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The fauna of India have been studied and recorded from early times in folk traditions and later by
researchers following more formal scientific approaches (See Natural history in India). Game laws are
reported from the third century BC.[7]

A little under 5% of this total area is formally classified under protected areas.


India is home to several well known large mammals including the Asian Elephant, Bengal Tiger, Asiatic
Lion,Leopard and Indian Rhinoceros. Some of these animals are engrained in culture, often being
associated with deities. These large mammals are important for wildlife tourism in India and several
national parks and wildlife sanctuaries cater to these needs. The popularity of these charismatic animals
have helped greatly in conservation efforts in India. The tiger has been particularly important and Project
Tigerstarted in 1972 was a major effort to conserve the tiger and its habitats. [8] Project Elephant, though
less known, started in 1992 and works for elephant protection. [9] Most of India's rhinos today survive in
the Kaziranga National Park.Some members of the dog family such as the Indian Wolf, Bengal
Fox, Golden Jackal and the Dhole or Wild Dogs are also widely distributed. It is also home to the Striped
Hyaena. Many smaller animals such as the Macaques, Langurs and Mongoose species are especially
well known due to their ability to live close to or inside urban areas.

The Indian Rhinoceros is one of the 45 species of globally threatened mammals found in the india.

The Eastern Himalayas is the region encompassing Bhutan, northeastern India, and southern, central,
and eastern Nepal. The region is geologically young and shows high altitudinal variation. It has nearly 163
globally threatened species including the One-horned Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis), the Wild Asian
Water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis (Arnee)) and in all 45 mammals, 50 birds, 17 reptiles, 12 amphibians, 3
invertebrate and 36 plant species. [19][20] The Relict Dragonfly (Epiophlebia laidlawi) is an endangered
species found here with the only other species in the genus being found in Japan. The region is also
home to the Himalayan Newt (Tylototriton verrucosus), the only salamander species found within Indian

Threatened Animal species

Number of species per group according to IUCN threat categories (1994)

Flora in India
Get enchanted by the rich diversity of India flora on your Eco tour to India. The natural beauty and fragility
of the Indian flora is one of the most pristine in the whole world. There is virtually no area of India without
its particular treasure or species of special beauty or interest. Due to the wide range of climatic conditions,
India holds rich variety of flora that no other country can boost of. India covers more than 45,000 species
of flora, out of which there are several species that are not found anywhere else. Since ancient times, use
of plants as a source of medicines has been the inherent part of life in India. There are more than 3000
officially documented plants in India that holds great medicinal potential. India comprises of seven percent
of world's flora. Indiais divided into main eight floristic regions namely - Western Himalayas, Eastern
Himalayas, Assam, Indus plain, Ganga plain, the Deccan, the Malabar and the Andamans. 

The Flora of India is one of the richest of the world due to a wide range of climate, topography and
environments in the country. It is thought there are over 15000 species of flowers in India [1] and probably
many more species. Whilst the list comprises indigenous types, others have been introduced to India and
may be included. Major plant divisions (sub divisions) are shown together with Family and examples. The
classification and ranking of plants varies due to differing taxonomy systems and synonyms may be

Many plants and animals are threatened or endangered due largely to habitat loss and population
pressure apart from hunting and extraction. India stands out as one of the few countries with high human
populations as well as a high number of threatened species. [39]

Threatened plant species

Threat Category (IUCN) Number of species

Extinct 19

Extinct/Endangered 43

Endangered 149

Endangered/Vulnerable 2

Vulnerable 108

Rare 256

Indeterminate 719

Insufficiently Known 9

No information 1441

Not threatened 374

TOTAL 3120

India has some of the unique flower plants and is a
magnet for many visitors both locally and from
overseas. No fewer than eighty percent of the
Indian flower plants are endemic i.e. Occurring here
and nowhere else. Flowers in India are used on
large scale in weddings, making garlands and the
purpose of decorations.


India is a home to large variety of trees that grows

fast and are mostly evergreen. Trees in India holds
the great religious and cultural importance. Tree
worship is still the element of modern Indian
traditions. There are many trees which are
considered as sacred in India. 

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