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1st Weekly Re-Test ENGLISH Class-XI

Date: - 14.10.19 M.M. 30
Time : 1 hr
Q.1-Read the passage carefully-
1. Anything printed and bound in book size can be called a book, but the quality or mind distinguishes
the value of it.
2. What is a book? This is how Anatole France describes it: "A series of little printed signs essentially
only that. It is for the reader to supply himself the forms and colors and sentiments to which these
signs correspond. It will depend on him whether the book be dull or brilliant, hot with passion or cold
as ice. Or if you prefer to put it otherwise, each word in a book is a magic finger that sets a fibre of
our brain vibrating like a harp string and so evokes a note from the sounding board of our soul. No
matter how skilful, how inspired the artist's hand, the sound it makes depends on the quality of the
strings within ourselves."
3. Until recently books were the preserve of a small section-the urban upper classes. Some, even today,
make it a point to call themselves intellectuals. It would be a pity if books were meant only for
intellectuals and not for housewives, farmers, factory workers, artisans and, so on.
4. In India there are first-generation learners, whose parents might have been illiterate. This poses
special challenges to our authors and to those who are entrusted with the task of disseminating
knowledge. We need much more research in the use of language and the development of techniques
by which knowledge can be transferred to these people without transmission loss.
5. Publishers should initiate campaigns to persuade people that a good book makes a beautiful present
and that reading a good book can be the most relaxing as well as absorbing of pastimes. We should
aim at books of quality no less than at quantitative expansion in production and sale. Unless one is
constantly exposed to the best, one cannot develop a taste for the good.
a) Make notes on the passage given above in any format using recognizable abbreviations.
Give a suitable title to the passage. (4m)
b) Write a summary based on the notes you have made in about 80 words. (3m)
Q2. You have noticed stray animals on the road during busy hours of the day, causing traffic jams and
accidents. Write a letter to the Editor, The Hindu, drawing attention to this problem. You are
Shantha/ Suresh, 12 MG Road.Chennai (4m)
Q3. You are Ashok Kamath and your pet dog answering to the name “Bruno” has run away from home
yesterday. Write a notice to be put up at prominent places of your locality, giving details of the dog
and offering a suitable reward to the finder. (4m)
Q4. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow :- (4m)
“ Now she’s been dead nearly as many years
As that girl lived. And of this circumstance
There is nothing to say at all.
Its silence silences.
a) Who does ‘she’ refer to?
b) Which word in the extract means ‘events that change your life over which you have no control’?
c) Why there is nothing to say about the death of the poet’s mother?
d) What is ‘Its silence’
Q5. Answer the given questions in 30 to 40 words :- (any3) (3x3=9m)
1) What was Grandmother’s reaction towards education in the English school?
2) How did the Grandmother celebrate the homecoming of her grandson?
3) The Sea ‘appears to have changed less’ in comparison to the three girls who enjoyed the sea holiday.
Comment on this.
4) Describe Aram’s first horse ride on the white horse.
Q6. Rearrange the following words/phrases into meaningful sentences :- (2m)
1. May not have eyes/ the humble earthworm/can see/ or ears/yet it/and hear.
2. Of Indians/is that/Hindi is/ by a majority/the fact/not spoken

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