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Confidential Peer Review Worksheet FIORIDA 16s Classroom Observation » SOUTHERN | — crescnveresevewe: Marttiew Hee neerz— Course being reviewed: WMe To Fiem Date of observation: lo [Po Cl Name of reviewer: OTe Please indicate your perception of the instructor's performance for each of the following behaviors. Use the space to offer any comments or to clarify your score. Mark your response by darkening the circle. E-Exceptional; S=Satisfactory; I=Needs Improvement; NA=Not Applicable E s 1 NA Proficiency in Subject Matter - a Demonstrates command of subject. eo Qo Qo o Comments: Mettixce Cetra Demowsemages — onman of TU - a yer. Clearly communicates subject matter. ° ° ° ° Comments: ____ ee Sut) ve” yen c be Ptnn4 PAisento Organization iad A “ Presents material in an organized manner, consistent with e ° oO o the syllabus. Comments: Viday oteaw ite Utilizes time well. . e ° ° ° Comments: Engagement in the classroom Uses teaching methods that facilitate active learning, e o o oO consistent with the syllabus. Comments: _ View Brew \VE Canfas ee Joerg DP Pevsa re Steer Fin Pyaseee Pleven BY Me hemes 2 & Te cess - — Communication We Speaks audibly and clearly. e ° ° ° Comments: Cd tw Comm Micon Uses technology effectively (as appropriate) . e oOo ° Comments: mM Scr Da ot Lo. Df ceases Allots time for student questions and comments, e ° Q ° Comments:___T]kee Ups Fase Baw of Dye prom Cor Quem on? perv arterrns fer 520 Pos> 7 Is sensitive to the response of the class. ° ° ° ° Comments: Very wey ‘Se Mery pan wy Garces Aikehe Pro 0120S Enthusiasm Exudes enthusiasm about the subject mayer. e ° ° ° Comments: Neu, Cu nyvriasp-c Demonstrates self-confidence. e ° ° ° Comments: Coan, | Critical Thinking F 5 Promotes analytical thinking. e ° ° ° Comments: “Thera _nym> Goren Comverrormient Cegriowe Ortr tern, Gite nee Challenges students to think at higher levels. e 3G Go 9 Comments: PO30u4 rust Or Ha Levers Overall Demonstrates effectiveness as a lecturer, facilitator, e o Qo f oO and/or group leader. Comments: Mame 15 CoGeneny EFfiative prs Pe Lette Frc tupens men Ghwot Leroue. . Thank you for your time, and for sharing your feelings and opinions. Revised 4/8/15

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