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GPA: Plugin for OS Command

With Solution Manager 7.1

The plugin OS Command can be used in your own guided procedures. It offers the possibility to
execute pre-defined operating system command on each host part of the selected managed
object. This guided procedure plugin is an extension of the existing OS Command Console

Availability Solution Manager 7.1 SP10 and higher

Document version Version 1.0 – 2014.07.10
Table of Contents
Overview ........................................................................................................................................................... 3
Use case ............................................................................................................................................................ 3
Required Managed objects ................................................................................................................................ 3
Pre-requisites ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
Design Time ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
Runtime View ................................................................................................................................................... 5
Overview ............................................................................................................................................................ 5
Execution Flow Example ................................................................................................................................... 6
Step 1 – Adjust execution status ....................................................................................................................... 6
Step 2 - OS Command Execution ..................................................................................................................... 6
Step 3 - OS Command Output Analysis ............................................................................................................ 7
Step 4 - OS Command Logs ............................................................................................................................. 8

Use case
With GPA plugin OS Command, following operation can be performed on managed system:
 Check if a specific OS process is running or is stopped
 Check file system remaining space
 Check network utilization

Here are all commands available grouped by category:

Category Command
Network NetStat
System TaskList
Environment Set
FileSystem Df (Unix only)

Required Managed objects

 Any managed object that is referencing a host can be used in scope (ABAP Technical System,

Following pre-requisites are necessary to execute GPA Plugin OS Command:
 All hosts references by the managed object should have diagnostics agents up and running.


During design time, following pre-defined parameters can be set – those parameters will be used by default
during runtime.
 Group
OS command are organized per group for classification (refer to section Use Case to have complete
 Command
OS command to be executed on the managed system host. This command name is only an alias
name as defined within the OS Command application – The OS command triggered on the system
will depend on the operating system type (windows or Unix).
Example:TaskList – Windows: “tasklist” – Unix: “ps –a”

The OS process command definition can be found within SMD Agent Administration Application 
Application Configuration  agelet –  Application
Resources  commands.xml

 Parameters
Any additional parameter to be passed to the selected os command, can be entered in this field.

At runtime, when the guided procedure is started – the selected context is passed to the plugin and all hosts
part of the managed object are displayed within table view.

The displayed view contains following information:

 Context: name of the managed object – more than one managed object can be passed to this GP
 Host: all hosts part of this managed object.
 Agent Status: the os command will be triggered by the diagnostics agent assigned to the respective
host – it has to be up and running.
 OS Command/Parameter: OS command and parameter to be executed on managed host as
defined during design time.
 OS Command Output: display the output of the triggered OS command.
 Comment: allows adding comment to the generated output of the OS command.
o NetStat is triggered on the managed system
o The operator identify a high network usage within the OS command output
o The operator can add own comment to emphasis the high network usage.
 Open URL: Jump-in link to the OS Command application.
 Execution Status: can be used to control the execution of the OS Command – available options
o Execute: the command will be executed on the managed host
o Postponed: the command will not be executed on the managed host – should be used if the
diagnostics agent is not running and you don’t want to report an exception.
o Manually Performed: the command is triggered but whatever the rating is returnedby the
OS command execution, you want to report a green status.
o Manually performed with error: the command is triggered but whatever rating is returned
by the OS command execution, you want to report a red status.

Execution Flow Example
Step 1 – Adjust execution status
As already described above, some diagnostics agent may be unavailable – in such case the first step is to
adjust execution status if necessary – in order to not execute the OS command.


 Ldai1sd7: Diagnostics agent is up and running and we want to execute the OS command –
Execution status is set to Execute.
 Ldai2sd7: Diagnostics agent is down and we want to report the error – Execution status is set to
 Ldcisd7: Diagnostics agent is down but we do not want to execute the OS command – Execution
status is set to Postponed.

Step 2 - OS Command Execution

Once the execution status is defined for each host – we may trigger the OS command on all hosts. A new
column displayed the status of the OS command execution:
 Green: the OS command is executed successfully on managed host
 Red: the OS command is executed with error on managed host.


 Ldai1sd7: df command has been executed successfully and the result can be displayed with the
View link

 Ldai2sd7: df command cannot be executed on managed system – SMD Agent not running error is

 Ldai1sd7: df command execution is skipped and reported status is gray.

Step 3 - OS Command Output Analysis

Once the OS command has been executed on the managed hosts – the operator may need to analyze the
output of each command.


 Ldaisd7:
o The operator is identifying that 2 disks are used at 100%
o The operator can add comment and edit output to remove unnecessary information

o As the operator found an issue on disk space – he can set the execution status Manually
Performed with Errors.
o And save the result. The status of the command is now updated to red.

Step 4 - OS Command Logs
Once saved – all changes performed by the operator are stored with the Log section

The Show link available within the Details column displays more information.


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