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Data Science and Machine Learning with Python and Python Libraries

(Most comprehensive course with case studies and hands on)

Introduction and basics

➢ Overview of datascience, Machine Learning and deep learning

➢ Introduction to Jupyter Notebook and Google Colab
➢ Maths for data science - Statistics, Linear algebra, probability theory and Calculus
➢ Data analysis, cleaning and preparation using Pandas and Numpy
➢ Data visualization using - Matplotlib and Seaborn
➢ Introduction and types of ML systems and Algorithms using Scikit Learn
➢ Introduction to Machine Learning Project flow with a case study
➢ Difference between Deep Learning and ML techniques

Machine Learning Systems and Algorithms

➢ Supervised
➢ Unsupervised
➢ Semi Supervised
➢ Reinforcement Learning

Training Models

➢ Linear and nonlinear Regression

➢ Probabilistic repressors
➢ Gradient Descent
➢ Regularized Linear Models
➢ Logistic Regression

Support Vector Machines

➢ Linear and non-Linear SVM Classification

➢ SVM Regression

Decision Trees

➢ Training and making prediction

➢ CART training Algorithm

Ensemble Learning and Random Forests

➢ Voting Classifiers
➢ Bagging and Pasting
➢ Random Patches and Random Subspaces
➢ Random Forests
➢ Boosting
➢ Stacking
Data Science and Machine Learning with Python and Python Libraries
(Most comprehensive course with case studies and hands on)

Feature engineering and feature selection

➢ Dimensionality reduction
o Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
o Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (NMF)
o Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)
o Independent component analysis (ICA)
o Univariate feature selection
o Model based feature selection
➢ Dimensionality expansion
o Polynomial Features
o One-Hot Encoding
➢ Scaling - StandardScaler, RobustScaler, MinMaxScaler, Normalizer
➢ Bin Values - Quantiles, binarize

Unsupervised Learning Techniques

➢ Clustering
o Comparing clustering algorithms
o Kmeans
o Introduction to other clustering algorithms
o Using Clustering for Semi-Supervised Learning


➢ Imperative sequential processing

➢ Hyperparameters Tuning and GridsearchCV
➢ Using pipelines
➢ Pipelines with grid search and Randomized search

Introduction to neural networks

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