Holy Trinity of Ecommerce Scaling

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Holy Trinity Of

Ecommerce Scaling
Guide How to Scale Your Ecommerce
Store to 7 or 8-figures Level
Hey! My name is Darius, I'm one of the Co-founders of Ecommerce Specialized Digital
Marketing Agency - www.AdKings.Agency
The content you are going to find in this PDF is what we have figured out from
thousands of hours of work with Facebook Ads, Omni-channel Funnels and scaling
numerous stores from 10-30k / month to 200-600k per month in sales!
This PDF is designed to give you a CEO level understanding on:

- Holy Trinity of Ecommerce Scaling.

- Unfair Advantage of a Good Website and Best Examples to Copy.

- Trends That Must to Be Utilized Within Your Ads If You Want to Successfully Dominate the
Market in 2019th.

- Methods and Strategies 20M+ Revenue Brands Use to Get Unfair Advantage in the Market
and How You Can Do It Too.

- Power of Omni-channel Funnels and How it Can increase Your Profits by at Least Few
Holy Trinity of Ecommerce Scaling

If we would have to name one biggest trend of ecommerce for the last few years it's
- decreasing returns, increasing competitions and survival of the fittest...

I know it sounds bad, but it also can be a good thing... This only means that if you really
want to hit that 7 or 8-figures mark you have to step up your game and adapt...

We have created a 3 area approach that you need to focus on if you want to be
successful in ecommerce game in 2019th which we call Holy Trinity of Ecommerce Scaling.

Holy Trinity of Ecommerce Scaling:

Well Working Sales Tool

Modern and Well Converting Website Design

Efficient Way to Drive Traffic

Working Marketing Channels and Advertising Trends

A Way to Maximize Value of the Traffic

Omni-channel Funnels and Emails
What is Possible When You Get It Right?

A LOT! A lot of people these days are under impression that Facebook Ads and other
marketing channels are dead... And yes, they are dead if that's the only thing that you are
focusing on.

Let me show you a quick example what is possible then you get even 2 of these 3
holy trinity things right. This client of ours is a one example of many where we took him
from ~30 000$ revenue per month at breaking even to ~187 000$ per month just two
months later and making over 70 000$ in profit per month!
This success was a combination of website post-purchase experience optimization
and getting Facebook Ads right by utilizing advanced programmatic advertising methods
where automated robot tool we use scans the ad sets every 15 minutes and according to
the CPA and our pre-programmed rules makes adjustments to them, either scales them,
downscales them in different increments according to performance or pauses/unpauses

That's another of our clients examples where by combining just 2 things of Holy
Trinity right results exploded. It was a combination of website optimization (Reaching
7,7% Conversion Rate!), amazing offer and winning facebook video ad from us testing over
300 variants of it.
Part 1: Well Converting Sales Tool

At what conversion rate your current ecommerce store is converting? Are you
reaching the average 2% conversion rate?...

Even if you are, you might be leaving a lot on the table by being satisfied by just average
numbers. Reality is the leaders are currently averaging 3,5-4% conversion rate.

This would mean that any 1$ they spend on marketing would provide 2 times higher
return than average store does...

This gives them unfair advantage and enables them to scale their ad spends higher
completely dwarfing their competitors and aggressively stealing their market share.

This is exact reason why when we are working with our clients we work not only with
Advertising, but also Conversion Rate Optimization at the same time. We want our clients
to have unfair advantage in the field!

Now to give you some real value we have prepared you a quick analysis of 2 landing
pages we have found to be one of the best examples in the market. By taking a look at our
notes you will quickly start to see the similarities between them and will be able to copy
and implement them!
Landing Page Example #1

Colorful, attention
main photo
(helps with bounce rate)

Images of product in

Easy to understand name

Bundling upsells

Vibrant ATC button

Very easy to read

Small landing page experience
with USP's

Reviews (super important!)

Landing Page Example #2

Attention grabbing main



Social proof stacking

Clear ATC button

Super easy to read description

Clear USP's in Icons

Clear USP's in landing page

Clear USP's in landing page

Reviews with user generated
Key Takeaways About Landing Pages

- Do you have clear product images and showing product in use?

- Do you have easy to understand product name?

- Do you have upsells and bundling on your product page?

- Do you stack social proof via "As seen in" and customer reviews?

- Are your descriptions easy to understand and read?

- Do you made your product USP's very clear and in landing page experience format?

- Are you ATC button vibrant and easy to notice? (Sticky ATC for mobile is also a great
Do You Want a FREE 45-min Analysis Call?

Want to know real potential of your business? Interested in what we could do to scale
up your ecommerce store with help of Facebook/Instagram Ads and Omni-channel

Book a FREE 45-min Analysis Call with one of the co-founders and my partner Justin where
he will personally take a look at your business!

Press Here to Book FREE 45-Min Analysis Call Now:

Part 2: Efficient Way to Drive Traffic

Now when we have a sales tool that outperforms the market averages we need the
most effective way to drive traffic to it. Currently there are a few main choices in the
market like Facebook/Instagram Ads, Adwords, Youtube Ads, Snapchat Ads etc.

While for the last few years there is a noticeable downtrend of ROAS (returns on ad
spend) and increase of competition Facebook still remains number one channel if you
want to scale your business exponentially and a good starting point. But to be successful
with it you need to note a few must trends in content and use of market leading
advertising methods.

You will need to be aware of two things about Facebook/Instagram Ads - Creative
Trends and Technical Trends.

Creative Trends

One of the most important things we have noticed that immediately increases your
ROAS is having high quality engaging video (we put this as a high importance as anybody
can do it and drastically improve their advertising performance).


For cold audiences the video style that copies viral videos (buzzfeed style) works best as it's
goal is to engage the customer for as long as possible creating a interest in the brand and
introducing your product to the people.

We usually aim for 30-40s video lenght so it would be eligible for instagram placements
and due to a fact that we find the best results at this length. With longer videos CPM's
increases and with shorter ones it's sometimes hard to make a sale.

Good Things to Have in Video Are (+'es Means Importance):

Smiling Face ++
Emotions of Customers ++
Multiple People +
Social Proof for 2-3s +++
Unique Selling Propositions +++
Showing Product in Use +++
Product Being Applied ++
Text Message's +++
Voice Message ++
Subtitles ++
Call to Action at the End for 3-5s +++
The second big trend is organic looking content created by customers. Short reviews
videos shot with iphone selfie camera, customers unboxing your product or simply them
showcasing your product in the natural light with iphone camera.

This does create and add validity to your remarketing campaigns as customers feels more
at ease when hearing a opinion or seeing the product showcased by other non-affiliated
customers. You should have 10-20 videos like that running in your remarketing funnel to
mix up the content that the warm audience is going to see.


Technical Trends - AI and Big Data

Another big part of successful advertising campaigns are none other than the
technical aspect of advertising. There is a VITAL big trend that is happening right now! If
you miss it, this will not only stop you from scaling up your business but most likely will
even cause you huge problems with the results you are already getting.

Trend name is - Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Utilization for Your Campaigns
Reality is in the last year AI technology did evolve at the lighting speed and Facebook as
one of the biggest businesses in the world is at the frontier of this technology. One of
these technologies use is few features that Facebook have released like Campaign Budget
Optimization and Dynamic Creative.

It's goals are to optimize your ads using Artificial Intelligence to make decision about
your best Ads and whom to show what ad (Dynamic Creative) and choices about how to
best allocate the budget (Campaign Budget Optimization).

By combining these two technologies we are seeing as much as 20-30% reductions in

CPA's. We use Dynamic Product Ads to find winning creatives by easily testing over 500+
combinations of Video / Photo Creative's x Ad Copies x Headlines x Call to Actions PER
WEEK and Campaign Budget Optimization with Automatic Bidding and Manual Bidding
tactics to scale up whats working.

We are noticing Automatic Placements to start working considerably better. This way
leaving more ad inventory and space for AI to do it's job, thus Facebook rewarding you
with cheaper CPM's. Due to this sometimes even if specific placement does underperform
when you take it out, overall ROAS drops.
Targeting we use are also changing we are noticing bigger and not so focused audiences
of at least 10M+ work better. With some accounts who are getting 2k+ sales per month
sometimes even absolutely no targeting with just age and gender restrictions
outperforming other targeting's by a huge margin (this way you get cheap CPM's and AI
optimizes whom to show your ads)

We are also noticing a need for more quality creatives. This is exactly why we are
putting such a huge emphasis on creative part of the ads that is often overlooked.
Dynamic Creative helps tremendously when testing different video thumbnails or ad
copies, but you still need a good video on itself. This is why for our clients we have a full
dedicated video designers and editors team that helps us to push content that we need to
get results.

The exact methods that we use for Dynamic Creatives and Campaign Budget
Optimizations you can find in our FREE Facebook Mastermind Group ->
You See the Value In This Content?
Do You Want More?

I invite you to join our FREE Facebook Group Mastermind where we share content, more
advanced tips and tricks about Facebook Ads, Adwords, CRO, Emails like this EVERY WEEK!

Press Here to Join Our FREE Facebook Mastermind Group Now:

Do You Want a FREE 45-min Analysis Call?

Want to know real potential of your business? Interested in what we could do to scale
up your ecommerce store with help of Facebook/Instagram Ads and Omni-channel

Book a FREE 45-min Analysis Call with one of the co-founders and my partner Justin where
he will personally take a look at your business!

Press Here to Book FREE 45-Min Analysis Call Now:

Part 3: A Way to Maximize Value of the Traffic

Power of Omni-channel Funnels

Do you think a 20M+ a year Ecom Business operates same way as the one making
just 200-300k per year? Do you think they think the same thoughts, make decisions same
way or chose same marketing strategies?...

I guarantee you – they DON’T! They are masters at utilizing omni-channel funnels to get
much better ROAS than smaller shops and utilizing this unfair advantage to bully their
smaller competitors out of the market.

It's a customers experience after he visits your store that consists of multiple advertising
channels and ways to reach the customer pre-purchase and post-purchase to maximize
the value of each and every click you drive to your store.

Usually a omni-channel funnel consists of at least few different channels to form a

harmonious customer flow with the goal to reach the customers pre-purchase and post-
purchase to maximize the value of each and every click you drive to your store. It can
easily transform ROAS 2 from Facebook Ads on the front end to ROAS 2.5-3 at the

And this is the biggest difference between the biggest stores in the market and the
ones barely making 200-300k per year. Small stores focuses on being profitable right
here, right now and on front-end acquisition channels as Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads,
when big boys focus on being profitable in longer-term and caching in via back-end
business operations in omni-channel funnel
How Do They Work?

So how does Omni-channels and ecommerce back-end work and translate into increase in


Let's do some easy math. Lets say you are spending 100 000$ on Facebook and Instagram
Ads per month with ROAS of 2 (let's say your break-even is ROAS 1.5 so you are just a bit

This translates into 200 000$ in sales with 100 000$ spent on front-end ads and 66
666$ in product costs, resulting in just 34 000$ of profit.


Now we add Adwords for adding some more qualified traffic and Youtube for
remarketings. As these channels are a bit warmer, ROAS can be expected to be at 2.5 ROAS
with let's say 30 000$ in Ad Spend.

This translates into 75 000$ of additional income with 30 000$ expenses on Ads and
25 000$ in product costs, resulting in additional profit of 20 000$.
This is where the real magic happens, with a good flows and regular email campaigns you
can add 15-30% of monthly revenue in additional sales without almost ANY marketing

(Let's take a very conservative number of +20%) This adds + 55 000$ to your sales
without pretty much any marketing expenses!

This transforms 275 000$ from Facebook Ads and Adwords into 330 000$ with
marketing expenses of 130 000$, total ROAS of 2.54 and total FINAL profit of 124 000$!

This is how your profit can easily grow 4-5 times! And the best part is this - way you
can take lower ROAS on the front-end, scaling more and outbidding your
competitors, eating into their marketshare because you are still profitable when
your competitors are not!
Roots of Marketing - Emails

Roots of all digital marketing - emails are the most vital part of omni-channel funnel
(except initial awareness generation channel).

Ideally for each sale you make from your Ads in 40-50% of the cases you want to
make a second sale via emails to the same person within a year period!

As you have seen from the calculations Emails are the biggest game-changer then it comes
to ROAS and all the biggest stores are heavily utilizing it to make majority of their profit.

But how do you get them to make that purchase?..

Weekly Newsletter

First and the simplest tool is the weekly news letter. Once or few times a week send
your customers a newsletter, special offer, valuable content and occasionally remind
them about your brand.

Usually in out experience what works the best is the formula of 2-1. 2 Pieces of
valuable content, 1 Sales Email.

You are selling glasses? Tell them about all the coatings technologies, different type of
glasses, different styles, fashion trends etc.

You are selling a health product? Tell them how to reach their desired results in other
complimentary things and as you build trust they will be buying!
Automated Email Sequences

Another goldmine is automated email sequences that trigger according to preset

instructions and if implemented properly can boost the stores revenue by 10-30%

Here are a few of the sequences we run for our clients:


This sequence triggers on pop-up signup of footer form signup. The goal of it is to
introduce the person to the brand and make that first purchase.

The formula is simple: Brand Story + Value -> Discounts Stacking until they buy.
Automated Email Sequences


A lot of business are happy with just having automatic 1-2 emails with immediate
discount for abandoned cart...

In our testing we have found out that delaying discounts for 1-2 days (first of all just
reminding the customers about the cart) and then regularly following up with the
customer at 8th day, 15th day and 30th day intervals can results in as much as 30-40%
effectiveness increase in abandoned carts campaigns!


Triggers after the first order in 30 days. The goal is to send the personal thank you letter
from the founder, create shipping times expectations for the customer, show that you
care about him and to make an upsale after he receives the order.
Triggers on certain amount of spend within a 365 days period. The goal is to thank your
top 20% of customers and to incentive them to buy more. If they are spending a lot, quite
likely they will spend even more if you will make them feel special and give them a reason
to spend more.

Triggers when a customer haven't opened an email of visited the store in 60 days. The
goal is to either give them irresistible offer to re-engage them with the brand or to
unsubscribe them from your email list (to clean it up).
You See the Value In This Content?
Do You Want More?

I invite you to join our FREE Facebook Group Mastermind where we share content, more
advanced tips and tricks about Facebook Ads, Adwords, CRO, Emails like this EVERY WEEK!

Press Here to Join Our FREE Facebook Mastermind Group Now:

Do You Want a FREE 45-min Analysis Call?

Want to know real potential of your business? Interested in what we could do to scale
up your ecommerce store with help of Facebook/Instagram Ads and Omni-channel

Book a FREE 45-min Analysis Call with one of the co-founders and my partner Justin where
he will personally take a look at your business!

Press Here to Book FREE 45-Min Analysis Call Now:


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