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Molave, Zamboanga del Sur

Teacher’s Learning Plan in Entrepreneurship 9

Activity Title: Introduction to Entrepreneurship Activity No. : 1.1

Type of Activity: Date: June, 2019
Learning Target/s: a)define the term entrepreneur Reference: Banastao, Cristina Frias, S. A.
b) identify the entrepreneurial characteristics (2008) Entrepreneurship, Philippines, Katha
Publishing Co., Inc.
Values: open-mindedness Teacher: Mrs. Geraldine Pepito-Martel

I Concept Notes

Entrepreneurship is the activity of setting up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in
the hope of profit.
An Entrepreneur is someone who takes on the risk of starting his or her own business


 COMPETITIVE The business world can be highly competitive. Successful entrepreneurs

are aware of their business environment and work hard to keep their customers happy.
 PASSIONATE Successful entrepreneurs love what they do. They have the energy and
the drive to make their business dreams a reality.
 CREATIVE Successful entrepreneurs are able to come up with creative solutions to
problems. They can “think outside the box”.
 RISK-TAKER Entrepreneurs must be confident enough to take risks, and not be
overcome by a fear of failure or become discouraged by setbacks.
 PERISTENT Entrepreneurs must be persistent. If at first they don’t succeed, they
have to be willing to try again.
 CHARISMATIC Entrepreneurs must be able to draw people in and inspire their interest
and enthusiasm.
 HARD-WORKING Entrepreneurs are willing to work hard and devote themselves to a
business idea they believe in.
 FLEXIBLE Entrepreneurs need to be flexible and think “on their feet”. They may
need to adapt plans to solve problems or to meet new market demands.

 INDEPENDENT Entrepreneurs are not afraid to think differently or to have their own
ideas. They enjoy being leaders who have the freedom to decide what they are going to do next.
 SELF-CONFIDENT Successful entrepreneurs believe in their business idea. Most
importantly they believe in themselves and their ability to succeed.


A. Checking for Understanding

Identify which among the following descriptions refer to entrepreneurs and which refer to
employees. On the blanks, write EN for entrepreneur and EM for employee.
____1. Income is earned whether the business is successful or unsuccessful.
____2. He/She is usually comfortable with routines and minimal risks.
____3. He/She prepares policies, procedures, and memoranda for the business.
____4. Income is generated on working hours only.
____5. He/She has a flexible schedule and can take an unlimited number of vacation days.
B. Guided Practice with Processing Questions
In a group of 5 members, choose a secretary and answer the following questions:
1. What do you think are the factors that drive Filipinos to become entrepreneurial?
2. Name three entrepreneurial trends that you observe in your environment. Why do you
think these entrepreneurs venture into these businesses?

C. Independent Practice
Among the common characteristics of a successful entrepreneur, choose five characteristics that
you think you have. Rank them and explain why.

D. Framing Concepts
List down the things that you have learned and the questions you want to be answered.

E. Life-Long Learning
If you become an entrepreneur someday, what could be your best entrepreneurial

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