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Meat Clee yal mbeoke nile’ S55 « 27 A 4 gf AF 63 feu Bee eilrE Lie SG iS fsLSetterger ee fOyicds leit AS EL Falecal 3 y9: WIS Go yo" BOL ae Wr Fe tI ay (CG eau ae pees phim SbiinILg Sve wH2T AGL ONG) (03024741 12g 3 Zk A UULL SAI Cle et Prepared by: M.Qadir Rafique Cell # 03024741124, Whatsapp # 03024741124 Page 1 HENS Chae atl mbeoke nile S53 Qi. Write short answers of the following wt fen? Loire | questions. Define Physics and write the names of its two branches. a Luria ASG 4 Explain with example, &. Define mechanics and electromagnetism. 2 Define omic physics and nuclear physics. 3 Define plasma physics. 4 Define nuclear physios and geophysios. 5 Define Geophysics. 6 Differentiate between atomic physics and plasma physics. 7 Define mechanics and Geo physics. 8 Define plasma physics and Geo physics. 9 Define plasma physies and nuclear physics. Ha, wun 10 Wiite four advantages of Physics in cur daily ie ebenroaae M1 On which princes of Physics car and refigertors based 2 Define physical quantities and derives quaniites. 1% Define base and derived quaniites. 4 What is meant by base units? Give two examples. 15 Write the names of four derived units. 16 Define derived units and write two examples. 17 Define base and derived unis 8 Which base quantities Rave urits Mole and Kelvin? 19 What is meant by prefixes? Give an example, 0 Define prefixes and write two examples. 2 What is meant by scenic notation? What srl Me oan Pr 2 Write in standard form 3,84,000,000 m and 0.00045: Express in scientific notation: 0.00580km, 240g 0.00045s.13,84,000,000m A traie 28 Youare fteen years old. Esimate your agéiivgeconds. What is the least count of the materrad? Whats meant by te east capt ofa measiing psiument? Define zero error and zero cowebion. What is meant by vernier constant? Differentiate betweer Poslive zorgerror and negative zer0 error. “A When the zero error fa Serehgauge willbe postive? Why a screwga s more accuraiely than vemier calipers? cee ici Differentiate betieen electronic balance and phsicl balance. AS RP Sp Differentiate between a mechanical top waich and digital stop watch. Define measuring cylinder and write ts uses. Prepared by: M.Qadir Rafique Call # 03024741124, Whatsapp # 03024741124 Page 2 MMs Clee yal mb cole unto rleb S55 Write the method of measuring volume of an irregular abhi Lwedikm eRe 36 shaped sold ° ' - How can you determine volume of an iregular shaped object, using a measuring cyinder? White two rules to find the significant digits in a measurement. Lobe Leh Bx oie Be SIL te E 37 38 What is meant by kinematics? 39 ‘SWhat is transialory motion and linear motion? 40 Define circular motion and give example 41 Differentiate between rotatory and vibratory motion. 42 Define and explain vibratory motion with example 4S Give two differences between rotator and random motion. 44 Define motion and write types of mation, 45 Differentiate between linear and random motion. 46 Define Iinear and translatory motion. Sah bers. 47 Define vibratory motion and give example * ena rSErt, 48 Define scalars. Give their example. wt 40 Define vectors. Give their examples. 50 What is meant by position? Explain. 51 Define speed. Write its mathematical formula, What is its SI 52 unt? Define uniform speed and non-uniform speed. (Variable ars 5 speed). unit? Define veoaiy. Wt ts matematcal formula Wrakis is SI eh Define average velocity and write its formula. oye et a Pr Breau 5A 56 Define non-uniform (variable) speed. 56 Define terminal velocity 57 Differentiate between speed and velocity. What is meant by uniform velocity? Write the use of lidar gun 58 59 60 Define acceleration. Write asQpathematicaP mua and SI unt. 61 ‘What is retardation? Define uniform acceleration. 62 83 Define uniform acoelerationand give its any example. 64 Write equations of motion for vhiformly accelerated motion, 86 Convert 36 Kh speed-ofa body into ms 86 Convert 20 ms *speed inio kmh. wd het mht 87 Define gravitational acceleration and write its value. reer S88 Define dynamics. BAA EH 89 Prepared by: M.Qadir Rafique Call # 03024741124, Whatsapp # 03024741124 Page 3 bb GE Cle ull! steele Suttle uD Define force. 70 Define momentum, Write its mathematcal formula. Give is nm direction. Write its SI unit. Define Ineria. Explain with example: 72 Differentiate between a force and inert %3 Slate Newlor’s second law of motion 4 State Nevton’s frst law of motion, 1 Prove that: F=ma 76 Define unit of force. 7 Differentiate between mass and weight. 78 {Slate and explain Newion's thi law of motion. 79 Whet is meant by action and reaction force? 80 Explain the action and reaction forcas in case of rocket 81 mation, How much force is needed to prevent a body of mass 10 kg from faling? 82 What is meant by an isolated system? 83 Define force in terms of omentum, Also wite ts 8 mathematical formula, Define force of fiction 85 Define force and fiction. aS mid BB Define Fiction. Vite the value of co eficient of friction Livni EPSP) BT between tyre and road. - What is meant by coefficient officion? Write is 88 mathematical formula. 8 Differentiate between sliding fiction and rolling fiction. 3 Wiite down two advantages of fiction. 90 Wiite down two disadvantages of friction 1 Define centripetal force. Write its mathemati 2 What is meant by centrifugal force? Witest 9 94 35, 96 example, How 2 vector is represented Aone 7 What's meant by reclangular components? 98 What is meant by résoluton of forces? temple yas, 99 In a right angled triangle lengthof base is 4em and its nom 3S Erinom 4S US La 100 perpendicuagie ene fat enath of hypotenuse. . . ~ Define a rigid boty. Define axis of rolalion ofa body. Define moment arm, Differentiate between axis of rotation and moment arm. ene ere 104 Prepared by: M.Qadir Rafique Call # 03024741124, Whatsapp # 03024741124 Page 4 Kb PLAN Chie gail mcoke nibalol S55 Differentiate between moment arm and line of aoion of a force. (On doubling the moment arm, find its effect on the value of torque 6. BoprL ASP fiaipiene 105 SAL a LSU Sp Tey 106 What is meant by principle of moment? sear» 107 What is meant by plumb line? te ieie dit 108 What is meant by a couple? 109 What is equilbrium? Give two examples. 110 State the second condition of equilibrium. Write its 1m mathematical formula Define unstable equilirium. Give example. 112 Define neuiral equilioium. Give example 113 Define law of gravitation. 114 What is gravitational constant? Write is value. 115 Give the value and urit of in gravitational constant. F116 Why we cannot feel the force of gravitation around us? tT What is meant by gravitational field? 118 What is the relation between law of Gravitational and P19 Newton's third of motion? White down the formula to find the mass of Earth 120 Wiite the formula to find the mass of earth and write the 2421 mass of Earth. What is the numerical value of g at Sun and Mars? 122 Why does the value of “g’ minimum at the top of mountains’ we 128 Si 424 155:if Ris doubled, then what willbe change in g SS What Is meant by a satelite? mm 125 ‘Slate the diference between natural and arlfcial satel, 35126 What is Global Positioning System? Whatis its dee? Give two uses of arificial satellites What sa satelite and geostationary satelite?“ What is @ communication satel from the surface of earth, What is the ra resi sateen the surface of Earth? & wy ite Be Sezwer be 132 Define work andjoule, fa ides So 138 What is the differendé-between workvand energy? Define types of mechatii¢al é Define Knetenergy and write ts mathematical formula, Define potehtia] srry and wits equation White equation of kiretic and potential energy. What do you mean by mechanical energy? Give some ‘examples. How mechanical energy changes into heat energy’ Prepared by: M.Qadir Rafique Call # 03024741124, Whatsapp # 03024741124 Page §

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