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Referenced from the Criminal Procedure Book of Dean Riano.

the order denying the motion for leave to file a

demurrer or the demurrer itself “shall not be
MOTION TO QUASH reviewable by appeal or by certiorari before
judgment.” This is however, only a general rule.
Time for filing the motion to quash
(1) The MTQ may be made at any time before the Court shall consider only those grounds stated in
accused enters his plea. (Sec.1, Rule 117, RoC). the motion
(2) A MTQ is generally not allowed in a SP except on As a general rule, in resolving the mtq filed by the
the ground of lack of jurisdiction over the subject accused, the court shall consider no grounds other
matter or failure to comply with the barangay than those stated in the motion. The only ground
conciliation proceedings mentioned in Sec. 18of which the court may consider even if not stated in the
the 1991 Rule on SP. mtq is lack of jurisdiction over the offense
charged. (Sec. 2). Hence, even if a reading of the
Form and contents of the mtq information indicates the presence of averments which
The rule does not permit an oral motion to quash. The if true would constitute a legal justification for the acts
motion shall be in writing. The motion must comply of the accused, such ground shall not be considered by
with the following requisites: the court if it was not stated or invoked in the mtq.
(a) The motion shall be in writing;
(b) The motion shall be signed by the accused or his Execution of an affidavit of desistance is not a
counsel; and ground for a motion to quash
(c) The motion shall distinctly specify the factual and (1) The execution by the offended party of an affidavit
legal grounds of the motion. (Sec. 2, Rule 117, of desistance is not a ground for a mtq a complaint
RoC). or an information. It is not one of those
enumerated in the RoC.
MTQ is not a Demurrer to Evidence; Distinctions (2) An affidavit of desistance or pardon is not a ground
(1) A mtq a complaint or an information is filed before for dismissal of an action, once it has been
the accused enters a plea, whereas a demurrer in instituted in court. (PP vs Ramirez, GR 150079-
a criminal case is filed after the prosecution rested 80).
its case, and hence, presupposes that the accused (3) In PP vs Salazar, the accused-appellant claims that
has already entered his plea and is in fact already the case should have been dismissed by the trial
going through a trial. court, considering that the alleged victim had
(2) Rule 117 does not require a prior leave of court for executed an affidavit of desistance exonerating
the filing of a mtq. Under Rule 119, a demurrer to him from the crimes charged. The Court rejected
evidence may be filed by the accused either with such argument and held that an affidavit of
leave or without leave of court. desistance is viewed with suspicion and
(3) The grounds for a mtq are not grounds for a reservation. Several jurisprudence regarded such
demurrer to evidence. Under Section 23 of Rule affidavit as exceedingly unreliable, because it can
119, the ground for a demurrer to evidence is easily be secured from a poor and ignorant
“insufficiency of evidence.” Such ground is not a witness, usually through intimidation or for
basis for filing a mtq. monetary consideration. Moreover, there is
(4) The ground for a mtq may be based on the matters probability that it would be later on be repudiated,
found on the face of the complaint or information and criminal prosecution would thus be
as when it is alleged that the facts charged do not interminable.
constitute an offense or that the complaint or
information does not conform to the prescribed Absence of probable cause not a ground to quash
form. A demurrer to evidence would necessarily be an information
predicated upon the matters outside of the (1) The absence of p.c. for the issuance of a w/a is not
complaint or information such as the evidence or a ground for the quashal of the information but is a
lack of it. ground for the dismissal of the case.
(5) When a mtq is granted, a dismissal of the case will (2) The Court defined the term “to quash” to mean “to
not necessarily follow. The court may even order annul, vacate, or overthrow,” implying that
the filing of a new complaint or information quashing an information does not necessarily mean
because an order sustaining the motion is its dismissal. (PP vs SB, 439 SCRA 390).
generally not a bar to another prosecution. (Sec.
5&6, Rule 117). The grant of demurrer on the Matters of defense are not grounds for a mtq
ground of insufficiency of evidence is, by - As a general rule, facts that constitute the defense
jurisprudence, deemed an acquittal and would of the accused against the charge under information,
preclude the filing of another information or an such as self-defense, must be proved by them during
appeal by the prosecution. (Condrada vs. PP, 398 trial. Such facts and circumstances do not constitute
SCRA 482). proper grounds for a mtq the information on the
(6) If the court, in denying the mtq acts without or in ground that the material averments do not constitute
excess of jurisdiction or with grave abuse of the offense. (Soriano vs PP, GR 159517-18, June 30,
discretion, then certiorari or prohibition lies. 2009). However, there are defenses allowed by the
(Lazarte vs SB, GR 180122). As expressly provided rule to be grounds for mtq like dj or extinguishment of
under the last paragraph of Sec. 23 of Rule 119, the criminal liability. (Sec. 3).
mtq acts without or in excess of jurisdiction or with
Absence of p.i. is not a ground to quash an grave abuse of discretion, then certiorari or
information prohibition lies. (Lazarte, supra).
- The absence of a p.i. or inability to participate in the
p.i. is not a ground for a mtq. but for a petition for a When court shall order the amendment of the
reinvestigation. (Rodis vs. Sandiganbayan, GR 71404- information or complaint.
09, Ocotber 26, 1988). (1) The existence of a valid ground for sustaining a
mtq will not necessarily in the dismissal of the
- Thus, in Vasquez vs Hobilia-Alinio, the SC held that information or complaint. If the mtq is based on
neither the court’s jurisdiction nor validity of an the alleged defect of the complaint or information,
information adversely affected by deficiencies in the and the defect can be cured, the court shall order
p.i. Instead, the SB is to hold in abeyance any further that an amendment be made. (Sec. 4).
proceedings therein and to remand the case to the
Office of the Ombudsman for the completion of the If the motion is based on the ground that the facts
p.i., the outcome of which shall then be indorsed to the charged do not constitute an offense, the court
SB for its appropriate action. shall give the prosecution an opportunity to correct
the defect by amendment. However, if despite
Test in appreciating a mtq such opportunity, the prosecution (a) fails to make
- When the ground relied upon is that the facts the amendment, or (b) if despite the amendment,
charged do not constitute an offense, the the complaint or information still suffers from the
determinative test in appreciating a mtq is the same defect, the court shall grant the mtq. (Sec.
sufficiency of the averments in the information, 4).
that is, whether the facts alleged, if
hypothetically admitted, would establish the Reason: Even if the information may be defective, the
essential elements of the offense as defined by dismissal of the case will not necessarily follow. The
the law without considering matters aliunde. An prosecution should be given a chance to correct
information needs only to state the ultimate facts the defect and the court can order the dismissal
constituting the offense, not the finer details of why only upon the prosecution’s failure to do so. It
and how the illegal acts alleged amounted to undue would constitute an arbitrary exercise of power
injury or damage – matters that are appropriate for correctible by certiorari if the trial court would not
trial. The information, in other words, must allege provide the prosecution the opportunity to correct the
clearly and accurately the elements of the crime defect. (Go vs BSP, GR 178429, October 23, 2009).
charged. (Lazarte vs SB, GR 180122, March 13,
2009). Order sustaining a mtq is not a bar to another
prosecution; exceptions
Effect of failure to assert any ground of a mtq (1) When a mtq is sustained, the court may order that
(1) The failure to assert any ground of a mtq before a another complaint or information be filed unless
plea the complaint or information shall be deemed the ground relied upon is either (a) extinction of
a waiver of any objections. This failure to assert a the criminal liability, or (b) on the ground of dj as
ground may either be because: provided in Sec. 6, Rule 117 (Sec. 5). This is
(a) The accused did not file a mtq; or because an order sustaining a mtq is not a bar to
(b) The accused filed a mtq but failed to allege the another prosecution for the same offense unless
ground in said motion. based on the ground that the criminal action or
liability has been extinguished or there is double
(2) Failure of the accused to interpose an objection on jeopardy. (Sec. 6).
the ground of duplicity of the offense charged in
the information constitutes waiver. (PP vs. Tabio, (2) If the order to file another complaint or information
544 SCRA 156, February 6, 2008). is made, the accused who may be in custody, shall
not be discharged or released, except if he is
Grounds not waived admitted to bail. If no order to file is made or if
- Although the rule is that those grounds not asserted such order is made but no new complaint or
in the mtq are waived, the following objections are not information is filed within the time specified in the
waived: order, the accused, if in custody shall be
(a) that the facts charged do not constitute an discharged. He shall however, not be discharged if
offense; he is in custody for another charge. (Sec. 5).
(b) that the court trying the case has no jurisdiction
over the offense charges; Double Jeopardy
(c) that the criminal action or liability has been (1) Sec. 21 of Art. III of the Constitution of the
extinguished; and Philippines emphasizes that:
(d) double jeopardy.
“No person shall be twice put in jeopardy of
Denial of a MTQ punishment for the same offense. If an act is
- The remedy is for the movant to proceed to trial punished by a law or an ordinances, conviction or
without prejudice to reiterating the special defenses acquittal under either shall constitute a bar to
invoked in the mtq, unless, if the court in denying the another prosecution for the same.”
had been placed in peril of conviction, but also the
(2) The same essence of the constitutional provision is same untoward and prejudicial consequences of a
specifically reiterated in the Rules of Court thus: second trial initiated by a government who has
been given the complete opportunity to prove the
“xxx When an accused has been convicted or accused’s culpability, but failed to do so, will again
acquitted, or the case against him dismissed or use another opportunity to persuade the second
otherwise terminated without his express consent trier of accused’s guilt while strengthening any
by a court of competent jurisdiction, upon a valid weaknesses that had attended the first trial, all in
complaint or information or other formal charge a process where the government’s power and
sufficient in form and substance to sustain a resources are once again employed against the
conviction and after the accused had pleaded to accused’s individual means.
the charge, the conviction or acquittal of the
accused or the dismissal of the case shall be a bar (3) The accused may appeal or move for
to another prosecution for the offense charged, or reconsideration from a judgment of conviction but
for any attempt to commit the same or frustration when the accused appeals or moved for
thereof, or for any offense which necessarily reconsideration from the sentence of the trial
includes or is necessarily included in the offense court, he waives his right to the constitutional
charged in the former complaint or information.” safeguard against dj and throws the whole case
(Sec. 7).
open to review by appellate court.
(3) The constitutional provision against dj guarantees (4) The only exception is when the trial court acted
that the state shall not be permitted to make with gad or, when there was mistrial. In such
repeated attempts to convict an individual for an instance, the OSG can assail the said judgment in
alleged offense, thereby subjecting him to a petition for certiorari establishing that the state
embarrassment, expense, and ordeal and was deprived of a fair opportunity to prosecute and
compelling him to live in a continuing state of prove its case. The petitioner in such an
anxiety and insecurity, as well as enhancing that extraordinary proceeding must clearly
possibility that even though innocent he may be demonstrate that the trial court blatantly
found guilty. (Co vs Lim, GR 164669-70, October abused its authority to a point so grave as to
30, 2009). deprive it of its very power.

Reason: The policy on dj is the concern that - The rationale behind this exception is that a
permitting the sovereign freely to subject the citizen to judgment rendered by the trial court with gad was
a second judgment for the same offense would arm issued w/o jurisdiction, hence, void, and no dj
the government with a potent instrument for attached. (Castro vs. PP, GR 180832, July 23,
oppression (Co vs Lim, ibid). 2008).

(4) DJ presupposes that a first jeopardy has already (5) Acquittal of the accused does not affect the right of
attached prior to the second jeopardy and such the offended party or the accused to appeal the
jeopardy has already been terminated either civil aspect of the case because the concept of dj
because the accused has already been convicted, has reference only to a criminal case and has no
or acquitted or the case against him has been effect on the civil liability of the accused.
dismissed or terminated without his express
consent. If despite the termination of the first Requisites of DJ
jeopardy or danger, he is put in danger anew for (1) In order to successfully invoke dj, the following
the same offense as in the first, then dj arises. requisites must be present, namely:

Effects of dj; on criminal and civil aspects (a) a first jeopardy must have attached prior to the
(1) When dj exists, “the conviction or acquittal of the second, which has the following elements:
accused or the dismissal of the case shall be a bar 1) that accused has been convicted or acquitted,
to another prosecution for the offense charged, or or the case against him was dismissed or
for any attempt to commit the same or frustration terminated without his express consent;
thereof, or for any offense which necessarily 2) that the conviction, acquittal, or dismissal was
includes or is necessarily included in the offense made by a court of competent jurisdiction;
charged in the former complaint or information 3) there is a valid complaint or information or
(Section 7, Rule 117, RoC). other formal charge sufficient in form and
substance to sustain a conviction;
(2) Under the finality-of-acquittal doctrine, an 4) the accused has pleaded to the charge; and
acquittal, whether ordered by the trial or appellate 5) the subsequent prosecution is for an offense
court, is final and unappealable either through a which is the same as the former complaint or
regular appeal under Rule 41 or an appeal by information or for any attempt of the same or
certiorari on pure questions of law under Rule 45 a frustration thereof, or for any offense which
of the RoC, on the ground of dj. The rationale necessarily includes or is necessarily included
behind the rule is not only the accused already in the offense charged in the former complaint
established his innocence at the first trial where he or information.
(b) the first jeopardy must have been validly public prosecutor cannot subscribe to or sign the
terminated; and formal charge for seduction, abduction, and acts of
(c) the second involves the same offense or is lasciviousness.
necessarily included in offense charged in the first
jeopardy. (4) Where the officer who filed the information has no
authority to do so, the information is indeed
(2) When the prosecution is deprived of a fair defective and could not sustain a conviction and
opportunity to prosecute and prove its case or the court does not acquire jurisdiction thereto.
where the trial was a sham, its right to due
process is thereby violated, in which courts are Accused should have pleaded to the charge
thereby ousted of their jurisdiction, and decisions (1) It is settled that the accused should have been
rendered in disregard of that right is void for lack arraigned and had validly pleaded to the charge in
of jurisdiction. Consequently, dj cannot be invoked order for dj to attach.
since the dismissal was not made by a competent
court. (2) In the case of PP vs Magat, where the accused pg
but bargained for a lesser penalty which the trial
P. investigation and Admin. cases, dj not court imposed 10 years of imprisonment for each
applicable count of rape, but when revived upon the instance
- It is well-settled that the dismissal of a case during of the complainant on the ground that the penalty
its p.i. stage does not constitute dj since a p.i. is not is too light, the trial court, after being satisfied of
part of the trial and is not the occasion for the full and accused’s voluntariness of his pg, rendered a
exhaustive display of the parties’ evidence. (Vincoy vs. judgment of conviction and imposed death penalty.
CA, 432 SCRA 36). On appeal, the accused-appellant contends that dj
attached as when he previously entered a plea of
- Double jeopardy does not lie in administrative cases guilty for a lesser penalty, and later, the court
since all the five requisites of first jeopardy are not changed such penalty. The Court disagreed, as the
present. Significantly, there are three (3) remedies order of the trial court convicting the accused-
available against a public officer for impropriety in the appellant on his own plea of guilty and sentencing
performance of his powers and the discharge of his him to a light penalty was void ab initio on the
duties: civil, criminal, and administrative. These basis that accused-appellant’s plea was not the
remedies may be invoked separately, alternately, plea bargaining contemplated and allowed by
simultaneously, or successively. law and the rules of procedure. The only
instance where a plea bargaining is allowed under
Res judicata and dj (res judicata in prison grey) the Rules is when an accused pleads guilty to a
- Res judicata is a doctrine of civil law and thus has no lesser offense. Here, the reduction of the penalty
bearing on criminal proceedings even if double is only a consequence of the plea of guilty to a
jeopardy has been described as “res judicata in prison lesser penalty.It is the essence of a plea of guilty
grey.” that the accused admits absolutely and
unconditionally his guilt and responsibility for
Valid complaint or information the offense imputed to him. In the case of
(1) For dj to be invoked, Sec. 7 of Rule 117 requires Magat, accused-appellant’s plea of guilty was a
that “there must be a valid complaint or conditional plea. Since it was a conditional plea,
information or formal charge sufficient in form the trial court should have vacated such a plea and
and substance to sustain a conviction.” entered a plea of not guilty and which would
require a full-blown trial before judgment may be
- The sufficiency of the complaint or information or rendered. Since the plea is void, the judgment
the formal charge is dependent on whether the rendered against the accused is also void, thus, dj
same could sustain a conviction. If it could not will not lie.
sustain the conviction desired, then the charge is
not a valid one which would preclude double Note: In Magat, the accused was re-arraigned and he
jeopardy. entered a new plea, thus correcting the procedural
(2) A complaint or information may not be considered The accused has been convicted or acquitted, or
valid if it does contain the basic requisites for the the case against him dismissed or terminated
sufficiency of a complaint as it would not be without his express consent
sufficient in form and substance to sustain a
conviction. Dismissal or termination must be without the
express consent of the accused
(3) It is submitted that the charges are not to be (1) For the accused to invoke dj, it must be shown
deemed valid because conviction will not be that in the prior charge, he had been either
possible where the formal charges for adultery and convicted or acquitted. He may also show that the
concubinage are not subscribed by the offended case against him had been dismissed or terminated
party but by the public prosecutor. Also, unless without his express consent. (Sec. 7, Rule 117,
the offended party dies or becomes incapacitated RoC). In other words, the rule contemplates that
and she has no known parents, gp, or guardian, a the first jeopardy had been validly terminated and
because of such termination, the accused could no a dj will not apply even if the accused expressly moved
longer be exposed to another jeopardy. for the termination of the proceedings. If the dismissal
was predicated on the unreasonable delay in the
(2) Thus, the mere filing of two informations or proceedings in violation of the accused’s right to
complaints charging the same offense does not yet speedy trial, dj may attach even if the dismissal of the
afford the accused in those cases the occasion to case was with the consent of the accused. (Condrada
complain that he is being placed in jeopardy twice vs PP, 398 SCRA 482).
for the same offense, for the simple reason that
there is no decree of “conviction, acquittal, or - The dismissal of a criminal case upon motion of tha
dismissal without his consent” that is yet rendered accused because the prosecution was not prepare for
in any of the two cases. It is the conviction or trial since the complainant and his witnesses did not
acquittal or termination of the case without appear at the trial is a dismissal equivalent to an
his consent that bars further prosecution for acquittal that would bar further prosecution of the
the same offense or any attempt or defendant for the same offense. The use of the word
frustration to commit the same, or for any “provisional´would not change the legal effect of the
offense which necessarily includes in the dismissal.
former complaint or information.
- It was thus held that if the acused wants to exercise
(3) Also, if the accused moves for the dismissal of the his constitutional right to a speedy trial, he should not
case due to lack of jurisdiction or insufficiency of ask for the dismissal, but ask for the trial of the case.
the information to sustain a conviction, and the After the prosecution’s motion for postponement of
same was indeed dismisses, the dismissal is with trial is denied and upon order of the court the fiscal
the express consent of the accused and cannot be does not or cannot produce his evidence and,
the basis for a claim of dj. The motion by the consequently, fails to prove the defendant’s guilt, the
accused which indicates express consent operates court upon defendant’s motion shall dismiss the case,
as a waiver of his constitutional right against dj for such dismissal amounting to an acquittal of the
the reason that he effectively prevents the trial defendant. (Andres vs Dacdac, L-45650. 1982).
court from proceeding to trial on the merits and
rendering a judgment of conviction against him. - The discharge of an accused to be a state witness
shall amount to an acquittal and shall be a bar to a
Exception: If the dismissal was predicated on the future prosecution for the same offense, unless the
unreasonable delay in the proceedings in violation accused fails or refuses to testify against his co-
of the accused’s right to speedy trial, dj may accused in accordance with his sworn statemenmt
attach even if the dismissal of the case was with constituting the basis for his discharge. (Rule 119).
the consent of the accused.
(b) Insufficiency of the evidence (Demurrer)
(4) The consent that would preclude another - When the court grants a demurrer to evidence on the
prosecution in order to be deemed an express ground of insufficiency of evidence, the dismissal
one should be “positive, direct, unequivocal, amounts to an acquittal.
and requiring no inference or implication to
supply its meaning.” - The demurrer to evidence in criminal cases, is “filed
after the prosecution had rested its case,” and when
(5) In the case of Andress vs Cacdac, the Court the same is granted, it calls “for an appreciation of the
explained that “When a criminal case is dismissed evidence adduced by the prosecution and its
upon the application and express consent of sufficiency to warrant conviction beyond reasonable
doubt, resulting in a dismissal of the case on the
the accused and his counsel, the dismissal is
merits, tantamount to an acquittal of the
not a bar to another prosecution for the same
accused.” Such dismissal of a criminal case by the
offense because his action in having the case grant of demurrer to evidence may not be appealed,
dismissed constitutes a waiver of his constitutional for to do so would be to place tha ccused in dj. The
prerogative against dj as he thereby prevents the verdict beong one of acquittal, the case ends there.
court from proceeding to the trial on the merits (PP vs SB, 164577, July 5, 2010).
and rendering judgment of conviction against him.”
Double jeopardy in quasi offenses
Dismissals equivalent to acquittal even witht the - In the cases of Ivler vs Modesto-San Pedro and
consent of the accused; speedy trial; demurrer to PP vs Buan, SC reasoned that once convicted or
evidence acquitted of a specific act of reckless imprudence, the
(1) Double jeopardy will apply even if the dismissal is accused may not be prosecuted again for that same
made with the express consent of the accused, or act. For the essence of the quasi offense of criminal
upon his own motion, only if it is predicated on negligence under Art. 365 of the RPC lies in the
either of two grounds: execution of an imprudent or negligent act that, if
intentionally done, would be punishable as a felony.
(a) Denial of the right to speedy trial The law penalizes thus the negligent or careless
- A dismissal based on a violation of the right to act, not the result thereof. The gravity of the
speedy trial is equivalent to an acquittal. A waiver of consequence is only taken into account to determine
the penalty, it does not qualify the substance of the permanent and can be revived within the period set by
offense. And, as the careless act is single, whether the the Rules of Court.
injurious result should affect one person or several
persons, the offense remains one and the same, and - The new rule was conceptualized by the Committee
can not be split into different crimes and prosecutions. on the Revision of the Rules and approved by the
Court en banc primarily to enhance the administration
Double jeopardy shall not apply despite a prior of the cjs and the rights to due process of the State
conviction and the accused by eliminating the deleterious practice
- As a general rule, the rule on dj precludes another of trial courts of provisionally dismissing criminal caes
prosecution “for any attempt to commit the same or on motion of either the prosecution or the accused or
frustration thereof, or for any offense which jointly, either with no time-bar for the revival thereof
necessarily includes or is necessarily included in the or with a specific period for such revival by the public
offense charged.” prosecutor. There were times that such criminal cases
were no longer revived or refilled due to some causes
- Section 7 of Rule 117 provides for the exception to the prejudice of the State and the accused despite
which provides that the conviction of the accused shall the mandate to public prosecutors and trial judges to
not be a bar to another prosecution for an offense expedite criminal proceedings.
which necessarily includes the offense charged in the
former complaint or information under any of the - The inordinate delay in the revival or refilling of
following instances: criminal cases may impair or reduce the capacity of the
(a) the graver offense developed due to supervening State to prove its case with disappearance or non-
facts arising from the same act or omission availability of its witnesses. Memories of witnesses
constituting the former charge; may have grown dim or have faded. Passage of time
(b) the facts constituting the graver charge became makes proof of any fact more difficult. The longer the
known or were discovered only after a plea was lapse of time from the dismissal fo the case to the
entered in the former complaint or information; or revival thereof, the more difficult it is to prove the
(c) the plea os guilty to lesser offense was made crime.
without the consent of the prosecutior and of the
offended party except as otherwise provided in - Section 8 of Rule 117 is divided into two parts; the
Section 1(f) of Rule 116. first refers to the requirements before the second part,
the time-bar shall be operate. Thus, if the express
In any of the foregoing cases, where the accused consent of the accused or without notice to the
satisfies or serves in whole or in part the judgment, he offended party, the case may be revived even after the
shall be credited with the same in the event of periods stated in the second paragraph of Sec. 8,
conviction for the graver offense. subject to the defense of prescription or the defense of
dj if applicable under the circumstances.
Meaning of the same offense; when not the same
- Same offense means the offense charged, or an - Thus, within the periods set forth by Section 8, Rule
attempt to commit it or a frustrated stage thereof, or 117, the prosecution has to revive the case if it desires
“any offense which necessarily includes or is to prevent the provisional dismissal becoming
necessarily included in the offense charged in the permanent and the revival of the case being time-
former complaint or information.” barred.

- Two or more offenses arising from the same act are - The time-bar does not reduce the periods under Art.
not the same if one provision of law requires proof of 90 of the RPC (prescription of crimes), a substantive
an additional fact or element which the other does not. law. It is but a limitation of the right of the State
Elsewise stated, where two different laws or articles of to revive a criminal case against the accused after
the same code define two crimes, prior jeopardy as to the Information had been filed but subsequently
one of them is no obstacle to a prosectuiton of the provisionally dismissed with the express consent of the
other, although both offenses arise from the same accused. Upon the lapse of the timeline under the new
facts, if each crime involves some important act which rule, the State is presumed, albeit disputably, to have
is not an essential element of the other. abandoned or waived its right to revive the case and
prosecute the accused. Th dismissal becomes ipso
- In Suero vs People, the Court stresses that the facto permanent.
constitutional right against dj protects from a second
prosecution for the same offense, not for a different - The State may revive a criminal case beyond the
one. Thus, even if the case arose out of the same one-year or two-year periods provided tha there is a
incident or transaction, the dismissal of one case would justifiable necessity for the delay. (PP vs Lacson,
not constitute dj against the accused in the other case 149453, April 1, 2003).
if the quantum of evidence required to sustain both
cases are not similar. Effect of People vs Lacson
(1) It interpreted and in effect expanded the requisites
Provisional dismissal under Sec. 8, Rule 117 of the RoC. Accordingly,
- The concept of provisional dismissal contemplates the following requirements are conditions sine qua
that the dismissal of the criminal action is not non for the application of the time-bar rule:
(a) the prosecution with the express conformity of impair, reduce, and diminish the State’s
the accused or the accused moves for a substantive right to prosecute the accused.
provisional dismissal fo the case, or both the
prosecution and the accused move for a Withdrawal of Information vs Motion to Dismiss
provisional dismissal of the case; - While it is true that both put an end to an action filed
(b) the offended party is notified of the motion for in court, their legal effect varies, namely:
a provisional dismissal of the case;
(c) the court issues an order granting the motion (1) The order granting the w.i. attains finality after
and dismissing the case provisionally; fifteen (15) days from receipt thereof, without
prejudice to the re-filing of the information upon
Reason: The reason for the requirement of the reinvestigation;
express consent of the accused to a provisional
dismissal of a criminal case is to bar him from whereas, the order granting a m.d. becomes final
subsequently asserting that the revival of the criminal fifteen (15) after receipt thereof, with prejudice
case will place him in dj for the same offense or for an to the re-filing of the same case once such order
offense necessarily included therein. achieves finality.

(2) Said case also ruled that although the second (2) A m.w is not time-barred and does not fall within
paragraph of the new rule states that the order of the ambit of Sec. 8, RRoC Procedure;
dismissal shall become permanent one year after
the issuance thereof without the case having been whereas, a m.d. when filed thus puts into place
revived, the provision should be construed to mean the time-bar rule on provisional dismissal because
that the order of dismissal shall become what Sec. 8 of Rule 117 contemplates is the filing
permanent one year after service of the order of a motion to dismiss, and not a motion to
of dismissal on the public prosecutor who has withdraw information.
control of the prosecution without the criminal case
having been revived. The public prosecutor cannot
be expected to comply with the timeline unless he
is served with a copy of the order of dismissal.

(3) Express consent to a provisional dismissal is given

either viva voce or in writing. It is a positive,
direct, unequivocal consent requiring no inference
or implication to supply its meaning. However,
the mere inaction or silence of the accused to a
motion for a provisional dismissal does not amount
to express consent.

(4) As a general rule, the case may be revived by the

State within the time-bar either by refiling of the
information or by the filing of a new information
for the same offense or an offense necessarily
included therein. There would be no need of a
new p.investigation. Exceptions to the above
rule are the ff:
(a) If after the provisional dismissal, the original
witnesses becomes unavailable, recanted their
testimonies, or may have died;
(b) If other persons are charged under a new
criminal complaint;
(c) If the original charge has been upgraded; or
(d) If the criminal liability has been upgraded from
accessory to principal;

- With the foregoing, it is logical for the accused to

be given an opportunity and the right to submit
counter-affidavits and evidence.

(5) Section 8 of Rule 117 of the RRoC Procedure

should be applied prospectively and not
retroactively against the State. To apply the time
limit retroactively to the criminal cases against the
respondent and his co-accused would violate the
right of the People to due process, and unduly
The right to defend himself; right to be heard even be asked questions for the purpose of
(1) An accused is accorded the right to defend himself eliciting all important facts bearing upon the issue
either in person or by counsel. As a consequence even if they were not covered by his d/e as long
of such rights, he has the right to be present at the as the question has relevance to the issues of the
trial at every stage of the proceedings from case.
arraignment to the promulgation of the judgment.
(Sec. 1 [c], Rule 115, RoC). (3) If the accused does not want to testify in his behalf
and choses to remain silent, his silence “shall not
- Upon motion, the accused may be allowed by the in any manner prejudice him.” (Sec. 1 [d], ibid).
court to defend himself in person when it sufficiently
appears to the court that he can properly protect his The right to confront and cross-examine the
rights without the assistance of counsel. witnesses against him
- The right to confront the witnesses against him and
(2) Pursuant to the stipulations set forth in his bail, the c/e them are basic constitutional rights embodied in
accused has the right to waive his presence at the Sec. 14 (2) of Art. III of the Philippine Constitution.
trial but he shall be required to be at the trial, if
his presence is specifically ordered by the court for - The c/e of a witness is essential to test his accuracy,
purposes of identification. (ibid). expose falsehoods of half-truths, uncover the truth
which rehearsed d/e testimonies may successfully
(3) The waiver of the right of the accused to be suppress, and demonstrate inconsistencies in
present at the trial may be inferred from his substantial matters which create reasonable doubt as
absence without justifiable cause provided he had to the guilt of the accused and thus give substance to
prior notice of the said trial. (supra). the constitutional right of the accused to confront the
witnesses against him. (PP vs Ortillas, 428 SCRA 659).
(4) In case the accused is under custody and he
escapes, his act shall be deemed to be a waiver to - The right of a party to confront and c/e opposing
be present on all subsequent trial dates until witnesses in a judicial litigation, be it criminal or civil in
custody over him is regained. (supra). nature, or in proceedings before administrative
tribunals with qj powers, is a fundamental right
(5) If the accused is absent during the trial after his which is part of due process. Nonetheless, the right is
arraignment, trial may proceed despite his absence a personal right which may be waived expressly or
provided that he has been duly notified of the trial impliedly by conduct amounting to a renunciation of
and his failure is unjustified. (Sec. 14 [2], Art. III, the right to cross-examination. Thus, it was held that
1987 Constitution); where a party has had the opportunity to c/e a witness
but failed to avail himself of it, he necessarily forfeits
(6) When the accused filed a motion for leave to file a the right to c/e and the testimony given on d/e of the
demurrer to evidence which was granted by the witness will be received or allowed to remain in the
trial court, and the demurrer was eventually record.
denied, the trial court should give the accused the
accused the opportunity to present his evidence. - Under the Rules, the right to confrontation does not
To be denied the opportunity to be heard is apply in a p.i. The investigating officer during p.i. may
procedurally unfair and a miscarriage of justice. set a hearing if there are facts and issues to be
(PP vs Alcanzado, 428 SCRA 681). Note that Sec. clarified from a party or witness. However, while the
23 of Rule 119 provides that, “If the court denies parties are allowed to be present at the hearing, they
the demurrer to evidence filed with leave of court, are “without the right to examine or c/e. They may,
the accused may adduce evidence in his defense.” however, submit to the investigating officer questions
which may be asked to the party or witness
The right to testify as a witness concerned.”
(1) The accused has the right to testify as a witness in
his own behalf but subject to cross-examination on - Generally, where the adverse party is deprived of the
matters covered by the direct examination (Sec. right to c/e the persons who executed the affidavits,
1[d], Rule 115, RoC). said affidavits are rejected for being mere hearsay.
(Estrella vs Robles, 538 SCRA 60).
(2) The questions that may be asked of the accused in
a c/e is limited to the matters covered by the d/e. - If one is deprived of the opportunity to c/e without
This is in contrast to the much wider scope of the fault on his part, it is generally held that he is entitled
c/e of an ordinary witness. Under Section 6 of to have the d/e stricken from the record. (PP vs
Rule 132, the witness may be cross-examined by Señeris, 99 SCRA 92).
the adverse party not only as to any matter stated
in d/e or those connected with the matters stated Right to use testimony of a deceased witness
in the d/e but the cross-examiner is given - Either party, may utilize as part of its evidence the
“sufficient fullness and freedom” to ask testimony of a witness who is deceased, out of or
questions that would test the accuracy and cannot with due diligence be found in the Philippines,
truthfulness of the witness, his freedom from unavailable or otherwise unable to testify, given in
interest or bias, or the reverse. The witness may another case or proceeding, judicial or administrative,
provided they involved the same parties and subject
matter and the adverse party had the opportunity to
c/e him. (Sec. 1[f], Rule 115, Rules of Court).

Right to compulsory process

- This right may be invoked by the accused to secure
the attendance of witnesses and the production of
witnesses in his behalf. This is a constitutional right
embodied in Sec. 14 (2), Art. III of the Constitution.

- In connection with this right, the accused may move

the court for the issuance of a subpoena ad
testificandum or a subpoena duces tecum.

- In case of unjustified failure of the witness to comply,

the court or judge issuing the subpoena, (a) upon
proof of the service of such subpoena and (b) proof of
his failure to attend, may issue a warrant for his
arrest. (Sec. 8, Rule 21, RoC).

Right to appeal
- In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall have
the right to appeal in the manner prescribed by law.
(Hilario vs PP, 551 SCRA 191).

- An appeal in a criminal case opens the entire case for

review and the appellate court may correct even
unassigned errors. In contrast, in a civil case, as a
rule, an unassigned will not be considered by the
appellate court unless such error affects:
(a) the jurisdiction of the court;
(b) affects the validity of the judgment appealed from;
(c) the error is closely related to or dependent upon
the assigned error properly argued in the brief; or
(d) when the error is simply plain or clerical.

- An established rule in appellate review is that the

trial court’s findings, its assessment of the credibility of
the witnesses and the probative weight of their
testimonies, as well as the conclusions drawn from the
actual findings, are accorded respect, if not conclusive
effect unless there appears in the record some facts
or circumstances of weight and influence which have
been overlooked and, if considered, would affect the
result. (PP vs Sison, 555 SCRA 156).

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