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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

GRAMMAR | June 20,2019

Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial Philippine literature
as a means of connecting to the past; various reading styles; ways of
determining word meaning; the sounds of English and the prosodic features of
speech; and correct subject-verb agreement.
Performance Standard The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation for the literature of the
past; comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles; participating in
conversations using appropriate context-dependent expressions; producing
English sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of speech effectively
in various situations; and observing correct subject-verb agreement.
Learning Competency Reading Comprehension (RC), Listening Comprehension (LC), Viewing
Comprehension (VC), Vocabulary Development (VD), Literature (L), Writing and
Composition (WC), Oral Language and Fluency (F), Grammar Awareness (G)

At the end of the discussion, the students should be able to:
a. Define the term ‘pronoun’
b. Differentiate between demonstrative and interrogative pronouns.
c. Create their own sentences using demonstrative and interrogative pronouns.


A. Topic – Demonstrative and Interrogative pronouns
B. Reference – Celebrating Diversity through World Literature
English: Learners Material, Module 3 (pages 307-308)
C. Materials – Manila paper, marker, small box


1. Preliminary Activities
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of Attendance

2. Engaging Activities
A. Activity
 7 representatives from the class (from each group) will stand in front of the
class and will be asked by random questions based on what they would pick
inside the box of questions.

B. Analysis
 After the activity, the teacher will ask the students to narrate in class the activity
that has been done.
 What can you say about asking questions?
 How does it feel answering them?

C. Abstraction
 Discussion about interrogative pronouns.
 Discussion about demonstrative pronouns.

D. Application
DIRECTION: Choose the right demonstrative and interrogative pronoun in order to
make the sentence correct.


1. (Who, Whom) is that boy sitting next to Peter?

2(Which, Where) is the road that leads to the railway station? (making a choice)
3. (Whom, Who) told you that story?
4. (What, Which) do you mean?
5. (Whom, Who) shall we invite in the party?
6. (Where, What) is your phone? (place)
7. (Why, What) do you have to leave?
8. (When, Where) is the deadline of this project?
9. Is your mother going to abroad?
10. Is your sister going?


1. (These, This) are our children.

2. Are the people living in a village happier than (those, that) living in a town?
3. (This, These) is the house that belongs to my grandfather.
4. (That, Those) books are mine.
5. Is (these, this) pen yours?
6. Are (these, this) reasons true and valid?
7. Up on the tree are (those, that) little birds waiting for their mother.
8. (These, This) awards are something that you should be proud of.
9. There, (that, those) is my best friend right there.
10. I’ve never been (this, these) in love.
E. Assignment
-Write a poem consisting of 3-4 stanzas using both demonstrative and interrogative

Prepared by:

Ortega, Jenny Mae T.

English Teacher

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