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Promotional and marketing strategies are often first
brainstormed and written as part of an organization's marketing
plan. If your small business doesn't have a marketing plan, you
should seriously consider developing one. Most marketing plans
include the current or expected strategies you have for your
products, the price points of those products, how you intend to
distribute the products, and your advertising and marketing
A marketing plan is also important for developing a promotional
strategy as it helps your business identify its target markets and
to set measurable goals. It is vital to the success of the
organization that you implement a marketing plan that aims for
growth and positive change in the bottom line.
 In this round, each team will be provided with a unique
product that has faced criticism in the market. (Eg : Maggi -
lead case)
 Each team would be representing as the Marketing Head of
that brand in the country.
 They will have to come up with some innovative
restrenchment marketing strategies, advertisement or any
way by which they will restructure their brand in the market
and recover from the mentioned crisis.
 Each team will get 4-5 minutes to convince the jury.
 Teams have to come up with their own marketing plans.
We don’t expect you to just make PPTs for the same!
However, to spice things up, you can prepare a poster,
prototype of the product, skit or any other idea that makes
you stand apart and convey your plan efficiently!

Eg: Nestle MAGGI


Maggi was banned due to present of Lead or MSG (Monosodium

Glutamate) was found in 2015 due to which maggi lost their 80%
market share.
Due to which the Uttar Pradesh food safety commissioner sent a
formal notice to Nestle seeking clarification on presence of MSG
and lead in Maggi samples.
Nestle failed to gauge the depth of the crisis even after national
newspapers started writing about it.

 To begin with, in June 2015 itself, Nestle announced a recall
of all its instant noodles from the markets.
 It regularly called for press conferences and also
approached the Bombay High Court for relief, following
which the Court permitted export of Maggi to other
 Further, Nestle India sought help from APCO Worldwide, a
US based Public Relations firm.
 They set up a mechanism for maintaining customer
relationships, be it through a customer services helpline or
posting FAQs regarding recent developments on its
website, not to mention its presence on social media
platforms like Facebook and Twitter, where representatives
answered all sorts of questions asked by irate customers.

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