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oO © [ , ~ | Procedure NDE Procedure — Page JaDuIQe/ TOFD? lof 19 Inspection Agency: PEEROBAT / Al | Procedure for Ultrasonic testing | Revision o Process Equipment | Cts using TOFD technique |—— — ovess Equipmen | in Pressure Vessels Date ‘09/2007 Procedure for Ultrasonic Testing of welds using TOFD (Time Of Flight Diffraction) technique | REVISION STATUS Rev. Date | Description Prepared by Checked & No. | | Level II Approved by Level um | 0 | 170973007 | Original | he és Came Let ow ‘Sekar Jesughason O & Procedure : na aDyIQe/ TOFD? NDE Procedure Page 2 2of 19 Procedure for Ultrasonic testing | Revision o | of elds using TORD technique} SC inPrsare Veit Dates anon | 1.0 Scope Reference Documents: 2.0 4.0 41 1.1 This procedure describes the requirements and application of Time of Flight | Diffraction (TOFD) ultrasonic examination Technique with Manual scanning for both detection and sizing of discontinuities in the weld joints of steel components of nominal thickness 65mm in pressure vessels. 1.2 Coverage of TOFD shall be 100%, 1.3 All seams shall be tested with conventional UT of pulse echo technique [with Normal and Angle beam] and MT as per the approved procedure prior to TOFD. The examination shall be made in accordance with the following Codes, Standards or Specifications: + ASME Sect. V, Anticle 4, Ed.2004, Ad,2005 + ASME Sec. VIII Div | & 2 Edition 2004 Addenda 2005 + ASME Code Case 2235-9 © DEP 31.22.2031, March 2001 © DEP, March 2001 Definitions: - TOFD -Time of Flight Diffraction - Pulse Echo ~ Reflection Technique + D-Sean -Tops Sean/TOFD Sean + A Scan — Amplitude based Scan - BScan -Sectional view Scan - Surface Breaking ~ At scanning surface, At opposite surface, Through wall = Embedded Indications Point -Like, Elongated with a measurable height, Elongated without a measurable height Personnel Qualifications Personnel performing and evaluating UT examinations shall be certified to at least NDT Level Il as per Godrej Written Practice based on SNT-TC-1A, 2001 or CP189. Only Level Hot Level III personnel shall analyse the data or interpret the results. Qualification records of certified personnel shall be maintained by Godrej. The technique and operators capability shail be demonstrated to AI. Test results shall be evaluated by level Il or II. © [me | sO Prowedure SODIQC / TOFD 2 NDE Procedure ESS Page 3 of 19 Process Equipment eB TESTure crea —_ ‘09/2007 | Procedure for Ultrasonic testing | Revision o of welds using TOFD technique | ________ Division 42 43 6.0 6.1 62 Personnel who acquire and analyse TOFD data shall be trained in TOFD theory and use of the equipment, Person who will perform TOFD shall be suitably qualified in UT. Personnel who acquire and analyze ultrasonic examination data shall be trained using the Equipment in 6.0 below and participate in a performance demonstration using a qualification test block and calibration block. Welds to be examined: ‘The TOFD examination area shall include the volume of the weld, plus the lesser of one inch or't’ on each side of the weld, Each weld shall be designated a unique identification, numbers and this numbers shall be documented and recorded. Alternatively, examination volume may be reduced to include the actual heat affected zone (HAZ) plus % inch of base material beyond the heat affected zone on each side of weld, Provided the extent of the weld HAZ is measured and documented during the weld qualification process. If the weld HAZ has been documented, in the welding qualification process the examination area shall include the volume of the weld, with the HAZ, plus inch on each side of the HAZ. Equipment: Calibrated Ultrasonic system “TD pocket scan Digital flaw detector with single/dual axis encoded hand scanner” shall be used for the testing, Software TD scan, shall be used for scanning and post processing of data. Software Version TD sean 16.12, Sr. No.PS071106/1 Mic Make ~ Technology Design. | OR Calibrated Ultrasonie system “TD Focus scan Digital flaw detector with single/dual axis | encoded hand scanner” shall be used for the testing. Software TD super sean, shall be used | for scanning and post processing of data. | PROBES: TOFD probes with 45°/60°/70° Wedges. For TOFD scanning following table shall be used for transducer selection, Tablet: Transducer selection Depth Zone Transducer [Crystal Nominal transducer | Probe ID No. Timm]. | center frequency | diameter angle {Degrees} | MHz} [mm] Range | 0-30 6 70 10934,10935 30-<100 3 I 6 45&70 1093410935 100-<300 6 45,60 &70 10934,10935 | | © Procedure : Ne {oDNOC /TORD 2 NDE Procedure — Page 40f19 | Procedure for Ultrasonic testing 20 Process Equipment | °! lds using TOFD technique Daa in Pressure Vessels Date = 1709/2007 70 1 72 Crystal Material: Piezoelectric composite erystal ‘+ Two probes shall be used in a piteh-Catch arrangement (TOFD PAIR) ‘+ Each probe in the TOFD pair shall have the same nominal frequency and same element diameter. Couplant: A couplant shall be used which provides optimum wetting, transmission of ultrasound, resistance to corrosion, viscosity and removal characteristics. For this inspection couplant shall be starch, grease, oil, cellulose gel, water or any other similar material, which permits satisfactory transmission of ultrasonic waves. Same couplant shall be used for calibration as well as for testing. Calibration: TOFD calibration: ‘© The calibration block shall have equivalent to the vessel material, especially regarding grain noise. ‘* The block thickness shall be at + 10% of the nominal thickness of the piece to be examined for thickness up to 100mm or +/- 10mm for thickness over 100mm ‘* Calibration block shall be made as per ASME See V , Article 4, I11.434.2. TOFD Qualification: Qualification block shall be prepared by welding and shall contain a minimum of three flaws, oriented to simulate flaws parallel to the production weld’s fusion line as follows: 1, One surface flaw on the side of the block representing the vessels OD surface. 2. One surface flaw on the side of the block representing the vessels ID surface. 3. One subsurface flaw, Flaw size shall be no larger than the flaw in the table mentioned for Acceptance Criteria, Material for the qualification blocks shall have same P number with the surface finish as of job. ‘65mm thk Qualification Block sketch attached. ( Qualification Block No.PSA-¢ “TOFD-3) ° HY Process Equipment Division | Procedure sabuge /10rD2 NDE Procedure a Page Sof 19 Procedure for Ultrasonic testing | Revision 0 of welds using TOFD technique | ____________ in Pressure Vessels Date + 17/09/2007 Block Thickness (mm) 65mm 120mm. -434.2.1 Hole Diameter in (mm) 4.80 6.0 Notch Size (mm) 25 Long x 5 width x 1.3 depth 25 Long x 5 width x 2.4 depth © Procedure | NDE Procedure mie) Page 6 of 19 Procedure for Ultrasonic testing | Revision 0 of welds using TOED technique in Pressure Vessels, Date Process Equipment | Division 1109/2007 | 7.3 The procedure shall be demonstrated on the qualification block as per the code case 2235-9. The demonstration shall be witnessed by AT. The acceptance of the results shall be equal to or greater than the actual sizes of the flaws in the qualification block. . Full volumetric coverage shall be shown on the qualification block by detecting all of the calibration targets for each TOFD set up. The calibration targets are along the centreline of the block: coverage of HAZ, plus % inch can be demonstrated by offsetting the centre of the probes by the appropriate amount and stil detecting the targets. 7.4 Datum and identification of Reference Marks: The Datum of Probes shall be as shown in the Scan Plan. Every meter (Segment) of scan shall be uniquely identified as “A”, “B”, “C”ete, and Same shall punch on the job. This identification shall be verified during the data review. 7.5 Scan Identification: Prior to the scanning each planned scan shall be identified by entering Job no. Weld seam No., and the Segment No as “A”, “B", “C’ ete., and stored as a single file in ‘The computer. The direction of scan capture will be only in forward direction. 7.6 Scan overlap: The scan overlap shall be 25 mm for each scan. 8.0 Inspection Surface Preparation 8.1 Base Metal ~ Visual inspection is done to ensure area is smooth to avoid false or misleading indications, The base metal on each side of the weld shall be as rolled, machined or ground condition and be free from weld splatter, surface irregularities or foreign matter that might interfere with the examination and movement of probes. Before performing the angle beam examinations, a straight beam examination shall be performed on volume of base material through which the angle beams will travel to locate any reflectors that can limit the ability of| the angle beam to examine the weld volume. This examination by straight beam shall be performed manually prior to TOFD. 8.2 Weld Metal - Where the weld surfaces interfere with the examination, the welds shall be Prepared as needed to permit examination. 8.3 The maximum temperature of the test surface shall not be greater than 150deg,F (65deg.C). The temperature differential between the calibration block and examination surfaces shall be within 25deg.F (14deg.C) | 9.0 Calibration Procedure: 9.1 Positional Encoder Check: 9.1.1 The positional encoder shall be moved through a measured distance of 20 inch (500mm). The system read-out shall be within +1%[+ 0.02 inch (Smm)] of the’ measured distance. Encoder QO ® Process Equipment in Pressure Vessels 92 9.2. 93 933.1 94 94. Procedure NDE Procedure ee Page Tof 19 {GDUIQe/ TOFD of welds using TOFD technique 1709/2007 Division failing this check shall be recalibrated and this check repeated. The encoder calibration check shall be performed at intervals, not exceeded to one month or prior to first use. ‘Thickness Check: 1A free run shall be made on the measuring block. The distance between the lateral wave and first back wall signal shall be within +0.04 inch (1.0mm) of the block’s measured thickness, Set-ups failing this check shall have the probe separation distance either adjusted or its programmed value changed and this check repeated. Sensitivity Check: 1 The amplitude of the lateral wave is between40% to 80% of Full Screen Height (FSH) with noise level less than 10% of FSH. To limit electronic noise, signal averaging or preamplifier may be used. TOFD Calibration Seans: 1 Prior to and after completion of scanning and also prior to and after any change in PCS, a calibration scan shall be collected and stored, by placing the probes on the side face of a relevant calibration block /qualification block, collecting minimum of 20 A-scans without moving the probes such that the lateral wave and direct compression wave reflection from the far surface are contained within the resultant image. This enables set-up or calibration errors to be traced. Select the frequency and probe diameter, which has sufficient beam spread for the coverage of weld to inspect. Set the pulse length accordingly. Set the Gain such that lateral wave amplitude is between 40 to 80% of screen height. Set the pulse repetition rate at the highest level possible. For a thickness up to 100mm, through thickness accuracy shall be adjusted to +0.5mm, for a wall thickness exceeding 100mm the through thickness accuracy shall be adjusted to 1mm. ‘The through thickness accuracy shall be obtained by physically adjusting the PCS to the value as defined in the scan plan rather than adjusting the software value for the PCS. The gain and signal averaging shall be set such that the grain noise reaches approximately 5% screen height with the electronic noise before the lateral wave being 6dB lower than this | amplitude. Scanning over the appropriate calibration slit to confirm the detection of the true | diffracted responses shall prove this sensitivity setting, The sensitivity setting shall be checked on areas of clean, parent plate adjacent to the weld to be inspected. When required small changes (4B) are permitted in order to compensate for a too low or too excessive noise level. If a change of ~6dB is required the reason shall be considered and the validation tests repeated with the new settings.

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