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My Philosophy of Teaching A skillful educator builds good relationships with her students

based on mutual respect and trust and sets the tone for a classroom community. When I think about
my role as a teacher in the future, the one thing that I constantly have focused on is the relationships
that I could built with my students. I want my own classroom to be less of a class and more of a
community, where we going to share ideas and communicate and learn from one another at the
same time. I have a very firm belief that young people have the ability to make great changes in
the world if they are given the right information and tools, and I want to help my students reach
their goals in life. And I believe that this is one of the most important periods in personal
development. I want to be a positive role model and “cheerleader” for my students, to be a listening
ear, a knowledgeable resource and a collaborator for problem solving in class. I also want to give
my students some level of independence in relationship to the work that they are doing in class; at
this age, the majority of student’s desire more responsibility and control over their own success. I
want to provide opportunities for them to build their skills while they are in my class. And I allows
them the freedom to express themselves and room to grow as human beings and learners while
setting appropriate limits. I believe that a good relationship between teacher and students is built
on a strong foundation of mutual understanding, respect, and trust. In order to effectively assess
students’ wants and needs, because the teacher must first understand her students and where
they’re coming from. Then I must be the first to open the doors of good communication, as not all
students and parents will show that initiative. I must also be willing to communicate my own
expectations to the class; having a sincere attitude toward my students and showing a concern for
both their classwork and their lives is important when doing this. When both the teacher and
students understand each other’s goals and points of view, the building blocks of mutual respect
are developed. Both teachers and students seek and deserve respect as human beings and
individuals; as a future teachers also seek respect in the professional sense, but must be careful
how we go about it. As a teacher in the future, I will be in a position of authority. I will also have
the skillful educator understands the importance of building a support network for students
between school and home, and may have to be the first to initiate that teamwork. Opportunity to
be a friend and confidante for many of my students, but I don’t want to cross the line of
professionalism. I must create a welcoming, safe classroom atmosphere that is accessible to all
students and that celebrates their diversity; a place that my students feel comfortable coming to
and where they know how to use the resources that are provided. I must conduct myself with
professionalism and consistency and share my enthusiasm and passion for learning with my
students each day. I believe that in order to foster learning in the best way possible, the teacher
needs to be enthusiastic about the material being studied, even when her students aren’t. I needs
to be the coach and cheerleader for the class, and point out the positives about my each student’s
work in a sincere way, alongside constructive criticism. I must be open to diversity and a wide
range of opinions and ideas, and must set classroom standards so that my students can respect and
trust one another. I must be dedicated to lifelong learning and desire to make contributions to my
team of colleagues and to the field of education. I am sure that my teaching philosophy will change
as I learn more as a young professional. That’s one of the gifts of being human; we can make
mistakes, or learn something new, and make a change for the better.
The first time I heard these word from a popular song I thought finally someone have stated what
I always believed. “I believe that children are our future, teach them well and let them lead the
way; Show them all the beauty they possess inside, give them a sense of pride…” I believe that in
order for someone to provide this type of opportunity for students of all ages, they have to be
“called” to the education field. A “calling” is the point where you define who you are both
intellectually and spiritually through the profession you serve. When I entered my first education
class as an undergraduate there was no question that I was entering a field that I was called to do.

My philosophy of education is grounded in the belief that an important aspect of Education is to

provide students with knowledge and skills that they will need to become productive, confident
citizens. The success of each student is the goal of every aspect of my teaching. An important
part of establishing that success is by providing students three essential elements: (1) a positive
learning environment, (2) allow students to develop their own learning, and (3) encourage
respect for others.
Students are successful in an environment where they are comfortable with the content they
are learning, but also with the manner in which it is delivered. Piaget says that learners should
experience disequilibrium in order for learning to occur. I do believe that we have to provide
students with this culture of learning, but with support. An environment where each student’s
voice can be heard in a judicious approach encourages students to feel free to express their ideas
and ask questions. It is only through this process can we develop citizens who become critical
consumers of knowledge.
Allowing students to develop their own learning is another important element of education.
The words of the song say “teach them well and let them lead the way”. Students can only lead
when they have been given the opportunity to learn how to lead. The Chinese Proverb, “Give a
man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”,
defines what education should exemplify. The teaching strategies that I employ in my classroom
are purposively designed so that students are actively engaged in the learning process. I have
taught preservice teachers in the manner that they will need to work with students in the near
future. To develop teachers that will lead the way, means allowing them to practice the skills
they will need to provide that environment for their own students.
When students respect themselves, it is the beginning of their ability to respect others. As a
teacher I have always found that helping students to feel confident is as important as the content
that I teach. I am a cheerleader for my students, encouraging, challenging and supporting them to
take the steps necessary to become a confident, productive citizen. My classroom provides a
model for future teachers, fair and consistent policies, effective modeling of class time and
respect to them as individuals. In turn they are learning how to respect themselves, others and
how to model these behaviors in their own classroom.
Each time a new school year begins I have the same exhilaration that I had the first year I
started teaching. Teaching provides me with the opportunity for continual learning and
development. But, it also provides me the opportunity to share something that I am passionate
about and I know that I was called to do. I can only hope that each year that I provide my
students with not only a solid education, but also with the opportunity to continue to develop a
sense of pride

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