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Submitted by: MS. NOEMI M.

September 4, 2016
Take Home Examination in Language and Literature Assessment


1. Critic the questions from the sample test questionnaire

using the principles in testing language and literature.
Comprehensively discuss the salient points from the internal
to external aspects (30 pts).

A. Internal
Test questions are focused within the context of what has been taught. This
means that all learners are dependent and would even expect that what was taught
would likely come out in the test. This may sound too basic to assume, but generally
speaking, it is but normal to think it this way.

As educators therefore, we are duty bound to provide our learners with a clear
and a comprehensive form of test questions. In this respect, test questions should be
prepared according to the levels of the cognitive domains such as: knowledge,
comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation following the Table of
Specification (TOS). In this case, statements should be classified and arranged
logically to certainly facilitate learning.

Further, the coverage of the test is also equally important, and how the
statements are formulated. It is in this context that the levels of the difficulty in the
formulation of the test questions are greatly considered from the instructions down to
the question statements, and the answer choices.

The following are sample statements with violations and confusions in context.

1. Test I letter C
No. 1 – the inconsistency on the use of fishermen to fisherman
- bigger thinking
2. Test IV
No. 23 – which of the following is the most likely characters found in a fable

B. External

Giving tests or examinations are only assessments use to measure of whether or

not the students have learned something from the subject matter taught in a particular
topic. May it be in knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and
evaluation under the cognitive domains of learning, test measurement is one of the
most effective ways to believe that the students are learning. On the part of the
teachers, it could somehow stimulate satisfaction especially when the students get the
passing mark or even higher.

In this context, one of the most effective ways to achieve satisfaction in effect to
giving test is the ability of the teacher to formulate questions following the principles,
guidelines, techniques, and approaches of assessment. These questions require
creativity in terms of distributing the items from simple to a more complex formation
which should confine within the parameter of the topics covered, and also, in the ability
of the students to understand and answer the given questions.

Based on this perspective, the following criticisms are provided from the sample
questionnaire in the external aspect.



Letter A- preposition “of” instead of “and”; “it’s” instead of “it is”;
Letter B- “each sentences” instead of “ each sentence”
Letter C- “ NONE of there are” instead of “NONE if there is no”
Letter E- On the “Subject of literature” to “SUBJECT OF LITERATURE“,
and “level of Characterization” instead of “level of characterization”
“An Occurrence at an Owl Creek Bridge” – as a title of the story,
it is enclosed with quotation mark.

B. TEST II – ESSAY – No medial instruction to connect to the final instruction.

C. TEST III Poetry – “POETRY” instead of “Poetry“, and Read the following
“question” to “Read the following questions”

D. TEST IV –Myths, Fables, Parables, and Legends – MYTHS, FABLES,

PARABLES, and LEGENDS- no specific instruction.

E. TEST V –ESSAY. The last instruction should have been connected with the
last word “parameters” and ends with a period (.)
Test II and Test V would have been placed in one (1) test

2. On the TEST ITEMS. Word/s causing errors are underlined.

A. TEST I – B number 6: these are some of the human experiences that the
literature presents …
: These are some of the human experiences that
literature presents…..
TEST I- C number 2: middle of the 3rd line - to that – to it;
: last lines - married 13 years- married for 13 years
with on child – with one child
number 3: first line - The day Shiloh come – The day Shiloh
TEST I – E number 6: second line - Throughout - throughout
third line - Feminine ideal – feminine ideal
TEST IV number 20: first line - Which of the following id referred
to in this line?
- Which of the following is referred to in this
number 21: letter b - Those who hear the words of God need
to trust him because with him our lives will
- Those who hear the words of God need to
trust Him because with Him our lives will
number 27: letter d - The Ant, because reprimanded the
Grasshopper an left him hungry and cold.
- The Ant, because it reprimanded the
Grasshopper and left him hungry and cold.
Number30: question - Why is it the Rhea is considered as the
repetition of the figure Gaia?
- Why is it that Rhea is considered as the
repetition of the figure Gaia?
Number 31: question - Which of the following is explicitly
illustrated the war in heaven?
- Which of the following is explicitly
illustrated in the war in heaven?
Number 34: question - Which of the following is TRUE about
the myth
- Which of the following is TRUE about the
TEST V – Last instruction - Write a maximum of 7 sentences essay to
answer the two questions
- Write a maximum of 7 sentences essay to
answer the two questions.
In constructing questions for examinations, it is imperative that every
statement must be correctly and primarily stated in the aspects of grammar.
Erroneously written articles, prepositions, conjunctions and pronoun antecedents can
significantly affect the meaning of the entire statement. It may even lead the readers to
Further, punctuation marks also play an important role in the completion of
every statement. This means, a missing period to end a complete sentence could not be
a sentence or a question mark to every question statement if missing does not mean a
question at all.
Likewise, misspelled words and incorrect capitalization are eye sores, hence;
causing troubles to the readers while naturally, wrong is wrong.

2. Revise at least two questions in every test specification

that you think need improvement (20 pts).

1. Letter C no. 2 - She was a woman in her mid- 30’s, married 13 years, with on

Revised: She was a woman in her mid – 30’s, married for 13 years and with one

2. Letter C no. 3 – The day Shiloh come, we’re having a big Sunday dinner. Dara
Lynn’s dipping bread in her glass of cold tea, the way she likes it, and Becky pushes
her beans over the edge of her plate in her rush to get ‘em down. Ma gives us her
scolding look. We live high up in the hills above friendly, but hardly anybody knows
where that is. Friendly’s near Sisterville, which is halfway between Wheeling and
Parkersburg. Use to be, my daddy told me, Sistersville was one of the best places you
could live in the whole state.

Revised: The day Shiloh came; we had a big Sunday dinner. Dara Lynn was
dipping bread in her glass of cold tea, the way she likes. Becky pushed her beans over
the edge of her plate and rushed to get them down. Ma showed us her scolding look.
We live in the hills above Friendly, but anybody hardly knew where it is. Friendly is near
Sistersville which is halfway between wheeling and Parkersburg. Daddy told me, before,
Sistersville was one of the best places you could live in the whole state.


1. Letter a - Run for a government position and establish change

Revised: Run for a government position and establish change.

2. Letter c – Change is therefore what time require

Revised: Change is therefore what time requires.


1. Number 14 – What general conflict in life is represented here?

Revised: What general conflict in life is represented in the poem?

2.Number 3 – There should be option like “both a and c”. This means that if you
make a test give options or choices for answer belong to the same category.

1. Number 20 – “…And other seeds fell among the thorns; and the thorns grew up
and choked them” Which of the following id referred to in this line?

Revised: “…and other seeds fell among the thorns; and the thorns grew up and
choked them. Which of the following is referred to in this line?

2. Number 21 – letter b. Those who hear the words of God need to trust him
because with him our lives will change.

Revised: Those who hear the words of God need to trust Him because with
Him, our lives will change.


1. Read and Answer this:

Revised: Read and answer this:

2. Write a maximum of 7 sentences essay to answer the two questions

Revised: Write a maximum of seven (7) sentences essay to answer the two (2)

3. Make a Table of Specification (TOS) using Bloom’s

Taxonomy on cognitive domain. Base your TOS from the
revised test questions that you make.
Topics No. of % Knowledge Compre- Application Analysis No. of
hrs. 10% hension 10% 10% items
I. On Ingredients and 2.5 20% 1 1 2
genre of Literature
II. Essay 2.5 20% 1 1 2
III. Poetry 2.5 20% 1 1 2
IV. Myths, Fables, 2.5 20% 1 1 2
Parables and Legends
V. Essay 2.5 20% 1 1 2
TOTAL 12.5 100% 4 1 2 3 10
4. Create a rubric for macro skills development activity. Fit
the rubric to the imaginary scene. Make sure that your four
skills are tested.



Shows Signs of Progress

Course and Year:

Exceeds Expectations
Needs Improvement

Meets Expectations
Instructions: Compose an original poetry of your interest. Then read the

composition in the class. After reading, memorize the composition, and recite it
in the class. Do this by recording the delivery for listening activity purposes.

1. Focus/Organization
a. The writing fulfills its purpose by addressing a topic in poetic form.
b. The writing is appropriate to its intended audience.
c. Poetic forms such as lines and stanzas are used correctly and appropriately.
2. Elaboration/Support/Style
a. Writer uses words effectively to establish an appropriate mood and tone.
b. Writer uses lively verbs that show action and effective adjectives and adverbs
that match the purpose.
c. Writer uses figurative language such as similes, metaphors, and
d. Sensory details and sound devices are used to create images and rhythm in
the poem.
3. Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics
a. The writing is free of misspellings, and words are capitalized correctly.
b. The paper is neat, legible, and presented in an appropriate format.
1. Comprehension
a. The reader explains theme or message in own words, acknowledging
different interpretations, and offering supportive evidence.
b. The reader summarizes in own words by identifying three main points and
elaborating with evidence using correct form.
c. The reader recognizes subtle clues in selection and consistently makes valid
d. The reader applies word structure, origin, and context clues to interpret
meanings of unfamiliar words.
2. Analysis
a. The reader analyzes how literary elements contribute to meaning of the text.
b. The reader analyzes how informational text features contribute to the
reader’s understanding of the text.
c. The reader compares/contrasts elements by elaborating with well-chosen
examples that demonstrate understanding of the text.
d. The reader makes in-depth connections and/or establishes cause and effect
3. Critical Thinking
a. The reader analyzes author’s purpose and effectiveness, challenging author’s
ideas, implied bias, or distortions with clear rationale or arguments.
b. The reader expresses an opinion and seeks unique ways/evidence to enhance
interpretation of text.
c. The reader elaborates insightfully to author’s assumptions and beliefs.

d. The reader makes a solid, defensible judgment about the reasoning and/or
main ideas related to the text.
e. The reader makes consistent and accurate applications of information in own
life and world.
C. SPEAKING SKILL (this rubric can also be used to assess poetry reading)
1. Vocal Delivery (20%)
a. Pitch. The tone of the speaker’s voice varied enough (from low to high or vice
versa) to express emphasis.
b. Volume. The speaker’s clear, audible varied enough (from low to high or vice
versa) to express emphasis.
c. Rate. The speaker’s speeds at which words are spoken allow the audience to
follow the presentation and grasp the message.
d. Pause. The speaker temporarily stops meaningful enough to provide
emphasis and allow the audience a reasonable time to process the information.
e. Animation. The speaker’s vocal delivery is lively enough to keep the attention
and the interest of the audience.
f. The speaker’s words are clear and properly pronounced.
g. Vocal quality. The speaker makes use of his/her voice properly by optimizing
its strengths.
2. Physical Delivery (30%)
a. Facial expression. The speaker’s facial expression is appropriate so as to
reflect the message.
b. Eye contact. The speaker’s eyes are properly directed to the audience.
c. Gestures. The speaker’s fingers, wrists, elbows, and shoulders moved or used
properly to express a point.
d. Posture. The speaker’s posture shows a stance that is relaxed, confident, and
e. Movement. The speaker move to and fro to emphasize a point or only when
f. Appearance. The speaker is appropriately dressed as to fit his/her personality,
the audience, and the occasion. He/She looks prepared ad confident.
3. Effectiveness (50%)
a. Impact. The speaker delivered the speech without sounding rehearsal?
He/She demonstrated ownership of the speech whether he/she borrowed it or
wrote it himself/herself.
b. Connection. The speaker establishes a meaningful link with the audience,
kept their attention and interest, and created a lasting positive impression.
c. Value. The speaker made the audience feel the importance of his/her speech.
d. Purpose. The speaker achieved the very goal of his/her speech presentation.
1. The listener determines exactly what he or she needs to know. The student
determines exactly what he or she needs to know.
2. The listener pays careful attention to relevant verbal information.
3. The listener effective questions to clarify verbal information.
4. The listener encourages others to present information and opinions.
5. The listener is able to identify and summarize the speaker’s main points.

Scoring System:
Communicative Needs Shows in Meets Exceeds
Skills Improvement progress expectation expectation
A. Writing Skill 9 points 18 points 27 points 36 points
B. Reading Skill 17 points 34 points 51 points 68 points
C. Speaking Skill 15 points 30 points 45 points 60 points
D. Listening Skill 5 points 10 points 15 points 20 points
TOTAL 46 points 92 points 138 points 184 points


For Writing, Speaking and Reading skills adapted from the book “Speak Right and Shine by: Ramon G.
Abrera, Jr.

For Listening skill: Copyright ã by Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

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