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September 25 – 30 (to be checked on Wednesday October 2)

A. Group Movie Watching

On laboratory 1. Please watch this link on our LED.

Create an awareness Video with your section regarding Online Data Privacy. (Per Group)
Post it in facebook using hashtag #DataPrivacy #DigitalFootPrints #IamAware
Tag my account Richmon Carabeo

B. Think as a Hacker

2. Station 1: Digital Citizenship/Online Privacy: Just Google It!

 Activity Guide: Open and make a copy of this!

 When you’re done, check out how you’re being tracked every day! Follow this link, explore, and
discuss the effects of this on our future.

Station 2: Phishing Emails: Scams that lead to global disasters!

 Click this link: My App

 Follow the “Detecting Phishing Email” track
 If you finish early, try the “Password Management” track
 2 awesome games to learn more about phishing
 Fun, interactive “fishing” learning game:
 Detecting between scams and real emails:
 Check out an incident at my high school!

Station 3: Password Strength!

 Activity Guide: Open and Make a Copy of this!

 Which password is easier for a computer to figure out? Click to decide!

Station 4: Poster Creation Station!

 Here, you will be getting into small groups (Groups of 3, 4, 5, whatever works in your traveling
 Watch this 5-minute video of cyber-safety tips:
 Grab a poster and markers. You will be making an online safety poster with your group!
 Ideas include but are not limited to:
 A Poster about a recent large data breach
 A cartoon with a character making a “cyber-mistake”
 Rules for being good digital citizens
 “Top 5 tips” to cybersecurity
 Any other creative privacy issue you know/learned about.

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