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Name: _________________________ Section: _____________ Practice Exercises in English 8

I. Identify the tense of the underlined verb/verb phrase.

_______________ 1. The twins, RJ and CJ, have planned to take up Business Administration.
_______________ 2. Visitors from the different campuses came here yesterday.
_______________ 3. The Language and Literature professor teaches his students well.
_______________ 4. I was taking a bath when my cell phone rang.
_______________ 5. The dean will visit China sometime next month.
_______________ 6. The authorities have imposed “Speak English Policy” inside the campus.
_______________ 7. The technology students take notes while the teacher explains.
_______________ 8. Gerald Cruz looks a lot like his father.
_______________ 9. By this time tomorrow, we shall have left for a 3-day trip to Manila.
_______________ 10. She had taken an oath as licensed criminologist when she left for the US.
_______________ 11. The student-athlete has prepared well for the contest for some time now.
_______________ 12. I watch UKG every morning.
_______________ 13. A group of professors will visit China and South Korea this vacation.
_______________ 14. The instructor surprised the students with a long quiz.
_______________ 15. The Big Three of Miami Heat have planned to visit the Philippines.
_______________ 16. I was busy making my PowerPoint presentation when the lights went out.
_______________ 17. Mother goes to harvest her crops.
_______________ 18. I shall have finished reading the book by Monday.
_______________ 19. The lecturers from UP Diliman shall arrive tomorrow before eight.
_______________ 20. After we had deposited our luggage in the hotel, we roamed around the city.

II. Encircle the correct verb to complete the sentence.

1. Anyone who believes in himself surely (succeed, succeeds).
2. FEU graduates (was, were) taken in public and private offices.
3. Those trousers (is, are) made from China.
4. The SPCP community (has, have) to be praised for these achievements.
5. Fish and chips (is, are) my favorite snack.
6. Either I or my classmates (lead, leads) the protest to oust the SBO Mayor.
7. The President and manager of the business (respect, respects) our individual rights.
8. The abducted Chinese millionaire, together with the driver, (was, were) rescued by the police.
9. Either my wife or my sisters (is, are) willing to come with me.
10. Ninety-nine pesos (is, are) the price of the cap.
11. He (pass, passes) his requirements on time.
12. Suddenly, from the gigantic waves (appear, appears) the smiling sun.
13. The news (was, were) disturbing.
14. Enrollees of the BS Psychology program (is, are) increasing.
15. A group of participants for the seminar (has, have) arrived.
16. The committee (was, were) given a free 5-day trip to Boracay.
17. There (is, are) much work to be accomplished.
18. Half of the articles submitted (need, needs) revision.
19. The manager and the owner of the restaurant (supervise, supervises) the catering.
20. None of my suggestions (was, were) adopted by the board during the meeting.
21. There (is, are) narra tables and chairs still unshipped.
22. One million pesos (is, are) a lot of money.
23. Ten kilometers (is, are) a very long distance to walk!
24. Each of the children (is, are) entitled to a free ticket.
25. Many (observe, observes) rigid diet.
26. No one (is, are) above the law.
27. “Of Studies” (is, are) written by Sir Francis Bacon, an English essayist.
28. One-fourth of the boxed fruits (is, are) spoiled.
29. This pair of earrings (was, were) brought at the jewelry store.
30. Every table and chair in this house (was, were) bought by my father.

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