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int Beiters of Ships Water Supply for Steam Bute 191 Lecture 16 The content of other salts was reduced to CaO in proportion to the WATER SUPPLY FOR STEAM BOILERS P equivalent weights. At present the hardness of water is expressed in milligram-equi¥ ents per litre of water (mg-eq/l). One milligram-equivale jardness corresponds to a content of 20.04 mg | of the Ca “12.16 mg/l of the Mg*? ion, It represents such a weight concentra fion of the substance in milligrams per litre when the weight of the dissolved substance in milligrams is equal to the number of units in the equivalent weight,* This hardness unit is 2.8 times greater than the former one. The general hardness of river water usually Varies between 0.75 and 10 mg-eq/l. Hardness may be temporary and permanent. Temporary hardness mention should be made first of all of table salt NaCl which is quite aca) oe MICOS Whine Be ete te ented tora ee abundant in sea water, calcium bicarbonate Ca (HCO,),, magne- GRE (ure of about 100 deg C’ these salts decompose and yield water and sium chloride MgCl, gypsum CaSQ,, magnesium bicarbonate MBearbon dioxide according to the reaction” % Mg(HCOs)2, silica Sid, and other compounds. Sometimes the feed F water may be contaminated ith Uupeicants, Some of the salts ais Ca (HCO,), = CaCO, + CO, + H,O solved in feed water precipitate during heating and evaporation an aa settle down on the sane arts of the boiler. These eposits “impair Se eisai ie meeciatiniedrge ane ineat transfer from the lot gases to the water, being poor conductors Bigs a of heat, and, therefore, reduce the. efficiency of the boiler installa- : ae aus oe oreecreeay water of salts that tion. Simultaneously the steam generating capacity of the boilers | ‘Alleatinity, flee the eoatelt. ot sodiian hydrate, is an important ray drop. Besides. 2 thick layer deposited on the paris of boilers HR) characteristic of water for its chemical treatment. ‘The unit of alk subjected to the action of the hottest gases and Intenalvely sbsort linity is | milligram of sodium hydrate per litre of water. The number of milligrams of sodium hydrate in I litre of water is known as the 53. Properties of Feed Water Water obtained from any natural source contains various admix- tures that may contaminate the boilers. These admixtures are of two kinds—insoluble and soluble, Insoluble admixtures include silt, organic remains and other suspended substances, These admixtures are removed from water by filtering. On board ships coke, charcoal, wool, sea grass and cloth afe used as filtering materials. Salts and gases relate to the soluble admixtures. Among the salts D4) is practically insoluble ing radiated heat (the furnaces of fire-tube boilers, the first rows (of tubes of water-tube boilers, water walls) may markedly raise the temperature of the metal, impair its strength and cause an accident in the boiler, as, for example, sagging of the furnaces or rupture of the lubes.’ Certain selts, for example MgCl, erode the metal of the_ boiler. From the point of view of its digsolved salt content the quality of waler is appraised by the amount of solid residue (in milligrams per litre) determined by evaporating the water and drying the res jue, In sea Water the solid residue may reach 40,000 mg/l, whereas cer water it is 100-300 mg/l. Sea water is characterized by saltiness, L.e.,.{ts chloride contents, whose amount is estimated by the gontent of chlorion in milligrams per I litre, The maximum content of chlorion permitted for boiler water is 40 mg/l. ‘The content of calcium and magnesium salts in water character- |. When the boiler uses the condensate of exhaust steam from recip- tocating steam engines it may contain oil carried off by the steam » from the cylinders. The oil floats on the surface of the water and can _ be partially removed through the upper blow-off valve. Besides, the oil forms a film that settles on the heating surface, which is especially’ dangerous, since the poor conductivity of the oil layer impairs the & transfer of heat from the gases to the water and increases the con- | sumption of fuel. | If the oil layer on a boiler heating surface is 0.2 mm thick the con- _ sumption of fuel may inerease by 4-6 per cent. Furthermore, the high temperature may cattse the oil in the boiler to decompose and fori # fatty acids that will erode the metal parts of the boiler. This phen Bor is especially pronounced al bie steam Prestures since an i The conten! of calcium a , character, GEE crease in the air pressure raises the temperature of the water ard aes ies panei saute an ye paul > Steam in the boiler. A layer of oil on greatly heated parts of a builer ness corresponded to the content of 10 mg of CaO in | litre of water. SP E748 is known, the equivalenf weight is equat to the molecular (oni) eught divided’ bythe valency of the substance. Steam Boilers of Ships : Water Supply for Steam Boilers 193 ‘Treating of the water inside the boiler has found a broad applica- jon on ships. The aim of this method is to convert the hard deposits to soft ones, separate the salts in the form of sludge easily removed blowing down, loosen the hard deposits in the boiler, protect the tal of the boiler against erosion and the water against foaming Hthout allowing oil to settle on the heating surface or by neutral: izing it, The materials used for water treatment in boilers are called anti- ale compounds. Soda, tanning materials, alkaline linseed broth, etc., have long en used as antiscale compounds. At present wide use is made in may be the cause of failure (settlement of furnaces, bulging of the firebox walls, etc.). Besides, oil in the water space of a boiler may cause foaming of the boiler water and its carry-over into the steam. line. The content of oi! in the feed water should not exceed 3 mg/l. The feed water is cleaned of oil with the aid of various filters. The: best results are obtained when water contaminated with oil is passed through a layer of activated coal (charcoal subjected to the action of greatly superheated steam). One Kilogram of charcoal can absorb up to 0.25 kg of oil. Dissolved gases and especially oxygen are also harmful admixtures. Oxygen dissolved in water is evolved. in the boiler and erodes. the metal. This: action increases when the steam pressure exceeds 15 atm (gauge). In installations that operate at pressures of 30 atm (gauge) and above the gas content should never exceed 0.05 mg/l | and 0.02-0.03'mg/l in high-intensity boilers. Devices designed to remove gases from the water are known as de-aerators (or degassers), Functioning of these devices is based on the reduction of the solubil- ity of gases in water when the temperature increases and the pressure | drops. The gases are removed when the water is heated to the boiling point. £ . | It should be noted that vacuurm! ¢ondensers‘areviilso de-acrators, since the temperature of the steard and, cohdensate in then corre sponds to the Bolling point, while fhe evolving gasisremoved by spe, cial air pumps or by steam-jet electors, For this additional feed water should be introduced into a cycle throt condenser in a preheated and atomized state. The ‘amount of additional water in insalatons with reciprocating engines usually constitutes 46 per cent of the steam boiler capacity and only 1-2 per eent in install tions with steam turbines, 3 tm “4 Fig. 13. Thermosyphon sludge separation le USSR of the reagent developed by engineer A. I. Shtyurk whi isa mixture of soda Na,CO, (about 46 per cent), sodium tydrate laOH (about 4 per cent) and sodium orthophosphate Na,PO, {about pet cent), Belore use the antiscale compound is distolved vo ¢ ll amount of water in a special tank and is periodically poured to the boiler, The antiscale compound is usually introduced. with ie aid of a mechanical metering pump. The rate of feeding the com- jound is specified in the corresponding instructions. Alter the antiscale compound has been introduced the salts con- ined in the tater precipitate in the form of sludge which gradually tles at the bottom of the boiler, whence it is removed through the ne ABLE ect 54, Prevention of Scale For tion in St oilers ‘ Marine steam boilers are supplled| ith the’ dudes of the steam discharged fom the steam tr ie or'stéamfengines with an addition of fresh or distilled watet, Fresh water is stored on ships in tanks with tight seams to protect It from,salipation by sea water. Ships take on fresh water in ports from. the municipal water supply: system or from special water carriers,” x The feeding of natural water to boilers leads to the rapid formation of deposits, a reduction in efficiency and erosion of the, metal walls of the boilers. On ships the water.{s treated with reagents (inside and. outside the Boles). The water js mixed with these reagents which } in \t'and form easily removable “tt Excessive alkalinity of the water increases the brittleness of the ler metal, causes ti j wikil ne ae : ‘Steam Bedlers of Ships Si: boiler water mixed with antiseale compound should be rezular checked and maintained at the proper level. 2 Antiscale compound can also be used to loosen old Scale, Experi ‘ence shows that the employment of antiscale compound permits tt prolonged operation of boilers withoul| their washing, Antiscale compound protects the boiler metal against the corrosive action o water since the excess alkalinity of the) & water, when using this compound, elim nates its acidity and prevents’ corro- sion of the metal. Besides, the chromiu salts that are frequently included in the antiscale compound form a_protective film on the boiler metal, Electrolytic erosion of the metal Is pre Water Supply for Sleam Bevters {Jt ships equipped with fre-tube, composite or header-type water boilers he treating of the water Inside the boiler is a sufficient ins to elfminate scale. However, untreated additional water ould not be used in drum-type bollers. For this reason the treating fol water outside the boilers has at present become a widespread pra: Stice. Its purpose is to reduce the hardness of the water. The water Maken on at a port is passed through sodium-cationite filters. The nce of this method is fo replace the scale forming ions of calcium ‘and magnesium with the fons of sodium and hydrogen, For calionite Hilters use is made of natural green sand or artificial materials: sul- ‘phocoal, vophatite, espatite, ete. Sulphocoal is the most common ma- Perial sed. “Pe After passage through the cationite filter the hardness of the water ‘ops to only 0.02-0.03 mg-eq/l. ig. 74 shows a diagram of a calioafte filter. The steel cylindsical iP body of filter 11s provided with detachable covers 2 ahd 4 that make : y Rostible to change the cation and repair the filter. pe bottom of the filter accommodates draining device 3. Cationite 6 fills most negesaty Uhen emplaytigentisealy core pot the filter. Hard water i fed In Uerough funnel Sand softened’ oe junds Involves considersble heat ioeses te is discharged through valves 7 and 6. These valves are siso used Fo teduce ‘these losses special. sludge) {or Washing the filter fi Recently an electrochemical method has been proposed for separat- ing salts from water. The ions of the dissolved salts are removed from the water under the action of direct current in special appara- Hus provided with cation- and onion-permeable diaphragms search a ue interiors ot the apparatus ui lotaliersat ne! chambers. fon slndgepSome chambers are employed to temove salls from the water and the separates chouee IRIE TR? Toe chee hers concenttate the salts extracted from ihe water ite bared that Toran the bolo part of ee bese. ‘ . : boiler wate ace is sticked in togetl Ships propelled by pewertul steam installations are provided with with thepbter by the theres ates te he required amount of fresh water and increase and'enters the sludge beparator located the net carrying capacity of the vessel. The evaporators allow the ‘outside! the boller. The sludge 1s periodi- distillate obtained by evaporating’sea water to be used as additional cally ‘blojt of front; tha’ separator ‘andpleed waler. As a rule, the distillate contains no more than 80-40 mgt Tre eee eat hed Hepararor amet ctur’ chovide aod may iherere be voed ee edatoogk ee rmagnitude'ot the-tigeilating head inthe) !0 feed water-tube boilers of any type. The design of evapuraturs Tretmaaipbon elriedepends II'be considered jg See. 181, nei a he circuit and the temperature i difference’ in the rising and? downcoming! sections. The Nepean of eevee i how 3 siscity, pralleble rf head the resistance in the circuity is velocity shout 1¢ ty at ay " seni tae we mal operation of ‘the} device. ‘The removal of sludge}. All modern steam ‘power installations operate according to a re- bythe ypton method sage Hfeh andreas the consump eee oniser Sroviion i ide te cies (eae te - sees ne Consta0:Feconomizer p ade In allations for thé heating 1 tioniel eats compounds by! SO percent. "kp “Efile Teed watr with the exhaust steait from the auxiliary mechaneuis sepatating, devices are'tised that operate} ofthe principle of elreulation athe water under the action of the difference in the specific weights due to the tempera: ture difference: (thermosyphon prine{ple): G6. Feed Water Heating and Supply Systems ly, disadvantage of the open-supply system is that the feed water cannot be tolerated, especially in installations using a higher steam pressure. ed-supply systems are employed in steam turbine installations, | these infeltalons the condensee does not communicate diretly with the atmosphere. Besides, vacutimless de-aerators are used to . In these insta ut Steam Botlers of Ships ic taken = the pump the de-aerator is located at a height of 10-12 metres above ly for Steam Boiters Ptondensate delivered from the condenser and the amount of water ired to feed the boilers. s a rule steam enters the de-aerator under a pressure of 2.0-3.7 bs). When the steam is mixed with water the temperature of F rises to 120-130 deg C. The water from the de-acrator is by feed pump 8. To ensure reliable taking in of the water by Fie 17, Clos ie ? reduce the content of oxygen in the feed Vater to the'established rat- ings. The steam is most frequently tapped from the main turbine at three points in which case the de-aerator serves as the second stage of ., ged, water heating. mplified closed water-supply into the main turbine set consisting Jow-pressure turbine 9. The stea| sure flows into condenser 4. 5 The condensate is pumped o pressure heater 6 where it is h mediate stage of the low-p steam that heats the heater is From the low-pressure heat bypass steam line between the ainount of water in the deaeraton, the hourly demand for the boilers." the discrepancy which may temp If occur between the amount the’ to de-aerator 7 where the water|{s fteated and/simultaneously the di golved exes are removed. The daa chon system for a steam turbine instal- ddgh Ts shown in Fig. 77, Frombgi mt 3 panding to ie final pres-_ fob at 1fdaliveled into tow., 4 ped’ from the inter- j comprise 20:90 pe cel punit-/ the steam is directed (high-pressure;turbine 2 and ra te of the’ Br ‘a fed under pressure Fuses steam tapped from the: low-pressure turbines, They jount is necessary to balance;' Fig 78) De-serator j the feed pump. The pump first feeds the water to high-pressure heater 2 from which it flows* into the botler. The water ts heated in the f heater by the steam tapped from the intermediate stage of the high- Fessure turbine. From th iim conden Is directed into the d ze "If ina boiler unit the air is heated with steam, then there is no high- peace heater and the feed the de-aerator. The air is hea’ ate stage of the high-pressure turl fe from the alr heaters fe | A schematic diagram of a vacuumless de-< ator‘fadhown in Fig. “78. Water flows into the de:aerator along pipe 7 th ie high-pressure heater the steam condensate rator, water will enter the boiler directly from ted by the steam tapped from the inter- , While the steam conden- led to the de-aerator. 4, rough automatic Steam Bollers of Ships Water Supply for Steam Boilers 197 im engines 5 of the auxiliary mechanisms. The spent steam from the main steam engine passes into condenser 6, whence the condensate s pumped out by pump 7 and is delivered to hot box 8. ‘eed pump 9 takes in the water from hot box 8 and pumps it through feed-water heaters /0 and 11, after which the feed water en. {ets boiler unit 1 First-stage heater 10 uses the spent steam from the auxiliary mecha nisms with a pressure of 1.5-2.5 atm (gauge), which raises the tem perature of the feed water to 90-115 deg C. Second-stage heater 11 is “Supplied with steam at a pressure of 4-6 atin (zauge) from the receiver and with steam tapped from the intermediate stages of the main steam engines, Steam feed-vater heaters are of the low- and high-pressure type, depending on whether they are connected to the supply system be: fore or alter the feed pump, As regards design the Heaters are divided into closed and open-type heaters, the latter being intended only for low pressure in accordance with the low pressure of the heatin; steam, Openctype heaters are simple in design but have a number of stortcomings. When using exhaust steam from the auxiliary mecha nisms contaminated with oil the latter may find its way into the feed: | 2a 4 . 1 5 2| 6. Fig. 75. Closed:type heater water and then into the boiler: Besides, in view of the high tempera- In le 07 ture of the feed water, an open-type heater must be mounted very SE high above the feed pump for reliable operation. The feed water can be heated by mixing it with steam only in de-aerators. There- fore, the closed-type heater is the main type of feed-water heaters, Fig. 75 shows a closed heater, The steam flows into the heater via pipe J, while the condensate is discharged through pipe 2. The water enters through pipe 3 and after two passes (into the rear chamber and back) comes out through pipe 4. Elongation due to temperature | can be compensated by shifting the right-hand panel, For the same reason use is sometimes made of U-shaped tubes expanded in one tube ' Fig. 76. Open-supply: system connecting the high- and low-pressure cylinders, which permits rais- Ing the temperature of the feed water to 130-145 degC. The con- densate of the steam heating second-stage heater // first flows into heater 10 and then Inté the hot box which also receives the condensate from the central heating and service system /2. For the latter system panel. a I. use is usually made of fresh steam whose pressure has been reduced Water-supply systems for steam power installations are of very d seduei na ship Is tr i aera ‘closed types, f PY passing it through a reducing valte. When a ship is travelling it ons, They can be divided into oppn a depending on whether the condensate can absorb atmospheric ait or not. Installations with reciprocating steam engines using low- steam (12-16 atm gauge) are designed, a rule, with dn open-supply system. Such a system Is shown Ina simplified formein 6. rom boiler unit 7 fresh steam flows\into the main. triple-ex reciprocating steam engine consisting of ‘high-pressure cyl e im-pressiire cylinder 3 and low-pressure cylinder 4, and into ia will be more rational to supply the central heating system and ser- vices with steam from the receiver of the main engine. If the spent steam from the auxiliary mechanisms cannot be used in heater 10 the surplus steam can be employed in the low-pressore linder of the,main steam engine. In hatbouts the spent steam Irom the auxiliary rhechanisms is condensed in an auxiliary condenser and ‘the condensate is delivered into the hot box. * To compensate for the leakage of steam and water a reserve feed pare. periodically delivers additional water to the boilers from the ler water tanks or from the evaporator. ‘operation of Marine Steam Botlers the effort required to actuate the control element exceeds that de- {incorporates a booster and * only slightly eloped by the pickup the controller 2)s0 th wulse sent by the pickup, am ad decreases etermining the umber eretvomotor. The booster receives the p of a marine power ee plifies it with the aid ‘of an independent source of enerEy and trans- mits it to the servornotor that actuates the ‘control element. ‘Control erated controllers. The source of M Tasof this type are known as power-on rate tre amount MES) Soma tape are erllers 1s usually compressed air (pneumatic sary to regulars consump” systems) or liguid under pressure (hydraulic systems), zvariations in UF pe steam stems) ot Utitive elements (pickups) should react {0 a chor Ta the pressure tcc et eisre the iLinperature, et., the pickups in automatic ‘control ily the only, mr fo the fur rereting ae the ame kind of elements that afe employed in measu- cof fuel and all Mccordance ing apparatus. Xo the boiler i ‘he gauge class. Eve 2 and Une changes, 0 iderable s Se ru A ene going vessels. boilers is now €2 a - ' Fig. 88. Various types of pickups arine Steam Bollers 88 shows several types of pickups. A manomeyis pickup joysa diaphragm, bellows, spring, ele as the sensitive Tekup (Fig, 880) consists of a metal tube 4 dilator of thermal expansion that accommodates 2 ro8 S with a low coefficient of expansion. ‘This pickup reacts to changes in ih pare: Tete pickup (F889) whieh alo reas To changes iemprperature, employs a thermocouple. dempera tomatic control systems usually employ pneumatic and B iydraulic boosters. Upon their operation the compressed air or the Aiguid under, pressure presses on the piston of the Servomotor which elutes the contol element : sof an cs the contrs with a jet tube (Fig. 89) are employed toa cor. aces the man sa Fesernble ie ee aul eee Tre booster consists of swivelling (be 1 and anerie its methods o ntroller must siderable er er ucts which admit the working liquid into one ‘of the First of all a Of and the sigh Parcel a piston servorotor. Tube / is turned by ‘rod 2 connected je ane ample) or eid serves to adjust the booster and keeps the 1g 3 star the rated value of the parameter being trolled pies of automatic control systems destribed below it rom exampiet 5 number of cases there should be provides 9c . nd pickup that will react to changes in another parameter in order kup. at Te pace the accuracy of control. Thus, in automatic ter-supply. erating ” Ayystems the principal pulse is created by a change in the water Tine cry no Som Batters Ses in the boiler drum and the additional pulse by a change in the rate of Operation of Marine Steam Besiers sleam flow, ore i se the steam content in this mixture and its Cee eee chaste Ue tears presiare bor seampioe grow, which raises the visible level of the water hat the 5 ter being tat all loads. However, fluctuations of the parame! Sonitelled Gometimes. even uridamped) sare possi systems. For this reason such system € jesigned the main pulse upon a change in pulse upon a change in the tate of tilse corrects the action of the controller lere are also, though rarely used. triple. Pulse controllers with a third pulse sent upon a change in the anwoont of working : see + 3 Otstanoe travelled ‘by jet tube Fig. 69. Jet hootter A diagram of a singl le-pulse controller following the thermohydrau- le principle is shown in Fig. 90, The pickup consists of inner ube 7 with the steam and water Spaces of the boiler, and outer - Z ribbed jacket 2, The ribs intensify heat transfer to the surrounding iinks the control elément wit the boosted so that am Medium, The space between the fube and the jacket is partly. ler Feedback Oe ctuiate the booster in a di- lacement of the control element, will actuate x Fol feed valve 4, falinr ‘opposite to that caused by. {he Pickup. ant Heepack Tooter on’t fise in the water level in the boiler reduces the surface of tube J tional to the displacerent ofthe control element. Feedback acceler pircircled by steam, which cuts down the transfer of heat rom the ates returning of the booster to its neutre pochange ial the parameter _steam to the water in Jacket2.Steam generation in the jacket decreases, danger of “overshooting”, i.¢., ti exeaslve change inl the pal Bie, pee {herein ops and ve reduced ed the space ing regulated. eae —- i fees Sunder diaphragm irtly closes the valve, thereby restricting WP ace nay bn desk eee ce cithra Recible eecbeck, | aMMpthe flow of water ine tay cae fe the water level drop: back is the presence of offset. Central Poller fitly and the ler, the transfer of heat from the steam in tube / to the oe er called proportional, do nol act ot the eontoller pogtahtly andthe Lickel 2 increases. The generation of steam in the jackel goss influence ofthis feedback diminishes dur ng the ee process of intensity resulting in a gher pressure in the jacket and ‘on dia regulation. As a result, the parameter, ‘ i valve wider and water is admitted former value after the end of the process into the boiler at a greater rate.. ; i 50, Automatic Feed Control ‘The system of, automatic 1 for this reaso: ick, and 3 tomatic feed controliol aipteam:boller keeps the this reason it maintains a somewhat reduced level at high losds and f aiptegm water in the Balle drum at a constantlevel in any'operating condi- Y . rod- he controller is gaits. sufficient. the water in p to the jofsteam prod- A double-pulse hydraulic feed’ controller of th Hoe Aire arrears ina boiler. {a'therelore anadjustable para- own schernatieally Im Fig. 91 Mies te Tevel of meters Fi ace tree sat othe changes boiler changes the variable head of this water { The level-of-water in a steani be ieaalfic; volume: “eamephragm/ acted upon on ie other side by a constant “in the steam flow rate but also. nese: wa pas oir 2. The water in the reservoir is maintained at a constant level by Tujhe i 4 ees { 4 Hil Fa ae

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