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Nama : ita Permatasari

No. Absen : 12
Remidian Bahasa Inggris

Text Analytical Exposition

1.Should Goldilocks have entered the bears’ house?I believe that Goldilocks should not have entered the
bears’ house.Firstly, Goldilocks was not polite.Secondly, she had no permission to enter their
house.Thirdly, she wasnaughty and she probably knew it was wrong.Lastly, Goldilocks ate Baby Bear’s,
Mother Bear’s andFatherBear’s porridge without asking.She should never have entered the bears’

2.Children need to go on excursionsI think children should go on excursions. These are my reasons.Firstly,
children have to go on them because they can have some fun.Secondly, children should go on them
becausethey will learn new things about new places.Finally, children should have to go on them because
they will learn how to behave so they can go on more.That’s why I think it is very important for children
to go onexcursions.Arti Contoh Analytical Exposition TextAnak-anak harus pergi berwisataSaya pikir anak-
anak harus pergi berwisata. Ini adalah alasan saya.Pertama, anak-anak harus mengikuti mereka karena
mereka dapat bersenang-senang.Kedua, anak-anak harus mengikuti mereka karena mereka akan belajar
hal-hal baru tentang tempat-tempat baru.Akhirnya, anak-anak harus pergi pada mereka karena mereka
akan belajar bagaimana berperilaku sehingga mereka dapat melanjutkan lebih banyak.Itu sebabnya saya
pikir sangat penting bagi anak-anak untuk pergi berwisata.

3.SchoolI think children should go to school.First, children can learn to read at school. They love to read
books.Second, they can make new friends. They like their friends.Finally, they can play on the computer.
It is fun.I think children should go to school.Arti Contoh Analytical Exposition TextSekolahSaya pikir anak-
anakharus pergi ke sekolah.Pertama, anak-anak dapat belajar membaca di sekolah. Mereka suka
membaca buku.Kedua, mereka bisa mendapat teman baru. Mereka menyukai teman-teman
mereka.Akhirnya, mereka bisa bermain di komputer. Itu menyenangkan.Saya pikir anak-anak harus pergi
ke sekolah.

4.Students work harder than teachersIt is my belief that students undoubtedly work harder than teachers.It is
obvious that students definitely work harder, because they come to school to learn new things but teachers come
to school to teach what they already know, so students definitely work harder than teachers.It is true to say that
most students also do things after school. They have homework, studying and also participate in additional
activities like golf, tutoring, footy, soccer,piano and swimming. I believe that these extra activities result in tired and
overworked students.Therefore, my opinion is students certainly work harder than teachers.Arti Contoh Analytical
Exposition TextSiswa bekerja lebih keras daripada guruIni adalah keyakinan saya bahwa siswa tidak diragukan
bekerja lebih keras daripada guru.Jelas bahwa siswa pasti bekerja lebih keras, karena mereka datang ke sekolah
untuk belajar hal-hal baru tetapi gurudatang ke sekolah untuk mengajarkan apa yang sudah mereka ketahui,
sehingga siswa pasti bekerja lebih keras daripada guru.Memang benar untuk mengatakan bahwa sebagian besar
siswa juga melakukan hal-hal setelah sekolah. Mereka memiliki pekerjaan rumah, belajar dan juga berpartisipasi
dalam kegiatan tambahan seperti golf, les, footy, sepak bola, piano danberenang. Saya percaya bahwa kegiatan
ekstra ini menghasilkan siswa yang lelah dan terlalu banyak bekerja.Karena itu, pendapat saya adalah siswa tentu
bekerja lebih keras daripada guru.

5.Should children learn to swim?

I believe children should learn how to swim.Firstly, you should learn to swim because you need to keep safe in the
water.Secondly, swimming is good exercise.Thirdly, we can win races at the swimming carnival.Lastly, we learn how
to swim and hold our breath under water.It is important for children to learn how to swim.Arti Contoh Analytical
Exposition TextHaruskah anak-anak belajar berenang?Saya percaya anak-anak harus belajar berenang.Pertama,
Anda harus belajar berenang karena Anda harus tetap aman di dalam air.Kedua, berenang adalah olahraga yang
baik.Ketiga, kita bisa memenangkan balapan di karnaval renang.Terakhir, kita belajar berenang dan menahan napas
di bawah air.Penting bagi anak-anak untuk belajar berenang.

6.Does school serve a useful purpose?I urge others to realise that school does in fact serve a useful purpose. School
attendance ensures that children are educated, which will help our country in the future, and it also leaves parents
free forsix hours a day.To begin with, I believe schoolteachers are responsible for teaching children the skills that
are necessary to get a goodjob.Getting the job you want is important because it will definitely affect your feelings
for work, which youhave to attend nearly everyday.Furthermore, parents need a break from their children, so a
good six hours of school will allow them to go to work or have some free time. If children do not attend school,
parents will have to employ people to educate them.To conclude, I believe that school does serve a useful purpose
and it helps us and our country.Arti Contoh Analytical Exposition TextApakah sekolah memiliki tujuan yang
bermanfaat?Saya mendorong orang lain untuk menyadari bahwa sekolah ternyata melayani tujuan yang
bermanfaat. Kehadiran sekolah memastikan bahwa anak-anak dididik, yang akan membantu negara kita di masa
depan, dan itu juga membuat orang tua Should children spend more time exercising?Ibelieve children should spend
more time exercising.Firstly, I think children should spend more time exercising because they can learn new
sports.Secondly, I agree children should do this so they can be healthy.Thirdly, I believe children should do more
exercise because they can run faster.Finally, I think children should spend more time exercising so they can be fit.

7.School Children Should Wear Hats at School

School children should wear hats at school because it is a school rule.

School children should wear them because if they don’t have one then they can’t play.

School children should wear hats at school because if you have a hat, you are allowed to play.

8.Should children spend more time exercising?

I believe children should spend more time exercisingFirstly, I think children should spend more time exercising
because they can learn new sports.Secondly, I agree children should do this so they can be healthy.

Thirdly, I believe children should do more exercise because they can run faster.Finally, I think
children should spend more time exercising so they can be fit.Arti Contoh Analytical Exposition TextHaruskah anak-
anak menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu untuk berolahraga?Saya percaya anak-anak harus menghabiskan lebih
banyak waktu untuk berolahraga.Pertama, saya pikir anak-anak harus menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu untuk
berolahraga karena mereka dapatmempelajari olahraga ubaru.Kedua, saya setuju anak-anak harus melakukan ini
agar mereka bisa sehat.

Ketiga, saya percaya anak-anak harus melakukan lebih banyak latihan karena mereka dapat berlari lebih
cepat.Akhirnya, saya pikir anak-anak harus menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu untuk berolahraga sehingga mereka
bisa bugar.

9.Children should be able to ride scooters to school

My point of view is that children should be able to ride scooters to school as they are more efficient than bikes.
They are portable, good for exercise, and children do not tire easily when riding them.

To begin with, I believe that riding scooters to school prevents children from being late. For example, riding them is
fun and time-efficient, whilst walking is time-consuming. As a result, children arrive at school later, and cannot play
with their friends before school begins.

Another important reason why I think kids should ride scooters to school is it is a fantastic form of exercise. They
will have fun as well as keeping fit. Leg muscles will be strengthened and children will also get into the habit of
exercising regularly.

My final reason is that I believe scooters are more portable than bikes. Therefore, they can fit into school bags and
don’t cause any hassles. Consequently, unlike bikes, scooters can’t be very easily stolen.

To conclude, I strongly believe children should be allowed to ride scooters to school as they reduce travelling time,
increase fitness levels, and are portable and convenient.

10.Sharks should not be hunted

I personally believe that sharks should not be killed if they attack humans.

Surely humans must understand that when they are surfing, sharks may mistake them for an animal. Foolishly,
when humans go surfing they are disturbing the sharks’ natural habitat.

Common sense tells us that sharks should not be hunted or killed because they are only doing what comes
naturally. According to Kate Davey, the National Coordinator of the Australian Marine Conservation Society, sharks
should not be hunted or killed because they are following their natural instincts.

In conclusion, I would like to stress that sharks should not be hunted or killed after they attack humans, because of
the reasons mentioned above.

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