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Teacher ROCHELLE P. LIMET Learning Area MIL
Date October 24, 2019 Quarter 1ST SEMESTER – 2ND QUARTER

Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of media and information literacy (MIL) and MIL
related concepts.
Performance Standard The learner organizes a creative and interactive symposium for the community focusing on
being a media and information literate individual.
Learning Competency/ies evaluates current trends in media and information and how it will affect/how they affect
individuals and the society as a whole.
CONTENT Current and Future Trends of Media and Information – Ubiquitous Learning
Google Drive and Google Quiz
Subject Integration Subject Integration: Math (Correct Order of Colors)
Arts (Using colors and pattern)
1. Objectives
Knowledge  Define Google Drive and google quiz.
 Familiarize steps in manipulating google drive and creating google quiz
Skills  Create folder, upload and download files and share google drive
 Publish 5 items test in google quiz
Attitude  Value the importance of google drive
Values Self-awareness, accuracy, workmanship, responsibility
2. Learning Resource  Technology And Livelihood Education – 9 TG PP. 188 - 190
3. Learning Materials  Android Phone  Laptop
 Television  Activity Sheets
 PowerPoint Presentation  Internet Provider (Globe at
 Projector Home Prepaid Wifi)
4. Procedures
4.1 Introductory  Classroom management
Activity  Checking of attendance
 Review of the previews lesson on Google Classroom, Google Docs and Google
4.2 Activity/Strategy GROUP ACTIVITY
 Motivation. Kahoot
a. Pair the students.
b. Provide kahoot Pin to students.
c. Students will onnect their mobile phones/laptops using the PIN
d. Start the game and check the prior knowledge of students on the topic for
this session.
4.3 Analysis Processing Questions:
1. How did you find your activity?
2. What are the tools used to connect the computers?
3. How computers in this room are connected?
4. How many colors are present in LAN Cables?
5. How are these colors being arranged?
6. Did you get the correct arrangement?
4.4 Abstraction  Please see attach copy of PowerPoint Presentation.
4.5 Application Return Demo
Group Activity.
1. Group students into 5 groups.
2. Each Group will create a folder in google drive according to the course assigned to
3. The group will upload the corresponding learning materials on the folder created.
4. A shortened url will be submitted to check the functionality of the google drive.
5. Students from other groups will be ask to download files from other groups.
Peer Evaluation
1. Students output will be rated by their partner using the rubric below.
2. After 20 minutes, another student will perform the task and will also be rated by
her partner.
3. Students with disabilities will be given additional 10 minutes to perform the task.

4.6 Assessment I. Direction: Write the missing color in the Straight – through connection wiring diagram.
Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.

II. Identification. Identify whether the following connections uses Straight Through or
Cross Over Cable. Write your answer on the space provided.
1. PC to Switch ___________________________
2. Switch to Switch ___________________________
3. Router to Switch ___________________________
4. PC to PC ___________________________
5. PC to Router ___________________________
4.7 Assignment Research and study on the 5s principles and 3rs management program in setting up
computer networks.
4.8 Concluding activity To summarize the topic, ask the students the following questions.
(Generalization) 1. What is LAN Cabling?
2. What are the two types of Network cables?
3. What is the difference between straight through and cross over network cable in
terms of usage?
4. How to connect a straight through cable?
5. How to connect a cross – over cable?
6. Can we use RJ45 for the second time? Why or Why not?
7. What will happen you will not follow the correct color coding in creating LAN
8. How are we going to ensure the accuracy and functionality of the LAN Cables?
5. Remarks
6. Reflections
a. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
b. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
c. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
d. No of learners who
continue to require
e. Which of my
learning strategy
worked well? Why
did these work?
f. What difficulties did
I encounter which
my Principal or
Supervisor can help
me solve?
g. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to
share with other

Prepared by:

Teacher I



PROCESS Systematically follow Systematically follow Cannot follow the
the steps prescribed all the steps prescribed steps prescribed
the time sometimes
Functionality Able to complete the Able to complete the Wasn’t able to
task correctly task with error complete the task
Time Able to Finish the task Able to finish the task Unable to finish the
Management ahead of time a minute after the task.
given time
Awareness Student express Student expresses Student expresses
maximum awareness on some awareness on a little awareness
the importance of LAN the importance of LAN on the importance
Cabling Cabling of LAN Cabling
Safety Observe the safety Observe the safety Cannot observe the
precaution prescribed precaution prescribed safety precaution
all the time sometimes prescribed.

NAME: ______________________________________ Year& Section: _____________ Score _________

TIME STARTED: _______________________________ TIME ENDED: _____________________________

Individual Performance Activity:

1. Create a functional Cross – Over and Straight Through LAN cable. Remind the students of the
2. Each student will be given 20 minutes to perform the task, ½ meter UTP CABLE and 5 rj45.
Peer Evaluation
1. Students output will be rated by their partner using the rubric below.
2. After 20 minutes, another student will perform the task and will also be rated by her partner.


ST CABLE (50) -
CO CABLE (50) - ___________
TOTAL (100) -


Name: _______________________________________ Year & Sec. _______________ Score: _________

A. Direction: Write the missing color in the Straight Through Connection wiring Diagram. Write
the letter of the correct answer.

B. Identification. Identify whether the following connections uses Straight Through or Cross Over
Cable. Write your answer on the space provided.
6. PC to Switch ___________________________
7. Switch to Switch ___________________________
8. Router to Switch ___________________________
9. PC to PC ___________________________
10. PC to Router ___________________________

Name: _______________________________________ Year & Sec. _______________ Score: _________


PROCESS Systematically follow Systematically follow Cannot follow the
the steps prescribed all the steps prescribed steps prescribed
the time sometimes
Functionality Able to complete the Able to complete the Wasn’t able to
task correctly task with error complete the task
Time Able to Finish the task Able to finish the task Unable to finish the
Management ahead of time a minute after the task.
given time
Awareness Student express Student expresses Student expresses
maximum awareness on some awareness on a little awareness
the importance of LAN the importance of LAN on the importance
Cabling Cabling of LAN Cabling
Safety Observe the safety Observe the safety Cannot observe the
precaution prescribed precaution prescribed safety precaution
all the time sometimes prescribed.

A. Direction: Write the missing color in the Straight Through Connection wiring Diagram. Write
the letter of the correct answer.
B. Identification. Identify whether the following connections uses Straight Through or Cross Over
Cable. Write your answer on the space provided.
1. PC to Switch ___________________________
2. Switch to Switch ___________________________
3. Router to Switch ___________________________
4. PC to PC ___________________________
5. PC to Router ___________________________

Name: _______________________________________ Year & Sec. _______________ Score: _________

A. Direction: Write the missing color in the Straight Through Connection wiring Diagram. Write
the letter of the correct answer.

B. Identification. Identify whether the following connections uses Straight Through or Cross Over
Cable. Write your answer on the space provided.
1. PC to Switch ___________________________
2. Switch to Switch ___________________________
3. Router to Switch ___________________________
4. PC to PC ___________________________
5. PC to Router ___________________________

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