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Rhenelyn Jhoy J.


English Language: Catalyst of Change, Paragon of Excellence

How can English language be the way to success? How can we use English language to be a
paragon of excellence? Is English language really a key to change? Or is a way for the world to
change? Let me define first each phrase for everyone, to understand the theme more. First is the
English language, English language is a West Germanic language that was first spoke in early
Medieval England, a more than 1400 years ago according to Wikipedia. Throughout the years,
this language is almost used by everyone cross-culturally to communicate with each other.
Therefore, English language became an International or Global language. Next is the Catalyst of
Change, the noun catalyst is derived from the Greek word katalύein, meaning "to dissolve,”
catalyst is an event or person causing change. While to change means to make something
different, or replace it, In accordance with Quora , in other words catalyst of change is the causes
of a change. Lastly, the definition of paragon of excellence in dictionary, is the idea of something
that is perfect. So that, an English language is a root cause of a change that will lead us to a
successful or perfect life. English language will help us to grow, to change, and this is a way for
us to achieve our peak, our success.
English language is a method in discovering something, to discover a world full of knowledge.
By reading different articles or news written in English, most of the people will understand it and
those people can do something about it. In discovering something new, more details will be
added in our minds. By the use of English language, we can expand our knowledge, how? By
learning. English is used by the world’s top universities that has English language proficiency.
English language proficiency is the ability of students to use the English language to make and
communicate meaning in spoken and written contexts while completing their program of study.
In proportion to a site called Reading Horizons, one of the benefits in this proficiency is to
increase the ability in digital literacy. Because of this, individuals who are multilingual will have
an ability to stay up to date in modern technologies. Nowadays, technology is everywhere. So
clearly, having increased mental agility due to language acquisition helps the average language
learners better stay atop all of the technological and informational changes constantly evolving in
today’s world.
As stated by Eurocentres, English language is very helpful in boosting our selected career, and
this means we can be able to uplift or raise our employment opportunities by the use of English,
English language is the language that is commonly used all the time in works and in other
institutions. People who use English for their work on a daily basis need to be able to use
English for a variety of purposes including in meetings and negotiations, for managing, giving
presentations and in social situations globally. Employments will increase our economy growth
for the whole world. Also, this employment will be the guide for us to be successful in terms of
learning and working and this will definitely change us, the people around us, and who knows? It
may change the world too.
In conclusion, let’s go back to my last question earlier. Is English language really a key to
change? My answer is unquestionably yes, English language is really a way to success, it is
really a way to be a paragon of excellence. English language is an effective way to be successful,
English language will boost each career up to excellence. English language is already changing
things and will definitely change our world more. English is all over the world and can be used
wherever you go. When you go to other places, we can communicate with this language, and
when we communicate, we learn new things that will change us. English language will certainly
affect everyone, and we should use this to excel. And lastly, English language is a great way for
the society to discover and learn something new in a world full of knowledge.

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