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A. Read the text. Mark the sentences T (True) or False.

1. Americans eat more fruit than any other food.

2. Cocoa drinks are good for your health.
3. People are buying more soy drinks.
4. People are buying less pasta.
5. Nuts are good for you.


Most people believe that healthy is very important and, because of this, many are trying to eat more
healthly. For example, people in the UK are eating less salt and more low fat margarine and milk;
fruit is now America’s second favourite snack and Japan is currently promoting cocoa because it is a
healthy alternative to soft drinks like Coca Cola. These changes in eating habits are also having an
effect on the food market. Global sales are increasing for soy drinks and drinkable yoghurts more than
any other food and sales of bread, pasta, and cereals are growing much more slowly. People are also
becoming more interested in fresh fruit and vegetables and ‘farmers’ markets’ are getting more
popular throughout Europe. When they can, people often opt for ‘natural goodness’, and they’re
buying more products that are healthy, like fruit, salads, and nuts. They are also buying products that
help to protect the environment, like organic vegetables. So it’s clear that things in the food world will
never be the same again.

B. Match the highlighted words to a word with a similar meaning below.

1. Worldwide global
2. Think __________________
3. Now __________________
4. Becoming __________________
5. Choose __________________
6. A substitute for __________________
7. Getting bigger __________________
8. Look after, keep from danger __________________

C. Complete the sentences with the highlighted words from the text.

1. Many vegetarians eat soys as an alternative to meat.

2. Some people __________ that all ready-cooked meals are unhealthy.
3. The number of people buying organic vegetables is _____________ in many countries.
4. The UK Government is _____________ studying how to encourage people to change their
eating habits.
5. In the US and Europe, many children are _____________ fatter because of their bad diets.
6. Many people ____________ a change in diet because it makes them feel better.
7. A balanced diet can help to _______________ you from illness.
8. Unhealthy eating is now a ______________ problem: not just in the US and Europe.

D. Reas the text about nutrition below and answer the questions!

As we know, nutrition is the basis of health in the human being and a good nutrition shall
give us all the nutrients our body needs, and good health, in consequence. It is
recommended to:

 Have 4 meals a day. Breakfast, the most important ones, Lunch, Dinner and a Light
 Eat slowly and chew food very well. To facilitate digestion: when we chew well we
form a soft paste the body can digest more easily and the body can absorb its nutrients
 Do not skip meal schedules. As food gives us the energy needed for our body to
work properly, to have good health and to have the strength to properly carry out our
activities all along the day.
 Drink a minimum of 2 litres (8 glasses) of water every day. Soft drinks and bottled
or canned juices are high in sugar content; this is why honey-sweetened lemonade,
orangeade, etc., or fresh fruit juices are recommended.
 Eat low fat foods. Avoid egg coated, breaded, and fried food as it absorbs more
grease, which may affect cholesterol, blood circulation, the heart, etc.
 Include fruits and vegetables.
Bear in mind that each small effort shall reflect in your weight, you’ll feel lighter and
you will rest and breathe better. Do this, until your new habits become part of your
life. Your body shall thank you.

1. How many meals are recommended a day?

2. Why is chewing food well so important?
3. Finish this sentence: “If you want your body to work properly, you shouldn’t
____________ meal schedules.
4. Which juices are recommended? Why?
5. How much water do you have to drink every day?
6. Why should you avoid fat foods?
7. Apart from water, what other food should you eat every day?
8. According to the text, name three advantages if you eat healthy.
E. Kevin Poulter, an English chef, has just opened a restaurant in Santiago, the capital of
Chile. Listen to an interview with him and answer the questions. (Rec 1.5 track 6)

1. Why did he decide to open restaurant in Chile?

2. Why did he call it Frederick’s?

3. Why were Chillean people surprised when he opened his restaurant?

4. What English dishes does he serve in his restaurant? Are they popular?

5. Where does he recommend tourists eat in England? Why?

6. How many women work in his kitchen?

7. What English food does he miss most?

F. Are the statements Right, Wrong, or Doesn’t say?

1. All British people eat the famous English breakfast.
2. Some people have eggs for breakfast.
3. Lunch is a big meal for many people.
4. British people have lunch at about 1 p.m
5. Some people who do not work go to tearooms for a cup of tea in the afternoon.
6. Dinner is late in the evening.
7. British people usually drink soda with their meal at dinner time.
8. Many people buy frozen or canned food.
9. British people don’t like cooking.
10. People can buy food in a takeaway restaurant and eat it at home.

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