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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English 8

GRAMMAR| September 9-10,2019

Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of: East Asian literature as an art
form inspired and influenced by nature; relationship of visual, sensory, and
verbal signals in both literary and expository texts; strategies in listening to
long descriptive and narrative texts; value of literal and figurative language;
and appropriate grammatical signals or expressions suitable to patterns of idea
Performance Standard The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering a brief and creative
entertainment speech featuring a variety of effective paragraphs, appropriate
grammatical signals or expressions in topic development, and appropriate
prosodic features, stance, and behaviour.
Learning Competency EN8G-IIa-9: Use appropriate grammatical signals or expressions suitable to
each pattern of idea development: modals

At the end of the discussion, the students should be able to:
a. Determine what is the used of modals.
b. Recognize the correct usage as to when and where Modals should be placed.
c. Appreciate the purpose of using modals in daily dialogues.
A. Topic – MODALS
B. Reference – Asian and African Literature and Communication Arts– Chapter 2
C. Materials – chalkboard, books


1. Preliminary Activities
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of Attendance
2. Engaging Activities
A. Activity
 GRAMMAR IN CONTEXT – pages 187-188
B. Analysis
 What are the italicized words? What do you call them? What do you think is
their purpose in sentences?
C. Abstraction
 Discussion of MODALS
D. Application
DIRECTION: Answer, Skill Building no. 1; page 188
E. Assignment – do an advance reading: specific usage of each modals in sentences.

Prepared by:
Ortega, Jenny Mae T.
English Teacher

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