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NAME: ________________________________ DATE: _______________
STRAND: ______________________________ Ms. April Joyce R. Narciso

ABM-Obedience / HE&ICT-Motivation / GAS-Love & Godliness / HE-Nurture / HE-Diligence

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read the directions CAREFULLY. Avoid more erasures as


I. Write the nuclear reactions involved in the super heavy synthesis of each of the following
new elements. (2 pts)

1. Fermium (Z = 100) was formed by reacting Cf – 251 with alpha particles 42He.

2. Roentgenium (Z = 111) was formed by cold fusion which involves the combination of Rn and
Mn nuclides at ordinary temperature.

3. Lanthanum (Z = 57) was formed by cold fusion which involves the combination of Rb and Ca
nuclides at ordinary temperature.

4. Hassium (Z = 108) projectile used was Sr.

5. Moscovium (Z = 115) was formed by reacting Nh – 280 with alpha particles.

6. Thulium (Z = 69) was formed by reacting Ho – 165 with alpha particles.

7. Lawrencium (Z = 103) projectile used was Eu.

8. Gadolinium (Z = 64) was formed by reacting Sm – 153 with alpha particles 42He.

9. Darmstadtium (Z = 110) projectile used was Hg.

10. Dysprosium (Z = 66) was formed by cold fusion which involves the combination of Br and
Ga nuclides at ordinary temperature.

II. Identify the statement below whether if it is Scientific or Unscientific contribution. Write
RED if it is scientific and BLUE if it is Unscientific.

_______ 11. Used esoteric symbols _______ 16. Refined how to cystallized
_______ 12. Took lots of notes _______ 17. Concerned with riches
_______ 13. Developed step-by-step procedures _______ 18. Discovered and investigated
_______ 14. Used incantations _______ 19. Scientific methods
_______ 15. Promoted the Aristotelian concept _______ 20.

III. Matching Type. Match the items in column A with the corresponding meaning at column B.
Write your answer at the space provided.
Column A Column B

______ 21. Atomism J. They are the two most important theories about the natural
and physical world.
______ 22. Anaxagoras K. The idea that things are made up of much smaller things
that cannot be changed nor divided.
L. He stated that everything is made up of four eternal and
______ 23. Leucippus and Democritus unchanging kinds of matter, fire, air (all gases), water (all
liquids and metals) and earth (all solids).
______ 24. Aristotle M. He argued that there was an infinite number of elementary
natural substances in the form of infinitesimally small particles
O. believed that the four elements could be balanced in
______ 25. Empedocles
substances in an infinite number of ways, and that when
combined gave proportions of “essential qualities,” hot, dry,
cold and wet.

IV. Write the nuclear reactions involved in the transuranic synthesis of each of the following
new elements.

26. Radium (Z = 88) ______  22688 Ra + 0-1 e

27. Gold (Z = 79) ______  19779 Au + 0-1 e
28. Polonium (Z = 84) ______  20984 Po + 42 He
29. Thorium (Z = 90) ______  23290 Th + 42 He
30. Lanthanum (Z = 57) ______ + 10 n  13957 La + 0-1 e
31. Samarium (Z = 62) ______ + 10 n  15062 Sm + 0-1 e
32. Europium (Z = 63) ______ + 42 He  15263 Eu + 10 n
33. Tungsten (Z = 74) ______ + 42 He  18474 W + 10 n
34. Neodymium (Z = 60) ______ + 42 He  14460 W + 210 n
35. Berkelium (Z = 97) ______ + 42 He  24797 Bk + 210 n

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