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Nancy Thao

1. I think patients are able to always have the right to decide for themselves, even after being
educated from a health care provider. They can decide whether to have a substance put inside
their body, or have surgery, or not. The provider has told them what needs to be done but the
patient doesn’t want it, then its kind of on the patient if their condition gets worse. I think the
reason why I think of that is because say your goal is to better yourself (that’s the only example I
can think of right now…) but you don’t do anything about it, that’s kind of on you for not trying
to be a better person. Only you are able to make those decisions for yourself. But I can also
understand the fear a patient can have with having a procedure done on them because you
don’t know if it will be better for you or what will happen. There are some cases where the
procedure is needed to save a patients life, such as emergencies.
a. Truth telling. A patient should always tell the truth. It’s not just for their own good but
for the different doctors they will see. Whatever a patient tells a doctor, or assistant,
that will be documented for other providers to see. For example, medication will be
documented on your record. A doctor will need that information so if you need to be
prescribed new medication, they can choose one that won’t affect the one you are
currently on.
b. Confidentiality. A patients’ information should always be kept private and shared for
those who the patient has allowed access to.
2. Patients should always know the risks of a treatment that way if they chose to proceed with the
treatment, they are prepared for the worse. Getting the information for their condition is for
their safety as well for the providers. This allows the patient to ask questions to understand
their condition more and what other options they could have. It also gives the doctor the
patients’ permission to let the treatment happen legally.
3. Gene control is used to replace a mutated or faulty gene with a good healthy gene. Before
looking it up, I only knew it in the agriculture field for better crops. When applied to humans, it
is a way to treat disorders for future offspring, so they do not inherit the disease from one or
both parents. I think that is neat to have the technology to be able to remove a genetic disease
and prevent babies from inheriting the disease. Although in a way, it seems sketchy. From what I
understand from reading about it, the edits and any bad effects would affect the sperm and
eggs and would be passed on like any other DNA.
4. I believe assisted reproduction techniques is a good thing. It gives a parent a chance to be a
parent if they are unable to. In fact, my mother needed assistance to have my older sister and I.
Our little sister was the one my mother was able to have without assistance. Every female body
is different, not all of them are able to reproduce by themselves, some need assistance.
5. I believe it is no one’s business but the individual and the supporting provider’s business. I’ve
read a lot of comments where people believed that others get abortions just for fun and how
selfish it is to get an abortion. People who are against abortion seem to think abortion happens
when the fetus has already developed and is healthy. I personally haven’t heard any cases that
someone has aborted a baby that is healthy and developed but if there was someone who did, I
don’t care because it does not affect me in any way. There are reasons for abortions like
unwanted pregnancy, the mother and/or baby is at risk, the fetus is already dead or wont be
able to make it. If its not your body, it’s not your decision to make. It’s also not your problem to
deal with either.
6. I think treating an impaired infant is an ok thing. Again theres that “what if” part of me. I’m that
person who has hope for things even though there isn’t any hope. If you know an infant won’t
live a good healthy life then it makes sense to terminate it. Some illnesses cannot be treated and
you don’t want it to live a painful life.
7. In high school, I had a friend whos’ aunt went through assisted suicide. It is the patients choice
to go that route. At least the patient had their say in it and made it their choice. It is sad to hear
someone would go that route but if they are suffering, I guess I would understand. Euthanasia is
where the physician or a third party decides to end the patients life due to the untreatable
condition. I think its sad to use euthanasia because there is always the “what ifs” and the
chances that the patients can make it.
8. I personally think almost everyone should be an organ donor. You can help someone when
you’re no longer here and rather than having a whole bunch of good organs buried, why not
give them to someone in need? Organs should be saved for those who need it most.
9. Resources should be distributed by the sickest. The sick would need it most and I think they
should be prioritized first. That should be followed up by their ability to pay for a treatment or
organ transplant or what they need. For age wise, I think the youngest should be prioritized
based on their sickness and needs along with the ability to get the payment down.
10. I think some challenges for women is how some aren’t taken seriously, but that can be with
anyone no matter what gender you are. One challenge I can think of for women is abortion.
Some doctors won’t follow through or help them because it’s not what they agree with.
11. Minorities may be treated differently and their care wouldn’t be the same as another group of
people. I did read that minorities appear to have lower levels of health insurance coverage when
compared to whites. Hispanics face greater barriers more than anyone else. The minority group
should be treated the same as any white person. We are humans and not different from one
12. One responsibility for people with AIDS and HIV is telling their partner that they have the
condition to prevent their partner from catching it. They should also be honest with their
doctors when it comes to their sex life and letting them know what is going on. As awkward the
talk may be, it is best to be truthful and honest with the doctor. People with this condition
should be treated seriously as any other patient.

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