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Changes List
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June 2017
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CARIS HIPS and SIPS 10.3.0: Highlights

CARIS1 HIPS2 and SIPS3 10.3.0


Enhanced Lidar Support

To support the latest industry trends in bathymetric Lidar, HIPS Professional has been updated with
enhanced support for Lidar data stored in the LAS format:

 LAS format versions up to and including version 1.4 are supported.

 Waveform data stored in LAS format is now accessible from the Waveform viewer in Swath and
Subset Editors.

 LAS flags can be mapped to any CARIS status flag type during import.

 HIPS projects can now be exported to the LAS format.

• CARIS status flags can be mapped to any LAS flags during export.
• If the original source data was stored in LAS, any classification values from the source LAS file
are automatically carried to the exported LAS file.

1. This term is a trademark of Teledyne CARIS, Reg. USPTO and CIPO

2. This term is a trademark of Teledyne CARIS, Reg. USPTO
3. This term is a trademark of Teledyne CARIS, Reg. USPTO

CARIS HIPS and SIPS Changes List 5

CARIS HIPS and SIPS 10.3.0: Highlights

R2Sonic Backscatter with Multispectral

 SIPS Backscatter now supports R2Sonic systems for beam average and time series processing
when logged in Hypack format.

 Support for R2Sonic multibeam backscatter in the SIPS Backscatter processing engine, including
the production of multispectral colour mosaics.
• When SIPS Backscatter detects multispectral data, i.e. multiple concurrent frequencies stored in
the logged data, SIPS will automatically produce a composite RGB colour image, where each
colour represents a specific frequency from the source data. The composite colour mosaic
provides immediate insight into the nature of the seabed.

The above image is a composite of 100kHz, 200kHz and 400kHz as red, green and blue respectively.
White areas correspond to high reflectance from all three frequencies, with dark corresponding to low
reflectance. Any particular colour in the image (other than white or black) indicates a higher response in
only one or two frequencies, for example the blueish area near the eastern (right) tip of the survey
corresponds to higher reflectance from only 400kHz, and reddish patches to the west (left) correspond
to higher reflectance from only 100kHz.

Teledyne RESON Hydrosweep Support

 Data logged from RESON's mid- to deep-water Hydrosweep system is now fully supported in HIPS
and SIPS. This includes bathymetry, backscatter (SIPS engine), and water column imagery.

 HIPS Professional now supports compressed water column imagery stored in the S7K format,
which provides support for both Hydrosweep and T-series systems from RESON.
The image on the following page displays Hydrosweep bathymetry and water column imagery.

6 CARIS HIPS and SIPS Changes List

CARIS HIPS and SIPS 10.3.0: Highlights

Support for Laser Scanner from Hypack

 Laser scanner data stored in either the Hypack TOP record or RMB record as spherical coordinates
are now fully supported in HIPS.

Memorial Bridge, Portsmouth NH.

Image courtesy UNH Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping

CARIS HIPS and SIPS Changes List 7

CARIS HIPS and SIPS 10.3.0: Enhancements

Reference Description

2D, 3D

The performance of drawing data in the 3D view has been improved by optimizing the
frequency of updating the display. Datasets with very large extents are also handled more
Three enhancements:
• Clicking the middle mouse button in the 3D view now activates the active Controller state
specified by the Controller Type option in the 3D category of Tools > Options. The right
mouse button now displays the axes and can be used to rotate the 3D view.
• A new Pan Control option has been added to Controller Type option in the 3D category of
Tools > Options. When active, Pan Control allows using the middle mouse button to drag the
data to reposition it within the 3D view. This is similar to how panning works in the 2D view.
Using a middle mouse scroll wheel still zooms in or out in 2D and 3D views.
• When no layer is selected in the Layers window, the left mouse button no longer has any
effect in the 3D view.
The minimum system requirements for the display have been updated to OpenGL 3.3 in order
to support improved capability in the 3D view.
Viewing large point clouds in 3D often used to show tiles of varying data density.
Improvements have been made to display a higher, more consistent level of detail throughout
the point cloud, both in the initial display and as zooming and panning through the data.

Additional Bathymetry

All detection types from Kongsberg Extra Detections can now be imported to HIPS and SIPS.

Beam Pattern, SIPS Backscatter

SIPS Backscatter beam pattern files (*.bbp) are now supported in the Beam Pattern display
window. The Beam Pattern display window has been updated to support display of multiple
beam patterns from a single beam pattern file (i.e. multispectral/multi-frequency systems).


When exporting times to LAS, 6 digits of precision are now maintained.

The SimplifyFeatures and SmoothFeatures processes in the CARIS Batch command
line tool are now available with the Feature Editing module.
When listing processes available in the CARIS Batch command line tool, only the process
names are now shown.
Note that the descriptions are still shown as part of the help for each individual process, for
example, CARISBatch --run ProcessName --help.


Waveform data from the LAS format versions 1.3 and 1.4 can now be viewed in the Waveform
viewer in both Swath and Subset Editors.
Support has been added for spherical coordinate decoding for laser scanner data in the
Hypack RAW and HSX converter.
Laser scanner data stored in the Hypack TOP message can now be imported to HIPS.
Pressure sensor records from Edgetech JSF format can now optionally be imported to HIPS
as delta draft/subsea depth.

8 CARIS HIPS and SIPS Changes List

CARIS HIPS and SIPS 10.3.0: Enhancements

Reference Description

The XTF converter now has the following options for timestamps: Automatic and Ping Time.
• When Automatic is chosen, the timestamps are derived using the “old” way of using a
reference timestamp, and offsetting it with millisecond “counters” stored with each record.
• For bathymetry and attitude records, if the record contains a high precision timestamp, it
is used for all data in that record (bathymetry, navigation, attitude).
• When Ping Time is chosen, the timestamp for the record is the one stored with the record
that has a resolution of 0.01 seconds.
• For bathymetry records, if the bathymetry data contains high precision time, high
precision time will be used for bathymetry data always. Ping time is only applied to other
data in the same packet (navigation, attitude), as well as bathymetry data if it does not
have high precision time.
• For attitude packets, ping time overrides any high precision timestamps in the packet.
The Compressed Water Column datagram from Teledyne RESON S7K format is now
supported for all Water Column Imagery workflows.
HIPS Professional now supports up to version 1.4 of the LAS format.
An option has been added to the Kongsberg ALL import process to enable users to choose
which datagram the Surface Sound Speed is obtained from.
Import of LAS data now produces fewer interpolated positions for track line display.
HIPS now supports importing Sidescan data in S7K format (7007 record) stored as 32-bit
The 'Invert Elevation' option in LAS/LAZ import has been changed to 'Z-axis convention' with a
drop-down list to indicate if the incoming data is Positive up or down. The process as seen in
Process Designer will show “Z-axis convention (Up is positive” with a check box to indicate
that the incoming data is positive up when set and positive down when not set.
The LAS import process has been updated to automatically read the Coordinate Reference
System (CRS) from the file during import. An option is also available in the wizard to override
the automatically determined CRS if it is either missing or invalid.
Edgetech JSF will now read navigation from the 2002 (NMEA) message as the primary
navigation. If the 2002 message does not exist, the navigation will be read in from the sonar
data message.
References to the OS GB 1936 ellipsoid have been added to the datum mapping support file
used when importing GSF files.

Engineering Analysis Module

The Overview command can now be used in the Cross-section window when it is active and
docked. If the window is undocked, the <F9> key must be used to apply the overview.


HIPS data can now be exported to the LAS format. When the original source format was LAS,
timestamps and classification values are automatically carried over to the exported file.

Feature Editing Module

The Smooth Contours functionality from versions 9.1 and previous has been renamed to
Smooth and Filter Lines and is now available in the Feature Editing module from the Edit >
Lines menu. The dialog box has been rearranged to show the working order of the function.
S-100 based feature layers, such as SSDM feature layers, only support 'Edge' type lines - not
arcs, loxodromes, or geodesics. A better error message is now displayed when attempting to
save a file with unsupported edge types.

CARIS HIPS and SIPS Changes List 9

CARIS HIPS and SIPS 10.3.0: Enhancements

Reference Description


The Lidar waveform graph window now displays numerical values for both the Intensity (Y)
and Sample # (X) axes.

HIPS Utilities

New command line utilities (printfBackscatter and printfSonarPositions) have

been added to the installation to display contents of HIPS Backscatter and SonarPositions

Process Designer

The HIPS sample process models in the “%programfiles%\CARIS\HIPS and

SIPS\10.3\modules\HIPS and SIPS\Sample Process Models“ folder now include
workflows which use the Data and Exists tools.
A new IncludeRelated option has been added to the Copy process in Process Designer to
ensure that all related files are copied between folders when running a process model. For
example, both the *.csar and the required *.csar0 file can be copied, rather than just the *.csar
The “For Each” process has been added to Process Designer to allow running a process
model against each of a set of inputs.
This is useful, for example, after running the “List Files” process to collect a number of files, or
the “Tile Raster” process to produce a number of rasters.
The “List Files” process has been added to Process Designer to allow using wild cards to find
all files that have relevant names in a given directory structure.
This is useful, for example, if passing all files of a specific format to the “For Each” process to
run a set of processes on each of the files - perhaps an import from GSF to CSAR.
The “Parse Path” and “Compose Path” processes have been added to Process Designer.
These allow taking an input file path, breaking it into its component pieces (directory, filename,
extension) and then re-combining the pieces as appropriate.
This is useful, for example, in the context of running the same process repeatedly on a number
of inputs, and using the input filename as a basis for creating a distinct filename for the output.

SIPS Backscatter

R2Sonic time series and beam amplitude imagery is now supported in SIPS Backscatter when
stored in the Hypack HSX/R2S format.
Support for Teledyne RESON Hydrosweep backscatter has been added to SIPS Backscatter.
This includes support for snippets stored as 32-bit values in S7K format, from any system.
Support has been added for mosaicing backscatter data from an R2Sonic sonar when
multispectral mode is used.
Support has been added for mosaicing backscatter date from an R2Sonic sonar when an R2S
file is paired with an XTF file.

Sound Velocity Correction

Conic intersection has been implemented for SV correction of Teledyne RESON Hydrosweep
data from the S7K format.

10 CARIS HIPS and SIPS Changes List

CARIS HIPS and SIPS 10.3.0: Enhancements

Reference Description


It is now possible to create a new smoothed version of an existing elevation band in a raster
surface or variable resolution surface. There are two smoothing methods available, both of
which preserve hydrographic safety. There is a Laplacian method that iteratively applies
smoothing, and a shoal expansion method that expands shoals to ensure the drop-off slope
around them is no steeper than a defined limit. Smoother, hydrographically-safe contours can
then be created from the smoothed bands. This functionality is available through Tools >
Layers > Smooth Elevations and also through AddSmoothedBand in the CARIS Batch
command line tool.
Tile Raster and Clip Raster processes have been added to the Tools > Surfaces application
BAG file support has increased to version 1.6.1. This includes support for BAG rasters with
variable resolution (VR) refinement grids. Specifically, it is now possible to:
• Import these BAG files as CSAR VR files using the File > Import > Variable Resolution BAG
command, a process model or ImportVRSurface process in the CARIS Batch command
line tool, and
• Export CSAR VR as BAG VR using the File > Export > Variable Resolution BAG command,
a process model or ExportVRSurfaceToBAG command line tool.

System Files

Sonar company names have been updated in the device models support file to be current:
• Benthos --> Teledyne Benthos
• Norbit --> NORBIT
• R2 Sonics --> R2Sonic
• Elac --> Wärtsilä ELAC
• ProSAS --> Raytheon PROSAS Surveyor
• Reson --> Teledyne RESON
• SEA SwathPLUS --> Bathyswath-1
• Simrad --> Kongsberg
Entries for the new Teledyne RESON Hydrosweep systems have been added to the device
model file.


The performance of selecting data has been improved, particularly for the case when the data
is stored in a different coordinate reference system than is currently being used in the Display
The geoid NZGD2000 has been added to the datum lookup support file. Files created with this
geoid are represented as NZ2K in the coordinate reference system.

CARIS HIPS and SIPS Changes List 11

CARIS HIPS and SIPS 10.3.0: Maintenance

Reference Description


Changes to most layer or band display properties are now applied immediately without
the 3D view needing to be redrawn.

Additional Bathymetery

When opening Water Column Imagery (WCI) in Swath Editor or Subset Editor, any
lever arm offsets are now applied correctly to co-locate the WCI data with existing
Water Column Imagery from ELAC systems is now properly ray-traced for display and
creation of Additional Bathymetry.

Attitude Editor, Filters

Filters applied in the Attitude Editor are now reporting the correct Reject flag type.
It is now possible to smooth attitude data with a moving average window using a box
size that is larger than the available data for that line.


The short-key for comments has been removed from all processes. It is still possible to
add comments by using the full option name, --comments.
The CreateSoundingsFromCoverage process in the CARIS Batch command line
tool now has a short key (d) for the minimum distance option.

Convert to HIPS

A new Weighting Factor option for side scan data has been added to the Triton XTF
import. The “Automatic” setting will only apply the weighting factor if one of the following
sonar types are detected: -
• Edgetech Blackbox (24)
• Edgetech MP-X (35)
• Edgetech 4200 (38) Kongsberg SAS (48)
• Edgetech 4600 (56)
Users with XTF data set to an unknown (0) sonar type, but who's system is an
Edgetech 4200 or above, should manually choose the Always option to ensure the
weighting factor is applied to their imported side scan imagery.
The Klein importer has been updated to do the following:
1. If there is valid high density attitude data (heave or pitch or roll) in the bathymetry
records, they will be imported.
2. If any attitude data is missing or all zero in the bathymetry records, check the
attitude data from the POS MV (group 102/103) records, if they exist, they will be
3. If there is still missing pitch/roll data, import the missing data from the bathymetry
headers aux values.
Import of HS2 data no longer fails when multiple lines are chosen for import.
Specifying filtering options for variable resolution surfaces now affects which nodes are
displayed in 2D display windows.

12 CARIS HIPS and SIPS Changes List

CARIS HIPS and SIPS 10.3.0: Maintenance

Reference Description

Compute statistics used to only consider nodes that had a populated Status band value
when a raster surface included a Status band. The Status band is now ignored during
statistics calculations and all populated nodes in the raster are considered for
The Extract Coverage process used to include all points exactly on the polygon
boundary when doing inclusive extraction or exclusive extraction. Now, the points
exactly on the polygon boundary are only included when doing inclusive extraction.
With the updated support for LAS version 1.4, LAS files up to 18 exabytes in size are
now supported.

Engineering Analysis Module

Selecting View > Overview or pressing the Overview button now overviews the active
docked view. To perform an overview on an undocked view that has focus, such as a
Subset Editor view window, you can now press the <F9> key.


Using Export Points to create a new CSAR point cloud from an existing point cloud or
variable resolution surface would fail if the output did not include all bands from the
source. Now, a subset of bands can be exported successfully.
The default $INSUNITS units written when creating contours in a DXF file is now 6
(metres) instead of 9 (mils).
Also, when exporting selected features to DXF, the $INSUNITS units field is now
populated based on the output coordinate reference system.
The temporal extent stored in BAG metadata is now shown as the temporal extent of
the BAG when it is opened in the application.
As well, if the temporal extent was set for a BAG, this temporal extent was displayed in
the lineage as the minimum and maximum times for the source(s) used in the process.
Now, the minimum and maximum times shown in the lineage of the BAG sources is
determined by the citation date fields in the BAG metadata. If no dates are stored, the
times in the lineage for the sources are shown with default values, i.e. 1970-01-01 at

Features Editing Module

In rare cases, contour lines were created in a reverse direction, resulting in depth areas
with incorrect attribution. Contours are now created with consistent direction and depth
areas are properly attributed.
The performance of Edit > Features > Cut, and Cut and Remove, have been improved.
They are now similar to what they had been in previous versions.

*.hips Project File

Under certain conditions the HIPS project file was being held by the application after the
project file was closed, such that operations like moving or archiving were not possible.
This has been fixed.

Import Auxiliary Data

An issue has been resolved that was causing navigation to be loaded from one minute
before midnight for the start of the GPS week, when importing navigation data from
Applanix files.

CARIS HIPS and SIPS Changes List 13

CARIS HIPS and SIPS 10.3.0: Maintenance

Reference Description

Load Tide

The “No Tide” option in Merge was still applying loaded tide if it was present. This has
been fixed.


The “All HIPS Track Lines” option is now working properly for Create New Mosaic.
Note: only the lines set to visible in the project tree are used for processing.
When the resolution of a newly created mosaic raster was finer than the resolution of an
input raster, the mosaic was created shifted relative to the input. The mosaic now lines
up with the input in this case.
There were some issues when using Cancel to stop the Create New Mosaic process
during processing. These have been addressed, and all intermediate files created
before Cancel was applied, are removed from the system.
When creating a new mosaic with a geographic coordinate reference system, the
resolution is now shown with the precision specified in Tools > Options for geographic

Navigation Editor

The “Nav Examined” field is now set consistently after the Navigation Editor is opened
for a line.

Process Designer

Forward compatibility has been improved in Process Designer. It now has better
support for opening process models created in newer software that have different
option definitions.

Because this fix was not in older versions, certain process models created in the current
version may not work in older versions.
Process Designer is now deployed in the installation folder as a separate module. No
functional difference is expected.
Running multiple processes concurrently through a Process Designer model could
result in the application closing. Now, processes like exporting BAG that open or write
data through the GDAL third party-library are run consecutively and not concurrently,
and they complete successfully.

Project Tree

Cut/Paste of lines from the Project window now checks for existing locks on those lines
before executing. Users are warned if one or more lines are locked, and were not

SIPS Backscatter

The AVG computation in SIPS Backscatter was adjusted to better account for sample
density near nadir, improving the resulting correction for time series data.
Treatment of various formats in SIPS Backscatter has been improved.
SIPS Backscatter has been improved when accounting for loaded delta draft/subsea

14 CARIS HIPS and SIPS Changes List

CARIS HIPS and SIPS 10.3.0: Maintenance

Reference Description

Sound Velocity Correction

When Kongsberg *.all files are missing a depth, range/angle or imagery datagram,
some processes will not work properly. A utility called
'fixKongsbergMissingDatagram', found in %programfiles%\CARIS\HIPS
and SIPS\bin, can be run on the raw data to remove the pings which have missing
datagrams, so that it can be re-converted and processed correctly.

Subset Editor, Swath Editor

The keyboard shortcut for “Find Designated” was not working in Singlebeam, Swath
and Subset Editors. This has been fixed.


Repeatedly using Add to Variable Resolution Surface no longer increases the size of
the surface by extreme amounts.
Setting the bounding polygon type to convex is now respected for variable resolution
The wording describing variable resolution surfaces in error messages has been
improved and made more consistent.
The internal algorithm for contouring variable resolution surfaces was adjusted to
improve performance. No functional changes are expected.

Water Column Imaging, Sound Velocity Correction

Water Column Imagery from ELAC systems is now properly ray-traced for display and
creation of Additional Bathymetry.


Colour files (maps/ranges) could not be found if the Colour Maps option in the Files and
Folders category of Tools > Options was set to a network location such as
\\location\directory. Network locations can now be used for the Colour Maps

CARIS HIPS and SIPS Changes List 15

CARIS HIPS and SIPS 10.3.0: Maintenance

Reference Description

The standard process dialog box used for processes with different sets of format or
method-specific options (the Export Points dialog box below is an example), no longer
shows partially complete saved options.

16 CARIS HIPS and SIPS Changes List

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