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Organic Waste (Banana Peels and Crab shells) as Organic Fertilizer

Background of the Study:

Agriculture dominates the Philippine economy. It furnishes employment to about 3

million persons or about 60 percent of the gainfully employed workers. Agricultural operations
provide 40 to 45 percent of total national income and about 75 to 80 percent of the country’s
exports (Aldent Cutshall, 2010).

Farmers quickly learn that healthy soil is crucial in growing a bountiful harvest. One
major ingredient for healthy soil is nutrients. These include nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.
These nutrients are in limited supply in the soil, and this can inhibit plant growth. Plants are
desperate for these nutrients especially when planting season arrives, farmers and gardeners
often ament the soil with natural fertilizer (Laura Nappi, 2018)

Our culture is becoming more aware of how our day-to-day routines impact our
environment and our personal health. There has been and will continue to be, a rise in
environmentally conscious and organic products available to gardeners. This is a direct reflection
of the desires of the consumers who are beginning to understand how little changes can make a
big difference (Garden & Greenhouse, 2013).

Home composting (HC) is recognized by both local and national Governments for its
contribution to reducing household waste disposal in landfill (Jasim, 2009). Every year, some 6
million to 8 million tonnes of waste crab, shrimp and lobster shells are produced globally —
about 1.5 million tonnes in southeast Asia alone1. Whereas 75% of the weight of a tuna fish can
be extracted as fillets, meat accounts for only around 40% of a crab's mass (Yan, 2015)

Banana is one of the earliest crops cultivated in the history of human agriculture. The
origin of this particular plant family stretches from India to Papua New Guinea which includes
the Southeast Asian region (Arvanitoyannis and Mavromatis 2009; De Lange et al. 2009). Its
mass cultivation and consumption in the recent decades made it the world second largest fruit
crop with an estimated gross production exceeds 139 million tones (FAO 2010a). World leading
banana and plantain producers are India, China, Uganda, Ecuador, Philippines, and Nigeria.

Crab shell is not a fungicide or nematocide. It's a great fertilizer with calcium and some
extra benefits not found in other fertilizer products. It is high in chitin, which promotes the
growth of chitin eating bacteria. The exoskeletons of fungus and harmful varieties of nematodes
eggs are high in chitin. When added to the soil, crab shell helps to create a hostile environment
for the fungus and root destroying nematodes by feeding the biological life that eats chitin and
chitin based organisms. The chitin stimulates soil organisms to secrete enzymes called chitinases.
These enzymes degrade chitin, which is a component of flea egg shells. The presence of chitin in
the fertilizer makes it a natural biopesticide that is non-toxic to birds, animals, fish, and plants.

Statement of the Problem:

Banana peel and Crab shells, both of these materials are considered as household waste
with limited uses or could be disposed. Being hydrophilic material, crab shell particles have only
a limited number of applications. (Xiangyang, 2018)

Most of the edible bananas are cultivated mainly for their fruits, thus banana farms could
generate several tons of underused by-products and wastes. Therefore, without proper
agricultural waste management practice, huge amount of valuable untapped commodity will be
lost and causing serious ecological damages (Essien et al. 2005; Shah et al. 2005; Yabaya and
Ado 2008).
Research Questions:

1. Is there a significant difference between the ratios in terms of:

a) Height of plant
b) Length and number of leaves

2. Is there a significant difference among the different ratios of crab shells and banana peels
present in the organic fertilizer?

3. What is the most ideal ratio that would exhibit the best performance as an organic
fertilizer in the agricultural industry?

Significance of the Study:

Environmental Significance:

Organic fertilizers have many benefits for the soil. Unlike chemical fertilizers, organic
fertilizers reduce acidity in the soil and do not cause leaching. They do not kill beneficial
microorganisms in the soil. Organic fertilizers also help improve the structure of the soil
including the circulation of air, which sustains beneficial microorganisms that help release
nutrients to the soil.

The major nutrient that crops such as maize require is nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and
potassium (K). Apart from these, growing crops also require micro-nutrients such as copper
(Cu), manganese (Mn), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), calcium (Ca) and sulphur (S). Natural
fertilizers have immense benefits for the soil and crop production.

Less disposal of household waste from crab shells and banana peels.

Scope and Delimitation

This research mainly focuses on determining the potency of crab shells and banana peels
as components of plant fertilizer. The researchers would be using three experimental groups and
two control groups. Each group consists of five tomatoes.

The researchers will not be specific on the kind of crab or banana to be used on the
research for it will not have a significant effect on the targeted goal.


The researchers would collect household waste that are crab shells and banana peels. The
crab shells would be cleaned and remove unwanted minerals such as salt which could be harmful
for the growth of the plant. The crab shells would then be cut into smaller pieces and would be
kept in a dry oven. The dried shells would be grinded into a powder with the use of a mortar and
pestle until it is completely powderized.

The banana peels would be submerged into a container filled with water for at least 2
weeks. The banana peels would then be subjected to drying for a day until the peels turn black
and crispy. Similar to the process given to the crab shells, the banana peels would then be
powderized with the use of a mortar and pestle until it is completely powderized.
Crab Shells Banana Peels

Negative Control Group 100% 0%

Negative Control Group 0% 100%

Experimental Group 70% 30%

Experimental Group 30% 70%

Experimental Group 50% 50%


Raw materials - Crab Shells and Banana Peels

Gallons of water
Mortar and Pestel

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