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Denielle Joseph N.

Ocampo January 9, 2020

XI – HUMSS B Compare and Contrast Paragraph

Online Vs Traditional Education

Online Vs Traditional Education. In traditional education is kind a quite
structured where students should meet at regular times on each week. We’ve all
experienced this type of learning in our lives. Traditional Education or Learning involves
large group of students belonging to the same age group sitting in a classroom and
listening to the instruction by the educator, teacher or professor, etc. this kind of teaching
is that it involves the student interaction and participation. Knowledge sharing is real time.
A part from this student can also attend student discussion lectures, be a part of a study
groups and so on. While in online education or learning they can take a class through the
internet, online video or through web – based delivery. Online learning provide attraction
between the students & instructor through virtual assistance, email, course,
announcements, and etc. it can also help them to focus more on independently learning
and your classes may even go quicker without any distractions. But when it comes to
studying the best thing to choose is to study in school rather than studying on online
because when you study at school you can also to communicate to others specially to
your friends in school communicating to your friend while studying might help you to study
especially when there’s a lesson or topic that you can’t understand you can ask them and
they might help you with that and they can also teach you too about that topic and your
communicating skill might improve too same as the online learning or education. But while
studying in online you can only communicate or ask you’re your educator or teacher if
there’s a topic that you cannot understand. And studying online makes you a lonely
person. Yes, studying in online make you faster to learned the lesson and it makes you
stay at home sitting there gain the knowledge, less expensive, and miss classes can be
gained on any time, and lastly that you can get more explanations. And the only thing that
they miss is that they can’t have fun in online education they can only do in online learning
is just focus on what they want to study. But when it comes to traditional learning they
can have fun while studying in school they have group activities and so on. But the only
problem is that when your studying in schools or universities there’s a lot of payments
and sometimes it’s so expensive especially when you’re not from a rich family and when
your just having public transport just go to school. And the good thing about online
learning is when you’re one of the working students you can now focus on your work while
studying especially when you’re so tired of your work now you can rest while studying at
your house. Plus, online learning may be more suitable for grownups who are continuing their
education while they're working in their regular jobs. But in traditional learning or education
the students are more suitable for young children and teenagers because they need to
attend classes so that they can help their self to interact to others and to their own age,
and they can be disciplined, can follow regular schedules, and improve their physical fitness
and mental alertness. Also, classroom learning is more helpful due to a continuous interaction
between students and teachers, as it helps students to get rid of their fears regarding exams,
which can rarely happen with online guidance. Lastly, interactions with good teachers help
motivate students to achieve higher marks

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