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%& PolitiScales !


The result of your PolitiScale is decomposed in 8 axes. Each axis indicates your
positionning compared with two opposed ideologies. Some particular caracteristics,
displayed at the end of the page can also complete your result. For further information
on the different axis Look at the help page.

Share your result with this link, or using a sharing button:

! " # $

Work · Fatherland · Family

Constructivism Essentialism

33% 15% 52%

Rehabilitative justice Punitive justice

24% 40% 36%

Progressism Conservatism

21% 22% 57%

Internationalism Nationalism

19% 14% 67%

Communism Capitalism

21% 69%

Regulationnism Laissez-faire

14% 34% 52%

Ecology Productivism

17% 38% 45%

Revolution Reformism

29% 52% 19%

Additional characteristics

m :: politics objectively boil down to looking at where the
problems are and trying to solve them according to the means available.

naarryy :: for you religon is important, especially yours. It is
therefore appropriate to spread it as globally as possible.

Restart the test

PolitiScale is an initiative of “Radicalisé·e·s sur Internet” which is freely inspired by 8values.

Interested by translating PolitiScales? Please visit our Crowdin project.

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