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Paket 1 UAS Ganjil (KTSP) Jumlah Soal : Durasi :

2018/2019 40 Butir 1 jam 30 menit RTO-
Kelas 12 IPA TU1TRQO

1. Read the dialogue below and answer the following question.

Peter : “Fred, you know? I won the national English debate yesterday.”

Fred : “Oh, wow! That’s incredible! I am happy for you.”

Peter : “Thanks, Fred! I am so grateful that finally I can be a winner.”

Fred : “Well, keep spirit for another competition. I’ll always support you.”

Peter : “How kind of you!”

Which one shows the gratitude expression from the dialogue above?

a. How kind of you!

b. That’s incredible!

c. I’ll always support you.

d. I won national English debate yesterday.

e. I am so grateful.

2. Gerald : “Anne, congratulations! That’s very surprising you can be a winner. Your voice is very good.”

Anne : “Thanks, Gerald! I don’t know that I actually can sing well. I am so grateful.”

Gerald : “I am amazed at your awesome talent. Keep practicing your voice, Anne! I encourage you to
enter another singing competition.”

Anne : “Oh, sure I will. Also, thanks for your encouragement!”

“I encourage you to enter another singing competition.”

The italic word has closest meaning to?

a. Give

b. Discourage

c. Support

d. Make

e. Help

3. Read the dialogue carefully to answer no. 2 to 3!

Gerald : “Anne, congratulations! That’s very surprising you can be a winner. Your voice is very good.”

Anne : “Thanks, Gerald! I don’t know that actually I can sing well. I am so grateful.”

Gerald : “I am amazed at your awesome talent. Keep practicing your voice, Anne! I encourage you to

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Paket 1 UAS Ganjil (KTSP) Jumlah Soal : Durasi :

2018/2019 40 Butir 1 jam 30 menit RTO-
Kelas 12 IPA TU1TRQO

enter another singing competition.”

Anne : “Oh, sure I will. Also, thanks for your encouragement!”

Based on the text, which one is the expressions of surprise?

a. Congratulations!

b. That’s very surprising you can be a winner.

c. Your voice is very good.

d. I am so grateful.

e. I am amazed at your awesome talent.

4. Read the dialogue below and answer the following question.

Glen : “That’s a really amazing speech, Mike! The content of your speech was very surprising.”

Mike : “Thank you so much, Glen! My dad helped me making the text. I am so thankful for having a great
daddy like him.”

Glen : “I am amazed at you and your daddy! Keep being the amazing one!”

Mike : “Oh thanks a bunch, my classmate!”

Based on the dialogue, which of the following is the expression of amazement?

a. That’s a really amazing speech, Mike!

b. The content of your speech was very surprising

c. I am so thankful having great daddy like him

d. I am amazed at you and your daddy!

e. Oh thanks a bunch, my classmate!

5. Read the dialogue below and answer the following question.

John : “Tom, I heard your team won the football match. Is it true?”

Tom : “Yes, it is. I am so happy!"

John : “Wow, congratulations! I am so proud of you and your team as well.”

Tom : “Thanks, John! I am so thankful for this.”

John : “How amazing your team is!”

Which of the following shows the gratitude expression based on the dialogue above?

a. I am so happy!

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Paket 1 UAS Ganjil (KTSP) Jumlah Soal : Durasi :

2018/2019 40 Butir 1 jam 30 menit RTO-
Kelas 12 IPA TU1TRQO

b. Wow, congratulations!

c. I am so proud of you and your team as well.

d. I am so thankful for this

e. How amazing your team is!

6. Read the dialogue below and answer the following question.

Sony : “Mom, look at this! I’ve got 100 for mathematics.”

Mom : “Really? This is a big surprise for mommy. You are already doing good, Sony! Mommy is proud of

Sony : “Thank you, mommy. I am so thankful. I promise, I will study often now.”

Mom : “Good dedication, Sony! You amazed mom!”

Based on the dialogue, we can infer that…

a. Sony gets a bad grade in mathematics.

b. Sony feels proud of himself.

c. Sony’s mother feels so depressed.

d. Sony will be more diligent.

e. Sony’s mother is not thankful.

7. Read the dialogue carefully!

Betty : “Mika, did you throw that rubbish?”

Mika : “Yes, I admit it. I am sorry.”

Berry : “No littering! You have to throw the rubbish into the garbage can next time.”

Mika : “All right.”

Yes, I admit it is an expression of…

a. compulsion

b. denying facts

c. admitting facts

d. amazement

e. compliment

8. Read the dialogue below and answer the following question.

Harry : “Josef, did you take my book?”

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Paket 1 UAS Ganjil (KTSP) Jumlah Soal : Durasi :

2018/2019 40 Butir 1 jam 30 menit RTO-
Kelas 12 IPA TU1TRQO

Josef : “Yes, I did. I borrowed your book, not took your book. But I just forgot to say that I want to
borrow your book. Hehehe.”

Harry : “Oh my God. OK, then. You should ask for my permission first next time.”

Josef : “Okay, sure. I am sorry.”

Harry : “It’s OK.”

Based on the text, the options below are true, except…

a. Harry forgives Josef.

b. Josef admits taking the book.

c. Josef took Harry’s book without permission.

d. Harry is extremely mad at Josef.

e. Harry advises Josef to take permission first before borrowing something.

9. Read the dialogue below and answer the following question.

Zayn : “Is it right that your mother gave birth to a baby boy?”

Justin : “Yes, it is right.”

Zayn : “So, now you have a little brother, don’t you? Congratulations! I am happy to hear that.”

Justin : “Yes, I have. Thanks so much, Zayn!”

Based on the dialogue, which is the expression of admitting facts?

a. Is it right your mother gave birth to a baby boy?

b. Yes, it is right.

c. You have a little brother, don’t you?

d. Congratulations!

e. I am happy to hear that.

10. Read the dialogue below and answer the following question.

Zaki : “Jeni, did you hide my English book? Tell me the truth.”

Jeni : “…. I didn’t even see your book.”

Zaki : “Really? Please, don’t lie. I really need that book since I have to study English tonight.”

Jeni : “I swear! I’m not lying!”

Zaki : “All right. Thank you.”

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Paket 1 UAS Ganjil (KTSP) Jumlah Soal : Durasi :

2018/2019 40 Butir 1 jam 30 menit RTO-
Kelas 12 IPA TU1TRQO

Which is the proper expression to complete the dialogue?

a. Really?

b. That’s wrong

c. No, I am not

d. Yes, I did

e. No, I didn’t

11. Read the dialogue below and answer the following question.

Joni : “Ruben, happy birthday!”

Ruben : “What? It’s not my birthday, Joni.”

Misel : “Really? Joni, I think we forgot Ruben’s birthday.”

Joni : “Yeah, I guess. Nonetheless, what I remember is that today is your birthday.”

Ruben : “…. It’s a couple of weeks again.”

Misel : “Oh then, sorry. Joni and I really forgot your special day.”

Ruben : “It doesn’t matter, buddies.”

Which expression is appropriate to complete the dialogue?

a. No, I don’t.

b. No, it’s not true

c. No, I am not

d. No, it wasn’t

e. Yes, I do

12. Read the dialogue below and answer the following question.

Toni : “Sen, I heard that you loved novels now. Is it true?”

Sen : “Who said that? It’s totally wrong! I still don’t like novels. I prefer comic than novels.”

Toni : “Somebody just told me. Well, all right.”

What is the dialogue about?

a. Somebody said that Toni loved novels.

b. Sen and Toni love novels and comics.

c. Toni loves novels and comics just like Sen.

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Paket 1 UAS Ganjil (KTSP) Jumlah Soal : Durasi :

2018/2019 40 Butir 1 jam 30 menit RTO-
Kelas 12 IPA TU1TRQO

d. Sen admits that he prefers novels to comics.

e. Sen is denying that he loves novels.

13. Read the text below and answer the following questions.

How a Tsunami Happens

Tsunami is a Japanese word: “tsu” meaning harbour and “name” meaning wave. Tsunami is waves caused
by sudden movement of the ocean surface due to earthquakes, landslides on the sea floor, land slumping
into the ocean, large volcanic eruptions or meteorite impact in the ocean.

A tsunami can be generated when the sea floor suddenly deforms and vertically displaces the overlying
water. Such large vertical movements of the earth’s crust can occur at plate boundaries. Subduction of
earthquakes are mainly effective in generating tsunamis, and occur where denser oceanic plates slip
under continental plates. Since the displaced water mass moves under the influence of gravity to regain its
equilibrium, it radiates across the ocean like ripples on a pond.

A tsunami always causes a huge breakdown such as property damage, and even loss of life. Most of the
damages are caused by the massive tsunami waves when it becomes extremely large in height.

(Adapted from

What is the type of the text?

a. Explanation text

b. Report text

c. News item

d. Spoof text

e. Hortatory exposition

14. Read the text below and answer the following questions.

How a Tsunami Happens

Tsunami is a Japanese word: “tsu” meaning harbour and “name” meaning wave. Tsunami is waves caused
by sudden movement of the ocean surface due to earthquakes, landslides on the sea floor, land slumping
into the ocean, large volcanic eruptions or meteorite impact in the ocean.

A tsunami can be generated when the sea floor suddenly deforms and vertically displaces the overlying
water. Such large vertical movements of the earth’s crust can occur at plate boundaries. Subduction of
earthquakes are mainly effective in generating tsunamis, and occur where denser oceanic plates slip
under continental plates. Since the displaced water mass moves under the influence of gravity to regain its
equilibrium, it radiates across the ocean like ripples on a pond.

A tsunami always causes a huge breakdown such as property damage, and even loss of life. Most of the
damages are caused by the massive tsunami waves when it becomes extremely large in height.

(Adapted from

The generic structure of paragraph 1 is called….

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Paket 1 UAS Ganjil (KTSP) Jumlah Soal : Durasi :

2018/2019 40 Butir 1 jam 30 menit RTO-
Kelas 12 IPA TU1TRQO

a. identification

b. general classification

c. introduction

d. orientation

e. general statement

15. Read the text below and answer the following questions.

How a Tsunami Happens

Tsunami is a Japanese word: “tsu” meaning harbour and “name” meaning wave. Tsunami is waves caused
by sudden movement of the ocean surface due to earthquakes, landslides on the sea floor, land slumping
into the ocean, large volcanic eruptions or meteorite impact in the ocean.

A tsunami can be generated when the sea floor suddenly deforms and vertically displaces the overlying
water. Such large vertical movements of the earth’s crust can occur at plate boundaries. Subduction of
earthquakes are mainly effective in generating tsunamis, and occur where denser oceanic plates slip
under continental plates. Since the displaced water mass moves under the influence of gravity to regain its
equilibrium, it radiates across the ocean like ripples on a pond.

A tsunami always causes a huge breakdown such as property damage, and even loss of life. Most of the
damages are caused by the massive tsunami waves when it becomes extremely large in height.

(Adapted from

What is the text about?

a. The term of tsunami is from Japanese word

b. The process of tsunami

c. The effect of tsunami

d. Tsunami causes a huge property damage

e. Tsunami causes loss of life

16. Read the text below and answer the following questions.

How does global warming happen?

The Earth’s atmosphere is made up oxygen, nitrogen and a dozen other gases. All of these serve to
capture a certain amount of heat and keep the Earth warm. The heat of sunlight radiates outward back
into the air. The molecules in the air absorb and release that heat. Certain molecules that are heavier than
others radiate more heat back to earth. This absorption and reflection of heat is known as the greenhouse

When we keep adding to the special mixture of our air too much of certain ingredients such as Carbon
dioxide. Carbon dioxide is necessary to nature. Plants use CO2 and sunlight to create sugars and fresh
oxygen. This is what many scientists thought when they first examined global warming.

Nevertheless, we only have so many plants, and oceans which also absorb CO2, are at maximum
capacity. So all this extra Carbon dioxide goes up into the atmosphere where it blocks the release of heat

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Paket 1 UAS Ganjil (KTSP) Jumlah Soal : Durasi :

2018/2019 40 Butir 1 jam 30 menit RTO-
Kelas 12 IPA TU1TRQO

leaving the earth. Gases such as CO2 that absorb heat that otherwise would have expelled to outer space
are called greenhouse gases.

(Adapted from

What is the purpose of the text?

a. To persuade the readers to stop global warming

b. To convince the readers that global warming is dangerous

c. To inform what caused global warming to the readers

d. To explain how global warming happen to the readers

e. To analyze how global warming can happen

17. Read the text below and answer the following questions.

How does global warming happen?

The Earth’s atmosphere is made up oxygen, nitrogen and a dozen other gases. All of these serve to
capture a certain amount of heat and keep the Earth warm. The heat of sunlight radiates outward back
into the air. The molecules in the air absorb and release that heat. Certain molecules that are heavier than
others radiate more heat back to earth. This absorption and reflection of heat is known as the greenhouse

When we keep adding to the special mixture of our air too much of certain ingredients such as Carbon
dioxide. Carbon dioxide is necessary to nature. Plants use CO2 and sunlight to create sugars and fresh
oxygen. This is what many scientists thought when they first examined global warming.

Nevertheless, we only have so many plants, and oceans which also absorb CO2, are at maximum
capacity. So all this extra Carbon dioxide goes up into the atmosphere where it blocks the release of heat
leaving the earth. Gases such as CO2 that absorb heat that otherwise would have expelled to outer space
are called greenhouse gases.

(Adapted from

“The molecules in the air absorb and release that heat.”

The synonym of the underlined word is….

a. exude

b. pick up

c. relief

d. lift up

e. soak up

18. Read the text below and answer the following questions.

How does global warming happen?

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Kode Soal

Paket 1 UAS Ganjil (KTSP) Jumlah Soal : Durasi :

2018/2019 40 Butir 1 jam 30 menit RTO-
Kelas 12 IPA TU1TRQO

The Earth’s atmosphere is made up oxygen, nitrogen and a dozen other gases. All of these serve to
capture a certain amount of heat and keep the Earth warm. The heat of sunlight radiates outward back
into the air. The molecules in the air absorb and release that heat. Certain molecules that are heavier than
others radiate more heat back to earth. This absorption and reflection of heat is known as the greenhouse

When we keep adding to the special mixture of our air too much of certain ingredients such as Carbon
dioxide. Carbon dioxide is necessary to nature. Plants use CO2 and sunlight to create sugars and fresh
oxygen. This is what many scientists thought when they first examined global warming.

Nevertheless, we only have so many plants, and oceans which also absorb CO2, are at maximum
capacity. So all this extra Carbon dioxide goes up into the atmosphere where it blocks the release of heat
leaving the earth. Gases such as CO2 that absorb heat that otherwise would have expelled to outer space
are called greenhouse gases.

(Adapted from

What is the benefit of carbon dioxide for plants?

a. To produce sugars and water

b. Helping generated sugars and fresh oxygen.

c. Creating fresh oxygen for human

d. To make plants healthier

e. For a food-making ingredients

19. Read the text below and answer the following questions.

How Lunar Eclipses Happen

Super total lunar eclipse blood red is a phenomenon occurring due at the time of the occurrence of the
total lunar eclipse. The Moon‘s position was in the position of the closest approach to the Earth, then
making it seem larger and brighter than usual, and at the same time only the red color of sunlight can
penetrate to be reflected by the Earth’s atmosphere.

Lunar Eclipses can occur because when the Earth is between the Sun and the Moon in the position of the
parallel Earth, blocking direct sunlight to the Moon so that the Moon’s surface is covered by the Earth’s
shadow. Lunar Eclipses are divided into three types: the first one is a total lunar eclipse, it occurs when
the Moon passes right in the area of the darkest area, namely the umbra of the shadow. The second one
is a partial lunar eclipse, it occurs when only part of the Moon passes through the Earth’s umbra area. The
last one is a lunar eclipse, it occurs when the Moon passes through the penumbra region of penumbra,
i.e. areas in which there is still a light shadow.

It is predicted that lunar eclipses can occur two to five times in a year. Total lunar eclipses are very
seldom. Additionally, lunar eclipses can be enjoyed with the naked eye so it is safe to be seen directly and
is not dangerous. To see clearly the Eclipse of the moon can use a telescope or binoculars.

(Adapted from

What kind of text is the text above?

a. Hortatory exposition

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Kode Soal

Paket 1 UAS Ganjil (KTSP) Jumlah Soal : Durasi :

2018/2019 40 Butir 1 jam 30 menit RTO-
Kelas 12 IPA TU1TRQO

b. Descriptive text

c. Report text

d. News item

e. Explanation text

20. Read the text below and answer the following questions.

How Lunar Eclipses Happen

Super total lunar eclipse blood red is a phenomenon occurring due at the time of the occurrence of the
total lunar eclipse. The Moon‘s position was in the position of the closest approach to the Earth, then
making it seem larger and brighter than usual, and at the same time only the red color of sunlight can
penetrate to be reflected by the Earth’s atmosphere.

Lunar Eclipses can occur because when the Earth is between the Sun and the Moon in the position of the
parallel Earth, blocking direct sunlight to the Moon so that the Moon’s surface is covered by the Earth’s
shadow. Lunar Eclipses are divided into three types: the first one is a total lunar eclipse, it occurs when
the Moon passes right in the area of the darkest area, namely the umbra of the shadow. The second one
is a partial lunar eclipse, it occurs when only part of the Moon passes through the Earth’s umbra area. The
last one is a lunar eclipse, it occurs when the Moon passes through the penumbra region of penumbra,
i.e. areas in which there is still a light shadow.

It is predicted that lunar eclipses can occur two to five times in a year. Total lunar eclipses are very
seldom. Additionally, lunar eclipses can be enjoyed with the naked eye so it is safe to be seen directly and
is not dangerous. To see clearly the Eclipse of the moon can use a telescope or binoculars.

(Adapted from

Based on the text, that statements below are true, except….

a. Lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes right in the area of the darkest area.

b. There are three types of Lunar Eclipses: total, partial, and lunar eclipse.

c. Lunar Eclipses happen when the Earth is parallel between the Sun and the Moon.

d. Yearly, it is predicted that lunar eclipses can happen two to five times.

e. Lunar eclipses can be seen directly without telescope or binoculars.

21. Read the text below and answer the following questions.

How Lunar Eclipses Happen

Super total lunar eclipse blood red is a phenomenon occurring due at the time of the occurrence of the
total lunar eclipse. The Moon‘s position was in the position of the closest approach to the Earth, then
making it seem larger and brighter than usual, and at the same time only the red color of sunlight can
penetrate to be reflected by the Earth’s atmosphere.

Lunar Eclipses can occur because when the Earth is between the Sun and the Moon in the position of the
parallel Earth, blocking direct sunlight to the Moon so that the Moon’s surface is covered by the Earth’s
shadow. Lunar Eclipses are divided into three types: the first one is a total lunar eclipse, it occurs when
the Moon passes right in the area of the darkest area, namely the umbra of the shadow. The second one
is a partial lunar eclipse, it occurs when only part of the Moon passes through the Earth’s umbra area. The

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Paket 1 UAS Ganjil (KTSP) Jumlah Soal : Durasi :

2018/2019 40 Butir 1 jam 30 menit RTO-
Kelas 12 IPA TU1TRQO

last one is a lunar eclipse, it occurs when the Moon passes through the penumbra region of penumbra,
i.e. areas in which there is still a light shadow.

It is predicted that lunar eclipses can occur two to five times in a year. Total lunar eclipses are very
seldom. Additionally, lunar eclipses can be enjoyed with the naked eye so it is safe to be seen directly and
is not dangerous. To see clearly the Eclipse of the moon can use a telescope or binoculars.

(Adapted from

Which is the example of an action verb from the text?

a. Seem

b. Safe

c. See

d. Penetrate

e. Predicted

22. Read the text below and answer the following questions.


Photosynthesis occurs in green plants for a food-making process. It is the main function of leaves. The
word photosynthesis means placing together with light. Green plants use energy from light to combine
carbon dioxide and water to make sugar and other chemical compounds.

The light used in photosynthesis is absorbed by a green pigment called chlorophyll. Then, each food-
making cell in a plant leaf contains chlorophyll in small bodies called chloroplasts. After that, in
chloroplasts, light energy causes water to be drawn from the soil to split into hydrogen and oxygen.

The process of photosynthesis is the hydrogen combines with carbon dioxide from the air, forming a
simple sugar. Oxygen from the water molecules is given off in the process. From sugar together with
nitrogen, sulphur, and phosporus from the soil-green plants can make starch, fat, protein, vitamins, and
other complex compounds essential for life. Photosynthesis provides the chemical energy that is needed
to produce these compounds.

(Adapted from

What is the text about?

a. Plants need sunlight for photosynthesis.

b. Analyzing how photosynthesis can happen.

c. Explaining how photosynthesis happens.

d. Describing the benefits of photosynthesis for plants.

e. Photosynthesis only happens to green plants.

23. Read the text below and answer the following questions.


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Paket 1 UAS Ganjil (KTSP) Jumlah Soal : Durasi :

2018/2019 40 Butir 1 jam 30 menit RTO-
Kelas 12 IPA TU1TRQO

Photosynthesis occurs in green plants for a food-making process. It is the main function of leaves. The
word photosynthesis means placing together with light. Green plants use energy from light to combine
carbon dioxide and water to make sugar and other chemical compounds.

The light used in photosynthesis is absorbed by a green pigment called chlorophyll. Then, each food-
making cell in a plant leaf contains chlorophyll in small bodies called chloroplasts. After that, in
chloroplasts, light energy causes water to be drawn from the soil to split into hydrogen and oxygen.

The process of photosynthesis is the hydrogen combines with carbon dioxide from the air, forming a
simple sugar. Oxygen from the water molecules is given off in the process. From sugar together with
nitrogen, sulphur, and phosporus from the soil-green plants can make starch, fat, protein, vitamins, and
other complex compounds essential for life. Photosynthesis provides the chemical energy that is needed
to produce these compounds.

(Adapted from

The example of sequence conjunction from the text above is….

a. with

b. each

c. off

d. from

e. then

24. Read the text below and answer the following questions.


Photosynthesis occurs in green plants for a food-making process. It is the main function of leaves. The
word photosynthesis means placing together with light. Green plants use energy from light to combine
carbon dioxide and water to make sugar and other chemical compounds.

The light used in photosynthesis is absorbed by a green pigment called chlorophyll. Then, each food-
making cell in a plant leaf contains chlorophyll in small bodies called chloroplasts. After that, in
chloroplasts, light energy causes water to be drawn from the soil to split into hydrogen and oxygen.

The process of photosynthesis is the hydrogen combines with carbon dioxide from the air, forming a
simple sugar. Oxygen from the water molecules is given off in the process. From sugar together with
nitrogen, sulphur, and phosporus from the soil-green plants can make starch, fat, protein, vitamins, and
other complex compounds essential for life. Photosynthesis provides the chemical energy that is needed
to produce these compounds.

(Adapted from

The phrase of after that is example of aspect… in explanation text.

a. technical term

b. noun phrase

c. sequence conjunction

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Paket 1 UAS Ganjil (KTSP) Jumlah Soal : Durasi :

2018/2019 40 Butir 1 jam 30 menit RTO-
Kelas 12 IPA TU1TRQO

d. action verb

e. passive voice

25. Read the text below and answer the following questions.

Pros and Cons of Nuclear Power

Nuclear power is a much argued about issue as there are pros and cons for using nuclear power. Nuclear
power generates a large amount of energy, is very cost effective, and does not contribute to air pollution.
Nuclear power is an issue often talked about considering its dangers but it also has many benefits as well.

Nuclear power has its benefits for producing energy from nuclear reactors, even environmentally nuclear
energy's impact is very little. Nuclear power is relatively inexpensive compared with other types of energy.
Therefore because nuclear power in inexpensive it generates into lower electricity costs for consumers, it
is a reliable source of power as nuclear power plants produce large amounts of power on a consistent

In contrast, there are also dangers and risks involved in using nuclear power. The preeminent limitation in
using nuclear power is how to dispose or store nuclear waste. Radiation that is leaked from spent rods
that lose the ability to produce heat could lead to a dangerous scenario. It takes thousands of years for
radiation to be extinguished and the radioactive waste must be contained to remain safe.

To sum up, nuclear power has its good effects, but in the other hand it is dangerous as well.

(Adapted from

What is the type of the text above?

a. Narrative text

b. Report text

c. Descriptive text

d. Explanation text

e. Discussion text

26. Read the text below and answer the following questions.

Pros and Cons of Nuclear Power

Nuclear power is a much argued about issue as there are pros and cons for using nuclear power. Nuclear
power generates a large amount of energy, is very cost effective, and does not contribute to air pollution.
Nuclear power is an issue often talked about considering its dangers but it also has many benefits as well.

Nuclear power has its benefits for producing energy from nuclear reactors, even environmentally nuclear
energy's impact is very little. Nuclear power is relatively inexpensive compared with other types of energy.
Therefore because nuclear power in inexpensive it generates into lower electricity costs for consumers, it
is a reliable source of power as nuclear power plants produce large amounts of power on a consistent

In contrast, there are also dangers and risks involved in using nuclear power. The preeminent limitation in
using nuclear power is how to dispose or store nuclear waste. Radiation that is leaked from spent rods
that lose the ability to produce heat could lead to a dangerous scenario. It takes thousands of years for

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radiation to be extinguished and the radioactive waste must be contained to remain safe.

To sum up, nuclear power has its good effects, but in the other hand it is dangerous as well.

(Adapted from

The generic structure of paragraph 1 is called….

a. identification

b. general classification

c. introduction

d. statement of issue

e. argument points

27. Read the text below and answer the following questions.

Pros and Cons of Nuclear Power

Nuclear power is a much argued about issue as there are pros and cons for using nuclear power. Nuclear
power generates a large amount of energy, is very cost effective, and does not contribute to air pollution.
Nuclear power is an issue often talked about considering its dangers but it also has many benefits as well.

Nuclear power has its benefits for producing energy from nuclear reactors, even environmentally nuclear
energy's impact is very little. Nuclear power is relatively inexpensive compared with other types of energy.
Therefore because nuclear power in inexpensive it generates into lower electricity costs for consumers, it
is a reliable source of power as nuclear power plants produce large amounts of power on a consistent

In contrast, there are also dangers and risks involved in using nuclear power. The preeminent limitation in
using nuclear power is how to dispose or store nuclear waste. Radiation that is leaked from spent rods
that lose the ability to produce heat could lead to a dangerous scenario. It takes thousands of years for
radiation to be extinguished and the radioactive waste must be contained to remain safe.

To sum up, nuclear power has its good effects, but in the other hand it is dangerous as well.

(Adapted from

The generic structure of paragraph 3 is called…

a. evaluation

b. supporting points

c. contrasting points

d. recommendation

e. description

28. Read the text below and answer the following questions.

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Pros and Cons of Nuclear Power

Nuclear power is a much argued about issue as there are pros and cons for using nuclear power. Nuclear
power generates a large amount of energy, is very cost effective, and does not contribute to air pollution.
Nuclear power is an issue often talked about considering its dangers but it also has many benefits as well.

Nuclear power has its benefits for producing energy from nuclear reactors, even environmentally nuclear
energy's impact is very little. Nuclear power is relatively inexpensive compared with other types of energy.
Therefore because nuclear power in inexpensive it generates into lower electricity costs for consumers, it
is a reliable source of power as nuclear power plants produce large amounts of power on a consistent

In contrast, there are also dangers and risks involved in using nuclear power. The preeminent limitation in
using nuclear power is how to dispose or store nuclear waste. Radiation that is leaked from spent rods
that lose the ability to produce heat could lead to a dangerous scenario. It takes thousands of years for
radiation to be extinguished and the radioactive waste must be contained to remain safe.

To sum up, nuclear power has its good effects, but in the other hand it is dangerous as well.

(Adapted from

“In contrast, there are also dangers and risks involved in using nuclear power.”

The italic phrase is an example of ….

a. contrast and sequence connectors

b. contrast and addition connectors

c. addition conjunction

d. contrasting conjunction

e. sequence conjunction

29. Read the text below and answer the following questions.

Are Social Networking Sites Good for Our Society?

The reputation of social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more than quadrupled from 2005 to 2009. Many users say the sites are good for our
society but the others say no.

Social networking sites strengthens relationships between friends and family. It also allows for creative
expression in a new medium. They provide free messaging, blogging, photo storage, games, event
invitations, and many other services to anyone with access to a computer and the Internet.

Nevertheless, social networking sites expose children to predators, increase vulnerability to computer
viruses, lower worker productivity, and promote narcissism and short attention spans. It also entices
people to spend more time online and less time interacting face-to-face.

As social networking sites become more integrated in our modern culture, some people think that the
benefits outweigh any downsides, while others believe the dangers are more pressing than any upsides.

(Adapted from

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The generic structure of paragraph 4 is called….

a. interpretation

b. description

c. conclusion

d. reorientation

e. twist

30. Read the text below and answer the following questions.

Are Social Networking Sites Good for Our Society?

The reputation of social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more than quadrupled from 2005 to 2009. Many users say the sites are good for our
society but the others say no.

Social networking sites strengthens relationships between friends and family. It also allows for creative
expression in a new medium. They provide free messaging, blogging, photo storage, games, event
invitations, and many other services to anyone with access to a computer and the Internet.

Nevertheless, social networking sites expose children to predators, increase vulnerability to computer
viruses, lower worker productivity, and promote narcissism and short attention spans. It also entices
people to spend more time online and less time interacting face-to-face.

As social networking sites become more integrated in our modern culture, some people think that the
benefits outweigh any downsides, while others believe the dangers are more pressing than any upsides.

(Adapted from

What is the purpose of the text?

a. To tell the readers how to use social networking wisely.

b. To present arguments and information about social media from different viewpoints.

c. To analyze the social problem such as the bad effect of social networking.

d. To describe the importance of social networking.

e. To inform the readers about good effect of social networking.

31. Read the text below and answer the following questions.

Are Social Networking Sites Good for Our Society?

The reputation of social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more than quadrupled from 2005 to 2009. Many users say the sites are good for our
society but the others say no.

Social networking sites strengthens relationships between friends and family. It also allows for creative
expression in a new medium. They provide free messaging, blogging, photo storage, games, event
invitations, and many other services to anyone with access to a computer and the Internet.

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Nevertheless, social networking sites expose children to predators, increase vulnerability to computer
viruses, lower worker productivity, and promote narcissism and short attention spans. It also entices
people to spend more time online and less time interacting face-to-face.

As social networking sites become more integrated in our modern culture, some people think that the
benefits outweigh any downsides, while others believe the dangers are more pressing than any upsides.

(Adapted from

"Nevertheless, social networking sites expose children to predators…”

The underlined word is example of aspect….

a. addition conjunction

b. contrast conjunction

c. sequence conjunction

d. contrast and sequence connectors

e. contrast and addition connectors

32. Read the text below and answer the following questions.

Are Social Networking Sites Good for Our Society?

The reputation of social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more than quadrupled from 2005 to 2009. Many users say the sites are good for our
society but the others say no.

Social networking sites strengthens relationships between friends and family. It also allows for creative
expression in a new medium. They provide free messaging, blogging, photo storage, games, event
invitations, and many other services to anyone with access to a computer and the Internet.

Nevertheless, social networking sites expose children to predators, increase vulnerability to computer
viruses, lower worker productivity, and promote narcissism and short attention spans. It also entices
people to spend more time online and less time interacting face-to-face.

As social networking sites become more integrated in our modern culture, some people think that the
benefits outweigh any downsides, while others believe the dangers are more pressing than any upsides.

(Adapted from

“The reputation of social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace,…”

The underlined word has the same meaning with….

a. readmitted

b. reactivation

c. unknown

d. popularity

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e. repulsion

33. Read the text below and answer the following questions.

National Examination: Controversy Policy

Based on an Education Minister Decree No. 114/U/2001, National Examination has been administered
within the education system of our country. However, there were many problems that occurred for years.

National Examination has its own purpose which arranged for a good reason. National Examination is used
as a standard quality of our education. If many students passed the national examination successfully, it
means that our education has reached its standard, or vice versa. Additionally, National Examination has
encouraged and motivated them to study hard.

In contrast, if we refer to our curriculum that lawfully used in our education system, KTSP (School-Based
Curriculum), it seems irrelevant. Based on School-Based Curriculum, teacher measures three aspect of
learning: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.

To sum up, National Examination policy faces pros and cons. It is the consequence of this policy. On the
other hand, when a problem appears, the solution should be found by all of education components.
(Adapted from

What kind of text is the text above?

a. Explanation text

b. Discussion text

c. Report text

d. News item

e. Descriptive text

34. Read the text below and answer the following questions.

National Examination: Controversy Policy

Based on an Education Minister Decree No. 114/U/2001, National Examination has been administered
within the education system of our country. However, there were many problems that occurred for years.

National Examination has its own purpose which arranged for a good reason. National Examination is used
as a standard quality of our education. If many students passed the national examination successfully, it
means that our education has reached its standard, or vice versa. Additionally, National Examination has
encouraged and motivated them to study hard.

In contrast, if we refer to our curriculum that lawfully used in our education system, KTSP (School-Based
Curriculum), it seems irrelevant. Based on School-Based Curriculum, teacher measures three aspect of
learning: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.

To sum up, National Examination policy faces pros and cons. It is the consequence of this policy. On the
other hand, when a problem appears, the solution should be found by all of education components.
(Adapted from

The generic structure of paragraph 2 is called….

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a. supporting point

b. reorientation

c. description

d. interpretation

e. evaluation

35. Read the text below and answer the following questions.

National Examination: Controversy Policy

Based on an Education Minister Decree No. 114/U/2001, National Examination has been administered
within the education system of our country. However, there were many problems that occurred for years.

National Examination has its own purpose which arranged for a good reason. National Examination is used
as a standard quality of our education. If many students passed the national examination successfully, it
means that our education has reached its standard, or vice versa. Additionally, National Examination has
encouraged and motivated them to study hard.

In contrast, if we refer to our curriculum that lawfully used in our education system, KTSP (School-Based
Curriculum), it seems irrelevant. Based on School-Based Curriculum, teacher measures three aspect of
learning: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.

To sum up, National Examination policy faces pros and cons. It is the consequence of this policy. On the
other hand, when a problem appears, the solution should be found by all of education components.
(Adapted from

“In contrast, if we refer to our curriculum that…”

The underlined phrase is example of aspect….

a. Contrast and addition connectors

b. Addition conjunction

c. Sequence conjunction

d. Contrast conjunction

e. Contrast and sequence connectors

36. Read the text below and answer the following questions.

National Examination: Controversy Policy

Based on an Education Minister Decree No. 114/U/2001, National Examination has been administered
within the education system of our country. However, there were many problems that occurred for years.

National Examination has its own purpose which arranged for a good reason. National Examination is used
as a standard quality of our education. If many students passed the national examination successfully, it
means that our education has reached its standard, or vice versa. Additionally, National Examination has
encouraged and motivated them to study hard.

In contrast, if we refer to our curriculum that lawfully used in our education system, KTSP (School-Based
Curriculum), it seems irrelevant. Based on School-Based Curriculum, teacher measures three aspect of

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learning: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.

To sum up, National Examination policy faces pros and cons. It is the consequence of this policy. On the
other hand, when a problem appears, the solution should be found by all of education components.
(Adapted from

Based on the text, the statements below are true, except…

a. National Examination is managed in the education system of our country.

b. A standard quality of our education is judged by National Examination.

c. Teacher evaluates aspect cognitive, affective, and psychomotor

d. National Examination has no contra arguments.

e. National Examination has its good and bad outcome.

37. Read the text below and answer the following questions.

Does Social Media Good or Bad for Youths?

Social media cannot be shunned by young people. Most youths have social media accounts now. In
addition, they think if they do not have a social media account, then they are outdated. As a result,
nowadays, social media has become a trend. Social media has positive and negative influences.

The positive effect of social media is it is entertaining youths for their leisure activities such as chatting
with friends. Additionally, most young people have already known the positive side of social media, for
instance in opening a business online, looking for information, the ease of getting in touch with people
from around the world, et cetera.

In contrast, social media has bad effects. First, getting addicted to social media. Marketing Agency Digital
Clarify established that 16% of 1,300 young people are addicted to the internet; they spend almost all of
their time on the internet ( They are using smartphones every time and everywhere,
their arms and their smartphones seem like they are handcuffed. Second, it makes youth indolent to
study. They are spending more time on social media though, and less time on studying and doing
homework. Lastly, cyberbullying among youths. Cyberbullying by intimidating messages, rumors, sharing
victims’ photos/videos which are embarrassing or even threating messages, is done to the target people
to make them depressed.

To sum up, social media has its good and bad effect for young people. Since social media is widely used
and cannot be avoided, the youth should have control over themselves in using social media.

The generic structure of paragraph 4 is called….

a. interpretation

b. twist

c. recommendation

d. closing

e. reorientation

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38. Read the text below and answer the following questions.

Does Social Media Good or Bad for Youths?

Social media cannot be shunned by young people. Most youths have social media accounts now. In
addition, they think if they do not have a social media account, then they are outdated. As a result,
nowadays, social media has become a trend. Social media has positive and negative influences.

The positive effect of social media is it is entertaining youths for their leisure activities such as chatting
with friends. Additionally, most young people have already known the positive side of social media, for
instance in opening a business online, looking for information, the ease of getting in touch with people
from around the world, et cetera.

In contrast, social media has bad effects. First, getting addicted to social media. Marketing Agency Digital
Clarify established that 16% of 1,300 young people are addicted to the internet; they spend almost all of
their time on the internet ( They are using smartphones every time and everywhere,
their arms and their smartphones seem like they are handcuffed. Second, it makes youth indolent to
study. They are spending more time on social media though, and less time on studying and doing
homework. Lastly, cyberbullying among youths. Cyberbullying by intimidating messages, rumors, sharing
victims’ photos/videos which are embarrassing or even threating messages, is done to the target people
to make them depressed.

To sum up, social media has its good and bad effect for young people. Since social media is widely used
and cannot be avoided, the youth should have control over themselves in using social media.

Based on the text, we can infer that…

a. Youths must be smart to take the advantages of existent social media.

b. Social media has lots of benefits for youth in their career and life.

c. Social media has no disadvantages that may threaten youth.

d. Nowadays, young people tend to addict on social media platforms.

e. Social media is a trend that should be followed by all youth.

39. Read the text below and answer the following questions.

Does Social Media Good or Bad for Youths?

Social media cannot be shunned by young people. Most youths have social media accounts now. In
addition, they think if they do not have a social media account, then they are outdated. As a result,
nowadays, social media has become a trend. Social media has positive and negative influences.

The positive effect of social media is it is entertaining youths for their leisure activities such as chatting
with friends. Additionally, most young people have already known the positive side of social media, for
instance in opening a business online, looking for information, the ease of getting in touch with people
from around the world, et cetera.

In contrast, social media has bad effects. First, getting addicted to social media. Marketing Agency Digital
Clarify established that 16% of 1,300 young people are addicted to the internet; they spend almost all of
their time on the internet ( They are using smartphones every time and everywhere,
their arms and their smartphones seem like they are handcuffed. Second, it makes youth indolent to
study. They are spending more time on social media though, and less time on studying and doing
homework. Lastly, cyberbullying among youths. Cyberbullying by intimidating messages, rumors, sharing
victims’ photos/videos which are embarrassing or even threating messages, is done to the target people

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to make them depressed.

To sum up, social media has its good and bad effect for young people. Since social media is widely used
and cannot be avoided, the youth should have control over themselves in using social media.

The example of contrast conjunction from the text above is….

a. which

b. in contrast

c. to sum up

d. by

e. then

40. Read the text below and answer the following questions.

Does Social Media Good or Bad for Youths?

Social media cannot be shunned by young people. Most youths have social media accounts now. In
addition, they think if they do not have a social media account, then they are outdated. As a result,
nowadays, social media has become a trend. Social media has positive and negative influences.

The positive effect of social media is it is entertaining youths for their leisure activities such as chatting
with friends. Additionally, most young people have already known the positive side of social media, for
instance in opening a business online, looking for information, the ease of getting in touch with people
from around the world, et cetera.

In contrast, social media has bad effects. First, getting addicted to social media. Marketing Agency Digital
Clarify established that 16% of 1,300 young people are addicted to the internet; they spend almost all of
their time on the internet ( They are using smartphones every time and everywhere,
their arms and their smartphones seem like they are handcuffed. Second, it makes youth indolent to
study. They are spending more time on social media though, and less time on studying and doing
homework. Lastly, cyberbullying among youths. Cyberbullying by intimidating messages, rumors, sharing
victims’ photos/videos which are embarrassing or even threating messages, is done to the target people
to make them depressed.

To sum up, social media has its good and bad effect for young people. Since social media is widely used
and cannot be avoided, the youth should have control over themselves in using social media.

What is the purpose of the text?

a. To analyze the bad effect of social media for young people

b. To present arguments and information about social media effect from different viewpoints.

c. To describe the bad and good effect of social media.

d. To explain how important knowing the advantages and disadvantages of social media.

e. To inform the readers that social media has lots of advantages for young people.

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