Classroom Observation and Evaluation of Course Materials For Assistant Professor Matthew Herbertz

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Classroom Observation and Evaluations of Course Materials Summary for Assistant Professor Matthew

Herbertz, Department of Visual Arts and Design

Conducted by: Professors William Otremsky, Samuel Romero and Bruce Darby
10/30/2019 and 11/14/2019
Courses: ART 1110 Introduction to Film, ART 2215 Introduction to Digital Filmmaking



Proficiency in Subject Matter

Professor Herbertz was rated as exceptional in command of the subject area and attention and
exceptional in current trends by the three evaluators. Professor Herbertz is clearly conversant with the
medium and material elements of class topics. He was very much in command as his students discussed
both technical and conceptual projects in film.

Organization and Time Management

Professor Herbertz was rated as exceptional in all categories. Class was determined to be well organized
and well-paced with a balance of review, current content, engaged learning and explanation of future
assignments. All ratings were exceptional in this category. Professor Herbertz is very well-organized.
Professor Herbertz and clearly explained the connections of course content through the class, and how
it would tie into final projects.

Professor Herbertz was rated as exceptional in all categories. The students were attentive, responsive
and are very involved and had many questions, both for Professor Herbertz and for each other. The class
is very interactive, and the students ask questions and offer many suggestions to one another. The
feedback was especially informative when analyzing and critiquing a short film. Professor Herbertz
displayed exceptional use of engaged practices and methods that kept students alert.

Professor Herbertz was rated as exceptional in all categories except for one satisfactory regarding use of
technology. Professor Herbertz used appropriate technology, utilizing onscreen displays and examples,
and the students were content with the flow of the class. Professor Herbertz articulates clearly and with
expression. The students have many opportunities to ask questions and make comments and are able to
express very educated opinions and sometimes very passionate feelings about their work and the work
of others. Professor Herbertz has an excellent rapport with his students. He welcomed questions and
differences of opinion and encouraged different points of view.

Professor Herbertz displayed a high level of enthusiasm for the discipline. He received all exceptional
ratings from the reviewers. Students were obviously affected positively by his infectious enthusiasm.
Professor Herbertz clearly enjoys teaching and has a very positive and friendly interaction with the
students. He is very confident and in control of the subject and the students. Professor Herbertz takes a
decidedly intellectual approach to the content of film production and film theory. He is also very at ease
in the classroom.
Critical Thinking
Professor Herbertz was rated as exceptional in all categories. Professor Herbertz took into consideration
all of his students’ opinions and made suggestions in order to promote discussion and dialogue. The
critique process utilized clearly demonstrates critical thinking as well. Professor Herbertz points out the
way various films and styles refer to or relate to the subject and encouraged students to be creative in
their approaches. The students demonstrated a high level of analytical thinking as they
discussed/developed their projects through trial and error and through the critique process.

The reviewers indicated that they believe Professor Herbertz demonstrates superior teaching
performance, being well prepared, organized, enthusiastic, knowledgeable and challenging. He
demonstrates the ability to effectively challenge students and engage them in a variety of ways.
He is dedicated and enthusiastic, aware of his students’ competencies and weaknesses, and is intent on
supporting and challenging his students. There is no doubt that he is an excellent teacher and a great
classroom facilitator, and he clearly enjoys a good rapport with his students and he has earned their
respect. In summary, Professor Herbertz’s teaching performance was judged by this peer group to be of
superior quality and certainly ideal for a young faculty member on his way toward tenure.



Course Objectives
Course objectives were clearly stated on the syllabus and consistent with catalog description.

Textbooks and Handouts

Materials were appropriate for the course level and clearly supported course objectives.

Course Content
The courses were well-organized and presented and appropriate level of difficulty.

Course Requirements
The course requirements were relevant to the material and the stated objectives. They were effectively
linked to student learning outcomes.

Engaged Learning and Instructional Technology

It was noted that a statement on engaged learning needs to be included on the syllabus for ART 2215.
Engaged learning was effectively connected to student learning outcomes, and an effective use of
appropriate technology was referenced.

Examination or Other Discipline-Specific Evaluations of Student Learning

Evaluative tools were consistent with course objectives, and those tools were appropriately effective
and challenging to students. It was noted that an example of a test would be helpful.

Summary prepared by William J. Otremsky November 29, 2019

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