScott Martha (Mi"s) L.C.M. teacher of music, 143
Rees Arthur David L.M.S.S.A.Lond. physician & sur- Shrewsbury road
geon, Cartref, High street south *Scovell William, electrician, 223 Shakespeare crescent
Reeve Edward J. painter & decorator, 129 Wakefield st Scowen Grace Minnie (Miss) A.L.C.M. teacher of piano·
lief'ves Wm. & Co. phonograph dealers, 333 Barking rd forte, 5 Katherine road
Refuge Assurance Co. Limited (Er nest Balls, supt. ), Scriven William Thomas, baker, 45 & 155 High st. nth
288 Barking road Search Edward, fruiterer, 37I & 337 Barking road
Reid John Edwin, builder, n8 Central Park road Search Joseph, fruiterer, 55 Barking road
Reid Thomas Henry, builder, 6g Hatherley gardens Sears J. & Co. boot & shoe maker;;, 198 High st. north
tReilly Lewis St. John L.S.A.Lond. physician & sur- Sears Printing & Publishing Co. Ltd. St. John's road
geon, 213 Boundary road Seibert Sarah (Mrs.), hair dresser, 166 Katherine road
*Revill George E. dental surgery, 2.p Hig"h st. north Sellick Ada (.Miss), mantle maker, I87 High st. north
*Reynolds W . .t Son Ltd. boot mas. 240 High st. north Shadd~ck Roland .A.. butcher, 144 High street north
*Reynolds Henry, plumber, 48 Gladstone avenue Shadrack E.& .A.. coal mers. I45 Barking rd. & Plashet la
tReynolds William E. piano tuner, 82 Shrewsbury road Shadwell Thomas, fancy draper, 79 Barking road
Rich At-thur, shopkeeper, 59 Telham road Sham brook J ane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 20 Colvin road
*Ricbards .!lice (Mrs.), nurse, 35 Byron avenue Sharp Edward R. collector of rates to the Borough Coua•
Richardson Margt. (Mrs.). feather dresser, 73 Outram rd cil & assistant overseer, 'fown hall
Ridpath George James, eel pie house, 36Q Barking road *Sharpe Gordon, plumber, 47 Byron avenue
Ripley .Ann (Mrs.), dming rooms, 71 Barking road Shave Sidney, insurance agent, 62 Katherine road
280 E.~SEX.

E..c\S f HAM. [KELLY'S
Shears Fredk. Wm. boot & shoe dlr. 185 High st. norLh Steele Henry, butcher, 136 Katherine road
Sheffield W. Henry ~LB., B.Ch., B.!..O. physician &; Stephens Edwin, boot repairer, 39 Outram road •
surgeon (firm, Sampey & Sheffield), 55 Clacton road Step hens Lavinia (Mrs.), grocer, 1 Oolvin road
lShelmerdine Frank Thompson, assistant marine !!uper· Stevens William Charles, draper, 8r Katherine road
intendent, 31 Shrewsbury road Stevens William J. boot &; shoe ma. 10 High st. north
Sheppard Henry George, boot repairer, 37 Ranelagh rd StevensonMinnieC.(Miss),teacher of music,86 :Ourges rd
Sherlock Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker, 24 Alexandra rd Stew art & Sno~, clothiers, 93• 95 &; 97 High st. north
Sherriff Thomas, travelling draper, 85 High st. north Stewart James, school attendance officer, Town hall
Shewring Francis John, corn dealer, 101 Plashet grove Stewart William Alien, groeer, 109 Barking road
Shillaker Ernest, Gutfitt-E>r, 49 Barking road Ntimson Joseph, hair dresser, 1 Kenneth ter.Vicarage &
Shimmen Sidney, blacksmith, r Imperial mews, St. IIStimson Thomas, hair dresser, 34 Cyprus place
Martin's avenue Stoddart Frank, grocer, II7 Katherine road
Shooter Henry, boot &; shoe rPpairer, 39 High street sth Stokes J ames &; Sons, builders, 6o High street north
*Shorland A. Limited, hosiers, 228 High street north Stone Oliver W. assistant librarian Carnegie Central
Sills Harry, butcher, 349 Barking road Library, High street south
Simmons George, baker, 216 High street north *Stratford Co-operative &; Industrial Society Limited:
Simpson David, glass & china dealer, 104 High st. nth (George L. Banks, sec.), 276 & 287 High street north
tSimpson Frederick, boot repairer, 209 Boundary road &; High street south
Sims William F. school attendance officer, Town hall Strelitz Samuel, picture framer, 331 Barking road
lSinclair I.M.& Sons,furniture removers,49 Lancaster rd IIStringer Thomas, greengrocer, 16 Cyprus place
Singer Sewin~ Machine Co. Limited. 302 Barking road Stuart Charles, tailor, 3II Barking road
Sitch George A. dining rooms, 30 High street south Stubbs Charles, hair dresser, 104 Plashet grove
Skuce John Henry, dairyman, 51 Barking road Submban Elech.·ic Theatre Limited (Johnson Pattison,.
Slaughter Mrs. furrier, 56 BPnson avenue manager), r8g High street north
Sloan Archibald .\. grocer, 1 PullPvns avenue Suckling .!.rthur, printer, 156 High street north
Smallbone John, greengrocer, ;6 High street south *Suffield Matthew Bans F. bnilder,I02 Shakespeare ere&
Smart Alfred James, furniture dt>aler, 255 Ba-..king road Sullivan Emma Jane (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, I Market
Smith F. D. & Co. metal merchants, 2 Ranelagh road place, Wall end, Barking road
Smith H. & Co. printers, 117 Plasht>t grove Summers H. & Co. coal mer~. East Ham Station siding
Smith W. & Son, undertakers, 178 Hi!!h street north Summers .Alfred, carpenter & joiner, 21 :Marlow road
Smith W. H. & Son, news agents, East Ham station, Sutherland Joseph, builder, ra, St . .Albans avenue
High street north Sutton John Henry &; Son, painters & decorators, 86 at
tSmith & Co. grocers, 179 Boundary road 104 Elizabeth road
tSmith A. laundry receiving office, 71 Boundary road Sutton ~Iatilda (~lrs. ), confectioner, 30 Plashet grove
Smith Agnes (Mrs.), shopkeeper, I Brighton road Sweetland John Wm. supt. of fire station, Wakefi.eld at
Smith Alfred, boot repairer, 3 Norman ter. High st. sth Taberner Tom, tobacconist, 33 High street north
Smith Amelia (Miss), grocer, 88 Elizabeth road Tabrett &; Cornish (Misst>s), dress makers, n6 Charle-
tSmith Arthur, cycle maker, 146 Shrewsbury road mont road
Smith Arthur Augustus, grocer, 47 Bendish road Tann Ernest John, band provider, q St. John's road
Smith Charles, fruiterer, 8o & 134 High !'treet north Tanner Henry James. grainer, 78 Napier road
Smith Charles, shopkeeper, u8 Kt>ppel road Tarplett Francis William, oilman, 9 Kenneth terrace,~
Smith Charles Parfitt, beer retailer, 107 Plashet lane Vicarage lane
Smith Charles William, grocer, see Dadd & Smith Tarrant William Albert,ostrich feather mfr.8I Burgesrd"
Smith Florence E. (Mrs.), midwife, 68 High st. south Taylo:r Brothers, boot makers, 120 Hatherley gardens
Smith Frank, beer retailer, 252 Central Park road Taylor (C. R. ), Sons & Harris, solicitors, 203 High st.nth-
Smith Frank, shopkeeper, 44 Napier road Taylor Frederick Charles, tailor, see Murdoch &; Taylor
SmithFrdk.Geo.bPer,wine & spirit mer.(off),79Market st •.raylor Geoffrey C. R. solicitor (firm, C. R. Taylor, Somt
fSmith Frederick James, grocer, 176 Shrewsbury road &; Harris), 203 High street north
Smith Geo. greengrocer, n Town Hall bldgs.Barking rd Taylor Geo. provision mer. 84 & *322 High st. nth
Smith George, painter, 75 Mountfield road Taylor Minnie :May (Mi<~s), teacher of pianoforte, 21 St.
Smith Geo. Arth. Denmark Arms P.H. 381 Barking road :\lartin's avenue
Smith George Harcourt, shopkeeper, II7 Wakefield st Taylor Percy James, boot maker, 91 Barking road
Smith Henry William, draper, 223 Barking road Taylor Samuel Francis, bricklayer, ':! Harrow road
Smith James, furniture dealer. 10 Seymour road Taylor Thomas William, grocer, 81 Market street
Smit'h Joseph Albert, beer retailer, Brighton road Taylor Wm. Francis, confectioner, ro Town Hall bldgp
Smith Maria (Mrs.), dining rooms. 146 Barking road Tennison Benjamin, contractor, IO{ Napier road
Smith Martha (Mrs.), sbopkePper, 9 Wall end. Barking rd TE.rritorial Force (8th) (Cyclist Batt. Essex Regt.) (K
Smith Richard, baker, 61 Malvern road Co. Capt. C . .A.. Baily; Color-Sergt.-Instr. G. Love)
Smith Thomas James, furniture dealer, 8 Seymour road Terry Edgar Henry. insurance agent, 19 Marlow road
Smith William James, tobacconist. 152 High st. north Thamerus Frederick, fancy bazaar, 153 Barking road
tSmith William Leonard, bet>r, wine &; spirit dealer, 189 Thirkettle William Charles C. oil & color man 132, &
Shrewsbury road furniture remover 134, Barking road
Snell Henry, White Horse P.H. 125 High street south Thomas Charles W. baker, 42 Plashet grove
Snow FredPrick, clothier, "ee StPwart & Snow *Thomas Eveline (Mrs.), dress maker, 44 East annue
SOftnPll George, boot repairt>r. 329 Barking road Thomas Frederick D.monumental mason,I6 Wakefield si
Sole Alfred James, plumber, 28 Clements road Thomas Henry, sewing machine ~ent, 130 Plashet lane
Solomnn Alec, tailor, 57 Plnshet g-rove Thomas Wm. boot ma.. 3 Market pl. Wall end.Barking rd
Soul William, cycle maker, 178 Katherine road Thompson Francis Robert, sec. to East Ham Education
South Essex Mail (South Essex Printin!! &; Publishing Committee, Education offices, Town hall
Co. Limited, proprietors & publishers; published fri- Thompson Tom John, shopkeeper, 152 Charlemont road
day), I & 3 High street south Thomsett Sarah Ann (Mrs.), nur111e, 56 Gillett avenue
South Essex Printing &; Publishing Co. Limited, r & 3 Thorburn .Jas. marine engineering- tutor, 122 :Barking- rd
High street south. T N 10 East Ham Thornton Edward (Mrs.), wardrobe dlr. I I Brampton rd
South Essex Recordt>rs Limited, printers.37 High st.nth "f'horpe HPrbt>rt W. estate office, 75 ArraJ!on road
Southam ·waiter, hair dresser, So Kathprine road Thurlow Oswald .Arthur, greengrocer, 70 Leigh road
*Sonthgate Fredk. Ge:>. fishmonger, 314 High :st. not·th Tilson William, boot repairer, 73 Market street
Sparkes .Alfred C. butcher, 68 Leigh road Tiltman W1lliam J. chemist & druggist, 213 High st.nth
Speller Frederick, oil & color man, 280 Barking road Toll Charles &; Sons, plumbers, 66 Aintree avenue
Spencer Leo George, tailor, 22 Grosvenor road Tomlinson Charles, beer retailer, 7 Vicarage lane
Spotswood Joseph, fried fish dealer, 59 Barking road Tomlinson Geo. beer ret. 10 Norman ter. High st. south
Sprosen Jas. Rd. bntche1', 9 Norman ter. High st. south Tompkins JosPph B. art metal worker, 79 Plashet lane
Sprunt William Henry, grocPr, r2o High street north Tott Johannah (Mrs.), dress maker, 55 Malvern road
Stafford William Georg~. sign writer, 207 Barldn!! road Towell James, boot maker, 27 Barking road
Stanbi'Ook Stephen, furniture broker. 107 Barl,ing road Town Hall Laundry, re<'<>ivin~ office, 6o Hockley avenue
Stapely Thomas David, tobacconist, 6 ~orman terrace, Townsend J. butcher, e6 High street north
High street south Townsend Samuel, carman, 9 Napier road, Barking N&d
Stapleton Florence Jane (~lr;;. ). draper. 20 & 22 Bark- Townshend .A.lbert, boot repairer, 61 Plashet grove
ing road Tranter Gladys E.J.(Miss), tchr. of music, 44 Sibley gro-
StaP Furnishing Co.(The).hou,;;e iurn;:hr;:. 383 Rarkin~r roi Trevor .!rthur Herbert M.R.C.S.En~ .• L.R.C.P.Lond.,
StAtic Scientific Co. wirel~ss telegraphy instrument L.S ..A.Lond. surgeon. 72 High strePt north
makers, 237 &; 2:;.9 K'atherinP road Tripp Minnie (Miss),teacher of pianoforte,89 Mitcham rd
Stf•ad Frpderick Erl?n. hatt-er, 87 Hi~h street north Truf' William, tobacconist, 385 Barking road
irueman Mattie (Mrs.), confectioner, 10B Plashet grove t Wells Fredet·ick, grocer, 200 Shr~:>wF-bury road
Tucker & Son, boot & shoe dealers,. 221 High st. north Welsh Harry, tailor, 26 Nelson street
Tumbull AdelaideJane(Mrs. ), wardrobe dlr.46Seymour rd \\'erner Alfred, picture frame maker, 39 Barkimr road
Tumbull James Richard, piano tuner, 46 St>ymour road Wt>rnham Thomas, furniture remover, 154 Wakefield ... L

Turner & Beecroft, dining rooms, 2 Town Hall bmld- tWet.son Richard Fowler, grocer, 94a, Shrewsbury roat1
ings, Barking road wf et~t Enrl 1\ul•ll'ing Cn. tailm·s. 223 Hi~b street north
*Turner Arthur James, cycle agent, 297 High st. north *"\Vest Edith )Iis-s), dnss maker, 208 Shakespeare crt>!'--
Turner James E. house decorator, 50 Shoebury ro·1d We8tlal\e Genr!,!e, hntcher. 131 Barkmg ruarl
Turner Rose (Mrs.), dress maker, 6 Outrarn road Westricl\ 1'11illip, hllk!'r, 113 Wakefield street
Turp Brothers, coal merchants, 41 Outrarn road Westwood J•Jlm ·waham, dinmg rooms, 379 rd
Twyford Thomas C. greengrocer, 6 Market place, Wall Wheatley William H. ;;:hopkeeper, 149 ~ltmore avenue
end, Barking road Wheldon Geo. R. corn & flour merchant. 251 Barking rd
Tyler Albert, corn & flour dealer, I Gooseley lane Whibley _\rthur George, dairy, 138 Barking road
'i'yler Albert, decorator, 3 Gooseley lane *lVhiddon Phebe (~rs. ), drehS maker, 12 Kensington ar
Tyrrell Arthur, grocer, 52 Clacton road Whife Waiter, draper, 12 & 14 Barking road
Ullmann William C., M.I.E.E. enginPer & maHa!{er Elec- White &; Lait. blouse manufacturers. Stevenage road
tric Light & Tramways Dept. of East Ham Corpora- White George, boot maker, 210 Plashet grove
tion, Nelson street While Williarn, hoot repaire1·, 42 Wellington road
Underdown Charles, fishmonger. 137 Barking road White William Belchet·, milliner, 3,89 Barking road
Ungless H. S. & Son, decorators, 14 Lonsdale avenue \\'hitehead Hem·~- Frt>derick, bout repairer, 12 Town
Union Engineering Co. mechanical engineers, 237 & 239 Hall buildirws, ., road
..., Bar·kiw•
Katherine road *W hite-h•JUst> Brothers. outfitters, 310 High street nortlY
Upson Mervyn Robert, fried fish dl'alt>l', 61 ~Iarket street Whitty Florence (~Irs. ), draper. 233 Barking road
& 13 Kenneth terrace, Vicarage lane Whitty Robert • .shopkPeper, 75 Brighton road
Up ton Park Picture Palact>, bio!'cope t>nlHta i nn•t>nt • Widgery Alfred. boot k shoe .Jealer, 38 Barking road
(Alfred M. Martin, proprietor). 4 Plashet g-t·ove *Wilcox ~'fargt. (:M is-< ),teacher of mu..;ic, 247 High st. nth
Tale George William, grainer, 1 Temple roa1l Wilkin>'on !.ll<~n R. cnnfectioucr, 43 High street north
Vardy Edwin Geo. baker, 5 Town hall bld!!s. Bar];in!! rd W1lkinson Lilian ~::Mi~s), confectioner, 235 Barking road
Ta.ughan John & Son, waterproof clothing manufac- Williams B. K. & Co. ladies' outfitters, I-t5 High st. nth
turers, 29 Wakefield street Williams Bertram, buot n1aker, 73a, Central Park road
Veness Arthur John, coal merchant. 26 Ct>ntral Park I'd Williams Henry John, boot factor, 41 Wakefield street
Tere Albert Thomas, grocer, 4 Vicarage lanP !Williams :Mary (Mi~>l<), shopkeeper, 120 Shrewsbury rd
Tickers Robert Thomas, boot rt-pairer, 1 rg Wakefield st \'\'tlliaiPs Thoma, r:. school attendance officer, Town hall
Vincent Arthur, confectioner, 212 High ,·Pet uurth \Villiam'<on H. & !. S. hOiht! tlecurator;;:, 1 .Arragon rd
Tincett Waiter _\.nthony, cheesemonger, 7 ::\'01·man tPI' Willis Arthur Rubel't, ... hopkeeper, 63 Wolse-y avenue
race, High street south Wilhuer Charles, dt·u!{ ,ton's, II7 High street north &:
*Vincke Julien, florist, 274 High strt>et north 8 ~Iarlnw tt>l'I'dCt'. High sti·eet south
Wade Martha Lillian (Miss), teaclu·r of music, so Willmott Har1y, dairy, 6 Grosvenor ter. Vicarage lan..-
Latimer avenue *Willoughby John, boot maker, III Shakespeare cres
Wa1te Nimrod, oil & calor man, 21 High strP~:>t ;;nuth tW1lly Frederick, hunrlry, 203 Boundary road
lfakeling Alfred, draper, u Kenneth terrace,Vicarage la 'Villv Ht>urv, lanndn, r2o KathPrine road
lfalden Frederick Jost>ph, laundry, 276 Barking road on
Wil ... &; Wrtitworth.LimitPd, printers & stationers, 201
*Walden William R. grocer, 315 Hi~h ;;trt>et nurth & 203 H;gh ~treet north
Waldstein Ltd. academy of music, 17 I High str(•l't north Wilson ChailP-< Eu"tace, tu,,n clerk &. ~olicitor to East
Walker & Son, tailors, 107 High street north Ham Corpor,ttion ; oflice, Totln hall, Barking road
Walker Florence (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 128 Brampton ro,ld Wilson Edward Henr~-. corn & flour dlr. 4 Barkin~ ro3d
*Walker Samuel Charles, painter & decrtr. 2 Sibley g-ro Will"on·~ Teeth Limited, artificial teeth makers, x8El
Walker Septimus, insurance agent, 86 Henniker gaHlem Hig-h street north
*Walkling Alfred, baker, 245 High street north 'YinchestPr Thoma~ Geo1 ge, shopkeeper, 105 Pulleyns av-
Wallace Jn. boot ma. 7 Pavement, Wall end, Barking rd Winu;;m· William Charles, painter, 31 Spencer road ·
Wallace Owen, marine store dealer, 2 Hohne road Winn Alfred GPOJ'!?P • .-lairy, 69 l\Iarket street
*Waiters James. corn dealer, 326 High strePt not·th Winter Eugenie ()ft·s. ), dre:>s maker, 63 Benson avenue
lralton Clara (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 135 Wakefield street Wisennn DouJ.rlas HPrbert, solicitor (firm.Taylor (C.R.)-
lfard J. &; Co. house decorator, 43 Plashet grove Sons & Harris), 203 High street north
Ward Titus & Co. Limited, grocers, 88 High st. north Wi~t~:>man Edward.. hair dresser. 12 Wakefield street
Ward Albert James, beer retailer, 9 & ro Fair View ter- Wi~eman Thos. EdwrL oil & calor man. qg Katherine rd
race, Wall end, Barking road Wisht>r John, provision dealer, 237 Barking road
Ward George, picture frame ma.165 & *283 High st.utb Wither~poon Harry F. auctioneer, 193 High street north
Ward George Alfred, upholsterer, ro Wakefield street Wood Evelin Grace (Miss), teacher of music, 40 Mafe-
Ward James George, furniture dealer, 319 Barking rd king avenue
Ward John Hallam, tailor, 8 Town Hall bldgs.Barking rd lVood Harold Frederick, l{rocer, zn Katherine road
Warner Charles, monumental mason, 38 High st. south Wood Harry, hair drP~ser, 8 Pavement, Wall end,..
Warner Henry Wm. corn & flour dlr. 29 High st. north Barking road
Warren Henry, tripe dresser, 29 Barking road Wood Joseph, provision dealer. 126 High street north
Warren James Shepherd, coal mer. 23 Navarre road Woodhead & Son. greengrocers, 3 High street north
Warrilow Wm. Thos. pork butcher, 15 High st. north tWoodley Samuel, shopkeepe!', 86 Shrewsbury road
~arwick C. J. & Co. plumbers, 236 Barking road. Woods Robert Georg-e. hoot repairer, 239 Barking road
T N 269 East Ham Woodward Albert John. coal merchant, 48 Ranelagh rc:t
tWarwick Eliza. (Mrs.), confectioner, r8o Shrewsbury rd Woodward Arthur Frank, fruiterer, 144 Barking road
Watkins Albert, hair dresser, 95 Plashet grove Woodward Herbert James. relieving officer No. 4 dis-
Watkins Jame!l. coal merchant, Plashet lanF trict. "\\.est Ham union, Victoria avenue
•watson Jas. Hayward, insurance agt. 47 Kensington av Woodward John, fried fish dealer. 5 Pa,·emt-nt, Wall
Watson Susan (Mrs.), confectioner, 4 Norman terrace. end, Bar];:ing road
High street south tWright James, butcher, 205 Boundary road
Watts Beatrice (Miss), dress maker, 33 ~orfolk road tWri~ht Louisa Emily (:\lrs.). shopkpr.18r Boundary ro
Watts Charles Edward, dairy, 23 Wakefield street Wright PhilipB.motor garage,Burnell garage,Plashet gro
Watts John William. fancy goods dealer, 391 Barking r J Wrig-ht Robt. Stanlev. pianofort~:> tuner. r Thackeray rd
Waugh Kate (Mi~s),ladies' outfitter, see Knock & Waugh Wright Samuel, glazier, 52 Plashet grove
Weaver Annie (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 64 Roman Toad Wvnne John, draper. 71 Market street
Webb James Alfred, house decorator, 46 Bartle avenue *Youens John George Cameron, piano tuner, _:;1 East av
Webb Reuben Harry, Duke's Head P.H. Wall end, Bark- Young Georg-e L.RC.P., L.R.C.S.Edin .• L.F.P.S.Glas.
ing road · physician & surgeon, 226 High street north; tShrews-
Webber Woolf, clothier, 343 Barking road bury house, 290 :::ihrewsbury road &; 226 High st. nth
Webster James, fishmonger, 70 Wakefield street Young William Charles, laundry, 107 Central Par';{ road
Weems Robert, insurance agent, 66 Caledon road Z"lm bardi Lettizio, hair dresser, 3 I Barkin!?; road
JW~llman James Robt. dining rooms, 107 Beaconsfield st


WEST HAM is a parliamen.aiy and municipal and a I There are Baptist, Congregational, Primitive .Metho-
county borough and parish of considerable extent and dist and Unitarian chapels, and a meeting place for a
population, pleasantly situated to the east of the river sect called the " Church of Christ."
Lee, which separates it from Middlesex, and is about a West Ham cemetery, formed in 1857, is situated in
mile and a half east from Bow Bridge, 5 miles from the Cemetery road, Forest Gate, and consists of 20
London, and bounded on the south by the nver Thames: acres, with two mortuary chapels (Church of England
it gives name to a union in the hundred of Becontree, and Nonconformist): it is under 'the control of the
and is in the county court district of Bow, rural deanery Public Health Committee of the Corporation.
of West Ham, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of The Conference Hall, in West Ham lane, is a structure
Chelmsford, in the Eastern Metropolitan postal district of brick, erected at an estimated cost of £8,'JIS.
:md within the jurisdiction of the Central Criminal "from the designs of Mr. F. Boreham, architect; the
--court and Metropolitan Police. principal hall will hold 2,ooo persons, and there is also
The Great Eastern railway h:1s stations at Forest J a smaller hall and. several auxilia;y rooms.
Gate, Maryland Point and Stratford, and the Midland . West Ham contams large chemiCal works, ~n exten-
Railway (London, Tilbury and Southend section) sta- Sive patent leather-cl.oth manufactory, flour mills and a
tions at West Ham and Plaistow. The parish is large brewe_ry, s~e!tm~ works, copper works and _other
supplied with water by the Metropolitan Water Board, man~factor1es, distilleries _&c. A market was ancient~y
and li~hted with gas by the Gas Light and Coke Co. held m We~t Ham, for which a r~a~ter was procu;ed m
and with electricity from works under the control of 1253, by Richard Montfichet, but It IS now discontmued.
the Corporation. The London Northern Outfall Sewer The 6t~ Territorial Force Battalion Essex Regim~n'
passes through the whole length of the parish and the have the1r head quarters at the Cedars, ~ortway, "Y1th
Abbey )lills pumpin"' station is situated here. over four acre:'! of ground attached, on wh1ch a spac10na
" drill hall has boon built ; the building and drill hall
The parliamentary borough of West Ham, created has been reconstructed, and contains officers' mess,.
under the " Redistribution of Seats Act, 1885," returns sergeants' mess, social rooms for the men, three billiard
two members in two divisions, VIZ. north and south ; rooms, miniature range and underground range where
the north comprising Stratford and Forest Gate, and the 1 the service rifle may ·be fired; a supper room is nnde~
south, Plaistow, Canning Town and Siivertown. construction.
. . . . . I The Cedars, formerly known as " Upton Lane House/
. The parish of West Ham IS d1n~ed m to twelve wards, and for many years the residence of the celebrated Mrs.
VIZ.: New Town, Forest Gate, High Street, Broadway, 1 Elizabeth Frv sister of Samuel Gurney abuts on West
Park, Upton, West Ham, Plaistow, Hudsons, Canning , Ham Park. ·' '
Town, Tidal Basin and Custom House and Silvertown. WeRt Ham and Eastern General Hospital was first
.A charter of incorporation was granted June, 1 886, by , established in r861, in a. house in _the Romford road,
which the local government district was created a I Stratford: tJ:e present dispensary, m West H~m,
municipal borough divided into four wards, viz.: Strat- erected m 1879, at a cost of J;4,ooo, the s1te bemg
ford, Forest Gate, Plaistow and Canning Town. The 1 given bf the late Mrs. Mary_ Curtis, o~ Stratford. The
corporation consists of a mayor, 12 aldermen and 36 foundatiOn stone of the hospital was _laid 18 June, 1888,
councillors; for particulars see Stratford. Under the by. H_.R.H. the late Dult~ of Cambridge K.G. and. the

Ham became a countv borou<rh for certain purposes.

provisions of the Local Government Act, 1888 , West buildmg was completed m March, 18go,. from designs
by Messrs. J. L. and .A. C. Houston,. archit~ts_, of Lo~
. . • ." . don, and form~lly opened 23 .April by W1lham, 7th.
In r88r a stipendiary magistrate for West Ham parish Duke of Westmmster K.G.: the hospital was originally
was appointed, and sits at the court in West Ham lane, intended for accidents only, but was enlarged in I!)08
S~ratford. and 1910, and there are now 110 beds: the wards are
The parish church of .All Saints is a spacious building fire-proof, and there are separate exits for each ward
of brick and stone in mixed styles, but chif'fiy Perpen- in case of fire. The hospital is free, and being un-
dicular, consisting of chancel with north and south endowed is entirely dependent on voluntary support.
chapels, nave, aisles, south porch and an embattled There are almshouses for twenty poor women near the
western tower, 74 feet high, with pinnacles, containing I parish church of .All t:aints, · each of whom receives
ro excellent bells : several persons of eminence have about 4s. per week : Roger Harris's almshouses, ~n Gift

been buried in it, including Sir Thomas Foote kt. and I lane, are for six poor women. There are numerous
bart. Lord Mayor of London in 16so (ob. 1688); and Sir charitable bequests, amounting in all to about £4SO
James Smith kt. also Lord Mayor, ob. 17 o6: here also yearly, left from time to time by various benefactors
are buried some of the anciPnt family of Ketelby, of for the benefit of the poor, and distributed under a
whom was Henry Ketelby, a law officer of Henry VIII. scheme framed bv the Charitv Commissioners.
ob. 1508: there is an altar-tomb in the north chapel, West Ham Park, comprising about 8o acres. is .wPll
dated 1485, and a mural tablet above it to Robert Rook, timbered, and contains some fine spreading and.
dated 1620, with figures of hims{'lf and family: at tbe shrubberies. It was formerly known by the name of
north-west angle of the chancel is a stair turret which "Upton Park," and belonged to Dr. Fothergill, by whom
formerly gave access to the rood-loft: on the restoration the gardens were laid out, and many of the trees planted
of the interior in September, 1865, a mural painting of by him ISO years since are still extant; subsequently
the late 15th century, representing" The Reward of the it was the residence of the late Samuel Gurney: his
Righteous," and forming part of a "Doom," previously grandson, Mr. John Gurney, banker, of Norwich. offered
discovered, but washed over in 184 4, was successfully thi~ beautiful park as a public recr.eati?n ground for its
developed under the superintendence of the Rev. R. H. 1 e~timated value of £25,ooo, contnbutmg at the same
Clutterbuck, of Plaistow: in the churchYard is buried hme {,10,ooo towards that amount; the Corporation of
Mr. George Edwards F.R.S. a distinguished naturalist, the. City of London also voted £1o,ooo, and the re-
born at Stratford 3 .April, 1693, d. at Plaistow 23 July, mamder ~eing made up by local subscriptions, the park
1773· The register dates from r653, and contains many was pubhcly open-ed on the 2oth July, 1874, by the Lord
entries of persons who died from the pla<rue in 1665-6. , Mayor, as a public recreation ground: it is under the
The living is a vicarage, net yearlv val~e £52-1-, with control of a committee of 15 persons 8 nominated by
residence, in the gift of the Crown, "and held since 1891 the City Corporation, 4 by Mr. Joh'n Gurney and 3
by the Rev. Richard _\rnold Pelly :vr.A. of Trinity Ool- i elected by the local authorities: the cost of its main-,.
lege, Cambridge, hon. canon of St. Albans, chaplain to tenance is entirely defrayed by the Corporation of the
the bishop, rural dean of West Ham, and surrogate. City of London.
Edward Humphreys esq. is the impropriator of the The a~a of West Ham county borough and of the
rectorial tithes. St. Thomas is an ecclesiastical parish, civil parish is 4,558 acres of land, 1:25 ot inland and 236
formed in 1891 ; the church, Rol;:eby street, formerly a of tidal water and 67 of foreshore; the assessable value
mission church in the district of .All Saints, is of brick in 1913 was {,1,353,362; and the population at the
in the Gothic style, and consists of chancel, nave, north census of rgn, 289,030, distributed amongst the
aisle and a belfry with spire containing one ·bell: there wards as follows, viz. : No. I, or New Town, IB,oBs;
are sittings for 450 persons. The register dates from No. 2, or Forest Gate, r8,719; No. 3, or High Street,
the year 1891. The living is a vicarage, net yearly 17,653; No. 4, or Broadway, 14,991; No. 5, or Park,
value £230, with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of 14,802; No. 6, or Upton, 17,550; No. 7• or WPst Ham,
Chelmsford, and held since 1912 by the Rev. Isaac 33,123; No. 8, or Plaistow, 35,246; No. 9, or Hudsons,
Lothian Seymour B. A. of Ayerst Hall, CambridgE'. St. 30,520 ; No. 10, or Canning Town, 27•443-; No. n, or
Jude's :\fission church, in Stephen's road, is a structure Tidal Basin, 30,967 ; No. 12, or Custom House and
of brick. Silvertown, 2'9•949·


Included in the total population was 101 in West Ham The population of the ecclesiastical parishes in' 19II
Workhouse, 128 inmates and 10 officials in West Ham was : All Saints (parish church), 25.732 ; St. Thomas,
Union Receiving House, 103 in West Ham Union Work- $,020.
house Scattered Homes, 478 inmates and 22 officials in The population of the parliamentary borough in 19n
Poplar Borough Parish Workhouse, 79 patients and 56 was: North Division, Ior,8oo; South Division, 187,230;
officials and other inmates in West Ham Hospital, and total, 289,o3o.
109 inmates and 108 officials and their families in West The number of electors on the parliamentary register
Ham County Borough Plaistow Fever Hospital, and 7n in 1914 was: North Division, 17,381; South Division;
on board vessels. 26,260; total, 43,641.


Post, M. 0. k T. Office, 134a, West Ham lane. Joseph Canning Town Ward.
Corn ell, sub-postmaster. Letter Box cleared week
days at 8.45, 9·45 & 10.5o a.m. 12 noon & 12.40, 2.55, Edmund Jas. Chamber-
Retire ~ov. I Retire :.\'ov.
Benj. Waiter Gardner ... 1915
4.10, 5, 6.50, 7.50 & 10 p.m. & 12 midnight (satnr- lain ........................ 1914 I Thomas Kirk ............ 1916
days excepted); sundays, 12 midnight. Telegrams
are received here, but not delivered Tidal Basin Ward.
Post k M. 0. Office, 8o Stephen's road.-Albt'. Sheffield, William Thomas Bell ••• 1914)' ErneQt Jamei':t Reed .•.... 1916
sub-postmaster. Letter Box cleared on week days at Charles Sendall ......... 1915
8.4o, 9·45· 10.45 & I I. 55 a.m & 12.4o,, 4·5· 4·55· Custom House & Sill"ertown W.ud.
6.45, 7·45 &; 10 p.m. & 12 midnight (saturdays ex- George Croot ............... 1914 1 James Henry Hollin<: ... rgr6
cepted) ; sundays, 12 midnight. The nearest tele- James Gardner Filmer •. rgJ5 1
graph office is at West Ham lane .
Post & M. 0. Office, 158 Portway.-Arthur Manicom, Officers of the Corporation.
sub-postmaster. Letter Box cleared on week days at Offices, Town hall, Broadway, Stratford.
8.35. 9·35· 10.40 & II.So a.m. & 12.3o, 2.45, 4, ·-1-·55· Town Clerk, H. W. Greaves
6.35, 7.40 & 10 p.m. & 12 midnight (saturdays ex- Deputy Town Olerk & Coroner, G. E. Hilleary :M.A
cepted); sundays, 11.45 p.m Assistant Town Clerk, W. Scott
Clerk of the Peace, K Harvey Cook, West Ham lane
'.MEMBERS OF P .lRLI.AMENT. Borough Engineer, J. G. Morley A.M.I.C.E., M.S.I
North Division, Baron De Forest, Gaddesby hall, Chief Assistant, F. J. Poole
Leicester ; Spencer house, 27 St. J ames' place S W &; Borough Treasurer, Charles Hen!"'y Patterson .A.S.!. ..l
National Liberal &; Marlborough clubs S W, London Deputy Borough Treasurer, A. H. Tricker
South Division, William James 'fhorne esq. 1 Lawrence Medical Officer of Health, Charles Sanders M.B.Lond.,
road, Upton Manor, West Ham E M.R.C.S.Eng. 29 Windsor road, Forest Gate E
Returning Officer, The Mayor, Town hall, Stratford E Physician Superintendent of Hospitals, John Biernacki
M.D., C.M.Glas., L.R.C.P. & S.Edin., L.R.F.P.S.Gla•
CORPORATION. Medical Superintendent of Lunatic Asylum, L. F. Ran-
1913-14. bury M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P ·
The ordinary meetings of the Corporation are held on Electrical Engineer, J. W. Beauchamp :M.I.E.E
the 2nd & 4th tuesdays in each month at 6.30 p.m. Tramways Manager, J. S. D. Moffet A.M.I.C.E.,M.L~I.E
except August Principal of Technical Institute, John R. Airey M.A
Mayor, Councillor William Crow. Solicitors, Hillearys, 5 Fenchurch buildings E C & 49a,
Deputy Mayor, Councillor Waiter Sanders. Broadway, Stratford
Recorder, Edward Morten K.C. 2 Temple gardens, Borough Auditors, Woodthorpe, Bevan & Co
Temple E 0. Borough Analyst, W. C. Young F.I.C., F.C.S
Aldermen. Gas Examiner, W. C. Young F.I.C., F.C.S
Retire Nov. 1916. Veterinary Inspector, A. McCunn M.R.C.V.S
David John Davis Richard Mansfield Inspector of Weights & Measures, E. J. Dixon
William Devenav William James Thorne M.p Building Inspectors, W. R. Everall, E. J. Hosking &i

James RobE"rt Hurry Richard White H. J. Wheatley
Supt. of Sewage Pumping Stations, Frank Delves
Retire Nov. 1919. Road Foremen, J. Orme &; J. Rodley
Abednego Bishop Harold William Littler Superintendent of Fire Brigade, E. Smith
George John Hosking John Robt. Moore-Smith Collectors of Rates, A. H. Peacock (superintendent),
William IveY •
W illiam George Spittle Frederick James Norrie, J. J. Richardson, H. Chown,
G. J. Hobbs, F. J. Horn, H. G. Hunter & W, A.. Leete
Retire Nov. 1 Retire NO\>'. Crow William, 140 The Grove, Stratford E (mayor
Thomas '\-"bite Reid I Ernest Edwd.Gawthorn 1915 1913-14)
McCallnm ............ r914 Henry Wm. O'Brieu ... 1916 Gillespie Robert Alexander, 3 Plowden buildings, Templ,
Forest Gate Ward. E C (stipendiary)
Appleyard Rollo, 79 St. Mar~ ·s mansions, Paddington W
Henry Dyer ............... 1914 I: Herbert Dyer ............ 1916 Best John Duncan, Minoco -wharf, Silvertown E
Edward Wm. Wordley.. 1915 , Boardman C. Yardley house, Chingford
High Street Ward. Bothwell Alexander, 211 Romford road, Forest Gate E
George Henry Fennell...Ig141 Morris Streimer ......... 1916 Boulton Harold, Prince Regent's wharf, Silvertown E
William Ping ............ 1915 Boulton Sir Samuel Bagster bart. .Assoc.lnst.C.E.,
Broadway Ward. F.R.G.S. Copped hall, 'l'otteridge, Herts
Byford John, 88 Romford road, Stratford
Ellis Allin .................. 19141 William Crow ............ I9:t6 Cook Henry John, The Firs, W oodford Green
Ernest 81. Jn. Flaxman.tgr5 Curtis Rt. Lt>abon, Holmwood, so West hill, Highgate ~
Park Ward. Davis David John, 2 Custom street, Custom House E
Alexander Bothwell ...... 19r4 t George Kensett ............ 19:t6 Deason William, Highlands, Dedham
Samuel Hulling ............ 1915 Edwards E. M. 162 Romford road, Stratford E
Gay Albert George, 47 Claremont road, Forest Gate E
Upton Ward. Govier Albert, St. Andr~w's lodge, Florence road, Bos-
George A. Brabazon ...... 19141 Thomas B. Bacon ......... 19:t6 combe, Bournemouth
Richard Cheke .••......... 19 r 5 Harbott Charles, 134 Osborne road. Forest Gate E
West Ham Ward. Harverson William T. The Ferns, Park hill, Loughton 0

Hay George, Copesfield, W oodford road,South W oodford

F"rederkk Docksey ...... 1914!' Enos Smith ................. I916 Hosking George John, 189 Romford road, E
Waiter Sanders ............ r9r5 Howard Alexander, 40 Trinity square, London E C ·
Plaistow Ward. Howard Alfd. Burnt ho. Pudding lane. Chigwell Row
Ja.~~ Pearce ............ 19141 Arthnr James Hart ...... r9r6 Howa.rd David. Devon house, Hi,:!h rd. Buckhurst Hill
Wdham R. Hughes ...... 1915 Hunt Fredk. J. 30 Howitt rd. Belsi7~ park, London NW
Knight William Duncan, Rapkyns, Broadbridge,
Hudsons Ward. Horsham, Sussex
John JO!leph Jones ....•. 19141 Jn.Th<nnpsou Husban 1.. 1916 Lester Henry Edward, The Grange, Loughton
Goorge C. Gri.,ley ........• 1915 McDowall George A. St. ~ar!!'a"'ts, Lon~hton

Nieoll P. J. S. 2 Romford road, Stratford E 1 surgeon; Joseph Loclihart Downes _Yule .M.B., Ch.B.
Palmer Col. H. Holmwood, West Ham lane, West Ham E Aberd. junior house surgeon; M1ss E. A. Sord-v
Bitchie 0. J. 79 Inverness terrace W matron; Thos. Lloyd, dispenser ; A.. W. Scrivener,~
Bobert!l F. G. Adair, Oakhill lodge, Frognall, Hamp-
Boberts Sir John BPynolds, Sahmy house, Salway hill, 6th Battalion The Essex Regiment; head quarters, The-
Woodford Green Cedars, gi Portwav; Staff: Commanding, Lieut.-Col.
Savill Philip, Woodlands, Chigwell Row R F. Wall; :\Iajors, H. Oliver T.D. & E. Gray;
~usk€try Instructor, Capt. G. L. Evans; Adjutant,
Spittle William George, 146 Romford road, Stratford E
Spratt Leslie William, Tylney ho. Eagle la. Snaresbrook Capt. G. Disney (Essex Regiment) ; Quartermaster.
Tanner Howard, Ham Frith, Grove park, Wanstead Hon. Lieut. G. H. Pitt; Medical Officer, Lieut. A. K.
Wadley William, 68 Hampton road, Forest Gate E McLachlan M.B., R.A.M.C. (T. F.) ; Chaplains, ReY.
Wall Col. Robert Frederick, Chal('t, Grove hill,Wo<Klford R. A. Pelly M.A. (T. F.) & Rev. E. A. Gardner (T. F}
White Richard, 42 Barking 1·oad, Canning Town E West Ham Companies :-A, Capt. G. F. H. McDonald;
B, Capt. H. R. Retallack-Moloney; C, Capt. G. L.
Clerk, James Herbert Jackson, Magistrates' office, Evans ; D, Capt. H. P. Alexander ; E, Capt. P. D.
West Ham lane Castle; F, Capt. B. J. Ward; G, Capt. E. A. Clubb;
Borough Petty Se<~sions are hl'ld at the West Ham Police Sergt.-Major T. Hammond; Color-Sergt.-Instructor
Court every mon. tues. wed. & thurs. at 10.30 a.m. H. W. Crabb & Sergt.-lnstructor B. Reynolds, drill'
before the stipendiary & fri. & sat. at 9.30 a.m. before instructors
the borough justices 8th (Cyclist) Battalion Essex Regiment (B Co.), The
Cedars, gr Portway, Capt. W. B. Anderson
Cemeterv road, Forest Gate E . WEST H.-\M L"NION.

Chaplains (Church of England), Rev. Vincent Smith Boa1·d days, alte1·nate thnrsdays at 11 tt.m.
A K.O.L. 32 Hamfrith road, Stratford E; (Noncon- Guardians meet at the Workhouse. Levtonstone.
• •
formist), Rev. James Hawkey Banfield (Baptist), 50 The parishes comprised in the union are :-Cann Hall..
Hamfrith road, Stratford E Easl; Ham, Leyton, Walthamstow, Wanstead, West
Superintendent & Registrar, Alfred John Mo" bray, The Ham & Woodford. The area of the union is 18,784-
Demetery; Ry. stations: Forest Gate (G. E. Ry.), acres; rateable value, Lady Day, 1914, £3,Ifi7,54I;
Wanstead Park (L. Tilbury & Southend Ry. ), Elec- the population in 19II was 704,I58
tric trams near to cemetery Clerk to the Guardians, Thomas Smith, barrister~a~
law; offices, Board room, Union rd. Leytonstone NE.
WEST HAM DISTRESS COMMITTEE. 1ssistant Clerk to the Guardians, L. E. Fraquet;
The committee, consisting of IJ members of the Cor- offices, Board room, Union road, Leytonstone N E
poration, I 1 from the Guardians & 7 persons experi- Treasurer, C. H. Sergeant, London & South Westera
enced in the relief of distress, was formed in Oct. 1905 Bank, 178 Leytonstone road, Leytonstone N E
Meetings a1•e held at the Town hall, Stratford E, on 3rd Collector to the Guardians, John Chamberlin, Relief
fridav• in each month. office, Union road, Leytonstone l'i E
Chairman, Councillor William Crow Relieving Officers, Supt. W. Rusbridge, Relief offices,
Vice-Chairman, W. A.. Leete Union road, Leytonstone NE; ~o. I district, Tom
OlPrk, H. Leonard Humphre)'S, 2<) Broadway, Stratford Cart,er, 7 Water lane, Stratford; No. 2 district, Fredk.
_\lbert Wadsworth, r 58 Plashet road, Up ton Park;
WEST HAM INSURANCE COMMITTEE. Xo. 3 district, Hy. Chas. Westlake, 6o Hudson rd.
The committee consists of 14 persons appointed by the Canning Town; :Yo. 4 district, H. J. Woodward, 285
Corporation, z by the Insurance Commissioners, Shrewsbury rd. East Ham; No. 5 district, Benj. J.
2 by the medical practitioners within the area, 35 by Sayer, 43 .Avenue road, Forest Gate; No. 6 district.
the Approved Societil's & I representative of the B. J. W alsh, 6o Hudson road, Canning Town; No. 7
deposit contributors. district, Georg-e Austin Robey, 35 Woodhouse road.

:U:t>t>tmgs are held at the Town hall, Stratford, on t-he Leytonstone ; No. 8 district, Frederick W. Thain, 2
I'•t mondav• in each month. Grove road, 1Valthamstow; :Yo. 9 district, E. P. Shaw,
Chairman, Alderman James Robert Hurry 9 Lansdowne r'Oad, South Woodford; No. 10 district,
Oler~, Charles AlPxander Cl:.lrk, 399 & 401 High street, ..l. S. Hancock, 6o Hudson road, Canning Town;
Stratford Xo. 11 distrid, Charll.'s Frederick Otter, 4 Goldsmith
PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. road, Leyton; Xo. 12 district, E. G. Smith, 49 Folke-
O<lnference Hall, West Ham lane, Percy Wheate, gen.sec stone road, "~althamstow; No. 13 district, E. Tucker,
Metropolitan Police Station, West Ham lane, Arthur 5 Wanlip road, Plaistow; No. 14 district, J. A. Robi·
Ferrett, su'b-divisional inspector; John Simmonds, son, 142 Liverpool road, Canning- Town; No. I5 dis-
John Harding & Frank Brookson, inspectors; George trict, T. Gofldman, 15 Pretoria avenue, Walthamstow;.
Burt,on, detective inspector ; 6 station sergeants, 9 Xo. 16 district, William EdVIard Hobbs, 95 .A.rragon
sergeants & I27 cono;tables rrad, East Ham; ~ o. 17 district, L. S . .:\fecklenhurgh.
Police Court, West Ham lane, Robert Alex. Gillespie z Chobham road, Stratford; No. 18 district, George
esq. B.A. magistrate: J. H. Jackson, clerk Vassie, 6o Hudson road, Canning Town; No. I9 di~­
London County Council Pumping Station, Abbey lane, trict, F. P. Wright, 21 Grove Green road, Leyton-
R. 'fhomlinson, superintendent stone; No. 20 district, F. Hopper, 6o Hudson road.
Mortuaries, West Ham lane & Church street north, Canning Town; Xo. 21 district, W. Greenway, 137
John Guuld, superintendent Plaistow road, ·west Ham; ~o. 22 district, Arthur
Recreation Ground, West Ham lanP, Jas. Sheppard, supt William Peg-g-e, 95 Arragon road, East Ham
West Ham & Eastern General Hospital, West Ham Varcination Officers, Plaistow, Canning Town & East
lanP, Viscount Bm;:ton G .C. M. G., D.L.. J.P. presi- Ham (North & South), James Robert Oakley, II7
dPnt ; Thoma'! A. Cook, chairman ; Charles Josepb Claremont road, Forest Gate; Stratford, Forest Gate.
Stocker L.R.C.P.Lond .. :M.R.C.S.Eng. hon. consulting Leyton (North & Suuth), Wanstead & Walthamstow,
physician; Jeremiah .\fcOarthy M.B.Lond., F.R.C.S. J. C. Carron, 5 Clova road, Forest Gate
En~. & Jonathan Hutchinson, jun. F.R.C.S.Eng. hon. Medical Officers, Canning Town districts, Percy Rose
consulting surgeons; Claud A.. Worth F.R.C.S.Eng. L.R.C.P.Lond. r6r Barking rd. Canning Town (No. 14'
hon. con'!ulting ophthalmiC' surgeon; P. J. S. Nicoll & Francis William Parke Holton L.M. & S.S ..A.••
.M.D., C.M ..A.berd . .John D. Thomson ~LB., C.M. M.R.C.S.Eng. 206 Barking road, Canning town (No.
Aberd. & G. A. Troup .:\:LD., C.Y.Aberd., D.P.H. 10) ; Cust-om House & Silvertown district (8o
Camb. hon. physician'!; A. J. Conzens F.R.C.S.Eng. r8), William Charles Taylor M.B., C.M.Aberd. 291
Percival P. Cole .M.B .• F.R.C.S.Eng. & H. Tyrrell Victoria Dock road, Canning- Town; South-East Ham
Gray M.S., F.R.C.S.Eng. hon. surgeons; Edward district (No. r6), .\lbert Wm. Beaumont B.A.Camb .•
E1akine H('nderson B.A., M.B., B.C.Camb., F.R.C.S. M.D.Dub., L.R.C.S.Edin. Oak hall. High street north.
Eng. & R. R. James F.R.C.S.Eng. hon. ophthalmic East Ham; East Ham (East) district (No. 22), Leslie
surgeons; Gordon J. Lane M.D., B.Ch.Dub. & R. W. Alex. Drake M.B. & C.M.Edin. Cliftonville, Chureb
Ironside M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. hon. assistant rd. Manor Park; Ea:,t Ham (North) district (No. 4).
physicians; Hector C. Cowles L.D.S.Eng. & W. A. Stuart Rvall

Blal'e L.R.C.P .. L.R.C.S.Edin, L.F.P.S.
Sowden Hills L.D.S.Eng. surgeon-dPntists; William Glas. 407 Katherine road, Fore;;t Gate; Forest Gate
Lindsay Locke M.B., Ch.B.Edin. hon. radiographer; district (No. 5), David Cannan M.D., M.R.C.S.Eng.•
H~·aC'inth Bl'rnard Morgan M.B., Ch.B. L.R.C.P .Lond. The L'lurels, Wood grange rd. Fore~
Hla<~. house physician; James Stewart M.B., Ch.B. Gate: Stratford New Town district (No. I7), Edmund
Edin. juniar house physician; Rankin Greig Walkf'r Ralph Sircom M.R.C.S Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. r64 Rom-
L R.C.P. & S.Edin., L.R.F.P. & S.Gla<~. <>.e-nior houRP ford road, Stratford; Upton district (:Yo. 2), Fredl> _
Herbert Dayus :Y.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. 229 ton sub-district, Alfred Gwinnell, 47 Borthwick rd
Bomford road, Forest Gate ; North Leyton district Stratford; Walthamstow sub-district, Thos. Scoresby·
{No. u), Harold Everett Pace M.B.Lond., M.R.C.S. Jackson M.D. 3.26 Hoe street, Walthamstow & Wilfrid
Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. High road, Leyton; South Ley- Lawson hotel. High road, Woodford Green & opposite
ton & Wanstead Slip district (No. Ig), Sidney Richard Old Church, South Woodford; Wanstead sob-district,
Nicholls M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. 235 High rd. W. L. South, 14 Spratt Hall road, Wanstead
.Leytonstone; Leytonstone, Wanstead & Cann Hall Registrars of Marriages, .Albert W. Sayer, 48 Manbey
district (No. 7), Lewis Nngent Jekyll M.R.C.S.Eng., grove, Stratford & S. Mawer, 43I Romford road,
L.R.C.P.Lond. next 857 High road, Leytonstone; Forest Gate & 262 Hoe street, Walthamstow
:Plaistow district (No. 3), Angus Endicott Kennedy
M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P. & L. S.A.Lond. II3 Balaam ALMSHOUSES.
street, Plaistow; Hudsons district (No. 13), Henry For 20 inmates, All Saints' churchyard, under control
Fairfax L.M. & S.S ..i.Lond. 4g6 Barking rd. Plaistow; of the Charity CommissioneTs (the endowment give41
Stratford & West Ham district (~o. I), Edmund about 4s. per week)
Balph Sircom M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. I64 Born- Roger Harris's, Gift lane, under cont1 ol of the Charity
ford road, Stratford E; Stratford High Street district Commissioners (no endowment)
(No. ~I), Edmund Ralph Sircom M.R.C.S.Eng.,
L.R.C.P.Lond. I64 Romford road, Stratford; Tidal
Basin & Victoria Docks district (No. ~w), John PLACES OF WORSHIP, with time:; of Services.
Francis Begley M.B.Royal Univ.lrel. 144 Bark- All Saints' church, Ohorch street, Rev. Canon Richard
ing road, Canning Tvwn E; Tidal Basin district (No. Arnold Pelly M.A. vicar, rural df'an & surrogate; Rev.
6), John Stewart Boyd L.R.C.P. & S.Edin. 83 Free- Richard Eardley Thomas Bell M.A. Rev. Edric .A.lbait
mason's road, Custom House; Walthamstow (South) Barrow Royds B.A. & Rev. Alec Percy Daniels B.A
district, Th'Jmas Scoresby-Jackson M.D., Ch.B.Edin., curates; sundays. 8 & I I a. m. & 3.30 & 6.30 p.m.;
.D.P.H. 326 Hoe strPet, Walthamstow (No. 8); wed. II a.m. & 8 p.m.; fri. II a.m
Walthamstow (North) district, Charles Julian Horner All Saints' Constance Fairbairn Memorial Church &;
M.D.Durh., M.R.C.S.Eng-., L.R.C.P.Lond. 77 Ohm·oh Institute (Royal Association in Aid of Deaf & Dumb),
hill, Walthamstow (~o. 12); Walthamstow (West) East road, West Ham, Rev. Albert Smith Th ..A.K.O
district, William Henry Drury L.R.C.P. &; L.R.C.S. chaplain; Edward Moor, missionary; sundays (4th
Edin., L.R.F.P. & S.Glas. 5 Palmerston rd. Waltham- in month 7.30 & 8.30 a.m.; 2nd month, 8.30 & I I
.. tow (No. IS); Woodforrl district ~o. g), .ilfred a.m.) n a.m. !& 7 p.m
Berrill L.R C.P.Lond .. M.R.C.S.Eng. Holmleigh, High St. Thoma:;;' church, Rokehr•
street, Rev. Isaac Lothian
road, South W oodford; extra medical officer for Sil- Seymour B.A. vicar; sundays, 8 & 11 a.m. & 7 p.m ;
l"ertown & North Woolwich, B. V. Brews L.R.C.P. & daily, 8 a.m.; wed. 8 p.m
S.I. 10 High street, North W oolwich St. Jude's Mission church Stephen's road, served by
Public Vaccinators, West Ham district!!, Percy Rose clergy of All Saints'; 11 a. m. & 3 & 7 p.m
L.R.C.P.Lond. (pro tern.), I6I Barking road, Canning Baptist, West Ham lane, Rev. H. J. Galley; 11 a.m. &
Town; Angus Eudicott Kennedy M.R.C.S.Eng., L.S.A. 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. 7-30 p.m
.!.:; L.R.C.P.Lond. 113 Balaam st. Plaistow; Ferdinand Church of Christ, Amity road; r1 a. m. & 6.45 p.u
Henry Bonnefin M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. 243 Congregational, Union road; I I a. m. & 6.30 p.m
High road, Leyton,tone & Dand Cannan M.A., M.D., Primitive Methodist, Steele road, Rev. Joseph Bastow
:M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R. C .P .Lond. (pro tem. ), The Laurels, Wilson; II a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; tues. 8 p.m
Woodgrange road, Forest Gate; North East Ham dis- Unitarian, West Ham lane, Rev. Fred Cattier; I I
trict, Stuart Ryall Blake L.R.C.P. & S.Edin., & 6.30 p.m
L.R.F.P .S.Glas. (pro tem. ), 407 Katherine rd. Forest Church Mission hall, Meeson road, served by clNgy of
Gate; East East Ham district, Le~lie .Alexander .All Saints'
Drake M. B., C.:M.Edin. (pro tern.), Cliftonville,Ohurch Conference hall, V\. est Ham lane; mens' mass meetmg
road, ~lanor Park ; South East Ham district, .Albert 3 p.m. ; public meeting 7 p.m
William BL•aumont B ..i.Camb., ~I.D.Dub., L.R.C.S. Mission hall, Holbrook road, served by clergy of All
Edin. (pro tern.), Oal\ hall, High street north, Saints'; 7 p.m.; wed. 8 p.m. & thurs. 7 p.m
East Ham; Leyton district (part of), Harold Mission room, Manor road; I I a. m. & 7 p.m
E. Pace M.B. & L.R C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S. High St. Thomas' Church hall, Mortham street
rd. Leyton; Woodford district, Edwd. M. Goldie M.D. Y. M. C . .A. Conferencl' hall, West Ham lanl', Perey
Montpelier, High road, South W oodford ; Leytonstone Wheale, general sec
&:; Wanstead di:;trict, Lewis N. Jekyll M.R.C.S.Eng.,
L.R.C.P.Lond. next 857 Hi2'h road, Leytonstone; PCBLIC ELEMENTARY EDUCATION.
Walthamstow & Leyton districts (parts of), Thomas 'l'h~> schools are under the control of a committee of 27
Scoresby-Jackson M.D., Ch.B.Edin. 326 Hoe street, members, of which the Mayor is an ex-officio member
Walthamstow; Walthamstow district (part of), Wm. The committee meets at the Education Department, 95
Henry Drury L.R C.P. & S.Edin. 5 Palmerston road, The Grove, Stratford E, on 3rd monday of each month
Walthamstow & Charles Julian Horner M.D.Durh., (August excepted), at 6.30 p.m
M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. 77 Church hill, Walt- Town Clerk, Henry William Greaves
hamstow; Cann Hall district, Fernand Henry Bonnefin Architect, W. Jacques A .R.I.B.A
~I.R.C.8.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. 243 High rd.Leytonstone Medical Officer, Charles Sand£>rs M.B.Lond., M R.O.S
Workhouse, Union road, Levtonstone, a structure of Eng. 29 Windsor road, Forest Gate E
brick, holding 1,548 inmates; Rev. Matthew Henry Consu!tin~t "Medical Officer, Patrick John Smith Nicon
Woodhill Dades ~I..\. chaplain; Jolw o::;ang:<ter Greig M.D., C.M ..Aberd. 2 Romford road
Y.B., C.M.Aberd. medical officer; Douglas Porter Inspectress, Miss A. M. Ware
lf.B., Ch.B., D.P.H.AhPrd. a~sistant rrf'rlical officer; Inspector, H. Madden
F. P. Lambert, master; Mn. J. Griiliths, assistant The Municipal Central Secondary school, 'l'enn) son road,
matr::tn was erected in I9o6 for 6oo scholars, & there are at
We~t Ham Union Surgery & Dispensary, N.W. Ham present ti7I : the buildings comprise art rooms.
District, .::.7 West Ham lanP. Edmund Ralph Sircom la_boratories & other rooms for mannal instruction,
lLR.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. medical officer cookery & laundry work: the school is undpr the
control of the Board of Education, & Jn-Ppares pupils
WEST HAM REGISTRATION DISTRICT. for the London University Matriculation & the Oxford~
iuperintendent Registrar, Alfred Hall; deputy supt. & Cambridgf' Local & othPr examil'ations; W.
registrar, Robert James Gooch; offices, Bank build- Calde~ood, chairman of governors ; GP!H gP Francia

mgs, 49a, Broadway, Stratford Burnes;;: D. es L .• B.A., L.C.P. princip'll; l\Ii'-s !.lice
:Registrars of 'Births & Deaths, Canning Town sub-dis- Man· •
Crow L.L . .A. senior mistre""
trict, T. Threlford, 2 St. Luke's square, Tidal Basin A.hbey. built in r88I, for 52i bo~·,.,, 482 !!irl" &i 4g6
k Post office, \)()rner of Constance street, Silvertown; infant..,; average attendancP. 351 boy~, 324 ~irJ,., & 279
~orth East Ham sub-district; G. E. Morgan, 380 infants; Alfred J. Mansfield. master; Miss Marion
~onega road, East Ham; South East Ham· sub-dis- Scott L.L.A. mistress; Miss F. G. Beer. infants' mist
trict, Edwin B. Elliott, 338 Cf'ntral Park road, East Church street north, built for 2}5 girls & 242 infants;
Ham; Hudsons sub-district, F. J. Peirson, 6I Balaam Miss ~thel Chalk, girls' mistress ; Miss Emily .Allen,
~treet, Plaistow; Stratford sub-district, Albert Wm. infants' mistress
Sayer, 48 Manbey grove. Stratford; Forest Gate sub- Church street, for 269 boys; David Fassam, master
district, .A.. E . .Tacobs, 38 Woodgrange road, Forest Holbrook road, built in 18Q6. for 480 boys. 480 p:irls &
Gate; We<;t Ham & Plaistow sub-district, E. M. Hall, 542 infants; average &ttendance, 434 boys, 384 girls A;
IQ Clegg rd. Plaistow; North Leyton sub-district, Chas. 457 infants; Frederick Jas. Wheeker, head master;
lienry Perrin, 2 Hainault road, Leyton; South Ley- Mrs. Kyffin, mistress; Mis!! Shrimpton,infant9' mist-r!l!l
:Manor road, built in r8g5. for 480 boys, 480 girls &; 554 West Ham Park, built in r88g, for 420 boys, 420 girls
infants; a.veral!e attendance, 363 boys, 329 girls & & 469 infants; average attendance, 407 boys, 400
322 infanh; G. W. Last, :master; Miss Hicks, mis- girls & 405 infants; W. E. Appleford, master; Miaa
tress; Mr~. Rus~ell, infants' mistress S. Randall, mistress; Miss Finney, infants' mistresa
Napier road, built in 1904, for 480 boys, 480 girls & 540 Railway Station (Midland Railway, London, Tilbury &
· infants ; average attendance, 347 boys, 372 girls & 404 Southend Section), Manor road, G. South!rate, clerk
infants; Charles William Reynolds, master; Miss F. in charge
G. Burbidge, mistress; Miss E. E. Mason, infants'
mistress Conveyance to London, see Stratford
PRIVAT.I<~ RESlDE:!\TS. Lawson Wilfred, 74 Hartland road Scott William, 46 Park road
Base Mrs. S. A. Eagle house,linion rd McCormack James, u8 Portway Seymour Rev. Isaac Lothian B.A.
Bell Rev. RiC'hard Eardley Thos. M. A.. Morgan Hyacinth Bernard Wenceslaus (vicar of St. Thomas'), The Vicar-
( curate of All Saints'), 124 Portwayi M.B., Ch.B.Glas. (house physician), age, Rokeby street
Daniels Rev. Alec Percy B.A. (curate I West Ham & Eastern General! Stewart James M.B., Ch.B.Edin.
of All Saints'), 124 Portway hospital, West Ham lane j (junior house physician), West Ham
Delves Frank, Engineers ho. Abbey rd Morris Emanuel, 182 Portway & Eastern General hospital, W~s\
Dodson Mrs. 104 Port way O'Brien Patrick ::VI. B., Ch.B. 132 Ham lane
Fisher Walter, 31 Abbey road Portway j Walker Rankin Greig L.R.C.P .Edin.
Garden John Andrew M.B.Glas. 13 Pelly Rev. Canon Richard Arnold (senior house surgeon), West Ham
Church street north M.A. (vicar, rural dean & surro- & Eastern General hospital, West
Ho~rg James Spencer, 200 Port-way gate), West Ham vicarage, 238 Ham lane
James Edgar T. 18 East road Portway Yule Joseph Lockhart Downes M.B.,
Jameson James Elliott :\LB., B.S. Royds Rev. Edric Alban Barrow B.A. Ch.B.Aberd. (junior house surgeon),
Dubl. 84 Portway (curate of All Saints'), 33 l\Iargery West Ham & East-ern General
Kempton G. R. B. 29 Abbey road Park road hospital, West Ham lane
COMMERCIAL. Brooks Abraham, timber dealer, 129 Plaistow road
Abbott Robert, oilman, go Stephen's road Brooks Charles James, confectioner, 65 Plaistow road
Achland William, wardrobe dealer, 3 Plaistow grove Broughton Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 6o Stephen's road
Acme Teeth Manufacturing- Co. artificial teeth manu- Brown Albert, tobacconist, 8o Church street
facturers, 20 West Ham lane Brown Daniel, builder, Glenavon road
A.dshead Edgar Herbt>rt, hair dresser, 63 Plaistow road Brown James, fried fish shop, 78 Portway
.Aerated Cand~· Oo. Ltd. manufacturing confectioners, Browning John, draper, 15 Portway
Victoria st. TA "~\erandio,London;" TN 280 Stratford Brumwell Henry, shopkeeper, 6o Langthorne street
Ahrens Herman William, beer retailer, 12 Plaistow rd Buchan Alfred, boot repairer, 2a, Eastbourne road
Airzee Thomas, shopkeeper, 4 Langthorne street Buckingham Waiter John, dairy, 23 Church st. north
Alexandra Laundry Co. laundry, 177 Plaistow road Burdett Charles, greengrocer, 223 Plaistow road
Allan John A. L. butcher, 7 Church street & 27 West Burks George, greengrocer, 16 Abbey road
Ham lane Burnett James, boot repairer, 16 Marcus street
Anderson A.rthur John, sign writer, g8 Meeson road Bush Thomas, varnish manufacturer, Canning road
Ashby William, ticket writer, 41 Stephen's road Buswell Thomas Craven, grocer, 205 Plaistow road
Atkins Matilda (Mrs.), corset maker, 12 Abbey road Butler George, florist sra, & grainer 53, Plaistow road
A.ttwell John & Son, dairymen, 83 Morley road Oampbell Thomas & Son, decorators, 54 Plaistow grove
Austin John, news agent, 20 Stephen's road Oampbell Beatrice(Miss),teacher of music,54Plaistow gro
Aves David, boot maker, 26 & 27 West Ham lane Campbell Charles, decorator, 88 Plaistow road
Bacon Georl!'e John. farrier, Gift lane Canning Town Cycle Track, Manor road
Bailey Charles, confectioner, sza, Church street Carlton Jane (Miss), baby linen warehouse, see :Monk-
Baker Waiter T. & Son, pawnbrokers, 79 Portway ton & Carlton
Baker Alfred, shopkeeper, 7.~ Union road Carpenter Albt. Jn. house decorator, 6 Ranelagh road
Baldwin Leonard, confectioner, 213 Plaistow road Carter & Aynsley Limited, brass founders, ~\.bbey road.
Ball Sidney, hair dresser, 194 Plaistow road T N 830 East
Banks Albert. butcher, 89 Plaistow road Cassidy George Sidney, shopkeeper, 1 Village street
Banks Henry, grocer, 87 Plaistow road Cast Iron Uniting Co. braziers, 79 Victoria street
Banks John William James, estate agent,49 Holbrook rd Century Chemical Co. Limited, chemical manufac-
Barker Charle~<. chimney sweeper, 63 Portway turers, Tarling works. Church street
Barlow John William, gasfitter, 34 Church street Chambers James, provision dealer, 102 Stephen's road
Barnard Jesse, greengrocer, 74 Portway Cheeseman Matilda (Mrs.), feather cleaner, I2J
Barton Frances (Mi<>~). dress maker, 25 Morton road Tennyson road
Basselin Adrien, hair dresser, 65 Stephen's road Chinnery William, decorator, 74 Evesham road
Bateman Edith (:Miss), confectioner. 59 Ham Park road Chislett Waiter Henry, confectioner, 227 Plaistow road
Beckett Elizabeth (Mrs.), tobacconist, 73 Portway Chown George, confectioner, 232 Portway
Bedwell Harry. jun. grocer, 164 Plaistow road Clark Brothers, saw mills, 4 Montague street
Bellis Franais Joseph, certified bailiff. 4 Harcourt road Clark Robert Ingham & Co. Limited, varnish manufac-
Berk F. W. & Co. Limited, chemical manufacturers, turers, Abbey works,.A.bbey rd. T Nos. 955 & 956 East
.Abbe~' Mills chemical works, Canning rd. TN 827 East Clark John, grocer, 140 Portway
Beny William,hosier 179, & cycle agent 133, Plaistow rd Clayson Richard William, beer retailer, ra, West road
Bettis Arthur Edward, plumber, 48 Arthingworth street elements Amelia (Miss), dress maker, 30 Skiers street
Betts Frank, turncock to the Metropolitan Water Board, Coates Brothers & Co. Limited, printing ink makers,
Eastern district, 1 A.ldworth road Abbey mills, Canning road
Beverley William Joseph, oilman, 58 Portway Cole Thomas William, confectioner, 58 West Ham lane
Bew Mary (Miss), news agent, r8 Church street Collier Mary Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, 14a, Tennyson rd
Bigg Charles, farrier, Church street north Oollins George, general salesman, 45 West Ham lane
Bingley & Son, greengrocers, 8 Ham Park road Comber John, dairyman, 66 Langthorne street
Bish Thomas, coal dealer, 45 :Marcus street Compton David, draper, 84 Church street
Bishop Alfred, sign writer, 49 East road Condie Sidney, insurance agent, 164 Portway
Blackbnrn Jane (Mrs.), laundry, 26 Maiden road Conference Hall (Percy Wheate, gen. sec.), West Ham la
Blake Benjamin William, news agent, I Bath road Oook John Marshall & Sons, carmen, 62 Park road
Boettcht>r Charles, hair dresser, 7 Steele road Cook Alfred Quintin, furniture remover, 88 Church st
Boiling James, coal dealer, 34 Amity road Cook Edward Harvey, solicitor & clerlr. of the peace;
Bollans John Jame-;, marine store dlr. 38 Stephen's rd offices, Quarter Sessions court, West Ham lane
Bonney John Harry, beer retailer, 6g Union roa.d Cooper George Herbert, boot repairer, 56 Church street
Barley Louisa (Mrs.). laundress. 92 Stephen's road Corbell Charles, wheelwright, 22 Plaistow road
Bosworth Thomas. draper, rr Barnbv street Cornell Joseph, baker, & post office, 134a, West Ham 1~
Boyton Edward, tobacconist, 8 Abbey road Corporation of West Ham Building Inspector's Office~
Boyton James, shopkeeper, 10 ~.\.bbey road 14 & r6 West Ham lane
Bracken .John, shopl~eeper, 31 Holbrook road Course Lawrence, wheelwright, 35 West Ham lane k.
Bradford. Esther (Mrs.). news agent, 2a, Amity road Victoria street
Braj!'g- Waiter Charles, builder & decorator, 44 Church st Courts John, oilman, 61 Ham Park road
Breeza. C'lnence, drug stores, 151 Plaistow road Courts Richard, oilman, 73 Plaistow road
British Petroleum Co. Limited, petroleum merchants, Oowdrey Christina (Miss), dress ma. 4 Tennyson 10ad
AbbeY mills, Crows road Cowles Charles, chemist, 1 West Ham lane
Ih·ooke1· Wil!ialli, gn1cer, 1.:20 Corporation street Cox George Henry, draper, 99 & 101 Plaistow road
Creamer Henry James, dra~r, 43 West Ham lane Gas Lighting Improvement Co. Ltd. (The), sole dis-
Cross William Hy. Geo. greengrocer, 166 Plaistow road tilleries of Carburine & "Glico " motur spirit, "GlicQ"
Creamer Henry James, draper, 43 West Ham lane white spirit, "GHco" benzol, naphtha &c. West Ham
Orow Thomas & Sons, manufacturers of creosote, tar, marsh, Crows road (T N 626 East); offices, Salisbury
pitch, htnminous matrix for dustless roads, dis- house, London wall E C
infectants, marine engine & cylinder oils &c. Abbey Gay R. & Co. Limited, paint manufacturers, LangthQrne
Creek wharf, Crows road. T A " Crowsnest, London;" works, Abbey road. T N 866 East
T N 367 Stratford Gee Henry, butcher, 76 Portway
Cundy HPnry Isaac, SprPad Eagle P.H. I Manor road George Stanley, ladder maker, 82 Mortham strelrt
Cnrtis William H. butcher, 28 Church street Giaeomo & Co. shopkeepers, 47 Church street
Cutting Clara (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 75 Victoria street Gill Waiter George, greengrocer, 124 Corporation street
Daniels Robert, hair dresser, 5 West Ham lane Gillard. Sidney, insurance agent, 151 Corporation street
Darnell John Reid, grocer, 105 West road Gillies Robert, boot maker, 219 Plaistow road
Davis Ada Elizabeth (Mrs.), musical instrument dealer, Gleaves Walter, grocer, 53 Redriffe road
IQ9 Plaistow road Goat George William, boot maker, 12 Langthorne st
Davis Elizabeth (Mrs.), confectioner, 7 Abbey road Golder William, butcher, 65 Manor road
Davis Harry Thomas, .Ang-el inn, 21 Church street Gooding .Albert Edward, butcher, 13 .Abbey road
Dawson Charles Robert, dining rooms, 170 Plaistow rd Goodwin Charles Silvester, confctnr. 40 West Ham la
Dawson Edward R. grocer, 72 Pitchford street Grainger Alfred, insurance agent, 23 Dirleton road
Day Samuel Thomas, milk purveyor, g6 'l'ennyson road Grant Thomas Hurrell, upholsterer, 53 West road
Dayus & GardPn, physicians & surgeons,13 Church st.ntb Gray Nathan, greengrocer, 42 Stephen's road
Dayus Frederick Herbert M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Green Solomon, tailor, 134 Plaistow road
{firm, Dayus & Garden), 13 Church street north Greenfield George, greengrocer, II7 Plaistow road
Deamer Sophia Jane (Mrs.), confectnr. 65 West Ham la Grenway Waiter, relieving officer, No. I district, West
Dench Robert Craven, engineer, 201 Plaistow road Ham union, 137 Plaistow road
Desmond & Co. chemists, & post office, 203 Plaistow rd Grimwood .Alfred, marine store dealer, Z7 Marcus street
Deval Mary .Ann (Miss), grocer, 24 Eastbourne road Grosch Ethel (Miss), draper, 122 Corporation street
Dickman Charles, baker, 27 .Abbey road Guymer Frank Robert. oilman, 23 Stephen's road
Dixon George, tailor, 14 Stephen s road Gysin Charles. baker, 40 Stephen's road
Dixson Robert Edwin, insurance agent, 31 Ham Park rd Hadgraft Robert, tobacconist, 44 West Ham lane
Dodd Eliza (Mrs.), dress maker, 79 Skiers street Haggar Joseph, eel pie shop, 38 West Ham lane
Dodd Henry, grocer, 120 Plaistow road Haines Stanley L. house agent, 9 Stephen's road
Dodds Benjamin, grocer, 95 .Aldworth road Hamlin James, butcher, 2a, Rokeby street
Dougall S. & Oo. grocers, 52 Hub bard street Hammond Ellen Elizh. (Mrs.). shopkpr. 3 Holbrook rd
Dove .Alfred George, beer retailer, 57 Plaistow road Hammond Sergt.-Major T. drill instructor to West Ham
Drake Francis Victor, piano tuner, 85 Park road Cos. of 6th Territorial Force Battalion Essex Begi-
Dredge ..Ada (Mrs.), dress maker, 84 Eve sham road / ment, 132 Tennyson road
Drocher Jacob, hair dresser, 184 Plaistow road Hanreck George, furniture dealer, .')9 West Ham lane
Dulwich Joseph, chair maker, 74 Stephen's road Hardy Fredericll, greengrocer, 15 Abbey road
Duncnmb Wm. wholesale news agent, 69 West Ham la Han·is Albert Edward, picture framer, 76 West road
Dupuy George, watch & clock maker, 51 West Ham lane Harrison Waiter John, domestic machinery dealer, 146
Dusmo Limited, dustless sweeping powder manufac- Plaistow road
turers, West Ham lane. T A "Lydusmo, London; Hart Harriett (Mrs.), confectioner, 189 Plaistow road
T N 99 Stratford Harvey Robert Albert, coffee rooms, 4 Plaistow road
Eaton Sam Hill, insurance agent, 82 Pond road Hasler Brothers, coal dealers, 93 Park road
Edwards & Co. grocers & provision merchants, 10 Hawkes Joseph, general shop, 47 Marcus street
Church street & 107 Plaistow road Hayhoe Wm. house decorator, 70 Rokeby st. & Skiers st
Edwards Joseph, confectioner, 2 .Abbey road Haynes John, oilman, 174 Plaistow road
Edwards William Thomas, shopkeeper, 18 Portway Heath Albert Henry, cats' meat dealer, 98 Plaistow rd
Elliott Thomas, hair dresser, 5 Abbey road Hempleman Frederick S. & Co. artificial manure manu-
Ellis J. & Son, monumental masons, u8 Rokeby street facturers, Crows road. T N 870 East
Ellison & Pitt, engineers' merchants, Hubbard street Heppel John, shopkeeper, 34 Leabon street
Emery Frederick, shopkeeper, 65 Plaistow grove Herbert John, stone mason, 77 Meeson road
Emery John, boot mal.:er, 65 Plaistow grove Reward Frederick Capper, boot maker, 52 Stephen's rd
Endersbee George, insurance agent, 230 Corporation st Hewett Thomas, fishmonger, gO Stephen's road & 125
Essex Paper Bag Co. paper bag dealers, 94 Plaistow rd Plaistow road
Evans David, dairy, 6 Amity road Hildyard Thomas Arthur, baker, -t7 Fairland rd. bOuth
Evans Mary (Mrs.), provision merchant, 22 Ohurch st Hill Alexander, builders' ironmonger, 230 Portway
Everall W. R. building inspector to West Ham corpora· I Hill FrPdk. George, Railway tavern, 196 Plaistow road
tion; office, 14 & r6 West Ham lane Hillier Elizabeth (Miss), milliner, 6oa, West Ham lane
Fairburn Arthur William, draper, 2 Paul stroot Hiron George, boot repairer, 130 Plaistow road
Fall Harry, fishmonger 6, & fried fish shop II, Abbey rd Holbrook Alfred, corn dealer, 231 Plaistow road
Farley Jane (Mrs.), confectioner, 144 Plaistow road Holliday Emily (Miss), shopkeeper, 61 Meath road
Farrington Henry, tobacconist, 25 Abbey road . Holloway Maud (Miss), shopkeeper, 40 Mark street
Farrow Reginald, greengrocer, 7'I Union road Holm Henry, baker, 190 Plaistow road
Pelt on Chas. re~i<;tered lodg-ing house, 44a, West Ham la Holtermann Mary .Ann (Mrs.), shopkpr. 69 Ranelagh rd
PindlatPr Wm. Hy. provision mer. 47 West Ham lane Home & Colonial Stores Ltd. tea dlrs. &c. 3 Church st
Fisher William George, dining rooms, 57 Stephen's road Hood William Henry, news agent, 8 Plaistow road
PlannPr Thomas, cabinet maker, 5 Corporation street Hopkins Grace (Miss), dress maker, II7 Geere road
Flindell Edith (Mrs.), butcher, 76 Step hen's road 1 Horton Prances Ann (Mrs.), draper, 14 Church street &:
Flowers Katherine (Mrs.), laundry, 186 Plaistow road 147 West Ham lane
Foster Waiter & Son, constructional engineers, 127 Hosking Edward John, building inspector to West Ham
Corporation street corporation; office, 14 & 16 West Ham lane
Pouhrer Wm. Walt()n, British Lion P.H. 46 West Ham la Howard Edward, wheelwright, Church street
Fowler Charlotte (Mrs.), laundry, 15 Church st. north Huber George, hardware dealer, 199 Plaistow road
Fox Edward, fishmonger, 207 Plaistow road Hugogett George Edward, house furnisher, IIO & II2
Fox L-ydia (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 142 .Abbey road Plaistow road
Francis Brothers, confectioners, stationers, news agents Hunt Amelia (Mrs.), corn dealer, 20 Church street
& tobacconists, 94 Plaistow road Hunt James, miller (steam), 176 .Abbey road
Francis Natban & Co. piano removers, 17 Union road Hyams Renben, shopkePper, 'i-t Pond road
Francis Frederick John, plumber, 63 Rokeby street Imperial (The) Carpet Beating & Cleaning Co. Hubb·11·d
Free GPorgoe Isaac, King-'s HPad P.H. I I Church street street. T ~ 1.~2 Stratford
Frost Arthur Thomas. pawnbroker,III & 113 Plaistow rd Iverson Joseph, grocer, 10 Ham Park road
Frost Emilv ("Mrs.). dairy, 61 Stephen's road Jackson Arthur, draper, 28 West Ham lane
Frost Frank, pawnbroker, 30 Church street Jackson John William, printer, 6o West Ham lane
Fround William, greengrocer, 71 Farringford road Jame-s Mary .Ann (Mrs.), coffee rooms 2a, & shopkeeper
Gallery John, writer, ;li West Ham lane 2, Manor road
Garden John .Andrew M B., Ch.B.Glas. physician & sur· Jameson James Elliott M.B., B.Ch., B.A.O.Dub. physi-
geon (firm, Dayus & Ga:.:den), 13 Church street north cian & surgeon, 84 Portway
Garrod Ernest, boot repauer, 30 Napier road Jarrett Emma (Mrs.), coffee rooms, 59 Church st.north
Jeffs Samuel James, furniture remover, 77 Pari.. ro'ld

.Jeffs Sarah Jane (Mrs.), nurse, 77 Park road Moore Richard, boot &; shoe maker, 63 Stephen's roa<l
.Jellow Percy Robert, baker, 54 West Ham lane Morden Bessie (Miss), haberdasher, 132 Plaistow road
J~rram George Edward, assistant • insurance superin- Moreten Charles William, draper, 55 Church st. north
tendent, 54 Plaistow grove More-an Henry, hair dresser, 169 Plaistow road
Jess John &; Son, leather sellers, 12 Church street Morris Emanuel, fried fish dealer, 127 Plaistow road
-Jobson Henry, greengrocer, 62 Portway Morris Jacob, fishmonger, 176 Plaistow road
Johnson Edward, confectioner, 114 Plaistow road Morris Thomas George, coffee rooms, 145 West Ham la
.Johnson Henry, baker, 76 Church street Morriss Alexander, butcher, 105 Plaistow road
Jones Charles, oilman, 121 Plaistow road Murray William, Adam & Eve P.H. 126 Abbey road
Jones Charles, plumber, 89 Park road Musi Giuseppe, confectioner, 74 Church street
-Jones David William, tobacconist, 82 Stephen's road ~ash Alfred, shopkeeper, 33 Napier road
.Tones Edward Charles, greengrocer, 72 Amity road Nash Henry, fried fish dealer, 2 Stephen's road
.Tones Henry, hair dresser, 4 Stephen's road Nash William, fishmonger, 24 Church street
Jones John, dairyman, 72 Stephen's road Neall Ethel (Miss), draper, 46 Portway
.Jones John Rees, grocer, 163 Plaistow road Nealon John Aloysuis M.D., B . .A. physician & surgeon,
.Jones Sidney, cowkeeper, 38 Durban road 145 Plaistow road
.Jones Wulter, bird fancier, 126 Plaistow road Negus J. Waiter, artificial teeth manufr.soWest Ham la
Keegan Inneos (Mrs. ),shirt &; collar dresser, 56b,Geere rd Nette John Frederick, baker, Pond road
Kerry C. & Son, coal merchants, 74 Evesham road Nettleship Ada Beatrice (Mrs.), dress ma. 104Plaistow rd
Kidd Samuel Overton, insurance agent, 62 Meeson road Newman Charles Fras. provision dlr. go Langthorne e\
Killick Arth. Wm. confr. Il, &; hair dresser 12, Portway Newman Richard, carman, 63 Paul street
King George (Mrs.), dress maker, 64 Vicarage road Nicholls Henry, fried fish shop, 9 Portway
King Goorge, grainer, 101 Geere road O'Brien Patrick ¥.B., Ch.B. physician &; surgeon, 132
Kinselley Thomas Arthur, secondhand furniture dealer, Portway
48 Portway Offord Florence (Miss), laundry, 4 Ab bey road ; 17
Kirby William, butcher, 2I5 Plaistow road Portway & 42 West Ham lane
Knight Edward, confectioner, 88 Stephen's road Olley Malcolm, beer retailer, 62 Paul street
Knight Samuel, Park hotel, SI Portway Olsen John Edward, boot repairer, 70 Stephen's road
Knowles Henry John, coal merchant, 6o Pond road Owens Wm. George, house decorator, 2 Arthingworth 11\
Knowles Mary (Miss), teacher of music, 6o Pond road Page Wm. & Son, corn dealers, 84 & 86 Stephen's road
Kossak Adelaide (Miss), shopkeeper, 68 Paul street Page Edwin, grocer, 6o Vicarage road
Lamey Leonard, boot maker, I57 Plaistow road Page Hannah (Mrs.), confectioner, 9 Barnby street
Lane Ernest Charles, jun. baker, 39 Plaistow grove Page Herbert James, insurance, 30 Park road
Laver William, coal merchant, 58 Park road Pain Frances (Mrs.), confectioner, 6 Stephen's road
Lavington Ernest, hair dresser, IO Plaistow road Palmer .Albert George, insurance agent,IOo Tennyson rd
Lawes J ames, news agent, 44 Stephen's road Palmer Albert John, boot repairer, 70 Plaistow road
Lawson Wilfrid L.R.C.P. &; S.E., L.R.F.P.S.G. physician Parsons Waiter, shopkeeper, I3I Corporation street
&; surgeon, 74 Hartland road Pearce Edgar William, insurance agt. 133 Tennyson rd
Lawton Ellen (Miss), grocer, 82 Portway Pearce George Henry, greengrocer, 67 Plaistow road
Lay Raymond, boot repairer, 165 Plaistow road Peggs John, greengrocer, 53 Stephen's road
Leather Cloth Co. Ltd. Abbey road. T N 408 Stratford Pert Charles, cycle maker, no Corporation street
Lee Albert Ernest, wine & spirit dlr. 4'i Fairland rd. sth Patch Arthur William, beer retailer, Harberson road
Lee Fanny (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 41 Plaistow grove Pharaoh Wm. Cri!lpin, shopkeeper, 14 Plaistow grove
Lee Harriet (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 74 Meath road Phillips John William, grocer, 163 Manor road
Leggatt Louise (Mrs.), dress maker, 87 Durban road Pidgeon Albert, beer retailer, 7 West Ham lane
Lemay Edward, tobacconist, 29 West Ham lane Pitman John, hair dresser, 66 Portway
'Lemay Lilian (Miss), teacher of music, 58 Vicarage rd Pittman Frederick & Son, house decorators, 1 RokP·by !l
Ling William Ltd. lamp black manufactrs. Canning rd Popkin Henry, boot maker, 207 Corporation street
Lloyd James Henry &; Co. oilmen, 95 Plaistow road Porter George, live bird dealer, 41 Church street
London & Thames Haven Oil Wharves Ltd. wharfingers, Preston James, boot & shoe maker, 4 Amity road
Crows road. T N 828 East Prosser Henry Waiter, confectioner, 42 Portway
Long Henry, house decorator, 48 Rokeby street Pryor Waiter Osborne, shopkeeper, 91 Harconrt road
Looker Charles, sign writer, 79 Harcourt road Pulling John Arthur Morgan, insur. agt.59 Vicarage rd
Loughton Arthur, grocer, 54 Stephen's road Punter .Alfred J. grocer, r Abbey road
Lovely George .Edward, builder, 72 Portway Purkis Arthur, florist, I6 Church street
Lowe Eleanor (Miss), draper, 26a, Church street Pye Charles, Lord Gough P.H. 72 Plaistow road
Lncas Henry, coal dealer, 32 Amity road Rakow Frank, tailor, 124 Plaistow road
Luck Albert Arthur, fur skin dresser, 79 Manor road Ramsey Thomas, fruiterer, 102 Pond road
Luton James, confectioner, SS West Ham lane Rasor Frank, insurance agent, 48 Vicarage road
McCormack James L.R.C.S. & L.M.I., L.A.H.Dub. Rawley William J. hair dresser, 36 West Ham lane
surgeon, n8 Portway; surgery, 89 Mortham street Rawlins Charles, confectioner, 8o Portway
McCunn Archibald )I R.C.V.S. veterinary surgeon, 1 Read George, buteher, 100 Stephen's road
Church street Redman Daniel &; Son, drapers, 188 Plaistow road
'McCutcheon John Bryce ~LB., Ch.B.Edin. physician &, Reed J oseph, chemist, 32 Church street
surgeon, I 81 Plaistow road Reid Henry Edward, coal & coke dealer, 55 Napier road
McDonald Thomas, dining rooms, I42 Plaistow road Rendell Alfred James, china dealer, 6r Plaistow road
McDowell James, draper, 53 West Ham lane Renshaw Brothers, boot repairers, 85 Paul street
Mack James, tailor, 128 Plaistow road Reshwamm Charles, hair dresser, 64 Stephen's road
Mackintosh Alexander, grocer, 30 Amity road Richards Susan (Mrs.), shirt & collar dresser, 75
Maguire Alfred W. herbalist, 6r West Ham lane Plaistow road
Malme Edward, grengrocer, 134b, West Ham lane Richardson Daniel Albert, news a~;ent, 168 Plaistow rd
Malme Lilian (Miss), greengrocer, 134 West Ham lanl.' Riedling William, pork butcher, 197 Plaistow road
Manicom Arthur, baker, &; post office, 158 Portway Ritchie Thos. Hamilton. skirt mfr. rg, 21 &. 23 Portway
Manisier John William, estate agent, 27 West road RiYett Frank, undertaker, 123 Plaistow road. T N 369
March Henry, leather seller, II5 Plaistow road Stratford
Marett Albert, greengrocer, Io3 Plaistow road Roberts C. &; Co. electricians, 26 Church street
'\farg-aw Barnett, tobacconist, 30 West Ham lane Roberts Charles F. hair dresser, 26 Church street
Marks Littlestone, tailor, 173 Plaistow road Roberts William, shopkf'eper, 73 C-orporation street
'Marsh Charles William, oilman, 221 Plaistow road Robertson Waiter, grocer, 141 Amity road
Marsh John Dunford, boot rPpairer, 51 Plaistow road Robinson Waiter, plumber, 77 Plaistow road
Marshall Charles, plumber, 4i West Ham lane Roffey Margt. (Mrs.), ladies' ()Utfittl.'r, 195 Plaistovr rd
Ma.rshall George, boot maker, 134 Corporation street Roger Harris' Almshouses, Gift lane
Matthews Amy E. (Miss). beer retailer, 70 Tennyson rd Rogers Alfd.John, picture frame maker, 29 Ham Park rd
May Amy (Miss), dress maker, s6a, West Ham lane Rose .Alfd ..A.lbt.verger WestHam church.77 Ham Park rd
Mechem Albert, plumber, 9 Stephen's road Rose Jessieo (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 57 Church st. north
Mercer Albert John, house decorator, 28 Amity road Ross Andrew, grocer, 3 Railway terrace, Manor road
Messer David, dairy, 9 Abbey road Ross Donald, furniture remover, 79 Plai!!tow road
"\-liddleweek Robert, provision dealer, 225 Plaistow road Rosso Bartholomew, !'hopk£>eper, 58 Church street
Mills Arthur Henry. estate agent, 2 Glenavon road Round Moses, tailor, n2 Portway
Mitcham Japan & Varnish Co. Limited, Merton works, Roval Liver Friendly Society (L. R. Cox, district mgr.},
Abbey road 65a, West Ham lane
Monkton & Carlton, baby linen warehouse, 23 .Abbey rd Rudd Lonisa (Mrs.), dress maker, 252 Corporation s\
:,toorcr-: ~t He-:-be:•. t:"7."> ::-;::£'~t. ~:-5 P~"~"tow rr>'lli Ruc:h.w,.,rth Willillm Robert, butcher, 68 Church

Ryder Robert, boot maker, 94 Stephen's road Tyler Henry James, grocer, 13 Rokeby street
St. Thomas' West Ham Church Hall, Mortham street Tyrer Thomas & Co. Limited, manufacturing chemists,
ilaker .Arthur ..\lbert, wine k ~pirit dealer, II4 & 116 Stirling chemical works, Canning road. T A " Tyre-
Corporation street miens, Strat, London; " T N 3729 East
.Samphier Charles, corn dealer, 71 Portway Uden George, oil & color man, x8 Abbey road
'Sampson Fredk. confectioner, 97 & I92 Plaistow road Uden Harrr, provision dealer, 9 Church street
Sanders Brothers, corn k flour dealers, 2 Church street Unger Harris, tailor, 47 Corporation street
Sanders Henry, secondhand furniture dealer, 5 Portway (Tsher Louise (.Miss), draper, 77 Portway
Sandrock & Sons, bakers, 93 Plaistow road Vallance Thomas, confectioner, 6 Church street
.:Sargent Henry, insurance agent, 34 Hartland road Vanner Thomail, cabinet maker, 18o Plaistow road
Saunderson k Son, house painters, 22 Abbey road Vernon, Booth & Co. shirt manufacturers, 42 Church st.
Schultz Albert Edward, coal dealer, 73 Pitchford street Vobe Alexander, china dealer, 52 Church street
Scrut{)n Jack, butcher, 20 ..\bbev•
road Waghorn Isabella (Mrs.), confectioner, 151 West Ham la
Sears &; Co. land & estate agents, II8 Plaistow road Wagner Charles, baker, 59 Plaistow road
Seymour James Benjamin, milliner, 5 Church street Wakefield Annie (Misa), dress maker, r8 Morley road
SHton Edwd. verg-er of St. Thomas' church,92 Rokeby st Wakeman Frank, printer, 85 Portway
Sharman Sarah (.Mrs.), chimney cleanPr, 6 Victoria st Walker Lucy ('Mrs.), news agent, 59 Stephen's road
.Shaw Edward, shopkeeper, 172 Corporation street Wallace Joseph, boot manufacturer, 3r- Dirleton road
Sheffield Albert, grocer, k post office, 8o Stephen's rd Wallis John, marine store dealer, 5 Barnby street
Shennan 1ohn, credit draper, 7 Park road Ward Ada (Mrs.), dress maker, 1 Gladstone road
Shillaker Thomas Geo. fanc~· draper. 185 Plaistow road Warner Florence (Miss), teacher of music, 71 Geere road
Shimmell Emily (Miss), teacher of music, 67 Amity rd Warren Edwin, .grocer, 21 Abbey road
Shippey Augustus, grocer, 23 Plaistow grove lVarringt{)n Bertie Wm. shopkeeper, 88 Caistor Park rd
Siequien Henry, boot repairer, 22 Stephen's road Waterson Robert, dining rooms, 3 West Ham lane
Sills GPorge, decorator, 46 East road Watsou Thos. Arth. assist. insur. supt. 53 Geere road
Silver Meyer, fried fish dealer, 8 Church street Weavis William & Co. decorators, u6 Plaistow road
Simpson David Ernest .A1bert. insurance agt. 51 Portway Weeden's Stores Limited, oilmen, 22 Rokeby stree\
Sinfield Matilda (Miss), confectioner. 6 Plaistow road Welch Florence (Mrs.), corset maker, 54 Church street
Singer Sewing 'Machine Co. Limited. 193 Plaistow road Wells Sidney, insurance agent, 8o Park road
Singleton Reuben. news agent, 159 Plaistow road Wernst William, butcher, 4 Church street
"later Brothers, butchers, II9 Plaistow road West Ham .Almshouses,All Saints' churchyard,Church st
Sleet Joseph, boot maker, 66 Stephen's road West Ham Borough Police Court (R. A. -Gillespie B..A.
Slesser Henry, greengrocer, 34 Langthorne street magistrate; James H. Jacks<>n, clerk to the justices;
Sloeum Ella (Mrs.), nurse, 39 Meeson road S. Longbottom, assistant; B. Jackson, second assist-
Sm~d Wm. George, dining rooms, 24 West Ham lane ant; Arthur Ferrett, inspector), West Ham lane
.Smith Cath. (Miss), private infant school, 8ga, Portway West Ham Chemical Works Limited (The), Canning rd .
Smith Emma (Miss), shopkeeper, 51 Richford road T :Y 5-1-4 Stratford •
Smith George Henry, shopkeeper, 36 Stephen's road West Ham Cinema Limited, 78 Plaistow road
Smith Henry George, insur. agent, 43 E11stbourne road West Ham Corporation Public Health Department
Smith James, butcher, II8 Corporation road (Charles Sanders M.B.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. medieal
Smith William, marine store dealer, 45 Ranelagh road officer of health), 'l'own hall
Snelgrove Edward Thomas, news agent, gr Plaistow rd West Ham Corporation Pumping Station (Frank Delves,
Snelling Henry, insurance agent, 23 Ham Park road supt. ), Abbey road
Snelling Joshua, marine ,.;tore dealer, 178 Plaistow road West Ham Corporation Stables (George •Morse, man-
Solimano Charles, tobacconist, 67 l'Ianor road ager). Abbey road
Sparey Henry James, chimney sweeper, 38 Victoria st West Ham & Eastern General Hospital (Hyacinth Ber-
Specht _-\.ugust, shopkeeper, 47 Paul street nard Wenl!f'slaus Morgan 'M.B., Ch.B.Glas. house
Spennock Joseph & Sons, bakers, r62 Plaistow road physician; James Stewart M.B., Ch.B.Edin. junior
Spero Jacob, boot repairer, 53 .Arthingworth street house phrsician; Rankin Greig Walker L.R.F.P.S.
Spittle Wm. Geo. plumber & gasfitter. 52 West Ham la Glas. senior house surgeon; Joseph Lockhart Downes
Stairs Jost>ph, greengrocer, 75 Manor road Yull.' M. B., Ch.B ..A.ber. junior house surgeon; for
Stanford Josiah Stevenson, beer retailer, 70 Pitchford l'lt complete medical staff, see p. 284; A. W. ScriYener,
~tanley Fredericlr, plumber, r68 Tennyson road sec.), West Ham lane
Star Picture Palace (Blackmur & Hopcroft, proprietors), West Ham Park (David l\:L Russell, superintendent)
Plaistow road West Ham Printing Co. printers, 26 Mark street
Stear James, upholsterer, 18 Stephen's road Westacott George, provision dealer, 64 Portway
Stedman Esther (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 2 ~!arcus street Whalley's Sanitary Fluid Co. disinfectant manufac-
Stephens George, news agent, 7 Portway turers, 22 Napier road
"Steveni! Florence (Mrs.), domestic machinery dealer, 191 Wharton Joseph William, drug stores, 58 Stephen's road
Plaistow road Wheatley Harry J. factory inspector to West Ham
Stevens George, furniture dealer, 72 Church street Corporation; office, 14 & r6 West Ham lane
Stock John. jun. greengrocer, 78 Stephen's road Whitaker Jane Alice (Mrs.), Greyhound P.H. West
Stratford Co-operative & Industrial Society Lim. (Geo. Ham lane
L. Banks, sec.), 14 & 16 Portway & bakers, 13 Portway White Brothers (London) Limited, ginger beer brewers,
Stratford Day Nursery (Mrs. J. Boake, sec.), 63 West Victoria street. T N 228 Stratford
Ham lane White Brothers Engineering & Machinery Co. Limited,
Stratford Homoeopathic Dispensary (Miller Neatby,medi- engineers, _\.bbey road
cal officer), 63 West Ham lane White Samuel, shopkeeper, 71 Union road
Stratfard Town Hall (Henry Edward Dear, keeper), Whitehead William, builder, go Church street
West Ham lane Wildon Henry, boot & shoe maker, I & 3 Portway
Suffield S. R. & Co. ironmongers, 172 Plaistow road Wilkins George, dairy, 82 Church street
'Taylor George, shopkeeper, IB Manor road Williams Charlt>s Meers, hair dresser, 138 Plaistow rd
"femme Charles, picture framer, I Plaistow grove Williams Maud (Mrs.), dress maker, 120 Farringford rd
Terrington William, boot repairer, 83 Mortham street Williams Rose (Mrs.), blouse manufr. 149 West Ham la
'Territorial Force Battalion (6th) Essex Regiment; for 'Villiams Tbos. Ricbd. insur. agt. 71 Caistor Park road
full particulars, see p. 284 Williams William, grocer, 20 Manor road
'Territorial Force (8th) (Cvclist) Battalion Essex Regi- Wilson John, oil & color man, 140 Plaistow road
ment (B Co.) (Capt. W. B. Anderson), 91 Portway Wisden John &; Co. cricket bat makers, 52 Richford rd
Thackray Thomas, groce:::-, 175 Plaistow road Wiseman Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker, 94 P1tchford st
Thomas Eliza (Mrs.), dress maker, 70 Port way Wood Charles, furniture dealer, 36 Church street
Thorn son Brothers, pawnbrokers, 41 West Ham lane Wood Emily (Mrs.), draper, 9 Langthorne street
Thurt>t{)n .-\da (Mrs.), dress makl'r. 3 I Vicarage road Wood Joseph, paraffin oil dealer, 87 East road
Tildesley Frederick, beer retailer, 7 Plaistow grove Wood Richard, marine store dealer, 39 Church street
Tiller Edward Samuel, harness maker, 7 Barnby street Woodward Brothers, motor engineers, 2 Victoria street
'l'ilyard .Alfred, boot maker, 44 Portway Woodward RoAA (Miss), teacher of music,ll] West Ham la
Tomkins S~·dnev William, ~hopkeeper, 105 Tennyson rd Wray Fanny (Mrs.), dress maker, 125 East road
'Toyne Arthur Wm. -secondhand furniture dlr. ro Portwy Wright Ellen Muriel (Mrs.), confctnr. 182 Plaistow rd
'Treasure & Co. haberdashers, 2 Plaistow road Wright John, Princess of Wales P.H. 25 West Ham lan~
Trenaman Edwiu, builder, 85 Evesham road Wright SamuPl, watch & clock repairer, 28 Stephen's rd
'l'rudgett James. fried fish shop, 32 West Ham lane Wright William, estate office, 1 Springfield road
Turner Je•sie (:Mrs.), wardrobe dt-aler, 20 Abbey road Young Henry. coke contractor, sa, Church street
Twyford George Coppen, dairyman, 49 West Ham lane
Young Men's Christian .Association (Percy Wheate, sec.), Zenda (High pressure) Petroleum Lamp Co. Iamp
Conference hall, West Ham lane , makers, 29a, Hubbard street
Young Women's Christian Association (Miss May Gan-
ley, sec.), West Ham lane
EAST HANNINGFIELD is a village and parish, 1 of its kind in the county, and the deepest llut one ..
6 miles south-east from Chelmsford station, 3 from Great Claydons, on the road to Great :Baddow. it th&
Woodham Ferris station and 33 from London, in the property and residence of Mrs. Ho:rati(} Prase-r :l;emble,.
Mid division of the county, Chelmsford hundred, union. and commands some of the finest views in the county.
petty ses,;ional division and county eourt district, rural Lord Petre is lord of the manor. Lieutenant Edwa:rd
deanery of Wickford, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese Richard Busk Kemble R.N. is lord of the manor of
of Chelmsford. In 1894 a supply of water was laid on Great Claydons, within this parish. are se"teral
from Danbury by the Rural District Council. The church small landholders. The soil is stifi loam; subsoil,.
of All Saints, entirely destroyed by fire, after morning clay. The chief crops are 'wheat, beans, oab and bar-
service, on Sunday, Dec. 30, r883, was a building in Jey. The area is 2,6So acres of land and 2 of water;:
th~ PerJMndicular style~ the chancel has been restored, 1·ateable value, _£2,483; the population in 19II was 453·
and is now used as a mortuary chapel. The new church, Sexton, Thomas Rayner.
erected in 1884-5, near the centre of the village, at a Po<>t & T. Offict".-Miss Charlotte Cross, sub-post-
cost of £3,5oo, is a cru<;:iform building of stone in the mistress. Letters arrive from Chelmsfo:rd a~ 7.30 .t
Early English style, from designs by Mr. Henry Stone, 8·55 a.m. & 1.5 p.m.; d"tspa t c h e d a t 9 a.m ...
... 12.50 ,..
architect of London, and consists of chancel, nave, 6. 25 p.m.; on sundays 110 delivery or dispatcll. The-
aisles, transepts, south porch and a turret containing 3 nearest money order office is at Danbury, 3 miles
bells : there are 250 sittings. The register dates from distant
the year 1540. The living is a rectory, net yearly value
£ 310 , with 40 acres cf glebe and residence, in the gift Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1865 li en-
of trustees, and held since I8g2 by the Rev. .A.rthur larged in !9oo, for go children; average attendancer
Joseph Sacre, of University College, Durham, rural 35; Harry Picking, master
rlean of Wickford, and surrogate. In the rectory grounds Carrier to Chelmsford.-Joseph A.rthur TuckeT, daily,.
is an artesian well, 480 feet deep, said to be the oldest except wed
Sacre Mrs. Howard Curtis, Kilchurn Rayner Wm. Thos. assistant ove1'seer
COMMERCIAL. Reeve Frede:rick, blacksmith
Graylin William, The Poplars (postal BeaU Frank Henry. farmer, Rails fm Sykes Carrington, farmer
address, Bettendon Common) Benson Fredk. farmt>r, Claydons hall Trembath David, farmer, Lodge
Kemble Lieut. Edward Richard Busk Castle Norman, miller (steam) Tucker Joseph, Plough & Sail P.H
R.N. Great Claydons Cundall Isaac Blezard, Windmill P .H Tucker Joseph .Arthur, carrier
Kemble Mrs. Horatio Fraser, Great I Ea ton Thomas, bricklayer ·White Henry John, farmer, Littl&~
Claydons Gardiner Benjamin Channing Rouse, Claydons
Rayner Mrs. Bromley lodge (postal farmer, The Hill Wilkinson Chas. farmer, Glenisla pk
address, Rettendon Common) ! Hawkes Wm. Three Horseshoes P.H Wilkinson Frederick Sparrow, brick &o.
Sacre Rev. Arthur Joseph (rector, !Potter William,farmer,Barnards farm . tile maker (postal address, Retten-
rural dean of Wickford, diocesan Rayner John, builder & contractor. don Common)
inspector of schools & surrogate), T .A "Rayner, East Hanningfield" Willesmore Harry, sh()pkeepe:r
Rectory Rayner Thos. farmer,Sumptners farrn Wood 'Villiam John, jun. farmer
SOUTH HANNINGFIELD is a scattered village Sohwier esq. of Ongar. The soil and subsoil are clay.
and parish, 8 miles south-south-east from Chelmsford The principal crops are wheat, beans and oats. Th~
railway s•tation, 3 miles north irom Wickford and 32 area is 1,488 acres; rateable value, [1,476; the popula-
from Lo-ndon, in the Mid division of the county, Chelms- 1 tion in HJII was 230.
lord hundred, union, petty sessional division and county By Local Government Board Order 22,422, March 24t
court 4istricli, rural deanery of Wickford, archdeaconry 1888, a part of this parish known as Great Boad wa•
of Essex and Chelmsford diocese. The church of St. added to Wickford and another detached part to Run-
Peter is a small edifice of rubble, in the Early English well.
• and Decorated styles, consisting of chancel and nave, .Acting Parish Clerk, Nathan Nevill .
and a western belfry o-f wood, with spire, and contain- Post Office. ~iss Jessie Clarence, sub-postmistress_

ingo one bell: there are 135 sittings. The register dates Letters by cycle post from Chelmsford, delivered at
from the year 1654- The living is a rectory,, consoli- 8.1.5 a.m. & 1.45 p.m.; dispatched at II-35 a.m. k
dated with West Hanningfield, joint net yearly value I 5-55 & 7 p.m. ; no sunday delivery; letters dispatched
£499• with 38 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift at 7 p.m. Wickford, 3 miles distant, is the nearest
of Mrs. Kemble, and held since 1913 by the Rev. Thomas money order office & Rettendon Common the nearest
Gardner Devitt M . .!.. of Corpus Christi College, Cam- telegraph office
bridge, who resides at West Hanningfield., The Langley .Assistant Overseer, Sidney Anderson
charity amounts to £2 IJS. 6d. yearly; the King charity, Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1874 &; en-
of £1 8s. yearly, is for five poor families. Lord Petre is larged in J913, for 68 children; average attendance,.
lcrd of the manor. The principal landowner is Ernest ·47; :Miss Olive Blanche KPeling, mistress
RPid Sandeman, The Elms (lettPrs Clarence Jessie (Miss), shopkeeper,.
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. · through Wickford). Post office
Coverdale Thomas, Dromana, Brock- Viscardini Baldassare, Blue Hedget< Hunt Thomas, Windmill P.H
ley hill (letters through Wickford) (letters through -Stock,Ingatestone) Leng Frederick Percy Bradlaugh,
Grey John, Bearmaino farmer, Little Prestons (letters:
Hart Harry Robert, Oakwood, Brock- · COMMERCIAL.. through Stock, Ingatestone)
ley hill (letters through Wickford) Bennett Charles, farm bailiff to E. Old field John, poultry farmer
Hill Waiter, Peadn-vn~ Schwier esq. The Hall Smith Frederick, blacksmith
Isiii\P A.lbPrt Lewin. The Plantation Blyth Thomas, farmer, Giffords farrr. Webster Thomas Henry, brick maker,
fl£>ttPrs through Stock,Ingatestone1 Borland Matthew, farmer,Gt.Prestom sand merchant, nurseryman &;;
~ewton William James, The Bower (letters through Stock,Ingatestone) seedsman & florist (letters through
(letters through Stock,Ingatestone) . Stock, Ingatestone)
WEST HANNINGFIELD is a pleasant village and beneath it the inscription followin~: "Isabele Clovile et
oarish. B TJliles east from Ingatestone station, 6 south John son fils gisent ic-i lequele Johan morust le 23 jour
from ('bplmsford station and 5 north of Wickford stfl- rl'Octobre, I'an de grace, 1361. Dieu de leur almes eit
tion all on the Great Eastern railway, and 29 from rn·rc :" in the chancel, on the north side, is an altar
London, in the ~id division of the county, Chelmsford tomb to a member of the same family, but the inscrip-
hundrPrl. t~<>ttv sPssional division, union and countv tion is imperfect, and on the floor a ledger stone, in-
court distril't.. Tnral deanery of Wickford, archdeaconrv scribed to John, son of John Erdeswicke esq. ob. Nov.
of Essex and Chelmsford diocese. The church of St. 1607. The interior of the church was :restored and"
:.\Iary and St. Edward is a cruciform building of brick reseated in 18B8, at a cost of about £4oo, and affords
and rubble in the Perpendicular style, consisting of 2oo sittings. The register commences in the year 1558.
ehancel, navP, south aislE', south porch and a western 'fhe living- is a rectory with South Hanningfield annexed~
helfry of w1nd with small spire, containing 4 bells, dated joint net yearly. value £.wg, with residence and 38 acres
1676: in the south aisle is an ancient slab, formerly of ~lebe, in the ~ift of :Mrs. Kemble, and held since
.nclosing the half-length effigies of a man and woman; 1913 by the Rev. Thomas Gardner Devitt M.A. of Corpus
the former is missing, but the latter remains and has . Chris:i Collt"ge, Cambridge. .A list of the rectors of
South and West Hanning:field from 1327 is pre•served principal landowners are Alexander Rowland Alston esg.
here. Richard Cann<Jn in 1605 gave by will to the poor J.P. of The Tofte, Sharnbrook, Beds. and the trustees'
of West Hanningfield and Rettendon about 19 acres of of Dr. Williams. The soil is stiff clay; sullsoil, clay.
land and a cottage, the rent to be divided equally The principal crops are wheat, beans, oats and "barley.
between the two parishes and to be distributed in The area is 2,839 acres; rateable value, £2,744; the •
bread. M1 s. Ann Humphrey, of Rettendon Hall, in population in 1911 was 441 in the civil parish and 63~
1605 gave £2 a year for ever to poor widows of this in the ~clesiastical parish.
parish not receiving parish relief, to be paid out of a Sexton, Joseph May.
farm called "Helm'()ns ; " there is also a sum of 1os. Post & T. Office.--George William Spanow, sub-post-.
a year paid out of a farm in this parish called " Tan- master. Letters by cycle post through Chelmsford~
field Toy." Mr. Matthew John Parnell bequeathed the arrive at 7·55 a.m. & 1.20 p.m.; dispatched at u.55
sum of £wo, free from legacy duty, to the rector and a.m. & 6.15 p.m.; no sunray delivery of letters or
('hurchwardens for the time being of the parish of West dispatch. The money order office is at Stock,.
Hanningfield, UJXlD trust to invest the same in the pur- 2! miles distant
chase of f:~ 15s. per Cent. Consolidated Stock, and to
apply the dividends thereof in keeping up the tombs of Wall Letter Bo~, near the Plough inn, cleared at n
his relatives in the churchyard, and subject thereto noon & 6.30 p.m. ; no sunday collection
to expend such dividends in the purchase of coals to Public Elementary School, built in 1893 (on a site of land
be distributed annually by t.he said rector and church- presented by F. M. Dunster esq. ), for 59 children;
wardens at their discretion among six aged and de- average attendance, 48; Mrs. Ridgman, mistress
serving poor persons belonging to and residing in the Assistant Overseer, Sidney Anderson
same parish. Lord Petre is lord of the manor. The Police Constable, Benjamin Sadler
Beadel Thomas Edward J Carter H. & Sons, farmers, Hall farm Moth Jn. Wm. Three Compasses P.B

Devitt Rev. Thomas- Gardner M.A. Collicott Reuben, fruit grower Punt .!.rth. wheelwright & coach bldl"
(rector), The Rectory Harris James, farm bailiff to Mr. Smith John & Frank, fa:rmers, Linlt
Evans Mrs. Charvills Edmund Cole, Bords farm House farm
Laing Fredk. William, Orchard house Hodge Wa1ter Smith, farmer, Pin- Sparrow Frank, bakel"
(letters through Stock,Ingatestone) nings farm Sparrow Geo.Wm.grocer,&; post offiee·
Lemon Tom Sumner, The Haven Hunter Robert, farmer, Hicks farm Stacey Samuel, farmer, Toy, Elms &
COMMEROIAL. Lemon Frederick, farm bailiff to Mr. Friday's farms
Barker Frederick Waiter, Ship P.H Abraham Jackson, Hill farm Trembath William David, farmer.,.
Barr John, farmer McCall John, farmt>r (letters through Kents & Helmons farms
Benson Wm. Colin, farmer, Brick ho Stock, lngatestone) Tyler William Jame-s, blacksmith
Bolton William, farmer, Lone farm McCheyne Andw. frmr. Foxbury frm Wright George, farmer, Pattens (let-.
Boyd James Dodds, farm bailiff to May John, beer retailer & shopkeeper ters through East Hanning.field)
Mr. John Hodge, Temple farm May Joseph, beer retailer & shoplipr
HARE" STREET, see Romford.
H.A.RLOW is a small town and parish, on the borders 1 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of Lord North,
of Hertfordshire, ani on the eastern side of the and held since r9o3 by the Rev. John Brereton _-\.ndrewes
picturesque and fertile valley of the navigable river ~LA. of Emmanuel Colle~re, Cam bridge, and rural dean
Stort, with a station on the Great Eastern (Cam- of Harlow. A new vicarage house was erected in 1886 ·
bridge) railway, 25! miles lly rail from London and 22 at a cost of over £2,000. St. John t.he Baptist's is an·
by road, 9 north-west from Ongar and 6 south from ecclPsiastical parish, formed 8th Sept. 1837 : the churc.b.-
Bishop Stortford, in the Western division of the county, Prected previous to 1841, is a building in the Earfy
hundred and petty sessional division of Harlow, Epping En~lish style, consisting of chancel, nave and a weste'In'
onion, Bishop Stortford county court district, Harlow tower containing a clock and one bell: some of t!te'
rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and Chelmsford dio- window11, including a memorial window to a form<>:rr ·
cese. The streets have been lighted with gas since r862, incumbent are stained: the foundation !ftone was- laid
anJ the inhabitants are supplied with water by the Essex by John, 2nd :Marquess of Bute: a new vest1!y was
and Herts Water Works Company from deeply con- added in 1898: there are 400 sittings. The regist·~r
structed wells near Harlow mills, but in the parish of dates from the year 1841. The living is a vicarag~.
Sawbridgeworth. The parish church of St. Mary the net yearly value £2oo, with residence, in the gift of the ·
Virgin and St. Hugh, pleasantly situated on rising Bishop of St. Albans, and held since 1912 by the Rev-._
ground, is a cruciform building of flint with stone dress- Frederick Peel Yates M.A.. of Hertford College, Oxford_
ings in various styles, consisting of chancel with north ~-\ll Saints' Mis<~ion church, built at the cost of the- rattt ·
aisles and nave, chapels, south porch, and a central tower Rev. Francis Richard Miller M . .!.. vicar of Kineton, War-
with spire containing a clock and a fine peal of 8 bells, wick~hire, 1834-go, is a small and plain eruciform edifice·.
presented by Mr. W. Walford and dedicated at Easter, of brick covered with 1'\tucco, and consisting of cbancel,
1883, the fine carved oak porch being at the same time nave, transepts and a small central tower; it is licensed
erected on the south side of the church and a lych gate by the Bishop but has not been consecrated : services aro ~
at the eastern entrance of the churchyard: of the two held every Sunday afternoon, at 3 p.m. and a' 10 a.m.
chantry chapels, one is dedicated to St. Petronilla, the on the first Sunday of the month, by the clergy of tLe-
other to St. Thomas, and both were highly endowed; parish church. The Wesleyan chapel, in New :road, 11 a'S-·
there are brasses with effigies, to William Sumner, ob. erected in 1886, and t'hat at Threshers Bush in J88.J.
1559; Edward Bugge, gent. and Jane his wife, 1582, with There are two Baptist chapels, one in the hamlet '.lf-
S children; W. Newman, ob. 1602; John Glad win, ob. Potter Street, built in 1756, with zso sittings, and th~·
16rs, Richard Bugge esq. ob. 1636 and his wives, Vahan othel' in the town, rebuilt on the old site in 1865, at
(Streinsham) and Elizabeth (Bowles); Margery (Cely) a cost of £z,roo, with soo sittings and attache-d SC'hool-
wife of Roberl Lawson, gent. ob. 1617; Francis "Reve. rooms. The burial ground, in Foster stree,, belongin~
ob. 1639, and Joane (Jocelyn) his -wife, ob. 1642; and to the Harlow Baptist chapel, and used for nearly tw'>
effigies only of a man in armour and his -wife, c. 1430; centuries by Nonconformists, was the buria] place ot
and a man and his wife, c. 1585; some of these have Benjamin Flower, a printer and newspaper editor. anrt
been removed from the floor and placed in wooden one of the champions of the freedom of the press. wh~>
frames again<~t the walls ; in the south chapel are kneel- died at Dalston, r8 Feb 1829; his daughter, Sara~
ing effigies of Alex. Stafford esq. of 1652, and Julian, Flower Adams, who is buried in the same vault, 1s:
his wife, ub. 1650: all the windows aTe stained and well known as the author of the hymn "Nearer, my-
ne memorials to members of various local families: God, to Thee," and other poems. A new police statiln
the pulpit, of marble and alabaster. is a memorial to was erected in the London road in :rgo8, with court
Mrs. Perry Watlington, d. 1886; the font has a hand- 11ouse annexed, v.hPre the Harlow Petty sessions are-
some carved pn::~midal cover, the g'ift of the rst Earl and held fortnightly. The Victoria Hall. in the Eury road.
nth Baron Ward of Dudley: the church was partly re- the property of a limited company, was erected ill"
sto-red in 185g, and the work completed in 1873• princi- r887-8, and will seat 300 persons. In 1886 a drinking
pally contributed by the late Mr. Perry Watlington, who fountain of iron was erected on the Epping road, by the
also erected the lych gate and St. Mary's Hall at a total inhabitants of Harlow, in memory of Mr. and Mr-,_
cost of about £8,ooo, and a choir vestry was added in Peri"y Watlington, of Moor Hall. Fairs are held on Nov
1894: there are sittings for 400 persons. The church- 28th and 29th. The general charities, derived fron11
yard was enlarged in 1900 by the addition of three land and other sources, and the Church charities amomjlt
quarters of an acre of land, given by the lord of the to about £2oo yearly, and other special charities to•
tnanor and the vicar. The re~isters date from the year about {,2o yearly. Almshonses were erected in 16_,'>
1814. the previous registers having been stolen. The by Jnlian, wife of Alexander Stafford esq. for fcur pocr
living is a vicarage, net yearly value £230, with 10 widows of this parish, and in 1716 other alm~hous1:~
ES::SE"'{ 19 •

were built near the Vicarage gate for four poor widows, The population of the ecclesiastical parishes in xgu
with moneys left by will of Mr. Francis Reeves, formerly was: St. Mary the Virgin (parish church), r,o88; St.
of Hubbards Hall. Crabb's almshouses, twa in number, John the Baptist, 1,255; St. Mary Magdalene, 637.
built in 1844, near St. John's church, were erected Sexton (St. Mary), Charles Hoy.
under the will of Sarah Crabb of Harlow for three poor
persons; MacLeod's almshouses, adjoining these, were POTI'ER STREET, MILL S'J'REET and HARLOW
built in 1846: and in 1864 other almshouses were built COMMON together form a large village in Harlow civil
for four poor persons, by the will of Mr. Perry Wat- parish, about 2 miles south, on the road to Epping, and
lington, of Moor Hall. Here are the kennels of the formerly possessed several potteries : this village is in-
Essex Foxhounds, Capt. Seymour F. Gosling being cluded in the ecclesiastical parish of St. Mary Magdalen,
master: the pack hunt four days a week during the formed July 7, 1865; the Common consists of several
season; Epping, Chelmsford, Ongar and Harlow are hundred acres, chiefly used as a grazing ground for
convenient places for hunting visitors. The Manor horses and sheep : here is a splendid avenue of elms. The
House, called Harlowbury, situated north of the parish church of St. Mary Magdalen, founded by the late Rev.
church, is an ancient building, modernized to some Charles Miller, vicar of Harlow, in 1834, is a building of
extent, and used as a farm house : it was for many stone, in the Decorated Gothic style, consisting of chancel,
years in the possession of the Barnard family, but is nave, vestry and a tower at the south-west angle, con-
now the property of Capt. B. W. Ethelston: in the taining a clock, presented in 1907 by the sons of the
grounds stands an ancient chapel, of Norman date, sup- Rev. Henry Elwell, to the memory of Mrs. Elwell, and
posed to have been used by the abbots of Bury St. 8 bells, hung at a cost of [,520, and dedicated on All
Edmunds: it is covered with ivy and has been con- Saints' eve, 1905: in r888 the chancel and vestry were
verted into a granary: the north door has a fine Nor- rebuilt, new choir stalls erected and the floor relaid:
man archway in good preservation. Moor Hall, the in 1893 the nave was rebuilt and the tower added in
seat of John Balfour eilq. i~ plea~Santly situated in r894-9S; the total cost of the restoration and the erec-
grounds of ISO acres. Capt. Robert Wicksted Ethel- tion of the tower was about [,3,6oo : the oak screen was
ston, of Boiling, Malpas, Cheshire, who is lord of the erected to the memory of the Rev. Henry Elwell M.A.
manor, also holds the manorial rights of Harlowbury; vicar here I877-19o8, and the stained east window is
John Balfour esq. of Moor Hall, Lord North, and L. J. a memorial to the founder : the church will seat about
W. Arkwright esq. of Little Parndon, are the principal 230 persons. The register dates from the year 1834·
landowners. The soil is various; subsoil, gravel. The The living is a vicarage, net yearly value [,2oo, in-
chief crops are oats, wheat and barley. The area is cluding 7 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of
4-,oos acres of land and 10 of water; rateable value, the vicar of Harlow, and held since xgo8 by the Rev.
_£15,7-+5; the population in 191 r was 2,980. James Dudley Elwell M.A. of St. John's College, Oxford
JPost, M. 0., T. &; Telephonic Express Delivery Office, PUBLIC OFFICERS.
High street. John Carmichael Whittaker, postmaster.
Letters delivered at 7.15 &; 9.20 a.m. &; 6 p.m. &; dis~ Clerk to the Parish Council, S. Deards
;patched for London & all parts at 10.2s a.m. & 12. IS, Collector to the Guardians &; Relieving Officer, Harlow
3.20, 5·55· 9.15 & 9-40 p.m. & for rural district at
District, Epping Union; Frederick William Gilbey,
5·45 & 9-IS a.m. & 5·45 p.m.; sunday delivery, 7 Potter Street
a.m. ; dispatched at 9·40 p.m Collector of Poor Rates, Miss E. J. Francis, High stree~
-Town Sub-Post & M. 0. Office, Churchgate street.- Clerk to Commissioners of Taxes, George John Creed,
Charles French, sub-postmaster. Letters dispatched High street, Harlow
Medical Officers &; Public Vaccinators, Epping Union.
at 7·45. 10 &; 11.30 a.m. et 2.30, 5.30, 7·45 & 9· IS Harlow & Sheei'ing & Magdalen Laver, Matching &
p.m.; Pundays, 9.15 p.m
.;,Post, M. 0. & T. Office, Potter Rtr~et. Benjamin Latton Districts, Thomas Montague Day L.R.C.P .
' Pavitt, sub-postmaster. Letters received from Harlow. Lond. ; Great & Little Parndon, Netteswell &; Roydon
Delivery commences at 7 & a.m. ; dispatched Districts, William Frank Lydstone Day :M.B., B.C.
· at 9-25 a.m. & 7 p.m.; sunday delivery at 7 a. m.; Carob. Roydon
dispatched at 9.25 a.m Registrar of Births & Deaths, Harlow Sub-district,
· 'Wall Letter Boxes. Potter Street, cleared at 9.30 a.m. Frederick William Gilbey, Potter Street; deputy,
William Henry Seeley, Fore street, Harlow
& 7·5 p.m.; sundays, 9.30 a.m.; M!!lberry Green,
Sanitary Inspector & Surveyor of Buildings No. 2 Dts-
.7·45· IO & u.3o a.m. & 2.45, S·30, 7·45 & 9·IS p.m.; trict, Epping Rural District, Waiter Beard, Bury rd
:1mndays, 9· IS p.m. ; Railway station, 8.2s a.m. & 2.20,
· :5· 15 & 9·45 p.m. ; no sunday collection
PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of services.
St. Mary's (Parish) Church, Rev. John Brereton
SESSIONAL DIVISION. Andrewes M. A. vicar & rural dean: Rev. Alfred Ber-
Todhunter Joseph, Kingsmoor house, Great Parndon, nard Herbert M.A. curate; 8.30 & I I a. m. & 6.30
Harlow, chairman p.m.; children's service, 1st & 3rd sundays in month
Barnard Edmund Broughton, Fairgreen house, Saw- at 3 o'clock ; u a.m. wed. & fri. ; evensong, 6 iD
tridgeworth, Herts winter & 7 in summer
Broke Lieut.-Col. Harry, Gladwyns, Hatfield St. John's Church, Rev. Frederick Peel Yates M..A..
Gilbey Guy, Sheering Hall, Harlow vicar; 8 & I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; week days, 7-IS &
.Gilbey N ~>wman, Mark Hall, H'<lrlow 7·45 a.m. & 7 p.m
. ,.Johnston Reginald Eden, Terlings, Gilston, Harlow St. Mary Magdalen, Harlow common, Rev. James Dud-
Lyall R;Jger Campbell, Hastingwood house, Harlow ley Elwell M..A. vicar; 8 & I I a. m. & 6.30 p.m. ; all
Todhunter Benjamin Edwd. The Wayre, High st.Harlow festivals observed g·enerally at 8
Usborne Henry Laurence, Rowneybury, Harlow All 'Saints', served by th!'l clergy of the parish church
.., Wood Field-Marshal Sir H. Evelyn V. C., G.C.B., Baptist, Rev. Percy F. Boyd; I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m.;
G.C.M.G., D.L. Millhurst, Harlow wed. 7 p.m
· Young Samuel, Mulberry Green, Harlow Baptist, Potter Street,
·',l'he Chairman of the Stanstead Rural District Council is 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7 p.m
an ex-officio magistrate Wesleyan Methodist, New road (North-West Essex
Clerk to the Magistrates, George John Creed, High Mission); Rev. W. Jessop Winter (supt.); n a.m.
.atreet, Harlow. & 6.30 p.m.; tues. 7 p.m
Petty Sessions held every alternate saturday at the Wesleyan Methodist, Threshers Bush (North-West
Police station at I I a.m. The places in the Division E:;s~>x ~fission) ; 6.3;> p.m
are Great Hallingbury, Little Hallingbury. Harlow,
Hatfield Broad Oak, Latton, Matching, Netteswell,
Great Parndon, Little Parndon, Roydon &; Sheering SOHOOLS.
St. Mary's College, established about 184o, a.t a cost of
PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. about £13,000, has an endowment by the Rev. E. C.
Custom &; Excise Office, Mulberry Green, William Helen, Taunt.on. late vicar of St. John's, for the education of
officer singing boys for the church of St. John's; it is a
Fire Brigade, Sam Deards, captain private school recognised as a secondary school by the
Police Station, Charles Rolph, inspector, I serg-f.'ant &; Board of Education ; there are at present 75 boys & 6
I I constables resident masters; E. Percival Horsey B.A., L.C.P.
Victoria Hall, Bury rd. Alfred Shipton, hon. sec. & mgr head master
Fawbert & Barnard's Endowed school, a little south of Public Elementary Schools.
the town, on the London road, is a modern building, Churchgate, built in rsso, for 357 children; average
with a residence for the master, & was enlarged in attendance, 16o boys & girls & 70 infants; Albert W.
:r897; it will now hold 218 children; a new building Webber, master; Mrs. Webber, girls' mistress; Mrs.
was erected in. 1912, for the purpose of teaching M. E. Eaton, infants' mistress
eooking, joinery &c. ; the classes are open to the
upper st•holars of the elementary schools of the dis- Church of England (mixed), erected in 1912, for 156
trict ; average attendance, I So ; was endowed by the children, at a cost of £soo on a site given by L. W.
late G. Fawbert esq. with between £7,ooo & £8,ooo, Arkwright esq.; average attendance, 146; Joseph
left at the disposal of the late John Barnard esq. for George W alsh, master
educational purposes, & now in the hands of trustees ; Railway Station, Frank Levett Nibloe, station master
F'rederick John May, master; Mrs. Emily M. Lowe, Conveyances to meet the principal trains, from George
mistress hotel

PRIVATB RESIDENTS: Edwards Frederic Chaplin, Faircroft, Morgan George, Scrubes •
Alexander George C. Campions Station road Pelly Alfred, W oodcote
Andrewes Rev. John Brereton M.A.. Edwards Mrs. Seeleys Pethybridge William James J.P.
(vicar & rural dean), The Vicarage Elwell Rev. James Dudley M.A. Cranbrook, Harlow Common
Aspinall John Bridge, New hall (vicar of St. Mary Magdalen), Popper Richard, Oldfield, Old road
Balfour John, Moor hall Vicarage, Harlow Common Radbourne Mrs. Harlowbury
Barkworth Frank, Churchgate street Elwell Chas. Vicarage, Harlow corn Radbourne Wm J. Westbank, Old rd
Barnard Miss, Marigolds, High street Elwell John, Vicarage, Harlow corn Richardson :Mrs. Hill house
Basham Fredk. Thos. Hubbard's ball Feare Jas. The Springs, Potter Street Robertson William, Chantry
Bonrke Hubert Edward Madin, Gamble Capt.Edgar Guy Hudson R.N Scruby Basil, Park house, Fore street
Feltimores Gosling Capt. Seymour F., M.F.H Shirley John, Harold lodge
Boyd Rev. Percy F. (Baptist), The Graham John,Kingston hall,Potter St Smith Richard Ernest, Atherstone
Manse, Park villas Hamilton James, Potter Street Swire John, Hillingdon
Cbaplin Fred'erick Wm. The Ferns Hart William Jackson, Roden house Thomas Col. Sir Godfrey Vign<lles
Charlton Mrs. The Kot, Bury road Herbert Rev. Alfred Bernard M.A. hart. C.B., D.S.O., D.L. Wynter's
Cockerell Geo.Norfolk ho.Harlow corn (curate of Parish church), South- Thorlby Miss, Southridge
Cowlin Alexander, Colinton, Bury rd ridge Todhunter Benjamin Edward JJ?.
Oowlin James Stedman, Craiglock- Hoare Geoffrey de Monteney Gerard, The Wayre, High street
hart, Bury road Meadham Vardy Misses, The Cottage, Bury road
Cowlin John Wm. St. Olaves,Bury rd Hodson Mrs. C. F. Beeches Welch Miss, Lilbourne
Day Francis N~wcombe B ...l., M:.B jHodson Mrs. C. M. The Cedars Whittaker John C. Gothic house
Day Thomas Montagu Horsey E. Percival B.A. St. Mary's Womack Robert, High street
Deards Sam, West house college Wood Field-Marshal Sir H. Evelyn
Denny Wm. Kent lodge, Potter Street Jagger :Francis Field Cunningham V.C., G.C.B., G.C.M.G., D.L .•
Dent George, Potter Street M.B. Fairfield. Station road J.P. Millhurst
Dixon Mrs. Mulberry Green Jones William, The Gables Wright Miss, Mill Hill house
Dnchesne Fdk. E. Bank ho.Station rd Last Mrs. Strathmore Yates Rev. Frederick Peel :M.A.
Edwards Arthur Bailey, Brewery McLean Wm. Richard, The Laurels, (vicar of St. John's)
house. Fore street Potter Street Young Samuel J.P. Mulberry Green
Creed Herbert Bricknell, solicitor & commissioner for
oaths & deputy clerk to justices, Harlow division &;
Early closing day, Wednesday. to commissiouers of taxes, High street
Ackland James, Railway hotel Crow Charles E. farmer, Hubbard's Hall farm
A.dams Thomas, grocer, High street Crowe Brian, farmer, Searles, Harlow common
Anderson James, farmer, Feltimores farm Davison William, insurance supt. Hart road
Archer Frederick, basket maker, High street Day Francis Newcombe B.A., M.B., B.C.Camb. surgeon-
Armor Charles, farmer, Potter Street Day Thomas Montagu L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. sur·
Armour George, jobbing gardener, Harlow common geon, & medical officer & public vaccinator, Harlow,
Bailey James, huntsman, Kennels "Magd&len Laver, ~ifatching,Sheering & Latton districts
Banks Albert Gearge, fishmonger, The Broadway Dearlove Frfderick W. outfitter, High street
Barclay & Company Limited, bankers (Frederick E. D~>nison William, tailor, High street
Duchesne, manager); open daily; draw on head Edmunds Jonn. William (Mrs.), farmer, Potter Street
office, 54 Lombard street, London E C Fire Engine Station (Sam Deards, captain)
Barker John & Son, watch makers, Station road Fothergill William, Green Man hotel, Mulberry Green
Barker Elizabeth (Mrs.). pork butcher, Broadway Francis E. J. (Miss), collector of poor rates, High street
Barker Henry, family butcher; guaranteed all Francis William. saddler & harness maker, High street
English meat, Market place Freemasons, Harlow Lodge, No. 2734 (George Ackerman
Barrack Fred, beer retailer, Back street P .M. sec.), Victoria hall
Bass Wm. caretaker Victoria hall, The Nook, Bury road French Charles, shoe maker, Post office, ChurcbQ'ate st
iJeard Waiter, sanitary ;nspector & surveyor of build- French William, carman, Churchgate street
ings No. 2 district, Eppmg Rural District, Bury road Furze Sidney J. farmer, Gravel Pit farm
Bishop's Stortford, Harlow & Epping Gas & Electricity Furze William M. farmer, Sewald's hall
Co. (William E. Deards, resident clerk & collector), Gadsden William, commercial traveller,Dalveen,Bury rd
Ash villa Geer Arthur James, st-ationer, High street
Blakaley Sidney, draper, High street Gilbey Frederick William, registrar of births & deaths
Blanks Arthnr William, wheelwright, High street &: relieving & •ac~ination officer &; collector to the
Broad William, farmer, Shonks farm -
Guardians, Rarlow district,Epping union,Potter Street
Brown Ernest Frederick, butcher, Potter Street Gregory Herbert A. shopkeeper, New road
Brown Frederick, farmer, Potter Street Raffer..den Harry, tobacconist, Station road
Brown Harry, farmer, Harlow Common Hardingo & Barge, ~onfectioners, High street
Brown Owen, Queen's Head P.H. Churchgate street Harlow Golf Club (F. T. Basham, hon. sec.),Harlow com
Cattell Charles, chemist, High street Harrington J. & Snn, maltsters
Chaplin & Co. brewers Hart William Jackson, solicitor, :Mulberry Green
Clark .A.rthur Charles, blacksmith, Mulberry Green Hasler Edward, boot maker, New road
Clark Frederick, baker, Potter Street Hatfield Broad Oak Water Co. Limited (William Jones,
Clark Philip, blacksmith & farrier, Station road sec.). Fore street
Clarke William. chimney sweeper Helen William, custom & excise officer, Mulberry Green
Cliff Sydney, G<'orge hotel 1 Herts & Essex Waterworks Co. Limited (William Jones,
Coleman Harry & Co. ironmongers, High street sec. &; manager), Fore street
Coleman John & Sons, ironmongers &c. Back street Holmes Charles. farmer, Moor Hall farm
Coleman William, coal merchant, Old road .Tacob & Archbell, grocer!!, Churchgate street
Collin.s William, cycle maker, Fore street Jagger Francis Field Cunningham M.B., Ch.B.Edin.phy-
Collins William, dairyman, Harlow Bush dairy sician & surgeon, Fairfield, Station road
Cook Henry Charles, hair dresser, Xew road Jefferies Albert, gardener to John Balfour esq. Moor hall
Cowlin James & Sons, builders, New road Jenkins John, income tax collector, High street
Creed George John, solicitor & commissioner for oaths Lane Waiter Henry, Marquis of Granby P.H. Fore street
& clerk to the justices &; to commissioners of taxes, Lines Leonard, hay & straw dealer, Potter Street
High street 1 Ling Henry, grocer, Potter Street
Ling Lilian (Mrs.), draper, Potter Street Scott Horace, l1aker, Potter Street
London County & Westminster Bank Limited (Bernard Scruby W. H. & Co. Limited, corn, seed & oil .cake
Barton, manager); (sub-branch) Station road (open merchants, High street. T N 6 Harlow
daily 10.30 to 3.30; saturday 10 to 12.:w p.m.); Seeley William H. baker, & deputy registrar of bittha
draw on head office, 41 Lothbury, London E C & deaths, Harlow sub-district, Fore street
Marreck Thomas William, saddler, Fore street Sell Edmund, coal merchant, Harlow IQill
~artin Stephen (gold medallist), refreshment rooms, Selmes George & William, butchers, High street
baker, pastry·cook, corn & meal merchant & seed 3lack Bertha ()fiss), private schl. 3 Victoria. vils.Bury rd
agent, Hygienic bakery, High street Smith Eliza Amelia (Mrs.), blacksmith, Potter Street
Monk William, cycle dealer, ..New road ;Smith Hena (Mrs.), masseuse, New road
Moore Waiter, butche1·, Back street Smith Waiter, hair dresser, Potter Street
Muffett Frederick Richard, fishmonger, High street Sortwell Harry, boot maker, Potter Street l
Nelson- Edmund, decorator, Potter Street :3pringharn John, shoe maker, High street
Newton Joseph &; Sons, builders, High street & Bury rd Steed William E. grocer, Potter Street
()ddfellows (Independent Order of) M. U. Loyal Mulberry Stevens John T. collector t-o Herts & Essex Waterworks
Tree Lodge, No. 3700 (Wm. B. Marfleet, sec.),Bury rd ' Co. Limited
Ong William John, boot repairer, Hig-h street Stevens Waiter Thomas, Red Lion P.H. Potter Streel;
Palmer Henry, King's Head P.H. Potter Street 3tubbings William, boJt dealer, Back street
Pavitt Benj. furniture dealer, Post office, Potter Street 3utton Arthur, coach builder & motor engineer, Station
Peacock Waiter, dentist (attends thursday), High street 1·oad. T N 49 Harlow
Peppiatt Arthur, Crown P.H. Market place Tate John, builder, Churchgate street
Perry James, coal merchant. Bury ro:Jd Thompson Frederick, cycle repairer, Potter Street
l'hillips Henry J. farm bailiff to John Balfour esq. May Victoria Hall Co. Limited (Alfred Shipton, hon. sec. &
field farm manager), Bury road
Poney Brothers, bakers, Potter Street W alsh Alfred, wine & spirit merchant, ale & stou\
..Potter Street Cricket Club (C. El well, sec. ),Potter Street bottler & agent for Ind Coope & Co.'s beers, High •'
i>remier Moat Co. Limited, butcher~. High street Weeks Robert James, White Horse P.H. Potter Street
Radbourne Richard E. ( exor:.. of), farmers, Harlowbury Willis Henry, farmer, Roffey hall
Read Georg.e Erneat, refreshment rooms, High street Winch Waiter, builder, Sheering road
.Reeve Marie (Nliss), milliner, High street Wink Charles, cab proprietor, Potter Street
:Rochester George Henry, fruiterer, Station road Wintpr John, beer retailer, Barnard·s Green
.St. Mary's College (private school, recognised as an Young Samuel & Son, family I!TOCE>rs, general drapers£'
efficient secondary school by the Board of Education) outfitters, china & glass, boot & shoe dealers, Mul-
(E. Percival Horsey B.A., L.C.P. head master berry Green. T N 9
..Savage Thomas William, draper, Broadway

HAROLD WOOD, see Hornchurch.


llA.RWICH is a n:;unicipal borough, seaport town and the Redoubt is the Beacon Hill battery, a modern fort;
watering place at the mouth of the Stour and opposit~ the Angel Gate battery, now practically dismantled,
the confluence of the Orwell, and with Colchester and is on the east of the town. Landguard Fort is on a
Oacton forms a joint county court district, in the promontory of the Suffolk coast, on the other side of
-North Eastern division of the county, Tendring hun~ the river.
dred, union and petty sessional division, and in the The harbour is the finest along this part of the coast,
rural deanery of Harwich, archdeaconry of Colchester providing for vessels up to 3,5oo tons register, with a
and diocese of Chelmsford, 41 miles north-east draught up to 24ft. 6in .
.from Chelmsford, 30 oost from Coggeshall, 21 north-east There are two lighthouses at Dovercourt, outside the
from Colchester, 12 east from Manningtree, 20 from Harwich harbour, in Mill Bay, to !l"Uard vessels from
.Ipswich and 71i from London, on a small peninsula, the "Andrews "-a sandbank, formin!l a bar at the
which admits only of a narrow approach. The town is mouth of the river from Landguard Fort to the Rolling
.~overned by a corporation, consisting of a mayor, four Ground, where there is good anchorage. Harwich is now
.aldermen, twelve town coun~illors and a high steward, the North Sea base for the ISt and 3rd Destroyer ftotillas,
with revenues amounting to about £u,ooo yearly. The and for a Submarine flotilla. Extensive improvement~
1Jorough is divided into two wards. were carried out by the Corporation, by the inclosur2
The borough, created by Edward II. in I3I8, includes, of land from the harbour and by forming quays along
{or municipal purposes, the parish of Dovercourt; it for- the whole north front of the town, with a pier adjoin·
merly returned two members to Parliament; but by the ing the same, approachable by vessels at any time of
"Representation of the People Act, 1867," the representa- tide: these improvements have been made under the
tion was reduced tLJ one member, and under the pro- powers of the " Harwich Improvement, Quays and Pier
visions of the "Redistribution of Seats Act, I88S.'' the Act of 1851." The Great Eastern Railway Company
iborongh was deprived of its separate representation and dfterwards acquired the piers and quays. An Act came
-merged in the county. into operation in 1863 for the improvement of the bar-
The town is \\ell situated, with a fine bold shore, and is hour, which is under the supervision of a Conservancy
41leasant and healthy: it is lighted with gas by a corn- board .
.pany, and supplied with water from the Tendring Hun- The Great Eastern railway (Harwich branch) was
-dred Water Works, at Mistley. During the summer opened in August, 1854· Steamboats run daily from
.steamers run to London, Yarmouth, Clacton and Walton- this port to Ipswich, Felixstowe and Shotley .
.on-the-Naze, and the town is much frequented as a Parkeston quay, fot'Dled by the Great Eastern Railway
o;watering place. Co. and opened for traffic in 1883, is situated upon the
Southward of the town is Beacon Hill, an eminence Stour, 2~ miles up the ri-ver, and wai constructed for
.tiepiirating the Orwell, or Harwich haven, from the arm developing their Continental traffic. This quay, with
-of the sea whieh extends to Walton-on-the-Naze. Between station and loop line, occupied four years in construe-
this hill and the town an esplanade Pxttmds for nearlv I tion, and cost about £soo,ooo. Although a little higher
a mile, commanding a delightful view of the harbour and up the river than the old pier, there is a savin~ of time
the German Ocean. In 1844, £so,ooo was granted by in starting from Parkeston quay. on account of the
Parliament for forming a breakwater from Beacon Cliff clearer course, and consequently the boat train leaves
to divert the current towards Landguard Point and also London later than hitherto. About 6oo acres of land
for dredging tne shoa~s at the entrance of the harbour, have been acquired by the company, the greater portion
in order to admit first-class vessels : additional r.um1.1 I reclaimed from the bed of the river by a curved
have since been granted for the same purpose and for j embankment 2! miles long; in the centre of the curve
.building a wall at the base of the cliff to prevent furthP-T J is the quay. The extension of the quay was carried
encroachment of the sea, and for forming a walk, out m Ign. The new portion is I,ooo feet long and
extending upwards of a mile, from the esplanade to the 129 feet wide. The whole quay is 2,810 feet long, and
-end of the breakwater. A little above the esplanade is affords berths for nine vessels, while nine are able to
the Circular Redoubt, remodelled in 186I-3, and beyond ' be moored in the river. The draught of water at the
()Id quay is from 14 to 16 feet, and at the new quay Shipping "of the· Port in 1912.
.and in the channel 20 feet. There are 32 cranes, elec- The- number of :British sailing and steam vessels t:\at
trical and hydraulic, one of which has a lifting power arrived at the port with cargoes, including their
.of 30 tons; others varying from 12 tons to 30 cwts. repeated voyagPs, was 28 of 23,944 tons.
The quay wall :iJ! formed by screw piles, those in The · number of Foreign vessels that arrived with
front being 2 feet in diameter, and those at the cargoes was 1,518 of 904,669 tons, and departed~ J,294
.back being I foot 6 in.; between them are concrete of !'!o3,o64 t(}nnage. -
.cylinders of seven rings each, and 9 feet in outside Of the number of sailing and steam vessel!) that
.drameter, sunk in pairs. There are 12! miles of entered the port, 69:1 came from the Netherland:s, 423
pill!s in the whole structure. On the quay are two from Belgium and 268 frorri Denmark (including Faroe
.goods warehouses, one 520 fel!t long by 100 feet wide, and Islands).
the other 440 feet long by 63 feet wide. .!. passenger In the general coasting trade 2,63r vessels, of 243,586
.ga~way 40 feet wide leads to the central buildmg of 350 tons, arrived with cargoes and in ballast, and 2,683, of
lfeet frontage, whieh serves for the station and hotel. ::6o, 152 tonnage, departed.
The quay is lighted by electricity from the Company"! The number of sailing and st!:'am vessels registered
otJtation, and there is a complete installation of fire- under Part I. of the "Merchant Shipping Act, 1894," as
preventing appal"atus. belonging to the port, on December 31, 1912, was 106,
Trade of the Port in 1912. of r2,049 tons.
The number of fishing boats rPgistered under Part
Exports.-The value of the principal articles of the
IV. of the !'ame .!.et was 42, requiring 96 men and
produce and manufactures of the United Kingdom
boys to work them. Fishing boats and their imple-
...exported was: Cotton piece goods, £366,274; woollen
ments are distinguished by the letters H.H.
:and worsted piece goods, £1,489,395; wooller~ and
Th9 church of St. Nicholas is a structure of white
llorsted yarn, £82,573; manufactured silk, £97,834;
-thrown silk, £61,288; skins and furs, j,1II,314; brick in a debased Perpendicular 11tyle, consisting of
wrought and unwrought leather (including boots and chancel, nave, aisles and an embattled western tower,
.shoeo:, g-loves and machinery belting), [281,835; leather with pinnacles and spire, containing 8 clock and 8 bells :
boots and shoes, £126,250; machinery, £362,457; hard- it was relmilt and enlarged in 1821: there are three
\\ are, £40,127; rubber goods (except apparel, water- partially-stained windows in the chancel, and there
i~ a tablet containing the names of the -vi'Cars of this
proofed and including boots and shoes and tyres and
tubes for earriages), £r5o,814; hats, [94,929; painters' church from 1336 to 1874: there are 1,500 sittings,
colors and material!!, £54·433 ; chemicals and chemical of which 1,ooo are free. The register dates from the
preparations, £22,204; medicines, £82,812 ; scientific year ISso. The living is 8 vicarage, net yearly value
instruments and apparatus and parts thereof (other than £r62. with residenc(', in the gift of J. E. A. Gwynne
~lectrical and including cinematograph films), £98,832;
esq. F.S.A. of Folkington manor, Polegate, Sussex, and
-electrical goDds and apparatus (except machinery), held since 1908 by the Rev. James Anderson Telford
.£53.724; printed books, £96,533; carriages of all sorts, M.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge .
[.126,250; furniture, £89,786; herrings, [120,272; The Catholic church, dedicated to our Lady of :Mount
beer and ale, £54,972; biscuits and cakes, £56,142; Carmel, on the main road to Dovercourt, is a sm~ll
total value of all articles, £6,390,689. edifice of brick in the Late Decorated style and was
The value of the principal articles of Foreign and built from designs of E. Welby Pugin, in 1869: it has
Colonial merchandise exported was: Butter, £83,353; 150 sittings.
-ornamental feathers, £178,856; ~<kins and furs, There is an iron church ab Parkeston, seating about
},799,136; horse hair, £r6,18o; sheep or lambs' wool, 150 pers-ons and a Wesleyan Methodist chapel, with 270
.£320,359; plaiting of straw and other materials, sittings .
_£9,319; thrown and spun silk, £34,931 ; silk, broad- Here is a Baptist chapel, erected in r821, with :a5o
stuffs. £17,781 ; woollen carpets and rugs, £79,540; seats; a Congregational chapel, built in 18oo, and seat-
leather, J;.z24,594; rubber, [120,718; machinery, ing 350 persons; a. Wesleyan Methodist chapel, erected
.£34,1i17; scientific instruments and apparatus and at a cost of £2,900 in 1829, since .enlarged, and ;now
parts thereof (other than electrical and including seating 500 adults and 6o children.
cinematograph films), £265,496; motor cars, motor The burial ground <lf St. Nicholas parish, at Upper
(:ycles and parts thereof, £20,237; tea, [32,203; total Dovercourt, was formed in 1855, covers an area of 9!
,·alue of all articles, [2,743,188. acres, 4~ acres having been added in 1912, and contains
Iml'orts.-The value of the principal articles imported a mortuary chapel; it is under the control of a Burial
'in 1912 was: Animal ivory, £185,564; artificial flowers, Board of six member;; .
.£147,674; bacon, £s,685,7ro; butter, £1,516,595;
margarine, £930,479; cheese, £109,807; prepared cocoa 'fhe burial ground at Parkeston, formed in January,
-or chocolate, £326,707; eggs, £1,319,423; condensed 1910, is about six acres in extent, and is under the
milk, £n6,3o2; fresh and refrigerated mutton, control of Ramsey Parish Council.
.£264,795; fresh and refrigerated pork, £151,929; The poor have about £4 yearly in fuel.
lrrsh and refrigerated beef, £23,6.p; unenumerated The Vice-Consul for several forei~ po-wers is
fresh, refrigerated and sJ.lted meat, £218,954; poultry resident here. · ·
"2nd g~me (alive or dead), £uo,958; refined sugar, There is a custom house, and the amount of revenue
..£90,444; raw vegetables, £98,279; fish of all kinds, collected in 1912 was £138,r6o. Here are also extensive
j,2oo,661; barley, £167,314; maize, [69,570; wine, bonding warehouses, belonging to the Great Eastern
£67,468; manufactured cotton of all li.inds, £r,930,143; Railway Company, and two branch banks (The Capital
-dye l>tuffs (other than dye woods) and substances used and Counties Bank Limited and Barclay and Company
'in tanning and dyeing and dyes obtained from coal Limited).
tar, [<;.o,744; apparel, £819,618; manufactured linen, The Coastguard Station buildings, finished in June,
.1.77·542; manufactured silk of all kinds, £412,446; 185'3, form a quadrangle of fifteen tenements, one used
<h"'wn and spun silk yarn, £239,349; sldns and furs .as the office of the district eaptain, besides a house for
of ·llll kinds, £256,o21 ; woollen and worsted goods of the chief officer.
-all kinds, £822,080 ; woollen and worsted yarn, There are several betels, namely :"The Great Eastern,"'
..£31,342; embroidEry and needlework, [.228,717; rf'opened in 1912 ; " The Three Cups," -where Admiral
'f .. athe.,.s and down, ornamental, £n2,039; boots and Lord Nelson stopped on several occasions, the room
shoPs (of leather), £44,509; (of india rubber), £27,242; which be occupied being still preserved in its original
lt>ather gloves, £365,913 ; manufactured glass, £2oo,48o; shte, and also "The Pier," all of which are good
-china, earthenware and pottery, £99,095; india rubber, houses.
£37•997; india rubber goods (except apparel, boots and H.M.'s ship "Ganges IT." is stationed at Shotley as a
-shoes and tubes and t~-res for carriages), £136,621 ;
training ship for youths; the Naval Barracks were
manufactuJ>ed iron and steel, £298,3-1-7; zinc, crutl~·- in erected at Shotley in 1906.
(:'lkes, £83,176; wrought metal, £78,o56; machmery The Masonic Hall, in Main road, a structure of red
-and parts thereof, - J;2~l,c65 ; , paper, of all kinc;ls,
brick, erected in 1886, was purchased in 1907 by the
£252,869; hardware, Z:ro~933 ; t>lants, shrubs, trees
-and ftower roots, £ 156,oq; -clocks and parts thereof, Harwich Masonic H\ill Co. Limited.
.£2221688; musical instruments. and parts thereof,. The drinking fountain of granite, in West street, was
£271,337; scientific instruments and apparatus and erected in 1904 at the cost of William Groom esq. J.P.
parts thereof (other than electrical and including The Green, adjoining the esplanade, about 2! acres in
-.cinematograph films), £316,516; electrical goods and extent, was le-ased in 1912 to the Corporation, who are
.<~pparatus and pait~ thereof (other than machinery), about to lay it out as a public pleasure ground.
£407,135; motor cars, motor chassis, motor cycles and Shipbuilding is carried on.
parts thereof, £302,520; to~·s and g-ames, £ 179,6II ; The fisheries employ numerous vessels and a consider-
~east~ .£ l'9~,g66 ; total value of all !J.rticlPs, £25,548,997. able trade is ca'rried on with Ipswich and Manilingtree.
The Royal Harwich Yacht Club, founded in 1843, has Grey Collier M . .A. of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge.
about 290 members, and holds an annual regatta, when and rural dean of Harwich. The vicarage b~use, neu
prizes are given by the club. the church, was erected in 1879-80.
The area is: St. Nicholas, uS acres of land, I of The Mission Hall, built and endowed by the late-
inland water and 79 of foreshore; Dovercourt, 1,412 Robert J. Bagshaw esq. and opened in 1874> will seat
acres of land, 10 of inland water and 549 of foreshore; about Boo per&ons, and has ante-rooms and large room&
the rateable value is : St. Nicholas, £16,449; Dovercourt, below: tablets have been .erected in the building by the-
£25,989. founder to his mother and sister, who were drowned ia
The population of the municipal borough and civil the river Hoogbly, off Calcutta, and to his wife.
parishes in 1901 was IO,Of'O, and in 19II, 13,622, viz. : - The Congregational chapel, in Cliff road, erected i~
St. Nicholas, 7,939; Dovercourt, 5,6B3. 1908, at a. cost of £, has 400 sittings. The Primi-
Included in the Harwich population were 33 in the ~ive Methodist chapel, High street, built in 1895, has
Circular Redoubt and B5 in the Married Quarters and 375 sittings, and another at Upper Dovercourt, erectell
2,391 on board ships, of which z,o6g were on 25 of in 1866, has 160 sittings. The Wesleyan Methodist
H.M. Ships, and in the Dovercourt population 48 in the chapel was built in 1905 a~ a cost of £r,g6o, and has
School for the Reception of Roman Catholic Girls who :260 sittings.
have suffered from Trachoma and 32 on board vessels. The Capital and Counties Bank Limited and Messrs.
Parish Clerk, Job Brewster, 27 King's Quay street. Bal'clay and Company Limit-ed have branch banks here_
New bead quarters for the Essex and Suffolk Royal
DOVERCOURT is a parish and fashionable watering Garrison Artillery Territorial Force were erected near
place, with a station on the Harwich and Manningtree the Main road in 19II, and comprise adjutant's office,.
branch of the Great Eastern Railway; it is divided armoury, orderly and recreation rooms, a drill hall
into Upper and Lower Dovercourt, the former being 100 by 50 feet, miniature rifle range and quarters for
about 2 miles south-west from Harwich, on the road the instructor. The Harwich Troop of A Squadron,.
to Colchester and both form populous suburbs to and Essex Yeomanry, also have an armoury and drill here.
are within the municipal borough of Harwich, in The Municipal Infectious Diseases Hospital was erected
the North Eastern division of the county, union of in r88o, and is available for 16 patients.
Tendring, county court district of Harwich, and in the The Harwich and Dovercourt Golf Club haTe a nine-
rural deanery <>f Harwich, arcbdeaconry of Colchestel' hole course, with a club house, near Parkes\on.
and diocese of Chelmsford; this improYing place is The Dovercourt Sports Club Limited have seven-
pleasantly situated and extends for 2 miles westward tennis courts and a croquet lawn, with a large clubo
along the south bank of the river Stour and more than house, at the foot of Lower Marine parade, near th&
that distance southwards by the sea coast, and has beach.
generally a southerly aspect, exhibiting a wide extent An estate of 28 acres and several houses, left a•
of varied and attractive scenery. The beach is well various dates prior to the Reformation and now pro-
adapted for bathing, being smooth and sandy, and is ducing about £120 yearly, is assign-ed t<> the repair and:
well supplied with bathing machines. beautifying of the church and all .such purposes as are-
There are several terraces of houses, a number of de- included in a church rate and is managed under a
tached villas and several good hotels, including the scheme ordered by the Charity Commissioners. £14
"Cliff," which has a concert hall, and the " Alexan- from Smyth's Charity, left in 1626 by Henry Smyth, of
dra," whkh has a ball room and tennis and croquet London, is annually distributed among the poor in coal~.
lawns; several building estates are now b.eing developed ; through the agency of a coal club of about 120 members.
many houses have recently been erected and many more Here is a chalybeate spring, formerly in great repute
are in course of erection. and posse11sing medicinal properties similar to the wateu
Facing the Marine parade is a fine marble statue of Her of Tunbridge Wells. The Spa grounds, with some si~
late Majesty Queen Victoria, and opposite the Railway acres of land known as the Oliffe House grounds, have
station is a drinking fountain, erected by ::VIrs. Elwell, been leased from the Woods and Forests departmen'
of Dovercourt. from February, rgro, for 30 years, by the Harwich-
A sea-wall has been built, protecting the sides of the Corporation. and have been laid out for the purpose!l-
cliff and guarding against the encroachment of the sea, of recreation grounds; there are reading and tea room~~
which breaks on this coast with the full force of the band stand, shelter &c.
German Ocean ; in addition to this a breakwater of A N. Garland esq. of "\Yoodlea, Burnham, Bucks, llbOr
Kentish rag has been constructed, extending 1,550 feet is lord of the manor, and the trustees of R. J. Bag-
into the sea and approaching within about a mile of shaw, are the principal landowners.
Landguard Fort, on the opposite coast of Suffolk; the Town Sub-Post &: ~L 0. Office, 67 & 69 High street,.
cost of the construction of the breakwater, together with Dovercourt.-John Bullock Willson, sub-postmaster.
t-he removal of the shoals or banks which obstructed Letters are delin~red from Harwich at 7 & 10 a.m. &:;
the free navigation of the harbour, was £132,ooo. Two
6 p.m.; bo:x cleared at 9 & :r>.r.3o a.m. & 2, 4·45• 7.30,.
lighthouses (mentioned above under Harwich) were
7·45 & 10 p.m.; on sundays, 7·45 p.m. Money orders
erected in rB62. granted & cashed from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Telegraph
The Undercliff walk, which extends more than a mile business from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Telegrams can btt
along tee shore, was completed at a cost of nearly handed in only at this office, & telegraph mont>y
£Io,ooo, by the late John Bagsbaw esq. and has since
orders are issued but not paid; open on sunday",
been continued about 1 mile further by the Chelmsford
8.30 to ro a.m. during Jun-e, July, .August .t
Land Co_ The maintenance of the entire sea wall has
now been transferred to the :Borough Corporation, who
have also acquired the whole face of the cliff and laid Post Office, Upper Dovercourt. "Yrs. Mary Ann Brown.
out ornamental gardens, which contain a band stand sub-postmjstress. Letters arrive from Harwich ai
and four shelters. · 7.20 & 10.30 a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; sundays, 7.20 a.m.;
The church of St. Augustine, Hill road, Lower Dover- dispatched at 7-20 & 11.30 a.m. & 7.10 p.m.; orr
court, partly built in 1BB3 on a site given by J. E. A. sundays at 9.25 a.m. The nearest money order .t
Gwynne esq. and consecrated in rB84, is a building of telegraph office is at Parkeston, 1 mile distant
red brick with stone facings, consisting of chancel, navt> Post & M. 0. Office, 39 Lee road.-Wilson Hardwick,.
of six bays, aisles and bell turre.t: it was enlarged in sub-postmaster. Colle-ctions, 8.30 & I I a.m. k 1.45",.
1888 and comp1eted in 1904 and will seat 530 perS<>ns. 4.3o, 7.30 & 9·45 p.m.; sundays, 7.30 p.m
The living is included with that of All Saints.
The church of All Saints, which is the mother church PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS.
of Harwich, is an ancient edifice of brick and rubble of Harwich Municipal Borough Hospital for Inft>ctians-
the 12th century, consisting of chancel and nave, south Diseases, Harold Gurney L.R.C.P. & L.R.C.S.Edin.
porch and an embattled western tower containing a medical officer ; "Yrs. G. Bultitude, matron
clock and 2 bells : there is an oak " poor man's box.'' Li!!"bthouse, Geor~e Dazely Pell, principal; John William
bearin~ the date 1589, with two locks and two ];;:eys: Hall, assistant keeper
~everal windows are filled with stained glass, includin~ Lighthouse (Gunfleet), George Proone, principal keeper
the west window, presented by the German Emperor in Pilot Office, Edward George Fisher, supt. BB High street-
1899: the church was restored in 1897 and afford~
11ittin2'S tor 350 persons. The lvch ~ate was ~iven b~ PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of services.
Her late Majesty Queen Victoria in Iilgg. The regi!l· St. Augustine's, Rev. Thomae Grey Collier M.A. vicar
ter dates from the year 1539· The living is a vicar- & rural dean; Rev. Cyril Meigh Rae, curate; 8 &; n
age, having been separated from Harwich in 1871. a.m. & 7 p.m.; tlaih·, 9-30 a.m. ; fri. 7·30 p.m
net yearly value £261, includiag 34 acres of glebe, with All Saints' Church, Rev. Thomas Grey {J{)llier M.A.
residence, in the gift of J. E. .A. Gwynne esq. of Folk- vicar & dean; Rev. Cyr:il M£'"igh Rue, curate;
ington, Sussex, and held since x88o by the Rev. Thomas 11 a.m. & 3 & 6.30 p.m
Congregational, Dovercourt, Rev. E. E. Greening ; 1 x the governors; James Valentine M.A. head master;.
a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. B p.m Herhert Meteyard B.Sc. mathematics & scwnce; Miss
Primitive Methodist, Upper Dovercourt, Rev. Luther .A.. Ffoulkes Jones B ..A.. modern languages; Miss ~­
Kemish; u a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7· 15 p.m Moncur M ..A.. English language &; literature; Miss J _
Primitive Methodist New Central Chapel, High street, Lloyd L.R..A..M. singing & pianoforte; Miss H. Davidr-
Rev. Luther Kemish; I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. son L.L.A. junior mistress; George Meacock B. Se.
1·30 p.m geography & mathematics
Wesleyan Methodist, Dovercourt, Rev. George Kirby
White; 11 a.m. &i 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS.
Mission Hall (undenominational), Rev. Arthur Frederick
G urney; 11 a.m. a. ... 7 p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m.; sa t . Upper Dovercourt (girls), built in 1863, for 97 children,.
8 p.m with an average attendance of 87; Miss M. R. Rudd,.
Harwich County High SchQol (Dovercourt) is a secondary mistress
day school, opened in 1910, having been constituted Lower Dovercourt (girls), built in 1874• for 122 chit-
under a scheme of the Essex County Council to provide dren; average attendance, 120; Miss Louisa Miller ..
a general education for boys & girls between the ages mistress
of a &; 17• The buildings, which are of red brick Harwich Central (boys), built in 1887 & enlarged in
with stone dressings, and stand in eight acres of 1900, for 420 boys ; average attendance, 388 ; George-
playing fields, will hold 140 pupils; the buildings T. Helsdon, master
include a large assembly hall, six class rooms, dining Upper Dovercourt (infants), built in 1894, for 150 chil-
room, laboratory, cooking room and manual instruc- dren; average attendance, 126; Miss Ethel Johnson,.
tion room. The school is managed by nine governors ; mistress
four repr~senting the Colchester District Education Lower Dovercour~, Second avenue (infants), built in
Committee · two the Tendring District Education Corn- 1895, for 150 children ; average attendance, 142; Mrs..
mittee &i three the Harwich Town Council; G. C. Hol- .
Amy Burton, mistress

land, Technical Institute, North hill,Colchester, clerk to I Railway Station, Abel Robert Flowers, station master


Post, M. 0. & T. & Telephonic E. D. Office. George Officers of the Corporation.

Christopher Mynett, postmaster, Church street Town Clerk, A.rthur John Hanslip Ward, 42 Church st
Out-going With extra Registered Borough Treasurer, .A.. B. Peake, 63 Church street
Mails. stamp. letters till Medical Officer of Health &i Medical Inspector of Schools-,.
London,lpswich&all parts 9.30 a.m. 9.40 a. m. 9.15 a.m Harold Gurney L.R.C.P. &; S.Edin., L.M., L.R.F.P.
London, Ipswich&allpart.s 12.15 p.m. 12.30 p.m. 12.0 p.m & S.Glas. Stour house, Marine parade, Dovercourt
London, Colchester, ditto 2.50 , 2.30 , Borough Surveyor, Inspector of Nuisances &i Building-
Colchester, Ipswich, Inspector, Francis Harold French, 41 Church street
Manningtree, Essex & Serjeant-at-Mace & Town Crier, Frederick Walford, ~~
Suffolk ..........•...•..•..• 8.30, 8.55, 8.15,, Station road
London &i all parts ......... 10.45 , u.o , 8.45 ,
One dispatch only on sundays, at 8.30 p.m. BOROUGH MAGISTRATES.
Cann Johnson Ernest, .A.lbemarle street
Incoming Mails. Elwell William Henry, Members' mansions, 36 Victoria
London, Colchester, Ipswich &i all parts, delivery by street, Westminster, London SW
postmen begins at 7 a.m Everard Harry George, Wellington house, St. Leonard's-
London &i all parts (day mail), 9.30 a.m road, Norwich
London, Ipswich & all parts, 5·45 p.m Gurney HaroJd, Marine parade, Dovercourt
There is only one delivery on sundays at 7 a.m Hill Robert, 34 King's Quay road
Telegraph business transacted from 8 a.m. till 8.45 McLearon William B. Naval house, King's Quay street
p.m. &; on sundays from 8.30 till 10 a.m Saunders Edward, Hill crest, Dovercourt
Inland Revenue licencPS issued from 8 a.m. till 8 p.m His Worship the Mayor, the Ex-Mayor &i His Hono11
Cycle messenger for Great Oakley, Little Oakley, Ram- Judge Tindal-Atkinson are ex-officio magistrates
sey &; Upper Dovercourt leaves at 6 & 9.30 a.m. Clerk, Arthur John Hanslip Ward, 42 Church street
Town Sub-Post & M. 0. Office, Albemarle street, New Petty Sessions held at the Town hall every tues. at Ia
rown. Johnson Ernest Cann, sub-postmaster. Box
cleared 9 a.m. 12 noon &i 2.15, 5.15, 8 & 10.15 p.m.; PORT SANITARY AUTHORITY.
sundays, 8 p.m Meets at the Town hall the last friday in March & Sept.
Post, M. 0. & T. Office, Hamilton street, Parkeston.- Chairman, William .A.ppleby.
Charles Howlett King, sub-postmaster. Letters Clerk, A. R. Peake, 63 Church street
through Harwich arrive 7 & 10 a.m. &; 6.15 p.m.; Medical Officer of Health, Harold Gurney L.R.C.P. &.
dispatched 7·45 &i II.15 a.m. & 1·30 p.m.; sundays, S.Edin., L.R.F.P. & S.Glas. Stour house, Marill&
arrive at 7 a.m. ; dispatched 6.20 p.m parade, Dovercourt
Post Office Telt>phone Call Office, 52 West str~t ; ~'lrs. Sanitary Inspector, Thomas Joseph Bell, 34 West street
J. E. Waterson, in charge Meat & Food Inspectors, C. S. Brookes & J. W. Melior,.
Parkeston Quay
1914-15. Conservators:-
Steward, Charles Hugh Berners esq. D.L., J.P. D. J. Cowles, representing the Treasury
Woolverstone park, Ipswich. H. J. W. Jervis esq. representing the Ip!wich Do«.lr.
Mayor-Edward Saunders esq. Commissioners
Deputy Mayor-Alderman William McLearon. Capt. G. C. Cayler R.N. representing the Admiralty
Commander W. H. Coysth R.N.R. representing the-

Aldermen. Board of Traae ·

Retire Nov. Retire I\ov. Capt. C. E. Monro R.N. representing the Board oJ!
Johnson Ernest Cann ... 1916 William Appleby ...... 1919 Trade
William 1\IcLearon.....• 1916 James Norman ......... 1919 Capt. Bobert Hoare, representing the Trinity House
E. Packard (chairman), representing the Ipswich Cor-
Councillor&. poration
St. Nicholas Ward. R. E. Free, representing Mistley & Manningtree Rate-
Retire Nov•., Retire Nov.
J. E. Cann, repres-enting the Harwich Corporation
Thomas John Denney.. 1914 Harold C. Spnrge ...... 1915 Treasurer, H. J. W. Jervis esq
David Wills .•............. 19141 Thos.Benj.Hill Jennings 1916 Engineer, Thomas Miller C.E. 9 Thoroughfare, Ipswich
Charles Hills ...........• 1915 William Vince ............ 1916 Clerk, G. D. Hugh-Jones; office, 42 Church street
Dovercourt Ward. Rates levied under the power of the .Act (r863) on all
vessels entering Harwich harbour from the sea, one-
Dick H. Appleby ...... 1914 Jn.Wm.Carlyon-Hughes1915 penny per ton (registered tonnage) ; vessels in ballast,
Walter Chas. Messenger 1914 Wm. Randall Clothier 1916 one halfpenny per ton for refuse ; yachts one hal~
John .Benj. Franklin ..• 1915 Edward Coombe ......... 1916 penny per ton; .Alexander A. Muter, harbour mast~
..\oditors, Herbert Booth k Ernest William Hunt Calver AI collect.or
NAVAL AND MILITARY ESTABLISHMENTS. Dovercourt, Elmstead, Peering, Fingringhoe, Ford-
H.M.S. "Ganges." ham, Frating, Frinton, Harwich, Great Holland, Groot
Training Establishment for Boys for Shotley Training Horkesley, Little H-orkesley, Kelvedon, Kirhy le
· Establishment. Soken, Langham, LawfoTd, Layer Breton, Layer-de-
Captain, George C. Cayley (Captain of Shotley Barracks la-Hay, Langenhoe, Layer Marney, Marks 1.'ey, East
& Senior Naval Officer Harwich) Mersea, West Mersea, Mistley, Mount Bures. Man-
Commander, Harold V. Dundas · ningtree, Messing, Nayland, Great Oakley, Little
.Chaplain &: Naval Instructor. Rev. Thomas W. lklbinson Oakley, Parkest-on. Peldon, Ramsey, Rowhedge, Saint
B ..A. (& for duty in Shotley Barracks a.s naval in- Osyth, Stanway, Salcot, Tendrin~, Great Tey, Little
structor) Tey, Thorpe-East, Thorpe le .Soken, Thorrington,
.Staff Surgeon, John V er don Virley, Wakes Colne, Walton-on-the-Naze, Wivenhoe,
Staff Paymaster, C. C. Boulton Wi:x, Wormingford, Great Wigborough, Little Wig-
For Shotley Training Establish:rn.ent. borough, W eeley & Wrabness
-commanders, Ernest H. Rideout &i .Adrian H. Smyth For Bankruptcy purposes this court is included in that
Engineer O>mmander, Erne<>t Crabtree of ColchPster; Frederick Messent, official receive?, 36
Captain R.M., Charles Shelton Princes strf'Pt, Ipswich
Chaplain, Rev. John Dauglish 1\LA Certified Bailiffs appointed under the "Law of Distress
Fleet Surg.eon, Christopher L. W. Bunton M.B Amendment Act," William Salter, Market place, Har-
.:Staff Sur~eons, Llewellyn Lindop & Bryan Pick wich ; Frederick Ros-~, 48 Church street, Harwich &;
"Fleet Paymasters, Edward W. L. Street & Henry M. Frederick J. Rose, 8 Church· street, Harwich
1Iead Schoolmasters, Georg·e Garrett, .Arthur W. PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS.
Holland & Philip H. Watts Admiralty, Droits yard, Quay, ~Iessrs. Groom &; Son,
Civilian Dental Surgeons, Percy Glaskin Richards .
rece1vers .
L.D.S.Glas. & Robert Sydney Ward L.D.S.Manch Board of Trade Labour Exchange, 69 High street (T N
COAST GUARD. 32 ), J. L. Elliott, manager·
Cemetery for St. Nicholas Parish, Upper Dovercourt,
No. I Eastern District. .Albert Richard Peake, clerk to the burial board i Geo.
From St . .Abb's Head, N.B. to a point 300 yards east- Pinner, sexton
ward of the root of the Eastern breakwater of the
New .Admiralty harbour at Dover • H. M. Customs :-Parkeston quay &; We~t street, Har-
Captain, Hon. Robert F. Boyle M.V.O., R.N wich; Collector, Charlt>s John B.eatty, Cliff road,
Commander, Charles T. Borrett Dovercourt; clerks, J. H. Newman, R. C. Beck, A.
District Paymaster, .Arthur J. Brows, Harwich E. Wailing- & B. Ho ward ; surveyors, Alfred N.
Coastguard Station, Quay side. Tavare & F. P. U>e; F. E. Thorns, J. Driscoll, B.
SamuPl H. Lynes, chief offioor, & 12 men G. Rees, .A.. R. Thatcher, E. J. Timothy, H. Blarney,
D. Cramond, G. S. WalkPr, D. Everatt, H. S.
MILITARY. Barber, T MacCreath & H. O'Connell, preventive
officers; J. W. Oldfield, emigration officer; Z. A.
AT H.ARWICH COAST DEFE~CES. Goldfinch (officer in charge at Harwich proper), A. B.
Commanding, Col. C. R. Buckle D.S.O Jennings, A. E. Go~ding & F. J. Hughes, preventive
General Staff Officer, Capt. G. H. Martin K.R.R.C officers
Instructor in Gunnery, Capt. H. St. G. Hamersley R.A Fire Engine Station, King's Quay street; thl' brigade
'Chief Clerk, Sergt.-Major (W. 0.) B . .Appleton R.A consists of captain & 16 men; Di:xon Hepworth, capt
ROYAL GARRISON ARTILLERY. Guildhall, Church street, Mrs. Ellen Medcalf, keeper
Lif.~ Boat Institution, J. Paterson, hon. sec.; Matthew
Commapding, Col. C. R. Buckle D.S.O Scarlett, coxswain of steam .life boat; Benjamin Dale,
District Officer, Lieut. J. W. Tompkins R.A coxswain of sailing life boat
.Instructor in Gunnery, Capt. H. St. G. Hamers1ey R.A Police Office, Church street, Alfred Medcalf, inspector;
13th Company Royal Garrison .Artillery. :q sergeants & 12 constables, including 2 sergeants at
Languard Fort. Harwich & I at Dovercourt & I constable at Ramsey
Major, W. Bowel Jones & I constable at Parkeston
ROYAL ENGINEERS. Shipwrecked Fishermen & Mariners' Royal Bent-volent
2rst Company (Fortress) Society; Hon. Representative, W. B. MC'Lea.ron, Naval
Commanding, Major St. G. R. S. Caulfeild R.E house, King's Quay street
Deputy Commissary of Ordnance, Capt. J. Sargent .A.O.D Admiralty Surgeon ~ Agent, Surgeon to the Trinity
Inspector of Ordnance Machinery, Major P. G. Davies H.ouse & Medical Officer to the Post Office, Ernest
A.O.D Frank Syrett M.D.Durh.; M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.
ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. Lond. Cairnmore. Marine parade, Dovercourt
.Medical Officer, Harwich, Harold Gurney L.R.C.P. & Agents to Lloyd's, Groom & Son, 40 Church street
L.R.C.S.Edin Assistant Overseers & Collectors, William Salter, Market
Medical Officer, Landguard, Lieut.-Col. J. Kearney place, Harwich & Frederick Joseph Mantle, 7 Waddes-
RA.M.C., M.D. (retd) don road, Dovercourt
Chief Insp-ector of Weights & Measures, Food & Dru!:!s
TERRITORIAL FORCE. Act & Shops Act & Official Sampler under "Fertili~ers
i:ssex Yeomanry (Harwich Troop of A Squadron), Main & Feeding Stuffs Act," Adam Ward, I North hill,
road, Dovercourt, Major E. Hill, commanding; Squad- Colchester
ron-Sergt.-Major F. Farrell, Colchester, drill instructr Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxes for the Borough,
Essex & Suffolk Royal Garrison Artillery; head quarters, George Baines, Bolton Crofts, Lower Marine parade,
Main road, Dovercourt. Staff :-Commanding, Col. Dov.ercourt
C. R. Buckle D.S.O.; .Adjutant, Capt. R. H. B. Clark Clerk to Harwich Snb-Committee of Esse:~: Local Pen-
R.G.A.; Chaplains, Rev. F. D. Pierce (T.D.) & Rev. sion Committee, Ernest Edward Randall, Town Clerk's
J. J .. T.elford M . .i. (T .F) office
Company :-No. I, Major F. G. Kalborough T.D.; Coroner for the Eastern Division, John Harrison
Sergt.-Major Ernest Flint, drill instructor M.R.O.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. 23 Bank street, Brain-
• tree; deputy, Philip S. Preeston, The Cl-ock house,
COLCHESTER, CL.ACTO~ & HARWICH JOINT Cressing road, Braintree
COUNTY COURT. Harbour Master & Collector of Dues, Capt. Alexander
His Honor H. Tindal-.Atkinson, judge; .Arthur John A. Muter, King's Quay street; deputy, Joseph William
Hanslip Ward, joint registrar & high bailiff; Fredk. Holmes, 3 .Alexandra road
J. Mantle, registrar's clerk; George Baines, assistant Pier Master. Edward Wm. Arnold,3r Park rd.Dovercourt
bailiff; office, 42 Church street ReQ"istrar of Shipping & of Naval Reserve & Shipping
'The court for the Harwich section is held bi-monthly Master & Receiver of "rl'~ck; Charles .Tohn Beattv
in the Guildhall; it comprises within its district the Registrar of Births & Deaths for Harwich Sub-District
following places : Aldham, Alresford, Ardleigh, & Marriages filr Tendrin~r District, Thomas William
Abberton, Beaumont, West Bergholt, Great Birch, .AirPy, n Station road, Doverconrt; deputy, Ernest
Little Birch, Bo:xted, Great Bentley, Little Bentley, W. H. Calver, :q Macdonough terrace, Main road
Bradfield, Brightlin!!sea. Great Bromley, Little Superintf'ndent Registrar, Tendring District, .!.rthur
:Bromley, Chappel, .Copford, Great Clacton, Little John Hanslip Ward; deputy, Thomas Stayte, 4a
Clacton, Clacton-on-Sea, Dedham, East Donyland, Church street
Stewards for the Sokens (including the parishes of Joseph HenPy Annear, master; Mi::.s Hephzibah John-
Kirby, Thorpe & Walton), Messrs. Bi!anmont' &: S~ns,: son, infants' mistress
solicitors, Coggeshall · , Council, Bathside (girls & infants), built in 1895, for
Sub-Commissioners of Pilotage, Charl-es John Be-atty,l 200 infants & 150 girls; average attendance, I53 in-
Capt. Daniel Howard &: Capt. Alexander .1., )lutor 1 fants &; 159 girls; Miss E. Lool;:er, girls' mistress;
· Miss )I. Wigley, infants' mistress
PLACES OF WORSHIP, -with times of Ser\-ices. Council (girls & infants), Main road, built in 1896, for
See also Dovercourt, p. 29 6. · z.p girls &: 218 mfants; average attendance, I78 girls
· ·& 165 infants; :VIi"s Ada Pickwell, girls' mistress;
St. Nicholas, Church street, Rev. James Anderson 'l'el- :Miss Laura Emma Browne, infants' mi,tress
ford M.A. vicar ; Rev. Gordon Albert Grab am c ·1 p k d · 8 b ·1 · f
Th.A.K.O. curate,· 8 & II a.m. &; & p.m,, ., daily, \ ounc1. ar ·t!ston, erecte 1n x88 , re u1 t 1n 1903, or
3 7 250 boys, 300 girls & 255 infants ; average attendance,
6 p.m.; thurs. 8 p.m. ; wed. & fri. II.3.0 a.m.; 130 boy;;, II2 girls & 102 infants; William W. Bud-
saints' days, 8 a.m · son, master; Miss A. E. Burst, girls' mistress; Miss
Parkestoa lro11 Chur~h, !'erved by the clergy of Ramsey; ~1. M. Bottomley, infants' mistre"'s
I I a.m. & 6.3o p.m.; thurs. 7·3° p.m ' Catholic School, Main road (mixed & infants), for 70;
Catholic Church of Our Lady of Mount Carm~l, Rev. averarre attendance, 6o; ~Iiss Elizh. Neville, mistress
Alfred W. Clements, priest; sunday mass~· 8.30 & "
10.30 a.m.; benediction, 6.30 p.m.; mass, -daily, .8 ~EWSP APERS.
a.m.; benediction on fri. 7 p.m.; holy days, mass,,
~.30 & 9.30 a.m. ; benediction, 7 p.m Harwich & Dovercourt Standard. 13 Chmch street. Mu.
Baptist, King's Head .street; I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; J. R. Watson (exors. of), publishers; published sat
thurs. 7.30 p.m Harwich & Dovercourt Newsman, 5-4 Church st. George
Congregational, West street, Rev. Frederick Ed-win Langley Jackson, proprietor & publisher; pub. sat
Robinson; I I a. m. & 6.30 p.m. ; tues. 7.30 p.m
Wesleyan Methodist, Church street ; 10.30 OO~VEYANCE.
a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7.3op.m Re\'. ·G. Kirby Great Eastern Railway; continental department, Com-
we~leyan Methodist, Parkest.on ; I I a. m. & White 1 mander W. H. -coysh R.N.R. marine superintendent,
6. 30 p. m. ; wed. & s<lt. 7 10 p. m ~

' Parkeston quay; C. S. Whyatt, assistant marine
Salvatifln Army Citadel, George street; 7.15 &:: 'II a.m. s11perintendent; Ernest William Tyzack, station
& 3 & 7 p.m.; mon. & sat. 8 p.m master, Parkeston; Ernest H. Simmons, station mas-
SCHOOLS. ' • ter, Har\l ich
\Vater Conveyance. Steamboats from the pier, to & from
Education Committee, consisting of IS members, ap· Ips-wich, Felixstowe & Shotley, six times daily during
pointed 30th Sept. 1903. · the summer & twice a day during the winter;
Meets at the Guildhall the last tuesdav •
in each month. steamers daily from Parkeston to Antwerp (except
Secretary, George Dempster Hugh-Jones, 42 Church st sundays & Christmas day), & daily to Rotterdam;
School Medical Officer, Harold Gurney L.R.C.P. & S. twice weekly, weds. & sats. to Hamburg & Esbjerg,
Edin., L.R.F.S.Glas. Stour house, Marine rarade, mon. voed. fri. &; sat
Dovercourt Can•it>rs to lpswich.-Daniel Hogg & Waiter Ladbrook,
Attendance Officer, Miss )label Kerry, 22 l\Iaria street, daily
Harwich ~Iotor Omnibu<:es to & from Upper Dovercourt every
Council, Esplanade (boys & infants), for 26e> boys & 213 half-hour from 7.30 a.m. to 7 p.m. ; sundays, seven
infants; average attendance, 20-4 boys & 174 infants ; times during the day
• •

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Greenwood Wm. Ashley ho. Maria st Sargent Capt John, Ordnance house
Buckle Col. Christopher Rrg-inald Hill Robert, 34 King's Quay road Telford Rev. James Anderson M.A.
D.S.O. Government house, Welling- McLearon William B. :Xaval house, (vicar). 'fhe Yicarage
ton road King's Quar street Tye John, 6 Macdonough ter.Main rd
Clements Rev. Alfred ·w. (Catholic), Paterson Jn. Bank ho.King's Quay sl Wells Thomas, Salisbury ho. Main rd
Main road Rose Frederick, Clare house, Main rd Whyatt Charlt>s Sidnt'y, 1 Colber rd.
Graham Rev.Gordon Albt. Th.A.K.C. Salisbury Rev. Gibson L.Th. (curate Parkeston
(curate of St. Nichola'<), Clifton of Ramsey), 'C'na road. Parkeston
house, Fernlea road Salter Wm.7 Macdonough ter.Main rd
CO!BIERCIAL Braund John Wilton, Garland hotel, Garland rd.Parkestn
Early closmg day, Wednesday 1 p.m. Brewster Job, parish clerk, 27 King's Quay street
Brewster Thomu, baker, 9 St. Austin's lane
Aldis Thomas, boot repairer, 7 Market place· • Brooks Harry David, hair dresser, 3 King's Head street
Alexander H. C. A. outfitter, so Church street : Brooks John, corn merchant, Quay
Army & Navy Co-operative Society Limited. (The) ; Brown Andrew Jas. Trinity pilot, Harbour view,Main rd
• agency office (John Cummins, port agent), 44 Church Brown Joseph, shopkeeper, I I Hamilton street, Parkeston
street. T N 50 : Burch Robert ~orman, fruiterer, 56 King's Quay street
Baker James Dear, baker, 14 West street Bussey Bertie Ed~tud, Three Cups commercial & family
Baker William, marine store dealer, Albemarle street hotel. Church street. T N 82
Balls Harry Joseph Samuel, Duke of Edinbm:gh P.H. Calver Ernest William Hunt, deputy registrar of births.
65 West street . deaths & marriages, 3 Macdonough terrace, Main road
Barclay & Company Limited, bankers (sub-branch). (Park Calver Susan Emma (~lrs.), glass &. china dealer, 17
Hubbard, manager), 12 Church street; draw 9n head King's Quay street
office, 54 Lombard street, London E C Cann J. & H. barge &. boat builders, ship chandlers &c.;
Barker John, confectwner, I I King's Quay street patent slip, Bathside. T N 5
Barnard Ethel (Mrs.), tobacconist, Current's lane Cann George, plumber, see Garling & Cann
Barnes Edward, egg dealer, 5+ King's Quay street Cann Johnson Ernest, grocer, & sub-postmaster, Albe-
Barrett & Co. blacksmiths, West street marle street & Albert street
Barwood Harriett (Mrs.), beer retailer, 5 Church street Capital & Counties Bank Ltd. (branch) (John Paterson,
Bell Thos. Joseph, port sanitary inspector, 34 West st manager), King's Quay street ; draw on head office,
Bennett Emma (Mrs. ),refrshmnt. rms.37 King's Head st 39 Threadneedle street, London E C
Bernard Ellen (Mrs.), naval outfitter, 2 St. Austin's la Carnie Thomas W~st, antique furniture dealr. Market J!l
Bevan & Son, pharmaceutical chemists, 62 Chu.rc;h st Carter John, watch maker, x8a, Church street
Blay Wm. F. Ltd. builders & contractors, Main .road Chamberlain Charles, shopkeeper, 25 West street
Bloice Alfred John, hair dresser, 14 King's Quay street Chambers Edward John, boot &; shoe repr. Albemarle st
Bloom Ernest & J ames, harness makers, 17 West .street Chambers Fredk. Wm. King"s Head P.H. 8 Market st
Bloomfield Herbt.Wm. fried fish shop,36 King's llead st Coastguard Station (Samuel H. LynPs, chief officer),
Blosse Minnie Alice (Miss), tobacconist, 57 Chqrch st Quav side
Blovce Charles Waiter, hair dresser. Mari!'l street Coates. 0-wen G. mu;;ical instrument dlr. 61 Church st
Bodgener & Co. outfitters, 52 Church street , Cale Loui;;a (Miss), dre::s maker, 2 West st. Main road
Borrett Ann Elizabeth (:\Irs.), plumber & paii).ter, 6 Conservative Association (Harwich Division) (George
King's Head street - Smith. hon. organising sec.), 32 Church street
Bosworth John William, Pier hotel, Quay .. Cooper George, china &c. dealer, 14 King's Head street
Rrakes Harry, res. electrical engr. Power statn.Parkestn Cooper Percy Girling. tailor, 9 Market street
Branch Frederick, basket maker, 3 Fernlea ter. Main rd Cooper Robert, apartments, I George street
Costick John Thomas, jun. butcher, 18 Church street llarwich Electric Palace (Charles Thurston, proprietor).
County Court (His Honor H. Tindal Atkinson, judge ; King's Quay street
Arthur John Hanslip Ward, joint registrar & high Harwich Harbour Conservancy Board (Thomas Mme..
bailiff; George Baines, assistant bailiff), Guildhall; C. E. engineer; G. D. Hugh-Jones, clerk); office, ..p
office, 42 Church street · Church street
County Police Station (Alfred Medcalf, inspector), Guild- Harwich Masonic Hall Co. Limited (Albert Bicharll
hall. T N 32 Peake, sec.); reg. office, 63 Church street
Coysh Commander William H., R.N.R. marine supt. Hatton Frederick, boot repairer, 35 King's Head street
Parkeston Hay hoe Eliza (Mrs.), greengrocer, 16 Church street
Crane Brothers, china &; hardware dealers, 19 Church st Haylett William, butcher, Albemarle street, New town
Cresswell Robert, baker, 12 Market street Hepworth W alter, yeast importer, 14 George st. T N ~8
Crisp William, boot repairer, 4 Church lane Hill Robert & Son, coal merchants, New Quay
Curtis Arthur, fishmonger &; poulterer, 14 Church street Hills Charles Louis, Anchor P.H. Bathside
Curtis Maria (Mrs.), refreshment rooms, 28 West street Hills Edward, sail maker, 70 West street
Custom House (Charles John Beatty, collector; Z. A. Hogg Daniel, shopkeeper, Ingestre street, New town
Goldfinch, officer in charge),Parkeston quay &; West st Home &; Colonial Stores Limited, 23 Market street
Cutting Henry Robt. brewers' agent, Hamilton st.Parkstn Howard Ann (Mrs.), draper, Garland road, Parkeston &.
Dale Robert, greengrocer, 16 St. Austin's lane confectioner, Hamilton street, Parkeston
Dawson Henry Tyrrell, Angel P.H. Quay Howard Charles, boot maker, 69 West street
Day John,master mariner, 2 Macdonough ter. Main road Hubbard Park, manager of Barclay &; Company's Bank,
Denney Thomas John, fishmonger, 8 Current's lane 12 Church street
Dennis Charles, cycle agent, 39 Princess st. Parkeston Ilugh-Jones George Dempster, solicitor & notary (firm.
Dorman Harriet (Mrs.), beer retailer, 65 Church street Ward, Hugh-Jones & Ward), & clerk to Harwich Bar-
Dowdy SidneyErnest M.P.S.chemist,Garland rd.Parkestn hour Conservancy Board, sec. to the Education Com-
Dunningham Alfred Wells, sawing mills, Bathside mittee & clerk to the Immigration Board for the Pori
Durrant John Edward Bridgwater, grocer, Garland rd. of Harwich, 42 Church street
Parkeston Hughes Ernest George, beer retailer, 10 George street
Easter Henry William, Ship inn, 4 King"s Quay street f!:umble Elizh. J ane (Mrs.), confectnr. 9 King's Quay st
Easter Mary Ann (Mrs.), fishmonger, 51 King's Quay st Hydraulic & Electric Power Station (G. E. R.) (Harry
Eaton James Ernest, Spread Eagle P.H. 75 West street Brakes, resident engineer), Parkeston
Elwood John, boot maker, Hamilton street, Parkeston Hynard John, wardrobe dealer, 63 West street
Ennels Tom, fruiterer, 57 West street International Tea Co.'s Stores Limited, 4 Market street
Everett Joseph Charles, cartage contractor, 42a, King~s Jackson George Langley, printer & stationer & pro-
Quay street prietor & publisher of the " Harwich & Dovercourk
Everitt Charles Edwin, Royal hotel, Market place Newsman," 54 Church street
Farnell Waiter, boot maker, 13 Market street Jarmain Stanley, f'ycle agent, 67 West street
Fire Engine Station, King's Quay street Jennings HenrJ, fish salesman, 49 King's Quay street
Poster Manufacturing Co. Limited.hose supporter manu- Jennings Thomas, Duke's Head P.H. 22 Church street
f.acturers, Foster road, Parlieston. T .!. "Foster, Kerry Mabel (}liss.),school attendance officer,22 Maria st
Parkeston;" T N 45 Harwich Kettle F. & Son, mineral water makers, Bathside
Francis Hector J. London tavern~ 21 Church street Kettle William & Son, tailors, 14 Market street
French Francis Harold, borough surveyor, inspector of King Charles Howlett, grocer & sub-postmaster, assist-
nuisances & building inspector, 41 Church street ant overseer & clerk to Ramsey Parish Councii,.
Gane Geo. Wm. & Son, fishmongers, 51 King's Quay st Hamilton street, Parkeston
Garling & Cann, plumbers, 8 King's Quay street King Thomas Richard, cycle agent, 13 St. Austin's lan&
Garton Frank, Elephant &; Castle P.H. I I West street Knight Alfred, painter, 23 Station road
Garwood Alfred Ernest, wardrobe dealer, Albemarle st Ladbrook Waiter, carrier, 26 King's Quay street
Gas Works (Harwich Gas & Coke Co.) (George Baines, ;Lamb Arthur Robt. hair dresser, Garland road,Parkest®
sec. & manager), Bathside. T N 10 Larke Albert, Globe P.H. 5 King's Quay street
Geffers Edward, tailor, Alexandra road 1 Lawrence William, shopkeeper, Albemarle street
Goodall Alfred, White Hart hotel, George street Leggett William Miles, fishmonger, 68 West street
Gosling Waiter, Royal Oak P.H. 22 Market stree·t Lewis Wm. Geo. builder, 33 King's Qnay st. &; Bathsilf&
Gould Henry William, baker, 6 King"s Quay street Libe-ral Club (Waiter Farnell, hon. sec.), West street
Great Eastern Hotels (Henry Christian Thomas Amendt, Life Boat Institution (J. Paterson, hon. sec.; Matthew
manager), Harwich (T A " Gerotel, Harwich ; " T N Scarlett, coxswain of steam life boat ; Benjamin Dale.
31 Harwich) &; Parkeston coxswain of sailing life boat)
Green William & Son, goods agents Great Eastern rail- Lipton Limited, naval contractors, I I St. Austin's lane-
way, 32 King's Quay street London Central Meat Co. Ltd. butchers, 56 Church st
Greenwood William Bowler & Sons, butchers, 7 & 18 Lucas James John, carpenter, Stour road & 8 Coke st
Market street (T N 36); & at Garland road, Parkeston Lusby Joseph, upholsterer, George :;:treet
Greenwood Frank Stanley, Wellington P.H. 18 King's Lynes Samuel II. chief officer Coastguard station,.
Quay street Quayside
Grice & Son, grocers, 20 Market street McLearon William Blenkinsop, ship builder, King's Qua'J'
Griffiths William Thomas, pilot, 3I King's Quay street street. T N 95
Groom &; Son, timber, cement &; general merchants & Masonic Lodge (No. 650, Star in the East) (M. L.
sawing mills, &; Lloyd's agents, 40 Church street (TA Sanders. sec.), held at the Masonic hall, Main road,
"Groom, Harwich;" T N 7); &. at Pattrick's wharf, 2nd tnesday in every month 6 p.m. except June, July-
. Dovercourt & August
Groom John Bax, vice-consul for Belgium, Denmark, Masonic Lodge (No. 3399, Hanslip Ward) (A. R. Peake,
German Empire, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Russia, sec.), held at the Masonic hall, Main road, last mon-
Spain &; Norway, 40 Church street day every month, except June, July & August
Guild Hall (Mrs. Ellen Medcalf, keeper), Church street Masonic Lodge (No. 413,Mark Master Masons) (W. Jnbn-
Gunn Daniel &; C-o. tailors, Market street stone, ,sec.), held at the Masonic hall, Main road, las'
Gurney & Syrett, physicians & surgeons, 27 West street thursday in January, April, July & October
Harrison Harry, plumber, I Wellington road ::\<Iasonic Lodge (No. 650, Royal Arch Chapter) (W. John-
Harvey James H. Half Moon P.H. 15 St . .Austin's lane stone, sec.), held at the Masonic ball, Main road, 1st"
Harvey Maria (Mrs.), greengrocer, 12 St. Austin's lane monday in March, June, September &; December
Harvey William, carter, 8 St . .Austin's lane Meachen James, master mariner, 15 Maria st. New tow!)
Harwich Barge Alliance Insurance Association Limited Mead Bert, baker, 24 Church street
: A.lbert Richard Peake, sec. ; W. T. Whitmore, sur- Medcalf Alfred, insp~:>ctor of police, Church st. T N 3Z"
veyor), 63 Church street Middleton & Son, ship chandlers, 10 King's Quay stre~>t
Harwich & District Conservative &; Unionist Working Miller William Limited, naval contractors, 9 & 10 King'~>'
Men's Club (W. Ennels, hon. sec.), 32 Church street Head street. T N 25
Harwich & Dovercourt Newsman (George Langley Jack- Moss Ernest, photographer, Main road
son, proprietor & publisher; published saturday), 54 Mulley Alfred, shopkeeper, I Albert street
Church street Munson Benjamin, builder, Ferndale road
Harwich & Dovercourt Standard (J. R. Watson (exors. Muter Capt . .Alexander .A. harbour master & collector of
of), publishers; published saturday), 13 Church st dues, King's Quay street
Harwich, Dovercourt & Parkeston Co-operative Society Mynett Geo. Chrish'. postmaster, Post office, Church st
Limited (M. Deal, sec.), 17 & 20 Church street (T N Nalborough & Sons Limited, wholesale importers & M-
I5 Harwich) & West !!treet; Adelaide street, Parkes- porters of provisions, George street. T A "Nalbro,..
ton ; High street & Grafton road, Dovercourt Harwich ; '' T ~ 9
Neale Frederick Cooper, beer retailer, 34 King's Head st 1 Smith G~>orge Samuel, fishmonger, 31 Church street
Newman William, Coach k Horses P .H. 2 Church street Smith Job, carpenter, East Gate street
Newton Ernest E. builder, Main road. T N 22 Smith Reuben, boot maker, 55 West street
Nightingale Albert, baker, Garland road, Parkeston Smith Richard Henry, fruiterer, 70 Church street
Offord .Ann {Mrs.), coal dealer, Parkeston · Smith Sydney Albert, fruiterer, 21 Market street
Parietti Emily (Mrs.), refreshment rooms, 17 :Yarket st Spurge Edward & Son, drapers 20, & furniture broken
Parkeston Cemetery (Charles Howlett King, clerk to the & dealers 2, Market street
Burial .Authorit~·), Parkeston Stayte Thomas, deputy supt. registrar, 42 Church street
Parkeston Horticultural Society (E. W. Tyzack, hon. Stead & Simpson Limited, boot makers, 53 Church .st
sec.), Parkeston Stevens Thomas Wm. beer retailer, 57a, West street
Parsons S. & Co. house furnishers, Market house Stocks John, tobacconist, IS King's Quay street
.Parsons Alfred Chaser, watch maker, 19 :Market street Stoppani Donato, refreshment rooms, I I & 12 King's
Parsons Augustus William, watch maker, 6o Church st Head street
Paterson John, manager Capital & Counties Bank Ltd. Sutthery & Wortley, solicitors, 48 Church street (toes.
Bank house, King's Quay street only); & at Chelmsford
Pattle Robert, butcher, IS Market st. & .A.lbemarle st Tann Frederick, Duke of Norfolk P.H. 13 King's Quay st
Peachey Waiter, apartments, 78 West street Thomas .Alfred Sargent, insurance agent, 31 Fernlea rd
Peake Albert Richard, house agent, borough treasurer, Thurlow Stanley Frank, pianoforte tuner, 14 Fernlea rd
clerk to the burial board & t<1 the Harwich Port Sani- Tornelli Giovanni, restaurant, 25 Church street &
tary Authority &; Harwich Barge Alliance Insurance 6 Market street
Association & collector of taxes, 63 Church st. T N 3 Frederick, pork butcher, 5 Market street
.Pennick & Sons, sail makers, Bathside Trinity House Stores (W. J. Rees, keeper). George st
Pennick Emma (Miss), greengrocer, 16 Market street Turk Brothers, naval outfitters, 5 King's Head street
Plumb Harry, pork butcher, 23 Church street Turner Mary .Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 73 West street
Randall Ernest Edward, clerk to the Harwich sub-corn- Tyzack Ernest William, station master, Parkeston
mittee of Essex Local Pension Committee,42 Church st {"nited Shipping Company Limited (The), Parkeston
Raspison Eliza Ann (Mrs.), confr.I Hamilton st.Parkeston quay, Parkeston. T .A "Neutral, Parkestonquay"
Reed John, Alma F.H. 25 King's Head street Vince William, boot maker, Market place
Biver Plate Fresh Meat Co. Ltd. butchers, Current's la Walford Elisha, bal>er, 76 West street
Ro'binson Esther (Mrs.), refreshment rooms, 61 King's Walford Frederick, town crier k sergeant-at-mace, I3
QuaT street Station road
B.ogers Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Garland rd. Parkeston W:1lker Waiter, draper, Market street
Rose Fredk. estate agent & certified bailiff, 48 Church st I
Ward, Hugh-Jones & Ward, solicitors & notaries, 42
Rose Frederick John, accountant, 8 Church st. T N 34 Church street. T N 84
Bowland Henry, fried fish dealer, Garland Id. Parkeston Ward Arthur John Hanslip (firm, Ward, Hugh-Jones &
Royal Harwich Yacht Club (J. Paterson, sec.), The Ward), solicitor, & commissioner to administer oaths
Great Eastern hotel in the supreme court of judicature, town clerk, clerk
Royal Navy Sailors' Home & Institute (~liss Beatrice D. to the magistrates, registrar & high bailiff of the
M. Leathes, proprietress), 7 King's Head street county court & clerk to the guardians & assessment
Rudlen Ellen (Mrs.), Packet P.H. 43 West street committee of Tendring union & superintendent regis-
Salter William, auctioneer, valuer, house agent, fish trar "Of births, deaths & marriages Tendring district &
salesman; sales by auction oi every description; & clerk to the Tendring Rural District Council, 42
assistant overseer & certified bailiff, Market place Church street
'Saunders J.A. Ltd.ironmongrs.55 Church st.& Parkeston Ward Harold Matthias Arthur ~LA. solicitor (firm,
£copes Alice (Miss), teacher of music, 4 Grove houses, Ward, Hugh-Jones & Ward), 42 Church street
Albert street Ward John Thomas, hair dresser, 3 Church street
Scopes Edith (Miss). dress ma. 4 Grove houses,Albert st Warner Julia (Mrs.), fishmonger, 2 King's Quay street
Seago Henry John, fishmonger, Hamilton st. Parkeston Wasserman Samuel, draper, Current's lane
'Sealey Waiter, jobbing builder, 42 Fernlea road Watson J. R. (exors. of), printers & stationers &;
flelf John, ironmonger, 12 King's Quay street publishers of the "Harwich & Dovercourt Standard,"
Sharp William, fruiterer & greengrocer. 10 :Market st 13 Church street
Shipwrecked Fishermen's & Mariners' Royal Benevolent Welham Arthur, beer retailer, I I George street
Society (W. B. McLearon, hon. agent), :Xaval house, Went William, boot maker, 3 Market street
King's Quay street Whitaker Edward James, naval outfitter,King's Quay st
flimmons Ernest H. station master, Harwich station Whitmore William Thomas, barge owner, 5 Mac-
Simpson John, New Bell inn, Market place donough terrace, Main road
Singer Sewing Machine Co. Limited, IS Church street Whyatt Charles Sidney, asistant marine supt. Parkeston
'Skinner Harry, marine store dealer, Bathside Wills David, baker, 59 Church street
Slater James, beer retailer, 17 & 18 George street Wilson Matilda (Mrs.), shopkeeper, .A.lbemarle street
'Smith W. H. & Son, booksellers, Railway station & Woodward Robert M.P.S. chemist, I Market street
Railway station, Parkeston Wortley Stamp LL.B. solicitor (firm, Sutthery &
'Smith Alfred, carpenter, Alexandra road Wortley), 48 Church street (tnes. only)
'Smith Frederick, hair dresser, King's Quay street


Carlyon-Hughes John William, ~Iill Derry Mrs. Deneholme, Fronks road
house, Main road Dixon Joseph, 7 Cliff road
i\mos Sydney H. Stour lodge, Main Carter Lieut. &; Corn. Gilbert, Tre- Dodd Willie, Fort view, Main road
road, Upper Dovercourt I gothnan, Fronks road Donovan William, 9 Cliff road
..A.ppleby Wm. 2 Trinity ter. Fronks rd Cave Geo. Desborough, Seafield road Dorton Mrs. I3 Cliff road
.Archer Arthur L. Nyanza, Main rd. Chilver James Thomas, St. Peters- Dowdy Sidney, 1 Belton viis. Hill ro
Upper Dovercourt burg, Fronks road Driscoll John, 42 Cliff road
1Jaines George, Bolton crofts, Lower Clark Capt. Robert Henry Brent Dunningham .Alfred, 36 Cliff road
Marine parade R.G.A. Bryn-y-:Mor, Fronks road Dunningham Mrs. 35 Cliff road
Baldwin Sam, Sandholm, St. George's Clarke Miss,Lodge frm.Up.Dovercourt Evans Mrs. Cartref, Marine parade
avenue Collier Rev. Thomas Grey M.A.{vicar Everard Miss, 2 Belton vills, Hill ro
Beck Rudolph Charles, 33 Cliff road of Dovercourt & rural dean of Farthing James Charles, I Pembroke
Bentley John Thomas, 4 Milton villas Harwich), The Vicarage-, Upper villas, Station road
Blenkinsop Mrs.Clifton ho.Marine par Dovercourt Fenner Wm. Lyndhurst, Main road
Boyle Capt. Hon. Robert Francis Coombe Edwd . .Affane,St.Michael's rd Fernyhough Frank, Koladyne house,
M.V.O., R.N. Stourwell house, Cooper-Brown William, 8 Cliff road St. George's avenue
Orwell terrace Coverdale Henry, The Look-out, Forster Mrs. 25 Cliff road
Brake9 Harry, Rookery farm, Upper Fronks road Francis Hector Jn . .Alberta, Main rd
Main road Coverley George Arthur, Rosemount, Gann Lieut. Sidney Thomas Edward
Brennan Mrs. 48 Cliff road Upper Dovereourt R.N.R. Marrawah, St. George's av
Brooks Charles Norman J .P. Mill bay, Coysh Commander William Henry Garnham Misses, Devereux,Fronks rd
Marine parade R.N.R. Rosebank,Upper Dovercourt Godfrey George, 7 Kingsway
Brown Engineer-Lt. Albert Richards, Crosby Frederick George, Hillside, Graves Capt. Percival Hope D.S.O.
Londesboro' lodge, Fronks road Fronks road The Lodge, Upper Dovercourt
Campbell Samuel Marcus Dill M.B. Dare Rear-Admiral Charles Holcombe Greening Rev. Ernest Edward (Con-
Glenleary, Marine parade M.V.O. 7 Onell terrace gregational), Clifton h~s~h~\ia£~~ .....
&t:.' r-a,..._ • ----

Grice Mrs. Gonville, St. ~Iichael's rd, Meynell Joseph Leopold, Kingsway Sher~Tood Robert, 2 Westfield villas,
Gurney Harold, Stour ho. Marine par 1 house, King'sway )lain road
Hagley Miss, 12 Cliff road ':\!iller John Edward, I Westfield vils. Smith Jn. Wm. Kingsville, Fronlrs rd
Hamersley Capt. Hngh St. George, I
Cliff road
i Upper Dove'rcourt
. :\filler Miss, cj Orwell terrace
Smith Miss, Cz.rlton lodge, Fronks rd
Steven~on Alexander, 38 Cliff road
Hayles Graham, Capital &, Countie<; l Moor Mrs. 30 Cliff road Stone l3arnard l\loye,Llangford, Upper
Bank house, Kings way ! M organ J osepb, Battneys,St.:\llichael's :\-lain road
Henderson Mrs. 4 Trinity terrace I road Svrett Ernest Frank M.D. Cairnmore,
Hepworth HaywaTd George, The IMorr!s Charles Edward, 5~ Cliff ro~d ·Marine parade
Grange, Upper Dovercourt :\[orns Robert Charles, Elsmore, )1am Thompson William Ward, 10 Cliff rd
Hepworth Whalley Can·er P. Moor- I road, Upper Dovercourt Thornhill Saml. Hy. Upper Main rd
ings, Marine parade ! Muter Capt .. Alexander A. Erewhon. Tidswell Rev. Samuel W., M.A. Hare-
Herrington Mrs. Cynthia vil.Beach rd I Franks road wood, .:vrarine parade
Hubbard Park, l3arclay's Bank house, Nalborough Misses,rCleve vils.Hill rd Timothy Edward Jsph. 2 Kingsway
Kirigsway i Nalborough Frank G. 2 Cleve villas. Tricker George Albert, 2 Norman ter-
Hugh-Jones George Dempster, Knuts- Hill road race, Fronks road
ford, Fronks road ~eville Miss, Inglenook, Elmhurst rd Turton Edward, 5 Beach road
· Hurst George Edwin, The Beeches, Nicholas William Papineau, Horsford Tyler Geo. Wm. Barmouth, Fronks rd
St. George's avenue Lees, Fronks road Valentine James :\f.A. School house,
Jackson Ernest Montague M . .A. The. Norman Jas. Mount Pleasant,Main rd Main road
Tower, Main road Olivieri Neville Hyde, St. Paul's, St. Vaux Mrs. 14 Orwell terrace
Kemish Rev. Luther (Primitivr Michael's road Vincent-Brown Frank Geo.60rwell ter
Meth.), Westward Ho! Franks roa<i Osborne Mrs. Forster, Holly lodge, Wallin!:f Albert Edward, Lamorna,
Knowles Henry Waiter, 4 Cliff road Kingsway · Franks road
Lake Ardley Benjamin, 8 :\1arine par Oxenham Robert John, Rhyn house, Ward Col. Arthur Johu Hanslip V.D .•
Lambert David, I Challenger villas, St.'s avenue D.L. The Gables, Marine parade
Hill road Oxenham William, Shepperton, Elm- Ward Harold Matthias Arthur M.A.
Lang Capt.Conyers R.N. 3 Orwell ter hurst road 15 Cliff road
Leatherland Alfred, 6 Kingsway Paskell Mrs. 3 .:Xorman ter. Franks rd Ward Robert Sydney, 4St.George's av
Lee Frank Percy, Woodlands·, St. Panzera Col. Francis William C.M.G. Warren Henry, 18 Cliff road
Michael's road 2 Cliff road Watling H. Steward, White Gables.
Long Miss, The Bungalow, Beach rd PeacockWm.Mans£eJd,Malmo,Main rd Fronks road
Low William .!ugustus John, Cran- 'Peake Albt.Richd. Dunheved,Main rd Wells Mrs. I Anglesea villas, Hill rd
brook, Franks road Pulling-er Fdk. Geo.Risdons,Fronlis rd White Rev. George Kirby (Wesleyan
~icCowatt William, Strathleven, St. Rae Rev. Cyril Meigh (curate), 25 Methodist), Osborne house,Main rd
Michael's road Third avenue Wood Geo. Greystoke,St.Michael's rd
':\Ianners Lieut.-Commander Errol Randall Ernest Edward, 40 Cliff road Wood-Robinson Rev. Thomas B.A.
R.N. Shamrock, St. Michael"s road Richmond Mrs. Johnson, 5 Cliff road (chaplain & naval instructor H.M.S.
~Iartin Capt. Gerald H. ro Orwell ter Robinson Rev. Frederick Edwin (Con- Ganges II. ), Kirton, Franks road
~Iathew Gervase F.,R.N. (paymaster- gregational}, 12 Orwell terrace Woc<iward Robert, 4 Marine parade
in-chief, retired), Lee house, Sach Alfred, Egerton, Main road Wrate ;.;hn Henry, 5 Marine parade
Marine parade Sage Mrs. 4 Norman ter. Fronks rd Wright George Reuben, St. Albam,
:\Iatthews Mrs. 44 Cliff road Sanders Martin Luther, 1 Milton viis St. :\Iichael's road
~{ead Chas. Violet villa, Fronks roau. Saunders Edward, Hill crest, Main rd

COMMERCIAL. Brown ::)fary Ann (Mrs.), sub-postmistrss. Up. Dovercrt

Early closing day, Wednesday. Brown William Erlgar, fruiterer, 57 H:gh street
Budgen Francis Henry, house decorator, 3 Clifton ter-
Ainger Frank, beer retailer, Upper Dovercourt race, High street
~inger James, wood sawyer, Upper Dovercourt Bunn Alfred ErnPst, pilot, Glenrnore villa, High street
Airey Thomas Wm. relieving officer & collector to the Byles William Alfred, printer, 43 Victoria street
guardians for Harwich, & registrar of births & deaths Caldwell & Powell, fancy repository, go High street
& vaccination officer for Harwich sub-district, Tend- Campbell Samuel :.\farcus Dill M.B., B.S.Edin. physician
ring union & registrar of marriages for Tendring & surgeon, & medical officer & public vaccinator rst &
district, I I Station road , 2nd districts, Tendring union, Glenleary, Marine par
Alexandra Hotel & Concert Rooms (Carl Rosinsky, mgr.), Capital & Counties Bank Limited (branch) (Graham
Marine parade. T A "Alexandra, Dovercourt;" T N Hayles, manager), High street; draw on head office.
o85 Harwich 39 Threadneedle street, London E C
Allard Harry William Robinson, boot & shoe mal>er,. 25 Carter George, apartments, 3 Elm ter. Fronks road
Brooklyn road Cash Stores (The) (William W. Thompson, proprietor).
Alien Edward Herbert, ironmonger, 93 High street grocers, 66 High street
Alien Ernest Edward, watch maker & jeweller,77 High st Cemetery (Albert Richard Peal;:e, clerk to burial board;
.ippleby Dick Haylett, King's .Arms P.H. 59 High st. George Pinner, sE'xton), UppE'r Dovercourt
T N oroo Harwich Chandler Arthur William, pilot, 5 Kingsway
Archer Charles .Alfred, insurance agent, 25 Lee road C'hoat Sarah Hannah Mrs.), aparts.r Clifton ter. High st
_\rnold Edward William, pier master, 31 Park road Clarke Harry, grocer, Fronks road
Bailey Bella (Miss). shopkeE'per, Upper Dovercourt Claxton Arth. 1Ym. shopkpr. 65 Manor rdXp.Dovercourt
Baines George, county court bailiff & clerk to the corn- Claxton Fredk. apart~. Glenr.airn, Lower Marine parade
missiorters of taxes, Bolton crofts, Lower Marine par I ('laxton John Henry, apartments, Vetia villa, Nelson rd'
Banks Kathleen ()irs.), apartments, Coniston, Main rd Clothier William Randall, pilot, Edenwood, Fronks road
Barber William, apartments, Alexandra villa, Kingsway Cobb Levi, builder, ro~ Hi!:!"h street
Barclay & Company Limited, banl;:ers (branch) (Park Cockin Sarah (Mrs.), apartments, 2 Milton villas
Hubbard, manager), Kingsway; draw on head office, Colman Florence (:Mrs.), apartments, 4 Beach road
54 Lombard street, London E C Cook Henry, pilot, 4 Kings·way
Barker William, hnir dresser, 8 Vine ter. 'Cp.Dovercourt Coombe JamE'1<,pianoforte tuner,L'lncashire ho. Beach rd'
BE>atty Charles John, collector of customs, registrar of Cooper John George, house decorator, Sea£eld road
shipping & of Xaval Reserve & shipping master & Co-operative Institute Reading Room & Library (M~
re("eiver of wreck & sub-commissioner of pilotage, Deal, sec.), High street
Cliff road Crosby George, market gardener, Upper Dovercourt
Bedingfield Robert :May, pilot, The Elm~, Franks road Curlf' AlfrE'd, shopkeeper, Upper Dovercourt
Bell James Wallace, pilot, .A.rgyle villa, High strf'et Curtis Arthur, fishmong-er & poulterer, o8 High street,
Rensley Walter Charles, grocer, Kingsway Dains H'lr"iet c~rrs. \ apartments, I I Cliff road
Bloice Edwin Jamrs, tailor, 27 Lee road D~le William, m::~ster m!'l.riner, M'leldune, Kingswa'\"
Blornfield Emily (Mrs.,~ewton ho.Fronl;:s rd Dennant FredPrick & Harriet (Mi5s ), glass & chin~
Blosse Oliver Thomas, tobacconist, q High ~treet dealers, Station road
Bcrgg-is Arthur, insurance agt. Station cot. Kin~s"·ay DPnnev Thos Jn fi<hmon~r. 8r High st. T N 6 HaT~ich
Booth Herbert & Co. auctioneers, Sea view, Main road Desmond Mary (:\!Irs. ). apart~. 2 Clinon terrace, Hig-h $t
'Bowden Loveday (Mrs.), apartmf'nts, 40 Kingsway Dixon Joseph L.R.C.P. & S.Edin. physician & snrgeon,
Bcrn:ick l3enJamin John, pilot, Kia Ora, Franks road 7 Cliff road
1hoihe '\Villiam Thoma<>, assistant superintendent Pru- Dominican Convent & Conv'llP~crnt Home for C1Ji1rlren
derflial .A.ssurancP Co. Limited, 9 Gwynne road ('<ister \IT"Y AugnstinP, ~upP'i"'rP••). r & 2 Or~Tell tel."
lb:own .Ellen (Mrs.), blacksmith, Upper Dovercourt Dorton Douglas. White IIorse P.H. Upper Dovercourt
Dovar~urt Bowling Club (F. 0. Heslop, hon. sec.), • Harwich & Parkeston Football Club (E. W. Roper, hon.
Marme parade sec.), Main road .
Dovercourfi Sports Club Limited (Basil J. S. Carlyon- Hayles Graham, manager of the Capital &; CountieS<
Hughes, hon. sec.), Lower :Marine parade. T N 41 Bank Limited, High street
Harwich Helsdon George, pilot, Burleigh, Fronks road
Dowdy Sidney Ernest M.P.S. chemist, 78 High street Heslop Frank Oswald, boot & shoe dealer, 79 High st;
Downes & Sage, builders, High street Hicks Waiter, shopkeeper, 24 Gwynne road
Dunn William & Sons, butchers, 37 Lee road Hobbs Frederick George, upholsterer, 8 Orwell terrace
Dunn James, butcher, 74 High etreet Hogg Ellen (Mrs.), dress maker, 38 Lee road
Dunn William, greengncer, 72 High street Holland Annie Elizabeth (Mrs.), -apartments, 32 Cliff r<J
Dunn William Norman, greengrocer, 46 Lee r.oad Holmes Ann Jane (Mrs.), baker, IS Lee road
Dunningham George, wheelwright, Manor road, Upper Holmes Joseph William, deputy harbour mas\er, 3
Dovercourt Alexandra road
Eastern Drug Co. (George Cave, proprietor), chemists, Horne Benjamin, dairyman, Ocean Wave farm
97 High street • Horne J.,sse, butcher, 6o High street
Ecclestone James, pilot, Warden Home, Fronks road Howlett John Arthur, hair dresser, 48 High street
Ellmer Robert, apartments, Tormead, Franks road Hubbard Park, manager Barclay's Bank, Kingsway
Ennels Sarah (Mrs.), apartments, 28 Cliff road Hunt Harry, pilot, Napier, St. George's avenue
Essex & Suffolk Royal Garrison .Artillery Territorial Hunter William Philipps, boot & shoe dealm-, 58 High st;
Force (Col. C. R. Buckle D. S.O. commanding; Capt. Huson Waiter Ozias, pilot, Wynyard, Fronks road
R. H. B. Clark R.G.A. adjutant; No. 1 Co. Major F. Independent Order of Good Templars (Star of Hope
G. Nalborough; Sergt.-Major Ernest Flint, drill in- Lodge, 2513) (James Manu, deputy grand chief
structor); head quarters, Main road templar), held at Primitive Methodist school room,.
Everett Fred Wm. Phoonix hotel, Lower Marine parade High street, ev~ry mon. at 8 p.m
Evernden Mary (Mrs.), apartments, 27 Cliff road International Tea Co.'s Stores Ltd. grocers, 95 High st.
Fergusson James. dairy, Station road Ipswich Nurses' Home (Dovercourt branch) (Miss R
Firm an .Arthur J ames, carpenter, 106 ·Manor rd. Upper Carley, supt. ), 3 Kingswav. T N 33 Harwich.
Dovercourt .Jackson ErnPst Montague M.A. preparatory school for
Fisher & Woods, builders, Elmhurst road boys, The Tower, Main road
Fisher Albert Ernest, pilot, Jesmond, Fronks road James Wm. haberdasher, Manor rd. Upper Dovercourt
Fisher Edward George, supt. of pilots, Pilot office, 88 Jessup William Gordon, apartments, 2 Marine parade
High street. T ~ 29 Harwich Jewson & Smith, clothiers, 103 High street
Fisher Mary Matilda (~lrs. ), apartments, I Norman ter- John son Ernest, market gardener, Upper Dovercourt
race, Fronks road Johnson James Richard, apartments, 4 Pembroke villa~;~,.
Flint Serg-t.-Major Ernest. drill instructor No. I Corn- Station road
pany, Essex & Suffolk Royal Garrison Artillery Terri- Johnstone Clam (Mrs.), apartments, 6 Cliff
torial Force, The Armoury, Main road Johnstone William John, travellin~ draper, 46 Cliff roacl
Flowers .Alwl Robert, station master, Railway station Judge William, apartments, Elmhurst villa, Fronks rd
Flowers Nellie (Miss), boarding house, 10 Marine parade Keeble Harry, apartments, Blenheim house, Beach road'
Ford Frederick John, apartments, Q Marine parade Kemp Robert Frederick, pilot, Torrens house,Fronks rlf
Forster Annie & Florence (Misses),private schl.25Cliff rd Kindred .Alice Elizh. (Mrll.), aparts. Polkyth, Main road.
Gage Joseph, refreshment roome, High street King Joseph, apartments, 4 Elm terrace, Fronks road
Gann Sidney Thomas Edward, pilot, Marrawab, St. King Samuel Jameos, builder, Bella Vista, Fronks :road
George's avenue Lambert David, tailor & outfitter, 82 High street. T N
Gant Jo.c:;E>ph, farmer, Pound farm, Upper Dovercourt 12 Harwich
Gant William (exors. of), farmers, Smythies farm & Last Wiltliam, boot mab:r, Upper Dovereourt
Dove House farm, Upper Dovercourt; & at Ramsey Lawrance William, Royal Oak inn, Main road
Garnett Louisa (Mrs.), apartments, 6 Station road Liberal Club (F. J. Polley, sec.), Assembly rooms
Gieve, Matthews & Seagrove Limited, naval outfitters, London Central Meat Co. Limited, butchers, 56 High st.
Kin~s'way. TA "Uniform, Harwich;" TN 17 Harwich Lucas Ellen (Miss), apartments, 7 Beach road
Girdlestone Herbert, decorator, Garthewin, High street Lucas Thos. Edwd. Durrant, aparts. Brelland,Fronks r<f
Gladwell Rhoda Elizabeth (~Irs. ), dress maker, H<>'lly Lusby Joseph, upholsterer, 27 Nelson road
cottag-e, High street McBurnev Sarah (Mrs.), apartments, 29 Cliff road
Goff Hy. aparts. I Manor viis. Main rd. Up. Dovercourt Mantle Frederick Joseph, assistant overseer & collector..
Gooding Alice (Mrs.), apartments, 3 Cliff road 7 Waddesdon road
Gordon Charlotte (.Mrs.), apartments, .'i Orwell terrace Mastaglio Antonio, restaurant, 89 High street
Go'ltling William, cbimney sweeper, Toll~te cottages, MPssenger May (Mrs.), apartments, Blue House fa1m,.,
Upper Doverco11l't Upper Dovercourt
Grant Lonisa (Mi'ls), apartments, Stratton, Fronks road Meynell Joseph Leopold L.M.S.S ..A.Lond. physician &t
Graver Albert, supt. to Pearl Life Assurance Co. Ltd. surgeon, Kingsway house, Kingsway
3 Pembroke villas, Station road Middleton Alfd. & Co. coal mers. 7 Clifton ter. High si;;
Grav Wm. Fredk. & Hy. refrpshment rms. Marine par Miller A.nnie (Mrs.), aparh. Ocean view, Main roa.d
Green Annie (Mrs.), apartmentc:;, 14 Cliff road Miller John Edward M.R.C.V.S., F.R.I.P.H., M.B.S.I.,
Green Frank William, insurance agent, 36 Oakland road F.V.M.S. &c. veterinary surgeon, & veterinary in-
Green Frederick William, pilot, 3 Mal'inll parade spector Board of Agriculture & Fisheries, :r Westfield
Greenwood Wm. Bowler & Sonl'l, butcher!'!, 84 High st villas, Upper Dovercourt
Hrice & Davy, art needlework depot, !lo High street Moor Flora (Mrs.), a parts. Macassar house, Fronks rd.
Gric!l & Son, grocers, Orwell house, Hi!rh street Moutell Philip, market gardener, Upper Dovercourt
Groom & Son, timber, cement & general merchants & "Tunday Fred. tailor, 121 High street
sawing mill'l & Lloyd's agents, Pattrick's wharf ~Yewman Anna (Mrs.), apartments, Oakley, Fronks road"
Gross Wm. Alfred, marlu•t g-ardener, Upper Dovercourt Xewman Robert, apartments, 2 Walpole villas, Main rd:
Gurney Harold L.R.C.P. & S.Edin., L.R.F.P. & S.Glas. Xew 'l'own Estate Offic~ (Ernest Francis Cottingham.
phvsician & sur~eon (firm, Gurney & Syrett), medical agent), 6"! Hi""h street. T N 8" Harwich
officer of health to the Boroug-h & to Port Sanitary Xorman Ellen (Miss), apartments, 16 Cliff road
Authority & medical officer to the Borough Education :Nunn William, Trafalgar P.H. Upper Dovercourt
CommitteP, & in charge of troops at Harwich & Packer Emily Mary J ane (Mrs.), Cliff hotel, Marine par
inspector & medical officer under the "Aliens Act" of Parsons S. & Co. house furnishers, 83 High street
the Port of Harwich, Stour house, Marine parade Paskell Henrv, apartments, 10 Cliff road
Rail Jn.Wm. assist.lighthouse kpr.Trinity cots Fronks rd Paskell Hora.ce, insurance agent, 2 Ane-lesea viis. Hill rdt
Hardwick Wilson, grocer & sub-postmaster, 39 Lee road Pattinson Edwin Charles, draper, 92 High street
Harryott Arthur Holman & Co. cycle agents, 61 ffigh st Peck Chas. Edwd. coal dealer. 2 Rose villas. First aveD'
Harryott .Arthur Holman, temperance hotel, 61 High st Peck Rachel Sophia (Mrs.), shopkpr. Upperr Dovercourt
Hart Frederick, artificial teeth maker, 3a, Station rDad Pell George Dazely, principal lighthouse keeper, Trinit1
Hart Stephen, farmer, New Hall farm. Upper Dnvercourt cottages, Franks road
Harwich & Dovercourt G()lf Club (P. Hubbard, hon. sec) Petch Frank George, plumber, 85 High street
Harwich, Dovercourt & Parkeston Co-operative Society Pike Frederick, boot maker, I Hordle street
Limited (\f. Deal, sec.), High street & Grafton road Pilot Office (Edward George Fisher, supt.), 88 High st_
Ha,.wich & Dovercourt Steam Laundry Co. Limited (J. T N 2g Harwich
Hal<>tead, mana~er), Brooklyn road Piper Francis Dalzell, pilot, Africa, Hill road
Harwich Municipal Borough Infectious Diseases Hospital Poate James, pilot, MiltiadE>s, St. George·s avenue
(Harold Gurney L.R.C.P. & S. Edin., L.R.F.P. & S. Powell Florrie (Miss), fancy repository, see Caldwell &;
Glas. medical officer; "Mrs. G. Bultitude, matron) Powell
Precious Joanna (Mrs.), apartments, .A.rlingt{)n, Main rd Syrett Ernest Frank M.D.Durh., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.B.C.P,
Proone George, principal lighthouse keeper (Gunfleet), Lond. physician & surgeon (firm, Gurney & Syrett),
Trinity cottages, Franks road admiralty surgeon &; agent, surgeon to the Trinity
.Bamsey Wm. Jas. aparts. 2 Pembroke villas, Station rd House & medical officer to the Post office, Cairnmore,
Rawlings John, insur. agt. 6 Stour view, Up. Dovercourt Marine parade
.Bawlinson Helen (Miss), dress maker, z8 1'hird avenue Tansley James Lufkin, pilot, Wave Crest, High stree'
Reynolds Berbert, apartments, 77 Lee road Taylor George, insurance agent, I Lee road
Rice Edwin, house agent, Kings way Taylor Gertrude (Mrs.), apartments, 3 Trinity terrace
Rice Leonard Gladstone, aparts. Northrepps, Franks rd Tendring Hundred Water Works Co. Office (M. L.
Bichmond Luke, master mariner, Penelope, Hill road Blake, collector), High street
River Plate Fresh Meoat Co. Limited (The), 87 High st Thompson William W. grocer & -confectioner, 86 High
Robinson .A.gnes (Miss), dress maker, 59 Lee road street. T N 4 Harwich
"Rock Gaston, refreshment rooms, 65 High street Thowless Albert, pilot, Vienna villa, Beach road
Raper Ernest William, journalist, 35 King George"s aven Threadgall Robert, dairy, Upper Dovercourt
iRussell William Van, Queen's hotel, 62 High stroot Tlll Jane (Mrs.), apartments, 6 Clifton terrace, High lit
Sadd Mary (Mrs.), apartments, 34 Cliff road Tricker Frederick, pork butcher, 9i) High street
Sage A.rthur, builder, see Downes & Sage Verryck Louis, interpreter, 22 Cliff road
Sargeant George, apartments, 39 Cliff road Victoria Concert Hall (Mrs. E. M. J. Packer, proprie-
Saunders Edward, builder & brick maker, ~lain road. tress), Marine parade
T N 2I Harwich Vincent-Brown Frank George A.I.S.E., M.I.M.E. arcbi-
Saunders J. A. Limited, ironmongers, 106 High street tect, & surveyor to the Tendring Rural District
St. Dominic's Catholic Scliool (Sister Mary Augustine, Council, 6 Orwell terrace
mistress), 4 Orwell terrace Wailer James S. insurance agent, 40 Oakland road
:Self William, apartments, 6 Nelson road Ward Almond James, pilot, 5 Oakland road
Sexton Frederick William, carter, I Portland place War-d John Thomas, hair dresser, 75 High street
Shillam Rosa (Mrs.), apartments, Spencer ho.Marine par Ward Robert Almond, pilot, Uplands, Main road
:Smith W. H. & Son, booksellers, Railway station Warren Henry, house agent, r8 Cliff road
.Smith Ca.therine (Mrs.), apartments, Michael's road, Watling H. Steward ·F.S.A. architect & surveyor, 85
Chu.dleigh street High street
"Smith Fredk. Arthur, corn mer. Upper Dovercourt Watts E. G. baker I27 & 70, & fruiterer 6·8, High street
:Smith Frederick Wm. pilot, Llandemere, Franks road Wells William Alien, stationer, 73 High street & cycle
Smith George, clothier, see Jewson & Smith agent, Station road
::Smith George William, fruit grower, florist & market Went William, boot & shoe dealer, 91 High street
gardener, Vine gardens, Main road & Tollgate farm & Whitehead Frederick, Victoria hotel
fruiterer & green!?fOCer, 101 High street ' Whitnall Stephen Thomas, pilot, 3 Milton villas
.Smith Thos. F. emigration agt.Brooklyn ho.Brooklyn rd Wildes Alfred, apartments, 2 Elm terrace, Franks road
:Sparrow George, market gardener, Upper Dovercourt I WillsheT Emma (Mrs.), draper, 76 Lee road
Spencer Frederick, apartments, !<O Cliff road ' Willson Ernest B. Pilot, 2 ChaUenger villas, Hill road
Sporge Edward &; Son, drapers, 71 High street Willson John Bullock, stationer, bookseller, news agent,
:Stanton Edwin Arnold, fruit grower, Brookman farm, fancy repository, library, agent for Goss china, &-
Upper Dovercourt post office, 67 &; 69 High street
~t.arling Robert George & Horace Edwin, cab proprietors Wolfe Samuel Nathan, mon. mason, Upper Dovercourt
& coal merchants, II9 High street. 1' N 38 Harwich Woods Frederick, apartments, I7 Cliff road
:Steggles Frederick George, photographer, ros High st Woods Nelson Gordon, builder, see Fisher & Woods
Stiff Thomas, master mariner, Hilton, Main road Worricker William Thomas, apartments, 26 Cliff road
.Stokes Elizabeth (Mrs.), firewood dealer, 32 Manor rd. Wright Henry, insurance agent, Oarlton, Franks road
Upper Dovercourt Wrigley Thomas &; Son, yeast mers.r Mvrtle vils.Hill rd
.Sutton William John, pilot, Car:marthen, Franks road ·
HATFIELD (otherwise Hatfield Regis, King's Hat- complete for about roo years. The register of
field, or Hatfield Broad Oak) is an ancient town, on marriages and burials dates from I662. The living is
rthe road from London to Dunmow, through Harlow, a vicarage, net yearly value (with augmentations) £rg2,
~n an eminence, rising gradually from the south and with 6 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of
-west, on both sides of which are small streams, which, Trinity College, Cambridge, and held since r89I by the
'ltnited, form Pincey Brook, a feeder of the river Stort: Rev. Francis .William Galpin M. A. of Trinity College,
it is 5~ miles south-east from Bishop Stortford, 7 Cambridge, and F.L.S.
miles north-east from Harlow, 7 south-west from Dun-
mow, 4 ~ east from Sawbridgeworth station on the Great HATFIELD HEATH is an ecclesiastical parish formed
Eastern railway, and 30 from London, in the Western March 10, I86o. The church of the Holy Trinity is a
division of the county, Harlow hundred and petty plain building of stone, erected on la.nd given by the latl'
-t~essional division, Dnnmow union and county court dis- George Alan Lowndes esq. M.A., D.L. of Barrington Hall,
tri-ct, rural deanery of Harlow, arehdeaconry of Essex and consists of chancel and nave and tower on the south
-and Chelmsford diocese. The town is supplied with side with spire, and containing ~ bells cast in 1897:
water by a limited company, formed in Igo 9, acting in there are four stained windows: in 1910 a new organ
-eonjunction with the Herts and Essex Water Co. was added, at a cost of £3oo, to commemorate the
Limited. The Takeley station on the Dunmow branch jubilee of the consecration of the church: the church
of the Great East-ern railway ilf in this parish, and 4 was restored in 1883, when a south aisle was erected,
miles north df Hatfield town. The chureh of St. Mary and has now 210 sittings. The register dates from the
is 8 lat'ge bullding of stone, gen&rally in t'he Perpen- vear 186o. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value
dicular style, with some portions . of Norman date, £I8o, with residence, in the gift of the vicar of Hatfield
forming part of the original priory church, a.nd consists Broad Oak, and held since I9°5 by the Rev. Harry
of -chancel, with side chapels, clerestoried nave of six de Vitre Watson M ..A.. of Trinity College, Oxford.
bays, aisles, south porch, and a lofty embattled western Trinity Hall, built in 1894, at the expense of Lord &nd
tower containing a clock and 8 bells, dated I 782 ; and Lady Rookwood and Mr. Broke, is an iron structure
there is also a sanctus tower and bell; in the church used for church purposes. The old National school is
is an effigy of Robert de Vere, third Earl of Oxford, now used as the village library and institute, and was
one of the barons appointed to enforce Magna Charta, furnished by the late Lord Rookwood.
and a descendant of the founder of the priory, ob. 1221: BUSH END is an ecclesiastical parish, formed 10
the stained east window is a memorial to members of March, r86o. The church of St. John the Evangelist
the Williams family, and there are others to Charles is a modern structure of flint in the Gothic style, erected
Wayre esq. and Sir William Wiseman hart. (d. 1893). on land· given by the late John Archer-Houblon esq. of
·and in the churchyard a marble monument to Lord Ha.llingbury, and consists of chancel and naYe, south
Rookwood (d. I902), and Lady Eden, his second wife: porch and small west-ern tower: there are 200 sittings.
the organ was erected in I858 at a cost of £3oo: in The register dates from the year r86o. The living is a
1:902 a sanctuary organ was presented as a memorial vicarage, net yearly value £117, with residence, in
to the late Lord Rookwood P.C. (d. I902) and another the gift of the vicar of Hatfield Broad Oak, and held
organ was given in 1906 by Mrs. Crosby Brown, of New since I914 by the Rev. Hugh Wynne Jones B.A. of
York. A carved oak screen was presented in I905 by Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Attached to Hat-
Major A. H. W. and Miss Lowndes in memory of the field Regis Grange, the residence of Major F. J. A.
late George Alan Lowndes. The church affords 6oo Skeet, is a private Catholic chapel, served by mis-
sittings, and attached to it is a library of 400 books sionaries of the " Sacred HeaTt " from Braintree, to
collected about the year t68o. The register of baptisms which the public are admitted. There is a parochial
dates from .the year I55'8, bot after that date it is in- library containing 400 volumes.
The Congregational chapel at Hatfidd Heath, erected held under the Crown and was granted first after the
in 1876, is a structure of fiint .-with st<lne dressing.-, Conquest to the family of De Gernon, who took theJ
in the Gothic fityle: the large stained window in the name of Montfitchet ; on their extinction, King Henry
front gable is a memorial to the Rev. C. Berry, who Ill. granted it to Isabella De Bruce, who fixed her resi-'
was minister here for upwards of half a century: there dence at Bromesbo Bmy, as did her son Robert, Earl of
~ 300 sittings: the church dates from 1662. There I Carrick: but lt-is -son Robert, after be became a com-
l& a Congregational Mission chapel in Hatfield T-own, p!"titor foP t-he Crown of Scotland, forfeited his English
erect.ed in I8I8, seating 120 persons. The Cottage property. The manor of Hatfield, after being held by
Hospital, established in Hatfield Town in 1867, was the families of De Bohun, Stafford and Rich, was pur·.
enlarged in 1892 by the addition of a new wing and a rhased by Sir Francis Barrin2"ton, in "hose family it
glazed corridor in front of the house, at the expense remained for several generations and from them
of the ut and last Lord Rookwood (d. 1902 ), and descended, through two co-heiresses, to that of Lowndes.
now contains 6 beds : it is supported by voluntary Bromesho Bury, where the De Bruces resided, is now n
contributions. The charities amount to £25 4s.; this farmhouse, surrounded by a moat, and belongs to th'l
tmm includes £6 16s. yearly for b-read, £5 for keep- Earl of Roden. Old Barrington Hall, the original seat
mg the highway in repair, £8 towards the maintenance of the Barrington family, is al~o a farmhouse at the
of the schools, 8s. for preaching a sermon on the edge of the Forest. The later Barrington Hall, a large
first Sunday after St. James' day, £2 Ios. for the· sup- brick house, with stone dressings, erected about the
port of the coal club and £2 Ios. for the clothing year 1740, and completely '8ltered and restored in r863,
club. Sarah Chamberlavne, •
late of Charles street, is the property and rf'sidence of Alfred Henry Goslin~
Lowndes square, by will, dated the 13th of January, esq. : the park of 280 acres in which it st'8nds, although
xasa. directed the investment of the residue of her flat, i!•, from the stately growth of the timber, a fine one.
estate, representing an aggregate value of £r3,r28 4s. Id. .!.lfred Gosling esq. is lord of the manor of Hatfield.
for the benefit of certain parishes in the counties of The principal landowners are Capt. Henry Lindsar
Middlesex, Essex and Warwick: she died on the 12th Archer-Houblon, :\lajor Horace W. Calverley, the Earl of
January, 1870, and after legal proceedings extending Roden, Alfred Henry GoslinQ" esq. and .Major Francis John
over several years, an order was ultimately issued by Angus Skeet, of Hatfield Regis Grange. The soil is
the Court of Chancery, dated 24th March, 1876, various, mostly heavy; subsoil, clay and sand. The
formulating a scheme for the application of the funds chief rrops are wheat, barley, oats and turnips. The
of the charity as regards this parish, but this scheme area of Hatfield Broad Oak civil parish (inclusive of
was superseded in 1894 by another, under which the Bush End and Hatfield Heath) is 8,569 acres of land
charity is now administered in the manner following : and 30 of water; rateable value, [9,934; the population·
£2o to be assigned as an endowment for the National in 19II was r,672.
school; £5 for Bibles and other books for the poor The population of the ecclesiastical parishes in rgr r
at Hatfield and the hamlet of Bush End; £2 towards was :-St. Mary, 728; Holy Trinity, Hatfield He:tth,
the purchase of boots for children attending the 645; St. John the Evangelist, Bush End, 299·
school; £5 for a Christmas dinner for children attend- Clerk (Parish Church), Isaac Holt.
ing the school; £r ss. for a summer treat; ros. to Sexton (Holy Trinity), Daniel Day.
the Hatfield Lying-in Society; £5 for coal for widows Sexton (St. John"s), Charles Franklin.
residing at Bush End, and for other poor persons send- Post, M. 0. & T, Office, Hat field Broad Oak.-~lin
ing their children to the Leicester school; £2 to be J emima Horsnell, postmistress. Letters arrive by
given on Christmas Day to 40 poor wido,vs of Hatfield; mail cart from Harlow at 8 & 11.40 a.m. & are.
101. for widows in the ecclesiastical parish of St. John's, delivered immediately; dispatched at ro.25 a. m. &,
Bush End, and to 111ix poor widows, or poor unmarried 5·55 p.m.; on sundays, arrive 8.30 a.m.; dispatched_
women, not under the age of so, or poor aged men, or at 9·55 a.m
poor crippled, blind or deaf and dumb males or females Post, M. 0. & T. Office, Hatfield Heath.--George Isaac ·
in the hamlet of Bush End or parish of Hatfield, the Harris, sub-postmaster. Letters from Harlow arrive .
monthly sum of £r each. In the parish is a farm, the at 7.15 & a.m.; dispatched at 10.50 a.m . .t.:.
IDcome derived from which was left for the repair of 6.30 p.m.; on sundays, dispatched at 10.30 a.m
the parish church; this, together with the poor':. Wall Letter Box, Broad street, cleared at ro.2o a.m. & .
estates, is managed by trustees appointed under a 5.50 p.m.; sundar>~, 9·45 a.m •

scheme of the Charity Commissioners. Down Hall, the Pillar Letter Boxes, Barrington Hall, cleared at 8.30 a.m.
seat of Major Horace W. Calverley, is finely situated & 5·35 p.m.; Bush End, cleared at 8.15 a.m. & 4·45 ;
~th capital pleasure grounds and woods. There was p.m. & Blocks, cleared at 8 a.m. & 6 p.m
once here a Benedictine priory, founded by Alberic, or Police Station (Town), Sergeant George Goody
Aubrey De Vere, second of that name and father of the Police Station (Heath), Constable William Bridge
first Earl of Oxford, in 1135; this foundation was dedi-
cated to God, St. Mary and St. Melanins Redonensis, Public Elementary Schools.
a British or Armorican saint, who, as his surname im- Chureh, built, with master's residence, in 186r, for rgc
plies, atprung from Rennes, in Brittany, where there was children (mixed); average attendance, mixed 70 & in·-
an abbey bearing his name; though the monks of Hat- fants 36; B. W. Worton, master
field were only nine in number, the endowments of the St. John's, Bush End (mixed), built, with teacher's resi- .
priory were ample and were valued at the Dissolution, dence, in r877, &; endowed with £2o yearly by the late- ·
according to Du.gdale, at £r22 r3s. 2~d.; or, according Miss Chamberlayne, for 54 children; average attend~
to Speed, at £r57 3s. 2!d.: the original deeds of the ance, 39; Miss E. Jarvis, mistress
priory are now in the British Museum. Hatfield Forest, Heath (mixed), built in x8gg, for q.o children; averag~ ·
of about I,ooo acres, lying to the north-west of th~ attendance, 6o ; )iontrose Stuart, master
town, is the property of Capt. Henry Lindsay Archer- Heath (mixed), built in 1876, for ISO children; average·
Houblon, and wa.'! inclosed bv•
Act of Parliament about attendance, about 74; Edward Rogers, master
1855; in the forest are the remains of a very largr The schools are under the Es-sex Education (Dunmow·
and old oak (now carefully fenced round and pre- District) Sub-Committee, Stephen Giffard, Great
served), called the "Doodle Oak" and conjectured to Dun mow, clerk
be that from which the place acquired the name of Takeley Railway Station (G. E . .R. ), Frederick Crack.-
Broad Oak. The manor of Hatfield was a roval •
manor nell, station master
(NPmes marked thus * should be 1 Greatrex Mrs 3herries Miss, Heather house
addressed Takely, Essex.) Harrison EdwinPercy, The Croft, Heath Skeet Major Franeis John Angus,
PRIVATB RESIDENTS Hawkins Mrs. Church villa, Heath Hatfield Regis grange
Blair Waiter M. The Grange Hunt Jemsettsee, Lauriston, Heath Stanwav•
:Mr'!. Bun""Wood

Broke Lt.-Col. Harry J.P. Gladwyns *Jones Rev. Hugh Wynne B.A. St. *Thurgood J<lhn Reader, Woodlands
Hroke Mrs. Gladwyns John's vicarage, Bush End Watson Rev. Harry de Vitre M.A.
Burbrook Mrs. Heath Jude Rev. Robert Chatfiteld A.T.S. (vicar of Holy Trinity), Heath
Calverley Maj. Horace W., J.P. Down (Congregational), Heath White John Arthur Temple, Fairlawn
hall Legge Douglas, White cottage Williams Capt. Fdlr. Pierce William"
Chalk Charles Launder, Priory Lowndes Miss
*ChoppinQ" William P. The Manse Martin Mrs. Romily, Heath COMl'olERCIAL.
Dobson Allan, Allanbank, Heath Potter Alfred, Arundel ircher Frederick, saddler
Ellis Charles, Heath Potter Frank Bacon Selina (Miss), baker, Heath
Fisher Mark, Heath P<lwell Mrs. Brick house Rarker Brothers, builders
Galpin Rev. Francis William M.A., Robertson John, Springhead, Heath Barker John, baker
F.L.S. Hatfield vicarage Robson R. Elijah, Blocks farm Barker Thomas, builder, Heath
Gosling Alfred Henry,Barrington hall Rook Waiter N. Oaklands, Heath *Barltop Frank, smith, Brewer's End·

Barnstable Charles, Cock inn Hall Thomas, farmer Potter Alfred Spt>ller, grocer
Batt William, shoe maker Hammond Waiter, horse dealer,Heath Pratt George, builder
Bisooe Benj. chimney cleaner, Heath Harris Edward, cycle maker, Heath Richardson Geo. beer retailer~ Heath
Bowyer Wm. Phillips, farmer, Heath Harris George lsaa(), baker, Post Rogers James, .Stag inn, Heath
Brice John, cow.keeper, Heath office, Heath Scantlebury William, farmer
Broad Richard Martin, farmer, Ben- Hatfield Heath Cricket Club (S. H. Soper Arthur John, frmr. Crabbs Gm
ningtons Nugent, sec.), Heath Sparrow Herbert, painter
Buck George Henry, grocer, Heath Hatfield Heath Library & Institute Spurgeon Arthur Rohert, registrar of
Bunker .l"redk. frmr.Lancaster's farm (Rev. Harry de V. Watson,. Iibra· births & deaths for Dunmow sub-
*Bush End Parochiul Lil..H'lll'Y (Miss E. rian; G. Trickey, sec) district (attends wednesdays from
Jarvis, librarian) Hatfield Town Cricket Club (Rev. F. 10 a.m. to 12 noon)
.Butler Job, butcher, Heath W. Galpin, treasurer) Storey Ernest, insurance agnt. Heath
Button John, harness maker, Heath *Hawkey Thomas, farmer, Little Bar- Tehbit John King, farmer
Chalk Chas. Launder M.R.C.S.Eng., rington ball Tebbit Joseph H. farmer, Grove fatm
L.R.C.P.Lond. (firm, White &. Hepburn David, beer retailer, Forest Tebbit Wm. Chas. farmer, Braintrias
Chalk), phy~ician & surgeon, Priory 1
Hills Arthur :X..,. boot repairer *Thurgood Jn. poultryfrmr.Bushend
Church of England Temperance So- Hockley Alfred A. wheelwright,Heatb Trickey Gilbert James, farmer, Piger-
ciety Library (R. Potter, librarian) Hockley Charles Henry, farmer ells farm, Heath
*(,1apton Wm.coal mer.Brewer's End Hocldey Ernest Henry, builder,Heatb Turner Frederic, farmer, Lea hall
Olark William, grocer Honmell James, blacksmith Vale Ernest William, machinist, Oak
Cottage Hospital (J.n. Arthur Temple Horsnell Jemima. (Miss), stationer, villa, Heath
White M.R.C.S.Eng .. L.R.C.P.Lond. Post office Vale Reader, farmer, Gt. Heath farm
& Charles 1-Mtnder Chalk M.R.C.S. Hudson Frederick, wheelwright Vale Waiter, machinist, Heath
·Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. hon. medical King Henry, poultry farmer *Vining retlr.Bush End
officers) Little Alfd. White Horse inn, Heath White & Chalk, physicians & surgeons
Darlington William & Gilbert, farmrs Manley William, farmer, Ryes farm White John Arthur Temple M.R.C.S.
Deal Arth. Duke's Head P.H.Broad st Mardell George, blacksmith Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. (firm, White
*DorringtonChas.frmr.Bonningtons fro Millbank Alfred Joseph, builder & Chalk), physician, surgeon &
Edwards Silvister, miller (steam), Millbank Arth. Jsph. frmr.Corringales medical officer & public vaccinator,
.Heath Mills Thomas, shoe maker, Heath Hutfield district, Dunmow union,
Fowler Frank, butcher, Heath Nicholls Ann (Mrs.), beer retlr.Heath Fairlawn -~
Francis Fredk. wheelwright,Green hl Patmore Thomas, beer retailer Williams Frederick Edward S.farmer,
*Galloway William, farmer,Bush End Paveley Joseph, baker Pierce William's farm
Garton Harold A.shton, farmer Perry Charles, shoeing smith, Heath Working Men's Institute (Rudolpb
G.arton John, farmer Perry Jane (Miss), shopkeeper, Heath Potter, sec)
(treatrex Clara (Mrs.), private school, *Piper Alfred, carpenter & builder, *Working Men's Institute (C. Wall
Woodhurst Brewer's End esq. J.P. president), Brewer's End
.Greenwood Frederick, farmer, Broom- *Piper Alfred C.cycle dlr.Brewer'sEnd *Wright John & Son, farmers
sbawbury Potter Alfred, farmer,Priory & Waters
frms. & assist. oversr. Arundel cot

.'B:ATFIELD (or Hatfield Peverel) is a large and dedicated to St. Mary ; the priory was a cell to the
~pleasant village and parish on the rlvers Ter and abbey of St. Albans, and the revenues at the Dissolution
'C.helmer, on the high road from Chelmsford to Col- were valued at £83 Igs. 7d. The learned Edmund
. cbester, with a station adjoining the village on the Castell S.T.P. author of the "Lexicon Heptaglotton,''
·Great Eastern railway, 36 miles from London, 2 south- was vicar of this parish from 1666 : he also held the
.w~st from Witham, 6 north-west from Maldon and 6 rectory of Woodham Waiter and that of Higham Gobion,
.-north-east from Chelmsford, in the Eastern division Beds, where he died and was buried in 1685. The
. of the county, hundred and petty sessional division Priory, an ancient mansion of stone, situated in a
. of Witham, union of Braintree, county court district delightful and secluded spot, surrounded by & park of
-of Maldon. and in the rural deanery of Witham, arch- about 100 acres, at the entrance to which stands the
dea()onry •
of Colchester, and Chelml!ford diocese. This church, is occupied by Philip Charles Tennantr esq .
.. parish is an ancient place and is stated to have be~n Hatfield Place is the property and residence of .A.rthur
..given by King William the Norman to Ralph Peverel, Chandos ..kkwright esq. J.P.; Crix is the re!lidence of
·a Norman soldier, who married Ingelrica, an English Collingwood Hope esq. K.C., J.P. H. A. Hare esq. iJ.
dadv: •
it extends southward to the Chelmer and eastward lord of the manor. Lord Rayleigp P.C., O.M., P.R.S .
· the Blackwater and contains many pleasantly situated and Philip Charles Townsend esq. are the principal land·
"l"esidenc~s. The church of St. Andrew, formerly the owners and lords of the remaining manors, which are
l(lriory chur\!h, is an edifice of flint and brick, consist- five in number. The land is chiefly arable; subsoil,
-ing of chancel, nave of five bays, aisles, vestries, south gravel and clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley,
porch and a turret containing one bell: in 1873 it was oats and beans. The area of the parish is 4,8-4-9 acres
.c<~mpletely restored and a large piece of ground taken in of land and 17 of water; rateable value, £12,397; the
on the south side to form a new aisle with upper and population in rgn was 1,332 in the civil and 1:,318 in
iower vestry rooms, clerestory windows being inserted the ecclesiastical parish.
on the south side of the nave : an oaken screen was also Parish Clerk, Isaac Thurgood .
.placed between the chancel and the nave and a carved
reredos of Bath stone ereded: the church retains a Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Cornelius Moore, sub-post-,
monumental effigy of the foundress, besides memorials to master. Letters arrive through Witham at 7 a.m. &
the Bragg and Alleyn families, including the brass figures 12.30 & 6.35 p.m. ; sundays, 7 a. m.; dispatched at
<Jf John Alleyn, 1572, his three wives and children: there -rr.4o a.m. &:; 3 & 8.5 p.m.; on snndays letters are
are also three other brass effigies, and a long inscription dispatched at 1 I .20 a.m
in· English verse, supposed to belong to them : the win-
dows and west doors have some heraldic shields: the Wall Letter Box, adjoining the Brewery, cleared at II.35
church affords 450 sittings. The register of baptisms a.m. & 7·5° p.m. on week days & I I. 15 a. m. on suns
dates from 1702, of marriages from 1703, and burials Wall Letter Boxes, Swan P.H. cleared at II.30 a.m. &
from 1626. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value 8 ·5 p.m.; snndays, II.S a.m.; Crix Corner, cleared at
[242, with 9 acres of glebe, and residence, in the gift of 1 r. 2 5 a.m. & 7· 1 5 p.m.; sundays, I0-55 a.m.; &
the Bishop of Chelmsford, and held sin()e 1875 by the Nounsley Green, cleared at 7· 1 5 a.m. & 1.15 & 7·35
Rev. Frederick Bransby Toulmin M.A. of New College, p.m.; sundays, 7· 1 5 a.m
()xford. Great tithes, amounting to £722 yearly, are Public Elementary School (mixed), built in I8ji, en-
reeeive-1 by Mrs. Wright, and {,662 have been sold. larged in 1872 &; again in 1884, for 203 children;
There is a Wesleyan chapel, erected in 1875· The average attendance, 163; Arthur Bennett, master
charities amount to £145 yearly, left in 1820 by Martha · This school is under ·the i:Ontrol of Essex Education
Lovioond, ?f Hatfield Peverel, and there are four aim~- (Braintree Dis·trict) Sub-Committee, John GleaTe,
houses, bmlt and endowed by the same benefactress m County High school Braintree cierk
.S2o, for two married couples and two single persons, . . . ' .' . ·
for which purpose she left £ 5, 720 ; each married inmate Rallway Sta.twn, S1dney A. Farrmgton, stahon master
receives 15s. and each single inmate IOS. per week. 1 , • •
Ingelrica, before mentioned, founded here a college for ICarriers to·-
secular canons, afterwards converted by W. Peverel, in Chelmsford-Moore Brothers· cart passes through from
the time of Henry I. into a Benedictine priory, and I Kelvedon, mon. tues. thurs. fri. & sat

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Townsend Philip Charles, Crix farm Lucking Albert, cattle dealer
Arkwright Arthur Chandos J.P. Hat- Vigers Frederick Lynes John H. upholsterer · ~-
field Place Wright Mrs. Heimat Marriage Hugh,fnmer &; brick maker
Barton Major Charles Gerard D.S.O L'OMVERCJAL. Mills David, beer retailer
Hat.field Bury Arnold .Alec, engineer Moore Cornelius, baker, Post office
Bramwell Frederick C. Crabbs hill Atkinson l''rederiCk, chimney sweeper Moore Hora.ce, cycle agent
Butler Waiter J.P. Nounsley lodge Baker Frederick, grocer j Morse Percival R.farmr.Barnards frm
Carter John, Peverel cottage Bennett .Arthur, schoolmaster &; Moy Thomas Limited, coal merchants,
Chappelow Mrs. Nounsley villa assistant overseer Railway station
Cullen Frank J. Bovington Bright Brothers, wheelwrights Oliver Adam, Swan P.H
Dean Vernon Richmond, :r,bddle.field Brown Charles &; Sons Ltd. brewers Oliver William, baker ·
De Zoete Herman W. Berwick Place Butler Gerald, farm-er Owers Frederick, builder&;. contractor
Evitt Henry LilMy, The Lodge Clarke Wait. Jas. blcksmth.& shopkpr Perrin Jame:i! E. fly proprietor
GYaves Hon.Algt>rnon Sydney George, Claydon Thomas, builder &; beer retlr Ratcliff Samuel Charles, farmer, Mow-
Fairfields Courtmann lsaac, shapkeeper den Hall farm
Hammond Lieut. Leslie Jennings Courtmann Wm. farmer, Crabbs frm Ringer Arthur Herbert, farm baili1f
Lucas, Hill hause Cullen Frank J. seed grower,Bovingtn to Praed Wood esq. Berwick farm
Hicks Herbert, The Wick Dines George, farmer, Lower farm Rowe Wm. Hy. beer retlr, Nounsley
Hilton Col. Murray Venables,Mowden Doe David, boot repairer & confectnr Scrivener Alice (Mrs.), dress maker
Hope Collingwood K.C., J.P. Crix <J.arrett Arthur, tailor Sorrell Richard, butcher
Low Paul C. Card.fields Good Daniel, brick maker Spearman Thomas J. boot maker
Pipon Mrs. Mill house Harris Henry, blacksmith Springett Herbert, cycle agent
Reyner Basil, Barnard's farm Hasler Henry, farmer Upson John & Charlee, farmers
Round Chas. Jas. Spring.field house Ilatfield & Ulting Conservative .Asso- Wallis Arthur, farmer
Seabrooke Herbert H. The Vicarage ciation (W. J. Clarke, hon. sec) Ward Eliza (Mrs.), saddler
Strutt The Hon. Edward Gerald J.P. Havis Waiter, carrier Wicks Alice (Mrs.), temperance hotel
Whitelands Knight Miss Julia, dairy Wilson Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker
Tennant Philip Chas. Hatfield priory Lawrence Ellen (Miss), grocer Worraker Jesse, fruit grower
Toulmin Rev. Frederick Bransby M.A. Lawrence James, grocer Wright Jsph. Duke of Wellington P.H
(vicar), Kilderry Linn Henry William, Crown P.H I Young William, carpenter

HAVENGORE ISLAND is a small island at the Creek is the eastern limit of the Port of London. This
mouth of the Thames, nearly opposite the Nore Light, island has been sold by J. Tabor esq. of Rochford, tothe
between Foulness Island and the main land, about 4 War Office. The soil is clay, sand and shell. The area
miles north-east from Shoeburyness terminal station of is 298 a•!res of land, x of tidal water and 977 of fore-
the London, Tilbury and Southend railway, 8 south- shore; rateable value, £125; the population in xgu
east from Rochford and 8 north-east from Southend; it was 10. The parish is reputed to be extra-parochial for
was formerly extra-parochial, but is now a parish in the ecclesiastieal purposes.
South Eastern division of the county, Rochford union Letters ~hrough Southend, arrive according to the state
and petty sessional division and Southend county court of the tide. The nearest money order &; telegraph
district; the pilot mark at the entrance to Havengore office is at Great Wakering, 3 miles distant
HAVERHILL is a parish in Risbridge union, formerly partly in this county but now wholly in Suffolk; full par-
ticulars will be found in Kelly'a Directory of Suffolk.
HAVERING-ATTE-BOWER is a pleasant village manor of the liberty and principal landowner; the man-
and parish, 3 miles north from Romford station and 15 sion, occupying part of the site of the old palace of the
from London, in the Southern division of the county, Canfessor, is an elegant modern building with a tower,
pet.ty sessional division, union and county court district and is pleasantly situated on an eminence, surrounded
of Romford, rural deanery of Chafford, archdeaconry by extensive pleasure grounds and a finely-wooded park
of Essex and Chelmsford diocese ; this place gave name of 250 acres. Pyrgo Park is the residence of Lord
'io t-he liberty and peculiar of Havering-atte-Bower, which O'Hagan; the mansion, a modern edifice of brick in
included the parishes of Romford, Havering and Harn- the Classic style, with a tower and portico, stands in an
church, but this liberty was abolished by Order in extensive park, commanding very fine views of the
Council. dated gth May, 1892. The church of St. John surrounding country, and occupies the site of a. house
the Evangelist, rebuilt by subscription, is an edifice of formerly belonging to the Queens of England, in which
tlint with stone dressings in the Decorated .style, con- J oan, daughter of Charles II. King of Navarre, and
sisting of chancel, nave, north aisle and an embattled Queen of Henry IV. died 9 July, 1437· Bower House,
tower on the south side containing 6 bell~; the lower a mansion of bri'Ck standing in a park of about 120
itage forms a porch: the church was re-cansecrated acres, is the residence of J<Jhn Taylor esq. M.Inst.C.E.
13th April, 1878, and contains an ancient font and a Bedfords, originally called 1' Belfonts," from its ample
memorial by Wyatt to Sir John Smith-Burges bart. who supply of water, is now occupied by Sir Montagu
died in x8o3 and was buried in this church: an organ Cornish Turner kt. and is a stone mansion, standing in
was provided in 1902 at. a cost of £5oo: there are 250 a park of nearly 100 acres, commanding one of the
eittings. The register dates from the year 1670. The finest views in the country and embracing the river
liYing is a. vicarage, net yearly value £240, with resi- Thames, the Knockholt hills in Kent, the Crys-tal Pa.lace,
den<'e, in the gift of W. H. Pemberton-Barnes esq. St. Paul's and the towers of the Houses {)f Parliament
and held since 1909 by the Rev. William Bertram at Westminster. The ~oil is mixed; subsoil, clay.
Ru~sell Caley 1\'I..A. of Pembroke College, Cambridge. The chief crops are wheat, oats, beans and roots. The
_\. Parish Room was presented to the village in 1903 by area is 2,093 acres; rateable value, £4,341 ; the popu-
Mrs. Pemberton-Barnes. Th1s is one of the few villages lation in rgu was 399·
in England in which the ancient stocks may still be Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Miss Ellen Ran-ee, sub-post-
seen, and here they stand on the green facing the mistress. Letters arrive from Romford at 5.10 &
('hurch. Havering is believed to have once been the 8.55 a.m. &; 7.30 p.m.; delivered at 6 &; g.Io a.m. &
11eat <Jf Saxon royalty, for, according to traditionary (to callers) 7·45 p.m.; dispatched at 2.35 &; 7.15
accounts, Edward the Confessor built a palace here, or p.m. ; sundays, 7· 15 p.m
improved one more ancient : the portions extant are not Pillar Letter Box, Chase Cross, cleared at 7 a.m. &;
11nfficient to oetermine the hmits of the original build- 2.50 &; 7·30 p.m. ; sunday, 7·30 p.m
ing, whatever it may have been; it is certain, however, Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1817 & since
1hat this monarch frequently lived here in retirement. enlarged, for II2 children; average attendance, 88;
Havering Park is t.he seat of Mrs. Mclnoosh, lady of the .Arthur ~ontague Derrick, master, Mrs. Derrick, mist;
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Pemberton-Barnes Misses, The Hall Fuller Alfred, Oran!!e Tree P.H
Caley Rev. Wil1iam Bertram Russell Smith Benjamin, Fernside Goodwin Henry, baker
M.A. Vicarage Stone Henry Jessop J.P.Low.Bedford~ Halsey Rosina (Mrs.), bet>r retailer
IIope Geo. Palmer J.P. Havering grng Taylor John M.Inst.C.E. Bower house Knightbridge Harold, butcher
Mcintcsh Mrs. Havering park Turner Sir Montagu Cornish,Bedfords Popplewell Robert J ames, tailor
~allett Isaac, La-wn cottage COMMERCIAL. Sammons William, farmer, Lower pk
Norris .Arthur Lindsay, Chase cross Beckett Thomas, farm bailiff to Mrs. Stuart George, land steward to Lord
O'Hagan Lord J.P. Pyrgo park Mclntosh, Bower farm O'Hagan, North lodg-e, Pyrgo park

Romford), Bound house

Pemberton Rev. Joseph Hardwick Cole Edwin .A. farn1er,Upper Bedfords Suckling Arthur. shopkeeper
(curate in charg-e of Collier Row, Fern Henry, head gardener to J. Wright ne~inald, bailiff to Misses
Taylor esq Pemberton-Barnes, BowPr farm
.308 H.AWKWELl. ESSEX . [ KELL\':J

HAWK WELL (Hawkswell, Hawkewell or Hack well) in the gift of R. C. Kempe esq. and held since 1809
acquired this name at least as early as the time of by the Rev. George Padfield M . .A.. of Durham University.
King Edward the Confessor, and is a village and parish, -Tho Sudbury charity, dating from the 16th century,.
2 miles north-west from Rochford station on the Great and yielding about [15 yearly, is distributed in coals.
Eastern railway, 6 north-west from- Southend and 35 and money to the aged poor. The soil is loamy; sub-
from- L&ndoa, .• in. the South-Eastern division of the soil, mostly day. 1 The chief are wheat, beans..
county, Bochford hundred, petty sessional division and peas, barleY' and 1 pot~toes. '. The' area is 1,365 acres;..
union, Southend county eourt district, in Canewdon rateable value, [2,803·; the• population in 19u was 565.
and Southend rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and Post Office. Frederick Saunders, sub-postmaster. Let-
Cl.Jelmsford diocese. The church of St. Mary the Virgin 1 ters from Hockley, Essex; deliveries at 6.20 & :ro a.m.
is a building of stone in the Perpendicular style, cun- &; 7.30 p.m.; dispatched at 8.50 & a.m. & 6.4,5.
sisting of chancel and nave, porch and a wooden belfry p.m.; sundays, delivery at 6.15 a.m.; dispatched at
at the west end with spire and containing one . bell: ' 6.10 a. m. Pillar Letter Box, near the Laurels, cleared
there is a piscina and a low-side window, and .four 7 & 10.30 a.m. & 6.50 p.m. Hockley is the nearest
stained windows in the chancel and nave: the church money order & telegraph office, three-quarters of •
was restored in 1877, and affords Ioo sittings. The mile distant
register of baptisms dates from 1692; burials, 1695; Council School (mixed), built in 1846 & enlarged in
marriages, 16g6. The living is a rectory, net yilarly Ic;OJ,. for 82 children; average attendance, 61; :Miss

value £xgo, including So acres of glebe, with residence, l _\lice .TolPlyn, mistress
(Marked thus * receive their letters . *Hayward Herbert, farmer,Holt faiTh
through Rochford.) COliMERCU.L. Horton Geo ..Arth. builder, The Laurels
*Bellamy Waiter, Swaines house Bacon Mark, White Hart inn Hymas .Alfred, coal merchant
Burr John Thomas, Laburnum house Browne Harold H. nurseryman Jennings .Abraham, market gardene~r
Flavell Frank Morton, Francrose Bundick Fredk. threshing roach. ownr & shopkeeper, The Nurseries
Howlett John, Crendon, Rectory road Burr Jn. Thos. builder, Laburnum ho Lawrance Mary .Ann (Mrs.), shopkpr
Ja.mes James .Arthur, Denewood Cottis, Beehag & Co. farmers, Hawk- *Lorentzen & Harrison, nurserymen
*Lay Willia.m T. Oakdene well hall Robinson Samuel, farme~, Swain frm
Offin Thos. William, Clement's hall Davies Peter, potter Saunders Frederick, shopkeeper, &
Padfield Rev. George M ..A. Rectory *Gooch Robert, joiner post office
Wood Herbert, Oaklands Harrison Wm. Jas. builder,Southdene
HAZELEIGH is a parish of scattered houses, 2~ actor, and master of the king's bears, having retired
miles south-west from West Maldon station on the Great from the stage, in 1612 founded Dulwich College, the
Eastern railway, in the South Eastern division of the manor of Dulwich being already his by purchase in
county, Maldon union and county court district, Dengie 16o6; many of his family are buried beneath the chan-
hundred and petty sessional division, and in the rural eel, but himself in the chapel of the old college at
deanery of Maldon, archdeac<1nry of Essex and diocese Dulwich, where there is a raised tomb bearing his arms.
<1f Chelmsford. The church of St. Nicholas is now Lieut.-Col. Sir .A.ugustus Alexander Brooke-Pechell hart.
disused (except for burials), service being held in an is lord of the manor and principal landowner. The
iron -church erected in 1893 in the centre of the village:
crops are wheat, barley, oats, beans and peas. Th&
this structure has sittings for ss persons. The registers01l is strong clay; subsoil, clay. The area is 99z
of baptisms da.tes from 1575; burials, ISB4; marriages, acres; rateable value, £697; the population in 19u
1602. The living is a rectory, net yearly value £. 16o, was 127.
with 13! acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of Parish Clerk, ..irthur Ta~·lor.
and held since 1896 by the Rev. Gilbert Henry Raynor Wall Letter Box cleared at 10.30 a.m. (July to Sept.
M ..A. of St. John's College, Cambridge. The rectory ro.IO a. m.) & 5.20 p.m. week days; sundays, 10.5 a.m
house is pleasantly situated on the commanding Letters through Maldon, which is the nearest money
eminence of Loddart's hill, with extensive views of the order & telegraph office, arrive at 6.45 a.m
river Blackwater and the HytJhe and the Maldon basin. The ehildren of this parish go either to Woodham Mor-
Hazeleigh Hall, near the churrch, and now used as a timer or Purleigh schools
farm house, was in the x6th century the residence of Carrier from Southminster &; Tillingham to Chelmsford
the .Alleyne family, one ~f whom, Edward Alleyne, (passing through). Hughes, every tues. & fri
CO:llliiERCU.L. Stevens William Henry, farmer,Hatcb
Blomfield Charlie James .A.rthur, House farm
Baynor Rev. Gilbert Henry M . .A.. White Hart inn Taylor George, hurdle maker
Rectory ICroxon Cranmer Harris, farmer Trowles George, Royal Oak P.H
HEATH PARK, see Romford .
HELIONS BUMPSTEAD is a village and parish .:!,853 acres; rateable value, [2,264; the population in
on the borders of Cambridgeshire, 4 miles south-west 19II was 558 in the civil parish and 587 in the eccle-
from Haverhill station on the Melford and Cambridge siastical parish, 1rhich includes part of Castle Camps,
branch of the Great Eastern railway, 10 north-east from Cambridgeshire.
Saffron Walden and 16 north-west from Halstead, in the
Northern division of the county, Fres·hwell hundred, OLMSTE.AD GREEN, 1 mile south-west, in Cam-
Bardfield petty sessional division, Risbridge union, Haver- bridges·hire, formerly a hamlet of Helions Bumpstead,
hill county court district, and in Saffron Walden rural was by a Local Government Board Order, No. r6,610,
dated March 25, x885, added to Castle Camps, Cam-
deanerv, archdeaconrv
- of Colchester and Chelmsford
diocese. The church of St. .A.ndrew is an edifice of bridgeshire, for civil purposes.
stone and brick in the Early English style, consisting
of chancel, clerestoried nave of four bays, south aisle, -
Parish Clerk, John Dvson.
Post Office.~William Clamp, sub-postmaster. Letters
south porch and an embattled western tower of brick from Haverhill (Suffolk) arrive at 8.35 a.m. & 1.30
containing a dock and 6 bells: in the church is a p.m. (callers only); dispatched at u.15 a.m. & 6-
monument to Devereux, son of Sir John Tallakarne, p.m. ; no delivery on sundays. The nearest money
slain at the battle of Riez, in Provence, France, 3 .April, order and telegraph office is at Steeple Bumpstead, !l
1628, ret. 6o: there are 400 sittings. The register dates miles distant
from the year 1558. The living is a vicarage, net yearly Pillar Letter Box cleared at II.2o a.m. & S·So p.m.
value £x8o, with 3 acres of glebe and residence, in week days only
the gift of the Bishop of Chelmsford, and held since
1913 by the Rev. Ernest Layton Onions. The Gospel Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1854, for
Brethren have a hall here, built in 1886, and ·holding 130 children; average attendance, 100; Charles Henry
wo. Queens' College, Cambridge, and the trustees of Shaw, master
St. Thomas' Hospital, London, are the chief landowners. This school is controlled by the Essex Education (Hal-
The soil is clay; subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief stead District) Sub-Committee
crops are wheat, barley, oats and beans. The area is Carrier to Haverhill.-Samuel Moore, daily (except tues)
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. COHliERCIAL. Chapman William (exors. of), farmrs.
Cole Misses, Hill cottage Challis Eleanor (Mrs.), shopkeeper Perry .Appleton
Onions Rev. Ernest Layton (vicar), Chapman Samson. farmer, Slate hall Clamp William, grocer, Post office
Vicarage Chapman Sarah (}Jrs.), farmer, New Collins .Alexander, farm er
Percival Daniel, Upper house house Cooper Mark, farmer
Bichardson J oseph • Dewsbury Alfred, fa.,.,rmmer, Lanceley's
.Eley James., blacksmtth Ketteridge Sall'ludl. farmer, Boblow Richardson J esse, farmer ~
Emson Frederick, horse dealer ~larsh Walter,Marquis of Granby P.B Ruffle Richard, farmer, Copy
Gee Stanley, farmer, White's farm .\-Ioore Samuel, carrier Thake John, carpenter
Girls' Friendly Society (branch) (Misl> Patmell Thomasl'ercy, farmer, Bump- Tilbrook Ambrose, farmer, Helions
Mary Cola, sec) stead hall farm
.Jacobs A..rth.C. Three Horseshoes P.H Parken Sampson, frmr.Board Barn fm W oodley Ralph, farmer
.Hammond Waiter, farm bailiff to Mr. Pask Stephen, miller (steam)
George Patrick Percival Charles, beer retailer
.HEMPSTEAD is a village and parish, 7 miles south- r the church has 293 sittings: in 1889 the churchyard was
west from Haverhill station on the Colne Valley line and 1 enlarged by the addition of over 500 square yards of
7 east from Saffron Walden station on that branch of land. The register of baptisms and marriages dates
the Great Eastern railway, 7 north from Thaxted and from the year 1664; burials, 1665: among the entries
47 from London, in the Northern division of the county, of baptisms is that of Richard, son of John and Mary
imndred al'ld petty sessional division of Fre!<hWf'll, union· Turpin, 21 Sept. qo5, afterwards notorious as "Dick
.and eounty .-ourt di~trict of .Saffron Walden, Saffron Turpin," the highwayman, who is supposed to have been
Walden rural deanery, archdeaco'lry of Colchester and born at the Crown Inn, in this parish: opposite the
.(_!ftelmsford diocese. The church of St. Andrew, for- house is a circle of 8 (formerly u) trees, known
nwrly a chapel attachPd to Great ·Sampford, is an I as "Turpin's or Tuppin's ring," and at one time an in-
ancient edifice of rubble in the Gothic style, consisting closure for cock fighting: at Dawkins farm, in thts
.ef chancel, with Harvey chapel, nave, aisles and south parish, is preserved a portion of the oak in which Turpin
,porch, the tower having fallen on Saturday, 28 Jan. took refuge from his pursuers. The living is a vicar-
I88a. doing much damage to the church; of the 5 age, annexed to that of Great Sampford, joint net yearly
'bells, one, the tenor, was shattered by the fall; the value £230, with 18 acres of glebe and residence, in the
<remaining four are temporarily hung in the church- s;rift {)f Col. R. F. R Formby. and hPld since 1905 by the
.yard, near the east end of the church: beneath the RPv. Edward John Roberts M.A. of St. John's College,
-chancel and vestry is the vault of the Harvey family. Cambridge. The rectorial tithes are in the hands of
'Where. an.til 1883, reposed the remains of the celebrated the Ecclesiastical Commissioners and yield about £700
Dr. William Harvey, the discoverer of the circulation yearly. The vicarage house, a good residence of brick,
-of the blood, but in that year they were removed into erected in 1884-5, at a cost of £1,585, stands about a
the Harvey chapel and placed in a marble sarcophagus quarter of a mile north of the church in an acre of
'Pr~sented for this purpose by the Royal College of ground given by C. F. W. Fane esq. The Primitive
l'hysician~, of which he had been a. fellow: in the Methodist chapel here was erected in 1853, and has 50
chapel is also a monument to his memory, with bust sittings. Charities amounting to about £16 yearly, left
<Gnd an inscription in Latin recording his death at the by John Pound, of Hempstead, and others, have been
age of 8o, 3 June, 1657: here also are various other lost; there are four houses, built in 1862 by Miss Rut-
memorials to this family from 1661 to 1830, including land for the late Misses Green, for poor widows of the
i:wo medallions of white marble with portraits in l>as- I parish; each inmate has to pay a small rent, which is
relief, by Roubiliac, to William Harvey, of Winchlow I used for repairs. Lady AuQ"usta Fanny Fane, of 33 Ted-
IHall and Chigwell, d. 14 December, 1742, and Elizabeth, wl:'rth square, London. S.W. is lady of the manor and
bis wife; another marble monument to William Harvev, •
principal landowner. The estate !mown as Hempstead
o0f Roehampton, and Bridget, his wife, 1719·6I, and a Hall has been presented to the Church Army, and is now
m.emorial to Capt. Edward Harv-3y, Coldst:ream Guards, mlled "The Church Army Emigration Colony," estab-
:and eldest S{)n of Admiral Harvev, •
who fell at Burgos. lished for the purpose of training the unemployed in
111 October, 1812; Sir Eliab Harvey K.C.B. Admiral of farm work, with a view to their emigration to Canada.
'the B111e, also interred here, d. :zo Feb. 1830: there are The soil is loam; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are
'brass effigies of civilians, c. 1475 and 1480, without in- wheat and barley. The area is 3,591 acres; rateable
i!Criptions, and others to Thomas Huntingdou esq. ob. ,-a] uP. £3·386; the population in I91I was 509-
1492. and Margaret (Tyrrell), his wife; to William Mor- Post Offi H Id w- 11 - H h b t
...."' an t , ch"te f prot.h ono. t ary of t h e C ourt
. o f C ommon PI eas,
) , w1th
. t
ntas cr.
ce.Lett aro · I f Iam s ff
ers arrive. rom a ron
ump rey,
w Id su -pos
a en a t 8 .5
-ob. 1518, and his wife, Anne (Huntmg-ton 10 !lnn;o
:and 6 daughters- a civilian and his wife c. 1530 with a. m. & 12 · 15 p.m. ; dispatched at I2. 15 & 6.5 p.m. ;
' . . ~ ~ sundays, IO.:-JS a.m. The nearest money order office
-4 sons and 5 daughters, and an mscnptwn to Rtchard - t G. t s· f d ... t 1 h ffi t R d · t
W es tl ev, ob . 151 8 • an d h Is . w1"fe J oan: th e c h urc h , wi"th IS a
. rea
d" t amp t or , "" e egrap o ce a a win er,
h . t" r th h 1 H h 1 d t 3 mi 1es Is an
·t e excep . 10n o
1 b e c· ance , arvey
"It d c thape d'an t" ower.f C oun t v p o11ce
- St a t"1on, H enry Ed ward K ettl e, cons t a ble
was en t 1re y re u1 1n 188 7- 8 , un er e uec 1on o .• · . . .
:Mr. Samuel Knight, architect, of London, at a cost of Puhhc El.ementary School (:r~nxed), bmU m 1825 & en-
'()Ver £ 1,600 , raised by subscription, and re-opened ~ larged m 1883, for .m8 c~uldren; avera~e attendan~e,
'May, 1 888: the new pulpit, reading desk Hnd lectern are ?o; C~arl~s Fredencl;: Fife, master; M1ss Amy Till,
()f oak, skilfully carved by t·he Rev. John Escreet, curate mfants m1stress
"herp I877-19~5. who also executed the carving on thP Carriers to Walden. John Harding, daily & Charles
-.onth porch; the oak was given by C. F. W. Fane esq.: Andrews, tues. & sat
Atkinson Ral.phWalker J.P.The Limes Coe George Albert, Crown P.H Harding Samuel, farmer,Frenches fm
"Drane John, Hillside Colman Wm.Thos.frmr.Winchlow hall Hudson Alice (Mrs.). shopkeeper
Escreet RPv . .Tnhn (retired) Drane John, relieving officer No. 3 Humphrey Barold Wm. grcr. Post off
Horsnell Miss, Waterloo cottage district, & collector to the guar- Johnson Geo. farm bailiff to Church
Roberts Rev. Edward John ~LA. dians, Saffron Walden union, & .Army Emigration Colony, Ruses fm
Vicarage reQ"istrar of births, deaths & mar- Johnson Henry, Royal Oak P.H
COMMERCIAL. riaQ;es, & vaccination officer fm Ketteridgoe Thos.Allen,frmr.Bull's bdg
:A.ndrews .Alfd (Mrs.), farmer,Phillips sub-district of Bad-winter, Hillside M!ltthews Benjamin, farm bailiff to
.Andrews Charles, carrier Drvsdale Lawrance, farmer, Anso Sidncy Furze esq. Church farm
Andrews Robert, eowkeeper Gallows ~fyhill Henry & :Norman Cecil,farmrs .
.Atkinson Arthur, farmer, Hop house Fitch Frederick, boot & shoe maker Great Dawkins
lHackmore Mrs. Anna, farmer, Pollins 1<'ord Waiter, boot k shoe maker , Mynott Waiter. farmer, Boyton's farm
cross Foster Frank, farmer, Fields farm Pryor Annie (Mrs.), &hopkeeper
"Blackmore Thomas Charles, farmer, FrPeman William, farmer, Hill farm Pryor Henrv, builder
Prentices farm Halls Chas. farmer, Little Bull's farm Stubbing's Denny, carpenter
'Church Army Emigration Colonv Hat-cling George, miller & farmer Turner Sidney, smith
(Thos. Warner, HempsteadJHarding John, carrier Ward Brothers, butchers
Hall Willings David, farmer, Blagdens frm
"HENHAM (or Henham-on-thP-Hill) is a parish, with stone in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel.
-a halt on the Elsenham to Thaxted line of the Great nave of bur bays. aisles, south porch and an embattled
~astern railway, ~~ miles north-east from Elsenham western tawt'r with short spire, containing 5 bells and
station on the Great Eastern (Cambridge) railway, 6 a very fine clock, placed in 1887 by Salisbury Baxendale
11orth-ea,t from Bishop Stortford and ~ from London, esq. as lord of the manor, together. with about 400
in the .XortbNn division of the county, Clavering and othPr contributors, includin!l the school children : there
Tttlesford hnndrPds, Saffron Walden petty sessional arP two pi,cina>, an ancient octagonal font and an
.d_ivision, Bi.,hop '3tortfnrd uni'Jn and ccnnty court dis- oaken pulpit, the sounding board of which has been
.trict, in ~eV~pnrt and Stan~t!'d rnral dean!'ry, Colchester taken down and converted into a reading desk : an
archdeaeonrv• and Cht>lmsford dioct>se. ThP church of ancient oal;: ~crePn divides the chancel and nave: in
.Bt. "lla1y the Yirgin is a largp and anciPnt building of the chancPl i'l a marble monument to Samuel Feake
' ·, •


esq. formerly president and governor of Fort 'Villiam, The area is 2,995 acre"'; rateable \·ahw, £10,412; the
Bengal, whose family held the estate of Henham Hall population in I9II was 741
in the 18th century: Waiter, sth Bai•on Fitzwalter, who Post & M. 0. Office.-Miss Edith Emilv • Gardiner, sub-
died in 1407, was buried here: in 1897 a sum of £6oo postmistress. Letters should be addressed Stansted,
was expended in opening out the original oak roof, Essex; letters through Stansted arrive at 8 a. m. &
reseating the nave, enlarging the organ &c. : there are 2 p.m. & 9 a.m. sunday; dispatched at J & 6.1()
400 sittings. The register dates from the year 1539. p.m. WPE'k days & 11 a.m. oundays. The nearest tele-
The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £268, with graph office is Elsenham, 2 miles distant
10 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of Mrs.
lval-Williams, and held since 1907 by the Rev. William LITTLE HENHAM is a hamlet in Clavering hundred.
lval-Williaml\. A parish room was erected in 1909. a mile and a half to the north, containing three farms
The Congregational chapel was erected in 1864, at a and a few cottages.
cost of £1,ooo, left by will for this purpose by the late
Edwa.rd Sandford esq. of Bullington Hall, in the parish PLEDGDEN is a hamlet of Henham, in Clavering
of Ugley, who died in June, 1863; it affords 400 sittings. hundred, 2 miles south-east from Henham, adjoining
There is also a room, opened at the same time, and El<>enham, and Pledgden Green, 2 miles south-east from
used for lectures and a Sundav •
school. Charities Henham, has a few cottages .
amounting to £24 yearly are distributed in kind. Sexton, William Charles Turner.
'Villiam Fuller-:Maitland esq. of Stansted Hall, who is Council School (mixed), built in 1875, for 170 children;
lord of the manor and lay rector, and Sir Waiter Gilbey average attendance, 120; Benjamin Thomas Hood.
bart. of Elsenham Hall, who is lord of the manor of head master; Mrs. Hood, assistant mistress & Miss
Pledgden hamlet, are the principal landowners. The soil Edith Skillicorn, infants' mistrt>ss
is partly gravel and strong clay and loam; subsoil, clay.
The .crops are wheat, oats, barley, roots and beans. Carrier.-To Bishop Stortford, Herbert Willett, thurs

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. fBurls .Arthur Robert, farmer, Green Knights Waiter "\V. shopkeeper
Chamberlain Jn. Edwd. Woodend grn End farm & Pledgen Hall farm Joyce Allan, f~rmer, Broom
Deen Martin Park house Bush George, market gardener,Green Judd M . .A. (.M1ss), grocer
Ely Talfourd', The Willows Chippendale _Joseph Wm. 9ock P.H M~tthews Josiah Henry, Prudential
Hanson Hubert 0. M. The White cot Cooper Dav1d, farmer, Little Hen- msurance agent, Rose cottage
Hornsby Geo. Fredk. Clematis cottage h~m lodge Newman ~VJ?. fatwer, . ~enleys farm
Ival-Williams Rev. William (vicar) DaVIs George, butcher Percy Wllham & Wilham Henry~
Vicarage ' D~xon Ernest & Sidney, blacksmiths _fa:mers, Old Meads
Orger James Pennin<Tton
cottage DIXon Edward, thatcher P1lkmgton .A.lbert, farmer, Jock farm
Orpen Miss, Exleigh Enderby Robert, market gardener Pimblett WilliamJames,Parsonage fm
Prichard Russell Preston Foster Wm. beer retlr. Pledgen green Pulham Henry C. nurseryman
Smallwood Guy i.. The Cottage Gardiner Edith Emily (Miss), grocer, Roberts Robert J. farmer, Little Hen-
Vaughan James The Friends' Mission Post office ham hall
house ' Gray Charles, Crown P.H Simons Annie (~Irs.), farmer, Mill h()
Wright Thomas Hayden John Edward, blacksmith Turner William Charles, carpenter
Heard Waiter, wheelwright Willett Herbert, carrier
COMMERCIAL. Hollinshead Mary (Mrs.), fanner, Wright Frank Charles, shoo maker
Balaam John, Bell inn Henham lodge Wright Herbert James, carpenter
Barrett Edward, shopkeeper Hood Beniamin Thos. scboolmaster & Wright Robert, farmPr
Bonfieid Mary Jane (Mrs.), grocer assistant overseer Yarrow Peter & Alfred, farmers


GREAT HENNY (or Heany) is a parish bounded on gatestone, and Col. Nathaniel Barnardiston D.L., J.P_
lilie east by the river Stour, which here divides the of The Byes. The soil is mixed loam and gravel; sub-
county from Suffolk, 3 miles south from Sudbury sta- $oil, various. The chief crops are wheat, barley and
tion and the wharves on the river Stour, in the Northern turnips. The area is r,oz8 acres of land and 6 of
division of the county, Hinckford hundred, Sudbury water; rateable value, £976; the population in J9II was
union and county court district, South Hinckford petty 183 in the civil parish and 207 in the ecclesiastical
sessional division (Halstead bench), a.nd in· the rural parish.
deanery of Halstead, archdeaconry of Colchester and dio- By Local Government Board Order 16,461, March 25,
cese of Chelmsford. The church of St. Mary is a small r885, New Houses, Hill and Lower Farms, were tram•
building of stone in the Early English style, consisting ferre.-l from this parish to Twinstead for civil purposes_
of chancel, nave, south porch, organ chamber and a Parish Clerk, William Amos.
western tower with spire containing 3 bells: there is a
LITTLE HENNY is a parish in the same jurisdicnon
mural tablet in the organ chamber to the Rev. Claude
and formerly had a small church, the foundations of
Jamineau Carter, a former rector, d. 1833, and Sibilla,
which are still to be seen half a mile north-west from
his wife, d. 1835; and in the belfry are brasses to
Great Henny church. The living is a rectory, net ye-.1rly
Thomas Crump, d. 1781; to George Golding, d. r617,
and to William Ffyscher and Anne, his wife : the chan- value £70, in the gift of Col. N. Barnardiston, and held
cel retains its sedilia and a double pi~cina, and in the '!ince IJOO by the Rev. William Bury :M.A. of Hertford
nave is another piscina: the interior was re~~ored and College, Oxford, who is also rector of and resides a\
reseated with open benches in 186o, and a stained east Great Henny. The Ryes, a mansion built at the be-
window inserted in the ~hancel in memory of Mrs. ginning of the last century, and enlarged in 1884, i&
Barnardiston, who died in 1855: a memorial window pleasantly situated in a finely wooded park and is th&
"Was plact>d in the chancel in 1871 to Miss Laura Bar- seat of Col. Nathaniel Barnardiston D.L., J.P. who i&
nardiston, and another to Nathaniel Clarke Barnardiston lord of the manor and principal landowner. The area
esq. J.P., D.L. d. 1883: the church, which has 200 is +I9 acres; rateable •alue, £359; the population in
~ittings, was again restored in 1907 at a cost of £sso :
1911 was sr.
in 1908 a brass eagle lectern was presented by Col. Wall Letter Box, Henny :\hll, cleared week days at 7.10
Nathaniel and Lady Florence Barnardiston. The register a.m. & 12.45 & 5.30 p.m. Letters through Sudbury
dates from the year 1695. The living is a rectory, net arrive at 7.30 a.m. & 12 noon week da~·s only. Bai-
yearly vnlue £224, with 6o acres of glebe and residence, ling-rlon is the nearest money order office, 2! miles, &::
in the gift oi the Earl of Verulam, and held since Sudhury the nt>arest telegraph office. 3 miles distant
1900 by the Rev. William Bury M.A.. of Hertford Col-
lege, Oxford, who is also rector of Little Henny. George THORNCROFT is a quarter of a mile north-east.
Frederick Beaumont esq. of The Lawn. Coggeshall, is Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 186o, for tio
lord of the manor. The principal landowners are chiMren; average attendance, 39; Miss Emily Bacon,.
Edward Herbert Sykes esq. of Fryerning GraRge, In- mistress
GREAT HENNY. Meadows George, farmer, Thorncxoft LITTLE HEl."VNY.
Bury Rev. William M.A. (rector), Moore Herbert, farmer, Fenn farm Barnardiston Col. Nathaniel D.L.• J.P'~
Rectory Rolfe Cecil Alfred, frmr. Street farm & Lady Florence, The Ryes
Fulton Col. G. W. R. (late R.A.), Tuffin Alfred, baker Barnard Edwd.Pool, farmer, Byes frm
Henny grove White William, whiting manufacturer Nott Edmnnd, farmer, Gentry's farra
COMMERCIA!.. Wilson Philip Arthur ( exors. of), mil-
Jezard Wait. Swan P.H. & blacksmith lers (steam & water), Henny mill
HERONGATE, see East Horndon.
HEYBRIDGE is a parish adjoining Maldon, on the at Broad Street Green, was erected in 1903, at a cost of
north bank of the river Blackwater and the Chelmer £+5oo, and has 10 beds. Charitieg producing £7 12s.
nnigation, in the Eastern division of the county, yearly are distributed in kind. The Towers, a large
Thurstable hundred, Dengie petty sessional di>ision, and elegant mansion, erected in 1873, and built of con-
Maldon union and county court district, and in the crete in a modern Italian style, is the property and
rural deanery of Maldon, archdeaconry of Essex and re;:idence of Edmund Ernest Bentall esq. J.P. Cham-
Ch!'lmsford diocese. This place was formerly named pion L:>dge is the residence of Sir Claude Champion-da-
"Tidw&lditune," and was given to St. Paul's Cathedral Crespigny hart. E. E. Bentall esq. and Sir C. Cham-
by King Athelstan. The church of St. Andrew is an pion-de-Cresphmy bart. are the prinoipal 'landowners.
ancient structure of flint, in the Early Norman and The soil is light loam; subsoil, gravel. The crops are
Early Perpendicular styles, consisting of chancel and general. The area is 1,815 acres of land and 18 of
nave, south porch and a very broad tower now rising water; rateable value, £7,515; the population in 1911
but little higher than the roof and containing one bell : was 1,922 in the civil parish and 1,937 in the eccle-
the originllil north wall remains, but the south wall siastical parhh.
was apparently destroyed by the fall of the tower: on "Under the provisions of the "Divided Parishes Act,
the north side of the chancel is a monument to Thomas r882," the Bull Inn &c. was transferred from Heybridg&
Freshwater, of Lincoln's Inn, ob. 15 March, 1638 : in to Great Tot.ham.
1897 a marble font was presented as a memorial to the
late Rev. Thomas Wren, vicar here 1857-q 4 : there are Parish Clerk, Richard Mulley.
210 sittings. The register dates from the year 1558. Post, M. 0. & T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office.
The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £250, with Richard Mulley, sub-postmaster. Letters through
re'lidence, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of St. Maldon arrive at 6. 15 & u. 45 a.m. & 2 • 20 , 4 &
Paul's, and held since 1906 by the Rev. Archibald 6 d" h d ._ o.
Patr1c· k M N ·1 "{ A f S t. J oh n's C o11ege, C am b r1"d ge.
~ c e1 e ~· . . o
·45 p.m.
& ; 1spatc e d at 9 011· 10.406 a.m. "" 1.3o, d"
· 11 C t• h BRO 'D 3.25, ,6 9 p.m.; sun ays, arr1ve at .20 a.m.; l&-
Th ere IS a sma 1
ongrega wna c ape at 1 ~~ patched at 9 p. m
STREET GREEN, ereeted in Igoo, seating 120 persons, Post & Telegraph Office, Basin. Samuel James Pm·kiss,
and another at HeybFidge Basin, built in I85o, with sub-postmaster. Letters through Maldon arrive at
1ao sittings. The Cemetery, comprising 2! r acres of d 6 .so a.m. cu
._ 5 p.m.; sun d ays, 8.45 a.m.; d"1spatch eu. .r
groun·d, was f orme d in h 1887, at a cost
d of h ;e,I,3oo, an 6 -.. d
.5o a.m. 011 5.30 p.m. ; sun ays, ·45 a.m.8 H ey-
contams a mortuary c apel; it is un er t e control of bridge is the nearest money order offi.c&
the Burial Committee of the Parish Council. There is Wall Letter Box, Broad Street Green, cleared a. 20 a.m.
a reading room, supported e>ntirely by E. H. Bentall &
3 p.m. week days only
aSnddCo. Lhimi ted, and a bduildingh, which is used asha Wall Letter Box, Saltcote, cleared 8. 15 a.m. & S·YS
un ay sc oo1, was erecte at t e sole expense of t e d
late WaJ ter W armg · esq. of Ma Id on, son of a f ormer p.m.; sun ays, 8.15 a.m
vicar. Here are the extensive iron foundry and agri- Council School (mixed &; infants), erected in 1913, for
cultural implement and machine manufactories of 468 children; average attendance, 300; Benjamin Pea.-
Edward Hammond Bentall and Co. Limited, and there cocke A..C.P. master: ~Iiss Kersey, infants' mistress
are several malt houses, granaries and lime kilns. Cc.nveyance (Charles E. Williams) meets all trains at-
Yaldon Joint Hospital Board.; Isolation Hospital, situated ~Ialdon (east) & Heybridge stations
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Butcher Arthur, timber merchant, Maldon & Heybridge Co-operative
Baker Mrs. Langford road see May & Butcher Limited Society Ltd. (Stanley Cobbold, sec)
Belsham Lowis, Boucherns Butcher John, lime bul'ller, see Last & Maldon Joint Hospital Board Isolation
• Belsham Oliver Daniel J .P Butcher Hospital (Henry Reynolds Brown
Beutall Edmd. Ernest J.P.The Towers Cemetery (William Cobbold, clerk to M.A., M.D., C.M.Edin. medical
Butcher Arthur, Sea view, Heybridge the burial committee) supt. ; Miss Elizabeth S. Miles,
Basin Chandler Richard Walker, painter matron), Broad Street Green
de-Orespigny Sir Claude Champion Clark Alfred, Jolly Sailor inn, Basin Malf & Butcher Li.nited, English
bart. D.L., J.P. Champion lodge Clark George, shopkeeper, Basin & foreign timber merchants & im-
Hall Charles Clements David, lock keeper, Basin porters, manufacturers of portable

King Miss, Bridge houo:;e Cutts George William, baker buildings & farm applianeell,
Lewis Ernest, St. Mary's villa Dalton Willet, tin>~mith builders' merchants, Government
Lott Thomas, The Farm Davis William, hair dresser «tores merchants, boat builders_ ~
McNeile Rev. Archibald Patrick M.A. Evans George, farmer, Poplar grove yacht fitters, Steam sawing & plan-
(vicar), Vicarage Eve Henry Thomas & Co. maltsters ing mills, Heybridge "Basin. T N 4
May Arthur E. Langford cross & corn & flour merchants; & at He) bridge. See advertisement
May Francis B. Saltcote hall Fullbridge, Maluon May Frederick, maltster & farmer,
Miller Mrs. Holloway house Filbey Robert Hy. Queen's Head inn Saltcote
Pollard Mrs. Wyvern Freeman Ada (Miss), pork butcher Miller Harry, nurseryman-
Wyatt Frederick Augustus, Moat cot Freeman Joi!hua, Half Moon inn, Minter Charles William, confectioner
High street Moore Edward Hastings, watch ma
• COMMERCIAL. Frost Benjamin, miller (water) Mulley Richard, baker, parish clerk &;
Early closmg day, Wednesday, 1 p.m. Gower Ernest Frederick, grocer, see sub-postmaster, Church street
Alexander James, butcher Harrin(l'ton & Gower Oscroft Joseph, (l()wkeeper
Austin Fredk. Trinity pilot, Basin Hamiltm~ .Tohn, baker & confectioner Payne John, shopkeeper, Church at
Baker Fredk. William, hurdle maker, Harrington & Gower, grocers Pearson Edward Jn. baker, Hall rd
Broad Street green Harris Arthur,corn & hay & straw dlr Purkiss Samuel James, grocer. Pos\o
Belcher Charles, cycle agent Harris Charles, Maltsters' Arms P.H office, Basin
Belsham Isaac & Son, coal &: cake Hart Harriet (Mrs.), Crown inn, Rose Frank. laundry
merchants & maltsters 1 Broad Street Green Springett Waiter, wheelwright
:Belsham 0. D. & L. flour factors Harvey Goorge, fishmonger Stebbens Charles, trinity pilot, Basin
Bentall E. H. & Co. Limited, iron Heybridge Basin Instibnte (Cllfford Stebbing Frank, cattle dealer, Hey-
founders, engineers, agricultural Stanley Purkiss, hon. sec) bridge hall
implement & nut & bolt manufac- Hough ton Edward, coal merchant Steward Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress ma.
turers; makers of petrol & oil Hume Ernest By. dairyman, Basin Stone William, beer retailer, Dasiu
engines, Heybridge works. T A Janes Edward, dairyman Wakelin William Fredk. farm bailiff
"Bentall;" T N 2 :Maldon. See 1Lappage Charles, dairyman to G. Seex esq. Lofts farm
advertisement Last & Butcher, lime burners Williams Chas. Edwick, job master
Blackwater Sailing Club (A. W. Free- Last Hy.ale, porter,wine & spirit mer Woodcraft James, ship agent. Basin
man, hon. sec) Lott Thomas, farm manager to Woodcraft John, jobmaster, Basin
Boreham Benjamin, boot maker Messrs. E. H. Bentall & Co. Ltd Worraker Eliu (:Miss), haberdasher
Brewer W alter Gilbert, Anchor inn Wybrow Richard, beer retailer
HEYDON (or Haydon)-the high down or hill-from Great Northern railway, formerly in Esse:~:, and was
its situation on a range of hills on the borders of Essex, transferred to Cambridgeshire by the " Local Govern-
is a parish, 6 miles east from Royston station on the ment Board's Provisional Confirmation (No. 14)Act,189~
HIGH BEECH, 3 miles south-east from Waltham railway. 3 north from Chingford and about 12 from Lon-
!.bbey. is an ecclesiastical parish formed in 1837 from don. in the Western division of the county, half hundred
that parish and is on the borders of Epping Forest, 2 of Waltham,Edmontou union,Waltham Abbey court
mill's nor'h from Long-hton station on the Great Enstern rli.,trict, and in the Metrop1litan police · :-:-:--



the rural deanery of Chigwell, archdea~onry of Essex and foun~d by George Hall, a native of this place, and
Chelmsford diocese. The church of St. Paul, disused Bishop of Ohester 166:.~-8, and the son of Joseph
for some time, was finally removed and superseded, D.D. successively Bishop of Exeter (1627) and Norwich
by an Order in Council, Dec. 2nd, 1884, by the new tr6.p-6r) and for some time incumbent of Waltham
church of the HDly Innocents, all rights and emolu• Abbey, were pulled down in 1890 and the proceeds
ments attached to the ancient church being transferred dHoted to the repair of the almshouses in Waltham
to the new. Holy Innocents' church, picturesquely .A.bbey : in x882 four almshouses were erected in Mott
situated in the forest, and erected at the cost of the late street by the late T. C. Baring esq. M.P. for the
Thomas Charles Baring esq. M.P. who died in 18gr, was reception of four necessitous persons of both sexes ·
opened in 1873 and consecrated in 1883: it is a cruci- belonging to this parish. High Beech Hill was visited
form edifice of stone, in the Gothic style, from designs by by H.M. the late Queen Victoria, May 6th, 1882, when
the late Sir A. W. Blomfield M.A., A.R.A., F.S.A. archi- Epping Forest was declared to be open to the public
tPct, of London, and consists of apsidal chancel, nave. for eYer, and a tree was planted to commemorate the
transepts, south porch and a north-west tower with oc- ~went. TI:~ population in 1911 was S35·
tagonal spire containing a clock and 13 bells, played Sexton, Ernest Hunt.
by machinery ; the chancel windows. all of which are Post & Telegraph Office. Mrs. Elizabeth Salmon, sub·
stained, were the gift of the late T. C. Baring esq.: postmistres~. Letters dispatched at 8 .5o a. m. &
a memorial window was inserted in 1893 by Mrs. Baring 12 noon, 3.50 k 8 p.m. week days only. Letters arrive
in memory of her husband, T. C. Baring esq. M.P. at 8.30 & 10.30 a.m. & 8 p.m. through Loughton,
and there is another to Mrs. Baring and her children; Essex; no sunday delivery of letters. Loughton, 2
there are 247 sittings: the lych gate, erected in 1898, miles distant, is the nearest money order office
is a memorial to the late Mr. and Mrs . .Arrowsmith Wall Letter Box, Church street, cleared 8 & 8.45 a.m.
of this parish. The register of baptisms and marriages 12 noon & 4 & 8 p.m. week days only
dates from the year 1837 and that for burials from
1884. The living is a vicarage. net yearly value £2oo, Wall Letter Box, Leppitts Hill, cll'ared at 7 & 10 a.m.
with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Chelmsford, k 7.30 p.m. week days only
and held since 1913 by the Rev. Charles Henry Kemp- Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1881-2, by
thorne B ..A.. of London University. A new vicarage the late Thomas Charles Baring esq. D.L., J.P. for 100

house was built in 1893 at a cost of [1,500. The Wl's- children; averag-e attendance, sr ; John Titt, master;
leyan mission room at Lippitt's Hill was built in 1876 Miss Susannah Ellen Hunt, mistress
and will seat so persons. TherP are clothing and coal This school is under the control of the Essex County
clubs, the Rev. Charles Henry Kempthorne B.A. being Education Waltham Abbey Sub-Committee, F. C. E.
lion. !'ecretary and treasurer. The three almshouses, Jessopp, 29 High Bridge street, Waltham Abbey, sec
I COMMERCIAL. Paul George & Son, nurserymen
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Butt Sydney, forest keeper, Oak villas (branch)
Baring Harold Herman John, Walls- Davies Waiter, farmer Potter HPnry, wagonette proprietor
grove house Ellwood Harriet-(Mrs.), refshmnt. rms Potter Mary (Miss), beer retailer ·
Beevers Henry, Leppitt Hill lodge Goddard William Frank, farmer,Avey Riggs William, refreshment rooms
Brenton Henry Stephen, :Manor house Lane farm Roddick Annie (Mrs.), farmer ,Spring-
Carter Richard Samuel, Torwood Goulding Ameli a (Mrs.), Duke of Wel- field house, Leppitt's hill
'Curtis Ed win Riehard, The Cottage lington P.H Salmon Solomon, shopkpr. Post office
·navies Waiter, The Laurels High Beech C1othing & Coal Club Sawyer Arthur, tea gardens, Ivy cot
Hulbert .A.rthur, Fairmead - (Rev. Charles Henry Kempthorne Spencer Wm.Hy.carpntr. Manor farm
Hunt :\1iss, Dairy farm B.A. hon. s-ec. & trea.s) Stone Alfred & Alfred John William,
Kempth{)rne Rev. Charles Henry B ..A. Hind Wm. boot maker, Mott street farmers, Leppitt's hill
(vicar), Vicarage Hunt George, shoe maker, Cll'matis Surgical & Convalescent Home (Mrs.
McGregor .Malcolm Montague. The cottag-e, Mott street Brenton, president ; Miss Katherine
Firs, Mott street Judd Harry, blacksmith Twining, matron), The Suntrap
)Jorrison Arthur,Arabin house (letters King's Oak Hotel Limited, King's 'fhompson John, aparts. Oak villa
through Waltham Cross) Oak hotel (Ludwig W. E. Gum- Tozer William, tea gardens, Roser-
Seunders Mrs. Manor cottage, Mott st precht, managing- director) ville retreat
Langdon James Henry (Mrs.), The Wright William, gardener to H. H. J.
Owl P.H. Leppitt's hill Baring esq. Wallsgrove cottage
·-niGHWOOD is a hamlet and eccl~siastical district Post, M. 0. & 'f. Office.-James Millbank Wood, sub-
formed Oct. 29, 1875, from the parish of WritHe, from postmaster. Letters through Chelmsford arrive at
which place it is 2~ miles south-west, 5 miles west-south- I 8.10 a.m. & 12.55 p.m.; box cleared 12.45 a.m. & 5·55
•west from Chelmsford and 4 miles north from Ingate- p.m.; sundays, arrive at 7·45 a.m.; collection at
stone station on the Great Eastern railway, in the Mid 9·3S a.m
division of the county, Chelmsford hundred, petty Wall Letter Box Cool-s Mill green cleared at 8 20 a m
sessional division, county court district and union, and in k 6. 10 p.m ' ' ' · · ·
>the rural deanery of Chelmsford, archdeaconry of Essex . ~
.and Chelmsford diocese. The church of St. Paul, P1Har LettPr Box, Edney common, cleared at 12.3_, &;
erected in 1842 as a chapel of ease to Writtle, is a plain 1 6 p.m. ; sundays, 9·4° a.m
buildin!;!' of brick consisting of small chancel, nave, west Wall Letter Box, Radley Green, cleared at IO a.m. &;
1porch and a we~tern turret containing one bell: the _6 p.m
-stained east window, together with a tablet on the south I "all Letter Box, Ongar_ road, cleared at 8.10 a.m. &;
wall of the chancel, were placed in Nov. 1894, as 12 ·45 & 6- 15 p.m. wee!. days only
memorials to Robert Poole Barlow, d. Sept. 12th, 1892, County Police, Bertie John Wiseman, constable
by Robert Nathaniel and Christine Barlow: there are Public Elementary Schools:-
300 sittings. The register dates from the year 1842. Mixed, built in 1835, for wo children, & enlarged in
The living is a vicaTage, net yearly value £175• with IS<; e. for 146 children; average attendance, 105;
residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Chelmsford, and Charles Woodroff Sharp, master
held since 1908 by the Rev. Alfred Charles Taylor M.A. Radley Green, built in 1871, for 54 children; average
of )ferton College, Oxford. The population in 19II attendance, 42; Miss Lydia Quare, mistress
was 636. Carrier to & from Chelmsford. James Amos, passe1
Sexton, Highwood, Thomas Palmer. through from Blackmore, tues. fri. k sat
(Letters for Cooks l\Jill Green «h•- K:elly Albert, -The Gables, Cooks Mill Grove George William, Green M,m
livered from the Writtle office; Grepn P .H. Edney Common
Radley Green letters through In- Taylor Rev. Alfred Charles :M.A. Horsnell Joseph, farmer, Gorrall's fro
gatestone, Essex.) (vicar), The Vicarage Howard Frank, farmer, Montagues
PRIVATF! RESIDF!NTS- COMMERCIAL. Kelly Albert, threshing machine pro-
Bailey Thomas John, Wellington ho. Blanks Josl'ph, blacksmith prietor, Cooks Mill Green
Cooks Mill Green Bucknell William (exors. of),farmers, Macmorland William Grant, farmer,
Rurrow .A.lbert Bovce,

Kings court Fithler's hall Writtle Park fann
Grimston Misses, Cooks Mill Green Crush Rose (Miss), shopkeeper, Cooks Marriage Edmund, farmer, Horsfrith-
Holden Cecil Jame.s Shuttleworth, Mill Green park fam1
Writtle Park Eve George Edward, farmer, Childs i!.-letson Benj. Adams, frmr.Wards frm
Hughes William Baker, Landview ho. & Phillips Radford William, farmer, Barrow frm
Cooks Mill Green Eve James, farmer, Jordans Scott Thomas, farmer, The Handl,
lngram Herbert Clavell, Eton lodge Flack Alfred, farmer, Budds farm J Radley Green
Staines George Watson, farmer, Whitehead James, farm bailiff to R. Willis Alfred George, Fox & Goose
Brainwood, Cooks Mill Green M. Straight esq P.H. Cooks Mill Green
Stainea Harry, farmer, Ewsons, Rad- William Isaac Harold, caUle dealer, Wood JamesMillbank,shopkpr.Post off
ley Green Bramwoods, Edney Common
HOCXLEY (or Hockleigh) is a parish and ancient lord of the manor. The principal landowners are Lord
~illage, on a hill near the valley of the river Crouch, Rayleigh P.C., O.M., F.R.S. Spencer Phillips esq. C. T.
about a mile and a half south fu-om that river, on tht> ~aster esq. and Joseph Neville Hine esq. The soil is
road from Billericay to Rochford, with a station on tht> red loam; subsoil, red loam. The chief crops are
Southend line of the Great Eastern railway, 4 mile~ wheat, barley, beans and pea!. The area is 4,470 acres
'OOrth-west from Rochford and 9 north-west from South- >f land, 4 of inland and 97 of tidal water and 153 of
-end, in the South Eastern division of the county, Roch- foreshore; rateable value, £6,189; the population in
ford hundred, petty sessional division and union. '9II was 932.
Southend county court district, and in the rural At HULL BRIDGE, 3 miles north from the village, are
of Wickford, archdeacomy of Essex and diocese wharves and a- ferry across .the Crouch, where the river
of The church of St. Peter, cons.picuously is fordable at low water; the remains of an ancient
placed on a -hill, is supposed to have been founded b) ~ridge are still in existence ; a mission hall was erected
Ca.nute the Great and Turketil, in memory of the victory here in r8go and affords 6o sittings.
gained over Edmund lronside at Ashingdon, in this neigh-
bourhood, in IOI6: it is an edifice of rubble stone, in Post, M. 0. & T. Office. Ernest E. My hill, sub-post-
the Transitional style, and consists of chancel, nave, master (letters should have Essex added). Deliveries
north aisle, separated from the nave by an arcade of of letters &c. commence week days at 6.30 & 9-40 a.m.
three ba.ys, south porch and a low but massive octagonal & 7-IS p.m.; sunday (parcels excepted) at 6.30 a..m.;
~mbattled tower. with a s-hingled spire, and containing 3 letter box cleared & parcels received for dispatch,
bells: the church plate includes a. .chalice of the time or week days, II-35 a.. m. &, 6.55 & 8 p.m. ; sunday
William and Mary: the ancient Norman font has beer (parcels excepted), 6.55 p.m
restored: there are 1g0 sittings. The registers of bap. Wall Letter Boxes: At Uhurch, cleared at 8.45 a.m. &
tisms and burials date from 1732; mjlrriages, 1757· 5 ·So p.m.; at Hull Bridge, cleared at 7·45 a.m. k
The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £190, with 5-3° p.m. ; near Fountain, cleared at 7.50 k 1:0.45
residence a.nd 8 acres of glebe, in the girt oi a.m. & 6.35 p.m.; sundays, 7.30 a.m. Folly lane,
the Warden and Fellows of Wadham College, Oxford. cleared at 8.45 a.m. k 6 p.m
and held since I9I I by the Rev. Alan Hugh Gardner
M ..A. of that college. A public hall was built in I904 Public Elementary Schools.
and will seat 300. Here is also a Wesleyan Methodis: Mixed, built in 1903, for 200 children ; average attend-
• .chapel. A medicinal spring was discovered here abou1 ance, 1 IS ; H. B. Blackeby, master
1842, and a pump-room with baths was erected, but, Hull Bridge (mf:xed). opened at Easter, 1902, for 100
proving unsuccessful, i1.1 now disused. A drinkin!! children; avera~e attendance, 78; William G. Staines,
fountain was erected in 1899 by Mrs. Tawke. Ernest mast~r
A. Evans esq. of Boding House, South Woodford, is :Railway Station, John Hayden, station master
COMVERCIA.L. Jenner Edwin Otto,frmr.Vicara!Se frm
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. All en Waiter, gret;lngrocer Kev Sarah Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
Baker Sml. Sidney J .P. Bull Wood ho Baker Samuel Sidney J.P. farmer & Hull Bridge
Baker Thomas Ernest, Hillcrest landowner, Bull Wood house Kiplin~ George, poultry farmer
Bentlev •
John, Aberdour Baker Sydney, butcher Lark Sarah .Ann (Mrs.), Spa hotel
:Bogg Ml'f!. L. Windermere, Bull lane Baker Thos. Ernest, solicitor,Hillcrest Lewis & Nicholson, physicns. & srgns
Bramley Edward, Glentana Barnes John, wheelwright Meeson William Merryfield, corn mer
Burgess Arthur, Glengarry Belton William, farmer Merrvfield

Thoma8, cattle dealer
IJurgess John Bill, Old Spa Bog15 Eva Margt. (Miss), private schl Miller Wm. M.D. physician & surgeon
Coe Ernest Henry, Blounts Bowen James, Bull inn (attends daily from I I to n.3o a.m)
Cole Henry, Belvedere Brown Ernest, farmer, High Elms Myhill Ernest E stationer, Post office
Court Charles L. Lvnton •
house Burgess Jn. Hill,estate ageut.Old Spa Neale Edward James, solicitor & com-
Doo Mrs. Homestead Chapman & Co. nurserymen, Pond missioner for oaths
Gardner Rev. Alan Hugh M.A. Chase nursery ~icholson Charles Rowley M.R.C.S.
(vicar), Fountain cottage Cohen Soloman. boot maker Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. physician &;
Grant Frank, Crouch view Cooper Robe.rt, farmer, Parker's farm surgeon, see Lewis & Nicholson
Hall Edward, Dieudonne Cowan Morris, boot maker Nicholson Harry. boot repairer
King Robert George, Hope lodge Farthing Joshua, nurseryman Noble George, baker
Knaggs Wm.RogersNelson,Hockley ho Ferner Thomas, brick maker Ogden Edwin .J. carman
Knee Alfred Thomas, Hockley hall Fish Herbert Robert, commercial, Ought on Richard & Co. auctioneers &
Lovell Mrs. Claremont traveller, Egremont estate agents, Eaton lodge
Mower George, W oodwards Fletcher Robert, watch repairer Percival Miriam (Miss) C.M.B. mid-
Nicholson Edward, Craigmore Griffin Waiter (Mrs.), nursing home, wife & district nurse to the Hock-
Norton Thomas, Plumboro' mount Sunnyside ley & Rochford Nursing Associa-
Offin .A.lbert W allis, Hockley lodge Gurney Thomas, draper tion, Woodlands, High road
Onghton Richard, Eaton lodge Harvey Stephen, farmer, Kingman's Potter Inifer, grocer
Prince Thomas, Woodland road farm, Hull Bridge Public Hall (G. Noble, sec)
Sams George, Grasmere Higgins S. farmer, Southlands Quy Thomas W. confectioner
Sansom William John, Hillside HitchPns Frank Edwin, .Anchor P.H. Savage W. & Son, nurser:ymen
Satterly Capt. John T. The Eddystone Hull Bridge Seed Percy Hemingway, farmer,
Service Miss, Elms Hocking Ernest, builder, Mount view Boxes farm
Silverlock Mrs. Hermosa Hockley Laundry & Home (Miss IService James, builder
Smith Frank Charles, The Chase Tawke, sPc) Spencer James Frederick, nursery-
Smith Josepb, Walfords (letters Hockley & Rochford Nursing .Associa- man, Thistledown nurseries
through Rayleigh) tion (:Miss Miriam Percival C.M.B. Sprent Sidney Leonard, grocer
'Sutton :Mrs. Carisbrook district nurse), Woodlands, High rd Thorpe George .A. farmer
Wandless John Robt. Northumbria Horslin Thomas, confectioner Unwin William James,tomato grower,
Wandless Mrs. Coquetdale Hymas Alfred, coal mer. G.E.R. statn Oakland nursery
Ward Mrs. M. M. Whitbreds Jay Josiah, farn:. bailiff to Messrs. A. Wagenitz A. & C. farmers, Lower
Winkley Samuel, The Red house J. &; C. Hocking, Bartons farm Hockley hall •
Jefferies Seaman, dairyman West William, blacksmith
GREAT HOLLAND is a village and parish, nPar thr ~~helmsfor~. The church of All Saints was entirely
•ea coast and a brook coming down from Tendring, rebuilt in 1866 on the old foundations in the Earlv •
called " the Holland Brook," a mile and a half south English style, from the desig-ns of the late Sir Arthur
from Kirby station on the Tendring Hundred branch W. Blemfield kt. M.A., A.R.A., F.S.A. at a cost of
of the Great Eastern railway, 4 miles south-west from £2,200, principally furnished by the Rev. Richard
Walton steamboat pier, 16 south from Harwich and Joynes B.D. late rector (186t-87) and consists of chancel,
16 &onth-east from Colchester, in the North Eastern nave of four bays, north aisle, south porch, vestry and a
division of the county, Tendring hundred. petty ses- massive embattled tower of brick, containing 2 bells:
sional division and union, Colchester, Clacton and the east window is stained and was presented by the
Harwich Joint county court district, rural deanery of Rev. R. Jovnes

at the restoration: there are 200
St. Osyth, a.rchdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of sittings. 'l'he Yegister -of burials dates from 1539;

baptisms, 1542; marriages, I547· The living is a population in I9II was 482 in the civil parish and 475
rt'ctory, net yearly value £450, with 6o acres of glebe in the .ecclesiastical parish.
and res1dence, in the gift of trustees, and held' since : ,By Local Government Board Order 22 ,3 31 , :March 24o
r88J by the Rev. Frank Beadel M.A. of Trinity Colle-ge, r888, Frinton Lodge was transferred from Frinton to this
Cambridge. Here is a Wesleyan chapel, erected in parish.
18gr, with so sittings. The Village Hall and Institute~
built in 1909 at a cost of about £1,ooo, contain's; a . Parish Clerk, Thomas Bareham.
library of r,5oo books and a games room. Near the Post &, M. 0. Office.-William Lennett Crampin, sub-
mouth of the small brook between the parishes of, Great . postma,ster. Letters through Kirby Cross, Essex,
and Little Holland are some marshes. Holland 'Hav·~n arrive at 7·5 a.m. & 4.25 p.m.; sundays at 7·5 a.m.;
is near the sluice-gate. Frederick Beaumont esq·.. of dispatched at 9.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; sundays at xo
Coggeshall, is lord of the manor. Sir Richard Ashmole a.m. The nearest telegraph office is at Frinton-on-
Cooper bart. M.P. of Felden Lodge, Boxmoor, H~rts,: ~a,· 2 miles distant
is the chief landowner. The soil in one part ·of the: Wall 1 Letter Box, The Green, cleared at 9 .35 a.m. &;
parish is loamy; subsoil, principally clay, and in 'tht> d
· a 1·1g ht c1ay so1-1, w1t
oth er par t th f're 1s · h a sub so1.1 of 6.35 p.m. & ro.5 a.m. sun ays
gravel. The. chief crops are wheat, oats, barley, •beans Public Elt>mentary School (mixed), built in r862 & en-
and peas. The area is 2,149 acres of land, 6 of inland larged in 1900 &i again in 1912, for 120 children;
~ater and 17 of foreshore; rateable value, £2,6o8; the average attendance, 82; Frank S. Badcock, master
Beadel Rev. Frank ~LA. (rector), j Barron Emma (Miss),frmr.Visseys fm I,ow Arthnr Ambrose, farmer, Larges
Rectory l Blowers Clifford S. baker Lubbuck Thomas Benj. harness ma
Boon Alfred, The Bungalow Burgess J osep\1., Red, Lion, inn Lucas Frederick William, farmer
Butcher Charles Abbs, Kildare 'Crampin Wi1liam Lennett; shopkeepr. Manning Waiter, market gardener
Clapp Herbert, Linacre Post office Overton Clara Kate (Mrs.), Ship inn
Cousin Miss, The Cottage Drinkwater Alfred, tea grdns. & asst. Paine Edward William, farmer
Dale William, Sunnydale overseer & clerk to Parish Council Parker John W. boot repairer
Davis Richard Henry, Lawn cottage
Hamilton Misses, ::\Iapperley Field Waiter, farmer, Birch hoe steam)
Hodgkins Edgar Ernest, Woodcot Giles Edwin, farmer, Lower farm Ratcliffe Henry & Sons, machinists
Travers :Major ~Iordaunt Thoma'l Great Holland. Hall & Institute (J. W. Stannard John, coal merchant
Otho, Great Holland lodge Robson, hon. sec) Stevenson Alec, frmr. Hodgenoll's fm
COVMERCIAL. Green Arthpr, boot repairer, Commnn 1Vake George Jas. nurseryman, The
Andrew ·wm.:Meriton,fl.orist,GungaDin Green Walt. Proctor,frmr.'~anor farm Rosary
Baker Frederick William, farmer, Hall Hale William, farmer, Da,iry farm \Webber Ernest Henry, dairyman
LITTLE HOLLAND is a parish, lying on the coast 12, 1903, and will seat 70 persons. The separate
between Great Clacton and Frinton, with Great Holland regi~~er dates only from 1907. The living is a
adjoining it on the north-east; it is m the :Nor~h dcarage, united to that of Great Clacton, joint net
Eastern division of the county, Tendring hundred, petty yearly valu~ £2oo, in the gift of the Church Patronage
sessional division and union, Colchester, Clacton and Socil'ty, and held since 1902 by the Rev. James Silvester
Harwich Joint county court district, rural deanery M.A. of Worcester College, Oxford, who resides at Great
of St. Osyth, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese Clacton vicarage. G . ..1. 1Yebster esq. is lord of the
of Chelmsford. The coast here rises into cliffs.· Many .manor. D. C. Preston esq. of The Hall, Dulwich, Lon-
thousand acres of land drain into Holland brook. don S E, is the principal landowner. The land has been
which passes through Tendring, Weeley, Thorpe and divided· in building plots into three estates, called
Clacton and has its outlet here where a sluice-house King's Cliff, Empire Cliff and Preston Park; roads have
and extensive works are erected to facilitate the outfall. been madP and some new houses built. .Above the
About 1! miles of coast is kept up by Commissioners beach stands an obelisk, erected to commemorate the
appointed under a local Act of Parliament, who meet landing of H.R.H. the Duke of Connaught and troops
once a year on Easter Tuesday to inspect the works. on Sept. 6, 1904, for the Essex military manoouvres.
and make rates for the maintenance of the coast The soil is of a light nature; subsoil, gravel and light
defences; and a sum of £8,ooo has been expended in sand. The chief crops are wheat, oats and barley. The
facing the wall with Kentish rag stone. Mr. Edwin arf\a of the parish is 642 acres of land, 6 of inland water
Giles, of Sladbury's, Great Clacton, is treasurer to the and 72 of foreshore; rateable value, £726; the popula-
. Commissioners. The marshes are very extensive and tion in 19II was :3r.
abound in wild-fowl. On the Hall estate, near the sea,
are the remains of the old church, but nothing .is left. I'ost Office. :Mrs. Ellen ::\'Iary Hazelton, sub-postmis-
tress. Letters ~hrough Clacton-on-Sea arrive at 7·5
of any architectural value; in Camden'>~ time ,this & d
ch urch was one m1·1 e f rom •h • e sea an d f ormer1y b e' & 11.35 a.m. 4.40 p.m. ; dispatche at 7.25 & 11.40
1 d t th p · f St 0 th ft tb a.m. & 5-5.'5 p.m.; sundays, arrive at 7.15 a.m. &
onge O e rwry O · sy ; a er e sup- dispatched at E.4o p.m. Clacton-on-Sea, 2 miles dis-
pression of the priory, the rectory and tithes descended tant,, is the nearest monf?y order & telegraph office
in succession to Thomas, Lord Cromwell and the Darcy
and Rivers families. The present church of St. The children of this parish attend the school in Hqlland
Bartholomew, a small iron building, was opened Aug. rd.; Walt.C.Bareham,Little Clacton, attendance officer
ILayton Mrs. '\<V. Summerholme COlllMERCIAL.
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. L,•vett Theophilus, Mvrasha-y , Bowling Peter J ames, inland revenue
Briggs Mrs. The Iron Bungalow , Mayor Douglas, The Hall i surveyor. Red cot
Davis Mrs. Halmleigh ~IJ:illar ~Irs. Bedford villa 1 Gould Frederick W. beer retailer
Gaskell William, Springfif?ld Preston David C. BennetVs farm Hazelton Thomas, shopkpr. & post off
Graham Mrs. Milt()n villa Tappenden Waiter, Capilano Lord Walter Golden, frmr.Kent's frm
Ingarfield Edward, Hig:Ulands Watts Mrs. Arcady Watts John, dairyman, Holland Park
White George, Brandon house dairy
Willink ThCts. Wingfield, High clifie ,White Arthur George, cycle agent
HOL YFIELD, see Waltham Abbey.
GREAT HORKESLEY is a parish, .separated from r862-76, and a monument to the Rev. J. Morse M.A. pre-
Suffolk by the river Stour, 4 miles north from ColchPster bendary of Lichfield and Hereford and 14 years rector of
station and 5 from the town. in the North"Eastern this parish, d. 22 March, 1746; there are 300 sittings.
division of the county, Lexden hundred, Lexden and The register dates from the year 1558. The living is a
Winstree petty sessional division and union. Colchester, rectory, net yearly value £sso, w.ith 47 acres of glebe, and
Clacton and Harwich Joint county court distrid, rural residence, in the gift of Lord Lucas and Dingwall, and
deanery of Dedham, archdeJconry of Colchester and held since 1876 by the Rev. John Storr B..A. of Corpm:
Chelmsford diocese. The ancient church of All Saints Christi College, Cambridge, who is also vicar of Little
is a building of stone in the Late Perpendicular Horliesley. There is a chapel of ease here, the property
style, consisting of chancel, nave of five bays, north of Com. E. B. P. lielso R.N., D.L., J.P. of Horkesley
aisle, south porch and an embattled western tower Park, in which services are conducted by the rector
containing 6 bells : there is a memorial window to Dr. on Sunday evenings. Here is also an ancient chantry,
William Ward, formerly Bishop of Sodor and Man now converted into a cott:Jge, but originally fom;tded
(1828-38), and others to the Rev. David Frederick Mark· and endowed by John Falcon, with lands and tenement<:
ham, rector of Great Horkesley 1838-53; the Rev. John still called "Priests' lrutds "-<, the east window is now
B;Jlfour Magenis, rector of Great Horkesley 1853-62, and blocked ; the buttress2s are ' IJf good character; the
to children of the Rev. John Steel M.A. rector here, wood work of the rocf :.:;u rem;!ins and there is a


piscina in the south wall. The charities are of £35 owners are Lord Lucas and Dingwall, and Mr.
'P8l'ly value, arising from a. messuage and lands, Herbert Page. The soil is mixed loam; subsoil, par'i.
called "Engli8h," in Elmsted, left in 1509 by John gravel and part clay. The ehief crops are wheat, barley~
Guyon, and from a charity left in 1564 by Thomas oats, turnips and mangold wurtzel. The area is 3,197
Love, of Littler Horkesley. The Great Horkesley Club acres of land and 7 of water; rateable· val~e, £4,045 ;:
Room, opened in 1878 and enlarged in r88o and 1887, the population in rgn was 779 in the civil parish and
is a. plain structure of brick, formerly a Primitive 754 in the ecclesiastical parish.
_\fethodist chapel, a.nd is also used as a parochial Under the provisions of the " Divided Parishes Act.
hbrary ; there are about 150 members, who elect a 1!.'82," a part of Bergholt Road has been transferred
committee of management annually; the property is from Little Horkesley to Great Horkesley.
'rested in twG trustees. Horkesley Park is the resi- Post, M. 0. & T. Office. Joseph "'homas Smith, sub-
dence of Commander Edward Barrington Purvis Kelso p<Jstmaster. Letters arrive through Colchester at 4 5
R.N., D.L., J.P. who is lord of the manor. West- & 10.35 a.m. ; dispatched at ~ 25 &; 8.15 p.m
wood House, &ceupied by Captain William James
~lontagu Hill, late Scots Guards, is a mansion in the Public Elementary S'chool (mixed), built m 1873, for 124
Tudor style, which has been almost entirely rebuilt children; average, ro8; W. Fred E.
and greatly enlarged by the present owner. The park, Harris, master
of nearly roo acres, is finely timbered, and the pleasure Constable in Charge, l:dward George Perry
grounds cover some 15 acres. The principal land-
' Scarfe Albert, The Grove Macer Charles. boot &; shoe maker
PRIVATE :RESIDENTS. Smith Major Percy, Bay Tree house .M:>cer Frederi<:k Charles, builder
Cant William Edmund M.D., F.R.C.S. Storr Rev. John B.A. (rect<~r),Rectory r.~askell Berners S. c{)al dealer
The Rookery COMMEBCIAL. 1\'Iaskell George Berry, farmer
Cobbe Henrry Alexander, Woodlands Nevard Edward John, grocer
<'onstable Ml's. The .Nest 1llen Edgar. farmer, The Lanrels Page Herbert, farmer, Ridgnalls k
Daniell William Augustus Bamp- Banham Ctlarles, blacksmith Coveneys farms
fylde, The Turrets Bradd:f" Alfred, farmer, Tile house Partridge Benj.Grant,frmr.Spring fro
de Havilland Hngh, ~lanor house Chamberlain William, nurseryman &; Prior David &; Son, rose growers
Eley Capt. Harry, Altyre house assistant overseer Rose Waiter, cattle dealer, Causeway
Hawkins Charles E.W. The Old Louse Churchman Geo. frmr. Westwood grn Scace Sidney, head gardener to Capt.
Hill Capt. William Jame' Montagu, Clarke Joseph, farmer, Knowles farm W. J. M. Hill
West•ood housE.' (postal address, Daniels Richard Lewis, pig farmer, Smith Jsph. Thos. shopkpr. Post oft
West Bergholt, Ess~x) Old Mill home Smith William, farmer
Hindes William Frederick, The Croft, Halls Henry, farmer, Terrace hall Studd Joseph, carpenter
BoxtPd road Halls William, farmer, Black Brook Tyler Edward James, Yew Tree inn
Kelso Com. Edwd. Barrington Purvis Hawkins Charles E. W. farmer, The Vale James B. beer retailer
R.N., D.L,, J.P. Horkesley park Old house Ward Isaac, blacksmith
Lermitte Lt.-Col. Hy.Jas. Woodhous& Horkcsley Miniature Rifle Club (Com- Working Men's Club (Rev.J~hn Storr.
MJlrea Ma:for William Percy Garland mander Kelso R.N., D.L.,J.P.pres.; hon. sec.; E. J. Nevard, assistani
.A..S.C. Hospytts Chas. E. W. Hawkins esq.vice pres) sec.; Herbert Appleby, librarian)
O'Kinealy Peter, Mount hall Jackson Wm. Albt.Rose & Crown P.H Wyncoll Goorge Ernest, farmer, Bre-
Page William, The Cedars Lord Arthur, butcher wood Hall & W{lodlands farms
LITTLE HORKE'SLEY is a parish, 4 miles north led, Langham, Worruingford, Fordham Dedham, Lexden~
from Colchester, in the North Eastern division of the West Bergholt, Nayland, Mount Bures and Hedley; the
county, Lexden hundred, Lexden and Winstree onion charity for this parish now amounts to about £13 yearly,.
and petty sessional division, Colchester, Clacton and and is distributed among the poor. Here was formerly
Harwich Joint county court district, rural deanery of a priory of Cluniac monks belonging to the monastery
De-dham, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of of Thetford, said to have been founded in the time
C'ht>lmsford. The church of SS. Peter and Paul, erected of King Stephen, circ. I ISO, by Robert Fitz Godebold
ln the Isth century, is an edifice of stone in the Perpen-
and Beatrix, his wife, and dedicated to SS. Peter and
dicnllrr style, consisting of chancel, nave, south aisle,
Paul: the revenues at the Dissolution were £27 7s. ud.
l!outh porch and an· embattled western tower containing Henry and Charles Grimwade, of Hadleigh, Suffolk, are
5 bells and a clock: a vestry and organ chamber were lords of the manor and the principal landowners. The
added in 1878 and the church thoroughly restored at a soil is loam; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat,
cost uf between £2,ooo and £3,ooo: there are 250 sit- barley, beans and turnips. The area is 1,026 acres ;
tings: there are several very ancient monumental effigies
I"ateable value, £1,351; the population in 19II was 184
in the church, and some ancient brasses, including in the civil parish and 209 in the ecclesiastical parish.
a brass shield. The register dates from the year 1568, Under the provisions of the "Divided Parishes Act,
bnt has been inaccurately kept. The living is a vicar- 1882," a part of Bergholt Road has been transferred
agt>, net yearly va~ue £63, in the gift of trustees, andfrom this parish to Great Horkesley.
held since 1897 by the Rev. John Storr B.A. of Corpus Post Office.-.Ml'S. Eliza Southernwood, sub-postmistress.
f'hristi College, Cambridge, who is also rector of and Letters arrive through C<llchester at 6.40 &; u.4o
resides at Great Horl{esley. Thomas Love, of this parish, a.m.; dispatched at 11.40 a.m. & 7·35 p.m. Nayland
{\'ave by will in 1564 the sum of £120 in trust to is the nearest telegraph & money order office
Thomas Rich, of Lexden, with which he should buy a Public Elementary School, built in 187o, & re-opened in
parl't>l of land and distribute the rent at Shrovetide 1894 & enlarged in 191o, for 66 children; . average
amongst the poor of Great and Little Horkesley, Box- attendance, 45; :Miss Brewer, mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Munson Arthur, farmer, Vinesse &
Fowler Capt. Cole C., R.N. Josselyns COMMEROUL. I Lower Dairy farms
house Fletcher Fredk. Lambert,Beehive P.H Osborne Owen, baker
Otter-Barry Robert Meh·il Barry, The Howlett Henry, farmer, The Priory & 1Pettitt Leonard, fruit grower
Hall Upper Dairy farms Richardson Ezra, blacksmit'h
Rharp Lewin, The Q{)ttage
Wiseman Qharles J. The Holts
Morley George, farmer, Hall farm
Munson Alfd. farmer, Gladwins farm
Thurston George, head gardener to
R. M. B. Otter-Barry esq. The Hall
HORNCHURCH is a large village and parish, on the recast in 1778, 2 being added in 1901 : the chancel was
road from Romford to Upminster, and bounded on the restored in r869 and a stained east window erected as a
east and west by the rivers Ingrebonrn and Rom, with memorial to Thomas Mashiter esq. of Horn()hurch Lodge.
a station {ID the London, Tllbury and Southend railway, d. 1862; and there are five others: the chancel has a
2 miles north-west, and the junction of the line to Rom- reredos of carved stone, a piscina and sedilia; on the
ford and 14 from London. The parish is in the Romford north wall of the tower is a curiously carved marble
division of the county, Romford petty sessional division, tablet to Thomas Witherings esq. chief postmaster of
nnion and county court district, and in the rural deanery Great Britain, ob. 1651: the church was restored in
of Chafford, archdeaconry of Essex and Chelmsford 1871, at a cost of about £2,ooo, and again iu Ig<>o, at. a
diocese. The village is lighted with gas supplied from further cost of £goo, and there are soo sittings. The
Romford. The church of St. Andrew is an ancient register, which is in good condition, dates from the year
building of stone in the Early Decorated and Perpen- 1576. The living is a vicarage temporal, or chaplaincy,.
dicular styles, consisting of chancel, nave with clerestory, and was formerly exempt from ecclesiastical jurisdic-
B1sles, north po:rch and a large embattled western towe.r tion, net yearly value £6oo, with residence, in the gift
1rith a turret and spire, the whole rising to a height of 120 of the Warden and Fellows of New College, Oxford, who
feet and containing a clock and 8 bells, 6 of which were grant the benefice to the vicar by a special form of

document, and held since 19011 by the Rev Herbert built in 187r, and seating 300 persons; Rev. Bern&rd
.John Dale M.A. of that college, rural dean of Cha:fford HartJey M.A. is curate in charge, and a United Metho-
(or Romford), and chaplain of the (i(Jttage Homes. dist chapel. A grinding and crushing mill was ereded
The Baptist chapel, erected at a cost of ,£840, and in 1905 and enlarged in 1912.
()pened Sept. 21, 1882, was enlarged in 1900, and is an
edifice of brick with stone dressings, and occupies a .ARDLEIGH GREEN is a hamlet, x! miles north.
'Site given by Mr. J. A. .Abraham, of Upminster; it Wall Letter Box, cleared 7.50 & 10.45 a.m. & 7·45 p.m.;
\Will seat 300 persons. The Congreflational chapel sundays, 8 a. m
'Was erected in 1909. Here are manufactories for agri-
-cultural implements; and brewing and malting are H.A.VERING WELL is a hamlet, I mile west and half
.carried on. There are several small charities, pro- a mile south of Romford .
-ducing in all about ,£220 yearly, subject to the control SOUTH HORNCHURCH is a part of the parish, ex-
-of the Charity Commissioners or Board of Education. tending to the banks of the River Thames and adjoining
'There is also a char1ty left by Mrs. Massu, for ten Rainham station on the Tilbury and Southend railway.
4lged poor who have. never accep!ed parochial relief ; There is a mission chapel here.
and another charity founded by Mrs. Hyde, for appren- The City of London Rifle ranges are here, and adjoin
ticing two poor boys from Hornchurch and one from Rain ham.
IRomford yearly. Three almshouses, left by Henry Pillar Letter Box at New road, cleared at 10.30 &
Appleton, 1587, were rebuilt in 1838, and are occupied •5·55 & 8.30 p.m.; sundays, 9.30 a. m
by old parishioners. Two others, left by John Pennant, Pillar Letter Box, opposite Ford lane, cleared 7.30 & 10
tin 1597, were restored by Thomas Mashiter esq. in 1837 a.m. & 6.15 p.m. ; not on sunday
and are also tenanted by old parishioners. The con- Deputy Parish Clerk & Sexton, John Purrett.
:Solidated charities are now administered by the Parish Post, Nl. 0., T. &; Telephonic Express Delivery Office,
Council, under an Order of the Charity Commissioners, Hornchurch.-Henry George Haynes, postmaster
.dated 1912. The Drill Hall was erected by subscrip- Letters arrive from Romford at 6 & ~-IS a.m. & 3·45
'tion at a cost of ,£400 for the H Company of the & 7.10 p.m.; dispatched at 9.20 & 10.50 a.m. &; x.xo,
-4th Territorial Battalion Essex Regiment. The Fire 4-35· 7.15 & 8.5o p.m.; sundays, 7.20 p.m.; first
Brigade station, in Billet lane, was built in 1908, on delivery• commences at 6 a.m
a site presented by the late Lieut.-Col. Henry Holmes Post, M. 0. & T. Office, Harold Wood.-Miss Caroline
]).L., J.P. and is under the control of the Parish Joscelyne, postmistress. Letters arrive via Romford
-counciL The Children's Cottage Homes here, erected at 7 a.m. & 3.15 & 7.10 p.m.; sundays, 7 a.m. & are
in I 890 by the Guardians of the parish of St. Leonard, dispatched at 10.30 a.m. & r, 7. ro & 9 p.m. ; sun-
:Shoredit'Ch, compnsP a series of double-fronted cot- days, 9 p.m
-tages for the children of that parish: these con- Wall Letter Box at Butts Green, cleared 7.50 & 9.30
:;;ist of six cottages for boys, five for girls, and one a.m. & 4.20 & 8.45 p.m.; sundays, 6.40 p.m. Pillar
ifor infants: · ~ach is arranged to l10ld 32 children, Letter Box, near Church, cleared at 10 a.m. & I &
who are under the care of foster parents, and there 7-I5 p.m.; sundays, 7 p.m. Wall Letter Box at
:are also two cottages specially built for such children Cottage Homes, cleared 7.30 & II a.m. & 1.15 &
11s could not, {)n medical grounds, be received into the 7.30 p.m.; sunaays, 7.30 p.m. Wall Letter Box a\
lhomes: the homes are available altogether for 400 Parkstone avenue, Emerson Park, cleared at 6.45 &
-children and officers : the building-s include a school 10.40 a.m. & 5 & 8.30 p.m.; sundays, 6.25 a.m. Wall
'(part of which is used as a chapel), bakery, laundry Letter Box at Hay Green, cleared at 8 a.m. & 12.15,
:and various workshops: the entrance block is U!IPrl a• 5.15 & 8.40 p.m. Pillar Letter Box at Avenue road,
.a probationary abode, in which children, after admis- Harold Wood,clearfld at 9 a.m. & 8.15 p.m.; sundays,
sion, remain for 14 days, previous to their being per- 9.15 a.m. Wall Letter Box at Railway station, cleared
m.a.mmtly located in one of the homes: the building~ at 6 & 9·45 a.m. & 6.45 p.m. ; sundays, 7 p.m.
<Occupy an area of 14 acres, and the estate includes an Pillar Letter Box at Hacton lane, cleared at 6.30 a.m.
:attached farm of 70 acres. .A priory, dedicated to St. & 5-30 p.m. ; sundays, 6.30 p.m. Pillar Letter Box
Nicholas and St. Bernard, subordinate to the hospital at Herbert road, cleared at 6.30 & 10.30 a.m. & 4.30 &
-of Monte J ovis, in the diocese of Sedun or Syon, in 8.10 p.m. ; sundays, 6 p.m. Pillar Letter Box at
'Savoy, was founded here in the reign of Henry II. and Grey Towers, cleared at 8.15 & 10.45 a.m. & :r. 15 &
:afterwards had attached to it, c. 1245, by Peter, Earl 7·45 p.m.; sundays, 7.15 p.m. Pillar Letter Box at
-of Savoy, the Savoy Palace in the Strand, London: the
Tevenues of this cell being seized with other priories Wingle Tye lane, cleared at 8 a.m. & 12.15, 5·45 &
:alien were purchased by William of Wykeham, bishop 8.20 p.m.; sundays, 6.15 p.m
()(Winchester, and by him given to New College, Oxford, Public Elementary Schools.
'()f which, in 1386, he was the founder. Great Nelmes, North street, erected in 1855, rebuilt 1902 to hold 200
11n ancient mansion of stone, situated in a park of about boys, 200 girls &; 147 infants; average attendance, 120
5o acres, on the outskirts of the village, is the property boys, 120 girls & 96 infants ; Frank Ed wards, master;
and residence of .Alfred Barber esq. and was once oc- :Miss Brandstaetter, mistr-ess ; Miss E. H. Eentall,
-cupied by Thomas Witherings esq. chief postmaster of infants' Inistress •
Great Britain. Grey Towers, a castellated mansion in Park lane (boys, girls & infant!!), erected in 1893 at a
'the style of the 12th century, standing in a park of cost of £3,759, for 194 boys, 192 girls & 213 infants;·
:a-bout 85 acres at the entrance to the village, is the seat average attendance, 18o boys, 175 girls &; 139 infants;
of Mrs. Holmes: there is a finely decorated entrance G. C. Eley, master; Miss M. Beard, mistress; Miss
hall and staircase of black and white marble, with E. G. Gibbs, infants' mistress
·a c'liling of carved oak and a good stained window Harold Wood, built in the year 1885, at a cost of £s6o,
on the landing at the top of the staircase. Langtons, & enlarged 1904, for 225 children; average attend-
:a brick mansion, standing in a small park, is the ance, 120; T. Rose, master
fieat of W. Varco Williams esq. J.P. Mrs. Mclntosh, South Hornchurch (mixed), built in 1899, for 224 boys
of Havering Park, is lady of the manor. The soil is & girls, & enlarged in 1913, for 74 ;, average attend-
oi a light nature ; subsoil, gravel. The area is 6,773 ance, 160 boys & girls; H. J. Harris, Inaster; Miss
-acres of land and 10 of water; rateable value, £58,828 ; T. L. Cox, assistant mistress
'the population in I9II was 9,46:r, including 489 in
'Shoreditch Parish Workhouse Cottage Homes, and 41 in Railway Stations.
the Grange Convalescent Home for Scarlet Fever. Einerson Park & Great Nelmes Halt (L. T. &; S. Ry)
Hs.rold Wood (G. E. R. ), Waiter Brocks, station Inaster
HA.ROLD WOOD is a hamlet, 3 miles north, with a Hornchurch (L. T. & S. Rly.), Robert Arthur Farrant,
-station on the main line of the Great Eastern railway I station master ,
to Colchester and Ipswich. Here is an iron church,
• •
HORNCHURCH. Allistree Wm. Derwent ho.Herbert rd Barnard Mrs. Cosy cotte, Ernest road
(For other names in this parish, see Ashford EdwinH. The Cottage,Elm gn Barnes Fras. Hy. Oakwood, Ernest rd
Romford.) Ash ton Fredk. J .Holderness,Sylvan av Barnes Frank E.Beech croft,Ernest t:d
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bailey Hora.ce,Bloemdaal,Woodland av Barrington Frederick Munro, The
.Abel Chas. Frederick, St. Catherine's. Bailey William Edward,Thorpe lodge, Gables, Sylvan avenue
Nelmes road Butts Green road Bartholomew Courtney, Hestia, Sta-
:Adams Wilbam Gilstead, Dalehurst,. Baker Charles Henry, Luccombe, tion road
Ernest road ' Station road Battle .Albert Ernest, Kia-ora, Park-
.:-illen .A.. C. Lelant, Harrow drive Ball Slater, Stanley road stone avenue
.Aller Charles, Elmwood, Ernest road Barber Alfred, Great Nelmes BauckhaiD Jas. Durlestone,Devonshire
.:.l\lley Edward Dean, Brookside, , Barber Thomas, Gordon grange, Park- road
Herbert road I dtme avenue
Bl'ard Robert William, Mentmore, 'Dale Rev. Herbert; John M.A. (vicar, G-oodbody Edmund Ernest B.A., M.D.
DPvonshire road rural dean, & chaplain to the Cot- Elm grove
Beck Jn. Thos. Avercombe,Elm grove tage Homes), Vicarage Goodchild William Henry, Stanmore,.
Beharell Charles John, Kingswear, Dale Arthur, Mountain Ash,Ernest rd Nelmes road
Devonshire road Daniells William John, Pretoria cot- Goodenough Sl. Thanet vil.Stanley rd
Bentley Oscar, Sherwoody Walden w.ay tage, Parkstone avenue - . Gordes Charles, Oakden, Sylvsu aven:
Bertie Richard P. l\lontrose, Wingle Daniels Edward Erne'st, • Belvue, Graham J. Drummond, Stepst<>n ..
Tye lane • Wingle Tye lane Walden road · ~ r
Bt>swick Hy. Heilbron, Parkstone av Dassett William George, The Retreat, G-raham Mrs. Rothwell, Parkstone av-
Biddle Samuel, The Leas, Station rd Parkstone avenue Gray Henry, Cooleen, Station road
B1gnold John Alfred, Middleton villa, Davis Charles, Leewood vil. Curtis rd Green Charles, Allenes, Herbert :road
Ernest road Davis Thomas, Glandwr,Parkstone av Green Herbert Edward, Granada,.
B1silop Geo. Meadowbank, Ernest rd de Warr Louis Douglas, Torbay, Herbert. road
Bloom .!.J.G. Fairburn,Devonshire rd Devonshire road Gregg G. Oakhurst, Parkst<>ne avenue-
Boettjer Wm. Crooksbury, Curtis rd Dendy Waiter, Sutton lo. Station rd Gnymer Robt. Shrnblands,Herberl rd
Boyce Frank, Kirkley, Herbert :road Dennis Fdk. Albt. Oakville,Nelmes rd Iladler Rev. Edward Samuel, Burton-
Bradfield Mrs. Fairlawn, Nelmes road Dixon John Robert Stanmore, Brent ville, Wingle Tye lane
Bradley George Simpson, Brooklea, Knoll, Herbert road Handford Henry Easton, Wray villa,.
Ernest road Dohoo Arthur Godfrey, Tullynessle, Parkstone avenue
Braid John, Welford, Billet lane Devonshire road Harper Waiter C. Cheshunt,Isabel rd
Bramston Geo. Cholsey, Woodland av Donald Tom, Coniston, Ernest road Harrison Miss, Castlefield, Devonshire-
Bramston George Edward Stanley, Douse Fras.Hy. The Glen,Parkstone av road
Weimea, Woodland avenue Downham Frank E.Shirley,Herbert rd Hartley Rev. Bernard M.A. (curate)
Brander William,St. Mawes,Ernest rd Downton Jn. Rock mnt. Mill Park av Ilartman Waiter, Romanesca,Elm gro-
Brewitt Ernest, Highlands, Wood- Draycott Geo.E. Braoondale,Sylvan av Harvey George Arthun. Glenthorne,.
land avenue IDnhig David John, Little Langt<>ns, Walden road
Bridges 'l'hos.Alfd.Fairholme,Poole rd Billet· lane Hatch Edwd. Glen Lyn,Devonshire rd
Broom Harold D. Ros-.moyne, Wick- Dunlop Charles, Montrose, Ernest rd Ilatting Lewis Henry, The Nest,.
ham avenue Dunlop Chas. E. Plemont, Herbert rd Parkstone avenue
Brown Herbert L. Sunnyhill, Butts Dunlop Joseph Wilson, Buenavista, Haywood Christopher, Northview ..
Green road Ernest road Parkstone avenue
Bryan Bernard William, Woodside, Dyer Edwin, Oak Dene, Wingle Tye la Haywood George James, Porthmeor,.
Woodland avenue Earle Stanley Beaumont, Tregarthen, Mill Park avenue
Buckley Joseph C. Cleveden, Park- Elm grove Healing Charles, The Chase, Elm gro.
st<>ne avenue Edwards Gerald, 3 The Avenue Hill Wm. Edwd. Ivanhoe, Nelme~t rd
Burden Thomas George, Glenwood. Eichenberger Bertram, Argovia, Hills Charles Thomas, Excelsior villa,.
Berther road Billet lane Parkstone avenue
Burt<ln 'Miss, The Lodge,Parkstone av Eichenberger Waiter, The Limes, Hinton William Alfred, Bryn Ewryn,.
Dussell Francis Frederick, Roseneath, Parkstone avenue Woodland avenue
Elm grove Elphick Mrs. Amorelle, Parkstone av Holdway George Thomas, White lo-.
Butterfield Chas. Glenmore, Poole rd Emmerson Frederick A. Asgard, Park- Parkstone avenue
Cantle Henry, Burslem, Parkstone av stone avenue Hollinghurst Chas. Herbert, .Avalon,.
Card William Gordon, East Dene, Escrett Jn. Jas. Holmfield, Station rd Parkstone avenue
Herbert :road Evans Rev.J.Benson (Congregationai), Holmes Mrs. Grey Towel"\S
Carpmael Archibald, Monkshaven, Chardmore, Isabel road Holmes Thos. Rose bank,Mill Park av
Woodland avenue Ewens Harry L. The Beeches, Wick- Home Stanley, Lyndhurst, Elm grove
Carter Herbert Edwin, Lawford, ham avenue Hone Percy Douglas, TheHut,Ernest rd
Butts Green road Ewing John ::\fooney, Craiggowan. Hooper Mrs.Hollywood, Brentwood rd
Carter Mrs. Garwick, Devonshire rd Win_gle Tye lane Hooper Ralph, Ken wyn, Stanley road
Cart'hew Sydney S. Ashburt<>n, Fairbairn Wm.Fairhaven,Harrow drve Hopkins Jn. Glynmead,Devonshire rd
Herbert road Fardell Richd. Hy. Rose vil.Carter rd Horrey Geo. Lyndhurst,Devonshire rd
Catherwood Thomas John, Endsleigh Farquhar Wm. Glenisla, Ernest road Hunt George, Narbonne, Herbert rd
house, Parkstone avenue Farrington Percy Hall, Valetta, Syl- Hutcheson John Cameron, Woodside,
Catherwood Thomas William, Wych van avenue Ernest road
Elm, Wingl~ Tye lane Feast Charles, The Cottage, Curtis rd Ivey William, Upminster road
Cawcutt C.C.Lynmouth,Devonshire rd FeiC'e F'rancis Cecil, The Hollies, Jackson Byatt Joseph, Stavordale,.
Chamberlain Thomas, Curtis road Brentwood road Herbert road
Channon Harry L. Greystead, Wood- Fentiman Francis, Whitwell house, Jackson William, Bush Elms
land avenue Herbert road James Edward, Red house, High st
Chapman Mrs. Bude Haven, Parkstone Field Harry Vaughan, Daniera,Wingle Jarvis Frank, Clovelly, Upminster rd
avenue • Tye lane Jenkinson Edward Llewelyn, Willow
Childs Jn. The Haven, Parkstone av Fielder CharlE-s James, Sutton'~ Brae, Isabel road
Chilver Robert, Rock vil.Parkstone av house, Station road Jen1dnson Samuel C. The Acacias,.
Chipperfield Waiter, Kenkora, Wood- Forrester John Charles, Elmscroft, Herbert road
land avenue He1·bert road Jenkinson Wm. Branksome, Isabel rd'
C1arke Alfred Ernest, Lynton, Wood- Forsey A1bert, Hindover,Parkstone &l Jennings Nathaniel James, Fern cot-
land avenue Fox Thomas, Desmond, Curtis road tag-e, Ernest road
Clntterbuck Mr;;. Cheyne court, Fran1dyn George William, Boiling- Jensen Christian, Capel Nelmes~
Berther road burr, Billet lane Sylvan avenue
Coase Stanley Arthur, Elizabetha, French Charles Lewis, Ashleigh, Cur- Jobson James A. Trevone, Isabel road
Herbert road tis road Johnson Albert Edward, Osborne-
Cogar :Mrs. Pendarves, Berther road Frost Mrs. Xaylands, Herbert road house, Brentwood road
Cogar William Edward, Caverswall, Frost Chas. John, Bude,Devonshire rd Johnson Donald Jeffrey,St.Margaret's,.
Nelmes road Fuller Hv. Ralph,Hilda vale,Carter rd Herbert road
Colbourn Albert, Newlands,Berther rd Fuller William John, Kent lodge, Jones Allan, The Cottage, North st
Coleman Percy William, Glengarriff, Herbert road Jones Arth. Fredc. Silsoe, Nelmes rd'
Woodland avenue Gadd Geo. Westleigh, Devonshire rd Jones Harry, Berkeley, Herbert roall
Conly John Burns, Cheviot, Walden Gaff Arthur, Silverdale, Curtis road Jordan Herbert, The Outlook, Wingle-
way Gammon :Miss, Marston, Ernest road Tye lane
Cooper,Arthur Ernest, Etton lodge, Garbe Gustave, Eastwood, Woodland Kelly Edwin Vincent, Blagdon.
Station road avenne Berther road
Cottrell Horace, Hillside, Isabel road Garte Richard, Wingle Tye lane Kent Mrs. St. Quintin, Elm grove
Cox Christopher Norman, Oak cot- Gardner Thos.J.P.DuryFalls,Church st Kerr Alex. Rosemount, Harrow drive
tage, Parkstone avenue Garford George Horace Joseph, Kerslake Charles, Devonshire house.
Ooxall William Linnard Cooper, May- Beaumaris, Stanley road Devonshire road
ville, Devonshire road Gawler Thos. Homedene, Carter road Krogsdal Valdemar, Bon Accord ..
Crou,'h Ja.;;. Wm. Edlowes, Ernest rd Gay .Albt. Edwd. Ferndale,Stanley rd Parkstone avenue
Cnrtis Edg-ar, Marleen, Poole road GennellsChas.Sunnyside,Parkstone aT Kubler Wm. G. Ingredene, Ernest rd'
Curtis William Homer Cowley, Glen- Gibson Sl. Woody Bay, Devonshire rd Lambe Thomas, The Lodge,Church st
roy, Berther road Gifford Fdk. Montague, Parkstone av Lange Sidney, Holmwood, Harrow dril
Gi1lmanFrdk. Wm. Chain ho.Ernest rd
Langridge Waiter Ernest, The Wood- Randle Samuel James,< Colvennor, Tolhurst Frederick, St. Lawrence,~
lands, Ernest road Sylvan avenue , Ernest road M.
Lawes FrankJas.Thoreau,Walden way Rengger Jn. Cosy corner, Nelm~ rd Townsend Frederick Wm. Norman..!
Lawrence William James, Engadine, Rennison Mrs. Nelmeside, Ernest. rd burst, Parkstone avenue
Parkstone avenue · Ries Charles :Edw-ard, High- Elms, Trenoweth Capt. James, Mt-.Pleasllllt,
Lee Arthur, Woodlands, Walden road Wingle 'lye lane Butts Green road .,
Lester James, Litchfield, .Herbert rd Robert~ron Alfred, St. Madoes, Mill Trowbridge Ernest A. Morthoe,
Lewis Ernest,Heathcote,Butts Grn. rd Park avenue "Devonshire road •
Living Robert, Woodstock, Station rd Robertson .;Tames Robert M.I.C.E Turner Sidney, W-oodLef',Parkstone av
Lock Fdk. Bel Royale, Wickham av Fairkytes, Billet lane Vandy Wm. The Limes, Ernest road
Lockyer Hy. Lyndhurst, Parkstone av Robertson William James, Bineleaves, Vince Walt. Brent Eleigh,. Emest rd
Louth Miss L. Ingledene, Stati-on rd Butts Green road Vine Hy. Jn. Rose bank, Herbert .rd
Lowe Frank R. Hainault,Parkstone av Robinson Edward Henry, Doris villa, Wagner Bobert, Kirk Ella, Cnrtis rd
Lowe William, Merrival~ Curtis road Devonshire road Wakefield Thos. Holmby, Curtis road
Lush Edward G.Belaugh,Wickham av Robinson Edwin Stacey, Glencoe, Walker Mrs. Holmwood, Stanley J"oad
Luther J ames, Thuringia, Carter rd Curtis road Walker Robert, Mill Park lodge, Mill
McDermott William, Watford hou~e, Robson Richard, Orthez, Elm grove Park avenue r •.fl I
Herbert road Roffey Mrs. Littlecot, Station road Walker Wm. K. Clestron, Elm grove
McDonald George F. H. Elandslaagte, Rockwood Thos. Homelea, Walden rd Walsh Richd. St. Elmo, Nelmes road
Curtis road Rose Thomas A. The Billet, Billet la Watkins Alfred, Wyke, Walden: road
McGill William Turnbull, Mead-ow Rotenberger Charles Philip, Waldeck, Watkinson Septim:us Theodore 1 Alveri
Brae, Poole road Butts- Green road stone, Herbert road 1
MacMillan John Douglas, Silvermere, Rowe Lewis Oxley, Woodside, Park- Watson Wm. H. Oaklands, H~r~rt rd
Herbert road stone avenue Webb John, The Bower, Istrbelroad
McMullen ~h:ti Alexander, The Ruston George, Inglenest, Carter rd Webb Willie, Jasminia1 Herbert road
Hermitage, Billet lane Sanderson Arthur Frederick,Ooventry Wedlake T. W. White h&. Narth -st
l\icMullen Mrs. A. P. West view, house, Berther road Weightman Alfred, 'l'he Ha.ylandl!! 1
Billet lane Sanderson Th-omas, St. Deiniols, Station road f'
McNeil Mre. Elmhurst,Wingle Tye la Isabel road WeU.s Fras. Bristol Cotette,Herbert rd
Mailer James M. Glenvale, Berther rd Savill Stanley, Burnt House wood. Wheeler Charl~ W., Eugenie, Park.,
Major Hedley Tom, Springwell Isabel road stone avenue
mount. Ernest il'Oad Scheffer Johanna.s, Vrede villa, Butts Wilkinson Bobt. G. Mayfield,Curti.& rd
l\Ianby Gerald Edward, Woburn, Green road Willey William Frederick, Bideford.
Berther road Serine Edwin John, S-outh Leigh, Devonshire road
l\'Ianly Berry John, Whitecot, Mill Devonshire road Willford Neville, Woodside, Isabel rd
Par~ avenue Searle Joseph Henry, The Home- Williams Albert Charles, The Croft1
Martin Jas. J. Rockville, Ernest road stead, Parkstone avenue Ernest road
Martyn Robert Banks, Gracecourt. Seccombe Jas. Cliftonville, Curtis rd Williams John Henry, The Elms,
Woodland avenue Shapcott Frederick H. St. Mildred's Parkstone avenue
Mason Francis Augustus, Meadow- cottage-, Wing-le Tye lane Williams Mrs. Garibaldi, Fahmead,
sweet, Wickham avenue Shaw Charles Jn. Beaulieu, Carter rd Parkstone avenue
Mather Mrs. Mirzapur, Ernest road ShPffield Charles F.C.I.S., F.A.A. Williams Wm. VarcQ J.P. Langtons
"Mathews Thomas George, Holkham, Hambrook, Berther road Wilson Archibald Ralph, Cotswold,
Berther road Sherwin Percy V. Romney chase, Ernest road
~lay Mrs. S:uttons gatf,. Station road WinQ"le Tye lane Winmill Edward J.P.Long:field houst>,
Miller Rev. Peter M.A. (Baptist), '3imm William, Rosetta, P-oole road Hornchurch road ·
Holly bank, Devonshire road Simmons Ernest L. Sidbury, Elm gro Winn Charles Matthew, Rosewarne-1
Mills Artbur James, Clovelly, Devon- Sims John William, Avondale, Wingle Wingle Tye lane ·
• shire road Tye lane Wrack William Pope, Sunnyhurst,
Mohring .Albert E. Hurstpierpoint. Slater Wm. Hy. Kingsclere,Ernest rd Billet lane ·
Carter road Smith Joseph, Lynton, Devonshire rd Wright Fredk.' St.Keverne,Nelmes rd
Monk Wm. Heathermere, Elm gron Smith Mrs. C. Llanberis. Cnrtis road Wright Harry, Boscombe, Curtis rd
Morgan Edward Jamesl Cambria. Smith Thos.Kin!?sthorpe,Parkstone av Wynne-Roberts Mrs. Wavertree,Park-
Devons'hire road South Richard, Warley,Wingle Tye la stone avenue
Morris Edward James, Highfield. Spurgeon Rev. Robert (Baptist), Yal- .
Harrow drive paiguri, Poole road OOHMEBCIAL.
Morris William F. Ingrebourne, Stebbings Alfd. Ro~edale,Nelmes road Early closing day, Thursday.
Wingle Tye lane Stewart Dugald, Moray, Butts Green .Adams Harry, butcher, High street;
Mortleman John, Burnt House Wood road Aley Fredk. Wm. baker, lligh street
lodge, Isabel road Stockwell Sydney Henry, Bavendale, Alien William Charles, clerk to
Neate John R. St. Helier,Berther rd Herbert road Parish Coo.ncil & chief assistant
Newth Leonard, Tintern, Sylvan aven Storey Ralph B. Tremearne, Park- overseer, Council offices
Nice Herbert George, St. Issy, Stan· stone avenue Alliston Waiter, shopkeeper~ North st
ley road Stradwick Frank, The Chestnuts, Baker Chas.H,y.& Son,grocers,High st
Nicholls Jn. Terry. Trelawne,Billet la Elm grove Bannister Geo. grocer, 12 Station rd
~iven Alexander, Kissmet, Walden rd Stuttle Edwin James, The Haven. Barfield Coal. eo. coal merchants, 6
()ldman Charles James, Redholme, Wickham avenue Globe road
Ernest road Sudlow Mrs. Springland, Carter road Beard Robert w. baker, High street
Pailthorpe Hy. N. Fairmead,Carter rd Swan Andrew, Gorleston house, Beckett George, insur. agt. High st
Parker Wm. Kempston, Elm grove Wickham avenue Blake George A. blacksmith, High st
l'arrish Edg'ar Jas. Casita, Ernest rd Symonds Harry Lambert, Sunnyside, Bletsoe &; Sanderson, physicians ~;
Pattison Percy, St. Budeaux, Devon. Woodland avenue surgeons, Church stroot
shire road Tanner, Wingetyde, Parkstone Bratchell Edga.r Geo.plumber,High st
Pearce Thomas, The Hollies.North st avenue Brewer Harry, greengrocer, North st
Perfec~ Charles Thomas, Weylands, Taplin John Minter, Allerton, Wood- Brewster Alex. boot maker, High st
~t~t10n road . land avenue Bridge George, hair dresser, High st
J>h:ll~ps Albert, Roysdean, StatiOn rd Taylor Fredk. Rockmead, Berth~r rd Broad Fredk. Jn.shopkpr.x Station rd
Phllhps Morley, Ravenscroft, Park· Taylor Fredk. Wm.Lynton, Curt1s rd Brown Alfd·. Jn. cycle agt. Church st
stone avenue Tebbutt Albert, Raleigh lo.Station rd Bruty Louis, builder, & registrar of
Philpot John, Brewery house Thompson Alfred J. :Malvern cottage, births &; deaths, Hornchurch sub-
Piejus Alfred, Melville, Walden road Wingle Tye lane district, Romford union, High st
Pinney Harry A. Kingst-on, Park- Thompson Frederick Wiliam, Denny Burrell Waiter, news agent, North st
stone avenue villa, Berther road Catherwood F. & A. builders, Wingle
Popplewell Matthew Colin, Highams, Thorrington Francis William, Fern- Tye road
Nelmes road cote, Curtis road Catherwood Thomas, nurseryman t
Powell Arth. Hackwood,Devonshire rd Thurner Charles Herbert, Warwick florist; gar4ens designed; estimates
Powell.Arth.C.Rock chase.Parkstone av house, Stanley road free; agent for Th~ Natural Manure
Price James C. Maviston. Nelmes rd Tiddeman Edmund Spenser, Wood Co. Wych Elm, Wmgle Tye lane
Puddv .A.rth.Job Pentlands Walden rd end Woodland avenue Chapman Ernest, hair drssr. High st
Purbrook Char-u;s Hy. Ma~ringhurst,jTippi~s Ralph John, Leederville, Mill Charles Gertrude (Miss), private
· Parkstone avenue Park avenue school, Beethoven ho. Butts Gm. rd
Child Elizh. (Mrs.}, grngrcr. High st
1 •

Clarke Harrv G. butcher, High street London O:runty & West.minster Bank Urqubart Harriet (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Cockwell John, laundry,Church street Limited· (sab-branch), 'tues. & fri. Wymark Moses, nurseryman,Parkside
Collin Albert, tailor, High. street I I to 3' (L. Selby,~manager), High
Collin Frank E. plumber, Church st street; 'draw on head · office, 41 HAVERINGWELL.
Comber Edith Caroline (Mrs.),draper, Lothbury, London E C Bill William 'Thomas, The Cottage
High street Lowe M11rgt. (Mrs. ),green~ro. High st Tanton Edmund, Haveringwell house
Comley Waiter, news agent, High st Lu:ff Frank, tob~tcconist, High street Belcher Albert, Crown P.H
Corley Williarn, boot maker, High st Lungley Predk. J. fishmenger,High st Gay .Alfred Reeve, farmer, Cox's frm
Crawford Thos. farmer, Great Sutton Manning .' Mary Ann (Miss), baker. Roneo Limited, duplicator manufrs
Curtis William Homer Cowley, man- High street ·
ager Homesteads Limited estates, Markwick Mary A. (Mrs.), up- HAROLD WOOD.
Glenroy, Berther road h{)lstres~, }\(orth street
Dare Richard, White Hart hotel, Martyn Rob8l't Banks iM.S.A. 9.rchi· PRIVATE :RESIDENTS.
Church street tect, Graceoourt, Woodland avenue Appleysrd Waiter James, Heathfield
Durke & Son, saddlers & harnes~ Matthews James & •Geo. H. coai Ayres Henry B. St. Ronans
makers, High street merchants, High street Baldock James, 2 Hainault villas
Deveson Chas. Hy. beer ret.Butts grn Mayne Thomas, King's Head P.B. Barker Mrs. Dorset house
Dockrell Geor~e, carpenter, High st Church street . Barrett Edward, Bt>lsize, Avenue road
Dodd Emily (Mrs.), Harrow inn Metropolitan Academy of Music Bradshaw Daniel, Edelweiss
Dowsing Alfred, estate agent, Butt!; (Frank Bonner, director),Beethoven Broodbank Joseph G., J.P. Longmoor
Green road house, Emerson Park; & at Forest Bryceson Mi'ls, W oodleigh
Drake Joseph, news agent, High st Gate E Chandler William, Glenthorn
Drake Wm. cab proprietor, High st Moss Brothers, dairymen, High st Clark Mrs. Elm villa
Duhig David John L.R.C.P.& S.Edin .• Murpby & Son, sign writers,Church st Clyde Arthur, Jersey house, Queen's
L.F.P.S.Glas. physician & surgeon. Nice Herbert George & Co. coal mer- Park road
Little Langtons, Billet lane chants, •Station yard • Collison Timothy L. Laington house
Earp Th{}mas W. Bridge House P.H Noble Whitwell Henry, insurance agt. Crane James, Charleston
Ellis Carolina (Mrs.), cab proprietor, Thornwood, Parkstone avenue Creak Frank, Walsingham
Wingle Tye lane Norman J~m~s. carman D'Eath Mrs. 5 Avenue road
Evans Wm. tobacconist, Butts green Old Hornchurch Browerv (The) Dix Wm.Chas. The Poplars,Avenue rd
Fell Charles, watch maker, Church st (S. R. €onron & Co.), Hornchurch, Fisher Walter, 4 Avenue road .
Fergu.son Alex. butcher, North street Romford, brewers, maltsters & wine Green James, Oak villa
Ferguson John,immrance agt.North st & spirit merchants. T N 547 G1eensmith Cecil, Avenue road
Franklyn G. W. & Son, butchers, Romford Griggs Henry Thomas, Kincraig
High street Page, Cab~an & Go. Ltd. builders' Hardwicke J oseph Frederick, Old
Pranklyn Fredk. W. shoe ma. High st merchants, High street Redden cour~
Frost Brothers, wheelwrights, Higl1 Parish Charles, carman, High street Harvey John, Avondale, Avenue road
street & North street Pearce & Son, smith<;, High street Harvey John Joseph, 4 Hainault villas
Fry Henry G. sec. Loyal Britannic Pill Alfred, Cricketers P.H. High st Hudson Frederick, 'l'he Cottage
Lodge, I.O.O.l'.I. W. High street Purrett John, deputy parish clerk & Langton William Moore, Litherland
Gardneor Stanley, solicitor, Eliot sexton, Church road Matthews Geo. H. Corsdetk
house, Butts Green road Reeve & Co. shopkeepers, High street Matthews James, Bridge house
Gawler Edith (Mrs.),milliner,High st Rennison May (Miss), midwife,Nelme, Mills Ernest G. Kersbrooke
Gill John B. farmer, The Hall side, El'nest road ' Page John, Cintra house
Gladstone House (Hornchurch) Ltd. St. Leonard's (Shoreditch) Cottage Park Mrs. 2 Avenue road
(R. W. Chilvers, sec.), Butts Green Homes (Rev. Herbert John Dale Payton Mrs. 1 Avenue road
Goodrum Robert, coal dealer,North st M.A. chaplain; Eric Alfred Wright Pearce Edwin Augustus, Oak lodge
Gotts Henry George, saddler, High st M. B., B.Ch. mediool· officer; Rowlatt Capt. Hy. Napier, Lyndhurl'ti
Gower Arthur J. farmer & county Hobart· E. Steed, 11upt~; Mrs. Schwob Rudolf, Ballater, Avenue road
road surveyor for Brentwood dis- Elizabeth Steed, matron) St•e(els Otto, BadPn hnn~e
trict, Priors farm Sanderson 'Arthur Fredericl\: M.R.C.S. Shave Ambrose Payne, Runton
Grout William Henry, relieving & Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond.' physician &. Taylor William Horace, Thornsette
vaccination officer for No. 4 dis- surgeon (firm, Bletioe &i Sander, Thompson Chas. Fredk. Latticopple
trict, Romford union, Fair view, son), Coventry house, Berther road Wall George A. Braemar
High street Alfred, gr'eengrocer, High st Warren Robert, Fernleigh ·
Gro~e William, jun. jobmaster, S~arles Waiter, confectio~er, High st Westaway Elliott, Treleigh
Wmgle Tye lane S1bthorp .A. G. & H. bmlders Wilson John Birdhurst
Halestrap Walter, painter & plumber. Stokes Fredk. boot repairer, High st '
Butts green Stone Luther, grocer, High street COMMERCIAL.
Hall Frank,landscape gardnr.North st Stuking& John, confectioner, High st Baldwin. Albert"} tobacconist
Harris Mary E. (Miss), teacher of Territorial Force Battalion (4th) Essex Bigsby David, farmer, Horae &
music, Trecarrols, Wingle Tye lane Regiment (H Co. Capt. & Hon. Block farm
Heath George, Bull P.H. High street Major H. H. Slade; Sergt.-In- Brown & Co. poultry farm
Reffer Henry, painter, 34 Globe road structor Herbt. Jas. Land), High st 1Brown Chas. poultry farm, Vernon ho
Hornchurch Cinema (Hornchurch Tonge Charles Bursall M.P.S. chemist Chalkley Frank, shopkeeper
Cinema Limited), Station road & druggist, Church street Clark Maurice Frederick, hay dealer
Hornchurch Conservative & Liberal Wakeham'Arthur, grocer, High streetiClimpson Henry John, farmer, King";;
Unionist Association & Club (A. E. Warren F. & Co. (incorporated with Hall farm
Palmer, hon. sec.), North street Coote & Warren Ltq.),, coal mer- Conoley Edward, Kin~ Harold hotf'l
Hornchurch Motor Co. motor car chants, ~orth street County Borough of West Ham Con-
agents & dealers, High street Wedlake T. W. & Co. engineers &; valescent Home (Miss A. Bulpin,
Howard Bros. millers (steam & wind) ironfounders, Hornchurch iron matron), The Grange
Howell Henry, nurseryman,Herbert rd works, North street Emmerson F. boot maker
Hurrell Geo. window c1nr. Church st Weevers B~rt G. grocer, High street French Arthur James, farm bailiff to
.Jackson W. farmer, Hornchurcb rd West & Coe, builders the Es~ex County Asylum
James Alice (Mrs.) & Mary (Miss), Wheaton George, farmer. Hubbards Gladstone F. & E.(Misses),preparatory
laundry, High street Wheeler George, tailor, Church street school. Frome house, .A.thelstone rd
.Joslin John Henry, farmer, lngre- White Henry, contractor, High street Godfrey Bertram, baker
bourne house Willis Od~Il James. dairy, Butts g-m Gooch Horace M.B., B.S.Lond.,
Xirkman Harry, farmer, Lillyputs Wood .Alfred Ferdinand, boys' school, M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. phy-
farm Emerson: park, Parkstorie avenue sician & surgeon
Knil?ht George, farmer Wright Wm. shopkpr. Abbscross la Harold Wood Electrical & Engineer-
Lambe Thos. M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P. · · · ing Supplies Co. Limited
Lond. physician & surgeon, The .ARDLEIGH GREEN. ' Joscelyne Caroline (Miss), shopkeeper,
~ge, Church street Post office
Land Herbert James, sergeant-in- Brown Jafues, Ardleigh house King Percy, saddler & harness maker..
11trnctor to H Co. 4th Territoria) Banyard ··Richard, farmer, Little 6 Queen's Park road
Force Battalion Essex Regiment. Nelmes· farm Knightbridge Henry, butcher
Hi!!h street Carter John William, baker Leutchford George Harry A.S.I.
Living Robert F.S.I. architect & sur Clark Philip. colt breaker architect, Athelston road
veyor, High street King Arthur, Spencefs Anns P.H ~lacey & Co. printers, Rosebank
Mallinson Richard, cattle dealer


Matthewa .Jamea a Ceo. H. SOUTH HORNCHURCH. Jones Jos~>ph, {a'l'm&r, Mardyke farm
millers & cattle food manufacturers, Nol'ton Henry J. Upper Ha>ering ho :Merrick James, beer retailer
corn, seed, hay, forage, coal & arti- Pyner John J ames wood lane f Phillips Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper
ficial manure merchants & farm ' Poole John, farmer, Grove farm
seedsmen, The Mills; & The Mills, COMMERCIAL. Poupart John, farmer, Dovers
Chipping Ongar ·Beadle~M·. & Son, •shapkeepers Reed Samuel G. Cherry Tree P.H
Moore William George, grocer · BI01r& •Jaines: ·farmer, Weybridgt- ,Romford.• Rural District Counetl
~ewman Christphr. Biggs, nursrymn (lettePS' thTangh Rainham, Essex) I Sewag" Farm (Chas. A. Hall, mgr}
Parlby & Bescoby. cartage contractrs Bonnett Samuel, farmer, Albyns farua Romford Urban Dist. Council Sewag~
Stevens Thomas, jobbing gardener Cotton William, shopkeeper Farm
Weal Edward Francis, blacksmith Cutler Betsy (Mrs.), shopkeeper Stone .Alfred, farmer, Prine<>s farm
West John, grocer, Fitzillian avenue Dowsett Bert, farm bailiff to W. Thorogood Samuel, farmer
Willats Wm. house agent, Wayside Vellacott esq. Elm. farm Winmill Edwd.farmer,Weybridge frm
Gay Alfred, farmer, Maylands Green Wright William, shopkeeper
Gay William John, farmer ·
E.!.ST HORN DON is a village and parish on the road of Barking; services are held alternately here and in
from Brentwood to 'filbury, with a station (locally in the the mission chapel. The register of baptisms and
parish of West Horndon), 2! miles south on the London, burials dates from 1558 ; marriages, I573· The living
Tilbury and Southend section of the Midland railway, is a rectory, net yearly value J.,I47• with 33 acres of
3 south from Brentwood station on the main line of glebe and residence, in the gift of and held since 1894
the Great Eastern railway, 4 south-west from Billericay by the Rev. Sydney Charles Donovan :M.A. {}{ Oxford
and 22 from London, in the Mid division of the county, University: a rectory house was built in 1877 at Heron-
Barstable hundred, Brentwood county court district gate. St. .A.ndrew's chapel of ease, erected in the Til-
and petty sessional division, Billericay union, Barstable lage at a cost of about £3oo, raised by subscription, i&
rural deanery, archdeaconry of Essex and Chelmsford a building of wood, consisting of chancel, nave, vestry,
diocese. The church of .All Saints is an edifice of red and a small western turret, containing one bell. Th&
brick, erected about the time of Henry VI. and consists Peculiar People have a small chapel here. In this
of chancel, with a large aisle on the south called the parish are two manors, '.[';he Abbot manor and Foucher'&
Tyrell chapel and a smaller chapel on the north, nave, Heron, the lordships of which are respectively held by
transepts, south porch and a massive but stunted tower Lord Petre and Miss Lowndes, of Hatfield Broad Oak,
at the west end containing 4 bells, and the lower stage Harlow, who are also the chief landowners. The soil
of which is used as a vestry: on an altar tomb in the is chiefly clay and gravel; subsoil, clay. The chief
Ty1ell chapel is a remarkable incised stone slab, dated crops are wheat, oats and barley. The area is 1,525
1422, to Lady Alice, }'fife of Sir John Tyrell kt. who acres of land and 5 of water; rateable value, £2,182;.
served in France during the reign of Henry V. and was the population in 19II was 420.
present at the battle of .Agincourt (25 October, 1415), The hamlet of HERONG.ATE (which is the village of
and to their ten sons and daughters: in the small the parish) stands on the southern brow of the eminence.
chapel on the north, known as the Marney chapel, there three-quarters of a mile north of the church and near
is an altar tomb to Sir Thomas Tyrell, son of Sir John what was formerly a considerable area of common land;
and Lady .Alice Tyrell, who died in 1476, and to his it takes its name from a gate formerly crossing the road
wife Anne, daughter of Sir William Marney, of Layer near the old "Boar's Head," and dividing the Heron
Marney, and there are numerous other memorials to manor from the .Abbot manor. The Heron manor and
the Tyrrell family, including a remarkable horizontal mansion, for many eenturies be-longing to the Tyrell
slab to Sir John Tyrell, an active Royalist at the time family, took its name from a family of Heron, who
of the Commonwealth, ob. 1675: the chancel roof is owned it at an earlier period: the mansion has been
enriched with handsomely-carved bosses : against the pulled down.
wall of the south transept, known as Petre chapel, is an Clerk to the Parish Council, .Assistant Overseer ~
altar tomb, with canopy, said to have contained the Assessor & Collector of King's Taxes, John Edward&,
heart of Queen .Anne Boleyn, beheaded May 19, 1536 : Ingrave.
this tomb, however, bears evidence of having once had Post, M. 0. & T. Office, Herongate.-.Alfred Waiter
on the upper slab brasses of a knight in armour, his Ladell, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from Brent-
wife, six sons and six daughters: over the north and wood at 7 & 8 a.m. & 1 & 6.55 p.m. ; sundays, 7.40
south transepts are galleries, formerly the dwelling of a a.m.; dispatched at 8.30 & 9.25 a.m. & 2 & 7.15
chantry priest attached to the church: the basin of the p.m.; sundays, 11.35 a.m
Norman font is formed of a large square block of stone, Wall Letter Box, near the Rectory, cleared at g.2o a.m.
carved with intersecting arches and other ornaments: the & 1.55 & 6.50 p.m.; sundays, 11.35 a.m
church being much out of repair was closed from 1898 The children of t-his parish attend the school at Ingrave.
to 1go8, and in xgo8 was thoroughly restored, at a cost· 1 mile distant
of £t,ooo, and re-opened May 13th, tgoB, by the Bishop Carrier. Joseph Ablin, to Brentwood, daily
EAST HORNDON. Cole Jn. Chas.farmer,Barnard's farm HERONG.ATE.
PRIVATE Rl!:SIDENTS. Uottee Edward William, relieving (For other names in Herongate, see William F. R. The Hollies officer, collector to the guardians Ingrave.)
Donovan Rev. Sydney Charles M ..A. & vaccination officer, Western dis- PRIVATE RESIDENTS.
(rector), The Rectory trict, Billericay union (attends here Rixon Theodore Beaumont,St.Joseph's
Ladell .Arthur Osborne, Mill Hill vils every wed. I to 2 p.m) Womersley Dale J.P. Heron court
~ash Mrs. The Firs Davies David, f:umer, Mt. Thrift frm COMMERCIAL.
West Daniel Kemp Levens William R. Old Dog P.H .Abbott Henry John, .Boar's Head inn
Morgan Robert Henry, farmer, East Brewster Edward, boot maker
COMMKRCIAL. Horndon hall Hodge James, farmer, Fouchers farm
Austin J oseph, beer retailer Squier A. W. & S. J. famers, Dunton Ladell Alfd. Wait. draper, Post office
Boardman William F. R. builder, Hill's farm Pardey & J ohnson, grocers
contractor, painter & timber mer Tippett William James, farmer, Upson Waiter Harry, harness maker
Cole Henry, farmer, Heron house Cockridden fal'm Young Henry, builder
HORNDON-ON-THE-HJJ,J, (formel'ly a market consists of chancel with chapel, clerestoried nave, aisles~
town) is a village and parish, so named from. being on a south porch and a wooden tower at the west end, re-
height, having a good view over the neighbouring land puted to be of Saxon date, now containing 5 bells, twG
and river to the west as far as London and to the east respedtively dated 1640 and 17o6, and one recast in
nearly as far as the sea: it is on the road from Chelms- 1899; two others were added in 1901, the gift of the-
ford to Tilbury and Grays, I! miles north-west from late Sir John Hall K.C.M.G. of Horomta, New Zealand:
bhe StanfoTd-le-Hope station on the London, Tilbury the nave of four bays is Early English: the chancel
and Southend railway, about IO south-east from Brent- appears to have been rebuilt in the 15th century, and
woo<l, 2! north-east from Orsett, and 24 from London, in retains a hagioscope, piscina, aumbry, and two sedilia;
the South Eastern division of the county, Barstable six of the windows are stained : the east window is Per-
hundred, Orsett union and petty sessional division, pendicular, and retains some fragment-s of stained
Grays county court district, Orsett and Grays rural glass; the substructure of the spire is a good specimen
deanery, Essex archdeaconry and Chelmsford diocese. of the constructive carpentry of the 15th century, to
The church of SS. Peter and Paul, an interesting which period also belongs the porch, the doorway being
example of the church architecture of the early 13th Early English: the font is in its details Perpendicular,
century, is situated in the middle of the village, and but from its shape and size suggests a conversion from
Dl.REC fORY.) E~SEX. H~ TT<1~. 3!!1
one of Norman date: in the chancel is a marble monu- chapel of Southwark Cathedral, where there is an alta-r
ment to David Caldwell esq. ob. 1634, with shields of tomb with effigy. TJ!e principal landowners are Allan
arms, and here also is a slab of Purbeck marble, with Craig esq. of A:rden Hall, who is owner of the manor,
ihe arms of Toldervey ; s-ome memorials of the Gr ~nt Francis Henry Douglas Charlton Whitmore. esq. of
IBmily, 172o-49; .a IWllllOrial to the Rev. Samuel Jenni- Orsett, and F. Montgomerie esq. The soil is clayey;
fer, formerly rioa:r of this parish, ob. Ij"I5 ; various in- subsoil, ()}ay. The chief crops .are wheat, beans and
ICriptions to the now extinct family o.f Kinsman, of peas. Here was formerly a market on Saturdays,
Bumham, Essex, I686-1719; and one to Susan, daughter There is a farm here called " Saffron Gardens," from
ef Thomas Sandford, of Coggeshall, ob. 1633: the the former growth of saffron upon it. The area is 2,615
ehurch was completely restored in I8gg-Igor. at a cost acres ; rateable value, £3,345 ; the population in 19II
of £4,7oo, and wa11 re-opened 29 June, 1901. The was 617 in the civil and 758 in the ecclesiastical parish.
register of baptisms and burials dates from 1672; By Local Government Board Order No. 54,633, April
marriages, 1752. The living is a vicarage, net yearl) 1st, I9ID, part of Horndon-on-the-Hill was transferred
~alue /,255, with 7 acres of glebe and residence, built in to 8tanford-l~-Hope for civil purposes.
I9QI, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, Sexton, Arthur Mitchell.
and held since 1898 by the Rev. Sydney Waiter Fischel. Post, M. 0., T. & Telephone Call Office. William
Here is a Wesleyan chapel, erected in 1890. Thoma~
Highbed, yeuman of this parish, was burnt here for Gold, sub-po»tmaster. Letters arrive from Stanford-
lleresy, 26th llarch, 1555 ; he held a messuage bert> lt>-Hope; delivered at 7.20 & 8.50 a.m. & 7.10 p.m.;
and 6o acres of land, called Hot·ndon House, with a di.,patched a.m. k 6 & p.m.; sunday,
oottage; but the house was pulled down some time delivery 8.15 a.m.; dispat-ched 6 p.m. Tel~graph
office open on sundays from 8.30 to 10 a.m
~nee ; the place of his martyt·dom is thought to have
Wall Letter Box, Pump street, cleared at 10.55 a.m. &
been opposite the parish school, wl1ich was then
5·55 & 6.55 p.m.; sundays, 5·53 p.m
leath: a complete inventory is preserved at the Record Pillar Letter Box, Little Butts, cleared at 11.10 a.m. &,
Office of all his goods, chattels and farming implements. 7.15 p.m. week days only
showing him to have been a man of substance and
position. The eminent prelate, Dr. Lancelot Andrewes Church of En~land School, built in 1847 & enlarged in
Bishop of Winchester, born a~ All Hallows, Barking 188o &:; 1gq. -at a cost of £750, for 120 children;
Sept. 25, 1565, was the son and heir of Thoma~ average attendance, g8 ; Miss Newton, mistress
AndrewPs, of this parish, master of the Trinity House. This school is under the control of the Orsett Education
and Joan, his wife; he died 25 Sept. 1626, at Win- Sub-Committee
U.ester House, Southwark, and was buried in the Lady Police Station, Arthur Popple, constable
PIDV.~TE RESIDENTS. Arthy Henry James, baker Skelton Charles Robert, butcher
Broughton Miss, Grices Brown Henry, farmer Squier Austin William & Saml. J,.,p!J.
Ohristensen Christian, The Old house Craig Allan, farmer & landowner, farmers, Saffron gardens, Cholley's
Craig Allan, Ardl'n hall Arden hall farm & Wren's park
Pischel Rev. Sydney Waiter (vicar), D~le Annie & Ada (Misses), drapers Tompkins Edwin Osborne, farmer
Vicarage Dale James, plumber & painter Turnell Frederic, Bell inn
Kerly Alexander Wm. J.P. The Gables Klis George T. boot repairer Tyrrell R<ty & Son, grocers
Tyrrell Waiter. St. Peter's Fuller Frederick, bhtcksmith Tyrrell Ray & Waiter, insurance agts
Tincent Mrs. High house Goodwin Hannah (Mrs.), ~hopkeeper Tyrrell Waiter, land & estate agent,
Wellesley-McKown William A.ugustus Hills John, bricklayer St. Peter's
.B.Sc.• F.O.B. The Woodland~ 1King Arthur, tailor Village Club (Andrew Craig, sec)
coM~fE:&CIAL. 1MitchPll Arthnr, sexton & thatcher Wilks JosPph, shopkeeper
Allen Herbert, wheelwright j Partner George, dairyman, Mill lane Wright Clement, Swan P.H
A:rche:r Henry, saddler Reynolds James, coal dealer
WEST HORNDON is a parish, united to that of &he east wing was restored in 1894 and now forms the
Ingrave in 17r2, with a station callPd East Ho:rndon, residPntial port-ion: attached to the hall i'! a public
en the direct line of the London, Tilbury and South- Catholic chapel, dedicated to Our Blesst>d Ladv and St.
eud section of the Midland railway, and 3o miles south- Laurence in 1770. The old ball, about 1! miles south,
•ast from Brentwood, in the Mid division of the county, was formerly the seat of the Fitz-Lewises, the last of
Barstable hundred, Brentwood petty sessional division whom was •burn-t to death with his bride on hi:t
ud county court district, Billericay union, and in the wPdding night, in the reign of Henry VII. The soil is
rural deanery of Barstable, archdeaconry of Essex and chiefly clay; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wbea'-
ChPlmsford diocese. The living is a rectory united to oats and barley. The area is 1,385 acrPs of land and 1:1
ahat of Ingrave. ThE>re is no church; the inhabitants of water; rateable value, [,r-,752; the population in
•se those of Ingrave, Childerditch and East Horndon. 1 19II was 123 in the civil and 635 in the ecclesiastical
Tborndon Hall is the seat of Lord Petre, who is lord of parish, which includes Ingrave.
the manor and principal landowner. The house is Wall Letter Box, Railway bridgP, clearPd 8. 10 a. m. &
aitaate on an eminence, in an extensive and well-wooded 7 p.m. ; sundays, s. 30 a.m. Letters through Brent-
rark of over I,ooo acres, about 2 miles south-east from wood arrive at 7. 30 a.m. Herongate is the nearest
Krentwood ~ origmally it was a noble mam=ion, consist- tele<Praph & money order office
mg of a centre and two wings, connected by circular l '"'. . . .
wrridors, and contained some very valuable paintings ThPre IS no school m th~ par1sh hut the ch1ldren attend
by the old masters: the main IY.trt of the mansion was, those of Ingrave & Little Warley
however, destroyed by fire on the 22nd of March, 1878; Railway Station, Ernest Edward Ixon, station master
Petre Lord, Thorndon ball Dear Frederick Wm. Railway hotel Thomson John, farmer, Field house
COMMERCIAL. Teffreys John, gamekeeper to Lord Woods Frederif'k, bt>ad ~ardener to
Craig James, farmer, Hatch Petre, Thorndon park Lord Petre, Thorndon park
HUTTON IS a parish on the road from Billericay to is a mt>morial to the late G. J. BaxtPr esq. of Button
Brpntwood, about 3 miles east from Brentwood, 2~ west Park : there are 200 sittings. The register dates from
from Billericay station on the Southend branch of thP the year 1654. The living is a rectory, net yt>arly
GrPat Eastt>rn railway, and 20 from London, in the Mid value £160, with 19 acrE's of glebe and residPnce, in
iivision of the county, hundred of Barstable, union of the gift of tht> Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, and
Billericay, petty sessional division and county court dis- held since 1881 by the Rev. Piers Leopnld Clau!!hton
uict of Brentwood, rural deanery of Barstable, arch- B.A. of Oriel College, Oxfo,.d. HerP ;s a ConQ'l't>j?<>t;onal
deaconrv of Essex and Chelmsford diocese. The Great chapel, erected in 1859, with 200 sittin!!s, and a Union
Eastem'Railway Company's branch from the main line chapel, erected in 1914• at a cost of £3,r;oo, to sPat
at Shenfield to Billericay and thence viA Wickford, Ray- 333· There are brick and tile works hPre. nPar the
leigh and Rochford to Sout·hend passes through thi~ station. In this parish are thE' Poplar training- schools,
parish, the junction station being about one mile from erected in 1906 by the Poplar Board of Guardians, at a
\he Tillage. The chnrch of All Saints, an edifice of cost oJ £16o,ooo. ThPre are charities amounting- to
none in the Early English style, was rebuilt and en- about r.~ yearlv, arising in part from land left in
larged in the year 1873, at a cost of £3,ooo, raised b~ 1584 by Georg-e Whit-e esq. and also Martin's and Offin's
Rubscriptions, and consists of chancel, nav~: of thrt>P cha,.ities, consistin~ of monev invested in Conso]s;
bay11. aisles. south porch and a western tower with White's charitv is partlv dPvoted to the repair of the
tpire containing 5 bells, rPpaired in 1900: a new organ church, and a portion of OffiTI's charity to the schools;
was provided in 1885: the font cover was presentP~ the remainder is dist,.ibuted in bread, clothPs and fuel
• 11l93 in mE>mory of Mrs. Hamilton, drownPd in tbP awong- the poor. Button Hall is the residence of
trreck of the Roumania: the reredos, erected in 1Bg8, Maleolm Carlisle Pilkington esq. who is the chief la "'
ESSEX 21 ~ e erl
322 Hl T10N. E~SEX ~
owner. Mr. Ern est Wood is lord of the manor. The Pillar Letter Boxes., Station. cle!lred 9;:!5 a.m. k 'l~-5 ,15
soil is mixed; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are 8. p.m.; sunday~ 8 p.m.; Poplar Schools, cleared at
wheat, oats, barley, beans and roots. The area is r,~g 9.20 ~,m. 12 noon &i 7·55 p.m. on week daya; 7·55
acres; rateable value, .£14,512; the population in 1gu p.m. on sundays; Button :MolJnt, cleared 8.30 a.m. 11
was 1,774• including 79~ in the Poplar Borough Parish 3·45 p.m. week days; 8.30 p.m. on ~undays; Heron
Workhouse Training Schools. ·"-:ay, d-eared at 7 ·45 a.m, & 4.15 & 6.45 p.m. week
Sexton, Samson Bird. days; 8.30 a. m. on su~days
Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Mrs. Eliza Jane Wright, sub- County Police, David H. Wood. constable
~ pos·tmistress. Letters arrive from Brentwood a.t 7.10 Public Elementary School (mixed), bmlt in 1840, & en-
a.m. & 4.20 & 7.15 p.m.; dispatched at 9.15 & larged in r8g8, for So children; average attendance,
a.m. & 7·45 p.m. on week days & on sundays arrive 40; Miss Mary L. Parker, mistress
7.10 a.m.; dispatched 7·55 p.m Poplar Borough Parish Workhouse Training Schoola,
Wall Letter :Box, The Green, cleared at 8.20 & 11.45 William B. Dean B.A. head master; William Ander-
a.m. & 7·45 p.m. on week days; 7·45 p.m. on sundays son M.B., O.M.Glas. medical officer; Rev. Lewea
• John Harding A~soc.K.C.L. chaplain

Huggins Henry Thomas, Gordon ho Thompson Jas. Thurlow, The Coppice
Ibberson Charles W. Lindens Thorne Harold, Clevedon
Alexander Lewin V. Hillside . .Tessop Ernest, Engleberg Watts Francis, The Wick
.Alexandel' Malcolm Dryden, Hillwood Johnson Major Campbell,The Willow~ W eston Horace, The Cloyne
:Bacon William Stewart, The Lyches Johnstone John Forsyth, Ellerslie Will;:s Mrs. Holmwood
-:Bendix Charles A. The Lodge J ones Henry, Pea hill Wilks Rowland, Westcott
Bird Hugo R. Inglewood Joule Francis, Park house Willis George, St. Patrick's
Bird Leonard Grafton, Karachi Keddell Harry H. Langdale Wilson Henry W. Westward Ho I
"Bradridge Stephen Boon, Talangetta Kemp Flaming Frt>nch, Windy hill
Bristowe Percy, Roundwood Kimber Fredk. 1.'homas, Highclere COMMERCIAL.
Burge Henry Ormsby, The Thrid Kingston Mrs. W oodside · Bo:xall William, gardener to M. C.
Burns Arthur, Highfield Lane Walter Herb~rt, Branscombe Pilkin!!ton esq
Callingham Stanley. Wynstay Latham Ardarn Mere, Tomlvns •
Carswell Charles, Chequers P.H
· Carr William, Fairview Lees J ames, Elsinore Colliers Ltd. brick & tile makers
Clarke Owen Henry, Homestead Lewis F. S. Wendover Cook Ewart, nurseryman & seedsman,
1 Claughton Rev. Piers Leopold B..\. Lovell David W. White haven Park nurseries
(rector), Rectory Macadie William, Trevone Cook William E. farmer
~camber Peter Graham,Hutton mount Magor Emest ~I. Lung Ridings Fiddes John Douglas M.D., F.R.C.S.,
•Cook Ewart. Havwards :\Iallinson George, Sunnylawn Ch.B. physician & surgn. Rubislaw

tOook Francis, Vailima Martin Charles Picton, Woodmanton Hntton :Mount Estate Co. (The), land
Cornish Daniel, Moorfield Mearns .Andrew Norris, Mills farm & estate agents (postal address,
Dalton William, Burses Miller Harry, Seebury Shenfield)
Dean William B., B.A :\fills Henry Charles, Thornycroft Jarvis Edwd.John, cartage contractor
Dearberg George, Summerhill :\lortimer George, Showel! green :Matthams Waiter, shopkeeper
Ennals Frank, Ba"V~"dsey ~otcutt Waiter P. Orllell Matthews .Alfred & Charles Newman,
Eyre William, N efer Owles Harry, The Croft farmers & landowners, Creasey's fm
Farnes Thomas, Chevington Page William Samuel, Button mount Matthews Henrv, •
Fetherston Mrs. Sandhurst Partner Rev. Richard, White Gable~ Newman John (Mrs.); market gardnr
"Fiddes John Dougla~ ~I.D., F.R.C.S .• Phillips Waiter, The Coppice Poplar Borough Parish Workhouse
Ch.B. Rubislaw Pilkington Malcolm Carlisle, Button Training Schools (William B. Dean
Fox Bertram Douglas, Edgewood hall 'B.A. head master; William A.nder-
Frith Harold Wm. The White house Poole-Norton Fredt>rick, Mount lodge son ::\LB., C.M.Glas., D.P.H.medical
Fuller George, Elmcroft Radford William, The Knoll officer;. Rev. L ..T. Harding A.K.C.
Gifford Austin, Senga Robinson David, Heronway . chaplain)
• Grahame Roland, Button lodge Robison Robert, Raeberry Smith Henry Thomas, farmer
Gray Percy Br) an, The Lodge Robson HenrY• L. St, Briavrl's Smith Wm. Button Junction hotel
Hardinge George, Hutt.on house Satow Hugh, Engadine Spooner John, coal merchant
Harvey Harry, Ker Smith Alfred, Beddingfif'ld Thompson John, farmer
Hewlett H. P. The Laurels Sproul William, The Laurels Thompson Joseph, farmPr
Howarth Albanv• E. The Studio Stephenson Rowland, Hutton place Wright Eliza Jane (Mrs.), shop-
Hudson William de Cadt-, Llandough Stuart J amt-" Thu • lstone ' kt:>eper, Po'<t office

GREArr I L }., 0 R D

!LFORD (GREAT) is an increasing ~uburb of Lond•Jn 0f the district. Electric tram lines were laid in 1903
Ji_tnated on the road from London to Colchester, and on to Barking, Ohadw-ell Heath, Barking Side and Seven
~he east of the river Roding, which here becomes navi- Kings. SEVEN KINGS, which in 18gB consisted of
gable for barges, with a station on the main line of the open fields, is now a favourite res1dr>ntial district, with
Gr('at Eastern railway to Colchester and Ipswich, and a large population. GOOD MAYES, another district, is
other stations at Seven Kings and Goodmayes on tne also now ( 1914) .rapidly increasing in population. St.
<~ame line, and is 7 miles from London, 2 north from Clement's parish church, erected during the period
Barking and 5 west from Romford; in 1903 a branch 18go-g6. at a cost of £w,ooo, was, by an Order of
line was opened to Woodford. llford is in the Southern thP Ecclesiastical Commissioners, dated June, 1902,
division of the county, Becontree half-hundred and petty constituted the parish church of Jlford, and is a
sessional divisiOn, union and county court district of structure of red brick, in the Early English style, con~
Romford, and in Barking rural deanery, archdeaconry of sisting of chancel, nave and aisles, and will seat 1,000
Essex and diocese of Chelmsford. It is within the juris- persons. The register dates from the year 183~. The
diction of the Central Criminal court and Metropolitan living is a vicara~, net yearly value £520, with resi-
police and has a police station. Great llford, Barking dence, in the gift of .All Souls' College, Oxford, and
Side, Aldborough Hatch, Chadwell, and a portion of held since 1912 by the Rev. Arthur Wyndham Ott.away
Hainault Forest were formed into a separate ecclesiasti- l\I.A. of Merton College, Oxford. St. Mary's is an
cal parish under the above name in 1830: by a sub- ecclesiastical parish, formed in 1904 ; the church, built
division made February II, 1841, on the north side of in 1831, at a cost of £3,500, and restored and reseated
Ilford, the district of Barking Side was f01 med, and in in 1883, at a cost of £r,I5o, is an edifice in the Early
1863 that of Aldborough Hatch: on the 29th September, Victorian style, consisting of apsidal chancel, nave 1
t888, GrPat Ilford was constituted a separate civil parish "VI'estern porch and a tower with spir~, containing •
by Act of Parliament. ·A Local Board was formed in Oct. clock and 8 bells, dated I866, and provided 41. that year
I Ego, but under the provisions of the "Local Govern- as a memorial to J. Davis esq. and his wife. at a cost
ment Act, 1894" (56 and 57 Vict. c. 73), the parish is of about £6oo : the stained windows of the chancel and
now governPd by an Urban District Council of 21 mem• the pulpit of carved ,stone are also rp.emorials to Mr.
hers and divided into seven wards. The town is lighted Davis, and there Jire five other stained windows: the
with gas, and also by electricity from a generating church affords· 6oo sittin~rs. The register dates from
station in Ley street : it is supplied with water princi- th~.> year 1905. The living is a perpetual curacy, nPt
pally by the South Essex Water Works Company, but yearly value £340, with resid~nce, in the. gift of the
the Metropolitan

Water Board supplies a sr,nall portion vicar of Ilford, and held since 1914 by the Bev. Huberl
V-alentine Eardley-Wilmot M.A. of Keble College, Ox- Stroud, in 1894,. at a cost of £2,500. There are four
ford. St. John the Evang-elist, SEVEN KINGS, is banks, two hotels, a paper mill, several steam !ann-
an ecclesiastical parish, formed in :904; the church, dries and many shops. Tiford is also noted for the
built in 1902 and finished in 1913, is an edifice of brick, manufacture of photographic dry plates, papers and
consisting of chancel, nave, aisles and vestries, and films. The Hippodrome, erected in 1909, has 2,500
will seat Boo persons. The register dates from the year s£>ats. The Ilford Emergency Hospital, in Al:>bey road,
1903· The living is a perpetual curacy, net yearly value ~ewbury Park, was erected in 1912 at a cost of
£322, with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Ohelms- [12,350; it has two public, four private and one
ford, and held since 1905 by the Rev. James Henry children's wards, and contains 23 beds. The Urban
Pea body M.A. of Cambridge University. St. ;raul's, a District Council in 1897 erected an l solation. I!ospital,
chapel of ease to Chadwei1 Heath, erected in 1903, and which in tgo2, 1905 a.nd 1909 was ~nlarged, at a total
adde4 to in 1905, is a structure of red brick, consisting cost of £29,000, and it will nqw hold 8o patients.
of chancel, nave and aisles. St. Alban's, a chapel of The Hospital of St. Mary and St. Thomas of Canter·
ease t~ St. Clement's, consecrated 17 Nov. rgoo, and bury, originally founded by the abbess of Barking m
completed in 1900, was built at a cost of £9,ooo, and the reign of .Stephen, about 1140, for 13 lepers, with a
consists of chancel, nave and vestry. SS. Peter and prior and master, was re-founded m 1572 under Queen
Paul's Catholic church, in High road, opened by his Elizabeth, for the support and 'residence of a master,
Eminence Cardinal Vaughan 18 June, 1899, and en- chaplain and ~i:x poor aged men: the Marquess of
J.arged and redecorated in 1900, is an edifire in the Salisbury P.C., G.C.V.O., C.B. is the mastPr and
Perpendicular style: in 1909 side aisles and a tower patron : the buildings occupy three sides of a quad·
were added at a cost of £8,ooo, and there are now rangl£>, the south side being formed by the chapel, a
~eats lot Boo per8ons. The Presbyterian Church of long- narrow structure of the 15th centqry, which,
England is in Oakfield road, erected in 1903, with 56o nntil the erPction of the chntch, was the only C.hurch
sittings ;-- attached to this church is a hall, er£>cted in of England place of worship for t}l£> inhabitants of this
1909: there is .another Presbyterian church at GOOD- placP: in 1~89 a south aisle was lmilt and two bay!!
MAYES, built in 1905, with zoo 8ittings. The Congre- added to the length of the chapel, at a cost of £2,ooo,
!:;.ltional chapel, High road, erected in 1901, at a co~t and there are now sittings for 300 persons. The chap-
f £17,000, is an octagonal structure of red brick with laincy, net yearly value £8o, with house, is in the gift·
qtone dressin~s in a late Gothic style, w1th a to'l'l er and of the .Marquess of Salisbury, and J,eld since 1904 by
spire reaching- a height of 137 feet: it will seat 1,300 the Rev. William John Sparrow-Simpson D.D. of
percons. Wycliffe Congregational ch<tpe1, in Cranbrook Trinity College, Cambridge. There are now two public
road, erected in 1907, at a co~t of .£D,590, consists of parks here, viz.: Valentine's, of 96 acres, and South
chancel, nave and transepts, and :i1as 815 sittings. 1 Park, of 32 acres, Seven Kings Recreation Ground of
There are also Congregational chapels in Ilford lan£> 9~ acres, and 10 acres adjoining Wanstead Park. There
and at Goodmayes and Meads lanE>, Seven Kings. The is also a recreation ground at Goodmayes of 15 acrPAi,
Wesleyan chapel at Seven Kings, a structure of red one in Uphall road, Ilford, and one at. Barking Side
brick, erected in 1904 at a cost of £8,soo, will seat of 14! acres. A considerable portion of Hainault
1,050 persons, and there is another Wesleyan chapel in Forest is in this pari«h, and ~ ithin its limits formerly
~e High :road. The Baptrst chape-l, Hig]l road, erected stood the reno"ned It'airlop Oak, the trunk of which,
at a of about £6,ooo, will seat soo persons ; at three feet from the ground, m£>asured 36 feet in
attached is a Sunday ~chool, built at a cost of about girth, with boughs extending over a cucumfereRCe of
£3,500. with a Jibrary of goo ··olmnes. The Baptists ~oo feet; for- many years a fair, established by Mr.
have also chapels m l-1anbr·ook .oad, llford lane and Dnniel Day, a block and pump mali£>r, of Wapping, was
Seven Kings. There are United Methodist chapels held on the first Friday m July, under its shade; but
here and at Seven Kings, and Primitive }'lethodist I the trPe is gone and Fairlop Fair now lives only in the
chapels in Connaught road and Meads lane, Seven records of the past. The area of the civil parish and
Kings, and a Unitarian chapel, erected in 1909· TherE> Urban District is 8,-J.?O acres of land, 26 of inland and
are alS{) several Mission halls in the !Jansh. The Ceme- ..., of tidal water; rateable value, £433,512, which
tery, in Bucl.ingham road, formed m 188I, has on(;' includes Barking Side, Aldborough Hatch and part of
chapel and a mortuary, and is under the control of the Chadwell.
Urban District Council. The Town Hall, which was All Saints, GOODMA YES, is an eeclesiastical parish,
erected in 1900 at a cost of nearly £3o,ooo, and opened on formed in January, 1914 , from the ecclesiastical
5th Dec. 1901, is a building of stone, in a variation of the parishes of Barking St. Mary, Great llford, St. Chad.
Classic styl~, from designs by Mr. Ben Woollard, archi- Chadwell Heath and Dagenham. The church, situated
teot, and has frontages both to the High road and Oak- in Goodmayes lane, Goodmayes, is a building of brick
field road: it includes, besides the usual offices and with stone facings in the Early English style, consist-
committee rooms, a Council chamber and a large hall, ing of aisles, nave, choir, sanctuary, side chapel,
with a good stage and connected retiring rooms, and at baptistry and vestry, and has 769 sittings. The register
the other end a gallery: the hall will seat about 1,ooo dates from the year 1909 . The living is a vicarage, net
persons. The Public Library, in the High road, Seven yearly value £ 300 , in the gift of trustees, and held
Kings, was erected in 1908 at a cost of £8,5oo, being since 1914 by the Rev. Hector William Reindorp M.A.
part of a suru of £1o,ooo presented to the town for this of St. Catharine College, Cambridge. .
purpose by Andrew Carnegie esq. of Skibo Castle:
the building contains a lending library of I6, The population in I9II was 78,188, including 2,467
volumes, a reference library of 474 volumes, news- inmates and 232 officials and their families in Clay-
paper, magazine and directory roams: attached is a .bury Lunatic Asylum, 862 inmates and II5 officials and
Leoture Hall, se'lting 435 persons, with a lower hall, their families in West Ham Borough Lunatic .AsyluDJ,
kitchen, cloak rooms ll;c. The Reading Room, in the and 1,407 in Dr. Barnardo's Village Home for Orphan,
High road, is used for entertainments and meetings: Neglected and Destitute Girls.
the Drill Hall for the 4th Territorial Battalion Essex The population of the wards in I9II wa.s :-Clements-
Regiment, and the head quarters of the East Anglian wood, 16,618; Cranbrook, g,96o; Hainault Ward North,
Divisional Transport and Supply Column Army Service 7•974; Hainault Ward South, 10,673 ; Loxford, 12,318 ;
Corps, Territorial Force, is also in the High road: . rark, II,8 25; Seven Kings, 8,820.
both buildings were erected by the late Miss E. The population of the ecclesiastical parishes in 19II
Thompson. The drill-ground and club-house for the was: St. Clement, ::6,215; St. John the Evangeli~t,
use of the 4th Territorial Battalion Essex Regiment, in Seven Kings, B,oo-t; ~t. ::\I~ry, 16• 012 ·
Gordon road, were provided at the expense of the ReY: By the East Ham, Barking Town and Ilford Order,
th& Hon. H. W. Bertie D.C.L. vicar here r844-8r. The 1907• which came into operation November 9th, 1907,
Fire Station, in Ley street, was erected in 1905 at a part of Ilford Urban District and civil parish was trans-
crosfi of £7,ooo. .The Swimming Baths, situate on the ferred to East Ham .Municipal Borough and civil parish
bank~ of the river Boding, were erected by Mr. Robert and part of the lattPr was transferred to the former.
Post, M. 0. &; T. &; Telephonic Express Delivery O.ffice.- Town Sub-Po~t, M. 0. & T. Office, The Pavement, Seven
E. J. Butler, postmaster. Letters delivered at 7 Kings.-G. H. Radford, sub-postmaster. Letters
.t II.zs a.m. & 2.35, 6.5 & 8.20 p.m. & 7.10 arrive at 7.30 a.m. 12 noon & 3, 7 & 9.15 p.m. ; dis-
a.m. on sundays; dispatched at 2.45 k 9·45 a.m. 12 patched at 8. IS· g.15 & Il. I5 a. m. & I. I5, 4· 5· 7· 15,
noon k r.. 1.45~ 4.30 1 5-30. .8.15 & IO.-J.5 p.m. & 12 mid~ 9.30 & (except saturdays) I I p.m . .; sundays, 10 p.m.
night (e:reept saturdays) for early rooming mail; Telegraph office open from 8 a..m. to 8 p.m. wet>k
aundays, 112 midnight. Money orders are issued & days only 1 .
paid from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Telegraph office open Town Sub-Post & 'M. 0. Offices:-
from 8 a.m.• to g. p.m. ;~ sunday~ •. s a.m. to 10 a. m. ~ Belgrave .Market. Harold Bay .ibbott, su\>-p(lstmaster.
5 p.m. to 6 p.m Letters dispatched at 8. 15, 9.30 & n.3o· a.m. & I-1.).
E~SEX 21•
3·45• 5·IS, 7·30, g.3o & (except. saturdays) 11.15 p.m.: Park Ward.
.;;uudayg., 10 p.m. Telegrams can be dispatched but Retire April Retire AprilJ
not delivered from this office Benjamin Bailey J.P •..• 1915 George WiHiam Davis.. 1911
.St. Mary's road.-Enuna Mary Greatorex, sub-post- William Thos. Cadness 1916
mistress. Letters dispatched at 8, g. IS & 11.15 a.m. Seven Kings Ward.
& 1.15, 3·45. 5, 7·I5, g.3o & (except saturdays) I l Waiter Horace Stevens 19151lirorge Hoberi Davey ... 1917
p.m.; sundays, Io p.m. The nearest telegraph office Owen Waters ............ 1916
is at Ilford
Cranbrook road. Watson Hornby, sub-postmaster.
Letters dispatched at 8. 15, 9.30 & u.3o a. m. & 1.3o, Officers.
3·45• 5.15, 7-30, 9·30 & (except saturdays) u.x5 p.m.; Clerk, .A.dam Partington, Town hall, High road
sundays, 10 p.m. The nearest telegraph office is at Deputy Clerk, James Godfrey Gott, Town hall, High m.
Clement's road, llfdrd Treasurer, John Grave Gowan, Town hall, High road
Birkbeck road.-Ernest Edmund Gardiner, sub-post- Acting Medical Officer of Health, Geo:ffrey Eogene-
master. Dispatches, 8.45 a.m, & 4• 8 & 9 p.m.; sun- Oates M D., B.S.Lond., M.R.C.P.Lond., D.P.H. Camb.
days, 8.55 a.m Town hall
llford lane. James Eva.ns, sub-postmaster. Letters Electrical Engineer, Arthur Henry Shaw M.I.E.E.,.
dispatched, 8.15, 9.30 & u.3o a.m. & 1.15, 3·45· 5·•5· M.I.M.E. Ley street
7·30, 9-30 & (except saturdays) n.15 p.m.; sundays, Engi~eer & Surveyor, Berbert Shaw :M.I.C.E.
10 p.m hall, High road ,
Ley street. Miss Mary Jane Saunders, sub-postmis- Librarian, Public Library, Seven Kings, James Radclift'e
tress. Letters dispatched at 8. 15, 9· 15 & 11. 15 a.m. Collectors, Frank C. King, Frederick W. Perkins, John.
& I. IS, 3·45. 5· 7· rs, 9-30 & (except saturdays) II L'lwrence Burleigh & Albert Charles Treby
p.m. ; sundays, ro p.m Sanitary Inspector, F'rederick Wm. King, 6 Oakfield rei.
345 High road. Mrs. Mary Ann Peal, sub-postmis- Fire Brigade Superintendent, John W oullard, Ltly at
tress. Letters dispatched at 8, g.3o & 11.30 a.m. &
1.30, ,3·45, 5-IS, 7.3o, g.30 & (except Saturdays) 11.15 ILFORD LOCAL PENSION COM..'\II'ITEE.
p.m. ; sundays. 10 p.m
High road, Goodmayes. W. S. Gray, sub-postmaster. The Committee consists of the whole of the membera-
Letters dispatched at 8, 9 & 11 a.m. & .11 3·45• 4 45, 7• of the Urban Distriot Council
9.30 & (except saturdays) 10.45 p.m.; sundays, 10 Meetings are held at the Town hall on t·he third mon·
p.m. Telegrams can be dispatched but not delivered day in each month at 6.30 p.m
from this office Chairman, William James Oliver Sheat, 120 Cran-
us Belgrave road. Miss Eliza A.da Drake, sub-post- brook road
mistress. Letters dispatched at 8, g. 15 & n,15 a.m. Clerk, James Godfrev Gott, Town hall
& 1.15, 3·4'i. 5, 7.I5, 9.30 & (except satnrdays) u Pension Officer, William Joseph Daly, 57 Northbrook rd
p.m.; sundays. 10 p.rn
n6 Windsor road. William Edwin Clarke, sub-post- TERRITORIAL FORCE.
master. Letters dispatched at 8.15, 9.15 & 11.15 a.m. 4th Battalion Essex Regiment, Drill hall, High road 0
& 1.15, 3·4.5· 5, 7·15, 9.30 & (except saturdays) u armoury, Gordon road; 0 Co. Capt. J. G. Gowan;
p.m. : snnrl~n·s, 10 p. m Color-Sergt. William R. Burns, drill illtltructor
2:57 Tiford lanE'. Leona.,.d Branch Pardt>y, sub-post- 8th (Cyclist) Battalion Essex Regiment (F Co.), 2
master. Letters di~patched at 8 t'). 9 15 & n.15 a m. Ilford lane; 2nd Lieut. P. Parry; Color-Sergt. A. W.
& I.xs, 3-45• 5, 1-15, 9.30 & (except saturdays) u Butcher, 83 Grays Toad, instructor
p.m. ; ~undavs. ro pm
~ Westwnod l!ardens, High Toad, Seven Kinl!'s.-Miss ARMY SERVICE OORPS.
Edith Braham, sub-postmistress. Letters dispatched
8, 9 & I I a.m. & 1, 3 45• 4·45• 7• 9.30 k (except satur- Head quarters, 156· High road.
dav<:) T().4~ n.m.: snntinvs, 10 Tl m East .A.nglian Divisional Transport & Supply Column~
100 Mead's lane, SevPn Kin<Ys. William Blake Lucas. Commanding, Lieut.-Col. W. G. Probert; Senior-
sub-postmaster. Letter!l dispatchPd M. 8, 9 & n a.m Supply Officer, Major W. G. iMarchbank; Adjutant,
& I, 3·4'i· 4·45• 7• 9.30 & (except saturdays) 10.30 Capt. H . .A. Jones A.S.C.; Medical Officer, Surg.-
p.m. ; sunrlavs. 10 p.m Lieat. C. E. Anderson R.A.:M C. (T. F'.); Chaplain,.
BrMm'hill m3rket. GrPen lane, GnodmavPR. H. (" The Rt. Rev. the Bishop of Colchester D.D
Wilson, sub-postmaster. Lf'.tters dispatchPd at 8, o East Anglian Divisional (Head Quarters) Co. Com-
& 11 a.m. & r, 3·4.'i· 4-4.'i· 7• 9.30 & (except satnr· manding, Major F. P. P. SJper; R. H. Dixon V D.
d!lvs) TO 30 p.m.; "und11y11, 10 p.m captain & hon. major; P. C. Franklin, captain;-
"kluth Park parade, Green hne, Seven Kings.-Artbu ... Sergt.-Major Henry W. Bradley, instructor
WiUiRm Green, snh-postm11ster. LPtters dispatchPil
at 8. Q & I I a.m. & r. 3-4'\'. 4·45• 7• 9-30 & (excPpt PUBLIO ESTABLISHMENTS.
satnr-'~Ys) TO.""' n.m : sn..,#lllvll, 10 pm
Post flffiP'l, H) New ro<~d, BoebivP.-Mrs. Hetty Swith. Board of Trade Labour Exchange, 65 High road, T. H.
sub-pn"tmi!'trPss. Lette... q arrive through Jlfm·d 9 Wheaton, manager
a.m. & 8 p m. ; di"'p"tPhP<I, 9 a..m. & 4.20 & 8.30 f'emetery, B11ckingham road, Joseph PatPs, supt
pm.; no ifolive-ry on sun!lavs Emergency Hospital, Abbey road, NPwburv Park, Robers
TPlephone Exchange, Cleveland road Hntchinson M.D.Edin., F.R.O.P.Lond~ Hugh LE'tt
M.B., Ch.B.Vict., F.R.C.S Eng. William Turner M D.,.
URBA l'lq' nT'-lTRTr.T COTlNOIL. M.S Lond., F.R.C.S Eng. H. R. Andrews M.D., B.S.
Offices. Town ball. Lond., F.R.C.P.Lond. James Oliver M.D., C.M.Edin.,.
Veetings on the 2nd k, 4th tues. in each month at 7 p.m M R.C.P.Lond. Dan M!lckenzie M D.Glas., F.R C.S.
Edin . .Alfred John Couzens F.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.
M~>m bers. Lond. & Robert Murray Leslie M.A., M.D. hon. con-
Chairmqn, Willi<;&m Jame!l Oliv<'r Sbeat J .P. su'ting staff; B. Henderson, hon. sec.; Miss L. E.
Vice-Chairman, Georj:!:e Gunary. G~een, ma•r•ln

Clement!lW"Od Ward. Hippodrome, George Wells, manager; Miss Florenc&

RP-tire April Retire April Aylmer, sec
'Thomas PhilPnt J. P ... I9T r; Waiter Everett ......... 1917 Isolation Hospital, Litt1e Heath, Geoffrey Eugene Oates
George Cushing ..... . ... 19rf> M D., B.S.Lond., M.R C.P.Lond., D P.H.Camb. assist-
ant medical supt.; Miss Alice Barlin!!, m"tron
Cranbrook VVard.
Frf'denck llnnnpr n·•ne T()T 5 William Peter Griggs.. 1917
W m.Jac;. OJiverShf'at.J. P Igr~>
'Metropolitan Police Station, 40 Hi!!h road, Alfred
Hamilton, sub-divisional inspector &; 4 station aer·
geants, 3 sergeants & 71 con'itables
Hainault Ward North. PuhHc Lihrary. High road, Seven Kin11;s, James Rad-
George flhnrch ......... I<)I5j Ardesbir Kapadia ...... 1917 cli:ffe, librarian
John Hawkins ........... 1916 Raading Rnom, 24T High rd. J. W. F. Mumford. tru!ltPe
Son11 of Temperance Almshouses, Golfe road, Seven
Hainault Ward South. Kino-s, Alf..-f'd J. AUi~on, ~ec
GP.or'!P- Gnn<~l'V ......... IQISI Williarn James Tf'mple South Park Pnblic PlPa~nre Ground. South Park, Sontlt
Robert Stroud J.P .,. .... rQtll f'ullis .................. 1917 Park road, Seven Kings, Hy. James Keens. res. sup~
Loxford Ward. Swimwin!!' B"th.s, Roden street, Thomas Johnson, supt
JamPS Hy. f'nnSfPl' .T.P 1915!1 hank Douglas Smith.. 1917 1'own Hall, High road, James Draine, keeper
William Henry Gillard 1916 Valentine's Park, Cranbrook road, Henry March sup\
PUBLIC OFFICERS. Primitive 'Methodist .
.Assistant Overseers, John Grave Gowan, Tu~ n hall upton Park Circuit.
(supt.) & William J. Mays, Town hall, High rd.(cbief) Rtv. George Ba.ldwin (snpt.) & ReY. AlLt,n Goodacre,
~unty Road Surveyor for Tiford District, A. Lowe, Connaught road; I I a.m. &. 6.30 p.m.; tues. 8 p.m
County depot, High road Meads lane, Seven Kin~": sun. 1 r a.m. & 6.30 p.m.;
Vedical Officers & Public Vaccinators, 4th district, Ram- tues. 8. IS p.m
ford Union, Thomas BatteN>by Jobson M.D., B.Ch
Dub., D.P.H. I36 High road; 3rd district, Albert Jn. Gnitarian, High road, Rev. ArtLur Holland Bi~g-" ~LA .•
Pattison L.H.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S. 8 Kingswood road, LL.~I.; I I a.m. & 7 p.m
Goodmayes; 2nd district. Julius Hodgetts Smith
L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S. I Cambridge road, Senn United Methodist.
King.s Lond~n (Forest Gate) Circuit.
"'Police Surgeon, Ilford divi;,ion, :Metropolitan Police, R~ow. John Henry Squirt> B.A .• B.D. & Rev. Joe Boden.
Thomas Battersby Job son M. D., B.Ch.Dub., D.P .H. Ilford lane; I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 8 p.m
136 High road Seven Kings road; II a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 8 p-m
'Beei11trar of Births, Marriages & Deaths, Ilford Sub-
district, Romford union, John Farrow, 36 Cowntr) rd Salvation Army Hall, Clement's road ; r 1 d.m. .lii 3 &
7 p.m
PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of Senices. Salvation _-\rmy Hall, Goodmayes aven. Seven Kings
'St. Clement's Church, Park a\ enue, Rev. Arthur Wynd- Society of Friends, Albert road; n a.m. &: 6.30 p.m.:
bam Ottaway M.A. vicar; Rev. Charles John Wills ~ed. 8 p.m
M.A. Rev. William Frank Hellyar Th.A.K.C. Rev.
Harold Hjalmar Heaton M.A. Rev. William Alexander W esleyan :Methodist.
Progley B. A. Rev. William Henry Jackson B. A. Rev. Ilford Circuit.
Edward Croxton Weddall M.A. & Re\. John Henry Re\·. E. Blaushard Keeling (supt.), ReL Charle ... Francis
Yitchell B.A. curates; 7. 8 & 11 a.m. & 3 & 6.30 Ream M ...!.. Rev. William Arthur Moore; Rev. Waltt>r
p.m.; week days, 7.30 & 10 a.m. & 5.30 p.m. ; wed. Fuller, supernumerary
8 p.m Cranbrook Park; II a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m
All Saints' Church, Goodmaye., road, Goodmaye .... Rev. High road; I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. 8 p.m

Hector William Reindorp M.A. vicar; Rev. William High rd. Sevt>n Kim~s; I I a. m. & 6,go p. m.; fri. 8 p.m
Thomas Sandford A.K.C. curate; I I a. m & 3-?0 &.
6.30 p.m.; wed. 8 p.m.; holy eommunion. 8 :un. Evangelical Mission, Grange road; no 1egnlar minister;
also I I a.m. Hot sun. & 6.30 p.m. 3rd sun. : "~ ints' I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m
days, n a.m Christadelphian Hall, Scrafton rd.; I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m
.St. Mary's Church, Rev. Hubert ValPntine Eardley- Clement .. wood Hall Mi~!'ion Room. Clement'!' rottd;
Wilmot ::\'LA. perpetual curate; Rev. Frank Clive 6.30 p.m
Luget L.Th. curate; 8, 9·45 (choral) & n a. m. & 3 Mission Hall, St ..Mary's road; 2.30 p.m
& 6.30 p.m. & every week day at I I a.m. & 7·45 p.m Mission Hall, Havelock read; I ! a. m. & 7 p.m. & thnrt!
8 p.m
St. John's Church, Seven Kings, Rev. James Henry Pea· \fission Hall, Chester road; 7 p.m
body M.A. perpetual curate ; Rev. Charles Roy Staf- Mission Hall (Santa Claus Hall), Dm tan road
ford Finch Th.A.K.C. & Rev. Albert Morris Wheatley Mission Hall, Ley st. ; I I a.m, & 7 p.m. ; mon. 8 p.m
Th.A..K.C. curates; 7• 8 & I I. 15 a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; Mission Room, Roden street; I I a. m. k 6.30 p.m
daily, holy communion, 6.45 a.m. (wed. 10); matins. Undenominational Chapel, South park. Ripley road; 1 [
7.30 a.m.; evening song, 8 p.m. (fri. & sat. 7.30); a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; thur~5. 8 p.m
litany, wed. & fri. I2 noon
:St. Andrew's, The Drive, st>rved by the clergy of St. SCHOOLS.
Clement's; 8, 9·45 (choral) & I I a.m. & 7 p.m
.St. Luke's, Uphall road, Rev. John Henry Mitchell E~~ex County High School, 1Jalfuul' roau, ere<}ted ia
B.A. vicar designate; 8 (e;xcept 2nd sun.) & I I :t.m. xgo1, f-or about 280 boys & 250 girls; average attend-
k 6.30 p.m ance, 250 boys & 225 girls; Alfred Edward Diggen!
St. Alban's Church (chapel of ease to St. Clement's), B.A. head master; Mi~s Eliza.beth Morri-; B.Sc. head
Albert road, Rev. Charles John Will-; ;\.'LA.; 8 & u mistrt>!'S
a.m. & 7 p.m.; wed. 8 p.m Publif' Elementary School".
St. Paul's Church, Goodmayes; 8, 10.30 (matins) & .!n Edncrttion Committef', consisting of 14 members of
II.xs a.m. & 6.30 p.m the Urban District Council & i eo-opted members .
.St. Mary's Hospital, Rev. William Jn. Sparrow-Simpson was formed September goth, 1903
D. D. chaplain; 8 & n a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; special $er- The Committee meets in the Council chambel', Town
T.iees at other houre by notice given hall, on the 3rd monday in each month at i p.m
'SS. Peter & Paul, Catholic, High road, Rev. Patrick Chairman, William James Temple Cullis
Palmer (rural dean) & Rev. James A. Walton, Vice-Chairman, D. Hunter
priests; 8, 9.30 & I I a.m. &; 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 8; Secretary, William Stansfield Torbitt M.A., LL.~I. Edu-
week days, 7.30 a.m cation offices, Cleveland road
Presbyterian Church of England, Oakfield rd. Rev. Walt. School Medical Officer,
A. Gait M.A., B.D.; n a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 8 p.m Assistant School Medical Officer, Geoffrey Eugene Oatea
l»resbyterian Church of England, Kildowan road, Good- M.D., B.S.Lond., M.R.C.P.Lond., D.P.H.Camb. TowB
mayes, Rev. Norman M. Wright; sundays, 11 a. m. & hall
6.30 p.m.; wed. 8 p.m Attendance Officers, T. W. Jackson, 3 Meath road
llaptist, Cranbrook road, Rev. Fredel'ick Augustus Jom•s; (supt.); A. Murrell, Old School house, Barkingside;
n a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. B p.m A. Reach, 290 Thorold road & F. W. Atkinson, 88
Ebenezer Strict Baptist, Cleveland road; II a.m. & 6.30 Hampton road
p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m Christchurch l'oad, erected in rgoo, for 400 boys, 400
llaptist, Ilford lane (Clementswood), Rev. John Garden; girls and 408 juniors; average attendance, 376 boys,
11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; man. & thurs. 8 p.m.; tues. 364 girls & 393 juniors; Henry Bateman. master;
8.15 p.m .Miss Priscilla Gibbs, mi.. tress; Mi~ Nora L. Edwards
'Baptist, Cameron road, Seven Kings, Rev. Joseph A.C.P., L.L.A. mistress juniors
Fletc)ler; I I a.m. &; 6.30 p.m. i thurs. 8 p.m vleveland road, built in I89{), for 4'70 boys, 470 girls &
'llaptist, High road, Rev. Frank Herbert Smith; I I a.m 498 juniors; averag-e attendance, 396 boys, 418 girls
& 6.30 p.m.; wed. 8 p.m & 442 juniors; William Jame, Aldt>rson. master;
()on!l'J'egational, High road, Rev. Oharles Henry Vim• 1 :Miss Annette J. Hambleton, mi«tr£>s~; Mir-" F. Rihley,
B.A.; Rev. Henry Charles Gaut. a~sistant ; I I a.m. I mistress junior;;;
& 3 & 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. 8 p.m Downshall, Aldborough road, erHted in 1902, for 5oo
'Congregational, Cranbrook road, Wycliffe Church, Rt>v.j boys. soo girlo: & 516 jumor ... ; averagE> attendancP,
James Flockart Brown; I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 413 boys, 397 girl!' & 504 iumors; James ""dein,
8 p.m master; ~Iiss Ethel Hughe:o. mistre""; .Mi"s .T. E.
Con!l'J'egational, Ilford lane, Rev. Charlt>s Henry VinP Thompson, mistress juniol""
B.A.; Rev. HPnry Charles Gaut. assistant; I I a.m. Goodmayt>s, Airthrie road, built in 1909 at a cost of
& 6.30 p.m.; tues. 8 pm £2I,ooo. for 370 boys, 370 girls k 448 juniors; aver-
Cone-•egational, Broomhill road, Gooclmayes, Rev. Hngh age attendance, 247 ho) ~. 250 girls & 287 jnniorl!l ;
McKav B.A.; I I a. m. &; 6 ~o p.m.; thurs. 8 p.m Arthur Charla,., Bun~es". master; Mi>-~ Harriett E.
Conii(Je!!'lltional. Meads lane, Seven Kings, Rev. William Lucas. mi-:tres•; ~Ii«< ~a' d E. H 'l w)p~. mistr"""
Jn. Hnmberstone; n a.m. &; 6.30 p.m. ;wt>d. 8.r5 p.m junior..-
Highlands, Wanstead Park road. erected in rgos, fot 1 boy.s, I3I girls &· rai jhniors;. Talbot William Bolness,
480 boys, 480 girls &, 436 juniors; average attendance, l master; Mrs. Jene Lay, mistress; Mrs. M. Gillies,
269 boys, 263 girls & 352 juniors ; AlfrPd Kemp, mistress juniors
master; Miss Alice Clements, mistress; Miss E. E. SS. Pater & Paull Hjgh road (Catholic),. erected in :Jgdr
Jeffery, mistress juniors: & enlarged in 1909, for 336 children; a"Verage attend-
Little Heath (mixed), for r6o; avera~e attendance. ance, 293; Charles W. Saurin, master; Rev. P.
120; W. A. Clark, master Palmer, correspondent
Loxford, Eton road, erected in I904, for 420 .boys, 420
girls & 456 juniors; average attendance, 359 boy,~.~ ~EWSPAPERS.
324 girls & 460 juniors; Percy E. King, master; East London Advertiser, 34 High road, Waiter A. Loekl,
Miss M. E. Box, mistre;;s; Miss M. M. Thompson,J printer & publisher; published friday for saturday
mistress juniors Essex Guardian, 3 t High road, Waiter ~\. Locks, printer
Newbury Park, Young's road, for 420 boys, 420 girls k & publisher; published friday for saturday
218 juniors; averagP attendance, 189 boys, 174 girls & l Ilford Guardian, 34 High road, Waiter .i. Locks, prin-
I67 juniors; W. Page, master; Miss E. :M. Cooke. ter & publi&her; published thursday for friday
mistress; ~Iiss M. Ganly, mistress juniors Rnmford Recorder. I6g High rd. South Essex Reoor-
South Park, Hnlmwood road~ Seven King<!, built in Limited, printers & publishers; published friday
1907, for 350 boys. 350 girls, 300 upper juniors & 30:::> East Ham Recorder, 169 High road, South Essex
lower juniors; average attendance, 297 boys. 251 girl;;;, R~corders Ltd. printers & publishers; published friday
271 upper juniors & 177 lower juniors; Herbert H. Ilford Recorder, 169 High road, South Essex Recordeltl
Goodacre. master; :Miss J. B. Atkinson. mistress; Ltd. printers' & publishers; published thursday
~Iiss A. E. Fisher, mistress (upper juniors); Miss M. En stern Counties Times, 169 Hi!!h road, Sfl11th EssP-s
L. Mitchell, mistress (lower juniors) Recorders Lim. printers & publishers ; published sat
Uphall, built in I909, for 370 boy;;, 370 girls & 482/
juniors; average attendance, 306 boys, 295 girls &
417 juniors; Harry Harriss, master~ Miss Ada E .I Railway Station, Harry George Unwin, station mast-er,
Champ, mistress ; Miss Ada Eastman,mistress juniors Station approach
Valentine's, Beehive lane, for 144 children ; average Seven Kings G. E. R. Ernest Geo. Turner, station mstr
attendance, I04; Mrs. Lucy Jago, mistress , I Goodmayes G. E. R. Harry Frederick Gi,bbs, station
St. Mary's (Church of England), High road, built in master, Goodmayes T<lad
1832, bv subscription & enlarged in 1885, for 259 boys. Electric trams from Chadwell Heath & Barking to Tiford
204 g-irls & no juniors; average attendance, 163 & Seven Kings & Ilford to Barldn~ Side

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Andrew Edward Samuel, 2 Wellwood Ault Waiter Henry, r8 Alloa rpad,
Abbott Arthur Frederick, 14 Ash- road, Goodmavf!s Goodmayes ·
grove road, Goodma~·es · Andrew Job, 95 · Ooventry road ! Austin John James, 35 Charlbuey
Ab bott Frank, 112 Albert road An drew J oseph Rrederick, 68 East- gardens, Seven Kings
Abbott Geo. Wm. Stratton, Park av wood road, Goodmayes _ Averre William, 44 Courtland avenue
Abbott John Arthur, 17 Courtland av !.ndrew Phillip Ernest, 3I AshgrovP Avery Alfred, 25 Cambridge road
AbeJ Thos. Steward, 1 I Woodlands rd road, Goodmayes A.yton James, 20 Redcliffe gardens
Ablitt Edwd. Fdk. II Seymour gdns Andrews Arthur Norman, 37 ()harl- Bacon Alfred Wm. 123 Coventry rd
Abrams Ohas. Bra~g. 19 Mansfield rd bury gardens, Seven Kings Bacon John Edward, go Cowley road
Acheson Capt. Alexander Hamilton, Andrews James llichard, 38 Char!- Badams Percy John, 45 Aldborough
35 Grosvenor road bury gardens, Seven Kin~s road, Sevep Kings
Acton SydneyCarter,2o Vaughan gdns ~ndrews Mrs. 39 Valentine's road Bailey Benj. J.P. 33 Coventry road
Adams George, 54 Belgrave road Andrevrs Thomas Wm. 6S York road Bailey Ernest, 42 Balfour road
Adams Henry Bridger, 86 Cowley rd Angel Joseph Robt. 52 Coventry rd Bailey Robert, 3 Oakwood gardens
Adamson George Alfred Percy, 22 Ang-Iin Benjamin, Jo Sandown grdns. Bain James Henry, 71 York road
Mayfair avenue Goodmayes lane 1 Goodmayes Bain Mrs. 12 Belgrave road
A damson Hillin~t John, 62 Balfour rd Angus Edgar Percw. 56 Coventry road Baker Wanstead Pk.rd
.AdamsonMrs.4IEastwood rd.Goodmys Apfel Sidney, I8 The Drive Baker Edmund TheoJ!hilus, 100 Nor-
Agar Thomas, 67 Northbrook road Apvlebv Harrv, •
12 ;Broomhill road, folk road •
Aikman Alex. Coate'l, 70 Ingleby rd Goodmayes Baker Ernest Lee, Ca1rntoul, Cran-
Aitken Jarnes M.B., C.M.Glas. IS lppleton Alfd. Vincent, 46 Seymour brook park
Cranbrook park f!Srdens Baker Frank, 13 Bra1:lford road
A.itken John, 6r Seymour gardens Appleton Sydney, 59 Elmstead road, Baker Horace, n Selbprn& road
Akers Thomas Graham, 56 Kensing- Seven Kings Baker Mrs. 43 The Drive
ton gardens \pnl'l George Hope, 44 Manl'lfield rond Baker William Henry, r Selborna road
Albery W alt. Hy. 43 De V ere gardPm !.pthorp Frank Ertu>st, so Kensington BakPr William W. 70. Argyle road,
Alcock Alfd. I22 Elgin rd. SevenKings !!"ardens Baldwin Victor, 49 Endsleigh gardens
Alden Alfred Ed!!ar, 82 Coventry rd Arbon Harry Reg-inald, 26 Kensinz- Ball Arthur James, 7 Glt~mmore ter-
lldous Ernest Robert Thomas.. 19 ton £tardens rac!', GrePn lane
Charlbury gardens, Sevfln Kings \rbon P-erc,- Stua1t, 42 ~avfair av~>n Ball :Mrs. II5 Balfour- road
AlexandPr Jonathan, ~7 Emprf'ss av Archer Alfred Bernard, I Woodstocli. Balls Herbert Saml. 39 Sunnyside nl
AlexandPr Stephen John, 34 Leam- l!Rrdens, Seven Kings Bancp Wm.19Ashg-rove Td.Goodmayes
ington gardens -\.rcher Arth.Leopold.93 Richmond Td Banes John, 58 Argyle road
Allard F. F. Melcornbe lodge, llford la Archer Frederick Wm. 45 Oharlbur:y Banks George, Laurie-dene, Park av
Allard Henry. 263 High road road, Seven Kin~s Banks Jsph.S Kildowan rd.Goodmayes
Allberr~· Alhflrt Spencer. 12 Aber~ hden "Frederick Chas. 26 Brisbane rd Banks Wm. Henrv, •
8 Woodlands rd
; dour road, Goodma,·es Armita!!e Charles. 6 Valentine's road Banyard Jas. Wm. I?2 Wellesley ll"d
Allberry Henry John Charles, 6 Aber- Armstrong Frank. 44 Elgin Toad Banyard Robert. AFthur, 52 Balfolll' l'f
dour road, <ioodunayes Armstnm~ Robert C. 29 Balfour road Barber John, 17 Kensington gardeas
Alien Frederick George, 22 Charlbury Arnold Alfred John, 32 Cranbrook pk Barfield Arthur Edward, 59 Eastwood
gardens, Seven Kings · Arnold Robert Wm. I I Vaughan gdns road, Goodmayes
Allen Mrs. 127 Balfour road Arsoott M?Jltague, I Elmstead road, Barfield John, 78 Norfo~k road
Alien Tboma~< William, I Aberdour Seven Kmgs Barford Herbert ValPnbnt>, r6 Ran~
road. Goodmayes"
A.shby Alfred Walter, 26 Richmond rd lag-h gardens ·
,Allf>n Waiter .John, 117 Elg-in road, A.shby Frank Herbert, I Empress av Badu•r Edward Harry, 301 Wanstead
Seven Kin!,l"S Ashby Mrs. 57 Balfour road Park rnad
Allison GPOI'f!e, 19 Cranbrook park Ashdown Charles Henry, 24 York rd Barker Edwin James, 42 Kingr•wodf
Allum Arthur AlPx. 30 Belmont road Ashley Miss, 62 Mavfair avenue road. <ioodmayes ·
Alsop Lionel Eugene. 3 Abbottsford Ashmole Miss, 10 Coventry road Barker John Alhert, 34 Cranbrook pk
gardens, Ahbottsford rd.Goodmsyes Aston William Geo. 30 The Square, Barley Charles "F. 40 The Driv~t
~lt Aug-. 34 Ashgrove rd. Goodmaye!! Ilford Garden Suburb Barnard Ebenezer Alfd. I8 Belmont rd
Alt Geo. I7 Wellwood rd. Goodmayes Atkinson Chas. Alfd. 31 Aldboro' rd Barnard Ernest Geo.48 Seymou.r gdns
Amato Gaetano. 148 Balfo•tr road Atkinson Harry G. 59 Northbrook rd Barnard Frank Albert, 347 Waaeted
Anderson Capt.Wm.B.69 Mansfield rd Attfield James Herbert, 4 Bethell a-v. Parlt road ·
Andt>rson George Thomas, 233 Wan- Ilford Garden Suburb Barnard James- Edward, 3 ll<trlaad rd
stead Park road A.ttwood Edwd. Lf'wis, 35 The Drivej Barnatd ~rs. I'i Vaughan garden•
J.nderson James, II ValPntine's r()ad Au!!"ood Charles Ernest Ewal't, 24 Barnes Mrs, 7 <irosvenor t<oad
Anderson Robert,36 Vau~han garden~ A.h~>rdour Toad. Goodtna~·es · • BaNe&- M;P§.34K;ingswood rd;.Gtvtdftl11
Andnton ~rs. 35 ~fan!'field Toad Ault H.E. 19 Kildowan rd.Goodmayes BumPs WiHiaml 54 1'084

ESSEX. ,ILFORD ( GRE.A1'). '327

~arnes William Charles, xci Charlbury Bent .Albert, 41 De Vere gardens Bodt>n 'Rev. Joe (Upitt>d 'Methodist),
gardens, Seven Kings Benton Jas. Melro!ie, 67 Cranbrook rd 6 Belmont road
Bames William Samuel Barwiek, 'I(Y]: Bt>resford Francis Robinson, 2 Gros- Bodfield Mrs. to South Park crescent,
Grosvenor road , venor road South park, Seven Kings
Barratt Jn. Lockwood, 51 De V ere gdnsj Beresford Wm. Edwd. 15 Empress 'llV Bodger Frank, 79 Cranbrook road
Barratt William, 25 Mayfair avenue Bt>rner Ernest Paul Jas.7 Empress av Bodger John Adorns Guy .J.P. 73
'Barrell John C. 5 Seymour gardens Berry James Fairie, 46 York road Cranbrook road
Barren Wm. England, 92 Coventry rd Bt>s;.ex William JaR. 30 Woodlands rd Bodmnn Hy.Abrahm.4o Northbrook rd
trat'l'etf Frank, 329 Wanstead Park rd Best Waltt>r, Ioo .Aldborough road, Boiteux William, 66 The Drive
Barrie James, 25 Kensington gardns Seven Kings Bolland Robt. Wm. ~~~ Coventry rd
Barritt Chas. Fredk. 16 Mayfair aven Bettany Mrs. Harriett, no Elgin rd Bolt Ebenezer, 26 Cambridge road
Barrow Robert .Albert, 83 Elgin road, Bibby William, 6 Elmstead rd. Seven Bolton Frank Henry· Martia,. 129
Seven Kings Kings Coventry road ,
Harry Herbert Campbell, 36 Eastwood Biggin Edward A. 55 Valentine's road Bond Henry, 1 Clement's road
road, Goodmayes Biggs Rev. Arthur Holland M.A., Bond Sydney Ernest, 9I Cowlef road
Bartindale Joseph, 28 Courtland aven LL.M. (Unitarian), 37 Coventry rd· Bone Mrs. 23 Sunnyside road
Bartlett Edward Dennis, 6 Charlbury Biggs H-enry Richd. 21 Grosvenor rd· Bone William, 137 Cranbrook road
gardens, Seven Kings Biggs William John Henry, 17 Oak- Bonner Russell, 2 Tillotson rd. Ilf{)rd
Bartlett Thos. Hy. 127 Coventry rd wood gardens Garden Suburb
Barton Charles, 178 Balfour road Billham Frank Nathan, 31 Courtland Booker Alfred, 7 Redcliffe gardens
Bartram William, 35 Coventry road avenue Booker Ernest, 9 Seymour gardens .
Bashforth Chas. Wm. g6 Balfour rd Billington Hy.33Elgin rd.SevPn Kings Boon Charles Henry,22 Seymour gdns
Bassett Harry Geo. 38 Vaughan gdns Bills Willoughby, 16o Balfour road Boston William, 30 Empress avenue
Baster Saml. 249 Wanstead Park rd Binch Thomas Hilton, 343 Wanstead Bost{)n William John, 3 Endsleigh gdns
Batchelor William Henry, 52 East- Parlr road Bosworth Harry, 46 Mayfair avenue
wood road, Goodmayes Binks J oseph A. 27 East wood, Both well Ethlbrt.Bevan,37 Selborne rd
Bateman Arthur. 29 Sunnyside road Goodmayes Bothwell Mrs. 97 York road
Bateman Samuel Morgan, 18 Kings- Bird Frederick George, Io8 Aid- Bothwell William M., A.K.C. 78 Aid-
wood road, Goodmayes borough road, Seven Kings boroui!h -road, Seven Kings
Bates William Henry, 40 Balfour rd Bird Frederick W. A. 40 Mansfit>ld rd Botten Frank Heath, 7 Wellwood rd.
Bathurst Nelson, 36 Empress avenue Bird Herbert Jas. 32 Northbrook rd Goodmayes
Batsford Mrs. 18 Argyle road Bird Miss, 57 Albert road Bottomley Thos. Hy. 59 Belmont rd
Batt Cha!l. Wm. 39 Richmond road Birmingham Chas. James, 6 EverslPy Boughton Charles Wycliffe, 21 Hol-
Batt-en John Thomas, 44 The Drive terrace, Green lane combe road, Ilford Garden Suburb
lJattle Geo. Jellis. 44 Se-vmour grdns Bishop Edward, 69 Richmond road Boulton William Henry, 88 Norfolk rd
Batzer Adolph, 72 Elgin l-oad Bishop Harold Edgar, 30 Charlburv Bourchier Geo. Albt.57 Seymour gdna
Bauckham Albt.Edwd.7oWoodlands rd gardens, Seven King!l · Bourgeois Charles Achille, 49 Kings-
Boner Mrs.26Aberdour rd.Goodmayes Bishop Herbt. Arth. x6 De V ere gdns wood. road, Goodmayes
Baxter Joseph, 37 Valentine's road Bishop John Alfrt>d Henry, 17 May. Bourne Mrs. 19 Coventry 'rOad
Baxter Theophilus, 15 Bradford road fair avenue Bovey Henry T. 16 Seymour gardens
Bayless Hy. Jsph. 47 Courtland aven Bitford Mrs. 96 Norfolk road Bowers Charles, 19 Grosvenor road
Bayless Joseph, 5 Eversley terrace, Bivand Geo. 22 Elgin rd.Seven Kings Bowers Thomas Fredt!rick B..A,,
Green lane BJack .Tame!! Fergus,46 De Vere gdn~ F.R.G.S. 36 Norfolk road
Rayliss Samuel Ohns. 22 ·woodlands rd Black burn .Arthur, 31 Valentine's road Bowler Charles, 7 Tillotson road, TI-
f<trne Mrs. J. F. The Hollies, 38 BlaPkburn Fred Close,6 Northbrook ril ford Garden Suburb
Aldborongh road. Seven Kings Blacl;mur Robert, 34 Balfour road Bowley Alfred, 54 Balfour road
Baynton Alfred, 9 Burlington terrace. Rlacksmith Mrs. 6~ Ingleby road Howmnn Robert, 2 Empress avenue
Green lane Blackwood John AIP'!:ander, 43 Valt>n- Rmvrey Joseph Edwd. 28 Belmont rd
Beacham Harry Lewis, 20 Endsleigh tine's road Box James Bromley, 66 Belgrave rd'
gardens Bladen Lionel, n q Balfour road Box Philip, :; Tillotson road, Ilford
Beal Edmd. Jn. J.P. 16 Covt>ntrv rd Blair Gt:>orgt> Callander, _')2 De VPTe Garden Suburb
Beale Fredk. Geo. 186 Balfour road g-ardens Boxall Arthur Henry, 33I Wanstead
beale Fredk. Montague, 24 Elgin rd Blakt> Jam-e!" Willinm, 28 Eastwoor' Park road
Beatton Jas. Dvd.8 Leamington gdns road, Goodmayl'~ Boyd Edward B. 62 Kensington grdns
Beatty Uward, 12_~ Balfour road Blal•e .John Charll'!", 17 A!"hgrow rd. Bracey Alfrt>d, 30 Se:rmour gardens
Beauchamp Louis G.68 Woodlands rd Goodmayes Bracey Henry Wm. 8 Seymour gardns
Beamnont Dudley, 46 Mansfield road Blrlke RobE'rt. r:.7 Gro!'venor rond Bracey John James, 10 Seymour gdns
Beck Arthur Harvev, 32 AbE'rdour Blakeman William. 5 The Drive Bradley James, 8 Elmstead rd. Seven
road, Goodmayes • Bland Bernard Oscar, 53 Argyll' road Kings ·
beck Hl:lrbert Arthur, 4·:; Mayfa.u aven Bland Mrs. 6t:; Balfour road Bramston Fredk. C. II7 Coventry rd
BE>dford Arthnr, 31: Charlbury gar- Rland Mrs. 48 Elgin rd. Seven Kings Branch Ernest. Alfd. 35 Cranbrook pk
dens, Seven King-s Bleaden John, 135 Coventry road Branch Frederwk R. 35 Belgrave rd
Bedford Arlhur Reginald, 47 l\Iay· Blig-h Thomas Edward, 7 .Aberdonr Brash Ernest James, II Grosvenor 'rd
fair avenue road, Goodmayes Brasuer Fras.Herbert, 28 Mayfair u.ven
Bedford Cecil, 37 Dalkeith road Blomfield Charles, iB Valentine's rd Braund Miss, 79 Balfour road
Bedworth Ferdinand, 77 Grosvenor rd Blomfteld Stanley De Carle, 5 Aber- Braunnagel Louis Joseph, 8 Montrose
Beeton Arthur, 99 Covt>ntrv road dour j?ardens, Green la. Goodmayes terrace, Green lane
Bell Capt. Alfred, 23 Cambrid"'e rd Bloomfield Samuel, 15 A.shgrove road, Bravo Barnard, 51 Mansfield road
Bell A.rthur John, 23 A.rgyle r:Sd Goodmayes Bray William Nice, 56 Woodlands rd
Bell Edwin V. :; Belgr11ve road Blonmfteld Vernon, 22 Empress aven Brazier Daniel, 63 Northbrook road
Bell Frank Percy, ·.p Vanghan g-ardns Blow Albert Ernest, 3 Norfolk road Breeze Fdk. Marshall, 44 Cowley rd
Bell George, Tgo Balfour road Blow Charles Barl\worth, 3 Broomhill Brett Ernest Albert, 27 Aberdour
Bell George W. 6 Norfolk road road. Goodmavl'!l t·oad, Goodmayes
Bell Harold J. 14 St>-vmour 2'ardens Blow Waiter HPrb!'rt. 6 Alloa road. Brett Mrs. 49 Balfour road
Bell Jarnes, 51 Norf~lk road Goodmayes Brett William, 182 Balfour road
Bell John, 71 Woodlands road Blum Adolph, 21 Valentine's road BrE'wster G-Porge, 22 Oakwood gardens
Bl>ll Robert, 48 York road Blundell John BicklE'y, 39 Charlbury Brien John George, 29 Richmond rd
tlelle Frank Theodort> James, 43 Cow- gardens. St:>ven Kings Briggs .James, 7 .Aberdour ga'rde1Hit
ley road Blnndt>ll William, 40 Bradford road. Green lane, Goodmayes
Bellett Bertram John, 4 St. John's I Seven Kin2's Briggs Mrs. 26 Redcliffe gardens •

road, Seven Kings I Blnnrlen Gilbt>rt Basil, 33 De Vere Briggs Perey, 39 Seymour gardens
Bt>llin~ham Joseph Albert Henry, 4 gardens Britton George, 86 Balfour road
Aberdour road, Goodmayes Blyth Charlt:>s Lawrence, 91 Rich- Bdtton WaltPr George, 32 .Ashgrove
Benoo Mrs.24 Ashg"rove rd.Goodmayes mond road road, Goodmayes
fk.ngongh Leonard William, 29 Aber- Blyth Thomas, 23 Kensington gardens Broad Joseph George, 79 Albert road
dour' road, Goodmayes Boag Ale'xander Thomson, 5 B!'ech- Bromley Jas. Edwd. 31: {)akwood gd'ns
Bennett Charles Alfred, 8 St. John's wood terrace. Green lane Bromley Wil!iam J. 47 Grosven~r rd
road, Seven Kings Boar William Hy. 55 Mansfit>ld rmtd Brook Victor, 53 Norfolk road
Bennett Mrs. 97 Cowl~y road Bockelmann John Peter, ,38a,. Mans- Brooke Russell Fredk. 48 Empress av
Bennett !d:rs. I Montrose ter.Green la field road Brookes Leonard Clarenee, 53 Eal!lt-
Bennett Percy, 6o Balfour road BockelmiUln Mrs. 54 Empress avenue wood road, Goodmayes
Bl>noit Louis.Armand,28Northbrook: rd Bodrfy John, 17 Endsleigh garde"ns Brooks Geo. A.lfred, 6 Seymour grdns


.Brostrom Aksel, 71 Nortbbrook road Cameron Frank Gordon, n Kinga- Child John Dumillo, 30 Balfonr ~
Brown Rev. James Flockart (Congre- wood road, Goodmayes ~hilds George, 22 Balfour road
gational), 27 Seymour gardens jameron Herbt. Gt>o. 36 Codrtland av Ohilds Wm. George, 69 Cranbrook M.
Brown Aitk.en, 26 Grosvenor road Jampbell .A.rchibald, 142 Elgin road Chown Mrs. $5 Valentine's road
Brown Albert George, 83 Cowley road Jampbell Mrs. Mary, 16 Wellwood Jhristie Waiter Edward, 34 Aid-
Brown Alfred, I3I Cranbrook road road, Goodmayes · borough road
Brown Arthur Saml. 49 Courtland av 1ampbell Robert, 7 Richmond road Christopher John, 2 Beaufort gardent~
Brown Charles Mclntyre, 6 Kensing- Janey Vi<ltor Charles David, 29 Chrystal Jas. Kincraig, Wellesley m
ton gardens Cambridge road Ohrystie John, 14 .Kildowan roU,
Brown Dudley, 74 Mayfair avenue Cann Joseph, 299 Wanstead Park rd Goodmayes
Brown Edward, 100 Balfour road Oann Robert, 35 .A.ldborough road, Church Charles Edmund, 10 Alcl-
Brown Francis Arthur, 5 Norfolk road
Brown Frederick George WilHam, 25
Seven Kings
Cannon Mrs. 41 Elmstead rd. St>ven
~ .
borough road, Seven Rings
Claoher Mrs. so Valentme's J'Oad
Wellwood road, Goodmayes Kings Claridge Mrs. 154 Wellesley road
Brown Geo. Alfd. 17 Vaughan grdns Capes George, 2 Bathurst road Olai·idge Percy Ernest, so End!lleigla
Brown Geo. Edwd·. 30 Valentine's rd Capon Frank, 22 The Square, Ilford gardens
Brown James F. 27 Seymour gardens Garden Suburb Ohn·k Alexander, 69 The Drive
Brown Jn. Marshall, 39 Belgrave rd Cara Herbert Philip, 2 Glenmore ter- Olark Cecil Cradock, 39 Aberdonr rd,
Brown Lachland McLean, IO Broom- race, Green lane Goodmayes
field gardens, Green la. Goodmayes Carnegie John, 8 Wellwood road, Olark Charles W. 13 Coventry road
Brown Peter Boakless, 16 Selborne rd Goodmay~s Clark Daniel Harris, 12 Alloa rood,
Brown Thomas, 70 Courtland avenue Caron Edwin Alfre-d. 47 Wellwood rd. Goodmayes
Brown William, 53 Mayfair avenue Goodmayes Olark Ernest, 63 .Argyle road
Browne Jn. Edwd. 24 Northbrook rd Carpenter Herbt. Hy. 26 Empress av Olark Frederick Chas. 66 Balfour rd
Bruce Wm. John, 64 Richmond road Carr Frank, 75 Coventry road Olark George Henry, 42 York road
Brunner Henry Josep.h,24 Belmont rd Jarr John, 27 Mansfield road Olark Henry Arthur,13 Northbrook rd
Brunwin Albert, 45 Elmstead road, Carrell George Korthen Piccaver. 3~ Olark Herbert, 55 Argyle road
Seven Kings The Drive, Cranbrook park Olark Hugh Alexander, 44 Bradford
Bryan James William, 58 Eastwood Carroll John,115 Elgin rd.Seven Kings road, Seven Kings
road, Goodmayes Carstairs Gilbert Langlois~ 10 East- Olark Jame&, 97 Elgin rd.Seven King.
Bryon Fredk. Wm. 23 CoTentry road wood road, Goodmayes Cla.rk Joshua, 6o The Drive
Buchanan Fred, Io .A.berdour road, Carte William Henry B . .A, Cranbrook Olark Reginald, 55 Seymour garden•
Goodmayes college, Cranbrook road Olark Stanley, Llendis, Wellesley rd
Buck Stanley Harman, 2.7 Oak wood Carter Ed'Ward George, 2 Mont rose Olark W alter George,6o Conrtland llrY
gard~ns terrace, Green l;me Olark Wm.4o Eastwood rd.Goodmayl!l
Buckley Richard Michael, 76 Ald- Carter Ernest, 217 Wanstead Park rd Olark William Wallis, 52 Belgrave rl
borough road, Seven Kings Carter George Hedley, I7 Balfour rd Olarke Alexander, 55 Woodlands rooi
Buckley Waiter R. 6 Thirlmere ter- Carter Mrs. 39 Balfour road Olarke .Geo. John, IS Richmond 1'0all
race, Green lane Carter Mrs. Kynange, Park avenue Clarke Henry William, 98 Norfolk rtl
Bucknell Thomas Fredk. 22 York rd Carter Richard Jas. I3 Cranbrook p!l Olarke John Robert, 27 Elmstead rd.
Buisseret Alfrt>d Leon, 38 Norfolk rd Carter William -Gilbert, 17 Hokombe Seven Kings
Buist George William Seaton, sag road, Ilford Garden Suburb Olarke Mrs. Ada, 79 Elmstead road,
Mayfair avenue Carter William James, 20 Holcombe Seven Kings
Bull John George, 40 Courtland aven road, Ilford Garden Suburb Olarke Percival Wm. 4 Vaughan gdlh
Bull Waiter Wm. 8 Vaughan gardens Oartwright Miss, 91 Balfour road Olarke Thomas,. 120 Albert road
Bulley Edward Henry, 14 Belgrave rd Oason Mrs. sa7 'fhe Drive Olarke Wm.Lewis,27 Kensington gdna
Bullwinkle Joseph, 88 Cowley road Caswell Thomas Hill, 158 High road Clarkson Herbert Thomas, 66 Norfolk.
Burbridge Henry, 51 Coventry road Gaunter Francis John, I23 Balfour rd road, Seven Kings
Burch Thomas J. 36 Belmont road Cearns Wm. Jn. 56 De Vere gardens Clayton Edwin Augustus, I Elgin rf.
Burdick Arthur Geo. 53 Belgrave rd Cedargreen Edwd. Albt. I33 Coventry Seven Kings
Burdick George, 25 Mansfield road road Olemans Geo. Thos. 23 Cranbrook pk
Burgess .A.rthur Charles, 8 AshgroVf' Chadwick Rev. John (Bapti~St), 6: Clement Henry .Alfred,n7 Ealfour ri

road, Goodmayes Norfolk road Olements Mark, Rodney vma, 17
Burgess Harry,7 Elgin rd.Seven King~ Ohadwick Franci~S Budd, 37 .A.berdour Oakfield road
Burgess-Brown, Mrs. 2 Balfour road road, Goodmayes G'lements Percy Rd. 17 Grosvenor ri
Burghes Septimus William, Io Alloa Ohallens Wm.ngElgin rd.SevenKings Clements William Henry, Glene]g,
grdns. Abbottsford rd. Goodmayes Chamberlain William, 39 Elmstead W ellesley road
Burke Luke Joseph, I3 Holcombe rd. road, Seven Kings Clews Charles Yictor, 72 Ingleby rd
llford Garden Suburb Ohamberlin John Alfred, I I Alloa Clinch Herbert, 40 Valentine's road
Burkin Wm. Je>seph, 96 Richmond rd gardens, Abbottsford rd.Goodmayes Clothier Edward A. 47 Woodlands ~
Burman Arth.7 Eversley ter.Green la Champion George Henry, 3 Arling· Oluff Miss, I04 Elgin rd.Seven Kingt
Burnand Edward Fredk. 99 York rd ton gardens Clunk William Thomas,32 Kingswoo4
.Burrage James Hensman, 32 Emer- Chandler Thomas, 138 Mead's lane. road, Goodmayes
son road, Ilford Garden Suburb Seven Kings Coaker Richd. Jn. 9 Northbrook :road
BuTton Henry, 109 Coventry road Chandler Thomas George,2o Sandown Joakes William John, 42 Eastwood
BuTton Samuel John, 13 Tillotson td. gardens, Goodmayes la. Goodniayet~ road, Goodmayes
llford GaTden Suburb Ohaplin Edwd. John, 58 Richmond rd Coates Alfred, 47 Elgin rd.Svn.KiDglil
Buscall John, 27I Wanstead Park rd Chapman Albert Edward, 36 Cam- Cobley Williarn Henry, 23 Leeds rd.
Bush Charles Pa,·ne, 21 Kildowan rd bridi!e road, Seven Kings Seven King~
Goodmayes · Chapn1an Arth.Fre~man. 9 Norfolk ril Cockburn James, 61 Ea,t'll ood r08d,
Bnsh Joseph Hy. 83 Cranbrook road Ohapman Charles. Q4 Balfour road Goodmayes
Butler Edward Charles, 46 Kingswood Chapman Herbert Victor, 43 Seymour Coclierell George, G Grosvenor road
road, Goodmayes gardens Cockle .Alfred. 23 Gharlbury gardeH,
Butler Frank E. 9 Beaufort gardens Ohapman John George, 45 Cowley rd Sevpn King!>
Butler Frederick James, I Charlbury Chapman John L. 3 Vaugban gardens Coe Thomas John, 75 Wellwood road,
gardens, Seven Kings Ohapman :Mrs. 97 Coventry road Goodmayes
Butler Wm. K.99 Elgin rd.Svn.Kings Chapman Mr>:. 14 Sandown g-ardens, Coffield Joseph, 9 Redcliffe gardeno.
Butler William Samuel, 91 Elgin rd. Goodmayes lane, Goodmayes Oogan Frederick Harold, 3 Lynfor4
Seven Kings Chapman Percy, 54 Elmstead road. gardens, Seven Kings
Eutter William C. D. 94 ~orfolk road Seven Kings Colbert William Hector, 5 South P11.rk
Button Joseph W. 33 Ashgrove road. Chapman Saml. Arth. 43 Ealfour rd cresrent, South park, Seven Kinga
Goodmayes Cbatelain Victor Albert M.R. 8 Aher- Colbro.n John Baker, 61 Norfolk road
Button Mrs.6 Eastwood rd.Goodmaye;. dour gardens, Green la.GoodmayP• Colchester Wiiliam W orledge,33 Os..\-
Byford Alger Wm. 30 Oakwood grdn" Chr~tterton Elijah, 6r Wellwood rd. wood gardens
Cahill Michael Fredk.I6 Cleveland Td Goodmayes Oole Chas.s6 Elmstead rd.SevenKinga
Cl\irns John, 20 Kensinl!'ton gardens Cheese Charles Alid.24 Oakwood gdm Cole Frederick, sa11 Redcliffe gardeu
Cairns William, 73 The Drive Chl'etham Waiter, 17 Mansfield road Cole George Richard,158 Wellesley rd
Cakebread Frederick James, 2 Aber· Chessum William James BakN, 247 Cole Rl)bert Charles, 27 Grosvenor ri
donr road, Goodmayes Wansteai! Park road Cole William, 8 ~ansfield road
Calson Charles Frank, r5 Mayfair Chester Hrbt. 17 Elgin rd.Seven Kngs Colebrook Herbert, 16 Elmstead ri.
avenue Ohesterton William,gs Bedcliffe grlm Se>en Kings
Child Arthur, 20 Alloa rd. Goodmaves

Coleman Arthur ;rohn, SI Elgin road, Oovingtou Mrs. H. G. 41 Aberdour Cussen John Michael Cornelius, 39
Seven Kings road, G-oodmayes Belgrave road
Coleman Arthur Bobert, 3<>7 Wan- Cowell James, IS Belgrave road Cuthbert Arthur, 75 Elmstead road,
stead Park road Gowie John, SI Endsleigh gardens Seven Kings
Coleman Arthur Warner, 2 Elgin rd Cowley EdgarNorris,58 Grosvenor rt. Cuthbert George Campbell, 4 Charl.
Seven Kings Cowley Frederick, 22 Aberdour road. bury gardens, Seven Kings
Coleman Ernest, 72 Cranbrook road Goodmayes Cuthbert James Harvey M.B. We!W
Coleman Ernest,Io Leamington grdns Cowper Mrs. 36 Oranbrook park Ham Borough Asylum. Barley 1a.
Coleman Richard, 33 Balfour road Cox John, 18 Leamington gardens Goodmayes
Coles Charles, 52 Norfolk road Cox John W. A. 71 Elmstead road, Cuthbert Wm.Tbos.B.31 Sunnyside rd
Coley John George, 8 Broomfield gar- Seven Kings Daily Charles John, 17 The Drive
dens, Green lam• Cox Joseph Bethell, 1 Beresford gar- Dalley Douglas, 17 Empress avenue
Coley Wm. Henry, 4-1- Belmont road dens, Seven Kings road Daltgn Willet Yokes. 23 Leamingtoa
Collett Asher R. 13 Elmstead road, Cozens Alfred Leopold,15 Wellesley rd gardens
Seven Kings Crafts Henry Wm. 54 Selborne road Daltre-y Mrs. 8o Cranbrook road
(.,oJlier Alexander, 1 De Yere gardens Craig James C. 33 Redcliffe gardens Daly Wm. Joseph, 57 Northbrook rd
Collier J. B. 106 Cranbrook road Craig Mrs. 47 Seymour gardens Dand Fredk. Julian, 6r Richmond rd
<.ollin John Alfred, 40 Charlbury Cramer Philip Arth.18 Seymour gdn~ Dando Mrs. 9 Mead's la. Seven King&
gardens, &>ven Kings Cramp Geo. (Jlark, 5 Arlington gdns Dane Fredk. Hopper, 20 De Vere gdns
Collingwood Wm. George. 17 Bethell Cranch John, 43 Richmond road Daniels Charles Wilberforce M.B. 283
avenue, llford Garden Suburb Crandell Waiter, 15 Balfour road Wanstead Park road
Collins Herbert, 28 Kingswood road, Cranfield Frdc.Chas.44 Vaughan gdns Darby Thomas, 83 Wellesley road
Goodmayes Cranston James, no Norfolk road Dark Charles, The Nook, Douglas rd.
Collins Wm. Henr)', 85 Coventry rd Crawford Mrs. 1 Mansfield road Goodmayes
Collis Saml. Robt. 37 Northbrook rd Crawford Mrs. so Woodlands road Dark James Albert, 74 Woodlands rd
Collister William, 2 Selborne road Crawford William, 19 Tillotson road, Darling Hy. Arth. 33 Cranbrook park
Colvin Gilbert, I I Ashgrove road, Ilford Garden Suburb Darling Ra.lph John,123 Cranbrook rd
Goodmayes Creech John, 6 Leamington gardens Darling Richard Edwin, 30 Sandowa
Colwill Lewis, 33 Sunnyside road Creed Albt. Rd. Jas. 6o Grosvenor rd gardens, Goodmayes 1a. Goodmayee
Combes Miss, 66 Argyle road Crews Fredk. Geo. 5 Kensington gdns Davey Arthur T. 2 Eastwood road,
Coningham Henry, 9 Arlington grdns Crichlow Wm. Geo. 6o Norfolk road Goodmayes
Oonnell Alfred, II5 Cranbrook road Crichton Wm. 42 Redcliffe gardens Davey Edward John, 137 Coventry rd
Connell Richard, 89 Balfour road Cricks John Thomas, 333 Wanstead Davidson Thomas William, 14 Aber-
Connellan Andrew, 68 Belgrave road Park road dour road, Goodmayes
Connor Frederick lnman, 3 Elgin rd. Cridland Albert Edward, 27 Charl- Davies Clan•nce M. 38 Grosvenor rd
Seven Kings bury gardens, Seven Kings Davies Francis Lloyd, 31 Elgin road,
Cook Alfred, 69 Norfolk road Crinall Frederick William, 85 Elgin Seven Kings
Cook Fredl.'rick, 88 Riehmona road road, Seven Kings Davies Jamee, 13 Kensington gardens
.Cook George, 125 Coventry road Crisp Joseph,2 Alloa gardens,Abbotts- Davis Edwin, 46 Selborne road
Cook Mrs. J. 5 Highlands terrace, ford road, Goodmayes Davis George Alan, 22 Vaughan gdns
Highlands gardens Critchell Richard H. rsa,Richmond rd Davis George Wm. 41 Valentine's rd
Cook William John, 3 Highlands ter- Croal Bertram Victor, 8 Charlbury Davis Horace, 28 Endsleigh gardens
race, Highlands gardens gardens, Seven Kings Davis James. 35 Empress avenue
Cooke Alfred, 36 Argyle road Croal George C. 28 Cranbrook park Davis Jas.31 Wellwood rd.Goodmayes
Cooke James J. 29 Valentine's road Croft Wm. Fredk.II De Vere gardens Da>is Joseph, 22 Kensington gardens
Oookman Geor!!e William, 11 Well- l.'roker Edward Frederick, 34 Aber- Davis Mrs. 49 &Juth Park drive
wood road, Goodmayes dour road, Goodmayes Davis W. T. Brandon lo.257 High rd
Cooksey Maximillian Ferdinand, 101 Cronan Cornelius, I I Lynford grdns. Davis Wallace James, 58 Elmsteai
Elgin road, Seven Kings Seven Kings road, Seven Kings
Cooling Wm. Tho!l. 4 Mansfield road Crook Herbert Wait. 24 Valentine's rd Daw Henry Da,·id, 41 Wellwood road,
Cooney Edward, 35 ElmstPad road, Cross AlfrPrl HE\nry,2o Empress avenue Goodmayes
Seven Kings Crossfield Hy. Thos.Io Endsleigh gdns Dawdry Henry Bird,ro4 Richmond rd
Cooper Capt. Thomas Roberts, 28 Crouch John Jones, 41 Courtland av Dawes James Richard, 23 Kingswood
York road Crouch John Jones, IT~ Coventry rd road, Goodmayes
Cooper Charles J. S. 27 Emp1·ess aven Crowe William, 53 Elm stead road, Dawson George Hale, 66 Eastwood rd.
Cooper Miss A. G. M. 154 High road Goodmayes Goodmayes
Cooper Mrs. 9 The Driw Crowhurst Albt.Frank,63Courtland av Dawson Henry Francis,7r Wellesley n1
Cooper Nathaniel, 44 N orthbrool.. rd Croxon George Lyall, 76 Norfolk road Dawson John N. 65 Courtland avenu-,
Dooper William, 71 Balfour road Cruikshank Upton Slack, II3 Elgin Dawson Mrs. 70 Belgrave road
Cooper Wm. Robert, 166 Wellesley rd road, Seven Kings Dawson Willie Thomas, 32 Wellwood
Cooper Wm. Shaw, 8 Cavendish gdns Cryer Arthur Henry, 5 Barley lane, road, Goodmaves
Coote Joseph, 51 Valentine's road Goodmayes Day Bertram Frank, 17 Kildowan rd.
Cope Francis Edgar, 3 Seymour gdns Cugnoni Alfred, 35 Endsleigh gardens Goodmayes
Copeman William C. J. Wellsbank, Cullen Capt. Wm.63 Kensington gdns Dealey Willie Arthur, 13 Ashgrove rd.
Granville road 1Culley Chas. Stewart, 38 Coventry rd Good m ayes
f'opping James Alfd. H Woodlands rd Cullis William James T. 69 Wellwood Dean Fred, 5 Eastwood rd.Goodmaye.s
Corbyn Alhert T. 9 Grol'venor road road, Goodmayes Deane Hy.Ernest,g4Elgin rd.Svn.Kng&
Corin Ernest John, 22 Kingswood rd Cullnm Albert Percy, 7 Woodstock Dear Robert James, 42 Bradford road
Goodmayes gardens, Seven King" Dedman Mrs.Arth.Jas. 69 Wellealeynl
Cormack Richd. Hy. 56 Mansfield rd Cnllum Sidney John B.A. Beechwood, Defriez Ernest William, 43 Norfolk rd
Cornelius Edwin, 95 Cowle-r road Green lane - Defriez John Duffill, so The Drive
Cornell Arthur, 52 Elmstead road, Culpin Ben Ephraim Lamartine, 95 de Jonquieres Louis, 15 Wellwooo
Seven Kings York road road, Goodmayes
Cornell FrPdk. William, 65 .ATgyle rd Culpin Ewart G. Letchworth, Hol- Delfgou Johannes, 36 Aldborough rd.
Corney David William,ro4 Aldborough combe road, Ilford G-arden Suburb Seven Kings
road, Seven Kings Culver Isaac Edwin, 71 Wellwood rd Dendy Mrs. 17 Cranbrook park
Cornforth Isaac William, 2 Holcombe Goodmayes Denne Harry Robert, 28 The Drive
road, Ilford Garden Suburb Cummings Isaac, 48 Kensington gdn• Dennis Frank, 46 The Drive
C-ornforth Mrs. 5 Bethell aven. Ilford Cnmmings William Felix, 10 North- Dennis Harry Hitchcock, so Cameron
Garden Suburb . brook road road, Seven Kings
Cornwell Chas. Thomas. 26 Elm stead 1Cumner William,53 Endsleigh gardm Dennis SydneyErnest,46 Grosvenor nl
road, Seven Kings Cnndick Thos. Hy. 24 Redcliffe gdns Dennison Philip Henry, 2 St. John' ..
Comwell Thomas, 71 Albert road Curror Mrs. 16 Vanghan gardens road, Seven Kings
Costello James Joseph. 3 Balfour rd Cur.tis Charles William, 4 Alloa gar- Denny Francis Stephen, 14 Elmstead
Coster Charles, 56 Endsleigh gardens dt>ns, Abbottsford road,Goodmayes road. Seven Kings
f'otton Percy Chas. 7 Cambridge rd Curtis Herbert, 54 Mansfield road Dent Fredk. Henry, 36 Mayfair aven
f'oulson Travis, so Selborne road Curtis Jas. Wm. 7 Kensington grdns Df'pled~e G!'orge Henry, 2 Abbott-6-
Coult .Albt.21 Aberdour rd.Goodmaye;o Curtis William Henry, go Norfolk rd ford gdns . .!.bbottsford rd.Goodmy11
Couper James, 15 The Drive Cushing George, The Woodlands. Derby Chas. Jamt>s. 6o Mayfair aveB
Courtney Mrs. 26 York road Gordon road Desmond Arthur, 261 Wanstead Pk.rd
Cousins lohn, 55 South Park dri\'e Cushway Mrs. 55 The Drive Desmond Cornelius,2JQ Wanstd.Pk.rd.
Coverly George, 42 Woodlands road Cushway Wm ..!.rth. 16 Oakwood gdns Dew Fredk. Geo. 66 Richmond road

Dew. John, 2I5 Wanstead Park road Eastma'd Miss, t :Belmou~ road Pearn~ Cbarles, 'i Bethe'Il h&tr~. 1'1-
Diamond AugW!tus, 91 Albert road Ebdon Edwd. Fralf. 49 Valentine's rd ford Garden Suburb
Dice1Walter Charles, 73 Balfour road Eckart Theodo-re, 57 MayfaiP avenue Featherstone Walt~r Finch, jt ~,_.~
Dickenson John, 15 ~01-folk road Economides Costa, 14 Balfour road borne road
Diekanson Alfred George, 257 Wan- Eden William, lor Woodland~; road Felce Francis Oecil, 32 Cowley road
stead Park road Edis William, 25 Redcliffe gardellJS Fellowes ErnestV.46 Kensington gdna
Dickinson Miss, 37 Eastwood road. Edmunds Edwin,2 Alloa rd.Goodmayes Fenn Albt. Edwd.325 Wanstead Pk. rd
~oodmayea Edsall Frank Davis, 41 Norfolk road Fenn Arth.Ernest,275 War.stead Pk.rd
Dickinson Rd. Geo. 12 Endsleigh gdns Edsall Horace, 27 Belgrave road Fennings Richard Montagoe,22 Court-
Dicks Miss, 96 .Aldborough road Edwards Alfred George, 8 Norfolk rd. land avenue
Dicksey William, 76 Richmond road Seven Kings . Fenton William, 26 Endsleigh garden•
Dick&On David Robt. 75 Courtland av Edwards Benj. Geo.22a, Richmond Td Ferguson A. W. 27 Redcliffe gardens
Dickson Edwd.Owen,15 Seymour gdna Edwards Jas.43 Elgin rd.Seven Kings Ff'rguson Chas. Vivian, 40 Elgin road
Dickson Thomas Alfd. 77 Albert rd Edwards John Hy. l2 Northbrook road Ferguson Colin, 131 Elgin road, Seterl
Diggins Edwd. Jn. I I Arlington gdns Edwards Lewis James, 30 Wellwood Kings
Dill on ·John, 58 Balfonr road road, Goodmayes Ferguson James. 62 Woodlands road
Diptose Mrs. 37· South Park parade, Eglin William. 55 Belgrave road Ferguson John G. Gilmour, B Valen-
Green lane. Seven Kings Eley Sydney Knowles, .., South Park tine's road
Disney Wm. Henry, 7 Arlington gdns crescent, South park, Seven Kings Ferneaux George, 66 Elmstead road,
Ditton Wm. Branch, 86 Richmond rd Elliot Edgar, 23 Cavendish gardens Seven Kings
Dixon Alfred W. L. 57 York road Elliott Anthony, 49 Cranbrook park Few Arthur Charles, 19 Elgin road,
Dixon Daniel, I Aldborough road, EI1iott Henrv, 6:J Elm stead rd. Seven Seven Kings
Seven Kings Kings • · Field ·Peter Vincent, 68 Elmstead rd.
Dobson Stephen, 34 Belmont road Elliott Thos. 1King<swood rd.Goodmys Seven Kings
Dobson Thomas, 19 Vaughan gardens Ellis Alfred Hubert, IS Charlbury Field Waiter, 47 Elmstead rd. Seven
Dodgson Robert Field, Sidney villa, gardens, Seven Kings Kings
tl'he Drive Ellis Ernest George, 72 Cowley road Fielden Barton Procter, 19 The Drive
Bolt-son .Arthur .lames Phillip, 2 Kil- Ellis J{)hn, tg The Drive Fielder Jn. Geo. 7 De Vero gardens
dowan road, Goodmayes Ellis John C. 34 Seymour gardens Fieldhouse Benjamin Dillaston, 31'
Dodsworth Benjamin, Grundisburg. 3 Ellisdon John, I8 Cavendish gardens Leamington gardens
Granville road Elmer Harry George, 59 Coventry rd Fielding Paul, 3 Belmont road
DGig John Stewart, 37 Courtland av Elmer Harry W. "Io Mansfield road Filer Miss, 79 Grosvenor road
D'Olier Mrs. 6 Selborne road Elphick Alfred William, :26 Elgin rd Filmer Thomas, I I Green Lane gar·
Dolphin Benj. J. W. 73 Woodlands rd Seven Kings dens, Green lane '
Do:aald Alex.24Norfolk rd.SevenKings Elphick Harry Edwd. 30 Selborne rd Finch Rev. Charles Roy Stafford
Donaldson Alexander, 3 Elmstead rd. Elsmore Wm.Geo.r8 Wanstead Pk.rd A.K.C.L. (curate of St. John, Seven
Seven Kings Elvey Mrs. 48 Argyle road Kings). 6r St. 3.lban's rd. Seven
Donaldson George, 3 Cranbrook park Emblin George, 56 Argyle road Kings
Dormer Harry, 5 Cranbrook park Engelbach Jn. Jas. 34 Northbrook rd Finch Arthur Charles, 85 Albt>rt road
Dorsett Waiter, 46 Valentine's road England Rev. Henry Fras. 104 Cran- Finch Mrs. 67 Mayfair avenue
Dos Santos Edwin Jose, 225 Wanstead brook road Finch William James, 29 The Dn'\te
Park road England Alex. 6 .Alexander gardens Findlay John, I Kensington gardens
Dotbie "Mrs. 32 }~ndsleigh gardens England Richard, Huntly, Leeds road, Findlay Miss, 24 Argyle road
Dovaston Capt. Jo-hn, 70 }t;lgin road, Seven Kings Finlay Alex. 38 Eastwood l'd.Goodmy•
Seven Kings Eng1efield ErnestWm.xArlington gdns Finn John, I:26 Elgin rd. Seven King•
Dowley Thomas Augnstus, x8 Elgin English John, 35 Seymour gardens finney Herbert Clay, 7 Eastwo£>d rd.
road. Seven Kings English Mrs. 43 Ashgrove rd. Good- GoodmayeR
Down Williem, 30 The DriVP, Cran- maye!l Finson Wm. Hy. 49 Kensington gdna
brook park Ennis John Malcolm, 30 Richmond rd Firman Charles Jn.16 Cavendish gdna
Downes Jn. 54 Well-wood rd. Goodmys EnochAbrabam,I3Alloa rd.Goodmayes Firman Oliver Geo. 39 Selborne tuad
Downing John, 33 Selborne road Ernoult Wm. Joseph, 3I Norfolk rd Fish Ernest Andrew. 85 Richmond rd
Dowsett James George, 127 Elgin rd Etheridge Henry Charles, 3 Glenmor!' Fish James Henry, 6g Mayfair avenue
l>owson William. 87 Cowntry road terrace, Green lane Fisher Geo.4 Elmstead rd.Sevn.Kings
Drake Mrs. 33 Empress avenue Evans Major Frank, 26 Norfolk road Fisher Richard Joseph, 3 .!berdour
Driver William Thomas, 48 .Aberdour Evans Henry Hudson. 88 BaJfour rd road, Goodmaves
road, Goodmayes Evans William A. 24 Empress avenue Fisher Waltl'r John, 32 Woodlands rd
Droesse Rug-o E. J. 8 The Drive Eve Jsph.43Kingswood rd.Goodmayes Fisk Harr~· Marcus, ro Alloa -road,
Droughb Percy James, 107 Balfour rd Everett Albert, 33 Alloa rd.Goodmys Goodmaves
Drown Wn:i. James, 4 'Endsleigh gdns Everett Albert, 68 Tht> Drive Flatt Alei. Washington, 6t Wood-
Drummond Frdk .Arth.37 Aldboro' rd EvPrett Miss, 6 Green Lanf' garden<o. lands road
Dudley Samuel Robert, 112 Henley rd Green lane , Fleming Sydney, 216 Wanstead Pk.Td
Duff Mrs) 44 Belgrave road EvrrPtt William Hy. 47 SelbornP rd Fleming Thomas, 2'6 Courtland aven
Duly Jas. Fredk. 51 South Park drive Evt>J"ett William Henry, 75 ThP DnvP Flensborg Christian Alexis, t6 Bean-
Dumbell Jn.Bacl;hCiuse,w Belgrave rd
Dunkin Mrs. 38 Belmont road
Dunn Arthur Edward, 45 Balfour rd
Eves Charles, 2 Granton gardens,
Green lane
Ewtt William Leighton. 1)4 Elgin rd.
I fort gardens
Fletcher Rev. Jo!<f>ph (Baptist), 12
~orfolk road
Dunn Charle~, 63 Coventry road Seven Kings Fletcher Edward, 19 Norfolk road
Dunn Edwin Thomas, 5 Granville rd Ewen John, 8o Aldborough rd. Seven Flinn Charles, Ravenswood, Percy rd.
Dunstan Herbert James, 218 ·wan- Kings Goodmayes
stead Park road Ewing Arthur Wtliam, 15 Argyle rd Flinn Wm. Joseph, 20 Mayfair avenue
Durham Edwin, 4 York road Ewing Thos. Jas. ~ Courtland avenue Florence Wm.6 Ashgrove rd.Goodmy~
Durman William Basted, ~8 Norfolk Fabian C'laud B. :;8 Norfolk road Ford Mrs. 50 Argyle road
road, Seven Kin~q Fairhead Georg-e John, 9 Balfour road Ford Mrs. 57 Belgrave road
Durrant Geo. Kittle, 26 Cm·entry rd Falconer Robert, 75 Ingleby road Ford Mrs. 43 Grosvenor road
Durrant Richard Harry,92 Balfour rd Pallet Miss, I2 Valentine's road Ford Mrs. 54 Mayfair avenue
Dustow Charles Elliott,Veryan•
house, Faning Pt>rcv Victor, 52 Selborne rd Fordham William Edward, 4 Mont-
47 Valentine's road Fankhaenel Waiter. 37 WPlhmod rd rose terrace, Green lane
Dyer Arthur; II Csvendish gardens Goodrnaye11 Forrest John, 2d Se~·mour gardens
Dyer Thomas, 36 Mausfield road Farley Mrs. 79 Grosvenor road Forster Mrs. 6o Endsleigh gardens
Dyke Yrs. 7 Se~·rnonr srardl'ns
Eady Harold John, 10 De Vere grdm tPrrace, Green lane FortescnP ::\frs. Io St. John's 'road,
Eales Henry, 53 Coventry road Farmer Mrs. 109 Balfour road Se>en Kings
Eames Ernest FrPderick, 5 Alloa rd. Farnan Wm. John. 17 Redcliffe gdns f'osh A1·thur Francis,16 Cranbrook pk
F'arquhar Wm.Beveridge,47 Argyle rd Foskett George. so Seymonr gardens
Eames Waltt>r John, 92 Elgin road Farr Edward Williarn, 72 M11yfair av Poster Arthur Bl'u.ce, 5 Beaufort gdnll
Seven Kings Farr Remy Edwarrl, 33 Woodlands rd Foster Edgar Denny, 19 Holc!JID'be rd.

Re>. Hubert Yalen- Farrell Albert, 6 St. John's rd. Seven Dford Garden Suburb
tine ~LA. (,·ical' of St. Mary's), Kings Foster John William, "97 Wanstead
Vicarage. Routh Park road Farrin!!ton :Mr~. 77 Balfour road Park road
Earl .A.Ifr?d F:rank. 84 Aldboroug-h rd Faunch Cecil Phillip. 8t .!.lbert road Foulsham Mrs. 3 Orchard gardens,_
Easson John. 35 Courtland ':lVPnue Faunch Chas .•Jas. 62 Richmond road High road, Goodmsyes '
Eastlake. Berbert, lH Oakwood gdns Fannrb Geo. Simmon~. l Morland Td Fowell Jas. Digby, 31 Kensington gdna
Powke- Alfred, ~ Belmont road Gibson William A. 16 Richmond road Gray Hany SaTgrave, ~s Elmstead
Fowler Mrs. 21 Empress avenue Gilbert Arth.57Elmstead rd.Svn.Kngs road, St>vetr Kin~s
FoJi Sydney William, 4 Ashgrowe rd. Gilbert Thomas Jas. -49 Woodlands rd Gra't• Mrll. -6r BalfrmP toad
Goodmayn Gilbert Wyatt Francis, 5 Green Lane Gra~· Richd. Wm. 42 De V~>re gardens
Fox.. Thos.WJil.IOal Elgip rd.Sevn.Kngs Q"ard't'ns, Green lane G'.-!"lly ThomaS, 45 A~hgrow~ road,
Pox WUUam Oscar, I'} Charlbnrv Gilbey Herbt. Geo. II Oakwood gdns Goodm::ne!l •
gardens, Seven Kings • Gilbey Percy Hammond, 19 Bradford GTeen Albert Edward, 48 E1mstead
Foyle Wm. Chal!. 8 Mayfair avenue road road, Seven King!l
Prancis Hugh Richard, 139 Elgin rd. Gilchrist Mrs. 15 Eastwood t·oad, Green .Arthnr Wm. 1 Cavendish gdns
Seven Kings Goodmayes Green Charles William, 54 i\.berdouf
FJ'Ilncl;osen William, 119 Granbrook rd Gilding Mrs. 6z No:rfolk Toad road, Goodmaves •
Franklio .Charle~ Sta.nler, t Mead's Gilding Percy JsplL. 39 EmP'fess ann Green Ernest Frank, 56 Belgra\·e road
lanP, S!'nn Kings Giles Alfred, 14 Alloa rd. Goodmayes Green Ernest Richd. 15 Coventry rd
Franklin James, 68 .A.rgyle road Gill John F. 9 Oranbrook park GrePn Francis Henrv. •
28 Cha:rlbul'v•
Franklip Richard John, 38 Belgrave rd Gill Williarn Thomas, 56 _-\.berdour gardens, Se\'en Kings
Fraspr Hugh, 14 DtJ Veri' ~ardens road, Goodmayes Green George, 36 Seymonr gardens
Fraspt Robert McKPchnie M.A., 1\I.R.. Ginzler Julius Clement, 22 J.lloa rd. Green Hy.Osborne,otLeamington gdns
C.M. 18 York road Goodmayes Green Herbt. Thos. 38 Oakwood gdn8
Freeman John Geo. 90 Richmond rd Gladding .Alfred, 53 Seymour gardens Green Mrs. 33 Mayfair avenue
Freeman Mrs. 32 York road Gladding David, 6 Endsleigh garden!' Green Mrs. H. 25 Balfour road
Freemantle Fredk. 7 Cranbrook park Glndding Robel't. 10 The Drive, Cran· Green Rowland. 84 Elgin rond
French C'harles, 28 Cambridge roarl~ brook par];: Green Samuel Thos, 5 Mayfair avenue
Seven Kings GladdinQ" Robert Horace. 8 Tillotson Green Thomas J. 22 Holcomlle road,
Friedrichsen George :M.J.. 147 _.\ucl•- road, rforJ Garden Suburb Ilford Garden Suburb
land road Glanvill William P. 48 Mansfield rd Green William Richard, 94 Co~ley rd
E"rome John Joseph. 40 York road Glasgow John James, 22 Wellwood 1·d. Greener Arth. RiC'hd. 6g York road
Frost Georg-e Charles, 43 Mayfair av Goodmayes Greenfield Geo. 220 Wanstead Pk. rd
Fry Edmd.4Kingswood rd.Goodma~'Ps Glasscock Sidney Richmond, 43 Ken- Greenhill George, 18 Oakwood gdns
Pry Mrs. ~9 Woodlands road sington gardens Greenland Thomas, 42 Northbrook rd
Fryer Herbert Cecil, 73 Richmond rd Glenn George K. 15 Elmstead road, Greenwood Arthur, 33 The Drive
Fuller Mrs. 19 Courtland avE>nue Seven Kings Greenwood Mrs. M. A. 7 Kingswood
Punnell Jn.Thos.269 Wanst-ead Pk. rd Goater Harry, 5 Holcombe rd. Ilford road, GoodmayPs
Pnrneaux Samuel .John, 15 Kings- Garden suburb Gregory Albert C. 22 Belgrave road
wood road, Goodmayes Goddard Wm. Henry, 15 De Vere gdns Greibe Frdk. Vilhelm, 17 Belgrave rd
FurnessWm.Montague,46Richmond rd Godleman Henry Saml. 128 Albert rd Griffin Waiter, 106 Wellesley road
Gabriel George Edward Vincent, 3 Godlonton Wm. Hy. 4B Balfour road Griffiths Charles, 123 Elgin road,
South Park crescent, South pai'k, Godly George, 32 Mayfair avenue SevPn- Kings
Seven Kings Goff John, 53 Balfour road Griffiths John, 33 Belgrave road
Gall George, r8 Cranbrook park Goffiu Edwd. Rt. 25 Leamington gdns Griffiths John, 22 Belmont road
Gait Rev. Waiter A., M.A.. B.D Goldby Wm. Geo. 22 Endsleigh gdns Griffiths Elgin rd.Seven Kings
(Presbyterian), 44 Argyle road Golding Frank Y. 20 Wellwood road, Griffiths StanleyHerbert,85 Balfour rd
Gandar Henry John, 27 ArgylP. road Goodmayes Grigg- Arthur William, 87 York road
Gane ~frs. Elizabeth, 3 Kings"Rood Goldman Elkin, 6o Empress avenue Griggs .Alhert Philip, 87 The Drive
road, Goodmayes Good John, 57 Enrlsleigh gardens Griggs Arthur, 28 Valentine's road
Ganifard Charles, 16 Oharl- Good Waiter, 30 Grosvenor mad Griggs Edward, 12 Cranbrook park
bury g-arden'l, Seven Kings Goodacre Rev. Albert (Primitive Griggs :Miss, 2 Seymour gardens
Gapp Charles Hy. 3 Leamington gdn~ MPthodist), 68 Cambridge road, Griggs .Alderman William Peter J .P.
Garden Henry William M.B. St SE'ven Kings 7 The Drive, Cranbrook park
Brelades, Gret>n lane. Goodmayes Goodes .Tn.Vernon. 106 ..lldborough rd Grigson Fdk .Jas. 3231 Wanstead Pk.rd
Gardener John,Rosebank,Wellesley rd Goodeve Sidney, 46 Elgin rd. Seven Grimshaw Samuel G.52 Grosvl.'nor rd
Gardiner Frank Spalding, 22 Norfolk Kings Grisdale J os Pp h. 54 The Drivt>
road, Seven Kings Goodfellow William, 42 Elmstead rd. Grist Seth Llewellyn, 12 St. John's
Ciardner .Albert Wm. 22 Selbome rd Seven Kings . . road, Seven Kings
Gardner William, 48 Courtland aven Goodley Frederick. 97 _-\.lbert road Grose Alfred Maurice, II6 Elgin road
Garland HE'rhert Edwin, 26 Wellwood Goodman George, 69 Courtland aven Grove William Robt. 43 Mansfield rd
road, Goodmayes Goodrich Eustace E. 54 .Argyle road Guard Frederick Geo. 42 Selborne rd
Garland John Henry L.A..A. 23 Alloa Goodrick Jas. Thos. Braithwaite, 26 Guest William, 16 Valentine's road
road, Goodmayes Charlb~uy gardE'ns, Seven Kings Gull Charles, 39 South Park drive
Garner Edwin, I I Cambridge road. Goodsir James M. 23 Empress aven Guppy Thomas, Hopbine,Wellesley rd
Seven Kines Goodwin Alexander, 125 Elgin road, Gurnev Charles, '!- Ea!<twood road,
Garner William George, 21 A~bgorove Seven Kings Goodma,·es •
road, Goodmayes Goodwin George By. 23 ne V ere grdn~ Gurney George, 84 Richmond road
Garrett Chas.Jas. ~2 Kensington gdns Goodwin Harold G"nerton, 85 Cowley Gusterson Percival, 73 Elmstead rd.
Garrett James, 21 Belgrave road road Seven Kings
Garthwaite Henrv Jn. 12 The Drive Gordon George HPrbert, 21 Kt>nl'ing· Gutheil Adam, 34 Eastwood road,
Gasson Edward ·John, 46 Charlbury ton gardens Goodmaves

gardens, Sevt>n Kings Gore Mi~s. 68 :Mm tlal•e road Guver Charles Lefroy, 128 Elgin rd.
Gates Ernest Rose Holden, 305 Wan- Gorst Harry, 67 York road St>ven "KinQ"s
stead Park road Gorton Mrs.ssEastwood rd.Goodmyes Hack Jame~ Henry M.A. 32 Sandown
Gaul Henry, 28 Vaughan gardens Gostling Albert Henry, 46 Balfour rd gardens, Goodmayes la. Goodmayes
Gearing Charles C. 64 Conrtland av GO"stling Fras. Geo. 24 De Vere gdn~ Clachr FrPd, 6 BethE>ll aYenue, TI-
Gebhart Paul, 53 Selborne rnad Gould Waltt>r, I I Kildowan rd. Good· ford Garden Suburb
Geils Caspar Henry, 9 :\fontro!'e ter- ma:res Hddin!lham _\.rthur Wells,2g Elg-in rd
race, Green lane Gould Wm. Jas. 5 Xorthbrook road Rad"l'l"en Chas. Eugene,n Empress av
Gemble .Albt. Geo. 135 Cranbrook rd Gove·r Charles John, 42 Aberdonr rd. Hafner Gnttfried, zs Valentine's rd
Gemelly Alfred, 227 W anstead Pk. rd Goodmayes Haggett Ernest, 47 Northbrook road
GendersSidneyGeo.16Kensington gdm Gower Robert, 2 :O.Iansfield road Haigh Georg-e, 109 Cranbrook road
Genlloud Frederick George, 36 Aber- Graham Chas.Rohun, 8 Richmoud rd Haines _\lfred Wi1liam, 32 Balfour rd
dour road, Goodmayes Grant Edward, 21 Norfolk road Hale ReubE'n Henry, 5 Burlingt<Jn
George James William, 3 Broomfield Grant Edward, 313 Wan~;~tead Park rd terrace, Green lane
gardens, Green lane, Goodmayes GravP R<>ginald. 6q InglPby road l l alP!~ So loP" on, -!"' Ela-in road
George Jeremiah. 69 AlhPrt road Graves Henry R. S. I I Coventry roarl Halfpennv Francis Herbert, 335 Wan-
George Louis Sidney ,44 Gros\·enor rd I Graves Thomas, 3-l W elhvood road. stead Park road
Gibbard William, 26 Kingswood road. Goodmayes Halfpenny John Harvey, 4 Elgin road
Goodmayes Gray Alfred, 36 :Richmond road Hall J.lbert James, 15 Holcombe rd.
Gibbs Harry Fred, 23 Wellwood road. Gray .1.lgernon Nairne, so ~orthbrook Ilford Garden Suburb
Goodmayes road Hall Alfred, 18 Mansfield road
Gibbs Mrs. 51 Kensington gardPns Gray Arthur Mackenzie, II4 Welles- Hall _\rthur John, 107 Coventry road
Gibson John, 38 Mayfair avenue ley road Hall Charles Henrv, •
• house,
Gibson Jn. Wm. 1oa, Cranbrook park Gra~· Geor~e :M<'K£-nziE', I6 Leam- Cranbrook road
Gibson Thomas,7 Broomfit>ld gardt>ns, inghn !!'ardens Hall CharlPs Robf'rt, 3 _\lloa
Green lane, Goodmaye<; _-\.bbott<;ford road. Goodll}
- 1!:
Hall Edward, 34 Endsleigh gardens Harwood CharlesEdward,3 Woodstocli Hills Charles Herbert, so CharlbnlJ
Hall John Wm. 39 Oakwood gardens gardens, Seven Kings gardens, Seven Kings
Hallam Joseph T. 42 Kensington gdns Harwood Mrs. 44 Valentines road Hilton Henry T. 63 Mayfair avenue
Hallett Mrs. 47 Endsleigh gardens Haslam Geo. Underton,68Cranbrook rd Hince Harry Hamilton,660ourtland ay
Halloway John Edward, 35 Kings- Hassell William, 27 Selbome road Hind Peter, 39 Ends]eigh gardens
wood road, Goodmayes Haswell Wm.Jn.3Barley la.Goodmaye~ Hinderwell Richard Owston, 19 Ends-
Halswell Fredk. Wm. 4 Sunnyside rd Hatcher Sidney A. 43 Belgrave road leigh gardens
Hamilton David, 36 Sandown gardens, Hatfield George, 131 Coventry road FJindom Jn. Jas. 9 Oourtland aven
Goodmayes lane, Goodmayes Hatfield George Henry, 7 :Montrose Hinds Thomas G. S. 22 Emerson nl.
Hamilton Gavin M.A. 6 Cranbrook pk tE>rrace, Green lane llford Garden Suburb
Hamilton Geo. Wm. 121 Balfour rd Hattrell William Charles, 4 Sandown Hines Owen E. J. 6o Seymonr grdns
Hamilton Wm. 'Matthew, 9 Broom- gardens, Goodmayes la. Goodmayes Hinton Albert John, 22 Eastwood rd.
field grdns. Green lane, Goodmayes Hatwell William, 39 Northbrook road Goodmayes
Hammond John William, 3 Bradford 'Haupt Randal J. 65 Wellwood road, Hipkin Fredk. Wm. 33 Grosveno:r rd
road, Seven Kings Goodmayes Hitchcock Mrs. 66 Elgin rd. Sevea
Hammond Wm. Jsph. 47 Norfolk rd Hawes ArtJmr Joseph, 79 The Drive Kings
Hampsheir Geo. Currie,49 Mayfair av Hawes James, 5 Grosvenor road .!Iobbs Henry George, 40 Norfolk rd
Hampsheir Jn.White,I3Redcli:ffe gdns Hawkes John Pages, 4 Empress aven Hobbs John, 1 Alloa gardens, Abbota-
Hampson John, 48 Grosvenor road Hawley Saml. Fredk. 51 Grosvenor rd ford road, Goodmayes
!lampton Alfred Ernest, 5 Kildowan Hay George, 29 Mansfield road Hobbs Mrs 26 Selborne road
road, Goodmayes Haycraft William John, 35 Norfolk rd Hobday Henry Thos. 45 Valentine's rd
Hampton Frank E. 41 Cowley road Hayden James Senior, 36 Wellwood Hobday Thomas Huson, g8 Albert rd
Hanbury Langton Fuller, West Ham road, Goodmayes Hobdell Frederick William George,
Borough Asylum,Barley la.Goodmys Hayden Wm. Henry, 12 Argyle road 6o Aberdour road, Goodmayes •
Haneock Em-est Thomas Gordon, 133 HaydonFras.Richmond,4-tl)eVere gdn, Hockley John, 42 Norfolk road
Cranbrook road Hayes Mrs. 78 Cranbrook road Hockley William, 30 Cranbrook pa.rl:
Bandley Walt.Jn. Pendennis, Park av Harler Edwin, 67 GI'Osvenor road Hodnett Edwin, 2 Cavendish garden!!
Hankin Wm. 14 Elgin rd.Seven Kings Havman Mrs. 35 Kensington gardPns Holden Fredk. Cooper,67 Wellesley :rd
Hanks Chas.M.B., B.S. 74 Belgrave rd Hayward Frank, 21 Elmstead roarl, Holder Hampton John, 2 Leamington
Hanney William, 2 South Park cres- Seven Kings gardens
cent, South park, Seven Kings Hayward Richd. Humeleigh, HigL rvad Hold-er StephPn, 42 Oakwood gardens
Hansell George, 93 York road Heading Arthnr, 8 Burlington terrace, Holland Mrs. 47 Mansfield road
Hanson Jsph. By. 6o De Vere g-ardnlo G-reen lane Hollingdale Albert Palfrey, 58 Valen-
HarLott Arthur William, -19 Jle Ht>aly Francis Patrick, 73 .ilbert road tine's road
Vere gardens HeardFrankMontague,38Woodlands :rd Hollings Henr), 74 Ingleby road
Harding Mrs. 31 Belgrave road Hearn Chester Graham, 47 South Hollingsworth William James, 35
Harding Mrs. Rosa, 109 Elgin road Park drive ..-\lloa. road, Goodmayes
Harding Thos. Jsph. 43 Cleveland rd Hearn Mrs. 27 Balfour roatl Hollins Charles Alfred, 21 Mayfair av
Harding Wm. 111Elgin rd.SevenKing~ Ht>arn ~rs. 243 Hig-h road Hollis Edward, 81 Ingleby road
Hardwick Ernest Wait. 65 Albert rd HPck Samuel, 23 Courtland a\enue Holmes Edward George, Bushey ley<~,
Hardy Alexander Arthur, 129 Elgin Ht>iser E•lward, 3 ErE>rsley terrace. Park avenue
road, Seven Kings Green Janp Holmes HarryScott,21 Cavendish gdns
Hardy Alfred Erne-st, 18 Park avenue Hell~·ar Rev. William Frank A.K.C.L Holyfield Sidney, 9 South Park cre"-
Hardy Miss, 1 Balfour road (curate of St. Clement's), 2 Park av cent, South park, Seven Kings
Hare Allan William, 126 High road I:Ienders'Jn Alexander, 46 Eastwood Honey Alfred Edwd. 31 Seymour gdns
Harley Philip H. F. 5 De Vere gardn~ road, Goodmayes Hood Fred, 41 Seymour gardens
Harlow T!wmas, 77 WPllwood road. Henderson Benjanun, 2-t- l\iansfield rd Hood Mi!lses E. & M. 8r Woodlands :rd
Goodmayes Henderson Henry, 302 High road Hooper Chas.Jsph.36 Endsleigh gdns
Harman Geo. Hy. 39 Courtland aven HendArson John, 5 Endsleigh gardem Hooper \filliam Frederick, 17 _\her-
Harmer William George, 13 Broom· Henderson Wm. q Leamington gdns dour road, Goodmayes
hill road, Goodmayes Henesy Miss F. 2:1 Redcliffe gn rrlen!' Hooson .Mrs. 32 Belgrave road
1.Iarnett Arthur C. !lb Elg-in road. Henke Fredk.52 Elgin rd.Seven Kings Hope .1.ugustus, De Vere gdns
Seven Kings Henlt>y Frank Leete,3Green Lane gdus Hopkins Mrs. 25 Richmond road
Harper Arthur Brown, 92 Xorfolk rd Ht'nlt'Y HPnry .Tenks Al!:{::tr. 40 Kings- tl{)ppen Frederick, 35 .-\berdour rd.
Sarper Miss, 25 Charlbnr~· gardens, ~ood road, Goodmayes Goodmayes
Seven Kings Hennequin Holland, 219 "\Vansteau Hopper Frank, 47 Clwrlbury garden•,
'JarriPs Thos.Sidney,:q ·woodlands rd Park road Seven Kings
3:arriman John, 62 De VPre gardPns Hepburn Jas. Sinclair, so Mayfair a,- Hopper Mrs. 37 Seymour gardens
Harris Capt. Philip, 8 Cov:entry road Hepworth Albert Edward, I I Learn- Horsfall Robert, 74 Grosvenor road
Harris Colin Barman, 4 Morland rd ington gardens Hose Louis Valendin, 5 Wellwood l'd.
Harris David James, 2 Hi!!hland<: ter- Hepworth John, 72 Balfour road Goodmayes
r-ace, Highlands gardens Hepworth John, 20 Cavendish grdns l Hosegood Edwin, 23 Kildowan road,
Harris John, 32 Richmond road Herbert Harry,7 Barley la.Goodmayes Goodmayes
tlarris Jn.Richardson,45 Coventry rd Ht>rbt>rt James Ht>nry, 4 Tillotson rd. Hosty William, 126 Albert road
Harris Mr~. 30 Oourtland avenue Ilford Garden Suburb Houchin Edmund King, 66 Cran-
Harris Richard A. 4 Cranbrook park HHriug Bernard. 4 Arlington gardPns 1 brook road
Hal'l'is Samuel, 45 Courtland avenue HHzenstein Nicholas, 6;. Kensington Houchin Victor Stanley. 1 The Drivl'
Harrison Rev. John (Baptist), JQC gardens Hough Samuel Baylis, 136 Elgin road,
Elgin road, Seven Kings He"k Tho'l. ShPpher,l, 43 "\ ldlJOrong-b Seven Kinsrs
Harrison Alfred Thoma8, 32 E.1stiHJoo rnad, Seren Kings Houghton Alfred Geo. 2 Belgrave rd
road, Goodmayes f!e!olop JamPs, 35 Oakwood g"ardens 1 Houghton Mnrtaugh Jas. 2 York rd
Harrison Geo. Hy. 37 Grosvenor road flewerdine George J. F. 77 York rd 1Houghton Waiter George B.A. 9
ffarriso!l John, 3 Bmlington tt>rrace, Hewett Charles George, qo Elgin rd. Alloa road, Goodmaves
Green lanP Seven Kings Hov.ard Frederick William, 7 Beeeb-
-Harrison Waiter M.A. 34 'l'oronto rd Ht>wf'tt Edwarrl G. 13 :M:.m>tfield ro11d wood terrace, Green lane
Harriss Harry, 235 Wanstead Park rd HP'I"I"iH GPorg"e, 4 Park a\enue Hc•ward George Edward, 8 Broomhill
Harrop WaltPr Lloyd. Walla'3ey, t:fewitt HPnry, 44 Richmond road road, Goodmayf'-s
Cranbruok park Hewitt Mrll. n6 Cranbrook road Howard George P . .!. 28 Elgin :road.
Hart Waltt>r Hobl,irk, 86 Aldboro' rd Hexter Walt.95 Elgin rd.Seven King~ Seven Kings
Hartin Waiter J. 34 Norfolk road Hr:vwood George, 4 E,·ersley terrace, Roward Percy Stephen, 35 Richmond
Harvey Charles A. 4 Courtland aven Green lane read
Harvay Fredericl;, 134 .\-lead's lane, Hicks Benjamin Jn. 19 Mayfair avt>n Howe ..Arthur C'eswell, 20 Bt>lgraverd
'3ev£·n Kings Hicks Frank, 29.=1 Wanstead Park rd Howe Thomas Hy. 2 Elm>:'ei!!h gdns
Harvey James Alf. 68 .\Id borough ffidden Herbt. Chas. sr Mayfair av 1 Hcwt>s Henry Wilson, 65 York road
road, Seven Kings Higgins Geo. Fredk. 4 Beaufort gdnl' HPwPf' Robt. Howard,14 Richmond rd
Harvey John W. 1o6 High nad t:fi!:;"ZS "'alter J<:Ai"'d. 104 _\lbert road Huard Thomas Henry, 42 Cowley rd
TJ:a:tvf>y Lionel Ed·w.ard. r7 Park -n-rn Higgs Wait. H. Parkside,Auckland rd Hnbbard George E. 36 Ashgrove rd.
fian·ey Mrs ..-\ ..p )Jadair a•.-nnl' Hile Daniel John, 34 Selborne ror11l Goodmayes
Tlarvey Ri. PI'TI')' Calvert. 5'~ York rd ~ill ,\ rtL. Stanlev,9 End sleigh trardm Hub bard John, 16 Alloa road, Good-
Harvev Wm. George. 6 Courtland 1n Hill Thomas Albert, 7 Sunnyside rd mayes
Rarvey-GPor!re Mrs. Jer!IE>y ro"d TT ill "\Yn•. Ri•'hardson, I_r;o Balfonr ri' Huhhard \V alter Hy. 108 Norfolk rood
Harwood AlfrE>ri Cha".34RPdelifTe gdn~ Hiilrbr€'cht Hermann.21 DE> V ere gdn!<
Huddleston Richd. Redman,46 ~orth- .Ja.equot Fran~ois ll. 132 F.lgin road, ' J oss Hans, 64 The Drive
brook road Seven Kings J oyce Robert, 34 Kensington gardens
Bughes Ahred, 34 Courtland avenu ager Roelf, 66 Cowley road Judd Robert Francis William, 37 De
Hughes Charles Richardson, 43 Ends t~gers Henry, 67 Albert road Vere gardens
leigh gardens Tames Harry, I52 Ba!four road Julyan Ernest William,28Mansfield rd
Ht~ghes George Richd. I ! A.rgyle rd Iawes John Samuel, 54 Richmond rd Jupp Albt. Leonard, 14 Valentine's rd
Hug11es Henry, 4 ~orfolk road ames Roger, 37 Belgrave road Juppa Jsph. Lewis,H }~ndsleigh gdns
Hugbes M~ss, 45 South Park drive ames Waiter, 3 Beaufort gardens Kadwill Edward, 7I Richmond road
Ht;ghes ~bsses, 4 ~orthbrook road Jmes William Jonathan, 34 Sandown Kane John, IOI Balfour road
Hughes Mrs. 8 Green Lane gardt>ns, gardens, Goodmayes la. Goodmayes Kappey Ferdinand, 4 Cavendish gdns
Green lane Tameson Walt ..Ani.rew,2Woodlands rd Keeling Rev. Edward Blanshard
Hughes Oswald Sextus Ranald, 5~ iaues Russell Wm. 54 Grosvenor rd (Wesleyan), 32 Mansfield road
C('wley road ..~ques Albert Henry, 44 Elmstead rd. Keeling James Melior, I] St. John's
Hughes I'ercy Alfred V. 26 Can.·n tieven Kings road, Seven Kings
dtsh gardens aques Edmund Frederick, 43 Elm- Keightley William, 34 Elmstead rd.
Hughes 1'hos. Jsph. 21 Richmond rd stead road, Seven Kings Seven Kings
Hnghes William Webb, I9 Kingswoot aques Ernest Wilfred, 15 St. John's Keith Wm. Chas. I3 Cavendish gdns
ruad, Goodwayes road, Seven Kings Kelk Wait. Wallace-, 59 Belgrave I'd
Hulbert Thomas William, 1 Aberdom ·uman Albert Hy. 52 Valentine's rd Kelly Charles Fredk. 17 Bradford rd
gardt>ns, Ureen lane, Goodmayes arman John Porter, 68 Mayfair a\·en liemp Ernest Albt. 58 Seymour gdns
Hull Arthur, 58 Aldborough road 'trvis Alfred, I22 Albert road Kemp Harry,1o7 Elgin rd.Seven King'
Huwbei'Iitune Rev. Wrlham JohJ Jarvis Thos. Quick, 37 South Pk. drv Kemp Miss, x6 York road
(Congr·egational), 23 Elgin road. ary Fredk. Geo. 19 Sunnyside road Kemp Mrs. 25 SE>lborne road
Seven Kings eacock Waiter, 48 :Xorthbrook road Kendall Capt. Charles R. 9 Kensing-
Hume Robt. Alex.Io Kensington gdm pff Geurge Henry, 8o Norfolk road ton gardens
Humphrey Jas. Walt.77 Woodlands rd t>fferies Wm.Jas.35 Leamington gdn,. Kendall Harry, uS Elgm road~
HnmJ.hreys Mrs. M. F. 13 Mayfair a,· ffery E.C. 7 Elmstead rd.Sevn.Kng;; Seven Kings
Humphreys Thomas, 66 Urosvenor ru feffery Edward Crocker, 3 Beechwood Kendell Thomas Boulton,37 Holcombe
Bundley Henry Jas. 3 Courtland aver• terrace, Green lane road, llford Garden Suburb
Hunt John Arthur, 45 .Helgrave road pffery Ernest, 30 Kensingt"on grdn~> Kendrick Fredk. Wm.37Woorllands Td
Hunter David, Shandon, Holcombe rd. effries Chas. Hy. 2 Valentine's road Kennt>dy Charles G. 30 Norfolk road
llford Garden Suburb Teffries Fredk. Geo. 143 Coventry rd Kennedy Fredk. Thos. 59 Mayfair av
Hunter George Joseph, 81 York road felks Sidney, 9 Cambridge road Kent Charles, 27 Mayfair avenue
Hunter Mrs. 11 Bethell avenue, Ilford 1 t>nkins Griffith, 97 Richmond road Keppel Charles WiUiam, 30 Ashgrove
Garden Suburb fenkins Joseph, 25 Elmstead road, road, Goodmayes
Hunter Williaw S. 45 EndsJeigh gdns Seven Kings Kerr Jas. Picken, 52 Courtland avt>n
Burden Thomas, 23 Selborne road. Jerkins Sydney John, 137 Elgin road Kt>rr William, 48 De Vt>re jlardens
Hurst Henry, 38 KensiNgton gardE>ns •enldnsun Geo. Wm 2 De Vere grdn,. Kerr William Scott, 36 Belgrave road
Hutchence Mrs. 14 Courtland avenue Jenks Frederick Jas. 18 Richmond rd Kerry Mrs. 58 Courtland avrnue
Hutchin Chas. 15 Cavendish gardens lennings Edward, 17 Selborne road Kersey Caleb, 8 Empress avenue
Hutrhins Charles, 141 C'ovl'ntry road fennings Frank, 64 Belgrave road Kershaw John, 89 Wellesley road
Hutchinson Rev. Samuel, I I Christ- Jennings Wilham Henry, go Aid- Kevan Alfred, 3I Richmond road
church road borough road, Seven Kings Kevan Jamt>s, 10 Cavendish gardl'n~
Hutchinson William, SI Elmstead rd . .Jess Mrs. I Eversley ter Green lane KPy Mrs. 66 Woodlands road
Seven Kings esseman Douglas, 2:a Northbrook rd Killham Miss, 34 BeJgrave road
Hyslop Andrew, 20 :!\fansfield road Ieone Hy. Wm. 35 Sunnyside road Killick Ernest, 30 York road
Hyslop Thos. Carlyle, 7I Ingleby road loannou Aristotle Christos, 75 Cran- Kimber Thos. Wm. ISO Wellesley rd
lbberson Walter Armitage, 17 Alloa brook road King George W. 94 Aid borough road.
road, Goodmayes Jobson George, 22 Aldborr,ugh road Seven Kings
Impey Arthur, 8 De Vere gardens Jobson Hy. Wm. 345 Wanstead Pk. rd King Harry, 5 Cavendish gardPns
Impey Waiter, 19 De Vere g-ardens .Jobson Thomas Battersby B.A., M.D., King Henry Percy, 26 Eastwood rd.
lDlray Vernon Henry, 5 Charlbury B.Ch. 136 High road Goodmayes
gardens, Seven Kings Joel Henry Francis, 20 Aldborough King Henry Thoma~, I ! Leeds road.
Inglish Albert Edward, 9 Kingswood road, Seven Kings Seven Kings
road, Goodmayes fohns James Ormond, 28 Selborne rd King James Wm. 31 Cranbrook park
Ing~am Albert Victor, 2 Mayfair aven Johnson Benjamin, 48 'l'he Drive King Jn. Chisbolm, 62 Seymour gdns
Iorr~ Gt>ra'd H. S. 23 Balfour road rohnson Hy. Chas. 7 End sleigh gdu~ King John Christie, 27 De Vere gdno;J
Ireland Douglas, 7 .irgyle road Tohnson James, 70 Cranbrook road King Mrs. 7 Courtland avenue
lsaacs By. Laurence, Io Grosvenor rd Johnson Jn. Wm. 16 Endsleigh gdns King Rubert W. 29 Empress avenue
l~<aacs Mark, 12 Selborne road Tohnson Mrs. 37 Balfour road King Thomas John, Ilford cottage,
lsbister Jn. By. Cecil, 69 Coventry rd Johnston James A. Grenofen, Park av Cranhrouk road
Isbister Wm.Geo. B.A.18Grosvenor rd Jnhnston John Alfred, 9 Sunnyside rd King Wm. Hy. 22 De Vere gardrm,
Isles Mrs. 51 Selborne road Johnston Malcolm, 14 Beaufort grdm King Wm. Hy . .53 South Park drive
Ison Arth. 20 Elgin rd. Seven Kings Jchnston Mrs. IO Bri:;:hanl'3 road Kingston William, 49 Elmstead road~
lson Henry Wm. 57 Mansfi.Pld rootd Jol!y Wm. Robert, 71 Coventry road Seven Kings
lson Waiter James, 9 .A.berdour gar- JonPs Rev. FredPrick Aug. (Baptist). Kingston William, 46 Emerson road,
dl'ns. Grl'en lane, Goodmayes 26 Mansfield road · llford Garden Sutnrb
l11ted Wm. Benj. 29 LPamington gdns Tones Arthur, II Alloa rd.Goodmayes Kipping AlbPI't, 15 Valentine's road
hes Geor~e Alvas, 77 Richmond rd Tones Benj. Gnrner, 46 Conrtland av Kirchner Francis John Hubert, 21
Jvinson Chas. Hmace, 6o Selborne rd .Tones Chas.38Aberdour rd.Goodmayes Sunnyside road
b::r.nrd Mrs. 4 Bl'lQ"rave road Jones Charles James Nelson, I9 Bel- Kirk Ivone James, 38 Redcliffe gdns
Jacker Mrs. 16 Elgin road grave road Ki1k James, 81 Balfour road
Jr~rkman Edwin .Tall. 6o Bt>lgrave rd Jones Daniel JRph. 85 Welleslt>y rd Kirk Mrs. 2 Courtland avenue
lt>('kson Rev. William Henry B.A. Jones George Frederick. 19 Alloa rd Kirkhy Jaml's, 48 Belgrave road
(rurate of St. Clen.ent's), z8 Goodmayes Kirkpatrick Henry, 4J Coventry road
Colombo road Tones J nhn .A rth 19 RPrlcliffe gdns Kirrag!' .Tame;~ FrPrlk. 20 Richmond rd
Jackson James .!IPxander, 16 Aber- Jones John Chas. 31 Redcliffe gardens Kistrnck Jarold Frederic,42 Conrtland
dnur road, Goodmayes JnnPs Miss. I2 Courtland avenue avPnue
Jackson Jzs. Herbt. 8 Cranbrook pk JCines Mrs. 65 The Drive Kitchener Percy, 12 Wellwood road,
Jackson John Jsph. 18 De Vere gdn~ Jcnes Mrs. Hawthorne, 53 Elgin road, Goodmayes
Jark!lon .John R. 2;\ Wo!'rilands road Seven Kin~s Klingelhoefer George, 46 Aldborongh
Jarkson Mrs . .!. M. 36 Ki!1gsw1ocl rd. Jones Sanlsbury, 26 Oakwood gardens road, St>ven Kings
Gcodmayes J ones Stephen, w6 Elgin road Knight Alhl'rt Edward. 39 The Drive
Jacksou Stewart Percy, I I Broomhill .Jones Thomas, 56 Richmond road Knight George, 67 Woodlands road
l'oad, Goodmaye'! .Tones Thomas, I9 Wellwood road, K niQ"ht Hl'nry, 4 Oak wood (!arden,.
Jackson William Smith, 35 Wellwood Goodmayes Knight :Mrs. I62 WPlles]ey road
road, Goodmayes .Tones Thomas Henry, 15 Aberdour Kn;ght RohPrt. 51 Conrtland avPnue
Jacohs Arth. Thos. 16 Empress aven road, Goodmayes Kr:ig-bt Sidney Ernest, I Broomfield
Jarobs John, 32 Seymonr gardPns Jordan Albert, 33 Elmstead road, gardens, Green hne, Goodmayes
Jacobs William Edwin, 10 Aberdour Seven Kings Knight Wm. 32 Alloa rcl. Goodmayes
gardens, Green lane, Goodmayes Jordan Fdk. W<Jlt.55 Ken~;~inQ"ton gdns Knights Edward James Harper, 5
Jose Saml. Boulden, 21 Mansfield rd Coventry road
~34 ILFORD {GREAT). ESSEX. • (ltELtY's
Knights Hy.77 Elmstead rd.Svn.Kngs Lewis Thomas·Arthnr, 33 King-s--wood Mackay Mrs. 26 Wdodlands roa4 b.JK
Knight& William, u Elmstead road, road. Goodmaye.> Markay Rt. Findley, 47 Richmond J'd
{Seven King& Lewis William Thomas, Ii' Eastwood Mackay Robert John, nB Albert roa;
Knill Albert Edward, 20 Charlbnry road, Goodmayes MacKay- William, 1.7 Norfolk road
I• gardens, Seven Kings Lidington Charles, z2 Asllgron road, Mackay William Alexander, u Bra!h
Knowles Edwarc;l. Herbert, Steanbow, • Goodmayes ford road, Seven Kings .;
Green lane Limmer .Ernest, 2;J. Ea-stwood ro3d, McKechnie John, 20 Selborne road
Knox Wm. H~nry, 61 South Pk. drive Goodmayes McKee Frederick Charles M.B. Jj
Kolkenbeck Frede:ricl;: Wm. Bismark, Linder Charles, 23 The Drivl:' Cranbrook. road l.ld
42 Argyle road · Lindsay John William, 164 Ealfour rd McKendry Thomas Torrens B.A.,:M ..(J.;
Kransse Carl Richd.3 Cavendish gdns Lindsay Sidney W. C. 124 Elgin ~-d l.LCh., B.A.O. 39 Wellwood roadJJ
Krog Mrs. 79 York road Ling Harry, 54 ·Oameron rd. Seven Goodmayes
Kriiger Gustav B. 67 Mansfield road Kings Mackenzie Mrs. 20 Oakwood gardens
Kummer Max, 47 Kensington gardens Link Gottlieb Davi<l, 34 ~fam.field rd Mackie William, 23 Ashgrove ,oad,
Lacey Charles Edwa.rd, 32 Goodmayes Lironi Bertram Frank, 2y Vaughan Goodmayes
road, Goodmayes gardens Mackie William, 18 Woodlands road
Lach-Szyrma H. I. S. 133 North- Lister Percy, 58 Mansfield road Marklin Renben, 22 Brisbane road
brook. road 1 Lloyd Archibald J amee, 144 Mead's Mackness David C. 3 Northbroolr. rd
Lagden Waiter, 65 Elmstead t:oad, lane, Seven Kings Mackrow Albert Edwd. 14 Belmont rd
Seven Kings Lloyd Fredk. George, 54 Norfolk rnai McLaren John, 9 Tillotson rd. Dfo:r4
Lait Richard .A.. 14 Cavendi9h gardns Lloyd John, 3 Mans:field road Garden Suburb
Lake Wm. Frank, 25 Courtland aven Lloyd Mrs. 1o6 Richmond road McLauchlan Capt.Andrew,58 Emprea1
Lamb Arthur Montagu, 25 Alloa. road, Lock Wm . .A.lbert, 32 Valentine's road avenue
Goodmayes Locke Henry James, 24 Wellwood rd. McLean John Gray, xs Courtland av
Lamb Joseph, 20 Belmont road Goodmayes McLoughlin :Mrs.267 Wanstead Pk. re\
Lam,be Thos.Laurence,71Grosvenor rd Lomas William, 5 Lynford gardens, McMillan Ja~. Edwin, 83 Albert ro&4\
Lambert Chas. Vivian,86 Coventry rd Seven Kings Macnamara David Eugene, 33 Valen-.
Lambert John Evans, z Morland road Long Daniel, 44 Eastwood rood, I tine's road
Lambert William Elias, 59 The Drive Goodmayes IMcNeish Archlbald, 129 Cranbrork rd
Lambley IDick Lionel, 37 Kingswood Long Geo. Norfolk ho. 304 High rd ~McQueen Duncan,26 Leamington g-dnt.
road, Goodmayes · Long John Thoma-s, 8 Belgrave road · Macqueen Edwin,229 Wanstead Pk.rd
Lance .John Henry, Glenville, High rd Longsta:ffe Alfd. Hy.4o Vaughan gdmo McQueen Oscar, 4 Woodlands road
Lance John By~ F. Roseville, High rd Lord Mrs. 76 Woodlands road .\IcQueen William, I Kildowa:q rfim<!J
Landon 'RP\'. Horace Richard M. A. Louis Ernest ValPntifle, gr lVelles1ey Goodma)es
(priest in charge St. J ames", Little road Macve Thomas A. 52 Mansfield road
Heath), 47 Douglas rd. Goodmayes Loveloek RJvmonct lV11Ham, 48 E21~r-1 Maddox Charles, xo Kingswood road,.
Lane John Henry, 16 Broomhill :d. wood road, Goodmayes Goodmayes
! Goodmayes Lovesy Thos. H. 8-t Grosvenor road Madgwick John Aiex. 3Q Mansfield rd
Lang John, 107 Ctanbro3k road Low David .Allan, 6 York road r Maggs Geo. Jsph. ~ Oakwood gdns
Lang Norman, The (Jhalet, Balfaur rd Lowe Albert, 43 North brook road I Magson Arthur John, 50 Belgrave ruadr
Langdon Leonani, 30 CowJey 'l'oad Lowe .Alex. PeHeverance ho. High ::-d 1 Mag.ion Hy. E. 34 De Vere gardens
Langmaid Ernest .Albert, I3 BetheJJ
avenue, Ilfm·d Garden Suburb
Lowe Joseph, "9 Yaughatt gardens I
Magson Waiter Jas. 28 Empress av
I.ncas James, 2 Beechwood terrace. Maguire Henry, 13 .Aberdonr road,
· Lapworth Wm. Thos. ~:~s The Drive Green lane Goodmaves•
Larter ~Irs. 1 Belgrave road Lucas James, 31, -Grosvenoi' road I Maher Thomas Francis, I6 .A.rgyls rd
Latreille Ulysses,54 Endsleigh garden" LU(kock Herbert Allan, 43 Ohl!rlhuT:'' 1 Main Capt. John M. 38 The Drive
Latreille William Frederick1 5 Kings ... gardens, SPven Kin!?S i ..\falenoir Arthur James, 7 Mansfield rcl
wood road, Goodmayes I.uget Rev. Frank Clive L.Th. (curate Mallinson Thomas H. xB Ashgrove
Lattc. Alex. Findlay, I6 The Drive of St. Mary'~). 48 Aldborough road I road, Goodmayes ·
LauderdalP Mrs. 6 Richmond roa~ Luhman Harry William, 6 Sandown .Manchester Frederick, 84 Norfolk l'd.-
Lanrie John, 7 Beaufort garc~'tls grdns. Goodmayes la. Goodmayes Mangold William, I7 Northbrook roar\
Lawes Miss, I8 Belgrave road Luke .A.nthony John, 37 Mansfield road 1 Mann Francis William, 44 Wellwood
Lawrence James, 23 Norfolk road Luke Mrs. 19 Xorthbrook road I road, Goodmayes
Laws ~\.rthur Herbert, 45 Kingswood Lyddon George, ;3 Jlt>lgrave road \1 .Mann Frederick, 27 Woodlands -road
· road, Goodmayes • Lynch Patrick, 44 Aberdour road. :\faun Harry, 10 .Ashgrove ;r:oad{
Lawson Chas. 273 Wanstead Park rd Goodmaves •
I Goodmavrs •
Laws on William, 3 I Endsleigh gardens Lyon Stuart, 38 Emer'~nn rd. Ilhrd Manners Edward Oliver, 13 Mans 1
Layton Godfrey, I 3 Elgin road Garden Subnrb field road I
Lazarus Lewis, 31 Argyle road Lyons Thoma~ Samuel, Lyomdene, Manners Mrs. 4 Redcli:ffe gardens
Leatherdale Alma E.I4 Northbrook rd Wellesley road Mannion Mrs. 6] Richmond road J
Lee Albert Edgar, 13 Balfour t·cad Macadam Jsph. Hancock,3r The Dr:w .Mant Herbert Edward, 63 .A.lbert road
Lee Charles, 8 Selborne road McAllen Ewell, 74 .Aldbcrough road Mapley Robert J. Rsdbri.dge house1:
Lee Charles Richard~, 2 Fethell av1•n. McAnliffe Thomas, 72 Aldborou~h rd, Redbridgt>
llfora Garden Sulmrb Seven Kings ·March Arth. Robt. 121 Cranbrook rd"
Lee George, 3 Coventry road .)>fcAuliffe Timothy, 34 Grosvenor rd Marillier Arthur, 23 .Aberdour road,
Lee Joseph Edward, 19 Balfont' road McBE>an Wm. Hy. ?-7 Empress t:~vmnl' Goodmayes
Lee Mrs. I Wellwood road,Goodmayes McCalla Charles, 84 Balfonr road Marks Harold Beaven, l7 SeymO"IlJt
L~e Mrs. E. J2 Elgin 1·oad McClare Thoma~ Porteeus, so :y{ans- gardens 1
Leech Thomas, 22 Cranbrook park field road . Marks Mrs. 62 Endsleigh gardens ri
Leeman Thoma11, 28 EmeJ"-<on road, McClelland Samttf'l, 17 Kingswood Marks Oscar Beaven, 11 Conrtland av
Dford Garden Suburb road, Goodmayes Marks Sydney John, 23 Northbroolnd
Leleu Henry F:m.s. 9 Woodlands road McCririck Thomas. I Nortbhrook rd Marner Harry Goodwin, 7 Alloa road,
Lello SI .. 16 .Ashgrove rd. Goodmayes McDonald Charles Edgar,6zThe Drive Goodmayes

Le Masurier Thomas, 37 Elmstead rd. McDonaid Frank, 48 Cc-wlt>y road Marriott Charles, 26 Balfour road
Seven Kin!:!S MacDonald James, 9J JJalfour road ~Iarriott Mrs. 9 Green Lane gardf>llS,
Leng James Chu. 7 Vaughan gardns ~Iacdonald John~ z38 High road Green lane
Le Page W11.lter de~ Reaux, ~~ McDonald Mrs. 1 Mayfair avenue Marsden Geo. Hy. 56 Gz·osvenor road
Grosvenor road McFarlane Edwarrl Tal bot, ro8 Wel- Marsh John, 53 De Vere gardens . r
I.esliP Robert. 1 Argvl~>

road lesley r_oad 1.\Iarshall Albert, 44 C.barlbnry gar-•
Lethbridge Henry, Io Burlington ter- MacfHrlane Walter,33 Endsleigh gdns dens, Seven King'l
race, Green lane :\facGorran Alexander, 46 Aberdour MarshaJl Thomas, Knightwick, Cl'anr.
Levi Fredk. Herbt. IO't Cranbrook J'd road, l:roodmaye!- brook park
Levison Edward, 2 Argyle road ::VIac~rf'gnr AlPxamler .John, 3 Bethel Marsh all William, as Albert road r r
Lewis Alfred, I Seymour gardens avenue, Ilford Garden 'Subunb Martin Frederick Wm. 61 Ingleby .rd
Lewis Fredk. Jamp;., 36 Auckland :rd Macgregor John William Horace, 83 Martin George Ernest, 5 Mead's lane,
Lewis George Charles, 46 Elmstead Richmond road Seven Kings
road, Seven King~ Machell Frank Da' id, IQO Albert rd Martin Herbert Edward, 29 ;El.mstead
Lewis Herbert;.. Henry, 3.5 Eastwoorl M·JCintt:!•h Mrs. J. ~L 32 Empress av road, Seven Kings . r -T.
road~. Goodmaves
. McTntnsh RobPrt, 4 Rurlipgton ter- Mart-in Sidney Herbert, Ethelwyn,
Lewis· MisS' E. A. 34 ·.A nckland road race, Green lane ·. ·· We1Ies1ey road ·
Lewis Mr9. 25 Cranbrook park McKay Rev. Hugh B.A,.. (Congrega- Martin Thomas D. Bryantwood,
tional). 56 Wellwood rd.Goodmayes .Auckland road
J)l.RECTOR V.] ESSEX. ILFORD ( G~EAT). 335 William, 53 Richmond road Metcalfe Hugh Cecil, 6 Park avenue ~{orris :Nolan, 13 Kildo11an roa~.
ri. William B. 38 York road Meyrick Gordon Battran,68 Cowley rd Goodma •'"-es
Martyn Louis Jn.3o Cavendish gdns Michael Peter, 55 Cowley road Morris Sidney, 9 Broomhill road;,
Martyr ClareDce Edward, 41 Gros- Michie James, 3 Alloa rd.Goodmayes Goodmayes ·, 1
venGr road 1\liddlemas Robert, 6 Mansfield road Morris Wm.37..\shgrovc rd.Goodmayes
Maskell Mrs. .p !.shgrove road, Middleton Alexander,42 Richmond rd Morris William John, 35 Argyle road
Goodmayes Midwinter Empress av Morrish William, 49 Grosvenor road
MaliOD Edward William, 38 Elmstead Mileham Alfred, 6o Woodlands road Morrison Mathew Peter, -2.9 North-
road, Seven Kings Miles Alfred, 14 Brisbane road brook road .
Mason Edwin John, 5 Belmont road Miles Francis John Richard, 47 Aber- Morrison Micbael, 6r Elmstead road,
Ma<>on Japh. J. 59 De Vere gardens dour road, Goodmayes Seven Kings
Mason Wm. Jas. 40 Seymour gardns Millage John Stuart, 82 ~orfulk road Morse Charles Simlett, 16 Balfour rd
Matoo Thomas, 25 Grosveno:r road Miller Rev. Frederick Octavius, 3 Morse Thomas Harrison, 63 Elgin rd
Matthew William,6o Kensington gdns KPnsing-ton gardens Morton Capt. David, I r Belgrave road
Matthewman Chas. R. 55 Mayfair av Miller Alfred, 53 Kensington gardens Morton George H. 42 Seymour grdns
Matthews Ernest, 29 Argylc road Miller Harry,6 Glenmore ter.Green la Morton Isaac, 32 Elmstead rd. Seven
Matthews John, 9 Bradford Td. Seven MillPr Josiah Harry,32 Charlbm·y gar- Kings
Kings dens, Seven Kings M()rton Richd. Hy. 5 Sunnyside road
.Matthews John, 29 De Vere gardPns Miller Mrs. D. 44 Selborne road Mosden Mrs. 67 Courtland avenue
Matthews John Henry, 27 Elgin road Millican Thos. Chas. 73 Courtland av MoseleyLitchfield, Ten by croft,Park av
Matthew& Mrs. 63 Mansfield road Millingen Morris, 20 Aberdour road, Moss Fdk, Chas. 41 Kensington gdns
1\fatthews Mrs. 198, Richmond road Goodmayes Mott John, 24 Selborne road
Matthews William, 48 Selborne road Mills Bernard, 18 Aldborough road Moule Mrs.14Wellwood rd.Goodmayes
Maudsley Noel M.B. 62 Courtland av Mills Frederick, 113 Cranbrook road Mowle Jabez, 38 Seymour gardens
Maund Richd. Alfd. 17 De Vere gdns Mills Hy. Wm. 141 Cranbrook road Moyniban John Francis, 284 High rd
Maw Charles Frederick, 14 Broomhill Mills Michael, 2 Elmstead rd. Seven Muii·head John, 2-1- Cavendish gardns
Toad, Goodmayes Kings Mulley Edwd. Wm. 6 Cleveland road
Ma.w Henry Frederick, 56 Eastwood Mills Thos. E. 9 Leamington gardens Mulli!.:an Thomas William, 19 Hamil~
road. Goodmayes \fills Endsleigh gdm ton road
Maxfield Thomas, 48 Kingswood road, Milne David, 31 Balfour road Mulling Mrs. 40 Richmond road •
Goodmayes Milne John, 92 Richmond road Mumford Jas. Greyford, Auckland rd
Maxim Hezekiah, 21 Wellwood road, Milne John Ridelsdell, 9 Barley lane, Mumf()rd Jn. Wm. F. q Coventry rd
Goodmayes Goodmayps Mumford Waiter, 70 Mayfair avenue
Maxwell Chas. Thos.2o Beaufort gdns Milner Frdk.sAshgrove rd.Goodmaye!l Muney Ernest, 55 Northbrook road
Maxwell James, 49 Belgrave road :Milner Thomas, 108 ()ranbrook road Mundy Herbert Henry, 7 Green Lane
Maxwell Mrs. 26 Argyle road Milton Joseph Geo.B.13Woodlands rd gardens, Green lane
Maxwell Waiter, 5 Broomhill road, Milward George Edwd. so Balfour rd Mm·ch John Benj. 34 Oakwood grdns
Goodmayes ~1innis Fredk. 'JVn'. 65 Belgrave road Murch John Jerome, 4 Broomhill rd.
May Arthur Jas. 168 Wellesley road Mitchell Rev. John Henry B.A. Goodmayes
May Gladstone Waiter, 237 Wanstead (vicar designate of St. Luke's), 57 Murphy Dennis Andrew,Io Belmont rd
Park road · · Jersey road Murphy Leonard, 6 Burlington ter-
).lay Thomas J. 36 The Drive Mitchell Albert Wm. 70 The Drive race, Green lane
Mayes John, '82 Balfour road Mitchpll .Alfred, 63 Ingleby road Murray Ebenezer Thompson, 8 Court-
Mayhew Geo. Glenhurst, Albert rd Mitchell Archd. M. B. 51 Woodlands rd land avenue
Maylam George, 62 Eastwood road, Mitchell Henry, 23 Mansfield road MmTay Frederick, 33 Norfolk road
Gaodmayes Mitchell James, 95 Balfour road Murray James J. 103 Balfour road
Ma)nard Albt. Edwd.2o-Courtland av Mitchell James, 32 The Drive, Cran- Murray Leslie Claude, 9 Charlbury
Maynard John M. 10 Mayfair avenue brook park gardens, Seven Kings
Mead Ernest .Alex. 38 Cowley road Mitchell Miss, 58 Kensington gardem Murray Thomas, 15 Endsleigh gardens
Mead Wm. :Maxfield, 10 Argyle road Mitchell Mrs. 121 Elgin rd. Svn.Kng• Murray William, 61 Courtland aven
Meadway Fdk. Wm. r Courtland av Mitchell Thomas, 24 Seymour grdm Murray Wm. G. D. 76 Grosvenor rd
Meadway George,13 Beaufort garden-; Mitchell William, 62 Argyle road Musto Frank, 49 Empress avenue
Mearles William, 312 High road MitchPll William Hy. 36 Balfour road Musto James B. 18 Selborne road
Mears Stephen Wm. 308 High road :\lock Janws LPwis William, 317 Musto Stephen James, 29 Alloa road,
Measures Matthew Hy. 14 Mayfair av Wan stead Park road Goodmaves•
Medhurst Edwd. Thos.38 Empress av Moir George, 10 Norfolk road Mutton Ernest Arthur, 6 Beechwond
Medland Edwd. Wm.42 Grosvenor rd Molenkamp Mrs_ 22 Wellesh•y road terrace, Green lane __
Medland John Wilding, 36 Kensing- Monk Harold Ernest Brooks, 8o 1\'[yall Richard, 93 Coventry road
ton gardens Grosvenm• road Nash Edwin Barley, 40 :).:Iayfair aven
:Medley Rev. James Francis M.A. Montgomerie Jas. 8 Redcliffe gardens Wm. 12 Leamington gardens
(chaplain to Dr.Barnardo's Homes), Moodie Thomas, 10 Wellwood road, ~eander Mrs. 78 Balfour road
38b, Mansfield 1·oad Goodmayes ~eck Hubert Edgar,12 Vaughan gdns
Mednikoff Ma:x, 20 Northbrook road Moon Alfred H. 12 Aldborough road, Neil Henrv, •
8 Park avenue
Medniko:fi Mendel,59 Kensington gdns Seven Kings Neill Thomas, 223 Wanstead Park rd
lleech Harold Edgar, I Abbottsford Moon Frederick Albert, 12 Elmstead Netting Charles, 339 Wanstead Pk.rd
gardnA. Abbottsford rd. Goodmayes road, Seven Kings Nettleton Edwin, 15 Bethell avenue,
'Ieech Thomas, ns Coventry road Moor Miss, 31 Mansfield road Ilfnrd Garden Suburb
\<leE-s William, 15 Sunnyside road )loore Rev. Wm. Arth. (Wesleyan), Neumann FredericJ,, 36 Em!'rson rd.
Meikle Alex.7Ashgrove rd.Goodmayea 19 Bethell av.Ilford Garden Suburb Ilford Garden Subm b
MPikle William C. 5 Mansfield road ~1oore BaptistCrawford,6gBelgrave rd Nevell Burdett, 51 Balfour road
Mein Jas. 79 Wellwood rd.Goodmayes Moore Fredk. Saml. 148 Wellesley rd New Francis George, 8o Cowley road
~!drum Harrison, 51 Eastwood rd. Moore Henry, 4 Grosvenor road Newbury Alfred Edward, Springfield,
Goodmayes Moore Miss, 26 Vaughan gardens W ellesley road
Melrose Chas. Jsph. 12 De Vere gdns Moore Robert Nelson, 'JI Elgin road. Newbury Mrs. 26 Belgrave road
Melrose J ames H. 78 Richmond road Seven Kings Newbury Mrs. J. Verona,Wellesley Td
Melvin Edwd. Robt. 68 Grosvenor rd Moore William, 4 .!rgyle road Newell Chas. Henry, 17 Woodlands rd
Mensforth Mrs. C. 30- Elgin road, Moor house Frank, 6 Aberdour gar- Newell Francis William, 10 Elgin rd.'
Seven Kings dens, Green lane, Goodmayes Seven Kings
Menzies James, 19 Kensington g-dns Morgan Fras. Jas. 42 Valentines road Newman Arthur, 209 Wanstead Pk.rd
Yephllm William Alfd. 6 South Park Morgan James Thomas, 3 Argyle rd Newman George William Alfred, 19
erescent, South park, Seven Kings Morgan Miss, 48 Vaughan gardens Oakwood gardens '
Mercer James Simeon, 6 Montrose Morgan Percy, 73 Elgin road, Seven Newman Mi<;s. q Eastwood road;
terrace. Green lane Kings Goodmayes
\lerde:r William Benjamin, 66 Aid- Morgan William Ht>nry, 91 York road ~ ewman William, 28 Argyle road'
borough road, Se~en Kings Morgan Willie, 12 Charlbury gardens, Newman Wm. Watt, 53 Courtland 8'11
Merckel Alfred, T3 Wellwood road, Seven Kings Newport; Mrs. 73 Coventr)' road
Goodmayes Morgans William, Frondeg, Barley Newson Mrs. 8 Kensington gardens
Mered1th Henry B. 8 Sunnyside road lane, Goodmayes Newstead Wm. Albt. V. I I The Drive
Mereon J. Bruce, 4 Park view, Bris- Morris Albert, 14 Argyle road Newton Geo. Edwd. 74 Richmond l'd
bane road Morris · Joseph Henry, 31 Kingswood Nicholl Bert Allan, 6 Ki'ngswood rd!
Messenger Jas. Wm. 33 Courtland av road, Goodmayes Goodmayes
Me\calfe Fdk. 337 Wanstead Park rd Morris Miss,Eastern lodge,259 High rd Nicholl Wm. Harry, 5- Redcliffe'g'dns..
236 lLJt'ORO ( GRt.AT). E~SEX.

Nicholls John :Broad, 74 Cowley ruad · Paeh.f'r Charles Arthur, 132 Mead's Penn Loui, Edwin,6 Oakwood garden!!
Nichols Ohas. A. Bank High rd 1 lane, Seven Kings Penn Thos.140 Mead's la.Seven .Kings
Nichols Robert Thos. M.D 28 Park rd Packer :\frs. 61 De Vere gardens Penney Ferdinand John, 38 Endsleigh
Nicholson Alex. 18 Valentine's road Paddey Rd. Wm. 18 Kensington gdns gardens
Nicholson Charles Edwin John, 38 I Paddon Ralph C. 18 Brisbane road Penney HPnry George, 106 Albert rd
Oourt:and avenue Page Frederick, 24 Aldborough road, Penniall Mrs. 8 Beaufort gardens
Nicholson George James, 40 Wellwood Seven Kings Penrose Geo. William, 46 Belgrave rd
road, Goodmayes Page J n. Knight,37 Leamington ~du, Penwarden James, 59 Grosvenor road
llicholson Percy, 5 Leamington gar- Page Wm.Hy.49 Elgin rd.SevenKings Perkins Alfred Goodwood, 8 Thirl-
dens, Seven Kings Pallant Chas.Wm. Woodside, High rd mere terrace, Green lane
Nicoll Jn.s6 Cameron rd.Seven Kings Palm Edgar Oscar, 28 Grosvenor rd Perren Bertram, I I Holcombe road.

Nightingale James F. 13 Courtland av

Nibhtingale Albt.231 Wanstead Pk.rd Palmar Frederick Wm. 42 Cameron
road, Seven Kings
Ilford Garden Suburb
Perry Edwin Arthur, 30 Argyle road
Nixon James, 20 Kingswood road, Palmer Rev. Patrick (Catholic), The Peters Albert, 263 W anstead Park rd
Goodmayes Rectory, High road Peters Arthur Robert, 124 Albert rd
!hxon William Arthur, 30 Cambridge Palmer Alfred, 34 Woodlands road Pettigt·Pw Jas. 9 Elgin rd. Seven Kings
road, Seven Kings Palmer Charles, Derings, WP-llesley rd Phelps Edmund Samuel John, 22
Noakes Fredk. John, 23 Richmond rd Palmer Charles Shaw, 2 Kingswood Sandown garden,, Goodmayes lane.
Noble C. E. Russell, 10 Valentine's rd road, Goodmayes Goodmayes
Noble Herbert Chas. 20 The Drive Palmer Fdk. J. 341 Wanstead Pk. rd Philip James, 34 Cowley road
Roble Mrs. M. E. 21 :Balfour road ?almer Miss, 50 Norfolk road Phillips David, 2 Granville road
Nolan Mrs. 39 Norfolk road Palmer Samuel Jarvis, so East .... ood Phillips Edward, 34 Elgin rd. Seven
Norford Henry Seel~>y. 4 Kildo~an rd. road, Goodmayes Kings
Go.OOmayes 1
Palmer William, 39 Woodlands road Phillips Harry, 45 Norfolk road
Norman Mt·s. 46 Endsleigh gardens 1 Panchaud Robert .dugustus, 28 Well- Phillips. :Mrs. 40 Belgrave road
Jlorman William G. g Elmstead rd. I wood road, Goodmayes Phillips Mrs. 68 Ingleby road
Seven Kings , Pappaet:"na AlfrPd. 8o Elgin road Philpot Thomas J.P. 7 Holcombe rd.
:Jlorris Geo,J46 Mead's la.SevenKings Pardey Sydney Harry, 21 Betbell av. Ilford Garden Suburb
Norris James Clark, 45 Woodlands rd Ilford Garden Suburb Philpott William Park, 10 Broombill
Norris William H. 41 Aldborough rd Parfitt Frank Jas. a Oakwood grdns road, Goodmayes
North Alfd. Northbury, Brisbane rd Parker Rev. James M.A. (Baptist), :J& Picot George T. 29 Bathurst road
North Fredsrick Arthur, 28 Alloa rd. Richmond road Pierce Edward L., P.A S.I., F.A.I .•
Goodmayes Parker .Albert Edward. 4 Grepn Lane M.R.San.L 46 WPllwood rd. Good-
:Northcott Miss, 59 Norfolk rd. Seven 1 gardens, Green lane mayes
Kings I Parker Ernest Wilfred, 2 Aberdonr P1ercy Creighton, 33 Argyle road
Jiorton Harry Edwd. 22 Grosvt>nor rd I gardens, Green lane, Goodmayes Pike George, 18 Courtland avenue
Norton John Henry, 72 Norfolk road, Parker Frank Emerson, 36 Oakwood Pike Maximillian S. 77 The Drive
Norton Stphn. Jas. 29 Cranbrook prk I g:udens Pike Thomas Henry, 84 Coventry rd
Nunn James C. 45 De Vere gardens Parker John, 59 :Balfour road Pike William, 32 Auckland road
Nuttall Alfred, 40 Gowley road Parker John Samuel, 26 Aldborougb Pilbeam George, 310 High road
Nye George Ernest, 64 Argyle road road, Seven Kings Pillow Charles, so Courtland avenue
Oates Albert, 38 Leamington gardens Parkinson William Arthur Benson, 6!.1 Pines Philip, 2 Sunnvside road
Oates Geoffrey Eugene M.D. Straffon- Courtland avenue Pinnock Rufus, 16 Northbrook road
dale, :Brisbane road 1 Parr Henry William, 58 The Drive Piper Benjamin, 26 Northbrook road
Oates Mrs. 83 Balfour road '>arr Thomas, 39 Eastwoud rd. Good- Piper Henry Thomas, 44 Mayfair av
O'Brien John, 37 Norfolk road mayes Pithouse Mrs. 81 Grosvenor road
O'Callaghan Miss, 20 Woodlands road Parry Robt. Geo. 6 Redcliffe gardem Pitkethly James B. 44 :Balfour road
Ockenden Geo. Wm. 156 Wellesley rd Partington Adam. 21 Tillotson road. Pitt Alexander Edward,28 Aldborough
Ockenden Robert, 6 Sunnyside road ' Ilford Garden f'uburb road, S9ven Kings
Odell Herbert George, 57 Wellwood Partridge A.rthur .Jame,, 89 Elgin rd Pitt Wm. Edward, 41 Woodlandil road
road, Goodmayes SPven Kings Pitta.rd John, 30 Mansfiel!l road
Offord William Henry, 15 Tillot«on Partrid!;"e Ernest Alfred, 12 Kildowan Pittman Matthew, 74 Elgin road,
r'1ad, llford Garderr Suburb road, Goodmaves Seven Kings
Ogilvie John, 14 Oakwood gardens Patmore Richard W. 42 :Belgrave rd Plater .Alfred Joseph, g6 A.lbArt road
Okey Miss, n6 We~lesley road Paton Fr~>derick, 55 Norfolk road. Plowman Mrs.9 Wellwood rd.Goodmys
Oldaker J. B. 261 H1gh road Seven Kings Plumsted Harrv Rt. 2 Vaughan gdns
Olding Ernst.Edwards,nRicbmond rd Patterson George, 54 Aldborough rd Polatch Henry Alfred,15 Grosvenor rd
Oliver Henry, 7 Valentine's road Seven Kin~s Pollock J nhn, 6o ~-\ rgyle road
Oliver Svdnsy Richard, 8g Cowh>y rd Patterson Wm. H. 99 Richmond road Poltock William Gt>o. 62 Cowley Td
Oliver Waiter, 44 Norfolk road Pattinson H. F. 64 Aldborough road. Ponder Morton, 7 Coventry road
Olsson Gustaf, 24 Coventry road Seven Kings Poolll Joseph, 9.S Richmond road
Olvett Mrs. 81 Richmond road Pattinsou Joseph, 6 Beaufort g-ardens Poolman George, 282 High r"!ld
O'Neill Gervase, 87 Balfour road Pattinson J!<ph.Wm.27EndslE>ig-h gdm Popldn Andrew Percy, 55 Elmstt\ad
Oram Herbert, 64 :Mayfair avenue Pattison Albert John, 8 Kingswood road. Seven Kings
Orford Herbt. Fredk. 56 Selborne rd road, Goodmayes Pllrt William HPnry,m2 Richmond rd
Oris-Bird Eruest, 12 Mayfair avenue Pattrick Arthur, 8 South Park cres- Porter JosPph Jas. 26 ValentinP's rd
0l'mrod Fredk. Wm. 78 Grosvenor rd cent, South park, Seven Kings Porter William Alfred, 21 Charlbury
O'rmston Henry :Moore, 7 Selborne rd Paul William, 168 Ralfour road g<trdens, Seven Kincrs
__.A1rpen Joseph Jn. 19 Woodlands rd Pavie William, go Balfour road Potter Alexander, 21 Redcliffe gardns
Osboru Arthur lvor, 44 Kensington Payne Albert Henry, 4 :Broomfield Potter .:\rthur, 24 Vaurhan gardPns
g-ardens gardens, Green lane, Goodmayes PnttPr Henry, r8 Beaufort gardens
Osborne FTedk. Wm. 99 Cranbrook rd Peabody Rev. JamE>s Hy. M.A. (vica1 Potter Joseph Gunton, 46 Cowley rd
Osborne Henry Charles, 81 El~in road of St. John's), St. John's vicarage. Pottie George, 42 Mansfield road
Osborne Joseph, 150 Mead's lane, St. John's road Pottle ErnE>st Frederick, go Elgin rd.
Seven Kings Peace Geor~e. Argyle, Cran brook pk SPven Kin!!B
Oshorne Joseph Che1ry,42 :Belmont rd Peach Fredk. W. 4 Seymour g-arden~ Potts Leonard. 14 Cranbrook park
Osborne William McCreedy, 20 Cran- Pearee Alfred George, 14 Kingswood Potts Wm. Bain, ro Redcliffe gdns
brook park road, Goodmayes Poulsen Otto, 26 Sandown gardens,
Osmond Wm. Tbos. 53 Woodland~ l'd Pearce Chas. Harold,27 Valentine's rd Goodmaves hne, Goodmayes
Ottaway Rev. A.rthur Wyndham M.A. Pearce Francis Axson, 68 Norfolk road Poulson Chas.Dawkin, TgCam bridge I'd
(vicar of Ilford), Vicarage, Gran- Pearce Thomas Jewel,72 Grosvenor rd Poulter Benjamin, 102 Balfour road
villt> road Pparce William. 43 Coventry road Pnnnd G~>orge, 57 KPnsin!!ton gard!'ns
·Ould Franklin, 82 Grosvenor road Pearkes Arth. Edwd. 2 Coventry rd Pnup,rd Ernel"t AlhPrt. 76 M<~yf11ir av
Outten George William, 20 Elmstead Pearson Alfd. Jas. 8 Oakwood g-dns Powell James Bradsbaw, 26 The Dri-ve
road, Seven Kings 'earson Ht>nt'y, 29 Courtland avPnne Powell Mrs. 5 lJalfour ro11d
Overtun G~01·ge Waterman, 76 Conrt- Pearson Leonard,16 Sandown gardens. Powell Oswald Everard M.B. 13
land avenue Goodmayes lane, Goodmayes Cameron road, Seven Kings
Owen Mi~s. 3 Richmond road Pearson Leunard Robertson, 40 KE>ns- Powell William, n Beaufort gardeni
Owen Robed, 71 Mayfair avenue ington gardens Pratt George Fredk. 49 Selborne rd
Owen William Augustus, 31 Alloa rd. 0 cel William, 176 Balfour road Pratt Henry, 4 :Balfour road
Goodmayes •eng~>lly Thomas Goldswortby, 40 Bel- Pratt Miss, 57 Riehmond road
Oxer John Stanley, 78 Cowley road n!ont road
'Pratt William, 12 Belmont road Reindorp Rev. Hector William M.A. Rogers Thos. Arth. 14 Vaughan gdns
Precious Geo. Luke, I6o Wellesley rd (vicar of ..!.11 Saints'), Vicarage, Rolfe Albert John, 13 Belgrave road
Prentis Chas. Edwin, 52 Argyle road Broomhill road, Goudmaye, Rolfe Henry Arthur Sissons,s Broom-
Prentis ErnestWalter,55 Courtland av Rendle Jn. 18 Wellwood rd. Goodmys field gard{'ns, Green la. Goodmayea
Pressman ~uhn Wm. 78 lngleby rd Renowden John P. 56 Valentine·s rd Rolfe Henry Charles, 73 Norfolk road
Pribul Ferdinand Charles, 28 Wood- Revill John F. 67 Argyle road Rolfe Mrs. 51 Belgrave road
lands road Rew Thomas Hem·y, 6 ..!.lloa gardpns, Rollinson George, uo Albert road
Price John Edmnnd Victor, 303 ..!.bbottsford road, Goodmayes Romain Henry, 8g York road
Wanstead Park road Reynolds Chas. W. 31 Empress aven Roofe Henry, 35 Mayfair avenue
Price Thos. Vaughan, 49 Cowley rd Reynolds Daniel, 3 Redcliffe gardens RoJkwood Joseph, 44 Kingswood rd.
Price Wm. Joseph, 35 .Airlie gardns Reynolds Edwd.Gore,54Valentine's rd G-oodruayes
Pridmore Harry Letts, 67 Belgrave rd Reynolds John, 4 De Ve1e gardens Roper Alfred Edward, 2 Broomhill rd.
Prime Thos. Wm. 41 Selborne road Reynolds Mrs. 8o Richmond road Goodmayes
Prince f'harl•s, 170 Wellesley road Reynolds William, 105 Cranbrook rd Rosbrook George William, 7 Bradford
Prior John, 9 Hig-h road Reynolds Wm. Hy. 14 Mansfield road road, Seven Kings
ProC'ter Erne:.t Jas. 46 Empress aven Rice Edward, 63 Grosvenor road Rose Charles F. W. 74 Cranbrook rd
iPryde Capt. Geo. Estell,59 Ingleby rd Rich Geo. Thos. 21 Endsleigh gdn~ Ruse John Charles. 8 ..:Ulna gardens,
Punchard George, 28 Richmond road Richards Arthur A.braham, 14 Red- A.bbottsford road, Goodmayes
Purkis Henry S. 18 Mayfair avenue 1
cliffe gardens Rose Mrs. 75 York road
IPurkiss Henry Wooton, 13 Charlbury Richard<> Mr~. 28 Oakwood gardens RJsP Waiter, 17 Valentine's road
gardens, Seven Kings Richards Wm. 309 Wanstead Park rd Ross .Alexander Tomey, II2 Norfolk rd
.Pnrry Arthur Edward, 52 The Drive Richardson .ArtLur, 59 Richmond rd Ross .Arthur, 6 Vaughan gardens
Pusey George, 12 Woodlands road Richardson ChailPb Dudley,27 Sunny- Ross Jame8 Henry, 64 Balfour road
oQnick Chas. Sebastian, 53 Valentine's side road R u-.p Bertram James, 6 Tillotson
road Richardson Ed"ard Jn. 45 Elgin rd 1 md. Ilford Guden Suburb
Quv Geo. Herbert. 106 Balfour road Richard:.on Geu. Courtena), 48 Charl- J1 Jtto.e FrPcierick J n. 21 Valentine's rd
Rabbitts Sidney Hugh, 18 Aberdour bur) garden~, SeYen King-> Rontcliff,, '\/[r>(. 7-1- Courtland avenue
road, Goodmayes Richardson Thomas Ashworth, 49i Routledge Waiter George. 18 Ends-
'lbce John, 108 Elgin rd. Seven King:;~ Mansfield road I leigh gRrdens
Rackham Chas. Geo. 67 Wellwood rd Richbell Thomas, 25 Sunn)side road Rowe James Wm. 13 Endsleigh grdn1
Raddon George, 49 .Argyle road Ilichman Geu. Jas. 19 Selborne rd Rowe John Daniel, 9 Kildowan road,
Radford George, 3 Valentine's road Rider William Jsph.55 De Vere grdns Goodmayes
Rae James Burnett M.B. 10 Cran- Ridgley William Humm, 34 York rd Rowla11d Henry, 17a, Richmond road
brook pari, Ridley Waiter .Toseph, 9 Mayfair aven Rowland William Henry, 81 Albert rd
"Rae John, 7 Bethell avenue, llford Rldont Cyril .T'lllles. 26 ..\lloa road, Howlatt John Knight, 7 Mayfair awn
Garden Suburb Goodma:vP~ Roy James, 47 Cowley road
Rae Robt. 1 N1>rfolk rd. Seven Kings Ridout Mrs. 6 Broomfield gardens. Royall William, 53 Empress avenue
J:(aiman Miss, I Leamington gardens Green lane, Goodmayes Royle Waiter J oseph, 43 Eastwood
Ralston .Alex. 20 Leamington gardens Ries Mrs. 45 .Aberdour rd.Goodmayes road, Goodmayes
Ralston Mrs. 22 Elmstead rd. Seven I:.imbault Edw:ud Fras. 93 ~-\.lbert rd R n ~tun J:nnP'1. 3 Dt> Vt>re gardens
Kings Ri,.t Ht>nry R~lht 25 SPymour gardns Ruffhead Ed"ard A. 79 Woodlands rd
"Ralston Mr:.. 63 Seymour gardens Ritchie James Sherret, 6 Broomhill Rugg Clifford Geo. 25 Northbrook rd
Ralton .1lan Kingsley,r3 Sunnjside rd road, Goodmayes Rust' :Mrs. 49 Richmond road
'Ramsay William, 21 Northbrook road Rite hie )lrs. 45 ~<'~ mo1u !.(anh·ns Russell Chas. Jsph. 27 Cranbrook pi
Ramsden Horace Geo. 48 Ma)fair av Rivers-CJle Harultl Roht. 150 Hi~h rd Rus;:ell Charles Wm. 56 Empress av
Randall Edward Sutton, 32 Elgin rd Robb David, 37 Mayfair avenue Russell FrJnk, Iona, Park avenue
"Randall Frank, 73 Wellwood road, Robbie David, 65 Nortbbrook road Russell John Hunter, 23 Belgrave rd
Goodmayes R'lhbins Jamt>s HPDI"} B.Sc., F.C.S Ru~sell Redmond Morres, 1 Orchard
'Randall Herbert Wormald, 40 Auck- rg .1rg) le road gardPns, High road
land road Roberts Alfred Edward, 40 Learning- Uu;:..;ell Stuart .Arthur C.E. 27
Randall Horace, 32 Selborne road ton gardens Coventry road
Randall John Hooper, 4'> Richmond rd Roberts Charles, 15 Northbrook road Rutherford Alex. M.B., C.M.46 South
"Randall Leonard, 20 Eastwood road, Roberts :Mrs. 15 Kensington gardens P11rl, paradf'. GrePn lanf'
Goodmayes Roberts Mr~. Elit.abeth,162 Balfour rd RnthPJ'ford .RohPrt Fairless, 105
R'lndell Thomas Hy. 104 Wellesley rd Roberts Rd. Edmnnd, 8 Grosvenor t•d C'ovPntry road
Bankin John McKechie,73 Wellesley rd Roberts Samuel, 74 Argyle road Rnttv ~£i'lses, 16 Mansfield road
Raukin Robert, 58 Endsleigh gardens Rouertson HarT>'y, 7 ~m folk road R~ m•·r Freclk. J. 8 Belmont road
Ransley Wm.Jao;;. 13 Leamington gdns Robertson James, 56 The Drive Sadler Alfred, 59 .Albert road
Ranson Harry .John, 26 Seymour gdns Robertson Mrs. 45 Selborne road ~:-~hnon Ernt>"t Hinkly, 57 South
Rapkin Edward, 22 Valentine's road llobertson Tho". 28 Seymour gardens Park drive. South park,SevenKings
Rapkin William, 83 Coventry road Robertson Wm. P. 22 Cavendish gdns Salmon Frederick, 55 Coventry road
Rawkins Aaron, II2 Cranbrook road Robertson Willie Donald,63 The Drive '-\-.tlmon Mrs. E. F. :Ji2 l'Iorfolk road
RawlingsWm.Geo.33 Leamington gdns Robinson Edmund T. 17 Cambridge Salter Waiter Percy, 37 Elgin road,
Rawlins John William, 46 Argyle rd road, Seven Kings Seven Kings
Rayment Donald, 35 South Park drivt> Robinson Edward, 30 Auckland road Sammes William, so York road
Rea James Thos. 1 Grosvenor road Robinson FredPri1·k Rolwrt-;, 1 Beau- S>tmpson Alfred, 3 Toronto road
Read Henry Finch, 70 Eastwood rd fort gardens "a1mwl Rt>r. Elijah BPndM-, 31 East-
Goodmayes Robinson Fredk. \\"m. 56 Norfolk rd wood road. Goodmaye~
Ream ReL Charle..; Francis M.A. Robinson George William, Tudor ho. Sandpman Peter,29 Endsleigh gardent
(Wes.), Burlington ho. Green la Cranbrook park ~annPr~ .lames Ernt>st Paul, 36 North-
Reaside Archibald Murray, 75 Rich- Robinson Henry, 79 Elgin rd.Svn.Kng~> brook road
mond road Rohinson .Janw~. III CDwntry road ;;: mdt>rs :\'Ir~. 27 .\lloa rd. Goodmayes
Reddan Clifford, 35 Cambridge road, Robinson PeTcy G. 8 Wellesley road Sandt>r-,<ln HNbf'rt, 63 Belmont rd
Seven Kings Robin~on Sidne~-, 15 Mansfield road fhrfal' "\<Yaltt>r. 121 Coventry road
Reddick Ernest Sidney, 30 Emerson Rubison Jn. Wm. 12 Beaufort gardns ')a-.,..p Yic-tnr .\rthnr, 61 Belmont :rd
road, Ilford Garden Suburb Robson Jn. Reginald, 87 Richmond rd ~atterthwaite Edwd. 43 Courtland aT
'Reed Fredk. Wm. 12 Cavendish gdn!! Robson Joseph, 24 Charlbur~ gardens. ~am1•lPJ'~ Ht•J·hert Dohin;oon.251 Wan-
Reed Geor~e Henry, 36 Cowley road Seven Kings sh•ad Park roarl
Reed Herbert, 23 Seymour gardens Robson Leonard C.F.32 Redcliffe gdm Saunde,·s Thomas Arthur, 16 Red~
Reekie Andrew Scott, 2.5 Empress av Robson Robert Boyd M.B-40 Cameron cliffe ~<!rdens
Rees Rees Vaughan, 9 Empress aven road, Seven Kings Saurin Cha-.. Wm. ->2 Richmond rd
RP{'VE' Arthur, 10 Grel:'n Lane (!'ar- Roche John, 52 Kensington gardens sa,·ill Percy FTedPrick, Parkfield,
dt>ns, Gr!'l'n lane Rochester Arthur Charles, 43 South Cranbrook park
P.eeves J.rthur John, 26 Mayfair aven Park drive Say William ~-\.ugustus, 30 Elmstead
Beeves Mrs. 47 Eastwood rd.Goodmys Rockcliffe Arthur Hy. 57 Ingleby rd road, Seven Kings
Regan Charles, 37 Richmond road Rogers Albert Grant, g6 Cowley road Sayer James Henry, 54 Courtland av
Regan Thos. 68 Elgin rd.Seven Kings Rogt>rs Echdn Han), 81 Coventry rd Scacf' Alfd. Jam~>s, 41 Empress aven
Reid Robert, 41 Argyle road Rugers Harry Thompson, 6 Belgrave rd Scanlan Ed ward Patrick, 77 Elgin rd.
Reidy Mrs. 43 Empress avenue Rog-ers John, 10 Tillotson road, Ilford Seven Kings
Reimann Frank Pritchard, so Elm- Garden Suburb Scarff Robert Wm. 14 Wellesley road
stead road, Seven Kings Rogers Mrs. M. A.. 3 Montrose ter- Sceats Hl'nry Robert, 65 Richmond rei
· race, Green lane Schlosser J oseph, 14 Empress F·venue
E~~=wx 22

Scoffham FrPdk. G 42 Vaugnan gdns sncock 1\-Villiam James~ ~ Charlbury Snape Mrs.27 Kingswood rd.Goodm,_
Seotcher Charles Wm. 8o Balfour rd gardens, Seven Kings SnelgJ!ove Rev. Rqbert Manrioo- (Bap".}
Scotland Harry, 48 Norfolk road Simmonds John, 20 Grosvenor road tist), 30 Bathurst road
Seott Fridulph Wm. 33 Richmond rd Simmons Pbilip Robert, 30 Alloa I'd. Snow Mrs. 37 Kensington gardt>u..
Scott Mrs. 8 Aberdoor rd. Goodmayes Goodmayes Sofio Ernest H. 14 The Drive
S('ott Mrs. 32 .irgyle road Simmons William, 172 Balfour road Solly .Albert, 59 Argyle road
Scott Thos. Gt>_o. 1{) Belgra\·e road Simona Eugene, 16 Aldborough road Solly John, I Beechwood ter.Green la
Scott Waiter John Stewart, 135 Elgin Simpson Isaiah Chas.s1Northbrook rd Souster James Henry J.P. Brooklandt;
road, Seven Kings Sims Thomas, I I I Balfour road Holcombe rd. Ilford Garden Suburb
Scott William C. 9 Selborne road Sinclair Edmund, 13 Kingswood road, Souster John Williarn, 34 Emerson
Seager A.lex. J n. 21 Woodlands road Goodmayes road, Ilford Garden Suburb
Seagers Fredk. Robt. 79 Richmond rd Sissons Ernest Wm. 12 Coventrv rd Souter James. 4 Valentine's road
Searle Fred Goodman, 8 Endsleigh Skelsey' George, 3 Mayfair avenue Southern Arthur George Heron, 24
gardens Skene Robert, 158 Balfour road Emerson rd. Ilfordo Garden Suburb
Searle Wm. James, 70 Ingleby road Skuffham Harry Robt. 24 Brisbane rd Southgate George Waiter, 9 Ashgrove
Seaton William Thos. 40 Argyle road Slater Christr. 13 Cambrid·ge 1·oad road. Goodmayes
Seckler Hermann, 35 .Ashgrove road, Slater Edward Thomas, 102 Elgin Sowerby John Fr~>derick,7o Cowley rlf
Goodmayes road, Seven Kings Sparl~:s Harry, 6r Argyle road
8eddon Wm. Ernest, 23 ~ayfair aven Slater Fredk. Jn. 30 Northbrook rd Sparks William Nathaniel, ~8 Mans.!
Sedgwick Miss, 45 Empress avenue Slater Sidney George, 23 Tillotson rd. field road
Senst Otto, 75 Woodlands road Ilford Garden Suburb Sparrow-Sirnpson Rev. Williarn Jn.
Seymour .Alfred Ern est, 2II Wan stead Slater Wm. Jas. 41 Oakwood gardens D.D. (chaplain of St. Mary's
Park road · Slaughter William, 5 St. John's road, Hospital). St. :Mary's Hospital,
Shaboe Geo. 6 Elgin rd. Seven Kings Seven Kings Hig-h road
Shaboe James Edward, 63 Wellwood Slaytor Edwd.Morris,105Grosvenor rd Spearing James, 65 Mansfield road
road, Goodmayes Sloan EdwinJas.55Elgin rd.Svn.Kings ,Speck Harrv Thomas, 39 Aldboro\lgh
Shafe .Augustus, 40 Elmstead road, Sly Miss, 16 Wood·lands road · road, SPven Kings
Seven King& Small Jas. 130 Elgin rd. Seven King" Spelling Alfd. Jas. I I Cranbrook pk
Shale William, 9 Valentine's road Small Thomas, 13 Norfolk road Sp~>ncer George, go Cowley road
Shannon William, 4I Charlbury gar- Smart David Mitchell, 51 Argyle road Spencer Geo. 32I Wanstead Park :rd
dens, Seven Kings Smith Rev. Frank Herbert (Baptist), Spencer Wait. Rbt. 21 Oakwood grdns
Shapland Phillip Passmore, 37 The 40 Grosvenor road Spinner Miss, 55 Albert road
Drive Smith .A.lfred,4 Glenmore ter.Green la Spitzel John, 12 York road
Sharland Richard W. I Toronto road Smith Alfred, 11 Sunnyside road Spooner Harry Glanville, sen. 38
SharlesFredk.Fras.277Wanstead Pk.rd Smith Alfred Ernest, 36 Goodrnaves Grosvenor road
Sharp John Owen, 61 The Drive road, Goodrnayes · Spratt Sidnev Wait. q8 Richmond rd
Sharpless George, no Cranbrook road Smith Arthur James, I Barlev lane. Sprosen .A. E. 83 lngleby road
Shaw .Albt. 1 Lynford gdns.Svn.Kings Goodmayes · Spurr Tom Ernest, r8 Empres! aven
Shaw Arthur I!enry, 38 .irgyle road Smith Charles, 77 Coventry road Squire Rev. John Henry B.A., B.D.
Shaw Herbert, 1 Valentine's road Smith Chas.67Elmstead rd.Svn.Kings (United Methodist), 33 Wellwood
Shaw John Custance, West Ham Smith Chas. Hy. 24 Kensington gdns road, Goodmayes
Borough .Asylum, Barley lane, Smith Charles William, 41 Elgin Staeev Thomas GeorgP, 6o EastwooJ
Goodmayes road, Seven Kings - road, Goodmayes
Shead Benj. Arthur, 35 Woodlands rd Smith Chas. Wm. 4I Northbrook rd ~tainforth .Jn.Monnier.'('( Grosvenorr~
Shears Mrs. 58 Selborne road Smith David, 67 The Drive S!tainthorpe John William, Barley
Sheat William J. 120 Cranbrook road Smith Edward, 49 Northbrook road lane, Goodrnayes
Sheen Percy Charles, 19 St. John's Smith Ernest, 17 Elmstead road, Standfast John Thomas, 3t Good-
road, Seven Kings Seven Kmgs mayes road, Goodmayes
Sheilston Mrs. 46 Cameron rd. Seven Smith Franlr, 48 Woodlands road Stanger John trrant. 8q Richmonrl r8
Kings Smith Frank Harry, 8 Alloa road, Stanham .Arth.Leslit>,36 Grosvenor rd.
Sheldrick Francis, 47 The Drive Goodmayes Stannard Albert Gt>orge, 59 Wellwoo~
Sheldrick Miss, 31 De Vere gardens Smith Frederick Charle·s, 3 I Elmstt>ad road. Goodmayes
Shelton Henry John, 16 Kildowan rd. I'Oad, Seven Kings St~nsfeld Herbert Charles, 27 Learn·
Goodmayes Smith Fredk. Roland, 47 Empress av mgton gardens
Shenton Joseph Thomas,34 Argyle rd Smith George, 25 Coventry road Stanton Thomas Wm. 63 Balfour roa<t
Shephard C. S. 24 Elmstead road, Smith Harry Ernest, 7 Alloa gardens, Staples Mrs. 11~ ~lg-in road
Seven Kings Abbottsford road, Goodmayes Stapley Geo. Ma1tland, r8 Coventry
Shepheard Frank Browning,265 Wan- Smith Henry Arthur, 41 Richmond rd road .
stPad Park road' Smith Herbert Edwy, 154 Balfour rd Starkey Georg-e, I I EndslPIQ'h !!!lrdt>n•
Shepheard Richard, 4 South Park Smith Herbt. Walt. 86 Grosvenor rd Starkey William. 45 The Drivt>
crescent, South park, Seven Kings Smith Howitt, 76 Cowley road Steam Amos, 2 Wellesley road
Shepherd Charles Edward, 64 Elm- Smith Jas. Allen, 103 Cranbrook rd Stedman Leonard JamPs, 71 Court-
stead road. Seven Kings Smith James D. 93 Elgin rd.Svn.King~ land· avenue
Shepherd Edgar Jas. 3 Grosvenor rd Smith Jas. Jn. 28 Redcliffe gardens Steed George Edward, 55 Wellwood'
Shepherd George G. Iris bank, Smith Jn. 1 Ashgrove rd. Goodmayes road, Goodmayes
Cranbrook park 8mith .Tohn, 24 Belgrave road Steel John Wesley, Upton ho.use.
Shepherd William C. 17 Coventry rd Smith John Robert, 85 York road Brisbane road
Sheppard Fredc. 311 De V ere gardens Smith Jn. Wm. 47 Vernon gardens Steele Geor!!e Wm. 84 Cranbrook rd
Sherrard Arthur Marchant, 111 Cran- Smith Joseph William, 94 Albert rd Steele William I. 67 Coventry road
brook road Smith Julius Hodgetts, I Cambrido-e Steen James Ross M.D. 22 'l,'he Drive
Sherrard HPrbert John, 81 The Drive road, Seven Kings "' Steen Wilfred A. 165 Tiford lane
Sherrard John, 43 Selborne road Smith Mrs. 45 Kensington gardens Steggles Fredk. Geo. 8o Uoventry rd
Sherrard Mrs. A. 16 Courtland aven Smith :Mrs. 39 Mayf:lir avenue Stennin~ Henry, 16 Norfolk road
Sherry Alfred Herbert, 24 The Drive Smith Mrs. J. A. 61 Belgrave road StephPns Frederick, 29 Wellwood. rd.
Sherwood Jas. Lincoln, 30 Mayfair av Smith Mrs. M. A. I02 Albert road Go0dmaves
Shingleton A. W. 5 Argyle road Smith Richard Tanner, 5 Aberdour Stephens Ja!'l. ~\nQ"nstus. 8 Argylt> rd
Shingleton Mrs. :n4 Mortlake road rond, Goodmayes Stephens Robl'rt Angustus. 6x 'Mav~
Shipman James Hy. 17 Snnnyside rd Smith Thomas Henry, 18 Sandown fair avenue '
Sohoesmith John, 10 Selborne road gardens, Goodmayes la. Goodmayes Stephens Samuel, 39 De Vere grdns
Sholl Arth. Carvannel, Cranbrook pk Smith Thos. Nathaniel,1o2 Norfolk rd ~tPphPnson Mi~s. 25 Kingswood road,
Shore William Booth B.A. 40 Aid- Smith Thos. Paget, 63 Woodlands rd Goorlmayes
borough road Smith Thomas Spier, 6 Kildowan rrl. Stephings Thos. Hubert, 57 Argyle rd
Shortland Charles, 61 Endsleigh gdns Goodmayes ~tPvem Arth. Erlwin, 65 Grol'venor rd
Shotton Capt. Stephen,zg Coventry rd Smith Vernon, 61 Coventry road Stevens Edwin Henry, 21 Eastwood.
Shread .Alfred, 24 Sandown gardens, Smith William, 75 Elgin road Toad. Goodmayes
• Goodmayes lane, Goodmayes ~mith William Chas. 64 Norfolk rd Stevens Richard Henry, 140 High rd
Shrives John, 21 Selborne road Smith Wm.Gregory.46 Vaughan gdm Stevens Torn Felce, so Richmond rd
Sibley George William, 57 The Drive ~mith Wm. HPathcote, 3 Selborne rd Stevenson Frank Arnold, 75 Mayfair
Sibley Miqs, 105 Balfour road ::jmith Wm. Jame~. 26 Belrnont road avenue
Silcock Mrs. 8r St. Mary's road Smither William, ~5 Endsleigh gdns Stewart Miss,138Elgin rd.Seven Kings
Silcock Thomas Edward, 70 Elmstead ::jmyth Charles, 8 Brisbane road . Stewart Mrs. 25 Bei.g--rave road
road, Seven Kings Smythe Sidney H.r8 Redcliffe gardem Stewart Samuel, 35 De Vera garden&
St~wart William, 104 Norfolk road Tellbntt ~lbert Edward, 36 Elmstead TubbiS Henry James, 40 ~berdour rd.
Stickland Pras.Saml. no Wellesley rd road, SeYen Kings Goodmayes
Still Charles, 16 Grosvenor road Tee George William, 49 Norfolk road Tuck R. W. 67 Balfour l'Oad
Stockell George William Henry, 18 Tee Samnel, II2 Wellesley road Tucker George, 13 Argyle road
Charlbury gardens, Seven Kings TPesdale Edwd. Fras.82 Cranbrook rd Tucker Geo. Ernest, 10 Vaughan gdns
"Stockley Waiter, 6r .A.lbert road Templar William George, 102 .Ald- Tucker Wm. Sansome, 16 Park a.ven
Stoker Charles Ernest, 40 Selborne rd borough road, Seven Kings Tudman .Martin John,g De Vere gdns
Stokes Hy. Ernest, 65 Wellesley rd• Templeman Frank, 66 Mayfair aYenue TupperWilliam Lloyd Leigh, 9 Thirl-
Stone Hv. John, jun. 59 Courtland av Terrell James, 39 Argyle road mer!' terrace. Green lane
Stone Henry John, Gaysham lodge, TPrry Mrs. 25 Oakwood gardens Turnbull Wm.Eben.61 Northbrook r(l
l;t55 High road Thatcher James, 3 Sunnyside road Turner Charles, 15 Woodlands road
Stoneham .A.rthur, 49 Wellwood road, Thaw AndrPw, 21 Courtland avenue Turner Edwd. Albt. 32 Oakwood gdn~
Goodmayes Thayer .\lbert Edwarrl, 7 .Mead"s hme. Turner Ernest Gecrrge, 74 Narfolk rd
Stoneham Pbilip Robert, 30 Kings- Seven Kings Turner Thomas, 152 Wellesley road
wood road, Goodmayes Thearle Tbos. 21 Leamington gardn'l Turner "William ,hthur, 6 .A.rgyle rd
Stonehouse James Hy. 29 Wellesley rd Thirsk Edg-ar James, 4 Beechwood Turville Miss, 6g Balfour road
Storr Bertram Vincent, 26 The tPrrarP. Green lane Tutcher William ..lrthur,B4 Cowley rd
Square, Ilford Garden Suburb Thirsk William, 20 Balfour road Twaits James, 14 Endsleigh gardens
Stovin Cornelius Predk. 'M.A., D.P.H. Thoburn Arthur G. 4 .A.berdour g-ar- Tweeddale Henry John, 68 Balfour rd
B.C.P.S.Lond. Wanstead Park road dens, Green lanP, Goodmaves Twitchett Ernest Joseph, 96 Elgin rd
Stdw Thomas James, 5 \-Yoodlands rd Thomas Alfd. Wm. n3 Coventry rd Tyler Albert Edward, 66 Ingleby rd
Stowell Arthur, 27 Courtland avenue Thomas Bertram, 6o Elgin road Tyler Ernest, 82 Cowley road
Street .A.lbert John, 14 .Aldboroug-h rd Thomas David George, 33 Kensing- Tyler Mrs. 27 Cambridge road
Stron~r David Robert T., M.B., C.M. ton ~ardens Tyman Thomas Henry, 16 Eastwood
n St. John's road Thomas Edgar, 38 Selborne road road, Goodmayes
Stroud Chas. Edwd. 52 Seymour gdns 'l'homas Henrv Esmond, 58 Elgin rd. Tyrer Thomas, 26 De Vere gardens
Stroud Mrs. 148 Mead's la. SevenKings Seven lGng~ Tyson James William, 4 Highland,;
Strond Robert J.P. Barley hall, Barley Thomas JamPs, 65 Belmont road terrace. Highlands !!'ardens
lane, Goodmayes Thomas Sidney James, 81 Elmstead Ullmer Jn.6o Elmstead rd.SevenKings
Btrudwick Clarence John, 43 .A.ber- road, Seven Kings Unwin H1ury George, 6 Balfour road
dour road, Goodmayes Thompson .A.lexander,33Seymour gdm Upsdale John, 36 Redcli:ffe gardens
Struthers .A.rtbur. n Norfolk road Thompson John 'Edward, 88 Elgin Urlwin Waiter John,56 Seymour gdns
Stubbs Sydney And!'rson, 38 Auck- road, Seven Kings Urhdn William James Snaw,. 14
land road Thompson Mrs. 48 Cameron road, Charlbury gardens, Seven Kings
Stumbles Henry James, 92 Albert rd Seven Kings Vandy Edward George, 53 Welhrood'
Sturgeon Herbert John, II2 Elgin Thompson Wm.Geo.28Cavendish gdn8 road, Goodmayes
road, Seven Kings Thomson Charles, 55 Empress avenue Vareld Thomas. 3Q Elgin road
Sturgis Mrs. 20 Brisbane road Thomson David R. 7 3 Ingleby road Vaugban George Hy. 36 Selborne rd'
Styles Thoma.s Luther, 136 Mead's Thomson Waiter Gillwrt, TIB Cran- Vaughan Mrs. 43 Wellwood rd. Good-
lane, Sev£>n Kings brook road maves .
Summerfi£>ld Percy Joseph, Io Elm- Thornton William, 54 Seymour gdns Vaugban Patrick William, 15 Broom-
stead road. SevPn Kings Thorrowgood Percy, 17 Leamington hill road, Goodmayes
Summers William, 52 Empress aven oardPns Vaugban William, 44 Emerson road,
Sumpner Prancis, 69 Grosvenor road Thr£>s Mrs. 24 Gros\•enor road Ilford Garden Suburb
qur~ham Cbas . .A.ugustus, 19 Park aT Thr!'sber Arthnr George, 9 .A.lloa gar- Verrall Ernest, ~2 Courtland avenue
Sursham John N. 21 Argyle road dPnR, .\bbottsford rrl. Goodmaves Veryard Robt. Chas. 40 Woodlands rd
Sntton Arth. Albt. 20 Valentine's rd Thurstans Harry, 6o Aldborough. rd Vickers Samuel, 12 Grosvenor road
Sutton Benjamin A. 58 Belgrave road Seven Kings Vignes Charles Albt. 73 Grosvenor rd
~utton Joseph William, 28 .A.berdour Thurston Frank John, 108 Albert rd Vine Rev. Chas. Hv. B ...!. (Con!!.).
road, Goodmayes Tibbs Edwd. Ohas. IT N01·thbrook rd 3 The Drive, Cranbrook park
Swain J. Steel L.R.C.P., L.M. 131 Tirldeman Hy. John, ::l2 Grosvenor rd Vinen Mrs. 45 Northbrook road
llford lane Tidrleman Henry Thos. 12 Balfour rd Vizard William, 12 Seymour garden!'. ·
Swain Williarr. Moore, 9 Aberdour Tighe -:\<Irs.s1Wellwood rd.Goodmaves Voc!' ~rs. 174 Balfonr road
road, Goodmayes Tilll'y John Boston, 8g .A.lbert road Voelkl Henry. 30 B~>lgrave road
Swindley George Saml. 92 Cowley rd Tilly Samuel. 125 Cranbrook road von Moltzheim George, 59 End•-·
Swinglehurst Jsph.Ja!!. 9 Coventry rd Tilyard Henry John, 47 Balfour road leigh gardens
Syer Charles, 52 Richmond road Timpson Frederick M. 4 Coventry rd Wackett Ernest Geo. 5 Richmond rd
Symmons William, 30 Eastwood rd. Tipping Ashton C. 24 Richmond road Wade Alfred Ernest, 48 Wellwood rti\..
Goodmayes Todd William, wo Richmond 1 ()ad · Good m ayes
Symonds Geo. Whitaker,29 Norfolk rd Todman John, 41 Balfour road Wade Edward, 138 High rosd
Symonds Nathaniel S.12 Mansfield rd TClgwell Wm. John. 29 Redcli:ffe gdns Wadp~nn Mrs. 319 Wanst~>arl Parl• rd
Tabor Fredk. Jspb. 41 Belgraw rd Tomlinson Edward, 63 Belgrave road Wad~worth Christapher Audrew, 21
Taffs <\rthur, 15 Selborne road Toms Jas.21King-swood rd.Goodmaw~ Elgin road, Seven Kings
Taffs Edwin, 26 Cranbrook park Tongue Robert H. 11 Redcli:ffe gdiis Wagstaff .A.lbPrt. ~5 Norfolk rnad
Tait Mrs. 65 Coventry road Torrie George, 29 Oharlbury gardPns, Wag-~taff Arthur Thoma<~. q Elgin rrl
Tallboy Mrs. 4 Kensington gardens Sevl'n Kings Wake:field Charles, 42 Wellwood road,
Tanner Andrew, 259 Wanstead' Pk.rd Towler Thos.6 Wellwood rd.Goodmvs Goodmayes
Taunton Theophilns, 6 Woodlands rd Townsend Harold Cavendish, 15 Alloa Wakebam Walt.Vincent.62 Ingleb~· rd
Tauranac Jn. W~> De Vere gdns road, Goodmayes Wakeley John, 7 Cavendish 17a.rdens
Taverner Fdk. Wm. 27 Vau~han gdns Townsend Joseph, 12 Redcli:ffe g-dns Walber RobPrt. 71 Cranbrook TOad
TavernerMisses,2rAlloa rd.Goodmaye~ Townsend "Mrs. 19 Elmstead road. Wakrnft William. 40 Oal,woo<l P'dn"
Taylor Alfred, 70 Norfolk road Seven KinO's Wale~ D::n·id Rus~Pll. 44 Empre~s av
Taylor Edwd. Elijah, 104 Balfour rd Trapp Willia~ Henrv 57 Coventry rd Wales Mrs. 3 Ashg-rove rd.Goodmaves
Taylor George Dawson, 33 Eastwood Travers John James · ; 5 Balfour roatl Wnlkf'r G!'orge, ~9 Kensington gardn<>
road, Goodmayes Treby .A.lbert Georg~, 103 Elgin rolld. Walker Jn. A.62Aldboro' rd.Svn.King~-
Taylor James, 23 York road Seven Kin~s Walker Miss, 95 Albert road
Taylor James M. 9 Belgrave road Trebv Mrs. E. 47 King-swood I'oad. Walk('r William, fl7 Balfour road
Taylor John, 29 Kensington gardens Go.odmave~ · WalkPr William, 5 Cambridge road,.
Taylor John William, 1 I South I_' ark Tredaway ·John Richd. 14 Norfolk rd Sev~n Kings. .
crescent, South park, Seven Kmgs Tredwen John, 9 Mansfield roo.d Walkhn!! ~~w1s Arthur, 98 Elgm rd.
Taylor Peter Speechley, 78 Wood- Treloar Wm. Geo. 5 Oakwood gardens SPvPn ~IDI!S
lands r~a~ Tresfon Peter Maarten, 71 The DrivP Wall 1f::n. Edwd . .Tas. 47 Coventry rd
Taylor W~ll~am, 35 Northbrook road Trevis Thomas, 5 Vaughan gardens Wa1Iace Mrs. 42 Empress avenuP.
Taylor Wllham Henry, 39 Alloa road, Trigg,.. Henry, 32 Vaul!han gardens Wallace .Mrs.6sNorfolk rd.Se;enKmgs
Goodma~e~ Triggs Thos. Wm. 52 Endsleigh gdns Wallbank Waiter. 24 Endsle1g-h !!dn~
Taylor Wilham John, 12 Ashgrove Triggs Wm. Saml. Valentine's road Wall~r Mrs. 20 G~osvenor road •
road, Goodmayes
Trillo Henry, 52 Mayfair avenue Walhs Ja~es Edwm, 23 Elmstead rd,
1• h dJohn CharlM, 41 Ends- T r1mmer
· .A.r th . J as. 1 E n d sI e1g
· h g d n!' Seven Kmm•

eu~ gar ens Troth Geo. St . .A.lban, Cranbrook pk Walmisley Elyard .A.therQtone, I /
TPbbtt Geor!Z'£> Arber, 9 Holcombe rd. T b "d H b t Ed d B Tillot"ffn rd llford Garden Snhurh
Pford GardE>n '1uburb row n ge er er w · r room- ·
fipld g-arrlem, Gr~>en Ian!' Wa1ters Walt. "1\L JTI WanQtead Pk.r!f


Walton Rev. James A. (Catholic),!Weston Henry Joseph,24 The Square, Williams John, 6-4- Eastwood road,
The Rectory, High road Ilford Garden Suburb Goodmayea
Walton Alfred ·James, 2 Sandown Wetton George, 25 Woodlands road Williams John Edward, 8 Pembroke
gardens, Goodmayes la. Goodmayes Wheatley Rev.Albert ,Morris A.K.~.L Q"ardens, High road, Seven Kings
Walton Jn.6gElmstead rd.SevenKing~> (curate of St. John s), 2 Cambridge Williams Mrs. II9 Balfour road
Walton Thos. Edwd. 4 :r Mansfield rd gardens, Cambridge road Williams Mrs. n Mayfair avenue
Ward Col. Joseph Brooker V.D., D.L. Wheatley Alfred, 36 Valentine's road Willi,ams Mrs. C. T. 27 ~orfolk roali
30 Coventry road Wheeldon ·wm. Parker, .4 Belmont rd Williams Samuel, 83 York road
Ward Ashley S. 1 Redcliffe gardens ~heeler ~narles, 170 High road Williams Williaru, 20 Argyle road
Ward Bernard John, 14 Park avl'nue Wheeler Cha~les John, 59 ~ork road Willis Edward, 23 Grosvenor road
Ward Edmund John, 265 High road Wheeler Chnstr. 17 Cavend1sh grdns Willis Misses, 20 Coventry road
Ward John, 4 :Mavfair avl'Ime Nheeler Edwd. 2I3 Wanstead Park rd Willis William John, 2 Belmont rd
Ward John Halla~, 33 Northbrook rd Wheeler Henry James, .184 Balfour rd W~llmann William, 16 Belmont road
Warden George Francis 2 a Ashgrove Wheeler Mrs. 31 Mayfall' avenue Wlllmott Fred, 12 Park avenue
road Goodmayes ' Wheeler Robert Frederick, I05 Elgin Willmott Waiter J. 15 Redcliffe gd11.1
Warla~d James 11 Woodlands road road, Seven Kings Wills Rev. Charles John M.A. (curate
Warman Wm Aifrl'd r88 Balfour rd Wheeler Rowland, 41 Coventry road in charg~>, St. Alban's), 4 Ricll-
WarneckE> Ch;istianThos.rRichmnd.rd Whitaker Ohad~s George, 6r Elgin mond road
Warner Arthur Robert, 5 Glenmore r?ad, Seven Kmgs W~ls Mrs. 13 Seymour .garde~s
terra.ce Green lane White Albert, 59 Seymour gardens Willson Chas. Jn. 31 Cambridge rd
'Varner Charle'! He:try, 30 Aberdour Wh~te ~\lex.4o Norfolk rd.S~ven Kings W~lson Alexander, 64 Gros.venor road
road GoodmavE>s White .Alfred H. 32 Cambndge road, W1lson Charles, 30 Redchffe garden•
Warne~ Henry, ss The Drive S~ven Kings . Wilson Frederick Robert, Elms,
Warnes .Alfd.Ernest,25 Vaughan gdn~; White .Alfred John, 45 \Vellwuod road, ~arley lane, Goodmayes .
Warren Chas.Parsons,34 Valentine's rd G_oodmayes W~lson George .Arthur,_ 87 Elgm r~
Warren Ernest Edwin, 24 courtland av Wh~te .Arthur, 14 Balfour road Wllson Herbert. franC1s, 142 Mead 1
Warrt-n Frederick James. 23 Bethell Wh~te Arth.Geo.~arkfield,Auc~land rd ~ane, Seven Kmgs
avenuE>. Ilford GardE-n Suburb WhitE> Edwd. Elhs, 24 Mayfan aven Wilssn James, 35 Selborne road
Waskett Fredk. Geo. 9 -t Richmond rd Wh~te Frank, 13 Arlington gardens Wilson Stanler Waissen, 3I .Nor~lt-
Waters Albert Tom, 13 Emprt>ss aveo Wh1te Ge~rge J. 4-4 .Aldborough rd. ~rook road
Watl•ins Ernest Wm.7 Northhrook rd Seven Kmgs Wllson Waiter, 64 Ingleby road
Watkins Mrs.' 7 6 Balfour road Wh~te Jo~eph, ro Beaufort gardens Wilson William ~lfd. 92 .Aldborougb
Watkinson Stallwood Frederick, 23 Wh1te M1ss F. E. I I .Aberdour road, :oad, Seven Kmgs
Endsleigh gardens G?odmayes , W~lton Henry Fredk. goa, Balfour r4
Watson Alfred, SI RiChmond road White ~lrs; E. Coombe Hurst, 6o W~nch .Art~ur, 57 <?ourtland avenue
Watson .Arthur 37 Endsleigh gardens Valentme s road Wmch David Fra.ncis, 93 Cowley road
Watson Jam{'s. ' 2 8 De Vere f!Hrdens · White Mrs. :M. E. 33 Aberdour road, W~nchcombe Jestyn, 47 De Vere gdu
Watson William 25 .Ashgrove road Goodmayes Wmdus George. 34 Empress avenue
Goodmayes ' ' White Sidney Geo. 21 Cranbrook pk Winsborrow Thomas Gasking. si
Watt James Hamilton (R.N.R.), 1 Wh~te William John, 37 ~rgy_Ie road _9ourtland avenue .
Coventry rood Whitehead Thomas BenJamm, 293 Wmter Henry, SI Kmgswood :road,
Watts Henry Ernest, 69 Belmont rd ~anstead Park road ~oodmayes
Watts John Ernest P. 1 Sunnyside rd Wh1tehouse Joseph Henry, 39 .Ash- W~nterfeld Charles .Albert, 22 Le.a.a·
Way James Shaw, ro Empress avenue .~:ove road, _Good~layes . ~ngton gardens
\V mtelaw DaVIdStob1e,34 .Mayfau aven Wiseman Edgar Thomas, 25 Eaai·
W ay fi eId E rnes t , r 8 B a If our Toa d Wh' 1 M E G 1 d d G dm
Wayland William John, 43 Argyle rd ~te ey • rs. 2 1
vers ey ter. reen a ~oo roa , oo ayes
W J W S -11 8 B If d Wh1teman Wm. Waiter, 36 York rd W1seman John Wm. 25 De Vere gdna
eaatrhve bn. mJ. aTvhi e, IWO dal oudr rd Whiteside John, 59 Mans.field road Wiskar Waiter Lines, 112 Balfour rd
We r urn n. os. 64 oo an s r Wh't' F . B . t W W't B t H El . d
Weaver Thomas Marshall 69 Elgin 1 tng rancis anms er ampen, I t er . 5 gm roa
road, Seven Kings ' 8 Sandown gardens, Goodmayes Wood Alfred Robt. 77 Cranbw:J;. rd
w bb J 0 h H tfi ld 0 1 d d la'1e, Goodmayes Wood Charles Bolton, I Broomh1ll x·d.
e n a e •29 a iwoo g ns Whiting Frederick William Thomas, Goodmayes
Webb 1\f~s. M. L. 3 1 '5 Wanste~d Pk.rd 51 Empress avenue Wood Charles William,13 Selbome r4
-;e~~ :hchard, 8 ~orth;.ro~k ro~d Whitson Henry, 41 South Park drive Wood Frederick William, 11 Cameroa
e omas, 1 9 ~ en me ~ roa Whittaker Arth. Regnld_ 72 .Argyle rrl .coad, Seven Kings
Webber John HenrJ, 2 9 Kmgswood Whitten J. A. 21 Coventry road Wood Henry, 73 York road
road, Goodmayes Whittingham Henry William,29 East- Wood Mrs. -54 Elgin rd. Seven Kings
Webley Henry George, 5~ Cowley rd wood road, Goodmayes Wood Percy,2 .Ashgrove rd.Goodmayea
Webzell George, 7 Leammgton gdns Whittingham Robert, 20 Norfu~k road Wood Thomas, 8 Eastwood road,
Weddall Rev. Edwa.rd Croxton M.A. Whittle William Hy. 3 Empress aven Goodmayes

(curate of St. Clement's), 48 Bal- Whitton Chas. Joseph, I South Park Wood Thos.Cha..s.Wm. rs6 Balfour r.i
four road crescent, South park, Seven Kings Wood William, 40 Redcliffe gardens
Weddell Alfred Henry, 4 Wellwood Whyte John, 37 Alloa rd. Goodmayes Woodcock Wm. Jn. 24 Cranbrook. pk
road, Goodmayes Wickenden Arth.Fred,186 Coventry rd Wooden George, 64 Kensington .grdnl
Weeden James W. IO Courtland aven Wickers Fredl{, Geo. 37 Sunnyside rd \Voodhouse Noel, 30 De Vere gardeu
Weedon Edwd. Walt. 5 Empress av Wicks Miss ~1\nne, 13 Richmond road Woodhurst George A. 144 Elgin rd.
WeedonWalt.I8Norfolk rd.SevenKings Widdicombe John, 3 Kildowan road, Seven Kings "
Weeks Charles John, 9 OakwQod gdns GoodmayPl' Wooding PercyEdgar,siSeymour gdna
Weir Mrs. 12 Oakwood gardens Widdicombe }lrs. 38 Kingswood rd. Woodley Charles H. 39 Coventry roa4
Welch Edward Cuthbertson, 22 Mans- Goodmayes Woodley James _\.rthur,7.z Belgraverd
field road Wiglesworth .Arthur, 5 Tillotson rd. WoodsArth.rsKildowan rd.Goodmay1111
Welch Wm. 349 Wanstead Park road Ilford Garden Suburb Woods Mrs. 143 {;ranbrook park •
Welford Charl&l!, 63 Wellesley road _ Wigner Miss. 48 Emerson rd. Ilford Woodward James B..A., B.Sc., F.I.C.,
Welford Waiter D. 61 Mansfield road Garden Suburb F.C.S. 31 Coventry road
Welford Wm. By. 164 Wellesley road Wild James Frederick Vaux, 72 Woollard Harry Frank, 56 Ma}fair n
Wellard Albert Geo. 27 Richmond rd Woodlands road Wootton .Alfd. Wm. 69 Woodlands r4
Weller Frederick, 1 Van~han gardens Wild£> Misses, 255 Wanstead Park rd Wootton Charles P. 19 Empress avea
Weller Herbert, 73 Mayfair avenue Wilde Mrs. 3 Cambridge road Wootton William Charles, 63
Weller Percy,n Burlington ter.Green la Wiles Waiter M. 34 Cambridge road, wood road, Goodmayes
Wellington Mrs. 28 Belgrave road Seven Kings Wormald Fred, 38 Cambridge road
Wells Arthur John, 65 Mayfair aven Wilkins John Wm. 9 Cavendish gdns Wormald Harold Campbell, 26 Em&r-
Wells Ernest, 103 Cov£>ntry road Wilkinson Alexander, 8 Elgin road. son road, Ilford Garden Suburb
Wells Leonard Morgan.4o Empress av Seven Kings Worthington Wm. E.45 Vernoo grdM
Wells Percy Howard, 28 Kensington Wilkinson Mrs. Victoria villa, Welles- Wortley Arthur, 7 Belgrave road
gardens ley road Wren Christopher T. 75 Alber' road
Wells Richard James, 11 Mans.field rd Willett Frank .Alfred, 15 Leamington Wright Rev. Norman M. (Pre5bJ·
Welsey Mrs. 10 Kildowan road, ~ardens terian), 57 Eastwood rd. Goodm.ayea
Goodmayes Willett Robert, 85 Cranbrook road Wright .Alan, 23 Va.ughan gardens
Welsh Joseph,sMontrose ter.Green la Williams .Alfred Frank, 10 Oakwood Wright Alexander, 27 Grosvenor rd
Wesson .Arthur William. 101 York rd gardens Wright Arthur, 87 Cowley road
West Ernest P. 18 Elmstead road, Williams Clarence B. 77 Ingleby ro!W Wright Charles Christoplter, 5 Brei
Seven Kings Williams Harry,A Alloa rd.Goodmaye~ ford road, Sev-en Kings

d d Sunnyside road 1 Wylie Alex. Jame~. 83 The Drive ·Young- David, Branksome, Holcombe
W"right E ~ar -~k47I Woodlands road I Wynn James Wm. 29 Seymour gdns road. Ilford Garden Suburb
Wr~ght F;:Jn Thos. 5 2 Grosvenor rd Wyrall Charles, 50 Balfour road ·Young George A1fred,13 Grosvenor rrl
W~ght ~eorg.e 6 7 Ingleby road , YNbury SydneyPe1·cy.-J.o De V ere gdm Young Harold James, 3 ~iherdour
Wr~ght George,A.lbt. 37 Oakwood gdns YerbmT Waltt>-r Hy. 38_De Vere gdm gardem, Green lane, Goodmayes
Wright H bt Erne<>t 72 Richmond rd' Yetton John, 42 Endsle1gh gardens I Young Jamrs Robson, r A.lloa road,
Wrlg-ht J er h ~ewt~n 20 Park an'n York Frederick W. 29 Woodlands road 1 Goodmaves
Wr~g:! Jt:::14~ Grosv~nor road
Wn~ t Mrs. 1-l Kensington gardrns
Young Arthur George, Felbrigge,IYoung- Jn." 57 Elgin rd. Sev;n Ki~gs
Cranbrook park . Young SamnPl Edmund,21 'lhe Drive
Wr~,...~ t Wm Geo. 5 7 J)e V ere gardens 1Young Cha.s.33Aldboro' rd.SevenKmg>J Young- Thomas, 102 Cranbrook road
wr:g~t wm:Harry, 6 Cavendish gdns Young Charles, Stoneygate, Park av Youngs Frederick William, 3 Well-

:~ieu Frank Oxley, 82 Richmond rd Young CharlPs Ja,. rB Vanghan gdn~ wood road, Goodmayes

COMMERCIAL. Baker William, cab proprietor, 5oa, Cranbrook road

E 1 closing day, Thursday. j Baldock Percy J. hair dresser, 14 Ilford lane
ar Y Baldwin John Roberts, printer, 2 Natal pamde, Ilford la
.Abbott Brothers, dairymen, Roden s_treet . Bales D. & Co. l('ather dealers, 3,89 High road
Achilles Albert, shopkeeper, 15 CeCil parade, Htg~ road Balster Henry & Sons, decorators, 94 Lansdowne road
Adams Clara (:Mrs.), umbrella manufacturer,219 High ~d Ba1nberry Edward, dairy, 423 High road
Adams Margare~ (Mrs.), preparatory school, 59 Elgm Bamford ~hmnas, teacqer of music, 52 CamerDn road,
road Seven Kmgs Seven Kmgs
Adlington Arthur Frederick, butcher, 147 & 82 High rd Banks George Fredk. master mariner, 24 Rutland road
.Ager Mary (Mrs.), milliner, see ~loan & Age~ Banks L. :1: (Miss), school (b?ys & girl~). 7~ ~eath rrl
.Ago;;tini Mary R. (Mrs.), confectwnrr, 303 H1gh road Banks Wilham Henry, ,:ohc1tor & comnusswner for
Ainsworth William James, general dealer, Abbey road, oaths, 8 Woodlands road
Newbury park . . . Barber Henry Charles. ~lmbiel~a.maker, 20 Ilford lane
Aitken James M.B., C.M.Glas. physiCian, r62 H1gh road Barford Herbert Valentme, solicitor, r6 Ranelagh gardns
& g Cranbrook park Barker Jane (Miss), provision dealer, 59 Mead's lane,
Ajax ·Electrical Engineering Co. 291 High road Seven Kings
.Albion Club for Young ~Ien (Ray Poppy, sec.), 106 Barlow & Co. upholsterers, 89 Cranbrook road
Norfolk road, Seven Kings Barnard Alfred, grocer, n Mead's lane, Seven Kings
.Albon Richard Jn. shoeing smith, Ilford wharf, High rd Barnes Alfred William, house decorator, r6 Albert road
Aid borough Tennis & Crolluet Club (W. L. ~orman, I Barnes Annie (Mrs.), preparatory school,Sf Woodland.s rd
bon. sec.), Aldborough road, Seven Kings Barnes Ben, ironmonger, 139 High road & 193 Ilford lane
Aldt>r Amy W. (Miss), teacher of music, 51 Christ- Barnes Fred George, fruiterer & greengrocer, 315 Ley st
church road Barraclough Amy M. (~rs. ),shopkeeper,8 Ivy ter.Ley st
'-!derson Richard John, sen. in sur. agent-363 Thorold I'd Bars on Frank John, plumber, 48 I Ley street
Alderson Richard John, jun. insur. a~t. 363 Thorold rd Bartlett Bernard, pianoforte tuner, I27 Coventry road
Aldridge Ellen (Miss), teacher of music, 88 Blyths- Barton William John, baker, I3 Cranbrook road
wood road, Goodmayes Bateman Chas. Wm. confctnr. & news agent, 137 Ley st
Alexander Joshua Marsdeil, shopfitter, 33a, York road Batt CharlPs, tailor, 173 High road
Alt>xandra Hall (F. Newman & Son, proprietors),Htgh rd Ba...~ter F. A. & Co. coal merchants, 185 Ley street &
Allaway Arthur William, plumber, 99 Hampton road Great Eastern Railway yard
.Alien Arthur, decorator, I Kinfauns road, Goodmaye!! Baxter Howard Thomas, cycle maker. 188 High road
Allen Beatrice (Miss), nurse, 109 Westbnry road Bayley Henry David, commercial traveller,75 Sunnyside r4
Allt'n James, oilman, 34 Cameron road, Seven Kings Baylis John B. teachrr of m.usic, 286 High road
Amb10se Wm. John, commercial traveller,r8 Dalkeith rd Ba~·liss Arthur Joseph. gasfitter, 62 Empress avenue
Amt'y Arthur, boot & shoe maker, 39 Cranbrook road Bean Alfred, boot & shoe ma. 2 Grove cots. Ilford lane
Apple by John, certified bailiff, 77 Francis avenue BPck Fredericli, news agent, IS South Park parade.
Apps George, dining rooms, I Station rd. & 413 High rd Green lane, Seven Kings
Arm~trong D. & Co. ladies· tailors,32 & 38 Cranbrook rd Bedford Cecil, solicitor, 37 Dalkeith road
Army Service Corps East Anglian Divisional Transport Beeching George,assistant insurance supt.45 Windsor nl
& Supply Column Territorial Force (Lieut.-Col. W. Begeine Ernest, butchPr, 6 Broadway market,Ilford lant'
G. Probert, commanding; C'apt. H. A. Jones A. ..S.C. Behan Thomas, violinist, 273 High road
adjutant); East Anglian Didsional (Headquarters) Bell ~<\lbert Edwa1·d, stationer, 8a, The PromenadP, High
Co. (Major F. P. P. Soper, commanding; Sergt.-Major road, Seven Kings
H~nry W. Bradley, instructor); brad quarters, 156 Bell Edward James, news agent, Park view, Green lane
H1gh road Bell Edwin, boot maker, 323 Ilford lane
Ar~owsmith Albert, estate agent, 39 Highbury gardens, Bell Herbert, registry office for servants,.~ Clements rd
~even Kings Bell James, farmer, Beehive farm, Beeh1ve lane
Ashdown John Frederick, house decorator, 429 Ley st Bell Ruth M.(Miss),teacher of music, 104 Cambridge rd
Ashmole, Hughes & Spencer, auctioneers, sur- Bellamy William, decorator, 27 Water lane
VPyors & estate a~ents, Broadwav, 48 Hi(J"h road. BPilman & Son, piano tuners, 46 Hatten ter. Green lant•
T N 6oo Ilford · "' Bennett John, chimney sweep, 225 Ley street
A~pray Neville F.A..~\. aPcountant, 57 Clarendon gardeus, Bennett Sidnev Herbert, hosier, rr IlfOTd lane
Cranbrook pa:c¥ Bensley Frederick, grocer, u Khartoum ter. Green lane
Atk~ns Harold, cycle maker, Connaught road Benton Charles, ham & beef s~h()p, 87 Ilford lane
Atkmson & Garden, physicians & surgeons, St. Brelades, Benton Francis, baker, llford lane
G_reen lane, Goodmayes Best Frederick, butcher, 371 High ro~d
Atkmson F. lY. school attendance officer, 88 Hampton rd Betteridge Henry J. F. grocer, 339 H1gh road
Alitack Hannah & Naomi (Mis:>es), dress makers, I I Billings Henry Joh_n, news agent, 27 Thorold road
Blythswood road, Goorlmaves Bilmen John, fuTmture dealer, 7 York road
!a~r.ey Sanitary ~tt·am Lau~dry, g6 Jlford lane Binder John, patent .m~dicine stm:es, 351 High road
Au,t~n, Brothers, Ironmongers, 6I Grnnbrook road Biograph Theatres L1mi~ed, 63 High road
nshn s East Ham & Ilford Ltd. manufacturing joiners. Bird Herbert James, oilman, 49 York road; III Bel~
Green lane · ~rave rd.& 2 Westwood gardens, High rd.Seven Kin~
!verre Wm. wine, spirit & beer mercht. 10 Belgrave mkt Bird James, jobbing gardener, 12 Sylvan road
:S:Y George, beer retailer, 57 Roden street
1la ker George, baker, 21 New road
Bixbv Mrs. feather curler, 8 Khartoum ter. Green lanP
Blackburn Robert, greengrocer, soB Hi_gh rd. Goodmayes
Baddeleys & Co. solicitors, Brooklyn ho. Cranbrook road Blackmur Louisa (Mrs.), teacher of pianoforte, ro Golfe
R";g-n}ey Brothers, fruiterers, 245 Ilford lane road, Seven Kings .
· ~ley B. & Co. estate agents, 5 Cranbrook road. T N IHazeby EllPn (Mrs.), reg1:;try o~ce for servan1:<3, 4 The
Ba.i 3 Ilford Pavem~nt, Hig-h road, Seven Kmgs .
Ra.nes & Son, provision dealers 1 Bel(J"rave market Bloomfield Saml. jeweller, 22 Cameron rd. Seven Kmgs
B~~~s Charles, ta~lor, ro 4 High road "' Blows Geo. & Son. plumbers, 8 Clyde cotwges, Roden st.
Baker B. & _Co. blmd makers, 63 St. ~Iary's road Board of Trade Labour Exchange (T. H. Wheat{)n,
S Ced:"Ic, teacher of Jancin(J" 56 Aldborough road, managPr), 6S High road .
Bakeven Kmgs "'' Badger John. draper & milliner, 113, II5, II7, ng,
"Ba.ker :arry, beer retailer, 47 Park road nga. & I33a, High road .
Bak:~ M.enry Thoma!'. jun. bPer retailer. 409 Lev street Bolkar Minnie (Mrs.) A.L.C .M. teacher of p1anofort ,.ea HA.
Seve~ K~y (Mrs.), girl'S' ~ohool. 56 Aid borough road, Torrington terrace, Green lane €tr' 1
mgs Bond &; Co. insunnce brokers, 16 Jersey road ~' e 1-113
eflll 14 ,
p!l.f' . .,q~\\.

. Bond Caroline Elizabeth (Miss), contractor, 214 Ley st B~·sonth Henry Walter, assistant turncock to the Soutla
Band Thomas, carman, 302 Ley street Essex Water Works, 17 Sylvan road
Bonney James, fa11ner, Hargreaves farm, Barley lane, Cahill Michael Frederick, solicitor, 16 Cleveland road
Cakebread, Robey & Co. builders' merchants., High road
Booker Maurice Henry, insurance agt. 43 Woodlands rd Campbell P. &:, P. Ltd.dyers & cleaners, 4I Cranbrook rd
. Booth Brothers, coal & colre merchants, Goodmaye~ Capes Geo.A.S.A.~<\. & F.C.I.S. accountant,2 Bathurst rd
road, CToodmayes Capps John H. confectnr. & tobacconist. 7 Belgrave mU
Boots Cash Chemists (Southern) Limited, 123 & 125 Card William Gordon, solicitor & commissioner for
High l'Oad & 12 The Pavement, High rd. Seven Kings oaths. 510 High road, GGodmaye!l
Boreham John G. grocer, 526 High road, Goodmay&~S Carl William, fiol'ist, 6 Station road
Boswell David, french polisher, 311 llford lane Carnegie Public Library (JamS@ Radcliffe, librarian),
Bourne Joseph, fishmonger, 94 Ilford lane High road, Seven Kings
Bousfield Lydia (Mrs.), nurse, 2 Scrafton road Carpenter Wm. & Son,house decorators,3o ~Ielbourne rd
Bowden William H. plumber, 32 Pelham road Carr Mary (Mrs.), fishmonger, Harold cottages, Horns rd
Bowman .TamPs William, cowkeeper, Green lane Carrell &; ..Mitchell, physicians & surgeons, 34 The
Bowman Robert, outfitter, 194 & 196 High road Drive, Cranbrook park & 51 Woodlands road
Bowmer John Benjamin; hair dresser,4o Cranbrook road Carrell George Northen Piccaver M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.
Bowry Henry Tilleard, sign writer, 457 Ley stree~ Lond. physician & surgeon. see Carrell & Mitcht'll
Boyce Charles, house decorator, 35 Eton road Carter .Alfred, outfitter, 64 Cranbrook road
Boyd Limitf'd, pianoforte & music s-ellers, I67 High rd Carter Charles, sign writer, I95 Grange road
Boyd Dand, estate office (private), Goodmayes road, Carter Daniel, gardener, The Lodge, The Dri-ve
Goodmaye!l Carter Ernest George, decorator, 2 Lansdowne road,
Bradley Sergt.-Major Hy. W. instructor to East Anglian Seven Kings
Divisional Uo. Transport & Supply Column, Army Carver .Arthur Henry, baker, I Royal parade,Green lone
Service Corps, Territorial Force, I56 High road Carver Thomas, butcher, 5 Broomhill market,. Green
Bradley Thomas Charles, decorator, II2 Westwood road, lane, Goodmayes
Goodmayes Cary Adolphus Frederick Daylesford, estate agent, 8
Braham Edith (Miss), confectioner, & post office, 3 Glenmore terrace, Green lane
W estwood gardens, High road, Seven Kings Cash Coal Co. coal merchants, 32 Guildford road,
Bl'and & Co. estate agents, 205 Ilford lane South pari;, Seven Kings
.Brand Leonard, boot repairer, 9 Roden street Cashman Joseph Thomas, draper, 149 Ley street
Brand Percy Edward, builder, Ebenezer house, .Albert rd C1swell Thomas Hill, solicitor &:, commissioner for oaths,
Brandon Henry, confectioner, I70 Richmond road 158 High road
Hraund Amy (Miss); confectioner, 5 Cranbrook road Ca.tmull Harry J. butcher, 89 Wanstead Pa1k road
Bravo Solomon & Co. tobacconists, 2 Broadway market Cave Howard, tailor, 55 York road
Bray E. E. & Co. drapers, 77 Blythswood rd. Goodmayes Cayless Harold, fishmonger, 2 Goodmayes road, Good-
. Bnzier Oscar J oseph, beer retailer, 88 & go Ilford lanp mayes & 12 The Parade, High road, Seven Kings
Brewer John, leather dealer, 425 High l'oad Central Council of the Romford Division Conservative
Brewer John, saddler, 4 Station road & Liberal Unionist Association (George Jellis Battle,
Brewer John James,boot repairer, 3 Princess par.New rd registration agent), 49 High road
Brewster Bertie Henry, confectioner, 82 Ilford lane Chalkley Fraderick .Alexander, van & motor body
Bridge Cyprian George, builder, 69 Holmwood road builder, Buntings farm, Green lane
.Britannia Works Institute (Ilford Limited, proprietors) 1 Challen Joseph E. house agent, 93 Ilford lane
49 Ilford lane Challener Charles, teacher of music, 47 Cobham road,
British Shoe Co. (The), boot & shoe dealers,i41 High l'd South· park. Seven Kings
British Women's Temperance Association (Mrs. Lilia:d Chamberlain Robert- Hessell, confectioner, High ;road
Long, president), 44 East wood road, Goodmayes Chambers Sidney Thomas, relieving officer for No. •
. 'Brook Frederick, cattle dealer, Birkbeck rd. New bury pk district of the Romford union, vaccination officer, col-
Brooks John, Samuel & David, greengrocers, Green lector to the Guardians, 248 Balfour road
lane, Goodmayes ChandlPr Garnett Francis, florist, 55 York road
Brown & Clapson, coal & coke merchants, Station Chapman & Jones, boot repairers, 62 Ilford lane
approach & G. E. Railway depot, Ley street Ohapman Ernest W. news agent, 4I5 High road
Brown Annie (Mrs.), dress maker, 17 High road Chapman Harry P. oil & color dlr. 130 Woodlands road
Brown Charles, boot & shoe maker, 12I Ley street Chapman Samuel Arthur, pleasure boat proprietor,
Brown Charles, shooting saloon, 45 High road Valentine's park, Cranbrook road
Charles & Co. coal merchants, Station approach & Great
Brown Edith (Miss);teacher of music,ss Christchurch rd Eastern Railway yard, Ley street
Brown Florence Kate (Mrs.), baker, 84 Stanley road
Charles Albert, oilman, 14a, Goodmayes rd. Goodmaye•
Brown Hauy, beer retailer, I68 Stainforth road
Chatelain Victor Albert M.B., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.Lond.
Brown Robt. Geo. farmer, Goodmayes farm, Goodmaye:;1 physician & surgeon, 8 Aberdonr garder..s, Green lane,
Brown William, butcher, IS The Market, Green lane Goodmaves
Browne A.rthur, commercial traveller, 129 St. A.lban's rd. Cheek John, dining rooms, 63 Green lane
Seven Kings Cheke R. & Co. surveyors, 510 High road, Goodmayes
Bryett Harriett (.Mrs.), stay & corset ma. 281 High rd Chemical Dry Cleaning & Dyeing Co. (Lowe's), dyers A
Buck Benjamin, nurseryman, Buntingbridge road, cleaners, 63 Cranbrook road
Netley road & Abbey road, Newbury park Cherry Elizh. (Mrs. ),confctnr.Aldborough rd.Seven King•
Bncknell Thos.Fredk.Mus.Doc. prof. of music,22 York rd Ohesmore Kate (Miss), dress maker, Ill llford lane
Bull James C. & Son, decorators, 9 Cranbrook road Ohesney Frederick, fruiterer, I .Broomhill market, Greea
Bulley Henry Edward, cycle maker, 53 High road lane, Goodmayes
Bulmer Mary E. (Mrs.), oil & color dealer, 210 High rd Ohilcott Ger1;rude (.Mrs.), teacher of music, 1-4 Cleve-
Bunce John, butcher, So Ilford lane land road
Burgess (Ilford) Limited, ironmongers, 57 Cranbrook rd Childs Edmund, decorator, 25 Oakfield road
Burges.s Jn. &:, Edwin, art needlework depot,247 High rd Chipper Charles George, engraver, 68 Henley road
Burleigh John Laurence, rate collector to Urban Dis- Christmas Caroline (Mrs.), dress maker, 32 Dudley road
trict Council, Town hall, High road Chrystal Alexander, master mariner, 25 .Argyle road
Burnand Edwd.Frdk.tobacconist,g & 16 Station approach Church Benefit Society (Lodge No. 420) (E. Burdge,
Burns William Robert, sergt.-instructOl" C Co. 4th Ter ... sec.), Mission church, Roden street
ritorial Butt. Essex Regiment, The A.rmoury,Gordon rd Churchill Randolph, fried fish dealer, I22 Woodlands rd
Burrough~ Thomas, stone mason, Green lane Cinema de Luxe Picture Palace (Charles & Card, p!l>-
Burrows Herbert John, draper, 131 Woodlands road prietors), 98 High road
Burrows James, house decorator, 236 Thorold road Clapham George William, pianoforte tuner, 77 Henley rd
Burton George Abel, baker, see Young & Burton Clapson Henry Marshall, coal mer. see Brown .t Clapsoll
Bush Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper, SI Ley street Clark C. W. & Co. printers, 24 Clement's road
But-cher Edith (Mrs.), confctr. 1a, Cecil parade, High r& Olark Albert, news agent, Io Station road
Butdher William, hair dresser, 2 Ilford lane Clark Frank William, photographer, 151 High road
Butler Brothers, electrical engineers, 62 Hampton road Clark Frederick, builder & decorator, Ioi .Aldborough.
Butler Elsie & Winnie (Misses), dress makers,26 Blyths~ road. SPven Kings & I3 Cranbrook road
wood road, Goodmayes Clark Harry, fruiterer, 5 k 7 Ilford lane
Butler Emily (Miss), nurse, 99 Elgin road, Seven King~t Clark William Thomas, assistant Supt. Wesleyan a&
Butler John, grocer, 5 Station road General Assurance Society, 17 Clement's road
Byford William James, boot repairer, 20-J Richmond rd Clarke Emily (Miss), ladies' autfitter, 427 High road
Byles Kate (Miss), milliner, I84a, High road
Glarke Prederick A. drap91', 195 Dford lane Crickmar Elizabet-h (Mrs.), nurse, 469 Ley fitreet
Clarke Geo.butcher,Horn's market,Horn's rd.Newbury pk C....'risp John JJenry, eonfection91', 235 Ley street & a
Clark:.e Susan (Miss), grocer, Young's road, Newbury pk Hainault street ·
Olarke William Edwin, grocer & p()stlll6S'ter, n6 Wind- Crisswell Herbert Wm, t:onfectioner, 12a Cranbroo~ rd
eor road et 73 lane Croft Sarah (Mrs.), nurse, 228 Grange road
Olarke Wm.Stanhope, &econdhand booksellef',311High rd Crofts Herbert Ludlow, insurance broker, 35 Aibert rcl
Olarkson Thomas, boot repairer, 74 Westbury road Crook J. & Son Limited, clothiers, 34 '.f.he Promenade,
Clnton Sarah (Mrs.), nurse, 9 Bainault street High road, Seven Kings
Clement& Arthur Edward, house decorator, 191 West- Cro&s Reuben, boot maker, 28 Carneron rd. Seven King.
wood road, Seven Kings Cross 'l'homas Edward, clothier, 8 Plymouth ter. Ley st
.Clements Thomas William, greengrocer, 55 Green lane Croucher & Howard, toy dlrs. & music sllrs.lU7 High r4
Clements William, grocer, 213 llford lane Grow Jim, tailor, 277 High road
()lennell George,sheet metal worker,13 Cecil par.High rd Crow Rose (Mrs.), dress maker, 44 Dalkeith road
Clifford Edwin Harry, The Plough P.H. llford lane Orowe Absalom, fancy repository, 14 Heinault street
Clode Alfd. Jas. Bertram, draper, Horn's rd.Newbury pk Crowne A. & Co. ladies' tailors, 63 Cranbrook road
Class Albert Edwd. draper, .102 Mead's la. Seven Kings Cullen Wm. Hy. grocer et tea dealer, n Oranbrook J"d
Coates George, boot repairer, 173 llford lane Culling Annie (Miss), dress maker, 435 High road
Cocker Harris, chemist, 23 Oranbrook road Cullum Sidney John B.A., M.D.Dub.t B.Ch., B.A.O.
Coe. Frank, motor cab proprietor, 3 Cranbrook road physician & surgeon, Beechwood, Green lane
Coe George, fruiterer, New road, Beehive Cunningham Rachel (Mrs.), nurse, 36 Francis avenue
Cogger Henry & Co. plumbers, soa, Cranbrook road et Curdling Mary (Mrs.), draper, 35 York road
31 York road Curry Henry Hugh, picture frame maker, 6o Ilford lane
Cohen Harold, tailor, 51 Ilford lane Curtis James et Sons, slaters, 2 Kingston road
Cole k Deakin, ironmongers, 198 High road ·Curtis William Howlett & Sons, fruiterers & green-
Coleby H. M. (Miss), nul'Se, 82 Sackville gardens grocers, 209 High road
.Corerna.n Ernest M.B.,B.S.Lond. surgeon,72Cranbrook rd Cushing George, timber dealer~ Lincoln ter. Green lane
()olem&n William, draper, 67 Ilford lane Cutmore Arthur, baker,. I Howard parade, Dford lane
Colernan William, laundry, 3a, Aldborough pavement, Dairy Supply Co. Ltd. dairy engineers, 30 & 32 High r~
High road, Seven Kings Dalby Edward Charles, ar~ificial teeth maker, 4 Pem-
Coles James Arthur, plumber, 295 Coventry road & broke gardens, High road, Seven Kings
47 Colenso road Dale Ernest Hy. bootma. g6 Mead's lane, Seven Kings
.COlledge Edward Arthur, medical electrician, 141 Dale J(}hn, mantle warehouse, 163 High road
Northbrook road • Daly E-mest, ribbon manufacturer, 71 Norfolk road
Collier Emily (Mrs.), servants' registry office, 101 Dance Edith (Mise), tea.oher of music, 48 Grange road
llford lane Daniel Samuel, florist, 17 Toronto road
Collins Arthur, painter et decorator, 30 Oakfield road Daniel William, master mariner, 37 Cranbrook park
Collins Caroline (Mrs.), nurse, 27 Madras road J)ansey John, confectioner, 329 Ilf(}rd lane ,
Collins Edward, baker, 91 Wanstead Park road Davey Arthur Tonkin M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. phy·
Collins Frank, ('ycle maker, 76 llford lane sician & surgeon, 2 Eastwood road, Go<Xlmayes
Collins William Edwin, coal agent, 3 Clement's road Davies Arthnr Percy, teacher of music, 30 Madras road
Collis Alfred, baker, 75 Green lane Davies Edjth (Miss) L.T.C.L. teacher of music, 39
Colwill William James, Red Lion P.H. 71 High road Grosvenor road
Conibeer George William, boot repairer, 38 Dudley rd Davies Martha. Jane (Miss), confectioner, Beehive·
Coonew Thomas Henry, commercial traveller, 84 St. Davies William E. stationer, 192 High road
Alban'• road, Seven Kings Davis Arthur, bookbinder, 133 Ley street
Cook Frederick J ames, news agent, 63 Ilford lane Davis Henry Arthur, ('{Jnfectioner, 102 Ilford lane
Cook Henry, butcher, 77 Ilford lane Davis John, ladies' t-ailor, Cranbrook buildings, Sta-
Oooke Henry, secondhand furniture dealer, 8 llford lane tion approach
Cooke Maud (Miss), children's dress maker, Horns rd. Dawes Frederick, corn & flour dealer, 10 South Park
Newbury park parade, Green lane
Cooney Lonise & Frances (Misses), fancy drapers, 2 Dawkins Robert John, piano tuner, 23 Bathurst road
South Park parade, Green lane 1
Dawkins lYilliam, ~hopkeeper, 127 Ley street
Cooper Aimai Grace M. (Miss) L.R.C.P. & S.l., L.M. Dawson & Sons, decorators, 118 Windsor road
physician & surgeon, 154 High road ' Dawson Charles James, F .R.J.B.A. architect & surveyor,
Cooper Emma (Mrs.), laundress, 135 Ley 11treet n Cranbrook road
Cooper Walter Sydney, grocer, 6o Ley street Dawson Frederick James, shopkeeper, 43 High road
Copland Herbert George, fruiterer, 143 High road Day Edward Christmas, cam. travllr. 6 Empress avenue
-C6rdoba Vincent, teacher of languages, 17 Richmond rd Day Elizabeth (Mrs.), nurse, 75 Ley street
Cork & Co. drapers, 518 High road, Goodmayes Day James J. art needlework depot, 343 High road ;
Cornish Jn. Albt. boot ma. 47 Mead's rd. Seven Kings Deason James, commercial traveller, 26 Sunnyside road
Costello James Joseph L.R.C.P. & S.Irel. & L.l\1. physi- Dell Ernest William, baker, Birkbeck road, NewburJJ pk
cian & surgeon, 3 Balfour road Dellar Charles Henry, printer, 8 The Promenade, High
Cottee .Alfred Harry, insurance agent, 158 Richmond rd road, Seven Kings
Couper James, ironmonger, I The Pavement, High rd. Delve Albl:'rt Lincoln, tailor, 58 llford lane
Seven Kings Denbom Theo, hair dresser, 347 High road
Couturier Mary Silvia (Mrs.). c.onfectioner, 3 St. Denham Henry, decorator, us Chester road,Seven Kings
George's paradl:', llford lane· Denne Harry Robert, collar & cuff maker, Euply~on
Cowlin H. jeweller, 178 High road works, Clement's lane
Cowling Hy. Richd. draper, 36 Cameron l'd.Seven King!! I Dennis Lilian A. (Miss), art needlew(}rk depot, 63a,
Cox Alfred, plumber, 40 Golfe road, Seven Kings Cranbrook road
Cox Frederick, builder & decorator. so Grosvenor road Dewevre Gabrielle (Miss), teacher of french, 27 York rd
Cox Joseph, watch maker, 213 Ley street Dexter Arthur, butcher, 528 High road, Goodmayes
<los Joseph Bethell M.R.C.S.:Kng., L.S.A.Lond.physician Dickins Lewis, news agent. 84 Albert. road
& surgeon, 1 Beresford gardens, Seven Kings road Dingle R. H. gr()Cer, 129 Woodland!! road
Cox Philip Wm. news agent, 1 Khartoum ter. Green la Dingley Percy Sidney, umbrella maker, 393 High road
Oox Waiter Ernest. confectionffl', 243 Dford lan-e Dinmore John W. chimney sweeper, 2 Chester road
<Jozens Alfred L~onard(Mrs.),chiropodist,15 Wellesley rd Direct Mineral Water Supply Limited, mineral water
Crabb Arthur, carman, 51 Ley street & Thorold road manufacturers, Ilford lane
Crabb Benjamin, furniture remover, 439 Ley street Dodd Lily (Miss), dress maker, n Cecil road
Craig Charles &; Son, builders et decorators,86 Thorold rd Doggett Henry Ernest, teacher of music, 87 Henley road
oCramphorn Ltd. corn et seed merchants, 134 High road Domb Emanuel Myers, house decorator, 85 Chester rd.
Cramphorn WiJliam Art.hur, district snpt. Prudential Seven Kings
Assurance CP Limited, I I Wellesley road Domestic Bazaar Co.Ltd. (The ),fancy bazaar, 173a,High rd
Crampin William, shopkeeper, 1 Roman Toad Dorrell Sidney Fletcher, insurance superintendent, 2
!Cranbrook College, high school for boys (W. H. Carte Green Lane gardens, Green _lane ·
B.A.Lond. principal), Cranbrook road Drain John Edward, insurance agent, 161 Chester road,
Crane Henry E. jobmast(lr, see Wheal & Crane · Seven Kings
Crane JohnThomasHenry,la1v stationer,B4 Sackville gdns Drake Eliz.a A. (Miss), confectioner, & post. office,. IIS
Craven Solomon, tailor, 207 Ley street · Belgrave road ·
Creed Percival George, ironmonger, 16 Cameron road, Drayeott Aaron John, greengroce-r, Haroltl cottage&,
Seven Kings Horns road, Newbury park ·
Crick Arthnr John, news agent, 313 High road Drew William G. butcher, 2o6 High Toad


Driver Benjamin, butcher, 59 Cranbrook road Field Jn. Thos. butcher, ~ Cameron rd. Seven King..
Drought Percy James L.R.C.P. & S.Irel. physician & Figg William, grocer, 87 Wanstead Park road ,
surgeon, IO'J Balfour road & (surgery) I James villas, Firmin Edward, builder, 5 .St. Mary's road
Buntingbridge road, Newbury Park Firmin Ernest James, jun. gasfitter. 133 St. Mary'a >I"di
Druitt Theodore, monumental sculptor, I Cranbrook pk Fitzgerald Eliza (Mrs.), confectioner, 6a, Blythswoodl
Dudley Samuel Robert L.M.S.S ..A.Lond. physician & parade, High road, Goodmayes
surgeon, II2 Henley road Flatman William, draper, 325 Ley street
Duly Charles William, builder, g6 Coventry road Fleming, Raid & Co. Limited, hosiers, 14 The Pave-
Dunford George, gardener, n Ley street ment, Hi~h road, Seven Kings & I Cranbrook buil~
Dunham Arthur Edwin, beer retailer, 183 Richmond rd iP-gs, Station approach
Dunkin Arthur William Hadzley, artificial teeth makei', l''letcher W. & R.Ltd.butchers,8 South Park par.Greenla
I4 The Pavement, High rd.Seven Kings & I02 High rd Fietcher Waiter (Ilford) Limited, advertising dummt
Dunn & Co. hatters, r k 2 Station approach specialists, Roden street
Dunn Edwin Thomas, architect k •surveyor, 5 Roden Fletcher William E. e11tate agent, 57 Mafeking avenue.,
street & 5 Granville road Seven Kings
Durham Edwin, clothier, 128 & 130 High road Flewitt Samuel William, tailor, 44 High road
Dyer Henry & Sons, undertakers, 101 High road & 17 Flicker Edith (Miss), dress maker, 6I York road
The Pavement, High road, Seven Kings Flight Frank, tool grinder, 9 Hart parade, llford lane
Balden Alfred James, insurance agent, 157 Pembroke Flower Samuel Ernest, builders' merchant, 97 k 99-
road, Seven Kings High road
Earland Frederick .Joseph, insurance agent, 2I High rd Floyd .A.rthur, insurance agent, 121 Ilford lane
Earland John .Albert, supt. to Pearl Life Assurance Co. Folkard Rufus Frederick, commercial traveller, 8 Sl
Limited, 445 High road Alban's road, Seven Kings
Easey Elizh. E. (Mrs.), wardrobe dealr. 373a, High rd Forbes & Son, solicitors k commissioners for oath~.
East John George & Son, fruiterer!', 75 Ilford lane Station approach
East Ham (The) Recorder (South Essex Recorders Ltd. Forbes Henry B. solicitor & commissioner for oath.
printers & publishers; published fri. ), 169 High road (firm, Forhes & Son), Station approach
East London Advertiser (Walter .!.. Locks, printer & Forbes William H. K. solicitor & commissioner for-
publisher: published friday for saturday), 34 High rd oaths (firm, Forhes & Son), Station approach
East William Robert, decorator, 36 Woodlands road _Ford .Alfred, carpenter, 73 Ley street
Easterf.ord Fdk. bPer retailer (off), I Natal par. llford la Ford Charles, hair dresser, 141 Woodlands road
Eastern (The) Counties Seed Co. Limited, seed mer- Ford Charles Thoma!', shopkeeper, 2 Nassau terrace...
chants, 31 & 33 Havelock road Perryman's Farm road, Newbury park
Eastern (The) Counties Times (South Essex Recorders Forster Benjamin Lionel, tailor, II8 Mayfair avenue
Limited, printers & publishers; published saturday), Forsyth William, master mariner, 66 De V ere gardeDI!
169 High road Fox George & James William, builders, Ley street
Eastman &i Son (Dyers &i Cleaners) Limited, dyers, Fox Georgina Eliza (Miss), !!tationer, 194 Richmond rdl
'235 High road Fox Gertrude (Miss), costumier, 39 Thorold road
Eastwood & Co. Limited, builders~ merchants, Ilford Fox William James, grocer, I8I Richmond road
wharf, High road. See advertisement Francis Rev. James, school for boys, 15 Cambridge rdt
Eatenton Robert, dinin~ rooms, 96 Lt•y street Seven Kings
Edwards Ada (Mrs.), dress ma. I I Lincoln ter.Green la Franklin & Howitt, milliners, 439 High road
Edwards Alfred, engineer, IO Eltisley road Franklin Robe-»t, grocer, 47b, Wanstead Park road
Edwards Arthur H. tailor, 131 Ley street l''ranks Alfred, wardrobe dlr. 4 St. Mary's par. High rd'
Eisemann George, butcher, 207 High road Fraser Robert McKechnie M.A., M.B., C.M. physician~
Elder John, musical instrument dealer, 375a, High road surgeon, 18 York road -
Elliot Ltd. hardware manufrs. 5 Natal par. Ilford lane Fret>man, Hardy & Willis Limited, boot makers, 107 ~
Ellis William, news agent, High road I93 High road
Ellisdon Arthur, confectioner. 6ra, Cranbrook road F1·eese John Frederick, tailor, 18o High road
Elsmore William George, solicitor, I8 Wanstead Park rd l<~reshwater William & Sons, gardeners, 26 Stainforth rd'
Emms Arthur, hair dresser, 4 Hainault street Fnller George Edwd. news agt. 7 Plymouth ter. Ley st
Empire Repairing Co. leather sellers. 24I Ilford lane Fuller Mary (Mrs.), dress maker. I7 Albert road
Engleman Emma (Mrs.), tailor, 41 Havelock road Gadd W. J. insurance agent, 61 Castleton rd.Goodmayea-
Ernest Augustus, tobacconh•t, 283 High road Game Archibald, boot maker, 375 High road
Essex County Council Works (Alexander Lowe, district Garden Henry William M.B., Ch.B. physician & snrgeoD
surveyor); depot, Perseverance house, High road (firm, Atkinson & Garden), St. Brelades, Green lane-.
Essex Guardian (Waiter .A. Locks, printer & publisher; Goodmayes
publishe.J friday fol' satutday), 34 High road Gardiner Joseph Edward & Son, tobacconists, 9 Royal
Evans & Co. corn chandlers, 85 Ilfo.rd lane parade, Green lane
Evans David, dairyman, I:l3 Woodlands road Gardint>r Ernest Edmund, grocer, & post off!ee, Birk-
Evans David, shopkeeper, 62 Wilton road 1 beck 1·oad, Newbury park
Evans Hannah (Mrs.), dairy, 20 The Market, Green lanP Gardner Fanny (Mrs.), shirt & collar dresser, us Ley 1t
Evans James, grocer, & post office, 92 Ilford lane Garland John Henry L.A.A. accountant, 23 Alloa road..
Eve & Co. antique dealers, 84 Ilford lane Goodmayes
Everett Waiter, greengrocer, Allotment villa!!, Green la &as Light & Colre Co. (show rooms), 6 Goodmayes rd.
Everett William, butcher, 229 Ilford lane Goodmayes
Fairhead George J. draper, 33 Cranbrook road Gaster Alfred H. piano tuner, 3 St. Mary's par. High rd'
Fairn Frank, estate agent, 15 Reig-ate road Gedge Brothers, drapers, 157, 159 & 161 High road
Farley Ellen (Mrs.), confectnr. 4 Oarlton par. Green la Gehres Albert,watch maker & jeweller, 46 Cranbrook rill
Farmer George, plumber, 38 Bengal road Geiger Joseph, tailor, 4oa, Cranbrook road
Farmer Thomas Geor)!e, plumber, 109 Ilford lane Gerald & Co. coal merchants, G. E. Railway yard,Ley Bt
Farmers' k Cleveland Dairies Co. Limited, 75 High road Gibb John, confectioner, I79 llford lane
Farquhar William B. engineer k manager llford Gas Gibbs Harry Frederick, station master G. E. Bailwa:1
works, HiO'h road station, Goodmayes
Farrell Albt~ hair dresser, 1 Cameron rd. Seven Kings Gibson Harrison & Co. house furnishers, upholsterer&;,
Farrer Percy, hair dresser, 339 Ley street cabine~ makers, carpet wareh~mse &c. 197, 199, 201 c\
fl'arrow Fredk. Edwd. plumber, 6 Lincoln tPr. Green la 203 H1g-h road; 1, 5 &i 7 Hamault street & Havelock;
Farrow John, registl'ar of births, deaths &i marriagE's. road. T :N 47 Ilford
Ilford sub-district, Romford union, 36 Coventry road Gibson Thomas, jeweller, x·Ss High road
Farrow Sydney HE>rhert, dental surgery, I28 & 130 Gilbert John & Son, butchers, 45 York road
High road Gilbert Thomas J. pianoforte warehouse, 190 High roacl!
raulkner JamPs, laundry, I Lillians t.:>rrace, Perrvman's Gilbey Herbert, corn merchant, 1 York road
· Farm road, Newbury park · Gilbey Herbert. seedsman, 403 High road
Faulkner John, jobber, Horns road, New bury pal'k G~lderson Brothers, ~o~ch builders, I Cleveland. road
Paunch Fredk.Geo.architect & surveyor,76 Granbrook rd GtldPrson & Sons Limited, undertakers, II2 H1gh road!
l''easey Wm. Hy. builder, 129 Windsor rd. & Eynsford rd .k B3ilway bridge, Seven Kings
Felto~· John, c~·cle maker, 357 High road &; motor G~lham Gevrge_. ~roce~, 128 Uphall road
engmeer, 234 High road Gtll George Wilham, Ironmonger, 12 Belgrave market
Penn Maud (Miss), dress maker, 74 ~IE>ath road Gillings Jo~eph & Son. house decorators, 107 Wansteacf
Fennimore George, picture frame maker, 279 High road Park road
Ferrier John, stone mason, Goodmayes road, Goodmaye• G 1mblPtt Elizabeth Ann (Mrs.), wine &. spiri' .m~
Fel'l'U George,coal dealer, I Temperance cottage!!, Tyne rd ehant, 3 Ilford lane
• •


Girling Walter, news agent, 35 High road 1 Hamilton Alfred, sub-divisional inspector of ~etropoli-
Gla:r.e Albert H. district supt. London & Manchester tan police, Station, 40 High road
Industrial Assurance Co. Limited, 63 Richmond road Hamilton Gavin M.A. private school, 6 Cranbrook park.
Glt>ish J. F. &; Co. fancy goods dealers, 29 Cranbrook td Hamilton William Claude, teacher of sin~ing, 49
Glickman Jack, ironmonger,4 Broadway market,Ilford la The Drive
Goddard's Gem Appliance Co. Limited, portable build- Hamlin George, builder, Malvern house. Perkins road,.
ing manufacturers, Vicarage lane & 7 Oakfield road Newbury Park
Godfrey Alfred. boot repairer, 6 The Promenade, High Hammond & Miles Limited, builders, 3 Scrafton road·
road, Seven Kings Harnmond Ethel (Miss), teacher of music, 5 Scrafton rcf
Godfrey Alfd. John, cycle ma. 546 High rd. Goodmayes Hammond George, land.,cape gardener, q. Clement's nf
Godfrey Robt. confectnr. 2b, Goodmayes rd. Goodmayes Hammond John, butcher, 39 Mend's lane, Seven King~~<
Gold W.k Sons,jobbing gardeners.rPercy rd.Goodmayes Hancock Hubt-rt Wilson, beer retailer, Green lane
Golding Ellen Susannah (Mrs.), White Horse P.H. 93 Handley A. L. (Mrs.). nurse, 133 Ilford lane
High road Handley Waiter J. fishmonger, 72 &; 74 High road
Golding Miss, nursP, 251 Lev street " Hanliinson's Limited, chemists, 223 Ilford lane &; 5
Goldsmith James, cutler, so ·nford lane South Park parade, Green lanl'
Goodchild Alfred, butcher, 125 Woodlands road Hanks • Arthnr, greengrocPr, 5 Aldborongh pa¥ement,.
Goodeve Frederick, laundry, 3 The Promenade, High High road. Seven Kings . •
road, Seven Kings Hanks Charles M.B. & B.S. physician & surgeon, y~
Goodingha.m Frank F.S.A.A. accountant & auditor, 13 Belgrave road
Cranbrook road Harcourt Leslie J a.mes, insurance agent, q. Scrafton ra
Goodmayes Recreation Grounds, Green lane. Goodmayer. Harding William, tobacconist, 4 Aldborongh pavemerlt,..
Goodridge Anne (Miss), dress maker, 159 Balfour road High road, Seven Kings
Goody Marie (Mrs.), dress maker, 128 St. )'lary's road Hardwick Ada M. (Mrs.), dress malil'r, -t Khartoum
Goslin Henry Charles, nurseryman. Cameron road, parade, Ilford lane
Seven Kings &; 3 Seven Kings Cottages yard Hardy Lena (Miss), ladies' school, 7 Balfour road
Gosling Henry Frank, teacher of music, 13 Cranbrool; Harper-Bourne Ernest, 1adies' !:ailor, 133 High road; k.
road & 57 Kingston road at High road, Woodford
Gosling Kathleen \Miss), dress maker, 105 Stanlt>y road Harries Thomas Henry & Co. drapers, 129 &. 131 High
Gostling & Hosegood, dairy, 520 High rd. Goodmayu road. •r ~ 5-+S Ilford
Gott James Godfrey, deputy clerk to Ilford Urban Dis- Harriman Albt.Llewellyn,accountunt,1>9 Kemington gdns:
trict Council & clHk t(} Ilford Local Pension Corn- Harrington Arthur Ho-w-ard M.P.S. chemist, 137 Wood-
mitteP, Town hall, High road lands road
Gongh John, coffee stall keeper, High road Harris Frank, master mariner. 97 Mayfair avenue
Gourlay Alexander, plumber, 2 Grange road Harris John, accountant, 72 Wanstead Park road
Gowan Gilbert, electrical engineer, 4 Salisbury road Harris Richard, commercial traveller, 44 Dudley roarf
Gowan Jn. Grave, treas. & supt. assistant owrs~>er to Harris W. (Mrs.), ladies' tailor, 24 Balfour road
lliord Urban Distri.ctCouncil ; offices, Town hall,High 1·d Harrison Alfred, oilman, 2 Royal parade, Green lane
Graham Robert, shopkeeper, 92 Spencer :rd. Seven King~ Harrison Frederick B. builder, 166 Balfour road
Grantharn & Co. grocers, 319 High road Harrison John Allt>n, farm bailiff to Mr. Waiter Mills~
Graves Frederick Allen &i Sons. surgical instrument Loxford farm, Loxford lane
makers, II4 Mead's lane, Seven Kings Harrison Thomas Arthur. chemist &; photo~raphic
Gray & Co. outfitters, 225 & 227 High road material dealer, 5'H High road, Goodrnayes &: !).
Gray John, nurseryman, Grove nursery, High road Broomhill market, Green lane, Goodmayes
Gray William Shaw, fancy stationer & post office, 55:.1 flarrison Waiter, boot maker, 97 Stanley road
High road, Goodmayes Harrison Waiter M.A., Mus.Bac. professor of music, 34-
Great Eastern Direct Coal Supply Co. Station approach. Toronto road
York rd. & Railway station, Goodmayes rd.Goodrnayes Hart Ernest Frank, jobmaster, Elfrida mews, Ilford lane-
Great Eastern Railway Goods Yard (John Francis Hurt Jane (Mrs.), shopkePper, Horns road, Newbury pk
McCarthy, goods agent), 409 High road Harwy Lionel Edward, manager & enginePr to Ilfora
Great Ilford Parochial Reading Room, High road Crban Council Tramways, Ley street
Greatorex By. Philip, grocer, Post office, 79 .St. Mary's rd Harvey Percy William, dining rooms, 79 High road
Green Arthur William, grocer, 86 High road & 126 Harvey-George Kenneth, builder, Kingsfield estate office-..
Cranbrook road; & ro Broomhill market, Goodmaves Jersey road
k grocer, & post office, r South Park parade, Green Haselgrove Albert B. electrical enginePr, 23 Water la
lane,. Seven Kings Hatch William Seth, leather seller, 225 Ilford lane
Green Edward, nurseryman, Perryman's Farm road, Hatcher Robert, motor engineer, Cecil parade, High rd"
Newbury park Hatfield George Henry & Son, estate agents, 7 Moot-
Green Harry, confectioner, 2 St. Mary's parade, High rd rose terrace, Green lane
Green Jsph.H. bookbinder,87 Kingswood rd. Goodmaye• Hatfield Beatrice Laura (Miss), milliner, 7 Montrose ter-
Green Thomas James L.D.S.R.C.S.Eng. surgeon- race, Green lane
dentist, 49 Cranbrook road & 22 Holcombe road, Hatfield Octavius Orrin, estate agent, see Hatfield:
Uford Garden Suburb George Henry & Son
Clregory Waiter, grocer, 337 Ley street Jiatton William, plumber, 17 Madras road
Grey Waiter M.R.O.V.S.veterinary surgeon,148 High rd Hawes Henry, sen. undertaker, 280 High road
Grigg Alfred Richard, baker, 333 Ley street Hawes Henry Lambert, undertaker, 70 llford lane
Ctriggs William Peter k Co. Limited, estate owners, 7 Hawkins Henry, photographer, 21 York road
The Drive Hawley William, hair dresser, II7 Ley street
Grimwood William, fancy draper, 53 Green lane Hayday George, te:~cher of dancing, 25 Albert road
Grosse Otto (Madame), corset &; belt maker, 3 Cran- Hayden Edwd. & Son, ophthalmic opticians,163High r<f
brook road Hayden Edward, fttrniture remover, 109 Ley street
Gnilliams Mary (Mrs.), confectioner, 367 High road Hayden Sidney Willis, stationer, 46 High road
Gunary George, farmer, Primrose farm, Barley lanE', Haysom Henry, house furnisher, 7 Blythswood parade..
Goodmayes High road, Goodmayes
Guppy William Frederick, builder, 128a, Cranbrook rd Hazell, Worrall & Co. accountants, 173 High road
Gurney Chas. Seven Kings hotel, High rd. Seven King:< Heath William Henry Charles, builder, J Pembroke gal"-
Gurr Charles, boot maker, 35 The Promenade, High dens, High road, Seven Kings
road, Seven Kings Hecht Hy. Chas. hair drssr. 10 Khartoum ter. Green hr
Back Herbert, hosier, 41 Cranbrook road Hector Percival, watch maker, 85 High road
Badkiss George, gTocer, 40 Stanley road Hedges Herbert A. grocer, 159 Richmond road
Haigh T. V., M.R.S.I. assistant sanitary inspector, 6 Heeley Thomas Pickard, master mariner, 22 Argyle rd
Oakfield road Helmore A.l~ernon Wells, marine surveyor, 6 Cecil ro!Ut
Baines Alfred Thomas,builder,12Bradford rd.Seven King~ Henderson Robert. baker, 10 Cranbrook road
Hales & Son, corn & flour dealers, 124 Woodlands road Henke Louise (Miss), teacher of music, 52 Elgin roact..
Ball Brothers, engineers, 323 High road Seven Kil'lgs
Hairs Ideal Laundry Limited, Vicarage lane Henley John, carpet planner, 12 Stanley road
Hall Alfred, supt. registrar of births, deaths & mar- Henry F. draper, 171 & 171a, High road
riages, 18 Mansfield l"Oad Henry John, picture frame maker, 443 High road
Ball Emily (Mrs.), dress maker, 42 Betchworth road Hewitt Robert E. district manager to Liverpool Vie-
Hall Isaac William, dairy, lliord lane toria Legal Friendlv & Approved Societ-it-s & Cor-
Ball William George, builder, ICY] Lansdowne road poration ·Limited. 67 High road
Ham Henry James, dairyman, 47a, Wanstead Park road .

Heywood & Heywood, draper:., 9 &; 10 The Paverr.ent, Hunter Alfred Thomas, boot maker, 144 Richmond rd
High road, Seven Kings Hunter Henry, chimney cleaner, 47 Roden street
Heywood George, draper, see Heywood & Heywood Hunter Isaac, chimney cleaner, 9 Station road
Hibble Mary Amelia (Miss), draper, 215 High road Hunter Robt. Wm.coal. mer.121 Chester rd.SevenKinga
Hicks Charle:o, builder, 41 Hamilton road Hutchings Waiter George, hair dresser, 73 Ilford lane ·
Hilbert William J. hair dresser, 3 Station road Hutchinson Elizh.(Miss), ladies' school,51 & 53'Ihe Drive
Hill Joseph Henry, insurance agent, 184 Richmond road Butt Thomas, furniture broker, 1a, The Promenade,
Hill William, boot maker, 253 Ilford lane High road, Seven Kings
Hill William, jobbing gardener, I Britannia road Hyett William & Son, plumbers, 427 Ley street
Biliary Frederick Charles, com. trav. 72 Hampton road Hygienic & Ilford Laundry Co. Limited, 36g High road
Hi11man Frederick E. professor of music,18 Auckland rd Ibberson Waiter Armitage, accountant, 17 Alloa :road,
Hine Henry Charles, plumber, 102 Thorold road '
Goodmaves •
Hitehcock Alfred, apartments. 27 High road Ilford Amusements Ltd. skating ring, 22 to 28 High rd.
Hitchcock Frederick William, builder, 63 Aldborough rd Ilford Cemetery ( J oseph Pates, supt. ), Buckingham rd
Hobbs Mary J ane ("Mrs.), teacher of music, 39 Kings- Ilford College for Boys (William Booth Shore B.A..
wood road, Goodmayes principal), 40 Aldborough road, Seven Kings
Hocken William John, master mariner,53 Northlo!rook rd Ilford Conservative Club (F. W. Foot, hon. sec.), 42
Hodge Robert Thomas, estate agent, see Neale & Hodge High road. T N 599 Ilford
Hodgkins Louie (Miss), dress maker, 93 Westwood road, Ilford Conservative & Liberal unionist Association (J.
Goodmayes C. W _ Kellow, hon. sec.), 49 High road
Hodgkinson George Alfd. provision dlr. 325 Ilford lane Ilford Cricket Club; private grO'Und, Cranbrook road
Hole William Henry, dairyman, 333 High road Ilford & District Traders' Association Limited (J. H.
Holl Robt. com. trav. 91 Kingswood road, Goodmayes W orrall, sec.), 173 High road
Hollingshead Alfd.Lord Napier P.H.Green la.Goodmayes llford & District Women's Liberal Association (Mn. F.
Hollingshead Charles, beer retailer, 106 Ley street G. Grimwood, hon. sec.), 91 Hig-h road
Hollis Stephen, insurance agent, 391 Ley street Ilford Emergency Hospital (B. Henderson, hon. 16C. ;
Holman George, painter, 12 Aldborough cottages, High Miss L. E. Green, matron; for hon. consulting medical
road, Seven Kings staff see p. 324), Abbey road, ~ewbury Park
Holttum T. G. & Son, butchers, 3 The Pavement, High Ilford Empire Kinema, Ilford lane

road, Seven Kings Ilford Football Club Ground, Lynn road
Roman & Sons, builders ; workshops, Roden street Ilford Gas Co. (Gerald H. S. Iorns A.C.I.S. sec.), &.z,
Home & Colonial Stores Limited (The). tea & provision 64 & 66 High road (T N 48 Ilford) & (William B.
dealers, 95 High road & 44 The Promenade, High road Farquhar, engineer & manager) High rd. TN 22 Ilford
Hood William, corn & flour dealer, 175 Ilford lane Ilfm·d Golf Club Limited; l'egistered Qffice (A. Thomp-
Hooper James, Angel P.H. 109 High road son, sec.), Wanstead Park road
Hooper Rosa (Mrs.), music teacher, 21 Meath road Ilford Guardian (Waiter A. Locks, printer & publisher~
Hopkin & Williams Limited, chemical manufacturers, published thursday for friday), 34 High road
Lavender Mount works, Uphall road llford Hippodrome (George Wells, manager; Miss Flor-
Hopkins Leonard Frederick, tea agent, 21 Kingston road ence Aylmer, sec.), Ilford lane
Hopkins Thomas, dairyman, 6 Carlton parade, Green la Iliord Lawn Tennis Club, Valentine's park, Cranbrook rd
Hopper John, dairyman, 171 Dford lane Ilford Liberal Club (Percy S. Brown, hon. sec.), 10 Bal-
Hornby Watson, stationer, & post office, 1 Cranbrook rd four road
Horton Frederick John, painter, 2a, Melford road Ilford Liberal & Radical Association (Charles Thomson.
Hosegood Edwin John, dairy, see Gostling & Hosegood hon. sec.), 10 Balfour road
Hoskin Joseph. fried fish dlr. 5 Princess par. New road Ilford Ltd. phQtographic dry plate manufrs. 39 Roden st
Hosking George, artifieial teeth manufacturer, 117 Ilford Low Level Sewerage Pumping Station (Charlea
Cranbrook road Smith, engineer in charge), Roden street
Hostead & Webster, nurserymen, Y<mng's road, New- Ilford Men's Meeting Institute Ltd. (W. A. Jameson,
bury park hon. treas.; W. J. P. Stroud, sec.), 2 Riehmond road
Hotson Sidney, estate office, 8 Cowley road Ilford Military Band (Edwin Henry Gunby, hon. see. &
Houchin Edmund King L.R.C.P. & S. & L.M.Edin. treasurer), 5 Cranbrook road
physician & sur(\'eon, 66 Cranbrook road Ilford Motor & Cycle Co. (T. H. Johns, proprietor),
Houchin Victor Stanley L.D.S.R.C.S.Eng. dental sur- c~cle manufacturers, 6o Cranbrook road ·
geon, I The Drive llford (The) Paper Mills Co.(Walter D. Judd, manager),
Houghton Arthur George, hair dresser, 88 High road & Mill road
Clement's road Ilford Perseverance Club (Edward George Matthews,
Houghton Murtaugh James M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. sec.; Edvrard T. Brown, steward), 13 York road
physician & surgeon, 2 York road llford Public Baths (Thomas Johnson, supt.), Roden at
Houlson George, artificial teeth manufactr. 155 llf{)rd la Ilford Ratepayers' Association (A. M. Young, sec.), 91
Howard Beatrice (Miss), toy dealer & music seller, see High road
Croucher & Howard Ilford Reading Room (J. W. F. Mumford, trustee), 241
Howard William, baker, 417 High road High road
Howards & Sons Limited, manufacturing chemists, Ilford (The) Recorder (South Essex Recorders Limited,
Uphall works, Uphall road printers & publishers; published thurs.), x6g High r4
Howden Albert Edwd. cycle dlr. 3 Royal par. Green la Ilford Repairing Co. Cranbrook bldgs. Station approach
Howes R. H. Ltd. manufacturing ironmongers, 205 Ilford Steam Sanitary Laundry Co. Limited (B. Bailey,
High road (T ~ <;71 Ilford} & ironmongers, 35 Gran- llec. ), Ley street; registered offices, 5 Cranbrook road.
brook road Ilford Town Hall (James Draine, hall keeper), High rd
Howes & Co. firewood dealers, 278 High road Ilford Urban Council Fire Station (John Woollard,
Howitt L. (Miss), milliner, 10e9 Franklin & Howitt superintendent), Ley street
Howlett Herbert B. shopkeeper, 82 Stanley road Ilford urban Council Tramways Offices (Lionel Edward
Hubbard (The) Tyre Co. cycle tyre manufacturers, 2 Harvey, tramway mal)ager & engineer), Ley street
Wharf buildin!!S, High road Ilford Urban District Council Depot (Joseph Kirkland,
Hubbard Albert Edward, builder, 19 Cleveland road storekeeper), Ley street
Hudson Constance (Mrs.), fancy repository, 135 High rd llford Urban District Council Electricity Department
Hudson Edith (Miss), private nursing home, 65 Wood- (Arthur Henry Sha.w M.I.E.E. & M.I.M.E. chief eo-
lands road gineer), Ley street; show rooms, 221 High road
Hughes William, plumber. 77 Hampton road Imperial Steam Laundry Co. ('l'he), Sunnyside road
Hulbert Thomas William. solicitor, I Aberdour gardens, Income Tax Enquiry Office (T.H.Johns),6o Oranbrook rd
Green lane, Goodmayes Ingram James, farmer, Beehive
Hull Thomas Arthur, greengroc£>r, 135 Woodlands road ln:;:kip Ernest, coal merchant, 193 Ley street & Great
Humphrey Fr£> agent, 38 Northbrook rd Eastern Railway yard
Humphrey George Thomas, shopkeeper, 26 Ley street Institute for Trained Nurses (Mrs. Elizabeth Craig, ma-
Hunt & Hunt, solicitors, 158 High road tron), 59 Empress avenue
Hunt Emily Lucy (Mrs.), blouse maker, 37 Havelock rd Interna.tionoal Tea Co.'s Stores Limited, grocers, 26
Hunt Frances (Mrs.), dress maker, 12 Jersey road Cameron road, Seven Kings
Hunt Francis John, solicitor, see Hunt & Hunt Irving Louisa (Miss), ladies' outfitter, 27 Oakfield road
Hunt Henry \\'m. greengrocer, Horns rd. ~ewbury pk lsbister William Geo. B. A. prof. of music,18 Grosvenor rd
Hunt Sydney,. solic1tor, see Hunt & Hunt hemonger Edward Percy, phonograph dlr. 151 Ley st!
Hunt William A. E. chemist~ ma, Belgrave market Ives James William, commercial traveller, 37 H.utland rd
Hunter Thomas &; Co. coal mer~o. Derby lo. Chester I'd. lvimon Charles Horace Ph.D. analYtical •
chemist. 6o
Seven Kings &; 8 Orchard gdn~. High rd. Goodmayes Selborne road


Jackson Charles E. butcher, 186 High road Knox Alice Mary (Mrs. J, fancy stationer, 3 South Park
Jacksnn T. W. superintendent school attendance 1lffi.cer, parade, Green lane
3 Meath road Knox William Henry, builder, 2 Breamore gardens k
Jacobs DaY"e, livery & bait stables, High rd.Seven Kings (yard) Esher road, South park, Seven King-s
Jacobs John Knolton, builder, 256 Thorold road Koster Katie (Mrs.), confectioner, 18 South Pllrk par.
Jaft'e ~- & Co. tobacconists, Railway bridge, High road, Green lane, Seven Kings
Seven Kings Kydd k Kinnear, fancy repository, 377 High road
Jaffe Samuel, confectioner, 47 Cranbrook road Lach Szyrma H. & Co. solicitors, 133 Northbrook road
James & Son, hosiers, 118 High road Lambert John & Co. pawnbrokers 84, & furniture
Jameson &; Son, boot makers, I I Broomhill market, dealers 48a, High road
Gree-n lane, Goodmayes Lambert George J. dental surgery, 52 Aldborough xoad
Jameson Alfred, beer retailer, Green lane Lambert John, commercial traveller, 28 Coventry rd
Jameson Waiter A. boot maker, 233 High road k ~ao Lambert John, pawnbroker, 309 Ley street
Hainault street Lammas Alice (Miss), dress maker, 215 Henley road
Jameson William, dairy, 4 Broomhill market, Green Lane William J. k Son, bakers, so Cranbrook road
lane, Goodmayes Lane Herbert Thomas, private tutor, 21 Seymour grdna
Jansen John,florist,Birkbeck rd.& Netley rd. NewburyPk Lane William, daicyman, 33 York road
Jarman Charles, boot maker, 24 North road Lane William, insurance agent, 87 Windsor road
• Jarvis & Co. Ltd. fruiterers & greengro.cers, 55 Cran· Lang Norman, confecti(mer, 68 High road ; 13 Station
IJrook road & 5 Belgrave market approach & 99 Cranbrook road
JarY"is Mary (Miss), dress maker, Birkbeck road, Langley George William, boot maker, 50 Pelham road
Newbury park
Jusoy Ludwig Wilhelm, translator of languages, 70
Pembroke road, Seven Kings
Larner Albert Ezra, brickhyer, 7 Abbey rd. Newbury pk
Larner Frank, decorator, 10 Bra.ndon grove
Larner Solomon Brown, bricklayer, Birkbeck road, New-
Jeft'eries & Co.photographers,27Wellwo0d rd.Goodmayes bury Park
Jelks Sid, house furnisher, 10 Cameron road, Seven La' Thangue Wm. Edward, dining rooms, 321 lliord la
Kings k 411 High road Laverock Peter, master mariner, 42 The Drive
Jenkin James H. news agent, 199 Ilford lane Law Mabel (Miss), girls' school, 172 Wanstead Park road
Jenkins & Co. news agents, 317 Ley street Lawrence Brothers, furniture removers, 133 Tiford lane
Jenner Frederick William, dining rooms, 14 South Park Lawrence John Charles, pianoforte tuner, 32 St. Alban'a
parade, Green lane, Seven Kings road, Seven Kings
Jennings Charles, confectioner, 2 Princess par. ~ew rd Lawson William, coal agent, 3 New road, Seven Kings
Johson Thos. Battersby B.A., M.D. & B.Ch.Dub., D.P.H. Lee Catherine (Miss), nurse, 33 Oleveland road
Loud. physician & surgeon, & divisional surgeon of Lee John, boot repairer, 3 Cecil parade, High road
police, llford; medical officer & public vaccinator Lee Joseph John, fruiterer, 4 Royal Park par. Green la
Ilford (No. 4 sub-district), Romford uuion (Watts, Leeks ~\braham John Percival, confectioner, 41 Roden st
Jobson, Rae &; Watts), 136 High road Leeson, Smith & Co. costumiers, 25 York road
John k James, grocers, 204 High road Lehenup Herbert W. Old Red House P.H. Beehive
John~on Alfred, Cauliflower hotel, High road Leland Edward, pianoforte tuner, 43 St. Mary's road
.Jobnson Alfred William, tea agent, 37 Bedford road Leonard Arthur William, fishmonger, 7 Cameron road,
Johnson Jas. Hy. eel pie ho. 8 Broadway mrkt.Ilford la Seven Kings
Johnstone J. chemist, 317 Ley ·street Leonard Samuel, fishmonger, 1 Seven Kings cottages,
Jonathan Ernest E. ticket writer, 4 Hart par. Ilford la High road, Seven Kings
]ones Carl, tobacconist, 7 Broomhill market, Green Leonard Waiter Richard, butcher, 313 Ley street
lane & 538 High road, Goodmayes Lesadd .A. .A. & Sons, pawnbrokers, 222 k 224 High
Jones- Dama.ris (Mrs.), dress maker, 57 Woodlands rd road & 237 & 239 Ilford lane
Jones David, boot warehouse, 70 High road Levin Lily (Madame), milliner, 6sa, Cranbrook road
lones Emily (Mrs.),d~ess ma.:'1-Q Highbury gdns.W~st rd Levy Joseph, tobacconist, 4 Cameron road, Seven Kings
Jones Fredk. Dark, wme & spuit merchant, n6 High rd &; Station approach
Jones Harry, boot repairer, see Chapman & Jones . Lewin Genrge & Sons, builders, Hainault ho. Hainault "lit
Jones Josephine (Miss), teacher of music, 34 RICh- Lewington Albert, boot &; shoe maker, 97 llford lane
mond road Lewis Anrtie & Alice (Misses), dress makers, 22 Betch-
Jones Orlando, oil & color man, 2 Belgrave market. worth road
Jone15 William Henry, boot maker, Harold cottages, Lewis Charles James, builder, 41 Rutland road
Horns road, Newbury park Lewis George, baker, II9 Hampton road
Jones William Henry, decorator, 10 Clement's road Lewsey Alfred, dairy, 72 Stanley road
Jordan Frederick, ~ecorator, 67 Stanley road Lewsey William, dairymrm, 2 Farnham rd. St:>ven Kings
Jub;r Sarah M. ()bss), dress ma.22 Hatton ter.Green la Light (The) Electric Motor Co. Limited, electric~l ap·
Jumper Ezra (Mrs.), dress maker, 144 Hampton road pliance manufacturers, Farnham road, Seven Kmgs
Kadwill Leonard Jn. tobacconist,47 Camden ter.Green la Lilley &; Skinner Ltd. boot & shoe makers, 103 High :rd
Keeble Alfred George, beer retailer, 227 Ley street Lilwall Norman Alfred I.S.M. professor of music, 147
Keeble Florence (Miss), servants' registry office, 175 Ilford lane
.!.!~borough roa_d Linch Hugh B. boot repairer, Ilford lane •
Keehng Ellen (Miss), dress maker, 463 Ley street Lipton Ltd. grocers & provision dealers, 127 High road
Keens William, removal contractor, Young's road, New- Little Heath & Goodmayes Crid:et Club (T. Hussey,
bury Park . hon. sec.), Barley lane, Goodmayes
Keltle)" Ellen (Miss), dress maker, I I Orchard gardens, Little Heath & Goodmayes Lawn Tennis Club (Ernest
High road, Goodmayes G. Beck, hon. sec. & treas.), Farnham road
Kemp Jas. Nelson, grocer, 1 St. George·s par.Ilford la Little Charles, furniture remover, 158 Ley street
Kendrick Jesse, marine store dealer, llford wharf, Little Thomas E. shopkeeper, 293 Ilford lane
Boden street. T N 593 Ilford . Liverpool Victoria Le1,ral Friendly & Approved Societies
Kent H. W. & ~on, slaters, 81 ·C.hester rd. S~ven Kmgs & LiYerpool Victoria. Im:urance Corporatio~ J,imited
Kent Clara Anme (~rs.), confectiOner, 335 High road (Robert E. Hewitt, district manager), 67 Htgh road
Kerr Abraham, millmer, .100 Ilford lane Lloyd John, auctioneer & estate agent, 3 Mansfield road
Keys Charles, watch repauer, II9 Ley street Lloyd Thomas, plumber, 19 Kimberley avenue, Seven
King Alfred. boot maker, 241 Ley street Kings &; 2 Oameron road, Seven Kings
K~ng E. (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 266 Ley stre~t . . Locks Waiter A. printer & publisher of "llford
Kmg FranJi C. rate collector to Urban Distnct Council, Guardian," "Essex Guardian" & "East Lond-on
~own hall •. High. J"?ad . . . ~-\dvertiser, '' 34 High road. T N 43 Ilford
Kmg Fred~ric~ Willia~, ch1ef mspector of nmsances to Lockwood John Gill &; Son, bakers, 233 Ley street •

_TJrban District C~uncll, 6 Oakfi.eld road Lockwood Harry, dairy, 1 Princess parade, New road
K~ng James '!m· picture f~~e maker, 27 Cranbrook rd Lodge Kate (Miss), teacher of music, _10 Howard road
King Thoa. Gill L.S.A. physlCian k surgeon,207 llford la Lofthouse Alexander Sinclair, sign writer,39 Rutland rd
Kingsnorth Fredk. Samuel, blacksmith, 21 Roden st Lofts B. &; Co. drapers, 5o2 High road, Goodmayes
Kinnear Jane (Miss), fancy :repos. see Kydd k Kinnear London &; Counties Stores Lim. oilmen, 139 Ley street
Kitteridge Alfred Charles, painter, 12 Wilton road London County &; Westminster Bank Limited (branches)
Klingelhofer Elsie Mary k Eva (Misses), milliners, 504 (C. A. Nicbols, manager), The Broadway (open daily)
& so& High road, Goodmayes k 548 High road, Goodmayes (sub-branch to lliord);
Knight Charlotte E. (Miss), girls' school, see ~ewman draw on head office, 41 Lothbnry, London E C
Knight • London General Omnibus Co. Limit-ed (depot), High
Kni~ht William, greengrocer, 61 Stanley road road, GoodrnaYes
Knowlt's Thomas Du Rose, dairy, 172 Richmond road · •
London &; Provincial Bank Limited (branch) (Allan May Joseph, insurance agent, 59 Ley street

William Hare, manager), 126 High road &; 530 High Mayes Eleanor (Mrs.), dress maker, 79 Pembroke roacl,
road, G{)odmayes (open daily) ; draw on head office, Seven Kings
3 Bank buildings, Lothbury E C & Glyn, Mills. Mayger Alfred George, plumber, 8 St. Mary's road
Currie & Co. 67 Lombard street, London E C. See ~iayhew Edward James, tailor, 22 Seven King:> road
advertisement Maylin Bertram Henry, wine & spirit mer. 230 High rd
London &; South Western Bank Limited (L. Gordon Maypole Da.iry Co. Limited, dairymen, 105 B1gh road
Lester, manager), 12 Cranbrook road; draw on head Mays William J. assistant overseer to the Ilford Urban
office, 170 Fenchurch street, London E C District Council, 'l'own hall
· George, furniture remover, Hawthorn glen, Ley sr. May" ood ~nnie (Mrs.), midwife, Horns rd. Xewbury pk
·Looker John William, jun. dairy, 3 Aldborough pave- Meader George, watch maker, 2 Cecil parade, High road
ment, High road, Seven Kings Mean Frederick, grocer, 7 Royal parade, Green lane
Lord & Wardell, laundry, 4 South Park parade, Greeu )<ledlock Florence Ada Emily (Mrs.), furniture remover-,
lane & 38 Stanley road 5 Khartoum terrace, Green lane
Loryman Fredk. Chas. grocer, 95 Mead's la.Seven Kings Medlock Frederick, sen. coal agent, 32 Guildford road
Lovell Henry, greengrocer, 333 Ilford lane Mees William, surveyor, IS Sunnyside road
Lovett Arthur H. & Son, painters &; house decorators, .\IPita ::\iary (Madame), rPgi!'try office for servants, 9
7 &; 42 Ley street ·Cranbrook road ·
Lovett Frederick Thomas, painter & house decorator, 1 "}lendell )lartyn, boot repairer. 59 Green lane
Blythswood road, Goodmayes Mercer Welford S. manager of Parr's Hank Limited, II '
Lovibond Jn. & Sons & spirit mers.2ooHigh rd The Pavement, High road, Seven Kings
Lovney Florence E.-L. (Miss), grocer, r66 Stainforth rJ Mercer Wm. Geo. fishmonger, 45 Mead's la. Seven King~
Low Alfred & Co. ladies' tailors, 53 Cranbrook road Merritt-Rogers Louise E. (Madame) R.A.M., R.C.M.
Lowe, Aston & Co. printers, 125 Ley street professor of music,10Tillotson rd.Ilford Garden suburb.
Lowe J. &; Co. builder~, 31 Wellesley rd. & 123 Ley st Merson J. Bruoe, architect & surveyor, 4 Park view.
Lowe A. county road surveyor for Ilford District, County Brisbane road
depot, High road Metropolitan .Academy of Music (Frank Bonner, direc-
Lowe Elizh. M. (Miss), court dress maker, 44 York road tor), .8r Cranbrook road &; 3 Pembroke gardens.
Lowe Frederick, ticket writer, 44 York road Seven Kina-s
Lowe Henry, dyer &;; deaner, 6oa, Cranbrook road .\'letropolitan Water Board (Eastern district) (pumping
Lowe Mrs. dress maker, 88 Coventry road station) (William Jeffree, supt. in charge), Redbridge
Loxford R.Pcreation Ground, Uphall road Meyer Brothers, hair dressers, 10b, Belgrave market
Loxford Sanitary Steam Laun4ry Co. 209 Ilford lane Michael Edward & Cn. butchers, 5 The Prnmenade. High
Lucas William Blake, hardware dealer, Post office, roo road, Seven King11
Mead's lane, Seven Kings .\iickley Frederick, tobacconist, 94 Ley street
Luffrnan William, gre~>ngrocer, 4 Princess par. New rd MighPll William Cohbett, farmer, Fernhall & Stonehali
Lnpinsky & Brandon, tailors, go High road farms, Redbridge
Lush &; Cook Limited, dyers & cleaners, 133 High road Mildon John, Beehive P.H. Beehive
& 4 The Pavement, High road, Seven Kings :\'liles M. M. (Miss), teacher of music, 187 Ley sbeet
Lyons Lillian (l\Irs. ), ft'ather curler, 10 Hamilton road Miller Geo. H. builder, 47 St. Alban's rd. Seven King&
McGarthy M. A. Ellen (:Mrs.), ironmonger, 431 High rd Miller William, confectioner, 39 High road
MoG'ulloch George David, confectioner, 347 Ley streei Millington Herbert Ernest, General Havelock P.H. 2.29
MacDavid Hew, tailor, 14 l'he Market, Green lane High road
M:cDermid David Alex. confectioner, 139 Woodlands rd Mills J. & Son, builders & decorators, 41 York road
.ll[acey William John, master mariner, 127 Cranbrook rd Mills Waiter, farmer, Loxford hall, Loxford lane
Macfarlane Murdo, master mariner, 72 Courtland aven Mitch George, fishmonger, 7 The Pavement; High road,
llachin Herbert, insurance agent, 12 Wanstead Park rd Seven Kings
Y:cKee Frederick Charles B ..A., M.B., B.Ch., B.A.O. ~itchell Archibald M.B., C.M. physician & surgeon
physician & surgt'on, 87 Cranbrook road & r6 Broad- (firm. Carrell & Mitchell), SI Woodlands road
way markf't, Ilford lane Mitchell Edith(Miss),nurse,24 Goodrnayes av.Goodmaye~
McKendry Thomas Totrens B..A., M.B., B.Ch., B.A.O. Moate A. (Madame), dress maker, 166 High road
physician & surgeon, 39 Wellwood road, Goodmayes Mogg &' mers. 12 Goodmayes rd.Goodmaye.
McLean Stuart Alfred, painter,43 Mead's la.Seven Kings Moir George, master mariner, 19 Seym.our gardens
Va.ddieson Henry, "llmdow clnr. 24 Golfe rd.Seven Kings Monk Ja.mes "McVittie, boot malrer, 341 Ley street &
Madell Frank, laundry, 24 Cameron road, Seven Kings Horns market, Horns road, Newbury park
Maidment M. (Miss), teacher of art needlework, 170 Monk Jawes William, insurance agent, III Hampton rd
Balfour road Monkcom H. C., A.R.S.I., _A. .I.S.E. sanitary inspector.
Mann John, tailor, 363 High road 6 Oakfi.eld road
lla.n~field & Sons, dairrmen, 89 Ilford lane Moody Madame, teacher of music, 45 Auckland road
lllapley Bolx>rt James, butcher, 4 Belgrave market & 103 Moor Frederick Chas. decorator, IBS Wanstead Park road
Belgrave road Moorcroft Albert T. dtlcorator, .'i3 South Park par~de.
Mardon Herbert David, tobacconist, 169 Ilford lane Green lane; works, Oaklands Park avenue, High road
Marks & Spencer Limited, bazaar, 76 High road ~oore Annie (Mrs.), estate agent, 28 South Park parade.
liarling William, boot rppairer, 6 Plymouth ter. Ley st Green lane, Seven Kings
Marquis Isabella (Mrs.), draper, 67 Khartoum road Moore George, laundry. 12 Hainault street
Varr .Albert, hair dresser, 123 Woodlands road Moore Horace Arthur, tailor, 135 Henley road
Marriott & Co. house agents, 142 High road Moore Robert Nelson, artist, 71 Elgin road, Seven Kiufls
Marriott Chas. A. King's tax collector, 142 High road Moore Sydney, florist, 1b, Westwood gardens, High rd.
Martin Eliza (Mrs.), ostrich feather curler, 7 Orchard Seven Kings
gardens, High road, Seven Kings !\fori William, ironrnonger, 7 Aldborough pavement.
Martin Guy, hair dresser, Horns market, Horns road High road, Seven Kings
.Martin Sydney, fishmongPr, 9 ~outh Park parade, Green Morris Edward Ernest, confectioner, 8 Goodmayes road.
lane, Seven Kings Goodmayes
:t.lartin William, fruiterer, 341 High road Morris Henry, hair dresser, 90 High road
Mash ~indrew, confectioner, 221 Ilford lane Morton Harry, assistant insur. supt. 53 Ward's rd. east;
lfa<~on Harry, nl'W" ag·pnt, Horns marl;:et, Horns road, Morton Walter, apartments. 29 High road
Newbury park ~Ioses James .Alfred, master mariner, 4 Bathurst road
Mason Harry James, pianoforte tuner, 68 Richmond rd Motor Gear Engineering Co. Brandon grove
Ma~on William Stacey, builder, 6r Cleveland road Mouatt Waiter, grocer, 407 Ley street
Mather William John, artificial tepth ma. 183 High rd Moulton Robert James, draper 177, 179, 181 & I8J • .\
:M11tt Elizh. (Mrs.), shopkpr. 2 Salisbury cots. Roden r:;t mantle maker r8g, High road
Matthews & Son, chemists, 49 Cranbrook road Mount Alfred J. glass cutter, go Ley street
Matt.hews Edward, news agent, 25 Wilton road Moy Thos. Ltd. coal mers. Goodmayes rd. Good.ruayes.
.Matthews Herbert R. florist 239 High road Mulley Edward William, teacher of shor~hand, 6 Clel"e-
M:atthews William, chimney cleaner, 38 Stanley road land road & 86 High road
Mattinson John H. dairy, 32 Cameron I'd. Seven Kings :\'lullis & Walmisley, solicitors & commissioners for
llaudsley Noel M.B., ~.S.Edin. physician k surgeon, 62 oaths, I Cranbrook road
Oourtland avenue Mullis Fred, solicitor &; commissioner for oaths, 1 Crau-
M:aurer Charles H. watch maker, 5 Pembroke gardens, brook road
High road, Seven Kings .\Iunting George Thomas, wardrobe dealer, 37 High roa•l
May & Co. adl<·ertisement agents. 13 Cranbrook road I Murphy Dennis Andrew, tobacconist, ssa, High road
May James, estate agt. 2 & 44 Cameron rd. Se'""en Kings Murphy James, registered plumber, 85 Northbrook :road
:Musgrove Lilian (Mrs.), milliner, sr York road Patmore Ethel (Miss), school for infants, 42 Belgrave rd.
llusk John Tattersall, news agent, 5 I Green lane Patmore Frederick William, commercial traveller, 18
llusto Frank Price, coffee rooms, I I Belgrave market Eastwood road, Goodmayes
Myall et Upson, builders, Connaught road Patmore George, plumber, I Camden terrace, Green la
Myera William Henry, wire worker, 4 Guildford road, Patterson & Co. provision dealers, 72 Ilford lane
South park, Seven Kings Patterson James, pharmacist, 52 Ilford lane
Yaish Henry, grocer, 329 Ley street Pattison Albert John L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. phy·
National Alloys Limited, aluminium founders, 38 High sician & surgeon, medical officer & public vaccina.tGr
road. T N 240 Ilford {Ilford No. 3 sub-district), Romford union, 8 Kings-
.National Photo Co. photographers, no High road wood road, Goodmayes
~eal Mary Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, 65 Natal road Pattinson Hubert Foden, solicitor & commissioner for
~eale & Hodge, estate agents, 160 High road; 13 Crau- oaths, 64 Aldborongh road, Seven Kings
brook road & 36 New road Paul Edgar, dairyman, u South Park parade, Green la
Nelson James & Sons Limited, butchers, 73 High road; Paver James, hair dresser, I Cecil parade, High road
12 Cameron road, Seven Kings & I91 llford lane Pavie J oseph & Co. confectioners, 66 Ilford lane
Yelson William Thomas, house decorator, 6o Grange rd Pavitt Arthur, blacksmith, Young's road, Newbury Park
Newell Ethel(Miss),dress ma.4oWestwood rd.Goodmayes Paxton Percy, marine store dealer, 98a, Ilford lane
~ewman Arthur decorators,4Cranbrook rd Pay Edward Thomas, baker, I4 Mead's lane,Seven Kings
Newman Edwd. & Co. china & glass dlrs. 43 Green la Payne Laura (:Miss), confectioner, 45 The Promenade,
~ewman & Knight (Misses), school for girls & kinder- High road, Seven Kings
garten, 3 Eastwood road, Goodmayes Peal Mary Ann (Mrs.), umbrella maker, & post office,
Yewman Elias Nelson, painter & grainer, I07 Grange rd 345 High road
Newman George William, decorator, 7 Toronto road PParce Jn. boot a shoe ma. 15 The Pavement,SevenKings
Sewman's, estate agents, 4 Cranbrook road Pearkes Arthur Edward, solicitor & commissioner lor
~ewa (The) & Book Supply Limited, bookseliers, 6 oaths, 2 Coventry road, k see Pettiver & Pearkes
Cameron road, Seven Kings PParks Limited, grocers, 7 South Park parade, Green la
Yicholls Samson & Co. builders, 85 Blythswood road. Pearson Alfred Alexander, watch maker, 233 Ilford lane
Seven Kings David, ho. decorator, 67 Belmont rd.&33IHigh rd
~icholls Harry Latter. grocer, 57 Mead's la.Seven Kings Peirsine Lizzie (Miss), dress maker, 14 Herbert road
Sichols Charles A. manager of London County & West- Pelham Frederick, artist, 16 Green Lane gardens
minster Bank Limited, so High road & 548 High road, Pember Thomas, .shopkeeper, 2 Sandyhill road
Goodmayes Pember Thos. Edwd. shirt & collar drssr.1oi Belgrave :rd
Nicholson & Co. house agents,530 High I'oad,Goodmayet Pendrill Elinor (Mrs.), confr. 53 Mead's la. Seven Kings
Yicholson Wm. Jas. umbrella repairer, 25 Windsor road Pendrill Fredk. insur. agt. 66 St. Alban's rd.SevenKings
Nickolls Charles, conf&ctioner, 145 Ley street Perez Millicent (Madame), teacher of piano, 6 Kenil-
Nickolls Sarah (Mrs. ),nurse,26 St.Albans rd. Seven Kings worth gardens
Norman & Mobbs, butchers, 124 High road Perkins Frederick William, rate collector for Sevea
~orman Wm. G. architect, 9 Elmstead rd. Seven Kings Kings, Goodmayes & Chadwell districts of the Urban
Nor'th Henry, watch maker, 7 Roden street · District Council, Kingswood road, Goodm.ayes
Northcott Geo. Middleton, i~>sur. agt. I54 Hampton rd Perrin John Manoah, drainage inspector to Urban Dis-
Norton Bros. & Co. engineers (mechanical), Uphall rd trict Council, 4 Oakfield road
Nunn Edwin Grimston, cycle dealer, 349 Ley street Perry & Sons, scale makers, 391 High road
:Sunn Henry, window cleaner,Io Clyde cottages,Roden st Perry Alexander, commercial traveller, 33 Bedford road
Nunn William, furniture dealer, 185 Ilford lane Perry James Henry, Rose & Crown P.H. I6 High road
Nuttall A. & Co. boot makers, 532 & 532a, High Perugini Umberto, confr. 10 Broadway market, Ilford }&
road; 47· The Promenade, High road, Seven Kings & Peskett G. & Sons, dairymen, 6 Cranbrook roa.d
sza, Goodmayes road, Goodmayes · Peters Peter S. dairyman, 216 High road
Nnttall Alfred, boot maker, 124 Cranbrook road ; 1a, Pettigrew James, builder, Clark's road, Seven Kings
Balfour road & 39 York road Pettiver & Pearkes, solicitors, 5 Cranbrook road
~ye George Ernest, architect & surveyor, 64 Argyle rd Phillips Philip, confectioner, 30 Cameron rd.Seven Kings
Oatea Geoffrey Eugene iM.D., B.S.Lond., M.R.C.P.Lond., & dining rooms,4 The Promenade,High rd.Seven KinQIB
D.P.H.Camb. acting medical officer of health for Phillips Richard, butcher, 243 Ley street
Ilford, acting school medica.l officer & acting medical Phillips Thomas, commercial traveller, 6 Park road
supt. to Isolation Hospital, Town hall Philpot &se (Mrs.), nurse, 7 New road
Odell Harold, district superintendent Royal London Philpott John, hair dresser, 437 High road
Insurance Office!!, I68 High road Phinn Herbert D. boot maker, 126 Woodlands road
Onion Joseph, boot repairer, 178 Grange road Pickering David William, corn dealer, 550 High road,
Onion Nellie (Miss), teacher of music, I78 Grange road Good m ayes
Orrin Ernest, french polisher, 49 Natal road Pickett Brothers, printers, I84 High road
Osborne Ernest, gardener, 10 Oaklands Park av. High rd Pickett Henrietta (Miss), dress maker, 11 Pembroke rd.
Osborne Henry, assistant insurance supt. ~65 Thorold rd Seven Kings
Ongh Ernest, printer, 64 llford lane Pickthorn Charles W.master mariner, 40 Endsleigh gardDI'I
Overton Arthnr David, wheelwright, Hig-h rd. Seven Kings Pilbeam Hy. dairy, Horns market,Horns rd.Newbury pk
Owen Lanra (Miss), ladieR' school, 3 Richmond road Pilgrim Arthur & Son, monumental masons, I Green
P. & P. EnginePring Co. Ltd. motor engineers, Roden st Lane gardens, Green lane & 5 Clark terrace, Green la
Pafley George E. china k glas~ dMler, 54 llford lane Pinchin Marie(Mrs. ),teacher of music, I37 Northbrook r4
Page Robert & Son, florists, I Cranbrool;: road Pindard Charles, plumber, 26 Thorold road
Paget 'Frederick George, p·hotographer. H)5 High road Piper Charles, confectioner, Ig6 Richmond road
Pairr Mary (Mrs.), umbrella maker, 2 Pembroke gar- Pitt William, hair dresser, g6 Mead's lane, Seven Kings
dens, High road, Seven King!l Plaskett Richard, watch maker, I6 Holmwood road
Pain William Henry, tailor, 2 Pembroke gardens, High Plastow James, chimney sweeper, 15 Wilton road
road, Seven Kings PlPnty Henry William, piano tuner, 120 Kingswood road,
l'almer Edwin, boot repairer, 72 Spencer rd. Seven King~ Goodmayea
Pardey & Johnson, grocers, u8 Hampton roa.d; Iog Bel- Plowright Alice Emma (Miss), costumier, 66 Mead's
grave road & Post office, 257 IHord lane lane, Seven Kings
Park Club (private) (Mrs. Fanny Bass, res. stewardess), Plowright Hilda Frances (Miss), nurse, 66 Mead's lane,
Balfour road Seven Kings
Parker Ada (Mrs.), teacher of music, 65 Empress avenuP Pogson Thomas Cuthbert, bntcher, 55 Mead's lan~
Parker Robert, master mariner, 47 road Seven Kings
Parker Thomas, builder, 21 Kimberley avenue Pointin Ernest, teacher of languages, 134 E!gin road,
Parr's Bank Limited (Welford S. Mercer, manager), 11 SevPn Kings
The Pavement, High road, Seven Kings ; draw on Pc•llard Alexander, watch maker, I We!!twood garden .. .,
head office, Bartholomew lane E C High road, Seven King.s
Parsonage House Limited, 42 High road Pollard Florence Harril'tt (.Mii<s), preparatory sehool,
Parsons & Parsons, carmen, Ilford wharf, High road 52 St:ven Kings road
Parsons Edwd. A.rth. watch & clock ma. 119 Kingston rd Pope Rose (Mrs.), dress maker, 129 G1ange road
Partington Adam, clerk & solicitor to the Urban District Port Alfred, florist, 6 Aldborou~h pavement, High road,
Council, Town hall, High road Seven Kings
Pascoe George Fredk. commercial travllr.8o Empress av Porter Edgar Charles, electrical engineer, 221 High rd.
P•• .Joseph, parish clerk & cemetery superintendent, & 44 Cranbrook road
Preston· villa, 29 Clement's road Posner Abigail (~frs.), .shopkeeper, 4 Cecil par. High r4:
Patmore Brothers. stationers, 37 Cranbrook road
3'50 ILFoRD { GRE!\T). ESSEX. [KELLY'.&

Poulten William Frederick, timber merchant, High road Richens Alex. hair dresser, sma, High :rd. Goodma~
I'oUlter HPnry Charles, piaMforte tuner. 61 Colenso rd Richmond Sanitary Laundry (Mrt~. l''lorence Hill, jll'qf
Poulter John Thomas, dairyman, 245 High road prietress ). laundry.. 147a, Henley road
Powell George, watch maker, SI Ilford lane Rickard Amelia M. (Mrs.}, news agent, 9 Yo~:~ t~
Powell Oswald Everard M.B., Ch.B.Edin. 'physician & Rickett. Smith & Co. lincorporated with Ricbt~
surgeon, 13 Cameron rd. Seven Kings & 152 High :rd Cockerell & Oo. Limited), coal merchants, G- ,E. Rail-
Power .Alfred Charles, insurance agent, I04 Grange road way, High road & Station approach
Pracey Lilian (Mis_s.), teacher of music, 9I High road Rickett Benjamin, fishmonger~ 323 Ley street r
Pratt Samuel George, news agent, 97 Wanstead Park rd Rickett Wm. Waiter, gen. dlr. I Hart par. Ilford lant'
Premier Picture Theatre (A. Lyle-Edwards, manager), Ridgewell Ruth (Mrs.), shopkpr. Netley rd, Newbury Pk
172 High road Ridlers Limited, print-ers, 173 High rOiold
Prentice William George, confectioner,121 Woodlands 'I'd Rifle Club, 4th Battalion Essex Regiment (0 Co~)(Sergt,
Prentis Waiter & Oo. confectioners, 87 High road & 18 J. Partington, hon. sec.) ; range, Drill hall, High rd
Oameron road, Seven Kings & fruiterers & green- Rigby John Williamf dairyman, 16 The Promenade1
grocers, 89 & 231 High road High road, Seven Kings
Preston Thomas, boot repairer,see Townshend & Preston Risley George William, fruiterer, 313 Ilford lane
Price Eliza (Mrs.), shirt & collar dresser, 33 Herbert rd Rivers Alex.dining rm.s. mTheParade,High rd.
Price Henry, tobacconist, 18a High road Rivers Wm.Geo.mastr.marinr.2o .A.shgrove rd.Goodmay,a
Price William Joseph, architect, 35 Airlie gardens Rivers-Cole Harold Robert L.D.S.R.O.S.Eng~ 4enti,&t,
Priest Wm. confectioner, 38 Cameron rd. Seven Kings 150 High road
Prior Charles, insurance agent, n4 Richmond road Rivett Alfred, cycle maker, 212 High road
Pritchard Richard William & Co. picture frame makers, Rix Charles, furniture remover, 203 Ley st1·eet
223 High road Rix Mary (Mrs.), nurse, 43 Oamden ter. Green lane
Pritchard Reuben John George, ~ycle ma. 211 Ilford la Rober.ts Waiter, ladies' tailor, 91 llford lane
Procter John, stationer, 441 High road R0berts Winifred (Miss), teacher of music,29 Colenso rd
Prosser Alfred Ernest, builder,I4 Middle rd.Seven Kings Robinson Brothers, plumbers,5 Cameron rd.Seven Kings
Prudence Thos.Hy.markt. gardnr. Abbey rd.Newbury pk Robinson Alfred J. hair dresser, 233 Ilford lane
Prutton James & Sons, baker11. 9 Belgrave market Robinson Charles, insurance a2"l'nt, II4 Elgin road,
Pryer HoracP Edward. beer & winP ret. 132 Woodlands rd Seven Kings
Pryor Robert James, corn & flour dealer, 3 Cameron Robill$on Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeepr. Silver st. BeehiV&
road, Seven ~ngs Robinson George, brush maker, 269 llford lane
Pudney & Son, greengrocers, I97 Ilford lane Robin son J oseph, grocer, 335 Ley street
Purdell James, boot repairer, 176 Grange road Robin son Percy, draper, 514 High road, Goodmayes
Purser William Knight, outfitter, 36 Oranbrook road Robinson Percy G. solicitor & commisl'!ioner for oaths.
Pyefinch George Wm.teacher of dancing-,45 Grosvendr rd 8 W ellesley road
Radburn Joseph, beer retailer, Green lane Robson Leonard C. F. chartered accountant, 3~ Red.,
Raddiffe James, librarian, Public library, High road, cliffe gardens
Seven Kings Robson Robert Boyd M.B., Oh.B.Aberd. physician &
Radford George & Co. grocers & tea dealers & wirre & surgeon, 40 Cameron road, Seven Kings
spirit dealers, 81, 83 & 155 High road & 8 Oranbrook Rockley Jsph. Vincent, music warehouse, 151 High rd
road & grocers, & post office, 2 The Pavement, High Roding Joinery Works & Timber Co. (The), timbe»
road, Seven Kings merchants, Rod~n street
Rae James Burnett M.B., Oh.B. phy~ician & surgeon Rogers Frederick, boot maker, 126 Uphall Toad
(firm, Watts, Jobson, Rae & Watts), 10 Oranbrook pk Rogeu John, draper. 92 High road
Rae John Richardson, draper, 47 Rutland road Romford Division Liberal & Radical Council (A.rtbur
Rainer Maurice, coffee rooms, 69 High road Morris, sec.), 91 High road
Ralph Jas. Oarrington, confectnr. 4 Clark ter. Green la Romford (The) Recorder (South Essex Recorders :(.td.
Randall Frank, plumber, I Arundel gardc:>ns printers & publishers; published fri. ), r6g High road
Randall Horac-e, estate agent, Station approach Romford Union Scattered Homes for Children, Gilmore
Randall Samuel Thomas, gas engineer, 8 Bengal road house 36, & Richmond house 38, Pelham road
Randle Arthur,oil & calor man,sosa, High rd.Goodmayes Rose Charles Frederic L.D.S.R.C.S. surgeon-d-entist, .t
Rankin Charlotte (:Mrs.), nurse, 40 Uphall road dental officer to the West Ham union,74 Cranbrook rd
Rankin Percy, greengrocer, 19 ThP Market, Green lane Rose Henry, juri. butcher, 6o High road
Ransley Henry, motor engineer, 1 .Aldborough pave- Rose:> Henry Davis, tailor, 47 York road
ment, High road Rose John, butcher, 331 Ley street &i Birkbeck road 1
Ransom Thomas F. P. tobacconist, 2oa, The Promenade, Xevrbnry park . ·
High road, Sevc:>n Kings Rose John T. joornalist, roo Kingswood road,Goodmaye•
Ranson John, estate agt. 15 Green Lane gdns. Green la Rose Laura (:}Iadam), ladies' tailor, 429 & 443 High rd
Ratford Frederick, clothier, 92 Ley street Rosenberg George W. tailor, 58 High road
Rawkins Oatherine (Mrs.), provision mer. 86 Ilford la Rounce Herbert, greer.grocer, 297 High road
Rawkins Herbert, builder, 22 Colombo road Routledge Waiter George, chartered accountant, 1$
Rawkins Thomas G. provision merchant, 86 llford lane Endsleigh gardens
Rawlings Oharle:t., butcher, 215 Ilford lane Rowe Arthur William, boot maker, 5 York road
Rawlinson Ernest. oilman, Horns n:arket, Horns road, Rowe James, grocer, 88 Ley street
Newbury park Rowe Jesse, decorator, 2 Windsor road
Rawlinson John, oilman, 167 Ilford lane Rowe Jesse, estate agent, 189 Ilford lane
Ray Madam, milliner, 307 High road Rowland Henry, butcher, 249 High road
Rayner Bessie (Mrs.), teacher of music, 52 Goodmayes Rowlett Ernest, :fishmonger, 349 High road
avenue, Goodmayes Rowlinson George, gardener, r8 Albert road
Rayner Frank, insurance agent, 132 Grange road Rowsell Harry, oil & color man, 83 Wanstead Park rd
Reach A. school attendance officer, 290 Thorold road Royal London Insurance Offices (Harold Odell, district
Reason Harry, furniture dealer, 361 High road superintendent), r68 High road
Recruiting Office (Oolor-Sergt.Wm.Hy.Piper),325High rd R<lyal Oak Benefit Society (Thomas Horsnell, district
Reddall Leonard Arthur, chartered aooountant, 16 sec.), 33 Roden street
Kingswood road, Goodmayes Rozier Albert, poultry appliance maker, 305 Ilford lan11
Redgrave Joseph, builder, 245 Ley street Rn)Dbal & Son, dairymc:>n, 229 Ley st. & 105 Belgrave rd
Reed William Thomas, dining rooms, 2 Aldborough Rummery Samuel, boot repairer, 47 High road
-pavement, High road, Seven Kings Ruse Ernest, decorator, 121 Kingston road
Reeve Cella (Mrs.), oil & color dealer, 305 High road Rus.sell Fredk.Harkness,motor car propr.37 Oranbrook rd
Refuge Assurance Oo.Ltd. (R.B.Mackay,supt. ), 144High rd Rossell Frederick S. builder, r65 Ley street
Rendle & Son, florists, 4 W estwood gardens, High road, Russell John Chas. stay & corset maker, 55 High road
Seven Kings & Goodmayes Toad, Goodmayes Ru.ssell RedmDnd Morres L.S.A.Lond. physician & sur·
Renwick Harold Murray, professor of music, 13 Park rd geon, I Orchard gardens, High road
Rest Oscar, baker, II9 Woodlands road Rutherford Alexander M.B., C.M.Edin. physician & snr...
Revell William, saddler, 127 Ley street geon, 46 South Park parade, Green lane
Reynolds Charles E. cartage contractor, Ley Street farm Rutson Bros. grocers, 2 Blythswood parade, High road,
Richards E. H. Limited, artificial teeth manufacturers, Seven Kings & 6 Broomhill mrkt. Green la. Goodmayes
Oranbrook buildings, Station approach Ryder Hy. Wellington Haggis, hair dresser, I83 llford la
Richards Josiah, house decorator, 79 Ilfor,d lane Rye Ellen (Mrs.), {:Onfectioner, 83 Ilford lane
Richardson A. G. (Mrs.),lady health vi~itor,6 Oakfield rd Sacret Alice. (Mrs.), fancy repository, 6 Elyth,wood
Richa!'d son Erne~t, confectioner, 10 Ilford lane parade, Goodmayes •
Sainsbnry John, proTidon dealer, 114 High rd.; 18 The Silcock Wm. & Sons, builders, 9 Torrington te:r.Green la-
Pa.wment, High road, Seven Kings & 14 Cranbrook Silverman Maurice Lazarus. mantle wareho. 137 High i'd
road; butcher, 34 Cranbrook road & provision mer- Sirnmons Frederick Wm. L.R.A.M., L.T.C.L. violinist~
chant, sr6 High road, Goodmay8!! 10 Melbourne road
St. Alban's Diocesan Union f()r Preventive, Rescue & Simons Arthur, confectioner, 2 The Promenade, High rd
Penitentiary Work, Romford Union District branch Simper Frederick W. electrical engineer,23 Ward's rd. ea
(Miss Ada Prior~ supt.), 8o lngleby road Sinclair Saml. Geo. confectnr. 41 Meads la. Seven Kings
S~. John Ambulance Brigade (No. 46 Ilford Division) Sinclair Wallace, draper, 220 High road
(A.rthur W. Rowe, inspector of stores & sergeant), Singer Sewing Machine Co. Limited (Charles Juchaw,
5 York road manager), 94 High road
St. Luke's Church Institute (Rev. John Henry Mitchell Skennerton Brothers, coal dlrs. Abbey rd. Newbury Park
B. A.. president; open 2 w 11 p.m.), 3 ~a tal parade, Skingley Geo. boot repairer, 38 Golfe rd. Seven Kings
llford lane Skingsley John, coffee rooms, 3-15 High road
St. Mary's Hospital, High road Slade George Hy. commercial traveller, 102 Mayfair aY
St. Pier Richard, beer retailer, Horns road Slatford Ernest, greengrocer, 310 Ley street
Sampson Elsie (Miss), teacher of music, 3 Toronto road Sloan & Ager, milliners, 10 The PromPnade, High road.
Sanders Brothers, corn & :flour dealers, 295 High road & Seven Kings.
5 The Pavement, High road, Seven Kings Smart L. (Mrs.), eonfectioner, 62a, Cranbrook road
Sankey J. H. &; Son Limited, brick &c. merchants, 71a, Smith W. H. & Son, news agents, Goodmayes Station
High road &; Railway station, High road G. E. R. Goodmayes road & Railway station, High
" Santa Clans '' Christmas Distribution Fund (W alter H. road, Seven Kings
Stevens, hon. sec.), 155 Aldborough road, Seven Kings Smith Bessie (Mrs.), fancy draper, 6 South Park
Sargent Fred (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 78 Ilford lantl parade, Green lane
Saunders Misses, toy dealers, 1239 Ley street Smith Clara E. (Mr.'l.), midwife, 275 High road
Saunders & Son, builders, 154 Ley street Smith David, hair dres;;;er, 20 The Promenade, High rd.
Saunders Franks, teacher of sin~ing, 16 Goodmayes Seven Kings
avenue, Goodmayes Smith Edith Bertha (Mrs.), baker, 201 Ilford lane
Saunders James, boot maker, 17 Aldborough cottages, Smith Frank D. dairyman, 247 Ilford lane
High road, Seven ~ings Smith Frank H. provision dealer, 452 Ilford lane
Savage James, grocer, 17 York road Smith Hetty (Mrs.), l"hopkeeper, & post office, r9 New
Schoepe Albert, hair dresser, 173 Ley street road, Beehive
Scott A. & Co. Limited, wine merchants, 253 High road Smith Jean K. {Mis.-), confectioner, 359 High road
Scott H. &; Sons, boot & shoe makers, 2 Cranbrook road Smith Julius Hoogetts L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng.
Scotten Harry J. builder, ro Dudley road physician & surgeon, medical officer & public vuo-
Seabourne John, master mariner, 114 Albert road cinator No. 2 Ilford Sub-District, Romford union, l I
Seabrook Henrietta (Mrs.}, ladies' hair dresser, Cran- Cambridge road, Seven Kings; surgery, 6 Harold
brook buildings, Station approach cottages, Horns road
8eagrave George Britten, butcher, 157 Richmond road Smith William H. (Mrs.), draper, 191 Ley street
Sears J. & Co. (True-Form Boot Co.) Ltd. 175 High rd Smyth Charles L.R.C.P. & S.Edin., L.R.F.P. & S.Glas.
Searson & Son, boot makers. 6 The Pavement, High rd. physician & !!urgeon, 8 Brisbane road
Seven Kings Smyth George Gordon, grocer, II7 Aldborough road,
Season ~icket Agency (The), 91 High road Seven Kings &; q6 Richmond road
Seatoa H. & Oo. •house furnishers, 43, 43a k 45 Cran- Sones J. J. & Co. oil & color men, 4 & 5 St. George's
brook" road parade. Ilford lane
Seat()n John, butcher, 124 Ley street Sooley Albert Edward, insurance agent, 2 Clandon road
Secretan John, confectioner, Newbury Pk. rd.Aldboro' rd Sorrell Herbert W oodhams, watch maker, 44 Wingate rd
Selfe Willia.m Gilbert, chemist & photographic material Sonster Brothers, boot & shoe makers, 88 High road &
dealer, 147 Ley street 522 High road, Goodmayes
Sellick (The) Electrical ManufactJnring Co. Farnham Souster Jn.Wm.dining rms.J4 Broadway market,llford la
road, Seven Kings South Essex Motor Co. motor engineers, Cecil parade,
Serre Achille Limited, dyers & cleaners, 53 Cranbrook rd High road
Seven Kings Cinema, 14 Cameron road, Seven Kings South Essex Recorders Limited (Frederick J. Palmer,
Seven Kings & Goodmayes Liberal Club (Fredk. Birch, manager), stationers & printers, 169 High road
l!l'C. ), t East wood road, Goodmayes South Essex Sanitary Steam Laundry Limite,...d-
Seven Kings Laundry Limited (The) (Charles A. L. (A. W. Grh!'g, sec.), laundry. Roden street. T N SS9
Bonnett, sec.}, Central hall, The Pavement, High road, Ilford
Seven Kings; receiving offi.ce.s,271 Ilford la.& 183 Ley st South Essex Water Works (Robert Hicks, superintendent
Seven Kings Recreation Grounds, Westwood road, in eharg-e). Redbridg-e; pumping- station, Mill Toad
Goodmayes Santh Park Laundry Co. Limited, 36:: High road
Sewell Samuel & Co. laundry, 8 Belgrave market & 7 South Park Recreation Grounds (Henry James Keens.
The Promenade, Seven Kings & 9 Elfrida par.Ilford la supt. ), Green lane
Sewell Joseph, insurance agent, 3 Garfield ter. Green la South Yorkshire Coal Co. coal merchants, G. E. Rail-
Shailer Marian (Mrs.). teacher of piano, 20 Scrafton rd WRY yard, Goodmayes road, Goodmaves
Shale .l'oseph & Wm. constructional Pngnrs. 5 I High rd Spnll Joseph Herbert, plumber, 16 Wellesley road
Shapley & Tomson, chemists & photographic material Sparrow Albert Edward, frniterer .t greengrocer, 95
dealers, 8 The Pavement, High road, Seven Kings Wan stead Park rood
Sharman Joseph Harlow, boot repairer, 207 Kingston rd Spashott E. umbrella maker, 44 Oranbrook road
Sharp David, plumber, 2 Hainault street Speller John. insnr. agent, 46 Spencer Td. Seven Kings
Sharpe Edwd. Jas. & Lina (Mrs.), school, 22 Hainault st Speneer Ch!lrity Elizh. Snow (M'"!'I.), dairy, 2 Sylvan rd
Sharpless Waiter Edwin, builder, 16 Christchureh road Spencer Henry, undertaker, 30 Clement's road
Shaw Arthur Henry M.I.E.E., M.I.M.E. electrical en- Spriggs Arthur Ernest, piano tuner, 88 St. Mary's road
gineer to Urban District Council, Ley street Stack Jame!' Edward Mauricl'l, piano tuner, ~07 Ley st
Shaw Herbert :M.I.C.E. engineer & surveyor to Urban Staines Arthur Charles. !>hopkeeper, 15 Crieklewood
District Council, Town hall, High road cottagP", Gr!'l'n lanp
Shaw Waiter James, butcher, 71 Green lane Stanley James & Co. tailors. 165 High road
Shears Eliza Esther(Miss),butcher,sCarlton par.Green la Stearn A. & Son, florists & nurserymen, Station approach
Shelley Herbert & &m, boot makers, 6 Orchard gardens, & 58 Cranbrook road
Higll road, Seven Kings & 3 Webb's cottage,., Green Steflrn Clara (Mrs.). dining rooms, 353 Ley street
lane, Goodmayes Stebbings E. R. (Miss) A.L.C.M. teacher of music, 34
Shepherd John Alfred, window cleaner, 83 Westbury rd . HaslemPre road, Seven Kings
Sherlock Arthur T. watch maker, 353 High road Stedman Mary (Mr~. ). apartments. IQ High road
Sholl Em m a (Mrs.), wardrobe dPaler, 129 Ley strt>et Steele Charles R. dairyman. 3II Ley street
Shooter Max, boot repairer, I53 Ley street Steen & StePn, physicians & surgeons, r65 Ilford lane k
Shorland A. Limited, hosiers, 2r Cranbrook road k 22 The DrivP
187 High road Stpen James Ross M.D., B.Ch. & B.A.O.R.U.I. physician
Short Frederick Giles, draper, 3 & 4 Blythswood parade. & surgeon, <:ee St~n & Steen
High roHd, Goodmayes StePn Wilfred Alexander L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng.
Short William Henry. baker. 137 High road physicirm & surgeon, ·see Steen & Steen
Shuttleworth George-, domestic machinery storP", 407 St{'not,·per

Parents Svndicate

Limited, commercial
High road school, 164 Hio-h road
SiebPrt George John, cycle maker, 65 Ilford lane Stephen Robert Anderson, draper, 235 Ilford lane ....·:::-;:;;..::~-.....
Silcock &; Sons, builders, Br St. Mary's road Stephens Gt>orge FreJPrick, c al agent, 16 GIH_,.


.Stephens T.homas Henry, draper & milliner, 59 Ilford la Thorpe Brain J ames, beer retailer, J Ilford lan&
Stevens Elizh. (Miss), shopkpr. Barley la. Goodma.yes Thorpe Christopher Wilfred, insur. agent, 28 Henley rei
Stevens Harry Harbott, corn & flour dealer, 55 Ilford la Thres Henry Waiter. baker & confootioner, I53 High rd
Stevens Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Redbridge la.Redbridge Thurston Alfred, shopkeeper, I6 Mead's ~a. Seven King$
.Stevens Richard Henry L.D.S.R.C.S.Eng. dental eurgeon, Thurston Wanton Wentworth, wine & spirit dealer, 1
140 High road Cameron road
.Stewart John William k Arthur, collectors to the South Thwaites William H. photographer, 219 Ley street
Essex Water Works, 405 High road Tice John Charles, master mariner, I I Kensington gdna.-
.Stewart Alexander W. boot maker, 13 Cranbrook road Tiddeman Paul B. solicitor, 12 Balfour road
Stickland William Edward, boot & shoe maker, 85 Wan- Tilley Frederick, house decorator, Bo Ley street
stead Park road Tiltze Amold, hair dresser, 59 High road
.Stockdale .Ad-a (Miss), draper, 6 Belgrave ma1ket Timmis &:; Ingham, pharmaceutical chemists,I02 High rd
Stockdale E. laundry, 35 The Promenade, High road, Tite B. M. & Sons, coal merchants, Railway' station,
Seven Kings High road & Station approach
Sto:ffel John, hair dresser, 91 High r()ad Tomson Stanley, chemist, see Shapley & Tomson
.Stokes J ames & Sons, builders, 20 York road Tongeman J oseph, egg merchant, Railway bridge, High
Stokes Alfred, estate agent & valuer, 20 York road road, Seven Kings
Stone .Albert, White Hart P.H. Green lane, Goodmayes Torbitt William Stansfield M.A., LL.M. sec. to Educa-
Stone Robert, saddler, 44a, High road tion Committee, Education offices, Cleveland road
.Stone Waiter, seedsman, 329 High road Tottman Maud (Miss), dress maker, Io Pembroke road,
Stone William, confectioner, 237 High road Seven Kings
Stonham Horace Charles, shopkeeper, 160 Ley street Tour le .Alice (Mrs.), boot maker, 8a, l3elgrave market
.Story Edward, professor of mJJsic, 2I5 Mortlake road Towell David, hosier, I I Silation approach
.Stovin Cornelius Frederick M ..A., L.S.A.Lond., D.P.H Towell David, tailor, Cranbrook bldgs. Station approach
R.C.P. & S.Eng. 6 Oakfield road & Wanstead Park Townshend & Preston, boot repairers, 22I Ley street
gate, Wanstead Park road Treby .Albert Chavles, rate collector to Urban District-
:Stow Thomas, news agent & tobacconist, 43 York road Council, Town hall, High road
Stratford Co-operative & Industrial Society Limited, ruB Trt>loar ·william Henry, printer, I3 Crnnbrook road
o& 395 High road & 544 High road, Goodmayes Truss G. W. & Son, smiths, Redbridge lane, Beehive
Strong David Robert Thomson M.B., C.M.Glas. physi- Tucker Saml. Wm. hair drssr. 5 Royal par. Green lane>
cian & surgeon, I I St. John's road Turmeau William, greengrocer,g8 Mead's la.Seven Kings
.Stroud Robert, brick maker, Mead's lane, Seven Kings Turner Brothers, drapers, 62 & 64a, Cranbrook road &
Stroud Robert, contractor, Barley lane, Goodmayes '39 The Promenade, High road, Seven Kings
Stuart Edith L. (Miss), confectioner, I Blythswood Turner Albert Charles, estate office, 55 Eton road
parade, High road, Seven Kings Turner Charles Edward, boot maker, I07 Belgrave road
Stuart Margaret (Mrs.), costumier, 58 Thorold road Turner Clara (Mrs.), beer retailer, 56 High road
.Sudworth Elizabeth (Mrs.), dairy, 16 Station parade, Turner Ernest George, station master G. E. Rly. Seven
Goodmayes road, Goodmayes Kings, High road
Summerbell shopkpr. 5 Khartoum par. llford lane Turner Frederick, house decorator,105 Wanstead Park rd
Summerfield Douglas, insurance agent, 68 Thorold road Turner HaiTy, plumber, 5 Oakfield road
Summers George, baker, 9 Ilford lane Turner J ames, grocer, 237 Ley street
Surridge Arthur Frederick, baker, 321 High road Turner Jn. wall paper mer. I2 Broadway mrkt. Dford la
Button Emma (Mrs.), confectioner, 3 Rod en street Turner Joseph Arthnr, french polisher, 66 Ley street
Suttun William, oilman, 385 & '187 High road Turner Marlton William, stone mason, 449 Ley street
Swain James Steel L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. & L.M.Irel. phy- Turner Sarah (Mrs.), milliner, 10 Goodmayes road,
sician & surgeon, I3I Ilford lane Goodmaves
.Swanton Robert, oil & color man, Il7 Hampton road Tyne Main Coal Co. Limited (Th..-), coal merchants, 239
Swayne Fanny (Mrs.}, confr. 530 High rd. Goodmayes High road & 2 CamerQn road, Seven Kings
Swayne Stanley Geo. cyclec ma., 53ob,High rd.Goodmayes United Kingdom Tea Co. Limited, tea merchants, 11$
Swift Frederick & Co. fishmongers, 77 High 1·oad Cmnbrook road & 8 Cameron road, Seven Kings
Symes Eliza (Mrs.), ha it· dresser, 285 High road Unwin Harry George, station master, G. E. Railway,
.Symmons & Son, hosiers, I The Promenade, High road, Station approach
Seven Kings Unwin Kate (~hs ), dress maker, 6 Eynsford road
"Tait Charlotte (Miss), ~ress maker, 63 Elmstead road, Upcott George Walter. de-corator, 319 Ley street
· Seven Kings Upson William, builder, see Myall & Upson
'Tann James Robert, picture fnune maker, 4 Orchard Upsons Limited. boot &. o;;hoe makers, I08 High road
gardens, High road, Goodmayes Ursuline High School for Girls (Madame Mary Flood,
Tappenden Henry Thomas, boot maker, 2a, Grange rd principal), Morland road
Tasker Frederick John, pork bukher, 74 Ilford lane>ntine's Park (Henry March, supt. ), Cranbrook road
Taylor Arnel, insurance agent, 34 Grange road Vincent HPrbert Martindale, grocer, 23 Uphall road
Taylor Frederick, tobacconist, 9 Cranbrook road Vinen Ethel (.Miss), tobacconist, 81 Ilford lane
"Taylor Frederick H. butcher, 30I High road Vining .John, boot repairer, r Scrafton road
"Taylor George, insurance agent, 38 Madras road Vivian Amy (~Irs. ), stationer, n2 High road
Toaylor Helena (.Mrs.), grocer, 106 Stanley road Wackett Ernest George, hatter & hosier, 149 High road
Taylor James, piai¥>forte tuner, 241 Balfour road Waitt> Waiter W. grocer, 1b, Blythswood parade, Bi~h
"Taylor William George, confectioner, 25I Ilford lane road, SeYen KinQ"s
"Teasel William, draper, 379 High road Waites Waiter & Co. provision dealers, 46 Ilford lane
"Territorial Force Battalion (4th) Essex Regiment (C Co. Wake Hereward, sign writer, I3 High road
Capt. J. G. Gowan; Color-Sergt. William Robert Wakefield Archie D. fruiterer, I2 Ilford lane .
Burns, drill instructor), Drill hall, ·High road Wakeham Elizh. H. (Mrs.), furniture dlr. 319 Ilford la
"Territorial Force, 8th (Cyclist) Battalion Essex Regi- Wakeland Liz~ie (Miss), c:mfectioner, 18 Ilford lane
ment (F Co.) (Capt. C. A. Baily; Color-Sergt. A. Wailer Harry Edward, provision dealer, 143 Ley stree~
W. Butcher, instructor), 2 Ilford lane Wailer Thomas, shopkeeper, 7 Newbury cots. Ley stree~
"Terry Leonard Arthur, house decorator, I James villas, Walls Walter John, t-eacher of singing, 28 Wellesley road
iBuntingbridge road, Newbury Park Walmislev Elvard Atherstone, solicitor & commissioner
Thedham & Son, carmen, Green lane fm· oaths (firm, Mullis &; Walmisley), 17 Tillotson rd.
Thedham George Wm. grocer, Cobbett ter. Green lane Ilford Garden Suburb
"Theobald Herbert Frederick, shopkeeper, I2 High road Waiters William, fishmonger, 23I Dford lane
Thomas Maria & Ada (Misses), drapers, II3 Belgrave rd Waiters William, tailor, 524 High road, Goodmayes
Thomas Charles, watch maker, 41 High road Ward k White A.M.I.E.E. electrical engineers, 14 Good-
Thomas John B. draper, 43- The Promenade, High road, mayes road, Goodmayes
Seven Kings Ward Edmund J. architect & surveyor, 265 High road
Thomas Thomas G. outfitter, 53 Ilford lane Ward Gifford (Miss). draper, 93 WanstMd Park road
Thomas Thomas ReecP, master mariner,36 De Vere gdns Ward Joseph Brooker, solicitor & commissioner for
"Thompson George, china & glass dealer, 191 High road oaths, 30 Coventry road
Thompson John B. !!dvertising contractor, 3 Wharf Warneford Amelia (Miss), dress maker, 163 Ilford lane
buildings. High road Warren F. & Co. (incorporated with Coote & Warrea
Thompson Jnseph H. grocer, 542 High road, Goodmayes Limited), coal merchants, Railway depot, High road •
Thomson W. S. & Co. Ltd. C()rset manufrs. 203 Ilford la Station approach & Railway bridge, Seven Kings
Thomson HE'nry, launch·~·, 37 York road Warrt>n Charles James, baker, 95 Cranbrook road; i;
Thorburn John F. oil & color man, 321 Ley street 5I2 Hig-h t·oad & 8 Broomhill market, Green lane,
Thornborough Geor~e, fl"lliterer. 53 Roden stre!'lt Goodma,·ps•
Warren By. cartage contractor, Little Newburys, Ley st Wigley Alfred Charles C~Irs.)~ ironmonger, 6g llford la
Warwick Thomas, plasterer, 263 Kingston road Wilkins & Wilson, laundry, 1 Roden street
Wat-ers Thomas William CharlE'S, Horns P.H. Horns rd. Williams Francis Geo. as'Sist. insur. supt. 88 Park road
Newhurv •
Park Williams Frederick Lluyd, chemist, 435 High road
Watkins Horace E. builder, 74 Auckland road Williams James, carpenter, Young~IJ'road, ~ewbury Park
Watsqn J. & Sons, fruiterers & gr~ngrocers, 15 York rd Williams John Edward M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.Lond. phy-
Watson Dorah H. (Miss) A.C.P. girls' school, g8 :Aid- . sician & surgeon, 8 Pembroke gardens, High road,
borough road, Seven Kings Seven Kings
Watson James Henry, nurseryman, Albert road Williamson Tom Francis, grocer, 251 High road & 53
Watts, Jobson, Rae & Watts, physicians & surgeons, 69 York road
Belmont road; 136 High road & 10 Cranbrook park Williamson William, fishmonger, 56 Ilford lane
Watts Chas. J.fruiterer & greengrocer,127 Woodlands rd Willis A. &; L. (Misses), high-class scbool,2o Coventry rd
Watts Donizetti (Miss), professor of music, II9 Aid- Willis &; Son, boot & shoe makers, 287 High road
borough road, Seven Kings Willis Humphrey, decorator, 23 Sylvan road
Watts Frederick, brush veneer cutter, Birkbeck road, Wills Albert Edward, fishmonger, I2 The Promenade,
Newbury Park High road, Seven Kings &; fruiterer, 554 High road 1
Watts Henry Ernest L.R.C.P.Lond., L.R.C.S.I., L.S.A Goodmayes & 36 The Promenade, High road, Seven.
Lond. physician & surgeon (firm, Watts-, Jobson, Rae Kings
& Watts), 69 Belmont road Wills .l<'rederick, tailor, 31 York road
Watts John Ernest Price F.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Wilmott Fred, builder, 36 & 38 High road
phyo;ician & surge'Jn (firm, Watts, Jobson, Rae & Wilson Albert Gibson, news agent&; stationer, 96 High r<t
Watts), I Sunnyside road Wilson Harry Challis, confectioner, &; post office, z-
Way Alice Sarah (Mrs.), confectioner, 2 Station road Broomhill market, Green lane, Goodmayes .
Wean William, jun. tobacconist, 145 High road Wilso:1 Henry David, fishmonger, 289 High road
Webb Alfred James, shopkeeper, Green lane, Goodmayes Wilson James, oil & color man, 255 Ilford lane; 3.
Webb Horace, boot maker, 16 South Park parade, Broomhill market, Green lane, Goodmayes &; 17
Green lane, Seven Kings South Park parade, Green lane, Seven Kings
Webb Thos. house decorator, 42 Chester rd. 'Seven Kings Wilson John, plumber, 36 Hatton terrace, Green lane
Webb William, herbalist, 267 Ilford lane Wilson Leslie, artificial teeth manufr. 4 Cranbrook road
Web~ter Joseph, jobmaster, 29 Cleveland road Wilson Thomas William, optician, 94a, High road
Webster William, nurseryman, see Hostead & Webster Wilson Waiter, dining rooms, ra, Westwood gardens,
Welford Jeanie Agnes (Mrs.), artist, 61 Mansfield road High road, Seven Kings
Wells Wm. Hy. teacher of dancing, 172 Wanstead Pk. rd Wimms Alfred C. Bell inn, 308 Ley street
Wenn Joseph, shopkeeper, Irarold cottages, Horns road Windsor Esther (Mrs.), shirt &; collar dresser, 99 Sunny-
Wesleya.n & General Assurance Society (F. G. Owers, side road
district supt. ), 173 High road Wingate William & Fredk. boot repairers, 181 Ilford la
West Brothers, cycle enginE-ers, 46 The Promenade, Winsborrow Charles Fredk. Noel, artist,185 Auckland rd,
High road, Seven Kings & motor engineers, 42 Cran- Winter Ernest, t-eacher of music, 28 Lansdowne road
brook road Wood Albert Robert, boot repairer, 4 Ley street
West Brothers, drapers, 15, 17 & 19 Cranbrook road Wood .Alfred, jeweller, 106 High road
West Ham Borough Asylum (Langton Fuller Hanbury Wood Charles, dairyman, 86 Albert road
M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. medical supt.; William Morgan, Wood Chas. ham & beef dlr. 10 Hart parade, Ilford lane
clerk & steward), Barley lane, Goodmayes Wood Ellen (Miss), dress maker, 9 Oakfield road
Westcott Harry William, journalist, I I Dalkeith road Wood Ernest Edwin, carting contractor, 305 Ley street
Westley Richard, news agent, Station approach Wood Felix, fruiterer & greengrocer, 141 Ley street
Weston Ellen (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 57 High road Wood Hannah Elizabeth (Mrs.), nurse, 43 Harvey road
Weston drssr. I ITheParade,High rd.Seven Kings Wood John T. house repairs contractor, I Khartoum rd
Weston George, pork butcher, I9 The Promenade, High Woodhouse Frank Wm. baker, 2 Royal par. Green lane
road, Senn Kings Woodruff George Arthur, builder, 42 Cecil road
Weston Williarn Edwin, horticultural sundriesman, 68 Woods Thomas & Son, piano tuners, 23 Glencoe avenue,
llford lane Seven Kings
Weston William Thomas, dental surgery, 143 North- Woods Nathan, fishmonger, 157 Ley street
brook road & 293 High road Woods William, butcher, 13 South Park parade, Green
Wharf Engineering Co. (James A. Campbell), motor lane, Seven Kings
engineers, 2a, Wharf buildings, High road. T N 267 Woolf Brothers, clothiers, 121 High road
Ilford Woolfson Robert, hair dresser, 16 The Market, Green la
Wheal & Crane, jobmasters,49 Ley st.& Station approach Woollard John, fire brigade supt. Ley street
Wheatley &; Co. gent's clothiers, 57a, llford lane Woolmer Brothers, greengrocers, 11 Aldborough cot-
Wheatley Elizh. (Mdme. ), mantle wareho. 57 llford lane tages, High road, Seven Kings
Wheeler Brothers, tailors, 540 High road, Goodmayes Woolmer William, fruiterer, 12 South Park parade,.
Wheeler Emily (Mrs.), surgical appliance manufact.urer, Green lane, Seven Kings
York house, York road Woolworth F. W. &; Co. Ltd. bazaar, 120 &; 122 High rd
Wheeler Jas. Arthur, baker &; confectioner, 213 High rd Worby Fred, confectioner & tobacconist, 277 Ilford lan~
Wheeler William Jghn, plastering contractor 38 Guild- Worrall John Charles, chimney sweep, 36 Ley street
ford road, South park, Seven Kings ' Worrall John Hazelwood, accountant, see Hazell, Wor-
Wheeler's Stores Limited, oilmen, 2I r High road rall & Co
White George & Co. linen drapers, 78 &; So High road Worrell Hugh, chimney cleaner, 8 Hainault street
White Heather Laundry (The), 120 Hampton road Wort Maud Mary (Miss), milliner, 5 Hampton road
White Catherine A. (Mrs.), dress maker, I6 Hainault st Worthing Albert, boot maker, I4I Woodlands road
White Charles Edwa.rd, boot repairer, 21 Madras road Wrack Thomas Philip, sanitary inspector, 27 Dalkeith rd
White Frank, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, 175 Wright Brothers, milliners, 51 Cranbrook road
High road. T N 520 Ilford Wright Wm.Edwd.& Sons,photographers,31Cranbrook rd
White George, chimney cleaner, 12 Clement's road Wright Alfred Hy. P. dairy utensil mnfr. 373a, High rd
White Herbert Daniel A.M.I.E.E. electrical engineer, see Wright Joseph Newton, chemist & photographic material
Ward & White dealer, 111 High road
White Lily (Miss), teacher of music, 45 Wellwood road, Wright Waiter, market gardener, Horns rd.Newbury Pk.
Goodmayes Wright Waiter James William, decorator, 66 Chester
White S. shopfitter, I25 Ilford lane road, Seven Kings
White Thomas, fruiterer, Station approach Wyatt James, florist, Netley road, Newbury Park
Whitelock John Henry,baby linen warehouse,421 High rd Wyles Henry, confectioner, 433 High road
Whiteman James Thomas, shopkeeper, 57 Green lane Yates & Co. dyers &; cleaners, 46 Cranbrook road
Whitmore Henry Limited, corn & flour merchants, 5 Young &; Burton, bakers, 8 Blythswood parade, High
Blythswood parade, High road, Goodmayes road, Goodmayes & 126 Ley street
Whittingham Ernest Samuel, oilman, 231 Ley street Young Women's Christian Institute, 235 High road
Wickenden Arthur Fred A.R.I.B.A., P.A.S.I. architect &; Young David P.A.S.I. surveyor, Branksome, Holcombe
surveyor, r86 Coventry road road, Ilford Garden Suburb
Wicks Anne (Miss), ladies' school, 13 Richmond road Young George, carman, Birkbeck road, Newbury Park
Wieding August, hair dresser, Railway bridge, High Young George, laundry, 99 Ilford lane
road, S~;ven Kings Zango Driers & Color Co. Vicarage lane
Wiegand & Sons, confectioners, I3 The Pavement, High Zissell George M. baker, 61 High road
Toad, Seven Kings



LITTLE ILFORD. aee Manor Park.

INGATESTONE is an ancient town, consisting William Petre. Fairs for cattle are held here on the;
chiefly of one street, of which the larger portion is in ut and 2nd of December in each year. Ingatestone
the parish of Fryerning, and is on the ancient road from Hall, once a seat of the Petre family, is an ancient -ancl
London to Chelmsford, with a station en the main limr pile and one of the few fine mansions of the
of the Great Eastern railway to Colchester and Ipswich, .olden time left in Essex, as, erected in the 15th centuryij
23 miles from London, 6 south-w8'St from Chelmsford, 5 it was a grange or summer residence, belonging to the
north-east from Brentwood and 28 south-west from Col- Abbey of Barking, and was originally built with two.
chester, in the Mid division of the county, Chelmsford quadrangles and a stately tower gateway ; of the house
hundred, petty sessional division, union 11nd county ~Jnly three side_s of the inner court now remain, •n
court district, rural deanery of Barstable, archdeaconry octagonal staircase turret in the south-east .corner of.
of Essex and Chelmsford diocese. The town is lighted the quadrangle forming one of its principal feature&~
with gas from works near the railway station, belonging there is a priests' " hiding place '' beneath a room on
. to a limited company. ·The river Wid flows through the the middle floor, down to which, through -a trap hl tht~
parish. By Local Government Board Order 22,420, dated floor, an ancient ladder conducted, and attached i1 a
March 24, 1889, Fryerning was amalgamated with In- Roman Catholw chapel, dedicated to SS. Erconwald and
gatestone, and the civil parish is known as Ingatestone A!:delberga, with a. resident priest. The ptrblic are
and Fryerning. 'lh€1 town is 11upplied with water from a admitted to the services. The Hyde, the property and
reservoir, which is filled by springs, at Fryerning, and residence of Edgar Norton D~sney esq. stands in well•
an additional supply has. been obtained from the Chalk planted grounds of so acres ; the noble hall was built
by an artesian. "~'>ell, bored in 1901. The church of SS. by Sir William Chambers in 1760. Lord Petre, who 1s
Mary and Edmund is a building chiefly of brick in lord of .the manor, and E. N. Disney esq . .ere the chief
various styles, and consists of a chancel of. three bays, Jandowners. The area of Ingatestone Qlld Fryemin~ is
with north and south chapels, nave of three bays, south 4•II7 acres of land and 16 of water; :rateable valnPu
aisle, north porch and a lofty brick tower at the west £"IJ,044; the population in l91I was 1 1 915 in the
end, with a machicolated parapet, indented battlements, rarish and 1,717 in the ecclesiastical parish.
and low pinnacles at the angles, and containing a clock Parish Clerk, William Noakes.
:and 5 bells, dated 1610, x66o, 1701 and two 1758 : the
•tower, a noble piece of brickwork, was raised in the 15th Post, M. 0., T. & "Telephone Call Office. Open ~ a.m.
.century and is remarkable for its bold detail and fine to 8 p.m.; M. 0., telegraph &c. business 8 a.m. to
proportions : the nave, dating from early in the 14th 8 p.m.; sundays, sale of stamps, -registration &c,
-century, is the oldest portion of the building : thr 8.30 to 10 a...I;t1.; telegraph, 8.3Q to 10 a.m.-Mrs,
~hancel is oi later date and has two floor slabs o· Harriet Susan Stuart, sub-postmistress {letters,
Purbeck marble, one of which has an inscription, i1 should have Essex fldded). Letters delivered '1 &
Lombardk: letters of the 16th century, to Gertrudt 10.20 a.m. & 5.50 p.m.; sunday, 7 a.m.; dispat-ched,
Tyrrell, of Warley: here also is the fine monument ol Chelmsford, g.20 a.m.; London & all parts, Ip.,Sq
:Sir William Petre kt. LL.D. {)b. 13 January, 1572, and a.m. & 2.50 p.m.; Chelmsford, Braintree, Mald\)ll,
Anne (Browne), his second wife, consisting of an llltal Witham & Halstead, 3·55 p.m.; London & all part;s,
4:omb, wrought in alabaster and other marbles, with 4·35 & 9 p.m. (extra !d. stamp, 9·5 p.m.);. sundp;rs'l'
superbly executed recumbent figures and above the Petrt 9 p.m
arms, enriched with foliage and suspended ov~r thf Post Office, Mill Green. Mr-s. 1\Iary .lane Camp, ,sub·
-tomb in an Ot'namental frame of iron: in the south postmistress. Letters through lngatestone arrive at
chapel is a costly monument to Robert Petre, youngest 6.55 & I:t.I5 a..m. & 7.2o p.m.; d"i$patched,a~ 8.30 &
brother of Sir William, ob. 1593, with his mail-clarl 11.20 a.m. & 7-25 p.m. on week days & 9.30 a.m, Oll
.effigy, kneeling under an arch supported on Corinthiar sundays. The nearest. money order & telegraph ofli'7
columns; near this is another mural monument with is at Ingatestone, 2 miles distant
portrait in rel;id, rto C!lptain John T:roughton, ob, 1621: Wall Letter Box, Ingatestone hall, cleared at 8.15 .t
·in the north chapel is ra stately Elizabethan monument 11.40 a.m. & 8 p.m on week days & 8.15 p ':\!. on
with kneeling effigies to Sir John Petre kt. M.P. fOJ sun days
Essex, 1st Baron Petre of Writtle, ob. I I October, 1613 Wall Letter Box, Heybrhlge, cleared 7.15 a.m. & 8 p.m.
--and Mary (Waldegrave) his lady, and their son William. wee)r days & g. 15 a.m. on sun days
·2nd Baron Petre, ob. 5 May, 1637, and his wife Catherim Wall Letter Box, Railway station, cleared at 8.30, 9.30 k
·(Somerset), who erected this memorial, and died 3c: 11.45 a.m. 12 noon & 3.15, 5.15 & 8 p.m. week days k
·October, 1642: there are Qther tombs and monumenb 8.30 p.m. on sundays
tJ various members of this house from the 16th century Wall Letter Box, North End, cleared at 9 & 10 a.Jll ,
t\J 1713 : the handsome lectern was presented to the 2.30, 3-30 & 8.45 p.m. ; sundays, 8.15 p.m
church by .Eqwin .Cal<Jecott esq. in lJlemory of Ellen Wall Letter Box at South End, cl~ared at 9 & 9·f$
Caldecott, who died March 29, 1883. The church will a.m,; 2.30, 3·45 & 8.15 p.m.; sundays, 8.30 p.m
seat 350 penons- The register dates from the year 1558. !ngatestone & Fryernin~ Parish Council Fire Brigade,
The living is a rectory, with that. of Buttsbury annexed, Capt, Charles Henry Howell & 10 men
joint;, net ye,acly -value £340, wit~~ acre• of glebe and Police Station, James Ball, sergeant & two constables
residence; in..tilie gift ()f Lord Petre, and held since ~886 Railway Station, Emer~on Robert Rowland, master
by the Rev..., fJharles Earle B..A • .of St. Catharh1e's C()l~ Public Elementary Schools.
lege, Cam!lridge. Her~ ia. a Congregational chapel. Quick's Memorial School (mixed), now a Council echool,
erected in 1813, seating 330 persons, and• -at :Q4lll Green
built in memory uf Mrs. Quick 1 who died in x87q it
a Baptist Mission hall. A cemetery was formed in 1900,
and is under the control of the Parish Council~ Alms- will hold 45 children ; average attendance, g2ll Miss
Beatrice Stone, mistress '
houses- for. twelve. poo,r Patholics were .founded in 1557 by
Sir Wll1iaw .Petr& kt. ~nd rebuilt by William Henry Girls', built about 184o & enlar~ed in 1913, fbr t58
Francis, qth Baron Petre, in 1840: the income is [184. children ! average attendance, g:a; Miss Frances1 Stbne,
Ir. 1776 the Rev. Thomas Ralph le.ft by will 2os. tQ be mistress
given in brea.d at Easter; in 1804 Rosamond Bonham left The schools of Fr;rerning & lngatestone are amalga·
the dividend of £1oo Consols for Sunday schools; in 18o6 mated, the boys attending 'the school in :Fryern'ing 1
1\Irs. Hannah Rayner left £so Navy Five per Cents. for Catholic, for 40 children ; average attendance, 20; Miss
the benefit of ten almshouses for the poor for ever: this Teresa Walmsley, mistress
last charity is now, h.owever, merged in that of Sir Carrier to Chelmsford, Mark Rice, tues. thurs. fri. k saG

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Disney Edgar Norton B..A.. The Hyde Halls Henry, The Chase
A.mes Ro.bert Yetton, ln!!atestone hall DuCane Mrs.Alfd.Lightoaks, Mill Grn Harris Misses, Grove lodge
Aschwanden Sydney William Loui11, Earle Rev.Cha.s. B.A. (rector),Rectory Havers Misses, The Cottage, Ingate•
Grange mount Fargus Major Harold D.S.O. (brigade stone hall
Barnett William H. L. Little cote major Essex Infantry Brigade), The Hilder Maj. Frank D.L.,J.P.Huskards
Bingham D&vid, lngatestone hall Bungalow Hodson Mrs. High street
Blyth Gedrge, Avenne terrace Finlinson John Whittle, Maltings Horsnell A.rchibald, Guillemot
Borgmann Edward, Kincraig Folmar Edward, Lowlands Howell ChaPles Henry, Laurel bank
Caton John Abraham Young>, Oak lo Foster Joseph Percy Thomasin, The Jacks Charles H. Crossways
Conybeare Henry Grant Mada.n J.P. Grange Kerr· Bobert, Braemar
Delmore Foster Mrs. Norton cottage Mears Rev. Fra.ncis Peel Th.A.K.C.
Cooke William, Wells, Mill green Gould John Hayden, Wott()n lodge (curate in charge)
Coverdale Fredk.John,Ingatestone hall Goulden Thomas, Mill Green Nash Mrs. Chapel honse
Coverdale Joseph, Carlynne Grant Rev. Roderick M.R. (R. C.), Neave Sheffield H: M. Mill Green pk
Darke Oswald, Brora Ingatestone hall Orten-Boving Jens, Newland$ lodge
Parry Miss, R.oohrood •
Carr & Co. chemtsts Oddy Sarah (Miss), dress maker
Petre Miss, Avenue road Cemetery (James William Gallagher, Oddy Waiter James 9 dairyman
Pet~ Sebastian Henry, Tor Eryan clerk to the burial authority) Osborn Thomas J. Spread.Eagle inn
Pol't61' Bemal'd, The Cottage Coverdale Frederick John, land agent, Palmer Win.iam, coal dealer
Jlratt Col. Ernest St. George D.S.O. Ingatestone hall Perry Sydney, boot & shoe dealer
Nithsdal& Coverdale Josepb, land agent, Thorn- Potter William, farmer, Green street
Ransford Alan Carpmael, The Limes don Estate office Purkins Frederick, :Bell P.H
Robinson Eustace H. Mill Green ho

Cunningham James, head gardener to Rankin Frederick Sid1,1ey, AnebQr P.IJ;
Rock Edward Guard, Red house Frank Hilder esq. D.L., J.P Ransford .Alan Carpmael M.R.C.S.
Rose John Earclay, Maisonette Ellis Miss Beat:rtce M, fruiterer, Eng., L.R.C.P .Lond. physician &;
Sellan Rev. Leonard Cla1ke (Congre- High street surgeo:p, & medical officer & public
gational), The Manse Finlinson Eerna.rd Clifford, farm :vaccinator, 6th district. Chelmsford
Sherrin Mrs. Ethelhurga bailiff to Capt. John Tyson Wigan, union
Sidgwick Charles Twining, The Old Dunsteads farm . Raven Harry, dairyman
Rectory Fortune Henry H. Cricketers' inn, Raven Henry, farmer, Elmfield
Smith George Percy, The Bays Mill Green Raven Sidney A. baker
Stirling-Hamilton John M.A., M.B Gardner Bernard E. plumber, High st ~eid Charles, hair dresser
Tayl9r .Alan Reed, The Chantry Gibbons Frank William, corq mercbt Rice Mark, beer retailer, Mill Green
"trevor Mrs. Erwfair Gibson Hy.woo-u ranger to Lord Petre Rolph Charles, head gardener to H.
Urquhart Charles, Adkins Goodey AJbt.Edwd. tobccnst.Markcl; pl G. M. Conybeare esq
Walford-Gosnall Captain John D. P. Gray Harrison, maltster Rolph William, laundry. Mill Green
Whitegates Green & Sons, butchers Savage Emily M. (Mrs,),
Way Lewis, Spillfeathers Green Emily (Miss), nurse Savill Charles, farmer,. Potters Row
Welland Arthur, Mill house Green Patrick, builder farm, Mill Green
West George B. Avenue terrace Grice Mrs. Susan,beer ret.Mill Green Sexton Richard, blacksmith
Wigan Capt. John Tyson, Ingatestone Gutteridge Henry, boot maker Sbuttleworth James George, Ye Qlda
court Harris Charles, farmer Crown P.B
Willis Samuel, Heybridge house Hicks Artbur, grocer Smith G. P. & Co. drapers & grocers
Wood Lieut.-Col. George Wilding Holmes Fred, baker Smith W. H. & Son, news agents,
D.L., J.P. Docklands Howell Charles Henry, cycle agent, Railway station .
W otherspoon David, Redcote High street ' Smith F. Luckin Ltd. grocers & pro-
Yorke Mrs. Gate house Ingatestone & Fryerning Cricket Club vision merchants; & at Chelmsford
(Joseph Swanson. bon. sec) Smith Frederick, veterinary surgeon
Ingatestone & Fryerning Gas Light & Speller Waiter, bay dealer, Mill Green
Early .closing day, Wednesday. Coke Co. Limited (George P.Smitb, Stammers Bertha (Miss), nurse
Anger Frederick William, china & sec.; E. W. Smith, manager) Stirling-Hamilton John M.A., M.B. 1
glass dealer, High street fngatestone & Fryerning Rifle Club B.C.Camb., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.
Eaily L. G. butchel.' (Thomas Goulden. hon. sec) Lond. physician & 1mrgeon
Barclay & Company Limited(branch), Jarvis Rosetta (.Miss), drlles maker Stone William J. brick & tile maker
bankers ;open tues. r.3o to 4 p.m.; King Harry, wheelwright & beer ret Turner Robert, farm bailiff to 0.
sat. 9 to 12 noon : draw on London King Wm. Jsph. watch & clock ma Parry esq. Daws farm
office, 54 Lombard sb. London E C Liddell Jn. frmr. Handley Barns frm Watkins Thomas Perry, boys' school
Barfiel«l 'l'homas Roger, wood carver Long- John, shopkeeper Wells & Perry, coal, cement, slate &i
Barr Frederick, head gardener t~ E Lyon George, farmer, Hall farm drain pipe merchants, Railway sta-
N. Disney esq McGowan Robt. farmer, Little Hyde tion; & at Chelmsford. See ad·
"Bentley Percy, carpenter, High street Martin John Brazier, pork butcher vertisement
Blyth Saml. Wm. agricultural engim Milbank John, farmer, Ray farm Wells Mark, cycle agent, High street
Brock Alfred, ironmonger Milbank Wait. Chas. fishmngr.Bigh st Wilson Wm. laundry, The Nutshell
Brook Edwd. saddler & harness maker Mitchell .Andrew, farmer, Heybridge Working Men's Club & Reading Room
Browne Bobert Bollingworth, archi- farm (James W. Gallagher, bon. sec)
tect &; surveyor Moy Thos. Lim.coal merchants,Station Wright Geo. W. insur. agt.Morton rd
Camp Ernest, boot & shoe maker Nash Thomas, grocer j Wylie Alexander, farmer, Woodbarns
Camp Geo. boot & shoe ma. )lill Grn Noakes Wm. Hy. (.~Irs.), shopkeeper
INGRAVE is a pleasant village and parish, on the glebe, in the gift of Ernest L. Heatley esq. and hi'M
road from Rrentwood to 'filbury, 2~ miles from East since 1909 by the Rev. Sidney Pittman Th.A.K.C.
Borndoa station on the London, Tilbury and Soutqend The principal landowners are Lord Petre, who is lord
l'Bilwayt ~t ..south-east of Brentwood station on the main of the manor, and Miss, of Hatfield :Broad Oak,
{ill8 of the Great Eastern railway and 20 from London, Harlow. The soil is chiefly clay; subsoil, clay. The
iu the Mid division of the county, Barstable hundred, chief crops are wheat, oats and barley. The -area is
lk-entwood county court district and petty sessional 1,822 .acres; rateable value, [,2,887; the population. in
division, Billericay union, rural deanery of Earstable, rgn was 512.
:archdeaconry of Essex and Chelmsford diocese. The Post Office.-Walter Bennett, sub-postmaster. Letters
chnrch of St. Nicbolas, appropriated to the use of this arrive from Brentwood at 6.50 a.m. & I2.30 & 6.go
-and the adjoining :parish of West Borndon, stands close p.m.; dispatched at 8.3'5 & 9.30 a.m. & 2 & 7.20 p.m.
to the high road, and is a red brick building in the & !1.50 a.m. on sunday. The nearest telegraph &
Lombardo-Gnthic style, consisting of chancel and nave, money order office is at Heron Gate, half a mile distant
and a massive tower at the west end containing a clock Wall Letter Boxes. Thorndon Park, cleared at 8.45 ~
and 5 bells, hung in I738: in the chancel floor are 9·40 a.m. & ~.IS & 7.30 p.m.; sundays, 12 noon;
~rasses to Margaret, daughter of John Fitz-Lewis and R~tory road, cleared at 7·55 a.m. & 2.Io & 7.25
vife of John Holland, Duke of Exeter, and previously p.m.; sundays, 11.55 a.m
vife of Sir Richard Haukford kt. ob. 17 August, 1400, County Police Station, Emest G.eorge Drain, constable
-and to Iohn Fitz-Lewis and his four wives, in heraldic
-dresses, c. I5oo. The chancel was decorated in I893 by PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS.
Mr~ Reginald Hall ward, artist, of Woodlands, Sborne, Mixed, built in I87o & rebuilt in I9I2, for I56 children ;
11ear Gravesend: new choir stalls, pulpit and lectern average attendance, I34; :Miss Mabel Bittles, mistress
-were placed in the ehurch in 1910: there are I6o sit- Catholic. built in I875, for about 6o children; average-
tings. The Ngister date.> from the year I56o. The attendance, IS; Mrs. Nora Owen, mistress
living is a rectory, .with that of West Horndon annexed, Carrier. Joseph .Ablin passes through to Erentwood
llet ;rearly value {,28o, with residence and 75 acres of daily

Fleming Col. Henry Slane J.P. In- COMMERCIAL.
grave grange A.blin Henry, baker
Frederick John Head William Joseph, Park house Ablin Joseph, carrier
Blatcb Mrs. 'Beldams Beatley Artb. Edwd. The Old Rectory Ballantvne•
Jatnes,farm bailiff to Lord
Boardman Waiter, The Firs Heatley. Ernest Lafont,TheOld Rectry Petre, Rectory road
Clay Major Albert, Tanglin Kuypers RPv. Charles, The Presby- Ben nett Sarab (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Compson Ernest, Manor house terv, Thorndon park Boardman William, farmer & builder,
l>avies Waiter, The Thicket, Ingrave Morris Henry Arthur Sa1mon's farm
~ide Owen Francis. "rbomdon Brewster Chas. Tbos. house cllecorator
Denne Capt.Wm.Hy. In~rave cottage j Pittman Rev. Sidnl'y Th.A.K.C. (rec- Brewster Emest Frank, house decortr
_ tor), The New Rectory I Edwards Herbert Edwin, boot maker

ESSE! 23•
356 lNGR.AVE. ES;:,EX.
Edwards John, organist to East; Guttridge .G. J. & Son, butchers Shearman William, Brindle•
Horndon Church, assistant overseer, Harper .ADdrew Clelland, farmer, farm, Ingrave 1lide · .
& clerk. to the Parish CouncilP. r>f 1 Dairy farm Stoakley Samuel, beer retailer
Ingrave & East Borndon, assessor & Male Samuel, Green Man P.H Watt .Andrew P. farmer, lngrne &:
collector of taxes for Childerditch, .Newlan Henry Charles, baker Lapwater halls --
• East Borndon, West Borndon, In- · · . : , Whitby Isaac Benj.farmer,Gleb& farm.
grave & Great & Littla Warley ·
INWORTK is a village and parish, on a pleasant. John .Angier, a former rector, d. 28th February, 173r.
eminence near the Blackwater, ti miles south-east from The church affords 100 sittings. The register date ..
Kelvedon station, on the main line of the Great Easteru from the year 1731. The living is a rectory, ne\ yearlJI
railway, si north-east from Witham and s! south from v·alue [2oo, with 58 acres of glebe and residence, in the-
Ooggeshall, .in the Eastern division of the county, gift of Lord Islington P.C., G.C.M.G., J..P. 6nd held
hundred Of Lexden, Witham petty sessional division, since 1893 by the Rev. Francis Wingfield Dickenson.
Lexden and Winstree union, Maldon couQtY. court dis- W. oS. Calvert esq. of East Bergholt, is lord of the-
trict, rural deanery of Witham, archdeaconry of Col- manor; there are other manors running into the p~ish.
chester and Chelmsford diocese. .At Inworth is a Edward Rann esq. of Hackney, London, is the principal
station, where trains stop by signal only, on the Kelve- landowner. The land is chiefly arable and undulating;
don and Tollesbury Light Railway of the Great Eastern a portion of it is light and gravelly, but mos\ of it i~
Railway Co. ·The church of All Saints is a small and good fertile loam. '.rhe area is 1,688 acres; Tateable
ancient building of brick, flint and Tubble, in the Nor- value, £2,454; the population in 19II was 8o6 in the-
man style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and civil parish and r8o in the ~clesiastical parish.
an embattled western tower of red brick containing 5 Parish Clerk, .Alfred South.
bells: the nave and chancel are separated by a wall of k
gr eat thickness, pierced by three arches of rude and Letters through Kelvedon arrive at 7 a.m. 6.45 p.m. ;.
, dispatched at 9·5 & 11.10 a.m. & 8.20 p.m. on week.
irregular masonry, the central·arch •being the loftiest: days & 8 _30 p.m. on sunday. Tiptree is the nearest
in 1876 the church was restored and resooied and the .1 d'
south purch rPbuilt, chiefly at the cost of the late Bev. money order & telegraph office, about 2 mi es Istant
Canon A.. H. Br1 dges M ..A. rector of Beddington (d. Letter Box, In worth Street, cleared at g.<: & II.15 a. m_
1891): the fun~ 1s octangular and is supported by a · & 3.20 & 8.20 p.m.; sundays, 8.20 p.m
cylindrical shaft: there is a memorial in the church to The children of this parish attend 1'iptree school
Deal John Overett, Par·k farm I COMMERCIAL.
Dickenson Rev. Frauds Wingfield, CJHJ['lin Edward, market gardeu~r
Moss John William J.P. farmer,.
Rectory Deal William & Sons, farmers, Park Shave Philip John, farmer
Fuller Mrs. Hillside farm & lnworth hall Wager William, poultry farmel'
Phipps James Henry, 'l'he Laurels Harrington .Alfred, farmer Wilks Alfred, market gardener
Powell Lewis Henry, Inworth hall Ide Louisa (Mrs.), frmr. The Grange
KEDINGTON is a parish in Bisbridge union, formerly partly in this county, but now wholly in Suffolk,.
and full particulars will be found in "Kelly's Directory of Suffolk."
KELVEDON (or Easterford) is a parish and village, Queen Victoria. Here was born, xgth June, 1834, thtt
standing partly on r·ising ground on the north-western Rev. Charles Baddon Spurgeon. the famous Baptist
bank of the river Blackwater, over which is a bridge minister, and son of the Rev. John Spurgeon: he lfa•
leading to Feering and on the anci-ent and main road educated in a school at Colch-ester, and during his early
from London to Colchester, with a station on the Great years acted as usher in a private academy at Nelf-
Eastern railway, 42 miles from London, 4 north-east market : he first began preaching in connection with
from With:un, 8 south-east from Braintree, 8 north-east a Nonconformist congregation at Cambridge, and at the-
from Maldon and 3 south from Coggeshall. From age of seventeen took charge of a Baptist chapel at.
Kelvedon is a light railway to Tollesbury, the property Waterbeach; but 'in 1853 removed to the New Park
of the Great Eastern Railway Company. The parish Street chapel, Southwark, and there remained till the,
ill in the Eastern division of the county, Witham opening of the Metropolitan Tabernacle in 1861 : beside&
hundred and petty sessional division, Braintree union, being a voluminous writer and the pastor of a. congrega-
Colchester, Clacton and Harwich joint county court tion numbering about 6,ooo, he was an active politician,.
district, rural deanery of Witham, archdeaconry of and opposed Mr. Gladstone's Irish measures of 1886.
Colchester and Chelmsford diocese. The village is •.md in 1887 he --.vithdrew from the Baptist Union;.
lighted with gas by a company and supplied with latterly his health had become very precarious, and b~
water from Coggeshall. The church of St. Mary the died at ~entone, 31st January, r8g2. Felix Hall,
Virgin is a building of flint in the Early English originally called Filliols Ball, having come into the-
style, consisting of chancel, nave of three bays, aisles, hands of a family surnamed Filiol, it having previous
south porch and a western tower with shingled to the Conquest been held by one Gadmund·, in 134S.
spire, containing a clock and 6 bells: during the year pass-ed by marriage to Sir John de Bohan, then by
1876 and 18n the church was restored by subscription marriage to Sir David Owen, natural son of King-
at a cost of .£3,000, the bells being rehung, a new Henry VII. ; in 1532 passed to King Henry VIII. wh&
pulpit erected, carved oak choir stalls and desk placed granted the manors of Filliol Hall to Richard Long esq.
in the chancel and a new east window inserted, and one of the Gentlemen of his Bedchamber; afterwards-
there are memorial windows to the Rev. G. P. Bennett, passed to .Anthony Abdy, a sheriff of :London, in 1630,.
vicar 1859-91, and his wife; to Sir Henry Curtis Bennett, and remained in the Abdy family till 1744, when it.
their son, and to Mrs. Frere: the chancel was restored passed by marriage or sale through the• of
at the cost of the late Sir Thomas Sutton Western bart Teadring Hall, who rebuilt Felix Hall, but sold it in
as lay rector. The church affords 450 sittings. The 1761 to Daniel Matthews, who in turn sold to a Mr. Rook,.
register dates from the year 1558. The· living is a who sold to Mr. (afterwards Lord) Western about 1790;:
vicarage, net yearly value £269, with residence and 57 it remained the propt>rly ·of the Western family tiiJ
acres of glebe, in the gift of the Bishop of Chelmsford, 1913, when Harry Wrightson esq. who had married a
and held since 1891 by the Rev. Edward Francis Hay Miss Western, bought the property and now resides
M.A. of· St. John's CoUzge, Oxford. The Catholi' there : it is a building with a portico supported by six
church, dedicated to Mary Immaculate and the Holy Corinthian pillars, and stands in a fine park of about
Archangels, is an edifice of red brick, and adjoining qo acres, affording a good view over the valley of the-
is a convent. There is also a. Congregational chapel, river Blackwater. Kelvedon is divided into two manors.
erected in 1853, seating 350 persons, and a meeting of which the Bishop of London and Sir T. 0. C. Western
house for the Societv of Friends. The Freemasons have hart. are respectively lords. .A considerable portion of
a lodge hl're (Easterford, 2342), opened in March, 1890; the land is now owned bv •
the farmers. The land is
meetings are held monthly, on Thursday nearest th~> arable and mixed; subsoil, gravel and loam. The chief
full moon. The St. Mary's Parish Room, which will crops are wheat, barley, turnips, beans and peas and
accommodate 250 persons, can be hired for entertain- seeds. The parish contains an area of 3,201 acres of
ments &c. The Institute, erected in 1gn, contains a hall land and I I of water; rateable value, [9,157; the
to seat 350. There is a Conservative and Unionist Club. population in 1911 was 1,597 in the civil and 1,581 }Jr
Marler's charity, amounting to £10 yearly, is for the the ecclesiastical parish.
support of almshouses and the maintenance of th-3
village well. Smith's (1636), of [,1o yearly, arising GORE PIT, in Feering parish, which is supposed th
from lands in Easthorpe, is given to the poor in brl'ad. have taken its name from a battle fought there, is a
The almshouses were entirely rebuilt, at a cost of £8oo, suburb of Kelvedon. on the other side of the Blackwater,.
in commemoration of the Jubilee of Her late ~ajesty over which is a bridge of one arch.
Post, M. 0., T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office.- PUBLIC OFFICERS.
Ernest W. Walker, sub-postmaster (letters should Assessor & Collector of King's Taxes, Waiter Frank
hue Essex added) Siggers
..Outgoing :Mails.-London & through, 9.40 a.m. ; Col- Assistant Overse-~r, Frank Alien Osborn
-chester, Harwich, Ipswich, Halstead &; Norwich, 12 Medical Officer &; Public Vaccinator, Kelvedon District,
·noon; London & through, 12.30 p.m. ; London & Braintree Union & Messing District, Lexden & Wins-
through, Witham, Chelmsford, Braint;ee, Maldon &. tree Cnion, Certifying Factory Surgeon & Medical
'Halstead, 4-IO p.m.; Colchester, Ipswich & through, Officer to Post Office & to the Board of Education,
4.40 p.m.; London & through, 7 p.m.; London .t AlbE"rt Turner L.R.C.S. & L.R.C.P. & L.M.Edin.,
·through, Ipswich, Colchester, Witham, Chelmsford &. L.M.S.S.~-\.Lond
all parts, p.m.; Halstead, p.m.; sundays.
0 .50 p.m. Parcels are dispatched at 12.30, 7 & 8 PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS.
p m. sulidays excepted The undermentioned schools are under the control (
Uncoming Mails.-London & through, Halstead, 10.30 the. Esse~ Education (Braintree District) Sub-Com-
p.m.; Colchester, Harwich & Ipswich, 2.5 a.m.; xnittee, John Gleave, County High school, Braintree,
London & throu!l"h, 6.25 a. m. for delivery 7 a.m. ; clerk
London" & through. 10.30 a.m. for delivery 11 a.m.; Boys', built in I8J8, & the schoolroom built in 1863
Colchester, Harwich & Ipswich, 4·45 p.m.; London l for the girls' sin~e added to the boys' school, for 81
through, 5·45 p.m. for delivery at 6 p.m. Parcel!! children; average att-endance, So; W. W. Thorne,
"llails arrive at 10.30 a.m. for delivery at I I a.m.; at
Girls', for So children; aver-age attendance, 55; Miss
5·45 p.m. for delivery at 6 p.m. ; & 4 a.m. for delivery
at 7 a.m J ames, mistress
Wall Letter Boxes.-At station, cleared at 9.25 & 11.55 Infants'. accommodating 100; average attendance, 50;
a. m. & 4.30, 5.30 & 9· xo p.m. ; at Angel Hotel wall. Miss G-~rtrude M. Wadley, mistress
Aylett's School & dwelling house, left by will in 1635,
cleareci at 9-40 &. II-40 a.m. & 12.30, 4, 6.45 & 9-15
p.m & now the Kelvedon Maldon Road school, was en-
larged in 1894, & will hold :u3 children; a new room
'f!tar Wall Box, 9.40 a.m. 12 noon, 4• 4-40, 5-40 & 9.15 for infants was also added; average attendance, 57;
p.m Waltl'r James Brett, master
<Joggeshall road, 9.15 & I0.35 a.m. & 4.10 & 8.30 p.m.;
sundays, 9· IS a.m

Railway Station, Ernest Edward Jordan, station master
Omnibus to Coggeshall, 7. 32 & I0.2I a.m. & 5.15 p.m. ;
PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. returns 8.35 & I1.5o a.m. & 6.50 p.m
.St. Mary's Parish Boom, Philip Shelly, sec
Pire Brigade, formed in 1887, George Braddy, capt. & CARRIERS.
7 firemen ~Ioore Brothers, to Colchester, wed. & sat. returning
lnstitute, William C. Moore, hon. sec the same days ; to Chelmsford, mon. tues. thur. fri.
:Public Hall, W. H. Scott, manager &; sat. returning the same days

PRIVATE RESIDESTS. Braddv• George,saw mills,well sinker, King Em m a (Mrs.), dress maker
'Barratt Mrs. The Poplars builder, contractor & undertaker. Liberal Association (Alec A.rnold, sec)
BTetnall Mrs T N 2 P.O. Kelvedon London County &; W e.stminster Bank
JJus:.Pll Mrs. The Limes Brooldield Ernest William, grocer LimitPd (sub-branch) (W. A. Long,
oChaplin David, Church strel't Brown Alfred, private gardener to J. manager), open tues. & fri. II to 2,
Chaplin John E. Sheldrake esq.Farm Hill cottage High 8treet; draw on head office,
Clarke Miss, Easterford villa Burrells John W. baker 41 Lothhury, London E C
<Cobbold Misseil, Em!lhome Church Arthur, butcher Masonic (Easterford 2342) Lodge (W.
<Oollen Lady, The Cedars Conservative Association J. Moss esq. treasurer)
'Davies Rev. W.i1lliam Ebenezer (Con- Conser\·ative & Unionist Club (Perc~- May Arthur George, chimney sweeper
gregational), The Manse Childs, >-<>c) Miller George, ftorist .
"Docwra. Mi11ses, Greyt~ Cook David, cabinet maker Moore Brothers, temperance !hotel,
"Dndding Mrs. The Bungalow •
Crampin Brothers, bakers jobmasters, carriers & motor car &;
iFranklin Mrs. Easterford villa Crampin Mary (Mrs.), baker motor omnibus proprietors
Frere Nit~s Cranmer Charles. chimney sweeper Moy Thomas Limited, coal merchants
'Hay Rev. Edwd. Fras. M.A.. Vicarage Cranmer Edwin James, farmer Newman Robert William, grocer
Lance Mrs. Red house Crowe George, fancy repository Nichols Jn. frmr. Monk's & Park frms
May fllrs. Bridge house Cullen Lewis Jn. farmer, Clarks frm Osborn Frank Alien, assistant over-
'Mechi Miss, Cedar cottage Deal Fred, fturist seer & house agent
Meyer Rev. Edmund (Roman Cath) Deek~ Frederick. seed grower Pari~>h J ames & Sons, farmers, Little
·Moore Charles, Lawson villa Digby Joseph, The George inn Coggeshall hall
1Moore Edward, Sunnyside Doughton Frank William, smith Pluck Fred, grocer
.Musk Samuel Doughton Henry, smith Polley J. Ottewell, seed grower, Ewell
"Page Miss Eary &; Rayment, builder>: hall
"Polley J. Ottewell, Ewell hall Earv Waiter, Victoria P.H Porter Edwd.Frank,Star & Fleece hotl
"Randolph-Symmons Francis, The Elliott Edwa-rd, George & Dragon P.H Public Hall (W. H. Soott, manager)
Lawn house Everitt Arthur, tobacconist Raven Edwin Jt~ph. machinist,Mill fm
'Reynolds Capt. John H.Greys cottage Fire Brigade(George Braddy, captain) Raven John Sach, farmer, Highfields
'alhoades James, Kingsthorpe house Fisk Herbert A. tailor · Rayment Arthur, builder, see Eary
Sheldrake Harry James, White Barn Fitch Lazarus, brewers' traveller &; Ravment
·Sheldrake James Ernest, Farm hill Fuller & Son!'!, brewers Rogers ·sl.miller(water).Kelvedon mill
Sheldrake WilliP, White Barn Garrard Frank, butcher St. Mary's Parish Boom (Philip
·Turner A1bert, Kelvedon house Garrard Jas. C. farmer, Porters farm Shelly, sec)
"Turrell Thomas W. Ormonde lodge Gilbr Frederick. shopkeeper Scarff J oseph William,Bailway tavern
"Valpy 1tev. Jn. Hooper M.A. (curate) Gisby Emma Willett (Mrs.), White Scott William Henry, flori11t
-"W1seman Misses Hart P.H Shelly Philip, drug stores
-"Wrightsen "Harry, Felix hall Gisby Vinc<>nt, hair dresser Shemmin~ Wal.ter, boot maker
"Youngman Mis-s Harriet Glover Brothers, cycle agents Siggers Henry,. seed grower
COlBIERCIAL. Gould Charles o,·erett, builder Siggers Waiter Frank, builder & con-
Early c'losing day, Wednesday. 11-•mld Frank, seed !?rower tractor, & assessor & collector of
..A.llen & Boggis, coal merchants Hart George V. grocer King's taxes
:Barclay & Company Limited, bankers Borne John Joseph, draper Smith Jas. Lindsev, •
farmer, A.llshots
~>nb-brnnch' ('H. B. Peecock, man- Hunwick Brothers. agricultural & Smith John William, butcher
ager; G. 1'. Prencb, agent), tues. general engnrs. Swan Street work~ Smith Maud (Miss), private school
& fri. IO to 2: ~at.· g.;w to 12.30; Hunwick Alfred C. hair dresser South~ate George, fishmonger
draw on ht>ad office, 54 Lombard 5t. Hunwi('k Gt'<JrQ"l' B. sadd:er Surridge Ernest Edward, solicitor; t
London E C Hunwicke Lnui~a (":'vliss), stationer at Cog~eshall
"lJelcham The~mas. painter Institnte (Wm. C. ~Ioore, hon. !lee) Tiptree Self-He:p Co-operative & In~
"Bonner Al-fred, seed gTOWeT KelvE>don Gas Co dustrial Society Ltd. (A. Alen,mg~
-Bonner "Htibert. ~eeil grower Kelvedon Nursin~ Institute (Miss A. Turner &; Bodkin,physicians & surgns
=I~r-add:Y lklC". iroJlfAongert> Jones, matron)

--a5s KEL\'EDON. ESSEX. (K1!:LLY'S

Turner Albt. L.R.C.S.,L.R.C.P .&L.M. factory surgeon & medical officer to Warner Edward k Sons, fannel'l.
~l;lin.,. L.M. S.S.A.Lond. physician & Post office & to the Board of Educa- 'Chnreh hall & Crabs farm
surgeon (firm, Turner &; Bodkin), tion, Kelvedon ho. T N 3 Kelvedon Wil1smer Herbert, boot make:r
&; medical (}:fficer &; public vaccina- Turrall Ernest, boot repairer Winder Chris'topher W. J.ngel hotel
tor ~el\'edon. district, Braintree Underwood William J, 'Watch maker Wood Arthur ChaTles, saddle:r .t; har-
Ul).ion & Messing district, Lexden Ward .A.lfre<l Charles, grocer. , ness maker · ,
,Jr. Winstree uaion~ . & certifying •
• W oraker Charles, plumber ·
XELVEDON HATCH acquired its present name ~teres of glebe and residence, in the gift of Mrs. 0. M.
before the time of .King Edward the Confessor; it is a Peregrine, and held since 1908 by the Rev. William
village and parish, near the river Roding, 3 miles south Samuel Mavor M.D. of Durham University. Charities of
from Ongar station on a branch of the Great Eastern £35 yearly value, arising from the rent of land, ar&
railway, 5 north-north-west from Brentwood, and 20 given annually in money to the poor. The Church
from London, in the Western division of the county, room here is used as a working men's club, and is
Ongar hundredJ petty sessional division and union, provided with a readin~ and games room. Kelvedon
Brentwood county court district, and in the rural Hall, the prop·erty of Edward Carington WrigM esq.
deanery of Ongar, archdeaconry of Essex and Chelmsford J.P. and now occupied by John .A.lgernon Jones tsq.
diocese. The .church of St. Nichola.s is a structure of is a fine mansion, surrounded by woods and plantations.
brick in the Early English style, rebuilt about nnd has an ornamental piece of water; attached to th&
1740, and consists of chancel and nave and a small hall is a Coatholic chapel, dedicated to St . .loseph, which
western belfry with spire containing one bell : there is now disused. The chief landowners are Edward
are several mon'llments and brasses to the Luther, Carington Wright .esq. J.P. who is lord of the manor.
Wright and Dolby families, dated 1608, 1653 and 1656: Henry Scroop Fane esq. and Charles Dun can Royds esq.
one of these, dated 1638, is thus described! •• Fratres J.P'. of Brizes Park. The soil is mixed; ~ubsoil, clay
in unum. Heere !yes Richard and Anthonie Lvther und gravel The chief crops are wheat, oats and lnlrley.
esquires, so truly loving brothers that they lived neere The area is 1,678 acres of land and 6 of wateq l'Rteable
fortie years joint hovsekeepers together at Miles, with- value, £2,901; a f'Cattered population in 19II of 384.
out anie acMmpt atwixt them:" another to Jam~
Lvther is without date and runs thus: '' Sleepe heere Parish Clerk, William Enever. ""'
sweet sainte till the trompe awake thee, and for Him-
selfe revive thee, that first did make thee :" the Post, M. 0. & T. Office, Kelvedon Common. :Miss .Alil!e
brasses include a figure of a civilian's wife, c. 1560, male Emily Dutton, sub-postmistress. Letters ~&rrin from
effigy and inscription lost; and an inscription to Brentwood week days at 4·45 a.m. & HI noon Ai 7.25
Frances, .daughter of Philip Waldegrave and wife· of p.m.; dispatched at 9.40 a m. &; 1.50 & 7.40 p.m. ~
John Wright, ob. 1656: the church was restored in sundays, arrive 4·45 a.m. ; di;;patched, 7.40 p.m
1873, at a cost of £380, by subscription, but is Pillar Letter Box, Orchard Dem1, cleared a.m. l
now closed. The church and churchyard, except in 2 & 7.40 p.m. week days; 7.40 p.m. sunday
certain specified cases, were closed to interments 31 Public Elementary School (mixed), erected, with master~&
Dec. 1893· The new church, built in 1895 a.t a cost of house, in 188o, at a cost of £I,I50, for 95 children;
j;2,ooo, is of red brick, in the Early English style, and average attendance, 63; William Tilley, master; Mn.
con~iRts of chancel, nave. north porch and a belfry with
Marion White, mistress
small spire containing one bell : the pulpit of wr(}ught
iron 'Was given by the late E. W. Puxon esq. and a lec- This. school is controlled by the Essex Education On~r
tern of similar character by Mrs. Puxon: there are 150 District Sub-Committee, .A.rnold Richardson, Ongar,
sittings. The register dates from the year 156x. The clerk
living is a rectory, net yearly value £260, including 30 County Police, Alexander Barrett, constable
r COMMERCIAL. Mugleston Isaiah Hobson, fa:rmetp
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Boniface Ernest A. farmer, Dodd's Langfords farm
Earthy Walt-er George, Crownfields ! farm Porter Jesse, wood dealer
Fane Col. Frederick John, Priors 'Brown Henry, laundry, Rose cot Purlds Eliza (Mrs.), refreshment l'ms
Gould William, Mushroom ball Burton John·, gamekeeper to John Purkis William, miller (wind), Kelve-
:rones John Algernon, Kelvedon hall Algernon Jones esq.Kelvedon lodge don Common mill
Mavor Rev. William Samuel M.D. Dutton Arthur Lamb, school attend-, Sawkins James, coal deale1'
(rector), Rectory I ance officer, Post office :Smith David, Eagle P.H
Mullock Capt.Sidney Goos,The Chase Fuller James Alfred, coal dealer I Smith Harry, refreshment rooms
Patterson Alan, Woodlands I Giblin George William, farmer Sparlw Frederick, gardener to J. A.
Roebuck William iRobert Godlonton, Giblin Waiter, baker Jones esq
Orohard dene IKnightbridge William Chas. butcher Tingley Thomas, beer reteiler
Royds Charles Duncan J.P. Brizes pk: Mugleston Louisa (Mrs.) & May Waters John, head gardener to O. J).
Simpson-.Shaw Mrs. Germain's j (Miss), water finders (spring), Royds esq. J.P
Warmsley John, Church house 1 Langfords Weal William. carman
XIRBY-LE-SOKEN (or rKirby), divided into Upper the late R. Blanshard esq. : there are 308 sittings. Tbe
and Lower, is a parish on a creek of Hanford Water, register dates from the year 1681 and includes regis-
with a station at Kirby Cross on the Tendring Hun- trations from Walton-le-Soken, from 1798 to x812. The
dred branch of the Great Eastern railway, 69 miles living is a vi{!arage, net yearly value £2oo, with 6
from London, 2! west from Walton steamboat pier, 12 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of trustees. and
11outh-west from Harwich, 12 south-east from Manning- held since 1913 by the Rev. William Georg~ Proctor.
tree and 15 east from Colchester: it is one of the A Church hall and Sunday school was opened in rgos
three liberties called the "Sokens," the chief of which on the site of the old National school, at a cost of
is at 'l'horpe, and is in the North-Eastern division £350. The Wesleyan chapel will seat 100 persons.
of the county, Tendring hundred, petty sessional The Primitive Methodist chapel at Kirby Cross, erected
divtsion and union, Colchester, Clacton and Harwich in 1873, has 150 sittings, and this sect has also an iron
joint. county court district, rural deanery of St. room at Lower Kirby with sittings for So persons. The
Osyth, archdeaconry of Colchester and Chelmsford charities comprise £100, formerly in South Sea annui-
dioces·~. Kirby has a wharf on the creek. The .chur('h ties, but now in 2~ per cent. Consols: the deed& 'We~
of St. Michael is an ancient structure of flint with lost for a considerable period, during which time the
sto11e dressings, consisting of ch!lncel, nave of three interest doubled the original amount, which was £so.
bays, aisles, north porch and an embattled western Two acres two roods of land, left by an unknown donor,
tower containing 5 bells, one dated 1641, three 1729 and were sold, and the proceeds, yielding about {,12 IOS.
one somewhere between 1750 and 1770: a clock with two yearly, are also applied to charitable uses. A court leet
dials, the gift of the late Mrs. Sbum, of Hill House, was is held at the Ship inn, July 26th. The trnstees of the
place-d in the tower in 1884: the main portion of the late Maj.-Gen. Williams and Col. Richard PercivaJ
-bnilding is in the Early Decorated style, h'llt the tower Davis,' of Walton-on-the-Naze, are the principal land-
was ad.ded in the Perpendicular period: there are six owners. The soil is loamy and clay; subsoil, princi-
stained windows, that at the east end having ·been pre- pally clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats..
sented by the late R. Blanshard esq. in memory of his beans, peas and roots. The area is 3,846 acres of land..
wife, who die-d in 1866: the stained west window was 8 of inland and 210 of tidal water and 763 of foreshore;.
-erected by A. F. Ericsson esq. at a cost of £175, in rateable value, £4,771; the population in ,·19n was
memory of his wife, who died 22 Dec. 1891: the chan- 1,094 in th-e civil parish and 1,o88 in the ecclesiaslical.
'Cel was restored in 1870 and the nave and aisles in 1872, parish.
at a cost of £J,ooo, chiefly through the liberality of
l AND LEE CHAPEL. } '359
HORSEY is a marshy island, lZ miles long .and a mile 1 Colchester at 3.40 p.m,; sundaylf, 6.30 :a.m..-; clis-
and a halt broad, lying in a bwy adj scent and used patched at u a.m. & 8.15 p.m.; suncia.ys, 8•..1:; p.m
,ehietly for grazing, but it has a few houses and a ford Frinton-on-Sea. is the nearest tel~r.aph office, '2 :miles
to the main land. There 1s also Pewett Island; which distant r
forms a. larga man; h.,. Skippers Island , (or Holme>~} and Lettel' Box, Frinton road, eleared week dan ati. l0·35
other smaller islands. a.m. & 8.35 p.m, ; sundays, 8.35 p.m
Letter :Box, Railway Station, cleared week day~ at 9·45
KIRB"'f CROSS is a hamlet of Kirby, on one of the a.m. & 6.45 p.m.; sundays, 10.15 a.m
cross roads from Thorpe to Walton. Upper Street is a
Police Sbation, Kirby, Charles Hockley, constable
hamlet, on the same line of road.
Parish Clerk. William Rush. PUBLIC ELEME~TARY SCHOOL.
Poit Ottice, Kirby.~Miss Elizabeth Jane Lott, sub-post- Waiter C. Bareham, Little Clacton, attendance officer
mistress. Letters arrive from Kirby Cross, at 6.50 Mixed, built in I9<Jo, for 240 children; average attend-
a.m. k 4·5 p.m. ; dispatched at :10.40 a.m. &; 7.40 ance, 166; Godfrey R. Percy, master
p.m.; sunda.ys, arrive 8 a.m.; dispatched 7.40 p.m. This school is under the control of the Essex Education
Th~ -nearest .money order office is at Kirby Cross, & (Tendring) Advisory Sub-Committee, G. 0. Holland,
ielegraph .office at Walton-on-th~r-Naze, !2 miles distant Technical institute, North hill, Colchester, clerk
Post k M. 0. Office, Kirby Cross (letters should have Railway Station, Frederick Wm. Booth, station master
Essex added).-Robert Sparling, sub-postmaster. Carrier.-Grant, from Walton, passes through, tues,
Letters arrive from Ipswich at 6.30 a.m. & from t.hurs. & sat
KIRBY. Parker Prederick Henry, boot maker Wolfe Edward T. Frederick's haven
PlliVATE RESIDENTS. Parker Marie Beatrice (Mrs.),dress ma COMMERCIAL.
Baker George, White house Potter George D. poulterer Baker Maurice, farmer, Meerls, Sad-
Cock William James, The Hall Skingley Charles David, grocer ler's & Turpin's farms
Gaze Albt.Ives,TheBungalow,Vista av Snare William, apartments Bines Charles, insurance agent
Lloyd Llewelyn M.A., J.P. The Yew Thorp Emily (Miss), shopkeeper Burrows George, bailiff to-J. W. Mose
Treeil Wagstaff John, grocer & draper esq. Willow farm
Piper Frank, Red lodge Wat~ Rowland, farmer, Sneating hall Clark -Harry, wheelwright
Proctor Rev. William George (vicar), Woollard Thomas, lJee.r retailer Davies Rev. Robert, nurseryman,
The Vica~e Glenmore gardens
Shum Miu, Hill house KIR:13Y CROSS. Davies William, farmer, Blue house
" COMMERCIAL. Carter Laurence, :Killarney Farrow William, coal dealer
Bartle Alfred, Ship inn Coomer Thomas, Hope house Manning William, boot repairer
Brown Waiter, Red Lion P.H Crompton Thomas A.lbert, Bramleigh Moy Thomas Limited, coal merchants
Clarke John, farmer, King's farm Cunis William R. :Roselawn Oxley Thomas, marine store dealer
Eagle John Woodruffe, farmer, :Brick- Davies Rev. Robert, Glenmore house Page Richard, grocer
barn,. Horsey Island & Marsh House Dawson Robert Ho race, Ramirez Smith Chas. J ohn,Hare & Hounds inn
farms Goddard Herbert, 'The Willows Smith Herbert, licensed slaughterer
Garrod Sydney Harry,grocer &; draper Lucraft George See:ey, Oaklands Snare Arthur, farmer &i dairyman,
Gray Dennis, butcher Marsh Alfred, White lodge Hill House farm
Lott Elizabeth Jane (Miss), shop- Ridley Miss, Wayside Sparling Robert, baker, & post office
keeper, Post office Robson John W. Springfield Stevemon Alex. farmr.Hodgenolds fm
Main Wm. Walli!!, farmer, Birch hall Salmon Herbert John, Fern bank Stone Hector, timbel' merchaut
Oxborrow Robert & Son, blacksmiths Secretan Edwin Herbert, The Cottage Youngs John, Railway tavern
I.AJNDON is a parish and village, with a station on the annexed, joint net yearly value £350, wit}A 54 acres of
direct line of the London, Tilbury & Southend railway, glebe and residence, in the gift of the Bis:t;1.0p of Chelmsr
and is ~ miles south-east from Brentwood and 25 from ford,. and held since 1897 by the Rev, H(!l'bert. Car"
London, in the Mid division of the county, :Barstable penter. Here are two mission hall&. The Vineyard
hundred, Brentwood county court district and petty ses- charity, amounting to about £4, is distributed in bread.
sional division, Billericay union, and in the rural deanery Lord Petre, who is lord of the mano:r, an~ C. Edgar
of Barstable and :Brentwood, archdeaconry of Essex and Lewis esq. are the principal landowners. The soil is heavy
Chelmsford diocese. The parish is supplied with gas clay ; subsoil, clay. The land is now mainly divided
by a local company and with water by the Southend up for building purposes ; the remainder is principally
Waterworks Company. The church of St. Nicholas, grazing ; some barley and wheat is raised. The area
standing on rising- ground, is a. building of stone, is 2,049 aci'es; rateable value, £3,890; the population
originally Early English, but now in the Perpen- in 19II was 738 in the c;!ivil parish and 1,380 in the
dicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, south aisle ecclesiastical parish.
or chapel, divided from the nave by an arcade of twQ Parish Clerk, Thomas Spooner.
bays, south porch, and a western tower of wood, rising
above the roof of the nave, with oak shingled broach Post & M. 0. Office, High street.-Mrs. Kate Andrews..
spire and containing 5 bells, two of which are dated sub-postmistress. Letters arrive from Romford, 7 &
1636 and 1756: the tower or belfry is carried on an 10 a.m. & 7.30 to 8 p.m,. to callers; sunday, 8.30 to
elaborate arrangement of timber framing at the west 10 a.m. to callers; dispatched, 9-40 a.m. & 12.45• 5.20
& 8.30 p.m. ; suuday, I0-45 a.m. The nearest tele-
end '()f the nave, which starts from the :floor and is
carried up through the roof, but is kept free from · g~aph office is Laindon Hills, I mile distant
this as well as from the walls : the font is of stone, and Post Office. Thomas Newman, sub-postmaster. Letteta
consists of a square plainly arcaded basin, resting on a arrive from Romford at 7.40 & u.5o a.m. & 4 p.m.j
large cylindrical support, with four smaller ones at the sunday, 9·5 a.m.; dispatched at 7-30 & 11-45 a.m. &
angles, the whole being on a square base : there are 4.50 p.m.; sunday, 8.55 a.m. The nearest money
two piscinre and two ·brasses, one of a priest, e. 1468, order office is at High street, Ii miles distant; the
and assigned, with great probability, to John Kekil- telegraph office is at :Basildon, 2 miles distant
penny, an ancient rector, holding a chalice, and a Pillar Letter Boxes. :Basildon road, 8 & 10.30 a.m. &
smaller effigy of a priest, with chalice and host, but 4.20 p.m. ; sunday, 10 a.m.; Laindon common,
not wearing a stole, c. 1510, and perhaps representing cleared at 7·35 a.m. & 6.40 p.m. ; sunday, 6.1:5 a.m. ;
Dr. Richard Bladwell, ob.· 1513; both these brasses Central hall, cleared at 8.15 a.m. & 4.30 p.m.; sun-
have lost their inscriptions : there is a large slab with day, 9.15 a.m
the matrix of another brass on the south side of the John Puckle, in. 1614, endowed a. school here with an
nave. Perhaps the most interesting feature about the income of £65 yearly, arising from land in Laindon i
church is the priest's house adjoining the west end, the this land is now sold & the income arising from the
lower story of which was used, till recently, as a invested capital is paid to the Essex County Council
•chool room; of its curious external oak framing, so for educational purposes, with the exception of £.4>
much as was actually decayed was removed at the originally left for the poor of Great Burstead, and
restoration and replaced by new, the remainder being £I IS. fo.r a sermon to be preached OD st, John's Day
refixed and kept · together by iron bands : the lower to commemorate the charity
room is now used as a vestry: the restorations, carried
out in I88I-J, at a cost of £1,7oo, from designs by Mr. Public Elementary School (mixed). built in 1877, for 92
P. Chancellor, of Chelmsford, are in the Perpendicular children; average attendance, 78 1 Mrs. Louisa Stan-

there are r..-o llittin!!!l. The reg-ister

date~ from I nard, mistress
the year 1653. The li,·ing is a rectory, with Bnsildon Railway Station, Waiter Harl't>y, station mn~ter
BASILDON (or Battelsdon), though now ecclesiastically gables, partly faced with wood. Here is a Mission halJ
annexed to Laindon, is said to have been formerly a town. and a building known as Fairview Hall, and used fol
The church of the Holy Cross, founded certainly before concerts, political meetings &c. A bequest of £200 wu
1326 and probably much earlier, and standing on an made in 1862 by Samuel Leake Gibbons, the interest of
eminence, is a structure of brick and stone in the Per- which is given to the poor of this parish. The soil it
pendicular style, and consists of chancel, nave, south heavy, strong land. 'l'he principal crops are wheat,
porch and a western tower of ragstone, with plain barley, oais, beans, peas and clover. The area is J,6IS
moulded parapet, pyramidal roof with vane, and con· ac:res; rateable value, £3,510; the population• in 1911
taining 3 bells, one with an ancient inscription to St. W"'llS 505.
KatheriHe and two others dated 1677 and 1756: the porch Post, M. 0. & T. Office. Albert C. Kilsby, sub-post·
is of open timber work with an elegantly cusped barge master. Letters arrive from Billericay, Essex, at 7·45
board: the chancel was rebuilt m 1597, by Arthur a,m. &i 5-40 p.m. ; sunday, 8.40 a.m. ; dispatched at
Denham, the rector, of which there is a record in Latin 7·55 a.m. & 5.40 p.m. ; sunday, 10.15 a.m.; open on
on the east wall: in th~ church is a slab older than sundays from 8.30 a.m. to 10.15 a.m
any visible part of the fabric; it ,is. of .the 13th or early Pillar Letter Boxes. Snmmerhill, cleared at 8:45 a:m.
qth century and a portion of. tht~ inscription comprises & 5.30 p.m.; sunday, 10.25 a.m.; Gardiner's lane,
the words '' + ICI; GIST: MARGARETE ": in 188o cleared at 7-40 a.m. & 6.5 p m. ; sunday, 9·45 a.m
the chancel was thoroughly restored and new oak choir The children here attend th('l Public Elementary School
stalls were introduced: the nave was reseated in 1888 : a at Laindon
curious tablet on the north wall of the nave records that
in 1702 the parishioners paid eleven shillings and six- LEE CHAPEL (East Lea or Ley, signifying the east
pence in the pound, according to their rental, for the pasture) was formerly an extra-parochial district, but is
rest-oration of the church. The register dates from 1707, now a parish in Billericay union, about a mile and a
previous entries having been made in the Laindon half south from Laindon church ; it was formerly a
registers. The rectory house was built in 1859• by a distinct manor and is a chapelry: the ancient chapel or
former rector, assisted by a loan of £1,500 from Queen chantry is now demolished: the parish contains 475
.Anne's bounty. According to Morant, Barstable Hall, in acres; rateable value, £1,5o6; and 56 inhabitants in
this parish, gave its name to the hundred. Oliphant's 1911. Part of the parish is reputed to be extra-parochial
farm, in Basildon, is a picturesque house with three for ecclesiastical purposes.
LAINDON. Jones Albert, poultry· farmer Carpenter Rev. Herbert, The Rectory
(Marked thus * receive their letters Kimm Annis ..!.melia {Mrs.), draper Oattley Mark C. Daneh•rst
through Billericay.) Lagden Jeremiah Richard, farmer, Goodenough Mrs. The Poplars
Downman Rev. Edward Andrews Laindon Hall farm Hobs Frederick Julius, Pinehurst
Hayward Mrs. Hiawatha le Brun ~ouglas Ri?hardson, teacher Ja.mes ~illiam John, The Bryn .
Harris Frederick, Home lodge of music, South VIe~ Lon~mr Jam~s .Arnott, Summer hill
*Je:fferies Mrs. Laindon common Longsta:ffe Edgar, artist Melvill Mrs. Highland
Kina Wm. Francis The Manor house Lubbock Robert, joiner Richmond Joseph, The Nook
Nicholson Thos. Ephraim, Homeland Luff Annie (Mrs.), !hair dresser ~harpe Wi_Ili_am K. Ivy Gartb
Palmer Harold Lewis J.P. Basildon rd Lu:ff Harry, cycle agent Storer Wilham Henry~ Much Yelp
*Thorne Mrs. Annie Frith farm Mansfield & Sun, builders Turnbull Mrs. Rowans
Laindon Common ' ' Mansfield Charles By. poster writer Watldns Arthur James, The Cedars
*Tweed Hv. Richd. B. Laindon Frith Markham John, farmer
• *Miles Thomas, farmer, Laindon road COMMERCIAL,
COMMERCIAL. Miller Tom, poultry farmer *Anderson Hy. Geo. Wm. 'beer retlr
Adams Stephen, confectioner Newman Thomas, blacksmith, Post off Corney Edwin Herbert, nurseryman
Andrews Edwin Charles, stationer *Norrell Edwin, farmer, Laindon road Gardiner William H. farm bailiff to
Bean Sarah (Mrs.), farmer Palmer Barold Lewis M.B.C.S.Eng., Joseph Fels esq
Brooker Edward, jun. farmer L.S.A., J.P. Basildon road Hughes Fras. Burdett, poultry farmr
Buckenham Oharles, farmer Parkinson Jas. By. jun. builders' mer Moore Harry Geo. farmer,Moat house
Bucken'ham Eldred, farmer Parkinson James H. insurance agent Moss Eldred, farmer, Fairfi.eld
Burrell Charles, farmer, Watch house Revening Henry, wheelwright Nicolson Alice (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Ohapman George, nurseryman Schofield & Martin, grocers *Potter Alfred James, bricklayer
Colliilon Irvin, draper Trew Geo. poultry frmr. Porbea ho Richens Frank Marshall, poultry frmr
Fordham Frederick Arthur, builder Wade Mary Adelaide (Mrs.), Fortum• Stevens Thomas Frederick, farm~r
Franklin Charles, beer retailer of War P.H
Fynn Louise (Mrs.), grocer Wade Frederick, fishmonger LEE CHAPEL.
Gibb Harry, nurseryman Ward Fredk. Geo. refre&hment rooms
Green.William, builder, The Burrs D.A.SILDON. Francis Charles, carman
Greenmg Chas. Herbert, nurseryman Grays & Tilbury Gas Co. Ltd. ; show
Hall William Leslie, grocer (Marked thus * should be addressed room (Arth.Chas.Ball,dist.foreman)
*Harrington George, Duke's Bead Vange, Pitsea.} Jackson Thos. farmer,Lee Chapel frm
P.B. Laindon common PRIV.-I.TE RESIDENTS. Sjmmons Robert, builder
Holm an John, Lain don hotel *Bennett Albert Edmund, The Oaks
LAINDON HILLS (or Langdon Hills) is a village rgo5 by the Rev. Gordon James Henry Llewellyn. St.
and parish, beautifully situated on one of the highest Mary's Mission Hall and Church Institute, erected in
hills in the county, commanding a splendid view over 1907, is used as a recreation and meeting room. There
the Thames and the rich landscapes of Essex and Kent; are also a Baptist chapel, seating 120, and two unde-
it is xi miles south from Laindon station on the Lon- nominational mi8sion halls. Sir John Boldsworth
don, Tilbury and Southend railway, and is 9 miles north- Dimsdale bart. Frederick Morley Bill esq. R. T. E. P.
east from Tilbury Ferry, 5 north-east from Orsett and 8 Haselfoot esq. and Oxford University are the principal
south-east from Brentwood and 25 from London. It is hmdowners. The subsoil is clay, gravel and sand. The
in t-he South Eastern division of the county. Barstable crops are wheat, beans and oats, but the land is for
hundred, Orsett union and petty sessional division, Grays the greater part used for grazing. The parish contains
county court district, Grays and Orsett rural deanery, 1,816 acres ; rateable value, {,2,919; the population in
archdeaconry of Essex and diocese of Chelmsford. The 191 I was 567.
old church of St. Mary the Virgin and All Saints,
situated on the west side of the hill, consists of chancel, Post, M. 0. & T. Offite.-Mrs. Ann Richardson~ sub-
nave and north chapel, but is now used for service occa- postmistress. Letters from Romford arrive a~ 7·35 &
sionally and as a mortuary chapel. The parish church 10.40 a.m. ; snnday, 8.30 a.m. & dispatched at 7.25
of the same name, situated on the top of the hill, and & II.IO a.m. & 4.50 p.m.; sundays, n.5 a.m
consecrated in 1876, is an edifice of Kentish ragstone Wall Letter Box, near Rectory, cleared 7·45 & 10.45
with Bath stone dressings; in ~he Early English style. a.m. & 4.40 p.m.; sundays, 11.15 a.m r
consisting of chancel. nave, north aisle, divided from Pillar Letter Boxes. Dry street, cleared 8 & 11 a.m. &
the nave by an arcade of' three bays, south "porch and 4· 1,5 p.m. ; Station road, cleared 7 & 11.20 a.m. & S
a massive western tower containing 6 bells; the east p.m. ; sundays, 11 a.m
window and two others are stained : there are 230 sit-
tin2'S. The register of baptisms and burials dates from Public Elementary (Council) School (mixed), opened in
1686; marriages, x6go. The living is a rectory, net 19n, for 186 children; average attendance, 157;
yearly value £250, with 30 acres of glebe and resi- Mrs. Patience Fothergill, mistress
dence, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul"s, This school is controlled by the Orsett Education Sub-
to whom the parish anciently belonged,. and held since Committee
PRIVA.TB RESIDENTS. Po()ley Harry Alfred, .Albany Jordan Philip, plasterer, The Gablea
Ads John, Denny Read Rev. George Smith (Baptist),
McPherson William T. Crown inn
Brock Richard John, Park lodge Oaklands Mead Sarah (Mrs.), beer retailer
:Brooks Art bur, Goldsmiths Westwood Miss Richardson Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
()bjJman Ernest Edward, :Banchory COMMETICIAL. Post office
Chilman Victor Louis, Alton villa Abrams Henry, estate agent Ridgewell James, farmer
Coleman William, Ivydene Bennett Saml. Wait. frmr.Wootton ha St. ~Iarv's

Mission Hall & Church
Oraddock Mrs. Eaglestone lodge Boughtwood Frederick T. butcher Institute (J. Marshall & W.Thomp-
Jobeon Francis John, Rasbrook Collison Ervin, boot maker son, "'ardens)
Kuhrt Timm Nicolaus Frith John, estate agent Stanford Charles Edwd. nurseryman
Levy Isaac, Primrose lodge Hall John Sutlherland, commerci~ Tatum James, glass cutter
Llewellyn Rev.Gordon Jas.Hy.Rectory traveller, Trereife Wheaton Alfred, farmer, Hall f11rm
Lythgoe Wm. Thos. Fleet1'1ood lodge Johnson Charles Thomas, builder Young Jonas Charles, coal dealer

LAMARSH is a village and parish. on the navigable the Bev. Alfred Douglas Schreiber. In 1909 the old
river Stour, near the borders of Suffolk, 2 miles north- rPctory was sold, and a new one built. Here is a small
by-west from Bures station on the Stour Valley branch Baptist chapel. Charles F. D. Sperling esq. M.A. and
of the Great Eastern railway, 6 north-east from Hal- Christopher Teasdale esq. of Bure House, Lamas,
•tead and 4l south from Sudbury, in the Northern divi- ~or1'1ich, are lords of the manor. The land is divided
sion of the county, Hinckford hundred, South Hinck- between several owners. The soil is light; subsoil
ford petty sessional division (Halstead bench), Risbury various. The chief crops are wheat and barley. The
union, Sudbury county court district, Halstead and Hed- area is 934 acres of land and 6 of water; rateable value,
ingham rural deanery, Colchester archdeaconry and £1,264; the population in 191 I was 198 in the civil
Chelmsford diocese. The church of the Holy Innocents, parish and 229 in the ecclesiastical parish.
dating from the uth century, is a small edifice of Parish Clerks, Henry Hayward and Ernest Rudkin.
stone and brick in the Early English style, consisting
~f chancel and nave, south porch and a round tower Letters through Colchester, via Bures, arrive at 6.30
vith octagonal spire, containing one bell: there is an a.m. & 12.30 p.m
<1ld oak screen: a memorial window was erected in Wall Letter Box, cleared week days at 6.40 & n. 10 a. m.
1896 to the Rev. C. B. Teesdale, rector 185o-g2: the & 7.10 p.m.; sundays, 8.10 p.m. The nearest money
church was restored in 1869, and has 150 sittings. The order &; telegraph office is at Bures St. Mary, Suffolk~
register of baptisms dates from 1555; burials and 2 miles distant
marriages, 1556. The living is a rectory, net yearly Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1875, for 66
value £245, with 96 acrPs of glebe and residence, in the children; a\erage attendancl', 33; :Miss Annie Trott,
gift of the lords of the manor, and held since 1899 by mistress

Letters should have Bure<>, Suffolk, ~Iessent John J. Chestnut house COMMERCIAL.
added. Messent Miss, Street farm Broyd Joseph,carpenter,PitmoreLocks
Rudkin Mrs. :Brook house Buckingham DaYid James, Lion P.H
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Schreiber Rev. Alfd. Douglas (rector). Cant Sarah (~Irs. ), farmer, Shrubs
Cant Edgar, Roselands Rectory C{)oper Charles, bricklayer
Huth Miss, Hanover Kennels Turpin Charles Kirk, Newmans Hay wood Eliza (Mrs.), fa..,rmrner, Bow-
Lawrence .Albert E. Ingle Neuk Wilkinson Miss, Daws hall tells farm
Lupton Malcolm P. The Bungalow Williams MiSti, Mill house Letheren Thomas, farmer, Hill farm
Pinhey Wm. Hill, frmr. Lamarsh hall
LAMBOURNE, mentioned in Domesday, i13 a parish this prelate, bred to arms in Italy, in the service of
and village, on the road from London to Chipping the Pope .Adrian, also an Englishman, obtained the
Ongar and on the left bank of the river Roding, 3 miles bishopric of Norwich as a reward for his services and
south-east from Theydon Bois station on the Epping and held the see from 1370 to 1408; and in the reign of
Ongar branch of the Great Eastern railway, 13~ from Richard the Second he supprPssed the insurgent rising
Whitechapel and Shoreditch, 7 north-by-west from Ram- in the counties of Norfolk, Cambridge and Hunting-
ford, 8 south-west from Ong'ar, and 5 s.outh from don against the capitation tax levil'd by Parliament:
Epping, in the Western division of the county, Ongar he died in qog. A new carriage drive to the Hall,
onion, hundred and petty sessional division of Epping, with an entrance from the Ongar road, was made in
eounty court district of Romford, rural deanery of rgoo. That portion of the parish called "Lambourne
('higwell, archdeaconry of Essex and Chelmsford diocese. End " contains a vart .. of all that remains of Hainault
The Essex and HPrts Water Compan~·'s mains have Forest, a charming woodland of 314 acres; it was
been extended to .Abridge and pa1 ts of Lambourne. awarded as a. parish common by the Inclosure Com-
'The church of St. Mary and .Ul Saints is a very ancient missioners in 1862, and in 1903 was tal;:en over by the
building of brick and stone in the Norman style, con- London County Council. Here are golf links. Col.
sisting of chancel and nave and a small western turret Lockwood P.C., C.V.O., M.P. is lord of the manor and
eontaining 3 bells : the north doorway is Norman and principal landowner. The soil is mixed; subsoil, clay.
the arch is enriched with billet moulding : in the The chief crops are wheat, barley and beans. The area
.churcll is a monument to the celebrated Thomas Wyn- is 2,463 acres of land and 7 of water; rateable value,
nyfle, :Bishop of Lincoln 1642-54, and for some time £4,820; the population in 19II was 8u.
rector of this church; here also is buried his father, Parish Clerk, W. Crawley, Abridge.
John Wynnyffe, gent. {)( Sherborne, Dorset, ob. 1630,
aged 92: in 1889 the church was reseated, new heating ABRIDGE is a hamlet on the London road, 1~ mile!
apparatus fixed and a new organ erected, the cost being scuth-east from Theydon Bois station on the Epping
-defrayed by Col. Bight Hon. A. R. M. Lockw{)od P.C., and Ongar branch of the Great Eastern railway.
C.V.O., M.P.: there are 300 sittings. The register of Tlle Roden stream flows through the hamlet.
baptisms dates from 1582; marriages and burials, 1584.
'The living is a rectory, net yearly value £350, with 34 Post, M. 0. k T. Office, Abridge. Miss Katie Stanford,
acres of glebe and residence, in the gift. of Corpus postmistress. Letters by mail cart are received
()hristi College, Cambridge, and held since 1893 by the through Romford; arrive at 6.10 & 10.35 a.m. ; suo-
Rev. Charles .Alfred Goodhart M.A. of that college. days, 6.10 a.m.; dispatched at 1.30 & 6.20 p.m.;
'Trinity church, at .Abridge. a chapel of ease to the sundays, 6.20 P·Il\· Pillar Letter Box, Lambourne
parish church, is a plain edifice of brick, consisting of End, cleared at 10 a.m. &; 5.30 p.m.; sunday, 8.30
nave only; it was enlarged in 1877, and an organ was a. m
-erected in 188o. Here also is a Congregati{)nal chapel. Pillar Letter Box, end of Rectory lane, cleared at 1.30 &
There are charities amounting to about £3o, arising 6.30 p.m.; sundays, 6.30 p.m
from a house and land, for the poor and for repairing · Public Elementary School (with teacher's house), built
the church. Bishop's Hall, in this parish, an old house in 1879. for q8 children; average attendance, 128;
.tanding in about 100 acres of grounds, now the seat James Mather, master; Mrs. M. A. Mather, mistres3
o()f Col. the Right Hon. Amelius Richard Mark Lock- This school is controlled by the Essex Education (Ongar
wood P.C., C.V.O., M.P., J.P. was once the residence District) Sub-Committee, Arnold Richardson, Ongar,
.of Henry le Despenser, the warlike bishop of Norwich: clerk
J.AMBOURNE. Lockwood Col. Right Hon. Amelius COMMKRCIA.L.
Bayles John Henry, Priors Richard Mark P.C., O.V.O., M.P., Bagg A.nthony, gardener to
Goodhart Rev. Charles Alfred M. A. J .P. Bishop's hall; 5 Andley square Bight Hon. A. R. M.
Rectory W & Carlton, A.rthur·s & Royal P.C., M.P
Boward Monta2ue S. Lambourne hall Automobile clubs S W, London REFEFlEN E L.Ui
Boxall Ernest William, refreshment ABRIDGE. Fresbney Thomas, stud farm bailiff to
rooms, Lam bourne End . . Alfred J. Hollington esq. Bi1l farm
Cbnmble Charles G. Bee Hive P .H Browne Mu~s, Rodmg- h<mse Gladwell Albert Edward, insur. agent
Crane sai'nuel, farmer, Arnold's farm I La.wi:ence Mrs. George, 'l'he Cottage Green Joseph George, builder
Foomcre !<'red baker Philhps Percy Cranston Hancock .A.rthur, van & ~rt builder
Howard Mont~gue S. farmer, Lam- I Rogers Mrs. The Poplars Harris Martin, saddler
bourne hall King Robert Henry, beer retAtiler
COMMERCIAL. Krailing Wiliiam, baker
Hudgell John, florist, Lambourne End
Padfield Hamilton, farmer Abridge Cricket Club (By. Groves, Phillips Percy Cranston M.R.C.S.
Padfield James, farmer, Great downs hon. sec) En~., L.R C.P.Lond. physician t
Randall George, farmer, New farm Abridge Public Buildings (Harry surgeon, & medical officer k. public
Saward Jaoob, farmer, Patch park Turner Finden, sec) vaccinator No. 4 dist. Onga:t nnio•
Smith John, Harmes farm, Lam- Ancient Order of Foresters' Lodge Radford John Flew, Blue Boar hotek
bourne End (J. E. Gladwell, sec.),Blue Boar htl Smith Charles Jl)hn, builder
Taylor Herbert, farmer, St. John's Bayles .AlfrPd William, grocer Snowball Mary (Miss), station€1'
Taylor William, estate bailiff to CoL Belcher & Oake, refreshment rooms Stanford John, grocer & assistan\
Right Hon. A. R. M. Lockwood Bels'llam Caroline (Mrs.), shopkeeper overseer, Post office
P.C., M.P. & farmer, Young's frm Chcnery Fanny (Mrs.),White Hart l'.B Trick Thomas, cab proprietor
Taylor Wm. Fras. frmr. Forest lodge Cottee William Fredk. boot maker Whitbread & Co. Limited, brew~rs
West Frederick, gamekeeper to Col. Crawley William, boot maker (stores)
Right Hon. A. R. M. Lock wood Dunham Eliza (Mrs.), ironmonger Wood Harry, butcher
P.C., M.P I Young William George, tobacconist
LANGENHOE is a parish, on the borders of the of St. John's College, Cambridge. 'fbe Right Hon. Jame1
marshes and on the road from Colchester to l\1ersea Round P.C. of Birch Hall, ""ho is lord of the manor,
Island, :t miles south-west from Wivenhoe station on the and Messrs. T. B. Pertwee and Joseph Henry Procter are
Tel.idring Hundred branch of the Great Eastern railway tht' principal landowners. The soil is mild loa1n; stili-
and about 6 south from Colchester, in the North Eastern soil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, oats and b1..'flDS.
di¥ision of the county, Winstree hundred, Lexden and The area of the parish, much of which ~ marsh laud, is
Winstree union and petty sessional division, Colchester, 2,064 acres of land, 27 of inland and Q9 of tidal w.atet
Clacton and Harwich joint county court district and and 238 of foreshore; rateable value. £L,262; the popu-
m the Colchester rural deanery and archdeaconry and lation in rgn was 197·
Chelmsford diocese. The church, the early dedication
of which is unknown, has in recent times been assigned PEWETT ISLAND, in the creek between Mersea
to St • .A.ndrew, and is an edifice of stone in the Per- Island and the mainland, contains some 40 or 50 acres of
pendicular style, erected in 1886 at a cost of £1,400; marsh and belongs to the Right Hon. James Round P.C.
the former building, on the same site, having been Parish Clerk, James May.
~o much damaged by an earthquake on April 22, I884, Wall Letter Box cleared at 7 . 30 p.m.; letters through
that it required to be entirely rebuilt; it consists of Colchester, via Abberton, arrive at 7.30 a.m. & (for
chancel, nave. south porch and an embattled ~E>stern callers only at .A.bberton) at 12 .30 p.m. The nearest
tower with pinnacles, and has about 100 sittings. The money order office is at Wivenhoe, 3 miles distant &
register of baptisms dates from 166o; burials, I678; for t~legrams & postal orders at Ahberton, t mile dist
marriages, I68 I ; some marriages belonging properly
to this parish will be found in Colchester registers. Public Elementary School (mixed), built in I87S, fol' sB
The living is a rectory, net yearly value £ 3oo, with children; average attendance, 55; Mrs. Susan Pirie,
33 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of Rev. mistress
C. \V. N. Hutton "M.A. rector of Stand ish, Lancs. and Conveyance :-Berry's motor omnibus between Col-
held since I8g8 by the Rev. Waiter Bernard Hutton B.A. chester & West Mersea passes through every week da7
Bnrnett Henry Waiter, Uppershott "Foakes .A.rthur, The Lion P.IJ Pertwee Thomas ·Barnard, landowner
Hutton Rev. Walter Bernard B.A ..Jasper Alfred, farmer,Langenhoe hall & farmer, Langenhoe lodge
Rectory May James & Sons, -carpenters & Procter Joseph Henry, landowner &;
COMVERCIAL. undertakers farmer, Crouch house
Brand Robt. (Mrs.), irmr. & coal dlr
LANGFORD, named from the Long ford over the Oxford. Langford Grove is the residence of the Rev.
Blackwater, is a village and parish, with a station on the Hon. :Frederick E. C. Byron, who is lord of the
the Maldon branch of the Great Eastern railway, I~ manor and principal landowner. The soil is light j
miles north-west from Ma!don, 4! south-east from subsoil, gravel and loam. The chief crops are wheat,
Witham and 43 from London, in the Eastern division beans and barley. The meadows here are very fertile.
of the county, hundred of Thurstable, petty sessional The area is about 1,026 acres of land, 21 of inland and
division of Witham, union and county court district of 2 of tidal water; rateable value, [1,350; the popul~
Maldon and in the rural deanery of Maldon, archdeaconry tion in I9II was 205 in the civil parish and 222 in the
of Essex and Chelmsford diocese. The Chelmer and ecclesiastical parish.
Blackwater canal passes through the parish. The By Local Government Board Order 22,354, March
church of St. Giles is a building of stone in the Early I88g., detached parts of this parish were transfe:rred to
Norman style, consi!:ting- of chancel, nave of two bays, Ulting and Wickham Bishops for civil purposes.
north aisle, south porch. western apse and a wooden Parish Clerk. Thomas Ward.
belfry at the north-east angle, with spire, and containing Post Office. Ernest Harvey, sub-postmaster. Letter•
3 bells: the church wa~ 1·estored in I882 by the Hon. through Maldon arrive at 6.45 a.m. & 5·5 p.m.; dis-
1\Irs. Byron, the co!lt being- estimated at £3,000: there :p:'ltcbed at 8.40 a. m. & 5.30 & 9 p.m. Heybridge i1
are r2o sittings. The regi~t~r of baptisms dates from the nearest money order & telegraph office, I mile
1558 and of marri.<tges and burials from I559· The djstant
living is a rectory, net yearly value [205, with 35 acres Church of England School (mixed), built in 1874• .for
of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Hon. :Mrs. 47 children; average attendance, 36; Miss Calver, mist
Byron, and held since r8g1 by the Rev. the Hon. This school is under the control of the Maldon District
Frederick Ernest Charles Byron ~LA. of Exeter College, Education Sub-Committee
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. • Hollingdale Horatio Richard, Mill ho Chalk Waiter, carpenter
Baker Mrs. Langford Meads W akelin Mrs. Langford ball Chalk William, mill foreman t() Rev.
Barne Michael, Langford place Wynyard Wm. B ..A.. Langford prsnge the Hon. F. E. C. Byron M.A
Byron Rev. the Hon. Fretlerick Ernest COMMERCIAL. Harvey Ernest, shopkpr. Post office
Charles M.A. (rector),Langford gro Byford .A. . .A.. farm bailiff to Messrs. Parmenter Bert, shopkeeper
Byron Hon. Miss Margaret .A.lice Strutt & Parker, Langfmd Hall fnn 1
LANGHAM is a village and parish on the navigable St. Mary, erected at the end of the 14th -century
river Stour, over which is a bridge, and on the borders on the site of a former Norman church, is a building
of Suffolk, 4 miles north from Ardleigh station on the of stone in the Early English style, consisting' of
main line of tlJe Great Eastern railway, 7 west from chancel, nave, south aisle, north and south porches
Manning-tree and 6 north-east from Colchester, in the and an embattled western tower, with pinnacles, con·
North Eastern division of the county, Lexden hundred, taining {i bells: there are stones in the chancel to
Lexden and Winstree petty sessional division and union, members of the Umfreville family, who formerly po~
Colchester, Clacton and Harwich joint county court sessed lands in the parish, with the dates I$96 and 1681:
district, rural deanerv of Dedham, archdeaconry of in the south aisle is a canopied recess, supposed to
Colchester and Chelmsford diocese. The church of have formerly contained the founder's tomb: there is •



piScina in th~ ehancel ana another itl the south aisle: Langham ·Hall; Samuel Roberl Blytb esq. of Ardleigh,
here also is tur ancient poor's bo:x 1 consisting of a solid JameS' Hines esq. of Lexden and Col. R. L. Mullena a:re
piece of timber, about 4 feet in length, with a small th& principal landowners. The soil is mixed ; subsoil,
receptacle for money cut in the centre : the church has generally gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley,
6oo sittings. The register dates from the year 1609. oats, beans and peas. The area is 2,876 acres of land
The living is a rectory, net yearly value £420, with 62 and o14 of water; rateable value, £3,322; the population
acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Chancellor in I9II was- 594- in the civil parish and 588 in the
of thE' Duchy of Lancaster, and held since 1914 by the ecclesiastical parish.
Rev. Charles John Selwyn Ward. Here are Eaptist snd Post, M. 0. &; T. Office. John Thomas Smith, sub-
Primitive Methodist chapels. In the churchyard is a postmaster. Letters from Colchester arrive at 7.40
small building erected in 1832 by the Rev. James a.m. &; 2.15 p.m.; dispatched at 7·4-5 a.m. & 7.15 p.m
TMmas Hurlock D.D. preb~ndary of Sarum and rector
here from 1a29, and designed as a place of daily in- Wall Letter Eoxes. St. Margaret's CToss, cleared 7.30
struction for poor girls of the parish in the principles a.m. &; 7.15 p.m.; sundays, 10.55 a.m.; Whale :Bone
of the Church of England and for the reception of poor Corner, cleared ·at 8.15 a.m. &; 7·30 p.m.; sundays,
and infirm persons between the hours of service. A II.zo a.m
sum of {,12, derived from a charity, left in 1564 by Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1848 &i en-
Thomas Love., of Little liorkesley, is distributed yearly; larged in 1872, for 150 children; average attendance,
a !llm Qf £I yearly was left by the late Mrs. L. Dykes, to6 ; Henry Goldsmith, master
of East Bergholt, to provide a free education to two Carrier to Colchester. Albert George Wailer, to 1 Swan/
children of this parish. Sir Robert Balfour hart. M.P. of every mon. wed. fri. & sat
PRIVATE BESIDKN'l'S. Borha.m William Hart, jun. farmer, Roberts James, beer retailer
Ager Rev. Arthur (Eaptist) Langham mill Sage Frederick George, head gardener
Balfdur Sir Robert hart. M.P. Lang- Brown William Manning, farmer, to Sir Robert Ealfour bart. M.P
ha:n hall; & 7Princes gate,LndnSW Langford Hall farm Seaborn George, farmer
Booth .A.rthur Payne, The Oaks Felgate William, grocer & farmel' Simson Wm.veterinary sttrgn.Park la
Brown Herbert Chas. Langham lodge Folkard Horace, farmer,Grove cottage Smith William, jun. fartn bailift to
Godfrey James Herbert Girling John, beer retailer Samuel Blyth esq
Ward Rev. Charles Jo'hn Selwyn Johns.ton Thos. farmer, Martins farm Starling Thomas, head gardener to A.
rector), The Rectory Lilley Oscar, grocer & asst. overseer P. Booth esq
Weir Octavius, Highfields Lott lsaac, horse dealer, Park farm Totman Alfred, farmer, Moor house
Williams Samuel Leslie, The Elms Osborne Samuel, wheelwright Wailer Albert George, carrier
COMMERCIAL. Osborne William, carpenter Welham Charles, blacksmith
Bi'ggs Henry ErnesL, shopkeeper Powell Arthur, farmer, Malting farm
LANGLEY, formerly a parochial chapelry, annexed to a Primitive Methodist chapel on the Lower Green, built
Clavering, was, sth February, I875· formed into a separate in 1862, with sittings for 100 persons. Henry Edward~
parish: it is on the borders of Hertfordshire, 3~ miles Paine esq. of Chertsey, Surrey, is lord of the manor of
north-west from ClavPring church, 6 west from Newport Lan!:l'ley Hall. and Baron Dit~~,;daltl and Mr. Frederick
station on the Great Eastern railway and 8 west-by-south Basham are the principal landowners. The soil is
from Saffron Walden, in the Northern division of the heavy; subsoil, clay. Tbe crops are principally on the
count], Clavering half hundred, Saffron Walden petty four-course shift. Tht> area is 1,66o acres ; rateabltt
sessional division, union and county court district, value~ £1,285; the population in 19II was 302.
~e-wport and Stanstead rural deanery, Colchester arch- Sexton, John Brookes.
deaconry and Chelmsford diocese. The chapel of St.
John the Evangelist, which existed here in the time of Post Office, Langley Upper Green. ..!.us'tin Driver, sub-
King Henry 11. is a small building of flint with stone postmaster. Letters through Newport, Essex, arriv"
dressings, in the Early English style, consisting of chan- at 8.10 a.m. ; di~patched 4.40 p.m.; no sunday
cel, nave, south porch and a low western tower-. contain- delivery. The nearest money order &; telegraph office
ing 4 bells : there are 120 sittings. The register of bap- is at Clavering, 3 miles distant
tisnu dates from 1678 ; marriages and burials, 16go. Brick Letter Box, on the Lower Green, cleared at 5 p.m
The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £124, with 42 Public Elementary School (mixed), built in xBs6, for 70
acres of glebe, and residence, built about 188o, at a children; average attendance, 58; Mrs. Fraser, mist
<'est of £r,soo, in the gift of the governors of Christ's Carriers.-To Saffron Walden, Austin Driver, tues. fri.
Hospital, and held since 1907 by the Rev. Fred£>ric & sat. ; to Bishop's Stortford, Charles Oswald Driver~
Charles Rogers. There is a Baptist chapel on the thurs
Upper Green, built in 1828, and seating 175 persons, and Police Constable, Albert Baker
Rogers Rev. Frederic Chas. F.R.G.S. Driver Amos, carpenter 1
Harvey Ernest, frmr. Roughway wood
(vicar}. Vicarage Driver Austin. shopkeeper, Post office Law Sam, shopkeeper
COMMERCIAL. Driver Charles Oswald, carpenter Livings Thomas, beer retailer
Basham Fredk. farmer & landowner, Funston Edith (Miss), farmer Newland William, boot maker
Langley hall Funston Frank, farmer, Bower farm Wilson Amos, smallholder
Basham George, farmer, Church frm Funston William, blacksmith Wisbey Benjamin, thatcher
Cox Joseph, hawker George Albert, Black Bull P.H Wisbey Selina (Miss), dress makel"
Davis John, farm bailiff to Baron George George, farmer, Upper green Wombwell George, bricklayer
Dimsdale, Langley lawn Harvey Charles (Mrs.), dress maker ·
LA":J:CHINGDON and SNOREHA:M were origi- bury, and is at present (1914) vacant. The Rectory
nally separate parishes, but are now united both for civil house, about a mile south of the present church and closEt
and ecclesiastical purposes; they are boundeti on the to the old one, stands on a pleasant eminence, command-
north by the Black water, south by the river Crouch, in ing ~xtensive views. The Parish Library, kept at thE!'
the South Eastern division of the county, Dengie hun- National Schools, contains about 1,5oo volumes. The
drPd and petty sessional division, Ma!don union and Reading Room, erected in 1888 by William Howard-
connty conrt district, and in the rural deanery of Dengie, Flanders esq. of Tyle Hall, and re-erected in 18go by:
archdea:!onry of Essex and Chelmsford diocese. Snore- public subscription after being destroyed by fire, has a
ham' is on the road from Maldon to Burnhaln, 2~ miles library of upwards of 200 volumes. Lord Rayleigh P.C.,.
east from Cold Norton stati<m on the Maldon ln·anch of O.M. who is lord of the manor of Snoreham, W.
the Great Eastern railway, 5 south-east from Maldon by Howard-Flanders esq. and Samuel Earrow esq. are the
road. and 6 north-west from Burnham. Christchnrch, at principal landowners. The soil is a strong clay; sub-
Latchi~odon, is a structure of Kentish rag, in t!he Deco- soil, clay. The crop11 are wheat. beans and peas, but
rated style, consecrated November 14th, 1857, and con- the land is chiefly p!tsture. The area of the parish is
sists of chancel, nave, south porch and a turret at the 3,997 acres of land, 8 of inland and 76 of tidal water
we~t ~nd containing 2 bells; there is a stained east window and 147 of foreshore; rateable value, £3,072; the popu-
of five lights, erected by C. 0. Pulley esq. to the memory lation in I9II was 450.
-of his parents, and memorial windows to the Rev. R. E.
Formby, late rector (1859-95) and his wife: the church At SNOREHAM was formerly a church, dedicated 't{)
llffords sittings for 220 persons: part of the old church of St. Peter, and erected by the noble family of Grey of
St. Michael is still standing and has been restored, and Wilton, its attached parish consisting only of one farm
h {)Ccasionally used for services. The register dates from house, called Snoreham Hall ; the inhabitants now attend
the year 1725 and is in good condition. The living is Latchingdon church : a sermon was formerly preached
a rectory, net yearly -value £350, with :residence, and annually under a tree in the parish, but the custom :hae
49 acres of glebe, in the gift of the ·Archbishop of Canter- long been discontinued.


LALLING (or Lawling), now a farm, .y mile north on closed at 7.10 p.m. Telegraph office is open from 8
a creek of the Blackwater, was given by Brithnoth, Earl a.m. to 8 p.m. ; sundays, 8.30 to 10 a.m
~f Essex, to the church of Canterbury, in 991, the year Wall Letter .Box, Rectory Lane corner, cleared at 9·3~
in which he was killed at Maldon, in a conflict with the a.m. (July to September, g.15 a. m.) & 7 p.m.; sun-
I>anes. Here was formerly a chapel, of which the foun- days, 7 p.m
odations are still traceable. Frederick Henry Bright esq. Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1.852, for S6
.of Cromwell House, Maldon, is lord of the manor. children, with an average attendance of 75; Frederick
Sexton, Arthur Francis Hitch. George Wainwright, master
Post, M. 0. & T. Office. Mrs. Annie Ansell, sub-post- This school is under the control of the Maldon District
mistress. London & other letters by mail "cart Education Sub-Committee
through Maldon arrive at 5.50 a.m. &; 1.40 p.m. ; dis- Carriers (pass through) to Maldon, tues. & fri.; to
patched 9.40 a. m. & 7·15 p.m. The Letter ·Box is Dengie, Brad well, Tilling ham & Steeple, tues. & fri
Howa.rd-Flanders William, Tyle hall Clear George Emmanuel, butcher Parish Library (Mrs. Pope, librarian~
.Rams-ey ~qoor~, Arley gl'ange . Cowlen Alfred, blacksmith Payn Charles, poultry farmer
Wainwright Frederick George Craig Hugh, farmer, Tyle Hall farm Quick Wm. Thomas &; Co. builders
COMMERCIAL. Dash William, jobmaster · Reading Room (Mrs. J. Thorogood,
Enkel Alfred Benj. farmer, Goodhares caretaker)
.!.dams James, shopkeeper Hawkes Arthur Wm. house decorator Richardson Frederick, farm bailiff h
.Ansell Annie(Mr.s.),stationer,&post off Hempstead William Charle·s, thatcher Lord Rayleigh, Snoreham hall
'Baillie Joseph Patrick, farmer,Butter- Higgs John, farmer, Green lanes Sadler Arthur L. beer retailer
fields manor Hitch Arth. Fras. shoe ma. &; sexton Sanders Arthur T. baker
Berry Richard, farmer, Lawling hall Knights Thomas Edward, farmer Sawkins R.obert, beer retailer
.~rooks Edgar, poultry farmer Mallinson John S. nurseryman Shead Christopher Berners, grocer
13ug~ David, farm bailiff to Messrs. Morrell Albert; dairyman Shearman Thos. Wm.frmr.Brook hall
Strutt & Parker, Ule.hams farm Moss Joseph, coal dPaler Skingsley Arthur William, carpenter
~utt & Fisher, farmers,London Hayes Nelthorpe Eliza Mary(Mrs.),Lion P.H Stubbings Frederick, wheelwright
Clear Charles, corn merchant Norman John, nurseryman Turrill Hubert, farmer, Rosedale
LATTON (or Lacton) is a parish and village on the ob. 1604; and various monuments to members of the
'Stort navigation and borders of Hertfordshire, one mile \ltham family: several stained windows were inserted
south-east from Burnt Mill station on the Great Eastern hy the late Rev. Julius Arkwright. a former rector:
!(·Cambridge) railway, one mile and a half south-west from there are 16o sittings. The register dates from the
Harlow, 8 south from Bishop Stortford, 9 north-west ,·ear 1567. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value
from Ongar and 21 from London, in the Western divi- [3oo, with 74 acres of glebe, and residence, in the
-t~ion of the county, Harlow hundred and petty ses- !!ift of Loftus Joseph Wigram Arkwright esq. and
-sion<'ll division, Epping union, Waltham .Abbey county held since 1905 by the 'Rev. Austin Oliver M.A. of
court district. and in the rural deanery of Harlow. arch· Trinity College, Cambridge. About 4 miles from the
odeaconrv of Essex and Chelmsford diocese. The church church are some remains of the Priory of St. John
<lf St. Mary the Virgin, standing on rising ground, is a the Baptist, founded some time previous to 1290 for
small edifice of flint and rubble, in the Late Perpendicular Black Canons of the order of St. Au!!'ustine and sur-
-style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and an em- rounded by a moat; the portion existing is a building
.Oattled western tower containing 4 bells: adjoining the ;n the Decorated style and is used· as a barn. Mark
north side of the chancel is a small chapel dedicated to Hall, the residence of Newman Gilbey esq. J.P. is
-the Holy Trinity and the Virgin Mary, built by Sir Peter pleasantly situated in a park and grounds of 200 acres.
Arderne H. Chief Baron of the Exchequer 1448, and mnde L. J. W. Arkwright e~q. of Little Parndon, is lord of
in the same year a justice of thP Cnmmon PINts. retain- the manor and principal landowner. The soil is various;
ing both offices till 1402, when he was superseded m the mbsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops are whPat.
'Exchequer; h~ rlied 2 June, 1467: a chantry was al~o harley and roots, but a large portion is grass land. The
'founded here by the same judge and Dame Catherine. 11rea is 1,620 acres of land and 5 of watPl"; rateable
'hill wife, and their tomb with brass effigiej;l and in- value, £5,182; the population in 1911 was 2fi9.
i!Cription remains: are other brasses. with effigiPs, S t F d · k W · ht
-to William Harper esq. and .Anne (.ArdPme) his wife, ex on, re erlc rig ·
·with four children, c. 1485: Emanuell Woola'\"e, gent. Letters through Harlow delivered at 7 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.
anrl Marg:tret hill wife, c. r6oo; and Frances (RohPrts). The nearest Post. money order & telegraph office is at
-wife of Richard Frankelin esq. of Willesden, Middlesex, Harlow, 1! miles distant
CO'I.IMERCUL. Mackett Alfred. gardener to Newmau
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Boram Ernest, farmer Gilbey esq. J.P
'Gilbey Newman J.P. Mark hall Collins Waiter, farmer Purkiss .Arthur Judkins, farmer
'Marshall Jasper Neville, Bromleys Cornell bailiff to Exors. Sweetingo Wait. coal mer. Latton com
()liver Rev. Austin M.A. Vicarage
I of Mr. R. E. Radbourne
'Hall Chas. W. Sun & Whalebone P .H
Wright Waiter, under bailiff to L. J.
W . .A.rkwright esq
"HIGH LAVEB. is a parish. 5 miles south-east from "Natum .Anno Domini 1632, ~4u~. 29, Mortuum A.D.
'llarlow station on the main line of the Great Eastern r7o4. Oct. 28, memorat haec tabula brevi et ipsa inte-
Tailway a.nd 4 north-west from Ongar terminal station ritura."
on a branch of the same line, in the Western division of Which is thus rendered:-
the county, Ongar union, hundred and petty sessional "Stay, passer by,-Near this place lies John Locke.
division, Dunmow county court district, rural dEanery of To your question, What sort of a man was he ?-He
()ngar, archdeaconry of Essex and Chelmsford diocese. answer!! thnt he wa~ of middle rank and fortune, and.
The church of All Saints is a low building, chiefly of flint "as contented therewith : of learned tastes and habits:
with stone dressings, consisting of chancel, nave, south he only reached the point of consecrating- his learning
porch and a western battlemented tower of red brick, to the cam~e of truth above all things. You will dis-
-with a shingled spire and containing two bells; the covAr this from his writings; and these will more faith-
earliest portions of the structure belong to the Early fully e:"Chibit to you the rest of his character than the
'ED$!1ish period, an example of which is found in three suspected testimonial of an epitaph. Whatever virtues
hncet windows at the east end : in the belfry is a small he had, they were not enough to put forward as a
-but good Decorated window: the font is Perpendicular, matter of glory to him, nor as an example to thee.
ilnd was restmed in 1865: in the graveyard is buried the Let his faults be buried with him. If you seek an
great patriot and philosopher John Locke, who died at example of good life. you have one in the Gospel;
-the seat of Otes, 28th Oct. 1704, and whose tomb wns would that there were nowhere anv• of bad life: of the
restored in r865: the Latin epitaph was written by shortnes!! of lif'3. you have an example (may it profi~
'himself, and is as follows:- thPP) both here nnrl even·where .

" Siste, viator, Hie juxta situs est Johannes Locke . "His birth,-· on August 20th. A.D. 1632; his death,
.Si qualis fuerit rogas, mediocritate suA contentum se October 28th. 1704. i11 recorded by this tablet, which
vixi~se respondet: literis innutritus. eousque tantum itsPlf must pel'ish ere long."
profecit, ut veritati unice litaret. Hoc ex Rcriptis illius There is a brass to Edward Sulyard and his wife Myra-
-di!!<'P-11: quae, quod de eo l'eliquum est. majori fide tibi hvll (Compton ). c. 15oo. wit.h four sons and one daugh- quam Epitaphii suspecta elogia. Virtutes. si ter: and many altar-tombs in the churchyard to the
•qnnR habuit, minores 11ane quHm quas sibi, lnudi. tibi in Masham family, Baron11 Masham. of Otes. in tbi!l
~xemplnm proponeret; vitia nn!\ <~epeliHntur. Mornm pari11h: one Hmnn!!" thP!!P heing to L11dv Ma11hnm. TifA
~~Pmplum 11i qua>ra~. in F.vangPlio hahPs: vit!orum of SamuE-l. flrst Baron Masham and formerly knovn
cutinam nusquam; mortalitatis certe (quod prosit) hie et as Abig11il Hill. Queen .AnnA's favourite. Lord Mashnm
ubiqne. died 16th October, 1658: the church has 250 sittings.
The register of baptisms dates from I553; burials, I,984 acres; rateable value, £2,303; the population in
1614; marriages, 1616; and is curious as containing I9II was 387.
a most complete record of briefs for collections in Sexton, Arthur Clark.
this church for nearly IOO years. The living is a Wall Letter Box cleared at 8 a.m. & 4·5 p.m. & 81
rectory, net yearly value b 275• with 58 acres of glebe a.m. on snndays. Letters are delivered through the-
and residence, in the gift of Mrs. Heales, and held since Ongar office at 8 a.m. &; 12. 30 p.m.. The nearest
1909 by the Rev. Evan Henry Thomas M.A. of Jesus money order office is at Fyfield, r mile distant &
College, Oxford. The chapel of ease at Matching Green telegraph office at Matching Green, 2 miles distant
in this parish, erected at the cost of the late Rev.
Francis Richard Miller M.A. vicar of Kineton, Warwick- Wall Letter Box, Threshers Bush, cleared at 7.15 a.m. &
shire (1834-89), consists only of chancel and nave and 7· 10 p.m.; no collection on sunday
has So sittings. The manor of High Laver is held by Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1866, for 130
Mrs. Wright and others. Capt. Robert Wicksted children; averafle attendance, 86; William Henry
Ethelston, of Bolling, Malpas, Cheshire, is lord of the Bentley, master; Mrs. Bentley, mistress
manor of High Laver Hall and principal landowner. This school is ·under the control of the Essex ;Education
The soil is various; subsoil, clay and gravel. The (Ongar District) Sub-Committee, Arnold Richardson,.
chief crops are wheat, beans and oats. The area is Ongar, clerk
Names marked thus * should be Buswell Hy.Arth. steam plough ownr *Harrowell Wilfrid, Chequers P .H~
addressed Harlow. *Byford Susan {Miss), shopkeeper, Matching Green
*Mewbnrn Chilton, Matching Green Matching Green Hazelwood Chas. (exors. of), farmers
Thomas Rev. Evan Henry M.A. *Cramphorn Henry, John Barleycorn *Pryor Thos. farmer, Threshers Bush
(rector), Rectory P.H. Threshers Bush &obinson Sarah (Mrs.), blacksmith
Tinney John, High Laver grange Ellis George, builder Seymour Bran, fanner
COXMEBCIAL. Gilman Wm. H. farmer, Gt. Wilmors *Staines Thos. Stock, frmr. Elms frm
Arnold Will Stock, farmer, Tilegate Gingell Jas. farmer, High Laver hall Tinney John, frmr.High Laver grange
•Bines Maurice, farm bailiff to H. H. Godfrey Charles, wheelwright *Wederell Arthur Hughes, farmer,.
Kemsley esq. Malting farm Threshers Bush
LITTLE LAVER is a parish, I mile to the east of register of baptisms and burials dates from 1538 ;.
High Laver and 5 miles north from Ongar, in the marriages, I$41. The living is a rectory, net yearly
Western division of the county, Ongar hundred, union value £I6o, with go acres of glebe and residence, in the
and petty sessional division, Dunmow county court dis- gift of the Bishop of Chelmsford, and held since 1878 by
trict, rural deanery of Ongar, archdeaconry of Essex the Rev. Sydney Charles Beauchamp M.A. of Queen's-
and Chelmsford diocese. The church of St. Mary the College, Oxford. James Herman Meyer esq. J.P. who is
Virgin is a small building of rubble, in mixed styles, lord of the manor of Little Laver Hall, is the prindpal
consisting of apsidal chancel, nave, vestry, organ cham- landowner. The soil is V'arious; lftlbsoil, clay. The-
ber. south porch and a belfry containing one bell: the chief crops are wheat, barley and roots. The parish
church was restored and enlarged in 1872 by the late contains 965 acres; rateable value, £920; the popula~
• •
Rev. Richard Palmer, rector of Purley, Berks, t:lien t10n m 1911 was 108.
patron, in memory of his brother, the Rev. Henry Letters are delivered through Ongar at 8.30 a.m. &
Palmer: the font was restored from the remains of a 12.45 p.m. The nearest Post, M. 0. & T. office is a~
former one: all the seats are of massive oak, hand- Matching Green, Ii miles distant
somely carved: some of the communion plate is of the
period of Edward VI.: in 1884 the floor of the church Pillar Letter Box, cleared at 12-55 & 4·45 p.m. ; sun-
was raised and relaid; a reredos of Bath stone and days, 10.35 a. m
alabaster was erected by the present rector, in memory The children of this village attend the school at High
of Miss S. Carolina Palmer: there are 120 sittings. The Laver
Marked thus * letters should be ,.Meyer James Herman J.P. Little Lucking Harry, farmer
addressed Harlow. Laver grange Roast Stephen, miller (wind)
PBIVATB RESIDENTS. *Rolleston Mrs. Little Laver hall *Whitnall Marian (Mrs.), farmer
Beanchamp Rev. Sydney Charles M.A. COMMRRCIAL.
Rectory Furze William T. farmer, Hull green
MAGDALEN LAVER will be found under the letter M.
LA. WFORD (or Lalford) is a parish and an ancient sum of £700 was spent in repairing the outer walls, and
place, formerly belonging to King Harold II.; it is on the erection of a new oak roof: in 1889 the floor wa&
the road from Colchester to Harwich, 1! miles west relaid: there are 290 sittings: outside the chancel door
from Manningtree and 7 north-east from Colchester, in are the graves of the Rev. John Edes, rector here for
the North Eastern division of the county, Tendring 43 years (16I5 to 1658) and of the Rev. William Brett
hundred, pEtty sessional division and union, county court Whitfeld, rector for 25 years and a benefactor to the-
district of Colchester, and in the rural deanery of Harwich, parish, d. 1'l47; at the western entrance to the church~
archdeaconry of Colchester and Chelmsford diocese. yard is a house built by Mr. Pecksale and left by him
The Great Eastern railway passes through, and Man- with an acre of land to the sexton for the time being,
llingtree station and a part of the town of Manningtree provided he keeps it in repair and pays eightpence
are 1n this parish. The ancient church of St. Mary is yearly to Lawford Hall. The register dates from the-
an edifice of stone in the Early English and Decorated year 1558. The living is a rectory, net yearly value
styles, consisting of chancel, nave of three bays, north about £460, with residence and 42 acres of glebe, in
aisle, south porch and a western tower of brick and the gift of St. John's College, Cambridge, and held\
Rtone, rebuilt in the 17th century and containing 3 since 1906 by the Rev. Robert Yates Whytehead M.A.
bells, one dated 1667 and the other two 1714: the of that college. The Village Club, erected in Igog,.
chancel retains a piscina and sedilia and has some re- was the gift of C. P. Ogilvie esq. of Lawford
mains of old stained glass : on the north side of the Place. Charities: The Rev. W. B. Whitfeld, rector,
chancel are monuments to Edward Waldegrave esq. previously mentioned, gave before his death a sum o1
and Jnan his wife, with two kneeling figures carved in £400 to be invested in Consols, the dividends to bE>-
stone, r584: beneath the chancel floor iR the family distributed by the rector for the time being amongst
vault of the Waldegraves. of whom Edward Waldegrave the sick and aged poor of the parish; he also invested
died in 1621, and his widow, Lady Sarah Bingham, in a further sum of £300, the interest to be devoted to
1634: here also lies bnried the Rev. Thomas Harris, the perpetual maintenance of a Sunday school under-
formerly rector of Lawford, ob. 28 March, 1699 : the the control of the rector or curate for the time being.
stained east window was the ~ft of the late Thomas Nunn as well as for the payment of a master or mistress and
esq. of Lawford House: a stained west window was placed for other necessary expenses, and these sums are now
in the tower in 1864; and in April, 1884, a memorial invested in the 2i per Cent. Consols. The poor have
reredos of encaustic tiles and alaba!'ter, dPsigned by Mr. the proceeds of a farm, left in 1723 by John Leach, of'
C. Forster Hayward F.S.A. architect. of London, and East Bergholt, Suffolk, for clothing and education.
carved by Mr. Earp, of Lambeth. was erected to the Hon. There are almsh{)uses built from money left in the·
John Robertson, late of Lawford Place: the church plate year I 867 by Mrs. Cox, of Lawford Place. for the use
includes a paten, dated "EaRter Day, r6g6," and was of >Six poor persons. Lawford Hall is the residence of
Jtiven by the Lady Whaley, wife of Mr. Harris, rector of Francis Morgan Nichob esq. M.A., F.S.A. Law-
Lawford: in xgo6 a new organ was provided at a cost ford has two principal manors : Lawford Hall, belong-
of £soo. defrayed by Mrs. Ogilvie, of Lawford Place : ing to F. M. Nichols esq. and Dale Hall, to Charles
the church was enlarged in 1826, and the interior Mead e!'q. of Manningtree. A small manor, called'
restored and refitted in 1853 : from 1884 to 1887 a Faites and Waides, extends into the parishes of Dedham·
and Ardl~igh, and belongs to Charles Mead esq. The .a.m. & u._so p.m. ~ for callers only, 6.20> p.m. t
principal landowner11 are F. M. Nicbols esq. Mrs. R. V. ~mnday, 6.JQ a.m. ~ dispatched at 7 a.m. & "12.30 &
Day, of Lawford House, and the Rev. T. G. L. Lushing- 7 p.m. ; -sundays, 7 a.m. The nearest money order &;
ton M. A. The soil is light; subsoil, mixed. The chief teleg-raph office is at "Manningtree, 2 miles distant
<:rops are wheat. barley and oats. The area is liii.702 On sun day the post office i&: open from 8 t-o 9 a.m. ~
'8Cres of land, 9 of inland and 17 of tidal water and collection, 10 a.m · • ,
28 of foreshore; rat9able value, ,£8,814; the population Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1873 (in
in I9H "tVas. &g6. place of an older building, erected in 1:848) on land
(Th~ names of persons residing in the portion of thi11 given by F. M. Nichols esq. of Lawford Hall, at a
parish which forms part Qf the town of Manningtree cost of about f),ooo, for 95 children; average At-
· will b& found under that heading.) tendance, go ; Eugene 'K. K. Wbitney, master~ Mnl
M. L. Wbitney, infants' mistress
Parish Clerk.. Mr&. Ann Eagle. This school is nnder the control of the Essex Education
Post Office. Miss .Arabella Verlander, sub-postmistress. (Tendring)" District Sub-Committee, Q-. p. Holland,
Letters arrive trom Manningtree, Essex, at 6. 3o Technical Institute, :North hill, Colchester, clerk
Bendall Mrs. The Grange Cant Alfred.. ba.ker Poole Henry, farmer, Hill h()USe
Curtis Commander Berwick R.N. Conway Stephen, beer retailer Ricbardson Thomas Rumsey, fa"'tm'"er,
Abbots manor Durrant Aaron, King's Arms- P.H Holly lodge
Day Mrs. B. V. Lawford house Grabam,. Fnldericli, Station hotel Richardson William Halls, farmer,
Niohols. Francis Morgan M.A., F.S.A. Grimson Artlmr James1Lbuilder, .flol- Dale Hall & Causeway· End farms
' Lawford :kall ches~r road Seaborn Albert ~ Edward, farmet,
Ogilvie Campbell Patrick, Lawford Hines James, farmer (John Smith, Charity farm
Place farm bailiff), LawfOTd House farm; Spooner May (Miss}, elerk td Parish
WesboR Edwin Richard, Stour view Goldens- &; Aldams farms Council & assistant overseer
Wbytehead Rev. Robert Yates M.A. Lamb Chas. Hy. & Sons, blacksmiths Waterman Edward G. R. farm bailift
(r-ector), Tha Rectory Lawford Wol'king Men's Olub (E. K. to H. N. Dunnett tsq. Sherbonme
COIDrlKRCIAL. K. Whitney, bon. sec) mill ·
Battles Charles,farm bailiff to Francis Payn.e Charles, whealwright •
Morgan Nichols esq .LawfordHall frm •
LAYER BRETON is a parish, 5 miles south-east turn, and the Bishop of Chelmsford two turns, and held
from Mark's Tey station, on the main line of the Great since 1:909 by the Rev. Bixby Uarnham Lnard- M.:!. of
Eastern railway, 6 south-west from Colchester, I I east St. Peter's College, Cambridge, who resides at Birch.
from Witham and 7 east from Kelvedon, in ~he North Un the Heath is a Congregational chapel, built in 1799
Eastern division -of the countv,

Winstree hundred, Lex ... and ,rebuilt and enlarged in the year 186o, in connec·
deft and Winstree petty sessional division and union, tion with which is a school, capable , of holding 100
Colchester, Clacton and Harwich joint county com·t scholax:s: here Is also a Friends' meeting ·house.
district. Ooggeshull and Tey rural deanery~ Colchester Messrs. Strutt and, Parker, of Broad Street .House;
arcbdeaconry and Chelmsford diocese. The -church of I.ondon E O, and the Right Hon. Janies Round P.C. of
St. Mary the Virgin is a small edifice of b11ick in Bix:ch Hall, are the principal landowners. The chief
the Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, crops are wheat, beans and barley. The. soil is loamy;
south porch and a western belfry of w.ood containing subsoil, loam,. The area is 1.269 ~teres; rateable valllt•
one b.ell; ~n the church is a 11tone, robbeQ. of its £1,127; the. population in 1911 was ~5o. • -
effigies, to Alice, formerly wife of Nichola$ Breton, Parish Clerk, John Wilsmore.
who died May 6, 1392; there are other monuml'nts, alsc. Post Office.-Mrs. Wilsmore, J;ub-postmishess. Letters
in a defaced condition: the church affords 150 sittings,
but is at present disused. The register of bap- 1hrough Kelvedon arrive at 9 a. m. & 1.40 p.m.; leave
tisms and burials- dates from 1765 and of marriages at 12 noon & 6.55 p.m. , The nearest telegraph k
money order office is at Birch, 2 miles distant
from I735· The living is a rectory, united to that of
Great &nd Little Birch, yearly value £644, in the gift The cpill4-en of this village ~ttend the school at Birch
-of Douglass Ronnd esq. and the Hon. C. H. Strutt one Carrier.-Walter Burmby
1 COMMERCIAL. j Norfolk Herbert, farmer,Manor house
Bass Daniel Jame<J, fa.rn1 baili-ff 'to Norman Thomas (Mrs.), farmer, Gar-
Allingham Herbert John, The Rectory :Vlessrs. Strutt & Pa1ker, La>er I lands farm
Gripper Misses, White house Breton ball • · Palmer Joseph, Hare & Hounds P.l'r
Norfolk John Brown Frank, blacksmith Playle George, farmer ·
Simpson Thomas, The Lodge Burm by W alter, carrier ~ Smith Cran-stone, baker ·
Duke William, farmer, The Grange Strutt & Parker, farmers
T.A YEB-DE-LA-HAYE (or Layer-de-la-Hay), de'-' Knights-~ th£> form£>r belongin~ to the "Righ.t Hon.
Tiving its name from its ancient possessors, the family .Tames Round P.C., of Birch Hall, the latter td Mrs.
-of de La-Hay, is. a. village and parish pleasantly situated Frances A. Hetheringt(\n, of Berechurcb Hall, who are
~n an eminence one mile south of the Roman river, the principal landown~>rs. The soil in parts is light-;
and on the road leading from Maldon to Col-chester, subsoil. grav~lly, and in other parts the soil is loamy~
-:\bout 4 miles south-west from Colchester, in the North S'\lhsoil the same. The chief crops are wheat, beans and
Eastern division of the county, Winstree hundred, barley. The area is 2.695 acres; rateable value, £2,5Bo;
Lexden and Winstree petty sessional division and union, the p1fpulation in xgu was 653·
Colchester, Clacton and Harwich joint county court dis- Layer Cross was formerly a hamlet of Layer-de-la-
-trict, and in Colchester rural deanery and archdeaconry Haye, at which a cross formerly existed.
and Chelmsford dioce&e. The Layer Brook flows into Parish Clerk, Harry Theobald.
-the Roman river near Park farm, but does not pass Post Office.-Charles Appleby, sub-postmaster. Letters
through this pari~h. The church (name unknown) is through Colchester arrive at 7 . 5 a.m. & 7.10 p.m.
-a building of stone in the Decorated style, consisting (for callers only); dispatched at 8. 20 a.m. & 1.5
-of chancel, nave of three bays. south aisle, north porch p.m.; '& on sunday, dispatched at 7.5 p.m. The
and an P.mbattled western tower, with pinnacles, con- nearest money order & telegraph office is at Birch, ~
taining 5 bells: there are 250 sittings. The register miles distant
-dates from the year 1750· The living is a vicarage. Wall Letter &x, Malting Green, cleared at 8 a.m . .t
net yearly value £185, with residence and 7 acres of 6 ·4S p.m. ; sun d ays, 8 a.m ,
glebe, in the gift of the trustees of the late 0. E. Coope
esq. and held since -yg 13 by the Rev. Fritz William Public Elementary (Non-Provided) School (mixed), built
Hilmar Marie Hille B. A. of London University. Here in 183-7 & enlarged in Tgio, for 158 children; average
are Congregational and Primitive Methodist chapels. attendance, 120; William George Henagulph, master
There are two manors, viz. Layer-de-la-Haye and Blind Police Constable, Edward Herbert Boast •
Hille Rev.Fdtz William Hilmar Ma.rie Bullock .Arthur, market gardener Curry William, blacksmith
B.A. (vicar), Vicarago ~ullock George. grocer & draper Demment John, carpenter
COMMERCIAL. Clarke Artbur, market -gardenel' Elliott Edwin, farmer, Hill fa1111
Alien Herbel't, boot & shoe malH!r- Clarke William Benjamin, farmer, Fairhead Stauley, farml!r, The Rowt;
Appleby Charles, fal'r(ler, Post office Rye farm farm
Baker Wm. farmer,Needle's Eye farm Cooke Francis Henry M.R.O.S., Howard Brothers, wheelwright•
Beak Isaac, farmr.Aldenham Oak frm L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeon {attends Hutton George, farmer, Wick fa.,.,rmn
Brunwin Herbert, Fox P.H wed. & fri. r:a to I p.m) . •

Monson Ge(lrge. milk carrier j

Riddleston Harry, shopkeeper

Smith William, miller (water, wind
Norfolk JosephRoyee,farmer,The Hall Royce Horace, farmer, Great House & & steamJ, Layer mill
· Pannell. Henry James, insurance agt. Blind Knights farm Theobald William, shoe maker
&; assistant overseer Rudkin Charles, beer retailer Walford Mary (Mrs.),frmr.Fields frm
Smith Robt. William, market ga:dnr Watkins Charles George, shopkeeper
LAYER lnARNEY is a village and parish, 5 miles Tower. one Qf the earliest brick edifices erected in
eas~ from Kelvedon station on the main line of the Great England, was built in 1:520 by Henry Lord Marney, and

Eastern railway, 2! from Tiptree station on the Kelve- was originally quadrangular in plan, inclosing a spacious
don and Tolleebury Light railway of the same company, court J 'flf this magnificent structur& only the great
and 7 south-west from Colchester, in the North entrance tower and a few other portions now :remain:
Eastern division of the county, Winstree hundred, this stately 'tower is an imposing pile, and consists of
Lexden and Winstree petty sessional division and union, a lofty centre, li~hted bf two large square-headed
Colchester, Olacton and Harwich joint county court dis- 1 windQws of :five lights, :flanked at each angle by an
t.r1ct. rural deanery of Oolleshall and Tey, archdeaoonry octangular tower- Qf -eight storeys in height, with
of Colchester and Chelmsford diocese. The church of windows in each face and terminatin~~r in a battle-
SL Mary. the Vi;rgiJl is a structure of brick, in the I mented parapet= these towers, rising from high ground,
Perpendicular style, and consists of chancel, nave, north command a very extensive view over the surrounding
aisle, .chapel, south porch and a. 'We!!tern tower of brick 1 country, particulatly to the west and eastward over
containing 3 bells~ the whole edifice, including the the sea; the building is now the property and residence
porches and tower. is embattled: the eastern end of the of 'W. M. de. Zoete esq. who has- restored and added to
north aisle constitutes the Marney chapel, which, with the structure. W. M. de Zoete esq. who is lord of the
the chancel, was entirely restored in 1870 at a cost bf manor, Capt. Sir Anthony C. S. Abdy bart. of 10o
£1,400 1 and has since been decorated: it was begun by Eaton square, London S W, Mr. William Harrrson,
Sir Henry ~[arney kt. first Lord Marney K.G. who, in I of Leys, and the Right Hon. James Round P.C. of
his will, directed the erection of a tomb to himself and Birch Hall, are the principal landowners. The soil is
for his twe wive&, Thomasine {A.rundel) and heavy; subsoil, loani. The chief crops are wheat, oats
Elizaheth (Wi!leld); he died 24 May, 1523: John, Lord "lnd beans. The area is 2,1g6 acres of land and 4 of
Marney, by will in 1524, provided for completing· the I water; rateable value, £1,736; the population in I9II
rebuilding of the church, and also appointed· his burial was 296 in the civil and 260 in the ecclesiastical parish.
here and .gave directions for _his tomb; he died 27 .Apri!, 1 By Local Government Board Order ll 2, 363, March 24 ,
15~5.: th1s chapel now contam3 the alabas~er tomb of Su r8S 9 , 3 det<iched part of Great Wi£rborough wu, 11 trans-
Wlllmm Marney knt .. ob. 1414, remov~d hither fro~ the ferred to this parish for civil purposes.
eh.ancel, t~gether w1th other . memonals of that 1llus- 1 Se~~on, John Bell. ·
tr1nn11 fnmdy; there nre al&o m the chnrch monuments 1 • • • • • .
to RohPrt Camock, 'Ob. 'March, 15 a4 ; Nicholas Corsellis j There l ! a brick receiVlng letter box in the Yillage,
6 ~q. nb. Oetober-'Yg, 1 6 74 , !Pt. 40 , and others, with some cleared at 12 noon & 7 P·:n·; sundays, 10.20 a.m.
shields of arms : in rgu the church was restored and I Letters from Kelvedon arnve at 8.10 a.m. . The
re-roofed at a cost t1f £ 2 , 500 : there are 190 sittings. \ near~st m?ney order & telegraph offices are at Buch,
The register -of baptis~rs and marriages dates from .2 miles distant
174ll, 6nd of burials from 1743 . The living is a 1Pillai" Box, Smythes green, cleared at 12,15 &; 7-15
rectory, net yearly value £278, with 4 aeres of glebe p.m.; sundays, 10.30 a.m
and residence, in the gift -of W. M. de Zoete esq. Public Elem'entary School (mixed), built in I85o, -'F
-and b'lld ~ince 1886 by the Rev. Henrv Jflmes Boys 1 enlarged in 1'9<'5, for 6o children; average attendance,
M.!.. of St. Edmund Hall, Oxfo-rd. Layer Marney i 45; Miss Katharine L. Hunt, mistress
Eoys ;Rev. Henty Jame~ M.A. -Rectory Everitt Harriet (Mrs.), White Borse Smith Charles, farm bailiff to Capt.
de Zoete Waiter M. The Tower ~.H Sir Anthony C. S. Abdy hart
llarrison William, Leys Harrington Silas, seed grower Vaughan.. Isaac (Mrs.), farmer,
:Rew Mrs., Dukes Harrison William, farmer, Leys farm Thoringtons
COMMERCIAL Kirkha.m Riob.ard,farmer,Rockingham Wadley Henry E. baker & farmer,
.Amold Horatio Robert. poultry far- Pettican Gem·ge, wheelwright New bridge
mer, Hayes Green farm Pitt & Butcher, • blacksmiths

, Whyatt Isaac, carrier & seed farmer
LEIGH (<>r Leigh-on-Sea) is an ancient place. Salmon, ob. 1'591, and his wife .A.gnes* with ro children;
on Hadleigh Ray, oppositd Canvey Island and <>n there i!cl also a fine mural monument with demi-effigy
the r'oad from Southend to Tilbnry, with a station to Bobel't Salmon, master Qf the Trinity House, ro.p,
on the Tilbury and Southend rail-way, and is about and .fi brass to John Price, a native of Cardiff and
2! miles' west"from Southend, 5 south-west from Roch- commander of -several ships of war in the reign ol
ford 11nd 39 from London, in the South Eastern William m. ob-. 1709, and Marth11 (Godman) his wife,
divi11ion of the- county, Rochford hundred, petty ses· ob. rfi96; the effigies appear to be of earlier date ;
llirm:il rlivision and union, SonthPnd county court -di~· theTe is a memorial to the 'Wife' of the distinguished
trict, CaneWdo'Ji and. Southend rural deanery, archdes· Admiral · Sir Ed ward· Whi taker-; he:re are also buried'
oeonry '1>f Essex and diocese of Chelmsford. The town is Capt. Price R.N. ob. 1709, and Capt. Rogera R.N. ob.
lighted with gas from wOYkS' formerly belonging tQ the 1683: among the tombs in the churchyard are thosa,
Urban District Coun-cil, llnd now the property of 'the ef A{{mirsl Nicholas Haddock~ ob. 1:714, -and his 110nf
Southend Corporation. .A new drainage system has been Admiral Nicholas Haddock, both celebrated officers,
laid down at a cost of £z;,ooo. The parish 'Was formerly and of Captain Willia.m Goodlad, maste~ of the Trinity
governed bv an Urban District Council of twelve mem- House, r63g:- several historical I mQnuments wer~
bers, formed April :t, 1897, -under t"he provisions of tb.f- removed and destroyed at the restoratiou of the church.
"LoC'RI GoV'!':rnment Act, ~894 I' (56 and 57 Vict. e. about ·1838 ~ these included mural tablets to Admiral
73), but by the Southend-on-Sea Corporation Aet, N. Haddock, Capt. Rogers and to- the Hare family: irt
1913, --which clJ,me into operation Nov. 9th, 1913,, the 1893 the chancel walls were adorned with mural paint-
borough of Southend waS" -extended to include the Urban ings, 'Btl a cost of £70', and a memorial window erected
District of Leigh 4 on-Sea, !lnd part; of the parish of at 8 cost of £r?f1, to the Rev. Waiter King, Tector
Eastwood. The church of St. Clement is a building N 1859-92 r and a carved mahogany reredos of Belgian
KPnti~h .rarr ~one, chiefly in the Perpendicular style, work wa11 also erected at a cost of £150: there are now
and cons1st8 bf chancel, lady chapel. nave, aisles, south 820 sittings.? The register of baptisms dates from
porch (of brick) and fln embattled western tower con· 1684; burials, 1685; marriages, 16gr. The living is a
taining a clock and 6 bells: the chancel wu lengthened rectory, net yearly value £230, with 4 acres of glebe
in 1872 at .a cost of lgoof and has been !!Dtirely rebuilt and residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Chelmsford.
in the Decorated style: it has four stained windows and and held since 1892 by the Rev. Robert Stnart King
there are four others in the nave~ the lady chapel was M.A. of Hertford College, Oxford. St. Joseph's and
-erected in 1913, in .Jllemory of the Rt. :Rev. Edward St. Patrick's Catholic church is in Ma.rguerite drive.
Xing D.D. bishop of Lincoln y885-191o, and in the same The Wesleyan chapel, New Toad, built in 1879• is of
year nPw vestries were added: the e~st window in the brick_, and will seat 300 persons. Wesley chapel, Elm
lady chapel is, in memory of John Root, of For~st Gate: road, built in 1:904, will seat 65o persons. There is also
in the c4urch are brasses with effigies to Richard Had- a Congregational chapel, re-erected in 1:909, seating 450
dock, ob. 1453, and his wife Cristina, with 7 sons and 3 persons ; a Primitive Methodist chapel, and a Reformed.
dan!!hters ; their son John, and Alice his wife, with I 1 Church of England. A Cemetery, situated in London
childre~; to llichard Chester, an elder brother of the road, was formed in r882; there is a mortuary at the
Trinity House, and master in :{6rS, ob. 1632 ; his wife south end: it is under th~ control of the Southend
Elizabeth and 5 children; an inscription to Bobert Corporation. The St. Clement's Lodge of Freemasons.,


No. 2,442, founded here in 1893• meets at the Grand there are two recreation grounds, one in Marine parade
Hotel. Leigh has a coastguard station, with one officer and the other on the cliff. Mrs. Churchyard is lady of
and five men ; and it is also a station of the Essex the manor. The principal landowners are the Salvatioa
Yacht Club. In the parish numerous Roman coins Army, and the Land Company. The area is 1,526 acre&
have been found. New public offices with fire station of land, I of inland and 31 of tidal water and 555 of
attached were erected iu 1912, at a cost of £s,ooo: foreshore; the population in tgn was 7,713.
• • • • •

• ••

• Post, M. 0., T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office, a.m. ISt sun. in month; other sundays, 8 &; 11.15
Elm -road (letters should have Essex added).--charles a.m.; matins, 10.15 a.m. (children's service, 3) k
.A.rnoll, sub-postmaster. Letters from Southend arrive evensong, 7 p.m.; saints' days, 7 & 8 a. m.; daily.
• & are delivered at 6.45 a.m. & 2.30 & 6.50 p.m. & h. c. mon. 8, tues. & fri. 7.30 & wed. I; sat. 7.
from London at 7·45 a.m. & 2, 6.20 & 11.15 p.m.; dis- thurs. 8 & 10.30 a.m. alternately
patched to London at 7.20 & 10.20 a.m. & 12.30, 2.15, St. Joseph's & SL Patrick's .Catholic Church, Re.-.
4 (sat; 4.20 only), 8.40 & 10.45 p.m. & to Southend John Joseph O'~eill, priest; mass, 8.30 & 10.30 a.m.;
at 7.20 a.m. & 1.25, 5.15 & 10.45 p.m. week days; evening service, 6.30 p.m. in winter & 7 p.m. ia
arrive on sundays, 7 a.m. ; dispatched to London & summer; holidays, mass, 8 a.m. ; week days, 9 a.m.
Southend, 8.30 p.m in winter & 8.30 a.m. in summer
Town Sub-Post & M. 0. Office, High street. William Reformed Church of England, Christ Church, Victoria
Kemp, sub-postmaster. Lett-ers dispatched at 6.15 & ' road, Rev. Reginald Eason-J ones; n a.m. & 6.30
9 a.m. 12 noon & 1.3o, 2.45, 4.15, 8 & 10 p.m.; p.m.; wed. n a.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m
sundays, 7·45 p.m. Telegrams can be dispatched Congregational (Union), Pall Mall, Rev. T. Ree&
from this office & telegraph money orders are issued, Richards; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m
but not paid Primitive Methodist, Cranleigh drive, Rev. G. Reginald
Post Office Telephone Call Office, go Broadway Trussell; I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m
PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. Wesleyan Methodist: '
Southend & Leigh Circuit, Rev. Edwin Thos. Simpson
Cemetery, London road, John Bearman, foreman ~ew road; I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m
Coast Guard Station, John B. Bryan R.N. chief officer, Wesley Chapel, Elm road; n a. m. & 6.30 p.m.;
&:; 5 men
thurs. 7·45 p.m
County Borough Police Station, 41 Leigh Hall road, Salvation Army, Station road
William Carr, inspector, 2 sergeants & 15 constables
Fire Station, Elm road, built in 1912, 3 officers & 12
men; Harold E. J ohnson, captain PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS.
Shipwrecked Fishermen & Mariners' Royal Benevolent The schools are controlled by the Southend-on-Sea
Society; hon. representative, Ernest C. Kerry, 12 Had- Education Committee.
leigh road
Clerk, James W. Barrow, Education offices, York road~
River Keeper, Ernest Palmer, I I Grange road Attendance Officer, Charles Pagett, Leigh-on-Sea
Medical Officer & Pub],ic Vaccinator, Leigh South Dis- North street, erected in 18go, & enlarged in 18gB, for
trict, Rochford Union, Wm. Douglas Watson M.R.C.S. 356 boys & 306 girls ; average attendance, 246 boys .t
Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond., D.P.H.Oxon, Leigh ho. Elm rd 235 girls; Arthur H. Thatcher, master; Miss Mahalah
Registrar of Births, Deaths & Marriages, Albert James Read, mistress. The infants' school was erected in
Ball, 49 Broadway; tues. 6 to 7 p. m. ; fri. 3 to 4 p.m rgo7, for 250 children; average attendance, r85; Mis~o
A. Young, infants' mistress
·. PLACES OF WORSHIP, -with times of Services. West Leigh, for 3 60 mixed & 32 0 infants; average
St. Clement's Church, Rev. Robert Stuart King M ..\. attendance, 270 mixed & 156 infants ; Ernest Hood.
rector; Rev . .Alfred Thomas Stiff M . .A.. & Rev. Francis master; Miss .A. M. Durrant, mistress
Leolin Hilditch Th.A.K.C. curates; h. c. 7, 8 & II,I5 Railway Station, George Chapman, station master
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Ayliffe Mrs. 6 Torquay drive Beecroft Waiter G. The Corner house,
.A.blin Mrs. n Leighton avenue Ayres Mrs. 77 Leigh Hall road Church hill
.A.dams Charles, 17 Victoria drive Ba.chman Jacob, 36 Oakleigh Pk. drv Beecroft William, 27 Clift parade
Adamson Nicholas Frederick, The Bacon Percy Ernest :Neville, 138 Beetlestone .A.lfd. Ernest, 3 Station rei
Rest, Bonchurch avenue Lymington avenue Behrendt Carl J. 19 Grange road
Adcock Arthur St. John, Cliff way, Bacon Samuel, 127 Leigh Hall road Bell Charles Hampden, 14 .Avenue rd
Salisbury road Badock Jerrard, 19 Cliff parade Bell Mrs. 95 Pall mall.
Adshead Harry, 46 Grange road 'Baker Frank, so Leighton avenue Bellew Wm . .A.lex. 71 Hadleigh road
Aitken James, 15 Station road Baker Mrs. Oakhurst, Leighton aven Bendall Gerard, Dursley, Burnham rei
Alexander Geo. Pinewood, Western rd Baldock Wm. Charles, 32 Leighton av Benjamin Isaac, 127 Elm road
Alexander Mrs. 88 Elm road Balls George, 71 Leigh Hall road Benton Chas. Ernest, 25 Sea View rd
Algar Samuel John, 49 Dawlish drive Banner .Alfred, 61 Hadleigh -road Berry Jsph.Thos.Moreton,Burnham rd
Alien Harry, 84 Elm road Bannister Herbert Sidney,77 Leigham Bevington Mrs. 23 Dawlish drive
Alien Robt. Jas. 104 Lymington aven Court drive Beynon Richard,Woodhey,Herschell rd
Alien Thomas, 106 Leigh hill Barber Herbert William, Bloomfield, Bezer Wm. Jas. Ferncote, Marine par
Alsop Thos. Dalmeny, Burnham road Salisbury road Bingley Frank, 48 Grange road
Anderson A.C. Clovelly,Glendale gdns Barker Mrs. 79 Leigham Court drive Binns Frederick Thomas, Beaufort,.
Annereau John, 56 Oakleigh Park dri Barnard Mrs. go Leigh hill Burnham road
Appleford Charles Ernest, La Quinta, Barnsdale Henry, 53 Hadleigh road Bishop Edward Farmer,8 Leigh Pk.rd
Western -road Barrow Mrs. Stanmore,Elmsleigh drv Bishop Jas. Woodford, Westleigh av
Appleford William Brunsden, Pine Barton Miss, 4 .A.lexandra road Bishop James Henry, 18 Avenue road.
Tree cottage, Vernon road Barton Misses, 103 Oakleigh Pk. drive Blaker Henry, 74 Leighton avenue
.A.ppleton Tho~t. Lystra, Elmsleigh drv Bass Hen.Ty Edward, 63 Hadleigh rd Blois Wm. A. 21 Leighton avenue
Archer Edward Burchell, I Leigh Batchelor Richard, 9 Station road Boaz John Edward, The Bungalow,.
Park road Bate Fredk. Wm. 29 Oakleigh Pk. drv Underclifi gardens
.Archer Justus, 20 .Alexandra road Bate Wm. 57 Oakleigh Park drive Bockett Arthur, 69 Hadleigh road
.A.rclan Sidney, 24 Victoria drive Batley Jas. Robert, Kerri, Vernon rd Boddison John Benjamin Cartwr1ght,.
Arkwright George, 38 Hadleigh road Batty Chas. Lovaine, Salisbury road 1 21 Hadleigh road
Armstrong Wm.Jas. 57 Leigh Hall rd Batzer Charles .Austin, Glenhurst, J Bolt Daniel Roberts, 59 Station road
.A.rnold John, :Newlands, Westleigh av Lymington avenue Bolton Harry. 69 Cranleigh drive
Arnold Nathnl.Edmund, 104 Leigh hl Bayliss Bertram Chas. 43 Pall mall Bolton William Hy. 57 Fairleigh driv&
Arnold Stanley Charles, Craig house, Beale Mrs. Beechwood, Glendale gdns Bonallack Waiter, Wyverstone lodge.
Leighton avenue Beales Wm.Lionel Bertie,56 Pall mall Hadleigh road
Arnoll Charles Edwd. 30 Queen's road Beall Herbert Charles, Bramblehurst, Bone .A.lbert, 55 Leigham Court drive-
.A.shbourne .A.rthur, 24 Grange road Burnham road Boreham Mrs. 19 Oakleigh Park drive
.Ashby Henry George, 52 Leighton av Beare Mrs. 2 Leighton avenue Borman James Charles, 40 Grange rd.
Ashwell Jn. Edmund, 14 Sea View rd Beattie Ebenezer,Ramleh,Salisbury rd Bosworth Jsph. Hy. 74 Lymington av-
Astlett George Robert, Tavistock, Beaumont Barrington Lindley,Walden, Bottomley Mrs. Brookside, Oakleigh:
Glendale gardens Bonchurch avenue Park drive
Astley Robert, 20 Hadleigh road Beaver Mrs. 123 Leigh Hall road Bovie George, 61 Elm road
Attwood William George, 53 Leigham Bedford Joseph,26 Leigham Court drv Brand William Frederick, 167 Elm rd
Court drive Bray Charles David, 5 .A.lexandra rd

DTltEC f('l RY. J ESSEX. LEIGH. 369
Brazier Thomas George, Kingswood Coleman Leonard, 28 Hadleigh road Edmunds Edmund,8o0akleigh Pk.drY
rilla, Kingswood chase Coley William, Belsize, London road Edward Robert Farquharson Sharp,
:Briant Alfred Robert, 41 Leighton av Collier Mrs. 26 Torquay drive 75 Leighton avenue
Bridge Harry, 16 Alexandra road Collings Geo.Hillery,1o Glendale gdns Edwards Geo.Hy.Dunman,87Pall mall
llridge Henry,49Leigham Court drive Collins Hy. Geo. Hadleigh rd Edwards Waiter James, 36 Cliff par
IBrignell George Chas. 82 Grange rd Collison Mrs. 39 Leigham Court drive Elliott .A.lbt. Edwin,ug Leigh Hall rd
Brinson Saml. Pierpoint, 98 Leigh hl Colman Ja.s. Edwin, 78 Oakleigh Park Elliott James Edward,Isleworth lodge,
~roadbent Frdk.Seaton,34 Queen's rd drive Marine parade
IJrock George, 121 Leigh Hall road Connor Albert Edward, Fallowfield, Ellis .A.lbert, Tankerville, London re!
Brockbank Percy, 214 Elm road Westleigh avenue Ellis Richd. Wilfred, 9 Leigh Park rd
::Brodie Charles, 20 Grange road Connor Jas. Doris vil. Westleigh av Elviss William, lvydene, London rd
.Brooking Edward Arthur, 52 Oakleigh Cooke Charles .A.rthur, Clifton lodge, Emery Benjamin, 15 Sea View road
Park drive Redcliff drive Emery John, Oakhurst, Bailey road
Brooks Miss, 5 Sea View road Cooper Mrs. 69 Leighton avenue Emery :Mrs. 64 Grange road
:Brooks Mrs ..A.Iicedene,Ronald Hill gro Cope Alfd.Wm.3o Leigham Court drv Emery Wait. Wm. 12 Sea View road
Brown Charles, 71 Elm road Cordingly Charles, 9 Redcliff drive Erwood Waiter, 25 Leighton avenue
iJrown Eric Leonard, 125 Oakleigh Coulden George, Ferns, Lime avenue Espury William Thomas, Wildwood,
Park drive Cowley Herbert Reginald, Wynstowe. Westleigh avenue
llrown George Imrie, 71 Leighton av Scarborough drive Evans John George, 79 Lymington av
:Brown Harry Sam, 159 Elm road Coxall Ernest Wm. 73 Leightvn aven Evans Miss, Oakleigh, Fleming aven
Brown Thomas, 55 Dawlish drive Coxun Robert, 32 Queen's road Ewen Alfred, 56 Leigh Hall road
"Brown Thomas,6g Leigham Court drv Crane George, 78 Leigh Hall road Ewing Frauds John, 62 Grange road
:Brown Wm. Henry, 74 Leigh Hall rd Creaser George Wallis, Dresden bun- Fairbairn ErnestWm.88 Leigh Hall rd
::Browne John James, Meadfield, Burn- galow, Scarborough drive Farnan .Atfd.W. Camber, Burnham rd
ham road Creed· George, 8 Cliff parade Fearn Alfd. Youden, 53 Leigh Hall rd
1Jrowne Mrs. Dillon, 54 Leighton aven Cridge Robert, 76 Fairleigh drive Fenwick Danl. Benmore, Fairleigh dr-t
Bryau John Barham, 9 Oakleigh Park Crooks William, _16 Avenue road Ferguson John Hey, 218 Elm Toad
drive Cross Mrs. 59 Le1gh Hall road Fife Wm. Hy. Heathcote,Salisbury rd
Bryant Mrs. Th~ Briars, Olivia dr~ve Cross Samuel . Abel, Montrose, St. Finlayson Robert, 5 2 Grange road
:Bull James Robmson, Tresco, )lanne Clement's dnve Fish Fredk. Chas. 96 Leigh Hall road
parade Cundy Harry, 69 Oakleigh Park drive Fisher David, 36 Victoria drive
Burcher John, 22 Oakleigh Park drive Curnow Herbert Henry, Trevethan, Fisher James, 38 Queen's road
llurfoot George, 27 Fairleigh drive Salisbury road Fisher Mrs. 47 Dawlish drive
Burgess-Smith Edward, Western road Curtayne William John,83Leighton av Fitch Ernest Harold, Gowdhurst,
Bum Mrs. 29 Victoria road Curtis Jn. Jas. 84 Oakleigh Pk. drive Fleming avenue
"Burns William A. 48 Torquay drive Cuthbert William Jeffrey,86 Oakleigh FitzGerald Yernon Hy.16 Redcliff drv
11urnside Miss, 140 Glendale gardens Park drive Fletcher Mrs. 42 Grang~ road
Eurton William, Burton's Pride,Elms- Cutler Arth.Wm.23 Leigham Crt. drv Fletcher Mrs. 74 Oakleig-h Park drive
leigh drive Dafforn Fredk. Charles, 6 Avenue rd Flint Geo. Stanlev, 58 Leigh Hall rd
Cadman Charles Wells, 23 Cliff paT Daines George Wm. 32 Cliff pa.rade Fooks William ·Henry, Struanlea,
()alkin Percy Chas. 154 Lymington av Dainty William, Villula, Burnham rd Salisburv road
{)alla.m Charles Baxter, Bu~lbrook, Daly Edward, Tredega.r,Lymington av Forshaw Daniel, 6 Grange road
Barley street Davey Misses, 8 Oakleigh Park drive Foster Duncan, Nore view,Marine par
()alver Mrs. 26 Oakleigh Park drive Davies Sydn-ey, Riverdene, Oakleigh Foster-Pedley Ged. 6 Leigh Park rd
Capel Miss, 14 Torqna.y drive . Park drive Fowler Charles Jabez, La Casita:
Capern Ed-ward, 4 Torquay drive Davis Alfred Charles, JersPy house, Station road
Caplehorn Wm.Thos.95 Lymington av Vernon :~;oad Franklin Albert Edward, 124 Leigh
Carpenter .Alfred Caleb, Homeleigh, Davis Percy Charles, 7 Avenue road Hall road
Western road Daw Frederic,The Laurels, Victoria drv Fraser Henry, 72 Oakleigh Park drive
'Carr .Alfred, Cliff ho. Marine parade Day Charles F. so Broadway Free Miss, 29 Torquay drive
Cater .A.rthur .A.lbert, 9 Alexandra rd Day Mrs. St. Peter's lodge, Barley st Freeman Guy Clifford,67 Hadleigh rd
Cater Mrs. Mosebury cot. London •rd D'Eath David Cecil, 5 Cliff par~e Fripp Mrs. 22 Torquay drive
'Cates Mrs. YeLaurels,Ronald Hill gro Delleany James, Glengariff, Kmgs- Frith Wm. Geo. 1 Victoria drive
Caton William, 44 Grange road wood chase Frost Cuthbert Rd. 8 Glendale gdns
(:attell Hy.Richd. Trist,19 Leighton av Deverell William Devenish, Fair oak, Frymann Percy, Highlands, Eastwood
{)ausby Frank, 107 Leighton avenue London road road
Champ Ernest Edwin, White cottage, Dicketts> Arthur Skinner, 47 Leigh Fuller Arthur, Scarsdale,Burnham rd
Theobald's road Hall road Gall John Llewellyn, St. Boniface..
Chance William, 29 Sea View road Dickinson Miss, 9 Ashleigh drive Burnham road
{)hancellor Chas. Bankside, Vernon rd Dickinson Mrs. 39 Cliff parade Gallagher Edward, 156 Glendale gdns
Chancellor Mrs. 38 Cliff parade Disney Arthur William, Ivy dene, Galloway Miss, 87 Oaklei~h Park drv
'Chapman George, 3 Alexandra road Salisbury road Gamble Mrs. 73 Hadleigh road ·
()happell Chas. lt'redk.rg Sea View rd Dixon Henry Brownlow, TO Cliff par Game Tom, Brambleside, Kingswood
Chase Benj. Richd. 11 Redcliff drive Dobson Mrs. 18 Leigh Hall road chase
'Chatwin: Charles, 32 Leigh Hall road Dolman George, St. Freda, Oakleigh Garcke Louis, 61 Fairleigh drive
Cherry Henry, 87 Leighton avenue Park drive Garnett Rt.Hy.Chas.93 Lymington av
ChigneD William Joseph, 'l'he Nest, Don«lvan Michael, 12 Leigham Court Geen Wm. Hy. Brendon, Eastwood rd
Marine pllirade drive Gentle Augnstus, 132 Elm road
'Childs Charles Wm. 31 Cliff parade Dorkins Geo . .Archd. 79 Leigh Hall rd Gernat Franqois,Cranfield,Western rd
Christy George Daniel, Buena-Vista, Dormer Percy Alfred, Somerton,East- Gernat FranQois, jnn.. West Dene,
Eastwood road wood road Ve1'1lon road
Churchward Philip Harold, Shiloh, Downing George Frederick,Littlecote, Gibbs Henry Brandreth, Buona Vista,
Lime avenue Marine parade Marine parade
Clare Thos. Mortley,13 Leighton aven Dry John, 139 Elm road Gibson Frank, 73 Leigham Court drv
Clarence .Andrew Cave, 122 Oakleigh Dupuy Percy, 7 Leighton avenue Gill Fredc. Edwin, r6 Leigh Hall rd
Park drive Durrant Frederick Edmond,Fransham Gill Mrs. 9 Leigham Court drive
()lark Peter, Pendennis,Glendale gdns villa, Kingswood chase Gillard Robert Webb, High cliffe,
Clarke Charles Roger, 32 Oakleigh Durrant Frederick Samuel, Firby Burnham road
Park drive . house, W estleigh avenue Gilpin Mrs. 64 Leigh Hall road
()larke Geo. Plu8h, 10 Le1ghton aven Durrant ~rs. The Hall, Hadleigh rd Girling Frederick, 1 Torquay drive
Clarke Jn.C. The Gables,Burnham rd Dwyer RIChard John, Douglas, West- Glaser Jn.Hy. 91 Oakleigh Park drive
Clarke Jn.Wm. 50 Oakle.igh Park ~rv leigh avenue . Godfrey John Adolphus, 18 Cliff par
'Clarke Mrs. A. 44 Oakle1gh Pk. dr1ve Dyer Mrs. 34 Sea V1ew road Goffe Charles, 57 Hadlei!!h road
Clarke Samuel John, 222 Elm road Dykes John Wm. 85 Lymington aven Goodchild Geor~, 2oo Elm road
"Clement Montague,64 LeighamCt.drv Eason-Jones Rev. Reginald (Reformed Goody George Fisher, 13 Grange road
"Coates Miss, 97 Lymington avenue Church of England), 3 Redcli:fl drv Gordon John M.D. 5 Leighton avenue
<lobbe Wm.Langley,Haytor,London rd Ede Mrs. 11:21 Pall mall Gorril1 Albert, 17 Grange road
Cochrane Mrs. Meadfield, Burnham rd Edenborough Edward Stanley, The Grand Edwd. 41 Leigham Court drive
Coldwell Mrs. 102 Pall mall Nest, London road Granger .Alfred, Fernleigh, Westclifi
Cole Bertie Geo. Wm. 76 Grange rd Edger John Warren, 45 Station road drive
Cole Ernest, Rho-Ern, Eastwood road Edmunds Rev. Edmund Morgan; Grant John Alex. 32 Hadleigh road
Cole Rt. Wilding, Monroe, Harley st (Cong.), Hadleigh, Burnham road 1 Grave Fletcher, 33 Victoria road
Grave Foster 1 59 Leigh hill Holbeche Thomas, 13 Sea View road Lambert George Hy. 6 Alexand"nr rd'
Graves Mrs. 56 Torquay drive Holland Alfred, 12 Oakleigh Park drv Lambert James Fredk. 23 Victoria rct
Gray Mrs. 22 Grange road Holliday Alfred John, ns Pall mall Lambert Miss, 22 Redclitr drive
Gray Mrs. 38 Leigham Court drive Hood Ernest, Cremorne,Leigh Hall rd Land Mrs. rg8 Pall mall
Grear Miss, Chenies,St.Clement'a dn Hook Reginald Myles, 49 Hadleigh rd Lang John Hy. llos:rrio, Lcrmiolf roacf
Green .A.rthur, 7 Torquay drive Hooker Robt . .Austin, 17 Leighton av Langton William, 19 Victoria. driv~
Green Harry Whitson, 61 Leigham Ho~>key Miss, 72 Leigh Hall road Larder Charles, The Nool,Fiemingn-
Court drive Hooper Harry, 7 Alexandra road Larner Edgar Thos. 83 Lymingtm IV'
Green Mrs. C. Headley, 39 Pall mall Hope Robert Jas. 120 Oakleigh Pk.drv Laughton Arth.David,3,c;. Torquay dl?
Green Sidney Harold, 41 Dawlish drv Hornibrook Cecil Cole Bowen, 169 Lawrence Richard Eli, Rosemont,.
Greenbalgh John Francis, 71 Leigh bl Elm road Marine parade
Greger Karl, Bohemia, Londdn r.oad Horstead Charles Ambrose, g6 Oak- Lawrence Robert Stephen,r51 Elm rcl
Greite Capt. Maurice, 37 Cliff parade leigh Park drive Lawrence Willia:m A. 69 Leigll hill
Grieves Mrs. 124 Pall mall Houghton Stanley Goodman, Heath- Lawton Alfd. 62 Leigham Coort drit&
Griffiths Mrs. 14 Alexandra road ville, Elmsleigh drive . Lay Beaumont Fredk. g6 Leign Itili
Gunn Samuel Hardy, ro Ha.dleigh rd How Harry, 25 Oakleigh Park drin Leak Geo. Hy. 6o Leigham Court dl'l"
Gutridge Geo. Wm. 22 Leighton av Howell Edward C. London & Provin- Leates Geo. Jn. 76 OaJdeigh Pli:. driTU'
Hague Stanley, 2 Leigh Park road cial Bank, xo Broadway Leathley Harry. 26 Avenue road
Hailstone Chas. Geo.g2 Lymington av Howship William, 6x Leigh Hall road Leckenby William Edward, If
Hain Wm. McGavin,120 Leigh Hall rd Rubble Geo. Jas. g:a Oakleigb Pk.drv Leigbam Court d-rive
Halford Miss, Glyngarth, Glendale Huber . Ernest Cecil, St. Austell, Lee Alfred Geo. 28 Oakleigh Park d"'
gardens Glendale gardens Lee Henry James, rr7 Leigh Hall rd
Hall Douglas H. 37 Station road Hudgell Jn.G.eo.6x Oakleigh Park drv Lee Mrs. 2 Avenue 'road
Hall John, 71 Oakleigh Park drive Hughes Henry Jas. 121 Lymington av Lee Mrs. 39 Torquay drive
Hall Mrs. St.. Kilda, Bumham road Hughes Thomas Herbert, Barnard rd Le Mare Cecil Raby, Woodbridge-,.
Hall Mrs. E. 26 Hadleigh road Humber Mrs. 2 Dawlisb drive London road
Hall St. John Greville, ~89 Pall mall Hunter George Joseph, The Haven, Le Plastrier Herbertr Merry, 2f
Hall Thos. Wm. 87 Lymington aven Fleming 'D.venu& Leigham Court drive
Halley George William, 99 Pall mall Hunter Mrs. 24 Torquay drive Lewin Ernest William, IIr Broadwar
Hancock .Augustine, 39 Dawlish drive Iles George, 71 Cranleigh drive Licence Jas. 99 Oakleigh Park drive-
Hands Mrs. 6 Leigh Hall road Impett Mrs.M. Chelsea bo.London rd Lichfield GPO. Fredk. 93 Pall mall
Hanger Edward, Denstone,Marine par Imrie-Smith Sydney Hambrook, 63 Lightbown James Vernon, 32 Vict{)ri~r-
Hankin Mrs. 30 Torquay drive Leigham Court drive drive
Harding Herbert John, Roanoake, lngham William J osepb, Abingdon, Lister Mrs. E. 12 Cliff parade
Burnham road Burnham road Little Alfred Edgar, 114 Pan mall
Hardwick Mrs. Ivanhoe, Westcliff drv Ireland Henry Ralph, Norfolk villa, Little Michl. Jn. 44 Leigham Crt. dn'
Hardwicke Edwd. Daniel, 20 Leigham St. Clement's avenue Littlebury Frederick Jn. 33 Leigllam
Court drive Iveson William Joseph, Hazelmere, Court drive
Harford William Herbert, Loch Earne, Burnham road ' Litty Mrs. The Grange,Glendale ~n~
London road · Jackson John. Overstrand, Marine par Liversedge Jn. Rosslyn, Theobald11 rd
Harmer Geo. Wm. 7 Leigh Park rd Jackson Philip Pugb,Bo Leigh Hall rd Llewellyn Wm. Ewart. 59 Hadlei~hrlf
Harn William, 23 Hadlejgh road James Henry, Clyde, Leighton avenue Lloyd-Warren :Mrs. Dunedin, Bnrn....
Harper Waiter, 2 Marine parade Jameson Gilbert Alfred, 65 Leigham ham road
Harper William, 35 Cliff parade Court drive Loader Capt. Ernest Barton, 30 OaFr-
Harrington Waiter, Glen Logan, Jameson Mrs. 8 Leigh Hall road lei~h Park drive
London road Jaques Harry, 19 Station road Loader Thomas Henry, Elleray, Daw-
Harrison Frederick, Hadleigh view, Jarman William Henry, St. Winifred, lish drive ·
Leigh Park road Theobalds -road Lockton John, 14 Pall mall
Harrison. William, 22 Sea. View road Jarvis Mrs. Rivercourt, Vernon road Lodge William Charles, Camelot,.
Harrower James, 85 Leigh Hallil road Jeffreys Henry, 73 Leigh Hall road Boncburch avenue
Hart Ha.rry James, 25 Victoria road Johns William Richard, Trenance, Loescher Mrs. 3 Leigh Park road
Hartley Timothy Leach,sr Leigh Hall Leigh Hall road Lon~hurst Comelius, 29 Leighton av
road J ohnson George, 67 Leighton avenue Loveday John, 94 Oakleigh Park dri'veo
Harvey Capt. John, 17 Dawlish drive Johnson Herbert, 108 Leigh hill Lowry Frederick, u Bailey road
Harvey John, Braiswick, Burnham rd Jon~s Ed'"!'ard Joseph, Palmette, Bel- Lumley John Albert, 7 ~ictoria road
Harvey Moore Graham, Blair Athole, fairs d"rive Lyons Wm. John, 62 Leig-h Hall Toad'
Herscbell road Jones Ernest Llewellyn, Cartref, Mabey Archibald William, Alva,.
Hawes Jonathan, 78 Lei~hton avenue Leighton avenue Salisbury road
Hay Mrs. 38 Oakleigh .Park drive Jones Joseph Walker, 137 Elm road Macara Rt. Blair, 1:36 Lymington av
Haydort Miss, Bg Oakleigh Park drive J ones Thomas Robert, 42 Queen's rd McArthur William, 25 Dawlish drive"
:aeard Alfred Edward, Homeland, Juett Percy Jn. Lynwood.Burnham rd Macaulay Mrs. 97 Oakleigh Park di'V'
Pa.Il mall Keen .Alfred, r6 Pall mall McCraith Richard Heyes, St. Osythr
Heath John B.A. Mount villa, Salis- Kee~s Albert James, Dorothyville, Elmsleig-h drive
bury road Ltme avenue Ma.cdonald John Rose, Snnnyside,
Hebb Marmaduke Arth. I I3 Pall mall Kendrick Alfred, 126 Lymington aven Marine para.d~
Hecker Paul, S Marine parade Kennard Artbur Charlton Hayter, 23 Macf~rla?e Wilham, r6 West street
Hentscb Harry Arth. 125Leig:h Hall rd .Pall mall McG1vermg J oh~, 6o G:range road
Henwood Miss, 4 Marine parade K~lner Arth.Hugoe,Loxl.ey,Western rd MacGreg-or .Le';Is, 3 Le1~ham Ct. drr
Herzberg lludolph, Ougolok, Burn- K~mber Frank •. 1.7 Statwn ro~d . McKay BenJamm, 8r Leigbton avenue
ham road K~nd Harrv Wilham,22 Dawhsh dr1ve MacLean Donald,Ingl~holm,Vernon rd
H k" Ed · p H dl · h d Km~ Rev.Robt. Stuart M.A. (rector), Ma.cro Walter, 49 Leu~·h Hall road
~bwb IndW ~R~d dercly'st55Cl a eit~ r
I ar m. II s a e,Gl . emen s "'t
Ch av
The Rectory
K'mg G eorge M on t a.,ue,
127 0 a kl eig
· Maddin William, 78 Lymington aven
· b Mann G eo. H oward , 67 F a1·r 1eii!
• h drV'
1 e , ar .es, ena.11an, ::5 • Park drive Manning Thorn as, 70 Leigh HallToatf
.Clement s tlnve . King Henry Geo. Hilton, Bailey road Mansfield Mrs. 23 Victoria road
H~dd~n Fras. Wm.7o Oakleigh Pk.drv King Miss, 54 Broadway Markland Miss, 6o Leigh Hall road
H~g~ms Herbert S. Q2 Gran~e road Kin~ Waiter, The Cottage,Herschell rd Mark!! Henry Edward, Go.rdon house,
Hilditch Rev. Franc1s Leolm A.K.C. Kirby Alfred 3 Sell View road London road
(cu.rate of St. Clement's), ro Vie- Kirby John, '10 Alexandra road Markwick AndrewDouglas,s5 Broadwy-
.tona road . Kissin Abraham, 98 Oakleig-h Pk. drv Marriott Allan Theodore, r_,; Cliff par
H~ll Charles, The Holhes, ~ondon rd Knapman Wm. Waiter, Marine lodge, Marsh Waiter Henry, 86 Elm road
H~ll Charles James, Westle~gh grange Marine parade Marshall William, 65 Hadlei~h road
H~ll EthertBasb~ll!24 Oakleigh Pk.drv Knight Frederick John, Olive grove, Marsh all William Brown, Hazelwood
H1l~ Thomas ~1lha~ Charles, Wood- Percy road house, Sali 81bury road
vtlle, Elmsle1gh dnve Knight John Cameron, 121 Pall mall MasenhPlder Miss, 58 Leigham Ct.drr
H~ll Wm. Ernest,4:.: Oa~leig~ Pk. drv Kohring Mrs. 76 Lymington avenue Mason Christopber, 6o Pall mall
H~ll~. Gustave, 3 VICt?ria drive Krise Otto, 74 Grange road Maurice Frederick, 53 Dawlish drive
Hilh~rd Herbert Brewitt,The Cottage, Lacey Ernest Arth, 62 Lymington av May Charles, 27 Leighton avenue
:r-eigh Hall road Lacy Arthur Edward, 29 Dawlisb drv May Josepb, 19 DawJish drive
Hills Mrs. 7 Southsea avenue Laker Arthur, 30 Sea View road Maydwell Wm. 22 Leigham Court drY
Hogg Alexander John, Gwen Lynne, Lamb Mrs 61 Station road Meaoben James Edward, Sunnyside,
Burnham road Lambert Fras. ro7 Oakleigh Park drv London rood
Mead Mrs. The Hazels, Dawlish drive Pate Thomas Edward, 51 Leigham Robertson Clias. 20 Oakleigh Park drv
Medhnrst Fredk. Thos.62 Hadleigh rd Court drive Robertson Thomas Alex. 85 Elm road
Medlock Mrs. 82 Elm road Patrick Henry Jones, 2 Glendale gdns RobeyJn.Thos.PortBower,Burnham rd
Melville Mrs. 40 Queen's road Patten Charles James, Bonchurch, Robey Leslie Thomas, 79 Leighton av
MelvinGeo.MundyAlex.32Torquay drv Kingswood chase Robinson Arnold Turner, i7 Leighton
Mens Harry, 26 Broadway Patterson J. E. Leigh hall, Oakleigh avenue
Mesenbrink Ralph, 6o Hadlei~h road Park driva Robinson Charles, 3 Southsea avenue
Messent Frederick, 33 Leighton aven Patterson Jsph. Wylie, 25 Cliff par Robinson David Durrant, 51 Leighton
Millard William Henry, Villa Casilda, Paul .Alfd. Thos. 86 Leigh Hall road avenue
Station road Payn Harold John, I l l Pall mall Robinson George, 15 Grange road
"Mitchell Danl. Stuart, 6 Leighton av Peel l\Irs. C. G. Sea field, Harley st Rogers William James,26 Leighton av
Mitch.ell Percival Henry, Ramsey, Pelling Ernest Whitfield, Riversdale, Rose Arth. Richd. go Leigh Hall rd
Westleigh avenue Western road Rosenthal Benjamin, So LeightoQ av
Mitchener James, 75 Leigh Hall road Pennell Arthur George, Athelstane Ross Charles Campbell, go Grange rd
Mitcheson Edward, 3 Torquay drive villa, Elmsleigh drive Rouse Victor Hy.35LeighamCourt drv
Mongredien Augustus, 28 Leighton av Pennell Reginald Frank, g6 Lyming- Rowe Harry, 100 Oakleigh Park drive
Montauban Frederick Willia.m, West- ton avenu'3 Rowe Miss, Readhurst, Leigh Hallt·d
leigh cottage, Westleigh avenue Penny Mrs. 22 Cliff parade Rowe W.illiam Henry, 24 Cliff parade
Montgomery Waiter, 18 Pall mall Perry Mrs. 10 Torquay drive Rowlandson Hy.Medina,Glendale gdns
Moody Charles, n Victoria drive Pervanoglu Ados Joseph, Glenrosa, Roy James Saml. 55 Leigh Hall road
Moc=e George Henry, 21 Cliff parade Bailey road Rutter William, 26 Leigh Hall road
Moore Gregory, 10 Avenue road Pettinger Wm. Elmer, 33 Station rd Ryall Thos. Edwd.1o20akleigh fk.drv
Morgan J11.mes,ss Oakleigh Park drive Pettitt Henry George, 11 Station road Sadler Edward, St. Clement's drive
Morley Arthur William, 25 Station rd Pickering Percy Oswald, Oak lodgtl. Salt Charles, 15 Oakleigh Park drive
Morris Chas.Reginald, 44 Dawlish drv Salisbury road Salter Peter John, Crowdown, East-
Morrison Joh'l. Alex. Dunloe,Harley st Picking Wm. Thos. 22 Leigh Hall rd wood road
Morrow Arthur Fleetwood, Stoke, Pickup Richd. Percy, 33 Torquay drv Salter Wm. Appleton, 32 Sea View rd
Burnham road Pickworth Waiter Ben,33 Dawlish rlrv Sampson Geo. Hy. Chanda,London rd
Mowbray Mrs. So Leigh hill Pierpoint Ernest S. 35 Station road Sampson Mrs. 63 Leighton avenue
Moxon Herbert,The Cot,Bonchurch av Pincott Fdk. Wm. 67 Oakleigh Pk.drv Sams Mrs. 20 Dawlish drive
Mulvaney Thomas, 67 Elm road Pitt William Joseph, 133 Elm road Sargeant Thomas Percival,Caversham
Murie James M.D., LL.D. Canvey Plail Ebenezer, Frogpool,Westlei~h av lodge, London road
cottage, New road Platt Ern1>st Bertram, 48 Oakleigh Saunders Henry, 54 Lymington aven.
Natusch Miss, 94 Leigh hill Park drive Saunders Mrs. 7 Redcliff drive
Neale-Huggett William, Canute lodge, Plumb Mrs. 24 Sea View road Saunders William, 24 Avenue road
Victoria drive Ponder Waiter Palmerston, 34 Had- Saunt William Frederick, West lodge,.
Neary Miss, 6g Lymington avenue leigh road Leigh Park road
Nevill Donald, 21 Dawlish drive Poole Mrs. Carlton villa. Western rd Savage Saml. Wm. 74 Hadleigh road
Newell John Geo. 81 Lymington aven Pope Henry William Amos, Theobalds Saward Arthur Wm. 46 Torquay drv
Newport Frederick Waiter, Ash villa, road, Marine parade Saward William Sutton, Englefield,
Sydney road Portch Henry Herbert, 75 Leigh hill Elmsleigh drive
Newton William Henry Charles,:Mavis Potter William, 134 Pall mall Scamp Edward, ug Pall mall
bank, Salisbury road Powell Matthew Pearce, 40 Cliff par Scannell John, Hamilton house, Leigh
Nibbs Mrs. 7 A.shleigh drive Power Robert Leo, 31 Torquay drive Hall road
Nicholls Fredk. W. C. 9 Dawlisb drv Poynter Mrs. II3 Leigh Hall road Scott John Wm. 63 Glendale gardens
Nicholls Fredk. William, 65 Elm road Prior Thomas, 6 Station road Scougall James Muir, Canvey, Marine
Nicholls George Edwin, Westfield, Prosser Mrs. The Croft, Station road parade
Burnham road Pryke John, 12 Alexandra road Scouler Leonard Jas. 28 Sea View rd
Nicholson Jn. Jas.18 Lei~ham Ct.drv Puckett Harry, 21 Grange road Seel Alfred Burrell, The Homestead.
N()ble James, 83 Leigh Hall road Pursey Henry Amos, Sea-Brinlr, Herschell road
Noel Wm. Wait. 103 Lymington aven Undercliff gardens Seel Alfred Burrell Darken, Briar cot--
Norris Edward Rester, 41 Hadleigh rd Puzey Herbt. Hy. 2 Torquay drive tage, Herschell road
Norton John, 89 Leigh Hall road Pyatt William Harold, 14 Grange rd Seel Edwd. H. The Nook, Vernon rd
Oakley Edwin Henry, 32 Grange rd Pyke Albert William, 30 Victoria drv Self Edwd. Albt. Elmfield,Dawlish drr
O'Brien Chas. Maurice, Bo Lymington Pyke Wm. Glen Lyon, Westcliff drive Seligsohn Gustav, St. Austell, Lon·
avenue Quilter :Mrs 17 Leigh Hall road don road
Ogg Allan, 37 Torquay drive Radford .Arthur B. uo Oakleigh Park Senier Frederic William J.P. Terra
Ohlson Wm. Harold,67 Leigh Hall rd drive Nova, Salisbury road
Ohly Albert, 210 Elm road Radford Harry, St. Clears, Ronald Servat Edgar Alfred, n Alexandra rd.
Oliver John William, 88 Grange road Hill grove Sewell .Alfred, 28 Leigham Court drv
Oliver Miss, 20 Leighton avenue Randle Edward White, Clanna, Burn- Shackleton Thos. Geo. 65 Leigh hill
O'Neill Rev. John Joseph (Catholic), ham road Shadforth William, River view, West-·
17 Leigham Court drive Ray ArchibaJd Edgar, 20 Avenue rd leigh avenue
Orman Ernest Jn. II5 Leigh Hall rd Ray Arthur Wilfred, 15 Leighton av Sharp Harold Sturge, Paddock, East-
08borne Fredk. J. 2 Alexandra road Ray Augustus Sydney, "- Dawlish drv wood road
Osborne John J.P. Fairview, Elm road Read Miss, Makardor. LPighton aven Shaw Edward Albert, 77 Leigh hill
Oxenden Sir Percy Dixwell Nowell Reader Chas.Fdk. 85 Oakleigh Pk.drv Shaw Septimus Rt. 101 Lymington ar
Dixwell- hart. I I Avenue road . Record Chas.Herbt. Brecon,Marine av Shearing Albert Edward, West hill ..
Page Charles, 6 Glendale gardens Reddie Cleland MackPnzie, Cliff cot- Marine parade
Page Henry, 95 Oakleigh Park drive tage, Herschell road Sheldrake John Holmes, J61 Elm rd
Painter Albert, 21 Station road Reed Horace George de B. 23 Oak- Shellard Fras. Herbt.14 Leigh Hall rd:
Palmer John William, 56 Leigham leigh Park drive Shepherd Edwd. J. 77 Lymington av-
Conrt drive Reid Edward George, Lynhurst, Shepherd Fras.Rowley,61 Leighton 11.v
Palmer Thomas Cassienet, Broadview, Kingswood chase Shepherd George, 26 Victoria road
Marine parade Reid John James, 21 Victoria road Shillinglaw Andrew John, St. Alban'sp
Pankhurst .A.lbert Charles,59 Oakleigh Relph John William Fell, 69 Elm rd Marine parade
Park drive Repton Oyril Herbert, Leigh lodge, Shorey Ernest Charles, 136 Pall mall
Parker Arthur Charles, West field, London road Shrubsole John William, White
Theobalds road Richards Rev.T. Rees, 68 Leighton av heather, Elmsleigh drive
Parker Jas. Sadler, 11 Dawlish drive Richards Geo. 40 Leigham Ct. drive Shrubsole Lewis Chas. 18 Leighton av
Parker Jn. 59 Leigham Cour.t drive Richards Thomas Hayward, 11 Leigh Sibley Edward Laud, 52 Hadleigh rd
Parkes Chas.Rirch,57 Leigham Ct. drv Hall road Simpson Rev. Edwin Thomas (Wes-
Parrott Geo. 27 Oakleigh Park drive Richardson Henry William, Sandown, leyan), 58 Elm road
Parry fhilip Leicester, 49 Leighton av :Bonchurch avenue Sims Henry, 39 Grange road
Parsons .A.lex.Jn. 112 Oakleigh Pk. drv Richbell William Edward, Grenoble, Sinclair Alexander, 64 Pall mall
Parsons Arthur Thomas, Totnes, Tankerville drive Sindall Sidney, 37 Leigham Court drv
Westcliff drive Rix John, Ventnor, Bonchurch aven Singer William Henry Charles, 31
Parsons William, 82 Leigh hill Roberts Edwd.Adolphus,sB Grange rd Oakleigh Park drive
Partner James, 5I Lymington avenue Roberts Fredk. Edward, 31 Station rd Smith Douglas Henry, Southcliffe, "'<:
Partridge Mark, Beatrice Yilla, Roberts Henry John, 23 Leighton av Marine parade ~tl 1 '
Lymington avenue Roberts John, 10 Leigh Hall road Smith Ernest William Humphrey, \ 11 o
Pascall Jas. 114 Oakleigh Park drive Roberts Miss, 41 Grange road Queen's read ,,_,.-.
ESSEX 24* ~~

Smith Frank William, so Leigham Tomlin Thos. Steven, 47 Station road Willoughby George Atkinson, 120
Court drive Tooley Archibald Arthur, 106 Oak· Leigh Hall road
Smith Jsph. Thos. 18 Alexandra rd leigh Park drive Wills Waiter, 46 Oakleigh Park driYe
Smith Mrs. 42 Dawlish drive Toovey Frank M. C. 15 Alexandra rd Wilson Mrs. 4 Glendale garden~t
Smith Percy, 18 Station road Trapp Frank H. 5 Leigh Park road Winnard Rowland, Aberfoyle, Leigh-
Smith Thomas Henry, 23 Station rd Travers ~Irs. Undercliffe, Undercliffe ton avenue
Srr..ith William Lochhead, 87 Leigh gardens Wise Edgar Nelson, 22 Victoria drive
Hall road Trew Waiter John, 5 Torquay drive Wise Frank Herbert, Leigh mount.,
Snell John, 25 Leigh Hall road Trussell Rev. G. Reginald (Primitive Salisbury road
Snelling Joseph, II9 Lymington aven Methodist), 12 Leigh Hall road Withers Ernest, Furzefi.eld, Eastwood
Snelling Waiter Edwd. 8 Station rd Tubbs Waiter, 101 Leighton avenue road
Snowden William, Minmi, London rd Turner Geo. Wm. 27 Leigh Hall road Wol:ff David,The Chalet, Theobalds rd
Sortwell Edwin Charles, Sheringham, Turner Wm. Mountfield, Hadleigh rd Wood Fredk. Bernard, 24 Hadleigh rd
Theobalds road Turnnidge Francis, Col'ona, Theo- Wood Mrs. 79 Elm road
Soul Thos. Holt, 16 Leigham Ct. drv balds road Wood Thomas Jas. 59 Fairleigh driY&
Spence Mrs. 8 Alexandra road Turnnidge Wait. Jn. 28 Grange road Woodland Mrs. Hillcroft, Picketts aY.
Spencer-Warren Miss, 22 Avenue rd Tweedale Charles Edward, Grantbam (postal address, Eastwood,Rochford)
Spratt Alfred George, 65 Leighton av lodge, Hadleigb road Woodroffe William Henry, no Oak-
Squire Charles Leonard, n8 Oakleigh Tyers William Barber, 135 Elm road leigh Park drive
Park drive Uber Ca.riGotlobe,St.Hilary,London rd Woods Rev. John, 12 Torquay driv&
Squires Edward Constab~e, 23 Sea Valentine Charles Wm. 29 Cliff par Woodthorpe Mrs. 88 Oakleigh Park
View road Vaughan Mrs. 28 Victoria road drive
Stacpoole Edmond, 94 Lymington av Ventura Elia, 34 Victoria drive Woodward Lewis David, 75 l.eigham
Stanbridge Clement A. 13 Viclioria rd Vincent Horace Charles,17Hadleigh rd Court drive A.rthur William, 7 Leigbam Vine Mrs. 17 Redcliff drive Woolhouse Mrs. 48 Leighton avenue
Court drive Vitoria Florencio, 64 Lymingfon aven Warrall Mrs. Llanberis, London road
Sta.nsfield James, 15 Leigh Hall road Wacber Geoffrey, Wanganui, Had- Worth Frank, St.Helen's,Burnham rd
Stanton LewisEdwin,67 Lymington &.v leigh road Wren Wm. Hy. 65 Fairleigh drive
Stanton William,Stafford villa, King~- Wag-staff Cbas. Bertrand,I Marine par Wright Capt. Thos.Hy.44 Leighton aY
wood chase Walker Charles Edward, 34 Oakleigh Wright Hy. Thos. 10 Oakleigh Pk.drY
Stapleton Edward, Reine Marie, Lon- Park drivll Wright John Compson,Lapwater hall,
don road Walker James R.N. 9 Leighton aven London road
Steiner Leon, Sans Souci, Elmsleigh Wallace Arth. Reginald, 130 Pall mall Wright William Shaw, 73 Leigh hili
drive Wallis James Selby, 42 Leigh hill Wynn Miss, 26 Queen's road
Stevenson Francis A.lbert, 131 Elm rd Walser Herbt. 108 Oakleigh Park drv Yardley Wm. Thos. 31 Dawlish drive
Stodart Herbert, Barley bo. Barley st Ward J. W. 45 Dawlish drive Yates Mrs. Beausite, Undercliff gd~~&
Strachan David, The Oriel bo.Elm rd Ward Rt. Geo. Helmar, Salisbury rd Young Fredk. Albert, 56 Hadleigh rd
Streader Charles Albert, 14r Elm 1d Wurrt>rr Alb•!rt Erskine, 29 Station rd Young Harry Marshall,85 Leighton a•
Street Frederick Ray, Inglenook, Warren Fras. Edwin, so Torquay drv Young Jesse, 40 Hadleigb road
Leigh Park road Warrene Vernon, 29 Hadleigh road Young Mrs. 28 Avenue road
Sullivan Frank, 59 Leighton avenue Warwick John, 65 Leigb Hall road Young Mrs. 122 Leigh Hall road
Surridge Miss, 5 Avenue road Watson Rev. Thomas James, 32 Vie- Young Wm. Jsph.Cliff ho.Clifl parade
Swan Ernest, 71 Leigham Court drive toria road Young Wm.Thos. Holloway,r98Elm rd.
.Swinton Mrs. 20 Queen's road Watson Edward Harry, Harlie, Burn- Yule Miss, 13 Cliff parade
·Symonds Mrs. E. Br Elm road ham road
·Syms George William, Craio-ower, Watson Wm.Douglas,Leigh ho.Elm rd COMMERCIAL.
Burnham road "' Watts John Nixon, 46 Leigbton aven Early closing day, Wednesday.
"Taffs Ebenezer, 68 Oakleigh Pk. drive Wear Mrs: 81 Leigh Hall road A.bbott Brothers, dairy, 7q Broadway.
Talbot Edward Chas. 5 Redcliff drive Webb Emlle Claude, 86 Grange road T N r5
·Tant Wm. Augustus, 14 Leigb Pk. rd Webb Miss, 99 Lym.ington avenue A.dams Wm apartments, 62 Pall mall
"Taphouse .A.lfd.Jobn,g1 Lymington av Webb Sidney Herbert, Briar cottage, Ainslie Bros. butchers, I03 Broadway
•--Targett George, St. .A.lban's villa, Salisbury road A.lbany Electric Laundry Co. Ltd,;
Kingswood chase We~ster Jonathan, 97 Pall mall . receiving office, Broadway
- Tarr William, 9 Sea View road We1ghtman Alfred, St. :Malo, Le1gh Alexander Geo. aparts.88 Rectory gro
Taylor Chas. Lambert, 27 Victoria rd Hall road Alien William Charles, sign writer, 43
- Taylor George William, The Four Weller Charles, 56 Grange road Leighton avenue & Broadway
g~bles, Vernon road Wells Mrs. 108 Pall mall A.lmerotb Horace William James,
Taylor John Arn()ld, 26 Cliff parade West William Waiter, 10 Station rd tobacconist, 17 Broadway
Taylor John Edwin, 13 Ashleigh drive Westcott Mrs. 93 Oakleigh Park drive Arbery Rhoda (Mrs.), apartments, 4
Taylor Lachlan, Clutha, Marine par Westlake Miss, 12 Glen dale gardens- Pall mall
Ta.ylor Thos.Wm.Ioi Oakleigb Pk.drv Weston Oswald, Ben Nevis, Fairleigh Archer & Jaques,dentists,4gBroadway
Taylor William, 70 Leigbton avenue drive A.shton Melbourne, aparts.33 North at
Taylor Wm. Hy. n Leigh Park road Westwood Herbert, Oakhurst, Burn- Austin James, farrier, g6 Pall mall •
· Taylor Wm. Hy. 124 Oakleigh Pk. drv ham road Dundonald drive
Ta.ylor William Thomas, Ivy cottage, Wbeatley-Down Frank Percy, ')I Leigh A.uvache Caroline Laura (Mrs.},
Leigh bill Hall road apartments, 1 Oakleigh Park drive
--Temple Rosseau Fritzearl, 85 Leigh hl White Lieut.-Col. James Philip, Axcell Ghas. cockle mer. I North st
Thatcher Arthur Henry, Hambro' ho. Summerfield, Burnham road Axcell Frederick Charles,boot maker,
Vernon road White Mrs. g8 Pall maU 23 Lymington avenue
Thomas Harry T. 12 Grange road White William. Fredk. 107 Pall mall Back Thomas & Sons, pawnbrokers,
Thomas Robert John, 20 Pall mall Wbittaker Bonald, 4 Leigh Park road II4 Broadway
· Thompson Harry Howard, 16 Cliff par Wbittingham James Sutton, 46 Bacon Wm.sbopkpr.12gGlendale gdns
Thompson William George, W alton Leigham Court drive Baines John, grocer, 14 Broadway
house, Station road Widley Alfred, 132 Pall mall Baker Albert John Joseph, chemist,
· Thomson Mrs. 105 Oakleigh Park drv Wigfull W.Edwd.82 Oakleigh ·Pk. drv 77 Broadway
·Thorn Regimlld Edmund, 46 Dawlish Wilkin Pbilip Hay, 14 Cliff parade Baker Wm. plumber, 45 Southsea aY
drive Willett Capt. William. Alfred, 34 Baldy David, confectnr. 51 Leigh hill
·"Thorne Richard John, 8 Torquay drv Cliff parade Ball Albert Jas. registrar of births,
Thornton Hy. Cha.s. 12 A.sbleigh drive Williams Alfd.Harry,g4 Leigh Hall rd deaths & marriages (tues. 6 to 1
·Thornton Mrs.E. 21 Leigham Ct. drv Williams Frank, 52 Torquay drive p.m. & fri.3 to 4 p.m.),4gBroadway
Thorp Edward, 86 Leigh hill Williams Geo. Jas. 92 Leigh Hall rd Banks Bros. hair dressers, 38 Elm rd
Thorp Mrs. 63 Leigh hill Williams Mrs. 48 Leigham Court drv Barclay & Company Limited, bankers
Thorp William, 88 Leigh hill Williams Roland Charsley, 54 Tor- (branch) (Harry Mens, manager),
Thorpe Mrs. 104 Oakleigoh Park drive quay drivfl 26 Broadway; draw on head office,
Tiffin Charles, n Oakleigh Park drive Willis Charles Edgar, Wa.rwick house, 54 Lombard street, London E 0
Tilley ErnestJn.Rookstone,:Marine par Theobalds road Barnacle Edwin,boot ma.79 Pall mall
Timms Harry, 40 Dawlish drive Willis Mrs. 31 Leighton avenue Barnes Howard, hardware dealer, 71
Toby Ernest Godwin, 109 Pall mall Willmott Ettiel, r Alexandra road Pall mall
Toleman Edwin Saml. 100 Pall mall Willoughby Edward, 24 Leighton av Barnes Jn.Wm. confetnr. 77 Pall mall
Tomalino Osborne, 45 Leighton aven Willoughby Edward Maltass, 128 Pall Barton Bertie, furn. dlr. 43 Broadway
Tombs Edward, 2I2 Elm road mall Batchelor Percy Hewitson, mas~J&Ur,
Tomlin Stphn. Senden, 15 Victoria rd 9 Station road
Bate. .A.da (Mrs.), boarding house, 28 Champness William Frederick, boot Elkins Frederick, oil &; color man, 56
Queen's road maker, 33 Leigh hill Rectory grove
Bates Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 34 Chaplin Charles Frederick, boot ma. Elliot James, Cranleigh drv
Leigh hiJ.l 65 Glendale gardens Emery Henry Waiter &; Waiter John,
Bayfield Ebenezer Augnstus, apart- Chilcraft Elizabeth (Mrs.}, shopkpr. bricklayers, 57 Leighton avenue
ments, 152 Lymington avenue 29 High street Emery Edwd.plumbers~ Rectory gro
~bb Jsph. Hy. oi1man, 28 Broadway Childs Charles Henry, cartage con- Emery George William,smack owner,
Bedford Wm.aparts.8Canonsleigh cres tractor, 129 Elm road The Gardens
Bedwell Annie (Miss), nurse, 100 Choppin Hy.G. Smack P.H.7 High st Emery John, jun. smack owner,
Lymington avenue Church Samuel C. library, 28 Rectory Violet bank, Hi11side road
Beecroft Arthur J. builder, 124 Lym- grove Emery Mark, tailor, 8 Elm road
ington avenue Clare Alfd.Roy,decoratr.1o Grange rd Emery Thomas Vin~ent, smack ownr.
Beecroft Waiter G. solicitor &; com- Clark Robert Daniel, grocer, 92 Glen- The Gardens
missioner for oaths, Broadway dale gardens Emery William, smack owner, Dora
chmbrs. &; Corner ho. Church hill Clarkson Hubert, gasfitter, 34a,Broad- villa, Hillside road
Bell Annie Pa.uline (Miss), teai)her of way; 72a, High st. & 6 Pall mall Empire Picture Palace (Jn. MitcLell,
music, 6g Glendale garden& Clement Frederick William, dairy, 32 proprietor), Broadway
Belton Catherine (Mrs.), apartments, Broadway Essex Yacht Club (The) (A. R. Ray,
r:a Leighton a.venue Cole Harry Ernest, apartments, 20 commodore)
Bennison Phyllis (Miss), dress maker, Victoria road Evans James &; Co. corn dealers, 15
9 Cranleigh drive Coliseum Picture Palace (Charles P. Broadway
Bemhard Hermann, ham & beef shop, Broadhurst, genl. manager),Elm rd Evans Ebenezer, grocer, London road
35 Broadway Collins Charles F.S.M.C. 1899, sight Eves George William, decorator, 15
Best Harry, saw mills, London roa.d testing optician, so Hadleigh road Leigham Court drive
Bevis Frederick Henry, motor garage, Cook, White & Co. builders' mer- Faker Henry W. confr. 9 Broadway
London road chants, London road Fearnside David Cyril, news agent,
Bishop Mary Ann (Miss), apartments, Cook Alfred George, house agent, 4 82 Glendale gardens
19 Leigham Court drive Leigham Court drive Feast & Osborne, motor engineers,
Bissett George Frederick, laundry, Cook William, confectnr. 40 Elm rd coach & van builders; garages at
29 Pall mall Cooper Bros. booksellers, 27 Broadwy Leigh &; W estcliff ; motor tyres
Blake Dorothy (Miss), home-made Cooper Jessie A. (Miss), cafe, 47 stocked; every description of engi-
confectionery, 68 Broadway Broadway neering, coach work &; van build-
BJand Jane (Miss), ratercress dealer, Corderoy George Fredk. apartments, ing; motor cars for hire, Leigh
2 Duke of Manchester drive 35 Leigh Hall road Cliff road
Bolton Bros. drapers, 4:1 Broadway Cotgrove Bros. butchers,47 Leigh hill Fiddes William Edward, decorator,_
Bone George, laundry, 74 Broadway & 57 Pall mall 35 Glendale gardens
Boots Cash Chemists (Southern) Ltd. Cotgrove Bros. plumbrs.127a,Broadwy Fincher Percy R.architect &; surveyor,_
chemists, 89 Broa.dway Cotgrove Alfred, plumber,2 Barnard's 49 Broadway
Bowen Geo. Bell hotel, 20 Leigh hill cottages, New road FitzgeraldWm.coal agt.I4Lymingtn.av--
Bowen Percy, butcher, 7 Broadway Cotg-rove Caroline (Mrs.), china & Fitzhardy G'harles Baron,house agent,.
Bowley William Sharp Melbourne, glass stores, 30 Leigh hill see Pettitt & Fitzhardy
insurance agent, 142 Glendale gdns Cotzrove Frederick, smack owner, 3 Fletcher Francis Harry, provision dlr •.
Bradley Frederick &; Son,ironmongers, Ea ton villas, New road 23 Broadway
44 &; 46 Broadway Cotgrove George, shopkpr. 1 High st Ford Ambrose, town porter,g High st ·
Branson Thos. news agt. 24 Leigh hill Crane Wm. Joseph. grocer,London rd Ford John Edwin, apartments, 26 ~
Bray John William, boot maker 15, Creaser George W. house & e;::tate Sea View road
~ refreshment rooms 16, High st agent, see Street & Creaser Fordham Lilian (Miss), girls' school, .
Brazier Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, 24 Creer Ma-rtha G. (Mrs.), girls' school, St. Hilda's, Elm road
Redcliff drive 123 Pall mall Forman John, Elm hotel, London rd,
Bridge Frank, draper, 6 High street Crowhurst Elizabeth (Mrs.), dining T N 198
Bridge George, dairyman, 63 High st rooms. London road Fortey Jas. aparts, 20 Leigh Hall rd
Briggs Brothers, house furnishers, 21 Culliford Albert George, shopkeeper, Foster Edith Mary (Miss), school, 14-
Broadway 26 Rectory grove k 16 Victoria road
Brockman &; Shepherd, butchers, 61 Curtis Bros. fishmngrs. 99 Broadway Foster Emma (Miss), dress maker,.-
Broadway. T N 44 Cutts Edwd. aparts. 20 Sea View rd 31 Pall mall
Brown & Stone, house agents, 20 Davey Alfred F.R.H. S. nurseryman, Foster Frank, decorator, Pittington..
Broadway 6 Broadway & Elm road house, New road
Brown Robert Borrodell, insurance Davies David, marine motor engi- Foster Irene (Miss), teacher of music-,_..
agent, 100 Leigh hill neer, High street 4 Oakleigh Park drive
Brush John, brick maker, Leigh park Davies Maude (Mrs.), draper, 56 Foster William, apartments,Oakleigh~-
Bull Geo. aparts. 15 Redcliff drive . Broadway Marine parade
Bullivant Wilberforce, house agent, Davis Albt. aparts. 72 Leighton aven Fox & Co. nurserymen, Leigham
see Nunneley & Bullivant Davis Wait. Geo. aparts.8 Victoria rd Court drive
Bundock Bros. boat builders, High st Davisson .Alexand~r Julian, builder, Freeman, Hardy &; Willis Limited,
Bundock Frederick James Wesley, 36 Glendale gardens boot dealers, 55 Broadway
apartments, 5 Oakleigh Park drive Day Charles Fredk. M.R.C.S.Eng-., Freitag Emilie (Mrs.), dress maker,
Bundock Thomas Alfred, apartments, L.R.C.P.Lond. physician & surgeon, 126 Pall mall
18 Sea View road so Broadway. T N 22 French Chas. Benj. aparts.nCliff par
Burrells Josiah, farmer, Lords k Deal Richard, shopkeeper, ro High st Frost Benj. cockle mer.4 Hadleigh rd
Chapmans farms, Marine parade Dew & Co. g-rocers, 85 Pall mall Fry Jas.aparts. 7 Oakleigh Park drive-
Byford Bros. builders' mers.Broadway Dig!!'s John Thoma;::, beer & "1\"ine re! Fryatt Arth. (Mrs.), dairy,Fleming av
Camfield k Co. dyers, go Broadway tailer, 75 Glendale gardens Fuller Stella Kate (Mrs.), apartmnts.
Canonbury Printing Co. christmas Dossett Charles & Sons. bakers, 107 92 Leigh hill
card publishers, 4 Leigham Crt.drv Broadway Galer Hy. Jas. builder, 4 Rectory gro
Capital & Counties Bank Limited Draper Thos. apartmPnts, I I East st Galer Jas. J. builder,63 Fairleigh drv
(Ernest William Lewin, manager), Duncan Robert Merington,Ship hotel, Garwood Marie Louise (Miss), apart-
Ill Broadway; draw on head office, Leigh hill. T N ~y 4 ments, II7 Pall mall
39 Threadneedle street, ~ndon EC Dunkley Dorothy (Miss), refreshment Gas Works (Southend Corporation),
Cardwell Albert & Son, ml & color rooms, London road High street; show room &; offices,
men, London road Earle W. & Son, West st Elm road
Carfine!-' Vi~toria (Mrs.), apartments, Eastman & Son (Dyers &; Cleaners) Gasol Engineering Co.Limited,marine
• 24 Vx~t~na r~ad . Limited, 78 Broadway motor manufacturers, High street
Carr. WJlham, mspector of pohce,_ 41 Eastmans Ltd. butchers, 53a,Broadwy Gernat Alice (Miss), school, 36 k 38
Le1gh Hall road Eden Alice (Mrs.), apartments, 35 Sea View road
Carter George Samuel, fishmonger, Victoria road Gill Frederic Edwin L.D.S.Eng. sur-
45&, Broadway . . . Edmunds Edmund, house & estate geon-dentist, 16 Leigh Hall road
Cates Henry Willia;m, bmlder, Ye a(!'ent, I::r Broadway Gill Jas. Burnet, aparts.33Queen's rd
Laurels, Ronald Hill grove . Edmunds Wm. Jesse, coach builder, Gilson Caroline (Mrs.), apartments,
Cattell George, laundry, 6 Elm road London road n Sea View road
Cemetery (John Bearman, foreman), Edwards Geo. Hv. Dunman, solicitor Gla'C!lfred Edith & Gladys ~eP),
London rWoad d & commssnr. for oaths.B7 Pall mall milliners, 55a, Broadway
Chambers m.Hy. raper,24 Broadw~
Going Albert Edwin, winnow cleaner, Jame~t & &ms Ltd.confrs.73 Broadwy Little Frederick George, apartments
36 North street Jaques Frederick Amos, dentist, see 21 Leigh Ville grove '
Going John David, cockle merchant, Archer & Jaques Little William Herbert, apartments,
38 Leigh Ville grove Jarvis James, plumber, Oli'l""e grove, 19 Leigh Ville grove
Gordon John M.D.Aberd. physician, Hillside road Lloyd Edwin Shakespeare, builder,
5 Leighton avenue Jenkins Herbert Francis, dining Kent view, London road
Grave Foster,solicitor & commissioner rooms, 72 Broadway London Central Meat Co. Limited,
for oaths (firm, Young & Grave), Johnson E. G. & Son, butchers, 8o butchers, 79 Broadway
51a, Broadway Glendale gardens London County & Westminster Bank
Gray Emma (Mrs.), laundry, 72 Pall Johnson H. E. & Son, builders, under- Limited (J ames Castle, manager),
mall takers & complete funeral fur- 58 & 6o Broadway (T N I Leigh);
Gray M.(Mrs.), aparts.gLeigh Hall rd nishers, 52 Elm road & works, draw on head office,41 Lothbury EO
Green Albert Francis, builder, 68 Ambleside, North street London & Provincial Bank I.imited
Leigh Hall road J ohnsonElizh. (Mrs.) ,shpkpr .36X ew rd (branch) (Edward C. Howell, man-
Green Francis Joseph, builder, Elms- Johnson Ernest Gilbert, butcher, 75 a.ger), 10 Broadway; draw on head
~eigh, Elm road Broadway office, 3 Bank buildings, Lothbury,
Green Goorge Hipwell, architect, 3 Johnson George Edward, apartments, & Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co. London
Sea View road 9 Canonsleig-h crescent E C. See advertisement
Greeves' Stores, grocers,127 Broadway Johnson Jas. Hy. grocer, 2 Leigh hill Longman Martin, florist,88 Broadway
Gregg Louisa (Miss), fancy draper, So Johnson Robt. R. grocer, 81 High st Lowry Fredk. A., M.I.C.E. architect,
Broadway Johnson Stephen Frost, builder, 54 24 Broadway
Gregory Walt.Wm. baker, London rd Hadleigh rd.; works, Grange road Lucking Elizabeth (Mrs.), apart-
Gregory "'Tilliam, apartments, 5 Jones David, confectioner, Avenue rd ments, r6 Oakleigh l'ark drive-
Leigham Court drive Jones Henry, general & monumental Lungley Louisa (Mrs.), apartments,
Groom Elizabeth (Miss), fancy reposi- mason, 37 ~orth street; works, 7 Hadleigh road
tory, 2 Elm road Canonsleigh -crescent Macl;:enzie Hugh Paterson, wine &;
Hackney John, boot dlr. 40 Broadway Jordison George Arthur, jun. coal spirit merchant, 32 Leigh hill
Halls Arthur, blacksmith, 49 High st dealer, 79 Broadway McLean Harry E. solr. 127a.,Broadway
"Hamlin Arthur Henry, dining rooms, Joscelyne Arthur, boat proprietor, 55 Marquis William, chimney sweeper,
r Leigh Hall road Cranleigh drive 82 Glendale gardens
Eankin Henry John, stationer, 71 Joscelyne FredPrick Jas. blacksmith. Marrable RalphN elson,buildr.Broadwy
Broadway & grocer, 84 Rectory gro 28 Leigh hill Martin Albt.cbimney swpr.r2West st
Hankin Wm. Jas. baker, 83 Pall mall Joy Brothers, builders,Overtime villa, Martin Albert, .,grocer, see Schotield
Bannah Mary Louisa (Mrs.), boarding Tanl;:erville drive & Martin
house, 17 Sea View road Judd A. H. & Co. fancy stationers, Martin John, builder, Hazeldene, Bel-
Harding He1·bert, dairy, I Leigh hill 33 Broadway fairs drive
Harris J. & Son, tailors, rS Broadway Juniper Joseph, fishmng-r. 8 High st Martin Mary(}'Iiss),aparts,7Grange rd
Harris & Son Limited, monumental Keddie G. J. & Sons, drapers, II3 & Martyn Norman M.A. Highfield col-
masons, 2 Leigham Court drive 115 Broadway lege, Hadleigh road •
llarrison Geo. dairy, 82 Rectory gro Keenan Kate (Mrs.), apartments, St. ~ason cutter,3Leigh hill
Harrison Mary Ann (Mrs.), shop- Helen's, Leigh Park road Masonic LodgP, St. Clement's, No.
keeper, Leigh hill Kemp William, shopkeeper, Post 2442 (Art h. J. Ray, sec.), Grand htl
Harvey & Sons, t:ockle merchants, office, 5 High street Mathews J. & Co. accountants, 114
Fairlight cottage, Billet lane Kerry Ernest Clement, agent to Ship- Broadway. T N 64
Harvey Emily(Miss),a.prts.2sPall mall wrecked Fish~men & Mariners' Maton Geo. wardrobe dlr. Bo High "St
Harvey James Pratt, farmer, Leigh Royal Benevolent Society, 12 Had- May Ge~rge, builder, 82 Leighton a.,
heath, London road Ieigh road Maylett Florence (Mrs.)j apartments,
Hawken Wm. B. outfittr. 62 Broadway Kimber Jas. boat propr. 31 High st 18 Oakleigh Park drive
Heath Ann (Miss), apartments, 65 King Charles William, window cleanr. Mead & Sons,decoratrs.9 Southsea 8.,
Oakleigh Park drive 72 Pall mall Mead Wm. decorator,nLymington 8.,
Henry Letitia (Mrs.), apartments, gr King George, market gardener,Heath Meadows I sa bel (~Irs. ), apartments,
Leigh Hall road view, London road 161 Broadway
Henry's Hall (Bertram E. Marsh, Kingham Henry, landscape gardener, Meddle William, cockle merchant, 1
lessee), Broadway 35 New road Kent cottages, Billet lane
Herrett Harry,dairyman,16 Broadway Kirby Edgar & Frederick, ship Mens Harry, manager to Barclay &;
Herrett John, dairyman, 94 Pall mall chandlers, High street Ccmpany Limited, 26 Broadway
Heyde Roland V. fruitr. ror Broadwy Kirby Edgar, coal merchant, High st Messent Fredk. tailor, II Leigh hill
Higgins Herbert S. house agent, 5 Kirby Thomas Alfred, laundry, 131 Miles Wm. Hy. boot ma. 68 Broadway
Leigh hill. T N 3X4 Glendale gardens Miller & Co. printers, Ashleigh drive
Hill Sarah (Mrs·. ), a parts. 15 East st Klunkert Geo. aparts. 35 Leighton av Mills Arthur Mitchell, builder, 6o
Hill Wm. Thos. chemist, 53 Broadwav Knox Carolina Sarah (Mrs.), shop· Cranleigh drive
Hillman Florence (Mrs.), apartments, keeper, 75 Pall mall Mills George, builders' merchant,
12 Canonsleigh crescent Koral Zara (Mrs.), servants' registry, · London road
Hills John & Joseph, cockle mer- 37 Leighton avenue Minns Richard William, commercial
chants, Belton cottages, New road Lambert Joseph,boot ma. 19 Broadway traveller, 59 Glendale gardens
Hodder Alice M. (Mrs.), draper, 5 Lang John H. ironmonger, 82 & 84 Moo re Edith (Mrs.), boarding house,
Broadwav Broadway 6 & 7 Cliff parade
HodR"e Ja.,-. Hv. carpentPr. 7 East st Lawrence Henry, grainer, 17 East st Morton Louisa (:Miss), confectioner,
Holyoak Ch<><~.iobmaster,Westlei!lh av Laycock Laura (Mrs.), apartments, 8 94 Glendale gardens '
Home & Colonial Stores Ltd. grocers, Leighton avenue Mountier George, apartments, 30
59 Broadway Lee Fredk. Jn. blacksmith, West st Leigb Hall l'oad
Honevsett WiHiam, decorator, 39 Leigh Academy of Music (Miss I. Munt James, coal agent, 17 Oakleigh
Lei!rh Villa grove Foster, principal), 77 Broadway Park drive
Howard John, apartmPnts, r8 WPst .st Leigh DomesticBazaarLtd.Br Broadwy Nash Annie (Mrs.), certified midwife,
Howe Eliza (Mrs.), laundry, Mont- Leigh-on-Sea Conservative & Unionist 1:3 East street
rosP, Westleig-h avenue Club Limited (C. H. Repton, hon. Nave Annie(Mrs. ),aparts.:J6Queeu's rd
Howell Edward Charlie, manager to sec.), Elm road. T N 59 Nelson Geo. town porter,3Hadleigh rd
the London & Provincial Bank Ltd. Leigh-on-Sea Liberal Association Newton Edgar Joseph, apartments, 9
ro Broadway (Alfred E. Heard, hon. sec.), II3a, Avenue road i
Hudgell Florence (Miss), milliner. Broadway Nicholson Mary B. (Mrs.), draper,
6.tb, Broadway Leigh-on-Sea Liberal Club (H. J. 40 Glendale Q"ardens
Hulbert Ernest Thomas, hosier, 87 Hankin, hon. sec.), 113a, Broadway Nightingale William, Carlton hotel,
Broadway !Leslie Julius, news agt.Ashleigh drive 12 Broadwav
Hurst Elizh.(~Irs.) shopkpr.14High st Lethaby & Lethaby, auctioneers, 34 Noakes Alfred, cockle m1lrchant, 2
Hutson George, ~ardener to E. Broadway Ebenezer cottages, New road
WithNs esq. Eastwood road Levett Sylve!!tl'r,watch ma.65 Broadwy Noal>es Archer, cockle merc~ant, I
Infield Florence (Mrs.), apartments, Lewin Ernest William, manager to Ebenezer cottages, New road
89 Lyming-ton avenue the & Counties Bank Ltd. Noakes Fredk. shopkpr. 30 High st
. In~ Cha~.Vincent, butcher,London rd I I I Broadway Nowell John Stanley, chemist, 97
Ja.ckson Frederick builder, see Shep- Lewsey Herbert William, apartments, Broadway. T N 16
bPrd & Jackson' 1.5 Victoria drive Nunnelev •
& Bullivant, house agents.
Jackson Jn. fruiterer, 45 Broadway Liberty Caleb, builder, 5 Southsea av 67 Broadway
- 375
Oak Harry .A. F. corn dealer, 91 St. Clement's Institute (Frank Bun· Thomas Catherine (Mrs.), apart-
Broad.way dock, caretaker), Elm road ments, :r8 Victoria road
()ram Emma (JIIiss), boarding house, St. John's Home of Rest (Mrs.Thurza Thomas Robt. aparts. 5 Victoria road
16 Sea Vie-w road Mays, caretaker), I Bailey road Thomas Sarah Ann (Mrs.), -apart-
.Oram K.. ll. (Miss), apartments, I7 Sanders Henry, asst. supt. Pruden- ments, 11 Leigham Court drive
CliJf parade tial Assurance Co. Ltd. 22 West st Thompson Arthur, plasterer, Novara,
Osborne Bros. cockle dealers, High st Schofield & Martint grocers, 2 & 4 Tankerville drive
Dsbo.r~ Ernest, cockle merchant, 2 Broadway Thompson Ebenezer Hy. fish curer,
l(ent cottages, Billet lane Schrier Janie ·(Mrs.), draper, Glen- 53 High street
Osborne Jas. cockle mer. 46 High st dale gardens Thompson Henry, boat builder, Jligh
()sborne William, Crooked Billet P.H. Scott Waiter Martin, hair dresser :rg, street & 7 New road
51 High street & grocer 20, New road Thorp k Sons, builders, :contractors,
Padgett .Alfred John, photographer, Seeger Augusta (Mrs.), apartments, house decorators & undertakers, 79
1 Station road I Victor drive to 83 Leigh hill
Palmar & Sons, fruiterers, 11 Broad- Seligsohn Gustav,ho.agt.3I Broadway Thorpe Frederick William. news
way &,a Elm road
Palmer Ernest,river kpr.u Grange rd
Sharpe William Ltd. ironmongers, 64
Broadway & cycle agents,23a,Broad-
agent, 37 Leigh hill
Tidey Annie(Mrs.),confr.153 Broadwy
Pankhurst Fred, apartments,33 Leigh way. T N 43 Leigh Tomalin Osborne A.saddler,12Elm rd
Hall road. Shaw Thomas, baker, 57 High street Tomlin T. & Sons, coal merchants, 4
Papprill Henry Morris, tobacconist, Shepherd & Jackson, builders, 25 High street & Broadway
117 Broadway Broadway Tooley Hsrbt. Jas. aparts,58 Pall mall
Parker Sml.boot ma.127Glendale gdns Shepherd William Henry, butcher, Tull Stanley George, boot maker,
Parker Stephen, jobbing gardener, go see Brockman & Shepherd Ashleigh drive & 72 Lymington all
Elm road. Shilling Percy Charles, grocer, 18 Turner Miss, draper, 22 Leigh hill
Parr Jpseph, fruiterer, 63 Broadway Glendale gardens TurnidgeWm.Edmd.shpkpr.24West st
Partner Florence (Miss), dress maker, Shipwrecked Fishermen & Mariners' Turnnidge Edmd.fishmngr..6g High st
I East street Royal Benevolent Society (Ernest Turnnidge Fras.Alfd.sail ma.High at
Partridge Nathan, ships' smith, 74 Clement Kerry,agt.),12 Hadleigh rd Turnnidge Geo. fishmngr. 15 New rd
HigJa street Shores Fred, aparts. 24 North street Turnnidge John, shopkeeper, 2 Nor-
Patient Geo. boot maker, 22 Broadw~ Singer Sewing Machine Co. Limited, man terrace, Leigh hill
Patrick George, aparts. 10 Victoria rd 29 Broadway Turnnidge Samuel Robert, smack
Payne Henry S. grocer, 37 Broadway Skeet Fredk.Sidney,grocr.67 Pall mall uwner, Glenthorn, Hillside road
Pearks Ltd. prov. dlrs. 85 Broadway Skinner Albt.Walt.draper,6g Pall mall Upton Thos. confr. 36 & 38 Leigh hl
Pease .!.. & Co. cycle agts. 4 Elm rd Smith Andrew, aparts.16 Leighton av Van Kempen Edwin, dairyman,
Pennell Robert Harry, concrete slab Smith Charles, bricklayer, Rosario, Tankerville drive
maker, I Cranleigh drive; works, Station road Verlander Robt. aparts. 163 Broadwy
London road Smith Charles Aveling, tobacconist~ ~ Vincent Jsph.fancy statnr.I Broadway
PPnny Clara (Miss), apartments, 4 Broadway Vivian Emma (Mrs.), apartments,
Victoria road Smith Eliza (Miss), draper, 1 Nor- 30 Victoria road
Pettitt & Fitzhardy, house agents, 35 man terrace, Leigh hill Wacher Geoffrey M.R.C.S.Eng.,
Leigh hill Smith Maria (Mrs.), apartments, 45 L.R.C.P.Lond. physician & surgeon
Phillips Charles, shopkeeper, Io Leigh Hall road (firm, Watson & Wacher), Wan-
Leigh hill & painter, Bell cottages Smith Robert Thomas, plasterer, The ganui, Hadleigh road
Pledger Lilian Hope (Miss), confec- Hollies, Tankerville drive Wacogne Charles Emile, news agent,
tioner, 86 Broadway Smith Wm. fishmonger, 55 Pall mall 76 Broadway
l'lnmb James, boot ma. to Elm road Smyth M. (Miss), district nurse, :2 Wagstaff Charles Bertrand M.R.C.S.
Pope Jane G. (Miss), apartments, 20 North street Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. physician &
Cliff parade Snelling Joseph, fancy stationer, 57 surgeon, Cliff ridge, Marine parade
'Powell Albert, jeweller, 30 Broadway Broadway Walford George .James Theodore,
Powell Hubert, electrical engineer, Soulsby Alice (Mrs.),insurance agent, photographer, 41 Broadway
Elmsleigh villa. Elmsleigh drive 103 Lei~?hton avenue Walker Augustus Waiter, draper, 93
Price Winifred Mary (Mrs.), home of Southend WaterworkR Co. (Charles S. • & 95 Broadway
rest. Bomedale. Burnham road Bilham, manager & sec.), Broadway Wailer Jsph.Philip,aparts,68 Pall mall
'Pritchard Alice Fanny (Miss), dres!' chambers, Broadway Walser Herbert, Sunlight laundry,
maker, 37 Leigh Hall rd. & ladies' Southend & Westcliff Coal Co. Ltd. London road. T N 105
outfitter, 2xa, Broadway 54 Broadway Ward Lily (Mrs.), apartments, 37
Pryer John, apartments, 58 Oakleigh Spry Lewis, tobacconist, 6g Broadvray Victoria road
Park drive Spurgeon Geo.bJdr.53 Leigh Ville gro Warren Arthur, builder, Brooli:side,
Pn!!'h David, cab proprietor, Taffville, Spurgeon Isaac, aprts.21Fairleigh drv Eastwood road
Eastwood road Squirrell Geo. aparts. 4 Avenue road Watson & Wacher, physicians & sur-
'Pnrkiss Hy. SI. grocer, 66 Broadway Stacey Ambrose, apartments, 16 geons, Leigh house, Elm road
Purslow Oharlf's John, Grand hotel, Canonsleigh crescent Watson Wm. Douglas M.R.C.S.Eng.,
Broadway. T N 199 Stanley Margaret (Mrs.), apartments, L.R.O.P.Lond., D.P.H.Oxon. physi-
'Purvis Florence (Mrs.), boarding I8 Redcliff drive ciao & surgeon (firm, Watson &
house. 33 Cliff parade Stanyon Wm:boot ma.zLeighVille gro Wacher), medical officer k public
'Puzey Henry Herbert. furniture re- Star Tea Co. Limited, grocers, 105 vaccinator for Leigh-on-Sea dist.
mover. So Elm road. T N 24 Broadway . Rochford union, also surgeon to
Puttock John, french polisher, I8 Stark Frank Horace, Peter Boat P.H. the Salvation Army Colony, Had-
Hadlei!!'h road High street leigh, Leigh house, Elm road
Quested Wm.aparts.37 LeighVille grn Steed Robt. aparts. 8 Grange road Watts & Son, solicitors & commis-
lhmsey Amos.aparts.21 Cranlei!!'h drl"' Stivey .John, news agt. 2a, Leigh hiP sioners for oaths, 46 Leighton av.
"Raven Jeane (Mr~.).stay ma.16Elm rd Stone Charles, aparts. I2 Victoria rd & 20 Broadway
llayner Annie (Mrs.), apartments, 38 Storrar George Alexander, tinplate Watts John Nixon, solicitor & com-
Lymington avenue worker, n Ashleigh drive missioner for oaths, 20 Broadway
~end Edwd. hair drssr. 39 Broadway Street & Creaser, house, land & estate Wayland David,bricklayer,Ig Leigham
"Riches Edgar,bricklyr.39 Lf'ighton av agents, auctioneers & valuers, Court drive
Ri11by Eliiah, decorator, 49 Leigh hill. Avenue road ~ 64a, Broadway Webster Wm.Hy.aprts.24LeighHall rd
T N 3X1 Suter Frank, dauyman, 121 Broadway Wedge Thos. Edwd.butchr.26Leigh hl
"Boberts & Co. plumbers, 3 Alexandra Symes Joseph Baker, coal merchant, West Alice (Miss), ladies' tailor,
nllas, Southsea avenue 8 Avenue road Langholm, Madeira avenue
"Roberts Prancis, nur~eryman, London Taylor Charles & Son, jobbing Weston George A. electrical engineer,
road & Bailev road gardeners, 9 North street 3a Broadway
Robi!lson . Alfred. fishmonger, 6 Taylor :Seatrice (Mrs.), dining rooms, Wheeler Broadway
Leigh hill & 36 Elm road 72 H1gh street White Fanny (Mrs.) apartments, 5
Robinson Frede;ick .George, apart- Taylor Geo.Edwin,.tailor,83 Broadway Ashleigh drive '
ments, I02 Le1gh h1ll Taylor Hv. confectwner, 16 Broadway Wilder Frank, smack owner, Annie
llobinson Harry, cockle merchant, 6 Taylor Mabel Esther (Miss), ftorist, villa Hillside road
Lei!!'h Ville grove 3oa, Broadway . Wilkin'son E. & E. blouse specialists
"Bobinson Wm .. builder:West~liff drive Taylor Will!am Thomas, timber Iilel"- 157 Broadway '
Rochford Umon Ch1ldrPn s HomP chant. Le1gh Hall road Williams Joseph Charles confectioner
Wharton, supt.), Salisbury rd Theobald William Henry, barge London road ' '
owner, Belton Hill farm •

Williams Sidney, boot maker, rog Wohlleben Mrs. Leigh Park college, Wylie Alice (:Miss), nurse, 12 Leigb.
Broadway Hadleigh road Hall road
Wilson Francis Baymond L.D.S.Eng. Wood Charles Harry~ pianoforte Wylie Jeanette (Mrs.), apartments,.
dentist, 155 Broadway tuner, 86 Rectory grove 12 Leigh Hall road
Wilson iHarry, painter, 49 Queen's rd Wood Frank N. (Mrs.), watch maker, Young & Grave, solictrs.sia,Broadwy
Wilson Helen (Mrs.), dress maker, 49 14 Elm Ioad Young agt.35North st
Queen's road Wood George Thomas, apartments, Young John Pratt, solicitor (firm,.
Winter Elizabeth R. (Mrs.), ladies' 19 Leigh Hall road Young & Grave), 51 a, Broadway
outfitter, I59 Broadway Wood Joseph Hy. aparts. 3 East st Young William Hy. financial broker,.
Withers Frdk.Wm.aparts.uoPall mall Wooldridge E. (Miss), apartments, 66 2 Pall mall
Rectory grove
GREAT or iMUCH LEIGHS, mentioned in Domes- of land, afterwards exchanged for two acres,. known a&
day survey, is a parish of scattered houses, on the '' Cole Hill Mead," was given to find a load of peastra-.
river Ter, on the road from Chelmsford to Sudbury, to litter the church in winter. There are two charities:
s miles north-west from Hatfield Peverel station on the a benefaction of £14 annually, left by Miss Fortune-
main line of the Great Eastern railway, 4! south-west Watts, of Great Leighs, in r6g8, for ten poor pt>rsoD.Bo
from White Notley station on the Witham and Braintree born in this parish, and . another of about [,s, left b1
branch of the same system, 7 north-east from Chelms- John Beadle, of Great Leighs, in 1822, partly for seve~
ford, and 5 south-wesli from Braintree, in the Mid divi- poor persons who mostly attend public worship and
aion of the county, Chelmsford petty sessional division partly for educational purposes. In 1882 two alms-
and union, Chelmsford and Witham hundreds, Brain- houses, for two persons resident in the parish for fort)'-
tree county court district, rural deanery of Chelms- years, were erected in the parish, t·he funds being-
ford, archdeaconry of Essex and Chelmsford diocese provided from offertories in the church: the inmate•
The church of St. Mary the Virgin is an ancient edifice, have no allowance. Joseph Herbert Tritton esq.
consisting of chancel, na>e, south porch and a riJund of Lyons Hall, Joseph Smith esq. of Witham, anci others.
tower of flint and stone, with octagonal shingled spire, are lords of the manors and landowners. The soil is
containing 5 bells and a clock: the tower was repaired mixed; subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops are
in 1882, at a cost of £soo, raised by subscription: the wheat, barley, beans &c. The arE-a is 3,146 acres; rate-
nave, the oldest part of the church, is Norman with one able value, £3,183; the population in rgii was 643.
Decorated, two Perpendicular, and three widely-splayed
~orman windows: the inner doorway of the porch is CH.\ TLEY is a hamlet of Grtlat Leighs, on the high.
also Norman and there is a fine Norman doorway with road to Chelmsford, extending towards Braintree, z,
~igzag moulding on the west side of the tower: the miles north-west. The name of this hamlet 'being no•
chancel is of the Decorated period and the east window, little used, the names of residents in it are included'
which formerly displayed the ancient arms of France, with Great Leighs.
" az. semee of fleurs-de-lis, or," in glass of the 14th Post, M. 0., T. & Telephonic Express De-livery Otlice.-
century, is now filled with modern glass: on the north Henry Taylor, sub-postma~ter. Letters arrive through.
side of the chancel is the beautifully carved founder's Chelmsford at .5 a. m. & 12 _50 p.m.; dispatched at
tomb, and on the south side are four rich l!!edilia: in 7 ·
· h il d b :ffi f · 10.35 a.m. & 2.55 & 6.50 p.m.; sundays, arr1ve at.
t h e c h ance1 lS t e mut· ate rass e gy o a pnest, 8-55 a.m. (callers only) & dispatched at 9-55 a.m
with inscription to Ralph Strelly, rector of this church, Wall Letter Boxes.-Near School, cleared at s.s a.m.
ob. 1414: the chancel was restored in 1867 at a cost of
£720: there are 230 sittings. The register dates from & 1 & 5-45 p.m. ; Church wall, at 8.4o a. m. & 1.5,5;
the year 1558. The living is a rectory, net yearly value !~i(5d!~~~~l~ondon road, at 8· 25 a.m. ~ 5-4° p.m.
£507, with 103 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift Police Station, Charles F. Cole, constable
of Lincoln College, Oxford, and held since 1894 by the
Bev. Andrew Clark M.A. and honorary fellow of that Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1845 &
college and hon. LL.D. St. Andrews. The rectory house, enlarged in 1907, for 148 children; average attend-
rebuilt in l86g, is a large white building, with stone ance, 100; the buildings were originally erected for a
dressings, standing in its own grounds and is pleasantly British schooL at a cost of about /;350, &. are now the
situated. There is a memorial undenominational property of the County Council ; the master's re~i-
chapel, used as a Mission Room, and Prected in 1a54 dence was built in r885; George With, master
at the sole expense of the late Joseph Tritton esq. of Public Elementary (mixed), for about So childr~n; aver-
Norwood, Surrey. A house, given by an unknown donor, age attendance, 44; Mrs. E. A. Hammond, mistress
at a period not recorded, to buy bell ropes, has bel)n Carrier.
sold by order of the Poor Law Commis!'ioners: an acre Charles Turner, to Braintree, daily
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Few Metcalfe, market gardener, The Smith William Henry, fanner, Moul-
Clark Rev. Andrew ~LA., LL.D. White city, Gubbion's Green; sham hall
Rectory advice given to those 1\ ho are Stephens John, farme:r, Coles farm
Newman James, Mountain Ash cot taking small holdings, how to huy Stoddart Thomas, farm bailiff 'o J..
Tritton Herbert Leslie Melville, Hole one & make it pay Herbert Tritton esq. Wakerin~~
farm Hawkes George, carpenter farm (!etters through Lit.Waltham
Tritton J. Herbert, Lyons hall Hicks Henry John, grocer &c Taylor Ernest, estate c1npen\er r.o-
Worrin Misses, Gubbion's Green Hiekson Daniel, beu retailer (letters J. Herbert Tritton esq
Wright Waiter, The Laurels through Little Waltham) Taylor Hy. wheelwright, Post office-
Humphrey Jas. cycle dlr.Braintree rd Thorogood Henry Wm. beer retailer·
COMMERCIAL. Jennings James, refreshment house Turner Charles, chimney sweepex
.!nthony Jas. farmer, Gubbion's hall Joslin Samuel, farmer, Whitehou~e Wells Henry, farmel'
Arnold Philip, farmer, Longlands (letters through Little Waltham) Wells Thomas. carpenter
Arnold Richard, farmer, Fulborne Lewin Joseph, bricklayer Willis Waiter, general smith (Ietten
Bland Edwd. fruit grwr.:\'Ialtings frm .Mansfield. Wm.farmer,Rochester's frm through Braintree}
Brown William, farmer, Bishop's hall Parker Henry, lawHiry With George, assistant overseer
Cousins John, farmer, Gatehou8e & Port Albert George. grocer Witney George, farmer
Lawn's farms Rayner Charles W., Lowley Wright Consort Leopold, fMmer-,.
Dean John, St. Ann's Castle P.H Riley Alfred, farmer,Allstead8 (lettPrs Brick barns
Dell Geo. poultry frmr.Gubbion"s Gn through Little \Valtham) Wright Ernest Walt. frmr. Blne llam.
Earle Jane (.Mrs.), apartments, Sargeant Thomas, gardener to J. Wright Jesse, willow mercllant
Valentines Herbert Tritton esq Wright Waiter, farm~r
LITTLE LEIGHS is a pleasant parish close to the at a cost of £2,400: it is about 6o feet Iong by 17 feet
Chelmsford and Sudbnry road and on the river Ter, 5 broad, and consists of chancel and nave under a single
miles south-west from Braintree station on a branch of "Oof, south porch and a western tower of wood, with
the Great Eastern railway, and 7 north-east from Chelms- •hingled spire, containing one bell: the font has ano
ford, in the Mid division of the county, Chelmsford octangular basin placed on clustered shafting: in the-
hundred, petty sessional division and union, Braintree r~hancel is a fine memorial wrought in clnnch and in
county court district, rural deanery of Chelmsford, ~ood preservation, consisting of a canopied ogee recessed!
archdeaconry of Essex and Chelmsford diocese. The Jrch, 6 feet 6 inches long by 2 feet w1de, and inclosing:
church of St. John the Evangelist, standing on rising 1. tomb, dating apparently from about the middle of
ground about half a mile to th.e west of the high road Edward III.'s reign, .A..D. 1350. upon w.ll.icb lies tHe-
from Braintree te-Chelmsford, is an edifice of flint and full length recumbent figure of a priest, v~tecf~ a~~cf
stone in the Early Norman style, erected about 1085, carved out of a solid block of oak; although the histo~
and repaired about 1220 and 1350; and again in 1895, of this monument is entirely unknown, it possesses •
IPecial archreological value as being the only known porter's lodge and adjacent buildings are still used a&
of the wooden effigy of a priest : at the west a dwelling house, and inside the lodge, on the right of
end a stained window, and there are 156 sittings. a square court, stands the fine gateway of the mansion,.
T.he register dates from the year 1679. The living is a a massive quadrangular edifice of red brick, in th&
.rectory, net yearly value £242, with residence and 18 Tudor style, consisting of three stories, with panelled!
ames of glebe, in the gift of and held since 1912 by the and embattled turrets at the anglea and in nearly a&
Rev. James Bowen B.A.. of Trinity College, Dublin. perfect a condition as when built by Sir Richard Rich.
Leighs Priory, 2 miles south of Felsted, was founded The estate was sold about zgo6 by the governors ot
b;r Sir Balph Gernon in vz2g, in the reign of Henry Ill. Guy's Hospital to Montagu Edward Hughes-Hughes esq.
for canons and friars of the order of St. Augustine, and J.P. Guy's Hospital who are the lords of the manor of
was dedicated to SS. Mary and John the Evangelist : it Leighs-le-Rich, and Mrs. Hepworth, lady of the manor
stood about two miles north of the church, in the of Leighs Hall, are the principal landowners. The soil
extreme part of the parish adjoining Felsted and had is mixed ; subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops-
large and stately buildings and an extensive park and are wheat, barley and beans. The area is r,o7B acres;.
gardens: at the Dissolution in 1536, it was valued at rateable value, £996; and the population in I9II wa•
£141 141. 8d. and was granted to Sir Richard Rich kt. u6.
Solicitor-General, and created in 1547 Baron Rich of Letters from Chelmsford arrive at Great or :Much
Leeze or Leighs, who built an elegant banqueting Leiglb.s, half a mile diatant, at 8.10 a.m. & 1.30 p.m.
house, laid out the gardens afresh, and added to thP week days & about 9 a.m. on sundays, from whenc&
park ; he afterwards formed a third, called " Little they are immediately dispatched by foot messenger.
Leigh Park," and his posterity, who were created Earls Great Leighs is the nearest money order & telegraph.
of Warwick, flourished here for upwards of a century office
in great splendour: after being the seat of the Dukes of
Manchester and Buckinghamshire, it passed into the Wall Letter Box, Leighs Priory, cleared at 6.3P p.m. ;.
possession of Guy's Hospital, and the governors of that sundays, 7·30 a.m
charity, on coming into possession, destroyed all the The children of this village attend the schools at Great
buildings save the gate house and a few other por- Leighs
tions, long used as farm buildings: the 16th century
Bowen Rev. Jas. B.A.(rector), Rectory Harvey George, farm bailiff to Guy's Passfield Henry, farmer
Hughes-Hughes Montagn Edwd. J.P., Hospital, Leighs Priory (letters Simons Herbt. frmr.Little Leighs hall
F.S.A. Leighs Priory (letters thro' through Hartford End, Chelmsford) Taylor Albt"rt, carpentt"r
Hartford End, Chelmsford) Lanham George Joseph, farm bailiff Willis Frank G. blacksmith
Arnold Henry, gardener to Montagu to Mr. H. Simons, Maddock.s
E. Hughes-Hughes esq. J.P Manu Fred, baker
LEXDEN, see Colchester.

LEYTO..N (or Low Leyton) is a parish pleasantly situ- who died May 18th, 1754: there are brasses to Ursula
ated on the banks of the river Lee, from which its name Gasprey, ob. 1493, with lWO Latin verses ; to Tobias
was derived, S! miles from London, with two stations Wood esq. and Eliza his wife, with 7 sons and $-
on the Great Eastern railway and one on the Midland, daughters, c. 1620; to Lady Mary, wife of Sir William
London, Tilbury and Southend railway, in the South Kynges,tone, ob. 1557; and to Robert Rampstone, 1585.
Western division of the county, BecontTee hundred, West who left 2os. for the· poor : near the vestry door is a
Ham onion, Bow county court district, Walthamstow mural tablet to Sir Robert Beachcroft kt. Lo-rd Mayo~.
and Leyton rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry, and d. 1721 ; and there is a memoriaL to Sir Richard Haw-
Chelmsford diocese, in the Eastern Metropolitan postal kins, d. 1735: there are 8oo sittings, of which 400 are·
district, and within the jurisdiction of the Central free. The register of baptisms and marriages date•
Criminal Court and Metropolitan Police. Leyton from the year 1575; burials, 1617. The living is a
adjoins Walthamstow and Stratford, and includes the vicarage, net yearly value £334, with one acre of gleb&-
" slip " part of Wanstead ; the district was extended and residence, in the gift of Simeon's trustees, and held
by 38 and 39 Vict. c. cx:ciii. to include part of Wan- since 1907 by the Rev. Charles Leonard Thornton-Dues-
stead. It was formerly governed by a Local Board bery ·M.A. of Trinity College, Dublin, and surrogate.
of Health, formed urider the .A.ct 36 and 37 Vict. c. Christ Church is an ecclesiastical district formed iD
clxx:xii. but under the provisions of the " Local Govern- 1904 from St. Catherine's, Leyton, and St. John's,.
ment Act, 1894.'' is naw controlled by an Urban District Leytonstone. The church, in Francis road, is an edifice-
Council of 27 members. The district is divided into of brick in the Gothic style, and consists of nave only
nine wards. The parish is supplied with water by the at present: there are sittings for 504 persons. The-
Metropolitan Water Board, is lighted with gas by the register dates from the year 1904. The living is a.
Gas Light and Coke Co. and the Lea Bridge District perpetual curacy, net yearly value £228, with resi-
Gas Co. and with the electric light from works belong- dence, in the gift of trustees, and held since I90..J. by
ing to the District Council, in Cathall road, erected in the Rev. Frederick James Sloan. All Saints is a111
18~- The church of St. Mary is a plain structure of ecclesiastical parish formed in Jan. 1886, out of Leytoa
br1ck in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, and St. James', Walthamstow. The church, erected by
nave, aisles, two small porches, hoth on the south side, subscription in I86..J., at a cost of about £3,ooo, and"
and a western tower containing a clock: all the win- consecrated Jan. 1865, as a chapel of ease to the parish
dows are stained: in the chancel is a memorial to church, is a plain cruciform building of brick and stone-
JO'hn Strype M.A. the celebrated hist{)rian and anti- in the Decorated style, consisting of chancel, nave,.
quary, who -held this vicarage for 68 years and was aisles, transepts and a south porch : the east window
buried here in Dec. 1737, at the age of 94: in the and two others in the chauccl are. stained ~ these. to-
north aisle is the monument of Charles (Goring), 2nd gether with the reredos of Caen stone and alabaster.
and last Earl of Norwich, who died in 1670-1: in the were the gift of the Capper family. The register dates-
tower is a monument to Sir Michael Hickes kt. of from the year 1881. The living is a vicara!!e, net yearly
Buckholts, who died there in 1612, and his wife Eliza- value £303, chiefly derived from the Ecclesiastical
beth (Colston), widow of Henry Parvis esq. of Ruck- Commissioners and Queen .Anne's Bounty, w1th resi-
bolts ; the lower portion projects from the wall, and is dence, in the gift of the vicar of St. Mary's, and held!
panelled and adorned with heraldic achievements; on since 1913 by the Rev. John James Whitehouse M.A.
the top are effigies- of both reclining on their elbows, of St. John's College, Cambridge. St. Paul's is ailt
with their feet together in the centre, and their heads ecclesiastical parish formed in August, 1907, from the-
outwards ; a double arched screen, with inscriptions,. mother parish of St. Mary. The church, the first por-
rises at the back: here also is a similar but more lofty tion of which was consecrated by the Bishop of St.
monument to Sir William Hicks bart. of Beverstone Albans, July 2oth, 1907, is a structure of red brick with
Castle, Glouc. ob. 9 Oct. 168o, with a reclining effigy in Bath stone facings, consisting of nave and aisles, and"
a court suit, wig and ruffles ; and at either end standing will seat 530 persons. The register dates from the
figures of Margaret (Paget) his wife, and his son; there year 1907. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value-
is a third monument to his son, Sir William Hicks hart. £250, in the gift of the vicar of Leyton, and held since-
ob. 1703, and Martha .A.gnes (Coningsby) his wife, ob. 1913 by the Rev. Joseph Bell M . .A.., L.Th. of Hatfield:
1723: here, too, was buried William Bowyer, the .printer, Hall, Durham. Here is a Catholic church dedicated to-
d. 18 Nov. 1777. and Sir John Strange kt. Master of the St. J oseph, Baptist, Congregational, Primitive Metho-
Rolls, 1750-54• sometime M.P. for West Looe and Totnes, dist and Wesleyan chapels, and Salvation .Army 'halls_

Leyton hall, in Goldsmith road, belonging to the Ply- stone dressings. and was opened r8th March, r8g5, l>y
mouth Brethren, was erected in 1912, for 450 persons. His Majesty King George V. and Queen Mary. then
1.'here are Metropolitan police stations in Lea Bridge Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York. The Central ·
road and Francis road, and a fire brigade with stations Public Library, in the High road, opened in r8gg,
in Church road and High road, Leyton, and High road, occupies the old Town hall. The Carnegie Library,
Leyoonstone. The Leyton Urban District Isolation situate in Lea Bridge road, was erected in 1905-6. The
Hospital, extended from time to time at a total cost of area of the Urban district is: Low Leyton civil parish,
.£2,300, will hold 72 scarlet fever and 22 diphtheria 2,359 acres of land and 12 of water; Cann Hall civil
patients. The almshouses belonging to the London parish, 223 acr~s; total, 2,594 acres; rateable value:
Master Bakers' Pension Society are in the Lea Bridge Low Leyton, £473,696; of Cann Hall, £68,424.
road, and in the Church road are eight almshouses, of The population in rgor was: Low Leyton, 76,68o;
ilint and Beer stone, rebuilt in rS85 at the request of the Cann Hall, 22,232 ; total, g8,9r2, and in rgn, Low
Bev. James Lunt M . .A.. then vicar, on an improved plan, Leyton, 103,785; Cann Hall, 20,950; total, 124,735·
at the cost of the surviving members of the family The population of the wards in I9II was :-Cann Hall,
o0f the late Mr. John Hibbert. There are charities pro- 12,459 ; Central, 22,390; Forest, 16,544; Grove Green,
ducing about £77 yearly, distributed in bread. Leyton 10,402; Harrow Green, 13,245 ; Lea Bridge, 18,684;
was a Roman settlement, and ~s supposed to be the Leyton, 9,no; Leytonstone, 13,410; Wanstead Slip,
:Site of the ancient Durolitum mentioned by Antoninus; 8,491.
many Roman anlziquities, including the foundations Included in the total civil population of Low Leyron
o0f buildings, mortised timber, a subterranean arched in 1911 were :-2,303 inmates and 86 officials and their
.gateway, wells and coim, both brass and silver, of families in West Ham Union Workhouse, 183 in West
the Consular and Imperial times, together with some Ham Union Workhouse Scattered Homes, 940 inmates
tiilver Saxon pieces, were discovered in 1718, in the and 169 officials and their families in West Ham Union
vicinity of t·he Manor house. Sir Thomas Roe, of Mag- Workhouse Infirmary, 363 in West Ham Union Work-
dalen College, Oxford, an oriental traveller and diplo- house (Forest House), 460 inmates and 49 officials and
matist and M.P. for Oxford University in 164o, was their families in Bethnal Green Parish Workhouse
born here in 1580, and knighted at Whitehall, July -23rd, School, and 95 in Catholic Home for Feeble-Minded
1603; in r6r4 he was sent as ambassador to the Great Girls.
Mogul, and in 1621 to the Sultan of Turkey; he died 6 The population of the ecclesiastical parishes in 19II
Nov. 1644. The parish contains several fine old houses: was: St. Mary (parish church), 17,231; All Saints,
Eltoe House, long the residence of the late Cardinal 21,,3.84; Christ Church, 14,642; St. Paul, 5,992.
Wiseman (d. 15 Feb. r865), and now used as a home
for destitute girls, is in Church road ; Ruckholt House KNOTI'S GREEN and LEA BRIDGE are the name:t
was formerly the sE-at of the Hicli:s family. Frank of localities in the parish, formerly regarded as ham-
Lionel Pardoe esq. of Rock House, Farnham, Surrey, is
lets; at the latter is a station on the Great Eastern.
lord of the manor ; the principal landowners arE> Earl
Cowley and Samuel Courthope Bosanquet esq. of Dinge-
i!tow Court, Monmouth. The Town Hall, situate in .At RUCKHOLTS, obscured by trees, are the remains
High road, a.nd adjoining the old Town Hall, now used of ancient entrenchments, with a square double em·
:as a public library, is a structure of red brick with bankment, roo feet in diameter, secured by a moat.
Postmen's Sorting Office, 713 High road. Robert Grove Green Ward.
Russell, overseer. Letters dispatched g, 9·45· 11 & . Retire April 1 Retire April
n.55 a.m. & 2, 4.1o, 5.2o, 7• 8 & 10.30 p.m. & (ex- T. P. Hames ............ 1915 Jl T. Humphreys ........... 1917
cept sat.) 12 midnight; sunday, 12 midnight Henry James Tomlins 1916
t'ost, M. 0.,. T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office,
Harrow Green Ward.
603 High road.-Frederick George Thompson, sub-
postmaster I
Edmund M. HaH ...... 1915 William John Upton ... 1917
Henry Bywater .. . ... ..• 1916
Lea Bridge Ward.
Post & M. 0. Offices:-
Edward C. Pittam .....• 1915 F. M. Read ............... 1917
(Higher Office) 736 Bigh road (Leyton green) .-Miss James Alfred Hennah .. 1916 .
.Annie Coleman, sub-postmistress
Leyton Ward.
l98 Capworth street. Edward William May, sub-post-
rnaster ·
I99 Church road.-Charles .Alfred Lawson Agar, sub- Drury Freeman ......... 1916
Robert Stevens Walker 1915 William Henry Evan!l.. 1917

postmaster Leytonstone Ward.

t198 Francis road. James Thomas, sub-postmaster I
John Henry 1\latthews 1915 Thomas Wm. Mitchell 1917
t164 Leyton High road. Edwd. J. Raynor,sub-postmstr Stanley G. Sharp ......• 1916
f854 High road. Joseph Benjamin Hills, sub-postmstr
Near Town hall, 242 High road. Henry P. Schmidt, Wanst~ad Slip Ward.
sub-postrnaster. Telegrams are received here, but William Alfred Hurry
not delivered

I A. W. Golightly ......... 1916
J .P ....................... 1915 Henry Guy ·······u•••··· 1917
t48 James lane.-Walter Leopold Miles, sub-postrnaster
.567 Lea Bridge road.-J ohn Thomas Reynolds, sub-post- Officers.
master. Telegrams are received here, but not de· Clerk & Solicitor, Ralph Vincent, Town hall, High road
livered Deputy Clerk, Herbert Vincent, 20 Budge row, Cannon
335 Lea Bridge road.-.Ernest William Tristrarn, sub- street, London E C
postmaster Assistant Clerl;:, P. Ritherdon, Town Hall, High road
Marked ~bus t are also Telephone Call Offices. Treasurer, Herbert Frederick Bayliss, manager London
County & Westminster Bank, 340 High road, Leyton
URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL. Medical Officer of Health, John Francis Taylor M.R.C.S.
Offices, Town ha.ll. •
Eng., D.P.H.R.C.P. & S.Eng. Town hall, High road
Meeting day, last tuesday in the month at 7 p.m. Assistant Medical Officer of Health, Alfred Ball M.D.
Lond., D.P.H. Town hall, High road
Members. Consulting Engineer, William Dawson M.I.C.E. Town
Chairman, Alfred George Giller. hall, High road
Vice-Chairman, David Mill Srnith. Engineer & Surveyor, Ernest H. Essex A.M.I.C.E. Town
hall, High road
Cann Hall Ward. .Accountant & Superintendent Assistant Overseer,
Retire April I Retire April Thomas Tutton Taylor .A.S.A.A
Henry Heather ......... 19151 James B. Slade ......... 1917 Assistant .Accountant, G. W. Tongue A.S . .A ..A. Town
John Trumble ..•.••..•.•. 1916 hall, High road
Central Ward. Electrical Engineer, F. Barman Lewis A.M.I.E.E
.A. E. Dolden ............ 1915 j M. Gompertz B.A .... .. 1917 Librarian, Zebedee Moon F.R.Hist.S
David Mi!l Srntth •....• 1916 Tramways Manager, Fred Schofield
Building Inspector, A. E. Radcliffe
Forest Ward. Sanitary Inspector, Horatio Miller, Town hall, High road

Alfred George Giller ... 1916

T. V. Goodman ........• 1915 H. D. Vasey ............ 1917 I Chief Assistant, Rates Department, E. J. Gadsden,
Town hall, High road

Collectors, Charles. Frederick Thomas, Hy. Jn. Wardell, St. Luke's District Church, Ruckholt road, Rev. Henry
W . .4. Cunningham, H. H. Scott & J. Schrapel, Town James Hensman Th.A.K.C. curate in charge; 8 & u
hall, High road & 7 p.m.; wed. 8 p.m._; litany, wed. & fri.
Baths Superintendent. H. L. W. Stanley 10.30 a.m.; saints' days, holy communion, 7 & 11 a.m
Superintendent pf Open Spaces, R. J. Frog brook St. Paul's. Essex.. road, Rev. Joseph Bell M.A.; L.Tb.
vicar; Rev. John Maurice Dodd B.A. curats; 8 &
I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 8 p.m
St. Philip's, Brewster road (chapel of ease to parish
1.'he Committee, consisting of 13 membets of the Urban church), Rev_ .John Percy Rees Rees-Jones B . .A..
District Council, 7 from the West Ham Guardians &; curate; u a.m. & 7 p.m. ; wed. 8 p.m
S persons experienced in the relief of distress, was Emmanuel Mission Church, Hitcham road. served by
formed in 1905 the clergy of All Saints'; I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed.
Meetings are held at the Town hall, Leyton, on the 8 p.m
fint friday in the month at 7.30 p.m St. Joseph's Catholic, Primrose road, Very Rev. Francis
Chairman, H. J. TomlinS" esq. L.U.D.C Charles Godfrey Brown (rQ.ral dean) & Rev. James C.
Vice-Chairman, T. W. Mitchell esq. L.U.D.C Joyce, priests; mass, 8.30, 10 & u.15 a. m.; devo-
Hon. Secretary, Herbert Vincent tions &; benecliction, 7 p.m. ; holy days, mass, 7 &
Offices, Vestry room, Church road, Leyton 9 a..m
Baptist, Goldsmith road; u a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs.
Consists of 8 members. Baptist, Vicarage road, Rev. S. W. Morris; 11 a.m. &
:Meetings held at Town hall, on the thursday following 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 8 p.m
the last friday in each month at 6.30 p.m. Congregational, Grange Park road, Rev. John Lewis;
Chairman, Edward C. Pittam · x:uoa.m. &'6.30 p.m ..; thurs. 8 p.m
Clerk, Ralph Vincent, Town hall, High road Plymouth Brethren, Leyton hall, Goldsmith road ; u
a.m. & 7 p.m.; tues. & thurs. 8 p.m
Primitive Methodist, High road (Leyton Tabernacle),
PU1JLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. Rev. Fred-erick Herbert Clark; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.;
County Cricket Club & Groands, Hi~h road, Leyton, P. S. A. 3.15 p.m.;. wed. 8 p.m
0. R. Borrodaile, Sf'C Salvation Army Halls, 464 High road, Lindley road k
Customs &; Excise Office, 36 Brewster road, Frederick Lea Bridge road ; services various
William Cassell, officer Wesleyan Methodist,Mary Fletcher Memorial
Drapers' Company Recreation Ground, Leyton High rd Church, High road {Clapton Circuit}; 11 Rev. John T.
Leyton District Cotmcil Fire Brigade Stations, Church a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; tues. 7.30 p.m W»tts
road k 823" High road Wesleyan Methodist Mission Chapel, Knotts
Leyton Urban District Isolation Hospital, John Francis Green (Clapton Circuit); 7 p.m
Taylor M.R.C.S.Eng., D.P.H.R.C.P.S.Lond. medical Barclay Mission Hall (London City Mission). 75:a High
supt.; Miss E. Ryan, matron road; Alfred James Young, missionary; 10.45 a. m- &
London Master Baliers' Pension Society's Almshouses, 7 p.m.; wed. 8 p.m
Lea. Bridge road 111 A. J. Kestin, sec.; Mrs. Sophia :Wiission Hall, Ashville road; 6.30 p.m
Brown, matron Mission Hall (Baptist), Lea Bridge gardens; u a.m. &;
Metropolitan Police Station, 501 Lea Bridge road (N 6.30 p.m
Dirision), Charles Brockhurst, inspector Russell Mission Room, Goldsmith road, Harry Francis
Metropolitan Police Station, Jo'rancis road (J Division), Pennick, city missionary; sun. 7 p.m.; sat. 7 p.m
John Sanderson, inspector Victoria Mission Hall, 477 High road; 11 a..m. k 7 p.m
Public Central Library, High road, Zebedee Moon F.R.
Hist.Soc. librarian; branch libraries at Lea Bridge EDUCATIONAL.
road & High road, Leytonstone
Smith's Almshouses, Church road Livingstone College, Elementary Medical Training for
Town Hall, High road, John Holden, keeper Missionaries, Knotts Green; Loftus Edward Wigram
M.A., M.B.Camb. principal & sec.; George Basil
TERRITORIAL FORCE. Price M.D. assistant sec ·

8th (Cyclist) Battalion E8sex Regiment (A Co. Lieut.

H. Innocent, commanding ; Color-Sergt. J. Blockley, l , Leyton Higher Education Committee.
drill instructor) The Committee, consisting of sixteen members, meets
at the Technical Institute, High road, on the last
PUBLIC OFFICERS. friday in each month
Chairman, H. Heather
Collector of King's Taxes, Harry Anstey, 67 Barring- Vice-Chairman, W. R. Wailer J.P
ton road, Leytonstone Clerk to the Governors, R. Dempsey, Town hall
Inspector under "Infant Life Protection Act.," West School of Arts & Crafts, Technical Institute, High
Ham union, Mrs. Ellen Roberts, 93 Skelton's lane road; H. J. Bateman, head master
Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, Leyton District
{part of), West Ham Union, Harold Everett Pace·
M.B., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.Lond. 83:r. High road SECONDARY SCHOOL.
Relieving Officer, No. I I District, West Ham Union, Leyton County High School for Boys, Technical Insti-
Charles Frederick Otter, 4 Goldsmith road tute, High road; Henry Hills B.Sc., B.A.head m·ISter
Registrars of Births & Deaths, North Leyton Sub-Dis- Evening Classes, Technical Institute, adjoining 'l'own
trict, Charles Henry Perrin, 2 Hainault road, Leyton- hall; M. Gompertz B. A. head master
~tone; South Leyton Sub-District, Edmund M. Hall, Newport Road School, boys' department, E. G. Green,
43 Union road, Leytonstone responsible teacher ; girls' department, Miss M. W.
Savage L.L.A. responsible teacher
PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of Services. Cann Hall Road School (mixed), A. E. Lambe1t,
responsible teacher
St. Mary's (Parish) Church, Church road, Rev. Charles
Leonard 'l'hornton-Duesbery M.A. vicar; Rev. John PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS.
Percy Rees Rees-Jones B.A. Rev. Charles Spencer
Th.A.K.C. Rev. John Mylrea Alien B.A. & Rev. An Elementary Education Committee of 18 members
Arthur George Williamson B. A. curates; I I a.m. & was formed Sept. 3o, 1903.
3.30 & 6.go p.m. ; mon. & saints' days, I I a.m. ; The Committee meets at the Town hall on the friday
wed. 8 p.m.; fri. I I a.m.; daily, 8 a.m pt·eceding the last tuesday but one in each month, at'
All Saints' Church, Capworth street, Rev. John James 7·30 p.m
Whitehouse M.A. vicar; Rev. J oseph pharles Tabor & Chairman, Ja.mes B. Slade J.P
Rev. John Comely B. A. curates; I I a.m. &; 6.30 Clerk, Ralph Vincent, Town hall
p.m.; wed. 8 p.m Assistant Clerk, A. W. Baker, TMl n hall·
Christ Church, Francis road, Rev. Frederick Jame5 School Medical Officer, J. Francis Taylor M.R.C.S.Eng.,
Sloo.n, perpetual curate; Rev. Joseph Patrick Quigly D.P.H.R.C.P.S.Lond. Town hall
& Rev. Clarence Randolph Gorman L. Th. curates ; Assistant School Medical Officer, Alfred Ball M.D.Lond.,.
11 ·a.m. k l-30 & 7 p.m. ; wed. S p.m D.P.H.R.C.P.S.Lond
St. Edward's, Morley road (chapel of ease to parish School Nurse, Miss H. Frv •
church), Rev. Charles Spencer Th.A.K.C. curate; I I Health Visitor, Miss E. Holland
a.m. Ar 7 p.m. ; wed. 8 p.m Organising Inspector, T. Tiley, Town hall
Architect, William Jacques A.R.I.B ..A. 2 Fen court, Leyton High road (transferred from Trustees 1900 ·
London E C closed 1903, reopened 1904) (~ixed), for 48o children~
Superintendent of .Attendance Ofticera, Septimua Alfred average attendance, 416; Cec1l B. Draper, master
Lash, 37 Vernon road, Leytonstone Ruckholt road, built in 1892, for 420 boys, 420 girl~
Attendance Officers, Albert Chapman, 35 St. Mary's rd. & 463 infants; average attendance, 352 boys, 317
Leyton; .A. D. Sharpe, 8 Fulready road, Leyton; girls & 267 infants; A. D. Shaw, master; Miss E.
C. J. Baker, 45 Granleigh road, Leytonstone; J. Ratcliffe, mistress; Miss F. Burgess, infants' mis-
Simmons, 48 W ellesley road, Wan stead; H. G. Ellis, tress ; cookery centre, Miss F. E. Tyers, instructress
13 Salisbury road, Leyton ; B. Oxbrough, 345 Grove Sybourn street, built I9IO, for 390 senior mixed, 22()
Green road, Leytonstone; A. W. Hughes, 21 Esther junior mixed & I90 infants ; average attendance, 4II
road, Leytonstone; P. M. Cantwell, 14 Scarborough senior mixed & 361 infants & junior mixed; ThomaJ:
road, Leytonstone; E. E. Farrant, 34 Peterborough Horne, master; Miss M. E. Nelson, mistress
road, Leyton Catholic, St. Joseph's (Public Elementary mixed), Vicar-
Capworth street, built in 1896, for 480 boys, 480 girls age road, built in Igoi, for 352 children; averag~
& 524 infants; average attendance, 426 boys, 489 attendance, 262; Vincent M. Cody, head master
girls & 4S5 infants; Frederick C. Stacey, master;
Mrs. Emily Bell, mistress; Miss Edith M. Parsons, RAILWAY STATIONS.
infants' mistress; cookery centre, Miss M. Hogg, Leyton, High road (G. E. R.), .Arthur Green, station
instructress master
Church road, built in 1877, for 420 boys, 420 girls & Le3. Bridge (G. E. R.), Percy R. Souter, station master
420 infants, with an average attendance of 276 boys, Midland, London, Tilbury & Southend Railway, Higb
283 girls & 328 infants & junior mixed ; W. T. road, Robert Bomford, Station master
Mickleburgh, master ; Miss Florence Cross, mistress ;
Miss M. A. Brown, infants' mistress; handicraft Trams run every few minutes from Clapton ii Bow
centre, F. Miller, supervisor; laundry centre, Miss E. Bridge to Epping Forest; a quick service is abo mn
Thomas, instructress between Stratford & 'Bakers' Arms,' Leyton, making
Downsell road, built in 1887, for 576 boys, 576 girls a connection with the Walthamstow tramways on th&
& 551 infants; average attendance, 419 boys, 414 one side & the West Ham tramways on the other.
girls & 390 infants; W. C. Vince, master; Miss G. During the summer months a very quick service is
Pringner, mistress; Miss H. Williams, infants' mist Tun to Epping Forest from all points
Farmer road, built in I903, for 480 boys, 480 girls, 2o6 Motor omnibuses between Leyton & Victoria &.
infants & 315 junior mixed; average attendance, 467 ' Elephant & Castle ; ~ first motor 'bus leaves 7 a. m. ;
boys, 468 girls & 430 infants & junior mixed; Thos. last motor 'bus leaves 10.57 p.m. & every 5 minnte~~o
Toop, master; Miss M. Hart, mistress; Miss .A.. Wire, throughout day; Victoria & ' Elephant & Castle'
infants' mistress & Leyton, first motor 'bus leaves 7·59 a.m. ; las~
Lea Bridge road (mixed), built in 1892, for I8o mixed motor 'bus leaves 12 midnight & every 5 minute•
& Io6 infants; average attendance, 269 mixed & throughout day
infants ; Miss H. G. Parsons, mistress
Newport road, built in 1883, for 6oo boys, 66o girls & CARRIERS TO LONDON.
463 infants; average attendance, 519 boys, 567 girls
& 382 infants; W. H. Weston B ..A.. master; Miss E. London Parcels Delivery Co. Ltd., Carter, Paterson t.
Chipchase, mistress; Miss R. Neels, infants' mistress I Co. Limited, Pickfords Ltd. & others pass through
Marked thus * receive their letters Brown Mrs. Fras. Hy.27Lyndhurst dri Eves C. Algernon M.A. Evesden.
through Leytonstone. Brown George, I Boscombe avenue Forest, Snaresbrook
Marked thus t receive their letters Brown Herbt.Wm.46 Lyndhurst drive Ferry Wm. Hugh, 488 Lea iBridge r<l
through Stratford. Brown Thomas W., B.A., LL.B. 21 Fiske George Arthur, Bank house.
Marked thus 11 receive their letters Leigh road 618 Lea Bridge road
through Clapton. Bullen John, 10 Vicarage road Foster Reginald, 10 Boscombe avenue-
PRrVATFJ RF.SlDFXT~. Burton Harry, 261 Vicarage road Fowler Mrs. 58 Lyndhurst drive
Adamson Geo. F. 5 I:; Lea BridQ~ rd Bussey William, I84 Vicarage road Francis Rt.Douglas,6o Lyndhunt drv-
Aldrich Arth. Worlledge, 9 Manor rd Campbell Peter, 16 Vicarage road Fraquet Lewis E. 8 Manor road
Alexander ErnestEdwd.I Lyttleton rd Carpenter Fras. Jas. 6 Goldsmith rd Fraser Mi~s, 483 Lea Bridge road
Allen Rev. John Mylrea .BA. (curate Chambers Henry Davy, The Rookery, Freeman D. 200 Vicarage road
St. Mary's), 20 V1carage road Park place, Church road Frogbrook Reuben John, Etheldene ..
Alien Waiter, 60I Lea Brirlge road Chambers Natban, 202 Vicarage road Oliver road
Ames Juseph, 45 Lymihurst drive Chapman Wm. Thos. 6o Vicarage rd Fuller Mrs. 655 Lea Bridge road
Angwin Frederick,2o Lyndhurst drive Clark Rev. Frederick Herbert (Primi- Games Joseph Hughes, Evesden.
~rmstrong Mrs. 470 l.l'" .Bridge road tive Methodist), 12 Vicarage road Forest, Snaresbrook
Astley James, 242 VicaraJ!P rood Clark Chas. Fredk. 2 Lyndhurst drive Gentry Cecil, 14 Lyndhurst drive
Austin .A.lbert Charles, 2 Albany road Clarke George Corbett, 5 Lynd- Gentry Go!den Sl. 490 Lea Bridge rd
Badcock John, 265 Vicarage road burst drive Gentry Hy. Fredk. 232 Vicarage road'
Badenoch William :Minty :M.B., Ch.B. Climpson George Rampley, 230 Gihbens Rev. John P. (Baptist), Bo
8 GrangE> Park road Vicarage road St. George's road
Baker Charles, Elm cottage, Forest, Cody Vincent M. 218 Vicarage road Giles Mrs. 70 Grange Park road
Snaresbrook Collett William. 5 Crawley road Gill AlfrP.d Geo. 6o Tbornhill road
Baker Merchant, 62 Vicarage road Coli in Arthur Edward, 4 Albany road Giller Alfd. Geo. 16 Lyndhurst dri1<~
Baker Mrs. Marryatt's lodge, Forest, Cook William, 12 Boscombe avenue Gilling Percy, 14 Boscombe avenue
Snaresbrook Cooper Chas.Clement,474LeaBridge rd Gledhill Allan Victor, 28 Lyndhurst;
Baker Washington, 3 Albany road Corker John S. 20 Vicarage road drive
Baker William, 26 Vicarage road Cornish .A.lfred,Cromwell ho.Oliver rd Godbold Arthur John, Evesden,
Barber James, 52 Leigh road Cox Fredc. Ernest,8 Lyndhurst drive Forest, Snaresbrook
Barnard Emest Augn!ltus.o Albany rd Curnow Jn. Cogar, 24 Lyndhurst dri Goldie James Oliphant M.B. 614 Le31
Bass Henry, Buxted lodge, Forest, Cuttle George, Gwydr lodge, Forest, Bridge road
Snaresbrook Snaresbrook Gompertz MauriceB.A.3 Boscombe ar
Bassett William John, 196 High road Davey Mrs. 27 Oliver road Good Edward, 487 Lea Bridge roaa
Batson George, 6 Lyndhurst drive Davis Arthur Sidney, 103 Grange Goodey Arthur, 216 Vicarage road
Batt Richard, 23 Lyndhurst drive Park road Goodwin John, 222 Vicarage road
Baverstock Geo.H.29 Lyndhur!lt drive Davis Edward James J.P. IQ2 Vicar- Gorton Albt. Geo. 72 Grange Park r<f
Baverstock Wait. Wm. 6 Albany rd age road Gray John, 65 Vicarage road
Bell Rev. Joseph :M.A., L.Th. (vicar Dawe L.S. Evesden, Forest,Snaresbrk Green E. L. 42 Church road
of St. Paul's), 56 Lyndhurst drive Dearing Ralph Sidney, 4 Lyndhurst Greenwood Jame~ M.D. The Shmb-
Bigg Walt.Fredk. 48 Lyndhurst drive drive bery, Vicarage road
Biggs Miss, 9 Crawley road Dickins Jsph. Geo. 511 Lea Bridge rd Hall James William, 8 Albany road
Blackford JosiahHrbt.336LeaBridge rd Dickinson Herbt. I Lyndhurst drive Hammond William, 212 Vicarage rd'
Blackford Mrs. 334 Lea Bridge road Dodd Rev. John Maurice B.A. (curate Harcourt George Robert M.B. 4J0o
Bowak Wenman, 641 Lea E'ridge road St. Paul's), Wycombe villa, Can- Lea Bridge road
Bowen Harry, 665 Lea Bridge road terbury road Harris Alfred, 66 Thornhill road
Boyce Charles. 9 Boscombe avenue Drew Arthur, Burlington house, Harrison Chas.G.Capworth lo.Clyde p~
Braddock Sidney, 220 Vicarage road Bickley road Harrop George, 18 Lyndhurst drive
Brasted Thomas, 42 Lyndhurst· drive Dymond George James, 120 James la Harvey Arthur Geo. 54 Vicarage rdl
Brown Rev. Francis Charles Godfrey Elledge Charles, 497 Lea Bridge road Hawke Burton, 10 Lyndhurst drive
(Catholic), 68 Grange Park road 1 Evans Miss, 53 Lyndhurst drive Hayes Peter,The Limes,Goldsrnith tdl
Hebron William Hurwood,198 High rd Newall William, 11 Boscombe avenue Somerton Charles Sidney, 25 Lynd-
Hennah James .Alfd. 237 Vicarage rd Newcomb John Edwin,22 Vicarage rd burst drive
Hensman Rev. Henry James A.K.C. Noble William ~rge, Bs1 High road Spencer Rev. Charles A.K.C.L.(curate
~curate in charge St. Luke's dis- Nowlan John George, 6 Vicarage road St. Mary's), 24 Chertsey road
trict church), III Ruckholt road Oldman Wm. Hy. so Lyndhurst drive Spencer Charles, 8 Vicarage road
Hill Charles Hamilton, 23 James lane o·Neill Jas. Wait. 59 Lyndhurst drive Spencer John, 347 High road
Hj]]s Mrs. Frederick, 4 Vicarage road Orme Alfred, !Z Boscombe avenue Spratt Mrs. 61 Grange Park road
Hoare Frederick, 70 Thornhill road Osborne Francis Wallace, 663 Lea Storr Bartol Thomas, 86 James lane
Hooker Geo. Wm. 493 Lea Bridge rd Bridge road Sturgess Randolph, 26 James lane
Hooper George, 38 Lyndhurst drive Pace Harold Everett M.B.Lond. 831 Sturman Edward, 69 Oliver road
l!ow Joseph William, 62 Leigh road High road Suttle Rev. Geo. Arth. 19 Vicarage rd
Howard Thos.Arth. 389 Lea Bridge rd Panting Charles Henry, 675 Hi~h rd Tabor Rev. Joseph Charles (curate of
Howell Jn. Wm. 17 Lyndhurst drive ~Parsons Henry, 6 Park pl. Church rd All Saints'), 266 Vicarage road
Hughes Harry, 97 Vicarage road I Peterken Mrs. 14 Vicarage road Tabor Charles James, The White
Hughes Thomas, Inglenook, Oliver rd Popplewell Arthur Frederick, 26 house, Leyton Green road
Hull Richard, "19 Lvndhurst drive Lyndhurst drive Thomas Chas. Fredk. 48 Thornhill rd
Hurry Wm. Alfred.J.P. 367 High rd Pratt Joseph Robt. 226 Vicarage road Thomas Miss, 639 Lea Bridge road
Hutton Miss, SI Lyndhurst drive 1 Precious Wm. Hy. 224 Vicarage road Thornton-Duesbery Rev. Charles Leo-
Ibbetson William, 6 Boscombe avenue Preston Archd. Fredk. 86 Warren rd nard M.A. (vicar of St. Mary's), ·
Iseard Charles, 54 Lyndhurst drive Rains Herbert Henry, 267 High road The Vicarage, Vicarage road
.Jackson Mrs. 452 High road Read Charles, 49 Lyndhurst drive Tomkins Harding B. 492 Lea Brdg.rd
James Gordon, 4~ Lvndhurst drive Rees-Jones Rev. John Percy B. .A. Toop Thomas, 32 Lyndhurst drive
Jennings Aobrey William,66 Leigh rd (curate of St. Mary's), The Vicar- Ullyett Harry, 37 Manor road
Johnson Rev. John Barnes M.A. (hon. age, Vicarage road Upton Thomas, 12 .Albany road
assistant curate of St. Saviour's, Reid Archibald Robert, 11 Crawley rd Vasey Hy. Jas. 41 Lyndhnrst drive
Walthamstov.'), 26o Vicarage road Relf Joseph Thomas, 5 .Albany road Veasey Hy. Jas. 472 Lea Bridge road
.Johnson Henry, r Clyde place Rigg Alien, 24 Vicarage road Vincent Percy, 529 Lea Bridge road
.Jones Edwd.Alfree,344 Lea Bridge rd Roberts John, 44 Lyndhurst drive Walker Robt.S. Wrentham,Church rd
.Jones George, r8 Vicarage road Robinson Jsph. Holly lo.Grange Pk.rd Wallace John, 12 Lyndhurst drive
..Jones Jeremiah Death, 76 James lane Rose Jsph. Wm. 39 Lyndhurst drive Ward Richard J.P. 479 High road
Jones Richard Jenkins,83 Vicarage rd Sandrock Jacob, 245 High road Watson Alfred Ebenezer, 47 Lynd-
Jones Wm. Hy. SS Lyndhurst drive Sangar Thomas, 34 Lyndhurst drive burst drive
.Joyce Rev. James C. (Catholic), 68 Sayer David, 58 Leigh road Watts Rev. John T. (Wesleyan), 6r
Grange Park road j Schlampusch Otto, 7 Boscombe aven Lyndhurst drive
Kennedy John M.B. 204 High road I Schutz Jacob, 509 Lea Bridge road Wells Waiter, 2 Park pi. Church rd
King Joseph Jas. 194 Vicarage road Scriven Miss, 5 Dawlish road Whitehouse Rev. John James M.A.
Lnrcher Raymond, Larcher house, Scriven Mrs. Matilda, 3 Dawlish road (vicar), All Saints' vicarage, Cap-
Essex road Scull Francis, 68 Thornhill road street
Laurie Wm. 7 Park pi. Church road Seear Alfred, 485 Lea Bridge road Whiting Joseph, 267 Vicarage road
Leach Mrs. I .Albany road Sewell Benjamin, 263 Vicarage road Whittingham Charles, 8 Boscombe av
Leach Wm. Alex. 643 Lea Bridge rd Sexton Geo. 495 Lea Bridge road Wickham Thomas,n Lyndhurst drive
Lendon Richard John, 7 Crawley road Sheppard Herbert flayford M.B. 6or Wigram Loftus Edward M.A., M.B.
Lewin Albert, 486 Lea Bridge road High road (principal of Livingstone college),
Lloyd Frederick, 22 Lyndhurst drive Shilton Eldred S. 40 Lyndhurst drive KnoWs green
Mann Fredk. The Hollies, Park pl Simpson Jn. Laird M.B. 188 High rd Wilkerson John, r6 Manor road
Martin Arthur Geo. 42 Grange Pk. rd Sims Charles, 21 Lyndhurst drive Williamson Rev. Arthur GE>orge B.A.
Martyn Mrs. 8 Goldsmith road Skelton Miss, 693 High road (curate St. Mary's), 31 Vicarage rd
Medcalf Daniel, 428 Lea Bridge road Slater Charles, 30 Lyndhurst drive Wilson Finlay, 50 J-smes lane
Meissner Geo. Adam, 210 Vicarage rd Slater Mrs. 484 Lea Bridge road Wilson George Chas.79 Lea Bridge rd
~eredith Henry, rB Manor road Slee Edward William, 55 Crawley rd Withers Thos. John, 68 Vicarage rd
~eyrick A. E., B.A. Evesden, Forest, SJyth Wm. Hy. IS Lyndhurst lirh·e Woodforde Mrs. 56 Vicarage road
Snaresbrook Smith A. D. S. Evesden, Forest, tWoodham John, 23 Westdown road
Miller Horatio, 57 Church road Snaresbrook Woods Mrs. 11 Albany road
tMonth Frank P. 135 Leyton High rd Smith Alfd.Trugeon, 240 Vicarage rd Worsfold Chas. Rt. 513 Lea Bridge rd
Mountjoy Victor, 829 High road Smith Elliott York, 4 Boscombe av Young Alfred Jame11 (missionary),
Muddiman Harry G. ss Vicarage rrl Smith Fredk. H~·. 64 Vicarage road 752 High road
Murray William, 9 Lyndhurst drive Smith Wm.David, 36 Lyndhurst drivP Zoers Adolphus, 5I7 Lea Bridge road
~eels Miss, 13 Lyndhurst drive

COMMERCIAL. Alsford James, timber merchant, 634 Lea Bridge road.

Abbey Samuel, coal dealer, 767 High road T N 439 Walthamstow
Abbott Christopher, district superintendent Pearl Life A.mi88 James, builder, Fern villa, Essex road · r
Assurance Co. Limited, 200 High road •Ammon Emily (MI'IS. ), laundress, 140 Ashville r_oad
tAbel Ch-arles Edgat-, grocer, 42 Leyton High road A.nderson Daniel, boot repairer, 238 Capworth street
.Abendroth Emil Ferdinand John, wine & spirit dealer, Anderson Edward, The Coach & Horses P.H. 391 High
11ee Banton &; Abendroth road. T N 635 Walthamstow
Able &; Co. chimney cleaners, 30 Bromley road Andrews Joseph, boot repairer, 129 Newport road
Acland Wiliam, boot repairer, 7 Byron road Argent Emma (Mrs.), coal dealer, 2 Leyton Green road
.!dams Arthur, hair dresser, 36 Capworth street A.rmston John &; Co. oil refiners, Leyton Green road
!.dams Ernest, dairy, 305 Church road A.rnold Fredk.William, draper, 569 & 571 Lea Bridge rd
Agar Charles Alfred Lawson, stationer, &; sub-post- Ashford Reginald, artificial teeth maker, see Gibson,
master, 199 Church road Sigg & Ashford
Agent George, oilman, 413 Hoe street A.ssmder George, carriage lamp mfr. 651 Lea Bridge rd
Albert Christopher, boot maker, 68o Lea Bridge road Backer Frederick, baker, 722 Lea Bridge road
A.lbiston William, whip maker, 165 Grange Park road Badcock John, accountant, 265 Vicarage road
!.ldrich Arthur Worlledge L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., L.M. Badenoch William Minty M.B., Ch.B. physician & sur-
Edin., L.S.A.Lond. physician & surgeon, 9 Manor road geon, 8 Grange Park road
.Alexander E. R. & Sons, printers & publishers, 301 Badminton George S. grocer, 171 Capworth street
High road. T N 22 Walthamstow tBaker Arthur J . .oil & color man, IO Leyton High road
!.Iexander Sarah (Mrs.), florist, 175 Church road Baker George Henry, news agent, 710 Lea Bridge road
Alexandra Laundry Co. laundry, 62o Lea Bridge road & Baldock Wm. Hy. grocer & beer retailer, 5-4- Capworth st
!n8 High road Baldwin Thos. Wm. florist., Edith nursery, Burchell rd
Alien .A.nnie {'Ml"S.), dress maker, 135 iFranci.s road Bale Henry Frank, nPws agent, 64 Capworth street
Allen George, greengrocer, 62 Newport road Ball Alfred M.D.Lond., D.P.H. assistant medical officer
Allen George, house agent, 83 CapW'Orth etret>Jt of health, Leyton Urban District Council, Town hall,
*Allen Henry Thomas, plumber, 16] Ashville road High road
t.Allen John Henry, beer retailer, 6o Leyton High road tBanbury John, news agent, 12 Leyton High road
Alien Thomas, fishmonger, 820 High road Bannister Abraham, fishmonger, 316 Lea Bridge road
!.llen Waiter, grQcer. 4II Hoe street *Bannister Richard John, grocer, 2 Oakdale road
Alliston Prances (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 52 Church road Banton & Abendroth, wine & spirit dealers, 308 Hil!h I'd
U1Inntt Frederick Robert, oil & color man, 137 Leyton *Barber Eliza {Mrs.), beer retailer, x65 Ashville road
High road I Barber Frederick, hair dr~sser, 68o High ro ~JNGIH_.._
pi" ....,.
··~·p.,CE &.18-~

Barclay Mission Hall (London City Mission) (Alfred Jas. I Brook Jame5 Henry, french polisher, 123 Murchison rd
Young-, missionary). 752 High road Brooke Charles James Alfred, corn. trav. I Brewster rd
Bardsley John F. dairy, 4 Grange Par' road .. Brown & Yaxley, oilmen, 248 Capworth street.
Bareham George builder 2 St. George's road - ' ' Brown Eliza (Mrs.), beer & wine retailer, 763 High rd
Barge Jsph. wm: boot & shoe maker, 400 Lea Bridge rd Brown Ellen (Miss), dress maker, 16 York road
Barker Fredk. Waiter, greengrocer, 38 Capworth street I Brown Thomas Watson B.A., LL.B. solicitor, 21 Leigb rd
Barker Hugh Thomas, dairy, 384 Lea Bridge J"oad I Bryon William, grocer, 168 Albert road
Barlow Ernest, ·confectioner, 361 High road J Buck & Co. blouse manufacturers, 81 Vicarage road

Barnard Ernest, grocer, 514 Lea Bridge road Buck Thomas Robert, shopkeeper, 49 Crescent road
Barnes Henry James, insurance agent, 25 Russell road Buckingham Charles Henry, tobacconist, 458 High road
Barnes Richard Dean, french polisher, 17 Beaconsfield rd *Budd Henry, grocer, r Pearcroft road
Barratt Henry, confectioner, 853 High road . Bull Samuel, removal contractor, 39 Skelton's lane
tBarritt Herbert, tobacconist, 156 Leyton High road Bull William Henry, ironmonger, 244 Francis road
*Barton James David, greangrocer~ 53 Oakdale road Bullen George, coal & coke merchant, rn Vicarage road
Baskett George, builder, 44 Balmoral road Bullen John, grocer, !lee Cook & Bullen
Bass George, boot maker, 3 Windsor road Bunbury Marie (Miss), confectioner, 789 High road
Bassett William John F.A.I. surveyor, 549 Lea Bridge Burdon Albert, insurance agent, 793 High road
road. T N's 21 & 67 Walthamstow Burman Albert, professor of violin, 41 Westerham road
Bateman Frederick, insurance agent, 57 Leyton Park rd Burn J o-seph Henry, dining rooms, l83 Francis road
Bates Josiah, plumber, r6 Cooper's lane Burnham Charles, stationer, 700 Lea Bridge road
Baxter Thomas, boot repairer, 194 Francis road Burnham Frederick, greengrocer, 33 Park road
Bayliss Herbert Frederick, manager London County & Burstow Alfred William, dining rooms, 295 High road
Westminster Bank Limited, 340 High road Burt Henry Charles, hair dresser, 374 & 6o9 High road
Beaven Geo. Albt. ironlllonger, see Sedgwick & Heaven Burt William Edwin, hair dresser, 773 High road
Beckwith Henry, insurance agent, 78 Dawlish road• Busby Harry Edward, builder, 28 Burchell road
Beckwith John Edward, coffee house, 6 Etloe terrace, Busher Alfred Charles, house painter, 75 Windsor road
Church road Butcher Brotht>rs, grocers, 38 Grange road
Bell Geo. & Son, fruiterers & greengrocers, 466 High rd Butler Albert Francis, greengrocer, 252 Albert road
Bence V. H. builder, 55 Oliver road Butler Clifford,. boot repairer, Boo High road
Benee. Richard, beer retailer, 81 Eeaumont road Cade Joseph & Co. Ltd. coal mers.G.E.R. depot,High rd
Bennett .Alfred & Son, undertakers, 849 & 394 High road. Cant James, buildE>rs' rneTchant, SC'e Day, Cant & Co
T N 612 Walthamstow Caribonum Company Ltd. manufacturers of carbon
Bennett James, butcher, 207 Church road papers & typewriter ribbons, Etloe road. T A
Bennett James, printer, 207 Francis road. T N 301 "Caribonum, London;" T N 211 Walthamstow
Walthamstow . Carless Frances (Mrs.), laundress, 201 Beaumont road
Bennett Louis, tailor, see Lea. & Bennett Carr Edward William, boot dealer, 730 High road
Ben.sted Elizabeth (Mrs.), ()il warehouse, 124 Newport rd Carter Charles, carpenter, 78 Manor road
Bent-Marshall Samuel. removal & cartage contrac- Carter Clarence, insurance agent, 548 Lea Bridge road
tor, & depository, 667 High road (T N 509 Waltham- Carter Samuel John, sign writer, 94 Manor road
stow) & New Wanstead. T N 621 Wanstead Carter Susan (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 133 Sidmouth road
Bentall David, grocer, 187 Leyton Hig-h road Carter William, butcher, 356 High road
Bentall Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 187 High road Cash .John, decorator, r6o I<'rancis road
Benterman Herbert Charles, drug stores, 191 Francis rd Cassell Fdk. Wm.customs & excise offi.cer,36Brewster rd
Benterman Thomas, shopkeeper, 16 Grange road tCater Robert, cabinet IPaker, 40 Leyton High road
Bevan Arthur, dining rooms, 41 Park road Catley Thomas E., F .I.P.S. teacher of shorthand, 34
Bexfield Sarah (Mrs.), oil & color warehouse, 466 Lea Church road
Bridge road Cecil Alice (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 8 Crescent road
*Eiles Francis Alexander, plumber, 3 Ashville road Challen William, butcher, 208 Francis road
Bird George, house decorator, 659 High road. T N 266 Challis George Edward. dining rooms, ·:n2 Lea Bridge rd
Walthamstow · Chandler William & Son, coal merchants, 3, 4 & S
Birkett Isaac Stevenson,pawnbroker,see Smith & Eirkett G. E. R. depot, High road. T N 638 Walthamstow
*Bishop Albert, monumental sculptor, 21 Oakdale road Chandler Charles Henry, tobacconist, 208 Hi~h road
tBishop Wm. Jas. wardrobe dealer, 132 Leyton High rd Chantler Harry Ellson, grocer. 206 High road
Blaber Albert E. confr. 43, & hair dresser 51, Park road Chapman Brothers, carmPn.Ruckholt rd.& 37 Church rd
Blackwell Herbert, laundry, 46 Francis road Chapman Allber1:, attendance officer to Education Corn•
Blake George Lumsden, dairyman, 113 Vicara~e road mittee, 35 St. Mary's road
Blake WalteT W. news agent. 121 Vicarage road Chapman Edward A. secretary & registration agent to
tBlatch William, beer retailer, 2 Leyton High road South-West Essex (Walthamstow Division) Unionist
Blockley Color-Sergt. J. drill instructor to A Co. 8th Association, 599 High road. T N 250 Walthamstow
Territorial Force (Cyclist) Battalion Essex Regiment, Chapman Eliza (Miss), dress maker, 11 Leigh road
69 Farmer road Chapman Henry, oilman, 641 High road
Blundell Mary (Mrs.). shopkeeper, 133 Newport toad Charles William, boot maker, 5 Crescent road '
Blunsdon Charles Herbt. oil & color man,52 Capworth st Ch~seman Herbert Francis, watch ma. 319 Capworth st
Boatman Thomas, Oliver Twist P.H. go Church road tChelsom Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkpr. 28 Cranbourne rd
Bockelmann Albert, conf~tioner, 388 Lea Bridge road ' Chisholm William Lewis, sign writer, 23 Russell road
Bolt Annie Amelia (Mrs.)., milliner, 335 Church road Chittock Charles, carman, 29 Cresc£>nt road
Bomford Robert, station master Leyton station (M. & Choat William, marine store dealer, 149 Church road
L. T. & S. R.), High road ' · Ohnmley Samuel, furniture remover, 88 Chureh road
Bond George, smith, 77 Park road Church Arth. Edwd. oil & color man, 250 Lea :Bridge ref.
Bond William, baker, 406 Lea :Bridge road · tCinema (The) (Wm. Norman, mgr.), 8oLeyton High rd.
Booth William Arthur, dining rooms, 2 Hainaiilt -bnild- *Clare Harry, decorator, 142 Twickenham road
ings, High road · Clark Sidney & Co. ironmongers, 650 & 652 High road_
Boots Cash Chemists (Southern) Limited, chemists. ~85 '1,' N 142 Walthamstow '·
High road · • Clark Arthur Edwin, builder, II7 Grange Park road
Bouette Alfred (:Mrs.), surgical instrument, 44 Clark Catherine Sarah (Mrs.), preparatory school, 1
- Grari'ge Park road . . · · Chertsey road
Boutel Alice (Miss), confectioner, -292 High raad · Clark Edward, ·greengrocer, 309 Capworth street
Boyce Ernest C. & Co. ·who. cocoa factors, I Leigh rd Clark ·Edward David, boot & shoe dlr. 66o Lea Bridge rd'
Bradford George, laundry. 220 Francis road Clark Louisa (Mrs.), wardrobe dPaler, 8 Capworth street
Breakspear Thomas Wm.confectioner,530 Lea Bridge rd Olarke Edith (Mrs.). girls' school, 202 Hig-h road
Breary & Co. outfitters, 363 & 365 High ro-ad tOiarke Edwin Henry, dining rooms,154 Leyton High rd
Breeden William Jas. cricket bat maker, 635 High road Cla,ke Frederick John, insurance agent, 59 Waterloo ref.
Brett James. corn dealer, 42~ High road Clarke ·-George Corbett, solicitor. 5 Lyndhurst dnve
Brewer George, insurance agent, 29 Warren road rlarke Maud A. (Miss), blouse mfr. n6 Goldsmith rd
tBridges .Alfred Wm. boot repr. 142 Leyton. High road Clarke }lercy Herbert, insurance agt. I I Sunnyside road
Bridgwater Harold, news agent, 296 High road Claxton Waiter, dainman, Oliver l"oad
Briggs Samuel, chemist, 585 Lea Bridge roa~ tClay Agnes Ellen (Miss),habPrdasher,66 Leyton High rd
Brighton William, shopkeeper, I & 2 Lea Bridge gardens ClaydPn George H~nry, corn dealer, 342 High road
Brindley Frank Pudey, solicitor & commissioner for Clayden John, corn dPaler, 171 Francis road
oaths, see Freeman Drury & Brindley ' Claydon George, fti1 & color man, ::;38 Lra Bridge road
tEristow Robert Geo. grocer, 144 & 146 Leyton High rd Clemans Frank, butcher, 218 High road
Britton .Alfred James, grocer, 728 High road *Clementson Edward Waiter, watch repairer, 28 Elm rd
• • •
Cli11ord Henry .A. professor of music, no Capworth st Dickson Annie (Mrs.), grocer, 320 Lea Bridge road
fCochrane Thomas, firewood dealer, 2 Cranbourne road Dickson David, grocer, 44 Church road
Cole Frederick & Son, plumbers, 434 High road & 47 Dillamore Elizh. (M-rs.), private school, 228 Vicarage rll
Bu{!kland road 1 Dimmock Minnie (Mrs.), dress maker, 139 Farmer roall
Coleman Annie (Miss), stationer & sub-postmistress, Discomb John, china & glass dealer, 42 Capworth street
736 High road • • · District Supply Stores Limited, estat~ office 321, pro-
t<Joles Fredk. Geo. leather seller, 98 Leyton High road vision dealers 301, fruiterers 248 & 307, grocers 313,.
Coles Henry Williaiily boot mak61', lil30 Francis road dairy 315, house furnishers 317, tobacconists 174, &.
tColes Henry WilHam, jnn, boot repr.68 Leyton High rd butchers 230, Lea. Bride-e rd. T N 26 Walthamstow
Collier George, second hand furniture dlr .250 Francis rd Dix Caroline (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 3 Sidmouth road
Collings Florence (Mrs.), tobacconist~ 4 Hainault Dodwell Bro.s. hosiers, 652, 674 & 676 Lea Bridge rood
buildings, High road · Dodwell Henry, draper, 632 Lea Bridge road
Collins William & Co. bookbinders, 718 Lea Bridge road Donald William, cabinet maker, 404 High road
Oollins. Joseph, shopkeeper, 21 Carlisle road Dook Irvine, grocer, 646 High road & 66 Church road
Collison Edward, wardrobe dealer, 771 High road Dorkins Arthur John, butchei', 25 Park road
Colonial Consignment & Distributing Co. Limited, meat Dowding Eveline (Mrs.), teacher of music, 14 Jesse rd
salesmoo, 662 High road Dowding Mary Jane (Mrs.), music seller, 716 High roacJ
Commins William, hair dresser, 707 High road Dowers J oseph D. marine store dealer, 42 Beaumont rd
Oompton George. Henry, shopkeeper, 75 Morley road Downey Frederick Robert, !butcher, 283 High road
Cook & Bnllen, grocers, 271 & 393 High road I Dowson George, fishmonger, 66o High road
Cooksey .Arth. Ewart, wine & spirit dlr.328LeaBridge rd Drake Eva (Miss), teacher of pianoforte, 67 Sedgwiek rd
Cooper, Cooper & Co. mantle makers, 581 Lea Bridge rd Drew, Clark & Co. ladder makers,Diamond Patent ladder
Cooper George, boot Tepairer, 467 High road works, Shortlands road, Lea Bridge road. T N 45!1
Cooper Henry, insurance agent, 32 Manor road Walthamstow
Cooper Horace, jeweller, 6o5 High road . Drew Harry, confectioner, 286 High road
Cooper Sidney Albert, grocer, 200 Capworth street Duker Gertrude (Mrs.), professor of music,4oFarmer rd
Cooper William, florist, II Lea Bridge gardens Duncan Alfred, corn dealer, 70 Capworth street
Copcutt Thomas William, dyer, 291a, Hi!!b road tDunkin Alfd. artificial teeth ma. 126 Leyton High rd
Coppin O"ames Bawtree, tila dealer, 684 High road Durieu Louis A. house decorator, 58 Lindley road
Coram Amold Thomas, chimney sweeper, I Huxley road Dyke EII1.ID6 (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 132 Vicarage road
Coram George Edward,. boot repairer, 65 Park road *Eade Frank John, pianoforte tuner, II9 Ashville road
0\lrnish Arthur, boot repairer, 63 Beaumont road Eagle Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, I9 Jesse road
Cornwall Edwin A. coal merchant, 612 Lea Bridge Eastman & Son (Dyers & Cleaners) Ltd.622LeaBridge r<l
·roa.d. T N n3 Walthamstow IIEastwood & Co. Limited, lime merchants; depot, Le~
Corpe1' Loui~. tailor, 262 High road Bridge wharf, Lea Bridge road. T N 43 Dalston-
Corser Geo. Edmund,Osborne Arms P.H. 139 Church rd See advertisement
Couch Samuel, fishmonger, 47 Park road Eaton Thomas, firewood cutter, 53 Grange road
Cousins Thomas, wheelwright, 45 Capworth street Ebdon Thomas John, confectioner, 590 High road
*Cowland Benjamin Christopher, -chimney cleaner, 138 Edkins John Henry, coal merchant, Lea Bridge road
Ashville road Edmiston Brothers, hosiers, 282 High road. T N •Ps-
Cox Thomas & Co. butchers, 577 Lea Bridge road. Walthamstow
T N ~76 Walthamstow • Edmond William, dining rooms, 747 High road
Cox George Edmd. secondhand bookselle1', 14 Jesse 1'd Edwards John, cabinet maker, 33:ll Lea Bridge road
Cradick & Co. coal merchants, II7 Goldsmith road Edwards Sidney, tailor, r Jesse road
Crawford Thomas, provision dealer, 686 High road Edwards Waiter, hair dresser, 40 Francis road
Crow ·Henry Js.aac, job master, 723 Hig.b road Element William, carpet planner, 651 Hi~h road
Crowe William, picture frame ma. see Watson & Crowe Elkins William Geor~te, boot manufr. Chesterfield road'
tCrump George Arthur, news agent,124 Leyton High rd EHis George Ernest, King William IV. P.H. 816 High rd'
t!Cullan Frank Handel, grocer, r88 Ashville road Ellis George Henry,Bakers' Arms P.H.575 Lea Bridge rcJ
Culling Winifred (Miss), school, 1 Essex road Ellis H. G. attendance officer to Education Committee.
Cummings Thomas, wardrobe dealer, 45 Park road 13 Salisbury road
Cunningham William Albert, collector to Leyton Urban Emberson Arthur, corn dealer 210, & oil & color man
District Council, Town hall, High road 212, Francis road
Curry Edward, florist, The Nursery, Beaumont road. Emberson James F.R.H.S. florist, 630 Lea Bridge road.
T N 416 Waithamstow T N 124 Walthamstow
Cortis Henry, house agent, 591 High road Emerton Henry, beer retailer, 15 & 17 Jesse road
Curtis Percy Frank, decorator, 25 Sedgwick road Emmins Frederick William & Sons, necktie manufac-
Curtis Sarah Lucy (Mrs.), nurse, II5 Manor road turers, 87 Lea Bridge road
Customs ·& Excise Office (Frederick William Cassell, Essex County Cricket Club & Grounds (0. R. Borro-
officer), 36 Brewster road daile, sec.), High road
Cuthbert Charles, draper, 751 High road Essex Ernest H., .A.M.I.C.E. engineer & surveyo1' tD-
Dace Henry Charles, house de~orator, 53 Farmer road Urban District .Council, Town hall, High road. T N'
Dagley Emily (Mrs.), news agent, 162 Lea Bridge road 435 Walthamstow
Dale Thomas, tobacconist, 627 Lea "Bridge road Ettell Charles, dairyman, 28 Ruckholt road
tDaly Emily (Mrs.), dairy, II4 Leyton High road Evans Alfred, oil & color man, 115 Vicarage road ·
Da~ey- Henry Alexander, furniture dealer, 721 High rd Eval'l:s A~n~e (Miss), dress maker, 224 High road
+Davidson Charles, confectioner, 104 Leyton Hi~th road Evans Wilham Henry, accountant, 89 Grange Park road
Davidson Wait. Wordsworth, ironmonger, 459 High rd Everett Emily (Mrs.), confectioner, 345 Lea. Bridge rd
Davies Frank, beating engineer, 157 Midland road. T N Eyre Elizabeth (Mrs.), midwife, 109 Tyndall road
684 Waltha.mstow Fair"!lead Waiter, nurseryman, 307 Church road
•navis Alfred William, accountant, 159 .Ashville road Feld wick William Edwd. ironmonger, 694 Lea Bridge riJ
Davis Elizabeth (Miss), confectioner, roo Francis road tFenne Frederick William, butcher, 16q Leyton High rd & ~pirit & hPer ret.37o&372High rd Ferd;n'lnd Albert Edwd. pianoforte tuner, 15 Leigh rd
Dawson Eliza (Mrs.) & Son, wheelwrights, 6q7 High rd Fielcl Brothers, picture frame makers, 665 High road
Dawson Albert, printer, 621 Lea Bridge road Field David Taylor, photographer, 437 High road,
Dawson Arthur John, tobacconist, 384 High road Fielrl Thomas, wheelwright, 2 Clyde place
Dawson George, hail' drP<~ser & tobacconist, 244 Hi!!h rd •Finch John William. plumber, 77 Pearcroft road
Dawson William M.I.C.E. consulting- enginPer to Urban Fincham Georg-e John, boot maker, go Beaumont road
District Council, Town hall, High road. T N 435 tFinPr Percy, decorator, I Westdown road
Walthamstow Finning John Charles, furniture dlr. 388 k 429a,High rd
Day, Cant k Co. builders' ironmongers, 653 High road. Fisher M. Limited, dyers, 269 High road
T N 177 Walthamstow . Flower Willia.m, ~iscellaneous dlr. 623 Lea ~ridge road
tDaybell Emily (Mrs.), confeetioner, 76 Leyton Hi!rh rd Folev James, furmture remover, 481 Lea Brid_ge road
Deacock John Joseph, pianoforte ma. 684 Lea Bridge rd Ford Charles Peter,commercial traveller,174 Vtearage rd
Dean Brothers, g-rocers, 285 Oapworth strePt Ford Louisa (Mrs.), teacher of pianoforte, Clovelly,.
Dean J. & J. builders, Knott's Green road. T N 583 Essex road
Walthamstow Fordbam John James, butcher, 603 & 6o5 Lea Bridge-
Deathe Emma (Mrs.), dairy, 318 Lea Bridge road road. T N 576 Wa~thamstow ..
De Leeow Gustave, watch repairer, 720 Lea Bridge rd Forest School Sanatonum, Oxley house, Forest, Snares-
. Dicksvn & Head Limited, lead merchants, 377 High brook
road. T N 23 Waltham!'tow Forse k Sons, builders, 31 Thornhill road. T N 451
Dicks'ln Alfred, pocket boot maker, 121 Grange Park rd Walthamstow

Fort Evelyn (Miss), milliner, see Taylor & Fort Greenslade &i Sons, grocers, 123 Church road & rsz
Forth Frt>derick, corn chandler, 26 Francis road Beaumont road
Fortman Esther Sarah (Mrs.), beer retailer, u King st Greenslade Charles, tile fixer, 34 Westerham road
Posh Piano Co. Ltd. pianoforte warehouse, 364 High rd Gregory AUred Louis, grocer, 98 Francis road
tFosh William, house agent, 153 Leyton High road Gresham Waiter Ebenezer, upholsterer, 3 Leigh road
qiFossett Charles H. resident engineer, Eastern district Griffiths Victor Henry, butcher,.472 High road
Metropolitan Water Board, Lea Bridge road Groome Joseph, boot repairer, 122 Claude road
Foster Brothers Clothing Co. Ltd. clothiers, 40I Hoe st tGrose George, butcher, uo Leyton High road
Fountain .A.nnie (Mrs.), tobacconist, 686 Lea Bridge rd Grout Robert, pianoforte dealer, 650 Lea Bridge road
Fox Brothers, furniture dealers, 699 High road Gunner Robert, provision dealer, 403 Hoe street
Fox Charles Thomas, grocer, 78 Ruckholt road Gurr Brothers, butchers, 379 High road
Fox George, fruiterer, 248 High road Hagley William, boot repairer, 7 Leigh road
1Francis Road Hosiery Stores, hosiers, 153 Francis road Hahn Leonard, pork butcher, 399 High road
Francis .A.lbert Charles, phonograph dealer, 826 High rd Haigh Archibald G. draper, 303 Lea Bridge road
lFrancis John, boot maker, 209 Francis road Haines John, insurance agent, 27 Capworth street
.Freeman Drury & Brindley, solicitors & commissioners Haines Sarah ('Miss), hosiery manufr. 331 Capwortb st
for oaths, 438 & 440 Lea Bridge road. T N 591 Hall E. J. & Sons, printers, 520 Lea Bridge road
W althamstow Hall L. draper, 30 Capworth street
Freeman, Hardy & Willis Ltd. boot makers, 328 High rd Hall Thomas, shopkeeper, 9 Crescent road
Freeman Charles, confectioner, 2II Church road tHall Catherine (Mrs.Jo midwife, 133 Leyton High road
Freeman Drury (firm, Drury Freeman & Brindley), Hamilton John Frank, billiard saloon, 164 Midland road
solicitor & commissioner for oaths, 438 & 440 Lea Hamlet Alice Alfreda (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 42 Farmer rd
Bridge road & 200 Vicarage road Hammond Kathleen (Mrs.), oil warehouse, 786 High rd
'Frisby William Charles, beer retailer, 283 Capworth st Harcourt George Robert M.B.Lond., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.
Frogbrook R. J. superintendent of open spaces Leyton Lond. physician & surgeon, 476 Lea Bridge road
Urban District Council, Town hall, High road *Hardt Henry, watch repairer, 53 Ashville road
"Frost William (Mrs.), florist, II Lea Bridge gardens Hare Charles & Co. auctioneers, 559 Lea Bridge road.
•Frost William Henry, dairyman, I55 Ashville road T N 667 W althamstow
tFudge Henry, laundry, Il8 Leyton High road Harmon George, fried fish dealer, 406 High road
Fuller Agnes (Mrs.), news agent, I Midland road Harris Florence Edith (Miss), tchr. of music,65 Church rd
Fuller Joseph Ebenezer, slater, I Midland road tHarris Henry, hair dresser, I62 Leyton High road
Furness Richard, grocer, 90 Newport road Harris John, fancy goods imprtrs. 3 Park pl. Church rd
tGabbitas Gladstone Geo. plumber, 43 Etchingham road tHarrison Frederick, baker, 20 Leyton High road
Gadsden Edwin J. chief assistant rate dept. Leyton Harrison Sarah (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer,176 Beanmont rd
Urban District Council, Town hall, High road tHart Frederick Arthur, news agent, 78 Leyton High rd
Gale Arthur James, boot maker, 403 High road Hart John, cart & van builder, II Buckland road
Gardner George, beer retailer, 33 Clementina road Hart Mary (Mrs.), dress maker, 9 Capworth street
Gardner William Henry, butcher, 42I High road Hart Waiter George, oilman, 3o6 High road
Gatrill Charles, butcher, 177 Francis road. T N 137 Harvey John, confectioner, 154 Newport road
Walthamstow Hasler Ernest Millbank, butcher, 202 Francis road
Gell Francis & Co. grocers, 698 Lea Bridge road Hatfield George, boot dealer, 349 High road
Gelley Paulin Pierre Louis, Prince of Wales P.H. 777 Hatton William George, drug stores. 702 Lea Bridge rd
High road. T N 659 Walthamstow Haust Frederick, baker, 579 Lea Bridge road
Gibbins Thomas, packing case maker, 59 Church road. Hawkins Henry, insurance agent, 248 Murchison road
T N 653 Walthamstow Hawley George, shopkeeper, 78 Scotts road
Gibbons James Waiter, confectioner, 348 High road Havhow James, dairy, 24 Carlisle road
·Gibbons Jesse, pianoforte tuner, soB Lea Bridge road Haynes Edward, umbrella maker, 34 Whitney road
-Gibbons William Arthur, butcher, 3II Capworth street Hayward Bernard Herbert, hair dresser, u8 Francis rd
-Gibson A. J. Limited, corn dealers, Midland Railway Hayward Mary (Mrs.), confectioner. 464 Lea Bridge rd
arches, Beaumont road (T N 55 Walthamstow) & 583 Hazell Kate (Miss), confectioner, 296 High road
Lea Bridge road Headland & Headland, electrical engineers, 669 High
cGibson, Sigg & Ashford, artificial teeth makers, 622 road. T N 454 Walthamstow
Lea Bridge road Heale J ames, saddler, 726 Lea Bridge road
<Giddens Herbert, fruiterer, 593 Lea Bridge road tHearn Frederick John, printer, 113 Leyton High road
Gill Brothers, drapers & milliners, 234 & 230 High rd tHeath Jas . .A.lbert, fishmonger, 88 & 90 Leyton High rd
Gill Alfred Silvanus, baker, 642 Lea Bridge road *Heckf<>rd Frederick, grocer, 4 Richmond road
·Gill Arthur Wm. pianoforte tuner, 57 Windsor road Hemsley Alfred George, draper, 102 Francis road
-Gillham Henry, boot maker, 206 Francis road *Hendry John, decorator, 97 Richmond road
Girling Richard, boot maker, 316 High road Hennah James Alfred, estate agent, 134 Farmer road &;
Girling Rose (Miss), teacher of music, 316 High road 392 Lea Bridge road
Girling Ruth ('Miss), milliner, 5 Hainault bldgs. High rd Henry George, boot & shoe dealer, 624 Lea Bridge road
Glen Rosa Sanitary Steam Laundry 0>. Ltd.461 High rd Hermes Adelaide Maud (Mrs.), baker, 341 Lea Bridge rd
Glover John, horse dealer, Oliver house, Oliver road Hewitt Brothers, grocers, 1g6 Francis road
Godbebear George John, butcher, Essex road Hewitt James, boot maker, 212 High road
Goddard Harry Stanley, grocer, 386 Lea Bridge road · Heyes Benjamin, toy dealer, 792 High road
Goldie James Oliphant M.B., C.M.Edin. phy!lician & Hickford Frederick Harry, dairyman, 59 Morley road
surgn. 614 & 620 Lea Bridge rd. T~ 646 Walthamstw Hicks Thomas J ames, news agent, 63 Park road
-Goldingo Wm. John, Three Blackbirds inn, 640 High rd High Henry & Sons, boot makers, 48 Church road
Good Harriet (Mrs.), dress maker, 67 St. Mary's road High Road Social Club & Institute (Joseph Crossman,
Goodbody Charles James, drapers, 19 Carlisle road sec.), 320 High road
<Goodwin Frederick Henry & Co. house furnishers, 672 Hill Charles Hamilton, solicitor, 559 Lea Bridge road
& 682 Lea Bridge road. T N 220 W althamstow (T N 284 Walthamstow) & sa3 James lane
Goodwin Ja.mes, harness maker, 679 Hil!'h road Hill Jesse, carman, 57 Dawlish road
~oody & Co. mineral water manufacturers, Knott's grn Hill Thomas, miscellaneous dealer, 828 High road
Goold Tom, insurance agent, 59 Malta road Hill William, butcher, 9 King street
-Gotts .Ang'Ustus Jas. ftorist, 58, 59 & 6o Lea Bridge gdmr Hiller Harry & Co. ladies' underclothing manufacturer!,
tGover Robert, furniture dealer, 4 Leyton High road 734 High road & 6(/6 Lea Bridge road
-Grange Park Hall (William Collett, hon. sec.), 49 Grange Hillman Wm. Percy, wardrobe dealr. 40 Capworth st
Park road Hills Joseph Benjamin, grocer, & post office,354 High rd
-Grantham & Co.grocers,668 Lea Bridge rd.& 383 High rd Hills Louisa (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 143 Church road
·Gray Arthur, 'butcher, 236 Francis road Hinton Ernest & Co. drapers, 656 & 658 Lea Bridge
•Gray George Nicol, insurance agent, 8 Grosvenor road road. T N 260 Walthamstow
·•Gray James Charles, shopkeeper, 1 Havelock villas, Hinton Herbt.tobccnst.844 High rd. TN 3 Walthamstow
Thornton road Hird Annie (Miss), dress maker, 21 Francis road
Gray John Hugh, insurance assistant superintendent, Hiron Richard, boot maker, 252 High road
3 Oliver mansions, Oliver road Hitchman Vineent Reginald, dairy, 91 Farmer road
!Green Arthur, station master, G.E.R. station, High road Hodgkins Smith, drug stores, 700 High road
Green Ewin Linton, solicitor, 42 Church road Holl John, master mariner, 251 Hi~?h road
Green Frank, draper, 32 Francis road Holland George, upholsterer, 71)6 High road
Green Lilian (Mrs.), confectioner, 8 Etloe ter.Church rd Holland John Alder, beer retailer, 193 Francis road
Greenacre Charles, butcher, 743 High road Hollidav James Edward, beer retailer, 128 Vicarage rd
• t Holliday Richard George, oilman, qo Leyton High road

Holmea Arthur Ernest, draper, 382 High road King George, shopkeeper, 31 Crescent road
•Holmes Frederick decorator, 12 Claremont rd King T. Felgat-e, pianoforte tuner, 26 .A.bbott's Park rd
Holmes John, shopkeeper, 1~2 Dawlish road • King's Hall (Leyton Picture Palace) (J. T. Hallinan.,
Bolt John, nurseryman, 142 Vicarage road proprietor), 83g High road. T N 622 Walthamstow
Bolt William, news agent, 617 Lea Bridge road Kingdon Ethel (Mrs.), teacher of music, 203 Francis rd,
Home & Colonial Stores Limited, grocers. 589 Lea *Kirby John George-, plumber, II3 Richmond road
Bridge toad &:; 332 High road l Klein & Co. tailors, Haslemere, Leyton Green road
Honey Edward Joseph, boot maker, 319 Lea Bridge rd Knight Percy, draper, 644 High road
Hooker Francis William, laundry, 777a, High road Knight Waiter Lawrence, laundry, 536 Lea Bridge road
iHooton Brothers, bazaar, 626 Lea. Bridge road Laing James, commission agent, 17 Manor road
Hopkin Mary (Mrs.), fancy draper, 532 Lea Bridge rd Lake Alice (Miss), costumier, 685 Lea Bridge road
Hopping Jusrine (Miss), dress maker, 62 Church road Lamb .Alexander, printer, 598 High road
Horn Frdk.Jsph.plumber & house decorator,105Manor rd Lambden Harry, plumber, 73 Bromley road
Horn!ng Agnes Emily (M~.)~ dairy, Cambrian road. Lambert Annie (Miss), shopkpr. 7 Edward ter.Grange rd
Hoskings Goo. & T. L. artificial teeth makers, 332 H1gh Lancaster Harry George, shopkeeper, 45 Grange road
:road. T N 693 Waltbamstow Lander George Askew, news agent, 512 High road
Hough Amy Florence (Mrs.),stationer,64o Lea Bridge rd Lane Arthur, butcher, 150 Beaumont road
Howard Harriet (Mrs.), sho~keeper, 87 Beaumont road ' Langlt:>y Harry William, sign writer, 7a, Russell road
tHowe Mary (Mrs.), confectiOner, 150 Leyton High rd Lankshear Harry William, clothier, 794 High road
Howell David, shopkeeper, 16 Sidmouth road Lansdell Henry Melville, engineers' pattern maker, 19
Howes Agnes (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 67 Dawlish road Albany road
Howland Thomas, printer, 37 Oliver road Lappin Ellen (Mrs.), corset maker~ 411 High road
Hubbard Thomas & Son, stationers, 322 High road I Lauer Conrad & Co. builer & steam pipe coverers &
Habbard & Co. b~tc.hers, 694 High road I engineers' stores; contractors to H.M. Office of Works,
Hubbard Wm.artlficial teeth ma.see Wheeler & Hubbard 1 Midland road. T N 241 Walthamstow
Huggins William, slate merchant, 43 Dunedin road 1 Laurie's Preserves Limited, jam makers, 46 Church rd.
Hughes Amy Carolina (Mrs.), dress ma.264Capwortb st T N 654 Waltbamstow
Hughes Job~ Mar~iott, draper, 355 & 357 High road , Laver John, dairyman, 637 Lea Bridge road
Hughes LeWIIjl, dauy, 37 Par~ road Lawley Estber (Mrs.), laundress, 685 High road
Bull Alfred, costnmwr, 246 H1gh road Lawrence George Henry, confectioner, 256 High road
Hull Charles, firewood dealer, Farmer r~ad Lawson William Joseph, plumber, 72." High road
Hull Charles H~nry, greengrocer, 639 Htgh road Lea & Bennett, tailors, 842 High road
Hull Joshua, fried fish dealer, 48 Crescent road . Lea Bridge District Gas Co. (Frederick William Cross
Humber Coal Co.coal merchants, I G .E.R. depot, High rd M. I. C. E. engineer & general manager), Lea Bridge
Hurry William Alfred & Sons, undertakers, 367 High road. T N 49 Walthamstow
road. T N 44 W~lthamstow . Leat Frank, milliner, 703 High road
Hussey Erneste, bau dresser, 416 H1gb road Leat William, baby linen warehouse, 712 Lea Bridge rd
*Hntehison David, greengrocer, 8 Richmond road Lee John, boot repairer, 570 High road
Hyman Mark, outfitter, 524 Lea Bridge road Leheup Annieo (Miss), confectioner, 757 High road
Usley & Son, tailors, 726 High road & •.Canterbury road Leig-h Robert,cinematograph theatre,see Mellish & Leigh
lmperial Cash Stores, grocers, 224 High road I Leighton & Co. chemists, 471 High road
Irons John R. baker, 258 High road & 157 Francis road I Leighton Thomas Taylor, chemist, 565 Lea Bridge road
lsaac Maud (Miss), dress maker,4 Holme vils.Church rd Lelyveld Ralph, greengrocer, 327 Lea Bridge toad
~lszard William Limited, contractors, Essex wharf, Lea l.emare Ellen &; Annie (Misses), milliners, 670 High road
Bridge road. T N 70 Dalston Lemare Williani, professor of music, 670 High road
lszard Frederick Charles, shopkeeper, 160 Lea Bridge rd Lennards Limited (Public Benefit Boot Co. ), boot & shoe
Jackson Alfred, greengrocer, 137 Church road makers, 405 Hoe street
Jacobs Robert George, writer, 7II High road tLesadd Artbur .A.. pawnbroker, 82 Leyton High road
James Arthur William & Son, fishmongers, 780 & 788 Lester Harry, motor engineer, 462 Lea Bridge road
High road Leth•y Alfred, dining rooms, 6o1 Lea Bridge road
.lames & Gibbs, provision dealers, 745 High road *Lewis F. Barman A.M.I.E.E. -electrical ·engineer to
James John, shopfitter, 549a, Lea Bridge road Leyton Urban District Council, Electric light & power
James William F. sign writer, 10 Malta road 1 station, Cathall road
Jarman Henry Thomas. hosier, 610 Lea Bridge road Lewis James, confectioner, 545 Lea Bridge road
Jarvis Sydney Artbur, Wakefield Arms P.H. 14 Park rd Lewis Maria (Miss), florist, 59 Lea Bridge road
Jarvis Thomas Davies, fancy draper, 672 High road Leyton County High School for Boys & Technical Insti-
Jay Henry~ builder, 22 Tyndall road tute (Henry Hills B.A., B.Sc. bead master), adjoining
Jenkins Edwin, grocer, 454 Hi!;h road Town hall, High road .
Jenkins Thomas William, draper, 407 Hoe street Leyton & District Jewish Social Union (Philip Green-
Jennings Alfred William, hair dresser,555 Lea Bridge rd I berg, hon. sec.), 488 High road ,
Jennings Lydia {Miss), shopkeeper, 170 Albert road Leyton & District Unionist Club (James Waiter Reader,
lohnson Brothers, platers, 70-l Lea Bridge road hon. sec.), 488 High road

Jobnson Henry, bricklayer, 155 Grange Park road

Johnson Eqward Nathaniel, decorator, 41 St. George's rd Leyton Education Committee (Ralph Vincent, clerk),
Johnson George Frederick, plumber, 62 Tyndall road Town ball, Hi!!h road
Leyton Liberal Club (William Collett, bon. sec.; James
tJobnson Maria (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 74 Leyton High road Boddington, steward), 49 Grange Park road. T N 168
Johnson Reginald E, estate agent, 347 Lea Bridge road Walthamstow
Jolliffe John James, shopkeeper, 20 Cooper's lane Leyton Public Libraries (Zebedee Moon F.R.Hist.So~.
Jones Alfred Robert, tobacconist, 300 High road chief librarian), High road (T N 469 Walthamstow);
Jones Annie (Mrs.), corn chandler, 279 Capworth street branch libraries, Lea Bridg-e rd. & High rd.Leytonstne
.Jones Arthur Ernest,shirt & collar dresser,49 Lea Hall rd teyton Rifle Club Limited (H. R. Bower, hon. sec.), 25
.Jones Charles Wm. general stores, r8 & 20 Beaumont rd Carlisle road
Jones Chas. Wm. wheelwright 825, & smith 827,High rd Leyton Social & Football Supporters' Club (Thomas H. ·
Jones Henry, shopkeeper, 137 Beaumont road Meakin, hon. sec.), 7 Vicarage road
Jones Percy, greengrocer, 123 Vicarage road Leyton Timber Co. Limited, builders' merchants, 45I
Jorysch Adulf. hair dresser, 268 Lea Bridge road High road. T N 524 Walthamstow
Joyce Sarab Hall (Miss), teacher of music, 17 Leigh rd Leyton Town Rap (~ohn Hol~en. hall.k~eper), ~igb road
Judge Gny, dairyman, see Reader & Judge Leyton Urban District Council Electncity WorKs; show
tJ"unnix Matthew, greengrocer, 102 Leyton High road rooms, 402 Lea Bridge road. T N 155 Walthamstow
Kavanagh John Limited, boot makers, 381 High road Ley~on Urban Dis.trict Council Fire Brigade Stati~n (R.
Keen Georae Frederick, confectioner. 333 Chnrch road DIXon, fireman m charge), Church road & 823 High rd
Kelting Th~mas Henry, umbrella maker, 103 Malta road Leyton Urban District Council Tramways (F. Scbofield,
Kemp Sam John, coffee rooms, 633 High road manager); depot, 590 Lea Bridge road. T N 107
Kennedy John M.B., Cb.B.Glas. physician, 204 High :rd. Waltbamstow
TN 431 Waltbamstow Leyton Urban District Isolation Hospital (John Francis
Kent & Co. outfitters, 398 Lea Bridge road j Tayl?r M.R.C.S.E?g., L.R.C.P., D.P.H.R.C.P.S.Lond.
Kent Alfred, builder, 27 Sedgwick road 1 medical supt.; Miss E. Ryan, matron), Auckland rd.
KerbPy Henry George, shopkeeper, 57 Farmer road I T N 432 Walthamstow
Kerkin Fanny (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 34 Wilmot road Leyton & Walthamstow Boa:d of Trade Labour Ex-
King Benjamin, greengrocer, 408 Le& Bridge road , change, 592 to 598 Lea Bndge road. T Nos. 255 &
*King George, butcher, 6 Richmond road 256 Walthamstow
fKing Geo:rge, confectioner. 136 Leyton High road
Linton George, boot maker, 26 Primrose road Merchant Edward James, grocer, 221 Chnrell road
Lipton Limited, grocers, 597 Lea Bridge road Metropolitan Water Board; collectors' office,~4 High rei
Liverpool Victoria Legal Friendly Society (district llMetrop·Jlitan Water Board (Eastern Districl) (Charle•
office) (J. R. Ouchton, manager), 337 Lea Bridge road H. Fossett, resident engineer), Lea :Bridge road
Livingstone College (Elementary Medical Training for :\Iichael Edward & Co. butchers, 305 Lea :Bridge road
Missionaries) (Loftus Edward Wigram M.A., M.B. tMichel Fritz, baker, 142 Levton High road
principal & sec.),Knott's green. T N 18 Walthamstow Middleton Timothy, furniture dealer, 658 High road
Lloyd Arthur John, necktie manufacturer, 702 High rd tMignot Edwd. Chas. boot maker, 158 Leyton Hig1t l'Oa.J
Lloyd Rosa (Miss), confectioner, 203 Church road Miles John R. private estate office, 570 High roatf
Lofts Edward & Son, decorators, 9 Russell road Miles Waiter Leopold, grocer & snb-postma!te11,. 4!1
Lomas George James, shopkeeper, 43 Sidmouth road James lane
London City & Midland Bank Limited (Cecil W. Smith, Milhench Alexander, assistant supt. to Prudential Asmr-
manager), 324 High road; draw on head office, 5 ance Co. Limited, 5 Lyttleton road
Threadneedle street, London E C Miller Henry, hair dresser, 159 Francis road
London County & Westminster Bank Limited (Herbert Miller Horatio, sanitary inspector, Town hall,. lliga
Frederick Bayliss, manager), 340 High road (T N 175 road. T N 68 Walthamstow
Walthamstow); draw on head office, 41: Lothbury, Miller Joseph, florist, 85 Lea Bridge gardens
London E C Millington Percy, cabinet maker, 522 Lea Bridge roa611
London Electric Wire & Smiths Limited (Ernest Leete, :\fills Charles, boot repairer, 201 Newport road
sec.), Church road Mills William, boot repairer, Leyton Green road
London General Omnibus Co. Limited, Leyton green Milton Charles, sign writer, 32 Wilmot road
London Kneader Co. mechanical engineers, 10 & n l\Iitchell Thomas Cecil & Co. mechanical engineers, J<>
Etloe terrace, Church road & I I Etloe terrace, Church road
~ondon & Manchester Industrial Assurance Co. Ltd. Mitchell Ada (Mrs.), confectioner, 48 Cap worth stree'
(Albert Edward Hyde, district supt.), 263 High road t~fonth Frank Pritchard L.R.C.P., L.R.O.S.Edin. phy81-
London Master Bakers' Pension Society's Almshouses cian & surgeon, I35 Leyton High road
(A. J. Kestin, sec. ; Mrs. Sophia Brown, matron), Moody T. & Co. publishers, 598 High road
Lea Bridge road Moon Zebedee F.R.Hist.Soc. librarian Leyton Public-
London & Provincial Bank Limited (branch) (George Libraries, High road. T N 469 Waltharnstow
Arthur Fiske, manager), 618 Lea Bridge road; draw *Moore Arthur Samuel, house decorator, 4 HaTelocl&
on head office, 3 Bank buildings, Lothbnry & Glyn, villas, Thornton road
Mills, Currie & Co. 67 Lombard street, London E C. .Moore James, greengrocer, 304 High road
See advertisement .Moore William, laundry, 135 Newport road
London Shirt & Collar Dressing Co. laundry, 394 Lea Moore William, tobaconist, 407 High road
Bridge road Morris Thomas & Co. pork butchers, 456 Lea Bridg~ rll
London & South Western Bank Limited (branch) (Herbt. Morris Alfred, house decorator, 6 Russell road
Henry Rains, manager), 267 High road; draw on head Morris Waiter, cycle dealer, 775 High road
office, 170 Fenchurch street, London E C Morse Ha.rriet (Mrs.), dress maker, 13 Vicarage road
London & Suburban Drapery & Clothing Co. credit Motschmann Adam, hair dresser, 55 Park road
drapers, 34 Capworth street Napper Frank, grJcer, 716 Lea Bridge road
Long Arthur William, shopkeeper, 100 Sidmonth road Nayler Bertram, boot maker, 42 Francis road
Lonsdale George Alloway, grocer, 175 Francis road Xayler Frederick Charles, watch maker, 352 High road
Lonsdale Joseph, grocer, 34 Francis road *Neale Sidney Edward, insur. agt. 133 Twickenham rd
Lovell Fredk. Samuel, insurance agent, 41 Lyttleton rd Nelson George Ashton, confectioner, 764 High road
Low Alfred, stone mason, Lea Bridge station, Lea Bridge New Model Laundries Limited, Clyde place (T N 595
road. T N 167 Walthamstow Walthamstow) & 302 High road
Lowe Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 89 Lea Bridge road Newall W. H. & Son Limited, boot & shoe manufae•
Loweth Henry, confectioner, 248 Francis road turers, 92 Beaumont road. T N 65o Walthamstow
Lush & Cook Limited, dyers, 326 High road Newark Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 29 Beaumont road
Lnther Blanche (Miss), ladies' underclothing manufac- Newberry Edward, boot repairer, 306 Lea Bridge road
turer, 74 Church road. T N 427 Walthamstow Newman John & Co. house furnishers, 1 Shrnbland roalt
*Lutterloch Edward, insurance agent, 226 Richmond rd Newman Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 197 Beanmont rd
Lutz Gustave, butcher, 7 Etloe terrace, Church road Nicholls Thos. Richd. marine store dlr. 50 Capworth et
• I.uxmore Annie (Mrs.), :shopkeeper, 291 Mnrchison road Nicholson Mary Blanche (Miss ),draper,2o6 Lea Bridge rd
Lyons J. & Co. Limited, wholesale tea depot, x66 Mid- Noble William George L.M.S.S.A.Lond. physician "
land road. T N 442 Walthamstow surgeon, 851 High road & 277 Lea Bridge road
1\IcCauley Samuel, tailor, 293 High road Noel Bros. china & glass dealers, 666 Lea Bridge road
McCombie Alexander, beer retailer, 139 Newport road Norman J ames Thomas, news agent, 448 High road
McCormick Caius, boot repairer, 29 Sidmouth road Norris Charles, fried fish dealer, 642 High road
*Macer Robert Edward, butcher, 52 Pearcroft road *Norris Henry, boot maker, 54 Pearcroft road
Mackinder Charles William, piano tuner, II4 Farmer rd Northcott Robert, insurance agelJ.t, 6 Grosvenor road
1\Iagnus Alfred, fishmonger, 351 High road Nosworthy John, Greyhound tavern, 91 Lea Bridge road
.Manders W. & Co. builders, 240 Capworth street. T N Nottage Herbert, hair dresser, 635 Lea Bridge road
642 Walthamstow Nunn & Son, corn chandlers, 49 Park road
*Manley Frances Maria (Mrs.), preparatory s~hool, 12 Nursey Benjamin, grocer, !2 Grosvenor road
Elm road Oakes William Henry, Antelope P.H. 201 Church road
*Manley George, fried fish dealer, 64 Ashville road Oatham William Horatio, paperhanger, I Sedgwick roa!l
Margrove Leonard, oil &; calor man, 324 Lea Bridge rd Oddy William, builder, 192 High road
Maris Alfred, coal dealer, 17 SidmoTith 'l'Oad Odell Alfred, blouse maker, 130 Vicarage road
Ma.rlow William Egerton, printer, 469 High road Oldaker John, oil & col or man, 633 Lea Bridge road
Marriage Herbrt.Fdk,wine & spirit dh-.458 Lea Bridge rd Oliver Charles John, slat-er, 178 VICarage road •
Marriott William, beer retailer, 655 High road Oliver John William, laundry, 266 Lea Bridge road
. Marsh Ada (Miss), teacher of pianoforte, 131 Manor rd Oliver Philip, boot maker, 512 Lea Bridge road
Marshall Ernest Waiter, confectioner, 277 Capworth st Olney William John, plumber, 73 Albert road
Martin Ernest Frederick, baker, 216 Francis road Oram Henry, haberdasher, 59 Park road
Martyn Arthur George, boot manufacturer, I57 Chnrch Orme Alfred L.R.C.P., L.S.A. physician & surgeon, 'Z
road. T N 652 Walthamstow Boscombe avenue & surgery, 407 High road
Matthews Cash Chemists Ltd. chemists, 230 High road Os borne Francis Wallace D.D.S. (U .S.A. ), americao
Matthews Lily (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 18~ Beaumont road dentist, 663 Lea Bridge road. T N 140 Walthamstow
Mattock Waiter, farm bailiff to John Simonds esq. Ive Otter Charles Frederick, relieving officer part of Ley-
farm, Chureh road. T N 25 Walthamstow ton district, West Ham union, 4 Goldsmith road
Maughan Wm. Thos. confectioner, 587 Lea Bridge road Owen11 William Henry, grocer, 335 Capworth street
:\fay Edward William, baker & sub-postmaster, 198 Pace Harold Everett M.B.Lond., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P'.
Capworth street Lond. physician & surgeon, & medical officer & public-
*Mead Frederick John, grocer, 62 Ashville road vaccinator for part of Leyton· district, West Ham
Measures Joseph, butcher, 807 High road
Medcalf Daniel, solicitor, 428 Lea Bridge roRd union, 831 High road. T N 134 Walthamstow
Meider Newman, photographer, 19 Beaconsfield road Pain George Sidney, printer, 68 Dawlish road
Mellish & l.Righ, cinematograph theatre, 371 Lea Bridge Paine Henry J ames, china & glass dealer 36o, k oil &:;
road. T N 362 Walthamstow color man 362, High road
Mercer John, oilman, 53 Pearcroft road Palmer Paul, baker, 419 High road
.Merceor J111ia (Mrs. ),shirt & collar O:resser,77 Franeis rd Pamenter George, dining rooms, 24 Leyton Green road

Pamplin Charles, confectioner 38, & furniture dealer 40, Rains Herbert Henry, manager London&: South Western
Francis road Bank Limited, 267 High road
Pannell Percy Ge)rge, news agent, 637 High road Ramsey Alfred, boot repairer, 52 Westerham road
Panting Charles H., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. physician &: Randall Clement Boyce, chemist, 368 High road
surgeon, 675 High road Rason William, boot & shoe dealer, 173 l''rancis road
Parish George, boot repairer, 314 Lea Bridge road Raymond Joseph, haberdasher, 343a, Lea Bridge road
Parker Jos~ph, shopkeeper, 6 Capworth street tRayner Edward, estate agent, 161 Leyton High road
tParker Thomas, greengrocer, 62 Leyton High road t Raynor Edwd.J .chemist,& post office, 164Leyton High rd
Parrish Kate (Mrs.), confectioner, 516 Lea Bridge road Read James, carman, 22 Beaumont road
l'arsons Sarah (Mrs.), Lion & Key P .H. 475 High road. Reader & Judge, dairymen, 218 Francis road. T N 195
T N 164 Walthamstow Walthamstow
Parsons William John, Hare & Hounds P.H. 278 Lea Reeves George & Co. house agents, 512 Lea Bridge road
Bridg-e road . Regan Mary (Miss), draper, II7 Vicarage road
Pasco Elizabeth Julia (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 4 Primrose rd Rehm Martin, baker, 690 High road
PattPrson Joseph Wylie, solicitor, :!5 Vicarage road Reid Fanny (Mrs.), dining rooms, 705 High road
Pattison Henry, news agent, 396 High road Renaut Albert Edward, news agent, 612 Lea Bridge road
Pauley Elizabeth (Miss), shopkeeper, 95 Dunedin road Reus Matthew, baker, 59 Park road
Payne Albert Henry, shopkeeper, II2 Francis road Revell George William, confectioner, 136 Vicarage road
Payne Alfred John, baby carriage mfr. 706 Lea Bridge rd tReynolds Elizabeth (Mrs.), King Harold P.H. u6 Ley-
Payne J oseph, tailor, 122 Francis road ton High road
Peace James, pawnbroker, 161 Francis road Reynolds Jn.Thos.grocer, & post office,s67 Lea Bridge rd
Pearce Charles, milliner, 435 High road Rich George, greengrocer, 72 Capworth street
Pearks Ltd. grocers, 646 Lea Bridge rd. & 405 High rd Richards Bros. furniture brokers & dealers, 318 High rd
Pearson Oliver &; Alfd. dining rooms, 6o8 Lea Bridge rd E.ichardson J. 0. B. & Sons Limited, drapers, 266 & 268
Pearson Percival Edward, tobacconist, 30 Francis road High road. T N 453 Walthamstow
Peckham Neville, sign writer, 106 Francis road Richardson Charles, hosier, 682 High road
Pedder John, harness maker, ro Russell road Richardson William, shopkeeper, 71 Claude road
*Pelling Thomas, oilman, 2 Richmond road Riches Louisa (Miss), draper, 245 Capworth street
Pemberton Arthur Edwin, house furnisher, 390 Lea Rickards Albert, umbrella maker, 232 High road
Bridge road Riley John, optician, 68-4 High road
Pemberton William, house furnisher, 404 Lea Bridge rd Ringer David, boot maker, 822 High road
Parkins James, motor engineer, 455 High road Rivt-rs HPrbert .A.lexiaus, confectioner, 676 High road
Perrin Albert Edward, grocer, 203 Newport road Rivett Alfred, cycle maker, 668 High road. T N 304
Perry A. & M. Limited, mantle warehouse, 210 High rd W althamstow
*Perry Andrew; grocer, 133 Ashville road Bobbins John Edward, house decorator, 31 Park road
*Perry Charles, boot repairer, 124 Ashville road Bobbins Samuel, shopkeeper, 125 Francis road
Perry Matthew, builder, 791 High rd. & 84 Beaumont rd Roberts Charles, umbrella maker, 426 High road
PE-ters Sam, hair dresser, 322 Lea Bridge road Ro berts Ell en (Mrs.), inspector under "Infant Life Pro-
Peters Watson Ernest, plumber, 45 Sedgwick road tection Act," West Ham union, 93 Skelton's lane
Pettit Henry, greengrocer, 818 High road Roberts Henry Charles, h:1m & beef dealer, 250 High•
Pettit John, greengrocer, 238 Francis road road. T N 440 Walthamst~w
Phelp Alfred D. printer, 2 Grange Park road Robertson Amelia (Mrs.), confectioner,333 Lea Bridge rd 1
Philipps John Sidaey Herbert, boot repairer,432 High rd tRobertson Frederick, provision dlr. 92 Leyton High rd
Pickard Waiter & Son, boot makers, 6og High road tRobinson Herbert, hair dresser, 8 Leyton High road
Pi(!'~ott Jesse Ellis, fishmonger, 5 Leigh road. Robinson Thomas Frederick, coffee rooms,337 Church rd'
*Pike Frederick John, insurance agent, u8 Ashville rd Rogers Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker, 9 Salisbury road
Pike Henry Alexander, boot repairer~ 6r_s Lea Bridge rd tRogers William John, beer retailer, 44 Leyton High rd•
Piner Thomas Richard, auctioneer, 280 High road. T N Roscoe James. fried fish dealer, ro King street
15 Walthamstow Rose Annie (Madame), costumier,6go & 692 LeaBridge rd
Pinner Harry, insurance inspector, I I Whitney road Rosenberg Bemard, tailor, 6]8 High road
Pitts Albert, greengrocer, 44 Francis road Boss Alexander, dining rooms, 339 Lea Bridge road
Plaissetty Manufacturing Co. gas mantle manufacturers, tRowe .!.lfred, fried fish dealer, 128 Leyton High road
Parkfield works, Church road. TN 514 Walthamstow R:J"we Frederick William, confectioner, 456 High road
Plaster John, marine store dealer, 8o Church road Rowland Benjamin William, fried fish dlr. 92 Francis rd'
Platman Bertram Francis, watch maker, 418 High road Rowland Herbert, boot & shoe dealer, 99 Capworth street-
Pletz Isaac, draper, 114 High road Royal London Mutual Insurance Society Limited, dis-
Plimmer Elizabeth (Mrs.), boot & shoe dealer,29 Park rd trict office (James John Winstone, superintendent),
Pollard Frank, confectioner, 457 High road 418 Lea Bridge road
.Pope James Waiter, shopkeeper, 57 Park road Ro~·Iand Joseph William, hair dresser, 534 Lea Bridge rd"_
Porter James, boot repairer, 44 Farmer road Ruhery Georgina (Mrs.), confectioner, 654 High road
s Sorting Office (Robert Russell, overseer). Rufiles Robert Edward, collar dresser, 76 Capworth st
713 High road Rug-gles J. & H. furniture removers, 45 Capworth street"
Potter John Henry & C(). ladies' underclothing manu- Rumba! John Hampton, tripe dresser, 615 High road
facturers, 478 High road Rumm Charles John, butcher, 289 High road. T N 161'
Poulter Harry James, printer, 171a, Midland road. T N Walthamstow
6og Wal thamstow Ru~sell John. corset maker, 288 High road
Pound Alexander, hair dresser, 205 Church road Rutt Robert Spurden, organ builder, Knott's green.
Poupard Matilda (Mrs.),china & glass dealer,298 High rd T A " Ruttophic, London ; " T N 649 W althamstow
Power Reuben William, shopkeeper, 40 Byron road Ryan Henry, oilman, 281 High road
Powley Robert, boot maker, 46 Capworth street Sainsbnry John, grocer, 277 High road: & 609 & 6n
Pratt Samuel Amos, tailor, 561 Lea Bridge road & Lea Bridge :road
617 High road. T N 146 Walthamstow St. :Mary's Church House & Institute (H. H. Rains, hon.
Preston &; Co. Limited, butchers, 167 Francis road. T N sec.), 477 High road
14 Walthamstow St. Pelagia's Home for Destitute Girls (Sisters of th&
Preston Archibald Frederick. architect. 86 Warren road Sacred Heart in charge), Etloe house, Church road
Preston James, butcher, 409 Hoe street Salesbury Charles, butcher, 413 Hig-h road
~Prevost William Herbert, motor car repairer, Essex Salisbury William, butcher 323, & pork butcher 325,.
wharf, Lea Bridge road. T N 1993 Dalston Lea Bridge road
Price Philip, tailor, 64-4- Lea Bridge road Salmon Waiter John Taylor & Henry Thomas, iron-
Priest Edward, tailor, 104 Tyndall road mongers, 755 High road
Prince Step hen, grocer, 226 Francis road Salmon Caroline (Mrs.), teacher of music, 13 Beacons-
fring HarryJn.dairy,216 High rd. T ~ 682 Walthamstow field road
Prior William, shopkeeper, 40 Beaumont road Sampson Henry Wm. pianoforte tuner,414 Lea Bridge- rd
Pugb George, boot maker, I Thorn hill road SandE'l"S Brothers, corn dealers, 595 Lea Bridge road &
Pugh James Thos. insurance agent, 12 Grange Park Td 373 High road
Pugh Wm. Victor, insurance agent, 12 Grange Park rd Sandham &; Co. fancy bazaar, 409 High road
,Pnnshon Lionel, joinery manufacturer, 125 Church Td *Sargent Emily (Mrs.), laundress, 123 Pearcroft road
Quinsol Manufacturing Co. manufacturing chemists, xo Sounders & Co. ironmongers, 220 & 222 High road. T N
& I I Etloe terrace, Church road 209 W althamstow
Rackham Peter, tailor, 6g Park road Savage George, wardrobe dealer, 733 High road
Radburn William, decorator, 714 Lea Bridge road Savage Henrietta (Miss), draper, 204 Francis road
Radcliffe A. E. building inspector, Town hall, High rd Savell Victor W. builders' merchant, see Wallis & Savell
ESS• X 25*
*Savill Benjamin, boot maker, 3 Thornton road Smith William Henry, dinin~ rooms, 562 Lea Bridge rd
Sayer Jn. decoratr. so Eurchell rd. TN 449 Walthamstow Smith's _!\.lmi;houses, Church road
*Saywell William Henry, violin teacher, 7 Claremont rd Snewin Frank William, dairyman, 329 Lea Bridge road
Schallehn Jane (Nlrs.),nurse, Laburnum vil.Thornhill rd Sonfield Emanuel, tailor, 284 High road
Schmed Jacqnes, embroiderer, 528 Lea Bridge road Sorrell John Joshua, furn. remover, 37 Leyton Park rd
Schmidt Henry Philip, baker & sub-postmaster, 240 & Souter Percv R. station master Lea Bridge station,
242 High road
Schofield Fred, manager Leyton Urban District Council
Great Eastern railwav, . Lea Bridg-e road

Southcott Ernest Horace, tobacconist, 312 High road

Tramways, 590 Lea Bridge road Elouthgate Alfred, shopkeeper, 6o Goldsmith road
Schrapel Julius, indoor collector to Leyton Urban Dis- Southgate Frederick, house breaker 778, & shopkeeper
trict Council, Town hall, High road 8oz, High road
Schubert Frederick, coffee rooms, 85 Lea Bridge road South-West Essex (Walthamstow Division) unionist
Scott Edwd. (Mrs.) & Sons,plumbers,sg Grange Park rd Association (Ed>~"ard A. Chapman. sec. & registration
Scott & Son, miscellaneous dealers, 547 Lea Bridge road agent), 599 High road. T :X z5o·lhlthamstow
Scott Edward Henry M.R.C.V.S. veterinary surgeon, 727 Spacey John, tailor, 310 High road
High road. T N 538 Walthamstow t;::;parling- John William, draper, rzo Leyton High read
*Scott Harry. greengrocer, 57 Ashville road Speller William & Son, plumhrs, 7 Cambrian road
Scott Harry Herbert, collector to Leyton Urban District Spencer John L.R.C.P. & S.Edin., L.F.P.S.Gias. physi·
Council, Town hall, High road cian & surgeon, 347 High road & 124 Francis road.
Scott Henry, watch & clock maker, 753 High road T N 282 Walthamstow
S<:ott John Joseph, jobbing gardener, 3 Morley road tSpiller Henry, coffee rooms, 72 Leyton High road
tScott 'V alter J ames, domestic machinery dealer, q8 Spooner Kate (Miss), costumier, rr Essex road
Leyton High road Spratt Harriett (Miss), confectioner, 273 High road
Scudder Elizabeth (Miss), fruiterer, 696 High road Spring Tom, house decorator, 39 Morley road ·
Seabrook & Co. cycle agents, 290 High road Stacey Frederick, tailor, ru Grange Park road
Seabrook Frederick, clothier, 429, 431 & 433 High road Stacey John, eoffee room~. 135 Church road
Seabrooke & Sons Limited, bre"ers, 70-1- High road. Staddon Charles, boot repairer, 47 Morley road
T ~ 573 Walthamstow Staines Ernest, dairyman, 228 Francis road
Seagrave Waiter, butcher, 442 High road Standen Albert ~Ufred, dairyman, 732 Hig-h road
Sedg"ick & Beaven, ironmongers, 670 Lea Bridge road Stanlick Wm. Stanley, house decorator,6 Beaconsfield rd
Sed well Tom, wheelwright, 300 Lea Bridge road Stansfeld & Co. Limited, brewers; depot, 6r6 Lea Bridge
Seed Thos. Ily. chemi8t, 401 High rd. T ::'\ r87 Stratford road. T ~ 534 Walthamstow
Serre ..lchille Limited, dyers, 258 High road Star Printing Co. printers, 709 High road
Sexton Lilian (Miss), dress maker, 329 Church road Star Tea Co. Limited, grocers, 591 Lea Bridge road
Shadrake w. G. & Co. auctioneers, surveyors & estate Starke Herbert, grocer, 454 Lea Bridge road
agents, r84 High road & 343 Lea Bridge road Starmer Sidney, hair dresser, 252 Francis road
Shakespeare James Henry, jeweller, 264 High road Starmer William, costumier, 366 High road
Sharp Francis Frank, baker, 66 Capworth street Stead . Frederick, hatter, 26o High road

Sharpe John Edwin, wheelwright, 32a, Wilmot road Steele Alfred, insurance agent, 722 High road
Sharps William J oseph, grocer, 27 Park road Stephens James, baker, 664 High road
Shead William, cabinet maker, 7a, Manor road Ste\Yart George, butcher, 134 Vicarage road
Sheen Elizh. Mary (Mrs.), grocer, 213 Francis road Stokes Amos, van &, cart builder, 462 High road
Sheen John, beer retailer, 5o Church road Stone Frederick, greengrocer, 410 High road
Shenstone & Co. Limited, pianoforte makers, Grange Stoner Amos, shopkeeper, rr King street
road (T N 24 Walthamstow); Etloe road (T N 85 Stonhill William, confectionf'r, 470 High road
W althamstow) & 226 High ro~d Storr Bartol Thomas, solicitor, 86 James lane '
Shepherd Martha (Mrs.), coffee tooms, 824 High road Story, Case & Co.coke & rr Etloe ter.Chureh rd
Shepherd lVillie, poulterer, 527 Lea Bridge road Straten Carl 0. T. picture frame maker, 784 High road
Sheppard Herbert Playford M.B., Ch.B.Aberd. physician Stratford Go-operative & Industrial Society Limited,
& surgeon, 6oo High road. T N 596 Walthamstow 376 to 380 High road (T N 93 Walthamstow) & coal
Sherman Henry, necktie manufr. 396 Lea Bridge road offices, 2 G. E. R. depot, High road
Shinfield Morris, hair dresser, 26 Leyton Green road Stratford Amy (Mrs.), tobacconi~t, 469a, High road
Sbrimpton Joseph, electrician, 438 High road Strauss Bertha (Mrs.), tobacconist, 291 High road
-Sibbett Richd. John Fras. insur. supt. 6r :Murchison rd 1-Straw Annie (Mrs.~- >~"ardrobe dlr. 6.1. Leyton High rd
.Sidney Emily (Miss), laundry, 53 Park road Stringer Arthur V\-illia.m, oilman, 6r Park road
Sigg Frederick, artificial teeth maker, see Gibson, Sigg Strong Thomas James. dairyman, 204 Lea Bridge road
& .ishford Stroud Henry Joshua, boot & shoe factor, 8 Sedgwick rd
Silverstone Harry, ladies' outfitter, 465 High road Sutcliffe Edith (Miss), private school, 2 S~ott's road
:Sime John, greengrocer, 22 Carlisle road Sutton, Sutton &, Co. Limited, pawnbrokers, 344 & 346
*Simkins George William John, grocer, 124 Pearcroft rd High road •
Simmons George Thomas, baker, 573 Lea Bridge road Sutton William, pawnbroker, 840 High road. T N 224
Simpson John Laird M.B., Ch.B. physician & surgeon, Walthamstow
r88 High road. T N 679 Walthamstow Swaddle George, estate agent, 123 Francis road. T ~
, Bin clair Lucy (Mrs.), laundress, 46 Crescent road 579 Walthamstow
Singer Sewing- ·Machine Co. Limited, 628 "Lea Bridge S;\ ift & Co. confectioners, 242- Francis road
road & 423 High road Symons Brothers, fishmonger>:, 33 I Lea Bridge road
uen (Mrs.), confectioner, 572 High road Tansley Joseph, baker, 141 Church road
, & Son, farriers, 695 High road Tate Thomas, greengrocer, 14 Crescent road
H., M.R.C.V.S. veterinary surgeon, 715 'l'aylor & Fort, milliners, 358 High road
High road. N 430 Walthamstow Ta·dor Edith ~Iaud (~fiss), pri>ate school, 123 Grange
Skelton Waiter, hair dresser, 65 Beaumont road Park road
- Skinner Catherine (Miss), private school, 2 Abbott's Taylor Elizabeth (Mrs.). registry office for servants, I2
Park road Francis road. T ~ 305 Waltl:amstow
: Skinner Edward, florist, 503 Lea Bridge road Taylor Ernest William, hair dresser, 214 Francis road
Skinner William. furniture remover, 155 Cap-worth st Taylor Frederic];:, confectioner, 769 High road
~-Slawson Edith (Miss), shopkeeper, 177 Albert road tTaylor Geo. Arthur, hair dresser, IIS Leyton High rd
•.Smith & Birkett, clothiers 309, & pawnbrokers 3II, Taylor Harold, oil & color man, 94 Francis road
Lea Bridge road Taylor John Francis M.R.C.S.Eng., D.P.H. physician &;
Smith Wm.& Son,fruitrs. 279 High rd. & 2 Sedgwick rd surgeon, & medical officer of health to the Leyton
Smith Bertram, fruiterer, r69 Francis road Urban District Council, Town hall, High road. T ~
Smith Caroline (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 414 High road 68 Walthamstow
Smith Cecil W. manager London City & Midland Bank tTaylor John Omega, coffee rooms, 139 Leyton High rd
Limited, 324 High road Taylor Thomas Tuttun _-\..S.A.A. accountant & supt.
Smith Charles Henry, dairyman, 350 High road assistant ovPrseer to LeYton

Urban District Council,
Smith Florence (Mrs.), marine store dlr. r & 2 King st Town hall, High road. T ~ 434 Walthamstow
tSmith George, china & glass dealer,r26 Leyton High rd Taylor William, ladies' outfith.!r. 638 Lt>a Bridg-e road
Smith George, florist, 20 Wilmot rd.& 6 Grange Park rd 'l'aynton Henry James & Eliza ~\nn (Miss), oil & color
Smith George, hair dresser, 830 High road warehouse, 400 & --1-02 High road
Smith Jasper, fruiterer, 359 High road Taynton Alfred John, tobacconist, 398 High road
Smith Laura (Miss), dress maker, 126 Capworth street Teers John Al!:Jert, insurance agPnt, 152 Albert road
Smith Robert Hy. mantle warehouse, 708 Lea Bridge rd Ternouth Charles, baker, 453 High road
Smith Vernon, draper, 294 High road
Territorial Force Battalion (8th) (Cyclist) Essex Regi- Weal Bros. florists, The Firs nursery, Burchell road
ment (A Co. Lieut. H. Innocent, commanding; Color- Weal Richard, house decorator, 34 Waterloo road
Sergt. J. Blockley, drill instructor), Drill ha.ll, Lea Weber .A.rthur .A.lbert, shopkeeper, 121 Park road
lodge, Church road Weedon Charlos, tobacconist, go Francis road
Theobalds Fras. Wm. boot k shoe ma. 74 Capworth st Weiffenbach Henry, baker, 369 High road
tThickpenny Robert, greengrocer, 130 Leyton High road Wells James k Co. hardware dealers, 728 Lea Bridge rd
Thomas Charles Frederick, rate collector for Leyton Wernham Hal, teacher ol singing, 851 High road
Urban District Council, Town hall, High road West Norman, ()il & color man, 195 Francis road
"Thomas James, drug stores, a1li sub-postmaster, 198 Wetherall James, dining rooms, 371 & 386 High road &;
Francis road 55 Lea Bridge road
Thompson Frederick George, grocer, Post & Telegraph Wheeler & Hubbard, artificial teeth makers, 842 High rd
office, 6o3 High road White Joshua & Son, dairy, 14 Capworth street
Thompson Frederick George, hair dresser, 656 High rd WhiteR. & Sons Limited (Leyton depot), mineral water
Thompson George Russell, estate office, 53 .A.lbert road manufacturers, Clyde place. T N 43 Walthamstow
Thompson Rosa (Mrs.), greengrocer, 209 Church road White Curti<>, assistant insur. supt. 74 St. Mary's road
Thorpe Waiter, fishmonger, 275 High road White Henry Rowland, accountant, 87 Francis road
Tiley Thomas, organizing inspector to Leyton Education White James, confectioner, m Capworth street
Committee, Town hall. T N 436 Walthamstow White Rose (Mrs.), clothier, 782 High road
UTitania Co. dairy utensil mfrs.Essex whf.Lea Bridge rd Wilby James, boot maker, 119 Vicarage road
Tomk.ins Edward, grocer, 613 Lea Bridge road Wiles Thomas, florist, 2 Church road & 390 High road
Tomkins Harding H., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Edin., Wilkie Leonard, piano tuner, 16 Waterloo road
L.M. physician & surgeon, 492 Lea Bridge road Wilkins & Co. laundry, 629 Lea Bridge road
Tomlinson Brothers, credit drapers, 17 Murchison road Willdnson Berridge, boot repairer, 420 High road
T plis Richard, furniture dealer, 121 Church road Wilkinson John Henry, confectioner, 678 Lea Bridge rd
Tottenham & Forest Gate Railway Estate Office (W. J. Williams Annie (Mrs.), midwife, 50 Morley road
Bassett F ..A..I. agent), 549 Lea Bridge road. T Nos. Williams Frederick, florist, 124 Lea Bridge gardens
21 & 67 Walthamstow Williams James, insurance agent, 231 High road
Tremain John, furniture dealer, 32 Capworth street Willmms Jane (Mrs.), laundress, 6g St. Mary's road
Trenllion J. & Co. artificial stone manufacturers, 559 Williams Roxana (Mrs.), confectioner, 738 Lea Bridge rd
Lea Bridge road. T N 703 Walthamstow Williamson Benj . .A.lfd.cats' meat dealer,197 Francis road
tTrice ~Iary (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 14 Leyton High rd Willis George, shopkeeper, 26 Ruckholt road
'l'ristram Ernest William, chemist & sub-postmaster, tWillows .Alfred, grocer, 134 Leyton High road
335 Lea Bridge road Wilson G. & M. blouse manufacturers. 79 Lea Bridge
Trumble Jn. Geo. miscellaneous dlr. 428 & 430 High rd road. T N 593 Walthamstow
Tucker \Yilliam, decorator, 558 Lea Bridge road Wilson George, shopkeeper, 13 Jesse road
Turner Alfred, builder, 57 Lea Hall road Wilson Henry, builder, 278 High road & Barclay house,
Turner .A.rthur Ernest, dairy, 460 Lea Bridge road Essex road. T N 526 Walthamstow
Turner Flora (Mrs.), teacher of music, 98 HuxlE>y road Wilson Robert .A.ugustus, milliner, 214 High road
Turner George, decorator, 26 Chertsey road Wilton John Rutley, harness maker, 436 High road
*Tyler Annie (Miss), dress maker, so Richmond road Wiltshire Thomas William, watch repairer, 302 High rd
Tyne Main Coal Co. I.imited, 232 High road Winstone James John, district supt. Royal London
Union Assurance Society Limited (James Glendening, Mutual Insurance Society Limitrd, 418 Lea Bridge rd
district m:mager), 321 Lea Bridge road Winter A.rthur, confectioner, 790 High road
tUpton William John, tobacconist, 84 Leyton High road Wood Brothers, drapers, 599 Lea Bridge road
Varnes Louisa (Mrs.), dress maker, 5 Cambrian road tWood Alfred, corn chandler, 152 Leyton High road
Vaughan &; Sons, dairymen, 9 Leigh road Wood Edgar, confectioner, 648 Lea Bridge road
Veal John, boot repairer, 123 Sidmouth road Wood Robert, shopkeeper, 180 Morley road
Vincent Balph, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, & j Woodforde Harriette Mary ~label (Miss), private school,.
clerk to the Leyton "Urban District Council & Leyton 56 Vicarage road
Education committee, Town hall, High road. T N Woodland Fredk. John, confectioner, 163 Francis road
436 Walthamstow Woodman Frederick Sidney, baker, 648 High road
Vint Percy, confectioner, 224 Francis road Wood<; Emily (Mrs.), confectioner, 619 High road
•volke William Ludwig, baker, 5p Ashville road Woolley Maud (:Miss), dress maker, 41 Oliver road
Walker Henry, florist, 53 Lea Bndge gardens Wootton Thomas Samuel, insur. agent, 132 Manor road'
Walker Henry Hilton, commission agent, 32 Tyndall rd Wright J.. R & Son, sawdust contract<Jr,r8a, Cooper's la
Wall John George, linen draper, 415 & 417 High road Wright Wm. Edwd. & Sons, photographers, 254 High rd
Wallace James, boot maker, g6 Francis road Wright .Frederick, sawdust contractor, 647 High road
Wallace William, outfitter, 662 & 664 Lea Bridge road. ) \Vright George, butcher, 540 Lea Bridge road
T N 166 Walthamstow Wright James, watch maker, 6gB High road
"\tailing Kathleen (Mrs.), grocer, 232 Lea Bridge road Wright Joseph W. dining r(}oms, II9 & 121 Morley roatl'
Wallis & Savell, builders' merchants, 287 High road Wright Rose (Mrs.), dairy, 46o High road
Walton Laurie Ltd.draprrs,6oo, 6o2 & 6o4 Lra Bridge rd Wrig-ht Stanley Herbert, french polisher, ro Byron road
Ward Alice Sarah (Mrs.), beer retailer, 238 High road Wright Thomas, confectioner, 326 Lea Bridge road
Ward Joseph, coffee rooms, 173 Capworth street Wyatt Charles &; Co. fishmongers, 179 Francis road
Wardell Henry John, collector to Leyton Urban District Wyer Thomas George, bird dealer, 33 Sidmouth road
Council, Town hall, High road 1 Wyness Frederick John, furniture dealer, 424 High road
Ware Elizabeth ("}Irs. ), ;:hopkeeper, 1.1-7 Beaumont road Yaxley Georg:e, oilman, see Brown & Yaxley -···
Warman William, wine & spirit merchant, 427 High rd Yeoman James Charles, station master <Jf G.E.R. goods
Warn George Edn-ard, fishmonger, 6o7 Lea Bridge road I depot, Temple mills, Ruckholt road
tWarren Fredk. ·wm. ironmonger, 86 Leyton Hicrh road Young Brothers, furniture dealers, 730 Lea Bridge rd
Warren Susannah (}Irs.), grocer, 5 Etloe ter.Ch:irch rd Young William Henry Thomas, house decorator, 701
Waterman Waiter, leather fancy goods dealer, 654 Lea High road & 102 Murchison road
Bridge road · Zi"8lin Lewi<: &; Son, glass cutters, 688 Lea Bridge road.
Watson &; Crowe,picture frame makers,:;63 LeaBridge rd T X 530 Walthamstow
Watson Beatrice P,Irs. ), plumber, 765 High road I Zurhorst Fred, news agent, 74g High road
Watson William, builder, 131 Vicarage road

LEYTOXSTO:XE is an eastern suburb of London, r eccclesiastical parish formed in 1845 from Low Ley-
originally a hamlet of Leyton, running parallel to it, ton; the church, erected in 1833, is an edifice of white
with stations on the Great Eastern and Midland rail- brick with stone dressings, in the Gothic style, con-
ways, situated 2 miles north from West Ham and s! sisting of small chancel, nave, north and south
from Whitechapel, on the road from Stratford, through porches, and a light and graceful western tower with
Epping Forest, to Epping and Ongar, in the South four crocketed pinnacles and containing a clock and 6
Western division of the county, Bow county court, bells : the east window is stained and there are
West Ham union, and Walthamstow and Leyton rural memorial windows, one in each side, to the Rev. Henry
deanery, Essex archdeaconry and Chelmsford diocese. Herbert Evans M ..A.. 19 years vicar, and to the late Mr.
It is in the Eastern Metropolitan postal district and William Davies: there are 950 sittings. The register
within the jurisdiction of tha Central Criminal court dates from the year 1833. The living is a vicarage,
and Metropolitan police. St. John the Baptist is an net yearly Yalue £28o, w~th :t;esidence, in the gift of
tM Bishop of Chelmsford, mid held since 1905 ef- biic:k in tpe Gotbic styl~. and consists o! .chance~
by the Rev. William Tom Brown M.A, (){ Durham anveJmd aisles f there are .sittings for 850 person1. The
University, and surrogate. regis~~ dabe! from t8~o. The living is a perpetual
St. Catherine's is an ecclesiastical district formed curacy, net ~·early value £240, with residence, m the
in 1894 from the mother parisb of St. Mary. The gift of th~ Bishop of Chelmsford, and held since 1909
church is a structure of brick in the Perpendicular by the Rev: Thomas Henry Gilbert M.A. of Christ's Col•
style, and consists of chancel. bave and aisles : there are lege1 Cambridge. .An institute, adjoining the :church,
563 sittings. The registers date from 1894· The living was erected in 19to at a cost o~ [,2,ooo.
is a vicarage, pet yearly value £297, in the gift ot the St. Augustine's Mission- Chnrch, in Lincnln Jrtree(
vicar of Leyton, and held since 1894 by the Rev. John erected in 1902, is a plain edifice of brick, anrl hu
Kennedy F.S.A. sitting! !of 400 persom ; the Rev. William Walker
Assoc.K. C.L. has been minister since 1894
HA.RROW GREEN is an ecclesiastical parish formed S!. George's Presl.Jytetian Church of .England, in
Feb. u, 1879, from the parishes of Le-yt~nstone, Leyt6n, Hiinault road, was erected in .dg3, and has 480 sittings.
Wanstead, West Ham and St. Paul, Stratford .Ne\l The Congregational chapel, a building of stone. jn thft
Town. The church of the Holy Trinity, erected in 1878. Lombardo-Gothic style, was erected in 1877-78, from
at a cost of £6,6oo, is an edifice of brick in the Early designs hy ~{r. J. Lewis Banks A..R.l.B.A. at a coat.,
English style, consisting of chancel, clerestoried nave, including the site, of £rs,ooo: there are sittings for
aisles and south porch: there are Boo sittings, all free. I,ooo persons. There is another chapel in Union road,
The sunday schools adjoining were erected in 1884, at The London City ~ission Hallr Aylmer road, ereei;Pd ia
a cost of £2,300. The register dates from the -vear r885, at a cost of £3.000, has sittings for 400 persons.
1876. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value /,3oo, The Wesleyan chapel is in High road, and there .are
with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Chelmsford, Baptist chapels, irt Fairlop road, built in r877, attached
and held since 1906 by the Rev. Ernest William Sawyer to which is a school house and lecture hall, and in
M. A. of Keble College, Oxford. Cannhall road and Harrow Green. St. Patrick's Catholic
St. Andrew's is an ecclesiastical parish, forml'd in cemetery, of 31 .acres in extent, situated in Union road
I887 from that of St. John the Baptist. The church was and formed in r86r, has one mortuary chapel . .J>ublic
.erected in 1886, on a site given by the Cotton family, Baths were erected in 190:11 in Cathall road. The Good
1't an estimated cost o. £12,ooo: it is a building of Shepherd Children's Industrial Home, in Davies lane,
Kentish Iag with Bath stone dressings, in the Gothic is one of the works of the Community of St. John the
o£tyle, from designs by the late Sir Arthur W. Blomfield Baptist, Clewer; the home will hold So girls; childreh
A.R.A. The register dates from the year 1887. The under 14 in schoolroom, olde).' girls trained for .service.
1iving"' is ~ vicarag~ without endowments, yearly value, The West Ham Union Workhouse 1s situated here;
derived entirely from voluntary offerings, about £3oo, for particulars of Union, see West Ham. The popula-
·in the gift of the Bishop of Chelmsford, and held since tion of the ecclesiastical parishes in 1911 was, St.
1910 • by the Rev. Henry Dewhurst M.A. of St. John the Baptist, 15,226; Holy Trinity, ~0,456. includ-
Catharine's College, Cambridge. ing 2,389 inmates and officials in Wes1; Ham Union
St. Margaret's is an ecclesiastical parish formed in Workhouse; St. A.ndrew's parish, 3,409; St. Mar-
r8gJ, from those of St. John the Baptist and Wanstead. garet's, ro,586.
"The church, situate in Woodhouse road, is a structure


'Postmen's Sorting Office &; Public Telephone Call Office, Holy Trinity, Harrow Green, Rev. Ernest William
Fillebrook road. Letters dispatched 7• g, 9·45• Sawyer M. A. vicar; Rev. Frank Howorth Gornall
& II.I5 a.m. &, 1.3o, 2.5o, 3, 4.3o, 5.3o, 6.15, 7, ~I.Sc. Rev. Arthur Tavlor

Sewell B.A. Rev. Charles
8 & 9 p.m. & 12 midnight (saturday excepted) Humphrey Sangster M.A. & Rev. Arthur Wilfrid
'Post. M. 0. & T. Office, 8o1 High road (branch), open Mountford B.A. curates; 7• 8, 10.30 & 11.15 a.m. I;
8 a.m. to 9 p.m. (except sunday). Letters dispatched 7 p.m.; daily, 7 a.m. & 8 p.m. (wed. & fri. 12.30 &
8.50, 9·35, 10.40 & 11.55 a.m. & 4·5• 5-15, 7• 8, 8.30 & 6.45 p.m)
9 p.m St. Andrew's, Colworth road, Rev. Henrv •
Dewhurst M. A.
Post & M. 0. Offices : Cannhall road, David Stephens •icar; Rev. James Wayland Fitkin Th.A.K.C.
Cornish, sub-postmaster; 79 Col worth road, Charles curate; 8 & I I a.m. & 7 p.m
Dawson, sub-postma.ster ; 149 Grove Green road, St. Augustine's of Hippo, Lincoln street, Rev, William
Mrs. Elizabeth Mary Warner, sub-postmistress; 372 Walker Th.A.K.C.L. minister; 8, 10.30 & n.15 a.m.
Grove Green road, Peter Wolf, receiver; no Harrow & 3 & 7 p.m. ; daily, 7 & 10.30 a.m. & ~ p.m. except
road, :Miss Rachel Herbert, sub-postmistress; 4 238 wed. & sat. 8 p.m
High road, Charles S. Webb, sub-postmaster; 392 St. Catherine's, Hainault road, Rev. John Kennedy
High road, Mrs. Florence Capps, sub-postmistress F.S.A. vicar; Rev. John Thomas Cook B.A. curate;
Marked thus * are also Telegraph Offices. sun. 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 8 p.m
PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. St. :Margaret's, Woodhouse road, Rev. Thomas Henry
Gilbert M.A. perpetual curate; Rev. Robert Combe
Central Hall (The), Fern dale road B.A.. Rev. George Richard Jolliffe Round M.A. & Rev.
Leyton Public Baths, Cat hall road, H. L. W.Stanley,supt Lawrence Carol 'Vhite, curates; 7, 8, 10.30 & n.15
Leyton Public Library, High road, Z. Moon, librarian a. m. & 3.30 & 7 p.m. ; daily, 7 & 8 a.m. & 8 p.m.;
Masonic Hall, Harvey road wed. & fri. I I a.m. ; fri. 5 ·p.m.; Saints' days, 6.45
Metropolitan Police Station (J. division), 470 High rd. & 8 a.m
(sub-station to Leyton), Sub-Divisional Inspector Baptist, Fairlop road, Rev. Frederick Humphrey; :u
Ernest Appleton; n sergeants a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. 8 p.m. ; sat. 7-30 p.m
St. Patrick's Catholic Cemeterv, •
Union road, Edward Baptist, Leytonstone Road Chapel, Harrow Green, Rev.
Kea.rney, supt.; Very Rev. Canon William Fleming, Roland French; 11 a.m. ~ 6.30 p.m.; mon. & thun.
chief administrator 8 p.m
PUBLIC OFFICERS. Baptist, Cannhall road, Rev. Edward W. Gibbons; h
Collector of King's Taxes, Harry Anstey, 1 Hartley rd a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 8 p.m
Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, West Ham Union, Congregational, High road, Rev. Alfred Heath Lemon
Levtonstone & Wanstead District, Lewis Nugent Jekyll B.A. ; I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. 7·45 p.m
M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Gainsborough house, Congregational (Fetter Lane), Union road, Rev. Almond
Gains borough road; ~o. 19 Stratford & Oann Hall Trevosso Ho~king; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 8 p.m
District, Fernand Henri Bonnefin M.R.C.S.Eng., Presbyterian Church of England, Hainault road, Rev.
L.R.C.P .Lond. 243 Leytonstone road, Stratford E William Kidd; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 8 p.m
Relieving Officers, West Ham Union, No. 7 District, Primitive Methodist, Gainsborough Bridge, Colwortb
George Austin Robey, 35 Woodhouse road; No. 19 road (Leytonstone Circuit), Rev. Arthur Lawton; u
District, Frederick Wright, 21 Grove Green road a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. 8 p.m
Vaccination Officer for sub-registration districts of Strat- Salvation Army Barracks, South well Grove road; u
ford, Leyton, Walthamstow, Wanstead & Forest Gate, a.m. & 6.45 p,.m.; thurs. fri. & sat. 8 p.m
West Ham union, J. 0. Carroll, .') Clova road, Forest United Methodist, Grove Green road (London (Forest
Gate Gate) Circuit), Rev. E. Abbott; 11 a.m. & 6.30
p.m. ; toes. 8 p.m
PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of services. W esleyan Methodist, High road (Stratford Circuit),
St. John the Baptist. Rev. William Tom Brown M.A. Rev. John Edwards; 11 a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed.
vicar & surrogate; Rev. William Clark Fenn B.A. 7.30 p.m
& Rev, Herbert William Chambers Th.A.K.C. curates; Acacia Mission Hall, Acacia road ; sun. 6-45 p.m.
8 & 11 a.m. & 3 & 7 p.m.; daily, 8 a.m. & 6.30 p.m
Gospel Hall, Grove -Green road; I I a.m. &; 6.30 p.m.; Danes lane, built in I9QI, for 490 boys, 410 girls, :zo5
mon. Jl; fri. 8 p.m infants & 314 junior mixed; average attendance, 384
Lifeboat Missi011 Hall, 13 Newcomen road; sun. 9 a.m. boys, 329 girls, 487 infants ; A. E. Batty1 master;
i; ., p.lll Miss Florence Trundle, mistress; Miss I. G. Dixon.
Leytonstone Christian Science Society, Fillebrook rd.; infants' mistress ; laundry centre, Miss Constance M.
II B.Dl. & 1 p.m Metcalfe, instructress
Leytonstcme Congregational :Mission Hall, 10 Howard Goodall road, built in rgoo, for 480 boys, 480 girls &
road; ann. 6.30 p.m 475 infants ; average attendance, 440 boys~ 439 ~irls &
Lond01l City Mission (.Tosiah Goodman Memorial Hall), 331 infants; W; S. Lawton, master; Miss F. Lamb,
Gr~We Green road, W. J. Oraske, missionary;. sun. mistress; Miss S. Ea ton, infants' mistress; laundry
7 p.m centre, Miss E. Brown, instructress : handicraft centre.
.London City Mission Hall, .A.ylmer rd . .A.braham West,· F. .A.. Petifer, teacher m charge
resident missionary; son. 3.30 & 6.30 p.m. ~ week Harrow Green, built in r877 & since enlarged for 36o-
days, ID()n. 8 p.m. ; wed. 3, 6.30 & 8 p.m boys, 360 girls, .136 infants & 220 junior mixed; aver-
"Missioa Hall, .Ashville road age att-endance, 307 boys, 277 girls, 249 junior mixed
Missioa Hall, Beachcroft rd.; sun. 11.30 a.m. & 7 p.m & roB infants; Alfred Philip Wire, master; Miss H.
Missio:n. Hall, Harrow road; sun. 7 p.m Roberson, mistress; Miss M. J. Abbey, infants' mist
Mission Hall, Montague road, Thomas S. Whitnell, Kirkdale road, built in 1876, for 419 boys, 371 girls &;
110pt. ; sun. 6.45 p.m 272 infants ; average attendance, 36g boys, 370 girls
"'J.'emperanee Mission Hall, 56b, Lansdowne road; sun. & 256 infants; Thom:ts Body, _master; Miss C. Lee;
7 p.m girls' mistress ; Miss F. El.:e, infants? mistress
~t . .Alban's Mission Church, Leslie road; 10.30 a. m. & Mayville road, built in 1889, for 420 boys, 420 girls, 197
7 p.m.; wed. 8 p.m infants & 240 junior mixed;- average attendance, 417
St. .Augustine's Church Hall, Mayville road, Rev. Wm. boys, 364 girls, 404 junior mixed; J. T. Cooke.
Walker A.K.C.L.; 3 & 4.15 p.m master ; Miss N. Gidwell, mistress ; Miss H. G.
Welcome Mission, Cathall road; sun. 6.30 & 8 p.m. ; Parsons, infants' mistress ; cookery centre, Miss I. M,
wecl. 8 p.m Smart, instructress; handicraft centre, W. J. Good-
Wesleyan Mission Church, Cannhall road; sun. n a.m. man, teacher in cliarge
li 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 8 p.m Norlington road, built in 1904, for soo boys, 480 girls 11
SECONDARY SCHOOLS. 532 infants ; average attenrlance, 497 boys, 443 girls &
Under the Leyton Higher Education Committee. 455 infants; P. W. Smith, master; Miss H. Grinter.
mistress; Mrs . .A.. Brookes, infants' mistress
County High School for Boys, Grove Green road, M. Trumpington road, built in 1894, for 360 boys, 36'
Gompertz B..A.. head master; accommodation, 200; girls, 212 infants & 189 junior mixed; average at-
average attendance, 196 tendance, 319 boys, 281 girls, 318 junior mixed & 189
County Higl.l School for Girls, Colworth road, opened infants; Harvey G. Brew, master; Miss Elizabeth
Nov. 19u. fo~ 300 ; average attendance, 300; Miss E. Butcher, mistress; Miss Ada J. Wright, infants' mis\
L. Perry, head mistress · •
Other Schools.
PUBLIC ELEMENTARY. Bethnal Green Parish School, High road, opened iD
Under the Leyton Educati{)n Committee. 1868; Miss Prances Minter, matron; Rev. William
Cannhall road, built in 1882 & enlarged, for 620 boys, Tom Brown M ..A.. chaplain; children {)Ver eight yeara
588 girls, 461 infants ; average attendance, 463 boys, of age attend Council schools
483 girls, 396 junior mixed & 279 infants; Harry Good Shepherd Children's Industrial Home (The Clewel'
Truelove, master; Miss Sophia Louisa Gibbs, mis- Sisters, in charge), Davies lane
tress; Miss Harriett J ane Coppard, infants' mistress ; For tram service, see Leyton
cookery centre, Miss H. A. Jones, instructress
Canterbury road, built in 1910, for 340 mixed & 236 R.A.ILW.A.Y STATIONS.
infants; average attendance, 284 mixed & 222 infants ; G. E. Railway, F. Jaggard, station master
David B. Stalker, master; Miss Daisy M. Woollett, Midland Railway, Charles E. Battersby, station master
Cobbold road (mixed), built in 19oo, for 307 mixed & CARRIERS.
149 infants ; average attendance, 366 mixed & infants ; To London. Messrs. Pickfords Ltd. ; Carter, Paterson
Henry Richard Potter, master & Uo. Limited & London Parcels Delivery Co. Limited
• PRlVAT.E RESIDENTS. Anketell Kenneth Oliver Burnside, 76 Baldwin Geo. Hy. 15 Cambridge road
.A.bbott Edward, 36 Forest drive west Fairlop road Balfour James, 184 Hainault road
Abbott George Walton, The Gables, Anstey Harry, I Hartley road Banks Robert Lockington, Highstone
Whipps Cross road Appleby Henry Wm. 93 Fillebrook rd house, Highstone
.Abbott Mrs. 104 Hainault road Appleford John, 19 Wallwood road Barker Alfred Thomas, 79 New Filli)-
Abbott Mrs. I Lemna road Applin Walt. Coombs,21Forest drv.we brook road
.Abbott William, 42 Wallwood road Arch William, I I Chadwick road Barker George, 97 Bulwer road
Abel William H. 75 Fairlop road Archer Isaac, 29 Wallwood road Barker Waiter, 3 Woodriffe road
Aberdour James Gordon, 34 New Ardley Henry,-2o Lonsdale road Barker Wm. Hy. 40 Forest drive east
Fillebrook road Armon-Jones Thomas, 49 Forest Barnes Henry, 4 King's road
Acock lohn Willoiam, 26 Lonsdale rd drive east Barnes Herbert, 5 Holly road
.Acres Mrs. Eleanor, 45 Canuhall road A.rnett Francis Wm. 24 Fillebrook rd Barnes Mrs. 277 Hainault road
Acworth Wm. Geo.19 Forest drive we Arnold Capt. Harry, 27 Poppleton rd Barnes Saml. Geo. 41 Cannhall I'Oad
.A.dams .A.lbert, 26 Queen's road Arundel Edgar; 99 Poppleton road Barnett Mrs. _.;7 King's road
Adams Benjamin, 62 Wallwood road Arthy Chas. Geo. 48 Forest drive we Barr Mrs. 99 Wallwood road
.Adams George, 15 Forest glade Ashby Fredk. Wm. 6 Chadwick road Barrett James, 5 Forest glade
.Alcock Edward Richard, 7 Grove road Ashby .Tosiah, 139 Whipps Cross road Bartlett Fredk. Wm. 37 Clarendon rd
Alder George, 176 Hainault road Ashton Alfred, 27 Preston road Bartlett Mrs. 43 Preston road
.A.lderson Geo. Kernp, 82 Poppleton rd Astrup Thomas, 33 Clarendon road Bartlett Reuben Ohas.153 Hainault rd
Alexander Cecil G. H. 33 Preston rd Athill Ernest, 17 Kirkdale road Barton Albert Edwd. 37 Fillebr{)ok rd
Alexander Charles, 35 Preston road Atkins Mrs. 9 Vernon road Barwick }Villiam, 47 Wallwood road
Alexander Edward Reuben, 10 Wall- Atkins Percy, 79 Fillebrook road Base Henry, 142 Hainault road
wood road Atkinson Alfred, I Clarendon road Bateman Alfd.Horace,39Forest drv.ea
Alexander James, 8 Bulwer road Atkins;on Montague, 25 Holly road Batting Wm. St. Cyres, Higb~>tone
Alle11 Charles, 42 Poppleton road Attwell Henry Jas. no Wallwood rd Batty Alfd. Edwd. 36 Clarendon road
AlJ.en Chas. Edwd. 40 Poppleton road Aufholz Alfred, 29 Forest drive west Batty Frederick J. 44 Fladgate road
.Alien Charles Vincent,16 Lonsdale rd Austin -Henry, 83 Poppleton road 'Bauckham Edwin Hale,17 Cannhall rd
Alien Jarn-es, 25 Queen's road Aves Ernest, 202 Hainault road Beak Frederick G. 25 Chadwick road
Allea Miss, 32 Cannhall road Aylward Mrs. 70 Queen's road Beames Mrs. 10 Poppleton road
Alien Mrs. 73 Bushwood Back Waiter Henry, 6 Maple road Beaumont John Griffith, Rosedale.
Allea Mrs. 03 Fladgate road Bailey Mrs. 213 Hainault road Bushwood
Allen :Y:rs.HannahMargt.56 Fairlop rd Baillie Fras. M.B .• Ch.B. 510 High rd Beaver Geo. Fredk. 20 Drayton road
Andrews Fredk. Geo. 139 Hainault rd Bainton Ernest William Jackson, 151 Beck Charles .A.. 19 Cannhall road
Andrews James, 4 Lonsdale road Hainault road Beckwith George, n8 Colworth road
.Andrews Matthew Jn.158 Hainault rd Baker Frederick George,34 Queen's rd Behling Chas. Fredk. 141 Colworth rd
Andrews llobt. Law, 126 Hainault rd Baker Marshall, I I Oannhall road Behling Fredk. Wm. 16 Colworth rd
Andrews Sydney, 205 Harrow road Baker Robert Charles, III Fairlop rd Bell Miss, 86 Wallwood road. -:~~Nci:H::i:;­
A.lldrevs Wm. Thomas, 22 Queen's rd Baker Samuel Henry, 44 Queen's rd Bell Mrs. 14 Ashbridge ,. sfliiii 1NCIH"'Ar
•«l'lfllE:HCfB Ll•~
Bellamy John, 19 New Fillebrook rd Brown Edward James, 56 Bulwer rd Clark Frederic, 21 Poppleton road
Bennett Edward Tankerville,12 Forest Brown Geo. C. 75 New Fillebrook rd Olark George, 111 Hainanlt .road.
drive west • Brown Henry Havelock M.B., C.M Clark Joseph, 18 Lonsdale road
Bennett Ellis John, 59 King's road 745 High road Glark Louis J. 35 Cannhall road·
Bennett Frederic, 124 Hainault road Brown James, 45 King's road Olark Sidney Wm. no Hainault roa11,
Bennett Jas. Macdonald, 79 King's rd Brown John, St. Bedes, Bushwood Olark William Saml. 61 Pladgate rct
Bennett Langford Fitzcharles, 62 Brown Mrs. 31 Clarendon road Clarke Douglas, 45 Colworth road
Hainanlt road Brown Mrs. 53 New Fillebrook road Olarke Frank, 39 New Fillebrook r~
Bennett William, 50 Fairlop road Brown Richard, 22 Cannhall road Clarke John, 19 Maple road
Beresford Herbert, 61 Fillebrook rd Brown Robt. Richford, go Fillebrook rd Olarke Mrs. II9 Hainault road
Beresford Waiter Albt. 1 Poppleton rd Brown William Harry, 1 Queen's road Olarke Mrs. S. 81 King's road
Berridge Rev. Jesse A.K.C.L. (curate Browns Charles, 38 Chelmsford road Clements John, 24 Drayton road
of St. Mary's, Wanstead), Norton Browning Ernest, 5 Ashbridge road Clench Harry M.A., Ph.D. 78 Wors~
house, Highstone Bryden Bertram, 99 Fairlop road ley road
Berry Charles Emanuel, Oak hall, Budd Harold, 6 Forest glade Clifford George J. 49 Wallwood road
Highstone Budgett Thomas, 106 Fairlop road Clough Geo. Thos. 206 Hainault road
Berry George Oscar, 129 Hainault rd Buffham Arthur Hughes, 25 Maple rd Cluff Mrs. 18 Forest. drive east
Berry Horace, 97 Fairlop road Buffham Seth D. 17 Maple road Coard Fras.DudleyDvd.52Chadwick rct ·
Best Samuel, 93 Wallwood road Bullen Robert, 1 Fillebrook road Cockman Geo. Ernest, 35 Queen's rd
Bevan Miss Amy, 17 Clarendon road Bullwinlde John, 5 Chadwick road CockmanPercyAugustus,5gQueen's rcf
Bills Mrs. 596 High road Bulmer Jn. Simpson, 91 Poppleton rd Cocl•s Oscar Henry, 271 Hainault rlf
Bilson Wm. Thos. 109 Hainault road Bunting Mrs. 18 Colworth road Codd Mrs. 12 Wallwood road
Bingham Alfred James,55 Queen's rd Burden Henry John, 233 Hainault rd Coffin Mrs. 120 Hainault road
Birbeck Thomas A. I I Queen's road Burford George, 12 Cambridge road Cole Charles. 23 Queen's road
Birch Charles, 69 Poppleton road Burgess Geo. 3 Forest drive we~t Cole Fredk. Thos. 4 Forest drive ea
Bird George Edward, 6B Cannhall rd Burgess Mrs. 27 Clarendon road Coleman James Wm. 25 Fairlop road
Bird William Henry, 143 Colworth rd Burn Mrs. '\ King's road Collier Edwin Wm. IS4 Hainault rd
Bishop Mrs. 43 Fairlop road Burnell Arthur Herbert, 30 Cowley rd Collier Fr.:-d~>rick W. 63 Preston roacl
Bitcheno William, 65 King's road Burnet John, :r Forest drive east Collingwood Sidney Harold, Tening-
Blackmore Mrs. 26 Colworth road Burns Charles, 24 Wallwood road t'"~n, Bushwood ·
Blackmore Oscar, 73 Forest drive we Burns Herbt. Jsph. 28 Poppleton rd Collingwood Thomas William, 4S
Blair Herbert, 72 Fillebrook road BurtonEdwd.Speeding,18Chadwick rJ Poppleton road
Blake Geo. Thos. 63 Fillebrook road Burton Miss, 21 Cambridge road Collins Charles. r6g Hainault road
Blake Mrs. 45 F'airlop road Butcher Mrs. 9 Kirkdale road Collins Mrs. Wydale, Hi!!hstone
Bland Allan, 77 Forest drive west Butler Jas. Thos. IJedale, Highstone Gollison Mrs. :13 N.:-w Fill.:-brook rd
Blewett Hy. Michael, 7 Wallwood rd Buttler Henry John, 174 Hainault rd Colman Geo. S. 5 Fore~t dril"e west
.Blissett Miss, 7 King's road Butt:m Robt. Arthur, 207 Hainault rd Colman Samuel C. 4.S Wallwood roa<f
Blow John, 26 New Fillebrook road Byrne Eugene, 42 New Fillebrook'rd Colville James, 6 Fillebrook road
Boardman Richard, 17 Forest glade Callard Frank Linnel. 24 Queen's rd Combs Alfred Thomas. 2;l Harold rd
Body Thomas, 54 Chadwick road Calman John. 74- Bushwood Combs Ernest A.27New Fillebrook rcl
Bolton Frederick, 9 King's road Calnan Charles, 121 Wallwood road Combs George, 54 Queen's road
Boltz Arthur, 21 Ashbridge road Cameron John, I Woodriffe road Cook John, 25 Forest drive west
Boniface Edmund, 225 Hainault road Can:pbell Capt. Jeremiah Edmund, Cook Mrs. 107 Whipps Cross road
Banner Frank, 6o Fairlop road 77 New Fillebrook road Cooke Fras.Beaumont,2 Forest drv.w.,-
Bool George, 109 Poppleton road CampbeU Frederick, 33 Fladgate rd Cooke Mrs. 6o Cannhall road
Boome George Fairbrother, IS Forest Campbell Georgeo37 Forest drive east Cooper Charles, 4 Queen's road
drive east Campbell Jn. Nicoll, 8 Clarendon rd Cooper Charles Fredk. 28 Drayton rd
Boome Misses, 47 Fairlop road Capleton John, 67 Queen's road Cooper Charles Wm. r5 Clarendon Td'
Booth George .Arth. 35 Fillebrook rd Carpenter Henry, 4 "Chadwick road Coote Philip. 2~ Forest dl'ive east
Booth Sidney, 23 Clarendon road Carpenter "Mrs. 36 Fillebrook road Copping Jsph. By. 3 Forest drive ea-
Borton Henry, 67 Eushwood Carr Charles Wm. 68 Fillebrook road Coram Henry, 6 Pop-pleton rond
Bosworth Jn. Kingsbrook,Hainault rd Carr Thomas, 12 Forest drive east Gorbt:>tt Frank, 187 Hainault road
Botterill Miss, I Grove road Carruthers Claud D. 4 Cannhall road Oornell John, 27 Cannhall road
Bottomley James, 54 Fillebrook road Carson Mrs. 20 Queen's road Co~ter George, 65 Poppleton road
Eonlter Col. Thomas James, 9 Carter Charles. 26 Drayton road Co~way James, 40 Chelmsford roa~
Forest drive east Carter Chas.Jas.17 NPw Fillebrook rd Cotton Chas.Norman,r47 Hainault r~
Boulton William, 149 Wallwood road Carter Miss, 25 Poppleton road Courtice Leyster, 6g Fort:>st drive ""n"E!"
Bonlton Wm. Edwd. 170 Hainault rd Carter Mrs. 24 Fladgate road Coutts Francis James M.D. so Walt-
Bovill Frdk.Anderson,I06 Hainault rc;l. Carter Wm. H. 32 New Fillebroolr rd wood road
Bowles Wm.Purkis,71 Forest drive we Cassidy Percv Thos. 14 Bulwer road Covell John, 76 Fillebrook road
Bowra Chas. Ewart, 32 Fladgate rd Casson Jsph.Rowntree,42 Chadwick rd Cowles Mrs. 55 Fillebroolr road
Box Richard, 329 Hainault road Catley James Charles. 78 Vernon rd Cox Ernest William Stanley, 20-f
Boxall William Francis L.D.S.R.C.S. Catmur Benjamin, 4 Wallwood road Hainault road
E"'lg. 98 FillPbrook road Catt Samuel G. 49 Cannhall road Cox Herbert, 12 Fladgate road
Boyle Arthur Edward, 7 Chadwick rd Catt'in Frederick Bernard, 8 Forest Cox William, 5 FairJop road
Bradford Rev. John (Baptist), Ivy drive west Cozens Ap.gustus,67New Fi:Iebrook cl'
bank, Browning road Ceriez Capt. Joseph, 91 Hainault rd Crafer James, 4 Forest drive west
Eradley William, 9 Lemna road Chambt>rs Rev.Herbert Wm. A.K.O.L. Craufurd Leslie Jas. 87 Wallwood rd'
Brandis Wm. Aug. 186 Hainault rd (curate of St. John the Baptist), 12 Crawley Edward, 221 Harrow toad
Brannon James G. 24-~ Harrow road Hartlev road Creighton Thos.Rudd, 21 Fladgate rlf
Eravshaw Benj. 153 Whipps Cross rd Chambers Albt. Beni.2 Cambridge rd Crick Edg-ar James, 13 Lemna road
Bredenberg Antonio Daniel, 103 Pop- Chaplin Rev. W. Knight (Baptist), Croall John, 14 Lonsdale roAd
pleton road Williston. Bushwood Cross Ernest Wm.Lemna ho.Lemna rct
Brennan Wm.Alex. 79 Forest drive we Chapman Fredk. Chas.299Hainault rd Cross Henry, 74 Fillebrook road
Brew Harvey George, 171 Hainault rd Chapman Frederick "\V. 32 Fairlop rd Crossley William, 29 Preston road
Brewer Henry Joseph, 50 Cannhall rd Chapman Mark J.P. Llanarth,Bushwd Crouch Capt Frederick Eruest, 17
Brewer Miss, 30 Fairlop road Chapman Wm. Cbas. 36 Cannhall rd Poppleton road
Brewer Wm. 49 New Fillebrook road Charter Horace Albt. 82 Colworth rd Croxford Geo. Wm. 24 Forest drv:we-

Brightman William, 38 Wallwood rd Cherry Clarence, 62 Fairlop road Orump Miss, 230 Hainault road
Brindley Frank Pudev,18Woodville rd Chessher Herbt. Geo. 31 Chadwick rd Cumming Mrs. 106 Wallwood road
Bristo William, 57 Fillebrook road Chew Robert Owen, 79 Bushwood Curling Herbt.Sidney, so Fladgate rct
Bristow Mrs. 5 Lemna road Child Mrs. 121 Whipps Cross road Currie William Hy. 32 Fillebrook rd"
Broackes .Mr~. 24 New Fillebrook rd Child Tylney Harris, 83 King's road Currrer Mrs. 4 Bulwer road
Brodie George, 19 Colworth road Chitty Prancis Wm. 1 Chadwick road Curt1s Ernest, 25 Cannli.all road _
Brodie Richard I I Ashbrido-e road Chivers Thomas II4 Fairlop road Dalladay Jn. Geor~e, rg Forest glad&
Brookfield Mrs.' 13 Maple r~ad Clapp Samuel, ;2 Poppleton road Dan~ell Mrs. 26 King's roa:a
Erown Rev. William Tom M.A. Clapp Saml. Welleslev lo. Bushwood DamPls Joshua, 36 New Fillebr~k rd'
( vicar of St. . John the Baptist ' & Clauton William Tho~. 68 Bushwood Danzelman Fredk. E. 44 ChadWick _rd' •
~ Danze1man Josf.>ph George, Woodvlller
surrogate), VIcarage, Bushwood Clare Her?ert, 7 Lemna road . lod!le. Bullhwood
Brown Alfred Jn. Oaklands, Bushwood, Clark Chr1stopher, 6 FJrest drive _we Dark Mrs. H. 8 Cannhall road
Brown Arthur, Forest vw. Highstone / Clark Edward Jame;;, 137 Wh1pps Darlis:m Ernest~ 62 Fillebrnok road:
Brown Arthur, 76 Vernon road Cross road
.. 4 =-

Dal'l' Henry Alfd. 25 Norlington road Emmerson Mrs. 35 Colworth road Glaze Charles William Livock, Nor-
Dartnall Hrbt.Hy.Forest ho.Highstone .!<.:vans Arth. Alfd. 45 Forest drive ea folk lodge, Bushwood
Darvill Ernest Geo. noa, Hainault rd Evans Charles Lloyd, I Stanmore rd Glaze William, 23 Cannhall road
Davey Arthur, 39 Fillebrook road Evans Edward Rhys, 77 Fairlop road Go.bel Wm. Diedrich. 22.3 Hainault rd
Davey John, I l l Poppleton road Evans E~win Knox, SI Fillebrook rd Goddard ~il~iam Jsph.xo Lon~dale rd.
Davies Jn. Gardiner, 84 Waliwood rd Evans Miss. 10 Colworth road Godden Wilham James, 37 Kmg's rd.
Davies Matthew Henry, Braeside, Fairfax Arthur, I3 Ashbridge road Godwin Ernest George, 30 New Fille-
Teesdale road Fairweather Ernest Barratt F.C.S. 57 brook road
Dam Alfred Arthur, 10 Drayton road New Fillebrook road Gomm Francis, 592 High road
Davit! Arthur James, 52 King's road Fallows Geo. Sta:fford,7 Forest drv.we Goodbody Mrs. 99 Colworth road
Davis George Alfred, IQ Queen's road Fardell Alfred, 25 Cambridge road Goodhew Charles, 48 Fairlop road
Davis Joseph Ward, 221 Hainault rd Fardell Harry, Rockholts, Highstone Gooding .Alfred Ernest, 33 King's rd
Davis Wm. Church, 66 Fillebrook I'd Farley Henry, 23 Ashbridge road Gooding Edwin, III Colworth road
Davis Worsley Lewis, 31 King's road Farmaner Albt.Edwd.48Forest drv.ea Goodman Edward Hooper, 53 Popple-
Dawbarn James Proctor, 16 Forest Farnes Sidney Heath,qt Wallwoodrd ton road
drive 2ast Farnfield Mrs. so Davies lane Goodman Miss, 51 Forest drive west
Dawson John Wm. 65 Fladgate road Farrow Edward Fredk. 6g Queen's rd Goodman Mrs. 69 Fairlop road
Dawson Mrs. 22 Ashbridge road Farrow Mrs. E. 100 Fairlop road Goodwin Harry Alfd. 297 Hainault rd.
Dawson Vincent, 192 Hainault road Fenn Rev. William Clark B.A. (curate Gordon Alexander, 6 Wallwood road
Dawson William, II3 Wallwood road of St. John the Baptist), 10 Beacon- Gornall Rev. Frank Howorth M.Se-.
Day John Henry, 7 Colworth road tree road (curate of Holy Trinity),The Vicar-
Day Percy, 61 Queen's road Fennings Herbert Henry, 31 Forest age, Birkbeck road
Deakin Mrs. 83 Fairlop road drive west Gorsuch Richard Blackburne B.A.,.
Dear Mrs. 73 King's road Fergerson Robert Greig, 3 Grove rd M.D. 132 Frith road
de Boer Capt. Fritz, 13 Wallwood rd Fielder John, 32 Cowley road Gossling Geo. Wm. 33 Cannhall road
de Boer Eelke Annes, 48 Queen's rd Findlay Alexander Wynaud LL.D. Gower Wl:illiam Henry, 530 High road
Deeley Joseph, Glenhurst, Bushwood IOI Bulwer road Grafton HubertB. 51 NewFillebrook rd:
Deighton Robt. Alfd. 18 Wallwood rd Findlay Samuel Wm. 16 Chad wick rd Graham Thomas, 22 Forest drive -west
Deighton Walt. Thos. 8g Hainault rd Fisher Alfred, 41 King's road Grant Charles, 79 Fairlop road
Delafons George, 72 Cannhsll road Fitkin Rev. James Wayland A.K.C.L. ITrant Rt. Chas.4o New Fillebrook rlt
de Lo:ffre Andre, s6 Wallwood road (curate of St.Andrew's),tiiKing's rd Grant Robert Job, I48 Hainault roac)
Dennis Albt.Cheasley,2o1 Hainault rd Flawn Charles J. 40 King's road Gray Mrs. 33 Lonsdale road
de Pny Johannus Jacobus, 82 Fille- Flawn William, 88 Poppleton road Gray Mrs. 12 Poppleton road
brook road . · Fletcher Capt. John S. 35 Fairlop rd Gray Waiter, 23 Lonsdale road
Derrick Henry, Lyonesse,Woodville rd Flower David Henry, 13 King's road Graydon Miss, oo8 Hainault :road
Devereux Mrs. 20 Forest drive east Flower William, 20 New Fillebrook rd Graydon Percy, 3 Carlton villa~
Dew Joreph Thos. 38 Forest drv. we Floyd Donald, 104 Wallwood road Barclay road
Dewhnrst Rev. Henry M.A. (vicar of Folkman Mrs. Sunny lawn, Wallwood Green Edward, 76 Poppleton road
St. Andrew's), 2 Chadwick road road Green Frederick, 20 Cannhall Toad
Dhonau Phillip Conrad, 35 King's rd Follett Henry Sutherland, 63 Wall- Green Fredk. Waiter. II5 Hainault rd
Dickins Edmond Walton, 5 Queen's rd wood road Green. Frederick. William,38 King's rei
Dicks John, I34 Hainault road Foreman Ernest, 26 Cowley road Green Sydney, 31 Lonsdale road
Diggon Robert Grant, 95 Fairlop rd Forfar Robert Alexander, I6 Ne"" Green Waltt>r Alfred, 34 Fairlop roa«t
Dipple Mrs. 83 Grove Green road Fillebrook road Green Wm. Sydney, 135 Hainault rd
Dittmer Henry, so Chadwick road Forgan David, 37 Colworth road Greenshields Alfred Ernest, sa-
Dixon .Tames, 18 Maple road Foskett Mrs. 27 Fladgate road King's road
Dixon Miss, 8 Queen's road Foster Edgar, 4 Clarendon road Greenslade Bertie, 66 Cannhall Toaa
Dolby Mrs. 155 Whipps Cross road Foster Mrs. 96 Wallwood road Greenstreet Thomas Alfred, 3I Flad-
Dolden Alfred Edwin, 7 Maple road Foster Sydney, a. Cambridge road gate road
Doe Francis Albert, 37 Barclay road Foulkes WaltPr, 15 Poppleton road Greenwood Paul Henry,sr Queen's rd!
Donald Robert, 6o Queen's road Fox William J. 4 Ashbridge road Gregory Matthew, 47 New Pillebroo~
Dornhorst Ernst, 105 Bulwer road Fradd Ernest. 24 Ashbridge road road
Doul;le Hugh, 31 Fairlop roa~ Fram~ Mr~. H. ~- 29 Chll;dwick road Gregory Miss, Ashleigh, Teesdale rd
Doughty Charles, 7 Forest drive east FranCis M1ss. Lmdau, Rurhstone Grei<7" John SanO"ster M.B., C.M. 166>
Drake Herbert Joseph, I I Woodri:ff rd Franci!l Roht.Douglas,:;6 Chadwick rd So~th Birkbeck road
Draper Alfred, 4 Lemna roa~ Frazer Richard John, 32 Harold rd Grigg Henry, us Wallwood road
Draper Ce?il Bernard,247 Hamault rd Freeman Wm. Geo. 145 Colworth. rd Griggs Mrs. 14 Colworth road
Dresden Richard, 34 Lonsdale road French Rev. Roland (Baphst), Grimes Richd. Warran,2o Woodriff rlf
Drewe Kirby Swinburne, 108 Wall- Zurich, Highstone Grinonneau Geo.2r New Fillebrook rd:
• wood road Friggen Miss, 49 Fillebrook road Grocott William, 2n Harrow :road
Dudfield Alfd.Worcester lo. Bushwood Frost Alfred Martin, go Poppleton rd Groome William Henry, 11 King's rdl
Dudfield Cecil, 131 Colworth road Frost Mrs. Woodside, Bushwood Gulden George, 35 Lonsdale road
Dnncan Mrs. 23 Fairlop road Fullick Robert, 78 Poppleton road Gunn Angus Roy McDonald, Clythe
Dunlop Mat. 43' Forest drive east Gadsdon Fhilip, 26 Forest drive west lodge, Bushwood
Dupont Herbt. Frank,6g Wallwood rd Gale James J. 53 Queen's road Hack Mi!l ... 4 Forest glade
Dupree Miss Florence, 21 Cannhall rd Gardham Arthur, 63 Colworth road Hackney Misses, 45 Forest drive westr
Dyer Mrs. 41 Colworth road Gardham Henry. 44 Poppleton road Haines Henry James, 20 Wallwood rlt
Dyne Charles Avis, 12 Ashbridge rd Gardiner PercyFrank,q6 Poppletou rd Haines "\'hn. Llanstephan, Highstone
East Wm. James, Fernlea. Bushwoml Garwood Mrs. 267 Hainault road Hale Hermann, 604 High road
Ebblewhite Albt.Victor,14Forest glade Gayton Mrs. 57 Fladgate road Hale Thos. Gardiner, 26 Woodriff rd'
,Edgley Edwin, 23 Preston road Get>re Thomas Stevens, The Sylvans, Hall Henry, 57 Forest drive west
Edmunds Waiter Thos. 3 Fairlop rd Bush-wood Hall Ht>nry John, 33 Wallwood road
Edridge Mrs. 6 Ashbridge road Geis John Henry, ::;o King's road Hall William Edward, 27 Vernon rdt
Edward James Frank, 52 Rainault rd George Edward, 108 Hainault road Halls :Mrs. 30 Queen's road
Edwards- Rev. John (Wesleyan Metho- Gerber Fritz, 59 Fairlop road Hammock William Geo. 685 High rd
dist), 12 Lemna road Gibbs Miss, 44 Cannhal1 road Hammond Ernest Jn. 10 Chertsey rd'
Edwards Charles Ernest,52 Fairlop rd Gilbert Rev. Thos. Hy. M ..A.Cantab. Hammond William T.197 Rainault rd!
Edwards John, 39 Forest drive west (incumbent of St. Margaret's), St. Hampson ~Irs. n8 Hainault road
Edwards Mrs. 21 Clarendon road Margaret's vicarage. Woodhouse rd Hancock Charles Jas. Sortain M D., •
Edwards Stenson Herbert, so Ley- Gilbert Charles, 47 FillPbrook road V.D. 33 Fairlop road
bourne road Gilbert John, 5 Clarendon road Hanks Alfred, 73 Fillebrook road
Edwards William. 66 Hainault road Gilderson _<\mos, 9 Cannhall road Hannaford Jn. Saml. 25 Fillebrook rdl
Elgar Harry, 96 Fairlop road Giles Edward Wm. 24 ForPst glade Harbott Alfred, I27 Wallwood road
Ellacott John Tucker, 5 Kirkdale rd Gilps Fredt>riclr H. 21 Mwple ro11d Harcourt Frederick Robert Muller,.
:Eilis John Jack, 62 Forest drive west Gill Richard Sylv:mius,7 Poppleton rd St. Malo, Eushwood
Elliston Walt.Arnold,137Wallwood rd Gilman William Richard,0:3 Kin!!'s rd Harding Stephen, 15 Holly road
Elmhirst Robert, g Lonsdale road Glancross Albert E. Craigmore, High- Hardy Edward A.i.bert,239 Hainanlt rdl
Elson Charles Albert, 76 Queen's road stone Hargreaves :Mrs. xo Queen's road
Elstone Mrs. 6 Cannhall road Glanz Emil Paul, 68 Queen's road Harland F. William, 3 Ashbridge roa<J
Elwell Wm.Horace, Redlands,Bushwd Glassborow Wm. Hy.32 Forest drv.we Harmer Mrs. 2 Cannhall road
Emerson Mrs. 20 Fladgate road Glassborrow ErnestWm.29 Fladgte.rd Harper Miss, 34 King's road
Emery Misses, 67 King's road Harris Albt. Ernest, 101 Colworth rdl
Harris .Charles Wm. 29 Queen's Toad Howes .A.ugustus, 15 New Fillebrook Kern James John, 58 Bulwe:r -road
Harris Frank Henry, 17 Queen's road road Kerr Mathew D. 147 Colworth road
Harris George A. 78 Fillebrook road Howes Wm. Quinton,1o Forest drv.ea Kerr Thomas, 155 Hainault road
Harris John William, 30 Fladgate rd Hnbbard Fdk. Park, 43 Wallwood rd Keslake Waiter, 94 Popple~on road
Harrison Edward James, 28 King's rd Hudson Mrs. 20 Fillebrook road Kidd Rev. William (Presbyte:rian},61
iHa!'rison James, St. Kilda, Bushwood Hudson William Hy. 49 Poppleton rd Bulwer road
iEiarrison Wm. Thos. '17 .Ashbridge rd Huelin George Chas1 48 Cannhall l'd Kilby Wm. St. John, 70 Hainault rd
Harrisson .!.rthur Jas. 64 Bushwood Hughes Frederick, 49 Colworth road Kilshaw William, 79 Poppleton l'Oad
Hart Arthur William, Wynberg, Hughes Henry Jas, 269 Hainault rd Kind Albert, 27 Wallwood road
Whipps Cross road Hughes Hngh, II5 Poppleton road King Edward William, 5 Walhvood nl
Hart David James, 5 Cowley road Hughes Mrs. 19 Poppleton road King Isaa~, I4 Forest drive west
Hart Mrs. 26 Bulwer road Hughes Mrs. Glend.ale, Highstone King James, Hesleden, Teesdale road
Hart Richard, 14 King's road Hughes William, 10 Lemna road King Mrs. so Poppleton road
Hart Wm. Edgar, 94 Fillebrook road Hughes Wm. Nathan, 167 Hainault rd King William John, 107 Poppleton r.f
IIasted William, 8 Chadwick road Humphrey Rev. Frederick (Baptist), Kingaby Herbert Charles, Strathmoret
Hatfield Henry, 46 Poppleton road 55 Wallwood road Hainault road
Hawes Jn. Baker, Wembdon, Bushwd Humphries Edward, 28 Queen's road Kingston Arth.Jesse,129 Wallwood 1<\
Hawkey Samuel James, 44 Bulwer rd Hunt Mrs 88 Wallwood road Kin~"ill Mrs. J. 66 Fairlop road
Hawkins E. Paton, 19 Forest drive ea Hunt Thomas John, 237 Hainault rd Kirby Mrs. J. Westwood, Hns.hwood
Hawkins .Samuel James~ 109 Whipps Hunter Henry J. 30 Cannhall road Kirkness William, 2 Maple road
Cross road Hunter Herbert G. 27 Lonsdale road Kitchen. Mrs. 73 Poppleton road
Haycock Augustus Jn.87 Montague rd Hunter Mrs. 19 Fillebrook road Klein Alfred, 95 Colworth road
Haylett R()bt. Hy. 33a, Clar&ndon rd Hurcum Edwd. Albt. 203 Hainault rd Kloepffer Alexander, 227 Hainault rcl
Hayne Herbert, 81 Forest drive west Hurry Edwd.Knorkholt,Forest drv.ea Kloer Mrs. 19 & 21 Helly road
Haynes Alfred Charles, 85 King's rd Burst Henry Frank, 2n Hainault rd Knight Henry, 9 Woodriff road
Haynes Chas. 44 New Fillebrook road Hurst .Mrs. 31 Forest drive east Knight Henry, 8 Wallwood road
Haynes Horace Charles, 23 Cowley rd Hutchison Alexander, 13 Fladgate rd Knight Jn. M. Bushwood, rd
Haynes Thomas, 14 Bushwood Hutchison Mrs. Ivy bank,Browning rd Knightley Mrs. 47 Queen's road
Hayward Edwin Geo. 137 Hainault rd H.utton Frank, Buxton lo. Bushwood Knowles Mr.s. 107 Colworth ;road·
Hayzelden Edwin, Langford, Bushwd Hydo John Albert,ro Forest drv. west Koch Albert Clans, 12 Drayton road
Hayzelden Henry J. 26 Wallwood rd Hyem Richard, 99 Hainault road Koester Frank Oscar, g8 Fait·lop road
Headley William, 20 Chadwick road Hylton Mrs. John E. 51 Fairlop road Kyle Philip, 133 Hainault road
Heath Edward, Iona, King's road Ibbott John Hickman, Beachfield, Laird Mrs. 65 Fairlop road
Heather Henry, Avoca. Bushwood 62b, Fillebrook road Laker John Heath, 2.9 Colworth road
Hecker Chas. Fredk. 37 Forest drv.we Iles E. Stanley, 38 Fairlop road Lamb Mrs. 67 Fairlop ?Dad
Heckford Frederick, 95 Poppleton rd Iliffe Wm. Hy. 59 Forest drive west Lambert ~.\.lfred, 71 Fillebrook l'oad
Henderson Mrs. 14 Chadwick road Ince Ebenezer, I4 Drayton road Lambert George Robt. 41 Fairlop rd
Herbert Thomas, 61 Forest drive west Ince John, I Preston road Lambert Walt.Rd. 26 Forest drv. eas~
Herring George, 241 Hainault road Isaacs Sidney, 19 Chadwick ro!\d Lambeth Mrs. 30 Forest drive east
Hetherington John Wise, 30 Cam- Isralsen Edwar-d, 24 Bulwer road Lamboll Mrs. 70 Fairlop road
bridge road Jakeman Edwd.Knight, 6 Kirkdale rd Lancaster Sidney, 41 Forest drv. we
Hewett John Spencer, So Queen's rd Jame~ Frederick, 291 Bainault road Land Mrs. 22 Forest driv~ east
Hibbert-Ware Miss, 23 Fladg-ate road James Misses, 6o Harold road Landale Mrs. 8 Fladgate road
Hickman Hy. Woodburn,22 Fairlop rd Jarvis Sherrick, 57 Queen's road Langford Charles, 166 Wallwood roa4
Hickman John, 16 Fladgate road Jarvis William, 28 Clarendon road La.nglands Davirl F.R.G.S. 19 Preston
Hicks Geo. Wm. 40 Fillebrook road Jarvis Wm. Matthew,135 Colworth rd road
Hicks Mrs. &; Fillebrook road Jeffrey Rev. Alfred (Presbyterian), Langley Wm. Robert, 18 Queen's rd
Hickson John Wm. :rr2 Hainault road 39 Poppleton road Larke Arthur, IS King's road
Hill Douglas Victor, 47 Colworth rd Jekyll Lewis Nugent, Gainsborough Last James Clarke, 41 Barclay road
Hills Henry, 34 Fladgate road ib_ouse, Gainsborough road Latilla Eugene Arthur, 3 Preston rd
Hills Silas, 55 Preston road Jenkins Frank, 17 Chadwick road Latter Arthur Edward, I I Maple road
Hilt C. Eugen, 21 Wallwood road Jennings Fredk. W. 104 Fairlop rd Lauderdale Robert, 145 Wallwood rcL
Hinde George Fredk. 53 Fairlop road Jennings Mrs. 46 Bulwer road Lavers Frank, 42 Queen's road
Hoch Bernard George,163 Hainault rd Jennings William, 2 Lonsdale road Law Frederick, 13 Queen'11 Nad
Hocking Rev. Almond Trevosso (Con- Jennings Wm.Barnabas,6 Lonsdale rd Lawer Saml. Edwd. 61 Poppleton rd
gregational), 90 Hainault road Jessop Edwin Wm. 125 Hainault rd Lawton Rev. Arthur (Primitive
Hodan Charles, 12 King's road Jewson· Frank Kllight ·A.M.I.E.E. 28 Methodist), 93 Colworth road
Hodgson George, 40 Fladgate road New Fillebrook road Leach Benjamin, 39 King's road
Hodson Thomas, 16 Clarendon road Jex W. Orlando, 29 Fairlop road Leach Jas. Edwd. 9 Forest drive west
Hogbin Leonard W. 47 Preston road Johnson Henry Grattan, 72 Bushwood Lee Charles, 12 Lonsdale road
Holbrook Richard, I<; Preston road Johnson Mrs. 37 Fillebrook road Leeman Mrs. 45 New Fillebrook road
Holdup Charles, 105 Fairlop road Johnson Mrs. 146 Hainault road Lees Henry John, 24 Poppleton road
Holgate Robert, 157 Hainault road Johnson Mrs. 22 Kntg's road Lefkowitz Louis, rr Poppleton road
Holland Joseph, 34 Chadwick road Johnson Mrs. 15 Queen's road Leng Robt. The Bungalow, Pres-ton rd
Holland Miss, Forest Glade house, Johnson Stanley Currie, 8 King's rd Lepingwell Lewis Henry,73 New Fille-
I6I Whipps Cross road Johnstone Alexander, 76 Bu,shwood brook road
Holliday Mrs. 159 Whipps Cross rd Johnstone Loyzeluer, 6o Bushwood Lessel~ John, 67 Bulwer road
Hollings William Robert, Ellamatta, Jonas Frank Albert, 70 Cannhall rd Lester Arthur, IS Woodriff road
Hig-hstone J ones Albert C. 37 Cannhall road Lewis Evan, 52 Fillebrook road
Hollis Elijah George, 74 Fairlop road J ones Frederick, 5 Fladgate road Lewis F. Harman .A.M.I.E.E. 46
Holmes Bert, 15 Lonsdale road J ones John Angus, 105 Wall wood rd Forest drive east ,
Holmes Miss,4 Carlton vils.Barclay rd. J ones Mrs. 9 Grove road Lewis Henry Lee, 39 Cannhall road
Bolt Ernest Oha..<~. 2 Gainsborough rd Jones Thomas Henry, 28 Wallwood rd Liddiard William. 33 Fillebrook road
Home George Andrew, Avenue lodge, Jordan Hrbt. Geo. 4'9 Forest drive we Lilly George, 1~ Queen's road
Bushwood Jose Wm. Jas. 157 Whipps Cross rd Limpricht Chas.Wren,ns Colworth rd
Hone Mrs. I78 Hainault road Justice Mrs. 65 New Fillebrook road Linden Henry n IOI Mornington rd
Honeyman Henry,rnWhipps Cross rd Kay Ernest Victor, So Wallwood road Lindsley George, 65 Fillebrook road
Hooker Albt.Athelton, 15& Hainault rd Kay William, 63 Forest drive west Lindy Arthur, 56 I•'orest drive :west
iiooper George, 8 Drayton road Kaye John James, 31 Poppleton road Line Mrs. 63 Bushwood
Hooton Arthur, so Forest drive east Keable William, 458 High road Lines Mrs. J. 46 Chadwick road
· Hopkins William, II2 Wallwood road Keddell Wm. Fredk. 30 Bulwer road Linom Mrs. 53 Forest drive west
Border Harry, so King's road Keell Charles G. 28 Lonsdale road Lister Cyrus Edward, 28 Bulwer road
Hornblower Mrs. 32 Forest drive east Kelf Samuel, 51 Preston road Lister Mrs. 871 High road
· Horncastle Wm.Edwd.54 Poppleton rd Kemp Mrs. 85 Poppleton road Lister Robert Arthu;:, 97 Colworth rd
Hors!ey Samuel, 15 Cannhall road Kennard Harry, 3 Gainsborough road Little Fredk. James, 19 King's road
Hoskin Edwin Rook~, 6o Fillebrook rd Kennedy Rev. John F.S ..A. (vicar of Lloyd Henry Fredk. 74 Poppleton rd
House Joseph John, 30 Fillebrook rd St. Catherine's, Leyton), 2a, Fair- Lloyd Richard Edward, 590 High rd
Howard Geo.Wanstall,IJ4 Hainault rd lop road Locks John Geo. 12 Gainsborough rd
Howe Oharles, 89 Poppleton road Kent William, 2 New Fillebrook rd Lockyer Roger, 164 Wallwood road
Howell Thomas James Gladston.e, 54 Kerby George, 42 Forest drive west Loder William John, 53 Preston road
Forest drive west . . Kern Frederick Ernest Louis, 84 Long Alfred, 20 King's road
Hainault road Long Clifford S. 8 Colworth road


!Ave. Alfred James, 113 Poppleton rd Morgan William. 75 Forest drive west Payne Arthur H. 5 Woodriff road
Lovell Mrs. J.5 King's ;road Morrison Ogilvie, 93 Hainault; road Payne Mrs. 57 Fairlop road ,
Lovett Thos, John, 47 Forest drv. we Morter Alfred, 34 Cannhall road Payze Frank R. 13 Pr.eston road
Low Mrs. 92. Hai11ault road Mortieau Robson Olaude,32 King's 1 ·j Payze Herbert, 9 Chad wick road
Lucas Charles Wilfred, n3 Whipps Mort on Benj .Augustus,228Hainault xd 1Peacock Baymond, 6t jFillebropli; road
Cross road Moss Frank, 58 Forest drive west Pearce Gen.Wm.67 Forest drive west
Lucas Robert Fras. 15 Fillebrook rd Moth Jas. Coventon,44 Forest drv. we Pearce Mrs. ;us Wf4iP{lfl Cross road
Luetchford Percy, 40 Queen's road Mouat Wm. T. S. 61 Colworth road Pearce Thos. Chas. 98 Hainault road
Luetchford William Edwin, 123 Wall- Mountford Rev . .A.rtbur Wilfred B.A., Pearce William E. 39 Preston road
wood road (curate of Holy Trinity), The Vicar. Peuse SydnnRussell,r38 Hainault rd
Lusty Albert T. 33 Queen's road age, Birkbeck road Peaty Miss, 35 NPw Fillebrook road
Mabbitt Thomas, 3 Wallwood road Mountford James, 6 Forest drive east Pells George, 29 King's road
~ably Richard, 64 Wall wood road Mumford Mrs. Gairloch, Highs tone Penwarden Ralph, 9 Fillebrook road
McBain Fdk. J. Oakleigh, Teesdale rd Munden Geo. Hy. 253 Hainault road Pepper Horace, "!3~ Chadwick road
McBain James 0. 6 W oodriff road Munro Archib'ald, 26 Glenaray, Flad- Pepper WilliamSanders,6I Preston rd
McCarthy Denis, 54 Hainault road gate road Pepys Frederick, 23 King's road
"McCombi~ Geo. ~n. 32 Clarendon rd Munro Ja.s.Alex. 59 ~ew Fillebrook rd Percival Fredk. Duncan, 18 King's rd
McConnell John, 164 Hainault road Murgitroyd Ernest, 16 Fillebrook l'd Perkins Bertram,II Forest drive east
Macey Mrs. 29 Cannhall road Murray Frank, 14 Olarendon road Perry Charles, 71 Bushwood
:McKechnie J. Greenwood, 35 Forest Murray William Barrow,7o Bushwood Perry Francis Geo. 36 Chadwick road
drive east Musgrave Christopher George J.P. Perugia Wm. Alexander, r6 Maple rd.
MacKelcken Benj By. 38 Chad wick rd Mosborough, Lemna road Peters John Williar;n, 30 Wall wood rd
Mackenzie Miss 68 Wallwood road Musgrave Mrs. 3·5 Poppleton road Peterson Mrs. 24 Kmg's road
McLauchlan Jax'nes Edwin, 251 Hain- Musto Mrs . .Anne Elizabeth, Sebert Pettersson Mrs. 26 Fillebrook road
aolt road villa, Bushwood Pettyfer James, 46 Wallwood load
McMillan Mrs. 8 GainSiborough road Mutter Frank; 42 Cannhall road Philpot FredPriclr, 82 Bushwood
Macnab David .Alex. 24 Oannhall rd Myels Isaac _Charles, 38 Bulwer road P~che Justin G. 9 Poppleton road
McPherson Frank, 17 Fladgate read Myers F1;anc1s Wm .. 42 Clarendon rd P~cken Alexander, 46 Fladgate road
Macqueen William John 33 Forest Neatby Ihomas M1ller M.A., M.D. PICkett Mrs. 59 Colworth il'oad
drive east ' Cantab. 107 Fairlop road Pige Joseph, I I Preston r.oad
Main John .Arthur, 1 .Ashbridge road Neate Arthur Grave<>, 4 Maple road Pigg Th!)mtts H. 65 Queenls road
Mannering- Wait. Jn. 44 Clarendon rd Needham Joseph George, 99 Fille- Pike Mrs.Emily Ruth,36 Poppleton rd
Manship Capt. Edward William, 48 br?ok r.oad • . Pike Wm. Thomas, 89 Fillebrook rd
Leybourne road N ev1lle S1las Ben]. 13 Fillebrook road Pillow .Arthur Georgej 66 Bush wood
Ma.rdle Geo. Benj. 21 Forest drv. east ~ew Joseph, 10 Clarendon .road Planck Harry Sealer, 86 !airlop road
Mardl& Joseph, 122 Hainault road Newman Jas. John, 128 Hamault rd Platt Thomas, 41 :New F1llebrook rd
Ma.rillier Frederic Charles, 3 6 WaJl- Newman Rob.ert, 20 Poppleton road Plumley William H. 34 Wallwood ;rd
wood road Newport Ben]. John, 30 Lonsdale rd Pocock Henry John, 109 Bulwer road
Markby Alfred, 6 28 High road Newport Henry, 57 Pre~ton road Pole Evan Williams, 68 Hainault rd
Markham Wm. Windermere, Bushwd Newton Alfred, 136 Hama.ult road Pollard Mrs. 3 Poppleton road
Marks Harry, 85 Fa.irlop road Newton Frederick, Holmwood, Hain- Poole Victor Jas . .Alex. 28 Cowley rd
Marks Herbert, 105 Poppleton road ault road Popert Chas. Jas. 101 Wallwood road
Marrs George F. 21 Woodriff road N~wton Percy Geo. 14 Poppleton rd Porter Mrs. 8 Forest drive east
Marsh .Mrs. 172 Hainault road ~ICholas Ernest, 14 Flad!!ate road Potter Mrs. 37 Poppleton road
Marshall Waiter, 36 Fladgate road ~~chols Mrs. Dunvegan, Bushwood Potter Mrs. E. 97 Fillebrook road
Martin William J. 68 Poppleton road N1sbet Thomas, 49 Preston road Potter Percy, 8 Poppleton road
Marwood Miss, 42 Chelmsford road Norman Saml. Horsford, 9 Maple rd Potter Thomas J. 45 Preston road
Mason J()hn J. 38 Poppleton road Norr~ngto!l _Jsph. Alfd:14 Cannhall rd Potter Waiter, 3 Fillebrook road
Mason Joseph, 81 Bushwood Norns Wllham, 68 Faulop road Potts Arnold Richd. 29 Poppleton rd
Mason Sidney, 103 Ha.inault road ~orris William Henry, 78 Bushwood Pou Jacob, 18 Drayton road
Matthews John, 36 Cowley road Northcott Charles, 28 Fairlop road Poulter Frederick Wm. 49 King's rd
Matthews Jn. Hy. Lyncroft, Bushwood Norton Wait. Mead, n6 Hainault rd Poulter Lindesay, 15 Wallwood road
Mawby Miss, 13 Fairlop road Nunn Hy.Roundacre, 13 Forest drv.ea Poulter Miss, 34 Fillebrook road
Mawer Ernest Wm. 33 Poppleton rd Oates. James Forrester, Eversleigh, Poulton John Harry, 85 Wallwood rd
Maxim Walter Kidd, 84 Fillebrook I'd Wh1pps Cross road Powell Miss, 179 Rainault road
May Charles Edward, rB Forest glade Odling J ames William, 40 Fairlop rd Poyntz Wm. Thos.43New Fillebrook rd
.Mayes Robt. Saml. 210 Hainault rd Okey James, 6 Buhyer road Praed Humfrey M. 57 Poppleton road
Maynard Henry Charles Joseph, 166 Oldfield Mrs. 92 Faulop road Pratt Miss, 4 Kirkdale road
Hainault road Oldreive Richard, 31 Cannhall road Precious .A.rthur Alan, 55 New Fille-
Meadway Wilham Hy. 54 Bulwer rd Olendrowicz Mrs. 49 Queen's road brook road
Meehan William Hy. 213 Harrow rd Olley John Joseph, 91 Fairlop road Price Albt. Cuba vil.Forest drive east
Mercer William, 17 Fillebrook road Orme John, 2 Dra~ton road . Price Alfred, 87 Fairlop road
Merry Thomas William, 10 Harold rd Osborne Wait. Dav1d,19 Ashbndge rd Price Henry George, 40 Walhrood rd
Meyers Albert, 6 Gainsborough road Osman Roland, Brooklands, Teesdale Price Wm .. Saxelby, 150 Hainault rd
Michell Charles Wm. 24 Woodriff rd road . . Pringuer Edward John,g.Ashbridge rd
.Middleton Herbt. Geo. 31 Preston rd Ovenden Wllham, 28 Cannhall road Priske Forest drive west
Mignot .Alfred, 32 Poppleton road Pace Samuel Frank, 57 _Colworth road Proc-ter Jas. Wm. 69 New Fillebrk.rd
Miller Donald, Clovelly, Bushwood Paddle Ca~t .. Isaac, 7 FillPbrook roarJ Profit John Henry, 10 Ashbridge road
Miller Fdk. Wm. 18 Forest drive west Paddon Wilham By ..25 Wallwood rd Pr<Jvost .Alexander, 235 Hainault road
Miller George, 159 Grove Green 1·oad Page Mrs. 6 3 ~ew FillPhrook road Pryor Clarence W. 102 Fairlop road
Miller John Alex. 14 Fillebrook road Palmer FrederiCk, 20 Bulwer road Purdie Edwin Ohas. 30 Poppleston rd
Miller Miss, 70 Poppleton road ~alfer ~rs. ff3 rallw~o; ;~ad d Puzey Wm. Stanley, 107 Hainnult rd
Miller William Jn. 97 Poppleton road °
par] ;:er M ex. reFs . nb. 3 a!r dop roa Quartly Fredk. Isaac, 24 Maple road
Mills Chri t h F . l d ar ;:er ~ rs. 92 l 11e roo;: 1 roa Q 1 h AI H b rt K' ' d
. s op er, 7 au op roa Parker William, 18 New Fillebrook rd Qu~ ck J ex.h Her e ' 3W Indg ~ffroaad
M!11s James, 20 Clarendon ~oad Parkinson Fras. Hy. 52 Fladgate road me ·e osep enry, 4 . oo n ro
M1lman Thos. Fras. 140 Hamault rd Parnham Miss 162 Hainault road Raffe James, sen. no Faulop road
~lne .Andrew, 103 Fairlo~ road Parry .Arthnr Thomas, 6g Bushwood Raffe James .Arthur, 1~8 Fairlop road
Minett John M. 27 Cambridge road Parry Charles Hesketh, 17 King's rd Rand Horace, 2 Queens road
~nter Waiter John, 7 Fladga~e road Parry Chas. Hesketh, 34 Poppleton rd Rand. Thomas R. 9 Clarendon l"oad
M1tchell Peter Frank, 8 .A.shbndge rd Parrv Samuel 46 Forest drive west Ratchffe Thos.Wm.Arth,I2Forest glde
.Mockridge .Albt. Jas. I I Gainsboro' rd Pars~ns Alfre'd Henry Charles, 17 5 RattPnbury William, 79 Wallwood rd
Moir David, I29 Col worth road Hainault road I Rattey Wm. George, 2I Lonsdale rd
Molyneux Henry Packer, 13 Holly rd Parsons Frederick, 7 Holly road 1 Rea William Thomas, 8 Le~na road
Monktoo Charles, 103 Wallwood road Parsons Mrs. 36 Forest drive east 1Read Thomas Charles, 49 Faulop rd
Monument John, 66 Wallwood road Parsons William J. 5 Poppleton road Redman Mrs. 55 CQlworth road
Moon Mrs. 7 Woodriff road Partridge "Wm. 42 Forest drive east Reed Alfred William, 64 Hainault rd
Moore Frank, IZI Poppleton road Paterson Wm. Edwd. 15 Fladgate rd Reeve Charles Robey,4o Clarendon rd
Moore Henry John, 4 Poppleton road Patient Mrs. 4I Preston road !-Reeve Henry,33 & 35 Grove Green Td
Moore Jarnes, 75 Poppleton road Pat rick Frank .Alien, I I Forest drv. we •Reeves George, 35 Forest drive wes~
Moore John Thomas, 23 Chadwick rd Pattison George B.Sc., L.A.A. 1::9[ Reeves Luther, 34 Forest drive wesif
Morgan Albt. Wait. 147 Wallwood 1·d Colworth road 1 Reffell Edward, 278 Grove Green _rd
Morgan Thomas, 27 Maple road Pavitt Geor~e, roo Wallwood road 1 Reid Mrs. 10 Cambridge road

Renaut Capt. Charles Henry, 144 Scandrett Mrs. 59 Prest{)n road Snell Fredk Jas. 51 Wallwood road
Bainault road Schofield Fred, 28 Forest drive west Sole George, Bo Poppleton road
Renaut Fredk. Wm. 205 Hainault rd Schofield Miss, ro Forest glade Soper Ernest Wm. 29 Fillebrook road
Rennison Frank, 13 Chadwick road Schroeder Charles, II7 Colworth road Sorrell Alfred, 152 Hainault road
Reynolds Alfred Lawson, 93 Fairlop rd Scott Albert Harold, Beechwood, Soughan Michael Dennis,78Fairlop rd.
Reynolds Arth. Geo. 12 Fillebrook rd Highstone Southgate Mrs. 67 Poppleton road
Rice Richard Herbert, 51 Bulwer rd Scott Chas. Hedley, 86 Fillebrook rd Spanton John Humphrey, 101 Popple·
Rich William, 273 Hainault road Scott John Walter, 8 Kirkdale road ton road
Richards Wait. Edwd.ro2Wallwood rd Scourfield DavidJoseph,63 Queen's rd Speedyman Jas.Lawrence,sx King's rd
Richardson Clarence George, 27 Scrivener Chas. Thos. 6r Wallwood rd Speiegel Maurice, 13 Cannhall road
Forest drive east Scrivener John, 23 Cambridge road Spencer Rev. Chas. A.K.C.L. (cnrate-
Richardson Joseph Wilberforce, 200 Seabourne Edwd.Peter,215Hainault rd in charge of St. Edward's, Leyton),.
Hainault road Seaden William R. 52 Cannhall road 24 Chertsey road
Riche Wallace E. 12 Cannhall road Searle Fredk. Wm. 29 Clarendon road Spiller Miss, 69 Fillebrook road
Riches Mrs. 209 Hainault road Selby Mrs. Frances, Braeside,Bushwd Spong JoshuaWm.38NewFillebrook rd
Richmond Henry, 149 Colworth road Selby John, 53 Vernon road Spurgeon Joseph, 59 Fillebrook road
Rickard John W. II7 Wallwood road Sergeant Charles Henry, 178 High rd Squire Sidney William, 7 Preston rd
Rickard William, 44 Fairlop road Sewell Rev. Arth. Taylor B.A. (curate Stacy Mrs. 31 Fillebrook road
Rickard Wm. Pedlar, 44 Fairlop road of Holy Trinity), The Vicarage, Stalker David, 2 Ashbridge road
Riddell Mrs. 38 Fillebrook road Birkbeck road Stanley Christr.Philip,r8gHainault rd
Rider Alonzo Hugh, 39 Colworth road Sewell Albert John.z 3II Hainault rd Starling Robert, 22 Wallwood road
Riley Mrs. Amelia, 62 Bushwood Sewell Wait Chester, 36 King's road Stedman David Walter Christoffer, 91
Roach Charles, 99 Bulwer road Seymour George, 130 Wallwood road Wallwood road
Roberts ·Henry Charles, I Forest Shanks James, 73 Wallwood road Stedman James M. 2 Forest drive ea
drive west Sharp Alfred Samuel, 31 Wallwood rd Steed Geo. Fredk. 13 Clarendon road
Roberts Joseph William, 54 King's rd Sharp Isaac, 38 Forest drive east Steede Jn. LL.D. 14 Forest drive ea•i
Robertson Miss, 6 Queen's road Sharp William, 42 Fairlop road Steele Edwin Jas. 25 Forest drive ea
Rohinson Henry Wm. 9 Fladgate road Sharpe Mrs. 24 Forest drive east Steen John Charlton, g6 Hainault rd
Robinson Herbert Stanley, 7 Ash- Sharpe Sydney, Dalkeith, Highstone Stephe;1s Arthur, 32 Bulwer road
bridge road Shaw Archibald, 56 Hainault road Ster1ker Rbt.Battam, 86 Poppleton rd
Robinson John Wm. 198 Hainault rd Shaw Ernest Edwd.r6Forest drive we Sterling Wm. Arth. 173 Hainault rd
Robinson Joseph William, Devonia Shelbourn Frank R. 18 Poppleton rd Stern Godfrey, 55 King's road
lodge, Bushwood Shelbourne Arthur Jn. 22 Woodriff rd Stevens Artbur Wakefield, 49 Ley-
Robinson Mrs. 64 Fairlop road Shenstone Herbert, rgr Hainault road bourne road
Robinl'on Thomas John, The Rowans, ;3hepheard Jach:, 79 FHlebrook road Stevens George, rB Ashbridge road
Bushwood Shepherd Fredk. Wm 22 Drayton rd Stevens Mrs. 59 Fladgate road
Robison Gavin Full~:Jrton, 160 Hain- Shepherd By. 'Ihos. 13 Forest glade Stevens Percy, r8 Fillebrook road
ault road Sheppard Francis, St Mildred's, Steventon Frederick Rivington, sz
Roe&sler Ernest, Salcombe, Bushwood Poppleton road Queen's road
Rogers Alfred Hy. I I Forest glade Sheridan Mrs. 7_:; Fillebrook road Steward Fredk. 48 New Fillebrook rd
Rogers Arthur, II4 Colworth road Shields Mrs. I I Vernon road Steward Waiter, 33 Forest drive west
Rogers George, 62 Queen's road ShoosmithLouisStephn.38Cannhall rd Stewart Arthur, 56 Queen's road
Rogers William, r83 Hainault road Shore Tom Bradley, 20 Forest glade Stewart Basil, roB Colworth road
Roig Mrs. 48 Poppleton road Shorev Fredk. W. 20 Fore•t driYe we Stewart Ernest Alfred,rg6 Hainault rcl
Rorke Mrs. Margaret M.B., Ch.R. 65 Shorey Percy Thos. 275 Hainault rd Stewart James, 27 Queen's road
Wallwo~d. road . Short Wm.John, 29 Forest driYe ea~t Still William, 48 Fladgate road
Rorke W1lham W1lson M.B., Ch.B. Shuter Miss, 61 New Fillebrook road Stillvrell Richard, 8 Lonsdale road
65 Wallwood _road . Simcox Charles Henry, 2 Carlton Stinson A.llen Perry, 82 Cannhall road
Rosenberg Mor1tz, 70 F1llebrook road villas, Barclay road Stock Alfred George, 27 .Holly road
Rotherham Thomas George, 52 Forest Sime Charles Forrester, 14 Maple Td Stokes Geo. Fredk. 62a, Fillebrook rd
drive west Sirue Waiter, 10 Fillebrook road S.tonard Louis J. 101 FillebriJok rd
Rounthwait Mrs. 9 Holl_Y road Simpson Frederic J. q1 Fillebrook rd Strange Albt. Fuller,23 Forest drv.we-
Routledge Henry. go Fa1rlop road Sizer Geo.Fredk.r25 Whipps Cross rd Stratford Edwin, 55 Fairlop road
Rowden Cecil, 29 Cambridge road Skelt Joseph, 62 Bulwer road Stratton Harrv, 10 Woodrifi road
Ro"Hling Edgar, 159 Hainault road Skelt :Mr<>. 54 Wallwood road Stringer Mrs." 6r King's road
Rudderham John, 7~ Ferndale road Skinner Thos. Hy. 93 Poppleton rd Stuck Sidney Joseph M.D.Brux. II}
Rule Mrs. 4 Camhndge road Slater Robert Joseph r4 Cambridge rd Fairlop road
Rumsey Allen R. 7 Queen's road Sleeman George, r7 Colworth road Sturt Mrs. 25 L':msdale road
Rumsey Clarence, 62 Cann~all road Sleight Chas. Edwd. 84 Poppleton rd Stuttle Benjamin, 125 Wallwood road
Russell Edward, 30 Chadwwk road Sioan Rev. Frederick J. (vicar of Suggars Arth.Hulme, 89 Wallvrood rd
Russell Frederick Vernon, Pinmill, Christ Church, Leyton), The Vicar- Sullivan Major Alfred.3 Chadwick rd
Teesdale road ar;e, Grove Green road Snlman Charles, 131 Hainault road
Ru~<>Pll Walt. Herbt. 71 Poppleton 1"1 Sly Thoma.<:. 19 Clarendon road Sumner Chauncey H. 64 Cannhall rd
Rmsell Wm. Chas. 28 Fladgate road Smith Rev. Thomas Napoleon (Bapt.), Summers Victor, ro Bulwer road
Russell-Stratford ~rs. 8r Fairlop road 59 Poppleton road Sm~<:wein Philip, 34 Bulwer road
Rust Mrs. 143 Hamault road Smith Artbur Fredk. 109 Fairlop rd Sutton James Francis, 10 King's road
Rusted Mrs. -~· 48 Harold r_oar~ Smith Charles, 12 Puppleton road Swallow lVm. Percy, 217 Hainault rd
Rutbven A.lex1s Glen,Ardlm,Kmg s rd Smith Clarence D.Sc. 28 Chndwic], rd Sweet Geor[!'e J. 77 King's road
Rntter Charles Edward Vernon, 52 Smith Edward, 121 Hainault road Sykes Joseph, Ellesmere, Highstone
Wallwood road Smith Mrs. Emma, sa, Woodhonse rd Symmons Sydney Herbert, 124 Col·
Ryder James, 226 Hainault road Smith Fredk. Cha.<:. 2 Forest glade worth road
Saddleton William, 5 Carlton villas, Smith Frederick Edward Stephen, gB Talbot Edward A.lbt. 35 Clarer.don rd
Barclay road Poppleton road Talbot William, 58 Hainault road
Sage Thomas, B Woodriff road Smith Geore-e, 102 Hainault road Tandy Miss. 25 New Fillebrook l'O'ld
Sala George, 199 Hainault road Smith Geo. David, 3 Stanmore road Tanner John, 43 Forest drive west
Salt Charles Edward Fosbrooke B.A.. Smith Geo. Hy. 31 Kew Fillebrook rd Tanner ~Irs. 29 New Fillebrook road
361 Grove Green road Smith Harry Williams, II7 Whipp" Taplin ~llwrt Charles, 42 Fladgate rd
Sanders Edwal'd, 103 Bulwer r<lad Cross road Tap]in WilliRm, 149 Hainault road
Sander.<:on Arth. 147 Whipps Cross rd Smith Henry William OgilviP, 40 Tate Henry Charles, 6r Bushwood
Sandland Chas. Henry, 55 Vernon rd Chadwick road Taylor Capt. John William R.N.R. 17
Sangster Capt. James Charles, 118 Smith Joseph. 7 Lonsdale road Cambrid!!e road
Wallwood road Smith Jsph. Cubitt, 17 Forest drv.ea Taylor Arthur Henry, 33 Colworth Yd
Sangster Rev.Charles Humphrey B.A. Smith Mrs. 25 Preston road Taylor Christopher, 67 Wallwood Td
(curate of Holy Trinity), The Smith Mrs. l\f. T. r8 Bulwer road Taylor Frank H. r8 Clarendon road
Yicarage, Birkbeck road Smith Pearl Waiter, Argyll villa. Taylor Frederic Hy. 125 Colworth roai
Sate hell Charles Henry, 94 Fairlop rd Kirk dale road Taylor Fredc .i\Iartin,44 Forest drv .ll
SaunrlPrs Albert E. 18 Cannhall road Smith Rt>g-inald. 133 Whipps Cross rd Tavlor Jame", 22 Bulwer road
Saunders Chas. Edward, So Fairlop rd Smith Robert Perc~·, JI Wall wood rd Taylor John Francis, 3 Queen's road
Savage Samuel, 77 Leybourne road Smith Thomas Ashbridge, Walwood Taylor Miss, r94 Hainault road
Sawver Rev. Ernest William M.A. park, Chadwick road Taylor Montag-uP. 95 Fillebrook roal
(;icar of Holy Trinity), The Vicar- Smith Tom Cottrell, 26 Maple road Taylor William Henry, 39 Dyson rul
age, Birkbeck road Smith Waiter, 9 Forest glade Teale Mrs. r6 Forest glade
Teney Mrs. 47 Cannhall road Wainwright .Alfred, I Bulwer road Whitney Edward Elgar, IO'J Bulwer rd
Thacker Harold, 81 Fillebrook road Wait Douglas, 20 Maple road Whitney Madame, 49 Forest drive ea
Thain Frederick Bond,6 Clarendon rd 1Wait Mrs. 13 Forest drive west Whitney Mrs. I6I Hainault road
1hanatt Frank, 177 Hainault road I Wakefield William, 15 Maple rGad Whitwell Miss, 31 Cambridge road
Thomas D. F. 83.9 High rGad Walker Rev. William Th.A.K.C.L Wickham Herbert G. 24 Chadwick rd
Thomas Edmund Fredk. I2 Maple rd (priest in charge of St.Augustine's), Wickham Miss, 29 Holly road
Thomas George, 3 Lemna road 105 Mayville road Wiggins Alfred Pain, 113 Hainault rd
Thomas George, 19 Lonsdale road Walker .Alexander, 3 Holly road Wightman Samuel, 3I Queen's road
Thomas Ha.rry, 22 Maple road Walker Arthur John, .25 Fladgate rd Wilby Frederick W. 39 Wallwood road
'Thomas Mrs. 87 Fillebrook road Walker John Robert, 23 New Fille· Wild Archibald, 3 Clarendon road
'Thomas Bobert, 36 Queen's road brook road Wildash Thos. Milner,58 Poppleton rd
"'l'hompson Algernon Percy, 6o Wall- Wallier Miss, 293 Hainault road Wiles Charles, I68 Hainault road
wood road Walker Mrs. The Hermitage, Bushwd Wilkins H. 6o Bulwer road
Thompson Hy. Reid, n Fillebrook rd Walker Mrs. 82 Wallwood road Wilkinson Stephen, I6 Drayton road
'Thornton George, 63 King's road Wallis Alfred, 17 Woodriff road Williarns Chas. Cook, so Queen's road
Thorp A.rthur Evan, 9 Queen's road Wallis Edward, 6 Fladgate road Williams Henry Gwyn, 9 Fairlop rd
Thridgould John, 2 Lemna road Wallis Geo. Ernest, I23 Hainault rd Williams Robert, 133 Wallwood road
Tiddy John Francis, 9 Colworth road Waiter Sydney, I Forest glade Williamson William, 94 Hainault road
Timms Waiter Amey, 82 Hainault rd Waiters Alfred, 75 Bushwood Willis Edwin Derisley, 47 Forest
'fimson Somerset Wm.77 Wallwood rd Walton Alfred, 14 Wallwood road drive east
Tingle John Tb(lmas, 113 Bulwer rd Walton Chas. Jas. Ang.q Queen's rd Willis Jahn, 34 Cowley road
"Tinline Frank Oscar, 1 King's road Wandless James Burn, 54 FairlOJ.l rd Willows Geo. Edwin, 89 Fairlop road
Tinline Mrs. 46 Fairlop road Ward Mrs. 77 Bushwood Wilson Andrew, 232 Hainault road
'Titterton James, 15 Ashbridge road Ward Mrs. 72 Queen's road Wilson James B. 309 Hainault road
Todd-White A.rthur Thomas, 23 Fille- Wardell Geo. Edwin, 8 Fillebrook rd Wilson Ja.mes Edwd. 21 Chadwick rd
brook road Warner William, 177 Wallwood r()ad Wilson Mrs. 5 Grove road
Tomkins Arthur Percy, ro Maple rd Watkins Robert K. I2 Bulwer road Wilson Robt. Wm. 13 Poppleton rd
Tooley John. 22 Poppleton road Watson Andrew :Maitland, 140 Wall- Wimble Frederick, 87 Poppleton road
Tovry Herbert Charles, Belle-vue, wood road Wimble John William, 21 Preston rd
Hight~tone Watson John Wm. 38 Fladgate road Wimms Joseph Henry M . .A . ., B.Sc. I8
'Tozer George, 31 Colworth road Watson Williaru, 37 Wallwood road Woodriff road
'Treacher William Aveling, 20 Ash- Watson William Charles Cordwell, 68 Winny Saml. Thos. 22 Fillebrook rd
bridge road llulwer road Winsom Herbt. Thomas, Babbacombe,
'freadwell Gabriel, Falkoners.Bu!!hwd \Vatson Wm. Percival,21 Forest glade Hainault road
Treloar Wm.Bennett,229 Hainault rd Wattam John, 2 Poppleton road . Wire Benjamin, Llanberis, Bushwood
Trevelyan Adolphus Frederick, r6 Watts William F1·ederick, 15 Forest Wire Benjamin, Woodlands, Whipps
Bulwer road drive west Cross road
'Trewin Miss B. 129 Whipps Cross rd Waugh Fredk. 40 Forest drive west Wish Louis Frederick, Devon house,
Troupe C. Airlie, 7 Forest glarle Webb Fras. Hy. 55 Poppleton road Leyspring road
Trow Charles, 27 Fairlop road Webb William F. Kirkdale villa, Withers Frank, 66 Bulwer road
Trudgett Miss, 65 Bushwood Kirkdale road Wood Albert, IO Chadwick road
Truman Jas. Richd. 41 Fillebrook rd Webb Wm. Harrison, 165 Hainault rd Wood .Arthur John, x88 Hainault rd
Trundle Josiah Strachan, 83 Fille- Webster Charles, ;ros Hainault road Wood Ebenezer, I I Lemna road
brook road Webster Frank, I I Fladgate road Wood Horace, 58 Queen's road
Trustham James, 37 Preston road Weedon Fredk. G. 88 Fillebrook road Wood James, 141 Hainault road
Tnrnbull Matthew, 8 Forest glade Wells _<\.lfred, 26 Chadwick road Wood Matthew James, 5 Pre!'<ton road
'l'urner Henry Herbt. 2I Fillebrook r'd Wells Henry James, 58 Cannhall road Wood Mrs. 43 Poppleton road
Turner Waiter Albert, 74 Queen's rd Wells John, x8.S Hainault road Wooding Hy.Gordon, 135 Wallwood rd
Turtle Mrs. 38 Queen's road Welsh Fredk. Saml. 22 Forest glade Woods Edwin Percy, 27 Chadwick rd
'l'nrville Harry, I90 Hainault road Welsh Willis, 69 King's road Woods Waiter, 6 Lemna road
Tymms Samuel, 209 Harrow road ·wentworth Miss, 219 Hainault road Woolley William, 122 Colworth road
Tynan Ernest Charles,145 Hainault rd Wenzel Jacob Fredk. 53 Wallwood rd Wragg Edwin, Glenmoor, Bushwood
Ulbricht Hugo. x6 Queen's road Werner Henry Geo. 15 Chad wick rd Wright .Alfred, xI Chelmsford road
Ulyett Joseph William, 75 Queen's rd West Abraham, Aylmer road Wright Clar!'nee Alfd. Jsph. F.R.C.S.
Usher Mrs. Ellen, 13 Woodriff road West Frederick Lea, 4 Flad~ate road Edin. 594 High road
Valentine Arthur, 48 Bulwer road West Mrs. 16 Poppleton road Wright Robert, 2I Queen'• road
Veale Kenneth Calver,249 Hainault rd Westgate Geo. Fredk. 43 Cannhall rd Wright Robert .John, I Carlton villas,
Ve.mon Waiter P. ~4 Clarendon road IWeston Charles, 71 King's road Barclay road
VigorRnpertHast,Forest lea,Highstne Whatmough William, 58 Wallwood rd Yarrow Frederick, I6 Wallwood road
Vinals Mrs. 4 Drayton road Wheatley Jsph. Holmhurst,Highstone Yates Charles, 683 High road
Vincent Herbert, 14 Lemna road White Alexander, 23 Maple road Young .Alfred Wicks, 81 Walll"l"ood rd
Vincent Waiter, 27 Fillebrook road White Miss. 56 Ki~g's road Young George, 75 Wallwood road
Vinson William John, 26 Cannhall rd Whitefield Jas. Woodleigh, Bushwood Young John, 61 Fairlop road
Vinter E. Montague, 6 New Fille- Whiteman Thomas William.., 34 Young William, 32 Lonsdale road
brook road Forest drive east
COMMERCIAL. Andrews Solomon, news agent, 29 Church lan~
!hbott Rros. dairymen, Hainault road & r Colworth rd A.nstey Harry, collector of King's taxes, I Hartley road
A.bbott ~I. H. &; Co. contractors, Mornington road ; coal A.pperley Edward G. artificial teeth manfr. 6o6 High rd
merchants, Railway station. Church lam~ A.ppleford John Harland, oilman, 61 Hainault road
Academy Cinema (Herbert J. Simpson, manager), 350 Appleton Emest, sub-divisional inspector to ~etro-
High road politan police, 470 High road Lead Seal Co. 2a, Ferndale road Arthur & Son, coal merchants, 6 Midland coal offices,
.!dams & Co. tobacconists & shipping agts. 769 High rd Hainault road
Adams Samuel Chantry, estate agent, 6o2 High road Atkins Frank,hair dresser,4 Station buildings, Church la
.\dams Thomas, general dealer, 123 Cathall road Atkins Percy, boot mak':!r, Midland Railway Station
!dams Thomas, rag merchant, Denmark street approach, 26rb. High road
J.ddis & Bernet. grocers, 554 High road Attfield .Albert Edward, photographer, IO Church lane
A.gass Joseph. shopkeeper, 256 High road Aylmer Archibald & Lionel, tobacconists :14, &; confec-
.!Igar C. J. & A. booksellers & stationers, 574 High rd tioners 24, The Parade, Grove Green road
11lbrook H. & Co. coal merchants, 4 Midland coal Ayton Robert, undertaker, 575 High road
offices, Hainault road Baderski Stanislaus, tailor, 104 Birkbeck road
Alien ;E. (Miss), grocer, & post office, see Cornish&; Allen Bager William, boot maker, 545 High road
Alien Edw. J. estate agent, 344 High road Bagnall George. carriage lamp maker, 26 Harrow road
.AlleB Edward John, certificated bailiff, I42 Leslie road Baikie David, linen draper, 58I High road
.!Hen George, baker, 13I Cathall road Baillie Francis M.B., Ch.B., L.R.C.P. & S.Edin.,
.Alien George, carpenter, 2 Esther road L.R.F.P.S.Glas. physician & surgeon, 510 High road
Allen George, firewood dealer, 2I Norman road Baker Thomas & Co. boot makers, 194 High road
Alien Goorge, shopkeeper, 39 Chester street Baker William Henry & Son, mosaic artists, 451 High rd
ADen Herbert Charles, shopkeeper, 86 Union road Baker Charles Jonathan, attendance officer to Education
Althans Elsie G. (Miss), tobacconist, 825 High road Committee, 45 Granleigh road
Andrews Olive (Miss), dr9ss maker, 75 Southwell Gro. rd Baker Dorothy (Miss), dress maker, 6 Pretoria road

Baker George, shopkeeper, 24 Wadley road Brown Hy. Havelock M.B., C.M. surgeon, 745 High rd
Banks & Bryan LimitPd, costumiers, 849 High road Brown Robert lVm.fruiterer,r The Pavement,Hainault rd
Banks & Drewer, builders, 15 Granleigh road Browne Frank, insurance agent, 25 Percy street
Barber Harry & Louis, tobacconists, 533 High road Browne Robert Harold Irwin, beer retlr. 75 Cheneys rd
Barber Charles, dairyman, 100 Harrow road Bryan Gertrude (Mrs.), dress maker, 84 Grove Green rd
Barber John, cattle dealer, 120 Harrow road Bryant Arthur, confectioner, 446 High road
Barbet Edwin James, confectioner, 31 Wragby road Bryant Selina (Mrs.), grocer, 194 Cannhall road
Bardwell Jane (Mrs.), house decorator, 19 Holloway rd Bryce George, wine & spirit merchant, 735 High road
l:lareharu Ernest Augu~tus, confectioner, 150 Union rd Buck Joseph H. & Sons, bakers, 568 & 570 High road
Barnes George P. watch &i clock waker,45 Kingsdown rd Buckla:ad Henry C. carman, 121 Mayville road
Barrett John C. greengrocer, 108 Woodhouse road Bug~ins Thomas, dining rooms, 128 Union road
Bartlett, Jones & Co. pianoforte warehouse, 727 High rd Bull James, grocer, 195 Harrow road
Bartlett Reuben Charles, solicitor, 153 Hainault road Bullock Henry J. boot repairer, 326 Cannhall road
Barton Louisa (Miss), dress maker, 245 Grove Green rd Bunce William, tobacconist & news agent, 669 High road
Bass Waiter, coffee rooms, 224 High road Bunker Alfred, butcher, 557 High road
Battersby Charles E. station master, Midland Railway Bunten John Edward, shopkeeper, 44 Cecil road
station, High road Burger John, baker, 182 High road
Bayford Joseph, sen. harness maker, 672 High road Burren William, greengrocer, 321 High road
Beard Brothers, builders &c. 524 High road & 173 Burrows Elizabetb (Mrs.), boot & shoe maker, 18 The
Cathall road Parade, Grove Green road
Bearman Frank, draper, I, 2, 3, 4 & 5 The Parade, High Burrus Margaret (Mrs.), oil dealer, 6r Holloway road
road & house furnishers, 859, 861, 863 & 865 High rd Burt Henry Charles, hair dresser, 374a, Grove Green rd
Beasley Stephen, pork butcher, 273 High road Burwood Henry E. confectioner, 153 Cathall road
Bell Charles T. hosier, 531 High road Bush Herbert, boot repairer, 65 Cobbold road
Bell David, coffee tavern, 639 High road Bush 'Minnie (Mrs.). shopkeeper, 15 Montague road
Bell Ernest Herbert, grindery dealer, 363 Higih road Butler ~rames, builder, 112 Fairlop road
Bell Henry, butcher, 109 Harrow road Butson Ethel D. (~Irs.), confectioner, 249 Cannhall road
Bendy Walter, dining rooms, 493 Grove Green road Buttery Mary Ann (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 31 Chester ss
Bennett Alfred & Son, undertakers, uS Grove Green rd Buttle Clifford, boot repairer, r Harrow road
Bennett Norah (Miss), milliner, sso High road Bywater I<'rank, blacksmith, 16 Cathall road
Benskin's Watford Brewery Limited (E. H. Reffell, man- Bywater Henry, carman, 20 Cathall road
ager), brewers; depot, 272-284 Grove Green road Cains Edward, builder, 586 High road
Bernet George, grocer, see Addis & Bernet Callow Edward D. general engineer, Denmark street
Berry Doris (Miss), teacher of music, 74 Cannhall road Cameron F. B. & Co. coal merchants, Midland Railway
BPst Maurice, boot repairer, 154 Union road depot, High road
Bird William Fredk. teacher of music, 104 Leslie rd Cameron Edwin Gifford, writer & grainer, 314 High rd
Blackall Louise {Miss), draper, 225 Cannhall road Campbf'll George, estate agent, 85 Grove Green road
Elackmore Waiter William C. butcher, g6 Cannhall road . Camp bell Hannah (Mrs.), dress maker, 55 Melford road
Blackwell James, tinplate worker, 37 Norman road Cann Hall & Wanstead Slip Liberal Club Finance Co.
BladeR William Wrench, chemist, 49 Hainault road Limited (L. G. Simpson, sec.), 178 High road
Blakeborough & Co. florists. 3 Church lane Cann Hall & Wanstead Slip Liberal & Radical Club et
Bloom Robert, insurance agent, 102 Mornington road Institute (L. G. Simpson, sec.), 178 High road
Blount & Sandford, house breakers, 488 High road Capon Herbert W. grocer, 16 Selby road
Bloxam Robert & Co. cycle makers, 643 & soB High rd Capps Florence (Mrs.), stationer, & post off. 392 High rd
Blumenstock Conrad, butcher, 249 High road Capps William Thomas, corn chandler, 2 Cathall road
Bon Marche (Stratford) Limited, drapers, 188, 190 & Cardo James & Son, boot makers, 587 High road
192 High road Cardy William, wardrobe dealer, 85 Harrow road
Bone Edwin, grocer, 70 Southwell Grove road Oarron Herbert B. stationer, 246 High road
Bonniface Edward, laundry, x Park Grove road Carss Robert Thompson, grocer, 667 High road
Boore Susannah (Mrs.), nurse, 23 Grove Green road Carver John Albert, butcher, 269 High road
Boots Cash Chemists (Southern) Limited, chemists, 6 Catchpole James Henry, hair dresser, 108 Cannball road
The Parade, High road Catley Ellen (Miss), milliner, 342 High road
Boots Albert, watch maker, 270 High road Uatley James, builder, Selby works, 44a, Selby road
Borer Albert, pawnbroker, 245 & 247 Cannhall road Catten John, decorator, 2 Dyers Hall road
Bostock decoratr.250 Grove Green rd Cawthron Charles, greengrocer, 765 High road
Bourne William, grocer, 32 The Parade, Grove Green rd Central Hall (Arthur Spreadborough, caretaker), Fern-
Boutell George, oil & calor merchant, 35 Barfield road dale road
Bowen Arthur, dru~ store, 633 High road Chamberlain & Co. tobacconists, 627 & 837 High road
Bowen Frederick Henry, tobacconist, 750 High road Chambers John Trappet, dairyman, 74 Cecil road
Bowen George, undertaker, 29 Park Grove road Champion Frederick, fried fish shop, 48 Avenue road
Rower Florence (:Miss), costumier, 57 Lytton road Chance John Waiter,. teacher of music~ 41 Harvey road
Bower Samuel, tailor, 583 High road Chanter Florence (Miss), tchr. of music,45 Fillebrook rd
Bowers Frank, shopkeeper, 19 Cathall road Chapman Bessie (Miss),teacher of music,r72 Cannhall rd
Bowers Thomas Henry, florist, 299 High road Chapman Mark, baker, 68o High road
Bowl Thos. James, tobacconist, 157 Grove Green road Chapman Martha (Mrs.), costumier, 3 Barclay road
Bowman Willia.m, cats' meat dealer, 13 West Rtreet Chapman Robert R. corn dealer, uo Cannhall road
Bowman Wm. Ernest, china & glass dealr. 10 Church la Chapman Thomas, but<:her, 311 High road
Box Richard, Northcote P.H. uo Grove Green road Chapman William Frederick, builder, 4 Mayville road
Boxall William Francis L.D.S.R.C.S.Eng. dental sur- Charlton Thomas, fruiterer & greengrocer, 347 Hi!!h rd
geon, 98 Fillebrook road Charrington, Sells, Dale & Co. coal merchants, M. Rr-
Bradford Robert, draper, 65 Haina.ult road depot, High road & 1 Church lane
Bradley James D. house decorator, 27 Harrow road Cheek Herbert Edward, dining rooms, 475 High road
Brady James, builder, 6 Lancaster road Chemical Dry Cleaning & Dyeing Co. (Lowes) (branch),.
Branch William James, fishmonger, 505 High road 730 High road
Brett Ernest, boot repairer, 45 Mayville road Chipchase Cecilia & Rose (Misses), girl~' school, t6()
Briginshaw Jesse, butcher, 781 High road Wallwood road
BrigneH Frederick, hair dresser, .340 High road Christian Science Reading Room, 27 Church lane
Brindley Frank Pudey, solicitor & commissioner for Christophers Sarah Louisa (Miss),costumier,556 High rd
oaths (firm, Freeman; Drury & Brindley), 18 Wood- Church Gearge Waiter, decorator, 74 Lansdowne road
villa road Churchward Edwin Hy. insurance agt. 44 Cobbold road
Britannic Assurance Co. Limited (William J. Bright, Civil Service & Business Training College (The) .(W. J_
supt.), 5 Cannhall road Woodruff A.R.S.I. principal), 634 High road
British Boot Repairing Co. boot repairers, 254 High rd Clackson Sarah (Mrs.), shirt & collar dresser, 3 West st
Britten Charles James, builder, 145 Harrow road Clare Charles Frederick, show case ma. 72 Woodhouse rd
Brookes Dorothy (Miss), dress maker, 280 High road Clare Cloudesley Cornelius, house agt. 12 Dyers Hall rd
BrookeR George. boot maker, see Davies & BrnokPs Clare Edward William, builder, 2 Bnrghley road
Brooks Arth. Alfd. wine, spirit & beer ret. 59 Victoria rd Clark Arthur Frederick Chas. beer retailer,63 Barclay rd
Brooks James, shopkeeper, 57 Harrow road Clark Charles William. baker, 585 High road
Brovrn Alfred, ~eengrocer, 324a, Cannhall road Clark George Cooper, builders' mer. 99 Grove Green rd
Brown George Francis M.R.C.V.S. veterinary surgeon, ('lark HPtty (Miss), draper, 355 High road
566:1., High. road Clark 8tPpben, horse dealer, 6o Harrow road
.Brown Henry, wardrobe dealer, 4 Beachcroft road Clark Thomas Arthur, house decorator, 88 Chichester rd
Clarke &; Co. Limited, chemists, 151 Grove Green road Davies Herbert, general provisioner, 7 Holloway road
Clarke Catherine (Mrs.),preparatory school,1 Chertseyrd Davies William, draper, see Evans & Davies
Olarke Herbert Limited, coal merchants, I Midland Davis Alice (Mrs.), beer retailer, 70 Lansdowne road
Coal offices, Ha.inault road Davis Helena (Mrs.), dress maker, 233 Cannball road
Olarke Ezek.iel, coal agent, 2 Norman road Davison Waiter Percy, ironmonger, 297 High road
Clatworthy Waiter, confectioner, 228 High road Dawson Charles, stationer, & post office, 79 Colworth r<l
Claydon Edward Oliver, fancy repository, 84 Cannhall rd Dean Alfred &; Son, metal merchants, 185 Harrow road
Cleland .A.ndrew Hutchinson, chemist, 180 High road Dean George & Co. oven builders, 31 Mayville road
Clements Samuel, boot repairer, 9 Wragby road de Gruchy Thomas Harold, motor car dealer, Highstone-
Clenshaw Charles William, laundr)man, 5 Holloway rd Deller Edward, butcher, 420 High road
Cobb William, dining rooms, 208 High road Dennis Brothers, butchers, 509 High road
Cockerell George, greengrocer, 779 High road Dennis Arthur George, butcher, 525 High road •
Codling Edith (Miss), dress maker, wo Frith road Derby Mary Ann (Mrs.),oil & color Woodhouse rd
Cohen &; Co. ironmongers, 404 High road Derwent Charles, leer retailer, 19 Napier road
Cole Edward James, grainer, 66 Southwell Grove road Desborough & Lewin1 tobacconists, 637 High road
Cole Frederick Thomas, sign writer, 180 Union road Devine A. & E. whalebone cutter, 287 Cannhall road
Coleman Joseph M.P.S. chemist, 143 Cannhall road Diggins Horace Waiter, brue.h manufr. 869 High road.
Coles Henry William, boot repairer, 149 Cathall road Dixon Elizabeth (Miss), laundry, II2 Cannhall road
Colgrave Edward, jobbing gardener, 270 Cannhall road Dormer George, butcher, 659 High road
1Jollenette Bru.ce, fancy draper, 544 & 546 High road Dorton Wm. & Son, Cowley Arms P.H. 485 High road
Collier Bebecca (Miss), dress maker, 29 Barclay road Doughty Ernest, groc£>r, 100 Selby road
Collings A.. (Mrs.), dress maker, 41 Mayville road Downer Harry Jacob, dairyman, 37 Chester street
Collins William, dairy, 733 High road Downey Henry, fishmonger, 12 Cathall road
Combs Thomas & George, pawnbrokers, 416 High road Drabble Joseph William, grocer, 13 Park Grove road
Comfy Sidecar Co. motor cycle engineers, 789 High road Drew Emily (Miss), dress maker, 2 Union road
Conltly Emanuel, farrier, I Cathall rd. & 73 Holloway rd Drewer Alfred, builder, see Banks & Drewer
Connew Frederick, greengrocer, 103 Harrow road Druce Jam1!s Ricketts, oilman, 152 Union road
Cook E. &; Son, decorators, 29 Esther road Druce Thomas, hosier, 28 Church lane
Cook Lily (1Irs.), laundry 121, & coffee rooms ng, Dudfield Edward, printer, 727a, High road
Cathall road Duff John William, tobacconist, 339 High road
Cook William, boot maker, 384 High road Duncombe Charles Benjamin, wheelwright,19 Victoria rcJ
Cooke Thomu, butcher, 55 Hainault road Dunham, White & Co. Limited, engineers, 96 Napier
Coonz George, baker, 229 Cannhall road road & 21 Harrow road
Cooper, Cooper &; Co. mantle manufrs. I I Church lane Dupree George & Frederick, wire workers, 588 High road
Cooper & Lawrence, farriers, Harvey road Durham Main Coal Co. 645b, High rd. & Grove Gm. rd
Cooper Mary (Mrs.), draper, 582 High road Durrant Fredk. Joseph, boot & shoe dlr. 13 Church la
Cooper Waiter, watch maker, 761 High road Durrant Percy Edward, dairyman, lil Esther road
Cooper William, grocer, 81 Colworth road Dutton George, fruiterer, 204 Cannhall road
Copcutt Thomas William, dyer & cleaner, 721 High rd Dyson Frank, provision dealer, 251 High road
Copplestone A. P. beer retailer, 221 Grove Green road Earp Hy._<\.ndrew, confctnr. 4 The Pavement,Hainault rd
('-ordweH &; Co. sign 'Writers, 66-t- High road Eastern Mercury Newspaper (John Gf"orge Locks, pub-
Cordwell Horace Stanley, window ticket writer, 32 lisher & proprietor; published tuesday), 827 High rd
Wellesley road Eastman & Son (Dyers & Cleaners) Limited, Church la
Corni~h & Alien, grocers, & post office, 146a,Cannhall rd Edgeley Frank, hair dresser, 491 Grove Green road
Corni~h Albert G. house decorator, 282 Cannhall road Edme Ltd. yeast & malt manufactrs. 87 Montague rd
Cornish Philip, architect & surveyor, 715 High road Edwards Esther Louisa (Mrs.), confectioner, 47 Union rd
Cornwall Edwin Andrew, C<Jal merchant, 3 Midland Coal Eichert Fred, hair dresser, 38 The- Par. Grove Grn. rd
offices, Hainault road Ellcington George, oil & color man, 94 Cannhall road
Corv PPrr:v .Ambrose. confectioner. 763 High road Elliott Rooms (The) (D. White, trustee), Carlton roact Edward :Jell, Birkbeck P.H. 45 Union road Ellis Archibald Dunbar, hosier & hatter, 724 High road
Coutts francis James M.D., B.S.Lond. physician &; sur- Ellis Arthur, coach builder, 94 Harrow road
geon, c;o Wallwood road Ellis George William, billiard ball maker, 140 Union rd
Cowell Florence (Miss), florist, 390 High road Ellis William H. boot maker, 216 High road
• Cox .Alfred & Sons, decorators, 154 South Birkbeck road El1isdon Arthur, confectioner, 21 Church lane
Cox Edward, stone carver, 17 Beachcroft road Elliston Alfred, fishmonger, 497 High road
Oox Bobert, antique furniture dealer, 6:=~6 High road Elsworthy Robert, decorator, 113 Calderon road
Cox Sarah Ellen (Mit:s), dress maker. 6 Woodlands Toad Elvey Elizh. (Mrs.), confectioner, 376 Grove Green rcf
Cox William Robert, greengrocer, 38 Holloway road Emerson Jane (Mrs.), grocer, 8o Cobbold 'road
Co-xall Thomas, ~roceT, 24 Clarence :road · Endersby William, shopkeeper, 19 Sansom road •
Coxhead Prederick John, builder, 45 Bulwer road Erith & Co. Limited, builders' merchants. wholesale
Crapps Joseph, insurance agent, 13 Temple street ironmongers, slaters & tilers, paperhangings, glass.
Crask Charles &:; Alfred, plumbers, 428 High road paints, oils &c. 526 & 528 High road & Midland Rail-
prate Lanra (Mrs.), teacher of music. 6 Grove Green rd way depot, High road; branches at Bow, Cambridge
Creber James, wardrobe dealer, 444 High road Heath, Hackney Downs & Cricklewood •
Cres!lwell Elh;abeth (Mrs.), oilman, 155 Grove Green rd Essex Accumulator Co. 497 & 499 Grove Green road
Cripps John Thomas, meat carriPr. 95 Lancaster road Essex Cottage Nurses' Home & Day Nursery (Sister Samuel J. stationer, 315 High road Alice, matron), Beachcroft road
Crooks Waiter Fr£>derick, dE>cnrator. 101 ITainault road Essex Pure Drug Stores Limited, chemists & druggists.
Cross E-rnest William M.R.C.S.En~., L.R.C.P.Lond. 542 High road
phvsician & surgeon, & medical officer to the Bethnal Ethe· idge Sarah (Mrs.), picture frame ma. 234 High rd
Green parish schools & to thf" Wanstead Orphan Asy- Evam & Davies, drapers, 24, 25 &; 26 Church lane
lnm. Lemna house, Lemna road ~ Evan >"~ & Eldred, drapers, 2 The Parade, Grove Green rlf
Crow Joseph .Antony, boot repairer, 72 Melford road Evans & Co. oilmen 515, &; provision dealers 519, 521 &;
Crowe James, hair dresser, 125 Cathall road 52:;1, High road
Croyden George Henry, bookseller, 664 High road Eva.n~ Lilian (Mrs.), corset maker, 752 High road
"Crnmp Georg-e Joseph, news agent. 95 Grove Green road Evans Olive (Miss), confectioner, 38oa, High road
Crystall Emest,. confectioner, 353 High road Evans Waiter Sydney, builder, 12 Mayville road
Cull Emma (Miss), stationer, 552 High road Evans William Edwar<f, tobacconist 1a, & boot repairer
Cullev• Charles, florist, 201 Grove Green road 2a, Poppleton road & haberdasher~ 85 Colworth :road
Cunningham C. E. (Mrs.), servants' registry office, 23 E'·ans William Henry, accountant, 664 High road
Church lane Evans Wm. Henry, insurance supt. to rd
Curtis Ada (Miss), dress maker, 46 Cowley road Evans William John, saddler, 266 High road
Daines Thomas, cowkeeper, 147 Cannhall road Fabri Leon, confectioner, 595 High road & 6 Hollowayrd
Dalton Alfred, shopkeeper, 16 Howard road Fairall Ella (Miss), music teacher, 180 Cannhall road
Daniel Geo. Carter Albert, beer retailer, 228 Cannhall rd Faircloth Frederick, carpenter & joiner, 23 Madeira rd
Dann Marg-aret (Miss), domestic machinery dealer, 204 Fairclough George J. watch maker, 4 Belton road
& 2o6 High road Fairman Alfred, dairyman, 24 Percy street
Darr Henry Alfred, accountant, 25 Norlington road Fallows Elizabeth (Mrs.),juvenile clothier, 55 Cobbold rd
Dartnall Herbert Hy. builder, Forest house, Highstone Falshaw Ethel (Miss), tobacconist, 212 High road
Dartnall Stephen R. builder, 615 Hi~h road Farmer Frederick, corn & flour dealer. 742 High road
Davies & Brookes, boot makers. 572 High road Farren Edward, dining rooms, 440 High road
Danes Edward Owen, beer retailer, 507 High road
Fasey Anthony & Son, contractors, Grove Green road Goodwin Thos. Hy. F.R.C.O. organist, 135 Harold road
Fennell Alfred, oilman, 471 High road Gorsuch Richard Blackburne l:J.A., M.D. physician a;
Field Henry James, grindery dealer, 422 High road surgeon, 132 Frith road
Fielding Joseph Vincent, coffee house, 99 Harrow road Gossling & Son, hosiers & glovers, 548 High road
Fillebrook Institute, 24 Fairlop road Goswell Sidney, stationer, 63 Hainault road
Fillebrook Lecture Hall, Fairlop road Gould Annie (Mrs.), confectioner, go Cannhall road
.Fish George & Co. pawnbrokers, 720 High road Gower William Henry & Son, builders, 530 High road
Fisher Constance (Mrs.), draper, 450 High road Grant Robert Charles, fruiterer, 23 Church lane
.Fisher Ellen .(Mrs.), music teacher, 32 Stanmore road Gray Mary Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, 64 Wellesley road
Fitch Frederick William & Sons, plumbers, 8 Napier Green Frank, decorator, 67 West street
road & decorators, 9 Denmark street Green Hy. who. boot & shoe manufactr. Norlington rd

Fitch Henry & Sons, furniture ;removers, 41 Oecil road Green Matilda (Miss), dress maker, 17 Wadley r()ad
:Fitch Hem·y, carman, 5 Star terrace, Harrow road Greeves Alfred, rate collector for Stepney, 28 Vernon rd
Flack Minnie (Miss); dress maker, no road Greig John Sangster M.B., C.M.Aberd. physician & sur-
Flack William, furniture dealer, 313 High road geon, & medical officer to West Ham union work·
Fletcher John Williamson, printer,' 522 High road house & schools, 166 South Birkbeck road
Flutter Edwin, news agent, 76za, High road Griffiths F. T. & Co. ironmongers, 20 Church lane
Foley John, shopkeeper, 17 'lrinity street Griffiths George, chimney sweeper, 5 Browning road
Folkes William, butcher, I47 Grove Green road Gri:ffi.ths George Henry, builder, 3I6 High road
Fookes George Oscar, greengrocer, 87 Colworth road Grimes Richard, builder & contractor, 83 Wallwood
Ford Samuel, hosier, 797 High road road & 114a, Fairlop road
Fordee George, greengrocer, 563 High road Grimshaw Edward H. & Sons, electricians, 777 High rd
Fordham Mary (Mrs.), dress maker, 75 Park Grove road J Grimster Nathaniel, tailor, 14 Wa.dley road
.Forest Drive Estate Office (W. A. Hutchin, manager), Grimston .George Henry & Arthur Robert, perambulator
Mountgrove road warehouse, 747 High road
.Forest Gate, Manor Park & Ilford Express & Indepen- Groom William George, boot maker, 32 Melford road
dent Newspaper (John George Locks, publisher & Grove Rubber & Asbestos Works Co. (The), asbestoa
printer; published saturday), 827 High road manufacturers, Norman road
Forge Frederick, blind maker, u8 Frith road Gunton William, coal merchant, 33 Lansdowne road
.Forman Robert, dining rooms, 367 High road Guthrie Peter, oil & calor man, 819 High road
Foster Thomas & Co. wine & spirit merchants (Leyton- Bagger George, but-oher, 491 High road
stone branch), 718 High road Haines Thomas Price, insurance agent, 504 High road
Foulkes Morley, est.ate agent, 21 Calderon road Hair William, boot maker, 5 Esther road
Foulsham Oliver, shopkeeper, I43 Cathall road Hale W. A. & H. grocers, 6S8, 66o & 662 High road
Fountain John, contectwner, 700 High road Hale John, confectioner, 348 High road
Fowler Edward, tailor, 437 High road Haley Affred Robert, fishmonger, 442 High road
Freeman Charles R. insurance supt. 469 Grove Green rd Hall J ames, dairyman, 336 High road
Freeman William, butcher, 549 High road Hall Lewis, timber merchant, 400 High road ; 8 Harrow
French Seth, boot repairer, 58 Southwell Grove road . road & Church lane
Preind Charles, grocer, 44 Harrow road Hall William Edward F.C.I.S. accountant, 27 Vernon rd
..Friswell Daniel & Son, furniture dealers, 529 High road Hambly James Alfred, builder & decorator, Ci8 & 70
Frost Frederick Samuel, corn merchant,ss Beachcroft rd Union road & 303 High road
.F'rost George, coal & coke merchants, so Wragby road Hammond Ernest John, accountant, 10 Chertsey road
Frost William Edward, decorator, Ioo :M:ornington road Hampshire John, greengroceP, 53 Norman road
Ft-ost William Henry, tailor, 263 High road Hancock Charles James Sortain M.D., V.D., M.R.C.S.,
Fuller & Co. timber merchants, Steele rd. & Ranelagh rd L.R.C.P.,L.S.A.Lond. physician & surgn. 33 Fairlop rd
Fuller Agnes (Mrs.), tobacconist, 45a, Hainault road Hancock John W. baker, 102 Cannhall road
Fuller James, hosier, 843 High road Handman David, watch maker, 6o7 High road
Funnell Mary G. (Miss), shopkeeper, 42 Cobbold road Handman Fanny (Mrs.~. corset maker, 6o7a, High road
Furze Edgar, butcher, 412 High road Harbour Charles, greengrocer, 152 Napier road
Gaiety Cinema (Leytonstone) Co. Ltd. Church lane Hardington James, greengrocer, 31 Argyle street
Gambiragio Louis, confectioner, 754 High road Hards John, marine stor-e dealer, 486 High road
Gane Violet (Miss) A.L.C.M. teacher of the pianoforte, Hardway Edward, plumber, 22 Argyle street
48 Colworth road Hardy George John, draper, 12 Church lane
Gardner Jn. & Son,dyers,823 High rd. & I56 Norman rd Hare Charles & Co. estate agents, 2 Church lane
6arland Frank, grocer, 737 High road Harmer Charles & Sons, butchers, 168 High road
-Garner William E. sen. marine store dlr. 163 Cathall rd Harrington Herbert Thomas, beer retailer, 341 High rd
Garrard James, shirt maker & hosier, 487 & 489 High rd Harris George & Son, upholsterers, 131 Mornington rd
Gas Light & Coke Co. (The), 86r High road Harris Charles, provision dealer, IIS Cathall road
.Gascoyne George, grocer, 222 Cannhall road Har.ris· Charles, wardrobe dealer, I Trinity street & 59
Gascoyne Harry, hair dresser, 227 Cannhall road Holloway road .,..
Gearing Edwin, butcher, 19 Church lane Harris John Huxtable, shopkeeper, 3 Chester street
Gentry Waiter Fredk. watch ma. & jllweller, 174 High rd Harris Richard, gre.engrocer, 127 Cathall road
German George, confectioner, I89 Grove Green road Harris Vincent (Miss), typewriting bureau, 632 High rd
Gerres William, wardrobe dealer, 56 Harrow road Rarrison Alicia (Mrs.), milliner, 39 Harvey road
-Gibbs Alfred, confectioner, 821 High road Harrison J. Bristowe P., F.I.C. analytical chemist, 4tS
'Gibbs William, shoe maker, 773 High road Grove Green road
Gibbs William James, baker, 47 Hainault road Hart James, coal merchant, 58 Trinity street
Gibson Charles, draper, 653 High road Hart John, photographer, 275 High road
-Gilbert George, musician, 208 Grove Green road Hart Joseph, boot repairer, 223 Grove Green road
Gill He.nry & Son, boot makers, 629 High road Harvey Archibald Ed. confectioner, 22I Cannhall road
Gill James, chimney sweeper, 23 Beachcroft road Harvey Frederick, news agent, 543 High road
·Gill John Robert, corn. traveller, 30 Grove Green road Hatchard Frederick, greengrocer, I I Park Grove road
Giller Florence (Mrs.) & Smith Agnes (Miss), college Hausch John George, baker, 158 Union road
for girls, 7I & 73 Fairlop road Hauser Frederick William, baker, 46 Harrow ;road
Girling J. & H. coal merchants, Railway stn. Ohuroh lane Hawes Waiter George, electrical .engineer, 5 Statioa
Gittings Henry Thomas, news agent, 17 Granleigh road buildings, Church lane
Gladstone Club (Jn. Fredk. Latilla; sec.), 410 High rd Hawkes Elijah, horse dealer, 177 Cathall road
Glassner Isidore, costumier, 3 Station buildings,. Hawkins C. fancy repository, 34a, Church lane
Church lane & ladies' tailor, 702 High road Haynes .Alfred, shopkeeper, ss Beachcroft road
Glasspool Charles & Son, tailors, 6r8 High road Hazel Brothers, provision dealers, 682 High road
Gleed Samuel James. watch maker, 679 High road Head George Herbert, insurance agent,s7 Park Grove rd
cGlen Rosa Sanitary Steam Laundry Co. Limited (The). Heapy Thomas, pi.aJloforte tuner, 30 Elsham road
2I8 & 220 High road Heaton Henry, oven builder, 75 Holloway road
'Glyde Edward John, estate agent, 23 Poppleton road Heaton Robert Jamo?s, wholesale stationer, 262 High rd
Gobel Charles Frederick, pork butcher, 279 High road Hedley & Co. (Leytonstone) Limited, ethyl chloride
Goddard Arthur V. cycle maker, IISa, Grove Green rd manufacturers, 92 Harrow road
Godfrey GeQrge, fishmonger, 753 High road Herbert J. & Co. costumiers, 799 High road
Godsave Alfred James, greengrocer, 57 Hainault road Herbert Rachel(:Miss),grocer,& post offi.ce,rro Harrow rd
Gold Morris, fried fish dealer, 145 Cathall road Herman Mark, china & glass dealer, 271 High road
Good Shepherd Children's Industrial Home (Sister Hersom William, plumber, 74 :Matcham road
Superior, manageress), The Pastures, Davies lane Hesketh Thomas & Sons, boot makers, IS Selby road
Hetherington Frederick, confectioner, 6os High road Jones Albert, bill poster, 283 Harrow road
Bickman George & Son, printers, 593- High road Jones Henry James, jun. plumber, 4 Acacia road
Hicks &Sons,musical instrument removers,s6Birkbeck rd Jones Percy Walter, confectioner~ 408 High road
Hicks Henry, ell'ctrician, 56 Birkbeck road Jordan Robert, bricklayer, 1 Wood street
Hicks Thomas George, oilman, 208 Cannhall road Joseph Benjamin, electrician, 622 High road
Hidden Elizabeth (Mrs.), confectioner, 283 High road Joseph Joshua, lamp dealer, 2I4 High road
Hill Frederick George, The Bell P.H. 468 High road Joyce .!.rthur, poulterer, 13 Ranelagh road
Hiller Harry & Co. ladies' outfitters, Church lane Judge Edward Rice, insurance agent, 51 Montague rd
Hitchcock .!.nnie (Mrs.), lamp dealer, 244 High road Kearney Edward, supt. St. Patrick's Catholic cemetery,
Hobbs Thomas D. builder, 618 High road Union road
Hockley John Hewson, beer retailer, 49 Lascelles road Kearns Arthur E. coal merchant, 8o Union road
Hodgson Albert & Co. ironmongers, 3 Harrow road Keasley W. R. & Co. advertising agents,262 Cannhall rd
Hoffman William, tailor, 704 High road Keen '1homas, secondhand furniture dealer, 677 High rd
Holden George H. confectioner, 2I2 Cannhall road Keep John Henry, Green Man P.H. 762 High road
Holder Herbert, tobacconist, 6oxa, High road Kellard Joseph, district supt. Refuge Assurance Co.
Hollier Lily (Mrs.), servants' registry office, 496 High rd Limited, 6oo High road
Hollingsworth Samuel Thos. insur. agent, 22 Preston rd Kendall & Son, plumbers, 54 Cannhall roacl
Hollow John, confectioner, 35 Kingston road Kennard Harry, solicitor, 3 Gainsborough road
Holmes Frederick, insurance agent, 302 Cannhall road Kennedy Jessie C. (Madam), milliner, 642 High road
Holmes Frederick E. house agent, 216 Grove Green rd Kt>sterton Lucy pladame), blouse maker, 708 High road
Home & Colonial Stores Limited, 555 & 648 High road Kidd John, boot repairer, 18 Holloway road
Hooper Richard. boot maker, 36 W adley road Kidman Ada (Miss), fancy draper, 2oo Cannhall road
.Hopkins Herbert Horace, shopkeeper, I Gladstone street Kilbey Alfred William, boot maker, 137 Cathall road &.
Hornett William Henry, blacksmith, IS Acacia road 65 Park Grove road
Horsley George Richard, beer retailer, 59 Hainault road Kilbey Eli, greengrocer, 35 Chester street
Horton Herbert, boot repairer, 6 Percy street Kilbey Henry Edward, greengrocer, 107 Granleigh rd
Horwood Nellie (Miss), dress maker, 5 Wellesley road Kilburn Frank, sidecar manufacturer, 330 High road
Hoskings Geo. & T. L. artificial teeth mfrs. 827 High rd Kinchin Henry Edward, insurance agent, 53 Cary road
Hough A. F. stationer, x6 Church lane Kind & Co. builders, 564 High rd. & 27 Wall wood rd
Howard & Co. tailors, 18 Church lane King Henry, builder, 219 Cannhall road
Howard Charles, greengrocer, 6 Chester street King Henry, picture frame maker, 27 Church lane
Howes A. H. & Co. electrical engin.eers, 5 Church lane King Thomas, confectioner, 32 Browning road
Howes Augustus, confectioner r, & tobacconist 2, Station King William, bookbinder, 250 High road
buildings, Church lane & confectioner, 559 High road Kingston John William, undertaker, 503 High road
Howsam Hannah (Miss), milliner, 252 High road Kinns Fred, picture frame maker, 122 Millais road
Hudson H. & A. (Misses), fancy repository, 651 High rd Kipping Henry William, fruiterer, 7I6 High road
Hull Daisy (Miss), picture frame maker, 480 High road Kirkdale Engineering Co. Limited (1he), mechanical
Humphreys Stephen Thos. printer, 10 Park Grove road engineers, Kirkdale road
Humphreys Waiter C. coal & coke merchant, 1 Seloy rd Kitchener George, builder, Bo Frith !'Oad
Hunt Geo. Elton, asst. insuranoe supt. 32 Connaught rd Kloer Ehzh. (Mrs.), nursing home, I9 & 21 Holly Td
Hunter Samuel R. fishmonger, 28 The Parade, Grove Knight Jn. Mackenzie, surveyor, Bushwood, Browning rd
Green road Knight Samuel Philip, builder, 10 ~venue road
Hurley John, insurance agent, 2I Chichester road Knolley William George, fishmonger, 202 Cannhall Toad
Hnrrell Laura (Mrs.), greengrocer, 7 <Aithall road Knowles Louis, insurance agent, 65 Colworth road
Hutchins Albert John, sign writer, rso ::'ij"apier road Kunold Frederick William, confectioner, 495 High road
Hutchins Joseph Thomas, tobacconist, 756 High road Lake Arthur Thomas, insurance agent, 77 Harold road
Hutchinson Harry L. tobacconist, 681a, High road Lamb Alexander, printer, Hainault Toad
Hntt Harriett S. (Miss), Brooklyn House girls' school, Lamb Arthur, builder, 37 Kingsdown road
10 New Fillebro<ik road Lamb C. :Marguerite (:Mrs.), dress ma. 7 Cannhall rd
l!!glesden William H. upholsterer, IO Cary road Lamb Louisa Eleanor (Miss) .1.L.C.M. teacher of the
Imperial Cash Stores, grocers, 589 High road pianoforte, 72 Fairlop road
International Tea Co.'s Stores Limited, 706 High road Lamb Robert, house decorator, 72 Fairlop road
Irons John R. baker, 28r High road Lambert Mary (Miss), teacher of music, 246 Cannhall rd.
Izatt William, house d.ecorator, 20 Cary road Lampard _.Ufred, paperhanger, 2 Cnion road
Jackson Frederick, fign writ-er, 5 Church lane Lane James, boot maker, 25 Harrow road
JackS'On John Talbot, pawnbroker, 255 & 257 High road Lang _-\.rnold, furniture dealer, 394 High road
Jakeman Brothers, drapers, 857 & 859 High road Langmaid Nelson Henry S. insur. agent,9 Mornington ra
Jaggard Frederick, station master G. E. Railway, Ley- Lansdowne Sick & Benefit Society (The) (Fredk. Lewis,
tonstone station, Church lane sec.), 2 Woodlands road
James C. G. & H. (Misses), underclothing manufac· Lapp Henry, laundry, 460 High road
turers1 SSI High road Larkins Chas. & Co. fishmgrs. & poulterers,833 High r
James Eliza (Mrs.), nurse, 3.8 Trinity street Lash Septimus Alfred, supt. of attendance officers fot
James Frederick, shopkeeper, 5 I Norman road Leyton Education committee, 37 Vernon road
James George, news agent, 76 Holloway road Latilla Fredk. & Son, house decorators, 8 Barclay road
James Magdalene (Miss), dairy, 260 High road Lavender May & Grace (Misses), dress mas.x Vernon rd
Jameson Malcolm Thomas, builder, 21 Mayville road Lawrence William, farrier, see Cooper & Lawrence
Jarold Edgar Arthur, confectioner, 675 High road Leaver George, tobacconist, IT Cathall road
Jarvis George H. auction~r, 631 High road & Midland Lecore Mary (Mrs.), powder puff maker, g6 Birkbeck rd
Station approach Lee & Son, grocers, 732 High road
.Teary James (Mrs.), dress maker, 43 Colworth road Lee Elizabeth (Miss), grocer, 771 Hi~h road
Jeffreys William George, oilman, 102 Harrow road Lee Robert W. plumber, 143 Millais road
Jekyll & Macgregor, physicians & surgeons, Gains· LPheup Samuel Henry, beer & wine retailer, 493 High rd
borough house, Gainsborough road Leigh Lottie (Mrs.), nurse, 23 Grove Green road
Jekyll Lewis Nugent M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. (firm, Lennards Ltd. (Public Benefit Boot Co.), 728 High rd
Jekyll & Macgregor), physician & surgeon, & medical Lester William, shopkeeper, 309 High road
officer & public vaccinator for Leytonstone & Wanstead Levett Edwin, confectioner, 126 Union road
division, West Ham union, Gainsborough house, Levitte Millicent (Madame), milliner, 553 High road
Gainsborough road Levy Samuel, gPneral dealer, 29 Holloway r<>ad
Jenkinson Edward, jobmaster, r Beachcroft road Le win Est her (Mrs.), provision dealer, 66 Holloway road·
.Jennings & Smith, builders, 27 Colworth road Lewis Ellen (Miss), confectioner, I35 Cathall road
J ennings George William, laundry, W oodhouse road Lewis F. Barman A.M.I.E.E. plectrical engineer &
Jennings William, herbalist, 6o Leslie road manag-er to the Levton •
Urban Distriet Council
Johnson Edwin, china. & glass dealer, 2 Chester street Electricity Works, 46 Forest drive east
Johnson James, house decorator. 28"'Lancaster road Lewis Fredericl;: William, news agent, 26 Lincoln street
Johnson Ja.mes J. decorator, :l Drayton road Lewis Isabel:ijl(Mrs.),servants' registry office,63o High rd
Johruon Thomas, foreman to Metropolitan Water Board Lewis Leo, draper, 10 Cathall road
(Eastern district), 46 Barclay road Lewis William Thos. brass finisher, 240 Cannhall road
Johnson William, boot maker, 877 High road Leyton Express & Independent Newspaper (John George
Johnstone Percy Hope, artificial teeth mfr. 654 High rd Locks, publisher & printer; published fri. early for
Jones Brothers, cycle dealers, 338 High road sat.), 827 High road
Jones Henry & Co. drapers, 479 & 48I Hig-h Toad Leyton & Leytonstone Fire Brigade, (No. 3 statio~
Jones & Co. boot & shoe warehouse, 845 High road & (No. 2 station) 791 High road
ES EX 2o
Leyton Public Baths (H.L. W.Stanley, supt. ),Cathall rd Mason Rose (Mrs.), dress maker, s~ Union road
Leyton Public Hall, Cathall road • Masonic Hall, Harvey road
Leyton Public Library (Zebedee Moon, chief librarian), Maton James, house d-ecorator, 79 Harrow road
High road Matthews & Son,chemists & druggists,s I3 & 722 High rd
Leyton Urban District Council (Highways depot), Matthews ..A.lbert Chas. house decorator, I7 Barclay rd
Hain!lult road Matthews Thomas Robert, decorator, r Woodlands road
Leyton Urban District Council Electricity Works for Maud Louisa (Mrs.), dress·maker, 304 Cannhall road
Leyton & Leytonstone (Ralph Vincent, clerk to the Maxton J. S. (Miss), nurse, 67 Hainault road
council; F. Barman Lewis A.M.I.E.E. engineer & ~ay John William, insurance agent, 26 Beachcroft road
manager; J. W. Speight, station superintendent), Maycock John J. hair dresser, 253 Cannhall road
Cathall road; show rooms, 30 Church lane Mayhew Luther, insurance supt. 500 High road
Leyoonstone Express & Independent Newspaper (John Maypole Dairy Co. Ltd. provision dealers, 853 High toad
George Locks, printer & publisher; published Mead Thomas Ely, tobacconist, 278 High road
saturday), 827 High road Meggs James Frank, grocer, 56 Cathall road
Leytonstone Motor Engineering Co. Limited, motor Meldon Claud, motor engineer, 30 Harrow road
engineers, 764 High road Mercer Anne E. (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 599 High road
Leytonstone Orchestral Society (Frederick Taylor, hon. Mercer Ernest, hair dresser, 76o High road
sec. & treasurer), Elliott rooms, Dacre road Mereday Charles Jas. sign writer, 35 Southwell Groverd
Leytonstone Postmen's Office, Fillebrook road Metcalfe Frank, teacher of music, 26 Fairlop road
Leytonstone Skating Rink Limited, cinematograph Metropolitan Academy of Music (Frank Bonner, direc-
theatre (Frederick Yarrow, sec.), Kirkdale road tor), Haydn house, 63 Fairlop rd. T N 446 Wanstead
Leytonstone Steam Laundry Co. Ltd.laundry,4oo High rd Mickelborough Edwd. fruiterer & graengro. 5r7 High rd
Libby & Samson (Misses), dress makers, I9 Carlton road Midland Coal Supply, coal merchants, 5 Midland Coal
IJiddon ..A.rthur, confectioner, 111 Harrow road offices, Hainault road
Lilley Samuel Archer, insurance agent, 46 Davies lane Midland Railway Coal & Goods Depots, High road &
.Linden Henry C., L.R.C.P.Edin., L.F.P.S.Glas. physi- Hainault road
cian & surgeon, IOI Mornington road ~ignot Mary (Mrs.), boot maker, 288 Grove Green road
Lipton Limited, provision merchants, 714 High road .Miller John, bricklayer, 36 Cobbold road
Little Charles Edwd. pianoforte warehouse, 647 High rd Millin Thomas, builder, 298 Oannhall road
Little James, hair dresser, 30'I High road Mills ..!.rthur, refreshment room, 33I High road
"Lloyd Archibald Lewis, dining rooms, 7 Harrow road Milton Henry William, shopkeeper, 27 Holloway road
Lloyd Horatio. boot maker. .'iQ7 High road Minto James, draper, 327 Hi{\"h road
Lockhart Priscilla (Mrs.), tobacconist, 291 Hig-h road Mitchell Claude, beer retailer, 128 Grove Green road
·Locks John GE.'orge, publisher & proprietor of "Eastern Mitchell Henry C. grooor, 8o Worsley road
Mercury'' &c. 827 High road Mitchell James, ham & beef dealer, 712 High road
Lodge Herman, greengrocer, 469 High road Moddrel Margaret G. R. (Miss), draper, 141 Cathall rd
Loeber William, boot maker, 2 & 4 Victoria road Moody Thomas, dining rooms, 330 Oannhall road
Loftus Beatrice (Miss), florist, 14 Birkbeck road Moore Brothers Limited, grocers, 17 Church lane
-London City & Midland Bank Limited (Herbt. Stanle,- ~1oore Herbert Victor, boot repairer, 12 I{arvey road
Robinson, manager), 646 High road; draw on head Mot>re Richard John, dining rooms, 567 High road
office, Threadneedle street, London E C Moore William Arthur, tobacconist, 33 Church lane
London & Provinces Discount Oo. Limited, loan office, Morgan Amelia (Mrs.), dress maker, I Barclay road
32 Cobbold road Morgan E. A. ale & porter merchant, Oourtenay road
London & Provincial Bank I~imitE'd (branch) (D. F. Morg-an Gertrude Ethel (Miss), costumier, 7 Barclay rd
Thomas, mngr. ). 839 High rd.; draw on head office. ':! Morley Harriett ..A.gnes (Mrs.), Colegrave Arms P.H. 145
Bank buildings,Lothbury EO. See advertisement Cannhall road
:London & South Western Bank Limited (branch) (Chas Morley Phrebe (Mrs.), shopkeeper, I West street
Henry SPrgeant, manager), 178 High road; draw on Morris Frederick, watch maker, 242 High road
head office, r7o Fenchurch street, London E 0 Morris Harold Geo. estate agt. see Protheroe & Morris
·Long Florence Jane (Mrs.), estate & insurance agent, Morris James, confectioner, 867 High road
579 High road Morris M. (Mrs.), laundress, 9 Union road
Long GeorQ"e, sp-ocer, 10 Oheneys road Morse Frances (Miss), tobacconist, 477 High road
Love AlfrPrl S. coal merchant. 97 Harrow road Morton Edwd. Jas. Plough & Harrow P.H. 435 High rd
Lovelock Henry John, house decorator,27 South-West rd Mowl ..A.rthur Henry. printer, 86 Oannhall road
Low Benj. Richd. & -sons, builders, j i Lancaster :road Naylor Eleanor A. (Mrs.), dining rms. 210 Cannhall rd
Low Annie (Mrs.). laundry, 'i3 Lanc~sk>r road Neal Thos. Oollison. house decorator, 63 Montague 'rd
Lowe Elizabeth (Mrs.), grocer, 32 Wragby road Neat by Thomas Miller M ...A.., M.D. physician & surgeon,
Lupton Emma (Mrs.), pianoforte teacher, 84 Melford rd I07 Fairlop road
Lush & Cook Limited, dyers, 652 High road Needham Laura (Mrs.), tie maker, -61 Wrag-by road
Macdonald Harriet (Mrs.), furrier, 516 High road Nethercot Clara (Miss), confectioner, 240 High road
J\lcDougall Hermine (Mrs.), tobacconist, r84 HiQ"h road ~etherton Arthur, watch maker, 58oa, High road
Macgregor Patri<>l{ F., M.D .. O.M., D.P.H. physician & Neve Loni!;e (Mrs.), stationer, 406 High road
surgeon, see Jekyll & Macg-regor Nevill H. W. Ltd. patent hot water bakers, Harrow rd
·MclntQsh LPonard Geo. house decorat01".43 Montague rd New England Ozonator Co. Limited, 34 Newcomen road
-M~Kenzie Willhm & Sons, wood let~er & block cutters, New Model Laundries Limited, laundry, 8 The Parade1
3 I Lansdowne road Grove Green road
Macnamara Mary (Miss), wardrobe dealer, 258 High rd Newley Albert, silk chenille manufactr. 77 Monta~e rd
""McWilton Archihald, artificial tePth ma. 23 Church la Newman Herbert Edward, house decorator, r .Aylmer rd
·Madley Frank, undertaker, 332 High road Newman Thos.Wm. g-rocer,4 The Parade,Grove Green rd
~fan by Sarah (Mrs.), shirt & collar drssr.Q7 Granleigh rd Nichamin Leon, confectioner, 875a, High road & grocer.
Nandy Edward, confectioner, 226 Cannhall road 5 r Oannhall Toad
Manley William Henry & Son, carmen, 25:; Oannhall rd Nicholls Robert Alien & Son, butchers, 710 High road
Manley EllPn (Mrs.), laundrv, 255 Cannhall road Nicholls Maud (Mrs.), news agent, 8 Cathall road
Mann Hugh Thomas, toy maker, 78 Lansdowne road Nicholls Waiter Thomas, dairy, 37 Cobden road
Manu John. farriPr, 10 Browning r.oad Nicholson Waiter & Son, boot makers, 106 Cannhall rd
Mann John, iun ~hoeing smith, 438 Hig-h road Noble Reginald Stewart, decorator, 102 l3irkbeck road
Manu John Thomas, beer retailer, 24 Browning road Non-Treadover Boot Co. (Fitzwell Limited), boot
Mansell Id a (Miss) & Press Gertro1de (Mrs.), private makers, 550 High road
school, 86 Hainault road Norfolk Henry J. shopkeeper, 290 Cannhall road
Mansfield Bertie, boot maker, 230 Oannhall road Norman David & Son, butchers, 855 High road
Mansford Annie (Mrs.), secondhand furniture dealer, Nonnan & Reynolds, butchers, 576 High road
293 Hig-h road Norris William George, greensp-ocer, 26I High -road
Mantella Bernard. hair dresser, 67i High road North Alexander. jun. hair dresser, tr7 Harrow road
MargPtts ..A.Iex. fruiterer & g-reengTocer. 625 HiQ"h road North wood Phillip Hy. plumber & painter,24Lancaster rd
1\Iarkham Thf)mas E. boot maker, 465 Higp road Norwood A. & Sons, butchers, 65o High road
Marrable JamPs, firewood dealer, 34 Avenue Toad Nunn Edwd. Cuthbert, professor of music,34 Hartley rd
Marrable Ralnh N. builder, 6o Pretoria road Nunn Waiter, coal merchant, 715 Hi!!h road
Marshall Gro. W. L. insurance agent, 130 Matcham rd Nurse Charles David, upholsterer, 12 Harrow road
Martin Bernard, cycle dealer, 75I High road ~ursing Home (Miss L. Trewin, matron), 127 Whipps
Martin Oha~ Jn. furnished aparts. 9 Grove Green road Cross road
Martin J o!'eph, beer retailer, 40 Victoria road Ogden Herbert John, picturE' frame maker, 6o3 High rd
Martin Priscilla (MTs. ), confectioner, 157 Harrow road
• •
Oldfield, Ball & Co. Limited, coal merchants, 6 Mid~ Puttick Charlotte :Mary (Miss), dress maker, 71 Morn-
land Coal offices, Hainault road ington road
Olivel' Frederick, deeorator, 35 Mayville road Quantrill Annie (Mrs.), shopkeeper, H3 Harrow road
Olney Frederick, greengrocer, 65r High road Quick Katherine (Mrs.), dress maker, 51 Harvey road
O'Mara. Jessie (.Mrs.), tailor, 10 Lansdowne road Quiney Frederick, scale maker, 268 High road
Oram Samuel, hosier, 232 High road Raddon James Hy., 30 The Parade,Grove Green rd
Orchard Elizabeth (Mrs.), haberdasher, 501 High road Raimer Ernest, confectioner, u2 Woodllouse road
Orchard William Henry, printer, 501 High road Rainer Maurice, dining rooms, 530a, High road
Ormiston & Co. builders, 57 Browning' road Read Henry C. rag merchant, 509 High road
Osborne Harry, tobacconist, 22 Church lane Read John W. marine store dealer, 48 Harrow road
Ottaway John, antique dealer, 139 Cannhall road Readhead George, coach smith, 25 Holloway road
Ovenden Annie (Mrs.),corn & flour dealer,r39 Cathall rd Redgrave Brothers, builders. 1 Union road
Overett Henry, chimney sweeper, 147 Mornington road Reed Alfred J. confeetioner, 14 Harrow road
Overy George, hair dresser, 31 Church lane Reed Henry William, confectioner, 325 High road
Oxborough Caroline Annie (Miss), school for girls, 5 Reed Joseph Henry, house furnisher, 534 High road
Hawbridge road Reeve .!lfred, certificated bailiff, 191 Harrow road Bertram, school attendance officer to Educa- Reeve Henry L.S.A. surgeon, 33 & 35 Grove Green road
tion committee, 345 Grove Green road Reeves James George, shop fitter, Denmark street
Page R.obert & Son, fiorists, 670 High road Reid Evelyn (Miss), teacher of music, 112 Grove Grn.rd
Page Edith Kate (Mrs.), teacher of music, 28 Grove rd Renton Brothers,musical instrument dealers,38o High rd
Page Percival Charles, greengrocer, 815 High road Reynolds Edward J. insurance agent, 5 Chichester road
Palmer Richard, boot repairer, 67 Frith road Reynolds Thomas George, stone mason, 37 Holloway rd
Pank Isobel (Miss), dress maker, 69 Chichester road Ribnell James, secondhand book seller, 335 High road
Parker Hy. Alfd. oilman, 2 The Pavement, Hainault rd Richards George William & Son, teachers of music,
Parkt>r Mary (Mrs.), draper, 370 Grove Green road 189 Mornington road
Partridge Edward, builder, 494 High road Richards Ethel (Miss), dress maker, 92 Calderon road
Pa.v.ey William H. shopkeeper, 328 Ca.nnhall road Richardson William, tailor, 8 Browning road
Payne Ernest, hair dresser, 133 Cathall road Richter School of Music (The) (Henri Richter, proprie-
Payze Richard, corn & seed merchant, 857 High road tor), 6gB High road
Peacock .John, butcher, 224 Cannhall road Rickards Albert John, umbrella maker, 289 High road
Pearks Limited, grocers, 172 High road Ridrett, Smith & Co. coal merchants (local office), 33
Pearse Alice (Miss), draper, 104 Cannhall road Church lane Stores Limited, grocers, zn High road Rider Robert A. optician, 540 High road
Peirce Joseph, shopkeeper, 23 Trinity street Ridgley _<\lfred Stanley, greengrocer, 6o Victoria road
Pepper William Sanders, fancy draper, 847 High road Riley John, optician, 289 Hainault road
Perkins George, coal dealer, 16 Holloway road Riley Mahala (Miss), dress maker, 29 Mornington road
Perks Laura. (Miss), dress maker, 104 Napier roa.d Rivett Alfred, cycle works, 236 High road
Perrin Charles Henry, registrar of birth!! & deaths for Bobbins Frerlerick, fishmon!l'er, 14 Browning road
sub~district of North Leyton, West Ham union, z Roberts Frank, butcher, 4 Cathall road
Hainault road Roberts S. A. (Miss), Elson House preparatory school &
Perry Annie (Mrs.), dress maker. 114 Matcham road kindergarten, 57 & 59 Wallwood road
Perry Edward, tailor, 4 Grove road Roberts Wm. Victor, dairyman,soo Sheepwash & Roberts
Perry Hannah (Mrs.), window blind ma. 10 Clarence rd Robey George Austin, relieving officer No. 7 district,
Pescot Frederick S. music teacher, 16o Wallwood road West Ham union, 35 Woodhouse road
Petcbey William, greengrocer, 147 Cathall road Robinson Benjamin Thomas, corn. trav. 38 Cowley 1road
Pettit G<>orge, greengrocer, 424 High road Robinson Clara (Mrs.), grocer, 156 Union road
Pettit William H. boot maker, II_') Harrow road Robinson Herbert Stanley, manager London City & Mid~
Petty & Son, anct10neers, 8z5 High road land Bank Limited, 646 High road
Phillips Arthur William, grocer, 178 Grove Green road Rogers Thomas & Alfred, news agents, 32 Acacia road
Phillips Sarah (Mrs.), laundry, 107 Harrow road Rogers Edwd.Thos.boot ma.3 The Pavement,Hainault rd
Pickens' Stores Limited, grocers, 829 High road Rorke Margaret (Mrs.) M.B., Ch.B. physician & sur-
Pickett Charles, pianoforte tuner, 28 Colworth road geon, 323 High road & 6_') Wallwood road
Pike George, decorator, 128 Colworth road Rorke William Wilson M.B., Ch.B. physician & sur~
Pilley Arthur Cecil & Co. oil refiners, 4 Melford road geon, 65 Wallwood road
Planck Harry Sealey, artificial tooth manufacturer, 86 Rose John & Co.'s Stores Limited, butchers,746 High rd
Fairlop road Ross Alfred & Son, builders, 1 Howard road
Flatten Edith (:~Ess), confr. & tobacconist, 6r6 High rd Bounce Shadrach John, fruiterer, 34 Church lane
Platten Edward, cab proprietor & jobmaster,787 High rd Rowe Edward, decorator & builder, 251 Cannhall road
Pochin Oharles, florist, I)$ Catha]J road Royal Electric Palace, 571 High road
Pocock Richard James, billiard saloon, 78ra, High road Royal London Mutual Insurance Society Limited (H,. T.
Polley Edmund Allan Earl, tailor, 58 Birkbeck road I Warren, supt. ), 178a, High road
Polley Henry, sen. decorator, 159 Cathall road Rubery P. & Co. upholsterers, 374 High road ·
Ponsford Waiter D. wheelwright, 447 & 350 High road Rudge Fredk. Wm. teacher of dancing, 2 Davies lane
Pope Gecrge, house decorator, 11 Howard road Russell Hy. & Co. house furnishers, 577 & 579 High rd
Portrait House Eleatric Studio, photographers, 6o1 Russell Frederick D. cycle repairer, 46 West street
High road Bussell Phyllis (Mrs.), teacher of the pianoforte, 719
Jlowell James, jobmaster, II5 Fairlop road & 190 to 19_3., High road
195 to 201 & 2o6 Railway arches, Grove Green road Russel1 Richard, corset maker, 719 High road
Power Thomas & Son, brnsh makers, 42 Harrow road Rutherford William, bird dealer, 333 High road
Pratt Waiter Henry, hair dresser, 743 High road ~ Rutledg-e Henry, laundry, 14 Short road
Precision Film Co. Limited. cinematograph film manu~ J Ryan William & Son, electrical engineers, 59 Bnlwer
facturers, Forest works, Whipps Cross road ·1 road & 2 Church lane
Premier Electric Theatre (J. H. Richardson, manager), Sainsbury John, provision dealer, 56o High road
fu7 High road 1 St. Alban's Diocesan Maternity Home (Miss F. Cryer,
Premium Trading Stamp Co. 378 High road matron), 40 Cannhall road
PrPss Gertrude (Mrs.), private school, see Mansell & St. John Ambulance Station (John Joseph Olley, Supt.),
Press 91 Fairlop road
Presswell George, boot maker, 495 Grove Green road St. Patrick's Catholic Cemetery (Edwd. Kea:rnet, ~mpt.;
Preston James, butcher, 259 & 537 High road Rev. Canon William Fleming, chief admin.}, Union rd
Priddy Edward William. commercial trav.10-1 Fairlop rd 1 Salisbury Club (The) (Gharles H. Bacon, hon. sec.),
Pridham Gecrge H. hosier, 264 High road 694 High road
Prior Josiah, jobbing gardener, 12 Wadley road Salmon Edith Milmer (Mrs.), coach bldr. 91 Acacia rd
Protheroe & Morris, estate agents, 827 High road Salmon Edward A. greengrocer, ro6 Harr{)W road
Proudfoot Edith (Mrs.), tobacconist, 739 High road Salt Charles Edward Fosbrooke B. A., L.RC.P .Lond .•
Puddicl\11lbe B. W. & I. drapers 684, 686, 688 & 6go, & M.R.C.S.Eng. physician & surgeon, 361 Gr{)ve Grn.rd
tailors 654 k 656, High road Salway John George, baker, 386 High road
Pullen Florence (Miss), tchr. of music, 48 .Ranelagh rd Samson Jane (Miss), dress maker, see Libby & Samson
Pnrbrick Bert, fruiterer, r6o Union road Sanders Brothers, corn ohandlers, 247 &. 591 High .road
Pnrdy & Son&y hair dressers, 402 High road , ::ianders Henry Thomas, confectioner, 137 Cannhall rd
Purkis William John, tailor, 395 High road Sandford Thos. house breaker, see Blount & Sandford
Putland George & William, florists, Cobbold road 3argeant, Longstaff_ & Co. coal merchants, M. Railway
depot, B:igh road

ESSI-X 26*

Sargent John baker, 108 Grove Green road Smythe .Alfred, confectioner, 478 High :road
Saunders Harold, wardrobe dealer, 295 High road Sneed Emma (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 276 High :rMci
Saunders William, fis•hmonger, rq Woodhouse road Snepzum William, news agent, 78 Cannhall road
Savill Brothers, cycle makers, 208 Railway arches, Soar Henry Thurston & Co. tailors, 584 High road
Grove Green road · Spalding Hl'rbert, sewing machine repairer, 31 Wes\ Ill
Schaumloffell .Auguste, baker, 473 High road Sparham .Alfred David, Crown P.H. 692 High road
Schleiermacher George Henry, insurance agent, 4Cn Spark George Henry, coach painter, 49 Lancaster roalf
Grove Green road Sparks Henry, grocer, I06 Woodhom;e road
Schwartz Morris & Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress makers, 388 Speight J. W. station supt. Leyton Urban Distric'
High road Council Electricity 1\T orks for Le~·ton & Leytonstonep
Scott George Waiter, greengrocer, 98 LansdownP road Cathall road
Scott J ames, optician, 702 High road Spelling Edward, boot repairer, uS Union road
Scott John, boot maker, 26 Cecil road Spence John, boot maker, 92 Cannhall road
Scott Richard, boot maker, 23 Victoria road Spencer Gertrude (Miss), dress maker, 6 Woodville road
Scott Robert James, farrier, g6 Woodhouse read Sperring Eliza (Mrs.), furniture dealer, 74 Holloway rd
Scott Thomas H. tobacconist, 448 High road Spindler Waiter, boot maker, 26 Browning road
Scott Waiter, grocer & tea dealer, 46 Mayville road Spreadborough Leonard, electrician, 539 High road
Scrutton Ellen (Mrs.), grocer, 78 Cathall road Springate Chas. Alfred, marble mason,2r Park Grove rcf
Seabrook William Edward, shopkeeper,2o Holloway road Sproul Wm. Hy. & Co. coal mers. M.R. depot, High r<t
Seabrooke David, cycle manufacturer, 785 High road Squires Dudley, Red Lion inn, 640 High road
Seales Henry, grocer, 64 Norman road Stagg Thomas James, insurance supt. 55 Wellesley road
Seaman Marcella (Miss), dress maker, 113 Cannhall rd Standard Coal Co. coal merchants, 645a, High road
Sears John & Co. (Trueform Co.) Limited, boot makers, Stanley W allsend Coal Co. coal merchants, 663 High r<!
831 High road Starck John, shopkeeper, 169 Norman road
Sears Frederiek, df'corator,· 2.5 Bulwe:r' road Staveley's Stores, grocers, 32 Church lane
Seaton H. & Co. furniture dealers, 744 High road Steeden George, turncock to Metropolitan Water Boarap
Seed Thos. Hv.•
chemist, ro The Parade, Grove Green rd Eastern district, I6 Mayville road
Seidel Louis, hair dresser, 176 High road Steiner Rose (Miss), dress maker. 18 Cobden road
Selby Charles & Son, undertakers, 729 High road Stephens Albert, hair dresser, 5 Harrow road
Selby Ernest, builder, 189 to I90 Railway arches, Grove Steven & Wilson, bakers, I4 & IS Church lane
Green road Stevens Hedley, pianoforte tuner, 36 West -Atreet
Selby Ernest Francis, builder, 743 High road Stevenson .Alice Maud (Mrs.), shopkpr. 13 Beachcroft rd
Sergeant Charles Henry, manager London & South Stewart & Co. tailors, 3..57 High road
Western Bank Limited, 178 High road Stiff Henry, grocer, 55 Harrow road
Sewell Samuel & C'o. laundry, 4 Church -iane Stinson Allen Perry L.R.C.P. & S.Edin. physician &
Shakespeare James H~nry, jeweller, 841 & 558 High rd surg-Pon, 82 Cannhall road
Shakespeare Joseph, shopkeeper, 69 Lancaster road Stock Percy, house decorator, 758 High road
Sham Daniel, insurance agent, so Birkbeck road Stockdale Annie D. (Miss), prof. of music,s6 Cannhall rd
Sharpe .Alfred David, attendance officer to Education Stockdale Charles William, boot maker, 56 Cannhall rd
Committee, 8 Fulready road Stopher Frederick, firewood dealer, 3 Denmark street
Shayes Charles L. picture frame maker, 645 High road Story .Alfred Edwd. oil & calor man, 196 Cannhall road
Sheath .Alfred James lt Sons, hockey stick makers, 35a, Strachan Richd. Chas. Thatched House P.H.245 High rd
Lansdowne road Stratford Co-operative & Industrial .Society Limited, 2
Sheepwash & Roberts, dairymen, r66 Union road Midland Coal offices, Hainault road; 98 & 100 & 14r
Shepherd Hemy, builder,1a,Church la. & m,Kirkdale rd Cannhall road & 578 High road & laundry, Union
Sherwood Charles Josiah, undertaker, 200 High road road & South Birkbeck road
Shipperd Ernest John, builder, Madeira road Stripling Benja.min, coal dealer, 37 Wadley road
Shonk Stephen, shopkeeper, 2 Cary road Stuck Sidney Joseph M.D.Brux., M.R.C.S., L.R C.P.p
Shoosmith Louis Stephen L.M.S.S ..A. physician & sur- L.S.~-L physician & surgeon (firm, Hastings & '3t~k).
geon, 38 Cannhall road 113 Fairlop road
Shorter Alice Elizh. (Miss), dress maker, 51 Harold rd Stur~y Francis John F.R.I.B . .A. architect, Snrinam.
Shortland Robert Kemp, grocer, I .Acacia road Hollvbush

Shurly Herbert, oilman, 317 High road Stuttle Henry, draper, 101 Harrow road
Simmons & Co. builders, 7 Webster road & 67a, '3ullings Emma & Flora (Misset!), dret!s makers,Highston&
Goodall road Sumpter George, music teacher, 71 Fairlop road
Singer Sewing Machine Co. Limited. 64Q High road fadgell James, grocer, 67 Hainault road
Skelton Thomas, watch maker, 287 High road Tagg William & Son, plumbers, 382 Grove Green road
Skiller Edward R. confectioner, 532 High road Talbot Edith (Miss), teacher of music, 3 Lynton road
Rkinner Caroline (Mrs.), clothier, I05 Harrow road Tanner Charles William & Sons, coal merchants, Rail-
Slade Elizabeth (Mrs.), grocer, 25 Union road way station, Church lane
Smart Daisy (Miss), dress maker, 30 Birkbeck road Taplin George, nurseryman, Browning road
Smith & Sons, butchers, 6 The Parade, Grove Green rd Tayler Misses, dress makers, 6 Harrington road
Smith Thomas & Son, wire workers, 351 High road Taylor Grace Eva (Mrs.), dress maker, Woodcote house.
Smith .Ada (Mrs.), dress maker, 265 Cannhall road Norlington road
Smith .A.nnie (Mrs.), draper, 122 Union road Taylor Harry, Heathcote Arms hotel, Grove Green roacl
Smith A.rthur John, registered slaughter house, 48 Taylor Montague, fancy repository, 851 High road
Lansdowne road Taylor Samuel, greengrocer, 4 Cobden road
Smith Emma (Mrs.), teacher of music,5a,Woodhouse rd Taylor Thomas, florist, 33 Percy street
Smith Emrna. Elizabeth (Miss), china, glass & earthen- Taylor William Lewis, carpenter, 35 Browning road
ware dealer, 749 High road Teaves Charles, tailor, 274 High road
Smith Fanny (Mrs.), haberdasher, I04 Harrow road Thacker Harold L.D.S.R.C.S.Eng. dental surgeon, Sr
Smith Frederick, confectioner, 30 Trinity street Fillebrook road
Smith Frederick, insurance agent, 7 Cary road Thear Thomas Henry, butcher, 83 Colworth road
Smith Gertrude (Mrs.), beer retailer, 17 .A.rgyle etreet Thoma!' D. F. manager London & Provincial Bank Ltd.
Smith Henrietta Mabel (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 9 839 High road
Cathall road Thomas Thomas .Anthony, dairyman, 20 The Parade &;
Smith Henry Thornas,marqueterie cutter,1o4 Harrow rd 374 Grove Green road
Smith Jamee, boot & shoe maker, 511 High road Thompson Edward, firewood dealer, 20 Acacia road
Smith John, grocer, 122 Napier road Thompson George Frederick, leather seller, 725 High rd
Smith Louisa (Mrs.), laundry, 98 Harrow road Thompson Mary.Ann (Mrs.),provision dealer,535 High rd
Smith Marvin, butcher, 467 High road Thorne Robert, decorator, 39 Cobden road
Smith Samuel, pianoforte tuner, 4 .Acacia road Thorogood Albert, electrical engineer, 37 Argyle street
Smith Sidney, grocer, 64 Granleigh road Threadwell .Alfred J.painter & house decrtr.141Harrow rei
Smith Solomon, cutler, 17 Lincoln street Thwaites .A.lice & Clara(Misses),dress makers,gsBulwerrct
Smith Thos. barrister-at-law, & clerk to the guardians Tillett's Essex Sanitary Steam Laundry Co. Limitedr
of the West Ham union, Union road 65 7 High road
Smith Thomas, fishmonger, 120 Union road Tisshaw William, boot maker, 349 High road
Smith Waiter, dairyman, 8o Cannhall road Titmus Charles. florist, I Harvey road
Smith William, plumber, 68I High road rodd-White Arthur Thoma!' M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.physicim
Smith William, stationer, 740 High road & surgeon, 23 Fillebrook road; surgery, 359 Gront
Smith William Ernest, grocer, 32 Lincoln street Green road
Smyth James Plumer, dairyman, 684 High road Tolchard William Daniel, butcher, 734 High road

Tomkin George Furner, printer, 626 High road West Ham Union Scattered Homes (branches), 31 &i
'Tompkins & Co. bill posters, 827 High road 318 (~rs.E.Kingdon & Miss E. Sayer, foster mothers),
"Tompkins William, marine store dealer, I Granleigh rd gS, g8, roo & I02 (Miss E. Lester, Miss E. Lusty,
'!l.'ringharn Edward, oilman, II7 Cathall road Mrs. L. Claringbold &; Miss D. Dickinson, foster
1'nckett May (Miss), tobacconist, 655 H1gh road mothers), Fern dale road
Tufnell George, cycle maker, 527 High road West Ham Union Workhouse (Rev. M. H. W. Davies
Tunbridge James, mineral water manufr. 16 Cobden Td M.A.. chaplain), Union road
"TunstaU &; Winepress, builders, I W ellesley road West John Edward, confectioner, 2 Cecil road
'Turner Henry John & Son, 'boot makers, 307 High road West gate George & Clark, drapers, 267 High road
"Turner Jo-hn H. &; Lisnev• Limited, lime &c. merchants, Westoby William, tailor, 328 High road
Midland Railway goods & coal depot, High road Weston Rupert, poultry appliance manfr. 26 Norman rd
'11'nrner & Co. Limited, rope & twine manufacturers, Whiffin James, coach trimmer, 26 Melford road
305 Railway arches, Harrow road White Charles Herbert, shopkeeper, 6 Cathall road
'Turner .Alfred Oharlt!s, e;;tate agent, IO The Parade, White Edward, commercial traveller, 43 King's road
Grove Green road White Henry; shopkeeper, I~9 Cathall road
·:rnrner A.rthur George B.A.. boys' school, Leytonstone White Louis a (Mrs.), nursing home,qs Whipps Cross rd
college, 4 New Fillebrook road White Thomas James, The Elms P.H. 566 High road
"Turner George, bailiff, 22 Browning rood White William Chas. house de<!orator, 62 Kin:Xston rd
"Turner George, builder, 26 Chertsey road Whitfield A.lbert A.lex. & Co. clothiers, 644 High road
"Turner James William, butcher, 40 Cary road Whitney Edith (Madame), teacher of the violin, 49
"TUTner William, shopkeeper, 14 Holloway road Forest drive east
'Tweed Casburn, grocer, 3I2 Cannhall road Whitworth John, tailor, 123 Harrow road
(Jeckerman JO:hn, ·hair dressf'r, 4 Holloway road Wicks William John, leather seller, 222 High road
Ulyate John, boot repairer, I I Courtenay road Wiggins Alfred Pain, aceonntant, II3 Hainault road
:Underwood Benjamin, boot maker, 624 High road Wildsmith Samuel Frederick, undertaker, 873 High rd
·"Unit Patents," leather goods manufacturers, South- Wilkins Florence (Mrs.), laundry, Elsham road
West road & Scarborough road Wilkinson Frederic, jun. greengrocer, 75Ba, High road
1Jnwin Joseph J. insurance agent, 92 Selby road Wilkinson George, photographer, 837 High road
Valentine William Hy. pianoforte tuner, 78 Frith road Wilks Alfred. carman, 1 I Harrow road
Veysey & Co. blind makers, 455 High road Willers A.rchibald Jas. insurance agt. 103 Mornington rd
'Vinson ~ai:Jel (Miss), teacher of pianoforte, 8 Hartley rd Williams Brothers, grocers, 738 High road
"Vinter E. Montague, commercial school, 6 ~ew Fille- Williams Samuel & Sons, oilmen, 538 High road
brook read Williams Lilian (Miss),art needlework depot,736 Hi~h rd
Wade Samuel, hair dresser, 248 High road Willis Ernest Oharles & Co. eycle agents, 305 High rd.
"Waghorne Ernest, tobacconist, 193 Harrow road &; cycle makers, 27 Union road
'Wagsta:lf John Richard, grocer, 97 Grove Green road Willis Frederick, hair dresser, 476 High road
'Wait Edward B. watch maker, 47 Cheneys road Wilson A.lice (Miss), confectioner, 717 High road
Waite William, watch maker & jeweller, 518 High road Wilson A.mbrose Geo. Woodhouse tavern, II9 Harrow rd
Wakefield A.melia(Mifls),emfectioner,483 Grove Green rd Wilton Alfred, china & glass dealer, 666 High road
'Walk-er Harriet (Mrs.), ltailot, 288 Cannhall road Winckless John William, grocer, 231 Cannhall road
'WaNiling Edwin Oharles, baker, 463 High road Winepress Samu£>1. builder, see Tunstall & Winepress
"Wall George & Son, boot makers, 6 Church lane & boot Wing Frank, wardrobe dealer, 365 High road
repairers, Kirkdale road Wish Louis Fredk. & Son Ltd. dairymPn, 44 Harvey rd
Wall Joseph, boot maker, 4 Browning road Witcomb Thomas W. hair dresser, 53 Victoria road
Wallace Alexander, beer retailer, 674 High road Witham Waiter. marine store dealf'r, 99 Acacia road
"WaJler Henrietta (Mrs.), shirt & collar dresser, 35 With£>rick Charles, draper, 767 High road
Wadlev• rood Wix ~:1muel. entin~ house. 875 Hig-h road
-walli-s Alfred James, commission agt. 46 Harrington rd Wolf Peter. balrer, & poS't officP, 372 Grove Green road
'Wallwood Park Lawn Tennis &; Bowling Club (W. J. Wolpert Albert, baker, 499 High road
Parsons., hon. sec.), 5 Poppleton road Wood Charles Thomas (Mrs.), musical instrument
-waiters FraD.cis & Co. Limited,undertakers, 376 Hi~h rd dPfi]Pr. 2B.'i High road
\WaltQII Charles James Augu.stus, solicitor &; commis- Wood Ellen (Miss), teacher of music, 5 Preston road
of;ioner for oaths, 14 Queen"s road Wood Harry Percy, butcher, rqB Cannhall 1oad
'Walton Ellen (~rs. ), florist, 434 High road Wood Joseph, news agent, 41 Holloway road
Wanstead Express & Independent New~paper (John Geo. Woodall Thomas Joseph A.R.C.O. professor of music, 79
Locks, publisher & printer; published sat. ),827High rd Bulwer road
Ward John, boot maker, 51 Union road Woodford Exnress & IndependPnt Newspaper (Jn. Geo.
·ward .John, tobacconist & confectioner, 668 High road Locks,publisher & printer)(published sat.),827 Hi~h Id
Ward Marinu!l, sheet metal worker, I Brewer's yard, Woodhouse Stuart. g-auger & valuer, 42 King's road
High road Woodruff Eva (Miss), dress maker, 43 Ferndale road
Warne Jolm, ':O~n-ist, 37 Cobbold road & Cannhall road Woods Henry .A. grocer, 40 Holloway road
-warner Elizabeth Mary ("\'Irs.), confectioner, & pC'st Woolcock Rosina (Mrs.), g-rocer, 38 Victoria road
office, 149 Grove Green road Woollard Thomas Frederick, butoher, 728 High road
Warren F. & Co. (incorporated with Coote & Warren Wool wa rrl HPnry. firewood dN1ler. g Tern ple street
Limited), coal merchants, Church lane Worbv Wm. By. shpkpr. Mid.Rly.approach,26ra,High rd
"Warrick Frank John, grocer, 21 Lansdowne road Wordly Waiter. house agent, 86 Cathall road .
Watts Edith & Jessie (.Misses), dress mas. g6 Selby rd Workman BPnj>~min Lester, chemist, o C'hurch lane
"Watts Albert "& Son. chimney sweepers. I Percy street Wouldham Emily C~1iss), milliner, 226 High road
Way land Marion (~Irs. ), teacher of pianoforte, 70 LPy· Wright Clarenc~ Alfred Joseph F.R.C.S.Edin., F.F.P.S.
spring road Glas. physician & surgeon, '94 Hie:h road
"Wayland Thomas Hy. eorn & •tlour mer. 223 Cannhall rd Wrig-ht Frederick, relievin~ officer ~o. 19 district, West
Webb Chas. Stanley, stationer, & post office,238 High rd Ham nnion, 21 Grove Green road
Webb Josepb, ;:tationer, r86 High road Wright Herbert, insurance agent, 234 High road
Webb Laura (Miss), dress ma'ker. 28 Cobbold road W•man .<\lfd. Hy. fruitr. & greengrocer. 88 Cannhall id
-webb S. (Mil*l)., dress maker, 28 Cobbold road wyman Harry, greengrocer' I 5~ Gro>e Green road
Wedlock Nf'vill<', decorator. :14 Trinity street Yarnlev Alfred, electrician, n Wellf'!lev •
Weisberg Sam, tail~r, 230 Higb road Yarnley James, plumber, 44 Woodville road
Welcome Miss!on ~lends Institute (J. Stark, sec.), Yeend Sidney, confectioner, 2 Harrow road
Cowlev lane YPoP11 .T"h'l & Sons, oilmPn 676. & butcher;: 678,High rd
Wengel ·william, umbrella maker, 817 High road Youell William. horse dealer, I Montague road
"Wenge1 Wm. F. 1uilr aresser 7• & toy dlr. 8, Church la Youens .John Waiter, pianoforte stores, 379 High ro8il
"West .!Thel't .fflhll, hair dresser, 53. Union road Young & MartPn Ltd. builders' merchants. 748 High rd
·west Ham Expres-s & Independent New5paper (John Young Women's Christian Association (Miss L. ::\1.
George Locks, printer & publisher; published satur- Binks. hon. sec.), Elm lodge, Kirkdale road
day), 827 High road Young Edmund, business agent, 62 Montague road
"West Ham rnion (ThCJmas Smith. clPrl;: to the guar- Young George John, builders' merchant, 638 High re:...:
dians; L. E. "Fraquet, assistant clerk), Union road Yonng Waiter, ~opkeeper, r6r Cathall rua.!
Zabell Harry, Lord Rookwood P.H. 314 Cannhall road
tiNDSELL is a -village and parish. on a brook feeding El;:enham station on the main line of the Great Easl-ern
'he Cbelmer, and near the road from Dunmow to Bard- railway and 4 south-east from Thaxted, in the Western
116eld, a\Klnt 4 miles north-north-east from Dunmow sta- division of the county, Dunmow hundred, petty sessional
ttiou Qll .tlle D.unmO'w and Braintree branch, 8 east from division and union, Braintree county court district, and
• •

406 Ll8lSELL.
. .

in Dunmow rural deanery, archdeaconry of Cofchester and Fellows of New College, Oxford, are lords of th
and Chelmsford diocese. The church of St. Mary, manor of Priors Hall. The principal landowners are
which formerly belonged to the Benedictine abbey of the Countess of Warwick and New College, Oxford.
Little Walden, is an edifice of stone in the Early Eng- The soil is heavy land ; subsoil, clay:. The chief crops
lish style, consisting of chancel and nave, south•east are wheat, barley, oats and beans. The area of ih&
porch and an embattled western tower containing 3 parish is 1,939 acres; rateable value, £1,443; the popu-
bells and a " sanctus bell;" two were recast in 1902: lation in 1911 was 202.
the fabric includes a fine old Norman arch, and was HOLDERS GREEN, 8 mile north-west, and BUSTARD
restored internally in 1873: there a:re 200 sittings. GREEN, a mile north, are hamlets in this parish.
The register dates from the year 1520. The living is a
vicarage, net yearly value £ 140, including a temporary Parish Clerk and Sexton, Waiter Wilks.
grant from the St. .Albans poor benefice fund, with resi- Wall Letter Boxes. .A.t the school, cleared on week
dence and 2 acres of glebe, in the gift of the trustees days at 12.45 & 5.20 p.m. ; sunday, 9.20 a.m. & Lind-
of Mrs. Church and Mrs. Packman, and held since 1887 sell hall, cleared at 12.50 & 5.25 p.m. ; sunday, 9.25
by the Rev. Frederick William Roulston; a residence a.m. Letters from Chelmsford arrive at 8.15 a.m. et
was built in the year 1867 by the Rev. Alexander J. 4·45 p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph o:ilice
Rogers M ..A.. vical' x864-B2. The Pirot, Tibetot, Went- is at Stebbing, 3 miles distant
worth, North and other families were formerly owners Attendance Officer, Harry Willsher, Dnnmow
here; Priors Hall, once held by the Priory of St. Valery, Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 11877, fo:r 90
in Picardy, has since 1508 been the property of New children; average attendance, 36; Mrs. Bosina Letch,.
College, Oxford. There are three manors in the parish: mistress
that of Lmdsell Hall is held by trustees of Mrs. Church This school is controlled by the Essex Education Dun-
and Mrs. Pa.ckman, jointly. The Countess of Warwick mow District Sub-Committee, Stephen Gifiard, Greal
is ladv of the manor of Lashley Hall, and the Warden Dunmow, clerk
Roulston Rev. Fredk. Wm. Vicarage Bunting Peter, farmer, Bowles farm Smith Percy, farmer, 'l'emplers &.
Daw!!on Joseph, beer retailer Cowell's
COMMERCIAL. Harvey .Alfred Edward, Crown inn Smith Thomas, farmer, J>riors hall Ao
.A.mbrose George, farmer, Simpkins Leeder Thos.Wm.farmr. Lindsell hall Porridge hall
Ambrose Jeffrey, farmer, Hill farm Philpott Waiter, thatcher Stanley Ernest, baker,,Mill house
Barnard Henry, farmer,Holders green Pinks Edwin, farmer, Duck End & Tucker Alfred, farmer, Lashltty hall
Baynes Geo. farmer, Rakefairs farm New Barn '}
'LISTON is a village and parish, on the river Stour, Steward Travers Fisher M . .A.. of St. Mary Hall, Oxford_
which separates it from Suffolk,. 1! miles south from Lyston Hall, a. modern mansion of brick, seated on an
Long Melford station on the Sudbury and Haverhill eminence in a well-wooded park, is the residence oJ
branch of the Great Eastern railway, 2! north-by-we-st Major George Hall McLaughlin, late R.A. John Cam,.
from Sudbury and 13 north-east from Halstead, in the bell Lambert esq. of Foxearth Hall; is lord of iha-
Northern division of the county. Hinckford lmndred, manor and principal landowner. The soil is clay and
North Hinckford petty s!'ssional division, Risbridge gravelly; subsoil, gravel. The chiE-f crops are wheat
union, Sudbury county .courli district, and in the rural and beans. The area is 617 acres of land and -IQ of
tleanery of Belchamp, archdeaconry of Colchester and water; rateable value, £797; the population in 1911
Chelmsford diocese. Tha church (dedication unknown) was 100.
is a small and ancient edifice of brick and stone• Letters through Long Melford (Suffolk) arrive at 7 ~
in the Perpendicular .style, consisting of chancel, nave, u. 15 a.m. & are delivered by foot messenger; col•
a mortuary chapel, ereded by Col. Frederick Palmer, lected for dispatch at 10.5 a.m. & 6.15 p.m. Long
south porch and an embattled western tower containing Melford, is the nearest money order & telegraph office~
12 bells: there are 120 sittings. The register dates from 2 miles distant
the year 1599. The living is a rectory, net yearly value This parish is included for school purposes in Eorley
£150, including 18 acres of glebe, in the gift of John k Liston United District; the children of this parisb
Campbell Lambert esq. and held since 1893 by the Rev. attend the school at Borley
McLaughlin Major George Hall (late COMMERCIAL.
l'RIVATB RESIDENTS. R.A.), Lyston hall .A.llen Stafford & Sons Limi\ed,.
Duncan Robert, Bridge house Robinson Lieut.-Col. Macleod Bawtree medicinal herb growers, Harts-
Fisher Rev. Steward Travers M . .A.. C.M.G. Old Rectory buckle farm
Highfield Orger Saml. farm bailiff to Staftord
.A.llen & Sons Limited
LITTLEBURY is a parish and compact village, been replaced : an oak screen, carved and designed by
seated on the river Granta or Cam and the ancient the Rev. H. J. Hurrell, was erected in I9II in memory
Roman and modern road, 2 miles north from .Audley of his father, who was for over 30 years churchwarden:
End station on the Cambridge section of the Great the church will seat 412 persons. In 1887 a quarter
Eastern railway, I! north-west from Saffron Walden of an acre of land was added to the churchyard. TOO
and 40~ by road from London, in the Northern division register dates from the year 1544. The living consists.
of the county, hundred of Uttlesford, Saffron Walden of a rectory and discharged viearage, net yearly value
petty sessional division, union and county court district, £220, including 140 acres of glebe, with residence, in
and in the rural deanery of Saffron Walden, arch- the gift of Lord Braybrooke, and held since 1888 by t~
deaconry of Colchester and Chelmsford diocese. The Rev. Ernest Edward Edgerley M . .A.. of Magdalene Col-
church of the Holy Trinity, standing within the area of lege, Cambridge. Here is a small wooden chapel
a Roman encampment, is a plain stone building of belongmg to the Methodists, with about 6o sittings.
considerable antiquity, consisting of chancel, nave of The Working Men's Reading R'lom, opened in 1878, ha~
three bays, with clerestory, aisles, north · and south a library of 170 volumes. Charities amounting to [,30
porches and an embattled western tower containing 6 yearly, left by William Stevens Walton and other bene~
bells and a clock: the building, excepting the chancel, factors, are distributed in money and kind. Henry
was restored in 1870-1, the cost being defrayed by sub- Winstanley, architect (1644-1703) of the first Eddystm~r
scription, and the chancel was rebuilt in t875, and Lighthouse, lived here; he perished in the great s"lDrm
organ ohamber and vestry added, at the sole cost of of 26 and Z7 Nov. 1703, when the lighthouse was-
the sth Lord Braybrooke (d. 1902); the chancel contains totally destroyed. Lord Braybrooke is lord of \h&
a fine reredos which, with the stainPd east window, manor and principal landowner. The soil is various,.
was the gift of Florence Lady Braybrooke, in memory principally light; subsoil, chalk and graveL The erop!r-
of her sister, the Hon . .A.ugusta Maude, who died Dec. generally are on the four-course shift. The parish con-
25, 1857: on the wall over the chancel arch is a tains 3,.)21 acres of land and 16 of water; raieable-
painting of the " Crucifixion: " there is also a carved value, £ I0,50..J ; the population in 1911 was 595 in the
stone pulpit and an ancient font encased in richly civil parish and 55r in the ecclesiastical parish.
carved oak, with a canopy: the east window, in the
south aisle, is a memorial to the Hon. Catherine NORTH END, in the J?arish of Saffron Wald~ is a
Elizabeth (Neville) Viscountess Stop ford, d. 112 Aug. small hamlet adjoining, w1th a few cottages.
1884, and near to it, on the south wall, is a brass to
Nathaniel Robinson, a late churchwarden of the parish: LITTLEBURY GREEN, 2 miles west-sont:h·west from
on the wall of the north aisle is a brass to Charle11 the church, is a hamlet of Littlebury. Here is a small
Mickley, also a late churchwarden, and in the chancel Mission chapel dedicated to St. Peter, wi'h siUings for
a brass to Lord Charles Hraybrooke: inside the north 150 persons, built by subscription. llajor WilHam
porch is a stoup: several old brassea of considerable RJ.ymond Inglis and Lord Braybrooke are the principal
interest, formerly in the church, have quite lately landowners in this district.
C.A.TMERE END, in this parish, is,. for ecclesiastical p.JU. week days; at 8.5 p. m. on sundays. The
purposes, attached to the parish of Strethall. Catmere nearest money order office is at Saffron W alden, g
,Ball, a le.rge and ancient building, surrounded by a miles distant
moat, the -site of which can still 1be distinguished, was Pillar Letter Box, Littlebury Green, cleared at 7·45 a.m.
in the 12th or beginning of the 13th century a part of & 7·25 p.m
the manor of Little-bury, in the possession of Ely Pillar Letter Box, near Catmore End, cleared at 8.30
Minster. a.m. & 6.25 p.m
Public Elementary School (mixed), founded, as supposed,
CHAPEL GREEN is a small hamlet adjoining, with a by Thomas Sutton esq. with an endowment of £43
few cottages. per year, arising from lands & tenementl! near the
Sexton, James Mason. town; a school-house with master's residence was
Police Constable, Aaron Taylor built in r865, at a cost of oabout £1,050, for rso chil-
. dren; average attendance, roo; William Cooper,
Posi & T. Office. Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Wright, sub- master; Miss Isabella E. King, infants' mistress
postmistress. Letters arrive from Saffron Walden a~ Carrier to Saffron Walden. Francis Walters passes
6.20 & 11.35 a.m.; dispatched at 10.15 a.m. & 8.5 through on sat
D'Arcy Mrs Cornwell John, Falcon inn Stevens Charles, Queen's Head inn
Edgerley Rev, Ernest Edward M.A. Davey Marlr, Rose inn,Littlebury Gn, Symonds Mary (Mrs.), farmer, Bor-
Rectory Dew W illiam, baker deaux
Edgerley Sir Steyning Wm.K.C.V.O., Duke Benjamin, farmer, Kents & Walker Robert, estate carpenter to
C.I.E. The Olrl Rectory Gnte Hons.e fnrm Lord Braybrooke
Emson Edmund, Granta house Hazell Bertie James, cycle agent Whtften George, farm bailiff to Wm.
Gover By. John M.A., M.B. High ho Hazell Waiter, blacksmith Palmer Cowell esq. Green farm
COMMERCIAL. Ilott Thos. Hoops inn, Littlebury Grn Working Men's Reading Room (John
.!braham John William, beer retailer Mason James, boot maker Rider, treasurer; Edmund Emson,
Barnard Bros. Ltd. coal merchants Miller David, shcpkeeper sec)
Braybrooks Jn. farmr. Bordeaux farm Myhill Addy Nunn, farmer, Nunns & Wright 4-llen James, bricklayer
Clay Edwin, assistant overseer & Johns farms Wright Daniel, thatcher
clerk to the Parish Council Sayer James, farmP.r, Littlebury Grn .
LOUGHTON Is a parish, on the borders of Epping St. Mary the Virgin's is an ecclesiastical parish formed
Forest, amid rural and picturesque scenery, with two in 1887; the church, erected in 1871 and consecrated
atations on the WoodfOTd and Chipping Ongar branch June sth, 1872, is a building of stone in the Early
of the Great Eastern railway, n! miles from Shoreditch English style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, south
-and Whitechapel chm·ch, 5 south-east from Waltham porch and a bellcot containing one bell: the north aisle
Abbey, 8 north-west from Bomford and 4 south-west was added in 1883 at a cost of £1,000: the church will
from Epping, in the Western division of the county, seat soo persons, 350 sittings being free. The register
Ongar hundred, Waltham Abbey county court district, dates from the year 1887. The living is a vicarage, net
Epping union, and in the rural deanery of Chigwell, yearly value £280, including an endowment of £so
a1chdeaconry of Essex and Chelmsford diocese, and is yE:'arly from the tithes of the parish church, in the gift
within the Metropolitan police district. The parish con- of the rector of Loughton, and held since 1907 by the
sists of one long street, divergin~ off the high road Rev. George Augustus Campbell M.A. of Trinity Col-
from Woodford to Epping, and includes Debden Green, leg-e, Cambridge.
Upper and Lower Parks and York Hill, together with The Mission hall at Goldings hill, erected in October,
several other roads. The sewerage of the northern por- 1889, is an iron building, seating 150 persons, and ther~
tion of the parish was carried out by the Epping Rural are also Union and Wesleyan chapels and a Mission hall
District Council in 1890, from plans by Edmund Egan in High road. •
esq. A.R.I.B.A. at a cost of £6,soo. Lincoln Hall, in High road, holding 300 persons, was
The parish is governed by an Urban District Council erected in 1912 and prese~ted to the Loughton Brother-
of twelve members, formed in April, 19oo, under the hood by the late Henry Lmcoln. .
provisions of the "Local Government Act 1 s94 " (56 A Cemetery of two acres was formed m 1887 at a
and 57 Vict. c. 73 ). ' cost of about £8oo; there is a mortuary chapel; it is
Gas is supplied by the Gas Light and Coke Co. and under the ~ontl'ol of the Ur~~n Distric~ Counci!;
water by the Metropolitan Water Iloard Eastern . The Pubbc Hall, known as The Loppmg Hal~, ~rected
• District. ' m r883 at a cost of about £3,ooo, from the ?eslgns of
'J'h~ chorch of St. John the Baptist, erected in 18 46, is a E~mond Egan esq. A.R.I.~.A. of Loughton, With .mo~ey
cruciform edifice of brick in the Norman style, con- paid over b! the_Corp~ratiOn of London o~ theextmctwn
sisting- of chancel, nave, transepts, north porch and a of t~e lop_Pmg rights m t~e F~rest, pr~viOusly h~ld ~y
low central tower containing a clock and 8 bells, of the mhab~tants of th~ par1sh, 1s an ed1fice of. b:1ck m
which the tenor weighs 20 cwt.; these date from 1866 the Gothic style, ~Ith a tower, ~nd contammg an
to IB74• the sth bell having been re-cast in the former assembly. room, T~di_ng room and a hbrary of over 3,ooo
year from two bells dated I62I and I65S respectively; ~olumes' the buildmg has been ~xt~nded an~ now
the third was given by Mrs. John Gott, of Armley House, tncludes the offices of the Urban District Council and
LeE:'ds, Yorks, and the fourth in memory of Rev. Felix also a bank. . . .
Palm er M. A.; the sixth Is a memorial to William The. Lough ton Club, bmlt m 1901, 1s a structure of
Whitaker Maitland esq. and the seventh to Emma, wife red brick, erecte~ by the Rev. ~- Dawson :\i.A. for the
of J. c. Rohweger esq. : the building was enlarged and ! benefit of the VIllage! and co~si~ts of rooms used for
partly re-seated in 1 8 and some of the windows are church purposes, readm~ and brlhard rooms and a large
· d. h · 77. b 11 . d . h 1 . room used as a gymnasmm and for concerts &c.
atame • t e sacrarium 1s em e 1she Wit g ass mosaic, Th M t l't p 1- St t' h h' h ta d
k nown as " opus sectile: " th ere are soo s1•tt'mgs, a b ou t e
e ropo I an o Ice
H' h d . ·
a Ion ere, w 1c s n s
d b t' f th J
half of which are unappropriated. The church con- 0
~ .• e I~ roa ' Is occupie . Y a sec Ion ° e
tain~ a list of the last rectors. The register of diVISion, ~Ith a force of I station. sergeant, 4 sergeants
baptisms dates from 1 573 , marriages from 1675 and and 20 pohce con_stables, ~fo are m charge of Loughton
deaths from 1674· The living is a rectory, net yearly and part of ~uckhurst· Hil · .
value £262, with 39 acres ()f glebe and residence, in the If:
r ere are SIX almshouses, f_ounded m 1827 by ~!s.
gift of William w. Maitland esq. and held since 19 IO " ' httak_er, for the aged and mfir~ poor, and C?harihes
bv the Rev. John Arthur Mannering Montford M.A. of producm~ f,3o. yearly, left by. various persons m small
B·alliol College, Oxford. bequesdts, the mterest amountmg to sums of £1 and
upwar s.
The chul'ch of St. Nicholas, standing partly on the Loughton formed a portion of the endowments
~ite of the original church, and erected in 1877 by Mrs. bestowed by King Harold on Waltham Abbey and con-
Whitaker Maitland, in memorv •
of William Whitaker tained a 'Part of the abbey lands until the dissolution of
Maitland esq. her sons and all those who lie in the that monastery.
churchyard, is a building of rubble faced with stone, in Queen Elizabeth is said to have visited the Stonards
the Early English style, and consists of chancel, rebuilt at this place in 1561.
as a memorial chapel, nave, porch and a bellcot con- The soil is clay; subsoil, sand. The chief crops are
taining one bell: the brasses taken from the old church wheat, oats, peas and roots, but the land is chiefly
are now placed here, and include effigies to John Stonard, pasture. The area is 3·940 acres of land and 21 of
ob. 1541, and his wives, J oan and Catharine; another water; rateable value, £34,980; the population in I9II
bras" with the effigy of a man with a ruff round his was 5·433·
neck, in the costume of the 16th centurv, and an in- The population of the ecdesiastical parishes in 1911
scription to William Node~. gent. ob. i5q4, and six was-St. Nicholas (parish church), r,g28 and St. Mary
sons: the church will seat a bout So persons. the Virg-in, 3,505.


Post, M. 0. & T. Oi11ce & Telephonic Express Delivery PUBLIC OFFICERS.
Office (letters should have Essex added), Forest road. Assistant Overseer, Joseph Hawkins Hayward, Council
-Mrs. Maria J. Basham, sub-postmistress. Letters {)ffices, High road
dispatched to London 10 a.m. & 12.45• 4·45 & 9.25 Collector of Taxes, Sidney Thomas Bocock, 12 Pentley
p.m. ; sundays, 9 p.m. ; delivered 6.45 & 8 ·45 a.m. road, Chingford
& 3.30 & 6.30 p.m. Telegraph office open from 8 Coroner for the Metropolitan Division of ES6ex, .Alex.
a.m. to 8 p.m. ; sundays, 8.30 to 10 a.m Ambro-se M.D., B.Ch.Dub., D.P.H.Camb. The Croft,
Town Sub-P{)st, M. 0. & T. Office, Golding's Hill.- Alderton hill
.Arthur William Leech, sub-postmaster. Box cleared Inspector under the "Diseases of Animals Acts,"
at 8 & 9 a.m. 12 noon & 4 & 8.15 p.m.; sunday, 7.50 Charles Fry, Daphne, High 11eech road
p.m. This office is closed at 1 p.m. on thursday Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, Loughton District,
Epping Union, Arthur Butler Harris M.A., M.B.,
B.Ch.Oxon. The Shrubbery, High road
URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL. Registrar of Births & Deaths for Chigwell Sub-district,
Meets at the C{)uncil offices, Lopping Hall, on the 2nd Epping Union, Samuel J. Wilks, Hilver, Church hill

tuesday in each month at 8 p.m.
PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of services.
Members. St. John the :Baptist (Parish Church), Rev. John Arthur
Chairman, D. J. Davey. Mannering Montford M.A. rector; sundays, holy com·
Vice-Cl.tairman, Berthon Fleming Pendred M.R.C.S.Eng. munion, 8 & u.2o a.m. -with sermon, also ISt sunday
at 7 a.m. ; 2nd sundays at 9·45 a.m. ; morning
Retire April, 1915. prayer, 10.30 a.m. ; catechism, 3 p.m. ; evening
1. Chilton Charies Savin Foster
prayer & sermon, 6.30 p.m. ; daily, holy communion,
D. J. Davey 1 John Herbert Gould 7 ·45 a.m.; morning prayer, 8.20 a.m.; evening
Retire April, 1916. prayer, 6 p.m. except on wed. & holy days, when sung
C. Jacobs Henry George Sharp at 8 p.m
Arthur William Leech I George Edward Stearne
Retire April, 1917.
St. Mary the Virgin, High road, Rev. George Augustus
Campbell M.A. vicar; Rev. Robert Kirtley Davis
J. A. Herd Sydney Horace Salter M.A. curate; 8 & I I a.m. (u;t & 3rd sun. also u
Berthon Fleming Pendred Percy G. Thompson noon) & 3·15 & 6.30 p.m.; daily (except wed.), 5·30
M.R.C.S.Eng p.m. ; litany, wed. & fri. 12 noon; wed. 8 p.m.;
holy days, 8 a.m
Officials. St. Nicholas, served by the clergy of St. John the
'Jlerk, Leonard Wm. Liell, Council offices, High road
Baptist Union, High road, Rev. Henry James Wicks
rreasurer, Eliot Hinder, London Joint Stock Bank Ltd.
High road, W oodfe>rd Green B.A., D.D.Lond. ; u a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed.7.3o p.m
Medical Officer of Health, .!.rthur Butler Harris M.A., Wesleyan Methodist, High r4>ad (Wanstead & Woodford
M.B., B.Ch.Oxon. The Shrubbery, High road Circuit), Rev. William Brown; I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m.;

Surveyor, Horace White F.R.I.B.A. High road thurs. 8 p.m

Sanitary Inspector, Joseph Templeton Heath A.R.S.I. Forest Mission Hall, High road
Ru.abon, Hills road, Buckhurst Hill Goldings Mission Hall, Golding<~ hill, High road
.Collector, Joseph Ha-wkins Hayward, Council offices, Lincoln Hall, High road

PUBLIC EST..!.BLISHMENTS. The schools are managed by a committee of 6 member~.
'()emetery, Blind lane, John Sweeting, supt Correspondent, Herbert J. Goodwin, High road
"Fire Engine Station, Station rd. Harry Jeffery, captain Attendar.ce Officer, Wm. Locke, 7 Willow st. Chingford
Library & R<Jlding Room, Public hall, Joseph 1!. Hay- Loughton High School for Girls, Alderton hill, built in
ward, librarian 1908, for 18o children; average attendance, n8; Mis&
·Masonic Hall, High Beech road, A. H. Batemari, sec Mary Elizabeth Hall M.A. mistress
Metropolitan Police Station, High road, Albert Gillott, Staples road (provided) (boys), erected in 1888, at a
station ser~eant & 20 constables cost of £6,ooo, for 300 children; average attendance,
Lopping Hall, J. H. Hayward, sec.; Mrs. Sarah Pearce, 26o; Horace E. Williams, master
keeper Staples road (girls), added in 19II, for 316; average
attendance, 275 ; Miss Ada Kate True, mistress
TERRITORIAL FORCE. Infants' School, Staples road, added in 1892, for 360 •
"Essex Yeomanry (C. Squadron, No. 3 Troop), Lieut. children; average attendance, 220; Miss F. Steven•,
G. S. Johnston, commanding mistress
.4th Battalion Essex Regiment (E Co.), Forest road; RAILWAY STATIONS
Capt. A. Butler Harris; Frederick Watkinson, sergt.- Loughton, Llewellyn Staples, station master

.mstructor Chigwell Lane, George Rouse, station master
Angus Capt. Thomas Sanderson, Boardman Clement Odery, Short
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Pitreavie, Carroll hill acres, Church hill
Abbott Edwin Wilfred, Kinfauns, Archbould Reginald· Stephen, Sunny Boby Robert, Carlingford, Low.Pk.rd
Connaught avenue bank, W oodbury hill Booth Geo. Glengarth,Lower Park rd
A.bbott Waiter, Alandale, High road Arnill Wm. Inglesi-de, Pump hill Bradshaw Alexander George, Ambres·
Abernethy Wm. Carnethy, Queen's rd Asabs Mrs. Paso-de-Robles, The bury. High road
Adarns "William, Oakdene, Church hl Drive Brett Harry, Willow cottage,High rd
Adamson Col. Webber Robert, Monk- Ashby John Eertram, Downings, Low. Brooke Edwin Clarence, Woodside,
chester, Goldings hill Park road Queen's road
Alcock Alfred Charles,Clarence house, Eaines Frank, Alicon, Church hill Brown Rev. William (Wes1eyan
Station road Baines Hubert, Brynmawr, Church hl Methodist), Hollycroft, Uplands
Alder Mrs. Cotswola, ~&..lderton hill Baker Arth. St. Hilda's,HighBeech rd Park avenue
Alder William, Burleigh, Alderton hl Barker Geo. Haydens, Uplands Pk.av Brown Arth. Jas.Dalecroft,Spring gro
Alderson Miss, Clarksdale, Uplands Bartlett Percy, Innisfree, High Beech 1 Brown Charles Watkinson, Scarcroft,
Park avenue road Algers road
Alexander Fredk. Rosslyn, High rd Basham Arthur, Questcot, Queen's rd Brown Frank, 3 Stanhope gardens,
A.llars Robert William, Glastonbury. Basnett Waiter Michael, Fernbank, The Avenue
.Algers road Station road Brown George, Maybank, Queen's rd
Alien Percival_ May villa, Queen's rd Beck Gustav Adolph, Mickleham, The Brown George Lewis, Ormesby,
Alwood Charles, Rork cottage, Lower Drive Lower Park road
Park road Bedding Mrs. 98 York hill Brown Mrs. Chestnut vil. Golding's bl
Ambrose Alexander LL.B., :M.D. The Berlandina Arthur Hillel, Netherton, Bruce George Lewis, Woodberrie
Croft, Alderton hill Algers road knoll, W oodbury hill
Ambrose Jethro, J;[uttons, High Bethune Miss, 4 Stan.hope gardens, Burnett Theodore Ridley B.A. I
Beech road The Avenue Goldings Park road
Ambrose John, 2 Washbrook villa, Blachford Jem, Fairholme, High road Burrell Edwd. Jn. 11 Lower Park rd
Station road Boake Arth. High Standing,Albion hl Calthrop Everard Richard, The Gold·
Anderson Thos. Fairview, Church hill ings, Clay's lane
William James, Hazel- Elliott Stephen James, lvydene, ThE Heim CaJ>l, Plymouth house, High rd
wood, Park road I Drive Herbert Mrs. The Croft, Algers road
Campbell Rev. Geo. Augustus M.A.!Evans Jas.Thos. Forest side,TheDrive Reward George Arthur Lockwood,
(vicar of St. Mary the Virgin), Faulkner Percy Hope, 'Ihe Outlook, Roseley, Queen's road
Viearsgarth, Connaught av'llnue Park hill Hill Henry Howard, The Shealing,
Candler John, Ashleigh, Station road Fearn Mrs. 78 Meadow road Uplands Park avenue
()anute Horace Wykeham, Alderton Featherstonhaugh Charles Edward, Hill Leonard Erskine M.B., F.R.S.
hall, Alderton hill Overstrand, High road Osborne house, High road
Carey Frederick Charles, Grasmere, Fenn J06eph William, Beckford villa, Hinman William Philip, Kingsley
Lower Park road Upper Park road cottage, Queen's road
Carey-Woods Mrs. Fir cot. High road Fennell Miss, Eversley, High road Hobday George C. Mountnessing,
Ca.rse Hy. Woodcroft, Ba)dwyn's hill Fison-Smith Mrs. I The Drive Church hill
Carter Herbt.Rd. Briarmains,High rd Fletcher Henry Marshall,The Dragons, Hobday :Miss, Acacia vil. Up. Park rd
Cater Erastus, 8 Stanhope gardens, Nursery road Hobday Parnell, Oakhurst, Algers rd
The Avenue Foley Albert Christopher, Osborn. Hogg Walt. Chester lodge, Albion hill
Cater Sidney, Teesdale, Connaught av Queen's road Holbrook Charles, Hi:lside, Queen's rd
Chandler Eric, u Mayfair gardens, Forster Arnold, 8 Mayfair gardens, Hood Hy. Percy, Kingswear, High rd
The Avenue The Avenue Horrex Richard Thomas, Fernbank,
Ciclitira John Paul, Bedcliffe, Foster Charles Savin, Newton house. Queen's road
Church hill High Beech road Howard Bernard Farmborough, Fir
Cla.ridg& Walton, Algors ho. Algers rd Foster Frank Savin, The Chestnuts, bank, J.lbion bill
Clarke Herman, Loughton hall, Rec- High road Howell Henry,2 Mayfair gardens, The
tory lane Frank Stephen Wildman. Overmist, Avenue
Clarke William Richard, Debden hall, Spring grove Hundley Mn1.Remenham,Low.Park rd
Debden green French William, Hill cot. Albion hill Hunt Mrs. I Coleshill, High Beech rd
Clar.kson Oswal:! Henry, Woodlands, Friday Edwd. Dreamwold, Church hi Hutchinson "Mrs. Eyrescroft,Church hl
High road Fruin Alfred Halcrow, Ormesby villa. Ide Wm. Northdale, Uplands Park av
Cli.fford Mrs. Hacienda, York hill The Drive Itter Frederick, 5 Stanhope gardens,
Cockman Wallace, East- Fry Lewis Alfred, 5 The Drive The Avenue
bury, Uplands Park avenue Fry Mrs. Albion hill Jacobs William Wymark, Feltham
Cole Frank Godfrey, Homestead, The Fry Mrs. Brooklyn, Traps hill house, Goldings hill
Drive Fuller James, 5 Mayfair gardens, Jacques John Hy. Niton,Station road
Collin Arthur, The Gables, Albion hi The Avenue James Mrs.3 :Mayfair gdns.The.A.venue
Collins Charles William, 6 Stanhope Gardner Richard, Exton, Slyders James Wm.I Mayfair gdns.TheAvenue
gardens, The Avenue gate, Church hill Jarvis Alfred Ernest, Yaverland,
Collins Claude Ernest, 4 Mayfair Gates Luddington, Stamford villa. Upper Park road
gardens, The Avenue Church hill Jayne Kingsley Garland, 7 Stanhope
Cook Edwd. Leonard, Trap's Hill ho Gaunt Mrs. Redhurst, Alderton hill gardens, The Avenue
Coomber .Alfred William, Glyn rest, Gaydon Arth. Garfield, 10 The Drive Jennings Miss, Westbrook, Station rd
High Beech road Gerritsen Hy.Jn. Swiss cot. Albion hl Johnson Miss, Vale grove, High road
Cooper George Frederick M.B., B.S. Gibson William John, 2 Stanhope gar- Johnson Mrs. Tyne ho. Goldings hill
Lond. Longcroft, Connaught aven dens, The A'·enue Johnston Reginald, Monkswood, Con-
Copeland Harrison, The Cottage, Glasse Jn. Alfd. Westcot, Ollards gro nau()'ht avenue
Lower Park road Glover Jn.Geo.Kilbowie,Alderton hill Jones "John, Ashmeads, Blind lane
Coppin Arthur, Northruffs, The Drive Godin Lewis, High Beech road Jones Lewis George, 7 Mayfair O'ar-
Cornett Richd. Lea ho. Baldwyns hill Godin Mrs. High Beech road dens, The Avenue "'
Cottle Francis James, Sunnymead, Goldby Wm. Longhurst, 43 York hill Jones Mrs. Highroyd, Queen's road
The Drive Gooden James, Stewart lodge, Up- Kapadia Douglas Stuart, Clovelly,
Coventry John, .Braganza, Con- lands Park avenue Algers road
naught avenue Goodwin Herbert, Colintraive, Up- Kave Sydnev Herbert, Chaseside,
Cox Samn.el, Beechwood, Ollards gro lands Park avenue Albion hill·
Cox Tom, Baldwyns, Baldwyns hill Gould Fra~cis Gerald, Elmhurst, Kelly Paul, Oak lodge, Baldwyns hill
Creed Herb~rt Bricknell, St. Albans, Church h1ll Kemball Harold Francis, 4 Eversleigh
Churclt hill Gould George Sydney, Beech~ands, {)'ardens, .Algers road
Cr~we Frederick~ 39 'fhe. Drive Alderton hill Ke"'mp Alfd. Fairmeadside, Warren HI
Crichton Alex. Pmner, High Beech rd Gould John Herbert, Ravenswood. King Miss The Lincolns, Uplands
Cripps Percy, Pendennis, High road Upper Park road Park ave~ue
Crompto.n Edward, I Beanmont, Green Frederick Daniel, The Rectory, Kirkby William, 4 r Baldwyns hill
Queen s road Rectory lane Kirkness Stanley Tenterden Con-
Cudemore Charles, The Chalet, Con- Greenwood Major,Hillcrest,9lmrch hl naught avenue ' '
naught road Gregory Edward, 29 !ork hill . Kirkpatriek Rev. Alexander Thomas
Curtis Wm. Henry, Wynbarrie, Up- Gregson Percy Le1gh, Heartshill. M ..A. Prie,;t's Garth, Church hill
lands Park avenue Debden green Kitchener Henry Albert, Craigievar,
Davis Rev. Robert Kirtley M.A. Gresswell Barton, 45 Meadow road Algers road
(curate of St. Mary's), Four elms, Grey Ralph, Ivy denfl, Queen's road Knight John Hy. Meads, Church hill
Lower Park road Griggs Samuel John, Dunelm, Upper Knowles Edwin, Fernleig_h, High
Davis Edmund Jas. Fillebrook, The Park road Beech road
Drive Grimwood Alfred William, Hebron, Kohring Fredk. Ballantrae, The Drive
Davidson Mrs. 10 Stanhope gardens, Lower Park road Lancaster Herman, Creigh, Station
The Avenue Hall Miss, Longsdon, Connaught av road. Church hill
Dawson Rev. William M ..A. Susan Hall Misses, r Exning vils.Church hill Laver Fredk. Geo. Uplands, Church hl
croft, Upper Park road Hamilton Sir Daniel Mackinnon, Leistikow Fredk. White ho.Church hl
Day Waiter Baird, Hartwell,.Algers rd Warren Hill house, Manor road Lester Henry Edward, The Grange,
Deacon Octavius Dixie, Up. Park rd Hammond William .Alexander, Sidney Upper Park road
Dennant Edward William Benjamin, house, Algers road Lewer Henry D. Brool;: cot. High rd
Sanquahar, Uplands Park avsnue Hansing Fredk.Glengarriff,Queen's rd Lewer Hy.Wm. The Priors. Trap's hl
Dent Fras. J.P. Hatfields, Rectory la Hanson Miss,Lit.Woodberrie,King's hl Lewis Edwards Watkin, The Bower,
Dietriehsen Jas. The Pollards,Albion bl Harmer George Frederick, Downings High road
Diggens Albt. Jas. Isola, Queen's rd lodge, High road Lewis Oswald, The Cottage, Albion hl
Dodds Archibald Forbes, Mornington, Harris Arthur Butler M.A., M.B. The Liddle Horatio George, Brackenhurst,
High Beech road Shrubbery, High road High road
Double Joseph, Homefield, Algers rd Harris Thomas, BPta lodge,Station rd LieU Leonard William, Fairholt,
Drummond Lancelot Gardner, Kings- Harrison Alfred Esdaile,12 The Drive Ollards grove
thorpe, Algers road Harverson William Thomas, The Lillico Jas. Rd. ~Iindrum, Nursery rd
Duddy Philip, 4 Park viis. High road Ferns, Park hill Lomer ~Irs. Loughton lodge,York hill
Edge Percy Granville, 47 York hill Harvey Mrs.rWashbrook vil.Station rd Lord Rev. Waiter Smith, 3 Park
Edwards Alex. Kildonan, Low.Park rd Hassam Charles, Sunnyside, .A.lbion hl villas, High road
Edwards A.rth. Jas.Winden, TheDrive Hawkins Harry Ernest, Wythburn, Lough Victor B.Sc. Glendale,High rd
.Egan Mrs. r High Beech road Wythburn, High road Lowrey Joseph F.R.G.S. The Hermi-

hild, Lower Park road villa, Staples road Luffmann .Alfred, .A-.ton Clinton,
Heasman William Hy. 2 The Drive Queen's road


Maodougall William B. The Cottage, Pound Robert,. Inglenook, High road Thomas Herbert George, Deerhursi.
Debden green Poynter George Henry, Parkgate, Baldwyns hill
McDowall George .Archibald, St. Mar- Uplands Park avenue Thompson Percy, Overdale, Uplands
~aret's, High road Prior Jas. Jn. Harwaters, Goldings hl Park avenue
Mace Alfred, 9 Mayfair gardens, The Pyddolie Henry Whately, Oxhill, Thornton Ernest Hugh, Newlands•
Avenue Ollards grove Algers road
McKenzie Francis Fuller,The Warren, Randa.ll Charles William, Barton Tijou Charles Jaml's Richard, Roke-
Warren hill Bendish, Alderton hill wood, Ollards grove
l\lcWilton A.rchibald, lo.Purnp hill Record George Randall, Rostrevor, Towle Mrs. Medelik, Chu?ch hill
Maitland John Digby, Brickclarnps, Algers road Tubby Harry, Woodside, Albion hill
Rectory lane Redwood Robt. Top hill, Ollards gro Uffelmann Fdk. 5 Park viis. High rd
Mann John A.yton Okanagan, Con- Reid Francis, Holmleigh, Church hill Van Allen Mrs. St.Marga~t's,Church
naught avenue Reid George, Elmsdale, Station 1·oad hill
Marriage Ernest, Dooneen, Algers rd Rochford Edmd.Holmehurst,Manor rd Vincent Wm.Loughton school,Hig'h rd
Martin Olive Abernethie, .Ashfield Roper Charles Herbert, Brookfield, Vivian Miss, Mongyhr, Church hill
lodge, Ash green Upper Park road Waigh William Ernest, Wentworth
Martin Edgar Charles, Hatfield, Low. Rose Frrderick William, The Willows, house, Goldings Park road
·Park road Queen's road Walldm Mrs. Park lodge, High road
Martin Felix, Killowen, Algers. road Rose Mrs. 4I The Drive Wailer William Chapman M.A., J.P.,
Martin Mrs. Leigh, Monk Wood cot- Sad;:er Phillips William, The Echo, F.S.A. Ash Green
tage, Baldwyns hill Queen's road Warren Samuel Hazzledine, Sher-
Matland Thomas Collier, Grindelwald, Sanders Joseph, Newnham, High rd wood, Forest View road
St. John's road Sanders Thomas, Newnham, High rd Warriner .A.lbt. Claremont,Queen's rd
Maund Edwd. Stamford ho.Algers xd Sanderson George Robert, 6 Mayfair Warwick Jsph. The Mount, Debden gn
May Jn. Rd. Holly ho. Lower Park rd gardens, The Avenue Watts Geo. Spring Grove ho.High rd
Miller Percy Bradley, Rose farm, Sankey Percy William, 7 Eversleigh Watts John Manning, Westbomne',
Trap's Hill gardens, Algers road High road
Mines Fredc. Glentilt, Uplands Pk.av Saull William John M ...\. Brava, High Wanhope Edward, Goldings manor,
Montford Rev. John Arthnr Manner- Beech road Clay's lane
ing M ..A.. (rector), Upland cottage, Shallow Arthur William, Pahar, Weatherall Thomas Joseph, Tresco,
Uplands Park avenue Church hill Uplands Park avenue
Morley Rd.Ernest,Burleigh,Queen's rd Sharp Hy. GPo. Bleak ho. Queen's rd Webb Wm. Jas. Winderm.ere,High rd
Morris Edward Octavius, Holme Shaw Arthur Herbert, 1 Stanhope Weekes Herbert Thomas, 48 York bill
villa, Algers road gardens, The Avenue Welch Geo. Woodberrie, Woodbnry h1
Moser Frederick Rudolph, Fairholme, Shaw Herbert, Viti, GUards grove Weller Edgar George, Hundleby,
High road Sheickel Mrs. IO Mayfair gardens, Upper Park road.
Murch Spencer Harris, Oakhurst, The Avenue Weo;tcott Mrs. Rosebank, High road
Goldings Park road .Shennan .Tames,Nith,Uplands Park av Wheeley Alfred Edward, ~tsall]
Nello Vincent, Newlands, Queen's rd Shorter Richard Gray, Moseley, AI- Church hill
Netlingham Waiter Garth, I Evers- derton hill White Gordon, 4 The Drive
leigh gardens, Algers road Silberrad Harold, Elmstead, Lower White Horace, Station road
Nicholson Richard Thomas, 'fhe Park road White Mrs. Ellesmere, High road
Mount, Ollards grove Sivvons Horatio, Hawarden, Lower Whitehead Joseph Gardner, Oaklei?'h,
Norden Edwin Charles, Longfield, Park road High road
Upper Park r<>ad Smee Frank, Glenavon, Church hill Whitelock Trafford Charles, The Cot-
Norman Alfred, Uffculme, Church hl Smitb. Harry Ernest, 2 Coleshill, High tage, Station road
Norman Wm. Glendower, Staples rd Beech road Whyte William, Brookside, The Drive
Nunn Mrs. Hetton house, Station rd Smith H.:;r!ry Partridge, 3 The Drive Wickersha.m Henry, Dene burst, Up-
Nunn Albert, High road Smith Minden, Sharsted, High road land,;; Park avenue
Parham .A.lbert, Ashlev, The Drive Smith Percy, Nirvana, Uplands Pk.av Wicks Rev. Henry James B.A., D.P.
Parker Fredk.Chas.Alblon cot.High rd Smyth Mrs. 7 The Drive (Baptist), Rossmoyne, Station road
ParkerHy.Oswald,~orth cot. Station rd Spratt Mrs. Pavenham,Uplands Pk.av Wilkins Reuben James, Craigm.oor,

Parsons Miss, Glanmor, Church hill Squier Mrs. Holmleigh, Low. Park rd Uplands Park avenue
Payne Percy John, Holly lo. High rd Steed James, Wyndhan;t cottage, Winebloom Albert Victor, Lamorna,
Peake Miss, .Astbury, Lower Park rd Stony path, Baldwyns h1ll Uplands Park avenue
Pendred Berthon Fleming, l:Jolmdale, 'Stevens Miss, Beverley, Church hill Wollen Frederick James, Cleveland.
High road Stevens William Edward, Debden St. John's road
Pen:in Jesse,The Bungalow,Churoh hi house, Debden green Wood Sydney Ernest, Treleaven,
Pm·rin Norman Edgar, Belmont, Summers Herbert, Little Gables, .A.lderton hill
upper Park road Alderton hill Woodhouse Mrs. 5 Eversleigh gar-
Perring Joseph Percy, Iddesleigh, Summers Mrs. Southernhay, Upper dens, Algers road
The Drive Park road W orrow John, W oodgrange, High rd
Pettet Mrs. A. Bourne villa, York hill Suter Gottlieb, Glencoe, High road Worsley Charles Kenyon, Hallgar~
Piggott Harold, 8 The Drive Sworder Harold, Lavernock, High rd Uplands Park avenue
Pinchin Harold.Stranmillis,The Drive Symondson Mrs. 9 Stanhope gardens, Wright Henry Lloyd~ Sunnyside,
Piper Mrs-;I2Mayfair gdns.The.Avenue The Avenue . . Church hill
Pittuck Ernest, Avoca. Lower Park rd Symondson Regmald, 6 The Dnve Wright Percy, Tree Tops, Park hill
Pledger Chas. Alpha ho.Low.Park rd Talbot Percy Sutton, Tynedale, Con- Wri~ht William Henry, The FiN,
Plews Miss, Elm view, High road naught avenue Church hill
Plume Wm.Thos.Westwood,Albion hi Taylor Henry Willfra, Ecclesbourne, Yates Frederick Edward, Hi11side cot-
Poison Miss, Lintalee, Nursery road Queen's road tage, Uplands Park avenue
Pope Alexander, Marlcroft house, Tee Mrs. Rythedale, Church hill Zimmerman Miss, Woodbury hill
England's lane Theak Frank, Lyndhurst, Nursery rd I Zwinger Thomas, Roz.el, Church 'hill
('OllME"RCIAL. Barlow Sarah Ann (Mrs.), refreshment rms. I York hill
Early closing day, Thursday. Beekett Ernest Alfred, photographer, ~utfield, Church
Acres Arlhur Charles, shopkeeper, so Smart's lane hill & High road
Adams Edward, shopkeeper, High road Bennett Alice (Mrs.), shopkerper, 74 & 76 Forest road
Adams Harriett (Mrs.), nurse, 54 York hill Bennett Fred, house & estate agent, Station road;
Arnbrose & Son, auctioneers, house & estate agents, Quef'n's road & Smart's lane
appraisers & valuers to all general trades, opposite Berry John, beer retailer, IS York hill
Post office ; & at Epping. T N 44 Loughton Bitton Chas. Harold, refreshment rooms, 186 Forest rd
Ambrose Alexander LL.B., M.D., B.Ch., D.P.H. coroner Blachford Jem M.R.C.S.Eng., L.D.S.Eng. dentist, Fair-
for the Metropolitan Division of Essex, The Croft, holme, High road
Alderton hill Bosworth Frederick, butcher, Church hill
A.shley, Tee & Sons, solicitors, High road Botsford Carlotta Mary (Mrs.), Royal Standard P.H.
Askew Arthur George & Soi]-S, cartage contractors, 86 High road
Smart's lane Bowditch Lydia Isabel (Mrs.), draper, High road
Askew Alfred John, hay & straw dealer, England's lane Brewster Percy, boot & shoe maker, 178 Forest road
Austin Archibald Methley, watch & clock repr. High rd Bridge Alice (Miss), dress maker, 29 Meadow road
Baker Emma (Mrs.) & Son, ftorists, 101 Forest road Buck Simon & Son, builders. Forest road
Baker Emma (MN>.), jun. laundry, 95 Forest road I
Burbidge Henry, restaurant, High road
Burling George, firewood dealer, 117 Forest road Hunt Jessie & Dolly (Misses), costumiers, Washbrook
Butler Clara Emily (Mrs.), dress maker, 40 Forest road house, Station road
Button Frank, confectioner, HI Smart's lane Hunt Henry James, boot & shoe maker, 24 Fores\ road
Byles Alfred William, plumber, Everest, Queen's rood Hutchin Llewellyn Albert James, chemist & druggist,
Catchpole Clam(Mrs.),wardrobe dlr.Forest cot. Staples rd High road
Chapman Ha.nnah Bonham (Mrs.), shopkpr.27 York hill Hutson George & Son, decorntors, 53 Meadow road
Chilton Martha (Mrs.), Robin Hood P.H. Epping New rd Irons William Richard, motor cab propr. 130 Forest rd
Chiswell Alfred, cabinet maker, 23 York hill Jerett Harry, boot repairer, 34 Smart's hme
Christie & Co. Ltd. wine & spirit merchants, Church hi Johnson Benjamin, news agent, High road
Churchill Harry, fishmonger, 17 Forest road Jowett Frank Wilfred, Crown hotel, High Toad
Clark Oliver Sidney, grocer, High road Keep Samuel Edward, hair dresser, 10 Forest road
Cooper George Frederick M.B., B.S.Lond., M.R.C.S. King Wm. blacksmith & farrier, High rd. & Church hill
Eng., L.R.O.P.Ltmd. physician & surgeon, Longcroft, Kipping Frank Victor, florist, England's lane
. Connau~ht avenue Lane Frederick Charles Henry, butcher, 22 Forest road
Co116ins Alfred Thomas, fishmonger, High Toad Laundy George, rose grower, Baldwyns hill
Creed HerbeTt Bricknell, solicitor & commissioner for Leech Arth. Wm. grocer & sub-postmaster,Goldings Hill
oaths, St. .Albans, Church hill Lewin Clarissa (Mrs.), baker, I6 York hill
Crispin !lice (Mrs.), confectioner, 33 Forest Toad LieU Leonard William, solicitor & commissioner for
Cuthbert Ada & Matilda Elizabeth (Misses), fancy re- oaths, & clerk to Loughton Urban District Council,
pository, High road Council offices, High road
Cuthbert Herbert, builder, 9 Forest Toad London Joint Stock Bank Limited (branch) (E. Hindel'.,
Davey Duncan, builder, 6 Park villas, High road manager), open daily 9 to 4 p.m.; sat. 9 to I, High
Davies F. A. Limited, lawn tennis bat mas. 4!01 Smart's la road; draw on head office, 5 Princes st. London E C
Day William, window cleaner, Old Station road Loughton Cemetery (John Sweeting, supt. ), Blind lane
Diggens Arthur James, builder, High road Loughton Club (Thomas Bowditch, hon. sec.; John
Eaglestone William Castle, butcher, 23 York hill Pearce, steward), Station rood
Eaton Chas. irlso~gent, I Reyntot's croft, England's la Lough ton Cricket Club (Ralph Godin, hon. sec.), Higb
Epping & District Industrial Co-operative Society Ltd. Beech road
Frank Green, branch manager), High ro-ad Loughton & District Advertil!er (Moreland Hickman,
Fazey Ellen (Mrs.), draper, Church hill proprietor & editor; published 11at.), High Beech road
Fenn George, insurance agent, 34 Meadow road Loughton House Stores (Jonathan Lockyer, manager) ..
Fisher James, beer retailer, 99 Smart's lane grocers, 4 Forest road
Foley Albert Christopher, furniture dealer, I I Forest rd Loughton Library & Reading Room (Joseph Hawkins
Foster Charles Savin & Son, builders, 14 Smart's lane & Hayward, librarian), Lopping hall, High road
contractors, High Beech road · Loughton Lopping Hall (J. H. Hayward, sec.; Mrs.
Fowler Thomas Joseph, wine & spirit mer. 8 Forest rd Sarah Pearce, keeper), High road
Freeman Robert William, laundry, Church hill Lucking Charles, poulterer, Excel lodge, Church hill
French William, farmer, High road Madderton & Co. •Ltd. artists' colormen, Baldwyns hill
Fry Charles, inspector under Contagious Diseases of Maddison Alice Maud (Mrs.), Holly Bush P.H. High rd
Animals Act.s, Daphne, High Beech road Masonic Hall (A. H. Bateman, sec.), High Beech road
Garrett William Thomas, King's Head P.H. High road Masonic Lodge Bagshaw, 1457 (meets second thurs. in
Gent Benjamin John, Royal Oak P.H. Forest road March, April, May, Oct. Nov. & Dec. at 7 p.m.) (A.
Gibbings Reginald, tailor, High road H. Bateman, sec.), Masonic hall, High Beech road
Giblett Samuel, farmer, Beech farm, High road Masonic Lodge Roding, 3090 (Stanley G. Spencer, sec.)
Gingell Frederick & Son, dairy, High road (meets first thurs. in May, June, July & Sept.),.
Gingell Henry, gunsmith, Goldings hill Masonic ball, High Beech road
Girling J. & H. coal & coke merchants, Station road Moser Frederick Rudolph L.D.S.R.C.S.Eng. dental sur-
Glasscock Jamee & Son, nurserymen & seedsmen, 157 geon, Fairholme, High road
Forest road Munt William John & Sons, greengrocers, I5 Forest rd
Good-all William Samuel Joha, baker, High r03d Neville Brothers, fruiterers, High road
Goodwin Herbert J. correspondent to Loughton school Nosworthy Rebecca (:Mrs.), Roy-al Standard P.H. High r!t
managers, clerk to Epping District Sub-Committee & Padfield Geo. farmer, Loughton Bridge farm,A.lderton hl
Epping & Woodford joint committee for Higher Edu- Padfield Hamilton. farmer, North farm, High roa()
cation to the Essex County Education Committee, (postal address, Buckhurst Hill)
High road Parker Henry George Thomas, boot & shoe maker,.
Gould & Sons, corn merchants, High road & dairy Church hill, High road
farmers, Trap's Hill & Borders farms Patmore Edward Prestage & Eustace Bellott, motor
Greville Brothers, merchants, High road engineers, Old Station road & High rood
Grim<:ley George, butcher, 89 Smart's lane Paul Wm. & Son, rose growers & florists, Nursery road
Grisson Hy. Jas. pianoforte maker, Oaklands, Church hi Peacock Charles James, confectioner, High road
Grout Percy Enever, Fore;;ters' Arms P.H.Baldwyns hill Pendred Berthon Fleming M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond.
Grout Rebecca (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Baldwyns hill physician & surgeon, Holmdale. Hieh road
Gussin Thomas, watch maker, Staples road Penistan John Benjamin, draper, 6 Forest road
Harrington .Alice (Miss), dress maker, I Clifton road Perry George, greengrocer, High Toad
Harris .A.rthur Butler M.A., M.B., B.Ch.Oxon. surgeon, Plews Emma (Miss), private school, The Bungalow,.
& medical officer & public vaccinat<Jr Loughton dis- York hill
trict, Epping union & medical officer of health to the Priestman Thomas Errington, baker, Church hill &
Urban District Council, The Shrubbery, High road Goldin~;!'l hill
Harri<~ :Martin, saddler & harness maker, Chur<:!h hill, Ramm Robert Howard, french polisher, Church hill
High road & Station road Ramsey Arthur, china, glass & earthenware dlr. High r(}
Harrison John, drug store, High road Randall Kate (Mrs.), beer retailer, I65 Smart's lane
Hawkins Augustus George, butcher, High road Rose Waiter James, stationer, High road
Hayes Arthur John, ironmonger, High rd. & 5 Forest rd Rumball Daniel, laundry, I9 & 2I Forest road
Hayward: Joseph Hawkins, collector to the Urban Dis- SadlPr William & Son, jobmasters, High road
trict Council & assistant overseer, Council offices, St. Ethelburga's Church Home for Girls (Miss Marian
High road Harland, matron), 28 York hill
Hibling Ernest, boot repairer, 25 York hill Salter Sydney Horace, butcher, High road
Hickman Moreland, printer; proprietor & editor of S.andall Harry Hanson, baker, 4 Smart's lane & High
"Loughton & District Advertiser,'' High Beech road Beech rood
Hills :Matilda (:Mrs.), draper, 25 York hill Schofield Joseph, confectioner, 13 Forest road
Holderness George Henry, confectioner, Church hill Searl Rebecca (Miss), boarding ho. Ashberrie, Church hl
Holland Lily Alice (Mrs.), Plume of Feathers P.H. Shaftesbury Holiday House & Retreat (Ragged School
Church hill Union & Shaftesbury Society) (Sir John Kirk J.P.
Bolt Arthur, dairyman, High road director & sec.), Staples road
Home for Friendless Girls (Miss Knight, supt.), St. Shepherd Susan (Mrs.), greengrocer, Church hill
Faith, Church hill Sherlock Rose (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 124 bmart's lane
Horton Thomas & Arthur, fishmongers, 20 Forest road Sibley Florn (Miss), costumier, 3 Brook villas, High rd
Horton George, butcher, 27 Forest road Simpson Artbur, boot repairer, York hill
Horwood Emily Ann & Constance (Misses), privat~ Smith William Henry & Co. grocers, High road
school (girls), 1 & 2 Park villas, High road Smith James Duncan, boot & shoe maker, High road
Howe Edward, wheelwright, Church hill Sowden C. (Miss), nur;;e, Lvnwood, Queen's
Hughes John, beer retailer, 103 York hill • _,.~-;
I N~H.t ~
Spilman Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker, Woodville, Warren Henry Charles. shopkeeper, 73 Forest road
Lower Park road Warren William, plumber, ro Smart's lane
Stearne George Edward, photographer, 14 Forest road Warriner & Herd, builders,. Forest road
.Street David, chimney sweep, 6o York hill Warriner Robert & Son, builders, Goldings Hill ~
Street Hubert, hay dealer, 65 Smart's lane Watkinson Frederick, sergt.-instructor to E Co. 4th
.:Sylvester Ernest, hair dresser, 26 FOTest road Territorial Force Battalion Essex Regt. 19 Forest road
Thylor Janie (Miss), hair dresser,Manchester ho.High rd Webb William Henry, shopkeeper, Staplet~ road
'Territorial Force Battalion (4th) Essex Regiment (E Welton Annie (Miss), shopkeeper, ror York hill
Co.; Capt. A. Butler Harris; Frederick Watkinson, White Horace F.R.I.B.A. architect, & surveyor to the
sergt.-instructor), Forest l'OOd Urban District Council, High road
'Thorne Henry, insurance agent, Outwood, High road Whittle Emma Mary (Miss), draper, Devonshire house,
Turner Daisy (Miss), art needlework repository, High road
Chureh hill Wickersham & Co. grocers & tea dealers, High road
Turner George. confectioner, High road Wilkinson Walter, watch & clock repairer, Church hill .
'Trimby Lebbeus Wm. florist, 37 Meadow rd. & High rd Wilks Samuel J. registrar of births & deaths for ChigweU
!Vanrpte Edwin, blacksmith, H1gh road • sub-district, Epping union, Hilver. Church hill
• Verrall Alfred George, insurance agent, 17 Meadow road Willingale Alfred Jas. plumber & glazier, ru Forest rd
Vincent William, private school (boys'), Lough ton school, Willingale John, bricklayer, Staples road
High road Wilson Charles Henry, butcher, High road .
Warne .Augustus, outfitter, High road Wilson Leonard, motor engineer, Forest road
Warren F. & Co. (incorporated with Coote & Warren
Limited), coal merchants, Station road
::MAGD AI. EN LAVER is a parish, 4 miles south-east 1 Sexton, Arthur Reed.
Ir·om Harlow station on the main line of the Great
Eastern railway, 3! miles north-east from North Weald Wall Letter Box cleared at 8.45 a.m. & 4·45 p.m.; sun-
-Btation on a branch of the same line, 5 north-west from days, 8-45 a.m. Letters are delivered through Ongar
()ngar, and 5 north-east from Epping, in the Western at 9.50 a. m. & 4· ro p.m. The nearest money order &
-division ()f the county, Ongar hundred and petty sessional telegraph office is at Matching Green, 3 miles distant
division, Epping union, Dunmow county court district,
()ngar rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and Chelmsford 1 Endowed School, built, with teacher's house, in r862, t
.diocese. The church of St. Mary Magdalene, restored endowed in 1872 with a sum of £ggg, raised by mean&
jn r875, is an ancient building of flint, with stone of voluntary contributions from the congregation of St.
-dressings, in the Early English style, consisting of , George's chapel, Albemarle street, London, collected
-chancel and nave and a western tower of wood, con- ' by the Rev. William Webb Ellis M.A.. then minister
taining 2 bells; the tower was thoroughly restored in of that chapel, & presented to this parish, of which he
r883 and a south porch was added in r887: there are 150 was then rector; the site was given by Mrs. Harrison,
·sit-tings. The register of baptisms and marriages dates daughter of the late C. P. Myer esq. The £999 has
from I557; burials, rss8. The living is a rectory, net been invested in Russian bonds, held in trust by the
:yearly value £:z.t8, with 30 acres of glebe and resi- National Society for t-he Education of the Poor in the
odence, in the gif~ of the trustees of the late Mrs. principles of the Established Church, for the annual
B{'llamy, and held since rgo4 by the Rev. William support of the Magdalen Laver school; the school will
Hustings. The representatives of the late John Franci~ hold 6o children; average attendance, 55; Mrs. E.
Cla.rk esq. are the principal landowners; courts leet Crouch, mistress ·
-are held yearly at Epping. The soil is mixed; subsoil,
day. The crops are cereals. The area is 1,237 acre:< This school is under the control of the Essex Education
<Of land and 2 of water; rateable value, £r,418; the (Epping District) Sub-Committee, Herbert J. Good-
population in rgn was 143. I win, High road, Loughton, clerk
Hustings Rev. Wm. (rector), Rectory Pettit Frank, hay carter Trundle William, farm bailiff to Mrs.
.Crane Ferdinand, beer :retailer Torrance Matthew, farmer, Magdalen Edwards, of Harlow
Lucking Ellen (Mrs.), farmer, Mol- Laver hall Tucker Joseph, farmer, Rolls farm
mans farm

MALDON is a municipal borough and formerly a mar- officers, and has jurisdiction over the borough and sea-
!ket town, the head of a union and county court district, wards to a distance of 25 miles eastward of Knowle
with a station at the west end on the Great Eastern Sands: the borough has a commission of the peace and
rline, opened September 30, 1889, to London and also, via separate court of quarter sessions: it formerly returned
Wickford, to Southend, and another on the east side of two members to parliament, but under the "Repre-
-the town on a brancil of that company from Witham. sentation of the People Act, 1867," the number was
Maldon is 44 miles from London, s! south-east from reduced to one and by the "Redistribution of Seats Act,
'Witham, rB! south-west from Colchester, 14! from r885," the representation of the borough was merged in
.Chelmsford by railway via Witham and wl by road, 12 that of the county.
~outh-east from Braintree, r6i south from Coggeshall, There are three parishes-All Saints', St. Peter's and
.25! south from Sudbury, 88! from Yarmouth, 81 from St. Mary's ; of these, the first two, on account of the
Norwich, 35! from Ipswich, 84! from Lowestoft, 37 from smallness of the emoluments, have been united for
'Harwich, 55 from Cambridge and 45! from Wood- ecclesiastical purposes. The church of All Saints, stand-
bridge; in the Eastern division of the county, Dengie ing in the highest part of the town, is a building of
hundred, Maldon rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and stone and flint, principally in the Decorated and Per-
.Chelm~ford diocese. The town is situated on a hill rising pendicular styles, the tower being late Norman: it
.abruptly from the south bank of the river Blackwater consists of chancel with aisles, nave of four bays, and a
and near the junction of the Chelmer navigation, the south aisle, formerly a chapel, dedicated to the Holy
higher parts commanding extensive views of the sur- Trinity and containing three chantries, founded by Robert
rounding country: it has several streets, containing D'Arcy esq. of Danbury, who with Alice (Fitzhangley)
·goud shops and dwellings : the inhabitants are well his wife, widow of John Ingoe, merchant, of this town,
-supplied with water from wells near the Spital road, for was here buried ; she died in 26 Hen. VI. ( 1447-8 ;..
·the higher portions of the town, and from a reservoir of this chapel has since been ext-ended to the whole length
·{q,ooo gallons capacity, for the lower parts of the town, of the church, its double piscina and an oil painting of
rt;he property of the Corporation. The town is lighted the "Last Supper'' being replaced in the new east wall:
with gas from works in High street, the property of a at the west end rises a singular and almost unique tri-
-company ; electric light and power are supplied for angular tower with pinnacles at the angles and termi-
-private use bv John Sadd and Sons Limited. The nating in a hexagonal spire: it contains a peal of 6 bells.
'town was made a free borough by William de Mande- three of which are respectively dated I70'J, 1770 and
·ville, Earl of Essex, in the reign of Henry Ill. but 1799 : there are some monuments of the 17th century to
had previously received a charter of incorporation the D'Arcy, Wentworth, Jeffrey, Vernon, Steevens and
from Henry TI. A new charter was granted in Cammock families, and marble floor stones of the r6th
·r553 by Queen Marv, but W'<I.S forfeited 4 George century to various members of the Vernon family: the
qn. (r763-4) and not· renewed till rBro. The corpora- east window i!l stained and on the south side of the
'tion now consists of a mayor, four aldermen and twelve chancel is a memorial window of four lights, erected in
.councillors, recorder, treasurer, town clerk, borough 1848 to the memory of Henry Coape esq. by his widow
anagistrates, coroner, clerk of the peace and other and children: the pulpit and font are both elaborately
carved in the Decorated style: in r867 the church was St. Peter"s Masonic Hall is in the High street, and
thoroughly restored and reseated at.- a cost of about here the St. Peter and Plume Chapter and the Maldon
£r,2oo and in 1877 further improvements and restora- Masonic club meet.
~Jons were made at a cost of £3,ooo, and it now affords The London County and Westminster Bank Limitl'd
Boo sittings. The register dates from the year 1556. and Messrs. Barclay and Company Limited have branch
The living is a vicarage, with St. Peter's annexed, net banks here ; there are police and fire engine stations.
,-early: value £197, with residence, in the gift of the The Marine Promenade and recreation grounds, on the-
Btsbop of Chelmsford, and held since 1903 by the Rev. bank of the river, were formed and laid out by the Cor-
Leonard Hughes M . .A.. of Corpus Christi College, Oxford poration in 1894 at a cost of about [3.000; the grounds
and B.D. Durham, rural dean of :Maldon, and sur- are diversified with trees, shrubs and flower gardens :
rogate. The vicarage house is a large and ancient seats and shelters are provided and there is a band.
half-timbered building adjoining the churchyard, and stand in which a band plays during the summer months:
was restored in 1902. The church of St. Mary, in the provision is also made for bathing in the river and in.
lower part of the town on the bank of the river, is a a lake. ·
spacious building of flint in the Decorated and Per- Yearly fairs are held on the first Thursday in May
pendicular styles, consisting of chancel, nave, large and September 13th and 14th. A large shipping:
north porch and a massive western tower of stone and trade is carried on in corn, coals, lime, chalk, hay ancl
brick, supported by immense buttresses and terminating straw and in oilcake, manures and timber. There are-
m a spire: it contains 6 bells, respectively dated 1799, maltings, flour mills, boat-building yards, lime kilns,.
1740, 1707, 1636, 1714 and 1740: this church, the salt works, a brewery, steam saw mills, timber yards,.
original foundation of which is unknown, was given to sail lofts, an iron foundry, .an agricultural implement.
this place by Ingelric, a Saxon nobleman, before the and machine manufactory and on the river Blackwater
year 1056, and part of it, including the tower, was an extensive fishery.
restored in 1628, a brief being granted for the purpose Until 1865 the port was free, but the Maldon Harbou:r
by Charles I.: it was restored in r886 with the addition .Act, passed in that year, gave power to widen and
of a south aisle, the nave and chancel being at the deepen the river and to levy tolls on shipping coming
same time new roofed and reseated with open benches within the jurisdiction of the commissiont>rs; in 1882.
and a new east window erected: the staircase, formerly the port of Maldon was reduced to a creek of the por'
leading to the rood loft, and a portion of the ancient of Colchester; vessels loading or unloading in He~·­
~orman chancel arch were discovered during the bridge Basin, however, are still free.
restoration : there are 400 sittings. The register dates The Custom House is on Market hill.
from the year 1558. The living is a rectory, net yearly The principal hotels are the " King's Head" and the-
value [270, with residence, built in 1886, in the gift of "Blue Boar."
the Dean and Chapter of Westminster. and held since The G Company of the 5th Territorial :Battalion Esse:s.
1909 by the Rev. Ernest Langham Boughton Kevill- Regiment have their head quarters in the town.
Davies. The remains of :Beeleigh Abbey, a house of the Pre-
There is a Catholic chapel, erected in 1897, and monstratensian order, removed hither from Parndon~
dedicated to the Assumption of Our Lady; a Baptist are about r mile west of the town: the abbey wa~
chapel, erected in 1872, with 270 sittings; a Congrega- founded by Robert de Mantell, .A..D. n8o, and dedicated
tional chapel, founded in 1688, seating 950 persons; to St. Nicholas : at the Dissolution eleven canons were
also Wesleyan Methodist and Primitive Methodist maintained on this foundation, the revenues of which
chapels, a meeting room for the Society of Friends, and Dugdale estimates at [156 16s. nid. ; the most perfect
a Salvation .Army hall. The Cemetery, on the London relic of the edifice is the Early English chapter house,.
road, formed in 1855 at a cost of about [1,300, origi- 36 feet by r8 feet, with a groined roof, supported by
nally compl"ised 4 acres, but was enlarged in 1883 and three slender Purbeck columns : the undercroft of the
again in 1905; it contains two mortuary chapels and is refectory and a portion of the common house are alsO>
under the control of a Burial Board of 18 members. extant. Henry Bourchier, rst Earl of Essex af that
Dr. Plume's Library occupies part of the site of the family, who died .April 4th, 1483Y was here buried, to-
church of St. Peter, which fell into ruins (the tower gether with Isabel his countess and the Lady Mary
excepted) about 1665. Dr. Plume, thPn Archdeacon of Neville: the remains of the abbev •
have been converted
Rochester and a native of Maldon, erected about 1704 into a dwelling house, the property of Samuel S. :Baker
a brick building adjoining the tower to contain his esq. J.P. of Hockley, who is lord of the manor.
library, which he presented to the town, bequeathing John Rogers Herbert R..A. painter of the fresco ot
also a fund for its support and for the supply of new "Justice," in the House of Lords, was born .here Jan_
books; the library, now under the care of the Rev. 23rd, 1810, and (lied at Kilburn, Middlesex, March, 189o.
Leonard Hughes B.D. vicar of .A.l1 Saints, consists of The principal landowners are the Ecclesiastical Com-
about 6,ooo volumes, principally theological, many of missioners, Samuel S. Baker esq. of Hockley, Samuel
them being very rare and valuable works: the tower is a Ratcliff esq. and the Rev. John Bailey.
massive pile of rough stone embattled, with a spiral The area of the municipal borough is 3,015 acres of
staircase in an octangular turret at the north-west land, 13 of inland and 120 of tidal water and 566 of
angle. The Town -or Moot Hall, also called" The D'.A.rcy foreshore; the population in 19n was 6,253. The area~
Tower," is a lofty and ancient structure of brick, named of the civil parishes are : .All Saints', 57 acres of land ;
from the Robert D'Arcy previously mentioned, who in rateable value, [5,461; St. Mary's, 1:,398 acres of land~
the reign of Henry V. was the king's escheator for this 5 of inland and 106 of tidal water and 522 of foreshore ;
county; his descendants became, from 1551, barons rateable value, [4,214; St. Peter's, 1,56o of land, 8 of
D'.A.rcy of Chiche, but the title ceased with the death inland and 14 of tidal water and 14 of foreshore ; rate-
of Thomas, 3rd baron, Viscount Colchester and Earl able value, [14,412; the population of the civil parishes-
Rivers, in 1639. On the ground floor is the police in 1911 was: All S11ints, inclusive of 5~ inmates and ,
-station; on the first floor the court room, where the officials in the workhouse, 919; St. Mary's, r,414 andi
quarter and petty sessions are held, and on the second St. Peter's, inclusive of 223 inmates and 10 officials in
floor a council chamber containing some oil paintings of the wcrkhouse, 3,920.
Queens Elizabeth and .Anne, Charles II. George Ill. The population of the ecclesiastical parishes in 19rr
and Dr. Plume. In October, r881. an illuminated clock was: All Saints' with St. Peter's, 4,839, and St. Maryy

with chimes was presented by George Courtauld esq. 1,414·

then M.P. for the borough, at a cost of about [,400. Sacristan and Verger of Parish Church, William Bolt,
20 Beeleigh road.
The Public Hall, in High street. erected in 1859, is let Parish Clerk of St. Mary's, Samuel Reynolds, SS\
for concerts, lectures and dramatic performances. Church etrel't.
Post Office (head office), at which business of all kinds posts to Heybridge, IDbing, Woodham Waiter, Wooer-
is transacted, 49 High street. .Alfred Elliott, post- ham Mortimer, Cold Norton & Hazeleigh are dis-
master patched at 6 a.m. & return to the office at 6
Dispatches :-London &i all parts, 9.20 &i rr.Io a.m. & p.m. (with the exceptio& of Heybridge, which re--
3.40 & 6.30 p.m. & 1-2 midnight; down mail, 8.30 p.m turns to the uffice at 6.10 p.m.). There is also a.
Arrivals :-7.5 & I I a.m. & 1.45 & 6 p.m day mail to & from Heybridge, arrival 11.5 a.m.; dis-
Deliveries commence 7.30 a.m. & 2.5 & 6.25 p.m patched 11.30 a.m. & 2 & 4 p.m. & Purleigh &i Stow
A mail is also dispatched to Mundon, Latching-don, St. Mary's arrive -at I I a.m. ; dispatched II-30 a.m
.Althorne, Southminster, Burnham. Tilling-ham & Brad- On sunday only one delivery & the two night dispatches-
well at 5.10 a.m. ; arriving on the return journey at
8 p.m. Day mail from Altho-rnl'. Latchingdon & Post closes n a. m. & r.55, 6.30 & 8.30 p.m. every
\Iundon, arrival 11 a.m. ; dispatched 12 noon. Rural day but sunday ·

Telegraph Office open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; sundays, 8.30 Petty Sessions are held, for the Southminster portion of
to 10 a.m the Division, at the Police station, Southminster.,
Public Telephone from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. week days; monthly, on saturday, at 11 a.m. & for the Maldon
sundays, 8.30 till 10 a.m. & continuous service to portion of the Division at the Moot hall, Maldon,
subscribers monthly, on thursday, at 10 a.m
Sub-Post & Money Order Office, Mill road.-Mrs. Mary The following parishes are comprised within the petty
Ann Lewin, sub-postmistress. Box cleared 8.30 & sessional division & those marked * comprise the
10-45 a.m. (June to September, 10.30 a.m.) & 2-45 & Southminster portion & the remainder the Maldon
7 p.m.; sundays, 7·45 p.m portion:-*.ilthorne, * Asheldham, *Brad well, *Bum-
ham, Cold Norton, *Creeksea, *Dengie, *Fambridge
CORPORATION. North, Hazeleigh, Heybridge, Langford, Latchingdon,
1913-14. *Mayland, Mundon, Purleigh, *St. Lawrence, *South-
Mayor Alderman Alexander Krohn minster, *Steeple, Stow Maries, *Tillingham, Wood-
Deputy Mayor Alderman Charles Ernest Barritt ham Mortimer, Woodham Waiter
Recorder-Charles Edward Jones esq. I Harcourt build- HARBOUR COMMISSIONERS.
ings, Temple, London E 0 Chairman, R. H. Eve.
Aldermen. S. A. N. Rutt C. E. Barritt
Retire Nov. Iletire Nov.
J. P. Sadd J. Butcher
.!.rthur Ashley ............ 1916 I Herman Alex. Krohn ... 1919 T. E. Bland A. J. Clarke
Charles Ernest Barritt 1916 1 George Wade ............ 1919 E. T. Baker C. R. Gowers
S. P. Garratt; J. W. Keeble
Councillors. Hon. 0. H. Strutt
Retire Nov. Retire N ov Clerk, Horace J. Freeman, 3 Gate street
Arthur Laver Clarke ... 1914 Frederick Wm. Moss ... 1915 Collector, Thomas Handley Barbrook, 18 Spital r(ad,
.John Edward Freeman 1914 Harry William Sadd .•. 1915
George David Handley 1914 Edward T. Baker ...... 1916 PORT SANITARY AUTHORITY.
Thomas John Turner ... 1914 John James l,<'urlong ... 1916 Meet at the Moot hall, High street, quarterly.
William Barbrook ...... 1915 Stanford Chas. Goodey 1916 Clerk, Frederick Henry Bright, 53 High street
David Eves ............... 1915 Harold Granger ......... 1916 Treasurer, Christopheor William Parker, Barclay & Com-
Mayor's Auditor, Stanford C. Goodey pany Limited, Maldon
Elective Auditors, James Rogers & Harvey S. T. Crabb Medical Officer of Health, Henry Reynolds Brown M.,A..,
The statutory meetings {)f the Corporation are held at M.D., C.M. 7o High street
the Moot hall quarterly & as the Urban Sanitary Sanitary Inspector, Thos. Handley Barbrook, Spital rd
Authority at the same time, & ordinary meetings are
held monthly on the second tuesday in the month MALDON RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL.
The parishes in the District are the same as in the
Officers of the Corporation. Union, with the e:x.ception of Burnham & Maldon.
Town Clerk, Frederick Henry Bright, 53 High street The area is 82,342 acres; the population in 19II was
Treasurer, Christopher William Parlier esq. D.L., J.P. 16,164
Faull>bourne hall, Witham Council meets at the Guardians' Board room on wed.
Medical Officer of Health, Henry Reynolds Brown M.A.., monthly at 2 p.m.
M.D., C.M. 70 High street Chairman, Rev. R. V. 0. Graves M.A.Tolleshunt D'Arcy
Clerk of the Peace, Horace John Freeman, West square Officials .
.Borough Surveyor, Engineer & Sanitary Inspector, 'l'ho&. Clerk, Alfred William Freeman, 1 & 3 Gate street
!Russell Swales M.Inst.O.E.I. Municipal offices, High st Treasurer, Christopher William Parker D.L., J.P. Faulk·
Accountant, W. H. de Caen, 3a, Spital road bourne hall, Witham
Collectors: General District, Richard S. Turner, 12 .\.cting Medical Officer of Health, A.rthur George Troup
Market hill & b'amuel Charles Spurgeon, High street; M.B., Ch.B., D.P.H ..Aberd. Chelmsford
Water Rates, Samuel Charles Spurgeon, High street Surveyor of Highways, Edgar John Ennals, 6 Market hi
Town Crier, -Joseph Coult, I Queen street Sanitary Surveyor, Engineer & Inspector of Nuisances,
Water Bailiff, George William Clarke William .Almond, 6 Market hill
The Mayor & Deputy Mayor, ex-officio Meet at Board room of the Maldon Union workhouse,
Binnie David Carr, Hill bouse, Maldon monthly, on wed. at 4 o'clock.
Bland Thomas Elsey, Friary, Mal don Chairman, Thomas Herbe1 t Solly esq. J.P
Brown Henry Reynolds M.A., M.D. 70 High st. Maldon Clerk, Frederick Henry Bright, solicitor, 53 High street
'Eve Robert Henry, Fullbridge house, Maldon · Treasurer, Christopher William Parker esq. D.L., J.P
Krohn Herman Alex. M.A., D.L. Maldon court, Maldon Tha Isolation Hospital, situate at Broad Street Green,
Ratclitf Samuel, Woodham Waiter Heybridge, was erected in 1903, at a cost of £5,400, t
Sadd John Price, The Bower, Maldon provides accommodation for 10 beds; the Board have
Ward Joseph Robert, Beelcigh grange, Maldon also hospital tent accommodation for smallpox patients
Clerk, Frederick Henry Bri~ht, 53 High st. Maldon at Little Totham
Borough Petty Sessions held at the Moot hall, High Medical Superintendent, Henry Reynolds Brown M.!.,
street, daily, at 10 a.m M.D., C.M.Edin. High street, Maldon
Hon. M-edical Superintendent, John Clough Thresh D.Sc.
Lond., M.D., Ch.B.Vict., D.P.H.Camb. Spergula,
SESSIONAL DIVISION. Matron, Miss E. S. Miles, Hospital, Heybridge
Parker Christopher William D.L. Faulkbourne hall,
"Belsham Oliver Daniel, Heybridge, Maldon Assembly Rooms, High st. Thomas Pollard Peechey, seo
Bentall Eclmund Ernest, The Towers, Heybridge,Maldon Cemetery, London road, A. W. Freeman, clerk to the
"Bland Thomas Elsey, The Friary, Maldon burial board & registrar ; Alfred Bush, keeper
"Brown Henry R.eynolds M.A., M.D. 70 High st. Maldon County Court, London road, office at Court house, Hi1
Croxon Abraham Bowerman, The Limes, Burnham-on- Honor H. Tindal-Atkinson, judge ; Charles Godfrey,
Crouch, Essex Rythe house, Thames Ditton, high bailifi ; Frederick
-de Crespigny Sir Claude Champion hart. D.L. Champion Henry Bright, registrar; James Rogers, broker; John
lodge, Heybridget Maldon A. Waterman, assistant bailiff. A county court is held
J"ones Chester, The :Maplins, Burnham-on-Crouch, Essex every two months. The parishes in the district are:-
Pipe Edmund, High street, Southminster, Essex Althorne, Asheldham, Beckingham, Bradwell, Burn-
'Baby George, 'l'illingham hall, Southminster, Essex ham, Great Braxted, Little Braxted, Cold Norton,
'Sadler Samuel Bockin, Quay, Burnham-on-Crouch,Essex Cricksea, Dengie, North Fambridge, Goldhanger, Hat-
'Smith Ernest John, The Caidge, Southminster, Essex field Peverel, Hazeleigh, Heybrid~e, Inworth, Lang-
.Sollv •
Thomas HPrbert, Mundon hall, Maldon ford, Latchingdon, Maldon, Mayland, Mundon, Pur-
~he Mayor of Maldon & the chairmen of the Maldon lei~h. Saint Lawrence. Southminster, Steeple, Sto,
Rnral District Council & the Burnham-on-Crouch Maries, Tillingham, Tiptree, Tollesbury, TolleshnnS
Urban District Council, for the time being, al"e e:x.- D'Arcy, Tolleshunt K;nights, Tolleshunt Majol', GreaS
()fficio justices of the peace Totham, Little Totham, Ulting, Wickham Bishop-1,
Clerk to the Justices, Fredk. Hernrv Bright, solicitor, Woodham Ferris, Woodh:1m Mortimer, Woodhatn
High street • Waiter
For Bankruptcy purposes this court is included in that • Southminster sub-district, C. P. Orth, Southminster;
"f Ohelmsford; E. H. C. Savill, senior official deputy, James Watt, Burnham; Tollesbury sub-dis-
receiver; F. T. Garton, assistant official reoeiver, I4 trict, James E. Jackson, Tolleshunt D'Arcy; deputy,
Bedford row, London W C Mrs. Florence E. Jackson. Tolleshont D'Arcy
Certified Bailiffs appointed under the "Law of Distress
Amendment Act," Ernest J. Gale, Southminster; Jas. PUBLIO OFFICERS.
Rogers, 6 High st. & Saml. Chas. Spurgeon,29 High st Assistant Ovprseer & Poor Rate Collector for St. Mary,
County Police Station, West square, James Creak 'l'aylor, Richard S. Turner, 12 Market hill
inspector, & 5 constables Assistant Overseer & Poor's Rate Collector for All
Custom House, 34 Market hill, John Moss, officer in Saints' District, James Rogers, 6 High street
charge; Fredk. Austin & Chas. Stebbens,Trinity pilots Certifying Factory Surgeon, Hy. Reynolds Brown M.A.,
Fire Engine Station (Corporation), 20 London road, J.P., M.D. 70 High street
John Pannifer, captain Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxes for Dengie Divi-
Dr. Plume's Library, open 2 to 4 daily, Rev. L. Hughe:~ sion, Frederiek Henry Bright, 53 High street
~I.A., B.D. librarian
Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxes for the Borough
Public Hall, 45 High st. 0. Poole, sec. ; S. Hills, keeper of Maid on, John E. Freeman, Gate stre-et
Shipwrecked Fishermen & Mariners' Royal Benevolent Clerk to Maldon Sub-Committee of Essex Local Pension
Society; 0. Poole, 37 High street & Miss Clara, Committee, Alfred William Freeman, I & 3 Gate st
Pertwee, Evelyn house, hon. representative Clerks to the Trustees of Maldon Grammar School (old
Stamp Office, 37 High st:reet, Richd. Poole, distributor foundation), Crick & Freeman, I & 3 Gate street
Town Hall, Joseph Coult, keeper, High street Clerks to the BreedeT & Plume Educational Trust, Crick
& Freeman, I & 3 Gate street
TERRITORIAL FORCE. Clerk to Mrs. Wentworth's Charity, Waiter Henry de
sth Battalion Essex Regiment (G C<Jmpany), Drill hall, Caen, 3a, Spital road
Tenterfield road, Capt. W. E. Wilson; H. Shonk, Collector of the King's Taxes, Samuel Chas. Sporgeon,
color-sergean t-instructor opposite G.P.O.; Harry John 'l'homas, 6 Queen's
avenue, assistant
MALDON UNION. Collector of Poor's Rates for St. Peter's District, Saml.
Board day, wednesday fortnightly, at I1.3o a.m. Charles Sporgeon, High street
Maldon union comprises the following parishes:- Deputy Receiver of Wreck for Maldon & District &
.Althorne, Asheldham, Bradwell-juxta-Mare, Braxted Registrar of Shipping & Collector of Light Dues, J ohu
(Great), Braxted (Little), Bornh~m, Cold Norton, Moss, Custom house, 34 Market hill
Cricksea, Dengie, Gojdhanger, Hazeleigh, Heybridge, Excise Officers, Charles Gordon Alien & H-enry Copp,
Langford, Latchingdon (with Snoreham), Mayland, Market hill
Mondon, North Fambridge, Porleigh, St. Lawrence Explosives & Petroleum Inspector & Inspector under
Newland, Maldon (All Saints, St. Mary & St. Pe-ter), "Diseases of Animals Acts," Jam-es Creak Taylor,
Southminster, Steeple, Stow Maries, Tillingham, Police station, West square
Tollesbury, Tolleshunt D'Arcy, Tolleshont Knights, Veterinary Inspector under the "Diseases of Animals
Tolleshont Major, Totham (Great), Totham (Little), Acts" for Dengie Division, Arth. H. Brooks M.R.C. V.S.
Ulting, Wickham Bishops, W oodham Mortimer, 34a, London road
Woodham Waiter. The area of the union is 89,887 •

acres; rateable v-alue, Lady Day, 1913, £122,937; PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of Services.
the population in 1911 was 25,607 All Saints' & St. Peter's Church, High street, Rev.
Chairman of the Board of Guardians, Thomas Herbert Leonard Hughes M. A., B.D. vicar; Rev. Victor Eustace
Solly esq. J.P. Mundon hall, Maldon Brarnpton Norton M.A. curate; 8 & I I a.m. & 3 &;
Clerk to the Guardians, Alfred William Freeman, I & 6.30 p.m
3 Gate street, Maldon St. Mary's Church, Church street, :Uev. Ernest
Assistant Cl-erk to the Guardians, Horace John Freeman, Langham Bough ton Kevill-Davies, rector; 8 & I t
3 Gate street a.m. & 2.45 & 6.30 p.m
Treasurer, Christopher William Parker esq. D.L., J.P. Assumption of Our Lady, Catholic, Victoria road, Rev.
Faulkbourne hall, Witham Sidney W. A. Williams; 9.30 a. m. ISt sunday & IO
Believing Officers & Collectors to the Guardians & a.m. other sundays; 6.30 p.m. every sunday
Vaccination Officers, Maldon district, Waiter E. Read, Friends' Meeting House, Crown lane; I0.30 a. m. &
30 Spital road, Maldon; Dengie district, Charles P
Orth, Southminster; Thurstable district, J. E. J·ack· 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7 30 p.m
son, Tolleshunt D'Arcy Baptist, Crown lane, Rev. Arthor Charles Durman;
Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, All Saints' dis- 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m
trict, H. Reynolds Brown M.D. 70 High st. Maldon; Ccngregational, Market hill, Rev. Thomas Henry Alex-
Bradwell district, Sidney Edward Barrett M.B., ander; I0.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m
M.R.C.S.Eng., L.RC.P.Lond. Tillingham; BornhMD Primitive Methodist, Wantz road, Henry Parrott (lay
district, Harold Drew Landl'r · B.A., M.R C.S., evangelist); 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m
Wesleyan Methodist, High street (Chelmsford Circuit),
L.R.C.P.Lond. Bornham; St. Mary's district, Henry
J. Price F.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. 24 High street, Rev. Henry B1mting; IO 30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; tues.
Maldon ; St. Peter's district, Henry Luther Ewens 7-30 p.m
M.D. 2 High street, Maldon ; Southminster distriat, Salvation Army, Church str.::-et, various
Leonard W. Light M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond SCHOOLS.
Southminster; Tollesbury district, John Henry Salter
M.R.C.S.Eng., L.M.S. S.A.Lond. Tolleshunt D' Arcy; Grammar, founded not later than I407; in 16oS Ralph
Wickham Bishops district, Karl Carwardine Gimson Breeder endowed it with [300, which sum was subse-
M.B., B.O. Witham quently invested in the purchase of 20 acres of land,
t'he Workhouse, erected in I873, at an expense of in the parish of Hatfield Peverel; the school was
[2o,ooo, on a site facing the Spital road, is a red furthPT endowed bv• Dr. Plume with two houses in the
brick building in a modernized form of Gothic; High strel't of Maldon ; these two bequests yield an
from the centre rises a clock tower with a striking annual income of £76; the school has been rebuilt on
dock & in front there is a chapel ; the premises are a site known as "Th• Fairfield," & is under the
~alcobted to hold 340 inmates & cover about 5 acres; management of thl' Education Committee of the
Wm. Henry White, master; Mrs_ Emily Mary White, Essex County Conncil ; the school was reconstructed
matron; Rev. Goor~e Henry Butler M.A. chaplain; in 1912 on a co-ednrational basis, & now (I9I.t) has
R. J. Price F.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. medical 1<3 pupils (73 bovs & 6o !!iris); Svdney George Deed
offioor M. A. nf Trinity C'11lPtrf', ('am bridge, head master;
-:\Iiss D. G P..,llnrnv. mio:tr!'ss; with an assistant staff
MALDON REGISTRATION DISTRICT. of !<ix m'l~tar~ & mi~trPsses
Superintendent Registrar, Alfred William Freeman, r &
3 Gate street; deputy, Horace John Freeman PUBLIC ELF\IE'\fTABY SCHOOLS.
Re~strars of Marriages, "Maldon sub-di!<trict, Samuel Es!'ex Countv Educaof:ion Committee.
Charles Spurgeon, 29 Hi~h street. :\l:aldon; dl'pntv M1ldnn Di<~trirt Sob-Committ-ee.
George Henry Topley, Wantz road, Maldon; South- The Cnmmittrp . vm~ f -rrre1 in 1913 & consi~ts of 20
tninster sob-district, Henry Winter Harvey, Sooth- memb!'rs.
minster; deputy, C. B. Shead, Southminster
Re~;!istrars of Births & Deaths. Maldon sub-district.
Mef'ts at the Mnot hall, Hi~h street, every fourth wed.
WaltPr E. Read. 30 Spital road, Maldon; deputy, Mrs Chairman, LPwis Bel!'ha-rn, Heybridge
Charlotte Matilda Bly Bead, 30 Spital road, Maldon ; Clerk, F. H. Brig-ht, 53 High street

School Medical Inspector, Harold Weightman Sinclai.r )laldon Express, Burnham, Southminster & Dengie
M.D.Lond., D.P.H. County offices, Duke st.Chelmsfrd Hundred Reporter & Halfpenny Newsman, 31 High
Attendance Officers, Joseph Gurton, Little Totham, for street; R. .f'oole, publisher; .Meggy, Thompson t
Thurstable district; Martin Wedlock, Queen's avenue, Creasey, Chelmsford, proprietors; published sat
for Mal don district; W illiam Thomas .Ambrose, Burn-
ham, for Dengi~ district. . RAILWAY STATION.
Council School, Wantz road, built in 1912, for 260 boys,
260 girls & 316 infants; average attendance, 240 boys, Great Eastern (Witham & Maldon & :Maldon &i Sonth-
185 girls & 180 infants; F. W. Moss, master; .Miss end-on-Sea branches), Henry G. Wright, station
A. Moss, girls' mistress; :Miss E. A. White, infants' master; parcels office, I I Market hill, T. W. Hayes,a!t'

m1stress Omnibuses to the Railway station to meet each train.
Church of England, London road, built in 1840 & en- from King's Head & Blue Boar hotels; also (Williams)
larged in 1897 & 1901, for 128 boys, n7 girls & 6g for Heybridge district
infants; average ~ttendance, II8 boys, 108 girls & 70
infants ; Charles S. Barker, master; Miss Edith Emily CARRIERS.
Hughes, mistress; Mrs. L. Barker, infants' mistress
Chelmsford-Ernest Brown, from Crown lane, wed.&
Cold Norton Sydney Howard, from High street, sat
Maldon .Advertiser, 57 High street; Gowers Limited, Tollesbury-Collins, from ' Ship,' tues. thurs. & sat
proprietors & publishers; illustrated; published friday Witham-James Ottley, from ' White Horse', tues. tburs.
evening, fortnightly & sat
PRIVATE RESIDEN'l~. Eve T. Lawrence B. The Friary , Mead Arthur, 36 Fambridge road
Alexander Rev. Thomas -Henry (Con- Evera.rd Miss, Wellesley, WeLington Medway Hy. Geo. Westholm,Spital rd
gregational), 10 Lodge road road Mulley Sydney Arthur, 4 London rd
Almond William, 123 High street Eves David, 31 Spital road Nevill Robert, Beeleigh falls
Bacon George, 38 London road Kwen Stephen James, 2 Wantz road Neville John, 3 London road
Bacon Henry, 52 Victoria road Ewens Hr.ury Luther M.D. West ~orton Rev. Victor Eustace Brampton
Bacon John, 50 Victoria road Chase, London road ~ ..A. (curate of .All Saints'), 23
Baker Edward Thos. 128 High street Fitch Mrs. Fambridge road London road
Barbrook Thomas Henry, 18 Spital rd Freeman .Alfred William,2o Market hl Orttewell Frank, 2a, High street
Barritt .Arthur, 33 London road Freeman Horace John, 32 London rd Orttewell Richd. The Hutt,The C'has&
Barritt Charles Ernest, Wycke cot· Freeman Jas. Price,Riverdale,Cross rd Parrott Henry (Primitive Methodist).
tage, Spital road Freeman John Edward, Penrhyn, Wel- The Manse, Cross road
Batt George, 21 Victoria road lington road Pell Hy. Wm. The Chase, London rd
Beale John, 69 High street 1Freeman Miss, 36 London road Pemberton William, Cromwell hill
Beaumont Percy Munro, 16 Lodge rd Garratt Misses, 58 Victoria road Pertwee James. 18 Market hill
Belsher Edwd . .Argent, Wantz chase Garratt Samuel Porter, 10 Market hl Petitpierre Jules, 25 London road
Bentall Mrs. 63 High street Gilling Aubrey JO'hn, 41 High street Piggot Miss, 21 London road
Bingham George Cowley,34 London rd Girling Harry Percy, Ivanhoe, Faro- Pitcairn Miss, 31 Beeleigh road
::Jinnie David Carr, Hill ho. London rd bridge road Pollard Mrs. 2 The Causeway
Bland T. Elsey J.P., The Friary Go-wer John Herbert, 19 Victoria rd Poole Octavius, 48 Fambridge road
Bright Frederick Henry, Cromwell ho. Gower Mril. 40 London road Price Henry James, 24 High street
Cromwell hill Gowers Charles R. Foundry house Rogers James, 8 High street
Brooks .Arthur H. 34a, London road Gowers Miss, n8 High street Rogers John Russell, 8 High street
Brown Henry Reynolds J.P., M.A., Granger Harold, Hill ho. Market hill Rowling William Henry,27 London r<l
-~LD., C.M. 70 High street Grantham Capt. Frederick William, Rutt Stephen A. N. 98 High street
Brown William J. 18 Wellington road Beeleigh .Abbey Sadd Harry William, Mount view
Bunting Rev. Hy. (Wesleyan Metho· Gray Waiter, The Lodge, Lodge road Sadd Herbt. E. The Oaks,Beeleigh rd
dist), Stirling villa, Cross road Grey Edward Bentall, St. Mary's lane Sad d. Jn. Price, The Bower, London rd
Butler Rev George Henry M ..A.(chap- Handley Geo. David, Hollies, Cross rd Sadd Miss, Hill house, Market hill
lain of Maldon union), 4 Lodge rd Harmer Henry James, 105 High st Sadler Joseph, 85 High street
Carr John, Kimberley villa, Cross rd Harmer Henry Revell, II6 High st Sad~er Mrs. 29 London Toad
Carruthers E-wart, 54 Cross road Hay Cecil James, 3r Beeleigh road Samms John William, 31 London rd
Carter Charles Henry, 75 Victoria rd Hayes Tihomas William, Esna, Wel- Seabrook Robt. L. Lyncroft, Cross l'd
Chipperfield Miss, 38 Wantz road lington road Sewell Frederick, r6 Wellington road
Clarke .Arth.L.Beverley,Fambridge rd Hayward Mi£s, 65 High street Spurgeon Samuel Charles, Bedford
Clear Mrs. 12 Lodge road Horner .Arthur J. Io Cross road house, Wellington road
Cockeram Mrs.Woodbine cot.Cross rd Howard Herbert James, The Laurels, Stanes, The Wycke, Spital roa<l
Cook George Edwin, 14 Spital road Cross road Stevens Percy, Spital road
Cook Miss, 4 Cross road Howlett Miss, 16 Spital road Stratford William, 73 Victoria road
Cox Mrs. Fambridge road Hughes Rev. Leonard M . .A., B.D. Sussex George Knowles, Spital road
Crick Harold, 9 London road (vicar of .All Saints' & St. Peter's Swales Thomas R. 5 London road
Cross Miss, 14 London Nad & surrogate), .All Saints' vicarage Titchener Miss, 14 Cross road
Cross Mrs. 4 Silver street Hughes Mrs. 17 Victoria road Wade Geo. Frinton ho. Fambridge rd
de Caen Waiter Henry, 3a, Spital rd Hurrell Mrs. 71 High street Ward Martin Luther, High street
Dee~ Sydney George M.A. Stonecroft, Hurrell Thos. Belvedere, Victoria rd Wells Barrington Clement, The Nook,
H1gh street Hutley Miss, r London road The Chase
Deeks Mrs. 21 Market hall Isaacs Sydney, 8 Lodge road Whitney Cyril Underwood,36Wantz Td.
Durman Rev. Arthur Chas. (Baptist), Kevill-Davies Rev. Ernegt Langham Williams. Rev. Sidney W. A. (Cath.),
3_8a, Wantz road Boughton (rector), St.Mary's rectry 40 Victoria road
Elhott Alfred, Dreadnought, Welling- Kidner Samuel George, 6 Silver st Wiseman Percy Edgar, 18 London rd
ton road Krohn Herman .Alexander J .P .Maldon Witney Joseph, 21 Fullbridgt-
Ennals Edgar John, 32 Market hill court, Silver street Wright Saml.Retreat cot.Fambrige rd
Eve Miss, The Friary Leech Ht>nry G. 14 Lodge road Youl ~iiss, 16 London road
Eve Robert -Henry, Fullbridge house, )lax-well-Langford Mrs. 2 Lodge road
Fullbridge :.\lay ~Iisses, West house, West square
COMMERCIAL. .lrcher William Percy, pork butcher, 52 High street
Early closing day, Wednesday. Argent John William, greengrocer, 22 Market hill
Argent Waiter James, travelling draper, 58 Wantz roall
.A.llen Charles Gordon, excise officer, Market hill Ashcroft .Alfred, farmer, Pretoria villa, Cross road
A.llen Frank, music seller, 63 Wantz road A.shley James, tailor, 12 High street
Alien Saml. farm bailiff to Mr . .A.rthur Ste-vens,Spital rd As8embly Rooms (Thos. Pollard Peechey, sec.), High st
Allen Sidney .Arthur, cycle agent, 7 & 9 Market hill Bailey & Collins, grocers, 130 Wsntz road
Almond William, sanitary surveyor, engineer & inspector Baker Edward Lee, miller (electric), Fullbridge
of nuisances to Maldon Rural District Council, 6 Balls Harry, tailor, 24 London road
)'larket hill Balls Margaret ()II'S. ), fishmonger, II9 High street
Amor Kate (Miss), tailoress, I Cro-wn lane Bammant Harold, confectioner, see Hurr & Bammant
Andrews .!.lice (Miss), apartments, 12 London road Barbrook Brothers, clothiers, 50 High street
.A.ppleby Alfred James, boot maker, 64 High street Barbrook Thomas IRandley, Port Sanitary inspector '
Appleyard Henry Martyn, phot{)grapher, 77 High street collectQr of river dues, 18 Spital road
Archer Sarah (Mrs.), apartments, 46 Fambridge road Barbrook William Thomas, tobacconist, 84 High s\reet

• Barclay et Company Limited (branch), bankers (A. J. Coult Bert, bill poster, 7 Queen street
Gilling, manager), 4I High street; draw on head Coult J oseph, town crier, I Queen street
office, 54 Lombard street, London E C County Court (His Honor Henry Tindal Atkinson,
Barker Albert, coal dealer, 4 Tenterfield road judge; Frederick Henry Bright, registrar; Charles
Barnard Arthur Henry, boot maker, sa, Silver street Godfrey, high bailiff), London road
BarriU Chas. E. farmer, Maldon Hall farm, Spital road Cowlin Benjamin, pork butcher, 27 Spital road
Basham Ann (Mrs.), fried fish shop, 13a, High street Crick & Freeman. solicitors, I & 3 Gate street
Basham Ernest Albert, Railway Bell P.H. & monumental Crick & Co. Limited, chemist.a & dealers in photo
mason, Station road materials, 46 High street
Basham Rachael (Mrs.), china & glass dealer, 171 High Croft Joseph, tailor, 7oa, High street
!'treet & see Sutton & Basham Cromer Kate (Miss), girls' school, q Hillside,Market hill
Bate'& Motor Works Limited (S. C. Spurgeon, Crow George Herbert, seedsman, 40 Market hill
&t'C.), motor engineers, High street; garage & works, Cutting Arthur, draper, 11 High street
Spital road; & at Hertford Daniels PE»rcy C. draper, 61 Hi~rh street
Baxter Arthur, builder, 151 High street de Caen Waiter Henry, borough accountant & clerk to
8Paumont & Bright, solicitors, 53 High street Mrs. Wentworth's charity, 3a, Spital road
Beaumont George Frederick (firm, Beanmont & Bright), Dedman Henr~etta (.Mrs.), stationer, 14 High street
solicitor & commissioner for oaths, 53 High street Dibben & Son, hair dressers, 2I High street
Beaumont Percy Munro, architect & surveyor,35 High st Dines Ernest S. insurance agent, 46 Wantz road
Bland T. Els-ey, wine, spirit, ale & stout mer.The Friary Durbin William, beer retailer, 8 The Causeway
Rlaxall William Robert, butcher, 26 Market hill Dykes Arthur, earthenware dealer, 5 Fullbridge
Rlowers Daniel, hurdle maker, 208 Wantz road Edwards Charles, Volunteers' Arms P.H. 73 Wantz road
Blowers Herbert, furniture dealer, 120 High street Eley Harry, confectioner, 88 High street
Blue Boar Hotel (Jesse G. Thorn, manager), ·Silver st Elliott Alfred, postmaster, Wellington road
Bonner John Elgar, artificial teeth maker, 29 High st Emberson John, grocer, 54 Spital road
Roreham Alfred Ernest, shoe repairer, 24 Mill road Ennals Edgar .John, surveyor of highways to the .Maldon
Boreham William R. marine store dealer, Church street Rural District Council, 6 Market hill
Bowtell Thomas, boot maker, 104 Wantz road Essex & Suffolk Equitable Insurance Society Limited
lloyes Charles, tailor, II7 High street (sub-office), High street
Bright Frederick Henry (firm, Beaumont & Bright), Eve Hy. Thos. & Co. corn mers. & maltster,, Fullbridge
solicitor & commissioner for oaths; town clerk; clerk Eve Henry Percy, watch maker, 82 High strePt
to the Port Sanitary Authority; the Maldon Joint Ewens &; Harrison, physicians & surgeons, 2 High street
Ho,pital Board; clerk to the justices for the Dengie Ewens Henry Luther (firm, Ewens & Harrison) M.D. &
& Witham divisions & borough of Maldon justices; B.S.Durh., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. physician, &
to the commissioners of t:nes for Dengie division & medical officer & public vaccinator to St. Peter's dis-
to the Maldon district sub-committee of the Essex trict, 2 High street
County Education Committee & registrar of county Ewers John, furniture dealer, 46 Market hill
court, 53 High street Farley Thomas A. butcher, 3 Market hill
Brinkley Wm. James, baker, 101 High st. & 18 North st Fenn George, green~rocer, 144 High street
Brock lda (Miss), dress maker, 19 Wantz road Filby Frank, Star inn, 6--t- Wantz. road
Rrock Victor, confectioner, 27 High ~>trePt filby Harry, toy dealer, 9Q High street
)hooks Arthur H., M.R.C.V.S. veterinary surgeon & Finch Ebenezer, baker, 32 North street .
veterinary inspector under the "Dis-eases of Animals Finch George, plumber & glazier, Wantz road
Acts," Den~ie division, 34a, London rd. & 20 Spital rd Finch John, confectioner. 179 High street
Brooks Charles, fishmonger, 72 High street Finch Samuel, watch maker, 68 High street
Brown & Whitney, physicians & surgeons, 70 High st Firmin William, butch-er, 5 & 122 High street
Rrown Alfred, pork butcher, 76 Hig-h street. Pitch George, coach builder. Mill road
Brown HPnry Reyn•olds M.A., M.D. & C.M.Edin. sur- Flack Will;am, draper, 44 Market hill
geon (Brown & Whitney), & medical officer of health Foreman Henry L. g-asfitter, 21 Spital road
to the Corporation, Port Sanitary Authority & Maldon Freeman Alfred William (firm, Crick & Freeman), soli-
& District Joint Hospital Board, & certifying factory citor & commissioner for oaths. clerk to the guardians
qurgeon, & medical officer & public vaccinator All · & assessment committee of Maldon union, superin-
Saints' district, 70 High ~treet tendPnt registrar of Maldnn dif'trict & clPrk to the
Bullingham Erne~t Wfllt.WE>lcom.e Sailor P.H.r Fullbrdg burial boaTd & to the Maldon Rural District Council,
Bunting Clarke William. butcher. 89 High street & to Maldon Sub-Committee of Essex Local Pension
Burch Sarah Jane (Mrs.), haherdaohPr, 35 Mill road I Oommittee, T & 3 Gate- ~<treet
Rurrh Wm. ship!;mith, The Hythe ~ blcksmth.41 Mill rd Freeman George, fishmonger, 5 Silver strePt
Bnmell Georgl' Henry. draper. 32 High street Freeman Horace John. solicitor (see Crick & Freeman),
RnmP~ J. & G. clothiers, 1 Spital road clerk of the peace for borough of Maldon &; to the
Burrells George, beer retailer, 33 Gate street harbour commission·· rs & deputy supt. registrar of
fln~h AlfrPd, kPf'per nf cemetery, London road Maldon district, I & 3 G'tte street
Cannom Mary Ann (Mrs.). gf'neral dealer, 193 High st Freeman John Edward LL.B. solicitor (see Crick &
narr Rn~Pl', farmer. Fambridge road Freeman), & clerk to the commissioners of taxes,
Carter Harry. sPcondhand furniture dealer, 34 Wantz rd Gate street
CatPr Charles, tailor, r5ga, High strePt French Oxley Arthnr, fishmonger, 33 High street
Cater Charles, inn. ironmonger, 159 High strePt Frost Frerlk. shoeing & black~mith. 1 ra, Fambridge road
CemPtery (A. W. FrPeman. cleTk to t'he burial board & Frost Hazeltine, photographer, 8 Market hill
Tegi!l'trar; Alfred Bush, keeper), London Toad Frost John Charles, ironmonger, no The Causeway
Chandler Jn!leph, re!ltanrant, I I Cromwell hill Furlong J. JamPs. bono:e decorator, I I Famhrid!!e roarl
Chandler Richard Williflm, decorator, 40 Market hill Garratt Saml. & Sons Ltd. millers, Rayleigh roller mills
Char,Iin Frf'derick, shopkePper, 15 Gate street Gf'pp Alice A. (Miss), tobacconist, ro High street.
( hinnPrv Jn~f'ph. pork butcher, I Silver street Gill James, shoeing smith. 6 London road
Clark Kenelym Dyster, baker, I Mill road Gillin~ Aubrey John, manager to Messrs. Barclay &
Clarke Arthur J. corn merchant, 32 Market hill Company Limited, bankers, 41 High street
Clayton Tbos. Hy. saddler & harness makPr, 79 High st Goodey Stanford Charles, corn & seed mer. 7 High st
Clon[!b Frnnk Henry, watch maker, I a, High 11trePt Goodwin Emily (Mrs.), dress make-r, 6 Crown lane
Cnbbold William. assistant overseer for Heybrid~e & Gosling James, shopkeeper, 176 Wantz road
Langfnrd & clerk to Heybridge Parish Council, 72 Gowers Limited, stationers, printPrs & photographic
The Cau!<ewav material dealers &; publishers of the "Maldon Adver-
Coe CharlPS William, confectioner, 12 King street tiser," 57 High street
Cole Brotbeors & Co. marine store dealers, III High Grammar School (Sydney George Deed M.A. bead
street & Crown lane master), Fairfield
Collins JosPph All·ert, grocer, see Bailey & Collins Granger Harold, fruit & poultry farmer, Fambridge rd
Conn HPnry Charle!! William. Swan P.H. 73 Hig-h street Gray & Sons, brewers, Maldon brewery, Gate street •
Cook Lncy (Miss), drel!s maker, I The Causeway Gray Frederick George. Quf'en's Head inn, The Rythe
Cook Waiter, boat buildl'-r, The Hythe Greatrex George, saddler, 16 High street
Cook Waiter, oilman, Io6 High stref'>t Grimwade Charles. shopk~>Pper, 41 North stl'Pet
Cooper Henry Samuel, blacksmith, The Causeway Gripper Joscph Limited, iron merchants & ironmongers
Copp Henry, excise officer, Market hill & dairy utensil manufacturers, 39 Market hill; & at
Copping Arthnr George, cycle agent, 4 High street Chelmsford
Cornwell Arthur, shopkeeper, 11 Spital road GnivPr John Robert. in!'nrance agent, 35 High street
Coult Arthur, baker, 55 Wantz road Hall Henry A. coal dealer, 5 Spital road

Halls Arthur George, fruiterer, 48 High street Maldon Gas Light Co. T.imited (Arthur L. Clarke, man.
Handley Charles, fishmonger, 102 High street ager & sec.) ; worl1s, 141 High street
Handley Charles Wilham, tailor, 189 High street Maldon Golf Club (Hugh F. Bawtree, hon. sec.),
Handley Henry, refreshment rooms, The Promenade Beeleigh
Handley Thomas, Bell inn, 2 Silver street Maldon & Heybridge Co-operative Society Ltd. (G. B.
Hardy-King Alfred & Co. outfitters, 62 High street Langley, general manager; Stanley Cobbold, sec.), IJ,
Harris Emma (Mrs.), blacksmith, High street & toy 15, IJ & 19 Market hill. T N 22
shop, I03 High ~treet Maldon & Heybridge Liberal Club (Charles Pinyoun,
Harris Joseph, greengrocer, 14 North street sec.), 21 Silver street
Harris Roland William, furniture dealer, 19 High street Maldon Iron Works Co. Limited,agrrcultural implement
Harrison Gerald Wuodforde M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P. manufacturers, engineers, iron & brass founders, cart
Lond. physician & surgeon (firm, Ewens & Harrison), wagon & van builders &c. T A "Ironworks, Mal
2 High street don;'' T N 15 Maldon. See advertisement
Harvey Charles, commercial traveller, 6 Spital road Maldon Lawn Tennis Club (J. E. Jt'reeman, hon. see.).
Harvey Edgar A. draper, 56 & 58 High street Fambridge road
Hayes Thus. Wm. wine & spirit merchant, 11 Market hl r.raldon Literary & Musical Society (Rev. Thomas Henry
Hayward Frank, carpenter, 11 London road Alexander, president; H. J. Freeman, hon. sec. k
Hazelton Alice (Miss), fancy repository, II4 High street treasurer), Congregational Lecture hall, Market hill
Hendry Robert, farmer, Mundon road .Maldon Masonic Club (Arthur L. Clarke, sec.), .Assembly
Hicks Charles H. eorn merchant, 67 High street room, High street
Hicks Lewis S. ironmonger, 67a, H1gh street Maldon Meat Co. butchers, 29 High street
Hippodrome (Spurgeon & Son. agents), High street Maldon Permanent BE-nefit Building Society (S. C. Spur
Hoaclley Arthur F. travelling draper, 4 Spital road geon, sec. ; Crick & Freeman, solicitors), High stl'ef't
Hodge Ed ward George, shopkeeper, Ig6 W antz road Maldon Public Hall Co. Ltd. (0. Poole, sec.), 45 Hi!!h st
Home & Colonial Stores Limited, 42a, High street Maldon Rowing Club (F. Brown, hon. sec.), 54a, Fam-
Home of Rt>st for Young Women (Miss H. J. Sadd, bridge road
founder), 40 & 42 Wantz road & The Rest, Market hill :Maldon W~ter Works (T. R. Swales, borough engineer);
llorner .Arthur J., M.R.C.V.S. veterinary surgeon, IO office, Municipal offices, High street; pumping sta-
Cross road tions, Wantz road & Spital road
Houghton Edward, coal merchant, 74 The Causeway Mansfield Alfred, pork butcher, u6 Wantz road
Howard Herbert James & Son, boot makers, 59 High st Markham William S. aerated water manufr. Spital road
Howard & Sons, yacht builders, North street Marsh Thomas, wheelwright, Mill road
lloward Herbert James, boot maker, 74 High street .Masonic Lodges (1,024 St. Peter), held at Masonic hall
Humphreys Andrew, blacksmith, 21 Cromwell lane wednesday nearest full moon, monthly 7.30 p.m
Hurr & Bammant, confectioners, 3 High street T. P. Pechey P .P .G .D. 54 High street, sec.; (1,977
Hutson Henry James, cartage contractor, furniture Blackwater) held at Blue Boar hotel, monday nt>art.'sL
remover & dairyman, 29 Gate street & Spital road full moon, monthly 7 p.m. George Wombwell, Brad-
International Tea Company'sStoresLtd.grocers,34High st well-on-Sea, sec. ; (Plume Chapter I,o24) held at
lsaac A. A. assistant insurance supt. 24 Spital road Masonic hall, F. G. Green, scribe E
Isaacs Sydney, boys' school, 6 & 8 Lodge road Matthr~ms Waiter J. baker. So High street
Ives Herbert Augustus, watch maker, 23 High street Mead Alfred, coal merchant, 4 Wantz road
Jefferies J1mes Henry, hair dresser, E6 High street Medway Henry George, clothier, 2 Market hill
Jeffreys & Sons, clothiers, 127, 129 & 131 High street Morton James, laundry, Cromwell lane
Joslin Joseph, basket maker, Queen street Moss John, deputy receiver of wreck for Maldon & dis·
Keehle Brothers, hay & straw merchants, 78a, Mill road trict, registrar of shipping & collector of light dues,
Keeble Ebenezer J ames, shopkeeper, 197 High street Custom house, Market hill
Keeble Robert, shopkeeper, 12 Mill ruad Nalson Henry Salter, grocer, 126 High street
Kerridge John, jobmnster, 154 High street Old John William, fruiter<>r, 25 High street
King William Thomas, Chequers P.H. 6o High street Oliver Bros. ale stores (Sydney J. Buckle, agt. ), High st
King's Head Hotel (family & commercial) (Miss L. Orth Clifford Thomas, coach builder, 2 Spital road
Clarke, manageress), A. A. & M. U. hotel, 38 High Orttt>wPU & Son Lim. wholP;:ale & retail ironmongers.
street. T N I2 plumbers, bellhangPrs, gasfitters, white-smiths, stove &:
Kirby Henry William (Mrs.), agricultural machine rang-e makers, 47 High street; & at Witham
. owner, ~2 Spital roarl Parsons Edward, boot dealer, 124 High street
Knightbridge Arthur (Mrs.), tobacconist, 55 High street. Fatten Ellen (Mrs.), confectioner, 102 Wantz road
Lamble John Reginald, general & fancy draper, milliner, Paul William, agent for the Atlas Assurance Co. Ltd
costumier & carpet warehouseman, 30 High street 9 Victoria road
Lawrence Frederick Charles, beer retlr. 28 Church st Payne & Sons, clothiers. The Causeway
Leech Henry G. ironmonger, 43 High strPet Payne William Henry, butcher, I33 High street
Lewin Mary Ann (Mr<~. ), stationer k post office,2 Mill rd Pechey Thomas Pollard M.P .S. chemist, optician & de-aler
Lewin William, boot mal>er, 5 Fambridge road in photographic materials & dentist, 54 High street
Library (Dr. Plume's) (Rev. Leonard Hughes M.A., Pike John, Borough .Arms P.H. 129 Wantz road
B. D. librarian), Marlret hill Poole Fre-derick William, Warwick Arms P.H.185 Highst
Linsell Fred<>rick Wllliam, insurance agent, 9 Wantz rd Poole Julia S. (Mrs.), insurance agent, 75 High ~<trPf't
Lloyd Thomas H. market gardener, 34 Spital road Foole Richard, stationer, publisher of the "Maldon
London Central Meat Co. Ltd. butchers, 35 High street Express " & distributor of stamps, 37 High street
London County & Westminster Bank Limited (branch) Pooley GE>orge, chimney sweeper, 18 Mill road
(Martin Luther ~V ard, manager), 36 High street ; Pooley John, chimney swee-per, 70 Fambrid!!e road
draw on head office, 41 Lothbury, London E C Price Henry James F.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. sur
Loveday Fre-de-r'ck William, watch maker,44 High street geoil, & medical officer & public vaccinator for tht
Maldon Advert'ser (Gowers Limited, proprietors & St. Mary's district & workhouse medical officer, 24
publishers; illustrated; publishe-d friday evening, High !ltreet
fortnightly), 57 High str~>et Public Hall (0. Poole, sec.), 45 Hi!!h street
Malrlon _\ssociation for the Prosecution of Felons (J. E. Pugh Henry, greengrocer, 1ooa, High street & :flori11t,
Freeman, sec.), Gate street Fambr;dge road
Maldon Barge Insurance Co. Limited (James Rogers, Railway Receiving Office (T. W .Hayes, agt. ),II Market h1
sec.) ; office, 6 High street. T N IS RandPll & Barnard, motor engineers, 1 Market hill
:Maldon Borough Fire Brigade (John Pannifer, capt.), Ratcliffe Stanlev•
0. farmer, Brickhouse farm
20 London road Read Charlotte Matilda Bly (Mrs.), deputy re!!'istrar of
Maldon Borough :Music & Advertising Sub-Committee birth~ & denths :Maldon sub-district, 30 Spital road
(S. C. Spurgeon, hon. sec.), High street Read Waiter Ernest, relievinJ? officer & collector to tht>
Maldon Congregational Girls' Guild (Mrs. J. P. Sadd, guardians & vaccination offict>r for the Maldon dis
superintendent), High street trict of the union, registrar of births & deaths for the
Maldon Crystal Salt Manufacturing Co. (E. Brown, Maldon sub-district & inspector under "Infant Life
manager), Oro" n lane Protection Act '' for the !'ub-district, 30 Spital road
Maldon & District Constitutional Club (T. W. Hayes, RPeve RohPrt Charles, hardware dealer, 65 Wantz road
hon. SE'C ), c;2 High strPPt RPynolds Frank J osepb, photograph~>r. T6J Hi!!h street
Maldon Express, Burnh'lm, Southminster & D<>m:ie Rivers James, Rose & Crown inn, I09 High street
Hundred R"porter & Halfpenny Newsman (R. Poole, Rive-rs John, corn deal~>r & dairyman, 20 Qne-e-n stl'f'E't
publisher; Meg~v, Thompson & Cre-asey, Chelmsford, Rogers James, auctione-er, valuer, house & E'l'lbtt•
proprietors; published sat.), 37 High street age-nt, fire & life insurance agt>nt, assistant ovE'T!lPPr !i
Maldon Football C'lu b (E. Ct!dmer, hon. sec.), Spital rd poor's rate collector for All Saints district & collector

~~ land & income tax, Faro bridge district, &:; sec Stead&:; Simpson Lim. boot makers, 42 High street
M'Aldon Barge Ins~rance Oo. Limited, 6 High street Stebbing John, cattle dealer, 20 King street
T N 18 P.O.; &:; at Braintree. See advertisement Sticl{ James, Wlute Horse P.H. 2 4 &; 26 High street
Bogere John Ru9Sell P . .A..S.l. architect &:; surveyor, t. Stone Frederick George, shopkeeper, 19 Spital road
High street Stratford Edwiu Charles, carpenter, Tenterfield road
Rowley James E. shopkeeper, 148 Wantz road Stratford John, boot &:; shoe repairer, 121 High street

Rutt, Gutteridge &:; Co. Limited, corn, coal, lime, Stratford Saml. Ferguson, sign writer, n VICtoria road
cement &:; manure merchants &; agents for molassine Strutt Wm. James, hay &; straw mer. 40 Fambridge rd
m~al, Fullbridge. T N 19 ;-:itutchbury Henry, farmer, Mundon road
Sadd "ohn & Sons Limited, english &:; foreign tim- Subscription Reading Room (R.Poole,propr. ),45 High st
beF merchants, swedish & english made doors, joinery, Sutton & Basham, shopkeepers, 173 High street
skirting&:; moulding to customers' designs, slate, tile, Sutton & Co. carriers (John R. Guiver, agt.), 35 High si
cement &:; drain pi~ merchants & wharfingers; ~wales Thomas Russell M.Inst.C.E.I. borough engineer,
electrically driven saw mills, adjoining the Great surveyor & sanitary inspector, Municipal offices,
Eastern railway; importers of foreign timber; & at High street
.Albion road, Southend Tarling Henry, decorator, 41 Victoria road
Sadler Joseph, sail maker, The Hythe Taylor James Cre~ police inspector &:; inspector under
Sains Emmanuel, dairyman, 166 High street the "Diseases of Animals Acts" &; of explosives &
St. Giles' Christian Mission Home (W. Wheatley, supt.; petroleum, Police station, West square
Mrs. M. Lance, matron), I Wantz avenue Territorial Force (5th) Battalion lt;ssex Regiment (G
St. Joseph's Home; St. Gabriel Home for homeles~ Company, Capt. W. E. Wilson; Harry Shank, calor-
children, Cromwell hill ;;ergeant-instructor); head quarters, Drill hall, Ten-
Samms Jn. Wm. grocer &; beer & wine retlr. 9 High st terfield road
Sapsford Alfred Ernest, baker, 7 Fullbridge Thomas Harry John, assistant collector of King's taxes,.
Sargent .A.rthur Charles. taxidermist, 42 Cross road 6 Queen's avenue
Sargent Edward, clothier, 42 Cross road Topley George Henry, deputy registrar of marriages,
.Saunders Elizabeth G. (Mrs.), draper, 108 High street .Maldon sub-district, 1e, Wantz road
Saunders Fredk. Jame;;, hair dresser, II2 High street Town Hall (Joseph Coult, keeper), High street
Saunders Harry George, painter & decorator, roB High st Tunbridge Arnold, hosier, 100 High street
Savill Henry & Son, builders, 113 High street Tunmer & Son, cabinet makers, 2a, Market hill
Savill William C. builder, 7 Fambridge read Tunmer Stanley ·waiter, cabinet maker, xd, Wantz road
Scatt William, Queen Victoria P.H. 86 Spital road Turner .Alfred Robert, Ship & Anchor P.H. 188 High st
Seex G. & E. cartage contractQrs, 38 Market hill Turner Francis, baker, 87 High street
Sewell George, White Hart P.H. 3 Fullbridge Turner Richard S. assistant overseer & poor's rate col-
.Sheldrake John, picture frame maker, 137 High street lector for St. Mary &; collector of general district rates
.Sheding Frank Herbert, builder & contractor, house for St. Mary & .All Saints, 12 Market hill
decorl\tor & plumber; road paving & kerbing done, Turner Thomas J. cl{)thier, 66 High street
18 Queen street Tydeman Stephen, plumber, 32a, Fambridge road
.Shipwrecked Fishermen & Mariners' Royal Benevolent Tydeman Stephen Garwood, insur. agt.321b,Fambridge rd
Society (0, Poole, hono sec.), 37 High street Yigers Charles R. farmer, Great Beeleigh
.Shank Color-Sergt. Harry, drill instructor to G Co. 5th Volta Lewis, confectioner, 31 High street
Territorial Force Batt. Essex Regiment, Tenterfield rd Wade Brothers, butchers, 39 High street
.Simons Charles, temperance hotel, 4 Market hill Wallis Ernest George, boot maker, 102a, High street
Simpson Charles, fishmonger, 27 Wantz road Ward Joseph Robert, farmer, Beeleigh grange
Singer Sewing Machine Co. Limited, 92 High street Ward Martin Luther, manager London, County & West-
Smith F. Luckin Ltd. grocers & provision merchants, minster Bank Limited, High street
40 High street & 49 Market hill; & at Chelmsford \'Varwicker Thirza (Mrs.), saddler & harness maker, 33
Smith & Bealy, tailors, 10 King street ~farket hill
Smith Alfred, shopkeeper, 33 Wantz road Wash James, shoplieeper, 1 Church street
Smith Arthur George, builder, 17 Spital road \ Waterman John .A. assistant county court bailiff, 12
Smith Frank, carpenter, 2 -Beeleigh road Cross road
Smith Frederick, Duke of Wellington inn, 19 London rd Waylett Francis (Mrs.), refreshment rooms, 33a, Mill rd
Smith John Thomas, pork butcher, 29 Market hill Wedlake Martin, school attendance officer, Queen's aven
Smith William, jobmaster, 13 London road "\Yhitney Cyril Underwood L.R.C.P., M.R.O.S. (Brown &
South William Henry, carter, 17 London road Whitney), physician & surgeon, 36 Wantz road
Spurgeon & Son, auctioneers, valuers & house agents, Whybrew Bertie, beer retailer, 126 Wantz road
High street; also at Burnham-on-Crouch, Tollesbury Wilding & Son, carpenters, 35 Market hill
&:; Tiptree Williams Harriett (Mrs.),Three Cups PoHo2IO Wantz rd
Spurgeon Samuel Charles, accountant & collector to Wilson .Annie (Mrs.), dress maker, 15 High street
water department of Borough Council, collector of Wiseman Sarah Ann (Mrs.), fruiterer, no High street
poor's rate for St. Peter's district & borough rates. Wood Mary Elizabeth (Mrs.), Ship inn, 37 Market hill
registrar of marriages Maldon district & collector qf Woodard James .Arthur, shopkeeper, 49 King street
land &:; income tax, sec. to Maldon Permanent Benefit I Woodward .Tames Arthur, boat builder, The Hythe
Building Society & hon. sec. to Maldon &:; District Woodyard Robert John, builder, 21 Mill road
Commercial .Associati{)n, High street Woskett James, shopkeeper, 199 High street
Stacey Herbert Harry, baker, 135 High street Wrake John, dairyman, 42 Marke~ hill
Stammers Harry, builder, 106 Wantz road Wright Julia (Mrs.), dairy, Wintersleet cot. London rd
Stamp Office (Richard Poole, distributor), 37 High ~<t
MANNINGTREE is a small town and parish, on th~ and erected in 16r6, is an edifice of brick chiefly of late
southern bank of the navigable river Stour, 59~ miles Perpendicular character, consisting of nave and a small
from London, 10 south from Ipswich, w! from Had- wooden bellcot, containing one bell : a monument was
le\gh, 12 west from Harwich, 8} north-east from Col- placed in the chapel by the inhabitantA in 1748 in
che~ter, go! from Chelmsford and 30~ from Bury, in the memory of the pious Thomas Osm{)nd, who suffered
~orth Eastern division of the <.~ountv. Tendring hundred.
martyrdom in the town in rsrs. and there is also a
petty sessional division and union, Colchest£>r, Clacton and memorial to Thomas 'fusser, 158o, and others, including
Ha.rwich joint county court district, and in the rural one to Miss Frances Chaplin, 1913 : the organ was
deanery of Harwich, archdeaconry of Colchester and erected in 1857 and the altar-piece. a large oil painting,
rhelmsford diocese. The Great Eastern 1:ailway has sta- representing Our Saviour, was the gift of Edward •

tions, each about half a mile from the town, at Manning- Daniel Alston esq. in 1823; the communion plate was
tree (which is in Lawford parish) on the main line and at given in 1616 by William Laud, then Bishop of London
Yistley, the latter on the Harwich branch. The town and afterwards Archbishop of Canterbury: the church
includes the parish of Manningtree and parts of the was enlarged in 1839. repaired in 1874. and thoroughly
parishes of Mistley and Lawford. (The names of persons restored in 1901. under the direction of Geoffrey Lucas
residing in such portions of those pari!;;hes as form part esq . .A.R.l.Bo.A. of London, and the interior remodelled
of the town will be found under Manningtree and at a cost of £820. The register of burials dates from
the remaining names under their respective parishes.) 1695; baptisms and marriages, 1696. The Jiving is a
The town is lighted with g-as, and water is supplied vicarage, net yearly value £210, with residence, in
from springs rising in the hills a little above the town. the gift of the rector of Mistley, and held sine•
In x8go the Tendring Hundred Water Co. laid down 1899 by the Rev. Edwin .Archibald Ley, who is all!4l
pipes from an artesian well at Mistley, I mile distant; chaplain to the Tendring Union. The vicarage house
but a new source of supply is now opened in Lawford was restored in 1877 at a cost of £710, and h~
parish. The church or chap£>1, attributed to St. ~lichael, been further improved and added to at a cost of ovet"

£soo. There are Congregational and W esleyan chapels. Parish Room, in Stour street, was eTected in 1gn:.
In the year 1813 the sum of £27 1os. gd. in the then There is one bank, that of Messrs. Barclay and C001pany
£4 per Cents. was purchased by subscription among Limited, in High street. An important trade is carriell
the inhabitants and vested in trustees, the dividends on in corn, malt and timber, and there are very exten-
arising foom which were to be paid to the clergyman sive malting establishments in the town and adjoining-
of Manningtree on Easter Monday in every year for a parish of :Mistley. The Mistley Lodge of Freemason.
sermon to be by him preached on the Good Friday pre- (No. 2,339) holds monthly meetings at the Masonic·
ceding the same ; this amount now stands in the 2i Hall, on the Thursday nearest the full moon; S. N.
per Cents. in the name of the Charity CommissionE:irs. Parsons, hon. sec. Edward Brise Kensit Norman esq.
The Public Hall, a. building of stone, erected in 1865 J .P. of Mist.Iey, is lord of the manor of Mistley-cum-
for the purposes of a corn exchange, at a. cost of J;1,6oo, .Manningtree. The area is 22 acres of land, 3 of tidal
is the property of Mr. Harry Mead, of High street; water and 7 of foreshore; rateable value, £3·362; the-
it is used for public meetings and entertainments, population in 19II was 887.
and will hold about 450 persons. The Institute and


Post, M. 0., T. &i Telephonic Express Delivery Office, Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, Ardleigh &:; Great
High street. Richard Hopkins, postmaster. Letters Bromley Districts, Tendring Union & Medical Officer
(which should have Essex added) arrive from Lon- to the Post Office, Sidney Bree M.B. High street
don & all parts at 6.45, 7.40 & 11.40 a.m. & 5.15 Medical Officer &i Public Vaccinator to tbe 3rd, 4th &
p.m. ; sundays, 6.45 oa.m. ; dispatched at 5.40, ro.5 1oth Districts of Tendring Union, Robert Martley-
&; IJ.30 a.m. & 1·5· 1.20, 3·25 & s.20 p.m. & all Erskine L.R.C.P. &J L.R.C.S.Irel. High street
parts 10.30 p.m. ; sundays, 10.30 p.m. & 12 midnight
Wall Letter Boxes.-Statwn, cleared at 9·45 & 10.50 ' PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of Services.
a.m. & 12.50, 1.55 & 7·45 p.m.; sundays, 10.35 a.m.; I St. Michael's Church, Rev. Edwin Archibald Ley)o
High street, cleared 7 & 9 a.m. & 12.45, 3 & ro. 15 , vicar; 8 &; 11 a. m. &; 6.30 p.m
p.m.; sundays, 10.15 p.m. & South street, cleared Congregational, South street, Rev. T. W. Eastburn (who-
at 7.30 &i 9·45 a.m. & :12.5, 2.30 & 9·45 p.m.; sun- resides at Mistley); 10.45 a.m. &; 6.30 p.m.; tues.
days, 9·45 p.m.; Colchester road, cleared at 8 a.m. 7 .30 p.m
& 12.40 &i 7.30 p.m. ; sundays, ro a.m Weslevan :Methodist, South street, Rev. T. B. Jeiiries-
Post Office Te~ep~one Call Office, South street; G. A. (supt.) (who resides at Mistley) & Rev. William
:\lcDonald, district manager Arnold Unswarth; 10.30 a..m. &. 6.30 p.m.; wed.
5th Battalion Essex Regiment (D Co.) (head quarters),
Capt. John Maxwell Heron, commanding; Color-Sergt. PUBLIC ELE.YENTAB.Y SCHOOLS.
William H. Smith, drill instructor These schools are controlled by the Essex Education.
PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. (Tendring Advisory) Sub-Committee; G. C. Holland..
Technical Institute, North hill, Colchester, clerk; J~
Beard of Trade (Unemployment Insurance) Local Office P. Smith, 199 Maldon road, Colchester, attendance
of the Unemployment Fund, High street, B. Young, officer
local agent Manningtree & Mistley, built in 1814 & since- enlarged,.
Fire Engine Station,Market cross, Captain S. N. Parsons for 207 children ; average attendance, 190 ; .A:rthur
Public Ball, High street, Harry Mead, proprietor Percival Blacklee, mast-er ; Miss Edith Taylor, infantE"
Masonic Lodge (Mistley, No. 2339), held at the Masonic n1istress
Ball, on thursday nearest the full moon, S. N. Par- Wesleyan, Mistley (mixed), built in 1854 & enlarged in
sons, hon. sec I892 & again in I914, for 185 children; &Terag&
PUBLIC OFFICERS. attendance, 162; Joseph Stone, master; Mrs. C. A.
Stone, infants' mistress
Assessor & Collector of Taxes, Charles Mead, Brantham
house, High street OO~VEY.A.NCE.
Assistant Overl!eer & Clerk to Parish Council, Samuel
Newman Parsons, South street
Railway Station, .A.lbert Thomas Johnson, station master.
Clerk to the ~Iagistrates for the Hundred of Tendring, Omnibuses from White Hart & Crown hotels, High st.
Henry William Jones, High street meet all trains
PRJV~TE RESIDR!o"TS. Brasted Geo. Chas. outfitter,Bigh st Er!<kine Robert Martley L.R.C.P. k
.A.lston Alfred Ernest, High street Bree Sidney M.B., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. S.hel. physician & surgeon, &
.Alston Edward Consta-ble, Be1"erley London, surgeon, & medical officer medical officer & public vaccinator
house, South street · & publi~ vaccinator for Ardleigh & 3rd, 4th & roth districts, Tendrin!!
'Br~ Sidney M.B. High street Great Bromley districts, Tendring union, High strPet
Burrall Mrs. Mow Bray, South street union &i certifying surgeon under FellgettWm.Jn.cycle agt.Colchestend'
Burrows By. Hillside, Colchester rd the Factorv Act & medical officer Fisher May (Miss),shopkeeper,High st
Butler George William, South street to the Post office, High street Fitch .Joshua Robert MarkweU
:Butler Jsph.Rd. J.P. Bill ho.South st Brooks W. &i Sons, maltsters &; coal (late 0. Bendall & Son), engineer~
Erskine R'Jbert Martley, High street merchants &c.; et at Mistley & iron & brass founder k manu-
Pitch Joshua Robert Markwell Colchester facturer of agxicultural implements~
Ley Rev. Edwin Archibald, Vicarage Bullock Edit'b. (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Lawford iron works. Telegramsp
Long John William, South street Sta'Jon road "FiLch, Manningtree;" T N oso
Long Miss, West view, South street Burch Jeremiah, boot ma. Station rd Forsdick Isaac Strutt, baker, High st.
Mason George E. High street Butler Joseph R. timber merchant, Free, Rodwell & Co. Ltd. maltsters
Smith Miss, Church house, High st see Taylor & Butler Fuller Arthur, iiiJSurance agt. High st
Sproxton Foster B.Sc. The Gables, Calver Charles, beer retailer, South st Geen Wm. By. cycle agent, South st
Colchester road Cant Edmund, plumber, Station road Gibling Elizh. (Mrs.), baker, South st
rnsworth Rev. William .A.rnold (Wes· Colchest6i' & East Essex Co-ope:rative Glanville Mark C. china & glass dlr_
Ieyan Methodist). High street & Industrial Society Ltd. (branch), South street
Winter Mrs. L. Creffield ho. South st Station road Gosling Waiter, jobmaster, High st.
Cook Clifford Jas. beer retlr. South st T N 045
• COMMERCIAL. Crisp Thomas, boot maker, High st Gowen Wm.Walt.Jn.shoe ma.South st
Early closmg day, Wednesday I p.m. Crisp Waiter Hugh (Mrs.), baker, Gra.inger Brothers, florists, High st
.Adams Joseph, carpenter. Brook st Station road Grimson Arthur James, builder, Col-
Alston & Sons, brewers, High street Culling Wm. White Hart hotel.Hig-h st chester road.
Banyard Jas. Harris, butcher, High st Cullingford R. W. & Co. printers, Hammond Samuel Robert &i Son, boot
Barclay &i Company Limited, bankers Market cross makers, High ·street
(branch) (George E. Mason, mana- Denniss Fdk. Edmund, tailor, High st Hay Wm. Johnston, dairy, South st
goer), High st. ;d1:aw on head office, Dent Emma E. (Mrs.), saddler,Bighst Heard Waiter Alfred, apartmentsp
54 Lom bard street, London E C Eearthy Thomas & Son, bill poster-:, Milton house, South street
Bloom Edwd. Percy,saddler,Station rd South strePt Holland Isaac & Son, ironmongers.
Board of Trade(Unemp1ovment Insur- Edwards Benj. Rupert, baker,South st York street
ance),Local Office of the Unemploy-
ment Fund (B. Young,Jo('aJ :1g-ent),
High street
Edwards Wm. W. butcher, High st
Emerson Robert Henry, King's Read
P.H. High street
Hood George, Red Lion inn, South st
Hopkins Richd. postmaster, High st

International TeaCo.'s Storeslbranch), I k clerk to the Tendring Sub-Com- Smith Charles Milton, watch maker.
grocers, High street mittee of Essex Local Pen,ion Com- 1 High street
.Johnson Charles Waiter, journalist, mittee, Brantham hou~e, High st Smith John. confPctioner, Brook :;t
High street & Stour street Mead Harry, draper, High street 1Smit;h OJior-Sergt. William H. drill
...Tones & Son, solicitors, High street Meadows Sarah (.Mrs.),fruitr.South st instructor to D C<J. sth Territorial
.Jones Cyril Gordon, solicitor, :;ee Mortlock Fredk. hair dresser,::iouth st Force Battalion Essex Regiment
Jones &; Son ~unn Fred, boot maker, Station road Stiff Robert, grocer. High street
Jones Henry William (firm, Jones & I Orman Edward Cha.s. baker, High st 1 Synnot William George, solicitor,
Son), solicitor & commissioner & Osborne Ernest ·waiter, Packet P.H High street
clerk to the magistrates for the High street Taylor & Butler, timber mers. T N 4
Hundred of Tendring, High street Oxborrow Harold, hair dr..,sr.Brook ..,[ Taylor Elizabeth (Mr.s. ), dress maker,
Joyce Henry John, draper, High S'1i Pa~e Helen (Miss). apartmnts.High st South street
Xing Clifford Benj. grocer, High st Parsons &; Son, builders, South street Tendring Hundr.hl Provident Benefit
I.a.mb Oharles Henry & Sons, black- Parsons Henry Rupert, mineral water & Sickness Society (Bertram Young,
8IDiVhs, Higm. street manufacturer, High street & beer see.), High street
Long John William, btchr. South l'!t retailer. South street Territorial Force Battalion (5th) Essex
llanningtree Institute & Parish Room Parsons Samuel ~e\\man, assistant Regiment (D Co.) (C11pt. J. M.
(C. J. Sainty, hon. sec.), Stour st overseer & clE.>rk to the Parish Heron, commanding; Col.-Sergt.
Yanningtree & Mistley Gas Co. Ltd. Council, South ,.treet W. H. Smith, drill instructor)
(Bertra.m Young, sec.); office, High 1 Pa•·sons Wait. F. !inen draper,High st Tice A.rth. :Barker, news agt. South st
street k (T. Freem~n, work" man- 1 Parsons Wm. Aug. undertkr.South st Townsend John T. Crown htl. High st
ager) Oxford road Pearee Saml. Cha>'. insur. agt.High st Vincent George, beer retlr. Brook st
Jlanningtree Rifle Club (CharlP, W Pittock Joseph, boat propr. High st Wagstaff Philip, refreshment rooms,
Johnson, hon. sec) Pittock Thoma;;:, fi~hmonger, South st High street
.Mason George E. manager :&&relay's Plummer Chas.blacksmith, Station rd Ward Walter, shopkeepPr, South st
Bank, High street Poole Hy.Wm. dairymn. Colchester rd White Susannah ()Irs. ), tobacconi ... t,
Masonic Lodge "Mistley" (The) (No. Porter Chas. chimney sweeper, Quay st · South street
ll,339) (S. X. Parsons, hon. sec.), Public Hall (Harry Mead, proprietor), Winter Harry St~ ulPy,chemist,High ;;-t
Masonic hall, South street High street • Winterflood Frank, greengro. South st
:Mead Charles, house & in,urance Sargent Samuel, shopkeepr. Sout-h st Worth Fredk. hair -dresser, High st
agent, as~essor & collector of taxes j Seager Geo. SI. beer retlr. Station rd Young Bertram, land agent, High st
for Mistley, Manningtree, Lawford 1 Slowgrove Frederick Thomas, insur- Young- Thos. ·wm. shopkpr. Regent st
& Bradfield & assistant overseer for I a1~ce agent, High street j
.Mistley. "\<Yrabness & Little Bromley Smith Alfred, shopkeeper, Station rd

LITTLE ILFORD is a portion of the civil parish of the church, begun in 1900 and completed in 1909 at
..East Ham on the west of the river Roding, now for civil a cost of [9,170, was consecrated by the Bishop of
purposes absorbed into the modern di!;<trict of Manor Colchester in Nov. rgoo and dedicated by the Bishop
"Park, which forms part of the municipal borough of of St. A.lbans in June, 1909; it is of red brick with
.East Ham, 6~ miles from London, s! west from Rom- stone dressings, and consists of chancel with north
ford, with the Manor Park station on the Great Eastern chapel, nave and two aisles, in the Early English
railway (Colchester line) and· Woodgrange Park station style, from designs by :Messrs. Bucknall and Camper,
.on the Midland railway; it is in the Southern division architects, and will seat over r,ooo persons. The register
.of the county, West Ham union, Bow county court dates from the year 1901. The living is a vicarage,
district, and in the Barking rural deanery, archdeaconry net yearly value [28o, with residence, in the gift of
of Essex and Chelmsford diocese, and within the the Bishop of Chelmsford, and held since 1909 by the
jurisdiction of the Central Criminal Court and Metro- Rev. Frederick Joseph Tozer M.A. of Pembroke College,
politan police, and in East Ham Municipal borough. Oxford. St. Mary's Mission ehurch is in Grantham
The parish church of the Virgin Mary is a small and road, and St. Gabriel's Mission church in Aldersbrook
ancient building, originally in th(' Early ~01·man style, road. Little Ilford Congregational chapel, in High street
of which, however, but fe" traces, consisting chiefly north, was built in 1904, and will seat 850 persons.
of two very narrow lights deeply splayed, now remain: Manor Park Congregational chapel, in Manor Park road,
the church con"ists of chancel, nave, north chapel, erected in r868, has 400 sittings. The •Baptist chapel,
-south porch and a turret containing I bell: the north in Sheringham avenue, erected in 1905, is of red brick
.chapel is the burial place of the ancestors of the late with Bath stone dressings and half-timbered gables, and
Sir Edward Hulse bart. of Breamore House, Salisbury : will seat 300 ; attached is a large cl.ass room, vestry
there is a brass to Thomas, son and heir of Sir John and kitchen. There are United Methodist, Primitive
:Heron, private secretary to Henry VIII. who died at Methodist and Wesleyan Methodist chapels in Romford
Aldersbrook, in 1517, with an effigy representing him road. The West Ham Union Children's Receiving Homes
as a schoolboy of 14, with a penner and ink horn at comprise five blocks of buildings situated in Alders-
his girdle; a. second brass commemorates Anne, only brook road. The City of London Cemetery, situated here,
-daughter of Barnard Hyde esq. of London, ob. 163o, occupies r68 acres, and contains two chapels and a
mt. 18, and her brother William, ob. 1614, with six crematorium, erected in 1904 and opened in October of
English verses: on the north wall of the chancel is a that year. The Manor Park Branch Library, in Rom-
-stone monument belonging to the family of Walde- ford road, was erected at a cost of [5,ooo, and was
grave, with many kneeling figures in high relief, of I opeHed in August, I905· The charities, amounting to
the time of Ja.mes I. ; there are also tablets to members about £27 ros. a year and distributed in money, are
-of the Fry family, formerly rssidents here and so derived from Consols left by Mr. Hayes in the last
well-known for their philanthropy: the church will century. The population in rgn of the ecclesiastical
seat 130 persons. The register dates from the year parishes was: St. :Marv the Virgin, 25,018 and St.
1539· The living is a rectory, net yearly value £3oo, Barnabas, 13,966. The population of Manor Park Ward,
-with 7 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of iu East Ham Municipal borough, in 1911, was 27,924.
t~ree trustees of Hertford College, Oxford, and held Post, M. O. & T. &; Telephonic Express Delivery Office,
-smce 1913 by the Rev. Hugh Guy M:.A. of He~t~ord 663 Romford road, corner of Manor Park road.-
College, Oxford. Thomas Newton, poet and phys~cran. William Hathawav Salter. sub-postmaster. Letters
was rector here 1583-r6o7. The church of St. Mrchael ... · • _ J • • •

. th M aLIVe at 7-30 &; I I a.m. & 1.4_,, 7 & 9 p.m., di:s-

an d All A I
nge s, on th f
e Ro m or roa d , 1n
d e anor h d ,_ .... 12 J

"Park district is a chapel of ease to St. :Mary the pate E' at B...r; cii 10 ·3° a m. "" ·4°• 3-35. _,.ro, 7•
• ngm s ; th'e fi rs t por t•wn, consrs
-u· · ' · t•lng of th e nave 8 &:, (except satnrdav) - 11.20 p.m.; sundays, 11.15 p.m
-and aisles, was erected in 1897-8, at a cost of nearly
.£5,000, and consecrated by the Lord Bishop of St. Post k ~I. 0. Offices:-
.!lbans, March rgth, r8g8, and the chancel, side chapel. Church road, Manor Park. J. Rudkin, sub-postmaste:t .
vestries and heating chamber were added in rgo6-7 Letters dispatched 8.30 k 10.25 a.m. &; 12.25, 3.20, 5,
11t a further cost of £3,400 : the building is in a 6.55· 8 &; 1r.r5 p.m. (except satnrdays); sundays,
modern Perpendicular style. from designs by Mr. 1r.5 p.m
"Charles Spooner, architect, of London, and will seat 726 Romford road, corner of Third avenue, Manor Park.
about Boo persons. St. Bamabas,.M.!NOR PARK. is an -•Charles Chambers, sub-postmaster. Letters dis-
-ecclesiastical parish formed out of Little llford and patched at 8.30 &; 10.25 a.lll. &; 12.25. 3-25, 8
East Ham by Order in Council dated 1\larch, 1901; &; (e'rcept saturdays) rr.r.) p.m.; sumlay l p.m&'GH_..~

.!~D l

931 Romford road, Manor Park.-Ernest William :Milton, Manor Park Congregational, Manor Park road; u a.m.
sub-postmaster. Letters dispatched at 8.45 & 10.30 & 6.30 p.m.; mon. &li thurs. 8 p.m
a.m. & 12.40, 3·3°• 5· 7• 8 & II-5 p.m. (except satur- Primitive Methodist, Romford road, Manor Park (Uptoa
• sundays, 11.10 p.m.; office for forwar(ling of p ar k c·Ircm"t) ; I I a.m. ou v.3o p. m . ; t ues. 8_p.m
t.- t:.
· telegrams only
410 High street north, Manor Park. Nathan Dilliwa), United Methodist, Romford road, Manor Park (Lon~
sub-pos-tmaster. Letters dispatched at 8. 40 & 10 . 35 (Forest Gate) Circuit), Rev. Harry Williams; II a.m.
a.m. & 12.30, 3-30, 5·5· 7, 8 & n.2o p.m. (except & 6.3o p.m
saturdays); sundays, n. 15 p.m Wesleyan Methodist, Romford road, :Manor Park (Stra:~
Wanstead Park avenue. Henry Charles Clover, sub- ford Circuit), Rev. John Edwards (supt.) &· ReY.
postmaster. Letters dispatched at 8.30 & 10.30 a.m. & Harry G. Tunnicliff B.A.; I t a.m. & 6.30 p.m.;
12.30, 3·35. 5.5, 7, 8 & I I p.m.; sundays, 11.10 p.m thurs. 7.30 p.m.; sat. 8 p.m
Postmen's Offi~, Manor Park road I Gainsborough Mission BaH, Gainsborough road
PUBLIC ESTABLISHMEN~S. Gospel }fission Hall, Greenhill grove, :Manor Park
City of London Cemetery, H. :Montague Bates, clerk; Salvation Army Mission Hall, Carlyle road; eundays, u
.Tohn Duncan Robertson, superintendent; Mrs. Wood, a.m. & 7 p.m. ; week days, 8 p.m
registrar; Rev. William Weaver M.A. &; Rev. Edwaru Mission Room, 128 Grantham road Skilton M.A. Episcopal chaplains; Rev. R. Aldersbrook Free Church (Baptist) Hall, Dover Toad
Walker, Nonconformist minister Christadelphian Meeting Room, 43 Essex Toad, Manor
East Ham Corporation Depot, Chnrch -r0aJ Park; 7 p.m
Free Library (Carnegie) (Manor Park branch), 835 Ram- Little Ilford Christian Spiritualists; 6.30 p.m.; wed.
ford road, A. C. McCombe, assistant in charge 8 p.m
Jews' Cemetery. High street norVh, Manor Park, Morris
A. Solomon, superintendent PUBLIC ELE.~IENTARY SCHOOLS.
Manor Park Cemetery, Whitta road, Manor Park, Rev.
J. P. Gray & Rev. J. W. Oliver, chapl6ins; Georg~:> Manor Park & Little Ilford are included in the East Ham
S. Jennings, sec. & supt Borough Education Committee District
Recreation Hall, 566 Romford road, Edwin C. Merck,sec Essex road, opened Sept. I, 1898, for soo boys, 500 girls
West Ham Union Children's Receiving Momes, Alders- & 537 infants; average attendance, 503 boys, 491)
brook road; J. Berry Pitts, supt.; Mrs. Janet L. girls & 497 infants; George Pottinger, m-aster: Miss
Pitts, matron Kate Wilson, mistress ; Mrs. L. H. Richardson, infant•
Fourth avenue, built in 1893, for 300 boys, 300 girls &
4th Battalion Essex Regiment (B Co.) ; head quarters, 300 infants; enlarged in 1905, for 408 boys, 408 girll
15 Church road; Capt. H. R. Tyler; Ernest Elstone & 330 infants ; average attendance, 410 boys, 380 girls
(Barking-), sergt.-instructor & 323 infants; Samuel Witter, master; Miss I. N.
Manor Park Cadet Co Powell L.L.A. mistress; Miss E. Watson, infants'
PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of services. mistress
Kensington avenue, for 516 boys, 516 girls & 541 infants;
St, Mary the Virgin Clurch (Little Ilford), Church average attendance, 531 boys, 489 girls & 484 in-
road, Manor Park, Rev. Hugh Guy :M.A. rector; Rev. fants; C. de B. Leach, mast-er; :M.iss F. F.· Ketcher,
.Alphonse Edward Dru Th.A.K.C. Rev. William Jam£>s mistress; Miss J. H. Webster, infants' mistress
,Brown B.D. & Rev. Bertram Thomas Rosson L.Th. Romford road, built in 1891, for 290 boys, 290 girls &
-curates; 8 & I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. & fri. u a.m 310 infant.s; enlarged in 1905, for 400 boys, 400 girlt
St. Michael & All Angels Church ( C'hapel of ease to St. & 400 infants ; average attendance, 365 boys, 330
Mary the Virgin), Romford road, Manor Park; Rev. girls & 326 infants ; Step hen J ones, master; Miss .!.
Hugh Guy M.A. rector; 8 (h. c.) & I I a.m. & 6.30 Sheldrick, mistress; :Miss E. E. Ayton, infants' mist
p.m. ; children's service, last sun. in month, 3.15 w alton road, for 540 boys, 540 girls & 576 infanta;
p.m.; wed. & fri. 12 noon; daily, 7.15 p.m. except average attendance, 475 boys, 400 girls & 507 in-
wed. 8 p.m. ; h. c. last sunday in month & Greftt fants; J. Gribble, master; Miss E. A. Kerridge,
Festivals 11.15 a.m. (choral); holy days & thurs. mistress; Mrs. J. A. Davis, infants' mistress
7 a.m
St. Barnabas, Rev. Frederick Joseph Tozer M.A. vicar; Catholic (mixed), Church road, erected in 1909 at a
Rev. Kendrick Warry Sibley Th.A.K.C. & Rev. Cyril cost of £s,ooo, for 300 children; average attendance,
Isherwood, curates; 8 & I I a.m. & 2.45 & 7 p.m. ; 26o ; Miss A. O'Callaghan, mistress
daily, 8 a.m. & 4-30 p.m. ; saints' days & thurs. h. c.
7 a.m St. Nicholas Industrial (Catholic), Gladding road, Manor
St. Mary's Mission Church, Grantham road (in con- Park, was erected in 1868, for 250 boys, who are taught
nection with Little Ilford Parish Church); sundays various useful handicrafts; tlhe school was certified
(H.C. 9 a.m. last sun. in month & Great Festivals), March 26th, 18'68: 1n the grounds is a chapel, the
n a. m. & 3 p.m. for children & 7 p.m !'ervices of which are open to the public; The Sistere
East Ham & Manor Park Jewish Synagogue, Carlyle of :Mercy are teachers of the school; Rev. J. Walton.
road; Rev. L. Mendelsohn M.A chaplain; John Jack son, superintendent
Little Ilford Baptist Tabernacle, Sheringham avenue. Conveyance.-Electric trams run from Ilford through
Manor Park, Rev. J. Rigdon Green; 11 a.m. & 6.30 Romford rood to Aldgate, & from Wanstead Flats to
p.m.; mon. thurs. & sat. 8 p.m Beckton & Royal Albert docks every few minutes
Baptist, High street north, Manor Parli, Rev. Charles 1 Railwav Stations:
Shirreffs Morgan; I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. 8 p.m Manor Park fGreat \.
Eastern Railwav) • ,
Peter Fero-uson
Little Ilford Congregational, High street north, Manor Cathles, station master
Park, Rev. James J. Isaac; u a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; Woodgrange Park Station (Midland Railway), Josepb
thurs. 8 p.m I Capstick, station master
PRIVATE RESIDE:STS. Auld William J. 29 Wanstead Park avJBirch Ernest J. B. 1 Empress avenuB
a-Ababrelton R. R., B.A., F.S.S., Austin Arthur F. Portland lodge, Blagdon Edward,31 Wanstead Park av
F.R.E.S. 161 Sixth avenue Aldersbrook road Bland lsaac, u6 Wanstead Park aven
.A.itken Thomas, 5 Forest drive Baker Howard Le~lie, II8 1\"anstead Bra-gg Frederick, 4 Forest drive ·
.Alexander Henry A. 19 Forest drive 1 Park avenue 1 Brawn .1rthur, 57 Wanstead Park aY
Alien Albert, 62 Wansted Pa.rk aven I Barker Alfred H. Homeland, .ilders- Bridgwater Joseph, 48 Durham road
.Allerton William H. Carisbrook, I brook road Bridle William, 84 Shakespeare cres
Aldersbrook road Barker William Henry B.Sc.Lond., Brown John, 125 Wanstead Park aven

Allnutt Alfred Edwin, Hillsboro', I F.C.S. ro EmpTess avenue Bryant .Alex. E. 75 Wanstead Park aY'
Aldersbrook road Barron Albert E.8o Wanstead Park av Buch Philip, 15 Wanstead Park av
Anderson Joseph George M.B., B.Ch., Bartlett Mrs. Gertrude, 100 Wan- Burrows Geo. Hy. 43 Wanstead Pk.a-r
.Aldersbrook house, .Aldersbrook rd stead Park avenue Bush James E. 75 Whitta road
Andrews Ernest Thomas, 5 Wanstead Bassett Jn. Holyrood, Aldersbrook rd Campany Wm.H. 68 Wanstead Pk. a-r
Park avenue Bayley George J. 55 Wanstead Pk. av Card William G. 620 Romford road
Armstrong Rev. Waiter H. (Wesleyan Beard Thos. Blakesley lodge, Alders- Carle George, II3 Wanstead Park rd
Meth.), St. John's, .Aldersbrook rd brook road Carrington Mrs. 35 Forest drive ·
Astley Philip, Homestead, 5 St. Mar- Bidwell William, 7 Forest drive Carte Jn.H. Knighton,Aldersbrook rd
garet's road 1Binks Cornelius, I Forest drive Caton Mrs. Ioo Shelley- avenue

J 423
Child Edwd. Jn. 7 Wanstead Park av Harper Louis Arthur 2 18 Wanstead Otter William Arden, Stanley house,
Chisholm Hugh, 7 St. Margaret's rd Park avenue Aldersbrook road
Chown Arthur, 6o Wanstead Park av Hawkei Mrs. E. M. so Wanstead Pa1mer Charles, 136 Shakespeare cres
Clover Henry Charles, 6 The Parade, Park avenue Paske Arnos,32 Wanstead Park avenue
.Aldersbrook road Hayman John F. 127 Wanstead Pk. av Paul George William, 101 Wanstead
Cockerton Mrs. 21 Forest drive Heald Frederick H. 167 Browning rd Park avenue ·
Collier Robert James, 753 Romford rd Hemmings Waiter, 3 Wanstead Pk.av Plane Geo. 166 Wanstead Park avenue
Cornish John, 9 Forest drive Higgins Charles Edwin, 27 Wanstead Powell Henry, 4 Wanstead Park aven
Court Wm. Hy. 44 Wanstead Park av Park avenue Powles Geo. H. x62 Wanstead Park av
Cramer Herbert Sidney, 19 Wanstead Hills James, 73 Wanstead Park aven Price ArchibaldAinslie,971Romford rd
Park avenue Hillyard Maurice, 21 Wanstead Pk. av Prior Dan, 41 Wanstead Park avenue
Cromwl'll Oliver,92 Wanstead Park av Hirst Rev. Bertram L., .A.K.C.L. Ramsdon Hy.Jsph.g6 Wanstead Pk.av
Davies Mrs. Eliza, 77 Wanc;tead (curate in charge of St. Gabriel's Rumbold Fredk.95 Wanstead Park av
Park avenue Mission church), 40 Northumber- Rust Philip, 13 Forest drive
Davis Geo. Lee, 28 Wanstead Park av land avenue Saunders Kemp,58 Wanstead Park a.v
Dennison William, 153 Browning rd Hollingsworth Frederick P. g8 Wan- Scanes Thomas, Tatchel, Rosedale,
Diggins William Geo. 100 Rosebery av stead Park avenue Alders brook road
Dixon Henry Augustus, 6 Forest drv Hone .Alfred, 66 Wanstead Park av Schneider Carl, 123 Wanstead Pk. av-
Th>dd Alexander, 129 Wanstead Pk.av Howe Edmd. 35 Wanstead Park aven Shaw Wm. 36 Wanstead Park a.venue-
D wsett Mrs. Charlotte, 84 Wanstead Howitt Jn. Fritz Wm.778 Romford rd Sibley Rev. Kendrick Warry A.K.C.L.
Park avenue Hunt John,64 Wanstead Park avenuf' (curate of St. Barnabas'), 1
Drake Leslie Alexand~r M.B., C.~L Hutchings Capt. William, 121 Wan- Shakespeare crescent, Little llford
Edin. 17 Church road stead Park avenue Sibley John, I crescent
Dru Rev. Alphonse Edward A.K.C.L. lnce Samuel, Ivydene, Aldersbrook rd Sibley Thomas, 16 Wan..stead Park av
(curate of St. Mary the Virgin), 87 Johnson George, Ditton lodge,.Alders- Sillitoe Wm. 49 Wanstead Park aven
Seventh avenue brook road Smith Frank, Mornington, Alders-
Duncombe Arthur John, 135 Wan- Jones John Owen, 618 Romford road brook road
stead Park avenue Jones Wm. Jas. 22 Wanstead Park av Smith James, 16 Empress avenue
Dnnford Lonzo, 72 Wanstead Park av Judge .Albert, 11 Wanstead Park.av Smith Walt.Rookwood,Aldersbrook rd
Edwards Ernest, 169 Browning road .Justice Mrs. 331 High street north Stephens Carl, Intenso lodge, Rabbit's
Elliott William Randall, 106 Wan- Keen Thomas, 18 Forest drive road
stead Park avenue Kerly Stephen Frank, 64 Durham rd Tattersall Mrs. A. L. 93 Wanstead
Evans Sidney W. 43 Albany road King Hy. Wm. 37 Wanstead Park av Park avenue
:Bwen Henry, 2 Forest drive Kingsman Frederick W. 99 Wanstead Toomer Francis, 94 Wanstead Pk. av
Parrow Arthur H. Glen Mor, Alders- Park avenue Totman Levi C. 78 Wanstead Park av
brook road Kirby Benson Charles, 76 Wanstead Tozer Rev. Frederick Joseph M.A.
Feather Mrs.R.131 Wanstead Park av Park avenue (vicar of St. Barnabas'), The Vicar-
Peitelson Leon, 2 Shakespeare cres Kuser Samuel, 33 Wanstead Park av age, Browning road, Little llford
Fennell Miss Mary, go Wanstead Laing 1Ym. Rt. 88 Wanstead Park av Tune Mrs. 24 Wanstead Park avenue-
Park avenue Last Geo. Wait. q, Wanstead Pk. av Tunnicliff Rev. Harry G., B.A. (Wes-
Fidler Richard Butler, Alexandra Lebas Mrs. II7 Wanstead Park av leyan), 103 Wanstead Park avenue
villa, Aldersbrook road Lewis Miss, 9 Gladding road Ullmann Wm. Chas. 20 Forest drive
Pinch Henry, 16 Forest drive Long Bernard F. 30 Wa.nstead Pk. av Ussher William Neville, 12 Wanstead
Francis William John, Benison lodge, Loveday Mrs. Eliza, 115 Wanstead Park avenue
A.ldersbrook road Park avenue Vaughan Frederick T. 47 Wanstead
Fry George James, 3P Carlyle road Lowden Jn. Nicholson,32 Browning rd Park avenue
Galpin Rev. Francis (United Metho- Macfadden Donald,71 Wanstead Pk.av Waghorn Ebenezer,8 Wanstead Pk.a-v
dist), 170 Browning road McKenzie John, 97 Wanstead Park av Walker Harold W. 17 Forest drive
Gard Frederick, 65 Whitta road MacMurty John AlE-xander M.D., Wall Jsph. Avondale, Aldersbrook rd
Gear Charles, 56 Wanstead Park aven B.Ch. 688 Romford road Wallace James, I Wanstead Park aven
Glenny Edward Henrv, St. David's, M:anuell James Pope, 70 Wanstead Wallis Preston Richd.71 Browning rd
Aldersbrook road • Park avenue Watson Andrew A.87 lVanstead Pk.av
Godbold Thomas, 11 Forest drive Mather Wm. 53 Wanstead Park aven Watson Joseph, Orchardwood, A.lders-
Golding Mrs.Birchdale,Aldersbrook rd Maynard lsaac W. 54 Wanstead Pk.av brook road
G rton Charles, Wyndclyffe, Alders- Mendelsohn Rev. Louis M . .A. (Jewish Weight William Clements, 86 Wan-
brook road rabbi), 10 Forest drive stead Park avenue
GrP!'n Rev. J. Rigdon (Baptist), 67 Merck Edward C. 14 Forest drive Westaway Mrs. 14 Wanstead Park a.v
Wanstead Park avenue Milton James, 9 St. Margaret's road Wilderspin Mrs. .A. 40 Wanstead
Green .Arth. Herbt. 1 St.Margaret's rd Moffatt Chas. III Wanstead Park av Park avenue
Green Herbt. P. 48 Wanstead Park av Montgomery Henry, 89 Rosebery aven Wiles .Alfd. Jsph. 2 Wanstead Park av
G-rPen William Joseph, 38 Wanstead Moore Harry, 6 Wanstead Park aven Williams Rev. Harry (United :Metho-
Park avenue Morga.n Rev. Charles Shirreffs (Bap- dist), 79 Durham road
Greig George Thomson, 42 Wanstead tist), 164 Wanstead Park avenue Williams Richd. 10 Wanstead Park aT
Park avenue Mould Mrs.Mary,17Wanstead Park av Williamson Wm. 3 St. M:argaret's road
Griffiths Evan D. 9 Wanstead Pa1k av Munro Macdonald M.B. 1019 Romford Wilson Rev. John Weatherston (Con-
Grifliths Mrs. 26 Wanstead Park aven road gregational), 91 SPcond avenue
Gurnett Mrs. 71 Durham road Murray Stanley M.D. 97 Browning rd Winn Henry George, St. Emil,Alders-
Gny Rev. Hugh M.A. (rector), LittlE> Narracott Henry K. 92 Durham road brook road
llford rectory, Chnrch road Nicholls William, 20 Wanstead Pk.av Wood George Henry, 148 Wanstead
Bagger Alfred Philip, 46 Wanstead Nickels ChristophPr C. W. 59 Wan- Park avenue
Park avenue stead Park avenue Wood Thos. 82 Wanstead Park avenue
Hall Henry William, 22 Forest drive Norcross William Henry,81 Wanstead Woolacott Wm.J. 34 ·wanstead Pk. av
Hall Jas. Wm. 133 Wanstead Park av Park avenue Wright George Henry, Cheriton,
Balls Charles G. 91 Wanstead Pk. av Norman Henry,102 lVanstead Park av Aldersbrook road
Hamilton Arthur, 25 Went-worth road Osborn Harry, 32 Carlyle road Young John, 61 Wanstead Park aven
Bammond Henry, g8 Rosebery avenue Osborn Mrs. 8 Forest drive
COMllERCIAL. Amey & Son, boot makers, 642 & 644 Romford road
Abbott M. H. & Co. coal merC'hants, Station road Amey Francis Edward, confectioner, 626 Romford road
Abbott Jsph. Richd. insurance agt.89 Wanstead Park av Amies Limited, boot makers, 777 Romford road
!.dams Rose (Miss), dress maker, 255 Sherrard road .Anderson Arthur Thomas, confectioner, 909 Romford rd
~dams Waiter J. greengrocer, 46 Church road Anderson Joseph George M.B., B.Ch., B.A.O.R.U.I.
Adey Algernon,boot repr.xo St.Mary's gdns. Lit.Ilford la physician & surgeon, Aldersbrook ho. A.ldersbrook rd
Agostini Amedeo, confectioner, 68 5 Romford road Andrew Joseph P. electrical engineer, 350 High st. nth
Alexander James, ironmonger, 337 Dersingham avenue Andrews M. & Son, house furnishers, 34 Station road
Alexandra Laundry Co. 434 High street north Andrews William G. timber merchant, Station road
Allan Waiter, stationer, 629 Romford road Annereau Henry, decorator, 576 & 578 Romford road
Alien A. & Sons, butchers, 2 The Parade, Aldersbrook rd Appleton James, hair dresser, 420 High street north
AHen James W. dyer & cleaner, 342 High street north Arthy Charles, baker, 427 High street north
Alien John, boot repairer, 19 Walton road Ashworth Mary Ellen (Mrs.),shpkpr.24 Gainsborough av
Alsford Jas.timber mer. 730 Romford rd. T N 86 Ilford Attersley Reuben, painter & decorator, 494 High st. nth
Ames William Joseph, undertaker, 727 Romford road Austin .Arthur, fancy repository, 662 Romford road
424 ( LIT rLE ILI!'O.I:I.D. j
Ayton John James, cheesemonger, 624 Romford road Buffery .\lice (Miss), shopkeeper, 44 Little Tiford lane
Bachmayer Ar·thur, hair dresser, SI Station road & 799 Bull .Maria (Mrs.), cowkeeper, 3 :Xorthlands villas,Fore't
Romford road View road
Baigent Edwin Jn. printer, 20 Meanley road & Fifth av Bull William C. furniture dealer, 1.09 Browning road
Bailey Rosetta Florence (Miss), milliner, 758 Romford rd Bullen William, sign writer, 864 Romford road
Baily William, cycle dealer, 68o Romford road Burch Alice (Miss), confectioner, 594 Romford road
Baker Cedric, decorator, 21 Church road Burgess Alfred, greengrocer, 18 Grantham road
Baker Edward, dining rooms, 964 Romford road Burrill John, builder, 41 Seventh avenue
Baker Edward, picture frame maker, 6oo Romford road Burton Brothers, dairymen, 325 Dersingham avenue
Baker Ernest, butcher, 746c, Romford road Burton John & Co. lath renders, 7 Fourth avenue
Baker Maud (Mrs.), dress maker, 771 Romford road Burton John Thomas, music teacher, 30 Morris avenue
Baldwin George, commission agent, 287 Halley road Bush George Wm. fishmonger, 347 Dersingham avenue
Ball Alfred John, grocer, 330 High street north Butler Charles, insurance supt. 780 Romford road
Balla:rd Charles Henry, boot maker, 645 Romford road Buxt.on Emma (Mrs.), dress maker, 85 Chesterford rd
Ballard Edward James, greengrocer, 43 Church road Byles Alice (Mrs.), milliner, see Hennings & Byles
Ballard Martha A. (Mrs.), greengrocer, 797 Romford rd Bywaters Lilian (Miss), dress maker, 72 Rectort road
Balls George, hair dresser, 9I2 Romford road Calmon Sieg-hard, music seller, 924 Romford road
Bane Amy (Mrs.) & Co. builders, 633 Romford road Cameron William H. cook shop, 689 Romford road
Banham Waiter S. plumber, 18 Greenhill grove Campbell Christian, artificial teeth ma. 679 Romford rtl
Banton William, beer retailer, 319 High street north Card Jolm Victor, solicitor, 620 Romford road
Barker Osborne G. wine & spirit mer. n6 Grantham rd Card William Gordon, solicitor, 620 Romford road
Barker Waiter J. tobacconist, 542 High street north Oarr George & Son, builders, I I Second avenue-
Barlow & Co. upholsterers, 142 First avenue Carr & Co. grocers, 590 Romford road
:Barnard Brother:'!, tailors, 652 Romford road Carr George A. oil & color man, 449 High street nortlt.
Barnard Ernest, grocer, 429 High street north Carrdus Horace, shopkeeper, 43 Herbert road
Barnett Charles H. corn dealer, 443 High street north Carrington Elkanah N. builder, 28 Forest drive
Barrett William Henry, hai!" dresser, 332 High st. nth Carrington Frederick. boot repairer, 47 Station road
Barrick Thomas, carpenter, Toronto avenue Carroll John. insurance agent, 89 Sixth avenue
Harrows Charles S. hair dresser, 461 High st. north Carter Isobel (Miss), teacher of music, I Carlton l'Oad
Barry Samuel, mantle warehouse, 636a, Romford road Catchpole Ernest, tobacconist, 437 High street north
Barsham James, butcher, 6 Station road Catmur Florence Emily (Mrs. ),tobaccnst.742 Romford 1"11
Barter Brothers, dairymen, 735 Romford road Cave Howard, tailor, 20 Station road
Bartholomew Alice (Mrs.), dress maker,6 Little Ilford la Cayzer Fre~erick P. outfitter, 702 Romford road
Barton Edward James, confectioner, 393 Dersingham aY Chamberlain Robert, plumber, 63 Little Ilford lane •
Barwell Alexander, tailor, 671 Romford road see Moore & Chamberlain
Bassam William Charles, dining rooms, 659 Romford rd Chambers Ghas. corn dlr. & post office, 726 Romford rd
Batchelor James, balrer, 40 Church road Chambers Fra.nk, grocer, 836 Romford road
Bates George Henry, grocer, 72 Church road Chapman _<\.lbert Ernest, decorator, 214 Sheringbam aT
Bates H. Montague, clerk to City of London Cemetery Chapman Alice Olive (Miss),dress maker,29 Salisbury rd
& Burial Board, Aldersbrook road Chatfield Georg-e Edwin, assistant insurance superin-
Baxter John Arthur, photographer, 356 High st. north tendeut. 234 Monega road
Beer Joseph, tailor, 2 Station road Cheke R. & Co. F ..A.I. auctioneers &c. 749 Romford rd.
Benjamin Benjamin, confectioner, 210 Church road (T N 34 Ilford) & 15 Selborne avenue
Bennett Eliza (Mrs.), dairy, 70 Church road Uheke Alfred C. draper, 669 Romford road
Berley Emily (Mrs.), confectioner, 345 Dersingham aven Child George, house furnisher, 353 & 355 High st. ntla
Bernstein John Maurice, watch maker, 758 Romford rd Chinnick William, painter & decorator, 46 Essex road
Berry Nathl. & Sons, pianoiorte wareho. 819 Romford rd Church Edward H. dining rooms, 6 Walton road
Bicknell Albert J. boot repairer, 34 Dore avenue Pity of London Cemetery (H. Montague Bates, clerk;
Rigg George, cats' meat dealer, 15 Fourth avenue John Duncan Robertson, superintendent; Mrs. Wood,
Biggs Esther (Mrs.), furniture broker, 32 Church road registrar), Aldersbrook road .
Billage Henry, hair dresser, 5 Walton road Clark Joseph B. & Co. corn dPalers 366, & provisio11
Billington Emma (Mrs.), confectioner, 359 High st. nth merchants 368, High street north
Bilmen John, cabinet maker, 83 Little Ilford lane Clark Wm.E.&Son,plumbrs.& decoratrs.146 Grantham rd
Bines Arthur E. shopkeeper, 247 Church road Olark Alfred, gasfitter, 321 High street north
Bird Alice (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 2 Sheringham aven Clark Charlotte C~Irs. ), confectioner, 445 High st. north
Bird Thomas, boot maker, 400 High street north Clark Henry E. builder, 269 Sheringham avenue
Blakeman Thomas, fried fish dealer, I Parkhurst road Clarke Benjamin & Co. monumental masons,21 Whitta rd
Bland Eva (Miss). draper, 414 High strPet north rlarke Charles Henry, music teacher, 396 Strone road
Bluett Henry J. shopkeeper, 4Ia, Fourth avenue Clayton William, cutler, 13 Selborne avenue
Blythe Emma (Mrs.), teacher of music, 194 Church rd Cleaver Frederick W. sign writer, 241 Shakespea•re cre1
Bodger George, fruiterer, 418 High street north Clevett Thomas Henry, grocer, goB Romford road
Bones Alfred & Son, decorators, 127 Fourth avenue Clift George W. grocer, 132 Church road
Boome Leslie Stuart, oil & col or man, 844 Romford rd Cloud Sarah A. (Miss), private school, 49 Meanley rd
Boots Cash Chemists (Southern) Limited, chemists & Clover Henry Charles, baker, & post office, 6 The
druggists, 622 Romford road · Parade, Aldersbrook road ~
Bordier Emile, laundry. 321 Dersingham avenue Cockerton Harry, greengrocer, giB Romford road
Bosher Alfred Ohas. & Son, bird dealers, 958 Romford rd CockPtt Henry, plumber, 83 Sheringham avenue
Bosworth Nathaniel, florist, 77 Third avenue Cohen Sidney, tailor, 486 High street north
Boulon Albert, hosier, 478 High street north Colbran John B. lamp manufacturer, 22a, Colchestar

Bowles Thomas Henry, mason, 59 'l'hird avenue avenue. T N 567 Ilford
Bradley Frederick, •hair dresser, 3 Fourth avenue Cole Elizabeth S. (Mrs.), dress maker, 145 Browning rd
Bradly Edward George Cason, decorator, 794 Romford rd Coleman & Co. butchers, 795 Romford rood
Bray Albert, corn & flour dealer, I29 Church road Coleman William, hair dresser, 64 Church road
Breeze's Cash Chemists Limited, B98 Romford road Collier A. Wilme, paste manufr. Eighth Avenue works
Bri~e Richard J. toy dealer, 35I High street north Collier Robt. James L.R.C.P. & L.R.C.S.Edin., L.F.P.
Bridges Edgar C. painter, 18 Browning road & S.Glas. physician & surgeon, 753 Romford road
Bridges Frank, decorator, 12 Browning road Collins .Alfred, farrier, 29 Greenhill grove
Brisker Ernest, baker, 30 Station road Collins Thomas, nurseryman, 40 Forest drive
Brooker Richard William, clothier, 737 Romford road Collyer Charles E. wardrobe dealer, 45 Church road
Brown Albert, coal dealer, 4 Landseer avenue Colson Thomas W. chemist & druggist, 390 High st. nt.h
Brown Caroline (Mrs.), confectioner, 9I4 Romford road Colton Emily (Mrs.), confectioner, 720 Romford road
Brown Elsie (Mrs.), costumier, Il'i Carlton road Coman Charlotte (Miss), dress maker, 39 Forest drive
Brown George Henry, draper, 94 Church road Cool;: & Thorogood, wardrobe dealers, g66 Romford road
Brown Philip, Golden Fleece P.H. Forest drive Cook Wm. Jas. Ltd. coal & coke mers. 29 Fourth aven
Brown Waiter John, ironmonger, 763 Romford road Cooper Sydney & Co. furniture dealers, 6o6 Romford rd
Bruce Brothers, monumental masons, 209 Byron avenue Cooper John, plumber, 270 Halley road
Bruce Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 962 Romford road Cope Alfred John, Three Rabbits P.H. 833 Romford road
Bryant Thomas, dairyman, n Rectory road Copeland Herbert George, greengrocer, 3 Walton road
Bryning Charles M¥-ekins, laundry, 61 Coleridge avenue Corby John, dining rooms, 7IO Romford road
Buckingham Ernest J. butcher, 337 High street north Cordero! Charles. & Sons, plu?tb.ers, 10 Third .avenue
Buckle Charles E. confectioner, 46 Station road Cor~natwn Electric Theatre Limited (S. Dawkms, sec.),
Bucknell Jnlia Harriett (:\Irs.), dress maker,39 Byron av 1 High street north
{ LIT'lLE ILFORD • .) 425
Corpe Thomas, grocer, 816 Romford road Ferris William H. laundry, 121 Church road
Coabum Albert, monumental mason, 18 Forest View rd Filby Brothers, bakers, 682 & 837 Romford road
Cosbum Frank G. monumental mason, 129 Carlyle road Finch William, ointment maker, 865 Romford road
Cosburn Willia.m, shopkeeper, & garage, Aldersbrook rd Finegan Horace Patrick, plumber, 52 Manor Park road
Cosy Corner Picture 'l'heatre, 654 Romford road Finer William James, decorator, 28 Coleridge avenue
('oultrup Thomas, printer, 562 .Romford road Fitch W. & Co. coal merchants, 13 Station road
L'owell Sophia. (Miss), laundry, 762 Romford road Flatman Emma A. (Mrs.), news agent, 123 Church rd
Co:s: William, boot repairer, 63 Uoleridge avenue Forster Albert, watch & clock maker, 727a, Romford rd
Crabtree Thomas, grocer, 148 Church road Foster Brothers Clothing Co. Limited, 666 Romford road
Cracknell Edwd. 'fhos. dairyman, 686 & 8o6 Romford rd Fox Daniel, ironmonger, 49 Station road
Oragg Bardsley, artificial teeth maker, 329 High st. nth Fox Thomas, :florist, 6o4 Romford road
Cressey Thomas, barrow proprietor, 54 Grantham road Francis Ernest George, news agent, 714 Romford road
Cripps Grace (Mrs.), confectioner, 25 Station road Franklin Joseph James, decorator, 25 Harcourt avenue
Cross William, tobacconist, 426 High street north Fraser &; Co. coal merchants, :Midland Railway depot,
Crossley Edward William, painter, 25 :Manor Park road "\Yoodg-range parh.
Cullen William Henry, grocer, 713 Romford road Free Library (Carnegie), :Manor Park branch (William
Ourry Josiah, tailor, 375 High street north Bridle, chief librarian; ...-\.. C. McCombe. assistant in
CuthLert Fred, saddler, 960 Romford road charge), 835 Romford road
Dadson Horace Chas.chemist & druggist,725 Romford rd Freeborn Ernest Jr.,eph, boot fact()r. 20-1- Browning road
Daines Enos, greengrocer, 143 Walton road Freeborn James, house decorator, 36 Essex road
Daltrey Robert, florist, 13 Fourth avenue Freedman :.VIorri~. costumier. 372 High street north
Danells Alfred, shopkeeper, 2 Walton road . Freeman Thomas, coal & coke merchant, 85 Whitta rd
Dann George,furniture broker & dealer,439 High st. nth Friend Sidn"'y F. ironmonger, 344 High street north
.Darrell Henry T. confectioner, 38 Church road Fuller Roland & Co. ~;;tencil cuttl:'rs, 100 Little Ilford la
Davidson's Drug St{)res, 347 High strEet north FullPr Florence (Mr-..), teacher of music, 275 Monega rd
Davies James, beer & wine retailer, 16 Station road Galinsi;:y :\!orris, bntcher, 708 Romford road
Davies Philip, fried fish dealer, 556 Roll}ford road Ganter Frederick W. watch maker, 358 High st. north
Davis Marshall George & Co. oil & color men, 582, 584, Garnham Kate Elizabeth (:\Irs.), draper, 729 Romford rd
s86 & 739 Romford road Gartley Jessie (Mrs.), feather dresser, I6 Lit. Ilford av
Davis George W. wheelwright, 135 Herbert road Geewar's Laundry, 385 High street north
Davison Richard, dining rooms, 610 Romford road Gellett Fredericlr, picture frame maker, 598 Romford l'd
Dawson William, collar dresser, 358 High street north Ghost Henry S. tobacconist, 455 High street north
Day Herman, boot maker, 722 Romford road Gibson A. J. Limited, grocers, 744 Romford road
Day Rachel M. (Miss), teacher of music,8o2 Romford rd Gibson Herbert R. grocer, 301 Church road
Deacon Frederick, sign writer, 796 Romford road Gibson William, shopkeeper, 133 Church road
Dean Frederick J. confectioner, 421 High street north Gilbert George, dairyman, 32 Station road
Dean Sydney James, outfitter, 783 Romford road Gilbert Henry George, dining rooms, 746 Romford road
Dee Frederick J. provision dealer 35, & corn & :flour Gill Laura (Mrs.), costumier, 16 Salisbury road
dealer 37, Station road Gliddon Ed"in Jesse, shopkeeper, 31 Station road
Dembina Isaac, tailor, 764 Romford road Glover John, confectioner, 323 High strel't north
Denton Charles, builder, 30 Rectory road Godfrey Cath. Mary (Miss), confctnr. 8om, Romford rd
De Save Christian, dyer, 679 Romford road Godfre~· Waiter, blacksmith, 492 High street north
Dessent Francis, news agent, 338 High street north Goff Louisa (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 92 Church road
Dickens Thomas, l'mbrocation maker, 42. Lawrence aven Goldstien Abraham, boot malrer, 23 Fourth avenue
Dill1way Nathan, baker, & post office, 410 High st. north Goode l\Iary ...-\.. (M1ss), costumier, 45 Wan::.tead Park aY
Dixon Thomas Henry Lancelot, mechanical engineer & Gort> John Thomas, boot maker, 700 Romford road
high-class wood & metal pattern maker, 229 Monega Gore Joseph, boot & shoe maker, 341 High st. north
road; & 74 Vicarage lane, Stratford Gorham Maria (Miss), teacher of music,325 High st.nth
Dodds Helen Tait (:Miss), confectioner, 74 Church road Gosling Thomas, linen & fancy draper, 715, 717 & 719
Dook Irvine, grocer, '}04 Romford road Romford road
DOTling William, builder, 3 Browning road Goss Alexander, 3ssistant superintendent Royal London
Dowsett John, fishmonger, 510 High street north ~Iutual Assurance Society Limited, 785 Romford road
Dowsett Samuel, fishmonger, 9 "\Valton road Gould Henry &; Son, florists, 4 Greenhill grove
Drake Arth.Edwd. auctioneer & estate agt.44 Station rd Gould William Collins, plumber, 15 Forest View road
Drake Leslie Alexander li.B., C.:M.Edin. physician & Grantham & Co. grocers, 825 Romford road
surgeon, 17 Church road Graves Wm. Hy. Arth. piano tuner, III Sheringham av
Draper F:r<ed, butcher, 317 Dersingham avenue Gray Alfred W. stationer, 14 Station road
Draper John, slater & tiler, 49 Manor Park road Gray Elizabeth (.Miss), dress maker, 76 Seventh avenue
Driscoll :Eleanor (Miss) A.L.U.M. teacher of music, 65 Great Eastern Railway Co.'s Goods Station, Clarence
Shakespeare crescent road; ~oods office, Station road
Drnitt Jabez, monumental mason, 23 Forest drive Greaves Rd.Jas.pawnbroker, 892, 894 k 902 Romford rd
Drury Charles Robert, grocer, 12 Greenhill grove Greco Bernard, teacher of violin, 74 Morris avenue
Dubock Frederick S. grainer, 394 Sherrard road Green Arth. Herbt. yeast merchant, I St. Margaret'!l rd
Durrant Charles William, grocer, 31 Selborne avenue Green James, insurance superintendent,798 Romford rd
Dyer Mildred (Miss), teacher of music, 132 Church road Green William, draper, 56 Rosebery avenue
Eady Stanley, confectioner, 613 Romford road Greenaway Robert, shopkeeper, 27 Greenhill grove
Earle Sydney, l!onfectioner, 841 Romford road Gre~ory J. & Co. l'ricklayers, 131 Seventh avenue
East Ham Music Stores, 357 High street north Griggs Wm. Bertie, fishing tackle ma. 676 Romford rd
East London & Essex Building Society (C. J. Lockwood, Gunning Fredk. Wm. house decorator,17 Manor Park rd
sec.), 749 Romford road Gurr Annie Louise (Mrs.), fancy drpr. 376 High st. nth
'Eastern AdvR-nce Co. Limited (Bertram Brooks, man- Guymer Henry, boot maker, 4{2 High street north
ager), 873 Romford road Guymer James, hoot k. shoe maker, 1c, The Parade,
Eaton Frank, hair dresser, 136 Church road Aldersbrook road
Ellmer & Dell, greengrocers, 362 High street north Habell Sylvester, insurance agent, 45 Durham road
Ellmer William, greengrocer, I .Goldsmith avenue Hadden Richard, hair dresser, 39 Church road
Essex Bill Posting Co. bill posters, 749 Romford road Hall Albert John, laundry, 66 Church road
Essex Ophthalmic Institute (The), opticians, 343 High Hall Annie (:Mrs.), shopkeeper, 24 Herbert road
street north Hall Arthur, laundry, 423 High street north
Etherid~;e Charles, house decorator, 399 Bailey road Hall )-lary (Mrs.), dress maker, 96 Rosebery avenue
.Everest Herbert S. confectioner, 365 High street north Hambury Morris, boot maker, 329 Dersingham avenue
Everett George Francis, confectioner, 614 Romford road Handy Elizabeth (Mrs.), <'Onfectioner, 1009 Romford rrl
Fairfax Alfred, collector of rates to the East Ham Cor- Hankey Eleanor (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 17 Fourth av
poration & assistant overseer, 25 Wanstead Park aven Hankin George, insurance agent, 13 Clarence road
Farewell John H. shopkeeper, 19 Fourth avenue Hankinsons Ltd. chl'mists & druggists, 891 Romford rd
Farley Ann (Mrs.), ehina & glass dealer, 668 Romford rd Hannant Arthur, laundry, 997 Romford road
Farmer James, laundry, 373 High street north Hanson George, greengrocer, 299 Church road
Farmers' & Cleveland Dairies Co. Limited, dairymen, Harding Fras. J. draper, 5 The Parade, Aldersbrook r:i
712 Romford road Harding P. (Mrs.), confectioner, 374 High street north
Farrer & Son, undertakers, 348 High street north Hardingham Kate (Mrs.), confectioner, 661 Romford rd
Farrow Arthur H., M.R.C.V.S. veterinary surgeon, Glen Hare James, coal dealer, IIO Walton road
Mor, Aldersbrook road Harris Henry & Sons, stone masons, 4 First avenue
Faulkner Elizabeth (Mrs.), dining rooms, Romford road' fl-(rris Ernest John, blouse manufacturl'r,766 Romford rd
Harris Florence (Miss)! dress maker, 38 Meanley road James Thomas J. builder, 43 Morris avenue
Harris George, grocer, 144 Church road Jameson Linsey W ~ plasterer, II7 Dersingham nenue
Harris Henry T. greengrocer, 522 High street north Jarvis Cecilia (Mrs.) L.O.S. midwife, 450 High at. north
Barris Leonard G. dining rooms, II9 Church road Jenkins Arth.Jn. furnitnre dlr.653•655 & 657 Romford rd
Harrison A.rthur, The Star P.H. 107 Greenhill grove Jen.nings George S. sec. & supt. Manor Park Cemetery,
Harrison George, cheesemonger, 747 Romford road Whitta rd. (postal address, Sebert road, Forest Gate)
Hart Charles. builder, Manor Park road Jews' Cemetery (Morris A. Solomon, supt. ), High s\. nth
Hartwell Herbert, photographer, 656 Romford road Jewson Thomas, laundry, see Smith & Jewson
Hassell Robert, pawnbroker, 703 & 705 Romford road Jobson Rosa (Mrs.), dress maker, 37 Second avenu&
Hawes James, funeral furnisher, 45 Station road Johnson George, greengrocer. 146 Ohurch road
Hawes William, cycle maker, 391 High street north Johnson Henry, hosier, 424 High street north
Hawkey Wm.Anthony, insurance supt.I8 Woodhouse gro Johnson John Arthur, insurance agent, 159 Byron aven
Hawkins Maria (Mrs.), nurse, 74 Rosebery avenue Johnson William, chimney sweep, 1 Eighth -avenue •
Haynes & So.n Limited, saddlers & harness makers, 615 42 Fourth avenue ·
& 617 Romford road Jolliffe Waiter Ernest, oil & color man, 370 High st. nth
Hayward Arthur, painter & decorator, I Morris avenue Jones Beatrice Ann (Mrs.), news agent, 822 :Romford rd
Hazell Henry, butcher, 416 High street north J ones John Owen, manager of the London & Provincial
Hazell Thomas, boot & 3hoe repairer,170 Sheringham av Bank, 618 Romford road
Heald Frederick Herbert, solicitor, 167 Browning road J ones Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 178 Third avenue
Heanley Katherine (~Iiss) L.S.A.Lond. physician & sur- J ones Philip, teacher of cornet, 30 Ruskin avenue
geon, 396 High street north Judge Thomas, • watch maker, 674 Romford road
Heard William Augustus, typ~>writer. 38 Second avenue Juggins Sarah (Miss),certificated midwife,58 Herbert rei
Hebron :Martha Ann (:~Ess), dress mal{er, 46 Meanley rd Kapovitch Marks, tailor, 394 High street north
H~>nderson Thomas, insurance agent, 179 Browning road Kattle John, boot maker, II9 Sheridan road .t 3aa,
Henning-s & Byles, milliners, 643 Romford road Browning road
Henry Harry George, photographer, 952 Romford road Keehner K. & E. laundry, 678 Romford road
H~>nrv William, tailor, 12 Station road Keeling William John, laundry, 14 Greenhill grove
Herring Alfred, who. sundriesman, 335 Dersingham av Keep John Henry, Avenue hotel, Church road
Hicllman Charle!!, news agent, 651 Romford road Kellythorne George James, shopkeeper, 142 Church rd
Hicks Thomas, laundry, 107 Carlyle road Kextzuar Kazimir, tailor, 1007 Romford road
Hiddlestone Jane (Mrs.), confectioner, 10 Walton road Kerry Thomas, fruiterer, 831 &mfard road
Hill Elizabeth ()Irs. ), nurse, 9 Barrington road Kettle Robert W. boot & shoe maker, uS Meanley road
Hill Sidney Charles, wine & spirit mer. no Browning rd Kilby Sidney J. provision dealer, 18 Station road
Hillman Edward J. bookbinder, 16 Harcourt avenue Kilian Horace, hair dresser, 381 High street north
Dine Florence L. (Mrs.), milliner, 398 High st. north Kimsey Arthur, coal merchant, I St. Mary's gardens,
Hirst Herbert A. insurance agent, 136 Byron avenue Little Ilford lane
Hirtes Herbert, baker, 54 Frowning road King Alfred Henry, manufacturers' agent, 141 Shelley aT
Hobday Brothers, boot repairers, 1a, Station road King Maria (Mrs.), dairy, 432 High street north
Hodgson William R. baker. 328 High street north .King Richard, dairy, 499 High street north
Hodson Jane (Mrs.), bird dealer, 588 Romford road King Sydney H. hair dresser, 4 Station road
Hoile Joseph James, dinin~ rooms, 948 Romford road Kingett Ernest, laundry, 21 Fourth avenue
Holden John F. draper, 476 High street north Kirby Charles, plumber, 889 Romford road
Hollings Arthur, coal merchant, 810 Romford road Kirkwood, Craig & Co. Limited, paste manufacturers,
Hollow Edgar, confectioner, 886 Romford road Eighth avenue, Manor Park
Holloway Alfred George, greengrocer, 131 Church road Klath Henry, hair dresser, 647 & 649 Romford road
Holmes Sarah Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 12 Grantham rd Knight Oonstance (Miss), dress maker, 3 Third avenne
Home & Colonial Stores Ltd. grocers, 769 Romford road Knight Jsph. Hy. grocer & provsn. dlr. 640 Bomford rd
Hcod William. glass cutter, 965 Romford road Kreutz Andrew, watch maker, 697 Romford road
Hooker George & Sons, dyers, 24 Sixth avenue Kydd Andrew W. D. plumber, 37 Sixth avenue
Hopkins Christr. Chas. insurance agent, 124 Sixth av Lafbury Hy. bird & live animal dealer, 24 Station rd
Hopldns Ellen (:Miss), Q'rocer, 327 Dersingham avenue Lake Marjorie (Miss), dress maker, 49 Goldsmith aT
Home Thomas, news agent, 22 Station road Land Mat-thew, boot maker, 428 High street; north
Hornsey Albert, confectioner, 340 High street north Lang Susannah (Mrs.), nurse, u6 Seventh avenue
Horsey Carolina (Mrs.), dress maker, 350 Strone road Langley Ebenezer A. nurseryman, 50 Seventh avenue
Horsley Brothers, printers, 646 Romford road Larkin William .John, leather seller, 746b, Romford rd
Honrigan Michael, confectioner, 168 Alverstone road Laver William, draper, Bog, 8II & 813 Romford road
Row Arthur, grocer, 107 Church road La"ley Frank, jun. grocer, I I Walton road
Howard Henry, g-reengrocer. 343 Dersingham avenue Lawrence Sarah (Mrs.), feather dresser, 6 Ruskin aven
Howard John, boot maker, 67 Greenhill grove La" rence Thomas, fruiterer & greengrocer, ta 1 The
Howitt John Frit?: William M.D.Vict.Canada. M.R.C.S. Parade, Aldersbrook road
Eng. physician k surg~>on, 778 Romford road Lawson Arthur Wm. bookseller, 336 High street north
Rows Henry Charles. estate office. 95 Sherinl!ham aven Lazarus Simon, tailor, 8187 Romford road
Hudson GeorQ"e, confectioner, 164 Church road Leaver Alfred, confectioner, 482 & 484 High st. north
Hudson Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 17 Fifth avenue Leibowitz Isaac, bazaar, 789 Romford road
Hull Edwin, toy dealer, 36o High street north Leigh George, teacher of music, 385 High st. north
Hull Ernest, saddler. 612 Romford road Lesadd .A.rth. Albt. & Sons, pawnbrokers,728 Romfordrd
Hullett Florence Ohr.;s), dress maker,2o1 Sheringham av Lever & Robinson,grocrs.& provision dlrs.631Romford rd
Hunt Archibald Georg-e, greengrocer,385 Dersingham av Lewington Charles, coal dealer, 149 Meanley road
Hunt Mary .A.. E. (Mrs.), tchr.of music,23 Lit. Ilford la Lewis Brothers, pawnbrokers, 383 ffigh street north
Hurcomb Rhod~t (Mrs.). l'hopkeeper, 2 Sheridan road Lightly Bertha (:Miss), dress maker, 93 Essex road
Hursthome Alice C~liss), draper, gr6 Romford road Lilley & Skinner Ltd.boot wareho.765 & 767 Romford rd
Hutchinson Chas . .Alfred, stone mason. 71 Washinl!"f;on av Li pert Elsie (Miss), haberdasher, 7o9a, Romford road
Hutt & Co. china & g-lass merchants, 621 Romford road Lipert Percy, hardware dealer, 387 Hi~h street north •
Huxtable Waltt>r John. tobacconist, 62o Romford road Lipton Limited, provision dealers, 791 Romford road
Ingram Brothers, butchers. 910 Romford road Lismore James, stationer, 29 Station road
Ingram Lionel. fruiterer. 927 Romford road Lobsenzer Harry. music seller, 369 High street north
lngrey Arthur William, shopkeeper, 36 Forest drive r.odder Frederick, confectioner, 5I6 High street north
Intenso Patentel:'s & :Manufacturers Limited,incandescent London & Provincial Bank Lim. (branch) (John Owen
gas mantle manufactrs. Intenso works, Rabbits road Jones, manager), 618 Romford road; draw on head
Ironman William, hair dresser, 447 Hig-h street north office, 3 Bank buildings, Lothbury, London E 0 a.
Ironside William, greeng-rocer. 206 Church road Glyn, Mills, Currie & Go. London E C. See adver•
Isaacs Alfred Samuel, fried fish dealer, 718 Romford rd tisement
Isaacs Morris. fried fish dealer, 457 High street north London & South Western Bank Limited(branch) (A.rthur
Ivory Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 395 Dersingbam avenue James Trimmer, manager), 863 Romford road; draw
Jackson Henry, builder, I Rosebery avenue on head office, 170 Fenchurch street, London E 0
Jacobs Deborah (~Irs.), conf!'ctioner, 331 Dersingham av Long Frederick W. teacher of music, &)Q Romford road
Jacobson Solomon, hair dresser, 888 Romford road Looslev William, l~air dresser, 19 Greenhill grove
James Hezekiah :\'!:orris & Sons. sto>e & rano-e makers, Love Henry, builder, 120 Third avenue
736 Romford road. T ~ 531 Ilford o Loveland Frederick, ironmonger, 711 Romford road
James Jabez William, builder, 66 Manor Park road Low Charles John, wudrobe dealer. 732 Romford road
James John, solicitor, 444 High street north Lucas Arthur, ~reengrocer, 59 Walton road
James John W. buildel·, :\fanor Park road Lucas ::\Iartha (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 57 Walton road
! LITTLE lLFORD. ; 427 & Cook Limited, dyers, 761 Romford road Otten John Edward. bird fancier & dlr. 335 High st. nth
Macaree William, furniture remover. 99 Harcourt aven 0Yen Fred~rick, dining rooms, 436 High street north
McConnell William, tobacconist, 935 Romford road Uwen William E. boot maker, 371 High street north
Jllacer Frederick, butcher, 932 Romford road Paine Bessie- (Miss),music teacher, 213 Shakespeare crea
Mclntyre Louisa. (Mrs.), oil dealer, 31 Church road Palmer Frederick, coal merchant, 1 Dersingham al"enue
Macmillan Elizabeth (Miss), dress ma. 12 Landseer av Palmer Frederick, florist, 540 High street north
Mac:Murtry John .!.lexander M.D., B.Ch., B.A.O.R.U.I. Palmer John, boot repairer, I63 Parkhurst road
physician & surgeon, 688 Romford road Parfitt Thomas, furniture dealer, 993 Romford road
Madell Frank, laundry, 564 Romford rd.& 2 Salisbury rd Parker Albert, beer retailer, 665 Romford road
Maloney Waiter, tobacconist, 465 High street north Parker Henry, collector of King's taxes,217 Browning rd
Maltz Samuel, costumier, 419 High street north Parkes William J. music dealer, 342 High street north
Manley Charles, house decorator, 67 Coleridge avenue Parr Waiter F. grocer, 135 Shakespeare crescent
Mann & Co. tobacconists, 667 Romford road Parsons Arthur, shopkeeper, 285 Church road
Mann Peter, grocer, 412 High street north PaiSons William, tobacconist, 934 Romford road
Manning Charles, builder, 249 Browning road Parsons William George, tobacconist, 701 Romford road
Manor Park Cemetery (Revs. J. P. Gray & J. W. Oliver, Patterson Charles, carrier, 27 Station road
chaplains; George S. Jennings, sec. & supt.), Whitta Pavley Lily (Miss) C.M.E. midwife, 450 High st. north
road (po~>tal address, Sebert road, Forest Gate) Payne Lilian (Miss), dress maker, 2 Second avenue
~an or Park Liberal Club (Ern est Prime, sec.), 566 Payne William John, wine merchant, 731 Romford road
Romford road Pearce Charles, fishmonger, 936 Romford road
Manor Park & Little llford Constitutional Club (W. G. Pearks Limited, grocers, 695 Romford road
Waiters, hon. sec.), 552 Romford road Pearson Alfred & Son, carmen, 2 Herbert road
Manor Park Recreation Hall (Edwin C. Merck, sec.), Pearson Frederick, greengrocer, 65o Romford road
566 Romford road Pemberton Emily (Mrs.), confectioner, 950 Romford rd
Manor Park Working Men"s Club(Charles Warren, sec.), Penrose Samuel, oil & color man, 42 Church road
572 k 574 Romford road Pt:>pper John Robert, fishmonger, I Swinburne avenue
Mark~ Lizzie (~Iiss), confectnr. see Shorney & Marks Perkins Maud (:Miss), music teacher, 94 Shelley avenue
Marling William, boot repairer, 56 Harcourt avenue Perry David, furniture dealer, 4 road
Marsh Ernest D. grocer, 315 Dersingham avenue Perry Samuel, boot maker, 33 Church road
Martm Charles William, provision dlr. 823 Romford rd Pettifer Edith (Mrs.) L.O.S. midwife, 867 Romford road
Martin Edwin, laundry, 35 Church road • Fhillips Hy. Swatson & Co. accountants, 6zo Romford rd
Martin Henry, plumber, 8 Walton road Phillips Arthnr, furniture dealer, 333 High st. north
Maslen Albert H. decorator, 38 Dersingham avenue Pbillips Benjamin, insurance agent, r Essex road
Masters Wallace Edwin, watch maker, 76 Salisbury rd Phillips Charles, glazier, I The Warren, Rabbits road
Mattacks John, boot maker, 9o6a, Romford road Phillips Edwin, window blind maker, 3(\3 High st. north
Maxwell George, shopkeeper, 389 Dersingham avenue Phillips Lily (Mrs.), grocer, 459 High street north
Maynard Isaac Waiter, beer retailer, 630 Romford road Phillips Thomas, carman, 7 Third avenue
Maynard William, beer retailer, 4 Rixsen road Pickett & Co. boot makers, 512 High street north
Maypole Dairy Co. Ltd. dairymen, 771 Rumford road Pike Ernest Edwar.d, tobacconist, 36 Station road
Men'• Social Club (F. RIChman, sec.), 136 Grantham rd Pilgrim William, decorator, 339 High street north
Menzler Frederick, confectioner, 890 Romford road Pilley William, jobbing gardener, 10 Sheringham avenue
Mercer William, marine store dealer, 4 Walton road Pittman ~arion (Miss), dress maker, 17 Forest View rd
Merriman George, greengrocer, 43I High street north Plane Arthur R. tobacconist, 40 Station road
Messem Percy W. insurance agent, 145 First avenue Pledger William, shopkeeper, 133 Dersingham avenue
Meves Gustav .A. fancy dealer, 754 Romford road Plumb Charles, tobacconist, 746a, Romford road
Miles William, dining rooms, 334 High street north Pook Charles H. plumber, 38 Third avenue
Miller Isabel (Miss), dress maker, 29 Lawrence avenu& Poole Henry Hnxford, potato merchant, 933 Romford rd
Miller Lewis Benjamin, estate office, 379 Dersingham av Potter Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker, 17 Swinburne av
Millns Hy. Hale, insurance agent, 133 Rosebery avenue Ponlden Charles, ironmonger, 8o5 Romford road
Mills Frederick Charles, t-ailor, 792 Romford road P1·emier Meat Co. Limited, butchers, 829 Romford road
M1lton Wm. grocer, & post office,931 Romford rd Prentice John, confectioner, 704 RomfoDd road
Mobbs William, oil & color man, 920 Romford road Preston & Co. Limited, butchers, 707 & 843 Romford rd
Moore &; Chamberlain, plumbers, 213 Sheringham aven Price Anne (Mrs.), shopkeeper, I Berkeley street
Moure Daisy (.~Irs. ), boot dealer 339, & draper 341, Price Archibald Ainslie M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond.
Dersingham avenue physician & surgeon, 97I Romford road
Moore William Albert, plumber, 76 Sheringham ave1:ue Prichard Margaret (Mrs.), grocer, 3 Parkhurst road
Morley Ethel (Miss), teacher of music, IS Second aven Pringle A:rchibald, confectioner, 658 Romford road
Morley Sydney, draper, 29 Church road Prior George, furniture broke, 388 High street north
Murri, George James & Co. lamp dlrs. 683 Romford rd Provident Clothing & Supply Co. Limited, 75 Church rd
Mott Thomas, draper, ro Station road Prudence Henry, haberda!'<her, 954 Romford road
Moxom George Wi1liam, corn merchant, 946 Romford rd Prutton J ames & Sons, bakers, 721 Romford road
Moy Thomas Limited, coal & coke merchants, 42 Sta- Pryor Eliza (Mrs.), furniture dealer, 6z5 Romford road
tion road & 74I RomfO>rd road Pugh Thomas Henry, draper, 821 Romford road
Munro Macdonald M.B., Ch.B.Glas. physician & sur- l'umfrey Percy, tailor, see Thompson & Pumfrey
geon, IOI9 Romford road Purkins Arthur James, greengrocer, go6 Romford road
Munt George, builder, 351 Monega road Qwett'.s Mercantile ~'l.gency (Robson Neville Qwett, pro-
Murray Stanley M.D., M.Ch.Irel. physician & surgeon, prietor). 675 Romford road
97 Browning road Rackham Arthur & Co.corn & flour dlrs.733 Romford rd
Nash Elizh. C. (Mrs.),watch ma.k jewllr.8o7 Romford rd Rand Georg-e J. bricklayer, 147 Herbert road
Neal George Thomas, wardrobe dlr. 6n Romford road Randall Fred, piano tuner, 23 Coleridge avenue
Ne\\man Frank, in~>urance agent, 95 Goldsmith avenue R·mdall Robert, cycle agent, 919 Romford roa.d
Newton :Frank, hatter, 544 High street north Hanson, Edward>: & Godfree~ Limited, coach builders,
:Xicholls Mary J. (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 41 Washington aY Rabbits yard, Romford road
Nicholls Rebecca ( ...\Irs. ),ladies' outfitter, 8ro Rondord rd Ranson Henry, boe>t maker, 135 Little Ilford lane
N1coll~ Charles A. _e.state agent, 45 Woodhouse grove Rayner Albert E. insurance agent, 66 Browning road
Nixon James, fried fish dealer, 5 Fourth avenue R.a~·ner Helene Elizabeth Ada (:Mis~ ), teacher of music,
Nixon William, fishmonger, 896 Romford road 2 Bvron avenue

Noble Albert, greengrocer, 750 Romford road Rayner HPnry, shop &. cffice fitter, 2 Byron avenue
.Noble Frank H. florist, 33 Station road Reader William Henry, dairy. 570 Romford road
:Xonpareil Manufacturing Co. costume stand makers, Reeves Albert, draper, 367 High street north
257 Church road Reeves Waiter, marine store dealer, 259 Church road
Xorman & Co. house furnishers, 775 Romford road Reeves William, music dealer, 68 Church road
Xorth Stephen J. greengrocer, 27 :Fourth avenue Rsn,mington Ernest John, clothier 830, & leather seller
Northend Herbert, piano tuner, 848 Romfurd road 832, Romford road
O"Inn .A.da pliss), confectioner, 648 Romford road Reynolds Alfred G. shopkeeper,2 The Warren,Rabbits rd
Oldershaw William, leather seller, 779 Romfor..:l road R.ichard.s William, shopkeeper, 155 Herbert road
Olney Wilfred, boot repairer, Rixsen road Richardson Charles, cycle repairer, 673 Romford road
Opposs Salmon, tailor, 789 Romford road Richardson Thomas, fried fish dealer, 125 Church road
Orchard Henry, master mariner, 45 Essex road Ridlers Limited, printers, 345 High street north
Ormston & Son, grocers, 69 Browning road Rimer Marion (Mrs.), nurse, 269 Parkhurst road
Osborn William E. grocer, 44 Church road liippin James, wholesale druggi~ts' ,;undriesman, 639
Oswald John, butcher, 638 Romford road l &. 641 Romford road

428 Y1NO'Q. p1RK .!ND J F..SSEX. [KELLY's


.Boberts Caroline (Mrs.)~ shopkeeper, n Fourth avenue Spooner Isaac James & Son,. butchers, 724 Romford road
Roberts Edward, engraver, 120 Rosebery avenue Squire Arthur, furniture dealer, 770 Romford road
:Rvberts George, butcher, 391 Dersingham avenue Stahl Charles, butcher, 900 Romford road
.Roberts Hy. Edwin, ham & beef dealer, 634 Romford rd Stanbrook Francis, furniture dealer, 440 High st. north
.Roberts Richard, carpenter, 546a, Romford road Staples Harry, dining rooms, 546 Romford road
Robertson James, shopkeeper, 33 Dore avenue Stark William, house & estate agent, 6go Romford road
Bobertson John Duncan, supt. City of London Cemetery, Steeds John, grocer, 377 High street north
Aldersbrook road Steel John Robert, wardrobe dealer, 905 Romford road
Robinson Herbert, dining rooms, 687 Romford road Stege Elizabeth (Mrs.), confectioner, 995 Romford road
Bobinson James F. insurance agent, 177 Third avenue Stehle Mary Ann (Mrs.), baker, 378 High street north
.Rose John, butcher, 435 High street north ~t6venson Henry, photographer, 84 Third avenue
Rosebery Cycle Co. 58o Romford road Stewart John, greengrocer, 672 Romford road
Bowe Alice (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 1 Gloucester road Stickland Geo. H. insurance agt. 79 Wanstead Park aT
Rowe Arth. Barzellia, picture framer, 866 Romford rd Stock Frederick, business transfer agent, I W olferton rd
Rowley Joseph A..lbert,teacher of violin,84 Chesterford rd Stocker Charles, decorator, 38 Herbert road
Rowley Lillian (Miss),teacher of piano,84 Chesterford rd St-okes James & Sons, builders, 22 Woodhouse grove
Bowsell Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 452 High street north Stone & Son, ironmongers, 406 High street north
Royal Navy Recruiting Office (Chief Petty Officer Geo. Sione Annie (Mrs.), private school, 125 Dersingham aven
Joseph Daniels, recruiting officer), 1 Second avenue Storey William, beer retailer, 397 Dersingham avenue
"Rubinstein Nathan, haberdasher, 670 Romford road Stratford Co-operative & Industrial Society J.imited,
Rudge Percy V. boot maker, 472 High street north grocers &c. 849 & 851 Romford road & Midland Bail-
Rudkin John, grocer, & post office, Church road way depot, Woodgrange Park
Ruffell Alfred, grocer, 303 Church road Streitberger Augustus, pork butcher, 693 Romford road
Rumsey Bros. furniture dealers, 743 & 745 Romford rd St:rickland Grace(Miss)& Cyril, milliners,664 Romford rd
Russell Richard & Co. corset manufrs. 636 Romford rd Styles Ernest, pastrycook, 488 High stre~t north
Russell James William, grocer, II4 Sixth avenue Suffield & Son, carpenters & joiners, 520 High st. north
Rust Joseph, tailor, 389 High street north Su.ffield Matthew H. F. painter & decorator, 102 Shake-
Rutson Brothers, grocers, 926 Romford road speare crescent
Rntter Ernest, chemist & druggist, 76 Church road Swift Thoma.s, watch maker, 716 Romford road
'Rye Wilbert, upholsterer, 396 Sherrard road Swinchatt Richard, laundry, 2 Parkhurst road
Ryland H. C. & Sons, opticians, Cameron's yard, Sta- Symons Brothers, fishmongers, 827 Romford road
tion road Syrett Arthur, boot repairer, 7 Walton road
Ryland Louisa & Annie (Misses), dress makers, II9 Talbot Henry, paint€r, 1 Fifth avenue
Wanstead Park avenue Tammad~te Frederick R. cycle maker, 480 High st. north
Sainsbury John, grocer, 755 & 757 Romford road Tarbard. Robert Albt. wine & spirit mer. 72 Sixth aven
St. Nichola.s Industrial Catholic School (Sisters of Tate Sophia (~frs.), confectioner, 8o8 Romford road
Mercy, teachers; Rev. J. Walton, chaplain; John Taylor Alfred John, greengrocer, 709 Romford road
J ackson, superintendent), Gladding road Taylor Amelia (:Mrs.), dress maker, 6 Rixsen road
'Salter William Ha.thaway, grocer, & post. office, 663 Taylor Frederick, hair dresser, 387 Dersingham avenue
Romford road Taylor Frederick William, cycle maker, 694 Romford rd
·Sanders Brothers, corn chandlers, 781 & 930 Romford rd Taylor William, boot repairer, 289 Church road
·Sanders Henry M. grainer, 245 Bailey road Taylor William Matthew, grocer, 568 Romford road
Sanderson Clara Amy (Mrs.), confectnr. 759 R-omford rd •remple John W esley, artificial teeth maker & dental
Sander.son Ethel (Madame), milliner, 696 Romford roa-d sur~ery, 675 Romford road. T N 272 Ilford
Sanderson Harry A. insurance agent, 71 Seventh avenue Territorial Force Battalion (4th) Essex Regiment (B
Sargent Henry, boot repairer, 106a, Lawrence avenue Co.) (Capt. H. R. Tyler; Ernest Elstone, sergeant-
'Satchell Henry Joseph, asst. insur. supt. 22 Berkeley st instructor, Barking); head quarters, 15 Church road
Satens John D. hair dresser, 834 Romford road Thacker Fred. M. wine & spirit dealer, 1 The PaJ,'ade,
Saunders Wm.Ja:s. marine store dlr. 1a & Ib, Fourth av Aldersbrook road
Scarborough George Frederick, baker, 177 Church road Thacker Harry A. grocer, 3 The Parade,Aldersbrook road
Schwartz Soli, costumier, 346 High street north Thackray James, shopkeeper, 26 Warwick road
Scott Edith & Lucy (Misses), shopkeepers, 39 Station rd Thomas George, glass merchant, IOoi Romford road
'Scottish Legal Life }ssurance Society (Charles Burke, Thomas Henry, cotton goods manufacturer, 991, :roo3
district manager), 451 High street north & 1005 Romford road
Scovell William, electrician, 223 Shakespeare crescent Thomas Henry, furniture dealer, 41 Station road
Sense James, insurance agent, 18 Morris avenue Thompsor~ & Pumfrey, tailors, 937 Romford road
Scabrook James C. boot repairer, 16 Gajnsborough av Thompson Arthur, boot & shoe maker, 103 Herbert rd
Se\vell John Stock, builder, 218 Browning road Thorne Richard, butcher, 624a, Romford road
'Seymour Henrietta F.(Miss),private schl.148Browning rd Thoro good George, wardrobe dlr. see Cook; & Thorogood
Sharpe Gordon, builder, 47 Byron avenue Thorpe John, corn dealer, 30 Fourth avenue
Sharpe Rose (Mrs.), nurse, 33 Forest drive Thurley Arthur Albert, insurance agt. 31 Lawrence av
'Shaw Thomas Henry, butcher, 28 Station road Thurlow Alfred, greengrocer, 333 Dersingham avenue
Shephard Richard, Ruskin Arms P.H. 386 High st. nth Tickell William T. insurance agent, 17 Warwick road
Sheppard Edward Thomas, boot ma. 884 Romford rd Tilson Harry, dining rooms, 38 Station road
Shiels Robert J. electrical engineer, 4a, Station road 'I'imt Harry, greengrocer, 691 Romford road
'Shimberg & Co. provi;;ion dealers, 803 Romford road 'l'inklPr Elizabeth (Miss), news agent, 684 Romford Jld
Shorland A. Ltd. hatters & outfitters, 751 Romford rd Tinner Sydney Jonathan, Earl of Essex P.H. 616 Rom-
'Shornev & Marks (Misses), confectioners, 138 Church rd ford road & Blakesley Arms P .H. Station road
'Short William H. tobacconist, 67 Browning road Tites Dreadnought Coal Co. coal merchants, Station rd
Simcock Jsph.Hy. oil & color man.734 & 817 Romford rd Towell Wm. boot. & shoe dealer, 675 & 677 Romford rd
'Simmers George, stationer, 723 Romford road Townshend Williarri, boot maker, 6 Parkhurst road
Simmons Charles Henry, decorator, 70 Sixth avenue Trayner Geor~e, boot maker, 166 Rosebery avenue
Simonds Daisy (Mrs.), confectioner, 8 Station road Trenaman Alfred Edgar, taxidermist, 706 Romford rd
Sims John William, house decorator, Clarf'nce road Trimmer Arthur James, manager of London & South
Singer Sewing Machine Co. Limited, 66o ltomford road Western Bank Limited, 863 Romford road
'Siseley William, picture frame maker, 51 Station road Trott Alfred J. tobacconist, 48 Station road
Skinnf>r Edward George. dairy, 1 Fourth avenue Tubb John, laundry, 828 Romford road
'Smith & Jewson, laundry, 6o8 Romford road · Tuck Geo. Edgar, house decorator, II9 Dersingham aven
'Smith Charles W. butcher, 10 Greenhill grove Tucker Alfred Thomas, plumber, 85 Carlyle road
Smith Ethel (Miss), music teacher, 12 Chesterford road Turl Janp (Mrs.), fl'ather dresser, 52 Walton road
Smith Frank, Co'lch &; Horses P.H. 938 Romford road Turner Alfred, marble mason, 627 Romford road
'Smith Henry L. music teacher, 14 Manor Park road Turner Arthur, shopkeeper, 430 High street north
Smith Joseph, coffee rooms, 824 Romford road Turton Thomas, shopkeeper, 71 Greenhill grove
Smith Sarah (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 36 Walton road Tustin Thomas Frederick, grocer, 175 Church road
'Smith Waiter, boot maker, 907 Romford road 'l'wyford Georg-e C. dairy, 422 High street north
Solomon Morris .A.. supt. Jews' Cemetery, High st. nth Tyler Archibald, draper, 134 Church road
Sorge Hermann, hair dresser, 928 Romford road Tyne Main Coal Co. Limited, coal mers.8o1 Romford rd
:Eorrell Charles, blacksmith, 1a, Eighth avenue Tyson Spencer, outfitter, 773 Romford road
Southcott William, tobacconist, 623 Romford road Universal Boot. Co. (The), boot & shoe dealers, 393
Spencer .T. B. & Co. piano tuners, 14 Sheridan road High street norUt
Spencer Henry, printer, 2 Ri:xsen road Upsdale Andrew Reed, surveyor, 738 Romford road.
Spencer William George, butcher, 36 Church road T :8 551 Ilford ..

Upton William &; Co. decorators, 65 Eyron avenue West Ham Union Children's Receiving Homes (J. Berry
Urhrin James S. blouse manufacturer, I Selborne avenue Pitts, supt.; Mrs. J. L. Pitts, matron),Aldersbrook l'd
Wackett Charles Henry, tobacconil:lt, 168 Grantham road West Edith (Miss), costumier, 208 Shakespeare crescent
Wackett Waiter, carman, 170 Grantham road &; Rom- Westfield Waiter, piano tuner, I Brancaster road
ford road 1 Westlake .Alfred, outfitter, 352 High street north
Wagner Henry .A. shopkeeper, 73 Fourth avenue 1 Westwood Robert &; Sons, painters, 46 Herbert road
Waidson William, carpet planner, 496 High st. north 1 Wheeler Brothers, tailors, 379 High street north
WalKer A.nnie (Mcs.), nurse, 37 Ohesterford road Wheeler John George, boot repairer, 243 Church road
Walker Clifford,perforating press maker,558 Romford rd Wheeler John W. painter, 24 Meanley road
Walker Herbert S. artificial teeth ma. 769 Romford rd Wheeler Robert, grainer, 77 Fourth avenue
Wallis Preston Richard L.S.A.Lond. physician &; sur- Whicher Henry Edwin, insurance agent, 6 Second aven
geon, 7I Browning road I Whitbread & Co. Ltd. brewers,Romiord rd. TN 35 Ilford
Waiter Henry, coal agent, 635 Romford road White .Albert, chimney sweeper, 30 Greenhill grove
Warburton Sidney George, watch maker,554 Romford rd White Fredf:'rick, fishmooger, 140 Church road
Ward Charles, boot maker, 425 High street north White William, builder, I Herbert road
Ward Geo. confectioner, 4 The Parade, Aldersbrook rd Whitehouse Frederick J. house decorator, 113 Carlyle rd
Ward George, picture frame maker, 340 High st. north Whitten Samuel L.R.C.P. & L.M.I.,L.M. &; L.S ..A.Lond.
Ward Sidney, beer retailer, 842 Romford. road physician & surgeon; dispensary, 534 High st. north
Warne Charles, painter & decorator, Io Rectory roadt Wiggin.s Alfred, gas fittings dealer, 121 Dersingham aven
Warne.s Ellen (Mrs.), confectioner, 768 Romford road Wilkins John E. estate agent, 14 Fourth avenue
Warren .Arthur & Son, boot makers, 83 Church road Williams John, insurance agent, 58 Second avenue
Warren Engineering Co. motor enginrs. 68Ia,Romford rd Willings Henry C. builder, 5 Wolferton road
Warren Thomas, boot maker, 463 High street north Willis Ernest Chas. &; Co. cycle mfrs. 756 Romford rd
Waters Hugh William, boot repairer, 398 Sherrard rd I Willis .Tames, feather dresser, 29I Church road
Watkins James, draper, 847 & 922 Romiord road Willmer Charles, drug stores, 815 Romford road
Watling Henry & Son, plumbers, 37 Dersingbam avenue Willoughby John, boot repairer, III Shakespeare cres
Watson Thomas &; Son, builders, 74 Ruskin avenue Wilton Edward Thos. china &; glass dlr. 609 Romford rd
Watson Horace J. boot maker, 105 Church road Winch Henry, boot repairer, 776 Romford road
Watts Arthur .Argall, boot maker, 48 Church road 'Wi11eman Morris, furrier, 698 Romford road
\Veall Joseph, dining rooms, 969 Romford road Witts Francis John, optician, 785 Romford road
Webb Edwin, estate agent, 173 Church road Wood Frederick, decorator, 64 Lawrence avenuf'
Webb James, assistant insurance supt. 218 Monega road Woodgrange Park GQods &; Coal Station (L. T. & South-
Webb Maria M. (Mrs.), dress maker, 53 Herbert road end Railway), High street north
Webb Thomas, tobacconist, 392 High street north Woods Charles N. fishmonger, 433 High street north
Webb Torrence James, confectioner, 956 Romford road Wright George, house decorator, I02 Carlyle road
Weeden Thomas & Son, oil & color men, 26 Station road Wright May (Miss), draper, 364 High street north
Weeks & Cooper Limited, blouse mfrs. 923 Romford rd Yallup George Herbert, supt. to Sun Life .Assurance
Wells George, gas fitter, 404 High street north Society, 48 Sixth avenue
\r(>ner Beny, costumier, 354 High street north Yarnley Arthur, fishmonger, 628 Romford road

M:ANUDEN (or Manewden) is a village and parish, from the year I$6I. The living is a vicarage, net yearly
on the river Stort. 2 miles north-west from Stansted sta- value £n2, with residence and 2l acres of glebe, in the
tion, on the Cambridge section of the Great Eastern rail- gift of the Rev. J. B. Forster, and held since I913 b)-
way, 4 north from Bishop Stortford and the Lee naviga- the Rev. Henry Brohier Grindle, of London University.
tion, and 34 from London by road, in the Northern divi- Lieut. -Col. George Coussmaker, of W estwood, Surrey~
sion of the county, Clavering hundred, Bishop Start- is impropriator of the tithes, which commuted at.
ford onion and county court district, W alden petty ses- £630. Here is a Congregational chapel, erected in
~ional division, Newport and Stansted rural deanery, 1826, with I30 sittings. .A pleasure fair is held on
Colchester archdeaconry and Chelmsford diocese. The Easter Monday. Manuden HaJl, burnt down in 1889~
church of St. Mary, given by Richard de Corneville and with the exception of the front wall, was an ancient
Alice his wife to the monks of St. Melan, in Bretagne, gabled structure in the Elizabethan style, but has.
and formerly a cruciform building, underwent a thorough since been rebuilt : it is the property of Robert Cun-
restoration in IB64 at a cost of £I,900, and is now an liffe Gosling esq. of Hassobury, who is lord of the
edifice of flint with stone dressings in the Early Gothic two manors of Battles Hall and Manuden Hall, and
style, consisting of spaeious chancel, nave, north tran- principal landowner. The Hall is now occupied as a
sept, south aisle, south porch and an embattled farmhouse. The !Klil is mixed, but principally heavy;.
western tower with spire containing 5 bells : the chancel, subsoil, clay, chalk and gravel. The crops are on the
separated from the nave by a richly-carved screen, con- four and five course shifts. The area is 2,526 acres of
tains a painted reredos presented by the present vicar : land and 5 of water; rateable nlue, £2,673; the popu-
in the north transept, called "Battle's End," and appar- lation in I9II was 576·
ently once belonging to the manor of Battle's Wood, is a
mural tablf't to Sir William Wade kt. a celebrated man MALLOWS GREEN is one mile and a half west.
in the reigns of Queen Elizabeth and King James I.
being one of the clerks of the Privy Council and also Parish Clerk and Sexton, Charles Green.
employed on missions t.o the Emperor Rudolph II. Philip Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Oharles Warren, sub-post-
king of Spain, He;try III. of Franee, Henry IV. of France master. Letters received through Stansted. Essex,
and ]S"avarre, ana to Mary Queen of Scots; he was also arrive at 6.40 a.m.; second delivery at I.25 p.m.;
Lieutenant of the Tower of London, and held other im- dispatched at 2 k 6.5o p.m. ; sundays, arrive at 7-40
portant offices ; on retiring from public affairs he spent a.m. &; dispatched at 8.20 a.m
the remainder of his life quietly at Battle's Wood, dying Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1877, for
there in his 77th year, 23 Oct. 1623: on the chancel floor qo children; average attendance, 100; Miss .!my W.
is an epitaph to Gertrude, wife of Richard James, ob. Smith, mi~tress
:r634: the church has 350 sittings. The register dat(>s
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bishop Henry, Ooek P.H Peachey Waiter, horse dealer
Burls George .Arthur, Margarets Brand Charles, blacksmith Peachey William Jos. beer retailer
Forster Rev. J oseph Bernard 1\'I..A. Burls Jsph.Rt. frmr. Saucemeres frm Pratt .Alfred, farmer. Peyton iball
Manuden home 'Burls William, grocer Read William, shoe maker
Grindle Rev. Henry Brohier (vicar) Clark Mary (Miss), dress maker Spencer Charles & Sons, maltsters
The Vicarage ' Cowell Fredk. farmer, Battailes hall! Tedder William, _shoe maker
Judge Frederick Wm. The Cottage Cowell Joseph, farmer, Manuden hall Tharby Ellen (M1ss), baker
Furze Robert Hy.frmr.Pinchpools frm Totman Ellen(Mrs.),frmr.Mallows grn
CO::\IliERCIAI,. Hockley Daniel, insurance agent Warren Charles, stationer, Post office
Baker William, farmer Horner Sa.rah .A. (Mrs.), baker j Watts Goorge,whitening manufacturer
Earnard Ellen (:\Hss), shopkeeper Jasper John, farmer, Parsonage farm
GREAT MAPLESTEAD is an ancient village and I court district, in
Halstead and Hedingham rural deanery~
parish some distance from the junction of the roads from 1 Colche~ter archdeaconry and diocese of Chelmsford. The
Haverhill and Sudbury with that to Braintree, 2! miles village lies high, the parish sloping towards the river
east from Hedingham station on the Colne Valley rail- Colne. The church of St. Giles is a building cf stone
"ay, and 3} north-west from Halstead, in the Northern and brick, in part of Early Norman date, the body of
division of the county, Hinckford hundred, North Hinck- the church belonging to the late Decorated period, and
ford petty sessional division, Halstead union and county consisting of apsidal chancel, nave with south chapel.

north aisle, south porch, and a massive embattled western are constructed f(}r 55 penitents, who may be receive4
tower, containing 3 bells and a clock presented in 1883 from any part of the United Kingdom, with a preference
by Mrs. Maria Sperling, in memory of Henry John for the counties of Essex and Herts ; the managemem
Sperling esq. D.L., J.P.; the tower was for years covered of the institution is entrusted to a council of so of the
with plaster, on the removal of which, in 1861, it was leading clergy and laity of the two counties, and m
found that the western part of the tower was in brick: Jan. 1892, it was placed under the care of the Sisters
the date 1612 was visible on it, and the legend is that of the Community of St. John the Baptist, Clewer~
at this date this half of the tower, together with the for its maintenance it is dependent on voluntary sub-
west end of the south aisle were destroyed by lightning, scriptions and on washing and needlework done by the
and restored as now seen, the .ancient quoins being penitents : the Lishop of the diocese is visitor and the
ret-ained : in the north aisle is a memorial window to Rev. Charles Henry Townsend is warden. Dynes
Mrs. Gee, and there are others to the wife of Charles Hall, the property of C. F. D. Sperling esq. who
B. Sperling and to the late Charles Sperling, both is lord of the manor, is a handsome brick mansion,-
erected in 1901 : in the south chapel are monuments t<l erected in 1575, the west wing being Elizabethan ancl
Sir John Dean, of Dynes Hall, who was knighted at the the main structure in the Queen Anne style; it is the
Tower in 'I6o3, and died 17th February, 1625, and another residence of Thomas Spencer Gosling esq. : the estate
to his lady, A.nne, daughter of Sir Drue Drury kt. of comprises soo acres, and includes a finely-wooded park.
Riddlesworth, Norfolk; she died 25 May, 1633; on thP The principal landowners are C. F. D. Sperling esq.
first, beneath an arch supported on pillars of black Charles E. Brewster esq. J.P. of Maplestead Hall, T. F,
marb"le, is the effigy of the knight, reclining on his arm, ~iiller esq. Mr. Charles G. Hearn and Mr. George
and above are kneeling figures of eight children; the Newton. The soil is mixed loam and gravel; subsoil,
monument of Lady Dean is more elaborately designed, various. The chief crops are wheat, oats, barley ancl
and has a standing effigy beneath an arch, and below turnips. The area is 1,824 acres; rateable value,
this a figure in armour of her son, Sir Drue Deane kt. £1•969; the population in I9II was 411 in the civil
who erected the monument April 14, 1634 : on the south and 427 in the ecclesiastical parish.
wall of the chapel is a sun-dial : the edifice was enlarged By Local Government Board Order 16,612, March :ljj
by the additi<ln of a nm-th aisle and reseated in the year 1885, a detached part of the parish known as Hampers
1861, and the chancel was reS'I:ored in 1866 by Miss Farm and Dean's Hall Road were added to Little Maple·
BaTter in memory of Mrs. Gee : the church affords 240 stead for civil purposes.
sittings. The register of baptisms and marriageg dates
from 1697; burials, 1678. The living is a vicarage, net Post Office. Waater Blake, sub-postmaster. Lette~
yeal'lly value £120, with 20 acres of glebe and Tesidence, through Halstead, arrive at 7.10 a.m. & 12.45 p.m.;
in the gift of the Knights of the Hospita1 of St. John dispatched at 12.45 & 6.15 p.m.; no delivery on sun·
of Jerusalem, and held since 1912 by the Rev. William days. The nearest money order & telegraph office ill'
Paxton Thorp Th.A..K.C. who is also vicar of Little at Castle Hedingham, 2 miles distant
Maplestead. Here is a chapel for Plymouth :Brethren. Public Elementary School (mixed), built with mistress'•
The Diocesan House of Mercy for Fallen Women was" house in I86 3, at the expense of Mrs. Gee, on a site
erected here in 1867, at a cost of about £ IO,ooo, presented by the late Robert Hanbury esq.; the school
by the late Miss E. Barter, who afterwards became will hold 70 children; average attendance, 35 ; Miss
a Sist-er of the Community of All Hallows, Ditching- Marv Ann Bird·, mistress
ham; she also endowed the institution with a stipend ·
for the warden, who must be a clergyman of the This school is controlled by the Essex Education (Hal-
Church of England; the buildings, to which a new stead Sub-District) Committee,
wing was added in 1897, at ft cost of about £2,ooo, clerk "
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Broyd William, jundrmr.Barrett's hall Hearn Charles Geo. farmer, Purls hill
Baxtel" Charles Cock John, farmer Liberal Club (Frederick Eary, sec)
Gosling Thomas Spencer, Dynes hall Constitutional Club (David Newland, Newton Ernest A. S. poultry farwe!'
Miller Thos. Fredk. J.P. Monks lodge sec) Newton Geurge, farmer, Lucking ho
. . Crawley Charles William, farmer, Newton George Wm. Hart, farmer,
Th orp R ev. W m. P ax t on Th . A .KC
(vicar), Vicarage Chelmsloe house Lucking house
Townsend Rev. Charles Hy. Wardens Diocesan House <lf Mercy for Fallen Nice Alfred, blacksmith
lodge Women (Clewer Sisters; Rev. Oha·s. Smith Joseph, farmer, Little Purb
Urell .Mrs Henry Townsend, warden) Hill farm
. Gatward Frank, castrator Smith Waiter J. farm bailiff to Thos.
COMMERCIAL. Goodwin John Thos. frmr. Hop wells F'rederick Miller esq. J.P
Blake Waiter, shopkeeper Gurteen William James, beer retailer, Wright Frank, carpenter
LITTLE MAPLESTEAD is an ancient parish, extremely rude and simple execution: there are us
about 6 miles south-west from Sudbury and the Stour sittings. The register dnte.s from the year 1688. The
navigation and 2! north from Halstead station on living is a. 'vicarage, net yearly value £56, with :20 acres
the Colne Valley railway, in the ~orthern division of the of glebe, in the gift of the Knights of the Hospital of
county, Hinckford hundred, North Hinckford petty ses- s~ .•Tohn of Jerusalem, and held since I912 by the Rev.
sional division, Halstead union and county court district, William Paxton Thorp Th.A.K.C. who is also vicar of
Halstead rural deanery, Colchester archdeaconry and and resides at Great Maplestead. Here is a Congrega-
Chelmsford diocese. .A. preceptory of the Knights tional chapel erected in 1817. The trustees of Joseph
Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem was founded here Davis's Charity, who are lords of the manor, Charles
by Juliana de :Burgo in nss. the round church of Edward Brewster esq. J.P. of Maplestead Hall; and
which, now the parish church of St. John the Baptist, Ker George Russell Vaizey esq. of the Vicarage, Stan·
is an example <lf the pur~ Decorated style and one of sted; are the principal landowners. Tha soil is. clay
the four churches in England of the class to which the and loam; subsoil, various. The chief crops are wheat,
Temple church in London and those of St. Sepulchre oats. barley and turnips. The area is 1,212 acres;
at Cambridge and Northampton belong; there are, how- rateable value, £1,021; the population in 19II was 2J.f.
- ever, the Tuins of a fifth in Ludlow Oastle. Shropshire: in the civil and 218 in the ecclesiastical parish.
the churC'h here is specially interesting as being the By Local Government Board Order r6,612, March 25,
latest and smallest of these, the diameter of the circular 1888, a detached part of Great Maplestead was trans-
part being only about 26 feet, and the whole length, fe~red to this parish.
including the apsidal chancel, little more than 6o feet :
the circular portion, or nave, consists of a peristyle Post Office. James Simmons, sub-postmaster. Letter!{
of eix piers, each formed by three shafts set round through Halstead, arrive at 6.45 & 11.40 a.m.; dis-
11. triangle and supportin~ pointed arches of simple patched at 11.45 a.m. & 6.35 p.m. ; no delivery on sun~
but good design, those extending to the outside wall days. Halstead & Pebmarsh are the nearest money
resting on corbels ; the windows are mostly of two order & telegraph offices, each 2! miles distant
lights ; the western entrance is through an arch Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1874, for 7r1
adorned with rows of quatrefoil and trefoil ornaments. children; average attendance, 47; Miss Elizabeth
the head terminating in a finial : this church is said Ravner, mistress
formerly to have bad the privilege of sanctuary and was This 'schMl is under the control of the Essex Education
rebuilt in 1854. the circular west end and the semi- (Halstead Sub-District) Committee ..
circular chancel being strictly preserved ; the font is of Halstead, clerk
Brewster Oharles Edward J.P. Maple· Harward Mis3
!rliead ihall 1
Pollitt Frederick, Westwode Brewster Charles Edward, farmer·

Fitch Hemy A. BrazenhPad Waterman Herbert, Primrose lodge landowner
Cant William, farm bailiff to Charles Layzell John, Cock P.B Sparke ..i.rthur, blacksmith
Edward Brewster esq Potter Charles, farmer Wright Arthur, carpent-er
l>i:sPy Henry, farmer Richhell John, bricklayer Wright Wilfrid Wm. frmr.Gage's frw
Jenniug. Walter, farmer

HARGARETTING is a parish, on the Roman and trustees, and held since 1907 by the Rev. John Edward
modern road from London to Colchester, 2 miles north- Marsden, Assoc. of K.C.L. William Baker esq. i•
east from Ingatestone station on the Great Eastern rail- impropriator of the great tithes. Coptfold Hall, the
way, 4 south-west from Chelmsford navigation, 5 north property and residence of Edward James Upton esq.
from Billericay, 7 north-east from Brentwood and 25 is a modern mansion, pleasantly situated on an eminPnce.
from London by road, and in the Mid division of the in a. small and thickly wooded park of 40 acres. Lord
eounty, Chelmsford hundred, petty sessional division, Petre, lord of the manor of Margaretting Hall, Edward
anion and county court district, rural deanery of Bar- James Upton esq. lord of the manor of Coptfold Hall.
stable, archdeaconry of Essex and Chelmsford diocese. and Sir Daniel Fulthorpe Gooch hart. J.P. of the
The Wid stream flows through the parish. The church Hylands, Widford, are chief landowners. The soil i11
of St Margal'et, situated one mile south of the village, of a mixed character; subsoil, loamy. The chief crop11
eonsists of chancel, nave, south aisle with chapel, are wheat, oats, barley and beans. The area is 2,273
yestry, north and south porches and a wooden tower acres of land and I I of water; rateable value, £n,351;
with shingled belfry and spire at the west end, con- the population in 19n was 677.
taining 4 bells, each of which bears a dedication in
old English characters; the smallest dates from about Post, M. 0. & T. Office. Jesse Tolfts, postmaster.
1525: this church is a noble example of the Early Open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; telegraph, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.;
Perpendicular style of the period of Henry VI. highly bank holidays & sundays, 8.30 to ID a.m.; telegraph,
elaborated and still complete in design : the font is 8.30 to 10 a.m. Letters arrive through Ingatestone,
a magnificent work of the same date, octangular in Es!lex, at 7-IO '<l.m. & 6.55 p.m.; dispatched at 10.15
form and panelled and highly moulded in the plinth a.m. & 8.10 p.m.; sundays, arrive 7.15 a.m.; dis-
as well as in the shaft and top : the north porch is patched 9 55 a.m
a fine example of timber work, the design is perfect Wall Letter Box, at the White Hart, The Tye, cleared
and of the carved tracery and other ornamental worl; at 8 a.m. & 7-I5 p.m. week days only
much still remains: the church was restored in County Police, Nathan John Minter, constable
187o, and has 215 sittings. The register dates from the Public Elementary School (mixed), built in x86.J, for
year :1628. The living is a vicara~e. net yearly valuP 125 children; average attendance, 95; Miss Mary
{.200, with residence and 5 acres of glebe, in the gift of Barton, mistress
Vigne John Hemy, Eweland hall Jennings Charles John, builder
PRIVATE RESIDEN'fS. McMillan George, farmer, Bearman"s
Elton Lieut.-Col. Alfred George Good-' Ottley Jethro, Black Bull P.B
enough, Peacocks A.brey GeorgP. farmer, White's place Pacey Thomas, farm bailiff to E. J.
Grnbbe Francis William, Ivy hill Baker Arth. E. farmer, White's Brdg Upton esq
Grubbe Waiter John,Southland house Baker Wm.Geo.farmr. Parsonage frm Potter Frank, Spread Eagle inn
Marsden RPv. John Edward A.K.C.L. Bartrop & Son, shopkeepers Renshaw Benjamin, farmer, The Tye
(vicar). Vicara11:e l Bird Arthur-, farmer. Durrant's farm Sawyer Eliza (Mrs.), baker
Morgan Robert Charles, Killegrews Christy Dvd. frml'. Margar-etting hall Southgate Ralph, blacksmith
Potts Lt>wis, St Martin's Claydon Thos.bricklyr.& chimny.swpr Stevens Bugh, farmer, Webb's farm
Robi111!1 Harry, Ponders Clift William, insurance agent & rate Thorndick William Roland, farmer
Sargeaunt Edward Woodbine, Canter- collector & assistant overseer for W allace George, blacksmith
I lngatPstnne & Widford Webster Wm. George, Red Lion P.H
Scott Robert Henry Milne, Park lodge Cotterill Harry, head gardener to E. White David William, thrashing
Sheldrick John Sbaw, Sunnyside J. Upton esq machine proprietor
Straight R. Marshall, Lyndock Gray James, farmer, Coptfold farm WoodhPad Percy, farmer, Little
Upton Edward James, Coptfold hall Hills Christr. Jas. beer retlr. TheTye Trussles farm
MARKSHALL is a small parish, 5 miles north yearly value £146, with 67 acres of glebe and residence,
from Kelvedon station on the GrPat Eastern railway, in the gift of the Society for the Maintenance of the
and 7 east-north-east from Braintree station on the Faith, and held since 1912 by the Rev. Edward Jame~
Maldon, Witham and Braintree branch of that line, Hodges B.A. of Oxford University. Marks Hall, the seat
2 north-west from Cogg-eshall, and 8 south from Hal- of Thomas Phillips Price esq. J .P. is a large and hand-
lltPad, in the Eastern division of the county, Lexdsn some Elizabethan building, standing in a well-wooded
hundred, Witham petty sessional division, Braintree park of 212 acres, stocked with fallow deer and con-
union, Halstead county court district, Coggeshall and taining two fish ponds. Thomas Phillips Price esq. h
Tey rural deanery, arch deaconry of Colchester and lord of the manor and the principal landowner. ThP
Chelmsford diocese. The church of St. Margaret, ad- soil is strong loam and clay; subsoil, clay. The chief
joining the hall, is a structure of brick, rebuilt in 1875, crop is wheat. The area is 813 acres of land and 4 of
et the sole expense of Mrs. Honywood; it consists of water; assessable value, £517; the population in I9II
chancel, nave, baptistery and vestry: the nave is hexa- was 33·
gonal, and has a lantern turret in the centrs: the
sedilia and credence are of black marble: there are a Letters through Coggeshall arrive at 8.30 a.m. Wall
few marble tablets to members of the Honvwood familv, Lettpr Box, Kilns Bill Bridge. cleared 8.5 a. m. & 7· 10
including that of Mrs. Mary Honywood, ·who died in p.m. week days; Coggeshall, 2 miles by the field
162o: the church affords 70 sittings. The register path, is the nearest money order & telegraph office
dates from the year 1585. The living is a rectory, net The children of this parish attend the Coggeshall school!!
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. 1 coMMERCIAL. Prail Jas. F. & Son, fnnrs.Brickhouse
Blackwell George, head gamekeeper Richardson Waiter, head gardener to
Hodges Rev. Edwd. Ja;;. B.A. (rector) to T. P. Price esq. J.P T. P. Price esq. J.P. The Gardens
Price Thomas Phillips J.P. Ma1ks hall Cowlin Charles, farmer, Cradle ho Western Gerard, farmer, Marigolds
!(ARKS TEY, so called from a family of De Mark, by is a rectory, net yearly value £174, with residence
whllm it was held under the Mandevilles, is a village and and 45 acres of glebe, in the gift of G. A. and
~ri11h adjoining Little Tey, with a station on the Great Lawrence Jones esqrs. and held since 1913 by the Rev.
Eastern railway, which is the junction for Bures, Sud- John Thornton Steele M.A. of Trinity Ball, Cambridge.
bury and for the Colne Valley line, and is 5 milPs wpst Providence Baptist chapel is in the London road ; Wld
from Colchester, 4 east from Coggeshall and 46! milet there is a wesleyan chapel in the civil parish or
from London, in the Eastern division of the county, Lex Aldham. Marks Tey Hall, now a farmhouse in the
den hundred, I.exden and Winf<tree petty !'Pssiona- occupation of Mr. Francis Barritt, stands on the south
duision and union, Colchester, Clacton and Barwicl side of the London road ; part of the moat still remains.
joint county court district, Coggeshall and Tey rurai Thomas Ambrose esq. is lord of the manor and tl-e
deanery, arcbdeaconry of Colchester and ChPlm <~fnrd principal landowners are Francis Earritt, Thomas P.
diocese. The church of St. Andrew is a building Wagstaff and thP. trustees of the late Frederick William
of rubble and flint, erected in the 13th century, ana Wilson. The soil is a rich loam and clay; subsoil,
consisting of chancel. nave, south porch and a wooden gravel and fine Fand. The chief crops are corn, beans
tower containing one bell: it has been thoroughly and roots. The area is I,I8o acres; rateable value,
re~tored at a cost of [,1,2oo, and affords 150 sittings. £6.539; and the population in I9II was 58 .
The registers date from the year 1560. The living civil and 650 in the ecclPsiastical parish. v t-,.

p BL C Lllllt.. f.
[K~LLY 8
LONG GREEN and POTTS GREE::'i are to the south- Postal Telegraph Office, open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.DL
west. week days only & from 8.30 to 10 a.m. on sundays
By Local Government Buard Order 22,363, dated March Pillar Box at Red- Lion P.H. cleared at 8 a.m. k L~
24, 188g, The Limes and adjoining cottages were trans- p.m.; sundays, 8 a.m
ferred from Marks Tey to Aldham. Wall Box at Trowel & Hammer P.H. cleared at 8 &.Ill.
Sexton, Harry Clement Meade. & r.45 p.m.; sundays, 9.10 a.m
Post, M. 0., T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office. Police Constable. William Bridge, London road
George Warren, sub-postmaster. Letters through Col- Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1866 I!; en~
chester arrive at 7 . 2 5 a. m. & 12 . 40 p.m. &:; to callers larged 1898, for 142 children; average attendance.
at 4.30 P .m. ,· d'I:spa
· t ch ed at 2. 10, 4· 10 .,.,
o.. 6 ·4 p . m • ·,
5 130; James Ball, master; Mrs. Mary Ball, mistres1
sundays. 10.20 a.m Railway Station, .Arthur Green. station master
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Berry E. R. maker of the "Express" Folkard Frank, seed mer. Railway 1tn
Collier Willi~~om Roman J.f. Coley cycle, & agent for Premier, Sun-lOttley Edward & Harry, builders.\
Cunningham Reginald Glencairn, beam, Raleigh, B.S.A., Fleet, Swift I funeral furnishers. London road
Lauriston &c. cycles; Premier, B.S.A., Kerry !Partridge Owen. blacksmith
Fincham Miss, Long Green Abingdon & Torpedo motor cycles; /Polley Edmd. cycle dlr. Coggeshall rd
Ireland Andrew, The Palmers repairs Folley John, thrashing machine ownr
Moss William, Kingsmead Brown Thomas James, Red Lion P.H Rayner John, gardener to C. T. MoJ
Smith Abraham, Goodmans Bunting & Sons, nurserymen esq. London road
Stebbing Thomas, The Villa Caudwell & Heaton, physicians & sur- Ridgewell Waiter George, Prince ol
Steele Rev. John Thornton M.A. geons; & at Coggeshall Wales P.H
(rector), The Rectory Chaplin Waiter James, farmer Stebbing 'fhos. cattle dlr. The Villa
Tawell Frederick, Wistaria house Church Charles, farmer, Mutts farm Wagstaff Thus. Philip, frmr.Churl'b fm
Weaver Edwd. Olinda, Coggeshall rd Colliers Limited, red, white & stocli Warren George, Post office & grocer,
Welham Stripling, Coggeshall road I brick, also tile & pipe manufactrs Station road
Wilson Mrs. Ivy house, Coggeshall rd Cooke Francis Henry M.R.C.S.Eng., Warren Lewis, grocer, London road

COMMERCIAL. L.R.C.P.Lond. su.rgeon, Station rd Watsham .Albert Geo. boot maker,

.Alexander Rt. Cook, frmr.Broom's fm Corder Newman, Trowel & Hammer Station road
Barritt Francis, farmer & assistant' P.H Williamson John Mark, farmer,
overseer & clerk to Parish Council, Dickson .A.lex. & Sons Ltd. seed grwrs 1
Coggeshall road
Marks Tey ball Dobbie & Co. seed growers & florists; , Working Men's Club (Chas. Eves,sec}
Berry Charles T. cortl dlr. Station rd head quarters, Edinburgh I
HASHBURY is a village and parish, 6 miles north- nal. The trus~ees of the late Henry Marriage ('sq. and
west from Chelmsford station, 9 south from Dunmow Ralph Matthews esq. of Newarks, Good Easter, are the
and 33 from London, in the Mid division of the county, principal landowners. The soil is heavy; subsoil, chalky.
Dunmow hundred, Chelmsford petty sessional division, The chief crops are wheat, barley, beans and clover.
union and county court district, and in th~ rural deanery The area is 8g8 acres; rateable value, /,923; the popu-
of Chelmsford, archdeaconry of Essex and Chelmsford lation in Ign was 159, chiefly engaged in agricultural
diocese. The church (unnamed) is a small structure of pursuits.
rubble of the Norman period, consisting of chancel, nave, GOLDING WELLS is one mile north-west.
south porch and a western belfry formerly containing By Local Government Board Order 22,419, March 114o
3 bells; the belfry, injured by lightning in 1872, was r888, detached· parts of Good Easter were added to
rebuilt in 18go and now has only one bell: on the north Mash bury.
side of the church is a Norman doorway, now disused: Parish Clerk, William Firman.
there are too sittings. The register of baptisms dates Wall Letter Box cleared at 6 p.m. week days only.
from the year 1539; marriages, 1540; burials, 1546. Letters by cycle post through Chelmsford, arrive a&
The living is a rectory, annexed to that of Chignal St. I 8.15 a. m. High Easter & Great Waltham are tbe
James and Mary, joint net yearly value /,3oo, with 54 nearest money order & telegraph offices, 3 miles
acres of glebe and residence, in the S!'ift of S. H. Loy 1 distant
esq. and held since 1894 by the Rev. Frederick Williams The children of this parish attend the Pnblic Elementary
M.A. of Trinity College, Dublin, who resides at Chig- schools at Cbignal & Pleshey
Aves Thomas Henry, ~Illl house Hasler Daniel, bla~ksmith
Emery Peter, farm bailiff to W. & H. Matthews RaJph, farmer, Mashbury
Marriage & Sons, Baileys & Mount hall & Sparrow end
Pleasant farms SaffPn Clement, beer retailer
MATCHING is a village and parish on a tributary of Baptist chapel at Matching Green, built in x885. Maj.
the Stort, d miles east from Harlow station on the Cam- Horace W. Calverley, of Down Hall, Harlow, is lord uf
bridge section of the Great Eastern railway, 5 from thb the manor and principal landowner. The soil is various,
Stort navigation, 9 north-east from Epping, d south-east mostly heavy; subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops
from Bishop Stortford and 7 north-west from Ongar, are wheat, barley and roots. The parish has an area of
in the Western division of the county, Harlow hundred 2,411 acres of land and 6 of water; rateable value,
and petty sessional division, Epping union, Bishop Stort- /,2,667; the population in 19II was 554· ·
ford county court district and in the rural deanery of Ovesham, or Housham, a hamlet of Matching, re·
Harlow, archdeaconry of Essex and Chelmsford diocese. corded in Domesday Book, once had a district chapel.
The church of St. Mary, founded and endowed by Harvey Matching Tye is three-quarters of a mile south-wes&
de Borham, dean of St. Paul's, in the 13th century, is a and Newman's End half a mile north-west of the church.
building of flint and stone in mixed styles, consisting of Two-thirds of Matching Green, which lies 1 mile ttt
chancel, nave. aisles. south transept, south porch and an the south, are in Matching parish; the remaining third
embattled western tower containing 6 bells, two of which is in High Laver.
were recast in 1875, and another in 1889: the church Post, M. 0. & T. Office, Matching Green.-Edwin Owers,
was rebuilt, with the exception of the tower, in 1875, postmaster. Letters through Harlow, arriYe at 7.50
at the cost of the Right Hon. Sir H. J. and Lady & u a.m. ; sundays, 8.30 a.m.; dispatched at u a.m.
Selwin-Ibbetson (afterwards Lord and Lady Rookwood): & 6.20 p.m.; sundays at 10 a.m
the pulpit was the gift of Richard Glasscock esq. of Down Post Office, Matching Tye. John Smith,sub-postmastel'.
Hall, in 1624: there is a brass to JoLn Ballett gent. ob. Letters through Harlow arrive at 7·43 & 10.55 a. m.;
1638, with other inscriptions to members of thi!l family: dispatched at 11 a. m. & 6.20 p.m.; sundays, arrive a&
the church has 400 sittings. The register dates from the 7·15 a.m.; dispatched at I I a.m. The neart>st money
year 1558. The living is a vicarage, net ye_arly value order & telegraph office is at Matching Green, xt
[200, with 9 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of miles distant
the trustees of Fel;:tead school on the nomination of the Wall Letter llox, Newman's End, cleared 6.55 a.m. 15
Bishop of Chelmsford, and held since 1910 by the Rev. 6.30 p.m.; sunday, 10.30 p.m
James Bardulph Brinkworth M.A. of Queens' College, Pillar Letter Box, Church green, cleared at 10.25 a.JD.
Cambridge. .An ancient house, near the church, built & 6.25 p m.; sundays, 10.15 a.m
by a Mr. Chimney and dP!Iigned for the entertainment of Pnhlic ElPmentary School (mixed), built, with l'f'si•
pool' people on their wedding day. was restored in 1897• dence. in 1874, for go children; average attendance.
and is now used as a Sunday school and for other paro- 70; GPorQ"e Cheater, master
chial purpose!~. In 1876 a Congregational chapel was This school is undPr the control of fhP E~!<PX Educs·
erPcted at MATCHING TYE, in connection with thP tion (Epping Sub-Di!ltriM) Committee, Herbert J,
Congregational chapel at Hatfield Heath, and there is a Goodwin, High roa~. Loughton, clerk .
• •

1Jrinkworth Rev. James Bardulph!Benstead Thos. farmer,Carter's Green· Owers Edwin, shopkeeper & post-
M.!.. (vicar), Vicarage Billings William Henry, beer retailer,' master, Matching Green
Dorey Stanley, Matching Tye Matching Tye Pollard Charles Edwin, Fox P.H.
~riffin .Albert, Sma!lways, Newman's Clark Charles, blacksmith Matching Tye
End Coppin Jsph. dairyman,Housham Tye·Pratt Thos.Chas. frmr.Carter's Green
Jones Frank Harding, Housham Tye Fenton Jl>hn, farmer, Shetlocks farm\Salmon Wait. school attendance oilier
Pell Willia.m. Major Douglas, The Hawkins Wm.Hy. frmr.Housham hall' Saville Jn. blacksmith, Matching Grn
J.jme.s, Matching Green Howard Thomas John, jun. farmer, Silcock Brothers, harness makers,
Reeves John Herbert, Wingates, Kingstons Matching Green
Matching Green Howard Thos. John, farmer, Match-. Smith John, grocer, Post office,
Whitehead William, Honnington ho. ing hall, Brick house, Collins! Matching Tye
Matching Green Cross, Pa t·sonag~ & Ployters farms 1 Step hens Siuuuel, farmer, Stock hall
COMMERCIAL. . \Olden George, gamekeeper to Major Taylor Bros. grocers, Matching Green
.Aldous Eleanor Mary (:Mrs.), beer Horace W. Calverley Walden Wm. cycle agt.Matching Grn
retailer, Matching Green ...
:M:AYLAND, anciently called" Meilanda," is a parish, the pr-incipal landowners. The soil is heavy loam; sub-
~ miles west from Southminster station on a branch soil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, beans and bar-
from Woodham Ferris of the Southend section of the ley and marl;:et garden produce. The area is 1,875
Great Eastern railway, 8~ south-east from Maldon, and 4 acres of land, 9 of tidal water and 134 of foreshore;
north-west from Burnham, in the South Eastern division rateable value, £r,8I6; the population in 19II was 363
o()f the county, Dengie hundred and petty sessional divi- in the civil parish and 370 in the ecclesiastical parish.
sion, Maldon union and county court district and in the By Loeal Government Board Order 22,354, dated
znral deanery of Dengie, archdeaconry of Essex and :March 25, r8B9, Old and ~ew Bo,·ills were transferred to
Chelmsford diocese. The church of St. Barnabas, Southminster for civil purposes .
.,rected by subscription in 1867, is an edifice of Kentish Sexton, William Ward.
rag in the Early English style, and consists of chancel, Post &; Telegraph Office.-Frederick Hartley, sub-post-
nave, vestry, south porch and a stone turret on the master. Letters through Maldon via .Althorne arrive
-eastern gable of the nave containing one bell: the east at 7 a. m. & 5 p.m.; sund-ays at 7 a.m.; dispatched
window and eight others in the nave are stained, and at 7.30 a.m. & 5.40 p.m.; sundays, 7.30 a.m. The
'there are 165 sittings. The register, owing to fire, m•arest money order office is at .Althorne, 1 mile
-dates ·only from the beginning of the 19th century. distant
The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £2oo, with 5 Wall Letter Box, near the School, cleared at 8 a.m. &
-acres of glebe, in the gift of the governors of St. 6.50 p.m. ; sundays, 6.50 p.m
Bartholomew's Hospital, London, and held since 1913 Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1876 at a
oy the Rev. Charles Smith Cain M ..A.. of Queen's Col- cost of £r,6oo, for 130 children; average attendance,
lege, Oxford. The rectorial tithes, commuted at £4n, roo; Harry Jeffries, master; :Mrs. H. Ji3ffries, mis-
belong to the Governors of St. Bartholomew's Hospital. tress; there is a teacher's residence attached to the
'The charities amount to about 3os. yearly, left by schools
William .Aylett, late of this place. The Governors of St. This school is controlled by the Maldon Education Sub-
'Bartholomew's Hospital, who are lords of the manor, are Committee
Barton Waiter Jas. Biclmacre grange Fels' Fruit Fa.rm (T. Smith,manager) Partridge Geo. Edwd.farmer,Th9 Hall
Cain Rev.Charles Smith M ..A.. (vicar), Harrison Wm. farmer, Bovill Uplands Smith Thos.& Son, market gardeners,
Vicarage Hartley Fredk. shopkpr. & post office Mill house & The Homestead
Haydock Robert, fa.rmer, Nipsells Spurgeon Frederick James, farmer,
. COMMERCIAL. Hutchinson Ernest Alfred,nurseryman Hi~hlands
Evans Charles, farmer, Joyce's farm Johnson Fredk. cowkeeper, Firth view 'J'ill Richard, carpenter
MERSEA (the Marsh Isle) lies between the mouths College, Cambridge: the rectory house was built in
bf the rivers Colne and Blackwater and is separated from the year 186o. The rector is lord of the rectorial manor.
the mainland by Pyefleet creek, famous for its oysters; The principal landowners are thee Rt. Hon. James Round
a causeway on the north side, calle-d the "Strode'' or P.C. of Bireh Hall, and Mrs. A. M. Sanclford, of 33
""Stroude," which is dry at low water, affording the Hertford street, Mayfair, London W. The soil is mixed;
necessary means of comm~mication; the length of subsoil, loam and gravel. The chief crops are wheat,
.Mersea from north-east to south-west is about 5 miles, hm·ley, oats, beans, peas and mangold-wurtzel. The
its great,est breadth about 2; it possesses many natural area is 1,976 acres of land, 15 of inland, 97 of tidal
beauties, is well wooded and diversified with hill and water and 1,532 of fore>:hore; rateable value, £1,412;
dale. On the sea coast the shore is bold. and command- the population in 19II was 216.
ing, ·but north'Yards fla.t and shelving and skirted by Post Office, East Mersea. David King, sub-postmaster.
~alt marshes, bemg ~~fended by~ dyke or sea wall. The Letters arrive from Colchest!.'r at 5.30 a.m. & 1.30
!sland farms are diVIded by thick hedge-rows .and the p.m.; dispatched at 10 .55 a.m .. &; 7·5 p.m.; sundays,
mclosed fields. are. ~enera.lly small; t~e sprmgs are 7·5 p.m. West Mersea is the nearest money order &
oexcellent. It IS d~v1~ed mto two par1shes ~~s.t and telegraph office, 3 miles distant
West Mersea-~nd 19 m the North Easte~n diVIs~o~. of Pillar Letter Bows.-School house, cleared at 9 a. m .
.-the county, Wmstree hundred, petty sess10nal diVIsiOn & o. 15 p.m. ; sundavs, 6 15 p.m. ; The Moorings, 8
:and union of Lexden and Winstree, Colchester, Clacton a.m. & 5 . 50 p.m.; slindays, 8 a.m
and Harwich joint county court district, and in the . . . .
rural deanery and archdeaconry of Colchester, and Publ~c Elementary School (mued), bmlt m 186o, for .SI
Chelmsford diocese. The area is s, I76 acres of land and chlldr!.'n; average atte~dance, 38 ; & end?wed Wlth
.inland water. the population of the island in I 9 II VI' as £6 2~. 8d. yearly, the mterest up?n £zoo m Consols,
1 708 ' left m 1802 by the Rev. John TIClde, of Wargrave,
' · Berks, in trust to the rector & churchwardens of this
EAST MERSE.A., next the Colne, is about 6 miles south parish; Miss Annie M. Fairey, mistress
Tram Wivenhoe station on the Tendring •branch of the Carrier to Colchester. Robert P. Underwood, to the
Great Eastern railway, about I west from Brightlingsea ' Plough,' tues. thurs. & sat. ; returning same evenings
terminal station by ferry on a branch of the same line, WEST \fERSE.\ parish is I I miles south from Col-
to south from Colchester, and 61 from London. The chester. The church of SS. Peter and Paul is an edifice
-church of St. Edmund, a building of the qth century, of stone anQ flint, consisting of Tudor chancel, nave of
~tanding on a declivity at the east end of the island, four bays, south aisle and north porch, and a Saxon
-exhibits a mixture of the Perpendicular and Decorated western tower containing a clock and 5 bells : the arch-
~tyles, and consists of chancel, nave of four bays, north way from the nave into the tower is Norman, and Roman
aiRJP, north chapel, south porch and an embattled. brickwork enters largely into the structqre of the
western tower containin!!' one bell : the tower is sur- building: the marble font is of Norman date, and stands
mounted by a beacon and serves as a landmark: on the remains of a Roman colnmn : there are 350
drnin!! thl' Dutch and French wars it was garrisoned by sittings. The register dates from the year I63..J.· The
"'ldier~. and the entrance staircase from the interior living is a discharged vicarage, net yearly value £170,
i" gnarded by a very ancient iron door as a prott>ction with 8 acres of glebe, in the gift of James Eglinton A.
against fire: there are 175 sittings: the church and hail Gwynne esq. of Folkington Manor, Polegate, Sussex, and
-were once surrounded by a moat, of which part still re- held since 1898 by the Rev. Charles Pierrepont Edwards.
mains. The register dates from the year 1720. The There is a Congregational chapel, with burial ground
tivin~ is a rectory, net yearly value £26o. with 21 acres and school room attached, and a Wesleyan chapel. The
of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Crown, and burial ground is under the control of the Parish Coun-
'held since 190~ by the BeT. Ronald Dunn B.A. of Caius cil. During the progress of alterations at West Mersea

Hall, about 1730, a very fine tesselated pavement was Close to West Mersea, in Salcott creek, are two ltllla'!}
disconred, 21! feet in length and 18! in breadth~ the islands, one of which is called "Cobmarsh island."
hall stands immediately contiguous to the church, and
from excavations made in the churchyard it would RAY ISLAND is sonth-west ol the Strood, in Mer~ea
appear that the whole extent of it is '.mderlaid with channel.
this pavement, upon which, indeed, very many lie
buried~ in 1897 similar remains were discovered in the Parish Clerk, Frederick Edward Banks.
neighbourhood of the church. Dr. Cromwell :Mortimer, Post, :\{ 0., T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office.-
secretary of the Royal Society, visiting the spot in Ashton Turner, sub-postmaster. Letters through Col-
1740, conceived it to have once been the villa of a chester by mail cart are delivered at 7 a.m. &; I
Rom'<ln prretor, but it has other«ise been regarded by p.m.; dispatched at 10 35 a.m. & 6.50 p.m.; sundays,
Dr. Stukeley as the remains of a temple dedicated to dispatched at 6.5o p.m
the goddess Vesta, which once stood on or near the site
of the church. The Counts of the Saxon shore are said Coast Guard Station, William John Jordan, chief officer
by Morant to have had their residence adjacent to this
temple on t.he site now occupied by West 'Mersea Hall. Public Elementary School (mixed), for 219 children;
Here is a coast guard station, with a chief officer and average attendance, 16o; Henry L. Green, master
a staff of six men. Messrs. Willoughby John Bean, Public Elementary School (infants), for 120 children;
Samuel Qallow and Charles Brown and the Rt. Hon. average attendance, 40; Mrs. F. Mayhew, mistress
James Round are the principal landowners. The soil is Carriers to Colchester .-Alfred Cudmore, mon. wed. A;
rich sandy loam and stiff clay; subsoil, part gravel and sat. ; Percy Rudlin, daily, stopping at 'Plough,' A;
part clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley and beans. •
returmng same evenmgs•
The area is 3,174 acres of land, n of inland and n1 of •

tidal water and 998 of foreshore; rateable value, [5,559; Berry's Motor Omnibus, between Colchester & Wes'
the population in I9II was 1,6oo. Mersea, three times each day
EAST MERSEA. Sibley Edwin, Clovelly, Sea View av qoward Edward, grocer & baker
Cotton Percy P Sowa.rd Alfred Waiter C.B. Mersea Hughes John. boot maker, Peet Tie
Dunn Rev. Ronald B.A. Rectory Moorings common (letters through Abberton)
Mears Edward G. Ivy house Stern Arth. Abraham, Willoughby av Jones Lena (Mrs.), teacher of music
Mears Waiter Dixon, Dowsings Von Glehn Wilfrid Gabriel, Oakdene, Jones Nellie (Miss), teacher of music
Wilson Charles 0 Sea View avenue Jordan William John, chief officer
COMMERCIAL. Wallis Algernon, Honan Coastguard station
Balls William J ames, farm bailiff to Weaver Mrs. Avenue lodge Ladbrook Henbert James, news agent
W. J. Bean esq. Broman's farm West Hattil. Beach villa Lock-Jones Laura (Mrs.), apartments,
Death George, fa-rmer, Home farm White Clifford M. The Croft The Waverley
Death James, Dog & Pheasant P.H Wood John, The Nook I,ungley John, bnot maker
Foakes Waiter, seed grower, Dowsings co:r.tMERCIAL. Martin Arthur, builder, Carter villa
Hawkins Edwin. farmer, East hall Barclay & CompanyLtd. (Euh-branch) Martin Horace, builder, Berwick ho
Lord Osborn, farmer, Fenn farm (Samuel Cant White, agent); dra" Masson Emily (Mrs.), dress maker
Martin Horace, blacksmith on head office. 54 Lornbard strPet, MatthewsLilian(Mrs.).nnrse,Brarulons
Mersea Island Golf Club (Percy London E C Mersea Sailing Club (Sydney Urwick
Moodie, hon. sec) Bean Willoughby John, farmer Dent, hon. sec)
Page James, farmer, Reusalls hall Brown Charles, farmer. Barrow hill Mole _\melia (Mrs.), apartments, St
Reeve Albert, farm .bailiff to Messrs. Brown Geor~e, boot maker Peter's road
Strntt & Parker, Reeves hall Callow Saml. estate agt. Brierley hail Mussett Arthur. refreshment rooms
Roberts Percy, farmer Children's Home (Miss May Baldry, Mussett Edward, oyster planter
Trim William, farmer matron) Mussett Herbert, oystet• planter
Underwood Robert P. carrier Cleghorn George Benj. photographer Mussett William, oyster planter
Woods Robert, farmer, North farm Cock Daniel R. farmer, Brick house Mynott William, grocer
Woods Simon, farmer, Mitchell's fm Conservative Clnb (Burton DeWit,sec) Pavey Chas. Wait. dairyman, High .;r
Cook Munson George, coal merchant Pea.rcP William, shopkeeper
WEST MERSEA. Cooke Edwin Lan!!staff, oyster mer Procter Percy, assistant overseer fJr
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Cornelius Arthur Henry, cycle agent; West Mersea & Langenhoe
Alexander Wm. Brand, Alexander av repairs a speciality; perambulator Pullen Joseph, seed grower
Alien William, Sea \iew avenue tvres fitted Reading Room (Thomas French, sec\
Baker Geo. SI. Qninte, Sea. View av (~otti!l ·wm. Jas. farmer, Bocking hall Rudlin Percy, carrier
Barnard William George Waiter, Cross Pearl, farmer,Waldegrave's frm Rust Wald,!lmar Frank, butcher
Beachy Head, Sea View avenne & Hayco('k's farm Salmon Thomas, farmer. Weather-
Bean Willoughby John, Orleans cot Cudmore Alfred, carrier cock farm (postal address, East
Bishop Herbert W. Empress avenue Cnrlmore _<\nnie (Miss). shopkf'eper Mersea)
Callow Jas. Coverdale, Sea View aven Digby Brothers, ironmongers Sar!!ent Florence (Mrs.), news agent,
Capes George Harrison, Daisy bank Dixon John, carter Melrost> road
Cooke Edwin Langstaff, ·Beach house De Wit Thom, confectioner Sharpe Alfred Frederick, milliner
Dent Sydney Urwick, Creek hall Eagle Alexander Henry, farmer, Pete Smith Edith (Mi~s),The Fountain P.H
Draffen Frederick James, High acre hall (postal address, Peldon) Smith George, fishmonger
Drane Miss, Ronceval Eary Edwin John, watch maker Smith Mary Overall (Mrs.), miller
Draycott William Shirley, Highfield Edwards George Shadrach, Fox P.B (~team & wind)
Edwat·ds Rev. Chas.Pierrepont (vicar) Farthin!! .!.lan, da-iryman Stoker Martha (Mrs.),aparts.Riverside
E{!"erton-Green Mrs. Waldegrave cot Few Victor Charles. farmer, BowPr Thorp Manrice :M:ark, builder k con-
Gabriel Thomas Burton, Salt Edge Hall farm (postal address, East tractor, decorator, plumber & in-
Hall Ben M.B. The Lawn Mersea) surance ag-ent
Harris Mrs. Lyndhurst, Sea View av French Samuel, oyste:!' merchant Thorpe John, private school, High st
Herbert Sir Jesse~ Sea View avenue Gethen Chas. Hall, aparts. Mondamiv Tiffin Sila.s Edward. boot maker
Inskipp Mrs. George, Kingsland Gowen & Co. sail makers 'J'rim Willi11m, Vidorv P.H
La Page William, Woodstock Green Graee (Mrs.), farmer, Well ho Walton Fanny (M"rs.),toarding hon~e.
La.zarns-Barlow Mrs. The Grove Hall Ben M.B.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng Sea View avt>11Ue
Lazarns-Barlow W. S. Smith's hall phy:o:ician, public vacrinator & Went .A.rthur Hy. White Hart hotel
Lees Rev. Edwa.rd M.A. The Firs medical officer, No. q district. LPX· White ClifPord & Co. builders"
Littlehales Geo. Gascoyne. Oaklands den &; Winstree union, & surgeon merchants, land, house, estate &:.
Marriott Miss, Elmwood, Sea View av to Co11st Gnard insurance ag-ents
Maslen Frank Ernest, St. Peter's road Harvey Burton Samuel, draper White Samuel Cant k. Uo. !!I'Ocersr
Mattingly Sidney Wm. Empress aven Hempstead James & Son, oyster mer- & aeency for Barclay & Company'"
Messer Howard chant&; best natives alwavs in Bank
Paee William, Aldouran stork; importers of foreign oysters; White Clifford "Manning, builder.
Pnllen Joseph, Yew Tree house ship's chandlers & yacht outfitter'! decorator.ulumher & yqcbt df'rPratr
Roberts George Edgar, Rose bank Hempstead Artbnr Jnseph, yacht agt Wright Esthf'r (Miss), shopkeeper
Roberts OwenErnest,West Mersea hall Hewes Alfred, apartments, Fleet view Wyatt John William, shipwriQ"ht
Rudduck Jn. B.,M.R.C.S. The Gables Holt Thomas, f~trmer, Brierley hall Wyncoll Spring Robert, boat builill''"
MESSING, anciently written "Massinges," and "Me- 2! miles east from Kelvedon station on the main line of
things," is a village and parish on the northern borders the Great Eastern railway, 5 sonth-east from Cog~sh~,
of Tiptree Heath, part of which was within this parish, 9 south-west from Colchester and 45 from London, In
the Eastern division of the county, Le:xden hundred, supposed by modern antiquaries to be derived from
Witham petty sessional division, Lexden and Winstree Saxon words signifying "The Field of Trampling," on
union, Colchester, Clacton and Harwich joint county account of a bloody engagement fought here between
court district, and in the rural deanery of Witham, Queen Boadicea and the Romans; a large farm called
archdeaconrv of Colchester and Chelmsford diocese. " Harborough Hall" probably took its name from being
The church of All Saints is an ancient building of the site of the encampment; curious Roman jars have
flint with stone dressings, in mixed styles, and con- occasionally been dug up. There was formerly a family
sists of chancel, nave, transept, and an embattled seat belonging to the Luckyns, through whom, from the
western tower (built about 1830 by the Rt. Rev. Robert Chibborne family, the property came to the Earl of
Eden, Bishop of Moray and Ross, once a curate of Verulam. Messing Park, the property and residence of
this parish, in memory of a Mr. Griggs, a former .John E. C. Eaton esq. M.A. is pleasantly situated in a
squire of the parish) of red brick, containing a clock park of I 10 acres a sh1lrt distance from the village.
and 3 bells : the chancel is lined with oak panelling Nathaniel N. Sherwood esq. who is lord of the manor,
of the time of James I. and has a restored piscina: and Edward Rann esq. are the principal landowners.
the oak panelling was restored by the Earl of Verulam The soil is gravel and clay; subsoil, the same. The
in 1897, and is believed to have been originally the chief crops are wheat, beans and barley. The area is
panelling in the old hall : the east window is filled z,615 acres; rateable value, [.2,666; the population in
with stained glass, supposed to be by Van Linge: an 19I1 was 770 in the civil parish and 619 in the eccle-
effigy of wood, assumed to represent Sir William de siastical parish.
Messing, founder of the church, formerly occupied a By Local Government Board Order 22,363, March 24,
recessed arch in the north wall, but has been un- 1889, a detached part of Great Wigborough, known as
fortunately destroyed : there remains the brass figure Quashers Corner, was transferred to this parish, and
of a lady, date c. 1530, the inscription of which is by the same order a detached part of Messing was
missing; and an inscription only to John Porter, yeo- added to lnworth for civil purposes.
man, ob . .April 29th, 16oo: the font is finely carved:
in 1897 a chiming apparatus was attached to the bells Parish Clerk, Ernest Everett.
in commemoration of the Diamond Jubilee of Her late Post Office. Harry Chaplin, sub-postmaster. Letters
Majesty Queen Victoria: 180 sittings in this church are are received from Kelvedon, Essex, at 7·35 a.m. &
free. Th& register dates from the year I558. The I2.45 p.m. (to callers); dispatched to Kelvedon at
living is a vicarage, net yearly value [.3oo, including I2.40 & 7.40 p.m. The nearest money order & tele-
30 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the graph office• is at Tiptree, 2 miles distant
Earl of Verulam, and held since I888 by the Rev. Pillar Lefiter Box, Cross roads, cleared 8.5 a.m. & 3·15 &
Edward Leathes Young Deacle M.A. of Sidney Sussex 8.15 p.m.; sundays, 8.I5 p.m
College, Cambridge. Here is a Congregational chapel,
erected in I864, and a Salvation Army hall erected in Public Elementary School (mixed), for no children;
Ig<>6, seating qo persons. The charities consist of 40s. to averag-e attendance, 86; Robert Richold, master; Mrs.
the poor, to be given about the 26th of April, and 40s. Richold, mistress
left by Captain John Chibborne for a sermon on "Mor- The orphanage here is under the care of Rev. E. L. Y.
tality," to be preached annually about same date, being Deacle M.A. in connection with the Society of Waifs
the anniversary of his death; he was a great benefactor & Strays; matron, Miss M. Anguige; IS boy$ are
to the church, and presented the comm'Onion plate, the clothed & fed in the home
stained east window and the antique candlesticks. A Carri~r to Colchester.-Fredt>rick Harvey, from lnworth,
fair is held on the first Tuesday in July. "Messing" is passE's through tues. & sat
(Marked thus t should be addressed COMMERCIAh Howard William, Queen's Head P.H
Tiptree, Essex.) Bawtree & Sons, solicitors (attend Hull Herbert, gardener to J. E. C.
(~arked thus * should be addressed wed.), Maypole road Ea ton esq. Top lodge
Inworth, Kelvedon.) tBiyth .Alice M. (Mrs. ),frmr.The Elms tKing Alfred, saddler
Cardy Henry, blacksmith Marven Wm. farmer, Yew Tree fa1m
PmVATE RESIDENTS. Chaplin llarry, grocer & sub-postmstr Orphanage (in connection with the
Crawley Misses, Harborough hall tCowlin Mary (Miss), assist. overseer Society of Waifs & Strays) (Mi'ls
DPacle Rev. Edward Leathes Young tEley Herbert, Oak inn M. Anguige, matron)
M..!. (vicar), The Old Vicarage Eves John, baker, Shrub cottage *Rushen Martha (Mrs.), Prince of
Eaton John E. C., M.A. Messing pa,rk Fairhead Charles Stanley, farmer, Wales P.H
tHilder Ernest Alfred, Woodside Messing Lodge farm tShawyer Wm. Hy. King's Arms P.H
tRills John Harrison, Hc:mestead Fairhead Ernest Alfred, farmer, Bou- tTiptree Self Help Co-operative &-
*Lawrence Misses, The Hill house chers hall Industrial Society Limited (David
Oates Bryan Wm. Grace, St.Albans lo Goodman Alfred, baker W. Keeler, manager)
Osborne John tGoody Arth. Jsph. The Maypole P.H Whiting Fredk. Wm. Old Orown inn
tWhite Rev. George Francis (Congre- Hart Richard, farmer *Wilks Brothers, farmers, Hill farm
gational), The Manse Hennell Wilfred F.R.H.S. farmer.
Parsonage farm
MIDDLETON is a parish on the navigable river the year 1700. The living is a rectory, net yearly value
Stour, 2 miles south from Sudbury station on the Stour £240, with residence and 40 acres of glebe, in the gift
Valley branch of the Great Eastern railway, and 8 of and held since I913 by the Rev. Philip Foster Ray-
north-east from Halstead, in the Northern division of mond M. A. of Clare College, Oambridge; Lieut.-CoL
the county, Hinckford hundred, South Hinckford petty Waiter St. George Burke R.E. of Auberies, Bnlmer, is
sessional division (Halstead bench), Sudbury union and lord of the manor and principal landowner. The soil is
county c<mrt district, Halstead and Hedingham rural clay, loam and gravelly; subsoil, various. The chief ·
deanery, Colchester archdeaconry and Chelmsford dio- crops are wheat, barley and turnips. The area is 868
cese. The church, supposed to have been dedicated to acres of land· and 8 of wa-ter; rateable value, [.916;
All Saints, is a small but ancient building, covered the population in I9II was 133.
with plaster and consisting of chancel, nave, south -sexton, George Scrivener.
poreh, and a wooden bell turret with spire containing
one bell, and has some Saxon and Norman remains: Letters per foot post from Sudbury, delivered at 7 &
there are several stained windows and in the chancel an I 1. 15 a.m. ; collected at 6. I"
p.m. ; Sudbury is the
nearest telPgraph office, 1! miles distant & Ballingdon
incised tombstone of dark marble with the figure of an
ecclesiastic, and an inscription to Sir James Samson, a the nearest money order office, 1 mile distant
former rector of Middleton, ob. I349 : a carved oak Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1875, for
reredos has been presented by the children of the Rev. 6g children; average attendance, 14; Mrs. Elizabeth
Oliver Raymond LL.B. 70 years rector here, d. I889: Foakes, mhtress
the church has I50 sittings. The register dates from
Pannell Charles Hy. Middleton hall I Raymond Rev. Pbilip Foster M.~-\. Turpin Edward (Mrs.), farmer. Mid~
I (rector), Rectory dleton Hall farm
MILE END, see Colchester. MILTON, see Southend.
liiSTLEY (formerly called "Mistly Thorn") is a on the Harwich branch of the Great Eastern railway, I
Jlarish and village, pleasantly seated 9n the south bank mile east frOID the town of Manningtree, IO north-east
of the Stour, commanding extensive and pict\lresque from Colchester, I I west from Harwich and 6oi from
-views of th~ river and adjoining county of Suffolk, with London, in the North Eastern division of the county,
a station in the centre of the village, near to the quay, Tendring hundred, petty sessional division and union,


Colchester, Clacton and Harwich joint county court dis- Post Office, Horsley Cross.-Samuel Grimwade, sub-
trict, and in thP rural deanery of Harwich, archdeaconry po8tmaster. Letters arrive from Manningtree, Essex,
of C{)lchester and Chelmsford diocese. There is a sub- at 8 a.m. & for delivery to callers only at 12.15 1;
stantial quay, which was much extended in 1849, and a 6.45 p.m.; di~patched at 8 a.m. & 12.30 & 7.15 p.m.;
considerable trade is carried on in corn and malt. The no snnday dehvery. The nearest money order & tele-
Stour is navigable as far as Mistley for vessels of 250 graph office is at Bradfield
tons, to Manningtree for vessels of 100 tons, and to Sud- Wall Letter Box (Railway station), cleared at 9·35 a.m.
bury (20 miles distant) for canal barges. St. Mary's & 12.40, 2.55, 7·35 & ro p.m.; sundays, ro p.m
church, situated in the Park, and erected in 187o-1, at a Wall Letter Box (Oxford road), cleared at 7.30 & 9 45
cost of about £5,ooo, on a site given by the Rev. C. F. a.m. & 12.45, 2.30 & 9.40 p.m.; snndays, 9·40 p.m
Norman M.~\. 1ector, is an ~difice of Kentish rag, with Wall Letter Box, Top road, cleared at 9.30 a.m. & I2.Jo,
Bath stone dressings, in the Early Decorated style, con- 1.30 & 7.25 p.m. week days only
si.stingof apsidal chancel, clerestoried nave, aisles, vestry, Wall Letter Box, Mistley Heath, cleared at 8.15 a.m. I;
organ chamber, south porch and a western tower with I. 10 p.m. ; sun days, 8.15 a.m
spire, 140 feet in height and containing 6 bells, 5 new Wall Letter Box, Barnfield, cleared at 8.30 a.m. & 12.30
bells being added in 1898 in commemoration of the & 7 ·45 p.m. ; no collection on sunday
Diamond Jubilee of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria, at Wall Letter Box, South street, cleared at 7·3o & 9·45
a cost of £350: arcades of five simple Pointed arches on a.m. & 12.15, 2.30 & 9·45 p.m.; sunday, 9·45 p.m
the south side and four on the north side, supported by
massive cvlindrical

columns of red Mansfield stone, with COUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR TENDRING PETTY
plain moulded capitals, divide the nave from the aisles : SESSIONAL DIVISION.
there are ten stained Vlindows, seven of which were Shmon William Henry M.D. 33 Marine parade east,
the gift of the rector, at whose cost the tower and spire Clacton-on-Sea, chairman
W"lre also erected: in r886 a stained west window was Brooks Charles Norman C.C. Millbay, DoverC()urt, mar
.added at a cost of 300 guineas, as a memorial to the Harwich
late Rev. Richard Hayne D.D. a former rector, and in Butler J oseph Richard, Hill house, Manningtree
..r905 other memorial windows were placed to Mr. Robert Collins Percy, Carlotta, Frinton-on-Sea, Essex
Free, of The Elms, and to Mr. George Kensit : an Dunnett Harry Norman, East house, Dedham, Colchester
.-elaborately carved pulpit, of marble and Caen stone. Hawkins Jn. Bawtree, Ballast quay,Wivenhoe, Colchestr
was presented by Thomas William Nunn eoq.: the Hayne Wm. Frietuna, Harold gro. Frinton-on-Sea, Essex
font, given by Mrs. Norman, of Mistley Place, has Keeble Edward James, Great Oakley hall, near Harwich
a basin of alabaster, supported on serpentine columns Lever Sir .Arthur Levy hart. 20 Hans crescent, Chelsea,
with carved capitals and bases : the lectern was the London SW
gift of the late J. T. Ambrose esq. and the reredos is a Lilley Thos. Holland ho. Skelmersdale rd.Clacton-on-Sea
highly decorated triptych, finely carved, by Mrs. Nichols Waiter Buchanan, Stour lodge, Bradfield, Man-
Norman: at the west end are several memorial tablets ningtree
removed here from the old church, including one to Norman Edward Brise Kensit, Mistley lo. Manningtree
-Richard Rigby esq. d. 1730, and another to the Right Page The Very Rev. Arnold Henry M.A. The Deanery,
Hon. Richard Rigby M.P. Paymaster General of the Peterborough
Forces, d. 1788 : the interior of the church was beauti- SizPr John Henry, The Green, Great Bentley, Colchester
fully d~corated in 1885 by the rector, at a cost of upwards Thomson George William, Mayfield, Clacton-on-Sea
of £1,ooo, and a valuable brass eagle lectern presented Clerk to the Magistrntes, Henry William .Tones, Uigb
at the same time by the Norman family, and there arP. street, Manningtree; Town Hall chambers, Colchester &;
1,ooo sittings: the lych gate at the western ~ntrance Bank chambers, Clacton-on-Sea
was the gift of the reetor. The registers date from the The mayor of Harwich and the chairmen, for the tim8
year 1559. The living is a rectory, united to the vicar- being, of the Clacton-on-Sea, Frinton-on-Sea & Wal-
age of Bradfield, net yearly value £494• with 47 acre!. ton-on-the-Naze Urban District Councils & the chair-
of gl~>be and residence, in the gift of and held since man of the Tendring Rural District Council, are ex-
1910 by the Rev. Thomas Kensit Norman M . .A. of Trinity officio magistrates
College, Cambridge, who resides at Bradfield. The school Petty Sessions for this division are held at Mistley at
chapel of St. John's, Horsley Cross, about 2 miles south- 11.30 a.m. Thorpe-le-Soken at n a.m. & Clacton at
east, is a picturesque brick building, with apsidal I I a.m. every alternate monday. The following place~
ehancel, nave and a lofty fleche, and was erected by sub- are in cl nded in the petty sessional division: Alresford,
scription and licensed for Divine service in 1863. There Ardleigh, Beaumont, Great Bentley, Little Bentley,
is a Primitive Methodist chapel built in 1862. Here is Bradfield, Great Bromley, Little Bromley, Great Clac-
the pumping station of the Tendring Hundred Water ton, with Clacton-on-Sea, Little Clacton, Elmstead.
Works. E. B. K. Norman esq. is lord of the manors Frating. Frinton, Great Holland, Little Holland,
of The Rectory and Nether Hall. The principal land- Kirby, Lawford, Manningtree, Mistley, Great Oakley,
-owners are the trustees of the late Thomas G. Kensit Little Oakley, Ramsey, St. Osyth, Tendring, Thor-
esq. and the Messrs. George. The soil is of a mix~>d rington, Thorpe, Walton-on-the-Naze, Weeley, Wix &r;
character; sub~oil, clay and gravel. The chief crops Wrabness
are barlev,•
wheat and oats. The area is 2,122 acres of Police Station & Petty Sessions House, New road, Wm .
land, 3 of inland and 18 of tidal water and 124 of fore- Thomas John Howlett, inspector, & 2 constables
shore; rat!'able value, £10,563; the population in 1891 Shipwrecked Fishermen & Mariners' Royal Benevolent r,639 and in rgii was 1,781 in the civil parish, Society; hon. representative, Miss F. M. Wire, PO!'t
which included 59 in Brunswick House Lunatic Asylum, office
a branch of the County .Asylum, and 2,539 in the eccle-
siastical parish, which includes Bradfield. (Tbe names Norman Non-provided Schools, with master's housll',
of persons residing in that portion of this parish which erected in 1862, at a cost of £4,ooo &i endowed with
forms part of the town of Manningtree will be found £35 yearly, arising- from 26 acres of land at Lawford,
under that heading.) &i £1,200 invested in Consols; devised by the late
Parish Sexton, JamPs Robert Mavhew. Edward Norman esq. of Mistley Place: the school will
• hold 121 children & has an averag-e attendance of us;
in 1900 an infants' room for 68 children was added
Town Sub-Post & M. 0. Office.--Samson Samuel Wire, at a cost of £7oo; Luke Ricketts Tippins, master;
sub-postmaster. Deliveries from Manningtree, Essex, Mrs. Tippins, mistress
at 7-30 & 9 a.m. & 12 noon & 5.30 p.m.; dispatched Horsley Cross Non-provided School (mixed), for 50 chil-
-at 9.40 a.m. & 12.45, 2.55, 7-50 & ro p.m. ; sundays, dren; average attendance, 38; mistress (vacant)
ro p.m. ; telegrams dispatched, but not delivered. Railway Station, William Newman, station master "
"\-lanningtree is the nearest telegraph office for de- goods agent
livery Carrier--Charles Harry Mayhew, to Ipswich, tnes . .t
fri.; Colchester, mon. wed. & sat
PRIV.~TE RE!;TDF.NTS. Brooks W. Hilton H. Park lodge Dawnay N. :W. Barnfield house
Alderton Miss, The Green Brunning Henry, Waterworks house Eagle Mrs. E. C. Cliff house
Bailey Henry, Holly place Buck Frederick, Stonr villa Eastburn Rev. Thomas (Congrega-
Eaxter Mrs. Hillside Bndd Misses, Red house, New road tional), Park villa
Bendall Misses, Forest house, New rd Butler Charles Alfred, Sunnyside, Edwards Webb, Shanghai villa
Benwell Rev. Proctor M.A. The Norman road Egerton Commander Wion de M.,R N
Limes, New road - Champness Mrs. Dorset house Fenn Miss, The Firs, New road
Blacklee Frank, North house Chaste! de Boinville Mrs. The Green Finch John, I Myrtle villas
Brooks Robert Crabtree Mrs. Cliffe house IFoakes CliffordCharles,Park bungalow

Free }[rs. The Elms Ba:xter William, grocer, draper &c Mack Louis, baker, High street
Robert Edward, The Elms Bedwell Carolme (Mrs.), apartments, Marven Clara (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Goody Mrs. I Portview viis. New rd High street :\'lay hew Charles Harry, carrier,
Gould Jo~eph William, Alma house Brooks W. & Sons, maltsters, corn, Pleasant place
Haines William Robert, Elm house seed & cake, ale & porter & coal Mead Hy. accountant & estate agent,
Hart George, Oxford road merchants; & at Colchester. T A & re~istrar of marriages for Man-
Hempson Misses, Portishead house " Brooks,Mistley ; " T N 3 Manning- ningtree i"U b-district, Oxford housP
Heron John, High street tree Mistley Cricket Club (Robt. Marshall,
Horlock Mrs. Anchorage Bruce Waiter Albert, Cross inn, hon. sec.) & Mistley Football Club
Howard Capt. Daniel, Rutherglen vil Horsley cross ( J. R. Orwn, hon. sec.), White ho
I~bister Rev. Sydney Charles Molson Champness Thomas & Leonard, Mullett William, beer retailer
Th.A.K.C. (curate), The Chase farmers, Church farm & dairy farm Mussellwhite Tom, ironmonger
Jefferies Rev. T. Bealey (Wesleyan Chissell Arth,Mouldon, master marinr Notley Arthur Edward, baker
:Yethodist), The Bollies Church Chas. Hy. shopkpr. High st Pertwee Thos.B. farmer, Dickley hall William Kahled Stuart, Abbots Davey Thomas Webb, c.1rpenter Roberts J ames Francis, beer retailer
hall Davie Sidney, beer ret. Horsley Cross Robinson Sarah Ann (Mrs.), laundry,
Lovell Sutherland Charles, .\'listley ho Edme Limited, malt extract manu- High street
Lundy Louis Francis, The Cottage facturers (Edward James Lovell, Rose Henry Liiley, builder & cartage
Marchant Henry John, High street works manager) contractor, i::lb1 ublands
Marshall Frederick John,Stour house Free, Rodwell & Co. Ltd. maltsters, Salzmann William, tailor
Master Charles T. Mistley hall Mistley wharf. T A "Free, :Mist- Smith Geo. Nutter, master mariner,
Mauldon Miss, Acacia house ley ; " T N I Manningtree James place
Norman Edward Brise Kensit J.P. Golby George, shopkeeper Smoothy William, wheelwright, Hors-
Mistley lodge Guy Ernest James, Waggon & Horst>;; ley Cross road
Norman Mrs. E. K. Mistley lodge P.H. ~ew road Starling Bertie James, tailor, Wilt-
Pittock William, Yew Tree lodge Horlock Albert Hontio, Thorn inn shire terrace
Richards William Hy. Phelps, High st H01·loek Alfred Edmond,master mari- Stone Chas. Wm. coal dlr. Norman rd
Sainty Charles Jas. Cumberland ho ner, The Green Stone James, master mariner, Th&
Springall Harry William, White lodge Hor!ock Frederick William. bargr Rammekins
Stone Joseph, Clareville, New road owner, High st. T N 46 Manning- Taylor & Butler, timber merchants,
Sutcliffe Mrs. lloseberrv• villa tree Baltic wharf
Taylor Mrs. Oxford villa Horlock Robert A.nthony, master Tendring Hundred Water Works Co.
Theobald Mrs. Oxford road mariner, The Green (Charles Clarke- Blllff, chairman ;
Titlow Mrs. Rose villa Howat Alexander, farmer, Dove house Henry Burrows, sec)
Wentzell Charles John, Marine villa Hunneyball George Albert, Lord Den- Tippins L. R. & Son, rifle experts;
COM.\\IEUCIAL. man P.H dealers in a 'I kinds of firearms,
Early closing day, Wednesday. Kerridge Henry Robert, cattle dealer eepecially target Titles
Bailey William, farm bailiff to F. W. Killick Frank, contractor, Oxford rd Tip pins John, d!'alPr in cycles &
Horlock esq. Home farm Kin(! Florence (Mrs.), beer retailer. motor cycles ; motor car for hire
Baker George William, farm bailiff to Mistley Heath Vincent Alfd ..blacksmith, Mistley Hth
E. B. K. Norman esq. Ford farm Ladbrook F. W. & E. plumbers &c WPbb Stanley, farmer, ~ew hall &.
Barrell Charles, butcher Liggins J os-eph, beer retlr. High st Abbot's hall
Barton Richd. tobacconist,MistleyHth Lundy Louis Francis M.R.C.S.Eng .. Willis Charles, rlrctrician, High st
Ba~ter Anna (~iss), assistant over- L.S.A..Lond. physician & surgeon. Wire Samson Samuel, stationer, &
seer, Hillside The Cottage post office, High street
:b..v.o...c..&:uN is an ancient parish about I~ miles north William Wilson, at• one time rector of Moreton, gave-
of the road from Epping to Ongar, 3 miles north-west £6oo; the interest of £300 of this is given to the
from Ongar terminal station on a branch of the Great poor, the interest of £2oo to the clerk of the church
Eastern railway, 6! north-east from Epping, 10 north and the interest of £100 to the beadle. The Rev.
from Brentwood and 22 from London. in the Western F. W. Bussell D.D. of Mundham, Norfolk, and vice-
divi~ion of the county. Ongar hundred, petty sessional principal of Brasenose College. Oxford, is lord of the
division and union, Brentwood county court district, manor of BouchE-rs or Nether Hall, in which there are·
rural deanery of Ongar, archdeaconry of Essex and dio- four heriotable copyholds, besides others, and a small
c ~e of Chelmsford. The parish is intersected by the manorial freehold called Great and Little Perkins. Thi~
Cripsey brook, which flows to the south of the church. manor was held of the king in capite, by serjeanty of
The church of St. Mary the Vir~n is a small building finding one man with a horse valurd at Ios. 4 horse-
or flint and brick, partly in the Early English style, ;;.hoes, a leather sack and one iron fastening, whenever
comisting of chancel and nal·e, south porch and an the king should happen to go into Wale!'. The prin-
Pmbattled western tower of bric•k with a. shin,.lPd !<pirP cipal landowners are .John Tudor Frere esq. B.A. Mr.
containing five bells, dated respectively 1627, 1633. I7I2, :E:rnest Sehwier and Roh~rt Henry Eve. The soil is a-
l75T and 1789: the intf>rior of the chancel was restored heavy loam; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat,
in r868 by the Rev. Robert Beauchamp Tower M.A. barley and beans. The area is r,47I a('res of land and 4
then rertor, and the nave in I86g, by subscription, the of water; rateable valuf.>, £2,044; the population in
north wall being rebuilt and the old windows rrplaced, 19II was 398.
at the expense of the same rector: there is a Norman Post Office.-Arthur Robert Webster, sub-postmaster.
font of Purbeck marble, finely carved with fl.eurs-de-lis: Letters arrive from Ongar, Essex, at a.m. & 12
a mural monument of marhle is inscribed to George 7
noon; dispatched at I. IS & 5 _40 p.m.; sundays,
Goodwin, rector, who died in 1623: in 1893 a memorial arrive 7 a .m.; dispatched I I. Io a.m. The nearest
window was erected to the Rev. Arthur Calvert money order & telegraph offices are at Ongar &
M.A. late rector I87J-gi, and a new organ was pro- Fyfield, each :1 miles distant
vided in 1904 at a cost of £I83, the gallery at the
west end removed and the font brought forward from Wall Letter Box, near the Mill, cleared at g.r5 a.m. &
., e wall : th ere are r a5 SJ•tt"
•h • mgs. 'Th e regrs
. t er d a t es p.m.; sundays, a.m
from the year rsss. The living is a rectory, net yearly Wall Letter Box, Moreton Park, cleared at I.S & 5·5
valne £240, with residence, including go acres of glebe, p.m.; sundays, IO.I5 a.m
in the gift of St. John's Colleg-e, Cambridge, and held Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 182I, for 104
since 1891 by the Rev. John Bullivant Slight ~LA. of ('hildren; average attendance, 8o; there i$ a dwelling
th 1 t college. There is a Cong-regational chapel at the house, & the school has an endowment of £23 4s.
south end of the village, erected in 1 862 , with go yearly, arising from redeemPd land tax left in 18:n by
sittings. Charities amounting to £rs yearly are dis- ihe Rev. William Wilson M.A.; John J. Gwilliam,
tributed to the poor every Christmas: Ann Brecknock master; Mrs. L. Gwilliam, mistre8s
left by will, in I8o4. £2oo, the interest to be applied This school is under the control of the Essex Educa-
m repairing the grave of hers1llf and husband, the tion (Ongar District) Sub-Committee; Arnold Richard.
residue to the poor; in 1699 Jonathan C;nver gave son. Ong-ar, clerk
[.5 for the poor of Moreton; in 1822 the Rev. I CO'Ilnty Police, Jam~s Hills, constable
Atkms Thoma~, The Lindens
'Carter Alice (Mrs.), dress ma!H>r,
I l'adlPr's end
Rogt>rs Mrs. ~Ioreton park Adamson George,farmer, Bundish hall Clark Frederick, builder
Sli~ht Rev. John Bullivant M.A. 'Rall Sidney, baker, Moreton baliery Furze .Tame!l. farmPr, NewhousP
Rectory Boram ErnPst, carpenter Gayford William, butcher


Gemmill John, jun. farmer,Wood frm Judd Ernest, builder Sehwier Ernest, farmer & landowner,
Gould & Sons, millers (wind) & coal )latthews Edwin, farmer, Padler's end Nether hall,Hill & Upper Hall frms
merchants, Moreton mill Matthews Waiter, traction engine Skepelhorn SidneyGeo.White HartP.B.
Heckford Frank, Nag's Head P.H owner, Moreton end Sweeting George, farmer
Herniman Robt. farmr. Harriets farm Pain Arthur, blacksmith Talbot Louisa (Mrs.), hay carter
Jones Frank (e:xors. of), grocers &
drapers ! Parris Wm.Chas. traction engine ownr Tnrnidge Wm. boot ma. Moreton end
Prentice Ellf'n (Mrs.) & Herbert, Webster Arth. Jsph.baker,Moreton ho
hurdle makers Webster .Arthur Robt.baker,Post office
MOUNT BUBES is a parish pleasantly situated on Edward Harcourt Anson L.Th. of Durham University.
the south bank of the river Stour, opposite Bures St. The Baptist chapel here, erected in 1839, has a burial
Mary (Suffolk), r mile south from the Bures station on ~rround attached. The poor have a yearly share, with
the Stour Valley railway, s! miles south from Sudbury some surrounding parishes, in Love's charity, which
and 8 north-west from Colchester, in the North Eastern amounts to £r2 gs. 2d. yearly, arising from land
division of the county, Lexden hundred, Lexden and 1 left in 1504 by Thomas Love, of Little Horkesley,
Winstree union and petty sessional division, Colchester, and which has been sold and the money invested in
Cla.cton and Harwich joint county court district, and £2! per cent. Consols. For many years the parish
in the rural deanery of Dedham, archdeaconry of belonged to the noble family of Sackville, who sold
Colchester and Chelmsford diocese. This village it in the r6th century to John Dister. There are
is said to derive its distinctive name from an no manorial rights. Harris Hills esq. J.P. of the Old
artificial mound here, about So feet in height, Bou!<e, Backing, and William Garrad esq. of Bures
near the church, covering about an acre of ground Hamlet, are the principal landowners. The soil is loam
and encompassed by a dry moat, but no tradition exists and strong clay; subsoil, clay and loam. The chief
as to the time when it was raised. The church crops are wheat, beans and barley. The area is 1,288
of St. John is an ancient structure of brick and stone acres of land and 5 of water; rateable value, [r,4or;
in the Norman style, consisting of chancel, nave, tran- the population in 19II was 241 in the civil and 226 in
·septs, south porch and a central tower with spire con- the ecclesiastical parish.
taining 2 bel~s, one about 1410, the other a~out 146o: By a Local Government Board Order, r6,463, dated
on the exteriOr so~1th wall of the chancel. Is ~ brass March 2sth, r88 4, certain detached parts of Bures, in
to the Rev. Sackv1lle Turner M . .A. and his wife, son the Sudbury union, were amalgamated with this parish,
and daughters, who was rector here 173~-34, and after- and a detached part of this parish added to :Bures; by
·wards :rector of ~est Berg~olt; he died 2oth Sept. Order 22 ,36 3 , dated 24 March, 1 889, two detached parts
1752, and was buried. ~ere: m the chancel are manu- were transferred to Chappel.
•ments to the Rev. Ph1hp Gurdon M.A. a former rector, Parish Clerk Ernest Chaplin
and his wife, son and daughters, dated 1792: during ' ·
-the restoration a double piscina was found, whirh has Letters from Bures, Suffolk, arrive at 6.30 a.m. & 1.30
been placed on the south side of the chancel: the & 8.5 p.m. Bures St. Mary (Suffolk) is the nearest
church was restored, transepts added and the tower money order & telegraph office, distant r mile
and spire rebuilt in 1,8 7 5: in 190 s the church was again Wall Letter Box, Brook House, cleared at 8.30 a. m. &;
restored at a cost of £rso, and at the same time a 2·3° & 8.40 p.m.; sundays, 8.40 p.m
new altar table was provided by the Pettitt family: Wall Letter Box, Thatchers' Arms, cleared at 7.15 a.m.
there are r5o sittings. The register dates from the & 8.20 p.m. ; sundays, 7·15 a.m
year 1540. The living is a rectory, net yearly value Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1873 .t en.
£26o, with residence and 24 acres of glebe, in the gift. larged in rgoo, for 8o children; average attendance,
-of Mrs. E. Davies, and held since 1908 by the Rev. 6r; Mrs. Emily Pettitt, mistress
_<\nson Rev. Edward Harcourt L.Th. Bnll Henry, butcher & thatcher Laramy Jamf's Oliver, farmer, Well
·(rector), Rectory Chaplin Ernest, parish clerk & sexton House farm
Death GeorgP, farmr. Serjeant's farm Newma.n Frank,millr. (steam & wind)
COMMERCIAL. Doe Frederick, miller (wind & oil) Nott Charles, farmer, The Hall
Bartholomew Alfd. frmr. Balls farm Edwards Ernest, frm:r.Hammond's fm Pettitt Peter & Frank,frmrs.Elms frm
Beard Horace. farmer , Jagg& Harry, Thatch~rs' Arms P.H Pettitt Frank, farmer, Staunch farm
MOUNTNESSING is an ancient parish and village The Endymion Canning charity of about £20 yearly,
on the road from Ingatestone to Brentwood, 3 miles arising from land, is distributed in bread, which is
north-east from Brentwood station on the Chelmsford given fortnightly to the poor during the winter. Thoby
section of the Great Eastern railway, 1! miles from 1 priory, in this parish, was founded between !141 and
Shenfield station, 2 south from Ingatestone station on II51 by Michael Capra, Roisia his wife, and William
the main line, 4 west-north-west from Billericay and 21 their son, for canons of the .Augustinian order and
from London, in the Mid division of the county, Chelms- dedicated to St. Mary and St. Leonard; it obtained
ford hundred, Brentwood petty sessional division and its name from Tobias, the first prior, to whom the
county court district, Billericay union, rural deanery of founders granted many valuable emoluments, and at
Barstable, archdeaconry of Essex and Chelmsford the Dissolution the revenues were estimated at
diocese. A stream, rising at Doddinghurst, flow~ £75 6s. ro~d. ; the back portion w;as burnt down
through the parish. The church of St. Giles is a 13 Aug. r893, but was rebuilt in July, r894, at a cost
structure of brick and flint, in the Early English style. of £4,ooo; attached are grounds of 6oo acres; the
consisting of chancel, very short nave of three bays, mansion is occupied by Henry Prescott George Blen-
aisles, south porch and a wooden tower rising from cowe esq. J.P. who is lord of the manor of Thoby and
within the nave with spire and containing one ben, in- Thoby Fee. Lord Petre, who is lord of the manor, and
scribed " Sancta J a'Cobe, ora pro nobis: " the existing H. P. G. Blencowe esq. are the principal landowners.
nave appears to 'be a portion only of an ancient build- The soil is mixed; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are
ing: t!he timber work supporting the spire, constructed wheat, oats and barley. The area is 4,193 acres of
in the reign of Henry Vll. has been much altered and land and 13 of water; rateable value, £13,049; the
is now bound together with iron: in the tower is an population in rgu was 959·
old oak chest hewn out of a solid tree: the west front, Deputy Parish Clerk, George Emberson.
constructed of brick, with six buttresses, is dated 1653: j Post, M. 0. & T. Office.--'William Edward Goulden,
in 1890 the church underwent extensive alterations at ' sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from Brentwood at
a 'Cost of [2,ooo, and has -200 sittings. The :register 7.30 a.m. & 6.45 p.m.; dispatched at 9.25 a.m. & 7-40
dates (ram the year 1654. The living is a vicarage, net p.m. ; sundays, arrive 8.5 a.m. ; dispatched 10.55 a.m
yearly value £r9o, including 22 acres of glebe, with Letter Box, Gooseberry Green, cleared at 8.30 a.m. &t
residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Ohelmsford, and 6.20 p.m. week days only
held since 1900 by the •Rev. Harry George Harrison Public Elementary School, enlarged in 1873, for uo chil-
M ..A., Worcester College, Oxford. Lord Petre is the dren; average attendance, mixed 54, infants 39; W.
impropriator of the great tithes. Here is also a small J. Reed, master; Mtss Kate Bedwell, infants' mistress
iron church with :aoo sittings, erected in 1873 by County Police, George Frost, constable
the Rev. B. Y. Macnamara. Here is a Oongre- Carrier to Chelmsford.-Jas. Springett, passes through
gational chapel, erected in r8go, seating roo persons. on tues. & fri '
~larked thus * have letters through tBcnge Stanley Goring, .Ardmore h:~/ tCritchell J ames Tronbrid!:(!', Queens-
Ingatestone, Essex.) Blencowe Henry Prescott George J .P. land cottage
(~farked thus t have letters through 'fhol.Jy Priory I
Cross John, The Poplars
Billericay, Essex.) Burmenster Fredk. Wynn, Lit.Corston' i·Fitzgerald William, Brooklands
Child .T oseph Orange, 'Melchett place Goodrlay .irthur Lionel, .Aim a cottage
ArdJey .Arthur Oliver, Drury .. , *Ghristy Edward H. Beacon~ tGroom Frt>derick James, Lyntondale
Harrison Rev. Harry George M ..!. Clarkson Rd.Hy.frmr.MasterJohn's fm Jarvis Hy.Geo. George & Dragon P.H
(vicar), Vioa.rage tCrawford Jant> W. (Mrs.), farmer, tKnight Alfred, farmer, Brands fano.
tHodge Mrs. Chase view Lawness farm McCheyne George, farmer, The Hall
Hodges Lionel l''rederick, Malbrooks Cumbers George, farmer, Woolwards McKay Rebecca (Mrs.), beer retailer
Prosser Alfred E. St. Ann's DilliSell George William, beer retaile1· Macmorland John, farmer, Arnolds
tSamuels Frederick tDrnm.mond James, farmer, Little *Nicholls Jn. B. frmr. Bellman's farm
tlfaldron Thomas, Winnivere Cowbridge grange Roberts J. &:; Son, blacksmiths
*Walmesley-Cotham Alfred, Tylhu;; Fisher Waiter Charles, blacksmith Samuel Charles, chimney sweeper
tWoolnough James, Eden vale Frampton HPrbert George, grocer Smith Arth. Hy. frmr. Jordan's fa.,.,rmrn
COMMERCIAL. Gould Thomas, coach builder Steven William, farmer, Chainbridge
Agnis :Bobert, miller (wind) Goulden William Edward, shopkePpr. Weal James, beer retailer
Bannister Hy. Jsph. frmr.Baker's frm & post office Wooltorton Hy. frmr. Swallow's cross
Barues Samuel & Son, jobmasters tHodge Robert (M:rs ), farmer, Great
*Blyth Isaac, farmer, Westlands Cowbridge grange

MUCKING, anCiently written "Mocking," and in net yearly value £209, with 29 acres of glebe and resi-
Dome9day " Mucinga," is a parish on a creek of the dence, in the gitt of the Dean and Chapter of St.
'fhames of the same name, I mile south from the Stan- Paul's, and held since I897 by the Rev. Charles Rich
ford-le-Hope station on the London, Tilbury and South- Nelson Burrows. There are two charities: the "Robin-
end railway, 4~ miles north-east of Tilbury Fort, 5~ east. <'011 Gift '' of £I 9s. is distributed annually by the
from Grays and about 27 from London, in the South vicar and churchwardens among the "aged, well-con-
Eastern division of the county, Barstable hundred, ducted and deserving poor ; " the "Downes' Charity"
Orsett union and petty sessional division, Grays county affords £3 6s. Bd. annually to the church and a like sum
court district, a.nd in Or~ett and Grays rural deanery, to the parish of Mucking, the latter being distributed in
Essex archdeaconry and Chelmsford diocese. The church coal about Christmas time. Mucking Hall, formerly
of St. John the Baptist, almost wholly rebuilt between the manor house, stands opposite the church. Here was
.849 and 1852, and oompleted in 1887, consists of chancel formerly a nunnery, a cell of Barking Abbey, to which
(res!fred in 1879), nave, south aisle and an embattled it belonged. The Ecclesiastical Commissioners, who are
western tower of stone containing 3 bells, dated respectively lords of the manor and impropriators, and the trustees
1632, 1579 and 1665 : the chancel, 33 feet by I5, is a fine of the late A. Z. Cox esq. are the principal landowners.
specimen of the Early English style, and was probably The soil is loamy; subsoil, gravel. The chief crops ar&
built in the reign of Henry Ill. but underwent con- wheat and barley; and sheep are largely raised. The
aiderable alteration prior to the Reformation; it retains area is 2,028 acres of land, I of inland and 126 of tidal
three sedilia and a double piscina : the north side has water and 131 of foreshore; rateable value, £3>398; the
an elegant, arcade of three arches, supported on three population in 19n was 440 in the civil and 6r6 in the
small and ·graceful octagonal columns of Purbeck ecclesiastical parish.
marble: a oommunion table and litanv •
desk of carved
oa.k, the latter designed by the late G. E. Street esq. Ily Local Government Board Order, No. 54,633, April
R.A. architect, were placed in the church in 1884: 1st, Igro, part of Mucking was transferred to Stanford-
the organ chamber has been floored with wood and le-Hope for civil purposes.
fitted as a vestry in memory of the Rev. J. H. Bridge.
vicar 1868-83, at the expense of his sister, Mrs. Oblean: MUCKING FORD (or Linfmd), 1 mile south-west,
the carved oak leetern was presented in 189o by Mrs. is a hamlet in this parish. Here is a Wesleyan chapel.
Bridge in memory of her husband, and there art> built in 1900.
memorial windows to the Rev. Oharles Day, a former Letters are received through Stanford-le-Hope at 8.3()
vicar, to William Clark, Percy W. Clark, Samuel a.m. & 7.30 p.m. The nearest telegraph office is at.
Westwood Squier J.P. and William Clark, senior: Stanford-le-Hope, r! miles distant
the an<lient stone font, which for years lay in the Wall Letter Box, near the chureh, cleared at 10.50
churchyard, has been deposited in the south aisle: a.m. & 6.40 p.m
in 1886 excavations on the north of the church resulted Post Office, Linford. Arthur Smith, sub-postmaster.
in the finding of a Roman interment and some Roma,n Letters through Stanford-le-Hope, Essex. Letter Box
pottery: in the church is a mural tablet of white cleared at 10.10 a.m. & 6 p.m. week days only. Stan·
m:uble, with kneeling effigy, to Elizabeth Downes, who ford-le-Hope, 2! miles distant, is the nearest tele-
lived happily with four husbands, and left a charity graph office & West Tilbury is the nearest money
of 20 nobles to the poor of the parish of Mucking. order office
2os. to those of Horndon and a like sum to the poor Parochial School (mixed), built in 1855, for 53 children;
of Stanford; she di~d Jan. r60J. The church has 200 average attendance, 50; , mistress
sittings. The registers date from the year 1559, but This school i;; controlled by the Orsett Education Sub.
are in a most confused state. The living is a vicarage. Committee
PRIVATE RESIDEN1H. Lavies John Archibald, River view, Mott Ellen (Mrs.), George & Dragon
Archer George Bensted, Monkenhurst, Linford P.H. Linford
Linford Squier Samuel Joseph, The Rookery ~iott James, wheelwright, Linford
· lleresfnrd George Henry, Walton's ball Wilson Du Barrv,

Linford Ridgway Sml. frmr.Walton's Hall frm
Bnrrows Rev. Charles Rich Nelson, COMMERCIAL. £mith Arthur, shopkeeper,Post office~
Vicarage Bristow William, shopkeeper, Linford Linford
Fisher John Mortimer, 19 Somerset Hawkins Clement W. farmer,Mucking South Essex Water Works (Jas. Star,
road, Linford Hall farm in charge ),Linford pumping station
Porbes Peter Moore Sarah (Mrs.), shopkpr. Linford Squier Austin William & Saml. Jsph.
Garside George, Linford Morley Newcomb, farmer, Merryloots, farmers, The Rookery
Hawkins Clement W. Mucking ha.ll Linford Ticehurst John, butcher, Linford

MUNDON is a parish and village, near a creek of the under the will of Dr. Plume, sometime Archdeacon of
Blackwater estuary, 3 miles south-east from Maldon Rochester, entitled to gratuitous instruction at the
station on the Great Eastern railway and 12 south-east Grammar school, Maldon. Sir Thomas Charles Callia
fnm Chelmsford, in the South Eastern division of the Western hart. is lord of the manor and principal land·
<lounty, Dengie hundred and petty sessional division. owner. The soil is clay; subsoil, strong clay. The
Maldon union and county court district, and in the rural chief crops are wheat and barley. The area is 3,083
deanery of Maldon, archdeaconry of Essex and dioce~e acres of land. 8 of inland and I08 of tidal water and
-of Chelmsford. The church of St. Mary, situated to the 6o5 of foreshore; rateable value, £.1,783; the popula-
east of the village, is a plain edifice, partly of st(me, in tion in 19II was 255.
the Perpendicular style; it consists of chancel and nave. Sexton, Frederick Charles Cooper.
north porch and a square belfry of wood at the west
end. supported by a massive hexagonal abutment, and Post Office.-Mrs. Harriet Cooper, sub-postmistress.
containing one bell: there are ~ittings for 100 personl'. Letters arrive from Maldon at 6 a.m. & 12.40 p.m.;
The register of baptisms and 1\urials dates from th•· I dispatched 10 a. m. & 7·30 p.m.; sundays, arrive 6
year 1741; marriages, 1755· The living is a vicarage. ·~ a.m.; dispatched at 7·3~ p.m. Th~ nearest ~on~y
net yearly value £no, including 10 acres of glebe and .order. & telegraph office 1s at Latchmgdon, wh1ch u
residence, in the gift of the Duohv of Lancaster, and 2 ! miles south

held since 19o6 by the Rev. Leopold Henry Bruhl. The. Pillar Letter Box, Mundon corner, cleared at 9·55 a.m.
vicarage house was built in 1868. Here is a small Churoh !' (July, August & September, cleared at 9.40) & 7.2.
Yi!!sion room. Two children from this parish are, p.m.; sundays, 7.20 p.m

Public Elementary School, built in 188o, at a cost of This school is controlled by the Maldon District Ed~BC&­
£4oo, for 6o children; average attendance, 46; Miss tion Sub-Committee
Kate Flux, mistress Carrier to Maldon. From Latchingdon, fri

COMMERCIAL. Heap Frank, nurseryman
Berry Miles, farmer, Camas farm Hendry Robt. farmer, Parsonage farm
Allen James, The Bungalow Bond George, farm bailiff to Thomas Mead Charles, farmer, White House-
Bruhl Rev. Leopold Henry, Vicarage H. Solly esq. J.P. Hall farm farm & Brool!:mead
Cheales Mrs. Wayside Cleveland George, White Horse P.H Norrell Willifred, farmer, lltney
Heap Miss, Tanilba Cooper Charles & Son, blacksmiths Partridge Edwin, farmer, New hall
Heap Waiter, Homefield Cooper Albt. wheelwright & carpenter Rawlinson Robert, farmer, Garlands
Lambert Wm. Purnell, Limbourne pk Cooper Fredk. Chas. assist. overseer Reading & Mission Room (Frederics
Lozdall-Bee Alfred Percy Gentry William, baker / Charles Cooper, sec)
Solly Thos. Herbert J.P. Mundon hall Harris William, farmer, Bramble hall
N A VESTOCK is a village and an ancient parish on to be invested in land, the proceeds to be distributeci
the south of the Roding, 6 miles south-by-west from annually to the poor; Mrs. Elizabeth Prince also left
Ongar terminal .station on a branch of the Great Eastern £,275, £2! per Cent. Annuities, the interest, £6 12s. 4d.
railway, 5 north-west from Brentwood station and 20 yearly, to be similarly distributed. James Tabor esq.
from London, in the West ern division of the county, of The Lawn, Rochford, Sir Thomas Lewis Hughea-
Ongar petty sessional division, hundred and union, Neave hart. of Dagnam Park, and Magdalen and Hert-
Brentwood county court district, Barstable rural ford 'Colleges, Oxford, are the chief landowners. The-
deanery, Essex archdeaconry and Chelmsford diocese: soil is clay, gravel and sand; subsoil, clay. The chief
this parish belonged to the cathedral of St. Paul in crops are wheat, oats, barley and beans. The area is.
the reign of King Edgar. The church of St. Thomas 4,492 acres Df land and 26 of water; rateable value,
the Apostl~.> is a building of stone exhibiting a mixture £4,890; the population in 19II was 740.
of the Early English and Decorated styles, and consists Parish Clerk, Albert Martin.
of chancel, nave, south aisle and a western tower of Post Office, Saobines Green.-Charles Goodwin, sub-post-
wood, with shingled spire, containing 5 bells, two of master. Letters arrive from Romford at 7.30 & 10.3<>
which are dated 1637 and (}De 1862; the other two are a.m. ; dispatched at 1.50 & 5 .so p.m. week daJS;
undated, but supposed to date from about 1470: there sundays, arrive 7.10 a.m.; dispatched 7.15 a.m.
are many tablets of the 18th and 19th centuries to the Navestock Side is the nearest money order & tele-
Waldegrave family, including a mural monument to graph office, 2 miles distant
James, first Earl Waldegrave, ob. II April, 1741, and to Wall Letter Box at the school, Navestock Heath, cleared
James, second earl, ob. 13 April, 1763; there is also a at 2 & 6 p.m. week days; 7· 15 a.m. on sundays
brass to Agnes Makyn, 1589, and her husband, Richard
Makyn, groom in the chaundrye to Kiirg Edward VI. ob. NAVESTOCK SIDE is a hamlet 3 miles north-west
1549, with other brasses; a monument with arms to from Brentwood station and a mile and a half south-
Henry Sheffield (d. 1718), a member of a family of east from Navestock church. Navestock Heath is IJ
that name resident at Seaton, eo. Rutland, 14r5-16oo, miles south and Whitehorse Side 2 miles south.
and lords of that manor, another to Mary, his mother Post, M. 0. & T. Office, Navestock Side.-'Henry Jamea-
(d. 1724), and a floor slab inscribed to John Sheffield ,Jordan, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from :Brent-
(d. r67o), and a large monument, with coloured life- wood at 7.30 a.m. & 6 p.m.; dispatched at 10.5 a.m.
size bust, coats of arms and an inscription in Latin & 7·35 p.m. week days; arrive & diBpatched at 7·3S.
verse, to John Green, serjeant-at~law in the time of a.m. on sundays
Charles I. : the tower and spire were restored in 1897 Wall Letter Box, at Whitehorse Side, cleared at 9·45:
by David P. Sellar esq. The register dates from the a. m. & 7.20 p.m. week days; 9· 15 a. m. sundays
year 1538. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value
Pnblic Elementary School, Navest(}ck Heath (mixed).
£300, with 19 acres of glebe, and residence, 1 mile
south from the church, in the gift of Trinity College, built in 1837 & rebuilt in 1865, for 126 children;.
Oxford, and held since 1897 by the Rev. William Clax average attendance, go; William Hy. Wright, master
ton M.A., Mus.Bac. of that 'College. The late Right This school is controlled by the Essex Education (Ongar
Rev. William Stubbs D.D. Bishop of Oxford (d. 1901) District) Sub-Committee; Arnold Richardson, Ongar,.
was vicar here r85o-67. John GreP.n left in 1625 £7o clerk
Marked thus t receive their letters tEnkel Charles, implement tJordan Henry James, jobmaster, Post.
through Brt>n twood. proprietor, Navestock Side office, N avestock Side
Ansell John Percv, Yew Tree house Flanders Stephen, farmer, Curtis Mill tKni~htbridQ'P Frank, farmer, Water-
tBurton Alfred Frank, Nt>w hall Green (letters through StaplPford bales & J oshlin2"'s farm, Barker·s-
Claxton Rev. William M.A., Mus.Bac. Abbots) Green
Vicarage tFuller George William, Green Man Miles John .A.rthur, farmer, Rose ball
tTyser Waiter P. Dudbrook house P.H. Navestock Side tMills Chas. Henrv, •
tWinkley Mrs. Abbotswick, Navestock tFurbank George, beer retailer, stock Side
Side Whitehorse Side 1·Partridge James, farmer, Lee farm,_
COMMERCIAL. tFurze Oharlt>s, farmer, Tan House & WatPrhales
t Apple by Ern est Alfred, cattle dealer, Lash's farm Pratt Frank Wait. farmer, Loft Hall, •

Waterhales, Navestock Side 1'Gerring William Albert, bPer retailr Yew Tree,Randalls & New Hall fms
Avila Geor~re, Fredt>rick, farmer. Nave- Goodwin Charles. baker, Post office, tRandall Wm.Harry, frmr. Bower frm·
stock hail &Howlett's & Green frms Sabines Green Redgewell Charles, shopkeeper, Nave-
Binder Char~es, farmer, Skip's corner tGoymer Thomas, fa1·mer, Bois hall stock Heath
Bissill Jn. Plough inn, Navestock Hth tGrayling Alma, beer retailer, White- Seal Charles A. farmer, Jenkins farm
Bridj!es Eli, farmer,Curtis Mill GrePn horse Side tStock William, farmer, High Beacon
(letters through Stapleford Abbots) Grayling John, rPfreshment rooms, Hill & W oodside farms
Brown James, blacksmith Curtis Mill Green (lettPrs through Tavlor Daniel, farmer, Sabines Greeno

tDt>eks Frdk. butcht>r,~avestoek Sid" Stapleford Abbots) tTurner .Alfred, boot maker
N.A.ZEING (or Nasing). in Domesday "Nasinga," is a in 1899: at the south-east angle of the tower is a hex-
l"illage and parish, bounded on the west by the river agonal stair turret, on which is a. sun dial, dated ·1765,
Lee. over which, near the Broxbourne station of the and bearing the inscription "Meridies, Solarius, ]at. 51cr
Great Eastern Railway Co. distant 3:
miles, is a bridge
of one arch, connecting the parish with Hertfordshire:
32m," the rood-loft staircase. remains, and the terminals
of the rood-loft beams are still embedded in the walls
it is 6 miles north-west from Epping, 5 north-east from 1 of the nave: the chancel has a memorial window to·
Waltham Abbey and 19 from London, in the Western William Palme-r esq. d. 24 April, 1858, and is fitted wibb
division of the county, Waltham hundred, Epping union I choir stall;;: in the nave is a memorial window to Henry
and petty sessional division, Waltham Abbey county Crowther, d. 21 Dec. 1852, and there are two oth~
court district, rural deanery of Harlow, archdeaconrv of >'tained ~indows, mural monuments to the Palmer and'
E:,.8ex and Chelmsford diocese ; it was given by King Bury families, and various inscribed floor slabs : the
Harold II. to Waltham Abbey. The church of All carved oak pulpit is a memorial to Mrs. Alice Mary-
SRints is an edifice of brick, flint and rubble, in the Fane, daughter of the present vicar, who died I Feb.
Early English style, standing oro a hill, and consists of I r899: the church was restored in 1874 at a cost of
chancel, nave of four bays, north aisle, ~outh porch of £6oo, when a new organ was erected: the restoration
wood and an embattled western tower of brick dating was continued in 1891 at a cost of £4oo, when &
from the 13th century, and containing 5 bells, all dated 1 new organ chamber and vestry were built and th&-
1779: there was formerly P spire, but this was removed upen timber roof repaired: tber~ are about ::t50 sittings.
The register dates from the year I559· The living is a of 475 acres, over which certain ancient houses in the-
vicarage, net yearly value £201, with 39 acres of glebe parish have rights of pasturage. The soil is chiefly:
and residence, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and heavy; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley:
held since 1890 by the Rev. Thomas Ward Goddard and roots, and a great quantity is grass land. The area.
M.A. of Pembroke College, Cambridge. 'fhe vicarage is 3,928 acres of land and 24 of water; rateable value,.
house has been improved and enlarged. .Alfred Manser £6,331. .About 450 acres of the extensive commons.
esq. of Lampits, Hoddesdon, Herts, who died 2] Oct. and waste grounds of the parish have been inclosed_
1902, bequeathed /,3oo upon trust for the maintenance The population in 19u was 847. There are hamlets at.
of the bells in Nazeing church, and the surplus income, Nazemg Common Lower Gate, Middle Street, Green-
if any, for the ringers. The Congregational chapel and leaves, and near ~azingbury.
school room were built in 1876, on the site of an· older
Parish Clerk and Sexton, Arthur Reynolds.
structure, dating from 1816: the chapel affords about
Post, M. 0. & T. Office. Frederick Cook, sub-post-
200 sittings. There are golf links of 18 holes, extend-
master. Letters through Waltham Cross arrive ati.
ing over nearly 3 miles of ground on Nazeing Common;
7·35 & 10.15 a.m.; sundays, 7·35 a.m.; dispatched.
there is also a club house. Sir Herewald Wake bart.
at IfL45 a.m. & 6.20 p.m. ; sundays at 11 a.m
of Courteenhall, Northants. is lord of the manor, in
Post Office. Nazeing Upper Town.-Mrs. Matilda Ann.
a part of which, called " Upper Town," the custom
of Borough English prevails, by which the youngest Starling, sub-postmistress. Letters through Waltham
son inherits. Nazeing Park is the property of Ralph Uross arrive at 8.15 & ro 30 a.m.; sunda~·s, 8.15
Charlton Palmer esq.: the mansion, rebuilt c. I8<14, a.m.; dispatched at 10.45 a.m. &; 6 p.m.; sunday;; •.
and now occupied by Waiter E. Hargreaves esq. 10-45 a.m. .Nazeing, 1 mile distant, is the nearest
stands in a well-wooded park and grounds of 67 acres, money order & teleg-raph office
facing Nazeing Common, with a fine kitchen garden Pillar Letter Box, Greenleaves, eleared at 9·30 a.m. &..
containing a number of glass houses and choice fruit 5.50 p.m.; sundays at 10.45 a.m
trees; i't is a commodious house, faced with stucco, County Police Station, Middle street. Harry George Til-
and has a balust.raded balcony, carried on five Ionic brook, sergeant
columns, and wings with balustraded parapets. St.
Leonards House, the residence of Ralph Frederic Public Elementary Schools.
Bury esq. D.L., J.P. is pleasantly situated in park-like These schools are under the <'Ontrol of the Essex Edu-
grounds of 43 acres. Harold~s Park, an est~te of ab~ut I cation (Epping District) Sub-Committee; Herbert J.
500 acres, belonged to that kmg, and was given by him Goodwin Hi"'h road Loughton clerk
to his monastery at Waltham; it lies chiefly in thiR . ' "' ' . ' . .
parish, but partly in Waltham Holy Cross and Epping. Pubhc ~lementary School (mixed), built m I878_, . for
and is ·now occupied by Mr. William Graham. ThP. 120 chlldr~n; average attendance, 104; Noah W1lham.
Nether Hall estate, partly in this parish, is referred to Be~an, master .
under Roydon. Sir Herewald Wake bart. Ralph Frederic Pubhc Eleml'ntary School, Upper Town, erected m 1856-
Bnry esq. Ralph Charlton Palmar esq. J.P. and the but cl_osed in 1878, & re-opened in 1891; it will hold
tmstees of the late E. J. Williams esq. are the chief go children; average attendance, 6o; Alfred Gwynll"
landowners. Nazeing or Nazeing Wood Common consists Phillips, master
Marked thus *receive letters through *Walker George Perry, Springdale *~Iaynard Yictor, tomato gro"er
Broxbourne, Herts. *Whitton '\Ym.Fredericl;:, Marion villa ~Iiddlemiss James W. King Harold's:
*Wood Leonard, Tally Ho Head P .li
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. ' COl!Ml<~RCIAL. Mugrid!,l"e Edward, Rf:'d Lion P.H
Adams Ernest, Sunnyholme .Ashby John, shopkeeper Nicholls John, farmer, Parker's farm
• Armes George William, Lulworth B1·idgman Chas. farmer, Curringtons Nicholls Sarah (Mrs. ),frmr.Camps fm
BPrg Alfred George, Jacks Hatch *Button Arthur Joseph, carpentPl" Pegrum .Alfd. carpenter, The Poplars-
(letters via Epping) Caryl John, Coach & Horses P.H Pegrum Alfred, shopkpr.Nazeing gate-
Bury Ralph Frederic D.L., J.P. St. CattPrmole Wait. frmr. Perryhill frrn Pegrnm .Alfd. Jas. farmer, Stutsbury-
Leonards house *Collins John, shopkeeper Pegrum J ames, farmer, Curtis' farm
Charge Alexander, Greenleaves Cook Fredk. shoe ma. & sub-postmstr Peg-rum Joseph, farmer, Bury farm ..
*Eastwood Frederick, Kingsmead Cro'fl e George, farmer, Maple croft Nazeing- Bury
Fowler Edward, Mamelons *Crowley Frank R. Crown P .H. Brox- Pegrum Samup], farmer
*Giffen James, Fairlawn bourne Bridge Perry Jas. (Mrs.), frmr. Allmains frrn-
Goddard Rev. Thomas 1Vard M.A. Dellar George, farmer Power Richard, farmer, Church farm
Vicarage Dellar John. wheelwright 1 *Rich Sidney, nurseryman
Green Frederick William, Collyers, Golf Club (Capt. E. J. Christie, l'ec) Ravage James, general dealer, Mill bf)o
Nazeing Common Graham Wm. farmer, Harolds park Sehvay James (Mrs.), blacksmith
Green George F. Wheelers Hale Isaao, farmer, Shadwalkers fnn Sinclair Geo. frmr.Mansion House fl])o
Hargreaves Waiter E. Nazeing park Head .Ann (Mrs.),farmer,Ninnetts fm Smith Arthur, farmer, Outlands
*Hughes Herbert, The Bungalow Hollow John, farmer, Brewitts farm Smith Jn. jun. frmr. Nether Kidders-
*Jackson Ernest, The Hut Borne Charles, Sun P.H Smith William, farmer, Pavnes

*La Riviere Alfd. Edwin,Meadowbank Judd & Coleman, plumbers Starling M.A.(Mrs.),shpkpr.& post oft
Midwood Lieut.-Col. Harrison, Snows Judd George, farmer, Teys farm I Taylor John C. farmer, Langridge
Palmer Archdale, Rookwood IJudd Jane (Miss), shopkeeper Weare Hemy, Crook~>d Billet P.H
Palmer Ralph Charlton J.P. Hubbards King Langham, builder, North street Webb Ernest, farmer
Rufus John Alfred, Old house Lawrence William, farmer, Belchers Wehb Oscar, farmer, Goodalls farm
*Steed Thomas Dyer, Leebank Lipson Geo. assist.overseer,Sunnyside Wehb William, farmer, Byners farm

NETTESWELL (or NettJeswell) is a parish and vil- [, 119, with 3~ acres of glebe and residence, in the gift.
lage, I mile south from Burnt Mill station on the Cam- of L. J. W. Arkwright esq. of Little Parndon, and held
bridge section of the Great Eastern railway, 2 miles since I9IO -by the• Rev. Frederic Julian Medforth. A
south-east from Harlow, 5 north fr()m Epping, 9 north- Church Mission Hall was erected at Marsh Gate in 18g1,
east from Waltham .Abbey and 24! from London by road and in Spring street is a Wesleyan chapel. Loftus-
and 22! by rail, in the Western division of the county, Joseph Wigram Arkwright esq. of Little Parndon, is-
Harlow hundred and petty sessional division, Epping lord of the manor and the principal landowner. The:
nnion, Waltham Abbey county court district, and in the soil is various, chiefly heavy ; subsoil, clay and gravel.
rural deanery of Harlow, archdeaconry of Essex and The chief crops are wheat, ·barley and roots and a great
Chelmsford diocesp ; it was one of the parishes given pol'tion is grass land. The area is I,548 acres of land'
by King Harold IT. to Waltham .Abbey. Todds brook ~nd 4 of water; rateable value, £5217; the population
B.ows through the parish. The church of St. Andrew is in I9II was 633.
a emall and plain building of flint and rubble with stone
Parish Clerk • .Alfrp,d Hale.
dressinl\'s, in the late Perpendicular style, cons1sting of
chancel, nave, south porch and a wooden turret with spire Post. M. 0. & T. Office, Netteswell Cross.-Arthur-
at the west end containing 3 bells : one of the walls con- Riley, sub-postmaster. Letters through Harlow arrive
tains some sing-ular ornamental brickwork: there are at 6.30 & 9.40 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; dispatched at II.I5
hras~es with t-ffigies to Thomas Lawrence, ob. I522, and a.m. & 7-5 p.m. ; delivered on sunday at 6.40 a.m.;
Alya, his wife, and to John Bannister, gent. ob. 1697, dispatched~ 1 I a.m
and Elizabeth (North), his wife, with three sons and one
Pillar Letter Box, Netteswell common, cleared at 7·35'
danl!"hter: the east window is stained and there are somt'
a.m. & 6.45 p.m.; sunday, 8 a.m
remaiAA of ancient stained glass in other windows : the
church affords 150 sittings. 'fhe register dates from the Pillar Letter Box, Netteswell Cross, cleared at I I
year I558. The living is a rectory, net yearly value a.m. & 7.10 p.m.; sundays, II.Io a.m p• "" N~H..-.'11

Public Elementary School (mixed), ~ebuilt in 1872, for This school is controlled by the Essex Education (Epping
70 children; class rooms were added in 188g, 1891 & District) Sub-Committee; Herbert J. Goodwin, High
1898 to accommodate 40 more; average attendance, road, Loughton, clerk
93; & endowed with about £31 yearly, left in 1n7 by Burnt Mill station is situated in this parish; Frank
William Martin; John Carter, master Masters, station ma.ster
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bonney Frank, boot maker Parker .Ada Emily (Mrs.), Greyhound
Coleman Cecil John, Worton Camp Jas.blacksmth.Netteswell Corn P.H
Coleman Mrs Carter Jn. rate collector, Hermitage Rickett Herbert, farmer, Goldings
Dawson Neville, Nettl'swell hall Church Alfred, poulterer, Netteswell Riley .Arthur, shopkeeper, Post office,
Freeland Edward James, Snows farm Common Spring Street
Medforth Rev. Frederic Julian (rec- Church Amos, shopkeeper, Tye Green Sanders Arthur, plumber
tor), Rectory Coleman Herbert, farmer, Hill house Searle George, baker, Spring Street
Mewburn V'i.illiam B. c. Spurriers Constable Jn. boot ma. Spring Street Sl'arle Percy, baker, Spring Street
Mugleston John F. Bury's- farm Jones Gertrude (Mrs.), dress maker, Shelfer Wm.& Henry,tomato growers,
Rickett Herbert, Goldings Netteswell Cross Netteswell Common
Tomkins Stanlev "\Y. Nettesvrell house Kirby William, cartage agent to G.E Shipton Emma (Mrs.), dress makel',
Webb William, ·Tye cottage Railway, Marshgate farm Spring Street
Kirkaldy John Limited, engineers, Smith Charles (Mrs.), farmer, Nettea-
COYMERCIAL. Burnt Mill works well Common
.Alderton .Alfred, grocPr, N etteswell Moffitt David George, insurance agt. Smith Richard, Chequers P.H
Cross Netteswell Cross Sortwell Garnett, bricklayer
Barnard Arthur Thomas, farmer, Moore 'Valter, butcher, Spring S-treet Workmen's Club & Reading Room
Chesnut farm, Common

Mugleston John F. farmr. Bury's frm, (Frank Sutton, sec.), Burnt Mill

NEVENDON (or Newendon) is an ancient parish, 3 The living 1s a. rPctory, n~::t yearly value £145, with 7
miles north from Pitsea station on the London, Tilbury acres of glebe and rPsidence, in the gift of the Right
and Southend railway and 2 miles south-west from Rev. Bishop Stevens D.D. and hPld since xgn by the
Wickford station on the Great Eastern railway, 29 from Rev. .Alfred Watson Hands Th.A.K.C. The land is
London, 6 south-east from Billericay, and xo south-east hPld by several proprietors. The soil is heavy loam;
from Brentwood, in the Mid division of the county, Bar- subsoil, clay and grav&l; the chief crops are wheat and
stable hundred, Billericay union, Brentwood county court Leans. The area is I,oiz acres; rateable value, {947;
dist·rict and petty sessional division, and in the rural the population in I9II was 229.
deanery of Wickford, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese Sexton, Thomas William Smith.
of Chelmsford. The church of St. Peter, thoroughly Post Office.-Thomas William Elliott, sub-postmaster.
restored in 1875• is an edifice of stone, and now consists Letters through Wickford, Essex, arrive at 7·30 a.m.;
of chancel (which is in the Early English style), nave, sunday, 7.30 a.m.; dispatched at 9.50 a.m. & 5·55
vestry and a small w<:~oden bell turret on the western p.m.; sunday, 10 a.m. The nearest money order &i
gable, containing one bell: the windows of the chancel telegraph office is at Wickford, x~ miles distant
are stained and it retains an aumbry: in the north wall Wall Letter Box in Nevendon road, cleared 5.40 p.m.;
of the nave is a cinque-foiled piscina niche and there sundays, 9.50 a.m
are traces of a stoup near the south doorway: there are Public Elementary School (mixed), built in x886, for 32
100 sittings. The register dates from the year 1651. childr~n; average attendance, 22; Mrs. Millard, mist

Marked thus t receive letters through Gwilliam .Albert Joseph, .Ashburton tKuchemann Henry Caspar, wood
Vange, Pitsea. Hands Rev. Alfred Watson Th.A.K.C. carver, Ruskin lodge
Marked thus* receive letters through Rectory tLay .A. G. & Co. market gardeners
Basildon, Billericay. tNewett .Alfred, Gordon house Masters Ellen Winterbon (Mrs.),
farmer, Nevendon hall
COMMERCIAL. Mnmford William Waiter, Jolly
PJUVATE RESIDENTS. *_\Hen John Bryant,assistant overseer Cricketers P .H
tBartley Henry, Ilfracombe house Elliott Thos.Wm.grocer, & post office Prentice Henry Charles, farm bailiff
Bedwell Harry, Ravenscroft English Frank N. beer retailer to T. W. Offin esq
England Mark, Kelowna tHall Robert K. coal dealer *Weir William, jobbing gardener
NEWPORT, formerly a market town, is now a village in the south transept: the ·font is Early English, and
on the river Granta or Cam and on the Roman and there is a fine carved oak lectern of the 14th century,
modern road to Cambridgeshire : it was originally called supporting a chained Bible : the chancel is separated
''Newport Pond," from a large pool at the south E'nd of from the nave by a xsth century oak screen: there are
the street, and has a station on the main line llf the brasses with effigies to Thomas Brand, ob. 1515, and
Great Eastl'Tn railway to Cambridge, 3 miles south Margery his wife, with four children, inscription, and
from Saffron Walden, 9 north from Bishop Stortford, the emblems of the Evangelists, and to Geoffrey Night-
7 north-west from Thaxted, 40 from London by rail and ingale esq. and Katherine his wife, 16o8, with 5even
37 by road: the parish is in the Northern division of children: the muniment chest has paintings inside the
the county, Uttlesford hundred, Saffron Walden p£-tty lid of "The Crucifixion," "The B. V. Mary," "St.
sessional division, union and county court district, New- John," "St. Peter,'' and " St. Paul :" t•he five lock!
port and Stanst~d rural deanery, Colchester arch- are curious, and the exterior of the chest i5 richly
deaconry and Chelmsford diocese: the village is lighted ornamented with perforated gilt lead, exquisitely
with gas from works erected in 1867. The church of worked: in the parvise, a room ovpr the porch. ia
St. Mary the Virgin, standing in the highest part of the preserved one of the four (Bray) libraries in Essex,
vilLage, is a building of rubble, in the Perpendicular fiJr the use of the neighbouring clergy: the church
and Decorated styles, and consists of chancel, nave of will seat 500 persons. The register dates from the
four •bays, with clerestory, aisles, transepts, south porch yli'ar 1558. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value
with parvis~. and a lofty western embattled tower, £280, including 24 acres of glebe and residence, in the
with four embattled turrets and containing 6 bells: thf' gift of the Bishop of Chelmsford, and held since 1910 by
tower was rebuilt and the rest of the church, with the the Rev. William Montagu Bellamy M.A. of Keble Col-
exception of the chancel, restored in x858-g: the lege, Oxford. W. Foot Mitchell esq. of Quendon Hall,
chancel was re>;tor-ed in I9II at the cost of W. Foot is impropriator of the gr~at tithes. The Congregational
Mitchell l'sq. : there are five stained windows, one of chapel is a large building, foundoed in x682, end rebuilt
which is a memorial to Robert M. Tamplin, son of the in 1879: it will now seat 450 persons; there is a good
Rev. G. F. Tamplin M ..A. vicar 1876-xgm. who perished school room, used on .Sundays and for mPetings. The
in the disastrous fire at the Theatre Royal, Exeter, church room, formerly the old Grammar school, is used
September 5, 1887, when upwards of 200 persons lost for church purposes. The Parish hall and reading
their lives; another was placed by Mr. Thomas Shirley, room, erected here in x8g8 at a cost of about £750,
who died in 18gr, in remembrance of his golden wedding was afterl'lards bought and furnished by Sir James
in December, x88g, and there are others to Mr. Shirley, Bailey, of •Lofts Hall, Wendon Lofts, for the use of
to the Rev. John Chapman, vicar I850-75, and onp the inhabitants of Newport. There are charities a.mounti-
placed to commemorate the Jubilee in x887 of Her latP ing in all to £6o yeai""ly, and arising chiefly from
Majesty Queen Victoria. The interesting remains of 14th land left by John Covill and A.gnes his wife, Dame
century glass were collected about 1894 and re-arranged Lettice Martin, of Chrishall, and other donors; the
in two lancet windows of the nort.h aisle. The pulpit most important is a farm of about 40 acres. vested in
is of Caen stone, carved with subjects from the Old trustees, the rent of which is distributed annually on
and New Testaments; there are Early Decorated pis- Hock Monday (the second Monday after Easter), amonil!ti
cinre in the north transept and chancel, and a piscina needy people of this parish. There was formerly a
hospital for lepers here, founded in the reign of King Wall Letter Boxes.-Corner of Station road, cleared at 9
John, by Richard de Newport and dedicated to SS. a.m. & 1.45, 6.30 & 8.45 p.m. ; no collection on sun-
Mary and Leonard ; part of the building remained day; Grammar School, clearPd at 8.r5 & 11.30 a.m. &
nntil 1907: the stone columns of the original 5·45 & 8.30 p.m. week days only
l'.hapel have been built into the garden wall. The County Police Station, George Ttundle, police constable
··Crown" House, once occupied by Nell Gwynne, and
the "Coach and Horses " Hotel, from which it is said SCHOOLS.
George (Villiers), 2nd Duke of Buckingham and John The Grammar School, now a secondary boarding & day
(Wilmot) the witty, but dissolute Earl of Rochester used school under the Board of Education, was founded
to post, are both in good preservati<Jn. A. piece of in- in 1588 by Mrs. Joyce Fra.nkland, of London, with an
closed ground, of about 4 acres, is used as a recreation endowment of £5so yearly, arising from investments
ground. In the centre of the village is an ancient & landed property ; new buildings were erected in
house called "Monks Barn," the exterior wall of which 1878 for a master & 25 boarders, & a swimming bath
bears a carving of the Coronation of the Blessed Virgin : & a chemical laboratory in 1895 ; in 19II t.he build·
this house belonged to the Monl•s of St. Martin-in-the- ings were considerably enlarged & a new chemical
Fields, and was used by them as a sanatorium ; until laboratory, carpenters' shop, c~ cle shed &c. were
1875 a bell was rung during the winter months at 4 built: the old chemical laboratorv• was converted
o'clock in the morning-, and is still rung at 8 p.m. from into a botanical & agricultural laborato.ry: in 1913
Michaelmas to Lady Day. Shortgrove, the property and an additional block consisting of bed & sitting rooms
residence of Sir Carl Ferdinand :MHer •
bart. J.P. is & two new clasa rooms was added & the school now
1 mile north : the mansion. an edifice of red brick in provides for 30 boarders & 120 day boys. There
the Queen Anne style, stands on an emineneP, 300 feet are numerous scholarships & exhibitions. The school
above sea level, with an attached deer pa r·k of about is managed by a body of r3 Governors, of which A.
400 acres, through which the river Cam flows; the S. W. Stanley esq. J.P. is chairman; the clerk to
estate embraces, together with outlying lands in the the governors is C. S. D. Wade esq. of Saffron
parishes of Widding-ton, Debden. Saffron Walden and Wa.lden, & Francis S. H. Judd esq. J.P. of Riclding,
Wendon, an area of 1,100 acres, including the manor of is treasurer: there are now about 75 boys; head
Shortgrove Hall. Joseph Charles Thomas Heriz-Smith master, Rev. Frank John Sadler Wveth •
B.D., M.A., •
esq. M.A. of Bideford, Devon. who is lord of the manor, B.Sc. late scholar & prizeman of St. John's College,
W. Foot Mitchell esq. of Quendon Hall, and Sir Carl Cambridge; assistant masters, J. Owen J ones B.Sc.,
Ferdinand Meyer bart. are the chief landowners. The H. S. Gregory B.Sc., W. G. P. Hunt M.A., H. Mahon
80il is mixed chalk and gravel ; subsoil, clay, gravel, B.Mus., S. A. Key, Miss D. Perry (mistress of pre-
brick earth and chalk. The crops are whPat, oats. paratory class) & Sergt. F. J arman
barley, beans and root<:. The area is 1,720 acres of Public Elementary Council School (mixed), built, with
l1md and 10 of water; rateable value, £9,323; the master's house, in 1849, enlarged in I874 for 172
population in 19n was 911:1 children & again in IB98 for 210 children; average
Parish Clerk and Se:xton, J esse Searle. attendance, 142; Luther Robinson Mitchell, master;
Post, M. 0., T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office Mrs. Emily Annie Mitchell, mistress
(letters should have Essex added) .-Miss Susan Railway Station, Charles Gawthorpe, station master
Millard, sub-postmistress. Letters arrive at 7 & 9.30 Carriers. Waiter Salmon, to Saffron Walden, on tues.
a.m. & 5·5 p.m. & dispatched, 9.25 a.m. &, 7 & & sat. & William Gray passes through mon. wed. &;
8.55 p.rr..; dispatched sunday, 7.1o p.m fri. to Saffron W alden
COMMERCIAL ·Jackson Mary Ann (Mrs.), beer retlr
PRIVATE RESIDENTi:, Barnard Brothers Ltd. coal, corn, oil Johns Albert, 'Plumber & glazier
Barnard George Herbert, Cedars cake, seed & manure merchants, Johns Martha (Mrs.), shopkeeper
B.unard Sidney Charles J.P. Brae- High st. & Railway station (T N 2) ; Keeble S. & Co. motor engineering
side & at Saffron Walden, Littlebury & works & garage; repairs; acces-
Barthropp Major Alfred Shafto, New- Elsenham sories. T N 12
port house Barnard & Son, grocers London County & Westminster Bank
Bellamy Rev. William Montagu ~L\.. Beard Robert John, grocer & draper Ltd. (sub-branch) (Wm.M.Norman,
(vicar), The Vicarage Bell William & Sons, builders manager), fridays only, I I a.m. to
Bellingham Mrs. Bellmans Bishop\ Stortford, Harlow & Epping 3 p.m. High street; draw on head
Blyth :Miss, The Manse Gas & Electricity Co.(Sydney Chas. office, 41 Lothbury, London E C
Browne James Arthur B.A., M.B., Knowles, sec) Mayor & Staley, tailors
B.Ch. Belmont house Britton Frank Cyril, butcher Newell William, farmer
Browne William Arthnr, Eversleigh Browne James Arthur B.A., M.B., ~ewport Girls' Club (Miss Florence
Bull Rev. Henry Davis (Congrega- R.Gh.R.U.I. surgeon, & medical Petty, supt)
tional), Wicken road officer & public vaccinator Nos. 3 Parish Hall (Lady Meyer. proprietrss)
Cann Mrs. The Priory & 5 districts, Saffron Walden union Pratley Wm. Jas. Star & Garter P.H
Cattlow Hu!!h F. Debden house & surgeon to the Saffron Waldcn Rand Catherine (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Evans Godfrey Stanton, Parsonage Hospital, Belmont house Richardson Benjamin retailer
house . Bun ten Eruily (Mrs.), dress maker Rush Walter,motor engineering works
Fortin Mrs. Fairmont Byford Thos. Wm. & Son, butchers & Q'arage ; repair~ ; accessories
Fryer Thomas, The Homestead Byford Ernest,farm bailiff to Bamard Sambrook Henrv. rtlieving officer &
Green James, The Elms Brothers, Parsonage cottage collector to the guardians, No. 2
Green R. Craft<Jn, The Green Crane Matilda (Miss), ladies' school, district, &; registrar of births,
Hewitt Howard, Willow croft Larchmount deaths & marriages, Newport sub-
Hughes Waiter James, High street Fountain William, watch & clock ma district, Saffron Walden union,
Hunt Thomas, Old Vicarage Frost Henry, draper Wicken road
Lawrence Misses, Shirley villa Ginger George Alfred, wheelwright Searle F. & J. nurserymen
Meyer Sir Carl Ferdinand bart. J.P Gough Alfred, maltster Searle Frederick J<Jhn, Hercules P.H
Shortgrove Grammar School (Rev. Frank Jl•hn Spalding Waiter John, saddler
Ponder Miss, Hi!!h street Sadler Wyeth M.A., B.Sc. head Staines Fanny (Mrs.), organist of
Staines John Henrv, •
Hillbank master) parish church & teacher of music
Strudwick Misses. Shirlev villas Guile Edmund, head gardener to Sir Stamp Alfred Kent. Railway inn
Tamplin Miss, Langham "villa Carl F. Meyer bart. The Gardens, Street .!.nna (Mrs.), dress maker
Templeton Major James, Hi!!h street Shortgrove Trott Philip, builder
Waterhouse William ~LA., J.P. The Harvey Charles, chimney sweeper Tudhope J a ne (Mrs. ),frmr. Whited itch
Links Heaton Jesse, farmer, Palletts farm Turner Charles. boot repairer
Wyeth Rev. Frank John Sadler B.D., Hill Charles Brooks, farmer, Pond Tymms Edgar Rd. Coach&Horses P.H
M.A., B.Sc. (head master of the Cross farm Watson Annie (Miss). shopkeeper
Grammar school) HolQ'ate & Sons, boot & shoe makers Webb Su:,an (Mrs.). new-. agent
Holgate Henry, shoe maker W edd Ellen (Mrs.), baker
Holman George, blacksmith Wells William George, farmer
NOAX HILL, 4 miles north-east from Romford, is a sessional division, union and county court district, and
villagf' I mile north by field path from Harold Wood in the rural deanery of Chafford, archdeaconry of Essex
station on the Chelmsford section of the Great Eastern and diocese of Chelmsford. The church of :3t. Thomas,
railway. This place was formed into a civil parish a chapel of ease to Romford. is an edifice of brick with
Sepi. 29, I895, from Romford, by Local Government stone dressings, in the Early English style, erected in
Board Order No. 32,951, dated ut Oct<Jber, r8g5, and 1B41-2 at the desire of Frances Caroline, wife of Sir
is in the Southern division of the county, Romford petty Thomas Neave, 2nd hart. of Dagnam Park (d. 1848),
who died 14 April, 1835, and consists of chancel, nave Post & T. Office; Noak Hill. Mrs. Eliza Clark, sub-
and a tower on the south side containing one bell : it postmistress. Letters arrive from Romford at 8 a. m.;'
was consecrated October 29th, 1842, by Charles James. depart at 6.30 p.m. Haverir.g, 2! miles distant, ia
Lord Bishop of London, and contains some fine stained the• nearest n1onev• order office
g-lass of ancient date : there are 200 sittings. Dagnam
Park, an extensive domain, is the seat of Sir Thomas Public Elementary School (mixed), for So children;
Lewis Hughes Neave D.L., J.P. The area is 1,594 acres average attendance, 6o; John R. H. Chippington.
of land and 4 ilf water ; rateable value of the parish is master
£2,069; population in 1911, 222.
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Brooks Chas. farmer, Harold Hill frm Quilter James, farmer, Manor farm
N eave Sir Thomas Lewis Hughes hart. Butcher George, farmer, Spice pits Searle Caroline (Mrs.), farmer, Old
D.L., J.P. Dagnam park Clark Bernard William, shopkPeper Crown
Edwards John, gamekeeper to Sir Sheerer Heinrich, Bear inn
Prior Capt. Cbarles Lawrence, Dag- Montagu C. Turner
nam Priory Taylor, farmer, Poplars
Gotheridge George, farmer, Maylands Watt Robert, farmer, Noak Hill .k
\Vatkins Maj.Frank B.Harold Hill frm
(postal address, Harold Wood) Wrights Bridge farms
Knight William, higgler Watt Robert, jun. farmer
Ottley William, hay & straw binder Wingrave Wm. Vincent, wheelwrigh\
Barker Ephraim, gardener to Sir T. Padfield Edward William, farmer,
L. H. Neave hart. D.L., J.P Dagnam Park farm
NOR TON MANDEVILLE is an ancient pari~;h, Capel Cure, of Shakenhurst, Salop, and held since i903
about 3 miles north-east from Ongar terminal station, by the Rev. Waiter Layton Petrie Th.Assoc.K.C. who
Qn a branch of the Great Eastern railwav. 10 north from is also vicar of and resides at Blackmore. On the heath
Brentwood, 7 south-west from Chelmsford and 24 from is a small Congregational chapel. John Lightfoot..
London, in the Western division of the county, Ongar Newall esq. is the principal landowner. The soil varies
hundred, petty sessional division and union, Brentwood considerably; subsoil, loamy. The chief crops are
county court district, rural deanery of Ongar, arch- wheat, beans and barley. The area is 775 acres; rate-
. deaLonry of Essex and Chelmsford diocese. The church able value, £g68; the population in 19II was 122.
of All Saints is a very small building of stone and Letters from Ingatestone arrive at 8.30 a.m. Th&
shingle in the Norman style, consisting of chancel and nearest money order & telegraph office is at Black-
nave, and a small western turret with weatherboard more, 2! miles distant. Wall Letter Box at Smithyp
spire, containing one bell: there are So sittings. The cleared at 9.15 a. m. & 6.30 p.m. week days only
register dates from 1783 only, the earlier ones having The school here has be6n abolished, & the children oow
been destroyed by damp. The living is a vicarage, net attend at High Ongar & Paslow Common Publie
yearly value £42, in the gift of Major George Edward 1 Elementary schools
Moro Duke Moro de,Mandeville court Foulds Robt. Duncan, farmer, Norton Maryon Brothers, farmers, Ladyland
COMMERCIAL. hall (letters through Ongar) Smith Arth. blacksmth.& horse breedr
Addison James, farmer, Dodd's far·m McKinlay V\'alt. farmer, Readings fm
BLACX NOTLEY will be found under the letter B. J WHITE NOTLEY will be found under the letter W•
OAXLEY (or Ugley). The name of this parish has I distributed in coal and clot.hing. Ugley Park, com-
been variously pronounced. Quercetum appears to have prising about 70 acres of wood, is maintained as a cover
been the name -by which it was known by the Romans, for foxes. Robert Cunliffe Gosling esq. of Hassobury,
from the locality abounding in oaks, and according to who is lord of the manor, William Fuller-Maitland esq.
Morant the name has been corrupted, by the pronuncia- of Stansted Hall, and Francis Devereux Lambert esq. of
tion of the Norman clerks, from Oakley to Ugley; it is Moor Hall, Cookham, Berks, are the principal land-
on the high road from London to Newmarket, between owners. The soil is mixed; subsoil, clay, gravel and
Bishop Stortford and Saffron Walden, 2 miles north-west chalk. The chief crops are wheat, barley and oats.
from Elsenham station on the main line of the Great The area is 2,121 acres; rateable value, £2,517; the
Eastern railway to Cambridge, Sl north from Bh1hop population in 19u was 335·
Stortford and 33 from London by road, in the Northern
division of the county, Clavering hundred, Saffron Wal- BOLLINGTON, now a hamlet of Oakley, half a mile
den petty sessional division, Bishop Stortford union and south-west, belonged to King Harold and was formerly a
county court district, Newport and Stansted rural distinct parish with a church of its own, a portion ol
deanery, Colchester arrhdeaconry and Chelmsford dio- which on its being pulled down was re-erected as a
cese. The church of St. Peter is an ancient edifice of chapel on the south side of Ugley church and has since
brick in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, been rebuilt by the late S. Sandford Poole esq. sometime
nave, transept, south chapel; south porch, organ chamber owner of Bollington Hall. Wades Hall is about half a
and an embattled western tower containing 3 bells: the mile west-south-west; both of these halls are now occu-
chapel on the south side was originally built from the pied as fa.rm houses.
ruin11 of Bollington church; the east window and others
are stained : the chancel retains a piscina : on the north OAKLEY GREEN is 1 mile south.
wall of the church is a plain brass, in good preservation, Sexton, J ames Reynolds. •
and apparently local work. to Richard Stock. who died Post Office. Ernest W. Oldham, sub-postmaster. Let-
3 May, 1568 : the parish chest, of wood and iron, with ters through I:!ishop Stortford arrive at 4.40 a.m. &
several locks, is ancient and well preserved : the church 12.55 p.m. & 7·45 p.m. (callers only); dispatched at
was completely restored and a transept added in 1866, a.m. & 7·45 p.m. Stansted is the nearest
and has 200 sittings. The register dates from the year money order & telegraph office, a mile and a half
1560. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £no, distant
with 15 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Wall Letter Box at Chequers inn cleared at 7-45 a.m. k
Governor:; of Christ"s Hospital, and held since 1912 by 7.25 p.m. & one at Oakley Green cleared at 7.15 a.m.
the Rev. Alfred Ernest Woodward M.A. of St. & 7.15 p.m. week days only
Catharine's College, Cambridge. Charities, !eft by Public Elementary School (Church of England) (mixed).
Robert Buck, 162o; Thomas Buck, 1679; and Edward built about 186o, for 100 children; average attend-
Sandford, 1863, amount to £48 yearly, and are chiefly ance, 48 ; Miss May Well er, mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. COMMERCIAL. Riches Charles, farmer, Wades hall
Alexander Charles A. The Cottage Bailey Jonas, steward to A. Alder Sell James, blacksmith
Connell Wm. Guild. Oaldey Green esq. Bollington hall Smith Albert (Mrs.),gravel merchant
Dodrl Major Edwd. A. The Bungalow Bunting Fred, farmer, Old farm Snow Frederick G. heer retailer
Lyle-Smyth Maxwell, White cottage Dix Waiter, carpenter, Oakley Green Suckling Sargent, Chequers P.H
Mas!ley Lewis Edmonds. Oakley Grn Harvey Mary Ann (Miss), shopkeeper Taylor Henry Charles, farmer, North
Picton Harold. Oakley Green Hicks Sumner, farmr. Homestead fm hall (letters should be addressed
Smith Mrs. Oakdene Hill Fred, White Hart P.H Quendon, Newport)
Tennant William A. Orford house Markwell Joshua, farmer, Crown & Trigg Frank, farmer, Oakley hall
Wilson Charles S. Gaul"s Croft Fieldgate farms Waterman James, farmer
lVoodward Rev. Alfred Ernest M.A. Oldham Ernest W. grocer, Post office Wright Charles, farmer, Fieldgate la
(l·icar), Vicarage Porter Fredk. farmer, Foxton's farm Wright John, farmer, Pal'sonage farm
GREAT OAXLEY is a village and parish, on Ramsey 1 station on the Colohe~ter and Walton-on-the-Naze line.
Creek, a fee-der of the Stour, and on the l'oad from Col-~ and 4 south from Wrabness station en the Harwich and
chester to Harwich, 5 miles north from Thorpe-1('-S(lken 1\lanningtree branch of the Great Eastern railway, 6
south-west from Harwich, 7 south-east from Manning- There is a Wesleyan chapel in the village and a Primi-
14 east from Colchester and 65 from London, in tive Methodist chapel at Stones Green. Edward James
the North Eastern division of the county, hundred, Keeble esq. J.P. and Guy's Hospital, Lon<lon, are the
petty .sessional division and union of Tendring, Col- principal landowners. The soil is excellent, being a
chester, Clacton and Harwich joint county court dis- mixture of loam, clay and gravel; the subsoil is loamy.
trict, and in the rural deanery of Harwich, archdeaconry The chief crops are wheat, barley, beans and peas. The
of Colchester and Ch!>lmsford diocese. The church area is 3,324 acres of land, 5 of inland and 85 of tidal
()f .All Saints is an ancient building of stone and brick, water and 26g of foreshore; rateable value, £3,659;
partly Norman and consisting of chancel and nave and the population in 1911 was 8o1.
a belfry containing one bell : in the chancel is an Sexton, J ames Salter .
.inscribed stone "Slab to the Rev. Richard Drake M.A.
rector here 1718: there is a Norman font of polished Post. M. 0. & T. Office. William Sherwood Blowers,
marble, supported on five stone shafts: the church was sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from Harwich at 7·40
restored in 188o, when the galleries wer~ removed a.m. & 12.55 p.m. ; dispatched at 9.25 a.m. & 6.35
and the pews replaced by open benches at a cost of p.m. ; sundays, arrive at 7.40 a.m. ; dispatched at
£,400: in 1909 the exterior of the church was restored 10 a.m
at a cost of £,500; during the progress of the work in Post Office, Stones Green.-Thomas Cooper, sub-post-
r88o a large flagstone was qiscovered, inlaid with a master. Letters arrive from Harwich at a.m.
marble slab bearing an inscription to Sarah Savell, & 1.45 p.m. (for callers); dispatched at 6.10 p;n.;
daughter of Thomas Savell, of Great Oakley, ob. sundays, anive at 8.10 a.m.; dispatched at 9·35 a.m.
~6th March, 1619. A reredos was erected in r889, and The nearest money order & telegraph office is at Wh
in 1900 a stained window was presented by the late Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1a37 , en-
Major G. Cockle, in memory of his parents, and a new larg-ed in 1 e72 & again in 1395 , for 149 children;
organ provided. There are sittings for 2 5° persons. average attendance, 128; Oswald C. Atliin, master;
The register dates from the year I559· The living is a Mrs . .A.tldn, infants' mistress
rectory, net yearly value [,58o, with residence and 57
acres of glebe, in the gift of St. John's College, Cam- This school is under the Essex Education (Tendring
bridge, and held since 189o by the Rev. Delaval Shafto .Advisory) Sub-Committee; G. C. Holland, Technical
Ingram M.A. of that college. The Mission Room at institute, ~orth hill, Colchester, clerk; Rev. D. S.
Stones Green was erect-ed in 1886 as a memorial to the lngram M.A. correspondent to managers
wife of the Rev. John Howard Marsden B.D. vicar from Carrier to Colchester. William Cole, mon. wed. &
1840, and canon of Manchester: there are 150 sittings. sat. ; to Harwich, tues. & thurs
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. rChester Colin Edward, May Bush inn Lambert George, farmer. Stone hall
Blowers Miss, Vine cottage IClarke Brothers, butchers Lucas Fred, farmer, Broom farm
lngram Rev. Delaval Shafto M.A. [ Cole Robe,·t Swinborne, frmr.Holt fm Macrae John Donald, farmer, Skeig-
Rectory Cole William, carrier haugh farm
Jay John Matthews, Bleak house Cooper Thomas, carpenter & sub- Maun Alfred, farm bailiff to Mr.
Keeble Edward James J.P. Great postmaster, Stones Green & wheel- George Cooper, Marden's farm
Oakley hall wright, Great Oakley Murrills Ernest Wm. grocer & draper
Stuart Major James, Houbridge hall Cooper William, farmer.Malting farm Offord Ann (Mrs. ),baker & coal dealr
Wontner Mrs. Russell, Milpond (let- Creswell Sarah (Mrs.), baker Offorct Emily (:Mrs.), market gardenr
ters through Little Oakley) Day Jo;;eph, shopkeepr. Stones Cros~ Oiford James, market gardener
Wontner Eric Sewell, Milpond (let- Elhs Susannah (Mrs.), blacksmith, 1 Orrin Hy. Ge9. Swan inn,Stones GTn
ters throu!th Little Oakley) Stones Green Perry Leonard William, cycle agent
COMMERCIAL. Finch Wm. Herbt. builder,Stones Grn Rycraft Charles, butcher
Balls Alfred, blacksmith Golby Eliza(Mrs.),beer ret.StonesGrn Saunder-> J. A. Ltd. ironmongers
Biggs Horae& Lambert, miller(steam) Haward Brothers, grocers & drapers Sharp Frt>dericli, shopkeeper
"Blowers Edmund, agent for Essex & Hawldns Ernest Edwd. insurance agt Stanford Percy, farmer, Brooklands
Suffolk Equitable Fire Office & Joy Frederick, farmer, Great Oakley TaYlor Robert Randolph, farmer,
General Accident Insurance Co Lodge farm Dengewell hall
Blowers Jane (Miss), assistant ovt>r- Keeble Edward James J.P. farmer, Thompson Geo. farmer, Stones Grn
seer & clerk to Parish Council Great Oakley hall Tricker Susan (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Blowers Wm.Sherwood,saddlr.Post off Keeblt> Frank Cooper, insurance agnt Winward Herbert Hudson, The Three
Bones gardnr.Stones green Kirkwood John & James, farmers, Cups P.H
Byles .Alfred, farmer, Malting farm, Friths farm Youngman Frederick, farm foreman
Stones Green , to E. S. Wontner esq. Sparrow's fm
LITTLE OAKLEY is a parish, 3~ miles south-we!!t been curate in charge since 1911. Here is a Wesleyan
from Dovercourt station, on the Harwich and Manning- chapel. Col. Sir Joshua Thellusson Rowley hart. of
tree branch of the Great Eastern railway, 4 south-west Tendring Hall, Stoke-by-Neyland, is lord of the manor
from Harwich, 16 east from Colchester and 67 from Lon- and the principal landowner. The soil is of mixed
<Ion. in the North Eastern division of the county, petty nature; -and the subsoil clay and sand. The crops are
"~'~sinnal division, hundred and union of Tendring, wheat, barley, oats, beans and peas. The area is 1,223
Colcht>~ter, Clacton and Harwich joint county court acres of land, r of inland and 5 of tidal water and 136
district, and in the rural dPanery of Harwich, arch- of foreshore; rateable value, £1,218 ; the population in
deaconry of Colchester and diocese of Chelmsford. The H}II was 293.
church of St. Mary is an ancient edifice partly of the Post Office. Mrs. Jane Deex, sub-postmistress. Letters
Decorated and Perpendicular periods, and consisting of received through Harwich, arrive at 7 . 10 a.m. & 12 .5
chancel, nave and south porch. With the exception of p.m. (to callers); dispatched at 7 .5 a.m. & 6. 50
the upper part of the tower, the church has recently p.m.; sundays, 10 . 15 a.m. Great Oaldey is the
been restored at a cost of £1,200, and was re-opened· by nearest money order & telegraph office,2 miles distant
the Lord Bishop of St. .A.lbans, June 7th, 1902, an
adjacent piece of land being at the same time conse- Pillar Letter Box, Cherry Tree. cleared at 10 a.m. & 7
crated as an addition to the churchvard. The church p.m. ; sundays, 10. 2 5 a.m
has many interesting features, inciuding an almost Public Elementary School (mixe.d), built in 1844, &
unique Priests' Door, constructed within a fine buttress. enlarged in 1894, for 6o children; average attendance,
"The register dates from the year rs 5 s. The living is a 54; Mrs. Isabella Robertson, mistress
-rectory, net yearly value .£2'Jo, with residence and 30 This school is under the Essex Education (Tendring
-acres of glebe, in the gift of trustees, and· held since Advisory) Sub-Committee; G. C. Holland, Technical
1-899 by the Rev. Francis Bishop M.A. of Christ's Col- institute, North hill, Colchester, clerk ; Rev. )f. S.
lege, Cambridge; the Rev. Max Sewell Wontner has Wontner, correspondent to the managers
Cottingham Mrs. Calebreck Fergusson Jas. farmer.Lit.Oakley hall Rowland John M. marl\et gardener
Wontner Rev. Max Sewell (curate in Hatch Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper Stock Samuel, farmer, New House &
charge), Rectory Nevard George, coal dealer White House farms
COMMERCIAL. Newman George Nicholas, Cherry Wallis Fredk. Percy, photographer
Bennett Jas. & Son, market gardeners Tree inn
NORTH OCKENDON (also called Wokendon, and 6 north from Grays station on the main line of the
Ockendon of the Seven Fountains, from the number of same railway, 6 south from Brentwood, 7 south-
springs in the parish) formerly belonged to King Harold east from Romford and 18~ from London, in the
II. and is a parish 2 miles north from South Ockendon ' South Eastern divi<:ion of the county. Chafford
station on the Grays and Romford branch of the Mid- hundred, Orsett union and petty sessional division,
land railway (London, Tilbury and Southend section), Grays county court district, and in the rural deanery


of Chafford, archdeaconry of Essex and Chelmsford 1 £so for the purchase of communion plate in 1704. A
diocese. The church of St. Mary Magdalene is a build- rent-charge of £3 yearly was given by Sir William
ing of stone and flint, in the Transitional, Early English Rmsell and a sum of £soo invested in 2! per Cents. -wu
and Perpendicular styles, consisting of chancel, nave, left by Daniel Russell esq. In the spring of '1858, some
north aisle, south porch, Poyntz chapel and an embattled labourers employed in trenching fields about. a mile and
l\Pstern tower of flint and stone containing 5 bells, 4 of a half east of the village, and partly in Bulphan, came
which were cast by Miles Graye, of Colchester, in r62r, upon the site of a Roman or Early English burial
and r by Philip Wightman in r6g5: the ancient font, ground, ascertained to extend over about 16 acres; the
formerly attached to one of the pillars of the nave, but graves were of various sizes and ehapes and easily
destro~·ed, was replaced in 1842 by another, in the Early discernible by the blackness of the earth they contained,
English style, given by the Rev. R. Croft: the chapel the natural soil being a yellow clay. James Herber'
on the north side, dedicated to St. Mary Magdalene, was Benyon esq. of Englefield, Berks, who is lord of the
for many years the burial place of the successive lords manor, and Champion Branfi.ll Russell esq. J.P. are the
of the manor: some ancient heraldic glass connected principal landowners. The soil is various; subsoil,
with the Poyntz family is now in the west window of gravel. The chief crops are wheat, beans, peas, and
the tower, and there are in the church many ancient and fruit growing. The area is 1,704 acres of land and 5 of
valuable memorials to the families of Poyntz e.nd Little- water; rateable value, [2,298 ; the population in 19n
ton, from the reign of Henry IV. to 1714, including a was 309· •
brass, with effigies, to William Poyntz esq. and Elizabeth Parish Clerk, Henry Cole.
hiif wife, ob. 1502, with 12 children; and one to John
Poyntz, son and heir of William Poyntz and patron of Post Office.-Hy. Coe, sub-postmaster. Letters through
the church, ob. 1547, with four shields; there is also a Romford; delivered at 7 &i 10.45 a. m. &i 6.55 p.m.
brass with inscription to Thomasyn, daughter of - to callers; dispatched 1.50 &i 6.50 p.m. ; sunday de-
Badby gent.. and wife successively to Robert Lathum livery, 7 a.m.; dispatched 6.50 p.m. The nearest
and William Ardall, c. I530; and more modern money order & telegraph office is at South Ockendon,
memorials to the Russells of Stubbers·. The church was I! miles distant
restored in I858, at a cost of [,1,ooo, by the late Richard
Benyon esq. of Englefield, Berks, and has since been Pillar :Box, at Corner farm, cleared at 8.30 a.m. & I-45
further renovated at a cost of £7oo: there are ISO & 5·55 p.m. ; sundays at 11.55 a.m
sittings. The register dates from the year 1570. The Wall Letter Box on Romford road, cleared 2.15 & 6.55
living is a rectory, net yearly value [330, with 37 acres p.m. ; sunday, 6.55 p.m
of glebe and residence, in the gift of James Herbert
Benyon esq. and held since I905 by the Rev. William Public Elementary (Church of England) School (mixed),
James Bettison M ..!.. of Corpus Christi College, Cam· rebuilt in I902 by James Benyon esq. for 120 children;
bridge. A charity of £2oo, left in 1640 by Richard average attendance, 58; Miss Goodwin, mistress
Poyntz esq. was applied to the purchase of Stedding Hill This school is under the control of the Orsett Education
farm, at Horndon-on-thP-Hill ; this benefactor also gave Sub-Committee
COMMERCIAL. 'Eve John George, farmer, The Hall
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Baker Harry, iai·mer, Home farm Eve Wm. Skinner.farmer,Manor farru
Bettison Rev. William James M.A. Cast Thomas, shopkeeper Gay Wm. John, farmer, Baldwin's fnn
(rector), Rectory Coe Henry, grocer, Post offict- Litton Alfred George, carpenter
Lander Miss, Russell cottag{l Cole Henry, parish clerk & carpenter Rogers Charles, farmer, Corner farm
Russell Champion Branfi.ll J.P. Cressey Henry John. blacksmith Strang Alex. farmer, Whitepost farm
Stubbers Drury Waiter, Old White Horse P.H
SOUTH OCKENDON (also called Wokendon and ' Congregational chapel, erected in 1812, with 300 sit-
Ockendon Rokely) is a parish and village, with a station tings, and a Wesleyan Methodist chapel. There is a
on the Grays and Romford branch of the Midland rail- c~metery of about I acre, the Parish Council acting
way (London, Tilbury and Southend section), 8 miles as a burial board. Here are several ancient mounds.
south-east from Romford- station on the Great Eastern James Herbert Benyon esq. of Englefield Hause.
railway and 20 from London, in the South Eastern Reading, who is lord of the manor, Francis H. D. C.
division of the county, Chafford hundred, Orsett union Whitmore esq. D.L., J.P. of Orsf'tt Hall, Orsett, and
and petty sessional division, Gra)·s county court district Sir Thomas Barrett-Lennard hart. of Belhus, Aveley,
and in Orsett and Grays rural deanery, Essex arch- are the principal landowners. The soil is various ;
deaconry and diocese of Chelmsford. The church of St. subsoil, gravelly. The chief crops are wheat, barley,
Nicholas, partially rebuilt and restored in r866, princi- oats, peas, potatoes and vegetables for market. The
pally at the expense of the late R. Benyon esq. of area is 2,927 acres of land and 8 of water; rateable
Englefield House, Berks, is a structure of flint and value, [5,658 ; the population in rgn was 1,329 in the
rubble with stone facings in the Early Pointed style of civil and 1,334 in the ecclesiastical parish.
the 12th and· 13th centuries, consisting of chancel, nave, By Local Government Board Order 22 , 350 , dated
aisles, north porch and a circular embattled wester11 March 24 , 1 ~88, Stifford Hill was transferred from
tower containing one bell, dated 1678, recast in 1865, South Ockendon to Stifford for civil purposes.
and a clock: the fabric appears to have been very
carefully built, the walls of flint being occasionally Parish Clerk, Henry Richardson.
bonded with blocks of stone and layers of tiles, while Post, M. 0., T. & Telephone Call Office.-Miss Alice
the masonry of the windows and doors is delicarely Ha~ler, sub-postmistress. ~ Letters through Romford,
wrought, the cornices enriched with carved bosses ond dehvered at 6.30 & 11.15 a.m. & 5 p.m. (callers
the parapets embattled: the elegant Perpendicular font only); dispatched, 1.40, 6.40 & 7.40 ; sundays,
is octangular, and has deeply-screened panels inclosing delivery 6.30 a.m. ; dispatched 6.40 p.m. ; open on
quatrefoils on each face; the shaft is relieved by elon- sundays for telegrams, 8.30 to 10 a.m
gated panPls with cusped arches, and the plinth, which Wall Letter Box, near Pollard's farm, cleared I.3o tt
exhibits a series of fine mouldings, rests on a portion 6.I5 p.m. ; sundays, 8.30 a.m
of the original Norman font of Purbeck marble: the
church also retains an ornamental hour-glass stand, a Public Elementary Schools.
relic of Puritan days: the gabled porch is a wooden Council (mixed), rebuilt in 1913, for 240 children;
structure of the I5th century, underpinned with brick average attendance, r8o; Thos. J. Townsend, master
and flint work : the north doorway is a choice specimen Infants', rebuilt in 1913, for qo children; average
of Norman detail, enriched with billet and chevron attendance, 93; Mrs. Rosina Thomas, mistress
moulding and beaded wreaths : the church affords 450 These schools are under the control of the Essex Conntv

sittings. The register dates from the year 1538. The (Orsett District) Education Sub-Committee, T. Jessop.
living is a rectory, net yearly value £469, with 17 acres Grays, clerk
of glebe and residence, in the gift of the exors. of the
late Rev. Perceval Laurence M.A. rector of Walesby, County Police, George William Vale,constable in charge
Lincolnshire, and· held since 1912 by the Rev. Joseph Railway Station, Arthur Robert Watson, station master
McKim M.A. of Trinity College, Dublin. Here is a
PRIVATE RE"'IDE.'IlTS. Poulter Robert, Rose villa Attenborough George Urry, farmer,
Beck James, The Pollards Scamell Rev. Joseph Wakeford .!..T.S. The Grove
Cressey Miss, Edencrest (Congregational), The Manse Aylett Brothers, butchers
Denham Algernolil. Sion house Sturgeon Charles, The Hall Boreham Laura (Mrs.), shopkeeper
J ohnston Henry Sbpleton Boreham Robert, bricklayer
McKim Rev. Joseph M.A. (rector), COMMERCIAL. Cast Charles, farmer
The Rectory A.ttenborough Cecil, fruit grower Cast Waiter, baker
Coe Hesketh, farmer Ling John, cycle agent - Segger William, farmer, Park house
Collis Emma {Mrs.), shopkeeper Manning Richard Abraham, farmer, Smith Henry, hair dresser
Collis Thomas Arthur, ironmonger Little Belhus, Glasscocli:s, Street & Spencer Charles E. Plough P .H
Fleming John, farmer, Benton's & Quince Tree farms Springham ArthurGeorge,whee1wrigM
Kemp's farms Marvell Thomas, shopkeeper Sturgeon Charles & William, farmers
Grey Thomas, farmer, The Grange Mead Alfred John, pork butcher & millers (wind & steam), The Hall
Gurnett & Benton, ironmongers Mead Walter, beer retailer Taylor John Medwin, saddler
Hasler Alice (Miss), news agt.Post off Norton Frank J. P. Old King's Bead Taylor Samuel Geo. poultry farmer
Hayden Alice (Mrs.), beer retailer P.H Webb William, school attendance
Howland Stephen, boot repairer Osborne Henry, builder officer to the local advisory sub-
Hull Martha Ann (Mrs.), confectioner Pavitt J oseph, shopkeeper committee for the Orsett union
Johnston Henry Stapleton L.R.C.P. & Poulter Alfred, grocer (No. I district)
S. & L.M.Irel. surgeon & physician, Poulter John, undertaker West Ham Distress Committee's Farm
medical officer & public vaccinator Prior William, shopkeeper Colony (W. C. :Mullins, supt)
for the Ockendon district of the Pruce Ernest Arthur, blacksmith White William, bailiff to E. Hesel-
Orsett union Sayer Frederick George, fruiterer tine esq. Fen farm
Kim ber Alfred, grocer Scraggs David, farmer, Gt. Mollards
CHIPPING ONGAR will be found under the letter fl. •

HIGH ONGAR is a parish on the road from Chipping Lady Jane H. Swinburne. The soil is gravel and clay.
Ongar to Chelmsford and near the river Boding, I mile The chief crops are wheat, barley and roots. The area
north-east from Chipping Ongar station on the Great is 4,509 acres of land and 10 of water ; rateable value,
Eastern railway, and 23 from London, in the Western £8,ogo; the population in I9II was 1,176.
division of the county, hundred, petty sessional division
and union of Ongar, Brentwood county court district, ASHLY'NS, otherwise Gapps, 3 miles north-west, a
rural deanery of Ongar, archdeaconry of Essex and dio- hamlet in this parish, is remarkable for an ancient
cese of Chelmsford. The church of St. Mary the Virgin mansion here, now a farmhouse : here Thomas Howard,
is a building of flint in the Norman style, consisting of 4th Duke of Norfolk K.G. is said to have concealed
chancel and nave and a tower of brick at the south-west himself when charged with high treason for abetting
angle, erected in I858 and containing a clock and 5 bells, Mary Queen of Scots ; he was eventually beheaded 2
dated 161o, 1728, I746, 1773 and I822; the base of the June, 1572, and buried in the Tower.
tower forms a porch: the chancel was restored in 1884
and a stained east window has since been inserted at the MARDEN ASH is I mile north. The church of St.
expense of the present rector; there is also a memorial James, erected in 1884, is a small building of stone and
window~ erected in 1901 , to the late Frederick Noble flint, consisting of nave only, and will seat 100 persons.
and his son, George Nelson, and another, placed in Parish Clerk, George Phillips.
~904• to Mrs. H. E. J ones, of Marden Ash: there are Post Office. Edward John Brett, sub-postmaster. Let-
about 200 sittings. The register dates from the year ters arrive from Ongar, Essex, at 6.35 & 11.10 a.m.;
1538. The living is a rectory, net yearly value £840, dispatched 8.20 & II.2o a.m. & 6.10 p.m.; sundays,
with 92 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of Mrs. arrive 6.35 a.m.; dispatched 9 a.m. Ongar is the
Dora Nesbitt, and held since 188I by the Rev. William nearest money order & telegraph office
Henry Bond M.A. of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Wall Letter Box, Nine Ashes, cleared at 9·45 a.m. &
There are also six almshouses, founded by the Rev. Dr. 6.45 p.m. week days only
Tabor in the 16th century. The charities, amounting Wall Letter Box, Marden Ash, cleared at 8.45 & 11.45
in the aggregate to £w, and consisting of numerous a. m. & r.5o, 7· 15 & 8 p.m.; sundays, 7· 15 p.m. only
small legacies from Ios. upwards, are yearly distributed Police Station, Charles Drane, constable in charge
in bread and clothing. The Fane Memorial Nursing
Home was built in 1901 by voluntary subscriptions in Public Elementary Schools.
memory of the late Rev. F. A. S. Fane B.A. vicar of High Ongar (mixed & infants'), built in 1867 & enlarged
Norton Mandeville 1854-go. Forest Hall, the property I887, for 160 children; average attendance, 6o boys
of John Walker Newall esq lord of the manor of & girls & 20 infants; Frank Whitbread, master; Mrs.
Newarks and Ashe Hall and the principal landowner, Dinah Whitbread, infants' mistress; :Miss Jessie
and now occupied by Harold McCorquodale esq. J.P. is Pepper, assistant mistress
a mansion of stone picturesquely situated in a well- Paslow Common (mixed), built in 1895, for So children
wooded park of 200 acres, and commanding an extensive & infants ; average attendance, 57 ; Mrs. F. Dodd,
view of the surrounding country. The other landowners mistress; Miss Emmie Dodd, infants' mistress
are Major George Edward Cape! Cure J.P. of .Shaken- These two schools are controlled bv Essex Education
burst, Cleobury Mortimer, Salop, the trustees of A. (Ongar District) Sub-Committee, Arnold Richardson,
Caton esq. Thomas Read: Hull esq. and the trustees of Or.gar, clerk
(Marked thus t receive letters Tidmarsh William Charles, Bilberry, Hadlev Alfred, artificial teeth manu-
through Ingatestone.) Marden Ash facturer, Brewery house
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Watson Rev. Robert Bruce Scoulan tHallows Harry Inman, farmer, Nine
Bond Rev. William Henry M.A. (rec- A.K.C.(curate, Fermoy,Marden Ash Ashes
tor), Rectory Hobby George Edwin, gardener to
Boram Benj. Oak hall, Marden Ash COMMERCIAL. Col. Gordon
Bucknole Henry Hallett, The Mill cot A.ger Arth. Robert, chimney sweeper Jackson Waiter, coal dlr. Marden Ash
Carter Frederic J.P. Marden Ash Ager Arthur William, photographer Kerr James, farmer, Wardens farm
Oomerford Hugh, Grays house t.Allison James, farmer, Spurriers (letters throug-h Bobbingworth)
tDressler Otto, Oaklands,nr.Blackmre tAmos James, beer retlr. Nine Ashes tKing Waiter, beer retailer, Paslow
tDyer W. Thomas, The Rookery tBass Henry Ebenezer, farmer, Nine Common
Fenn Waiter Patrick, Ashley lodge, Ashes tKnight John, wheelwright,Nine .Ashes
Marden .Ash tBonnington Chas.J.White Horse P.H tKnight Saml.wheelwright,NineAshes
Gibson Misses, The Elms,Marden Ash Brett Edwd. Jn. shopkpr.& post office Lawrence Georg-e, Wheat Sheaf P.H
Gilbert Mrs. Marden Ash Bryant Edward Stanley, insurance McMullen & Sons Limited, brewers,
Goodall Rev. Alfred (Congregational), a15ent, Marden Ash (stores) Marden Ash
Marden Ash Chambers Edward. farmer, New Maryon James, head gamekeeper to-
Gordon Col. Henry Wilson, The House farm H. MoCorquodale esq
Gables, Marden .Ash Cleaver Percv, farmer Matthew~ Williarn, blacksmith
Gordon Lieut.-Col. John .Andriai' Cooper Perc~; Phillip, Red Lion inn Mead John, wheelwright. King street
Davidson. The Gables, Marden Ash Coote Joseph Thos. insurance agent, Metson Arthur. farmer, King street
Grattan Matthew Henry, Braeside, ~arden Ash I Monk Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Marden Ash Craig Hugh, jun. farmer, Paslow hall Montgomerie John, farmer, Nash hall
Jones Henry Edward C.E., J.P. Mar- Dawsan Francis, school (boys & Montgomeri~ Wm. farmr.~hivE'rs hall
den Ash house g-irls). Marden .Ash Moore Emlly Jane (M1ss), dress
McCorquodale Harold J.P. Forest hall Deveni;:h Harry, fishmngr.Mard~nAsh maker, Marden Ash
Oldfield Mrs . .Ashmount. Marden Ash Fane Memorial Nursing- Home (Mis~ National Deposit Frif'ndlv Society
Pennington Bennett, Hillside, Mar- Ethel Cole, nurse; :Miss E. Jones, (Archibald George Houchin, sec.),
den Ash hon. sec) ::\'lard en Ash
Price Jeffery Charles Fox Caroline (Mrs.), beer retailer ~ewberv Richard, collector to the
Smith Chas.Landview ho.MardenAsh Furze James R. farmer guardians & relieving- & vaccination
Stock Edward Parris, The Cottage, Gemmill Andrew, farmer, Little officer for Ongar union, MardenAsh
Paslow Wood Common Forest hall

Noble Frederic M. brick & tile mak~r. tSimmonds George, farmer,Blewgates Thomas Ernest Joseph,rate collector,
Hallsford bridge Smith Ch~rles, solicitor, Landview school attendance officer &i clerk to
"Patience Francis Hermon,boot malier, house, Marden Ash Fyfield Parish Council
Marden Ash Spearman George William, builder Tween Farmer, farmer
"Peacocke Richard John, beer retailer tSteabben John, farmer, Orchard farm Vesey John, farm bailiff to William
Phillips Geo. shoe ma. & parish clerk tTheobald· Alfred, farm bailiff to T. Reid esq. Lorkin's farm
Pinch Lewis J. farmer (letters R. Hull esq. Common farm, Paslow Virgin Tom, Two Brewers P.H
through Bobbingworth) Common Westlake Herbert, beer retailer
"Ridge Thomas. head gardener to H. tWright Elijah, market gardener,
McCorquodale esq 1

Paslow Common
'()RSETT (the Horse's heath) is a village and parish school and laid oat a recreation ground. The Literary
-on the road from Barking to Southend, 4 miles north- Institute was erected in 186o by the late R. B.
-east from Grays station on the Midland railway (Lon- Wingfield-Baker esq. of Orsett Hall, and concerts are
don, Tilbury and· Southend section), 10 south from given occasionally. Orsett Hall, the property and seat
Brentwood, 6 north from Tilbury Fort, 13 south-east of Francis Henry Douglas Charlton Whitmore esq. D.L.,
from R.omford and 24 from London via R.ainham ; it J.P. lord of the manor and principal landownel', sbnds
is the head of a union and petty sessional division in a park of 150 acres. The soil is pl'incipally loam,
(heM at Grays), in the South Eastern division of the ovel'lying gravel on the north side and day on the
county, Barstable hundred, Grays county court district, south side of the parish. The chief crops are the usual
.and in Orsett and Grays rural deanery, Essex arch- cereals and vegetables. The area is 4,242 acres of land
and Chelmsford diocese. The church of St. and 4 of water; rateable value, £6,639; the population
Giles and All Saints is a building of flint with stone in xgn was 1,452 (including 17 officers and 272 inmates
'facings, consisting of chancel, nave of five bays, north in the workhouse) in the civil and 1,452 in the eccle-
aisle with chapel, south transept and porch and a siastical parish.
western tower of brick with a dwarf spire, containing
-6 bells, the sixth being add-ed, and commemoration
-services held, 24 April, 1886 : this church was of BAKER STREET is 1 mile south-west, and nearer
Norman foundation and rebuilt in the 13th century, Grays and the Thames.
but underwent extensive alterations in the Decorated · By Local Government Board Order No. 13,052, dated
period ; it is entered on the south side by a fine Dec. 17, x8Bx, the hamlet of Orsett was transferred to
Norman doorway: the east window is stained: and the Stock parish.
-ehancel retains three sedilia with Purbeck shafts, and a
trefoil-headed piscina: under the west window are five Post, M. 0., T. & Telephone Call Office.-William R.
-carvings in relief representing the five principal pvents of Ridgwell, sub-postmaster. Letters through Grays,
.Our Lord's life; these were the gift in 1887 of the lute delivered at 6.30 & 9·5 a.m. & 7.30 p.m.; dispatched
{)apt. Dig by Wingfield: the north chapel, which belongs 11.30 a.m. & 6.20 & 8.10 p.m.; sundays, delivery
to Fras. H. D. C. Whitmore, has been adorned by the 6.30 a.m. ; dispatch 6.15 p.m. The telegraph office
owner with a communion table, reredos and hangings: is open on sundays from 8.30 to 10 a.m

an elegant screen of the 14th century separates the nOI'th Wall Letter Boxes. Baker Street, cleared at n.35 a.m.
aisle from its chapel; and in 1893 was completely restm·ed &i 6.25 & 8.15 p.m.; sundays, 6.25 p.m.; Orsett ht>ath,
with the addition of a cross and folding doors, the work cleared at 8.5 a.m. &i 6.25 p.m. week days only
being executed by Charles Howard, of Orsett: in the
-same year two stained windows were erected, a brass
-eagle lectern and Bible, altar desk, processional cross ORSE'I'T R-URAL DISTRICT OOUNCIL.
'Gnd other gifts made to the church, in memory of Mrs. The parishes in the District are the same as in the
Whitmore, d. Nov. 1892: in 1884 a memorial window Union, with the exception of Grays Thurrock &i Chad-
was inserted to Digby Hanmer Richard WingfiPld l:'sq. well (Tilbury Urban District). The area is 38,084
-d. 1884: a chancel screen was erected in 19II to the acres; the population in 1911 was 18,443
memory of the late Admiral C. W. Bonham: the Council meets at the Workhouse, monthly~ thursdays at
tower was rebuilt early in the 17th century, and has xr o'clock. The Highways &; Finance Committee meet
.on its north wall a brass plate recording the benefaction at the Council offices, 2 Orsett road, Grays, monthly
Qf Thomas Hotofte, ob. 1495: the font is Perpendicular: Chairman, B. H. L. Williams esq. J.P. Buckland, East
there are brasses to Thomas Lathin, ob. 1485, -and
.Jane, his wife, with effigies; to Robert Kinge, parson, Tilburv•

-<~b. 1584, ret. 47• with verses in Latin and English,

.and a small mural brass of a civilian, c. 1535: a large Officials .
marble tomb with a recumbent figure, robed, com- Clerk, James Beck, 2 Orsett road, Grays
memorates John Hatt, attorney of the City of London Treasurer, Francis N. Tomldns, London & Provincial
and once owner of this lor!fship : in the north chapel Bank, Grays
are mural monuments to the family of Baker and a Medical Officer of Health, Waiter Allingham M.R.O.S.
brass to Dorothy Williamson, who reached the great age Eng. Orsett
of 104: within the communion rails are the memorials EnginPer & Surveyor, Charles Frederick Wm. Marsh,
of three rectors of this church, Rev. William Gilbert 2 Orst>tt road, Grays
D. D. ob. x64o; Rev. Matthew Styles D. D. sub-rector Highways Surveyor, F. T. Johnson, 2 Orsett road, Gray~
-<~f Exeter College, Oxford, and proctor, ob. 10 Aug. Inspector of Nuisances, John Hurst, 100 New rd. Grays
1652; and the Rev. M. Usko, ob. Dec. 31st, 1841: a
vestry was built by the then rector in 1865 and the
chancel aisle re-opened in 1870; and in 1881 a new organ ORSETT UNION.
was placed in the church at a cost of £700 : the church The Board meet at the Union Worl,house, every alter-
plate includes a communion cup and cover, dated 1575, nate thursdav at I I a.m.

a flagon given by Mrs. Margaret Silverlock, and t""o
silver alms-dishes, given by D. Harper and the Rev. Orsett Union comprises the following pa.ri.shes, viz. : -
Thomas Harper in 1677 and 1705: there are about 450 Aveley, Bulphan, Chadwell St. Mary, Corringham,
sittings. The register of baptisms and burials dates Fobbing, Grays 'rhurrock, Horndon-on-the-Hill, Lang·
from x66g; marriages, 167o. The living is a rectory, don Hills, Mucking, North Ockendon, South Ockendon,
net yearly value £6oo, with xo acres _of glebe and resi- Orsett, Stanford-le-Hope, Sti:fford, Little Thurrock,
dence, built in 1843, in the gift of the Bishop of Chelms- West Thurrock, East Tilbury &i West Tilbury, The
ford, and held since 1900 by the R-Pv. William Chat- area of the union is 41,298 acres; rateable value, Lady
terley Bishop M.A. latt> Ft>Ilow of Emmanuel College, Day, 1914, [243,371 ; the population in xgn was
-cambrid~e, and chaplain of Orsett union. The palace 40,870
of the bishops of London was formerly situated in this Chairman of the Board of Guardians, W. S. Eve 0.0.
parish, the site of whkh, known as "Bishop Bonner's Manor house, North Ockendon
Palace," lies to the north of the church. Here is a Clerk to the Guardians, Charles Asplin, High st. Grays
<Jongregational chapel, erected in 1839. At Orsett Assistant Clerk to Guardians &i Clerk to Assessment
Heath is an iron mission church. Charities, amounting Committee &; to the Orsett Joint Hospital District
to £2oo yearly, arising from benefactions left in 1495 Board, James Beck, 2 Orsett road, Grays
by Thomas Hotofte, by Alice, wife of Isaac Heminge, Treasurer, Francis N. Tomkins, London &i Provincial
in 1643, as well as by Ambrose Gilbert D.D. and others, Bank, Grays
are distributed partly in coal, at the discretion of the Relieving & Vaccination Officr>rs &i Collectors to the
local trustees, under a scheme of the Charity Com- Guardians, No. 1 district, Alfred Herbert Morgan, 2'J
-missioners: the trustees have also provided pensions Crown road, Grays; No. 2 district, George Herbert
for certain poor of the parish, erected an infants' James, Orsett
'NE'dieal OfficPrs & Publie Vaccinators, .!.veley district, Registrars of Births & Deaths, Orsett sub-district, Geo.
Peter Gifford Foulkes M.B., B.S.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng., Herbert James, Orsett; Grays sub-district, Mrs. F.
L.R.C.P.Lond. Buchanan house, .!veley; Grays (East) E. Green, Lanhydrock, High View avenue, Gra.ys ;
district, Stephen Geo. Floyd M.D., B.S.Lond. Milton deputy, Rev. John J. Wiuser, 28 Sherfield road, Grays
house, Orsett road, Gra~·s; Grays (West) district, Registrar of Marriages, Edward Biddell, 38 Clarence
Anthony FewstE'r Blake M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. road, Grays

Maidstone road, GraYS;• Ockeudon district,
H~nry Stapleton Johnston L.R.C.P. & S.Irel. & L.M. TERRITORIAL FORCE.
Dub. Sonth Ockendon; Orsett district, Waiter Alling- Essex Yeomanry, Orsett Troop, D Squadron, Major
ham ~LR.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond., L.S.A.Lond. A. Buxton, commanding; 2nd Lieut. James C.
OrsPtt ; Stanford-le-Hope district, George Fawcett Chaplin, troop officer; Permanent-Stafi-Sergt.-Major
White M.D., B.Ch., B.A.O.Dub. Stanford-le-Hope; Biddie, drill hall, Prittlewell, Southend-on-Sea, drill
Tilburv district, Alfred Henderson Fowler M.R.C.S. instructor
En!!., ·L R.C.P.Lond. Conisborough, Peninsula road,
Tilbnrv Docks

'The Wo:rkheuse was built in 1837, at a cost of about Police Station, Frank Eagling, constable
£9,000, & enlarged in 1907, at a cost of £6,337, & in
I9IO, at a cost of £5,882, for 290 inmates; Edward Public Elementary (mixed) School, with which is in-
William WiJ.son, master; Louisa Ada Wilson, matron; corporated .Anson's Charity School for boys ; average
Rev. William C. Bishop M.A. chaplain; Waiter attendance, 17'); William F. Fox, master
Allingham M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond., L.S.A.Lond. Public Elementary (Anson's Charity) School for in·
medical officer fants, built in 1907, for roo children; average at·
1'he Isolation Hospital for the district is in Stifford Long tendance, 8o; Miss Ethel King, mistress
lane, Little Thurrock; Stephen George Floyd M.D., The Schools are controlled by the Orsett Education
B.S.Lond. medical officer; Mrs. E. M. E. Taylor, Sub-Committee, Turner Jessop, Quarry Hill, Grays.
matron; James Beck, 2 Orsett road, Grays, clerk to clerk
the Board School Medical Inspector, H. Emlyn Jones M.R.O.S.
Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Brantwood, Palmer's aven.Grays
0RSBTT REGISTRATION DISTRICT. Conveyance. There is a vehicle to Grays railway station
:Superintendent .Registrar, Charles Asplin, Bank build- to mee-t the 9.52 a.m. & 12.32 & 4·44 p.m. up trains
ings, High street, Grays; deputy, William R. Silvey, & 9.50 a.m. & 12.40, 5-15, 5-24 & 6. I p.m. down
Bank buildings, Grays trains on every week day
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. 1 Church John M. insur. agt. Baker St Mciver Donald Alex. nurseryman
Cole Alien Charles, farmer Marsh Thos. Wm.contractor,Baker St
.Allingham Waiter Dorrington Alfred Wm. insurance agt Martin George, farmer
Bishop RH. William Chatterley M.A. Earl John, beer retlr. Orsett Heath Miller Thos. Rd. farmer, Ongar hall
(rector & chaplain of the union). Ellingford John, farmer, Baker StrePt Oakley Emily (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
Rectorv• Essex Yeomanry (Orsett Troop, D Baker Street
Braam Sydney A. The Old Rectory Squadron) (2nd Lieut. James Chap- Orr Robert, farmer, The Poplar.-.
{}haplin James C. The Manor
lin, troop officer; Permanent- Pacey Eliza Marie (Mrs.), The Fox-
Edllatdes Hon. George By. Orsett ho Staff-Sergt.-Major Biddie, Drill hound P.H
.Jones Rev. John T. (Congregational), hall, PrittleweU, Southend-on-Sea, Pettitt Henry, Cock P.H
The Manso
drill instructor) Pigg J oseph W. baker & grocer
Tapper Rev. Wm. James Th.A.K.C. Fielding Edward Percy, Whitmore Powell William, King's Arms P.H
(curate) Arms P.H l3aker Street
Whitmore Francis Henry Douglas Finch Emily (Miss), insurance agent Ridgwell Thomas, market gatdener
Charlton D.L., J.P. Orsett hall Finch William, wheelwright Ridgwell Wm. R. statnr. & post office
Wilson Waiter Stratton, Whitecrofts Goodwin Thos. market grdnr.BakerSt Russell Thomas, blacksmith
Gurney James, beer retailer Sanders Charles, plumber & painter,
Hall Ernest A. farmer. Hubblets Baker Street
.Allingham Waiter M.R.C.S.Eng., Hall Jn. Robt. farmr.Cherry orchard Smith .Albert, baker
L.R.O.P.Lond., L.S.A.Lond. sur- Harding Robert, job master Stanford Thomas W. beer retailer,
geon, & medical officer of health & Howard Alfred, carpenter Orsett Heath
public vaccinator for Orsett district Hug-gett Wa.lter, boot maker Sutton William, farmer, Loft hall
& medical officer for Orsett Union James George Herbert, relieving & Taylor John Medwin, saddler
workhouse vaccination officer, & collector to Tricker Geo. nurseryman, Baker St
"Bridge Maud Adeline (:Miss), shopkpr the guardians, No. 2 district, & Tuckett James, farmer, Whitfiel<J's
Bridge Sydney George, butcher registrar of births & deaths Orsett farm, Baker Street
Brown Thomas, farmer s11b-district & Infant Protection Underwood Wm. Arth. market gardnr
IJrnndish Reginald, shopkeeper Visitor Walden Chas. E. hair drssr. Bal•er St
Burford Harry, shopkpr. Orset~ Hth Judd .Albert, farmer Watt. William 0. farmer, Heath
{)handler Edwin, farmer, Orsett Hth Keeling Arthur, grocer Place farm
Chaplin James C. land agent to Lambert-Gorwyn William (Mrs.), Wordley Geo. farmer, Lorkin's farm
' F. H. D. C. Whitm<'fe esq. D.L., farmer, Conway's farm IWri~ht Joseph, thatcher
J.P. Manor office • Lindsay Henry, corn dlr. tBaker St Wyllie R1bt. farmer, Hill House frm
()VINGTON is a pari~h bounded on the north by the hrights annexed, joint net yearly value £335· with 70
river Stour, which here divides the county from Suffolk, · acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the trustees
.2~ miles south from Clare station on the Sudbury and of the Brett family, and held since 1898 by the Rev •
.Haverhill branch of the Great Eastern railway, 7 east Cecil Waiter Brett M ..A:. of St. John's College, Oxford.
from Haverhill and ro north from Halstead, in the Here is a Congregational Mission Hall, opened in 1909,
~orthern division of tbe county, Hinckford hundred, to seat 130 persons. Mrs. Offord, who is lady of the
:Vorth Hinckford petty session:tl division, Rts!Jr1dge manor, and Francis .Arthur Vaizey esq. of Halstead,
union, Haver hill county court district, and in the rural are the principal landowners. The soil is clay; subsoil,
deanery of Belchamp, archdeaconry of Colchester and clay. The chief crop is barley. The area is 688 acres;
Chelmsford diocese. The church, assigned in modern rateable value, £591; the population in 1911 was 113.
~imes to St. Mary,_ is a s_mall an~ a~cient edifice of stone Letters through Clare (Suffolk), arrive by cycle post at
m the Early Enghsh st}le, cons1stmg of chancel, na~e,
7 a.m The· nearest mormy order & telegraph office is
~o~th porch an~ ~ small wester.n tower, of wood, with at Clare 2 miles distant
<~pne and contammg one bell: m 1881 the church was '
reseated with open benches, the chancel restored and a Wall Letter Box, Upper Farm, cleared at 7.30 a.m. &.
1ltained east window inserted: there are 9() sittings. p.m.; sundays, 9 a.m
The register dates from the year 1550. The living is a The children of this parish attend the school at Tilbu· y
rector~·, with that of Tilbury and the chapelry of All-
COMMERCIAL. Whitbread Thos. Robt. farm bailiti t(J
Hrett Rt>v. Cecil Walter M ..!. Rectory Bit·d WHliam, farmer, Hole farm the exors. of the late William Ewer
French Art.hur Richard, beer retailer esq. Ovington hall
PAGLESHAM (Paklesham or Packasham) was in 1066 Rochford station on the Southend branch of the Great
1riven by Ingulf, abbot of Croyland, to Westminster .Abbey: Eastern railway. 9 north-east from Southend station on
it is a village and parish on the river Roche, behind the London, Tilbury and Southend railway, 6 miles by
Wallasea and opposite Burnham, 4 miles north-east from t.he fields, ferry and marshes, 13 miles by road from
450 ESSEX. [KELf.,l'3

Shoebnryness and 41 from London. The parish is in 1 gravel. The chief crops are beans. wheat. barley and
• the South Eastern division of the countv, Rochford hnn- white mustard. The area is 2,016 acres of land. 22 of

dred, petty sessional division and union, Southend inland and rs6 of tidal water and 132 of fo.reskore;
county court district, Canewdon and Southend rural rateable value, [2,393; the population in 19II was 40>
deanery, Essex archdea.conry, and diocese of Chelmsford. . .
The church of St. Peter is a building of stone in t-he EAST END 1s a hamlet a mlle and a half so_ut~-east_;.
Perpendicular style, consisting {)f chancel, nave, south a. ~art of Wal~as~a Island, called Gra~nells, 1s m tha
porch and an embattled tower containing 3 bells: the pansh. Th~ Mission Hall here, erecte~ m 1S~}3 at a cost
church was restored in 133 3 at a cost of £ 1, 700 , when of £2oo, w1ll_ hold ISO persons, and 1s now us~ for a
the east and wesli windows were filled with stained m~nt?Jy serVIce and as a club room;_ the 1nte and
-glass: there are ISO sittmgs. The register of baptisms bml~mg were presented by Zachary Pett1tt esq. of Loft-
and burials dalies from I7I9; marriages, 1733. 'fhe mans, Canewdon.
living is a rectory, net yearly value [282, with 18 acres Sexton, Edward Woolf.
of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Post Office. Miss Emily E. Rice, sub-postmistres~
Peterborough, and held since 1905 by the Rev. William Letters arrive from Rochford, Essex, at 8.30 a.m.;
Fraser M.A. of Trinity Coilege, Dublin. The charities dispatched at 3.40 p.m. ; sundays, 10.20 a.m. Thtt
amount to [26 yearly. The oyster fishery has of late nearest money order office is at Canewdon ~ telegrap~
Yfars greatly diminished. Messrs. Zaehary Pettitt, office, Rochford, 6 miles distant
Arthur M. Nicholls and Frederick W. and Arthur Wise- Wall Letter Box, Church End, cleared daily 3·55 p.m.;
man own the largest beds. The Rev. William North sundays, 10.35 a.m
Andrews M ..A. rector of Boxford, Berks, who ~s lord of Public Elementary School, built in I849 & enlarged ia
the manor, Lieut.-Col. Sir .Augustus .Alex. Brooke· 1872 & I894, at a cost of [3oo, for 120 children; aver-
Pechell bart. and Percy J. Hutley esq. are the principal age attendance, 84; A. James Legge. master
landowners. The soil is middling loam; subsoil,
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Davis C. D. (exors. of), farmers, Nicholls Arthur Michael. oyster mer
Fraser Rev. William M.A. (rector), South hall & Stannetts Rice Emily E. (Miss), shopkeeperp
The Rectory Hutley Percy James, farmer, Cupola Post office
Hutley Percy James, Cupola house house & West Hall farm Robinson William, carpenter
Nicholls Arthur Michael, The Chase Hymas George Henry, farmer,Finch's' Saward Albert Harry,Punch Bowl P.H
Tarbet Wm. Gardner, Paglesham ho & Maule'.s farms Shuttlewood J. William, boat builder
Wiseman Arthur, Redcroft Kemp Edith E. (Mrs.), Plough & Wiseman Frederick W. & Arthurp
Wiseman Fredk. W. Buckland house Sail P.H oyster merchants, Buckland house
comrERCIAL. Meeson Henry, farmer, Church hall,
Atkinson William Thomas, shopkeepr East hall & Clements
P ANFIELD is a pleasant villag~ and parish near the I285, as an alien priory, in order to prevent money
river Pant, 3 miles north-by-west from Braintree sta- being carried thence to the enemy, a policy repeated
tion, on a branch of the Great Eastern railway, and by Edward III. in 1337-8 : the possessions of this
45 from London, in t:tle Eastern division of the county, religious house were restored on the estsblishmtntt of
Hinckford hundred, South Hinckford petty sessional peace and the inmates continued in their enjoyment
division (Braintree benoi:t), Braintree union and county till 1414, when all alien priories were totally sup-
court district, rural deanery of Braintree, arohdeaconry pres5ed and their property ve11ted in the Crown:
of Colchester and Chelmsford diocese. The church of after the Dissolution in 153B, it was granted to Sir
St. Mary is a small edifice of flint with Bath stone Giles Capel. Panfield Hall, erected in the year 1546, i1
dressings in tho Perpendicular style, and consists of a fine building, with a quadrangular tower and hand·
chancel, with organ chamber, nave, a fine old oak south somely clustered chimneys : it is now occupied by
porch and a small western tower with octagonal shingled George A. Newman esq. Major A. M. Tabor, of :BaTing-
spire containing 3 bells: in 1858 the church was restored don Hall, Bocking, who is lord of the manor, and the-
at a cost of [r,4oo: on the south side of the nave is a trustees of Guy's Hospital are the principal landowner&.
piscina: there are three stained windows, filled at the The soil is loam; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are-
cost of H. W. Burgess esq. a former patron, the east wheat, barley, oats and pasture land. The area is 1o49S
window being a. memorial to his family : among persons acres; assessable value, £937; the population in 19n
of liote interred here are John Cotton esq. ancestor of was 261.
the distinguished family of that name, of the Hall
manor, and Alice, his wife, ob. 1525, and to Richard PENNY GREEN is half a mile north-west.
Beale esq. ob. 1712: the learned John Ouseley, scholar,
divine and antiquary, was rector here from 1668 to Letters received through Braintree arrive at 8 a.m. & 3
1694: there are 170 sittings. The register dates from p.m. Wall Letter Box cleared at 8-45 a. m. & 6 p.m.;.
tbe year 1569. The living is a rectory, net yearly value sundays, 8.45 a.m. Backing, 1! miles distant, is the-
£240, with residence and 9 acres of glebe, in the gift of nearest money order & telegraph office
Mrs. Sadgrove, and held since> 19II by the Rev. Edward Public Elementarv :::ichool (mixed), built in 1875, 11t a
Symonds, Th.A.K.C. Half a mile north was formerly cost of between £3oo & £4oo, including the site, for
(1, priory of Benedictine monks, subordinate to the 70 children; average attendance about 35; Miss R-
abbey of St. Stephen, at Caen, in Normandy, and A. Ticehurst, mistress
founded from a gift by Waleran FitzRalph, in 1070, This school is controlled by the Essex County Educa-
of his little manor at Panfield to that house: on the tion (Brain~ree Distrkt) Sub-Committee, John Gleave,.
outbreak of hostilities between England and France County school, Braintree, clerk
in the 13th centuryj it was seized by Edward I. in
Butcher George, "heelwright Lawrence Arthur, shopkeeper
Byford Waiter, farmer, Great Priory Lawrence Cbas. farmer, Little Priory
Browning George Challis Joe, Bell P.H Lawrence David, farmer
J oscelyne Ern est Jas. Panfield farm Gowers Harry, beer retail~>r Lawrence Samuel, farmer, Coldhall
Newman George A. Panfield hall Grubb William. shoe maker Ne\\Illan U. A. land agt.Pantield ball
Symonds Rev. Edward Th.A.K.C. Hodson & Chester, farmers Ratcliffe Bartlett, farmer & land-
(rector), Rectory Joscelyne Ernt>st James, farmer & owner. Lightwaters & Hill farms
COMlltlERCIAL. landowner, Panfield, Ivyhall, Silks SudburyGeo.poultt·y frmr.Harvey'11 (ID
A.mbrose John, farmer & Pe-rrychilds farms Whife Thomas, shopkeeper
Bantock Harry, farm bailiff to G. A. J oscelyne Reginald Ern est, poultry
Newman esq farmE'r, Panfield farm

PARKESTON, see Harwich .
GREAT PARNDON is a village and parish, 3 miles and is an edifice oi stone and rubble in the Late Per·
south-east from Roydon station and ~ miles south from pendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, north and
Burnt Mill station on the Cambridge section of the south transepts, north porch and an embattled western
Great Eastern railway, 3~ south-west from Harlow, 6 to\\er, containing 4 bells, three of which were recast
north from Epping, 10 east from Hertford and 22 trom in 1902: the fourth bears the inscription, " Praise the
London; in the \t estern division of the county, Harlow Lord," x6I3 ; the stained east window is a memorial
hundred and petty sessional division, Epping union 1 to the family of J ohnson, and was inserted in 1877 :
Waltham county court district, and in the rural deanery the south-east window was presented by J. Todhunter
of Harlow, archdeaconry of Essex and Chelmsford esq. to the memory of Her late Majesty Queen
diocese. The Todds brook flows through the parish. Victoria and the north-east window is in memorv •
· The church (name unknown) :stands on rising ground His late Majesty King Edward VII.; the reredos wa&
pre,ented by Miss Sims: there are about 200 sittings. Parish Clerk, Ed ward Harwood.
Tht> register of baptisms and burials dates from 1547;
marriages, 1704. 'rhe living is a rectory, net yearly Post Office. Mrs. May Gouldsmith, sub-postmistress.
u.lue .£345• with 28 acres of glebe and residence, in the Letters are received through Harlow, arrive at 7·45
g1ft of the governors of St. Thomas' Hospital, the a.m. & 5·55 p.m.; dispatched at 9 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.
tru~tees of the late Rev. H. W. Adams and B. E.
Netteswell Cross is th~ nearest money order & tele-
Todhunter esq. alternately, and held ~ince rgo8 by the graph office, 1~ milt's distant
Rev. Herbert Sheppard M.A. of Clare College, Cam- Pillar Letter Box, Hare street, cleared at 9·I5 a.m. &
bridge. Here was anciently a convent for -canons of 6.35 p.m.; sundays, 9·55 a.m
the Prremonstratensian Order, founded or endowed· by Pillar Letter Box, Brockles, cleared at 8.5 a.m. -& li. IO
Roaer and Robert de Parringdon and Clement, son of p.m. ; sundays, 8.25 a.rr.
Re~inald, but removed in II8o to Beleigh, or Little <

l\hldon Abbey, where Robert de Mantell had built a Public Elementary Schools (mixed), built in r86r by
monastery, dedicated to St. ~icholas. Earl Cowley subsuiption & enlarged in I882 & r8g7, for 107 chil-
is lord of the manor. St. Thomas' Hospital, L. J. W . dren; average attendance, 98 ; Harry Bull, master ·
.A.rkwright esq. of Little Parnd.on, and Joseph Todhunter This school is under the control of the Essex Education
e•q. J.P. of King's Moor House, are the principal land- (Epping District) Sub-Committee, Herbert J. Good
owners. The soil is various ; subsoil, gravel and clay. win, High road, Loughton, clerk
The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and roots. The
1re:1 is 2,23I acres; rateable value, £4,284; the popu- Police Station, F. G. Thoroughgood, constable
lation in 1911 was 556.
Harris Edwin, farmer, Broomfield ·
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. COMM::ERCIAL. Hooper Charles Wm. beer retailer
Bird William, Grosvenor house A.dams Fr-ederick, gardener to O.j Jackson Fredk. (Mrs.), wheelwright
Brown J. Perry, Todd's brook Christie esq J amieson J ames, draper
Christie Octavius, Northbrooks Baynes Jas. farmer, Hare Street farm Parndons & Netteswell Nursing
Clark .Arthur Henry, Hare street Blackburn William, head gardener to Association (Th-e) (Miss ~Iargaret
Fielding-Ould Robert M.A., M.D. J. Todhunter esq Dolling, Sherards cottages, district
The Priory Brett .Albert E. Cock P .H nurse)
Garratt Herbert, Barrows (letters Brown J. Perry, farmer, Todd's brooli Pyne Charles, farmer, Little Canons
received through Roydon) Brown Roland, farmer Seymour Fdk. Wm. beer ret. Hare st
Gripton , :Maunds farm (postal Caudell Charles, shopkeeper Seymour William, hurdle maker
address, Netteswell Common, Charter George & Sons, builders Sockett Edwd. farmer, Great Canons
Harlow) Chetwood Herbert, farmer, St. Tarling George, gravel pit owner
Sheppard Rev. Herbert M.A. (rector), Catherine's & Sumners Thompson .Adam, blacksmith
Sherards Church Wm.farmr.Fighting Cock frm Thurlow William, farm bailiff to
Slacke Randall, Passrnore Cottee Charles, shoe maker, Water la J oseph Todhunter esq.Brockles frm
Sockett Edward, Great Canons Garratt Herbert, farmer, Barrows Woodrow Alfred, gamekeeper to J.
Todhunter Jsph. J.P. King's Moor ho (letters received through Roydon) Todhunter esq. Woodlands cottage
LITTLE PARNDON is a village and parish on the and to Dame Sarah (Gore), his first. wife, d. rg Feb
nav·gable riv!'l' Stort, which separates it from Herts, r 1651, and others to the Turnour family: agaimt th~
mile south-we;;t from Burnt Mill station on the Great exterior south wall of the nave, and adjoining the -porch,.
Eastern (Cambridge section) railway, 3 miles west from 1~ . a headstone to Hester Woodley, d. May !3, -r767, -
Harlow, and 7 north f.·om Epping, in the western divi- with a long and curious inscription, describing her as
sion of the county, Harlow hundred and petty sessional the servant and " property" of the Woodley family,
division, Epping union, Waltham county court district, possibly a slave: the church was rebuilt in 1868, prin-
and in the rural deanery of Harlow, archdeaconry of cipally at the cost of the late Loftus W. Arkw:t;ight esq.
E,sex and. Chelmsford diocese. The ehurch of St. (d. 1889): the churchyard contains some fine larch
Mary is a small edifice of pebbles and flint with modern trees. The register dates from the year r622. The
G thic windows, and consists of semicircular apsidal !living is a rectory, average neb yearly value £r4o, with
chancel, and nave under a continuous roof, organ 26 acres of glebe and residence. in the gift of L. J.
chamber and vestry on the north side, south porch and W. A.rkwright esq. and held since 1904 by the Rev.
a western belfry of wood framing and brick, containing Philip Deedes M.A.. of Lincoln College, Oxford. The-
one bell; there are memorial windows to Ele1nor Yate rectory house, built in 1881, is pleasantly situated on.
Hemming. d. I8 Feb. I834, Francis Hemming, d. 28 an elevation in well laid out grounds at some distance
March, 186o; to :Maria Masson, d. 1873: the chancel south of the church. Parndon Hall is a modern mansion
ha~ a piscina and sedile, a11d is fitted with oak choir of red brick with Portland stone dressings, situated in-
stars; the nave has open oak benches: there is a well-wooded grounds of about 75 acres, to the right of
carved oak pulpit and reading desk and an eagle the road from Harlow to Roydon, and is the property
lectern: the font is of coloured marble, supported upon and residence of Loftus Joseph Wigram Arkwright esq
a pede~tal of freestone: on the north wall of the who is lord of the manor and chief landowner. The soil
ch<mcel is a cross in black marble to Fr:mcis Hemming, is mixed ; subsoil, various. The chief crops are wheat.
captain of the Bombay Horse Artillery, d. at Bombay, barley and roots. The area is srB acres of land and 6 of
::\larch 28, r86o, and to his sister, Eleanor Yate Hem- water; rateable value, £2,505; the population in 19II
ming, d. Feb. I8, 1834: and there are mural monu- was 76.
ments to Edward Parson, a former lord of the manor LPtters through Harlow arrive at 7 .30 & 10 . 30 a.m.
of Parndon, d. Feb. 24, 1780, and to members of the ~etteswell Cross is the nearest post, money order &
Parson and Woodley families, and at the west end, on telegraph office, 1 mile distant
the north side, a large mural monument with pilasters
supporting an entablature and a scrolled shield of arms, Pillar Letter Box cleared at 10.25 a.m. & 6.35 p.m.;
and inscribed to Sir Edward Turnour kt. Speaker of the sundays, 10.25 a.m
House of Commons and lord chief baron of the Ex- The children of tfuis parish attend the Harlow and
chf'quer, in the reign of Charles II. d. 4 March, 1676, Netteswell schools, but principally the latter
Arkwright Loftus Joseph Wigram,] Church Stephen, poultry dealer
Parndon hall J COMMERCIAL. Clark William, farmer, Dorrington's
Brown John, Parndon lodge Brown Joseph, farm bailiff to L. J. W. farm, Rye hill
De£>des Rev. Philip M.A. (rector), .Arkwright esq j
Smith R. E. & Co. millers (steam .'A
Rectory Butler Chas. head grdnr.Parndon hall water), Parndon mill
P ATTIS WICK (PatPswick or Parswick) is a village to Eleanor Willet Tritton, was presented by her hus-
and parish, 4 miJPl'l paqt from Braintree station and 6 band: the chancel was restored about 1R82 at a cost of
north-west from KPlvPdon station on the Great Eastern £6oo, under the direction of Mr. Dampier, architect, of
railwav, 3 north-wpc;t from Coggeshall, and 49 from Lon- Colchester: the nave has been restored at a cost of £5oo.
don in the Ea~tPrn division of the county, Lexden bun- The register dates from the year 1677. The living is a
drPd Witham pPttv ~Pssional division, Braintree union rectory, net yearly value £r86, with 16 acres of glebe
anrl countv• Cflnrt district and in the rural deanery •
of and residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Chelmsford,
B-'lintree, archdeaconry of Colchester and Chelmsford and held since 1905 by the Rev. Ern est William Banks
diocese. The church of St. Mary the Virgin is a small M A. of Oxford l:niversity. The Bishop of London is
and plain edifi ·e of stone in the Gothic style of the qth lord of the manor, and Mrs. Reginald Duke Hill, of
century, con<~i'ltinQ' of chancel, nave, aisle, organ cham- Holfield Grange, Coi!Q"eshall, is the principal landowner.
ber and south porch: the east window, a memorial The soil is loam and clav; "'
subsoil, the I


chief crops are wheat, beans and barley. 'I his parish (for callers) week days. Box cleared at 4·55 p.m.;
was anciently a hamlet of Feering, and contains 1,330 sunday.s, a.m. The nearest telegraph office is a
acres of land and 7 of water; assessable value, £701; Stisted, 2 miles distant ; & Braintree & Coggeshall
and had a population in rgu of 281. . money order offices
By Local Government Board Order 22,339, dated Public Elementary School. (mixed), for 85 children;
March 24, r88g, Blackwater was transferred from Great I average attendance, 34; Miss Mabel Hale, mistress
1 This school is under the control of the Essex County
Coggeshall to Pattiswick.
Parish Clerk, Edward Alston. Education (Braintree District) Sub-Committel'. Job
Post Office. Frederick W. Amos, sub-postmaster. Let- Gleave, County school, Braintree, clerk
ters through Braintree received at 8.30 a.m. & 2 p.m.
COMMERCIAL. Smith Joseph, farmer & blacksmith,
Brewer David, farm steward to Mr. Hall farm
Banks Rev. Ernest Wm. M.A. Rectory Joseph Smith Webster Hugh, miller (water), Blacj.
Smith Harris, Pattiswick hall Rayner Jonathan, Compasses inn water mill
Smith Joseph, farmer, Hall farm
PEBMARSH is an ancient village and parish, tra· 1912 by the Rev. Gerald Halsey M ..A. of Magdalen
versed by a feeder of the Colne, 3! miles west from College, Oxford. Here is a Baptist chapel. There are
Bores station on the Sudbury and Haverhill branch of charities of about £7 yearly, left by the Hon. and ReY.
the Great Eastern railway, 3t north from Earls Colne Edward Harbottle Bucknall; also a sum of about f.s,
&tation on the Colne Valley railway, 4 north-east from arising from a house and three-quarters of an acre or
Halstead, and 6 south from Sudbury, in the Northern land, and £r from Wincoll's charity, which amounts are
division of the county, Hinckford hundred, South Hinck- given yearly in doles to the poor of the parish. The
ford petty sessional division (Halstead bench), Halstead manor is extinct. Henry Basham Dickinson esq. J.P.
nnion and county court district, Halstead and Heding- Charles Page Wood esq. of Wakes Oolne, and John
ham rural deanery, archdeaconry of Colche><ter and William Nott esq. are the principal landowners. Tha
Chelmsford diocese. The church of St. John the Bapti~t soil is chiefly heavy; subsoil, clay. The chief crops ara
is an ancien* edifice of brick and flint in the Decorated wheat, beans and oats. The area is 2,062 acres; rate-
style, consisting of chancel, nave of four bays with able value, £1,946; the population in xgn was 392·

clerestory, aisles, south porch and an embattled western
tower containing a clock and 5 bells: the stained east DAGWORTH is a mile north-west.
window is a memorial to Francis Waiter Grimston, and Sexton, William Spurgeon.
was inserted in 1876; and on the south side is a
memorial window, inserted in r882, to the Hon. and Post, M. 0. &i T. Office. George Trendell, sub-pos~
Rev. Edward Harbottle Grimston M.A. rector of the master. Letters (which should be addressed Peb-
parish r8 4 r-8o, d. 4 May, r88r: there are several other marsh, Bores, Suffolk) arrive through Colchester to
stained windows, including one inserted as a memorial to Bures by mail cart, thence to Pebmarsh, at 7-30 a m
His late Majesty King Edward VII. : in the chancel is an & 2 · 15 p.m. ; dispatched at 10.40 a.m. & 6.35 Pm. i
ancient brass of a knight in armO'llr, cross-legged, sundays, 7·3° p.m
'beneath a large and fine, but much mutilated canopy Pillar Boxes. Cross End, cleared at 10.45 a.m. k 6.40
; and with marginal inscription: the effigy is believed to p.m. week days; on sundays at 7·35 p.m.; Buxtons
represent Sir William Fitz Ralph, who died c. 1322 : (or Cripple Corner), cleared at 8 a.m. & 6 p.m.; sun-
• there is also in the chancel a small brass, dated 1764, days, 8 a.m
to the Rev. Josephus Birch, a former rector: the in- County Police, George !!enry Calver, constable
- terior was restored and reseated in 1877, and there are Public Elementary (Church) School (mixed), built in
. 400 sittings. The register of baptisms dates from 1648; r85o & enlarged in r8g6, for g6 children; average
· burials, 1655; marriages, 1654. The living is a rectory, attendance, 72; J. Martyn Tresidder, master
net yearly value £330, with residence and 26 acres of This school is under the control of the Essex County
.glebe, in the gift of the Earl of Verulam, and held since Education (Halstead Sub-District) Committee
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Dawson Oliver Benjamin, farm bailiff\ Maslin Herbert, farmer
Cresswell Mrs to H. B. Dickinson esq Nott George Robert, farmer, The Oa.k
Dickinson Hv. Basham J.P. Le Mote' Dixey Mark, poultry dealer I Nott John Wm. farmr. Magnolia ho
Halsey Rev." Gerald M.A. (rector) Iiicldord John, King's Head P.H Reed William, farmer
The Rectory ' Hyslop Robert, farmer, World's end Smith E. & B. saddlers
Horner Bdward, The :Mill house Jennings Francis· J. shoplreeper Sturgeon Samuel, wheelwright
Layzell Waiter, blacksmith Trendell George, grocer, Post office
COMMERCIAL. Lewis Charles, farmer, Abbot's Watts Sidney, farmer, Byndes farm
Clarke Wm. carpenter, Sudbury rd McMartin David, private gardener to
Craig James, farmer, Spoons hall I Henry Basham Dickinson esq. J.P
:PELDON (or Peltington) is a parish on the road from denee, in the gift of Mrs. David Linds-ay Johnson, and
Colchester to Mersea Island, 5 miles t~outh-west from held since I9II by the Rev. Edga"r George Bowring M.A
Wivenhoe &tation on the Tendring Hundred branch of of Hertford College, Oxford. Mr. John Whitton Wilkin-
the Great Eastern railway, 7! south from Colchester son is lord of the manor of Peldon Hall, and the rector
and 56 from London, in the North Eastern division of lord of the rectorial manor, and the trustel's of the late
the county, Winstree hundred, Lexden and Winstree Mrs. Gibson, Messrs. Robert Store, William G. Fair-
onion and petty sessional division, Colchester, Claeton head and Mr. John Whitton Wilkinson are the prin-
and Harwich joint county court district, Colchester rural cipal landowners. The soil is heavy loam; subsoil,
deanery and in the archdeaconry of Colchester and loam. The chil'f crops are wheat, barley, oats and
Chelmsford diocese. The church of St. Mary the beans. The area. is 2,243 acres of land, 9 of inland
Virgin, erected in the 15th century, stands on a hill and and 2 of tidal water and 31 of foreshore; rateable
occupies the site of an ancient church recorded in value, £r,67o; the population in 19II was 409.
-Domesday Book: it is a building of stone in the Per- Parish Clerk, James Talbot.
pendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, south Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-George Smallwood, sub-post-
porch and an embattled western tower, with pinnacles, master. Letters arrive through Colchester at 4·45
containing 2 bells: the church was thoroughly re- L d"
· b bs · t' t t
s t or ed m I 859 y su cr1p Ions a a cos o a ou f b t a.m. ou 1 p.m. ; 1spatched at u.3o a.m. & 7-40 p.m
f,goB, in the course of which several remains of an Public Elementary (Non-Provided) School (mixed), built
Early Norman church were discovered: there are 250 in 1833 & -enlarged in 1881, for 196 children; average
.sittings. The register of baptisms dates from 1725 ; attendance, 65; Mrs. Emma Green, mistress
burials, 1728; marriages, 1776. The living is a rectory, Carriers to Colchester. William Frederick Christmas ~
net yearly value £315, with 24 acres of glE-be and resi- Edgar Nicholas, to the 'Plough,' mon. wed. fri. & BBi
;Bowring Rev. Edgar George M . .!. Clarke Frank, farmer, Tye farm King Felix Thomas, nurseryman
(rector), Rectory Fairhead Percy, farmer, Home farm Mason George, farmer, assistant over-
Goddard Mrs. Mill house Fairhead William Golden, farmer-, seer for Peldon, Great Wigborough
Going James AllertoiF, Honour villa
Procter Ri<'~ard, Haxell s house
I Brick House farm
Frost Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper
& Ab~rton & clerk to Parish
Store Robert, Peldon lodge Green John, shopkeeper Mead Horace Charles, farmer
COMMERCIAL. Hall Benjamin M.B.Lond. surgtlon Nice Ameli a (Mrs.), Plough P .H
Christmas Edith (Mrs.), dress maker, (monday & friday) Nirholas Ed~ar, carrier
Rose cottage Harrison Henry, blacksmith Nicholas Herbert, baker
Clarke .Art.hur William, cycle agent • Hyam Clement, shopkeeper Procter Jsph. Hy. frmr. Ha:nll's farDI
Pollen Jane (Mrs.), Ro:.e P H Simpson Goltlen, builder Wilkinson John 'Yhitton, farmer,
R1chardson George, farm ba1liff to Thomson Jas. farmPr, Butler's farm Peldon hall
Robert Store esq White Samuel Cam; &; Co. grocers
PENTLOW is a parish iln the river Stour, on the style was erected in the rectory gr{)unds by the Rev.
borders of Suffolk, 1 mile sout!h from Cavendish station Edward Bull M.A. rector here from I834, to the
on the Sudbury and Haver hill branch of the Great East- memory of his father; it is considered a fine work, and
-ern rwlway, 4 miles east from Clare and 5! north-west has a spiral staircase to the top, £rom which a fine
from Sudbury, in the Northern division of the county. view is obtained, above 45 churches being visible. The
hundred of Hinckford, North Hinckford petty sessional charities include (I) the rents arising from a small
jivision, Sudbmy union and county court district, and farm in Pentlow, left by Mrs. Susan Gooch, of Great
in the rural deanery of Belchamp, archdeaconry of Col- Livermore, now administered by a body of trustees,
chaster and Chelmsford diocese. The church of St. consisting of the rector, chnrc<hwardens and overseers,
George is an edifice of flint, in the Norman and Early a special confidence being imposed by the testatrix
English styles, consisting of apsidal chancel with n()rth in the rector; (2) George Kempe gave £26 I4S. 4d. for
chapel, nave, south porch and an embattled round tower the relief of 8 poor folk, but this has been lost and
at the west end containing 5 bells: in I!)o8 the tower the present rector has vainly tried to trace it; (3) " 'Ihe
was restored and the bells rehung at the expense of fine of the Alienation of Panels," whensoever it falls, was
the present rector: the original Norman church was given by George Kempe, to the reparation of the church
probably destroyed in the 14th century, after which of Pentlow for ever; but this, too, does not appear to b&
the present structure was Prected on the old founda- recognised. There are three manors, viz. Pentlow Hall,.
'ions, the tower being reared against the Norman west Bowes or Bower Ball, and Paines. Of these, Pentlow.
doorway; in the chapPl is a very fine monument, Hall is the chief. The noble families of Baignard,.
with recumbent figures, to George Kempe, ob. 16o6, FitzWalter, and Ratcliffe, Barons FitzWalter and Earls-.
J"ohn Kempe esq. his son and Ellinor his wife, together of Sussex, continued chief lords of it for a long time.
with the kneeling figures of their children, 10 daughter!! Under them it was holden by the families of Fitz-
and 4 sons: the chancel contains an altar tomb with Humphrey, Norman, Kempe &c. Paines Manor is an
shields of arms to the Felton family, bearing the date Early Jacobean house (16o7) and has been in possession
1542, but without inscription, as well as memorial of the Orbell family for three centuries. Henry Pearl
tablets to the families of Mathew and Buli: the font i~ e~q. is lord of the manor of Pentlow Hall. The prin-
"Early Norman, and has a I5th century canopy, which cipal landowners are Mrs. Julia Brand, of Brook Hall,
opens with doors: in I887 the nave and chancel of the Foxearth, and Henry Pearl esq. The soil is clay, loam
church was thoroughly restored at a cost exceeding and ~ravel; subsoil, various. The chief crops are wheat.
£z,ooo, under the direction of Mr. W. M. Fawcett, archi- oats, beans and barley. The area is I,888 acres of
tect, of Cambridge: the pulpit is a memorial to the late land and IO of water; rateable value, £1,492; the
Mrs. Edward Bull, and a lectern has also been pre- population of the parish in 19II was 224.
sented, and all the woodwork is of the best English Sexton, James Johnson.
oak: the only fittings retained were the Jacobean com-
munion table and the rails around it: there are 120 Wall Letter Box cleared at 6.45 a.m. k 6 p.m.; sun-
Rittings. The register dates from the year 1539 . and days, 6.45 a.m. Letters through Cavendish (Suffolk)
there is a list of rectors from 1323. ThE> living is a arrive at 7·45 a.m. & I p.m. The nearest money
rectory, net yearly valut- £ 275 . with residence and 27 order & telegraph office is at Cavendish, I! miles
acres of glebe, in the gift of and held since 1877 by the distant
RPv. Felix F.:dward Pepys Bull M.A. of Trinity College, Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1876, for
Cambridge, rural dean of Bel{'hamp. J.P. Essex, and mo children; average attendance, 20; Miss Jessie
F R.G.S. In 1859 an octagonal tower in the Tudor Dawson, mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS Brand Stauley Edward, farmer, Jarvis James Thomas, gardener tQo.
Bull Rev. Felix Edward Pepfs M.A., Pagnells Ash farm C. F. Marsh esq
JP ... I Ebbs Thomas, farm bailiff to Rev. Mayhew Harry, fanrmn bailiff to Mrs.-
. . , FRG
. . . S . ( rec t or "" ru ra A J p S ·
dean). Rectory F. E. P. Bull M. ., . . klllits Julia Brand
M:arsh Chas. Fielding, Pentlow ball farm I Plumb Dnniel, higgler
Orbl'll Wm. Sparrow, Paines manor Garrett S. J. & Co. millers (steam 1 Smith Eddie Jn. H. frmr.Gooch's frm.
& water) Thurgood Charles. beer retailer
COMMERCIAL. Ives Edward, blacksmith Twinn Charles, farmer, School farm
Brand Jn. Purkis, f11nr.Buntings farm I Wells Sidney,farmer.Pentlow Hall fm
PILGRIMS HATCH, see South Weald.
PITSEA is a parish and village situated on thE> high ham. A burial ground of 1 acre ha!; been laid out by
road from Grays and 'l'ilbury Fort to Rochford and South- direction of the Parish Council; it adjoins the old
end, about I2 miles from each of the former and Io from churchyard ; the ground was acquired from the Land
~tach of the latter placl:'s, 33 from London, via Tilbury, and Company, in lieu of rights of way surrendered. Hewitt's
26} via Upminster, with a station on the Midland railway, charity of £so, invested in Consols, produces £I ss. 8d.
London, Tilbury and Southend section, at the junction ~·early. Major B. P. G. Blencowe J.P. of Thoby Priory,
of the lines from Barking throt1gh Upminster, and from Brentwood, who holds the manorial rights of Chalvedon
Tilbury, and is in the ~lid division of the county. Bar- Hall, in this parish, Mrs. Reade, of Billericay, and the
stable hundred, Brentwood petty sessional division, sub- Land Company are the principal landowners The soil
division of Billericay, Billericay union, Southend county is stiff clay; subsoil, almost yellow clay. 'l'he area is
court district, Orsett and Grays rural deanery, archdea- 1,676 acres of land, I7 of inland water and 44 of {me-
conrv• of Esse-,: and Chelm ~ford diocese. The church shore ; rateable value, £s.so6; the population in 19II
of St. Michael, standing on a picturesque knoll, is an was 721.
edifice of stone in the Perpendicular style. and consists Post, M. 0. &; T. Office (letters should have Essex
of chancel, nave, south porch and an embattled western added). Herbert John Cook, sub-postmaster. Letters
tower containing 3 bells: the church was rebuilt, with arrive from London at 8 a.m. & s.Io p.m.; sunday, 8
the exception of the tower. in I871: the church plate a.m. Box cleared at 11.30 a.m. & 7-I5 p.m. (May t()
mcludes a chalice, dated 1597, and a paten, dated 1692, October, 8 p.m.); sunday, 7.25 p.m
and engraved with the arms of Sir Samuel :Moyer (kt.), Pillar Letter Box, Vange Railway bridge, cleared at
of Pitsea Hall (d. 1716): there are wo sittings. The 10.45 a.m. & 6.50 p.m.; sunday, IO.Io a.m
register of baptisms dates from 1688; burials, 1738; Letter Box, Brightside, cleared at II a.m. &; 7 p.m
marriages. 1757. The living is a rectory, net yearly
value £280, with glebe of 16 acres, in the alternate Pit~ea Council School, erected in tgn, for 264 children;
presentation of the Hon. E. H. Dawnay J.P. and John aYerage attendance, 176; John Edward Bryant, master
¥. Heathcote esq. and held since I899 by the Rev. Railwar Station, Henry George Puncher, station ma,.tPr
Arthur Bertram Hutton L.Th. of the Universitv• of Dur-
(Marked thus t receive lett-ers Hut ton Rev. .Arthur Jlert ram L 1'h. COMMERCIAL.
through Wickford.) I (rect{)r), Recwry Bartlett Alfred Edwin, grocer
PRIVATE RESIDINTS. Knowlp~ Mrs. St. Elmo Bitton Abraqam, painter, Hill...,tde
tBurnett .Arthur. Hon·fi~lds McMeekin Thomas, lngl~!oook Bridger George, plasterer
Cook William, Brickhouse farm Naylor John, Crayland~ British Explosives Syndicate Ltmited
Dav~>v William. PitsPa haJ1 Pedler William Charle~, Weml•ley cot (J. S. Nicol, manager)
Davies R.>v. Emlyn Bolt B . .A., D.D. ShPldrake Charles W. Main street Burial Ground (Alexander Kilgour,
(Congre!!:ational). DPvoma tSmith .\lex. Elnt croft, Bovefields cll'rk to the Burial Authority)
Edmunds Horace, We•tfiellis Witham Chas. Edwd. The Anchorage Campbl'll C. & Sons, cartage contrs
4.5! PITSEA. ES~EX. [ K.ELLY'8
Campbell John Wm. coal merchant Lacy Aubrey, builder Stock Cha~les, grocer
Cole George, "heelwright !+Lee Sidney, poultry frmr.Honfields Street Alexander, greengrocer
Cook HPrbt. John, draper, Post office Long .Arthur William,. grocer . Street~ Charles, shopkeeper
Crooks George, carmlttt Marshall & Mathewson, physicians & Tew John, shopkeeper
Evelin EdViard, Bull P .H surgeons Thompson James ~'\. B., M.D. phy.
Farrant William, insurance agent Mullender Matilda (Mrs.), mid\"l'ife, sician & sur!!Pon
Faulkner & Faulkner,physcns.&surgns 1 York villas Thorogood .Alfrl.Richd. Railway hotel
Field William, nurseryman Nielsen Edward, nurseryman Upson Frank Maurice, architect,
Ford Charles. carpenter Pigott Sarah (Mrs.), farmer, Great, Bull farm
Ford Jessie D. (Mrs.), confectioner Chalvedon hall Upson George Thos. farmr. Bull frm
Higgs .\lbert Ernest, frmr. Felmores Pike Henry Benjamin, boot maker ·White Henry & Step hen Manchester,
Jones F. G. & Sons, coal dealers Pinnock Henry, dairyman, Oakbank nnrsl'rymen
Kilgour .Alexander, fruit grower, & Reddington Ashley Wm. cycle agent Williams Hannah (Mri.), shopkeeper
assistant overseer & clerk to the Rushbrooke John, farmer, Burnt mill Wright William, buildeJ:
Parish Council Say Henry, dairyman
King Edmund Joseph, butcher Starling .Alfred Henry Ernest, grocer
PLAISTOW. Plaistow ward comprises the larger mission church, erected in 186o, is of brick, and
portion of the parish, and is within the Southern division has 26o sittings. St. John's Reformed Episcopal church.
of the parliamentary borough of West. Ham, and also situated in Plashet road, is an edifice of red brick,
included in the municipal borough of West Ham and in with stone dressings, in a freely-treated Gothic style,
that county borough, Becontree hundr~d, West Ham and consists of chancel, with organ chamber on the
union and Urban District, county court district of north and ve..stry on the south, nave and south porch,
Bow, and in the rural deanery of West Ham, arch- and there is one be.Jl: the site, valued at £8oo, was
deaconry of Essex and Chelmsford diocese. It is given pri.-ately, and the cost of the structure was
within the jurisdiction of the Central Criminal court about £3,ooo: there are sittings for soo persons. There
and Metl'Opolitan p:1lice and in the Eastern Metropolitan ;:He :Baptist, Wesleyan, United Methodist, Primitive
i,{>Ostal district. The original ward of the parish corn- Meth-od·ist and Congregational .chapels, and a meeting
·prised Plaistow proper, Barkin2 road, part of Canning- house for the Societv of Friends, and one for th~ New
·Town and Silvertown, with the Royal Victoria and Albert Church, er Swedenborgians. The Queen's Jubilee Hall
·docks. The most thickly populated part of the district is attached to the Wesleyan chapel, and is used both
·is 4~ miles from Whitechapel church, by the Commer- as a Sunday school and for public meetings. The Eas~
cial and East India Dock roads, having the river Lee on London cemetery, situated in Grange road and l:elong-
the west. The Midland Railway (London, Tilhury and ing to the Ea1<t London Cemetery Co. was opened in
Southend section) has a station here and the Great 1872: it comprises 32 acres and contains two mortuary
Eastern branch line to North Woolwich has a station chapels. .A police station was erected in 1864: the local
in the Barking road, Canning Town. .An iron bridge force consists of 2 inspectors, 12 sergeants and 79 con-
of three arches was constructed over the river Lee stables. The Passmore Edwards Library, towards which
in rBro. The ecclesiastical parish of St. Mary was the late Mr. PastJmore Edwards contributed £4,000, is
formed 19 June, 1844, from the mother parish of a plain building in the Italian style, with storage for
West Ham; the church, a small edifice of brick in 15,ooo volumes, and the reading rooms will hold 140
the Tudor Gothic style, was completed in 1830, at readers: the memorial stone was laid by the Right
.a cost of £.hBoo, and consisted of chancel, nave and Hon. H. H . .Asquith K.C., M.P. Oct. 29, 1902, and the
aislt>~ and -west porch, and contained a monument opening ceremony was performed by Mr . .Andrew Car-
to Sir John Henry Pelly hart. d. 20 Dec. 1864: the negie, Sat. May g, 1903: the reading rooms were
new church, erected during the period r8go-g4, is a opened to thf' public )lay 19, 1903, and the lending
building in the Early English style, consisting of department May z, 1904. In the reading rooms 140
challiCel with side chapel, nave, aisles and baptistery, publications may be consulted. There are now
and will seat Boo persons. The dates from the 10,200 volumes, and in connection with the library is a.
year 1830. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value literary society, a lecture league, and a monthly illus-
£270, with residence, in the gift of ·the .vicar of West trated magazine, "The Plaistow Library Record," is
Ham, and held since 1884 by the Rev. Thomas Given· published. The Plaistow Fever Hospital, in SamMn
Wilson M.A. of Trinity College, Dublin. St. Andrew's street, erected by the West Ham Corporation in r8gg,
is an ecclesiastical parish, formed Nov. 7, r87r, from is a lar~e structure of red brick with terra cotta
the parish of St. Mary, Plaistow, and is in ihe civil dressings, and has beds for 210 patient-s. St. Mary's
parish of West Ham: the ehurch was consecrated by Hospital for Women and Children, in Upper and London
the Bishop of Rochester on July 26th, 187o, and is a roads, was originally founded, as a Day Nursery only,
spacious and lofty building of stone in the Early English in r888: new buildings, in Upper road, were opened
style, consisting of chancel, nave and aisles and south in rgrr and contain 62 beds: the hospital is provided
porch: there are 550 free sittings. The register dates from with an X-ray department : there is also a roof
the year r87o. The living is a vicarage, net yearly garden. The old hospital, erected in 1893, is now
value £3o6, with residence, in the gift of the Bishop used as a nurses' home and as the out-patient de-
of Chelmsford, and held since 1911 by the Rev. Thomas partment: the Medical Mission, previously a parochial
Henry Dale M.A. of Trinity College, Dublin. St. institution, is now amalgamated with the t.m:pital.
Katharine's mission church, erected in 1Bgr, is a The population of the Plaistow Ward, West Ham County
Btrnctnre of brick, seating 250 per-sons; Rev. Ralph Borough, in 19II 'was 35,246. The population of St.
Lawton )1oore M.A. has been curate in charge since Mary (ecclesiastical) was 22,388, and of St. Andrew.
Igro. St. Martin's mission church, in connection with 33·549· The rateable value is included in the civil
St. Andrew's, erected in 1894, is also of brick in parish of West Ham.
the Gothic fi~yle, and affords 250 ISittings. St. Philip's Verger (8t. .Mary's), H. 0. Bailey.
Postal Sortiug Office, High street 1
Helen Fraser M.B., :B.S.Lond. assistant physician;
Post, M. 0. & T. Office, 57 High street E.-William I Miss Louisa Brandreth Aldrich-Blake M.S., M.:B.Lond.
Potter, postmaster A. E. Kennedy ~LR.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. & Mis.s
Maud Mary Chadburn M.D., B.S.Lond. surgeons;
M. 0. Offices:- Miss Jane Holland Turnbull M.D., B.S.Lond. a~sistant
245 Barking TOad E. Miss .Annie Fyfe, sub-postmistress surgeon; Miss .Amy Sheppard M.B.Lond., D.P.B.
647 Barking road E. Mrs. Sarah Liddall, sub-post- Carob. ophthalmic surgeon; Miss M . .A. Blair ~.D.,
mistress B.S.Lond. amesthetist; :Miss Hilda Kate Whittingham
365 Barking :road E. A.rchibald R. Kerslake, sub-post- M.B., ILS.Lond., D.P.H.R.C.P .S.Lond. pathologist;
master (Telephone Call Office) Miss Christian Constance Bernard L.M.S.S ..A. radio-
61 Plashet road E. Edward John March, sub-postmastr grapher; Miss Turner M.B. resident medical officer
10 Terrace road E.-James Kirkpatrick, sub-postmaster Customs & Excise Office, 778 Barking road, H. Haw~
522 Barking road E. James T. Stewart, sub-postmaster torne, surveyor
East London Cemetery, Grange road, H. W. Littler
I F .I.C.S. manager & sec.; Rev. Laurence Percy .Archer..
PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. I Shepherd ~LA. (Church of England); Rev. T. Maloney
Canning Town Women's Settlement Hospital, Balaam (Roman Catholic) & Rev . .A. J. Gibbens (Noncon-
stret>t, Miss Louisa Woodcock )!.D., B.S.Lond. formist), chaplains
Robert :M. Leslie M.D., B.Sc.Lond. & Miss Louisa Fire Brigade Station, 189 Balaam street, Robert W.
Hamtlton M.D., B.S.Lond. physicians; Miss Margaret 1 Lissenden, station officer
Maternity Charity & District Nurses' Home, Ho ward's United Methodist. Harold road (London (Forest Gate)
road, Miss 0. Pritcha.rd, lady superintendent Circuit), Upton Manor, Rev. Henry William Bainbridg~
MetropolitaD- Polic& Station, K Division. Barking road, (liupt.); 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 8 p.m
Thomas Peel, inspector in charge; William Brompton, Wesleyan Methodist, High st. (Upton Manor Circuit),
inspector Rev. Joseph Hopkins; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m
Passmore Edwards Public Library, North street, D. Wesleyan Methodist, Barking road (London Seamen's
McDougall, librarian Mission), Rev. Chas. Alex. Duthie; I I a.m. &. 6.30 p.m
Public Baths, Balaam street, James D. Sutton, supt Congregational Mission Hall, Southern road; 6.30 p.m
011een's Jubilee Hall, Swete street Congregational Mission, Watson st. ; 12 uoon &, 7 p.m
Recreation Ground, l:lalaam street & Greengate street, Plymouth Brethren Meeting Room, Lower road;
James Shepherd, supt ministers various; II a. m. & 6.go p.m
.St. Mary's Hospital for Women & Children, Upper road St. Andrew's Mission House (Sisters of Bethany), 11a,
& London road, A. E. Kennedy M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., St. Andrew's rd. Sister Agnes Mary, sister in charge
E. B. Randall M.D.Lond., M.R.C.S. & S. J. Wareham St. Andrew's Parish Hall, St. .Andrew's road
F.R.C.S. hon. medical officers; G. W. Roll M.B., St. Mary's Church Hall, Russell street, Rev, T. Given-
B.C.<Ai.mb .• F.R.C.S.Eng. hon. ophthalmic surgeon; Wilson ~LA. vicar
.J. W. H. Eyre M.D., M.S.Durh., D.P.H.Camb. hon. St. Mary's Parish Hall, St. Mary's road, Rev. T. Given-
bacteriologist; C. White M.D., M.S., F.R.C.S., Wilson M.A. vicar
M.R.C.P. gynrecologist; S. J. Wareham F.R.C.S., St. Philip's Mission House, 42 Balaam street
L.R.C.P. surgeon ear, throat .. & nose; R. W. A. St. Thomas' Mission, Northern •oad, Rev. ';1.'. Given-
Salmond :M.D., C.L.M., D.P.H.Aberd. surgeon X-ray Wilson M. A. vicar; 7 p. m
department; Leon Levene M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P. Salvation Army Hall, Upper road; I I a.m. & 7 p.m
Lond. residt>nt medical officer; Edward Wing London City Mission Hall, Balaam st. John Matthew.s,
Twining M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. assistant missio11.ary; sun. 2.45 & 6.30 p.m.; tues. 7-30 p.m
medieal officer; .A. Ernest Wilkes A.C.I.S., F.C.R.A. Gospel Hall, Beaumont road; I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m.
sec; Miss Kate L. Ray, matron Mission Room, 31 Kelland road; I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m
West Ham County Borough Plaistow Fever Hospital, Convent of Franciscan Missionaries of Marv, •
Samson street, John Biernacki M.D.Glas., L.R.C.P. & Mother Saint Michael, provincial, Bethell aven11e
S.Edin. medical supt
PUBLIC OFFICERS. Balaam street (boys, girls & infants), erected for 46o
boys, 460 girls & 572 infants; average attendance, 425
()ollecton of King's Taxes, George Archibald McDo""all bays, 444 girls & 507 infants; D. Rist, master; Miss
F.A.I. 377 Barking road; Nicholas George Anstey, Ford, mistress; Miss Sa:xby, infants' mistress
521 Barking road & Arthur Charles Loury, 425 Cave road, erected for 480 boys, 480 girls & 617 in-
Barking road fants ; avt>rage attendance, 390 boys, 393 girls & 304
Medieal Officer, Plaistow District, & Public Vaocinator infants; Charles W. Truelove, master; Mrs. lsom,
for part of West Ham, West Ham Union, Angus mistress ; Miss K. Harold, infants' mistress
Endicott Kennedy M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. ug Credon road, erected in 1896, for 480 boys, 120 junior
Balaam street boys, 48o girls & 556 infants ; average attendance. 445
1ledical Officer for part of Plaistow & Hudson's, West boys, 394 girls & 426 infants; G. P. Clarke, master;
Ham Union, Henry Fairfax L.M.S.S.A.Lond. 496 Miss Akers. mistres>~; Miss Black burn, infants' mist
Barking road
Denmark street, erected in r885, for 420 boys, 360 girls
Believin~ Officen~, No. 2 District, West Ham Union,
& 543 infants ; average attendance, 380 boys, 333
Frederick Albt-rt Wadsworth, 158 Plashet road; No. girls & 415 infants; Waiter George Mortlock, master;
13 District, West Ham Union, Edward Tucker, 5
Miss :Maud Prosser, girls' mistress; Miss Cull, in-
Wanlip road fants' mistress
Gran~e road, erected in r88r, for 498 boys, 430 girls &
PLACES OF WORSHIP. with times of services. 406 infants; average attendance, 414 boys, 392 girls
St. Mary's Church, St. Mary's road, Rev. T. Given- & 385 infants; J. T. Phillips, master; Miss M. J.
Wilson M.A. vicar; Rev. Ralph Lawton Moore M.A. Hi bell, girls' mistress ; ~iss .A. J. Munn, infants' mist
Rev. George Bernard Hamilton Bishop B.A. Rev. Grange road (West Ham Council School for Mentally
William George Jones B ..A. & Rev. Charles Magraw Defective Children), built for 8o children; Miss B.
M.A. curates; 7, 8, I I & 11.45 a.m. & 3 & 6.30 p.m.; Hewitt, mistress
daily, 7-30 & 10 a.m. & 5.15 p.m. (wed. & fri. 7.30 Grange road (West Ham Council School for Physically
p.m) D~>fective Childrt>n ), built for 40 children; Miss B.
St. Andrew's Church, St. Andrew's road, Rev. Thomas Hewitt, mistress
Henry Dale M.A. vicar; Rev. John Leslie Maddocks Harold road, erected in rgor, for 460 boys, 460 girls &
B.A. Rev. Cyril John Wall Henslow M.A. Rev. Fredk. 632 infants; average attendance, 376 boys, 37') girls
Arnold Cox & Rev. Philip Polhill Darke B.A. curates; & 339 infants; H. A. Donald, master; Miss E. Sin-
7, 8, 9.30, IO.go & II.I5 a.m. & 3 & 6.go p.m.; daily, clair, mistress; Miss C. Prosser, infants' mistress
7 & ro a.m. &; 8 p.m Holborn road, erected in 1903. for 520 boYs, soo ~rls &
St. Katharine's Mission Church, Chapman road (in 58o infants; average attendance, 480 boys, 430 girls
eonnection with St. Mary's parish church), Rev. Ralph & 390 infants; Waiter G. Houghton B.A. master;
Lawton :Moore ~.A. curate in charge; 8 & I0-45 a. m. Miss M. H. Spinner. mistress; Miss A. M. Schottler,
k 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7.30 a.m infants' mi>;tress
~t. Martin's Mission Church (in connection with St. Sew City road, erected in 1897. for 4Bo boys, 480 girls
Andrew's church), Boundary road, served by the & 540 infants; average attendance, 445 boys, 430
elergy of St. Andrew's; 8, IO.I$ & I I a.m. & 3 & 6.30 girls & sor infants ; Edward Hildred, master; Miss
p.m.; daily, 7-30 a.m. & 8 p.m Margaret Pittman, girls' mistress; Miss L. M. Wat-
:St. Philip's ~ission Church, Whitwell road, Rev. HE-nry ling, infants' mistress
Erneo;;t Hardy B ..A. & Rev. Norman Hosegood Pole North street, enlarged in 189o, for 350 boys, 295 girls &;
Th.A.K.C. curateo;;; 7, 8, 10 &; n a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; 322 infants; average attendance, 293 boys, 260 girls &
daily, 6 & 7 a.m. & 7 p.m. ; tues. & sat. 8 a.m 269 infants ; Henry Davis, master; Miss F. Allin,
!Japtist (Barking Road Tabernacle). Rev. Robert Rown- girls' mistress ; Mrs. Collins, infants' mistres8
tree Clifford A.T.S.; XI a.m. & 6.30 p.m St. Helen's, Bethell avenue (mixed), built in 1907, for
!Congregational (Union), :Balaam street, Rev. Waiter 507 children; average attendance, 312 boys & girls &
Stanley Lamb A.T.S.; II a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; mon. 8 r6o infants; Miss M. J. Maher A.C.P. mistress; Mis11
tt.m.; wed. 7-45 p.m Helt>n Porter, infants' mistress
'Congregational (Greengate), Barking road; n a.m. &; Stocl, street, erected in 1887, for 420 bo~·s, 420 girls k
6.30 p.m. ; tues. 8 p.m 464 infants ; average attendance, 404 boys, 39S girls
New Church (Swed£>nborgian), Plashet road; 11 a.m. & & 411 infants; Jesse Weaver Smith, master; Miss
6.30 p.m Dyer, girls' mistress; Miss O:xley, infants' mistress
Primitive Methodist, Colne street (Custom House Cir- Upton Cross, Pla;;;het road, erected in r885, for 410
euit) ; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m boys, 300 girls & 445 infants; average attendance,
. Primitive Methodist. Stratford rd. (West Ham Oircnit), 320 boys, 270 girls & 290 infants; W. J. Field •
Rt>v. Clark Hallam (supt.); I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; master; Miss E. Davies, girls' mistress; Mrs. Woa-
t.hurs. 8 p.m banl,, infants' mistress
St. John's Reformed Episcopal Church, Plashet road, St. Andrew's, St. Andrew's road, enlarged in r8gr, for
Rev. H. P. Muruford, curate; I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; 249 boys, 199 girls & 189 infants; average attend-
wed. 8 p.m ance, 200 boys, 180 girls & x6o infants; . Francis
Society of Friends' ~eeting House, 36 North street ; 1 r Pearce, master ; Miss Gauntlett, girls' mistress ; Mis;a
a.m. lii 7 p.m Ives, infants' mistress
456 PLAISTOW. E8~EX. [ .KI:LL't'S.
Electric Trams.-Canning Town to Victoria & Alberu
CONVEYANCE. Docks (via Becton road), Aldgate to Manor Pars
Railway Station, High street, Matthew Foster, station & Ilford (via Bomford road), Aldgate to Leytonstoae..
master Whipps Cross, Baker's Arms & Epping Forest (via.
Leytonstone road), Stratford to Wanstead Flats (vi&.
Electric Trams pass through from Barking to Iron Romford road)
lh idge, Poplar, Stratford to Victoria & Albert Docks, :Motor Omnibuses.-Upton Park to Elephant & Castle,..
l.anning Town to Stratford (via Hermit road), Iron Plaistow to Earl's Court, East Ham to Putney t:
Bridge, Poplar to Wanstead Flats, Wanstead Flats to Barking to Acton Vale, pass through
Victoria &; Albert Docks, Stratford to East Ham & to -
Green 9tree't (Barking road) (via Upton Park) & Ley- CARRIERS TO LONDON.
ton to Victoria & Albert Docks Carter, Paterson & Co. Ltd. London Parcels l>flliVel'J;
Co. & Pickford.s Limited, daily
Marked thus t receive letters through Fisher John Tulloch. 83 Balaam st Molson Jn. Cavendish, 17 Plashet rd.
Oanning Town. Foale Mrs. A.. I6 Plashet road Monaghan Phillip, 13 Stopford road
Fuller Albert, 34 Stopford road Monk Miss, 53 Dacre road
PRIVATB BBSIDENTS. Gahagan Rev. Frederick C. (Cath.), Moore Rev. Ralph Lawton M.!_
Adamson James, 9 Stopford road 746 Barking road (curate in cha.rge of St. Katba-
Allison Daniel M.B. 669 Barking road Gask Chas. Herbert, 760 Barking rd rine's ), 29 Ceeil road
Bainbridge Rev. Henry Wm. (Uniterl Gibbs William George, 119 Crofton rd Mor'Hs .Albert, 2 Plashet road
Methodist), 71 Stcpford road Given-Wilson Rev. 'l'homas M.A. Osborne Mrs. 6I3 Barking road
Ball William, 3 Stopford road (vicar of St. Mary's), Stopford road O'Sullivan Carl, 762 Barking road·
Barnardo Miss, 18 Stopford road Gooch William, 478 Barking road Parker Francis P. go Cecil road
BBrry Mrs. 21: Stopford road Hallam Rev. Clark (Primitive Metho- Parks Stephen. 23 Stopford road
:Biernacki John M.D. Plaistow Fever dist), 51 Cecil road, Upton Manor Patterson John, 74 'l'errace road
hospitul, Samson street; also IJ Hammond Henry, 6I Stopford road Pipe George W. 79 Dacre road
Wimpole street W Hansen Carl Rudolph B.A., M.B., Randle Charles, 12 Plashet road
Bishop Rev. George Bernard Hamil- Ch.B. 249 Plashet road Reid ..lllan G., B.Sc. 73 Balaam stree~
ton B.A. (senior curate of St. Hardy Rev. Hemy Ernest B.A. Reynolds Henry, 6 Stopford road
Mary's), 70 Cecil road (curate of St.Philip's),42 Balaam st Ricketts Frederick, 24 Plashet road
Banner Judson, I4 Stopford road Hegan E., M.B, 54 Terr~We road Salmon Alfred, 164 Plashet road
Bra.dy Jas. Augustine, 14 Plashet rd Henslow Rev. Cyril John Wall M.A. Sampson William, 8 Plashet road
Brady John Howard, 36 'ferrace road (curate of St. .A.ndrew's), 85 Crof- Sanderson Charles, 20 Plashet road
Bullock Benj amin, IO Stop ford road ton road Scott Harry .Marchant. IS Plsshet rcr
Cartwright Robert Peploe M.B. 336 Hill Sydney Charles, 673 Barking rd ScrivenPr Albert W. 6 Plashet road
Queen's ;road Hirst Henry Albert, 25 Stopford road Simpson Miss LilianG.688 Barkin~ rdl
Challa.ns Frank M.D. 49 Plashet roa(l Hodder Robert John, 87 Stopford rd Smith Rev. Albert A.K.C.L. (chap-
Charlesworth G., B.A. 463 Barking rd Hone Thomas Fredk. 721 Barking rd lain Constance Fairbairn Memorial'
Cheetham Miss R. Settlement house, Hopkins Rev. Joseph (Wesleyan church), 15 Stopford road
Cumberland road Methodist), 76 Selwyn road Smith Joseph Tertim: B.Sc. Richmond'
Clarke John, IO Plashet road Hunns Samuel T. 20 Stopford road house, Richmond street
Clifford Rev. Robert Rowntree Irons William, 727 Barking road Smith Richd. Denson, 497 Barking rd
(Baptist), 433 Barking road Ismn Mrs. I Cecil road Templeton James, 62 Grafton rd. ntba
Cocks Waiter, I Stopford road Jones Rev. John B. (Catholic), 746 Thomson Mrs. n Stopford road
Coombs Edward, 36 Crescent 1·oad Barking road Thorogood George, 9 Plashet road
Cox Rev. Frederick Arnold (curate of Keable Alfred George, 26 Plashet rd Tipple Charles, 585 Barking road
St. Andrew's), St. Andrew's road Kennedy Angus E. I 13 Balaam street Turner Jame~ Charles, 78 Stopford rlf
Craddock Henry Edgar, 84 Dacre road Knott George John, 2 Stopford road Turner Mis~ V. C., ~LB., B.S. Medi-
D'aeth Waiter Cowdell, 47 Prince Lamb Rev. Waiter Stanley A.T.S. cal Mission hospital, Balaam street
Regent's lane .(Congregational), 1 Howard's road Twining Edward Wing M.R.C.S ...
Dale Rev. Thomas Henry M . .A.. (vicar Lawrence Mrs. 4 Plashet road · L.R.C .P. St. ~iary's hospital, Upper-
of St. A.ndrew's), The Vicarage, Lee Mrs. 72 Terrace road road
St. Andrew's road Levene Leon .M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. St. Tydeman Mrs. 66 Cecil road
Darke Rev. Philip Polhill B.A. (curate Mary's hospital, Upper road Veryard Alexander, 19I Balaam st
of St. Mary), 8I Crofton road Maddocks Rev. John Leslie B.A. Watson John W. 166 Plashet road·
Darlow A. Durban ho. 8g Stopford rd (curate of St . .Andrew's), 85 Crof- Webb John, 5 Cecil road
Dhonau Phillip, 85 Stopford road ton road Weeple Mrs. 5 Stopford road
Duthie Rev. Charles Alexander (Wes- Magraw Rev. Cha.rles M.A. (curate of Weller John, 15 Stopford road
leyan), 437 Barking road St. Mary's), 53 Terrace road Williams Mrs.Rosa Morris,48 Cecil r<i
Edwards George, 28 Plashet road Mann James Staples, 19 Stopford rd Wilson Mrs. 12 Stopford road
Edwards John Herbert, 18 Plashet rd Martin .Albert Edward, 3 Cecil road W oodforde A. 64 High street
Ellis .A.lbert William, 4 Stopford rd Mathl'son William Robert !.her- W ortley ~frs. 269 Barking road
Enders Georgl', 22 Plashet road crombie, I7 Stopford road Yeates Henry Hanks, 7 Stopford ro:r({
Eyre Mrs. 2 CeciJ road Matthews John (mjssionary), u8
Fairfax Henry, 496 Barking road Balan.m street
COMMERCIA I,. AJves John, greengrocer, 18 Gordon street
Ambrose W. & Co. caramel manufacturers, 1a, Pelly rd.-
Early closing day, Thursday. T ..l " Dextros•_m, London ; " T N I292 East
Abbott Geo. Henry, insurance agent, 59 Harold road .\mbrose Edward, hair dresser. 598 & 6oo Barking road
Abbott John Amos,tobacconist & news agt.265Ba.rking rd Ambrose Esther (Miss), draper, 220 Bala3m street •
Abel John Henry, builder, 29 Northern road Ames Wm. Herbt. qycle maker, I2 Prince Regent•s lan&·
Abrahams Jacobs, draper, 391 Queen's road Amos George, baker, 4 Third avenue
Abramowitz Myer, draper, 302 Queen's road Amos )iartha (Mrs.), shopkeeper, ~ Mayfield road
Ackrell Louisa (Mrs.),shirt & collar dresser,I86Queen's rd Anderson Samuel Henry, dairy, 104 Plashet road
Adams Frank, dining rooms, 87 High street .lndrews Clara (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 179 New Barn street
.\dams George A. beer retailer, 202 Balaam street Andrews Jane (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 100 Stratford rd'
A damson Emma (Mrs.), wine, spirit &; beer retailer, .\ ngu!'\ J ames, shopkeeper, 93 Balaam street
35I Barking road A.nsell William, shopkeeper, I2 Richmond street
.\dcoclt Edward, tobacconist, 79 Stratford road Anstey, Sons & Dorling, auctioneers, surveyors k;
Ager Edward & Co. builders, I03 Broadway house agents. 521 Barking road (T N 308 East Ham)
.\Jdridge Arthnr Edwin, shopkePper, 38 Lnton road & I I & 12 Finsbury square E C. T N 63I9 LondoBI
Alexander Richard, grocer, I Terrace road Wall ·
Allard Frank, carman, 68 New Barn street Anstey Nicholas George, collector of King's taxes, 5211
Allchin Jesse James, confectioner, 30 Pelly road Barking roarl
Alien Alfred John, boot maker, 22 Upper road Archer A.lice (Mrs.), marine stoFe dlr. 147 Whitwell rdJ
All en John, boot maker, 92 Balaam street .\rmstrong William, shopkeeper, 18 Milton road
Allison Daniel M.B., Ch.B. physician & surgeon, 66g A.rnold Charles, butcher, 49 Stratford road road .\ rpeno Francesco, greengrocer, 58 Plashet road
Almeroth William John;· shopkeeper, 3&5 Queen's road Arrowsmith William, boot repairer, 52 Queen'& road
Alper Samuel, draper, 353 Queen's road Atkins Frank Albert, beer retailer, 344 Grange road.
·,~\lsfor-:1 ~-\lfred, carpenter, 16 Blanche street A.ttwood Rudkin .John. shopkeeper,. 36 Libra road
Atwell .A. &; Son, grocers, 43 Stratford road Bond Harry, insurance agent, 48 Bea1irice street
.1-ubrey Charles, china & glass dealer, 318 Queen's road Bond William, shopkeeper, r8 Sutt{)n rood
.1~·1ett Thomas William, beer retailer, 45 St. Mary's rd Banner Georg£' William, gramophone dlr. 2 Stratford rd

William C. beer retailer, 1 First avenue Booth Robt. Erlwd.Thos.Libra Arms P.H. 53' Stratford rd..
Ayres Henry, greengrocer, 5 Whitwell road Borrett Edgar, laundry, 9 Terrace road
A.yres John William, shopkeeper, 37 Kelland road Boswell William, shopkeeper, 40 Queen's road
Badcock John, general dealer, 44 Grange road Bottches Riohard, hair dresser, 8 Balaam street
Bailey, Fox & Co. silk mfrs. 103 Queen's rd. T N 1277 Ea si Bouldin Edward George, grocer, 5r Whitwell road
B:liley Martha & Maria (Misses), dairy, 14 Terrace road Bourn Richard, pawnbroker, 2 & 4 High st:ree1i
Bailey George, hair dresser, 250 Barking road Bourn Wm. Henry, marint> store dealer, 36 Queen's rd
Bailey John, insurance agent, 89 Patrick road Bowling Henry Fredk. boot maker, 173 Queen's road
Bailey Sidney, baker, 48 Balaam street Boxell Thomas, coal dealer, 56 King street
Baker .Alfred, butcher, 27 Stratford road Bradley George William, shopkeeper, 64 London road
Ball Edwin, master mariner, 140 Plashet road Bradstock John, butcher, 7 Upper rd. & 59 Stratford rd
Ball Kate (Miss), dress maker, qo Plashet road Bralossky Nathan, shopkeeper, 262 Queen's road
Ballantyne & Shepard, printPrs, 40 Harold road Brasier Henry, shopkeeper, 278 Queen's road
Balnaves Charles, shopkeeper, 53 Salmen road Brassington Rose (Mrs.), beer retailer, 148 Grange road!:
Bandy William Robt. confectionet·, 43 Prince Regent's la BremnP.r Martha (Mrs.), confectioner, 7 40 Barking road
Hanks Charles Frederick, boot repairer, 25 High street "'rett Henry James, news agent, 3 Whitwell road
Baptist Tabernacle Guild House (Mrs. Louisa McGee, Brient William John, laundry, 206 Balaam stree•
caretaker), 409 Barking- road Bright James, corset maker, 37 Balaam street
Barclay Charles Henry, hair dresser, I Ingal road Brinn John, custom house officer, 2 Dacre road
Barham Frederi<'lr, fruitPrel', 292 BarJdng road Bristow Charles, news agent, 3 Queen's road
Barker J. & Co. builders, 5 Credon road Bristow John, boot & shoe maker, IT9 Stratford :road
Barker George, beer t·etailer, 4 Samson street Bristow Robert G. grocer, 26 & 28 Whitwell road
Barker Kate (Mn.), oil shop, 34 High street British Di~count Stamp Co. (Thomas David .Andre"ll~,..
Barking Road Timber & General Supply Co. (A. D. manager), furniture dealers, 274 Barking road
:Meers, manager), 252 Barking road Brocl{well Frederick Charles, shopket>per, 94 Balaam st
Barlass William, cycle repairer, 628 Barking road BrockwP.ll Mart ha (Mrs.), shopkePpPr. 154 Grange road
Batlow .Alfred, shopkePper, 87 Rochester avenue Bromlpy Edward, l!rPengrocer, 49 Whitwell road
Batlow James Henry, coal merchant, r Harold road BromlPy Francis Edward L.M.S.S . .A.Lond. physician &..
Barnard & Norri.-, g-rocers, 200 Balaam street surgPon, 772 Barking road
Barnard .-\lice E. (Miss), milliner, 19 Balaam street Brooks Arthur, insurance agent, 86 Wanlip road
Barnard Edward .Arthur, cycle maker, 403 Barking road Brown Ada (Mtss), teacher of shorthand, 459 Barking rdt
Baronowitch Jacob, gramophone dealer, 272 Queen's rd Brown Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 100 First avenue
Bftrrett George Hamilton, baker. 2 Northern road Brown GeorgP, confectioner, 3 Chadwin road
Jlartlett John, confectioner, 31 Pelly road Brown Henry, friPd fish dealer, 86 London road
Bartlett Thomas Henry, grocer, 2 Upperton road Brown Richard, shopkeeper, 19 Grange road
Bat~ford Dorothy (Mrs.), Northumberland Arms P.H. Bruce Robert G. confectioner, 18 Settle road
299 Barking road Bruno Stephen, hair dresser, 33 Stratford road
Baum Harris, draper, 365 Queen's road Bryant Charlotte (Mrs.), florist, 2 Clove street
llaum Joseph, draper, 341 & 361 Queen's road Bryant Eliza (Mrs.), florist, 3 Kelland road
Baxter James & Sons, builders, 31 Plashet road +Brydges J oseph, grocer, 17 Blanche street
Baxter Henry Charles, grocer, so Upper road Buckley James, leather dealer, 576 Barking ruad
Baxter William George, insur. agent, 142 Plashet road Buckley William, boot repairer, 191 Queen's road
lleaman William Thomas, tailor, 129 Greengate street Buclmer Alfred, hair dresser, 96 Balaam street
Bean & Ringwood, acetylene gas generator manufac- Budg-ett Percy Charles, news agent, 6g Plashet road
turers, 32a, St. Mary's road. T N 279 East Ham Bull William, printer, 38 Queen's road
Bt-ar Daniel, ne"\\os agent, 38 St. Mary's road Bunting Charlotte (Mrs.), shopkeeper, r8 Grange road'
Beasley Stephen, butcher, 294 Barking road Bnrdett Charle~, boot maker, 123 Pelly road
Beauchamp John, fried fhh dealer, 35 Pelly road Burke Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 2 Luton road
Beck John Charles, baker, II7 Stratford road Burley Arthur, greengrocer, 40 North street
Beckwith Wm . .Alfred & Son, plumbers, 136 Broadway Burley Georgp Henry, friPd fish shop, 71 High street
Bedwell _\.rthur, wholesale grocer, 438 to +t2 Barking Bnrley John Robt>rt, oil & col or man, 52 Upper road
road. T N 3612 East Burn ~1llwrt J. printer, I-J. Hayday rd. & 1a, lngal roa~
Bed\lell Harry, jun. grocer, 164 Plaistow road Burnet William, confectioner, r26 Broadway
Beer John Robert, laundry, 84 Jlalaam street Burns Edward & Co. painters, 39 Southern road
Hell Abraham, rubber mPrchant, 41 .Milton road Bussey By. secondhand furniture dealer, 549 Barking rd
Bell Minnie (Mrs.), draper, 343 Queen's road Butler George, confectioner, 39 Stratford road
Henardes John, boot repairer, 375 Barliing road Butlin William, house decorator, 135 Plashet road
"8enjamin Morris, draper, 367 Queen's road Byars David .\.m -;den, baker, 72 High street
Bennett Charles Erne~t, cycle agent, 259 Barking road Cabby William Richard, boot repairer, 9 King street
Hennett Cyril William, upholsterer, 578 Barking road Caines William Samuel, printer, 193 Balaam street
Bensted Christopher Charles, coal mer. 70 Denmark st Callcutt George, boot maker, 20 Greengate street
Bensted Robert WaltPr, coal merchant, 12 CrP.don road Cameron Sarah .Ann (Mrs.), confectioner, 5 Terrace rd
BPntley Fredk. Actolphus, furniture dlr. 64 Plashet road C'ampbell Edward, insurancP agent, 4 Grange road
RPrchall George H. Earl Derby P.H. ng London road Candler Edward Wagstaffe B.A. solicitor (firm, Paterson...
Berkham .Alfred Thomas, r.hopl;:eeper, 2 Eastern road Candler & Sykes ), 377 Barking road
Berlinsky Mendel, draper, 331 Queen's road Canning- Town Cinema Hall (Gale & Co. proprietors)-
Berry Hy. horse dealr. 33 New Barn st. T N 1943 East 3I7 Barking road
Bethell Charlotte (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 12 Brown's road Canning Town Women's Settlement (Miss C. Spicer,.
Bevan Charles, furniture rPmover, 82 Harold road hon. sec.; Mtss R. Cheetham, warden), Settlement.
Bew Robert John, decorator, 2 Credon road house, CumbPrland road
Bick Brothers, cycle repairers, 144 Greengate street Canning Town Women's :Settlement Hospital (Miss V.
Bicketts John .Andrew, credit draper, 691 Barking road C. TnrnPr ~VI B , R.S. res. medical officer; Miss Turn-
Bicknell Emily M. (Mrs.), milliner, 326 Queen's road hull. m a tro!l ), Balaam street
Birch Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 46 Denmark street Cansdale Robt. Hubert, tobaccnst. 14 Prince Regent's la.
Bird Frederick, coal dealer, 28 Denmark street Capes John, blacksmith, 74 & 76 Grange road
Birkett William, artificial teeth maker, 519 Barking rd Carey John & Son, firewood dealers, 32 Meredith street
B1shop Clara Harriett C:Mrs. ), herbalist, 9 Graft on rd.nth Carlow George, shopkeeper, 8 Stratford road
Bishop Edward · William, boot maker, 34 Stratford road Carter Henry, builder, 37 Sussex street
Black Jane (Mrs.), underclothing ma. I a, Braemar rd Carter Henry John, greengro-cer, 337a & 345 Barking rd
Blagrove Thomas, florist, -1-9 Balaam street CartPr Robert, plumber, 2 Pragell street
Blake William Hy. laundry, 4 Sarah vik Tunmarsh la Carter William, marine store dealer, 21 Denmark street·
Blaney James Russell, laundry, 137 Plashet road Cartwright Robert Peploe M.B., Ch.B. physician & sur·
Blanks .Alfred, greengrocer, 17 High street geon, 336 Queen's road
Bliss James, grocer, I91 Grange road C'a:<hman John, coffee rooms, 75 High street
Block Alfred .Alexander, dairyman, 674 Barking road Caulfield William, shopkeeper, 6 Prince's terrace
Bloe Alfred, chimney sweep, 135 Queen's road Cavill .!.rthur, hair dresser, 5 Harold road
Blows Harry, grocer, 594 &; 596 Barking road C'halldey & Sons, wheelwrights, 49 & 67 Greengate street.
Blnnden Frederick ..!rthur, beer retailer, 58 Brook's rd Chalkley Waiter John, house decorator, 76 Northern rd,
B atwright John, confectioner, 57 Balaam street

Challans Frank ;M.D., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.Lond. physician I Cottle Frederick, pro.,i<;;ion dealer, .n Pelly road ~
& surgeon, 49 Plashet i"Oad · Cottle William James, builder, 2oga, Plashet road
Cba.q:1bers George, shopkeeper,., I4 Upper road . Cousins. John, coffee rooms, 21 High street
(;;hant Hugh, laundry, 261 Barking rd. T N 18'49 East Cousins William, beer re~ailer, 133 Prince Regent's lana
Chapman Benjamin Robert, fiorist, 50 Western road Coverly Edward, boot repairer, 81 Harold road
Chard Edward, hair dresser, 105 Plashet road Cowan .A.braham, curtain dealer, 304 Queen's road
tCharles George, shopkeeper, 50 Blanche street Cowan LPo~ curtain dealer, 306 Queen's road
Charles Gustavus, hair dresser, 234 Grange road Collell. Frederick Georgt', draper; 8 Terrace road
.Charlesworth George B.A.Cantab., L.S.A..Lond. phy- (';Qx W1lliam .Albert, tailor, 593 Barking road
sician & surgeon, 463 Barl;:ing road Craig Gecrge Merrilees, credit draper, 719 Barking ro•4
<Jhase James, grocer, 98 Whit well road Crandle Elvina (Mrs.), toy dealer, 300 Barking
Chasty Annie (Mrs.), groct>r, 82 Balaam street Crane Lucy (Mrs.). confectioner, 20 New Barn st.reet
Cheek Albert, district $Uperintendent- Pt>arl Assurance Crawford Thomas Frederick, clllthier 318, & pawnbroke~
Co. Limited, 689 Barking road 262, Barking road
Chenery Charles, greengrocer, 10 Greengate street Croft Charles, bntcber, 542 Bal'king road
Cherry Arthur Charle~. ~reengroce:r, 6o Cheste:rton road Cross Sarah Ann (Mrs.), tobacconist, 329 Barking road
Chick Edward, draper, 371 Queen's road Crowe Charles, confectioner, 102 Stratford road
<Jhiverell May (Mjss), dre~s maker, 93 Crofton road Crozier Alhert Chri!!tr. china & glass dlr.26ga,Barkmgrd
Church Army Labour Home, firewood & useful timber Crump Elinor Elizh. (Mrs.), beer retailer, 19 High st
dealers, window cleaning & bill distributing agency Cubitt Charles, photograp.her, 15 High street
(Capt. H. Futter, officer in charge), 172 Balaam street. Cummins Caroline (Mrs.), confectioner, 53 Plasheli road
T N 398 East Ham Cundy & Co.ale&stout bottlers,6rHigh st. T N 1251 Eas•
Clapham Alfred John, fishmonger, 146 Plashet road Cundy & Co. Black Lion P.H. 59 High street
Clark Alfred, grocer, 401 Barking road Curno & Co. mineral water manufrs. 13 Southern road
Clark Edwin, pawnbroker, 289 Barking road Curtis Clara Ethel (Mrs.),corset maker,140 Greengateal;
Clark Susanne (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 31 .St . .Mary's road Curwen J. & Sons Limited, printers, 17 North street.
Clark William, beer retailer, 27 Con way street T A "Curwen, London ; " T N 1737 East
<Jlarke Alfred, grocer, 153 Plashet road Customs & Exci'se Office (H. Hawtorne, surveyor), 778
Clarke Ambrose, hair dresser, 248 Queen's road Barking road
Clarke Charles William, dining- rooms, 15 Pelly road Cuthbert James, oilman, 303 Barking road
Clayden John, fishmonger, 3 Upper ,road Cutmore Arthur, news agent, 207 Plashet road
Clayton, Sons & Co. ironmongers, 305 Barking road Cyzer Israel, drapH, 363 Queen'!! TO!'\d
<Jlements ,John, picture frame maker, 185 Plashet road Dack Harry, tobacconist, 13 Balaam street
Clements William, laundry, 45 Harold road Dacosta John, boot dealer, 389 Queen's road
Clewley William F. metal merchant, 87 & 89 Plashet rd Dadd Sarah Ann (Mrs.), umbrella repairer,44 Western rd
Clifford Archer, grocer, 28 London road D'aeth Waiter Cowdell, physician & surgeon, 47 Prince
Cloal;:e .Tames, shopkeeper, 163 New City road Rt>gent's lane
Clover Charles & Son, blacksmiths & farriers, Milton Daily Graphic Food DepOt, u Grafton road north
street & 9 Stratford road. Daloo & Co. stationers, 359 Queen's road
Coak Ernest, fruiterer, 61 Stratford road Dale Thomas, confectioner, 106 Balaam street
Coak Mary Ann (Mrs.), greengrocer, 40 Stratford road Daltry Fredericli:, ward-robe dealer, 23 Whitwell :road
Coalter Mary (Mrs.), tool dealer, 85 High street Dann Maria Emma (M'rs. ), florist, 572 Barking road
<loan Edward & Maud (Miss), fancy drapers, 278 Bark- Dann Peter, baker, 46 Plashet road
ing road Darlow Alfred L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.:Eng., L.S.A, sur-
Coates Robert, shopkeeper, 72 Stratford road geon, 89 Stopford road
Cockerill Richard Harold, butcher. 631 Ba-rking road Davey John Thomas, cats' meat dealer, 18 Balaam st
tCodling William, grocer, 35 Blanche street Davidson George, butcher, 58 Stratford road
Coe Chas. Wm. fried fish dealer, 10 Prince Regent's la Davies Evan King, fancy draper, 43 Balaam street
CoJ:ten Joseph. tailor, r8 Stratford road Davies Francis Charles, Queen's hotel, 338 Queen's road
Cohen Myer, boot maker. 355 Queen's road Davies Henry, confectioner, 51 Stratford road
Cohen Wolf, draper, 300 Queen's road Davis Henry John & Son, tobacconists, 382 Barking road
Colb1mrne Waiter, jeweller. 37 High street Davis Arthur Sidney, pawnbroker, 410 Barking road
Cole & Son, china & glass dealers, 352 Barking road Davis Frederick, gre.engrocer, 24 Queen's road
Cole Edmund, shopkeeper, 2 Boundary road Davis Harry J. Foresters' Arms P.H. 9 Whitwell road
Cole Kate (Miss), dress maker, 18 Grant street Davis Henry, corn dealer, 5 & 7 Kelland road
Cole Waiter Alfred, china & glass dlr. 388 Barking road Davis Mary E. (Miss), dress maker~ 513 Barking road
Coleman Wm. Ernest, insurance agent, I Valetta grove Davis Myer, clothier, 79 High street
Collett. Gertrude E. (Mrs.), dairy, 104 Howard's road Davis "\Yilliam, electrician, 334 Barking road
Collins Caleb (Mrs.), registry office for servants, 381 Davison Emma Ann (Miss), oil dealer, 75 Plashet road
Barkin~ road · Dawl<ins .Agnes (Mri!. ), shopkeeper, 30 N ort:h street
Collins Herbert, insurance supt. 72 Dacre road Dawson Edward R. grocer & tea dealer, 28 London road
Collins Richard, shopkeeper, 18 Prince Regent's lane Day Frederick, hosier, 246a, Barking road
Colman Joseph, draper, 339 Queen's road Day Jenny (Miss), dress maker, 146 Sutton Court 1:oad
Comber John, hair dresser, 2 Greengate street & I Dearson George,car·man, 14 Clegg st. T N 551 Stratford
Prince Regent's lane De Bruin Jn. Ch'Us. Voltaire, tobaccnst. 176 Plashet rd
Conrad John, dining room, 15 Settle road Dedman Ge~rge, oilman, 1 Lower road
Convent of Franciscan Missionaries of Mary (Rev.Mother Deering _\melia (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 9 Beatrice cottages,
St. Michael, provincial), Bethell avenue Beatrice l'itreet
Cook Alfred, grocer, 30 Swete street de Groot Charles, baker, 552 Barldng road
Cook .A.rthur (Mrs.), furniture remover, 68a, High st De Haas Hilda (Mrs.), ostrich feather mfr.157 Plashet rd
Cook Charles, beer retailer, 21 Beale road north Deissler Bernard, butcher~ 554 Barking road
Cook Edward, carman, 19 EastPrn road De Leef Isaac, draper, 327 Queen's road
Cook Frederick Robert, news agent, 23f7 Plashet road Dellow John, hair dresser, 8 Clove street
Cook Gertrude (Miss), dress maker, 68a, High street Denham Frederick, fried: fish shop, 91 Balaam street
Cook Harry Edgar, clothier, 35 Balaam street Denmark Henry, dining rooms, 27 Greengate street
Cook Harry George, oil k color man, 335 Barking road Dennis Charles William, butcher, 743 Barking road
Cook Lydia (Mrs.), feather cleaner, 35 Rochester avenue Denny Robert, insurance agent, 13 Dundee road
Cook Owen, laundry, 6 Prince Regent's lane Depradines Charles, oil & color man, 149 Haig road.
Cooke Charles, boot repairerf rooa, Stratford road Dhonau Philip Conrad, baker, 54 Stratford road
Coombs Alice (Mrs.), tobacconist, 548 Barking road Dhoole Samuel, estate office, 201 Queen's road
Cooper Frederick, farrier, Prince Regent's lane Dicli:inson Frederick, cats' meat dealer, 4 Greengate ~~
Cooper Frederick Albert, greengrocer, 86 Croydon road Die bel Dorn (Mrs.), laundry, ::: Cam bus road
Cooper Frederick Henry, boot maker, 33a, High street Dilliway Arabella (Mrs.), baker, 537 Barking road
Cooper Geo. William, baker, 48 Prince Regent's lane Dimmick Joseph, boot repairer, 31 Chadwin road
Cooper Harry, boot maker, 38 Stratford road Dixon James William, insurance agent, 6o5 Barking rd
<Jooper William, oilman, II5 Stratford road Dixon William, grocer, 43 Cumberland road
Cope Charles J. dining rooms, 9 Kelland road Dodd Alice (1\Irs.), dress maker, 81 Harold road
Coram Henry, wardrobe dealer, 138 Greengate street Dodd Henry, ~?reengrocer, 70 Whitwell road
Cork Henry, wardrobe dealer, 199 Plashet road Dodd Waiter Henry, insurance agt. 178 Humberstone Jd
Corley William, draper 28, &; bo<Jt maker 30, Hig-h street Dcouss Behjamin, shopkeeper, 28 Grange road
Cornish Jeane~te (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 149 Queen's road Dorli:ing Harry, confectioner, 8 High street
Cotter David, greengrocer, 82 Milton road Dorking Walter, shopl•eeper, HYJ New Barn street
Douglas Gel)r!!e, baker, 3+ Pelly road Fowler Williflm Thomas, ('onfectioner 558, & tobacco-
Dowding Edwin, gen~ral dealer, 46 Queen's road nist 543, Barking ro'l;l
D wling Edward, tobacconist, 175 Plashet road Fox Charles, hair dre~>!'er, 23 High street
Dowling Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 103 Grange road Fox John, cycle dealer, 24I Barking road
Dowling Thos. greengrocer,23 Lower rd.& 129 Grange rd Fox William R. silk manufacturel', see Bailey, Fox & Co
Downs Arthur, confectioner, 22 Greengate street Fo:xall Arthur, jobmaster, 29 Greengate street
Dowst Fanny ~:lrs.), shopkeeper, 21a, Florence road Frakes James, house furnisher, 66 Stratford road
Dowst James, shopkeeper, 74 Upper road Francis A.da (Mrs.), confectioner, 148 Haig road
Dryburgh l>ah•·lla (Miss). dres~ maker, 10 Wanlip road Francis Bt-rnard, fried fish dealer, I Mavfield

Duffy John "linrPnt, dairyman. 8 Prince Regent's lane Francis J Ps'!e. tobacconi•t, 97 Balaam street
Dnnmore Robert, picture frame maker, 57 High street Freeman William & Son, boot makers, 344 Barking road
&; I Richmond strePt Freeman George, boot maker, 44 Plashet road
DuUon Eleanor ()lrs. ), shopl,el'per, 68 Queen's road Freeman James, fried fish dealer, 140 Grange road
Dyer William, fishmongPr, 14 Stratford road French Charles, boot maker, 263 Barking road
Earl Joseph, hassock maker, 123 Broadway French Thomas, pawnbroker, 150 & 152 Grange road
E:Jst London Cemetery (H. W. Littler, manager & sec. ; French \'Yalter, bo:~t repairer, xa, Denmark street
chaplnim. R~-.. Laure11ce Percy Archer~Shepherd 1\-I.A. Freund John, corn & seed factor, 7 Greengate street
Chqrch of England; Rev. T. Maloney, Roman Catho- Frith James, grocer, 200 Queen's road
lic; Rev. A. J. Gibbens, Nonconformist), Grange rd Frith FredPri•·k. ;;hopk!>Pper, l77 Queen"s road
East Frederick, house decorator, 314 Grange road Frost Thomas Henry, cowkeeper, 22 Whitwell road
East Henry, printer, 121 New Barn street . Fulcher Henry, confectioner, 31a, High strePt
E'lstern Travellers' Club (E. Warren, sec.), Balaam st. Fuller Mabel Mary (Mrs.), pawnbroker, So Stratford rd
1' N 1684 East Fuller William Henry, clothier, 7S Stratford road
Ecnitb Frederick, miscellaneous dealer, 5 Colne street Furby Arthur Wm. cats' meat dealer, 26 Stratford road
Eddington W. & Co. mill furnishers, ra, Oompton st Fyfe Annie (Miss ),stationer,& post office, 245 Barking rd
Edgley & Co. mat manufacturers, 57b, Pelly road Gabriel Hermr~nn, Old Greyhound P.H. 174 Balaam st
Edmunds Edwin, corn dealer, 353 Barking road Gane _-\.lfred HPnry. CastlP tavern. 546 Barking road
Edwards Emily Martha (Mrs. ),coffee rms.556 Barking rd GanP Edward Thomas, fried fish shop, 13 High street
Edwards John, provision merchant, so Stratford road Gardiner Frederick & Co. drapers, 33 Balaam st'reet
Edwards Thomas Charles, shopkeeper, 7 .Adine road Gardner William, hair dresser, 22 Frank street
Edwards William, shopkeeper, 32 Conway street Garland _\lfred Jame;;, fishmongPr, 6o Queen's road
Elfes Albert, monumental mason, 203 Plashet road Garrett Jo;;t>ph, shopkt>eper, 7 Prince Rt>gent's lane
Elkington John, electrician, I 1 Kelland road Gask Charles Herbert M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. physician &
Elliff William, printer, 208 Ilalaam street surgeon, Glenthorne, 76o Barking road
Elliott Albert Edward, shopl;eeper, I Patrick road Gent George Henry, dining rooms, 350 Barking road
Ellis John, greengrocer, 68a, High st. & 5 Upper road Gentry John Farrcw, Upton Manor tavern, 48 Plashet
Elston William, chimney sweep, 192 Queen's road road & beer retailer, 343 Barking road
Emery Frederick, butcher, 25 Balaam street GerLis Arthur, cycle dealer, go Balaam street
England Richard, poulterer, I Dongola road Germany George, dining rooms, I39a, Balaam street
Ennos William, shopkeeper, 89 Pelly road Gibbins Geo . .Alfred, boot maker, r6 Prince Regent's la
Etzrodt Augustus, saddler, li7I Balaam street Gibhins George Hemy. insurance agent, 10 Clegg street
E,·ans William John & Sons,musical instrument dealers Gibbs Charles Edward, hair dresser, 55 Eastern road
324 & 326, & hatters 328, Barldng road Gibbs William George, insurance supt. 477 Barking rd
Evans Co. (The), grocNs, 751 Barking road Gig~ William, business transfer agent, 199 Queen's road
Evans Albert. shopkeeper, 6o Beaumont road Gilbert William Joseph & Son, builders, 47 Libra road
Evans Henry, pawnbroker, 4 & 6 Terrace road Giles Samuel, coal dealer, 102 First avenue
Evans Herbert Edward, plumber, 39 Richmond street Giles William, grocer, 78 Whitwell road
Eve Emily (Miss), grocer, 6o Croydon road Gill Abraham, haberdasher, 77 High street
Evennett Edwd.& Son,corn dlrs.7 High st. T N S75 East Gill Thomas Edward, oil & color man, 5I Plashet road
EvE-rest & Co. caramel manufacturers, Northern road. Gillard Henry, greengrocer, I S9 Plashet road
T A " Tinctorial, Plais, London ; " T N 23 East Ham Gilloch Sarah Ann (Mrs.), dyer & cleaner, 92 High st
Everett William, barrow hirer, 71 Northern road Gilson George, confectioner, 41 North street
Fairall Dora (Miss), flori!'t, 3S High street Gingell Jarnes, shopkeeper, 75 Grange road
l<'airfax Henry L.)!I.S.S.A. & L.S.A.Lond. surgeon, & Girling A.ngusta (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 2 King street
medical officer for part of Plaistow & Hudson's, 'Yest Given-Wilson Institute (administrator's office), 57 Stop·
Ham union, 496 Barking road ford road & (Women's Own) (Rev. T. Given-Wilson,
Faldo Alice (.Mrs.), laundry, 6 Clove street administrator), 17 Pelly road; workshops for the
Farey Alfred, fruiterer & greengrocer, 629 Barking road blind (.Arthur Brooks Hall, manager), 33 High street
Farmery John Robert, carpenter & joiner, ss Selwyn rd Glasson J. R. & Co. furniture &c. warehouse, 273, 275, .
Farr James, provision dealer, 354 Barking road 277 & 257 Barking road
Farrant Eleanor Mary (Miss), shopkeeper, 44 Milton rrl Gleeson Emily (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 6o Beatrice street
Farrant John Henry, eel pie house, 526 Barking road Glen Rosa Sanitary Steam Laundry Co. Limited,
tFarrell Robert, hair dresser, xa, Blanche street laundry, 62 Plashet road
Parson Stanlev C. draper, 201 Harold road Glenister Stanley, shopkeeper, 41 Rochester avenue
Ft>lls Fanny (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 295 Grange road Globe Picture Palace, Pelly road
Fenton Albert Edward, insur. agent, 74 Kingsland rd Goatley G. & Sons, builders, 53 Green gate strePt.
Fenwick Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 26 Denmark st T N 268 East
Field William, shopkeeper, ro New Barn street Godbee Alfred, butcher, I I Prince's terrace
Fielding .Alfred, boot maker. 33 r Barking road Godbold Waiter, printer, 319 Barking road
Finglestone Alfred, draper, 337 Queen's road Godden Edward, shopkeeper, I73 Kelly road
Finsong Eva (Mrs.), boot dealer, 312 Queen's road Goldberg- H.uris, boot repairer, 284 Queen's road
Fisher CharlPs, hair dresser, n7a, Broadway Golduorougi1 Charles. milliner, 357 Queen's road
Fisher William George, grocer, 148 Plashet road Golder Richard, butcher, 13 Watson street
Fitzgerald William, boot repairer, 52 Ileaumont road Goodchild James, confectioner, 150 Plashet road
Fitzjohn Joseph, shopkeeper, 11 Radnor street Goodey Joseph Jaml'S, grocer, 213 Grange road
Fleming James Richard, gasfitter, 18 Anne street Gosbee James, oilman, 22 New Citv road
Fletcher Charles, fishmonger, 339 Barking road Graham .Alexander M.B., Ch.B .• H.Sc.Glas. physician &
Flight Hanson, cutler & saw maker, 570 Barking road surgeon. 7oa, High street
Florence M. (~adame). fancy draper, 235 Plashet road Granfield Caroline Maria (Mrs.), shopkpr.go Howard's rd
Foat Charles, grocer, ro7 St. Mary'.s road Grange Joseph, furniture remoYer. 145 Broadway
Fol?go George, fishmonger, I Upland road Grant Christopher, hair dresser, 137 Balaam street
Folkard Frederick J. grocer, .'i6 Stratford road Grant Robert, gramophonp dealer, 145 Plashet road
Pones Harry, fat & bone dealer, 3 Credon road Green Charles. hair dresser, r6 Balaam street
Foote Arthur Theodore, hosier 325, & musical instru- Green Frank Herbert, dTaper, 36 Stratford road
ment dealer 327, Barking- road Green Quartermaster-Sergeant Frederick Thomas, re·
Ford Kate (Miss), girls' school, 64 Cecil road cruiting officer. 332 Barking road
Ford Wm. Hy. wholesale & retail grocer,35 & 4I High st Green George William, dairy, 23 Beale street north
Forrester Alice (Yrs.), bookseller, 290 Queen's road Green Richard Henry, shopkeeper, I25. Balaam street
Foster Brothers Clothing Co. Limited, clothiers, 36S & Greenberg Han·is, boot repairer, 66 Plashet road
370 Barkin~ rood Greenberg Solomon, boot repairer, I Whit well road
Foulger Daniel Burrell R.S.S. farrier, 241 Plashet road Greener FrederiPk Chas. insur. agent, 47 Braemar road
Greengate Electric Theatre (A. Bryan, manager), 529 Heritage Fred, dairyman, 133 Denmark street
Barking road. T N 36 East Ham Hession Edward, coffee rooms, 242 Grange road!
Graig David, provision dealer, 293 Barking road Reward John, boot maker, 6s High stree-t
Griffin Bessie (Mr11.), shopkeeper, 29 Chadwin road Heyes Joseph, stationer, 7 Terrace road
Griggs Edward, greengrocer, 35 Sewell street Hibbs James H. estate agent, 44 Stopford road
Griggs Richard, boot repairer, 23 Denmark street Hibbs John Spencer, shopkeeper, 137 Croydon roa<f
Grin.field Waiter, slater & tiler, 23 Suffolk road Higgs Berry & Son, cycle dealers, 207 Harold road"
Grover Charles Henry, coal dealer, 14 Davis street Higgs George, hair 53 Grange road
Guest L. B. I.imited, chemists & photographic material Hilder Alfred John, photographer, 26] Barking road
dealers, 245 Pla::~het road Hilder SamuPl, oilman, 135 Pelly road
Guest Evalina J a ne Isabel (Mrs.), Old Coach & Horses Hill Arthur Henry, greengrocer, 550 Barking road
P.H. roo Broadway Hill John, shopkeeper, 137 Pelly road
Gnllen Francis, bicycle repairer, 195 Plashet road Hill .Sydney, Greengate P.H. 523 Barking road
G:unnett Herbert Edward, confectioner, 304 Barking rd Hitchcock Charles Edgar, undertaker, 378 Barking road_
Gunston Frederick W. oilman, 48 Stratford road T N 3158 East
Gunter Annie (Miss), dress maker, 15 Liddon road Hobart George Thomas, oilman, 643 Barking road
Gutbrodt Isaac, !hair dresser, 92 London road Hobbs William Henry, grocer, 2 Tinto road
Hackett Thomas, boot & shoe maker, 240 Grange road Hockley William, house (Jecorator, 42 Terrace road
Hadland John, draper, 54 Plashet road Hoffman Franz, ·hair dre;;;ser, 635 Barking mad
Haig Benj. painter & house decorator, 59 Khartoum rd Holley Samuel George, shopkeeper, 74 Northe-rn Joad
Haines M. A. builder, 241 Plashet road Hollick Samuel, bePr retailer, 138 Queen's road
Hall Alfred Fenner, hosier & glover, 749 Barking road Holliday Henry, boot repairer, 38 North street
Hall Edmund Matticott, registrar of births & deaths for Holt John Massey, dairyman, 2 Clegg street
the sub-district of West Ham & Plai>.tow, 19 Clegg st Holton William Henry, coal dealer, 55 Eastern road
H:11l Henry Thomas, furniture dealer, 23 Stratford road f!ome & Colonial Stores Limited, tea dealers &c. 290
Halliday :Q.obert Henry, confectioner, 43 Edinburgh road Barliing road & 6o Stratford road
Ham William Thomas, tobacconist, 31 Grafton rd. nth Hone Thomas Frederick &, Son, house & estate agents~
llamlett Frank, builder, 764 Barking road. T N 546 721 Barking road
East Ham Honey Mabel (Miss), d·ress maker, 5 Western roali
Ramlin William James, grocer, I Kingsland road Honick P. & Son, bakers, I I Terrace road
H:ammer Robert, po.rk: butcher, 535 Barking road Honour .Richard George, greengrocer, 13 Terrace road
Hammerson A. & Co. tailors, 243 Barking road Hood Thomas William, news agent, 27 Upper road
Ha.mmerton Thomas William, news agent, 30 Carson rd Hook Sarah Emily (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 31 Pragell atree'
Hammett Benjamin & Waiter, pawnbrokers 36o & 362, Hopkins Edwin,tin toy ma.Credon rd. T N 235 East Ham
& clothiers 372, Rarldng road Hopkinson Samuel, ironmonger, 168 Plashet road
Hammond l\1. &; Co.coal mers.II Plashet rd. T S 24 East Horn Thomas Reuben, decmator, 672 Barking road
Hammond Alice (:Mrs.), servants' registry office, 133 Hourhen Charles R. d11iryman, 8 Ingal road
Plashet road Howard George, shopkeeper, 51 Northern road
Hancock Joseph, laundry, I2I Stratford road Howell .Annie (:Mrs.), dress maker, 41: Clegg street
Hands William & Sons, builders, 54 Grafton rd. north Howell ,Tohn, teacher of music, 6 King street
Hands George, house decorator, 53 Pelly road Howell Rohert Alfred, piano tuner, 697 Barking road
Hands John, florist, I I Grafton road south Howell William Laurence, greengrocer, 124 :Broadway
Hanreck Louie, picture frame maker, 14 Balaam street Howes Charles, corn dealer, ]6 Stratford road
Hansen Carl Rudolph B.A., M.B., Ch.B.Edin. physician Howes Elizabeth Mary (Mrs.), butcher, 291 Barking rd
& surgeon, 249 Plashet road & (surgery) 393 Green st Howitt Alice (Miss), dress maker, 39 Cum'berland roa!l
Harding .Albert Stepben, baker, 16 Greengate street Howlett Henry. builder, 45 Grafton road north
tHarding Thomas, fishmonger, 3 Blanche street Hudson Mile~. builder, 9I Western road
Hardisty Joseph, butcher, I Brown's road Hughes Geo. wine & spirit mer. (off) 586 Barking rd
Hardy Anne (Mrs.), draper, 14- Greengate street Hughes Hemy (Mrs.), china & earthenware dealer, SS
Hardy Esther (Miss), dress malier, 502 Barliing- roa l & 57 Stratford road
Hardy George William, poultry breeder, 502 Barking rd Hull Annie C~liss), dress malier, 105 Western road
Harknett John Benj. shirt & collar dresser, 16 Clegg st Humphreys David Lloyd, dairy, 40 & 42 Plashet road
Barman Albert, confectioner, 8o llalaam street Humphries Herbt"rt Kerkham, manager London & Pr<r
Harman Fanny (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 14 Brown's road vi:ncial Bank Limited, 778 Barking road
Harper George, iron & metal merchant, 138 Balaam st Hunt FredPrick, confectioner, 44 Stratford road
Harrington William, ~heelwright, Northern road Hunt Maurice, feather manufr. 68, 84 & 143 Plashet rd
Harris Charles Lawrence, shopkeeper, 13 St. :\fary's rd Huntly Alice E. (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 61 Samson street
llarris Eleazer, fioorcloth dealer, 270 Queen's road Hurran Herbert, shopl;:eeper, 3 Richmond street
Harris James, dining rooms, 133 Broadway Hurrell Ernest, insurance agent, 8 Coronation road
Harris Malinsky, tobacconist, 358 Barliing- road Hutchison John, llhopliet>per, 14 Grafton road north
tHarris William Henry, shopkeeper, 15 Blanche street Hutt George, furHiture dealer, 32 Grafton road south
Harris William Samuel, butcher, 357 Barking road Butt Henry William, fishmonger, 564 Barking road
Harrison Fredk. Earl of Beaconsfield P.H. •211 Grange Td Huxtable Albert James, oilman, 3 Greengate street
Harrison Walt.Wm.wringer restorer,56 & 58 New Barn st Hrde George, l'hopkeeper, 2 Beaumont road
Hart Arthur James, tobacconist, 5 Greengate street Hyde Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 21 In gal road
Harvey Colin,. hair dresser, 78 High street Hyde Thomas, fishmonger, 302 Barking road
Harvey Isaac H. W. C. Lamb tavern, 84 :Milton road Ibbotson Ellen p1rs.), grxer, 63 Edinburgh road
H~uvey Lily (Mis8 ), tea.cher of musil', 8 Denmark ~tref't Iles Charles, marine store dealer, 52 Grange road
Hattey Henry B. insurance agent. 5 Liddon road Ilford & East Ham Laundry Co. 637 Barking :road
Hatton George, boot maker, 5 Prince Regent'@ lanf' Independent Labour Party (South West Ham Branch
Hatton Robert, cycle dealer, 70 Stratford road (Benjamin Waiter Gardner, sec.), 472 Barking road
Hatton William George, boot repairer,z Hnmberstone rd Indestructible (The) Enamel Co. enamellers, Western rdo
Havers Samuel Thomas, fruiterer, I 42 Denmark street lngram William. grocer, 69 North street
Hawker Frederick, shopkeeper, 70 Chargeable ~<trPet Inkpen Charles, beer retailer, 106 Plashet road
Hawkridge Ernest, confectioner, 73 High street Inns Georg~>, shopkeeper, ro Clove street
Hawkridge Florence (Miss), shopkeeper, 76 Howard's rd Irons James, beer retailer, 12 New Barn street
Hawtorne H. surveyor of customs & excise, 778 Park- Irons Robert Henry, beer retailer, 140 Balaam street.
ing road Irons William, beer retailer, 308 Barking road
Hay William, hair dresser, 2 Grafton road south Isaacs Ell en (Mrs.), draper, 35 I Queen's road
Hay ball Simeon Thomas, insurance agt. 84 A 'IJenons rd fsaac3 Israel, fried fish dealer, 217 Grange road
Hayden T>homas, wheelwright, Fenton's avenue Israel & TlH~mpson, shopkeepers, 383 Queen's road
Hayward Frpderick Charles, laundry, 67 North street Israel Alfred, wardrobe dealer, 322 Queen's road
Healy Henry, shopkeeper, :.9 Beaumunt road hraelson Julius, tailor, 100 Plashet road
Hearn Thos. Jas. saddler, 51 Balaam st. T N 1263 East Jackson Rohert, news agent, 28 Stratford road
Heester John, boot repairer, 140 New City road Jackson Su,;an (Mrs.), shopkt>~>p4>r. 91 Croydon road
Began Edwin M.B., B.S., B.A.O. physician & surgeon, Jacohs George, dra~er, 46 Stratford road
54 Terrace road Jacobs Tombosky, fried fish shop, 136 Queen's road
Helliar Samuel & Sous, printers, 237 Barking road Jame5 Alfred, greengrocer, 29 Stratford rood
Henry K. toot maker, 347 Queeu·s road .Jarvis George, greengrocer, 14 New Barn street
Hen!'on William Samuel, tobacconist, 246 Barliing road Jaye George, greengrocer, 458 Barking road
l:lt>rapath Philip, dairy, 23 Prince Regent's lane Jeffrey Robert Henrv, confectioner, 63 Stratford road
Herberg Charles, hair dresser, 6 Stratford road
Jeye8' Sanitary Compounds Co. Limited, RIChmond et LPvitsl;:y ~illy ()Irs. ), shopkeeper, 296 Queen's road
et Pelly road. T A "Jeyes, Plaistow;" T N 37 East Levitt Thomas, tailor, 204 Balaam street
JoeJ Leah (lirs.), eel p1e house, 3~ Pelly road Levy .Ash er, confectionei, 255 Barking road
Johnso& Cha.rles, house & estate agent, 244 Grange roa•i LHy Emily (Mrs.), china dealer, 345 Queen "s road
Johnl!on Reginald William, shopkeeper, 46;) Barkmg 1 d Levy Jacob, fur cleaner, 325 Queen's road
Johnston Waiter, grocer, 28 Pelly road LeYy Morris, furrier, 324 Queen's road
Jolly Cornelius, fruiterers, 171 Carson road Lewin James R. pamter, 6o Northern road
Jolly William, furriPr. ISO Plashet road Le"ll"is Lewis & Co. diapers, 307 & 309 Barking road
Jc;nes Wm. & Co. grocers & prov. mers. 313 Barking 1·d Lewis Caroline (~H•s), dress maker, 59 Braemar road
Jones Wm. & Son, proYision merchants, 349 Barking rd Liddall Sarah (M1 s. ), fancy repository, & post office,
Jones Alfred, coal dealer, 9 lngal road 647 Barking road
Jones Edward, bird dealer, 315 Queen's road Lindsey Lister, insurance agent, 65 Olive road
Jones FJ,'ederick Sydney Laurence, beer retailer, 135 Ling Samuel, toy dealer, r83 Plashet road
Broadwav • Lipton Ltd. provsn. mers.& tea d.lrs.284 & 649 Barking rd
]ones Henry William, dairyman, 39 Rochester avenue Littmoden Henry William, shopkeeper, 145 Grange rd
Jones John William, dairy, 24 High street Living Charles & Sons, estat~ agents, 125 Broadway.
Jones Rees Thomas, provision dealer, 341 Barking road T ~ 1257 East
Jones Richard, ladies' & children's underclothing dealer, Lloyd William, insurance agent, 12 Tabernacle avenue
54 Queen's road Lockwood Brothers, tailors, 342 Barking road
Jones Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 26 Beaumon~ Joad Lockwood Henry, hair dr~sser, 132 Balaam street
Jones Thomas, assistant imurance supt. 20 Ne"man rd Lodge Frederick, fishmonger, 6 Whitwell road
Katscher Paul, hair dresser, 18 New Barn street Logan Andrew, news agent, 630 Barking road
Keane .Maurice, cu'itom house officer, 16 Dacre road Lomax Joseph Henry, confectioner, 82 Plashet roQ.d
Kebbell James, boot maker, 27 Balaam street London Caramel Co. (The), caramel manufrs. Stock st
Kt'eling Frederick, greengrocer, 59 Plashet road London & Provincial Bank Limited (branch) (H. K.
Keemer Frank, confectionPr, 6o Plashet road Humphnes, manager), 778 Barking road (corner of
Keevan .t Co. clothiers, 566 Barking road Boundary road); draw on head office, 3 Bank build-
Kelle Paul, buteher, 176 Balaam st:Jreet in~s E 0 & Glyn, Mills, Cnrrie & Co. 67 Lombard
Keneh Ohas. K. painter & decorator, 61 Hollybu:oh st street E C, London. See advertisement
Kench John, oilman, 19 Pelly road London & South Western Bank Ltd. (branch) (Horatio
Kendell Edmund, insnrAnce agfnt,52 PrincP Regf'nt'" la Leonard Langdon, manager), 249 Plashet road; draw
Kennard Fr£>df'rick Genrge, supPriutendtnt Prudential on head office, 170 Fenchurch street, London E C
Assuranre Co. LimitPrl, 421 Barking- road London, Tilbury & Southend Railway, goods & coal sta-
Kennedy Angus E., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., L.S.A. surgeon tion, Riles road
& medical officer & public vaccinator, Plaistow district, London Henry, shopkeeper, 38 Croydon road
West Ham union, II3 Balaam street Long Albert Edward, shopkeeper, 2 Ling road
Kenner Samuel, tailor, 56 Plashet road Long Clara M. W. (Miss), music teacher, 52 Stopford rd
Kensington (~iss), dress m3ker, -7 Samson st Loru Mary Ann p1iss), shopkeeper, 562 Barking road
Kent George F.S.I. architect & surveyor,52r Barkin~r rd Lord William James Thomas, chemist, 547 Barking rd
Kerslake Archibald R. bal>er, confectioner, & post office, Loughlin Patrick, shopkeepE>r, 39 James street
365 Barking road Loury .Arthur Charles, estate agent & assE>ssor & col-
Ketley William John,wine & spirit dealer,2g6 Barking rd lector of income ta"X, 425 Barking rd. T N 3154 East
Kevworth William, grocer, 5 Ohadwin road Low Arthur, dairyman, 167 Ba1aam strept
Kilbnrn Edward & Co. builders' merchants, 538 Barl;:ing Lowery ~ichael, shopkeeper, 6 Samson street
road. T N 538 East Ham Lowman Eleanor (::M;rs. ), wardrobe dealer, 7 Stratford rd
Kilby Bros. coal dlrs. 145 Olive rd. T N 330 East Ham Lowrie Harry, rrwtor ga~ age, New Barn street
King Annie (Mrs.), •hirt & collar dresser, 141 Ne" Lowry DaniPl, r11g" dealer, 292 Que.:on"s road
Barn street Luck Brothers, milliners, 260 Queen's road
King Chas. Christopher, beer retlr. 46 Grafton rd. north Luck Alice (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 6r Western road
Kingston Christopher, florist, 369 Queen's road Lucke Thomas A. artificial teeth mfr. 28 Stopford road
Kinselley Thos. .Biggs, general dealer, I 87 Plashet road Lucking David Willi:un, decorator, r63 Harold road
Kirkpat.rick .Tames, chemist, & post office, ro Terrace rd Ludlow Francis, dairy, 8 A dine road
Kitchener Samuel John, boot & shoe ma. 545 Barking rd Ludlow Thomas George, baker, 3II Barldng road
Kite George Edwin, tailor, 645 Barking road Lutz Michael, baker, 32 Khartoum road
Knight William & Son, decorators, 14 Harold road McClurp .Andrew Wallace, credit draper, 710 Barking rd
Knight Frank, shopl•eeper, 18 Greengate street McDor.agh James Samuel M.R.C.S.Eng., L.S.A. phy-
Knight George, fried fish dealer, 151 Plashet road sician & surgeon, 744 Barking- road
Knight William, painter & de~orator, 25 Grange road ~IcDonald .A. boot maker, 626 Barking road
Koniippel Ro~etta (Miss), dress maker, II9 Humber- McDonald Donaid, fruiterer, 81 High street
stone road McDonald Elizh. (Mrs.), confctnr. 3 Prince Regent's la
Kohan Samuel. draper, 294 Queen's road McDonald Maurice, cart & van builder, Anne street
Kramer E. & Co. drapers, 333 Queen's road McDowall Geol"ge Archibald F.A.I. auctioneer, &
Krauss Henry, baker, 282 Barking road collector of King's taxes Plaistow north, 377 Barking
Knch Emily (Mrs.), pork butcher, 7 & 9 Balaam street road. T N 273 East Ham
Kuch Marie (1\'Irs. ), confectioner, 346 Barliing road Mace William, bureher, 347 Barking rood
Lakey Elizabeth (Mrs.), feather drt'sser, 19 Maud road McGiff Alfred William, credit tailor, 704 Barking road
Lane John, eel pie house, ~64 Barking road :\icGregor J ames, decorator, 23 Ghesterton terrace
Langshaw Arthur Josl'ph, hair dresser, r Milton street McGregor Robert, wardrobe dealer, 26 Queen's road
Law Elizabeth (~iss), confectioner, 26 High street Mack & Son, butchers, n Whitwell road
Lawrence Albert Edwd. furniture dlr. 610 Barking rd Macka y Elizabeth (Mrs.), draper. 373 Queen's road
l.awrence Charles William, carman, 55 .Anne street McKenzie Julia (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 2 Sarah villas, Tun-
Lawrence Edward, fried fish shop, 177 New Barn street marsh lane
Lawrence Josiah, fried fish dealer, 6g Whitwell road Mackenzie William, shopkeeper, 35 King street
Lawrence Sydney, confr. 155 Plashet rd. T N384 East Mallows Ernest, grocer, 202 & 204 Queen's road
Laws Robert Joseph. carman, 10 & 12 Colne street ~Iandarello .:\<fichael, coal dealer, 20 Milton road
Lawton John, confectioner, 35 Greengate street Manhood William, watch maker, 268 Barking road
Leary Robert, greengrocer, 104 Stratford road Mann 'f. E. & Go. emery manufacturers, Kelland r<Mld
Le Bas Hv. flock manfr. r North st. T N 626 East Ham Manning Frederick C. shopkeeper, so Mayfield road
Lebean Waiter .Albert, dairyman, 21 Greengate street Mansey Giovani, fruiterer, 193 Grange road
Lee Ann (Mrs.) & Co. drapers, 641 Barking road Mansfield House Boys' Club (S. G. Hillyer, hon. sec.),
Lee Alfred Edward, estate office, 250 Queen's road Fairbairn hall, 310 to 314 Barking road
Lee Henry William, shopkeeper, u Denmark street Mansfield House Cafe (Mrs. A. Isted, manageress), 316
Lefeber Hermeline (Miss), fancy draper, 151 Balaam st Barking road
Lefcovitch Morris, hoot repairer, 10 New Barn street Mansfield William. shopkeeper, 2 May road
Leidenberger William, pork butcher, 39 street Maple Harry Archibald, plumber, 64 Selwyn road
Lelliott Waiter Edward, baker, 279 & 333 Barking road March Edward John, corn & post office,6r Plashet rd
Leno.x Charlton, house decorator, 20 Dacre road Marchant Joseph, dairyman, 742 Barking road
Loon Victor, photographer, 58 Queen's road Marine Engineers' Association Limited (branch) (John
Letter Robert Abraharn, confectioner, 335 Queen's road Duncan, sec.), 776 Barking road
Levenson Henry, milliner, sSo Barking road Marlow & Pratt, butchers, 45 Plashet road •
Leverett. & Frye Limited, grocers, 28 I Barking road Marsh Ada (Mr<~. ), wardrobe dealer, 134 Broadway &i
costumier, 29 Balaam street
Marsh Daisy (Miss), dress maker, 6o Balaam street ~ewton Vincent George, shopkeeper, 19 Grafton rd, sth
Marsh Edwud W. hous.:l decorator, 130 New Barn st Ney Edward Frederick, butcher, 181 New Barn street
Marsh Robert James, beer retailer, 14 Whitwell road Nicholl~ Henry. chimney sweeper, 43 Beaumon\ road
Maffih'llll Johanna (Mrs.), shopkeepe:c, 45 Whitwell road Nicholls William, chimney sweeper, 15 Grafton rd. sth
Martin Edward, shopkeeper, I3I Prince Regent's lane Nicholls Willia.tCl Hy. provision dealer, 320 Barking roact
Martin Harold A. shopkeeper, 236 Grange road ~ichols Ch:ules, confectioner, 518 Barl;:ing road
Martin Joshua, shopl;:eeper, 91 Che1'1terton road Nord Eric & Co. ladies' outfitters, 624 Barking road
Marx Ernest Louis, house decorator, 33 St. Mary's road Normington Edward William,haberdasher,I3Prince's ter
Marx Paul, hair dre~~er, 239 Plashet road Norris & Co. furniture removers, 99 Harold road
Maskett James, ra!!" merchant, 49 Mayfield road ~·JITis William H. pawnbroker, x8o Plashet road
Mason & Mason Ltd. eprinting ink manufrs. Mason st 1\"orton Ueorge William, butcher, 41 Stratford road
.Yiason Albert George, builder, 622 BarJ,ing- road Nunn Thomas, greengrocer, 232 Grange road
~lason William James. draper, 177 PlashPt road [ Nurse Eliza (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, So & 82 High stred
MatPrnity (The) Charity .& District Nurses· Home (:Miss ~ykerk Simon, toy dealer, 328 Queen's road
C. Pritchard, l:>dy supt.), 17-27 Howard's road O'Brien John, boot maker, 63<;a, Barl.:ing road
Matthews Amy (Mrs.), beer retailer, 26 Pelly road O'Brien John, boot maker, 6o Grafton road north
Manro Ralph, hair dresser, 181 Plashet road O"Connor Maurice, plumber, 122 Plashet road
Mayer William George, oilman, 172 New Barn street O'Connor Patrick, laundry, 634 Barking road
Mayo Frederick William (Mrs.), tailoress, 70 High st O'Donnell Edward, grocer, 72 Falcon street
~Iea1,in .1ohn Herbert, uphols-terer, 62 Credon road Offwood Frederick George, Lord Raglan P.H. 9 High •'
"Meari Henry, grocPr, 64 Prince Regent's lane O'Gorman Thomas, barrow maker, 67 Milton road
Meal'S John, beer & wine retailer, no Grange road Oldfield & Sons, grocers, 86 Plashet road
Meddemmen Waiter, imnrance ag-ent, 122 King-sland rd Oldbamstead William, insurance supt. 24 CrescPnt road
Mercier & W'l tson, :physicians & surgPons,I66 Pla~het rd Oram Thomas, shopkeeper, 1 Radnor street
::\lercier Charles Jerome A. N., M.B., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Os borne Harriett (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 4 Clove street
Lond. phvsician & surgeon, see Mercier & W at son O'Shea Patrick, news agent, I I High street
Middleton Samuel, boot maker, 178 Plashet road o~mont Henry John, pawnbroker, 520 & 524 Barking rd
Midland Railway (London, Tilbnry & Southend section). Otto Ferdinand Charles, decorator, 9 Khartoum road
locomotive dPpartment (S. H. Whitelock, supt.) & Overman Harris, draper, 329 Queen's road
carriage & wagon department (F. Platt, supt.), Pack Charles, shopkeeper, 15 Watson street
Plaistow road Page, Calnan & Co. Limited, builders' merchants &c.
Millard William, boot maker, 366 Barking road High street. T N 825 East
.Millbank Percy, hutcher, 17 Grange road PagA James, greengrocer, 13 Walton road
Miller EditJh (Miss), teacher of telegraphy,7n Barkingrd Pahner Richard Wallace, beer retailer, 66 Queen's road
Miller Isaac, tailor, 14i Haig road Pankhurst Emma (Miss), costumier, 22 Stopford road
Miller John .Tames, cats' meat dealer, 29 High street Parfect John Barker, shopkeeper, 144 Tunmarsh lane
:'1-liller Rebecca (Mrs.), cats' meat dealer, 12 Prince's ter Parish Edward, confectioner, 179 Plashet road
Miller Richard, :fishmonger, 133 Halaam street Park Cinema (Levy & Harris, proprietors), Plashet road
l\Iiaer Richard, shorkeeper, 66 Grange road Parl;:er James Alexander, coal merchant, 66 Northern rd
Mill~r Samael .TamPs, beer retailer, 12 Whitwell road Parker William Thomas, beer retailer, I Conwa';l• street
Millidge Alfred Edward,house decorator,3 Edinburgh rd Parnell Frederick, tobacco pipe ma. 12 Plaistow Park rd
:\fillo Thomas, shopkeeper, 38 Brown's road · Partis William, boot repairer, 24 Walton road
:\!ills Herbert T. market gardener, Cumberland farm, Paske, Farr & Oo. grocers, 544 Barking road
Elkington road Pasmore William, grocer, 65 Avenons road
:'~.Ells John, boot maker, 138 Grange road Paterson, Candler & Sykes, solicitors, 377 Barking road
Mills William Bertie, watch maker, 330 Barking road Patrono Raffaelo, greengrocer, 4 Balaam street
:\litchell Charles Henry, plumber, 44 Edinburgh road Payne Alice (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 44 Queen's road
:.Mitchell Florence (Mrs.), ironmonger, 21 Stratford road Pearson John Robert, bird fancier, 4 Stratford road
Mitchell Richard John, house decorator, 3 Settle road Pease Thomas & Co. cycle dealers, 540 Barking road
.\htchell Thomas, furniture dealer, 143 Balaam street Pease Wm. Robt. & Co. pianoforte mas. 774 Barking rd
Mizen Henry James, wardrobe dealerr 24 Stratford road Peck Robert, plumber, I Kelland road
:\iolson John C!ivendish M.D.Chic., L.R.C.P.Lond. phy- Perkins Ethel (Miss), grocer, 10 Adine road
sician & surgeon, 17 Plashet road Pen·ot Annie (Mrs.), shopkpr. 1 Winifred ter.Victoria rd
Moorcraft Mary .A.nn (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 28 Swete street Perry CharlE>s & James, jobmasters, 6r Grafton road
M:oorcroft Edward, confectioner, 3 Ling road north. T N 450 Stratford
Yoore Henry, stationer 141, & printer 149, Plashet rd Perry Jarnes Joseph, bicycle maker, 42 North street
~Ioore James Isaac, plumber, 176 Sutton Court road PPterson Alice (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 256 Queen's road
~Ioore William, shopkPepPr, 2 Herbert street Pettrey William, boot repairer, r6r Plashet road
Morgan Macdonald, hair dresser, 123 Stratford road Phillips, Phillips & Co. wheelwrights, 68 High street
Morris Edward, fried fish dealer, 65 Stratford road Phillips & Sons, grocers, 52 Stratford road
Morrow William Davidson, hair dresser, 16 Upper road Phillips Frank, beer retailer (off), 6o Harold road
Morse Alfred T., Sons & Co. paint, color, varnish, Phillips George, furniture dealer, 63 High street
enamel, fresco & calcarium manufacturers, Upper Phillips Harry, shopkeeper, 264 Queen's road
road & Grange road. T N 37I7 East; T A "Cal- Phillips Richard Medcalf, corn dealer, 539 Barking road
carium, Plais, London" Phillips Thos. Jas. fried fish dlr. 6o6 & 6o8 Barking rd
Mortimer Charles, shoplieeper, 39a, Victoria road Philpott Emily Foster (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 39 Grange rd
Mortlock Annie Elizabeth (Mrs.), ladies' blouse maker, Phrenix Confectionery Co. 14.a, Middle road
6 Greengate street Pierson Dorothy (Miss) T.C.M. teacher of music, 6~
Moss John Arthur, dairy, 132 Broadway Wigston road ·
Mott Ernest, confectioner, 243 Plashet road Plaistow Central Cinema (Cundy & Co. proprietors),
Moxom George William, oilman, 41 Lower road Richmond street. T N 1593 East
t:Murphy Daniel, shopkeeper, 59 Blanche street Plaistow Fever Hospital (J. Biernacki M.D. medicar
Mmphy Walter John, boot repairer, 104 First avenue superintendent), Samson street
Mynard Gertrude (Mrs.), glass & earthenware dealer, 22 Plaistow Public Baths (James D. Sutton, snpt.).
High street Balaam street
~adler Marx, hosier, 348 Barking road Plaistow School of Music (Miss :M. Wilco:x, principal).
~airne .A.nnie (Mr5.), grocer, I Carson road Bg Balaam strPet
Naldrett Sarah Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 2 James street Plaistow Spiritualistic Society, Braemar road
Nancarrow Harold, d~er, IJO P1ashet road Plaistow Working Men's Club (H. Aspen, sec.), g()
~ anfin A.nne (Mrs.), haberdasher, xo Stratford road Grange road
Narbrough Rachael (Miss), dress maker, 517 Barking rd Plato Henry, milk can & churn maker, 536 Barking rd
~a,h Samuel, hfJsier, 120 Plashet road Pleasance Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 33 Brown's rd
~ash Wi1lia~, -watch ~a,ker, 532 Barl,ing road · Pledge George, butcher, 380 Barking road
National Umon of. Sh1ps Stewards, C?oks, Butchers & Pluckrose Elizh. (Mrs.), shopkpr. 27 Denmark street
Bakers (W. Sma1les, sec.), 367 Barkmg road Plummer William, shopkeeper, 8r Brook's road · ·
Nevill William & G:eorge, brake proprietors, I3 Outram Plumridge William Thomas, boot maker,235 Barking Td
street & 338 Barkmg road Pocock Samuel, shopkeeper, 30 Howard's road
Nevill Martha (Mrs.), butcher, 337 Barking road Polack John, fancy goods dealer, 379 Queen's road
Newbery Robert Waiter, grocer, 135 Balaam street Pollard Charles, ironmonger, 20 Balaam street ·
Newt'll John, hair dresser, 85 High street Polley William, baker, r63 Balaam street · John, saw mills. 20 Grant st. & 72 Whitwell rd Ponder Henry, fruiterer, 127 Balaam street
Newman's Drug Stores Limited, chemists,374 Barkmg rd Pope William, greengrocer, 215 Grange road
Porter William George & Son, painters & decorators, 19 St. Mary's Hospital for Women & Children (Leon
Greengate street Levene M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. resident medical officer;
Potter William Samuel & Co. chemists, & post office, 57 E. W. Twining M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. assistant medical
High street. T N 3419 East officer; Miss Kate L. Ray, matron; A. Ernest Wilkes
Potton James John, baker, 68 Whitwell road A.C.I.S., F.O.R.A. sec ; for complete medical sta:II
Poupard & Co. grocers, 73 Stratford road see p. 455), Upper road & 36 London road
Poupard Edwin George, grocer, 131 Grange road St. Mary's Hostel, 53 & 55 Stopford road
Pov.ell George, plumber, 63 Howard's road St. Mary's Parish Ball (Henry Orentes Bailey, keeper),.
Poyton George, confectioner, z8o Barking road St. Mary's road
Pratt Martha (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 51 St. Mary's road St. Ma.ry's Widows' Home, 59 Stopford road
Pratt Percy, butcher, see Marlow & Pratt St. Matthias' Church Young Men's Society (Rev. Edward
Pre;;ton Thomas, firewood dealer, 43 St. Mary's road Lees ~LA.), Beaconsfield road
Prestwich Robert, confectioner, 136 Grange road Salmon W. & Sons, boot makers, 26 Prince Regent's lan~
Price Charles Joseph, butcher, 276 Barking road Salmon Thomas, boot repairer, 175 New Barn street
Price Foster James, grocer, I I & 14 Walton road Salmon Wm.Hy. tobacconist, 71 Plashet rd. ;I:Nr3o5 East
Price James, grocer, 128 Broadway Samuels Jacob, draper, 387 Queen's road
Price Jghn William, shopkeeper, 22 Crofton road Sanders Brothers, corn & flour dealers, 306 Barking road
Price Ruth (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 308 Queen's road & 69 Stratford road
Price Thomas Tizzard, beer retailer, I Balaam street Sanders Waiter, painter, 145 Stratford road
Prior John Thomas, dyer, 125 Greengate street Sargent Clarence, laundry, 121 Broad'l\ay
Prior William, greengrocer, 293 Grange road Savage Geo. confectioner & news agent, 108 London rd
Proctor Herbert, hair dresser, 51 Pelly road Saywell Joseph, shopkeeper, 191 Plashet road
Pullen Alfred James, shopkeeper, 54 Eastern road Schafer Carl, shopkeeper, 48 Denmark street
Pye Horace J. shopkeeper, 30 New Barn street Scharde Alice (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 5t> Second avenue
Quail Edwin & Son. boot makers, 747 Barking road Schoberts, anti-fouling composition mfrs. m, Pelly rd
Queen's Jubilee Hall, Swete street Schofield Lottie Winifred (Miss), teacher of pianoforte,.
Quigley K. Peter, certified bailiff, 49 Harold road 156 Harold road
Rabenau Fredk. teacher of physical culture,II6Western rd Schwartz Harry, tailor, 582 Barking road
Raibid Hermann, photographer, 632 Barking road Schwinge Hnry Hyam, be~r retailer, 28 Sewell street
Rainer Albert, dining rooms, 247 Plashet road Scott Brothers. tailors, 376 Barking road
Rapport Alexander, enamel ware dealer, 282 Queen's rd Scott Waiter Wm. picture frame maker, 574 Barkin~Y rd
Rayner Herbt.S.grocer & provision dealer, 47 Plashet rd Scott William R. insurance agent, 162 New Barn s;reet.
Rayner John, shopkeeper, II2 Western road Scruton Joseph James, confectioner, 20 ~ew City road
Read Annie (Mrs.), marine store dealer, 134 Queen's rd Scrutton & Crebbin, house agents, 235 Barking road
'Read George Sidney, general dealer, 72 Edward street Seabourn Thomas Arthur, shopkeeper, 2 Lower road
Read Henry Theodore, news agent, 130 Broadway Seaman Henry George, coal dealer, 92 Edward streei
Read John, jam manufr. 105, 107 & 109 Grange road Search Joseph, fruiterer, 745 Barking road
Read Thomas J. insurance agent, 25 Ohadwin road Sear} Henry, greengrocer, 75 London road
Read William Thomas, cycle dealer, 13 Grafton rd.north Searle Ellen )faria (Mrs.), corn dealer 187, & news
Recruiting Office, 24 Terrace road agent r8g, (}range road
Reed Alfred, confectioner, 271 Barking road Searle Horace William, corn & flour dealer, n Balaam s~
Reed Hemy William, plumber, 18 Crescent road Secunda Abraham, furniture dealer, 321 Queen's road
tReed Herbert Stanley, boot maker, 2 Blanche street Selby William, grocer, go London road
Reeves John Edward, photographer, 251 Barking road. Selby William Robert, estate agent, 4 Howard's road
Reid, McFarlane & Co. Limited, boiler coverers, 7 Gra- Seyfried John Fredk. scrap iron dlr. 665 Barking road
ham road. T A " Diatomite, London ; " T N 3320 East Shakespeare James, greengrocer, r83 Ne"~> Barn street
Reid Stephen & Co. surveyors & certified bailiffs under Shannon Solomon, embroidery dealer, 310 Queen's road
the "Law of Distress Amendment Act," 47 High st Sharp Thomas F.A.I. auctioneer, 104 Broadway. T N
Reid .A.llan George B.Sc .. , M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. physician 3473 East
& surgeon. 73 Balaam street Shaw John Woollans, ironmonger, 541 Barking road
Restarick Alfred, boot repairer, 17 Settle road Shead Albert Henry, grocer, rso Jedburgh road
Retter Charles, butcher, 24 Greengate street Shead Frederick, oil & calor man, so Prince Regent's liJ..
Ribeiro Elias, pickle maker,• so Queen's road Shenker .Maurice, draper, 317 Queen's road
Rice Harry, upholsterer, 40 Terrace road Shepard RCJber~ William George, printer, see Ballan-
Rich William, laundry, 58 Prince negent's lane tyue & Shepard
P.ichards Lenora (Miss), coffee rooms, 21 Balaam street Shermer Henry, wardrobe dealer, 7 Prince's terrace
Richardson George, beer retailer, 142 New City road Shlamovitz Abraham. dress material dlr. 349 Queen's r<l
Richens William, hair dresser, 74 Stratford road Shonk Louisa (Mr·s.), shopkeeper, 11 Beatrice street
Ridd Thomas & Son, builders, 2 M a ud road Short Frederick George, coal dealer, 49 Webb street
Riddell Archibald, shopkeeper, 20 Queen's road Shutter George, photographer, 340 Barking road
Rippe Charles William, firewood dealer, 7 Milton street Siemann Frederick, hair dresser, 20 High street
Rising Rachael (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 1 Queen's road Sills George, decorator, 13 Pelly road
Rixson Martha (Mtss), <:onfectioner, 73 Plashet road Simmonds Charles Frederick, grocer, 31 Walton road
Roach Frank, confectioner, 10 Balaam street Simmons Ernest. grocer, 219 Gran~e road
Rober'ts R.T.& Co.linen drapers,283, 285 & 287 Barking rd Simmons John Henry, woollen merchant, 288 Queen's rd
Roberts Charles, timber merchant, 231 & 233 Plashet rd Simmons Joseph, costumier, 316 Queen's road
Roberts Robert E. cycle repairer, 2 Settle road Simmons Solly, draper, 286 Queen's road
Robertson .Alfred, wardrobe dealer, 147 Plashet road Simmons Wm. Hy. Lord Stanley P.H. r;; St. Mary's rd.
Rocker Nickolaus, hair dresser, 301 Barking road Siwnson Lilian G. (Miss) :t.R.C.P. & S Edin., L.F.P.S.
Roddam Kate (Miss), dress maker, 551 Barking road & G la~- physician & surgeon, 688 Barking road
15 Tunmarsh lane SintiPld Limited, laundry, 49 Balaam street & dyers &
Roddarn Wm.Jn.Cuthbert,stocking knitter,551Barking rd c'e1ners, 272 Barking road
Rogers Herbert, oilman, 218 Balaam street Sintield Alfred, laundry, 49 Balaam street
Rooff James & Robert, builders, 683 Barking road & 6 Skiuner Arthur, bricklayer, 151 St. Mary's road
Bushey road Sly Percy Augustus, beer retailer, 18 High street
Rose Golden Warne, shopkeeper, 3 First avenue Smart Ada (Miss), dress maker, 137 Kingsland road
Ross Francis, shopkeeper, 44 Brook's road Smr,rtt John Joseph, custom house officer, 18 Dacre ru
Rothenburgh Charles, tailor, 244 Bumberstone road Smith George Alfred & Sons, corn merchants, 315 Bark-
Round Fred, laundry, 2 Tunmarsh lane ing road. T N 3339 East
Rudd Edith (Mrs.), confectioner, 131 Broadway Smith W. & Son, undertrlkers, 12 & 43 High stroot & 8
Budge Edward, plumbtlr, 137 Sutton Court road & 10 North strret. T N 909 East
Budge FJiza (Mrs.), grocer, 137 Sutton Oourt road Smith W. A. & Co. Limited, artisans' clothing manu-
Rumbelow Owen, tobacconist, s High street facturers, 78 & 8o Plashet road
Rnnacres James, news agent, 534 Barking road Smith W. H. & Son, booksellers & news agents, Rail-
Russell Fredk. Thos. & Son, grocers, 651 Barking road way station, High street
Russell Fredk. Thos. oilman, 364, 528 & 651 Barking rd Smith Albert, boot makPr, 397 Rarkin~ raad
Ruter Israel, curtain dealer, 314 Queen's road Smith Albert Edward, shopkeeper, 24 Warnington st
Rymer Henry & Co. manufacturing chemists, Ia, Pelly Smith Allan Wm laundry,7o8 Barking rd.&12 Walton rd
road. T N 928 East Smith Caroline (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 12 Denmark street
Sage Herbert (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 8 King street Smith Charles, boot maker, 6-1. Croydon road
St. Katherine's Club (Rev. T. Given-Wilson, vicar), 87 Smith Edith (Miss), drP~s m1ker, 32 Stirling n•.ui
Pelly road Smith Edwin, grocer, 22 Stratford road


Smith Frank, boot repairer, 38 Stirling road Todd Louis Douglas, in:.urance agent, 127 L"pperton rd
.Smith George Fred, confectioner, 67 Whitwell ruad Tomlinson Arnold, shopkeeper, 142 Greengate street
.Smith Harry Adam, Abbey Arms P.H. 384 Barking road Tomlinson Ellen (Miss), dress maker, I3 Inniskilling rd
Smith Herbert Charles, wheelwright, 423 .Barking road Topham John, shopkeeper, 196 Balaam street
tSmith Herbert John, hair dresser, 126 Ravenscroft rd Tourell Thomas, boot maker, 10 Grafton road north
Smith Horace, advertisement contractor, 70 Libra road Treasure Joseph, marine store dealer, I Upper road t
Smith Thomas Henry, shopkeeper, 87 Western road 10 Radnor street
Smith William Charles, grocer, 36 Prince Regent's lane Trick's Drug Stores,chemists & druggists,270 Barking rd
·Snoad Alexander, oilman, 86 Balaam street Triston & Co. leather dealers, 71 Stratford road
Society of Divine Compassion (Rev. Father Andre-u-, '!'row John & Co. cycle makers, 53 & 55 Balaam street
superior), 42 & 45 Balaam street . Trubody Herbert, boot repairer, 95 Balaam street
.Sotcher William Geo. leather seller, 627 Barkmg road Trunks George, fruiterer, 101 Balaam street
South West Ham Conservative & Unionist Association Tucker Alfred, shopkeeper, 8 Whitwell road
(Albert L. Birch, sec.), 373 Barking road Tucker Edward, relieving officer for No. 13 District
South West Hum Constitutional Club (The) (William West Ham Union, 5 Wanlip road '
A. Cox, sec.), 383 Barking road Tucker Frederick, umbrella repairer, 24 Balaam str~
.South West Ham Women';; Shelter (Miss E. J. Mead, Tu:ffin Henry, greengrocer, 15 King street
hon. lady superintendent), 435 Barking road Tuffs Alfred., fruiterer, 1 Herbert street
Spading William, grocer, I Ravenhill road Tully .Arthur Thomas, eel pie house, 27 High street
.Spedding Gilbert, shopkeeper, 82 Harold road Tunbridge Charles, butcher, 205 Plashet road
Speller l<'rederick, oil & color man, 56o Barking road Turner Frederick J. Prince of Wales P.H. 24I Queen's rd
.Spillman Henry, laundry, 25 Stratford road Turner James Edward, painter, 88 Avenons road
Squire .Albert Geo. secondhand furn. dlr. 266 Barking rd Turner Thomas, beer retailer (off), 34 Walton road
8taddon & Sons, drapers, 359, 36r, 363 & 365a, Barking Turner V. C. (Miss) M.B., B.S. resident medical officer
road ; 3 & 6 Balaam street & 2, 4 & 6 Kelland road Medical Mission Hospital, Balaam street
.Stearn Caroline (Mrs.), beer retailer, 399 Barking road Turner Ward Robert, smith, r New Barn street
Steel William, -u-holesale confectioner, 36 Grafton rd. sth Turpin Saml.Chas.floor cloth wareho.295&297Barking rd
Stent Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 14I Balaain street Twichett Edward, fa.ncy repositories, 4I Balaam street
Stephenson Fred, butcher, 555 Barking road Tyne Main Coal Co. Limited, 92 High street
Stevens John Frederick, butcher, 249 Barking road Underwood Charles, shopkeeper, 75 Braemar road
Stevens William, house decorator, 108 Balaam street Upton Park Sanitary Steam Laundry (J. Ralph, pro-
·tSteward Henry, dairy, 1 Blanche street prietor), 52 & 193 Plashet road
Stewart & Sno-u-, outfitters, 286 & 288 Barking road "Crwin Alfred Harry, boot & shoe maker, 4I Prinee
:Stewart James Tennent, chemist, & post office, 522 Regent's lane
Barking road Vaughan Elizabeth Hill (Mrs.) & Lily Upton (Miss).,
.Stewart William, general dealer, 14 Prince's terrace milliners, 394 Barking road
Stiff Isaac, beer retailer, 45 Denmark street Veryard Brothers, builders' ironmongers, 16 High at.
Stockbridge William Geo. coach painter, 79 Carson road T N 3555 East
Stocks Joseph Henry, fishmonger, I Greengate street Vicary Thomas Victor, draper, 53I Barking road
Stoddard .Arthur, shopkeeper, 149 Balaam street Vincent & Son, metal merchants, 64a, Balaam street.
Stodd.ard Arthur Charles, confectioner, 584 Barking rd T N I590 East
Stokes Edward H. insurance agent, 37 Cumberland rd Vincent Catherine (Miss), shopkeeper, r6 Grange road
Stone Ernest Max, draper, 30 & 32 Stratford road Vorstius Alfred Chas. Geo. g-rocer, 375 Queen's road
Stone Harry, beer retailer, g Denmark street Wade Amos R. plumber, 36 Croydon road
Stone Sarah (Mrs.), beer retailer, 58 Croydon road Wade William Henry, corn dealer, 6o2 & 6o4 Barking rd
Stoner & Son, ironmongers, 145 & I47 Balaam street Wadham Lily (Miss), tchr. of music,u6 Hnmberstone rd
Stoner & Sons, builders, 22 Howard's road Wadrnan Harry, assist. insurance supt. I Braemar rd
Storey John G. Trossachs P.H. 244 Barking road Wadsworth Frederick Albert, relieving officer No. 2
Stothard Eleanor .Ann (Mrs.), confectnr. 222 Balaam st district, West Ham union, 158 Plashet road
Stout Mary Sarah Trethowan (Mrs.), teacher of music, Wahn Henry, baker, 74 Plashet road
443 Barking road Wakcham John, shopkeeper, I32 Queen's road
Stratford Co-operative & Industrial Scciety Ltd. (Geo. Wakeling Emily (Mrs.), boot maker, 31 Stratford road
L. Eanks, sec.) ; branch, 55 a, High street Waldstein Ltd.piano dlrs. Plashet rd. T N 658 Stratford
Stratton Chas. Walt. greengrocer, I39 Button Court rd Waldstein Hall (F. W. W.aggett, propr.), Plashet road
Strelitz Penny, picture frame maker, rsa, New Barn st Walker Henry James, coffee rooms, 42 New Barn street
Strickling Bertram, boot repairer, 224 Balaam street Walker Sydney .A. baker, 2 Whitwell road
Stroud John, insurance agent, 19 Sussex street Walker Thomas, butcher, 21 Prince Regent's lane
Strutt .Alfred George, saddler, 39 High street Wall Thomas, marine store dealer, 22 Balaam street
Strutt Edwin, house decorator, n Clegg ~treet Wallace William, tailor, 356 Barking road
Sturgeon Arth. Hy. asst. insur. supt. 83 Wigston road Walpole John, greengrocer, 43 Pelly road
Sugar Solomon, tailor, 88 Balaam street Waiter Philip, baker, 37 Upper road
Sugarbrown John, boot repairer, 49 St. Mary's road Waiters Daisy (Miss), teacher of pianoforte, wB New
Sullivan William, boot repairer, 143 Sutton Court road Citv• road
Swanson Annie (Mi8s), dress maker, 21 Grant street Ward C. &; Son, boot makers, 12 Terrace road
. Swatts William, plumber, 107 New City road Ward .Arthur, shopkeeper, 15 Columbia road
Sweetingham Grace (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 32 Anne street Ward Frederick, g1·eengrocer, ro4 St. Mary's road & 140
Sykes Edward Potter, solicitor (firm, Paterson, Candler Queen's road
& Sykes), 377 Barking road Ward James George, insurance agent, 6o3 Barking road
Taffier Abraham, draper, 377 Queen's road Ward Sidney, greengrocer, I Prince's terrace
Taylor Charles Thomas, hair dresser, g8 Broadway Warner & Son, decorators, 88 Cecil road
Taylor Henry, shopkeeper, I2I Pally road Warner William, grocer, x27 Stratford road
Taylor William Ralph, butcher, 108 St. Mary's road Warren Benjamin, boot maker, I5 Balaam street
Taylorson Thomas, butcher, ro High street Warren George, boat maker, 590 & 592 Barking road
Teager .!.rthur William, baker, no London road Warren Henry, grocer, I7 Ealaam street
Templeton James M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. physician & sur- Warren Thomas, boot repairer, r 8g Plashet road
geon, 62 Grafton road north Warren Thomas, firewood dealer, Webb street
Terry .Albert E. confectioner, The Terrace, Prince Warrington John Robert, greengrocer, r Sussex street
Regent's lane Washington John, butcher, I4I New City road
Terry Maria (Mrs.), confectioner, 79 Plashet road Watkin;; Edgar & Sons, domPstic machinery dealers, 174
Thomas & Co. artificial teeth makers, 540 Barking road Plashet road
Thomas Henry, stone mason, 230 Grange road Watldns .Alfred, shopkeeper, 77 London road
Thomas Tom, umbrella maker, 114 Plashet road Watkins Charles J. shirt & collar dressers,66London rd
Thompson Mary .Ann (Mrs.) & .Alice Ella (Miss), dress Watkins James, coal & coke mer. u Tabernacle avenue
makers, 469 Barking road Watkins William Robert, farrier, 12 Balaam street
Thompson Charles Theodore, nurseryman, l l Eastern rd Watson Frederick, pianoforte tuner, 13 Grafton rd. sth
Thompson George, shopkeeper, see Israel & Thompson Watson John W., L.S._<\. physician & surgeon, see
Thorne H. & Co. builders, 25 New Barn street Mercier & W atson
Thorogood Henry, dining rooms, 6 High street Watson Joseph, shopkeeper, 74 Whitwell road
Thurgood Albert. tobacconist, 102 Broadway Watt Robert, ironmonger, I6 Terrace road
Thurgood William R. greengrocers, 178 Balaam street Watts Robert Charles William, insurance agent, 59
Till Carolina (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 588 Barking road Coronation road
Timme Edmund, boot maker, 143 Stratford road Weaver Albert, 11hopkeeper, 2 Con-u-ay street
Titchen William, rag merchant, 117 Broadway Weaver Frank, draper, 28 Grafton road north
Webb John William, fi:.hruonger, 42 Stratford road Jll"iJiams Fmncis, confectioner, 113 Stratford road
Webber Frederick, furniture remover, 10 Atlat~ road 1 Williams Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 47 Dungola road
Webster Arthur J. insurance agent, 40 Liddon road Williams John, chemist, b7 Stratford road
Wells Arthur & Wm. mineral water mfrs. I Stratford rd I Williams John Edward confectioner, HIS Stratford road
Wells Alice (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 33 Hollybush street Williams Richard Henry, dairyman, 239 Barking road
Wells Thomas J. shopkeeper, 105 London road Williamson Joseph, blacksmith, 7oa, Denmark street
Wells William, shopkeeper, 147 New Barn street Wil1is George Henry, cowkeeper, 2 Warmington street
Welsh George, fried fish shop, 25 Denmark street Willis Henry Silverlock, baby linen dealer,247 Barking rd
Wenn Richard, boot repairer, 5 Ingal road Willmer Albert Charles, drug stores, 47 Stratford road
West Ham Corporation Fire Station (Robert W. Lissen- Wilson Bartlett, dining rooms, I Grafton road north
den, station officer), I89 Balaam street Wilson George, shopkeeper, I30 Upperton road
West Ham Corporation Tramways (James Scott Duncan Wilson Mary Maria (Mrs.), grocer, 39 Chadwin road
:MofJet A.M.I.C.E., M.I.M.E. manager), Greengate st Wilson Thomas Herbert, chemist, 741 Barking road
West Ham Masonic Hall (F. Shearmur, sec.; Edward Wilson William, news agent, 24 Pelly road
A. Slade, steward), The Laurels, Balaam street. Wilson William, shopkeeper, 12 Ra.dnor street
T N 1703 East Wilton Alice (Mrs.), fried fish shop, 5 Prince's terrace
West Ham Public Librarie5 (Passmore Edwards Wiltshire Edgar, insurance agent, 45 High street
Library) (D. McDongall, librarian), North street Wiltshire James George, shopkeeper, I Maud road
West Francis Robert Edwd. insur. agent, I7 Clegg st Window Samuel Thomas, baker, I47 Queen's road
West Henry John, hair dresser, 4 Whitwell road Winkworth M aria (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 105 St. l\iary's rd
West Lilian (Miss), draper. 532 Barking- road Winslow Henry, upholsterer, I9 Stratford road
Westlake Alfred, hosier & glover, 298 Barking road Winter Elizabeth (Mrs.), confectioner, 47 St. Mar) ·s road
Westrick Otto, baker, 195 New City road Witcomb Alice (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 139 Xew City road
Wethey Richard, corn chandler, 45 Pelly road Witcomb Edwin Josepb, shopkeeper,2 Sutton Court road
Wet:r.:el William, baker, 14 High street Witcomb William, shopkeeper, 13 Willow grove
Whear William Uren, insurance supt. 3 Egham road With Joseph, confectioner, 1 Settle road
Wheeler H. & Co. Limited, clothing manufacturers, Witsey Joseph, waterproof garment maker, 41 Webb s•
I<Y,7-II3 London road (T A "Wollenzeng, Plais, Wittich C. G. & Co. bakers, 355 Barking road
London;" T Nos. 3720 & 372I East) & shirt makers, Wittick Samuel George, stationer, 568 Barking rnad
7 High street Wolff Alexander D. job buyer, 381 Queen's road
Wheeler Henry & Co. shopkeepers, 2 Chesterton terrace Wood Edward Francis, boot repairer, I39 Plashet road
Whincop William, hair dresser, 24 Prince Regent's la Wood Thomas W. beer retailer, 3 Anne street
White Arthur Bernard, grocer, 533 Barking road Wood Waiter Henry, draper, 62 & 64 Stratford road
White Elizabeth (Mrs.), fancy depot, 31 Balaam street Wood William, marine store dealer, 6o Brook's road
White George, shopkeeper, so Garfield road Woodcock William, dairyman, 41 New Barn street
White George, wholesale confectioner, 241! Barking road Wooderson H. & Co. printers, 217 Plashet road
Wh~te William, horse slaughterer, 3 New Barn street Woodforde Alfred M.R.C.S.physician & surgn.64 High st~.
Whittaker Albert, tobacconist, 3 Terrace road Woodhouse George, decorator, 623 Barking road
Whittingham Mary Ann (Mrs.) & Son, Lord Nelson Woodward Edwin, glove maker, I72 Plashet road
P.H. 47 Pelly road Woodward Sarah (Mrs.), laundry, 379 Barking road
Whitwell Press (Brother Paul, manager), printers, 47 Wooldridge Arthur, mechanical engineer, Ia, Clegg st
Balaam street Woolf Samuel, stationer, 36 High street
Wickens William, insurance agent, 6 Sutton road Wootton Arthur, provision dealer, 633 Barking road
Wickham & Son, watch makers, 32 High street Wootton Helen (Mrs.), confectioner, 639 Barking road
Wiggins Ernest William, butcher, 94 Grange road Wraight Nellie (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 101 Grange road
Wilding & Mannock Limited, wall paper manufacturers, Wray Henry Samuel, dining rooms, 553 Barking road
Herbert street. T N 1612 East Wright Ernest, greengrocer, 221 Grange road
Wilding James, greengrocer, 20I Plashet road Wright Henry John, house decorator, 42 Ne~"~m~an road-
Wilkes Robert, boot repairer, 27 Mand road Wright John Edward, insurance agent, 27 Selwyn road._
Wilkins Albert Henry, bookbinder, 428 Barking road Yeo Mary Alice (Miss), ironmonger, 77 Plashet road
Wilkins Francis, grocer, 7 Whitwell road Young Harry, shopkeeper, 14 Abbey street
Wilkins Rol:Jert, shopkeeper, 43 Milton road Young Harry F. dog specialist, 32 Queen's road
Williams Charles & Co. juvenile clothing manufacturers, Young Henry Waiter, removal con+ractor, 205 Gr'lnge rd'
655 Barking road Ziggles Peter, glazier, 48 Queen's road
PLESHEY is an ancient town, consisting chiefly of a embattled central tower, with a stair turret and con-
long street of small houses, once a place of great im- taining a clock and 5 bells, two being the old Pre-
portance and the seat of the High Constables of England Reformation bells: there are three stained "indows.
from the earliest institution of that office till nearly four the large west window being a memorial placed at the
()enturies after the Conquest: it is on a small feeder of expense of the parishioners to the Rev. J. Hutchinson:
the Chelmer, 8 miles north-west from Chelmsford sta- there is an old churchvard,

now desecrated, in which ,
tion on the main line of the Great Eastern railway to the parish church stood before the college was built:
Colchester and Ipswich, and 7 south-east from Dunmow the church affords 250 sittings. The register dates from
station on the Dumnow and Braintree branch of that the year 16~6. The living- is a vicarage, net yearly
company, and 37 from London, in the Western division value £190, mcluding- 20 acres of glebe, with residence,.
of the county, Dunmow hundred and petty sessional in the gift of Col. W. N. Tufnell, and held since I88(f
division, Chelmsford union and county court district, by the Rev. Charles William Howis. The Dean and·
rural deanery of Roding, archdeaconry of Essex and Chapter of Westminster are the impropriators of a.
Chelmsford diocese. The first parish church of Pleshey portion of the tithes. Here is an unsectarian Mission
was consecrated and endowed between 1244 and 1259, in Hall, erected in 1909· The Convent of the Sisters c:f ·
the time of Humphrey de Bohun, the good Earl of Here- the Servants of Christ, known as the "House of Prayer,.,·
ford and Lord High Constable; besides the old church was erected in 1908 and is a brick building- in the
there were two chapels, one within the castle and thE> Italian style. The town was anciently called "Tumbles-
other attached to the church and dedicated to St. toun," or ''ihe town of the Tumuli," and here ·
riicholas ; the tower and transepts of the existin!!' it is supposed was formerly a Roman camp ; the ·
church of Holy Trinity are the mutilated remains of a vallum, with a noble foss, is in part very perfect, an1l
fine cruciform double-aisled church of Late Decorated the four roads leading into the camp can be easil.v
character, which belonged jointly to the parish and to a traced; the remains of a strong fortress erected
college of nine priests, founded here in 1393 by Thomas by the N ormans still exist, and are attributerl. _
de Woodstock, 6th son of Edward Ill. and Duke of w1th some probability, to Geo:ffrey de Magnaville or ·
Gloucester, and endowed by him with the tithes: the Mandeville, Earl of Essex, who, as possessor of thi• .
college fell with the les~er monasteries in I536, -when the place, held by repute the office of Great Constable of -
revenues were £143 12s. 3d. ; and of several marble England; he was slain in II44, at the siege of Bur" ell 1
tombs of the founder's family which formerly stood in Castle, but his third son William, eventually inheritin!!·
the chancel, only two slabs stripped of their brasses now the estate, obtained a licence from Henry II. to fortif)
remain: Henry Compton, Bishop of London (r675-86). his castle at Pleshey, which continued to be the sea'
erected a small nave on the ruins of the ancient structure of the High Constables of England till some time aftP~
m 17o8, and a chancel was added about forty years after 1400: be died in n8g: the keep of this ca~tle is
by Samuel Tufnell esq. which is now adorned with mural elliptical in form and has a circumference of 8go feet.
monuments of his family: the church was completely Here dwelt Thomas de Woodstock, Duke of Gloucester.
restored in I868, by the late J. J. Tufnell esq. and the youngest son of Edward ID. who came into possession
Rt>v. J. Hutchinson, then vicar, at a cost of £3,000, and of this estate by his marriage with Eleanor. daught~r
consist& of chancel, nave, transepts, north porch and an ,f .Toan, widow pf HumphrPy, Earl of Hereford,
and Northampton; he was here basely arrested, hurried are the principal landowners, The soil is chalky cla~.
to the Thames, put on shipboard and ~onveyed to with tlints ~nd chalk fossils; subsoil, loam. The cbi8f
Calais, where, after a short imprisonment, he was crops are wheat, barley and oats. The area ia 1'iz
murdered, through the treachery of his nephew, acres; rateable value, £1,047; the population in 19U
Richard II. Here also, in 1400, John Holland, Duke was 262.
of Exeter, was beheadt>d by the populace, in revenge PLESHEY BURY lies to the west; ROPHEY G-REEN
for his share in Prince Thomas's murder. The materials is half a mile north-east; RINGTAIL GREEN, 1 milll
of the castle, which after his death fell to decay, north-east; HARVEYS, 1 mile north-west.
were used about 16oo to build the lodge, but this in Sexton, George Bohannan, jun.
its turn was taken down in 1767 : the vast earthworks,
the mount, with its singular bridge and the two moats, Post & T. Office. Fred Ford Fountain, sub-postmaster.
still attest the ancient grandeur and strength of the Letters through Chelmsford, arrive at 6-4.0 a.m. I;
C!>stle: in 19oa excavations were undertaken, which 1.45 p.m. ; dispatched at 2-35 & 6.5 p.m. week days
laid bare portions of the foundations of the castle. only. The nearest money order office is Great
The manor became part of the Duchy of Lancaster in W altham, 3 miles distant
1521: ·three farms, constituting two-thirds of the parish, Public Elementary School (mixed), built with mistre~s'.s
belon~ to Col. William Nevill Tufnell, of Langleys, house, in 1872, for 76 children; average attendanc.J,
Great Waltham, and Joseph Hugh Matthews esq. who so; Miss Alice Curphey, mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bohannan Frank,carpenter & assistant Barman Brothers, grocers
Howis Rev. Charles Wm. Vicarage ove-rseer Hasler Robert, blacksmith
Matthews J. Hugh, Pleshey Grange Bohannan George, beer retailer Knight Henry George, farmer, Folly
Matthews Mrs. J. R. The Mount Clemoes John G. farmer,Plesheyburj Metson Cyril Doug-las,frmr.Lodge frm
Quilter William Day John, farm bailiff to J. H. Owers Nathaniel, boot & ~;hoe maker
Matthews esq. Woods farm Sisters of the Servants of Cbrisl
COMMERCIAL. Deal Charles, White Horse P.H (Rev. Mother Elizabeth, superi()r)
Bentall Samuel, farmer, Blake's farm Fountain Fred Ford,grocr.&post office Towns Geo . .Arthur, farmer,Linsteads
PRITTLEWELL, see Southend. PURFLEET, see West Thurrock.
PURLEIGH is 11.. villag-e and parish, upon an emi- about .£4 yearly, which is distributed to the poor in
nence; the scer;.ery around it is bold and romantic, the bread, and the yearly rent of three acres of land is
land undulating and from every point there are exten- paid to the churchwardens for ecclesiastical -purposes.
-sive views; it is 2 miles north-west from Cold Norton Mrs. Irvine, who is lady of the manor, Lord Rayleigll
station on the Maldon and Southend branch of the P.C., O.M., P.R.S. the trustees of the late Mr. Henry
-Great Eastern railway, 4 miles south from Maldon, 10 Stevens, and Mr. W. G. Raven are the principal land,
south-east from Chelmsford and 44 from London, in owners. The soil is a heavy loam ; subsoil, heavy
the South Eastern division of the county, Dengie hun- loam. The chief crops are wheat, barley and {)ats.,
dred and petty sessional division, Maldon union and with some pasture land. The area is 5,792 acres of
county court district, and in the rural deanery of land, 4 of inland and 36 of tidal water and 29 of fore~
Maldon. archdeaconry of Essex and Chelmsford dio- shore; rateable value, £5,322; the population in I9IJ
cese. The church of All Saints, standing on a hill, was 821 in the civil and 810 in the ecclesiastical parish.
is an edifice of stone in the Decorated style, consisting By Local Government Board Order 22,354, March 24'
of chancel, nave of three bays, aisles, south porch and rBBg, a detached part of Stow Maries, including Hungry
an ancient embattled western tower of flint and stonn Down, was added to Purleigh, and the same date Great
<:ontaining a clock and 5 bells: the pulpit and reredos and Little Gibcracks were transferred from Purleigb to
'tlre elaborately designed and there is one stained window Danburv.

:at the west end of the south aisle, but the church has
no striking features, nor are there any monuments of HOWE (or Hoe) GREEN, in this parish, half a mile
importance. The church was thoroughly restored in south, was a peculiar of the Archbishop of Canterbury,
1892 at a cost of .£1,46o, and affords sittings for about under the jurisdiction of the Dean of Hocking. Here ia
350 persons. The register of marriages dates from a Congregational chapel.
1592, baptisms and burials from x662; these records
are in good condition. The living is a rectory, net COCKL.ARKS is a hamlet 2 miles west.
yearly ntlue £432, with 70 acres of glebe and resi- Sexton, Waiter Howard.
dence, in the gift of Oriel College, Oxford, and held Post, M. 0. & T. Office. Mrs. Sarah Ann Olney, sul::
-since x8go by the Rev. Reginald Tavener Love M.A. of postmistress. London & other letters through Mal·
that college. The rectory, formerly annexed to the
don, arrive at 7-30 a..m. & 1.10 p.m.; dispatched at
Provostship of Oriel College by a private Act of Par-
ro. 15 a. m. & 5 p.m. ; sundays, dispatched at 9·45 a. m
liament (7 Geo. Ill. c. 27), was dissociated therefrom
Wall Letter Box, Cocklarks, cleared at 4·35 p.m.; sun•
.on the death of Provost Hawkins in 1882, under the days, 8 a.m
provisions of the Universities and Colleges Estates
Pillar Letter Box, New hall, cleared at 10.20 a.m. & 5·5
Amendment Act of 188o, and is now in no way connected
with it. About half the tithes of the parish have been p.m. ; sundays, a.m
assigned to the Provost under this Act, bnt these are Public Elementary Schools.
quite distinct from the tithes paid to the rector, and
the rectory is at present simply in the position of an These schools are controlled by the Maldon Education
ordinary college living. The earliest mention of Purleigh Sub-Committee.
-()Ccurs at the beginning of the reign of Henry II. when Parochial, contiguous to the church, with master'4
-the church and its appurtenances were assigned to the residence attached: it is a building in the Tudor
-priory of Horton in Kent ; and at the time of the Befor· style & has an oodowment of £3o a year; erected in
m.ation it still belonged to that religious house. After 1807 & enlarged ·in 1:872, for 124 children (mixed);
the Restoration it is found in the possession of the Hors- average attendance, 71; William J. Hathaway, master;
m.onden family, from whom it was purchased by Oriel Miss F. B. Allen, mistress; Miss F, E. Smith, in+
College. Lawrence Washington M.A. recijpr of Purleigh fants' mistress •
1633-43, was the great-great-grandfathlr oi General Cock~arks (Dr. Ha.wkins) (mixed), built in. 1840, for .39
GPorge Washington, and father of the first Washingtons chtldren; average attendance, 37 ; M1ss Christme
who emigrated to America. The benefactions amou.1t to Evans. mistress
PRIVATE :RESIDENTS. Billin~ham John, market gardener,! Davis James, boot maker
Brown Charles, Wymark's house Cocklarks Dobson Jas. (Mrs.), frmr.Gt.Witmans
Euren Frank F .. Ivy house Birkby Charles Edward, horse Fallmer Ernest Newstead, farmer,
Gates Mrs. Croft . slaughterer (postal address, Latch- Purleigh Barns farm
Hall Francis Andrew, Rose lawn ingdon, Maldon) Farrow William, beer retailer i
Love Rev. Reginald Tavener M.A. Boreham John F. shopkpr. Cocklarks 1 builder, Round Bush
(rector), Rectory Borrett Alice Melvinus (Mrs.), beer F1ench Harny Daniel, Fox &: Hound~
Lupton Ernest, Elmfield retailer P.H. Cocklarks
Palmer Mrs. The Cottage Brown David Thos. baker & shopkpr Gatward Charles & Sidney, farmerS,
Soar Arthur Burgess, The Limes Clarke George, coal dealer. Cocklarksl Lodge farm
Colyer John Arth. dairy, Oakleigh ]o Haydock John, farmer, Round Bush
COHMEBCU.L. Mark, assistant overseer & Jones Richard, farmer, Old Witmans
A~hcroft Alfred, farmer, Stud farm water rate collector for Purleigh, I Keeling Charles A.braham & Son,
Bale W illiam Simon, shopkeeper, Latchingdon, :North Fambridge, blacksmiths
Howe Hreen Hazeleigh & Woodham ~lortimer & Keys Mark,pianoforte tuner,Valleyho
Barber A. &; Son, horse slanghterer11 clerk to the Parish Councils of Mead Chas. farmr.SparrowWick farru
& farmers, Corporation farm Latchingd'On & Purleigh 'Motiell Henry, dairyman, l'ippen..Jw,
Olney Sarah Ann (Mrs.J. grocer & r Rush Clifford, farmr. Wickhams frm Stevens Alfred Hy. farmer. New hall
Sanders Arth.T. baker, Steam bakery Stevens Emma (Mrs.), farmer:, Pur-
l'atten Herbert John, builder Shewan Andrew, farmer, Howe green 1 leigh hall
J•earoo Charles James, Bell P.H Shrimpton Hy. farmer,Nieman's frm Wilkiu George, farmer, Walton's hall
Raven Wm.Geo. frmr. Purleigh wash Slonghgrove J n. farmer ,Clock Ho.frm 1 Willett Elizabeth (Mrs.}, farmer£
Rowe George (Mrs.), farme-r, St.j Snow John, bricklayer •Willett Frank, farmer, Diegoods 'farni
Andrew's farm
QUENDON is a small parish, -comprising all the the angel lectPrn, of alabaster, was presented by hi~t
houses on the east side of Quendon Street and some widow in memory of the late CoL Byng: there are 150
.on the west side ; the remaining houses on the west sittings. The register dates from the year x687. The
side are in the parish of Rickling; it is on the high living is a rectory, net yearly va·lue £125, with ::<~5 acres
road from London to Newmarket and near the source of glebe and residence, in the gift of William Foot '
of the river Cam, 3! miles from Stansted station and Mitchell esq. and held since 1909 by the Rev. Richard
.2! south from Newport station, both on the Great Cobden Earle B.A. of London University. Quendon
Eastern (Cambridge) railway, 34 from London by road, Hall, the property and residence of William Foo'
6 south-west from Saffron Walden and 6 north from Mitchell esq. J.P. lord of the manor and chief land·
Bishop "Stortford and the Lee navigation, in the owner, is a square mansion of brick, dating from 1558,
Northern division of the county, Uttlesford hundred, pleasantly situated in a park of 86 acres stocked with
Saffron Walden petty sessional division, union and deer, a herd of which has been maintained here fo1·
county court district, Newport and Stanstead rural ove~ 200 years. The soil is mixed, heavy and light;
deanery, Colchester archdeaconry and Chelmsford dio- subsoil, gravel and clav •
with a little chalk. The•
eese. The church (dedication unknown) is a small crops are wheat, ba.rley and oats. The area IS 651
edifice of rubble, stone and flint, principally in the acres; rateable value, £2,088; the population in xgu
Early English style, and was rebuilt in 1861, when a was 179·
tloutb. aisle was added: It consists of chancel, nave, Sexton, John Marsh.
aisles, south porch, vestry and a small turret at the
west end containing a chime of 5 hemisphericai bells Post, M. 0. k; T. Office. Mrs. Martha Pittman, sub-
plaeed there in 1912 in commemoration of the corona- postmistress. Letters arrive through Bishop Start-
tion of King George V. : a reredos enriched with ford for first delivery at 5 a.m. & through Newpor•
mosaic was erected in 1881: there is a memorial window at n. 15 a. m. ; dispatched at 1:2.30 p.m. to Newpor~
-erected by Mrs. Tuck, of Manuden, to the Rev. John ·& 7-30 p.m. to Bishop Stortford; sunday dispatch,
(;ollin, her father, rector here 6o years, x8o2-6:a; and 7·25 p.m
another to the Hon. Beatrice Byng, sometime maid of The children of this place attend the Public Elementary
honour to Queen Victoria and wife of Col. H. B. H. school at Rickling
Blnndell C.B. Grenadier Guards; she died 3 Oct 1884:
COMMRUCIAL. Sawkins Thomas, gamekeeper to W.
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. 1Middleton George, head gardener to Foot Mitchell esq ,
IJiscoe Mrs. Robert, Quendon eourt I William Foot Mitchell esq Smith Edmund Benjamin, contractor
Earle Rev. Richard Cobden B.A. Murnford Herbert Lewis. grocer Smith Lewis J. -carpenter
(rector), The Rectory Negus Charles, plumber Smith M&ry Ann (Mrs.), King's Head
Mitchell Wm. Foot J.P. Quendon hall Quendon & Riclding Men's Club P.H
Warner Percy, The Cottage (Rev. R. C. Earle B.A. sec) Taylor Isaac, farmer, Manor farm
BAD WINTER is a pru i;:.h and village, beautifully living is a. rectory, net yearly value [420, with 40 acres
&ituated in a picturesque and well-wooded country on of glebe and residence, in the gift of Keble College,.
the upper part of the river Blackwater, here called the Oxford, and held since 1864 by the Rev. John Frederic
Pant {)r Freshwell; it is 5 miles east from Saffron Walden Watkinson Bullock M. A. of St. Peter's College, Cam-
station ~n a branch of the Great Eastern railway, 5 bridge. St. Pris' Well, in this parish, is a source of
north from Thaxted, 8 south-west from Haverhill and 48 a feeder of the Pant: there are six well-built bric~
from London, in the Northern division of the county, almshouses on the north side of· the church, erected in
F',reshwell hundred, Saffron Walden petty sessional divi- 1889 by the 11isters of the present rector, who has also
sion, union and county court district, and in Saffron built a reading room and parish dispensary. The rent
Walden rural deanery, archdeaconry of Colchester and of a blacksmith's shop and a small pieee of ground let
Chelmsford diocese. The church of St. Mary the in allotments, and given by a donor unknown, is vested
Virgin is a building of local stone in the Decorated style, in the churchwardens for the renairs of tha church.
~onsisting of chancel, nave of four bays with clerestory, Waiter Henry Bullock esq. and David Saville esq. of
:aisles, vestries, south porch and a massive embattled Saffron Walden, are owners of the manor and principal
'"'estern tower with spire, containing a clock with four landowners. The soil is clay; subsoil, gravel. The
-dials, and chimes playing at the hours and quarters, chief crops are -wheat, barley and beans. The area is
-and 8 fine-toned bells, three of which are dated 1616, 3,872 acres of land and 4 of water; rnteable value,
'()ne is of pre-Reformation date, and the remainder were £3,242; the population in 1911 was 641.
bung in 1798, 1870 and 1888: the font is of stone with
a modern carved canopy: hung round the interior of the BROCKHOLDS is 1 mile south-east; STOCKING
church are pictures representing the. stations of the GREEN is t mile north·west.
<Jross, and there are several beautiful oil paintings in
Sextoq and .Acting Parish Clerk, Josiah Mizen.
-the baptistery and in the. chancel, which also retains
a piscina: the stained east window was the gift of Post &:; T. Office.-Frederick Potts, sub-postmaster. Let•
members of the Bullock family, and there are nine ters arrive through Saffron Walden at 7· Hi> & 1i.45
ot-her stained windows: the. :reredos of carved oak, a &.m.; dispatched at x.s & 6.35 p.m.; sunday dis--1
enrious example of Belgian work, dating from about patl'h, II-5 a..m. Wimbish is the nearest money order
1520," exhibits seen~ from. the life of t.he Blessed office -
Vll"gin: the gilded screen separating the chancel and County Police, Waiter- Henry Crickmore, constable
.a~ave is also a. magnificent piece of workmanship: the
-church was enlarged and the chancel rebuilt in 1869, Public Elementary School (mixed), with house for master,
and the tower and spire restored and a turret built built about 1853 & enlar~ed in 1877, for 200 children;
in 1877: the tower was rebuilt in xBB8 at a. cost of average attendance, no; Waiter Henry Bream, head
-over £2,000: there are 400 sittings. In 1901 a lycb master
gate was given by two membel\S of t-he congrega.tion in Carriers. John Hn·ding, daily from Hempstead; Wm.
memory of the long reign of ·ner late Majesty Queen Tycer, from Samvford, tues. & sat.; Charles Andrews,
Victoria, The l'egister dates from the year 1638. The from Hempstead
.Bolloek Rev. John Frederie Watkinson Colley James, farmer, The Park Newell Harry & A1len, farmers~ Little
M.A. Rectory Cufiley Wm. farmer, Godfreys farm Brockholds
"Price-Powell David, The Homestead Freeman Christopher, thatcher Nicholsrm Bt-ll,farmer, Low. House fm
'Thomas Rev. Jsph.Benj.B.A.. (curate) Gowlett Alfd. J. frmr. Radwinter hall Potts Frt>dt-rick, shoe ma.. Post pffice
Gowlett John, farmer, Sellandijl & Reading Room & Parish Dispensary
COMMERCIAL. _ Cowlass hall ( J fl!ti!l h "Mizen, caretakN)
Bacon William, farm bailiff to David Housden Charles, farmer, Cutbush Robins Henry. wheelwright
Price-Powell esq. Gibb's farm .Tarrard Waiter. saddler Rus-e E:rnest Frank, Red Li,on f.ll
"Botterworth James, farme-r, B6ndyshe Jarvis Ernest Willi1>m, grocer Hm:p \Yilli:-.m, farmer, Hill farm
hall, Jenkinghog farm&; Mortlocks Kettridge Emma (Mrs.), beer retailer 8hanahan .John, farmr.Radwint~>r End
Carter Charles W. Plough P.H Medcaif Geo. farmer, Gt. Brocl.holds. lSheard John W. farmer~ llro~ di.tch
468 RADW 1.!\ThR. E:3SEX. [ KELLl '":fl

Sheppard John, Grange farm Valiant Robert, farmer, Stocking Grn Winship William, market gardener
Thurban Mary (Mrs.), farmer, New Wigley Thomas, organist & teacher Wright Charles, insuranee- agent
House farm of music Wright Joe Seth, blacbmith
BAIN B A,M (from ryne, a watercourse, and ham, a Oxford. The brilliant satirist and poet, Charlei:
village) is a village and parish, with a station on the Churchill, of Trinity College, Cambridge, -was once-
Midland railway (London, Tilbury and Southend section), curate here, and in describing in verse the effect of
3l miles north-west from Purfieet, 12 by rail from his rural discourses, says: "Sleep at my bidding crep~
London, 7! north-west from Grays and 5 Past from from pew to pew." Here is an undenominationat
Barking, in the South Eastern division of the county, chapel, built in 188g, and a temporary (iron) Catholie-
Orsett petty sessional division, Cha:fford hundred, Rom- church, served from Barking. There is a cemetery of
ford union and county court district, and in Orsett about 3 acres, formed in x8gg, at a cost, including
and Grays rural deanery, archdeaconry of Essex and mortuary chapel, of £3,20o; it is under the control
Chelmsford diocese ; the village forms a considerable of the ·Parish Council acting as a burial board. I1111
street on the London road and the Ingerbourne brook. accordance with the directions of various ancient; bene-
Over the latter is a. bridge, and there are seveTal quays factions, amounting to £10 ss. yearly, bread is given
on the creek, at its junction with the Thames. The to the poor every Sunday; ws. for preaching a sermou
church of SS. Helen and Giles (the only one in England on Ascension day, 2s. to the reader of the Litany, and'
dedicated to these saints jointly in this order) is an rs. for the parish clerk on the same day. Robert.
ancient structure of Hint and stone oi the 12th century, W estley Hall-Dare esq. of N ewtownbarry House, eo.
and consists of chancel, nave, aisles, south porch and Wexford, who is lord of the manor, H. 6. Crosse esq.
a low but massive mnbattled tower containing 3 Sir Thomas Barrett-Lennard bart. of Belhus, .1veley ..
bells, one dated 16r8 and the others 1670: the nave and the War Office are the principal landowners. Th~
is divided from the aisles by three heavy semicircular soil is loamy; subsoil, gravelly. The chief crops are·
arches on either side, resting on square columns, vegetables, great quantities of which are grown for the-
with circular shafts at the angles: a grand Norman j London markets. The area is 3,240 acres of land, 111
arch, highly enriched with chevron moulding, opens of inland and n6 of tidal water and 24 of foreshore;
mto the chancel, the windows of which have been rateable value, £n,I87; the population in 19n was-
greatly disfigured: the tower is constructed of coursed 1,972.
rubble, ~ith as_h~ar coigns, and is entered from the nave 1 Sexton, Alfred Enever.
by a plam sem1c1;cular N~rm~n ar~h, one tall lancet and Post, M. 0., T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office-..
three ~orman wmdows h~htmg Its base~e~t: on the (Letters should have Essex added. )-Arthur William'
south Side of the chancel ~s a ~arrow pnest s doorway Holmes, sub-postmaster. Deliveries at 7 & 10 . 10 a.m.
of ~orman date: the font ~s .a;ICtent an~ th~re are b_:ass & 7 .35 p.m. ; dispatched to London direct at u.I,Y
effigies on the fio?r tu a CIVlh~n and hl.S Wife, c. x_,o?: a. m. & 4 _15 & 9 _55 p.m, ; & ·at 6. 20 p.m. via Rom-
t.he church plate mcludes an Elizabethan cover to chalice ford; sundays, delivery 7 a. m. ; dispatch 9 _45 p.m
(1563), cup (I65 2 ) ~d paten (I7I3); the church w~s Public Elementarv School (mixed), built in x8g7, for-
thoroughly restored m x.BgB-xgxo, re-seated, new choiT 3 o children. avera()'e attendance 290; Hubert C-
stalls added, chancel wmdows re-opened and a n~w Mace ma!>ter' "' '
organ provided, at a total cost of £2,500 : there are . ' . . .
240 sittings. The registers date regularly from the Pubhc. Element?ry School (mfants), bmlt m 1872,. k..
year 1665, but about 18go earlier registers dating from ho_ld1~g II7 I_nfants;. average attendance, go; Mtss-.
1570, but very incomplete, were discovered and re- Mm~xe E. B~Iley, m1str~ss_; on sundays & on. a feW'
stored. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £ 400 , special days m the year It IS reserved by the v1car
with 4 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of County Police Station, Alfred H. Swann, sergean~ & 1
H. G. Crosse esq. and held since 1897 by the Rev. consta.ble
Thomas William Ward M.A. of Pembroke College, Railway Station, John Goodman, station ma:>ter
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Enever Maria (Miss), draper Mayhew Herbert George, butcher
Brady Mrs. Rainham hall Farrow Arthur John, boot maker Parker Lewis Edwin, boot maker
Danaher Edward Harry J. Melville rd Field J. C. & J. Limited, candle Parsons Charles W. & Henry W.&.
Mayhew George, Home lodge manufacturers, Rainham Ferry tailors & in;;nrance agents
Mitchell Edward, Gerpens (postal FJint Charles Edward, shopkeeper, Payne Robert James, butcher
address, Upminster, Romford) W enniugton road Phillips Henry Lndlow, g:roc~r
Randall Edward, Brick house Goodwin Leo M. hair dresser Prosser-Evans Jehosophat M.R.C.&.
'Randall Edward John, Rosedale villa Grays Co-operative Industrial & Pro- En g., L.R.C.P .Lond. physician
Ward Rev.Thomas Wm. M.A.Vicarage vident Society Limited Randall Edward & Son, marke¥
Green William, news agent gardeners
White R. Neville, Brights
Gunary Samuel & Sons, farmers, Rogers George, Angel inn
COMM'ERCIAL. Sout.h hall Rowley Arthur, assistant overseer
Archer James, dairyman Harris Frederick, blacksmith Salamon & Co. Limited, chemica)
Beard Ethel W.(Miss), tchr. of music Harvey Wm.Jn.chemical manure mer manufacturers, Ferry road
Biggs John, butcher Hearn Geo. bricklyr.3 Wennington rd Seabrooke & Sons Limited, brewers ..
Blows Charles, farmer Hearn Nellie Florence (Miss), confctr Thatched house
Blows Frederick Edward, baker Hempleman F'redk. S. & Co. artificial Shnker Moses, shopkeeper
Dridge Charles Waiter, grocer manure manufctrs. Rainham Ferry Smith Arthur, Bell P.H
Brown James, hair dresser Hill Carolina (Mrs.), china. dealer Smith George, shopkeeper, Wenning-
Cemetery (Thoma.s Alfred Capron, Hill Elizabeth (Mrs.), greengrocer ton road
Grays, clerk) Hill Henry J. Three Crowns P.H Spear & Vellacott, farmers
Cook Hart Spurling, fruiterer Holmes Arth. Wm. statnr. Post office Spink George, confectioner
Cornell George, refreshment rooms Holmes Harry, contractor Stebbings Thomas, butcher
Crick Rose A. (Mrs.), shopkeeper Jarvis Waiter, cycle dealer Strang James, farmer, Rainham lodg8"
Curtis Wm. frmr.Berwick Ponds frm Jennings Arthur Georg-e, sl10pkeeper (postal address, Upminster)
Daldy & Co. (J. Vale, agent), coal Johnson Albert J. saddler Swann & Thomson, market !!ardener~
merchants Kingsbury William Robert, grocer Tayler Arthur J. Phrenix P.H
Danaher Edward Harry J., M.R.C.S. London & South Western Bank Ltd Valentine John, beer retailer
Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond., L.S.A. phy- (sub-branch) (Stanley 0. Attwood, Vause John Edward, ch~>mist
sician & surgeon, & certifying fac- manager), open mon. wed. & fri. Wall Alfred George, cycle agent
tory surgeon & medical officer & 10.30 a.m. till 1.30 p.m. ; draw on Whittaltt•r Thomas, beer retailer
public vaccinator No. 7 district, head office, I7o Fenchurch street.
Romford union, Melville road London E 0
RAMSDEN BELLHOUSE is a parish and villR>ge, I chancel, nave, south porch and a western tower of wood,.
near the high road from Billericay to Rochford, 2! miles rising above the gable and having nn octagonal broach
west from Wickford station on the Southend branch of ~pire, covered with nak shingles: the tower contains :;
the Grent Enstern railway. 3 east from Billericay, 8 bells : the church was entirely rE-built in x88o-x.-
sonth from Chelmsford. ro ellllt from Brentwood and 27 at a cost of about £Bso, raisE-d by public subscrip-
from London; it is in the Mid division of the county, tions, and has ISO sittings. The registl'r of bap-
Barstahle hundred. petty sessional division and county tisms and burials dates from 1562; marriages from
court di~trict of Brentwood, union of Billericay, rural r565. The living is a rectory, annexed to that of Stock,
deanery of Wiclrford. arcbdeaconry of Essex and Chelms- il)int net yParlv valne £400, 1rith 38 nrre~ of ~lPbe, in
ford diocese. The church of St. Mary the Virgin is a the gift of 3Irs. Stitt, ancl held sine' 1877 h the
building of stone in the Decorated style, consisting of Rev. Edward Pl'nJa~w-: Gihon B.A. of St. Pete1"s:
DIR ECf0Jl Y.] ES~EX. .FAMSEY • 469

.College, Cambridge, who resides at Stock; the Re,· Post, M. 0. & T. Office, Ramsden Heath. John .Pa.~ten,
~homas Williams Outerbridge, has been t:lUrate sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from Billericay, Essex,
in claarge i;ince 191::>. St. John's iron church was at 6.45 a.m. & 5 p.m.; dispatched at 7·45 a.m. &
-erectf'd 'by pnblie subscription and opened in March, 6.25 p.m. ; no post on sundays, but open 8.30 to ro
1901 ; it is served by the clergy of St. Mary's. Here a.m. for telegrams & sale of stamps & registration
is a (.;ongregatir.:aal chapel, and one for the Peculial'
.People. The .soil is r;trong, heavy and mixed; subsoil, County Police Statiop, Percy Gordon, constable
·clay; ~n the sides of the hill the land is light and Public Elementary School (mixed), built about 1872 .t
gravelly loa:m. Wheat i~ chiefly gtown. The area. is enlarged in 1900, for no children; average attendance,
:2,732 aerer; of land and 5 of water; rateable value, 85; George S. Lane, master; Misses Beatrice Johns
_£3,626; the population in rgii was 576. & Maud Marven, assistant mistresses
PRlVA.TE RESIDENTS. Patten Davili Homesteads Limited, builders
:Borman llaj. Sidney Partis, Ivy ho Sanson Charles, Park lane Horsnell John, blacksmith
Brabner Ge01ge, Arcady Sanson Frederick, Park lane - · Jack~ Pexcy G. farmer, Woolshots
1Jurro-w-1 Waiter Lee, Park lane ~chroder John· , Johns Thomas, rate collector & assist-
Caroll John, Glengariff Sharp Alban, Redrose . ' ant overseer
'"Dicks .ht:O.ur J Smith-Tou~min A. K Johnson Charles Frederick, traveller,
Downes Williaru, Brookland Tudor house
Fischer Constantine (postal address, COMliEBCIAL. Mayell Wm. James, cartage contractr
Wickford) Bartlett James, White Horse P.H Miles Alfred James, grocer
Francis Henry, Oak hall (postal ad- Biggs George, builder Patten John, grocer, baker & corn
dress, Stock, Ingatestone) Bird Frank&; Wm. frmrs.Allen's frm merchant, Post office
.Uibbs Willi:tm C Bull William W. farmer Payne Arthur H. grocer
Huggett Barrington Buries William, farmer, Whitelilies Rayment George, hurdle maker
Kensdal August us, Oakleigh (postal address, Stock, Ingatestone) Saner George, farmer, Chithama
Lee Hubert Barton, Rc.sebank Cocl~:sedge Waiter, beer retailer Upson David, harness maker
'Morris Edward E. Park lane Cr11cknell Samuel, farmer, Brickhouse Wheaton J. & F, farmers, Ramsden
.Outerbridge Rev. Thomas Williams farm (postal address, Wickford) Park farm
(curate in charge of St. Mary the Halls Arthur, market gardener Willis George, cartage contractor
Vir~in} Harvey Herber~. shopkeeper Woolliams John, farmer
RAMSDEN CRA YS is a village and parish, on the yearly value £230, in the gift of the Rev. James Douglas
river Crouch and on the high road from Billericay to Hoysted 'B.A. and held sincB 1913 by t:he Rev. Francis
Rochford.. 3 miles south-east from Billericay station on Trevo-r James Trousdale B.A. of University College, Dur-
-the Soathend branch of the Great Eastern railway, 9 ham. There is a charity of £1oo, left by one Gibbon,
<CllSt from Brentwood and 26 from London, in the Mid the interest of which, £2 1os. is distributed annually
.division of the county, Barstable hundred, Brentwood in coals to the poor of Crays Hill. Thomas Waiter
petty sessiomll division and county court district, Billeri- Bacon esq. J.P. of Ramsden Hall, is lord of the manor
-cay lilllio!l., and in the rural deanery of Wickford, arch- and principal landowner. The soil is mixed, inclining
.deaconry of Essex and Chelmsford diocese; the vil- to heavy; subsoil, chiefly clay. The chief crops are
tage takes its name from a family of De Crei, -who were ! wheat, beans and oats. The area is about 1,458 acres;
owners of the manor in the 13th and qth centuries. rateable value, £1,979; the population in 19u was 256.
ThE' charch of St. Mary is a small edifice of stone in Parish Clerk, William Geor~e Clark.
•thP Gothi.e style, restored in 1871, and consists of chan- Po~t Office, CrayR HilL-Miss Emily J. Scholding, sub-
eel and nave, south porch and a western tower with postmistress. Letters from Billericay, Essex, arrive at
spire containing 2 bells: a stained window waR pluced 7 a.m. & 5 p.m. & leave at 8.10 a.m. & 6.10 p.m. ;
rin the ~ha.ncel in 1873, in memory of Miss Robertson, 1 no sunday delivery. Basildon is the nearest money
of Inches: there are 130 sittings. The churchyard was order & telegrDph office ·
-enlar!l'ed in 1901 by 1\ gift of glebe land from the rec· Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1863, for

tor. The register of bapti~ms 1md burials dates from l too children; average attendance, 6o; Miss l\. Vieweg,
r:558; marringes, 1572. The living is a rectory, net ; mistress ·
COlLUERCIAL. 'Hemming Henry, confectionr.Crays hl
1-RLYATF. RJo~<;JDJ<.NTS. Bestley Waiter, rate collector for Keeling Frederick George, thrashing
Bacon Thos. Walli. J.P. Ramsden hall Basildon, La.indon, Lee Chapel, machine proprietor
"'Bestley Walter Frank, Crays hill & Ramsden Crays, Crays hill I Pateman George, farmer
Collin!! William Albe1-t, Great Barns Bestley Waiter Frank, solr. Crays hill Poulton Thomas, farmer, Tylde hall
Deighton Lieut. Christopher Henry Booth .John, head gardener to T. W. Scholding Emily J. (Miss), grocer &
R.N. Rosedale Bacon esq. J.P draper, & post office, Orays hill
Jackson Miss. White's Brid!!e home Chrk William Georg£>, farmer & W eller Daniel, poultry breeder.
"Taylor John JamPs, Sunnyside parish clerk, Glebe Hermitage, Crays hill
"Trmudale Rev. Franci!l Trtvor James Dodd Charles Richard, Shepherd & Wood Ed"l'ard, gamekeeper to T. W.
lB ..!. (rector), Rt ctory Dog P.H. Crays hill Bacon esq. J.P
Gibbs William, Fox & Hounds P.H j Wylie William K. farmer, Crays hall
'RAMSEY i-s a village and parish, on the road from Charities amounting t-o £2o yearly are distributed in
'Colchester to Harwich, on the east coast, 3 miles south- bread and clothes, including a bequest left in 1807 by
•east from Wrabness station on the Harwich and Man- I a son of Daniel and Elizabeth Ilurr, who resided long
ningtree bra:ach of the Great Eastern railway, 3! in this parish, consisting of £164 13s. 4d. bank New
·west from Harwich, 16 north-east from Colchester, 7! £2! per Cent. Annuities, the annual interest arising
-east from Manningtree and 68 from London, in the therefrom being £4 10s. to be applied to the relief of
North Eastern division of the county, Tendrinrg hundred, the poor of this parish, under the direction of the
.-.petty sessional division and union, Colchester, Clacton vicar as ex-officio trustee and two trustees. There is
and Har .. ich Joint county court district, and in the als'J Davall's charity for educational purposes and
rural d.eanerf c•f Harwich, archdeaconry of Colchester Thompson's for six of the oldest widowers and six of
·and Chelmsford dioeese. The church of St. Michael, the olde8t widows. Michaelstow Ha.Il, the property of
·situated on -a hill, is a. building of stone in the Early Arthur Nathaniel Garland esq. and the residence of
~nglish and Decorated styles, consisting of chancel, nave, Gerald Augnstus Curry esq. is a fine mansion of Ted
..outh porch and an embattled western tower containing brick with stone dressings. .A.. N. Garland esq. who
5 bells, and on the south face of which is a sun dial: is lord of the manor of Michaelstow-with-East New
"the north doorway is •rransition Norman and the south Hall, and E. B. K. Norman esq. are the principal land-
'Decorated; the church in 1872 was reseated with open owners. The soil is mixed,Cas is also the subsoil. The
'benches: in the chancel is a monnment to Daniel Burr chief crops are oats, barley, wheat, beans and peas.
r(1782) and Elnabeth, his wife (1783): the church is now The area is 3,923 acres of land, 64 of inland and 174
(1914) undergoing restoration: there are 250 sittings. of tidal water and 8q6 of foreshore (about 700 acres of
"The registers date from the year 1645. The living is land have been Tecovered from the sea by embank-
:a discharged vicarage, net yearly value £205, with ment); rateable value, £21,018; in I<)OI the population
13 acres of glebe and Tesidence, in the gift of the was 2,535, and in 19II, 3,2n, including 832 on board
'Lord Chaneellor, and held since 1913• by the Rev. vesseJls, of which 331 were on 1 of H.M. ships. The
Edga.r Charles Hammond Pyemont M.A.. of Cam bridge namt>s of persons residing in Parkeston will be found
'Unive1sity. There is a Wesleran chapeL A cemetery under Harwich. Near Stourwood copperas has been
of 2 acres, 2 roods and 18 perches was formed in 1910, ; worked; in front of it is Copperas Bay.
at a eost of £1,549, and contains a mortuary and . Sexton. William Kin~. .
tehapel; it is lllnder .the ~ontrol of the Parish Council.

Post & Express Delivery Office.-Miss Mildred Ellis, Ip.m.; Tinker street, tJeareJ, 7· 15 a.m. & 6. 40 p.m.~
sub-postmistress. Letters arrive from Harwich at 7 sundays, 7· 15 a. m
& n.s a.m._; dispatched at. IQ a.m. & 6.5o p.m.; Ramsey Sehool Managers; G. C. Holland, Technical
sundays, arrive ati 1 a.m.; dispatched ~t 9 a.m. The Institute North hill Colchester corresponden5
nearest money order & telegraph office IS at Parkeston ' · ' '
Wall Letter Boxes. South Hall, cleared, 10.25 a.m. & Public Elementary School (mixed), built in Igoi, fo:r
7 ·5 p.m.; sundays, 10.30 a. m. ; Manningtree road, 200 children; average attendance, n6; Frederick
cleared, Io a.m. & 6.45 & 9.15 p.m.; sundays, 7 Staples, master
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Cemetery (Charles Howlett King, Hewett Arth. frmr. Michaelstow frm
Hamilton street, Parkeston, Har- Hunter William Philipps, grocer
Curry Gera.ld Augustus, Michaelstow wich, clerk to the burial authority) King Rebecca (Mrs.), blacksmith
hall (letters thl'ough Dovercourt) Cooper Ernest, farmer, Hill House & I.illey Albert Percy, butcher
Gurney Rev. Arthur Frederick (Un- White House farms Lucas George, carpenter
denominational), Ramsey lodge Cross Chas. Arth. farmer,Roydon hall Lucas Mary (Mrs.), fa"'rm"'er, Eaat.
Pyemont Rev. Edgar Chas. Hammond De ex Richard, beer retailer New hall
· M.A. (vicar), Vicarage Diaper Charles, Lord Nelson inn Nunn Robert, farmer, Primrose hall
Sutherland Capt. W illiam Tudor, Ellis Arthur Herbert, blacksmith i Ranson John, farmer, South hall
Ramsey hall Ellis Stephen .A.lbert, carpenter i Richardson Francis William, fa,.,rmmer.
Wood William Frederick, Sunnyside Gant William (exOl's. of), farmers, Bridgefoot & Mill House farms
Stour Wood,New House & Ray frms Saunders & Gant, frmrs. Foulton hall
COMMERCIAL. Goddard .A.rthur, farmer &; landowner, Saunders Edwa.rd, brick ma. Ray frm
Brooks John,miller (stone fiour mills, The Poplars; Ramsey Hall farm & Scantlebury Robt. Sidney, Castle in1;1
wind & steam} South House farm Tucker Edmund, farmer, Home farm
Hart Henry Wliliam, shopkeeper
BAWRETH (or Raurehithe) i.s a .village. and parish dates from the year _1539· The living is a recto:r, nei
near the river Crouch, over which IS a bridge of one yearly value £433, with 44 acres of glebe. and restdence,
arch, called Battle Bridge, communicating with Retten- in the gift of Pembroke CDllege, Cambridge, and held
don, and on the high road from Rochford to Chelmsford since I873 by the Rev. Godfrey George Kemp 1'11.!.
and Londori; it is 7 miles north-east from Pitsea station formerly fellow of that college. There are wharves at
on the London, Tilbury and Southend railway, and Battles Bridge, partly in this parish and partly in
there is a station at Battles Bridge on the Maldon and Rettendon. The Master and Fellows of St. John's Col-
Wickford line cf the Great Eastern railway, 8 miles lege, Cambridge, who are the lords of the manor of
north-west from Rochford and 31 from London: the Rawreth Hall, and Sion College, London, who hold the-
parish is in the South Eastern division of the county, ntanorial rights of the manor of Beeches, are the prin-
Bochford hundred, petty sessional division and union, cipal landowners. 'fhe soil is heavy loam ; subsoil ..
Southend county court district, and in the rural deanery various. The land is principally arable. The area i~.
of Wickford, archdeaconry of Essex and Chelmsford 2,369 acres of land, 3 of inland and 4 of tidal watert
diocese. The church of St. Nicholas, Tebuilt. in 1882, and 7 of foreshore; rateable value, £2,280; the popu-
from designs by the Rev. Ernest Geldart, rector of lation in 19n was 441.
Li~tl~ Braxted 188~-I900, at a cost of a~out £2,5oo, is a Letter Box cleared at 8. ~5 & 10.45 a. m. & 6 p.m. week
b_ui~dmg ol stone m the Late P~rpen~cular style, con- days & 8. IS a. m. sun days ; letters from Wiclford.,
s1stmg of chancel, nave, north aisle With chape~, .north arrive at 7 & I I a.. m. The nearest money order t.
porch and an embattled western tower conta.mmg 2 telegraph office i;; at Battles Brid~e 1 mile distan'
bells: the chapel on the south side is subject to the "' '
control of the tenant of Beeches Farm, -who has the Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1873, & en-
same rights in it as in the case of a faculty pew: there larged in 1897, for 82 children; average attenda11ce ..
are I36 sittings and 50 seats· for children. The register 70 ; Miss Harriet Cooke, mistress
Marked * receive letters through COMMERCIAL. *Key Edward, shopkeeper
Rayleigh, Essex. A.rcher William, farmer, Shotgate frm *Pinkerton Robt. Hamilton, nursery,.,
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Ayling Leo Chas.Carpenters' ArmsP.H man, J..ubbard's lodge
Kemp Rev. Godfrey George M.A. Elingford John, dairyman, Trynn-de- Seed William B. farmer
(.-ector), 'fhe Rectory hayes farm White Harry, farm bailiff to Williall)
*Penfold Charles Humphrey, Pengelly Jones Elizh. (Mrs.), refreshment rms M. Meeson esq. Rawreth hall
BAYLEIGH is an ancient town on the road from 1904 by the Rev. Arthur Girdlestone Fryer M . .A.. of Trinity-
J..ondon to Rochford, -with a station on the Southend Hall, Cambridge. Here is a Bapti8t chapel, erected ia
1ine of the Great Eastern railway, 33 miles from London, 1798, seating 400 persons; a place of worship for Peculiar
4~ north-by-east from South Benfleet station on the Til- People; a Congregational chapel, built in 1898, to seat.
bury and' Southend railway, 34 miles from London by 350, and a Wesleyan Methodist chapel. A fair for horse&-
road, I6 from Brentwood, 13 south-east from Chelms- and cattle is still held on Trinity :Monday in each year.
ford, 10 east from Billericay, 3 from the wharves at Hull In 1848 a suit of Cromwellian armour was discoTered m
Bridge, 7! north-east from Southend and 5 west from a hiding place in the rectory; and in April, 1849, senl'a1
Rochford, in the South Eastern division of the county, curious and ancient Roman coins were ploughed up iD
Rochford hundred, petty sessional division, union and this parish. .A.t the upper end of the town are earth-
ccunty court district, and in the rural deanery of Wick- works, the remains of a castle first built by Sweyne~
ford, archdeaconry of Essex and Chelmsford diocese. who owned the place at the time of the Domesday
The town~ w'hich consists of one wide street of consider Survey and was the founder of the De Essex family:

able extent, is -well situated in a commanding position these consist of a conical mound and plateau surrounded'
and !is- lighted with gas and supplied witJh water from by s d~ep moat and outer ramparts with minor ditches~
South Benfleet. This place affords the title of baron excavations made in 1910-r2 in the platean and on th~r
kl a branch of the Strutt family. The ancient church of mound revealed extensive floors of stone and concrete ..
the Holy Trinity, standing on rising ground at the upper and silver per.nies of Stephen's reign and many-
end of the town, is an edifice of flint and stone, prin- other articles of the 12th :md 13th centmies wer~r
eipally in the Perpendicular style. although some p81I'ts found. From this spot is obtained a fine view over the-
are of an earlier date ; it cousins of chancel with aisles. neighbouring peninsula. J ames Rogers esq. lord of thll"'
separated from it by arcades of two ba.ys, nave of four mnnor, disposed of his ·rights t.o the Parish Council in-
bays. south porch and a massive western tower with ern- I<Joo. The soil is mixed ; subsoil, cla.y '!lnd sand. The-
battled turret, containing a clock and 8 bells partially chief crops are wheat, barley and beans. The area i1;
rehung in 1888; two of the bells -were addsd in 1898 2,go6 neres; rateable valu~, £r2,748; the popnlation in
m commemoration of th!! Diamond Jubilee of Her late 19n was 2,471.
Majesty Queen Victoria: in 1912 the church was re-
stored at a cost of £2,ooo; the ancient oak roof, which Post, M. 0., T. & Telephone Call Office (letters should
had been ~oncealed by a flat ceiling, was uncovered, have E~sex added). Mi:o:s Annie J. Judd, post-
the chancel arches partly rebuilt, the south doorway mistress. Letters arrive from London, 7 & 9.30 a.m.J
and the red brick Tudor porch stripped of the coating & 6 p.m.; dispatched to London, 8.30 & 10.30 a.m-
of plaster which covered them and a new vestry built; & I, I.30, s.IO. 7-IO & 8.30 p.m. Delivery com•·
in the course of the restoration a rood stair in good mences at 7·5 & 9.30 a.m. & 6 p.m. Let\ers a.r61
condition was discovered in the north wall: there are 450 dispatched by messenger to Thundersley et Hooleigl'i
sittings. The register dates from the year 1548. The at 6 &; 9.30 a.m. & 6.10 p.m.; return at 10.30 a.m. &:
living is a rectory, net yearly value £485, with 40 acres I, 6 &; 7.25 p.m. ; also dispatched to Sou,hend at .l.,
of glebe and residence, in the gift of the trustees of the 5-to & 8.3'J p.m. Open on sundays fr€ml 8.31'1 tG IO
late ReY. Joseph Duncan Macvicar .M ..A.. and held since a.rn. for sale uf stamps &: f0r telegrams
, •
Post Office. Eastwood road.-Hemy R. Bond, snb-post- Police Officers, Sergeant John Robert Burrows; Corr-
master. Letters received from Rayleigh, Essex. Let.- 'Stable Ernest George Harrington
teT Box cleared 7.20 & a.m. &; 7·5 p.m. ; tun·
Wall LetteJ: Bo,xes.-Hockley road, deared at 8.3u a.w. Boys, opened in 1909, for 240 children; average attend-
12 noon & 2.5 & 6.15 p.m.; sundays, 8.15 a.m,; Ray- ance, 170; William James Vickers, master ·
leigh house, cleared at 7._go & 10.15 a.m. & 12.50, 5.40
& 7.15 p.m.; sundays, 6.10 p.m.; Crown hotel, cleared Girls, opened in 1904, ior 1ilo chtldren; average attend-
at 8 & 10.20 a.m. & 12.55. 5·45 & 7.40 p.m.; mndays, ance~ l50; Miss :\Ia1·guret George, mistress
6.10 p.m.; Railway station, cleared at 8.10 &; 10.15 Infants, built in 1895, for 120 children; average attend-
a.m. & 1.50 & 5.30 p.m.; sundays, 8.15 a.m ance, 90 ; Miss Isabe1la M. Hyatt, mistress
Pillar Letter Boxes. White house, cleared at 7 & "10.30 Railway Station, William Smith, station master
a.m. & 7.15 p.m. ; sund.ays, 7 a.m. ; Hambro hill,
cleared at 8.15 a.m. 12 noon & 6.30 p.m. week days Carrier to Chelmsford. A. Brand, toes & fri. 9 a.m
.Marked thus • postal address i" COMliERCUL. - Grays & Tilbmy Gas Co.(showrooms)
Hockley, Essex. Early closing day, Wednesday. (William Henry Barton, district
.\fiRms William Francis M.R.C.S. foreman), Station road
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeon, &, Harris Charles Edward, main road
.!dams William Francis, The Poplars merlicrtl offic?r & public vaccinator surveyor t? ~ounty Council for
!ddison John Wm. The Homestead Rasleigh disnict. Rochford union, Rochford district, Cedar lodgs
Barnard Charles James, Brewery ho k "certihin" factorv sur...,~on ThE> Hayer Frederick James, matke\
Baskett Bertram George Mortimer Poplars . "' . e ' gardener, Dawesheath l'Oad
M.B.Oxon. Finchley house Ager Arthur, draper Hou~hto~ ~obert James, boot maker
Bolton William, Bleke house *Andrews Henry .Mottram, boarding Jarv1s Wtlham, farmer
Bovey Sidney Smith, Fairview bous~, Drover's 1 Jenner Jn. C. nu1·serymn.Eastwood rd
Burrows Egleston, Rayleigh house Austen-Frost J ost>ph Charles, house 1 J ohnson Frank, greengrocer, Grove rd
Cameron Samuel, Farmlea agent, The Mount Johnson John, boot x_naker
*Cnri' Gerald W. Gattens Bailey Wm. Arth. hair drssr. High st Johnson Re~e_cca (M1ss), maker
Carty James, 'Uplands
Cecil Chas. Albert. Rayleigh lodge
Baker Ern est, dairyman
Baker Fredk. builder, Dawesheath rd
Jordan W Ilham, nurseryman, see
Bo:wles & Jordan
Chapman Mrs. Fairview, Hockley rd Bambury John, builder, Norfolk villa Jord1son Thomas N. n-urseryman &.
Cheshir!l Josllph, Woodbine Barday & Company Limited bankers seedsman, Dawesheath road
elements Mrs. Strathview (sub-branch), open mon.' wed. & .Tudd_ Charles Ernest, estat-e ag_ent An
Cork .A.rthur Charles, Barringtons fri. 10 to 12.30 ; draw on head assistant overseer for Rayleigh &
Crowle-Smith John, Treehurst office~ 54 L6mbard st. London E G Rawreth
Curtis Miss, 'J.'he Cottage Barker & Go. contractors Judd M. (Miss), news agent
England J oseph, Longview Barnett Waiter baker Keeble Jessie (.Mrs.), shopkeeper
Fordham Mrs. Hadstock, Victoria rd Baskett Bertr;,m George Mortimer Knowles Richard, chemis.t
Francis E. 1;1. High 1>treet M.B.Oxon. surgeon, Finchley house Lander Charles John, chimney sweep
Francis Miss, Station road Bates Wm. fa~er, Great Wheatley Laurie Joseph, painter .
Francis M,rs. High street Bingham Richard, shopkeeper 1 Leeks Morrtce (Mrs.), grngro.H1gh st
Frver Rev. Arthur Girdlestone M.A. Blowes Arthur butcher Loker Hannah {Mrs.), shopkeeper
-(rector). The Rectory Bolton. Wm. t~hr. of music, Bleke ha Loker William, grocer. .
Fuller-Clark Reginald" Down hall Bond Henry R. tov maker Post office Luker Henry &i Co. L1m1ted, brewers
Gilbert William James~ Ma"field •
• Eastwood road · ' ' & wine & Rpirit merchants
Rayleigh road Boosey John, beer retailer 1 Mann Henry & Son, grocers .
Gilson Samuel, Homecroft Bowen Samuel Jas. White Horse P.H March. Reuben, coal mer,Whlte ~o:use­
Goodman Charles, Pendower Bowen Samuel James, jun. shop-' Masomc Lodge (No. 1,734 Trtmty)
Harbottle George Pringle, Sweyns keeper. Church street (Daniel St~atford, sec.), held at th~
Hare George Montague, Montana Bowles & Jordan, nurserymen, East- Golden LIOn hotel, every seconcl
Hazell Walter Richard, Alwyne wood road wed. from Sept. to May flot 7 p.m
Hollin.gworth Rev. J. Samt1el tWes- Brand Alfred cauier to Chelmsford, Miller William M.D., Ch.B.Edin_
leyan Methodist), Cast1e street High street physiciaa, Ivy _house
Holman Marcus Robert, Rushmere Brett Sidney Herbert, nurseryman, Moore Mrs. stahoner
lodge Hillside Moore Annie (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Hull Alfred, The Pingle Brewer Sidney Edgar, baker Moss Frank, hair dresser
Johnstone John F. Brooklands Britton Wait. Jas. fishmngr. High st Newman Herbt. f~rmer, see Clemance-
Judd Charles Ernest, The Laurels Rrown Sarah Ann (Miss), confectioner & Newman, Weir farm
J.amm Christian, Kensington villa Brown Thomas James, miller (oil), Newman Thomas, market gardener
Macey Harry, Tamlin Raylei~h flour mills Olley G~orge, boot & shoe ~aker
Yiller William M.D. Ivy house Byford George, bricklayer 1Page E_hza (Mrs.), Golden LIOn com-
Moodie Robert. Weir Bdord John Thomas builder mercml hotel

Moon Philip, Chemuts Bygott William, ~oli~itor, High street Pape HarryCecil,Crown & Railway htl
Moon Reginald, Wickham Carter Nathaniel watch maker Patmore Ernest George, baker
Moss Thomas William, Rose hill Chippington wm: Hy. coach builder IPearson Ed~in, ironmonger
:Sorthfield John, Tren-de-Hayes Clemance & Newman,frmrs.Weir frm Plowman Eh, maker of hand & ma-
*Offiu Thomas, Turrett house Coller E. A. (Miss), girls' school, c~ine-made bricks of ev~ry descri:p-.
Paxton William, Grove house Bellingham house t10n ; terra cotta, tiles, dram
Pennell George, Hillside Cook John, boot & shoe maker pipes &c. &c. Rayleigh brick & tile
Petchey Mrs. Clovelly Crees Chas. Hv. •
corn. trav. Bramshot works; & at The Manor WOI'ks,.
Phillips Edwin Charles, Linwood hall Dare Edward, butcher, Eastwood road 1 Thnndersley
Phillips Mrs. Picton house Devenish Edward Bright, coal mer j Plowman Theophilus S. motor engi-
PhiUips William, Broomfields, Dawes- Deveson Percy .Alfred, draper, Corn- neer, Chicksands cottage
heath road merce house Potter Elizabeth (Missl, dress maker.
Piggott Courtn.ey, The Ru:lfles F"idgeon Sa.rah (:\Irs. ), beer retailer Melrose, Station road
Priestley James Russell, Holly Tree Field Wm. Nathaniel, paintr. High st Powell Hy. Edwd. bricklayer, High st;
farm Finch Thomas William, ironmonger Pudney Joseph William, cab propr.
Richards Mrs. Homeside Fisher Maurice, builder, Hambro' hill Hockley road
Roberts John, Hylands Ford Joseph W. artificial teeth maker Rand William Hy. & Sons,nurserymn
Russell Harley, The Anchorage Fordham Reuben,greengrocer,High st Rand Ernest Percy, nurseryman,
Sarson .A.rthur John, Oaklands l<'ore,;ters (.Ancient Order of) (True Mill Lane nurseries
c;lade Chas. Hy. Nathaniel,Homeleigh Briton 4,237) (Wm. Burrell, gee.), Rayleigh & District Horticultural So-
Stellwagen Philip, The Laurels held at British school ciety (Wm. Jas. Vickers, hon. sec)
Turner Ernest William, The Limes Franklin Samuel, Half Moon P.H ,Rayleigh Dramatic Club (Sidney Wal-
Voss Waiter .A.rthur, Fairlight Glen Fraser Ro bert, grocer, Eastwood road lis, sec.), High street
Wallace W.tlliam, Emilene French Albert, beer retailer Ravleigh Horticultural Society (W..A. Ernest John William, White Gale James (Mrs.),brick maker, East- Voss &; E. J. W. Warren,joint secs)
cottage wood road Rayleigh Nursing .A.sseciation rvr.
~ill!! Alexander. Jn"JE>nook fHl~on BrothPrs, grocers Burrt>ll, hon. sec. ; Miss L. ..:-..,.-:-.lof::;A-;-:,
\food :Mat y, Hilkrest LG:lson Samuel, insurance agt.High st hon. sec. to ladies' comrni"i·t ~' .... ~~
,.c ..
fliEf'IEfliE ~'
- ....v.~ '

Reading Room (George Bradley, sec) ~Southend Waterworks C J. High st Upson Arthur James, saddler
Recreation Rooms (W.N. F'ield,propr) !Sparrow Edwin Charles, vet. sU:rgedn~ 1Vinnall Bros. photographers, High 1 t
Redbond ,John, farmer, Hambro' hill & veterinary inspector under thl' Ward Henry William, nurseryman
Rollingson Alfred John, greengrocer "Diseases of Animals Acts'' for Ward Wm. plumber, I Church villas
SearleFredk.poultry frmr.Eastwood rd Rochford district 1Warren Ernest Jn.Wm.bldr.White ~
Shead Thomas, farm bailiff to s. s.,SparrowHrbt.C.boot repr.Eastwood rd I Webster Joseph, butcher .
Baker esq. Stevens' farm Stewart George Arthur, saddler 1Webster Jsph. dairyman, Hambro' hi
Shead William H. jobbing gardener Stratford Daniel Rees, nurseryman, W edd Charles, beer retailer
Sidwell Henry Thomas M.I.M.E. Parklands Whallev• John,hurdle ma.Eastwood rd
engineer & surveyor to Rochford Taylor Samuel, nurseryman, .Alpha Williams Thomas, cab proprietor
Rural District Council Thorn Mrs. coal merchant Wilson Rt.frmr.Little Wheatley farm
Smith Charles William, builder Thorogood G. & Co. smiths 1 Wilson Joseph, house agt. Lealholm~
Smith Harry, plumber, East wood rd Topsfield Henry P. registrar of births i Wintle Arthur, solicitor
Smith -Henry, builder, Hockley r{)ad & deaths for Rochford sub-district IWit ham Charles ThQIDas, estate agt.
Smith Herbert Edmond, insur. agent & relieving & vaccination officer ·& 2 Dollmartins
Smith William, blacksmith collector to guardians for 2nd dis- Witham Horace, carriage builder

~outhend Steam Laundry Limited trict, Rochford union· Wood Frederick Luke, butcher
(Mrs. Petchy, manageress), High st 'fotman Thomas, bill poster [ Worraker Alfd. Ernest,grngro.High n
ITweed Martin, greengrocer Wright Alfd.fruit growr.TheNurseries

RA YNE (or Raine) is a pleasant village and parish. a new sanctuary and clergy vestry were added, and
on the riv-er Brain or Pods brook, and on the road from new east windows and oak choir stalls. The regis.ter
Braintree to Bishop Stortford, with a station on the dates from the year 1558. The living is a rectory, net
Bishop Stortford, Dunmow and Braintree section of thf> yearly value £3oo, with 27 acres of glebe and residence,
Gt·eat Ea:>tern railway, 2 miles west from Braintree, 7 in the gift of the Earl of Essex, and held since 1898
easr. from Dunmow, rr north-east from Chelmsford and by the Rev. Charles Hutchinson M.A. of Sidney Sussex
46 from London, in the Eastern division of the county, College, Cambridge. Here is a Congregational chapel,
Hinckford hundred, petty sessional division of Hinckford built in 1907, with 200 sittings. The old voluntary
South (Braintree bench), Braintree union and county school is used as a reading room &c. during the winter
court district, rural deanery of Braintree, archdeaconry months. Rayne Hall, situated close to the church, and
of Colchester and Chelmsford diocese. The church of now a farm house, is a timbered structure, the old
All Saints, rebuilt in 1840, is an edifice of brick in the part of which was erected by the Wells family and the
Tudor style, and consists of chancel with vestry, nave, later by Sir Giles Capel, between 1510 and 1520. The
south porch and a lofty embattled ·western tower with manor house of Baynard's or Raynes was situated in
crocketed pinnacles, lmd containing a clock and 6 bells : the north part of this parish, in an inclosure called
the old bells were rehung and a treble added in 1913: "Chapel Field,'' upon a small ascent near the river,
the tower was built by :Sir William Capel, whose arms where there are still traces of the house and of the
appear in the brickwo1·k near the foundation, on either moats that encompassed it: in the hollow from the
:Side of the belfry door: the old church, supposed to have road to the house were fish ponds. Edward Symonds
been built temp. Henry II. was once famous for an altar M.A. rector here, temp .. Charles I. was a learned
and chapel in the south aisle, erected in honour of the author, and wrote various political and theological
Blessed Virgin: of the present structure the tower is works. Dr. Richard Kidder, Bishop of Bath and Wells
by far the most ancient part: there are memorial r6gr-1703, and famous as a divine, was also rector of
-windows, besides several mural monuments and a large Rayne from 1664 to r674· The interest of £167, left
brass, with arms, to the Capel family: there were in- by Mr. Ralph Polley, of this parish, in August, 183r,
terred here Sir Giles Capel kt. ob. 1556, a distinguished is distributed in bread. The Earl of Essex, who is
1leader at the sieges of Terrouenne and· Tournay and lord of the manor, Mr. Sherwood, Messrs. G. E. and
the battle of Spurs, alJ in 1513, and to his wife; Sir A. D. Brunwin and Mr. William Lanyon are the prin-
Edward Capel kt. ob. 1577 and his daughter Grace, ob. cipal landowners. The soil is loam and mixed soil;
1587; Sir Henry Capel kt. ob. 1588 and Katherine subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops are wheat,
(Manners) his wife, daughter of Thomas, rst Earl of barley, oats, peas and beans and there is some pasture
Rutland K.G.; Henry Cape! esq. 1615 and Thomas, land. The area is 1,707 acres; rateable value, [1,798;
-son of Sir _<\rthur CapPl, 1621: there is also a brass the population in rgu was 389.
with arm" and inscription to Lady Manners, ob. 1572: Post, M. 0. & T. & Telephone Call Office. William
in 1867 the chancel was restored and the vestry en· Edgar Hawkes, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive by
laraed. and in 1884 the church was entirely reseated, cart from Braintree at 6 & II-45 a.m.; dispatched at
thP winrlnws newly glazed and the bells rehung, by 3-5 & 7.20 p.m. ; sundays, 7.20 p.m
-subscription. In rgo~ an oak screen . was erected by County Council School, built in 1878, for 210 children;
Mr~ J. L. D. Ru~lnn,_ as a mem.onal to Her late average attendance, 165; John Y.ttill, master
MaJesty Queen VICtoria. There 1s a 15th century . . . .
carved oak sedile and a reredos; containing 15 panels, Pohce Station, Alfred Wllham Soanes, constable
of old Flemish work of the 16th century. In I9I3-I914 Railway Station, Alfred H. Chapman, station master
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Vaughan Mi~os, Turners Lewis Solomon, beer retailer
Williams James B. Goulds house Over-all Alfred, Cherry Tree P.H
Blyth C. S. Medley house Reading Room (Arthur Wilshere,hon.
Brown Mrs. Rudston, Bazeldean covvuncur.. sec)
Brunwin George Eustace, Haverings Blyth O.S.agricultural implement ma Richardson William Arthur, farmer,
Burt Edward Bennett, Staneway Bradridg-e T. & Co. corn merchants Rayne lodge
Ca.tchpole Mrs . .Oak house Brame Mary (Mrs.), farmer,Pound fro Rolfe Sarah Ann (Miss), dress ID{J.ker
Gale Mrs. Rayne Place Brunwin George E. farmer & land- ThompsonWm.thatcher,Braintree gni
Hutchinson Rev. Chas. M ..A. (rector). owner, Haverings Turner Jonathan, blacksmith
Rectory Fitch Joseph & Arth.frmrs.Rayne fm Walford. Hasler & Co. Ltd. coal mer11
Hutley Charles, Rayne hall • Hawkes Wm. Edgar, grocer,Post office Wallis James Peter, Swan P.H
Jones Miss, The Laurels Hutlev Alfred, farmer, Pudney's Woollard Travis, farmPr, Gould's &;
Lanyon William, Old hall I farm ; & at Derwards Hall,Bocking King's farms; &i at GoldsticJ..s,
Linsell .Alfred [Hutley Charles, farmer, Rayne hall J Shalford
TayJor Mrs. Mef,ford, Cyprus house Lanyon William, farmer, Old hall
RETTENDON, in Domesday "Ratendune," is a parish union and county court district, rural deanery of Widt•
and scatter£>d village, a portion of which is on the river ford, archdeaconry of Essex and Chelmsford diocese
Crouch. and known as "Battles Bridge," and supposed to Battles Bridge station on the Maldon and Southmin~ter
have bt>en so named from an engagement fought here branch of the Great Eastern railway is about I milP
betwPPn Edmnnd Ironside and Canute the Dane, on St. south. The church of All Saints is an edifice of rubble
LnkP's Day, r8th October, 1016. The Crouch, here in the Perpendicular style, and consists of chancel, nave.
spanned by an iron bridge on brick piers, erected in north aisle, south porch and an embattled Wl'stern tower
1872·1. is navi~able up to this point for barges and with conical tiled roof and containing 6 bells: the
small craft, and there are extensive stores and wharves. chancel retains a piscina and sedilia, and several of the
Rettendon. -which belonged in 673 to R nunnery in the benches have carved oak finials with badges, including
Isle of Ely, is on the bi!!'h Toad from Chelmsford to the "Bear and Ragged Staff" and "Eagle and Child":
Rochford, 9 miles south-east from Chelmsford, 5 north- here also is a sumptuous marble monument to Edmund
wP~t from Rayleig-h, 32 from London by road and 9 Humfrey esq. with his effigy reclining on a slab and the
north-west. from Rochford, in the Mid division of the , ri~ht hand resting on an open book ; at the back part
connt~', Chelmsford hundred, petty sessional division, of the tomb are two full-length figures on an amplt'


(ledestal of 1rhite mar~le; on the right a man in armoul' of the income of the charity is now devoted to the
and on the left a female : two Corinthian pillars support provision of clothing prizes to r~gulal' attendants at
the eanopy, under which are displayed the family arms the Elementary School: the building is now used as .a
and military trophies and various ornaments: this reading room. The Rev. William Bartlett M.A. vicar
Edmund Humfrey died a bachelor, 12 June, 1727, ret. of St. Barnabas, Sutton, Surrey, is lord of the ma.nar...
53· leaving all his estate here to William Fytche esq. The New England Company are the principal land-
of Danbury Place: there are brasses in the floor to owners, and there are several small landowners. The
Richard Cannon esq. a benefactor to the parish, ob. 20 svil is heavy; the subsoil, clay; producing excellent
December. 16o5, and to Richard Humfrey, gent. half- crops of wheat and beans. The area is 3•707 acres of
brother to Richard Cannon esq. whom the said Richard land. 1 of inland and 22 of tidal water and 28 of fore-
Cannon made his heir, ob. 21 December, 1607; and to his shore; rateable value, £4,350; the population in 19II
three sona, Ri~hard, William and Edmund: there is also was 835.
the brass of a civilian and two wives, c. 1540, with three Post, M. 0. & T. Office, Battles Bridge (letters should
10n1 and four daughters; a third wife, sGme children and have Essex added. )-George J ames Blanks, postmaster.
inscription missing: the panels of the pulpit and reading Letters delivered at 6 & 10 _45 a. m. & 7 .5 & 7 .5 0 p.m.
desk -and- tbe front of one of the benches are filled with (to callers); dispatched at 5 !55 &;"f•1d.js• a.m. & 7 .35
cnnod oak tracery, probably fragments of the old rood p.m. ; sundays, delivered at 6 a.m.; dispatched at
ICI'-een : the north aisle has been at some period extended ·
eastward, and has over it. a building, probably once p:fst_ ~r!;. Office, Rettendo~· Common.-Harry Steer,
.eccupied by a recluse: the church "·as completely
TeStored in 1 g97 _8 under the direction of :Mr. F. Chan- sub-postmaster. Letters received through Chelmsford;
eellor, architect, of Chelmsford, and re-opened by the delivered at 6 a.m. &; 2.30 p.m. ; dispatched at II.I5
Lord Bishop of St. Albans 17 July, I8g8. The register ,.. a.m. & 7·50 p.m. ; sundays, letters to callers, 8. .3P to
dates from thA year 1678. The living is a rE>ctory, net ·IO a.m. & dispatched at 7·5o p.m. The neaTest
.:yearly nlue £-:p.s, with 86 acres of glebe and residence. money order office is at Battles Bridge, 2! miles
in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since 1912 distant
by the Rev. Gorges Fettiplace John Gwynne Evans- \V all Letter Bo.s:Ps. Rettendon turnpike, cleared at 10.10
Gwynne M ..A.. of St. John's College, Cambridge. There a.m. & 6.55 p.m. ; &Unday. 5·40 p.m. ; Chalk street.
is a church mission room at Rettendon Common, cleared at 1 1. 2 5 a m. & 7·15 p.m.; sundays, 7·15 p.m
and a Congregational chapel at Battles Bridge, erected LE>tter Box, Rettendon school, cleared at 6.35 a.m. &
in 1836, seating 18o persons, and anothPr on Retten- 6.4o p.m. & sunday, 6.35 a.m
don Common, built in 1871, with 200 sittings. The Police Station, Rettendon, P. C. Sydney Charles Wood,
charities include [1o from Cannon's charity, noticed in charge
under West HanningfiPld; the poor widows of Retten- Public Elementary School (mixed), erected, with
1lon have also a yearly rent-charge of 4os. out of master's residence, in 1877, k enlarged in 1912, for
Helmon's farm at West Hanningfield, · left by Ann 190 children; average attendance, 150; Charles J.
Humfrey; the other portion of the charity consists Langley, master; Mrs. Langley, infants' mistress
of Io acres of land, given by an unknown lady, and Assistant Overseer, Charles J. Langley
is let for £10 yearly. .A sum of £zo, left by Edmund I Railway Station, Battles Bridge, .A.lbert Edward Smith,
Humfrey esq. out of Rettendon Place farm, for educa- station master
tional purposes, was allowed to accumulate and a school Carriers to Chelmsford.--Charles Key, Rettendon Com-
was built early in the 18th century; on the passing mon, fri. ; John Brand, from Rayleigh, passes through
()f the "Education .Act, 1873," the building was sold here for Chelmsford tues. & fri. returning same day
and the proceeds invested in Consols ; the greater part
RETTENDON. *Clark .Arthur, wheelwright I Steer Harry, shopkeeper, Post office
.Marked thus * receive their letters Green 'fhos. Bell P .H.Re~tendon Cam Thomason John, pig dealer
through Battles Bridg~ Essex. 'Ho we CharlE-s, beer . retailer Till. JosPph, farmer
' Jeffery James OctaVIus, farmer White John (e:xors. of), farmers
PBIVATB BBR1DENTS. Key Charles, carrier, The Common *'Vorrin Fredk. farmer, Rettendon lo
Baker John Thomas, The Elms Key George. beer retailer
*Craig Abrhm.Walker,Rettendon hall Kirkman · John, farmer, Hillside,
*Evans-Gwynne Rev.Gorges. F. J. G., Rettendon Common BATTLES BRIDGE.
:M ..A.. (rector), The Rectory . *Langley Chas. Jas. assistant overseer I ~{eeson .A.rthur John, Telfords
Jones Bertram Hyde, The Willows, Lofthouse James, farmer, Rawlings ~eeson Noel Fawc~>tt, Telfords
Rettendon Common M·1tt Arthur, farmer, The Common Moat Ethelbert. Mill house
*Kidner Jn.Champion,Rettendon grng' Oddy James Frederick, boot maker, Wilson John, The Bungalow
Kirkman John, Hill side, The Commn The Common I
Le w1s · M'ISS, S ou th H anmng· fi e ld roa d Oliff Arthur & James, farmers, Pot- 1 COMMERCIAL.
*Meesoa Wm. Merryfield,Rettendon Pl ter's farm, The Common J A.ttridge George, Hawk P.H

Moore Arth.Brunwins,Rettendon Com Radford Thomas & John, farmers, Benson Herbert Jas. & Ernest Harry,
"*Mott George, The Croft Hvde hall, The Common shopl>eepers
*Sangster Major Thomas AlPxander Reading Room (Mrs. James Long, Blanks George James & Son, grocers,
Gardner, Pondlands 1 caretaker) Post office
Wadmore Ernest Howard, RPttendon Rettendon & D:.strict Horticultural Cottingham Edwin Lewis, beer retlr
Cummon Society (J. C. Kidner, hon. sec) Gra} Harrison, maltster
CO:U.MERCU.L. Rice William, poultry farmer, Hay- Mann Arthur James, baker
Barker George, farmer, The Common lands, The Common Meeson ...!.rthur John, coal merchant
Bass A.aron farmer Vale farm Smith & Green, farmers & farmer, Telfords; Burrels farm
1tBiggs wrr:. gardnr\o A. W .Craig esq Smith James, marlret gardener, The & Chichester hall
*Brown William Joseph, blacksmith I C?mmon :Meeson No~l ~awcett, farmer .
*Cardy William, farm bailiff to .A. w. Smith Waiter, poultry farmer, ThP J ~Ieeson Wilha.m :Merryfield, m1ller
Craig esq I Common · (.water & steam)
lUCKLING is a villaae and parish, 3 miles south- font: the interior was restored in r865 and a new chan-
west from :Sewport stati;n on the Cambridge section of eel roof was placed in 1889: thP church has 120 sittings.
the Great Eastern railwav. 6 south-west from Saffron The register dates from the year 1660. The living
Walden, 6 north from Bishop Storiford and 34 from is a vicarage, net yearly value £190, including 6~
London, in the Northern division of the county, Uttles- acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Bishop of
ford hundred, Saffron Walden petty sessional division, Chelmsford, and held since 1894 by the Rev. Waiter
-union and county court district, Newport and Stan- Lanclon-Smith M.A. of Worcester College, Oxford; the
11tead , rural deanery, Colchester archdeaconry and F.cclP"iastical Commissioners are the impropriators of the
<:helmsford diocese. The church of All Saints is a ~reat tithes. There is a small place of worship lbelong-
bui1ding of flint, with 1!tone dressings, in the Earh ing to the CongTegationalists. erected in r8rg, with 12o
English. JtJle.. consisting of chancel, nave of two bays, sittings. The Rickling Parish room, built in 1902, is
south ;usle, south porch and an embattled western tower nsed for service on Sundays and for parish purposes
CQntaininl!" 5 bell": a carved oak reredo~. of Flemish genE>rall~·. Riclding Hall, an ancient building and now
work, was erected in 1879· and a very beautiful oa); a farm house, ,;tand"i about three-quarters of a mile
11ereen separates the chancel and nave: there are two frmn the chnr<'h !lnd originally formed a quadrangle,
ancient tombs, one on either ~ide of the chancel. to with an embattled gateway, and was once surrounded
the de Walden and rle Lan!!ley families. and to Thomas by a moat. Lieut.-Col. Sir Robert William Inglis, who
Langoley, ob. 20 Feb. 1470: the carved oak pulpit is is lord of the manor, Francis Savile Harry Judd esq.
-of the century and there is also an ancient carved and Sir John Barker bart. are the principal land-
owners. The soil is mixed, heavy and light; subsoil, Police Constable, Percy Thomas Lee, Rickling Green
gravel and clay. The crops are generally on the four- Public Elementary School (mixed), er('eted in 1873• a~ a
course system. The area is 1.392 acres; rateable
cost of £1,ooo, for the pari~hf's of Rickling & Qnen-
value, £1,580; the population in 19II was 339·
Letters through Newport delivered from Quendon at 7 & don, for 105 children; average attendance, 76; MillS
II.Io a.m. & dispatched at 12.30 & 7·I5 p.m. The
R. A. l\'Iattingley, head mistress; Miss Mary Hubbard
nearest post, money order & telegraph office is at. & Miss Elsie Turner, assistant mistresses
Quendon, adjoining Carrier. William Gray, to Bishop Stortford, tuea.
Letter :Boxes. Church End, cleared at 7-45 a.m. & 12 thurs. & sat.; to Saffron Walden, mon. wed. & fri
noon; Coach & Horses, Church street, 12.15 & 7 p.m
Pittman Cha;:. farmer, Rickling green
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. COMMERCIAL. Pittman Mart ha (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
Bailey Lady, Rickling house Adams James, cowkeeper Rickling green
Judd Francis Savile Harry B.A., J.P. Barber James A. Coach & Horses P.H Scantlebury Jabez, frmr.Rickling hall
Maces Place Gray William,. carrier, Rickling green J S~ll Nathan, farmer, Bury farm
Landon-Smith Rev. Waiter M.A. Hart John, Cricketers' Arms l'.B ·rmney J,Jhii, farmer, Church end
Vicarage Hayden Owen, blacksmith Toft Henry, beer retailer
Scott John Charles, The Homestead Hl·land Fredk. Charles, poultry farm r 1 WaJlig .Albert, frmr. Maces Place frw
RIDGEWELL, or Ridgwell, is an ancient village and Lnnt college. Here is a Congregational chapel, founded
parish on the high road from Colchester to Cambridge, in 1602, rebmlt in r859, and seating 6oo. Many Roman
2! miles south-east from Birdbrook and 3 miles north- and Welsh coins and antiquities and the foundations of
west from Yeldham stations on the Colne Valley section a Roman villa have -been found here. In 1318 Ridg~
and 2 south-east from Stoke station on the Melford and well had a market and fair. The Master and Fellows of
Cambridge branch of the Great Eastern railway, 4 south- St. John's College, Cambridge, who are lords of thll'
west from Clare, 5 south-east from Haver hill and 10 manor, St. Catharine's and Queens' Colleges, Cambridge,
north-west from Halstead: it is in the Northern division K;ing Viall esq. of Baythorne Park, Jabez Gurteen esq.
of the county, Hinckford hundred, North Hinckford petty of Sturmer, and F. J. Gurney esq. are the chief land-
sessional division, Halstead union, Haver hill county owners. The soil is loam, clay and gravel; subsoil,
court district and in the rural deanery of Belchamp, clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley and potatoe&.
archdeaconry of Colchester and Chelmsford diocese: The area is I,41o acres; rateable value, £r,879; th&
near the church is a fine spring, or well, which, with population in I9II was 455·
the Ridgeway, gives the place its name; the river By Local Government Board Order 16,61 2, March 25,
Colne rises in this parish, and in the centre of the 1 885, a detached part of this parish known as Ridgewell
village is a green. 'fhe church of St. Lawrence is a Norton was transferred to Stambourne.
building covered with plaster, in the Perpendicular Parish Clerk, Gordon Harrington.
style, consisting of chancel, with north aisle, nave of
four bays, with clerestory, south porch and an em- i»ost & T. Office.-Henry ..ishplant, sub-postmaster.
battled western tower, containing 8 clock and 5 bells: Letters arrive from Halstead (per mail cart) at 6.15
the chancel retains a piscina and sedilia and is divided a.m. & 5-55 p.m. from Haverhill (Suffolk); dispatched
from the nave by the remains of a fine oak screen: at 6.40 a.m. via Haverhill & 5·55 p.m. via Halstead.
the pulpit is late Jacobean: the staircase to the rood The nearest money order office is at Stambourne, 2
loft still exists and is ente1ed through the north aisle: , miles dis~ant .
the church was restored in the year 1s71 : there are Cou~ty Pohce Stat1o~, Harry Thomas J?-dd.' constable
:zso sittings. The register dates from the year 15 62. 1 Pubhc El.ementary ::;chool (r_mxed), bmlt m 1865 & en-
The living is a discharged vicarage, net yearly value larged _m 1872, for. I2r) ch1l~ren; average attendance,
[180, including 140 acres of glebe, with residence, 83 ; M1ss Mary Gr1mble, mistress
in the gift of St. Catharine's College, Cam bridge, and This school is under the control of the Essex Educa-
held since 1891 by the Rev. Rupert St. Leger B..A. of tional (Halstead District) Sub-Committee
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. [Climatological Station (Miss Gurney, j Playle Harry, farmer
Coules Mrs. Arnold cottage in charge), Ridgewell hill Reeve Fredf'rick Richard, farmer
Hubbard Thomas, Town house Cole Charles, higgler Smith A. & Son, engineers, whepJ-
St. Leger Rev. Rupert B..A. Vicarage Cole George, beer retailer wrights, blacksmiths &; implemen~
COMMERCIAL. Dines Jsph. farmer,Great Meadow end rt>p1irers & agents
-ishplant Henry, shopkpr.& post office Gurney Francis John, farmer Stet>d James, plumber
Barnard Harry, farmer Irving Harry C. beer retailer Steed Thos. James, King's Head P.H
Barnard Harry, shopkeeper Kindred .Arthur Thomas. shopkeeper Tyler John, tinsmith
Barnard "\Valter, farmer Ling Frank, farm bailiff to Jabe~ Ward Herbert, wheelwright
Boldero Jsph.Jn. frmr. Ridgewell hall Gurteen esq. Essex hall Warr('n James, farm bailiff to George
Chaplin Jsph.C.miller (wind & steam) Mitson Moses, beer retailer I E. Unwin esq. Causeway farm
Chaplin Richard Hawes, farmer,ThreP Moore Oris Harry, assistant overseer I Wifff'n George, insurance agent
Chimnf'yil .Moore John Henry, boot maker

RIPPLESIDE, see Barking.

RIVENHALL is an ancient parish on the Crossing £I6, for fuel, left in 1654 by Sir Thomas Wiseman and iD
brook, 2 miles north from Witham Junction station on r784 by William Bollan. The remains of a Roman villa
the main line of the Great Eastern railway, 8 south-east were found near the church in the year r846, and at that
from Eraintree and 39 fr:Jm London, in the Eastern date a tesselated pavement could be traced for four
division of the county, hundred and petty sessional divi- hundred yards. Rivenhall Place is a rectangular mansion
sion of Witham, :Braintree union and county court dis- !ltanding on risin~ ground in a park of Ioo acres, con-
trict, rural deanery of Witham, archdeaconry of Col- Laining ornamental water about 500 yards in length:
chester and Chelmsford diocese. The church -of St. over this is a stone bridge of three arches by which the
Mary and .All Saints is an edifice of rubble and stucco, mansion is approached from the south; it is the property
in a modern Gothic style, consisting of chancel, nave, of the West ern family and is now occupied by A.ugtHtus
south porch and an embattled western -tower with pin- Maunsell Bradhurst esq. The parish comprises five
nacles containing one bell: it was restored in 1839-40 manors; Sir Thomas C. C. Western hart. of 82 St.
:md re-pewed m 1878: the east window is enriched with George's square S. W. is the principal. landowner and
ancient stained gla'>s, obtained from Normandy by the lord of the manors. The land is principally arable;
Rev. Bradford Denne Hawkins M . .A.. rector· 1853-82, subsoil, loam. The chief crops ar~ wheat, barley.
and presented by him: there is a very fine monument to turnips, peas, beans and seeds. The area is 3,418 acres
Sir Ralph Wiseman kt. and his lady, dated 1594, and of land and ro of water ; rateable value, £5,275; th&
several costly tombs to members of the Western family, population in I9II was 639 in the civil and 6gB in th&
including that of William Western esq. d. 22 Sept. 1729: ecclesiastical parish.
there are 2oo sittings. The register dates from the year
r639. The living is a rectory, net yearly value £soo, with
residence and 139 acres of glebe, in the gift of Sir T. C. By Local Government Board Order 22,339, :March li4•
C. Western hart. and held since 1897 by the Rev. Herbert r88q. detached parts of this parish were added to Creas-
Henry Willmott. of the University of London. The rec- ing and a detached part of the latter to Rivenhall for
tory is situated in its own grounds, 1 mile south-west of civil purposes.
the church. A Workmen's Hall was erected in 1870 and
will hold 120 persons. There are charities amounting to Parish Clerk, Robert Scott.
Post Office, Rivenhall.-Miss Elsie- Shelly, sub-post- Wall Letter Box, Silver End, at the side of the Western
mistress. Letters received through Witham at 7.30 Arms P.H. cleared at 9 a.m. & 6 p.m. week days only.
a.m. l; 7 p.m.; dispatched at 9.20 a..m. & 1·5 The nearest monev order office is a~ Witham . ,
p.m.; sundays, 11' a.m. Witham is the nearest Public Elementary ·school (mixed). built in 1855 & en-
money-' order office & Rivenhall End the nearest tele- larged in 1873' for 120 children; aveTSge attendance~
graph office, 1 mile distant ' 70;. William Parker, master '
Post & T. Office, Rivenhall End. Frederick Henry This school is controlled by the Essex County Education
Springett, sub-postmaster. Letters received through (Braintree District) Sub-Committee, John Gleavep
Witham at 7.30 a.m. & ; & 7.25 p.m.; dispatched Oounty High school, Braintree, clerk
ail g.2o a.m. & 1.50 & 7.20 p.m. ; sundays, arrive 7·30 Carriers to:..-

money order office

a.m. ; dispatched -at 10.45 a.m. Witham is the nearest Chelmsford-Moore Brothers, on mon. tues. thurs. fri_
& sat ·
Bradhurst Augustus Maunsell, Riven- Butler George, boot maker South Stanley, farmer .. Rolfts farm
hall Plaee Hammond Charles, baker Springett Absolom, West ern Arms
Mrs. Rickstones Pike John, Prince of Wales- P.H Succamore Eli, farm bailiff to Walter-
Polley John, Springholds Polley John. farmer, Springholds Taber esq. Rectory farm
Sperling St. John Van Hagen, Dur- Rawlinson George, bailiff to Thomas Taber Waiter, farmer, Rivenball End
wards ball Speakman esq , & Pond, Boar Stye & Rectory farms
Tnber James, Hoo hall Sbelley Arthnr, bailiff to James Taber Turner Alfred William, blacksmith
wmmott Re,-; Herbert Henry (rectl:lr), esq. Hoo hall 1Warwicker A. T. (exors. of), farmers,~
Rectory Shelley Uriah Jas. shopkpr. & fumer 1 Sheepcote farm •
COMMERCIAL. Smith Jo.seph, farmer, Park gates, Wilkinson George, wheelwright,Rinn-
.!ger James, Fox P.H Whiteheads, Place farm & Stovern'll hall End
Bott Ernest Marriage, farmer Hall farm ~Workmen's Hall (Micbael O'Shea.
Brice Arthur, farmer South J ames, farml'. Egypt farm (let- i car-etaker)
Brice William Henry; horse breeder tars through Creising, Braintree) 1
ROCHFORD is an ancient and union town on the I will seat 250 ; there is also a hall belonging to the
&mall river Roche, a continent of the Crouch, with a Peculiar People, and seating 100 persons. .A. market.
station on the Great Eastern railway extension from is held on Thursdays for the sale of general produce.
Shenfield to Southend, and is 40 miles from London, 12 'rhere is a police station. .A. Corn Exchange was buil\
south from Maldon, 19! south-east from Chelmsford, 6 in 1866, at a cost of £x,ooo, by a limited company_
east from Rayleigh, and 4 north from Southend, in· the Th& court house, erected in 1859, at a cost of nearly
South Eastern division of the county, petty sessional [3,000, is now used only for Petty Sessions, which are
division and hundred of its name, Southend county held· fortnightly; the County Court business has been
court district, Canewdon and Southend rural deanery, transferred to Southend. Here are sub-branches of
archdeaconry of Essex and Chelmsford diocese. The the London County and Westminster Bank Limited
town consists of four paved streets of irregular houses, and Barclay and Company Limited. There is a golf
and is approached from the -west through an avenue of clnb here.. The almshouses were founded by Robert
upwards of a mile in length, lined with elm and oak 1 Rich, first Earl of Warwick of that name, who died
trees of singular beauty, planted by Sir James Tilney: in x6x8, for six poor people: there are other chari-
it. is lighted with ga>~ and supplied with water from ties, producing £5o yearly, for widows. In this dis-
•prings, and there ore two artesian wells of consider- trict was formerly held the "Lawless or Whispering
able depth. The Roche is crossed by two bridges, and Court," a tribunal established in pursuance of .a singular
ia navigable for vessels of considerable burthen to manorial tenure: the court was held in the open air
Broomhills, within a mile of the town. The church on King's Hill, adjoining t.he town, on the midnight ol
of St . .!.ndrew, situated about a quarter of a mile from the first Wednesday after Old Michaelmas day ~r
the town, is a building of stone in the Perpendicular between that time and cock-crowing; the steward opened
atyle, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, vestry, south the court in as low a voice as possible, nevertheless all
porch and a lofty embattled western tower of brick, absentees were to be heavily fined and submit to other
containing 3 bells; the upper portion of this tower forfeits: the whole business was transacted in -wbispersp
was built by Robert, Lord Rich, but it bears. the arms -of minutes being made with a piece of charcoal in plac&
Boteler <Jr Butler, and was probably erected by the of pen and ink. Roc.hford Hall is part only .of the old
Butler family, Marquesses of Ormonde : there is a brass mansion, formerly the abode and birthplace of Queen
to Maria Dilcok, ob. 1514: the church ·was restored and Anne :Boleyn and of Robert, 3rd baron Rich, created
resented in 1862, and three stained windows inserted (6 August, 1618) ·Earl of Warwick; it is the property
in the chancel: in 1887 the east window was filled with of James Tabor esq. and is occupied by a farm bailiff.
&tained glass : there are memorial window$ to Miss Rochford Lawn is the residence of J ames Tabor esq.
Armitage, Mrs. Grabham and Mrs. George Wood: the D.L., J.P. who is lord of the manor, and, with Mr_
church affords 430 11ittings. The register dates from William Ta.ylor Meeson, a principal lando-wner. Th&
the year 1678. The living is a rectory, net yearly value neighbouring country is a rich tract of land and well
{.400, with house and glebe of 65 acres, in the gift of adapted for .corn, which is mostly shipped for the
and held since 1913 by the Rev. James Jeune Barnard London market. The area is I,86J acres; rateable-
M.A. of Christ's College, Cambridge. The Congrega- value, £8,336 ; the population in 19II was 1,821, which
tional chapel, in North street, was erected in 1740; in included 18 officers and 271 inmates of the workhouse
1890 it was reseated at a cost of £8o and has now 400 and 41 in the Workhouse Children's Homes.
sittings; the Wesleyan cha:pel was built in 1881 anrl , Sexton and Verger, Uriab R. Clark.


Post, M. 0., T. & Telephone Call Office, West street COUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR ROCHFORD PETTY
(letters should have Essex added). Frederick Walter SESSIONAL DIVISION.
F:rancis, postmaster. Letters arrive from Chelmsford
by motor van at 4·45 a.m. & dispatched to Southend Wedd Edward Arthur, Whitehall, Great Wakering~
at 4·45 a.m.; dispatched to Paglesham, Cane-wdon, Southend, chairman .
Sutton, Shopland, Stambridge (Great & Little), Baker Sa.muel Sidney, Bullwood house, Hockley. Essex
Strand Green, Ashingdon & South Fambridge at 6 Brightwell John Rumbelow, 15 Royal terrace, Southend
.a.m.; sundays, arrive at 4·45 a.m.; delivery, 7.15 Burrows John Henry, Solbys, Hadleigh, Rayleigh
p.m.; dispatched at 6.35 a. m. for Paglesham, Canew- Dean Arthur James, u6 Baxter avenue, Southend
-don, Sutton, Shopland, Stambridge (Little & Great) Millbank John, 73 High street, Shoeburyness
A; Stroud Green. Letters delivered at 7 & 9.30 a.m. & Osborne John, Fairview, Elm road, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex
6.30 p.m.; dispatched to London & all parts at 8.25 Rankin Hugh, South street, Rochford
a. m. & 1, 5.15- & 7.20 p.m. & Southend & local only Senier Frederic William, Terra ~ova, Salisbury road,.
at 8 p.m.; sundays, all parts, 6 p,m.; local & South- Leigh-on-Sea, Essex.
end, 8 p.m. Money order & savings bank open from Tabor James D.L. The Lawn, Rochford
8 a.m. till 8 p.m The chairmen of the Rochford Rural & South Shoeburc•
Wall Letter Box, North street, cleared at 7·45 a.m. & Urban District Council are ex-officio magistrates
il- &; 7 p.m. ; sun days, 7 ·45 a.m Clerk to the Magistrates, Henry Robert Fanner~ 1 & 2.
Pillar Letter Boxes. Stambridge road, cleared at 6.55 County chambers, Weston road, Southend
& u.5 a.m. & 5·10 p.m.; sundays, Il.15 p.m.; Stroucl Petty Sessions are held at the Court house, Alexandra.
Green;- cleared .at 6.30 & 10 a.m. & 6.5o p.m. ; suo- street, Southend-on-Sea, on alternate wednesdays at
days, 6.30 a.m. & 6.50 p.m.; Swains Farm, cleared 11 s.m. & at the Court house, Rochford, on alternaie
at; a.m. & 6.5 p.m. ; no sunday collection thursdays at I I a.m

The foTiv'Wing places are included in the division : - 1 Rochford district, Arthur Cedric Lewis M.R.C.S.Eng.,
Ashingdon, Barling, Benfleet (South), Canewdon, l L.R. C.P .Lond. Roche house, South street, Rochford ·
·Canvey, Eastwood, Foulness, Fambridge (South), Had- 1 Shoebury district, Matthew Henry Raper M.D.Lond.:
leigth, Hawkwell, Havengore, Hockley, Leigh, Pagles- 1 D.P.H.Lond. Kent lodge, South Shoe bury; Wakering
;barn, Rawretll, Rayleigh, Rochford, Shoebury (North & \ district, James Herbert Swan L.R.C.P. & S. •
.South)., Shopland, Southend, Great Stambridge, Little I D.P.H.I. Great Wakering
'Stambridge, Sutton, Thundersley, Great Wakering, The Workhouse, a structure of brick, was erected in 1837
Little Wakerin~r &• Wallasea Island 1 for 294 inmates, at a cost of £s,ooo; Harry Golby,
master; Rev. Andrew N. W. Bredin RA. cha.plain;
The "Parishes in the District are the same as in the 'j medical officer; Mrs. P. M. Golby, matron
Union, with the exception of Prittlewell & South
~Shoebury. The area is 55.386 acres; the population . RoCHFORD. REGISTR~T~O.N DISTRICT.
in 1911 was 18,375. . Superwtendent Registrar, W rlham Gr_egso~, . 46 .-\l.. x-
..Council meets on alternate tuesda~s .at the Workhouse, andra street, Southend; deputy, Edwm Wilham Pa~.
after Rochford Guardi81is' meetino. 1 46 Alexandra street, Southend
-Chairman, Alien Stallibrass J.P. Eastwood "' 1
Registrars of ~Marriages, William Carter Wood, Roch-
fcJrd ; deput), Artbur Harrington, 15 Dowsett avenue,
Officials. I Southend; .Arthur James Ball, 47 London rd. Southend
-Clerk, Frederic Gregson M.A. .Alexandra st. Southend &, at 85 Broadway, Leigh-on-Sea; deputy, Waiter W.
'freasurer, Christopher W. Parker, Chelmsford James, 231 Stornoway road, Southend
.Medical Officer of Health, Registrars of Births & Deaths, Prittlewell sub-district,
Surveyor, Henry Thomas Sidwell, Rayleigh A. J. Ball, Avenue road, Southend; deputy, G. A. F.
Sanitary Inspector, Arth. Cecil Madge, East st. Rochfrd Taylor; Rochford sub-district, H. P. Topstield, Ray-
<:ollector of Water Rates, W. A. Hartin, Rayleigh leigh; deputy, Mrs. Topsfield, Rayleigh; Wakering
sub-district, Hubert J. Satchwell F.R.C.S.I. Shoe·
ROCRFORD UNION . buryness; deputy, S. W. Coupe, South Shoebury
.Board day, tuesday, fortnightly, at the Workhouse, I I a.m '!
Bochford Union comprises the following places, viz. : -
.Ashingdon, Barling, Benfleet (South), Canewdon, Can- Corn Exchange Co. W. Carter Wood, manager
vey Island, Eastwood, Fambridge (South), Foulness, Police Station, Superintendent David Scott, & 2 con-
Hadleigh, Havengore, Hawkwell, Hockley, Pagles- stables
ham, Prittlewell, Rawreth, Rayleigh, Rochford, Shoe- , Post Offt(;e Telephones (Exchange & Call Office), ~larket
bury (North), Shoebury (South), Shopland, South- square
-chureh, Stambridge (Great), Stambridge (Little), Stamp Office, Frederick Waiter Francis, sub-distributor
:Sntton, Thundersley, Wakering (Great) & Wakering Masonic Lodge (No. 160, True Friendship), Old Ship
'(Little). The area of the union is 63,121 acres; mn, tuesday on or before full moon, January to Ju~
rateable value in 1913, £659,017; the population in & September to December, 7 p.m. ; Georg-e Samuel
.1911 was 93,805 Chase, sec
<Jhairman of the Board of Guardians, Allen Stallibrass
.Clerk to Guardians & Assessment Committee, Frederic Chief I n,.;pector of Weights & Measures & under "Food
Gregson M.A. Alexandra street, Southend & Drug~ Act " & Official Sampler under "Fertilisers
Treasurer, Christopher W. Parker, Chelmsford & Feeding- Stuffs Act" fDr the Southern District.
"Relieving Officers & Collectors to the Guardians, rst Arthur Horsnell, 153 High street, Brentwood
district, Bertram Samuel Stace, 49 Chelmsford aven. Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxes, Francis Templer
Southend; 2nd district, H. P. Topsfield, Rayleigh 1 Fisher, 44 Alcxandra street, Southend
3rd district, Henry Fibbens Riches, 78 Lovelace gar- Clerk to Rochford Sub-Committee of Essex Local Pen-
dens, Southend &; assistant, Mrs.Edith Wing.Southenrl' sion Committee, Harry John Jefferies, 39 Alexandra
Vaccination Officers, H. P. Topsfield, Rayleigh; Norman street, Southend
T. King, 65 Christchurch road, Southend, Arthur Collector of Rates, William Carter Wood
Buries, Southend & Henry Fibbens Riches, Southend, Sub-Distributor of Stamps, Frederick Waiter Francis
for Great Wakering district Veterinary Inspector under the "Diseases of Animals
'M~dical Officers &; Public Vaccinators, Hadleigh district, Acts " for Rochford District, Henry Frost Sparrow,
Cosmo Grant M. B., C. M. Thundersley; Leigh dis- Fir Tree house, East street
trict, William Douglas Watl'lon M.R.C.S.Eng., Public Elementary School. built in 1877, at a cost of
L.R.C.P.Lond. Leigh-on-Sea; Prittl~>well district. about [4,ooo, & enlarged in 1896 at a cost of £r,3oo.
"Frank Silva Jon~s M.B., B.S.Durh. 9 Britannia road, for 430 children; average attendance, 114 boys, n4
Westcliff, Southend; Prittlewell (East) district, Herbt. girb & 93 infants; Thomas Histed. master; (girls)
"Midgley Reeve M.B.Lond., M.R.C.S., L.RC.P.Lond. I Miss Alien, mis1:re8s; "Miss Van Linchooten, infant~'
Bournemouth Park road, Southend; Rayleigh district, mistres!'l
William Francis Adams M.R.C.S.Eng. Rayleigh; Railwav• Station. John H. Glasscock, station master
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Nicholson Charles Rowley, Lavenders, Barnes Waiter. draper, South street
"Barnard Rev. James Jeune M.A. West street Beehag Gideon, see Cottis, Beehag
(rector), St. Andrew's, Hall road Nixon Rev. William, South street & Ca
"Bellamy Waiter, Swain's house, Ash- Norden Montague, Hillside, South st Bentall Alfred, plumber, North street
ingdon road Palmer Wm. Enigma house, North st Bishop Brothers, drapers, West street
Blyth Miss, Rose villa, Ashingdon rd Playle Sydney Horace, South street Bishop Arthur, plumber, see Rome &
Bowmaker Oscar J. Asbingdon road Rankin Hugh J.P. South street Bishop
Butler Waiter James, The Square Smoothy Harry Wm.Kingshill,East st Blakeley Henr~· & Son, farmers,Evans
Cook Arthur, The Hollies.West street Sparrow Hy.Frost,Fir Tree ho.East st farm, Stroud Green
Cook Fredk. Brooklyn, Ashingdon rd Tabor .Tames D.L., J .P. The Lawn Boatman Herbt. dairyman, ""South st
·Crampton Miss, St. Andrew's cottage Taylor Herbert J. The Square Carter Nathaniel, watch ma.North st
Dennish Miss, Vine cottage, West st Vaughan Herbt. Fernbank, Marl;:et sq Cha~e George Samuel, assistant re-
Goddard Wm. Shallcross, Lavenders, Wood Ohas. Geo. Bertram, Weir vil lieving officer, South street
West street Wood M is~, South street Cheeseman William
Green Charles Lionel Maurice, Rose Wood William Carter, West street ag-Pnt. Jubilee ter. Stambridge rd
cottage, Ashingdon road Collier Mary Edith (Mrs.), teacher of
1Ialsey Edward Joseph, Connaught COMMERCIAL. music, JubilPe ter. Stambridge rd
house, Market squ<~re Early closin~ day, Wednl:'~dny. Cook Frederick John, builder, East!'~
'Hardin~ham Mrs. Westleigh house, Alien John &; Wait. builders, East st Cook Henry, news agent. Market sq
West street Bacon Jo-hn, blacksmith, North street Cooper John, draper, East ~treet
Tia:rrison-Chalmers Rev. Herbert Baldwin Rose(Mrs.),shopkpr.North st Corn Exchange Co. (W. Carter Wood,
Morton A.T.S. (Congregational), Barclay &; Oompanv Limited, banlrers manager)
The Manse, South street (sub-branch) (Herbert J. Taylor, Cottis, BePhag & Co. carmen,We"t st
Jackson Edwd.Svdenham ho.South st agent); open mon. wed. & fri. 2 to Cowling Bros. ironmongers, South st
Lewis Arthnr Cedric, Roche house, 4, tues. 11 to 4• thurs. n to 4.30. Growp Frederick,beer retailer,.North st
South street l'lat. II to I. WPst street; draw on ua,·iP!I Georgl:', bakPr, Market "quart>
~Iadg~ Arthur Cecil, Camfield. Ash- head office, 54 Lombard street, Davies GPorge. shopkPPper, 7 Ashing·
in~don road London E C don villas. Ashingdon road

Downs George, CQnfectioner Mann Hy. & Co. grocers, West street Rolton Frederick, boot repr. Eaat st
Fairhead Rose May (Mrs.), draper, Mansfield Arth. Hy.boot repr.North st Rome &; Bishop, plumbers, Market sq
Wes~ street Marshall Geo.nursrymn.Ashingdon rd Rulll6ey Herbert Arthur, eee Offin ~
Pincher Wm. insurance agnt. East st Marven Wm. Jas. coal mer. North st Rumsey
Fisher Francis Templer, solicitor, Mason Sarah (Mrs.), greengro.Westst &utterford James, butcher & fish-
Court house, South street Masonic Lodge (No. 16o, True Fnend- monger, Market square
Prancis & Sons, printers, Post office, ship) (George S. Chase, sec.), Old Saunders ret.StroudGrn
Wed street Ship inn Searles Charles, butcher, North st
FrosL Dnmel, shopkeeper, North st May Bobert, nurseryman, Stroud Grn Shelley E. & Son, grocers, West st
Fuller Samuel, baker, North street Meeson William, a.gricultural engi- Shields Robt. Henry M.P.S. chemist,.
liolding Geo. Farley, bldr. South st neer, West street West street
Golf Club (F. R. Tutton, hon. sec.; Meeson William Manrice, corn mer- Sims James~ shopkeeper, East street.
G. S. Bishop, steward &; assistant chant, West street Smith Percy Wm. tailor, Market sq
st-c.), Hall road Meeson William Taylor, farmer, Great Smith Wm.Jas. New Ship inn,East st
Gooch Rbt. builder, 16 Ashingdon rd Doggetts Smo;Jthy W. G. & Son, engineers
Goodman Ernest John, saddler & Mills & Co. hardware dealers, East st Smoothy Charles, boot ma. North st.
harness maker, Market square Moss Francis Joseph, hair dre::;ser, Smoothy Fdk.. shopkpr.Stambridge rd.
Grt"aves Leonard Walt. music dealer, West street & stationer, Market sq Sorrell William, tinman, West street.
East street Mott Robert, shopkeeper,South street Sparrow Henry Frost, veterinary sur-
Hayward Herbert, farm bailiff to W. M:oy Thomas T.imited, coal merchants, geon, veterinary inspector under the-
Bishop esq.Holt farm,Ashingdon rd Station yard & West street "Diseases of Animals Acts" for
Hill Saml. Jsph. photogrphr. East st Nicholson Charles Rowley M.R.C.S. Rochford district, Fir Tree house,..
Hills Predk. Chas. eonfectnr. South s\ Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. physician & East street
Hornsby :Mary Ann (Mrs.), cab pro- surgeon, & assistant medical officer retlr.North st
prietress, West street & public vaccinator Rochford dis- Tasker George, wheelwright, South st
Boy (Mrs.), shopkeepr. West st trict, Rochford union, also assist· Taylor Herbert J. manager Barclay
Jarkaman William & Son, green- ant medical officer to the Small & Company Limited, West street
grocers, North street Pox & Sutton Ford Isolation Titshall Richd. boot maker, East st
Jarvis Frederick J. baker, West st Hospitals, Lavenders, West street Topsfield Arthur, smith, Church 11t
Kemp George, farm bailiff to W. & Norden Samuel, builder, South street Topsfield Henry P. registrar of births-
H.Bentall,Rochford Hall fm.Hall rd Offin & Rumsey, auctioneers, land & deaths for Rochford sub-district,.
Kerby Thomas, hair dresser, West st agents & land surveyors, v.aluers, South st. (tues. &; fri. 5 to 6 p.m)
Lewis & Nicholson, physicians &; sur- imurance agents & certified bailiffs, Turner William Hy. butcher, West st·
geons, Roche hous-e, South street & South street Wade Hy. (Mrs.),confectioner,West st
The Lavenders, West street Old Ship Hotel (James Donald Me- Wallis J. & Son, boot mas. South s\
Lewis Arthur Cedric M.B.O.S.Eng., Pherson, proprietor) Walshaw Joseph, Rose & Crown P.H
L.B.C.P.Lond. physician & surgeon, Palmer Wm. (Mrs.), butcher,West st North street
& medical officer & public vac- Pentelow William, insurance agent, W,hittingnam William Bales, motw
cinator Bochford district, Rochford Stambridge road engineer, Market square & West st
union & medical officer to Work. Philbrick & Son, nurserymen, Ash- Wilkins Fdk.Kinsr's Head htl.West s~
house Infirmary & Small Pox & ingdon road Willans George Hy. grocer, West st"
Sutton Ford Isolation Hospitals, Playle Ann (Mrs.), balier, South st Wood Edith (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Roche house, South street Post Office Telephone Service Ex- Wood William Carter, accountant, &-
London County & Westminster change & Call Office, Market square assistant overseer & clerk to the
Bank Limited (sub-branch) (John Potter John Starnes & Sons, grocers, Rochford Parish Council & registrar
Castle, manager); thurs. only, 2 to North street of marriages & collector of rates
4.30 p.m. Market square; draw Price James Frederick, farmer, Pel- Woods Geo. Marlborough Head. P.·B
on Lombard st. office. London E C hams farm, Stroud Green Wright William George, s·tationer,.
Luker Henry & Co. Ltd. wine & spirit Rag-er Arthur John, tailor, North st West street
merchants & brewers, West street Rochford Brick Co. (The), Market sq Wyeth Elijah Williarn, . shopkeeper,.
'MrBryer Edward & Son, saddlers, Rochford Cycle Co. (R. Wentworth West street
l.West street Cook), West street Wyeth Mary (Mrs.), confctnr.West st:
McPherson James Donald, Old Ship Rochford Gas Uo. (William Cowling,
hotel, "Sorth street manager), West street
THE BODINGS are a cluster of small agricultural the Dissolution, Henry VIII. sold the estate to Robert
parishes, established before the time of the Con- Chertsey. The church of St. Edmund is an edifice or
f68Sor and situated between Ongar and Dunmow, on flint, in the Perpendicular style, completely restored'
the upper part of the river Roding, in the Western and enlarged in 1867, and consists of chancel, nave,
division of the county, unions and hundreds of Dunmow south porch and an embattled western tower of brick
and Onga-r, Dunmow petty sessional division and county with a small spire and containing 3 bells: the east and
court district. and in the rural deanery of Roding, arch- west windows are stained, and one of the smaller win-
deaconry of Essex and diocese of Chelmsford. The dis- dowjj contains old stained glus of the time of Henry
trict is considered very fruitful. The churches possess VI. including a figure of St. Edmund ; it was buried
bnt little architectural merit. Roman remains are during the Reformation bnt aftprwards replated and
occasionally found scattered over this district: The was restored in 1867 ; the church has 123 sittings. The
soil is heavy; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat. register dates from the year rs6o. The living is a·
barley and beans. rectory, net yearly value /,275, with residence, in the-
The area and the population for these several places gift of and held since 1912 by the Rev. Charles Laurence
are as follows : - Capel-Cure. The parish clerk is endowed with a rent-
rharge of £z yearly. The trustees ol the late Lord
value. Rookwood P.C. (d. 1902), who are lords of the manor of
Acres Population. Lady Day. Rookwood Hall, and Robert Soper esq. are the principal
of land. Igll. 1914, landowners.
Abbess Roding ....• r,6r9 200 £r,596 BERWICK BERNERS (or Barwick Berners) is a.
Aythrop Roding ...• 1,394 202 1,199 hamlet of Abbess Rodin~.
Beauchamp Roding .1,262 193 Parish Clerk, Frank Day.
Bemers Roding ....•• 1,073 96 886
High Roding ........ . 1,778 414 1,629 Post Office.--Charles Wenman, sub-postmaster. Letters·
l..eaden Roding ..... . through Ongar arrive week days, g.r5 a.m.; sundays,..
Margaret Roding .. .
1,285 f 175
214 ( ci\"il)
19'5 (ecclesiastical) I, 55
9.15 a.m.; dispatched at 4·45 p.m.; sundays at 10.45
a.m. The nearest money order office is at White
White Rodinsr & Boding &; telegraph office is at Leaden Roding, ~
:Morrell Roding ... miles distant
Public Elementary School (mixPd), erected in 186o, for
ABBESS RODING, 27 miles from London and 6 north 43 children &; enlarf:t"ed in Augn~t. rBBB. for 58 child-
from Ongar term.inal station, on a branch of the Great- ren; avera~e attendance, 45 ; Mrs. UrRPll, mistress
Eastern railway, in the Ongar hundred, petty sessional This school is under the cont-rol of the Essex Educatiou-
din<~ion and union and in the rural deanerv of (Ongar District) Sub-Committee, .Arnold Richardson,.
Roding. tabs its name from the circumstance of it~ Ong-ar, clerk
ha-r!ng of old belonged to the Abbess of Barking. At Carrier. John Blowes, to Chelmsford, fri

AYTHROP RODING, 30 miles from London and 5~ Letters through Ongar to Fyfield, di!livered at 7·?i>
south-west from Dunmow station on the Bishop Start- a.m. The nearest money order office is a~ Roxwell•
ford and Braintree branch of the Great Eastern railway, telegraph office at Leaden Roding, 2 miles distant
is in Dunmow hundred, petty sessional division and The children of this place attend the school at Willing- It
union, and in the rural deanery of Roding. The church
of St. Mary the Virgin is an edifice of flint in the Early HIGH RODING is 31 miles from London, and 4 south-
English style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch, west from Dunmow station on the Great Eastern rail-
vestry, and a western belfry, rising above the gabled roof, way. in Dunmow hundred, petty sessional division and
with an octagonal timber shinglej broach spire, and con- union, and rural deanery of Roding; it was given by
taining 3 bells bearing the following inscriptions : ISt, Leofwin, in the reign of King Edward the Confessor, to a
"' Hnic fratris Simonis .Andrei nomen habet;" 2nd, monastery in the Isle of Ely. The church of All Saints,
"' Virg-ini atque matri resonat Campana Marie ; " 3rd, restored in 1855, at a cost of nearly £r,ooo, is a low
"'De celis missi nomen habeo Gabrielis:" the lancet building of flint in mi.xed styles, consisting of chancel,
windows in the chancel and the east and west windows nave, south porch, and a western turret containing 2
are stained; there are 120 sittings. The register datP' bells : there are brasses in the chancel ; the church will
from the year I559· The living is a rectory, net yearly >eat 250 persons The register dates from the year
value [,229, with residence, in the gift of .Mrs. G. E. r538. The living is a rectory, net yearly nluP {,26o,
Kershaw, and held since rgoS by the Rev. Alfred with residence and 24 acres of glebe, in the gift of the
Richard Thurlow, of London University. Charles Countess of Roden, and held since 19II by the Rev.
Livermore esq. who is lord of the manor, and Messrs. Hubert Thomas Godfrey Kingdon M.!.. of Clare College,
1V. D. Caton, L., E. and J. Hugh Matthews, Edwin
Cambridge. The Countess of Roden is lady of the
Laver Aldham, B. Peacock, the trustees of the late rnanor and Messrs. L., E. and J. Hugh Matthews and
Jc,hn Gingell, of High Roding, and the trustees of
H. E. Jones esq. are the principal landowners.
Gobert's Charity are the principal landowners. . Parish Clerk, Charltls Havden.

Sexton, W Illiam Speller.
Post, :M. 0. & T. Office. George Alfred Rolph, .sub-
Post Office. Mrs. Ann Speller, sub-postmistress. postmaster. Letters fl'oru Dunmow arrive at I p.m.
Letters through Dunmow, arrive at 7 a.m. & dis- & 7 a.m.; dispatched at a.m. & 2.15 &; 5.15
patched at 5·5 p.m. week days only. High Roding p.m. ; no delivery on sundays
is the nearest money• order office & the nearest tele- Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in r861, f r
graph office is at Leaden Roding, I mile distant 84 children; average attendance, 75; James G. Davey,
Public: Elementary School (mixed), erected in 185o, for mastP.r
so children ; average attendance, 34; )'liss Alice This school 1s under the Cl)ntrol of the Essex Education
Stokes, mistress (Dunmow District) Sub-Committee
This school is under the control of the Essex Educa- Police Station, Charles Cooper Wilkinson, constable
tion (Dunmow District) Sub-Committee
LEADEN RODING is 28 miles from London, 7 north-
east from Ongar terminal station and 7 sou'h-west from
BEA"COHAMP RODING is a parish 26 miles from Dnnmow station, both on the Great Eastern railway, anti
London, 5 north-east from Ongar terminal station on a in Dunmow hundred, petty sessional division and union,
branch of the Great Eastern railway and 10 south- and in the rural deanery of Roding. Here was a place
west from Dunmow, in Ongar hundred, petty sessional called "Leaden ·wash," where a turnbridge was made for
-division and union and rural deanery of Roding. The the convenience of carriages and foot passengers crossin~
ehurch of St. Botolph is a small edifice of rubble, in the the water. The church of St. Michael and All Angela
Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, north is a small building of rubble in the Norman style, con·
porch and an embattled western tower containing 4 sisting of chancel, nave, south porch and a western
bells : there are several stained windows, including two belfry of wood with spire, and containing 3 bells: it waa
memorial windows in the nave: the church was restored in r865, and has roo sittings. The register of
.thoroughly restored in r87o, and the exterior in 1893 at baptisms and burials dates from 1572; marriages, 1752-.
a cost of about £IOo !l.nd has 120 sittings. The rPgister The living is a rectory, net yearly value [150, with 43
-dates from the year r688. The living is a rectory, net acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Lord
yearly value £r28, llith 38 acres of glebe, and residence, Chancellor. and held since 1894 by the Rev. Gerald
i:1 the gift of Cyril Bond esq. and held since 1887 by William Druce M.A. of Exeter College, Oxford, and
the Rev. John Howard B.A. of St. John's College, Cam- surrogate. Here is a Congregational chapel in conjunr·
bridge. tion with Abbess Roding and High Easter chapel•,
the services being conducted by mini~:~ters of the~"
BIRDSGREEN is a hamlet, 1! miles south, partly in chapels respectively. The trustees of the late Lord
IJeauchamp Roding and partly in Willingale Doe. Dacre, "ho are lords of the man<>r, and Stanley :Milbanl.
Sexton, J ames Whit bread. eEq. Charles Livermore e~q. and Messr.s. Strutt and
Letters from Brentwood through Ongar by mail cart Parker are the principal landowners.
arrive at 7.30 a.m. & dispatched at 4.50 p.m.; sun- Parish Clerk, Frederick Crouchman.
days, 10.30 a.m. The nearest money order office is Post & T. Office. Mrs. Rose Alice Mott, sub-post-
at White Roding & telegraph office at Leaden Roding, mistres!l. Letters through Dunmow arrive 7·3~ a.m.;
2f miles distant ciispatched 4.50 p.m. ; no delivery on sundays. Whit-e
·wan Letter Box at Birdsgreen, cleared at 5·5 p.m. ; Roding is the money order office
sundays, 11.5 a.m Public Elementary (Non-Provided) School (mixed), for
1Yall Letter Box at the School, cleared 5 p.m.; sun- so children; a,·erage attendance, 33; Miss Charlotte
days, I I a.m Milne, mistress
Public Elementary (formerl"\' parish) School (mixed), This school is controlled by the Essex Education (Dun-
enlarged in 1870, for 50 children ; average attendance, mow District) Sub-Committee
36 ; John T. Green, master Carrier to Chelmsford. Charles Simpson, mon. & fri
'This school is controlled by the Essex Education Police Station, Arthur Fisher, constable
(Ongar District) Sub-Committee, Arnold Richardson,
Ongar, clerk MARGA RET RODIXG is 29 miles from London, 7 north·
east from On~ar station and 8 south-west from Dunmow.
in Dunmow hundred, petty sessional division and union
BERNERS RODING is a parish, 7 miles north-east
from Ongar station and 10 south-west from Dnnmow and in the rural deanery of Roding. The church of
St. Margaret is a small building of rubble in the Early
station, both on the Great Eastern railway, in Dunmow
• Norman style and consists of chancel, nave and a
lf:mndred and Ongar petty sessional division and union, western turret containing one bell: the south door and
and rnral deanery of Rodin~. The church (name not window are good examples of Norman work: there are
1mown) is a small building of rubble in the Perpendicular t'iO sittings. The register dates from the year 1538.
style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and a The living is a rectory, formerly belonging to the Abbe!
-wes~rn tower of wood containing I bell; there are 6o of St. Albans, net yearly value £125, including rent of
sittin~s. The register dates from the year 1538. ThP 42 acres of glebe, and residence, in the gift of the
1iving is a vicara~e, net yearly value [48, in the gift of trustees of the late Rev. F. B. Shepherd, and held since
1Ienry Otho N. Shaw esq. of Skreens Park, Roxwell, 1913 by the Rev. Colin Sharp Bassett. Here is an
Chelmsford, and held since 1906 by the Rev. Robert Pr.dowment of 30s. to be given in bread; James
"Traver.s Saulez M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge, Bentley esq. by deed of gift, 1865, ~ave the sum of
who resides at Willingate Doe. [,4oo, the interest of which is to be appliPd in keeping
Sexton, James Lodge, jun. the churchyard and walls in good repair. Tile Margaret
Boding Benefit Society now numbers about 400 memben. Perpendicular insertions, the chancel chiefly Perpen-
Mrs. Marshall and the Master and Fellows of University dicular with D-3corated remains, tha tower is Perpen-
College, Oxford, are the lords of the manor and the dicular and the wooden south porch chiefly of the same
principal landowners. date with open balustered sides: a memorial tablet to
Parish Olerk, John Waskett. the late Queen Victoria was erected in March, 1gor, and
By Local Government Board Order 22,423, March 2.\o a tablet to His late Majesty King Edward VII. on
i888, a detached part of Good Easter in Chelmsford July 1st, rgn. The church was thoroughly restored
onion, known as Pinches, was added to this parish. and refitted in r879, at a cost of ;[,z,7oo, and in r8g5 the
spire was renovated at a cost of ;{,10o: there are sittings
Marks Hall, a farm house, seems to have been an for 1200 persons. The register dates from the year 1541·
independent chapelry, and pays tithes to the rectory of The living is a rectory, net yearly value IA75. with 56
Stondon Massey. acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of Sir Spencer
Post. Office.-William Crouchman, sub-postmaster. Let- P. M. Maryon-Wilson bart. and held since 1893 by the
ters arrive from Dunmow at 8.10 a.m.; dispatched Rev. James Edmond Long, of St. Bees. Here is a Con-
at 4.10 p.m.; no delivery on sundays. White Boding grl'gational chapel, opened January, 1888. The trustees
Is the nearest money order office & Leaden Boding, of the late Edward Parris esq. of Mascalls Bury, and
'l mile distant, the nearest telegraph office John Tudot" Frere esq. of The Friarage, Diss, Norfolk,
Wall Letter Box, Blue House farm, cleared at 5.2o p.m who are lords of the manor, and Thomas Lewis Lukiea
Public Elementary (Non-Provided) School (mixed), esq. are the principal landowners.
enlarged in Igog, for 84 children ; average attendance,
40; Mrs. Mclntosb, mistress
This school is under the control of the Essex Education MORRELL BODING, formerly a distinct parish, ill
(Dunmow District) Sub-Committee now united to White Boding.
Sexton, Barnard Dawkins.
WHITE BODING, supposed to have been so namell
from the whitl'ness of the church, is 29 miles from Post & M. 0. Office. Miss Jessie Caroline Green, sub-
London, 8 south-west from Dunmow and 5 -east from postmistress. Letters from Dunmow received 8.5
Sawbridgewortb station on the Cambridge line of the a.m.; dispatched 4-115 p.m.; no sunday, post.
Gl"f'.at Eastern railway, in Dunmow hundred. petty ses· Leaden Boding, 2! miles distant, is the nearest tele-
11ional division and union. and in thA rural deanerv of graph office
Roding. The church of St. Martin exceeds in import- Letter Box, Warwicks farm, cleared at 4.30 p.m
ance, as a building, any other of the Boding churches Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1873• for 99
and is seen from a considerable distance ; it is an
children ; average attendance, 54; George Whitmore,
edifice of rubble, in mixed styles, consisting of chancel master; iMrs. E. J. Tyrrell, assistant mistress _
and nave, south porch, and an embattled western tower
with small octagonal spire rising from the centre of the This scbllOl is controlled by the Essex Education (Dun-
roof, containing 5 bells: the nave is Early Norman with mow District), Sub-Committee
ABBESS RODING. Hammond A. Two Swans P .H. & bld1 Foresters (Ancient Order of) (Court
Cure Rev. Charles Laurence, Rectorv• Hawkey Richard A. farmer, Long Lord Roden No. 5827) (Robert
COMMERCIAL. Barnes & Frayes Mead, sec)
Bass .A.rthur, builder & blacksmith Mead Horace, Ralph & Cyril, farmers, Goldsmith Thomas William, farm
Blowes John, beer retailel' & carrier Hornets bailiff to 0. W. Roberts esq
Bruschweiler Geo. farmer,Leeders fm Proctor Victoria. (Mrs.), farmer. Horey Edward James, King William
Chynoweth John, farmer, Abbess hall Wellies farm IV. P.H
Cubitt-Nic~ols Harry, farmer, Ber- Read Phrebe (Mrs.), farmer, Butt
Martin Charles, farm bailiff to Messrs.
wick farm batch & Slades Strutt & Parker, Leaden ball
Kinsey James, farmer, Nether hall Shead Enos, blacksmith Milbank George King, farmer. Leighs
Livermora Isaac C. farmr.Parker's fm Wilkinson Edwd. beer ret. l3irds Grn Milbank Stanley, farmer, Meghills &i
Milbank Stanley, farmer, Hales farm N~w House farms
BERNERS BODING. Mott Augustus, wheelwright
Pannenb•r John, pi~ dlr. Anchor ho Glasse Brothers, farmers, :Berners
Rowe William, farmer. Rookwood hall Saundet"s J. & R. farmers, Chalk frm
hall & Parsonage Saunders Robert F. assistant overseer
Spl'ller Gernge, farmer, Greenhill Hobson Charles, farmer, Elms farm
Staines Richard J. Fairlands farm Simpson Charles, carrier
Wenman Charles, shopkeeper HIGH RODING. MARGARET BODING.
AYTHROP BODING. Kingdon Rev. Hubert Tbos. Godfrey Bassett Rev. Colin Sharp (rector),
.Aldham Charles James, Highams M . .A. The Rectorv

Thurlow Rev.Alfred Richard (rectc>r), Owers Charles, White hall Smith William, White ball
Rectory COMMERCIAL. Bacon Reginald Fras. Wm. carpenter
('O"ft.OJV.R('IIAL. Aylett Elizabeth (Mrs.), grocer Barnes John T. farmer, Pinchers
!ldham Edwin Laver, photographic Bacon George, carpenter· Orouehman Wm. shopkeeper, Post off
enlarger, Highams · Bennett Joseph, farmer, Gowers, High Latham John T. farmer, Brick house
llelsham E.&J.millers(wind & steam) Trees, Porters & Hubbards farms Margaret Boding Benefit Society
lJillin'!s Geo... Axe & Compasses P.H Berry Harry, beer retailer (Stanley Milbank, paymaster)
Cadge Thomas, beer retailer Rush Sarah Ann (1\Irs.), ladies' school Mead Isaac, farmer, Waples Mill frm
Caton W. Draper, farmer, Bigods Campen James, general dealer Milbank Stanley, farmer,Garnish hall
(.,1ayden Thomas, g-rocer & draper Chynoweth Samuel Henry, farmer & & Whitehall
Dunmow Ellen (Mrs.),frmr.Cut Elms landowner, Boding .ball Monk David, farmer, Little Bold~n

1'easey William Percival, bailiff to Clayden George, thatcher Hatch
Samuel Metson esq. Aythrop hall Knight Charles, farmer, Yew trees Ritchie By. Reid, farmer. Marks bap
"Matthams Jas. farmer, Collins farm Little John, Black Lion P.H Ritchie William, assistant. overseer
Metson George, farmer & threshing Reeve Harry, insurance agent
machine owner, Keers & Highams Reynolds George, farmer, Ware WHITE RODING.
farros Rolph Geo . .Alfd. baker, & post office Clarke William, Mascalh Bnry
Ml't!ron Herbt. farmer, Friar's grangP Shead Frederick Harry, beer retailer Earnshaw The Misses. Dewberries
"Rolph Arthnr Ernest, blacksmith Shrimpton Percival Edwd. cattle dlr Grosvenor Frederick H. Kingston&
Smith George, farmer, Broadgates & Hooper Ralph Denslow, Marks hall
BEAUCHAMP BODING. White hall Long Rev. James Edmond, Rectory
l>eane William, Sladl's Stevenson Alexander, farmer, Bury Piper Alfred, Philpots,Mc>nell Roding
Hawkey Richard A. Long :Barnes Thorpe Frank Ernest Harold, farmeT Staines .A.lbert
Ho-ward Rev_ John B.A. Rectory Tyrrell Harry, blacksmith Staines Misses
Webster .A.lbert Louis, Roden lodge Webb Lydia (Mrs.), shopkeeper Talbot Misses, The Laurels
COMMERCIAL. Wilson Frederick, farmer, New hall Tippler Mrs. Lady Flowers
lllowes Tho11. Wm. baker, Butt hatch Towle Mrs. Ivydeane? Morrell Roding
Bowtell Margaret (Miss), poultr~ LEADEN RODING.
farmer, The Dial house, Birds grn Druce Rev. Gerald William M.A. COlllMBRCIAL.
Davis Julia (Miss), confectioner (rector & surrogate), Rectory Broad Robert, farmer, Kingstons &J
Elliott Alfred, farmer & hay & straw Roberts Owen William, Boss dene Snows
me•chant, Little Wood end COMMERCIAL. Clarke Wm. farmer, Mascafls Bury
Greig Stephen, farm bailiff to F. Tip- All-en Sarah Ann (Mrs.), grocer & Dawklns IrarnaTd, bricklayer
ler esq. Woed end· draper Field Susan (Miss), fmu:.Pnttenlt frm


:Poste•• James &; Son, blacksmiths Matthams A.da (Miss), a8st. oversee1 Roast William & Francis, miller.
Foster Edmund, farmer, Manwoods Matthams Francis L.farmer,Warwicb (wind & steam)
(letters through Matcham Green) Matthams Walter, farmer, Graylandto Sherman Jacob, farmer, Prows
Green Frederick, baker Matthams Waiter A.lbert, farmer. Silcock Brothers, saddlers
Gr~n Jessie Caroline (Miss), grocer \Valkers farm, Morrell Roding Solly Alfred, carter
Latham John T. farmer, Lucas hall (letters should be addressed Speneer Annie (Mrs.),Whalebone P.H
Lee Cbarles, Black Horse P.H Aythrop Roding, Dunmow) Spencer James Lawrence, hay t
Lukies Frederick Nicholas, farmer, Monck Fred F. wheelwright straw merchant
Coville hall Newell Sarah Ann (~Iiss), shopkeeper Tvrrell John, blackEmith

Lnkies Tlhomas Lewis, farmer, Cam- Oliver Alfred, farmer, Marks hall
mas hall, Morrell Roding Parmenter Waiter, cattle dlr. h"y cot

BOMFORD is an ancient market town and head of a Essex, 38 Eliz. (1595-6), and was at the time of hi~
petty sessional division, union and county court district, death, wth August, 1605, lieutenant of the Tower of
lD the Southern division of the county, seated on the London, where he died, but was buried here on thf:
little river Rom, whence it derives its name, on the south side of the chancel, with heraldic honours; ther&
high road from London to Colchester. with a station is a long inscription in gilt letters on a slab of black
on the Great Eastern railway and another on a branch marb!e to himself, his wife and various members of h1t
of the London, Tilbury and Southend railway from family: previously placed on the south wall of th&
Hornchurch, 12 miles from Whitechapel, 17 south-west chancel, immediately west of the Hervey monument,
from Chelmsford, 7 nunh-ea;;t from Barking and 6 but now in the porch, is the stately tomb, with her
south-west from Brentwood. Tht:- principal street, IU recumbent effiqy, of Anne Carew, raised by her famou~
which the cattle market is held, is a wide thorou~hfare son, George, first and only Baron Carew and eventually
of considerable length running from west to east. The Earl of Totnes; she was the daughter of Sir Nichola&
town was governed by a Local Board of Health, formed Hervey knt; and sister of Sir George Hervey knt. dean
in x8g4, but is now, under the provisions of the "L'1cal of Windsor ; he died 15th of June, 1583, and his wife,
Government Act, 1894" (56 and 57 Vict. c. 73), controlled 27th August, x6o5, ret. 76: the church will seat 830.
by an Urban Di!ftrict Couneil, and is lighted with gas persons. The register dates from the year 1561 and
from works in Nursery walk, established in x825, but is in very good condition. The living is nominally a
;;ince bought by a company, and enlarged in x88g. vicarage, but is rather in the nature of a chaplaincy
Water is supplied by the South Essex Water Company. exempt from ecclesiastical jurisd.iction, net yearly
who derive their supply from Grays. Romford was thP ,·alue £64o, and residence, in the gift of New College,
capital of the liberty of Havering-atte-Bower until thP Oxford, who grant the vicar what is termed "a lease,''
abolition of the liberty 9 May, 1892; this liberty f'om- and held since 1909 by the Rev. George Milner Bell
prised the parishes of Horncburch, Romford anrl Ha\·er- :.\LA. of that collel!e. The church of St. John,
ing, and had an ancient, peculiar and separate jmisdic- :M:awneys, and St. Thomas's chapel and .All Saint•',
tion, granted by various chartet·s from the time of SQUIRRELS HEATH, are attached to the pari-h
Edward the Confessor, who~e or·iginal grant has since church. NPar the church are a parish hall, erected
received many additions and confirmations: it was inde- in 1909. and a Church Hou~e, built and endowed in
pendent of the county, appointed its own magistrates, the time of Henry VII. as a chantry priest's hou,e.
had a clNk of the peace. coroner, quarter and pettf St. Andrew's is an ecclesiastical parish formed June 12,
session!', court~ of record and ancient demesne and a r856, from the mother parish; the church, erected in
county court: all businPs~ relative to the liberty was 1862, is a plain building of stone, in the Perpendicular
transacted in thP town of Romford, which has in conse- stylP, consisting of chaucel, nave, somh aisle, sontb
quence bt>en appointed the head of a petty !'Pi'sional porch and a western belfry, with spire, containing on!'-
div:U!ion. The Manorial Court, however, is still in exi..,t- bell : there are three stained windows in the chancel;
ence, anfl mpPts annuallv on the Tuesdav in Whitsun the church affords 6oo sittings. The register dat~
week for the election of officers, viz.: High Steward from the year r863. The living was declared a rec-
and Deputy High Steward, also for the payment of quit tory ~[ay 4, 1866, net yearly value £xgo, in the gift of
rents=. New College, Oxford, and held since IQOS by the RPv
The ancient civil parish of Romford was in x895, under Henry Robertson Phillpotts M.A. of Keble College, Ox-
the operation of the "Local Government Act. 1894" (56 ford. St. A.lbans Mission church was built at a cost or
and 57 Vict. c. 73), divided into three civil pa.rishPs, £1,300, and opened in October, 18go. The Catholic
viz. :-Romford Urban, Romford Rural and Noak Hill. church, in Park End road, dedicated to St. Edward
The Urban parish comprised the l.mme area as the the Confe~sor, was erected in 1856 by William, 12th
Urban district, and the Rural the remainder of the old Lord Petre, and has a stained east window, inserted in
parish except Noak Hill, which will be found under a October, 1856, as a memorial to the late Mr. C. L
~eparate heading. On the amalgamation of Romford Macarthy: there are sittings for 300 persons. The Con·
Urban and Rural parishes, on April 24th, 1900, the gregational chapel. in South street, opened on July
district was dividPd into wards. for parochial purposes, 19th, 1877, is of Kentish ragstone, in the Gothic 11tyle,
the old town of Romford being divided into the wards with a tower and spire 66 feet in height, and was-
of North, Central and South, and the Rural portion into huilt at a cost, including site, of about £5,ooo: thert
Collier Row and Harold Wood wards: ecclesiastically, it are 470 sittings: the building was considerablJ- damaged
is in the rural d~anery of Cha:fford, archdeaconry of by fire on Easter Sunday, 1883, and re-opened ino
E .. sex and diocese of Chelmsford. November of the same year: attached are Sunday
The church of St. Edward the Confessor, erected in '!chools for 350 children, built at a cost of £1,400 ~
xBso on the site of the old parish church, built in x.po, the chm•ch was first founded in x662. The Bapti~i
is a building of Kentish rag with Bath stone dressing-s chapel, erected in 1847, has 400 sittings, and the Wes-
in the later Decorated style, and consists of chancel, leyan Methodist chapel, erected in t888, 750: the Primi-
nave with clerestory, aisles with chapels and an em- tive :\fethodist chapel, in Victoria road, built in 1875,.
battled tower on the south side with a spire 162 feet 300, and the Evangelical Free Church, built in 1902.
in height and containing a clock and 8 bells, dated ' in the Brentwood road, 350; there is also a Catholic-
respectively I85o, 1756, 1704, 1651 and three others I Apostolic church in Manor road; Brazier's Yard Mi~-
1636, one being undated; the east window was given ~ion is in Queen street; the Salvation Army holds it•
by Col. Graves in memory of his wife: there is also a meetings in the old Wesleyan chapel in High street.
~;tained window in the south aislt> to the memory of The old Cemetery is on the Highr road, to the east ,r
Edward Ind esq. J.P. d. 1848: in the north aislt> of the the town.
church is a stately monument, with alabaster effigies of The Corn Exchange, in the High street, is private
himself and his lady and their children in kneeling property, but is let for public meetings and concerts:
attitudes, to Sir A.nthony Cooke, preceptor to King the large hall will hold over 400 persons. The Lecture
Edward VI. who died June rr, 1576; the Latin in- hall of the Congregational school is also let for similar
scription on this monument, enumerating the various purposes. The Public Baths, in the Mawney's road, and
members of his family, is supposed to have been fur- r.pened in 1900. were erected by the Urban Distriet
nished by his daughters, who were among the learned Council at a cost of £9,ooo, and are available for public
fpmales of that age: against the south wall of the t>ntertainments from November to March. The Polict
chancel formerly stood the fine monument, now in the Station, in South strePt, was erected in 1893· There
porch, of Sir Georg-e Hervey knt. 4th son of Sir Nichofa!l 11re two Volunteer Fire Bri~ades: the Brewery Brigadt>.
Bervey of Marks; he had previomly been sheriff of c'lptain, J. Abranu, and the Urban District CouncJ
Bngade, formed in 1&90, cap.tain, S. Davis and 10 appointed ,ecn·tary to . .hchbishop t:"~her, whom he ac-
men. Raphael Parl, mainly the ·gift of Sir H. H. companie.l to It Pland: his resulute adherence to the
Baphael hart. M.P., J.P. of .Allestree Hall, Derby, and ro)al cause during the ~ivil war occasioned him much
opened in 1904, is pleasantly situated on the roam road los,, both of property, books and MSS. and is thought
about one mile from the centre of the town. The to have hastened his death, which took place 8th Sep-
Coach and Bell, an ancient house in High street, has tember, 1644. Golf links of x8 holes have been formed
been a licensed house since the year 16oo. The .Market at Gidea Hall. Marshalls Park, on the north of the
place and tolls were purchased in 1892 by the Urban town, the property of Mrs. Macintosh, of Havering Park,
District Council, previous to which they belonged to i'l now (191 4 ) unoccupied. The area of Romford parish
1he manor. A market for cattle and corn, one of the and Urban District is 5,613 acres of land and 17 of in-
largest round London, is held every Wednesday. Here land water; rateable value, _£g8,x64; the population in
lB the extensive brewing establishment of Mes~rs. Ind, 1901 was 13,656, and in 1911, 16,970, inclusive of 54a
Coope and Co. (r912) Limited. The Queen's House inmates and 33 officials in the Workhouse and 88 m-
(Social) Club, in High street, was opened 1oth April, mates in the Wmkhouse Scattered Homes.
1g<>5, by Sir Montagu C. Turner kt. and has over 300 The population of the wards in 19II was :-Central,
members. There are three branch banks, and a Work- 3,927; Collier Row, 1,733; Harold Wood, 1,757; North,
ng Men's Club and Institute in the Market place. The 4,883 ; :-:outh, ~,670.
Lawn 'l'enms Club, off Junction road, has six double The population of the ecclesiastical parishes in I9ll
wurts and 6o members. Here are the head quarters of "'a' :-~t. Edward the Confessor (parh•h church) with.
t.he 2nd Essex Battery of the 2nd East Anglian Brigade, Noak Hill, 7 .972; St. Andrew, 9,220.
Royal Field .Artillery, and of the A Company of the
4th Battalion of the Essex Begiment, Territorial Force. RO::\fFORD RURAL Parish was formed in IB9.5 in
A drinking fountain was erected in the Market place in pursuance of the "Local Government Act, 1894 ,, (56
June, I885, as a testimony of esteem to the late C. I. and 57 Vict. ';!: 73)· but was amalgamated wit;h Rom-
lllacarthy from his fellow townsmen. The Victoria fard U!"ban pansh m 19oo.
Cottage Hos:pit~l, erected in 1888, :was enlarged in COLLIER ROW (Hainault F01est) i~o a village 2 miles
1894 and ag:a~n m i913, and now co_ntams 17 beds and_ z north-west. The chapel of the Ascension is an <!dific&
cots. Chanties :-Roger Reede, 01_ ~~vermg, . by will 1 of N'd brich., erected at a cost of _£2,ooo, defrayed by
dated ~4th February, 1_482, left his new ~"?-ilt place subscriptions, and consists of a chancel, nave, sn:;.!h
m Jays, otherwisf' call~d ~oo Croft, for five porch and a central bell-cot containing one bell:
poor men_: these were rebmlt m 1784, and there there are sittings for 350 persons: the Rev. Joseph
are now SIX almshouses; one almsman, who preserves Hardwick Pemberton has been curate in charge sinct-'
order, IS called "the ruler;~ and receives £4:? yearly, 1882. Here is also a news and reading room, originally
5he oth~r men £39· the Widows £3?• all . bemg sup- built at the sole cm;t of E. Conder esq. but now sup- -
phed w1th clothes, coals and mediCal aid; clothes parted bv, and under the management of, the members.
are distributed from the surplus to the poor of ·
Bomford, Hor~church and Dagen~am. Robert Ballard, G IDEA pARK, ""hi eh includPs the village of Hare
m 166o, dev1sed two ho~ses m ~omford to_ . the j Street, about a mile distant from Romford, is a garden
hurchwardens, for the repau of the highways. W1lham 1 !'Uburb, and is rapidly being developed.
!.rmstead, of Hornchurch. gave to the poor of Romford
£2, arising from a farm at Hay Green, and distributed RO"MFORD CO:MMON is a hamlet of scattered houses
m bread and money, and Andrew Reynolds, by will commencing about 2 miles north-east.
dated October 7th, 1626, £3, also as a rent-chargP. Pillar Letter Box cleared 8 &i 11.15 a.m. & 1.15 & 8- ·
Lewis Betts, by will dated r8th December, x66g, left p.m. ; "Unday, 9 a.m
2os. t.o repair a cau;;eway leading- to the church, £4
for apprenticing and £z to eight of thP neces~itous poor &l:'SH GREE:N is a hamlet 1 mile south-west. A
nn New Year's Day. Hannah Richardson left in 18II cemetery of 12 acres, about r mile from the town, was
£too Navy Five per Cent. Annuities, upon tru~t to opened in October, 1871: there are two mortua-ry
distributf' the interest to the neces~itous poor at Chri~t- 1 chapels and a porter's lodge; it is under the control of
mas; this sum producPs about £3 3s. yearly. One the Romford Urban District Council, who also keep the
Webster by his will gave his housing and appurten- I old cemetery in repair. Romford Isolation Hospital is
.mces called "the Tile Kilns," in Harold Wood ward, situated here, and was erected in 1901 by the Romford
upon trust to pay one moiety of the rents to the church- Urban and Rural District Councils jointly.
wardens of Romford and Hornchurch respectively. Lady
Burleigh's charity, originally _£120, is now only £100, SQCIRREL'S HEATH is a village, 1 mile east, with a
and is lent to various poor tradesmen. free of interest, station on the Great Eastern railway. The chapel of
1n 'lnms ol. £2o each; Palmer'JO charity amounts to £7 All Saints is a wooden building on a brick foundation.
annually, derived from land in the London road, and is erected on land given by Mr. Alfred Savill at a cost of
distributed in cash to the poor of the parish at Christ- £504, defrayed by subscriptions: it consists of chancel.,
rnas; the proceeds of £wo, bequeathed by the will of nave and a bell-cot containing one bell, and was dedi- _
Thomas Bourne, and now invested in Government stocks, cated Aug. 3rd, 1884, by the Lord Bishop of Colches-
Jq also distributed to the poor at Christmas in cash. ter: a vestry and parish room were added in 1892; the

Emblems," was born in May, 1592, in the old manor ing to the Great Eastern Railway Co. in which about 8o_
house, called "Stewards," that manor having been the persons are employed in the making of sheets, horst>
property of the Quarles family since :r588; be wa~ edu- cloths, sacks &c.: a building was erected in xgoo for the
cated at Christ's Collegt>, Cambridge, and became cup- preparation of forage and horse provender, and employ!l_
hearPr to the Queen of BohPmia, and about r62r was about 20 pPrsons.


Post. M. 0. & T. 0. & Telephonic Express DPliver) :\Iildmay road (:Mawney's). Edward Hemy Canham,
Office, South street.-C.

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