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Social Media is one of the best means of communicating and connecting to other
people these days. It is also one way of searching answers to our unanswered
questions. Social Media also became a platforms where people expresses their
thoughts, feelings, and unvoiced emotions. Social Media plays a great role in the
lives of the students, and even out of school youths nowadays. It plays as a source
of students’ knowledge and different learnings (about on how to) that are not
taught in schools. Despite of the advantages and help of using social media in
students, undeniably there are bad effects on people, especially in students.
Social media often leads to addiction that usually leads in acquiring of bad habits
of students. This gives them addiction in using social media, like Facebook,
Instagram, and others. Not just social media apps but also in Video and online
games. To prove whether the social media really causes addiction to students, the
researchers were eager to conduct a study which will also be a help in letting the
students know the effect of using social media to them. The researchers also wants
their research study to be helpful to parents, which they will also know and be able
to monitor their children when using social media. The researchers also aims to help
the teachers in letting their students know the effect of social media in them.
Overall, the whole research study with the effort of the researchers, hopes for a
positive response from the readers of their research.
Theoretical Framework

Anecdotal case study evidence suggests that ‘addiction’ to social networks

on the internet may be a potential health problem for the users. However, the
contemporary scientific literature addressing the addictive qualities of social
networks on the Internet is a scarce. Therefore, this literature review is intended to
provide empirical and conceptual insight into the emerging phenomenon of
addiction to SNSs (Social Networking Sites) by: (1) outlining SNS usage patterns, (2)
examining motivations for SNS usage, (3) examining personalities of SNS users (4)
examining negative consequences of SNS addiction specificity and comorbidity.
The findings indicate that SNS s are predominantly used for social purposes, mostly
related to the maintenance of established offline networks. Moreover, extraverts
appear to use social networking sites for social enhancement, whereas introverts
use it for social compensation, each of which appears to be related to greater
usage, as does low conscientiousness and high narcissism. Negative correlates of
SNS usage include the decrease in real life social community participation and
academic achievement, as well as relationship problems, each of which may be
addictive of potential addiction.

In terms of SNSs history, the first social networking site (SixDegrees) was
launched, based on the idea that everybody was linked with everybody else via
six degrees of separation, and initially referred to as the “small world problems”. In
2004, the most successful current SNS, Facebook, was established as a closed
virtual community for Harvard Students. The site expanded very quickly and
Facebook currently has more than 500 million users, of whom fifty percent log on
to it everyday. (

This literature implies the ideas on what the scenarios will be at the end of
this study. This gives a wave and also be a trace to find a meaningful and
successive type of research study based on its title. It will significantly a help to
every researcher after this research to is done. It is that in every research study it
may ask for a theory or concept, but this type of study contains a theory that could
be prove after this study is done. This theory correlates to the title and study that is
based and all about using of social media SNS, how it affects to someone, and
also how it always serves as a way to be updated to everyone and to the outside

Independent Variable Intervening Variables Dependent Variable

* Peer-
Factors that Related
lead to Social Media

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know the factors that lead to students in social media in
Ilog Catholic high School, Junior High Students who studied in the school year 2017-
2018. This research study also aims to find valid answers from the respondents.
What is the extent of Students social media addiction when grouped
according to grade level?

a. Grade 7
b. Grade 8
c. Grade 9
d. Grade 10

What is the extent of social media addiction on students’ academic



With the mentioned statement of the problem, the researchers formulated the
following hypothesis:

1. There is significant factor that leads to students’ social media addiction.

2. Social media cannot lead to addiction of students.
3. There is no significant factor that leads to students’ social media addiction.
4. Social media can lead to addiction of students.

Scope and Limitation

This study will be conducted to determine the factors that lead to student’s
addiction to social media, according to their age, personal reasons and to their
peer-related factors. It will be conducted at Ilog Catholic High School, Junior High
Students, Barangay 1, Ilog, Negros Occidental.

The respondents of the study will be 40 students. 10 from each grade level
from grades 7-10. The researchers will use a researcher-made questionnaire in
gathering data. The results of these study depends on the respondent’s willingness
and honesty in answering the survey questions.
Significance of the study

The significance of the study will be view in different aspects namely: School,
Students, Teachers, Parents, and Researchers.

School: The school will be aware of the factors that might lead to students’
addiction to social media, and be aware of the reasons why their students are
having that kind of performance in school.

Students: This will help them to realize the effects of social media in them and help
them to be aware and be able to cope up to this factors.

Teachers: Help them understand their students and be able to help them
overcome this situation.

Parents: The findings of the study will help the parents to be aware of their
children’s behavior and the factors that will be leading to children’s addiction to
social media.

Researchers: The research will hopefully be use as a reference to future studies

and researches.

Definition of Terms:

To be able to understand and interpret the results, the following terms were

Social Media- at its most basic sense, a shift in how people discover, read and
share news and information and content. It’s fusion of sociology and technology,
transforming monologue (one to many) into dialog (many to many). (Brian Solis

In this study it refers to the platform where students are inclined today, and how it
might lead them to social addiction.
Addiction- an unusually great interest in something or a need to do or have
something: a compulsive habit-forming, characterized by tolerance and by well-
defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal; broadly: persistent compulsive
used of (something) known by the user to be harmful.

Social Networking Sites (SNS) - are online platforms that people use to build social
networks or social relations with other people who share similar personal or career
interest, activities, backgrounds, or real-life connections. (

Communication Media- refers to the means of delivering and receiving data or

information. A transmission and storage tools, channels for data transmission and
storage. (

Review of Related Literature

What is Social Networking Addiction?

Social networking addiction is a phrase sometimes used to refer to someone

spending too much time using Facebook, Twitter and other forms of social
media—so much so that it interferes with other aspects of daily life. There’s no
official medical recognition of social networking addiction as a disease or disorder.

Leslie Walker also defined what Social Media Addiction is. Addiction usually
refers to compulsive behavior that leads to negative effects. In most addictions,
people feel compelled to do certain activities so often that they become a
harmful habit, which then interferes with other important activities such as a work
or school.

In that context, a social networking addict could be considered someone

with a compulsion to use social media to excess—constantly checking Facebook
status updates or “stalking” people’s profiles on Facebook, for example, for hours
on end. Does spending three hours a day on Twitter reading random tweets from
strangers mean you’re addiction to Twitter? How about five hours?

Researchers at Chicago University concluded that social media addiction

can be stronger than addiction to cigarettes and booze following an experiment
in which they recorded the cravings of several hundred people for several weeks.
And at Harvard University, researchers actually hooked people up to functional
MRI machines to scan their brains and see what happens when they talk about
themselves, which is a key part of what people do in social media.

Some people consider excessive use of social network simply the latest form
of “Internet Addiction Disorder”, a phenomenon people first began writing about
in the 1990s when Internet use was starting to spread. Even back then, people
theorized that heavy use of the Internet might impair people’s performance at
work, in school and in family relationships. (Refer to bibliography no. 1)

Social Networking addiction is a form of using and being engage in social

media with a full and all time using. These lead a person to become addicted in
the case of spending too much time on social media without using controls, for all
we know that in using and spending too much in social media would be a great
factor to be addicted with its special and attractive features and programs that
we can be ease and relieve from our stress and tiring activities and these could be
the roots so as to be addicted of. It is more than an influence of liquors and
cigarettes to a person lives

Students Addicted to Social Media.

According to the article written by Leah Finnegan, the study conducted to

the University of Maryland shows that, students are addicted to social media, and
computers and smartphones deliver their drug. The study, conducted by the
school’s International Center for Media and the Public agenda, challenged 200
of the Maryland students to abstain from media for one full day and then blog
about the experience. The Maryland Journalism Professor, Susan D. Moeller, who
conducted the study, said she was struck by how the short media blackout
personally and emotionally affected students. (Refer to bibliography no. 2)

Through the rampant existence of the new invented smartphones, gadgets

and computers, a particular individual could use this as a tool that they could be
addicted to social media. It is basically that these things are the things that is a
tool to be engage and be a user and a social media surfer. This may be the thing
that a person will be stuck with.
How are students addicted to social media?

“Today’s teenagers are the first generation to have lived their teenage years
using digital devices and social flat forms, “Jennifer Dibella, Electronic
Communications specialist, said. “ The desire to share and socialize is natural;
however, what is unnatural is constantly checking what is going on in Twitter or
Instagram. “Millennials are more inclined in using social media rather than
engaging their self in real-life situations. They are a lot more focused on their social
media status, followers, likes, tweets and such. According to the Pew Research
Center’s Internet and American Life Project survey conducted in September 2012,
95% of teenagers between12 to 17 years old are online, 81% use some kind of social
media. The three most popular social media platforms used were Facebook,
Twitter and Instagram. “Social media is the second place to interact with those we
do not see that often, “15 year old, Michelle Hu said. From watching the news,
reconnecting to other people or communicating with others, social media is one
of the most used medium by everyone. (Refer to bibliography no.3)

Today’s teenagers, are the social media users and are desires are all in using
gadgets, smartphones and other technologies. As we are one of them, in every
doing we create a documentation and posts it in our social media accounts as it
is what the trends for now. We are preferred to have a bunch of likes, followers,
and friends just to be known as fame one, and these are the things that we
consider a measure of being fame. It is what that is a very wrong perception to us,
teenagers, for these are the factors that we can be lead to the disadvantages of
using social media and barely this would be also a great factor to be addicted in
social media.

Social Media Addiction

Dr. Lawrence Wilson, stated on his article, “Social networking sites such as
Facebook, Myspace, Twitter and dozens of others allow people to stay in touch
like never before. However, some people spend so much time on these sites that
it begins to interfere with their lives. Psychologists are referring to this as a social
networking compulsion or addiction.” Dr. Wilson also included some signs and
effects of being addicted to social media, we cited five from this signs, namely: 1.
Spending more than one hour daily at social media sites; 2. Checking Facebook
whenever possible; 3. Interference with work, school performance or your offline
social life; 4. Obsessive thoughts about “friends” or other aspects of the social
media; 5. Looking for new Facebook friends in an almost competitive way; 6.
Losing sleep to go on Facebook or other sites. Emotionally or personally, social
media has really great effect on us. In using social media, we must balance
everything, our time and attitudes when using it. (Refer to bibliography no.4)

In every doing a person may do, they always check and get in touch with
their social media accounts to look for an updates and to visit with. Like on this
time, we are getting news, reports and updates from our friends, family and people
around us. This is on how we care, concerned, with them in the aspect of checking
them out if their just fine for this are the rampant type of communication that
everyone are using and dealing with.

Causes of Internet Addiction

There are no clear-cut definitions or defined causes of Internet addiction.
Mainly this is because internet addiction is a newer phenomenon; there are not
many precedents. However, that doesn’t mean that someone can’t have an
addiction. As noted above, there are few actual researched-based definitions
available, additionally, you can divide Internet addictions into categories – like
online shopping addictions, an online gambling addiction, or cybersex addiction.
They said, at the root of every addiction, whether its drugs, food, or computer
addiction, there’s common factor that suggests that the addiction is indeed an
addiction, and not just a habit. (Refer to bibliography no.5).
Some signs of internet addiction to the Illinois Institute for Addiction Recovery
(IIAR) include:

1. A large preoccupation with being online.

2. An individual needs to use the Internet more frequently to get satisfaction
from the activity.
3. Feeling bored, upset, restless, moody, depressed or anxiety-ridden when
they can’t be online.
4. Becoming angry when someone needs the computer or refusing to share
time- most common in households where there are shared computers.
5. Forgets all about time when online.
6. Can’t stop getting online, no matter how hard they try.
While more research needs to be completed about why people become
addicted to the Internet, there are some known causes of Internet addiction.
Causes can vary by age, gender, and of course, personality. (Refer to bibliography
This study simply explains how tough you can out from a sucking world or
social media as a user. This implies first, how you get their and explain why you
cannot be easily takeoff from this situation and last on how you can survive from
the sucking world of social media. It is that where people that can feel relieve and
be a stress free one. On the other hand, it is based on psychology, that those lonely
persons are the one that always spending from time to time on social media.

How much does social media affect high school students?

In a survey conducted taken by students in California, Texas, Washington,

and Arizona, by Alana Nunez- Garcia June 2016, they were asked questions about
their overall online experience during their high school years. When asked how
much time they spend technology. As a result, a type of social law has formed,
requiring everyone to have somewhat of an online presence. This demands to
grow as the internet expands its platforms and continues to connect people all
around the globe. This growth see the largest impact on teenagers specifically,
especially in regards to social media networks. (Refer to bibliography no. 6)
Based on this study, this is an awareness for us users of social media to have
a control and limit on using it. Using social media is important, and it is more likely
to be important for there we can have a communication with our relatives and
family abroad and also our friends who are far from us. This study also made to
make us aware about the purpose of using social media and its help to us.

The Impact of Social Media on Students’ academic performance- A case of

Malaysia Institution.

According to the outcome, students’ performance is affected the more

they use Facebook. Social platforms are mainly used by students for socializing
activities rather than academic purpose (Oye, 2012). In addition (Oye, 2012) said
that majority of students feel that social platforms have positive impact on
academic growth. In a different research conducted by Shana (2012) it was
ascertain that students use platforms mainly for chatting and making friends. “The
consequences of Internet and social platforms on students’ academic growth” a
school life. (Refer to bibliography no. 7).
According to this study, it has been stated that social media platforms are
just commonly used by students for socializing rather than academic purposes.
Usually when students open or use their social media accounts they immediately
check what’s the new update on their idol’s account and their newsfeeds rather
than using it for academic purposes.

Social Media and Academic Performances of the Students in University in Lagos.

According to Kuppuswamy and Shankar (2010), social network websites

grab attention of the students and diverts it towards non-educational and
inappropriate actions including useless chatting. Whereas on the other hand,
(Liccardi, Ounnas, Massey, KInnunen, Midy, and Sakar, 2007) reviewed that the
students are socially connected with each other for sharing their daily learning
experiences and do conversation on several topics. (Refer to bibliography no.
Social networking sites and apps usually grabs the attention of students most
especially if it is what their peer group usually use and if it is the trendy app of
that time. Some of the usage of social media for students are for chatting and
such, whereas there are students that shares their learned lessons and thoughts
with their classmates and later on discuss related and unrelated topics.

Causes of teenage social media addiction

He may be feeling overwhelmed, curious, lonely, bored, stressed,

depressed or even anxious about something and may decide to go online to kill
time. Once in the virtual world of the social media, he will most likely forget his
worries and feel better. It will set the precedent for the next time he feels bored,
lonely, depressed or stressed.

Your teen may feel disconnected from his family and even from his friends. It
could be because he feels like a misfit, or that he does not conform to the way
that other friends or people around him behave or think. It could cause your teen
to feel confused or frustrated, and the only place where he feels he can be
himself without feeling out of place is the social media. (Refer to bibliography no.
As a teenager is growing up, he may be feeling not just physical but also
emotional changes. Teenagers tend to feel more stressed and worried about
their self as they are growing as a result, they use social media as a tool to forget
all their worries and stresses.
Social Media Life of teens.

A teenage years may experience a fluctuating weight. He could either gain

or lose weight without any obvious reasons. Your teen may complain of frequent
headaches and even discomfort in the eyes. It may not be seen properly but be
able to have a blurry or strained vision of problems, these are all according to
the physical changes and hazards of a teen in the result of being addicted to a
social media. (Refer to bibliography no. 10).

Students would likely feel stressed and worried about their studies such, due
to these he would likely use social media to cope up with the stress that they feel.
As a result, some of the effects using social media causes dizziness, headache,
and blurry vision.

Internet Addiction to students: Prevalence and risk factors.

Higher Facebook use predicts greater body image dissatisfaction during

life. The role of self in social networking and psychological experiences: the
perceptions of young people with mental health in virtual environment. Is it
easier for the Turkish Cypriots to be social but virtual? (Refer to bibliography no.

Using of social media such as Facebook may highly cause a lot of effects
on a students’ physical and mental health. He may be more virtually inclined
rather than learning the possibilities and realities of these world.

Research Design and Methodology

This chapter shows and discusses the research environment, research

design, respondents of the study, sampling procedure, data gathering instrument
and data gathering procedure.

Research Environment

This study will be conducted at Ilog Catholic High School Inc. which is a
private catholic school located at Burgos St., Brgy. 1, Ilog Negros Occidental for
the school year 2017-2018.

Research Design

This study used descriptive and survey research design. The main purpose
of this design is to determine and describe the factors that might lead to social
media addiction of students through survey.

Respondents of the study

The respondents of this study are the Junior High Students of Ilog Catholic
High School for the school year 2017-2018. The students are randomly selected by
the researchers from Grades 7 to 10. Every grade level, 10 respondents were
randomly selected to answer the survey-questionnaire that were made by the

Sampling Procedure

The Sampling procedure that will be used by the researchers were utilized
to gather the data needed. There were 40 respondents. The researchers used
sampling technique to determine the samples random selection were applied to
each grade level.

Data Gathering Instrument

In this study, the researchers will use the researcher-made questionnaire as
the data gathering instrument. The questionnaire that will be conducted to the
students, contains 25 questions based on how they use social media. The options
of the questionnaire were the following: 3- Strongly Agree, 2- Agree, 1- Strongly

Data Gathering Procedure

Before the actual conducting of the survey, the researchers will secure first
the approval of the research adviser, the Principal, Faculty members of ICHS and
students of Junior High School. After the approval of the School Administration of
the ICHS the researchers will conduct the study.

Table 1: Frequency of Sample respondents



Grade 7 107 10

Grade 8 83 10

Grade 9 100 10

Grade10 76 10

TOTAL 366 40


social media/


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