Reflective Statement For TS #7

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I think this standard wants me to recognize the importance behind using technological

resources, varying from Microsoft Office products to Web 2.0 applications, to effectively present

material to students. Additionally, it is important to understand the difference between

appropriate and inappropriate applications. When technology is inappropriately used within a

lesson plan, it simply distracts from the major concepts. Therefore, not only must the Web 2.0

application be appropriate, but this standard also wants me to recognize that the presented

information should be displayed through a variety of options, including media and authoring


The artifact I chose for this standard is a presentation overview addressing specific issues

revolving around merit-based pay for teachers. For this presentation, I explored numerous

perspectives discussing both the advantages and disadvantages behind merit-based pay as well as

programs currently established to pay teachers based off of individual teacher evaluation and

student performance rather than simply a set pay schedule. Following the research, I presented

the material within a Web 2.0 application administered by Prezi. While completing this research

and creating the presentation through Prezi, I effectively used “computers and other technologies

in research, problem solving and product development.” It was necessary to meet with other

group members on a couple occasions to work on the presentation, helping me to “plan and

participate in team and collaborative projects that require critical analysis and evaluation.” In the

end, our group presented the material to co-prospective teachers, giving us the opportunity to

“present [the] products developed” with the Web 2.0 application.

Through my research for an effective and engaging, yet not distracting, Web 2.0

application, I was exposed to a wide variety of applications. Not only do I now have a better

understanding of specific issues behind merit-based pay, but I also have better knowledge of
current, popular Web 2.0 applications and how to use them effectively. As a teacher, it will be

important for me to actively engage the students in each lesson. While Microsoft PowerPoint

does an effective job of presenting facts, it is not always an engaging and interactive application.

Therefore, I realize that it will be crucial for me to remain up-to-date with technology in order to

use it effectively when presenting material.

By exploring technology resources, more specifically Web 2.0 applications, I feel more

prepared to teach and learn in a diverse society. While many people may interpret ‘diverse’ as an

ethnically and racially diverse environment, I have interpreted “Diverse Society” in terms of

varying learning types for students, such as auditory versus visual learners. The wide variety of

computer and technology resources offer multisensory applications, reaching out to all students.

In particular, the Web 2.0 application through Prezi effectively captivates primarily visual

learners through its engaging appearance and its dynamic path. It is important for me to

understand that students learn in different manners in order to prepare myself in the best way for

a diverse group of students. I look forward to using this knowledge in my future and am

confident that my future experiences will furthermore build upon these understandings.

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