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January 05, 2020

Members of the Tenure and Promotion Committee,

This letter of recommendation comes to you on behalf of Matthew Herbertz who is pursuing third-
year review. Serving alongside Matthew through several collaborative film projects along with
observing and evaluating him in the classroom gives me the needed interaction for a resounding
peer endorsement.

Matthew Herbertz demonstrates a holistic perspective of the film discipline providing unique
opportunities to students and peers. In his short time at Florida Southern College, he has
established strong roots within the film and art culture in the greater Central Florida area. These
established connections allow other faculty members to benefit through significant creative film
production. For example, Matthew has led two summer film collaboratives. Each production has
involved recruiting several faculty members to guide and mentor students throughout the process.
His insight and blended approach help bring cohesion and collaboration to these discipline-specific
initiatives. As one of the youngest faculty members in the department, he serves and leads like a
veteran faculty member. As I observe Matthew’s work ethic, he is quick to initiate new vision with
clear strategy.

Along with his commitment to collaborative endeavors, Matthew demonstrates solid servant
leadership qualities. He is quick to volunteer and lead several initiatives that benefit the whole
campus. In most of these situations, he has a student by his side leading and guiding them through
the process. For example, he has led several promotional campaigns for the education and
admissions departments. These projects are provided at no cost to the college and are beyond his
normal workload. Historically, these projects were handled by large outside film production
companies such as Nfocus or Indie Atlantic Films. It is clear that he loves to tell visual stories
selflessly with student mentorship as his purpose.

From a peer perspective, Matthew’s collaborative spirit and servant leadership are outstanding. He
has a great sense of mentorship that enriches the intellectual life of our campus. For this reason, I
believe Matthew Herbertz represents the Florida Southern College brand with excellence.

William Allen, M.F.A.
Associate Professor of Interactive and Game Design
Florida Southern College

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