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List of construction activities

 Site cleaning
 Bore well digging
 Bore
 Bore Well vendors
 Temporary Shed construction
 Site Marking
 Sump construction
 Soil digging for sump
 Sump Construction
 Foundation digging
 Soil digging for Pillars
 Soil digging for foundation [OR] Paya
 Start carpenter work — for window frames and door frames
 Footing [OR] Pillar base
 Pillars until Plinths
 Stone Foundation [OR] paya
 Plinth beam
 Fill soil inside Plinths.
 Filling cement and 40 MM Jelly on top of Soil — this will be done inside plingth area
 Setting up main door frame and other room door frames
 Wall construction until window frame base
 Setup all window frames based on its sizes until 7 feet from the floor
 Setup lintel and saja
 Wall construction until beams
 Setup kitchen ventilator and bathroom ventilators
 Sheet centring for beams and also roof
 Fix sheets based on water level
 Apply plaster for the gaps between sheets
 Apply oil for sheets
 Bar bending work for beams and roof
 Inverter beams
 Electric pipes setup inside roof
 Molding
 Storing water on top of the roof
 After 18 days remove sheet centring
 Hocking for the roof
 Electric pipes
 Clear any blockage in the roof pipes
 Laying electric pipes in the walls and setup electric boxes
 Plumbing work for kitchen and bathroom
 Setup water pipes and sewage pipes till outside of the wall
 Setup Indian latrine if you are going with this option
 Water proofing for bathrooms
 Close all water and sewage pipes with temporary caps
 Setup kitchen platform and sink
 Tiles laying in bathroom and kitchen for walls
 Plastering of roof and walls inside
 Plastering of outside walls
 Applying putty for window frames
 Fixing window frames
 Granite Lying
 Granite tiles Laying in bathroom if you are going with this option
 Fixing bathroom fittings
 Finishing outside plumbing work and tank
 House Elevation
 Painting
 Electric work
 Electrical wiring
 Dummy plate fixing/ electrical holders
 Electrical switches setup
 Apply paint coating outside
 Laying electric service wire from pole to meter board
 Fixing meters in panel board.
 Digging pit for power earth
 Digging pit
 Motor & connection to tank
 Parking tiles
 Compound wall
 Sewage lines to pit

Before Planning to put bore observe surrounding sites/area bore well points
1. Gather information on successful and failure bore well points near your site
2. If successful how much water neighbor got, How much depth each bore well went
3. For each bore well point how much depth casing they used.
All above point will help you in analyzing your decision on Bore well digging and cost
Ask vendors to bring High speed hydraulic Rigs to your site. So that work will be faster with less manual effort
Usually 6.5″ inch diameter bore well drill bit will be used for all domestic purposes
Before start of bore well digging, it is better to inform all your neighbors. So that they will be prepared to get out
of dust and noise
In Bangalore Maratha halli area, people used MS pipes for casing. 10″ PVC casing will come outside of the MS
casing pipe. Check with your vendor and engineer whether there is a need to put PVC casing or not.

Bore Well Vendors

 You can contact classifieds, classifieds websites and surrounding areas to get list of bore well vendors, if you
don’t know already.
 Once you collect all vendors and their contact numbers get quotation from every one.
 Once you get quotation from each and every one put all the quotations in one excel sheet. compare their
prices based on the depth you are planning to go.
 I personally fell this will be the easy way to select vendor based on his quotation.
 Here I prepared one excel sheet for this purpose. you can download this excel and make use of it. Use the
attached excel file this may save 15 min of your time . Please note I removed all the vendor names in excel
 These charges may differ time to time.I heard vendors will charge more in summer because of season
 Few bore well diggers will give same rate until 1 – 300 feet and few vendors will give 1 – 250 feet. So see the
overall total cost for decision making not only initial price
 I removed vendor names from excel. Click on the below links . please let me know if this is not accessible.
HCT_Bore well_Quotation — Excel format
HCT_Bore well_Quotation- Sheet1 — PDF format
 As of now (June 2012) In Bangalore all vendors will come and visit your site and see access for the site to get
Bore well lorry. They will not charge any thing for this.

Site Marking
 Site marking is one of the starting point of your construction.
 In this activity your Engineer and Meastri will identify pillar placements.
 Once pillars placement is identified based on soil condition earth work will start.
 Engineer will mark the area around the piller. Earth workers will dig marked area
 Depending on soil condition pillar depth will vary.
 Some people perform puja before starting this marking.
Pillar plan – This plan you will receive from Engineer. This will tell you about distance between pillar to pillar.
Required meterial on marking day from owner(These may change subject to situation )
Threads — this is used to tie rods
Paint and brush — 100 ML paint to mark walls
chalk powder — This is used to mark digging area
Steel rods — used to tie threads usually around 2-3 feel long

Foundation digging
After Marking this activity will start.
First you need to dig soil for Pillar footings. For our house we went with 5′ * 5′ footing width- take this advise
from your engineer
Determining footage depth:
 You need to dig soil until you find hard soil — it all depends on your area soil condition
 observe your surrounding buildings, how much depth they went, that will give you an approximate idea
 Please be aware that if your area/Layout is formed in lakes or down side areas. your layout owner might have
filled all the land with new soil, in those areas you may need to go deep for footings

Pillar Footings
In below Photograph this pillar is ready for footings.
1. you can observe there is a mat below the pillar.
2. below iron mat, 4-6 inch 40 mm jelly base was prepared
3. on top of 40 mm jelly base, marking was dine (here it is not clear – download this
photo and zoom, you will find that)
4. on top of marking pillar will be kept tightened with binding wire.
5. To avoid shakes pillar was kept in between to long sticks and heavy bags were kept on
6. In third picture, you can observe all the pillars are prepared like above and they are
ready for footings.
7. Concrete will be poured in this pits. In this case we went with 2 feet height
vTemporary Power
Information in this Page is applicable to Bangalore. Other places I am not aware.
Karnataka Electric board(KEB) will give temporary power connection to the people who is
constructing new house.
<Provide initial cost of the temporary connection – discuss about refund>
There are different kilowatt limits. based on wattage owner will get bill.
If it is 1KW then at present bill amount is Rs 672 rupees for below 100 units of power
For every 28 days owner has to pay electric bill without fail. otherwise penalty will be more.
KEB will take ~2500 as an initial deposit which is refundable.
when you are disconnecting temporary power connection, KEB will not refund this money
but it will be adjusted to one of your permanent meter bill. You will have an option to
select perticular house meter
How to pay Temporary power bill [OR] How to renew existing temporary connection.
 Fill separate form with previous reading and current reading of the current meter.
provide load of the connection.
 Take the form and get it signed by Junior engineer (JE) of your area.
 Once you get signature of JE, take the form and submit it in the branch KEB
office (In my case i used to go to HAL from Maratha Halli)
 In Branch office they will prepare bill and you can pay the bill there itself.
This is the application form which is available in Maratha Halli, Bangalore. You can take a
printout of it . Check is this is the form in your area.

How To select Mason

 Selecting a mason will be key thing in your house construction because he will do most
of the work for building.
 Personally go and look his past works. Enquire about his attitude with past owners.
 Check mason also is going to work along with labors [OR] he is going to manage the
 Usually masons will agree two or three houses. He will distribute labour among all the
 Always go with reference. in future if they are not working properly you can always
contact the referred person
 Write an agreement before starting work. clearly mention all the terms and conditions
 Sample agreement from mason
 <attach agreement sample here>

How to select Plumber

 Personally go and look at plumber past works.Enquire about his attitude with past
 While checking , check for any leakages in the buildings where he worked in past.
 while checking buildings select the ones which are 2-3 years old. so that all the defects
might have come out.
 While fixing an aggrement, consider maintainability aspect also. Whether plumber will
be available or not. This is important thing.
 While speaking with Plumber, before finalizing the agreement with him, check below
items with him whether he will do all these works or not. Let me know if there are any
items I missed
1. Rain water harvesting
2. Bore well fitting ( from bore well to tank)
3. Kaveri/Manjeera/CMC/Local bore/Municipality water line
4. Solar water heater connections
5. Hot water for kitchen if required
6. Bath room and kitche pipes fixing
7. Chambers construction
8. Pit connection
9. Motor connection – Sump to tank
10. Water proofing work – few of the plumbers will not do this but u can check with

 Selecting a good Engineer will play an vital role because, all structural
and architectural mistakes will get avoided.
 Select an Engineer who knows Vastu shastra.
 Select an Engineer in the same way how you are selecting mason and plumber. Go
through the same steps if you don’t know any one.
 It is always better idea to go with reference.
 Once house plan is ready from engineer you work with all your friends and relatives
to discuss about pros and cons of that plan. After that discuss all points with your
 Spend more time on plan rather than changing it later.
 Engineers in Bangalore will monitor your building construction rather than giving
only plan. If you are new to construction you can go with this option

Granite Laying
One of the important phase in your house construction.

Granite will be available in slabs and tiles.

Ask Layer to lay big blocks rather than small blocks even in higher floors.
Granite Nosing:
 Nosing means making granite edge in a curved shape. In Houses usually
20MM(Milli Meter) granite will be used for Nosing
 Types of nosing :
 Half round
 Full round
 Granite nosing will cost more. but look wise it be very good.
While selecting Granite layer look for the joints in between tiles and slabs; These gaps
should be less.

Granite border cost will go based on running feet. Price varies based on thickness.

Granite Border:

Granite Skirting: When ever mason is applying a cement for skirting ask him to
apply cement slantly. so that dust will not get accumulated on skirting
Granite Front Elevation Pictures:
In below design granite tiles were partitioned into 6″ pieces and inbetween granite
pieces cement was kept. which gave very good look for front elevation.

Placing corner plates to keep things:
 You can place corner plates to keep items in the bthroom. These are granite plates

 Use contrast colours for these plates, then it will look good.
 Have atleast 2 corner plates per bathroom.
 Based on your convinience you can place these corner plates
soap box:
 Soap boxes will be available in the market . These are available in diffrent colours,
based on your tiles colour select matching colour of soap box and insert in the wall.
This will avoid fixing another place holder for soap box
 The one which we used in our home costs around Rs 80.

Position of towel hanger:

 Avoid to keep towel hanger opposite to shower.

Power connections:
 if you are providing any sockets in bathroom keep them above 5′ feet. So that water
will not get spilled on those and that will avoid electric shock risk.
 Do water proofing for evry bathroom. This will keep roof safe from leakage. Contact
your plumber to do waterproofing. you can go through waterproofingpage to know
more details about this process
Position of water exhaust holes:
 Make sure all the water should go into water exhaust holes. There should not be any
water availabel in the bathroom. So that this will avoid smell. Bathroom floor shold
be dryedout after use. if small amount of water is availble then floor will not get
 Below is one of the bad exhaust hole. Hole should be near corner and proper slope
should be there. So that water can go out.
<attach a photo here>

 Good water exhaust hole

<attach a photo here>
Hight of indian letrine:
 Don’t keep your letrine height more than 6‖. If it is more than 6″ it won’t be
convinient to elder people.
Weather to go for indian and western latrine:
 In your home if there are old people, it is better to go with western toilet. Otherwise
you can go for Indian type latrine
Bathroom Fittings:
 Bathroom fitting are one among the costly items in house
 Use quality products for bathroom fittings.
If you use quality product maintenance wise you will be benefited
 Refer Bathroom fittings page for more details
Bathroom Door:
 Bathroom door bottem should end below the bathroom step. so that there won’t
be any gap between bathroom door and step. This will avaoid spilling the water
 <attach a photo here>
 If you are using normal wood rather tahn plastick door for bathroom, you can fix
plastick sheet for door so that wood will not get spoiled
 <attach photo here>
Bathroom step:
 Keep your bathroom step hight nearly 6″-7″. so that it will be easier for old age
people also.
 From bathroom flooring step should have atleat 40-50mm height so that when you
pour more water it will not come out side. In below picture two 20mm granite
stones are joined with metal paste.

It is better to do waterproofing for bathroom to avoid leakages. For our house this time
we asked one person to do water proofing.

Here is the process he followed to perform water proofing.

1. Clean the molding surface and apply few chemicals:

 This activity is to clear any dust or to bring out any loose cement from the
surface. So that chemicals and cement join to the roof surface.
2. perform plastering on top of molding by giving proper slope.
 Once after applying chemicals and they will perform plastering to the floor area
and to the wall (9 to 12 inch height). please see the below mentioned picture to
understand better.

3. Plumber will give the pipes to the out side.

 Plumber will keep 110 mm pipe and 75 mm pipe to outside
4. Put one extra pipe and leave it to out side
 along with bathroom pipes plumber/waterproofing person will keep on extra
pipe to outside
5. Pack all the holes properly
 After keeping all the pipes with proper slope, waterproofing person will cover the
holes they made by mixing few chemicals
6. perform plastering for bathroom
 Masons can perform rough plastering work in the bathroom
7. fill the bathroom with small stones
 In this step waterproofing person filled the bathroom with gravel which will
come in sand. This will be one layer.
8. fill concrete on top of small stones with proper slope
 Once gravel is filled he poured concrete for 3 inch. Arrangement was done such
way that in case of leakage happens water will go into gravel layer and after
that near to the extra pipe. From extra pipe water will come outside. In case of
leakage water will come outside so that we can identify the issue.
9. fix tiles/granite on top of concrete surface
 As per your choice you can fix the tiles or granite on the surface of the bathroom

Usually steps will be 6″ to 7″ height. Normally For 30 * 40 site staircase size will be
around 5 feet OR 6 feet.

The more space you have for steps is more comfortness you will get.

Steps will be constructed in two or three different ways

<Attach photos>

Below Picture shows the base for Steps. At the place of steps landing mason will dig one
to two feet depth and they will pour concrete.
<Attach photos>

While constructing staircase stairs side edges should be upper than steps. So that water
flow will not come outside of steps. This will be useful mainly during rainy seasons.

<Attach photo here>

If you are constructing staircase steps with cement, thread marks should be applied to
each stair which will give good grip

<Attach photo here>

If you are covering steps with kadapa stones ask layer to draw lines on edges

<Attach photo here>

While selecting clay tiles select the ones which has grip

<Refer picture in Stair case designs section — embossed grip>

<Attach few clay tiles photos>

You should ask mason to keep staircase water borders, this will avoid water coming
below stair case.

<Attach a photo here>

Stair case designs:

By using different clay color tiles you can design a pattern which will give good look for

In below picture 2′ red tile was kept in between and 6 inch black tile.

Fish Bone Steps:

fishbone steps_1

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Picture 1 of 3

Steps with Granite

Kitchen is one of the most used room in the house.

Kitchen exhaust fans: These fans will be used to send smoke outside and these fans
are very useful.
For my house we went for 1 feet size metal fan. while making exhaust fan hole, make a
water border outside so that water will not come inside during rainy season.

To fix 1 feet exhaust fan, you may need to make a wood frame with 9 inches hole so that
you can fix in kitchen.
Recently I heard exhaust fans will come in 6 and 4 inch sizes also made-up with PVC
material . In case of 6 inches and 4 inches you may need to place 6″ or 4″ PVC pipe in
wall. I heard you can easily insert fan in the PVC pipe. Please do more research on this.

You will get metal fans in 1 feet fans. When I purchased (Sep 2013) I went with local
make and it cost me around 450 rupees.

Cement kitchen Slabs:

Kitchen slabs and wardrobes can be made by cement. Please refer below picture to get
an idea. Extra bolts will be left outside to fix wooden sheets. If you keenly observe the
picture you can see that in picture.

Windows are key to ventilation. So keep as many windows as possible and make sure
they are according to vasthu.
Window Frame:
 Once carpenter prepares window frame then before placing them in the walls apply
wood primer for the wood and red-oxide for the window rods.
 you need to complete these two things before mounting them on the wall.
 Red-oxide will protect rods from rust and wood primer will protect wood from small
insects and environment.
 Use good seasoned quality wood for the window frames so that you can avoid bends
and cracks
 Space between Iron roods should be less. 3‖ to 4‖ is an ideal space between the rods.
This will avoid security risks
 If you have given material contract make sure contractor is not compromising on
the quality
 Make a small hole for window shutter so that you can bring-in dish wire and
telephone wire inside the home. Refer second and third picture for the same.
 Use quality material for window stoppers, because these are the items which you
will use extensively
Windows Shutter Designs:
There are different designs for windows shutters.
<attach different Types of shutters>
<French type shutters>
When to use Two shutters for window frame?
 This will be convenient to protect your privacy.
 Usually this kind of issues will come if your house is beside busy road.
 If your window has one shutter and if you open shutter, outsiders can see inside
house. In these cases to protect your privacy you can use two shutters you can open
one shutter for air and ventilation and you can close the below shutter
 Keep in mind this will increase your window shutter making cost and material.
Window Sarja Designs:

Sump will be the one which will be constructed first. By the time you construct sump,
you should have and idea how may houses you are going to construct in site
sump size should be directly proportional to the number of houses you are constructing
in site and water availability
If there is only one house then 6000 liters to 8000 liters sump is sufficient.
if you are constructing rented houses then maintain more storage space for sump
(~12000 ltrs of water).
Having bigger tank is useful when there is a water scarecity.
Sump Photos:
If you observe below photo for the walls rough plastering was done.

This rough plastering was done after metal mesh was tied to the wall.
Download this photo and look at the wall edges you can observe iron mesh.

After plastering:
Now a days few persons are using steps (see below picture) instead of rock. I am not
sure of the disadvantage of this.
Please share your ideas to my mail id. i will include them in this website. So that it will
be useful for others
How to find Sump/Tank capacity OR How many liters can be stored in your
1. To find out your sump capacity first you need to have length, width and depth of
your sump/tank in feet
2. Multiply length, width and depth of your sump to find out cubic area of your
3. 1 feet cube area(1′ length * 1′ width * 1′ height) will store upto 28 ltrs of water.
4. So multiply your sump cubic area with 28 and you will get your sump/tank water
storage capacity in liters
5. Above formula will work only if your tank shape is in rectangle or square.
6. If at all there are different shapes then find out total area in cubic feet and multiply
with 28 which will result number of liters

 Water pressure will be more on the edges of the tank. So avoid constructing
sump/tank corners with 90 degrees like room walls.
 When you are constructing sump, have edges in a curved shape. so that water
pressure will be diverted to a larger area. This will have some significant effect in the
long run.
 While constructing sump, Manson will use iron mesh during plastering to avoid
 Sump and tank plastering should be completed at one stretch to avoid cracks.
 Do not use low quality brick for sumps and tanks.
 Keep sump door always towards street side. so that tankers can pour water easily
 Keep 3″ pipe connection to the sump from outside. So that water tankers can
directly pour water from outside

 Before Molding
 Plaster for the sheet gaps: Once centering is completed this activity need to
be performed. This will be done to avoid concrete mix leaks.
 before keeping steel mat for molding this activity need to be performed. You can
observe that in below mentioned picture
 Oil for sheets:
 Used engine oil will be applied to iron sheets so that at the time of sheet removal
it will be easier
 In below picture for left side portion sheets oil is not applied but for the right side
portion sheets oil is not yet applied

 Where ever there is a pillar and wall joint, fix mesh for those joints so that plastering
will not give cracks.This activity need to be completed before start of plastering.
Same point applies for beams also.

 please look at the outside plastering for a house

 Avoid making food inside new house when plastring is not over to roof, because this
will cause smoke to get accumulated to the roof. If plastering was done with out
cleaning smoke properly, after few days plasering cement layer will get detached
from roof. Then plastering layer will give cracks and roof plastring will fall down.
 Measri’s has to complete window edges and wall edges at a time. If they complete
plasering in different time frames it will give cracks for plastering

 Curing
 Curing the Most important thing in construction.entire construction quality is
based on curing.
 Though if you take care of all aspects at the time of construction they are not
complete with out curing.
 Building strength will depends on curing.
 You can start pouring water if it is constructed yesterday
 first 4 or 5 days any construction will consume more water. After that it will
slowly reduces water consumption.
 if you perform 3 times curing per day then it will be very good. At-least twice you
have to do curing for new construction. If construction is happening in 40* 60
site then, have one dedicated person only for curing.
 Curing for pillars:
 Pillars are the most neglected ones for curing. because it will not absorb more
water at the time of water pouring.
 Though we are pouring water three times per day . it will not consume water and
without curing pillars will not get much strength.
 So to avoid this kind of situation people will roll pillar with gunny bags and tie
them with ropes. Once water is applied Gunny bags will consume more water and
pillar will be wet. once if you do like this also i suggest you to pour water more
than three times per day.

 Observe below picture, as we discussed above pillar is covered with gunny bag
and there is polythene cover on top of the pillar.
 After pouring water to the pillar if we fill water in polythene cover and make a
small hole for the cover. so water will come drop by drop from cover and gunny
bag will be always wet.
 In place of polythene covers you can use plastic bottles also. In case if you are
using bottle you may need to keep two holes one is at the bottom(This is for water
to come out) and another one is at the top(This is for air flow)

 Hocking
 Hocking
 Hocking means doing small small hits for concrete pillers/roof, so that piller or
roof surface will become rough.
 If surface is rough with little up and downs, cement will get attached to concrete

 While doing hocking for concrete surface meastri has to hit a concrete roof/pillar
for every 1.5/2 inches.

 Perform this activity immediately after removing sheet centaring/pillar boxes.
At this time concrete will be wet and soft. Other wise after few days concrete will
become hard and workers need to put more effort to perform this activity.

Puja Room
 You can cover Puja room walls with tiles. while covering these tiles you can print
God photos.
 In Shops you will get almost all every god photo.
 Preferably use the same tile for printing God photo because vendors will use
different tile.
 Maximum size of the God photo will be 2′ * 2′. Below is the sample picture. 6 tiles of
8″ * 12″ size

 Lord Venkateswara picture was made by using two tiles. 2 tiles of1′ * 2′ size
 You can observe, tiles out side of picture doesn’t have any colour varience since to
print picture same tiles are used.

Puja room door designs:
<attach sample photos here>
 In botoom portion of door you can have have bells.
 you can paint any picture from catalog(you can get this catalog in glass shops) based
on different sizes of the door.

Puja room base:

Puja room base can be created in different models
In below picture if you observe there is a hallow to Keep some items.

After Molding
 After Molding first and foremost thing is CURING. First four or five days, roof will
consume more water. So you should be able to provide water properly with out fail
 Usually water will be stored after molding on top of roof.
 During this process if there are any pillars leave 9″ space around pillar.
 Place left over pillar will provide a room for pillar boxes. So that with out disturbing
curing process, workers can start working on pillars for another floor. This will save
Mason time also

Few other people construct directly one course of the brick where ever they planned to
construct wall as shown in the below picture that will save one day effort and material
also. Observe below picture for more details
People follow below two methods to put molding.
 Sheet Centring
 Soil Centring
here i have listed Pros and cons for both molding methods
Sheet Centring:
 You can finish molding fast. Once sheet centring over, you can start working on steel
work then building will be ready for molding
 You can setup trolley and track to bring concrete mixture at the time of molding.
This will be more useful if your molding area is more. You can finish your work fast.
 You can’t make any designs in roof. If you are planning to put good designs
in ceiling, this method will not be a better option
 costlier than soil centering. At present (Oct 2012) it was costing around 20-25
rupees per SFT )

Soil Centring
 You can make beautiful designs for roof.
 Less costly because no need to bring Iron sheets. Only thing which you need to use
is sticks and soil
 This process will take 3 or 4 days of extra effort than sheet centring
 Because once molding base is ready you need to put soil. Once soil is filled you need
to prepare surface with cement. Once surface is done it has to be dried out for
one/two days.
 You can’t setup track to bring concrete mixture. Since track legs will go inside soil
and roof base will get spoiled. So until roof, you can use lift to bring concrete
mixture from down then you need to use manual labor.
Molding Photos:
Manual labor disadvantages while molding: earlier people were using manual
labor to put molding. Concrete has to me mixed with appropriate water. Once water is
mixed, labors carry cement mixture and put in roof.During this process concrete
mixture will get spilled on them. So to avoid that labours will not mix more water to
avoid spilling which will damage quality of the molding So I suggest you to use
lift/machinery to bring concrete mixture to the roof and from there use trolley to pour
mixed concrete o slab. Where ever is possible use machines instead of manual labour.
Get feedback from others before giving work to molding mason.

Concrete mixture from branded companies: Before ordering concrete mixture,

from branded company visit company mixing plant to check whether they are using
good sand or not. If they are using filter sand then it won’t be worth to take from mixing

House Elevation
House Elevation designs will give good appearance to your house. House Elevations will
take more time and effort at the time of construction. It is better to choose simple and
good looking elevations. It is better to have this front elevation plan before you
Click on the pictures to view the original size.
house Elevation#1:
close shot of the same design/building.

House Elevation plan#2:

House Elevation #3:

This one of the simple and good house elevation plan
without painting itself, it is looking so nice.
Four pillar structure which has gaps in between is giving good appearance.
last two pillar structures are constructed in ―L‖ shape. you can observe that in first/left
Grill/cast iron design also good. embossed cement pieces(Biscuits) along the border are
giving nice look for the front elevation.

Before Molding – II
Filling the gaps between wall and side centering sheet:

 This method will have more impact, In case if you are constructing walls along with
 Small gaps will be left unattended once centering people completes their work
 Since these gaps are not covered, while pouring concrete all the cement mixture will
come out
 <Attach a picture>
 To avoid this leackage during molding time , apply cement for the gaps, before
starting barbending work
 Refer below picture, you can observe cement was applied for beam edges. Before
applying cement, gaps were there
 <Attach photo here>

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Picture 1 of 1

 So most of the leackage issues will get solved

 This is better way rather than filling these gaps under cealing on molding day. With
less work you can increase the quality of the cement mixture.

Plumbing Work
 Check whether plumber is using washers while joining pipes.
 Latrine pipes on wall should have a slope of 2″ because waste should go along with
water. If slope is more water will go fast and waste will stay in pipes.
 While pumping water from sump to tank use long bends or 45 degree
bends instead of 90 degree bend. So that water will flow with less resistance.
 In case if you use 90 degree bend force reduction will be more.
 while purchasing motor, see Motor has big impeller or not. The bigger impeller will
push more water with more force.
 setup a 3″ pipe connection to sump towards street so that instead of opening sump
door you can empty tanker.

 Painting process
 There are no strict rules to follow the below process but most of the people will
follow the same process in Bangalore. One important thing is to make a note of color
name and number. Now color mixing is done through software. Vendor will mix the
selected paint into white base of paint category. Make sure to note down the number
of the paint for the future purposes.
 Inside house painting process :
 Painting is a five step process for new house(inside house).
 First painters will clean building walls and cealing
 1.Apply primer
 2.Apply wall putty
 3.Apply wall putty — second coat
 4.apply selected paint coat
 5.apply selected paint coat — final one
 Applying Primer: This is the first step in painting process.
 Applying Putty:This process will bring smooth surface to the walls. To identify/test
smoothness you can take a tube light and wall under that lighting , you will come to
know smoothness of wall.
 If plastring was not done properly then you will end up spending more amount on
wall putty
 Applying paint: Once putty was applied then paint quote will start.
 once you finish one quote of painting electrical people will fix switches.
 Carpenters can start working on wardrobes and kitchen wood work
 Once you finish all the works in house you can go for second quote.
 You can paint second quote once after Gruha Pravesham because of homam paint
color may change.
 Outside house painting process :
 Painting is a three step process for new house
 First painters will clean building walls
 1.Apply primer
 2.apply selected paint coat
 3.apply selected paint coat — final one

 Permanent Power
 Applying permanent power:
 Before applying permanent power you should have invoice copy of Solar water
heater. This is mandatory for every one in Bangalore who want to get BESCOM new
 Total building area is grater than 5000 sft If your building area is more than 5000
sft, then your building will be considered as SC building. you need to have a
transformer. This procedure is different and will take time. So please apply for
permanent power connection before 3 months of estimated construction complete
 Total building area is less than 5000 sft Building will not be considered as SC
building. Apply for new connection before two months of estimated construction
complete date.

Electric meters
Electric meters:
Documents need to submit for BESCOM for new connection: This process is
applicable inly in Bangalore.
1. Sale deed of the site
2. Actual house plan with engineer signature
3. Tax paid receipts
4. Duly filled application for new meters
Mater box: You need to order this panel box to adjust to your requirement because each
site will have different need. Most of the electrical shops will make this for you by taking
pre-order. Usually these boxes are made with 20 or 18 gauge.
It should be fixed below height of 7 feet so that BESCOM persons can take meter reading .

Electrical Earth process : If you have place under meter box you can dig four feet
depth pit to make earth. For earthing process you need following item
 Salt — around 50 KGs
 Cole — one gunny bag
 4 feet G.I pipe with holes
 Copper wire based on the situation — we used for our house 1.5 KG
 bolt nut for fixing copper wire in GI pipe

How to find pit capacity/ How many literes pit will store
r – radius of cement ring
h – height of rings
22/7 – pie value (3.14)
1. To find out your pit capacity first you need to have radius of cement ring and height of
all rings
2. Substitute all the values in above formula you will get the capacity of pit.
3. 1 feet cube area(1′ length * 1′ width * 1′ height) will store upto 28 ltrs of water.
4. So multiply your pit cubic area with 28 and you will get your pit storage capacity in
5. Above formula will work only if your tank shape is in round shape
Activities for Pit construction:
 For pit you need to dig soil in circular shape
 After that circular cement rings will be placed into pit
 While placing rings place them in following manner
<attach figure here>
 On top of the rings two rocks will be placed with 6″ hole.
<attach figure here>
 6″ pipe need to be fixed in hole. This provision is required to clean pit without
removing rocks.

Machine will suck waste water from this 6″ hole. you can see pit cleaning vehicle

Solar Water Heater

 In Bangalore at present solar water Heater is mandatory to get Power connection
 Few years back BESCOM used to give power connection with out Solar water Heater
setup. Now a days it is mandatory to have one
 Owner has to produce invoice copy of the solar water heater while applying for new
power connection.
 Hot water line will be different from solar water tank. So while laying plumbing lines,
you need to lay separate pipe line where ever you need hot water
 In Solar water heaters there are different tank capacities available starting from 100 ltrs
 Think of an option to have Solar hot water facility in kitchen. Some times hot water will
be useful to wash vessels.

Water Tank
Plastic tanks:
 Now a days people are going for plastic tanks.
 plastic tank cost will be around Rs ~ 5 rupees per liter (Oct 2013). Now Triple layer
tanks are coming. Better to go with triple layer tanks
Tanks which are built by cement:
 Before plastic tanks come in people use construct tanks using bricks and cement
 This is more economical.
 extra care need to be taken while constructing to avoid any leaks.
 Use water proofing material by taking your engineer advise.
 Go through Sump and Tank page to get more details

In case if you are constructing tank put two or three layers of concrete while constructing
sump that will avoid cracks. In below picture they kept three concrete layers.

How much height is required to setup solar tank

 It should be around 5 feet to 5′ 6″ feet from the roof

 When ever you are placing a tank on a metal base don’t forget to keep tank in flat
surface. like shown in below picture. In below picture tank was placed on kadapa
Water tanker placement:
 water tank should be placed in roof according to vasthu

Granite Cladding
Granite Cladding is one of the method used by people to improve the appearance of the
house. It is one time activity while constructing house. once it is done no need to do the

Recently for our house we went with Granite cladding. Following is the process granite
layer followed to fix the granite tiles to the wall

For cladding we went with 1 feet * 2 feet tiles which is 10 mm size. people will go with 20
mm size slabs which are bigger in size.
Before cladding process begins, We need to get marble chips and Araldite

 This time we went with small stones which are available in rock dust. We separated
small stones from dust and kept aside.

 Get Araldite from hardware shop. Araldite is a Epoxy adhesive, for that you need to
add hardener.
Before start of the cladding process, you need to mix both of the liquids, apply the mixed
adhesive on back side of the granite tile and place chips. Leave this tile at least a day for
drying. After this this is ready for use.
Reason behind for this process:
Granite tile back surface will be smooth. By this process we are providing the grip for the
back side. When ever you apply cement on back side it will hold granite tile strongly. So
that cladding will not come outside even after years.

Plaster of Paris
Plaster of Paris design will give aesthetic look for the house
In previous days masons used to put some design on roof during plastering time now a
days it was replaced by POP material.
Plaster of Paris work will be started after one quote of painting.
There are several designs are available in market.
Below are prices which i got from one vendor in Maratha Halli
S.No Design Size Remarks

1Flower 3 feet length(Diameter) 750

2Flower 2 feet length(Diameter) 650
1.5 feet
3Flower 300
4Sqare shape flower 800
5Corner Bracket 1 feet 400
6Corner Bracket 8 inch 300
7Corner Bracket 4 inch 150
8Corner design per feet 50Malasia type
9Corner design per feet 40China
10Corner design per feet 35local

This is a tool which will create vibrations so that concrete mixture will be settled properly.
by using this you can avoid air gaps in the concrete mixture. Mostly used at the time of
molding and pillar construction.
Vibrator plays a vital role at the time of molding. In the below picture vibrator is not used
for some portion of the beam. Vibrator will remove all the air bubbles and helps in making
strong concrete.

If you are constructing pillars there should not be any gaps. Concrete has to be packed
properly. so after placing the concrete mixture mason has to use this instrument to pillars
and beams
So always insist to use vibrator for pillar, beam and molding purposes.
<vibrator Photo>

Showcase Designs
In below picture show case was designed by using Aluminium T Strips. If you zoom-in
then you can observe that.
T shaped Aluminium strips will be fixed in wall.
Once Strips are fixed, Aluminium brackets will be placed in T shaped Aluminium strips.
Glass will be placed on top of two brackets.
Carpenters will add plywood and sun-mica sheets outside of the showcase. You can use
different good designs to improve appearance
Caution: For all the glasses which you are using in show case ask vendor to remove
sharpness in the edges.
<Attach Showcase design 1 >

Showcase under construction:

Construction Materiel Prices

Here is the list of Construction materiel prices in Bangalore (Maratha Halli Area)

Note: These are not accurate prices. These will vary vendor to vendor and case to case.
When i inquired with few vendors i got these prices. These prices will differ day by day.
 If you purchase cement more than 50 bags at a time you may get another 5 rupees
price benefit.

Last Updated date : 23 Feb 2013 (Place: Bangalore)

S No
Item Description Price (Place: Bangalore)
1 Cement – 53 grade
Ultra tech 335
Bharathi 330
ACC 335
Birla Super 335
Penna 330
Koramandal King — 53
Koramandal King — 43
grade/ PPC
2 Steel
Indus steel 50.5 per Kilo Gram
Prime 46.5 per Kilo Gram
Mahalakshmi 45 per Kilo Gram
3 Jelly
40 MM jelly ~ 20 rupees per one cubic feet
20 MM jelly ~ 23 rupees per one cubic feet
4 Sand
~ 25000 per load – vendor mentioned 400 CFT will be available in
Good sand
Lorry. So 1 cft is around 62.5 rupees
~ 16000 per load- Vendor mentioned 400 cft will be available in
low quality Sand
Lorry. So 1 cft is around 37.5

Wood material Prices

Last Updated date : Second week of September 2012

Various wood costs:

S No Item Description Price (Place : Bangalore)
1 Neam wood Rs 625 per CFT
2 Red sol Rs 1100 per CFT
3 Honne Rs 1950 per CFT
4 Teak(First quality) Rs 3200 – 3800 per CFT
5 Teak(Second quality) Rs 2100 per CFT
6 Plaining charges Rs 60 per 1 CFT
7 one window hole 1 rupee
8 Making charges for Door Frame 10 rupees per square feet
9 Making charges for Window Frame 20 rupees per square feet
10 Medium Design for Frames( windows and Door Frames) 45 rupees per one CFT

Bar bending work Labour prices

Bar bending work Labour prices:
S No Description Price (Place: Bangalore)
1 1 feet Beam Rs 15 per feet
2 1′ 6″ Beam Rs 22.5 per feet
3 Slab or Roof Rs 6 per SFT
4 Lintal Rs 10 per feet
5 Sarja Rs 8 per SFT
6 Columns (1ft X 1 ft or less) Rs 15 per one SFT
7 Mesh work drop Rs 15 per one SFT
8 Mat Rs 8 per one SFT

Granite Laying Charges

Latest Update : 25 Jan 2012

Place : Bangalore

Below are the Granite Laying chages in Bangalore:

S No Description Price(Bangalore)
1 20 mm Granite laying charge Rs 22 per square feet
2 10 mm Granite laying charge Rs 15 per square feet
3 Border laying for 20 mm Rs 22 per running feet
4 Border laying for 10 mm Rs 15 per running feet
5 Nouring half round Rs 25 per running feet
6 Acid wash Rs 2 per square feet
7 Pouring POP as per labour charge
8 Bathroom tiles Rs 10 per square feet
9 Vertified tiles Rs 11 per square feet
10 Parking Tiles Rs 15 per square feet
11 Staircase clay Tiles Rs 12 per square feet
12 Elevation — 4 inch * 12 inch Rs 28 per square feet

Brick by brick

THE ACC Help Centre takes you through the construction and furnishing sequence as follows (the
figures in bracket indicate the number of weeks required to complete the activity):

Level 1

Borewell (1 week).
Excavation as per drawing (2).
Footing/Foundation (2).
Pillars/Columns (up to plinth level) (2).
Soil filling in trenches; compaction till ground level (1).

Plinth construction (2).

Pillars upto lintel level (2).
Lintel (4).
Filling up to lintel level (2).
Soil filling and compaction till plinth level (2).
Roof slab (5).
Level 2

Brickwork and curing (7).

Ducts for electrical wiring (2).
Frames for doors and windows (1).
Plastering and curing (3).
Water treatment/heat treatment (1).
Flooring/Tiling (4).
Electrical wiring (3).
Water supply, sanitary and plumbing (3).
Doors and windows (3).
Painting (4).
Electricity and drainage connections (2).
Inside furnishing (2).

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