Survey Questionnaire On Theories of Language and Language Learning

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1. I always provide activities which enhance my students’ capabilities on speaking the language.
2. I believe that establishing positive reinforcement among the students, like rewarding them for
making simple accomplishments, will motivate them to learn more about the L2.
3. I believe that language learners would be able to master the second language through repetitive language
exercises and practices which can be vocabulary and poem memorization, short interviews, mock debates
and any other drills focusing on speaking.

Cognitive Theory
4. I make sure that I am giving my students appropriate activities in which they work alone to discover more
about the second language.
5. I always give my students rubrics to be used for self-evaluation so as for them to monitor how well their
performance is when speaking and using the language.

Krashen’s Monitor Model/Theory

6. When teaching the language, I do not force my students to study immediately the topics/lessons I give them
unless they are already prepared for it.
7. As a language teacher, I am always aware to my students’ use of the language during the learning phase so if
an error occurs, I will be able to correct it through imparting to him/her the right rules to apply.

Interactionist Theory
8. As a language teacher, I believe that engaging our students into various interactive discussions will be of
great help for the them to learn the language easily.
9. I prefer showing my students a simple demonstration of what they will do in the classroom before giving
them the final instructions on how they will start working on the activities I provided.

Interlanguage Theory
10. During class discussion, I avoid uttering negative comments or any offensive feedbacks to my students’
performances because I believe that doing so will lower down their self-esteem and confidence in learning
the language.
11. During the learning phase (classroom discussion), I only correct my students as long as it is very
much needed or necessary for them to be corrected.

BICS and CALP (Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills and Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency)
12. I provide my students formal or academic learning of the language inside the classroom through giving them
drills and exercises focusing on the four macro skills namely reading, listening, writing and speaking for
them to become even more fluent and proficient in using the L2.
13. I believe that using both social language and academic language inside the classroom will be great for the
students to learn the language well as long as there is a proper guidance of the language teacher responsible
for the language learning process. (example: Social language is used for students’ simple interactions and
Academic language is used in all classroom activities)

Multiple Intelligences
14. I provide varied activities to suit or satisfy the needs of different language learners inside the classroom.

Learning Styles
15. I believe that all language learners have their own unique ways of learning the L2.

Prepared By:
Arvin B. Villagarcia

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