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DINALUPIHAN CAMPUS Telefax: (6347) 4811765

SAN RAMON Telephone: (6347) 4814716
DINALUPIHAN2110Bataan Website:


Credit: 1 unit
Duration: 17 hours

This course is intended to introduce the education pre-service students to effective curriculum design and
assessment. The course topics include curriculum models,principles and approaches in designing, delivering and addressing
the curriculum.
It emphasizes familiarity with contemporary curriculum policies and framework and their relevance or planning,
pedagogy and assessment at the classroom level.
This course in curriculum development shall develop teachers which can adjust and be flexible indesigning and
implementing curricula in learning environments for different students in different context.
It can also apply a wide range of teaching process skills (including curriculum development, lesson planning, material
development, educational assessment and pedagogy)
Field study 4 is anchored to Professional Education subject on Curriculum Development.

1. Design a model of curriculum demonstrating considerations for basic and higher education, appropriate
community linkages, and stakeholders.
2. Address the monitoring of curriculum implementation and assessment of curriculum.
3. Prepare an alignment of developing objectives, pedagogy and assessment.


Nature of Episode 1: Simulated records of Social Regard for Focuses on the ideal
Curriculum Thermometer Check active learning plays Learning that the teachers serve
Development Visit a school and study as positive and
its vision, mission and Reflective leaning log powerful role models
goals in relation to the of the values of the
school’s curriculum. pursuit of learning of
Observe the interaction different kinds of the
between and among effort to team.
students, teachers, and
other school personnel.
Write down your
observation and
discuss and discuss
with your classmates
and FS teachers.
Generate insights from
your observation and
discussion. Reflect on
your experiences.
Curriculum Model Episode 2: Students working Curriculum Demonstrates that
Come, Let’s Talk notes learning is different
Visit a school and kind from different
observe how the sources.
teacher provides the
opportunity to the
learners to interact with
one another in doing
one’s roles.
Record how roles are
performed by the Social Regard for
teacher and the learning Help students
learners. understand the
Make your own curricular goals and
documentation of the objectives, and to
dialogue or attain high standards
conversation based on of learning defined in
the observed roles that the curriculum.
one performs which you
feel could have been
Highlight the aspect of
the dialogue that
indicates the teacher as
a role model in
developing the values
in the process of

Principles of Episode 3: Report on activities Curriculum Recognizes general

Curriculum Design Tell Me and evaluation learning processes of
Critique the information individual learners
from the curriculum
theory and practice Uses meaningful and
through observation of comprehensive
the: knowledge of the
a. Learning subject matter
b. Subject matter
c. Books and
Write your observations
including the
information you gather.
Reflect on your
Delivering the Episode 4: Record of observation Curriculum Involves in creative
curriculum Bridging educational from the calendar of and innovative thinking
Processes activities; programs of alternative teaching
Visit a school and and awards and the approaches teaching
examine their calendar stakeholders approaches and link
of activities, and see participation. the activities and
how the students, educational processes
community Reflection paper that as it relate to larger
stakeholders are will show historical, social,
involved. consideration of cultural and political
Identify the programs success of the processes.
where the leaders strategies(writes, Reflects on the extent
create rewards to change etc., adopted of the attainment of
certain practices in to solve the problem) professional
delivering services to development goals.
the stakeholders.
Record the
observations on the
calendars of activities,
programs and awards
and the participation of
Reflect on how the
stakeholders participate
in school activities.
Linking Curriculum Episode 5: Records of Curriculum Deliver accurate
Instruction and Collect and Critique observation from andupdated content
Assessment Gather and analyze teachers knowledge using
syllabuses and make appropriate
judgments about methodologies,
students learning in approaches and
relation to curriculum pedagogies
Interview a teacher on
how he/she prepares
her curriculum goals
Interview a teacher on
how he /she prepares
her curriculum
Examine a syllabuses
and list down activities
to achieve the desired
learners outcome
Episode 6:
Check Points
Get a talk to any of the
teacher in school, ask
how they link their
curriculum to pedagogy
and assessment
Record the response,
and ask further to
examine the syllabus or
lesson plan
Observe what common
assessment procedures
are used with the kind
of pedagogies applied.
Observation Tips:
This observation offers insight into what helps learner learn and what happens in classroom teaching, like:
 Feedback in the teaching skills and style
 Discussion, collaboration and exchange of ideas
 Mutual support between colleagues
 “Earmarked” of quality learning
Course: BEEd Year and Section:4-D
Resource Teacher:ISABEL P. MANUEL Signature:
Your Target:
At the end of this activity, you should be able to describe through your reflection of how the school promotes
partnership and dialogue.
Your map:
For this process, go through the following steps:
1. Visit a school and study its vision, mission, and goals in relation to the school’s curriculum.
2. Observe the interaction between and among students, teachers, and other school personnel.
3. Write down your observation and discuss with your classmates and FS teacher.
4. Generate insights from your observation and discussion
5. Reflect on your experiences.
Your Tools
For this episode, please use the Activity Forms provided below.
My Observation Report on Interaction
Grade Level: GRADESection:SIX
Subject Observed:FILIPINO
Students-to Student Interaction Patterns:

The interaction between the students, while my resource teacher teaching a

lessonthey gave it a little time to talk of their business, to make their room
became noisy but after that they focus again to their lessons.

Student-to-Teacher Interaction Patterns:

They are polite while talking to their teacher, aside from that The interaction
between the students and the teacher, while my resource teacher teaching a
lessonthey gave it a little time to talk of their business, to make their room
became noisy but after that they focus again to their lessons.
Teacher-to-Student Interaction Patterns:

The teacher interaction to her student in terms of asking a question about the
lesson of the students to their teacher. My resource teacher saw a few of the
classmember are not raising their hands to participate, so that she motivate
them to participate to the lesson and asking some questions, opinion or ideas
about the topic to make them push to participate.

Student-to-Non-Teaching Personnel Interaction Patterns:

The students interact with the non-teaching personel, they are showing respect
as mean of their interaction. Like in canteen they address them, “Ate,Kuya.”

Teacher-to-Teacher Interaction Patterns:

Both teachers interact, they show respect by addressing “Ma’am and Sir”.
Enriching Activities
Create a scenario where any of the interactions occur in the school. Make a script of their dialogue, bearing in mind
that this partnership is built on developing a climate of respect, harmony and cooperation.


Teacher: Before we start the new lesson, please lead the prayer Kristine?

Student: Thank you Jesus for this Day and thank you for all the blessings that
you gave and sorry for our sins that we made, guide us today Amen.

Teacher: Goodmorning Class!

Student: Goodmorning Teacher!

Teacher: Before we start a new lesson, what was are previews lesson about?

Student: Ma’am it’s all about “KAYARIAN NG SALITA”

Teacher: Very good! Now, who among you, know what are the “Antas ng Pang

Student: Ma’am! Lantaypo!

Teacher: Very good! Another answer?

Student: Ma’am! Pahambingpo!

Teacher: Very good also! Another answer?

Student: Ma’am! Pasukdolpo!

Teacher: Very good also! Give them a Very good clap!

Your Analysis
Why is classroom a miniature of a greater society?

Classroom is a miniature of a greater society because, like in the class we have

teacher to manage the room, in the society we have President to manage the
society also. Society in the class and in the real society has different attitudes,
way of thinking, opinion, interest and etc. They also problem like in the real
society that they can solve with the teacher, in real society it is by the authority.

What are found in the classrooms that are similar to what can be observed in society?

The have set of Officers the President, V-P, Secretary and etc in the classroom, it’s
also the same in our society we have here Officers the President, V-P, Secretary
and etc. They also problem like in the real society that they can solve with the
teacher, in real society it is by the authority.They have the voice to express their
rights and to be respect, and also to be responsible individual.
Peace Concept on Focus:
You are able to find pleasure in working with another person because you consider this person as partner not a competitor.
Through partnership, the task is done cooperatively and more easily.

Discuss with your FS classmates your thoughts on Cooperation and Partnership in Curriculum Design. Then write down your
thoughts as well as those of your classmates. Please use the space below.

It is easily to do work with each other because if you are comfortable in each
other partnership we will built it, we can do a lot of things and we easily
cooperate because both of you are now comfortable that means you are both can
do a task more easily.
Episode 2 “COME, LET’S TALK”
Course: BEEd Year and Section: 4-D
Resource Teacher: ISABEL P. MANUEL Signature:
Dialogue invites students and teachers to speak their minds and come to points of understanding.
Your Target
At the end of this activity, the students should be able to describe the interaction pattern that occurs between the
teachers and learners as provided in the curriculum.
Your Map
For this process, go through the following steps:
1. Visit a school and observe how the teacher provides the opportunity to the learners to interact with one another in
doing one’s roles.
2. Record how roles are performed by the teacher and the learners.
3. Make your own documentation of the dialogue or conversation based on the observed roles that each one performs
which you feel could have been livelier.
4. Highlight the aspect of the dialogue that indicates the teacher as a role model in developing the values in the process
of learning.
Your Tools
For this episode, please use the Activity Form provided.
My Observation Report
Name: AMANDO L. PANTALEON Year/Course: BEEd 4-D
Grade Level: SIX Section: EARTH
Subject Observed: FILIPINO

Situation The Dialogue

Discuss a new lesson

Teacher: Before we start the new lesson, please lead the prayer Kristine?

Student: Thank you Jesus for this Day and thank you for all the blessings that
you gave and sorry for our sins that we made, guide us today Amen.

Teacher: Goodmorning Class!

Student: Goodmorning Teacher!

Teacher: Before we start a new lesson, what was are previews lesson about?

Student: Ma’am it’s all about “KAYARIAN NG SALITA”

Teacher: Very good! Now, who among you, know what are the “Antas ng Pang

Student: Ma’am! Lantaypo!

Teacher: Very good! Another answer?

Student: Ma’am! Pahambingpo!

Teacher: Very good also! Another answer?

Student: Ma’am! Pasukdolpo!

Teacher: Very good also! Give them a Very good clap!

(Describe how the teacher communicates the lesson and how the learners are responding to the teacher. Take note of the
manner the teacher accepts or rejects the responses of the learners. You may present you observations through direct quotes
from the teachers and learners in the dialogue.)

Your Analysis
How important are dialogue and substantive conversation in the classroom in terms of students’ learning?

The importance of dailogue and substantive in the classroom in terms of

students’ learning is to give students the opportunity to show what they have
learned rather than catching them out or to show what they have not learned.

What learning benefits could teachers and students draw from intentional classroom dialogue?

The learning benefits could teachers and students draw from intentional
classroom dialogue is give the student chance to express their own thoughts
feeling. This chance is the way of giving importance of the students voice to
Peace Concept on Focus:
Curriculum Design is not only a matter of brilliant planning. It needs a constant effort to unite all diverse aspects of learning.
This effort is successful when the person involved believes in the power of dialogue.

Discuss with your FS classmates your thoughts on Dialogue in Curriculum Design. Then write down your thought as well as
those of your classmates. Use the space below.

It is easily to giving a thoughts and expressing their feelings with each other
because if you are giving them a chance we will communicate easily, we can do
a lot of things and we easily cooperate because both of you are now comfortable
that means you are both can do a task more easily.
Episode 3 ‘TELL ME”
Name of FS student:
Course: Year and Section:
Resource Teacher: Signature:
School: Rating:
For my FS task:
1. Prepare worksheets.
2. Contact group mates
3. Talk with FS teacher
4. Library work
5. Refresh your understanding of the theories and principles of curriculum development. To do this, look for brief
readings from books and / or the internet.
6. Note down your questions and confusions regarding the principles and theories of curriculum development and find
time to discuss them with your classmates and / or FS teacher.
7. Write in bullets your clear understanding and insights. Attach a short typewriting with your answer.
Your Target
At the end of this episode, you should be able to deliberate on the principles involved in designing the curriculum and
the learning activities provided.
Your Map
In your observation, please do the following steps:
1. Critique the information from the curriculum theory and practice through observation of the :
a. Learning environment
b. Subject matter
c. Book and internet resources used
2. Write your observations including the information you gather.
3. Reflect on your experience.
Your Tools
For this episode, please use the Activity Form provided for you below.
My Observation Report
Name: Date of Observation:
School: Subject Observed:
The Learning Environment Subject Matter/s Covered Library and /or Internet Resources
The Learning Environment Subject Matter/s Covered Library and /or Internet Resources

Your Analysis
Why should teachers know about curriculum design?

What do most principles and theories of curriculum development have in common? How is this commonality expressed or
spelled out in the curriculum of the class you have observed?
From your FS experience, keep in touch with your most meaningful learning and express it through abstract visual
representation. Please use appropriate colors to represent your feelings and significant learning.
(Express yourself and color your world)
Name of FS Student:
Course: Year and Section:
Resource Teacher: Signature:
School: Rating:
Your Target
AT the end of this activity, you should be able to identify educational programs that connect the school with the larger
historical, social, cultural and political processes.
Your Map
For this episode go through the following ramps:
1. Visit a school and examine their calendar of activities. See how the students , community stakeholders are involved.
2. Identify the programs where the leaders create rewards for certain practices in delivering services to the
stakeholders. Record the observation on the calendar of activities, programs and awards and the participation of
3. Reflect on how the stakeholders participate in school activities.
Your Tools
For this episode , please use the Activity Form provided.
My Observation Report
Name: Date of Observation
School Subjects Observed
Calendar of Activities:
Activities Date Participants Mechanics

Awards given:


Your Analysis
How important is involvement of all stakeholders of the school in the school’s programs and activities?

What specific principle of curriculum development justifies the importance of cooperation and collaboration among all stake
holders of the school?

Peace Concept on Focus:

All life forms on earth are connected to each other for mutual support. This is recognition that each of us being members of the
society needs other people for our own needs. No one can claim that he does not need other people to survive as a human

Discuss with your FS classmates your thoughts on Cooperation and Collaboration among a school’s stakeholders. Then write
down your thoughts as well as those of your classmates.
Name of FS Student
Course Year and Section:
Resource Teacher: Signature:
School: Rating:
Your Target
AT the end of this episode, you should be able to explain the importance of the curriculum through reflections from
the observations made about it as used by the teacher.
Your Map
In your observation, please do the following steps:
1. Revisit a school and request the teacher to show you a syllabus of a particular subject.
2. Analyze the syllabus in terms of the following:
a. Topic
b. Learning activities
c. Assessment of learning
3. Examine the assessment tools used by critiquing whether or not it is a product-based or performance-based.
4. Interview a teacher on the process of preparing the syllabus, giving attention to the following:
a. Challenges
b. Resources needed
c. Planning Strategies
Your Tools
For this episode, please use the Activity Form provided.
My Analysis Report
(Analysis of the Topic, Learning Activities, and Assessment used in relation to Curriculum Elements)
Name: Date of Observation:
School: Subjects Observed:

The Topic Learning Activities Assessment of Learning

My Interview Report
(Analysis of the Topic, Learning Activities, and Assessment used in relation to Curriculum elements)
Name of teacher interviewed:
Grade/Year Level and Section of Class Handled:
Date of Interview: Interviewer:
Challenges Resources Needed Planning Strategies

Your Analysis
How important is it for teachers and curriculum planners to anchor their curricular plans to specific theories and principles of
curriculum development?

Aside from the teachers, who else should be involved in the curriculum planning? Explain.
Your Reflections
From your FS experience, take a look into your significant learning and personal reflection. Express it in a simple poem. Then
share it with your classmates and FS teacher. Use the space below.
Episode 6 “CHECK POINTS”
Name of FS Student:
Course: Year and Section:
Resource Teacher: Signature:
School: Rating:
For my FS Task:
1. Contact group mates
2. Talk with FS teacher
Preparation Tips:
1. Review your understanding of the principles and theories of curriculum development by reading your bulleted notes
in episode 3.
2. Note down the curriculum elements you wish to give more attention to when you will soon analyze the syllabus.
3. Share your notes with your classmates and FS teacher, and get their comments or suggestions.
Your Target
At the end of this activity, you should be able to give some principles involved in designing a curriculum.
Your Map
For this process, go through the following steps:
1. Visit a school and choose a class to be observed. Then arrange with the teacher that you are going to conduct a
class observation.
2. Take note of the different learning environment provided in the lesson plan for specific subject area. Generate
information on the following objectives: strategies and assessment tools used.
3. Find out whether or not strategies are aligned with the objectives and assessment of learning. Make a matrix of the
information from the observations made.
4. Reflect on your FS experience and share thoughts, insights and feelings in class.
Your Tools
For this episode, please use the Activity Form provided.
My Observation Report
Name: Year/Course:
School Observed:
Grade Level: Section:
Subjects Observed:

Teacher’s Objectives:

Describe the strategies:

Describe the Assessment Tools Used:

Objectives(write down the Strategies(describe the Assessment(Describe the Remarks(Write your

teacher’s learning strategies used by the assessment method/s and personal judgment on the
objectives) teacher) tool/s used) alignment of the objectives,
strategies, and assessment)

Your Analysis
Why do teachers need to align the objectives, strategies and assessment?

How should teachers align their objectives, strategies and assessment? Suggest some strategies.
Your Reflections
What has been your most meaningful experience in this episode? What makes it meaningful to you? How could such an
experience help you become a better teacher?

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