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Top 25 Pageant Questions Asked in


1. What makes you different from the other girls

competing today?
 Variations of this question:
 What makes you unique?
 What makes you stand out from the other contestants?
 Why do you think that you are the best candidate for
this title?
2. Why should you win this pageant?
 Variations of this question:
 Why would you make a good [insert pageant title]?
 Why should we choose you from the other contestants?
 Why should we select you as the next Miss (Teen, Ms,
Mrs) ______ ?
 Why do you deserve to win this title?
 What do you like most about yourself?
3. Why do you want to win this pageant?
 Variations of this question:
 What will you do if we crown you the next Miss (Teen,
Ms, Mrs) _____?
 Why did you decide to compete in this pageant?
 Why did you start competing in pageantry?
 What do you want to get out of the this pageant?
4. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
 Variations of this question:
 Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
 What goal do you want to have achieved when you are
[insert age]?
5. Tell me more about [insert an “interesting fact” that you
wrote on your paperwork]
 Further explanation: The majority of the pageant
questions you will be asked in interview will be from
your pageant paperwork (unless you live in the UK or
other countries that do not have paperwork). Out of
these pageant questions the vast majority of pageant
questions will be centered around the “interesting facts”
section of your paperwork.
 Variations of this question:
 Tell me about yourself (this is almost always asked first
in the UK)
6. Who is your role model?
 Variations of this question:
 If you could meet (have lunch with) any person in
history who would it be?
 Who is the person you look up to the most?
 What celebrity do you idolize?
 If you could be anyone else besides yourself who would
you be?
 Do celebrities have a responsibility to be positive role
 Would you say that you are a good role model?
7. What will you do if you win this title?
 Variations of this question:
 What will be the first thing you do should we crown you
Miss (Teen, Ms, Mrs) _____ ?
 What will be the first thing you eat after the pageant?
 What’s the first thing you will do after the pageant is
8. What is your dream job?
 Variations of this question:
 What do you want to do for a living?
 Are you working your dream job?
 Where do you want to go to college? (Teens)
 What do you want to study in college? (Teens)
9. What has been your biggest failure?
 Variations of this question:
 Tell us about a challenge that you experienced and how
you overcame it.
 Tell us about your biggest disappointment and how you
bounced back from it.
10. What is the most important issue your generation
is facing?
 Variations of this question:
 What do you think is is the biggest problem facing
young people today?
 If you could give your younger self one piece of advice
what would that be?
 What do you think is the biggest problem facing teens
11. Why do you think that people have a negative
image of pageantry?
 Variations of this question:
 With the current negative media attention about
pageantry, what advice would you give someone on the
fence about competing?
 Do you think that pageantry objectifies women?
 Have you experienced criticism for competing in
pageantry? If so, how did you handle it?
 What would you say to someone that says pageantry
degrades women?
12. Have you ever been bullied? If so, how did you
handle it?
 Variations of this question:
 How do you handle peer pressure?
 Tell us about a time when you had to overcome peer
pressure to do the right thing
13. How did you prepare for this pageant?
 Variations of this question:
 What kind of obstacles did you have to overcome to
compete in this pageant?
 Did you hire a pageant coach to help you prepare?
 Who helped you prepare for this pageant?
 What was the hardest sacrifice you had to make when
preparing for this title?
14. Why did you select your pageant platform?
 Variations of this question:
 Why is your platform important to you?
 Why do you think your platform is important?
15. Do you think technology is hurting personal
 Variations of this question:
 Is technology hurting our communication skills?
 Is social media bringing people together or causing
 Is texting hurting our communication skills?
16. If you woke up tomorrow and gained any one
ability or quality, what would you want it to be?
 Variations of this question:
 If you could have any super human power what would it
 If you could have the powers of any superhero what
would it be?
17. If you could only have one wish, what would you
wish for?
 Variations of this question:
 If I were a genie in a bottle and could grant you any one
wish what would that be? (Note: You better wish to win
the crown!)
18. What is your biggest fear?
 Variations of this question:
 Tell us about your biggest weakness.
 What is your biggest flaw?
19. What is your guilty pleasure?
 Variations of this question:
 What is your favorite food?
 What is your favorite dessert?
20. What is your favorite movie?
 Variations of this question:
 What is your favorite television show that you have to
watch weekly?
 What is your favorite book?
21. Do you have a hidden talent?
 Variations of this question:
 What is one thing that we would not know about you
just by looking at you?
22. With everything that you have going on how will
you handle the responsibilities of the crown if you are
 Variations of this question:
 How will you handle the responsibilities of the crown on
top of your job, family and marriage? (Mrs / Ms
 How do you plan on juggling the responsibilities of the
crown with the demands of your current life?
23. If you could visit any place in the world where
would you go?
 Variations of this question:
 Describe to us your dream vacation.
 What has been your favorite place you have visited?
 Tell us about your favorite family vacation.
24. Some random question that you don’t know.
 Explanation: You will experience judges who will ask
you random pageant questions based on their vast
knowledge in politics, history or their occupation that
you do not know. Practice what you will say when a
judge asks you something that is outside of your
knowledge base. Hint: It’s ok to tell the judge that you
don’t know. Your goal is to win a beauty pageant, not
be a walking encyclopedia.
25. Current Event Pageant Questions
 Explanation: Current events are so time sensitive that
you knowing what is popular would not add value to this
article. I will list some of the subject matter most talked
about in interview but the best way to practice your
current events is to read our “Question of the Day”
articles that are posted daily at 4pm EST.
 States legalizing Marijuana
 Same-sex marriage
 Affordable Health Care Act (United States)
 National Debt (United States)
 Donald Trump
 Headline News. If 3 or 4 news channels are covering a
story within a week of your pageant then you will be
asked for your opinion on the story.
I wish you the absolute best success in your interview. Also, if you
found value in these pageant questions would you consider telling
your sister queens about our site by clicking on of the share
buttons below? Thank you in advance!

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