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Business Learn and Talk

Chapter 2 World
Unit 10 Middle East

Lesson 50 From historical sites into tourist attractions

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01 Part 1 Passage (8min) 02 Part 2 Discussion (8min)


03 Part 3 Further Reading (4min) 04 Part 4 Review (3min)

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Part 1 Passage (8min) Expressions to learn:

The King of Saudi Arabia has set up commissions to renovate /ˈren.ə.veɪt/ v. 翻新,整修
renovate two main archaeological and historic sites, Al- to repair and paint an old building so that it is in
Ola and Diriyah Gate, to develop them into tourist good condition again
attractions. With great historic, cultural, and architectural archaeological /ˌɑːəˈlɑː.dʒɪ.kəl/ adj. 考古学的
significance, they are supposed to attract local and about the study of cultures of the past and of
international tourists. periods of history
This move is in line with the Saudi Vision 2030 plan, in line with /laɪn/ prep. 与……一致
which includes a goal of developing upmarket tourism by closely connected with another thing 3
putting infrastructure in place.
upmarket /ˈʌp.mɑːr.kɪt/ adj. 高端的
Founded in the 6th century, the town of Al-Ola houses the
designed for people who belong to a high social
kingdom’s first UNESCO(联合国教科文组织) World class or have a lot of money
Heritage Site. Another historic site, Diriyah Gate, also
house /haʊz/ v. 收容;为…提供空间
includes a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Its renovation
will involve the addition of national themes and designs to be the place where something is kept
representing Saudi Arabian heritage. Touristic facilities will facility /fəˈsɪl.ə.ti/ n. 设施
also be built at the area’s entrance to offer more [usually plural] buildings, services, etc. that are
convenience to visitors. provided for a particular purpose

For teacher: Go through the passage and explain new expressions. Let the student paraphrase if there is time.
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Part 2 Discussion (8min) Expressions to use:

1. According to the passage, why does the King of Saudi Arabia

renovate the two historical sites? • renovate

• archaeological

2. Historical sites and natural scenes, which do you prefer?

• in line with 4
What do you think a travel destination should have to attract
• upmarket

• house
3. Some people think that all types of tourist attractions should
be renovated regularly. Do you agree with that? Why or why not?
• facility
Who do you think should pay for the renovation?

For teacher: Discuss the questions with the student. Encourage the student to use expressions in Expressions.
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Part 3 Further Reading (4min)
• Based in Paris, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is a specialized agency of the specialized agency
/ˈspeʃ.ə.laɪzd/ /ˈeɪ.dʒə
United Nations. Its purpose is to contribute to peace through n. (联合国)专门机构
international cooperation in education, science, and culture.
• As of 2017, UNESCO has 195 Members and 10 Associate
associate /əˈsoʊ.ʃi.ət/
• UNESCO decides what place will become World Heritage
adj. 准的;副的
Sites. A World Heritage Site can give useful information for the
future, and thus should not be destroyed.

Question: What is the purpose of the UNESCO?

For teacher: Briefly introduce the concept to the student and let the student answer the question.
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Part 4 Review (3min)

What have you learnt in this lesson?

Share them with your teacher!

(You can talk about whatever you think of:

what the passage is about, useful words
and phrases, discussion questions, the
concept in further reading, etc.)

For teacher: Encourage the student to say whatever they learnt in today's lesson.
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See you next lesson!



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