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Yl~\.JI~n,l.JQ.tll a !

tJ) - 1'VItJ-D\10 t)li

KU I ( S UA I ) - T HA I - E NGL I S H D I CT I 0 NAR Y

tl , : L a • ~ A , 1 · ~ fl U

P R A S E: R T S R I \11 I S ES

u,,ru,tto'l, tb:wuti' P~ . 'VI'tl\191;

L'i'tl~ 1 ndti
Edited by Theraphan L. Thongkum

Jerry w. Gainey

1o"J\1fl -..··r1{J'u n'll:tl 1'VIml ~:n •~•iu uJ''tl\lnu~h" 'l

a"t11U1.Jfl 'ltti~W1~\ln 'H1DJ'VII l'VItJ1~tJ


Indigenous Languag•es of Thailand Research Pr oject

Chulalongkorn Universit y Language Institute


t required.




15/9: (w1t~u ] ~LOLtiu. [t11m1]

16/22: [praal- ?aa praa l] should come after [paa i] (p. 17, line 1)

[ t111t1- t~ltJ,·w] fl~,ln,~~ [ tJ1u] (-u. .~, u ,,~v. •)

25/5 : l'l; L~EJflfiJI~~'\ YltWh~ C) LUlLiliJ fl; L~lln~m~::U{l~tltN~IYirfatrtl~ tJ1ll

25 /5-6: a term used to address elderly distant relatives should read
a t erm used to address brothe~s and sisters of mat ernal grand-
father or grandmother
35/23: ti e should read be
38/18 : dust small bits of.... should read dust, small bits of ....
43/1: ( l.J1!\1) n
LL L,ju ( 1JU\1 )

44/18 ~ bow should read vow

45 /9: (plant root should read (plant root)
58/5: falk should read folk
58/28: "ha.o.p" should reac!. "haap" (Thai term)
66/8: ().JWSIU1VI~) und~U ().J~"$1t11~")

71-2/--: [mpn?] [ mphr¥?]

[ ).J LtJv .. ] ( ).J LW,t'l:: .. )

[ mphhk] [ ffir¥1) J
[).J LWan ] should be i n this order: ( L).J "$tl::")

[ mphr¥?] L Slf.NnuKu"l Ylu L w [mpn?]

[ :.nw,a:: .. ] [).JLUil .. )

[ ffir¥1)] [ mphh]
( L).J"$(1::\1 ) ( ).J Le.ltl]

[mphh] [ mphhk]
[ ).J L~a ] [ll~~an]


81/22- 4: [mphlah] should come bef ore [ml' iam] (line 13)
86/7: aguatic shoul d read aquatic
106/3-5: (vegetables, l eaves, .... shoul d read to pick (off) (vegetabl·
leaves .. .
110/11-14 [twaa~-waaD ] should come before [t laat-laat] (line 7-10)
111/22: [VI -~n.n:;·,_,]
,, _ undJu ( ~UU1::\1]
.._ .. __ _

114/16: Last Year should read last year

135/1, 3: shrove should read shove
143/12 moutain ' shou ld read mountain
144/6: the rot. should read to rot,
151/10: exlipse should read eclipse
152/1: redum should r ead redeem
200 : 2: Seguminosae should read Leguminosa e
203/4 : trees should read tree
205/5 : English gloss should read a cloud
208/ 18 insten- should read inten-
228/9 [ram tpra p] should read [tarn t7-nap ]
276/16: [sdaau] shoul d come before [sani] (1) (line 13-15)
296/18: obligue should r ead oblique

297/top: tp should read trh

341/9: ~~yf,_, 'r'!~'Elthm~ 9ltl ('lu'r'IU"\'r'IU"\1)

341/10: delete one 's lips, in th e winter

348/26: bridge groom's should read bridegroom's

348/27 : brides ma id should read bridesmaid

390/13: [ khra I ] should read [ khra 1 ]

11 ()~/l A •


This Kui-Thai-English Dictio:nary is the second in a series of dictiona-

ries of unwritten languages spoken in Thailand produced by the Indigenous
Languages of Thailand Research Project (ILTRP). The first was an Mpi Dic-
tionary by Srinuan Duanghom. Others presently in the process of being
written include the Khmer (Surin) .and Druu (Ubon) languages.

Writing dictionaries, especially for previously unwritten and unre-

searched languages , is a task which requires a considerable amount of time
and effort . And, more often than not the "finishe~l'' pr oduct is inadequate
and inaccurate in several ways. During the beginning stages of the approxi-
mately three years required to produce this dictionary, ILTRP staff members
carried out a complete phonetic and phonological analysi s of Kui, choosing to
use the transcription system of the International Phonetic Association (IPA)
in ..the dictionary for the benefit of phoneticians and l inguists in general.

Dictionary entries are also transcribed in a Standard Thai-based ortho-

graphy for Thai-speaking readers \~ho are not familiar with the IPA system.
Some r eaders may be inclined to argue that the Thai transcript i on does not
follow the rules of the Thai \'lriting system and serves to "corrupt" that
system. It must be pointed out, however, that the sounds arrl sound system
of Kui differ from those of Thai in several respects, thus necessitating
certain additions and alterations to the Thai writing system for the sake
of accuracy and detail. Moreover, in making these additions and alterations,
type\'~riting problems had to be taken into consideration.

l1r . Prasert Srivises was con1tracted by ILTRP to \rrite the dictionary and
began this task after having received basic phonetics training and becoming
familiar with the phonetic transcription system chosen for Kui. Prasert
a lso transcribed and translated the entries into Thai , and the editorial
staff made revisions wherever deemted appropria t e and translated the entries
into English .

Prasert is t o be highly conunended f or the patience and determination

with which he strove to record as c ompl et e ly as possible his mother t ongue,
an oftentirnes boring and frustrating task for him and all othars involvea.
The tn(~rits of this dictionary are due solely to his keenness of mind and
painstaking efforts. The blame for any deficiencies are to be borne by the
dictionary's editorial staff . In this regard, the editorial staff welcomes
a ny comments and criticisms from reader s that woul d assist ILTRP in improving
the dictionaries t o be compl eted in the near future.

Theraphan L. Thongkum
Director, Indigenous Languages of Thailand
Research Project
•• fl'11l.J LiJw..JI'lJfl\lW'W"\'40~ flU ( tl'1tl) - 'hu.J-t~\1nq't!t
~rla\.l-,~1JIM.11il'1tJtl ~. ff. 1!:1~•"' Hr. Jimmy G. Harris 'hi-,·l\I"J'11JW~Olfl'1'1:t~tJ~LfluiJ

U"luaau ff~~Lff't!t~~u~;~~a ~~~~~nBUn~1~L;ul\.l~n.,~«~L~au~u't!t'1UU b~•" ~~l;.,,U.,'11J

.., • '-t ~.,., .,., .d
~a~w~a L~uO u1uu"J~L~~~ ~~1Lff't!t ~~~~~'lJa~a ~~~•n1l~.,.,~~~a~aL~a~}.,~UUl~u~

ua~na91 L\Ju«1«V1trm~., L~tru;atJLL;, Mr. Jimmy G. Harris li'1Jnu'hini-;,JI"J~n'"IVl"J trn~uu-n'u

Lwrt~eu"Sft L'lJUUi1'Yitrn't!t·•mn'UIUU"J~ L~'~ tda~ll.J"\"JnnaA L~U~'l't!tlfl.UL~tJ1.mrvurnu"J'tirtQ£1\lUa~

fl' LshJa\lii'a,'1U'1'11JI'I'~tlUiii~UUOl Lthm"l't!tllVIU \.l,~lJ"\tllL fl'atU,UU'ltJU bc! •"* tli~~,Ui{A'17n L«~'1\l
l tlfitn'l1'19iaii.,..,u,~ Lmr u·w\.l'i~ L~'~~...,,;a\lYI1\l'1U La\lii!ll.Ja ~ ·snm ,::tf~ Lliaun ,n£pl'lu Ill et.~

· D'l~I"JU8"J~~Ua a. Ylfl\1~1 ntru~'lO~I\l't.h:: LYlff~\l lfi'Yii,U~ L11tJ«u7o't!tiUQ::I'I'1\JI\1J~LLiiiO'l, L ~UU

~~.,~n1ULa'u! a.,~.,,u-s,::~u~1;~.,,~~ufl1~;~~"a"l; 1~vLo~'1::au.,..,d..,n,.,naftL~v"

~ Wfl''1«l't~n't!t-,~19l'1\lM.ln .,.,ann Llu"~'~ 'l ~inlliL~t'l:: lfi'(.lfl,~uun TH 'llmml't!t1f1ULftu'l.itrmn

lYJu€uL«a'l;L~u,~lu~unflui'1l\.l«;&..,n.,,,~~u.,~n,1JLa1JU LL~1Ji~"'~"~,~'lna ~a~~nBu

tfli"'1'1~n1t~PI1LLUiilfl'1't!t1lfi!.JUil::tl'l't!t"l~l\lnq'l1 ( U"ltrufi~, 91'11J LVIU ~ tJuiutJaft'1'l11tr\lnq'l1) 1,;
91'NM.IR'1'11J'N.I'lu'I.Utt'1't!t"l~u ~'1Un'1'S1/l.nliAUo~& Mr . Jerry w. Gainey 1'1\.1 Dr. Nellie

Norkus LWi9l.,'l~'1uun""t'lJP11u\.latt'1'l1'l~\lnq't!t ua::ai~I.,V'1'S~'II 'Kut\~"i tru a"\~.,.,0,::\lU

~UYI~~ Lwifi'1'1~1UA1LLUilfl'l'l1'1LflrJ~tl91'W~LLan 'l"J~911WW 'WO '1~i\lW~U~n '11J La'1Jd'nan LW

1u Le~'u '1.ulif'l"

b. th::'»lPI'1'11J ~ WlJ'l'lJfl\l?IUflU1flUA"\1 L'lJU

"1J,v" ~ w~a«f'IUfJ.U1nvi'1LU L ,Ufl «'1 Ltl\l «..ntrt'l'11Jl'UJ'1£J'1 '1

"flU" \1'1~D\l~aan dJu\l ~/vu

'lt.J,j,.., LW fl'1U lnu 1'l~tlf\U nfl ~1\nlu'i\l't.,ffl;,'., "1J.U" twfla'liD~'W~fl~lii11Jtfu,u~~::'t-d

f'l11., "d"}~ ·• tJ.., tllu~iftf'luLYI u L 'unf'luQv'lu\1~'\Ju ;'lu L~91d't a\lP~Ufl.tJ L!fa~utrutruRu lYitaTn~~
'liR1·;'lii'1tJUYIU«'1 Ltl\l l ~tl L~~~::V~ILlfL 't.l'll~ Lfi.Bu Ltl\1~'1 tl") La..,du'l~fl'l't!t1~lJVUOl~ LW

A'Ud"lu A1..)'11J,U1lU~::,iL lifunfn La\l L~l'll:: 1.umlflUQ.Ui'1tnnJ La~ Lli1& 1f\l"J'1t!a:: Liiuft L~U'1t1\.Jf'l~l'1 'l
u~~ 4 ~~~~~~~u\u~~,uu~~«u~~a~~~~~~ ~~~~u ~'u~i ~,~~~nu ~aa~lu~u~~~a~~~~,a
,j 1 ~ ~ \Ju·"huu~u'tu~~'Yl-!Vtui'l "l"'S1~iif~•~~a~l.lvna1"1~'UJ ~~~vHm lu~1n ~'l'r'I1'V~'\'UVIi~~a::¥Ti~:: ~n'l=' ~.

_ ~o-l t l;: t f'} I I I I .,0 iiC ID .

YIU~ diuvh.iatr~ t Ml'l 1 uf1 ~ 'lt1M~tJ'lltl'l~£Juua'"lu ~Yir:,a:Tn'"l~~tJ.,~ l'l'1 '"~~lJu ilJaanuSl, ~ 'll'1~\l ~"SO

·~~ L&.r~huu~uffa~ b'r'lila~~~u1~a~u"ltl 'l.uu,,~,~~YI1'~~w4n~uaa«mH~u ~"wr9'1vfil~uaa«u ~.

'"muu ?it~ ~~'1'11'i'l'\~UV1inu~~YI'1~~~~::Ln~ mii4rt'u-l'uil'a~~~tmi~rlnr~~~~~'\w_j CJ ~u

!Ja~fl.u.:f~ dJa~ ilvnn L'lllJ"'Svfawt.MlJIU\1"SO aQU1~~::th1£J ~~~ ~ '1'19lvf1'ruuG~,~~a~ ~ 'lllJ"li!~n1a
,mL~~Ynflfl.UHl~nU~U~'1L;~ i''l~"ln ~~,,)'uvnnfl.U~~\lflfi~U L'UUfiU b'lllJ"SLUI'iau u1a~'\~mi . 'l.f14Q.tllJ"l~\1'.1)

u b~rJn L'lllJ ,1,'1'1Jl!-l1 " L'll~,"i.~" ~ -D1'l. ~;~ ~ 'l.llJ 1"i,'ltlUA ~~:: ~~~a~'UJ~fl ~tu:::l).l1tl,:: LVl~lJ lflfl4 1 ct';YI~~~

1:: L"ll:U"S\uu,:: LVI~Ll1U~~'\u~uvl~~n-laL 'lllJ"S i.uu,:; LVI¥Ta'1'G I"Stu~~,~~~~ul?~vnmt"lf~~,,ru

, .. ~UU"S:: LY111lV1Ut1'l1tliJa-:il "L'lllJ"Sf!~" ~\a:: L'lllJ"S'\uai'GI'~tu.,-!iU"S:: 'IJIBtiL~tlrt'lJyt"'I'1L ~vn11

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T'ntltWYII"'SI~~~~~i4 (w . ~ . \ll<;>~<~Hlllnvaot) ~UO "S::i''l'\U Qi'IU~IU'lJCl'lfl'\~fl~aqfitJI ~~

u4~flu"lUYf~'r'lil'1~Unfl 1a~th:: LVlfllVItJ 19\0~"l"'Elw uwi'l ~'l'l. Ylqj:u"l~'.:~tfu~pu 1uL~ flu-h'u~~~v.1'~

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"'• ~'
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t1Q'\U;CI~~a1 U'H:l ~iJ'CI'l'ii\~Ul'l'i)

m. ~~tl~ l.l l~~vfU"lU~~YI)IU (~~,,)'Ut~Q'\u;a'l~a, ~fltl ~U~~ ~'l~~i'l~,u~i)

fi. LIJtNru:: 'r'l ~u Lst!tJ~'ll:: lJ ,r."~(,j"lU~~~::tl::\l ~ ( \1q'\1Ua ~'uia \1'Vfa1 Lflas1'~t~::~~Vl1'9'1~,u~ i')

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1Yi~au ~u'Vl
L~"l L~O~~\l ~ L~CI~~~na"l~l.l ld 1;tl"'!i1fl~~tltUualtJ~fl~fi~"Si.Uti"S::~w~fl"l4~"l ,fl "lA ~
,~u 1a~9t,
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Surin Tha
'13lJI.,11\1~ft~::'!tHJUn ~~tJ\'J ~ '1'1'00 l ;,~ l 'ti~HJ"fa'V\'f:u ltJ Li1 LlJ'u~~ 6. 'llll~'IJ"l'J~~UVI i'lf~i]rn '111
Jil~ ~ \Ju9t Lflf~ ~LL ell L flU~"J\J i•a.J1\JO I "'$~U'lil~ Lei'~nl{LL ·~n L "'$'-ll.J 1ll\J;I tJ ~IOfn 'll.J~
lL~'ol \1,,~~1~'-l ~ ~tl'ol~11Qtl~~L;~UW"J:"..I~1\JU,,~I«O~~IO~"..:~d~~'tJ1Uiu~~

U~~ L~\J~w1~~~\J~~LaU~I {~a~IL~Li1 L~~'ol~,\J~;)

tNft LW't1~~®~,L~1 ( L~utiiLii'a'-l-r~~~)
E.J'ilru: LU'Ul,~l'oltr'ol'lJ:~~ ( LW Li1 LiJ'~'ol&r'ol'lJ::)
tN1-uv L\fu~~v~llfv'1'-l~ ( L~u Li1 tti'a~~~"'$lr91)

]jun1'i!ou~~ 'YIGii'"J'oll'f.'U'Vl~ L-&U\1, . 'h)twnaan.-.nn d:ia'olV11:ul~'olUIU L ~~u"lmi ~u~Un.lm~

L't11i LtJ..J ~~u'Vl~ ~'ll.l~aL -.)', Lii'a'ol 11u~'olLL ~~Ul.J I Lil'~\l~~tm -i'nna•m Du!iuuna•'ol'lJa~

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N I l: 1 "' J"'d
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I I .,

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l'lla~~1'"2Q.u1 utr~wu

~~~:.! l"il1nth: L~R~1'1LL tl\Jtrtll91::tla LLC1\JLLU ( LLPJ'\JUI'ol) ~';t..hfrn,r "1a"1 ~1"lfJ.tJQhUl.J 10

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::f).~. IDtrGH::: (~~vid.') . ~~~~m-i'"lut~~~" , ~w~•, a.ili .~. (~q?f~n•w)

,,~n,;. b&:ol'l ( <»~o). d:i'~'-lli{~u~-i'. l1~::ufl".. : ·n"Sl.JU"J:'111~l.l~ci"

. 9~•. "Chan9ing Systems of Delief of t:he Elephant Hunters of
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.. Lo~f. ftR.,.
Lt.Uil~ 1LV.'tu't,VIl~l,.ft»L.J?.::~~!i~fUtL!;!L~t".bt.rm.1 ::1!'1 ,.t\i!~rtl7.1" L~G~~l.,t\ r;;rlV.l,)Jl..\1 ::t.~t\1., .. ~lll1.1 11

t\.(\~~J:l.L.fl;1.trt,Vfl~ t.fl.~Ln.::r.. ~~klUt.L g1..~~V. 1 ~f. f\t\t, t. ftfl. 11.. ,t.Ut'<t!~ttffit\ t,~ Bill~ l,.~V. 1 ::t~M. '\,f. ftl?. 1 ::u. t/.1
L ~UUL. ft~V. 1 ::~fWtt::roRU~fti..~B~t\~::~C\ ~t\~t\f!~rtU. 1 L..t.~ 1,1..2- 1 11 t\~~lll?. 1.. L;-j}[l~ l.,t. ill?. 1 Url ~ 1\t l'f}
. :v.~b,t\BJ]1 t\B.~f'\1,. t. rtU. 1 t\~t\j;\ ~ nguu'ilt\~fl't!Ut.tAt\.(\b~~ ULift\..}; ' ..~t.t-~n~~,Vt\B 1 rlUUUA ::~ 111lUUt.M
t..t.Ut\~t ra?. 1 t\B~rttt. grwk~~ 1 1!)11 OLS.f1.::tj1t\Ln.I"Je Ut. LU1L ftMIIMBV.t. ftl?. 1 UtlAIJ t\BlP l\~llUt\B[)1 nn i
• F • ~ I t-' .... ,-
l. 1
n:~,b t\11t\~~B(J1t.V.t\&b.t\B,!J1Lt.t\,V
:::1 .... f .-
t.L.I!U RU1 ::R~.Lh~J~V.t\.~rt,Vt.IAM.~hlt:l,.t.~t\k e~ nt\11L.t\V.I"JB
I I _. I I
fl,.IPL.Bil~!J»l6k"C\~ t\~Btl~L.BI1~Ut.t.\~~,t.V.t\~L.~S.t.fl.t\l, ~1.. f\~!t:!NL;~,Il11B,t}V. 1~e»ne!lnc,~~ 1 t\L!l'l}::~
l'~LI?., ttrw~'rtl..0 ttft11l\t..t.v.::r..'rle::~ u,(illv., nt.tmnn'Ut\eu.I'Jewac , &n L c.~ u 1 t\~L.n.v.nn,
,. , 1 I & lf 1 :::1 I f I , p } :i
M}v.e~u tl
fl.U1 ::Rft~::l-!1'.: V.~al6,t.IA.t\~UL~~t. M.flt.4Bt\~ rtL. ~t.L~IA.rt::~,\l/i~V.t\~t\l,fl e!lnt.~"i} ' t\1..~!}::1! 11
tJ.L QR.L~ tgfl.\lt\~~~1,. ~B~l6 f\U 1 ::!"\£;~ : V.t\S,b. !ift~&:h ~_t-~C\,t}&\BU.~1~~B,tgtt,L\t.~~f\l,flllf.\BI7.~Bf11Ut 1 ~11.
'l1'1u1tyL'Un1,~u'l'ir\'l Lif'U"A ~ ~m~LL;'lLAiJ~'J'Ui'uJ'l 'Un ,,~.;'" Lel'an~LLW1L , \1lJ-n!'Uvi-w ~1flfl'11lJ~

~'11lJ'l!ClU~'l1'1HLa\1 u,,~~1~" ~ ~Cl\1'l11'1~~~'131i,~,~,I~I'UU,,~,~n(~rn~,~~~"~'~IU~~i

vc ,:: L i1 Lanl'I'A'ul\''131!

OD • LliftN\.jlJ LiJ'U\1~'1 '13'\ tt'Ul'l.; Lat1\11 {~alJ I LlhJ Li 1 LiJCl'-3'\, 'UYl.'i)

ID • L.!if~'\3~ LiJu,a'1\3'U~ ''H 911 ( LiJu l i1 Lii'a'-li~~~)
"'• L'iltJ\'l~:: ~ iJ'Ul1rl'1 \3~\3~::~ ~ ( LiJu Li1 Liia\3~\l'll~)
~. Llif~\'!L~tJ L~~~tJ~~tJ'1\3~ (L~'ULiiL~a\1~1~l~)

1"1 ~\1t'l\1al1vn 1\1il1Jt(1 l1Ql'1\1'\~UVli' v~Ul'l1' 1;LWfraan'lil1n L!:l'a\1fllJ 1~\lUI'U L'au' mi ~,jI'Uf\L~Vl

9ia1JI Ltl~£Ju1la'l."':J Lfu '\~'U~i ~111'!1m i,, uja\3 ffi.J1~\m 9itfw 1 Lil'il\l'\''U~ i'nna1t1 Lilufi'Uvnal\l~a\3


a1w~u~a5n~hmtl'-lt1Cl\31"l'UQ.t.J~at•hmlu ~nnn , , 1viaau tlllJ9'1U LoiiAULLn',altJRU~ i L 4a'\li"'S1'1

~a\341''1 L'[)\1 L;fl411J..; 1 ii"<ltJBu 1J"t.Jii1~f{l' L~tJn91'1 LtN l11mL9i Ltfu11a~~fl'U l~v ~ll'vn 1'-l'Y'il\.1ln~u~ i

~a'U~ 'l;t~tJnfl'UQ.tJL~IB'U ~\1a~rrcr'UI'IUQ.tJia\1~\1~'1u~a\1J,"t;LLn~•'-ln1\1~~1n#u~iLif'Utl,::~~ntl

~i\nl'Ufl'U~1JI~\3d'1ul"'u l~u~\1 L~un~ 1 ii-w u~::A 1\fLEl'l~Cl1J IL;na1u LU'u~11 LiunflufJ.uan:Amrtl\1;'1 u"

~. ~fla1tu1~Cl\1'l11~Qu'lu~~j[u

Life~'! ~\'!Cl~ £J~!.111'JiflU ,~ LVJfta 1'1LL Cl\J~9191~tla LL Of'ULL tl ( LL ~'UUI\3) ~';\h?!'n t "1a"1 'l11'1fltJd'11J1J lfl

~:: L'li'r1J16f\ u ~\'!W~fl'\,Ufl-i'LLa~ ,a"a\1lJ 1fla ~\'!wfflrl~h:t~ Lfll:ti.'Utr~~uif'l11'1flui:l du~ IU

eQ'tua1Lna~1\3 ~ t~a\3~\3Yl~~i.unll'lfl011uflua•~~Lt~fl~~~anutl,:: L~~a1G1,~~stl,::'l1r~tl1~un1J~'l11

'o> ~\1\11'fl ~\'ILLOffl\l''ntJ~:: d)v~L...;-LULLe.l'U~ (m:1 u) «a
~. ~\3,~~'\"-'~ i n~14fltJtll~tJa~i1LU~\3~~,~~1u~n a1Ln~
ID • ~'13'111'~n,1::1~ L0'\1 !I"I.IT1Q.tlt11~ml~i1L'l1li'l3~..,:rYI1''11
"'• ~\1YI1'Y1~~1'1JV d'1'U1J1flt:l~tm1J1~1fl~'l)'l1-fvt'\~'IJ~ iLLi>1 ~ffi~~ Lflb' L~\1lJ 1~\3Bu~IULmJ li'...,.ju
"l11'1QtJI.u~"wr~'\~tmiu~::n~'l:t:: ~ n1:1 ~\3 t ~vnvniu""f'~Qv"tu~"wrm.~~'1J8'1'1 "u1ui.YU.i"

*f,l~ltJa:: L~t1'11 LfftJ'1tfUU 'l::·t~fl'11lJ LiJu1J1~Cl\lA'IJQ.t/\uvn'r\1:ftllilt:l LW

_,,¥ I

fl1dh Lat~::fle~. w~otC (c;ll('o>oo) . "'{~uVJidj'a\3tla1Jlu,1ru" 1 BY,~1, a . ~.~ . (91~1Y11J)

9"11dh L~~::f\a. sl!o~ (~<~(rite) . ''t\~lmi1.'Ua~Y~" 1 t:ll{9i1'"S a .~ . ~. (~ql'f~fl1EJ'LI)

L~1Jati rtu~,~~n,; . bc!oVI ( c;~o) . LiJa'lli{,u~i. ~'l"l::'Ufl,: n-aJtl,::'l11~lJttui

,~U' 1a9'1~l!. <>~vAn. "Changi ng Systems of Delief of t he El ephant Hunters of

Sur in Thailand" 1 1~rntl~'Ui tJijfiJtJ!ILVI U~'Ufl1l\il:ttJ1~tJ1 1JVIT'lVltJ1tr£J Western l\ustralia.

a'~H tltNtl'l'\.f"'Q.U'iJ0'-'1 ,.U"'U'\ml" nl'~Ufauf'lucr'~H UlJ''..ul'l'l:t'lfl.vVh1~ '\u~\2~1'?1"{1\JYI-i'LU~~
~i<;J:: ~nu ~._,{fd1a)l~'lntfn T~ LnuYI "~"1thJ 'l~'l~truD~ raue

~. ~"~~~~~~,'l~n"'U tl~'1~~ua~1ua1~ na~'1" ~ ~ a1 ~na;Ju«u a1Lne ~ ~a~L~UL~

~. ~"~1'v.ul'l,~'1mflJ'1 rl'l11'1fl.Ue'1ft'uar.J'lua1 L1lemmLa~"

~. ~\l11,!"rf'I)J'fl'1VJI.,t'l'11J iJ~'1'lfl.Uil "l~uay'1.uD1 L1lt:m t!l'lti'J.OO~u

il '1'tt'1Q,tJ'lUtlu~'l\l "j l'fna'1'11J '1LL;':l.;'1\l;U !Jtr1 dltJ\ln I ,ytfiLL VIO ?i"l'\lffU'h.J'11'11J;D'-'IffU ( ~LU-IU~fl'll~n

Q,tiftUt1'1\l 'j 'I'IW"l Q) U1FJ'I.h:: Lil~ll 9'T~~Ultt ~rLL9i\ll~'-lW"''l{O"UHi'l'1l'tf 3J'1~'10U'1U~\lLLO ~~i'ILL11QI

aiLtltl~'il7'J,fi ~\l~~~~~~1~ ~\l~ULffU\lU1'-'1LftU'-'J'\~~!40~La1J~ ~\ltl'1~U'110~'1\l1tl~'10L§U'-'J

l'fllV~tru'twrlu6u 'l

1l'1~1fl.U~~il~')UL~1~1D~'\uV1,::Q~ 1Jtl~- tUU, ~~ tl')U~!J L ,~ULVI€1.; (registers)

L\J,:~UL~ll\1 1nu~f'"3 '} 'h.Jai~Otl'1'1Lfl-;1 YH.n-.:JI'i''\Ufll'l!t'1fJ.U!J Ill ~fllffil::~€1 l'lUI\lpj'iffa,::L,juL~[)\l

na\1 {voiced) uuu;s.,,1Jfll L'liu miD 'LLYlQI1J' t7huu ' n •f "1i'l"1 ua::l'lU'l~vfiiil'.,:: dha~u"
... Et • ' f/1(,., ' ' .,
fl€1'13 -..,~lJ (breathy) L'liU mJ.f' '~-~ ~ t7hHU 1
'EIDULL'D 1 "1QI"1 ~::LYI'W '11~'1n« '1t:lU"l\l'1'l l'llJ'ty~::mJ

a,:: uil:::41'':liT::nV~"llr.l\li'I~\'J Ill 'q'11 Lv.!f-cn-'tru ~~VJ1'\l1'1'1·J '111~'1VU9'ln9i'1'\lttuA'a ~mjru:::« Lf'fW'1\1ClU"l\l

(voice quality> ~\'JllumJ'l\ll'i'~flil.,:: L\fu dfu-,n'EI" ~a 1tli!~::: dtm,'"l ..,. tJ'1\1;tlnW' t ti'Ul'l tl"l\li.

(breathy syllable) ~ \h.nwl:\lri'tl-;~ L11V!i.'l L,~~ ~ ~m-i'~ Ill .zf,l't..i~fi.JtiJ~·nt.'tiM"l'-'lt\r'Vlfi"l~ctl.; [ cy.]

""Luj-;'11l,'l:f'l~u1u!JI'l4'1l.JLL Vlfl~l\'l'lHl\l LtitJ\ll,,wqn~ L~aUfl"l'l:f'l "lY~v LL9i 1\Iu~u"~~" LMn'·wnmu.n-,fi

na\l irn~h:: ~u L~t)'13fli'1£Jtr\J ~ ~U\l'l,"ltllqm; 9'i1-~ (U) ~'il ~ ~U\1~~1'11.u1l 1\:t'l1VJuna '1\l
oi-:~uvw'l\lri'·Jn~l!niJ 1. ~U\l na'l\l -.,::~~ ( t- ) uan ~'ln 14a -, L,%1 1~a-i'«-,~n«' 'l'11J'1LL; , 9itl "lth ::l\VI
tl\J.,!:tJtJVH1fl~"l!'JJ~ f-.f "l:; fl'l'"i~\'1 ~ ~tN'I'I~fl - l ~~ '1111\.!r.l\'1 L~EJ\1tL~:;~; dlU\'I.fl 'l'l:f'l~llrlU~"l\l , ~"U.Jtaifi'U
•1 •2 •3

l lJYIINI-,f'lll.J Uf'l ~~~~~~· ~,~lJU qf$~YI.; ~7~:: ~nu !l,\Jil ,,1re ,a ·

1 YH1'Ai11l!h'i~tJ (1?} 1 ; ..HJLLni'N (4} 1 111~0 (3?} 1 '1lJVH~\!~ (2} 1 ~VllJYI,iV«tJ (5?} 1 1~)\'J ~~tJlJ (1?}
j - 2 d:Ja\1 (16) 2 vt'1~~(1 4 } 2 ~~a\1 (3?} 2 '11~ucu~~~u ( 3 }
3 fl"'j::~\1(10} 3 'l91Utti (l?) 3 ftUYI ,'l,lJrJ(6? ) 3 Lfl"'J~VIlJ { 5)
4 ~ ~nJ~., tJlJ 11n {7 > 4 ~alJ~,:: (35) 4 u, .,._,;~(26) 4 U'l~:: YI~ ';JtJ ( 2 }
5 l1Ua\'Jrf (l4} s ~w (2 9> 5 t~,o\1 uo> 5 ·u';liu <~>
6 'l.h::11'lu-n'v U1> G ~~1,\1Vl'1U(G5)6 ~~ui (4 ?)
7 U'1Ufl,'1A (3) 7 ~'ll,1J}J (70) 7 ~UYI'll\) (~?)
8 ~ ilU\1 (17) 8 ~UVl ,~fl ~ (3 ? )
9 ~\I 'll~ (7 0)
10 tl·na1vt { t.l )
11 fl 'lU L'tl\1 (t{?)
dran 'ffu (n'u1) '

p paa? 1
91 ~'l-zi'-rn'ti1~\,wl::n~~N 1. ..J~ ,-,1,u~J\rnm ~'

J jaam I U'UJ '

k kaa ·~,·

kh khaat I 'lJ')ft I

f) f) aa 1 ft~1'11~ ~ ~un L~n ~~n C) '11~Cl~MlUQ{Pl;tl~'

? ?a a? 'l'l1!1'

h haa 1
a1 1

'11!1 ltl L'11!2

~. t7 t7h m~:: d~ n1\.4L~rNtrn dft.JflLLVI"'m ffLfl'"'l!a~~~tJ~A'a luii1u'\1u1 (blade of the

tongue) truJ1U'11UI Ll1ftiULL.zi"~ (prepalatal)

1o . LtftJ~~tftJPlLLVI.,fl f Lft9l'lu91'1t~tN ~\o fl1~vi,t!u LUU9l1th.l b fl1 ?l't~ fai faa 'LYM1'

ulil:: fr!Sf) 1
~~~(flu) 1
d,u~n ~o 911 L ~tN f LftflUUULnh~a.,::tru L{~u~ sw

(~,1~~::L~UA~'1 ~~-~~)

,... n'1"1,L9l.,'1::~~::;u'l!a~W0'1~i~OL,~~L~a~ lo (C~) fi~~1a~1~ 1fttJLOW1::a~1~D~

~ifawlJ'qrrru::ilH \Ju d ftN\h:: ~fl'Vl frfl- Liu L ~£N'ttJ'i'u #a

p t k

ph tn
I I • '1: It I
Lrla~~•n w!f~>111!1LLt\fl9'11~ (contrast) .,:an'1~tJo]'(1U::trn- ~lJtiU~!l LLiil:a~ lJ'~::trn -WUill.l

'lmw1~i~!fL,~iH9lai'tf 111 ~t.la1~1Lf'l.,,::;..;, w€!'~::9i',Htfu'ltfl p t t7 k '11-!a Ph

th t7h kh tfli 'luW'W'1~n'UJ Llil'!ld' 1~i\ ~an La'1"q91'11~~~a trn -w'uatJ- Liu L'u~l:.iiu

L\JuY~ trt1)'11U::~u'l!a~wu·Nina\l!Tiil1l ~~u ~ w1'1::urmh:: L~'~ li~'h ~'17 ~uan1l '1'tt'1LLw::4'u ~~

W~U'1~fl,!l~U (tijtJ)-LVItJ-~~nq~ ;1tl L;0u~-ua'l~€J'~::~fltrn-~Ua!J Ll'l.,'1::~fti'UJ

i~n -lr ~VI~fi'\7CU::'Utl~LgfJ~L'I11il 1if\fl;L~tNf"\HfttN W VI


'lf 1'1 'lutl'1'ttiLVItJ Utlfl~'m0

VII~Lf'l,~n•,~ €1'~1i'Yifl~Cl\Jfii,L;Du (perception testing) an;ltl Lfltl,;~uant\1'171

'UCl~1f'l ,~0'1,'"1 <1J~'Il9'11l l'l!t1bU9'1.,!:Q.Iil!ltl'iJ- L'ti!J "1 ti PIU ~\191 1\J'tlfHLa:: 'V9la \l; IL;flu LtftN

<a: .llol. ~ Wffil,fl!'U~ ;'U~ L

U.m rr~,M.l~ ~ vf tn
~ •
')Jth.Jin LYH~I\IU'!J\'1 Ll't 91 "'U!lfl'U · L';'U LI U"\
L~U~trn- "bjyj'UiU.J - ~ i'W t ~tN 'hid'u p t t7 k ?
t Go#
~ ~ti'Jilfl-H\JtUJ - L~~ ~ t::tJ\'J 1.!~\J
1 .. ph th t7h kh
L~tJ~trn- Luu L~tl\'l~\,~ b d dy
1.thJ\'JtJI~fl m n J1 I)

l.~tJ\'ll. ffu~LLYI,n f s h

~~tl\'Jltl~ (app roximant) \'1 r j



p paa
ph phaa
b bam

m maar

f faa
w W3h
t taa?
th thaah I tJ19J 1

d daa?
n na~

s saa? ' t'l'lf)'

r raat

dy d78n I flu (n~tJ"'')'

p f\88? • ~ ;ri't.U.,-m:t"'''~\n1'1~1liHl\l t '1& , , ;LUW"lULL t-1'

J j88m 'u'Ul I

k k88 I tJ8I ")I

kh kh88t l'll"''~'

I) 1)88 ·~~;~~L~un~~nL$n "1 ~~t>ttf'll'l'UQ{~vi'Cl\l'

? ?88? 'f'"''tJ'

h .;,~

~lJ"''tJ LVI~

~. t7 t7h LL&~ d~ n1~L~tJ\lr'rfl L#tlfiLLll,fl ~~fifl'lltl\lL~tNA"a {uQ'1U~U"'' (blade of the

tongue} fttrol"lu~u"'' L
Vl9l"''ULL~\l (prepalatal}

ID. L:ftJ\ldft.J~UYi"lfl f d't91"'lulll;~~tN ~~~~ l'l;Lyj"''~u LW~J~;thl 1::1 fl; ~a f 8 i f88 ·l~.,,
Ulil:: fr~f) ·~-i'\l(~u) 1
~'1U~fl ~o ~; LacN f Lft91\LU\JUtl"l~fl"l::f'lul~tN SW

(~,1g~~L~Uft~"'' ~~-~~)

"'• fl"''"l1L~"l'1~~~~;'U~tl~tJ'1~~0L"l~fl L91tl ~ ID (C~} fl~~"''aqu'1\l 1~tJLQYl'1::aU"''\lD\l

LrlaV~ll'tlflN~iu dfu L~tJ\lth~ ~flvt trn- L iu L~tN 'UJ'iu A'a
trn - 1l.IY!U&l.l p t k

ph tn kh
A • ' ' '1. • • •
LlHl\l~"''fl1lJ!J\"1'1'1lJLLflfl'i1'1\l (contrast) "l::l1T"l\1Ylt1t1_1'?1U::f'rn- ~3J'I'IU~l.l LLil::~t')'ty'IJU~ftfl-YlUil3J

"t~tJ"''\ll'i~~L,~iJL'ilt>i'f!lll ~~a"''~"lL¥1,.,~,;-;, Y~t'l'ty'll'U::;un1u-q91 p t t7 k w'la Ph

t 7h tfl; "'LU~ ~ '1~fl "ll.l Lii3JiJ' 1 ;LQ'an LCl '1'/l'il VI~\l~tl ffn -Yl Uill.J- Liu L~ tN L~~U
1 1
th kh
., "' ... ... f'f l!. ,.., ., ., •
dful~ lJ'fll'l!U:: ~U~6'3YltJ'1\l~fl tl\JJ.Jill.l Vl\lU L~ •n::t.nm.h~ Vir~~ fl,') LV{'\; ~\J6flfi'1'\;"''LL&~~LL 91\l

~~U"''~fl"ll.J~t.J (Q!tJ) -1vt tJ-~\lflq'\; ; "l tJ L;6U~'lltll~t')'~~~9lf'rfl-~Uill.l L~,"''~tll'l"l"''l.l

~VI~fl'ttf\l::~tl\lL~tJ\lL~il '1if'tfli'L#tJ\lfrULtftl\'l

i:tn-l1 VI VI 'lf 1'1 "'Lu11'1l:l'11vttJ U!Jfl'il""lflif

Vl"''\l1f'l"l\lfl'1"l., t'l'\lLivtf'liJDUfl"''"lLvTflu (perception testing} flm\'1u 19lu•h1~utlflfl""ll:t"''

'll'£1\l1A ,"n '1"l"1 it'-3'tt'ilfl '1~"'1 'l.u9l"l::Q.ill.lil ~- Lw, tt Flu ~"91 ;uamLil:: ~'ilil ";.,1;tlu LI tJ\l

wO'nrau~;.u«•'\" (tl ~ 'li1 n 1'1 n '21 ") 911~h1r~91\18\J!h~-,..uJfl ~';) '111 dJuY4tJ"l'llit1n~
be ~1 ~~~YIU"l"';;a"'~au ~~ ~1 ~"'8"l'lil~~~~u~~YI1i~-,~

L'l1tl n. pv tv 1t9V kv (eu1"'a~ ~ "'S'1UL~ <i>lll 911)

~~,, 'iJ . phV thV t~thV khV (~~~~~~ ~ ,'1~L~ ~ 911)

L't1YI fl • .. .. ..
XV XV XV ~<x (au1"'a~ ~ ,,U L~ ~~ fl1)

~~LVIUR1$f~ Vl~ 'fl'i LL\J\Jt'fir\J,'1~ffUVIU9l (at random) ~a·n{)taYitJ,t;'rr\JtlfllliU~'-3

<t flUt'f\'1 Hilfltfi~'U~"lf\nl"ll'lfl'iltl\Jni,Lfi'flu 'if1tJ1?i~'lifA''EI ¥~1~8\JV,n;e--3 •oo% il1YI~\J

Ylil'ffiJU~ciJtta\3~1LtH,1\'l n .. LLa~ 'll. a'1Uft1YilJ'tymJ~~1Je'li'l1tuL'l1YI 91. tl(o% 'tle~1911l\J

Ylf1'P~mu~ 'liutf~tJanfl "l't:tl19if:lu LtfuY~ll'ty'tllJ:-:'I'f'1nffn -vc'uau ;, u LYl9lHil~'lnii,,,,,L~a'1 1S~~"'S\30 ,,.,

~"'~91~UL"'JLod phX t hX t7hX LL~!': ..


<t . ~ ,b'rJW~iuf{ dlut'lt1g.,ruu~fi'1\Jnel1

,-.trrf1Ju::fnuna1"l~m•u"lQ.tJD"l~~L 11 ,,~ t-i'aen lii. tfu 1o tl,:: LllYI ,-a Y~ll't"Jt!U~¥~'1\Jna1l~oti

l1'faYill'tymJ::~ 1\Jni11fu I ua~ r LW pi·· tr- ph i- thr- bl- br- dJuiu ii1uflLr~«~
( 9JLLHU~mr1 ty-t}) L\Ju'Witqfln.!~i'l'1\JOel1 L~tru L'Hl lean L"[J\l'W irty'tiU!':S'l'1\J11a;tJ,~ LliVId'

~~na,~aVtltl (a] LtfuohtH~DU (transition} a~Laua 4i""'letil\'li..Ju

L tmau
rtm l

[ tomau]
[ r 0 tmL]
s?M? = [ s3 ?M?] • L,a •

u~UIMiJ'qJ'IN~~hu ·m L11uln111L~hNulffn m n p I') ~~a an L~tJ\'ILL \J\J syllabic nasal

[mt nI p ~] vn L-l'udfa m fl·1\Jffu d Lta:: n "OJ::ean L~U\'ILifu [ma] ~\'lffJ,~,Bn~tsntJ,::nl,l1d~

~a ~~ h ltfuYilJ'~~~'1Y'i~rn\ltlil'll'iil'~~S'l'lumi'1 ailn ~~hNlli'r~altJm.h'llfi'a

phh- ~ [phah-]
mh- = [mn-]

nh- -· [ r.n- J

ph- :: [f;£1-]
l)h- = [ r]71-· ]
I h- = [! · JI [th]

rh- - [t; ] I [rh]
- ::t- :-··- ---·-- - -·----- · - - -·----·-·---- - - - - · · - - ---------·--·-·····-- ···---·----· -·----·- - ··· · · -·
1 ~6: . ., d
~) c l

... I
1, ·~-·-·r
p l pi I pr : ph
I : i

·--·-·r·-· ·t------~--- . . -r-··---

I .
fi{ft'J'l1U!: ~'U«'1'VliHl'.m~::PI''UJ
I ~. ~:- -·-----1 - --- .----~-- ---------· --;-----------...--·-r- --,---~- -·
~ ~: phi ; phrj b
', m : ml I mr
! .
~---~,. -·-r-~-r----· -r-··+
! I i
- 1-----~- --- -~
w .t tr a
·, -r--.. ~---;
thrj d l'
----~-- \-···· . . 1
n I'

.!__+ - - -+--:----!--·-:·-··-· l-- ·--;-- . . 1--t-- ,
:...... :. --- -i--·· -;. ____
I I • t I .
. -I
t ! I
--~ -~---

l -~~- - 1~ ---1-I --!-- -+I --+----t-l-l--4----

' l_l
·!----!---+--- -~--- r---f--~--~- +--···
I I ___ ; : ·--1·----L-J.__~:J ... -
r·~·- --r--+-1-- ~- -:-r:·r-:- • i--T:- • :1
f i:> ! f
i =

~ .--L-----1~-~-1 ___ -~---- ----i-- -1-- --i---l-··--r-·-·j-·--1-·--i--!··

+1• 1 r 1 1 1 ,

I l I l i

~ . I I i I J ! I

!;-- t-:-
f ;
t-:~---! -~-~-- ~- +- --r---l:t ---~- -~--r-- r~-

:- ----~--- -r ---- ----~- ~-+ --r---- --~ --r--t -+--~--t-+---~- -: -;-1
r- ~. ~-- .; --· --- 1------- - ----~~--~!--- ~---) --~---j---+ --t--~- -~~--- -1--r-- +-·· ·
! ! 1 I ! L !
1;- :---r-----'!----r---t-l-r--- ~-1--r-t-:----~ - -~- r--r---1 -
In I I I i I + I + I + ! + I +

;;r-. . -;. -----t--·r ----r--- ··+- +- --r--f-+--l---:-- : : i

-r-- -! 1
i j l I ! ! iI I l i I + + + . + + I I + I + j
~ ~--!--; -~---r- ~.~--- - - --r-1· -----r:··- -+-T;J~-~ ~-r-l-r·r--r~r:l
-- --- -l...... t---··- j·--·- i- . --~-- ·----t-·- ·-1
-· ~-+----,.-J----t·--f--·-1--

L.-1 ----lI----~-~-- -~- 1--- ---L-f_ ~--- .-~- --i ---~ I

tz_ J______
.:.t7h Ll __ [_
: I + : I I J I I ; + I !

I l.
.. --·--..l..... _ - i - - ---~
: : :
·-t---t·- . i
: I
--- ~ - ---·r·-·----r----+',·----:-··----~---,---
i i l I l- ·-

I i I ,. ~ ,. I I • i1 I

: ;
; I
I'J - - ,_ _, _ _
tT_ _-r-T _T_T_T
! ,. !
I ! . ! I I I i : L
r--:--r·:-r·T -~--- -~ - --!

·~ -- :---r--T-- i--l---~-t:-r: T-- --t~r-=~---- : -~ -::-jr :-1

F,-~--r--- ·-T----~--~~~----f·iT--T·-·
tf) -· -r . --~- ------1 ----[ ---···-! -------·T --·---·r·--·-- -~ - - -r
· -+---r-·r -r-
-~-. -~--:

--J 1· --, - 1
L. ...___;__ ·----~-- .... t____ _!__ .. _:_____.;_____ _L___ _ __ l_ __ j ____L __ j_ ___ .L ___:__ _...L.___.___L_____,
Vtl!'~::;"'tu1.Ufl1tt1Q.tJU1U~\mn !J~\3~fl •tc l ~£1\3 ~a -p, -t, -t9 , -k,

-?, -h, - m, -n, -r. -~, ·r, -l

kaap 'L~\3(U:u\3Lvl)'
-p kap 'ti'n'

kat ·«~(;'1tlfi"J,Lfl'1) kaat '1l1~'

-t I

-t9: kat9 ' ~ritJ"l ( ; , , , l1tY"'' ) ' kaat9

-k kwak •iu(rl'"''u, l~1J)' khaak ''tl "''fl '

ka? ' tl-1::11 1w n:: ' k?aa? '&"'' t

kraah 1 Yl'l(U11JL\il ::fl,tJ1)
-h kt9ah 1 ti1U 1

~fl~'l ( f{' oUll\3) ktaam '\I(U'\1!) t

-m I<am I t

'tla ' khrQen 1 U1\3 wa'li'l;•

-n knn
'~lJm1Va\l ( t-~1J) ' t aar ' ~"''U 1
-r krar
kaal) I fll\'1 I
-~ kt9al) I «1 L "$1:: I
-r l)khar ..~
1 9iuLa\JL~ rl £J'1 1 kta::~r •n -s::fl1U'

kaa l 1 "S1m'il)fl~'
- I kal 'l'l\iU "Jfl\'1'

.: .., !E.
.:., ... ~,:: ~ ~tJ1
fl1:: tJ11
11 UIW uu
w u
ee H 00
e ¥ 0

a. aa 0.0.
l u, i la wl u i , uul ia l ual
iu iau
"'I , nl ua, uua
eu td o i, oo i
<BU oi
a i, aa l a. I
au, aau·
«"Hl tl_J,!

kit 1
L~mrm L~OUYI L~tl'1 1

0 keh l«n I

<fJ ka:? 1
Wi'l::: LLO~ 1

a .. kap 1ft\i'l I

u; kdw? 1
«t1 L'iltn 1

• red y kl¥? ~L'111 1

A k/\? l{fl

J u kut lf'lVII

0 koh ~ .,~...,
tru 1

1 1
0 kt7o? n -,:::otln .,n

a. ka.? 1
nn (u1ll) '

i i: ki i t I LLYI::: tfWiiiPI~UVI I

oe: keor I JJ'1AO I

,. "' I
CBCB: krem ' qu(~JJL.,~ 1tlli'I~.,U8 ~~ Yla111 tltl tl 10) I

aa : kua ''llil1 1

ww: kww? ~ 1u-·

n: ksn I l1il'...,~tl I

AA': kAAt ~ ~Uu 1

uu kuu 'ay'

~n "'1:: ( n »lu"l)
·t u "'k i i u 1

0 i I~ i I ~ ~ fJ ( -1 \ fl~) I

eu kh0u 'L~tJ~'

au : kau ' fl'

aou: k l aa u ' fh.J ( e.n;a11i') '

wi *dww i ' L~e:ltJ'

¥ i kh ¥ I 1 L~u 1m.J;:;:: ! '

1\ j * l)k/\1\ j I '1'1~\.l \1l.Jtl\.l

C. i ·ki< JO.O. i L~tl"l 1

ul lt.u i 'U'

u ua : phu~a 'l~a '

oo i : phoo i 't.Ju'
la 1 : *phi J.a i '-a::,.'ltl t

lcu: *phi ·~\J o "!i~ "Sn -,:;;"'VI '

ua i: *buu:;~ i 'v.'l'
d1tl\1~'"1n '\Jft~ill.IUY\fl~l\1 (contrast) VII\1;"'\U~i 'll.ltll"1'l.IO'I3"a1~\l~:;a~'\~
~lsh~~U\ * ta11-;' ~~a::ti"::ul.l"\fltlt:lfl ~fttN :.Du [ ~u ], [wwi ], [ "" i) .,11.,
u1uti,:; ~~~~ ~,~~~~ ~unon'l~•~a'\ia,:;u,,~~tl'\~~,'13«\Jn'l,ann\ftU\1~~" ~

l~tl~iiU~\J"\tJL~~a~luU,:;\~~~ 1~~'13fl1,., ~\1a~till.IL~~~1u~1ll~;~aia\1

". £ n .,a,.n ~u\1m'l'n Lu1

~;'\~~1~~utiiu'\~~~Ou~1MU1\1R~~UJ ~"1n~;a~~U1\1i~UI\1 ~4a'ltltlf'l\~u~n~::

n9.QI) n201) + ( nQI) t n901)] 'tJ"1\J '

I ~t t reret + ( I <2t ' t m<et 1 •{j '

loot9 ph,i.h + ( lot9 ' phJ.h] 'tJ1fl\1::ll'n •

thga? r~? + ( tha t r~?] "a•~~YI~n •

th~e th~e + [th~ 'th~e] ·~u~1 11\1LU~1'

sli kh~? + [si 'khr~? '«::L~I::l~,~~~·

ka.a.n m~ul ->- [ka.n 'm~u l] ' L-r1auv~'1JI"1\~~~ 1 '1'

\.1 1 \11'1~\1 L"1~ '1YiYl~::~tlYW1'13R~~ "mtltlfl LiHJ 19lu L~'l't l::tlU~'I3ri'13 L!ftrn t.!'NiLL ,0 L,Ju ?i!la . 1il::ann L{fu\1 ~ {}u

[ a ] ~tSaff91ailn~\lul'l;Yi,_n__,l'i'L~u'l 4hau1\1 LW
?aa pri i? + [a 'prl i?] f [pri i?] ' LL~:: 1
?aa bal) + [a 'bal) r I ( bal) J I t 1 "'
"r"IUu lJ

?aa tee + [a 't ee ) I [tee) 'llu'

?aa W?.ar + [a 'wxar] I [ ~·:M r] .. " 5:U.. 1
' Lfi14'
?aa dalh + [a I dc:eh] I ['dJJh] ..
' Vl11tl 1

1,mt'"llu ~nl:ffii~YI;ue'll L~tJ'\I'lla\1tl"i~1uf'l'u11 "Thh"l?l.tJ 1if1t.J1;n-l"l\1 ~ ~'ll~a 1tJd'~·a

th~1 tJt'ltJan L~"lLLG~~tl')~ 1tJf'lf'l ;n-w~ilf'l ; '1'"1 'l"', a:: 'h vf1mJ ath\11 -s Yl; 111 1lW "1il"1 Ql~"ltJ

VJ1ua\1L ~tJ\;"ltJ Lii~a ~tJ\1,::«tJnil "l\1 ~ w!a ~ deua\1 L ~nuatt tl-s~1 tJI'1H1t~"l2Jti,'nl?J"l

( Uj£7f'l ;LH;ffl\'lfl ;\)"l2J) fl "l-,~fl'l11U LJdf!ftJ"'lU LL '&f!\1\l\"'l "l2J'iit'l3~tJUQI:: U;A"'l '11.1 LmL11"l -q ll'fl t.U.,1\Ja\1 LUtJ'Il~\'l

Yl~e~\'l-~u ~"«"'laU1\'l~a1tJ~

«-HlU"l\1~ ">


ty l i tyaa doo i

«. t y i j:L _t_y_aa_. doo I

ty li tyaa doo i t y lh

ty li tyaa doo i j¥¥

ty i i tyaa dooi no?
"___,.,..,__.Jf •
tyil tyaa dool no?
t J>
">O • tyaa doo i ja?
I •
ty i I tyaa doo i wa? •d I 1tJtru'li"lr~ lrun~.."'l (mm Lifut'l ~~~a\1) '

tri.f tr••
doo~ ~ . ·~L2JUU
. . . (\11'1\'lf'IU\ll"l\'lfl
tylh lah 'ltffl'u'lJ"l'"lfrUiifl'J'I ··..L~"'l"l'q::'hffl"uL9'1
· ..
Yllfall'\1) '
, J -.
•· tc;nap th~e

1!1. _t_y_a_
----.. '~'1YI'1'",
u_b_u_u_u-:-i kdaa i 1

Vl • t yaa n9J1 1 f'ha:::"h 1

tt.. kuu buuan nJ.l a 1 at,j91'\Yiu 1

~. tyau w~u a n~

«'lath\lvt Vl

------~~~ ~
•· u1u n . tyau buuai kdaa i

U'1tl ~. t9uu buua i f)ou I 11'1YI'1\l'1 I

U"''tl fl.
t9au buua i kdaai 1
i.J'1l'1'1l~1 "ru::: 1 Yl ,.il kdaai • 'L~1u::'

w. U'1U f) • t9aa n9;0- 'ftua:::i.1 1

U"''U ~.
tyC'ln nWl I ~ ~::: ch.\flu·il::: i. 1 '

,. -
Vl. U"''U fl • bwwn kC'!a sam n i i ?ip .. •1.,\tJa·miil'La\l~~a '

U"''U ~. bwwn sam nLi ?ip 1
1;~~'fi\J Ltl\l 1
(~\.1l'I'1~L~UUVW'1\'II'i'VI~n syllab l e-timed rhythm)

mpb . kAAt · rhoo t7aa. mph r.t tal) SCl i

1H~~V. 1·m 1JL~I!V\'I 'liv

Lft9l ,.,~

ffu ?1")\'I~Yl.;

moo so? .,.· ' moo S:ml n(\A pr AA ?a a l.uual)

£1'1 ~'1\'1
11J 1"lf~ t!l WIJ J.U~ L~
. I .,
U'1 vnn~'ln
-,'lf "bj
l'l'10 lUJU'1U l'l'10

tarn toon khal .. thoo thet9 ...

'1111 I
L'YI:: '<iJ

pal tarn ...

l cre3U khal .. . ..
luual) kv I
#'1 \'1

. .
l ~h
~.!!_U tJ«v
pi al daal
a an f.lil 1J1fl

moo kAt tarn khrHh tarn pi l p

'tl,U cX1J {ltJ
111 4U.J
(i! tfu
Yi'10 ~ tr\'1

phyul rhoo ?a.a.n

phool) phaal) •t,u aau
l~\'1 1~'1\'1 ~V
1J'I3'J")\'I . ~a
"' I ,.,~ tah
mphr.l. i al)
sa i
-;'1 \'1~\.IYl'i"

<r • !' 11:110 vrlu~'1\'l 'l

~ ~~N,'1'~rda\'121'1tl'1Q,Elrlui.'1\'l 1 '\.utl,~ ~Vlf't1Yltn~'li~~~~YilJ.,.j' L~HJLL'I'iiifa~1J1l'10\l'n ,~..,..;'1\'1\1
~ ., ., J
~ • ff • b ct';;o-bct~<!> 1~,'1\J,")lJ'lJD~a LO V'1tfU0'1,LLU\'IOQ\1J!JaVtJ11\'I'iJTlQ.VL\J

Eric Sei denfaden

th~ ~Vl~11,~u1·1£lvi\'ICI~ d:it.J?I (9,\ "The Kui of Cambodia and Siamn LU'1 '1,if1,~£l\'liHJ'11Jif1J'1fl!l
\ltJ'U~ r~~ VIU'1 ..,cta:-~~o {:l t~ .ff. 111ct~.:) Mrs. Beulah M. Johnston 1fi'nw'1'1L{'1''1 1Jiil '1

' R I
f!1 '1\'ln!Jfl '1ti'1VD£JLL YIOU tJO!JilO LtJ!!nlJ IOlJ '1tl LL ~lOYti\'I~YI.t:\'IY1 '1\'IA..'1\JO '1 ,ann \ fJV\'ILLii~O '1 ,,<21..

~1frYi~ ~~1~111~'1fltJUarJtl"l::-.;,~·n.;v'13rlu~\'l b!l rnn li''13m~~.,'l;.,\'l;tm'11l1,fl~~ L'ii''1'l. ~tfu1 ; ( f4 Phonemes

and ortho ra hy : Language Planning i n Ten Minor it Languages of Thailand

-, uYn.t\91U \•lilliam A. Smalley , Pacific Linguistics Series C-No. 43, 251 9

m;1 l!l4:.t) uefl'lt'md' Or . \iilliam A. Small ey U'-3L~~~tll.J,tHf'1u'ltr'l.lfll"l~~~m~~'-3'1.1il\3YI~U'"lU
vh~Yifl l'lilfltJ'tunlfl~~~u'rla'\1\h:: lVI~1vHJ'h....luYii!'-3~a ~thnolinguistic survey of Northe:ti:..

Kh.mer-speaking People in Nor t heast Thailand ('h dlm w.~ . lllc£orl) ~fl;'JU
.d O d 0 I , , C) I "'
fl l"la~"l'J'IUI '1'\.ilfl.U t1U V\'1'-3 ") tl Ul\31'1 "il~l ") l Yitl9),fi'J 'U.lll9\fl Vl'1\3'1.1tl\3fl '1'1:1'\Q.UUtl UV\yt~ ~UVIlJ.'U IU
0 0

t'il\3 '1 "l~n"l~Vl~l.ut~ru~ffn ~~\3VI~Yi~ ' " n "l)J ~ ~ud' 1fl "l'-3fl ,., 1JiJ \""l~tn~"l~~\3~~ L{iuY~~\3"'l~U'1Utlrl'll
t • ~ ' , ~ «j d ~ .., JK _q t d d
fll'11'1flUlJtlUL~ t'l~ "'l'1U'JU'i~~fl '1'1:1'\Q.UUf.ltH Vliil1UU l "Hl'-3"ii"1VJU~)J '1 Vt'lUtl l \lUll VI l YIU'-3~\3VI
n t\1 VJU

d: • .., fl'J "\).Ill Q\fl Vl"' \3'lltl'-3fl 'ilti Q.UUtl tl

tl'1L'Ii~m.:!t\J~W~IUtlUI'-3'1.1tl\3fll't:Jif).tJUtlUUI~IUV!t'l rJ\3tblfl{ltlf,l"\uv~-:ru '"f) "l)J l a;uU LDu ...~

a '1'-3fi'-3 fi'11JJL~'M ~'1'-3~~~«1\!L YluLvi~~"l~VI~"''-3fll'\.i"'fl.tHjtltl'lltl\3w.iuiUgU ") tl '1"qit "\tJL;1{\1if~a
., d. d ,j I ..
C:.~ • .., vf€1'tl.J'UU~VI'1U I" (t\!) 'lNLUiillJUL\lu f) ('-3) ~lJtltlfJYI~\3it"l~VIUI

~n w:u~ mh'-3VIU'-3~VI1~ ..1'n'1'1:11t~uua t1'1Jil\3Uiuw~a {BT ) ~\ Ylfl ~1'-31 tl~lnfll'l:l"lQ.tiU'tlr.J

~tl "' O"f~a wtrn,.rou::u,{tn vf•ni).!VIa'-3a"l~Yiu'll1Llvi I" (tV) Lvhliu tJ~flutl"llfllJ~"'ih~U"


( d i I"]

( l)k::ear]

wt!o!'IU~;,u I) ('-3) Lr~:: I" (\ll) "lla-ru'itm~a ~\3~13JYI~'-3it"l::~u "l U'-3fi\3L'.jud~u\l

I) ('-3) lL"«:: J' (ty) i.ufll'l:l"'fl.tJUtJuwiu,u6u , L'liu


( mpm11)] [ mpaal)]

(t ~a p] [ t aar]
I( t"' • ., • • _,J • ,., •
~:: n;u 11tltl1'130"ll\l '1 "ll £JLLU"l ~Cl L\Jtl '13tlfNfll'=t1fl.tJtl1lV~~U1U~1'13 "} ~ln~11'13L'i'lifa

tl'£l'\1~'13'1'11'~pt~UVI i~mun(l 1\l'hJV11'13c;ld'ut~an~uti'13~'\ll,1'~9f~~ Lfl'1ffill\JOQ 1'13 K~'l;milrt'\3

1-iA'"lu Lii•..nh::iu~L~ulil.n1~1" ( ~1nn 1~fl~~~Wl1'tt1flUVau'lu~'I3Wt9l'{,~V 1ft'l'tu..;,

"hu'h~~ina Lftv..,t'run1''ll~ 'lu~..,..,1"~pt'tM iua::ffiJ'=f:: .Lntt ~"~:: 1mtil.l·ma'11 t-i'

tU ~tl) ~"l'!.l~£l~ti·nJ9f~~ l wi; unl-i'Buo~utJOUU"l?ia Ldt~ \ltlu'\lfl ll:t!UcltJ LL~u.nur1n L-i'u

U1'3th::nl'"i uan~lntfu;"llJ\li'l~u1uamJin!J I~'I3tJ ~iuuf~::uamLu'1~£l tifn~'l3£l ~mt'"iau

'ln; Lfit El\1l1~U1uffLL il'VI\1L-i'"lULL mt~

PTKl , 2
c2-, P..,., ~

, ___ ,,.
-W '\l)T T .......~

PI<._ PB
... _ --psy

BT: U1ULL~a /uru~\1un VI. uwa a. Mt~~tJ

T: UIU91~ 9l . ~~...~ a. ff'!J~

SRT: .. ·~
U1\J~I L 'Nt-11\J Yl . ~~1,\)VIIU a. ~~1·NVIIU

PK: f) .
th1 \1~Q.

91. u·n~,Vl
wn, a . 'lVi ,c"
PB : U1uth::a'l\l
PTK 1! 2: u1u1~ tr~11na .,..., 0'\, n ,~1~tf •
a • vn~
., .,
W: \JIUlniU 0'\ , \tLLfl''N {) , ~()l.J'jlj ,::;

P: UIU1~t Ill . l1\Jtl '131Y'l n • f.f'l.l,1ljj

\JIUFna::LLlJ~ 0'\, A I~:: LL'J ~ n. 9f'lJ,~!i

MK: UIUlJ::: L~tl 9} , ~ti'I3'2.1Tl'l a . {:ltJ,Jl!j

YT: U'llWI\3 1 «u lil. tJI\3 L~U n• ~'21'

• ~ll.JUU"lfit~Ldtl\3 uamLu'l~a 1 da\3

' n ,::{la' [trii?] (kIll a?] KLM 11a~ [tr i ia?] PB

' n'jl'l' [thJ.ia] 11a::: PSY , PTK2 [th~a ] ~~ ~ [th~a) PTK1,KLN,MK, :£!:_

''t1tl'13 '
[muui] 11a~ PTK2 [muu~l]

•1-l• [ dua?] [ d:>:>? J

~ • .., • "" "W ll'ruw:: r ('~) 11a:: s~

<t,O),va,G) d1tJ'I3 r (,) : 1 ('~) ~i1flLl1tmutt~u:: ;u "'iftlft!u::vi1t~ ua::

• • ;..t •

'r'ltft)!21U::n~l\l Ltfa'\-d r (,) W\lU"nJLLO'laLUUl'I~O ~ 'UJ I , fiLL U '13'1'UJ.t1 '1\J 1'1 'N '}

~uil~l'llli''tu~Le.JUfft.Jan1;Ltlu ~ n~11 ?\'a

1 CP,BT,T,PK, (MK), (YT) r- -r -r-

2 PB,PSY,W,P r- - I -r-

3 PTK2 r- -I -r- ( l1~\3 !_, t h)

-I - ( 111~'13 .Qr ..e.!J., .£, 1r kh)

4 SRT,PTK1 1- -I -r- ( l1tr\3 i , t h)
-I - (,.,ur" £., Qb., Q., .!5_, kh)

5 KLM 1- -I -I-

«"lCJtJ'l\3 1 2 3 4 5

I "l'lfl I [ r reh]
•• I ~
[ rreh]
(PB, P}
[ r~h] [ lreh)
[?a I <eh]

I "' I
lJ'1'1J [m!-!ur] [ ~uu I ] [ muu I] [ muu I] [mool]
~ •• ' 01
(BT , CP , T} d?n> (Yl\ls;tl\ll'UJ,U'l\.1)

• ~n Li;"u ' [tr~l] [ krrore l ] [kl a!al l ] [ k l rere l]
[kl rem l]
(BT ,T} (l'ln~u.,t~) :;
•w~J [ nt r am] [ nt ram] [ ntram] J nt ra"!l [ klam]
(T} (PD, \'1, P } ( \1\1Gl Cl \ll'UJ,U '1\.1 )
'lf'1'1'1JT"l' [ thr i i au ]
(BT ,T}
.. [ thqJ!Wau]
[thraau] [ t hr t 1au]
[ kh l wwau]

· ~n · [ nthruu]
(D'r ,CP , T","PK)
[ nth ...uu]
(PD, wI P }
[ nthruu] .. ~nthrHuJ
( Vl\l~tl \l"fUJ.tJ '1\.1)
[I uu]

' L\S\.1' [ pr a?]

( ytm11iu '1\.1 )
[ pra?]
( YlflV\~u'1\.1)
[pI a?] :;
[pI a? ],
.. [pI a?]

'l ' [ phrO.I)] [ ph r 9;1)] [ph i?.!)] [rhl9;1)] [ph l ~t)]

••• (PG, P ) ( SRT)
( ytfl VllJ.U '1\J)
3JL"l.J'1 1 [ bruu] [ bruu] [ b I uu] [ b I uu] [ b I uu ]
("lnmiu.,t~) (,1nmiu'l\.l) (~\l~a\lmiu"l\.1)

' V\~ I [ kraah] [ kraah ] [ klaah] [ kloah] [k l aah]

(llf1Vl'J,U1'1J) ( ytn l'l~u'1\.1 ) :; "'

'f'l"ltJ I [ khr?.P ] [ khr?.P] [ kh lop] .. [ kh I ?.P] (kiAp)

(Yln~u•u) (PD,W,PSY) (PTK}

d:o9oVI o bJ LrlaltiL~~\3 s- (~ - ): thr- (Yl, - ) : kh l- (f'l~ - ) 1.t~91';tJ'1\ll'l;

L{hm~na •~n U\11'1'1l:t'1Q.tJtjilti'IJD\ll1~u•u~1'\l "1 aan lft'Ltfu "' n~l.l ~\1d'




«"'laV'"l\1 1 2 3

'.;.,'1 Ltl~an 1
[ so.a.] [thra.o.] [ kh la.o. J

Li ' [ sai] [ thra i] [ kh I a I]
l1lJU1\.1 1 [so?] [ thro?] [ kh I o?]

d:. eo . a:: ~ U'l\3-;i'u; (p r esylla bles)

?~'l 'lll ~ffu,.Ua\l~mrui•vtlm'HJI\l;U~l i.un'1~1ry,tlu-e~v~u'1U~'N <'\ Ltlud\l~n ;Yiu~

• L~tn • [ saweet ]-[ feet ]:t3T · [ sawet ]T; [ hwet ]sRT; [ saw i i t ]PSYJ
[s 9 weet] all other s

(sa Iaa ]-( Ihaa ]D'r [h I aa ]SRT:[ kh l aa ]P , KL~1:[ so 1aa ] a ll others

[mbee i ]SRTJ[semph~or ]MK,PK;(somee l ] PD J

[ s0 bee I ]PSY; (tOraala3 1]KLM; etc.

•,j, • [mpaa?]:.:.T ,CP, ( 10mpaa?]PK,P ;[kampaa? ]T ;[ JOpaa?]KLM,PSY
SRT , PL , W,

W, PTK1,2

( nt huua l]i1T, PTKl [ ndu~n l ]C?;( t9aduua l ]PK, PD;[ kOduua I Jr;
( s 3 d:>:> I ]KLM;[ s€>nd:>o 1 } •1K ,\'1, P ; etc .
'LL'I.I\1 1 (0kh~D]DT ,T,CP,SRT,
' Lcfu..J ' (pt9h~l] all except
[ JVd ]:a.r-t; [ pA I ]PSY
•iu• (ntaa?] a ll excep-t [tao? ] KLN,PSY

· ~· (mplo?] I:T,T ,CP ( p1oo?] all others
' ?I'; I [m 9 naa i]nT,CP , ~~, [ nnaa 1 ]SRT;[ k0naa l ]T ,PTKl, 2;
( panaai] PD,KLM,PSY
' tlu' (t 0 j~ QJaT, T ,CP , PK
[k0 j"ti)] SRT,PB, P'rKlJ[saj~wl)] v~;
[ S 0 d~WI) ]KLM;[ t90jy.l) J PSY

~eLuOt tfu«'laV1"f'IT'l1m~ngj·N'lJtNn .,,,;l'l·11.1.u1 '1tt1Q.£JVatJ~1j1Ugj.•N "l

' lli, CJV1 9 [ b i? )DT ,CP ,PTKl [phi? ]PK, Td; [ph!-!? ]PSY; [ pu? )SRT; ( pa? }r; etc.

(soh ]SRT ,PTKl t 2 , CP ; ( throh ]PD,t'l; ..

[ I uak ]PSY,T:[ tya I uut ]P;( kh I uut )KLM
• t
I ""ltJ
[waaf ]T;[vtd )PsY;[mbn ]SRT; [ l&mn ]PTJ ; ..
[ I a boo ] KI:J.1 < et c •

[ waau ]nT, T, CP [ vaau ]PK,P l e tc.; [' soo l ]Pn , ~.u<;( suu I ]PSY

,,., [ph I Ha? )i3T ,SRT ,CP[ p I uua? ]PK, ?i3; etc.; [ k l oo i ]T ,MK;

( tanww )PSY

J.J ., • J 0 • , ., • _d
~l'fCl#l.IW L~WLll'f"S) ~OtJ'1ff\J~Cln "l"Sel11"J-q2) '1'1:t'1fl.UU'tlt.l\1li'U '1U ~'1" "] L11a

l~uuO~u1uu ~~~« 'lJD" Jerry w. Gainey ~~Ra1n~,~~1lf'I"S~'1,1~t.J

1l1'l:t'1L111tma~111'1:t"ltfudi'a"riu~·N '1 (ILTRP )

\;). n1·H ~rNa1~u~an1!t-s

fli"S L,tNa1~tJ~"l'Dfl'!Y,'t\J'I'f~U'1\1fl ,11 ~ a'11if 'hivf l fl'fl'lJu" L~(N Ltful"'~fl~l!H ~ ~\lu9l d~tN~trU
~lJ~'h..l1nLill:J1un-a'1un"l,aanLi~tN ,,.Ju p (tJ) ph(w) ~n~-ll'.,1tJ~IJ.Ja'11lu-qutl"L;u~~tN vJu h(o)

~..,,,tJt'l:: \ ~ufl~a lt.hf ·

\;). ~ ~1~\Jfli,L,tJ"W~tfJU~~

'>• ·p (tJ)

b. ph ( 'r'4)

Clo b (u)

r:. m (11)

<t'. w (1)

... f (l~)

trl. t (91)

.::. th (l1)
«· d (11)

..o. .n (u)

<!)c;)• (a)

<i>kl • r (,)
<:>Vlo 5 ('lf)

<OCS:. ('~)
<;)<! . t9h ('11)

<o>':> . d7 (u"'~)

'Olri o p (ty)

<;)~ . j (~)

~« . k (n)
"loo . kh (91)

11ol9o f) (\3)

lD\;1 • ? (a)

klO'l • . h ('n)

~ .b a1~un,,l~U'Il~~~u~~~una1

~lJ~~'~ p (\!) t\,n ~~a~'itiU'"I,a~•un;1ftmluty'IJU~~u ~ "'L;~:u 91"1°~

¥1il't1J'tlu~«'l~tt'tl'll ~ ~1.J$i\lw:kQiu'll\l,~ tfl'Vl,lJ~hn "h.J"'l\.1~'11 \ ~u'\lth~ ~fl'Vl L'li n1u ~ ~tN ~ &.J~flUO ~

~llJa1~u l~~~~ulftUYill'~~~«•~,n «\lU~a

'I>• p (\!) ~. pb (w)

lil . pp (\hl) ~~~.. pm (w)

pp I (\!\la) pm I (tlua)
"'· 'l>o.

a: . ppr (thl1) Cl>~ . pmr (w,)

4:. pph ( \}y;) 4/lil • pw (\!•)

~. pph l (\Mil) 'I>Vl . pt ( \19\)
pphr (\Jyl,)
"'· <o>CS:. pt r (\!~,)
pthr ( \Jw~) PP (tltlJ)

pd ( tl~) l11'o • pj (tltl)

pn (tlu) pk (tin)

9~ . pi (tllll) 1.':1 ' . pkl (tlnil)

plh (tJ~n) pkr (t.Jn,)

ll:lo. pr (th) no. pkh (tll'l)

prh pi) {tl\1 )

ps PI) I (tJ~

p? (tle)

ph {Yl)

'l>o p ( tl) n. m (lJ)

tD . t ( ;;) ) ~. n ( \J)

('~ ) ~. p ( cy)

(n) <\1 0. f) (\'I)

*e.. '? ( )..
'o. h ( n) <~)

~ 1u t o expel or eject from the mouth

?a a?

(nc:·n -liquid s, except seeds)

'-> . <t !)I~ L'!Sti \'J~1~1tJ:I 'l~

9o (::) 'ol. (1!33 (LL-)

a (_:'I -~)
w. Ii (::) 11!1 .

!-"'. 0 ( L -~ ) d. aa (-1)

et . OG (~ - ) #!. a. ( ~-:J~)

( lL -~) eo . 0.0, (-~)

G:. Cl)

<:>".> • A C!: -~~ ) lfl~ . c:J i ( .!'tJ)

".)lfl . AA (.~ -~} IDQ!. QH i ( --w)

c;Jrl · ;) ( L- 1:::) vso. au ( L-1 )

<;>r.:. ;);) ( - t!) ('1 c;>. aa u ( -1-:•)

(;)cl. 1f ( ~-u::: ) \')\:) . 0.0. i ( - ~£J)

G)\;>. ~~ (~ - B) fH1 , AA i (_~-~tl)

<').-4. 0 (1-:.: ) r1<! . ;:>;:> i ( -() tJ)

c;>ro. 00 (1- ) r~O::. ¥ i ( L-t)::; t.J)

C!)lli. w ( =:! ) ~, .. H i (L -tl tJ }

ivo . WUJ ( :.:) n"· o i (1 - ::tJ)

li~ <). u (';) rl~. oo i {1-u)

lillll . UU· ( -: )· ;o~~. u;wi ( :!'u)

lnt'l. in . ...
(\ ' ~tJ ... ) <to. wwa I\~ -
'"'l) )

t.nd.. iiu ( L ~,J) cC'?' . ui ( ~tJ)

!oct'. ci ( ~ -::u ) c(t:;,. uu i ( -;v)

l.n,..,. GU ( L- 'l) c£'·1. ua ( ~~::)

b':rl. mceu (LL - ')) C:rf. ., uua ( .=:-'1 )

v.:u ltJ '· '1-lv) ~ ,::;

::>o(-~) L~1m.J1::~:u!'luw trnpu:: ?i'w ?(t'J) "" .,
';;J~£'h!r~'1-11 L3J!JI. ~tJ'UYl "l tl

trn'I'J~1vw ~a ~::; L ~tJ'U;'1 ti~) £)

... ..
L vtf1m~nu ~L\iliJ•lJ()~'\3 ~OVI~Cl

?::>::>p l tl'U

i:HlU to put an arm around

£) ~'lv1'Ylu'13~'il ?

rl ~··hvi"Tu'lli=ia 00
't'IU"l\lrAtln~ (CV) ~::1J1nmJ )'lltJ"l\lri'na\l-!JmJ (C~) A~ci,u«vn1·1,l:t"lfl.uth~vu;-w~VJ~n~.,

t-iiL ?.1B\J't11JIE.i ' &J\llGJLl'l{lf)~,:: (c\T) LifUL'1'1~tl\lLla~\l VltJ"l\lftfitJ\l-!f~3J tt1'11'fUfl':.ltj')Ui~~~r.JU~'ltl

l1o..n u L'11\ll *DT~l'I~Uli,uffttu1 "l L~tl\lfl , ., L'tluufiiUifl.UL91tl'\.Utrm:~ 1.vw 1thfl Ltl<iJtnH Yltru-,::uu
~,_'l.l"'lu,~'"lU"l'ifl,lJ L~:W~fi\J'll0\1 Deulah M. Johnston 'Lu'l1ll'\l«tl Phonemes and

Orthography : Language Planning in Ten Minority Languages of

Thailand (Pacific Linguistics series C- No. 4 3), 1976 ,.U,41JL~U

phwwt •
tlClU - '-~au
• intensifier, used with "yel low"

phti:wt ,....,rJ lLVI lPig, large

W;)? '
~1u to scratch (with claws or fingernails)

~ '1'1:::
' to p1cy loose (and take out the crisp cooked rice

c:rus·t that sticks to the bottom of the pot)

nnal tlaaflMu\l Lli~i'tJ \l1.i (th::«u) L'lfClflaU~l::v.,u small brass t ube

(for ·ler.oration) fitted on the "bridle" of an ox

nn31 v.uu t:o gami>le, to bet

I NT ~ 0 DUC T I 0 N

1. Background

In late 1973 Mr. Jimmy G. Harris recorded some data on Kuit a Mon-Khmer
language, from t'Jr. Saun Sriviscs, \.,ho had been contacted for this purpose
by I'1r. Jerry W. Gainey. Then, in 1\pr i1 197t1 Mr. Prasert Srivi ses, the younger
brother of Saun, both of whom are natives of Dan Sangkae, Tambon Tael, Amphoe
Sikhoraphum, Surin, replaced saun, and continued to provide data on Kui for
phonological analysis.

Later, Mr. Harris assigned Mrs .. Sudaporn Laksaneeyanawin to teach Prasert

the phonetic transcription system, after which, is September 1974, Prasert
began r ecording data for the Kui (Ban Tael) d ictionary by himself.

At a still l ater stage, Mrs. Theraphan L. Thongkum assumed the job of

s upervising Prasert 1 s work, carefully checking his phonetic transcription
and Thai translations and adapting the Thai orthography for transcription of
Kui into Thai.

Mrs. Horanoot Pantupong and Miss Dhanan Chantrupanth did another check
of the Thai transcriptions and translations. A large portion of the English .
translation was done by ~tr. Cod in ~ramthai, and Dr. Nellie Norkus assisted in
checking the English translations and P,roofing the typed stencils.

Finally, t-1r. Jerry w. Gainey, \vith Prasert's assistance, made im exhaus-

tive check of the entire manuscrip1:, correcting many errors· and inconsistencies
in the transcriptions and translations. Mr. Gainey also prepared the
English Index, and Errata and Addenda sections.

2. A Brief History of the Kui in ~rhailand

According t o published sources and oral tradition, the original homeland
uf the Kui in Thailand t{las in various areas of the southern Lao provinces of
Attopeu, Champasu.k a nd saravane. ~rhe oral tradition of the Kui in Surin
pr ovince indicates that the Kui people began migrating to Surin trom Muang
Saen Pae (Saen Pang} and 1\ttopeu, both l ocated east of the Mekong River, during
the reign of ' the Thai monarch King Narai (1656-1688 ). These sporadic (?)
mi<Jrations continued until the l at E~ Ayudhaya period when large-scale migrations
of different groups of Kui into Surin cegan, continuing up to the Dhonburi
pariod of Thai history.

Tradition further indicates tru1t there were four main groups, each having
its own chief (s} and settling in different locations in the Sur in area as

These include 'l1'l\{CI~ qUYI~I~flu tn<roVI ( ..,~o). Lfle'll~~W'Yl:; w~::u~l'~: n•n.Jth::'UI~1l«un
9'1~ t fh v~'ll::rrw . wcr o.r ( Q,(\;;>w) "-q~uYJ-i' dJu'll'llfll.l1u·nut", ~~ u. a. YJ. { ~fl lfl1J)
~1d.b L€l'll::f1~• lccCd.>c;: (~~ncC) "4'{~UYI"i'Luu9JY1", ~'I{~T~ t1.~.~1. (11t)fl~fl1W)
Rot e Sodesiri. 1972. "Changing Systems of Tielie f of the Elephant Hunters o f
Surin Thailand," unpublished M. A. thesis, Department of Anthropology, University
of Western Australia. ; SeidenfadEm 1951 (see r eference in section 5).

chie!:s /tchiaf) pum/ m.~ /t9hicr) ;>~t/ and f ollowers settled at
/mwaf) thl~/ [m.uwf) th.i.i ]2. In Kui (~uf) th_i.i] n:eans lite~ally locate<l
"high city". It is presently a totally ~er-s?eaking VJ.llage
in the eastern part of Amphoe Muang , Surl.n provJ.nce.

2. Chief /tgh~af) St~·1

~ a nd f.o11owers settled at /bnan kut w~al/ presentlY
Rattanabbn., Surm provmce_.
'tt a panUJI'J/ r
3. chief /t9hlaf) kha? ~ khn?/ and followers settled at /baan ?a 7
presently a village in Amphoe Sangkha , Surin province.

4. Chief /t9hiao tghai/ and followers settled at /bfian tgaaraphat/,

presently~ tot~lly Khmer.speaking village in the western part of
runphoe Sikhoraphum, Surin province.

The Prachurn Phongsawadan Phak Si (u,~~~~~~~~, n1~ ~, a section of the

Thai historical chronicles) mentions these four chiefs' involvement in an
episode which occurred around 1760 during th& Ayudhaya-period reign of phraya
Chao Ekathat. The story goes that a white elephant escaped from the Ayudha )
area and fled northeast into the Pimai area (of present day Khorat province •
The four chiefs who were highly skilled in the arts of elephant hunting, oed
assisted in the capture of the ,.,hite elephant, anc as a reward for their g
deed were conferred titled r anks by the Thai king as follows:

1. /tc;hiaf) pum/ was given the title o f /loa f) sur in saneehaa/ and the
position of /tc;au rrJJmf) surin/.

2. /tc;hiaQ s li/ was given the title of /IUa f) nakh~n tau/ and the position
of /t9au mwaf) ratan6buri 1/.
3. lt]hlaf) kha?/ was given the title of /luaQ saf)khaburii/ and the pas~
of /t7au mwao s~Dkha?/.
4. lt]hlao t9hai/ \o1as given the title cf /khun su rij awoo/ and the pos~
of /t7Bu fuwao t7aarnphat/ .

Later, during the Dhonburi period of Thai history /IUuf) su rin saneehaa/
moved from /mwaf) thii/ and established a new village ~t /baan ku? phathai ~
khuu. pa·~ haa i I ':'hich still later became frruJaf) sur 1n/, or the present day sur~n capl.tal, the center of the Kui-speaking people in surin .

. is . "':radJ."
~ t l.O~
· 11Y 1>e1·J.eved that the city of Surin was originallY 5 ettled
and. ~~hab~·-ed by Ku~-speaking people, but that the Kui were sub sequentlY
ass~~latcd by the Khmers who migrated in~o the area The fact that the .
villages of /baan t~aaraphat/ and /mwao thtl/ and, i~ part, the city of surln
ar~ now Khmer-speaking may serve to sub stantiate this belief . It should ~ ...
po1.nted out, however, that ~ven though there is other evidence of this ass~
milation of the Kui by the Khmer (and the Lao) in surin and other areas, the

Items enclosed in I I r epresent transcriptions from Standard Thai; those in
[ .] are Kui (De.n Tael) fonns.

question demands much more invest:igation - espec ially linguistic investigat i on.
(See references to Seidenfaden 1 9 51 , S:nalley 1 964 And Gainey, forthcoming,
in section 5)

The term "Suai" ( spelled variously as Soai, Souei, etc.) r eferring to

the Kui, deserves brief mention here also. Accord ing t o ol d er Ku i speakers 1
''Suai" is the name by r;;hich the 'l~hai and Lao came t o call the Kui (although
the Khmer use the term "Kui"). 'I~he term appears to have originated during
the E:arly Dangkok period whan thE! Kui were r eq.J. ired to /Sol) stm I I, or pay ·
annual tribute or tax2s , e.~r. in t he form of forest prodtt<.~ts , to Bangkok.
As a result of this oract ice the Kui came to be:! called su,l i I I sua I I, "those
who pay trlbute", by-- the Thai.

In general, \·lhen s peaking "Tith other Kui, the Kui r efer to themse lves
and the ir "Ianguagn as "Kui", [ kuu1i ]1, which means "human being". Thus, Kui
is u sed in the title of this dict:icmary rather than Suai, the t erm used by
the Thai and Lao. However, Kui speakers usually use the term "Suai" to
refer to themselves and lar.<~-uage when conversing \'Tith the Thai and Lao
in the language o f the l atter - simply for the Sl!lke of undE:rstanding.

3. . 2
Present Locations c1f the Kui i n Tha.2;_~and

Al mos t all of the p resent da.y Kui-speaking pc.pulatio n i n Northeastern

Thailand is found .betwce:n the Mtm River and the Dang Rek t-1ountains, which form
the Thai-cambodian border. 'I'he largest conce-ntrations are t o !~e found scattered
throu ghout the provinces of Surin. and Si Se: Ket. (See map on following page.)
There are other groups o f village:s in the amp hoes of eetstern and southern
Ul-.10n Ratchathani province, throug-h \'lhich, it is tl.·aditionally rd ieved, the
various Kui migrations from southern Laos passe~ .

Smaller pockets of Kui settlements are t o be found scattered throughout

most of nuri Ram province, and in one amphoe each of :both Nakhon Ratchasima
(Khorat) and t-1aha sarn.kham provinces. ~oat of the Kui villages in J.:juri Ram
(and Nakhon Ratchasima) are called / baan mn i/ (so? tmul], "new villages", by
the I<ui in surin and Si Sa Ket as they represent relative ly r ecent migrations
from Surin and Si Sa ·Kct into those pr ovinces. Some of the Kui villages in
[ uri Ram, however, p lus those in Maha Sarakham and t ho se that may exist
(or may have existed) in Rei Et province a nd ot her areas , may r e.present onl y
a re~ant of formerly larger Kui popul a tions. (See Seidenfaden 1951,
reference in section 5.)

Dialectal variatio•1s of this word may include [ ku i ] , [ kun I], and [ koo r ].
See section 5.1.2.
Duta on which this section and the accomp anyin';; map are !:..:wed was collected
in 1976 by ILTRI' as part of t h.a _production of the Language Map of Thailand
1977 (ILTRP, 1 977). M·: >st of the data f or Duri Ram and Sur in provincus, and
some for Si sa Ket, has been verified and supp lemented through field trips
r-y Jerry · w~ Galney, who conductc~ a Kui Dialect survey in June 1 976. For
ltnother source of such data , see reference to Smal1 ey 1964 in s~-::t ion 5.

r4ap Showing Amphoes Where Kui~Speuking Villages Are Located

Loei Udon Thani

Khon Kaen


Roi Et

Ubon Ratchathani
• 2
•4 211
Nakhon Ratchasiu~ •1 •2
• 8 •7 • 3
Sur in s.
. 6 6•
• l.l

Numbers on the map show approximate l ocation of amphoes where Kui- speaking
vill ages are l ocat ed . The key f or these numbers, i. e . the amphoe names , can
be found on the following page .

The amphoes of these provinces where Kui ar e locat~i and the approximate
numl.;,er of Kui-speaking villages in each amphoe (given in parentheses ) are

Nakhon Ratchasima Sur in Si Sa Ket

1. Huai Thalaeng (4) 1. Chumphon c ur i (2) 1. Uthumphon Phi.sai (5?)
2. Tha Turn '( 14) 2. Muang (3?)
!1uha Sarakham 3. Rattanaburi (1 ? ) 3. Kanthararom {6?)
4. Chom Phra (3 5 ) 4. Pr ang Ku (26)
l. Phayakkhaphwn 5. Sanom (29) 5. Phrai Dung (18 )
Phisai (1?.) f.. Samrong Thap (65) 6. Khu Khan (4?)
7. Sikhoraphum {70) 7. Khun Han (2?)
nuri Ram 8. Huang (17) 8. Kantharalak (3?)
9. Sangkha (70)
1. Satuk (3?) 10. Pr asat (4) ut-on Ratchathani
2. l1uan<.J (1 6 ) 11. Kap Choeng (•l ?)
3, l<rasang (10) 1. Khong Chiam (1 ?)
4. L am Plai Mat. (7) 2. Warin Chamrap (3)
5. Nonq Ki. (1•1) 3. Det Udom (5)
6. Prakhon Chai (11) 4. Na Chaluai (2)
7. Dan Kruat (3) 5. Nam Yun (6)

4· 'l'~1e Phonological System of Kui. (Dan Tael)

4. 1 . Register

Kui is a Mon-Khmer l a nguage which has a system of two registers

or kind s of vo ic e quality. Simply stated , Kui has (1) syllables with normal ly-
•m iced vm.,els (lst Register) , and (2) s yllabl es with breathy-voiced vowels
{2nd Register) . In ethe r word s , the f eature of voice quality is distinctive ,
or c ont.rastive,as illustrated i n t he following:

Norma l Voice nr eathy Vo ice

(1st Register) (2nd Register)
;· . .1
mi p ''j;:,ointed" . m.l,fl. "pimple '~

t ~h u u .· "to rush in" "v1eak"

etc .

:-;reathy vm-1els, e r syllabl es , a re represented phonetically by two dots under
the vowel(s), [cv], a s above and elsewher e in this introduction, whereas in
the text o f the ~ictionary they are r epresented by a gr a ve accent mark over
the vm<~el (s ) , [ CV] .

In terms of pitch, normal , or non-br eathy (1st RegLster) , syl l abl eS
in isolation usual ly have an inherent mid level pitch. Dreathy (2nd Reg
syllables in isolation have an inherent l ow rising pi tch .

4.2. Consonants

velar gl ottal
bilabial alveolar palatal
voiceless unaspirated stops 7
p t t7 ~-
voiceless aspirated stops ph th t7h kh
voiced steps b d dr
nasals m n f'
fricatives f h
a:,:-proximants r j

p paa '·at"

ph !. phaa · "to go through"

b ' barn · "ch~ek 11

maar "ghost"
J f ;_ f aa : "to grab"
'vi -vmh "sl oppy"
t ~ taa? : "iron"
th thaah "tray"
d :·daa? : "to place"
n toaa _ "direction"
s [saa'L "to remove"
r : rClat "scared of"

I aut·: "to herd"

t7 ~ t7aa : 11
to eat"
t7h : t7haa "to fry"

d? ;· d?an ; "to hol d up"

fl :. paa ? . "a shout"
j [ j aam "cloth bag 11
k kaa i "a fish"
kh khoat "missing"
I) l)ua . ''term of address"
? . ?ao? "to expel from one 's mouth"
h hao "to open one's mouth"

1. '·t7 t7h - and : dy :. are ! amino-prepalat a l affricates.

2. In the dictionary there are only twelve words with initial f

One , .' f a i fa a . , "electricity", i s a l oan wor d from Thai, a nd
in the others ·. f is in f r ee variation \'l i th sw- ;, except for
fral) .. , "v7esterner" , which has the variant f orm paw ral)
(see pages 98- 99) .

3. Analy sis o f the initial consonants of breathy (2nd Register)

syllables [CV] p r e sented some pr oblems, in part icu l ar the
vo ice less stop series:

unasp irated p t k

aspirat ed ph th kh

Since there are no ccn·trasts between t he unasp irated and aspirated

series in 2nd Register syllab l~s , thEse initials· could be anatyzed a.s
e~ther p t 17 K or ph t h tzh kh. For this dictionary it
was dec i ded to use tho asp ira·tea series f or the init i a l voiceless
stop consonants of br eathy, or 2nd Register , syll ables (phv
thv tc;hv khv) This decision \'las based , f irst, on th<J f act that
Praserf: srivises , write r of the dictionary, wished to u se the
asp ira t ed s eries s i nce he felt tha t t he initial stops in the
breathy syllab l e s of Kui were mora similar to the Thai consonants
w(p h) l'l(th) ·v <t7hl 7l (kh ) than t o tJ<p) il(t) -q (t <; ) n(k).
Secondly , the results of a p er cep tion test g ive n t o four s peakers
of Hon- Khmer languages a t ILTRP supported this decisi on . The
four sub jects '\fere a sked to write down the initial consonants
(u t"l ~ fl 1'1 'YI 71 fl ) of 36 words tape recorded in random order and
p l ayed t o them f r om the r ecorded tap e. Of the 3G items,
24 were non- br eathy {1st Register ) syll abl es and 1 2 i tems \o/ere
breat hy (2nd Regi ster) syllab l es . For viewing the results the
i t erns might be arranged in the followi ng s ets :

Set r.: pv tv t7v kv (3 items each)

Set .....
r.• phv t hv t 7 hv khv (3 items each)

S.;t C: XV
.. XV .. ..
XV xx (3 items each)

Driefly, the subjects ' r esponses for Sets A and 13 \'Tere 100% correct.
For Set C the subjects wrote down aspirated stops for 90% of the

4 .2.2 Initial C-onsonant Clusters

Initial c·o nsonant clusters in Kui mf.lY be d i vided into two

classes: {1) t~ue clusters in which I a nd r occur as the second
element (excluding tl •, thl-, I 1-, si- , sr-, t71-, t9hl-, and some
k l ~ and kh 1- ite!lTis), and (2) clusters of t\-X> consonants in which
ther e.'is ·a r educed vowel [a] transition between the two elements,
e . g.

tmau = [ tama u] "stone"

rt <!!<.e I = [rat rea I ] "slippery"

[sa.? AA?] nto burp"

Nas::lls m n Jl I') which ·::>ccur as the first, element in clusters are

a h;ays pronounce·d as syllahic nasals [m n r
I)] except for mn- and
md- which ar 'e pr•onounced [man-] and [m~d!.].

Clusters in which h occurs as the second or third e lement vary

in pr onunciation , e . g.

phh- = [ phah]
mh- = [mn.J
nh- = [ nn]
ph- = '
l)h- = [ l)n J

I h- = [! ]/[lh]
rh- = [ ~ ] I [rh]

Charts showing initial consonant cooccurrence in clusters can

be found on the ·next t'WO pages.
chart of ~onsonant Cooccurrencs in Clusters

- -- - - - - -- --·--··-1I
-----~-__,.-·-- -~

~ : -- ...... ··- ~ -,-~-~---; -.- .~~- ~~~:-

~---:; ;- ~T~: ~--- -;···- - ~. ~.J ~ - J.~- 1
- - ;, ; Second and ·Third Elements

i! E·g !:------
, .•.....
I : Ih - ... _;___ .. _.."'- ·.-- ( .. :.. .. ...._ ·-·-+·---.--+- - ·-.... ·-\-l
k;- kh _
i, -·-+?__
• , .-.
I p
, - ---:--- ' .. - •
;i + '. I: + ..... II ··- ·
• i ,
-------- ....... ....
I .. ....... --~--- -~ii
' .... -i·'
L____,.. .-

; ph ; +
I'I ....
b -·;j ....
+ ~. ,.
..... ;.. ..... c. _
' '
..I --- .,I...... - . - --- '-.......,' · ·----j .......,..... --j·; .. - ,....
! , .. .. i
1,. ·- -. ":' ----... ........ '

Im '
~ + :I +
+- __ .:._
• _____;_. - --L ·--
: -~·-··
! -;-- -· . ~- ~ .. -'·- .......
I l~. -- -· ,·-r-. --- .- -- --1-----~!- ----~;· ----·~;-+·
I _,.... .

- •••

. - - _ .. 04

+ L
. .
· --··---·---1···----- : , ,
-----:---·+--·-· ~-- - .. ·-·_;-
I ... · r " ... ' I
It I I I l ---!- --·;

I .... •i + 1
r·. . . ..,- l
·- .. ·· ---;~

··- - ··:·

. 4 .. _ _ _
.. ... -...... _.,.: __
' I
.. • • • • 11 - - - ... - I
- .
. ..i!·····+. +
•i-. . -· ....·..
t ·---; .. - I.. -.. _,-
.+ : + +
: .. !i . : +
Il. . ..,.I • •'I:

n I
_+- '-
·- ··+ --T-·- ..:,.. _ -- t ·---~' ..___
_;-' --·------··------ (-·- ·-·rI I
r--+. . r·- --..J.. --+·· "
--- j
: '~~----~.
........ :

--r-·· . . ;-- --..-1 ---- -~-- - ~ -----!,-----r----r-·I

--~ i +
i- · . .. -: II ' '• :• .l ! 1. .... - · ,'· · -···"jI
! ''
', +.... i
+ ·j i----- ..
. l ••

·; ·--·;------~----·-



y-----~---;--- ~--···1-- -t---







_j IIj · '

__. _ _ _
: + :--!
' .... ,.... -·1· . ..
i + ' + • + + · i I! t~,
I ,l
. I ... -- ., . ... . : I
: +
: •
!. ---l---!--
' '!I
1--- . ;_..... ,
) I

t t~'!
.. +
·i + -- · ... i.
' · --...' .. ..........
. ·Ii +
+ . ',... ·
· r
i-· · 1
< .l . '
i ....
!: t l h. !I ..+
~--- .. "i -· ... ·-'· ·-·-- .,
: 1 __ _i_.__ : ___ L__ !__ !_ +._+ --r · ! !
I i .I i lI l ', ..~- 'l
. -i-- __,_ ___ :--~--- :---,--. i )
I • '

lI f' I I I : :
I !
- . . . . . - ·- ·
i __.. ,..
; ....
,..... l + ; + l+ I_
. "!- •. 0
I • ·-· ..
-~- --c--·

i f,
. . .-- ! T-- i --- - - :--------- I I i i .1,--. -- J--. --·:,,_
1 '-- !··-
• I.

~. -~- - .. .. --·
!k + ' +
!--, . _,_I,
-- _,__ --.. 1
, ---,----···
! I
,I .;I

.,I~ +
I 0
: ! I
I kh i
-~·- ~- .l - ~ ~ --~
I -- · • + i, +
···-•-- T + +-- ! - -:--- , I
....... . ...
... , ·,, .. -.-· .. • '! l.

11) . .. ;
!• -i • , -- - + .. + ... --.....__! -- I1 - !, ... (
i < I

- ... . __ --·-- -~ -----·---- ..2___ _~-----..l..... ....

I i - ...-.. ~---
: ..... +·--.. ~.....
+ !+ I ~ + + ; +- ~--~

Chart of Consonant Cooccurrence in Cluste rs (cont.)


4.2.3. Final Consonants

final position are:
The consonants that can occur in syllable

p t k ? h

m n fl I) r

e . g.

"to bite" kaap · ~ "a procession"

-p kup
kaat ·: "to burnn
-t kat 71
to cut (with scissors) "

-t7 knt7 ~ "to cut (with sickle )" kaut 9 "very brave 11

khaak "to cough up "

-k kwuk "to spin thread"
k?aa? "a crow''
-? ka? ''to estimate"

-h "charcoal" Lkraah "to comb"

. kt9ah
ktaum ".:1 crab"
-·m kam "arrow"

"to hold" khrflan . "fairly"

-n kan

"kinky (hair)" taup :; "to weave"

-p ~- krap
kuu I) "to stretch"
-I) kt9al) ·: "to laugh"

"kind of t .ree" f. kaar "to crow"

-r l)khar

"to put un.c.ler" kna l "areca palm"

-I ka I

4.3 Vowels

4.3.1 ~hthong

Ii ww uu
w u

eo H 00
0 ¥

ua 0.0.
a a.

4.3.2 Diphthongs and Triphthongs


Dipthongs Triphthongs

ia , t la wl ui uui ial uai

¥I , Hi ua uua lau
eu AI oi ool
ceu <>i

a l , aal a.i

au, a nu
e.g .

kit "tiny"

e keh "to break"

a km? "to pick"

a kap "to ~lt.e"

w kdw? "gourd"

¥ kl 't? "torpid"

A kA? "so, then"

u kut tt a stub"

o koh "the back"

o ktyo? "to spill"

a. ka.? "reed-like plant"

ll kilt "to· gnaw on" ··

ee keer .. inheritance'~

ace kBm "to sip (whiskey) "

aa kaa ''a fish"

WUI : I<J.w/l '·mute!'.

¥¥ kS¥¥ "a book"


"to have"

uu kuu "to be, to dwell"

oo koot "kind of tree~'

"banana root"

a.o. ka.o. "to buil d; to start"

la l<h I a? .. "fork (of a b:r:anch) ''

It a: khi),a "cost"

tu *kl i u "to cling"

ei ..
l·e l 11 a particle"


~u *~u "broken glass"

ai kl a i "penis"

aal: klaal "to become"

au kou "I (intimate)"

aau: klaau "raw (fruits) .,.

wi *duJw l "cockspur"

't i kh~ i "exclamation"

ni: khni.. "used to"

"to put a pillow under"

a, l ·k k I a.a. i "tusk 11

ui kui "Here!"

uu i : kuu i "human being"

"go iter"

uua: ..
phuua "enough"

oi : koi ''to ride p iggyback"

ooi: phooi "fluff"

:> i : * ko:> i '1 chopped beef dish"


iai: ..
*phi ia I ·•to paddle"

lau: ..
*phi tau "to hurry"
uu I t *buua I 11
t o look for"

Note *These diphthongs and triphthong.s actually have no short-long

contrasts, but since Prasert Srivises, writer of the dictionar-:v •
felt they were actually pr onounced (i.e. phoneticall y) long
and should be written so, the se diphthongs andtriphthonga are
always written long in the dictionary.

4. 4 Stress

The maj ~rity of the words in this dictionary of Kui (Dan Tael)
are monosyllabic. Disyllabic words may r epresent r eduplicated forms ,
compounds, noun phrases, verb phr ases , etc. It is u sually the seco~
syllable of t he disyllabic forms which is stressed, resulting in the
shortening of the unstress ed first syllabl e .
nQOI) ~Of) + [ ngf) 'n~o] "a kind of gourd"

I CB<Bt t aaJt + [I at 't ce<Bt ] na kind of flute"

looty ph.J.h + [loty ' phlh] .. "tetanus"

th~a ? rwa? + [thH 'r¥?] "shoulder pole basket"

th~e th~e + [thQ 'th~e] "empty; worthles s"

si i khra.? .. + (si ..
'khra.?] "to get rid of bad luck"

ka.a.n mHui + [ka.n 'mHul] "bridegroom's best man; bride~~<:i''

Another type of disyllabic form consists of ~rds having ?aa-

as the first syllable. With these words there is a general tendency
to dr op the first syllable , resulting in a monosyllabic form . In
the dictionary, for words that show this tendency the alternate
forms are given.

e.g •

. ?aa pr i i? + [a •pril?] I [pril ?] "soggy wet"

?az, ba') + [a ' bao ] I [bao] "bamboo shoot"
~ ?aa t ee + [ a •toe] I [t ee] "hand"

4.5 Intonation

In general , sentences in Kui which nre declarative stat~ents or

questions \V'ith a fina l quest i on word like \~ho ", "what", "wher e", "how",

""rhy'', etc . usua lly have a final mid l evc::l or slightly fall i ng pitch
(see item l . in the h . set of examples below, and the u. set of examples).
Questions with no final question word (item 2 . in the A. set of examples),
and sent ences that express invitation, per suasion, command, doubt ,
emphasis , etc . u sually have a f inal high or high rising pitch (items
3-12. i n A. set o f exam~les) .

A. base sentence ~ t9 i i
go eat (rice)
t --it
1. ty i I tyaa dool 12
I'm going t o eat. " (simpl e statement)

ty i I tyaa dooi "Are you going t o eat?" (simple question)

~ uGo eutl" (shouted )

3. ty i l tyaa dooi

4. tyi i tyaa dooi "Come on, let 's go eat. " (invitat i on)

5. tyl i~ tyaa dooi "Listen. I told you t o go eat!" (d i spl eased,

"Come on! Let' s go eat ! " (invitati on)

"Hey, let ' s go eat 1" (inv ita tion)

o. -·----J.l
ty i i tyaa doo i n~? "I'm going t o eat , all r ight?" (asking
-:--'-"~-----+I ;)
9. tyi I tyaa doo i n~? " Go on and eat." (giving permi ssion )
10 . ty i 1 tyaa doo i ja? "Go eat. '' (command)

I >
11. 9
t I I · t yaa doo i wa? "Hey! Go eat!" (repeated command)

12 .
- - ·--41 > ~
ty i I tyaa dooi tyl h ta h nHay, let's go eat. (It' s about that time,
isn't it?)

_ __,r-----,';)

1. t9nap th~e " I s it pretty? "

t .___,.
2. t9au buua i kdaa t "Who did you come to see? "

3. "What a r e you eat ing? "

4. ~kb
uu uuan n .•
11a "Where is it?"

.. wt..i at
s. wuua ..
ni la "How do you d o/make it?" or "What should I do?n

6. "Why did you come?"

C. dialogues
1. r.-.: t7au buua i kdaa i'» 11
Who did you come to see?"

n: t9au buua i I)Cla 's "I came to see Nga . "
C: t7au bu uai kdaai "Who did you come to see?"
~ kdaai

, 1
2 • . A: t9aa n~ ~ "What a re you going to eat?"

t9aa n~ '
What do you suggest I eat?"

3. A: bwwn kaa sam "Is that all the fi sh you got? "

n: buA.Un sam n J.l ? i fl "Yes, that's all I got."

Note: subject, ver b tense, obj ect , etc., unspecified in the Kui sent e nces
in A., e., and c. a bove , may vary a ccording t o context, situation,

4.6 Sample Kui Text

(syllable- timed rhythm)

I/ ..
mph I i la rhoo
mphriia~ sal/ moo so? moo
time have Rahu moon group village group
While Rahu is trying to swallow the moon , vill•gers

Sma! I ..
nAA pr AA/ ..
?aal uual) tarn t oon ..
tree wood
luuaf) t ho;, t het 9·I
rice field they u se wood beat al ong
use (pieces of) wood to beat on various trees.

nau ..
waau pal I tarn ..
la:reu I khat
., IHUal) k¥1 jal) ..
.. fast
phWUJt waai I l~h

he say that beat alreadytree "lflOOd · that will big (put)out

It is said that each tree that is beaten will grow fast and produce a

pi al daal I moo nww? I kA? tnrn ..

khruh I tarn pllp I phOOt') phaal) I
fruit many group other conjunction beat bucket beat can bang bang
lot of fruit. Others beat loudly on t .uck<:ts and cans

thuu .. so? I phuui .. rhoo ?a.o.n ..

Ia.o.h tah ..
mphri ial) sai I/
throughout village chase Rahu have out from moon
all over the village in order to chase Rahu away from the moon.

5. Kui Dialects

Published information on Kui dialects in Thailand is somewhat limited .

Eric Seidenfaden presented extensive data colle~ted in 1 917-18 on Kui sub- groups
in Thailand (see "The Kui People of Cambodia and Siam," Journal of the Siam
Society 39: 144-100 , 1951). Mrs. Deulah M. Johnston states that "In Thailand
there are two principal dialects of Kuy - Kuy Kuy and Kuy Mla - with innumerable
sub-dialects showing marked differences in pronunciation and occasional differences
in vocabulary. The ·two principal dialects are pretty well mutually intelligible ."
(see Phonemes and Ortho9raphy: Language Planning in •ren Minority ·L anguages of
Thailand , William A. Smalley, ed., Pacific LinSJu istics Series C - No. 43, 1967,
p. 259) Dr. ~lilliam A . Small ey ' s Ethnolinguistic ~urvey of Northern Khmer-speaking
People in Northeast Thailand (mimeo., 196t1 ) also gives data on the distril;ution
of Kui-speaking villages in that area.

A preliminary and limited sw;vey of Kui d i alects aimed primarily at: deter-
mining what varia tions ex i st in variously l ocated Kui-speaking villages was
carried out whil e this 'dictionary was being writte n. No special attempt was
made to determine the number and distribution of Kui-speaking people or Kui
dialects per se. Though such information was obtained by the survey, it will be
presented here only to a very lhnited extent.

giant in Hindu mythology bel ieved to cause the lunar eclipse by trying to
swallow the moon
This section is a condensed version of a forthccming paper on the result s of a
Kui dialect survey conducted during June 1 976 by Jerry w. Gainey, at that t ime
a member of the Indigenous Languages of Thailat¥1 Research Project.

5.1 Dialectal Variations

Using several features of the Dan Tael dialect of this dictionary as

refere nce point, some of the most significant variations existing among
Kui-speaking villages .,.,ill be pointed out.

5.1.1 final p corresponding to final r) following front vowels

One feature that distinguishes the Dan Tael (DT) dialect others
i s that in iJT Kui only p , never I), occurs after front VO'\otels.
I) occurring after these vowels in other villages always corresponds
to p in DT .

e.g. DT T* Others
'to know ' [dip] [dip]

'waist' [ l)i<aalp] [ l)~p]

Note *A key to the c apitalized abbreviations for village name s

accompanies the Inc'lp on the next page .

LT final I) and final r after other vowels corresponds to I) and fl in

the other villages.

e.g. Others
' maggot' [mpaal') ] [ mpaa')]
'to weave' [ t aap] [taap]
5.1.2 vowels

Dased on the correspondences of certain vowels, there appears

to be a rough dialectal continuum, consisting of pockets of villages,
running through north central Surin east into central Sri Sa Ket ~s
indicated by the br oke n line in the map below. (Since most of the
Kui surveyed in Duri ~~m province were found to have originated in
Surin or Sri Sa Ket provinces, that province will be disregarded
here and elsewhere.} Underlined villages lie outside this continuum,
with some exceptions. There are numerous other villages , both in and
outside the continuum, clustered around those shown on the map.

Luri Ram

Sri Sa Ket

~~¥ to Village Names

CP: Dan Chom Phra, Tambon Chom Phra, runphoe Chom Phra

DT: nan Tael/Dan Sangkae , Trunbon Tael, Amphoe Sikhoraphum

T: 13an Treum, Tarnbon Treum, 1\mphoe Sikhoraphum

SRT: Dan Sa.-nrong Thap, Tambon Samrong Thap, Amphoe Samrong Thap

PK: Amphoe Prang Ku

Pis : Dan Pra-ang , Tambon Pras:at Yeur, Amphoe Phrai Dung ..

PTK 1, 2 : Dan Pho Ta Klang, Tambon I<rapho, Amphoe Tha Turn

W: Dan 'i'Jan, Tamhon nu I<raeng , Amphoe Chom Phra

P: Dan Pho , Tambon Nong Bua 1 Amphoe Sikhoraphum

KLM: Dan Kha-la·mae 1 Tambon Kha-la···mae, Amphoe Sikhoraphum

MK: Dan Ma-khuea , Tambon Nong Khwao , Amphoe Sikhoraphum

YT: Dan Yang Tia, TarnP...on Ya1ng 1 Tia, Amphoe Sikhoraphum

PSY: Dan Prasat Yeur, Tambon Prasat Yeur, Amphoe Phrai Dung

e.g. along continuum outside conti~

'buffalo' [tri i?] [tri ia?] PD also, [kll fa?]~

.. - - .. --
(thi la) PSY,PTK2 also [fhwwa] i'l,P 1 (thaa] :PTKl,KLM,MK,YT

'one' [mHU i] ~also [mHua i]

'put away' [dua?] [ doo?]

5.1.3 r and s- Dased on correspondences to initial, fi1nal and medial r

in DT, the villages shown on the map can be div~ied into five -

1. CP,DT,T,PK,(MK},(YT} r- -r -r-
2. PD,PSY,W,P r- -I -r-
3. PTK2 r- -I -r- aftelc .!_, th
-I- afteJ~ .£.t £[, !?_, 15. I 111
4. SRT,PTKl ,_ -I -r- afteJ~ !., th
-I- afteJ~ £. £[, !?_, .!i, ~

s. KLM
,_ -I -I-

'root' · [~h]
[ rmh] ..
[I ceh]

'to roll up' ..

[mHu I]
[muul] [mHul]
(moo I ]

'hail (n} ' [ trcecel] [ kraJ<BI ] [klal<BI] [klmcel] [ ki<BGel]

nT,T all both
'to soak' [ nt ram] [ ntram] [ntram] [ ntram] [ klam]
'to rinse rice' [thrflau]
.. W,P
[ thrwwau] [ thraau] ..
[ thrt I au1]
[ khlwwau]..
'deep' ..
[ nthrHu]
[ nthruu].. [ nthruu ]I
[I uu]

'silver' [ pra?] [ pra?] [pia?] [pI a?] [pi a?]

all all both
[ phra.l)] [ phrg.Q]
[ph I il'l] ..
[ph I 0.1)]
[ph I W)]
'mountain' [b r uu] [ bruu ] [ b Iuu ] [ b I uu] [ b I uu ]
all all SRT

' comb(n)' [ kraah] [kr aah] [ kl aah ] [k l aah] [ k l aah]

all all : both

'all, complete ' [ khr?.P] [ khr?.P] [ kh I?.P] rkh 1~r J [ k l l\p]

all PD , ~I , PSY PTK

5.1 .3.2 Dased on an s- t o thr- corresoondence in one set of words ,

- - :
these villages can be grouped as follows -

2 W, P, MK, PK, PD, rSY

3 KL"'i

e . g. 1 2 3

' paddy' [ sa.a.] [ thra.a.] [ kh I a.a.]

'upl and field • [sa I ] [ thra I] [ kh l a I ]

'village ' [so?] [ thro?] [ kh Jo?]

5 .1. 4 ~res~llables and-·i nitial co nsonant clusters

Among the se villages there is a gr~at deal of var iation in corres-

pondences o f presyllabl es ani init~ l clusters. Several examples will
demonstr ate the i nstabil ity and/or variety of these features , and the
difficulty in using such features to draw dialect t~undaries .

e . g.

' withered ' [ saweet ] ..[feet ]. DT [sa wet ]T; [ hv1et ]sr.T; [saw I f t ] PSY; [ saweet ]
all others

'leaf ' [sa l aa]-[ l haa ] BT [hlaa] SRT; [kh l aa] P , IGW~ ; (sa t aa] a ll others

•cockscomb' [mph~erl BT,T,CP [ mbeel] SRT; [sam ph~e r ] MK, PK1 [sameel] PB1
(sabee l ] PSY; [tomm~ l ] KLM; et c .

' shoulder ' [mpaa?] Bl' ,CP,SRT , ( t ampaa?] PK, I·; [kampau?] T; [ l apaa?] IW1 , PSY
PB, W, PTK1,2

' to poi nt ' [nthHuai] BT,PTKl [ nduua I] CP; [ t90duuu l] PK, PB; [ kadu ua I] T;
[ sOd:>o i] KIJ-1; [ s<:>ndo:> I ] MK, w, P; etc.

' shin' (l)kh2-f)) BT , T,CP,


'needle ' (rtyh~l] all except [pAl] KLM;[p~ l ] PSY

'tongue' [ntaa?] ~1 1 except [taa?] KLM , PSY

' young man ' [mplo?] DT , T, CP [ploo?] all others
' wor d ' (rn9naa l) BT,CP, MK, [ nnaa i] sn·r ; [ kPnaa i] T, PTKl , 2;
PK,H, P (panaai] PB, KLM , PSY

' to stand ' ( t e j 11' I)] DT, T ,CP, PK ( k9j 11' I)] SR'l', PI3 , PTKl; ( S 9 jWW'l J Wt [ S 9 dyWI) )KLM ;
[ ty9 j!l)) PSY

5 . 1.5 l exical and other

The following examples will illustrate lexical and other phonologi-

cal variations among these villages.


' negative (bi?] BT,CP, PTkl (phi?] PK,W; (phH?] PSY; (pu?] SRT;
particle ' [ pa?] T; etc.
' to scald ' [ soo?] D'l' (soh] SRT , PTK1,2;CP: [thr9.hJ PB ,W:
( luak] PSY,T: [t79Juut] P;(\<hiHut) KLM

' easy' (waa l] T; (vAi] PSY; [mbn] SRT;

[ I emu ] PD ; [' 1a boo] KLM; etc •

'to speak' ( w~au] BT ,T , CP [vaau] PK, P; etc .; [$oo l ] PD ,MK; [ suul] PSY
' elephant ( ph I ~!fJ?] DT , SRT, [pluua?] PK , PD; etc.; [k lool] T , MK;
tusk' CP (t<>mww] PSY

6. Arrang~ent of Entries

Entries in this d i ctionary are arranged accor ding t o point of articulation

o f consonants, beginning with b ilaLial p (u) and continuing to gl ottal h (u )

6. 1 Order of Initial Consonants

1. p (u)
2. ph ( Yl)

3. b (t!)

11 . m (1J')

5. w (4)

6. f (~)

7. t ( ~)

8. th (VI}

9. d (n}

10. n (u)

11 . (~)

12 . r ( ,)

13. s ('iJ)

14 . t7 (~)

15. t7h ( '11)

16. dj (t!'Q)

1 7. J1 {t'J)

18 . j ( tl)

1 9. k ( n}

20 . kh ( 91)

21. I) (~)

22 . ? (a)

23. h (u)

6. 2 Order of Initial Consonant Clusters

Assumin2 that p- occurr ed initially :in al l possible consonant cluster

combinations (s impl y to show t he ordering of the clusters) , the ar range-
ment of initial consonant clusters i n the d i c t ioncry is as fol l ows:

1. p ( tJ) 6. pphl (thJa)

2. pp (tJtJ) 7. pphr (~

3. pp I (ti\Jil) o. pb (uu)
4. ppr (tlth) 9. pm (w)

5. pph (tlw) 10 . pm I (wa)


11. pmr ( \b.J"l ) 23. pt7 (tl~)

12. pw (tl'l) 24 . pt7h (tloa)

13. pt (tl~ ) 25 . Pfl (tlty)
14 . ptr (tlt~~~) 26. pj (tltJ)
15. pt hl- (tlvl,) 27 . pk {tln)

16 . pd (tl~) 2B. pl<l (tJnil)

17. pn (tlu) 29. pkr ( tin~ )

18 . pi (~ 30 . pkh (tl91 )
19 . plh (tliiil ~ ) 31. pt) (tl\1)
20. pr (tl~) 32 . pi) I (tl\1~)
21. prh ( tJ·m) 33 . p? ( tl~)
22. ps ( tlrJ ) 34 . ph ( Vl)
6.3 Order of Final Consonants

1. p (tJ) 7. m (t!)
2. t ( ~) 8. n (u)
3. t7 ("l) 9. ( ty)
4. k (n) 10. t) (\1)
* 5. ? ( .. ) 11. r (~)
6. h (t1) 1 2. ('PI)

-Note *? occurring intially i s represent~d in the Thai transcription

by a ; ? occurring finally is represented b y ~ , e.g .

?a a? l"''lU to expel or e ject from the mouth (non-

tl'l "' liquids, except seeds)

6. 4 Order of Vowels

1. (:!) 6. ce<s (u - )
2. li ( ~) 7. a ( ...
-,-- ' ~)

3. a ( L - ::) a. ~a ( -'1 )
4. eo ( ~-) 9. a. (,~ -:!~ )
s. ce <~~-::) 10. a.a. ( - a)

11. 1\ (: -~:;) 28 . ai ( .!'tJ)

1/.. 1\1\ ( : -~) 29 . aai ( - ·w)

13. ::> ( ~ -1::) 30 . au (~-"1)

14. ::>::> ( - tl) 31. aa u (-"1'1)

15 . ¥ ( ~ -tJ::) 32. o.a.i ( -~ tl)

16 . n (~-a) 33. /\A I (! -~tJ)

17 . 0 (1-::) 31. oo l ( -u tJ)

18 . 00 (1-) 35. ¥I ( ~ -u::u)

19 . w (!!) 36 . H i (~ -t!tJ)

20 . WUJ ( ~) 37. oi (1 - ::r.J)

21. u ( -;) 30 . oo l (1-u)

22. uu (-;) 39. w.ui ( ~tJ)

23 . la (~!!tl::) <10. wwa ( ~ ~tl)

24 . I la (~!!tJ) <11. ui I
\ .
- tJ)

25 . ei (L-::u) 42 . uui ( ~ tl)

26 . cu ( ~ -'1) 13. ua ( .!''1:: )

27 . romu ( LL - '1) 14. uua ( !''1)

Note: In th~ Tha i transcripti on both ? and oo are repr esented by a

The following exampl e shows ':'low the ccmbinati0n ?::>::> -
is written:

?oop ltl\J

ClCltl to put an arm around

1st u = ?

2nd Cl = 0::>

6. 5 Order of 1st and 2nd Register Sl::llables

1st Register (non-breathy) syll ables are entered before 2nd Regist er
(breathy) syl l ables . 2nd, Register syllables are indicated by a gr ave accent
mark over the vowel (s) [cv] .

In the Thai transcription, Low Class and Middle Class consonant ..

symbols are used to represent the initial consonants of 1st Register syl1 a
bles. High Class consonant symbols and Hi.ddle Class consonant symbOlS
plus the symool + are used to represent the initial consonants of 2nd
Register syllable s, as follO\'ls:

Sample Entries:

. .
tlBtl-~tJ intensifier 1 used with "yellow"

chuyi 91 big , large

~~u to scratch (with claws or fingernails)


wo? "' .. ..
lL1'1:: ( 'll-n«-.mtm"nnm~WJ'El~'tlfl::l'l::)

to pry loose (and take out the cri sp cooked rice

crust that sticks to the bottom of the pot )

uat:~fll'l'Cl\lL~#u\l'lii (\1,::11\J) L'llt:~n~u91::'1'i1tJ small brass tube

(for decoration) fitted on the "br idle " of an olt

or buffalo

Yi\l'u t.:> gamble, to be:t

*~or a nother example of the adaptation of the Thai writing sys~~
i~r P~he transcription of Kui , comparE) that of Beulah M. John~t
o nemes and Ortho ra h : La a e Plannin in Ten Minor1
L~ngu~ge~ of Thailaro , A. Smalle ed Pacific
Ll.ngul.stJ.cs Series ~""-43 1976 Y' •'
"" I I pp. 259-272 •
p 1

p lh r:
LYUJ to be fu ll. filled
s 1\11 ?o.o.n plh
Yl ~~11 to fill up
d l a'l p i h rinA I
,:;-o:u ~·111 a-:~ The jar i s full of water .
pih prl p
L~h.n Vi~tJu to be filled to the lil"lit

P I h pa'?
thr tl:: " t o be scattered all over; pl enty, lot s
kMt pih pa?
{Jayn~"''rnndt~u Thi ngs ar e scatt er ed all over.

Pin too a food carrier

tJu 1~

P i i .... ?aap i I a"'' (~,.,~; • u"'' (~rm'~-:~ j

0 .... inu eit her parent' s younger s i st er, i .e . aunt

pi I r ~an f l ower , bl ossom

p ll r so.o. l t yh 'Im
9lan,'1\lYI1.ll'l The flol'Ier s have all dropped off.

p rl i p t~ou t o compare; advantage

pr i I p b i ? buAI.:n
L tl~ou1~1; to be incompar ab l e
prll p sam
L tl'fou L,.,fla'W to be compar ab l e to, t o be like
mnaa l pri i p
r.1 t u~vu a coaparis on (i n speech)
bu~JJn pr i I p
1;~tlitru to have an advant age
p 1

plh L9UJ to be full, filled
,., .

~ ll L~1l
?o.o.n plh
" to fill up
dia'l pih nnf-1
,r1 v;1J1a-:~
t The jar is full of water.
p i h prip
L~hHVi~r.JU to t-e filled to the li!"'it

plh pa·? nP<~~ Ln~ou n~L~ ~~nu ~v lV~~uu~

tlu tl:: " to be scattered all over ; pl enty, l ots
kMt pih pa?
fi~un~~~ 1 nd~u Thi nRs are scattered all over.

Pin too du1~ ~ food carrier

tJu 1~

P i i - ?aap t I tll ( ~fil'l , ' u-~ (~,,,.~-.:) j

0 either parent's younger sister, i.e . ~unt

pi I r ~~ n f lower, bl ossom
th \

p 11 r sa.o. l t yh I m

fl~fl11-:Jtl1.1 1'l The flol'Ters have all dropped off.

prl i p l·~ou to compare ; advantage

pr i I p b i ? blW:n
Lu~vu11J1; to be incomparable
prll p sam
L'L'ftJ\J LM!'fil'.J to be comparable to, to be like
r,1naa I pri i p
~1 t ~~vu a conparison (in speech)
bliJwn pri 1p
1;~u~uu to have an advant age
2 p

" banana (v:1riot1S kinds f ollow)

prll t fl ~Jtl

pri 1t t7an
nf-w~'l m1 ~tJ vr;

pri it t uJW

pri it ?a.a.

pri it tmoor:1
"' " .
flW HJ lez.J

pr i i t I~ I 0.0.')

n ~-w~-n1

pril?- ?aDprl i ? LL Q ~ to t-. e \'Jet , slushy, wn t e r y

tl~.,. - r.n ~
uilt prii ?
t o havv wat ery eyes

knaa pri i ?
The road is wet and s li pper y .

to d)g, t o din ur

pet 7 pro0 nthruu nthruu

to di g a deep hole


to pnsr. away, push off ; to fli ck off

to r:ush away s o!l'eone 1 s l~and

t o wag, to wi ggl e, to ~ove

t7a.o. pceh sa.o.i

l1~ 'lfl'l::Vinw l\1 The dog. i s vmrg in ~ its t ai l .
p 3

pam bn\1 ('t~rYtm ::n1tr\1) 'J 'lfl

~tl::u good at ; a lot (in certa in expr es sions)

' \
nc:~u v:uua wll? P<Bn

~'ll '1Vl1\'1'1\HO\'I lie \'Iorl<s hard ( a l ot).

ei ghty

p~? ( 1) '.nt~~.zi'·1\'l
LrJufiVI ::~\'lQ1tl\'l'li'1\'l'l~ H'l~tlUtHlfll'l~a'l.•&;1\'l "') t~"l

u\.1 L~U~~a\'1~1 ; to hit a nai l on the s i des to l oosen

it ~t o use t he s ide of one ' s f oot to Y.ick move
somet hi ng

pm<B? (2) <iJ"l v 9.11 [ \.1'1 ] l eft (hand , s i de, direction)

m..l .. see r ntaa J
to r or e , attack with the horns
!<r aa i t r i i? pcnc•p
~n~~ ~u~~~ t o be gored by a buffa l o

prea!l) fl our j f~.ce }"'Owdcr



p r <ro!t - ? aap r <Ba,t r. t hil'l a t a ll ghos t : giant deJTlon

LLt h \1 - tl 'l l.lth'll
I reh t yi i kM t p r a>a't
rn tt"ludJun.b v. to di e and becot'lc a "p r re<Bt ''

LLt h\J a brush

pat ~u ~V1(~'1 : to squeez0, t o pr ess (t o ext ract, e . g .

~ juice ) ; to wring out c l ot hes
pat r tool)
~un~::~ to soueeze grated coconut meat to
ext ract th e mi l k
4 p

'Ph! fi'V~ to slasl-1, to cut dmm or o:?f ,,,i th et s lashinp


paty t kM.r) thAt

to cut off someone's heac1

pat9 kha 1 1uua')

~vl;~~1;1i to cut dm>~n a tree

pat y m~ID? l uua') bah

'XAn\,vt•~fi\'1 to cut off tree branches arid
t rrm., th ew away

rak to stick i n, to i nsert

pak lak
to s tick a post or stake (in t l\e groun(i)

t-: •· i:Jn to er~hro ider

pak ko.a.n rtyh i ty
-t!n?:lt.fiS1YIUI t o embroider a hnnci"Kerch i ef

pa? (1) to pr: tch

to patch trous e rs

pa? (2) to te f l ~t , level (o f ~ surface)

p l ao. pa?
a flat head

pal.! t raa to stamp

par. traa ks¥~

ti~~~~~,~~u\'1~~ to stawp an officia l l e tter


pap ~. u1V to shine (a flashlight, i.e . turn it on)

~ pap ph a a I ph a a t fau naa n i i nu1w?

~~a'l3'lvlu1u~:,,.,.\1a,.,.;atJ Shine the flashlight over

t his \\'ay.
to shoot
pap mph l hf)
fl'l3{1u to shoot a gun

p lat an adMinistrative assistant, a deputy

kAAt p I at mphh
tfr~~~a1 L~a to be t he deputy district officer

p i a? L~VmJH\'1 t ~c~"l~~\J\)ffll'tl'\3 Ll·Hl '1A'l£Jt'I'\J-.,~mJCI'I3lL<li'll

the sound of v1at er dri p~ in g on something

pia') "' coO'on, a tall, coar se grass used for

tm''l3 thatching (Imperat a cyclindrica)

prap tl-ru to fi ne
kr aai pr ap nhc? tuul
\)ntl~ufttJ1VI How much (how many baht) were you fined?

pra? Q . t ~·w ll'oney

pr AA pr a? pcm
~~~~ULn'll t o spend a lot of money, be extravap,ant
pra? p
counterfeit money
pra? tuul
t<3UtJ1l1 baht (the Thai monetary unit)
6 p

b " I. \it.! silver

•.·1uua tyau t I i p ra ?
'Yl1W1-:::J.,n L\:ltJ to be made of 5 :i.1 vcr ·

tnan pra?
a s ilver belt

pra? phee n i i th:: t ~f:1 cu s to~, tradition

w~ua toon pra? phee nil

to follow trad.i tion

pra? theet country

l 'Yl~i

p rah ~.,~ to strike , hi t hard with or on the side of

'1.!! 6 11 l ong obj ect or on something fl at

ko.a.p ksap prah nH) I uua!j

~'U)11'h~t1u1.J to grab a snake and fl a il it
a!'"ains t n tr\.~ e

prah praf) l'f -:r~l·:-o,;l n to be s eparnted and scatter ed, e . r. . a

tl.,.;;.; tl.Y\1 herd of f ri ghtened ca ttle; se!Jar~ t ed fam ily members
in di :f:ff..;:rent r l aces trying to earn a living

prah 50.0. to thresh rice

tl.,-o '21 a
nt h;)p p ra h 50.0. I ~:;J·u
t o have j ust f i nished threshing

pram 1-) i~BlJ~'J1..JO ~'J ffw ~ {j~ 1n\ir1 tlnuw'ltr.Jr! VJ1JI-w La1.-tt-l ana.,u dlwvnd L11~!.13J
tl.if3J a fence (rrade of ~·1oven bamboo s trips ) put up around a
veget ab le f arden to keep out ducY.s and chickens

?rnw p ram tyii ~kh a ~

;;7a'J.f'l ( ~n•.f--:ldffi! ) t o put up a f ence

p 7

., u
m-N~~OI\'1 dry (of weather)

tn nl' i tn pral)
,u,ilm1\'l~n\'l This is the dry season.

pjat a warnin~, e . g. to someone who's

tltl'~ being a pest, like ttYou just wait a minute buddy,
I'll get you!"

paa - ?aapaa th an aunt , either parent's older sister

tl• - tl"'lth
paa t hau I amu
,j,L~nm~-~ Auntie is getting ol d .

paa Yl at
p it kuu paa dui)
ui (Ur ),~\'ltl~~U"'lU Auntie is at the house.

paa l ee fl1'r~'ilL~tl\'l 9 L~\'ILtl~UtH~tJu

th e use of metaphors, siJT!iles
tl1 LOI to create riddles or puzzles for comic effect in
various situations

paat ~ul!lu~~'il\'IL,~tJ':I, lilih.nfi.u)uu~;LL\IU

to flatten something
tl"Wl soft that has been formed into a ba ll (such as sticky
rice) with the finRertips

paah •
1-n to split, to cut (with an axe or knife)
paah ?uuh kAAt b il a ~ ~~ty!au\'lvinu t o split firewood into t\'IO pieces

paan t hu birthmark
t hu
paan h !CBCBf\
t.hu9li a bl ack birthmark
8 p

paar· to fl y
t9roam paar raar t9 11 l}mu
'Wfl L"l.. 'l{}t~'ttlLLa'l The dove has f lot:.'l1 away.

paar hrere l
to hover, to glide (i!l flight)

pmaat to be carel ess

'd3J 'I VI
b i? pmaat dn
BUI1h:::lJ 'I'YIU::: Oon ' t be car el ess !

plaa fiJ.J th e cuttinr edP,e

p laa r.~peet

flll!f11 ( ~:IJrl)')tJ ) tr.e cutting edge of a kni fe

(or sword)

plaa mpeet thcr.& r azor blade

UN 'I 1J Ltm tL\1

plaat uuau to move , to slide, to fly i n a direction

tJ5l 'I Cl s l ant ed from t he perpendicul ar

rot plaat nthruh knaa

The car slid (s!ddded ) off t he r oad.

pkaa t hnn'l a (ball point, fountain , et c.) p•en


., ,... 0 ~
pkaa prah sa.a. ~~ (ai'I'I 'YlJU'l A~ T? ; a pair of sticks connected (at
tlm tl-rtt •11 a the ends) by a niece of rope wh ich is t wist ed ar ound
n bundle of rice for threshinp:

1tJ ,J., 1·v Lnw'l:::u•"n-,fl'l'!.r;'n LQvn:::r~1m n't Vl'.,'lfu L~.J

vU'.,u ( n~u )1

(n~u ) 1!1UI'W to go, to come (used only in certain

situations and/or by older peopl e , e . ~ . to Ro/come
(back) home)
p 9

pa.h flan to haJ!U!Ier, to pound (a post, s t al,e, etc .)

pa.h taa? poo
~~n~ ~~ t o drive in a nail

pOOl) uu L~~B on , above

dmh kuu pa.a.l) tu u
"' ' "'
~ll£JDQUU~ The pot is on the cabinet.
t h~m
9 pa.a.l)
.fiuuu upstairs

pI a.a.
pla.a. t~h

~'lWJ nippl e
p Ia.a. t k~o I
?h L'll 1 knee
p Ia.a. lqnoot 9
n::1vm nQ t he skull
p la.a. bit
~Jueu at . the head of a sleeping pl ace
pla.a. luual)
L~•'hj the central root of 8. tree
In . "'
~u beginninr-
p Ia.a. t ma.a.
;uu (at) the beginning of the year
p ta.a. mphU.V
~,fl\ dusk, the early evening

p la.a. phoo?
. ..
~e\1ueu the lower abdo~en

!@.~ 1~"
p la.a. phoo? pa?
l1"a"Ueuuuu a flat lower abdot'1cn
10 p

p I a.a. k.:;>a~u a k ind of h er,-:;) ; J::enaf

to dis::tppear, to be 1·Jissing, to be l ost
from sirrht

PI\ t du Ufl I a·wu

Yl '"l £Jtntm~n
" It has heen lost for a lonf ti \~ e .

p/\t r wi ial

~~w~ '"lu to be startl 0d~ to be fr i p.htencd

nO.rt PI\ t
u::; ':i~l '"l f.l
1 !'l hat did (yo'.r) l ose?

p/\t tyi i ni' ia

'Ynt~1tll,1'W ~'!here h a ve you been? (I haven't
s een you f or a l ong time.)

pAt bl i a na?
7J 'l ~ 1. tf 1:1 flU Two per sons are mi ssinf..

p~ l p or pi t h f ound in fruit

PI\ I too!)
" the so ft, sponr,; growth or germi-
~ , l:!.J:::Vl'n 'J

na ting er.,bryo of a coconut

p i An to rob, stea l (by f orce)

t9oon p IM khoo bu.wn b I i a

1'<tl,tJitr'r'"l('h1)~er-:~(~'1) The bandits stole t wo cows.

tJt.! ( R'··.HJD'o ) to hold over one' s h ead or

( balanced on flat h and(s))

? ~~ t ee P/\1\~ th aa h
to hold up a tray in such a ;ranner
p 11

t.U to use, to send someone t o do something

prM tyll toor maar

"l.U''hJiltl'il a'l3 to send someone to buy things
pr/\1\ kha I drt dia?
'l-zf'lru~n~1 to use a bO\\'l to dip up water

p::)? to carry, to hold. in one ' s arms

po? ka.a.n
~u~n to carry a child in the arms

pol) - ?aapol) ~u ~~~u potato, yam; incl. some other edible roots
Lth::'l3 - 1)""1 L\.h~\3
tyii pety po~ khuuar
1tR.t~uot1tl::wt.r-., (V!e ' r e) going to dig up cassava.

porJ kh 't i ~"ff a kind of Chinese r attan basket for carrying

Lth::\3 'IJ sand, gravel; etc •

inu to be fat

tyaa daal l el p lom

fh-l11""1n L ~tn)...,u to eat a lot and (so) get fat

L~l to blow, to play a wind instrument

p lol) luut tuut
L~1~~u to play a flute
p lol) pri t pri I
Ltl""'un~~~ to blow a whistl e
plol) kjaa l S/\1\ pool) ?ann mpool)
t~1n1/l.a~n'1w,;'tle'-' to blol'J som'3 air into a
I balloon to make it expand
12 p

pooh to sweep
naa r pooh (- mpooh ,
1.~jm•~ a broom

poon ~ four

a kind of long cylindrical f i sh trap

woven frow certain types of vines

prooh";et.J t o r el ease, t o l et go of , to l et loose

?~ ty(l)CUil tyll prooh bo.h tylh
t alun1u~'au~~~ Take t he bird and r e l ease
it (now!).
prooh ?nnn phXn thoot
'llciat/h1wu1Vltt to• rel ease (someone) from
impri sonment

t o blow, to fan
kjaa I pl!'?
, l:U1'/(f1 The vli nd is blm·Ting .
pll''1 ?u uh
~fl1vJ to fan a fire
maar pl!' ?
'Kfl (t.I'UJ ) a fan

b . u~ to brush away,, t o brush off 1 to dust

pl!'? muah
'Lf11£f'' to brush mosquitoes away
pl!'? phof)
~~ to dust, to ~ust of f
p 13

prnh ~ · q~ q~l~fl~ (\Q~~~~) t o be messy (of hair)

so? p r ~~h thAAn l ~u
~u.aj-l-drma'J {~~y) hair is messy again.

s . · LLc;tn'Y~ (tl~) to he disturbed (of bees)

!)I)OOr prnh
The bees are fri p.htened and flying
in all directions.

pok a section of bamboo or hollowed

'hJ::n out wood used for signalling

ta~ pok tyhum

~Ln~1::u~::~ to signal a meeting by hitting
t he above

poh Q. La11;v11 , «~a~~u~~~ , ,;~~UN~~~ to use a long

1u::tJ thin pole to r et something dotm frow a hi gh pl ace
(e. g . fruit) by making it fall
poh plai khal)
to get a mango dO\m
(by such a tr~e th~d)

'"'. L"EJI"l!-a~~1l'Jvi•n)J'h;'«u to beat out a fire that is

spreading (e. g. with a tree branch)

-pom w a knot

pro') ~~~ pit, hole (as in the ground)

pro') top 1<rnoot9
flctl.l tl~ff~ grave
14 p

poot t o get a swelling , to r aise a lumn (as from


to pull UT') or out (c .e. pl ants, hair)

pooty ml haa p tyll thuu~

t~oum~•1t.J~1 to pull up :rice seedlings and
transplant them

pooh to boast, to brag

pooh pcr.n
to be very boastful
' u pooh
flUL~ to brag

POOl) ~n1tk balloon

1 tl\l

pool (I) ~!<I

. mmu bush, grove of trees ; clump
1 tlc1
pool(?aa) luuat)
~1JlaJ a bush

poo l bat

m JOOl1f!JI clumps of grass

pool (2) VllfJ LYI~T1T:Ifl"iLfltJOI~ ~cVIYi1\1 t o f oretell (events) by going

1ili into a trance

tyi i poo l mk meh

1tfli. ~'llr L;..,",""?J1l Go have hil'l go into a trance
and t e ll you t
p 15

plooh tJI1J tla\1 {)91 to S\ll e 11 , bulge, protrude

' ma' t p looh
to have a swollen face
phu!) p looh
~B\1Ja~ a protruding belly (as caused by parasites)
plooh phUI)
~a\16~ to suffer from excess gas in the stomach

p?ooh \lA
. ..
~mmn...:~· ~"\'1 to be spoiled ( D. g . rice, lTiilk, etc.)
tyaa maar p?ooh
tht'I.I'EI\1\!91 to eat spoiled things (i.e. food)

pwk On cake (s) or lt~p(s) ; a stack (of paper money) ;

llil used as cl ass ifier also
Q?Qal pwk (also plip)
u;~ "~ Un brown in cake form

~a\1~at~n •u a book, especially an old one made of

palm leaves

p iWW!) L~a\'1 to '~·aste, be wasteful

prM pra? pllWJ!)
to ,spend money wastefully

puty n-,::,n (crnuru::ulmtfl\1l'lt)il, f.W .,a., 1 tuft (classifier for

~ grass, hair etc.)

bat s~h kAAt puty

~~•fu~fiun,::;n ~ Tufts of grass have sprung up.
16 p

puu? sunshi ne , sunlight

,f ' puu?
blty nthii
to lie down in the sun
puu? looh
UAAtmn The sun cor11es out (L e . f ro:n behind

pluu? ~~~n to be gr ay (of hair)


pa i (1) Cfl lU three


pai (2) un·1· to think t hat

pai nau ?M.
to think that he (or she) is good
; :rl required.

pa i (3) •
tLA but
waau tee I a,.<Eu pa i nau b I? ~1uua
... • .., • 0

uen L"'J1LLCl':l m:J L"ll 1t'-Jvn (I) tol d him but he

didn't do it .

pa J ( 4) .
':ll •••
. ,,
t"lJu ~"'J 1V,i~ -n
, •• •
.. th:tt . . . as in 11
iJ7J said that "
p l a i (?aa l uual)) fruit
tl~u (ori'l\'1)
p l a i daa l duual)
to produce several crops
BClflAtlflCJClflt.lf.I Yl t"!ftJ!"'.f\'1

(of f ruit, vegetables)

praai · -?aapraal ~~:tt to be sal ty

tl-,.,u - rll\hru
baty p raa I
LL0 \'1 Lfil' The curry is salty .

p 17

paa l \l.,u· sign, poster, placard


pau t ra.o.l to r inse out the mouth (so as to r emove

l \h ~.,~tl bete l juice or t he bad t ast e in one's ~outh on
rising in t he morninf )

paau paau to chat ter away loudl y unawar e of

t h 'J t h 'l whether others are listening or not

pool tuft s or tresses of hair l eft t o grol't on the

tJau sides o:f the head (as of children)
dua? so? pool
to P.row tress es of hair

poo l dla? £l'l\JU '1 to take a bat 1t

po i a f luffy fibe r or fibrous mass; kapok

1 tl~tl fiber or woo l
~?~ po i ( khuuar) rat sna?(- nha?)

ta'1\{Uir9l~n to take kapok f iber and stuff
a Mattress

pro! ~U'EIU ~·" wor m, caterpillar

pr ul prui ~Du , sparsely, fine l y

t htJ thtJ
---,. mm'i i a prul pr ui
It ' s drizz ling .
18 ph

phlh ·~!u poison, venoll'
tlo '
ksap p r~~h ph lh s~~ tyan
~wtJ~"hil1~J'1 The snake shot (released) venom
at t he dog.

phi m W~J~; to type, to print

rool) ph im
1'S\)tl3.n~ a printing shop

phlp f~om (one place t o another)
i.1proop phlp dui) t o.? sa?
~-.Js:.~'1nu'1u (1 tl ~ t)..,~,~ to run f rom the house to
the pond

phi i n
ph i In r U!lt') tr.1a i
~ tlti'tJu L~'tl..,1.'1'13J'
to change to a neli subject (e.g.
during a discussion
ph iin knaa h~uty
~~ !tJU'VI'1"'L~U to change to another route, path
philn khnila '

~~:m flu~l (two peopl e) to exchange \·Jhat ever

each is looking at, e. g . books, pictures, etc.

phe? lltliri'" un·;;" to pretend; to pick on, bu lly

phe"l hlty 1)')3><Bt
L~a.;..,uau'VI~tJ to pret end to (lie and) sleep
phe? \'Jaau
to pul l someone's leg, to joke
phe? khat l)l<hclf)
UOD.\)-lJ'mJ'1 to triu someone by sticking one 's
foot out
ph 19

phee daan a ceiling

pheen L~U~ t~a noon, midday; the period between 11 a.m.

t foiU and noon
mphltia pheen
tda ~t~u~ at noon
maam tchan pheen
w1::~u LW!~ The monks are eating their mid-
day (and last) meal .

pheer Acacia catechu (Legurninosae), the

LN'$ cutch-tree, the bark of which is chewed along with betel

ph leer song

ph~? (1) ?aaphffi? a muddy place ; mud, mire

rth ~h kh it am pha::?

~n1uu~~~~~ The cart is stuck in the mud.

to be damp, wet', slushy (as rain-soaked earth}

dool ph~?
..LI~ "J UQ:: The (cooked) rice is soggy.
knaa phm?
nuutLQ:: The road is slushy .

ph~ t ~u1-, to collect (things) for charity

phrero pra? t9huui kuut thuk

L~tlL1L~U~JUAu~u to take up a collection
for the poor
20 ph

ph~w (1)

wu::utJ~ { flVJn'l'lt.l"lnL~ll\1) a gr eat deal, plenty (dis-

tributed over a large area)
t ;.Ja.a. t ~&u kMt di a? ph~.e !c i
There \'las :?lenty of ~<~a ter

(everywhere) l ast year.

~LVI'VltJ 'l'lJ.JCl medical doctor
t 9i i bu ua I ph<l!a3t ?an I ~ h
1.t1YI'1'1'13Jfl~n-l., Detter go s ee a doctor .

ph.1!.':t.ln (1) classifier for sheets of paper, boards, e tc.

\':uua kAAt phaam
t o make (s o~et h ing) flat , as a
sheet of paper
prAA kdi iat bl ia ph ~~n

1in ,~~'1trcfS\1U~U (You need t o) use bro sheets

of. paper.

phruam (2) an expanse, an area of

LLWU sky, wat er, etc . (in compounds)
phraah lilat9 \

;a\11~'11tli" The sky is clear.

ph~n d l a? phwUJt h1aah
a l arge ex~ans e of wnter
phaam khere?
1an LLtluilu the world, the earth
ph 21

ph~T' b IOJ) ~U ~l1n'm'"Jn (~U Ll1ai~if1'll~l'l'hi~~O~ ~L;'1U'"Jf)~'iil::fiU "1 "'QUi'1fl\ltrU )

to pour liquar from a bottle into a glass serving
everyone in turn and using a single glass

ph at to fry
phat khnaa na? satyC?aa) I 'i 1?
~fWI::Uifl'tll tl'el1~ to fry ' khnaa ' vegetabl e with
pork (meat)

~~ to bend in order to straighten

phat so~ ?ann tro~
~9'l"bJl ~ ( ~\la; ; '\.,;9l,\l to ben<~ a bamboo pole

phak (1) ern vegetable

«n phak pool)
Un~tl~'1 1 wat er hyacinth
phak bu ~

~n~\l an aquatic morning glory used as a

gr een vegetab le

phak (2) \*l'n to rest

«n tyhaau phak
l1Qfl~n t o take a break

to lie down and rest

duup sam nila t~?
mphllia phak
flf1UIUl~il,~ ::6\lL'1a l~n How long before break
22 ph

phak (3) pod (classifier)

thphoot muu i phak
..;,; 1i'IA'I1tl"ttrn one ear of corn

phak Ja.a.k an empty si 1k \!O:r.m cocoon

Wn F:an

ph~ln (1) \~\.1 thousand


ph~ln (2) «u to wrap around, t o wi nd around

phan ksa l ruuap Qkhary
~u ~~~n.,a'U'ln t o l'lind. a piece of rope around
one's l eg

phaQ - th pha')
tr" .. ner"
p~ot dt a? pha ')
t~1w1tu'r!ua" to bathe i n a pond

phlah ~tJti vu
( ~ell!U1.'ri!J 1l1UVIU~\.IL0 1 )
1 1

t o change, switch,
re!) l ace

phlah trtl? tyuur

~ t K{tJ\.IA'11 tl1 tl\.11 to swi t ch to another buffalo
when pl owinp.;

phra? ?eek the hero (in a play or story)

phra? ?eek t9nap
~.,: Lon'rlia The hero i s handsome.

a Baddha i mage (cl ass ifier)

kraap phra?
011tJW~::t'fVI t!(. 'J to prostrate oneself before
a Buddha i mage

ph 23

phaa ~1 to go through, to walk through (usually

\'t1 something obstacle-like)
phaa phool) kuui
~1~~Ju to go through a large group of people

phaa hw.m (lightning) to fl ash

,.., ~lJ
phaa lwwm phlrep phl ~p
~hLtC~\JLLe.J~t! 'l to be lightning in quick and
-repeated flashes

phaak ~1n to leave in the care of someone temporarily

phaak maar dua? puu~ bwwn thee
N1n~a~l;ouutnt~u Can I leave my things (here)?

a"llJL~ to put on, wea~ (restricted)

ka.o.n knaxm phaa? hap phuua b i? ph~a? sbarce?
~~n 'l La(Ba· ur>l' 11lla,!l'i1 Lt1, The kids are wearing
shirts but no shoes.

n,:: tvn::: ·stomach (the organ)

pha an ~,u ~1u to pass (movin~ i n t he opposite direction)

vnu to pass by
'kheo '
mpra.o.r phaan khnila
1''1~'ilil1utru The cows ran past each other.
kuui huuty phaan t711 phaan tyau bl? bwwn tyhaau
(:O ) ~u L ~wr.i,u1.u.i,~aJ1t).tl.i1H!YI (There are) people
walking hack anc forth without cease.
22 ph

phak (3) pod (classifier)

'lln th pheot muui phak
"li'1'1·h·m'Yii.J'3t:fn one ear of corn

phak ta.a.k an empty silk \!O!"m cocoon

«n c:l tlfl

ph an (1) ,o;ru thousand


ph~m (2) «u to wrap around, to wind around

' ksal ruuap ' QkhwJ

«u~ftn n, "l t o wind a pi ece of rope around

one' s l eg

ph~.H) - thphal)
ef'\i .. atf'3
P:1::> I d i a? ph~H)
tl'11ru; "lUVI'I.!tl" to bathe i n a pond

phlah . ~ q • •
vu8 uu ( ~ e "l~U ~'!'1!111 '1L~Yiutru Ln"l ) to change, switch,
re!) l ace
ph le h trli? t9uur
~,.K4vuPI'1'1tJLtlU'1 to switch to another buffa lo
when plowing

ph ra? ?eek the hero (in a pl ay or story)

phra? ?eek t9nap
~,= ~un'Yiia The hero is handsome .

phra? (?o')) :w~:::v~~u:r~tl ( a"l'i') a Buddha i Mage (classifier)

·!12.:: (1 a~-.,)
kraap phra?
n~"lttff7::ytYin1,J to prostrate oneself before
a Buddha i mage
ph 23

phaa ~~ to go through, to walk through (usually

something obstacle-like)

phaa phoo') kuui

~-,~\)'/J\.1 to go through a large group of people

phaa lll.lliTl (liphtning) to flash

,..~ ~lJ
phaa IUA.Uil1 phlalp phi<Bp
~-1~L~tJmJ~t! CJ to be lip,htning in quick and
r19peated flash es

phaak w~n to leave in the care of someone temporarily


plh aak m~m r dua? puu') bwwn thee

~hn'lHN"l.;'neui.r.i'll'I3J Can I leave my things (here)?

~~uL~ to put on, wear (restricted)

ko.o.n knmam phaa? hap phuua b i? ph~a? sba?re?

t hhQ
t~n 'l (hi rfie u~'1u,~·Hl\H~1 The kids are wearing
s11irts but no shoes .

phaah n,:: LYn::: ·stomach (the organ)


to pass (moving in the opposite direction)

to pass by

' k.hoo mpro..a.r phaan khn 'i I a

·r•:{.'3l:f'lUfl'u The cov1s ran past each other.

k:uui huut9 phaan t9t i phaan tyau bt? blll1ln tyhaau

(fi }flt.l L~ue.hu1tJr.i~~UJ11).1'1.;"£!91 (Ther e are) people
walking hack an~ forth l'ri thout cease.
24 ph

phaal) n~l by the time .•. ; uefore •••

phaa~ n~u j a~ t~au kA? t wee?

n1•~~~~~~ ~ri~~ By t he time he comes it'll
he dark.

phtaat "'
fl'";i~lll\3 a large, f lat, round bamboo tray
ph laat ?om sa.a.
a winnmdng basket

phraat b~a nv!'YI,~~J t.J'I'ItJ\3~'"JI-l'11tl buffalo

<t kind of r ope made of
?-l'll \il
hide or CO\t!h ide

vh t he sky

phsaa (1)

phsaa (2)
w,,B'I Buddhist Lent (in the rainy season)

~ ttll ashes (of .,>Jood, charcoal)

phrO.o . te'
1"''.. ~\3 ~~ "1.1~\3
• . ; ho J.e , open1n
cav1ty • g , crack' l'restrtC
phrO.f) (?aa) I~JUaf)
"h.~,\31~ a hol e or cavity i n a tree
ph rO.!) ktum
~\3~1! buttonhole
ph rO.~ roo?

e~'1 a leak, a hole c~.~ . g . i n a roof)
phrO.f) muh
ph . .

· ph~ d?lim
... .
l'I\J'1A'1\l window

phr{lry pe?

'21€1\lflwflfl birth canal; vagina
Phan? ...
~tl ., ?aaph<\a.?
A; Lr;'vntlJ'l~~tl'l~'l\l C) a term used to address e lderly
... Cl'lt.lfl ..
dis~ant r e l atives

Ln~a salt

~a~ to accuse, to sue tah
tla'lll'lth t o sue for divorce
tha.a.n r.maa J phO.Ol)
{la'IJA~w1o\l to withdraw a (legal) charge

1thv w;1u w,lJ t ? strew, scatter (e . g. flowers,

coins , etc.) ; to sow (rice, etc.); to sprinkle (wat er)
on mpr a.a.p

1) 9f4'l-:uiu (one's) heart to beat (literally
to run) phWwt

phh~ m'phrr?
1;,-i'··w to be cruel ( ?aa) rZt')

t1iiLLon\l to be hard-hearted

phha.a.m ktau
L1il;tJU to be hasty, overanxious
26 ph

phXn ;u t o go beyond, to be free from

phf-n thuk
wu~ni to be free from suffering
phAn ·smai
t o be out of f ashion

t9ii ?~n PhAn ty i h

'hJ''h1;u Get out of my sight !

t o come across (unexpect edly)

b i ? khhl p h~p
'b_j l91V L~a~ l ~Cl I have never come acr oss a nythtbg
like t his .

phol) (1) N~ ~J d~st , dirt par tic l es, usually very fi ne

phof) ( 2) to rai se a baby 's

bot tom and spr ead h is l egs in order to wipe his
bott om

ph~m to be i n bud
pii r d\lf) p h~m

The flowe r ! s still in bud..

phsom to gat her or save up a littl e at

a time , esp . scarce thi ngs
phsom phaal) j al) bwwn
( I ) had t o save Jittl e
by littl e before I coul d get t!~i s amount .

phoo khaa ..mer chant

ph 27

ph loo LNa to emerge; COt':le ur, come out (esp. from an

kdaai ?~~ pl~ phloo laah t7au
·"\f'l,·hia'Pf;atmll~ '· Who stuck their head out
(e!. r. . the window)?

phh? ~u L~a L~u tQ ~eet; to find ; to see ; to think

HUl (restric:ted)
bii? phh? khnl ia duur l ~u ·'
i,~j (i.;) Ylu"'uu'luua'1 We haven't seen each other
in a long time.
.. . '. '
buual ph¥¥? ta~ ruh ~at nthrita
Vl''l ~'<iltl~rla"')lt.l<i!ud (I) found (it) the day before
Y•e sterday.
si i r phh? I Iah
lla~t ~u~n to be able to s ee (something) clearly
bi? ~hYv? k~At naa
L2.i L~U L ~L"' .. (I). don't think it matters.

pho? ~ to be decayed, rotten (wood, book, cloth, etc.)

t i i ·t7on pho?
t.n•~ufi . . (I1;'s) so old (it's) falling apart.

1wa the pi pal tree, bo tree

phook u,~~n firecracker


1u~ to pile on, e.J!. mud, cement, on a flat surface

or in a depression, with the hands
?~ kt~~? phoo? thnaap thXAn
~a•~u1u~~uu•§n Pile some more dirt on the dike.
2B ph

phoom "n:u · to ·be fragrant,

. sweet-smE-lling; to smell of

L'I'I~J ( hing in particular)

p hoorn rwur')
"t!:U f) i<\N "1 to s ~e ll (p leasantly) of s esame
phoom I up t '.

to ~ave a strong, pleasant lingering


phoon (1) fl'Cltl'll a dr um


phoon (2) lJ::mm hof! plum, olive

phooQ ~ 1~~\l ~1n (~n~~::u ..,:u ) crowd, group, flock, herd,

lvN etc. (classi f ier)

phw') Y1\l to depend on (for help)

ha .1 p h'l!!') mu' ua•') b I? t' urwn
~UW\1~t>~1,J'1; [ can't depend on you (for he l p).

rash; goose fl•ash (from cold. excitement)

I' n so cold I 7 ve got goose


. .
omu "'ilt~tJ intensifier, us ed with 11
IUl!J') phwwt
~ l1~n\1ut~u brigh t yellow
ph 29

phUwt t~~ LVI big, large

n~ muua~ tya? phWwt rtt
'Vl1i3J~t\l~'1'l'l111i~~~ llow· did you get to be so bi g?

?aa tyi i r- p 1h t ~a::u ?a 1

i1\'ILVI t~lJ~L~;.,,.,~£1 Is tha t e lephant fully gro'"n

phWtun ri 'Jn a loom

phWu:m taar! rtyh i ty
a loom for '.•leaving cloth

phwwn legend , story; tal e

kMt phwwn vJaau tyau
ttlwVl1U'1\H ~l·.,~., It's a l egend passed on orally.

ilu (\4t~\'l·~~~ ~ ~tlVI ) to spill over (the fo am of hoiling

rice )

dool phuh t~u

.;.,':l ( l~£1\'l'?iT'l ) iuu~'1 The foam of the boiling rice
has spilled over .

'Vlil\'1 ~\'1 ~ ,,ft
stomach, belly ~ pregnant

phuf) phllruJt
"1"~'1'\vj ~\'1f'l,,; to have a big b elly ; to be
p r egnant

an empty stomach

phuQ s?~t tyau daat Qat

,nil\'I\Lvl\'1:1.!'1'1'\a'1t.J1"u to have had an e111pty stomach
f or several . days

phrut ~vl~\I'I~~Vl~a.a'ilm.n 1.;· t tiv.VI '1\1'YlU a rat hole specially

-. WC!~ built for escaping dangers

phlu? a ~iant firecr2cker

phru? to t opple over (as of a tree,

pol e, etc.)
khal ruua~ ph lu? khriliwm
~l1.J11i'il'-lel\11 ~ , !J The tree to~p l ed over with a

a stor m
kjaal phjuh khlaQ
The stortn wind~ are quite strong.

phuuty (1 ) sty (inflammation of the eye)

kMt mat phuuty
tll '1 LW~\1tJ\l t o have a sty

phuuty (2) breed (o f animals) ; family, lineage

kdaa i phuuty mbo nli
'\n·HC1uvi'u9l,::Q~fi Who is the origin of this
fm~ ily, i. e . P.egi nni~g ancestor?

phuuty '
?aa Ill?
1~n'iftlq1'!~ a boar for br eeding purpos es

phuu? (1) 'Yl\.141'1 ~·.,us tache , beard, whiskers

phu u? kaa suum
th e feelers of a prawn
phuu? mcerou
a eat's whisker s

ph 31

phuu? (2) na\3 (nijtJ"', a st ack ·" to form into a pile,

~n'effii~'U"'lJ ) . .
t.J to stack up (firewood, bags of charcoal, watermelons,
.. phuu? sa..a. · dua? b 11 a phuu'!
na\3\~m.JoU"''ll -1'( LihJ ) ~Nt>\lnt>\3
Pile up the rice
(unthrcshed) into t wo piles •

phuu'"i dool dool '1.1()\.l'l'l"' a game of hide and seek
r.~ 191v 19lu

phuun Y,i'W to pile up, to heap up (threshed ric e, sand,

earth, etc.)
phuun sa..a. dua? b lla phuu? "'""> Ltifuln't-1 ( d:lu )(ft>\'J fl t>\3 Pile up the (threshed)
rice into t wo piles.

phuur a thick rope

phruun VW"'fl parasitic ~-11orrn (in bodi es)

---:w phruun ntaa pth phu~
l~tl"'~«'1~~ L~ll~tl\'1 (His) stomach 's full of
t ape-vJOrms .

t c:r.::~ on t he verge of overflowing i. e . water in a
canal, pourl, and the like
dia? sa? phiah snh
{~~~~L~t>~u The (wat er in the) pond is about
to overflow.

phi 'la? a chisel

32 ph

phrla? 9\a nn~ ::: '·~'tn t umeric Curcuma (flower)

phi ia '8 ~vw

/;.# "' ..J ~
(t{1 £Jtl t: 'V1CJfJ I ~Jr.i '1 . -we:~auova"~t-n,
tl.• •
t he gastric juice 1 tv t ..... ,

Lflf.l in an animal's i ntestines, esp. t h.o t of an ox, which

is used in some food preparation

phi Iat ~ - 1~~ to be entangl ed; to cross (one ' s legs , arms}
L~£JYl ' \
ksai ph ii at khnlia
The cords are entangled.

ph 'l i at ') kh0.f)

to cross one's legs
\;:) : '1'1171 t o place acr9ss, over
?~re sbaal ph 'ilat mpaa?
t '8'1W1'Wl'1~'1VI'1~'U'1 to place a clot h over the .

phi' i at dyUlUr:J to have one 's l egs crossed (sitting)

tkauu phi' l at dywwf)

• ., t j).o'

il"L~'J~'" to s it cross -legged

phi iak
1~H~'1 1,~a~'1'1 ~~ (n;~'1 ) chol era; t he !Jl ague (as
tf.lun in a curse)
' \
lii? ?it phliak l ~h
The pi gs died of swine p lague.

?aa/? i i ph I i ak
i.n;ti~., A plague on you (male/female) !

phi' i ak t7aa
~ 1nu A pl ague on it!

phi ia n W'l'U a pedes t a l tray

~ tltJ\J.
' ' \ "i' : r~ .

ph 33

ph 'l i al) to talk in one's s 1eep


(lie) often talks in his sleep.

ph i 'i l a to chop (into small pieces)

le.J~(J '
Phlila sat y ?~n l?ooty
itut.a~L;t:l:a5u?l Chop up the meat very fine.
,,,.,. ; .
• 0'
ph llial) mat to open .one 's eyes
Lc.l~ll-:1 iJ'fl '
phliial) mat m~ nWw?

~~'fii~U~\'1~ Open (your) eyes and look!

phri' ian '1'{~1\J hunter


~~\'1 to shine a light (at)
phri ial) tyloh m~ ?ann thuu
~n\'11ia'~~'J Shine the torch (and) look al~


ph t 'lu ~~ L'l.l crocodil e


phllal (1) ~~~~~ to wear over the shoulder, to carry on
·. ~1 uu the shoulder

ph 'i iai jaam

~~~IUUI~ to carry (on the shoulder) a bag
with a strap

ph 'I i a I (2) L~"V-:> L1Jtt~'J l'tt tl (O,tJI U111 ) to !'0\11, paddle; an oar,
ttluu a paddle

phtiai thuu? tyil tlaat

Lt~'J t~a"ltlml'l~ to r0\'1 a boat to the Jl'larket
34 ph

I!ave you seen t he oar?

phi' iau to hurry, has ten

li1L!l1or:l ph) i au ty i i nAAm "nd
l'lf·li'tJiiJLY;Hca nu{] You 're really i n1 a b ig
hurry t o go .

phsai f :11l (from eating)

tyaa tyon phsai
fiu1;}u~h.J to eat unti l one is f~11l

phaa f (m rhap ) ~laying cards ( a pack)

'111V (1J"'S 0'\J)

phaa i pha a 1~o1~ flashli ght

Y!1tl ..... ,

phlaau ~VI"R 'I a xl e , s haft

~ ~~TJ

phraau ph raau n:: tVl"l"l basil, a seasoning herb

;1, 1"1 f.l,1 "1

phui t o b lot'! (s!I!oke)

phui Mp i l ? bri i
l'ittfi"1U'J~'~ t o blo\'1 cigarett e smo!:e out (of
one's l'lOuth )
ph 35

phuut 1P. ~u1a to chase after, chase away

phuui toon ty~~n
to chase after r obber s
phuul ~h thaan thee
1~~U~'lll12J f)id you cat ch. up with the horse?
phuu i ?aatya.a. tooh tah dur)
1a'l'l~nean~,n,J,u to chase a dog out of the house

ph tua? tusk (of an elephant), ivory


phuua (1) enough, sufficient

?ann pra? phuua l ~u
(You) have given (him) enough
money a lready.
phuua kAAt phuua tyaa
i"lt~fiYJaf)u to have just enoup,h (money) to live on

phuua (2) if
li'"J 't i at
phuua \o: k¥ i ha 1 b 1? ty 11
;, ~~u~u ~2JL2J1u If it ' s that way, I won't go.
phuua rot bi? lop tyau '
mha l jaf) \'luua ' at
n 'i i a
;,~~1~n~U2J'l (~4n)l ,,~:::~,aJ,~1~
If t he car
(bus) doesn't come back what are we going to do?

phuual) (1) -dn vn~ bunch, c luster (of flowers, fruit)


phuual) (2) t la\'l ( Ln~~,nnT~ \ifu"ii LW <ztV~iltma~'a\~a\1)

t o tie blistered,
er~~ swoll en (from friction, such as a blister from hoeing,
new shoes, etc.)
36 ph

phuual) (3)
WJ. \3 to conn ect, couple (one vehicl e or vessel to
another for towing)

thuu? phuuar')
a boa t, or a t rai n of boats, pulled
by a t ugboat

ph r uuam (I) to be ready, complete

phruuam khr~p nawu
:" t
'ri"'Hl3Jl'lnmJ1'il Everythin?- 's ready (to do so!?lething)·

phruuar,, phhaa.rn
'fl;m/l,-<;J to be unanirrtous , in comp l e te accord

phruuam (2) to consent, agre e

ph ruuam ?ann tyii
thw·m /hi'ttl to agree to let (sor.-teone) go

phruuao to hraid, to plait (hair, rope)


b 37

bit to t"'ist; "gring ( except c lothes)

b l t b I a>.(f.J"I kh I a') kh I ar)
to twist someone's arm hard

b it tya? tyl i tyau

tlflfli U'1. l h.n ( ~'ITu ~ '1tll ~il'·nu ~ t o t\'!is t (one ' s
body) back and forth , as Nhen stiff

nthffi<B I b it ldoor kjaa?

t.!l u\lfl~ti''1 A wife brists her husband's ear .

b lty u~u to l ie (down)

mu ut b i ty
t '1l l'lHltJ to go to bed

b lty mp l o.h
to lie on one' s back

bi t 9 I) khromr
u au~ ~t~'rN to lie on one ' s side
' al) mat
b i ty ph lll
to lie do"'n l·:ith the eyes open

b I? (1) '~~• i.~ not

bl? dip tya?
. unaware , un1conscious

b i? kro.o. k"? \ttaa 1

s ooner or l ater

t9huu i bl? p ih phh~om

I:J •
C" "
(He) c\oesn ' t r ea lly want to h e 1p .
bl? mphia? tyhuut
1l.i;a\1"Lhu (You) don't have to help.

don 't

bi'? wuua l<cr.£- 1

au •~ ~ ~ ~u
• •
Don 1 t pl ay around .
38 b

bi? ?uut dip

tm·,a~~ri Don' t tan like (pr e:tend) you know
it a ll.

bl? kraa i ktoor

. 1eas1ng
to be d1sp . to the ear,
j arrine, i.e. what someone says

b i? ( 2)
. 1e used. 1.n a warning
ar. exc 1amatory part1c
b i "/ tarn te~
t~rr.lf.itla'l ~w:: Em ! I' 11 slap your hand ·

• • • L&!U .. . not ... at al l
bi? bUJ.Un blp
Ll.l'i.~~l'lu (I) didn' t get a ny a.t a ll.

I. 12-i'lllU\'l ( L~flllJ~ ) well-behaved, not fussy or
fretful (o f children, babies)

kn03aln n 'il bih

L~n~udL~'ltlU\3 This ch ild is not fussy .

~'11~~H9!tl~tl\3 t~n 'l parti c l es of dirt, specks of
dust small hit s of paper, '"ood, etc . (larger thgn
[ phol) ])

bri h muut Mat

~L~,n, to get soMething in one's eye

~. L~u~~ to rub against
\ ? \ '
ffi&a<E I UUul) bl i t khnila
• ~ · st
n\'l11JL~U~~fi'\J The tree branches rub agaln
each ot her.

~. t1iltJ t o pinch (as when caught in something)

ktaamb ii ttee

'ljvlfltJ!Ja !1. crab pinched (my) h:and.

b 39

ijA O~t«v~ O~Muav unv little (quantity), few, a

little, a little bit
SAA dia? kaa bll? blf?
,&U;~IOft L «v~ to put in a little bit of
fish sauce
kuul tyau bli? thll sut
AUU1unv~~A Very few people came.

MR\JM~n , anM~nn constantly moving tO evade being

seen or caught by using somet hing as a barrier (as
in hide and seek, as a squirrel or lizard, etc.)
(sbaa r)
( 'D\J!u)
~~ (ulv) to wear a cloth or sash which is crossed
over the l eft shoulder and under the right arm
~ ~M4 a factory-made or hand-rolled cigarette

(Uhn ) to fold or pull one's lips inward,
( L1ll~tJ)
compressing them
lLlJ:; •
uu to complain, to grumble, to say (something)

s r rTl m;p.? bee?

ttiV'lLWW the sound of mother complaining

djA a fishing rod complete with hook and line

plaa b;:eh
~a Lu~ a fishhook
ksal ba>h
~,v,~A fishing line
40 b

bcah (2) to ~e congested (of breasts)

t::> h bc:eh
tJl!f.i'lll t o be congested \.,ith JiliH.

b;.t<h ( 3) to be soraewhat loose ; to hav~ a strong desire

(often sexual)

kuui kpa i bceh
..., .
Ylflj\1'li\J ( UlJI.'J~mJI\J )
girl or WOT"lan who won ' t

stay home (as tradition requires)

to bl ink (one's eyes)

br<Bh t o be a ll right (not ill)

kuu brc:eh bwwn ?i p
B~~tJitJ~YI"i'tJ Are you doing okay?

a goat

Q . U!Jn to separate (intrans itive)

biDCB? knaa tyii t roon t rii ?

~wn (9'1un~) m\11\.h:nlll'll fl? l tl to go different
ways t o l ook for the buffal o(es)

ba::a:,? khni' ia J:)p tyi i duo

to separat e and eo home
t o put out a new shoot (bananas,
banbco, rhi zomes)

r:unrnt') bw.? l<oon
The ~a l anga l (rhizome) has put

out new shoots .

b 41

to share , divide into shares

b~J'l ?ann s~ kh rop na?
ifu'h1ua\1'Vlfl~u to share (it) '~ith all one's
younFer brother or sist ers

blale!aJ'l wuu arm

-~ bl~p hap

braaaap to be dry and crispy (as fried fish,

toast, etc.)

bap (noh duu? ) to keep shut ; to shut , close (the mouth)

tftJ ( LU,:::n ~"l::: ")

bat n~, gr ass (in generel)
bat rat
~~,\J;a\1 Johnson grass (Scirpus capsularis;
Sor ghum halepense)

bat 1JY~'"J a card


soup, s t ~w , curry; food "with rice"

bat7 sat 7
LLfl\1 Lda beef soup
kAAt bat7 bt la n~u
11fi'u~a\1aU,\1 (We) have two dishes of food
("with rice") .

to bud (of leaves) ; to put out (leaves)

khal l ~ua~ nthbp thlt bat7
~1ui.;Lfl\11il:::~§tuilau The tree has just started
to put out new leaves.
42 b

bak ti:red, fatigued

'i1n .. \
wuua wi i? t9on bak
to work until tired

bak thau a solid steel headed axe or hatchet

'irn Lw1

ba? to cut notches ("steps")

in a tree trunk to climb it more easily

ba: t9hoor to sweat profuse l y

tJ:: ~a,
m~~ meh ha i ba? t9hbor
,.4 ..
~·~·t.aYI\1atLC1 01'1lJmL£~ 'J Look ! I 'm a ll wet with sweat .

bah .
u::! ~4 ::! (~1~YI 1U) an excl amation used when one
fee l s annoyed

Dammitl (I) made a mistake again.

bam ...
tLOl.l ch eel~

bar "h.i\1mL\1 t'lell-beha.ved, not fretful, not fussy (of a

ticy child)
bap rit nl i
LlJ,'\ltHL\'l tmtJU~ (Good !) You're not fussy at all.

ba Q (1) - ?aaba8 YIUl>L~ at bamboo shoot

ti\1 - e111"

bao ( 2) to fight, battle


to 1dn a battl e
b 43

baf) (3) to block, obstruct-see [ mpaf)]

\1'3 baf) kjaal na? puu? dua?
tl'''rm~~91 to block off (i.e. shield from)
the wind and the sun

baf) kuui naa krooJ

tJ''3AU"Ii"l"',tr" t o obstruct the view of people
behind (one)

bo.? -uiru~tH119'111"u ~l ~" ~ ~~n'h1'LYlf1tJHl~1eui.'t'l'l to move a fishing

...t 'UI:: rod up and dmm in order to move the bait (and attract

bo.h t o throw out, throw away, abandon

LtJ"l::tJ ?~ knat I~ bo.h ?onn Qhaal
Lfl"ll'l\lti'lltJ~"1.,;'1nr. Take the dead rat and throw
it far away.
bo.h wl t?
«"""lu to desert one's work (job)

tiT~tHln popFed or puffed rice

- --

blo.k ~ILYln (tJ~UflU ; to have rings under the eyes because

of lack of sleep

nau ?at bitr tron b lo.k

L<vi'Cl~uauqu•;;n1Yli1 He's gone without sleep
till he's got rings under his eyes .

liquor , whiskey

b I OJ) t hwwan
illegal wh iskey (moonshine, bootleg)
44 b

bla.f) thoo
t 'l'lil 'llfll'll'IU" ( '.ll"flu L1'tm-J., Ll'lii'• a•1vt ~Hl'ni-,'YI1~a lJ.._,;.,'l
~llli~~\) l tl n 1
c: "' ~a1'J.a •
n1u£J"J L'I'I "{Ol~Cl'11'l~Of\'Ual
Cl"' "'
"I "'
LatJAUa'1 L'(:l,"'LLa'1

'J.u1VJ ~.._,'!-) b -"1 -)u LLm"J~.._,A.t)tJ LfT1JU1!JIOViCJa1JA'1-, fl'. _,t -}a'n

9-t:. "ru talu'1at~rnJ I~1Ji.; l'IJhmtruO!.i a kind of hol!le-
made whiskey made by 1)1 mi xing finely-ground
yeast with steal1led sticky rice 2) letting it
ferr:'lent for 2-3 days i.n an earthen jar 3) adding
well \'later as deemed appropriat e 4) letting it
set for 1-2 days more , aft er which it may be
drank as is (a milky-colored liquid) or distilled

<tru <lrtrii to drive (a car, bicycle, cart, etc.)

~~l to light (a cigaret t e, candl e, etc.)

- --
t ua::~
bAt kpuk
~AH:: LfftN to light a l antern

U'L.!U1uto nake a pledge or vow, promising a thank-

- --
t ue:~::u
offering if one's desire is v:·anted

bAn ja? tcuuh

I · ritS
uuu•u Li.,v;a to mal!<e a bow to guardian spl

f11J ('LieNth::: Lm1CJI'I'I1 "5 L.Ju ;.'l':totl , 'firs·n Lnf:a ..,61"1

., "'fiu
- --

A'1uf1..,vfv)Jlt.Wi'Yl~" ) to borrow (used only for food'

e . g. rice, chili pepper, sa lt , etc.) and pay back
with the same t hing later.

bo? (1)
~u 1 ::: a cushion
b 45

b~? (2)
1\J'):;. nmJ 9J [A Ltl'l~ ~J (1) to pull out, pull up
see [tb:>?] (1)

to pull out a tooth

b=>? lak I Jlah bah
nau,trn1tru fu, to pull up a stake and toss
it away

b:>? r~h luua l)

nau11nl~ to pull up a (plant root

tl1J to hold in the mouth

b:>m di a? wlir dua?
a~u1a1u1 1 to hold saliva in the mouth
b:>m tee
a1Jfla to suck one's thumb

,a~u, to fish with a casting net

1,,~w1 sweet basil, a seasoning herb

food that has not been touched

(i.e. eaten) by anyone yet

an underground lottery (number)

t~at bn
u,\1WlU to "stab", i.e. to choose an under-
ground lottery number
kraai bn
to win the underground lottery
46 b

bnt to be narrowed squinting ha l f-closed (ey.e s.

kuu i mat b¥ ¥t
flU\11~ a per son with nar row slit eyes
(presumably a birih defect )

bn? to open, to turn on, to switch on


to open t he window
daai b¥¥? dia? bah nil '
<J.A-, ~.tlvlu~~"'l--lil J.l''ho l eft t he water running?

boot 1u&; a church, a t empl e


book (1) 't'Un ( m-,~\Ju7Ji:Jt'IY1t1\1 ) a game of chance in which

1un bets are pl aced on Nhether an odd or even number
of split seed, when rolled like dice~ will be
flat si de up

/ book (2) 11uan the hump on backside of an ox ' s or buffalo's

tun neck

book l<oon-t7<ia3 a padlock, or fixed l ock

1un nau-tL~

boo? to hit or bounce with the head

lu ..
?~ p Ia.o. boo? nt roo
· tal,r-:~1m.t\1~l::n-i'tl to bounce a rattan ball td th
one's head

Hn«'11~mrJ1 to beat one's head against

the wall
b 47

bw? 9 • ~1 u1~ to pierce, prick, punctur e; to be cut

{J .. by something

taa? poo bw? ~~~

~,~1t;, (I) stepped on a nail.

rtyhAI bw? kom tee

t.U2.1n'1~Ji1a (Hy) finger was pricked by a

mpeet bw? tee

to be cut on the hand by a knife
to be sharp- edged
mpeet n'i i bw?
D~d~ This knife is sharp.

bUAUn ,; to be able, can

tyl i blWln
,,.n; to be able to go, allowed to go

bwwn tyl l ..
l;ttl I got t o go, i.e. went.

'~"'~ .to l>ecome overbold

blWln mmraal
1;n'1l~ to make a profit

bwwn wi' i? bwwn wllar

l?i'<li'W"l;n,.~ to get work (a job); to be ab le
to work as much as one wishes

bul!.ln '
•l-91 d~u ( t Uu~lb'tl,~u, )t'\'u to be common-law
husband and wife
48 b

b I UJJJ t o bur st in to f lames , to fl ane up

?uuh b lww waai
TI)e fire burst into flames quickly.

brw.u to be drol'rsy
u1 mat brww
to have onev s eyes half- c losed
with drowsiness , to be dozing

bu'? (1) ~ ?aabu? 't,ln (t!i'm:lA-.,fi'-'A1:~'1tJ'Um.l) a large edibl e tuber sinilar

to calladiu.":l

bu? (2) 'o-J'"1'-' ('lla'-'vf d.jutN. L'U~ ~ LL~ J to throw in, at

'4 (pm·Jderlike substances)
?~ffi ph~~ bu? mat
~en ~-l,"'l~-.,U'~ to t hrow dust in someone ' s
f ace

buh to burn; to cremat e

bu h tyah
Lt-l"10'1U to burn wood (by us ing a special
technique) in order to get charcoal

bun <i) . mcri t; any of various meri t-rnaking

'l.f.lJ '-'"1U'4tlJ
festivals, ceremoni es, etc.

bun buh kmoot y

a .cremation cerewony
bun t~p kmooty
a buria l ceremony
bun tyhl on~ roo~ rl' i n
'-''1Uw8 B'-'L,'-'L~uu
school dedication ceremony
and festival, or an anniversary ce lebration
b 49

o~ 'JtlJI'lru kindness fo r which one is i ndebted

kha l bu n khun
4'J~~ru to be grat eful for someone •s kindness
kAAt nee bun khun
L tJu'l'lii'l.lfi,J9lf.J t o o\\'e a debt of grat itude

bluh ~auu~J n a t ermite mound, or any cone-shaped

mound of hard earth

to blink (the eyes)

mat brut7 brut7

n,::\~~\J~l "lt'f , ( \iH'L1'1 ~ L;1) to blink one's
eyes rapidly (as when dust gets in them)

buu i1'1 a lotus

buut (1) \1'1~ to enter th e prie st hood, to be ordained

bun buut
~IU\J J~ an ordination ceremony and festival

buut t7h 1i
U "l~~ to become a nun
buut mruun
t o become a monk

bu.ut (2) to pull something long and

\1\11 ~1et through closed fingers to squeeze out excess

liquid, e.g . thread that has been boiled in starch,

or to r emove· hemp bark after soaking the stalks

bUU') (1) ~B'W a spoon
so b

bUUI) (2)
. .
lJ":l\1 1'11\1 a loop, a snare, a noos e
'l" tyrearn kraal buul)
un\1m.i""J\l-r~ A bird has been caught by the
tya.a. tAt bUUI')
Vll!1tii9lu":l\3 A dog is caught in the snar e .

buul to be drunk (fro~ a l cohol, marihauna , etc.);

\J'Cl dizzy
buul b iO.I)
to be drunk (on whiskey)

buu l ph~?
t o be rotten drunk

bruu ~L~ 1 a hill, a mounta i n

bi ia ~D\1 t \>10
bI ia ta.a. b If a
just the two ; (may be more t han
two) in privacy

b i lap U'I'LI a sin

wuu a b If ap
Vl;u1tl t o s in

b i tat an a l ms bowl of a Buddhist pri est used as

~ flv~ a receptac l e for food pr esent ed to hi~

khOm bi l nt
to \·1al k a round to collect food
i n the morning (of a monk)
b 51

a canal. a small stream

to be bright, li~ht , lighted; dawn

tyhit jal') br i ial) lmceu
I~ natJ'Iil::~..;,\3LL54 It Is almost da\m.

bau a burlap bap., or a bag of similar coarse

l tll weave

bdaau b I0.1)
. ....
~"""tt1~1 yeast used to ferment rice fo r making
tii'IT~ \ un1 ::\3 whis~ey
bau l nIl ,,ud yester day
tJ"""tJ {f
fbuai n1i ?ip
just yesterday

bua? (1) uan to peel (fruit vegetables) with a knife or

th:: the hands

bua? (2) white (except skin co lor)

·t h::

buuan a place (where)

{hu '
buuan niia
~,.,\.! Where? (used especially when the
speaker has specific pl aces in mind)
buuan tkaau
~fti" a seat
buuan mhu?
some places

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