Checklist Item

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Checklist Item

Got school permission to conduct the excursion

Contacted the Towards Zero Waste Centre and booked
Examined the protocols of the proposed field trip site/s and
deemed them appropriate for the students
Gained advice from relevant staff
Determined the cost of the field trip is not too expensive for
the fieldwork undertaken or the socio-economic background of
the student community
Added it to the school calendar so other teachers, the students
and parents are aware of the field trip
Completed risk assessments of the activities to be undertaken
on the field trip
Written a permission letter for parents that includes the
student medical form
Given parents enough time to return forms and pay for the
excursion before the field trip
Organised transport if needed
Sought contact with the local Elders or Traditional Owners to
talk to the children
Considered the weather or conditions at the site
Updated or created a fieldwork booklet that students have
seen prior to the excursion
Familiarised myself with the site prior to the excursion
A list resources that are needed to be taken on the excursion
Considered and prepared for medical conditions
Made sure all volunteers have a blue card
Considered behaviour management and ddetermined the level
and type of supervision required and any disability related
accommodations that may be required
If students have a medical condition ensure that relevant
medical/emergency plans and medications are readily available
Met with all adult members of the field trip to talk about
expectations and requirements during the field study, including
emergency plans
Determined support and emergency arrangements required:
first aid kits, first aid training, special medications such as
antidotes, emergency kits, personal protection
A thankyou letter for the places visited

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