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Designing of Retaining Wall (120m Long)

LB of the Canal
Reference Calculation Output
Design Angle of friction, f = 25.0 deg
Design Cohesion, c = 10.0 kN/m2
Unit weight of soil, g = 18.0 kN/m3
Unit weight of water, gw = 0.0 kN/m3 Provide weep holes
Allowable bearing capacity = 150 kPa


Ws Ww

h L3

BS 8002:1994 Surcharge, q = 10.0 kN/m2
Cl 3.3.4

Angle of backfill, b = 0.0 deg

Unit weight of concrete, gc = 24.0 kN/m3

Height of the wall, H = 2.30 m

Base thickness, h = 0.20 m
Base length,
L1 = 0.00 m
L2 = 0.20 m
L3 = 1.30 m

Shear key dimensions,

d= 0.00 m
w= 0.00 m

Characteristic strength of concrete, fcu = 25.0 N/mm2

Reference Calculation Output
Characteristic strength of tor steel, fy = 460.0 kN/m 2

Unit weight of concrete, gc = 24.0 kN/m3

Characteristic strength of mild steel, fy = 250.0 kN/m2

Cover = 30.0 mm

For No pore water pressure

�_𝐻=(𝑞�_𝑎+�_𝑎.�_𝑉−2�√(�_𝑎 ))𝐶𝑜𝑠�

Active pressure factor, Ka = 0.406 Ka = 0.406

Passive pressure factor, Kp = 2.464 Kp = 2.464

Using Rankine's Theory

Horizontal forces, = 17.0 kN
Active thrust from soil, Fs = = 6.9 kN
Active thrust due to surcharge, Fq = 10.1 kN
Active thrust from pore water, Fu = 0.0 kN

Vertical forces, 85.1 kN

Weight of base, Wb = 7.2 kN
Weight of wall, Ww = 11.0 kN
Weight of shear key, Wk= 0.0 kN
Weight of soil (incl. surcharge), Ws = 66.8 kN
Vertical component, Wv = 0.0 kN

Key resistance (Passive), Wk = 0.0 kN

Force resisting sliding,

Rvtanδ = 39.7 kN

FoS against sliding = 2.33 > 1.5, OK FoS = 2.33


Disturbing Moment, MD = 18.4 kNm MD = 18.4 kNm

Soil = 5.8 kNm
Surcharge = 12.7 kNm

Resisting Moment, MR 63.3 kNm MR= 63.3 kNm

Weight of base, Wb = 5.4 kNm
Reference Calculation Output
Weight of wall, Ww = 1.1 kNm
Weight of shear key, Wk= 0.0 kNm
Weight of soil (incl. surcharge), Ws = 56.8 kNm
Passive force = 0.0 kNm

FoS against overturning = 3.43 > 2, OK FoS = 3.43

Bearing Capacity:
Consider moments about point A.
If Rv acts at a distance x from A, Then
Rvx = (MR - MD) = 44.9 kNm
That is,
x = 0.53 m

Eccentricity of Rv,
e = 0.22 m <B/6, OK

Maximum bearing pressure = Rv(1 + 6e/B)/B

Pmax = 107.2 kPa

FoS against bearing capacity failure = 1.40 > 1, OK FoS = 1.40

Bending Reinforcement - Wall

Total Pressure, p = 8.12 kPa

That is,
P= 14.01 kN/m

Design moment, MDES = 20.04 kNm

Main R/F Bar dia = 10 mm

C/S area of bar = 79 mm2
Effective depth, d = 165 mm

BS 8110-1:1997
K= 0.029 K= 0.029
K' = 0.156

K < K' Compression RF not required

z= 159 mm z= 159 mm
z > 0.95d ?? 157 mm
Reference Calculation Output
As = 293 mm /m 2
As = 293 mm2/m

Provide 4 Nos. 10mm bars for 1m length

Spacing = 333 mm
Spacing = 300 mm Provide 10mm bars at
300 mm spacing

Distribution reinforcement (Minimum reinforcement) for wall

R/F Bar dia = 10 mm
Table 3.25 Area of Distribution bars = 260 mm2/m

4 Nos. 10mm bars for 1m length

Spacing = 333 mm
Spacing = 300 mm Provide 10mm bars at
300 mm spacing

Bending Reinforcement - Wall (Sudden Drawdown)

Total Pressure, p = 22.56 kPa gw = 9.81 kN/m3

That is,
P= 25.95 kN/m

Design moment, MDES = 8.65 kNm

Main R/F Bar dia = 10 mm

C/S area of bar = 79 mm2
Effective depth, d = 165 mm

BS 8110-1:1997
K= 0.029 K= 0.029
K' = 0.156

K < K' Compression RF not required

z= 159 mm z= 159 mm
z > 0.95d ?? 157 mm

As = 293 mm2/m As = 293 mm2/m

Provide 4 Nos. 10mm bars for 1m length

Spacing = 333 mm
Spacing = 300 mm Provide 10mm bars at
300 mm spacing
Reference Calculation Output

Bending Reinforcement - Base

At Heel

Maximum pressure = Rv(1 + 6e/B)/B

Pmax = 107.2 kPa Pmax = 107.2 kPa

Minimum pressure = Rv(1 - 6e/B)/B

Pmin = 6.2 kPa Pmin = 6.2 kPa


130.9 150.1

Design moment @ point B, M= 26.1 kNm

Main R/F Bar dia = 12 mm

C/S area of bar = 113 mm2
Effective depth, d = 164 mm

BS 8110-1:1997
K= 0.039 K= 0.039
K' = 0.156

K < K' Compression RF not required

z= 157 mm z= 157 mm
z > 0.95d ?? 155.8 mm

As = 384 mm2/m As = 384 mm2/m

Provide 4 Nos. 12mm bars for 1m length

Spacing = 333 mm
Spacing = 300 mm Provide 12mm bars at
300 mm spacing

Distribution reinforcement (Minimum reinforcement)

R/F Bar dia = 10 mm
Table 3.25 Area of Distribution bars = 260 mm2/m
Reference Calculation Output

4 Nos. 10mm bars for 1m length

Spacing = 333 mm
Spacing = 300 mm Provide 10mm bars at
300 mm spacing

200 mm

10mm bars @ 10mm bars @

300mm spacing 300mm spacing

2500 mm

10mm bars @
300mm spacing

200 mm

1500 mm

12mm bars @
300mm spacing

Designed By Checked By

…........................... …...........................
Eng. R. Mathuranhan Eng. S. Nivoshan
Irrigation Engineer Irrigation Engineer

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