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Diagnostic Imaging ofMaxillofacial

I and Fascial Space Infections
Angelo M. DeIBalso
Richard E. Hall

iagnostic .maging h;u assum~d a central role in n«k infections. In contrast to plain film radiogra ptu in

D (he management of p:lcitnts wit h deep'Iu.ted

hud and neck infections. Inform acio n gained
from VanQUI diagnosric srudies, upt'ci.Uly computed to-
which informatiOn is directly recorded on film, cr
are computer generated. In cr, digitized data are obtaintd
by the rolado n of ~ 1: ray source and dew::[or arrayaboul
mography (CT). is es~ntial in accurattly delineating the a stnlcrure in either Ihe axial or the direcr coronal plane.
:onuomical uttnt of rM prouss, demonsttuing surgically TheK det«tors measure the intensity of a fine bum of ra-
dnirublc abSUS$a :and fluid (oikcriol1$, and demonstrat- diation passi ng through the object. This information is
mg;and USCSSlng usocia.ted I:omp!ic:uions. In addition, then scm 10 a computet", which determines the physiCll
cr-gulded n«dle upiration of nuid collections can ~ densities of many small volumes of tissue making up t/w;
UKd to obu.1n rruterial for microbial aJWysis. This chapter larger structure through a series of complex mathematial
eumincs the role of dugnosric inuging in the [{urmen! equations. TheK smaJ.J volumes, o r voxds, arc assigned a
of p:lUcnts WIth hud and neck infKDoru. numerical value rdative to water. These numerical values,
or cr numbers, art expressed in Hounsfidd units (HU).
IMAGING MODALIT IES Examp les of commonly cited CT numbers include air
(- 1000 HU), fat (-80 to - 100 HU), """ater (0 HU), blood
The modem diagnostic armamcn t:uium contains anum. (60 to 110 HU), and bone (1000 H U). The final cr im~ge is
ber of diITerent .maging modaliries that un be used in the composed of many two-<Iimensional picture elements, or
OlSSU$mcnt ofhud and neck pa.t.hological conditiolU. pixels. E-lch pixel cOl"TCsponds to the avenge density of one
~xel. The final CT image is displa~d using a gny sc.tlf,
PlAIN FILM EXAMIN ATION WIth Ihe more negarive numbe rs appearing toward the
bla.c~ end of the scale. and the more positive numbers 0lF"
Diagnostic Imaging of muillofacial and fuei;&! space d,s-
peanng towan! Ihe white end of the gray scale.
orders often ltans with some form of a pLain film study.
Pmor:amlc radlogr:aphs are commonly obtainm .f Ihe in-
Termsoftco u.wd in the CT displayofim.llges ate the II'''·
dow/coft and Ihe wirsdow width.ll The lov.-e5t value of the cr
Ilamrnatory process mvolYe.S Ihe or:al or p<U1lonl region ro
number range being dispJ.a.~ is determined by the WIndow
rule OUI patholOS'Cll conditions of odontogenic; origm and
level, whcreu the wi ndow width, or range of numbers dis-
demonstrate the extem of the proctSs.'7 Anu roposlerior
~ lateral Views of the cervic;&! soft tissues are especially pl~)'("d, detCtnlincs t he contras t (degree of difference in
Imporranl If palency of Ihe airway is a concern (P;gure b~ghllleu or darknus) being displa~. A number oftcch-
~1); thue VltWS ale upccially In lhe Ireatment of m'lU<".$ are a~,]able 10 enhance the diagnostic YIeld of a cr
inflam matory or ,nfectious processcs involving Ihe sub- study. Thcsc mclude imaging at a level and window width
mandIbular, parapharyngul, Or reuopharyngul spaces combinallon in order 10 emphasiu bone or soCt tissue, 11:.
that un UU5ol' all·way compromlSC. form.mmg In dIfferent planes, and using iodmated (ontrOl5I
media. lodmaled COIlHasl medium adrmmslered mtr~ .
vcnously before and/or dunng I he study C:l../\ greOltly enhance
COMPUTED TO M O GRAPHY Ihe dlagnosllc yield of a study by demonslr:allng Ihe lou.
CT has become ,he 1110St Wldtly used and readIly aV:Ollable Itton. of norm~1 V"~_u I~r structures and enhanCing patho- mo,b"!), for the evaluauon ofhud and OSICai processes Or structures such as abscess walls. Major
adv:I..Iltages orCT IJ\ Ihe ev~J uation of head and neck fasCIal
fidd .... wI rild,ofnquency energy. In an MRJ sys.em .he po.
.~. OJ pl.:aud on a $I<ong "'"'gmt><: fie]d and.he hyd<Og<'n
.... Onu arc aIk.owW 10 al'gn '" lhe wRCtion orm.. fidd. n"$
.ilignrt>l'm .. then altmd by pulswg ..diofrcqucncyeoo.rgy U\
the form ora rad..o wa"" ptrp"nd.icubr 10 m.. ",",gottie fie]d.
This ruulu in a l8O-dtgrtt shift in du: o~m:u.ion
of some of du: hydrogrn nuclei such tha.t du: bulk rTl2g~ti_
A wion, oc a\'Cragc. of all proton magnroc momcnlS, is row:ed
~way from 1M dinction ofthc magmcic fidd, by 90
degrees.. Ca.sarion of dl( rad..o wa"" ruult:s in a retum of the
bulk magneriurion toward the original6dd direc:tion. Emis-
sion of radiofrequmcy mttg)' from these protoN U U\qr re-
turn (oward me equilibrium lute is detected and UKd to
gcnen..te d.i.agnoaX irNga..A major acMnl2ge oiMRl a.u
cr is iQ abilil)' (0 genel":lU images in nor only .he axial
pl20el bu. also thc direct coronal and sagimtl planes..
MRl images are descrilxd in tamsofbangailit:r Tl-or
n-Mipud images. TI ..fus to a n.te COlUlan. ~I whieh
magnctic polarization 01 rdaxarion occurs about the longi-
tudinal Or Z axis. Stated more simply, Tl mea.suru 10M rate
~t which riuue becomes magncrized. The n constant is IDe
=c at whkh Ipim become disorganiud. as a rault oflocal
inhomogeneities in the fWd. When diffettru irNging~ •
• rarnrter1I ace varied, the ima#I dw: are obaincd anphas.izc
TI 01 n chancttriscics of a group of tissues in an imaglng
pia=. TI images provide good loNt'omial dcWJ. whcrus
1'2 images ~ Y'Cf)' smsirivc in deteaing disuse processu.
The final imagoc gt'ncnud in an MRl system. is governed
by the hydrogen atom densil)' and TI and T2 time con-
stants. Duc:ripcions of a tiBuc: or laton often rerer ro SlpM
• mUmiry, or bri~ on a gi""n _ightcd sequenc~ Fat
and highly prottirw:cous tissues charaaerisricaUy produ<e
'"...... 4·1 A. An(Crapo'uno.. ........ of .h. no<m&' cer.Ocal '"Otway. high signal imeruity on Ti-_ightcd imagu.lnfhmma-
Th. nonnal urvical airway (..,.,..,..,.) .hould &PfH'a, symmotrical tory procesus, tumors, and fluid collccrionll usually ha""
o'~nh. moddle thi ...fof,h. ur.Oc:al.pjn~. I. """"~ II."" d"'inct low signal inlensity on TI-_ighted sequences and higb
should ... in tho proximal ••gmon, of til. ,rachu (.,~ •• J)
8, LaI~.I .. cw of c""";cal airway. In .h•• dull th. Wld,h ofth. signal intensil)'on T2 sequences reflecting their Increased
pt~rubul $Oft 'i......, at 'he C3 1.....1 .hould nO' v:<: •• d 7 mm water content (Figure 4-2). Strw:turc~ appunng dark on
(It 20 mm U Ih. C7 kvel. T] and T2 'mages irKlude rapidly fl"'\ing blood,dcnse cal·
cificatlon, and organized fibrous tissue.
The ~ o(intravenous MRl contrast agenu can demon·
J~. mf«rions include (1) ITs amhry (0 &.SKSS the stra.te the vuculanty of " l<$ion, which an be important tn
ln~ty of CO<tical bone, (2) dw: $hort lilm$ reqUlmJ for cr neoplastic and innamm~toty luions. The most widely
a.anumoon, (3) the rudy av:oilabiliry of cr $em"e.., Ul<I used MRl contrast agent 15 g~dolinium-d1(thylenelri­
(4) the l'I!]atlYdy lQW cost of ;1 cr study comparffl ....nh nug- amine pcnraacctic acid (DPTA).ln contrutlO Ihe ioch-
lIelie ruomuu:. imaging (MRI) s[udlu. Major adv,mce' n~tcd contrut agents und in IT sc~nning, rhe inna·
fIICn(S In cr [Khnology iu"" indudtd the dewlopment of wnous contrUt agems used in MRJ sc~nning are safer,
the helical or spiral cr scanner and the mulnd.,tCtot cr WIth advers.. ruerions occurring only rudy.
kanner. n.tse ad~c.menrs have gl'l!ady rl'ducrd Ih. urn.
"'.«fed to 5.("an ;I. give" area. Scans that formerly look~· NUCLEAR MED ICINE
tQJ minutes (0 p<'rform an now be per(om,ed In less than
'" mlnUI,"- nllS is esp«ially importam forp~!1ents who h2\'I! Although cr and MRI prOVIde v<cellent an~lomlC~l mfor.
hmntd abillty.o n:m~ln Sfill btaU$( of.he d.scomfon 2$- marion abom the tiSSues understudy, one maJOr dr;iw~k
SOc, wuh variou5lnfbmmatOI)' pro«(SSI's.
i. their inabdllY 10 prOVIde slgnllican, ph}'$lolo);lCal ,nfor·
maUon about these llssucs..]n contrasl, radlOnuci,df ,m~g·
'ngcan provide uccllent mforma"on ,.bom va"ouS phys·
MAGNbilC RESONANCE IMAG ING iologica] and p.athologia] proctSSl'S This capab'lIty Un
MRI d I h fionuu'g ".d,ano" (0 gen.. · resuh 10 urller dtrccuon before morphologICal d'~"gcs
ncs nor. IOYO \'C l e use 0 b n of a m~gn'nc Ixcomt ~dfn!
,uf 'mages bu. ,nstead I"f'lies on acorn ,lUno ,

F''K'''''' .... 3 IUdionuclMle. bone!aln '" a pariMI: w«h chronOc: os-

"rO/Tl)"!Iltis ofrM P"'nwou",.nd mandIble.. A, lniaalflow phu"
.ap,.. imtMdi.J.cdy .ft........ 1nJK" ..... of-rc-4bd..d mfthylene
diphosphono.." den'lOflSlJ'tolH flow in the venltk of~ Mad.nd
Md:; howewr, no &«UmIJb.1>On of aClMty in tho mandible _ ... 10
sogg~ an O~eornyeliti5. Sullie: lmag..! Ommedi.J.'ely aft ...
(8) and at S houn aft ... (e) rhe inJKuon demonnr;art progrn_
uptako ofthe ..dioph.rmac .... ricalln the mandIble and p~m;ax­
I'i,ure "·2 MRI Jnn of munca,or.pac~ colluhus 'Hulling from ilia. Th" o_all pattern is conSIStent WIth chrOnic OS,to~"t's,
a mand,bular molar penap.ul ab~"... Axial Tl · and T2 ....... ,Shc.d
,mag.. lhrougl> maOl>c:ator .p.c~ and Aoorof mo",h On .h. Tl
sequtnce ,I>( "Ihe m..... I,... (WIJ'1/K a,,,,,,,) and mtd,.1 p'"rygold
(cwwH_) ""'Kkt .~.r .rw;fuMd in $<.1< and dtmonWlt. obtain"':! during and/or imme<iiartiy aftU inJ«tion and act
d«~.$Cd ",NI ",,0""1y {AI. DuruHd .. ",.1 'I>IO"SI'1 of th. int~ded TO dcmonsrn.(e blood flow to an Mea, an organ or
marrow w;,htn .... mandibl. ",floc..... of ma""", tckma. On ,h. lesion's vuo.Jiariry, or both (Figure ....3). Slatic im;Jges act
T2·_"hud ~nc:" ,,,,.. ntd ..,,,,,I onttn.I{y" sun ",,,h,n
rnusdes .nd "",ndibulu ""'ITOW ,"l~. Co.\I.uc ""'th obtained after inJKtion or :lfur an appropriate ~riod for
""'m.I .• ~~"I $lrUCIur. on ,h. ",I., (8). uptake TO occur; theR im;Jgcs art int .. ndcd to visualite a
specific organ or slrucrure or TO benu del.mcate a physio- or pathological process.
R.adionucLde bollt scanning IS panicul:uly tl5tful in ,he
lUd,onuchdc imllging mvol~s fht use of ... dlopharrru- evaluation ofinflammalory and neoplastic conditions In-
cemicals, conSISting of an organic substance SptCltiC for II VQlving .he osseous maxilloracial strucrurcs.ll ....'2.') These
gi""" ,iuue 01 ~lrUClUre and a nonspecific radionuc1idcla- studIes demonstr.lre O5$COUS 1Il\'Oh'l'mcnt befo~ wanges arc

~~tU~U:!~=~~~~; :~:·~::~':·;~~:~~~cr~~~~u~ evident On standard pbm films. In convcntional radlogra.

phy, apPTOJurm.tdy 60% of the mmeral conlCn! or ~ p~ch(}o of 6 J hours and unduS"'"" lsommc (.anl/orrn._ logically invol;,:d Sl'gmem of bone mUSt bot lost before th(
lion to ""rc by rtlc'"-'mg a gamnu. phmon In rad,onuchdf pathological changt$ bKOllle evid(nt. R.:.d;opham,a<;(UcK:W
,"lagmg. rhe numbotr and dismbunon of gamnu rays "m,,· {omlllonly u~ In bone 5(Olllnmg ale """'TC·pho:splu.le com.
red from llw ~Jonuchde In cht tuUtni dunng a 5tt ~nod
pounds such as polyphosphale, pyrophosphonau, hydroxy.
art d .. ttcttd by a gamma ClJllen and der'c!...:! In rht final
e'hylcne dlphosphona,e (!-IEDI'), and merhylene dLphos.
Imagr. R.lId,onlJchde Image s art often referred ro a~ dy
phorulc (M ])1'). Ah hough the exact me.::h:l.m~ms und(rlymg
.... "'1(, Of "",,,', ,,"a~e~ ~"allllc ",>ages Or flow Stud,~~ are
thf up,ak( ortht phosphate Ly honc alf nor fully undn.
" ., 01" 1"'4~'"1. "1 M ,v..:;"J~<"'1 • ..J l'.m..1 5p~. 1"1" "o~, 65

flood, adso' I){ ,on '<> th~ hyd mxyapa",~ ~u, j atcIS be h~

to rUy an ,mportam rok f~tors "'lIuc"" IllI' II", upu.kc of

r~ophnrn;>Ctu"c~ by bonc "'d " de ,cg.o;;.tI blood II"".
boO'! famu uon rate, and C'.Xlraction effiClenq eonu"Ofl "'_
d,oaloON for rad'onuchd~ bor>escan 'oel ude o;kn"""S"~lion
ofp("n~ o.K<:oncbry m.w~nciCl , metabohc and dys.
]>Woe: bomd~rd~, and dJrr~rwnanon becwe..n ce UuhuJ
;and O$Ic<.IIT~ms. ~,rr~rwn:mng becwe..n ccUul,us and o~.
,eomyt:ltus IS ~peaaUy Important dmte:o.Jly lnd IS rudJly ac.
co<1'phshed ~m.g a t hrte- or fou ... ph~ rad,onuclide bone
pi\. SHtu.en~ Im.agc:s of th.: area under study an: obu",ed
dunng "'J«tlon, ~uJcing '" a radionud;d~ arunogram
~ 4-1, A), follo....ed by an unnvdUle R.J.ric 01" blood pool
,m>ge."'lht: arunogram inugc:s obc.llncd dun ng phaw 1 of
the srody dcmonstr.lle ~ YUCUbnl)' in OS(C<)mj'C],US
Of cdIuliw. The blood pool,nu.gcs demonstrate onc:rused
Jt _ upuke in cdJulitis and in mvoIved kIft ti$:suc OYCI"'
I)1ng" lOcus of osrro.myditis. The SC'COnCI ph~ of th.: mKiy
IS obt:uncd approXImately 2 hours after injKcion and
o;\tmonsrnItes ina=scd osseous upt"akc in OStfOt11)'dlns (Fig.
u~ 4-3, 8). ~ u:ird P~ is pcrformtd approximately 5
hours after mJecnon (FIgure 4-1, q. In patients with 05-
teonl)'l'hris a continued in<=uc in the aaivity ~f the ph ..._
maccuria.l in th.: itwolved bor>e rW.tM: to surrounding nor.
ma! bone Ihould occur computd with the- nrio :u: 2 hours.
!~ also an be obuined u 24 hours after injection; m=
iONgCS constitute the foutth phase of the Study and should

demonstrate incrtucd. :accumubrion of radJophMmaccuti-
cal m a""..., involved by osceomydi[is. Th~ IU(f images
sommmcs ~ referred co u the fourth phase of the bon~

In addition to [ccimmum<antaining radiopharmaccuti·

00, othtt agcttes used in th~ rv.alu.ation of acute or chronic
osttom~litis include "Ga citrate and "'In· labeled lcuko-
cytcs.1C,t4 Gallium sc.mning is useful,n the dctKtion of a
n"mbecof nc<:lplastic and i~matory conditions, partie·
uJuIy salivary abnomulitics because inm;LScd $almry gland F:gut'e 4-4 A, Ultrasound o f submand ,b ular .. goon demon"",, -
"JXake C:lll OCC[1T in malignant salivary tumors, Iymphom~ ing a btanch,al deft ern. A sonol ""."t a' .. d ....... d of ""urna]
ilCUte and chronic inJUmmauon, postirradiation siaJ.adeni· echo... (.~) is noud . ""OU$'''' .nhanc. mC"I. typoCaJ of
')'SIs, .. ""P"'stnlcd by th<: « hoge"", &1"'" ~rwach the cyst ,......
Iil, abxcsscs, and active s:u-coidosis. Patients ""h ~'" sac·
normal. «""",nic submand,bular gland .. <kmonott'alod (Iooos.,..
coidosis frequently demonstrate ,nacued uptake by the """"'-Is) B,lJk<uo"nd .... m'natoon of lh< ngftt ~rot>d demon--
parotid and bmmal gUn<k Gallium suntUng ",VOMs [nc """'"lan~!( ohad<Jw;ng .... 1oI"h in 1M hi,,", of"'" ",hi
lll{D.vmous admtnistrarion ofl ro S me, of""Ga citrale and parotid ( • ...-J. (From DolDaI><> M l, cd"or: ~-rs.
~ obt::uncd u 6, 24, <48,and n hours after adnunistn· Ph,tadol~"', 1990, WB Saunden..)

lion. AlLhough gallium sanning IS an cxucnwly useful ''''''g'

ong [ool,.t cannot totally differentiate bcrwcen an mflam ·
onatory and a neoplastic process, and (·negau"", rnults
can occu'Wlth an encapsulated, ,nacll"'" abscess. tenSl\'dy 'n the evaluation of mllam matorv Itsions ,"volv-
Taggmg of ",hlte blood ctlls (WaCs) w,th "' In a!lows ing ,he h~ad and nK k,l4·w On~ major h",;t anon of ult ... -
for l he tidy locahzing of acute mnamml'ory procfSus_ sound is 11$ ,nabtlny to I.,..,,(, ra,e o.u~ous srruC[Urc5 such
WBc nggmg is ach,e"",d by isolat,on and ,n VltrQ labeltng as the mutlla and mand, ble. Co" s~q,,~ nt ly,!lS usc 's re·
ofWRCs from a ",no"s sample Th~ la btled wacs " t ~'''n td 10 afUS o f the ,nu,llo fanal "S,o" "hue .he
Ihtn 'nJect~d back ",10 tht pallen. and ,m aSIllS 's prt- sound wa~ dOC's 1\01 h~"f III pcn~(ra(f N>ne (e j:. superfi-
n I.l lobe o f 1'~,uu J, lowc, "':un llof~(lal ,tS'"'' (sub·
f.... mtd a' J and 24 hours after " ,)u [lo n
mand ,b ular [" angle anti neck]). UI,rasound" me l'ul,,,
d ,ffurn llall ng b~ ...·etn sol,d and qs".- ma"u and 'n
ULTRAsONOGRAPI IY demons ,ratl ng Iht rcla[ ,o",h,p of ,h~$~ ",a~....s 10 V.l"OU~
•• a d,a, nos ([ ( , ,,,,, I In S!ru, m r.. (hgure 4 .4) An ec ho",orpl",lo~><~1 d u s,fi ca
UI t ruonography has been ust d ~
~h r t ateu 0 f [he c~ . 1 ~tr , [()n of soft '''' lit ht ad and n", ~ ".dhll~. <o""s" ng o f
[)U<>Y; '0 . h;u no ' l",r n used u-
«Icrna, mlihr.u~, pru.bsCf», :U1d Kho-po<:>r ~tld «ho-fru from the mv,]lary sinus; the w~11 of the m~1J
~bK~s.s, has bt:(n r(fX>ned ''''' Ultruound .s useful '" th~ n..sal surr~ce, forms a signifiatU pontOn of (he lalcta] ~
cv..Ju~(ion of sialohth. !II p~t.ems with acule obstructi"" of the nasal ~aV1ty. The $u~nor, or orb~lal surfact, of I
$.~Io~denms or III whom contrast si~lography was cOn - maxillary bone forms the greatest port ton of the flOat ht
tra.indicatro. bt:ause of a known h'itory of ..Jlug)' dIe orb" (roof of the sinUS),Kpanti ng the muiUarysu, Of
In these casu, the s.alollth appurs as a fonl «hostnic from the OlblL Su~romediaUy, the p~
density uhibiung acoustic shadowing'l (FIgure 4-4, B). separatU the maxIlla,! sinus fro m Ihe ~thmoid.:il r ttllt
(Figure 4-8). The ;mtenor w..J1 o f tile m:uol,la proVides COt,.
tour ro the midface and upacates the maxrlbry sinus frOm
MAXlUOFACIAL AND FASCIAL SPACE the adjacetU subcutaneous ciuua of the face, The po~
ANATOMY rior wall of the sinus uparatcs the maxillary sinus ffOnl
the pterygopalatine foua spacc. Th e muillary Slnu.lts
MlDFACE AND PARANASAL SINUSES drain into the middle meatus, in dose proximity to dIe
The paind m:uallu an: the keystones of the maxillofacial duelS d~injng the frontal sinuscs and anterior cthmoid
$kekron. Locatro. within u~h maxilla is a pyr=tid..J air- air cells. Thi, dose pr-arimityof dnining ostia is onl p.lth.
Iilkd s~ commonly known :u the -rrw:llWy smus'" (Fig- way o( 'pread of inf«tion (rom one ,inus to anOthlr.lo
ura +5 through <I_7).':U The Lateral w;all of the maxin~, or Each maxillary sinU$ may haY't rhrce atcruions or
inr~temfX>ral surface, upara(es the infruempo~l fOS5~ cxlending into adjaccnt structurcs. The alY'tolar rcctu is &



r.,.... <14 W~'en' >'leW ofjn'3nuaJ >inuon <kmon~"""

&ono:al, .... rnood •• nd rnDil~'Y SInuses and .djac.... wuo:tvrn.
(Fro ... 0.1&&1.., AM, ed"aoc M.,,;llor-o-l,-:ollJ. PhIladelphIa.

~ntral extension into t he alveolar ridge, the orbital feCes.

~nu me apial most portion orrn.. $!nus, mel [~ry-
8Om.cic ruess uprcunts pneumacizuion of che m.. duJ
Kgment of the :t:ygoma. Th.. alveolar r«ess 1$ often inu.
matcly relaced 10 , h .. coou of the maxilhry mobn..· 1lus
dose proJCimiry ~~ fo r the uruuion of odonlogfruC In-
fections fro m Ih .. mo~ [0 mesinus..... pprorimu..1y loti
to IS'IIo o f b< sinusios infe<:lIons involving Ihe n\U'
illuy sinus arc of odoncogenicorigin. Once;m inf«tlon of
odom ogenic Ot ocher origin hilS involved rhe sinus, it (all
extend th rough che sinus to involve any structure border-
ing the sinus.
Th .... chmoid bone hI'S d ....p 10 the is an im-
po rcU11 utuomical bridge buwccn the pa.ircd muillu
and bilSe of rh .. skull (Figure .-9). Th .. ethmoid bone is
composed ofbi!acuaJ, pynmid.u..dla~ bodlU [crmtd
the Ld'.1""tb, uch COnl;unmg S (0 18 mdivtdu;u air
uUs. 1.1,1',1.1 These air cells an often collttt;vdy nfum:l to
:u an nm"OId Sin," and au divided imo an(erior, mIddle,
and pOJurior groups. P.ach group has a diffe..,nt drainage
pacttrn. The tthmold IJrcell, art separated from the m"".
iIlary sI.nuus by the tthmom:U-iIlary piau and (rom the
sphenoId smusu by the tthmosphenoid septum (Figure
4· IO)U The I:ueral portIon of each nhmoid labyrinth
forms a large segmtnt of the medial orbital ,,';>.11. ThIS seg-
mtnt o(the tthmold IS known as tht orbu;ol plut o(the
et hmOId bone, Orum,,,,, IX'ftYra<ra The bmlna p;oI'Y' 2Cta is
;0 ,da •• vt'ly ,h'n tx>nt 'hat can .tadlly allow tht tJllenSlOn
of ethnlOld ~"'\l''''i luthe [.. bl(
Pa~nual $l!lU,U a'f also locatcd in tht fronul and
sphenO'd bo"n. Tht frontal smusts arc paorN, oftcn

'Rtft"""t.l. 41, 101, 102, 107, 124, 129

bono bolow,he Hila .ure,ta.. The ""dIme spheOOld ,,,,UKS
Ut ulUmatdy rd.t":!.o a numbor of.mport.. m.uuc.",r.
",clud"'g .he orb .. , p ..UJlary, opci, chiasm, ca"".nous "
nus, and ",!(mal carocod arlenes_
like 1M frontal !.Inus, t.hcsphtOOld .;nuses can demon·
'''a•• variable dtgr." of pneum.u~ion. The twO of.en
uymmctriallinusu aN: Jtparared by an$ sep-
IUm and infrequently communjcat~ The Hptum is u,u-
.Uy lOCal..:! in the midline anteriorly and usually dev,ues
to one side posteriorly (JtC Figure 4-10).
An important f1,Ulciiona!. enlit)' u; u.., osciomcu.1 com-
plu, which is. functionalemity composed of the mIddle
{urbin.ale and meat\1$, nhmoid bulla, hiatus gmtlunuu,
uncina •• p.ocus. ostium oftht maxilluy sinus, and ,n-
fundibulum (JtC Figure 4-5). 'The ostia. of all. pannuaJ ,,-
nuses, aapc for the pDSlCrior ethmoid air cells.nd sphe-
noid sinuses, optn into the complex. The middle mUtuS
(".... ,., Cald_ll's _ . PouMor roo( oftM m&lOlI~'Y !.In", is lont":! lH:tw«.n [he middle mferior rurbinales on [he
("""""'"_). a!\ten<>< roo( ofm., maxdla'Ys,nus("","""',~ la(~ral wall of.he nasal cavity. Loc.aud in the aphalad gg-
_). """,,"ary !.In", (M), ~hmomOlloliary piau: ("""10 .rrt>wIoad) m~nt of the m.ddle meatus is [he ethmoid bulla.. The .. h-
,.'""'" ( - ' IH«* .rrvw) and POOl~rior Hgmenl of.h. lam'~ moid bulla receives drainage from the middle ethmo,d:;ur
JIIWacu (..", bl.od ..rrvw), Wptrior orbi.,.1 fissura (S). roof of "lis bv means of oma located on or above the bulla.. L0-
th< f1~mcod !.Inus (_" bW .. rrowItuJ), ethmoid sinus (E), •• m·
cated immedi.tely below the ethmoid bulla is a grOQ~
I>""'~'" or I' ..... ,nnom,nata (fl/Jid .Aliu .~), ...,~rior r'"
w' ofnau,1 cavity (N), medi.I_1I ofch. maJeilta'Y"'''''''''' (solid known as the bu>nu ~",;u.n#is.lnferiorly. the bwr.u ~....u.­
ioIoo* ~), (oramen rD<undum ("fH!O wIoiu ~), and ".om is delinuted by a ridge known as the........ut, proem.
livnul WlUS ('1 alt demonwa'ed. (From DcISaI ... AM, edicore The anttrior ethmoid air ails can drain directly .nto the
~ -r£ Philadelphia, 1m, W8 Saundtn.) amenOr scgmtnc of the hiatus gmilunMis known :as the
nl,,,,o,d '"foM'"''}''''' or inco the ducl. The
fron.o~ duct, "",,eh draiN <he frona.lsln\1$, may dr:;un
in front of, above, or wr«t!y into the ethmoid infundibu-
lum. The ouium oftht ma.rillMy sinus is 1oa..ted posterior
[0 (he ethmoid infundibulum. In the ostiome.ual complu

the dr.t..ining ostia an in dO$f! proximity, which :allows for

.ht rapid sprud ofinftcrion from one sinus to a.nother.ln
addition, anatomical abnormalities of one or more com-
pantntJ oflhe c»tiomtatal complu can impair smus ~n­
lilalion, dr.inage, Ot boch, Ihell'by facilitating the deycl-
opmtnt of a sinus;lis. .


AND PARANASALSlNUSES Film Studies DugnaSlic imagrngof mllamm.rory
pmctSIU involvmg the m,dface usually startS wllh plain
film study, whICh gtnually consislS o f a faCtal bone Or "nuses senn. Esgnrial views Iha[ muSt IH: In-
cluded In any SOldy oflht miMace and parana.salsinu,,"s
ut the Waters, Caldwell, and lateral vie,,·s. Addi.ional
l.itWS such :1$ a POStHOanlerior or submtntovcrttx (SMV)
, .• rw also mar bo ntedrd to tvall,a., (he patten. fully. The
Wa.ers. Caldwell, lutral, and SMV vicws art ",tended .0
dtmo'Hlr~ .. mnammalOry processu inl'Okmg Ihe para-
na5"-1 S"1U"'~
The ",ew ptOl'ld.. opunul visual,z;1."On of antt
..or b ...<'UfU fr« of .upcnmposrd postt"Or S[tUC-
[url::l su<h as .hr pttrous rod&<, oft"" temporal bone (set F'g
urtS 46 and '-.8). Particularly u~f,,1 In ,ht"'.... uatlon oftht


m:>l"ll~'" "n"~s, .h,s '"leW pt"''KI''5 Of''''uJ ".ua.il1..lll0n of
70 0nJ.,.J M~MVlI~ft<'-'
luatlon of destru'''~ lalollS [hal «P'."
IbN smus, mfenol yic .... It1 I ,\~ tva I -'"
,he 1... ,.",1 and ",ed,"] walls r I Ie nl=", ( r r ~" ,'Ie SlnlIS .... alls (e.g., mucoce e, O~(<<lmilS). In ad
o{,hforb" rOO 0 oreruue . ..... $ useful In d· " ' . ..... L_ •
o rbital (p;olp~ble orbital) nm, an'd noor diuon, I ,.t
teral yle I etet1!lallng ~,
,~_ d monsffille5 the '.menor d translucency o([he frontal SlnUKS as a Ttlul, 0(
,he sinus). The Warers VIe'" ~ e . decrease "lhlCkening or "nuSItU. ~, .
newn ofthe mMulwail of,,,,, orb" fr« from sup",m
",._ imnnrtaru SIr\letu", of,tn SInuS wa .'
. .. Th e "a er ... VIC ...... _
d h . ~\ • .: __ :";"0
po5e<i pC>SltnOr StgITltnrs. "" r--- d m;tratn
" Ihc sphenoid Sln~ an I e1r -~"-""'liJl$
Identified on ,he Wa~ and Caldwell Views 1.1 ,h••,hmo- t:r;;,: sella turcica and planum Iphenoidale. O~o:.ation
nwolIary platt, a bony platt sqI=tung me ~hmOld ':" (db o r t h e 5 Phcnoid sinlU an occu r loS a. result. of sphenoid ,i.
and muillaly linus (:itt Figure ....9). [)esttUctlon of dus plait nusitis, mucocele format.ion, ~upertor ~ttrulon ~f ~ "-_
indicau:s a ~ or an IggJUo$'Yf infbmnW:ory pro«SS. JOpharyn~al tumor, 0' mfenor Utelllilon of a pltln~
llu:: aMoIar!'«US, a nomW exwWon of the nu.n~ 5"
tumor. . ' .
nus, oftm \J intunardy rd.ufd to the rooa of ,he rnaxilbry The SMY view can be: useful tn a$seulng mflamllla.
mola.-s. This dose rdationship can rfiulr in Ih. 'pr.... d of procellSt$ involving the midface becau$C it ~Il\On.
odonrogtnic infcroons to ,M maxillary liinuw. Although :~~tU [he boundarin of (he ethmoid, muilbry, and
nor coruidend the pollTIM)' __ for the ev:Uuwon ~ Hh- "! henoid ,inuus, ethmosphenoid septa, and secondary
maid and fionral slnUSQ, the War", v>ew can ~ Infor- :~P{at berwcen individual ethmoid air uJis (set: Figure
nu.Oon coo«ming tht'tr StatuS becallK il .s ,h. only ....ew
4-10). Three lints that should be noted on the SMV view
tlw. projects Ihe anterior and posterior .mmo,d c.Us ,"de-
are the antul, o.bital, and middle cranial fossa lines. The
pcruknr 0( ach ocher.'" The anterior ethmoid >.if ct,lls .0.11'
antral line is shaped like an S or S and defines tht
pro;eaed supaioriy intO the. medial upect of the orb", and Iaural and posterolateral ....alls of Ihe maxillary sin .....
the posttriDc au ails = proped <WeI" the ItWhaI Upecl of
The orbital line appears as a straighllinc superimposed
the maxilWy sinus.
The Caldwell view provides optimal yiSUlliution of owr the orbital line and defines the lateral wall of the 0.-
midli"" and posterior facial J(TUcrures 5uth loS the orbiu, bit. The Coshaped middle crUlial foua line is located
the ethmoid and. frontailinl,1Jt.$, and nasal fouu (= Fig- slightly posttrior to rhe antral and orbital lines and de-
Uft 4-9). "IlK 1owo:r half of dle maxiIWy sinus is 001: ",,,U vi- fines Ihe anlerior utent of the middle crUlial fossa. The
sualizcd. on the CaId.....n view b«a11$t of the superimpostd SMY is the only sinus projection demonstrating the
pecmus ridges of the temporal bone. The orbital f100t or sphenoid sinusts as separate strucru.cs, thereby parho-
roof of me sinus is represented by rwo lines: a superior line logical conditions noted on the lateral view-can be local·
representing the posterior roof and an inferior line repre- ized and defined.
senring 1M anterior roof. This projection an provide a
good 0YUVIe'N of the ...,bow lucency or opacity of Ihe en- Com p uted To mography ."d Magnetic RltSOnanct
rire nhmoid sinus complu. H~r, individual asn"' Imagi ng CT is the p~fefTed imaging modw[)' for the
ment of groups of ethmoid air alIs is impossible because evaluarion of inflammatory processes of rhe pannasal si-
of tlK supenmposirion of anterior and posterior air cdu. nUSts. CT allows ready demonstration of imporranl soft
Tho: brninae J»-pyncue and ethmomaxilWy pl.tte are ,.."U lissue and ouwus componentS of the paranasalsinuscs
demonstrated on this proj«rion. The l.trnln<IC papyn.cue and surrounding nructuru. Images obtained using bone
~ visuahud U two lines: a more medially located linc rep- windows un provide derailed anatomical information
rescnringdw.anunor segment and a ~ laten..lly located abour the stalUs of the ostiomucal complex and underly-
lme representing the postmor segment. The ethmomaxil. ing osseous srructuru. In addition, cr studiu are rndily
bry pbte is YUualized as is the OlSCOUS septum Kpanting performed and not subject to :utifacrs that can result from
the muillary andcthmoid sInuses.. The Cald_U view pro- the dessicarion of sinus secrelions that occurs in long·
",des the beM ~monstratlon of tht; frontal sinlUCS, which standmg chronic sinusiris.
ofun d.emorutrau: the grUtUt degree of anatomiui yari-
arion of the pUlllasaI sinuses. MRI IS especially useful in the tvaluation of smonual
neoplasms because direct images can be obtained in pbneS
. The latcn..lvic-.; in ~ facial bone sene,; is usually an up-
other than the axial plane and MRJ has .upenor sofl tis-
. t , kft btenl ~ m case. WIth nght-.ided symprolnl,
slle resolution. Contrasl-c:nhanced MRJ cunUn.alions an
."cht la.tcnl VIew should ~ obuined mstead (S« Figu~
~~ Crou·uble IUltral VIew$ of the facial bones (an be ob- especially useful in demonstrating carly rumor extelUlOn.
&aiIaaI In pallcnu .... ho a'e debIlitated, thOle In whom CT studIes fo. the eyaluarion of infections involVIng
- sphenOId "nU$IIISIS suspected and those in whom a the paranual smuses, mid (ace, or both rcgions should be
ddinlte IIr·fluld J~! unDO! ~ demonstrated on upnght performed In the axial and direct coronal plann Tht
buraI VlCW$. On the Illcrall'lew the rupeclI~ sinuses are coronal sectIons mUSt prOVIde opt.mal demonstration of
atptnmposed 1i0000~r, the lateral y,e .... can proVIde "n. the ostlomUlal complex. 1),rH[ coronallmagcs art also
~t mformatlon COl1(erDlng the YanOUI Sinuses. Thi s InlpOrtaot W-hfn ,"oluml' a~n.gmg may be occumng In
lewl oftehn beSt demon,tratc. Ihc presence of an air.fluld segmcnu of bon I' parallel to Ihe cr scan plane, reSUlting
In t e nl:lJClliary smusu and s h ·d In subopllmal demOnSltallOn of an arca (e.g., the noorof
an d' P eno, $lnuses. The
~ trnor an postcrlor ....alls of [he fron[al SmU$Lli iile ~Il the orb,t) The M:ans should include all raranasal smustS
mon.trued on .he lateral view m k
, a Ing il an essctlilal and ad;aCellt Structurt$. All axial and dlTcct coronal ~­
tloos should rn- ",uged IIS"'& bone and soft onue WID"

",...,.. "·11 Acutc ';n!ni.; •• A, Wacen' ¥iew dotl'lOnStra.inl air.

ft""" IeYds in both maDlluy "nuoa in a "",cion. with UIlfC bane-
nal .. n..,<til. ChronIC muc ..... 1 .hidtni", in tN fattn.1 upoa of
the loft fTWQbry";nu' a's.o;' ~_. 8, Contn..·.n... I'I('d alai
compu •• d 'O<noJrlphic .eellon ,h.oulh ..... maxillary .. nu"".
domon.lracinl bont ;and s.of. IIUu' changu uooei;attd ..... h
chronIC and KIM left muolluy oinu"fOJ. ChronIC c"'ng... ""Iud.
InUU>I.II .hoc!o:.n,nllnd hypttostOlic changu of.ho: .,nu. _II ..
E>cttruion of the inAa ... ma.aty pnxn. info tho: ff'trOantrJ.1 fa. pad
( _ ) .. n«ed. AcuI, changH contoS! 01 an .... ftuod ItYd In the ...
nus and mucosal cnhanc:_m: ("""-J (From Od8>.1s.o AM, Fig .." 4·12 un muillary .,,"" mUCQC:flt. A, WaUl"$' ........
,dllar. ~ UnooJ!"S- Phlla&lph .... 1990. W8 s.undeB.) d, ... on ....aunl ~iftCatlon of tho: ~f< ma.ullvy sonu, and ab-
$tl'l(e of tM la, .....1 and m,d,al_lt. ,ug'JIM of a ntOplaltl<;
process. 8. AOal CT "alon thro ..,h mlJelllary .. n.. "". domon .
...-.tu an vopanslle s.of< IlU,"" ma.s invoMnl tN left rI'lUlU.ry ...
nuS WI,h p<U",", a"""hy ofth. IInU' _lis. (From o.l8>.lso AM.
dows. In addition,lung windows m~y be useful In evillu· editor: M.t";~I"""'I'"Io PI,,'ad.lphia. 19-90. W8 s.unclel"J.)
arlng thc various alr·conuinlng components of .he os· complex
Imponam abnormahtiu to bt nOled in .he evalua·
tion of the pau.naul sinuses Include Opa(ifi(ation, pres- Or a neoplastiC proccss involvmg the smus. The cthmo·
tnce of alr·flUld levels (Figure 4·! I). llIucouJ thickcnlllg maxillary plate is another Important osseo"s strue,ur.
and enhancement, soft tissue masses. hyperos lotic 10 be Identified and evaluattd on dIrect coronal CT sec·
ch~ng(S. ~nd bone dlsp lactmefll or dUlruClion (hgurt Clans. The ethmoll1:1Juliary platt separalfS Ihf muiJlary
4·12). In Ihe evalualian afpalhoioglcal pracusu Ill' sinus from the adJacrnt nhmo id all cdls (sec hg"rn
vOlving the llIull!ary SInUSU. llwolvemcnt of adJa ctnf 4·8 and 4·9). Destruction of thIS plale of bone O(CUTS
strUCtures should he nOled. An Importam fat pa d 10 be ""Hh aggressIVe Inflammuory and ".oplastic processU
evaluated on ulal CT seCClons IS the le(roam ral ht pad. mvolving both Ihe maxilla ry and the adjacent ethmo,d
louted adjacent to the lateral wall of Ihe SinUS (sec I'Ig smus.
ures 4·5, (;. and 4.". B). Loss of thIS fal pad can O<:(ur .IS Soft IISsue abnormilllllu to be noted on cr (xamma-
a result of .he lunsmural uunSlon of an Inflammatory I,ons of the parana5al SmustS and mldr.ce mciude orbuill

lnyol~m(m (F,gurc4-IJ), bone des(n1cuon (FIgure 4·\4), volving the midface and pnana»l sinuses. Inflamma-
.h,elcemn, and ill definition of musdu(myoslns), ,II ddi· tory disorders involVing Ihe p~unasal "lnuSts may be
n;I}on or loss orr.uci.&l planes (fasciiru), edema of ~rly­ dIVided 'nto three general utegorles based on the un-
ing ,kin and subculanrou5 tilSuU (cdJuliris), rnU$ cIT«!, derlying UU$C; infectious, noninfecrious , and granulo-
fhud collt(tiol).5 with or witha"l ~nphn:l.l contrast cn· matOuS disorders. '
h:anct~nt,:and adenopathy.
The evaiu.alion of the p;t.tanual sinuscs must also in-
dude a thorough ev;liu;uion of the oUiomutal complex INFECOOUS SINUSITIS
($« Figu ... 4-5, B). This campier is a p=icubrly irnportanr The paranasai sinuses can be affected by a number of in-
:;lUll. bcU.\I5C tht dr:;un,ng oSlia of all tht paunasal "-
fectious agent$, mcluding "ruses, bacteria, and funS'_ln'
"uu. UCtpt for Ihe posterior ethmoid and sphenoid si-
fectious processes involving the paranas.aJ smuses are of-
ntUn au in dOK proximity Aru.romic,,1 abnormalities of
ten clusified according 10 duration or chnical course of
one or n\()fl' camponelllS of the osriomUl:aI cornplu can
rhe diseaM, with aCUte luting days or "''l:"eks, subacute lUi-
unp:;ur sInus ""otibuell, drainage, Or bolh, thereby (<lelh-
mg weeks,;md chronic wilng weeks tQ months. The radio-
taung rm ckwloplIKn( of a sinusiu.L In addnion, rhc dcs..
graphic malllfcstalions of the~ d,vuse emlll es c~r ~ lun·
prOXlIlluyof,he dnuning OSUa allows (or Ihc rapId 'prud
lied sp«lrum of radiographic findings
of "'(<<lion fromo~ "nUS to :another. Abnorma.Jlflu COm-
mcmIy tneClUntt~d on mronallmages of I~ OSt,omut~J
complu .nelllcU prommtnt pnellmah2:lf[on of tht llliddle Acute Infectious Sinusitis Acute smusilis mOSt often fol-
turbinale (concha bul!osa), paradoxically cu~d turbma[~, lows an up~r ~spltato,,' tract infection' however it may
unW'<lte bulla, mro.<lUy culW'd uncinate process, seplal de- O<XUr after trauma,exces;i'~ drying, allergic edema ~';th Q(_
"'<IliOn, and oV'(rs,zed elhmoid buUa_l'a,hologic<l] "bll dUSton of dr:lllling oSlia, na~al obsuucl1on, or the mtrO '
mal[{.u lhat can be Sun in thIS aru .nclude chronIC mu- ducl10n Qffortign bodltS_t Acu!e ,inu51115 is mos! often
cosal duchning In any 'egme", of Ihe Mlfome"!al viral, OCcurrmg "1 con,unClton w,th ~ ,'".. I n"s~1 infeCilon-
eomplu, n~ polyps, 2nd rarely, nforl~'m~ 11,C radlOgn.phic find.ngs In aCUlt vi,J.! smu5it.~ vary, r::onS-
.ng (mrn clear smuses, 10 ~ shght mcreilStd Ih,ckness of the
PARANASAL SI NUS P,\TH O LOGY mucoperiosteum, to gtnrtahud '"cre.:lsed rOldlOgraph'c
dens.ty. TIlI:5f findings are a r'-(Ie<;l'on of mucosal cdel1u
Inflammatory Disorders Infb_mmalQry dl>or<iers rep
rf$~'" the most CQmmQn pathologlC~1 cond.tonns .n- "Rcf«t""Hl,11,)S,37,4),6Q,70 101 lOllo(' 122 124 129
tRd~,tncnl,),46,'06,107.116 ' , , • ,
• B

fi,. . . 4-H ... a .. ct B. MR. O<;U of Wonoc ........... .... n

1;0... ehn) ..,h mu,lIary .." .. Ht d~mon.truin,
· and B. Tl_,V'""" wl_.
c......"ic m"" ..... 1 Ihickeni",. On Ih.
Tl . _ightOd '.q"'''u <h. m...:o..,1 <hanlU a .... of low .ilnal intono.if)', whe'~u 0" Ih.
T2._ighted Kq ... n< .., <hr, a.. of high ,,,«,,,if)'. A ....,all .i.... fl .. id 10,....1 is noted on the T2
Kq"'''''' ""'. os nlO' ,1y 'P!'a,.nl on tho T1 wq".""u. Co Wa.ers' ¥icw demonlt""''''
chronic mucosal chanin OIl both maxol1vy ,,"uses.

ausro by vasoddauon ;md incru~d production of muclU mosl frequ ently involved in aCutf bacterial StnUSLIIS arc
by tht goblCl c.11s and mUClOsal gIVld •. HannopbJ.f1 'nfl .....tM :llld StrtpI«om<r P"l"-- Orntr
In the rv.aluacion of a ~inu$ dtmonJeracing Lncr~d ra· less commonly inyol""d bacteria include SU~ q>t-
diographic densi.y, corrdation of the radiographic and dmnu/u, Strept<xo«o<s ...nolan.<, Bn>nh..",rlla cM.:lrriWu, :llld the
dirueaJ findings is important be<:ausea number of pa,ho- diphthctoids.),I"Ol~""Ol Appl"Oxllnacd\" ICI'. <0 IS"" of maJ<.
logical processes can bf:gm wlIh a sImIlar radlOgn.phic ap- ,lIary sinus pillhologir:al rood,cions arf demal '" origin and
pearanct. In addiuon 10 mucosal edema, mcreasW radIO- often arf associa{cd ..,.h absctSSHI. mOwS Vld premolars,
graphic density can ruuh from chrOniC mucosal changes tht <OOlS o f wh ICh are closely relaced 10 the noo. of rhe
caused by chron IC s",usi ri s, prev.ou. tUUma, and prtor maxllb,y ''''(IS.· ACUlt s1l.usiu s also may OCCur after vio-
SUrgical proadurcs Ot hn faclors ,hat un r<'Suh.n an .p. la"on of tht sinu$ and ,he mtrodu cu on of oral bacltna
p.a.em IIlc.t:uo-d radIOgraphIC dtn.,ry c' l "nu. lIlelud. d ur"'g drntal , p<octdures (Stt F.gure ~ · IJ). 1m·
hypopl~la of the sinu! wnh or wi,hoU! ~"a "ons '" .hr proper closure of a (olll lllu",cat ion can result on ,." oral·
th'Cknt •• of the os~ous walls ofl he sinuS an,,)1 fisl ub and chronic s,n usiIlS. I'urulent mucosal dIS'
Acute ,""us,us resuhs (, On' seclOudary ba<:.cnal charge r~ul[S In purulent uudale flUId accumulating In
,,,ftCllon of <he ob~.ructerl ~Inus by baclf"a normally
found in the nasala,rwa)" Jnd ol al caVIl)' The r_ baueua · R<fe •• ncu I, J. 101. 10J, ' 24, 129, 130
.h~ smus, c.a" smg an ~".f1uld k vel".J'O.' .... "I,U. (:\« Flg",e mal. s,nuS tOIlet and destroymg the .e",ncrau"" capaat)'or
4· 11). 11,e ndlogr~phi < findlllgs III ~c,,'. but~nal .IIIUS;· Ih. muCOsa. Allergies may promote the dcv(]Opmcnl Of
II. vuyand nnge from a g."er..Jl~ Incrt~d denSIty Ie· chronic s""l5l1is by causu'S m ucos,,1 ed. ma and hyp.,.
flewve of mucon edema, to an air.fluod I~I caused by a _<cuon; bach Impair normal smus dr-aJnage and facilll.l l t
buildup of purulent nuterial , 'o a comple.e opaclfic>uon Ihe groW'th of bactena. Grossly _and rad1ograph":ally,
of.m: sinus c.aus.ed by the p~ncc of a brgc amount of pu' chrome sonus'tu is ch.anctenztd by '~rJlblc mUCO$aj hy..
rulent nlatenal and mucow edema. [n baclenal sinusius pcrpLasiaand thickening Ihal often resu!u in mucosa! foida
lhe ai .... f1"id I~~ if ptuent, is Iimiled to OUe or two .inuses. or pscudopolyp$"·,...",·.. t.,,,.
(sec Figure . - I 1). 1n addition
Although the a. .... fluid kvcl is n_t often the rcsultof ~C\lle to inYOlving Iht mucosa, the inflamm.uory process ClntJI.
bacterial sinusitu, it also GI.tI rcsult from «<ent antw tend to the underlying bone, resulting in h)'P"rOStOli.c
~~ recmt trauma, or blood dyIcr2si.o. with bI...ding intO changes, the hallmark of duonic JinusitiJ.
the sinus, S1rusing the need to always corrdate ndio- Acute bacterial infections may oecur in pallents Wllh
gnphic findings with dinini history. cr uanlinuions chronic ,inusiti,. RadiognphicaUy, an ai .... nuid level and ai .... ftuid levels in tm: d~ent portion of in· nmcow rhickening in the i.....oMd sinus maybe nDl:ed. cr
volvni sinusu (SC<O Figure 4-11, B). On MRl u;omination studies demonstrate contra:st enhancement of .he in.
.m: ~ppanna of an unromplico.ted acuu s!IIusin. rdlttU flamed mucosa, mllCOsai thicUning, and an air·fluid level
Ihe undm)"ng condition. Inflamed, edema- On MRl txamirurion the thkuncd edemllous mucosa
tOUS mucosa and frtt fluid Iypically demonstrate low sig- typially demOfUtrates low signal inte .... ity on T ]·w..ighted
nal intmllty on Tl·..w;ghred and incrus.ed signal intensity and incrca.scd signal. intensity on T2.~ightcd SC<juenccs
on n ..."ighled 5C'I,ucnc:cs.... 'U%2 ('itt Figure .-1.). ,imilar to tha. secn in acule sinusitis (Figure 4-1.). H(N).
ever, rm: appearance of entrapped secretions can vary de.
Acute NoninfK1ious Sinusius Allergic: rhinicis and si· pending on the degree of hydration. On TI- ~nd T2.
nusitis an noninfcctious, inflammatory processes affecl' ~ighted SC<juences, rhe signal. intcruities decrease u rhe
ing approximarely 10'IIi. of the population. '.'),.1" These two secretions become more conccnmlccd. Signal. voids on TI
conditions reprcstn. the mosl commoo acute, noninfec- and n 5C<{ucnccs an nOled when Ihe secretions arc dried
Olms ptOCCliSCS Invading 1m: sinonasal uact.J"IOI The sea- and solid. l "
sonal conditions an .he result of immunoglobulin E
reagin-antibody reactions. In allergic sinusitis the muco- Complications of Sinusitis The development of chromc
periost",m auoo;:iated pnmanly with Ihe maxlUary sinU-"'s sinusitis represents One complication associated with acute
becomes hypcrplanic and grossly edematous. Similar Or recurrm t episodes of sinusitis. In add,tIo n, a number of
changes often OCCur in the mucosa lining .he ethmoid, other complia.oons are ~Icd wi.h acute and chroruc
frontal,and sphenoid sin~ nus thickening is often uni- .inusitis. Thue complications can be dlYidcd into twO
fonn and symmetria.l, although rhe formation oflocal- main groups: those limited solely to rhe SInus and rhose
iud polypoid mas... often oc(Urs. The ndiQgraphic find· involving adjacent StruCtures. The firsl group of complica·
ingt in allergIC sinusitis m,rror these various mucosal tiD .... includes form~tion ofhypcrtrophlC polyps, mucosal
changcs.ln addollon to genenJiud orlocal mucosal thick· cysts, and mucocelu. The second group results from u ·
ening, rad'ographic srud,es demonstrate edema of the tension of t hc inflammatory process to adjacent StrucrutCli
rurbinues.AI .. llwd levels an not as.sociated wi.h acute aI· and includes a number ofinflammatory nuaI, orbital, and
lergicsimu'llli and, when present, indicatelhe presence of intruraniallesions or 05tcom~liti$ of the sinus walls.
bacterial. su~nn{«:tion. ,..
Acute Slnusms, regudltu oCrhe call5t, mayevolvc into a M"nHlS ReTe"Tio" Cpu Tht mOSt common
chrorUcSlnU$Ill.I. Factors that mayfacili.ate Ih .. evolu[ion pl'Oltion of smUSltis is .he formation of mucous ...enllOO
mdude impa.IN dr.wu.1;<' and uncion of the Involved si- cysu, oecurnng in apprOlUfflately l~ of the popul~·
nus, pcrslltent infection, lou of cilia, and mucosal 1I0n.'·"'·'OI,"',,1I Thes( CYSIS rtsult ftom blockage of the
ch&llgcs.') lnadeqlUle5lnus dtamase &Ild uration may re- ducts draining seromucous gl~nds followtd by cystic u '
lui. from m«:h&llini factors such as a devi~l ed sep tum, pansion. The luions occur most ofun III the SI-
nauJ polyps, adenOId hypertrophy, nuopharyngcaltu. nus and ran~ f[orn less than I cm ro large lesions filling
mora, and edematous mucosa In thcrog1On of.hednming neariyal.l.hc smULln COn tr.o.stlO mucoeeltS Ihal mold the
O$OL lnadequate iUlUS dra.nagc can result m the accumu.
smus walls, mucous r."nt,on <;)'SIS ~dhere to the sinus cay.
lation with,n the sums of a medium favor~b!e 10 banenal "y without causmg any bont expansion. Rad'ognphlCally,
grow,h, whutu unpaired aeralion may {acilllate Ihe
Ihese I(s'ons usually appcar u rounded, soft tissue densi·
growth of Ih. parhogenic anurob..; and m'«oacroph,hc
tIes wuhln Ih. Involved smus (Figure 4. 15)_ A lesion or
bal::lena.lnadequace"ur"",m of an :KU,t Incteri~1 SmUS I-
dental ongm Ih~t at times nn have an mlllli radIographIC
(IS may ruul. in a chronic, I moldtring mf«uon .hat can
appcaranct ,dentlcal to Iha( of a Ietcnllon CYSt is a pen·
invo)"" the adjacenl bone. Mucosal changes, oflen ,rre'
aplC~J dent.allUlon invulv"'g one of th. max,llary ... olar$
"""IMe In naturt , may ... ull from chtm ical IIl)U"" or
The. e cyst" lesIons are fhe asul! of ... nammllory pro·
th.ough an alltrglC mechanlJm. ChtltllCal inJUrlU m~y r.
cesses occm nng I ( the apc~ o r a nOnVl{alloo,h. Thry an
sull In a low of ahated!'um, ,hereby 'mpamng nOr .
elth.r d,rtClly "wol~ the miuullary $Inus o r be JOcaIC.!
"OJ"', mucocdu OC(u< on Ih~ .ph<:nOld .'flU< and ",,,h,n
stptaeod rompa"m~rH' III Ihe max,lIary .. nu ........," '"
n'''"1 al>o mayoccu,mlM mu,llary 51nu..,. aIltr C"ld_lI.
ttl< p'OO::tdu,t<. Mtl<octlu can breomt ,nr«etd and art
d.t" Itrmrd p.}«Ju. CUta1n t1uhographi( char,o.curi<ucs
a~COmmo<110 all mucoctles On plain film and cr nud,es.
In addmon, 10m<: f3dlogDpruc find'ng> a~ relared to eht
l00::a1 tlrteU oflh~ mucoctle. Common plain film and cr
findings indudt Ihe prtstnc~ ofan vrpan.ile mo.u causing
dispbu .... nt <lr bowing orlhe sinlU or a1. (til walls.. Ax,al
cr II«rions through all noninfc<ud mucoc.~lu typically
demorutn.1t:o ....dl<ircunucribcd, nonenhancing soft Us'
sue mass. ""n""h....a] macro$COpic calcification u "",dent In
approximately S'of mucocelcs. "'Tht ~nce of rim n>-
Ioanctrn¢ne 01" incuased density of tht soft tiS$ut rna» sug·
gflts lilt prtstnct of inftenon and are mo", accut2ttly di-
:lgnORd as a pyocelt. film findings associaeed ""ieh frontal mucoctles
indudo: clouding of the involvro smus, tmSlOn of Ihe in-
tra$inu. stpra., tht p~nce ofasmoo<h wall sinusc::ovity,
f<rw ""15. Mucous 'aefltion C)'Ot$. P~,"ic~~m&.-.:I;bIt and iU d~fuoition or loss of the mucopviost~a11ine.1Q< Ax-
cIemOftWJ.""I a mucous ~~'lCiofl C)"t in the Irit muilluy ....u, ial cr ..·nions through rroneal sinus mucoctlu also ma.y

r-' d~mO~f2{t incracranial and tntraorbieal vrtension. prop-

tosis, surural diutuis, and supraorbital soft twue masses.
Ethmoid mucocelcs are best diagnosed on cr srudies
"1,hin Ih~ adjacent al''«>iar bon~ and proj«ud ~r Ih~ and dtmonltrate a nontnhancing, apansile, soft ril.Su~
linus, thereby sImulating pathological finding5 of sinus mus causing bowing of th~ walls of air ctll$. Ethmoid
origin. In thue Ca5f'S, com,lanon ... ith the vitality of adja· mucoctlu originating in the posterior tthmoid sinuses
{tnt tUlh is required to dIstinguish ~tWttn lesions or si· (spheno~rhmOld mucoctlu) may demonstrate siSnlfi-
nusmc! dental origin. On MRl uaminauoru thue lesioIU cant involvem~nt and npansion of the adjacent sphe-
cypKa!ly demoll.$tr.m, 10\11 to imennediat~ signal In.eJ\$ity noid ,inu... ]n addition, unl cr scans also demonstrate
on T1 and high signa.! intensity on T2 sequences. orbital and nasal involvtm~nt. Maxillary SInus muco~
eelts often initially display plaJn film findings suggestive
~ The moSt slgnifi("2n{ local compliation ofsi- of a malignancy. Thest findings include op.acification of
nusiUs is the forrrnltion of a mucocek. Mucoceles arc tNe tht involwd sinus and ofltn 10"-' or apparent destruction
cystK la.ions lined by the sinus muco$.1.. Mucocdes asuh or Ihe sinus walls (set Figure 4-12). CT studirs show a
fromobslrucrion of the draining ostia followrd by the con- _Il-<ircumscri~d mass filling the sinus with bowing or
tinued $Ccrerion offluid in the obstrucTed sinus or O1.iTcell.- ;ttrophy of the sinus. On MRl examination the appur·
Ostial obstruction is u5ua.!ly the mult ofinf\amm.awty or anet of mucoctlts Can vary depending on the degree of
~crgic, although il can rnult from nnlplu- hydration o f mUCOId malerial present. Uncomphcued
II(, postsurgical, or tn.umaric factors.. 106.111.1" As a resullof mucocelu demonstrate 10"" .ignal intensLty on TI and
the uXllinued fluid secretIon into the obstructed smus or high signal intensity on T2 stquencu. HowevCt, dt-
;lit cell, a buildup of fluid resuits in pressure atrophy, os· pending on tht degree of hydration present, mucaedes
seous ~odeling, and Jx,...~ng of the s,"us w~J!s ($Ce FIg· also may demonstrate incrcased Signal intensity on T]
Ure 4-(2). Thc upamile ch:u2Cter of mucoce!t$ unduhes and 1'2 scqUenCfS o r an absence of signal intensiq on the
threl dir.ic~1 presentarion. Mucocc1es occur mon com· sequmees.'"
·d· II ,,,,,01 SphenOid sinus mucoceles on plam film and CT ,ruwes
IIlQnly In [he fronu.! sinus and cthmoL 3Jr ce s. .
"-._ m~tdy twO thuds of demonSiralc opacification of the sinus and vrpansion and
nvnQ] mucocelcs consuture apptOX l
all mucQCeles whereas cdunoid mucocclC$ constitU[e ap- chinning of tht sinus waHs" IntracranIal vrteJ\$ion and
proxunaldy is", to 30'1r..' ,'''-'''' Ethmoid sinus rnucocelrs anterior nrensi!)n also can occur. Jmracramal eXlension
I"IIort Orlen invol\/!: the amenor ethmoId all cdls, ho,,'CVt"r, can result in sdlaror parascllu mas5CS on cr <{udiu .... '"
.1_. . ethmOId aIr cc!1s and Amenor extenSIon LIltO the PO<ltnorffhmOld airuUs also
'h q""'("an origln3te III the posttnor can occur, oflen rnulnng in bont deSHl" lion indLstin-
d s ''''.111111t~ mu·
n~ Into th.,. :leljacenc sphenol SU1I1
L. ..J.....«tbmaJ mwaKtitJ gUlshable from Ihar caused by a malignancy.'Q<
"'OCCIQ art somtumes lefcrttd 10:U Jr'-"
Max; rIuy SInus rnucoceks arc unco ml non and conSIl'Ult
I s IQ< On rare occa· OrilitDi t",d &11"<11;""$ Comp/iell/ioM o(Si"",,;/i$ If Lm-

~mately s't. to 10% of all mucOCt"

· .....,... ,,91, 106, 119. 129, 110

properly treated or unrtlOponSl\ft to ;tpproprialc therapy,
acute $.nu.il1s and, mOrt rardy, chrome SinUSitiS can
IIw"lw I',. adJutn. (If 1m an,I.It"e!u,,_'." .... {"t~ o.-b,ul demon'''''' •• hl('k~nlng of ,ht osseouS ""Us walls and
",,,,),1"""0"5 ",d"d~ ,-.lIul"" '" .b~ •• fo,m",o" .• ul>
lnw d.n~"y artU w,dnn .he sort "nue ",ass hlhng rhe SI·
1~",oSle.1 .bsceu 10,.,"'''011 a"d 5"1"><'''0' orb".1 (".ur,
n", ' " M,-pllws ,nf."oon also may ~ round """ally as a
.yndrom., and o.«:orn)",Io[l$ oflht OSSffiO. w.lls (se'!-oR {"ngus ball (uptrglllom") in ,ht Involved SInUS, whIch
" •• ~·IJ). Orbual comrh<."oru usually ..... h. , •• ult of '''.n radloglaphically 5nnulau a nwpl~5m In pa"enr..< .... ho
Ml,wla,ed nhmotd,m .•• hmo,d"lJ and .",,,.n ..
II'VOI\' are deb,llfatN or ,mmunocomprom.std, NP"t;l/us mfec-
mg ,h. adJ:ocml (ron ••1 or ",.,unary .",uses, or both. 1m· .ion n,ay ~ firu sten as a fulmina"ng ,nf.cllon with
prol"',ly '.ta,...!
m,.xnomal tx{(nsion of an aculr "nus. rapid dUlrucuon o f ,ht nasal uv.ry and ,"volved
us ,. a.uocUl..d ",,,h ."n,fican( ItIOI'btdny and mortality paranasal s;nus(J, ".16.17 Ea-1,enSlve and rapId bone d~· Intracranial ulcnJ,on tan OCCur along anatomICal .(rucuon suggtsu.... of a malIgnancy can be sten;n such
palhways ",eluding poenntunl by mun. of ... retrogradr casts.
.hrombophltb" .. or Ihrough dirKI spread from an in
""lwd Jinus bordering ,h. (ramal fossa or hematogenous
.oulu_ Inlraer... ,,;.] complications includ. purulent
m(ning'.;s, acu.t subdural 0. epidural rmpytmu, brIm
Mucormyco5l' represents the mos! falal, acute: op-
portunist;C fungal inftction_ It is ""sed by fung' bt-
longong to .he Muc oracut famIly, which incJudu
s~c;es of the gentra Rh,u/",', M",o" and Ab.uJ .... • The
ah$cURS, and u","moUl smlU Ihrombo..... Os{wm),d,us fungi ;n mucormy.:-olls ,"vade Ihe arlenal """II and pro·
of me wall of an invoI.-ed S,nW also an occur Th;s wually duce an anenUS follOlWd byvucular .hmmbosis and in-
;s found (n .ht fmn ....1 sinus, although it abonn occur in farction of rh. surrounding tissue. Rhinocuebral mu-
{II<: nw<Illary sinus, wual~· J,tT c:xrracnoru. An un· cormycosis lrarrs with na ....1 involvemtnt, followed by
usual complication of <)5{wm)""I,,,s of tht frontal .,nUS on cxlension mtO {he paran:ual ,inusts and orb.ts and in-
{he p«hunc age group IS urension of the inOammatory Iracran;al eff~eu. Fungal disseminallon usually oceu",
p,ocU! onto tll<:cranlUm and .he dtvC]opm~n' of a su~r· through vascular ehannds." [ntracranial exttns;on can
ficial subgilltill abSCUJ ,,~thout evidell« ofbon~ destruc· result in ~ither infarction or abscess (ormation,,··H •JJ
t;on, rnulung in adin.ul entiry known as a f>rJtt', /'Nib No- Plain film and CT findings associa{ed with mucormyco-
....". ' -".11,1001 Rad.ograph., findings associated with sis include nodular rhick~ning of Iht muco~riosuum
ostwmydms:are evtdtnt 7 ro 14 da)'S and include Ios.s of lining ,he maxillary smus, usually "-;thout a,r·flu;d lev-
rll<: slwp oudine of til<: stnw ~n and a patchy "moo:h· els; clouding of the tthmoid sinuses; and mulnrle foul
falen" apparan« of invo]""d bon" ruulting from local· ueas of bone dcslrucnon. I•.'1.lJ
t~ed decalCIfication," Thnt areas subsequcntly may dc· CTplays an 'mponam role in kno....n or suspected Muuw
wlop sclerocic chwges, focal "'quutrarion, or bo,h. CT infections. Gamba et ill." d.scriW a number ofCT find-
provid~s oplima] demonstration of uquesrr.>t that may ings in palients with mucormycosis. The initial clinical
not be rudily seen on plain film$ (sec Chapter 14). findings of cr.u1iofacia.\ mucorm)"'osis tdlecr the Structures
involved. lo Initiallnvolvtment of tht sinonauJ tract is r~'
Fw"v'SillwJitis The tWO major fungal infections on' O«IN by a nonspecific mucosal thickentng, ofren without
voMng the puanasaJ sinuSl's are as~rgill05is (cauS«! by alr·fluid I~ls. Invol""mtnl of tht d.ep soft tissu~ o( the
genus Nf>tr1.iJbtJ) and mucolmy.:osis (caused by genera mfratemporal and pterygopalatine fouu rtsults in tht loss
Rh,uptu, M"cor, and Ab"'~/jI), As~rgiJ!osis is the mon of rh~ retroanual fat pad and tht vanow fat plants sepa-
common fungal inf«toon of the pannasal sinU$CS-n'J As. raung rht musclu of muncuion. Orbital mvol .... mtnl can
pergtlli:are ubiqullou. uprophyuc molds Ihat occll$ion. rtsult in presepral, ptosis, infiltration of far in the
ally become pathogenic in humans. Aspugillos.s of Iht orbital a~x, subpenosteaj abscess form~tion, and changu
~ sinuses an occur In a number of distiner forms.
m tht OrbItal musculatu~. Intracranial txttnsion usually
In the otherwise huJrhr person, II may be found as a
.nvolves Ih. ctrebellum and brain parench),ma at th. base
chronIC, noninvasiw (orm of .mum.s, usually lim'rtd to a
of tht bram, resultmg in t]thu focal abscessts, arcu onn-
.. ngk muiIlary&inW, ... · ~l "'.Il, The r,od,ograpluc findongs
farenon , or boIh ftatures. Bone destrucuon, when pr.sent,
MIOaalN wllh thlS form of aspergdloSls ate nonspe:"fi,.
occurs bit tn the dtsease pf'OCtU (ste Chapt.. II).
III tht urly phaMS a soft "Slue mass rtpresenting a mas,
oIR1)'Ceha maybe nOltd, whereas m lar.. phasts, a homo-
p n eous opacification of the involl'td sinus may be GrarluiOm"tDws Oistost Th. granulomatous diseasts
(au nd""~.J>l In ~pproxtmately half (he ~dvanc~d casts, .. ffec11ng the noSl' and paranasal sInuses represe"t a hel'
d~nstconc~{ion~ accumulau wlrhm (h. sinus; such find.
erosenous group of pathological tntit;u characterized by
mgs arc conSIder«! pathognomonIC of asperg.llos,s, Thn~ the formation of soft tIssue granulomata {har Often txhibit
slm,I~ , cl,nICal and radIographIC fi d U Th
radtodensllln a~ rompo>~d pnmanly of ttr.iary calcoum n mg~, • gross de-
SUUCllon noted on chmeal exam' .-
phosphate (apal"e) and smalinquanm'ts ofcaklum snl h bl .. manon .s Otten mdisrin-
fidt and heavy mClal ul ... ',1" Th.~t matenal~ art dt. gUls a • rrom {hat of neopiasllC prOCtsSt~ Th
r granulo-
matOu~ dIS~ase~ Involvmg tht nos d
POSlltd In necrO[ic arus or the my.:elium, usually In rhe I d ean patanualsin uses
mc u e a nom brr of 'nfe",o us d .stasn: tub I
umtr ofth. mus fi1hnS rht SInus, and art rudily d.
l.prosy, syph!ltl, yaws, UtlOlmmune dost 'rcu OStS,
(tned On plain film and C,.~",d,e.·' CT Stc!{ons al so
W,senu'sgr .. nulorn310Sls .dlOpJ1h II ases s\lch as
, I( nlt( "Ie granuloma,

' Rt(tftn<n 1.3.39 .•0. 9~ )06, 111, 128. 119 • R,ftf.n(f·, 10. 14, (1. 31,33. 10]
urco,d<>SlS ~"d f<>r~'&" b<>dy-",duc~d !:r~"ul"",a.a u- 5pht.< 10 form ,h. submaml,hulu ."blillgual mas"c~,o,
."l,, "!: from l<>ng· .. r'" ~xp<>sure to I>f:ryll;u", and chro- alt d .pac~. (F'gu[l:4-16), ' , ,
",a" sahs·,·, .. The tadiogt:tphic and CT findings In The mid!lle lay" o(,h. !leep cervical f... cia cxtend.
,he'" different ~nmiu ace sim,l:u. Ini.i al CT uamination from Ihe .kuU bas.!O .he pericardium .hrough .he ca.t"'id
de",onstrates nas:ol soft tinue nodules and .hickentng, .hea.h I ... dwid.d i",o a ",uscular and division.
Sub..... u.n. invol""'ment of the sinuses can oc- The mU$CUlar dIVision sunounds .. rap muxl ... and the
cu r. In the later phases of the d... eas~ process, bone de- adventltta of the great veuds; Ihe visceral division SUr.
struction and roft ti$$u~ mass ... suggesti"" of a neoplasric rounds th~ COns{nctor mu.scl~s of .he pharynx md t.SOph_
process an: pr~nt. agw, and forms th. buccophuyngeill fascia. and anterior
wallofthe rettopharyngeal spact. The Ja..ryru-. trachea, and
fASCIAL SPACES thyroid gland alw are enveloped by the middle layer of
deep ce.-vical fascia.
11t.e fascial spaces of [he head and neck represent major The deep layer of me deep cervical fascia is composed
pathw.l.YS for the spuad of deql infections. Failure to <C<:- of the p .. wrtebral and alar divisions. The alar division
0sniu and appropri.ately nut a fuciill space infection Un form. the posterior border of the renopharyngealspa«
1'd"lr in duth from airway obstruction or mediastiniti •. and surrounds the deep neck muscles. Th~ abr division
Diagnostic "naging is imp<>n:ant in th~ evaluation ofras. also contributes (0 the c,,-,otid shea.h and fuses with .he
,ialsP"'C( infKoons. middle laye.ofme deep cervical fascia at th~ appr<»<inute
level ofT! to 1"2. The preven~bral division is attached tQ
ANATOMY the an'enor aspects of me wnebral bodies and extends lat·
erally ,0 the tnnSVe ... processes of the ""'rtebrae. An im-
11t.e soft tissues of the head and necK can be divided intO a polUtlt potential space forthe spread ofhea.d and neck in-
series of spaus. Some spaces are normal anuomic:al spaces fections to the mediastinum is the potencial space becwun
containing various structure. (e.g., mauintor space), the alar and prevenebral divisic<l. of the deqlla)'Cr of the
..nereas others are potential.paces, idencifiable only when deep u.-vical fascia known as the -danger space. -This p0.-
invol""d by a pamologic:ol pnxess (e.g., retropharyngeal tential .pace is bounded laterally by the fusion of me alu
space). Important anatomicill conn~ctions uist bet\Wen and prevcrt~bral divisions of the deep cervical fascia with
thue. wrious acrua.! and porenciill spaces that can allow for the tt2ltSV1:rse processes of me ""rtebrae. The danger space
the rapid dissemination of infeccions throughout me head extends from the base of the skull to the level of the di-
~ neck and .... en into the mediastinum. aphragm (see Chapter 8).
Conceptually, the f1.Scial pLmu of the head and nrcl<
may be visualized 1.S a ..rics of-conduits."- The ourer en-
""lope, ",hich surrounds .he neck and head, is composed
of ,he SKin and superficial fascia (subcutaneous tissues). Plain Film Diagnostic imaging of a. patient with a known
Two fururrs of the supuficial fil-Sci;l are thu (1) it conrains Or suspected fascial 'pace infection often st:artS with a
the muscles of facial expression, including the pia [)'Sma, plain film srudy of ,he pharyngea.J and cervical airway. This
and (2) by virtue ofits superficialloca.oon, it is readilyeval- srudy usually consistS of anteroposterior and Lateral views
uated on clinical examination and usually doa nOt neces- of me airw~y taken wi,h a lesser degree of penetration man
si,a{e diagnostic imaging of pathological pnx~sses. comparable views of the cervic:a1spine (Figute 4-17, sec Fig-
Anatomically the d~ep neck Can be divid~d into a su- ure 14·1). Plain film findings associated with aCUte fascial
ptrficial investing layer, middle or pretracheallayer, and sp"'cc infections include thickening of the tetrOpharyngeal
deep or prevertebrallayer. These spaces ue major pathw:l.)'S soft tissues, distonion with Or withou, displacrmenr of .he
for the spread of innammatory procencs and .m ust. be pharyngeal air column caused by soft tissue ro~ma or ab-
thoroughly ....a1uared in any imaging study. The Iflvt.m~g scess formation, .oft tissue g1.S, and radiodense foreign
li~r is the most superfidallayer and surrounds the ennre bodies. In addition, plain films obtained using standard
neck. It is a[.ached posteriorly to ,he spinous processes techniques for osseous tissues may demonstr;lte os-
:ond ligamentum nuchae and anteriorly,~ the c~in, body [Comydicis of ,he mandible or cervical spine and radio-
of the hyoid bone, and ma.nubrium sternl. Su~.nor!y, ,he dense sialoliths. The laceral view of the cervical. airway is
mperficialla.yer is attached to {he external OCClpttal protU- especially imp<>nant in the evaluation of ret<opharyngeal,
par~pha<yngeal, and submandibular space infec,ions. In
berince and nucha! line, up of the ma5{OId pro<:~ss, lower
such studies, evalu:uion of nOt only the gross p~tfnCY of
border of ,he zygomatic arch, and lower bo~der o.f ~an·
the airway but also the width ofth. ptevenebral soft tis-
dlble between .he angle and ,he chIn. Infeno~ly, It IS al-
sues i. important. In the ~dult with the n"k in the nCt"
{iched to .he sternum, clavicle, and acr0I1110 n or the
nal posuion, the thICkne .. of prevntcbral soft tissues
scapula.' In the neck rhe uwes,ing fa5cia sph{s to .endose
, trapezius sternoc JeJ d oma5wi d ,a nd ",frahYOld mus-
should not Utero 10 mm at the ClI ....d, 7 mm a. the C3
t". I.... el, aud 20 mm at th~ C71.... d, " In s<:hool-aged cluldrcn
cula{ure (om~hyoid, sternohyoid, sternothyroid, .and thy. the nonnal m.lXi",um width of the rctropharyngeal ussues
rOhyoid)_ In the maxillofacial region ,he ",vemng layer at C2 should not exceed 6 mm and 15 mm at C6 These

mea5urem~nts represent ,he maximum w,dth of normal

· Rc("~nc .. 46, 50, 51. 69. 96, 118
" .-
-- •

HgutW 4-16 A, Cros.-s.«t1On ofCeMC*1 f'5(;~. pot~nti,,1 a.n~tomiul 5paces, and p"oxima,~
VI,al """"un> at ,htlevtl of.he orop~a.ryno:. Th. pacapha..,.,gnllpaco i. referred to as
,"'J"~,,.lpM'Y"P"Isp.a. (From H.tI..., MH. Hall RE. 0.18,,1.., AM: R.adtologyofhoad and
n«k dup "1"''''' '"rK"O."' .... d,,,;':o&,,', p<rSp"nivo:. In DeIBal ... AM, editor: M.uu/~1
"""'"' Phi~.Ip!'Ka, 19'90, W8»,,~) Th • ..,latiOl'l"';p o(.ht v;triou. '''Kial spaces '"'
d>e Ievd of the midol'll c."'ty in tho .... 1 plano (8 ) and coronal pia ... at the lewl of ,ho
P""'"""" on.l "''''ty (q.

~ -"'7 A. Yecn.1 Ww 01 n«l< ... th ... re .issue dua~ a ~al

aboe ...1 afUr ~otion 01 a ~"n body S days .arl~. Marlord thiclwling 01 ct... ~e·
IInI ..m tISWn _th an.fl>(IO" dosplacc .... nt 01 .... ~I. lat)"ICOal. and UKh..J
a.n...ys 01 p<ur<lt.. ,.." is "..-urn< the •...-obtyngu.l and ~""al ooh ouua (_
~). A pl.... ic fo... ign body(Lo,.. _)was rvnowd ~Ily. AnI~

and lalerlOl ....... of airway drrnonwa,ing airway displace ....... <;auMd by diffus.r raKHt>S
and ab,USI formation in .... left Iubma<><libular. pa""pharyng..l, a<><l •• tropharyngal
spKH. B. Arn.roposc ........ .-icw of the neck drmonstrales a marbO displaco"""" of ct... ~u­
.oal airway.o 'hold1.. C. YI.""I view of the ~ero-ia.l airway demOflstraU's a ma.ked in·
Cf"!'a .. d in .... width of the preYM..bral ... ft C<SSUH in the middle a<><llowior n«1c. (CaM
~t$)'V. Baroda_la. Buffalo, NrwYork.)

IlSSUes; It.., :awrage for the population from which lion, accurate demonsnuion of the staws of the airway,
,hu.: v:aiues ..~u deriwd:arr Jess.lka.u.w utropharyngeal :and in\o'Olvement of var\OUli groUP'S o(lymph nodes. The
or puapharynge:al space infea:'oru may occur with mta- diffeuntiation between myositis·fasciiru and abKess i. es-
suremencs within normallunits, eliniciaru should illw;c.ys pecially important clinically because abscesses require
look for <.>Ihn signs o(inf«tion on ,he lalerill view liu<;h as prompt surgial imervention to ulabluh good drainage,
(ocal increues In soft tissu<; Ihi<;kness, soft tiuue emphy- whereas cellulitis may respond solely to approprialc an-
sema, foreign bodies. and localized d<;Yi:ation$ oflhe air- tibiotics. cr :also an provide imponant inform arion con-
way. In addition, the anlcroponerior vicw of Ihe airway ceming the StaWS of adjacenl QSstOUS structures and may
should bot, uammed fOf signs of pathological <;on.dmons. demonstrlle early petiosteal ructions associated wilh
On rhe nonnal, properly position.d ameroposterior view osuomyditis.
of Ihe aIrway, the air (olumn Ihould appear symmetrical COntrut~nhanctd :u:'al cr Stcrions should be per-
ow. the middle third of the <;crvical spine (see Figure 4-1, formed in the :u:ial plane in S-mm increments rhrough all
A). DispiacemCl11 o( the pharyngeal or tracheal airway re- the involved fudal spacC$ and the major lymph node
fl«ts in\o'Olwment of Ihe paraphar~"geal, renopharyngeal, chains receiving drainage from involved regions of the
Or prelrxhcal spxes. An Imponam area to evaluate is the head and n«k.ln ~ of mediastinal in\o'Olwmem Ihe full
subglolUc region of the rrachea; a di$rinct shoulder mould utem of mediastinal in\o'Olwment mUSt be demorulrated.
~ tvldem in the lubgloClK: stgmenL A concentric narrow- cr findings associated with Euc:ia1 space ,n\o'O)wment
Ing or rhis area rnulung In an invened 1/ appearance is include myosilU and hsciilis (Figure .... 18), aU"way defor-
seen 10 patIents with croup mity, inflammatory mUStS, flUId coll~rions and abscesses,
and osteomyelitis of m\o'Olved bone. A v;t.nuy of mte"..,n·
Compuud Tomography CT 15 probably Ihe most lIon3) procedures can be performed usmg cr g"idance
Widely u~d advanced imaging modality in the cV3luauon Fine·needle asplrarion of fluid collections ro obram
of deep fasCLal mfecllon s. · It can provide "nponanr m· marenal for nucrobial analys's is rouuntly performed In
(O""al,on concerning the UIen! o( sofr ussue Involve· add ilion, abscess dra,nage and rlaccmen, can be
nlttlt. ",eluding demonstratIOn o( the full urent of Ihe readdy pc.formed undn cr gUIdance
Inflammalory process and JlS probable epoce/ll,r, d,ffer Alrhough MRl has been u~d ,XIcn$"..,ly 10 the cv3lua·
emlallon berween myosllis-fascmls and absctss forma !tOn o f conditIons in rhe hud and neck. " has nO' bctn
u~d u[ens,wly m rhe r:va.Iuauon of d~V t~xlal ~pa« NI-
·R~r.'.nH> 4. 29. 49, 52, 81. 99. ftenons. Major advamages of MRl ",elude th~ abibcy 10
I)'-~I~...J M "",lIofd"dl l"Jmlo~'
" 0'
\ "',h

• ",h
A 0'

c o

Fig"n 4·16 Submandibular space absc •••. Myo.i,i. and fueii,i. ofn,l>t submandibular
.~. cau«,d byoun,ion oh de"t.I.t>sc ... in"""""g th. right >«ond molar. A. Con.....'·
enh."""d &><ial c.T 5«lion ,"'rough floor of mouth demonstrating a diffu", myositis and
fascii,i. in""l,,;ng th. right submandibular and JOWl" portion of right m ....'ica.Qr .pace.
low-densitya.ea, "p'... n,ing early .b",... formnion a~ noted ("""I/CIIrm/ Q~). B, A1<.
ial CT Halon ofmandibl. with bom windows demon>,'a'" a periapical abKesoarou<>d .h.
ap"'e. of mv>dil>ul. ",e"ond molar (aJrwJ Q"""J Thi, usc demonstratH me ned. to alw.o)'$
obtain appropn.o.t. bone window> ""'en ev.oluaung fueial opue ,nfections of possiblfc odon-
'o,<nic ong,n. C and D, Contra"-enh",n,.d ;ox;.1 CT .eCUe", through the deep and <up.'.
fic,al ..gmen« oftil. right submandIbular .pace demon"""'ng an ;"""M~g tho
d •• p and "'po,foclal portIon, of,h. ng~' submandIbular .pa... Th. normal·af>P"aring su .
p..f""al so,,,,,,,,, of submandIbular ,land (o~~ n.,,~d ~rruw) i1. d'splaud anwiorfy by ,h.
ab><:u. (.w'Jlt, ~,,_). O. fofTmty of ,h. right half ofth. alfWay i. p'... nt.
I"'w-'" 1,"4~"'~D' M4"'~·I"""'4.,;114"wI ~,..., 1-1...,-.
,.b<~'" dnt" ",ug.. In nO( only ,I,.. ",-",.ll'bn,. bUI alw
~. ">ro,,~1 ~nd .ugHt.! pl~"t"'lr"a"ts" , ,
... gu, m"klng d,fte'~nuauon b..t\W:en .h. lWO d,ffin,h .01
,,~c . ~ ~ t tIISU$(tl'.. b~
,,, .,,,r,,e,! UU5td b) donul 'Ul t'ta"on., and 'ht "'". ",nes"" In add,"on, mur... lenhancemenl by an ahKen
... ,,<>u seo ,,"." """,,,,,.1u~d In MIU IInd'e, IS Ins IOXK wall may Ix ,,"o,nl.n<e ",,,h '''pe<''o SU,"OUMong fn.of
(ha" ,he ,odmu«i com'~l u.sed In cr icannong .. The ... gadolinIum .d,nllll$"."on, r~ul"ng In t.mutd d.,u_
.!>Iluy 10 .mage In 'he USLI,aj and paru:.g"ral planu OJ Uon 01 del",uI1on of d'e abkus_ Thcculaneouo m.o",(~-s­
opt<"aUy uStful on th" dcn,onslra"Qn of re,ropharyngul lallon. abo may no. br obv,ou! on MRJ 'f Imag,ng
.r>d I"!,,,nor n.ed':all"nai '"'101"""'''1>1 LI' I he reS'on of iI'e p"""IlIe'cn .,. no. ",on"oled" In addlUOTI, MRJ ""aml-
II><'U'"' ,nlet,:an atca that is SOrntr,m"l ddlicuh ' 0 ,,,,aSe nall ons arc more upenll"'" .h:lll standard cr exam,n ..
{Ions and may no, br ava,labl. In anemCfgtncy_
.,.., roun nc a......J uarn;natiol\S ~aU$<l of arufacu from
MRJ findmg. associ •• ed wuh m)"OSi,,":lIld fue"", in-
.d;Ju"t bonts. lio"",,,,,,, MRI d~s h""", a numbcrofma_
dude an app at.'" in"ca,. in the siu of ,he 'nvol .... d
"'( dlJad".m agcs 1!l the evalu.ation ofhud and neck in-
musdes Or lIuue plants associated with ... vanable low
~10n., IneludIng length of .magLng time and the ',mii:u-
signal Intensity on T I-we,ghted and Increucd olgnal on
.ppfarancts of abscuses and cdluli.i. On n."",ighlw ,m-
tensity On Tl-wclghted seGucnccs (FIgure "-19. Sct

An undtr •• andln): 01 .h. loulC IXI11 and coronal cr.....
h&"'~. 1). t,nh"n'tn~"t of [h~ ,ofbmmarory r'(Kt~S o«tlonal .... a."rny 1$ tutllual '" .h. evaluation of Ina...".
<'.(U<$ on TI-wr'j:h"d s.tqllcncu afcrr gild .. lo".un. a matory procr_' """.lvUlg .h. submandIbular sp>.et ""'1
"",lI'•• ,. ~"' '. ,1'0.'" A{,.«ucs demonsnUt "",lIa,
be liS "",rious d,Vls,on. Tht submand,bular gland IS lota.t<j
naI chara".,.. "n and n,U$ dl",,' Absct» "';1 S n"'·r wuh;n rht submand,bular spact. cr o«lIons show ,hat It
JlSnns,ushlblt On T2·"'c' ghtcd or TI_"'.,ghud .t- normally has a cr dcnmy com parable wlrh that of ~~.
qucncU afln gadolinIUm admmucranon Dtmans". eem muscle. On ..... ,,1 CT , t CtlOnS rhrough tht sub.
non ofll1. "biens wall may not« al-ny. possIble be- mand,bular SpOle' proper, the superfic,allobe of the sub.
,aust Ih. IOcrused Signal intensity of Iht edlullru mandibular gland appears as a _1I ·defintd, soft flSsue
... <round,ng an absct$5 may be sim.lar [0 thar oflhe ab· dmsicy usuaily sutTounded by a rat plant (sec Figure 4-20) .
• cen waH on n ....·clghlcd stqutnca. SimIlarly, mUr31.n · Lo&softhis wfl tissue plane 1$ associated WIth UttOS;on of
haneomcnl "frr< gadohn,um (nhill,.,.m."t nuy r.sulf In a nroplastic or all mnammatory procus ,n""lving eilhe.
tht munl nng ,sointtnK Wllh the ,,,,round·
,he glandot Ihe unJclurcs bordenng rhe gland.. Although
mg fu. M&l'T'OW spact by Oln mnammato!,)
,I docs nOC conum any Intraglandulu lymph nod~, the
procus mulLS Ifl "d«,..,au in th. normatly hrgh SIgnal
submandIbular gland " closely rdaled to a number of
,nlc"s,ty of,h. muro ... sten on Tl ....~lghtt'd s.tqutn<eu
small submandibular lymph nodes. These lymph nodu
""d an mcfC"", mthe 5lgna! lnCelUlcyorthe marrow on
should hne a homogtnous, noncnhancing apIXarance
T2-""'lghttd ~uencu. and newr ucud 1.5 em m d,amcrcr.oo .n .lI-1ltc d«p lobe
of the submandibular gland .s mx wtU demonscr;t.[td On
FASCIAL SPACES axial cr s«rions because ' Ill cr duu;icy is dose to ,h,u of
Submandibula.r F&.5Ciai Spue The submandibular ras· Ihe adjOlecnt wft rissues of the floor of the moulh ; h""".
oa!.fpa« II ronned by the il1\'eSting layer splitcing ~ the ewr, icean be identified on direct coronal cr SCctions.
hyoid bone to encloar: the submandibular gland; 5uIXrioriy, OnMRI stetions through tMsubmandibuiar Spa.ce, tht
thlS layer orrW.>. lS alcached to me memum and ,UUUlor m~ all: onow signal imtnsicy on Tl and 1'2 ~uenca,
body or the mandibk. .....,... The imtiting Ia)"'r uunds to whUU$ fat: within tM fascial spaces demonstr.ues high lig·
cOW\" W supufiOal surfaas or rhc musda comriruting the na! inwuicy on TI."'~ighttd $t<juen«5. Thc: submandibu·
t100r orthe mouth (mylohyoid and digastrics), The sub- lar and sublingual glands demoosu:u:e int<'IIJWdi.a1l: signal
mand.ibular fasoal spa<:H an: consi<:kred. anlmor el<tensioru imcnsicy on n·"",ighttd ~nd Il:lariv"]y high signailOltn·
of dw: panptwyngalspac:e and an: divided inro tl'M: upper sicy on n .....,ghltd scqucncu. The sUIXrficiallobcs of the
lublmgual and ~ submandibular spal'" by 1M mylo- submandibular gland art r~ly Kientified because they art
h)otd muscle (Figutl' "20, Oft: Figun 4-16); dv.$t; twO Ipaas sutTQWIdtd by high SIgnal inttnsicy rat immediately an~·
commUJUCa[( fittly around rhc posttrior border or rhc my. <iorly. The d«p lobe of the submandibular gland can be
lohyo>d muscle:. TIx sublingual space is Locactd between the identified bctwttn ,he mylohyoid and styloglossus and hyo-
mylohyoid muscle inferiorly and laccwly, and the genio· g!05SUS musc1u.
glossus and hroglo»llS-StylogIossus muscle complexel me· In addition to the submandibulu gtands, several mus·
dially_,·'''',los Major components of ,he sublingual space cles should bt idmtified in the evalu31;on of the sub·
Include ,he geniohyoid and gcnioglonus musde, the mandibular region on CT and MRl sNdies because thest
hyoglouus.scylogl05sus muscle eomplu, the sublingual define nOt only tht Ipact but also tht ma.jor subdiVIsions
gWld, dttp portion of the submandibular gland and duct, o~ tht Sp~".»M.,t1l Thest musclu includt the mylohy-
,ht Irngual r\ft'\'e and arwy, and tht [WfLfth (hypoglossal) o~d and. gemogl05sus mU$oClcs, and the anTerior belly of the
nerve. TIxscyklglossus musdt zriwsfrom the rip oftI'M: sty- digastnc mU$oCle (5« F'gull: 4-20). The mylohyo,d is a fan·
lOKI process and pass8 dov.=-=<I and folWilrd betwun the shaped muscle ansmg from the mylohyoid ndge on the
m,ddle and supmor ptwynguJ cons«ictot musda_ As the medial ilSpta of the ItUIndlble and, along with the pairtd
scyloglouus musdt pa»Q ~ u,., consmclor muscles, geflloglossus muscles, IS readIly idtmifi.ble on :unl and
" creates a potential communication bcrwctn ,he sub- dtrKt coronal $oC~ns. On aJuai cr sections through illl 00'
mandIbular and panphuynguJ spat'" known as Iht bw-
gm rM mylohyoid apIXars ilS a baod of soft Tissue denStty
roplury"vAi VP. Th.s gap is a potential pathway for ,he adJOleent to the med,al uptct of the mandibk on direct
spread ofmfwlon betw«n these twO raIXct ....e 'paces. The
coronal scan~, 11lppcars as a nlUscular s],ng ext~ndmg be·
subma!nUary space IS located below the le~1 oflhe mylohy-
twun tht med'al aspect s OrbOlh htmirnandibles. The ge.
OId nluscle and con tams the 5uf'('.ficlal lobe ortht sub- nlOglossus musel, •• ppeal' a~ IWo plflmroian muscular
mandIbular gland, submandIbular and 5ubmfntallymph bands st"ara!td I",.
,. -, I01, .-d e"sny \>trrical deft or midhne
nodes, and lnttrlOr belly of thtdiga.mlc mu«k n,t fOlSC,~1 hngu1l :>C"Hlm Th t<t ",u,.- Itl on glnatc from th. gtmal
,. .
lt1~chm~"t5 to Iht ame.ior b-clly of rht dlgutn( mu~clt tubercles On tht If}! trna I lSptct of th. anttrior mandibular
u,bd'Vldt tht sllbm ~nd,buJar sp~ct mro .h t {e'\tIl1 ~ub mldlme and ,- na 55 SUperior Iy mto tht substance of (h.
mt mal and Lactral submandIbular .paa. '''' No m~Jor ~nl­ longue The subl I
~omlCai harncrs tXISt be~n the twO submtntallnd ~ub '- _ . InS"a spare apf'('ars as a low-densl'Y area
"""'een Ihe para dl
llinJ,bull' spJ.ct, proIXr. consequmdy. mfu!lons ( 1n and h I h ml 'ne genIoglossus mu~dt medIally
tem)"oyo,dn I
·\trnd rud.l y ..... ro" rhe m,dllne (set Chapttr~ 8 and 9) mandIble I 11 'usc. and nltd'1l surfac. of the
attra y h s roof 'S formtd by the mucosa or tht

Figure 04-20 A. Concrut-c"harK,d ~al CT S«(io<1 dIrough submandibular spa,e. Tht

pa,,~d midline g''''oSlonu. mu~~S (G), cu",,~nur hyogIOSSOJs-.cyIogionus musde com-
plu (..,.-oJ, mylot.yo;d muscle (M) arising from rM rnyIobyoid ridge, and .uperfic,allobe.
"fthe wbml.nd,bular glar>d (S) in the wbmandiboJlv ~ce " .... indicated. The Iow-dtftJ<t)'
.ublinsual space wich Its enha"",ng. ~ngual vt'Ws (~,,-). urotid .n..-,(C). and jucu-
la' vein UJ art indoCatfd. 8, Tl ......'ghttd ;lXIal sKUOfI rlvough $Ub",,.,,,j,t,,,lv .pact. 1M ,land (sMrl WIIif./tl i ffCW). fat anttnor to gland (, mylo-
hyoid muscle (s1torl rurwJ .."""'), ~Iossu. and hyp<>sIoual musdes (opttt .~), sub-
lingual gland (~n cwrvd IIm1"'1), g,,,ioglonu. """.clt.fG), and longual ..,plum (soIiJ_
bud) are ,ndiclttd. Tht dup lobe of tht submand,bull" gland I.
located bHWtcn dlt
ylohyoid ilnd .tylogloHU./hypoglossal ",u.du. C, Tl·wt'gh,ed coronal MRI st",,,n
~rough anterior maJ(lllofacial region demonstrat,ng t,he high s'gnal ,"'ens,t)' of fal .n the
left submandibular space (sMrt jtl1l;g.t ~,rt1W) and sublongualspacts (Jto.t nlro;U ..,row) and
midline eniogloSSUS mUlelts (n;rwd~ltf.r",,~) at~ no,td. The balld oflow s'gnal ,ntellS't)'
t~e~ t t S,.
g h ubmalld,bular and subl,ngual spacts 's ,ke mylokyo,d mu...,le , H'gh ·,snal ," -
the normal marrowofl ht left htmimandiblt. All odontogenIC ktratoeyst
tens't)' 's not e ,n,he rigk' m~,lIary .,nUS (",/HIt gm>"'"'""'"
......... -..) 0 • A>:" 'CT S.CUOII through hy·
also ,s prtseThnt ,n n t"or belly of tht d'gUlflC musclt (0) and sup.,r",,1 lob. of \h. sub ·
opkaryruc . • I \ , C
mandibular gllnd (S) are ,den"f,e '
P ""1Jn,,fd

, F

noor of the mouth. Important landmarks uuful in the One potenually fatal infecnon involving the sub-
,dmtlficalion of chis spau :l«' the lingu~l blood vessds, mandibular space is Ludwig's angm;!... 37 .....7'-'11 Ludwig's
", tn~t after ;ntuvenous con(n$[ injection, and angina is a brawny. hard cellulitis of [he enure sub-
tht hyogloJSus·sryloglossus mU$Cle complex, which "p- mandibular fascial sp:aa: uswJ.Iy resulrl from
pun:a.t: a thill, C'Urvili"",u museu complu medially. On a dental infection or suppurative nodes in the sub-
succuslYely I~r will KOUlS a low..dtnsity &«a is nouod mandibular space; how~r, it also may occur u a result of
Ixc""ftn the mandIble and mylohyoid musde, ~prestm­ acute sialo:ldenills. This cellulilis, often associated with
Ing me Jubm;rnd.,buiar space. low,," scans demonstrate phlegmon formation, can extend into the mediastinum by
tht supuficiallobf: of the submandibular gland and sub- wayofthe parapharyngul and retropharyngeal spaces. In.
mandibular nodu. On diree[ coronal scaM, dlt sub- volvement of these spaces can result in airway embarra.u-
mandibular space IS ru(hly apparem berween the medial ment and duth, whereas involvement of the superior me-
asp«t Or lM Im./ldiblc:lfld mylohyoid muscle. The ame- diutinum can result in medlasrinitis.14,s2.t6.117 Plam film
rior bt.lly of thc d'ga5u'ic utends downwud ;lrId backward findings include sof, tissue s~llmg of the noor of the
from the dIgastric (ossa on {he mferior border of the chin mouth and suprahyoid nrek and~rwaydefonnity(ste Fig-
[0 ,he gTU-Iet horn of the hyoid bone illld dividu the sub- ure 4-17). cr fmdlngs Include cellulitis of the soft tissues
manwbular I~ IIlto the ccmn} submenu.l and lateral ofth~ submand..bular and sublingual spaces (Figure 4-21.
submand,bular space propu. On ax,al CT secllons Stt Flgurt 4-18), absces$ formation, and fluid co!l«:tions.
through the inferior mandible the anterior NlIy orthe di- ~nslOn 11110 Ihe parapharyngeal, relropharyngeal, Or
gutrie muscle un be Identified in the dIgastric fO$$a lo- .spaces or the mechunnum an result In nUuhns with
uted on the undel"lurfaccofthc antenOr mandIble. On ax- Or WIthout abscess formation In these spac~$. Airway dis-
,:0.1 CT sections below the level of the mamilble the paJred placement or deformllY IllYanably accomp:r.lli~ involv~­
Intenor belli~ of the digulTic are noted below tht subcu· mtnt of rhes~ anaconl1c:o.I spans.
taneOuS tmiues of the neck, extend"'g bet~tn the anrc-
nor mandIble and gruter horn of hy<:>ld bone. lnftttions Sp:r.ce of the Body of the Mandible and Osteom e litis
Involvmg tht submandIbular spaa often art the result of of the Jaws The spICe ofth~ body of the mand~ble 1$
dental mfullons, adenins 10 ,he sublingual or sub. formed by the upward exlfnslon of the superficl:o.Ilayu of
mandIbular lymph nodes, pcnetUrHlS tr~uma, or slaload· tm d«p celVlc~1 fUCla as It SP],IS 10 endose the bucc:o.l and
enltls"·" Odontogenic ",ftc lions ""ually 1IIvo]vmg the hngu:r.J aspect of the mand,ble ....,DI The 'P"
_e 15 conllnu.
$ublmgu:o.l spa<:c usw.lly a«c :l5.SOClattd wllh Ihe p~molars, ous "'''h the mandIbular pen~teum. Infections of the
whereas ",frellont ",volvmg Ihe subma.ndlbul;l.' space are space of {he body of thr mandIble are prim I
usoclaltd WIth Ihe molars (sec FIgure 4·18) chronIC o"eom~llfls ofth~ mand'ble. A .o.n y acute or
Cute OSteom~htlS
Fig.... 4-22 Acu,. osteomyelitis ari"",in a p"......i"ltpon..,piu.\". Convu(·.nhanud uial CT _ ..on (hrolllth ",&>rill.
dc,,->S(r.ItHI, • I.". intnos........ f>«'llpocal .bKess wiI.h con ..
c;tl bruhl'OIIgh and _,.,.,.,..,., iNo ~ soh Ossues.. 1M
wals oft .... abK«sdemorutn,. ~I tn""A«mtn< (cwoetl
~ ~J. ~ ;",ti.a! !«ion in eM "",'M was • ionf:-suJLdi",
ptnapoc.1 I«Oon t"", b.n .... acutely infected.

of both the mandible and the m;uillary :liveob.r ridges

most often occurs :lS a result of the contiguous spread of
an odontog=ic:.inftcrion .ongin:lfing in the tooth-~~ring
regIons of the mvolved J;1.W to the ~djacent spongiosa.
Other Jess common QU5eS of acute QSteQm)'"'litiJ include a
surgical procedure (e.g., exrraaion, apical curettage), pas-
uge of bacten;t through the p¢riodont;t[ [ig;tment, the
hematogenoU$ disscminadon ofb;tctuia from a distant
site, or osseous involvement by a soft tissue infection.
Acute osteomyelitis of odontogenic origin resu[t$ from ei-
ther the direa: extension of an acute pulpal inf«rion with·
OUt me fonnation of;t gnnulom.a Of me ac:ute aacerba·
rion of a chronic: peri;tpicallesion (Figure 4-22). Extension
of the in&mmarory process throughout the marrow cav-
Ity can result in ;t fulminating acute osteomyelitis involv-
inga latge segment of the involved bone. TttnSCortic:li ex-
tension of the inflammuory proccss can result in corrical
destruction, fisrub fo rmatio n,;trld perios[e;r.] re;tclion. Ex- Figul't 4-23 A ~apical ~bscen (........). This is tho ....... cast u
tension into the soft tissues bordering the bone may result in Figur. 4-2.
in myositis, fa.sciitis, cellulins, and abscess fonnarion (see
Figures 4-2, 4-18, and 4-22). r.adiognaphic findings in acute ostCOl11yelitis ans·
mgde novo are typically abSCnt forthe first 7 to 14 d~}'$ ex· on pl;tin films, foll~ by loss of fn.becubrion in the ad-
(Cpt for a possible widening of the p¢rio<iontai sp~ce Jaceor bone as Ihe procC5S utends into Ihe uu. ExlCnsion
around me root apex or gener:liiud osteoporosis around ofehe ",fe(ti on mto adJ'lCcnt soft tissues and fasci..J $pacu
the apa of an involved ('OOI.h (Figure 4-23). Definitive plain I~ common and often the initi..Jclinical sympmm for .... hid'l
film findings usually bec:ome evident between 7 and 14 ~ CT ~Iudy IS ",d1C~led, and .hould be ordered ;mmecli·
dt)'$. Findings include poorddinirion ofrrabecube, smgle ~tely IT studlcs of ,hue p~tienu should be p¢rformed
or multiple ill...:lefined r.idiolucent areu, and loss of the
lamllU du ra between the lucent lesion ;tnd tooth ~pex.
"'ith "'tr~VenOUli c:ontrut unlus Olhe rw;se con traindi-
catro. cr sections should be imaged using soh
bone ...,ndo,,'!, Information gained can haw I dl:6niletf.
".:UIC osteomyelitis ;tlso may develop in ;t pnulstmg
(hronic periapicallesion_'n these Ca5C'S the progreS51YC loss f«1 on p~ILCor management Im;tgcs obcl.lned .........
ti~$ue wlndow$ wnh contrast aR Ultful.n ..............
of d'screte margln~,ion of thc lesIon miu..Jly m~y be noted
" tX~(nI
,h<: of wf. tissue abs.:csses, whuu.l mugn ob{~Jned
",;USetct, latcral. and mfd,al pluygoJds and tn S~fnOn <If
the tempo rah~ mu sde (F'guI U 4· 25 and 4 · 16; n t FIg.
"s;ng bone WindOWS m;aydcmons{ra.e;a ptn;apKal aN.o:us urCS 4· 5. 4_16, and 4 .20).JG ..·H If also cOnt a ,ns Iht fa .... '"
, luI may IW)( M appann. on plain fil",s o r cr UI.ages 00' and po ~leflo r potllo n o f .he body of the mandIble an<:l
UUlW ..."h~' [issue ..~ndOW5 (~F'gure 4 18, 8). Surg. btanchu of the mandIbular diVISion of Ih~ tngun'nat
u.l of oueous and fOf' IIssue ,WSC6SCS o f,cn IS Mtv1:. These bDnches mclude the m;uncatOr, buccal, lin.
central 10 cITrcuw (fUlmen! of such pancnts.
CT findings in .hue patienu may include penoslul re-
actions, myositis, f:MC.iris,ceUulitis, abscess (O""atlon, iln d
smus ,.acu- Oss~us changes may indude loc.lliud os·
$fi>US bru.kdown resulting from u,sens formation, $C-
ques,rac, and ptriO$tc;a] ON' boot fonn.ltion. MRi IS u~ful
In ~lin, puitnU wi,h lCute O$[~mY"h'is. On Mill (X-
am.narion, inflammatory changes inllOtving the marrow
and 50fl u.,uuu dcmolUtralt d«te~d signal on TI -
,••,,,ghtw Kquencu, mtcl1l'lftiiatt Jignal ;n(roslty on pro-
ton denJlIY Kquences, and hiSh signal intensiry on T2-
wvghrw Jorquen(t.S (5« figu~ ..1)'
Chrome O$ltomY"iiris may result from an aCUle os-
teomydnis Wt was inado:qw.tdy tIU.trd or a low-gndt in-
flammatory pro(tll that n~r n'Oktd an acutc ph;uc.
Chronic oltwmyditi5 il ts5<'ntially a ~rsistcn[ in(<<lion
of bone, often with abscess formation. Tht radiographic
appunncts :an. variable, ranging from a liingle radiolucent
uta n:pl'6tfltinS an ab«tsS loa "moth-uten" apptarance
coruimng o( multiple utas of bone dunucrion separatrd
by nomuJ-appurins bont. lJP,\ Often IiCI.. rocic changes Figu.. 4-25 ....... In __ .'hltd magneoio< ~nct imagt ><ction
arc f"idtm around th~ absceu. Scquesttac, foci of in- .Iflevd of zygomas dtmonwati"g .ht t.t .....1 puryzotd ......sdt
(IPF "'''" fI(tOW), mas.M"ltl" mUi<:lt (M), condylar nKk of man-
crUKd dtrui<y rtprucnnng dud bone, become mort ap- d iblt (Jlo<,rl "'fWd .,..-). and parotid gland ( ...I"u fI~
parent a$ tht liurrounding bont becomes osteoporotic. Thnt mU>deJ~..-td to be oflow Ioig"at inlttHJty. Tht normal-
TIw:st changes azt bul dtmo~trd on cr uammauon appearing parotid gland i, of ;ntt<m~d,att signal inttn~ty,
(Figure 4-l4). cr SKtions may demorutntc:o prominent wII ... eal <lIt rttroantral rat pads (_II ",.. ig#tt flrrvw) and para·
involucrum or fistulous communicarion, which might not pha'Y"val 'Pun (10'1" WIIitJtl • ..-) d.tmonStntt h~ .. gnal ....
,.n.iLy rtllecting Ihti, h;gh fal (ontCnL
be appaztnr on plain films.

Muticator Space Tht mtnticllf"," spau, ;u it name im-

plics, conu.inli tht muscles of masrication; thest 1ft the

F"T'" ' -1' (lvonoc ..... ~~ .. '" ....... ICT on.oon .1v0Ult. m~
,na o.monlol,a""gd...onoc ""~orny<I" ... ft .. rhon:! molar ......c.
"on "" .rwotUCI\Jm IS dtm<>nlolrattd ~'n th~ bof\Ot ("""<II ...
~) Cor",.! brf.~'hro"gh and .... " .. on of ,h~ ."namm.,OfY
p<oc .... '''.0 .d)llco", ma ... t ... m~.d~ h.u ",suited ,n m),,»"" o(
,h. musclt (Il"''f!of or.-)
I)"'J""'''< I'"~l'" Pj M.",U~/.w ",I~ ..J I ~""..J Sp.-, '"1«'-'
1 ~"d " ,fen or 3 1 ~~",I~r IlUVU. Th ~ Ol,"
IU~ ' " ,u,," I p~c.,S onMld,bulu p ", t In the Iowa h'll f of.he nled,..! compa"
d'....:I.J "''0 a lucr"l and m ed ,a1 COm p a""'tm h, 'h • • ~
of ma"d,bk Th. mastlCa'or 'po<, " , d ' mtnt .ht ubhq ud y o.,cRl ,d mMIII pl'trYX"'ld musdt, u.
" "ung oft t.t ",,,.,s II "8 f~ua "'to .... ,"" ,,
0"'" uy:a ,tnd",S Ixotwttn t ht rmd,al pttf}'g<>lod pl." and anglt ohhe
Ip f I_ a,\ d .tV
' d
mand,ble, II _ U demons" " .... ",., k>wtr half of the .tm
I' yt"
' ,ha, d. on. t h. lntra! and mtd lal nu n. o f , h.
pot..! .. muscle alld lUI a" ach ment to.he a>tono.d proc ....
lpi'£. The .u ~rr.c,allar·r lin along t helueral tu rfacn
IJ dtmonsm"nI on ..ull and coron..alsecuons . hrough tht
of fht rnasulu and 10"-~r half of ,h. 't'nponJ,. n,u sclu
lown po ruo n oflh .. Infratemporal f....... and coronoId
Su pf"o,ly, , h. lupufic,allayn fU l t l wuh the PUl OS- proce ...
[tUm Of lh. t )'go ma and temporallS fUda . Th. d •• p
Pnmaf)' ",f.cuonl o{ Ih .. masticator Ipa.:t art usually
lart' passn al ong th. medial surfact of ,h. P,uY8 md of odontogeniC ongin.'J." Uncommon pnmMY causa of
",,,"Iu ""(ort a!laching to ,h. but of ,h. skulllupt;". mastiCatOr spac .. infections inclu,u iUfog .. nic Introduc-
or1y- Th. mUU CatOr spact bordtrs on:o. number of other tion ofbacttna dunng local anuthtsoa admuus.Iru>on a.nd
I~n. Posurlo .ly, Jl borders on ,h. parOlld space, m._ ptnttruing .. auma_ Mo ... commonly, .he masllcatOr IS!y on th. "", raphar)'nguJ. spact , and ,,,fu.o.I>' On the w condully myol~d by .nfcellons affecting the adJaCent
submandibular and Subhngual spuu. POltnl1al COm - pa.a pharyngeal or paroud spacts.
municanOrU exlSI among Iha( rtspecm\' spacu , .hfl'~ by Pl;l.]n film findings U5QC .... tcd .... th mutic.;uor space In-
a1,.,.., ng fottht sprud of Infecnons and n«oplasms_Th, fecnons include fOfl t1SS~ swt1hnS owr .ht bunl Uptcl
ramus o( the mandible and th, O\\'d)'lng muwltI' mu. - oCthe =us and, ra«ly, osu,o...,...htiJ of tht ramus of Iht
de are 1\'~lly Idcntified on fton,,1 vitW$ oftke "'.ull and mandIble. cr findings ~cd wi<b rrusticau>r spaGe in-
fxu.) bonn. HOW~t, tht medlll ponlon o[lh, mUli- fections indudt myosltl' and {IKutis ofim"OMd musda
U lor spact is not ",til demonur:lttd On . out;ne plain and f;o.s<:w planes (Figure 4-28), nuid eoLlerooru, ~
film u;un;natio n. formation. puioSltal ructions, and rutly, osteomyelitis
Axial and dIl\'Ct coronal cr
~ons through .he mas- of the ramus. MRJ findings indudt dccreaud In-
Ua.tOt ~ dcmonsmltt tht =us o[ tht mandible divid- '~l1$i<)' on T l -wcighled and incrtaW<! ligna! intensIty on
Ing d>t mastiaror space inco iu lun-al and me<!i.lI ugtmnu n-,,·cightcd ~uencu ohhe invoMd bone matTOW and
(Figure 4-27; Figur(;5 4-5, 4-20. and 4-26). Tht m:l.liStttr $urroundingsoft tUsuc ..
mlddt is n<:oUd throughout tht comp:utmtnL In .he
upprr IuJ( of lht mniial comFtmtnr, .he horizontally On- Parotid Spaao Posterior to Iht mastiCUOf spac.. dtt su-
mIt<! luen! pttl'}'gO'd mUKlt is rudily identified u .. tnd- ptrfiCllllaycr of (he deep cervical fasc12 .pb~ 10 form the
mg ~n Iht \.artral pltry)';old plaIt and .tmporo- parotid sp:ace_ The parotid space contains tht parol1d
Sluod and lymph nodes ( Figuru 4-5, 4-Hi, and 4-lS).
lnfenoo-Ly, it is ... panted [rom tht submandibubr space by
.. ~II('On.tI" u," ~
f Ihe ",rdl;o> r , rry):OI'
j m11...-I. and u,tdlal surfu( of t'
_. ~
1'1'0< Ihe l'a toud lu ", wall" ormed by II,.
tI, ,,·L,'m.;m,ilbul~r "f;anl~"1. COl1lm""'~ I,. ,] ,h~
....'''.... n ,h~ ,....0 'racu . hrough ~ ",~n'" 'Ia'" , " ~e;'at'm",du at .ht 1....... 1~,f rl\( ,usopharyruc and the ph...
r,yngu I co..."",lorS at Ihe Irvtl of the oroph arynx."l"\.
f","~"or !.aual ,..-,n fIt<! " n ax,a l and tI, d I h
'.paca co m m u ",ca rl: ..eet yWl( [he IUb..
rh, raloud gbnd ,~ rudLly ,d~n" I parapha,,"gu.J h
, he muS(" . , mand,buiar space anterolOftn orly and t e "'t romand,boulv
"(lroron al (T ~"onspo<{.norlO I .h,-
On u,aJ _ !lon. ,h , paro" d g:on I d h.u am:onguard ,.-, space posren orly
'- _ n no" , ,,h,ncf SH I\ . On MRI slUcll U ,he parap h aryngul space edllbiu l
"" ,h a rd a,,~ly low CT nu," ".oro d
(-- 10 1010 flU) rtf1t wng ,Is juSh fat and nUl (o n- high Signal m.enSlty on T I nquence:<, rdle<:tmg Its hlgll fat
Itn f,
,1.1 ...." In "dd;[;o o 10 the gb.n dular lIIiJ Uts ,
,h.,d conttnt. On axial sections thro ugh the SUp<"nor nOUOphar.
parotid gland also conlaln. a numbu 0 "'Hararo" Iht parapharYllgealSpaCt appears as a deft "'~en the
lymph noda , .he facial n. ~, the "=,romand,bular "''''', ~arynval and pttrygo,d umscla. At the k ....1of t he mld_
and .hf; caroc id antry The fX!al n.~dl .... dts ,h, p tunTl.ll throu gh Iowtr o ropharynx, rhe puaphu yn.
parotId ''''0 su~rfLOal (l atcral) and dup (..mbal ) 10bO'$ ;:~pac~ assumes a t,uuguiar stupe. Inferiorly, the I~
and can bot bttnlly displaced by puholOS'cal ptocrssn Ill ' IS Ilmittd by the . healh o r the submand,bular gland and
,..,lvLng tN oop lobo: or adpctnt PM"pn..rynVai liput AI· app"an u a fat I~ce mt:dlall o the submand, gland
.hough the f:lOil "trw annO{ bot idt nnfied on direct ."",a1
and anterior [0 the cam ud arnry and Jugular ...."'.
aatU,HJ Iocanon Qn bt aPP!'QX]mattd bylM rcad,ly .dtn -
puapharyngeal s~e infe<:lio ns rep",nm ulens,ons o(
,ifiablt Il'tmmandibular V~tn. The facU.l nerve lies la, ~ral
infections thar occur in structu res bo rdenng On It o.
to tm retromandlbular Win, and latenl diSp1u(nl~m of
through anatomical pathways commu~icating with til t
the ruromandlbular win IS indicauw of a puhologiul
space. [nfections thar most commonl)" Involve the pna-
condJ{Jon allStng in <he dup l~.
On MRI examinuions the signal mtensl<y of the nor· pharyngeal. spUt include those of demal, tonsil, mastOId,
mal puotid gland IS gual~r ,nan that of musde bUI1Cl""¢r and salivary otigin.
than that offal in tht subcu.antOUs tissues or ~rapha­ Plain film findings associated with puaphuyngeal
ryngtal spaa On T1 -and TZ-wtighted sequenc:~ (set Fig- s~ce infections consist primarily of soft tissue swellmg
urt. 4-25). On TZ'WI:'igh<td ,mages t~ p~rot:ld gland's lug- and ai",'~~ dlsplaeemtm ..,)[h or wimout distortill n (_
n.a.llnttnmy is gruttr than that of ad?Cent musel~ but Figure 4-17) . cr findings ;w.ociatt:d with par.opharyngeal
I..-r tban that of fat. Anu dtvOid of signa l art noted infcClions ",elude rasciitis of the spact and t:d~ma (m )"Oll-
.." h,n <t.. parotid gland rtpteen"ng tt.. rttromandioolar tis) of mu sdu bordenng II , flu id collt(:rions, a nd abseess
""In and Uttrnll carotid :>rtef")'. The facial nerve is an im· formation (Figu'" "-29).
portant strucrutt thoU can'" identifitd on TI _wt;ghtffl
imagts, ;tp~aring:as a curvilinear density of rdat;""ly low
Thc mrophuyngeal space is a potential mldhne spa.ct
"'~n the phuyngobuibr fascia, which attaches to tilt
slgnallnttnsl<y. Tht high signal in'ensl<y offarwi'hin the pharyngu! constriCtors to the base of the skull, and pre·
parapharyngoal space adjacent '0 lht deep lobe of ,he vertebral fascia.U,llIlt;s bounded laterally by the alar fascia
~tond and III th. subcutaneous tissut around the super- of the deop la)"¢r of deep cervical fascia.. The reuopharyn-
fiw.! loboe IS icitmified ccadilyon T1-WI:'ighred images. geal .pact exttnd$ fmm the skull bast to the approxi mate
The parotid gland is surround.d by an d comains a
numboer oflymph nodes_ Th6e nodes normally appnr as
fOQ] UtU of incrtUtd densi<y on non-<on u;l.n-tn!Jamed
CT !'CeUON arid filling def...,,,, on eonu ;l.u-enhanctd CT
stu!Les'1.l ....... (su Chapter 12).

Panphuyngul and Ro.rroplwyngeal Spaces Two ma_

JOr p'-,hWllysforlhe sprudof arid n...,k int«tions Ue
1m: paraphuyngul and "'tropharynguilpillCtS.U.IOJ.,I."u
TheH IpUtl form a -.,ng" around the p harynx and to_
geth.r form a pathway for tht sp",ad or mu, l1ofulal in.
f«llon~ IIIto the neck and mediastinum. TI,e par:lpha<yn_
gul space" a far· filled spact txtendlng from the bast of
skull to the h)"md bont ' stp •.nll~g
., ,h. muse Iell 0 f mUlica-
lion from ,h. muscles of deglulllion; Iht space is " 'fl1
d.mon"r;I{'~. on 'OU'lOt ulal and coronal CT and MRI
stellons (~e hgures 4-$' 4-20 F 4·2S a-~' ,~ T1
h ' " . 11U 'J' .epara_
p __ .... 1 sp",e IS bounded antenorl, by 'h t pttrygo_
m...... lvu U .aph., blttally by
_ _" _'I
,h.parQt... __ .... .
"' ...... ma."taIOt"
spa't'. "on<l.., y by lhe ph.nm""al ""all _"
h ""0' ,a..... p05tfnOfI)" by
t e sl)"lold muscle and caroud shuth. I I I
d by
dlt uund,ng ramus oflhe
'sd artra
""all ..
man ') t, ,n5('rllon
J<,'tI,,1 I'l No mldh" . ~ t<ad'm~"" a,. !, ...(n f 'n Ih.
....OSmt'" of tt Llopharyngea.! . pue '"vol....,m.''' ~ ~u.r "
.... cwrharyu!:.a.! spac., , hn eby p"n"" "'1; unlm~lcd In perm". d lf.el ug". al and paruagltu ! """"', Ih.reby a!
ron,'r • .ern"on of ,n n.. mnu le,ry ~"d "f<'ria_,,,c p,-o.:rss." lowmg rndy Ide ntification of.he In fe"or u •• ", " f. ht ,n-
111'0 ,hr mtJ, .. ~"num In("'""ns of ,he rfu<.>pharyngul (bmma"..,), p. OCt" (Kt hgur~ 4. 19).
lpo"U u,", .. Uy ff pl<M'" U """On of I"fcn,on' III .pUU
commu,,,ca n ng with .he . «roplurYIl!:<'a.! s~. ~ h""~ r, P~e .....:oche:ol Space Th. IS ~ po.tntlal
pnm.. ry , o" . _m..,. occur ,.f. u pt:ne"'~Clll g Iraun, .. ~p~Ct loca.~ betwetn tht! f:;UCla..,d uopha-
OatiS" space ", ons .....11 from"~ UC,'IS.on of ",ftc- gU5. n,e prttrachcaJ s p~c. rt prCK"<S an ImPOfl~nt path-
"on.! nlvolvms regIo n. "ueh u cht r<cropharyn. way (0 ' Ihe spread ofhead and n«k lu
gcaI, p~npharyngcaJ , md prevocrccbn! sp<>.<u p."or med,astinum. In Ihe ~bs.nee of a palholog,ea!
The norma.! rClroph:oryngea.! sp~e IS a potenCIal ~p&Ce process Ih ... potenlJal spact is "0' id.n.ifiabl. on routine
and, In . he all"n« of pathologica.! condItions,,, ,,0, usu- plain film Or cr l rud,ea. In fhe presence of inf.cuon, cr
ally iden Clfiable on pl.. in films Or cr slUd,es. Pia", film find"'gl limllar to .hose nOI~ for inftc"onl invo lv,ng
findmgs ll$Soc,aled wilh retroph.. ryngul space ", fceci ons olher fascial. ' pa«S may be
"."luJc ....denmg of tho p~fld<ral wfl IISSUes, aIr wllhin
Ihf rclropharyn!:<,al. sofl tissues, ilIlWlIy d1510rUOn ....,h or
.."houl d t, and .he preseocc of rad ,odcnsc for- LYMPH NODE EVALUATION
flgn bodIes. cr findings may dcmon$tr.. te Ihe find'ngs Ev~luauon of any ,nn.amm.u ory process InvolVIng .h.
noted for pwn fi lms ;md cd lu l"" of the tiSSue bordering maxillofaCIal regIon musl mclud. rva!u .. uon fo r
the lpace, fl uid collection in the space, and ab5c:us forma- dr""mng lymphatI CS, thtK mclude Ih. pilfoc,d, I Ub-
"on (FI gure 4·30). MRl is pamcularly uKful for the as- mandibula.-, lubmcma!, in<cnuJ Jugular, ruropharyngu1,
$pinal KCt"soty, trans....,rst cel'VlCai, md ""unor
noda (Figure 4.31).>OOJ>UOJ,.,. Thcst CCI'VJCO>l lymph I>Oda
have b«n org:lniud imo scvc:n kvels for Ihe purpau ot
describing tht spread of neopiauic processes. ~ll in-
cludes Ihe lubm:lndibul.. and lubmc:mallymph nodes;
l~( includes tht upper ctrvical chain nodn; I~l
consi.5ts of the middle dcrp cervical chain; ~ con$isu
of the lower deep CfNICa! nodes; l~ consists of thl:
spmal ucessory and lran ..... rx cc.v;caJ cham nodu; I~l
VI nodu (oruilts o f thf pr.uacheal, paratra cheal, and
P;;luyn~al. nodrs; and lcYc.,!!!1 consists of the uppc:r me-
diulina1 nodes (5« Chapta- 9).
The paroc:id lymph node. att divi.d~ ",to CWO groups.
5upcrficial and detp. Th. superficial, o r extraglandulu,
group receives drainage from the scalp above the parond,
thelarual portion oflht eyelid, auriele, and external audi·
lOry canal; and the posterior ponion of the cheek, buca.I
mucosa, and pa.-otid gla"d.~'·The deep lym ph nod..,; an
located within th. subseanc. 'tf Ihe ~nd and reCelV(
drainage from the dtepJ!UrIloc;< of ,h.-race, meludmg the
{oroph:uyru and nuop uynx,jrid the mlddl. ul. Effe..
tnl dr.unage il to the mttrnal. jugular chain J
The ",bmandibul~r gland, although noc cont;urung any
mtragl.andular Iymphanes, IS doMly relalrd to a number
of smail lymph nodes locu~ on ,he anterior upect ofthc
submandibulat gland and Ihf Iattn! upcct ofeM antcOor
bcUyofth. d iga.stn( muscl. bctwttn Its ",serllon and the
angle ofth. mand,ble (s-:. FIgure 4·31, Bl_ Thes-: nodu afe
collectwcly rtferred to a$ Ihe ,ubm"nd"",t..~ rKIIhs and re·
ceive dr.. inagt (rom Iht submental and 5ubh"guaJ lymph
nodts, laltral ..egmcnt or Ihe lowcr hI', a11lht uppcr hI' alld
CJ(1~mal "OM, the iiubmand,bular and ~ubhngual gl;ll1ds,
and Iht antfllOr fWO Ihmh of , h. tongue Effttent dram-
age is to Ih. mlnnat Jugular chill" through lymphauCl kI-
ultd along ,l~ anttnOr fac,al WIn and ..ltry
Thf sub",.m.. l lymph nodts ~rt .. group of noda 10-
Uled ocrwte" II~ anunor btlbcsofdw d.sumc mu.dIe.

Jo-ogookKJ9'$IOC lymph

supuficial (0 dIe myloh~'O,d mU>clc_ COOSIJung of up '0 he anterolatetal to the inurnal Jugular vein, ~no:ath the
tight nodes, the submenr~llymph nodes rc,,,'''' dram~sc stemoclt,domu.oid muscle ($ee Figure 4-31, B). Tho:y ro:·
from the: chm, ~r lip, ch«n, ;omenO. S"ng"'a, floor of C(,ve efferen. draLn.. ge from the parotid, subment:tl, sub-
mO\llh, ilIld Ilpoftongue. Erronn. dramage" to the 'ps,· mandibulu, retTOpharyngeal, .. nd anro:rior cervical lymph
lateral or conrnJa.tral subnundibular lymph nodes u,d nodts." Two impotrant nodrs in Ihis chain are .he jugu-
.ardydir«dy.o [he ;nltrnal jugular chain. lodigutric and juguloomohyoid lymph nodes. That lWO
The anterior Jugular chain is l<xued in .he supnficial lymph nodo:s an: larger Ihan tho: other nod(S in Ihe chain
rue;& of the nr<;k and rCct"~S affcrtn[ drainage from ,he and Ofltn tnlarge in response 10 infrelion or neoplasms in
skin and anterior portion of,he ned, Efferem drainage on one of the regions from which rho:y r«'o:ive drainage. The
the right is to the 10_5. ",{emI.l jugular chain or hightst jugulodig.... tric lymph node is located below the posterior
mtratho=oc node and on .he left.s 10,0 ,he .hora(1C duct b.,Uy of the dig .... tnc muscle .. t the level of tho: hyoid bone
or anImo. mro. .... unallymph nodu." The supt'rfiCl;;a.l ccr· and r.eei~s du.inage from tho: post(rior third of the
",cal nodes are SUp"mcial [0 the stemodeidolTlUloid mU$- longue and pal.. rint (onsils. The juguloomohyoid lymph
ck along the COlI"" of [he utenul Jugular "'>n.AfTell'n, nod. is localed eilher at Or .. boo.-e thr level at which the
drainage IS from [he suptrnctal ussues of the preauricular middle ~ndon of the omohyoid CroMts tho: into:mal Jugu·
and postauncular """]p and 0>1:rl~1ng s:em." effrrrm l.u~' ~i""'$ dm~ct or indirect arr.1"(01 drainagt from
dr... ru.~ '$ to .hr dup imtrnal Jugular or (nnSVCI'K cervi- 'ho: entLrt rongu~ Indlcect dumago: occur$ through the
cal cham_ subm<:ntal, submandibular, and upper deep (e!Vical nodes.
The rr(roph~ryngrall)'mph nOOrs of a blla.eral Th. spmal ..ccusory lymph nod.. ate located in .he and b.eral group. In adults the$( nOOts are often pOSlenOt rrianglo: of the neck, along tho: course of the
nOi idcnufi;ilile txCtpt ",hen inV'OI""d by patholog,cal COn- sponal ac(o:nory nerve. Thesr nodes r((eivo: afferent
dltlons,IOj The group;s loca.ed :tIong .h~ mldl"'e;
dramage from various lymphatics loc ...ed in the occipir.. l
the latenl group 1$ located along the lateral border of th~
'·s'on .. nd larnal neek; efferent dr;oinage is primanly to
longus Upl!lS mUKI., med,al to <he carotid a,{uy. Thue
<he tf;l""....,rw e([v,e.. l nodtS. Thc tran.~rse cCrvLcallymph
lymph nOOts recei ... afferrnt dr~m~g. the n;os~l fos.
<~', S,nU$(S, nnopharyn~ ~nd orophuyn .. , p~b'f, and
nod •• ~rtlOCatcd along tho: courSt of ,he .r~ns""rsc etn-l'
ul artt"' .,. They rece,~ d r.. ,nagt 'Itom .he spmal ..ccessory
m,ddle Ur. Effue'" dra,nage'5'0 .he ,mernal Jugubr
cham lymph nodes and the skm of .he anttrol l neck and
The deep lymrh~tlcs of <he nrcl<. tan be d"nded ,nl0 upper an'ttob.tcral che~1 wall Effrrem dr .. m~g. 's .. m,]ar
.0 that descnbed for ,h. Imt'n .. l Jusul .. , nodo:s
thre. maJOr group" .h. imernal Jugubt, .pmal atcesrory.
and LranscetvlCallymph node •. Th. ,n'.rnal Jugular "odt~ Th. cr fill(hngs m ,nfbmmalory .. nd neopla5tLC d,!oU!ot
eowraWLdc$pectruonof L r
("angu. ('I ten of Slm,lar appear·
I !.~~ ,••",,< 1.....1'~X oJ 1'>1_ ""/~' ~I • ...t r." wi i>J-~ iftjfi ,um,

.'" ft . ",~UI"!,: , h~ nud ro ~ondalc d'n.ul and 'm~Il"'f cO<c~., P.~.. J,...,,,... ,, Nt .. ,,"., HM"'''~'''I.. ~. .
' . an ... "'y<-
_L. .
jind,n!t" " " .. ",\..t , of dl a ~nM"< ("'''tI" h .. v.. \..t." n.ab ' r " ,. 1""
"'.. "'. . Vllal ,nfccllon. are usually ""cond •• y her •
I.,h.d '" ,valuate .h.. lymph",,€> ofth .. hud anrl nu k Slmpl. x 0 1 help'S :«nlcr VI ruS" Onnnrt . f P<
~F_·_u n" .. < ungal or
f"~U (",,, ella cOJu,de r SIU, "urnbn . "I'!><'uancc, and en' 1'''.... ,,'' ,nfcctl ons Un dewlo p '" pacie-"
., ...·h 0 arc ""
hancrmcn. pall""'!. W"h the uccpw,I ns of ,he sub - munoco mprom.ud ",c lud,ng thon ,,"lth poo I
",an d ,bubr and Jugulod,gastnc nodes, any node lu u !rolled d,abetes" r y con
,han I cm ,scons,dcr«l abnomw """"Jotn, t "pprr I,mn g Acute co"'pw;aUOnJ resuillng from :an Utcns,on
o( notm,,1 fO,' the subm.nd,bulat and J"gulod'gumc of .mus",s ,"elude cclluhllS, o.b.t;ol abKUs form' _
lymph nodel 's LS Cm. The pnKncc of a low-dcns"y uu . .• ,... , a'vn,
5U b penosle;u aUKe" ormation (seo; Figurc 4-13), 5upenor
(10 ,0 18 HU) rcpruennng«ntl'1ll n~ros;s is aboom,a! r~ orb".tI fissure syndrome, apex syndrnmc,:and os-
gardlu.s ofs'>:f' or pattern ofpetiphtral enhancement. un- t~myellt1.. of the osseous waLk. Thc mildest comphcatlon
,raJn««IS'S may OCCur on mctuta,ic, infb..mnatory, and is reactionary .dcma of ~lid :and COntonts chat oc·
lymphomatous nodu ...... ' lot ~np~ral enhancement may curs as a result of the clost pfOXlmuyoftheorbil [ ,n-
,,"ut on onflammatory and neoplutlC lymph noou' on - volved sinus. ThIS compliatlon ( eduna) IS not
fbmmuof)' lymph node. of[en ",h,b" I th,ek, 'tng~1ar

assoCIaccd wrth bactenal InVl110n of.he orbot. Opac.ofoca·
zom o( ~opheral enhancement around a n«ro<;c CenrCr lion of ,h. 'nvolwd smus IS noted on plain film stud,es
and mon o(ren are uen >n lubcrcuIOilS." ·" Me':Ulltic cr stud,es show Inflammatory changes on tto.: ,nvolved ••.
lymp h t>Qdes O(len demonstr.uc J"' enhancement nUS and soft tjuue and puiorbital edema, bul cwcous de·
IN.t 1$ ofun,(orm th'ckness and densiry. lymphomatous strUCtion is absent. H.71..l'"
nodes often an (ound as smooth. bulky nodes ,,'ith 1""_ Bacr•• ;nvuion of the orb;. resulu inili.tlly In a cd·
(l pheral enhancement. Inflammllory and neopl:utic luliris.. cr findmss au sim,lar to thoM. d6cr1bcd for reaC'
lymph nodes ~an ""h,bi[ loss o(th. uiJaecnt planes; tionary edema. Orbital ccUuhtl$ may be comp!J.clU<! by the
howe""r, lhe degree o( obliurarion associated with in- fonnanon o( an orbiw or a , ah$cess with or
flammatory lymph node. i, Illiually more uuns;ve than without osteomyelitis of the ,,·.tIL Clinically, pa-
thac associated wilh metastaric dinuc. tients I t t first sun wich Vlf}"ng degrtts of proptosis., oph-
thalmopl.i11, a"d visual impairment. Plain film findings
demonstrate opacification of involod sinU5H. cr stUdies,
ORBITAL INFLAMMATORY PROCESSES in addirion to the findings noted for inllammarion,
CT represcnu the mosl commonh- u..,d ,magmg· also demonstrate sinus opaciftc.a<ion, P[OptOS's, orbit~1
'ry on Ih. evalualion o( orbllil ,nOammliory pro· mas.s with or Wlth(>O.JI abKus., and ahscus.$."J'." CT JoC2Ilning o( the orbil is iduJ ly po:r(ormed ~uomyeliris with brukdown o( the orbital wall an occur

I ideally uSlng$lice thickne.~ 0(3,05 mm in rhe u,al and

dirKt coronal planes. AI rimes, imaging in the dinct coro-
in untn:ated Or rapidly fulminaring infcct>Ons. Pouenor
and superior extension of the abJoCcss can nsult '" uv-
ernous sinus thrombosis. On MRJ cxammatiOnll, orbital
nal plane may bc Impossible because pallents mUi( main-
lam Ihelr heads m an ""tmded posiuon while Ihe scan IS ccllulitis can result in a decreuc in the normally high s'g-
J"'rformed; in panenrs ""Ih cervical spine problems, espe' nal int.nsity of orbital far I«n on T1'UlC"ghtcdsequcnces.~
Clally th. dderly, this pomion oft.n is dIfficult or impos- These changes arc bclicvcd to reflect an increuc in the frce
SIble to a!fam.ln addition. the pr •• ence of met.tlhc water COntent.
r"torllions may result in nondiagnos"c images. Mulri-
planar reformatted images in the coronal and ORBITAL PSEUDOTtlMORS
planu can bc olxained using daca obeamed in Ihin-slice
uial scans. The gener.arion o( nformaned imagcs rrqulns Orbital p$Cudorumon (id.ioparhic inflammatOry syn-
special software normall!" present on mosl CT scanners. drome) n:p~nt a group of orbital inflammatory disorckn
involving one or more uuuu of the orbit Ul:q>t the ~.!t
Intno""nous con nut, although (10( essential >n defining
Orbital pseudorumors au bcloew:d to be of ImmWl()1ogIca.I
normal OrbItal ana(Omy, may afford bcnu definition of a
origin;~, no locU Of idcnrifiab1c cause an be idenri·
puhologJcal proccss, cspcci~y absc~. MiU hu bHn re-
fied. !tNI Clinically, these patients usually NYr ptnprosiUs
ported u$Cful in the cvalu.uion of o rbital inflammalory
a result ofinfiammacory infiltration of on. or more wsu.,.
proccsns and in the diffeuntiation of pseudolurnon from
Orbital pscudorurnors can aerur at any age cr plays a cen·
oth .. inrtarnmMory pr<Kesses in"olving Ihe orbit {$te
traJ rol. in the diagnostic imagong of orbital p'll'udoromors.
Chapler IS). A number of systems h.ave been proposed for classifying or·
Th. m;r.Jonty of ",f1ammalor~' F'OCCSI-CS involvmg lhe
l"tal pseudoturnors; ho~r, one o( the eas,tst to under-
orb" arc ",f.cllous m onl:'" usuaHv fuuhlng fro", mad·
stand and .apply IS that proposed by Nugent ct al."1llcsc m·
equ;r.lely (relied ;lcme 01 ~h;o",c SI~U51"S. Howtwr, Ihl')'
~"g;u.ors proposed I d;wificanon of orb,tal pscudotumors
;r.lso m:ay occur as ;I. resuh of infccnons elsewher. in Ihe based on anltomicallocallon and radIOgraphIC futuns as
mUlliofac,al reg,on Orbital {omphuuOos ofIe" an Ihe d«.rm,ncti bycr Accord.mgtO thlli SYSIC"m,orbllal ~
I1rS( numfcsution of an ethmOld,ns :and occur mosl of· tumors are bcr",uJ, antenor. post .. nor, ~
len 'n ch,ldren. '.K B;octCrt;o mGSI (ommonly Isolated from or myosi"c. Lacr,mal pseudo(Umors Ul\'oIH tlu: IacrimII.
<>,bu;r.llllrccllons ;Ire Sl"phvlococw- Sr.tplococ(J<f, PntlOmo-
fl~ al,d .>.,~ IO<~JN ,n ,I". "'I""ol~,r';oJ a5£",<' of th~ or Chn<ully, I'~{i~n'~ ".-"h aLUJr obs'ruc u ..... ~laJo:>.Jell"" of.
1»,. Inf(.on",dul d"plu ... n,.-,,, "pr~ ...nt III ,t.ev ~un. An· '~n repo" <o!od.y I,a", and ~landub, or p''',gland,.1.,
trnot ~"do"'m0t5 "'~ 100'>'tN on Ih( 1><)51("Or a5pNt 01 swell"'g ;1$'100.>.,(<1 "'''h meal.. A<u't obslruc,,~ "~.
the glol'>., ,esull,ng in ,hlCkc,,,ng of ,he p05ltnOr seier:>. .nlt'" III [ht abStnc( of"" :u:comp"")1ttS :acute bact."at 'Il-
Th~ I~sioru abo f)I'~nd p"$!enony at v.>.nable d'$tane~ feellon IS te:acbly ....>.1,,;>,t~d USIng c r. TIun aJU;>J cr se~
along tI,( optIC n('f'oO!. p.,..:o,"or pst'udol\lInors an: Ioc.a.ttd In through the susp«( gl""d and ,ts dutt demomnlte""",
wap>e>J pornon oftM orb,t and roul, '" poordefilUoon or only rhe offending scone but :abo ",flamm;>,lory change,.: io.
1M. cxtnlXUlar musclts and orne nrM: Diffuse pseudow- wiving the gJ""d and pengJandular USlU.S (F'gure 4.32).
morl myo1~ rhe tn",., orbl! and cxlrnd rrom tht orbital Acute nonolntrucu"" ,,:aladent(Ls 's usu:ally relat..:! to
apa to the po$trnor tnargln or It." g:Iobt. MyOSlUC pRum.. several VIral or bactetlal palhogcns. Mumps is th. "'<>st
rumorstnYOM the cxtl40cular m"",le or musdo:s, roulting common form of vtr;>J pal"O(itis, the diagnosis of whld. u
In <bffwunLargcmcm or t h( muscle. Orbital f'S"udottunOfS bUtd largdy on clinical and serological findtngs, ""th no
can prc$tI1t as masses that an: ,so;ntcnK to orbi,;>J muscks ,ndica!!on rot addilion:al imag"'g studies. HO_r, <b ag_
on T I Kqlltnctl and 1$Oint""'" or mtrumally hypcnntenst n~nc ,maging can pl.>.y an Import""t role III tht ovaJ ...._
toorbttal far on 1"2 sequenccs.' Iton of p;>.l'tn's wtlh ;>,cute pyogenic or SUPPUI;>.llY.,
s,aiadrnitlS. Suppurau"" puonus, ,he most common fOfTn
of ;!,Cute pyogemc s,;>Jadenitis, C.:u\ occur;>,{ any age &nd Ul
DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING OF SALIVARY ehu;!,Cleriud by diffuSt s~Uing of the gw.d Uld ad~mt
INFlAMMATORY DISORDERS soft t;uue." Suppurative parotitis us,,;>,lIy occurs III Pl'
Inflammuory d,sord~r. or the m:>.Jor ulivuy gl:>.nds or t;ems who Ut immunocompromised Or debilitated and re.
sial<».denltis may 1>.. clustfied u acu.e or chronic (set suIts from an ucending retrograde infection. Bacu...a
Ou.prtt 12). Aa.tu: 51;>Joad(fUtis m.>.y1>.. further subdivided (requ,""lly ropon$;ble fot this condit;on mclude Suphyl.
into obstrucu~ Or nonobstrucrive causes. Obstructive coccus _...rrHs, S. ""ndanJ, ""d pneumocOCCI. B2.C[eri:al si;>J.
mlo:adcn.iris is It.. mJuh of liialoliths (ducuJ stona) with adU>itis also Can OCCUr in obstructed glands, <:specially the:
Or ""thOUt stncturu, when"" nonobstrucn"" 51:II0:>.c!enitis submandibulu glmd..
;s most commonly the result of infectious agents such as cr scanning 1>..fot. and ilf"cer the admmtStn.CLon orin-
bacu,,,:>. and VlruSCS. Obst.ucri"" and nonobstrucrivo travenous contrut is the im.>.gmg study of choice 'n these
swoac!U1imof'en are inte.ulutd ",."h respect 10GaU$.1.ti"" patients. The cr findings in nonobs[rucu~ sia!adenit;s
f&Ctorl and duual present;>,lton; ductal dam~ge (Slriclun) .>.,., v.>.nable and l4nge from gcneraliud mcreases III the
<>.:td 'ntnducuJ debris from b;>,c[trul si:alo.ademus m.>.y 1>.. size ""d cr demit)' of the gland, [0 ;U·ddined areas ofin.
predISposing factors in the de""lopment of a s,alolith, creased densiry reprucnting inflammatoty manes on
whaus i sialolith, snicruro, or both may r<:sult in i ducr:al non-<ontrast-cnhanccd studies, to absass formation with
obsmIctlon faci.lil.llting a su~rimposed bactnial infection. ;>, low-density centra.! region and peripheral munl en-,'" On ,0ntn.o;t~n"atKrd sfud.u (~hgUf~ 4.32.
'''g thr ductal sy"rm. SIalography may dtmOnilrarr a
8) In ~Omt m.tanus fht mOanlnufOfY ",<tUn Of at>
spiayms of ,h, majOfdlKfal ' Y'trm:as a ruuh of pa".,d,y.
•,:t<Ofi nuy ~ mdut1llzu,.hablt froon nropl;u",~ ",,,hout mal,drma. ho~., no mo'phulogJal ehang~ OoC(ur
an aJ<'<IuU~ cI.nlCai hutory. cr ~CUons also onaydemon the dUHs
if"'" Slalol,[hs In thOStClSCS ""lfh an :USOCiatoed ducul ol>-
<tNerlon. Extens.on of the inflammatory proctU beyond
<...should ~ cons tdued m patt.n[$ln whom a urong
cl"neal indICatiOn for an obstruc"", and a 1')'<)8''''c
the gland mtO adjacent soft I1S1ue .uults in a lou or ,II s,alsdCn[['I II ....,d.n" In thue InstancH, non-contraSt.
dcfintfton of adpcent soft Quuc .nhanctd aJOal KCttOns may demonstrate <he p«SCn<. of d~
MRl can be us...:! In <he evaluation of acute and chrome Stalolnh, duaal dilation, and s'gns of pyogmi<: sialadcn,,,s.
",flammalory pf'OC6$(:S. Acute inflammation of the parotid
an ruult '" ,nctU_srd signal intensity on n._ight'oed sc-
qucncU and COntr.... t enhancement on TI· ...·eighled se- PEDIATRIC MAXILLOFACIAL INFECTIONS
quen,u. Chromc inflammation Can resull in I"nnhgt of The radiographic manifutations of pediatric maxillofu;",l
ria gbndand hypolnteruiry on TI and T2scquencn."' odontog.nic and IlOnodontogenic mftct.Oflll are "'rySlm-
Chrome t«ur...,nt ,ialoadcni(u; II charaacrizcd by .c- ilar jf not idrntical to .hostdtscribtd for the same d,sc;u.e
eurrtm ep'soou of pain and s_lhng, ofUn a.ssociaud procCSKS m ad,ul{£ (_ Chapetr 21).
Mth glandulars",-ellmg." As Ihe ru.~ tmplres, Ih,srond,.
uon u duratrerizc<i by a rCCUrnnt cycle of :ascendm g glan.
dular ",fccnons foLlO'.W<\ by sa.rring or stricture of the ma-
jor ducu. Often an acute ObstnlC1iw Or a nonobnructl'"
bacterW. "aI~enitis may occur in thcn glands.. Chron,c Periorbital and Orbital Infections Ptrio,bnal and or·
rerumm sialadcniris Can be evaluated with sialognphy.ln bital invc:>l",ment CXCUf f;urly cOllll1lO<'lly as a compllCUlOn
such p.a.w-nu, sialography is primarily intended to iL$stS$ of the sprud oC infCCtiofUl originating in the mHlUary den·
the StatuS of the ductal system; demonstrate thc prucnce, tition and paranasal sinuses or 'I. result of trauma to the
loarion, or both of strictures that may predi5pose or im- ar ..._ Prriorbital Of prescptal invc:>l",mcnl tends to o<:(ur
pede Ihe moycmmt of a StOne; and differu>bate betwttn in a younger ago group (younger .han 5 ~ars of age),
obstructi", SWQ.1Idcnitis and other fonnl of siaJo~en;lis WherUJi postseptal in~l"'ment lends 10 occur in older
thai can result m salivary enlargement. These may be mis- childrco.1J"Jt)1 Although plain films may be helpful in doc·
tahn for ob$uuct;~ sialoadenitis,... ,..,··Dt and inclu de umenung Ihe CllUK of ;nfcerion in Certain CIrcumstances
chronic rccumnc s;a1~enitis, sialosis, and auto,mmune (c.g., pfcscncc of a foreign body, dental mfecuons, S,nUS,
sialoadmiti~ · The sialographic hallm:uk or chro",c rt- tis), specific radiograplw: findmgs an: difficult to ddlnute ,
current sialad.eniris is ductal5CMring or ,.ncro..., forma. particularly if only the preseptal arca is involved (F,S"...,
tlon with focal areas or dilation involving the primary 4-33). Consequently, crscanning is C01l$tderm the rad,o-
duclS. Information provided by a cOntnSt sialogram can graphic study of (hOice.~·41 looted, a cr classific.a'ion of
play an Important role in detennining whether gland tc·
moval is warrant~d.
Auto.mmune sialosdenitis is uscd co describe a group
of salivary gland disordetS resulting from underlying au-
tOlmmunt processes such .... Sjllgren's syndrome and
MikullCz's di$eaK.t These conditions are c:han.cleriud
by $alivary gland enlargtment, diffuse lymphocytIC infil-
tration, and the form.ulon of ~nign Iymphotpllhellal
IUlons. In COntrast to ,hronic: recurrent sialadenitis, In
whICh extensive Involvemem of the pr.mary duclS oc-
curs, the sialographic findings In autoimmune sialadeni-
(is arc related to the rupture of weakened stc:ondary
ducts, tSIXcially early in the dise ....e proceSS, and is re ·
ferred to as pu"dosl.JtctMis. llO •lll Later s,aJograph.c
changes ",elude uviry formatiOn and the Slgtllficant
glandular destructIOn as a rcsult of cavItation caused by
abscus formation. IIO,ltl
Sialom or ~mgn parolid hyptrrrophy ,s a 1l0111nflam·
matory, bIlateral enla~mcnt of tht paro(,d
glands of unknown ong"'. The sla lographtc find",!;s ,n
SlnOSIS rencet th' underlYing pathological process_ Slnos.s
exclU51",ly ",~I~s the undtrl)1ng p<lrenchyma ..... htle Sp<lr·

"R.fe'encH 22. 21, 34. 40, 41,93. 109

IA.rfrr,'o..n 2.1. 30.110,111.123
_.,01 I~frat-'

.. H Lattn.l.,_ of ntel, ,..;,h lOf, ''''uc <I.,a,1 <I.mon·

,",ure ';"rI<N ,on.illa, .nlugomon' ,nul"n, from ab.cns for.
~~~:::."n dIt on.... (F""" Dtl8alooAM, od~or:~.....,.
"'" PhOlIocltlph", 1990, WB S.un~l

orbi,ai,nyol"'"",n' by infectious pr~$ ~ !>ten de·! .0 U$,st m d,agno.i.:llId Uu'mem plannmS by
use",ns racIJosraphlc ftUUTU ''''I<OC'ated ~Ih .'he pre·
upul rtgIon,oro.uJ mYOh.. mtnt, and comphcatlon ",,,h
or ""thout local UttnSlon. 'u....

Tonsillar and P.. ritonsjll&~ Infections Radiosuphic

dunStS in ,h. ,0nS1Uar:llld ptritonsillar rts,on C:llI bt
pro:lucod by hypertrophy, antrgic '''CIlOns, mrccuons,
and ntoplasms. Although thc~ chang•• C:llI be idcntlfied
On plaln film., MR!, and CT. a plain lattral ncek fi lm IS
of,cn ,he vi ..... obtamcd In,,ially to assess .he degrt< of
soft tissue enlargemen, and upper ai .....ay and nasopha.
ryngeal ~I'~ (Figure ..·34). In th. assessmen, of ade_
noidal hypurrophy. a ratio of adenoidal mass ,0 na.
sophuyru may be obuln.d 10 dtttnnme .... htthcr
adcnoockc:lomy i.$ ry.".l>·" H~r,a rad.ograph
should 1\01 supplan, an od«ju;uc examination ofrhe air.
~y, and" IS probably no !>tacr in pupnS air. Fi"'......·36 Croup. Ant~OPO"f""" Y>eW ofa'rwaycltmonw-a.'
way ~I'nq ,han a thorough physical uamma.ion.")I~ "'I oymmettical na"""",,,, of Iht subglottic ........ y fQ.- .........1un-
In addinon, poor pnion, cooperation Or poor posllion. ,;met ..... below the VQCal cord •. (From Orl8also AM, ~d"or: Mol.<-
,ng On Ihe ,able may gi"" ,h. n.diographic appcaT:l.nce of i&«<"" ""'T~ Philadflph'&' 1990, WB s..und ...... )
adenoid hypt" ..oph~' and airway obstruction; agam, ra
d,ograph;c findIng' must b. correlated wilh Ih. physical
• ><amlnuion Although an anltropOSI.rior pIa", (olm Occasionally, pIa,,, films may b( of b~nefi, In aSsns .
may be ofl!!rl. UU m ,h. dcttrminal;on,d hy. m~nt of a mass tfftCl 0' Ih. prUe"Ct or gas in ,h. I1sSUtS
p"nrophy,,, (~" bt of greal help III ,he tvalualion of Can as Ih( result of an "'(cel'on. b", Ih(~ fCatuf(S are mort
sollu hyptrtrophy,parucular:y if a small amoun, of l<ar rud,ly dOmOnslra.eo1 On &X1Jl nr coronal CT projecnon •.
,urn Ii u~d co (oa, 'il~ lon"ls 10 dd,nUle ,he lou "on Tht d'agnos"c npah.l",ts of th,s s.udy can be: tnhaneed
of,h~ mfwor pol~ " Lal.. al pl~in film. of Ih. n(ck c.n. . {u"her by 1tw-(omCld~", u~ of mrra\-'2S(ular comr:u •.
nOI be uud ," dt(~rm'no .holmp,"g~m.", oflons,llar
hypcruophy on ~"'uy palCncy [piglo tt iti. I:p'glol(II" 's an &cuu. bacr.nal .nilan"
maflon Or '"(<<\lOn of Iht cp'gIOttls. ,,,ually tau~d by
II , ..jI.'u,u In the ped,alflC pOpulation, eplgl o,,,, ..
II 8'o(bky I~ ~od .. n aut .. n,.", of .0n.. l•• nd ad~n",d,
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