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Serving & Portion Sizing to

Reduce Food Waste

New Hall Dietetic Interns
Spring 2019
Objectives for this In-service
● Student Managers will be able to:
○ Identify the impacts of food waste for campus dining
○ Identify sustainable practices already in place
○ Describe their role in assisting student workers to lessen food waste in the dining hall
Food Waste on College Campuses
Dining’s Current Food Waste Prevention
● Trayless dining in all dining facilities to prevent post-
consumer food waste
● Switched from 20oz to 16oz cups to prevent beverage
● Donates unused food items to food recovery programs
● Recycle used frying oil for industrial uses
○ About 9,520 pounds annually!
● Occasionally place visuals in dining hall to encourage
food waste reduction
Food Waste Audit Results
● Inappropriate portions were being served
● More than one serving was offered to customers
● Food temperatures were not always measured or documented
● Food waste was observed at the end of meal times
● Food is kept when possible to be served at future meals to cut
down on food waste
● Foods were served on reusable eating ware
Your Role as a Student Manager
● Enforce proper portions sizes
● Check & document temperatures
● Document leftover food
● Handle pushback from customers
● Monitor student workers’ food waste practices
Proper Portion Sizes
Why is it important?

● Less consumer waste

● Allows for accurate forecasting
● Accurate nutrient facts on MyDining

What can be done?

● Retrain student workers on serving line policies for portions and servings
● Explain importance of proper portions
Checking & Documenting Temperatures
Why is it important?

● Food safety
● Auditing records

What can be done?

● Retraining of staff on policies and procedures

● Explaining food safety concerns, related food waste concerns, and associated auditing concerns
Documenting Leftover Food
Why is it important?

● Accuracy of future forecasting

What can be done?

● Retraining of student staff on policies and procedures

● Communicating with cooks on what can be done with
How to Handle Pushback from Customers
● Create signs notifying customers of one scoop policy
● Have a set phrase for students to use, such as: “I apologize for the inconvenience. This is the
portion size I am allowed to serve, after you have finished, you are more than welcome to come
back for more.”
○ If the customer continues to complain, offer for them to speak to a student manager, stating: “If you
would like to discuss the issue further I’d be happy to get a manager for you.”
○ This will prevent customers from receiving portions differently and increasing chances of conflict
Monitoring Student Workers
● Continue reviewing portion and serving policies and
● Notify workers that managers will be documenting their
portion and serving practices
● Provide education as needed
● Document how many days without a wrong portion given
for workers to see
Qualtrics Survey
To confirm completion of this in-service, please visit the qualtrics link below for a brief
comprehension assessment and presentation evaluation:
Thank you!

Dietetic Interns
Brianna, Jessica, Katie & Rachel

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