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Dear Respondents,

We, Terrence I. Resurreccion, Febbie Jane A. Villarama, Alliyah Shane R.

Rodriguez, and Franxine Marielle B. Racelis, from Grade 10 Einstein under the Special
Science Program Curriculum are currently conducting our Social Research entitled “The
Effect of Career Decisiveness on the Decision Making Self-Efficacy, Self Esteem, Goal
Instability and Personal Growth of the Grade 12 Students of Valencia National High
The study attempted to trace the choice and reality in the decision making
improvements towards the decisive college courses of the grade 12 students of Valencia
National High School (VNHS)
The target participants of this study are the Grade 12 Senior High School Students
of Valencia National High School under the two (2) tracks, Academic and Non-Academic.
If you choose to participate, please complete and fill the instruments carefully and
truthfully. Rest assured that your response will be dealt confidentially.
For more uncertainty and concern regarding this study, kindly contact us at any of
the following: 0997-688-4405 (TM) or 0926-517-1934 (TM).
Thank you for your time and cooperation.
Truly yours,
Terrence I. Resurreccion
Febbie Jane A. Villarama
Alliyah Shane R. Rodriguez
Franxine Marielle B. Racelis

Certificate of Consent and Background Please put your initial

inside the box

1. I confirmed that I have fully understood the information

given to me by the researchers for the study above and I
have had the opportunity to ask questions to the researchers.

2. I understand that my participation in this study is voluntary

and that I am free to withdraw at any time without prejudice.

3. I agree to take part on this study.

4. I understand that while information gained during the study

may be punished, I will not be identified and my personal results
will remain confidential.

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