Zest 0 Corp

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Zest-O Corportion

Resources of Zest-O Corporation

-The company is specialized in manufacturing and distributing flavored juices, dairy and
related food products. Zest-O Corporation manufactures and distributes food products.
The company offers toothpastes, chocolate milk drinks, fruit sodas/carbonated soft drinks,
and juice drinks/ready to drink fruit-juice beverages. Zest-O Corporation falls under
Food and Beverage Industry, since it was being the key player in its industry has the
ability to leverage its technical and functional know-how to gain some advantage. In
producing Zest-O juice drinks, quality raw materials are needed to be secured first.
Different flavors require different concentrates, that’s why in producing Zest-O juice
drinks they need concentrates of the fruits: Orange, Mango, Apple, Strawberry, etc. On
the other hand, refined sugar, vitamins (usually A & C), and some chemical preservatives such
as sodium benzoate to prolong the shelf life of the product are also needed. The company
mission is to be the leading manufacturer and distributor of juices, dairy and related
food products that best satisfy the growing needs of the customers. The obj ecti ves of
t he com pany i s to expand gl oball y b y sel l ing thei r st ocks to forei gn countries
that is potentially booming to take advantage of their rising economy, to maintain
its current rank in the local beverage industry. Conduct an extensive marketing activity (e.g.
advertisements), development of the product, make the product available in stores. Z e s t - O
C o r p o r a t i o n i s t h e l e a d i n g f o o d a n d b e v e r a g e F i l i p i n o c o m p a n y competing
with the multinational companies. It has always kept with the ideals ofproviding
quality products at a reasonable price to its clients.Zest-O Corporation planted its humble
beginnings as a privately owned familyenterprise founded in May 1981 primarily to engage
in the manufacture, marketing anddistribution of food and beverage products in the
Philippines. Led by its Chairman Mr.Alfredo M. Yao, Zest-O was initially known as Semexco
Marketing Corporation.The company started operations with a clear vision and determined
resolve tobecome the leading Filipino food and beverage company with products that would
rivalthose being produced and imported by multinational corporations. In 1995,
Semexcoadopted the name of its flagship brand “Zesto” and since then the food and
beverageconglomerate came to exist as Zest-O Corporation.
1. Make a family oriented commercial that will uplift the morale of Filipino families.
2. Use social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc. to expand the reach within
the target market and consumers. It will also increase the communication level from the
company to the consumers.
3. Zest-O has long communicated their brand and products as something that is fun, hip, and
available for all ages. They've cemented themselves into the Filipino culture, influencing children
and adult.

Zest-O plans more factories abroad to cut on export costs

Planned to expand in SEA,US

Apart from putting up plants in Southeast Asia, Zest-O is also looking at

having a manufacturing plant in the US.
Zest-O is looking at using a plant of Royal Crown Cola in the US for the
manufacture of beverage products.

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