' MCQS FCPS August 2018'

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FCPS II (7 August 2018 Paper)

1. Investigation of choice in undescended testis

A. usg abdomen
B. laparoscopy
C. CT abdomen
D. Radionucleotide imaging
E. Palpating the gonads
2. A child wd anorexia and irritability n constipation.. history of pica positive.. what r the
treatment options:
A. Deferoxamine
B. N-acetyl cysteine
C. Dimercaprol
D. naloxone
E. Fomipazole
3. Boy with history of recurrent swelling of hands and feet early in morning .. same history in
father. What test will help in diagnosis
A. renal functions
B. stool examination
C. albumin
D. C3 esterase
E. C3 and C4 level
4. Pt wd developmental regression typical hand movements n self injury marks on face:
A. lesch nyhan
B. Rett syndrome
C. metachromatic
5. a girl with abnormal behaviour inappropriate laughter hand clapping regression of
milestone.. what is the feature included in diagnostic criteria:
A. seizures
B. inappropriate laughing
C. breathing irregularities
6. Vitamin A deficiency in Pakistan
A. mil clinical
B. mild subclinical
C. severe clinical
D. severe subclinical
7. one pt wd oral ulcers was prescribed benzocaine oral spray.. after using spray for the first
time he became blue blue and restless.. brought to emergency where Po2 was 95% and
sPO2 was 70%.. diagnosis:
A. anaphylaxis
B. methemoglobinemia
8. Pt with recurrent pharyngitis with ASOT 300 what u vll do next
A. Oral penicillin for 10 days
D. Benzathin penicillin inj for 21 yrs
9. Mother Grave disease with neonate has hyperalert and tachycardia. Normal feeding and no
fever . Rx option for neonate
A. Methimazole +Propranolol
B. Methimazole
C. Propythiouracil
D. Carbimazole and Methimazole
E. Lugol solution one drop every 8 hr
10. Mother diagnosed with active TB , no treatment. Concerned about 2 childrens ( one month
and 2 yrs) with CXR-Normal and Montoux Test -ve.
A. Begin Isoniazid
B. Only BCG
C. Observation
11. Mother has active VARICELLA with a 7 days old neonate . What to do
A. Isolation
C. Observation
12. 8 yrs pt with stray dog bite. He has PEP at age of 3 yrs . What to do next.
A. Only wash wound
B. Rabies vaccine with 2 dose regime
C. RIG with full course vaccine
D. 4 dose Vaccine regime
E. Observation
13. Measle Gamma globulin has max. Benefit
A. In Measle epidemics
B. Within one of contact
C. Within 5 days of contact
D. Within one day of contact
14. Girl with loss of mile stone. She has repetitive hand washing movement. What ur diagnosis
A. Rett syndrome
15. Pt with biphasic stridor aggravated by agitation and crying of baby. what is ur diagnosis
A. Tracheomalacia
B. Laryngomalacia
C. B/L Vocal cord paralysis
16. Known case of sickle cell anemia , pneumococcal disease is prevented by
A. Pneumococcal vaccination
B. Oral penicillin prophylaxis
17. Patient has corioretinitis with 4/6 systolic murmur at left sternal border . What is ur
diagnosis .
A. Cong. Rubella
18. Testicular Left testis sudden onset pain since 1 day. Pain is not relieved by elevation of testis
with no fever hx. What is best next.
A. Left Testis detorsion and orchidopexy with right orchidopexy at same time
B. Left Testis detorsion and orchidopexy only
C. Left Testis detorsion and testicomy
19. Premature needs UVC . How u confirm that UVC is at normal place
A. A. At level of L3
B. B. At T11
C. C. At level of T6-T8
D. D. At level of inf. Vena cava
20. Ur diagnosis in bowing leg patient with family hx ....
A. Hypophosphatemic Rickets
C. Vit D defiency
21. Value of Ca , Vit D and Parathromone normal with raised ALP... how u vll diagnose (
A. urinary phosphate
B. Vit D level
22. 11.5 yrs old with fully vaccinated .... now has minor injury due to fall from cycle on road
what u vll do next
A. TIG and TT
B. Only one dose TT
C. Wound care
D. Full course of TT vaccination.
23. 6 yrs old boy presented with high grade fever since 1 week hand edema associated with B/L
conjunctivitis , strawberry tongue and Left cervical LN .. what should ur treatment include
A. Aspirin
B. Echo
D. Antibiotics
24. Premature on TPN , now presented with chololithiesis. What is best next option
A. Refer surgery for cholecystectomy
B. Reassurance and Observe only
C. Low Fat diets
D. Start on urodeoxycholyacetic acid
25. Premature admitted in nursery. Suddenly develop one sided fits , distress and drowsiness.
On exam pallor with decreased one side movements bulging fontanel . Next appropriate
A. CT brain
B. USG skull
D. S.Ca
26. Liver failure plus renal cyst, Dimorphic picture
A. Zellweger Syndrome
B. Allegile Syndrome
27. fever with some nonspecific rash over body . After fever subsided patient developed rash
maculopapular rash over body ...
A. Chicken pox
B. Measle
C. Rubella
D. Roseola infuntum
28. Rash on face with widespread rash on body...parvo virus b19...erythema infectiousum
29. How to control abnormal behaviour etc in Autism. It was Haloperidol?? I think
30. Scenario with develop regression. Spasticity and some other findings... MLD, Gaucher etc
31. Scenario with blue eyes and recurrent fractures...what other complication to expect in other
family members effected...it was deafness

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