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Jln. Raya Gunungtanjung Km. 2,5 Manonjaya – Kabupaten Tasikmalaya 46197


Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS
Jenjang : SMK
Kelompok : Teknologi, Kesehatan dan Pertanian

Hari / Tanggal : KAMIS, 5 APRIL 2012
Jam : 08.00 – 09.30

1. Isikan identitas Anda ke dalam Lembar Jawaban Ujian Sekolah (LJUS) yang telah tersedia dengan
menggunakan pensil 2B sesuai petunjuk di LJUS.
2. Hitamkan bulatan di depan nama mata pelajaran ujian pada LJUS
3. Tersedia waktu 90 menit unutk mengerjakan paket tes tersebut
4. Jumlah soal sebanyak 40 butir, pada setiap butir soal terdapat 4 (empat) pilihan jawaban.
5. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawabnya.
6. Laporkan kepada pengawas ujian apabila terdapat lembar soal yang kurang jelas, rusak, atau tidak lengkap.
7. Mintalah kertas buram kepada pengawas ujian, bila diperlukan.
8. Tidak diijinkan menggunakan kalkulator, HP, tabel matematika atau alat bantú hitung lainnya.
9. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebleum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian.
10. Lembar soal tidak boleh dicoret-coret.


Listening Comprehension
In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English.
There are 4 parts to this section, with special directions for each part.
Part I
Directions :
For each item, there is a photograph in the book and four short sentences about it on the audio program.
The sentences are not written out and are spoken two times; so you must listen carefully. You must
choose the one sentence: - (A), (B), (C), or (D) – that is best description of what can be seen in the
photograph. Then mark the letter that corresponds to the best answer on your answer sheet.
Look at the example. You see this photograph.
Listen to the four sentences:
a. He’s late paying his taxes
b. He’s signaling for a cab
c. He’s waving from a window
d. He’s getting out of the taxi
Choice (c) “He’s waving from a window” is the best description of what can be seen in the photograph.
Now let us begin with question number 1.



Part II
Directions :
In this part of the test, you will hear a question or statement on the audio program. After that, you will
hear three possible responses to the question or statement. Each question or statement and each response
is spoken two times and is not written out in your book; so listen carefully. Mark the answer that
corresponds to the best response to the question or statement on your answer sheet. Listen to a sample :
You hear : X : Who wrote this memo?
You then hear : Y : a. The vice president
b. She wrote the letter to me
p c. I had to memorize it
Choice (a) “The vice president” is the best response to the question “Who wrote this memo?”
You should mark (a) on your answer sheet.

4. Mark your answer on your answer sheet!

5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet!
6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet!
7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet!

Part III
Directions :
In this part of the test, you will hear some short conversations involving two speakers. Each conversation
is spoken two times and is not written in your book; so listen carefully. In your book, you will read a
question about each conversation. Following each question are four answer choices - (A), (B), (C), or (D).
Mark the letter that corresponds to the best answer on your answer sheet.

8. How did the man lose weight?

a. He went on a diet c. He started exercising
b. He got sick d. He doesn’t know
9. Why won’t the man buy the sweater?
a. He doesn’t like the color c. It’s poor quality
b. It doesn’t fit d. It’s too expensive
10. What is the man talking about?
a. His wife’s birthday c. His promotion
b. His anniversary d. His birthday
11. What is the man considering?
a. Talking to the vice president c. Opening a company himself
b. Taking a new position elsewhere d. Continuing his education

Part IV
Directions :
In this part of the test, there are two brief talks. These talks are not written out and are spoken two times, so
you must listen carefully. There are two questions about each of the talks. Following each question are four
possible answers - (A), (B), (C), or (D). You must decide which of these best answers the question and
then mark the letter that corresponds to the best answer on your answer sheet.

12. What is the theme of the series?

a. Geology c. Travel
b. World history d. Filmmaking
13. How long is tonight’s film?
a. A half hour c. An hour and a half
b. One hour d. Two hours
14. What is Ms. Valmont’s job?
a. Computer programmer c. Journalist
b. Government official d. Publisher
15. What will be heard next?
a. Last week’s election c. A candidate’s speech
b. A political commentary d. Local news stories

Incomplete Dialogue (Questions 16 – 25)
Four choices marked A, B, C, or D are given beneath each dialogue. You have to choose the one that best
completes the dialogues.

16. Satri : Excuse me, _____________ ?

Arif : Post office? Just go staight on and it’s on your left.
Satri : Thanks
a. The naerest post office from here
b. The naerest post office is from here
c. The naerest post office from here is
d. Is there the naerest post office from here

17. X : I’ve decided what to do next holidy?

Y : What ------------?
X : I’m going to paint my house.
a. do you do b. did you do c. will you do d. are you going to do

18. Husni : Lani, _____________ .Her name is Lusi

Lani : Hi Lusi, Nice to meet you.
Lusi : Nice to meet you too.
a. This is my ousin
b. Is this my cousin
c. Let me introduce myself
d. You want me to meet my cousin

19. My father is seventy years old. his hair is.........

a. likes b. smells c. looking d. turning.
20. Guest : _____________, I’ve split the tea over the table
Hostes : It doesn’t matter. It can be cleaned easily
a. I forgive you b. Excuse me c. I do apolgize d. You should be sorry

21. X : Let's help our parents,.....?

Y : That’s right
a. do we b. would you c. will you d. shall we

22. You chouldn't fix your broken car,...?

a. could you b. don't you c. can you d. what you

23. Arin : let’s have a trip to the beach now.

Rini : I wish I could but I have to finish my job
From the dialogue we know that ____
a. Arin and Rini go to the beach b. Rini is not able to go to the beach
c. Arin has a lot of work d. Arin goes to the beach with Rini

24. Which phrase has same meaning of “I’m on his side”

a. I like him b. I’m againt him c. I’m beside hime d. I agree with him

25. Dimi : Do I need to apologize for something that I never do

Enduy : ___________________
Dimi : But she will be still angry if I don’t apologize.
a. If I am you, I will not apologize
b. If I were you, I would not apologize
c. If I had been you, I wouldn’t have apologize
d. I wish I were you, so I would apologize

In questions 26-30, each sentence has for words or phrases underlined. The four underlined words are
marked A, B, C, and D. You have to identify the underlined words or phrases that should be corrected.

26. Angga : Why didn’t you come here by motorcicle

a b
Widhi : It is sold last week but I have a new car now
c d
27. Ima : Have you seen the movie who is playing at the fox theatre?
a b
Entat : Yes, I have. I saw last night
c d

28. X : Ali wants to improve his English. What do he do?

a b
Y : He should speak English everyday.
c d
29. I wish I could singing like Agnes
a b c d

30. Andi : Why are the electronic prices in our country always high?
a b

Yudi : It would be cheaper if the exchange rate for dollars fell down.
c d
This text is for questions 31-35.
Bus Schedule for June 25, 2007
From Tirtonadi Bus Station

No Name of Class Type Fare Destinatio

Bus Departure Arrival n
Argo Lawu Economy 6 a.m 6 a.m Rp75rb Jakarta
1 Executive 5 a.m 5 a.m Rp125rb
VIP 6 a.m 4.30 a.m Rp180rb
Langsung Economy 7 p.m 10 p.m Rp7rb Semarang
2 Naik Executive 10 p.m 1 p.m Rp10rb
VIP 11 p.m 2 p.m Rp14rb
Langsung Economy 12 p.m 1.30 p.m Rp3rb Wonogiri
3 Naik Executive 1 p.m 2.30 p.m Rp4,5rb
VIP 1,25 p.m 2.50 p.m Rp7rb
Langsung Economy 2 a.m 1 a.m Rp65rb Bandung
4 Naik Executive 2,30 a.m 10,30 a.m Rp80rb
VIP 2,30 a.m 10 a.m Rp100rb

31. What is the similar meaning of the word “fare”…….

a. honor c.distance
b.expensive d.fee

32. How many buses can people choose based the schedule above…..
a.twelve c.three
b.fourteen d.four

33. If you go to Semarang by Executive Class, How long money Should you spend for a trip?......
a. three hours c.five hours
b. Four hours d. six hours

34. If you go to Jakarta by Executive Class, How much money should you
spend for a ticket......
a. Rp75.000 c. Rp 180.000
b. Rp125.000 d. Rp 120.000

35. What is the opposite of the word “cheap”…..

a. expensive c.expressive
b. executive d.explore

This text is for questions 36-40

6 p.m NO CO 6 p.m NO

Garuda air Ways 8 a.m MK 202 Wijaya air 8 a.m M2 302

8 p.m Lines 8 p.m
36. What is the opposite meaning of departure?
a. arrival c. take in
b. take off d. take out

37. What kind transportation that schedule above?

a. ship c. plane
b. train d. bus

38. What kind of text is it? it is.....

a. a schedule c. an advertisement
b. an appoitment d. an agenda

39. How many flight the schedule above?

a. one c. there
b. two d. four

40. If you at 6 p.m. What flight do you choose?

a. jaya utama ways c. Airlines Co
b. Adam Air Airways d. Garuda airways

This text is for questions 41-43

An excited girl telephoned the doctor. “ Doctor, doctor, my brother swallowed a mouse. What shall I
“Wave a piece of cheese in front of his mouth until I get there.”
Fifteen minutes later the doctor arrived at the girl’s house. He found that the girl was waving a sardine
in front of the brother’s mouth.
“I said a piece of cheese, not sardine!” exclaimed the doctor.
“ I know you did,” the girl replied. “ But I have to get the cat out first.”

41. What kind of thing has to get out first from his stomach?
a. cheese b. sardine c. mouse d. cat

42. The type of the text above is a/an . . . .

a. report b. descriptive c. anecdote d. narrative

43. What is the communicative purpose of the text above?

a. to share the writer’s experience to the others
b. to inform the readers about an excited girl
c. to share an amusing story with other
d. to amuse the excited girl

This text is for questions 44-46

Arta and Bagus are shopping in matahari department store. when they wanted to go home, they met their
old friend Adi, then they have lunch.together in KFC.
Arta : Hi, Adi. How are you?
Adi : Hi, I'm fine. How about you?
Bagus : I'm fine too. Thanks. What are you doing here?
Adi : Oh...I'm buying some meals, fruits and accessoris. How about you?
Bagus : I just to accompany Arta to buy shoes. By the way, why do you buy some goods?
Adi : I and my family will make a party, My birthday party. Would you like to come to my party.
Arta : It's sound nice. when?
Adi : On saturday night at. 8 p.m.
Arta : Ok...We will come to your party.thanks for your invitation.
Adi : You're welcome.
44. Will Arta come to the party?
a. Yes, he is b. Yes, he does c. Yes, he will d. No, he will

45. what does Bagus do in the matahari department store?

a. accompany Arta to buy shoes
b. buying some meals
c. shopping in matahari.
d. want to go home

46. The statement is not true with the text.

a. they met their old friend Adi
b. Adi invited his friend.
c. Bagus bought shoes in Matahari
d. Arta will come to the party

This text is for questions 47-50

Cassius Clay (born 1942) was also known as Muhammad Ali. He changed his name
when he joined the Black Moslems. In 1960, he won a gold medal at the Olympic Games.
Four years later, he took the professional world championship from Sony Liston. Lighter
and faster than any other heavyweight boxer of his time, he liked to boast as he could” float
like atext is forand
butterfly questions 25 atobee.”
sting like 28.

47. The text mainly talks about…

a. Muhammed Ali b. Olympic Games
c. Sony Liston d. Black Moslems

48. When did he take the professional world championship from Sony Liston?
a. in 1942 b. in 1946 c. in 1960 d. in 1964

49. “ he liked to boast as he could” float a butterfly and sting like a bee.”
The underlined word means…
a. posses with pride b. Hit c. strike d. Punch

50. It is stated that Muhammad Ali got gold medal ….

a. in 1962 b. at the Olympic Games
c. world championship d. professional championship

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