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Teacher’s Manual EsP 7

First Quarter
UNIT I Developmental Stages


1. Define terms related to friendship.
2. Enumerate and reflect the verses regarding friendship.
3. Relate the character of Jonathan as a true friend.
4. Identify the characteristics of a true friend.


1. What are the advantages of having a true friend?
2. How Jonathan showed his loyalty and love to David as a friend?
3. What are the characteristics of a true friend?


3-4 meetings

Pictures (previously assigned) of their friends or peers. It could be their
neighbor, classmate or close relative.
Bible (NIV Version)
EsP Notebook

1. Ask the students read 1 Samuel 18-21 and take note of the characters
2. Ask the students how Jonathan showed his devotion to David as his
friend. Enumerate things he gave to David that symbolizes his loyalty
and devotion.
3. Read and reflect the Memory Verse in 1 Corinthians 15:33
4. Answer Class Activity Moving Ahead. Write the answer on their EsP
5. Unlocking Difficulties:

Christian Living/EsP 7/ First Quarter 1
A. Adversity –a difficult situation or condition: misfortune or tragedy
B. Alien – a person who was born in a different country and is not a citizen of
the country in which he or she now lives
C. Corrupts –to change from good to bad morals, manners, or actions
D. Criteria –a standard on which a judgment or decision may be based; a
characterizing mark or trait
E. Defriend - unfriend
F. Empathetic –involving, characterized by, or based on empathy
G. Empathy – the feeling that you understand and share another person’s
experiences and emotions: the ability to share someone else’s feelings
H. Implicitly – not affected by doubt
H. Snarls – to give vent to anger in surly language
I. Sympathetic –feeling or showing concern about someone who is in bad
J. Utility – the quality or state of being useful


1. Read and discuss the five characteristics of a true (close) friend.
2. Let us answer:
A. Learning To Live Right – answers may vary
B. Assessing Your Values
1. True 6. False
2. False 7. False
3. False 8. False
4. False 9. False
5. False 10. False


Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. The inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person.

A. Sympathy C. Enmity
B. Heartlessness D. Friendship
2. A true friend is someone whom you trust implicitly.
A. Understands, not affected by doubt
B. Questions your allegiance
C. Tell others your weaknesses
D. Defriend you if you disagree

Christian Living/EsP 7/ First Quarter 2

3. Friendships of pleasure stand by your side only in times of ______.
A. trouble C. joy
B. needs D. sickness
4. The king who wanted to kill Jonathan because of jealousy.
A. Saul C. Solomon
B. David D. Nebuchadnezzar
5. The wife of David.
A. Merab C. Miriam
B. Michal D. Ruth
6. Bad company corrupts good _____________.
A. friend C. posture
B. relationships D. character
7. As Christians, we are considered on earth as ____________.
A. beautiful C. smart
B. aliens D. servants
8. Jonathan’s victory over the Philistines made him worthy to be a _____.
A. Prince C. King
B. Prophet D. Friend
9. In the East, if a prince or sovereign give some of the garments he was
wearing, it is considered a special mark of ______________.
A. peace C. obedience
B. allegiance D. hatred
10. Jonathan gave David the following except his _____________.
A. shoes C. sword
B. robe D. tunic
11. A true friend should not only sympathize, but as well as empathize. It means
A. They share your feelings
B. They rejoice when you are rejoicing
C. They do not weep when you weep
D. They do not care at all
12. The love of God and the love of a true friend is _____________.
A. critical C. conditional
B. unconditional D. emotional
13. A friend loves at all times.
A. Proverbs 18:24 C. Proverbs 27:6
B. John 15:13 D. Proverbs 17:17

Christian Living/EsP 7/ First Quarter 3

14. Book from the Old Testament considered as a good source of wisdom
regarding friends.
A. Proverbs C. Lamentations
B. Psalms D. Joshua
15. When your friend snarls at you, he is ______________.
A. happy C. angry
B. lonely D. excited

1. D 6.D 11. B
2. A 7.B 12. B
3. C 8.C 13. D
4. A 9.B 14. A
5. B 10.A 15. C



At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to

1. Define roles and tasks, and the concept of gender
2. Discuss God's role of giving us specific identity as His Creation,
in order to perform the appropriate roles and tasks entrusted to us
3. Practice the equality of gender - making students respectful to
both boys and girls


1. What are your different roles and tasks at home, in school and in the
2. What are your responsibilities based on Article 4 of PD 603?
3. What are the characteristics that could and could not be shared ?
4. What are the factors needed in order to live in accordance to God’s design?


2-3 meetings

Christian Living/EsP 7/ First Quarter 4

Bible, EsP notebook and Dictionary
toys or accessories for boys
toys or accessories for girls
Charts or pictures of : ( previously assigned)
a. Different occupations for both male and female
b. Characteristics/ activities exclusively ascribed for man or woman
c. mother/s rearing her/their children

1. Let the student explain in their own words God’s purpose of creating the two
2. Let them identify the similar characteristics or activities by both sexes.
3.Fill in Class Activity, Moving Ahead

Let us answer:
Suggested answer for number 1:
God created Adam and Eve - man and woman male and female. Two
sexes are part of His design. We will appreciate this design further by defining
and differentiating male and female uniqueness as well as discovering the
specific roles and tasks God has designed to each. Understanding the gender or
sex you were born into would help you to function productively as a person.

Unlocking difficulties:
1. Gender - the state of being male or female
2. Roles - a character assigned or assumed
3. Task - a piece of work that has been given to someone
5. Mannerisms - a person's particular way of talking or moving
6. Homosexuality – showing a sexual attraction to people of the same sex


1. Explain the Child and Youth Welfare Code – Getting Started
2. Answer: Assessing Your Values
A.1. male/ female
2. boy/girl, lady/gentleman, man/woman
3. he/she
4. God
5. Male only/female only

Christian Living/EsP 7/ First Quarter 5

B. 1.Y 6.X
2. XY 7.Y
3. Y 8. XY
4. XY 9.XY
5. XY 10.XY


A. Moving Ahead (answers may vary)

Gentlemen Ladies
1. Wearing pants and shirt wearing slacks and blouse
2. with back pack with shoulder bag
3. Wearing rubber shoes wearing sandals
4. Short hair long hair/ short hair
5. without make up with make up
6. with a cap on his head with headband/ hair clip
7. with perfume in his bag with perfume in her bag

B. Thinking Out Loud ( answers may vary)

1. I will enter to the door assigned to what is my real gender. It is appropriate

and decent to act properly if we want to please and glorify God our creator.
2. God created two different sexes to fulfill the purpose of propagation in
replenishing the earth.
3. I feel pity for him or her because I know it is not the will of God for them.
4. nos. 1, 4, 7
5. Applying make- up/ man has thicker skin, heavier blood, larger bones and
more muscles/ carry a child and give birth to it


Choose the correct letter of your answer.

1. The period of adolescence is also called a period of ________.
A. chaos C. adventure
B. confusion D. excitement
2. In the Bible, if you are doing your work heartily, you do it ________.
A. for the Lord C. for your best friend
B. for your parents D. for your classmate

Christian Living/EsP 7/ First Quarter 6

3. You will do the following to keep the family harmonious and united except:
A. Being thoughtful to your brothers and sisters
B. Love and respect your parents
C. Let the rest members of the family do the household chores
D. Strive to lead an honest and righteous life

4. What is your role as a student?

A. Keep on talking during classes
B. Always wear your ID
C. Skip the subject you do not like
D. Do not mind if your classmates are cheating

5. Joining the activities and different clubs in school, will make you _______.
A. get tired C. learn to get along with others
B. beautiful D. boastful

6. A characteristic that is applicable only to a woman.

A. Wearing t shirt C. Giving birth
B. Class Mayor D. Driving a motorcycle

7. Man is to be the stronger sex through his __________.

A. Cheekbone C. Adams Apple
B. Hair D. Larger bones

8. You have to accept the reality that you are changing physically, emotionally
and socially. Therefore, it is better for you to ___________to things around you.
A. Hide C. Keep
B. Prepare D. Escape

9. The following activities may be shared by both male and female.

A. Repairing the damaged stairs.
B. Cleaning the house
C. Applying make- up during recess
D. Carpentry and electrical works

10. As a member of the community, you should be a law abiding citizen by:
A. Encouraging your peers to join a gang in your subdivision
B. Throwing your garbage in front your neighbor
C. Respect the duly constituted authorities
D. Ignoring the customs and traditions of our elders
Christian Living/EsP 7/ First Quarter 7
11. It is the process of developing masculinity or femininity.
A. Masculine C. Feminine
B. Nationality D. Gender

12. Having a sexual attraction with the same sex.

A. Homosexuality C. Infatuation
B. Imagination D. Hallucination

13. A character assigned or assumed

A. Assignment C. Privilege
B. Role D. Responsibility

14. There are certain things meant for men alone and certain things meant for
women. Crossing the border is _______ against God.
A. pleasing B. glorifying
C. sinning D. praising

15. Man is expected to care for the woman as his __________________.

A. slave C. master
B. friend D. companion

1.A 6.C 11. D
2. A 7D 12. A
3. C 8.B 13. B
4. B 9.B 14. C
5. C 10.C 15. D


1. Identify the physical changes happened during adolescence
2. Mention the characteristics /behavioral changes during
3. Define adolescence
4. Discuss on how to cope changes, pressures, and struggles
during adolescence

Christian Living/EsP 7/ First Quarter 8


1. How to manage the physical changes during adolescence?

2. Define adolescence.
3. What are the intellectual, emotional, and behavioral changes in connection
with the physical changes?
4. What are the struggles during the period of adolescence, how to cope with
the changes?


5 meetings

Power Point- pictures of development of a child (infancy stage to adolescence
or the process of growing)
Bond paper or Stationary Paper
Values notebook

There are lot of struggles and pressures that go with adolescents. If they
are not managed properly, there will be tendencies of rebelling, disregarding
rules, disobedience to authority and inferiority.

Adolescents should understand these changes and follow the advices

on how to cope up with these changes as part of growing up .It is important to
obey and respect your parents, who are the first person to understand and can
guide you in your struggles. Above all, ask the Lord for wisdom and strength and
surely you will overcome all of these struggles.
1. Let the students answer “Getting Started”, be sure they will be able
to recall their interests during their childhood days.
2. Class Activity. Let the students form a group with 7 members,
assuming as an adult guests.
3. Follow the guidelines given for open forum – Moving Ahead
4. Unlocking difficulties:
1. Adolescence - a period of life when a child develops into an
2. Tantrums - an uncontrolled expression of childish anger

Christian Living/EsP 7/ First Quarter 9

3. Meddle - to interest one in what is not one's concern:
interfere without right
4. Par - with equality
5. Instinct - something you know without learning it
6. Seize - to get or take in a forceful or violent way
7. Procreate - to produce children or offspring
8. Emerge - to become known, to rise or appear
9. Drastic - extreme in effect or action


1. Evaluate the open forum. Use Thinking Out Loud as your guide
questions. Discuss the different answers regarding differences
between a child and adolescent. Elaborate their opinions and views.
2. Discuss the changes and struggles and how to cope it.
3. Do activity (or assignment) Learning To Live Right
4. Answer to Assessing Your Values – with check: nos. 1, 3,5,7,8


Choose the letter of the correct answer:

1. Common interest when you were a child.
A. Your favorite game was “truth or dare”
B. You love to talk about your crush
C. You went to bed at 10:00 in the evening.
D. You spent most of your time playing
2. You noticed there are physical changes happened to you. What should you
A. Hide C. Keep calm
B. Panic D. Cry
3. In the period of adolescence, learn to manage your emotions by:
A. Flaring up when you feel being rejected.
B. Control yourself in dealing some issues.
C. Having childish tantrums.
D. Blaming others.
4. The struggle with conformity has this question:
A. Which lifestyle will I adopt?
B. Who am I?
C. What attitude will I choose?
D. Whose rules will I respect?

Christian Living/EsP 7/ First Quarter 10

5. The most effective way in overcoming struggles and pressures.
A. Do not confide your problems to your best friend
B. Take some sleeping pills to forget your problem.
C. Abide in the words of God.
D. Take a long vacation.
6. How are you going to develop your own personality?
A. Imitate your favorite actor/actress
B. Pretend you know everything.
C. Accept that you and your brother have the same characteristics.
D. Know who you are, your origin, talents, strengths and dreams
7. In declaring your freedom, do the following to parents except:
A .Lovingly remind them that you are no longer a child
B. Assure them that you are starting to try out your wings, but not far
from their nest
C. You are willing to respect their authority
D. Declare freedom with a bloody revolution
8. They are God’s representatives on earth to mold and guide you.
A. Parents C. Teachers
B. Friends D. Classmates
9. Tantrum is defined as:
A. Behaving quietly when reprimanded
B. An uncontrolled expression of anger
C. Enjoying freedom
D. Revealing confidential matters
10. In this period of adolescence, you are almost at par with adults. It means:
A. Don’t mind what they are telling.
B. You are almost equal with adults
C. Just swallow what adults are telling
D. You are not thinking of the future
11. Develop strong faith. Stay away from youth whose middle name spells___.
A.” Angel” C. “Friendly”
B. “Sweetie” D. “Trouble”
12. Parents are afraid to give you independence because ___________.
A. it is the best for you
B. they want you to stay with them forever
C. you might get hurt
D. you might forget them

Christian Living/EsP 7/ First Quarter 11

13. Parents instructions are compared as a _____________________.
A. shining armor C. shining light
B. candle light D. moonlight
14. An adolescent is compared to a worm turning into a __________.
A. butterfly C. bird
B. fish D. snake
15. The following activities of adolescents are not good except :
A. Shoplifting C. Skipping Classes
B. Researching D. Watching obscene movies
1. D 6. D 11.D
2. C 7. D 12.C
3. B 8. A `13 D
4. A 9. B 14.A
5. C 10. B 15.B



1. The students are expected to decide wisely

2. Accept consequences that might happen due to wrong decision
3. Develop strong faith in God to become mature in deciding difficult


1.What are the basis in your decision?
2. Have you experience difficult situations wherein you must decide?
3. When can you say that a decision is good or bad?
4. What is the best way to make a wise and good decision?


2-3 meetings


Christian Living/EsP 7/ First Quarter 12

Every decision we make has a corresponding consequence either be good or
bad. Courageous people are careful in making decisions. They are not afraid to
stand for what is true and correct and ready to suffer the consequences of their
decision. Wise decision comes from the Lord if we ask it. He is the one who
enlightened our minds to decide what is good or bad.
1. Read Getting Started – Human Experience, then discuss how the main
character made a decision. Is it a good decision? Why or why not?
2. Answer Moving Ahead exercises.
3. Unlocking difficulties:
1. decision - the ability to make choices quickly and confidently;
a choice that you make something after thinking about it
2. consequence - something that happens as a result of an
action or set of conditions
3. prodigy - a young person who is unusually talented in some


1. Read the story of King Solomon in the Bible. Ask the students how he
judge or decide wisely. Read 1 Kings 3-4
2. Discuss important points in decision making- Building your Character
3. Let us answer:
A. Moving Ahead
1. b 4.c
2. b 5.b
3. b

Thinking Out Loud (suggested answer)

1. There was a quiz, and I was absent when that particular lesson was
discussed. My seatmate offered his answer. At first, I was tempted to
agree for the fear of failing. But then, I realized it is bad to cheat, so I
approached my teacher to excuse me for taking the quiz and explain
to her of my reason. Luckily, she allowed me to take the quiz the next
2. A decision is good if you are not haunted by your conscience. Most of
all, your decision is good if it is in accordance to the will of God.
3. The best way to make a wise or good decision is when you have
prayed for it. Asking God’s guidance is very effective.

Christian Living/EsP 7/ First Quarter 13

Learning To Live Right
A. James, Paul, Jeremiah, Naomi
B. Let the students make their own script .( Below are suggested decisions )
1. Call your sister if she had her cellphone. Call some of her friends
whom you think can help you .Inform your parents. If you know
the address of her friend, much better go to their place.
2. Obey your parents. You are blessed to have parents who are God-
fearing, loving and concern of what is best for you.
3. Do not follow you classmate. Tell him/her it is not good to skip
classes, especially Chapel Hour or else you will report him to the

Assessing Your Values

1. True 6.False
2. True 7. True
3. True 8. True
4. False 9. True
5.False 10. True


Choose the letter of the correct answer:

1. When you make a decision, what is your main goal?
A. Avoid the decision C. Keep my life the same
B. Take all of the evidence into account D. Blame others, and move on
2. It’s Thursday and you are making plans for the weekend. One group of your
friends wants to go to Tagaytay, and another group is meeting for swimming.
How do you decide what to do?
A. I will go to the one who invited me first. I already said yes.
B. I will ask my best friend what he/she is doing and go with him/her.
C. I will wait until 6 pm that night to decide.
D. I think about what I did last weekend and do that.
3. What kind of information matters the most when you are making a decision?
A. Information that matches my reaction
B. What my friends and people I trust say
C. Information I find first
D. Whether the option would change my life

Christian Living/EsP 7/ First Quarter 14

4. You saw a friend cheating on a test and the principal wants to know what you
A. I panic, so I do not have to decide.
B. I say, I did not see anything. So, I stick with that.
C. I let my friend that cheated convince me not to say anything.
D. I will tell the whole thing to the principal.
5. One of your friends is a bully. You want to say something, but you are not
sure what to do. How do you make a decision?
A. I will avoid that friend who is a bully.
B. I will tell the proper authorities for an advice
C. I ask some people their opinion but still don’t say anything
D. A bunch of other people confronts the bully, so I join in.
6. In the Bible, a very good example in decision making is _______.
A. David C. Solomon
B. Paul D. Saul
7. Decision making is something we do _____________.
A. once a month C. everyday
B. once a year D. once a week

8. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom
and instruction”
A. Psalms 68:7 C. I Corinthians 15:33
B. Proverbs 17:17 D. Proverbs 1:7
9. People who are careful in making decisions are __________.
A. courageous C. cowardice
B. faithful D. lazy
10. The following are useful guides in making wise decision except
A. Surfing the internet C. Reading newspapers
B. Watching horror movies D. Listening news programs
11. If you run out of money, the best thing to do is to ____________ .
A. Ask from you parents or guardian
B. Get money from your mother’s wallet
C. Shoplift
D. Tell your classmates to give you some of their allowance
12. The father of Solomon
A. David C. Abraham
B. Moses D. Daniel

Christian Living/EsP 7/ First Quarter 15

13. The request of Solomon from the Lord
A. Long life C. A discerning heart
B. Riches D. The life of his enemies
14. The king of Egypt who made an alliance with Solomon
A. David C. Nebuchadnezzar
B. Pharaoh D. Saul
15. Aside from being a king, Solomon was also a _____________.
A. singer C. preacher
B. an actor D. teacher

1.B 6.C 11.A
2.A 7.C 12.A
3.B 8.D 13.C
4.D 9.A 14.B
5.B 10.B 15.C


1. The students are expected to discover their talents.
2. Realized God-given talents and how to develop it
3. Enumerate the intelligence modalities
4. Exercise the full potential needed to ensure a better future
5. Understand the intelligence modalities

1. What is the will of God to the talents that He entrusted to us?
2. Do you think your abilities and talents will be developed?
3. What is your specific talent according to the Theory of Multiple


4-5 meetings

Values notebook

Christian Living/EsP 7/ First Quarter 16

1. Ask some of the students who can perform some of their given
talents like singing, dancing, etc.
2. Read and reflect the memory verse and as well as the Parable of the
Talents. Then answer briefly the questions given.
3. Class Activity – take home activity if the students will not finish.
(Moving Ahead on page 25-27)
1. talent- a special ability that allows someone to do something
2. intelligence-the ability to learn or understand; or to deal with
new or trying situations
3. ability- the power or skill to do something
4. reckon-estimate; calculate or guess
5. usury- the practice of lending money and requiring the
borrower to pay a high amount of interests
6. concept- an idea of what something is, or how it works
7. modality/ modal - the manner of taking effect
8. savant- a person who know a lot about a particular subject
9. Psychometric- divination of facts concerning an object or its
owner through contact with or proximity to the object
10. cognitive- of, relating to, or involving conscious mental
activities (such as thinking, understanding, learning, and
11. spatial- of or relating to facility in perceiving relations in
12. kinesthetic- a sense mediated by receptors, located in
muscles, tendons , and joints and stimulated by bodily
movements and tensions
13. simulation- something that is made to look, feel or behave
like something else especially so that it can be studied or used
to train people


1. Do the result of your Multiple Intelligence Inventory following the

pattern given or the score sheet. Evaluate the result using guide
questions in Thinking Out Loud.

Christian Living/EsP 7/ First Quarter 17

2. Youth of today are considered as the hope of our country. Discuss the
reminders given in order to live your life in the full potential.
3. Discuss the intelligence modalities and let students identify their
specific area.
4. Let us answer:
A. Getting Started (answers may vary)
Suggested answer:
1. I will use my talent by making the most of my ability. I will
enhance or develop it.
2. Talents and abilities should be developed in order to glorify
God who entrusted us.
3. If a person has self- confidence, he can easily exercise the
talent that he had with a faith that he will overcome
whatever hindrance may come along.
B. Assessing Your Values:
1. Doctors and Nurses
Their potentials can be used properly if they will do their duty
not only for the reason of earning money but to help in saving lives.
There are people died due to lack of medical assistance (hospitalization
and medicine).
2. Policemen – They are law makers, not law breakers. They should be
honest and perform their duties as persons who are able to maintain
peace and order of the community.
3. Lawyers – They will be able to use their potential properly if they will
exercise fair and just judgment. They should be a defender of what is
true and good.
4. Engineers- These people will be able to use their potential properly by
making the most of their ability. They must practice their profession not
only for their own benefits, but as well as think also the benefit of their
community and be a part of our nations’ progress.
5. Bus and jeep drivers- Their potentials can be used properly by taking
into considerations the safety of their passengers. They are handling
lives. Some of the drivers need to attend seminars regarding safety
measures to avoid the rampant road accidents happened everywhere.

Christian Living/EsP 7/ First Quarter 18

Write the letter of the correct answer:
1. The servant who received two talents traded them and gained ____ talents.
A. five C. four
B. two D. ten
2. What is God’s reaction if we will not use the given talent?
A. He will take it away. C. He would double it.
B. He will curse us. D. He will ask you to keep it.
3. The Parable of the Talents is in the book of ______________.
A. Acts C. Matthew
B. Revelation D. Romans
4. According to Dr. Jose Rizal, the youth of today are the ________ of tomorrow.
A. scientist C. leaders
B. problems D. citizens
5. According to Hebrews 11:6, it is impossible to please God without _______.
A. money C. friends
B. education D. faith
6. An idea of what something is or how it works.
A. concept C. intuition
B. imagination D. conclusion
7. It is the most effective way in overcoming your weaknesses.
A .Prayer C. Cry to someone you trust
B. Pretend you are strong D. Keep calm
8. The author of the Theory of Multiple Intelligence
A. Sigmund Freud C. Charles Darwin
B. Howard Gardner D. Edgar Allan Poe
9. This are deals with the ability to visualize the mind’s eye.
A. Verbal C. Musical
B. Naturalistic D. Visual
10. This area has to do with abstractions, numbers and critical thinking.
A. Logical-Mathematical C. Bodily –kinesthetic
B. Interpersonal D. Musical-rhythmic
11. This area has to do with interaction with others.
A. Verbal-linguistic C. Interpersonal
B. Visual-spatial D. Musical-rhythmic
12. People with high verbal-linguistic intelligence are typically good at the
following except:
A. Telling stories C. Sensitive to rhythms
B. memorizing words D. Writing

Christian Living/EsP 7/ First Quarter 19

13. Modality means ___________.
A. category C. characteristics
B. manner of taking effect D. relating to behavior
14. What is the assessment of a self-smart person?
A. He possesses intrapersonal intelligence
B. He has a spatial intelligence
C. He possesses interpersonal intelligence
D. He has linguistic intelligence
15. The power or skill to do something.
A. Magic C. Strength
C. Incompetence D. Ability


1. B 6. A 11. C
2. A 7.A 12. C
3. C 8.B 13. B
4. C 9.D 14. A
5. D 10.A 15. D



1. At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to define the true
meaning of success
2. Learned the value and love for work
3. Identify their hobbies which are beneficial and related to
the career they choose
4. Apply the steps to become successful

1. Do you love your work?
2. What are the characteristics one should possess from the emblem
3. Can you visualize a scenario of your future?
4. What are the steps to be successful?
5. What are the areas of Interest in choosing a career?

Christian Living/EsP 7/ First Quarter 20

5-6 meetings

Old magazines, pencil, crayon or colored pens, a pair of scissors,
paste, bond paper

1. Ask the students to visualize themselves in the future. They can draw
the different emblems they might receive from their achievements.
2. Read and meditate memory verse- Joshua 1:8
3. Assigned the materials needed for next activity- Moving Ahead.
Putting God first in our lives is the best thing to consider for us to be
truly successful. It is exciting to see yourself in the future while doing
your programs and goals in life. With faith and endurance, sweet
success will be attained.
4. Unlocking difficulties:
1. Enhance - to increase or to improve
2. Enormous - very great in size or amount
3. Inclination - a feeling of wanting to do something
4. Miserable - causing extreme discomfort or unhappiness
5. Passion - a strong feeling of excitement for something or about
doing something
6. Persuasive - able to cause people to do or believe something
7. Scenario - a description of what could possibly happen
8. Sensible - considerable, having or showing good sense or
9. Success - favorable or desired outcome


1. Take a look at the students’ success picture. Discuss their work by

answering the questions given – Thinking out loud. (Answers may
2. Discuss steps to become successful.
3. Define interest, enumerate different areas you must develop in
choosing a career that will help you to be successful.

Christian Living/EsP 7/ First Quarter 21

4. Fill up the planner. – Learning to Live Right
Possible answers:
1. I will excel in all of my subjects and make use of my time
studying so that I will make my parents happy and proud of
having a son/ daughter who valued their sacrifices in
supporting my needs.
2. I will set an example to my peers. Respect and obey my
teachers, and to people with authority. I will also abide to
the school rules and regulations and loyal to my Alma Mater.
3. In college, I will see to it that I have taken the appropriate
course so that I will not be wasting time, money and effort.
4. A bank manager/ a doctor in a well-known hospital.

Things I need to fulfill my goals :

1. Strong faith in God.
2. Patience and determination.
3. Endurance and love for work

People who can directly help me pursue my goals:

1. Parents
2. Teachers
3. Peers/ friends

Spiritual Activities:
2. Reading the bible
3. Attending church services, and bible studies
4. Personal evangelism/ sharing

Assessing your Values (answers may vary)

A. Possible answers:
1. Attained by setting a definite goal.
2. Merely having money or being famous. You have to work hard on it.
3. Works with love and dedication.
4. I want to help my parents and siblings someday, and most of all a part
of God's mission which is to support the needs of the gospel. I want to
be a contributing factor for the transformation and uplift of all
members of the society.

Christian Living/EsP 7/ First Quarter 22

5. Doing the will of God as my priority. I believe and claim what is stated
in Matthew 6:33 - "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and
His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you."
1. b 2. a 3.c 4.d


Choose the letter of the correct answer:
1. Love for one’s work is the sweet way to ____________.
A. heaven C. success
B. failure D. riches
2. If you will not depart from the Book of the Law, you will make your way
prosperous according to _________________.
A. Joshua C. Paul
B. David D. Malachi
3. Refers to the inclination inside that gives you enjoyment and satisfaction.
A. Skills C. Potential
B. Interest D. Talent
4. A description of what could possibly happen.
A. Future C. Picture
B. Dream D. Scenario
5. Success is meaningless when you have no one to ___________ it with.
A. ask C. take
B. share D. keep
6. Real or true success comes from knowledge that you have achieved your
goals through the following except:
A. Cheating C. Honesty
B. Hard work D. Fair play
7. Knowledge and talents can be enhanced through the following except:
A. Attend school- sponsored seminars
B. Join school organizations
C. Watch movies during weekends
D. Make good use of your vacation
8. Christ commendation to the faithful servant.
A. Joshua 1:8 C. Matthew 6:33
B. Matthew 25:33 D. Psalms 75:5-6

Christian Living/EsP 7/ First Quarter 23

9. Pursuing a course which is not consistent with your talent, ability and passion
is a waste of money, time and _______________.
A. education C. effort
B. energy D. food
10. Areas of interest that enjoy in discovering things, and inventing a product.
A. Outdoor C. Mechanical
B. Computational D. Scientific
11. Areas of interest enjoying activities outside your home.
A. Outdoor C. Scientific
B. Mechanical D. Computational
12. In every achievement, do not forget to __________________.
A. Call your friends C. Thank your teacher
B. Thank God D. Celebrate with your neighbors
13. Those who are stuck in a career that they do not like end up to the following
A. Getting discouraged C. Rejoicing
B. Unproductive D. Miserable
14. Successful people endure and fight on, resist temptations and not easily ___.
A. Encouraged C. Distracted
B. Heartened D. Discouraged
15. Achievements attained through questionable means will surely lead to the
following except:
A. Self-confidence C. Guilt
B. Shame D. Broken relationships


1. C 6.A 11. A
2. A 7.C 12. B
3. B 8.B 13. C
4. D 9.C 14. D
5. B 10.D 15. A

Christian Living/EsP 7/ First Quarter 24


MULTIPLE CHOICE. Write only the letter of the correct answer.

1. Jesus said to His disciples: “I no longer call you servants, because a servant
does not know his master’s business. Instead I have called you friends, for
everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you”
A. Hebrews 11:6 C. Proverbs 17:17
B. John 15:6 D. 1 Corinthians 15:33
2. God created man and a woman with a purpose. We are compared to_______.
A. Romeo and Juliet C. A Lock and a Key
B. Bread and Butter D. Day and Night
3. The transition to adulthood.
A. Adolescence C. Maturity
B. Childhood D. Adulthood
4. You are an emerging adult, capable of assuming more responsibilities but you
are still the mom and dad’s child living in their roof. Therefore, you have to do
the following except:
A. Stick to household rules C. Never show appreciation for them
B. Respect their authority D. Will not be flying far from their nest
5. Defines adolescent.
A. A person confused of his behavior
B. A rebel without a cause.
C. A clown trying out different faces.
D. An adult in a child’s body.
6.The foolish mistake done by Solomon
A. Conquered kingdoms C. Judged fairly
B. Ask God a discerning heart D. Choose a pagan wife
7. Solomon became the literary prodigy of the world of his day. Prodigy means:
A. A highly talented youth C. A very wise adult
B. A smart kid D. A very strong and energetic youth
8. The Parable of the Talents is found in _________________.
A. Luke 12:36-38 C. Matthew 20:14-17
B. Luke 12:16-21 D. Matthew 25:14-29
9. A parable is an earthly story with a _______________ meaning.
A. lousy C. joyful
B. awful D. heavenly
10. The servant who did not use the talent given to him by the Lord was ______.
A. put into prison C. called wicked and slothful servant
B. given another talent D. called a faithful servant

Christian Living/EsP 7/ First Quarter 25

11. Thinking positively is the same as having faith in ____________.
A. yourself C. God
B. your potentials D. your loved ones
12. If you possess a spatial intelligence, you are a:
A. People Smart person C. Self-Smart person
B. Picture Smart person D. Music Smart person
13. To please God, one should have _________________.
A. riches C. talents and skills
B. faith D. careers
14. The theory proposed by Howard Gardner
A. Multiple Intelligence C. Evolution Theory
B. Moral Development D. Psychosexual Development
15. Success in life will be attained if we value our _________.
A. Body C. Reputation
B. Wealth D. Work
16. Successful people should have the following except:
A. Indefinite goals C. Definite goals
B. Programs in life D. Ethical standards
17. Jesus Christ’s commendation to the faithful servant in Matthew 25:23.
A. “I will not call you servants but my friends”
B. “You wicked and slothful servant, you knew that I reap where I sowed
C. “You have been faithful with few things, I will put you in charge over
many things”
D. “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his
18. Whatever you do, do it ____________ as working for the Lord.
A. slowly but surely C. with all your heart
B. with all your might D. with all your allowance
19. The meaning of modality.
A. Characteristics C. Category
B. Manner of taking effect D. Relating to behavior
20. Applicable to both boys and girls.
A. Class President C. Wearing headband
B. Giving Birth D. Playing dolls
21. Jonathan gave the following to David except his:
A. Robe C. Shoes
B. Tunic D. Sword

Christian Living/EsP 7/ First Quarter 26

22.” Do not be misled: bad company ________ a good character.” (1 Cor. 15:33)
A .develops C. appreciates
B. corrupts D. endorses
23. Who is the designer of your gender?
A. Parents C. Teachers
B. God D. Friends
24. If you can tell a person who is out of tune, you are:
A. The Music Lover C. The Questioner
B. The Mover D. The Socializer
25. There are three kinds of friendships according to:
A. Aristotle C. George Eliot
B. Gardner D. Freud

Answer Key:
1. B 6.D 11.C 16.A 21.C
2. C 7.A 12.B 17.C 22.B
3. A 8.D 13.B 18.C 23.D
4. C 9.B 14.A 19.B 24.A
5. A 10.C 15.D 20.A 25.A

Christian Living/EsP 7/ First Quarter 27

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