Soal Persiapan Masuk SMP BHS Inggris Paket 1gyhtfgyhu

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A. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, or d!

1. Diana meets her teacher in her way home after school, what is the correct greeting to
greet her teacher?
A. Good morning Mr. Martin.
B. Good afternoon Mr. Martin.
C. Good evening Mr. Martin.
D. Hello Mr. Martin.

2. Jenny forgets to feed her cat. It makes her mother angry with her. What is the correct
expression for the situation?
A. Thanks mom.
B. You’re welcome mom.
C. I am really sorry mom.
D. Never mind mom.
3. Ryan instructs his dog to catch the ball he throws. What is the correct command?
A. Catch the ball!
B. Catch me!
C. Catch that mouse!
D. Run!

4. A: “Excuse me, can you show me where the BIMA restaurant is?
B: “Sure. ….”
A. It is in the Apple Street.
B. Take bus number 7.
C. It is Mr. Harry’s restaurant.
D. It is the restaurant which serves pizza.

5. Toni lost his pencil and Tommy was the one who took it. How is the correct admitting
A. I didn’t do that.
B. That is not true.
C. I admit taking it.
D. I didn’t take your pencil.

6. Jane asks Tania’s opinion about Harry Potter novel. How is the correct asking opinion
A. What is your opinion about this book?
B. What do you think of Harry Potter novel?
C. What do you think of Harry Potter movie?
D. What do you think of this novel?
7. Dona’s mother asks her help to peel the carrot. How is the correct asking help
A. Mom, can you peel the carrot?
B. Dona can you help me to peel the carrot?
C. Dona, can you help me to peel the potato?
D. Dona, can I help you?

8. Diana wants to invite Jerry to her birthday party. How is the correct making invitation
A. Jerry, could you come to my birthday party?
B. Jerry, please come to celebrate my graduation.
C. Jerry, could you come to a dinner party in my house?
D. Jerry, my birthday party is this weekend.

9. Diana asks Fiona whether she is sure about the news telling that her favorite actor
caught an accident. What should she say?
A. Are you sure you are okay after the accident?
B. Are you sure that Johny Depp got an accident lately?
C. Are you sure that our classmate got an accident?
D. Are you sure that there was an accident in that street?

10. Sarah said to Jenny that there will be a concert in the city square. But Jenny couldn’t
catch what she said. What should she say to ask Jenny to repeat what she says?
A. Could you repeat what you have said?
B. What happens?
C. Do you know about it?
D. I agree with you.

11. Tania tells about her holiday experience in Bali. Danny is so interested with this. How is
the correct showing attention expression?
A. Really?
B. That’s bad.
C. Tell me more.
D. I am so sorry to hear that.

12. Read this short text carefully then answer the following questions!

Hello my friends, I am Andy. My full name is Andy Wijaya, but you can call me Andy. I
was born in Bali, September 23rd 1998. I live in Solo now. I live at Kartini Street no. 234. I
am seventh grader student of SMP M. I just entered this school for a semester. But I am
very happy with it. It is because all my friends are very kind. Besides studying in the
school I also join extracurricular activity. It is basketball club. I love basketball. In the
future I want to be a famous basketball player and play for Indonesian national team.
Where is the writer’s address?
A. Bali
B. Kartini Street no. 234
C. Solo
Read this text for questions number 13 – 18!
White-Handed Gibbon (Hylobates lar)

The White-Handed Gibbon (Hylobates lar) is an endangered, tree-living primate.

Because of hunting and clearing of the rainforests where they make their home, these
animals are in danger of extinction. It is estimated that a mere 10% of their natural
habitat remains, and most of this falls in protected sanctuaries. The young are often
captured and sold as pets.
White-Handed Gibbons are found in the tropical rainforests of Indonesia,
southern China, Burma, Malaysia, and Thailand. They are most often found in the
treetops, swinging from branch to branch. They don’t build nests for sleeping like other
apes, but, instead, they sleep sitting upright on a tree branch.
White-Handed Gibbons have very thick, soft fur that ranges in color from black to
a reddish-tan. They have essentially hairless black faces which are ringed in white, and,
true to their name, the upper parts of their hands are white with an opposable thumb.
They have very long arms which are well suited for tree swinging. An adult gibbon can
reach a height of 25 inches (63 cm) and a weight of 14 pounds (6 kg). They are tail-less
and have coarse pads of skin on their rears that help protect and give comfort when they
are sitting or sleeping on tree branches.
Primarily herbivorous, White-Handed Gibbons most often eat fruit and leaves,
and they appear to be most fond of figs. However, they will eat insects, bird eggs, and
the occasional bird, which they snatch out of the air as they swing by. They forage during
the day, often stopping at more than 16 different trees to find food and will rest during
the heat of the day.
(Edited from:

13. What causes the white handed gibbon in danger of extinction?

A. hunting and forest clearing
B. global warming
C. climate change
D. contagious disease

14. Where does the white handed gibbon live?

A. in the forest floor
B. in the river
C. in the treetops
D. in the zoo

15. How is the color of the white handed gibbon’s fur?

A. white
B. black to reddish tan
C. red
D. grey

16. What are the long arms of the primates suitable for?
A. snatching birds
B. catching insects
C. attacking predator
D. tree swinging

17. These are the white handed gibbon’s food, except ….

A. rice
B. insects
C. fruits
D. leaves

18. Kupang, May 7, 2008

Dear Paula,
Hello Paula, how are you? It’s been a month since I last heard from you. Well, I just
wanted to tell you that I was in a hospital last week. According to the doctor; I was
infected by dengue fever.
At first, I felt my body became weak then I fainted when I was studying in the classroom.
Then, I was taken to the hospital because of the high fever.
At the hospital, I was brought into the emergency unit. The doctor immediately gave
some treatment. Finally, I had to stay there for one week. Everyday the doctor kept me
on a drip.
At the seventh day, my condition was getting better. After the final check, the doctor
gave me permission to go home. Now, I’m okay and because of my illness, I am now
more careful about keeping in my house clean especially my room, I don’t want to get
the same illness again.
OK, I think that’s all from me, write to me soon ok?


Source: English in Focus for Grade VIII

What is the letter above about?

A. Paula’s holiday experience in Kupang.
B. Paula’s condition after being hospitalized.
C. Paula’s activities.
D. Paula’s experience being hospitalized because of Dengue Fever

19. Dear Alex,

I have finished my report. Could we meet to discuss it? What about this afternoon at 5 in
my house?

Why does Tommy send the message?
A. to inform Alex that he will meet him
B. to ask Alex’s report
C. to inform Alex that he would come to his house
D. to arrange a meeting with Alex this afternoon

20. The Owl and the Nightingale

There was once a nightingale in a cage by a window that was his habit to sing only
at night. An owl was puzzled by this and went to ask the nightingale what the reason
was. “When I was captured,” explained the nightingale, “it was day and I was singing. In
this way I learnt to be more carefully and to sing only at night.”
“Are you afraid you might be captured a second time?” asked the owl. “Oh, it
would have been better if you had been more careful the first time when your freedom
was at risk. Now it doesn’t really matter any more, right?”
English in Focus for Grade VIII

From the text we can learn that ….

A. Nightingale is a smart bird.
B. Don’t catch a bird.
C. We have to be careful to avoid bad things.
D. Don’t sing at night.

21. Dance

Our body can perform some actions such as rotating, bending, stretching, jumping,
and turning. With all these physical actions, we can create a number of body
Every culture emphasises certain features in its dance styles. For example, lilin
dance from West Sumatra, has some candles carried by the dancer, or topeng dance
from Betawi, uses a mask to perform its dance. And there are many more.
Basically, our body has the potential to be developed, usually through long
periods of special training. For example, in ballet, the ballerina exercises to rotate, or
turn out the legs at the hips and many more.
English in Focus for Grade IX
From the text we know that ….
A. Lilin Dance comes from Betawi.
B. Topeng dance uses mask in its performance.
C. We don’t need exercises in dancing.
D. We don’t need to undergo special training to be a good dancer.
The following text is for questions 23 and 24.

It's a birthday party for
-Lucas Karamoy-
Come and share the joy!
There'll be ice cream and cakes
for every girl and boy
Saturday, June, 10th
2.00 p.m.
At Karamoy house
Deluxe apartment 3rd floor
RSVP: May (0222352276)

22. When will the birthday party be held?

A. May 3rd.
B. May 22nd.
C. June 2nd.
D. June 10th.
23. What is the purpose of the text above?
A. To invite people to attend Lucas Karamoy's party.
B. To tell about the food in Lucas Karamoy's party.
C. To inform Lucas Karamoy's birthday.
D. To make people enjoy the party.
24. Look at the picture.

The bottle is …the box.

A . in
B . under
C . at
D . in front of

25. Haryadi is going to play table tennis, he has to get a ball. So he ....... buy one.
A . should
B . must
C . May
D . can

B. Fill the blank with right answer!

1. Mr. Indrayana has sung a song and I have ..... too

Penyelesaian :
Tuan Indrayana telah menyanyi sebuah lagu dan saya juga telah, menggunakan
"too". I have too.
2. I don't like this shirt. Give me ...... one, please. Another
Penyelesaian :
Saya tidak suka baju ini. Berikan yang lain (another one).
Karena yang diminta adalah benda yang sama dan jumlahnya hanya satu maka
3. Riska didn't stay here, ....... ? did she
Penyelesaian :
Riska tidak tinggal di sini bukan ?
Riska didn't, Question tagnya positif
auxiliary negatif did she
4. I want an eraser.
The question for the underline words is .... What do you want ?
Penyelesaian :
Saya ingin sebuah penghapus.
Kalimat tanya yang tepat adalah : What do you want ?
Karena jawabnya "I" (saya), maka pertanyaannya "you" (kamu)
5. I came to Ani's house last night.
I knocked the door, but there was no answer.
I think there wasn't anybody there.
I am sure there was ....... at home. no one
Penyelesaian :
Saya datang ke rumah Ani kemarin malam.
Saya ketuk pintu tapi tak ada jawaban.
Saya kira tak ada seorangpun.
Saya yakin ada tak seorangpun (no one) di sana.
6. Beni is 165 centimeters.
The question for the underline word is :
....... is Beni ? How tall
Penyelesaian :
Beni 165 cm.
Pertanyaan untuk tinggi orang menggunakan How tall.
How high untuk bangunan, How long untuk waktu, How big untuk benda.
7. The Police caught Mr. Jack whose son robbed the bank.
Who robbed the bank ..... The son of Mr. Jack did
Penyelesaian :
Polisi menangkap tuan Jack yang anaknya merampok bank.

anaknya Tn. Jack
Siapa merampok bank ?
A. anaknya polisi
B. Tuan Jack
C. Polisi
D. Anaknya Tuan Jack

8. Mr. Benyamin is lying in bed. His leg is broken.

A good compound of the sentences above is Mr. Benyamin ..... whose leg is
broken is lying in bed
Penyelesaian :
Tuan Benyamin berbaring di tempat tidur.
Kakinya patah.
Gabungan kalimat yang baik adalah :
Mr. Benyamin whose leg is broken is lying in bed
Tuan Benyamin yang kakinya patah sedang berbaring di tempat tidur.
9. Bobi : The sky is cloudy. The. sun doesn't shine.
Do you think it is going to rain ?
Chandra : "I believe so"
From the sentences we know that Chandra is ....... it will rain soon.
Penyelesaian :
Bobi : Langit berawan, matahari tidak bersinar.
Apa kamu kira akan turun hujan ?
Chandra : Saya percaya, ya !
Chandra menunjukkan kepercayaan (certain)
10. Indonesian lies along the equator. This is the reason why its climate is tropical.
Indonesian has two season the dry and rainy season.
The word "season" means ....
the part or division of the year
Penyelesaian :
Indonesia terletak di sepanjang equator. Ini adalah alasannya mengapa iklimnya
tropik. Indonesia punya 2 musim : musim kemarau dan musim hujan. Kata
"season" artinya musim yang merupakan bagian dari tahun (the part or division
of the year).

C. Answer the question below clearly and correctly!

1. Mother wants to make Kentucky friend chicken for a party. She needs one ounce of salt,
one and a half kilograms of flour, and she also needs .... chickens and .... cooking oil.
2. Mr. Tino Sidin draw a picture everyday.
Mr. Tino Sidin ....... since this morning.
3. Look at the picture !

This is the place where we should cross the street.

We ....... use the zebra cross to go to the other side of the street safely.
4. X : ........ money do you need to buy this book ?
Y : Rp. 1.500,00
5. Library reserves many kinds of books, among other are : medicine, agriculture, forestry,
engineering, social and politics, law, economics, arithmetics, geography and language.
Some can read and get a lot of the information in it. The story above tells us that ....

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